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Bangladesh institutes gallantry awards

MUJIBNAGAR, SEPT. 25- The Bangladesh Government have instituted four gallantry awards for the “valiant performance” of the Mukti Bahini in eliminating the enemy troops and asked the commanders for their recommendations in this regard, say agencies.
This was announced by Col. M. A. G. Osmany, Commander-in-Chief of the Bangladesh forces last night in a broadcast over the Radio Bangladesh on the completion of six months of freedom struggle.
The Commander-in-Chief declared that the war in Bangladesh was a crusade in defense of justice and truth, and echoed the people’s firm resolve to free the country, whatever the cost.
Col. Osmany said that the war in Bangladesh was a national war in which the entire nation irrespective of political beliefs, caste or creed stood united as one man.
There could be no solution to the Bangladesh issue except on the basis of the unconditional release of Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman, transfer of power to the people’s elected representatives and withdrawal of Pakistani forces.
Col. Osmany made a detailed survey of the events leading up to the outbreak of the liberation war and said that the liberation forces had fought the enemy many times superior in number and fire power with selfless dedication and determination.
The action against the enemy was being vigorously purpused and the enemy had now “funked” by the impact of the vigorous strikes on him by the freedom-fighters.
He congratulated the freedom-fighters on their unprecedented success. But there was no room for complacency about the task ahead, he hastened to add.
In a reference to the refugees, he expressed gratitude to India for looking after them at a great cost, and said “our people in these refugee camps in India may rest assured we shall see them back in their hearth and homes living free from fear and duress.”

Reference: Hindustan Standard, 26.09.1971