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১৯৫৫ সালের ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর পার্লামেন্টে বঙ্গবন্ধুর ভাষণটি পাঠকের জন্য অডিও করে দিয়েছেন কণ্ঠযোদ্ধা Tahia Tabassum Trena.
অডিও আকারে ওয়েবসাইটে দেয়া হল। পূর্নাঙ্গ টেক্সটও যুক্ত হয়েছে। ভিডিও আকারে ইউটিউবে দেয়া হয়েছে। আপনি যেখানেই থাকুন খুব সহজেই ভাষণটি শুনতে পারেন। ধীরে ধীরে সংগ্রামের নোটবুক বঙ্গবন্ধুর প্রায় চারশত ভাষণ পাঠকের কাছে সহজভাবে পৌঁছে দিতে অঙ্গীকারবদ্ধ।
জয় বাংলা। জয় বঙ্গবন্ধু।
অডিও শুনুন –

Full text

জনাব এ কে ফজলুল হক, আপনি বাঙ্গালীকে কী করে মুখ দেখাবেন?

২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ১৯৫৫


The constituent assembly of Pakistan:

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Sir, I know this is not an important matter for my friends, but it is a very important matter for us. In sub-clause (1) of clause 5 it has been said that the revenues or the public funds of the State of Bahawalpur or the state of Khairpur or the Baluchistan States Union shall be payable to the revenues or public funds of the Province of West Pakistan, as the case may be, Then what is the meaning? Bahawalpur gone, Khairpur gone, Baluchistan States gone, what remains? I feel that there is something underlying this.’ Then Sir, in Sub-clause (2), it is said that “the proceeds of all taxes and other revenues payable in accordance with the laws in force immediately before the appointed day in any of the specified territories to the revenues or the public funds of the Federation but which would, if the specified territory had been a Governor’s province, have been payable to the revenues or the public funds of the province, shall be payable to the revenues or the public funds of the province of West Pakistan” Sir, What is next? Then remains Karachi. They cannot directly say because they have to give bluff to my friends from the United Front or members from East Bengal. What in fact they want is that all revenues of Karachi will go to West Pakistan Unit. That is the point raised by my friend and supported by some of my other friends. Sir, I support the amendment of my friend, Mr. Zahiruddin, that this sub-clause should be omitted. We know, Sir that they will pass it as it is. But still we want to voice the feelings of the people of Pakistan and bring to the notice of the people about this tactics. We want to show to the people what tactics they are playing and what tactics they want to play in the future. We want to open the eyes of the people. It is being said that Karachi, while it will be unified in West Pakistan, will be administratively under the Central Government. At the same time the Governor-General can demarcate any area whenever he likes; to be the Federal Capital. What will happen after some time? You will see that Gadap will become the Federal Capital. But I will tell you that the people are not blind and people will some day protest against these actions of my friends. With these few words, Sir support the amendment moved by my friend, Mr. Zahiruddin.

Mr. Speaker: Amendment moved: “That sub-clause (3) of clause (5) of the Bill be omitted”.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Sir, a few minutes earlier Nawab Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani for whom I have great respect and regard told the Honourable Members of the House that these areas will be under West Pakistan. Definitely, there is no doubt about it. If there is going to be One-Unit, they have to be integrated here and they cannot be taken to East Pakistan. We accept it and we agree to it, but what is next? The Central Government used to pay seven crores and fifty Lakhs of rupees to the Tribal Areas. These areas were under the direct control of the Central Government but now they are proposed to be put under the control of West Pakistan. That being the position, the revenues of these areas will now go to West Pakistan Unit and still these areas will receive funds from the Federal Government: I would address my friends of the United Front; you have accepted One-Unit and we have also accepted this One-Unit in principle. But we have difference on many things and still we differ and will differ and will continue to differ. What about you – how can you give all this money to West Pakistan Unit and you are not getting anything for East Bengal; how can you show your face to East Bengal people, your poor countrymen. Just now Nawab Sahib said that this money will be paid to West Pakistan Unit as these areas will become part of West Pakistan. The Central Government will have to pay these seven crores again to these areas though these areas have gone and have become part of West Pakistan Unit. What is the justification and excuse for this and I may tell you that the majority of the people of East Bengal will not excuse you and make an appeal to you, Mr. Fazlul Huq.

The Honourable Mr. A. K. Fazlul Huq (East Bengal Muslim): To me, all right, Sir.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: I will appeal to Mr. Fazlul Huq through you, Mr. Speaker, how he will face the people of East Bengal.

The Honourable Mr. A. K. Fazlul Huq: I will look after myself.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Thank you, Sir, I Know that you can look after yourself as at the age of 86 you can be the Minister of Interior and you can control the administration of the country so you can continue for more years and look after yourself. I know, Sir, that by brute majority they will be able to pass this measure.


Iqbal, S. (1997) Sheikh Mujib in Parliament (1955-58), p. 34-39, Dhaka, Agami Prakashani

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