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Solution To E. Bengal Issue Essential: Podgorny

MOSCOW, Sept. 15.—The Soviet President, Mr. Nikolai Podgorny, has called for a speedy political settlement in East Bengal as a condition for the preservation of peace in Southern Asia reports PTI.
Speaking at a Kremli banquet last night in honour of King Mohammed Zahir Shah of Afghanistan. Mr. Podgorny warned against “the forces which would not mind using the prevailing tense situation in the sub-continent to attain their unseemly ends and for whipping up aimed clashes in that area.”
He upheld the recent Soviet-Indian treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation, as an important factor in preserving and strengthening peace and security in Asia and in the whole world.
The Soviet President said: “An aggravation of the situation in the Asian sub-continent has taken place lately The problem of refugees from East Pakistan rose in connexion with the known events there. Tension has grown in relations between the two biggest States of the area-India and Pakistan.”
He added: “Preservation of peace in Southern Asia will depend considerably on the speediest attainment of a political settlement of the problems that appeared in East Bengal with due regard for the lawful interests of its population, on the creation there of safe conditions for the return of the refugees and on the readiness of the State leaders of that region to prevent the sliding down to a military conflict.
Excerpts released by Tass last night of the Afghan Kings reply to the toast contained no direct references to the situation in the Indian subcontinent nor to the Indo-Soviet treaty.
An AFP report from Warsaw adds: Poland expressed its “understanding” of the Indian attitude towards Pakistan on the Bangladesh issue during talks here yesterday between an Indian parliamentary delegation and Polish leaders. Both sides expressed the desire to increase cooperation between their countries.

Reference: Hindustan Standard 16.09.1971

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