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Suhrawardy’s son supports Bangla cause

LONDON, OCT. 10- Mr. Rashed Suhrawardy, only son of the late H. S. Suhrawardy wao was founder of the Awami League and the former Pakistan Prime Minister, has in his father’s name supported the cause of Bangladesh. He said in a statement (reports PTI), independence was bound to be achieved.
Not being in the politics Mr. Suhrawardy had so far refrained from issuing any statement but he now felt incumbent to speak out as it had become apparent that the imagined memory of his father, Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy. were being sought to be tarnished.
The reference obviously was to his sister, Mrs. Akhter Suleiman, who is married to a West Pakistani and settled in Karachi and is known to be helping President Yahya Khan’s propaganda against Bangladesh. Recently she was stated to have visited London and Pakistanis using her father’s name.
The people of East Bengal had been economically exploited and politically dominated by West Pakistan for the past 24 years and they were now forced to take up arms to resist the genocide and other heinous cirmes perpetrated by the West Pakistan Army.
“I have no doubt in my mind that the brave freedom fighters will succeed in achieving full independence by ejecting the invading army”, Mr. Suhrawardy added.
He looked forward to going to Bangladesh in the near future.
He conveyed his greetings to the Government of Bangladesh, the members of which were all colleagues of my father and who were great objects of his affection.”
Mr. Suhrawardy, 28, graduate of an English university and due to be called to the bar soon.

Reference: Hindustan Standard, 11.10.1971

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