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A British woman Member of Parliament, Mrs. Jill Knight. who is now urging President Yahya Khan to investigate the latest atrocity reports.

Mrs. Knight, a member of the ruling Conservative Party has written to him calling for punishment of “guilty soldiers or units.”

On June 9 she wrote in the Daily Telegraph here, after coming back from a visit sponsored by the Pakistan Government, that she had been unable to find an eye evidence of army masscred in East Pakistan.

But Monday the Telegraph reported that the return last weekend of a delegation of MP’s sponsored by the British Government had caused Mrs. Knight to-revise her opinion.

The British delegation reported that atrocites were st:ll being committed by the Pakistan Army against children as well as adults.

Mrs. Knight said in her letter to the president that during her recent visit to East Pakistan she could find no evidence that the killing or wounding of innocent people was continuing, and that her statement to this effect was widely publicised.

Now the three MP’s who have just returned say they have seen about 150 people, recently wounded by the Pakistan Army in hospital in Boliadi…. ‘Sir, it is imperative for the peace and future of your country that these reports are fully investigated at once and if responsibility lies with the army, that the guilty soldiers or units are punished in such a way as to ensure an immediate cessation of such crimes, “I would hope that press reporters could be on the investigating team, so that the whole truth of the matter is seen and publicised”-Reuter.


Reference : The Djakarta Times, 08.07.1971