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বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ কপিরাইট সমস্যা যাতে না হয় সেকারণে সকল লেখা শুধুমাত্র ‘only Readable’, ‘non-downloadable’ ও ‘non-clickable’ রাখা হয়েছে। সংগ্রামের নোটবুকের সকল নথি-পত্রিকা-দলিল-সংকলন-বই থেকে নেয়া তথ্য-ছবি-ভিডিও শুধুমাত্র গবেষণার কাজে ব্যবহার্য। বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাম ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণার জন্য সংগ্রামের নোটবুক একটি অলাভজনক অবাণিজ্যিক বিজ্ঞাপনমুক্ত ডোনেশনমুক্ত স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে গড়া প্রচেষ্টা।


Weekly Confidential Report on movement of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Comilla, 2 January 1965
Ext. from W.C.R.’ of Comilla D.S.B. for w/e 2.1.65
2. Movement of suspect
1. A.L. *470 Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.) who came to Khulna on 29.12.64 at 12.30 hrs. by P.I.A. Helicopter, left for Gopalganj (Faridpur) via Mollahat the same day by speed boat.
2. A.L.*314 Farid-ud-Dohar (CP) left for Narail (Jessore) on 2.1.64 at 08.00 hrs. by Bus being shadowed by a W.C.
Ext. to P.F. of No. 1. Sd/- for D.S./PL.7/1. In his P.F. pl. (SL. No. 2). Sd/- A. Ahma, 18.1.65.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed a public meeting of COP at Mollahat Football Ground soliciting vote for Fatima Jinnah.
Khulna, 2 January 1965
Ext. from W.C.R. of Khulna D.S.B. for w/e 2.1.65
2. Political affairs
a) A public meeting (2500) under the auspices of the C.O.P? was held at Mollahat Football ground on 29.12.64 afternoon under the presidentship of Maulana
1.Weekly Confidential Report (WCR) – Accumulated weekly report on political and state related affairs sent to IBEB, Dacca.
2.Combined Opposition Parties (COP) – An alliance composed of five opposition political parties of Pakistan viz Awami League, Muslim League (Council), National Awami Party, Jamaat-eIslami and Nizam-e-Islam. Its main purpose was to place Miss Fatema Jinnah as a common candidate against President Ayub Khan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman played a prominent role in the formation of the COP. He also addressed numerous public meetings in election campaigns in favour of Miss Fatema Jinnah.
Husainuddin of Singipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur. The meeting was addressed by the following amongst others.
1. Abdur Rahman Shaikh, M.A., Principal, Madaripur College, Faridpur.
2. Dr. Hasanuddin Ahmed of Nagarkandi, Mollahat, Khulna.
3. A.F.M.A. Jalil, Advocate (N.D.F.) of Khulna.
4. Muhammad Ali, pleader (A.L.) of Khulna.
5. Gour Chandra Bala, ex-Minister of Faridpur.
6. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. of the E.P.A.L.
7. Satyendra Nath Barwar of Madaripur, Faridpur.
8. Dr. Mozammel Husain, M.P.A. (recently joined the C.O.P. from Pak. Muslim League) of Bagerhat town, Khulna.
9. Shaikh Abdul Aziz, Pleader (A.L.) of Bagerhat town, Khulna.
All the speakers delivered speeches on the same line criticising the present regime in various ways and urging upon the members of the Electoral College to vote for Miss Fatima Jinnah for restoration of full-fledged democracy in the country.
No resolution was adopted in the meeting. A very few members of the Electoral College who attended the meeting, were not influenced by the speeches delivered in the meeting
Ext. to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- for D.S./PL, 7.1.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed public meetings of COP at Sreerampur Bazar, PS Raipura, Dacca and Manikganj High School Ground criticized the Government and soliciting vote for
Fatima Jinnah. Dacca, 2 January 1965
Ext. of W.C.R. of D.S.B., Dacca for w/e 2.1.65.
2. Political affairs
(c) C.O.P.
(i) Under the aegis of the COP, a public meeting (1000) was held at Sreerampur Bazar, P.S. Raipura, Dacca on 26.12.64 bet. 15.45 and 17.30 hrs. with Saizuddin Ahmad Chaudhuri of Raipura in the chair. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (G.S., E.P.A.L), Moslehuddin Bhuiyan (A.L), Aftabuddin Bhuiyan, ex-M.P.A. and a few local leaders delivered lectures criticising the Govt. as usual. They urged upon the people to exert influence upon the E.C. members to vote for Miss Fatima Jinnah in the ensuing Presidential election. Sk. Mujibur Rahman in course of his speech criticised the Govt. for its alleged failure in keeping down the price of the essential commodities and prevention of recurrence of flood in E.P. He alleged that corruption had increased and rate of taxes upon the poor had also increased during the present regime. He was also critical of the Govt. policy in accepting foreign loan at high rates of interest. He further alleged that the genuine grievances of the teachers, workers and the cultivators were not met by the present Govt.
Ext. to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- for D.S./PL, 12.1.
Ext. of W.C.R. of Dacca D.S.B. for w/e 2.1.65
2. Political affairs
(iv) Under the auspices of the COP a public meeting (3000) was held at Manikganj High School ground on 28.12.64 bet. 15.15 and 17.00 hrs. with Khundkar Mazharul Haq @ Chand Miyan, Pleader, President, Manikganj Sub-Div. A.L., in the chair. Besides the President, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, G.S., E.P.A.L., Manindra Nath Bhattacharji (PNC) of 38, North Brook Hall, Dacca and of Dhankura, P.S. Saturia, and a few local leaders and students delivered lectures in the meeting criticising the Govt. as usual and urging upon the people to influence the E.C. members to vote for Miss Fatima Jinnah.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman in course of his speech criticised the imposition of Martial Law in 1958. He also criticised the Govt. for introducing an alleged undemocratic constitution in the country, high prices of the essential commodities, alleged disparity between the two wings, repression upon the students, political workers and urged upon the people and students to garland the E.C. members and lead them to the polling centers in a procession on the 2nd January next and exert influence upon
them to vote for Miss Fatima Jinnah. Majid Md. Danesh in course of his speech criticised the F.M. Ayub Khan for amassing wealth through his son Gahar Ayub by making him (Gahar Ayub) the owner of Gandhara and other Industries.
Ext. to P.Fs. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Manindra Nath Bhattacharji. Sd/- for D.S./PL, 12.1.
Notes and reports relating to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Lt. Genl. Azam Khan and article published against President Ayub Khanand his family in ‘Sonar Bangla’.
Dacca, 2 January 1965
Notes & orders copied from NSP 294 of File No. 2-59 TS VI
1.Attended the meeting. The file of the speeches of Lt. Genl. Azam Khan should be kept ready as the same may be needed in connection with discussion with the Secy., Ministry of Home Affairs by the Home Secy.
2.Statement of position of cases filed against Sk. Mujibur Rahman should be immediately prepared and shown to the I.G.P.
3. Articles against the President, Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan and hisfamily were published in ‘Sonar Bangla’. This paper should be searched out so that it may be put up to I.G.P. tomorrow (22.1.65) along with the action taken in this office.
3.General Ayub Khan – Mohammad Ayub Khan (14 May 1907 – 19 April 1974) – A Pakistan Army General and second President of Pakistan. Forcibly assumed the presidency ousting first president Iskander Mirza through military coup in 1958. Banned all political parties and arrested Awami League and other opposition leaders including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman almost without touching Muslim League leaders. Pormulgated EBDO (Elective Bodies Disqualification Order) contrary to the constitution barring political leaders from taking part in political activities. Also introduced Basic Democratic system at all levels. Elected union council members called Basic Democrats constituted the electoral college and they voted to elect the President, National and Provincial Assembly members of the country. The controversial win over Fatima Jinnah in presidential elections and the outcomes of war with India in 1965 brought devastating results for Ayub Khan’s image and his presidency. The popular demonstrations and labour strikes all over Pakistan, especially those under Awami League leadership in East Pakistan ultimately compelled him to step down in 1969.
In this connection, censor section may always take action for bringing to the notice of political section all such reports published in all the papers which are subscribed by censor section because all these papers are not made available to D.S. (P.L).
Sd/- M. Isa, 2.1.65
S.S.(I), S.B.
Perusal pl. of the orders at No. 2 above. The P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman has been taken in your sec. Perhaps action in this connection is being taken pl. Sd/-22.1.65 Show censor section for w/ a pl. Sd/-DS/PL, 22.1.65. Action was taken on a similar order on 22.1.65. Sd/-O/C Censor, 22.1.65.
Report on the meeting of NDF at Karachi about activities of the members of various political parties who had been to Karachi to
attend the COP meetings
Karachi, 2 January 1965
Phone No. 30031.
No. SB/ 52 Office of the Supdt. of Police Karachi, the 2nd January, 1965
Mr. M. Isa,
Superintendent of Police,
Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dacca.
As desired in your letter No. 16896/268-64, Genl. dated 17.9.64 a report on the activities of the members of various political parties who had been to Karachi to attend the Combined Opposition Party meetings, is forwarded here.
Mohd. Hussain Qurashi
for Supdt. of Police,
S.B., Karachi.
Seen. Ext. may go to respective P.Fs of the E.P. leaders who attended the meeting.
Sd/ – DS(PL), 11.1.65
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani along with Haji Danish, Shaukat Ali Khan, Bar-at-Law arrived at Karachi Airport on 4.9.64 at 9.30 P.M. by P.I.A. from received them at the … (missing from original document due to page damage) Maulana Bhashani addressed a small gathering of NAP workers.
On 10.9.64 Maulana Bhashani presided over a meeting of the Central Committee held at the residence of Mr. Mahmoodul Haq Usmani, Haji Danish and Shaukat Ali Khan also attended the meeting. In this meeting 9-points programme of the opposition parties disintegration of one unit and particularly repeal of Muslim Family Law Ordinance were discussed. It was also discussed the Muslim Families Law Ordinance should not be condemned. Maulana Bhashani also met with the workers of NAP during this period.
On 16.9.64 Maulana Bhashani did not attend the meeting of central committee of NAP due to illness, but Haji Dansih and Shaukat Ali were amongst the participants of the meeting. In the evening at 7 p.m. a private meeting of NAP workers was held at the residence of Mr. Mahmoodul Haq Usmani. Maulana Bhashani addressing the meeting appealed the workers to remain unite on 9-points programme.
On 17.9.64 a meeting of the central committee of NAP was held under the presidentship of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Another meeting was held from 4 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. in which Haji Danish and Mr. Shaukat Ali participated.
In this meeting the organisational work of NAP and the name of Miss Fatima Jinnah for Presidential candidate were discussed.
The names of Maulana Bhashani, Mahmoodul Haq Usmani, Mahmood Ali Qasuri and Afzal Bangash were nominated on behalf of the central committee of NAP empowered them to attend NDF meetings.
On 19.9.64 Haji Danish left for East Pakistan at 6.30 a.m. by air.
On 17.9.64 when the name of Miss Fatima Jinnah was nominated for Presidential Candidate on behalf of NDF. At about 1.30 p.m. Maualna Bhashani,
Khawaja Naimuddin, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Nawabzada Nasu-rullah Khan, Ch. Mohamood Ali, went to residence of Miss Fatima Jinnah to take her approval in that connection.
Maulana Bhashani and Shawkat Ali left for Dacca at 2 p.m. on 17.9.64 by flight No. PK 720 (PIA).
Khawaja Nazimuddin arrived here on September 13 and remained here till
tember 30, 1964. He accompanied Miss Fatima Jinnah Combined Opposition nominee for Presidency to Peshwar on October, 1.
During his stay he presided over the sessions of the PML Working Committee on September 17 & 18, which nominated the delegates for the Opposition conference, empowering him to take decision the conference as he deemed fit and endorsed the decision of the Opposition Conference nominating Miss Jinnah to run for the Presidential Election.
Earlier on Sept. Khawaja Saheb had met Miss Jinnah and persuaded her to accept the nomination for the Presidential seat.
He also addressed a press conference on Sept. 15, in which he criticised the Govt. regarding arrest of political leaders, Istambol Pact, curbs on the press; economic aids to East Pakistan and proposed labour law amendments etc.
He also held deliberations with Maulana Ibne Hassan Jarahvi and others for a rapprochement between the two leagues but to no avail.
He presided over the sessions joint opposition conference on Sept. 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1964, which nominated Miss Jinnah to contest the Presidential seat appoint a 5-man Steering Committee decided to set up a Joint Secretariat at Karachi, two Zonal Election Committee, approved a joint programme and adopted resolutions on students situation in G.P., proposed Labour Law Amendments Blouch detenues and political leaders under arrest or detention etc. also presided over the meetings of the Steering Committee which took decisions regarding the tour programme of Miss Jinnah and matters concerning elections.
He also presided over the two day sessions to the PML Council which elected the Secretary and the two Joint Secretaries of the PML, endorsed the decisions of the PML Working Committee, its Manifesto and the 9-point programme etc. and adopted resolutions on political issues. Khawaja Saheb also addressed two public meetings on Sept. 20 and 26 in which he criticised the Govt. on the said issues.
M/s Abul Qasim Khan (Dy. Speaker), S.M. Afzal and Shafiqul Islam also attended the sessions of the P.M.L. Working Committee and the PML Council. Mr. Shafiqul Islam also attended the Jt. Opposition Conference and was include drafting committee. They were, however, not noticed indulging in any sort of hostile activities during their stay here. They also called on Miss Jinnah several times congratulated her and assured their full support to her.
Shaikh Mujeebur Rahman, Secy. Awami League, East Pak. arrived by Air in Karachi in the evening of 15.9.64, accompanied by other political leaders and stayed in Lakham House, Jahangir Road, belonged to Begum Akthar Suleman daughter of Late Suhrawardy. They were given reception at Karachi Airport by Messrs Sk. Manzoorul Haq, Khalil Mirmizi, Abdul Malik, Yosuf Bhatak, Agha Majid, Ehsan Ahmad Altamash, Lal Mohd. Jafri and other 40 Awami Leagers. Placards captioned “Jamhooriat Bahal Karo – Jamhoori Mahaz Zindabad – Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Shere-Bangal Zindabad”.
The following persons came along Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, to Lakham House :
1. Maulana Abdul Rashid Tarkabagish.
2.Mr. Zaheeruddin, Genl. Secy., All Pak. Awami League.
3. Tajuddin Ahmed.
4. Begum Ruqaiya (MNA)
5. Hafiz Habibur Rahman.
6.Shah Azizur Rahman.
7.Saidur Rahman.
8. Mutiur Rahman.
9.Capt. K.R.S. Khusro (Prop. Captain Foundation, Karachi).
Except Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Abdul Rashid Tarkabagish, Tajuddin Ahmed, Begum Rugaiya Anwar (MNA), Hafiz Habibur Rahman, Abdul Rahman Khan and Mutiur Rahman, Mr. Taffazzal Hussain alias Manik Mian, stayed there in the night of 16.9.1964.
Mr. Saidur Rahman stayed with Zahiruddin (Genl. Secy. All Pak. Awami League) at Bungalow near to the bungalow of (Mr. Haleem) in Alhilal Housing
Society, Country Club Road, Karachi only Shah Azizur Rahman stayed at the house of Capt. K.R.S. Khusro situated on Bonus Road, near office of the Indian High Commission.
From 15.9.64 to the date of departure all the members of the Working Committee, All Pak. Awami League remained busy in holding political discussion as under:
16.9.64 to 19.9.64.
They attended a secret and private meeting of All Pak. Awami League working committee held at Lakham House under the presidentship of Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan, on 16th and 17th September, 1964. In these meetings the following matters came under discussion:
1.To consider and solve matters relating to organisational work of AWMI League on All Pakistan basis.
2.To choose the support of the candidates for Presidential Election.
3.To nominate these persons and one observer from the Working Committee of the All Pakistan Awami League.
4.To draft Manifesto of APAL to have it printed at Dacca.
Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan (President) of APAL W/P and Sk. M.R. Zaheeruddin, Advocate from APAL E/P, Shah Azizur Rahman as observer represented Awami League in the Joint Opposition Meetings held on 17th, and 18th September, 1964.
All the members of Working Committee of (APAL) under the leadership of Zaheruddin met with Muhtarama Fatimah Jinnah on 19.9.64 at Flag House, garlanded and congratulated her on the acceptance of candidate for Presidential Election on behalf of NDF. They also assured success from East Wing.
They all had been to the Quaid’s Mazar on 18.9.64 before on 19.9.64
ddin, Joint Secy. APAL left for Lahore by air along with Begum Ruqaiya Anwar whereas others left for Dacca. Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Nawabzada Nasurullah Khan participated in the meetings of NDF till 20.9.64 and then left for Dacca the same day by air.
Only Mutiur Rahman stayed till 26.9.64 in connection with his some private business and left for Dacca the same day.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a statement urged upon the people to
keep struggle continue till victory.
Dacca, 5 January 1965
Ittefaq dt. 5.1.65
গণতন্ত্রের সংগ্রাম চলবেই
জনাব আইয়ুবের ‘তথাকথিত জয়’ সম্পর্কে শেখ মুজিবরের বিবৃতি
সম্মিলিত বিরােধী দলের নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতকল্য (সােমবার) এক বিবৃতিতে বলেন যে, জনসাধারণের গণতান্ত্রিক আশা-আকাংক্ষা বাস্তবায়নের সংগ্রাম অবিশ্রান্তভাবে চলিবে।
সংবাদপত্রে প্রদত্ত এক বিবৃতিতে শেখ মুজিব জনসাধারণকে এই মর্মে আশ্বাস দেন যে, “চূড়ান্ত বিজয় আমাদেরই হইবে। আইয়ুব খানের তথাকথিত বিজয়ে নিরাশ হওয়ার কিছুই নাই।”
জনসাধারণ ধৈর্য ও সাহসিকতার সঙ্গে পরিবর্তন কালের ক্লেশ ও পরীক্ষা-নিরীক্ষার মােকাবিলা করিবেন বলিয়া তিনি আস্থা প্রকাশ করেন।
বিবৃতিতে শেখ মুজিব বলেন, প্রধান নির্বাচনী কমিশনারের নিকট হইতে প্রেসিডেন্সিয়াল নির্বাচনের ফলাফল শ্রবণ করিয়া সমগ্র জাতি কৌতুকবােধ করিয়াছে।।
তিনি বলেন, চূড়ান্ত বিজয় আমাদের জন্যই অপেক্ষা করিতেছে; তাই হতাশ হওয়ার কিছুই নাই। তিনি বলেন, জনসাধারণ কখনও পরাজিত হইতে পারে না, ইতিহাসের শিক্ষা কখনও ভ্রান্ত হইতে পারে না। তাই আমার বিশ্বাস, জাতি ধৈর্য ও সাহসিকতার সঙ্গে পরিবর্তন কালের পরীক্ষানিরীক্ষার সম্মুখীন হইবেন। শেখ মুজিব বলেন, সারা বিশ্বের নিকট ইহা সুবিদিত যে, গােটা জাতি মাদারে মিল্লাতের পশ্চাতে ঐক্যবদ্ধ হইয়াছে এবং তিনি জনসাধারণের গণতান্ত্রিক আশা-আকাংক্ষার প্রতীক রূপে প্রতিভাত হইয়াছেন। নির্বাচনী অভিযানের সময়েই ইহা অত্যন্ত পরিস্কারভাবে দেখা গিয়াছে এবং পাকিস্তানের সর্বত্র লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষ মাদারে মিল্লাতকে অকুণ্ঠ চিত্তে সমর্থন জ্ঞাপন করিয়াছে। তিনি বলেন, গােটা জাতি বিস্ময় ও বেদনার সঙ্গে ক্ষমতাসীন দলের নির্বাচনী ব্যবস্থাপনা লক্ষ্য করিয়াছে। নিয়ন্ত্রিত ভােটাধিকারের মধ্যেও যেভাবে ভীতি প্রদর্শন, জবরদস্তি, প্রলােভন, নির্যাতন ও সন্ত্রাসের মধ্যে নির্বাচন পরিচালনা করা হইয়াছে তাহা বিস্ময়কর। তথাকথিত নির্বাচনের স্বরূপ উদঘাটন করিয়া শেখ মুজিব বলেন, কপ নেতা ও কর্মীদের বিরুদ্ধে শত শত গ্রেফতারী পরােয়ানা জারি এবং ভুয়া মামলা রুজু করা হইয়াছে। তিনি বলেন, নির্বাচন শেষ হওয়ার পরও ক্ষমতাসীন চক্রের সমর্থকরা নিরীহ জনসাধারণ ও বিরােধী দলীয় কর্মীদের উপর হামলা করিতেছে।
অতঃপর তিনি বলেনঃ আমি ইহা পরিস্কারভাবে জানাইয়া দিতে চাই যে, নির্যাতন দ্বারা গণআন্দোলন দমন করা যায় না। শেষ পর্যন্ত জনগণের জয় অনিবার্য। শান্তিপূর্ণ ও নিয়মতান্ত্রিক পদ্ধতিতে আমাদের সংগ্রাম অব্যাহত থাকিবে। – পি পি,এ
Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Lt. Genl. Azam Khan and
Fatima Jinnah’s Rajshahi visit.
Rajshahi, 7 January 1965
Ext. from secret Memo No. 143/34-64 dated 7.1.65 from S.P., D.S.B., Rajshahi to S.S. (III), S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Lt. Genl. Azam Khan arrived at Rajshahi from Khulna along with Miss Fatima Jinnah, K.H. Khurshed of Azad Kashmir, Fazlur Rahman, ex-Minister, Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.-470/AL) and others on 22.12.64 at about 08.30 hrs. by train. He was found to associate with (1) Mujibur Rahman, Advocate, President, Rajshahi District A.L., (2) Qamruzzaman, M.N.A., Secy., Rajshahi Dist. A.L., (3) Ataur Rahman, Muktear (CP/NAP/KS), Secy., Rajshahi District N.A.P., (4) Madar Baksh, pleader (C.M.L.), (5) Abdus Salam“, pleader, (A.L.) (6) Ghulam Arif (C.P/N.A.P/K.S), pleader,(7) Shah Abdul Ghafur Chaudhuri (NI), all of Rajshahi town and others at Rajshahi Rly. station.
At about 11.30, Lt. Genl. Azam Khan being accompanied by Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentd.) in a Jeep and followed by some university students in another jeep left Rajshahi Rly. station and visited the place of disturbance near the Rly. Level Crossing (Rajshahi where the police had to give lathi charge on unruly mob including some students. He (Lt. Genl. Azam Khan) then went up to the Gate of Rajshahi Govt. College. The students who accompanied him from the Rly. station shouted slogans “Azam Khan Zindabad” at the college gate. On hearing the
4.Abdus Salam Khan (1906 – 29 February 1972) – A lawyer and politician. Active worker of Muslim League and Pakistan Movement. He left Muslim League and joined Awami Muslim League in 1949, was elected member of East Pakistan Legislative Assembly as United Front candidate in 1954 and became Minister. He was Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s defence lawyer in Agartala conspiracy case. 5.Nizam-e-Islam (NI) – Formed in 1954. One of the four parties composing United Front in 1954 election. Lost all contested seats in 1970 election. Involved in Peace Committee, collaborated with Pakistan occupation army and paramilitary forces. Its leader Maulvi Farid Ahmed killed by freedom fighters. Banned by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman government along with other religion based parties but opened by Ziaur Rahman in 1978. Now part of Islami Oikya Jote alliance.
slogans, some students of Rajshahi Govt. college shouted anti-slogans from inside the college premises- “Azam Khan Murdabad”, “Go back Sheikh Mujibur Rahman”, etc., Hearing the anti-slogans, he left the place then and there and went to Medical College Hostel, Rajshahi and met Syed Husain Mansur of Pabna, Shamsuddin, Muktear of Rajshahi and some other students who received injuries on their persons during the lathi charge of the police at the Rly. Level Crossing. He was accompanied by Sk. Mujibur Rahman all along. He then went to the house of Abdul Ghafur father of Abdus Salam, Pleader (mentd.) at Lakshmipur, Rajshahi town being accompanied by Sk. Mujibur Rahman. They took their meals there and then returned to Rajshahi Rly. station. At about 14.30 hrs., Lt. Gen. Azam Khan left for Ishurdi, Pabna bytrain.
The movement of suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.-470/A.L.) from Khulna to Rajshahi and from Rajshahi to Ishurdi, Pabna on 22.12.64 by train has been duly informed to the Supdts. of Police, D.S.Bs., Khulna and Pabna.
Copy to Azam Khan tour file and P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. DS/ST/CM may also see pl. Sd/- for DS/PL, 12/1. Seen. Sd/- for DS/ST, 14.1.65 Sd/- A. Ahmed 14.1.65.
Combined Opposition Parties East Pakistan committee expressed grave concern on the increasing acts of violence.
Dacca, 8 January 1965
Statesman dt. 8.1.65
Pak Opposition Concerned Over Rising Violence
From Our Staff Correspondent
DACCA, Jan. 6.- The East Pakistan committee of the Combined Opposition Parties which met here today to review the present political situation in the country, have expressed its grave concern at the increasing acts of violence to which the workers of the Combined Opposition Parties have been subjected to in different places in East Pakistan. The committee in a resolution said: “The ruling party has let
loose organized goondaism to intimidate COP supporters and to create an atmosphere of terror in the country where free and voluntary expression of opinion may become impossible and the voice of the opposition is completely throttled”.
The committee has called upon all the units of COP throughout the province not to be cowed down by the rule of terror that the ruling party has unleashed by large-scale arrest of political leaders and workers.
Meanwhile, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami League, has condemned the authorities for the recent disturbances in Karachi in which “at least eight persons were killed and many grievously injured.” The Awami leader in a statement issued here today urged the Government to restore peace and order immediately.
He also alleged that the recent arrests of political workers and leaders in Dacca, Gopalganj, Mymensingh, Khulna, Comilla, Chittagong and many other places were a calculated move ‘to annihilate opposition politics from the country.’
May be placed on the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -12.1.65. 606/48 PF. 14/1
Report on public meeting organized by the COP at Ramdia, Kasiani, Faridpur criticizing the activities and policies of the present regime and urging upon the members of the Electoral
College to vote for Miss Fatima Jinnah.
Faridpur, 9 January 1965
Ext. from W.C.R. of Faridpur D.S.B. for w/e 9.1.65.
2. Political affairs.
(1) A public meeting (5000) organised by the COP was held at Ramdia, Kasiani, Faridpur on 31.12.64 with Abdus Salam Khan (A.L), Advocate s/o Abdul Latif Khan of Bezra, Muksudpur, Faridpur and of Dacca town in the chair. Besides
the President, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman. Genl. Secy., E.P.A.L. S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca town, A.K. Imdadul Haq, V.P., Q.A.M. College”, Gopalganj, Faridpur s/o Rahanuddin of Puisur, P.S. Kasiani, Faridpur, Mantu Miyan, Prof., Ramdia College, P.S. Kasiani, Abdul Qasim (A.L.) of Paranpur, P.S. Kasiani, Faridpur, Nurul Haq @ Lal Miyan, Advocate, Dacca of South Fukra, P.S. Kasiani, Faridpur, Anil Krishan Ray, Head Master, Ramdia High School and a few others delivered speeches in the meeting criticising the activities and policies of the present regime and urging upon the members of the Electoral College to vote for Miss Fatima Jinnah.
A section of the audience appeared to have appreciated the speeches.
Ext. to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Show D.S./ST. Sd/- for D.S./PL, 16.1.
Ext. from W.C.R. of Faridpur D.S.B. for w/e 9.1.65.
Movement of suspects
1.A.L. 401/CP- Liyaqat Husain left for Dacca on 26.12.64 and came back on 2.1.65 by helicopter. The same day, he again left for Dacca by train.
2.A.L.*70/A.L.- Mujibur Rahman Shaikh arrived at Gopalganj on 1.1.65 from Dacca and left for Dacca on 3.1.65.
Ext. to his P.F. Sd/- for D.S./PL, 16.1. Copy to their P.Fs. Sd/- for DS/CM, 18.1.65.
6.QAM College – Quad-e-Azam Memorial College was established in the year 1950 started as I.A. and I. Com (Higher Secondary) class. The first Principal of the College was Babu Pabitra Kumar Das Gupta. After the independence it was renamed as Bangabandhu College. The college was turned into a post graduate Government College in 1974 and renamed again as Government Bangabandhu College.
Report on booklet captioned ‘Bhaira Amar Jago’containing collection of speeches of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 11 January 1965
Phone No. 4231/18 & 6863
East Pakistan Form No:1

No. 708 dated 13.1.65.
The Spl. Supdt. of Police
City S.B. Dacca.
A Bengali booklet captioned “Bhaira Amar Jago”- containing a number of speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the Awami League, was found in circulation in August 1964. The booklet
was edited & published by one Mr. M.N. Islam from 15 Purana Paltan, Dacca and was printed from the Sulekha Printing Press, 16/1 Zinda Bahar Ist lane, Dacca-1. The price of the booklet is 19 paisa per copy. Govt. wants two copies of the same booklet immediately. I would, therefore, request you kindly to procure two copies of the same booklet and send to this office immediately.
Sd/ -11.1
for S.S.1
English translation of the objectionable portions of the Bengali booklet captioned “Bhaira Amar Jago”- Edited by M.N. Islam and printed in Sulekha Printing Press 16/1, Zinda bahar 1st lane, Dacca-1.
Who has murdered Sahed Ali?
There was a deep rooted conspiracy behind the murder of late Sahed Ali. The object of that conspiracy was to pave the way for the imposition of Martial Law in the country. For this reason the investigation of the murder case was stopped after the promulgation of Martial Law. May ! ask, if the discredited politicians are responsible for the murder of Sahed Ali. Why, then the investigation into the murder case was stopped by the Martial Law Govt.? Why the culprits are not brought to book? The answers to these questions are not unknown to us. We know that had then been proper investigation of the murder, many mysteries would have been out for this reason, sitting on the chain of justice, the Martial Law Govt. let loose their oppression & repression against many helpless men like me on different charges, but they did not alter a single word in the matter of investigation or trial of Shahed Ali’s murder case.
It is not the case of imposition of Martial Law that out of 15 seats in the bye-elections 14 seats were captured by the Awami League in East Pakistan and seeing the role played by the AL for the betterment of
the common masses, one class of people of upper strata with vested interests were alarming. So only 4 months before the general elections in the country, the people having vested interests could well imagine what would be the result of general elections, specially when they could realise that if the AL could capture majority of seats under the leadership of Shuhrawardy would realise the due share of East Pakistan to the pie and hence they entered into a palace intrigue. The last act of the palace intrigue’ was manifested through promulgation of Martial law in the country only 4 months before the general election and Awami League and its respected leaders Jonab H.S. Suhrawardy? became main victim of the onslaught.
What kind of Justice is this?
Out of the 2nd five year plan which was made during the regime of President Ayub Khan Rs. 950 crores were allotted to East Pakistan with 56% population of the entire country which was Rs. 1350 crores were allotted to West Pakistan having 44% of the total population. Besides this RS. 1500 crores for removing water logging & salinity and the Indus valley project and Rs. 500 crores for the building up the capital at Islamabad total Rs. 3350 crores were allotted to West Pakistan. What kind of remand of disparity is this? What kind of justice towards East Pakistan is this? Keeping this in view I want to ask why the Govt. in power do not have the mentality to allot Rs. 1000 crores to East
7.Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (8 September 1892 – 5 December 1963) – Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy was born into a prominent Bengali Muslim family at Medinipur, West Bengal. He obtained B.Sc. (Hons.) and BCL (Bachelor of Civil Law) Degree from Oxford University. Suhrawardy was a renowned politician and statesman from Bengal in the first half of the 20th century and served as the last Prime Minister of Bengal during the British rule. He was a celebrated public orator. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, he became a leading populist statesman of the then East Pakistan. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, leaving the Muslim League he joined the newly formed Awami League in 1952. Suhrawardy was appointed Law Minister in 1953 in the cabinet of Prime Minister Mohammad Ali of Bogura. He was imprisoned by Ayub Khan Government. Died in Beirut, Lebanon 1963. He was the political mentor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Pakistan to implement the recommendations of Krugg Missions for controlling flood in East Pakistan, where lacs of acres of lands are damaged; but on the other hand Rs. 2000 crores has been kept apart beyond the project money for spending in West Pakistan. What kind of justice is this?
“Five pillars of the administration of the State vs East Pakistan.”
The administration of a state depends on five pillars viz: Central Govt., capital, defence, economy and political power or parliament. Since independence, the first four items of administration were beyond the reach of East Pakistan. The only political power which we could so far exercise on the floor of the parliament has also been snatched away. The parliament today is powerless. The members of the Parliament have no other works today than to sing at the wills of their Master. It is better not to speak of capital money. The wealth of the country has been amassed in the hands of the lucky 200 families only.
8.Krug Mission – The Krug Mission Report, 1957 was an outcome of a study on flood control and water management in East Pakistan after the disastrous floods of 1954, 1955 and 1956 that drew world attention. Suhrawardy Government appointed Krug Mission was composed of a Chairman and three Members, two of which were engineers. The most significant recommendation of the report was to create a new government corporation with comprehensive responsibilities and authorities to deal with all water and power development problems. Based on the recommendations of the Krug Mission, East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (EPWAPDA) was created in 1959. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was always committed to develop flood control, drainage and irrigation facilities in the country and repeatedly demanded implementation of the Krug Mission Report. Immediately after independence, Bangabandhu established the relief ministry giving special attention to building a disaster resilient country through minimizing losses of lives and properties caused by different natural hazards including cyclone and floods. He established Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) in 1972 materializing the recommendations of the Krug Mission.
Flourishing those already flourished
The Pay Commission’s Report never said the light of the way still it is asserted that pay scale of the Govt. servants has been increased on the basis of the recommendation. It is a fact that pay has been increased but that of high officials’ only. In fact the pay of the poor Govt. servant has
not been increased. Only Rs. 5/ – has been increased in the pay of those Govt. servants drawing pay of Rs. 20/-. But the pay of Govt. servants drawing Rs. 2000/- has been raised to Rs. 3000/-. May I know is it justice? Was the economic life of Govt. servants drawing Rs. 2000/- was affected at all due to soaring prices of essential commodities? It is possible for a Govt. servant drawing Rs. 20/- to meet both ends with the meager increment of Rs. 5/7? Was it impossible to increase pay of Govt. servants in a just way instead of increasing pay of those who were drawing fat salary?
Peasants vs Govt.
The peasantry of this country are on the verge of ruin with a view to save them. We demanded exemption of land revenue for 10 years to those peasants having less than 25 Bighas of land. At this the men in power laughed at us. Possibly they did not think it necessary to look into the Govt. reports, wherein it is stated that the peasants of East Pakistan are indebted to the turn of Rs. 93 crores.
The Govt. have no time to think over ways & means to keep the peasants alive, who earn the highest percentage of foreign exchange. Leaving aside the question of payment of 93 crores of debt, the very existence of the peasants will be at stake in future when the compound interest on the loan was going to devour up the whole entity of the peasantry. The Govt. has no time to ponder over this. I know time for the Govt. is very precious, but for the sake of the country, it has become essential to save this peasant by exempting payment of land revenue. The Govt. is unwilling to accept the proposal on baseless apprehension of deficit in the budget. On the other hand they are very liberal in exempting the Mill Owners, Industrialists from payment of tax for ten years. Had there been exemption of rent to the hungry, naked and indebted peasants, the sky would not have fallen on the head, as they are the real foreign exchange earners. There was no reason for granting
“Tax Holiday” to those fortunates who have used 75% of loans drawn from Industrial Bank & thereby amassed huge wealth. Furthermore instead of spending Rs. 20/25 crores annually in the name of works programme without any proper account & audit for unproductive works, land revenue Rs. 7/8 crores being could have been exempted for better result & thereby getting gratitude of the peasants. For this reason, Pakistan was created on the basis of Lahore Resolutions & the Constitution of Pakistan should be framed on that basis otherwise East Pakistan will not survive.
This Bengal is the Bengal of Titu Mir.
You do not know the history of Bengal. This Bengal is the Bengal of Mir Zafar, as well as of Titu Mir, Haji Sariatullah, Subash, Nazrul, Fazlul Haq, Suhrawardy & Moulana Islamabadi. If this Bengal revolts, your soldiers with their guns, cannons and ammunition will be washed away in the current without leaving any trace of them. I ask the Minister to restore the voting rights of the people and then to embark upon election affairs with your leader. If you can get 20% of the votes, we will accept him as President forever and otherwise you will keep yourselves ready to bear the consequences as that of President Iskander Mirza.
Beware of Mir Zafars.
I want that you should be alert about the “Mir Zafars” of the unfortunate Bengal. Remember, Ayub Govt. is not stronger than that of Liaquata Govt. Besides the Army, the Liaquat Govt. had public support as well. Ayub Govt. has the support of only one or the two. Out of 10 crores of people, he has the support of 80 thousand people, which too he has lost by now. You should now go to villages to see that the real
9.Liquat Ali Khan/Liakot Ali (October 1895 – 16 October 1951) – One of the founding leaders and first Prime Minister of Pakistan from August 1947 until his assassination in 1951.
representatives of the people are elected in the ensuing elections. In response to the last call of the late leader we should build up invisible fortresses of democracy in every village & union. We want not more than 10 devoted workers in each union. If God wishes, we will take vengeance of oppression & repression of the rootless Ayub regime as we once dug the grave of the then most powerful Muslim Leagueto Govt. with the united efforts of our workers. The sympathy of Ayub Govt. towards East Pakistan is a hollow.
For them, everything is touching the sky.
It is said that the country is developing rapidly as if touching the sky. I ask, what benefit the people could derive out of the so called roads which were constructed by acquiring the lands of the poor peasants and labourers without paying any compensation?
Where these roads will go after the flood is over. Side by side of these beneficial works, why the Govt. is not disclosing the accounts of taxation, the burden of which has been placed on the poor masses. I know, they
10. Muslim League – Muslim League was the only political party in British India led the ‘Pakistan
Movement. On the foundation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the President of All India Muslim League, Jinnah became the new nation’s Governor General and the Secretary General of Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The All India Muslim League was disbanded in December 1947 and succeeded by two organizations, Muslim League and the Indian Union Muslim League, the first being its original successor in Pakistan. Jinnah died in September 1948 and Liaquat was assassinated in October 1951. After death of its two senior leaders, the League began to disintegrate. By 1953, dissensions within the League had led to the formation of several different political parties. Liaquat was succeeded by Khawaja Nazimuddin, a Bengali, who was forced out of office in April 1953. Pakistan was racked by riots and famine and in the first national elections in May 1955 held by a system of indirect voting the League was heavily defeated. In October 1958 the Army seized power and the martial law regime of Muhammad Ayub Khan banned all political parties. This was the end of the old Muslim League. Ayub Khan later formed a new party, the Convention Muslim League. The opposition faction became known as the Council Muslim League. This latter group joined a united front with other political parties in 1967 in opposition to the regime. But when the military regime of Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan fell in December 1971 and Pakistan’s first genuine free elections were held, both factions of the League were swept out of power in West Pakistan by the Pakistan People’s Party of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and in East Pakistan by the Awami League of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
will not and cannot do this. Because in such case people will be able to know the ratio of taxation and the development work done for them.
It is also said that the country is developing industrially. I do admit that many millionaire of the country have become multi-millionaire during this regime. Many high ranking army officers have been appointed in civil posts on higher salary and many of them have become industrialists over-night. I do not mean to say that the Army is going to be weak thereby. Despite all these changes and transfer of experienced army officers to civil posts, our authority still cherish the idea that our Army is second to none in the world. Many sky -scrappers have been constructed in the country, but what has been done for the poor masses. Today they do not get real price of their produce, but pay exorbitant prices for what they purchase.
The industrial produce of West Pakistan cannot stand competition in foreign markets, so they need a market for the same. As such there is no other alternative, but to turn East Pakistan into their market. East Pakistan has practically become the market of the Industrialists of West Pakistan.
The Awami League does not do arm-chair politics, but it’s politics is based on ideology. So we keep ourselves ready to be picked up by police in any time in their van. We remain even ready to go behind the iron bar without making least delay.
I therefore request my brother workers, not to be swayed away by hearing a few speeches of some smartly dressed interested persons and give up the path of struggle. Remember, for whatever causes, the ‘Mir Zafars of Bengal carry on their struggle, the Awami League will fight for the posterity. We struggle for our future generations, so that they may not be reduced to slavery. Today Bengalees have no place in trade, business, service etc., then where they stand? The people of the country of Sariatullah, Titumir, Subas, Suhrawardy & Nazrul did not want the
rule of the yellow in place of white but they wanted to live with prestige and honour in a free country.
What we need today
In order to achieve the wishes of the 10 crores people of Pakistan a united and disciplined political organisation is needed today. What is possible for 10 thousand well disciplined workers is not possible for lakhs of indisciplined people with this end in view, I appeal to my brother workers to engage themselves in their respective field of work with heart and soul. In our struggle we are willing to take all with us, but reminding the tragic history of the mango garden of Polassy, I tell you that we are not willing to take those who may repeat that sad history of betrayal.
So I tell my brother workers, to remember the image of the immortal “Sahid before our all-out future struggle. He struggled throughout his life for the sake of principle and sacrificed his life for the same. Even the British Govt. dared not to send the brave beyond the iron bar, but that leader at his advanced age had to face imprisonment in the hands of his own Govt. and as a result he was dishonored and oppressed in many ways and had to die in a far off foreign country in absence of his near and dear ones. The spirit of that leader cannot rest in peace unless we reach his desired goal through struggle which he had launched.
Had my leader been born in America or Britain, it cannot be said if he would have been like Kennedy or Churchill. Had he not left India it cannot be said, if he would have over-shadowed the leadership of Jawaher Lal Nehru. But what I believe is that had he not been there, Pakistan would not have taken its birth. I want that you should gird your loins to take revenge of the dishonour which that leader had to face during the last days of his life by eradicating immediately the evils of repression and oppression and establishing full democracy in the country. For this end in view you should jump into the field.
Phone No. 4231/34
District Special Branch,
Dacca, the 1st Dec. 1964.
No.8848/163-49 R.7592.
M. Isa, Esqr., PSP,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 17094(2)/606-48 PF(L) dated 21.9.64.
The booklet captioned “Bhaira Amar Jago” does not appear to have come to our notice. However, the matter has been kept in view.
Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Dacca. 21.12.64.
Phone No.
No. 2775 dt PF(L) To The SS/City SB., Dacca.
Subject: The supply of booklet styled “Bhaira Amar Jago” containing the
speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Kindly refer to this office letter No.708 dt. 13.7.65 and expedite your report.
Sd/-DS P.L.
No.7085/606-48 PF(L) dt. 19.3.65
Phone No.
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: Supply of booklet “Bhaira Amar Jago”- containing the speeches
of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., E.P.A.L.
Kindly refer to this office letter No.708 dt. 13.1.65 and subsequent reminder No. 2775 dt. 19.2.65 and send your report without further delay.
Copy of city S.B. officer’s report dated 23.3.65.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that the Booklet captioned “BHAIRA AMAR JAGO” after being printed from the Sulekha Press was taken delivery by Mr. M.N. Islam of A.L. Office, Dacca in the month of August, 1964. About 5000 copies were printed. But after a few days of taking delivery, all the copies were distributed and now it is totally exhausted. It is learnt from my contact that it may again be reprinted from “Jatiya Mudrayan” Printing Press within a few days when copy may be available.
Phone: 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Dated the 15th March’65 No. 1441/R/-237./-125-64(Gl.)
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police (I), S.B., E.P., Dacca for information with reference to his Memo. No. 708 dated 13.1.65.
Sd/- Illegible Spl. Supdt. of Police City S.B., Dacca.
Phone No. 7943/606-48 PF(L) dt. 6.4.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: The booklet captioned “Bhaira Amar Jago” containing some
speeches delivered by Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P.A.L. Ref: your No. 1441 dt. 27.3.65.
I send herewith a copy of the above mentioned booklet-(“Bhaira Amar Jago“) together with a copy of the English translation of objectionable portions of the speeches for consultation with the P.P. for his legal opinion and report result as quickly as possible for onward transmission.
The booklet may be returned to this office with your report when done with.
Sd/ -2.S/P.L.
for S.S.I.
Enclo: attached with the draft.
Phone No.
No. 7939/606-48 P.F.(L) dt. 6.4.65
W.A. Sikder, Esqr.,
T.K., S.O. Home (Poll.) Sec. I. Dacca
Subject: Collection of speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Kindly refer to your Nos. 834 -Poll/5(1) dt. 15.9.64 and 877Poll/S (1) dt. 30.9.64.
In sending herewith a copy of No. 1441 dt. 27.3.65 received from the City S.B., Dacca. I am to state that we have got a copy of the booklet and we are taking necessary action on it.
A copy of the English translation of the objectionable portions of the speeches is sent herewith, as desired.
Sd/ – 3.4
Form No. XXIX, S.M., 1941
Government of East Pakistan
No. 160-Poll/S(I). Dated Dacca, the 10th April, 1965.
From : W.A. Sikder, Esq., T.K., Section Officer, Govt. of East Pakistan.
To: The Secy. to the Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Home & Kashmir Affairs,
(Home Affairs Division) RAWALPINDI.
Sub: Collection of speeches of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman in a booklet captioned
“Bhaira Amar Jago”.
I am directed to refer to your letter No. 8/8/64-Poll(I) dated, the 9th September, 1964 on the subject mentioned above and to state that about 5000 copies of the booklet entitled “Bhaira Amar Jago” were printed but within a few days after taking delivery all the copies were distributed. The provincial Special Branch could procure only one copy which is under examination by them for necessary action. English translation of the objectionable portion of the booklet is sent herewith. A copy of the booklet will be sent when the Special Branch will be in a position to spare their copy or another copy may be procured.
Your obedient servant,
Sd/ – (W.A. Sikder)
Section Officer,
Govt. of East Pakistan.
No. 160/1-Poll/S(I).
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan for information with reference to his Memo. No. 7939/606-48 P.F. (L) dated, the 6th April, 1965.
A copy of the booklet may please be furnished to this Department as soon as another copy may be procured or his copy can be spared.
Home (Poll) Deptt.,
Dacca, the 10th April/65.
Section Officer,
Govt. of East Pakistan.
Phone No.
No. 8420/606-48 PF(L) dt. 19.4.65
To T
he S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: Collection of speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Gl. Secy., E.P.A.L.
Kindly refer to your letter No. 1441 dt. 15.3.65 and procure a few copies of the booklet very early, as Govt. is giving pressure for the same.
for S.S.I.
Phone No.
No. 8421/606-48 PFCL) dt.19.4.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: The booklet “Bhaira Amar Jago” – containing the speeches of
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Gl., Secy., E.P.A.L. Kindly refer to this office letter No.7943 dt. 6.4.65 and communicate the opinion of the P.P. as quickly as possible, as asked for vide this office letter under reference.
Sd/ -D.S./P.L.
for S.S.1.
Phone No. 5024
No. 20137/58-64 P.F.
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 7943 dt. 6.4.65 and subsequent reminder No. 8421/606-48 PF(L) dt.
19.4.65 reg: PP’s opinion on the speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Public Prosecutor has not yet given his opinion in spite of repeated request. His opinion will be sent as soon as it is received.
Sd/ -27.4.65.
Copy of P.P.’s opinion dt. 29.4.65.
I have gone through the English translation of the objectionable portion of the Bengali Booklet “ore oprano CENTER” edited by N.M. Islam, printed in the Sulekha Printing Press, 16/1 Zindabahar 1st Lane. In that booklet the first thing which he had discussed was the death of Sahed Ali and he wanted to know why there was no investigation and trial of the case. Then he stated that Awami League during their regime captured 14 seats out of 15 in by-elections and the speaker stated that had there been any enquiry of Sahed’s murder case, many mysteries would have come out. He also stated that only 4 months before the General Election Awami League and its respected leader Jonab H.S. Suhrawardy became the main victim of the onslaught. On the next para of the English translation it appears that the speaker wanted to keep some comparative figures of the money allotted to East and West Pakistan in the second five years plan. This is a criticism regarding the allotment of money and nothing else.
In the third para in the same translation there is nothing objectionable.
Fifth para of the English translation there is nothing objectionable also. In the sixth para, he criticised the position of the peasantry of East Pakistan and requested the Govt. to exempt them from paying taxes in order to improve their condition.
Here he gives some example of the Industries, which have been exempted from paying taxes.
In the seventh para, he gives the name of some historical figures and said if Bengal revolts your soldiers with their guns, cannons, ammunitions will be washed away. So he asked the Ministers to restore voting rights to the people and challenged the present Govt. in the field of election.
In the eighth para, he stated that they should build up invincible fortress in every village and union. If God wishes, he will take revenge of oppression and depression of the rootless Ayub regime as he once dug the grave of the then most powerful Muslim League Govt. with the united efforts of their workers. In this para here is a harsh word no doubt will take “Vengeance of oppression and depression” but on the whole this cannot be said prejudicial one.
In para nine I think there is nothing objectionable.
In para ten there is nothing objectionable except a few harsh expressions. Going through the whole speeches I am of the opinion that taking the speech as whole, it cannot be said a prejudicial speech.
Md. A. Alim
29.4.65. P.P. Dacca.
Phone No. 5024.
Dated the 1st May, ’65. No. 2141/R/-3045/58-64(P.F.)
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, (1) Special Branch , East Pakistan, Dacca for information with ref. to his Memo . No. 7943/60648 P. F. (L) dated 6.4.65 and this office Memo. No. 2037/58-64 P.F. dated 26.4.65.
The booklet “Bhaira Amar Jago” is returned herewith in original.
Sd/ -1.5.65.
for Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Phone No.
No. 9753/606-48 PF(L) dt. 8.5.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your memo. No. 2141 dt. 1.5.65 reg. the opinion of P.P. in
respect of the speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
It appears that only the English translation of the objectionable portions of the Bengali Booklet “
ভাইয়েরা আমার জাগো” was sent to the P.P. for his opinion. The original Bengali Booklet should have been sent to the P.P. as in the translation correct words might not have been used to indicate the strong terms used in the original. This may be done now. The attached original booklet is sent herewith again.
for S.S.I. 6.5.65.
Phone: 5024.
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Dated, the 11th May, 1965.
No. 2299/R-3232/125-64(Gl.)
M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 8420/606-48 P.F. (L) dated 19.4.65 regarding the booklet
captioned “BHAIRA AMAR JAGO”.
Further attempts were made to procure the copies of the booklet but in vain.
Sd/ -10.5.65
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
City S.B., Dacca.
Phone No.
No. 10935/606-48 PFCL) dt. 29.5.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Kindly refer to this office letter No. 9753 dt. 8.5.65 and return the booklet “Bhaira Amar Jago” – together with the opinion of the P.P at an early date.
Sd/ –
for S.S.T.
Form No. XXIX , S.M. 1941.
Government of East Pakistan. Home (Political)/Section II. Department. Poll (II)/S, dated Dacca, the 16th June, 1965.
From : Z. Huq, Esq., T.K., Section Officer, Govt. of East Pakistan.
To : The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan. Subject : Collection of speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Reference: Your memorandum No. 7939/606-48 PF(2) dated the 6th April, 1965.
The undersigned is directed to say that Government be informed of the action taken in the matter.
Sd/ -16.6.65.
Section Officer,
Govt. of East Pakistan.
Phone No.
No. 124991606-48 PF(L) dt. 24.6.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: Collection of speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Kindly refer to this office letter No. 9753 dt. 8.5.65 and reminder No. 10935 dt. 29.5.65 and expedite your report.
The case is long pending with you and Govt. has been pressing for the reply on the subject.
for S.S.I
Copy of P.P.’s Opinion date 28.6.65.
I also gone through the Bengali booklet “BHAIRA AMAR JAGO” at the time of my giving opinion.”
Sd/- Md. A. Alim
P.P. Dacca.
Phone No. 45024 Secret
City Special Branch,
Dacca, Dated the 30th June, ‘65. No. 3220/R/-3669/ 58-64 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for information with reference to his Memo. No 9753/606-48 P.F.(L) dated 8.5.65 and subsequent reminder Nos. 10935 dated 29.5.65 and 12499 dated 24.6.65.
In this connection previous opinion of P.P. was sent to S.B. under this office Memo. No. 2141 dated 1.5.65. According to P.P. no case stands against the subject (Sk. Mujibar Rahman).
The booklet “BHAIRA AMAR JAGO” is returned herewith.
Sd/ -29.6.65.
for Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Phone Nos. 6863 & 4231/18.
No. 60/606-48 PF(L) dt. 31.7.65
The A.D.(I), Dacca.
Ref: Your No. S/3494 dt. 21.9.64.
In continuation of this office No. 20597 dt. 31.10.64, 1 send herewith a copy of the opinion of P.P. passed on the speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman contained in the Bengali booklet captioned “Bhaira Amar Jago”, as desired by you.
Sd/ -28.7
for S.S.I.
P. 22 portion as within [ ] with red pencil.
Phone Nos.
East Pakistan Form No.1.

No. 146691606-48 PF (L) dated 31.7.65
Ref: Your letter No.877-Poll/s(1) dt. 30.9.64.
In continuation of this office letter No. 7939 dt 6.4.65, I send herewith a copy of the opinion of P.P. along with the original Bengali booklet captioned “Bhaira Amar Jago” together with two copies of the same for onward transmission to the Secretary to the Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Home & Kashmir Affairs, Rawalpindi with the request to return the original booklet to this office when done
with. Sd/ -28.7.65.
for DIG. S.B.
P.5922 portion as within [ Jas marked with red pencil
D.O. No. 8/11/65-Poll(I).
Government of Pakistan
Ministry of Home and Kashmir Affairs
(Home Affairs Division)
Rawalpindi, the 30th August, 1965. Subject: Sk. Mujibur Rahman. My dear Mr. Ansari,
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, as you are aware, is an important leader of the Pakistan Awami League, wields sufficient influence among the student community and has a great potential for mischief. During the Martial Law Regime and thereafter, he has been a great critic of the President and his council of Ministers. The booklet “Bhaira Amar Jago” containing a collection of his speeches, which has been received with your letter No. 900-Poll(II)/S , dated the 18th August 1965, constitutes an ample proof of his mischievous thinking on most of the political matters.
2.In view of the persistently mischievous conduct of Sk. Mujibur Rahman over the last decade, it has been decided by the Internal Security Committee that one way to keep him restrained is to take serious notice whenever his speeches, utterances, writings or other activities appear to be actionable so that he is kept pre-occupied with his own worries.
3. I am, therefore, desired to request you to ensure that the conduct of Sk. Mujibur
Rahman is kept under watch and if he does or say anything, which is ostensibly actionable, action under the law whether substantive penal law or safety law, should please be taken against him promptly.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/-M. Zia Husain.
A.Q. Ansari, Esq., T.Pk.,
Home Secretary to the
Govt. of East Pakistan, Dacca.
Memo No. 603(2) – Pol/S(!)
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to: 1) The Insp. Genl. of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca. 2) The Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Sd/- 3.৭.65.
Deputy Secretary to the
Govt. of East Pakistan.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visits Tangail to see opposition workers
traumatized by indiscriminate arrest.
Dacca, 13 January 1965 ittefaq dt. 13.1.6s.
শেখ মুজিবরের টাঙ্গাইল সফর নির্যাতিত কর্মী ও তাহাদের পরিবারবর্গের অবস্থা পর্যবেক্ষণ
(ভ্রাম্যমাণ প্রতিনিধি)
টাঙ্গাইল, ১২ই জানুয়ারী প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান অদ্য বেপরােয়া ধরপাকড়ের ফলে সন্ত্রস্ত টাঙ্গাইল বিরােধীদলীয় কর্মীদের সঙ্গে সাক্ষাৎ এবং নির্যাতিত কর্মীদের পরিবার-পরিজনের অবস্থা স্বচক্ষে দেখার জন্য টাঙ্গাইল আগমন করেন।
তিনি অদ্য সন্ধ্যায় স্থানীয় আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসে বিরােধী দলীয় কর্মীদের সঙ্গে এক ঘরােয়া বৈঠকে মিলিত হন। সরকারী বেপরােয়া নির্যাতনের মুখেও কর্মীরা গণতন্ত্রের সংগ্রামে যেভাবে
আত্ননিয়ােগ করিয়া আছেন, তাহাতে তিনি গভীর সন্তোষ প্রকাশ করেন। তিনি কর্মীদের বলেন যে, জনগণের সংগ্রাম কোনদিনই ব্যর্থ হয় না এবং জনগণের সমর্থনহীন সরকার কোনদিনই দেশ শাসন করিতে পারে না গণতান্ত্রিক সংগ্রামের ঝান্ডা সমুন্নত রাখিয়া ঐক্যবদ্ধভাবে সংগ্রাম চালাইয়া যাইবার জন্য তিনি কর্মীদের উপদেশ দেন। মহকুমা আওয়ামী লীগের নির্যাতিত সম্পাদক জনাব বদিউজ্জামান খানের বাড়ীতে গমন করেন। তিনি টাঙ্গাইলের বিশিষ্ট আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা রাজবন্দী জনাব মােহাম্মদ আলী মিয়ার বাসভবনেও গমন করেন। শেখ মুজিব বেগম বদিউজ্জামান ও বেগম মােহাম্মদ আলীকে ধৈর্যের সঙ্গে নির্যাতনের মােকাবিলা করার জন্য আহ্বান জানান। টাঙ্গাইল হইতে গ্রেফতারকৃত জনাব আবদুল মতিনের স্ত্রীর নিকটও তিনি সমবেদনা জ্ঞাপন করেন। অদ্য রাত্রেই তিনি ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করেন।
TO P.F. pl. Sd/-16/1.
Intelligence Bureau Rawalpindi asks report to SSP Dacca on activities of a number of persons during second half of 1964.
Rawalpindi, 19 January 1965
No. S.F. 1254/7 – RAWALPINDI, dated the 19 Jan. 1965.
It is requested that up-to-date short notes on the following individuals may kindly be supplied to this office. The activities of these persons particularly during second half of 1964 may please be covered in details:

1. Haji Muhammad Danesh.
2.Hatim Ali Khan.
3. Masihur Rahman, ex-M.N.A.
4.Sk. Zahir-ud-Din.
5. Akhtar-ud-Din Ahmad, M.N.A.
6.Maulvi Farid Ahmad.
7. Muhi-ud-Din Ahmad.
8.Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
9. Tufazzal Hussain @ Manik Mian.
10.Professor Ghulam Azam.
Sd/- Shawkat Ali Khan, P.P.M.
Deputy Assistant Director.
Muhammad Isa, Esquire, PSP., Special Superintendent of Police (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
No. S.F. 1254/7. Rawalpindi, dated the 15 Feb., 1965.
Reference your memorandum No. 1851/161-47 P.F., dated 30-1-1965.
The full particulars of persons mentioned at serial Nos. 2, 4 and 7 in this office memorandum No. S.F. 1254/7 dated 19.1.1965 are noted below:
Sl. No. 2. Hatim Ali Khan (CP/NAP), s/o Nayeb Ali Khan of Belua, P.S. Gopalpur and of Tangail town, Mymensingh.
4. Zahiruddin, M.A., B.L. (A.L., Ex-Minister), s/o Alhaj Sk. Nasiruddin of Kutubpur, P.S. Jangipara, Hooghly & of Dacca.
7. Mohiuddin Ahmad (NAP), s/o late Azharuddin Ahmad of Jalishakhali,
P.S. Mathbaria, District Bakarganj.
It is requested that short notes on them and the other persons may kindly be sent at an early date.
Sd/- Shawkat Ali Khan, PPM.
Deputy Assistant Director.
Muhammad Isa, Esquire, PSP., Special Superintendent of Police (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Report on the then position of cases against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 21 January 1965 DPO . No. 40-C
The 21st January, 1964. Dear Mr. Ansari,
Kindly refer to the discussion on telephone about the present position of the cases started against Sheikh Mujibar Rahman. Enclosed is a statement giving details of each case, it would appear that two specific cases U/S 124A P.P.C. were started against him but the proceedings of the case have been
Al stayed as a result of petition U/S 526 Cr.P.C. moved before the Hon’ble High Court. Another case U/S 124A P.P.C. has recently been initiated and it is pending
Bl with the Police for preliminary enquiry U/S 196 (B) Cr.P.C. A fourth case U/S 7(3) of E.P.P.S.O. of 1958 has been started and charge-sheet has not yet been received from the Police.
The two other cases are in regard to the publication and circulation of pamphlets without mentioning the name on the Press. The first case has been stayed by a petition U/S 526 Cr.P.C. and a reference is pending before the Hon’ble High Court. In the last case the trial has been delayed as the accused persons keep absent by batches on valid pretext and some to them were away from the country also.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/-A. Khair,
A.Q. Ansari, Esqr.,
Home Secretary to the
Govt. of East Pakistan,
Eden Buildings, Dacca.
No. 47(2)-Poll /S(I).
Copy with copy of enclosure, forwarded to the Inspector-General of Police, for information and necessary action.
Home (Political) Deptt.
Section-I. Dacca, 25th January, 1965. Enclo: One statement.
Sd/-Z. Huq
23.1.65 Section officer, Govt. of East Pakistan
Please endorse copy (with enclosure) to Dy. Inspr-Genl. of Police, Special Branch & Dacca Range, for necessary action and report soon on A.B. above.
Sd/-A.M.A. Kabir
Inspr-Genl. of Police.
Memo. No. IV/ 212(2)-5 Dated 20-2-65.
Copy with a copy of the enclosure forwarded for information on and favour of necessary action to:
I. A.S.M. Ahmed, Esqr., PPM, PSP, Dy. Inspr-Genl. of Police, Special
Branch, E.P., Dacca.
II. S.A. Choudhuri, Esqr., T.Pk., PSP., Dy. Inspr-Genl. of Police, Dacca. Range, Dacca.
Sd/ -20.2.65.
(M. Ahmed)
Section Officer,
Police Directorate,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
1. D.I.G. may see pl.
2. About ‘B’a letter was written by me to SP, Dacca, via –copy to AIG.
This may be shown to DIG. Sd-21.2.65
Ref: Your M/No. 212(2) -S. dt. 20.2.65.
In continuation of this office memo. No. 2622 Flag ‘A’ dt. 17.2.65, I am to state for the information of the I.G.P. that the case against the subject u/s. 124A P.P.C has recently been initiated and it is pending with the Police. No report in this respect has yet been received by us.
Another case w/s. 7(3) of E.P.P.S.O. of 1958 has been started and no charge sheet has yet been submitted by Police. Other cases stand as stated in our memo. No. 2622 dt. 17.2.65.
X’ for enquiry u/s. 196(B) Cr.P.C.
On enquiry from the D.C.’s office regarding the case against Sk. Mojibar Rahman (G.S.) E.P.A.L. for his prejudicial speech on 15.10.64 at Paltan Maidan. It is learnt that the case was enquired by Mr. H. Rahman C.I. Lalbagh. It is further learnt that he has submitted a confidential report in this connection after making an enquiry which has been received by D.C. on 5.3.65.
Submitted Sd/ – K. Ahmed
Ref. Case for prejudicial speech on 15.10.64 at Paltan Maidan by Sk. Majibur Rahman.
Phone Nos. 6863 & 4231/18.
Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the 11th March, 1965. No. 3864/606-48 P.F. (L).
Mr. Ahmed, Esqr.,
Section Officer, Police Directorate,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Sub: Case against Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secretary, E.P.A.L.
Ref: Your Memo- No. 212(2)-S dated 20.2.65 and this office Memo. No.2622/dated
This is for information of the I.G.P. that as regards serial 4 of the list enclosed with your memo., the case against the subject for his prejudicial speech on 15.10.64 at Paltan Maidan, Dacca, (marked A in the report) enquired into by C.I. Lalbagh and a report in the case has been submitted to the Deputy Commissioner, Dacca, on 5.3.65.
As regards the case indicated at serial 1 of the proforma (marked B in the report), it is learnt that the C.S. No. 35 dated 5.3.65 has been submitted by the Police.
Sd/ -10.3.64.
(Muhammad Isa)
for Dy. Inspr.-Genl.of Police , S.B.
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returning from
Karachi to Dacca.
Dacca, 22 January 1965
Ittefaq dt. 22.1.65.
অদ্য শেখ মুজিবের ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন
(স্টাফ রিপোর্টার)
আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও শাহ আজিজুর রহমান অদ্য (শুক্রবার) দ্বিপ্রহর ১টা ২০ মিনিটে করাচী হইতে বিমানযােগে ঢাকা আসিয়া পৌছিবেন। তাঁহারা করাচীতে সম্মিলিত বিরােধী দলের কেন্দ্রীয় কমিটির সভায় যােগদান করেন।
TO P. F of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – for DS P.L. 25/1
Ittefaq dt. 23.1.65,
যে-কোন মূল্যে সার্বিক ঐক্য বজায় রাখিতে হইবে
ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তনের পর শেখ মুজিবের মন্তব্য
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
সপ্তাহ কাল ব্যাপী সফর শেষে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও শাহ আজিজুর রহমান এবং ন্যাপ নেতা হাজী মােহাম্মদ দানেশ গতকল্য (শুক্রবার) করাচী হইতে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন
করেন। করাচী অবস্থানকালে তাহারা সম্মিলিত বিরােধী দলের কেন্দ্রীয় কমিটির সভায় যােগদান
বিমান বন্দরে এক সাংবাদিক সাক্ষাৎকারে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সম্মিলিত বিরােধী দলের পরবর্তী সভায় নির্বাচনে প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা সম্পর্কে সর্বসম্মত সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ সম্ভব হইবে বলিয়া দৃঢ় আশা প্রকাশ করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, যে কোন মূল্যে জনসাধারণের সার্বিক ঐক্য অবশ্যই বজায় রাখিতে হইবে। বিমানবন্দরে প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সমাজ কল্যাণ সম্পাদক জনাব মতিউর রহমান, অফিস সম্পাদক জনাব মােহাম্মদ উল্লাহ এবং ঢাকা সিটি আওয়ামী লীগের নেতা ও কর্মীবৃন্দ নেতৃবৃন্দকে সম্বর্ধনা জ্ঞাপন করেন।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman Sd/-25/1
East Pakistan Form No. 45.
Handed in at. A.M/P.M. Received at: 14.35 A.M/P.M. Date: 22.1.65.
From : A.S.I. Jamaluddin Ahmed. Address/(if given)
To : DS-PL, S.B, E.P.,
The following suspects arrived Dacca Airport from Karachi today at 13.15 hrs. by P.I.A. plane.
(1) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (2) Shah Azizur Rahman (3) Hazi Mohammad Danesh. Ext. to the P.F’s of sl. (1) & (2). Show-DS/C.M for sl. (3).
Sd/ –
for DS/PL
23.1 DS/CM
Secret report on the participation of Awami League
in the election.
Dacca, 30 January 1965
Phone no.
No. 1821/606-48 P.F. dt. 30.1.65
A.I.G.P., E.P (1) Dacca by name
I send herewith a copy of secret information dt. 23.1.65 for information of Inspector General of Police.
Sd/ – 28.1.65.
D.S. (PL)
As per order of D.I.G., the draft above is placed for approval pl. I contacted S.S., S.C. yesterday who is absent.
Sd/ -28.1.65.
For D.I.G., S.B. E.P.
SSI may pl. approve draft. SS., S.C. may pl. see. Sd/-28.1. Issue 30.1.65 out today pl. Sd/ – 30.1.65.
According to a reliable secret source dated 23.1.65 one Rafiqulla told Sk. Mujibur Rahman that he (Rafiqulla) heard that Sk. Mujibur Rahman was not going to be a candidate in the ensuing election. Sk. Mujib expressed that he had decided not to stand but if he was insisted by the people he might change his opinion.
2. The same source reported on 24.1.65 that one Jabbar of Comilla informed Mr. Yusuf Ali Chaudhury @ Mohan Miyan that they were going to set up candidates for election. Mohan Miyan advised him that as there was no suitable candidate of their own there would be no harm to stand for contest and this would rather be a sort of diplomacy.
3.The source reported further on the same date (24.1.65) that an unknown person of Nawabpur, Dacca asked Sk. Mujibur Rahman if they would contest in the election. Sk. Mujib expressed that they would fight to the last.
Mr. Abdur Rahman Khan (ex-Minister) also wanted to know from Sk. Mujib about the final decision of the A.L. in matters of election. Sk. Mujibur Rahman emphatically said that they would fight in the election.
Sd/ -25.1.65.
(A. Khaleque )
S.S., S.C.
For favour of perusal. If considered necessary, Govt. & IG may be informed.
Sd/ – S.S., S.C.
25.1.65. Seen. I.G. may be informed only. Sd/ – 25.1.65.
Summon served on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by court of Special
Magistrate, Headquarters Multan, West Pakistan.
Dacca, 5 February1965
By spl. messenger
No. 1918 dt. 5.2.65.
S.P. D.S.B. Faridpur.
In sending herewith court summons in duplicate in respect of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman I would request you kindly to serve the same on the subject immediately and send the served copy to this office for n.a. He is reported to be at his native village home now.
Sd/ -DS PL
for SSI
5.2.65. Issue/Desp. The letter must be sent by Spl. messenger.
Sd/ -3.2.65.
By Special Messenger. East Pakistan Form No. 5
Government of East Pakistan
OFFICE OF THE Dy. Inspr-Genl. of Police,
Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Memorandum No. 1918 69-52 P.F. dated the 5.2.65.
To: M. N. Haque, Esqr, M.A. B.L., Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Faridpur.
In sending herewith Court Summons in duplicate in respect of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, I would request you kindly to serve the same on the subject immediately and send the served copy to this office for necessary action. He is reported to be at his native village home now.
Sd/ – 5.2.65. (AHMED HUSAIN) for Spl. Supdt. of Police (I)
S.B. Dacca.
All communications should give the Number,
Date and Subjects of any previous Correspondence.
O/C Gopalganj P.S. to serve one copy with summons upon the subject & return the other copy with his service reference and receipt-writing from the subject.
Sd/ –
S.P. Faridpur.
Sir, My report is marked herewith. Y.O.S. Sd/-OC Gopalganj 8.2.65.
Summons to witness.
In the court of Mian Muzaffar-ud-Din, P.C.S., Special Magistrate, West Pakistan, Headquarters Multan.
Name of witness Sh: Mujib-ur-Rehman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, Dhanmandi, Dacca.
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that Khawaja Muhammad Rafiq has (or is suspected to have) committed the offence of section 124-A PPC, and it appears to me that you are likely to give material evidence for the Defence.
You are hereby summoned to appear before this court on 8.2.65 at 9 o’clock in the forenoon (District Council Lahore) to testify what you know concerning the matter of the said complaint and not to depart thence without leave of the court, and you are hereby warned that if you shall without just excuse neglect or refuse to appear on the said date, a warrant will be issued to compel your attendance.
Given under my hand and the seal of the court. This 20th day of January 1965.
Sd/Special Magistrate, West Pakistan
(Seal) 20.1.65. Camp Lahore.
The Special Supdt. of Police (1)
S.B. Dacca.
Ref: Attached Memo No. 1918 dt. 5.2.65.
In returning herewith the above noted memo along with these enclosures un-served I beg to submit that Mr. Sk. Mujibor Rahman came
here at Gopalganj on 5.2.65 and left for Dacca on 6.2.65 night. The summon could not be served as he is neither here at Gopalgonj nor at his village at Tungipara.
Further, as it appears from the enclosures that the incumbent was to attend court at Multan on 8.2.65. i.e. today. It was of no help even he would have been awaitable here today.
Mr. Mujibor Rahman is likely to come back here at Gopalganj on 15.2.65 or 16.2.65.
The reply is sent through the Const. who just reached here with the paper this day morning.
Ahmed Hussain Esqr. Y.O.S
. for Spl. Supdt. of Police (1) Sd/ – S.I. Police
S.B. Dacca. O/C Gopalganj Ps.
East Pakistan Form No.1.
Phone 4231/18 & 6863.
No. 2519/606-48 PF (L) dated 16.2.65.
I am to state for your information that due to constant movement of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secy. East Pakistan Awami League, he could not be available in time. As such the summons could not be served on him.
I would, therefore, request you kindly to communicate the next date of the case and send the summons for the purpose with sufficient time ahead.
Sd/ -DS/P.L
for S.S.1
Report on the visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to house of Nitya Gopal Majumdar, Chairman, Jalirpar U.C. and assured to help to
defend case instituted against him.
Faridpur, 8 February 1965
Original in-W-65-DR (Sb). Phone No. 258. Confidential.
District Special Branch, Faridpur, the 8th Feby. 1965.
No. 338/28-64.
S.A. Khasru, Esq., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police,
E.P., Dacca.
Subject: Daily Report dated 8.2.65.
A.L. 470 Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secy., East Pakistan Awami League accompanied with his uncle Khan Sahib Musharraf Hussain and others visited Jalirpar on 6.2.65 at about 12.00 hrs. from Gopalganj by speed boat and visited the house of Nitya Gopal Majumdar, Chairman, Jalirpar U.C. and talked with Tarak
Chandra Haldar, Chairman, Nanikhir U.C. He gave them understanding of all possible help to defend the case instituted against Nitya Gopal Majumdar and other. After half an hour stay he left for Gopalganj in the same speed boat.
(M. N. Haque)
Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Faridpur.
Ext. to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL 10.2
Delivered by S.l. Mesbauddin of Faridpur DSB.
Informed DS/PL over phone. Sd/ -8.2.65.
East Pakistan Form No. 45.
Handed in at. …
A.M./P.M. Date: 8.2.65.
Received at 16.40 hrs. A.M./P.M.
From : D.1.011 (1) Faridpur DSB Address/(if given)
TO : DS/PL, SB, EP, Dacca.
A.L. 470 Sk. Mujibur Rahman with his uncle Musharaf Hossain & others went to Jalirpar on 6.2.65 at about 12 noon from Gopalganj by a speed boat & visited the house of Nitya Gopal Mazumdar, Chairman Jalirpar Union Council and talked with Tarak Ch. Haldar, Chairman Nanikhir Union Council. He gave them understanding of all possible help to defend the case instituted against Nitya Gopal Mazumdar and others. After half an hour he left for Gopalganj in the same speed boat. This refers to Mukshedpur PS case no. 4 dt. 3.2.65 /s 148/325/307/379/114 PC.
S.S.///l may like to see. Sd/ – DS/PI 9.2.65. Shown to S.S.ll personally. Sd/-DS/PL 9.2.65.
11.DIO – District Intelligence Officer.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said to newsmen a reign of terror let loose in Jalirpar, Gopalganj to foil minority community
conference. Dacca, 8 February 1965
Morning News dt. 8.2.65
Mujib On Gopalganj Situation
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami League, who arrived here yesterday from Gopalganj, said that “a reign of terror” had been let loose in Gopalganj town, following an incident which took place at Jalirpar, a place about 14 miles away from the town on February 2, reports PPA.
Sheikh Sahib, who was talking to newsmen here last evening at the Awami League office, started that a handful of hooligans made an abortive attempt to set at naught the conference of the minority community which was being held at Jalirpar as a sequel to which there was a serious disturbance, resulting in the arrests of four persons and in the issuance of warrant of arrests against 15. In addition to this, seven persons were hospitalised and as many as 100 persons were in the accused list, he added.
The Awami League leader stated that incidentally all the victims a large number of whom were members of the minority community, belonged to the Opposition, particularly to the Awami League.
Those who were arrested included Mollah Jalaluddin, a member of the Provincial Working Committee of the Awami League Messrs. Khogendranath Bairagi, Bhupen Mohan Bhokta and Ashu Dev Das-all local Awami League leaders.
Among others, against whom warrants of arrest were issued, were Mr. Gaur Chandra Bala, an ex-Minister, and Mr. Nogendra Nath Talukdar, an ex-MPA.
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -15.2.65.
Ittefaq dt. 8.2.65
জলিরপাড় ঘটনাকে কেন্দ্র করিয়া
গােপালগঞ্জে ত্রাসের রাজত্ব কায়েম
শেখ মুজিবের অভিজ্ঞতা বর্ণনা
গতকল্য (রবিবার) পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ঢাকায় বলেন যে, গত ২রা ফেব্রুয়ারী গােপালগঞ্জ হইতে ১৪ মাইল দূরে জলিরপাড়ে সংঘটিত একটি গােলযােগকে উপলক্ষ করিয়া গােপালগঞ্জ টাউনে ত্রাসের রাজত্বকায়েম করা হইয়াছে। পি.পি.এ
পরিবেশিত উক্ত সংবাদে বলা হয় যে, শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান গতকল্যই গােপালগঞ্জ হইতে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করেন। তিনি প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসে সাংবাদিকদের নিকট বলেন যে, জলিরপাড়ে সংখ্যালঘু সম্প্রদায়ের একটি সম্মেলন বানচাল করার জন্য বেশ কিছু সংখ্যক ভাড়াটিয়া লােক যে ব্যর্থ প্রচেষ্টা চালায়, উহাতে তথায় গুরুতর গােলযােগ দেখা দেয় এবং এই ঘটনাকে উপলক্ষ করিয়া ৪ ব্যক্তিকে গ্রেফতার ও ১৫ ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে গ্রেফতারী পরােয়ানা জারি করা হয়। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বলেন যে, এই ঘটনায় আহত ৭ ব্যক্তিকে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করা হইয়াছে। তিনি আরও বলেন যে, অভিযুক্তদের তালিকায় শতাধিক ব্যক্তি রহিয়াছে। গতকল্য প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসের এক প্রেস রিলিজে বলা হয় যে, জলিরপাড়ে সংখ্যালঘু গণতান্ত্রিক ফ্রন্ট নামে একটি নয়া প্রতিষ্ঠান গঠনের জন্য আহূত সংখ্যালঘু সম্মেলনকে বানচাল করার জন্য কনভেনশন লীগ বহু ভাড়াটিয়া গুন্ডা নিয়ােগ করে। অবশ্য ইহাদের এই প্রচেষ্টা ব্যর্থ হইলেও সম্মেলন প্যান্ডেলের বাহিরে ইহারা যে গােলযােগ সৃষ্টি করে উহার ফলে বহু লােক আহত হয়। ঘটনার এখানেই পরিসমাপ্তি ঘটে নাই। সম্মেলনের পরে গােপালগঞ্জ মহকুমার সংখ্যালঘু সম্প্রদায়ের নেতৃস্থানীয় ব্যক্তিসহ বিরােধীদলের বহু লােকের বিরুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির বিভিন্ন ধারা অনুযায়ী মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। ইহাদের মধ্যে রহিয়াছেন। (১) মােল্লা জালালুদ্দিন আহমদ, এডভােকেট, সদস্য প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগ (২) মিঃ গৌরচন্দ্র বালা, প্রাক্তনমন্ত্রী ও সহসভাপতি, ফরিদপুর জেলা আওয়ামী লীগ; (৩) নগেন্দ্র নাথ তালুকদার, প্রাক্তন এম,পি,এ ও সহ-সভাপতি, সংখ্যালঘু গণতান্ত্রিক ফ্রন্ট; (৪) আশুদেব দাস এম, ই, সি ও সহ-সভাপতি, সংখ্যালঘু গণতান্ত্রিক ফ্রন্ট (৫) নিত্যগােপাল মজুমদার; চেয়ারম্যন, জলিলপুর ইউ, সি, (৬) মনােরঞ্জন হীরা, এম,ই,সি ও সভাপতি সংখ্যালঘু গণতান্ত্রিক ফ্রন্ট; (৭) মুকুন্দ লাল সরকার, সহ-সভাপতি, মহকুমা আওয়ামী লীগ, গােপালগঞ্জ ও সংখ্যালঘু গণতান্ত্রিক ফ্রন্ট (৮) সন্তোষ কুমার বিশ্বাস, প্রচার সম্পাদক, গণতান্ত্রিক ফ্রন্ট; (৯) চিত্তরঞ্জন বিশ্বাস, চেয়ারম্যান, ইউনিয়ন কাউন্সিল; (১০) নরেশ চন্দ্র বিশ্বাস, এম, ই, সি; (১১) ডাঃ নিরদচন্দ্র মজুমদার; (১২) মুকুন্দ লাল বিশ্বাস (১৩) খগেন্দ্র নাথ বৈরাগী এম,ই,সি; (১৪) ওয়াহিদুল হক ও (১৫) মােহাম্মদ সলিম, কলেজ ছাত্র।
অতঃপর মােল্লা জালালউদ্দীন, খগেন্দ্রনাথ বৈরাগী ও ভুবনমােহন ভক্তকে গ্রেফতারের পর গােপালগঞ্জ টাউন জামিনে মুক্তি দেওয়া হয়। পরে গত ৫ই ফেব্রুয়ারী আশুদেব দাসকে গ্রেফতার করা হয় ও পরদিন শনিবার তাহার জামিনের আবেদন নামঞ্জুর করা হয়।
সম্মেলন স্থানের বাহিরে গােলযােগের জন্য সম্মেলনের উদ্যোক্তা ও নেতৃবৃন্দের বিরুদ্ধে গ্রেফতারী পরােয়ানা জারি করিয়া প্রকৃতপক্ষে সমগ্র গােপালগঞ্জে ত্রাসের রাজত্ব কায়েম করা হইয়াছে। আসন্ন জাতীয় ও প্রাদেশিক পরিষদের নির্বাচনে সংখ্যালঘু সম্প্রদায়ের উপর চাপ সৃষ্টি করার খেল শুরু করা হইয়াছে। এই হয়রানি বন্ধ করা না হইলে সমগ্র গােপালগঞ্জে আসন্ন নির্বাচন প্রহসনে পর্যবসিত হইবে বলিয়া প্রেসরিলিজে উল্লেখ করা হয়।
To Sk. Mujibur Rahman P.F. Sd/-11.2
Azad dt. 8.2.65
গােপালগঞ্জের গােলযােগ সম্পর্কে মুজিব
ঢাকা, ৭ই ফেব্রুয়ারী। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমান অদ্য গােপালগঞ্জ হইতে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তনের পর বলেন যে, গত ২রা জানুয়ারী জলিরপাড়
নামক স্থানে সংঘটিত একটি ঘটনাকে কেন্দ্র করিয়া গােপালগঞ্জ শহরে ত্রাসের রাজত্ব কায়েম করা হইয়াছে।
শেখ মুজিব এখানে সাংবাদিকদের নিকট উপরােক্ত তথ্য প্রদান করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, ঐদিন জলিরপাড়ে একটি সম্মেলন অনুষ্ঠিত হওয়া কালে কতিপয় দুস্কৃতিকারী উহাকে পণ্ড করার জন্য বার কয়েক প্রচেষ্টা চালায়। ইহার ফলে সেখানে মারাত্নক গােলযােগের সৃষ্টি হয়। ইহার অব্যবহিত পরে ৪ ব্যক্তিকে পুলিশ গ্রেফতার এবং অপর ১৫ জনের বিরুদ্ধে গ্রেফতারী পরােয়ানা জারী করে। ইহা ছাড়াও গােলযােগের দরুন ৭ ব্যক্তি আহত হইয়া হাসপাতালে নীত হয় এবং শতাধিক ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে অভিযােগ লিপিবদ্ধ করা হয় বলিয়া তিনি জানান। আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা জানান যে, তাহারা সকলেই বিরােধী দলীয় সদস্য।
—পি পি,এ
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- 15.2.65.
Letter of Mir Golam Kader Hamdani, Islam League, Civil Line,
Jhelum to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 11 February 1965
Dacca, The 11.2.1965.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1.From (with address): Mir Golam Kader Hamdani,
Islam League, Civil Line Jhelum, AVP
2.To (with address) :Sk. Mazibur Rahman Genl. Secry. A.L.
3.Language of letter:Urdu letter
4.Date of letter
5.Postal seal : Illegible
6.Post office of interception : G.P.O. Dacca.
7.Date of interception:10.2.65
8.Name of officer who can prove the interception : SI Syed Azizur Rahim
9.Whether photographed or not:x

10. Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not:Original
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception:
Copy/ Translation forwarded to
Perusal please of the Urdu letter addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman General Secry., Awami League, from Mir Golam Kader Hamdani, Islam League, Civil line, Jhelum. This may be given to some Urdu knowing officer for comment.
Sd/ – O/C Censor
S.I. Shajada will please comment. Sd/ – DS/PL 12.2.65.
Complied pl. Sd/ -12.2. S.S./ may like to see. This need not be withheld. Sd/-DS/PL 12.2.65.
Gist of this enclosed Urdu letter from Mir. Ghulam Quadir Hamdani, Nazim-e-Ala, Publicity, Islam League, a/p of civil lines, Jhelum & addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Gl. Secy. A.L. The letter is dated 2.2.65.
The enclosed letter has been sent by Mir Ghulam Quader Hamdani of Islam League, Civil Lines, Jhelum in the name of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.) with the following suggestions which if put into practice may help in this achievement of their objections, i.e. establishment of democracy etc within two months: –
1. All the political parties of the opposition should suspend their political activities.
2. The members of the opposition parties should relinquish their seats and responsibilities from central & provincial assemblies down to the BDs. 3. They should not take part in the by-elections for the seats in this Provincial, Central and Basic democracy elections- this people will
then co-operate.
4) An organisation may be set up under the leadership of Mohterema
Fatema Jinnah & being composed of by the representatives from old politicians, lawyers, students.
Similar copies of the letter have been sent to: –
1) Maulana A. Hamid Khan Bhasani12 (NAP)
2) Chaudhuri Muhammad Ali (NI)
3) Maulana Abul Ala Maududi (JI)
4) President Council Muslim League.
S. Khan SI
Report on Ramna PS case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO/1958 against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 12 February 1965
As directed I have enquired about the reasons of pending investigation of Ramna P.S. case no. 98 dt. 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./58 and ascertained from S.I. Sikander Ali (1/0) that he has already completed investigation of the case and submitted Memo of Evidence to P.P. as ordered for his opinion. The P.P. wants to go through all the records of the case, but the l.O. could not produce all the required papers, as the file of the case is reported to be with D.C. Dacca. I have asked the 1/0 to collect the file from D.C. as early as possible & obtain opinion of the P.P. This is for favour of information.
Sd/ -12.2.65.
Insp. S.B, E.P. Dacca A letter to be issued to SP, Dacca & copy to AIG for IGP’s info.
Sd/ -12.2
12. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (12 December 1880 – 17 November 1976) – One of thefounding leaders and founding President of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Had contribution towards forming ‘All Party Language Movement Committee’ on 31January 1952. He left Awami League and formed National Awami Party in 1957.
DS/PL Re: orders above. Draft placed below for approval pl. Sd/ –
S.S I may like to see page 2-3. The other cases are pending with the Hon’ble High Court. Sd/-DS/PL, 12.2.65.
The following cases are pending against Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
1) C.R. Case No. 1(a) of 1964 u/s 124A in the Court of Mr. B. Alam A.D.C. Date
19.5.64 Complt. M. Isa, P.S.P.
For delivering a speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Stadium Dacca. Pending
with High Court u/s 526 Cr.P.C. since 15.8.64.
2) G.R. Case No. 36/64.
Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)2 Press and Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/506/153 PPC
It is a case for throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 6 others. The case is pending trial in the Court of SDO”}(N), Dacca. The defence has moved a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. for transfer of the case to other court.
The case has been referred to High Court and is pending decision since 16.6.64.
3) G.R. Case No. 406/64.
Ramna P.S. case No. 101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55(1) (2) and Sec. 50 of the Press and Publication Ordinance 64 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 11 others. It is a case for the publication of the leaflet captioned PURBA PAKISTAN RUKHIYA DARAO on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee. Pending with S.D.O.(S) Dacca -10.2.65 fixed for P.W. Next date 26.3.65.
4) C.R. Case No. 2(a) of 1964 u/s 124A against Sk. Mujibur Rahman in the court of Addl. D.C., Dacca. Complt. Syed Mannan Baksh, P.S.P. The defence filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. and the case has been adjourned on 3.12.64 to enable the defence to move High Court for transfer of the case.
Pending with High Court since 21.12.64.
13.SDO – Sub-Divisional Officer.
5) Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO’58. G.R. -5081/64
Complt. Md. Israil, S.I. of Police, Ramna P.S., Dacca for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Outer Stadium Dacca on 29.9.64. Pending investigation with Police. S.I. Sekander Ali, 1.0. C.S. No. 35 dt. 5.3.65 submitted.
Reason for pending to be found out.
2. I shall speak to SP. Sd/ – 22.1.64.
11 Accused in this case including Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan4, Hamidul Haq Chowdhury!”, Tofazzal Hossainlo, Dr. Alim Al Razi. The case could not be taken up to trial until now as some of the accd. remained absent alternately and some of them even remained abroad.
Phone No. 4231/18 & 6863
East Pakistan Form No. 1.
I am to inform you that the G.R. Case No. 406/64 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 11 others is pending with the S.D.O.(S) Dacca. Next date for appearance of the accused has been fixed on 26.3.65.
The Ramna P.S. Case no. 98 dt. 22.11.64 u/s. 7(3) EPPSO 1958. The investigation of the case has been completed and the Memo of evidence has been submitted to P.P. for his opinion by S.I. Mr. Sikandar Ali (1/0) of Ramna P.S. The P.P. wants to go through all the records of the case but the 1.0. could not produce all the required papers, as the file of the case is reported to be with the D.C., Dacca. The 1/0 has been asked to collect the file from the D.C. as early as possible and obtain the opinion of the P.P.
The other cases against Sk. Mujibur Rahman are pending with the Hon’ble High Court, Dacca.
S.S.I. S.B.
m/no. … dt. … .
Copy forwarded to the A.I.G. of Police (1) East Pakistan, Dacca for favour of information of the I.G. of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca.
NO. 2622/606-48 PF(L)
Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
Sub: Case against Sk. Majibur Rahman and others.
Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO/58 is still pending for opinion of the P.P. The Investigating Officer may kindly be directed to obtain the
opinion of the P.P. for early disposal of the case as desired by the Inspector-General of Police. I had a talk with Mr. M.H. Rahman, P.S.P. in this connection in the above
Special Supdt. of Police, S.B., E.P.
Memo No. 2622/1 1606-48 PF(L) Dated 17.2.1965.
Copy forwarded to S.A.S.F. Kabir, Esqr., P.S.P., Asstt. Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca for favour of information of the Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Special Supdt. of Police, S.B.
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Copy of order sheet dated 24.4.65 in connection with Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dt. 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the court of M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 1 st Class, Dacca.
24.4.65. Seen petition filed for the accused praying for shifting of the date on the reasons stated therein. Petition allowed. To 26-5-65 for P.W.
Sd/- M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 1st Class, Dacca.
True copy of order dt. 26.5.65 passed by Mr. M.A. Malik, Magistrate, 1st Class, Dacca in the order sheet- Vide Ramna P.S. C/No. 98 (11)64 dt. 22-11-64 u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./58- GR: 5081/64 against Sk. MUJIBUR RAHMAN.
26-5-65: Hajira for 3 P.Ws filed. Accused absent by petition on medical ground supported by M.C.
To 28-6-65 for P.Ws and accused. Accd. as before.
Secret/PHONE: 5024.
Memo No. 2578/58 -64 (P.F.). Dated, Dacca the 28-5-1965.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -27.5.65
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Spl. Branch.
Phone Nos. …
No. 15002/606-48 P.F. dt. 3.8.65 To The S.P., Dacca.
Subject: Ramna P.S. Case No. 98(11) 64 dt. 22-11-64 under Sec.17
EPPSO(G.R. Case No, 5081/64) state VS. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
The above case was fixed for hearing on 30.7.65 when 3 P.Ws were present but the P.P. prayed for time up to 31.8.65 for further P.Ws. If P.P. had another case he could ask for adjournment as made some other arrangement, earlier.
I would request you kindly to give us comment about P.Ps failure or reluctance to conduct the case on 30.7.65.
Sd/ -2.8.65
SS 111
for DIG. S.B. T/S, Pl. Supply 1 extra Copy. Sd/ -3.8
East Pakistan form No. 5
Government of East Pakistan OFFICE OF THE Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca
Memorandum No. 15002,/606-48 P.F. dated Dacca the 3rd August 1965.
Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr. P.S.P.,
Supdt. of Police., Dacca.
Sub: Ramna P.S. Case No. 98(II)64 dt. 22.11.64 under Sec. 17 EPPSO. (G.R. Case
No. 5081/64) state Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The above case was fixed for hearing on 30.7.65 when 3 P.Ws were present but the P.P. prayed for time up to 31.8.65 for further P.Ws. If P.P. had another case, he could ask for adjournment or made some other arrangement, earlier.
I would request you kindly to give us your comment about P.Ps failure or reluctance to conduct the case on 30. 7.65.
(M. Ahmed)
for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
All communication should give the Number, Date and Subjects of any previous Correspondence.
East Pakistan Form No.45.
Handed in at. A.M/P.M Date: 30.7.65
Received at. 12.18 A.M/P.M Words
From : DS-POL Address/(if given) City SB
To : DS/PL
Reference Ramna Ps case no. 98(11)64 dt.22.11.64 U/S 17 EP.P.SO G.R case no. 5081/64
State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Order: 30.7.65 Hazira for 3 PWs filed, P.P prayed for time petition. To 31.8.65 for further P.WS.
Sd/ – M.A Malek
Majst. 1st class
D.I.G/S.S III may kindly see. I learnt from Court Inspr. that as P.P was engaged in a case in the sessions hence he prayed for time. Sd/-DS/PL 31.7
S.B No.1579
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at. AM/PM Date: 23.9.65
Received at. 21.30 AM/PM
From : DS-POL Address/(if given) City SB
To : DS- PL
Reference Ramna P.S. Case no. 98(11)64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 58, GR 5081/64,
State vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Order: 23.9.65 No P.WS. present, seen the petn. praying for
adjournment on the ground of illness of the senior defence lawyer Mr. Zahid. To 18.10.65 for P.WS & I.O. Accd. as before.
Sd/ – M.A. Malek
Magst. 1st class Dacca
Phone No.
No.17466/606-48 P.F dt. 27-9-65. To The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your telephone message dt. 23.9.65 reg. adjournment of Ramna
P.S. Case No. 98(11)64, u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./58.
Kindly arrange to produce the witnesses on the next date (18.10.65) of the case.
for S.S.1 25.9.65
MEMO. NO.12414 E DT. 25.X.65
The Deputy Inspector-General of Police,
Special Branch,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Subject: Ramna P.S. Case No. 98(11)64 u/s 17 E.P.P.S.O. (G.R. Case No. 5081/64)
State vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Reference: Your memo. No. 15002 dated 3.8.65.
I am to state that the Public Prosecutor took up a case in Session on 30-7-65 as he was to examine only three further P.Ws. in this case. One of them was the Govt. Reporter who was requested to meet Public Prosecutor early on the date with the transcription of the speech of the accused for comparison with long hand notes of the other two P.Ws. But the Govt. Reporter was available only during the Court hrs. When the Public Prosecutor was engaged in the Session Court. So, an adjournment was obtained in the interest of the Prosecutor of the case.
In such circumstances it is difficult to comment about the failure or reluctance of the Public Prosecutor in conducting the case on 30-7-65.
Sd/ -25.10.65
Superintendent of Police,
SB No.433 dt.6.11.65 East Pakistan Form No. 45.
Handed in at. …
A.M./P.M Date.6.11.65
Received at. 17.00 A.M./P.M.
Words From : DS. /Pol. Addresses/(if given) City S.B, Dacca
To : DS/PL. S.B. E.P
Ramna Case no 98(11) 64 u/s 7 (3) E.P.P.S.O., G.R no. 5081/64 State vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Order 6.11.65: Defence prayed for an adjournment by petition on the
ground that the lawyer is engaged in session cases today on 6-11-65 and therefore could not be made available to 19-11-65 for charge if any Accd. as before.
Sd/ – M.A. Malek
Magistrate 1st class
D.I.G/S.S.I may kindly see. It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Dacca Outer Stadium on 29.9.64 by Sk. Mujibur Rahman. It was fixed for hearing on 6.11.65 but on the prayer of defence lawyer who were engaged otherwise it has again been fixed for 19.11.65 for charge if any. Sd/-DS/PL, 8.11.65. Seen. Sd/-8.11
True Copy of order sheet of Ramna P.S. C/no. 98 (11) 64 u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./1958
G.R. 5081/64
State … Vs … Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Orders 6.11.65: Defence prays for an adjournment by a petition on the
ground that their lawyer is engaged in session cases today & therefore could not be made available. TO 19.11.65 for charge if any. Accd. as before.
Sd/ – M.A. Malik Magte. 1st class
T/S, Pl. supply 2 copies at once. Sd/-10/11
True copy of Order sheet of Ramna P.S. C/no. 98(II)64 u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./1958
J.R. 5081/64.
State … vs … Sk. Majibur Rahman. Defence prays for an adjournment by a petition on the ground that their lawyer is engaged in session cases today and therefore could not be made available.
To 19.11.65 for charge if any Accused as before.
Sd/-M.A. Malik,
East Pakistan Form No. 45.
Handed in at….
A.M./P.M. Date: 19/11
Received at. 12.30 A.M./P.M.
From : D.S.(Pol). City S.B Addresses/(if given)
To : DS/PL. S.B.
Ramna PS Case no 98(11) 64 u/s 7(3)E.P.P.S.O. 1958 GR. No 5081/64 state Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Order 19.11.65: Accused is absent by petition on medical ground that
by M.C. seen attached to the petition.
To 8.12.65 for change if any. Accused as before.
Sd/ – M.A. Malek Magte.
1st Class Dacca.
D.A, Pl. keep in the file of the subject. Sd/-DS/PL 1.12.65
D.I.G/S.S.I may kindly see. It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Dacca outer stadium on 29.9.64. Next date in fixed on 8.12.65 on the ground of ill health of the subiect.
Sd/ – DS/PL,
True copy of order sheet of Ramna P.S. c/no. 98(11)64 w/s. 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./58
G.R. 5081/64 agst. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Orders. 19.11.65: The accd. is absent by a petition on medical ground
backed by a M.C. attached to the petition. To 8.12.65 for charge if any Accd. as before.
Sd/ – M.A. Malik
Magt., 1st class,
Dacca. TO D.S (PL) S.B. Dacca. P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL.24.11
True copy of order sheet of Ramna Ps. C/no. 98(11) 64 u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.০./1758
G.R. n০. 5081/64
State Vs. SK. Mujubur Rahman
Orders 27.12.65: Accd. is present. Defence prays for adjournment by apetition to which the Prosecution also has no objection. To 5.1.66 for charge if any. Accd. as before.
Sd/ –
M.A. Malik
Mgte. Ist class,
Dacca, D.A. Pl. file with the P.F. of the subject. Sd/-Ds/Pl. 31.12
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other political leaders enlarged on bail in GR case no. 406/64 arises out of Ramna PS case no.
Dacca, 12 February 1965 ittefaq dt. 12.2.65
‘বে-আইনী প্রচার পত্রের মামলা সকল অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তির জামিন মঞ্জুর
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
‘বে-আইনী প্রচারপত্র প্রকাশের অভিযােগে অভিযুক্ত মেসার্স আতাউর রহমান খান, শেখ মুজিবর রহমান, হামিদুল হক চৌধুরী, তফাজ্জল হােসেন, শাহ আজিজুর রহমান, আলিম আলরাজী, মাহমুদ আলী, মাহবুবুল হক এম-এন-এ, জহুর হােসেন চৌধুরী, ওলী আহাদ, আলী আকসাদ এবং ওবায়েদুর রহমান প্রমুখ ১২ জন বিশিষ্ট রাজনীতিক ও পত্রিকা-সম্পাদকের প্রত্যেককে গতকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) ঢাকার অন্যতম প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব আফসার উদ্দীন আহমদ ৫ হাজার টাকার জামিন ও একজন করিয়া জামিনদারের জামিনে মুক্তি দান করেন। প্রসঙ্গত: উল্লেখ করা যাইতে পারে যে, গত বুধবার ঢাকার সদর মহকুমা হাকিম (দক্ষিণ) মামলাটি জনাব আফসার উদ্দীনের এজলাসে স্থানান্তরিত করেন। (গতকল্য ভ্রমবশত: এই মামলার পরিবর্তে জনাব তফাজ্জল হােসেন ও তদীয় পুত্র জনাব আনােয়ার হােসেনের বিরুদ্ধে বিচারাধীন অপর একটি
মামলা সদর মহকুমা হাকিম (দক্ষিণ) এই কোর্টে স্থানান্তরিত করিয়াছেন বলিয়া সংবাদ প্রকাশিত হয়। প্রকৃতপক্ষে ফেরার ঘােষিত ব্যক্তিকে আশ্রয় দানের অভিযােগে আনীত উক্ত বিচারাধীন মামলা সদর মহকুমা হাকিমের (দক্ষিণ) এজলাসেই রহিয়াছে এবং আগামী ২৩শে ফেব্রুয়ারী উক্ত মামলার শুনানী উক্ত কোর্টে পূনর্বার শুরু হইবে। এই অনিচ্ছাকৃত ত্রুটির জন্য আমরা দুঃখিত।) আগামী ২৬শে মার্চ ‘বে-আইনী প্রচারপত্র’ সংক্রান্ত এই মামলাটির পরবর্তী তারিখ ধার্য হইয়াছে।
সৈয়দ আজিজুল হক, জনাব জহিরুদ্দীন, জনাব আনােয়ারুল হক, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন, জনাব মঞ্জুরুল রহিম এবং জনাব ফজলুল হক অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তিদের পক্ষে জামিনের আবেদন পেশ করেন। পক্ষান্তরে ঢাকার পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব আবদুল আলীম সরকার পক্ষে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
TO, P.F of Sk. Mujibur Rahman pl. dt. 15.2.65. Sd/-16.2
In the Court of the Afsar Uddin Ahmed, Magistrate 1st Class Dacca.
G.R. case no. 406/64 (Ramna PS case no. 101(1) 64) against Sk. Mujibur Rahman & others.
11.2.65, Record the case on transfer.
Accd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ataur Rahman, Mahmud Ali, Mahbubul Haq, Shah Azizur Rahman, Tafazzal Hosain, Zahur Hosain Chowdhury, Ali Aksad & Wali Ahad are present & pray for bail. They may find bail of Rs. 5000/ with on surety of the like amount each in default hajat. Obaidur Rahman in custody not produced & accd. Hamidul Haq Chowdhury, Dr. Alim Al-Razi absent on call. Issue W/A against them with bail of Rs. 5000/- each. To 26.3.65 for appearance of the accd.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Dr. Zahiruddin not applied for candidateship in the ensuing election as reported by SB.
Dacca, 13 February 1965
Morning News dt. 13.2.65
(By Our Staff Reporter)
The East Pakistan Parliamentary Board of the COP met in Dacca yesterday to “pick and choose” candidates from among the six lists submitted by the five constituent units and the NDF7. The meeting was highlighted by lengthy discussion on comparative merits of aspiring persons.
17.National Democratic Front (NDF) – NDF was constituted of Awami League, NAP, KSP, Council Muslim League, Nizam-e-Islam and Jamaat-e-Islami on 4 October 1962. HS Surahwardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Ataur Rahman Khan and some other leaders from East Pakistan and Maulana Abul Ala Moududi, Mian Mumtaz Mohammad Khan Daulatana, Gulam Ali Talpore and some others from West Pakistan took initiative to form NDF. The alliance was formed with a view to launching a united movement against military dictator Ayub Khan and realize the demands of real democracy, basic rights, a constitution providing federal Parliamentary form of government on the basis of universal adult franchise instead of Basic Democracies and electoral college system, withdrawal of EBDO etc. NDF leaders traveled
According to reliable sources some top Awami League leaders including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Dr. Zahiruddin have not applied for nominations.
The Parliamentary Board has to take positive decisions within a couple of days as February 16 has been fixed as the last date for nomination for the National Assembly seats.
TO P.F of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – for DS P.L. 16.2

Report on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other
political leaders.
Khulna, 13 February 1965 Ext. from W.C.R. of Khulna DSB for w/e 13.2.65
across the country attending public meetings to mobilize people’s opinion against Ayub Khan’s regime. They also appealed to the public to vote in favour of NDF candidates in the parliament election.
2. Movement of suspects.
1. Ref. W.C.R. for the w/e 6.2.65, Part-1, under the same head, A.L. *314 Faridud-Dohar (CP) who left for Darsana (Kushtia) on 31.1.65 returned to Khulna on 8.2.65 by train.
2.Reference W.C.R. for the week ending 16-1-65, Part-1 Para 2, under the same head, A.L. 640 Shamsur Rahman (JI) who went to Dacca on 11-1-65 returned to Khulna on 10-2-65 at 07.55 hrs. by Steamer.
3. A.L * 470 Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (AL) who arrived at Khulna on 7-2-65 at | 15.30 hrs. from Gopalganj (Faridpur) by launch, left for Dacca by PIA Helicopter at 16.25 hrs. the same day.
4. A.L. 248 Debendra Nath Das (NAP) left for Barisal on 12-2-65 by Steamer.
5. A.L.* 113 A.K.M. Yusuf Maulana (JI) who left for Dacca on 7-2-65 by train, returned to Khulna on 13-2-65 at 12.00 hrs. by PIA Helicopter.
Ext. to P.Fs of Sl. Nos. 3 & 5. Sd/- for D.S. P/L. 18.2. In their P.Fs. pl. Sd/-D.S. /CM. 17.2.
Instructions of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to all local wings of Awami League to observe 21 February Martyr Day.
Dacca, 16 February 1965 | Ittefaq at,16.2.65.
শেখ মুজিবের আহ্বান
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (সােমবার) প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সকল শাখাকে সমমতাবলম্বী সকলের সঙ্গে সহযােগিতার ভিত্তিতে যথােপযুক্ত মর্যাদার সঙ্গে আগামী ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারী শহীদ দিবস পালনের নির্দেশ দিয়াছেন। দলমত নির্বিশেষে যথাযােগ্য মর্যাদার সঙ্গে শহীদ দিবস পালনের জন্য তিনি দেশবাসীর প্রতিও আহ্বান জানাইয়াছেন।
গতকল্য সংবাদপত্রে প্রদত্ত এক বিবৃতিতে শেখ মুজিব বলেন যে, ঐতিহাসিক শহীদ দিবস আবার ফিরিয়া আসিয়াছে। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীরা শহীদদের বিদেহী আত্মার প্রতি হৃদয় নিংড়ানাে শ্রদ্ধানিবেদনের জন্যই শুধু পরম পবিত্রতার সঙ্গে এই দিনটি পালন করে না, শ্রদ্ধা-নিবেদনের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে
পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীরা নিজেদের মাতৃভাষার জন্য কার্যকরী স্বীকৃতি আদায়ের জন্যও এইদিন নুতন করিয়া শপথ গ্রহণ করে।
শেখ মুজিব বলেন যে, শহীদ দিবস শুধুমাত্র শােকাবহ স্মৃতি দিবসই নয়, এইদিনটি আত্মত্যাগে উদ্বুদ্ধ হওয়ারও দিন। শহীদ দিবস চিরন্তন সংগ্রামের বার্তাবহ একটি দিন। এই দিনটি প্রতি বছর দেশবাসীকে নিজেদের অধিকার আদায়ের আমরণ সংগ্রাম চালাইয়া যাওয়ার অনুপ্রেরণায় উদ্বুদ্ধ করে।
P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DSPL 18/2.

Sonar Bangla dt. 18.2.65. by weekly
চিরন্তন সংগ্রামের বার্তাবহ শহীদ দিবস
উদ্যাপনের জন্য শেখ মুজিবের উদাত্ত আহ্বান
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গত সােমবার প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মজিবর রহমান প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সকল শাখাকে সমমতাবলম্বী সকলের সঙ্গে সহযােগিতার ভিত্তিতে যথােপযুক্ত
মর্যাদার সঙ্গে আগামী ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারী শহীদ দিবস পালনের নির্দেশ দিয়াছেন। দলমত নির্বিশেষে যথাযােগ্য মর্যাদার সঙ্গে শহীদ দিবস পালনের জন্য তিনি দেশবাসীর প্রতিও আহবান জানাইয়াছেন।
গতকল্য সংবাদপত্রে প্রদত্ত এক বিবৃতিতে শেখ মুজিব বলেন যে, ঐতিহাসিক শহীদ দিবস আবার ফিরিয়া আসিয়াছে। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীরা শহীদদের বিদেহী আত্মার প্রতি হৃদয় নিংড়ােনাে শ্রদ্ধানিবেদনের জন্যই শুধু পরম পবিত্রতার সঙ্গে এই দিনটি পালন করে না, শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদনের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীরা নিজেদের মাতৃভাষার জন্য কার্যকরী স্বীকৃতি আদায়ের জন্যও এইদিন নূতন করিয়া শপথ গ্রহণ করে।
শেখ মুজিব বলেন যে, শহীদ দিবস শুধুমাত্র শােকাবহ স্মৃতি দিবসই নয়, এই দিনটি আত্মত্যাগে উদ্বুদ্ধ হওয়ারও দিন। শহীদ দিবস চিরন্তন সংগ্রামের বার্তাবহ একটি দিন। এই দিনটি প্রতি বছর দেশবাসীকে নিজেদের অধিকার আদায়ের আমরণ সংগ্রাম চালাইয়া যাওয়ার অনুপ্রেরণায় উদ্বুদ্ধ করে।
DS (PL) may like to see. Sd/ -26.2 for DS (ST)
Seen. TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. May go to 1.C.C note. Sd/ -27.2. for DS PL
Hearing of sedition case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the High Court Division Bench.
Dacca, 17 February 1965 Ittefaq dt. 17.2.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত
রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহিতা মামলা নাকচ, অন্যথায় অন্য আদালতে স্থানান্তরের আবেদনের শুনানী শুরু
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) ঢাকা হাই কোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ, সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকার কর্তৃক আনীত দেশদ্রোহিতার মামলা নাকচ করার আবেদনের পূর্ণ শুনানী শুরু হয়।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, গত ৫ই নভেম্বর ঢাকার পুলিশ সুপার ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত কমিশনারের আদালতে জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪-ক ধারা মােতাবেক দেশদ্রোহিতার অভিযােগে এক মামলা দায়ের করেন। আবেদনকারী উপরােক্ত মামলা নাকচ, অন্যথায় উপরােক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালত হইতে অন্য আদালতে স্থানান্তরের জন্য ঢাকা হাইকোর্টে এক আবেদন পেশ করেন।
ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের একটি ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ আবেদনকারীর অনুকূলে রুল প্রদান করেন। গতকল্য আবেদনকারীর কৌসুলী মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল বলেন যে, পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪-ক ধারা শাসনতন্ত্রের পরিপন্থী। সুতরাং ১২৪-ক ধারা মােতাবেক আনীত এই মামলার আইনগত কোন সত্তা নাই। আগামীকল্য এই মামলার পুনরায় শুনানী হইবে।
আবেদনকারীর প্রধান কৌসুলীকে মামলা পরিচালনায় সাহায্য করেন মি: বি,বি, রায় চৌধুরী। সরকার পক্ষ সমর্থন করেন ডি,এল,আর, জনাব আবদুল হাকিম এবং জনাব মাসুদ।
P.F. Sd/-DSPL 19/2.
Azad at 18.2.65
শেখ মুজিবের আপীলের শুনানী
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের এবং বিচারপতি জনাব চৌধুরীকে লইয়া গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে মঙ্গলবার হইতে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে দেশদ্রোহিতার অভিযােগ সম্পর্কিত মামলাটির শুনানী শুরু হইয়াছে।
কৌশুলী মিঃ এস,আর, পাল তাহার যুক্তি প্রদর্শন করিয়া বলেন যে, ফৌজদারী আইনের ১২৪(ক) ধারাটি শাসনতন্ত্রের পরিপন্থী বিধায় উহা তাঁহার মক্কেলের প্রতি প্রযােজ্য হইবে না।
উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, দেশদ্রোহিতার অভিযােগে শেখ মুজিবরের বিরুদ্ধে সরকার ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এস, বি, আলমের কোর্টে একটি মামলা দায়ের করেন। উক্ত মামলাটিকে আইনগত কারণে খারিজ করার জন্য শেখ মুজিবর রহমান হাইকোর্টে একটি আবেদন পেশ করিলে হাইকোর্ট ঢাকার ডেপুটি কমিশনারের প্রতি একটি রুল জারী করিয়া কারণ দর্শাইবার নির্দেশ দেন। উক্ত রুলটির শুনানী গতকল্য হইতে শুরু হইয়াছে। মি: পাল তাহার বক্তব্য শেষ করার পূর্বেই কোর্টের অধিবেশন সমাপ্ত হয়। অদ্য পুনরায় শুনানী শুরু হইবে।
শেখ মুজিবরের পক্ষে ছিলেন মিঃ এস. আর. পাল, মিঃ বি. এন. চৌধুরী, মিঃ বি. বি. রায় চৌধুরী এবং মিঃ এস. এস. হালদার।।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/ -for DSPL 23.2.
Ittefaq dt. 19.2.65
শেখ মুজিবের মামলা তৃতীয় দিনের শুনানীতে সরকার পক্ষের সওয়াল জওয়াব
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ, সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলার তৃতীয় দিবসের শুনানী হয়। এইদিন সরকার পক্ষের কৌসুলী ডি,এল,আর, জনাব আব্দুল হাকিম সারাদিনব্যাপী সওয়াল জবাব করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, এই মামলা আইনতঃ সমর্থনযােগ্য নয়। কারণ, এই মামলা দায়ের করিবার পূর্বে সরকার পক্ষকে উপযুক্ত সময়ের নােটিস প্রদান করা হয় নাই।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এইরূপ মামলা প্রথমে দায়রা জজের আদালতে করা উচিত ছিল। আবেদনকারী দায়রা জজের আদালতকে বাদ দিয়া সােজাসুজি হাইকোর্টে আবেদন করিয়াছেন, সুতরাং এইরূপভাবে মামলা স্থানান্তরের আবেদন আইনতঃ গ্রাহ্য নহে। তিনি আরও বলেন যে, ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালতে উপরােক্ত মামলার পূর্ণ শুনানী আরম্ভ হইবার পূর্বেই আবেদনকারী মামলা নাকচ অথবা স্থানান্তরের আবেদনপত্র পেশ করেন। ইহা খুবই অপ্রাসঙ্গিক হইয়াছে।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, আবেদনকারীর মামলা নাকচ অথবা স্থানান্তর করিবার আবেদনপত্র ফৌজদারী কার্যবিধির ৫৬১ক ধারা মােতাবেক পেশ করা হইয়াছে। ফৌজদারী কার্যবিধির ৫৬১ক ধারা মােতাবেক প্রদত্ত ক্ষমতা হাইকোর্ট শুধু বিশেষ ক্ষেত্রে প্রয়ােগ করিয়া থাকেন। সর্বক্ষেত্রে উপরােক্ত ধারায় অর্পিত ক্ষমতার প্রয়ােগ বাঞ্ছনীয় নহে।
তিনি আরও বলেন, শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলার বিরুদ্ধে আপীল করার বিধান আছে। এইরূপ মামলার শুনানী চলাকালে আদালতের কার্যক্রম সম্পর্কে কোন অভিযােগ থাকিলে ফৌজদারী কার্যবিধির ৪৩৫ এবং ৪৩৯ ধারাদ্বয়ের মাধ্যমে হাইকোর্টে আবেদন করা সম্ভব। তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এই দেশদ্রোহ মামলা নাকচ করিবার আবেদনপত্র উপরােক্ত ধারা দুইটির মাধ্যমে পেশ করা হয় নাই। সুতরাং, এই নাকচকরণ আবেদনপত্র আইনতঃ গ্রাহ্যনহে।
অদ্য (শুক্রবার) মামলার শুনানী পুনরায় শুরু হইবে। আবেদনকারীর পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল এবং তাঁহাকে মামলা পরিচালনায় সাহায্য করেন মিঃ বি. বি. রায় চৌধুরী এবং মিঃ সুধাংশু শেখর হালদার। সরকারপক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন ডি,এল,আর জনাব আবদুল হাকিম এবং জনাব মাসুদ।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -DSPL 20.2.
Ittefaq at, 20.2.65
শেখ মুজিবের মামলার শুনানী সমাপ্ত
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (শুক্রবার) ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ. সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলার শুনানী সমাপ্ত হইয়াছে। আদালত রায়দান স্থগিত রাখিয়াছেন। গতকল্য সরকার পক্ষের কৌসুলী ডি. এল. আর. জনাব আবদুল হাকিম তাঁহার সওয়াল-জবাব সমাপ্ত করেন এবং আবেদনকারীর কৌসুলী মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল সরকার পক্ষের কৌসুলীর সওয়াল জবাবের প্রত্যুত্তর প্রদান করেন।
তিনি বলেন যে, এই দেশদ্রোহ মামলা নাকচ করনের আবেদন সম্পূর্ণ আইন মােতাবেক করা হইয়াছে। ইহা আদালতের কোন রায় অথবা আদেশের বিরুদ্ধে করা হয় নাই বরং আদালতে সরকার পক্ষের অভিযােগক্রমে সৃষ্ট মামলার কার্যক্রমের বিরুদ্ধে এইরূপ নাকচ করনের আবেদন দায়ের করা হইয়াছে। এইরূপ মামলা ফৌজদারী কার্যবিধির ৫৬১-ক ধারা মােতাবেক প্রদত্ত হাইকোর্টের মৌলিক অধিকারের অন্তর্ভুক্ত। সুতরাং এই মামলা সম্পূর্ণ আইনসঙ্গত।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এই মামলার বিষয়বস্তু পাকিস্তান দন্ড বিধির ১২৪-ক ধারার অন্তর্ভুক্তনয়।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলা আইনের অপব্যবহার মাত্র। কারণ, মামলার বিষয়বস্তু পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪-ক ধারায় প্রদত্ত ব্যাখ্যার পরিপন্থী। আবেদনকারীর পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল এবং তাঁহাকে মামলা পরিচালনা করিতে সাহায্য করেন মিঃ বি. বি. রায় চৌধুরী এবং মিঃ সুধাংশু শেখর হালদার। সরকার পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন ডি. এল. আর জনাব আবদুল হাকিম এবং জনাব মাসুদ।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DSPL 22.2.
SP, DSB, Faridpur in Weekly Confidential Report shows in camera meeting of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with COP supporters at Gopalganj.
Faridpur, 20 February 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Faridpur, for the week ending 20.2.65.
Part- II.
2. Political Affairs (Organisation & Propaganda).
(1) D.S.B. Inspector, Gopalganj reports that Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, s/o Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca arrived at Gopalganj on 5.2.65 and held a camera meeting at his residence with the supporters of the C.O.P. in connection with the selection of candidates for the ensuing National Assembly election. In the meeting, they could not come to any decision.
Ext. to P. F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – for DSPL 6.3.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Jalirpar, Gopalganj to show felicitation with the persons implicated in case released on bail.
Faridpur, 22 February 1965
Phone No. 258
District Special Branch
Faridpur the 22nd Feb./65
No. 549/R/-355/24-65
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
Ref: Your No. 2307/299-64 dated 13.2.65.
Since the institution of the case, arrest of some of the accused persons and posting of sufficient police force, there has been no significant development in the area and complete peaceful situation is prevailing. On 6.2.65 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AL), Genl. Secy., E.P.A.L., and two others visited Jalirpar and assured the minorities every possible assistance in defending the case. On 12.2.65 the accused persons being released on bail arrived Jalirpar, they were warmly received, garlanded and taken to the local U.C. Office, where they held a meeting (200) urging upon the people to give fair evidence in defending the case. They deprecated the idea of posting policemen there, which might create confusion in the minds of the minorities. So far the names of 3 Muslims one of whom is Jalaluddin Molla s/o late Hatem Molla of Barfa, Gopalganj, Faridpur who is going to contest in NE-37 against Mr. Wahiduzzaman, Central Minister, have transpired in the F.I.R., who are reported to have taken part in the melee. The investigation of the case is proceeding. So far the following persons have been taken into custody but released on Court Bail on different dates.
1. Jalaluddin Molla, Advocate, s/o late Hatem Molla of Barfa, Gopalganj,
2.Khagendra Nath Bairagi s/o late Kiran Chandra of Kaligram, Faridpur.
3. Ashu Deb Das s/o Bhiswadev Das of Orakandi, Kasiani, Faridpur.
4.Bhuban Chandra Bhakta s/o late Ghagar of Banagram, Jalirpar, Faridpur.
5. Nitya Gopal Mazumdar
6. Chittaranjan Biswas.
7. Mukunda Lal Biswas s/o Rajeswar of Mahatuly, Muksudpur, Faridpur.
8. Mukunda Lal Sarker of Dharmaraier Bari, Muksudpur, Faridpur.
9. Naresh Chandra Biswas s/o Jogendra of Bholadanga, Gopalganj, Faridpur.
10. Gour Chandra Bala s/o Raj Mohan of Ullabari, Rajoir , Faridpur.
11. Santosh Kumar Biswas s/o Nishi Kanta of Chitkibari, Kotalipara, Faridpur.
12. Manoranjan Hira s/o Radha Kanta of Totamundra, Gopalganj, Faridpur.
13. Selim Ahmed s/o Sirajul Haq of Haridaspur , Gopalganj, Faridpur.
(M.N. Haque)
Supdt. of Police,
Report on the travel and meeting program of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 24 February1965
ittefaq dt. 24.2.65
অদ্য শেখ মুজিবের চট্টগ্রাম যাত্রা
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
জাতীয় পরিষদ নির্বাচনী অভিযানের প্রথম পর্যায়ে প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান অদ্য (বুধবার) দ্বিপ্রহরে বিমান যােগে চট্টগ্রাম রওয়ানা হইবেন।
আগামীকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) সন্ধ্যায় তিনি ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিবেন। চট্টগ্রাম অবস্থানকালে তিনি চট্টগ্রামের বিরােধীদলীয় নেতৃবৃন্দের সঙ্গে জাতীয় পরিষদের নির্বাচন সম্পর্কে আলাপআলােচনা করিবেন। তিনি তথায় বিরােধী দলীয় কর্মীদের সঙ্গে নির্বাচনী প্রচারসূচী প্রণয়ন সম্পর্কে আলােচনা করিবেন।
TO P.F.of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-26.2.
SB reported Sonar Bangla a pro-Awami League Newspaper.
Dacca, 25 February1965
On secret enquiry it is ascertained that ‘Sonar Bangla’ a Bengali Biweekly of Dacca is edited, printed and published by one Mahiuddin Ahmed of Magura Dt. Jessore.
It is further ascertained that the paper ‘Sonar Bangla’ is now under complete control of Awami League. Mahiuddin Ahmed is reported to be a pro-N.A.P but actually he is an opportunist. Actual works of the news & views department of the paper are done by Mr. Mahammadullah, Mr. Tahiruddin Thakur, Mr. Shah Jahan & others of Daily Ittefaq. They are deputed by Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia of Daily Ittefaq.
The trend of the paper is anti-Govt. It supports the opposition parties. In view of the above the paper may be called the supporter of Awami League.
O/C censor
Has party affiliation of “Sonar Bangla” been found out? Sd/25.2.65.
Separate report enclosed. Sd/-O/C Censor, 25.2.65. DS/PL.
To put up the paper in which I.G.P had made a query. Sd/ -25.2 The paper is put up as desired. SSI may like to see.
Sd/ -DS/PL 26.2.65.
Weekly Confidential Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s arrival in Chittagong.
Chittagong, 27 February 1965
Ext. from W.C.R. of Chittagong D.S.B for w/e 27.2.65
Movement of political suspects
(i) A.L.*470 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh who had arrived at Chittagong by P.I.A. on
24.2.65 from Dacca, left for Dacca by P.I.A. on 25.2.65 evening.
(ii) A.L. *267 Das Gupta Probodh Chandra arrived at Chittagong Railway Station
on 25.2.65 afternoon by train from Comilla.
Ext. to P.Fs. Sd/- for DS/PL, 2.3
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman issued statement in favour of striking
Postal Workers. Dacca, 1 March 1965
Ittefaq dt. 1.3.65
দমননীতির নিন্দা ডাক কর্মচারীদের দাবীর প্রতি শেখ মুজিবের সমর্থন
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান গতকল্য (রবিবার) ডাক ও তার বিভাগের ধর্মঘটী কর্মচারীদের উপর সরকারী দমননীতির তীব্র নিন্দা করেন এবং ডাক ও তার কর্মচারী ইউনিয়নের ধৃত নেতৃবৃন্দের আশু মুক্তি দাবী করেন। গতকল্য সংবাদপত্রে প্রদত্ত এক বিবৃতিতে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা বলেন যে, ধর্মঘটের শুরু হইতেই বিভিন্ন মহল হইতে ধর্মঘটী কর্মচারীদের ন্যায্য দাবী-দাওয়া মানিয়া লইয়া সংশ্লিষ্ট ইউনিয়নের সঙ্গে আলােচনার মাধ্যমে ধর্মঘটের একটি সম্মানজনক পরিসমাপ্তি ঘটাইবার জন্য সরকারকে অনুরােধ করা হইতেছে। দুঃখের বিষয়, সরকার পরিস্থিতিকে অবনতির দিকেই যাইতে সাহায্য করিয়াছেন এবং অবস্থাকে জটিল করিয়া তুলিয়াছেন।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujib. Sd/-for DSPL, 2.3.
Correspondence between Special Branch of East and West Pakistan regarding summons on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
other political leaders.
Lahore, 6 March 1965
Phone No. 2127
D.O. No. 14/ADIG (Steno)
Dated Lahore, the 6th March 1965 Dear Mr. Ahmad,
I again take the liberty of enclosing three court summonses for service on the respective persons at such early a date as you can kindly manage. The case is of an important political nature in which an important personality of the West Pakistan Awami League is involved. It has been dragging on for a long time. I would, therefore, request you to very kindly arrange service in a manner that the duplicates are returned to the court before the time fixed for hearing.
2. The summonses of these witnesses were sent to you for service vide this office D.O. No. 9/ADIG (Steno), dated 16.2.65 for 2.3.65 but neither the witnesses appeared before the court nor the summonses were received back.
Thanking you for the trouble.
Best regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Mairaj Husain) PSP
Mr. A.S.M. Ahmad, PPM, PSP,
Deputy Inspector-General of Police,
Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
DIG may see pl. 2. Immediate action may be taken for service of summons in time (B) 3. Action on “B” may be taken. Sd/ -13.3.
Secret/Immediate Phone No.
No. 4036/606-48 P.F. dt. 15.3.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
In sending herewith 3(three) summonses (in duplicate) for service on Mr. Shah Azizur Rahman and 2 others, I would request you kindly to return the receipted copies to this office immediately to return the same to S.B. office, West Pakistan, Lahore well-ahead of the hearing of the case fixed on 25.3.65.
Sd/ – DS/PL for S.S.1,
Phone: 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca
Dated, the 17th March, 1965 Memo. No. 1239/R/-1833./16-64(GI.)
M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 4036/606-48 P.F. dated 15-3-65
The Summons (in duplicate) in respect of Mr. Shah Azizur Rahman is returned herewith unserved as he is out of Dacca. He is reported to be busy in connection with election campaign in Kushtia and not expected to return to Dacca before 23rd or 24th instant.
The receipted copies of the other 2 Summons in respect of M/S Zaheeruddin and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman are also returned herewith after service.
Sd/ -17.3.65
Spl. Supdt. of Police
City S.B., Dacca.
Action to be taken immediately to return the served summons & put the 3rd summons served. Sd/-18.3.65
D.O. No. 7053
date 18.3.65
My Dear Hussain,
Kindly refer to your D.O. No. 14/ADIG (Steno) dt. 6.3.65 addressed to A.S.M. Ahmad, Esqr., P.P.M., PSP., DIG., S.B., EP., Dacca.
The duplicate copies of the summons in respect of M/S Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Zahiruddin Ahmed are returned herewith after service. The summons in respect of Mr. Shah Azizur Rahman could not be served, as he is out of Dacca now and is reported to have gone in c/w election campaign. Attempts are being made to serve the orders and duplicate copy of the same will be sent to you after served.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/ -18.3
Mr. S. Mairaj Hussain, P.S.P.,
Superintendent of Police
S.B., West Pak., Lahore.
By spl. messenger
No. 7052/606-48 PF(L) dt. 18.3.65
The S.P. DSB, Kushtia
In sending herewith summons (in duplicate) for service on Mr. Shah Azizur Rahman, I would request you kindly to return the receipted copy to this office immediately to return the same to S.B. office, West Pakistan, Lahore well ahead of the hearing of the case fixed for hearing on 25.3.65. The served summons may kindly be returned by spl. messenger.
for S.S./
District Special Branch Kushtia, the 21st March, 1965
No. 1014/74-49
M. Isa , Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
SB, EP, Dacca.
Kindly refer to your Memo No. 7052/606-48 P.F.(L), dated 18.3.65 regarding summons on Mr. Shah Md. Azizur Rahman.
The summons was duly served on Mr. Shah Md. Azizur Rahman, a candidate for National Assembly Election from this district, by tendering him a copy of the summons. The receipted copy of the summons with the report of the summonee dated 20.3.65 & with the certificate of service is returned herewith, as desired.
Sd/ -21.3.65.
Supdt. of Police , D.S.B.,
Enclo: One. Received today. Sd/ – 24.3.65 12-15 hrs.
No. 7317 dt. 24.3.65 to S.P., S.B. Lahore
From : Dintell18 Dacca.
TO : S.P., S.B., West Pakistan, Lahore.
Kindly refer to this office D.O. No. 7053 dt. 18.3.65. Summons has been served on Shah Azizur Rahman but he says he will not be able to attend the Court on 25.3.65 as he is busy with his election. Served copy of the summons is being sent by post.
Dintell Dacca. Secret/Immediate M./No. 7317/1/606-48 P.F.(L) dt. 24.3.64
Copy by post forwarded to the S.P., S.B., West Pakistan, Lahore in confirmation. The served copy of the summons in respect of Shah Azizur Rahman is returned herewith as desired by you in your D.O. No. 14/ADIG (Steno) dt. 6.3.65.
Sd/ – for D.I.G. S.B.
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Faridpur regarding
movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 13 March 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, D.S.B., Faridpur, for the week ending 13.3.65.
Secret Abstracts of Intelligence No. 49, 50, 51 and 52 dated 5.12.64, 12.12.64, 19.12.64 and 26.12.64 respectively have been received.
18.Dintel – Short for DIG Intelligence.
Movement of suspects
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.*470/AL) arrived at Gopalganj on 7.3.65 and left for Khulna on 9.3.65.
Circulation. Sd/-17.3. Ext. to P.F. Sd/- for D.S.P.L., 20/3.
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Jessore.
Jessore, 13 March 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, D.S.B., Jessore for the W/E 13.3.65.
Part – 1
Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 49 dated 5.12.65, No. 50 of 12.12., 51 of 19.12 and 52 dt. 26.12.64 was received during the week under review.
A.L. No. 404 M.A. Khaleque (AL) s/o late Idu Mollah of Jessore town went to Dacca on 9.3.65 by PIA 1st flight and returned to Jessore on 13.5.65 by P.I.A. 1st flight. The purpose of his visit to Dacca was not known.
A.L. No. 470 Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (AL) General Secretary East Pakistan Awami League arrived Jessore on 12.3.65 by Jeep from Khulna and visited Jhenidah and Magura with A.L. No. 431 Mashiur Rahman. He halted the night with Mr. Mashiur Rahman (mentd.) at his quarter at Jessore and left for Dacca on 13.3.65 by P.I.A. 1st flight.
Circulation. Sd/-17.3.65. Ext. to P.F. Sd/- for DS/PL, 20/3.
E.B. Form No. 5449M
Serial No.

Jessore, the 13th March, 1965
No. 1212(2)/1/21-65
Copy, by post, forwarded to:
1) A.K.M. Sirajul Haque, Esqr., Special Supdt. of Police, City Special Branch,Dacca; and
2) M. Ahmed, Esqr., Special Superintendent of Police, S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca; in confirmation. This relates to A.L. *470 Shaikh Mujibur Rahman.
Sd/ – 13.3 Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Jessore.
19. East Bengal – In July 1946 Bengal was divided into two – the Muslim majority East Bengal and
Hindu majority West Bengal that became part of Pakistan and India respectively.
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Khulna.
Khulna, 13 March 1965
Weekly confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, District Special Branch, Khulna, for the week ending 13.3.65.
I-Abstract of Intelligence:
East Pakistan Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 49 dated 5.12.64 was received here on 8.3.65, Nos.50 dated 12.12.64 and 51 dated 19.12.64 were received on 10.3.65 and Nos. 52 dated 26.12.64 and 1 dated 2.1.65 were duly received on 8.3.65 and 11.3.65 respectively.
2-Movement of Suspects:
1. Reference W.C.R. for the week ending 6.3.65, Part-I under the same head, A.L.* 314 Farid-ud-Dohar(CP) returned to Khulna on 7.3.65 at 08.30 hours by train being shadowed by a Watcher constable.
2. A.L. *470 Mujibur Rahman Sk. (AL) who arrived at Khulna on 6.3.65 at 16.25 hours by Helicopter left for Gopalganj (Faridpur) at 23.30 hours by Steamer the same day being shadowed by a W.C.
He again reached Khulna on 12.3.65 at 09.30 hours by Steamer from Gopalganj and left for Jessore at 11.00 hrs. by Car the same day.
Report on activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at different places
of Noakhali.
Noakhali, 15 March 1965
2nd Copy
1)Ref. para (2) of D.R. dated 12.3.65.
In course of his visit to this district from 12.3.65 to 14.3.65, Mr. Mafizuddin Ahmad, S. Pk., Minister for Education, Govt. of East Pakistan, addressed public meetings at Hatiya, Char Alexander and Lakshmipur in which he explained the policy of the present Govt. and various works done for ameliorating the lot of the common people. Some B.Ds. also attended those meetings. The Minister was also pleased to visit some educational institutions in those areas and urged the students to devote their attention to study. The audience appeared to have appreciated his speeches. He left Lakshmipur on 14.3.65 at about 10.00 hrs. for Comilla by road. His visit passed off smoothly.
2)A projection meeting in connection with the forthcoming N.A. election to be held on 21.3.65 was held on 12.3.65 at the premises of Hatiya Dakbungalow with Mr. Sirajul Moula, Munsif, Hatiya in the chair. About 90 Ms.E.C. and BDs attended the meeting. Alhaj Maulana Abdul Hye (PML) of Hatiya and Mr. Saiyid Ashraful Haq (Ind.), B.L., of Ramgati and of Maijdi both candidates from N.E.70-Noakhali III, delivered speeches in the meeting describing their past political activities and contribution for the people. They finally called upon the M.E.Cs. to vote for them in the coming election. The M.E.Cs. did not evince much interest in the meeting which ended peacefully.
3)It is reported that Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., EPAL arrived Feni on 14.3.65 at 20.30 hrs. by road from Comilla and met Mr. Khawja Ahmed, ExM.P.A., (AL) of Feni and Mr. Mahbubul Haque M.N.A. (EPREL/NDF) and others and discussed about the coming N.A. election . He arrived Chaumuhani at about 21.00 hrs. and stayed in the house of Mr. Nurul Haq, Contractor, (A.L) Chaumuhani. His activities and movements are under watch.
4)A party meeting of E.P.S.U., Feni will be held on 16.3.65 at Feni. Some students from Dacca University may also participate. The matter is under watch.
District Special Branch
Noakhali, the 15th 1965
Forwarded for information to:
1) S.A. Khasru; Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca.
2) A.Q.M. Mahiuddin , Esqr. Dy. Commissioner, Noakhali.
3) M. Mohsin, Esqr., P.S.P., Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Chittagong Range, Chittagong.
Sd/ – 15.3.
Seen. Sd/ -16.3.65. Pl. ask DSB report on hitch between AL & NDF Candidates for NA. Election at Feni as published in the Pak. Observer dt. 15.3.65. Copy to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-for DSPL, 16.3.
District Special Branch Noakhali, the 19th March, 1965
No. 1794/38-49
A.Q.M. Mahiuddin, Esqr.,
Dy. Commissioner, Noakhali.
Sub: Activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., E.P.A.L. at Noakhali district.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., E.P.A.L., arrived at Feni on 14.3.65 at 20.30 hrs. from Daudkandi, Comilla by car. He visited the C.O.P. Office, Feni, talked with M/s Khawja Ahmad (AL), Mahbubul Haq, M.N.A. and others and after advising them to work sincerely for the CP/NDF nominee- Mr. Mahbubul Haq, left for Chaumuhani at 21.00 hrs. on the same day.
He reached Chaumuhani at about 23.30 hrs. and spent the night in the residence of Mr. Nurul Haq (AL), Secy., Noakhali District A.L. On the following morning he along with M/S Nurul Haq (AL), Abdul Malek (AL), M.P.A., of Maijdi and Azizul Haq (AL) of Maijdi, visited Sami Munshirhat under Senbag P.S. and met with some 8/10 Ms.E.C. and 50 public. He urged upon them to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek, M.P.A. in the ensuing N.A. election so that the country may be released from one
man’s rule, the people may get back their Independence and Adult Franchise-o etc. Then he and his party visited Senbag and also Kankirhat under Senbag P.S. where he addressed some 10/11 MECs and 50 public and urged them to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek. He and his party then arrived Companyganj. Urging the people to assemble at Bashurhat, he left for Kabirhat under Sudharam P.S. At Kabirhat he met with some 8/10 MECs and urged them to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek and then proceeded towards Talmohammaderhat under Companyganj P.S. meeting some MECs and urging them to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek, he reached Bashurhat at about 20.00 hrs. At Bashurhat he met with some 7/8 MECs and urged them to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek. The subject came back to Chaumuhani at about 21.30 hrs. and left for Maijdi at about 23.30 hrs.
On 16.3.65 morning, Sk. Mujibur Rahman visited some places under Sudharam P.S. and addressed a meeting (300) at 09.30 hrs. at the Town Hall, Maijdi where he urged the MECs to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek and criticised the present Govt. He along with Mr. Abdul Malek reached Feni at about 11.30 hrs. and later visited Bakhtarmunshi, Mangalkandi under Sonagazi P.S. for the same purpose. At about 14.30 hrs. he returned to Feni and took his meal at the residence of Mr. Khawja Ahmad (AL).
He left for Dacca on the same day at about 15.15 hrs. by car via Daudkandi.
Sd/- Md. Jan
No. 1794/1 / dated 19.3.65
Copy forwarded to Muhammad Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police S.B., E.P., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -19.3.65. SUPDT. OF POLICE, D.S.B.
20.Adult franchise – Based on equality the fundamental pillar of democracy. It guarantees voting right to all adult citizens irrespective of caste, class, colour, religion, race or sex.
Telephonic message of Special Branch on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Dacca to Madaripur.
Dacca, 19 March 1965
SB No. 634 dt. 19.3.65 East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at : A.M./P.M. Date: 19.3.65
Received at : 12.45 A.M./P.M.
From : O/C Watch City SB, Dacca. Addresses/(if given)
To : DS/PL, SB, EP, Dacca.
Suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman left for Madaripur on 17.3.65 night by launch.
Sd/ – S.I. Seen. TO P.F. Sd/ – DS/PL, 20.3.65.
Weekly Confidential Report of DSB, Noakhali.
Noakhali, 20 March 1965
W.C.R. OF NOAKHALI D.S.B. FOR W/E 20.3.65.
2.Political Affairs.
1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secy. E.P.A.L., arrived at Feni on 14.3.65 at 20.30 hrs. from Daudkandi, Comilla by car. He visited the C.O.P. office, Feni talked with M/S Khawja Ahmad (AL), Mahbubul Haq M.N.A. (EPREL) and others and after advising them to work sincerely for the COP/NDF nominee Mr. Mahbubul Haq left for Chaumuhani at 21.00 hrs. pm the same day. He reached Chaumuhani at about 23.30 hrs. and spent the night in the residence of Mr. Nurul Haq contractor (AL) Secy. Noakhali Dist. A.L. On the following morning he along with Mr. Nurul
Haq (AL), Abdul Malek (AL) MPA of Maijdi and Azizul Haq, (AL) of Maijdi, visited Salimunsirhat under Senbag P.S. and met with some 8/10 Ms.E.C. and about 50 members of the public. He urged upon them to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek, MPA in the ensuing N.A. election so that the country may be relieved of one man’s rule, the people may get back their freedom and right of exercise of adult franchise. The subject and his party then visited Kankirhat under Senbag P.S., Basurhat under Companyganj, P.S. and Kabirhat under Sudharam P.S. and met some Ms.E.C. and public and urged upon them to vote for Mr. Abdul Malek (AL) MPA . The subject came back to Chaumuhani at about 21.30 hrs. and left for Maijdi at about 23.30 hrs.
On 16.3.65 from 09.30 to 10.15 hrs. a public meeting (300) was held at Maijdi Town Hall, under the auspices of COP, Noakhali and presidentship of Prof. Mahiuddin (JI) of Maijdi College, in which Mr. Md. Karim, pleader (CML) of Maijdi town, Mr. Abdul Malek (AL) MPA, Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AL) (mentioned) and Prof. Mahiuddin (mentioned) delivered speeches. In course of their speeches, they pointed out that a strong opposition is necessary and described the sacrifices of Mr. Abdul Malek M.P.A. for the people and urged upon the audience to try their best to make Abdul Malek MPA successful in the N.A. Election.
| AK. Mujibur Rahman pointed out that while development work is being done in the country, some 50,000 people of East Pakistan are found unemployed. He also said that E.P. was not getting equal treatment and share as West Pakistan was getting from the Centre.
Prof. Mahiuddin (mentd.) gave out that if Members from opposition with strong moral were not sent, Ayub regime may frame laws violating the Quran and Hadith.
The speeches were appreciated by the audience. The meeting ended peacefully.
Ext. to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahan & COP file. Sd/- for DS/PL. 26.3.
East Pakistan Police Abstract of Intelligence Nos. 2, 3 & 4 for w/e 9.1.65, 16.1.65 and 23.1.65 respectively were received on 17.3.65, 18.3.65 and 20.3.65 respectively.
Movement of suspects
1. A.L. *42 Abdul Jabbar Khaddar (NDF) arrived at Feni on 17.3.65 at about 19.00 hrs. by train, from Dacca.
2. A.L.*470 Mujibur Rahman, Shaikh (AL) who arrived this dist. on 14.3.65, left
the district for Comilla on 16.3.65 by road.
Circulation. Sd/- 25.3.65. Ext. to P. Fs. Sd/- for DS PL. 26.3.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman expresses concern about fair election.
Dacca, 20 March 1965 Ittefaq dt. 20.3.65
শেখ মুজিবরের বিবৃতি তথাকথিত অবাধ ও নিরপেক্ষ নির্বাচনের স্বরুপ উদঘাটন। আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান জাতীয় পরিষদের আসন্ন নির্বাচনের প্রাক্কালে পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানে বিরােধী দলীয় নেতাদের ধরপাকড় এবং নির্বাচনে সরকারী প্রভাব প্রয়ােগের নিন্দা করিয়া গতকল্য (শুক্রবার) এক বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন।
বিবৃতিতে শেখ মুজিব বলেনঃ প্রাক্তন মন্ত্রী ও জনপ্রিয় বিরােধী দলীয় নেতা কর্নেল সৈয়দ আবিদ হােসেন, পশ্চিম পাকিস্তান পরিষদের বিরােধী দলীয় সদস্য নওয়াবজাদা ইফতেখার আহমদ আনসারী এবং ইলেকটোরেল কলেজের বিরােধী দল সমর্থক বহু সংখ্যক সদস্যকে গ্রেফতারের খবরে আমি গভীর মর্মাহত হইয়াছি। নির্বাচনের প্রাক্কালে এই ধরনের গ্রেফতার ক্ষমতাসীন দলের নিরপেক্ষ নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠানের প্রতিশ্রুতির স্বরুপ উদঘাটন করিতেছে। বিরােধী দলীয় নেতা, কর্মী ও ভােটারদের নির্বিচার গ্রেফতারের পরও অবাধ ও নিরপেক্ষ নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠানের কথা বলা জনসাধারণের নিকট কৌতুকজনক। ক্ষমতাসীন দলের কাজকর্মে ইহা পরিষ্কারভাবে প্রমাণিত হইতেছে যে, তাহারা তাদের অতি পরিচিত পদ্ধতি জবরদস্তি, ভীতি প্রদর্শন ও নির্যাতনের মাধ্যমে জয়লাভের জন্য দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ।
শেখ মুজিব পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সম্পর্কে বলেন যে, পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে নির্বাচনে জয়লাভের জন্যও ক্ষমতাসীন দল একই ধরনের পদ্ধতি গ্রহণ করিয়াছেন।
নির্বাচনের ব্যাপারে প্রশাসন যন্ত্রের ভূমিকা উল্লেখ করিয়া তিনি বলেন যে, নিম্নস্তরের অফিসারদের ক্ষমতাসীন দলীয় প্রার্থীদের পক্ষে নির্বাচনী প্রচারনায় ব্যবহার করা হইতেছে। একশ্রেণীর অফিসার ভােটারদের একদিকে ভয়-ভীতি প্রদর্শন করিতেছেন এবং অন্যদিকে নানাবিধ প্রলােভন দেখাইতেছেন। পাকিস্তান সরকারের জনৈক মন্ত্রী ফরিদপুরে তাঁহার নির্বাচনী এলাকার প্রত্যেক ভােটারকেই পর্যন্ত বস্ত্র সরবরাহ করিতেছেন।
অতঃপর আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা মন্তব্য করেন যে ইহাই যদি অবাধ ও নিরপেক্ষ নির্বাচনের নমুনা হয়, তাহা হইলে জাতির ভাগ্যে কি আছে তাহা একমাত্র আল্লাহতালাই জানেন।
জনাব মুজিবর রহমান তাঁহার বিবৃতিতে কর্নেল আবিদ হােসেন ও নওয়াবজাদা ইফতেখার আহমেদসহ বিরােধী দলীয় কর্মী ও ভােটারদের আশু মুক্তি দানের দাবী জানান। অবাধভাবে ভােট প্রয়ােগের উপযুক্ত স্বাভাবিক পরিবেশ ফিরাইয়া আনার জন্য তিনি কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট আবেদন জানান।
জাতীয় পরিষদের আসন্ন নির্বাচনে বিরােধী দলীয় প্রার্থীদের জয়যুক্ত করার উদ্দেশ্য স্ব স্ব প্রভাব প্রয়ােগের জন্য তিনি জনসাধারণকে অনুরােধ করেন।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL 22.3.
Petition of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to the High Court quashing proceedings of sedition case against him in connection with
speech rejected.
Dacca, 26 March 1965 Pakistan Observer dt. 26.3.65
Sedition Case
(By our High Court Correspondent)
Mr. Justice Baquer and Mr. Justice Sobhan Chowdhury of the Dacca High Court on Thursday dismissed a petition of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who sought the quashing of the proceedings instituted against him in connection with some of utterances which were alleged to be seditious.
The proceedings which were pending before the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Dacca were instituted on the allegation of Syed Mannan Box to the effect that the utterances of Mr. Rahman in a public meeting held on March 29 last year were seditious and come under the mischief of section 124-A of the Pakistan Penal Code.
The petitioner then moved the Dacca High Court to quash the proceedings or to transfer the case before any Munsiff-Magistrate. This prayer for transfer of the case was also disallowed by the court.
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujib. Sd/ -27.3.
Ittefaq at 27.3.65
শেখ মুজিবের মামলা
হাইকোর্টে কৌসুলীদের যুক্তি প্রদর্শনের বিবরণ ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি হাই কমিশনারের আদালতে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪ক ধারা মােতাবেক আনীত রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের মামলা নাকচ অথবা অন্য আদালতে স্থানান্তরের জন্য ঢাকা হাইকোর্টে যে আবেদন করা হইয়াছিল, বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের একটি ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ গত বৃহস্পতিবার তাহা নাকচ করিয়াছেন (আংশিক বিবরণ গতকল্যকার ইত্তেফাকে প্রকাশিত হইয়াছে)।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, গত ৫ই নবেম্বর ঢাকার পুলিশ সুপার কর্তৃক ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালতে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪-ক ধারা মােতাবেক দেশদ্রোহিতার অভিযােগে এক মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। আবেদনকারী উপরােক্ত মামলা নাকচ অথবা উপরােক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালত হইতে অন্য আদালতে স্থানান্তরের জন্য ঢাকা হাইকোর্টে আবেদন করেন। ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের এক ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে ইতিপূর্বে আবেদনকারীর অনুকূলে রুল প্রদান করেন।
আবেদনকারীর কৌসুলী মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল তাহার সওয়াল-জবাবে বলেন যে, পাকিস্তান। দন্ডবিধির ১২৪-ক ধারা পাকিস্তান শাসনতন্ত্রের পরিপন্থী; সুতরাং ১২৪ ধারা মােতাবেক আনীত মামলার আইনগত কোন সত্তা নাই।
মিঃ পাল আরও বলেন যে, এই মামলা নাকচযােগ্য কিনা, এই প্রশ্নে আদালত যদি কোন অভিমত প্রকাশ করিতে অনিচ্ছুক হন, তবে তিনি মামলা স্থানান্তর করিবার আবেদন করিবেন। কারণ এই মামলা খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ; সুতরাং ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের ক্ষমতাপ্রাপ্ত মুন্সেফী আদালতে হওয়া বাঞ্ছনীয়। প্রশাসন বিভাগীয় ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের আদালতে এই মামলায় বিচার হওয়া সমীচীন নয়।
সরকার পক্ষের কৌঁসুলী ডি, এল, আর জনাব আবদুল হাকিম বলেন যে, আবেদনকারীর বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলা নাকচকরণ, অন্যথায় স্থানান্তরকরণের আবেদন আইনতঃ সমর্থনযােগ্য নয়। এই মামলা দায়ের করবার পূর্বে সরকার পক্ষকে উপযুক্ত সময়ের নােটিশ প্রদান করা হয় নাই।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এইরূপ আবেদন প্রথমে দায়রা জজের আদালতে করা উচিত ছিল। আবেদনকারী দায়রা জজের আদালতকে বাদ দিয়া সােজাসুজি হাইকোর্টে আবেদন করিয়াছেন। সুতারাং এইরূপভাবে মামলা স্থানান্তরের আবেদন আইনতঃ গ্রাহ্য নহে।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, মামলার পূর্ণ শুনানী আরম্ভ হইবার পূর্বেই আবেদনকারী মামলা নাকচ অথবা স্থানান্তরের আবেদনপত্র পেশ করেন, ইহা খুবই অপ্রাসঙ্গিক হইয়াছে।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, আবেদনকারীর মামলা স্থানান্তর অথবা নাকচকরণের আবেদনপত্র ফৌজদারী কার্যবিধির ৫৬১-ক ধারা মােতাবেক পেশ করা হইয়াছে। ফৌজদারী কার্যবিধির ১২৪-ক
ধারা মােতাবেক প্রদত্ত ক্ষমতা হাইকোর্ট শুধু বিশেষ ক্ষেত্রে প্রয়ােগ করিয়া থাকেন। সর্বক্ষেত্রে উপরােক্ত ধারার প্রদত্ত ক্ষমতার প্রয়ােগ বাঞ্চনীয় নহে।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলার বিরুদ্ধে আপীল করার বিধান আছে। এইরূপ মামলার শুনানী চলাকালে আদালতে কার্যক্রম সম্পর্কে কোন অভিযােগ আনিলে ফৌজদারী কার্যবিধির ৪৩৫ এবং ৪৩৯ ধারার মাধ্যমে হাইকোর্টে আবেদন করা সম্ভব।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এই দেশদ্রোহ মামলা নাকচ করিবার আবেদন উপরােক্ত ধারা দুইটির মাধ্যমে পেশ করা হয় নাই। সুতরাং এই নাকচকরণ আবেদন আইনতঃ গ্রাহ্য নহে।
TO P.F. Sd/-for DSPL 30.3.
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Faridpur on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 27 March 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Faridpur for the week ending 27.3.65.
2. Political Affairs (Organisation & Propaganda)
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, E.P.A.L., s/o Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca addressed a public meeting (400), held on 18.3.65 at Damudya Bazar, P.S. Goshairhat, Faridpur under the presidentship of one Salim Miyan (being fixed). Some local M.E.Cs. also attended the meeting.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman in his speech urged upon the M.E.Cs. to cast their votes in favour of C.O.P. nominee Dr. Ghulam Maula (AL), M.N.A., s/o late Abdul Ghafur Dhali of Madaripur town in the N.A. election.
Ali Ahmad Miyan, Muktear, Madaripur Court also delivered a similar speeches. Extract to P.F. Sd/ -DS/PL 1.4.65.
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Comilla on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Comilla, 27 March 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Comilla district for the W.E. 27.3.65.
2. Political Affairs (Organisation and propaganda)
(ii) A D.I.O. reports that on 20.5.65 at 04.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P.A.L., Dacca visited Chandpur and Hajigonj on his way to Dacca from
Bodargonj, Dist. Faridpur and he met the leading members of the COP at Chandpur and Hajigonj in connection with the National Assembly Election.
He left for Dacca on the same date at about 11.30 hrs. by launch.
Ext. to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-1.3
Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Advocate Abdur Rahman Khan President Comilla District Awami League regarding selection of COP candidate.
Dacca, 29 March 1965
Dacca, The 29.3.1965
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1.From (with address)For Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary East Pak. Awami League.
2.To (with address)Mr. Abdur Rahman Khan, Advocate, President Comilla Dist. Awami League, 3, Hatkhola Road, Dacca.
3.Language of letter :In English
4.Date of letter: 26.3.65.
5.Postal seal: Illegible.
6.Post office of interception : Wari, Dacca
7.Date of interception : 29.3.65.
8.Name of officer who can prove the interception: ASI Md. Ziaul Haque Khan.
9. Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered :Original
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not · Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government order authorising interception:
Copy/Translation forwarded to
For favour of perusal please. The enclosure is a typed letter in English dt. 26.3.65 from SK. Majibar Rahman, Gl. Secy, E.P. Awami League addressed to the President Comilla district Awami League. The writer informs that the C.O.P. decided in a meeting on 25th March 1965 to select candidates from each district to the E. Pak. Assembly by the District concerned and to select the best candidates from A.L. Original letter may be passed after keeping a copy.
Sd/-Q.B. Islam, si
for OC Censor Sec.
T.S. Get the letter typed in duplicate immediately. Sd/ – for O.C.C. 30.3 The letter may be passed after keeping a copy of the same. Censor section to put up the copies. Sd/-DS/PL 30.3.65. Original letter is released. Sd/ -30.3.65.
15, Purana Paltan, Dacca-2
Dated Dacca, the 26th March 1965
The President
Comilla District Awami League.
Dear Sir,
In a meeting of the East Pakistan Committee of the Combined Opposition Parties held on 25th March, 1965, it was decided that the selection of candidates for election to the East Pakistan Assembly should be entrusted to the COP Committees.
It was also decided that the component parties of the relevant district should help and co-operate in the unanimous selection of one candidate only for each constituency.
You are, therefore, requested to select the best candidates of your district/SubDivision belonging to Awami League and get it approved by the component parties of the COP that may be available. Kindly put forthwith your best endeavour to select up only one candidate in each constituency from the opposition side. Kindly send to this office the final list of candidates with party affiliate of your District/SubDivision.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
for Sd/- Shaikh Mujibur Rahman
General Secretary, East Pakistan
Awami League.
Report on the case of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 30 March 1965
Ittefaq dt. 30.3.65
শেখ মুজিবের মামলা স্থানান্তরিত
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (সােমবার) জননিরাপত্তা আইনে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলা ঢাকার সদর (দক্ষিণ) মহাকুমা হাকিমের কোর্ট হইতে ঢাকার অন্যতম প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এম, এ, মালেকের কোর্টে স্থানান্তর করা হয়। উক্ত কোর্ট হইতে পরে তাঁহার জামিন মঞ্জুর করা হয়।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখ করা যায় যে, ১৯৬৪ সালের ২৯শে সেপ্টেম্বর ঢাকার আউটার ষ্টেডিয়ামে আইনতঃ প্রতিষ্ঠিত পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণকে উত্তেজিত ও তাহাদের মনে ঘৃণা ও দ্বেষ সৃষ্টির উদ্দেশ্যে এক আপত্তিকর বক্তৃতা করার অভিযােগে রমনা পুলিশ কর্তৃক পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জননিরাপত্তা আইনের ৭(৩) ধারা মতে এই মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। প্রসঙ্গতঃ আরও উল্লেখযােগ্য, শেখ মুজিবেরর বিরুদ্ধে ঢাকার বিভিন্ন কোর্টে আরাে চারটি মামলা বর্তমানে বিচারাধীন আছে।
আইনজীবী মেসার্স জহিরুদ্দিন, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন ও খােন্দকার মাহবুব হােসেন আসামী পক্ষে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-31.3
Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Rahimuddin Ahmad
President, Dinajpur District Awami League.
Dinajpur, 1 April 1965
S.W.R. of DSB, Dinajpur for w/e 1.4.65
Part – II
(a) Rightist Political Parties and Organisation.
(ii) Awami League.
In a letter in English dated 26.3.65 from Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secy. E.P. Awami League, 15 Purana Paltan, Dacca, to Rahimuddin Ahmad, Pleader, President, Dinajpur District A.L., s/o Darajuddin of Munshipara, Dinajpur town, the writer requests the addressee to select best candidates for contesting the ensuing Provincial Assembly election of this district from A.L. with the approval of C.O.P. Note: Activities of the C.O.P. workers are under watch. Zonal D.I.O. has been
asked to report the names of the candidates selected from A.L. and other component parties of C.O.P.
Copy to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Sd/- M. Rahman,
for DS/PL, 7.4.65.
U/O No. 267(2) dt. 30.4.65. Forwarded to office. Sd/-30.4
Letter of Jalal Ahmed President Laksam Thana Awami League,
Comilla to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 2 April 1965
Dacca, The 2.4.1965
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1. From (with address)Jalal Ahmed Chairman, President Laksham Thana Awami League,Comilla.
2. To (with address)
Sk. Mojibur Rahman, G.S. A.
League E.P. Dhanmondi.
3. Language of letter;Bengali Letter
4.Date of letter 26.3.65
5. Postal seal: Laksham
6. Post office of interception : G.P.O. Dacca
7. Date of interception:1.4.65.
8. Name of officer who can prove the interception : SI Syed Azizur Rahim
9. Whether photographed or not . x
10. Whether withheld or delivered : x
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Original
12. Number and date of Government order authorising interception :
Copy/Translation forwarded to
Perusal please in the attested letter from Jalal Ahmed Chaudhury President Laksam Thana A.L. to Sk. Muzibar Rahman, G.S. A.L. Dacca. The letter contains objectionable matters regarding last 9.B.D. Election and the ensuing P.A. Election. May be withheld.
Sd/ -S.I. S.C.O.
We may deliver the letter after keeping a copy. S.S.l. may pl. like to see. Regarding decision of C.O.P. after their participation in the ensuing P.A. we are awaiting further development. Sd/ – DS/PL, 3.4.65.
Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahman
General Secretary E.P. Awami League
Dhanmondi, Dacca.
বিগত প্রেসিডেন্সিয়াল ও জাতীয় পরিষদ নির্বাচনের ফলাফল দেখিয়া আমার ব্যক্তিগত সিদ্ধান্ত এই যে, c.0.P বা N.D.E. এ পক্ষ থেকে প্রাদেশিক পরিষদ নির্বাচন-এ Nomination দেওয়া মারাত্মক ভুল হবে যে দেশের MECS. ফরিদ, মাহবুব, হাবিবুল হককে ভােট দেয় না বা যে দেশে গভর্নর ও মন্ত্রিরা ইলেকশন করে টাকা ও গরু জবেহ করিয়া এবং ভােটারদের ওয়াদা খেলাপ করায় সে দেশে চুপ থাকা ভাল নরুল আমিন সাহেব আর পাশ করিবে না- C.0.P বা N.D.F এর যদি কেহ ইলেকশন করিতে চায় নিজ ব্যক্তিত্বে স্বতন্ত্রভাবে করুক Nowination দিয়া ফেল করার চাইতে এটা ভাল – আমার সালাম নিবেন।
ইতি- আউয়াল
Jalal Ahamed Chairman & President Laksam Thana Awami League Laksam, Comilla
Letter of Habibur Rahman, Mirabazar, Sylhet town to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Sylhet, 3 April 1965
The 3rd April 1965
Memo No. 3323/102-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1.From (with address)Habibur Rahman, Mirabazar, SylhetTown.
2.To (with address)Jonab Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. A.L.E.P., Rd. No.32, Dhanmondi Residential Area, Daccah
3.Language of letter :. Englis
4.Date of letter :31.3.65
5.Postal seal: Nil
6.Post office of interception: Sylhet H.P.O.
7.Date of interception:2.4.65
8. Name of officer who can prove the interception : SI Mujibur Rahman Barabhuiyan, D.S.B. Office, Sylhet.
9.Whether photographed or not:Not
10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept.
12.Number and date of Government order authorising interception: Casual.
Copy (in duplicate) forwarded to
M. Isa, Esqr., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca, for favour of information.
Sd/-3.4.65. for Supdt. of Police, DSB, Sylhet.
True copy of an English letter dated 31.3.65 from Habibur Rahman (1), Mirabazar, Sylhet Town to Janab Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (2), Road No.32, Dhanmandi Residential Area, Dacca.
My dear Sheikh Saheb,
Assalamoo Alai-Kum. Hope you are well. People have absolute confidence in you. But some persons interested in their own affairs of this district have gone astray. Madness must have a limit. Please come here and eradicate such poisons and re-organise the party behind which people in general rally.
We are O.K.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- Habibur Rahman (1).
Notes: No. 1 (AL), S/O Hatim Nazir of Mirabazar, Sylhet. No. 2 (AL), S/O Late Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur, and of Dacca.
No. 11911/606-48 (1) dt. 15.6.65 TO The S.P., D.S.B., Sylhet.
Kindly refer to your Memo No. 3323/102-49 (Int.) dt. 3.4.65 and let us have your comment on the expression “poisons within the party (A.L) as mentioned in the intercepted letter forwarded therewith.
Sd/ -16.4
for SS(1)S.B.
Monthly DO letter of SP, Noakhali on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
and other political leaders.
Noakhali, 7 April 1965
Extract from the Monthly D.O. of S.P. Noakhali for the Month of March, 1965.
I. Political Affairs.
(c) Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan (N.D.F.), Ex-Chief Minister of East Pakistan visited
this district on 12.3.65 and canvassed in favour of N.D.F. nominee Mr. Badrul Haider Chowdhury

(d) Mr. Hamidul Haque Chaudhury (N.D.F.) visited Feni from 13.3.65 to 15.3.65 and canvassed for their party nominee Mr. Badrul Haider Chowdhury.
(e) Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.) visited this district from 14.3.65 to 16.3.65 and canvassed for Mr. Abdul Malik who was a candidate for N.A. Election.
Ext. of (c) (d) (e) to P.Fs., DS(PL). Sd/-7.4.
Memo, notes and reports on “East Bengal Liberation” movement organized by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 7 April 1965
Ext. from N.S.P. 315-6 of S.B. file No. 2-59 TS VII Regarding I.C.C. meeting.
Held pre-ICC meeting. Representatives of D.D.I. and I.S.I. Directorate attended.
It was stated by I.S.I. Directorate that there is some information that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is trying to organise “East Bengal Liberation” movement. This information may be worked out. This was, also, discussed that some members of opposition and students are doubting the sincerity of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. This also needs working out
On students front it was stated that the Hindu students are now joining EPSL and new unit has been formed in Jagannath Hall. The reason for such action may be found out. SS II/D.I.G. S.B. may see Pl.
Sd/- M. Isa.7.4
Sd/- S.A. Khasru.7.4
Seen. Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed, 7.4.65.
Reg. para (2) Extract of this may be sent to city S.B. Dacca for a report after making thorough enquiry into the allegation. This may be treated as most urgent DS/ST may also pl. see. Agent21 or contact
21.Agent – Person who collects information secretly for Intelligence Agency.
dealing officer of SB may also be requested to verify the information through their agents or contacts to submit report by 19.4.65. The same date may also be mentioned in the case of City SB.
Sd/ -DS/PL
Phones: 81679& 4231/18 Secret/ Immediate
Special Branch, East Pakistan
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the 10th April’65 No. 8166(17) 606-48PF
Copy forwarded to all Supdts. of Police, in-charge of D.S.Bs., East Pakistan for favour of comments immediately.
Sd/ – (Ahmed Hussain)
for Spl. Supdt.of Police(I),
S.B. East Pakistan, Dacca.
[Ext. from the pre-Sec. meeting]
Phone No….
No. 8042/606-48 P.F. dt. 8.4.65 S.S. City S.B Dacca.
Copy forwarded to the – for a report by 19.4.65 after making thorough enquiry into the allegation. This may be treated as most urgent.
Sd/ -2.S/P.L.
for S.S./ 8.4.65.
Extract from the pre- I.C.C. meeting.
2. It was stated by I.S.I. Directorate that there is some information that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is trying to organise “East Bengal Liberation” movement. This information may be worked out. This was also discussed that some members of opposition and students are doubting the sincerity of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. This also needs working out.
Phone: 6863 & 4231/18
Special Branch, East Pakistan
Dacca, the 8th April 65
No. 8042/606-48 P.F.
Copy forwarded to A.K.M. Sirajul Haq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, City S.B. Dacca for a report by 19.4.65 after making thorough enquiry into the allegation. This may be treated as most urgent.
(Ahmed Hussain)
for Spl. Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Phone No….
No. 8166 (17)/606-48 P.F. 10.4.64 Copy forwarded to all SS.P., DSBS, East Pakistan for favour of Comments immediately.
Sd/ -DS/PL
S.S 11/DS (ST)
Ref 606-48 P.F. NSP-461
I have no contact of the students supporting E.P.S.L. group. However, I have contacted my casual source to ascertain the reasons of
joining Hindu students in the E.P.S.L. have, but he could not throw any light on this.
Sd/ -Inspr. S.B
File No. 606-48P.F.
I contacted my sources and learnt from them that there is no corroboration of the information that Sk. Mujibar Rahman has been trying to organise East Bengal Liberation movement. It was, however, reported that the subject is earnestly in favour of maintaining parity between the two wings of Pakistan and in this respect he is vehemently opposed to the alleged apathetic attitude of the central Govt.
Sd/ -17.4.65.
Inspr. S.B.
SSI may kindly see. Sd/ -17.4.
Ref.: file no. 606-48 P.F.
On enquiry through reliable source it is learnt that there is no corroboration of the information that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is trying to organise “East Bengal liberation” movement. He is very much against disparity and the alleged neglect of East Pakistan by the Centre. His endeavour is directed towards bringing about parity in both the wings of Pakistan.
Mahbubur Rahman Khan
17.4.65 Inspr. S.B
SSI may like to see. We have no corroboration of the info. up till now. Sd/ -17.4.65.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch
Dacca, the 19th April’65 No. 1863, R.3106/58-64 P.F.
M. Isa Esqr., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 8042/606-48 P.F. dated 8.4.65, reg: East Bengal Liberation
We have no corroboration of the information.
Sd/ -19.4.65.
( A.K.M.S. Haq)
Special Supdt. of Police,
City S.B., Dacca.
Phone: 467 Secret
District Special Branch,
Rajshahi, the 3rd May, 1965 No. 2368/ R.1247/38-49(I), P.1527
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., S
pl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 8166(17)/606–48 P.F. dated 10.4.65.
We have not yet received any information about proposed East Bengal Liberation Movement by Sk. Mujibur Rahman. However, secret enquiries are being made about the proposed organisation of East Bengal Liberation Movement and the cause of Hindu students joining E.P.S.L.
Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Rajshahi.
Phone No. 2016
District Special Branch,
Khulna, the 4th May’65 No. 2542/R.1077/51-53 (MF)
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, Spl. Branch,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 8166(17)/606-48 P.F. dt. 10.4.65
The information has got no corroboration here.
It is true that some members of Opposition Party specially the N.A.P. do not support the political activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman but no discussion doubting the sincerity of the latter has yet been held.
Hindu students generally support the E.P.S.U. A few of them are also holding important posts in the E.P.S.L. in Khulna district since pretty long time but no instance of the Hindu students’ joining the E.P.S.L. in large number has yet come to notice.
No new unit of the students other than E.P.S.U. and E.P.S.L. has also been formed in this district in the recent past.
Sd/ -4.5.65 for Superintendent of Police, Dist. Spl. Branch, Khulna.
Secret /Immediate
Phone No. ….
No. 9602(16) 606-48 PF dt. 6.5.65
All SS.P., in charge D.S.Bs., E.P.,
accept D.S.B., Pabna.
Subject : East Bengal Liberation Movement by Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Kindly refer to this office memo. No. 8166 (17) dt. 10.4.65 and expedite your reply.
Sd/-5.5 DSPL,
for S.S.I.
Phone: 134
District Special Branch,
Barisal, the 8th May, 1965
No. 2647/R.1070/26-57
Muhammad Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 8166(17)/ 606-48 P.F. dated 10.4.65
It has been ascertained that Pir Muhsinuddin Ahmad @ Dudu Miyan (NI) s/o A.K. Rashiduddin Ahmad of Faridpur during his visit to this district in 1964 disclosed that one Hazi Ghyasuddin Ahmad of Dacca was organising ‘Liberation Movement of East Pakistan’ under the leadership of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AL) s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur.
Sd/ – 8.5.65
V Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Bakarganj.
Secret/ Immediate
District Special Branch, Noakhali, the gth May, 1965 No. 2864/R-1855/38-49
Muhammad Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 8166(17)/ 606-48 P.F. dated 10.4.65
We have no corroboration of the information mentioned in para (2). As regards para (3), nothing interesting regarding the joining of E.P.S.L. by Hindu students came to our notice except that one Makhan Lal Das, student of 3rd year B.A. of Feni College, s/o Nishi Kr. Das of Jaipur Purbajoar, P.S. Mirsarai, Chittagong has been elected as the Organising Secy. of the Feni Sub-Divisional. S.L. Committee, recently formed at Feni.
Sd/ – 8.5.65.
District Special Branch,
Rangamati, the 19.5.65
No. 1772/R-796/18-65
M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 8166(17)/ 606-48 PF dated 10.4.65
There is no corroboration of the information at our end. Moreover, there is no member of opposition party or the branch of the EPSL in this district.
Sd/ -19.5.65 V Supdt. of Police, D.S.B.,
Chittagong Hill Tracts
District Special Branch,
Chittagong, the 19 May, 1965
No. 2152/R.1514/104-49
To M. Isa , Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref : Your Memo No. 8166(17)/ 606-48 PF., dt. 10.4.65
There is no corroboration of the information here as yet. However, the matter has been kept in view.
V Supdt. of Police, D.S.B.,
Phone No. 366
District Special Branch
Sylhet the 22nd May’ 65
No. 5312/ R. 3596/8-65 (i)
Mohammad Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B., Dacca.
Ref : Your No. 8166(17)/606-48 PF dt. 10.4.65 regarding East Bengal Liberation.
We have no corroboration of the information.
for Supdt.of Police,
D.S.B., Sylhet.
Phone No…
No. 10707/606-48 P.F. dt. 26.5.65
The S.P., D.S.B., Bakargonj.
Subject : Liberation Movement of East Pakistan by Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Ref : Your letter No. 2647 dt. 8.5.65
Kindly send a copy of the original report on the basis of which you sent this letter of corroboration. You are further requested to clarify how Pir Mohsenuddin being an N.D.F. member could have contact with Haji Ghyas Uddin Ahmed of Dacca.
You are also requested to report if Sk. Mujibur Rahman is so organising the Liberation movement without the AL of which he is the leader. If he independently organises the movement his action may not be approved by AL and in that case Sk. Mujibur Rahman will have no other alternative than to resign from A.L. You are requested to enlighten us on this point also.
for S.S.l.
Two draft one bellow pl.
Phone no….
No.10708/606-48 P.F. dt. 26.5.65
То The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: Liberation Movement of East Pakistan by Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
In sending herewith a copy of letter No. 2647 dt. 8.5.65 received from the DSB, Bakargonj, I would request you kindly to fix up Haji Ghyasuddin Ahmad and place him under watch to unearth his connection with Sk. Mujibur Rahman, if any and report on the contents of the below.
You are, further, requested to report if Sk. Mujibur Rahman is so organising liberation movement without the A.L. of which he is the leader. If he independently organises the movement his action may not be approved by A.L. and in that case Sk. Mujibur Rahman will have no other alternative than to resign from A.L. You are requested to try to enlighten us on this point also. Enclo: A copy of P. 5288.
For S.S.I
Phone No. 258
District Special Branch
Faridpur the 10th June’65 No. 2407/R-1182/57-47 Actn.
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.
Special Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 8166(17) 606-48 P.F. dated 10.4.65.
On verification from different sources no corroboration of the information regarding East Bengal Liberation movement by Sk. Mujibur Rahman has been found. There is no corroboration on other points. It is a fact that some Hindu students joined the EPSL.
Sd/ -10.6.
(Husain Ahmed)
Supdt. of Police D.S.B., Faridpur.
District Special Branch Comilla, the 10th June, 1965 No. 2629/R.988/90-49(0)
Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 8166(17) dated 10.4.65.
There is no information of the formation of the “East Bengal Liberation Movement in this district. The E.P.S.L. is one of the leading student organisations of the district. A few Hindu students of Victoria College joined the organisation but their number is too small to take notice of.
Sd/ -10.6
V Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Comilla.
Secret Phone No.4
Jessore, the 14th June, 1965
No. 3112/80-49/R 1183
Mr. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref : Your No. 8166(17) /606-48 P.F., dated 10.4.65.
There is no corroboration of the information that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is trying to organize “East Bengal Liberation Movement” as yet. The information are being worked out and if anything of interest comes to light the matter will be reported to
There are about 25 Hindu workers of the E.P.S.L. in this district.
Sd/ -14.6.
V Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Jessore.
Phone: 47
District Special Branch
Bogra, the 14.6.65
No. 2324/R-501, P-1377/77-49
M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 8166(17)/ 606-48 P.F. dated 10.4.65.
There is no corroboration of the information at this end.
Sd/ – 14.6.
(Israrul Haque)
Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Bogra
District Special Branch Mymensingh, the 17th June’65
No. 3466/R.1544/26-60
Muhammad Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Superintendent of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 8166 (17)/606 -48 PF dated 10.4.65.
We have no corroboration of the information that Sk. Mujibur Rahman has been trying to organise “East Bengal Liberation Movement” and that some members of the opposition and students were doubting the sincerity of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
As regards joining the E.P.S.L. by the Hindu students in this district, they are found more or less to support the E.P.S.U and not the E.P.S.L. Very few of them are in the E.P.S.L. now.
Sd/ -17.6.65
V Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Mymensingh.
Phone No. 192
Dinajpur, the 13th May, 1965
No. 2139/90-49 (MF)
M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police,
East Pakistan, Dacca-2.
Sub : Extract from the Pre- I.C.C. meeting.
Ref: Your No. 8166(17)/ 606-48 PF, dated 10.4.65. The information has no corroboration at our end.
Sd/ -13.6.65
Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Dinajpur
Phone No.17
District Special Branch
Kushtia, the 7th July 1965
No. 2824/RR.1039-P.1593 Corr./74-49
M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 8166(17)/606-48 P.F. dt. 10.4.65
No information is available at this end regarding any move taken by Sk. Mujibur Rahman to organise “East Bengal Liberation Movement”. The matter has been kept in view. There is no corroboration of the information that some members of opposition and students are doubting the sincerity of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The Chuadanga College Unit of the EPSL was formed on 6.3.65 at the instance of Mr. Nawajesh Ahmad (CML), Pleader of Chuadanga town (s/o Late Muniruddin Ahmad of Chuadanga town, Kushtia who was an unsuccessful candidate for the National Assembly Election held on 21.3.65. One local Hindu student of Chaudanga College was taken as the Office Secretary in the said unit of the EPSL but there appeared to be nothing unusual in it. All other office bearers of the unit are Muslims. (Vide this district W.C.R. for the week ending 20.3.65 under head 10- Students Affairs)
Supdt. of Police, D.S.B.,
District Special Branch Dacca, the 29/30th July, 1965 No. 4108/R.1443 P-17/30-65
Muhammad Isa Esqr. P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref. Your No. 8166 (17)/606-48 P.F. dated 10.4.65
I write to inform you that we have got no corroboration of the information regarding the organisation of East Pakistan Liberation Movement within our jurisdiction.
Sd/ -29.7.65.
for Supdt. of Police, D.S.B.,
Phone 134
District Special Branch
Barisal, the qth July, 1965
No. 3865/ R.1511/26-57 (P.154)
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Sub: Liberation Movement of East Pakistan by Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 10707/606-48P.F. dated 26.5.65.
The source is out of contact at present. He may return back to Barisal in the 1st week of August, 1965 from Karachi.
A copy of the original report of a D.I.O. dated 1.5.65 is sent herewith, as desired.
V Superintendent of Police,
Dist. Spl. Branch, Barisal.
Copy of a D.I.O’s report dated 1.5.65.
I made secret enquiry into the matter and learnt from a secret contact that during the visit of Pir Mohsinuddin Ahmad @ Dudu Miyan (N.I) s/o A.K. Rashiduddin Ahmad of Faridpur to this district in 1964 disclosed here that one Haji Ghyashuddin Ahmad of Dacca, organising liberation movement of East Pakistan under the leadership of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AL) s/o Sk. Lutfor Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, District-Faridpur.
Phone 134
District Special Branch
Barisal, the 31st August, 1965
No. 4815/26-57(P.161)
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Sub: Liberation Movement of East Pakistan by Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Ref: Your Memo: No: 10707/606-48 P.F. dated 26.5.65, and this office Memo. No.
3865/26-57 dt. 9.7.65
On further contact it is learnt that Pir Muhsinuddin (N.D.F) is one of the top ranking opposition leaders of the East Pakistan. Haji Ghiyasuddin contacted Pir Muhsinuddin (mentd.) to enlist his support and sympathy to make the liberation movement more lively.
As regards para II of the memo under reference, it is further learnt that the younger section of the A.L. workers who mainly comprises businessmen, contractors and students of E.P.S.L. group are lending support to Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.) in organising the movement. The information regarding the possibility of Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s resignation from the A.L. has not, however, come to notice so far.
(M.A. Awwal)
Superintendent of Police,
Dist. Spl. Branch, Barisal.
Phone Nos. 6863 & 4231/18
No. 16702/606-48 P.F. (Pt. 22) dt. 8.9.65
The S.P. D.S.B, Barisal.
Ref: your letter No. 4815 dt. 31.8.65 reg. Liberation Movement of E.
Pak. by Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The reply received vide your letter under reference does not serve our purpose. We wanted copy of the original information which may kindly be supplied with nature of source, grading and classification of the information early.
DSPL for S.S.
Phone: 134
District Special Branch
Barisal, the 26th November, 1965
No.7262/R.2974/26-57 (P.165)
S.A. Khasru, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your memo : No. 16702/606-48 P.F. (Pt. 22) dated 8.9.65 regarding
Liberation Movement of E. Pak. by Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The information has been collected from a reliable source who is leading member of the N.D.F. Bakarganj. The matter was revealed during secret enquiry from the source who has indirect knowledge of the information that may be classified as B-2.
Sd/-20.11.65 VSuperintendent of Police, Dist. Spl. Branch, Barisal
Beginning of Hearing of sedition case against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 9 April 1965
Ittefaq dt. 9.4.65
হাইকোর্টে শেখ মুজিবের মামলার শুনানী আরম্ভ
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলা ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালত হইতে অন্যত্র স্থানান্তরকরণের আবেদনের শুনানী শুরু হইয়াছে।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য, ঢাকার তদানীন্তন পুলিশ সুপার মােহাম্মদ ইসা ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এস, বি, আলমের আদালতে জনাব মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে এক অভিযােগপত্র দাখিল করেন। উপরােক্ত অভিযােগপত্রে জনাব মুজিবর রহমানকে পাকিস্তান দণ্ডবিধির ১২৪ ধারা এবং জননিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্সের ৭(৩) ধারা অনুযায়ী দেশদ্রোহিতার অভিযােগে অভিযুক্ত করা হয়। উপরােক্ত অভিযােগপত্রের বিবরণে প্রকাশ যে, জনাব মুজিবর রহমান গত ১৯৬৩ সনের ১২ই ডিসেম্বর পুরানাে পল্টন ময়দানে এক আপত্তিকর বক্তৃতা প্রদান করেন এবং উক্ত বক্তৃতা জনসাধারণের মধ্যে আইনসম্মতভাবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে ঘৃণার সৃষ্টি করে এবং আইনশৃংখলার পক্ষে বিঘ্নকর, সুতরাং ইহা দেশদ্রোহিতা।
অতঃপর অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালতে মামলার শুনানী শুরু হইলে আবেদনকারী মামলা সংক্রান্ত নথিপত্রের জাবেদা নকল লইবার জন্য সময়ের প্রার্থনা করিলে আদালত উক্ত আবেদন প্রত্যাখ্যান করেন।
মামলার শুনানী হইবার সময় উক্ত আদালতের সাক্ষীর জবানবন্দী প্রমাণ আইন মােতাবেক গ্রহণ করে নাই বলিয়া আবেদনকারী অভিযােগ করেন।
অতঃপর আবেদনকারী গত ১৩ই আগষ্ট উক্ত মামলা উপরােক্ত ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের আদালত হইতে অন্যত্র স্থানান্তরের আবেদন করেন। হাইকোর্ট আবেদনকারীর অনুকূলে রুল প্রদান করেন।
আবেদনকারীর কৌসুলী মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল বলেন যে, উক্ত মামলা ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালত হইতে স্থানান্তর করিবার যথেষ্ট প্রয়ােজনীয়তা আছে।
অদ্য পুনর্বার এই মামলার শুনানী আরম্ভ হইবে। আবেদনকারীর পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল এবং তাহাকে মামলা পরিচালনা করিতে সাহায্য করেন মি: সুধাংশু শেখর হালদার।
সরকার পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন ডি, এল, আর জনাব আবদুল হাকিম।
P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL 10.4.
Instruction on dealing of cases against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 22 April 1965
Extract of notes and orders copied from NSPP 320-321 of S.B. file No. 2-59 T.S. VII.
1.About students – one Magte. should be selected to take up all these cases and go on with the trial of the cases expeditiously.
2.Sk. Mujibur Rahman – one Dy. S.P. should be selected to look into the cases against him. Dy. S.P. Mr. Khaleque to please put up present position of all these cases.
3.Copies of the order sheet of these cases reg: students and Sk. Mujibur Rahman should be sent to me for perusal in future – Dy.S.P. Khaleque to be requested.
1. Mr. Syed Ahmad of 81, Santinagar : a case is pending against him. Why
pending? Present position of case.
2. Mr. Zaman of Shoaib Industries : connection with Sandya Kona
Nalitabari P.S. (clay for pottery) Khondkar Abdul Hamid is a partner- Please put up further particulars.
Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman urges upon Government to consider | Railway workers’ demand with sympathy.
Dacca, 24 April 1965
Azad at 24.1.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিবৃতি রেল কর্মচারীদের দাবী মানিয়া লউন
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সরকারের প্রতি রেল কর্মচারীদের ১১ দফা দাবী সহানুভূতির সহিত বিবেচনা করার আহবান জানাইয়া সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন।
তিনি বলেন, প্রস্তাবিত রেল ধর্মঘট দেশের স্বাভাবিক জীবনযাত্রাকে দারুণভাবে ব্যাহত করিবে। তিনি সংশ্লিষ্ট সকল পক্ষের মধ্যে পারস্পরিক আলােচনা ও সমঝােতার ভিত্তিতে সমস্যার সমাধান করার জন্য সরকারের প্রতি আবেদন জানান।
তিনি বলেন কর্মচারীদের দাবীসমূহ ন্যায়সঙ্গত। এই দুর্মূল্যের বাজারে উহা মানিয়া না লওয়ার কোন কারণ নাই।
পরিশেষে তিনি বলেন, পূৰ্ব্বাহ্নেই কর্মচারীদের সহিত সমঝােতার চেষ্টা না করিয়া ধর্মঘট শুরু হইলে যে পরিস্থিতির উদ্ভব হইবে তজ্জন্যই সরকারই দায়ী হইবেন।
TO P.F. included in l.C.C. notes. DSLR may see pl. Sd/-for DSPL, 27.4.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman prayed for certified copies of FIR and charge sheet also prayed for shifting date fixed for P.Ws.
Dacca, 24 April 1965
Copy of the petition
In the court of Mr. M.A. Malek, Magistrate 1st class, Dacca.
Ref. Ramna P.S. case No. 98(4)64 d/s 7(3) EPPSO.
Sheikh Majibor Rahman
The humble petition of the accd. above named most respectfully swith:That the above noted case is fixed for evidence on 26.4.65.
That your petitioner has applied for certified copies of the FIR and charge sheet but as yet has not received the same.
That without the certified copies of the said FIR and charge sheet your petitioner could not arrange his defence.
That further more on account of unavoidable personal reasons the accused petitioner is to leave Dacca on the morning of 26.4.65 and as such pray for shifting of the date from 26.4.65 to some other date at your honours convenience.
It is therefore prayed that your honour would be pleased to shift the date of hearing from 26.4.65 to some other date at your honours convenience.
By Moazzemuddin, Pleader
The case against Sk. Mujibor Rahman (Ramna PS case under Sec. 7(3) (EPPSO) has been shifted for 26.5.65 as he could not take copies of documents of this case.
SSII/D.I.G. may see pl. Sd/ -26.4.65, Seen. Sd/ -27.4
Copy of Order Sheet dated 26.4.65.
Seen. Petition filed for the accused praying for shifting of the date on reasons stated therein. Petition is allowed. To 26.5.65 for P.Ws.
Sd/- M.A. Malik
Magistrate 1st Class,
Phone no. 5024
City Special Branch Dacca,
the 28th April 65
No. 2069/R. 3308/58-64 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police (I), S.B., E.P., Dacca, for information with reference to his Memo. No. 8806/606-48 P.F. dated 26.4.65. The reason is that he did not get copy of the records.
Sd/ -28.4.65
for Spl. Supdt. of Police,
City S.B., Dacca.
Secret Phone No. ….
No. 9198/606-48 P.F. dt. 30.4.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca. Subject: Cases against Sk. Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Court.
Kindly refer to your No. 2069/58-64 P.F. dt. 28.4.65 and give the reference of case in future.
Sd/ -29.4.65 DSPL,
for SSI
Copy of the Order Sheet of Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 of 1964.
24.4.65 – Accd. Dr. Aleem Al Razi and Mahmud Ali absent by petition. Accd. Obaidur Rahman in custody not produced. The lawyer surety undertakes to produce them on the next date. The remaining accd. on bail present and as before.
To 29.5.65 for P.W.
Sd/- A. Ahmed
Magistrate, 1st Class
Note : [The absentee Accd. Dr. Aleem Al Razi and Mahmud Ali gave reason of
illness. They did not, however, supply any M.C. Accd. present on the day include Sk. Mujibur Rahman.]
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman supports 11 point demand of
Railway employees.
Dacca, 24 April 1965
Morning News dt. 24.4.65
Mujib Asks Govt. To Fulfil EPREL Demands The General Secretary of East Pakistan Awami League, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman issued the following statement in Dacca yesterday.
“The railway employees of East Pakistan have been pressing their various legitimate demands for last few years. Of late, the East Pakistan Railway Employees’ League has submitted to the PER authorities an 11-point charter of demands, and has been reasonably agitating for the fulfilment of these demands. Labour organisations and members of the public in various other walks of life have expressed their sympathy and support for the railway workers’ demands.
“The EPREL has also stated that unless the demands of the railway employees are met by the authorities concerned in time, they will be forced to go on strike from May 27. This is a serious situation. There is no reason that the Railway authorities would not accede the genuine demands of the employees. The workers must always
have reasonable remunerations and human service conditions if they are to work efficiently. This is more true in these days of economic hardship and price spiral.
“Extending our full sympathy to the railway workers’ cause, I would call upon the Government and the Railway authorities to adopt a sympathetic attitude in the matter, and fulfil the genuine demands of the employees through a negotiated settlement in time and forestall thereby the proposed railway strike. Otherwise, any railway strike will paralyse greatly the public life, and the Government will be responsible for that. I should believe the Government will resolve the dispute immediately.”
Seen. This is known. TO P.F. Sd/ -27.4.
Sang-Bad Dt. 25.4.65
রেল কর্মচারীদের দাবীর প্রতি মুজিবের সমর্থন
(নিজস্ব বার্তা পরিবেশক)
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গত শুক্রবার এক বিবৃতিতে রেল কর্মচারীদের দাবীর প্রতি পূর্ণ সমর্থন জ্ঞাপন করেন এবং সরকার ও রেল কর্তৃপক্ষকে দাবীসমূহ মানিয়া লইয়া প্রস্তাবিত রেল ধর্মঘট এড়ানাের আহবান জানান। জনাব মুজিব বিবৃতিতে বলেন, “গত কয়েক বৎসর ধরিয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রেল কর্মচারীগণ তাহাদের বিভিন্ন দাবী দাওয়া আদায়ের জন্য সংগ্রাম চালাইয়া যাইতেছে। পরিশেষে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রেলওয়ে কর্মচারী লীগ কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট ১১ দফা দাবী পেশ করিয়াছেন এবং এই দাবী লইয়া স্বাভাবিক কারণেই তাহারা আজ ক্ষুব্ধ। বিভিন্ন শ্রমিক প্রতিষ্ঠান ও দল-মত নির্বিশেষে জনসাধারণ তাহাদের এই দাবীর প্রতি সমর্থন ও সহানুভূতি জ্ঞাপন করিয়াছেন। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রেল কর্মচারী লীগ ইতিমধ্যে জানাইয়াছেন যে, কর্তৃপক্ষ যদি যথাসময়ে তাহাদের দাবী মানিয়া না লয় তবে আগামী ২৭শে মে হইতে প্রদেশব্যাপী অনির্দিষ্টকালের জন্য রেলধর্মঘট পালিত হইবে। ইহা অত্যন্ত গুরুতর পরিস্থিতির সৃষ্টি করিবে।” পরিশেষে সরকার ও কর্তৃপক্ষকে রেল কর্মচারীদের দাবী মানিয়া লইবার আহবান জানাইয়া বিবৃতিতে শেখ মুজিব বলেন, আমরা রেল কর্মচারীদের দাবীর প্রতি পূর্ণ সমর্থন জ্ঞাপন করিতেছি এবং সেই সঙ্গে সরকার ও কর্তৃপক্ষকে অবিলম্বে আলাপ আলােচনার মাধ্যমে রেল কর্মচারীদের দাবী দাওয়া মানিয়া লইয়া ধর্মঘট এড়াইবার আহবান জানাইতেছি, অন্যথায় রেল ধর্মঘটের ফলে জনসাধারণের স্বাভাবিক জীবনে অচলাবস্থা সৃষ্টি হইলে তজ্জন্য সরকারই দায়ী
TO P.F. of SK. Mujibur Rahman. Included in the note for (.C.C meeting. Pl. show DSLR also. Sd/-DSPL, 5.5. Also on the FPREL file. Sd/-5.5.65. One copy pl. Sd/ -7.5. Copy placed below as desired, pl. Sd/ -10.5.65.
Report and notes on cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 26 April 1965
Message From S.S. (1) To Dy. S.P. Dacca Court.
Please keep us informed about the present position of all the cases against (a) the students & (b) of Sk. Majibor Rahman. Copies of the order sheet of the cases regarding students & of Sk. Majibor Rahman should be sent to this office in future for perusal of the D.I.G., Spl. Branch. Gr 406/64. 1) Ramna PS case no. 101(1)64 Mr. A Ahmed dt.
24.4.65. ” 5081/64. 2) ” ” ” , 98(11)64 Mr. MA Malek dt.
Phone Nos. 6863 & 4231/18
Special Branch, East Pakistan
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the 26th April, 1965
No. 88077606-48 P.F. (Pt.21)
To Mr. A. Khaleque,
Dy. Supdt. of Police,
Dacca Court, Dacca.
Sub: The cases against (a) students and (b) Sk. Mujibur Rahman in the Dacca Court.
Please keep us informed about the present position of all the cases against (a) students and (b) Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
You are also requested to send to us the copies of the order sheets of the cases in future for perusal of the D.I.G., S.B. E.P., Dacca.
Sd/ -2.4.65.
(Ahmed Husain)
for Spl. Supdt. of Police (I), S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca. Ct. Inspr. Pl. let me have a list of such cases. Sd/ -27.4.65. GR SI Aktar will pl. put up the list all such cases. Sd/27.4.65
Notes and orders transcribed from S.B. file No. 217/64/Statt. in connection with issue of summons to Mr. Mozammel Huq, Govt. Reporter asking him to be present in the court of M.A. Malik, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca on 26.4.65 for the hearing of the case against Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
I had a discussion with DIG. He desires that one Dy. S.P. of City S.B. should keep contact with Dy. S.P., Court, Mr. A. Khaleque and do the following:
1)Immediately bring a list of cases against (a) Student, (b) Sk. Mujibur Rahman with the present position of the case and next date of hearing.
2)Attend the court on dates of hearing and bring copies of Order Sheet in cooperation with Mr. Khaleque, Dy. S.P., Court.
Sd/-Muhammad Isa
Secret/ Immediate
Phone No…..
No. 8806/606-48 P.F. (Pt. 21) dt. 26.4.65 TO The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: Cases against (a) students & (6) Sk. Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Court.
The D.I.G. S.B. desires that one Dy. S.P. of City S.B Dacca should keep contact with Mr. A. Khaleque, Dy. S.P. Dacca Court immediately and bring a list of cases against (a) students & (6) Sk. Mujibur Rahman with present position of the cases and next date of hearing.
He is also to attend the court on dates of hearing and bring copies of Order Sheet in co-operation with Mr. A. Khaleque, Dy. S.P., Court for perusal of the D.I.G. S.B.
Sd/ -26.4.65
Report on pending cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 28 April 1965
The following cases are pending against Sk. Mujibur Rahman (till 28.4.65):
(1) C.R. Case No. 1a/64 u/s 124A PPC in the court of Mr. B. Alam, A.D.C., Dacca.
Complt. M. Isa, P.S.P.
It is a case for delivering speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Stadium, Dacca, pending with High Court u/s 526 Cr.P.C. since 16.8.64. Argument was heard on 27.4.65 and judgement awaited.
(2) G.R. Case No. 36/64.
Savar P.S. case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)2 Press and Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/506/153 PPC. It is a case for throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64, against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 6 others. The case was pending trial in the court of S.D.O. (N), Dacca. The defence has moved a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. for transfer of the case to other court. The case has been referred to High Court and is pending decision since 15.6.64.
(3) G.R. Case No. 406/64.
Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55 (1) (2) and sec. 50 of the Press & Publication Ordinance, 1964 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 11 others in the court of Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmad, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca. It is a case for publication of the leaflet captioned ‘Purba Pakistan Rukhiya Darao’ on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee. Adjourned till 29.5.65 for absence of two accused persons on 24.4.65.
(4) C.R. Case No. 2 of 1964 u/s 124A PPC against Sk. Mujibur Rahman in the
court of Addl. D.C., Dacca. Complt. Syed Mannan Baksh, P.S.P. It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech at Outer Stadium Dacca on 29.3.64. The defence filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. and the case has been referred to High Court to quash the proceedings or to transfer the case before any Munsiff or Magistrate.
Mr. Justice Baquer and Mr. Justice Subhan Chaudhury of Dacca High Court on 25.3.65 dismissed the petition of the subject who sought the quashing of the proceedings instituted against him and referred back to court for trial. The prayer of the subject for an appeal in the Hon’ble Supreme Court for quashing the proceedings has been rejected but allowed in case of complication of constitutional issue. Records not yet received by Magistrate.
G.R. Case No. 5081/64. Ramna P.S. case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the court of Mr. M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 1st Class, Dacca. It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Outer Stadium on 29.9.64. 26.4.65 was fixed for P.Ws. but on the prayer of defence the case was adjourned till 26.5.65 as the defence could not take copies of documents of the case.
Sec. Sec. Pl. place this in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman for ready references in future, Sa/- DS/PL 24.4.65
Judgement of sedition case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Dacca, 28 April 1965 Ittefaq dt. 28.4.65
শেখ মুজিবের মামলা স্থানান্তরের আবেদন হাইকোর্টে শুনানী সমাপ্তঃ রায়দান স্থগিত
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গত সােমবার ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ, সােবাহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দেশদ্রোহ মামলা ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত কমিশনারের আদালত হইতে অন্যত্র স্থানান্তরের আবেদনের শুনানীর সমাপ্ত হইয়াছে। আদালত রায়দান স্থগিত রাখিয়াছেন।
TO, P.F of the subject. Sd/-30.4.65,DS/PL
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Khulna on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other political leaders.
Khulna, 1 May 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, District Special Branch, Khulna, for the week ending 1.5.65
Abstract of Intelligence: East Pakistan secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 9 dated 27.2.65 was received here on 29.4.65.
2. Movement of suspects:
1. A.L* 113 Maulana A.K.M. Yusuf (JI), who left for Dacca on 21.4.65 at
20.00 hours by Rocket Steamer, returned to Khulna on 1.5.65 at 07.15 hours by Train.
2.A.L. 640 Shamsur Rahman (JI), who left for Dacca on 21.4.65 at 20.00 hours by Rocket Steamer, returned to Khulna on 1.5.65 at 07.15 hours by Train.
3.A.L.* 470 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh (AL), who arrived at Khulna from Dacca on 26.4.65 at 14.00 hours by P.I.A. Helicopter, left for Gopalgonj, Faridpur by Steamer at 22.00 hours the same day being shadowed by a Watcher Constable.
He again came to Khulna from Gopalgonj on 1.5.65 at 06.00 hours by Steamer and left for Dacca at 07.25 hours the same day by Helicopter.
4.A.L. 381 Jasimuddin Mandal (CP), who came to Khulna on 25.4.65 at 07.15 hours, left for Pabna by Train at 21.30 hours the same day.
5.A.L. 472 Mujibur Rahman (YL/EPREL/NAP/CP), who came to Khulna on 25.4.65 at 07.15 hours, left for Saidpur, Rangpur by Train at 21.30 hours the same day.
Ext. to the P.F. of sl (3) pl. sd/ -for DSPL, 5/3.
Khulna, the 1st May, 1965
No. 2484/1(3)/21-65.
Copy, by post, forwarded in confirmation:
(1) A.K.M. Sirajul Haq, Esqr., Special Superintendent of Police, City S.B., Dacca. (2) Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, D.S.B., Dacca. (3) Momtazuddin Ahmed, Esqr., Special Superintendent of Police, Special Branch,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
This relates to A.L.* 470 Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (AL).
Sd/ -1.5.65
Superintendent of Police,
D.S.B., Khulna.
Report on order of court on Ramna PS case no. 92(3)64 in
connection with convocation disturbance.
Dacca, 5 May 1965
4.5.65: Received the case on transfer. Accd. (1) Zakir Husain, (2) Abdul Momin Bhuiya, (3) Hyat Husain, (4) Nural Islam absconding from long before. Evidence u/s 512 Cr.P.C. has already been recorded agst. Them.
Accd. (5) Parimal Ch. Shome, (6) Anwar Husain Khan, (7) Humayan Kabir absent on call. Issue W/A and P&A agst. them.
Accd. (8) Mir Moazzem Husain, (9) Abu Taher, (10) A. Rahim Azad surrender to the court and pray for bail as they were absconding from long before. They may find bail of Rs. 1000/- with one lawyer and one local surety of the like amount each. I/D Hajat.
Accd .(11) K.M. Obaidur Rahman, (12) Sk. Fazlul Haq, (13) A. Razzaque, (14) Hyder Akbar Khan, (15) Badrul Haq are in custody. Obaidur Rahman and A. Razzaque produced from custody. Hyder Akbar Khan and Badrul Haq not produced.
They are ill. Hyder Akbar Khan and Badrul Haq are represented by lawyer.
Accd. (16) Md. Abu Taher s/o Taib Ali Master, (17) Fazlul Haque Khandaker,
(18) A. Salam, (19) Md. Arifur Rahman, (20) Rashed Khan @ Menon, (21) Md. Badiazzaman Bara Laskar, (22) Md. Borhan Uddin, (23) Anwarul Haq Chaudhuri, (24) A.H. Saogatul Alam, (25) Asmat Ali Sikdar, (26) Golam Kibria, (27) Chaudhuri Sanor Ali, (28) A. Latif Sardar, (29) Reza Ali, (30) Ali Hyder Khan, (31) Md. Tahirul Haq, (32) Syed Md. Mozammel Haq, (33) Shahidul Haq Munshi, (34) Mozzammel Islam, (35) Kamal Uddin Siddique, (36) A. Hannan Khan, (37) Syed Aminul Islam, (38) Mozammel Haq, (39) Gyas Uddin Khan Chaudhuri, (40) Ahsanul Kabir, (41) Md. Emanuddin are present in court. They may find bail of Rs. 1000/- with one lawyer and 1 (one) local surety of the like amount each. I/D Hajat.
Seen the petition filed by the learned P.P. and Court Inspector for splitting of the case into two. Start a separate case into two. Start a separate case agst. the accd. Parimal Ch. Shome, Anwar Husain Khan, Humayun Kabir and Sk. Fazlul Haq u/s 147/148/352/323/435/511 PPC by splitting up G. R. case No. 1202/64. The new case will bear the No. 1202/64 agst. the said 4 accd.
Examined in-chief 2 P.Ws in connection with G.R. C/No. 1202/64. The learned P.P. prays for time for adducing further P.Ws.
To 8.6.65, 9.6.65 and 10.6.65 for further P.Ws and charge if any.
Sd/- A. Ahmed
Secret/Phone: 5024.
Memo. No. 21৭৭/Dated, Dacca, the 5.5.1965.
Forwarded to S.A. Khasru, Esq., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police-2, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca, for information with ref. to his memo No. 8806/60648P.F. & 26.4.65.
Sd/-5.5.65 Special Supdt. of Police
City Spl. Branch
High Court rejects application of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for transfer of sedition case on the ground of impartial trial.
Dacca, 6 May 1965 Azad dt. 6.5.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলা হাইকোর্ট কর্তৃক স্থানান্তরের আবেদন নাকচ
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য বুধবার ঢাকা হাই কোর্টের এক ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এম, বি, আলমের আদালতে বিচারাধীন দেশদ্রোহিতা মামলা স্থানান্তরের আবেদনকে নাকচ করিয়া দিয়াছেন।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, ১৯৬৪ সালের ১৯শে মে তারিখে জনাব আলমের আদালতে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে এই মর্মে এক অভিযােগপত্র দাখিল করা হয় যে, তিনি ১৯৬৩ সালের ১৫ই ডিসেম্বর তারিখে ঢাকা আউটার ষ্টেডিয়ামে আয়ােজিত এক জনসভায় সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণকে আস্থাহীন, বিমুখ ও উত্তেজিত করিবার জন্য আপত্তিকর এক বক্তৃতাদান করায় তিনি পুর্ব পাকিস্তান নিরাপত্তা আইনের ৭ ধারা এবং পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪(ক) ধারা লংঘন করিয়াছেন। অতএব তিনি দেশদ্রোহিতার অপরাধে দোষী। এই আবেদনপত্র গ্রহণ করিয়া অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব আলম শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে উপরােক্ত আইন ভঙ্গের জন্য সমন। জারি করেন। শেখ মুজিবর রহমান জনাব আলম সমীপে হাজির হইয়া তাহার বিরুদ্ধে আনীত
অভিযােগের বিরুদ্ধে সাক্ষ্য প্রদানের জন্য প্রয়ােজনীয় কাগজপত্র হস্তগত করিবার নিমিত্ত সময়ের জন্য আবেদন করেন। কিন্তু তাঁহার উপরােক্ত আবেদন অগ্রাহ্য করা হয়।
শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের পক্ষ হইতে হাইকোর্টে পেশকৃত আবেদনপত্রে বলা হয় যে, তাঁহার স্বপক্ষে সাক্ষ্য প্রদানের জন্য প্রয়ােজনীয় কাগজপত্র হস্তগত করিবার উদ্দেশ্যে সময়ের অত্যন্ত প্রয়ােজন থাকা সত্বেও সময় প্রাপ্তির আবেদনকে উপরােক্ত আদালত নামঞ্জুর করিয়াছেন। তাছাড়া তাহার পক্ষ হইতে ঘােরতর আপত্তি সত্বেও আইনতঃ গ্রহণযােগ্য নয় এইরুপ অবৈধ সাক্ষ্যও তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে গ্রহণ করা হয়। ইহাতে আবেদনকারীর মনে এই সন্দেহ ও ভয়ের উদ্ভব হইয়াছে যে, তাহার বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলায় উপরােক্ত আদালত কর্তৃক পক্ষপাতহীন বিচার তিনি আশা করিতে পারেন না।
অতঃপর এই অবস্থার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে তিনি ফৌজদারী আইনের ৫২৬ ধারা মােতাবেক হাইকোর্টে এই মর্মে এক আবেদনপত্র পেশ করেন যে, উপরােক্ত অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনারের আদালত হইতে তাহার মামলা অন্য যে কোন ক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন আদালতে স্থানান্তর করা হউক।
কিছুদিন পূর্বে ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের এক ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ উপরােক্ত অভিযােগপত্র গ্রহণ করিয়া সরকারের উপর এই মর্মে কারন দর্শাইবার জন্য এক রুল জারি করিয়া ছিলেন যে, আবেদনকারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলা যাহা বর্তমানে ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব আলমের আদালতে বিচারাধীন, তাহা কেন ক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন অন্য কোন আদালতে স্থানান্তর করা হইবে না?
উপরােক্ত আবেদনপত্র বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব আবদুস সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ সবিস্তারে শুনিয়া বাতিল করিয়া দিয়াছেন।
আবেদনকারীর পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন মিঃ এস আর পাল ও এস, এম, হালদার। সরকারের পক্ষে ছিলেন জনাব আবদুল হাকিম ডি,এল,আর ও তাহাকে সাহায্য করেন জনাব নঈমউদ্দিন।
TO P.F. Sd/-for DSPL
Ittefaq dt. 7.5.65
শেখ মুজিবরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলা স্থানান্তরের আবেদন হাইকোর্ট কর্তৃক না-মঞ্জুর
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গত বুধবার ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ, সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলমের আদালতে বিচারাধীন দেশদ্রোহ মামলা স্থানান্তরের আবেদনের অনুকূলে প্রদত্ত রুলকে খারিজ করিয়া দিয়াছেন।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য, ঢাকার পুলিশ সুপার জনাব ইছার অভিযােগক্রমে ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত কমিশনার জনাব আলমের আদালতে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪ ধারা মােতাবেক এক মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। অভিযােগপত্রে বলা হয় যে, গত ১৯৬৪ সনের ২৪শে মে আউটার স্টেডিয়ামের এক জনসভায় শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এক আপত্তিকর বক্তৃতা প্রদান করেন এবং উক্ত বক্তৃতা আইন অনুযায়ী প্রতিষ্ঠিত সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণের মনে ঘৃণা, হিংসা এবং বিদ্বেষ সৃষ্টি করে।
অতঃপর উক্ত মামলার কার্যক্রম সম্পর্কে আপত্তি উত্থাপন করিয়া ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলমের আদালত হইতে অন্যত্র স্থানান্তর করিবার আবেদন করিলে হাইকোর্ট শুনানী সাপেক্ষে জনাব মুজিবর রহমানের অনুকূলে রুল প্রদান করেন।
মামলার পূর্ণ শুনানীর পর ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের উপরােক্ত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ উক্ত মামলার স্থানান্তর আবেদন প্রত্যাখ্যান করেন। আবেদনকারীর পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন মিঃ সবিতা রঞ্জন পাল এবং তাঁহাকে মামলা পরিচালনা করিতে সাহায্য করেন মিঃ সুধাংশু শেখর হালদার। সরকার পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন জে,এল,আর, জনাব আবদুল হাকিম এবং জনাব নইম উদ্দিন আহমদ।
P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DSPI, 11.5.
Weekly Confidential Report of Chittagong containing movements
of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
S.B. Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 9 for the week ending 27.2.65 was received here on 1.5.65.
Movements of Political Suspects
A.L.* 470 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh who had arrived at Chittagong on 5.5.65 morning by P.I.A. left for Dacca on 6.5.65 at 10.30 hrs. by P.I.A.
Ext. P.F., Sd/-15.6., DSPL
High Court accepts petition of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and orders transfer of case to Munsif court.
Dacca, 8 May 1965
Ittefeq dt. 8.5.65
গভর্নরের গাড়ীতে প্রচারপত্র নিক্ষেপ মামলা মুন্সেফ কোর্টে স্থানান্তরের আবেদন মঞ্জুর
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (শুক্রবার) ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব এ, সােবহান চৌধুরী সমবায়ে গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও অপর কতিপয় ব্যক্তির বিরূদ্ধে গভর্নরের গাড়ীর উপর প্রচারপত্র নিক্ষেপ ও গভর্নরের নিরাপত্তায় বিঘ্ন সৃষ্টির অভিযােগ ঢাকা সদর (উত্তর) মহকুমা হাকিমের কোর্টে বিচারাধীন মামলা ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের ক্ষমতাপ্রাপ্ত কোন মুন্সেফী আদালতে স্থানান্তরের আবেদন মঞ্জুর করেন। হাইকোর্ট উক্ত মামলা বাতিলের অপর এক আবেদন অগ্রাহ্য করেন।
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman travels to Gopalganj for election
campaign in favour of Combined Opposition Parties.
Dacca, 9 May 1965
Ittefaq dt. 9.5.65
শেখ মুজিবের গােপালগঞ্জ যাত্রা
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
প্রাদেশিক পরিষদের আসন্ন নির্বাচনে ‘কপ’ মনােনীত প্রার্থীদের পক্ষে প্রচারকার্ড চালাইবার জন্য পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতকল্য (শনিবার) হেলিকপ্টারযােগে গােপালগঞ্জের পথে খুলনা রওয়ানা হইয়া গিয়াছেন। তিনি নির্বাচন শেষে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিবেন।
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক জনাব তাজুদ্দিন আহমদ গতকল্য লঞ্চযােগে চাঁদপুর হইয়া হাজীগঞ্জে গমন করেন। জনাব তাজুদ্দিন আহমদ অদ্য (রবিবার) ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিবেন।
TO P.F Pl. Sd/ – For D.S., P.L.15.5.
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Khulna.
Khulna, 15 May 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, District Special Branch, Khulna, for the week ending 15.5.65.
1. Abstract of Intelligence:
East Pakistan Secret Abstract of Intelligence No….. dated 6.3.65 was received here on 8.5.65.
2. Movement of Suspects:
1. A.L. 640 Shamsur Rahman (JI) left for Dacca on 11…… at 12.35 hours by train.
2. A.L. *470 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh (AL) who arrived Khulna on 8.5.65 at
12.00 hours by Helicopter, left for Gopalgonj (Faridpur) by Steamer at 23.00 hours the same day being shadowed by a Watcher Constable.
Enlist to P.F. of Majibar Rahman 470. Sd/-DS/PL, 24/5. Received from Steno, SS(1), Loose without file. Sd/-28.5.65.
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Faridpur.
Faridpur, 15 May 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Faridpur, for the week ending 15.5.65.
Part- II
2. Political Affairs (Organisation and Propaganda)
(1) Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, E.P.A.L., s/o Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca arrived at Barfa, Gopalganj on 9.5.65 and contacted the members of the Electoral College there. On 10.5.65 he visited Boultali, P.S. Gopalgonj, Jalirpar, P.S. Muksudpur and also contacted the members of the Electoral College. On his arrival at Jalirpar Ghat he was garlanded by Waliur Rahman @ Ulu Miyan (AL) s/o late Muzam of Haridaspur, P.S. Gopalgonj, Faridpur. He addressed a gathering of about 250 people including some members of the Electoral College the same day at about 18.00 hours at Jalirpar High
School premises. In his speech, inter alia, he said that major portion of foreign aids were being spent for development of West Pakistan depriving the East Pakistanis and he feared that the people of this wing would turn into street beggar in the long run if this process continued. No public meeting was held in those places.
SSI may pl. see. Ext. may go to the PF of Sk. Majibur Rahman. Sd/
Report on Misc. Case No. 2a/64 u/s 124A PPC State Vs. Sheikh | Mujibur Rahman in the court of M.B. Alam, ADC, Dacca.
Dacca, 17 May 1965
Copy of Telephone message dated 17.5.65 received at 12.30 hrs. from S.I. Akhtar Hossain to D.S. (Pol.), City S.B., Dacca.
Reference Miscellaneous Case No. 2a/64 u/s 124 A P.P.C. Govt. of Pakistan order No. 948-Pol/ F(I) dated 24.10.64 (Accd. Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman).
True copy of order sheet. In the court of Mr. M.B. Alam A.D.C. dated 7.5.65 in the order from Honourable High Court. The rule has been discharged and stay order has been vacated. Now fix 25.5.65 for appearance of the accused.
Notify the surety accordingly. Informed S.P. and P.P. also.
Sd/- M.B. Alam.
Phone No. 582
City Special Branch,
Dacca Dated the 17th May’65
No. 2382 Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for information.
Sd/ -17.5.65
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
DSPL, Pl. put up the file so the DIG may see. Sd/ -19.5.65. D.A., Pl. keep the typed paper in the file & put up to D.I.G as ordered. Sd/-19.5.65, DSPL
Result of the Misc. Case No. 2a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C.
State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. In the Court of Mr. M.B. Alam A.D.C., Dacca.
The accused Sk. Mujibur Rahman was absent by petition and M.C. in the above referred Court where the case agst. him was due to be held on 25.5.65. He stated that he had been severely injured during the last cyclone and as a result, he could not even now move from one place to another.
He is at present under the treatment of Mr. Ansari, Professor of Surgery in the Salimullah Medical College. He prays for further adjournment up to sometime in the month of July 1965 next.
An M.C. dated 24.5.65 from W.A. Ansari, E.R.C.S.(E), F.C.P.S. had been attached with his petition, which recommended for his complete 1 (one) month rest.
As A.D.C. was in tour in Mufassil yesterday on 25.5.65, no order could be passed on his petition.
Sd/- 26.5.65
S.I. of Police, C.S.B., Dacca.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca Dated the 26th May, 1965 No. 2532/58-64 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for favour of information.
Sd/ -26.5.65
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
TO P.F. of the subject. Included in l.C.C. Sd/-DSPL, 26.5.65 DSPL, To include this in I.C.C. Sd/26.5
Phone Nos. 4231/18 & 6863
Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dacca Dated the 27th May, 1965 No. 10815/606-48 (PF)
Mr. A. Khaleque,
Dy. Supdt. of Police, Court, Dacca.
The dates of hearing of the cases against Sk. Mujibur Rahman should be from day-to-day in all the cases.
You are requested to take necessary action in this connection and keep this office informed.
Sd/-(M. Isa)
for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Memo. No. 10815/1 Dated: 27.5.65 Copy forwarded to: 1. A.K.M.S. Haque, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, City Special Branch, Dacca. The
order sheets in all these cases may be obtained and sent to this office daily as already requested earlier.
Sd/ -27.5.65
(M. Isa)
Spl. Superintendent of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Phone No…..
No. 11302/606-48 (R) dt. 4.6.65 To A. Khaleque D.S.P.22, Dacca Court, Dacca.
Subject: Cases against Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
22. DSP – Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Kindly refer to this office letter No. 10815/606-48P.F dt. 27-565 and report compliance
DSPL, for S.S.I.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at. … A.M./P.M. Date:5.6.65 Received at. 16/00 A.M./P.M.
From : D/S Poll Addresses/ (if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : DIS P.L. S.B E.P Dacca
Result of Misc. Case no. 2a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C as per order sheet against Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Accused absent. Seen petition by the surety. It has been stated by the surety that the accd. sustained an injury and so unable to attend Court. Time was allowed in the last date on the same ground. There is no medical certificate of the accd. I do not believe the plea. Issued W/A without bail against the accused. The bail bond of the accused and also the sureties are forfeited. Ask them to show Causes why they will not pay the entire amount. To 15.6.65 for accused.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam
A.D.C. DS/PM informed over phone who instructed me to give him the
message on 7.6.65 in the office.
Seen., To the P.F of SK. Majibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 7.6.65
Copy of Order sheet of Misc. Case No. 2a/64 u/s 124A PPC Govt. of Pak. Order No. 948-Gel/5(1) dated 24.10.64
State Vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman Date of Trial was on 25.5.65. In the Court of Mr. M.B. Alam, A.D.C. Dacca.
I was out on 25.5.65. Accused absent. Seen petition by Surety. The accused is said to have sustained an injury and so unable to move. Seen M.C. in this connection.
Time allowed up to 5.6.65 for appearance of the accused. Notice to the surety accordingly. Put up on 5.6.65.
Sd/- M.B. Alam.
City Special Branch
Dacca, the 2nd June, 1965
No. 2616/58-64 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -2.6.65 Spl. Supdt. of Police,
City S.B, Dacca.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch Dacca, the 7th June, 1965
No. 2798/58-64 P.F.
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 11302/606-48 P.F. dated 4.6.65 regarding case against Sk.
Mujibur Rahman.
Copies of order sheets in connection with the case against the subject have been sent under this office Nos. 2616/58-64 P.F. dated 2.6.65 and 2617/58-64 PF dated 3.6.65.
Sd/ -8.6.65
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at….
A.M./P.M. Date: 8.6.65
Received at. 17.40 A.M./P.M.
From : DS Poll Addresses/ (if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : DSPL, S.B., E.P. Dacca
Case No. 2/64 state vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 124(a) PPC.
Order Accused surrender. He may find a bail of Rs. 2000/- with 2 Sureties each of the like amounts. Recall warrant of arrest. To date 15.6.65. Sd/ – Md. Alam, A.D.C.
Sd/-8.6 Telephone Operator Immediate., T.S. Please type 2 copies & put up 10 PM today. Sd/ – DSPL, 9.6.65. 302 dt.8.6.65 Informed over phone.
True copy of Misc. Case No. 2a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C.
Govt. of Pak. Order no. 948-Poll/s(1) dt. 24.10.64 agst. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. (In the court of Mr. M.B. Alam A.D.C.)
Orders 8.6.65 : Accused surrenders. He may find bail of Rs. 2000/ – with two
sureties each of the like amounts. Recall W/A. To date. Sd/ – M.B. Alam A.D.C.
Submitted by
Sd/-S.I. ,
City S.B., 8.6.65.
TO DSPL. Sd/ -9.6.65
Copy of O/S dt. 8.6.65 Ref. Case no. 2a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. 8.6.65: Accd. surrenders. He may find bail of Rs. 2000/-with two sureties of the like amount. Recall W/A. To date (15.6.65)
Sd/ – B Alam.
A.D.C. (a)
Forwarded to the D.I.G, S.B. through the S.P. office, Dacca for favour of information. Also sent over phone to D.S./S.B. Sd/ -9.6.65.
True copy of order sheet of C.R. case no. 20/64 u/s 1244 P.P.C. Govt. of Pak. Order no. 948-poll/s(1) dt. 24.10.64 agst. Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
15.6.65.: Accd. present as before. P.P. & Court Inspr. also present. Fix
3.7.65 for P.Ws & summon the P.WS. Sd/ – M.B. Alam, (A.D.C).
Submitted by
S.l. City S.B.
TO DSPL. Sd/ -16.6.65. DA for wa PL. Sd/ -DSPL, 15.6.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at….
A.M./P.M. Date : 15.6.65
Received at. 14.35 A.M./P.M.
From : DS/POL, City SB, Dacca. Address/ (if given)
To : DS/PL, SB, EP, Dacca
Ref: Criminal Case no. 2a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C against Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
15.6.65 : Accd. present as before. P.P. & Court Inspector also present.
Fix 3.7.65 for Summon for P.WS. Sd/- M.B. Alam, A.D.C.
Sd/ -15.6.65 Telephone Operator
SB no. 754 dt. 15.6.65. D.A. pl. put up with the file. Sd/ – DSPL, 16.6.
East Pakistan Form No. 4
Handed in at…. A.M./P.M. Date: 19.6.65 Received at. 13.25 A.M./P.M.
From : DS/Poll, City, S.B., Dacca. Addresses/ (if given)
To : DS/PL, S.B., EP, Dacca
The Entire record of criminal Case no. 2 of 1964 u/s 124A of the P.P.C. with all connected & relevant papers of the court of the Addl. Deputy Commissioner Dacca were sent by the A.D.C to the Asst. Registrar High Court of Judicature at Dacca on 18.6.65 as requisitioned by this Supreme Court in con. with the appeal to the supreme Court No. 29 of 1965 (criminal 6-D of 1965). Arising out of Criminal Miscellaneous case no. 159 of 1964.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, Awami League East Pak. appellant of the Supreme Court vs the State respondent to the Supreme Court. True copy of order sheet:- In the Court of A.D.C, Dacca Criminal case no. 2/1964, State vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman uls 124(a) P.P.C.
Seen letter No. 735 dt. 15/6/65 from the Asst. Registrar High Court E.P. calling for the records for reference in the appeal in the Supreme Court. Send the records at once as desired and stay further proceeding. (Sd) Md. Alam, ADC, Dacca.
Sd/-19.6.65 Telephone Operator
SB No. 902 dt. 19.6.65. Delivered by S.l. Jahural Haque.
True Copy of Order sheet
In the court of A.D.C. (A) Dacca. Cr. case no. 2/1964 of State Vs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman u/s 124A P.P.C.
16.6.65 : Seen letter no.735 dt. 15.6.65 from the Asstt. Registrar High
Court E.P. calling for record for reference in the appeal in the
Supreme Court.
Send the record at once as desired & stay for the proceedings. Sd/ – M.B. Alam, A.D.C. (Gen.) Dacca.
Submitted by
Sd/ -S.l. City S.B.
20.6.65 Note: Informed earlier over phone.
In the Court of A.D.C. Dacca. Misc. case No. 2/1964.
Accd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 124A P.P.C.
16.6.65 : Seen letter No.735 dated 16.6.65 from the Assistant Registrar High
Court, E.P. calling for the record for reference in the appeal in the
Supreme Court. Send the records at once as desired and stay for the proceedings.
Sd/- (M.B. Alam)
A.D.C. (Gen.) Dacca.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca Dated the 21st June’65
No. 3041
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for information.
Sd/ -21.6.65
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca. DS/PL 1. To show D.I.G. 2. Copy of O.S. to be put up in 1.C.C. meeting. Sd/-21.6 D.A. Please put up in File & show D.I.G today. Sd/ – DSPL, 21.6.65
Ref: CR case no. 2(a) of 1964 u/s 124A P.P.C.
East Pakistan Form No. 3890
M.C. Original Form No. (M) 106.
(C.O. No. 1 of 11th July 1818, reproduced by C.O. No. 6 of 18th November, 1901) District
No. of 19 Versus Sk. Mazibur Rahman

Copy of telephone message dated 3.7.65 from D.S./(Pol), City S.B., Dacca to D.S.(PL), S.B., Dacca.
C.R. Case No. 2/64 State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman under section 124A PPC.
Order- 3.7.65. Accused present as before. The Record has been sent to Asstt. Registrar, High Court. Await receipt of court. Accused appear on call.
Sd/- Md. Alam,
A.D.C. D.I.G./S.S.(I) may kindly see. This refers to a prejudicial speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64.This may go in I.C.C. The D.A. will pl. supply two typed copies of the order sheet. Sd/- Ahmed Husain, DSPL, 5.7.65. Seen. Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed. 5.7.
East Pakistan Form. No. 45
Handed in at. ..
A.M/P.M. Date: 3.7.65
Received at. 4/40PM A.M/P.M.
From : DS/Pol (City SB) Addresses/(if given) Dacca.
To : DS/PL SB. Dacca.
C.R. Case No. 2/64 State Vs Sk. Mujibar Rahman under section 124A P.P.C.
Order 3.7.65 : Accused present as before. The record has been sent to Asst.
Register High Court. Await receipt of court. Accused appear on call. Sd/ -M.B. Alam, A.D.C.
Sd/ – 3.7.65
Telephone Operator
D.I.G/S.S., may kindly see. This refers to a prejudicial speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64. This may go in I.C.C. The D.A. will pl. supply two typed copies of this order sheet. Sd/ – DSPL, 5.7.65.
Copy of order sheet date 3.7.65 in c/w criminal case no. 2(a)/64 U/S 124A P.P.C. St. vs Sk. Mazibur Rahman.
3.7.65- Accused present & as before. Record has been sent to the Registrar High Court. Await receipt of the record. Accd. to appear on call.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam
A.D.C. Dacca.
Forwarded to the S.S.1/S.B., E.P., Dacca through the Supdt. of Police, Dacca for favour of information.
Sd/ – Dacca
Forwarded. Sd/ -7.7.65
Weekly Confidential Report of SP, DSB, Khulna.
Khulna, 22 May 1965 Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, D.S.B., Khulna for the week ending 22.5.65.
Part – I
1. Abstract of Intelligence
East Pakistan secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 10 dated 6.3.65 was received
here on 8.5.65.
2. Movement of suspects
1. Reference W.C.R. for the week ending 15.5.65, part I para 2, under the same head, A.L. *470 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh (A.L.) who returned to Khulna from Gopalgonj (Faridpur) on 18.5.65 at 10.00 hrs. by Steamer, left for Dacca by Helicopter at 10.55 hrs. the same day.
2. A.L. *314 Farid-ud-Dohar (C.P.) who left for Darshana (Kushtia) on 14.5.65 at 12.35 hrs. returned to Khulna on 18.5.65 at 19.30 hrs. by train. He was duly shadowed.
Ext. to P.F of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- DSPL, 31.5.65.
Ext. on the P.F. of Farid-ud-Dohar. Sd/-for DSCM, 1.6.65.
Official correspondences, trying Magistrate’s orders etc. on Ramna PS case no. 101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 50 & 55 of the Press & Publications Ordinance (GR No. 406/64) against Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and others.
Dacca, 29 May 1965
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at…. A.M./P.M. Date: 29.5.65 Receive at. 05.15 A.M./P.M.
From : DS/Pol City S.B. Dacca Address/(if given)
To : DS/PL SB.EP. Dacca
Ref: Ramna P.S. Case no. 101 dt. 29/64 u/s 65(1)(2) and sect. 50 of
the Press and Publication Ordinance 1960 VR-406/64, accused Sk. Majibar Rahman and other, accused Mujibur Rahman is absent by petition on medical ground. Accused Mahbubul Haque is also absent by petition on the ground as he is engaged at Ctg. in connection with Rly. strike and he is not in position to attend the court. The Magistrate ordered W/A against him with bail of Rs. 5000/- only him. 26.6.65 for accused and P.W.
In connection with Lalbagh PS case no. 74 dt. 30.4.65 W/S 17(5) of E.P.P.S.O 1958- VR 1790/64. Magistrate recalled P.W.I and further examine him. He also reexamined in chief two more P.W. TO 31.5.65 for charge if any. Sd/ – S.1. 29.5.65.
Informed over phone. Sd/ -29.5.65.
Message will be delivered on Monday at office hours, as ordered by DS/PL. Sd/ -SI S.S.I may kindly see. Extract to the P.F. of Sk. Majibor Rahman & Tofazzal Hussain. DS/ST may pl. see. Sd/ -DS/PL, 31.5.65.
Copy of Order Sheet relating to Ramna P.S. case No.101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55(1) (2) & Section 50 of the Press and Publication Ordinance of 1960 against Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman & 11 others.
29.5.65. : Hajira for 1 (one) P.W. filed but the accused (1) Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman is absent by petition on medical ground that he was injured by recent cyclone. Accused (2) Mahbubul Huq is also absent by petition on the ground that he is at Chittagong in connection with Railway strike and he is not in a position to attend to Court due to dislocation. Issue W/A against Mr. Mahbubul Huq with bail of Rs. 5000/-. The remaining 7 accused on bail present and as before. Issue W/A against the P.Ws as prayed by learned P.P. To 26.6.65 for accused & P.Ws.
Sd/- A. Ahmed.
Magistrate 1st Class.
PHONE NO. 5024
No. 2631/36-64 (DSB)
Copy forwarded to S.A. Khasru, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police (II), Spl. Branch , E.P., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ – 31.5.65
Copy of a report dated 28.6.65 submitted by Mr. Md. Yunus, Deputy Superintendent of Police, C.S.B., DACCA.
Ref: Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dated 29.1.64 U/S 50 & 55 of the Press &
Publications Ordinance.
As desired by S.S.I (SB), I along with Inspector M/S N. Zaman and Aminul Islam, SIs Md. Israil, O.C. Ramna P.S. and Ismail, I.O. of the above case discussed the merits and demerits of the case with P.P. In all, there are 16 witnesses including the Police officers. The following are the defects of the case:
1. It is reported that most of the witnesses are either reluctant to depose or are gained over by the opposite party.
2. There is only one witness to prove that there was a meeting in which a riot resistance committee was formed with the accd. persons and all the accd. persons were present in the meeting but there is none to corroborate him.
3. There is no direct evidence to prove that the information published in the paper was sent by the accd. persons.
4. The leaflets seized in connection with this case were not found with the accd. persons nor there is any direct evidence that they made or printed the same.
The P.P. doubts about the success of the case, in case the witnesses fail to come up to our expectation in giving evidence. But in case of failure, he apprehends that the opposite party may institute a civil suit claiming heavy damage.
The case was fixed for hearing on 26.6.65. But Wali Ahad, one of the accd. filed petition that he would move the Hon’ble High Court for transfer of the case to
the court of a Munsiff Magistrate. So time was allowed till 13.8.65. No. P.W. was examined.
All efforts are being made to bring the case to a success in spite of defects.
PHONE: 45024
Memo No. 3223/36-64 (DSB), Dated, Dacca, the 30.6.1965
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police-I, Special Branch, East Pakistan Dacca, for information, in continuation of this office No. 2631 dated 31.5.65.
Sd/(A.K.M. Sirajul Haq)
Special Supdt. of Police
City SB, Dacca.
Phone No….
No. 13082/606-48 P.F. dt. 3.7.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 3223/36-64 (DSB) dt. 30.6.65. reg. Ramna P.S.
Case No. 101 dt. 29.1.64 u/s 50 & 55 of the Press & Publication Ordinance.
S.S.I (SB) desires that the officer may look into the records and P.P’s opinion given in the case and report result.
Sd/ – DS/PL,
for S.S.I. 3.7.65.
Ext. from orders of D.I.G. on NSP 345-346 of File No. 2-59/TS(L) 10.6.65
1) Case against Hyder Akbar Khan should be summarily tried and disposed of:
2)Pamphlet list- G.R. 406/64 (P. 1957). To find out rules about M.N.As. and M.P.As. appearance before Court 15 days after the Assembly Session. Whether these M.N.As. and M.P.As. can be left out and case split up and trial expedited against others.
3)Hindu officers to be transferred out from border areas and posted to interior districts especially Telephone Operators in border district telephone exchanges.
4)Detention of foreigners with documents and maps to be under Foreigners Act within the permission of Provl. Govt. and approval of Central Govt.
5)Chittagong College students should be prosecuted and convicted quickly summarily for leading a procession at Laldighi Maidan at Chittagong.
Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed,
Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the 11.6.1965
No. 11650
Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Supdt. of Police,
D.S.B., Dacca.
Ref: G.R. case No. 406/64 (Ramna P.S. case No.101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) and
Sec. 50 of the Press and Publication Ordinance against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 11 others).
The next date of hearing of the case is 26.6.65 but as the National Assembly is now in session and will continue for a considerable length of time, the accused persons M/s Mahmud Ali, Shah Azizur Rahman and Alim-al-Razi who are members of the National Assembly may not be able to face their trial during the session of the Assembly
According to the privileges granted to the members of the National Assembly under Sec. 3 of the ordinance No. IX/1963, a court (Civil and Criminal) cannot compel their appearance during session.
You are therefore requested to take necessary steps early for continuance of the trial of the remaining accused persons even in absence of these three sitting M.N.As as per provisions of the Cr.P.C. In case of any legal question P.P. may be consulted.
Sd/ – 11.6
(A.S.M. Ahmed)
Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
3)Hindu officers to be transferred out from border areas and posted to interior districts especially Telephone Operators in border district telephone exchanges.
4)Detention of foreigners with documents and maps to be under Foreigners Act within the permission of Provl. Govt. and approval of Central Govt.
5)Chittagong College students should be prosecuted and convicted quickly summarily for leading a procession at Laldighi Maidan at Chittagong.
Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed,
Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the 11.6.1965
No. 11650
Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Supdt. of Police,
D.S.B., Dacca.
Ref: G.R. case No. 406/64 (Ramna P.S. case No.101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) and
Sec. 50 of the Press and Publication Ordinance against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 11 others).
The next date of hearing of the case is 26.6.65 but as the National Assembly is now in session and will continue for a considerable length of time, the accused persons M/s Mahmud Ali, Shah Azizur Rahman and Alim-al-Razi who are members of the National Assembly may not be able to face their trial during the session of the Assembly
According to the privileges granted to the members of the National Assembly under Sec. 3 of the ordinance No. IX/1963, a court (Civil and Criminal) cannot compel their appearance during session.
You are therefore requested to take necessary steps early for continuance of the trial of the remaining accused persons even in absence of these three sitting M.N.As as per provisions of the Cr.P.C. In case of any legal question P.P. may be consulted.
Sd/ – 11.6
(A.S.M. Ahmed)
Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Secret: Immediate
PHONE: 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca, the 21st June, 1965.
No. R. 5242/36-64(DSB).
Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
I send herewith letter No. 11650/606-48 (P.F) dated 11.6.65 from the D.I.G., S.B., E.P., Dacca addressed to you by name which has been redirected to us by the D.S.B. without showing this to you.
The Dy. Supdt. of Police, Sadar Court may kindly be directed to take necessary steps in the matter as desired by D.I.G., S.B.
Sd/- (A.K.M. Sirajul Haq)
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
No. 3037/1(2) dt. 21.6.65 Copy forwarded to:1. The Dy. Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Dacca. The letter signed by D.I.G., S.B.
and addressed to S.P., D.S.B. by name should not have been treated so
lightly. 2. S.A. Khasru Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police (II), S.B., E.P., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -21.6.65.
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Copy of order sheet dated 26.6.65
Ref: Ramna P.S. Case No. 101(1)64 u/s 55(1) & (2) read with section 50 of Press
and Publication Ordinance G.R. Case No. 406/64.
State VS. Sk. Mujibur Rahman & others.
Accused Alim-Al-Razi, Shah Azizur Rahman, Mahmud Ali absent by petition on the ground that they are attending the session of National Assembly as M.N.A. Hazira for 12 P.Ws. filed. Seen the petition filed by learned P.P. for spitting up the case excluding the absentee accused from the present trial. As the case was being
taken against the remaining accused who are present in court, the accused Oli Ahad filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. to move to the Hon’able High court for transfer of this case to the court of a Munseff Magistrate so further proceed of the case adjourned. The petitioner is granted one month and 15 days time to move to the Hon’able High Court. He is to execute a bond of Rs.2007- Accused as before. To 13.8.65
Sd/- A. Ahmed Magistrate,
1st class, Dacca
Submitted. Sd/- S.I. 27.6.65.
To DS/PL. Sd/- Md. Yunus. 27.6.65
East Pakistan Form No.45
Headed in at….
A.M/P.M. Date: 26.6.65
Received at. 14.20 A.M/P.M.
From : D.S. Poll Addresses/(if given) City S.B.
To : D.S/P.L SB Dacca Ref: Ramna P.S. Case No. 101(1) u/s 55(1) (II) Read with 50 Press & Publication Ordinance of 1960. G.R. Case No. 406/64. State vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman & others. Accused Oli Ahad filed a petition uls 526 Cr.P.C. to move the Honb. High Ct. for transfer of the Case to the court of a Munsif Magistrate and on this petition further proceed of this case adjourned by Mr. A. Ahmed Magistrate 1st class Dacca. Next date is fixed on 13.8.65.
Sd/-S… 26.6.65.
Telephone Operator
D.I.G/S.S.I may kindly see. Sd/ – DSPL, 28.6.65
TO PF of Sk. Majibur Rahman Sd/ – DSPL, 28.6
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at. 18.04 A.M/P.M Date: 13.8.65
Received at. 13.00 A.M/P.M
From : S.I. A. Julhas Addresses/[if given) City S.B.
To : DS/PL S.B Dacca.
Ramna P.S. Case no. 101(1)64 u/s 55(1)(II) and section 50 of Press Publication Ordinance 1960 G.R. 406/64
State Vs. Shaik Majibar Rahman Petition filed by the defence praying for time again to move the Honorable High Court on the last date 1 month time was granted. However another 15 days time is granted to 28.8.65. Sd/ – 13.8.65,
Sd/ – 13.8.65
Telephone Operator
D. A. Please file in the PF of the subject. Sd/-DSPL, 17.8
True copy of order sheet of Ramna P.S. Case No. 101(1)64 u/s 55(1)(2) and Sec. 50 of Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960.
State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman and 11 others
13.8.65 : Seen the petition filed by defence praying for time again to move the Honorable High Court. On the last date 1; months time was granted for the purpose. However, another 15 days time is granted. To 28.8.65. Hazira for the accd. (1) Mahbubul Haque, (2) Ali Aksad, (3) Dr. Alim-Al-Razi, (4) Ali Ahmed, (5) Ataur Rahman filed. The remaining 7 accused absent on call. Sureties must produce them on the next date.
Sd/-A. Ahmed Magistrate, 1st Class.
69 Leaflet bundle throwing case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
others adjourned. Dacca, 31 May 1965
Ittefaq dt. 31.5.65
‘প্রচার পত্র মামলা’ ২৬শে জুন পর্যন্ত মুলতবী
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের সাবেক মুখ্যমন্ত্রী জনাব আতাউর রহমান খান ও মেসার্স হামিদুল হক চৌধুরী, তফাজ্জল হােসেন (ইত্তেফাক সম্পাদক), জহুর হােসেন চৌধুরী (সংবাদ সম্পাদক), শেখ মুজিবর রহমান, শাহ আজিজুর রহমান, মাহমুদ আলী, মাহবুবুল হক, এম, এন, এ, ডঃ আলীম-আলরাজী, অলী আহাদ, আলী আকসাদ (সহযােগী সম্পাদক, ইত্তেফাক) ও ছাত্রনেতা ওবায়দুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে ‘পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রুখিয়া দাঁড়াও’ শীর্ষক বেআইনী প্রচারপত্র প্রকাশের অভিযােগে আনীত মামলা গত শনিবারে প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব আফসার উদ্দীনের কোর্টে শুনানীর জন্য উত্থাপিত হইলে টেকনিক্যাল কারণে উক্ত মামলার শুনানী আগামী ২৬শে জুন পর্যন্ত মুলতবী রাখা হয় [গতকল্য (রবিবার) ইত্তেফাকে ভুলক্রমে ২১শে জুন ছাপা হয়]।
অভিযােগের বিবরণে বলা হয় যে, অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তিগণ ১৯৬৪ সনের জানুয়ারী মাসে একটি দাঙ্গা প্রতিরােধ কমিটি গঠন করেন এবং পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রুখিয়া দাড়াও’ শীর্ষক প্রেসের নামধাম বিহীন এক প্রচারপত্র প্রকাশ করেন। পুলিস তদন্তের পর তাঁহাদের সকলের বিরুদ্ধে চার্জশীট দাখিল করে। মেসার্স জহিরউদ্দিন, আনওয়ারুল হক, মনজুরুর রহিম, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন, খােন্দকার মাহবুবউদ্দীন প্রমুখ আসামীপক্ষ সমর্থন করেন। পক্ষান্তরে পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব এম, এ, আলীম সরকার পক্ষে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 1.6.65
Copy of order sheets, summon to PWs, charge framing, examination in chief and cross examination of PWs of case No. | IA/64 against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 2 June 1965
True copy of complaint case no. 1A/64 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 124A P.P.C. & 7(3) EPPSO 1958 filed on 19.5.64, in the court of Mr. M.B. Alam, A.D.C., Dacca.
1.6.65.: Seen the order of the honorable High Court. The Rule has been discharged
and stay order vacated.
Fix 8.6.65 for appearance of the accused. Notice to surety accordingly. Inform S.P. & P.P.
PHONE: 5024
Memo. No. 2617/58-64 P.F. Dated, Dacca, the 3.6.1965
Forwarded to M. Isa, Esq., P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -2.6.65 VSpecial Supdt. of Police
City Spl. Branch.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch Dacca, the 7th June, 1965 No. 2798/58-64 P.F.
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police (1),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 11302/606-48 P.F. dated 4.6.65 regarding case against Sk.
Mujibur Rahman.
Copies of order sheets in connection with the case against the subject have been sent under this office Nos. 2616/58-64 P.F dated 2.6.65 and 2617/58-64 PF dated 3.6.65.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at. A.M./P.M. Date 8.6.65
Received at.
From : D.S. Poll Addresses (if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : D.S. P.L. S.B. E.P. Dacca
Complt. Case No. 1(a) 64 u/s 124A PPC and 7(3) E.P.P.S.O 1958.
Accused (Sk. Mujibur Rahman) appeared and to remain on bail as before. P.P. Present. 22.6.65 for remaining P.Ws. and summon to the P.WS. as per list of the P.P. Sd/ – Md. Alam A.D.C.
Telephone Operator
immediate. T.S. Please type 2 copies & to put up by 10 AM today. Sd/ – DS/PL 9.6.65.
True Copy of Complaint Case no. la/64 agst. Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 124A P.P.C & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. 1958, filed on 19.5.64. (In the court of Mr. B.M. Alam A.D.C)
8.6.65 : Accused appears & to remain on bail as before. P.P. present.
Fix 22.6.65 for remaining P.Ws. as per list of the P.P.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam
Submitted by
S.I City S.B. Dacca. Sd/-8.6.65
To DS/SP. Sd/ -9.6.65
Phone: 6863& 4231/18
Special Branch, East Pakistan
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the June’65
(1) Syed Mannan Baksh, Esq., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, Dacca.
(2) A.K.M. Sirajul Haq, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, City S.B., Dacca.
Ref: C.R. Case No. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. and 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./58 in the Court of
Mr. B. Alam, A.D.C., Dacca. (State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman).
The next date of hearing of the case has been fixed on 22.6.65 for remaining P.Ws. All possible steps may kindly be taken, well in time, for production of the prosecution witnesses before the court on the date fixed.
Sd/- (Muhammad Isa)
Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Memo No. 11840/1/dated. 14.6.65.
Copy forwarded to the Dy. Supdt. of Police, Court, Dacca for securing attendance of the remaining witnesses of the case. He may please send the list of witnesses to this office for record and action, if any.
Sd/- (Muhammad Isa)
Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Sir, The list is attached herewith as desired. Y.O.S. Sd/ -S.1., D.I.B. 16.6.65. S.I. Shajahan Sikder will pl. put up a list of P.Ws today & enquires if summons have been issued. Sd/ -16.6.65. Submitted to the S.S.//S.B. Dacca with a copy of the list of P.Ws. as desired. Sd/ – Dy. S.P. (Court), 26.6.65.
Copy of o/s dated 22.6.65 in c/w C.R. C/No. 1a/64
St. Vs. Sk. Mazibur Rahman.
22.6.65 : Accused present and as before. Further examined P.W.3, and
examined 4 more P.Ws. all in chief. To 24.6.65 for the remaining P.WS.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam,
A.D.C. Dacca, 22.6.65
Copy forwarded to the S.S.I, S.B, Dacca through the Court Inspector Dacca for favour of information.
Sd/ -S.l. of Police.
D.B. Dacca, 22.6.65
Forwarded to Dy. S/S.B. for favour of information. Result communicated also over phone.
Sd/ -22.6.65
Dacca. D.A. for na pl.
Sd/-DS/PL, 23.6.
East Pakistan Form No.45
Handed in at. …
A.M./P.M. Date: 22.6.65.
Received at. 13.00 A.M./P.M.
From : Inspr. N. Zaman. Addresses/(if given) City S.B., E.P., Dacca.
To : DS/PL, S.B., E.P. Ref. C.R. Case no. 1A/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. accused Sk. Majibur Rahman
dt. 22.6.65. Accused present and as before. Further examined P.W. 3 and examined all in chief on 24.6.65 for the remaining P.WS.
Sd/ -Md. Alam
N.B. Inspr. Syed Mozaffarul Islam (P.W.3) has been further examined
today and the following witnesses have been examined in chief today.
(1) K.A. Mannan, (2) Shiraj Miah, (3) Afsaruddin Ahmed, (4) A. Hakim.
Sd/- 22.6.63
Immideate. Please type 4 copies immediately for 1.C.C. Sd/-DS/PL. 22.6. D.I.G./S.S.1, may kindly see. Sd/ -DS/PL, 22.6.
Copy of order sheet dated 24.6.65 Complaint case No. 1a/64 u/s 124(a) PPC & 7(3) EPPSO.
State Vs. Sk. Muzibur Rahman.
Examined 2 more PWs namely Mr. Ali Ahmed Chowdhury, Magistrate 1st Class, Khulna and Syed Wazed Ali, S.I. of Police, D.S.B., To 3.7.65 for further PWs and framing charge if any. Accused present and as before.
Summon the remaining pws.
Sd/- M.B. Alam
A.D.C, Dacca
Submitted. Sd/-City S.B., 24.6.65. Copy for I.C.C. meeting. Sd/- 25.6.65.
ittefaq dt. 24.6.65
অদ্য শেখ মুজিবের মামলার শুনানি আরম্ভ
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এম, বি, আলমের কোর্টে গত মঙ্গলবার আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলার শুনানি আরম্ভ হয়। চার জন সরকারী সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণের পর মামলার শুনানি মুলতবী রাখা হইয়াছে। অদ্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) পুনর্বার এই শুনানি শুরু হইবে।
আসামী পক্ষে মেসার্স জহিরুদ্দীন, আবুল হােসেন, মােল্লা জালালুদ্দীন আহমদ, কোরবান আলী, মােহাম্মদ উল্লাহ, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম, মঞ্জুরুর রহিম, খােন্দকার মাহাবুব হােসেন প্রমুখ। আইনজীবী এবং ঢাকার পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব এম এ আলীম ও কোর্ট ইন্সপেক্টর সরকার পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন।
TO P.F. pl. Sd/ -26.6.
Phone No. …
No. 12601/606-48P.F. dt.25.6.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Ref: C.R. Case No. 1A/64 u/s 124 (A) 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. against Sk. Mujibur
Kindly depute an officer to trace out the order of deputing a Magistrate in the meeting in which the subject delivered speech & report the result.
Sd/-DS/PL, for S.S.I
East Pakistan Form No.45
Handed in at. …
A.M./P.M. Date: 24.6.65.
Received at. 20.00 A.M./P.M.
Words From : DS Pol. City S.B. Addresses/(if given)
To : DS PL
Complaint case No. 1A/64 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman uls 124(A) 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. Two more PWs were examined in the court of A.D.C. revenue.
TO 3.7.65 further PWs framing charge whenever if any. Accused present as before. Summons for remaining PWS.
Sd/ -24.6
D.I.G/SS-I may kindly see. TO P.F. of Sk. Majibur Rahman. This may go in 1.C.C. & the order sheet to be given to 1.C.C. file. City SB may be requested to trace out the order of deputing magistrate. Already shown to DIG. Sd/ – DS/PL. 25.6.
Copy of telephone message dated 3.7.65 from D.S./Pol. City S.B. to D.S./PL, S.B., Dacca.
C.R. Case No. 1A of 1964. State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 7/3 EPPSO 1958 and u/s 124A PPC.
Order – 3.7.65
Recalled and further examined P.W. 3 under objection from defence. Examined other P.Ws. PP Prayed for time. Examined some more witnesses. To 8.7.65 for their examination and summoned then. Accused present as before.
Sd/- Md. Alam
D.I.G./S.S.(I) may kindly see. This refers to a prejudicial speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Outer Stadium Dacca, on 15-12-63. This may go in I.C.C. The D.A. will pl. supply two typed copies of the order sheet. Sd/- Ahmed Husain, D.S./PL. 5.7.65, Sd/- M. Isa. 5.7, Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed, 5.7
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at…. A.M/P.M. Date 3.7.65 Received at. 4: 40 A.M./P.M.
From : DS/Pol. Addresses/(if given) City SB, Dacca.
To : DS/PL SB, Dacca
C.R. Case no. 1A of 1964. State vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 7/3 E.P.P.S.O., 1958 and u/s 124A P.P.C.
Order-3.7.65 Recalled and further examined P.W.3 under objection from defence. Examined and other P.WS. P.P. prayed for time. Examined some more witnesses. To 8.7.65 for their examination and summoned them. Accused present as before. Sd/ – Md. Alam, A.D.C., 3.7.65.
Sd/ -3.7.65
Telephone Operator
D.I.G/ S.S./ may kindly see. This refers to a prejudicial speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Stadium on 15.12.63. This may go in I.C.C. The D.A. will pl. supply two typed copies of the order sheet. Sd/-DS/PL. 5.7.65. A report should have been placed…. (missing from the original document due to page damage) Sir, I reported the recent report to DS.PL. & sent my speech to s.s.I in this connection.
Copy of order sheet dated 3.7.65 in c/w criminal case No. 19/64 u/s 7(3) of E.P.P.S.O. 1958 & 124A P.P.C.
St. Vs. Sk. Mazibur Rahman 3.7.65 : Recalled & further exd. P.W. 3 under objection from defence.
Exd. another P.W. P.P. prays for time & examine some more witnesses. Fix 8.7.65 for their examination. Accd. present & as before.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam
A.D.C. Dacca.
Forwarded to S.S.I/S.B., E.P., Dacca through the S. Police, Dacca, for favour of information.
Sd/ -6.7.65
Forwarded. Sd/ – 7.7.65.
DS (POR) Ref: Case No. I’a/64 u/s 124(A) P.P.C. against Sk. Mazibur Rahman.
Copy of order Sheet 8.7.65 : Recalled & further examined P.W. 2. Examined another P.W.
Charge framed uls 124(A) P.P.C and u/s 7(3). of the E.P. Public Safety Ordinance of 1958. The accused pleads not guilty. To 24.7.65 for cross examination of P.W.S. Summon the P.WS. Accused present and as before. Sd. M.B. Alam, A.D.C. Dacca, 8.7.65.
Submitted, Sd/ – S.I., City S.B. 9.7.65.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at. A.M./P.M. Date: 8.7.65 Receive at. A.M./P.M.
From : Insp. Mr. S.M. Islam Addresses/(if given) O/C Watch S.B.
To : Dy. SP/PL, SB Ref: Case No 1A/64 u/s 124A P.P.C and 7(3) E.P.P.S.0/58 against Sk.
Mujibor Rahman. Accused present. One P.W. present. P.P. wanted
time till 12 a.m. today. Hearing will start at 12 a.m. Sd/-8.7.65 Telephone Operator D.I.G may kindly see. It is a case for delivering speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium. Sd/ – DS/PL, 8.7.65. Seen. Sd/ -8.7.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at.
A.M./P.M. Date : 8.7.65.
Received at. 14.25 A.M./P.M.
From: Inspr. S.M. Islam & Court Inspr. Sadar Court Address/(if given)
To: DS/PL & S.S.I, S.B., Dacca.
Ref: Case No. 1A/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. and 7(3) EPPSO/1958.
State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Hearing of the case started at 12 A.M. Two witnesses examined including P.W.2 who was recalled. Other witness is section officer of Service & General Administration of the Secretariat. Charge framed us 124A P.P.C & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. under two heads.
The next date fixed for 24.7.65 for cross examination of all the 11 P.WS. so far will be examined. Sd/-8.7 Telephone Operator DIG/SSI may kindly see. It is a case for delivering speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium. Sd/ – DS/PL, 9.7.65.
DSPL Ref: Cr. Case no. 1a/64 u/s 124A /P.P.C. & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O 1958.
State vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
In continuation of my telephone message dated 8.7.65, I have the honour to state that the original copy (pencil copy) of the transcription of the speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman could not be traced from any offices in Dacca where copies were sent from the S.B. It will be better if the original can be produced on the next day (24.7.65) in… (missing from the original document due to page damage) fresh witness will have to… (missing from the original document due to page damage) in this connection. 24.7.65 has been fixed for the cross examination of the P.WS. P.P. wanted the … (missing from the original document
due to page damage) witness should be produced before him on two … (missing from the original document due to page damage, separately for testing… (missing from the original document due to page damage) before … (missing from the original document due to page damage) next hearing. DA, pl. put up with a draft today to D.D.I. Rawalpindi for the copy (in Pencil). Sd/ – DS/PL, 13.7.65.
Phone Nos. 46863 & 44231/18
Special Branch, East Pakistan, Rajarbagh
Dacca, the 15th July, 1965
No. 13797/606-48 P.F.
Dy. Inspr.-Genl. of Police,
Dacca Range.
I would request you kindly to allow Mr. M.A. Majid, Addl. Supdt. of Police, Mymensingh to come to S.B., E.P., Dacca on or before 21.7.65 in connection with the C.R. Case No. 1a/64 u/s 124A. P.P.C. State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman which he looked after as Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Dacca.
Sd/-M. Isa, 15.7.65
for Dy. Inspr. -Genl. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Memo. No. 13797/1/ dated 15.7.1965
Copy forwarded to A.M. Mesbahuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Mymensingh for necessary action please.
Sd/- M. Isa
for Dy. Inspr. -Genl. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
D.A. S.C.
As desired by S.S.I please write to S.P. Mymensingh to allow Mr. M.A. Majid, Addl. SP Mymensingh to come to Dacca S.B. on or before 21.7.65 in con. with C.R. case no. 1a/164 u/s 124A. State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Immediate.
Sd/ -DS/PL.15.7
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at.
A.M/P.M Date: 24.7.65
Received at. 13.56 A.M/P.M
From : The DS/Pol Addresses/(if given) City S.B
To : DS/PL, S.B, E.P.
Ref. Criminal case no. 1A of 1964 u/s 7(3) of the EPPSO and section 124A. Accd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
T.M. is on leave on account of sudden death of his own brother. Accd. present as before. One P.W. is present. No order has been passed by any Magistrate. Result will be communicated when reviewed.
Copy of order sheet of C.R. case No. 1a’ of 1964 u/s 124A P.P.C & 7(3) of the EPPSO/58 – State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Order-27.7.65 PP and lawyers of the accused present. Heard them.
7.8.65 is fixed for cross examination of the P.Ws. Summon the P.Ws. Accd. remain on bail as before.
Sd/- B. Alam,
A.D.C., Dacca.
Ref: Cr. Case no 11/64 u/s 124A P.P.C & 7(3) EPPSO.
State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Produced some witnesses before the P.P. at his residence last evening (23.7.65). He stated that the trying Magistrate Mr. M.B. Alam A.D.C went on leave at home due to the sudden death of his brother and the case will not be heard today (24.7.65) as was fixed earlier. Next date will be fixed. The P.P. further informed me that Mr. Mohammad Hossain, Govt. reporter did see him on 23.7.65. The P.P. did not test the
witnesses as it would be useless to do so when the case would be heard later & this should be done immediately before the hearing starts.
Sd/ – Inspr.
Copy of order sheet of C.R. Case No. la of 1964 u/s 124A P.P.C and 7(3) of the EPPSO/58 – State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
PP and lawyers of the accused present. Heard them. 7.8.65 is fixed for cross examination of the P.Ws. Summon the P.Ws. Accd. remain on bail as before.
Sd/- B. Alam,
A.D.C., Dacca.
D.A. Security section pl. put up in PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 29.7. DS/PL, Re: Your verbal order. A draft is placed below for appl. pl. Sd/-30.7.65.
Phone No. ….
No. 14693/606-48 P.F.(L) dt. 31.7.65
The S.S. City S.B. Dacca.
In sending herewith a copy of the order sheet of C.R. Case No. 19/64 us 1244 P.P.C. & 7(3) of the EPPSO/58 -State Vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, I would request you kindly to depute an officer to contact the P.P. 2/3 days before the date fixed, as before, and take necessary action in the case.
M/no. 14693/1 dt. 31.7.65
Copy forwarded to Inspr. Mr. Muzaffarul Islam of S.B. to take similar necessary action as before.
Sd/-30/7 DSPL, for S.S.I
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at. …
A.M./P.M. Date: 7.8.65.
Received at. 14.45 A.M./P.M
From : D.S. (Poll). Addresses/(if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : DSPL, S.B. E.P., Dacca.
C.R. Case no. 1A/64 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 124A P.P.C & 7(3) E.P.P.S.0/58. As many as a P.WS. were cross examined by the defence to 21.8.65 for further P.W.s. No order sheet has been received yet. It will be submitted on receipt of the same.
Sd/ -7.8.65
Telephone Operator
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at. …
A.M./P.M. Date: 7.8.65.
Received at. 14.45 A.M./P.M.
Words From : Syed Mozzafor Islam Addresses/(if given) O/C Watch, S.C.O.
To : D.S.(PL.) S.B. E.P., Dacca.
C.R. Case no. 1A/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. & Sec. 7(3) E.P.P.S.0/58State vs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman was heard in the Court of Mr. M.B. Alam, A.D.M. today 7.8.65. All the nine P.Ws. who attended the Court were cross examined. Next date fixed for 21.8.65 for further cross examination of P.Ws. namely Mr. M.M. Haque S.O., service & general administration. Mr. Md. Isa P.S.P. S.S.(1), now abroad could not be examined.
Sd/-7.8.65 Telephone Operator
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at….
A.M./P.M. Date: 7.8.65
Received at. 17.30 A.M./P.M.
From : DS/POL. Addresses/(if given) CITY S.B
To : DS/PL. S.B. E.P.,
C.R. Case no. 1A/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. and 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. 1958.
Cross examination P.Ws. 2 to 10 who are present. Defence prayed for adjournment on the ground that P.W.l is absent, for cross examination of all the P.Ws. in one day. It may not be possible to get all the P.Ws. together in one day and moreover P.W.I appears to be formal witnesses. So I do not think that such prayer should be allowed. Seen petition for time by the P.P. for cross examination of P.W.I and II and for examination of some more P.Ws. To 21.8.65 for cross examination P.W.1-11 and examination of any other P.Ws if any. Accused present and as before. Sd/ – M.B. Alam, ADM Dacca.
Sd/-S… 7.8.65.
Telephone Operator
True copy of order sheet of Complaint case no. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O, 1958, filed on 19.5.64.
State Vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Order-7.8.65 Cross-examined P.Ws. 2 to 10 who are present. Defence prayed for adjournment on the ground that P.W.I is absent for cross- examination of all the P.Ws. in one day. It may not be possible to get all the P.Ws together in one day and moreover P.W.I appears to be formal witness. So I don’t think that such prayer should be allowed.
Seen petition for time by the P.P. for cross-examination of P.W.I & P.W.II and for examination of some more P.Ws.
To 21.8.65 for cross-examination of PWI and II and examination of any other if any. Accd. present and as before.
Sd/- M.B. Alam
A.D.M., Dacca.
D.I.G./SSII may kindly see. Defence is pressing hard for cross- examination of P.W.I i.e. Mr. Md. Isa, P.S.P. who is now in U.S.A. 21.8.65 is fixed for cross-examination of S.S.I. Necessary orders may kindly be passed. Sd/-Ahmed Husain, DS/PL, 10.8.65, S.B. Dacca. Seen. Ask Dy. S.P. Dacca Court for comment please. Sd/-A.S.M. Ahmed, 10.8.
Memo No. 15318/606-48 P.F. dt. 10.8.65
Copy forwarded to the Dy. S.P., Dacca Court, Dacca for comments please. Sd/ – DS/PL For SSI 10.8.65 CT Inps. to report pl., Sd/-31.8.65. Seen. Sd/-31.8.65,
The case was heard on 21.8.65 and defence declined crossexamination of P.W.1l (Section Officer) and next date is fixed 20.11.65 for cros- examination of P.W.1 Mr. Md. Isa, P.S.P., when he is expected to return from abroad.
YOS Sd/ – 8.9.65.
Forwarded to DS/Pol for w/a. Next date is on 20.11.65 for P.W.I.
Sd/ -8.9.65. Dy. SP (C)
D.R. 9825 dt. 10.8.65.
The Deputy Inspector-General of Police,
Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Through the Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
As ordered on 9.8.65, I looked into the judicial record and discussed the case with the Public Prosecutor who conducts C.R. Case No. la/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. and 7(3) E.P.P.S.O/58 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman. My report on the points raised is given below :
1) Charge u/s 124A P.P.C. and 7(3) E.P.P.S.O/58 were framed against the accusedon 8.7.65 and the case was adjourned to 24.7.65 for cross examination of the P.Ws. On 24.7.65 the learned T.M., Mr. M. B. Alam, Addl. Deputy Commissioner, was on leave on account of sudden demise of his own brother. As Mr. M. Isa, P.S.P., already left Pakistan for training abroad his cross examination could not have been held within the month of July 1965 after 24.7.65.
2) His cross examination on commission in U.S.A. is not possible according to law.
3)Prayer for adjournment of the case may be submitted to the Court on the ground that the evidence of Mr. M. Isa, P.S.P., who is a complainant of the case being authorised by the Government, is indispensable. And as such the case may be adjourned till the end of October, 1965. Attempt may kindly be made to secure his attendance to Court in the first week of November/65 positively, if not earlier. It was under consideration whether the fact of lodging the complaint and the complaint itself could be taken in evidence by examining a new witness in place of the Complt. Mr. M. Isa, P.S.P. It has however been decided that not tendering the Complt. for cross examination will adversely affect the prosecution case.
4)So, I am of opinion that the case may pend till the end of October, 1965.
A. Khaleque Khan
(Abdul Khaleque Khan)
Deputy Superintendent of
Police (Court), Dacca.
A. Khaleque Khan
Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
See. A report has been sent to Police Directorate today. Sd/-11.8.
Copy of telephone message dated 21.8.65.
From S.I. Jahirul Haque to D.S., P.L., S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Complaint case No. 1A/64 against Sk. Majibar Rahman u/s 7 (III) E.P.P.S.O./58 and u/s 124A P.P.C.
Copy of telephone message dt. 21.8.65 from D.S. Pol, City S.B. to D.S., P.L., S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Complaint case No. 1A/64 against Sk. Majibar Rahman u/s 7(III) E.P.P.S.O./58 and u/s 124A P.P.C. and P.P. and the Court Inspector present cross exam. for P.W. 11 is declined. P.W. No.1 absent who is reported to have gone to U.S.A. for training. P.P. presses for time for cross exam. No.1 who is the compll. of this case and who is expected to return from abroad in the month of November’65. Date fixed on 20.11.65 for cross exam. for P.W.I. The accused was before.
Sd/-Md. Alam,
Mgt. 1st Class,
21.8.65 D.I.G. may kindly see. Sd/- S.A. Khasru, 23.8
D.I.G./S.S.I may kindly see. This report to the case against Mr. Sk. Majibar Rahman in which Mr. Md. Isa PSP., the complt. The next date for cross examination has been fixed on 20.11.65. Extract to I.C.C. file and P.F. of Sk. Majibar Rahman.
Sd/- A. Hussain.
Seen. Sd/ – A.S.M. Ahmed, 23.8.
One copy given to DS/PL for 1.C.C. meeting. Sd/-24.8.65.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at …
A.M/P.M. Date: 21.8.65
Received at 14.00 A.M/P.M.
From : D.S. POL SI Jahirul Haque Addresses/(if given) City SB
To : D.S/P.L. S.B. E.P., Dacca.
Complained case no. 1A/64 against Sk. Majibar Rahman w/s 7(111) E.P.P.S0/58 and u/s 124A P.P.C. Accd., P.P. & the Court Inspr. present. Cross exm. for P.W. no. Il is declined. P.W. no. I absent who is reported to have gone to U.S.A. for training. P.P. prays for time for cross exm.
P.W.I who is the compl… of this case & who is expected to return from abroad in the month of November’65. Date fixed on 20.11.65 for cross ex. for P.W.I. The accd. as before.
Sd/ -Md. Alam,
Mgt. 1st Class
Sd/ – 21.8.65
Telephone Operator
D.I.G may kindly see. Sd/-22.8. D.I.G./SSI may kindly see. This refers to this case against Sk. Mujibur Rahman in which Mr. Md Isa P.S.P. is the complt. Next date for cross examination has been fixed on 20.11.65. Extract to I.C.C. file & P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman Sd/-DS/PL, 23.8.65. Seen. Sd/-23.8.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at …
A.M./P.M Date : 20.11.65
Received at 13.30 A.M./P.M.
From : DS/POL Addresses/(if given) City
To : DS/PL. C.R. Case 1A of 1964 u/s 7(3) EPSO/58 and sec. 124A P.P.C.
State VS. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Order-20.11.65 Accd. absent by petition supported by the PWI (one) present, PP also present. Date fixed on 4.12.65 for cross exam of PWI. Accd. as before. Sd/ – SB MB Alam, ADC Dacca.
Sd/ -20.11.65
Telephone Operator
Pl. type 2 copies. Sd/-DS/PL, 22.11.65. D.A. pl. file in the P.F. of the subject. Sd/ – DS/PL, 1.12.65
True copy of Order Sheet of Cr. Case no. 1a of 1964 u/s 7(3) of E.P.P.S.0.758 & Sec. 124A P.P.C.
State VS. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Accd. absent by petition supported. by a M.C. P.W.I present. P.P. also present. Fix 4.12.65 for Cross-exam. of P.W.l. Accd. as before.
Sd/-M.B. Alam,
A.D.C., Dacca.
P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Sd/-DS/PL. 20.11.
True copy of Order Sheet of Complaint Case no. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./1958
Orders-7.12.65 Accd. present. Examined him uls 342 Cr.P.C. TO 18.12.65 for argument any as no D.W. will be examined. Accd. as before.
Sd/ -M.B. Alam
A.D.C., Dacca.
Submitted. Sd/-5.1. 8.12.65.
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – 8.12.
Complaint case no. 12/64 agst. Sk. Mujibur Rahman u/s 124A P.P.C. & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O/1958.
To 4.12.65 for “x” examination of P.W. no l.
Orders-4.12.65 Accd. Present and as before cross-examined P.W.l. Prosecution closed. To 7.12.65 for exam of the accused uls 342 Cr.P.C.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam
D.I.G/S.S., may kindly see. It is a case for delivering a prejudicial speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium. Next date is fixed on 7.12.65. Sd/ – DS/PL, 6.12.65. seen. Sd/ -7.12.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at … A.M./P.M. Received at 16.40 A.M./P.M. Date: 7.12.65
From : S.S. Addresses/(if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : DS/PL, S.B., E.P., Dacca.
[Complaint Case no. 1A/64 u/s 124(a) P.P.C. and 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. of 1958.
State VS. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Order-7.12.65 Accd. present. Examined him u/s 342 P.P.C. To 18.12.65 for argument if any as no DW will be examined. Accd. as before. Sd/ – MB Alam DC
Telephone Operator
Type Section, pl. type 2 copies of the portion marked [ ] for 1.C.C Meeting. Sd/-for DS/PL. 8.12.65.
C.T.S.B office
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at …
Received at 14.30 A.M./P.M Date : 29.12.65
From : DS/Pol. Addresses/(if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : DS/PL, S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Complaint case no. 1A/64 u/s 1244 P.P.C. & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. of 1958.
State VS Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Heard if argument from both sides. To 4.1.66 for order. Accused persons present as before. Sd/ -MB Alam, A.D.C. Dacca, 29.12.65.
Sd/ -29.12.65
Telephone Operator
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Sd/ – DS/PL, 30.12
S.B. no. 1442 dt. 18.12.65
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at … A.M./P.M Received at 13.11 A.M./P.M Date : 18.12.65
From : DS Pol. Addresses/(if given) City S.B.
To : DS/PL.
Ref. Case no. 1-A/64 Misc. No. 73/64 u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.O./58. Copy of
order sheet of the case under reference.
State VS Sk. Mujibur Rahman Party representated PP & DSP Court also present. The accd. is absent. He has applied for representation through learned lawyer but the application has not been signed by the accused. The learned lawyer for the accd. says that it was through his letter. However to avoid any irregularity in the presiding, the case is adjourned. To 23.12.65 for argument. Accused must be present on that date. Accused as before. Sd/ – MB Alam, A.D.C., Dacca.
Sd/ -18.12.65
Telephone Operator
D.I.G./S.S.I may kindly see. It is a case for delivering a prejudicial speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium by Sk. Mujibur Rahman. 18.12.65 was fixed for argument. The subject did not turn up on the date fixed. Hence 23.12.65 is fixed for argument. Sd/-DS/PL, 20.12.65, Seen. Sd/-21.12.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at … | A.M./P.M
Received at 15.00 A.M./P.M Date : 23.12.65
From : S.S.P. Addresses/(if given) City S.B.
To : DS/PL. Complt. case no. 1A/64 u/s 124A P.P.C and 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. 1958.
State Vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Order-23.12.65 Party is present and I am busy in c/w the visit of the President of Pak. TO 29.12.65 for argument. Accd. present as before. Sd/ – M. Alam,
A.D.C. Dacca.
Telephone Operator
D.I.G/S.S.I may kindly see. It is a case for delivering a prejudicial speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium. As the A.D.C. was busy in connection with the visit of President of Pakistan, 29.12.65 is again fixed for argument of the case. Sd/ – DS/PL. 24.12.65
True copy of Order Sheet of Complaint Case no. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. & 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. 1958.
State Vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Orders-29.12.65 Heard arguments from both sides. To 4.1.66 for orders. Accd. present and as before.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam,
A.D.C. Dacca
D.A. pl. file vide P.F. of the subject. Sd/-DS/PL. 31.12.
Report on pending cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 3 June 1965
A.The following cases are pending against Sk. Mujibur Rahman (till 3.6.65).
1.C.R. Case No. 1a/64 u/s 124A PPC in the court of Mr. B. Alam, A.D.C., Dacca.
Complt. M. Isa, P.S.P.
It is a case for delivering speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Stadium, Dacca. Fixed 8.6.65 for the accused.
2.G.R. Case No. 36/64
Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press and Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/506/153 PPC.
It is a case for throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64 against the subject and 6 others. The case was pending trial in the court of SDO (N), Dacca. The defence moved a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. for transfer of the case to other court.
The case was referred to High Court. On 7.5.65 a Division Bench of Dacca High Court though turned down the prayer of the subject to quash some proceedings against him. However transferred the case from the court of SDO (N), Dacca to any other court of Munsiff Magistrate. The record has not yet been received by the SDO (N).
3.G.R. Case No. 406/64
Ramna PS Case No. 101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) and Sec. 50 of the Press and Publication Ordinance against the subject and Messrs. Hamidul Haq Chaudhury, Tofazzal Hussain @ Manik Mia, Jahur Hussain Chaudhury, Shah Azizur Rahman, Mahmud Ali, Mahbubul Haq, Dr. Alimur Razi, Obaidur Rahman (student leader), Ali Ahad, Ali Aksad in the court of Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmad, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca.
It is a case for publication of the leaflet captioned “Purba Pakistan Rukhiya Darao’ on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee.
Adjourned till 26.6.65 for absence of two accused persons on 29.5.65.
4.C.R. Case No. 2 of 1964 u/s 124A PPC against the subject in the court of Addl. D.C., Dacca.
Complt. Syed Mannan Baksh, PSP.
It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64. Adjourned till 5.6.65 for absence of the subject on 25.5.65.
5.G.R. Case No. 5081/64
Ramna PS Case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the court of Mr. M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 194 class, Dacca.
It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Outer Stadium on 29.9.64. Adjourned till 28.6.65 for absence of the subject on 26.5.65.
B. The following cases are pending against Tofazzal Hussain @ Manik Mia,
Editor, Printer, Publisher and Keeper of the New Nation Printing Press of 1, R.K. Mission Road, Sutrapur, Dacca.
1. Besides G.R. Case No. 406/64 along with Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
2. Sutrapur PS Case No. 4 dated 1.3.65 u/s 7(3) of the EPPSO for contravention of Section 7 (1) (b) of the same Ordinance. Complt.- Q.A. Salam, O/C, Sutrapur P.S.
This refers to his two items captioned “Detrozo ” published in the daily Ittefaque dated 17.8.64 and 23.8.64 which contained prejudicial reports within the meaning of Sub-Section 5 of Sec. 2 of the EPPSO 1958. By editing, printing and publishing the said prejudicial report without any lawful excuse from the New Nation Printing Press the subject made himself liable for prosecution u/s 7(3) of the EPPSO, 1958. Pending investigation.
3.Ramna PS Case No. 93 dated 16.6.64 u/s 216 PPC.
It is a case for giving shelter to 2 student absconder leaders (1) Obaidur Rahman, (2) Ferdaus Qureshi in the court of Mr. Shamsuddin, S.D.O. (S), Dacca.
Adjourned till 11.8.65 for further cross examination.
4. Sutrapur PS case no. 4৭10)64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO dt. 18.৭.64-
Complt. S.I. A. Subur, O/C Sutrapur P.S.
It is a case for keeping some parts of the paper blank. Pending Investigation.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman condemns repressive measures and urges upon the Government to solve the Railway strike problem with
sympathy through discussion.
Dacca, 3 June 1965
Azad at 3.6.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিবৃতি
আলােচনার ভিত্তিতে রেল ধর্মঘট অবসানের আহ্বান
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতকল্য বুধবার এক বিবৃতিতে আলাপ আলােচনার ভিত্তিতে রেল ধর্মঘট সংক্রান্ত সমস্যা সমাধানের আহ্বান জানাইয়া ইপিরেলকে অবিলম্বে ধর্মঘট প্রত্যাহারের অনুরােধ জানান।
বিবৃতিতে তিনি সরকারকে নির্যাতনের পথ পরিহার করিয়া গ্রেফতারকৃত রেল কর্মচারীদের মুক্তি, সকল গ্রেফতারী পরােয়ানা ও মামলা প্রত্যাহারের আহবান জানান।
বিবৃতিতে তিনি বলেন যে, সাইক্লোনের ফলে উদ্ভূত পরিস্থিতির পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে রেল কর্মচারী লীগ ধর্মঘটের তারিখ পরিবর্তনের বিষয় যখন গুরুত্বের সঙ্গে বিবেচনা করিতেছিল, তখন সরকার রেল কর্মচারীদের গ্রেফতার, অফিসে তালাবদ্ধ প্রভৃতির মাধ্যমে সম্ভাব্য সকল নির্যাতনমূলক ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করে। দুর্ভাগ্যের বিষয় রেল কর্মচারীগণ যখন এই নির্যাতনের মুখে ধর্মঘট করিতে বাধ্য হয়, সরকার তখন প্রদেশব্যাপী রেল কর্মচারীদের উপর অমানুষিক নির্যাতন আরম্ভ করে। এমনকি কোন কোন রেল কলােনীর শিশু কিংবা মহিলাদেরও এই নির্যাতনের হাত হইতে রেহাই দেওয়া হয় নাই বলিয়া জানা গিয়াছে। চট্টগ্রামে গুলিবর্ষণ করিয়া দুই ব্যাক্তিকে হত্যা করা হইয়াছে।
তিনি বলেন, দাবী না মানিয়া গরীব রেল কর্মচারীদের উপর এইরূপ নির্যাতনের নিন্দা না করিয়া উপায় নাই।
বিবৃতিতে তিনি আপােষ-আলােচনার মাধ্যমে অবিলম্বে বিরােধ মীমাংসার আশা প্রকাশ করেন।
TO P.F. Sd/- 5.6.
Ittefaq dt. 3.6.65
দলনের পরিবর্তে দাবী-দাওয়া সহানুভূতির সহিত বিবেচনা করুন। রেল ধর্মঘটের প্রশ্নে সরকারের প্রতি শেখ মুজিবের অনুরােধঃ রেল কর্মচারীদের প্রতি ধর্মঘট প্রত্যাহারের আহ্বান
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারন সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান বলেন যে, বেশ কিছুদিন যাবৎ পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রেল শ্রমিকদের ১১-দফা দাবীনামার প্রশ্নে উদ্ভূত বিরােধের এক আপােষ মীমাংসার জন্য আমরা আহ্বান জানাইয়াছি। কিন্তু কোন মীমাংসা না হওয়ায় রেল কর্মচারীরা গত ২৭শে মে হইতে ধর্মঘট শুরু করেন। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রেলকর্মচারী লীগের তরফ হইতে আরও বলা হয় যে, ঘূর্নিঝড়ের ফলে উদ্ভূত পরিস্থিতির জন্য ধর্মঘটের তারিখ পরিবর্তনের বিষয় যখন সক্রিয়ভাবে বিবেচনা করা হইতেছিল, তখন সরকার ইপি আর ই এল- এর নেতাদের ব্যাপক ধরপাকড় ও চট্টগ্রামে ই পি আর ই এল এর সদর অফিস তালাবদ্ধ করিয়া দেওয়াসহ সকল প্রকার দমনমূলক ব্যবস্থার আশ্রয় নেন এবং একটি পরিবর্তিত সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণের উদ্দেশ্যে ই পি আর ই এলএর কার্যনির্বাহক কমিটিকে বৈঠক আহবানের সুযােগ হইতে বঞ্চিত করেন। অত্যন্ত পরিতাপের বিষয় হইতেছে এই যে, রেল শ্রমিকরা যখন উপরিউক্ত অবস্থায় ধর্মঘট করিতে বাধ্য হন তখন সরকার সারা প্রদেশে তাহাদের উপর অমানুষিক নির্যাতন ও দলন চালাইতেছেন। এমনকি বিভিন্ন স্থানে রেলওয়ে কলােনীতে শিশু ও স্ত্রীলােকদেরও রেহাই দেওয়া হয় নাই।
শুক্রবার চট্টগ্রামে পুলিসের গুলী বর্ষণে ২ ব্যক্তি নিহত ও বহু লােক আহত হইয়াছে। শ্রমিকদের দাবী-দাওয়া পূরণের পরিবর্তে সরকার কর্তৃক দরিদ্র রেল শ্রমিকদের নির্দয় ও অসঙ্গত ভাবে দলনের চেষ্টাকে নিন্দা না করিয়া পারা যায় না।
আমরা অবশ্য সমস্যার একটি ন্যায়সঙ্গত সমাধান চাহি এবং আন্তরিকভাবে আশা করি যে, উভয় পক্ষ অবিলম্বে আলােচনার মাধ্যমে সমাধানে পৌছার জন্য সচেষ্ট হইবেন। সর্বতােভাবে স্বাভাবিক অবস্থা ফিরাইয়া আনার জন্য অবিলম্বে সকল ধৃত কর্মচারীকে মুক্তিদান, গ্রেফতারী পরােয়ানা ও তাহাদের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা প্রত্যাহার ও কর্মচারীদের বিরুদ্ধে সকল প্রকার শাস্তিমূলক ব্যবস্থা ত্যাগ করার জন্য আমরা সরকারের প্রতি আহ্বান জানাইতেছি, আমরা একই সময় ধর্মঘট প্রত্যাহার এবং অবাধ আলােচনা ও আপােষ মিমাংসার জন্য উপযুক্ত পরিবেশ সৃষ্টির উদ্দেশ্যে সহায়তা করার জন্য রেলকর্মচারী লীগের প্রতি আহ্বান জানাইতেছি।
On file pl. Sd/ – for DS(PL), 4.6.
Report on activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Chittagong.
Dacca, 5 June 1965
Copy of Mew০ No. 2242(2)/2০-65 dt. 22.5.65 frown D.S.B Chittagong to S.S. City SB Dacca.
Reg: Activities of *470 A.L. Mujibur Rahman Shaikh, Genl. Secy., East Pakistan
Awami League during his visit to Chittagong district on the 5th and 6th May, 1965.
The subject arrived at Chittagong on 5.5.65 morning by P.I.A. and came to Hotel Shah Jahan at about 08.00 hrs. by car where he halted. He was received at the Patenga Airport by Abdullah-Al Harun (A.L./E.P.S.U.) and Anwarul Azim (being fixed) of Chittagong who also came to the above hotel with the subject. During his stay at this Hotel between 08.00 hrs. and 10.30 hrs. Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri, President, Awami League, Chittagong City, Md. Abdul Aziz (NAP) of Ctg. town and Abdus Salam Contractor, s/o Late Abdur Rahman Mistree of Mushipara, Agrabad, Ctg. met him. The subject then left the hotel by a car and again came back at about 13.00 hrs. During his stay upto 20.00 hrs. in the hotel, besides the above persons, Dr. Saidur Rahman(A.L.), Nuruzzaman Chaudhuri of EPREL and Bibhuti Bhusan Chaudhuri @ Manik Babu (A.L.) S/o Dhirendra of Chittagong also met him. At about 20.30 hrs. the subject left the hotel and again came back at 22.30 hrs. and halted for the night.
On 6.5.65 at about 09.45 hrs. the subject accompanied by Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri, Md. Abdul Aziz, Abdullah-A1 Harun, Anwarul Azim, Bibhuti Bhushan Chaudhuri (all mentd.) and Mr. Zakirul Haq Chaudhuri, M.P.A., T.K. of Chittagong amongst others left the hotel for Patenga Airport and after their arrival at the Airport, the subject left for Dacca by P.I.A. at about 10.30 hrs. The subject of his discussion with the above persons could not be ascertained.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca
Dated the 5th June’65
No. 2742/58-64 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for information.
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Notes and copies of order sheet on cases against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 7 June 1965
Result of Savar PS c/no. 13 dt. 23.11.64 u/s 55(1)(2) of the Press & Publication Ordinance, 1960 & Section 426/352/504/506/153A P.P.C.
G.R. 36/64 The case was so long pending in High Court since 15.6.64. The honorable High Court made the rule absolute and directed that the case should go to the Senior Munsiff-Magistrate, Dacca for disposal. The case records had been duly returned.
Accordingly on 2.6.65 the case has been transferred to Mr. Abdul Haq Senior Munsiff-Magistrate, Dacca, for favour of disposal & the case is pending there.
No order has been passed and no date of trial has yet been fixed by him.
By Sd/ – S.I. City S.B. Dacca
TO DS/PL today. Sd/ – DS/Pol, 8.6.65. Noted. Sd/ – 8.6.65.
Copy of O.S. passed in G.R. case No. 36/64. (Savar P.S. case no. 13(1)64 u/s 55(1)&(2) P.P. Ordinance/1960 & u/s 426,352,304,506, 534 P.P.C.
1.6.65 : Seen order from the Hon’ble High Court. The rule has been
made absolute & it has been directed that this case should go to the Senior Munsiff Magistrate, Dacca for disposal. The case is accordingly withdrawn to my file & transferred to Mr. Abdul Haque, Senior Munsiff Magte., Dacca for favour of disposal.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam,
A.D.C. (General), Dacca.
9.6.65 Received the records on transfer. The Surety is directed to
produce the accd. persons on 30.6.65. Accd. Taijuddin granted bail on 2.4.64 & he was produced on 27.4.64 from the Central Jail. No bail bond is received. Supdt. Central Jail be asked to send the bail bond to this Court. Meanwhile summon accd. Taijuddin.
Sd/ – M.A. Haque,
Munsiff Magt.
Forwarded to the D.I.G., S.B., Dacca through the S.P, office, Dacca for favour of information. Result communicated over phone to D.S./S.B.
Sd/ -Dacca.
True copy of Order Sheet of Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.11.64 u/s 55(1) (2) of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960 and sections 426/352/504/506 & 153A P.P.C. G.R.36/64.
1.6.65 : Seen order of the Hon’ble High Court. The Rule has been made absolute &it has been directed that this should go to the senior Munsiff Magistrate, Dacca for disposal. The case is accordingly withdrawn to my file and transferred to Mr. Abdul Haq, Senior Munsiff Magistrate, Dacca for favour of disposal.
Sd/- M.B. Alam,
9.6.65 : Received the record on transfer. The Surety is directed to produce the
accused person on 30.6.65. Accused Taijuddin was granted bail on 2.4.64 and he was produced to court on 27.4.64 from the Central Jail. No bail or bond is received. Supdt. Central Jail be asked to send the bail bond to this Court. Meanwhile summon accused Taijuddin for appearance on 30.6.65.
Sd/- M.A. Haq
Copy of Order Sheet in con. with Savar P.S. case no. 13 dt. 23.11.64 u/s 55(1)&(2) of the Press & Publication Ordinance 1960 and Section 426/352/504/506/153A P.P.C., GR 36/64.
2.6.65 : Seen the order of the Hon. High Court. The rule has been
discharged and stay order vacated. The case should be heard in the court of a Munsif Magistrate instead of S.D.O. The case is transferred to Mr. Abdul Haq, Senior Munsif Magistrate, Dacca for disposal.
Sd/ -M.B. Alam,
(A.D.C. Dacca)
Copy to DS/PL. Sd/ – 10.6.65. Recd on 10.6.65. Sd/-DS/PL, 10.6.65
True copy of Order Sheet of Savar P.S. Case no. 13 dt. 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) of Press & Publication Ordinance 1960 and Section 426/352/504/506/153A P.P.C., G.R. 36/64 & Misc. Case no. 32 of 1964.
1.6.65 : Seen order from the honorable High Court. The Rule has been
made absolute and it has been directed that this case should go to the Senior Munsif Magistrate, Dacca, for disposal. The Case is accordingly withdrawn to my file and transferred to Mr. Abdul Haq, Senior Munsif Magistrate, Dacca for favour of disposal.
Sd/ – M.B. Alam
9.6.65 : Received the record on transfer. The Surety is directed to produce the accd. persons on 30.6.65. Accused Taijuddin was granted bail on 2.4.64 & he was produced on 27.4.64 from the Central Jail, no bail bond is received. Supdtt. Central Jail be asked to send the bail bond to this Court. Meanwhile summon the accused Taijuddin.
Sd/-A. Haq,
TO DS/PL. Sd/ -10.6.65. Recd. on 11.6.65 at 10.00 hrs. Sd/-DS/PL 11.6.65.
Phone Nos. 6863 & 4231/18
Special Branch, East Pakistan
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the 12th June, 1965 No. 11760/606-48 P.F.
A.K.M. Sirajul Haq,
Esqr., Special Supdt. of Police,
City S.B., Dacca.
As per request from this office results of all the cases of administrative importance together with copy of the order sheet were to be sent to this office from day to day.
In Savar P.S. Case No. 13(1)64 u/s 55(1)(2) of Press and Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/506/153A P.P.C. against Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the order was passed by the Addl. Deputy Commissioner on 1.6.65 but the report about this order was sent vide your Memo. No. 2788 dated 8.6.65 after a delay of 7/8 days with the result that the up-to-date position could not be given in the I.C.C. meeting.
Further that S.I. has given the date in one report as 2.6.65 & in another one as 1.6.65.
I request you kindly to take action in this connection against the S.I.
(Muhammad Isa)
Special Superintendent of Police,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Phone No. …
No. 11760/606-48P.F. dt. 12.6.65
The S.S. City S.B. Dacca.
As per request from this office results of all the cases of administrative importance together with copy of the O/S were to be sent to this office from day to day.
In Savar P.S. case no. 13(1)64 u/s 55(1)(2) of Press & Publication Ordinance & Section 426/352/504/506/153A P.P.C. against SK. Mujibur Rahman, the order was passed by the A.D.C. on 1.6.65 but the report about this order was sent vide your no. 2788 dt. 8.6.65 after delay of 7/8 days with the result that the up-to-date position could not be given in the I.C.C. meeting.
Further that S.l. has given the date in one report as 2.6.65 & in another one as 1.6.65.
T request you kindly to take action in this connection against the S.l.
Issue, pl. keep one extra copy.
S.S.l. may kindly see the report of City SB.
The si was asked to send a copy of the Order Sheet but he sent a gist of the same. So to say, he did not care to go to the court of Mr. B. Alam, A.D.C. & copy out the order sheet.
The order was passed by the A.D.C. on 1.6.65 but the Si gave the date as 2.6.65 & from his report it is not clear who passed the order.
In order to expedite the case the S.l. should have informed his difficulties if any to Court Inspr. or D.S.P. Court. The si who wrote his name illegible may be asked to explain his comment.
Sd/ -DS/PL
Phone No. ….
No. 12475/606-48 P.F. dt. 23.6.65.
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Ref: G.R. Case No. 36/64 (Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dt. 23.1.64) u/s
55(1)(2) Press & Publication Ordinance & Section 426/352/504/ 506/153 P.P.C. against Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
As desired by Spl. Supdt.(I), I would request you to depute an officer to discuss this case with the P.P. & report result immediately.
Sd/-DS/PL, for S.S.
Ref: G.R. Case No. 36/64
Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dt. 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press & Publication Ordinance & Section 426/352/504/506/153 P.P.C. against Sk. Majibur Rahman.
As ordered by SSI, please write to SS City S.B. to depute an officer to discuss this case with P.P.
Secret: Immediate
PHONE: 45024
City Special Branch, Dacca, the 25th June, 1965
No. 3139/R. 5336.
To M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police(I)
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 12475/606-48 P.F. dated 23.6.65 regarding Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64.
ase was instituted in Savar P.S. which is not our jurisdiction. Besides, O/C Savar P.S. will not be available to us for discussion.
The Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Dacca, may, therefore, be requested to take necessary action in this case as desired.
Sd/ -25.6.65.
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 2.7.65
I beg to report that I saw the P.P. in this connection and ascertained that the case in question was transferred by A.D.C. (Mr. Alam) on 1.6.65 and the record was received by the 1st Munsiff, Dacca- Mr. Abdul Huq on 9.6.65 and he fixed 30.6.65 for appearance of the accd. persons who are on court bail. Accordingly accused Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Taijuddin Ahmed, Nurul Islam, Munsur Ali, Shamsul Islam appeared before the court of the First Munsif, Dacca, on 30.6.65 and prayed for bail which was allowed with bail of Rs. 1,000/- each i/d to hajat. Accd. Shah Azizur Rahman has been attending the N.A. session in Rawalpindi. Accd. Shafiul Islam filed a petition praying for time which was also allowed. The learned Munsiff fixed 4.8.65 for the appearance of all the accd. persons.
Secret/ Immediate
No. 27847 R. 37-64
District Special Branch, Dated the, 2nd July’65
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca, for information with reference to his 12475 dated 23.6.65 and subsequent No. 12892/606-48 P.F. dated 30.6.65.
Sd/-2.7.65. Ref: Savar P.S. case No. 13 dt. 23.1.64
East Pakistan Form No.45
Handed in at…
A.M./P.M. Date : 30.6.65
Received at 13.00 A.M./P.M.
From: DS-POL Addresses/(If given) City S.B. (S.1. Lutfar Rahman)
To : DS-PL. S.B. E.P. Dacca.
Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dt. 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(II) of Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960 and Section 153-A P.P.C, C.R. Case No. 46/64.
State Vs Nurul Islam and 6 others including Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Accused Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Tajuddin Ahmed23, Nurul Islam, Monsur Ali, Shamsul Islam are present. They prayed for bail. The prayer is allowed. He may fine a bail RS. 1000/- each l.d-11 hajat.
Accused Shah Azizur Rahman has been attending in National Assembly. Accused Shafiul Islam filed a petition for time on the ground detailed on the petition prayer is allowed. To 4.8.65 for appearance of the other accused persons.
Telephone Operator.
Immediate T.S. please 2 copies at once for 1.C.C. Sd/ – DS/PL 1.7.65 S.S.I., may kindly see. This has been included in the l.C.C. Sd/-DS/PL, 1.7.65
Phone No….
No.12892/606-48 P.F. dt. 30.6.65 TO The S.P., D.S.B., Dacca. Ref: G.R. Case No. 36/64 (Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dt. 23.1.64) u/s
55(1)(2) Press & Publication Ordinance & Sections 426/352/504/506/153 P.P.C. against Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
23.Tajuddin Ahmed (23 July 1925 – 3 November 1975) – Tajuddin Ahmed was one of the closest associates of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was General Secretary of Awami League in the late 1960s and early 1970s and Sheikh Mujib took him along while attending Ayub Khan’s Lahore Round Table Conference 1969. He coordinated Awami League’s election campaigns of historic 1970 general election leading the party to a landslide victory. He, along with Dr. Kamal Hossain, accompanied Sheikh Mujib during his negotiations with President Yahya Khan and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto for transfer of power to the elected representatives. He served as the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh Government during Liberation War 1971. After liberation he became Minister of Finance and Planning and one of the members of the constitution framing committee. Tajuddin Ahmed is one of the four national leaders brutally killed inside Dhaka Central Jail on 3 November 1975.
As desired by the S.S.(I), I would request you kindly to depute an officer to discuss the above mentioned case with the P.P. and report result immediately.
Sd/ – D.S/P.L. for S.S./
True copy of Order Sheet of Savar P.S. c/no. 13 dt. 23.11.64 u/s 55(1)(2) of Press & Publication Ordinance, 1960 & Sec. 426/352/504/506/153A P.P.C. / 36/64.
State Vs Sk. Mujibur Rahman & 6 others
Orders 30.6.65 : Accd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Tajuddin Ahmed, Nurul Islam,
Mansur Ali24 and Shamsul Islam are present. They pray for bail. The prayer is allowed. They may find a bail of Rs. 1000/- each l.d. to Hajat. Accd. Shah Azizur Rahman has been attending the N.A. Accd. Shafiul islam files a petition for time on the ground stated in the petition. Prayer is allowed. To 4.8.65 for appearance of other accused persons.
Sd/ – A. Hug
1 st Munshiff Magistrate
TO DS/PL. Sd/-DS/POL, 1.7.65. D.A. pl. put up in the file. Sd/-DS/PL, 1.7.65.
24. Capt. Mansur Ali (16 January 1917 – 3 November 1975) – One of the closest associates of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in all his Bengali nationalist movements. Arrested in 1952 for taking part in language movement. Elected to East Pakistan Provincial Assembly in 1954 and Pakistan National Assembly in 1970. Played prominent role in forming and conducting first Bangladesh government from Mujibnagar as Finance Minister during liberation war. After independence elected to Bangladesh Jatio Sangsad 1973 and served as Minister of Communications and Home Affairs in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s cabinet. Brutally killed on 3 November 1975 along with three other national leaders while imprisoned in Dhaka Central Jail.
Copy of order sheet dt. 4.8.65 in c/w Savar P.S. case no. 13(1)64 u/s 55(1)(2) of the Press and Publication Ordinance read with Section 109 PPC and Section 336/357/34 PPC.
4.8.65 – T.M. is on leave. Accd. Saha Azizur Rahman is attending the Session of the N.A. His lawyer prays for dispensing with his personal attendance. Accd. Shafiul Islam appears and prays for bail. Heard learned lawyer for the accd. P.P. is not available. Accd. Shafiul Islam may find bail of Rs. 1000/- on provisionally with one Surity of the like amount i.d. to hajat. To 25.8.65 for appearance for the accd. Azizur Rahman and for other accd.
Sd/- illegible
Dacca, 4.8.65
Copy forwarded to Court Inspr. (1), Dacca Court for favour of his kind perusal.
Dacca, 4.8.65.
Copy forwarded to the DS/SB (Mr. A Hussain) S.B. Dacca.
D.A., pl. Keep in the file. Sd/-DS/PL, 10.8.65
Copy of telephone message dated 4.8.65 from D.S./Poll, City S.B. to D.S./PL, S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960 and section 426/354/504/506/153(a) PPC, G.R. 36/64
State Vs Nurul Islam and 6 others including Sk. Mujibur Rahman
T.M. is on leave. Accd. Shah Azizur Rahman is attending the N.A. Session. His lawyer prays for dispensing with his personal appearance.
Accd. Safiqul Islam appeared and prayed for bail. Heard lawyer of accd. Accd. Shafiqul Islam fined bail of Rs. 1000/- with one surety of the like amount. I/D to hazat.
To 25.8.65 for appearance of the accds. Shah Azizur Rahman and 4 others.
Sd/- A.R. Chaudhury,
Munshiff Magistrate.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at … A.M./P.M. Date: 4.8.65 Received at 21.55 A.M./P.M. From: D.S/Poll Addresses/(If given) City S.B. To : DS/PL, S.B. E.P.
Savar PS Case no 13 dt. 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) of the Press and Publication Ordinance 1960 and Section 426/354/504/506/153(a) P.P.C.
GR 36/64
State Vs Nurul Islam and 6 others including Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
T.M. is on leave. Accd. Shah Azizur Rahman is attending the N.A. Session. His lawyer prays for dispensing with his personal appearance. Accd. Safiqul Islam appeared and prayed for bail. Heard lawyer of accd. Accd. Shafiqul Islam found bail of Rs. 1000/- with one surety of the like amount. I/D to hazat.
To 25.8.65 for appearance of the accds. Shah Azizur Rahman and 4 others. Sd/ – A.R. Chaudhury, Munsiff Magst.
Telephone Operator
Immediate. T.S. please type 2 copies for 1.C.C. immediately. Sd/ – DS/PL, 5.8.65. Informed DS/PL over Phone.
Sd/ – Recd. typed copies. Sd/-DS/PL, 10.8.65. Pl. keep in file. No action. Sd/ – DS/PL. 10/8/65
Original in 3-65 (DR) SL
Daily Report No. 190 dated 25.8.65 of D.S.B., Dacca.
Ref: D.R. No. 173 dt. 4.8.65.
Savar P.S. case No. 13(1964 u/s 426/352/504/153-A P.P.C was filed for appearance of the accd. persons today. All the accd. except accd. Shafiul Islam are present. Accd. Shafiul Islam, stating his engagement in election affairs, has applied for time which has been allowed by the Court. Accd. Shah Azizur Rahman appeared and has been granted bail of Rs. 1000/- on a petition. This accd. (Shah Azizur Rahman) is reported to be proceeding to Canada tomorrow (26.8.65) to represent Govt. of Pakistan in the ensuing Parliamentary Conference there. He has been allowed, on a petition, to be represented by an agent.
To 8.9.65 has been fixed for appearance of accd. Shafiul Islam and other accd. persons are reported to be as before.
District Special Branch
Dacca, the 25th August 65
No. 4511(2)/29-51
Forwarded for information to:
1. S.A. Khasru, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B., E.P. Dacca, in triplicate.
2. Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, Dacca for favour of perusal and early return.
for Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Dacca.
To P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- DS/PL 26.8.65.
True Copy of order sheet of Savar P.S. case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press & Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/306/153 P.P.C in the Court of Mr. A. Huq, Senior Munsiff, Magistrate, 1st Class, Dacca.
25.8.65 : All the accused except Shafiqul Islam are present. Accused S. Islam has applied for time on the ground stated in the petition. Prayer is allowed. Accused Shah Azizur Rahman appeared and filed a petition for bail. He may find a bail of Rs. 1000/-. As accused Shah Azizur Rahman is leaving tomorrow for Canada to represent Govt. of Pakistan in the ensuing Parliamentary Conference to be held. He prays to be represented by an agent. The identification of the accused will not be challenged. Prayer is allowed. He may be represented by an agent.
To 8.9.65 for appearance of accused S. Islam. Other accused as before.
Sd/-M.A. Huq
Munsiff Magistrate,
1st Class, Dacca.
True Copy of Order Sheet of Savar P.S. C/No. 13 dt. 23.11.64 u/s 55(1)(2) of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960 and Sec. 426/352/504/506/153 P.P.C. GR.36/64
State Vs Nurul Islam & 6 others including Sk. Mujibur Rahman
22.9.65: Hajira for 6 P.WS is filed. Accd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman,
Taijuddin Ahmed, Nurul Islam, Dr. Shafiul Islam and Shamsul Islam are present. Accd. Shah Azizur Rahman is present through his agent. Accd. Mansur Ali prays for time. He is an ex-service man and is engaged in emergency work as driver. This fact is not challenged by the P.P. In view of this circumstances, the prayer for time is allowed. TO 10.11.65 for P.WS.
Sd/ -A.Haq
Senior Munsiff Magte.
Security Section. Pl. file with the record. Sd/ – DS/PL, 23.9
Phone No. …
No. 19248/606-48 P.F. dt. 4.11.65
The S.P. D.I.B., Dacca.
Subject: Savar P.S. Case No. 13(1)64 uls 55(1)(2) Press & Publication
Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/306/153 P.P.C. in the Court of Mr. A. Hage, Senior Munsiff, Magistrate, 1st Class, Dacca.
I would request you kindly to depute an officer on the dates of hearing of the case to produce witnesses in court till its final disposal. 10.11.65 is fixed for P.Ws.
Sd/ -DS/PL,
for SSI
Daily report No. 257 dt. 10.11.65 of D.S.B., Dacca.
1. Pending case. Ref: Savar P.S. case No.13 dt. 23.11.64 u/s 426/352/504/506/153A PPC:
The case was fixed for P.Ws. today. All the accd. persons were present except Mr. Shah Azizur Rahman, MNA who is reported to be busy in connection with N.A. Session. Accd. prayed for time which was allowed. 22.12.65 has been fixed for P.Ws.
District Special Branch
Dacca the 10th Nov./65
No. 6173 (2)/29-51
Copy forwarded to:
1. M.A. Majid, Esqr., Q.P.M., P.P.M., Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca for information, in triplicate,
2.Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, Dacca for favour of perusal and return.
Sd/ -10.11.65
for Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Dacca.
Copy of telephone messages dated 10.11.65 from DS/POL City S.B., Dacca to DS/PL, S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Savar P.S. Case No. 13(11)64 u/s 55(1)(2) of the Press and Publication Ordinance 1960 and Sec. 426/352/504/506/153(A) P.P.C., G.R. No. 36/64 State VS Nurul Islam and 6 others including Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Result to 22.12.65 for further PWs.
NB: No order has yet been reported on the order sheet. The Munsiff is busy with
other cases. Order sheet will be supplied when available.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at A.M./P.M. Date: 10.11.65
Received at 16.15 A.M./P.M.
From: DS/POL Addresses/(If given) City S.B.
To : DS/PL, S.B. E.P
Savar PS Case No. 13(11)64 U/S 55 (1)(2) of the Press & Publication Ordinance 1960 & Sec. 426/352/504/506/153(A) P.P.C., G.R. no. 36/64. State Vs. Nurul Islam & 6 other including Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Result to 22.12.65 for further PWS. NB- No order has yet been reported on the Order Sheet. The Munsiff isbusy with other cases. Order Sheet will be supplied when available.
Sd/ -10.11.65
Telephone Operator
Seen. D.A. for filing with the P.F. Sd/-DS/PL, 11.11.65.
True copy of Order Sheet of Savar P.S. C/no. 13(11)64 u/s 55(1)(2) of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960 and Section 426/352/504/506/153A P.P.C. – GR. 36/64
State VS Sk. Mujibur Rahman & 6 others
10.11.65: All the accd. persons except accd. Shah Azizur Rahman are present. A petition on behalf of Shah Azizur Rahman is filed stating that he is leaving for Rawalpindi to attend the Session of National Assembly that will begin from the 15th
Nov. 1965. Under law no case against a member of the National Assembly can be heard before 15 days of the sessions of the N.A. & within 15 days of the end of the Assembly. So the case should be adjourned.
To 22.12.65 for P.Ws. The accd. will be as before. Petition filed by accd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman be kept with the record.
Sd/ – A. Haq
1 st Munsiff – Magte.
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 23.11
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at A.M./P.M. Date: 22.12.65
Received at 13.15 A.M./P.M.
From: C.l. Addresses/(If given) Ramna P.S.
To : DS/PL, S.B
The date has been fixed on 27.12.65 (Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s) trial another date fixed on 19.1.66 in c/w Savar P.S. Case.
Sd/ – S..
Sd/ – 22.12
Telephone operator
Pl. put up in the file. Sd/-DS/PL, 23/12.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman enlarged on bail in sedition case.
Dacca, 9 June 1965 Ittefaq dt. 9.6.65
রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহিতার মামলা শেখ মুজিবের পুনর্বার জামিন লাভ
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলম রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলার আসামী আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে পুনর্বার দুই হাজার টাকার এবং অনুরুপ অঙ্কেও দুইজন জামিনদারের জামিনে মুক্তি দেন।
প্রকাশ থাকে যে, ইতিপূর্বে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এই মামলায় এই কোর্টেরই জামিনে মুক্ত ছিলেন; কিন্তু গত ঘূর্ণিঝড়ে গুরুতর আহত হওয়ায় শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বর্তমান মামলায় বিগত তারিখ ৫ই জুন আদালতে হাজির হইতে না পারায় কোর্ট তাহার জামিন বাতিল করিয়া তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে জামিনের অযােগ্য গ্রেফতারী পরােয়ানা জারি করেন। ডাঃ আনসারীর চিকিৎসাধীন শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান গতকল্য অসুস্থ শরীরে জনাব বি, আলমের কোর্টে হাজির হইয়া আত্নসমর্পণ করিলে কোর্ট তাঁহার পূর্বোক্ত রুপ জামিন মঞ্জুর করেন।
প্রকাশ থাকে যে, এই একই কোর্টে অনুরুপ অভিযােগে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আরও একটি মামলা বিচারাধীন আছে।
বর্তমান মামলার অভিযােগের বিবরণে প্রকাশ, গত ১৯৬৩ সালের ১৫ই ডিসেম্বর পল্টন ময়দানে এক জনসভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। উক্ত জনসভায় শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বক্তৃতা প্রসঙ্গে দেশে আইন অনুয়ায়ী প্রতিষ্ঠিত সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণের মনে ঘৃণা ও বিদ্বেষ সৃষ্টি করেন।
শেখ মুজিবুরের পক্ষে আদালতে উপস্থিত ছিলেন সৈয়দ আজিজুল হক, জনাব জহিরুদ্দিন, মােহাম্মদ উল্লাহ, আনােয়ারুল হক, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম, খােন্দকার মাহবুব হােসেন, মঞ্জুর রহিম প্রমুখ আইনজীবী। পক্ষান্তরে সরকার পক্ষে উপস্থিত থাকেন ঢাকার পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব এম, এ, আলীম।
TO P.F. of Sk. Majibor Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 12.6.65
Judgment of the High Court of East Pakistan Criminal Revisional
Jurisdiction in connection with Criminal Misc. Case No. 73 of 1964 against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for transfer of case to
Munsif Magistrate. Dacca, 9 June 1965
Ref. C.R. Case no. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C.
Copy of Judgment in connection with criminal Misc. Case no. 73 of 1964 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca, the 9th June, 1965
No. 2841/58-64 P.F. Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, Spl. Branch, E.P., Dacca, for information.
For Spl. Supdt. of Police,
City S.B., Dacca.
In the High Court of Judicature at Dacca in East Pakistan
Criminal Revisional Jurisdiction
The 5th May, 1965.
Mr. Justice Baquer And Mr. Justice A. Subhan Chaudhuri,
Criminal Misc. case No. 73 of 1964.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman – Petitioner.
The state – Opposite Party.
For the petitioner – Mr. S.R. Pal, with Mr. M.A. Rab,
For the state – Mr. Abdul Hakim, Deputy Legal Remembrancer.
Baquer, I:
This is an application for transfer under section 526 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in criminal miscellaneous case No. 1a of 1964 pending in the court of Mr. M.B. Alam, Addl. Dy. Commissioner, Dacca, to some other Magistrate in the circumstance as alleged in the petition, namely, that a petition of complaint was filed in the court of the said learned Magistrate by P.W.I. Mr. Mohammad Isa, Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
The said petition of complaint was to the effect that in a meeting held on 15.12.1963 at Outer Stadium (Paltan Maidan Dacca), the petitioner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered a speech in Bengali which intended or was likely to bring into hatred or contempt or to create disaffection towards the Govt. established by law and to interfere with or to encourage or incite interference with the administration of law or the maintenance of law and order and was seditious in that he exhorted the audience with word meaning.
“I do not know whether Mr. Suhrawardy has died but I think my leader has been killed. My leader has been killed by putting him in a Jail in his old age. My brother of Bengal will get united and take revenge of this. You spread out in villages. We shall have to take revenge on those who have murdered our leader. Oh, Bengalees I shall call you unfaithful and ungrateful creatures if you do not get united and take revenge of this killing of my leader. If power comes again in the hands of the people in general from the hands of the tyrant of the country, then he will be taken to task.”
The tenor of the speech being provocative, it produced a feeling of hatred or contempt or excited or attempted to excite disaffection towards. Government established by law and to interfere with or to encourage or incite interference with the administration of law or the maintenance of law and order. The petition of complaint, therefore, stated that in those circumstances, the petitioner committed an offence under section 7(3) of the East Pakistan Public Safety Ordinance of 1958 (hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance) and also under section 124A of the P.P.C.
On the basis of the above petition of complaint the learned Magistrate issued process under, section 7(3) of the Ordinance and under section 124A of the Penal Code, against the petitioner.
Paragraphs 3,4,5 & 6 of the petition are devoted to show the bias in the learned Magistrate. It has been stated in paragraph 3 that the case was fixed for trial before the learned Magistrate on 13.7.1964 and on that day a petition was filed on behalf of the petitioner for time in order to enable him to obtain certified copies of the statement of prosecution witnesses recorded under 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the learned Magistrate rejected the same application on the ground that there was no such statement and as such the prayer deserving no consideration.
That thereafter the learned Magistrate proceeded to hold the trial and an objection was raised on behalf of the petitioner and the trial could not proceed inasmuch as the petition of complaint did not contain the exact words alleged to have been used by the petitioner which can be said to have constituted the alleged offence, if any. The learned Magistrate overruled the objection and proceeded to examine witnesses. This has been stated in paragraph 4 of the petition.
In paragraph 5 it has been stated that while examining the witnesses the learned Magistrate was recording some inadmissible evidence against the petitioner in spite of objection on his behalf.
And in paragraph 6 it has been stated as under:
“That some instances of recording of inadmissible evidence are stated hereunder:
a. P.W.1 …… “After going through the relevant papers I was satisfied that a case under section 124A and u/s 7(3) of the E.P. Public Safety Ordinance, 1958.
b. P.W.2 – “This is the portion of the speech marked in red ink in the margin made by Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Ext. 3 is the portion (objected by defence as inadmissible)”. I made a transcription of speech in three copies and sent it to D.I.G., S.B. This is a copy of the transcription made by me (Ext.4) (Exhibition is objected to by the defence).
(c) P.W.3 – “Hearing the speech I felt that Govt. was being blamed to excite the people against the Govt. (objected to by defence). The speech as a whole appeared to be seditious to me (objected to by defence)”.
So for as the grievances regarding time for obtaining certified copies of the statement of prosecution witnesses recorded under section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure goes, the learned Deputy Legal Remembrancer has pointed out that the present is a case arising out of a complaint and not a G.R. case arising out of a police report. So there is no question of recording statement under section 1961 of the Code of Criminal Procedure at all. This position has been pointed out by the learned Magistrate also in the para wise reply given by him.
In those circumstances, we find that this grievance is absolutely unfounded and has no substance at all.
So far as the grievance regarding the exact words used in the speech, it appears that the speech was admitted by in Bengali and what was quoted in the petition of complaint being only a translation of the same; it could not naturally give the exact words.
The learned Magistrate having denied that any objection on that ground was raised before trial, we do not feel convinced by this ground also.
So far as the ground regarding recording of opinion of P.Ws. 1 and 3 goes, it appears that the learned Magistrate at least in the case of P.W.3 has recorded the objection of the defence by nothing:
“Objected to by defence.”
So far as, recording the so-called opinion of P.W.1 goes, it is true that in the margin there is no noting “objected to”. But we do not feel convinced that any objection was really raised as to that part. The learned Magistrate having fairly recorded the objection in the other two cases, we do not feel satisfied that this portion was really objected to.
Moreover the charges being under section 124A of the Penal Code and under section 7(3) of the Ordinance, it cannot be said that the evidence as to the effect of the speech was entirely irrelevant.
So far as the contention on the point of admitting copies of transcription goes, transcription literally means written copy. The speech having been recorded in shorthand what the witness meant was that Ext. 4 was a transcription from the original shorthand.
When the witness stated that this was a copy of the transcription he did not mean that it was a copy of one transcribed already. He had formerly made transcriptions of the speech in three copies all of which he submitted to the DIG.
This time he made another transcription from the same original in shorthand.
The shorthand notes having been filed along with transcribed copy this objection also does not seem to have much substance. In the circumstances as above, we see no justification, for the transfer of the case from the file of the learned Additional Deputy Commissioner Mr. M.B. Alam who has been specially empowered to try the case under section 124A of the Penal Code.
In the result, the Rule is discharged and the stay order is vacated.
Sd/-A.K.M. Baquer.
A. Sobhan Choudhuri, 1: I agree.
Sd/- A. Sobhan Choudhuri.
Memo No. 2458 Cr.
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Commissioner of Dacca, for information and necessary action with reference to his office letter No. 4038 (Encl) SL/32, dated the 21st August, 1964 and for communication to the Addl. Deputy Commissioner (G) before whom the case is pending
The record of the case is returned herewith.

High Court By order of the High Court,
Criminal Section, Appellate side: Sd/- A.T. Md. Eshaque, 24.5.65
The ……… May, 1965. Asstt. Registrar.
Report on Special Branch Officer who contacted Sheikh Mujibur Rahman over telephone.
Dacca, 15 June 1965
Office of the Deputy Director, Intelligence, Government of Pakistan
Dacca, the 15th June, 1965.
No. S/1793/
According to reliable information dated 11.6.65, somebody tried to contact Sk. Mujibur Rahman over phone at his residence on 11.6.65. Rehana, daughter of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, received the call and informed that Sk. Sahib was otherwise busy. She asked for the name and phone number of the caller. At this, the caller told that he was a “DIB Inspector” and his phone number was known to Sk. Sahib. He may be requested to ring him (DIB Inspector) to his office phone.
This is for information.
Sd/ -14.6.65.
(A. Ahmed)
for Deputy Director,
Intelligence, Dacca.
A.S.M. Ahmed, Esquire, PPM, PSP,
Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Police,
Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
P. 5331 (flagged) [No. S/1793 dt. 15.6.65 from the D.D.(I), Dacca].
Phone No.
No. 12241(2)/606-48 P.F. dt. 19.6.65
SS City S.B., Dacca/ S.P., DSB., Dacca.
Copy forwarded to the – for making discreet enquiry to find out the officer who is keeping direct link with the political suspect.
Sd/-DS/PL for S.S.I
Phone: 4231/32
District Special Branch
Dacca the 19th June, 1965.
No. 2618/
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, (1),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 12241(2)/606 -48 P.F., dt. 19.6.65
No Inspector of this D.S.B., contacted S.K. Mujibar Rahman over phone at his residence on 11.6.65.
Sd/ -19.6.65
for Supdt. of Police,
D.S.B., Dacca.
Judgment of the High Court of East Pakistan Criminal Revisional
Jurisdiction in connection with Criminal Misc. Case No. 159 of | 1964 against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for transfer of case to
Munsif Magistrate.
Dacca, 15 June 1965
Ref: C.R. Case No. 2/64 u/s 124A P.P.C
Copy of Judgment in connection with Criminal Misc. Case No. 159 of 1964 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca
Dated the 14th June’65 No. 2933/58-64 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for information.
Sd/ – 15.6.65
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
In the High Court of East Pakistan Criminal Revisional Jurisdiction.
The 25th March, 1965.
Mr. Justice Baquer
Mr. Justice A. Subhan Choudhury.
Case No. 159 of 1964
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, – Petitioner.
The State – Opposite Party.
Mr. S.R. Pal, with Mr. S.S. Haldar, & Mr. B.B. Roy Chowdhury – for the Petitioner. Mr. Abul Hakim, Deputy Legal Remembrancer, with Mr. A.T.M. Masud – for the state.
Rule was issued in this case calling upon the Deputy Commissioner of Dacca to Show Cause why the criminal case No. 2 of 1964, now pending in the file of Mr. M.B. Alam, Additional Deputy Commissioner Dacca, should not be quashed or in the alternative transferred from his file to the file of any Munsiff-Magistrate of competent jurisdiction.
The circumstances as stated in the petition are that on November 5, 1964, Mr. Sayed Mannan Baksh, Superintendent of Police, Dacca filed a complaint before Mr. M.B. Alam, Addl. Dy. Commissioner, Dacca on the authority of the Provincial Govt), for proceeding against the petitioner under section 124A of the Pakistan Penal Code on the allegations inter alia that at a meeting held at the Stadium, Dacca, on the 29th of March, 1964, the petitioner who is the General Secretary of the Awami League, delivered a speech in Bengali which as translated in the petition is.
25. Provincial Government – Government of a Province under federal system.
“There is a reign of terror in Dacca and various other parts of Bengal. You know, certainly you have heard that a few days back there was a lathi-charge carried on after extinguishing the light on the students of the Iqbal Hall20. You have heard that the students were beaten by setting goondas on them. Torture the students, arrest them, keep them in hajat, don’t grant them bail.
We pay tax, we have no right of voting. A day may come when people will be compelled to say, we have no vote and shall not pay tax. We must be given our right. That is why I ask you to look at the history of America. No representation, no taxation. How was the British Govt. placed there? A day may come when people will be compelled to say, unless you give us right of voting you have no right to realise tax. Stop sucking East Pakistan. Otherwise the awakened mass of Bengal will show how to stand against oppression.”
The said Additional Deputy Commissioner by his order dated November 6, 1964, took cognizance of the alleged offence on the basis of the complaint petition
nd issued a warrant of arrest against the petitioner fixing November 20, 1964, for the appearance of the petitioner.
The petitioner, who was arrested in execution of the said warrant and released on bail in terms thereof, appeared before the said Additional Deputy Commissioner on the date fixed, namely, November, 20, 1964.
On the same date, the petitioner applied for a long adjournment for the preparation of his defence. But the said Additional Deputy Commissioner by his order of that date, fixed December 3, 1964 for prosecution evidence ignoring the prayer of the petitioner.
On the 3rd December, 1964 Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate who was engaged to conduct the case, was engaged in the High Court and the petitioner had, therefore, to apply for an adjournment of the case but the said Additional Deputy Commissioner rejected the prayer. It has been stated that it appears from the complaint petition, that many of the witnesses are high Govt. Officials and persons under the influence of the complainant.
26. Iqbal Hall – Dhaka University student dormitory. Later renamed Zahurul Haq Hall in honour of Sgt. Zahurul Haq martyred on 15 February 1969 while imprisoned in Dhaka Cantonment as an accused of Agartala Conspiracy Case.
That previous to the instant case there was another case under section 124A of the Penal Code against the petitioner being criminal miscellaneous case No. la of 1964, in the file of the said Additional Deputy Commissioner. It has been stated that as in that case he refused to allow proper opportunity to the petitioner to prepare his defence, admitted inadmissible questions to the prosecution witnesses and recorded inadmissible evidence notwithstanding the objection of the petitioner, the petitioner being apprehensive that he would not get fair and impartial trial in the hand of the said Additional Deputy Commissioner, had to move the High Court for transfer of the case from his file and obtained a Rule in miscellaneous case No. 73 of 1964, which is still pending.
That in the premises aforesaid, the petitioner has reasons to apprehend that he will not get fair and impartial trial at the hand of the Additional Deputy Commissioner and the petitioner, therefore, filed a petition on the 3rd of December, 1964, before the present Additional Deputy Commissioner for adjournment of the case to enable him to move the High Court for a transfer under section 526 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
That though the petitioner prayed for a month’s time for moving the High Court for transfer, the Additional Deputy Commissioner granted time only till December 21, 1964, on a bond of Rs. 200/- by his order Dated 3rd of December, 1964.
It has been submitted that the extracts of the speech alleged to have been delivered by the petitioner and as specifically mentioned in the complaint petition, do not make out a case of sedition under section 124A of the Penal Code and that the proceedings should as such be quashed.
The prayer is that either the proceedings under section 124A of the Penal Code be quashed or in the alternative transferred from the file of the present Additional Deputy Commissioner to the file of any Munsiff-Magistrate of competent jurisdiction.
Mr. S.R. Pal appearing for the petitioner has mainly contended that in the light of the present constitution, section 124A of the Penal Code is no longer tenable and is void and that at any rate, the portions of the impugned speech as reproduced in extend so above, does not attract section 124A of the Penal Code. Mr. Pal has in support of this argument of his referred to the decision in the case of Mvi. Farid
Ahmed VS. Govt. of West Pakistan, as partially reported in P.L.D. 1965 (West Pakistan) Lahore, 135.
He has in particular referred to the lines at page 143 thereof to show that a speech containing for more inflammatory words, was not regarded as sufficient grounds for detention. The gist of that speech is expressed in these terms at page 143 of the report:
“The upshot of the grounds is that the petitioner in his speeches has criticised the police force as indulging in tyranny, he had said that a sum of Rs. 50.000.00 had been spent on a party of the President at Peshawar in disregard of the miseries of the masses and the sufferings of the flood-affected people of Hyderabad’s, he criticised the powers of the President and objected to “His hands being strengthened” and exhorted the people by saying “We wish that his hands should be broken”.
Reference is also made to the portions of his speeches where he alleged that the members of the National Assembly had been won over by corrupting them with permits etc. that the administration was corrupt and that the present Govt. had no sympathy with the masses and was actually supported by the people who had earlier supported Ranjit Singh and Britishers. He also criticised the President for becoming a Field Marshal and used ground taken up against him that he had said:
“In our childhood we used to read the spirit of Islam, which since Martial Law has become the alcohol of Islam. That means that after a few days when they commit fornication, they will call it Islamic fornication. A woman issues Fatwa for us in the Assembly. Instead of Imam Abu Hanifa, Begam G.A. Khan has become our Mufti. The Rooh-e-Islam has become Sharab-e-Islam.”
Now that was a case on writ petition and in the light of Article 2 of the constitution it was held:
“The right of a person to a petition for Habeas Corpus is a high prerogative right and is a constitutional remedy for all matters of illegal confinement. This is one of the most fundamental rights known to the constitution. There being no limitation placed on the exercise of this right it cannot be imported on the actual or assumed restriction which may be imposed by any subordinate legislation. Article 2 of the constitution of Pakistan (1962) says that it is an inalienable right of every citizen to enjoy the protection of law and in particular no action detrimental to life or liberty
can be taken except in accordance with law. If the arrest of a person cannot be justified in law, there is no reason why that person should not be able to invoke the jurisdiction of the High Court immediately for the restoration of his liberty which is his basic right. In all cases where a person is detained and he alleges that his detention is unconstitutional and in violation of the safeguard provided in the constitution or that it does not fall within the statutory requirements of the law under which the detention is ordered, he can invoke the jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 98 of the constitution of Pakistan (1962) and ask to be released forthwith. An order of detention under section 3 of the West Pakistan Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, 1960 for a period of two months only, does not require to be referred to the Advisory Board and so it cannot be argued that a detenu is not entitled to pray for a writ of Habeas Corpus before his case is referred to the Advisory Board.”
It also appears that the decision primarily related to the consideration of the question of sufficiency or otherwise of the grounds of detention under section 3 of the West Pakistan Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, 1960 and it was held that though the sufficiency or otherwise of the cause forming the basis of the satisfaction could not be questioned, yet the Court was competent to examine whether the grounds forming the basis of the detention were such as could satisfy the detaining authority and the Court found that the objected portions were not such as could satisfy the detaining authority.
The speech was considered in the background of electioneering campaign and it was found that by those speeches no act of violence was encouraged so as to lead to public disorder.
The question was not considered at all from the standpoint of section 124A of the Penal Code.
Comparing the above portions of the speech with the present one, we find that though the lines in the present speech are not worse, here what is sought in a prosecution for a specific offence under the Penal Code, namely under section 124A or any other offence that may ultimately be made out. The standards for the purpose of the maintenance of public order, under that Ordinance and the Penal Code, may not be the same. There the detenu was detained under the Ordinance and the question was of the validity of the order. Here the person is only going to be tried
under a substantive section of the Pakistan Penal Code or whatever other offence may be made out and the undue prayer is for quashing of the same at this nebulous stage on the basis that speeches of similar kind were not considered sufficient to attract a Public Safety Ordinance.
We waited till this day for the remaining portion of the decision as reported in P.L.D., March issue of 1965 at page 145 and after a careful exam. of the whole decision, our view is that decision can be of no help to Mr. Pal in the matter of quashing the case under section 124A of the Penal Code, as prayed for. We do not want to say anything more on the subject as that may prejudice the trial.
Coming to the other features of the petition we find, as pointed out by the learned Deputy Legal Remembrancer, several irregular features in the petition itself. The first irregular feature is that both sections 561A and 526 of the Code of Criminal Procedure have been invoked in the same petition at the same time. This seems rather inconsistent.
The second irregular feature is that proper notice was not given to the state as far as the transfer part goes. It appears that notice was given on the same day, on which the petition was moved, namely, 21st December, 1964.
It is true that it is strictly only that petition cannot be disposed of on merits without hearing the other side but the accepted principle has always been that before moving the transfer application at least notice of 24 hours should be given to the state.
The petition also does not say clearly what is to be quashed. It is the first initial order namely, the warrant of arrest and drawing up of proceedings or is it the complaint? The complaint cannot be quashed. The prayer is vague and not at all specific.
We find four orders in the Order Sheet; the first order is dated 6.11.1964 issuing warrant of arrest under section 124A of the Penal Code. The second order is dated 20.11.1964 showing the accused present and fixing of date to 3.12.1964 for summoning P.Ws. and the order of 3.12.64 and the order dated 21.12.1964 showing that on the prayer of the defence for time, time was granted 30.12.64.
In those circumstances, it is really very difficult to understand as to what is to be quashed.
Furthermore, whether section 124A of the Penal Code is made out or not, it is not proper to quash at this stage when there is chance of any other offence of allied nature being made out. The accepted principle is that there should not be any interference by way of quashing unless it is a case of no case at all or it is a case of pure civil liability or the case is on the face of it preposterous.
Proceedings are not quashed when no offence whatsoever is disclosed or when the prosecution is on the face of it bound to fail or for some other cause equally powerful. Reliance is flacind on the decision in Horiram Gukar and others Vs. Mt. Radha w/o Jairan Kumar as reported in A.I.R. 1943 Nagpur 327.
The fact that the case against the accused is weak one is no ground for quashing the charge, as held in the case of Nandlal and another Vs. Emperor as reported in 34 criminal Law journal 82.
Mr. Pal also made a grievance as to delay in filing the complaint. The speech as it appears was delivered on 29.3.1964, and the complaint was filed on 6 November 1964.
In the light of the decision in Muhamed Rafi Pervez Vs. the State as reported in P.L.D. 1960 (West Pakistan) Lahore 986, it appears that delay in filing of the complainant is no ground when it is due to delay accused in obtaining sanction and legal opinion. It was observed in this case to the following:
“Prolongation of proceedings inside the Court over a long period would no doubt constitute an abuse of the process of Court, within the meaning of section 561A of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898, if prolongation of proceedings is occasioned by unnecessary adjournment granted by the Court on account of which the accused remains under harassment for long period. Such unnecessary adjournments do constitute abuse of process of Court. But a delay in instituting proceedings for want of legal sanction or for want of completion of investigation appears to stand on a different footing. It delays of this type are allowed to bar prosecution; law of limitation will stand projected in criminal proceedings. High Court by their own authority would be placing time-limits of undefined periods upon the prosecution of criminal offences.”
In the present case it appears that the sanction was given on 24.10.64, and the complaint was filed only 12 days thereafter which shows that there was no undue delay. We need to mention here another decision cited by the learned Deputy Legal
Remembrancer viz that of Moulana Syed Muhammad Razi Vs. Moulana Shahihul Hosnain and another as reported in P.L.D. 1961 (West Pakistan) Karachi 220, in which it was observed to the following effect:
Criminal proceedings, under section 561-A of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 can be quashed if there is something on the record to show that the accusations in the complaint do not disclose an offence at all, or that the evidence adduced in the case discloses no offence. In that event, the process of the Court can be said to have been abused. But where the allegations in the complaint on the face of them disclose a prima facie case and the court below has done nothing except to summon the accused to answer the allegations which require to be tested in the light of evidence to be adduced, application under section 561-A would be premature and it will be an abuse of the process of the Court if the complaint which on its face shows a case is thrown out by the High court by quashing the proceedings in the case without allowing the complainant to produce evidence.”
On this part Mr. Pal has contended that in the present case there is no question of producing further evidence and the speech is all. But it cannot be denied in the present case that the allegations in the complaint disclosed at least a prima facie case.
In this connection, the learned Deputy Legal Remembrancer has also cited the decision in Syed Azizuddin Vs. Bashir Ahmed and two others as reported in P.L.D. 1964 (West Pakistan) Karachi 102 (February issue). In this case complaint was returned to the civil Judge and it was held that the petitioner should have waited and should have moved the Session Judge or the High Court in Revisional jurisdiction. By this decision, the learned Deputy Legal Remembrancer has tried to emphasise the principle that when revision his section 561A of the Code of Criminal Procedure could not be invoked. He has relied upon the quotation in this decision from the Supreme Court decision in the case of Muhammad Samiullah Khan Vs. the State as reported in P.L.D. 1963 S.C. 237, wherein it was observed in the Supreme Court:
“The Jurisdiction under section 561-A of the Criminal Procedure Code 1898 is of an extraordinary nature intended to be used only in extraordinary cases where there is no other remedy available. It is of a limited scope and cannot be utilised where there is other express remedy provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure.
In the exercise of inherent jurisdiction under this section the High Court can neither exercise the powers of the court appeal nor can it enhance a sentence nor can it even reconsider the question of sentence. It is designed to prevent an abuse of the process of court and cannot be regarded as being wide enough to give to the High Court the same power that it has under section 435 read with section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure to examine the correctness, legality or propriety of any finding, sentence or order passed by an inferior Court. Such wide powers can only be exercised under section 439 of the said Code. The scope of the jurisdiction exercised under these two provisions not similar. The revisional jurisdiction of High Court under section 439 is indeed wide and is not confined merely to errors of law. In the exercise of its revisional jurisdiction the High Court can even, in appropriate cases, disturb findings of fact, as for example, where the subordinate court has wrongly placed the onus of proof and not applied the correct principles relating to appraisement of evidence or an important piece of evidence has been ignored. These things the High Court cannot do under section 561-A. The two jurisdictions are thus fundamentally different. Indeed, as a rule, the inherent jurisdictions of the Court to correct and abuse of process of Court or a patent in injustice cannot be invoked where there is an express provision in the code under which the case can be adequately dealt with”.
In the circumstances we do not find any case for quashing.
Coming now to the merit of the transfer part of the petition, Mr. Pal has played in the alternative that the case be transferred from the file of the Additional Deputy Commissioner to the file of any Munsiff-Magistrate of competent jurisdiction.
The short order sheet does not disclose any bias on the part of the Magistrate except that the Magistrate was not giving as much time as prayed for.
In the petition a reference has been made to another transfer petition pending before this court. It appears that in the said matter after some interval a separate petition was filed under section 561-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Moreover, as stated before, the transfer petition was moved on the 21st December, 64 which was the last day as originally allowed by the Magistrate and that also without giving any proper notice to the state.
It appears besides that the case has been put up before the Additional Deputy Commissioner because of its importance.
The punishment for this offence extends to transportation for life and in terms of the schedule II to the Code of Criminal Procedure, as pointed out by the learned Deputy Legal Remembrancer only the Court of session, city Presidency Magistrate or District Magistrate or Magistrate of First Class and specially empowered, can try it.
In those circumstances, we do not feel that any useful purpose can be served by transferring the case to a Munsiff-Magistrate of competent jurisdiction as prayed for.
The result is that the Rule is discharged; the stay order is vacated.
Certificate in terms of Article 58(2)(a) of the constitution is granted, as the case involves substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the constitution in as much as section 124A of the Penal Code has been challenged as violative of right 9 of the fundamental rights guaranteed the constitution.
Sd/- A.K.M. Baquer.
A. Sobhan Choudhuri, I: I agree
Sd/- A. Subhan Choudhuri.
Memo. No. 2197 C.R.
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Commissioner of Dacca, for information and necessary action with reference to his office letter No. 65(Encls) T.L/32 Dated the 7th January, 1965, and for communication to the Addl. Deputy Commissioner before whom the case is now pending.
The record of the case is returned herewith.
By order of the High Court
Sd/- A.T.M. Bhuiya
Assistant Registrar
High Court
Criminal Section,
Appellate Side The … April 1965.
Judgment of the High Court of East Pakistan in connection with Criminal Misc. Case No. 32 of 1964 against Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman for transfer of case to Munsif Magistrate.
Dacca, 15 June 1965
Ref. G.R. Case no. 36/64 Savar PS Case no. 13(1)64 u/s 55(1)2
Copy of Judgment in connection with Criminal Misc. Case No. 32 of 1964 against Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Phone No. 5024
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Dated the 15th June’65 No. 2934/58-64 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police (I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for information.
Sd/ -15.6.65
Special Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
In the High Court of judicature at Dacca in East Pakistan
Criminal Revisional Jurisdiction
The 7th May, 1965.
Mr. Justice Baquer
Mr. Justice A. Sobhan Choudhuri
Criminal Miscellaneous case No. 32 of 1964.
Sheikh Majibur Rahman ……….Petitioner.
The State For the petitioner ………Opposite Party
Mr. S.R. Pal, with Mr. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury and Mr. S.S. Haldar,
For the State ……………Mr. Maswood.
Baquer, I:
The petitioner in this case prays for transfer of G.R. case No. 36 of 1964 from the Court of the S.D.O. (North), Dacca to the Court of any Munsiff-Magistrate, Dacca.
The grounds urged in support of this prayer for transfer are:
(I) “That the Deputy Commissioner, Dacca who is the principal witness in the
case is an officer Superior to the S.D.O. (North), Dacca in his executive and judicial functions.”
(II)“That P.W. Md. Salimuddin who is chairman of Tetuljhora Union Council, P.S. Savar, is under the control of S.D.O.(North) Dacca who functions also as controlling authority of Basic Democracies.”
(III) “That the S.D.O.(North) Dacca did not allow the accused persons a fair opportunity of preparing their defence in that he started the trial notwithstanding the application for adjournment, even though he was satisfied that the accused persons were not furnished with copies of the statements under section 161.”
(IV) “That the S.D.O. overruled the objection of the lawyers of your petitioner on the point of the learned public prosecutor asking leading questions and suggesting answers to P.W.(I) Md. Salimuddin.”
(V) “That notwithstanding the objection of the accused persons about the presence in the court room of the witnesses of the prosecution mentioned in the hajira, the S.D.O. did not take active steps to expel them from the Court room.”
(VI) “That no fair or impartial trial can be had if the case be tried, in the
premises aforesaid, by the S.D.O. (North).”
So far as the grievance made on the ground that the learned Magistrate did not give adjournment even though the accused persons were not furnished with copies of the statements under section 161, Criminal Procedure Code, it appears that the learned Magistrate on 16.4.1964, adjourned the case to 27.4.1964, for the evidence of the P.Ws. mainly on the prayer of the defence for not getting certified copies of the statement of witnesses recorded under section 161, Criminal Procedure Code.
Again on 27.4.1964, the same grounds were preferred by the defence for putting off the cross-examination of the P.Ws. The learned Magistrate in those circumstances after hearing both the parties decided that only examination-in-chief of the P.W.S. would be taken on that day and as a matter of fact one P.W. was only examined partially on that day. So, it seems, there was no prejudice. In those circumstances we do not find any force in this contention.
So far as asking of leading questions goes, there is nothing on record to show that there was any such question asked and this has been denied. There is only an allegation in the petition without there being anything to support the same. When as according to the petition, there were so many eminent lawyers present at that moment, it is strange that no objection was filed to that effect before the learned Magistrate, if it was true.
So far as ground no. 5 goes, namely, that regarding the presence in the court room of the witnesses of the prosecution mentioned in the Hajira in spite of the objection of the accused persons about their presence it appears that as soon as this fact was brought to the notice of the learned Magistrate he asked them to go out and the order was complied with.
There, however, seems to be some force in the grounds nos. 1 and 2 of the petition. It is true that S.D.O., (North) is subordinate to the Deputy Commissioner, Dacca who is an important witness in the case. It is also true that the S.D.O. (North), Dacca is the controlling authority of P.W.(1) Md. Salimuddin, Chairman of Tetuljhora Union Council, another important witness of the case.
On the one hand an important witness is under the control of the learned Magistrate and on the other the learned Magistrate himself is under the control of the Deputy Commissioner – another important witness. In the situation as above there could be a reasonable apprehension in the mind of the petitioner about fair and impartial trial.
The position being as above, we make this Rule absolute and direct that case should go to the senior Munsiff-Magistrate, Dacca for disposal.
Sd/- A.K.M. Baquer.
A. Subhan Choudhuri, I: I agree.
A. Sobhan Coudhuri.
Memo. No. 2460…… Cr.
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Commissioner of Dacca, for information and necessary action with reference to his office letter No. 2572 (Enc) JL/32, dated the 9th June, 1964 and for communication to the S.D.O.(N), Sadar, before whom the case was pending herewith.
The record of the case is returned herewith.
High Court By order of the High Court.
Criminal Section Sd/- A.T. Md. Eshaque
Appellate Side. The … May, 1965. 24.6.63
Asstt. Registrar.
Report on five cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 16 June 1965
Ittefaq dt. 16.6.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে ৫টি মামলা চলতি মাসে ৪টির ও আগামী মাসে ১টির শুনানি
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডিপুটি কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলমের কোর্টে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলায় অভিযুক্ত পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান হাজির হইলে আগামী ৩রা জুলাই এই মামলায় সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণের তারিখ ধার্য হয়।
এখানে আরও উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, ঢাকার বিভিন্ন কোর্টে শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের ৩টি মামলাসহ মােট ৫টি মামলা বিচারাধীন রহিয়াছে। আগামী ২২শে, ২৬শে, ২৮শে ও ৩০শে জুন। উক্ত মামলাগুলির পরবর্তী তারিখ ধার্য হইয়াছে।
TO P.F. Sd/-18.6.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s criticism on Provincial and Central
Dacca, 19 June 1965
Morning News dt. 19.6.65
Mujib Criticises Provincial & Central Budgets
(By Our Staff Reporter)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami League yesterday strongly criticised the Central and the Provincial Budgets and said that these had hard hit the “poor masses middle class and the budding entrepreneurs, particularly of East Pakistan.”
In a statement issued to the press yesterday, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman observed that increased duty on kerosene and withdrawal of exemption of duty from medium cloths would adversely affect the interest of the poor and the middle class. He also
criticised the Central Finance Minister, Mr. Shoaib for “failing to evolve any suitable scheme to check effectively the soaring prices of the essential commodities resulting mostly from the greed of profiteers.”
While criticising the provincial budget, the Awami League leader said that it would adversely affect the interest of the new comers in industry and the commoners. He observed that increased jute tax, increase of toll on motor launch and increased surcharge on development and relief tax will ultimately affect the people while the interest of the big industrialists would continue to flourish.
Haji Mohammad Danish, General Secretary of the East Pakistan National Awami Party, has also criticised the Central and the Provincial budgets. He thought that the budgets had failed to reflect the hopes and aspirations of the common man. He was of the opinion that budget was manipulated in a way that it would provide maximum scope for private enterprise and thus strengthen the grip of the capitalists over the economy of the country.
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-23.6.
Report on pending cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 24 June 1965
The following cases are pending against Sk. Majibur Rahman 24.6.65.
1. C.R. Case No. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. in the court of Mr. B. Alam, ADC, Dacca. Complt. Mr. M. Isa, P.S.P.
It is a case for delivering speech in a meeting on 15.12.65 at Dacca Stadium.
4 prosecution witnesses have been examined on 22.6.65 and the case adjourned till 24.6.65 for further P.Ws.
2. G.R. Case No. 33/64 (Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press & Publication Ordinance & Section 426/352/504/506/153 P.P.C. in the court of Mr. A Huq, Senior Munsiff Magistrate , Dacca
It is a case of throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64 against the subject & 6 others. Fixed 30.6.65 for accused persons.
3. G.R. Case No. 460/64 (Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dt. 29.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) & Sec. 50 of Press & Publication Ordinance, against the (1) subject & M/S (2) Shah Azizur Rahman, M.N.A., (3) Dr. Alimur Razi, MNA, (4) Muhammad Ali, MNA (5) Hamidul Huq Chaudhury, (6) Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia, (7) Jahur Husain Chaudhury, (8) Mahbubul Huq, (9) Obaidur Rahman (Student Leader), (10) Ali Ahad, (11) Ali Aksad in the court of Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmad, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca.
It is a case for publication of the leaflets captioned “Purba Pakistan Rukhiya Darao’ on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee.
Adjourned till 26.6.65 for absence of two accused persons on 29.5.65. SP, Dacca has been requested to arrange to proceed with the case against the remaining accused persons except the 3 MNAs who are not attending Pakistan National Assembly Session.
4. G.R. Case No. 2a of 1964 u/s 124A P.P.C. in the court of Mr. B. Alam, Addi. D.C., Dacca. Complt. Mr. Syed Mannan Baksh, P.S.P.,
It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64.
The subject filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. for quashing the proceedings or to transfer the case before a Munsiff Magistrate. The case was heard by Hon’ble High Court Dacca on 25.3.65 and the petition was dismissed and referred back to court for trial. But on the prayer of the subject on an Appeal to the Supreme Court the High Court allowed in case of complication of Constitutional issue. Accordingly the trying Court stayed the proceedings and send back the record to High Court for ref. in the Appeal in the Supreme Court vide order of the Court dated 16.6.65.
5. G.R. Case No. 5081/64.
Ramna P.S. case No. 98 dt. 22.11.65 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the court of Mr. M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca. It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Outer Stadium on 29.9.64.
Adjourned till 28.6.65 for absence of the subject on 26.5.65.
Special Branch West Pakistan asks information to update history sheet of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Special Branch East Pakistan.
Lahore, 26 June 1965
SPECIAL BRANCH, WEST PAKISTAN No. 6426(4) BDSB, dated Lahore, the 26.6.1965
Subject: Completion of History Sheets.
History sheet (A card) of Sk. Mujib-ur-Rahman s/o Sk. Lutfur Rahman originally a resident of 76 Segun Bagicha, Ramna, Dacca, does not contain details of his political activities since 1.6.1964. In order to bring his history sheet up-to-date, will you please submit a detailed note on all important political events in which he participated so that the same should be included in his history sheet.
2. This may please be treated as urgent.
for Deputy Inspector General of Police,
Special Branch, West Pakistan, Lahore.
The D.I.G. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
EXPRESS Reminder 11
To: THE Deputy Inspr. Genl. Of Police, S.B., East Pak. Dacca.
Subject: H.S. Completion Mujib-ur-Rahman.
No. SB, dated Lahore, the 8192/4 BDSB 13.8.1965. Prefer to this office secret memorandum No. 6426(4) BDSB dated 26.6.65 on the subject cited above and expedite your report.
Sd/ -12.8.65 for Deputy Inspector General of Police
S.B., West Pakistan, Lahore.
Phone Nos. 6863 & 4231/18
No. 15806/606-48 P.F. dt. 19.8.65
TO The D.I.G., S.B., West Pakistan, Lahore.
Subject: 5th addendum of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, S/o Sk. Lutfur Rahman.
Ref: Your letter No. 6426(4) BDSB dt. 26.6.65.
As desired in your letter under reference I send herewith the remaining paragraphs added to the 4th addendum which was sent to you vide this office letter No. 15174 dt. 22.8.64 together with the 5th addendum containing up-to-date activities of the subject.
Sd/ – 18.8
for D.I.G. S.B. E.P., Dacca.
Pl. type 5 copies of the 5th addendum & 2 copies of the continued 4th addendum.
To : The D.I.G. of Police, S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Subject: H.S. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
No. 7400(4)BSB dt. 22.7.1965. Prefer to this office secret memorandum No. 6426(4) BSB, dated 26.6.65 on the subject cited above and expedite your report.
for Deputy Inspector General of Police
S.B., West Pakistan, Lahore.
Fifth addendum to the Brief History on the political activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, S/o Late Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, District Faridpur and of 677, Dhanmandi Residential Area, Dacca.
(Born 1921)
1. In October/64 the subject was present in a secret meeting of the Combined Opposition Parties held at Khulna along with other COP leaders. In this meeting the Subject asked the persons present to collect their trusted men and instruct them to create disturbance by throwing stones, brick-bats, crackers, etc. in the meeting place which was going to be convened in connection with the arrival of the President of Pakistan so that no meeting could be held. He also promised that he would arrange from Dacca so that all concerned could take part in the proposed strike on that date (29.10.64) and thereby spoil the public meeting arranged on that day. He further promised that he would remain at Gopalganj from 28.10.64-31.10.64 and instruct the Rickshaw Drivers of Faridpur District residing in Khulna town to create disturbance in the meeting to be addressed by the President of Pakistan on 29.10.64 at Khulna.
(Note: There is no report of disturbance at Khulna)
2. It was reported in the same month that the subject was of opinion that if Miss Fatima Jinnah wins the Presidential election the present Constitution would be abrogated and the Constitution of 1956 would be revived. So he was determined to make all possible endeavour for the success of Miss Fatima
Jinnah in the last Presidential election. The subject accompanied Miss Jinnah in her election tour to Khulna, Jessore and some other districts of the Province and addressed public meetings urging the people to support Miss Fatima Jinnah and other Combined Opposition Party candidates in the elections. In these meetings the subject gave objectionable speeches criticising the President of Pakistan and the Govt.
In such a meeting held at Ishordi, Pabna on 19.10.64 he alleged that the President like a dacoit captured power and he became the Field Marshall without any victory in war, but by killing people. He asked the President to leave the country like Iskandar Mirza. He urged the people to accompany the M.E.Cs to polling centres and compel them to vote for Miss Jinnah by giving them due warning that if they did not vote for her they would not be allowed to come out and go home. At Natore on 20.10.64 he similarly criticised the President and similarly incited the people to compel the M.E.Cs to vote for Miss Jinnah.
3.The same month (Oct-64) the subject addressing a workers’ conference of the Awami League at Fatulla, Narayanganj, Dacca, called the present Govt. to be autocratic and warned them against their alleged repressive policy. He added that if they continued to go on with their alleged repressive action, 10 crores of people of this country at the risk of their lives, would resist them. He said that this was the last struggle on the principle of “do or die”. He urged the workers for working for the election campaign of Miss Jinnah.
4.From 25.10.64 to 30.10.64 the subject addressing public meetings at Rajbari, Faridpur, Bhanga, Gopalganj, Parulia and Jalilpur, district Faridpur said that the Martial Law was the result of a deep rooted conspiracy of the President and others in order to deprive the people of their fundamental rights and make them slaves of their whims. He criticised Govt. for the enhancement of rent, taxes, land revenues, etc. and for high cost of essential commodities. He said that under the 2nd five year plan East Pakistan was given Rs. 950 crores whereas West Pakistan got Rs. 1350 crores and in addition Rs.1500 crores was allocated for Indus Basin Project and anti salinity and Rs. 500 crores for the new capital at Islamabad. He accused the Govt. of meting step motherly treatment towards East Pakistan and added that the Govt. took no action to implement the
recommendation of Krugg Mission for flood control in East Pakistan. He bitterly criticised the alleged repression on students. He further criticised the Govt. for giving tax holiday to the multimillionaire & industrialist and urged the Govt. to grant similar tax holiday to small agriculturists possessing upto 25 bigahs of land for 25 years, etc. termed the present Govt. as undemocratic and urged the people to vote for those who would cast their votes for Miss Fatima Jinnah to get back democracy and relief from high taxation. He alleged that the Martial Law was imposed on the people only to deprive East Pakistan of her legitimate demands. He said that the Central Capital at Karachi was built with contribution of both East and West Pakistan but it was later handed over to West Pakistan only to deprive East Pakistan of the income of Central Capital. He vehemently criticised the President for alleged imposition of dictatorial rule in Pakistan.
5. On 2.11.64 the subject addressing a public meeting held under the aegis of the combined opposition parties at Perojpur town, Bakarganj said that Field Marshal Mohd. Ayub Khan had no sacrifice behind achievement of Pakistan. Referring to the history of the promulgation of the Martial Law in the country the speaker alleged that some self interested leaders helped the President to assume power by declaring Martial Law. He termed President Ayub Khan as ‘Bai-man’ and said they would not bow down their heads before him. He stated that at the time of assuming power the President promised to the people to root out all sorts of corruptions but he failed. He alleged that some industrialists and businessmen with a view to fulfil their selfish ends were helping the President with sufficient money for winning the election. He regretted that only 10% of the army were recruited from among the Bengalese though sufficient number of able bodied young men were ready to join the army. He said that the people of the country faced much repression under the present regime and they were not ready to tolerate the same any longer. He urged the audience to make all possible endeavour for the success of the candidates set up by the opposition parties in the elections.
6.On 6.11.64 the subject in a statement to the Press criticised the President of Pakistan and his followers for economic disparity between the two wings of the country. He narrated that the Govt. prepared so many schemes for the economic

development in East Pakistan but they did not implement them. They only gave bluff to the people. He gave out that the foreign loan taken by Pakistan up-todate would have to be repaid yearly at the rate of Rs. 50 crores and East Pakistan would have to bear 80 percent of the burden.
He further alleged that the fruits of development have not gone to the masses of East Pakistan but a few families only. He declared that East Pakistan people were now on the march and they would be found to act as the vanguard in the liberation struggle of the people of both the wings from political suppression and economic oppression.
7. In November/64 it was reported that the subject discussed with some leaders of the Combined Opposition Parties that after the end of the electorate college election they would file a case in the High Court against the legality of the candidature of Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan for the Presidential election. A panel of lawyers was also reportedly prepared for filing the case in the High Court.
8.On 21.11.64 the subject addressing a public meeting organised by the Combined Opposition Parties at Gafargaon, Mymensingh criticised the President of Pakistan for his alleged capture of power by force. He said that during his regime the people lost their right of votes, etc. He said that during the ‘Idul-fiter Prayer’ innocent people of Beluchistan were killed by bomb from Air by Govt. He also criticised Govt. for widening the disparity between the two wings of Pakistan and even Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy one of the creators of Pakistan was sent to jail by the President.
9. On 22.11.64 the subject in a statement to the Press condemned the Police firing on the students at Batakandi, Daudkandi, Comilla and said that in the present regime police firing became a day to day affair. He said that in such a way the country could not be kept under control.
10. From 23.11.64 to 25.11.64 during the subject’s visit to Karachi he contacted different political leaders there and discussed various matters in respect of Basic Democracy Election and success of candidates of the Combined Opposition parties. He gave out to the press that from East Pakistan he sent 11

nomination papers in favour of Presidential candidate Miss Fatema Jinnah duly proposed and seconded by different persons.
11. On 9.12.64 the subject in a statement to the Press criticised the police firing on the students in the same month at Bagerhat (Khulna) and Karachi. He sounded a note of warning to Govt. that if such police actions were not stopped, such movement as that of Karachi and Bagerhat would spread throughout the country. He appealed to the people to protest against such police actions.
12. On 10.12.64 the subject addressing a public meeting organised by the Awami League at Gopalpur, District Mymensingh said that the President granted tax holiday to Industrialists but no tax remission was given to the agriculturists. He further said that he would have to account for the huge capital for Gandhara Industries and would follow the footstep of Iskendar Mirza. He would not be allowed to leave Pakistan without giving account. He assured the Basic Democrats with of entrusting with more and real powers if Miss Fatima Jinnah was elected President.
13. On 12.12.64 the subject addressed a meeting at Laksham, Comilla and gave out that the Presidential Election was a fight for freedom from slavery and for democracy. He added that it was a struggle for justice against a person who grabbed power unlawful. He assured the Basic Democrats that if they voted Miss Jinnah to power, they would be given more power and privileges.
14. On 23.12.64 the subject in a statement to the Press alleged that the entire Govt. machinery had been mobilised for the publicity of the Presidential candidate – F.M. Md. Ayub Khan. He resented the alleged denial of Govt. courtesy in respect of accommodation to Miss Jinnah.
15. On 25.12.64 the subject addressing a public meeting held in observance of the birth anniversary of the Quaid-e-Azam?) at Dacca criticised the alleged cruel attitude of the Govt. towards the students and the public. He said that the Govt. was making conspiracy to commit some foul play with regard to ballot boxes and added that if F.M. Md. Ayub Khan returned to power they would launch
27. Mohammed Ali Jinnah (25 December 1876 – 11 September 1948) – Titled Quaid-i-Azam, was founder and father of the nation of Pakistan. Pakistan’s first Governor General till his death on 11 September 1948.
country-wide agitation resulting his absconsion from the country like Iskendar Mirza. He urged the people to go to the interior of the country and start door to door election campaign in favour of Miss Jinnah.
16. On 26.12.64 the subject addressing a public meeting at Serampur Bazar P.S.
Raipura, Dacca criticised the Govt. for their alleged failure to keep down the price of essential commodities and to prevent the recurrence of flood situation in East Pakistan. He alleged that during the present regime corruption and rate
f taxes had increased. He was also critical of Govt. policy for accepting foreign loan at high rates of interest. He further alleged that the genuine grievances of the teachers, workers and peasants were not redressed by the present regime.
17. On 28.12.64 the subject addressing a gathering attended by the newly elected members of the Electoral College at Manikganj, Dacca sounded a note of caution to the Govt. officials and asked them not to participate in the party politics. He accused the Govt. officials of terrorising combined opposition party workers and leaders in different parts of the Province by indiscriminate arrest. He said that a list of those officials who indulged themselves in such activities was being prepared and would be dealt with severely when peoples’ Govt. comes to power.
18. Towards the last part of December/64 the subject reportedly gave a sum of Rs.1000.00 for the electioneering expenses of Miss Fatima Jinnah in Faridpur District.
19. On 6.1.65 the subject in a press statement condemned the alleged barbarous action on the innocent people at Karachi by the supporters of the Convention Muslim League in a fit of joy just after the Presidential election. He urged the Govt. to maintain peace and order in the country otherwise the Govt. would face the consequences. He also condemned the arrests of the leaders of the opposition party.
20. On 29.1.65 the subject in a statement to the Press condemned the attack on the life of Abdul Baqui Baluch and others just after the Presidential election was over. Referring to the death of Mr. Shahid Ali, the then Deputy Speaker of East Pakistan Assembly he questioned why lawlessness was prevailing under a
Govt. which captured power on pretext of the death of the Deputy Speaker. He further pointed out that if there was any law in the country there was “Jangli” law otherwise so many valuable lives would not have been lost in Karachi and hundreds of people would not have been made homeless there, Mir Doda Khan and other tribal leaders of Murry and innocent citizens of Layalpur would not have been killed.
21. On 28.2.65 the subject in a Press statement expressed his concern over the
arrest of the leaders of the post and telegraph department of East Pakistan. He deplored that the authorities did not make any appreciable attempt for an amicable settlement of the demands of the striking employees. Instead they had chosen the old method of repression and intimidation which had worsened the situation. He urged Govt. to relieve the country of the deadlock of communication by fulfilling the demands of the low paid employees.
22. On 19.3.65 the subject in a statement to the Press expressed grave concern over the arrests of some leaders of West Pakistan belonging to the opposition parties just on the eve of the National Assembly election. He alleged that the Govt. was taking recourse to coercion, intimidation and oppression in order to win the election. He further alleged that the officers were freely utilised for the election campaign in support of the Muslim League nominees.
23. On 23.4.65 the subject in a Press Statement supported the 11-point demands of
the Railway Employees and urged upon the Govt. to concede to their demands. 24. On 26.4.65 the subject in course of a secret conversation with his party men was reported to have given out that he would not sit idle for the next 5 years, rather he would launch a vigorous movement which he termed as “Mukti Andolon” (Liberation Movement) with the help of his political colleagues.
25. On 10.5.65 the subject addressing a gathering at Jalirpar, Faridpur gave out that the major portion of foreign aid was spent for the development of West Pakistan and East Pakistan was deprived of its due share. He stated that if that process continued the people of this wing would be reduced to street beggars in the long run.
26. On. 2.6.65 the subject in a press statement urged the Govt. to release all the arrested railway employees, withdraw all warrants of arrest and cases instituted against them. He also asked the East Pakistan Railway Employees League to
call off the strike and create an atmosphere for amicable settlement of the dispute. He said that it was very unfortunate that when the railway workers were forced to go on strike the Govt. subjected them to inhuman torture and repression. Even children and women in railway colony and in several places were not spared. He stated that two persons were killed and several persons were injured in police firing in Chittagong.
27. On 18.6.65 the subject in a statement to the Press criticised the Central and the Provincial budgets and said that these had hard hit the poor masses, middle class and the budding enterprisers particularly of East Pakistan.
28. On 20.7.65 the subject presided over a meeting of the Awami League held in Karachi at which decision on organisational matters of the party was taken.
29. On 23.7.65 the subject in a statement to the Press criticised the firing of tear gas shells by police on 22.7.65 in the Dacca Press Club. He said that by such action the police did not respect the sanctity of the club. He added that there was no such instance in the civilised world. He condemned the Police for lathi charge on the students at Dacca on 22.7.65.
30. The subject issued a press statement on 26.7.65 criticising Moulana Bhasani for supporting the foreign policy of the Govt. and alleged that the hue and cry on foreign policy was raised to divert the people’s attention from internal problems, viz. regional autonomy, removal of disparity, adult franchise, etc. He also stated that the struggle on these issues were now on hard trial and declared that the A.L. would continue to fight for the same.
31. The subject addressed a meeting of the Mymensingh district A.L. held at Mymensingh on 1.8.65 giving a call for launching movement for establishment of democratic rule based on Lahore Resolution and for restoration of adult franchise, Provincial autonomy etc.
32. Ref. B.H. paras 57, 63, 83 & 120 of the 4th addendum to the Brief History the subject was prosecuted in the following cases:
1. C.R. No. la/64 u/s 124-A P.P.C & 7(3) EPPSO.
2. Savar P.S. Case 13 dt. 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press & Publication Ordinance &
153 P.P.C.
3. Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dt. 29.1.64 u/s 55(1) & (2) and 50 of Press & Publication Ordinance.
4. C.R. Case No. 2A of 1964 u/s 124-A P.P.C.
5. Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dt. 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO for prejudicial
activities, speeches, etc.
These cases are now pending trial in the Dacca Court.
33. On 28.6.65. it was reported that the subject held discussions with Abdul Malek Ukil (AL) MPA and two other MPAs, who belonged to A.L., at his residence at Dacca about their next move in the East Pakistan Assembly. During discussion the subject advised them to make all possible endeavour to take all the opposition MPAs into confidence with a view to take an united move in the Assembly our demand of the release of all political prisoners, reduction of enhanced taxes etc. They also discussed a programme to be drawn up on the basis of Lahore resolution in the meeting of the E.P.A.L. for launching an agitation, for due share of East Pakistan.
34. On 8.7.65 it was reported that the subject issued two Bengali booklets on the constitution and rules of the A.L. and the draft manifesto of the East Pakistan Awami League. The draft manifesto contained political, economic and industrial programme of the party (A.L).
35. On 8.8.65 the subject delivered speeches in a meeting of the working committee of the Awami League held at Jessore Institute. In course of speech the subject gave out that the Awami League did not want alliance with America, Russia and China, they wanted only complete provincial Autonomy and safe guards of interest of East Pakistan in every sphere. He also said that National Awami Party was the enemy of Awami League and ‘Dalal’ of F.M. Ayub Khan. He further disclosed that if the East Pakistan was to be saved, a united struggle was necessary.
36. It was reported on 1.9.65 that the subject held discussion with Tofazzal Husain (A.L.) who was requested by Mr. Nurul Amino (N.D.F.) to explore possibilities for forming a single opposition party on party less unity. The
28.Nurul Amin (15 July 1893 – 2 October 1974) – Politician and lawyer born in Brahmanbaria, Bengal. Pakistan Constituent Assembly member from 1947 – 1954. Chief Minister of East Bengal during language movement and infamous for killing students on 21 February 1952. Opposed all Bangabandhu-led Bengali nationalist movement and collaborated with Pakistan occupation forces during Bangladesh war of liberation. Died and buried in Karachi, Pakistan.
subject expressed his opinion that he would join such united opposition party if it was formed without suspending the party activities of component parties.
37. On 5.9.65 the subject attended the inaugural function in connection with two day conference of the East Pakistan Students’ League (EPSL) held at Dacca. The conference vehemently criticised the education policy of the Govt. and appealed to all Political Parties to unite for the restoration of basic rights of the people of East Pakistan. In the conference full implementation of the Lahore resolution was demanded and it was further observed that East Pakistan had been made dependent both politically and economically. The subject was reported to have contributed a sum of Rs. 400/- towards meeting the cost of the E.P.S.L conference.
38. It was reported on 25.9.65 that the subject issued a directive to all the members of the National Assembly of the Awami League Group to take their seats in the next Assembly Session separately and not as a component part of the Combined Opposition Parties.
39. It was reported that on 30.9.65 the subject in course of discussion with his political friends was extremely critical of an inadequacy of defence measures in East Pakistan and was further reported to have remarked that for 17 days during the war it had been proved that East Pakistan was completely helpless.
40. An informal discussion of A.L. workers was held on 30.9.65 at A.L. Office, Dacca to discuss present situation in the country. During discussion the subject observed that Pakistan should not lose friendship of America as economy and development work of Pakistan would be affected. He further remarked that it would be unwise for Pakistan to come out of the U.N.O. and that all possible attempts should be made to solve Kashmir dispute through U.N.O. Mr. Zahiruddin Ahmad (AL) during discussion suggested that resolutions condemning Indian aggression should be adopted. The subject stated that adoption of such resolution was not necessary as they had already issued statement condemning Indian aggression.
41. On 3.10.65 the subject attended a meeting of the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami League held in its office at 15, Purana Paltan, Dacca. The meeting discussed the present situation of the country vis-a-vis the war. The
subject and some other men were not the least in favour of adopting any resolution in connection with the war. The subject particularly stressed that no resolution giving threat to come out of U.N.O. and criticising America should be adopted. Over this there was exchange of words between the subject and Mr. Zahiruddin (A.L) and the latter remarked that the former was ‘unpatriotic’ as appeared from his attitude. After a hot discussion resolutions inter alia condemning Indian aggression calling upon U.N.O. to hold plebiscite in Kasmir, paying tributes to the defence forces were passed in the meeting.
42. It was reported on 12.10.65 that the subject with others were found talking with Mr. Gordon K. Dibble, Political officer and consul, USA, Dacca in the drawing room of the house of the latter at no. 2 Circuit House Road (Rahman House), Dacca in the early part of September, 1965. They were entertained with tea by Mr. Gordon.
43. In an informal meeting of A.L. workers was reported to have been held about the 3rd week of October, 1965 at the Alpha Insurance Co., Dacca. The subject was reported to have explained in the conference the helplessness of East Pakistan during the 17 days’ war with India. The meeting discussed necessity of defence installations in East Pakistan in view of Indian threat. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (the subject) stated that if their demand for defence requirements was turned down the A.L. would launch an agitation for full autonomy for East Pakistan so that they could defend the country and these popularise the party. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (the subject) was further reported to have stated that after senseless war with India, President Field Marshal Md. Ayub Khan had again to seek help from the U.S.A. like other Govts. of the past. He also was reported to have remarked that China would never materially help Pakistan as it was proved during War with India.
Sd/-A.S.M. Alled
D.I.G., Special Branch, Dacca.
Court adjourned sedition case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
after deposition of 4 witnesses.
Dacca, 29 June 1965
Ittefaq dt. 2.6.65
শেখ মুজিবের মামলা ৪ জনের সাক্ষ্যের পর শুনানী মুলতবী
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
ঢাকার অন্যতম প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এম, এ, মালিকের এজলাসে গতকল্য (সােমবার) পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলায় ৪ জন সরকারী সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য গৃহীত হয়। এই সাক্ষী ৪ জন হইলেনঃ রমনা থানার অফিসার-ইনচার্জ জনাব ইসরাইল, জনাব ইসমাইল, গভর্ণমেন্ট রিপাের্টার জনাব মােজাম্মেল হক এবং জনাব হায়াৎ আজীজ। ইহাদের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণের পর মামলার শুনানী আগামী ৩০শে জুলাই পর্যন্ত মুলতবী রাখা হয়।
প্রসঙ্গক্রমে উল্লেখ করা যাইতে পারে যে, ১৯৬৪ সালের ২৯শে সেপ্টেম্বর পল্টন ময়দানে আপত্তিকর বক্তৃতা দেওয়ার জন্য শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান নিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্সের ৭(৩) ধারা অনুযায়ী এই মামলা আনীত হয়।
মেসার্স মােহাম্মদ উল্লাহ, আবুল হােসেন, কোরবান আলী, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন, মকবুলুর রহমান, মনজুরুর রহিম, খােন্দকার মাহবুবুল হােসেন, আফসার উদ্দীন আহমদ খান প্রমুখ আইনজীবীর সহায়তায় জনাব জহিরুদ্দীন আসামী পক্ষে এবং ঢাকার পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব এ, আলীম সরকার পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন।
TO P.F. Sd/-30.6.
Report on pending cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 1 July 1965
1.The following cases are pending against Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 1.7.65 C.R. Case No. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. in the court of Mr. B. Alam, A.D.C., Dacca.
Complt. Mr. M. Isa, P.S.P.,
It is a case for delivering speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium. Adjourned till 3.7.65 for further P.Ws. & charge.
2. C.R. Case No. 36/64 (Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dt. 23.1.64 u/s 55 (1)(2) Press & Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/306/153 P.P.C. in the court of Mr. A. Huq, Senior Munsiff, Magistrate, Dacca.
It is a case of throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64 against the subject and 6 others. Fixed 30.6.65 for accused persons.
3. C.R. Case No. 460/64 (Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dt. 29.1.64) u/s 55 (1)(2) and Sec. 50 of Press & Publication Ordinance, against the (1) subject and (2) M/S Shah Azizur Rahman, MNA, (3) Dr. Alimur Razi, MNA, (4) Mahmud Ali, MNA, (5) Hamidul Huq Chaudhury, (6) Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia, (7) Jahur Husain Chaudhury, (8) Mahbubul Huq, (9) Obaidur Rahman (student leader), (10) Oli Ahad, (11) Ali Aksad in the court of Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmed, Magistrate, 1st class , Dacca.
It is a case for publication of the leaflets captioned “Purba Pakistan Rukhiya Darao’ on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee.
On 26.6.65 accused Oli Ahad filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. to move to the Honorable High Court for transfer of the case to the Court of a Munsiff Magistrate. Accordingly the trying court stayed the proceedings up to 13.8.65 and allowed the petitioner iż month’s time to move the Honorable High Court.
4. C.R. Case No. 2a of 1964 u/s 124A PPC in the Court of Mr. B. Alam, Addl. D.C., Dacca.
Complt. Mr. Syed Mannan Baksh, P.S.P.,
It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64.
The subject filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C for quashing the proceedings or to transfer the case before a Munsif Magistrate. The case was heard by Hon’ble High Court Dacca on 23.3.65 and the petition was dismissed and referred back to Court for trial. But on the prayer of the subject for an appeal to the Supreme Court, the High Court allowed, in case of complication of constitutional issue. Accordingly the trying Court stayed the proceedings and sent back the record to High Court for reference in the appeal in the Supreme Court vide order of the court dated 16.6.65.
5.G.R. Case No. 5081/64.
Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dt. 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the court of Mr. M.A. Maleque , Magistrate 1st class, Dacca.
7.It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Outer Stadium on 29.9.64.
Adjourned till 30.7.65 for further P.Ws.
TO P.F. of Sk. Majibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 29.6.
Leaflet bundle throwing case adjourned enlarging all accused on bail.
Dacca, 2 July 1965
Morning News dt. 2.7.65
Hearing of ‘Leaflet Case’
The criminal case against the Awami League leaders, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Shah Azizur Rahman, Mr. Tajuddin and others came up for hearing before the Munsif of the First Court Dacca, yesterday, according to a Press release of the East Pakistan Awami League here, reports PPA.
The case, known as “leaflet case’ was transferred by the Dacca High Court from the Court of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Sadar North, Dacca to the present Court on an application moved on behalf of Sheikh Mujib.
The Munsif, acting as First Class Magistrate, enlarged all the accused persons who were present on bail of Rs. 1,000 each, without surety and fixed the date for further hearing on August 4, the Press release added.
The case, it may be mentioned, arose out of the alleged throwing of a leaflet by the accused persons towards the Provincial Governor as the latter was passing in his car sometime ago.
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -for DS/PL, 6.7
Memo on collection of verbatim speech of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered at Paltan Maidan, Dacca on 15.12.1963.
Dacca, 5 July 1965
Special Branch, East Pakistan
Rajarbagh, Dacca, the 5.7.1965
No. 13172/606-48 P.F.
W.A. Sikder , Esq., T.K.,
Section Officer, Govt. of East Pakistan,
Home (Poll) Department, Dacca.
Sub:Verbatim speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman delivered at Paltan Maidan, Dacca on 15.12.63.
Ref: Your Memo No. 240-Poll (S)/(1) dated 21.3.64.
The original copy (pencil copy) of the transcription of the speech submitted by the Government reporter is required to be produced in Court on 8.7.65 during the trial of Sk. Mujibur Rahman in the Court of Mr. B. Alam as an exhibit. The original copy was sent to Govt. vide this office letter No. 22878/69-52 P.F. dated 21.12.63.
I would request you to send back the original copy of the transcription for production in Court.
Sd/ – 5.7.65
(Ahmed Hossain)
for Spl. Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., East Pakistan Dacca.
Copy of City Spl. Branch Officer’s report dated 5.7.65
On search it was found that no original transcription of the speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman was sent to this office by S.B. Dacca. Carbon copy of the transcription of the speech was sent to this office which was made over to P.P. by an officer of Dacca, DSB. On 3.7.65 I had been to S.B. office and searched the relevant files but got no trace of the original transcription. It was learnt that one copy of the transcription was sent to Govt. and as instructed by D.S.(Pol). I went to the Secretariat and came to learn from the Section Officer that the file is in the Govt. House.
The next date of hearing of the case has been fixed for 8.7.65.
Ref. Case No, 1A/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. against Sk. Mujibur Rahman
PHONE NO. 45024
Secret: Immediate
NO. 3319/58-64 P.F. Forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police (1) Spl. Branch, E.P., Dacca for favour of his information as desired. S.B. may find out from their file where they sent the original and take action accordingly to get back the same.
Sd/ – 5.7.65
1. Action today pl. 2. pl. case of Mozaffor Khan. Sd/-5.7.65
Noted. Sd/-5.7.65. S.S.I. Already requested Sec. Officer (Home Political). A letter has been issued & handed over to inspr. M. Islam today at 10.00 hrs. Inspr. M. Islam will pl. report the result to S.S.l. personally everyday till the report is final. Sd-/DSPL, 5.7.65.
Copy of report dt. 1.7.65 of an Inspr. of City S.B. Dacca.
I had been to both D.C’s and S.D.O’s office today and tried to trace out the original paper but in vain. The paper in question was received by D.C’s Confidential Clerk on 13.12.63 and was sent to S.D.O. on the same date with the endorsement of
D.C. requesting him to depute a Magistrate. Again the paper was received by S.D.O’s Confidential Clerk on the same date and S.D.O. endorsed the same to Mr. A.A. Chaudhury, Magistrate 1st class and sent the same to him (Mr. A. A. Chaudhury) Vide his No. 137 (original) C dated 13.12.63 and after which there is no
trace of the paper.
A certified copy of the deputation of the Magistrate was obtained from S.D.O. and made over to P.P.
Phone No. 45024
City Special Branch, Dacca
Dacca, the 6th July, 65.
No. 3348/71-64(sec.)
Copy forwarded to M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police (I), S.B., E.P., Dacca, for information with reference to his Memo. No. 12601/606-48 P.F. dt. 25.6.65.
This is in connection with Case No. 1A/64 u/s 124A 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. against Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Sd/ -6.7.65
(M. Yunus )
For Special Supdt. of Police,
City S.B. Dacca.
Report on verbatim speech of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered
at public meeting of Combined Opposition Parties for Anti Repression Day on 29.9.1964 is the subject matter of Ramna PS
case No. 98 dt. 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO.
Dacca, 8 July 1965
No. 13348/606-48 P.F. dt. 8.7.65.
SS City S.B., Dacca.
Sub – Speech delivered by Sk. Mujibur Rahman and others on 29.3.64 in
the public meeting held at Outer Stadium, Dacca under the auspices of the All Party Committee of Action for Adult Franchise agitation.
The transcription of the speech mentioned above was sent to the Addl. S.P., D.S.B. Dacca under this office memo No. 6030 dt. 3.4.64. I would request you kindly to confirm if you have original (pencil copy) of the transcription which we sent.
Sd/ – DS PL for SSI
No. 13348/1/606-48 P.F. dt. 8.7.65
Copy forwarded to the S.P. D.S.B. Dacca for information and with a request to confirm of the original (pencil copy) of the transcription which we sent is in his office.
Sd/ – 7.7.65.
Phone No. 45024
City Special Branch
Dacca, the 9th July’65
No. 3411/R.5613/58-64 P.F. (Loose)
M. Isa, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 13348/606-48 P.F. dated 8.7.65.
The original copy of the transcription of the speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman does not appear to have been sent to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Dacca. Only the 3rd carbon copy of the transcription of his speech was sent to him under S.B. Memo. No. 6030/119-64 G1. dated 3.4.64.
The copy is not legible.
Sd/ -9.7.65
For Spl. Supdt. of Police,
City S.B., Dacca.
District Special Branch
Dacca, the 25th Aug. 1965.
No. 4509/R. 2525, P-1079/105-62/
Muhammed Isa Esqr., P.S.P.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 13348/1/606-48 P.F. dated 8.7.65.
I write to inform you that no pencil copy of the transcription of the speech delivered by Sk. Mujibur Rahman and others on 29.3.65 in the public meeting held at Outer Stadium, Dacca, was received along with your memo No. 6030 dated 3.4.64.
Sd/ -25.8.65.
for Supdt. of Police, D.S.B.,
This is in connection with case at SL. 4 of p. 5491 (list of the cases of the subject.)
Notes on the speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman
1. Speech dt. 29.3.64 is the subject matter of the C.R. Case No. 2a u/s
1244 P.P.C. (Complt. Mr. Syed Mannan Box P.S.P.)
The speech was delivered in the public meeting held under the auspices of All Party Committee of Action for Adult Franchise agitation.
Précis of the speech & other details are at p. 4924 to NSP 410 Vol. 19 of the P.F.
D.S.B. was supplied with transcription vide p. 489 of file 119-64 (Adult franchise file dealt by Mr. Bashirullah Asst.)
Govt. was supplied with transcription vide p. 490 of the same with carbon copy of the transcription is at p. 479 of the same file.
DSB & City S.B. may be written to confirm if they have original (pencil copy) of the transcription which we sent.
Govt. may also be connected if they have the original transcription.
Speech dt. 29.9.64 is the subject matter of Ramna P.S. case no. 98 dt. 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) E.P.P.S.O. – speech delivered on the public meeting held under the auspices of C.O.P. for Anti Repression Day.
(1) Verbatim speech was sent to Govt.
D.A. will pl. take action at once & file in the P.F. of Sk. Majibar Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 6.7.65. Genl. Sec. (Asstt. Mr. B.R. Khan). Orders above. Kindly note the memo Nos. & dates of the letters sent to D.S.B. & Govt. at once. Sd/
Report on cases pending against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 8 July 1965
The following cases are pending against Sk. Mujibur Rahman till 8.7.65.
1.C.R. case No. 1a/64 u/s 124A P.P.C. in the court of Mr. B. Alam, A.D.C., Dacca.
Complt. Mr. M, Isa, P.S.P.
It is a case for delivering speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium. Adjourned till 8.7.65 for further P.Ws. and charge.
2.G.R. Case No. 36/64 (Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press and Publication Ordinance and section 426/352/504/306/153 PPC in the court of Mr. A. Huq, Senior Munsiff, Magistrate, Dacca.
3.It is a case of throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64 against the subject & (1) Shah Azizur Rahman, M.N.A., (2) Mr. Taijuddin, (3) Nurul Islam, (4) Mansur Ali, (5) Shamsul Islam, (6) Shafiqul Islam. On 30.6.65 the subject and four others attended Court. Accused Shah Azizur Rahman, M.N.A. was attending National Assembly Accused Shafiqul Islam wanted time. Adjourned till 4.8.65 for accused persons. G.R. Case No. 460/64 (Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dt. 29.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) and Sec. 50 of Press and Publication Ordinance against (1) the subject and (2) M/S Shah Azizur Rahman, M.N.A., (3) Dr. Alimur Razi, MNA, (4) Mahmud Ali, M.N.A., (5) Hamidul Haq Chaudhury, (6) Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia, (7) Jahur Hussain Chaudhuri, (8) Mahbubul Haq, (9) Obaidur Rahman (student leader), (10) Oli Ahad, (11) Ali Aksad in the court of Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmed, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca.
It is a case for publication of the leaflets captioned ‘Purba Pakistan Rukhiya Darao’ on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee.
On 26.6.65 accused Oli Ahad filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C to move to the Hon’ble High Court for transfer of the case to the Court of a Munsiff Magistrate. Accordingly the trying court stayed the proceedings up to 13.8.65 and allowed the petitioner 11 month’s time to move the Hon’ble High Court.
4.C.R. Case No. 2a of 1964 u/s 124A PPC in the court of Mr. B. Alam, Addl. D.C. Dacca. Complt. Mr. Syed Mannan Baksh, P.S.P.,
It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64.
The subject filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. for quashing the proceedings or to transfer the case before a Munsiff Magistrate. The case was heard by Hon’ble High Court, Dacca on 23.3.65 and the petition was dismissed and referred back to Court for trial. But on the prayer of the subject for an appeal to the Supreme Court, the High Court allowed, in case of complication of constitutional issue. Accordingly the trying court stayed the proceedings and sent back the record to
5.High Court for reference in the appeal in the Supreme Court vide order of the court dated 16.6.65. G.R. Case No. 5081/64. Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the court of Mr. M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca. It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Outer Stadium on 29.9.64.
Adjourned till 30.7.65 for further P.Ws.
Secret Report containing (1) Purba Pakistan Awami Leaguer Gathantantro-O-Niomaboli’ (Constitution and Rules of East
Pakistan Awami League) and (II) “Purbo Pakistan Awami Leaguer Khashra Manifesto” (Draft Manifesto of East Pakistan Awami League) issued by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General
Secretary, EPAL, Dacca.
Rajshahi, 8 July 1965
Ext. from S.W.R. of Rajshahi Dist.
for the week ending, 8.7.65.
(a) Rightist Political Parties and Organisations.
(ii) Awami League (A.L.)
From 2 Bengali booklets captioned (i) “PURBA PAKISTAN AWAMI LEAGUER GATHANTANTRO-O-NIOMABOLI”(Constitution and rules of the East Pakistan Awami League) and (ii) “PURBO PAKISTAN AWAMI LEAGUER KHASHRA MANIFESTO” (Draft Manifesto of the East Pakistan Awami League) issued by Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, E.P.A.L., Dacca, sent by Md. Ullah, Office Secy. E.P.A.L. Dacca, addressed to A.H.M. Qumruzzaman, MNA (AL), s/o Abdul Hamid of Malopara, Rajshahi Town, with a forwarding letter, it appears that the addressee has been requested to suggest amendment, if any, to the
above noted Draft Constitution of the party which is going to be placed before the Provincial Conference scheduled to take place in October, 1965. The booklet (i) contains that the East Pakistan Awami League will be constituted by the following units of the party.
(a) Genl. emergent or Election session of the East Pakistan Awami League.
(b) East Pakistan Awami League Council.
(c) East Pakistan Awami League Working Committee.
(d) East Pakistan Awami League Parliamentary Party.
(e) East Pakistan Awami League Parliamentary Board.
(f) Dist., City, Ward, Sub-Division, Thana, Municipal, Union or Panchayet Units of Awami League, affiliated to the East Pakistan Awami League.
Booklet (ii) deals with the political and economic, Industry objectives of the party, basic rights of the people, civil liberty, method of co-operative cultivations, flood control, labour policy, education and foreign relation of the country, introduction of Bengali language as medium of instructions and as State Language, rehabilitation of Indian Mohajirs.
Similar booklets have also been sent to Ghulam Rabbani, Pleader, Rajshahi, by the same sender. Ext. to the PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL 14.7 Forwarded to office for approval. Sd/-19.8
Report on charge framing on Outer Stadium speech case against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 9 July 1965
Ittefaq dt. 9.7.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের অভিযােগ গঠন
(স্টাফ রিপোটার)
সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষীদের জবানবন্দী শেষে গতকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এম, বি, আলম আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের অভিযােগ গঠন করেন।
প্রকাশ থাকে যে, গতকল্য ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এম, বি, আলমের এজলাসে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলার মুলতবী শুনানি পুনর্বার শুরু হয়। ১৯৬৩ সালের ১৫ই ডিসেম্বর জনাব মুজিবুর রহমানের পল্টন ময়দানে প্রদত্ত এক বক্তৃতাকে কেন্দ্র করিয়া এই মামলার উদ্ভব হয়।
গতকল্য প্রাদেশিক সরকারের সার্ভিসেস এন্ড জেনারেল এডমিনিষ্ট্রেশন-এর সেকশন অফিসার সাক্ষ্য দান করেন। তিনি এই মামলা বর্তমানে আদালত কর্তৃক বিচার করার প্রশ্নে প্রাদেশিক অতিরিক্ত চীফ সেক্রেটারী মিঃ এইচ, টি, আলী কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত আদেশটি প্রমাণ করেন। এতদ্ব্যতীত গতকল্য বাংলা শর্টহ্যান্ড রিপাের্টার জনাব মােহাম্মদ হােসেনের সাক্ষ্য পুনর্বার গৃহীত হয়।
বাদী পক্ষের সাক্ষ্য শেষ হওয়ার পর আদালত শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে দণ্ডবিধির ১২৪ ধারা এবং পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জননিরাপত্তা আইনের ৭(৩) ধারা অনুযায়ী অভিযােগ গঠন করেন। আগামী ২৪শে জুলাই এই মামলার পরবর্তী শুনানির তারিখ ধার্য্য হইয়াছে।
মেসার্স আবুল হােসেন, মােহাম্মদ উল্লাহ, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন, মনজুর রহিম, খােন্দকার মাহবুব হােসেন প্রমুখ আইনজীবীর সহায়তায় জনাব জহিরুদ্দিন শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের পক্ষে এবং জনাব সােহরাব বখত উকিল এবং কোর্ট ইন্সপেক্টরের সাহায্যে ঢাকার পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর আর, এ, আলীম সরকার পক্ষের মামলা পরিচালনা করেন।
TO PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -10.7
News on progress of two Sedition Cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman arises out of speeches delivered by him.
Dacca, 10 July 1965 Ittefaq dt. 10.7.65
মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে ২টি রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলা ১টির শুনানি মুলতবী অপরটিতে ২জনের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ ঃ
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (শনিবার) ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এম, বি, আলমের এজলাসে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে দুইটি রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহিতার মামলা শুনানির জন্য আসে। তন্মধ্যে পাকিস্তান দন্ড বিধির ১২৪-ক ধারা অনুযায়ী আনীত একটি মামলা সুপ্রীম কোর্টের বিচারাধীন থাকায় জনাব আলম অনির্দিষ্টকালের জন্য উহার শুনানি মুলতবী রাখেন। দন্ড বিধির ১৪৪-ক এবং পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জন নিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্সের ৭(৩) ধারা অনুযায়ী আনীত অপর মামলাটির দুইজন সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য গৃহীত হয়। এই সাক্ষীদ্বয়ের মধ্যে একজন নূতন এবং অপর জন ইতিপূর্বে সাক্ষ্য দান করিয়া গেলেও গতকল্য তাঁহাকে পুনর্বার সাক্ষ্য দানের জন্য ডাকা হয়।
গতকল্যকার নূতন সাক্ষী ঢাকার সদর মহকুমা হাকিম (দক্ষিণ) এর কনফিডেনশিয়াল এ্যাসিষ্ট্যান্ট জনাব সালামতুল্লাহ সাক্ষ্যদান প্রসঙ্গে বাদীর অভিযােগের অনুকূলে কতিপয় কাগজপত্র প্রমাণ করেন।
অপর সাক্ষী পুলিসের ইন্টেলিজেন্স বিভাগের ইন্সপেক্টর জনাব মুজাফফর আহমদও কতিপয় দলিল প্রমাণ করেন। এই সাক্ষীকে পুনর্বার সাক্ষ্যদানের জন্য সরকার পক্ষের আহবান জানানাের বিরুদ্ধে আসামী পক্ষ হইতে আপত্তি উত্থাপন করা হয়।
আগামী ৮ই জুলাই পুনর্বার এই মামলার শুনানি শুরু হইবে। আসামী পক্ষে শাহ আজিজুর রহমান, মেসার্স জহিরুদ্দিন, কোরবান আলী, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন, খােন্দকার মাহবুব হােসেন প্রমুখ আইনজীবী এবং সরকার পক্ষে ঢাকার পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব এ, আলীম মামলা পরিচালনা করেন।
TO PF pl. Sd/ -16.7
No. 13688/606-48 P.F. dt. 14.7.65 Phone Nos.
The Asstt. Director (1)
Int. Bureau, Rawalpindi
Subject: Speeches delivered by M/S Sk. Mujibur Rahman and others
held by the N.D.F. on 15.12.63 at Outer Stadium, Dacca. Kindly refer to this office letter No. 22731/279-62 Genl. dt. 18.12.63 and send the original copy (pencil copy) of the transcription of the speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman for production in Court before 24.7.65 in connection with the case against the subject.
Sd/ -13.7
for D.I.G. S.B. E.P., Dacca.
Telegram- Express
No. 14160 dt. 21.7.65
From : Dintell, Dacca.
TO : Enveram, Rawalpindi.
Kindly Refer to this office No. 13688 dt. 14.7.65 and send your reply before 24.7.65.
Dintell, Dacca.
M/No. 14160/1/606-48 P.F. dt.21.7.65.
Copy by post forwarded to the Asstt. Director(i) Int. Bureau, Govt. of Pak., Rawalpindi in confirmation.
This is regarding the transcription of speeches of Sk. Mujibur Rahman delivered at Dacca Stadium in a meeting on 15.12.63 in connection with a case against him in Dacca Court on 24.7.65.
Sd/ – for D.I.G., S.B. 21.7.65
By Special Bag
Government of Pakistan
No. 14/B/58(39) Rawalpindi, dated the 9 JUL 1965
MEMORANDUM Reference Special Branch East Pakistan Memo No. 13688/606-48 P.F. dated 14th July, 1965.
2.As desired the original copy (pencil copy) of the transcription of the speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman received with Special Branch Memo No. 22731/279-62 Genl. dated 18.12.1963 is sent herewith.
3.Please acknowledge receipt.
ENCL: (2 page).
Sd/(S. Abbas Ali Shah)
Assistant Director.
Muhammad Isa Esquire, PSP.,
Special Superintendent of Police,
Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Government of East Pakistan
Home Department Transcription of the speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman delivered at Paltan Maidan, Dacca on 15.12.63.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman
ভায়েরা আমার, সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাহেব আমাদের সভার বন্দোবস্ত করতে পারবেন না, উনি দেখাশুনা করতে পারবেন না। আমি আজ ২০ বৎসর বয়স থেকে উনার সংঙ্গে ছিলাম। উনার পাশে পাশে একজন কর্মী হিসাবে কাজ করেছি। জীবনে রাজনীতির কারণেও আমার নেতাকে কোনদিন মিথ্যা কথা বলতে দেখি নাই, কোনদিন কাউকে ধােকা দিতে দেখি নাই। আমি মানুষ অনেক দেখেছি মরার পরে উনি প্রমাণ করেছেন উনার আজকে ১৩হাজার টাকা দেনা আছে। হাজার হাজার টাকা উপার্জন করেছেন পাকিস্তানে উনার
জয়গা হল না। উনি বৈরুতে মরলেন কেন উনার লাশ এলাে বাংলার মাটিতে। বাংলার মাটি তাকে ভালবাসত। সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাহেব উনি মরেছেন কিনা আমি জানি না আমার মনে হয় আমার নেতাকে হত্যা করা হয়েছে। আপনারা যারা তাকে ভালবাসেন তারা জানেন সারা জৗবন গরীবের জন্য তিনি সংগ্রাম করেছেন। সারা জীবন মানুষের মঙ্গলের জন্য সংগ্রাম করেছেন, গণতন্ত্রের জন্য সংগ্রাম করেছেন। তিনি বাংলাদেশের মাটিকে ভালবেসেছিলেন, পাকিস্তানের মাটিকে ভালবেসেছিলেন তার ভালবাসার প্রমাণ দিয়েছেন আপনারা। আমার নেতাকে বৃদ্ধ বয়সে জেলে দিয়ে হত্যা করেছেন। বাংলাদেশের ভায়েরা তােমরা সংবদ্ধ হয়ে তার প্রতিশােধ নেবে। গ্রামে গ্রামে বার হয়ে যাও নেতাকে যারা হত্যা করেছে তাদের প্রতিশােধ নিতে হবে। আমার ভায়েরা ন্যায়ের রাজ্য কায়েম করতে হবে। আমি বক্তৃতা করতে জানিনা তােমরা জানি। আজ কতকাল পর্যন্ত আমি তাঁর কর্মী হিসাবে এই বাংলাদেশে এমন জয়গা নাই আমি তাঁর পাশে পাশে ঘুরে মিটিং করি নাই। বক্তৃতা করতে জানিনা শুধু বলি যারা আমার নেতাকে হত্যা করেছে গণতান্ত্রিকভাবে সংগ্রাম করতে হবে তাদের বিরুদ্ধে। তার আত্মা সুখী হবে না, শান্তি পাবে না যদি চুপ করে ঘরের মধ্যে বসে থাক। বাঙ্গালী বলব বাঙ্গালী তুমি বেঈমান, তুমি নিমক হারাম হবে যদি সংঙ্গবদ্ধ হয়ে আমার নেতাকে হত্যার প্রতিশােধ না নাও। যদি দেশের জালেমের কাছ থেকে জনসাধারণের কাছে ক্ষমতা ফিরে আসে তখন তার ব্যবস্থা হবে।
Bengali Reporter, E.P.
Phone NoS. 6863 & 4231/14
No. 14216/606-48PF (P122) dt. 22.7.65
To The Asstt. Director, Int. Bureau Govt. of Pak., R. Pindi
I acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the transcription of the speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman sent with your letter No. 14/B/58 (39) dt. 17.7.65.
for SSI, S.B. Dacca.
E.P. Dacca.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Karachi on organizational tour.
Dacca, 17 July 1965.
Ittefaq at 17,765
অদ্য শেখ মুজিবের করাচী যাত্রা
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ৪ দিনব্যাপী সফরের উদ্দেশ্যে অদ্য (শনিবার) সন্ধ্যায় বিমানযােগে করাচী যাত্রা করিবেন। তিনি তথায় পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের নেতৃবৃন্দের সহিত সাংগঠনিক বিষয়ে ও নিখিল পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগ সম্মেলন অনুষ্ঠান সম্পর্কে আলােচনা করিবেন। শেখ মুজিব আগামী ২১শে জুলাই ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিবেন বলিয়া আশা করা যাইতেছে।
TO P.F. The information is known & action already taken. Sd/-20.7
Informed DS/PL Sd/-dt. 18.7.65
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at
A.M/P.M Date: 18.7.65
Received at 10.35 A.M/P.M
From : DS/POL, Address/(if given) City SB
To : DS/PL, S.B, E.P
Suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman has left Dacca Airport for Karachi by PIA Boing plane yesterday at 21.30 hrs.
Sd/ –
Telephone Operator
Write to S.B. Karachi to report his activities there. This has already been included in 1.C.C. note. S.S.l. may kindly see. Sd/-DS/PL. 19.7.65
Tel. No. 230031
No. SB/6646
Office of the Superintendent of Police,
Special Branch
Karachi, the qth August, 1965.
To The Special Superintendent,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Please refer to your Memo. No. 14166 dated 21.7.65 on the above subject.
Sh. Mujeebur Rehman stayed at Lakhum House Karachi during his stay in Karachi. Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan and Begum Akter Suleman met him at his residence.
Sd/ -7.8.65
for Superintendent of Police,
Special Branch,
Weekly Confidential Report on Mymensingh visit of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Mymensingh, 17 July 1965
No Secret Abstract of Intelligence was received during the week under review.
Part I
Movement of suspects
*AL 470 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh (AL) visited Mymensingh on 11.7.65 at
14.00 hours and left the town on the same day at about 18.00 hours.
Circulation. Sd/ – 21.7.65. Extract to PF. Sd/-DS(PL) 21.7
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticizes Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani for supporting foreign policy of Ayub Khan.
Dacca, 27 July 1965
P.O. dt. 27.7.65
POLITICIANS QUESTION Why Bhashani Supports Ayub
By A Staff Correspondent
Maulana Bhashani’s support to the foreign policy of President Ayub Khan has invited criticism against him by different political organisations.
The Awami League General Secretary Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in his statement issued yesterday accused that the Maulana ‘in league with the ruling party’ has started hue and cry over the postponement of the consortium meeting to divert the attention of the people from the internal problems such as economic disparity and regional autonomy.
Sheikh Mujib said, “Maulana Saheb has become an active partner in the hue and cry raised by the ruling power at the deferment of the Consortium meeting. One fails to understand as to what the bewailing is for. According to the claim of the ruling power, to which view Moulana Saheb also subscribes. Pakistan has earned friendship with socialist countries, particularly China and Russia. But I do not find any provision of alternative sources other than imperialist capitalist countries for finance of the Third Five-Year Plan. Does not this very instance fully expose the pattern of economy and prospect of foreign policy envisaged by the present rulers in whose praise the veteran leader Moulana Saheb is vociferous? Will Moulana Saheb tell the people whether this regime has or has not proposed to continue to be in the SEATO and CENTO and to sustain the airbase of USA near Peshawar from where U-2 spy-plane was despatched to USSR under Captain Gray Powers? Will Maulana Saheb tell the people under whose regime it was done and whether the architect of the foreign policy of his choice has since repented and given up the collaboration with the owners of the spy-plane?
Shekh Mujib said, “Maulana Saheb is always more concerned with foreign policy than the internal affairs of the country and he has been satisfied to see his foreign policy being implemented by the present regime.
Will he also tell the people, particularly the East Pakistanis as to whether their full regional autonomy, economic disparity and civil liberty have been achieved, exploitation of the monopolist capitalists has ended corruption in all spheres of life has stopped, standard of living of the common people has risen, minimum requirements of the common masses has been ensured steps for protection of the East Pakistan against calamities like flood, cyclone and tidal bore, have been taken? There was a time when Maulana Saheb used to pledge his life for realisation of all these, and for full regional autonomy he had gone so far as to beg parting leave of West Pakistan by saying “Assalamo Alaikum” but of late he does not appear to be so much interested in these things as in the foreign policy of President Ayub. What is the reason of this metamorphosis? Of course I shall be undone if holds out Premier Chou En-lai’s clearance certificate to the effect that Pakistan made tremendous progress under President Ayub and more progress will be achieved if the policy of Ayub continues. But still I should ask Maulana Saheb to refresh his memory and say
whether in the past he has not the occasion to vehemently protest against remarks of such nature by foreigners in respect of leaders devoid of people’s support.
[“It is rumoured that the Chinese Premier’s inspiration is not the solitary cause for Maulana Saheb’s support to the present regime, he has amity of his own with President Ayub. This is inferred from certain facts like his meeting with President Ayub in the name of parley with him for restoration of democracy and civil liberty and release of political prisoners. As a result of this meeting the fate of democracy, civil liberty and political prisoners rotting for years in jail without trial maintained status quo, but the Maulana Saheb had been saddled with the leadership of a delegation to China’’].
“It is whispered that although all the political leaders of the country, including the universally respected leader Mr. Suhrawardy, were dumped into cells of jails. Maulana Saheb had the lucky star to live in a luxurious house at Dhanmondi R/A with his family at the cost of the Government and it is talked about that his miracle happened through dropping in a few lines by Maulana Saheb to President Ayub after his detention during Martial Law. It is reasonably presumed that the holy alliance has since begun. The subsequent conduct of Maulana Saheb corroborates this. He was very enthusiastic to take the credit of first nominating Mohtarama Miss Fatima Jinnah as a Presidential Candidate. But then when she was in the field Maulana Saheb withdrew from the amphitheatre and took recluse in his lifelong companion of ill-health in time of acute emergency.
Some of his companions went ahead of him and garlanded the Field Marshal during election campaign.
Concluding Sheikh Mujib said, “I take this opportunity to tell the people of my country in clear terms that the struggle for restoration of democracy, civil liberty and the right of exercise of universal adult franchise and direct voting in choosing people’s representatives achievement of full regional autonomy and removal of disparity from the field of economy, administration, defence and all other spheres is now in more trying condition than ever, particularly in view of the adventurist confusion created by the rulers in conjunction with a few deluded collaborators of the country.”
Pl. put up in PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – DS/PL, 9.8.65.
Azad at 27.7.65
মুজিব কর্তৃক ভাসানীর সমালােচনা
ঢাকা, ২৬শে জুলাই। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান অদ্য এক বিবৃতিতে বলেন যে, পাকিস্তানে সাহায্য স্থগিত রাখার মার্কিন কর্তৃপক্ষের সিদ্ধান্ত। সমগ্র বিশ্বের অসমর্থন কুড়াইতেছে।
তিনি বলেন যে, আত্মমর্যাদা সম্পন্ন কোন জাতি সাম্রাজ্যবাদ বা অপরাপর কোন রাষ্ট্রের চাপের ফলে কখনও নতি স্বীকার করে না। সেই চাপ এড়াইবার জন্য জাতি গঠনমূলক কার্য্যে নিজেদের সম্পদের উপরই নির্ভরশীল হইতে হয়।
তিনি বলেন যে, সাহায্য পাইতে হইলে যদি দেশের সাৰ্বভৌমত্ব খৰ্ব্বকারী কোন শর্ত আরােপ করা হয়, তবে পাকিস্তানে সেইরুপ সাহায্যের প্রয়ােজন নাই।
তিনি এই প্রসঙ্গে তাহার দলের নীতিও ব্যাখ্যা করেন। মাওলানা ভাসানীর কাৰ্য্যের সমালােচনা করিয়া তিনি বলেন যে, মওলানা ভাসানী সৰ্ব্বদাই দেশের আভ্যন্তরীণ ব্যাপার অপেক্ষা পররাষ্ট্র নীতি নিয়াই মশগুল থাকিতে প্রয়াসী। বর্তমান শাসকগােষ্ঠী তাহার অনুসৃত পররাষ্ট্র নীতিই যে অসুসরণ করিতেছেন, তাহাতেই তিনি সন্তুষ্ট রহিয়াছেন।
গােলাম আজম
অদ্য পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তান জামাতে এছলামীর সাধারণ সম্পাদক অধ্যাপক গােলাম আজম সংবাদপত্রে নিম্নলিখিত বিবৃতিতে বলেনঃ
গত প্রেসিডেন্ট নির্বাচনের সময় হইতে জাতীয় আওয়ামী পার্টির প্রেসিডেন্ট মওলানা ভাসানীর কাৰ্য্যকলাপ আমি অত্যন্ত মনােযােগের সহিত লক্ষ্য করিতেছি। তিনি ও তাঁহার দলের কতিপয় ব্যক্তি আভ্যন্তরীণ একনায়কত্ববাদের পরিবর্তে আন্তর্জাতিক সাম্রাজ্যবাদ সম্পর্কে এত উদ্বিগ্ন কেন তাহা আমার বােধগম্য হয় না। তাহাকে বিরােধী দলগুলির একজন নেতা বলিয়া মনে করা হয়। তথাপি প্রেসিডেন্ট নিৰ্বাচন কালীন সঙ্কটময় দিনগুলিতে তিনি প্রায় নীরব ছিলেন। যখন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সম্পর্কের বিনিময়ে রাশিয়া ও চীনের সহিত পাকিস্তানের সম্পর্কের উন্নয়ন ঘটিয়াছে তখন সমাজতন্ত্রী দেশগুলির সহিত পাকিস্তানের যােগাযােগের সূত্র হিসাবে নিজকে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করার জন্য মওলানা ভাসানী চেষ্টা করিতেছেন।
“মওলানা ছাহেব কোন সরকারী পদে অধিষ্ঠিত নহেন। তাঁহার অনুরােধে রাশিয়া কেন পাকিস্তানকে সাহায্য প্রদান করিবে তাহা ব্যাখ্যা করা অসম্ভব। রাশিয়া যদি সাহায্য করিতে চায় তবে সরকারী কর্মকর্তাদের মাধ্যমেই তাহা করিতে পারে। উহার জন্য তাহার ওকালতীর প্রয়ােজন হইবে কেন? তিনি জনগণের কোন নির্বাচিত প্রতিনিধি বা রাশিয়াস্থ পাক রাষ্ট্রদূত নহেন। সরাসরি সরকারী পৰ্য্যায়ের আলােচনার মাধ্যমে এ যাবৎ পাকিস্তান বৈদেশিক সাহায্য লাভ করিয়াছে। সােভিয়েট সাহায্য লাভের জন্য মওলানা ছাহেবের ব্যক্তিগত আলাপ আলােচনার প্রয়ােজন কোথায়?”
“দেশের গণতন্ত্রকামী ব্যক্তিগণ জানেন, উন্নত পররাষ্ট্র নীতি সম্পর্কে বর্তমানে যে ধুয়া উঠান হইয়াছে তাহার একমাত্র উদ্দেশ্য অগণতান্ত্রিক শাসনতন্ত্রকে দৃঢ় করা। ”
যতদিন দেশে পূর্ণ গণতন্ত্র কায়েম না হয় ততদিন কোন সাফল্যে মিথ্যা সন্তোষ লাভ না করার জন্য অধ্যাপক গােলাম আজম দেশদরদী ব্যক্তিদের প্রতি আবেদন জানান। এপিপি
1. On the PF of Sk. Mujib. 2. Show SS(PI) pl. Sd/ -29.7. Already known. Sd/-30.73.
Amrita Bazar Patrika dt. 29.7.65
Awami League leader accuses Bhasani
DACCA July 28 – Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of East Pakistan Awami League in a press statement today accused Moulana Bhasani and his National Awami Party or entering into a league with the ruling party” for raising hue and cry over the postponement of aid Pakistan consortium meeting, so that the attention of the people could be diverted from internal problems such as economic disparity and regional autonomy.
Sheikh Mujibur said although Moulana Bhasani had become an active supporter of present regime’s foreign policy and “active partner” in the current antiAmerican agitation following postponement of U.S. aid, the fact remains that there is no provision for any alternative sources other than “imperialist capitalist countries” for finance of the Third Five-Year Plan of Pakistan.
Referring to Moulana Bhasani’s praise for the present regime for establishing friendship with socialist countries like China and Russia, the Awami League leader asked “will Moulana Saheb tell people whether this regime has or has not proposed to continue to be in SEATO and CENTO and to sustain U.S. airbase near Peshawar from where U-2 spy plane was despatched to USSR? Will Moulana Saheb tell people under whose regime it was done and whether the architect of the foreign policy of his choice has since repented and given up collaboration with the owners of the spy plane?”’- (PTI).
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Sd/-for DS/PL 6.8.65.
Report on update of cases pending against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 5 August 1965 The following cases are pending trial against Sk. Mujibur Rahman till 5.8.65. C.R. case No. 1á/64 u/s 124-A PPC and 7(3) EPPSO/58 in the court of Mr. B. Alam, A.D.C., Dacca.
Complt. Mr. M. Isa., PSP.
It is a case for delivering a prejudicial speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium. Charge framed u/s 124-A PPC and 7(3) EPPSO/58 under two heads. 24.7.65 was fixed for cross examination but as the trying Magistrate was on leave on that date, 7.8.65 is again fixed for cross examination.
2.G.R. Case No. 36/64 (Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press and Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/306/153 PPC in the court of Mr. A. Huq, Senior Munsiff, Magistrate, Dacca.
It is a case for throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64 against the (1) subject, (2) Shah Azizur Rahman, MNA, (3) Mr. Taizuddin, (4) Nurul Islam, (5) Mansur Ali, (6) Shamsul Islam, (7) Shafiqul Islam. On 30.6.65 the subject and four others attended Court. Accused Shah Azizur Rahman, MNA was attending National Assembly. Accused Shafiqul Islam wanted time. Adjourned till 25.8.65.
Copy of order sheet attached.
3. G.R. Case No. 460/64 (Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) and section 50 of Press and Publication Ordinance) against the (1) subject and (2) M/s Shah Azizur Rahman, M.N.A., (3) Dr. Alim Al-Razi, MNA, (4) Mahmud Ali, MNA, (5) Hamidul Haq Chaudhuri, (6) Tafazzal Hussain @ Manik Mia, (7) Jahur Husain Chaudhuri, (8) Mahbubul Haq, (9) Obaidur Rahman (student leader), (10) Oli Ahad, (11) Ali Aksad in the court of Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmed, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca.
It is a case for publication of prejudicial leaflets caption “Purba Pakistan Rukhiya Darao’ on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee. On 26.6.65 accused Oli Ahad filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. to move to the Hon’ble High Court for transfer of the case to the Court of a Munsiff Magistrate. Accordingly the trying court stayed the proceedings up to 13.8.65 and allowed the petitioner 1 month’s time to move the Hon’ble High Court.
Copy of order sheet at page
4. C.R. Case No. 2a of 1964 u/s 124A PPC in the court of Mr. B. Alam, Addl. D.C., Dacca.
Complt. Mr. Syed Mannan Baksh, PSP.
It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64.
The subject filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. for quashing the proceedings or to transfer the case before the Munsiff Magistrate. The case was heard by Hon’ble High Court Dacca on 23.3.65 and the petition was dismissed and referred back to Court for trial. But on the prayer of the subject for an appeal to the Supreme Court, the High Court allowed, in case of complication of constitutional issue. Accordingly the trying court stayed the proceedings and sent back the record to High Court for reference in the appeal in the Supreme Court vide order of the Court dated 16.6.65.
Copy of Order Sheet at page –
5. G.R. Case No. 5081/64, Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the court of Mr. M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca. It is case for delving prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Dacca Outer Stadium on 29.9.64. Adjourned till 31.8.65.
Copy of order sheet attached.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman touring Jessore.
Dacca, 5 August 1965 Ittefaq dt. 5.8.65
রবিবার শেখ মুজিবের যশাের সফর
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান আগামী রবিবার সকালে পি, আই, এ বিমানযােগে যশাের রওয়ানা হইবেন। তিনি তথায় ঐ দিনই যশাের জেলা আওয়ামী লীগ কার্যকরী পরিষদের বর্ধিত সভায় যােগদান করিবেন। ৯ই আগষ্ট তিনি ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিবেন।
Pl. ask the DSB to report his detailed activities there. Sd/ – for DS/PL, 6.8.65.
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at
A.M./P.M Date: 8.8.65.
Received at 11.40 A.M./P.M
From : D.S.(Pol) Addresses/(if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : D.S.(PL) S.B. Dacca
Today, 8.8.65 at 10.55 hrs. subject Sk. Mujibur Rahman, G.S., A.L. has left Dacca Airport for Jessore by P.I.A. plane.
Sd/-৪.৪.65 Telephone Operator Informed over phone. TO P.F. Sd/-8.8.65
Weekly Confidential Report of Mymensingh contains in camera meeting of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with Awami League leaders.
Mymensingh, 7 August 1965
Weekly Confidential Report of Mymensingh District for the week ending 7.8.65.
Secret Abstract of Intelligence was not received during the week under review.
Movement of Suspects
*A.L. 470 Sk. Mujibur Rahman & A.L. 663 Tajuddin Ahmad arrived Mymensingh on 1.8.65 from Dacca by car and left for Dacca by the same route the same evening Circulation. Sd/ -11.8.65. Ext. to PF Sd/ -26.8.
Ext. from W.C.R. of Mymensingh District for the W.E. 7.8.65
2. Political Affairs (Organisation & Propaganda).
(i) An extended meeting of the Working Committee of Mymensingh District A.L. was held in Camera on 2.8.65 in the residence of Rafiquddin Bhuiyan (AL) at Muhammad Ali Road, Mymensingh Town, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., E.P.A.L., Mutiur Rahman (AL) of Dacca, Sayid Nazrul Islam (AL) S/o L. Raisuddin of Mymensingh Town, Julmat Ali Pleader (AL) S/o Shamsher Ali of Mymensingh Town, Hatem Ali Talukdar (AL) S/o Afsaruddin of Mymensingh Town, Abdul Khaliq (AL) S/o Abdul Karim of Netrakona Town, Nurul Islam Khan (AL) S/o Abdul Newaz Khan of Mymensingh Town amongst others attended. The meeting
inter-alia discussed the organisational matters.
Copy to AL file & DF and PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- 23.8.65
Report on the status of trial of sedition case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman arises out of speech delivered at Outer Stadium,
Dacca, 8 August 1965 Ittefaq dt. 8.8.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলা শনিবার ৮ জন সরকারী সাক্ষীর জেরা
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলমের এজলাসে গতকল্য (শনিবার) পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলার ৮ জন সাক্ষীর জেরা হয়। নবম সরকারী সাক্ষীকে জেরা করা হয় নাই।
এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান শেখ মুজিবরের পক্ষে প্রধান আইনজীবী হিসাবে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন। পক্ষান্তরে সরকার পক্ষে ঢাকার পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব আলীম এই মামলা পরিচালনা করিতেছেন।
TO P.F. Sd/-DS/PL 10.8.
IGP reinstructs his subordinate to take steps on cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman after getting briefing from Governor.
Dacca, 9 August 1965
Secret/Most Immediate
The Governor was pleased to speak to me yesterday about the cases of administrative importance which are being tried in the Dacca Court.
He mentioned, in particular, the case which the D.I.G., S.B., had described at the last meeting of the I.C.C. as fairly strong against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and in which Mr. Isa, P.S.P., was reported by him to have completed his deposition before proceeding abroad for training.
The Governor said that he had information that the Cross-Examination of Mr. Isa was fixed for 21st July, 1965, and without ensuring that he does attend the Court on the day, he should not have been allowed to proceed abroad on the 18th July. The Governor was displeased that attention was not paid to this point and desired that necessary steps should be taken to safeguard the interest of the case.
I had spoken to the D.I.G., S.B., about it and have asked him to see that the interest of the case did not suffer for which he should take all necessary corrective measures. If Mr. Isa did behave in such irresponsible a manner, he should be taken to task when he returns home.
This note should be returned with a report on the specific steps which have been taken to ensure that the directive of the Governor was complied with.
Sd/-A.M.A. Kabir.
Inspector General of Police,
East Pakistan.
D.I.G. S.B., may report by tomorrow (11.8.65) as discussed on phone yesterday.
Sd/-10.8.65 Add. I.G. u/o no. 1065-s dated 10.8.65.
Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Dacca return from Khulna.
Dacca, 10 August 1965
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at A.M./P.M Date: 10.8.65. Received at 08.00 A.M./P.M
From : O/C Watch Addresses/(if given) City S.B. Dacca.
To : D.S./P.L. S.B. E.P. Dacca
Shaik Majibar Rahman (A.L.) arrived Dacca from Khulna on 9.8.65 morning (08.10 hrs.) by Khulna Helicopter.
Sd/ -10.8.65
Telephone Operator
P.F. Sd/ – DSPL 10.8
Ext. from W.C.R. of the Supdt. of Police. D.S.B., Khulna for the W.E. 14.8.65.
1. Abstract of Intelligence East Pakistan Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 21 dated 22.5.65 was duly received here on 13.8.65.
W.C.R. of the Supdt. of Police, D.S.B., Khulna for the week ending 14.8.65.
2. Movement of Suspects:
2.A.L. *470 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh (AL) who reached Khulna on 8.8.65
evening from Jessore, left for Dacca on 9.8.65 morning by PIA Helicopter.
3. A.L. *113 Maulana A.K.M. Yusuf (JI) left for Faridpur on 11.8.65 by train
being shadowed by a Watcher Constable.
4. A.L. *640 Shamsur Rahman (JI) left for Faridpur by train on 11.8.65. He was
duly shadowed. Extr. of 2 to 4 to PFs. Sd/-23.8.65.
Mr. Isa who is entrusted with taking care of case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on behalf of Government leaving for USA on
Training Course sponsored by USAID.
Dacca, 11 August 1965
Seen & returned with thanks.
Mr. Isa proceeded to United States on 18.7.65 for a course of training in F.B.I. National Academy. He was given a ticket for journey on 18.7.65 by USAID Mission. If he had not gone on that date he would have probably missed the training. The next date of hearing of the case was fixed on 24.7.65 for crossexamination but the trial on that date could not be held as the Trying Magistrate was on leave. Hence, Mr. Isa’s presence on 24.7.65 could not in any way assist the progress of the case.
The Dy. S.P., Court reports that it is not possible to examine Mr. Isa on commission in U.S.A. The cross examination of some other P.Ws. is also pending. All these cross examinations may be completed before Mr. Isa returns during the 3rd week of November, 1965. Immediately on his return after completion of his training he may be examined and the trial can be completed within a few days.
It may be mentioned here that before framing of the charge, all the prosecution witnesses including Mr. Isa had their examination-in-chief and cross examination. Now, Mr. Isa has just to be cross examined again by the defence lawyer and his examination-in-chief held earlier is still valid. Thus, delay in his cross examination is not likely to weaken the case.
Sd/ – 11.8.65
No. 15353 dt. 11.8.65. TO A.I.G. (1)
Petition to the High Court for transfer of case from A. Ahmed, Magistrate, 1st class, Dacca court. The news regarding the
petition published in the Daily Azad.
Dacca, 16 August 1965
True copy
In the High Court of East Pakistan. Criminal Revisional Jurisdiction,
The 16th August, 1965. Present:
Mr. Justice Baquer Mr. Justice A Subhan Chaudhury Criminal Misc. Case No. 119 of 1965.
Oli Ahad … Accd – petitioner,
The state … Opp. Party.
Mr. Badrul Haider Choudhury, Mr. H. Huq Choudhury, Advocate for petitioner.
Order Let the records be sent for and a Rule issue calling upon the Deputy Commissioner of Dacca to show cause why G.R. Case No. 406 of 1964 now pending, J.R. case no. 48 of 1965 in the court of Mr. A. Ahmed, Mgt. 1st class, Dacca, should not be transferred to some other competent Court of Magistrate or such other or further order or orders passed as to this Court may seem fit and proper. Pending the hearing of this Rule let all further proceedings in the matter be stayed as prayed for.
The 16th August, 1965.
Sd/-A.K.M. Baquer.
A. Subhan Choudhuri.
Enclo: Copy of order sheets dated 16.8.65. & Petition of Mr. Oli Ahad
Phone No. 45024.
City Special Branch,
Dacca, Dated, the 31st August’65
No. 4561/36-64 (DSB)
Forwarded to S.A. Khasru, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for favour of information.
This refers to Ramna P.S. Case No. 101(1)64.
Sd/ -3.9.65
VSpecial Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
True copy No. 3951 C.R. In the High Court of Judicature at Dacca in East Pakistan. (Criminal Revisional Jurisdiction). Dated Dacca, the….. August, 1965. Criminal Misc. case No. 119 of 1965 Oli Ahad – Accd. petitioner, The State – Opposite Party.
The Deputy Commissioner of Dacca.
1. With reference to the application supported by an affidavit (copy whereof with
the courts order thereon is enclosed ) presented to this Court by Mr. B.H. Choudhury with Mr. H. Huq Choudhury Advocate on behalf of the above named petitioner, a notice is hereby given that the said application will be heard and disposed of by the Court on the 31.8.65, or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, and you are hereby informed that any cause which may be shown by you why the Rule issued in the case should not be granted will be considered
2.You are at the same time requested to obtain and forward to this court on or before the 27.8.1965, the record of the proceedings in the court of the Magistrate 1st Class, Dacca, in connection with the case.
3. Pending the hearing of Rule you are also requested to cause the stay of all further proceedings in the matter, as prayed for.
By order of the High Court.
Sd/-A.T. Md. (Illegible.)
Third Asstt. Registrar
True copy
Oli Ahad, Accd. Petitioner, Through Badrul Haider Choudhury
Counsel, District Dacca.
In the High Court of Judicature at Dacca in East Pakistan (Criminal Revisional Jurisdiction) Criminal Misc. Case No. 119 of 1965.
In the matter of:
An application under section 526 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for transfer of case being case No. G.R. 406/64/ J. R.48/65 in the court of Mr. A. Ahmed, Magistrate, 19 class, Dacca and in the matter of:
Oli Ahad – Accd.- petitioner,
The State – Respondent opp. party
Mr. Justice Syed Mahbub Murshed, the Chief Justice and his companion Justices of the said Honourable Court. The humble petition of the above named petitioner most respectfully
1.That on 29.1.64 the Officer-in-Charge of the Ramna Police Station lodged an F.I.R. agst. the petitioner and (1) Sk. Mojibar Rahman, (2) Ataur Rahman, (3) Mr. Mahmud Ali, (4) Mr. Tofazzal Hussain, (5) Mr. Zahur Husain Choudhury, (6) Dr. Abu Ali Reza, (7) Mr. Mahbubul Hoque, (8) Mr. Shah Azizur Rahman, (9) Mr. Oli Ahad, (10) Mr. Ali Aksad, (11) Mr. Obaidur Rahman, (12) Mr.
Hamidul Hoque Choudhury alleging violation of sec. 55 of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960.
2.That on the basis of aforesaid of G.R. case police submitted aforesaid allegations a charge-sheet on 6.4.64 on the allegation that an “Unauthorised” News sheet as defined u/s 2(D) of the Press and Publication Ordinance of 1960 in the name of “Purba Pakistan Danga Protirode Committee” under the heading “Purba Pakistan Rukhia Darao” was published and circulated without any name of printers and place although it was printed from 33, Topkhana Road, by the East Pakistan Riot Resistance Committee; thereby all the members of the committee have committed an offence u/s 55(1) and (2) read with sec. 50 of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960 and thereafter the accd. were summoned to stand their trial in the court of the Magistrate, 1st class.
3.That this present complaint was an offshoot of an alleged incident which is said to have happened over the same pamphlet lodged against Mr. Muzibar Rahman and 3 others under the same section namely section 55 of the Press and Publication Ordinance, a case was started in the court of the S.D.O. being G.R. case No. 36 of 1964.
4.That thereafter one of the accused in the same case filed an application for transfer of the case from the Court of the Trying Magistrate to any court not under administrative court of the Dy. Commissioner who was the complainant in the case. That this Hon’ble Court by its order in Misc. case No. 303/1964, ordered the transfer of the case to a Munsif Magistrate, Dacca for trial.
5.That the present case was pending for a long time before the Courts of different Magistrates, as it happened on many occasions one or other accused could not be present due to either professional reasons or ill-health. To be spread the harassment involved in daily attendance in Court, the Court was moved on more than one occasion to be represented by lawyer under section 340A of the Code of Criminal Procedure which prayer was however not acceded to. This attitude of the Magistrate created an apprehension in the mind of the accused that there will be no impartial trial if the trial is held by any Magistrate in Dacca.
6.That the present prosecution has been maliciously launched by the present administration agst. political opponents on false and flimsy allegations to harass them primarily because the leading political elements had successfully exerted themselves to stop the communal riot started by interested elements in January, 1964. That the success so upset the Govt. that D.C. Dacca took the lead to file a complaint against 4 persons on the same allegations as stated above, under Press and Publication Ordinance of 1960. The police filed the present complaint against 12 persons viz:- (1) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (2) Mr. Ataur Rahman (3) Mr. Mahmud Ali (4) Mr. Tofazzal Husain (5) Mr. Zahir Hossain Choudhury (6) Dr. Abu Ali Reza (7) Mr. Mahabubul Huq (8) Mr. Shah Azizur Rahma (9)
Mr. Oli Ahad (10) Mr. Ali Aksad (11) Mr. Obaidur Rahman (12) Mr. Hamidul Hoque Choudhuri.
7.That further the prosecution story was that the alleged handbill was a News sheet falling under the mischief of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960 is unsustainable in law and the prosecution under the said law is bad and hence the proceedings should be quashed. Further it is submitted that the case involves a difficult question of law involving basic rights of the citizens and as such it is a fit case to be tried by this Hon’ble Court and inasmuch as such a Court will ensure a fair trial in a case of such importance.
8.That the Magistracy, will not be able to bring a free and independent mind to try the case free from political bias in the present circumstances and an apprehension has been created in the mind of the accused that fair and impartial trial cannot be had in the case.
9.That the allegation that handbill was a News sheet falling within the mischief of the Press and Publication Ordinance, 1960, is in sustainable and the prosecution under the Ordinance is bad both, in fact as alleged and in law and so the proceeding should be quashed.
10. That in the circumstances, it is prayed that the proceedings should be quashed;
alternately the case should be withdrawn to this Hon’ble court or to any other court of superior Jurisdiction.
11. That on 26.6.65 the accused petitioner filed a petition for adjournment of the
case to enable the petitioner to move this Hon’ble court for a transfer of the said
case to the Court of superior Jurisdiction in as much as the case involves a complicated and substantial point of law. That it is submitted that the case involves the interpretation of the ordinance and its determination of the vires and as such it is a fit case which should be tried by a superior Jurisdiction.
Therefore your petitioner humbly prays to your lordship to be gracious to be pleased to issue Rule on the Dy. Commissioner, Dacca, the opposite party to show cause why the case shall not be transferred as prayed for and cause being shown, make the Rule absolute and pass such other or further order or orders as to your lordships may deem fit and proper. And for this act of kindness, your petitioner, as in duty bound shall ever-pray. Pending hearing of the Rule all further proceedings may kindly be stayed.
I, A.K.M. Siddique Rahman, son of Mvi. Md. Nezamul Haque of Monsoor Quarter P.S. Kotwali, District Barisal, aged 29 years, by faith Muslim by occupation Professor do hereby solemnly affirms as follows:
1.That I am the Tadbidkar of the petitioner’s case in the court below and as such are acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case.
2.That the statements contained in paragraphs 1-7 are true to my knowledge and the rest are submissions in the Hon’ble Court.
Prepared in my office Badrul Haider Sd/- A.K.M. Siddiqur Rahman. Choudhury Advocate solemnly affirmed The deponent is known to me before me this the 10th day of August,
1965. Sd/- Md. Abdul Matin Clerk to.
Sd/-A.F.M. Rahman. 10.8.65. Mr. B.H. Choudhury, Advocate.
Commissioner of affidavits, Counsel.
High Court, Dacca.
Azad dt. 17.8.65
‘পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রুখিয়া দাঁড়াও মামলা
ঢাকার ডি,সি’র উপর হাইকোর্টের রুল জারী
(হাইকোট রিপোর্টার)
গতকল্য সােমবার ঢাকা হাই কোর্টের এক ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ ‘পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রুখিয়া দাড়াও বিজ্ঞাপন মামলার আসামী বিরােধীদলের কর্মী ওলি আহাদের এক আবেদনক্রমে ঢাকার ডেপুটি কমিশনারের উপর কারণ দর্শাইবার জন্য এই মর্মে এক রুল জারি করিয়াছেন যে, উপরােক্ত আবেদনকারীর বিরুদ্ধে ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেনীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এ আহমদের আদালতে বিচারাধীন উপরােক্ত বিজ্ঞাপন মামলা কেন খারিজ করা হইবে না অথবা উক্ত মামলা হাইকোর্ট বা অন্য কোন উচ্চক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন আদালত কর্তৃক কেন বিচারের আদেশ দেওয়া হইবে না ?
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, ১৯৬৪ সালের জানুয়ারী মাসে অনুষ্ঠিত সাম্প্রদায়িক দাঙ্গার সময় আরিচা রােডে গভর্ণরের গাড়ীর দিকে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রুখিয়া দাড়াও’ মুদ্রিত বিজ্ঞাপন ছুড়িয়া মারার অভিযােগে ঢাকার ডেপুটি কমিশনার কর্তৃক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এবং অন্য ৩ ব্যাক্তির বিরুদ্ধে এক মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। উপরােক্ত বিজ্ঞাপন প্রেস পাব্লিকেশন অর্ডিন্যান্সের বিধান অনুযায়ী কোন প্রকাশক বা প্রেসের নাম ব্যতিরেকেই পূর্ব পাকিস্তান দাঙ্গা প্রতিরােধ কমিটির নামে বিতরণ করা হয়। উপরােক্ত আইনের বিধান লংঘন করার জন্য আবেদনকারী এবং উক্ত কমিটির অন্যান্য সদস্যদের বিরুদ্ধে প্রেস পাবলিকেশন আইনের ৫৫ ধারা মােতাবেক রমনা থানায় প্রদত্ত এজহারের ভিত্তিতে এক ফৌজদারী মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। উক্ত মামলা ঢাকার বিভিন্ন ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট আদালতে শুনানীর জন্য আসে এবং পরিশেষে প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এ, আহমদের উপর উক্ত মামলা শুনানীর ভার ন্যস্ত হয়। আবেদনকারী উপরােক্ত ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট সমীপে মামলার ধার্য তারিখে তাহার ব্যক্তিগত উপস্থিতির পরিবর্তে কোন উকিলের মারফত উপস্থিতির প্রার্থনা জানাইলে তাহা নাকচ হয়। উপরােক্ত প্রার্থনা নামঞ্জুর হওয়ায় আবেদনকারীর মনে এই সংশয় উপস্থিত হইয়াছে যে, উপরােক্ত ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট আদালতে তিনি সুবিচার নাও পাইতে পারেন, তাছাড়া উপরােক্ত মামলা ঢাকার ডেপুটি কমিশনার কর্তৃক আনীত হইয়াছে এবং যেহেতু ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটরা ডেপুটি কমিশনারের শাসনাধীন সেহেতু উপরােক্ত মামলার ফলাফল অন্যথা হইতে পারে বলিয়াও আবেদনকারীর মনে আশঙ্কা আছে। সেজন্য আবেদনকারী উপরােক্ত বিচারাধীন মামলা হাইকোর্ট কিংবা অন্য কোন উচ্চ ক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন আদালত কর্তৃক শুনানীর প্রার্থনা জানাইয়া উপরােক্ত আবেদন পত্র পেশ করিয়াছেন।
বিচারপতি জনাব বাকের ও বিচারপতি জনাব আবদুস সােবহান চৌধুরী আবেদনকারীর অভিযােগসমূহ যুক্তিসংগত বিবেচনা করিয়া ডেপুটি কমিশনারের উপর উপরােক্ত মর্মে এক রুল জারী করিয়াছেন!
আবেদনকারীর পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন জনাব বদরুল হায়দার চৌধুরী ও তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করেন জনাব খালেদ হামিদুল হক।
TO PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – DS/PL 19.8.65
Updated report on cases pending against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 19 August 1965
The following cases are pending trial against Sk. Mujibur Rahman till 19.8.65. 1. C.R. case No. 1a’/64 u/s 124-A PPC and 7(3) EPPSO/58 in the Court of Mr. B.
Alam, A.D.C., Dacca. Complt. Mr. M. Isa, P.S.P.
It is a case for delivering a prejudicial speech in a meeting on 15.12.63 at Dacca Stadium.
Charge framed u/s 124-A PPC and 7(3) EPPSO/58 under two heads. 21.8.65 is fixed for further cross examination.
Copy of order sheet at page–
2.G.R. Case No. 36/64 (Savar P.S. Case No. 13 dated 23.1.64 u/s 55 (1)(2) Press and Publication Ordinance and Section 426/352/504/306/153 PPC in the court of Mr. A. Huq, Senior Munsiff Magistrate, Dacca.
It is a case for throwing a bundle of leaflets on the car of the Governor at Savar on 23.1.64 against the (1) subject, (2) M/S Shah Azizur Rahman, MNA, (3) Taizuddin, (4) Nurul Islam, (5) Mansur Ali, (6) Shamsul Islam and (7) Shafiqul Islam. On 30.6.65 the subject and four others attended Court. Accused Shah Azizur Rahman, MNA was attending National Assembly. Accused Shafiqul Islam wanted time. Adjourned till 25.8.65 for accused.
Copy of order Sheet at page.
3.G.R. Case No. 406/64 (Ramna P.S. Case No. 101 dated 29.1.64 u/s 55(1)(2) and section 50 of Press and Publication Ordinance against the (1) subject and (2) M/S Shah Azizur Rahman, MNA, (3) Dr. Alim-Al-Razi, M.N.A., (4) Mahmud Ali, M.N.A., (5) Hamidul Haq Chaudhuri, (6) Tafazzal Husain @ Manik Mia, (7) Jahur Husain Chaudhuri, (8) Mahbubul Haq, (9) Obaidur Rahman (student leader), (10) Oli Ahad and (11) Ali Aksad in the court of Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmed, Magistrate, 184 Class, Dacca.
It is a case for publication of prejudicial leaflets captioned ‘Purba Pakistan Rukhiya Darao’ on behalf of Riot Resistance Committee.
On 26.6.65 accused Oli Ahad filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. to move to the Hon’ble High Court for transfer of the case to the Court of a Munsiff Magistrate. Accordingly the trying court stayed the proceedings up to 13.8.65 and allowed the petitioner 11 months’ time to move the Hon’ble High Court. On 13.8.65 on the prayer of the Defence another 15 days time was granted (i.e. up to 28.8.65). A Division Bench of Dacca High Court on 16.8.65 issued Rule upon the D.C. Dacca to show cause why the prayer for transferring the case to the Court of Munsiff Magistrate should not be allowed.
Copy of order sheet attached.
4. C.R. Case No. 2a of 1964 u/s 124-A PPC in the court of Mr. B. Alam, Addl.
D.C., Dacca.
Complt. Mr. Syed Mannan Baksh, PSP.
It is a case for delivering prejudicial speech at Outer Stadium, Dacca on 29.3.64.
The subject filed a petition u/s 526 Cr.P.C. for quashing the proceedings or to transfer the case before the Munsiff Magistrate. The case was heard by Hon’ble High Court, Dacca on 23.3.65 and the petition was dismissed and referred back to Court for trial. But on the prayer of the subject for an appeal to the Supreme Court, the High Court allowed, in case of complication of constitutional issue. Accordingly the Trying Court stayed the proceedings and sent back the record to High Court for reference in the appeal in the Supreme Court vide order of the Court dated 1.6.65.
Copy of order sheet at page
5. G.R. Case No. 5081/64.
Ramna P.S. Case No. 98 dated 22.11.64 u/s 7(3) EPPSO, 1958 in the Court of Mr. M.A. Maleque, Magistrate, 1st Class, Dacca.
It is case for delivering prejudicial speech in a meeting held at Dacca Outer Stadium on 29.9.64.
Adjourned till 31.8.65 for further P.Ws. Copy of order sheet at page –
Report on court update of leaflet bundle throwing at Governor’s car case State Vs Nurul Islam and 6 others including
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 31 August 1965
Ittefaq dt. 31.8.65
আগামীকল্য শেখ মুজিবের মামলা।
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
আগামীকল্য (বুধবার) প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এ মালেকের কোর্টে প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ পুনরায় শুরু হইবে। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান নিরাপত্তা আইনের ৭/৩ ধারা মতে শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে রুজুকৃত একটি মামলা এই কোর্টের বিচারাধীন আছে।
উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, বর্তমানে বিভিন্ন আদালতে শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে মােট ৫টি মামলা বিচারাধীন রহিয়াছে। আগামী ৮ই সেপ্টেম্বর প্রথম মুন্সেফ কোর্টে সাভার প্রচারপত্র নিক্ষেপ মামলার শুনানি শুরু করার তারিখ ধার্য করা হইবে। এতদ্ব্যতীত সুপ্রীম কোর্ট, হাইকোর্ট এবং এ-ডি-সি’র। কোর্টে শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে আরও তিনটি মামলা বিচারাধীন আছে।
TO PF. Sd/-DS/PL, 1.9
Report on trial update of sedition case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman arises out of speech delivered at Outer Stadium, Dacca.
Dacca, 1 September 1965 Daily Ittefaq dt. 1.9.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে জন নিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্সের মামলা
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
ঢাকার অন্যতম প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এম,এ, মালিকের কোর্টে গতকাল (মঙ্গলবার) পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জন নিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্সের ৭(৩) ধারা অনুযায়ী আনীত মামলার মুলতবী শুনানী শুরু হয়।
প্রকাশ থাকে যে, গত বত্সরের ২৯শে সেপ্টেম্বর আউটার স্টেডিয়ামে প্রতিবাদ দিবসে আয়ােজিত এক জনসভায় শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত বক্তৃতাকে কেন্দ্র করিয়া বর্তমান মামলা আনীত হয়।
গতকাল সরকার পক্ষের ২নং সাক্ষী প্রাদেশিক সরকারের হােম (পলিটিক্যাল) ডিপার্টমেন্টের রিপাের্টার জনাব মােজাম্মেল হককে পুনর্বার সাক্ষ্য দানের জন্য আহবান করা হয়। সাক্ষ্য দানকালে তিনি শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত বক্তৃতার অংশবিশেষ আদালতকে নিজের স্মৃতি হইতে উদ্ধৃত করিয়া শােনান। তিনি আদালতে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বক্তৃতার বাংলা শর্টহ্যান্ড নােটের মূল কপি পেশ করেন। জেরায় তিনি বলেন যে, তিনি পুলিসের স্পেশাল ব্রাঞ্চ হইতে পূর্বদিন এই “ট্রান্সক্রিপট” লইয়া আসেন। তিনি আরও বলেন যে, উহা তিনি উক্ত বিভাগের নিকট পেশ করিয়াছিলেন।
জেরায় তিনি আরও বলেন যে, আর কোন তারিখে তিনি এইরূপ রাজনৈতিক সভার বক্তৃতার নােট লইয়াছিলেন তাহা তাহার মনে নাই। অবশ্য তিনি এইরূপ বহু নােট লইয়াছেন বলিয়া উল্লেখ করেন। এই সভায় কে আগে এবং কে পরে বক্তৃতা করিয়াছিলেন তাহাও তিনি বলিতে পারিবেন না বলিয়া জানান।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এই সভার পূর্বে তিনি আর কোন রাজনৈতিক সভায় উপস্থিত ছিলেন কি-না তাহাও তাহার মনে নাই। খবরের কাগজে পড়া আর কোন বক্তৃতা তিনি স্বরণ করিতে পারিতেছেন না বলিয়া তিনি বলেন।
জেরায় তিনি স্বীকার করেন যে, তিনি যে ট্রান্সক্রিপট দাখিল করিলেন তাহাতে হােম ডিপার্টমেন্টের কোন অফিসারের স্বাক্ষর বা অফিসের কোন শিল নাই।
জেরায় তিনি আরও স্বীকার করেন যে, কোন মূল্যবান সরকারী দলিলপত্র তাঁহার বাড়ীতে লইয়া যাওয়ার কোন ক্ষমতা না থাকিলেও পূর্বদিন তিনি এই ট্রান্সক্রিপট বাড়ী লইয়া গিয়াছিলেন। অবশ্য তিনি পূর্বদিন হইতে এই ট্রান্সক্রিপট তাহার কাছে থাকিলেও উহা পড়ার কথা তিনি অস্বীকার করেন।
কাহারও ডিকটেশন মতে এই ট্রান্সক্রিপ্ট (শেখ মুজিবের) বক্তৃতার পরে তৈরী করার কথাও তিনি অস্বীকার করেন।
তিনি স্বীকার করেন যে, শর্টহ্যান্ড নােটের ১ এবং ৩ পৃষ্ঠায় লেখার উপর দিয়া লেখায় চিহ্ন ওভার রাইটিং আছে এবং উহাতে তাহার কোন ইনিশিয়াল’ নাই।।
মামলার শুনানী আগামী ২৩শে সেপ্টেম্বর পর্যন্ত মুলতবী রহিয়াছে।
সরকার পক্ষে সহকারী পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব বখত্ এবং আসামী পক্ষে মেসার্স জহিরুদ্দীন, শাহ মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন, আবুল হােসেন এবং আফতাবুদ্দিন ভুইয়া প্রমুখ আইনজীবী মামলা পরিচালনা করেন।
Please comment on these points. Sd/ -1.9.65.
1) The Court reporter was asked to take the transcription in the
Summons issued from Court. Hence he lost it on the previous day from office file & kept it with him to produce the same in Court on next morning (i.e. 31.8.65).
2) The paper on which transcription was written supplied to the Court
reporter by Home Dept. & at the top of each sheet of paper there is a Provincial Court of E.P., Home Dept. That is why defence took the plea what it was taken by Home Dept.
There was no seal in the transcription produced to Court from this office. It was an omission on the part of the office, but it is not so material defect in the prosecution. Moreover the paper was meant for our office & hence the question of seal dose not arises.
3) There was overwriting at pages 1 & 3. It is reported by the Court
reporter that the overwriting in question was in the short hand note
& it was in respect of a sentence which was not so objectionable. It was due to the failure of the mike.
The main document in this case is the short hand note book which was taken at the spot attested by a Magistrate. The case will ultimately depend on this document. The proceeding which has been published in the paper is not the whole & real picture. Only points favourable to defence has been flashed.
D.S.P. Dacca Court may kindly comment on the merits & demerits of the case & take necessary measures to rectify the defects. Sd/DS/PL, 1.9.65.
A.P.P. Mr. S. Bakkt will please comment. Sd/ – Dy. S.P.(C) 1.9.65.
Ref: Your order at the Top. My comment on the points as desired is given below the order. In this connection the comments of Asstt. Public Prosecutor along with the Marginal note of Court D.S.P in the enclosed paper may also kindly be seen. Sd/ -DS/PL. 3.9.65 Seen. Thanks. Sd/-3.9.65
D.A. Pl. keep in the P.F. Sd/ -DS/PL, 3.9.
Ref: News item appearing in the Bengali Daily Ittefaq dated 1.9.65
under the caption reading “শেক মুজিবরের বিরুদ্ধে জন নিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্সের মামলা’’

I have perused the above mentioned news item and I have been asked to give my comments on it.
My Comments are as follows:
1) The matters appearing under the said news item are virtually Bengali translation of the statements of the witnesses recorded in English by the court.
2) The matters appearing in the said item are not a comprehensive deposition of the P.W. concerned (namely the short hand reporter Mr. Mozzamal Huq) but is merely a part of the deposition. Important matter elicited in Re-Examination of the said P.W. does not find place in the said news item.
3) The matters appearing in the said news item are in no way in
conflict with his deposition recorded in English by the court but why many other statements of the said witness have not been published.
Now a case can be proved both by oral and Documentary Evidence. In this case we have both oral testimony and Documentary Evidence to prove that the speech delivered by Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman was a prejudicial report within the meaning of subsection 5 of section 2 of the East Pakistan Public Safety Ordinance No. LXXXIII of 1958.
As the matter is subjudice I refrain from expressing any opinion about the merits or demerits of the cases as I feel that any such expression might amount to a contempt of court.
I don’t find if there is any vital defect in the evidence of the said P.W.2 Mozzamal Huq which calls for any rectification by further recalling him.
Admittedly overwritings are there in the short hand note Book but the witness in his re-examination has give an explanation clarifying how and under what circumstances the overwriting was done by him then and there at the spot.
Submitted Sd/ -APP., 1.9.65
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman urges people to prepare to defend every
inch of land of our country.
Dacca, 7 September 1965
Ittefaq dt. 7.9.65
স্বদেশের প্রতি ইঞ্চি ভূমি রক্ষার্থ প্রস্তুত হউন দেশবাসীর প্রতি নেতৃবৃন্দের আহ্বান
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (সােমবার) পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের বিরােধীদলীয় নেতৃবৃন্দ ভারতীয় সশস্ত্র বাহিনী কর্তৃক আন্তর্জাতিক সীমারেখা অতিক্রম করিয়া পাকিস্তানের মূল ভূখন্ডে আক্রমন পরিচালনার তীব্র নিন্দা করিয়াছেন। স্বদেশ রক্ষাকল্পে জনসাধারণকে অটুট ঐক্য গড়িয়া তােলার জন্যও তাহারা আহবান জানাইয়াছেন।
প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সমগ্র পাকিস্তানবাসী, বিশেষ করিয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীদের সকলকে স্বদেশের প্রতি ইঞ্চি ভূমি রক্ষাকল্পে সম্পূর্ণভাবে প্রস্তুত হওয়ার জন্য আহবান জানাইয়াছেন। তিনি দেশবাসীকে স্মরণ করাইয়া দেন যে, দেশের সংহতি এবং সার্বভৌমত্ব রক্ষার জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকা প্রতিটি নাগরিকের সবচাইতে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ও পবিত্র দায়িত্ব।
শেখ মুজিব বলেন যে, ভারত আন্তর্জাতিক সীমারেখা অতিক্রম করিয়াছে এবং লাহােরে বিমান আক্রমণ চালাইয়াছে। ভারতের এই আক্রমন গুরুতর জাতীয় জরুরী অবস্থার সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে এবং তিনি বিশ্বাস করেন যে, প্রতিজন পাকিস্তানী সর্বতােভাবে ও সাহসিকতার সঙ্গে এই পরিস্থিতির মােকাবিলা করিবে। শেখ মুজিব আমাদের স্বাধীনতা ও চ্যালেঞ্জ মােকাবিলা করার জন্য অবিলম্বে দেশের সর্বত্র প্রতিরক্ষা স্কোয়াড গঠনের জন্য সরকারের প্রতি আবেদন জানাইয়াছেন। উস্কানি সত্ত্বেও দেশে সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতি রক্ষার জন্য তিনি জনসাধারণের প্রতি আবেদন জানাইয়াছেন। জনাব জহিরুদ্দীন।
নিখিল পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব জহিরুদ্দীন গতকাল্য এক বিবৃতিতে বলেন যে, পাকিস্তানবাসী অবশ্যই তাহাদের স্বদেশ রক্ষা করিবে। ভারতের হামলার
বিরুদ্ধে জাতীয় ঐক্য প্রতিষ্ঠার পথে কোন মতভেদ থাকিবে না। তিনি পাকিস্তানবাসীদের স্মরণ করাইয়া দেন যে, আজ “শত্রু নিধনই আমাদের সামনে একমাত্র কর্তব্য।
জনাব গােলাম আজম
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জামাতে ইসলামীর সাধারণ সম্পাদক অধ্যাপক গােলাম আজম বলেন যে, আজকের মত চরম দুর্যোগের দিনে জাতি ও জাতীয় আদর্শের মর্যাদা রক্ষার জন্য প্রতিটি পাকিস্তানী মুসলমানকে জীবন দানের জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকিতে হইবে। তিনি বলেন যে, ভারতের জানা উচিত যে, বর্তমানের সরকাররের সঙ্গে আভ্যন্তরীণ রাজনৈতিক পার্থক্য সত্বেও দেশের সমস্ত রাজনৈতি দল ও উহাদের সমর্থকেরা পবিত্র জম্মভূমির প্রতিরক্ষার জন্য পাকিস্তান সরকারের প্রতিটি নির্দেশ পালন করিবে।
সৈয়দ আলতাফ হােসেন
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান ন্যাপের সাধারণ সম্পাদক সৈয়দ আলতাফ হােসেন বলেন যে, বর্তমান পরিস্থিতিতে মতৈক্য ভুলিয়া গিয়া ঐক্যবদ্ধভাবে দেহের শেষ রক্তবিন্দু বিসর্জন দিয়া ভারতীয় হামলার মােকাবিলা করিতে হইবে। সমাজ বিরােধী ব্যক্তিরা বর্তমান পরিস্থিতির সুযােগ লইয়া যাহাতে আভ্যন্তরীণ শান্তি ব্যাহত করিতে না পারে সেদিকে নজর রাখার জন্য তিনি সরকারের প্রতি আবেদন জানাইয়াছেন। অসাধু ব্যবসায়ীরা যাহাতে অন্যায়ভাবে দ্রব্যমূল্য বৃদ্ধি করিতে না পারে সেদিকে নজর রাখার জন্যও তিনি সরকারকে অনুরােধ জানাইয়াছেন।
জনাব আবদুল মালেক
পি.পি.এ পরিবেশিত এক সংবাদে বলা হইয়াছে যে, মাইজদি কোর্ট হইত প্রেরিত এক তার বার্তায় প্রাদেশিক পরিষদের বিরােধী দলের নেতা জনাব আবদুল মালেক পাকিস্তানের উপর ভারতীয় হামলার তীব্র নিন্দা করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, দশ কোটি মানুষ আজ নিজেদের শেষ রক্তবিন্দু দিয়া স্বদেশ রক্ষা করিতে দ্বিধাবােধ করিবে না।
মসিউর রহমান
জাতীয় পরিষদ সদস্য জনাব মসিউর রহমান ভারতীয় হামলা প্রতিরােধের ব্যপারে প্রেসিডেন্ট আইয়ুবের প্রতি পূর্ণ সমর্থন দিয়েছেন বলিয়া গতকল্য এ.পি.পি. পরিবেশিত সংবাদে বলা হইয়াছে। তিনি বলেন যে, আজ চূড়ান্ত ত্যাগের সময়, ত্যাগের মধ্য দিয়াই সাম্রাজ্যবাদি ভারতের সম্প্রসারণ নীতি প্রতিরােধ করা সম্ভব। তিনি প্রেসিডেন্ট কর্তৃক জরুরী অবস্থা ঘােষণাকে যুক্তিযুক্ত বলিয়া মন্তব্য করেন ও উহাতে সমর্থন জ্ঞাপন করেন।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/-DS/PL, 15.9
In a meeting with Provincial Governor and opposition leaders on Indian air attack on both wings of Pakistan Maulana Bhasani and
Sheikh Mujib appealed to the people for sacrifice.
Dacca, 8 September 1965
Ittefaq dt. 8.9.65
পাকিস্তানের উভয়াঞ্চলে
ভারতের যুগপৎ বিমান হানা জাতির প্রতি বিরােধী দলীয় নেতৃবৃন্দের ডাক
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (বুধবার) প্রাদেশিক গভর্নর জনাব আবদুল মােনেম খান গভর্নর হাউসে বিভিন্ন বিরােধীদলীয় নেতৃবৃন্দের সঙ্গে প্রায় দুইঘন্টাকাল ভারতীয় হামলা সম্পর্কে আলােচনা করেন। আলােচনা শেষে আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে একটি প্রস্তাব গ্রহণ করিয়া বিরােধীদলীয় নেতৃবৃন্দ দেশবাসীকে স্বদেশের স্বাধীনতা ও সার্বভৌমত্ব রক্ষার্থ যে কোন ত্যাগের জন্য প্রস্তুত হওয়ার আহবান জানান। প্রস্তাবে আমাদের সংগ্রামী সৈন্যদের বীরত্ব ও সাহকিতার প্রশংসা করিয়া তাহাদের অভিনন্দন জ্ঞাপন করা হয়।
জাতীয় পরিষদে বিরােধীদলের নেতা জনাব নূরুল আমীন এই প্রস্তাব উত্থাপন করেন এবং ন্যাপ নেতা মওলানা ভাসানী ও আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান প্রস্তাবটি সমর্থন করেন। প্রস্তাবটি সর্বসম্মতিক্রমে গৃহীত হয়।
প্রস্তাবটিতে বলা হয় যে, যেহেতু আমরা দৃঢ়ভাবে শান্তিতে বিশ্বাসী, তাই প্রতিবেশীর সঙ্গে শান্তিতে বসবাস করাই আমাদের বহুবিঘােষিত নীতি এবং যে কোন ধরনের যুদ্ধকে আমরা ঘৃণা করি। ভারতের নয়া সাম্রাজ্যবাদীরা আমাদের পবিত্র মাতৃভূমির উপর নির্লজ্জভাবে বিনা উস্কানিতে যে নগ্ন হামলা চালাইয়াছে তাহা আজ এক মহাদুঃখজনক পরিস্থিতির সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে।
প্রস্তাবটিতে আরও বলা হয় যে, জাতি-ধর্ম-বর্ণ অথবা রাজনৈতিক মতামত নির্বিশেষে প্রত্যেক পাকিস্তানীকে অবশ্য কর্তব্য হিসাবে সমস্ত শক্তি ও সম্পদ দিয়া ঐক্যবদ্ধভাবে এই হামলা প্রতিরােধ করিতে হইবে। জাতির বর্তমান গুরুতর পরিস্থিতি মােকাবিলার জন্য প্রিয় দেশের পবিত্র সার্বভৌমত্ব ও মর্যাদা রক্ষাকল্পে দেশবাসীকে সর্বাধিক ত্যাগ স্বীকারের এবং যে কোন উস্কানির মুখে দেশের সর্বত্র
সাম্প্রদায়িক শান্তি ও সম্প্রীতি বজায় রাখার জন্য দেশবাসীর প্রতি আমরা আহবান জানাইতেছি। প্রস্তাবটির উপসংহারে বলা হয় যে, বর্তমান জাতীয় জরুরী মুহুর্তে আমরা দল নির্বিশেষে আমাদের বীর সৈনিকেরা যে বীরত্ব ও সাহসের সঙ্গে স্বদেশ রক্ষা করিয়াছে তজ্জন্য তাহাদের অভিনন্দন জানাই এবং যুদ্ধ সংক্রান্ত ব্যাপারে আমরা আমাদের পূর্ণ সহযােগিতার প্রতিশ্রুতি দান করিতেছি।
গভর্নরের সঙ্গে বিরােধীদলীয় নেতৃবৃন্দের আলােচনায় যাঁহারা উপস্থিত ছিলেন তাঁহারা হইতেছেন ন্যাপ নেতা মওলানা আবদুল হামিদ খান ভাসানী জাতীয় পরিষদে বিরােধীদলীয় নেতা জনাব নূরুল আমীন, প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান, মেসার্স আবু হােসেন সরকার (এন,ডি,এফ), আতাউর রহমান খান (এন,ডি,এফ), মােহন মিয়া। (এন,ডি,এফ), মাহমুদ আলী এম,এন,এ (এন,ডি,এফ), জহিরুদ্দিন (আঃ লীগ),আবদুস সালাম খান (আঃ লীগ), অধ্যাপক গােলাম আজম (জামাতে ইসলামী), ফরিদ আহমদ (নেজামে ইসলাম), খাজা খয়ের উদ্দিন এম,এন,এ (কাউন্সিল মুসলিম লীগ), আসাদুজ্জামান খান এম,পি, এ (প্রাদেশিক পরিষদে নিরপেক্ষ গ্রুপের নেতা), মওলানা আবদুর রহিম (জামাতে ইসলামী), শওকত আলী খান (ন্যাপ), খাজা হাসান আসকারী (কনভেনশন মুসলিম লীগ), সৈয়দ আলতাফ হােসেন (ন্যাপ), খান এ, সবুর (কেন্দ্রীয় যােগাযােগ মন্ত্রী এবং জাতীয় পরিষদ নেতা), আবদ-আল্লাহ জহিরুদ্দিন (জাতীয় পরিষদে সরকারী চীফ হুইপ), হাশিমুদ্দিন আহমদ (প্রাদেশিক কনভেনশন মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক), দেওয়ান আবদুল বাসেত (প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রী ও প্রাদেশিক পরিষদ নেতা), আবদুল হাই চৌধুরী (প্রাদেশিক আইনমন্ত্রী), কাজী আবদুল কাদের (প্রাদেশিক খাদ্যমন্ত্রী), ফজলুল বারী (প্রাদেশিক রাজস্বমন্ত্রী), এবং হুমায়ুন খান পন্নী (প্রাদেশিক পরিষদে সরকারী চীপ হুইপ)।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – DSPL, 15.9
In response to Indian air attack Sheikh Mujibur Rahman urges upon each and every Pakistani citizen to be ready for reprisal.
Dacca, 10 September 1965
ittefaq dt. 10,0.65
দাঁতভাঙ্গা জবাব দেওয়া হইবে ভারতীয় বিমান আক্রমনের প্রতিবাদে শেখ মুজিব
গতকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের উপর ভারতের বেপরােয়া বিমান আক্রমনের তীব্র নিন্দা করেন এবং ভারতের শান্তিকামী জনসাধারণকে ভারতীয় যুদ্ধবাজ নেতাদেরকে অবিলম্বে যুদ্ধ বন্ধ করিতে বাধ্য করার আহবান জানান।
গতকল্য প্রদত্ত এক বিবৃতিতে শেখ মুজিবর বলেন, ভারতীয়রা পূর্বাঞ্চলীয় সীমান্তেও যুদ্ধ সম্প্রসারিত করিয়াছে এবং পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের বিভিন্ন স্থানে তাহারা বেপরােয়া বিমান আক্রমণ চালাইয়াছে। ভারতের এইসব কার্যকলাপকে আমি কঠোরতম ভাষায় নিন্দা করি এবং পরিস্কার ভাষায় আমি ভারতকে জানাইয়া দিতে চাই যে, প্রতিটি পূর্ব পাকিস্তানী তাহাদের মাতৃভূমির মানমর্যাদা ও সার্বভৌমত্ব রক্ষার জন্য ভারতীয় হামলার দাঁতভাঙ্গা জবাব দিতে প্রস্তুত রহিয়াছে।
তিনি বলেন, ভারতের বিপুল সংখ্যক শান্তিকামী জনসাধারণের পক্ষে ভারতের যুদ্ধবাদী নেতাদেরকে উভয় দেশের শান্তি ও প্রগতির স্বার্থে প্রতিবেশীর সঙ্গে অবিলম্বে যুদ্ধ বন্ধ করিতে বাধ্য করার এখনও সময় আছে।
– এ, পিপি
TO P.F. Sd/-DSPL, 15.9
Court hearing of leaflet bundle throwing on Governor’s car case and sedition case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 22 September 1965
Ittefaq at 22.৭.65
অদ্য শেখ মুজিবের মামলা
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
অদ্য (বুধবার) ঢাকার প্রথম মুন্সেফ কোর্টে ১৯৬৪ সালের “সাভারে গভর্নরের প্রতি প্রচারপত্র নিক্ষেপ” মামলার শুনানি হইবে। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর
রহমান, জাতীয় পরিষদের বিরােধী দলের সহকারী নেতা শাহ আজিজুর রহমান ও আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা জনাব তাজুদ্দিন আহমদ প্রমুখ উক্ত মামলার আসামী।
বৃহস্পতিবার রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহিতার মামলা
আগামীকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার ) ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব আবদুল মালেকের কোর্টে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জননিরাপত্তা আইনের ৭/৩ ধারাবলে আনীত রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহিতা মামলার শুনানি অনুষ্ঠিত হইবে।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -DSPL, 23.9
Report on Awami League Ms.N.A. taking seat in the next Assembly Session separately and not as a component part of the
combined opposition parties.
Dacca, 25 September 1965
Copy of a City Special Branch, Officer’s Report dated 25.9.65.
It is learnt from my source that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., East
n Awami League has issued a directive to all Ms.N.A. of Awami League to take their seats in the next Assembly Session separately and not as a component part of the combined opposition parties.
The directive has been issued 2/3 days back.
Phone No. 45024
City Special Branch, Dacca,
Dated the 25th Sept. ’65 No. 5152/58-64 P.F.
Forwarded to S.A. Khasru, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police(I), Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for favour of information.
Sd/ -25.9.65
VSpecial Supdt. of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Phone No. 6863 & 44231/18.
No. 17581/606-48 P.F. dt. 29.9.65.
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca. Ref: Your memo No. 5152 dt. 25.9.65 forwarding a copy of a City
Spl. Branch officer’s report dt. 25.9.65
Kindly send us the full report of the officer concerned. The officer may question the source whether this directive was issued by Sk. Mujibur Rahman on his personal capacity or according to a decision on party level. He should further question the source what led Sk. Mujibur Rahman to issue such directive in the present situation when all the political parties are combining themselves for the national cause of the country against Indian aggression. He must reach on 30.9.65 by 8.00 hrs. for information of D.I.G.
for S.S.1
Report on scheduled Working Committee of the East Pakistan
Awami League emergency session, NAP Working Committee meeting and public meeting on self determination of Kashmiri
people at Paltan Maidan.
Dacca, 2 October 1965
Pakistan Observer dt. 2.10.65
AL NAP Meetings
By A Staff Correspondent The Working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami League will hold an emergency session on October, 3 to discuss the present situation.
An extended meeting of the Working Committee of the East Pakistan National Awami Party will be held on October, 16 and 17 for discussing the situation faced by the country.
The NAP will also hold a public meeting in support of right of selfdetermination of Kashmiri at the Paltan Maidan. Maulana Bhasani will preside over the meeting
Pl. request City S.B. to cover the meeting & report early. Sd/-DSPL, 2.11
Phone No. 6863 & 44231/18
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
It appears from the news items under head “AL-NAP Meetings” published in the Pakistan Observer dt. 2.10.65 that the Working
Committee of East Pak. AL will hold an emergency session on 3.10.65 to discuss the present situation and an extended meeting of the Working Committee of the EPNAP will also be held on 16th & 17th inst. for discussing the situation faced by the country.
The NAP will also hold a public meeting at Paltan Maidan on 17.10.65 under the presidentship of Maulana A.H. Khan Bhashani.
You are requested to depute your officers to cover the meeting and report early.
Sd/-DS/PL for S.S.I
Phone No. 45024
City Special Branch, Dacca Dated, the 6th October, 1965 No. 5517/R/-7528/16-64(GL)
S.A. Khasru, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police (I),
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 17733/606-48 P.F. dated 2.10.65
For the details of the A.L. meeting held on 3.10.65 at 15, Purana Paltan, Dacca, statement of P.A.C.A.Z. 94 dated 4.10.65 may kindly be referred to.
As regards public meeting to be held on 17.10.65 at Paltan Maidan, Dacca, at the instance of NAP, S.B. may kindly consider if Govt. reporters are to be deputed. This will, of course, be an Anti-Indian meeting.
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
City S.B., Dacca.
Special Branch directive for strict surveillance on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other political leaders regarding contact with
American Embassy.
Dacca, 7 October 1965
Phones No. 44563 & 44231/18
Spl. Branch, East Pakistan, Rajarbagh
Dacca, the 7th Oct., 1965
No. 17930/13-54 (M.F) Genl.
S.A. Zaman, Esq.,
PSP, Spl. Supdt. of Police,
You are requested to maintain strict surveillance on the activities and movements of the following individuals and report if anything of interest comes to notice:
1)Abdus Salam, Editor, Pakistan Observer.
2I.H. Burney, Journalist.
3)Hamidul Haq Chaudhury, Bar-at-law.
4) Faiz Ahmed, President, East Pak. Federation of Labour.
5) Tofazzal Hussain @ Manik Miyan, Editor, Daily Ittefaq.
6)Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
7)A.R. Sarniabat, President, Pakistan Mazdoor Federation.
Sd/-S.A. Khasru
Special Supdt. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Notes & orders copied from NSP 2 of S.B. file No. 13-54(MF) (Loose). Genl.
Secret information at P.10 shows that A.L. has changed its policy. Short notes of Mr. A. Salam & others who are reported by Int. Bureau to be contacts of American Embassy may kindly be seen at page 4-1. DIG may kindly see.
Pl. notes above, pages 2,3,6 & 7. In view of the new attitude of Awami League leadership towards USA & our War efforts as depicted in A.L. working committee meeting, we may place surveillance on A.L. & other political leaders of East Pakistan as mentioned in pages 2 & 3. Sl. Nos. 1,2,4,5,7,8, & 9 may be placed under discreet watch. Sl. No. 3 is already under surveillance. Sl. No. 6 & 10 are not in East Pakistan.
D.I.G. may kindly approve.
Sd/-S.A. Khasru, 6.10.65
Seen. As proposed.
Sd/-A.S.M. Ahmed, 6.10.65
No. 17930 dt. 7.10.65 to SS City SB, Dacca.
Prosecution closes witness of sedition case.
Dacca, 19 October 1965 Ittefaq at 10.10.65
শেখ মুজিবের মামলা সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষ্য সমাপ্ত
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (সােমবার) ঢাকার অন্যতম প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এম, এ, মালেকের কোর্টে জননিরাপত্তা আইনে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলায় সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ সমাপ্ত হয়। এ মামলায় সরকার পক্ষের মােট ৬ জন সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ করা হয়।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, ১৯৬৪ সালের ২৯শে সেপ্টেম্বর ঢাকার আউটার ষ্টেডিয়ামে আইনতঃ প্রতিষ্ঠিত পাকিস্তান সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণকে উত্তেজিত ও তাহাদের মনে ঘৃণা ও দ্বেষ সৃষ্টির উদ্দেশ্যে এক আপত্তিকর বক্তৃতা করার অভিযােগে জনাব শেখ মুজিবরের বিরুদ্ধে গত ২২শে নভেম্বর পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জননিরাপত্তা আইনের ৭(৩) ধারা মতে রমনা পুলিশ কর্তৃক এই মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। আগামী ৬ই নভেম্বর মামলার পরবর্তী তারিখ ধার্য হইয়াছে।
In a meeting of Town Awami League Workers Sheikh Mujibur Rahman urges Government to impart military training to all able
bodied citizens.
Dacca, 25 October 1965 Ittefa9 dt. 25.10.65
সকল সক্ষম ব্যক্তিকে সামরিক শিক্ষা দানের আহ্বান শহর আওয়ামী লীগ সভায় শেখ মুজিবের বক্তৃতা
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার )
গতকল্য (রবিবার) সন্ধায় আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসে ঢাকা শহর আওয়ামী লীগের কর্মীসভায় বক্তৃতা প্রসঙ্গে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান শত্রুর হামলার মুখে পাকিস্তানের নিরাপত্তা ও আঞ্চলিক অখন্ডতা অক্ষুন্ন রাখার জন্য দেশের বিশেষ করিয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের সকল সক্ষম ব্যক্তিকে সামরিক শিক্ষায় শিক্ষিত করিয়া তােলার জন্য সরকারের প্রতি আহ্বান জানান। তিনি দেশের বিশেষ করিয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের নিরাপত্তার প্রতি যে কোন হামলা। মােকাবিলার জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকিতে সকল আওয়ামী লীগ কর্মীর প্রতি আহ্বান জানান।
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক জনাব তাজুদ্দিন আহমদের সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠিত এই সভায় বক্তৃতা প্রসঙ্গে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ভারতীয় হামলার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে পাকিস্তানের বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি আলােচনা করেন। সশস্ত্র বাহিনী হামলা মােকাবিলায় যে অপূর্ব বীরত্ব প্রদর্শন করিয়াছেন সেজন্য তিনি সশস্ত্র বাহিনীর ভূয়সী প্রশংসা করেন। জাতীয় সঙ্কটকালে জনসাধারণ একতাবদ্ধ হওয়ায় তিনি জনসাধারণকে ধন্যবাদ জ্ঞাপন করেন। আওয়ামী লীগ কর্মিগণ বেসামরিক দেশরক্ষা কার্যক্রমে অংশ গ্রহণ করায় তিনি বিশেষ সন্তোষ প্রকাশ করেন।
পূর্বাহ্নে ঢাকা শহর আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক গাজী গােলাম মােস্তফা ইউনিয়ন কমিটিগুলির পুনর্গঠনের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে ঢাকা শহর আওয়ামী লীগ ইউনিটসমূহ পুনর্গঠনের প্রয়ােজনীয়তার উপর গুরুত্ব আরােপ করিয়া বক্তৃতা করেন। সভায় এই মর্মে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করা হয় যে, যত শীঘ্র সম্ভব শহর আওয়ামী লীগের বিভিন্ন ইউনিট পুনর্গঠনের কাজ সমাপ্ত করা হইবে এবং নভেম্বর মাসের মধ্যেই ঢাকা শহর আওয়ামী লীগ সম্মেলন অনুষ্ঠিত করা হইবে। এতদুদ্দেশ্যে বিভিন্ন ইউনিট পুনর্গঠনের কাজ অবিলম্বে সমাপ্ত করার জন্য বিভিন্ন ইউনিটে কয়েকজন করিয়া কর্মীর উপর দায়িত্ব অর্পণ করা হয়।
সভাপতির ভাষণে জনাব তাজউদ্দিন আহমদ দেশের বর্তমান সমস্যাদি সম্পর্কে আলােচনা। করেন।
TO PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman
1. Pl. put up the cutting in connection the meeting of A.L. workers addressed by Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Narayangonj.
2. Pl. explain the cause of delay in putting up this cutting Ref. no. I above cutting seen in the separate paper. Explanation enclosed in Ittefaq paper. Sd/ -2.11.65.
Pakistan Observer dt. 27.10.65
City Awami League Workers Meet Govt. Urged to Impart Military Training To All
The General Secretary of East Pakistan Awami League, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman has urged the Government for imparting military training to all the ablebodied men in the face of the mounting threat to the security of Pakistan, reports APP.
Addressing the workers of Dacca City Awami League in Dacca on Sunday Sheikh Mujib appealed to his party men to equip themselves fully to be able to hold on against any threat to our security.
The Awami League leader reviewing the present situation in the context of Indian aggression on Pakistan, paid tributes to the armed forces for their heroic performance in repulsing the Indian aggression.
He also lauded the role of the general people of the country who rose as one man in the hour of our national period. He also praised the Awami League workers for their active participation in civil defence measures.
The Secretary of Dacca City Awami League discussed the organisational matters. A decision to hold a conference of the City Awami League during November was also taken in the meeting.
TO PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 29.10
Ittefaq dt. 31.10.65
নারায়ণগঞ্জ মহকুমা আওয়ামী লীগের কর্মীসভা
(নিজস্ব সংবাদদাতা)
নারায়ণগঞ্জ, ৩০শে অক্টোবর গত ২৮শে অক্টোবর নারায়ণগঞ্জ মহকুমা আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসে আওয়ামী লীগ কর্মীদের এক বর্ধিত সভা জনাব আমীর আলীর সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। সভায় দলীয় সাংগঠনিক বিষয়াদি ব্যতীত দেশের বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিতভাবে আলােচনা করা হয়। সভায় সাম্প্রতিক যুদ্ধে পাক সেনাবাহিনীর অপূর্ব বীরত্বের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদন করা হয়। মাতৃভূমির স্বাধীনতা রক্ষাৰ্থ পাক নৌ, বিমান এবং স্থল বাহিনীর সেনারা যে সাহসিকতার পরিচয় দিয়াছেন, উহার ভূয়সী প্রশংসা করা হয়। সভায় এক প্রস্তাবে ভারতীয় নগ্ন হামলার তীব্র প্রতিবাদ জানানাে হয় এবং কাশ্মীর সমস্যার সমাধানের দাবী জানানাে হয়। অপর এক প্রস্তাবে। দেশের প্রত্যেকটি সক্ষম নারী-পুরুষকে সামরিক শিক্ষা প্রদানের ব্যবস্থা এবং প্রতিটি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের ছাত্র-ছাত্রীকে বাধ্যতামূলক সামরিক শিক্ষা প্রদানের দাবী জানানাে হয়।
সভায় প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগ সভার সিদ্ধান্তক্রমে প্রতিটি আওয়ামী লীগ কর্মীকে বিভিন্ন। ট্রেনিং গ্রহণের আহবান জানানাে হয়। অপর এক প্রস্তাবে মহকুমার যে সমস্ত থানায় আওয়ামী লীগ ইউনিট গঠন করা হয় নাই, আগামী ১৫ই নভেম্বরের মধ্যে উক্ত থানাসমূহে ইউনিট গঠন করার সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হয়।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 2/2/4.
Watcher reports one unknown person in a Military Jeep of East Bengal Regiment visited Dhanmondi residence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman but intelligence says the number is not correct.
Dacca, 1 November 1965
C.R. dt. 1.11.65
Hours of duty : 11.00 hrs. to 15.00 hrs. & 19.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : Dhanmandi Rd. No. 32, Plot no. 677.
Name of Suspect : Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Result of watch
I performed secret watch duty at above noted place & upon the above noted suspect.
During my Ist duty period the suspect was not seen.
During my 2nd duty period the suspect was seen present at his quarter at 19.30 hrs.
At about 19.15 hrs. one unknown person & one driver (wearing Khaki dress) left from above noted place by jeep car no. 1004556 & at about 19.30 hrs. Mr. Tajuddin of A.L. left that place on foot.
DS(Pol) may kindly see. Sd/-2.11.65
C.R. dt. 1.11.65
H/O duty : 07.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 15.00 hrs. to 19.00 hrs.
P/O duty : Rd. No. 32, Plot No: 667, Dhanmondi R/A.
Subject : Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Result of duty.
In the morning duty period the suspect was seen present at his quarter to walk in the compound at about 09.00 hrs. In the 2nd duty period the suspect was seen present at his quarter at about 18.00 hrs.
The following known & unknown persons were seen to visit the said place, time noted below:
C.S.B Dacca. D.S. (Pol) may kindly see. S./ S.A. Karim will pl. fix up the unknown person who visited the residence by the Military jeep. The subject was in the residence of Mr. Sk. M. Rahman from 18.15 – 19.15 hrs. Sd/ -2.11.65 This is interesting information. SS City S.B. may kindly peruse. DIG/SS SC may kindly like to see. Sd/ – 2.11.65
S.S. City S.B, Dacca.
For kind perusal of the watch reports29 of Sk. Mujibur Rahman dated 1.11.65. It appears from the reports that one unknown person came to his house at Dhanmondi in Military Jeep no. 1004556 having insignia of the East Bengal Regiment (Head of Royal Bengal Tiger). The driver was in Khaki uniform. Sk. Mujibar Rahman was present in the house. Tajuddin, Publicity Secretary of AL, was there from 18.00 hours to 19.30 hours. The unknown gentleman who came in the military jeep remained in his house from 18.15 hours. to 19.15 hours.
The reports may be shown to D.I.G and S.S (S.C) for any action considered necessary.
Sd/ – DS/Pol, 2.11.65. Gist of the report to G21, DDI & copy to I.C.C. file.
Sd/ – 2.11. D.I.G. S.B. may like to see. The unknown person who came in the Jeep is being fixed.
29. Watch Report – Regular report submitted by Intelligence Branch officer about open or secret
activities of members of political organizations.
Seen. D.I.G./SSI may kindly see. Sd/ – 2.11.65 D.I.G/SSI may kindly see. We may inform Military Authorities 14 Division, Dacca Cantonment for information & necessary action at the end. City SB may also be requested to report about the unknown man if traced. Pl. put up a draft at once. Sd/-DS/PL, 2.11
Secret/Immediate Phone no. 6863 & 44231/18 East Pakistan Form No.1

I write to inform you that secret watch report dt. 1.11.65 revealed that one unknown person, in plain cloth, came to the residence of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, at plot No. 677 of Rd. No 32, Dhanmandi, Dacca in Military Jeep No. 1004556 having insignia of the East Bengal Regiment (Head of Royal Bengal Tiger) on 1.11.65 at 18.15 hrs. and left the house at 19.15 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman was present in the house during the time. Mr.
Tajuddin Ahmed, Organising Secretary, E.P.A.L also visited the house of Sk. Mujibur Rahman on the same day at 18.00 hrs. and left the house at 19.30 hrs.
The driver of the Jeep was in Khaki uniform.
Sd/ – 3.11
S.S.I. S.B. E.P. Dacca.
M/No. 19244/1/606-48 PF dt. 4.11.65
Copy forwarded to the S.S. City S.B. Dacca for information with the request to report about the unknown person if traced.
Sd/ – 4.11.65 DSPL for SSI
Type sec. Pl. keep one extra copy for I.C.C meeting file.
Office of the Deputy Director Intelligence, Govt. of Pakistan, Dacca
The 11th November, 1965
No. S/3693/93-57
Reference your letter No. 19244(2)/606-48 P.F. dated 4.11.65, regarding the visit of one unknown person to the residence of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The Military Jeep number referred to is not correct. As such you are requested kindly to recheck and intimate the exact number of the same to this office for necessary action.
Sd/ – (A. Ahmed)
Assistant Director, Intelligence Branch
Dacca, 11.11.65
S.A. Khasru, Esqr., PSP.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
S.B., E.P., Dacca.
Phone No. 6863 & 44231/18
No. 20097/606-48 PF dt. 20.11.65
The S.S. City S.B., Dacca.
Subject: Watch report of Sk. Mujibur Rahman dt. 1.11.65.
Ref: This office memo No. 19244/1 dt. 4.11.65.
In sending herewith a copy of secret letter No. S/3693 dt. 11.11.65 from A.D.(I), Dacca, I would request you kindly to report the correct Jeep number immediately. Sd/-DS/PL for S.S.1, 17.11.65
Extract from ICC meeting.
Dacca, 4 November 1965 Extract from orders on NS PS 54-55 of F. 2-59 T.S. (XII) in connection with the I.C.C. meeting held on 4.11.65.
3) None with valid Passport and Visa (Pakistani Hindu or Muslim) should be
allowed to enter East Pakistan from West Bengal.
4) About Abdul Jabbar – We may watch his movements.
Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed,
4.11.65 6) Sk. Mujibur Rahman & Tofazzal Hosain @ Manik Miah to be under close watch.
Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed,
8) Rashed Khan @ Menon – Wanted to co-operate with Governor.
Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed,
paras 1,2,&7 : SS.SC may kindly take immediate action. para 3 : SS PP has already taken copy for action. paras 4 & 6 : DS/Poll and DS/CM will please put up draft to me at once. para 5 : SS II may kindly take action regarding Sangha.
DS (Poll) will please put up draft to me regarding Saad Ahmed, Quamruzzaman & Mizanur Rahman Chaudhury.
Sd/-S.A. Khasru,
Update on the Savar PS Case No. 13(1)64 u/s 55(1)(2) Press &
Publication Ordinance. Dacca, 5 November 1965
Pakistan Weekly dt. 5.11.65
শেখ মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা
২২শে ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত মূলতবী গত বুধবার ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেণীর মুন্সেফ মেজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব আবদুল হকের কোর্টে গত বৎসর পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তানের গভর্নরের গাড়ীতে পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তান রুখিয়া দাঁড়াও শীর্ষক প্রেসের নামধাম বিহীন এক প্রচার পত্র নিক্ষেপের অভিযােগ আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও শাহ আজিজুর রহমানসহ সাতজনের বিরুদ্ধে আনিত মামলার শুনানী আগামী ২২শে ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত মূলতবী রাখা হয়।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে আওয়ামীলীগ নেতা সেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের অভিযােগ আতি দুইটি মামলা বর্তমানে ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটী কমিশনার জনাব বি আলম ও প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এম এ মালিক এর কোর্টে বিচারাধীন রহিয়াছে আগামী ২০শে ও ১৯শে ডিসেম্বর যথাক্রমে উক্ত মামলার পরবর্তী তারিখ ধার্য হইয়াছে।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 29.4
Report on Navarun Sangstha, a secret students organization reportedly trying to achieve independent East Pakistan.
Dacca, 5 November 1965
No. 17347/606-48 P.E. dt. 5.11.65 City SB Dacca
In view of present situation and trend of political activities it has become necessary that close watch should be continued on Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AL) and Tofazzal Hossain (AL) Editor Ittefuq.
A special look-out has also to be maintained for ascertaining link, if any, of AL particularly of Sk. Mujibur Rahman with ‘Navarun Sangstha’, a secret students’ organisation reportedly formed at Dacca sometime ago for achievement of independent East Pakistan and found active at Jessore where some students have been arrested.
It is, therefore, requested that both Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Tofazzal Hossain should be kept under close watch and a secret probe be made to ascertain the link, of any, of Sk. Mujibur Rahman with ‘Navarun Sangstha’ Result of probe & watch may please be reported if anything positive transpires.
Sd/ -5.11
for D.I.GSB
One extra copy pl. 1 ext. of the attached paper pl. Sd/-5.11
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders deliver speech in a public meeting organized by Combined Opposition Parties at
Azimpur Colony, Dacca.
Dacca, 7 November 1965
Ittefaq dt. 7.11.63
অদ্য আজিমপুরে জনসভা
(স্টাফ রিপোর্টার)
সম্মিলিত বিরােধীদলের উদ্যোগে অদ্য (শনিবার) সন্ধা ৬ টায় আজিমপুর কলােনীর ২৪নং দালানের সম্মুখস্থ ময়দানে এক জনসভা অনুষ্ঠিত হইবে।
শেখ মুজিবর রহমান, জনাব জহিরুদ্দিন, জনাব শফিকুল ইসলাম, জনাব মহিউদ্দিন আহমদ প্রমুখ নেতা এই জনসভায় বক্তৃতা দান করিবেন।
TO P.F. of Sk. Majibar Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 7.8.65. Seen. Sd/ -11.11.
Order of 1st Munsif-Magistrate court in leaflet bundle throwing case State vs Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & 6 others.
Dacca, 11 November 1965 Ittefaq at 11.11.65
মুজিবের বিরুদ্ধে
গভর্নরের গাড়ীতে প্রচারপত্র নিক্ষেপের মামলা
২২শে ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত শুনানী মুলতবী
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (বুধবার) ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেণীর মুন্সেফ ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব আবদুল হকের কোর্টে গত বৎসর পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের গভর্নরের গাড়ীতে “পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রুখিয়া দাড়াও” শীর্ষক প্রেসের নামধাম বিহীন এক প্রচারপত্র নিক্ষেপের অভিযােগে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও শাহ আজিজুর রহমানসহ সাতজনের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার শুনানী আগামী ২২শে ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত মূলতবী রাখা হয়।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, আওয়ামীলীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের অভিযােগে আনীত দুইটি মামলা বর্তমানে ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলম ও প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এম,এ, মালিক- এর কোর্টে বিচারাধীন রহিয়াছে। আগামী ২০শে ও ১৯শে ডিসেম্বর যথাক্রমে উক্ত মামলার পরবর্তী তারিখ ধার্য হইয়াছে। TO P.F. of Sk. M. Rahman. Sd/-DSPL, 12.11

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman appealed to all units of his party to observe the second death anniversary of H S Suhrawardy on 5
December all over the country.
Dacca, 12 November 1965
Dawn at 12.11.65
Suhrawardy’s death anniversary: AL call Dacca, Nov. 11: Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami League, yesterday appealed to all units of his party to observe the
second anniversary of the death of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy on Dec. 5 all over the country.
The programme for the day will include Quran Khwani and prayer, giving alms and feeding the poor, besides holding discussions, meetings and reviewing the life and achievements of the late leaders- PPA. TO PF of Sk. M. Rahman. Sd/-DS/PI, 16.11

Pakistan Observer dt. 12.11.65
Suhrawardy’s 2nd Death anniversary On Dec. 5
By A Staff Correspondent
The second death anniversary of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy will be observed throughout the province on December 5 as a mark of respect to the departed leader.
In Dacca city, the programme for the day includes Quran Khawani and prayers for the rest of his soul and discussion meeting on the life and achievements of one of the architects of Pakistan.
Meanwhile, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League in a statement issued to the press on Wednesday called upon the different units of Awami League to observe in co-operation with other democratic, social and cultural organisations the death anniversary of the leader in a befitting manner. He said that the day was the day for national mourning for the loss of one of her illustrious sons.
Sheikh Mujib said that as a life-long champion for the cause of unfettered democracy and untampered civil rights Mr. Suhrawardy would remain a darling to the democratic minded people of the country. He said that the instance of his heroic struggle for the wellbeing of the nation would reassure our people, particularly in this hour of national crisis and exhort them to have renewed pledge to protect our sovereignty. TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS/PL, 13.11
Paltan public meeting postponed because of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman’s serious illness.
Dacca, 18 November 1965
Ittefa৪ at 18.11.65
শেখ মুজিব গুরুতর অসুস্থ।
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গুরুতর অসুস্থ হইয়া পড়িয়াছেন। গুরুতর ‘এ্যাঙ্গিয়াে নিউরােটিক ওডিমা’ রােগে আক্রান্ত হইয়া তিনি গত ১৫ই নভেম্বর হইতে শয্যাশায়ী হইয়া পড়িয়াছেন। ঢাকা মেডিক্যাল কলেজের মেডিসিনের অধ্যাপক ডাঃ এস,এম, রব, ডাঃ এম, এ, ওয়াদুদ প্যাথলজিষ্ট এবং ডাঃ এস, এ, মালেক তাঁহার চিকিৎসা করিতেছেন। চিকিৎসকদের নিয়মিত চেষ্টা সত্ত্বেও এ পর্যন্ত অবস্থার বিশেষ কোন উন্নতি হয় নাই। তাহাকে পূর্ণবিশ্রাম গ্রহণ করিতে বলা হইয়াছে এবং যাহাতে সাক্ষাত্বারিগণ তাহার সঙ্গে সাক্ষাৎ হইতে বিরত থাকেন তাহার পরামর্শ দেওয়া হইয়াছে।
পল্টনের জনসভা স্থগিত ঢাকা শহর আওয়ামী লীগের উদ্যোগে আগামী ২১শে নভেম্বর পল্টন ময়দানে (আউটার ষ্টেডিয়াম) যে জনসভা অনুষ্ঠিত হওয়ার কথা ছিল উহা শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের অসুস্থতার দরুন স্থগিত রাখা হইয়াছে। শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের উক্ত জনসভায় বক্তৃতা করার কথা ছিল। শেখ সাহেব সুস্থ হইলে জনসভার নূতন তারিখ ঘােষণা করা হইবে।
TO P.F. Sd/-23.11.65
Ittefa9 dt. 21.11.65
শেখ মুজিবের অবস্থার উন্নতি
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের অবস্থা ঈষৎ উন্নতির দিকে বলিয়া তাঁহার চিকিত্সকগণ মত প্রকাশ করিয়াছেন। চিকিত্সকগণ তাঁহাকে সম্পূর্ণ বিশ্রাম করিতে উপদেশ দিয়াছেন।
TO P.F. Sd/ – 23.11
Report on present status of sedition case arises out of speech delivered by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Outer Stadium, Dacca.
Dacca, 6 December 1965
Ittefaq at 6.12.65
শেখ মুজিবের রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলা সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষীদের জেরা সমাপ্ত
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গত শনিবার ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এম, বি, আলমের কোর্টে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের অভিযােগে আনীত মামলায় সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষীদের জেরা সমাপ্ত হয়। এই মামলায় সরকার পক্ষ মােট ১১ জন স্বাক্ষী হাজির করিয়াছেন।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, ১৯৬৪ সালের ১৫ই ডিসেম্বর ঢাকার আউটার স্টেডিয়ামে বক্তৃতা প্রসঙ্গে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান মরহুম জননেতা শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দীর মৃত্যুর কারণ সম্পর্কে সরকারকে দোষারােপ করেন। উক্ত বক্তৃতা আইনতঃ প্রতিষ্ঠিত পাকিস্তান সরকারের
বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণকে উত্তেজিত ও তাহাদের মনে সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে ঘৃণা ও দ্বেষ সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে অথবা করিবার চেষ্ট করা হইয়াছে- এই মর্মে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের অনুমােদনক্রমে ঢাকার পুলিস সুপার জনাব মােহাম্মদ ঈসা এক অভিযােগ আনয়ন করিলে এই মামলার সূত্রপাত হয়। আগামী ১৮ই ডিসেম্বর মামলার শুনানীর পরবর্তী তারিখ ধার্য হইয়াছে।
আইনজীবী মেসার্স আবদুস সালাম খান, জহিরুদ্দীন, আবুল হােসেন, খােন্দকার মাহবুব হােসেন প্রমুখ আসামী পক্ষে এবং পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব এম, এ, আলীম সরকার পক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন।
TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-8.12
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman starts for Chittagong cyclone affected
area to assess extent of damage.
Dacca, 17 December 1965
Ittefae dt. 17.12.65
শেখ মুজিবের চট্টগ্রাম যাত্রা
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গত ১৪ই ও ১৫ই ডিসেম্বরের ঘূর্ণিঝড় ও সামুদ্রিক জলােচ্ছ্বাসের ফলে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত চট্টগ্রামের বিভিন্ন এলাকা সফরকল্পে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান আওয়ামী লীগের কোষাধ্যক্ষ জনাব নূরুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী সমভিব্যাহারে গতকল্য বৃহস্পতিবার বিকালে মােটরযােগে চট্টগ্রাম রওয়ানা হইয়া গিয়াছেন। তাঁহারা দূর্গত এলাকায় ঝটিকা সফর করিবেন এবং ক্ষতির পরিমাণের প্রাথমিক হিসাব নিতে চেষ্টা করিবেন।
TO P.F. Sd/ – DS/PL, 18.12.66
S.I. Lutfar Rahman
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at …
A.M./P.M. Date: 17.12.65 Received at 09.40 hrs. A.M./P.M.
From : DS/Pol Addresses/(if given) City S.B., Dacca.
To : DS/PL, S.B.E.P.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman G.S. Awami League & Nurul Islam Chaudhury Treasurer A.L. left for Chittagong by car (road) in the afternoon of 16.12.65 to look the cyclone affected area of Chittagong & to gather firsthand knowledge of damage caused by the cyclone. Sd/ -17.12.65 Telephone Operator TO P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – DS/PL, 17.12
Weekly Confidential Report of Chittagong on movement of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman. Chittagong,
18 December 1965
SATURDAY, THE 18.12.65
S.B. Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 34 was received here on 8.12.65.
Movement of political suspect
1. AL 456 Majibur Rahman Shaikh arrived Chittagong from Dacca on 16.12.65 at
21.00 hrs. by car No. EBC 26.
2. AL 509 Nurul Islam Chaudhuri arrived Chittagong from Dacca on
21.00 hrs. by car No. EBC 26.
Extract to P.F. Sd/-DS/PL, 23.12
East Pakistan Form No. 45
Handed in at
A.M./ P.M. Date: 17/12/65.
Received at :A.M./P.M.
From : DSPol Addresses/(if given) City S.B., Dacca.
To : DS/PL, S.B. Dacca.
AL 456 Sk. Mujibur Rahman & AL 509 Nurul Islam Chaudhury left Ctg. for Dacca today (19.12.65) at 10.00 hrs. by EBD Car no. 26.
Telephone Operator
1. P.F. of Mujibur Rahman.
2. Included in the note for file. Sd/ – DSPL, 19.12
Arguments of sedition case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 23 December 1965
ittefaq at. 23.12.65
অদ্য শেখ মুজিবরের রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহিতা মামলা
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
অদ্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলমের আদালতে আওয়ামী লীগ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত ১২৪-ক ধারার (রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহিতা) মামলার সওয়াল-জবাব হইবে।
TO P.F. Sd/ – DSPL, 24.12.
Ittefaq dt. 27.12.65
অদ্য শেখ মুজিবরের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলার শুনানী
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
অদ্য (সােমবার) ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এ, মালেকের এজলাসে প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে জননিরাপত্তা আইনের ৭(৩) ধারা অনুযায়ী আনীত রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলার শুনানী হইবে।
২৯শে ডিসেম্বর (বুধবার) ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব বি, আলমের এজলাসে শেখ মুজিবরের বিরুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১২৪(ক) ধারা অনুযায়ী আনীত আর একটি দেশদ্রোহ মামলার সওয়াল-জওয়াব হইবে।
TO P.F. Sd/ – DS/PL, 28.12.
Ittefaq at 30.12.65
শেখ মুজিবরের রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহ মামলার সওয়াল-জবাব সমাপ্ত ৪ঠা জানুয়ারী রায়দানের তারিখ ধার্য
(কোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (বুধবার) ঢাকার অতিরিক্ত ডেপুটি কমিশনার জনাব এম, বি, আলমের কোর্টে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহের অভিযােগে আনীত মামলার সওয়াল-জবাব সমাপ্ত হয়।
পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব আলীম সরকার পক্ষ হইতে সওয়াল জবাব শুরু করেন। তিনি শেখ মুজিবরের সংশ্লিষ্ট বক্তৃতার আপত্তিকর বক্তৃতাটি আদালতে পেশ করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এই বক্তৃতার মাধ্যমে জনসাধারণের মধ্যে অসন্তোষ সৃষ্টি করিয়াছেন এবং আইনতঃ প্রতিষ্ঠিত সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে সাধারণের মনে বিদ্বেষের সৃষ্টি করিয়াছেন। পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব
আলীম প্রায় দেড়ঘন্টাকাল সওয়াল-জবাব করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, সরকার বিরােধী এইসব উক্তি আইনতঃ দণ্ডনীয়।
১৯৬৪ সালের ১৫ই ডিসেম্বর ঢাকার আউটার স্টেডিয়ামে জননেতা জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দীর মৃত্যুতে আহূত শােক সভায় শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বক্তৃতা আইনতঃ প্রতিষ্ঠিত পাকিস্তান সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণকে উত্তেজিত ও তাহাদের মনে ঘৃণা ও দ্বেষ সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে। অথবা করিবার চেষ্টা করা হইয়াছে – এই মর্মে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের অনুমােদনক্রমে ঢাকার তল্কালীন পুলিস সুপার জনাব মােহাম্মদ ইসা এক অভিযােগ আনয়ন করিলে এই মামলার সূত্রপাত হয়।
আসামী পক্ষের প্রধান আইনজীবী জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান তাঁহার সওয়াল-জবাব প্রসঙ্গে বলেন যে, মরহুম জননেতা হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী পাকিস্তান আন্দোলনের অগ্রদূত ছিলেন। তাঁহারই নেতৃত্বের দরুন একমাত্র বাংলাদেশেই পাকিস্তান ইস্যুর উপর মুসলিম লীগ বিপুল ভােটাধিক্যে জয়লাভ করিয়া সরকার প্রতিষ্ঠা করিতে সমর্থ হয়। অথচ, পাকিস্তান আন্দোলনের প্রতীক মরহুম শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দীকেই বৃদ্ধ বয়সে বিনা বিচারে কারাভােগ করিতে হয়। ফলে, তাহার স্বাস্থ্যের দারুণ অবনতি ঘটে, স্বাস্থ্য উদ্ধারের জন্য তিনি বিদেশ যান এবং সেখানে মারা যান। শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এই মহান নেতার ২০ বৎসর যাবৎ বিশ্বস্ত সহচর ও প্রিয়পাত্র ছিলেন। স্বাভাবিকভাবেই তিনি তাহার মৃত্যুতে শােকাভিভূত হইয়া পড়িয়াছিলেন। তাই শােকসভায় তিনি তাহার বক্তৃতায় যাহা কিছু বলিয়াছেন- উহা নেতার মৃত্যুতে শােকাভিভূত ভক্তের আবেগপূর্ণ আক্ষেপের বহিঃপ্রকাশ মাত্র। উহা শুনিয়া শ্রোতারা শােকাভিভূত হইয়াছে মাত্র, তাহাদের মনে অন্য কোন ভাব জাগে নাই। তাহাছাড়া সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষীদের মতেই শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ঐদিন প্রায় অর্ধঘন্টাকাল বক্তৃতা করিয়াছেন, কিন্তু কোর্টের সম্মুখে তাঁহার যে বক্তৃতা উপস্থিত করা হইয়াছে, উহা। করিতে ২/৩ মিনিট সময়ের প্রয়ােজন মাত্র। অতএব ধরিয়া লইতে হইবে, তাঁহার সম্পূর্ণ বক্তৃতা কোর্টে উপস্থিত করা হয় নাই। তাই, বক্তার বক্তৃতার পূর্ণ বিবরণ ব্যতিরেকে উহার বিচার করা সম্ভভ নয়। তদুপরি, যুগের পরিবর্তনের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে মানসিকতার পরিবর্তনের দরকার। তাই, সরকারকে সহনশীল হইতে হইবে। সরকারকে কোনরূপ সমালােচনা করিলেই কাঠগড়ায় দাঁড়াইতে হইবে – এই নীতি গণতান্ত্রিক যুগে অচল হইয়া গিয়াছে। জনাব আব্দুস সালাম খান প্রায় একঘন্টা যাবৎ এই মামলার সওয়াল-জবাব করেন।
প্রসঙ্গতঃ উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, এইদিন এই মামলা উপলক্ষে ঢাকা হাইকোর্ট ও জেলা বারের বহু সংখ্যক আইনজীবী এবং বহু রাজনৈতিক কর্মী কোর্টে উপস্থিত ছিলেন। কোর্ট রুমে স্থানাভাবে অনেককে কোর্টের বারান্দায় দাঁড়াইয়া থাকিতে দেখা যায়।
TO P.F. Sd/-for DSPI, 1.1.66.