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আমি ‘লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লা’য় বিশ্বাসী কিন্তু তারা মাঝে মাঝে নিজেদের আল্লাহর চেয়ে শক্তিশালী মনে করেন।  – বঙ্গবন্ধু


২৫ আগস্ট ১৯৫৫



The constituent assembly of Pakistan:


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Sir, about the other question also my friend Sardar Fazlul Karim has given the history. Mr. Fazlur Rahman has given the history and I do not like to quote details and I appeal to the people who are now in power, who have got absolute power in their hands, I think sometimes they are more powerful than Allah because I think ….

Mr. Speaker: The Honourable Member should withdraw that.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: But who is offended? Is Allah offended? If He is offended, well He will punish me.

Mr. Speaker: I think it is rather sacrilegious and it would injure the feelings of God-fearing men.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: I am God-fearing. I am a Muslim. My name is Mujibur Rahman. I believe in “La ilaha-il-lal Lah.” I am a Muslim.

Mian Muhammad Iftikharuddin (Punjab: Muslim): If we say that Allah is more powerful than these people then it will be sacrilegious to them and they are more near us.

Mr. Speaker: I would ask the Honourable Member to withdraw that word.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: I can say that they sometimes feel that they are more powerful than Allah.

Mr. Speaker: This charge is against the Honourable Members of this House. It is an unwarranted charge against them.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: You are the Speaker of the House and you are not the representative of the Muslim League. These people have not uttered a single word. Why are you defending them?

Mr. Speaker: I am here to maintain the dignity of the House and jealously guard the cause of the Honourable Members who may be unwarrantedly charged.

Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy (East Bengali: Muslim): May I intervene? I would request my good friend Mr. Mujibur Rahman to withdraw that remark in which he compared the members of the Government with Allah. I think it is not a proper remark to make in this House or before Muslims and I hope he will withdraw it in this case but Sir, may I say that it is not a charge against any Honourable Member of this House. I think on another ground namely, that it is unseemly I think it should be withdrawn. I do hope that my friend will withdraw it.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: I withdraw it.

The Honourable Mr. M. A. Khuro: On a point of order Thoughout, the Honourable Member has made most undignified speech and has lowered the prestige of the House in the eyes of the public and has made false statements and he has absolutely run amuck. Are you going to allow the debates of the House to be lowered to that level? In the interest of the dignity of the House I appeal that this Honourable Member should be put in his proper place.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: He has used the word “false”.

Mr. Speaker: Honourable Mr. Khuro has used the word “false”. I think he should withdraw that word.

The Honourable Mr. M. A. Khuro: He has made an irrelevant speech.

Mr. Speaker: I will allow Honourable Mr. Khuro to give personal explanation, a full say, if he wants to speak after the Honourable Member has finished his speech.



Iqbal, S. (1997) Sheikh Mujib in Parliament (1955-58), p. 1-13, Dhaka, Agami Prakashani

বঙ্গবন্ধুর ভাষণ সমগ্র, Farzana Yeasmine Aparajita, Dr Md Razibul Bari