1971.12.10, Newspaper (Evening Star)
THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 10, 1971 JUBILANT BENGALIS CELEBRATE FREEDOM Jessore, East Pakistan: Jubilant East Bengalis danced around the bodies of their fallen oppressors as 1,000 doomed West Pakistan troops and their families fled toward the sea and...
1971.04.29, Newspaper (Evening Star)
THE EVENING STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1971 E. PAKISTAN IN AGONY AFTER THE STORM By Henry S. Brad shier Star Staff Writer Hong Kong-“The cyclone might not have taken its full toll yet.” This revealing remark was made by Zulfikar AU Bhutto during a March 4...
1971.09.30, Country (India), Country (Pakistan), Newspaper (Evening Star), Wars
THE EVENING STAR (WASHINGTON), SEPTEMBER 30,1971 PAKISTANI CHAOS EDGES INDIA NEARER TO WAR By Crosby S. Noyes With each day that passes, the chances of reaching a political settlement, between East and West Pakistan decrease and the danger of war between Pakistan and...
1971.04.17, Newspaper (Evening Star), Torture and Mass Killing
THE EVENING STAR, APRIL 17. 1971 Editorial DEATH IN EAST PAKISTAN It is, by every reasonably reliable account, all over in East Pakistan. All over that is, except the agony, the scorched earth policy, the wanton killing, the selective slaughter of potential Bengali...
1971.04.29, Newspaper (Evening Star)
ইভনিং ষ্টার, মঙ্গলবার, ২৯ এপ্রিল ১৯৭১ সাইক্লোনের পর পূর্বপাকিস্থানে নিদারূণ যন্ত্রণা হেনরি এস. ব্র্যাড শিয়ার (ইভনিং ষ্টার স্টাফ ) হংকং – “এই সাইক্লোনের ধ্বংসযজ্ঞ এখনো শেষ হয়নি” গত ৪ঠা মার্চে জুলফিকার আলী ভুট্টোর এক সাক্ষাৎকারে করা এমন মন্তব্যে দেখা যায়...