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Morning news
10th August 1963

Mujib off to London To see Suhrawardy

(Morning news service)
Karachi, Aug. 9: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman former General Secretary of the defunct Awami League flew to London this morning for important political discussions with his chief, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. Although the exact nature of Mr. Rahman’s mission to London is not known, he has been sent by his fellow partymen to persuade Mr. Suhrawardy to agree to the Awami League participation in the proposed all Pakistan National Democratic Party.
The Awami League chief who is convalescing in London after a heart attack, has not so far been enthusiastic about the idea of the formation of a National Democratic Party comprising the component parties and groups of the National Democratic Front. Mr. Mujibur Rahman flew into Karachi on Thursday and left for London after an overnight stay in the city. It is not known whether he had any meeting with any political leaders here. It may be re-called that Mr.Mahmudul Huq Usmani of the National Awami Party had announced on Wednesday that the stage was set for converting the National Democratic Front into the National Democratic Party.
But some important Awami Leaguers including Mr.Suhrawardy, the Jamaat-i-Islami and a section of the Council Muslim League headed by Mian Mumtaz Daultana, are known to be against the formation of an all Pakistan all -party political organisation.
The leaders of the National Awami Party, the Krishak Sramik Party, a number of Awami Leagures and the leaders of the non-revivalist sectiobn of the Muslim League (Mr. Nurul Amin and his followers) apear to have decided to join the new party.
If Mr. Mujibur Rahman, who is in favour of the NDF, succeeds in bringing round Mr. Suhrawardy to his point of view, then a major obstacle in the way of the formation of the NDP will have been removed.
The visit of Mr. Rahman to London was apparently necessitated because Ms. Suhrawardy dose not plan to return to Pakistan until the end of October. It is also in the interest of the protagonists of the NDP to secure the agreement of Mr.Suhrawardy when he is abroad because while he is in the country, he is apt to vascillate under different political influences.

সূত্র: সংবাদপত্রে বঙ্গবন্ধু দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড: ষাটের দশক ॥ প্রথম পর্ব