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November 5, 1971

  • Muktibahini charge fierce attacks on Pakistan soldiers based at Achim Porabari under Fulbaria Police Station with the help of the artillery team. 14 Pakistan soldiers are killed and 6 are injured in this conflict that lasts for around 6 hours. Pakistan forces are forced to retreat and left Achim Porabari against the assault by the freedom fighters.
  • Muktibahini ambush on Pakistan soldiers at Horinkhola in Chittagong. 7 Pakistan soldiers are killed and 8 are injured in this assault.
  • Guerilla commandos of Muktibahini throw around 50 bombs at various important places in Tangail city. Some Pakistan soldiers are wounded in this assault. Several grenades explode at a Razakar base behind the main post office in Tangail which kills 3 Razakars and injures 4 of them severely.


Source: Bangladesh Liberation War Museum

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