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USA consulting Russia to perevent Indo-Pak war

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.— the USA is conferring with Russia and other countries on diplomatic measures to prevent any outbreak of war in the Indian sub-continent, according to an administration official here reports UPI.
The Official said the USA was also consulting Britain, France and other countries to see if there was some co-operative diplomatic effort they might undertake to reduce tensions and reverse what appears to be war preparations.
An official said that what the USA was engaged in “preventive diplomacy” in consultation with the governments most immediately concerned, as well as others.
Reuter reports from Jakarta: Indonesia would like to see both India and Pakistan do everything possible to prevent deterioration of their border situation, a Foreign Office spokesman said today.
Indonesia believed that any action, which would aggravate relations between the two countries, could eventually affect peace in the area, the spokesman said.
Meanwhile, the U.N. Secretary-General. U Thant, is “very much concerned” at the deteriorating situation along the Indo-Pak border and he is “very closely watching the developments,” reports PTI.
This was stated by an official spokesman of the Secretary-General today.

Reference: Hindustan Standard 20.10.1971

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