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Pakistan Observer
7th November 1964

Is Disparity Being Removed?
Mujib Says It’s All Bunkum
Why Not Publish Report of Finance Commission?

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, in a Press statement on Friday said that the present Government’s much publicised intention to do away with the disparity between the two Provinces has proved to be just a cover to cripple East Pakistan economically and to maintain and strengthen its status as the market for the rapidly developing part of the country, i. e. West Pakistan. He asked if the present regime was so serious about removing disparity why they did not even publish the report submitted by the Finance Commission set up for the purpose?
Following is the text of his statement:-
“The Conventionist Muslim League Presidential Nominee Field Marshal Ayub Khan and his associates are repeating adnauseam that they have dedicated their body, life and soul, to the cause of East Pakistan’s economic prosperity and that they are determined to wipe out in the quickest possible time the disparity existing between East and West Pakistan. In all fairness, I must say, that they have the honesty to admit that there is economic disparity between East and West Pakistan. But their honesty reaches only thus far and no further. Their much publicised intention to do away with this disparity has proved to be just a cover to further cripple East Pakistan economically and to maintain and strengthen its status as the market for the rapidly developing industrial part of the country. i. e. West Pakistan. “Through Press Notes and in public statements these gentlemen every now and then declare the sanctioning of grandiose plans, projects and plants for the development of East Pakistan. Months and years pass by, but nothing is again heard about the fate of these. For the last six years we have been overfed with such announcements. If even 25% of these paper schemes were to be transformed into reality East Pakistan would now be safely on its way to an economic ElDorado and our standard of living would be higher than that of Sweden or America. Field Marshal Ayub Khan and his friends believe earnestly that public memory is short.”

সূত্র: সংবাদপত্রে বঙ্গবন্ধু দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড: ষাটের দশক ॥ প্রথম পর্ব