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Bhasani free to visit Delhi

BHOPAL, MAY. 19. The National Awami Party leader Maulana Abdul Hamid Bhashani is at liberty to come to New Delhi any time he likes the Union Minister for Industrial Development Mr. Moinul Haque Chawdhury, told newsmen here today, reports PTI.
Mr. Chaudhury said he had a meeting with the Maulana about a month back. He was neither pro-Chinese nor opposed to Sheik Mujibur Rahman, he added.
He repudiated the Pakistani charge that Bengalis were killing Urdu-speaking people in Bangladesh. “This is a canard spread by Pakistan and there is no truth in it.”
The Minister said he did not agree with the view that the Pakistani Army was in full control of Bangladesh. In the villages people were still in revolt and the Army was not able to suppress them.

Reference: Hindustan Standard, 20.05.1971.