Rawalpindi. June 27 (AP).
The Pakistan Government has announced that it is to tax the rich more harshly to pay for an increased national budget 54 per cent of which will go towards “defence.”
M.M. Ahmad, economic adviser to President Yahya Khan, said Saturday that a greater allocation had been made to East Pakistan than to the four provinces of West Pakistan.
He said in the budget for 1971-72 the government would be spending about 200 million rupees – about 26 million dolars- mere on defense than in the last budget.
The receipts from additional taxes – mostly indirect- would be 586 million rupees – about 51 million dollars- leaving a revenue surplus of 865 million rupees (about 115 million dollars).
On the development side expenditure would be 5,500 million rupees about 700 million dollars.
Reference : The Indonesian Observer, 28.06.1971