1971.08.29, Country (China), Newspaper
বিপ্লবী বাংলাদেশ ২৯ আগস্ট ১৯৭১ তিন মাসের মধ্যে মুক্তি যুদ্ধ শেষ হবে হংকং ২৫শে আগস্ট—হংকং এর সাবেক পাক রাষ্ট্রদূত এবং ট্রেড কমিশনার নেতা দৃঢ়তার সঙ্গে বলেছেন যে, বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ২/৩ মাসের মধ্যেই শেষ হবে। কিছুদিন পূর্বে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি আনুগত্য ঘোষণাকারী এই...
1971.12.05, Country (China), Newspaper
STATEMENT BY MR. HUANG HUA, REPRESENTATIVE OF CHINA DECEMBER 4,1971 Recently, the Government of India openly dispatched troops to invade East Pakistan, thus giving rise to a large-scale armed conflict and thereby aggravating tension in the India-Pakistan...
1971.07.16, Country (China), Newspaper, Nixon
NIXON TO VISIT CHINA BEFORE Kissinger Makes Secret Visit To Peking First Thaw In 22 Years LOS ANGELES, July 15 (AP) PRESIDENT NIXON announced Thursday night he will vist Communist China before next May at the invitation of premier Chou En Lai. Nixon, speaking from...
1971.04.29, Country (China), Newspaper
CHINA SUPPLYING MILITARY. EQUIPMENT TO PAKISTAN TO SUPPRESS CIVIL WAR Rawalpindi, Pakistan, April 28 (AP) – WESTERN DIPLOMATS said Wednesday they believe Communist China is supplying military equipment to Pakistan and has agreed to outfit new units in the...
1971.12.24, Country (China), Country (India), Country (Pakistan), Newspaper (Times of India)
China, India And Pakistan: New Developments Upset Old Balance Click here
1971.03.29, Country (China), Newspaper (Times of India)
Civil war outcome will fix Peking stand Click here
1971.05.08, Country (China), Newspaper (Times of India)
Maoist Activity In Bangla Desh Click here
1971.04.23, Country (China), Newspaper (Times of India)
Mao’s Support To Pindi Troubles Many Naxalites Click here