Beirut. Lebanon June 24 (AP).
TWO INDIAN cabinet ministers Thursday launched an appeal for Arab mediation with Pakistan to solve the explosive refugee crisis.
Agriculture Minister Fakhreddine Ali Ahmed met Lebanese Premier Saeb Salam and other officials in Beirut to expiain India’s stand.
Sources close to the meeting said Ahmed asked Lebanon to exert moral pressure on the Pakistani Government to solve the problem by taking back the refugees.
In Amman Jordan. Indian Minerals Minister Fawaz Khan met the same request to Jordan Prime Minister Wasti Tell.
Sources said India believes Jordan’s postion as a mediator especially good because of the ties between King Hussein the Pakistani regime of President Yahya Khan. Hossein’s brother Crown Prince Hassan, is married to a Pakistani.
The sources said that Jordan would exert its own offices with Pakistan.
More talks between the Indian envoys and local officials are places in the two capitals Friday
Reference : Indonesian Observer, 25.06.1971