বাংলাদেশ-ভারত মৈত্রী চুক্তি
TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, COOPERATION AND PEACE BETWEEN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH AND THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA Inspired by common ideals of peace, secularism, democracy, socialism and 4 nationalism. Having struggled together for the realisation of these ideals and cemented ties of friendship through blood and sacrifices which led to the triumphant emergence of a free, sovereign and independent Bangladesh. Determined to maintain fraternal and good neighbourly relations and transform their border into a boarder of eternal peace and friendship. Adhering firmly to the basic tenets of non-alignment, peaceful co-existence, mutual cooperation, non interference in internal affairs and respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. Determined to safeguard peace, stability and security and to promote progress of thier respective countries through all possible avenues of mutual cooperation. Determined further to expand and strengthen the existing relations of friendship between them. Convinced that the further development of friendship and cooperation meets the national interests of both States as well as the interests of lasting peace in Asia and the world. Resolved to contribute to strengthening world peace and security and to make efforts to bring about a relaxation of international tension and the final elimination of vestiges of colonialism and imperialism. Convinced that in the present-day world international problems can be solved only through cooperation and not thorough conflict or confrontation. The Poeple’s Republic of Bangladesh, on the one hand, and the Republic of India, on the other, have decided to conclude the present Treaty. ARTICLE 1:
The High Contracting Parties inspired by the ideals for which their respective peoples struggled and made sacrifices together, solemnly declare that there shall be lasting peace friendship beteen their two countries and their poeples. Each side shall respect the independence, sovereignty and territirial integrity of the other and refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of the other side. The High Contracting Parties shall further develop and strengthen the relations of friendship, good neighboruliness and allround cooperation existing between them, on the basis of the above mentioned principles as well as the principles of equality and mutual benefit. ARTICLE 2: Being guided by their devotion to the principles of equality of all poeple and states, irrepective of race or creed, the High Contracting Parties condemn colonialism and racialism in all their forms and manifestations and reaffirm their determination to strive for their final and complete elimination. The High Contracting Parties shall cooperate with other states in achieving these aims and support the just aspirations of peoples in their struggle against colonialism and racial discrimination and for their national liberation ARTICLE 3: The High Contracting Parties reaffirm their faith in the policy of nonalignment and peaceful co-existence, as important factors for easing tension in the world, maintaining international peace and security and strengthening national sovereignty and independence. ARTICLE 4: The High Contracting Parties shall maintain regular contacts with each other on major international problems affeeting the interrsts of both States, through meetings and exchanges of views at all levels. ARTICLE
5: The High Contracting Parties shall continue to strengthen and their mutually advantageous and all-round cooperation in the economic, scientific and technical fields. The two countries shall between them on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual benefit and the most favoured nation principle. ARTICLE 6: The High Contracting Parties further agree to make joint studies and take joint action in the fields of flood control, river basin development and the development of hydro-electric power and irrigation ARTICLE 7: The High Contracting Parties shall promote relations in the fields of art, literature, education, culture, sports and health. ARTICLE 8: In accordance with the ties of friendship existing between the two countries each of the High Contracting Parties solemnly declares that it shall not enter into or participate in any military alliance directed against the other Party. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall refrain from any aggression against the other Party and shall not allow the use of its territory commiting any act that may cause military damage to or constitute a threat to the security of the other High Contracting Party. ARTICLE 9: Each of the High Contracting Parties shall refrain from giving any assistance to any third party taking part in an armed conflict against the other Party. In case either Party is attacked or threatened with attack, the High Contracting Parties shall immediately enter into mutual consulations in order to take appropriate effective measures to eliminate the therat and thus ensure the peace and security of their countries. ARTICLE 10: Each of the High Contracting Parties solemnly declartes that it shall not undertake any commitment, secret or open, toward one or more states which may be incompatible with the present Treaty. ARTICLE 11: The present Treaty is signed for a term of twenty five years and shall be subject to renewal by mutual agreement on the High Contracting Parties. The Treaty shall come into force with immediate effect from the date of its signature. ARTICLE 12: Any differences in interpreting any article or articles of the present Treaty that may arise between the High Contracting Parties shall be settled on a bilateral basis by peaceful means in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding. Done in Dacca on the Nineteenth Day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-two.
Prime Minister For the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Prime Minister For the Republic of India
সূত্র : মুজিব জীবন ও রাজনীতি স্বাধীনতা পরবর্তী বাংলাদেশ, ড. মাহফুজ পারভেজ সম্পাদিত, প্রকাশনী রেক্স পাবলিকেশন্স, ২০০৭