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বাংলাকে অফিসিয়াল ভাষা হিসেবে গৃহীত সরকারি প্রস্তাব

Government of East Bengal
Legislative Assembly Department

Mo. 190 L. A.
From : S. A. F. Hussain Esq.
Secretary to the East Bengal Legislative Assembly
The Secretary to the Government of East Bengal Home (Political) Department Dacca, the 21st April, 1948.
Subject : Decision on Resolution
I am directed to state that the Government resolution which stood in the name of the Hon’ble Mr. K. Nazimuddin, M. L. A., Prime Minister was moved by him at the meeting of the East Bengal Legislative Assembly held on the 6th April, 1948. It was discussed at the meeting of the East Bengal Legislative Assembly held on the 8th April, 1948 and was carried by the Assembly without division as slightly amended. The verbal amendment moved by the original mover for replacing the word “scholars” by the word “students” was also accepted. Copies enclosed.
A copy of the printed debate will be forwarded in due course.
I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant
Sd/S. A. E. Hussain
Secretary to the East Bengal Legislative Assembly
Government Resolution As Moved in the House
V. The Hon’ble Mr. K. Nazimuddin to move that this Assembly is of opinion that (a)k Bengali shall be adopted as official language for replacing English in the Province of East Bengal ; and (b) the medium of instruction in educational institutions in East Bengal shall, as far as possible, be Bengali, or the mother tongue of the majority of students in the institutions.
Amendment Carried
16. Mr. Ahmed Ali Mirdha to move that at the end of the text in clause (a) of the resolution the following be added at the end “and it will be implemented as soon as the practical difficulties are removed”.
The resolution as amended and finally agreed to by the Assembly:
The Hon’ble Mr. K. Nazimuddin :
This Assembly is of opinion that –
(a) Bengali shall be adopted as official language for replacing English in Province of East Bengal and it will be implemented as soon as the practical difficulties are removed ; and
(b) the medium of instruction in educational institutions in East Bengal shall, as far as possible, be Bengali, or the mother tongue of the majority of students in the institutions.
Government of East Bengal, B-Proceedings, Bangladesh National Archives, Honie Department, Political Branch, Bundle-48, July, 1949, Proceedings No. 11-12.

সূত্র: ভাষা আন্দোলনের দলিলপত্র – রতন লাল চক্রবর্ত্তী সম্পাদিত