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The U.N. and its specialised organisations got into action Monday to help thousands of East Pakistan refugees in India theratened by a wide-scale cholera epidemic, report from U.N. said.

Food and medical supplies are to be sent to India, while special U.N emissariesa will visit the Pakistan cities of Islamabad and Dacca to arrange effective humanitarian aid for the Indian sub-continent.

At the same time Indian diplomatic circles here expressed that the U.N. SecretayGeneral had chosen Pakistan as social point for efforts to ease the plight of East Pakistani refugees in India.

The UN special envoy for negotiations with the Pakistan Government, the Fraque Ismao Kittany, was expected to arrive in Dacca, capital of East Pakistan Monday following talks with president Yahya Khan.

Yahya Khan has reportedly fully agreed with Kittany’s plans for relief, and the U.N. Secretary-General is said to be satisfied with the way the talk went.

Bahgat El-Tawil, deputy to Kittan, will remain in East Pakistan to coordinate U.N. aid

U.N. spokesman said Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan High Comissioner for Refugee Affairs, had arrived in Islamabad for an informatory visit.

W.H.O. Cabled The “World Health Organisation” (WHO) cabled U.N. Headquarters Monday saying it was not yet possible to give a survey of the cholera epidemic.

‘WHO” has reportedly accorded with an Indian request and despatched “large quantities” of injection syringes and needles, half a million units of cholera vaccine and quarter of a million litres of rehydration liquid.


Reference : The Djakarta Times, 09.06.1971

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