শাসনতন্ত্র পরিষদে ভাষার ব্যবহার সম্পর্কিত প্রেস বিজ্ঞপ্তি
Government of East Bengal
Home Department
From : D.L. Power, Esc., P.A.S.,
To : Deputy Sec. to the Govt. of East Bengal
No. 745-P., dated Dacca, the 3rd March, 1948.
I am desired to request you to bring the enclosed Press Note to the notice of your staff.
Deputy Sec. to the Govt. of East Bengal 3/P.M.3.3
Press Note
Some misunderstanding appears to have arised over the implications of the recent decision of the Constituent Assmebly that all proceedings in that house shall be conduced in Urdu or English. Government, therefore, consider it necessary to clarify the implications of this decision. The rule in question as passed by the Constituent Assmebly reads as follows:
“All proceedings in the Constituent Assembly shall be conducted in the Urdu or English language, provided that the President may allow any person unacquinted or not sufficiently acquinted with Urdu or English to use another language”.
It would be clear, that this decision is merely a matter of procedural convenience; it does not ban the use of Bengalee or Sindhi or Punjabi or Pushtu by a Member of the Constituent Assembly in that house, nor indeed does this decision in any way prejudice the issue of whether Bengalee should be the State language of this province. That issue can be decided at the appropriate time solely in accordance with the wishes of the people of this province alone as ascertained through their accredited representatives. Government wish to warn the people of this province that the enemies of this State are already busy trying to exploit this decision with a view to creating a split among the Muslims of this province on whose solidarity the strength of fastern Pakistan primarily depends and that they have decided to deal firmly, as under the circumstances they must, with any attempt on the part of political saboteurs to create trouble.
B. Progs. Home Judicial Bundle -107, January, 1952 Progs, 55-57
সূত্র: ভাষা আন্দোলনের দলিলপত্র – রতন লাল চক্রবর্ত্তী সম্পাদিত