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Consortium concerned over evacuee influx

PARIS, JUNE 20. – Serious concern over the influx of evacuees into India in the wake of events in Bangladesh was expressed by delegates to the 14-member aid India Consortium which concluded its two-day meeting here yesterday reports PTI.
At a special session devoted to the consideration of the problem of Bangladesh evacuees in India both from the humanitarian point of view and its serious impact on India’s developing economy – the delegates were of the view that the problem was an international responsibility and any prolongation of this would cause a serious setback to Indian economy.
While unanimous in acknowledging that the only solution to this lay in the creation of conditions in Bangladesh enabling the refugees to return to their homes, the delegates accepted that there was need for themselves to share the burden put on India. However, they agreed that any contribution made by them on this behalf should be in addition to the economic assistance they might be extending to India.
From this acknowledgement on their part, it might be assumed that Consortium members had accepted their own obligation to play their part in this regard and see that necessary conditions were created in Bangladesh for the evacuees return. And this for them should not be very difficult since all except Australia of the Aid India Consortium members are also members of the Aid Pakistan Club and they as major Western aid-givers can apply an economic squeeze on Islamabad with a view to forcing it to resolve the problem.
But whether they would do it confirming to their professions is yet to be seen. Doubts arise owing to the president ‘s public statements by Government leaders both in the US and in Britain rejecting the suggestion of using economic aid as a lever to force West Pakistan to come to terms with Bangladesh. Neither of them is apparently willing to annoy a SEATO and CENTO partner.

Reference: Hindustan Standard, 21.06.1971

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