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বগুড়া মােক্তার বার অ্যাসােসিয়েশন সভার সিদ্ধান্ত

From the Secretary, Mukhtar Bar Association, Bogra
The Chief Secretary,
East Bengal Government, Dacca.
Dated, Bogra the 26th February, 1952
I beg to forward herewith a copy of the resolutions, adopted in an emergent general meeting of the members of the Mukhtars’ Bar Association Bogra, for favour of your information and kindly taking necessary steps as prayed for in the resolutions.
Yours faithfully
Rashiduddin Ahmed
Copy of the resolutions passed in the emergent General Meeting of the members of the Mukhtar’s Bar Association, Bogra, held on 25th February, 1952 at 1 P. M.
1. That this meeting of the members of the Mukhtars Bar Association, Bogra, strongly condemns the action of the Police at Dacca on the 21st and 22nd February, 1952 for committing brutal murder of the students and the public and other uncalled for atrocities and urges upon the East Bengal Government to hold an early and through enquiry in to the matter and to bring the culprits to book.
2. That this meeting condemns the death of the students and others and conveyed its hear-felt sympathy to the relations of the deceased and also to the injured persons.
3. That this meeting emphatically demands that besides Urdu Bengali should be the State Language of Pakistan.
S/d A. Hossain
Mukhtars Bar Association, Bogra
Government of East Bengal, B-Proceedings Bangladesh National Archives, Political Department October, 1952, Bundle No. 65, Proceedings No. 307

সূত্র: ভাষা আন্দোলনের দলিলপত্র – রতন লাল চক্রবর্ত্তী সম্পাদিত