ভাষাপ্রশ্নে শাসনতন্ত্র পরিষদের নিকট রাগীব আহসানের আহ্বান
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is an ideological democratic State based on the dynamic ideology of Islam and progressive social democracy propounded by Islam. Pakistan is the unique and only state in the comity of states of world, which is grounded on the one and only foundation of the spiritual unity given and granted to its people as free gift by Islam and the Lingua Franca of URDU. Minus Islam and Urdu there is no other basis of the unity of Pakistan, because Pakistan, with its two regions of East and West separated by one ihousand miles from each other, lacks even the territorial unity which is regarded as the last and irreducible minimum basis of unity of the territorial, material, ethnic, secular nation-states of the world. Pakistan is essentially a brotherhood of Faith and the Faithful. Islam and Urdu are the two bonds of the unity of Pakistan which integrate, unify and bind together the diverse regions and peoples of Pakistan in the one indivisible whole of a MILLET and a polity grounded on the sovereignty of Allah-Rabbul Alemeen. l’akistan in a very real sense is the State of spirit and mind of the people. Pakistan is pre-eminently the Commonwealth of the soul.
A Few Submission to Members of Pakistan Constituent Assembly by Raghib Ahsan, Ex-M.P. (India), Dacca, July, 1954.
Government of East Bengal, B-Proceedings, Bangladesh National Archives, Political Department, Bundle No. 139, February, 1956, Proceedings No. 19-20.
সূত্র: ভাষা আন্দোলনের দলিলপত্র – রতন লাল চক্রবর্ত্তী সম্পাদিত