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Two E. Pakistan Diplomats Gets Asylum In India 

TWO East Pakistan diplomats on the staff of the Pakistan high commission in New Delhi sought asylum in India- and was granted it- early wednesday to protest the army crackdown on their native province.

The two men, second secretary K.M. Shehabuddin, 30, an assiаtant press attache Amjadul Haq, 38, announced their severance with the Pakistan government at a postmidnight news conference In prepared statement the diplomats said they … Allegiance now to the “sovereign government of Bangla Desh”.

In their statement, the diplomats said the West Pakistan army was “engaged in a wanton massacre of the innocent and unarmed people of Bangla Desh.”


United News of India said that leaders of Sheikh Mujib’s outlawed Awami League announced Sunday formation of an official “Bangla Desh (Bengali Nations)” Government.

The agency, in a dispatch from the Indian border town of Jalpaigurl, 300 milles (480 km) north of Calcutta, said the announcement was made “somewhere in Bangla Desh” at hnurriedly called press conference conducted by Abdur Rouf, member of the Pakistan National Assembly, which was elected in December but never met.

Rouf was quoted as saying that Sheikh Mujib had been elected President of the Government and Tajuddin Ahmed, the General Secretary of the Awami League, had been named Prime Minister.

United News said that Rouf, in a statement, had expressed that the government would gain membership in the United Nation and be recognized by other countries.


Reference : Indonesian Observer, 12.04.1971

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