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Secret Documents of Intelligent Branch on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman volume-VI (1960-1961)

বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ কপিরাইট সমস্যা যাতে না হয় সেকারণে সকল লেখা শুধুমাত্র ‘only Readable’, ‘non-downloadable’ ও ‘non-clickable’ রাখা হয়েছে। সংগ্রামের নোটবুকের সকল নথি-পত্রিকা-দলিল-সংকলন-বই থেকে নেয়া তথ্য-ছবি-ভিডিও শুধুমাত্র গবেষণার কাজে ব্যবহার্য। বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাম ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণার জন্য সংগ্রামের নোটবুক একটি অলাভজনক অবাণিজ্যিক স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে গড়া প্রচেষ্টা।

Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman while travelling from Dacca to Barisal and from there to Gopalganj by steamer.
Dacca, 3 January 1960
The R.I.O., Dacca.
Beg to report that I was on secret watch duty at N.Ganj R.S. and S. Ghat on 30.12.59 from 11.00 hrs. to 15.00 hrs, and 19.00 hrs. to 24.00 hrs.
During my duty period at about 22.30 hrs. (30.12.59) suspect S.K. Mazibur Rahman (Ex-Minister) arrived at N.Ganj Steamer Ghat along with his family without being shadow.
On secret enquiry I came to learn that he would proceed to Faridpur by Khulna mail Steamer on the same day. Then I rang up to D.I.B. office Dacca for instruction.
Accordingly I shadowed him in the Steamer from N. Ganj on 30.12.59 from 23.00 hrs.
On 31.12.59 at about 11.00 hrs. arrived Barisal Steamer Ghat 4 unknown persons of Barisal town met suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman in the Steamer in the 1st Class Cabin at about 12.45 hrs. The suspect left Steamer for Girza Mohalla to the house of A. Rouf Sarnamat. I point out about the suspect to D.I.B. Barisal at Steamer Ghat who was on duty there but he refused to take the duty on the suspect, I tried to collect his name but refused to give. Then proceeded to the house of A. Rouf Sarnmat by Rickshaw. At about 13.15 hrs. the suspect left the house of Sarnamat for Steamer. I shadowed him by a Rickshaw the suspect availed Steamer for Gopardanga at about 13.30 hrs. On 31.12.59 at about 22.30 hrs. the suspect reached at Gopardanga Steamer Ghat. I made over the suspect to WC/ Sk. Omar Ali of Gopalganj D.I.B. at Gopordanga Steamer Ghat. I submitted my shadowing report to D.I.B. office Gopalganj for information and necessary action.
Sd/- A. Rahim.
Narayanganj R.I.B.

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Side note: Forwarded to O/C Watch, I.B. for information and n/a. Sd/-R.I.O. 3.1.60.
D.S. VI may pl. like to see. Sd/-O/C Watch, 4.1.60. S.S.(2) may kindly see. D.I.B. Barisal may be requested to report on the activities of Sk. Majibar Rahman and comment on the conduct of the Barisal W/C. An extract of last Para may be sent D.I.B. Barisal for their information and n/a. Copy to D.F. & original to P.F. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 4.1.60, Sd/-Moinuddin, 4.1.60.
[Ext. from Watch Report1 dt. 3.1.60 regarding Ex. Spr., Sk. Mujibar Rahman]
Phone No. 4231/18 Secret
No. 626/ dt. 11.1.60
606-48 P.F. (E)
S.P., D.I.B., Bakarganj.
Copy forwarded to – for information and with the request to report on the activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman during his stay at Barisal together with your comments on the conduct of the w/c of your D.I.B.
Sd/ – 9.1
D.S .VI for S.S.11 Side note: Issue, 11.1.60
D.S. VI, Orders bellow – Draft for approval pl. Sd/ -9.1.60 Done pl. Sd/ -11.1.60
Secret. Phone. 134.
District Intelligence Branch Bakarganj, the 13th Feb.1960 No. 873/R.368/P.7/16-60.
To Moinuddin, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Reference your No: 626/606-48 P.F. (E) dated the 11th January, 1960.
1. Watch Report – Regular report submitted by IB officer about open or secret activities of the members of political organizations. It may sometimes be necessary to place 24 hour watch on a house or persons to verify and collect secret information.

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Suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman, referred to therein, arrived at Barisal Steamer Ghat on 31.12.59 at 11.00 hrs. (1) Fazle Ali Sikdar (AL), s/o Arab Ali of Barisal Town, (2) Musharaf Husain @ Nannu (YL/NAP), s/o Mufizuddin of Bagura Road, Barisal Town and (3) S.M. Hasan @ Pinto (AL), s/o Ismail of College Row, Barisal Town met the suspect on board the steamer in the 1st class cabin on his arrival. The watcher who was alone on duty at the ghat, knowing the arrival of the suspect from the R.I.B. A.S.I came to the D.I.B. Office and reported the matter. Accordingly watch duty was arranged on the suspect during his stay at Barisal Town.
In course of his movement at Barisal Town, he with the members of his family went to the house of his close relative, Abdur Rabb Sarniamat (NAP) at Kalibari Road, Barisal Town where he also met Jahangir @ Zahid Hussain (AL), s/o Amjad Ali Peshkar of Barisal Town. The suspect left Barisal for Gopardanga, Faridpur on the same day (31.12.59) at 13.30 hrs. by the same steamer. The subject matter of discussion could not be ascertained.
It is not a fact that the watcher on duty refused to take up the suspect.
Sd/ -13.2 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B Bakarganj.
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 3340 dt. 23.2.60
606-48 P.F. (E) Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
A Copy of Barisal D.I.B. memo No. 873 dt. 13.2.60 together with that of this office memo No. 626 dt. 11.1.60 is forwarded herewith for your information.
Sd/ -20.2 D.S. VI for S.S. !!
Copy of Explanation dated 15.4.60 of A.S.I. A. Rahim of N. Ganj R.I.B.
I have the honour to explain that my report dated 31.12.59 is correct. On this particular date when the suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at Barisal Steamer Ghat at 11.00 hrs. by Steamer. I searched for Barisal D.I.B. watcher on duty at the ghat and found one watcher who was on duty there. I informed him about the suspect and wanted to make over the suspect to him. He stated to me that he was

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going to D.I.B. Office, Barisal to take instructions from his superior officers from D.I.B. Office, Barisal. After his (said watcher) return at Steamer Ghat he stated that O/C, Watch of Barisal D.I.B. ordered him not to receive the suspect from me. I also met the Reader of O/C, Watch of Barisal D.I.B. at the Steamer Ghat who also stated that they have got no such order to receive the suspect and the D.I.B. who followed the suspect from the starting of the suspect’s journey should follow him up to his destination.
As the watcher (Barisal D.I.B.) refused to receive the suspect, I shadowed him up to Goperdanga and submitted a report to D.I.B. Office Gopalganj.
This is for kind information.
Copy of report dt. 23.4.60 of the Inspr. in-Charge of Watch, Dacca, D.I.B.
The report of Barisal D.I.B. more or less corroborates the report of our A.S.I. so far the movement of the subject at Barisal town is concerned.
As regards the refusal or non-refusal of taking over the suspect by the watcher of Barisal D.I.B., the explanation of A.S.I. Abdur Rahim may be perused. Admitting that Barisal D.I.B. staff did not refuse to take up the watch, then what made our A.S.I. to run after the subject within the town of Barisal. Besides our A.S.I. again shadowed the subject from Barisal to Goperdanga, Faridpur. If Barisal D.I.B. would have taken over the suspect our A.S.I. would not have shadowed him (suspect) either at the Barisal town or from Barisal to Goperdanga, Faridpur as the same would have been done by Barisal D.I.B. Report of Barisal D.I.B. goes in favour of our A.S.I. and the version of Barisal D.I.B. stands contradicted by their own report.
Secret PHONE NO. 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 2nd/4th May, 1960. No. 4012/ R.1405,100-49.
Forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information, with reference to his No. 3340/606-48 P.F.(E), dated 23.2.60.
Sd/(A. Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.

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Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 8632/606-48 P.F. dt. 16.5.60.
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca
Sub: Watch on the activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Please refer to your memo No. 4012 dt. 4.5.60.
According to Rule 101(9) of D.I.B. Manual Dacca D.I.B Watcher was to shadow the subject up to his destination. However, the matter has been dropped.
Sd/ -13.5.60 DS VI for SS 11


Report on relationship between the groups of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Ataur Rahman Khan
Dacca, 11 January 1960
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 569 dt. 11.1.60
606-48 P.F.(E) Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca
Please refer to this office memo No. 20215 dt. 17.12.59 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/ -6.1.60 DS VI for SS 11
Side note: Bellow another please. Sd/ – 9.1.60
Secret. Phone No. 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 12th January, 1960. No. 379 /R. 9323. 100-49 P.F.

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Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 20215/606-48 P.F. (E) dated 17.12.59.
There is some corroboration of the information regarding disaffection between the groups of the Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan2 (Ex- C.M.) at this end. In this connection Part III (a) (ii) of our S.W.R. dated 24.12.59 may kindly be referred to.
As regards monetary help from Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy3 and others nothing could be known.
Sd/-12.1.60 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report on acquittal of Manik Mia from case, Manik Mia and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman exchanged wishes inside magistrate
court. Dacca, 11 January 1960
Phone No.4231/61 Secret
2. Ataur Rahman Khan (1907-1991) – He was a politician and lawyer, founding Vice-President of Awami League. He was the key member of All Party Language Movement Working Committee and Joint Convener of United Front. He was Chief Minister of East Pakistan from September 1956 until promulgation of Martial Law by Ayub Khan in 1958. He floated a new political party Jatio League’ in 1969. He joined to the new party ‘Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League’ formed by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He took part in the Cabinet of Lt. General Hussain Mohammad Ershad Government and served as Prime Minister for nine months.
3. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (8 September 1892 – 5 December 1963) – H.S. Suhrawardy was born into a prominent Bengali Muslim family at Medinipur, West Bengal. He obtained BSc. (Hons.) and BCL (Bachelor of Civil Law) Degree from Oxford University. Suhrawardy was a renowned politician and statesman from Bengal in the first half of the 20th century and served as the last Prime Minister of Bengal during the British rule. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, he became a leading populist statesman of the then East Pakistan. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, leaving the Muslim League he joined the newly formed Awami League in 1952. He was the political mentor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and a public celebrated orator.

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No. 570 dt. 11.1.60
606-48 P.F.(E) Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Please refer to this office memo No. 20214 dt. 17.12.59 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/-6.1.60 DS VI for SS 11
Side note: Bellow another please. Sd/ -9.1.60
Copy of report from the Court Inspector, Sadar Court, Dacca, dated 12.1.60.
Respectfully beg to submit that Mr. Jahiruddin, Advocate, was defending Manik Mia @ Tofazzal Hussain Chaudhury in his case. On 29.10.59 Mr. Jahiruddin left the Summary Military Court hurriedly to attend the Court of Mr. K.M. Rahman, Magistrate, to defend Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Ex-Minister in that Court. Later on, Manik Mia got acquitted from the case. Manik Mia then ran to the Court of Mr. K.M. Rahman, to talk with Mr. Jahiruddin, Advocate and give him the result of his case. Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Ex-Minister was there at the Court. There were other Lawyers. Manik Mia wished Mujibur Rahman and the latter returned him the wishes. It was all in the presence of the Magistrate and others.
Secret Phone No. 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 27th January, 1960. No. 874/ R. 9322/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca for information, with reference to his No. 20214/606-48 P.F.(E) dated 17.12.59.
Sd/ -27.1.60. Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

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Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 1881 dt. 28.1.60
606-48 P.F.(E)
Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Please expedite your reply to this office memo No. 20214 dt. 17.12.59 and reminder No. 570 dt. 11.1.60.
Sd/ -27.1 for D.S. VI for S.S. 11
Side note: Below another Please. Reply received vide P 3143.


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail gate while freed from prison. None except his wife and children
were present at the jail gate.
Dacca, 11 January 1960 Phone No.4231/61
No.568/606-48 P.F.(E) dt. 11.1.60 Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Please refer to this office memo No. 20555 dt. 23.12.59 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/ -6.1.60
DS VI for SS 11 Side note: Reply Received, vide Page 3144
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 1880/ 606-48 P.F.(E) dt. 28.1.60

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Addl. S.P D.I.B., Dacca.
Please expedite your reply to this office memo No. 20555 dt. 23.12.59 and reminder No. 568 dt. 11.1.60.
Sd/ -27.1 for D.S. VI for S.S. 11
Side note: Reply received, vide Page 3144
Secret Phone No. 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 1st February, 1960. No. 1034/ R. 9560/100-19 P.F.
M. S. Haider, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your office No. 20555/606-48 P.F.(E) dated 23.11.59.
I write to inform you that the wife of Ex-Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman and her children were present at the jail gate with their jeep to receive Sk. Mujibur Rahman. None else is reported to have attended the jail gate at the time of release of the subject.
The actual number of the jeep by which Sk. Mujibur Rahman left the jail is number 111.
Sd/ -1.2.60 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


District Intelligence Branch watch report mentioned Sheikh Mujibur Rahman did not visit his home district after release.
Dacca, 13 January 1960
Secret PHONE NO. 6
District Intelligence Branch, Khulna, the 13 Jany. 1960 No. 201/ R.5639/21-59

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To M. Yusuff, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Your No. 20775 (3) dated 24-12-59 reg. visit of Sk. Mujibur Rahman to this district.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman did not visit this district until now. Watch is however, being maintained and if he visits this district in future, report on his movements and contacts will be reported in time.
Sd/ -12.1.60 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Khulna.


Report on H S Suhrawardy’s Dacca visit and Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman requested him for a job.
Dacca, 14 January 1960
S.S. 11 / D.S. VI
It was learnt from a reliable source that Sk. Mujibur Rahman, ExGenl. Secy of the defunct Awami league was in constant touch with Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy, Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan, since his arrival at Dacca on 11.1.60. He was very pleased to see Sk. Mujibur Rahman out of the jail. Sk. Mujibur Rahman informed him about his present condition, having no source of income and requested him to get some job for him. It was expected that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy would do something for him before he left Dacca. Sk. Mujibur Rahman was trying to get some sort of agency with the help of Gul Mohammad Adamji of Adamji Jute Mills Ltd., Narayanganj, Dacca.
II. On 12.1.60 Sk. Mujibur Rahman took Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to the
house of Mr. Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Miayan, Editor, “Ittafaq”‘; Dacca, which was a newly built one. The house is situated at Baje Kakril, Dacca. Manik Miayan and Sheikh Saheb requested Mr. H.S.

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Suhrawardy to stay in the house, which would saw him from the disturbed atmosphere of the Hotel Shahbagh. He did not agree to it
and left the place immediately. III. On the same date in the afternoon Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy went to a
house at Bailey Road, Dacca, which was being occupied by some high official and was there till late in the evening and took his dinner there.
IV. During his stay at his native place in Faridpur, Sk. Mujibur Rahman
most of the time seen remained in his house, with his parents. A good number of the local villagers, some of whom were Ex. A.L. workers met him at his house.
It was also learnt that Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed, Ex. Central Minister, is at present ailing from Govt. He passes his time in writing books. He seldom goes out of his house.
Submitted, Sd/ -Inspr I.B.
14.1.60. Side note: Seen, S.S.(2) may kindly see.
Re: Para II. It was not mentioned in watch report. The inspr. may please request the time. Re: Para III. The Inspr. may fix the house & collect particulars of the occupant. He may also try to collect information regarding the purpose. Re: Para IV. May call for a report from S.P., D.I.B., Faridpur, for activity of the subject during his stay at Faridpur. Para V. This is known. Ext. to P.F. of Abul Munsur. Ext. given to file no. 203/57 P.F. Copy of para Il to the P.F. of Tafazzal Hussain & that of the whole report except para V to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-D.S. VI, 14.1 Seen. Sd/-14.1.60 Ext. given to file no. 681/49 P.E.
D.S. (6)
Reference my report dated 14.1.60 at page 3134, para II, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy visited the house of Manik Miayan @ Tafazzal Hossain4 between 11.30 to 12.00 hours.
4. Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah – (1911- 1 June, 1969) – Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah was a prominent Bengali journalist and politician. He was editor of the Ittefaq. Manik Miah played a vital role during the rise of Bengali nationalism in 1960s. Manik Miah was active in writing

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Re: Para III. I have already submitted a report to you.
Sd/-inspr. I.B.


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visiting Tungipara to see his old ailing parents anxious to see him. No undesirable
person visited him.
Faridpur, 14 January 1960 Copy of a D.I.O5, ‘s report dated 8.1.60.
A.L. Suspect No. 560, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (AL/Ex- security prisoner), s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca reached Tungipara by Barisal Mail Steamer on the night of 31.12.59 with his wife and children. So far ascertain, he came to see his ailing mother and old father who were anxious to see him. Nothing political came to notice during his visit to his native village. Some people of his own village and of the surrounding villages came to see him during his stay at Tungipara. So far ascertained, the subject expressed to them that he would start business at Dacca in order to maintain himself and the members of his family. No undesirable person was found to meet the suspect during his stay there and nothing unusual did come to notice.
The subject left for Dacca on the morning of 8.1.60 with his wife and children by Barisal Mail Steamer via Barisal. A close watch was maintained on the movement of the suspect during his stay.
Secret Phone : 58
District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur, the 15th Jany., ’60.
No. 258 /33-50 ‘A’
against military rule, autocracy and violation of the fundamental rights of people. He had a significant role in inspiring the people to join the struggle for freedom under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was close associate of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy.
5. D.I.O. – District Intelligence Officer, who is assigned to collect secret information or intelligence on political suspects, organizations and other political activities and different events related to public interests in the respective district.

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Forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca for information with reference to his No. 20776/606-48 P.F.(E) 24.12.59.
Sd/ -14.1 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Faridpur.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman got back his gun and pistol deposited in
Ramna PS.
Dacca, 19 January 1960 Phone No. 4231/4.
Office of the Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
Memo No. 896E/ dt. 20.1.60 To The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
In enclosing herewith the petition of Shaik Mazibur Rahman, I would request you to kindly inform this office if there is any objection in returning his Gun and Pistol which were deposited in Ramna P.S. Vide G.D. entry No. 1067 dated 15.10.58.
(A.B.M.G. KIBRIA) for Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret/Immediate
No. 1725 dt. 26.1.60
606-48 P.F.(E) Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of a petition dt. 24.12.59 from ExS.Pr., Sk. Mujibur Rahman, I would request you to pl. report if there is any objection in returning his Gun and Pistol which were deposited in Ramna P.S. vide G.D. entry No. 1067 dt. 15.10.58.
Sd/ -25.1.60. D.S. VI for S.S. 11

Page: 16.
Dated 24.12.59.
The Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
My former P.A. deposited my D.B.B.L. Gun No. 26903 and Pistol No. 693780 with Licence No. 4815 under G.D. No. 1067 dated 15.10.58 at Ramna P.S. with your permission. Now that I have been released from jail, I like to take them back for which necessary permission may kindly be given.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully, Sd/- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,

Phone No. 4231/18
No. 4646 606-48 P.F. dt. 15.3 Addl. S.P.,D.I.B., Dacca
Please expedite your reply to this office memo No. 1725 dt. 26.1.60 and reminder No. 3118 dt. 19.2.60.
Sd/ 9.3.60 D.S.VI for S.S.11

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Secret PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 28th May, 1960. No. 4875/R.711/100-49 P.F.
Moinuddin , Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 1725/606-48 P.F.(E); dated 26.1.60.
We have no objection to return the fire-arms to the applicant (Sk. Mujibur Rahman, ex-S. Pr.) as he deposited the same for safe custody at Ramna P.S.
Sd/(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 11202/606-48 P.F. dt- 25/6/60 S.P. Dacca Ref: Your memo No. 896E dt. 20.1.60 (Pl. Keep Copy)
In returning herewith the petition of Sk. Mujibur Rahman I am to inform you that there is no objection from our point of view to return the fire-arms to the applicant as he deposited the same for safe custody at Ramna P.S.
Sd/- 25.6

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History sheet particulars together with an up-to-date note on
activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Karachi, 1 February 1960
Secret Tel: 30031
No. SB/1013 Office of the Supdt. of Police, C.I.D.,
Karachi, the 2.2.60.
The Dy. I.G.P. Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Lalbagh, Dacca.
Subject : Maintenance of record of political suspects.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of the late Awami League figures on the records of this Department.
It is requested that his history sheet particulars as per proforma attached, together with an up-to-date note on his activities may please be furnished for record here. Encl. (1)
Sd/ -1.2.60 for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Secret Reminder immediate
GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN No. S.B./1013 C.I. Department, Karachi.
Dated the 11.3.1960.
Subject : Maintenance of record of Political Suspects.
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to the communication noted in the margin and to No. S.B./1013 dated 2.2.60 the favour of an early reply. Sind Times Press Karachi-24.6.55-3,00,000.
Sd/ -11.3 for S.P. C.I.D., Karachi.

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The Dy. I.G.P., Intelligence Branch East Pakistan, Dacca.
Phone No. 4231/18 Secret No. 7375/ 606-48 P.F. (E) dt. 27.4.60
S.P., C.I.D., Karachi
Please refer to your memo No. S.B/1013 dt. 2.2.60.
As desired, I send herewith the History Sheet form duly filled in as per your proforma together with a copy of Brief history and its addenda (from 1st to 3rd) on the political activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/ -22.4.60 for D.I.G.I.B.
Third Addendum to the Brief History on the political activities of S.K. MUJIBUR RAHMAN son of LUTFAR RAHMAN of TANGIPARA, P.S. GOPALGANG, FARIDPUR and of DACCA.
(Born 1921) 1. The subject was released from Dacca Central Jail on 17.12.59 under
Govt. order No. 949 -H.S. dt. 7.12.59 with restriction on his movement after release. It was reported in Dec’59 that the subject after his release from jail met the leaders of the defunct A.L. at their residences. Of all the persons Manik Miyan expressed great sympathy for the subject and
assured him of help whenever necessary. 3. The same month the subject left Dacca for his home at Gopalgonj,
Faridpur on his way he got down at Barisal and met Abdur Rob

Page: 20
Sarnamat (N.A.P) and Zahid Hussain alias Jahangir (A.L.) some other A.L. and N.A.P. members also met him on board the steamer.
4. In January’60 the subject along with some other ex. A.L. workers
discussed Basic democracies with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at Hotel Shahbagh when Mr. Suhrawardy remarked that they would have to
wait for next ten years to achieve real democracy in the Country. 5. In the same month according to an uncorroborated report Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy (Ex. P.M. of Pakistan) paid Rs. 25000/- to the subject for his family expenses. The subject associated with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy almost regularly during his stay at Dacca. In Feb’60 the subject opined that the present administration had not been able to solve the problems of the Country, specially the economic problems as the policy adopted by the administration was contrary to the solution of the problems. He further gave out that the grip of West Pakistan over East Pakistan was still there. He also criticised the “Bonus System” which according to the subject gave opportunity to the West Pakistan Capitalists to exploit the resources of East Pakistan and also to facilitate transfer of wealth from East to West Pakistan. In Feb’60 the subject advised A.K.M. Shamsuzzoha of N. Gonj (Ex. A.L.) who went to see him at his Segun Bagicha residence to assist one Ghulam Murshed, a newly elected member of Narayangonj Union Council for becoming a Chairman of the said Union Council.
The same month the subject in course of discussion with Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed (Ex-Minister) and several others remarked that the students were very active to observe “Martyr’s Day” on 21.2.60. He
further said that the students must unite and work hard. 8. It was reported in March 60 that the subject had been appointed as
the Controller of agencies of M/S Alfa Insurance & Co. on a monthly salary of Rs. 1,500/-,

Page: 21
History Sheet
Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Lutfar Rahman.
Date of Birth
Muslim Sunni
He had no profession previously. At present he is serving as Controller of agencies of M/S Alfa Insurance Co.
Original address
Karachi address
Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. At present he is living at 76, Segun Bagicha, Dacca. (a) Residence – No. (b) Office – No. Hight – 5′ 8″, Built – Strong, Complexion – Medium, Face – Round, Eyes – Floated, Ear – Lobes separated, Nose – Prominent, Hair – Back brushed, Beard – Shaved. Keeps moustache and wears glass. Usually wears Payjama and Panjabi & occasionally trousers & Hawaian shirt.
Language speaks
: Mother tongue Bengali. Also speaks in English.
Modus operandi ( in case : Nil of criminal)
Finger print classification

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: (a) Convictions – Nil. (b) Detention – (i) Arrested on 29.4.49 u/s
18(2) of E.P.P.S.O. for prejudicial activities. Released on 27.2.52. (ii) Arrested on 16.6.54 u/s 41(1) of E.P.P.S.O. for prejudicial activities and released in February 1955. (iii) Arrested on 19.10.58 u/s 41 (1) of E.P.P.S.O. for prejudicial activities and
released on 17.12.59. (c) Suspicion – Nil. (d) Arrest – As (b) above.
(e) Externment – Nil. : As a prominent member of the Provincial Awami
League and a Provincial Minister, he associated with big dignitories, high officials and prominent
political workers with political ideology – Brief History enclosed.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman requested H S Suhrawardy to help arrested Saad Ahmed and Mahatabuddin Ahmed for their release.
Dacca, 2 February 1960
[Ext. from a Source Report dated 2.2.60.
Origl. is in file 563-48 P.F.
IV. Sometime in the middle of January, 1960, a relation of Saad Ahmad, now under detention, contacted Sk. Mujibur Rahman and informed him about the arrests of Saad Ahmad and Mahatabuddin Ahmed, both of Kushtia, under E.P.P.S.O. and requested him to communicate it to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, who might help them in getting their release. Sk. Mujibur Rahman informed Mr. S.H. Suhrawardy about the arrests, but Mr. Suhrawardy did not say anything.

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According to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Saad Ahmad was an innocent man and he became a victim of circumstances. He hoped that the authorities would soon release them.
Side note: Seen. S.S.(2) may like to see.
Para IV – The meeting did not come to notice. Ext. to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/N.M. Biswas. D.S. VI. 3.2.60. Seen. Sd/- Moinuddin. 4.2.60.


Watch report on Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Dacca, 5 February 1960
To The O/C Watch 1.B.E.P., Dacca.
I beg to explain that on 12.1.60 I was on duty for suspect Toffazzal Hossain from 11.00 to 17.00 hrs. At about 10.50 hrs. I went to my duty place & came to know from my reliver that the suspect was out. Accordingly I took over my duty at Ittafaque Office at 11.00 hrs. & did duty there till 13.00 hrs. but I did not see the suspect in the office. From there I returned to the original duty place at Baze Kakrail at 13.30 hrs. When I reached near to my duty place, I have seen from back side, car E.B.D. jeep No. 111 came out from my duty place but I could not ascertain whether there was any person in the same jeep or not.
I have the honour to be
Sir, Y.O.S, WC/2 Shahed Ali
D.I.B. dt. 5.2
Side note: D.S. VI may pl. like to see with reg. to the orders on CLXII of file no. 606
48 P.F. Sd/-5.2, O/C Watch

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Agent report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman saying he intended either
to start a business or secure a job in order to establish himself financially. H S Suhrawardy paid Rs. 25,000/- to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the expenses of his family and other party workers.
Dacca, 6 February 1960 Origl. is in file 563-48 P.F.
D.S. VI.
It is ascertained from a reliable source that during the last visit in January/60 of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi, Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan paid Rs. 25,000/- Twenty five thousand to Mr. Sk. Majibar Rahman, defunct General Secretary of Awami League for his family expenses and other party workers. This fact was reported by Mr. Nuruddin, defunct A.L., Ex. Managing Director of Green and White Co. Ltd. to an Income Tax Officer of Dacca City.
Sd/- Bahauddin Ahmed Inspector, I.B.
S.S. (2) may kindly see. The information has no corroboration from any other source.
If approved, a copy may go to Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca for his comments. May be placed in the P.F. of Mr. Suhrawardy and copy to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The Inspr. may pl. report, if possible, how the money was paid, in one installment or on different dates and also if in cash or cheque. This may help verification.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas,
D.S. VI.
6.2.60. Sd/- Moinuddin
[I.B. Officers Report dt. 6.2.60] Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 2708 dt. 10.2.60
606-48 P.F.(E)

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Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy forwarded to – for information and comments.
Sd/ -10.2 D.S.VI for S.S. 11
File No. 606 – 48
Ref. above file in c/w the transaction of money, I am to report that my source is not in a position to say in what form the money was paid.
Sd/-20.2.60. Inspector I.B.
Extract from Secret Information dt. 22.2.60.
A few days back (1) A.K.M. SHAMSUZZOHA, with (2) SUJAT ALI KHALIFA & another man met (3) SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN at his residence at Segun Bagicha. In course of talks SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN (mentd.) disclosed that he was mentally disturbed and intended either to start a business or secure a job in some Insurance Firm, in order to establish himself financially. He (SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN) said that he did not mind if he was screened out under E.B.D.O. but the people of East Pakistan would remember him as to what service he rendered to them. He further said that he might revert to politics at an opportune moment as at present no such question arose. SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN (mentd.) advised A.K. SHAMSUZZOHA (mentd.) to assist (4) GULAM MURSHED a newly elected member of Narayanganj Union Council, who is aspiring to be Chairman.
II. I am not aware of the information if (5) Mr. SUHRAWARDY gave Rs.
25,000/- to SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN, for the maintenance of his family & rendering pecuniary help to other party workers. Had it been so, Narayanganj workers would have got something, According to SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN, (5) Mr. SUHRAWARDY (both mentd.) is constructing a house in Dacca which will cost him a heavy amount and he (SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN) wished that none should approach Mr. SUHRAWARDY for any financial help.

Page: 26
Side note: A-2
1) (AL/YL) s/o Khan Sahib Osman Ali of Chashrah, Narayanganj town. 2) (AL) of village Shahebabad, P.S. Burichang, Dt. Tippera6. 3) (AL) s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur & of Dacca. 4) (AL/YL) s/o Sultan Ahmad of Chengarchar P.S. Matlab, Tippera & of Haziganj,
Narayanganj town. 5) (AL) s/o Sir Zahid Suhrawardy.


Secret report shows that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman perhaps trying to regain his position amongst the students.
Dacca, 23 February 1960
Secret East Bengal Form No.5 Phone: 4231/11
Government of East Bengal7
Office Of The Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan.
Memorandum No. 836/4-56/TS(Loose), dated Dacca the 23.2.1960
To Moinuddin, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca.
6. Tippera – The greater Cumilla region was once under ancient Kingdom of Samatata and joined with Tripuri Kingdom. It came under the rule of East India Company in 1765 and was established as Tippera district [also known as Chakla (administrative division) Roshnabad in 1790). Later, it was reorganized in three phases into six districts.
7. East Bengal – The Partition of British Indian province of Bengal took place in 1947 as part of the partition of India. Bengal was divided based on the Radcliffe Line between India and Pakistan. Hindu majority West Bengal became a state of India and predominantly Muslim East Bengal became a province of Pakistan. East Bengal was renamed as East Pakistan by the ‘One Unit’ scheme of Prime Minister Mohammad Ali of Bogura. The ‘One Unit’ was a geopolitical program launched by the government of Pakistan led by then Prime Minister on 22 November 1954. The program was believed to be enacted after the government faced difficulty of administrating the two unequal polities of Pakistan separated from each other by more than a thousand miles. To diminish the differences between the two regions, the program merged the four Provinces of West Pakistan into a single province while East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was integrated with Pakistan as another province.

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A very reliable source reported on 22.2.60 that Sk. Mujibur Rahman(exMinister, EP) in course of discussion with Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmad (ex-Minister) and several others mentioned that the students were very active this year in observance of the “Martyr’s Day’ (on 21.2.60) and that he would do his duty. During the discussion, Sk. Mujibur Rahman also said that they must unite and work hard.
This shows that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is perhaps trying to regain his position amongst the students. This is for your information.
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, I.B.,
Copy of secret letter No. 836/4-56/TS(Loose), dated 23.2.60 from the Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.C., I.B., E.P., Dacca to the Spl. Supdt. of Police(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
A very reliable source reported on 22.2.60 that Sk. Mujibur Rahman (exMinister, E.P) in course of discussion with Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmad (ex-Minister) and several others mentioned that the students were very active this year in observance of the “Martyr’s Day” (on 21.2.60) and that he would do his duty. During the discussion Sk. Mujibur Rahman also said that they must unite and work hard.
This shows that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is perhaps trying to regain his position amongst the students.
This is for your information.
Secret Phone No. 4231/61.
LALBAG Dacca, the 14th March, 1960. No. 4605/606-48 P.F. (E)
Copy forwarded to A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information and with the request that Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s contact with the students be kept under very close watch.
(N.M. BISWAS) for Special Supdt. of Police (II),
I.B., E.P., Dacca.

Page: 28
[Memo No. 836 dt. 23.2.60]
from S.S.Sc Phone No. 4231/18 Secret
No. 4605/606-48 P.F.(E) dt. 14.3
Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy forwarded to – for information and with the request that Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s contact with the students be kept under very close watch.
Sd/ -9.3.60 D.S.VI for S.S. 11
C.N.S., of Secret Information dt.
Extract of Notes & Orders copied from 22.2.60.
Para II Extract without non-de-plume, to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman for taking action from there.
Sd – N.M. Biswas
D.S. VI. 26.2.60 Forwarded to office to take n/a pl.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman appointed as Controller of Agencies of
Alpha Insurance Company.
Dacca, 7 March 1960
D.S. VI.
Reg:- Alpha Insurance Co. East Pakistan
I made enquiries through secret contacts but the actual extent of its business in this wing could not be had as yet. This being a business secret with all the Insurance Companies it could not be ascertained through indirect links. So the Insurance Companies are to submit the annual outturn of their deals to the Controller of Insurance, Govt. of Pakistan this information can be had from that office.
To regards the alleged patronisation by the Govt. offices to the Alpha Insurance Company I have already submitted a report regarding its business with the quasiGovt. organisation like East Pakistan Small & Cottage Industries Corporation.

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It is also learnt that some of the Govt. Departments make business with the insurance companies for the articles under their charge and for importing materials. The departments of Communication and Railway, Food and Home Transport are the concerns which made deal with insurance companies. It could not be obtained through secret enquiry if any of the above departments had any business with the Alpha Insurance Company.
As to the appointment of Ex-political workers in the said company it could had that Mr. M.A. Aziz (ex-Secy. Chittagong Durhat A.L.) has been placed in charge of the Chittagong branch of the company. Besides him, Shamsuzzoha (Ex-A.L.) S/o. Osman Ali, of Narayangonj has been connected with the company and started for sanction an office at his residence at New Chashara, Narayangonj, Dacca.
It could not be ascertained if there be any political and behind the activities of the Insurance Company.
Security Section
D.S./ 1. It is learnt from a reliable source that Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Ex. M.P.)
has since been appointed as the controller of M/S Alfa Insurance Co
on a monthly salary of Rs. 1500/II. It is further collected from a source close to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy that Mr. Suhrawardy has been thinking in learn of defending himself since he received the EBDO8 notice. He would, however, take final decision on this on receipt of the charges. III. It is also learnt from the same source that Mr. Basanta Kumar Das
(Ex. M.P.A.) would defend himself vis a vis the E.B.D.O. case.
Sd/- 7.3.60
Seen D.S. 4 & 6 may pl. see.
Sd/ – 7.3.60
8. EBDO (Elective Bodies Disqualification Order) – Martial Law regulation issued by Ayub Khan in August 1959.Barred 75 of his political challengers, especially East Pakistan Awami League leaders, from taking part in all sorts of political or electoral activities for 8 years. His own party and supporters remained untouched.

Page: 30
Seen. S.S. (2) may kindly see paragraph 1 Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca may be requested to verify this. No action on para II. D.S. IV may see para III.
Sd/ -7.3.60 S.S. III may kindly see for information.
Sd/-8.3 Seen. Sd/ – 9.3
Copy of report of a D.I.G. dated 18.3.60.
It is learnt from Abul Husain, Ex-Private Secretary of Sk. Mujibur Rahman that the latter has been appointed as a Controller of Agencies for E.P. of the Alpha Insurance Company on commission basis. The Company offered with an appointment as an employee but Sk. Mujibur Rahman did not accept the proposal.
So, it has been arranged with him that he will get Rs. 1000/- monthly from the company which will be adjusted from the commission at the close of the year. Besides this he will get an allowance of Rs. 250/- and entertainment allowance of Rs. 250/- per month which will not be adjusted from the commission.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 24th March, 1960.
No. 2841/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M.S. Haider, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (1), I.B., S.P., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -24.3
(A. Khaleque). Addl. Supdt. of Police.
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 31


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman intimated DIB, Dacca that he was going to visit Narayanganj almost everyday as Controller of Agencies of
Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd.
Dacca, 18 March 1960
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Controller of Agencies for East Pakistan.
12, Jinnah Avenue, Ramna, P.O. Box-104,
Dacca – 2.
The Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I am to visit Narayanganj almost every day in my above capacity in connection with business. Of course I will not halt there at night and shall stay at my residence at 76, Segunbagicha, Dacca.
Sd/- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Secret PHONE: 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 24th March, 1960.
No. 2840/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B., E.P., Dacca for information.
According to restriction orders the subject has to give prior information to us when he goes outside the station of his notified residence and also his subsequent movements until his return.
In the above letter the subject states that he is to visit Narayanganj almost every day. I am of opinion that the subject should inform us prior to his departure to Narayangonj every day and before his departure every time, and he should point out

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the place or places he wants to visit almost daily at Narayanganj for the facility of keeping an eye on his activities and movements.
Narayangonj is a bad place and hot bed of politics. He may contact politicians, Labourers and anti-State and anti-Social elements at Naranyanganj if he moves unnoticed. Necessary instructions solicited in the matter.
Sd/ -24.3
(A. Khaleque). Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Immediate Phone No. 4231 /68 Secret /Express
No. 5938 dt. 8.4.60
606-48 P.F.(E) Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
I write to inform you that Ex-S.Pr. Mr. Mujibar Rahman made the following requests to the Inspector General Police, East Pakistan for Consideration :
(1) That he would have to visit Narayangonj almost daily. But he will
not halt there for the night. He wanted permission to send a formal letter to the D.I.B. Dacca intimating this so that he would not have to trouble the D.I.B. with a daily report about his projected daily
movement to Narayangonj. (ii) That he will have to visit Chittagong and other trade centers. He
wanted to inform about this to the Dacca D.I.B. who could then
perhaps inform the D.I.B’s concerned. (iii) That he is trying to get business for the insurance Firm by
repeatedly interviewing the prospective clients. He felt that if I.B. would interview them in this turn and interrogate the client the latter may feel shy and back out as no one likes to be interrogated unnecessarily by such agencies. Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman would himself like to answer himself all
such questions.

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I would, therefore, request you to let us have your comments on all the points at a very early date. This also disposes your Memo No. 2840 dt. 24.3.GO.
Sd/-6.4.60 D.S. VI for S.S.11
Secret PHONE NO. 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch,
Dacca, the 20th April, 1960. No. 3522/ R.2348/100-49 P.F.
Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: – Your No. 5938/606-48 P.F. (E) dated 8.4.60.
(1) We have no objection if the subject (ex-S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman) sends daily
reports of his proposed movements.
(ii) According to Sl. 3 of the conditions of restriction he shall similarly give prior
information to the S.P., D.I.B. concerned when he goes outside the station of his notified residence but he says now that in case of his visit to Chittagong or other districts D.I.B., Dacca will inform that district which is not desirable as it is a deviation from the conditions.
(iii) By this he wants a long rope to contact politicians, labourers, anti-State and
anti-Social elements uninterrupted, probably for political reasons.
It is apparent that in this way the subject wants to nullify and defeat the intention of the restrictions imposed on him.
Sd/ -20.4.60
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref: The requests of Sk. Mujibur Rahman for relaxation of the condition of his
release made to the Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca vide D.I.G.’s order on N.S.P. CLXVII.

Page: 34
Suggestions desired are given below:1. So far his requests for exemption from submitting daily report to the Addl.
Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for his visited to Narayanganj (almost daily) is concerned, we may have no objection provided he makes written request to the Dy. Inspr.- General of Police, I.B. and also inform us about his likely places of visit at Narayanganj. If this is done the D.I.B. will have no difficulty in maintaining unobtrusive watch on the subject during his stay at Narayanganj.
As regards his tours to other districts, it is not possible to help him on our part, because such facility would completely nullify one of the conditions of his release and at the same time it would be very difficult to cover his activities properly. This request of Mr. Rahman is quite interesting. Perhaps he means that I.B. officers, who are expected not to make open enquiry, are irresponsible and make fun of their job. Enquires are made when necessary and they are always made with due care and sense of decency. Mr. Rahman is a well-known personality and Insurance business is a business which has nothing to do with politics provided it is done for business only. This request of Mr. Rahman perhaps shows his own weakness.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his wife’s apprehension of his arrest for anti-martial law activities of other Awamileaguers. Also on his plan to build a house at Dhanmondi Residential Area,
Dacca. Dacca, 1 April 1960
Copy of notes & orders C.N.S. of secret information dt. 1-4-60:
“The information may be kept in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman”.
Sd/ – N.M. Biswas,
2.4.60, D.S. VI
Forwarded to office for w/a pl. Sd/ – Moinuddin, 2.4.60, S.Sill,

Page: 35
Information from a reliable contact dated 1.4.60.
1) Abul Hossain B.L. (ex – A.L. and ex-Private Secy. of Sk. Mujibur
Rahman) visited the house of Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Segun Bagicha, Dacca on 1.4.60. He informed him about the arrest of some persons belonging to the Awami League in connection with some anti Martial Law activities. He could not have any persons. This news upset Sk. Mujibur Rahman and his wife. They apprehend that if the mischief was done by the Awami Leaguers then the police might suspect some A.L. Leaders including Sk. Mujibur Rahman. He has asked Abul
Hossain to keep him informed about the matter. 2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, who is now working as the controller of the
Alpha Insurance Co. has drawn his 1st pay amounting to Rs. 1450/=. He is planning to build a house of his own on his land at the Dhanmandi Residential Area. For the purpose he has contacted
Messer’s Gammon and Co., Dacca. 3) The exact amount gives to Sk. Mujibur Rahman by Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy could not be known. So far it could be assessed the
amount was not more than Rs. 5000/-. 4) As regards the construction of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy’s house at
Dacca, Messer’s Omar and Sons has agreed to build the house. The plan and the agreement with the company have been finalized. The construction work will start soon. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy has agreed to pay the cost in installment. He will also give the major portion of his earning in East Pakistan to the company towards the payments.
Submitted, Sd/-2.4.60, (S.A. Khan) Inspr., 1.B.

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Watch report on activities of advocate Jahiruddin Ahmad who and
others met Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 21 April 1960
C.R. dt. 21.4.60 (Extract).
Hours of duty : From 05.00 to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : No. 20, Gopibagh 1 Lane. Name of suspect : Jahiruddin Ahmad (Adv.)
Result of watch. 05.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. – At about 07.15 hrs. the said suspect left his quarter by rickshaw and reached Session Court at about 07.30 hrs. till 11.00 hrs. he was not seen by me.
17.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs. – At about 17.05 hrs. the said suspect left his quarter by rickshaw and reached No.48, Purana Paltan in the quarter of Khan Bahadur Bazlul Karim at about 17.15 hrs. There I found some in about 7/8 ladies and 3/4 gentlemen and car No. 459 and 1111 founds there. At about 18.35 hrs. by the said suspect left that place by rickshaw and reached his quarter at about 18.45 hrs. At about 19.20 hrs. Sk. Majibur Rahman reached the above noted place by E.B.D. No.111. At about 21.15 hrs. the said suspect along with Sk. Majibur Rahman left the above noted place by the said Jeep and proceeded towards northern side till 23.00 hrs, the said suspect was not seen by me to return to his quarter.
From 20.15 hrs. to 21.00 hrs. S.O.,S.I. Golam Kibriya was pleased to supervise my duty.
Submitted, Sd/- Syed Md. Golam Mehdi. A.S.I., I.B., E.P. ,Dacca.
Side note: S.I. S. Zaman pl. fix up the owner of the car and suspect purpose of visit. Sd/- A.H.M.
Mohiuddin, O/C., Watch, 22.4. Report awaited, Sd/- S. Ali, for D.S. VI, 22.4 Pl. place a copy of this report on the P.F. of Sk. Majibur Rahman for action, Sd/- S. Ali, 22.4

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Watch report on Jahiruddin Ahmad.
Dacca, 22 April 1960
C.R. dt. 22.4.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs. Name of suspect : Jahiruddin Ahmed. Place of duty : 20, Gopibagh 1st Lane & Dacca Court.
Result of watch. At about 17.30 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarter and went to Dacca Court at about 07.50 hrs. by rickshaw No. 1204. After that he was seen present at Dacca Court till 11.00 hrs.
Again at 17.00 hrs. I took up the duty at 20, Gopibagh 19″ lane and did secret watch duty there. At about 19.15 hrs. Sk. Majibar Rahman (Awami League) entered into the aforesaid place from western side by Jeep Car No.111-E.B.D. & he left aforesaid place and proceeded towards western side by said Jeep car at about 20.15 hrs. At about 20.20 hrs. Jahiruddin Ahmed came out from his quarter and went to 62, Ramkrishan Mission Rd. at about 20.25 hrs. on foot. At about 21.00 hrs. he left that place and returned to his quarter at about 21.05 hrs. on foot. After that, he was not seen to come out from his quarter till 23.00 hrs. During my duty periods no other suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the aforesaid places except Sk. Majibar Rahman.
During my duty period S.I. G. Kibria sb. supervised the duty place.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. A. Rahman Miah.
dt. 23.4.60
Side note: Ext, to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibor Rahman and put up for action. Sd/-25.3. for D.S.6


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Toffazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah
Dacca, 22 April 1960
Confidential Report dt. 22.4.60. Hours of duty : From 05.00 -11.00 hrs, and 17.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail Rd. & of Ittefaque Office. Name of suspect : Mr. Toffazzul Hossain @ Manik Miah.

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Result of watch. At about 07.00 hrs. the suspect left his grs. by Car No. E.B.D. 2529 and proceeded towards western side. He did not return till 11.00 hrs. During my evening duty period the suspect was not seen by me.
From 20.00 hrs. to 21.05 hrs. – Sk. Majibar Rahman visited the suspect’s qrs. by Jeep No. E.B.D.-111.
Submitted, Sd/- A.S.I. Abdus Sattar Khan,
I.B., E.P., Dacca.
23.4.60 Side note: Ext. to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/-25.4, for D.S.6


Watch report on advocate Jahiruddin Ahmad who met Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 23 April 1960
C.R. dt. 23.4.60 Hours of duty : From 05.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs, and 17.00 to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : No. 20, Gupibagh 1st lane, Dacca. Name of suspect : Mr. Jahiruddin Ahmad (Advocate).

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Result of watch. 05.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs.
At about 07.30 hrs. the said suspect left his quarter by rickshaw and reached Session Court at about 07.45 hrs. Till 11.00 hrs. he was not seen by me to come out from the Court.
17.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs.
At about 17.30 hrs. the said suspect reached his quarter from outside by rickshaw. At about 18.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman Ex. Minister reached his quarter by E.B.D. Jeep No.111 and at about 18.30 hrs. he left that place by the said Jeep. At about 19.45 hrs. the said suspect left his quarter by rickshaw along with one unknown person and reached Mohmedan Sporting Club at about 20.00 hrs. A club concern meeting was held there. At about 20.30 hrs. the said suspect along with the said unknown left club on foot and reached Jinnah Avenue and eats something viz. Foshka and chatpoti from a small shop backside of the footpath. After eaten they left that place at about 20.45 hrs. by rickshaw and reached the reverse noted place i.e. suspects quarter at about 21.00 hrs. Till 23.00 hrs. the said suspect or the unknown person was not seen by me to come out from that place. At about 22.00 hrs. one unknown person and on lady reached the suspect’s quarter by E.B.D. Car No.5454 and at about 22.45 hrs. they left that place by the said car. The D.R. of this unknown person could not be given due to deep darkness.
D.R. of the unknown person who accompanied with the suspect from quarter and back
(1) Height – 5′-6″, Built – Thin, Complex – Fair. Face-Egg shaved. Nose –
pointed, Eyes-Floated, Hair – Side brushing, Mostage – Short & butterfly. Beard – shaved, Wearing white full pant and full white shirt. Age – about 45 years.
Submitted, Sd/- Sayed Md. Golam Mehdi, A.S.I.
I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Side note: Car belongs to M/S Green & White, 61, Nawabpur Rd.
S.I. D. Hossain pl. fix up the unknown. Sd/-25.4. O/C., Watch. Ext. to the P.F. of Sk. Majibor Rahman. Sd/-25.4. for D.S.6

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C.R. dt. 23.4.60. Hours of duty : From 05.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail & Ittefaque Office. Name of suspect : Mr. Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Result of watch. At about 07.30 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards western side by car No. E.B.D. 2529. He did not return till 11.00 hrs. In the evening duty period at about 17.30 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards northern side by Car No. E.B.D. 2529. At about 22.35 hrs. the suspect returned to his quarter from outside by same car. Then he was not seen till 23.00 hrs. At about 20.00 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman entered into my duty place from outside by the Jeep Car No. 111-E.B.D. At about 20.15 hrs. he left the said place and proceeded towards town side by same Jeep car.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. Ishaque Miah.
I.B., E.P. Dacca.
Dt. 24.4.60.
Side note: Ext. to the P.F. of Sk. Majibor Rahman. Sd/- for D.S.6. 25.4.
Confidential Report dt. 24.4.60. Hours of duty From 05.00-11.00 hrs, and 17.00 hrs. -23.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail Rd. and Ittefaque Office. Name of suspect : Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Result of watch. At about 07.30 hrs. the suspect left his qrs. by Car No. E.B.D. 2529 and proceeded towards western side. He did not return till 11.00 hrs.
At about 17.45 hrs. the suspect returned from outside by car no. 2529. At about 18.00 hrs. the suspect left his qrs. again by the above mentioned car. He did not return till 23.00 hrs.
N.B. The suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman, Ex. Minister visited the suspect’s qtr. from 17.50 – 18.00 hrs. by Jeep No. E.B.D. III.
Submitted, Sd/- A.S.I. Md. Abdus Sattar Khan.
I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Dt. 25.4.60.
Side note: Ext. to P.F. of the Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- for D.S.6, 26.4.

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C.R. dt. 24.4.60. Hours of duty : From 05.00 to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 to 23.00 hrs. Name of suspect : Jahiruddin Ahmed. Place of duty : 20, Gopibagh 1*’ Lane.
Result of watch. At about 07.30 hrs. the suspect was seen present at his quarters Varindha. After that he was not seen to come out from his quarters till 11.00 hrs.
At about 20.15 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman (Awami League) entered into the aforesaid place from western side by Jeep Car No. 111 E.B.D. At about 20.40 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman along with suspect Jahiruddin Ahmed left the aforesaid place and proceeded towards western side by same Jeep car. After that they were not seen returned to aforesaid place from outside till 23.00 hrs. During my duty period no other suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the aforesaid place except Sk. Majibar Rahman (Awami League). S.I. Golam Kibria Sb. supervised the duty place from 18.35 to 08.45 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/- W.C. Md. A.Rahman Miah.
DL. 25.4.60.
Side note: Ext to the P.F. of Sk. Majibor Rahman. Sd/- for D.S.6. 25.4.


Watch report on H S Suhrawardy showed Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and advocate Ali Amjad coming out of his hotel.
Dacca, 24 April 1960
C.R. dt. 24.4.60.
Hours of duty : 22.00 to 06.00 hrs. Place of duty : Hotel Shahbag, Room No. 323. Name of suspect : Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (Ex. P.M.)
Result of watch. During my duty hours the subject was present at Hotel Shahbag in his room.
At about 23.40 hrs. the suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Ali Amjad Advocate left Hotel Shahbag by Jeep Car E.B.D. 111.

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No other suspects or suspicious person were seen to visit the Hotel Shahbag in my duty hours.
Submitted, Sd/-N.M.Z. Haque.
A.S.I.. I.B., Dacca. 24.4.60.
Side note: Copy to P.F. Sk. Mujibor Rahman and the subject. Sd/- for D.S.6. 25.4.


Hearing of cases against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, former provincial Minister and General Secretary of Awami League and his younger brother Sheikh Abu Nasser adjourned.
Dacca, 26 April 1960 Sangbad dt. 26.4.60
শেখ মুজিবরের মামলা
আগামী ১৬ই মে শুনানী পুনরারম্ভ ঢাকা, ২৫শে এপ্রিল (এপি, পি)।
আর্থিক সুযােগ সুবিধাদি লাভের উদ্দেশ্যে সরকারী ক্ষমতা অপব্যবহারের অভিযােগে পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তানের প্রাক্তন মন্ত্রী শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার শুনানী অদ্য স্পেশাল বিচারপতি জনাব এ,এস, এম রশীদের আদালতে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।
উক্ত কাজে সহযােগিতা করার অভিযােগে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের কনিষ্ঠ ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরেরও উক্ত মামলায় বিচার অনুষ্ঠিত হইতেছে।
অদ্য শুনানীর জন্য আদালতের কাজ শুরু হইলে বিবাদী পক্ষের কৌসুলী জনাব এইচ, এস, সােহরাওয়ার্দী মামলা মূলতবী রাখার প্রার্থনা জানান। তিনি এই মর্মে বিবৃতি পেশ করেন যে, লাহােরে তাহার বিরুদ্ধে এবডাে তদন্তে তাঁহাকে প্রতিবাদী হিসাবে উপস্থিত থাকিতে হইবে।
উহার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে আদালত মামলার শুনানী আগামী ১৬ই মে পর্যন্ত স্থগিত রাখার নির্দেশ দান করে এবং উক্ত তারিখে বাদীপক্ষের সাক্ষীদের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহন করা হইবে।
মামলার বিবরণে প্রকাশ, শেখ মুজিবর রহমান পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের বানিজ্য ও শিল্প দফতরের মন্ত্রী থাকা কালে উক্ত বিভাগ কতিপয়: নূতন শিল্প কারখানা স্থাপনের অনুমতির জন্য আবেদন পত্র আহবান করে। ময়মনসিংহের টাঙ্গাইলে একটি ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা স্থাপনের লাইসেন্সের জন্য একটি শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠানের চারজন অংশীদার আবেদনপত্র পেশ করে। ইতিমধ্যে উক্ত শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠানের চারজন অংশীদারের মধ্যে পার্টনারশীপ দলীল রেজিষ্ট্রি করা হয় এবং উক্ত দলিল মােতাবেক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের ঘনিষ্ঠ ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসের কোন মূলধন নিয়ােগ ব্যতীতই উক্ত ব্যবসার তিন আনা অংশ প্রদানের ব্যবস্থা করা হয়। পার্টনারশীপ দলিল স্বাক্ষরিত হওয়ার পর

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শেখ মুজিবর রহমান উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানকে ২ লক্ষ ৩৬ হাজার টাকার একটি লাইসেন্স প্রদান করে এবং উক্ত উপায়ে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান তাহার ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের জন্য আর্থিক সুযােগ সুবিধা লাভ করে এবং সরকারী কর্মচারী হিসাবে তাঁহার সরকারী ক্ষমতা ব্যবহার করিয়াছে।
Side note: Seen. On Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s P.F. pl. Sd/-27.4

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Morning News dt. 26.4.60
Case Adjourned By Court
(By Our Staff Reporter) The case in which Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a former provincial Minister and General Secretary of the now-defunct Awami League, and his younger brother Sheikh Abu Nasser are being prosecuted on charges of misuse of official power by obtaining pecuniary advantage and abetment came up for hearing yesterday in the court of Mr. A.S.M. Rashed, Special Judge, Dacca Division. The hearing was however, adjourned till May 16.
Before the trail could start in the jam packed court room yesterday, the Defence Counsel, Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy, made a prayer for an adjournment on the ground of his personal difficulties to proceed with the case as he was required to attend the EBDO inquiry which is proceeding against him at Lahore.
After hearing the contention of both the Prosecution and the Defence Counsels, the Judge adjourned the case till May 16.
The prosecution case, as stated in the charge-sheet, was that the Director of Industries, Commerce Labour & Industries Department. Government of East Pakistan invited, in March 1957, applications for permission to set up new Industries in East Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was then Minister-in-Charge of the C.L. & I. Department. Now, in pursuance of the said notification M/s. Majibar Rahman Chowdhury and three others, partners of a firm styled as “Al-Amin Industries”, submitted an application for a licence to establish a Calendering Industry at Satihati, under Tangail police station in Mymensingh District.
But, it was stated, as they were not getting the licence in usual course, they contacted Sheikh Abu Nasser, younger brother of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Abu Nasser, it was stated, gave them the understanding that the permission would be given only if three annas share of the whole business was allotted to him without any capital investment. Accordingly, a partnership deed was registered with the Registrar, Joint Stock Companies, East Pakistan on April 3, 1957. After this Sheikh Mujibur Rahman granted the permission on June 3, 1957 to set up the proposed industry on obtaining the recommendation of the then Director of Industries, East Pakistan. Thus, it was stated an import licence for Rs. 2,36,000 was issued to the said business partners in violation of the established rules of office business and precedence in respect of new industries and thereby Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as Minister C.L. & I. obtained pecuniary advantage for his brother which amounted to

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an offence of criminal misconduct punishable under Section 5(2) of Act II of 1947. Sheikh Abu Nasser abetted Sheikh Mujib, it was stated. The further charge against them was that the said partners if “Al-Amin Industries” paid Rs. 1,500 to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman through his brother Sheikh Abu Nasser at his Dacca residence and in his presence between February 6, 1957 and Rahman appeared for the defence while Mr. Azizuddin Ahmed and Moazzem Hossain Khan appeared for the State.
Side note: Seen. Please keep it on the subject’s P.F. Sd/-D.S.6 30.4

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Pakistan (Pri. weekly) dt. 29.4.60
শেখ মুজিবরের মামলা গত সােমবার স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ, এস, এম রশিদের আদালতে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের প্রাক্তন উজীর শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণের বিশেষ ক্ষমতা অপব্যবহারের অভিযােগ সম্পর্কিত মামলার শুনানী হয়। এই কার্য্যে সাহায্যের অভিযােগ সম্পর্কে শেখ মুজিবরের ছােট ভাই শেখ আবু নসরও এই মামলার অন্যতম আসামী।
মামলার শুনানী শুরু হইলে বিবাদীর কৌসুলী জনাব এইচ, এস, সােহরাওয়ার্দী শুনানী মূলতুবী রাখার আবেদন জানান। তিনি বলেন যে, তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে এবডাে মামলার শুনানীর জন্য তাহাকে লাহাের উপস্থিত থাকিতে হইবে। ইহার পর এই মামলার শুনানী আগামী ১৬ই মে পর্যন্ত মূলতবী রাখা হয়। ঐ তারিখে সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষ্য গৃহীত হইবে।
Side note: Seen. In his P.F. pl. Sd/-DS VI 3.5.60

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman went to Chittagong from Dacca and came back after meeting Awami League’s ex-security prisoners.
Dacca, 2 May 1960
To The R.I.O., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 30.4.60 I was on secret watch duty at Dacca R/S from 18.00 to 22.10 hrs. At about 21.55 hrs. *A.L./551 Sk. Majibur Rahman came to Dacca R/S from Dacca town being shadowed by W.Cs. Asadul Haque of D.I.B., Dacca and W.C. Gholam Mostofa of I.B.E.P At 22.10 hrs. the suspect left Dacca R/S for Chittagong then I shadowed him from Dacca R/S.
On 1.5.60 at about 07.30 hrs. on reaching at Chittagong R/S the suspect got down from the train then I made over the said suspect to A.S.I Abdus Salam of D.I.B., Chittagong. On the way he was not seen to talk with any suspect or suspicious person.
Y.O.S. Sd/- A.S.I. Kazi Gholam Mortoza
Rly. I.B., Dacca.
Side note: Forwarded to O/C., Watch, I.B. for favour of information. Sd/-R.1.0., Dacca, 3.5.60.
D.S. VI may pl. like to see. Ext. may go in subject’s P.F. Sd/-O/C., Watch, 4.5.60. Yes pl. and also pl. call for a report from Chittagong. Sd – N.M. Biswah, 4.5.
Extract from
Miscellaneous. Ref. D.S.R. dated 1.5.60.
Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Ex. Genl. Secy. Awami League (since defunct) who came to Chittagong on 1.5.60 was seen mixing with the following on 2.5.60.
1. Jane Alam, Ex-Security Prisoner/ A.L. 2. M.A. Aziz, Ex. Security Prisoner / A.L.

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3. Alimullah Choudhury, Chairman, Kattali Union Council and ex-M.L. 4. Mohammadullah, Ex. A.L. workers.
Visit of labour leaders.
Fazlul Quader Choudhury9 and Zahur Ahmed Choudhury did not visit any industrial area.
Date 5.5.60 Time … No. 4031.
From To
: S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong. : DINTELL DACCA (W), Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
A.L. 551 is leaving Chittagong for Dacca to-night Mail train (0) Reaching Dacca 6″ Morning. Most immediate.
W.T. for transmission. Supdt. of Police., D.I.B., Chittagong.
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 5th May, 60.
No. 4031/1(2) Copy by post forwarded to:1. M.S. Haider Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police., I.B., East Pakistan., Dacca.
A. Khaleque Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police., D.I.B., Dacca, for information in confirmation.
Sd/ -1.1.60 Supdt. of Police., D.I.B.,
9. Fazal Quader Chowdhury (Fazlul Quader Chowdhury) – Fazlul Quader Chaudhury (19191973) was a Bengali politician who served as the 5th speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan from East Pakistan. He belonged to Ayub Khan’s Convention Muslim League. He was also the acting President of Pakistan from time to time when Ayub Khan left the country. He opposed the 6-Points Programme of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. During the liberation war he formed ‘Rajakar Bahini’ in Chittagong and supported Pakistani occupation army who committed genocide in the then East Pakistan. In 1973, after the independence he was jailed for War Crimes as collaborator of Pakistan army during 1971 and died in Dacca Central Jail on 17 July 1973.

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2166 dt. 5.5.60 1.B. Recd. at 21.35 hrs.
East Pakistan Form No. 5449-M (modified).
Register No. 141
Transmission Instructions.
Call Serial No. Precedence 22/23
Sd/From : (Originator) S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong.
Date-Time origin 051630
Office Date Stamp.
To : (For action) DINTELL10 DACCA For information. ADDL. S.P., D.I.B., DACCA.
Count Group. 18
Originator’s No. 4031 DT. 5/5/60 (.) A.L. 551 is leaving Chittagong for Dacca to-night mail train (-) Reaching Dacca 6th morning (1) most Immediate/ 051630
Side note: To. O/C., Watch for wa, please. Sd – 5.5.60. 21.40 hrs. 606/48 P.E.
Action taken. Sd/-0.C., Watch 6.5
Notes & Orders (extract) copied from N.S.P. (loose) of General Section reg. Daily Situation Report on Industrial areas of Chittagong District dated 3.5.60.
Seen. Extract of para 5 to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. A detailed report on the activity of Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Chittagong should be called for if not done already.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas.
7.5.60. D.S.VI.
10. Dintell – Short form of DIG Intelligence. An office of the then Central IB dealing with intelligence, secret and other reports.

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[Ext. from C.R. dt. 2.5.60]
Phone No. 4231/61 No. 8120/606-48 P.F. dt. 7.5.60
S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong
Copy forwarded to – for information and with the request to report activities of the subject during his stay there.
Sd/-6.5 D.S. Vi for S.S.11
Report on the visit of A.L. * 551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Ex-Genl. Secy. of defunct A.L., E.P.) to Chittagong from 1.5.60 to 5.5.60.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman arrived Chittagong by mail train on the morning of 1.5.60 from Dacca. On his arrival at Rly. Station, he was received by M.A. Aziz (Ex-Secy. defunct A.L. Chittagong ) (2) Md. Yusuf (A.L.) of Halisahar, P.S. Double Moorings, Chittagong (3) Mr. Abdur Rahman of Eastern Federal Insurance Co., Chittagong (4) Amir Hussain Dovash, (Ex- Treasurer, defunct A.L. Chittagong). From the Rly. Station he came direct to Rest House, Chittagong and stayed in Room No. 14. He went back to Dacca by 1 up Chittagong mail on the night of 5.5.60. He was seen off at the Rly. Station by M.A. Aziz (mentioned) Ataul Gani Kamal (A.L.) of Nazir Ahmed Chaudhuri Road, Bibhuti Ranjan Chaudhuri (A.L.) of M/S Tejendra Lal Chowdhuri and Co., Khantunganj and Mr. Abdur Rahman (mentioned).
During his stay at Chittagong Sk. Mujibur Rahman was contacted frequently by the following persons in the Rest House, Chittagong. 1. M.A. Aziz (Ex-Secy. A.L., Chittagong). 2. Mohammadullah (A.L. Chittagong). 3. Md. Yusuf (A.L.) of Halisahar, Chittagong. 4. Bibhuti Ranjan Chaudhuri (A.L.) (mentioned). 5. Amir Hussain Dovash (Ex- Treasurer defunct A.L. Chittagong). 6. Zahur Ahmed Chaudhuri (A.L./Ex-secr. prisoner) and Ex-M.P.A. Ctg. 7. Ataul Gani Kamal (A.L.) of Nazir Ahmed Chaudhuri Road, Ctg.

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8. Alimullah Chowdhuri (M.L.) Chairman, Kattali Union Council. 9. Jane Alam (A.L.) (Ex. Secr. prn.) of Alkaran, Chittagong. 10. A. Rahman of Eastern Federal Insurance Co.
11. Sultan Ahmad (A.L.) B.O.C. Contractor.
M.A. Aziz (mentioned) almost in all times remained with Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
It is learnt that Sk. Mujibur Rahman discussed with them regarding the possibility of establishing an office of Alfa Insurance at Chittagong of which he is learnt to be an organiser.
It could not be ascertained as yet if they had any political discussion amongst themselves.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman also visited the houses of M.A. Aziz (mentioned) at Halisahar, Amir Hussain Dovash (mentioned) at Pakistan Bazar, Chittagong town, Patenga Sea beach and Hazrat Baizid Bostami etc. during his stay at Chittagong.
As Sheikh Mujibur Rahman always moves by private Car of Mr. A. Rahman (of Eastern Federal Insurance Co.), Jeep used by Md. Yusuf (mentioned) and car of Amir Hussain Davash (mentioned) constant watch was not possible on his movements.
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 11th May’60
No. 4377(3)/ R. 1936/20-60 Copy forwarded to:1. Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca for favour of
information with reference to his Memo No. 8120/606-48 P.F. dated 7.5.60. 2. A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca & 3. M. Mahmud, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for favour of information.
Sd/ -11.5 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 8772/606-48P.F dt. 18.5.60
S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong Sub: Activities of Ex-Spr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman .

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Please refer to your memo No. 4377(3) dt. 11.5.60 and try to ascertain through your agents11 if the subject had any political discussion with the individuals. If so the details of their discussion may please be reported.
Sd/ -DS VI for SS II, 17.5
Phone No. 4231/61
No.11203/606-48P.F. dt. 25/6/60 Secret
S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong
Please expedite your reply to this office memo no. 8772 dt. 18.5.60. Sd/-22.6.60, DSVI for SSII
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 14th July’60.
No. 6465/ R. 2103/ 20-60 To Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 8772/606-48 P.F. dated 18.5.60 regarding activities of ex
Sec. Prn. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
No further details could be ascertained in this respect.
Sd/ – 14/7 Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Chittagong.
The O/C., Watch, I.B., Dacca.
I have the honour to report that on 5.5.60 at 22.30 hrs. I shadowed *Suspect Sk. Majibor Rahman, Ed. Minister from Ctg., R/S to Dacca R/S by 1 up Mail train. The suspect got down from the train at Dacca R/S on 6.5.60 at 07.45 hrs. and made over
11. Agent – Agent is a person who collects secret information in a clandestine way for the Intelligence Agency.

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the said suspect to W/C Abdul Aziz Miah of I.B., Dacca. I did not see the suspect to association with any suspect or suspicious person during his train journey. This is for favour of your kind information.
7.0.S. Sd/- Md. Sultan Miah. A.S.I. of R.I.B., Chittagong.
dt. 6.5.60.
Side note: D.S.VI may pl. like to see. Ext. to P.F. Sd/-O/C., Watch, 6.5.
Seen. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 6.5


Weekly confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Chittagong DIB for the week ending 7th May 1960.
Chittagong, 7 May 1960
Part 1 I.B. Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 14 & 15 for the week-ending 2.4.60 and 9.4.60 were received on 3.5.60 and 7.5.60 respectively.
Movement of suspects (a) AL * 551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex- Genl. Secy, of defunct AL. E.P.) arrived at Chittagong on 1.5.60 by Mail from Dacca. On his arrival at Chittagong Rly. station he was received by (1) M.A. Aziz (Ex-Secy. of Defunct A.L. Ctg.) (2) Md. Yusuf (AL of Halisahar, DM P.S., Ctg.) (3) Abdur Rahman of Eastern Federal Insurance Company Ctg. (4) Amir Hossain Dobash (ex-treasurer Defunct A.L. Ctg.). From the Rly. station, he came direct to Rest House Chittagong and stayed in room No. 14. He went back to Dacca by 1 UP Ctg. Mail on the night of 5.5.60. He was seen off at the Airport by M.A. Aziz (mentioned) Ataul Gani Kamal of Nazir
12. Weekly Confidential Report (WCR) – A collection of information regarding the political & state related affairs of the district. The accumulated report on a week-end basis used to send to IBEB, Dacca.

Ahmed Choudhury’s Rd, Chittagong Bibuti Ranjan Choudhury (AL) of M/S Tejendra Lal Choudhury of Khatunganj, Chittagong. Mr. Abdur Rahman (mentioned).
During his stay at Chittagong Sk. Mujibur Rahman was frequently contacted by the following persons at Chittagong Rest House. 1. M.A. Aziz (ex- Defunct A.L Ctg.) & ex-S. Prisoner. 2. Md. Ullah (A.L. Ctg.). 3. Bibhuti Ranjan Chowdhury (A.L. mentioned).
Md. Yusuf (A.L.) of Halisahar.
Amir Hossain Dobash (ex- treasurer of D.A.L.Ctg.)
Zahur Ahmed Choudhury13 (AL. Ex-M.P.A. Ex-S. Prisoner Ctg.)
Ataul Gani Kamal (A.L. of Nazir Ahmed Chowdhury Rd. Ctg.).
8. Alimullah Chowdhury, (M.L. Chairman Kattali Union Council, DM. PS)
Jane Alam (A.L. Ex-Sr. Prisoner of Alkaran Rd. Ctg.)
10. A. Rahman of Eastern Federal Insurance Company, Ctg.
11. Sultan Ahmed (A.L.B.O.C. Contractor).
12. M.A. Aziz, remained with Sk. Mujibur Rahman almost all the time.
It is learnt that Sk. Mujibur Rahman discussed with the above persons about the possibility of establishing an office of Alfa Insurance of which he is learnt to be an organiser, at Chittagong. As yet it could not be ascertained if they had a political discussion amongst themselves. Sk. Mujibur Rahman visited the houses of M.A. Aziz (mentioned) at Halisahar P.S. D.M. Chittagong. Amir Hossain Dobash (mentioned) at Pakistan Bazar, Chittagong town, Patenga Sea beach and the shrine of Hajrat Bayajit Bostami, during his stay at Chittagong.
13. Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury (1916 – 1 July 1974) – He studied in Calcutta Islamia College and joined All India Muslim League in 1940. Chowdhury was one of the founding members of Awami Muslim League in 1949. He was labour activist and Assistant Secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Federation. He was active in the Language Movement. In 1954, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly from Chattogram under the United Front. He was imprisoned for participating in 6 Point Movement

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Side note: Circulation. Sd/ -11.5
Seen. Ext. of para (a) to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman & put up for further action. Sd/-13.5

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Report on diary of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which contains a vivid
description of the jail administration, the convicts and other prisoners and their mode of living. Misunderstanding between him and Ataur Rahman Khan and Abdul Hamid Choudhury acting
General Secretary in his absence.
Dacca, 11 May 1960
D.S. VI.
Reference: Orders at N.S.P.3. A gist of the writings in the exercise books mentioned in serial Nos. 2 and 3 is placed below:
1. The red bound exercise book contains the writings of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Ex-Security Prisoner, and General Secretary of the defunct Awami League, while in jail. The writer narrates how and why he has been kept in detention. In analysing the reasons he stated that due to the false propaganda by some of the Awami League members about his assets acquired while he was a minister in East Pakistan Cabinet, a good number of cases were instituted against him by the Government. A thorough enquiry was made by the Government but most of the cases failed for want of sufficient proof.
Secondly he expressed that some of the party workers became much envious of his position in the Awami League and tried to discredit him before the other members of the party as well as before the public, which ultimately created a rift in the party. As a result a misunderstanding between himself and Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan over the question of Chief Ministership of East Pakistan cropped up. He further stated in his writings that Mr. Abdul Hamid Choudhury who was then acting as General Secretary of the party during his absence, took leading part in fomenting hatred against him and managed to procure a license for a blade factory through party influence. This action of Mr. A. Hamid Chowdhury was resented to by the writer and some other members of the party, which led to a quarrel amongst them.
(2) The Radio brand exercise book, inter-alia, contains a vivid description of the Jail administration, the convicts and other prisoners and their mode of living. He also narrates how the ordinary convicts are utilised in various works of the Jail department and alleges that in some cases the convicts were utilised in forced manual labour. He also referred to the conditions of the Security Prisoners, who were given inadequate facilities in comparison with the British Period.

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He also said that only 20 minutes time is being allowed for family interview by the alleged cruel Government officers and blamed the authorities for censorship of their correspondence even to their wives.
Submitted, Sd/-11.5.60
26 Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who went out of his house with wife and children and came back.
Dacca, 11 May 1960
C.R. dt. 11.5.60 Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of suspect : Mozibar Rahman (Ex. Minister).
Result of watch At about 06.00 hours I took up duty at Segunbagicha for the suspect Mojibar Rahman (Ex. Minister). At about 09.50 hours the said subject left his quarters and proceeded towards western side by E.B.D. Jeep No. 111. I did duty there up to 11.00 hrs. but the subject was not returned.
Again 17.00 hours I took up my duty at the said place for the said subject at about 18.45 to 19.30 hrs. He visited the house of Ex. Minister Abdus Salam on foot. Again at about 19.35 hours. he left quarter along with his wife and children and proceeded towards western side by E.B.D. Jeep No. 111 at about 22.30 hours, they are returned from outside by the same jeep and entered in the house. I did duty there up to 23.00 hrs. No suspect and suspicious person were seen to visit the said place during my duty period.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. A.Salam, I.B.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of A. Salam also. Sd-/N.M. Biswas, 13.5

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Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who met Abdus Salam
Khan. Dacca, 13 May 1960
C.R. dated 13.5.60
Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00. & 17.00 to 24.00 hours. Place of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha, Dacca. Name of suspect : Mozibar Rahman (Ex. Minister).
Result of watch.
At about 06.00 hours I took up my duty at Segunbagicha for the subject Mozibar Rahman. At about 09.00 hours. the said subject left his quarter and proceeded towards western side by E.B.D. Jeep No. 111. I did duty there up to 11.00 hours but the subject was not returned.
Again I took up my duty at said place for the said subject at 18.00 hours. The subject Mozibar Rahman left his quarter and went to Abdus Salam Khan14’s house. He visited the house of ex-Minister Abdus Salam from 18.00 to 19.20 hrs. on foot. At about 19.20 hrs. the said subject left the said house and got up a jeep car No. 111E.B.D. and proceeded towards eastern side by the said jeep. At about 23.00 hours he returned from the outside by same jeep and entered in the quarters. I did duty there up to 23.00 hours but the subject was not come out during my duty hours. No suspect or suspicious person were seen to visit the said place during my duty hours.
Submitted, Sd/- W.C. A. Salam, I.B.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of Abdus Salam also. Sd-/N.M. Biswas, 14.5
The subject visited the house of **Suspect Mahmud Ali from 19.45 to 21.15 hrs. Sd/-14.5.
14. Abdus Salam Khan (1906 – 29 February 1972) – He was a lawyer and politician. He was active worker of Muslim League and Pakistan Movement. Later he left Muslim League and joined newly formed Awami Muslim League in 1949. Upon the nomination of United Front he was elected member of East Pakistan Legislative Assembly in 1954 and became Minister. He was the main advocate of the Agartala Conspiracy Case lodged against Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by the Pakistan Government. He was uncle of former Commerce later Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister retd. Col. Faruk Khan MP.

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Watch report showed Abul Mansur Ahmed meeting Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Ataur Rahman Khan and Zahiruddin Ahmed.
Dacca, 16 May 1960
C.R. dt. 16.5.60 Hours of duty : 05.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : 28, Abhoy Das Lane.
Name of suspect : Abul Mansur Ahmed.
Result of watch. I had been on secret watch duty at 28, Abhoy Das Lane, but did duty there, the said suspect was not seen by me.
In the evening duty period at 18.45 hrs. the said suspect was seen at his quarter and did duty there, the said suspect was not seen by me.
The following suspects are visited my duty place and time against their name
(1) Ataur Rahman Khan. (2) Zahiruddin Ahmed. (3) Sk. Majibor Rahman.
19.30 19.45 20.00
Out 21.15-EBD Car. 27 20.55 – EBD Car. No. 23 20.30 – Jeep No. II
S.I. N.H. Choudhury visited by duty place in the evening duty period.
Submitted, Sd/-W/C,17.5.60
Side note: Seen. Ext. to P.F. of all the three visited pl. Sd/- N.M Biswas, 17.5.


Watch report showed advocate Zahiruddin meeting Ataur Rahman Khan, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Syed Azizur Haque, Toffazzal
Hussain and Korban Ali.
Dacca, 17 May 1960
C.R. dt. 17.5.60 Hours of duty : 05.00 to 11.00. and 17.00 to 23.00 hrs. Place of duty : 20, Gopibagh 1st lane. Name of suspect : Zahiruddin (Advocate)

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Result of watch
At about 07.00 hrs. the said suspect came out from his quarter and went to Dacca Bar Library at about 07.20 hrs. by rickshaw. At about 07.30 hrs. Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan enter into the Library at about 07.35 suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman enter into the said place, at about 07.40 Syed Azizur Haque enter into the said place. At about 07.45 they left the said library and went to Special Judge Court. At about 08.30 Toffazzal Hussain came from outside and enter into the said court. At about 09.00 hrs. suspect Korban Ali came from outside and enter into the said place. At about 10.00 hrs. suspect Zahiruddin came out from the said court and went to Bar Library after that he was seen present at Bar Library till 11.00 hours.
During my evening duty period at about 17.05 hrs. the said suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards eastern side by car No. E.B.D. 23. At about 21.30 hrs. the said suspect came from outside and enter into his quarter by rickshaw. After this he was not seen by me. S.I. N.H. Choudhury supervised the duty.
Submitted, Sd/- Golam Mostofa.
Side note: Seen. Ext. to Sk. Majibor Rahman and Syed Azizul Haque’s P.F also. Sd/- N.M
Biswas, 17.5.


Watch report showed Sheikh Mujibur Rahman meeting advocate
Abdus Salam Khan at his residence.
Dacca, 17 May 1960
C.R. dt. 17.5.60 Hours of duty : 11.00 hours to 17.00 hours. Place of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of Subject : Sk. Majibor Rahman.

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Result of watch.
During my duty period at about 14.25 hrs. the above noted subject returned to his quarter from outside by Jeep E.B.D. No. 111 and about 15.20 hrs. he came out from his quarter on foot and went to residence of Advocate Abdus Salam Khan at Purana Paltan west at about 15.25 hrs. I did duty there till 17.00 hrs, but he was not come out from that place.
No known suspects or suspicious persons were seen to visit my duty place.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. A.K.M. Amjad I.B., E.P. Dacca.
Side note: Copy to P.F. A. Salam also. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, D.S. VI, 18.5.
C.R. dt. 17.5.60 : 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 to 24.00 hrs.
Hours of duty
Name of duty place : 76, Segunbagicha.
Name of subject
: Sk. Majibur Rahman.
Result of watch. During my morning duty period at about 07.30 hrs. above noted subject left his quarter by E.B.D. Jeep No. 111 and proceeded towards northern side. I did duty there till 11.00 hours. But the subject was not seen retd. to his quarter.
Again during my evening duty at 17.00 hrs. I took up the duty at B/10 Purana Paltan at the house of advocate Abdul Salam Khan for above noted subject and duty there. At about 20.30 hrs. the above noted subject came out from Abdul Salam Khan house by Jeep No.111 and proceeded towards the western side. Then I left said duty place and took up my duty at original duty place and did duty there. At about 23.00 hrs. the above noted subject retd. to his quarter from outside by the same Jeep. I did duty there till 24.00 hrs. No known suspect or suspicious person or any outsiders were seen to visit there.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Serajuddin Dhali.
I.B., Dacca. dt. 18.5.60.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of A. Salam also. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, D.S.VI, 18.5.

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Watch report shows H S Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Tofazzal Hossain, M.M. Samad, ex- M.P.A Kulaura and Zahiruddin Ahmed met each other.
Dacca, 17 May 1960
C.R. dt. 17.5.60 Hours of duty : 17.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santinagor).
Result of watch I did secret watch duty there. During my duty period Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and Mr. Tofazzal Hossain was seen present at the said place.
At about 17.05 hrs. Mr. M.M. Samad, Ex. M.P.A Kulaura, Sylhet (Dacca address – Rd. No. 7, Building No. 60 Dhanmondi) came outside by Car No. E.B.D. 80 & entered into the said place. At about 18.00 hrs. he left the said place and proceeded towards southern side by the same car.
At about 18.25 hrs. Mr. Sk. Mojibur Rahman came from outside along with A. Salam Khan by car No. E.B.D. 91 and entered into the said place, at about 21.50 hrs. they left the said place by same car. At about 21.30 hrs. Mr. Zahiruddin Ahmed came from outside by rickshaw and entered into the said place. At about 21.55 hrs. he left the said place by car No. E.B.D. 111(Jeep) and proceeded towards southern side.
Submitted, Sd/- W.C. Abdur Razzaque,
I.B., E.P. Dacca
dt. 20.5.
Side note: Copy to the P.F. of all concerned. Sd/-D.S. VI, 21/5.
Car belongs to M/S Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., 33, Motijheel Commercial Area.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman authorized Mominul Haque to take back
his diary from DIG, IB, Dacca.
Dacca, 20 May 1960
Phone No. 4231/61.
No. 9002 dt. 20.5.60.

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Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, 76 Segun Bagicha, Dacca.
You are requested to come to this office or send somebody with a letter of authority to take delivery of your Exercise books received from the Suptd. Dacca Central Jail.
Sd/ -20.5.60 for D.I.G. I.B.
Sheikh Mujibur Raman,
76, SEGUN BAGICHA, RAMNA, DHAKA. Dated 1.7. 60
I hereby authorise Mr. Mominul Hoque to receive my exercise books from the office of the D.I.G I.B. Dacca.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Side note: Received Eight Exercise book belonging Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -7.7.60
Phone No. 4231/18. By. spl. Messenger. No. dt. Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman 76, Segun Bagicha, Dacca.
I return herewith a red bound exercise book receives from the Supdt. Dacca Central Jail.
Sd/ -15.7.60 for D.I.G. IB.
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 13009 dt. 20.7.60 Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman 76, Segun Bagicha, Dhaka.

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I return herewith a red bound exercise book receive from the Supdt. Dacca Central Jail.
Two exercise books have been retained in this office as they contain objectionable writings.
Sd/-18.7.60 for D.I.G. I.B.


Hearing of case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his younger brother Sheikh Abu Naser held. Prosecution witness No. 1 and 2 declared hostile by the court on the prayer of Special Public
Dacca, 20 May 1960 Ittefaq dt. 20.5.60
শেখ মুজিবুরের মামলার শুনানী শুরু
(ষ্টাফ রিপােটার) গতকল্য (বৃহস্পতিবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ, এস,এস, রাশেদের এজলাসে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান তাহার বিরুদ্ধে আনীত সরকারী পদ মর্যাদার অপব্যবহার ও উহার দ্বারা আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহনের অভিযােগকে সাজান ও মিথ্যা বলিয়া অভিহিত করেন এবং এই ব্যাপারে নিজেকে নির্দোষ বলিয়া দাবী করেন।
উক্ত মামলার অপর অভিযুক্ত শেখ আবু নাসেরও নিজেকে নির্দোষ বলিয়া দাবী করেন। দুর্নীতি অবলম্বনে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে সক্রিয়ভাবে সহায়তা করার জন্য শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযােগ আনয়ন করা হয়।
এই মামলায় জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের পক্ষ সমর্থন করিতেছেন। এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম ও জনাব জহীর উদ্দিন তাহাকে সাহায্য
ছেন। পক্ষান্তরে এডভােকেট জনাব এম, আজম শেখ আবু নাসেরের পক্ষ সমর্থন করিতেছেন ও জনাব কোরবান আলী এডভােকেট আজমকে সাহায্য করিতেছেন। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের মামলার শুনানী বিশেষ করিয়া বিবাদী প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দীর বক্তব্য শ্রবণের জন্য গতকল্য আদালতে এত অধিক জনসমাগম হয় যে, আদালত কক্ষ ও উহার উভয় দিকের বারান্দায় তিল ধারনের স্থান ছিল না।
গতকল্য মামলার শুনানী শুরু হওয়ার পূর্বে এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম এই মামলা পরিচালনায় আদালতের এখতিয়ার চ্যালেঞ্জ করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, যেহেতু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান

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সরকারী কর্মচারী নহেন, সেইহেতু স্পেশাল জজের এজলাসে তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে মামলা চলিতে পারে না। আদালতে বিবাদীপক্ষের কৌসুলীর বক্তব্য রেকর্ড করিয়া উহা পরে বিবেচনার আশ্বাস দান করেন।
অতঃপর সরকার পক্ষে স্পেশাল প্রসিকিউটর জনাব আজিজুদ্দীন আহমদ শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও শেখ নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযােগের সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ পেশ করিয়া মামলার উদ্ধোধন করেন।
আদালত তদনুসারে উভয়কে আলাদাভাবে অভিযােগ পাঠ করিয়া শুনান। আদালত ভিন্ন ভিন্নভাবে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও শেখ আবু নাসেরের বক্তব্য কি তাহা জিজ্ঞাসা করেন।
শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান তদনুসারে অভিযােগটি সম্পূর্ণ সাজান ও মিথ্যা এবং নিজেকে নির্দোষ বলিয়া ঘােষনা করেন। অনুরূপভাবে শেখ নাসেরও নিজেকে নির্দোষ বলিয়া দাবী করেন। এই সময় আদালতের কার্য শেষে …. (missing from original document due to page damage)
স্বীয় পদমর্যাদার অপব্যবহার করিয়া তাহার ভাইয়ের জন্য বিনা পুঁজিতে আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ এর শেয়ার গ্রহণ ও আওয়ামী লীগের জন্য অথবা নিজে উপরােক্ত ১৫ শত টাকার আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণ করেন। অতএব, তিনি ১৯৪৭ সনের ২নং আইনের ৫(২) ধারা অনুযায়ী দন্ডযােগ্য অপরাধ করিয়াছেন।
শেখ আবু নাসের উপরােক্ত অপরাধে সক্রিয়ভাবে সাহায্য করিয়াছেন বলিয়া তাহাকে উক্ত আইনের ৫(২) ধারা ও পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১০৯ ধারা অনুযায়ী অভিযুক্ত করা হইয়াছে।…. (missing from original document due to page damage) ৭টায় নিয়মিত শুনানী শুরু হইবে।
অভিযােগের বিবরণ অভিযােগের বিবরণে বলা হয়ঃ মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী, মােহাম্মদ আনােয়ার আলী, হাজী সেকেন্দার ও গােলাম হায়দার চৌধুরীর অংশীদারিত্বে আল আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রীজ নামে একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান ময়মনসিংহ জেলার সতীহাটিতে একটি কাপড় ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা প্রতিষ্ঠার উদ্দেশ্যে লাইসেন্সের জন্য আবেদন করেন। ১৯৫৬ সনের সেপ্টেম্বর মাসে আওয়ামী লীগ প্রদেশে মন্ত্রিসভা গঠনের পূর্ব পর্যন্ত উক্ত লাইসেন্স মঞ্জুর বা বাতিল না হইয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের শিল্প বিভাগে পড়িয়াছিল। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বাণিজ্য, শিল্প ও শ্রম বিভাগের মন্ত্রী হওয়ার পর উক্ত ফার্মের অংশীদার মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী প্রমুখ কয়েক ব্যাক্তি শেখ মুজিবুরের ১৫নং আবদুল গণি রােডে অবস্থিত সরকারী বাসভবনে উক্ত লাইসেন্স প্রদানের অনুরােধ জ্ঞাপন করেন। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান তখন আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক হিসাবে তাঁহার ছােট ভাই শেখ আবু নাসেরের মাধ্যমে শর্ত হিসাবে আওয়ামীলীগ তহবিলে ১৫০০ টাকা চাঁদা দাবী ও তাহার ছােট ভাই শেখ আবু নাসেরকে বিনা পুঁজিতে তিন আনা শেয়ার প্রদানের প্রস্তাব করেন। উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠান কোন উপায়ন্তর না দেখিয়া ১৯৫৭ সনের ২রা ফেব্রুয়ারী হইতে ১৪ই ফেব্রুয়ারীর মধ্যে শেখ আবু নাসেরের মাধ্যমে উক্ত ১৫ শত টাকা

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প্রদান ও শেখ আবু নাসেরকে পার্টনার হিসাবে গ্রহণ করিয়া একটি পার্টনারশীপ দলীল সম্পাদন করে।
এইরূপে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান…………. পরের অংশ মূল ফাইল খুঁজে পাওয়া গেল না।
Side note: Seen. In his PF pl. Sd/ -26.5.60, DS VI

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Pakistan Observer dt. 21.5.60
Case Against Mujib Takes Dramatic Turn
(By Our Staff Reporter)
The case against Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, former Provincial Minister and General Secretary of the now defunct Awami Leauge and his younger brother, yesterday took an unexpected dramatic turn when the main prosecution witness in the case. Mr. Majibur Rahman Chowdhury, a business partner of “Al-Amin Industries”, was declared hostile by the court on the prayer of the Special Public Prosecutor.
In the second of the hearing yesterday, Prosecution witness No. 1 Mr. Majibur Rahman Chowdhury told the court of Mr. A.S. M. Rashed, Special Judge, that he had made a statement before a Magistrate First Class, involving Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his younger brother in this case as he had been under duress of the officials of the Bureau of Anti-Corruption, at that time. “I made the statement before the Magistrate under pressure of the Anti-Corruption officials”, the witness said.
At this sudden turn in the trend of the evidence of the witness the Special Public Prosecutor, Mr. Azizuddin Ahmed made a prayer before the court for declaring the witness hostile under Sec. 154 of the Evidence Act as it appeared to
him that the witness was suppressing the truth.
After going through the relevant papers the Judge allowed the prosecution prayer and declared the witness hostile.
Then the Special Public Prosecutor cross-examined the first witness of the day and asked him whether he had made the statement before the Magistrate on solemn oah. The witness, however, replied that he had not made the statement under oah.
In his alleged statement before Mr. A. Majid, Magistrate Fist Class, the witness was stated to have said that after the fall of the K.S.P. Ministry the Awami League came to power and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became the Commerce, Labour and Industries Minister. The witness along with three others had earlier formed a partnership business under the style of “Al-Amin Industries”. The four partners then applied for permission to set up a cloth calendering industry at Sathiati in Mymensingh District.

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But as they were not getting the permission they contacted Sheikh Abu Nasser younger brother of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Subsequently the firm got a licence but for this they had to take Sheikh Abu Nasser as a partner with three annas share without investing any capital. Thereafter the firm also gave Rs. 1,500 to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman through his brother Sheikh Abu Nasser for the Awami Leauge Party fund.
At the hearing yesterday before the Special Judge, the witness said that he had made this statement before the Magistrate, first class, under duress.
Special Public Prosecutor: You stated the truth to the Magistrate which he recorded?
Witness: What I stated was recorded but what I stated was not the truth.
Q: You signed the statement but the recommendation of the Provincial Government15 was necessary for which we applied through the Provincial C.L. & I. Department.
The witness also told the court that the firm was named as “Al-Amin Industries”. Its head office was at Narayanganj. The witness was in charge of the general supervision of the firm and used to make necessary works for getting the licence. By the end of 1956, he came to know that powers for giving permission to set up industries had been transferred to the Provincial Authorities. So the firm again filed a fresh application to the Provincial Government for the licence in March 1957.
In his examination-in-chief, the witness further said that he knew Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his younger brother Sheikh Abu Nasser from before. The witness then said that they got the permission to set up the plant “on the merits of the file”. The witness further said that he never met anybody except the Secretary of the Department concerned for obtaining the licence.
In answer to another query the witness stated that in between the period from applying for the licence and actually obtaining the licence they took a fifth partner in the business. He was Sheikh Abu Nasser, younger brother of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Nasser was given three annas share. He did not invest any capital as it was not necessary at that time. “We took Nasser as a partner just for business” sake just

15. Provincial Government – A provincial government is the government of a country subdivision in a federal form of government, which shares political power with the federal or national government. At the time of independence from British regime in August 1947, the then Pakistan included the five provinces: Bengal, Punjab, Sind, NWFP (presently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Baluchistan (Chief Commissioner’s Province).

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to pull on with business. The partnership deed was executed on February 14, 1957: Subsequently we got the licence”, the witness said.
The business partner then said that during investigation in this case he gave a statement which was recorded by a Magistrate First class. “I didn’t take any oath before the Magistrate. My statement was recorded at the residence of the Magistrate”, the witness added.
It was during this time that the prosecution made a prayer before the court to declare the witness hostile as the Special Public Prosecutor was surprised by the evidence of the witness which was quite contrary to that which he had made before the magistrate.
In the cross examination made by the Special Public Prosecutor, the witness further said that afterwards Haji Sekandar Ali and Anwar Ali withdrew from the partnership business by making an affidavit due to their inability to finance the business. This was done after the execution of the partnership deed and …. (missing
from original document due to page damage)
as correctly written? A : Yes, but I did so under pressure. Q : Did you say anything about this pressure to the Magistrate? A : I gave the Magistrate hints about the pressure. Q : Now you are telling lies in this case under the influence of the accused party.
: No, I am not telling lies here. Now I am telling myself free to tell the truth
before this court.
In reply to another question the witness said that he had also come to attend the court to depose as a prosecution witness on the first date of the hearing of this case ( April 25 last.)
: Before coming to attend the court on that day did you go to Ramna Police
station and make a statement that the accused party had been threatening you
and asking you not to appear as a witness in this case? : Yes, I made this statement under pressure of the police. : But you are suppressing the truth under pressure of the accused party?
No, it is not a fact.

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Earlier, in the examination-in-chief, the witness said that he was an importer and exporter of firms. He knew Golam Haider Chowhury. Haji Sekander Ali and his son Anwar Ali, all from Pabna, Haji Sekander Ali and Anwar Ali were dealing in cloth calendering business at Baburhat Dacca. The witness first met them in 1956. They told him to apply for a licence to set up a calendering industry as it was a profitable concern. “They invited me to set up the industry together as partners. Capital was agreed to be invested by Haji Sekander Ali and Anwar Ali as financing partners. Myself and Golam Haider Chowdhury became the Managing-Partners. It was agreed to set up the Calendering plant at Sathihati under Tangail police station in Mymensing district.
The witness then said that “We applied to the Government for the necessary permission in August 1956. We applied through the C.L. & I. Department, Government of East Pakistan. The authority for giving the licence at that time vested with the Centre …. (missing from original document due to page damage) Public Prosecutor: Then you approached one Fakir Chand to become your financial partner?
Witness: Yes, after taking the permission of the Government.
Q: Did you write a letter to the Investigation Officer Mehrab Ali from Chittagong by Air Mail on March 18 stating that Nasser was threatening you for appearing as a witness in this case?
A: Yes, I did.
The letter was marked exhibit in the court with a note of defence-objection regarding its admissibility as evidence. After the cross-examination of the witness by the Special Public Prosecutor, the court rose for the day to meet again today when the same witness will be cross-examined by Mr. Suhrawardy. The court hall and its adjoining verandahs were packed to capacity by large crowds. Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy, Mr. Abdus Salman Khan, Mr. Zaheeruddin, Mr. Azam and Mr. Zillur Rahman appeared for the defence while Mr. Azizuddin Ahmed with Mr. Moazzem Hossain Khan appeared for the State.
Side note: Seen. In P.F. of the subject pl. Sd/-DS VI, 25.5.60

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Ittefa9 dt. 21.5.60 23 dt. 26.5.6O
চাপে পড়িয়া বিবৃতি প্রদানে বাধ্য হইয়াছি
শেখ মুজিবুরের মামলায় বাদীপক্ষের প্রধান সাক্ষীর উক্তি
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার) গতকল্য (শুক্রবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ, এস, এম, রাশেদের এজলাশে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও তদীয় ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার সরকার পক্ষের মূল সাক্ষী জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী তাঁহার সাক্ষ্যে বলেন যে, পুলিশের চাপে পড়িয়া ও বাধ্য হইয়া তিনি শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন। জনাব মজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরীর সাক্ষ্যে সন্তুষ্ট হইতে না পারিয়া সরকার পক্ষ প্রমাণ আইনের ১৫৪ ধারা মােতাবেক সাক্ষীকে “প্রতিকূল” ঘােষণা করিয়া জেরা করেন।
গতকল্য সাক্ষ্য জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী সাক্ষ্য প্রদানকালে বলেন যে, তাঁহাদের আবেদনপত্রের গুণাগুণ বিচার করিয়া সরকার তাঁহাদিগকে বস্ত্র ক্যালেন্ডারিং মিল স্থাপনের অনুমতি প্রদান করেন। সাক্ষী বলেন যে, এব্যাপারে তিনি সেক্রেটারিয়েটের বাহিরে কাহারও নিকট যান নাই। সাক্ষী আরও বলেন যে, এক সঙ্গে ব্যবসায় করার উদ্দেশ্যেই শেখ আবু নাসেরকে “আলআমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্ট্রিজ” এর পার্টনার করা হইয়াছে। তিনি বলেন যে, শেখ আবু নাসের হইতে প্রয়ােজন। ছিল না বলিয়া কোন পুঁজি গ্রহণ করা হয় নাই।
গতকল্য সরকার পক্ষে স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব আজিজুদ্দীন আহমদ সাক্ষীকে প্রতিকূল” ঘােষণা ও জেরা করার পর বিবাদী পক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী দন্ডায়মান হইয়া আদালতকে এই মামলার অসারতা সম্পর্কে অবহিত করেন। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন যে, সরকারী নথিপত্র হইতে আমাদের নিকট এতসব প্রমাণ রহিয়াছে যে, এই ব্যাপারে আগাগােড়া শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের কোন হাত ছিল না। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীর সংক্ষিপ্ত বক্তব্য পেশের পর আদালতের কার্য এই দিনের মত শেষ হইয়া যায়।
অদ্য (শনিবার) পূর্বাহ্নে একই আদালতে জনাব আবুল মনসুর আহমেদের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার আর এক দফা শুনানীর পর শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের মামলার শুনানী পুনরায় শুরু হইবে।
শুনানীর বিবরণ
গতকল্য শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও শেখ আবু নাসেরর বিরুদ্ধে দুর্নীতির অভিযােগে আনীত মামলার শুনানী শুরু হইলে সরকার পক্ষের প্রথম সাক্ষী জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরীকে সাক্ষ্য প্রদানের জন্য হাজির করা হয়।

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জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী বলেন যে, ১৯৫৬ সনে পাবনার হাজী সেকান্দর আলী ও তাঁর ছেলে জনাব আনােয়ার আলী ও জনাব গােলাম হায়দার চৌধুরী এবং সাক্ষী স্বয়ং “আল-আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজ” নামে একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান গঠন করেন। প্রথমােক্ত দুই ব্যক্তি ফাইনান্সিয়াল পার্টনার এবং সাক্ষী ও গােলাম হায়দার চৌধুরী ম্যানিজিং পার্টনার হিসাবে টাঙ্গাইল মহকুমার সাথীহাটিতে একটি বস্ত্র ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা স্থাপনের সিদ্ধান্ত করেন। ১৯৫৬ সনের আগষ্ট মাসে তাঁহারা উক্ত শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের শিল্প ডিরেক্টরেটের মাধ্যমে কেন্দ্রিয় সরকারের নিকট অনুমতি প্রার্থনা করেন। কিন্তু এ সম্পর্কে কোন অনুমতি পাওয়া যায় নাই। এই সময়ে প্রদেশে নয়া শিল্প ইউনিট স্থাপনের জন্য দরখাস্ত আহবান করিয়া খবরের কাগজে প্রচারিত বিজ্ঞপ্তি অনুসারে তাঁহারা পূর্ববর্তী আবেদন পত্রের উল্লেখক্রমে প্রাদেশিক সরকারের নিকট ১৯৫৭ সনের ৫ই মার্চ একখানা তাগিদপত্র প্রদান করেন। শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠান গড়ার ব্যাপারে অনুমতি লাভের জন্য প্রথম হইতে আমার উপর চেষ্টা করার ভার ছিল। আমি এই ব্যাপারে প্রাদেশিক সেক্রেটারিয়েটে যাওয়া আসা করি এবং তাগিদ ইত্যাদি প্রদান করি। অবশেষে আমাদের দরখাস্তের গুনাগুনের উপর উপরােক্ত ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা স্থাপনের অনুমতি প্রদত্ত হয়।
এই সময়ে স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকউটর তাঁহাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করেন যে, তাহারা। সেক্রেটারিয়েটের বাহিরে কাহারও নিকট আনাগােনা করিয়াছেন কি-না। তদুত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তিনি সেক্রেটারিয়েটের বাহিরে কোথাও চেষ্টা তদবীর করার জন্য যান নাই।
অতঃপর সাক্ষী বলেন যে, দরখাস্ত করার পর এবং অনুমতি লাভের পূর্বে তাঁহারা শেখ আবু নাসেরকে পার্টনার হিসাবে গ্রহন করিয়া তিন আনা অংশ দেওয়ার শর্তে একটি পার্টনারশীপ দলিল সম্পাদন করেন।
স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর শেখ আবু নাসের কোন মূলধন দিয়াছিলেন কিনা জিজ্ঞাসা করিলে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তাহার কোন মূলধন ছিল না। কারন তখন মূলধনের প্রয়ােজন ছিল না । সাক্ষী আরও বলেন যে, হাজী সেকান্দর আলী ও জনাব আনােয়ার আলী আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের ফাইনান্সিয়ার পার্টনার হিসাবে প্রাথমিক খরচপত্র প্রদান করিতেছিলেন।
এই সময়ে স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জিজ্ঞাসা করেন যে, তবে শেখ আবু নাসেরকে কেন পার্টনার করিয়াছিলেন ?
উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, একসঙ্গে ব্যবসা করার উদ্দেশ্যেই তাঁহাকে পার্টনার করা হয়।
সাক্ষী বলেন যে, এই শেষােক্ত পার্টনারশীপ দলিল ১৯৫৭ সনের ১৪ই নভেম্বর সম্পাদন করা হয়।
সাক্ষী আরও বলেন যে, বস্ত্র ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য অনুমতি লাভের পর তাঁহারা আমদানী লাইসেন্স লাভ করেন।

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ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের সম্মুখে প্রদত্ত বিবৃতি এই সময় স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেনীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব এ, মজিদের সম্মুখে সাক্ষী ইতিপূর্বে প্রমাণ আইনের ১৫৪ ধারা মােতাবেক যে বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন উহা আদালতে পেশ করেন। উক্ত বিবৃতিতে সাক্ষী বলেনঃ ১৯৫৬ সনে আওয়ামী লীগ প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রিসভা গঠনের পূর্বে “আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ” টাঙ্গাইলে একটি বস্ত্র ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা স্থাপনের জন্য অনুমতি প্রার্থনা করিয়া দরখাস্ত দাখিল করে। কিন্তু উক্ত দরখাস্ত সম্পর্কে শিল্প ডিরেক্টরেট কোন ব্যবস্থা। অবলম্বন না করিয়া উহা ফেলিয়া রাখে। অতঃপর আওয়ামী লীগ মন্ত্রিসভা গঠন করে। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান উক্ত মন্ত্রিসভার বাণিজ্য, শ্রম ও শিল্প বিভাগের ভারপ্রাপ্ত হন। এই সময়ে অর্থাৎ ১৯৫৬ সনের ৭ই সেপ্টেম্বর তাহারা শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের সরকারী বাসভবনে গিয়া উক্ত শিল্প গড়ার অনুমতি প্রার্থনা করেন। তিনি তল্কালীন আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী হিসাবে আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলে দেড়হাজার টাকা চাঁদা দাবী এবং পরে তাঁহার ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরকে বিনাপুঁজিতে প্রতিষ্ঠানের একজন পার্টনার করার শর্ত আরােপ করিয়া উক্ত অনুমতি ও প্রয়ােজনীয় লাইসেন্স ইত্যাদি প্রদানের আশ্বাস দান করেন। তদনুযায়ী সাক্ষী প্রতিষ্ঠানের পক্ষ হইতে বিভিন্ন সময়ে আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলের জন্য শেখ আবু নাসেরের মাধ্যমে নগদ ১৫ শত টাকা চাঁদা প্রদান করে এবং তাহাকে বিনা পুঁজিতে তিন আনা শেয়ার প্রদানের শর্তে আর একখানা দলিল সম্পাদন করেন। এইরুপে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলের নামে অথবা ব্যক্তিগত ভাবে উক্ত অর্থ গ্রহণ এবং তাঁহার ভাইকে বিনা পুঁজিতে উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানের অংশীদার করার ব্যপারে সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করেন।
অতঃপর স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর সাক্ষীকে জিজ্ঞাসা করেন যে, তিনি ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট হলফ করিয়া উপরােক্ত বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন কি না?
উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেনঃ “মামলা তদন্তকালে ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের বাসভবনে আমাকে লইয়া যাওয়া হয়। দুর্নীতি দমন বিভাগীয় পুলিশের চাপে বাধ্য হইয়া আমি উক্ত বিবৃতি প্রদান করি।
আমি উক্ত বিবৃতি কালে হলফ’ করি নাই।”
সাক্ষীকে “প্রতিকূল” ঘােষণা সাক্ষীর উপরােক্ত বক্তব্যের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটার জনাব আজিজুদ্দীন আহমদ সাক্ষ্য আইনের ১৫৪ ধারা অনুযায়ী সাক্ষীকে প্রতিকূল” বলিয়া ঘােষণা ও জেরা করার জন্য আদালতের অনুমতি প্রার্থনা করেন। আদালত তাঁহাকে অনুমতি প্রদান করিলে তিনি সাক্ষীকে জেরা করেন।
প্রঃ আমি বলিতে চাই যে, আপনি ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেনীর ম্যাজিষ্টেট জবাব এ, মজিদের সম্মুখে বিবৃতি প্রদানকালে “হলফ” করিয়াছেন ?
উঃ ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট প্রদত্ত বিবৃতিকালে আমি হলফ করিয়াছি ইহা সঠিক নহে।

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প্রঃ আপনি কি বলিতে চাহেন যে, ম্যাজিষ্টেটের নিকট যাহা বলিয়াছেন উহা সত্য নহে ?
উ : পুলিসের চাপে বাধ্য হইয়া আমি উক্ত বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছি। আমি যাহা বলিয়াছি উহা সত্য নহে।
প্রঃ আপনাকে পুলিশ চাপ দিয়াছে, উহা আপনি ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটকে জানাইয়াছিলেন কি? উঃ আমি ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট কে এ-ব্যাপারে ইঙ্গিত দিয়াছিলাম।
এই সময়ে সাক্ষী জনাব আজিজ উদ্দীনের মুখের দিকে তাকাইতেছিলেন। জনাব আজিজউদ্দীন তখন সাক্ষীকে ধমক দিয়া বলেন “এদিকে চাইবেন না, হাকিমের দিকে চান!” (হাস্যরােল)
প্রঃ আমি বলিতে চাই যে, আপনি বিবাদী পক্ষের ধমক বা বিবাদীর বাধ্য হইয়া এক্ষণে সত্য গােপন করিতেছেন এবং যাহা বলিতেছেন। উহা সত্য নহে।।
উঃ আমি এখন কোর্টে আছি বিধায় সত্য কথা বলার জন্য প্রেরণা অনুভব করিতেছি। ইহা সত্য নহে যে, আমি এক্ষণে বিবাদীর বাধ্য হইয়া মিথ্যা কথা বলিতেছি।
এই সময়ে স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট প্রদত্ত বিবৃতি পাঠ করেন এবং বলেন যে, উক্ত বিবৃতিতে আপনি শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের উপস্থিতিতে আবু নাসেরকে টাকা দিয়াছিলেন বলিয়াছেন ।
উঃ আমি যাহা বলিয়াছি পুলিসের চাপে বাধ্য হইয়া বলিয়াছি। প্রঃ এই মামলায় পূর্ববর্তী দিবসে আপনি সাক্ষ্য দেওয়ার জন্য কোর্টে আগমন করিয়াছেন। উঃ হ্যা। গত তারিখেও উপস্থিত ছিলাম।
প্রঃ পূর্ববর্তী তারিখের কয়েকদিন আগে আসামীগণ আপনাকে ধমক প্রদান করিতেছেন এই মর্মে রমনা থানায় খবর দিয়াছেন ?
উঃ পুলিসের জনৈক ইন্সপেক্টর আমাকে রমনা থানায় লইয়া যান এবং তাহার চাপে পড়িয়া উক্ত খবর দিয়াছি। প্রঃ হাজী সেকান্দর আলী ফাইনান্স করিতে অস্বীকার করিয়া আপনাদের সহিত সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করিয়াছেন কি?
উঃ হাজী সেকেন্দার আলী ও জনাব আনােয়ার আলী ফাইন্যান্স করিতে অসমর্থ হইয়া কোর্টে এফিডেভিড করিয়া প্রতিষ্ঠানের সহিত সম্পর্কচ্ছেদ করেন।
Side note: In the P.F. of Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/ -26.5.60

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Another Witness Declared Hostile In Mujib’s Case
One more witness, Anwar Ali, who was a partner of the Al-Amin Industries, was declared hostile yesterday in the corruption case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his younger brother.
The witness yesterday told the court that the statement which he had made before the Magistrate involving the accused persons in the case was under coercion and pressure of the Anti corruption police.
Side note: Seen. In P.F. pl. Sd/-DS VI, 25.5.60

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Statesman dt. 22.5.60
Witness Called Hostile
From Our Staff Correspondent DACCA, May 21- The case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, former general secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Leauge, and for some time Commerce Minister in the Ataur Rahman Cabinet, took an unexpected turn today, when the main prosecution witness who, curiously enough, bears a similar name, was declared hostile by the special judge.
The declaration followed a prayer by the special public prosecutor after the witness. Mr. Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury had told the court that an earlier deposition by him before a first class magistrate, which formed the basis of the charge against the accused was false and was made under pressure from AntiCorruption Bureau officials.

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The case against the former Minister is that he had misused his power and position to obtain financial advantages for his younger brother Sheikh Abu Nasser and for the Awami Leauge. It was alleged that under pressure from the accused Sheikh Abu Nasser was made a three-anna partner in a textile calendering firm – of which witness was a working partner – without any financial investment in appreciation of his services in obtaining permission from the accused for setting up the plant. Witness was also stated to have paid Rs. 1,500 to Awami League funds.
Making his statement about duress in course today, witness deposed that permission to set up the plant was finally granted on the “merits of the file.” In answer to a prosecution query he admitted that Sheikh Abu Nasser had been taken as a three-anna partner during the period between application to the provincial Government for permission to establish the plant and the actual grant of the licence. Sheikh Nasser had been taken in “just for business” sake- just to pull on with the business.”
The partnership deed bringing in Nasser was, accounting to witness, signed on February 14, 1957 and the permission was granted subsequently. Witness also admitted having written a letter on March 18 from Chittagong to the investigating officer in the case, stating that Sheikh Nasser was threatening him for having appeared as a witness in this case.
He also said that the statement made earlier by him before a magistrate had been correctly taken down and had been signed by him as true. Claiming that statement had been based on falsehoods, he said: “Now I have got a chance to speak the truth freely.”
Earlier, the jurisdiction of the court to try the case was questioned on the ground inter alia that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in his capacity as Minister, was not a public servant as claimed by the prosecution, and that Government sanction in respect of the case was not valid. The court reserved its decision on this point.
Side note: Seen. In P.F. please. Sd/-16.6.60, DS VI

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Ittefa9 dt. 22.5.60
শেখ মুজিবুরের মামলা সরকার পক্ষের দ্বিতীয় সাক্ষীকেও প্রতিকূল ঘােষণা
একজনকে প্রত্যাহার করার সিদ্ধান্ত ও একজন অনুপস্থিত

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গতকল্য (শনিবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ এ, এস, এম, রাশেদের এজলাসে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও তদীয় ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত দূর্নীতির মামলায় সরকার পক্ষ তাঁহাদের দ্বিতীয় সাক্ষীকেও প্রতিকূল ঘােষণা করে এবং আসামী পক্ষের বশ হইয়াছে বলিয়া অপর একজন সাক্ষীকে সাক্ষ্য দান হইতে বিরত রাখে। ইহা ছাড়াও এইদিন বাদীপক্ষের আর একজন সাক্ষীকে সাক্ষ্য দানের সময় অনুপস্থিত দেখা যায়।
সরকার পক্ষের দ্বিতীয় সাক্ষী আল-আমীন ইণ্ডাষ্ট্রিজের অন্যতম পার্টনার জনাব আনােয়ার আলী সাক্ষ্যদানকালে আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলে চাঁদা দানের কথা অস্বীকার করেন ও পুলিসের জুলুমে ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট মিথ্যা জবানবন্দী করেন বলিয়া জানান।
তিনি আরও বলেন, “কি পরিমাণ জুলুমের ফলে আমি সেই সময়ে ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের সম্মুখে বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছি তাহা যে কেহ উপলদ্ধি করিতে পারেন।”
সাক্ষী বলেন যে, হিসাবের খাতায় ৬ই ফেব্রুয়ারী (১৯৫৭ ইং) তারিখে আওয়ামী লীগ ফান্ডের জন্য ১৫০০/-” দেখান হইয়াছে। কিন্তু প্রকৃত পক্ষে উহা দেওয়া হয় নাই।
তিনি বলেনঃ “এই হিসাবের খাতা ১৯৫৯ সনে এক দিনে ও একই বৈঠকে লিখিত হইয়াছে।”
উপরােক্ত সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্যেও সন্তুষ্ট না হইয়া স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটার তাহাকে “প্রতিকূল” ঘােষণা করিয়া জেরা করেন। এই দিবসে সরকার পক্ষ বিবাদীর বাধ্য হইয়াছে এই অজুহাতে অন্যতম প্রধান সাক্ষী হাজী সেকান্দার আলীকে সাক্ষী হিসাবে হাজির করা হইতে বিরত থাকেন। সরকারী কৌসুলী সাক্ষী হাজির না করার কারণ বর্ণনা করিয়া বলেন যে, তাহার পুত্র আনওয়ার আলীকে ইতিমধ্যে প্রতিকূল ঘােষণা করা হইয়াছে। অতএব, পিতাকে সাক্ষী হিসাবে হাজির করা হইতে তাহারা বিরত হইয়াছেন।
এখানে উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, শুক্রবার দিন সরকার পক্ষ তাহাদের প্রথম সাক্ষী জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরীকে “প্রতিকূল” ঘােষণা করেন।
সরকার পক্ষের অন্যতম প্রধান সাক্ষী জনাব গােলাম হায়দর চৌধুরী পূর্ববর্তী দিন কোর্টে হাজিরা দিলেও এই দিবসে তিনি হাজির হন নাই। বাদীপক্ষ তাহার অনুপস্থিতি সম্পর্কে সন্তোষজনক কারণ প্রদর্শন করিতে অসমর্থ হইয়া বলেন, উক্ত সাক্ষীকে আদৌ হাজির করা হইবে কি-না তৎসম্পর্কে তাহারা বিবেচনা করিয়া পরে লিখিত ভাবে জানাইবেন।
শুনানীর বিবরণ। গতকল্য শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও তদীয় ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার শুনানী পুনরায় শুরু হয়।
অতঃপর সরকার পক্ষের দ্বিতীয় সাক্ষী জনাব আনওয়ার আলী তাঁহার সাক্ষ্যে বলেন: “আমরা ১৯৫৬ সনের আগষ্ট মাসে আল-আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রীজ-এর লাইসেন্সের জন্য দরখাস্ত করি। আমাদের দরখাস্তের ৩/৪ মাস পরে আমরা শেখ আবু নাসেরকে পার্টনার হিসাবে গ্রহণ করি।

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“এই ফার্মের প্রাথমিক খরচপত্র আমি ও আমার পিতা হাজী সেকান্দর আলীর বহন করার কথা স্থির হয়।”
সাক্ষী বলেনঃ “এই ফার্মের প্রাথমিক খরচ-পত্র আমি ও আমার পিতা বহন করিবেন স্থির হয়। পরে ফার্মের কাজ পুরাদমে শুরু হইলে অন্যান্য অংশীদার তাঁহাদের মূলধনের টাকা প্রদান করিবেন, এইরূপ সিদ্ধান্ত করা হয়।”
সাক্ষী বলেন: “আমি ও আমার পিতা কোর্টে এফিডেভিট দাখিল করিয়া পরে এই প্রতিষ্ঠানের সহিত সম্পর্কচ্ছেদ করি। অবশ্য ব্যবসায়ের জন্য লাইসেন্স পাওয়ার বহু পরে আমরা এই সম্পর্কচ্ছেদ করি।”
হিসাবের খাতা প্রসঙ্গে সাক্ষী বলেনঃ আমাদের পার্টনারশীপ ব্যবসায়ের হিসাবের এই খাতা (কোর্টে প্রদর্শিত) আমার হাতে লেখা হয়।
সাক্ষী বলেনঃ “পার্টনারশীপ ব্যবসায়ের সহিত আমরা সম্পর্কচ্ছেদ করিয়া যে এফিডেভিট দাখিল করি উহার খরচ ২৬/৬/৫৮ তারিখে খাতায় লিখিত হইয়াছে। ইহা আমার হাতের লেখা।
“এই পর্যায়ে সাক্ষী স্বেচ্ছায় বলেন যে, এই খাতা ১৯৫৯ সনের কোন একদিনে এবং একই বৈঠকে লিখিত হইয়াছে। কোন তারিখে লিখিত হইয়াছে। উহা তাঁহার স্মরণ নাই।”
আওয়ামী লীগ ফাণ্ডে চাঁদা প্রদানের কথা অস্বীকার সাক্ষী বলেনঃ “খাতায় ৬ই ফেব্রুয়ারী (১৯৫৭ই) আওয়ামী লীগ ফাণ্ডের জন্য ১৫০০ টাকা দেখান হইয়াছে। কিন্তু প্রকৃতপক্ষে উহা দেওয়া হয় নাই।”
সাক্ষী আরও বলেনঃ “স্যার! এই খাতায় খসড়া হিসাব লেখা হইয়াছে। উহাতে যে খরচ দেখান হইয়াছে উহার মধ্যে কোন কোন খরচ প্রকৃতই হইয়াছে, আর কোন কোন খরচ প্রকৃত পক্ষে নাও হইতে পারে।”
সাক্ষী বলেণ যে, খাতাটা প্রস্তুত করার পর উহাতে দস্তখত দিয়া তিনি পুলিসের হাতে অর্পণ করেন এবং বলেন যে, খাতাটা ক্রয়ের পর একই দিনে ও একই বৈঠকে হিসাব লেখা হয় এবং ঐ দিনেই পুলিসের হাতে অর্পণ করা হয়।
পুলিসের নিকট জবানবন্দী সাক্ষী বলেন:- “আমি পুলিসের নিকট জবানবন্দী প্রদান করিয়াছি। সাক্ষী আরও বলেন:“আমি ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকটও এক বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছি।”
সাক্ষীকে “প্রতিকূল” ঘােষণা উপরােক্ত অবস্থায় সরকার পক্ষের স্পেশ্যাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব আজিজুদ্দীন আহমদ সাক্ষ্য ও প্রমাণ আইনের ১৫৪ ধারা অনুযায়ী সাক্ষীকে “প্রতিকূল” ঘােষণা করেন এবং আদালত সাক্ষীকে জেরা করার জন্য বাদীপক্ষের কৌসূলীকে অনুমতি প্রদান করেন।।

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অতঃপর স্পেশ্যাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর সাক্ষীকে জেরা করিতে শুরু করেন। এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেনঃ ইহা সত্য নহে যে, আওয়ামী লীগ ফান্ডে চাঁদা দেওয়ার কথা হয় এবং আওয়ামী লীগ ফাণ্ডে ১৫০০ টাকা প্রদানের কথাও সত্য নহে। লাইসেন্স পাওয়ার শর্তে শেখ আবু নাসেরকে পার্টনার করার কথাও সাক্ষী অস্বীকার করেন।”
সাক্ষী বলেনঃ “ম্যাজিষ্টেটের সম্মুখে প্রদত্ত বিবৃতি দুনীর্তি দমন বিভাগীয় পুলিসের চাপে বাধ্য হইয়া প্রদান করিয়াছি।”
প্রঃ – ম্যাজিষ্টেটের নিকট যাহা বলিয়াছেন উহাই সত্য ছিল এবং এখন সাক্ষ্যে যাহা বলিতেছেন উহা সবই মিথ্যা এবং বিবাদীর বাধ্য হইয়াই মিথ্যা সাক্ষ্য প্রদান করিতেছেন?
উ ৪- ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের কাছে যাহা বলিয়াছি উহা সত্য নহে এবং ইহাও সত্য নহে যে, এক্ষণে আমি মিথ্যা সাক্ষ্য দিতেছি বা বিবাদীর বাধ্য হইয়াছি। সাক্ষী স্বেচ্ছাকৃতভাবে বলেন যে, দুর্নীতি দমন বিভাগীয় পুলিসের জুলুম ও চাপে পড়িয়া ম্যাজিষ্টেটের নিকট বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছি এবং কি পরিমান জুলুমের ফলে এই বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছি উহা যে কেহ উপলদ্ধি করিতে পারেন।
প্রঃ আপনি পুলিশের চাপ বা জুলুমের কথা ম্যাজিষ্টেট, সিভিল বা মিলিটারী কর্তৃপক্ষের কাহাকেও জানাইয়াছেন কি?
উঃ পুলিসের আরও জুলুমের ভয়ে এবং তাহারা এই জুলুমের কথা কোথাও প্রকাশ করিতে নিষেধ করায় এতদিন কাহারও কাছে প্রকাশ করি নাই।
অতঃপর এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম খানের এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তাহাদের ব্যবসায়ের ব্যাপারে অন্য কোন খসড়া খাতা নাই।
ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব আবদুল মজিদের সাক্ষ্য এই দিবসে সরকার পক্ষের তৃতীয় সাক্ষী ঢাকার প্রথম শ্রেণীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট জনাব আবদুল মজিদ তাঁহার সাক্ষ্যে বলেন যে এখন হইতে প্রায় এক বছর আগে পুলিস জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী, জনাব আনওয়ার আলী প্রমুখ কয়েক ব্যক্তিকে তাহাদের জবানবন্দী গ্রহণের জন্য তাঁহার নিকট হাজির করে। তিনি তদনুসারে একজন একজন করিয়া তাহাদের বিবৃতি বা জবানবন্দী লিপিবদ্ধ করেন। তাহারা যে ভাষায় কথা বলে তিনি যথাসাধ্য সেই ভাষায় উহা লিপিবদ্ধ করিয়াছেন। বিবাদী পক্ষের অন্যতম কৌসুলী জনাব আবদুল সালাম খান সাক্ষীকে জেরা করেন।
কতিপয় প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেন যে তিনি এক ছুটির তারিখে বিবৃতি গুলি লিপিবদ্ধ করেন। কিন্তু ঐদিন রবিবার কিংবা অপর কোন ছুটির দিবস ছিল উহা তিনি স্মরণ করিতে পারিতেছেন না। তিনি আরও বলেন যে, বিবৃতি গ্রহণের সময়কাল তিনি লিপিবদ্ধ করেন নাই। তবে উহা মধ্যাহ্নের পূর্বে হইবে বলিয়া তাহার যতদূর মনে পড়ে। সাক্ষী বলেন যে, যে পুলিশ তাহাদের সঙ্গে করিয়া নিয়া আসে তিনি তাহার হাতে উক্ত বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন।
সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তিনি বিবৃতি গ্রহণের পূর্বে দুই এক কথা যাহা জিঞ্জাসা করিয়াছেন উহা রেকর্ডভুক্ত করেন নাই।

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এখানে উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, সাক্ষী সাক্ষ্যে স্বীকার করেন যে, তিনি সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণকালে কাহাকেও শপথ গ্রহণ করান নাই। অবশ্য বিবৃতি গ্রহণের পূর্বে তিনি তাহাদিগকে সতর্কতা অবলম্বন ও সত্য কথা বলার জন্য আহবান জানাইয়াছিলেন। সাক্ষী স্বীকার করেন যে প্রায় এক বৎসর পরে এই সাক্ষ্য প্রদান করিতে হওয়ায় বিবৃতি গ্রহণকালে কি ধরনের জিজ্ঞাসা বা কথাবার্তা হইয়া ছিল। উহা তিনি স্মরণ হইতেছে বলিতেছেন।
দূর্নীতি দমন ব্যুরাের সেকশন অফিসারের সাক্ষ্য গতকল্য দূর্নীতিদমন ব্যুরাের সেকশন অফিসার জনাব এস, হােসেন বিভিন্ন ফাইল ও বিজ্ঞপ্তি হইতে এই মামলা পরিচালনা সম্পর্কিত উর্ধ্বতন কর্তৃপক্ষের মনজুরী ও মন্ত্রীপদে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের নিয়ােগ ও উক্ত পদে অবস্থানকাল প্রমাণ করেন।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী কর্তৃক সাক্ষীকে জেরা প্রঃ আপনি কি জানেন যে, ১৯৫৮ সালের ৭ই অক্টোবর সামরিক আইন প্রবর্তনের অব্যহিত পরে অথ্যাৎ ১২ই অক্টোবর এক অর্ডিন্যান্স বলে দূনীতি দমন আইন সংশােধন করা হইয়াছে।
উঃ হ্যা অর্ডিন্যান্স দুর্নীতি দমন আইন সংশােধন করা হয় তারিখ আমার মনে নাই। প্রঃ আপনি কি জানেন যে, শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান একজন বড় রাজনীতিক ছিলেন ? উঃ তিনি একজন প্রাদেশিক রাজনৈতিক নেতা ছিলেন উহা আমি অবগত আছি।
প্রঃ আপনি কি অবগত আছেন যে, দুর্নীতি দমন আইন সংশােধনের ঠিক পরদিন শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে তাঁহার জ্ঞাত আয়ের সহিত সঙ্গতিবিহীন সম্পত্তি অর্জনের জন্য গ্রেফতার করিয়া ঢাকা সেন্ট্রাল জেলে আটক রাখা হয় ?
উঃ হ্যা।। প্রঃ আপনি কি অবগত আছেন যে, তাঁহাকে জেলখানায় ফাঁসির আসামীদের সেলে রাখা হয় ? উঃ আমি জানি না।
প্রঃ আপনি কি অবগত আছেন যে, জেলে আটক থাকাকালে জননিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্স বলে তাহাকে পুনরায় গ্রেফতার করা হয়?
উঃ হ্যা।
প্রঃ আপনি কি অবগত আছেন যে, ঢাকা সেন্ট্রাল জেলে তাহাকে ১৪ মাস পর্যন্ত সেলের মধ্যে আটক রাখা হয়।
উঃ আমি জানি না।
প্রঃ আপনি কি অবগত আছেন যে, জেলে আটক থাকাকালে তাহার বিরুদ্ধে জ্ঞাত আয়ের সহিত সঙ্গতিবিহীন সম্পত্তি অর্জনের অভিযােগে এক মামলা দায়ের করা হয় এবং সেই মামলা পরে কোট কতৃক খারিজ হয়ে যায় ।
উঃ হ্যা।

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প্রঃ আপনি কি অবগত আছেন যে, জেলে থাকিতে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ৪২০ ধারা অনুযায়ী তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে একটি মামলা দায়ের করা হয় এবং জনাব কে, এম, রহমানের কোর্টে যথারীতি শুনানী ও সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণের পর উহা খারিজ হইয়া যায় ?
উঃ হ্যা।
এই দিবসে একজন হস্তাক্ষর বিশেষজ্ঞ ও চট্টগ্রামের আমদানী ও রফতানি এসিষ্ট্যান্ট কন্ট্রোলার সাক্ষ্য প্রদান করেন।
আগামীকল্য (সােমবার) পুনরায় শুনানী শুরু হইবে।
Side note: In the P.F. of Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/ -26.5.60, D.S.VI

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Watch Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who met
H S Suhrawardy and others. Dacca, 20 May 1960
C.R. dt 20.5.60 Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 to 17.00 to 24.00 hrs. Place of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of suspect : Sk. Majibar Rahman.
Result of watch In the morning duty period at about 06.15 hrs. the above noted subject came out from his quarters by Jeep No. E.B.D. 111 and proceeded towards town side. I did secret watch there till 11.00 hrs. but the subject was not returned to his quarter from outside.
In the evening duty period at about 17.30 hrs. the above noted subject came out from his qrs. by the said Jeep and proceeded towards town side. At about 19.00

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hrs. the subject along with suspect Jahiruddin Ahmed, Advocate returned to his quarter by Jeep No. E.B.D. 111 and at about 19.10 hrs. the subject along with Jahiruddin Ahmed came out from his quarter by the said Jeep and proceeded towards town side. I did secret watch there till 24.00 hrs. but the subject was not returned to his quarter from outside.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. A.K.M Amjad
21.5.60 I.B., E.P, Dacca.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of Jahiruddin also. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 21.5.
C.R. dt. 20.5.60 Hours of duty : 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santinagor)
Result of watch In course my duty period at about 11.45 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came from outside along with Sk. Mujibur Rahman by Car No. E.B.D.-111 (Jeep) and entered in the said place. After that the subject was not seen by me. At about 13.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman came out from the said place and proceeded towards southern side by the same jeep.
At about 12.15 hrs. Mr. Tofazzal Hossain came from outside by car No. E.B.D. 2529 and entered into the said place. At about 13.00 hrs. he left the said place and proceeded towards southern side by the same car and entered into the said place. After that the suspect was seen present at the said place. During my duty period at about 12.30 hrs. one unknown person came from outside by Car No. E.B.D. 5130 and entered into the said place. At about 12.50 hrs. he left the said place & proceeded towards of southern side by the same car.
D.R. of the unknown person.
(1) Height – 5′-5″, (2) Age – about 45 years, (3) Complexion – Fair, (4) Nose pointed, (5) Face – Round, (6) Clean shaved. (7) Wearing white full pant and white Hy shirt & Black shoe.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Abdur Razzaque,
I.B., E.P., Dacca.
dt. 21.5.
Side note: Copy to P.Fs. of Mr. Suhrawardy, Sk. Mujibur and T. Hossain, Sd – N.M. Biswas, 21.5.

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C.R. dt 20.5.60 Hours of duty : 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santinagor)
Result of watch At about 21.05 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out from the above noted place and proceeded towards northern side of that place by Jeep Car No. 111-E.B.D. After that he did not returned from outside till 22.00 hrs. At about 18.30 hrs. suspect Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia left his quarter by Car No.2529-E.B.D. and proceeded towards southern side of that place. At about 21.10 hrs. he returned to his quarter from outside by car No. 2529-E.B.D. At about 19.15 hrs. to 20.00 hrs. 2 unknown persons visited the above noted place by Jeep Car No.111-E.B.D. D/R of the unknown person noted below.
The following persons visited the place time noted against their names.
Out. 20.45 hrs.
(1) Abdul Salam Khan by Car No. 91-E.B.D (2) Rafiqul Hossain by Car No. 5423-E.B.D (3) Sk. Majibor Rahman by Jeep Car No.111-E.B.D.
18.05 hrs. 18.10 hrs.
D/R of the 2 unknown persons.
(1) Age – about 45 years, Height – 5′.6″, Complexion – Fair, Round face, Pointed
Nose, Back brash hair, clean shaved, Dress – White suit and Tye. (2) Age about 35 years, Height about – 5.5″, Complexion – Fair. Pointed Nose,
clean shaved, Back brash – hair, Wearing white full pant and full shirt, black shoe.
Submitted, Sd/-Karimul Hossain
A.S.I. I.B. Dacca. 21.5.60
Side note: Copy to P.F. of all concerned. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 21.5.
S.I. N. Ahmed pl. fix up the unknown. Sd/-O/C, watch, 21.5 Report submitted on the same day from 11.00 to 17.00 hrs. Sd/-25.5

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Watch report on H S Suhrawardy and Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah who met Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 21 May 1960
C.R. dt. 21.5.60 Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. to 22.00 to 06.00 hrs. on 21.5.60. Purpose of duty : for suspect Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah & Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santynagor)
Result of watch At about 07.00 hrs. Sk. Majibar Rahman along with his brother Sk. Abu Nasar entered into the aforesaid place from eastern side by Jeep Car No. 111 E.B.D. At about 07.25 hrs. Sk. Majibar Rahman left aforesaid place and proceeded towards western side by same Jeep car along with Sk. Abu Nasar and Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. At about 08.00 hrs. suspect Tofazzal Hossain came out from his quarters and proceeded towards eastern side by car No. 2529-E.B.D. At about 09.45 hrs. suspect Tofazzal Hossain returned to his quarters from eastern side by same car. Again at about 10.20 hrs. the said suspect came out from his quarters and proceeded towards eastern side by same car. At about 23.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy returned aforesaid place from western side by car No. 4223-E.B.D. At about 23.30 hrs. Safiqul Hossain, Ex-M.P.A. came out from aforesaid place and proceeded towards western side by car No. 5422-E.B.D. At about 23.40 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman left aforesaid place and proceeded towards eastern side by Jeep car No. 111-E.B.D.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. A. Rahman Miah
D. 21.5.60.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of Manik Mia, Mr. Suhrawardy & Sk. Mujibor Rahman. Sd – N.M. Biswas,

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Watch report on Advocate Zahiruddin Ahmed who met
H S Suhrawardy and others.
Dacca, 21 May 1960
C.R. dt. 21.5.60 Hours of duty : 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. Place of duty : 20, Gopibagh 1st Lane and Dacca Court. Name of suspect : Zahiruddin Ahmed (Advocate).
Result of watch At 11.00 hrs. I took up my duty at Dacca Special Judge Court. There I found the following suspects in the Special Judge Court.
(1) H.S. Suhrawardy. (2) Abdus Salam Khan. (3) Sayed Azizul Haque. (4) Korban Ali. (5) Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
At about 12.30 hrs. the suspect Tofazzal Hossain came from outside and entered into the Special Judge Court. At about 13.00 hrs. the suspect Zahiruddin Ahmed left the court and went to Bar Library at about 13.10 hrs. At about 14.00 hrs. the said suspect left the bar library and retd. to his quarter at about 14.20 hrs. by rickshaw and did duty there till 17.00 hrs. but the suspect was not seen again,
Submitted, Sd/-W/C Md. Yakub Hossain of
I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of 1,2,3,4,5 also. Sd/- N.M, Biswas, 24.5
C.R. dt. 21.5.60 Hours of duty : 05.00 to 11.00. to 17.00 to 23.00. Place of duty : 20, Gopibagh 1st lane. Name of suspect : Zahiruddin Ahmed (Advocate).

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Result of watch At about 07.15 the said suspect came out from his quarter and went to Dacca Judge Court at 07.30 hrs. by rickshaw at that time I found the said place Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Abdus Salam Khan, Sk. Majibor Rahman, Korban Ali. All the suspect did not leave the said judge court till 11.00 hrs. During my evening duty period at about 17.20 the said suspect came out from his quarter and went to Bazi Kakrail (House of Toffazzal Hossain) at about 17.47 hrs. by rickshaw. At about 21.15 the said suspect along with Sk. Mojibur Rahman left the said place and proceeded towards eastern side by Jeep Car No. E.B.D.111. Then I left the said place and retd. to duty place at about 22.00 hrs. After that the said suspect was not seen by me. No suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the said place.
Submitted, Sd/- Golam Mostofa,
22.5. Side note: Copy to P.Fs. also. Sd/- N.M, Biswas, 24.5


Watch report on residence of Tofazzal Hossain being visited by HS Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others.
Dacca, 21 May 1960
C.R. dt 21.5.60 Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 .to 22.00 hrs. to 06.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail (Santi Nagor) at the residence of Tofazzal Hossain.
Result of watch In the morning period at about 06.55 hrs. Sk. Mojibor Rahman came from outside along with Kurban Ali by the car No. E.B.D. 111 (Jeep) and entered into the said place. At about 07.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out from the said place along with Tofazzal Hossain and left the said place by car No. E.B.D. 2529 and proceeded towards southern side. At the same time Majibor Rahman along with Kurban Ali left the said place and proceeded towards southern side by the same jeep. After that the subjects was not seen to returned at the said place up to 11.00 hrs. In the night period at about……….. hours ( dt. 22/5) Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came from outside along with Tofazzal Hossain and entered into the said place by car No. E.B.D.-2529.
After that the subject was not seen by me up to 06.00 hrs.

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No known suspect and suspicious person was seen to visit the said place except Majibur Rahman & Kurban Ali and Tofazzal Hossain.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C Abdur Razzak. I.B., E..P, Dacca
Dt. 22.5.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of T. Hossain, Sk. Mujibor Rahman also. Sd – N.M. Biswas, 24/5.
Hours of duty Place of duty
C.R. dt. 22.5.60. : 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. : Baze Kakrail (Santinagor), at the residence of Tofazzal Hossain.
Result of watch. In course of my duty period at about 19.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out from the said place along with one unknown person and left the said place by Car No. E.B.D. 155 and proceeded towards southern side. At about 21.00 hrs. he came from outside along with some unknown persons by the same car and entered into the said place and the unknown persons left the said place by the same car and proceeded towards southern side.
During my duty period the following suspects and unknown persons visited the said place. Name and time noted below:
By 1. Kurban Ali
17.30 19.00 E.B.D. 111 D.R. of the unknown persons who 2. Zahiruddin
came by Car. No. E.B.D. 155. 3. Mojibur Rahman 17.50 22.00 -do4. A. Salam Khan. 18.40 19.00 E.B.D. 91. 1. Height -5′-10″, Age about 40
years, complexion-fair, 5. 2 unknown 17.15 18.40 D.B.D. 3686.
Medium Health, clean shave, persons.
wearing Ash coloured suit &
black shoe. 6. 3 -do- –
2869 7. i . .
18.40 19.00 ” 155. 8. 2 ” ” 18.45 19.15
5721. 9. 1 ” 19.45 21.55 K.A.A.7444 I could not submit D.R. of the
other unknown persons due to
darkness. 10. 2 . – 20.00 21.15 E.B.D. 3686.
Sd/-23.5. Side note: Copy to their P.Fs. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 24/5.
S.I. M. Ahmed pl. fix up the owner of the Car and the unknown (E.B.D. 155)

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Watch report on residence of Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah meeting H S Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others.
Dacca, 22 May 1960
C.R. dt. 22.5.60 Hours of duty : 11.00 to 17.00 hrs. Purpose of duty for suspect Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah & Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santynagar).
Result of watch. At about 14.50 hrs. suspect Tofazzal Hossain returned to his quarters from western side by Car No. 2529-E.B.D. along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and Sk. Majibar Rahman. At about 15.00 hrs. Sk. Majibar Rahman left the said place and proceeded towards eastern side by same car. At about 16.55 hrs. suspect Jahiruddin Ahamed entered into the aforesaid place from eastern side by Car No. 3419-E.B.D. During my duty period no other suspicious persons were seen to visit the aforesaid place.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. A. Rahman Miah,
Side note: Seen. Copy to P.F. of Sk. Majibur Rahman. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. D.S. VI. 24/5.
C.R. dt 23.5.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 22.00 to 06.00 hrs. on 23.5.60 Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santinagor) at the residence of Tofazzal
Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of Watch At about 10.20 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibor Rahman entered into above noted place from outside by Jeep Car No. 111- E.B.D.
At about 10.50 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out from the above noted place along with Sk. Majibor Rahman & Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia proceeded towards western side of that place by Car No. 2529-E.B.D. After that they did not return from outside till 11.00 hrs.

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In the night duty period the above noted suspect and Mr. H.S. Suhrawrdy was not seen by me. No suspect and suspicious person were seen to visit the place in the night duty period.
Submitted, Sd/- Karimul Hossain A.S.I., I.B., Dacca.
23.5.60 Side note: Seen. Copy to P.F. of Sk. Mujibor Rahman. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 24.5.60.
Ref. C.R. dt. 22.5.60 of Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia. :
Reg: Please fix up the owner of the Car E.B.D. 155 and the unknown.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that the owner of the car is Mr. Md. Ishfak Majid, Ex-Major General of Pakistan Army.
He is s/o Mr. A. Majid, Darul Aman, Baburail, Narayanganj the unknown man could not be fixed up.
Submitted, Sd/-Masiruddin Ahmed
S.I., I.B. 27.5.60. Side note: D.S.VI may pl. see. Sd/-O/C., watch 27.5.
S.I. Wahed Ali to note, pl. Sd/ – N.H. Biswas 27.5.60.
Hours of duty Place of duty
C.R. dt 23.5.60. : 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. : Bazi Kakrail (Santinagor). At the residence of Tofazzal Hossain
@ Manik Mia.
Result of watch. In course of my duty periods Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy was seen present at the above noted place. At about 17.05 hrs. to 20.05 hrs. 4 unknown persons visited the above noted place by car No. 3686-E.B.D. D/R of the said unknown persons noted below.
At about 21.00 hrs. to 21.30 hrs. 1 unknown person visited the above noted place by car No. 4943- E.B.D. The following suspects visited the above noted place time noted against their names.
OUT. (1) Rafiqul Hossain (Ex. M.P.A)
– 17.15
17.20 (2) Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia by car – 17. 21.50 No. 5422-E.B.D.

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(3) Sk. Majibor Rahman by Jeep Car No. – 18.20 21.35 hrs.
111- E.B.D (4) Surendra Kumar Pal of Narayanganj by – 18.20 19.30 hrs. by Jeep Car No. 111-E.B.D.
rickshaw. Abdul Wadud Patwari by cycle.
– 18.30 18.50 Zahiruddin Ahmed (Advocate) by
– 18.35
20.00 hrs. rickshaw
D/R. of the 4 unknown persons. (1) Age about 55 years, Height – 5′-5″, Comp- Medium, Hair – Half-grey and
usual, nose – pointed, Round face, clean shave, wearing white full pant, white half shirt , spectacles & shoes.
(2) Age-30, Height 5-5.5, Comp.- medium, round face, clean shave, wearing white
full pant, Hyee shirt, Back brash hair, pointed nose, shoes. (3) Age 40, Height – 5′- 6″, Com.- Fair. Hair- bold headed, Face- round Nose
Pointed, Clean shave, wearing white Full pant, white full shirt, and neck-tye,
spectacles, shoes. (4) Age-35, Height 5′-6″, Comp. – Fair, Face some long, clean shave, hair usual,
sound health, wearing white full pant, Hyee shirt, shoes, pointed nose.
D.R. of the one unknown person. Age-45, Height 5′-6″, Complexion-Fair, clean shave, pointed nose, back brash hair, sound health, wearing full pant, full shirt and shoes.
Submitted, Sd/-Karimul Hussain. A.S.I. I.B., Dacca.
24.5.60. Side note: S.I. M. Ahmed pl. fix the unknown persons and the Sl. No.4.
Sd/-O/C., Watch, 24.5. Copy to P.F of (3). Sd/-N. M. Biswas, 25.5. Report attached. Sd/-2.6.60
C.R. dt. 23.5.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. and 22.00 to 06.00 hrs.(on 24.5.60) Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Residence of T. Hossain @ Manik Mia
Result of watch
At about 08.30 hrs. the subject came out from his quarter along with T. Hossain Manik Mia & Sk. Mujibur Rahman and proceeded towards town side by E.B.D. 2529.

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Again at about 10.00 hrs. the subject return to his quarter along with T. Hossain @ Maink Mia by said car 2529-E.B.D.
No suspects or suspicious persons were seen to visit the noted place in my duty hours except suspect Sk. Mujibor Rahman at about 08.25 hrs. by his own car E.B.D.111.
At about 22.20 hrs. the subject Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out from his quarter and proceeded towards town side by Car 2529. Again at about 23.15 hrs, the subject returned to his quarter by car E.B.D. 2529. After that till 06.00 hrs. (on 24.5.60) the subject was not seen by me.
Submitted, Sd/- N.M.Z. Huque. A.S.I., I.B., Dacca.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of Mujibur Rahman also. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 25/5.
Ref: C.R. dt. 23.5.60 of the residence of Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Reg: To fix up the unknown man and Surendra Kumar Pal of Narayanganj.
I made several attempt to fix up the unknown persons and the aforesaid person but no clue were obtained on secret enquiry. Submitted,
Sd/-Masiruddin Ahmed,
2.6.60. Side note: D.S.VI may pl. like to see. Sd/-O/C.,Watch, 2/6.
Seen. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 2/6. Noted. Sd/-3.6.60
C.R. dt 25.5.60
Hours of duty: 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail – Residence of T. Hossain @ Manik Mia
Result of watch
At about 14.00 hrs. the subject Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy return to his quarter from outside by car E.B.D. 2529 alone.
At about 14.30 hrs. the subject came out from his quarter along with suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman with bags and baggages and proceeded towards airport side by car E.B.D. 2529. Till 17.00hrs. the subject was not seen to return.

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No suspect or suspicious persons were seen to meet with the subject except Mujibar Rahman at about 14.20 hrs.
At about 16.15 hrs. the suspect T. Hossain @ Manik Mia return to his quarter from outside by 2829. Submitted,
Sd/- M.M.Z. Haque. A.S.I., I.B., Dacca.
At 15.10 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left for Karachi by Air. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia, Abu Naser, brother of Sk. Mujibar Rahman went to Dacca Air Port to see off Mr. Suhrawardy.
Sd/-26.5. for O/C., watch.
Side note: Copy to P.F of all concerned. Sd/- N.M. Biawas, 26.5.
Hours of duty Purpose of duty
C.R. dt 25.5.60 : 17.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs.
for suspect Tofazzal Hossain @ Maink Miah & Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy. : Bazi Kakrail (Shantinagar).
Place of duty
Result of watch
During my duty period Mr. Suhrawardy was not seen by me.
At about 18.30 hrs. Rafiqul Hossain entered into the aforesaid place from northern side by Car No. 5422- E.B.D. and he left aforesaid place & proceeded towards western side by same car at about 19.00 hrs. At about 19.40 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman entered into the aforesaid place from eastern side by jeep car No. 111-E.B.D. & he left aforesaid place and proceeded towards eastern by Jeep car at about 20.30 hrs. At about 21.00 hrs. suspect Tofazzal Hossain came out from his quarters and proceeded towards eastern side by car No. 2529-E.B.D. After that he was not seen to return to his quarter till 23.00 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. A. Rahman Miah,
Side note: Copy to P.F. of all concerned. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. D.S.VI. 26/5.

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C.R. dt 25.5.60 Hours. of duty: 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs.
Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail at the residence of Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Result of watch At about 07.10 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibor Rahman along with his brother Sk. Nassar entered into the above noted place from outside by Jeep car No.111-E.B.D. At about 07.25 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Sk. Majibor Rahman & Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia came out from the above noted place and proceeded towards western side of that place by car No. 2529-E.B.D. At about 7.25 hrs. Sk. Naser left that place – proceeded towards northern side of that place by Jeep Car No. 111-E.B.D.
Submitted, Sd/-Karimul Hossain, A.S.I , I.B. Dacca.
26.5. Side note: Copy to P.F. of all concerned. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 26.5.


Watch report on advocate Zahiruddin shows H S Suhrawardy along with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders visited his
house. Dacca, 23 May 1960
C.R. dt. 23.5.50. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : 20, Gopibagh 1st Lane and Dacca Court. Name of suspect : Mr. Zahiruddin (Advocate).
Result of watch During my morning duty period at about 7.30 hrs. the above noted subject left his quarters and at about 08.00 hrs. he reached at Dacca Court and attended the Special Judge Court. At about 9.30 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Shaik Mazibar Rahman and Toffazzal Hossain @ Maink Miah came to the said Court by E.B.D. Car No. 2529 and at the same time younger brother of Shaikh Mazibur Rahman came to the said Court by E.B.D. Car 111and also Abul Mansur attended the Court. Subject Mr. Zahidruddin meet with all of them in the Court. I did duty there till 11.30 hrs, and found all of them in the Court.

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In the evening duty period the above noted suspect Zahiruddin was not seen by me till 22.00 hrs. Mr. Ataur Rahman also attended the said court in morning time. Both by morning and evening duty periods none was found to visit the quarters of subject
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Syeed Idris, I.B.E.P., Dacca.
Side note: Should go to the P.F. of all concerned. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 25.5.60.


Two more witnesses declared hostile on a plea of gained over and another two adduced and examined in cases of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his younger brother. Witness taking closed and
argument heard. Dacca, 24 May 1960
Mail dt.24.5.60
Sk. Mujib’s Case
Two More Witnesses Withdrawn The hearing of the corruption case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his younger brother resumed yesterday. The prosecution had withdrawn two other witnesses as the Special Public Prosecutor thought that the two had been gained over by the accused party.
The two witnesses included a partner of the “Al-Amin industries”, Mr. Golam Haidar Chowdhury.
Beside the witnesses earlier withdrawn, two more witnesses were examined.
The first witness was Mr. S. S. A. Mowdud, Deputy Director of Industries, Government of East Pakistan, and the second, an official of the Commerce Directorate.
Mr. Mowdud proved certain documents including a letter for permission to set up the “Al- Amin Industries”, by the partners of the proposed concern.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, is being prosecuted in the court of the Special Judge, Mr. A. S. M. Rashed, for misusing his official powers and position by obtaining pecuniary advantages for his younger brother and also for the Awami Leauge Party fund.
Side note: Seen. TO P.F. pl. Sd/ – DS VI, 25.5.60

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Ittefaq dt. 24.5.60
শেখ মুজিবুরের মামলা আরও দুইজনের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণে সরকার পক্ষের অসম্মতি
অপর দুই ব্যক্তিকে সাক্ষীর তালিকা হইতে বর্জনঃ গতকল্য দুই জনের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার) গতকল্য (সােমবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ, এস, এম, রাশেদের এজলাসে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও তদীয় ভ্রাতা আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার আর এক দফা শুনানী আরম্ভ হইলে সরকার পক্ষ আরও দুইজন সাক্ষী- জনাব গােলাম হায়দর চৌধুরী ও জনাব গােলাম বারীকে বিবাদী পক্ষের “বশীভূত হইয়াছেন, এই অজুহাতে সাক্ষী হিসাবে হাজির করিতে অসম্মতি জ্ঞাপন করিয়া কোর্টে এক আবেদনপত্র পেশ করেন। এই দিবসে সরকার পক্ষ জনাব এম, মুসা ও জনাব এম,এ রাজ্জাক নামে অপর দুইজন তালিকা হইতে বাদ দেন।
গতকল্য সরকার পক্ষে মাত্র দুই জন সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য গৃহীত হয়। ইহাদের একজন হইলেন পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের শিল্প বিভাগের ডেপুটি ডিরেক্টর জনাব এস, এস, এ, মওদুদ ও অপর

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ব্যক্তি হইলেন “ট্রেড এন্ড কমার্সের” কর্মচারী জনাব আজিজুল হক। প্রথমােক্ত ব্যক্তি আল আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজ’ সম্পর্কিত কতিপয় কাগজপত্র প্রমাণ করেন। দ্বিতীয় সাক্ষী বলেন, তিনি আল-আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজকে লাইসেন্স ডেলিভারী দিয়াছেন।
বিবাদী পক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী জনাব মওদুদকে একটি মাত্র প্রশ্ন করেন এবং সাক্ষী তদুত্তরে বলেন যে, তিনি ১৯৫৭ সনের ১৪ই জুন শিল্পবিভাগের ডেপুটি ডিরেক্টর পদে যােগদান করিয়াছেন। সাক্ষী আজিজুল হককেও একটি মাত্র প্রশ্ন করা হয়। সাক্ষী প্রশ্নের উত্তরে বলেনঃ আমি শেখ আবু নাসেরকে ছােট বেলা হইতে চিনি এবং তিনি ব্যবসায় করেন বলিয়া শুনিয়াছি।
এই মামলায় জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী শেখ মজিবুর রহমানের পক্ষ সমর্থন করিতেছেন। এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান ও জনাব জহীরউদ্দীন ও উকিল জনাব জিলুর রহমান তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করিতেছেন। পক্ষান্তরে এডভােকেট জনাব এম, আজম শেখ আবু নাসেরের পক্ষে উপস্থিত ছিলেন। জনাব কোরবান আলী তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করিতেছেন।
সরকার পক্ষে জনাব আজিজুদ্দীন মামলা পরিচালনা করিতেছেন। জনাব মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করিতেছেন।
অদ্য (মঙ্গলবার) পুনরায় শুনানী হইবে।Side note: In P.F. pl. Sd/- 27.5.60

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Ittefa9 dt. 25.5.60
শেখ মুজিবুরের মামলা সরকারের পক্ষের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ
সমাপ্ত (ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার )
গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ,এস,এম, রাশেদের এজলাসে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও তদীয় ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলায় সরকার পক্ষের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ সমাপ্ত হয়। এই দিবসে কেবলমাত্র তদন্তকারী অফিসার জনাব মেহরাব আলীর জেরা বাকী রহিয়াছে। অদ্য (বুধবার) সকাল সাড়ে ৭টায় আদালতের কাজ শুরু হইলে বিবাদীপক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাক্ষীকে জেরা করিবেন বলিয়া আশা করা যাইতেছে।
গতকাল সরকার পক্ষে যশােরের জেলা ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট ও তকালীন শিল্প বিভাগের ডিরেক্টর জনাব রুহুল কুদুস সহ মােট ৭ জন সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য গৃহীত হয়। বিবাদীপক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীর জেরার উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, ১৯৫৬ সনে নয়া শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার ব্যাপারে কোন সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করা হয় নাই, একথা সঠিক নহে। বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার অভাবে নয়া শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠায় ব্যাঘাত সৃষ্টি হয়। ১৯৫৬ সনে অবস্থা এই ছিল যে, প্রাক্তন শাসনতন্ত্র অনুযায়ী প্রাদেশিক সরকারকে শিল্প সম্পর্কে ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বনের জন্য সকল ক্ষমতা দেওয়া হয়। অর্থাৎ কেন্দ্রের তালিকা হইতে শিল্পকে প্রাদেশিক তালিকার অন্তর্ভূক্ত করা হয় এবং প্রকৃত ক্ষমতা হস্তান্তর করার ব্যাপারে কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের বিভিন্ন দফতরের সহিত প্রাদেশিক সরকার বহু সংখ্যক চিঠি-পত্রের আদান-প্রদান করেন। এতদ্ব্যতীত বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার অভাব সম্পর্কেও বহু সংখ্যক চিঠি-পত্রের-আদান প্রদান হয়।
নয়া আবেদনপত্র বাছাই প্রসঙ্গে এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে জনাব রুহুল কুদুস বলেন যে, শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য প্রাপ্ত সমস্ত নয়া আবেদনপত্র ও পেন্ডিং আবেদনপত্র শিল্প ডিরেক্টরেটের বিশেষজ্ঞ কর্তৃক পরীক্ষিত হয়। আমি স্বয়ং এবং ডিরেক্টরেটের অন্যান্য বিশেষজ্ঞ এক সঙ্গে বসিয়া এই সকল আবেদনপত্র পরীক্ষা করি এবং ঐগুলির গুনাগুনের উপর নির্বাচন করি। অতঃপর আমি স্বয়ং তকালীন নাসের উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানের পার্টনার ছিলেন কিনা, উহা তিনি জানিতেন না।
পুলিশের নিকট জবানবন্দী। অপর এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, পুলিশ তাঁহার জবানবন্দী গ্রহণ করিয়াছে এবং তিনি দুর্নীতি দমন পুলিশের নিকট একটি বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন। তিনি বলেন যে, পুলিশ যখন তাঁহার জনাবন্দী গ্রহণ করে তখন তিনি যশােরের জেলা ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেট পদে অধিষ্ঠিত ছিলেন।
এতদ্‌সম্পর্কে আর একটি প্রশ্নের উত্তরে তিনি প্রকাশ করেন যে, পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের স্বরাষ্ট্র বিভাগের রিকুউইজিশন পাইয়া তিনি দুই দফা ঢাকা আগমন এবং পুলিশের নিকট বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন। তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এই দফার মধ্যে একদফা তিনি এডভােকেট জেনারেলের বাসভবনে

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ও দ্বিতীয় দফা তিনি প্রাদেশিক পরিষদ ভবনে দুর্নীতি দমন ব্যুরাের দফতরে জবানবন্দী ও বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন।
এজাহার প্রদান। গতকল্য সরকারপক্ষে সাক্ষ্য প্রদান কালে অন্যতম সাক্ষী দুনীর্তি দমন বিভাগের ইন্সপেক্টর জনাব আবদুল জলিল খান তাঁহার সাক্ষ্যে বলেন, তিনি এই মামলা সম্পর্কে রমনা থানায় এজাহার প্রদান করিয়াছেন। তিনি বলেন, গত ১৯৫৮ সনের ২২শে নভেম্বর তিনি আল-আমীন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ সম্পর্কিত কতিপয় কাগজপত্র জনাব মজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরীর নিকট হইতে উদ্ধার করিয়াছেন। সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তিনি এ ব্যাপারে সেক্রেটারীয়েট ও অন্যত্র বহু স্থানে অনুসন্ধানকার্য চালাইয়া এজাহার প্রদান করিয়াছেন। অতঃপর বিবাদীপক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব এইচ, এস, সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাক্ষীকে জেরা করেন।
কতিপয় প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তিনি এই ব্যাপারে আনােয়ার আলীর সহিত কথাবার্তা চালাইয়াছেন। হাজী সেকান্দর আলীর সহিতও সাক্ষীর দেখা হয়, কিন্তু তিনি তাহার সহিত কথা বলেন নাই। মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরীর সহিত সাক্ষাতের পর তিনি আল-আমিন ইণ্ডাষ্ট্রিজ সম্পর্কিত কাগজপত্র তাহাকে বুঝাইয়া দেওয়ার ৪/৫ দিন পরে আনওয়ার আলীর সহিত দেখা করেন।
সাক্ষী আরও স্বীকার করেন যে, তিনি…. (missing from original document due to page damage)
মামলার তদন্ত গতকল্য এই মামলার তদন্তকারী অফিসার জনাব মেহরাব আলী বলেন যে, তিনি ১৯৫১ সনের ১০ই ফেব্রুয়ারী হইতে এই মামলার তদন্ত শুরু করেন এবং এই উদ্দেশ্যে তৎকালীন ঢাকা সদর মহকুমা হাকিম জনাব ই, কবিরের নিকট হইতে অনুমতি গ্রহণ করেন।
তিনি বলেন যে, তিনি ঐ বৎসর ২০শে ফেব্রুয়ারী জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী ও জনাব গােলাম হায়দর চৌধুরীর জবানবন্দী গ্রহণ করেন। তিনি ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারী আনওয়ার আলী ও ১৬ই মার্চ হাজী সেকান্দর আলীর জবানবন্দী গ্রহণ করেন। তিনি সেক্রেটারিয়েট সি, এল, আই বিভাগ। হইতে বিভিন্ন কাগজপত্র উদ্ধার করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারী আনওয়ার আলীর নিকট হইতে একটি গােপন হিসাবের খাতাও তিনি উদ্ধার করিয়াছেন।
তিনি বলেন যে, তিনি খুলনায় জনৈক প্রথম শ্রেনীর ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের…. (missing from original document due to page damage) সি, এল এন্ড আই বিভাগের ডেপুটি সেক্রেটারী জনাব আবুল খায়ের এবং জনাব ইয়াহিয়া চৌধুরী পুনরায় ঐ সকল আবেদন পত্র বাছাই করি।
আবেদন পত্র পরীক্ষায় মন্ত্রীর হাত ছিল না এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে জনাব কদুস স্বীকার করেন যে, (চূড়ান্ত বাছাই এর পরে) প্রত্যেকটি আবেদনপত্রের ক্ষেত্রে সুপারিশের পরে সেগুলি সি. এল এন্ড আই বিভাগে প্রেরিত হয়। আবেদনপত্র সমূহ পরীক্ষার ব্যাপারে মন্ত্রীর হাত ছিল না। এমন কি মন্ত্রী মহােদয় (তৎকালীন বাণিজ্য, শ্রম ও

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শিল্প মন্ত্রী) কোন আবেদনপত্র তালিকার অন্তর্ভূক্ত করার ব্যাপারে বিশেষ করিয়া আমাকে সুপারিশ করিয়াছেন কিনা উহা আমার স্মরণ নাই।
আই, সি, এ- এর সাহায্য প্রসঙ্গে এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সাক্ষী বলেনঃ ১৯৫৭ সনের এপ্রিল মাসের মাঝামাঝি সময়ে আমি করাচীতে অবস্থানকালে জানিতে পারি যে, বেসরকারী খাতে নয়া শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য আন্তর্জাতিক সহযােগিতা সংস্থা এক কোটি ডলার সাহায্য প্রদানের প্রস্তাব করিয়াছেন এবং উহার জন্য তাঁহারা অত্যন্ত অল্প সময় প্রদান করিয়াছেন। আমি কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের সাপ্লাই ও ডেভেলপমেন্টের ডিরেক্টর জেনারেলের অফিস হইতে জানিতে পারি যে, পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য তাঁহাদের অফিসে ইতিমধ্যে যেসকল আবেদনপত্র মজুত ছিল, ঐগুলিকে এক কোটি ডলারের মধ্যে ২৫/২৬ লক্ষ টাকা বরাদ্দ করা হয়। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জন্য এই নামমাত্র বরাদ্দ এবং পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারকে পার্টি নির্বাচনে জিজ্ঞাসা না করার দরুন আমি প্রতিবাদ জ্ঞাপন করি। উহার ফলে আমাকে পার্টি আনয়নের জন্য মাত্র একদিন সময় দেওয়া হয়। পরদিন রবিবার পড়ে। আমি ঐ রাত্রেই বিমানযােগে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিয়া রবিবার সারাদিন আমার অফিসারদের সহিত বসিয়া কাজ করি এবং পার্টি নির্বাচন করিয়া উহার তালিকা পরদিন অথবা আরও একদিন পরে কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের নিকট পেশ করি। শেষ পর্যন্ত কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জন্য ৫০ লক্ষ ডলার বরাদ্দ করেন।
আল আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রীজ প্রসঙ্গে এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে সাক্ষী স্বীকার করেন যে, “আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ” কে তালিকাভুক্ত করার কালে শেখ আবু… (missing from original document due to page damage) এই মামলা সম্পর্কিত ব্যাপারে জনাব গােলাম হায়দর চৌধুরীর সহিতও সাক্ষাৎ করিয়াছেন।
সাক্ষী স্বীকার করেন যে, সংশ্লিষ্ট কাগজপত্র পরীক্ষা ও জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী, জনাব আনওয়ার আলী, জনাব গােলাম হায়দর চৌধুরী ও অন্যান্য অফিসারের সহিত আলােচনার পর তিনি এজাহার প্রদান করিয়াছেন। সাক্ষী বলেন যে, দুর্নীতি দমন ব্যুরাের এসিসট্যান্ট ডিরেক্টরের চাপে পড়িয়া তিনি এই এজাহার প্রদান করিয়াছেন, উহা সত্য নহে।
সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তিনি এই মামলার ব্যাপারে নারায়ণগঞ্জে জনাব আনওয়ার আলীর সহিত দেখা করেন।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাক্ষীকে বলেন আপনি শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে অনুসন্ধান কাৰ্য চালাইতে গিয়া এজাহার করার মত কিছুই পান নাই এবং উক্ত কারনকে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে ফাইনাল রিপাের্ট প্রদানের প্রস্তাব করিয়া ছিলেন। সাক্ষী তদুত্তরে বলেন যে, তিনি ফাইনাল রিপাের্ট প্রদানের পরামর্শ দিয়াছিলেন কিনা উহা তাহার মনে নাই। পূর্বাহ্নে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, দুর্নীতি দমন ব্যুরাের ডিরেক্টর জেনারেল জনাব মহিউদ্দিন শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে অনুসন্ধান চালাইবার জন্য তাহাকে নির্দেশ প্রদান করিয়াছিলেন। তিনি তাহার প্রাপ্ত সূত্র সম্পর্কে ডিরেক্টর জেনারেল, এসিষ্ট্যান্ট ডিরেক্টর ও অন্যান্য কর্তৃপক্ষ কে অবহিত করেন।

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… (missing from original document due to page damage) নিকট শেখ আবু নাসেরকে হাজির করাইয়া ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের সম্মুখে তাহার সাধারণ হাতের লেখা ও দস্তখতের নমুনা গ্রহণ করেন। এবং এই নমুনা, পার্টনারশীপ দলীল, আল-আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজের প্রসিডিং বহি ইত্যাদি হস্তাক্ষর বিশেষজ্ঞের নিকট পরীক্ষার জন্য প্রেরণ করেন।
অতঃপর ১৯৫৯ সনের ৯ই নভেম্বর তিনি শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও তদীয় ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে চার্জশীট দাখিল করেন।
গতকল্য সি, এল, আই বিভাগের প্রাক্তন ডেপুটি সেক্রেটারী জনাব আবুল খায়ের, জয়েন্ট স্টক কোম্পানীজের রেজিষ্ট্রার জনাব বি, হক ও প্রাক্তন হেড এসিষ্ট্যান্ট এবং বর্তমান সেকশন অফিসার জনাব এ, ডব্লিউ, চৌধুরী, রমনা থানার এ, এস, আই আবদুল আজিজ প্রমুখ কতিপয় সাক্ষী কতিপয় কাগজপত্র ও নােট ইত্যাদি প্রমাণ করেন।
Side note: In P. F. pl. Sd/-DS VI 27.5.60

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Ittefaq dt.26.5.60
শেখ মুজিবের মামলায় উভয় পক্ষের সওয়াল-জওয়াব
আদালতের এখতিয়ার শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে চার্জ গঠিত হওয়ার পর আদালতের এখতিয়ার সম্পর্কে ইতিপূর্বে বিবাদী পক্ষের কৌসুলী যে প্রশ্ন উত্থাপন করিয়াছিলেন, উহার উত্তরে গতকল্য স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটার যুক্তি প্রদর্শন করেন। তিনি ১৯৫৮ সনের সংশােধিত ফৌজদারী আইন, ১৯৪৭ সনের দুর্নীতি দমন আইন, বাতিল শাসনতন্ত্র প্রভৃতি হইতে সরকারী

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কর্মচারী বলিতে কি বুঝায়, উহা ব্যখ্যা করেন। তিনি বলেন, কোন অফিসার কোন ফি বা কমিশন গ্রহণ করিয়া সরকারী দায়িত্ব পালন করিলে তাহাকে সরকারী কর্মচারী বুঝায়। অবশ্য তিনি বলেন যে, বাতিল শাসনতন্ত্রে মন্ত্রিগণ সরকারী কর্মচারী নহেন বলিয়া উল্লিখিত থাকিলেও প্রকৃত প্রস্তাবে নীতি হিসাবে মন্ত্রিগণ সরকারী কর্মচারী রূপে পরিগণিত হইয়া আসিতেছেন। অতএব, এই আদালতে প্রাক্তন মন্ত্রীদের বিরুদ্ধে বিচারের এখতিয়ার রহিয়াছে। বিবাদী পক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন যে, জনাব আবুল মনসুর আহমদের মামলায় বিবাদীর পক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব আতাউর রহমান এ ব্যাপারে যুক্তি প্রদর্শন করিবেন। অতএব, তিনি এই মামলায় এ ব্যাপারে যুক্তি প্রদর্শন হইতে বিরত থাকিতেছেন।
মূল মামলায় সরকার পক্ষের কৌসুলীর যুক্তি প্রদর্শন অতঃপর স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটার জনাব আজীজ উদ্দিন আহমদ মূল মামলার সরকার পক্ষে যুক্তি প্রদর্শন শুরু করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, এই মামলা পরিচালনার জন্য প্রয়ােজনীয় সকল কাগজপত্র উপযুক্ত কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট মঞ্জুরীর জন্য পেশ করা হয়। দুনীতি দমন ব্যুরাের উর্ধ্বতন কর্তৃপক্ষ, স্বরাষ্ট্র বিভাগের সেক্রেটারী, এডভােকেট জেনারেল সকল স্তরে কাগজপত্র পেশ করার পর এই মামলা পরিচালনার জন্য মঞ্জুরী পাওয়া গিয়াছে। এই মামলার তদন্তের পূর্বে যথাযথভাবে ঢাকা সদর মহকুমা হাকিমের অনুমতি গ্রহণ করা হইয়াছে। এই মামলা পরিচালনার জন্য আইন সম্মত সকল ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বিত হওয়ায় এই সম্পর্কে কোন প্রশ্ন উঠিতে পারে না। অতঃপর তিনি বলেন যে, শেখ ধমক দিতেছে। অতঃপর তিনি চট্টগ্রাম হইতে বিমান ডাকে লিখিত একখান পত্রেও শেখ আবু নাসের কর্তৃক ভীতি প্রদর্শনের কথা জানাইয়াছেন। ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট প্রদত্ত বিবৃতিতে ঘটনার কথা ব্যক্ত করিয়াছেন। কোথাও তিনি পুলিসের জুলুম ও ভীতি প্রদর্শনের কথা উল্লেখ করেন নাই। অনুরূপ ভাবে আনওয়ার আলীও কোথাও পুলিসের জুলুম ও অত্যাচারের কথা ইতিপূর্বে ব্যক্ত করেন নাই। পুলিসের নিকট জবানবন্দী, একাউন্ট বহি প্রদান, ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট প্রদত্ত বিবৃতি সব কিছুতেই তাহার সদিচছার পরিচয় পাওয়া যাইতেছে। কিন্তু কোর্টে আসিয়া আনওয়ার আলী তাহার সাক্ষ্য পাল্টাইয়া দেওয়ায় তাহার সাক্ষ্যের সত্যতা সম্পর্কে সন্দেহের যথেষ্ট অবকাশ রহিয়াছে। তিনি আরও বলেন যে, এই মামলায় সরাসরি সাক্ষ্য প্রমাণ না পাওয়া গেলেও বা এজাহারে আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলে ১৫ শত টাকা প্রদানের কথা উল্লেখ না থাকিলেও উহাতে তদন্তকালে প্রকৃত তথ্য প্রকাশ পাওয়াতে কোন ত্রুটি ঘটে নাই। তিনি বলেন, তদন্ত কার্য অনুষ্ঠিত হওয়ার আগেই ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের সম্মুখে সাক্ষীগণ বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন। ফলে আদালত রেকর্ডপত্র ও পরিস্থিতি বিবেচনা করিয়া সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করিবেন বলিয়া তিনি আশা প্রকাশ করেন।
অভিযােগ গঠন গতকল্য সরকার পক্ষের সর্বশেষ সাক্ষী তদন্তকারী অফিসার জনাব মেহরাব আলীর জেরা সমাপ্ত হইলে স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ,এস,এম, রাশেদ অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে

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বিভিন্ন সাক্ষ্য-প্রমাণের ভিত্তি করিয়া কতিপয় চার্জ গঠন করেন এবং প্রত্যেকটি চার্জ তাহাকে শুনাইয়া তৎসম্পর্কে তাঁহার বক্তব্য কি জিজ্ঞাসা করেন।
শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগ, যথা ১৯৫৬ সনের সেপ্টেম্বর মাস হইতে ১৯৫৭ সনের অক্টোবর পর্যন্ত পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের বাণিজ্য, শ্রম ও শিল্প বিভাগের মন্ত্রীপদে অধিষ্ঠিত থাকাকালে স্বীয় সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করিয়া আল-আমীন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজকে একটি বস্ত্র ক্যালেন্ডারিং মিল স্থাপনে অনুমতি প্রদান ও লাইসেন্স মঞ্জুরীর আশ্বাস দিয়া তাহার ভাই শেখ আবু নাসেরকে বিনা মূলধনে উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানের তিন আনা শেয়ার ও তজ্জন্য একটি পার্টনারশীপ দলীল করার… (missing from original document due to page damage) আমি দেশের জন্য কাজ করিয়াছি। ক্ষমতায় অধিষ্ঠিত হইয়া সকলকে খুশী করা যায় না এবং কাহারও পক্ষে উহা সম্ভবপর
তিনি আরও বলেনঃ আমরা যাঁরা পূর্ব বাংলার প্রতিনিধি ছিলাম- যখনই আমরা পূর্ব বাংলার প্রতি ন্যায়বিচার করার কথা বলিয়াছি, তাহাদিগকেই ছলে-বলে-কৌশলে ও ষড়যন্ত্র করিয়া মিথ্যা মামলায় আসামী করিয়া জনসাধারণের কাছে ছােট করার চেষ্টা করা হইয়াছে। আমরা যাহা করিয়াছি দেশের মঙ্গলের জন্যই করিয়াছি।
অতঃপর আদালত শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযােগ গঠন করেন। তাহার ভাই শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান প্রদেশে শিল্পমন্ত্রী থাকাকালে তাহাকে দিয়া আল আমীন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজের একটি বস্ত্র ক্যালেন্ডারিং মিল স্থাপনের অনুমতি গ্রহণ ও লাইসেন্স প্রাপ্তির আশ্বাসক্রমে উক্ত আল আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজে কোন মূলধন না খাটাইয়া তিন আনা শেয়ার প্রদানের শর্তে একখানা… (missing from original document due to page damage)
মুজিবুর রহমান তাঁহার সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার দ্বারা দুর্নীতি ও বেআইনী পদ্ধতি অবলম্বন করিয়া তাঁহার ছােট ভাই শেখ আবু নাসেরের জন্য আর্থিক সুবিধার ব্যবস্থা করিয়াছেন এবং আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ হইতে আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিল অথবা নিজের জন্য ১৫০০ টাকার আর্থিক সুবিধাও তিনি গ্রহণ করিয়াছেন। আনওয়ার আলী মৌখিক সাক্ষ্য প্রদানকালে বলিয়াছিলেন যে, একাউন্ট খাতা তাঁহার নিজের হাতের লেখা কিন্তু পরে বলিয়াছেন যে, প্রকৃতপক্ষে কোন অর্থ দেওয়া হয় নাই। কিন্তু তাহার পূর্ববর্তী জবানবন্দী ও ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের নিকট প্রদত্ত বিবৃতিতে প্রমাণ হইতেছে। যে, উক্ত অর্থ সত্য সত্যই দেওয়া হইয়াছে। একাউন্ট বহিতে গত ১৯৫৮ সনের ২৬শে জুন। এফিডেভিট ইত্যাদি খরচ বাবত একটি অঙ্ক প্রদর্শিত হইয়াছে। উহাই এই খাতার শেষ হিসাব। আনওয়ার আলী ও তাহার পিতার প্রতিষ্ঠানের সহিত সম্পর্কচ্ছেদ করায় ইহাই স্বাভাবিক হইয়াছে যে, এই একাউন্ট বহিতে সঠিক হিসাব প্রদর্শিত হইয়াছে।।
জনাব আজিজুদ্দীন বলেন, এই মামলায় দুইজন প্রধান সাক্ষী পর পর “প্রতিকূল” ঘােষিত হওয়ার পর বাকী তিনজন প্রধান সাক্ষী স্বভাবতঃ বিবাদীর দ্বারা বশীভূত হইয়াছে এই মর্মে আমরা আদালতে দরখাস্ত দিয়াছি এবং তাহাদের সাক্ষী হিসাবে হাজির করিতে অসম্মতি প্রকাশ করিয়াছি।

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ফলে এই মামলায় সরাসরি কোন সাক্ষী না থাকায় আমাদিগকে রেকর্ড পত্র ও প্রকৃত পরিস্থিতির উপর নির্ভর করিতে হইতেছে।।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, মুজিবর রহমান চৌধুরী পুলিসের নিকট ডায়রীতে বলিয়াছেন যে, বিবাদীপক্ষ তাহাকে…. (missing from original document due to page damage) ব্যাপারে বাধ্য করা এবং এইরূপে তাহার ভাই এর জন্য আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণ এবং আওয়ামী লীগ ফান্ডের জন্য উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠান হইতে ১৫০০ টাকা গ্রহণ করিয়া নিজের অথবা আওয়ামী লীগ পার্টির জন্য আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণ অভিযােগকে সম্পূর্নরূপে অস্বীকার করেন। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান উপরােক্ত অভিযােগের উত্তরে আরও বলেন যে, আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের সহিত তাহার সম্পর্ক কিছু ছিল কিনা উহা তিনি কখনও অবহিত ছিলেন না। তিনি বলেন যে, তিনি কোন প্রকার দলীল সম্পাদন সম্পর্কে কিছুই জানিতেন না। তিনি বলেন, তিনি মন্ত্রী থাকাকালে নিজের জন্য বা তাহার ভাই এর জন্য বা অপর কাহারও জন্য কোন প্রকার আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণ করেন নাই।
জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান আরও বলেন যে, আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলের জন্য তিনি ১৫শত টাকা গ্রহণ করিয়াছেন, উহা সম্পূর্ণ মিথ্যা ও সাজান। কোন লােকই আল আমীন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের পক্ষ হইতে আওয়ামী পার্টির জন্য কোন টাকা দেয় নাই।
অতঃপর কোর্ট তাহাকে উপরােক্ত উক্তি ছাড়া আর কোন কথা থাকিলে বলার জন্য আহবান
শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান তখন বলেন : “মামলাটি সম্পূর্ণ মিথ্যা ও ষড়যন্ত্রমূলক। জনসাধারণের কাছে আমাকে হেয় প্রতিপন্ন করার জন্য একটার পর একটা মিথ্যা মামলা করা হইতেছে। আমি যতদিন মন্ত্রী ছিলাম, কোনদিন আমি আমার ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করি নাই। জনসাধারণের খেদমত এবং কাজ করার উদ্দেশ্য নিয়াই পার্টনারশীপ দলীল সম্পাদনে বাধ্য করার অভিযােগ তথা শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে তাহার সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার ও তাহার জন্য আর্থিক সুবিধা আদায়ে সক্রিয়ভাবে সাহায্য করার অভিযােগ আনয়ন করা হয়। তদুপরি আওয়ামী লীগ ফান্ডের জন্য প্রতিষ্ঠানের অন্যতম পার্টনার জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরীর নিকট হইতে নগদ ১৫ শত টাকা গ্রহণ করিয়া শেখ মুজিবুর রহমাকে প্রদানের অভিযােগও আনয়ন করা হয়।
শেখ আবু নাসের উত্তরে বলেন, আমার ভাই এর সঙ্গে এ সম্পর্কে কোন আলাপ হয় নাই। আমি ১৯৫০ সাল হইতে ব্যবসা করিতেছি এবং আমার সঙ্গে ডকুমেন্ট আছে। আমার ভাই মন্ত্রী হওয়ার পূর্বেই মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরীর সহিত আমার পাটের ব্যবসায় ছিল। আওয়ামী লীগ ফান্ডের জন্য টাকা নেওয়ার ব্যাপারটি সমস্তটা মিথ্যা। ক্যালেন্ডারিং মিল স্থাপনের জন্য প্রয়ােজনীয় অনুমতি ও লাইসেন্স আমাদের কাগজ পত্রের ভিত্তিতেই পাইয়াছি। উহাতে আমার ভাই এর কোন সম্পর্ক ছিল না।

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এই মামলায় বিবাদী পক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব সােহরাওরাদীকে সাহায্য করেন এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান, জনাব জহীর উদ্দিন, জনাব এম, আজম, জনাব জিলুর রহীম ও জনাব কোরবান আলী
পক্ষান্তরে বাদী পক্ষের স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটার জনাব আজিজুদ্দিন আহমদ মামলা পরিচালনা করেন। তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করেন জনাব মােয়াজ্জম হােসেন খান।

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Eastern Examiner dt. 26.5.60
Judgment In Mujib’s Case On May 31
(From Our Correspondent) Dacca, May 25:- The hearing of the case against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and his brother ended here today in the Court of the Special Judge.
The Judgment has been fixed on 31st May.
Of the sixteen prosecution witnesses who were examined in the case two were declared hostile and three were withdrawn.
Side note: In P.F please. Sd/- 27.5.60, D.S. VI

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ttefaq at:26.5.60
শেখ মুজিবুরের মামলার শুনানী সমাপ্ত জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী কর্তৃক বাদীপক্ষের যাবতীয় অভিযােগ খন্ডন
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার )
গতকল্য (বুধবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ,এস,এম, রাশেদের এজলাসে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও তদীয় ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার শুনানী সমাপ্ত হয়। সরকার পক্ষের কৌসুলী সওয়াল-জওয়াবের উত্তরে বিবাদী পক্ষের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী তাঁহার সওয়াল-জওয়াব শুরু করেন। তিনি বলেন শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগের প্রত্যেকটি ধূলিসাৎ হইয়াছে।
পূর্বাহ্নে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান ও শেখ আবু নাসের তাঁহাদের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগ সম্পূর্নরূপে অস্বীকার করেন। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এক বিবৃতিতে মামলাটিকে সম্পূর্ণ মিথ্যা ও ষড়যন্ত্রমূলক বলিয়া অভিহিত করেন। তিনি বলেন ও জনসাধারণের কাছে আমাকে হেয় প্রতিপন্ন করার জন্য একটার পর একটা মিথ্যা মামলা করা হইতেছে । স্পেশাল জজ আগামী ৩১শে মে পর্যন্ত রায়দান স্থগিত রাখিয়াছেন।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী তাঁহার সওয়াল-জওয়াব প্রসঙ্গে বলেন, আল আমীন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রিজের সহিত শেখ আবু নাসেরের পার্টনারশীপ দলীল সম্পাদন সম্পর্কে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এতটুকু অবহিত ছিলেন বাদী পক্ষ ঘুণাক্ষরেও উহা প্রমাণ করিতে পারেন নাই।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেনঃ বাদী পক্ষ স্বীকার করিয়াছেন যে, শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান তাঁহার সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করিয়াছে, এ সম্পর্কে প্রত্যক্ষ কোন প্রমাণ নাই। তিনি বলেনঃ সমগ্র চিত্রের মধ্যে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের ছায়াটিও দেখা যাইতেছে না এবং তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে সাক্ষ্যপ্রমাণের সম্পূর্ন অভাব পরিলক্ষিত হইতেছে। এই ব্যাপারে তাঁহার কোন কিছুই করণীয় ছিল না।
এক্ষণে আমাদের দেখিতে হইবে যে, তিনি আর্থিক সুবিধা অর্জনের জন্য তাঁহার সরকারী ক্ষমতা প্রয়ােগ করিয়াছেন কিনা? দেখা যাইতেছে যে, ১৯৫৭ সনের ৩০শে মার্চ তৎকালীন শিল্প বিভাগের ডিরেক্টর জনাব রুহুল কুদুস পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের ৩২টি শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য দরখাস্ত আহবান করিয়া ইচ্ছুক শিল্পপতিদের উদ্দেশ্যে এক বিজ্ঞপ্তি… (missing from original document due to page damage) জন্য দ্রব্য তালিকা সমাপ্ত করার অত্যন্ত জরুরী প্রয়ােজনীয়তা প্রমাণিত হইতেছে।
এতদ্ব্যতীত পাকিস্তানে শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য আই,সি,এ এককোটি ডলার প্রদানের প্রস্তাব করে। কিন্ত এই ক্ষেত্রেও আই,সি,এ এত অল্প সময় প্রদান করে যে, পাকিস্তান সরকারের সাপ্লাই ও ডেভেলপমেন্টের ডিরেক্টর জেনারেল অফিস হইতে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারকে কোন কিছু অবহিত না করিয়াই তাহাদের অফিসে ইতিপূর্বে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য প্রাপ্ত দরখাস্তের উপর ভিত্তি করিয়া তাহারা ২৫/২৬ লক্ষ টাকা বরাদ্দ করেন। উক্ত সময়ে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের তৎকালীন শিল্প

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বিভাগীয় ডিরেক্টর জনাব রুহুল কুদ্স করাচীতে অবস্থান করিতেছিলেন এবং তিনি বিষয়টি জানিতে পারিয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারকে কিছু না জানাইয়া তাহাদের অফিসে প্রাপ্ত দরখাস্ত অনুযায়ী পার্টি নির্বাচনের জন্য তীব্র প্রতিবাদ জ্ঞাপন করেন। ফলে তাঁহাকে পার্টির তালিকা আনয়নের জন্য মাত্র একদিনের সময় প্রদত্ত হয়। পরদিন রবিবার ছিল। তথাপি জনাব কুদুস রাত্রে করাচী হইতে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিয়া সারাদিন তাহার অফিসারদের সহিত কাজ করিয়া একটি তালিকা প্রস্তত করিয়া ২/১ দিন পরে করাচীতে লইয়া যান এবং উক্ত তালিকা পেশ করার পর কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জন্য আই,সি,এ প্রদত্ত অর্থ হইতে ৫০ লক্ষ টাকা পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জন্য বরাদ্দ করেন। এই সকল তালিকাও দ্রুত প্রণয়ন করিতে হয়।
কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার প্রাদেশিক সরকারের শিল্প বিভাগের ডিরেক্টরের সহিত এ ব্যাপারে সরাসরি যােগাযােগ করায় জনাব কুদুস কে অত্যন্ত দ্রুত এই সমস্ত তালিকা প্রস্তত করিতে হয়।
প্রকতপক্ষে শিল্প বিভাগের ডিরেক্টর….(missing from original document due to page damage) আইন প্রবর্তন করা হয়। সামরিক আইন প্রবর্তনের যৌক্তিকতা হিসাবে প্রাক্তন রাজনৈতিকদের উপর যাবতীয় দোষারােপ করা হয় এবং এমন সব বিবৃতি ও বক্তৃতা চলিতে থাকে যে, রাজনীতিকগণ যেন সকলেই অপরাধী। এই রাজনীতিকদের অপদস্ত করার জন্য যাবতীয় ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বিত হয়। অর্ডিন্যান্স বলে দুর্নীতি দমন আইন সংশােধন, নিরাপত্তা আইন সংশােধন, এবডাে আদেশজারি এবং সম্ভাব্য অন্যান্য সকল প্রকার নিবর্তন মূলক ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বিত হয়। জনাব মুজিবুর রহমানও একজন বড় রাজনীতিক। তিনি তৎকালীন প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের সেক্রেটারী ছিলেন। অতএব একজন প্রভাবশালী রাজনীতিক হিসাবে তিনি যাবতীয় আইনের শিকারে পরিণত হন। সামরিক আইনের প্রবর্তনের ৩/৪ দিন পরে অর্থাৎ ১১ই অক্টোবর ৭২নং অর্ডিন্যান্স জারি ও পর দিবস গ্রেফতার করিয়া জেলে প্রেরণ করা হয়। জেলখানাই তাহার উপর জননিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্স বলে আটক রাখার নির্দেশ প্রদত্ত হয়। জেলখানায় থাকিতেই তাহার বিরুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধি ৪২০ ধারা অনুযায়ী মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে দুর্নীতি দমন আইনে বর্তমান মামলা দায়ের করা হয়। বর্তমান মামলা ছাড়াও উপরােক্ত সব কয়টি অভিযােগ হইতে তিনি মুক্তিলাভ করিয়াছেন । জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন যে, বিনা ওয়ারেন্টে গ্রেফতার ও বিনা বিচারে আটকের যৌক্তিকতা প্রমাণের জন্যই তাহাদিগকে এই মামলা করিতে হইয়াছে।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন যে, এই মামলার তদন্ত ১৯৫৯ সালের নভেম্বর পর্যন্ত চলে। কোন মামলা, কোন প্রকার তথ্য, কোন চার্জ, কোন কাগজপত্র বা এজাহার ছাড়াই সরকার মামলা করিয়াছেন। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন জেলের মধ্যে… (missing from original document due to page damage) প্রচার করেন। এখন পরিস্থিতি পর্যালােচনা করিলে দেখা যাইবে যে, কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার চলতি বাণিজ্য মৌসুমে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য ৩৩ লক্ষ টাকা ও পরবর্তী বাণিজ্য মৌসুমের জন্য আরও ৬৬ লক্ষ টাকা বরাদ্দ করিয়াছেন, উহা অবগত হওয়ার অব্যবহিত পরেই ডিরেক্টর এই বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রচার করেন।

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জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী এখানে উল্লেখ করেন যে, এই বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রচারের মাসাধিককাল পূর্বে আলআমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের পার্টনার ও শেখ আবু নাসেরের মধ্যে তিন আনা শেয়ারের ভিত্তিতে একটি পার্টনারশীপ দলীল সম্পাদন ও রেজিষ্ট্রী হয়। তদুপরি আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্ট্রিজ ১৯৫৬ সনের আগষ্ট মাসে প্রথম ক্যালেন্ডারিং মিল স্থাপনের অনুমতি প্রার্থনা করে। কিন্তু তকালে বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার অভাব বশতঃ তাহাদের যেমন অনুমতি লাভে বিলম্বিত হয়, তেমনি লাইসেন্সের জন্য আবেদনেরও প্রশ্ন উঠিতে পারে না। অতএব বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা না পাওয়া পর্যন্ত কাহাকেও ঘুষ বা উৎকোচ প্রদানের প্রশ্নই উঠিতে পারে না।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন, এখানে আশ্চর্যের ব্যাপার যে, যে সময়ে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানকে আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলের জন্য ১৫ শত টাকা দেওয়া হইয়াছে বলিয়া বাদীপক্ষ উল্লেখ করিয়াছেন, সেই সময়ে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জন্য কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা বরাদ্দের বিষয়টি সম্পর্কে কাহারও কোন ধারণাই ছিল না।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী আরও বলেনঃ ৩২টি বিশেষ শিল্পের জন্য ডিরেক্টর কর্তৃক বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রচারের পূর্বে ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা স্থাপনের জন্য অনুমতি প্রদান বা লাইসেন্স মঞ্জুর করা হইবে উহাও কাহারও ধারনার মধ্যেও ছিল না।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী আরও বলেন যে, ৩০ শে মার্চ বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে দরখাস্ত গ্রহণের জন্য অত্যন্ত কম সময় প্রদান করা হয় এবং ৭ই এপ্রিলের মধ্যে দরখাস্ত দাখিলের জন্য নির্দেশ প্রদত্ত হয়। ইহা দ্বারা লাইসেন্সের…. (missing from original document due to page damage) ডিরেক্টরের বিজ্ঞপ্তির ফলে প্রায় ৫ হাজার দরখাস্ত পাওয়া যায়। ডিরেক্টর জনাব কুদুস ও ডিরেক্টরেটের অন্যান্য বিশেষজ্ঞ এই সকল দরখাস্ত পরীক্ষা করিয়া একটি তালিকা প্রস্তত করেন এবং পরে ডিরেক্টর ও বাণিজ্য, শ্রম ও শিল্প বিভাগের তত্ত্বালীন ডেপুটি সেক্রেটারী এবং অপর একজন অফিসার একত্রে বসিয়া এই সকল আবেদন পত্র যাচাই করিয়া প্রত্যেকটি আবেদনপত্রের গুণাগুণ বিচার ও উহাতে সুপারিশ করিয়া চূড়ান্ত ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বনের জন্য ১৯৫৭ সনের ২৫শে জুন বিভাগীয় সেক্রেটারীর নিকট প্রেরণ করেন। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী আরও উল্লেখ করেন যে, বিষয়টি ইতিমধ্যে বিলম্বিত হইয়া যাওয়ায় ডিরেক্টর শিল্প উন্নয়নের কমিশনারের সহিত দেখা করেন। তিনি বিষয়টিকে ত্বরান্বিত করার জন্য ডেপুটি সেক্রটারীকে বলার জন্য জনাব কুদুসকে বলেন। তদুপরি বিভাগীয় সেক্রেটারী জনাব কাদরী তখন ছুটিতে যাইতেছিলেন। তিনি সম্ভবত জনাব কুদুসকে পরবর্তী সিনিয়র অফিসার হিসাবে সব কাজ সম্পূর্ণ করার জন্য বলিয়া থাকিবেন। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী উপরােক্ত পরিস্থিতির উপর ভিত্তি করিয়া বলেন যে, সমস্ত দরখাস্ত শিল্প ডিরেক্টর কর্তৃক আহূত হইয়াছে। বিভাগীয় বিশেষজ্ঞগণ উহা পরীক্ষা করিয়াছেন এবং বিভাগীয় উচ্চপদস্থ ও দায়িত্বশীল অফিসারগণ প্রত্যেকটি আবেদনপত্রের গুণাগুণ বিচার করিয়া তালিকা প্রস্তত করিয়া সবশেষ সুপারিশক্রমে বিভাগীয় সেক্রেটারীর নিকট প্রেরণ করিয়াছেন। পরে মন্ত্রীর নিকট উত্থাপন করা হইলে তিনি উহা অনুমােদন করিয়াছেন মাত্র। অতঃপর তিনি ক্ষমতার কোন প্রকার অপব্যবহার করেন নাই।

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মুজিবুরের বিরুদ্ধে মামলার পটভূমিকা বর্ণনা জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী তাঁহার সওয়াল-জওয়াব প্রসঙ্গে শেখ মুজিবরের বিরুদ্ধে এই মামলার পটভূমিকা বর্ণনা করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, ১৯৫৮ সনের ৭ই অক্টোবর দেশে সামরিক… (missing from original document due to page damage) আটক রাখার উদ্দেশ্যে জননিরাপত্তা অর্ডিন্যান্সে তাঁহাকে গ্রেফতার করা হয়। এমতাবস্থায় সরকারের পক্ষে মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা দায়ের করিয়া উপায়ন্তর ছিল না।
সাক্ষীদের ভীতি প্রদর্শন। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন যে, মুজিবর রহমান চৌধুরী, আনওয়ার আলী, গােলাম হায়দর চৌধুরীর মত ব্যক্তিদের যদি বলা হয় যে, তাহারা সাক্ষ্য প্রদান না করিলে তাহাদের গ্রেফতার করা হইবে। উহা হইলে তাহাদের মুখ খােলার উপায় নাই। কিন্তু কোর্টই হইল সত্য কথা বলার জন্য উপযুক্ত স্থান। কোর্ট ছাড়া আর কাহার কাছে তাহারা সত্য কথা বলিবে।
এজাহার প্রসঙ্গে জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেনঃ ইন্সপেক্টর জনাব জলিল খানের এজাহারে ১৫ শত টাকা প্রদানের উল্লেখ ছিল না। মামলার ব্যাপারে তদন্তের পর্যায়ে তিনি অনুসন্ধান চালাইয়াছেন। তিনি মেসার্স মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী, আনওয়ার আলী ও গােলাম হায়দার চৌধুরীর জবানবন্দী গ্রহণ করিয়াছেন। কতিপয় কাগজপত্র উদ্ধার করিয়াছেন। তিনি অত্যন্ত সতর্কতার সহিত তদন্ত করিয়া এজাহার প্রদান করিয়াছেন। এই এজাহার ও চার্জশীট পর্যালােচনা করিলে বিবাদীকে মুক্তি প্রদান করিতে হয়।
তদুপরি জনাব জলীল খান সাক্ষ্য প্রদানকালে বলেন যে, এই মামলার ব্যাপারে ফাইন্যাল রিপাের্ট প্রদানের কথা তিনি বলিয়াছেন কি-না, উহা তাঁহার স্মরণ নাই। এই ইঙ্গিতটিও মুজিবুরের বিরদ্ধে মামলার অসারতা প্রমাণ করে।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী এজাহারের একটি অংশ পাঠ করিয়া বলেন যে, উহাতে বলা হইয়াছে, তাহারা (মুজিবর রহমান চৌধুরী, গােলাম হায়দর চৌধুরী, আনওয়ার আলী ও সেকান্দর এইরূপ একটি সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হন যে, আমরা যদি শেখ আবু নাসেরকে পার্টনার হিসাবে গ্রহণ করি তা হইলে অনুমতি ও লাইসেন্সের ব্যাপারে মন্ত্রীর সাহায্য……… উক্তি হইতে দেখা যাইতে….. সিদ্ধান্তের ব্যাপারে শেখ আবু নাসেরের কোন হাত ছিল না। এই…….আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের…পার্টনারদের ঘরােয়া ব্যাপারে তদুপরি এজাহারে— মঞ্জুরীর ব্যাপারে অফিসের কার্য লংঘন করা হইয়াছে বলিয়া উহা….. হইয়াছে। এক্ষেত্রেও শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান সম্পর্কে কোন কথা…… হয় নাই।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীর উপসংহারে এজাহার প্রদান ও চার্জশীট দাখিল ইত্যাদির ব্যাপারে দীর্ঘ সময়ের ব্যবধানের কথা উল্লেখ করিয়া বলেন যে, প্রকৃত পক্ষে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে কোন। প্রমাণ না থাকায় তাহাদিগকে এই দীর্ঘ সময় গ্রহণ করিতে হইয়াছে।Side note: Seen. Please keep it on the P.F. of the subject. Sd/-DS 6, 31.5.

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Statesman dt. 27.5.60.
From Our Staff Correspondent
DACCA, May 26 – With the conclusion of the hearing stage of the corruption case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, former Awami League General Secretary and provincial Commerce Minister, the Special Judge, Dacca, Mr. A.S.N. Rashid, yesterday reserved judgment till May 31.

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Sheikh Majibur was charged with misuse of his power and position while a Minister to gain financial advantages for his brother, Sheikh Nasser, a co-accused, and for the Awami League Party. It was alleged that through Sheikh Majibur’s persuasion, Nasser was taken in as a three-anna partner in a local firm without any investment by him in the firm’s capital as compensation for his having influenced Sheikh Majibur to give the firm a licence to set up a textile calendering plant. A sum of Rs. 1,500 was also alleged to have been paid by the firm to the Awami League funds.
Arguing the defence case yesterday, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy said that there was no evidence to show that Nasser had been taken in as a partner for the purpose alleged by the prosecution or that even if that was so that Sheikh Majibur had anything to do with the matter.
He also argued that on the evidence Sheikh Majibur had no direct hand in the grant of the licence to the firm, the list having been prepared on an emergency basis by the Director of Industries in consultation with experts of the department.
Referring to the prosecution having withdrawn some prosecution witnesses and having others declared hostile because of their having been “won over,” Mr. Suhrawardy said circumstances prevailing at the time of Sheikh Majibur’s arrest and his later implication in and discharge from two cases all went to show that there was opportunity for pressure being put on witnesses to help build up a false case. Answering the prosecution’s point that witnesses had not complained of this pressure at any other stage than before the present court, he said: “The only place that the witnesses could speak the truth was in the court. It is the mercy of Providence that a time does come when the truth automatically gets out.”
Finally, Mr. Suhrawardy maintained that the allegation of the payment of Rs. 1,500 to the Awami League was an afterthought as it did not figure in the first information report.
The Public Prosecutor in his arguments agreed that there was no direct evidence against Sheikh Majibur Rahman but maintained that circumstantial evidence was enough to make out a case against him and his brother. He said evidence for both sides was given on oath and thus it was a case of oath versus oath.
Side note: Seen. In file Pl. Sd/ – 4.6.60.

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Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman shows unknown persons
visited him. Dacca, 25 May 1960
C.R. dt 25.5.60. 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. to 24.00 hrs.
Hours of duty
Place of duty
: 76, Segun Bagicha.
Name of Suspect : Sk. Majibur Rahman.
Result of watch.
At about 06.30 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarters and proceeded towards western side by Jeep Car No. E.B.D.111. He did not return till 11.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period at about 17.10 hrs. the suspect returned to his quarter from outside by Jeep Car No. E.B.D. 111. At about 17.15 hrs. the two unknown persons entered into my duty place from outside by rickshaw. At about 17.30 hrs. the said unknown persons left the said place and proceeded towards western side by Jeep Car No. E.B.D. 111. At about 18.45 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarters and went to house of Mr. Abdul Salam Khan No. 3/10, West Purana Paltan at 18.50 hrs. on foot. At about 19.30 hrs. the suspect left the said place and return to his quarter at 19.35 hrs. on foot. At about 19.40 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards western side by Jeep car No. E.B.D. 111. At about 23.00 hrs. the suspect returned to his quarter from outside by the same car. Then he was not seen at 24.00 hrs.
D.R. of the unknown persons as given-noted below.
(1) Age about 42, (2) Height-5′-4″, (3) Hair Back brash, (4) Nose -pointed, (5)
Health Medium, (6). Complexion-Black-round face, (7) Wearing white full pant, Hoyee shirt, Black shoe, Wrist watch and optical.
(1) Age about 40, (2) Height -5′-5″ ,(3) Hair-Back brash, Nose- Pointed (5)
Health-Medium, 6) Complexion -Fair, Long face, Hoyee shirt, Bround shoe.
Submitted, Sd/- Md. Ishaque Miah, I.B., E.P. Dacca.
dt. 25.5.60
Side note: Copy to P.F of all concerned. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 21/5

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Watch report on H S Suhrawardy shows Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah visited him.
Dacca, 29 May 1960
C.R. dt 29.5.60.
Hours of duty
: 22.00 hrs. to 06.00 hrs. on 30.5.60.
Purpose of duty : for Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santinagar).
Result of Watch. At about 22.40 hrs. Sk. Majibar Rahman came out from aforesaid place and proceeded towards eastern side by car No. 2529-E.B.D. During my duty period Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy was not seen by me and no other suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the aforesaid place except Sk. Majibar Rahman.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. A. Rahman Miah.
dt. 30.5.60.
Side note: Ext, on the P.F. of Sk. Mujibor Rahman please. Sd/- for D.S.6. 30.5.
C.R. dt 29.5.60. Duty hrs. : 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baji Kakrail at the residence of Mr. Tofazzal Hussain.
Result of watch In course of my duty periods the subject Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy was found present at the residence of Mr. Tafazzal Hussain at 18.00 hrs. He was not seen to go out till 22.00 hrs.
Sk. Mojibur Rahman visited the place by car E.B.D. 2529 from 18.15 hrs. to 19.45 hrs. and again he returned by the same car at 20.15 hrs. from outside but he was not seen to come out from the said place till 22.00 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/- Shamsul Huda Choudhury.
Side note: Ext, on the P.F. Sk. Mujibar Rahman please. Sd/-for D.S.6. 30.5

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C.R. dt30.5.60 Hrs. of duty : 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. Place of duty : At the residence of Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah (Bazee
Kakrail). Name of subject : Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
Result of Watch At about 13.00 hrs. the said subject was entered into the said place from outside by E.B.D. 2529. Since then he did not come out from the place again. Till 17.00 hrs. subject Sk. Mozibar Rahman visited the said place from 13.05 hrs, to 13.10 hrs,
Sumitted, Sd/-W.C./39 Abdur Rahman Mirdha.
I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
dt. 31.5.60
Side note: Ext. on the P.F. of Sk. Majibur Rahman please. Sd/- for D.S. 6. 31.5.


Judgment delivered on corruption case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his brother Sheikh Abu Naser. Both honorably
acquitted. Dacca, 1 June 1960
Ittefaq dt. 1.6.60
অভিযােগ হইতে শেখ মুজিবের বেকসুর খালাস ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ কর্তৃক মামলার রায় প্রদান
( ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার ) গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ, এস, এম, রাশেদ প্রাক্তন প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রী ও অধুনালুপ্ত প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে মন্ত্রী হিসাবে সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার এবং স্বীয় পদ মর্যাদাবলে আর্থিক সুবিধা অর্জনের অভিযােগ হইতে মুক্তি প্রদান করিয়াছেন।
স্পেশাল জজ একই মামলায় শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের ছােট ভাই শেখ আবু নাসেরকেও দুর্নীতি অবলম্বনে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে সক্রিয়ভাবে সাহায্য করার অভিযােগ হইতে মুক্তি প্রদান করেন।
শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে ১৯৪৭ সনের ২নং আইনের ৫(২) ধারা অনুযায়ী ও শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধি ১০৯ ধারা যােগে উক্ত আইনের ৫(২) ধারা অনুযায়ী মামলা। দায়ের করা হয়।

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বাদী পক্ষ এই মামলায় ১৫ জন সাক্ষী পেশ করেন। কিন্তু প্রকৃতপক্ষে তাহারা শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার ও স্বীয় পদমর্যাদা বলে আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণ সম্পর্কিত অভিযােগ সম্পর্কে কোন প্রমাণ উপস্থিত করিতে পারেন নাই। ফলে, স্পেশাল জজ তাহাকে অভিযােগ হইতে মুক্তি প্রদান করেন।
এই মামলায় অন্যতম অভিযুক্ত শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধেও বাদীপক্ষ অভিযােগ প্রমাণ করিতে না পারায় স্পেশাল জজ তাহাকেও মুক্তি প্রদান করেন। এই মামলায় জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী প্রধান কৌসুলী হিসাবে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের পক্ষ সমর্থন করেন। এডভােকেট আবদুস সালাম খান, জনাব জহির উদ্দীন ও অন্যান্য কতিপয় আইনজীবি তাহাকে সাহায্য করেন। এডভােকেট জনাব আজম শেখ আবু নাসেরের পক্ষ সমর্থন করেন।
পূর্বাহ্নে স্পেশাল জজ এই মামলার বিচারে এই আদালতের এখতিয়ার সম্পর্কে তাহার সিদ্ধান্ত ঘােষণা করেন।
“মন্ত্রীরা সরকারী কর্মচারী নহেন” এই যুক্তিতে এই মামলার বিচারে স্পেশাল জজের এখতিয়ার সম্পর্কে বিবাদী পক্ষের কৌসুলী যে প্রশ্ন উপস্থাপন করেন। স্পেশাল জজ তাহার রায়ে উহা খন্ডন করিয়া বলেন, এই মামলার বিচারে এ আদালতের এখতিয়ার রহিয়াছে।
বিবাদী পক্ষ এই মামলা পরিচালনার ব্যাপারে উপযুক্ত কর্তৃপক্ষের মঞ্জুরী সম্পর্কে আইনঘটিত যে প্রশ্ন উত্থাপন করেন স্পেশাল জজ তাঁহার রায়ে উহাও খন্ডন করেন এবং বলেন যে, এই মামলা সম্পর্কিত মঞ্জুরী বৈধ হইয়াছে।
দুর্নীতি দমন ব্যুরাের ইন্সপেক্টর জনাব আব্দুল জলিল তাহার নিজস্ব সূত্র হইতে সংবাদ পাইয়া অনুসন্ধান কার্য চালান এবং ১৯৫৯ সনের ২রা ফেব্রুয়ারী রমনা থানায় এজাহার প্রদান করেন। অতঃপর দুনীর্তি দমন ব্যুরাের ইন্সপেক্টর জনাব মেহরাব আলী চেীধুরী উক্ত মামলার তদন্ত কার্যের জন্য ভারপ্রাপ্ত হইয়া দীর্ঘকাল পরে অর্থাৎ ১৯৫৯ সনের ৯ই নভেম্বর চার্জ সীট দাখিল করেন।
অভিযােগের বিবরণ অভিযােগের বিবরণে বলা হয়ঃ মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী, মােহাম্মদ আনওয়ার আলী, হাজী সেকেন্দার আলী ও গােলাম হায়দার চৌধুরীর অংশীদারিত্বে আল আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ নামে একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান ময়মনসিংহ জেলার সাতী হাটিতে একটি কাপড় ক্যালেন্ডারিং কারখানা প্রতিষ্ঠার উদ্দেশ্যে লাইসেন্সের জন্য আবেদন করনে। ১৯৫৬ সনের সেপ্টেম্বর মাসে আওয়ামী লীগ প্রদেশে মন্ত্রিসভা গঠনের পূর্ব পর্যন্ত উক্ত লাইসেন্স মঞ্জুর বা বাতিল না হইয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকারের শিল্প বিভাগে পড়িয়া থাকে। শেখ মুজিবর রহমান বাণিজ্য, শিল্প ও শ্রম বিভাগের মন্ত্রী হওয়ার পর উক্ত ফার্মের অংশীদার মুজিবর রহমান চৌধুরী প্রমুখ কয়েক ব্যক্তি শেখ মুজিবুরের ১৫নং আবদুল গণী রােডে অবস্থিত সরকারী বাসভবনে গিয়া উক্ত লাইসেন্স প্রদানের অনুরােধ করেন। শেখ মুজিবর রহমান। তখন আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক হিসাবে তাঁহার ছােট ভাই শেখ আবু নাসেরের মাধ্যমে শর্ত হিসাবে আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলে ১৫০০ টাকা চাঁদা দাবী ও তাঁহার ছােট ভাই শেখ আবু নাসেরকে

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বিনা পুঁজিতে তিন আনা শেয়ার প্রদানের প্রস্তাব করেন। উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠান কোন উপায়ন্তর না দেখিয়া ১৯৫৭ সনের ২রা ফেব্রুয়ারী হইতে ১৪ ই ফেব্রুয়ারীর মধ্যে শেখ আবু নাসেরের মাধ্যমে উক্ত ১৫ শত টাকা প্রদান ও শেখ আবু নাসেরকে পার্টনার হিসাবে গ্রহণ করিয়া একটি পার্টনারশীপ দলিল সম্পাদন করেন।
এইরূপে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান স্বীয় পদমর্যাদার অপব্যবহার করিয়া তাঁহার ভাইয়ের জন্য বিনা পুঁজিতে আল আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্ট্রিজ এর শেয়ার গ্রহণ ও আওয়ামী লীগের জন্য অথবা নীজে উপরােক্ত ১৫ শত টাকার আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণ করেন। অতএব, তিনি ১৯৪৭ সনের ২ নং আইনের (৫)২ ধারা অনুযায়ী দন্ডযােগ্য অপরাধ করিয়াছেন।
শেখ আবু নাসের উপরােক্ত অপরাধে সক্রিয়ভাবে সাহায্য করিয়াছেন বলিয়া তাঁহাকে উক্ত আইনের ৫(২) ধারা ও পাকিস্তান দন্ডবিধির ১০৯ ধারা অনুযায়ী অভিযুক্ত করা হইয়াছে।
সাক্ষীদের সাক্ষ্য পর্যালােচনা বাদীপক্ষ কমপক্ষে ১৫ জন সাক্ষী পেশ করেন। উহাদের মধ্যে মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী ও আনওয়ার আলী আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের পার্টনার। অন্যান্যের মধ্যে অফিসারসহ সকলেই সরকারী কর্মচারী। পুলিস অফিসারদের সাক্ষ্যকে বাদ দিলে তদানীন্তন শিল্প বিভাগের ডিরেক্টর জনাব রুহুল কুদুসের সাক্ষ্য ছাড়া অন্যান্যদের সাক্ষ্য মােটামুটিভাবে গতানুগতিক। তদুপরি পার্টনারশীপ ব্যবসায় সম্পর্কিত অতীব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সাক্ষীঃ- যথা, মুজিবর রহমান চৌধুরী, গােলাম হায়দার চৌধুরী, হাজী সেকান্দার আলী ও তাহার পুত্র আনওয়ার আলী সকলেই আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের মূল পার্টনার ছিলেন। ইহাদের মধ্যে মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী ও আনওয়ার আলী সাক্ষ্য প্রদান করিয়াছেন। অপর দুই ব্যক্তি বিবাদী পক্ষের বশীভুত হইয়াছেন বলিয়া বাদীপক্ষ আদালতে দরখাস্ত করিয়াছেন এবং একই কারনে তাহাদের সাক্ষ্য গ্রহণ করা হয় নাই। মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী ও আনওয়ার আলী তাহাদের সাক্ষ্যে বাদীপক্ষকে সমর্থন করেন নাই। পক্ষান্তরে তাঁহারা সম্পূর্নরূপে বাদীপক্ষের বিরুদ্ধেই চলিয়া গিয়াছে। মুজিবুর রহমান চৌধুরী তাহার সাক্ষ্যে বলিয়াছেন যে, সেক্রেটারীয়েটে ছাড়া তিনি অন্য কোথাও আল আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের লাইসেন্স ইত্যাদির ব্যাপারে চেষ্টা তদবিরের জন্য যান নাই। তিনি আরও বলিয়াছেন যে, একত্রে পার্টনারশীপ ভিত্তিতে ব্যবসায় করার উদ্দেশ্যে আল আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ গঠন করা হইয়াছে। শেখ আবু নাসেরকে একত্রে ব্যবসার করার জন্যই পার্টনার হিসাবে গ্রহণ করা হইয়াছে । এই সাক্ষী হইলেন আল আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজের ম্যানেজিং পার্টনার এবং তিনি শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে কোন দিক দিয়াই এই প্রতিষ্ঠানের সহিত জড়িত করেন নাই। তাঁহার সাক্ষ্য হইতে দেখা যাইতেছে যে, তিনি শুধু পুলিশের নিকট জবানবন্দী প্রদান করেন নাই, পক্ষান্তরে জনৈক প্রথম শ্রেনীর ম্যাজিষ্টেটের নিকটও বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন এবং উহা তাহাকে পড়িয়া শুনাইবার পর তিনি উহাতে দস্তখত দিয়াছেন। অবশ্য সাক্ষী এই আদালতে বলেন যে, তিনি দূনীর্তিদমন বিভাগীয় পুলিশের চাপে পড়িয়া ও বাধ্য হইয়া জবানবন্দী বা শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে তাঁহাকে জড়াইয়া লেনদেন সম্পর্কিত অভিযােগ সম্পর্কে কোন সাক্ষ্য-প্রমাণ নাই। তিনি

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বলেনঃ প্রকৃতপক্ষে মুজিবর রহমান চৌধুরী কর্তৃক আওয়ামী লীগ ফান্ডের জন্য অর্থ প্রদান সম্পর্কিত অভিযােগ প্রমাণ করার উদ্দেশ্যে বাদী পক্ষ আদৌ কোন সাক্ষ্য প্রমাণ দিতে পারেন নাই।
এক্সারসাইজ খাতার হিসাব সম্পর্কে সন্দেহ প্রকাশ জনাব রাশেদ বলেনঃ আনওয়ার আলীর সাক্ষ্যের উপর আস্থা স্থাপন করা যায় না, উহা আগেই বলা হইয়াছে । কিন্তু খসড়া এক্সারসাইজ খাতায় যে পদ্ধতিতে হিসাব রক্ষিত হইয়াছে, উহাতে এই হিসাবে যে, খাঁটি তৎসম্পর্কে সন্দেহের উদ্রেক হয়। তদুপরি কোন ব্যবসায়ী প্রতিষ্ঠানের পক্ষে অনুরুপ খসড়া খাতায় হিসাব রাখা কিছুটা অস্বাভাবিক মনে হয়। বিবাদীপক্ষের কৌসুলী এজাহারের উল্লেখক্রমে বলিয়াছেন যে, আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলে চাদা বাবত শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে ১৫ শত টাকা প্রদানের আদৌ কোন উল্লেখ করা হয় নাই। তদুপরি দুর্নীতি দমন ব্যুরাের ইন্সপেক্টর জনাব জলিল প্রাথমিক তদন্তের পর এজাহার প্রকাশ করিয়াছেন। তাঁহার সাক্ষ্যে প্রয়াস পাইয়াছে যে, তিনি তদন্তকালে মুজিবর রহমান চৌধুরী, আনওয়ার আলী ও গােলাম হায়দার চৌধুরীর সহিত যােগাযােগ করিয়াছেন এবং অভিযােগ সম্পর্কে প্রকৃতপক্ষে সকল তথ্য সংগ্রহ করিয়াছেন। কিন্তু তাঁহার এজাহারে লেনদেন সম্পর্কিত অভিযােগের ব্যাপারে সম্পূর্ণ নীরবতা অবলম্বন করা হইয়াছে। বাদীপক্ষ এই অভিযােগ আনয়নের কারণ যাহাই থাকুক না কেন, উহাকে প্রমাণ করার ব্যাপাে হইয়াছে। অতএব, আমি এই খাতার উপর কোনরুপ গুরুত্ব আরােপ করিতে অসমর্থ এবং উহাকে অবশ্যই প্রত্যাখান করা হইতেছে। সুতরাং আওয়ামী লীগ তহবিলে ১৫ শত টাকা প্রদানের অভিযােগ প্রমাণিত হয় নাই। অনুরুপ অভিযােগে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিকূল ধারণা পােষণ করা যায় না। এইরুপে আমি এই সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হইতেছি যে, সরকার পক্ষ শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযােগ প্রমাণ করিতে ব্যর্থ হইয়াছে।
মামলার পটভূমিকা সম্পর্কে মতভেদ জনাব রাশেদ বলেনঃ এই মামলার পটভূমিকা সম্পর্কে বিবাদী পক্ষের কৌসুলী যে সকল বক্তব্য পেশ করেন।
… (missing from original document due to page damage) বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন। এই পর্যায়ে বাদীপক্ষ তাহাকে “প্রতিকূল ঘােষনা করিয়াছেন এবং আদালত সাক্ষীকে জেরা করার জন্য বাদীপক্ষকে অনুমতি প্রদান করেন।
জেরাকালে সাক্ষী বলেন যে, তিনি ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটের সম্মুখে যে বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন উহা সত্য ছিল । কিন্তু তিনি বলেন যে, দুর্নীতি দমন পুলিসের চাপে পড়িয়াই উহা করিয়াছেন। স্পেশাল জজ বলেনঃ “এই সাক্ষী যে বিবাদী পক্ষের বশীভূত হইয়াছেন এ-ব্যাপারে আমি স্থির নিশ্চিত এবং আমি ইহা বিশ্বাস করিতে অপরাগ যে, দুর্নীতি দমন বিভাগের চাপে পড়িয়া তিনি ম্যাজিষ্টেটের নিকট বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন।” তিনি আরও বলেনঃ “এই সাক্ষীকে বশীভূত করার ব্যাপারে যে কেহই দায়ী হউক না কেন, এই সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্যের উপর বিশ্বাস স্থাপন করা যায় না। প্রকৃত পক্ষে এই সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য হইতে বাদী পক্ষের সমর্থনসূচক কোন কিছু পাওয়া যাইতেছে না।

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আনওয়ার আলীর সাক্ষ্য প্রসঙ্গে অতঃপর স্পেশাল জজ পরবর্তী সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্য পর্যালােচনা করেন। তিনি বলেন যে, তাহার সাক্ষ্যও পূর্ববর্তী সাক্ষীর সমপর্যায়ভুক্ত। তাহার সাক্ষ্য হইতেও শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে আল-আমিন ইন্ড্রাষ্টিজ-এর পার্টনারশীপ সম্পর্কিত ব্যাপারে কোন প্রকারে জড়িত করা হয় নাই। স্পেশাল জজ বলেনঃ অতএব আমার এইরূপ নিশ্চিত ধারনা হইয়াছে যে, এই সাক্ষীও বিবাদী পক্ষের বশ হইয়াছেন এবং এই শ্রেণীর সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ্যের উপর আস্থা স্থাপন করা যায় না।
মুজিবুরের বিরুদ্ধে প্রমাণের অভাব। জজ আরও বলেনঃ অতএব উহা গ্রহন করিতে তিনি অসমর্থ। তিনি বলেনঃ আমরা বর্তমান মামলার সহিত সম্পর্কিত এবং আমাদের সম্মুখে যে সকল তথ্য রহিয়াছে উহা অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে জনসমক্ষে হেয় প্রতিপন্ন করার জন্য এই মামলা দায়ের করা হইয়াছে– এইরূপ সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হওয়ার জন্য যথেষ্ঠ নহে।
শেখ আবু নাসের প্রসঙ্গে শেখ আবু নাসেরের প্রসঙ্গে স্পেশাল জজ রায়ে বলেনঃ অভিযুক্ত শেখ আবু নাসের, শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের ছােট ভাই- এই নিছক অজুহাত ও বিনা মূলধনে তাহাকে তিন আনা শেয়ার প্রদানের শর্তে আল আমিনের ইন্ডাষ্ট্রীজের পার্টনার হিসাবে গ্রহণের অভিযােগ ছাড়া শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান তাহার ভাই-এর জন্য আর্থিক সুবিধার ব্যবস্থা করার উদ্দেশ্যে স্বীয় সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহারে করিয়াছেন, বাদীপক্ষ উহা প্রমাণ করিতে পারেন নাই।।
তিনি বলেনঃ বাদীপক্ষ শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে তাহাদের অভিযােগ প্রমাণ করিতে পারেন নাই। উহা ইতিপূর্বে পরিলক্ষিত হইয়াছে। অতএব শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে দুর্নীতিতে সক্রিয়ভাবে সাহায্য করার অভিযােগ আদৌ উঠে না।
এই মামলায় বিবাদী পক্ষে জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী প্রধান কৌসুলী হিসাবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন। এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান ও জনাব জহীর উদ্দীন তাঁহাকে বিশেষ ভাবে সাহায্য করেন। এতদ্ব্যতীত জনাব জিলুর রহমান ও জনাব কোরবান আলীও এই মামলার ব্যাপারে সাহায্য করেন। পক্ষান্তরে এডভােকেট এম, আজম বিশেষভাবে শেখ আবু নাসেরের পক্ষ সমর্থন করেন।
বাদীপক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটার জনাব আজিজুদ্দীন আহমদ। তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করেন জনাব মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন খান।
Side note: Seen. Keep in file please. Sd/ -13.6.60, DS VI

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Azad at 1.6.62
শেখ মুজিবের অব্যাহতি সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার সম্পর্কিত মামলার অবসান ঢাকা, ৩১শে মে । – অদ্য পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অন্যতম প্রাক্তন উজীর ও অধুনালুপ্ত আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব মুজিবর রহমান তাঁহার বিরুদ্ধে আনীত আর্থিক সুবিধা গ্রহণের জন্য সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহারের অভিযােগ হইতে মুক্তি লাভ করেন।
তাঁহার ভ্রাতা শেখ আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে এই সঙ্গে সহায়তা করার যে অভিযােগ আনয়ন করা হইয়াছিল তিনিও তাহা হইতে মুক্তি পাইয়াছেন।
ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ, এস, এম, রাশেদ অদ্য এই মামলার রায় দান করেন। মামলার সর্বমােট ১৫ জন সাক্ষীর সাক্ষ গ্রহণ করা হয়। ইহার মধ্যে দুইজন আল আমিন ইন্ডাষ্ট্রীজের অংশীদার। অপরাপর সকল সাক্ষীই পুলিশ অফিসার সহ সরকারী কর্মচারী।
মামলার বিবরণে প্রকাশ, শেখ আবু নাসের আল আমিনের অংশীদারগণকে একটা ক্যালেন্ডারিং মেসিন স্থাপনের হুকুম আদায় করিয়া দিবে বলিয়া কোন প্রকার অর্থ বিনিয়ােগ ব্যতীতই তাহাদের প্রতিষ্ঠানের অংশীদার হয়। পরে সে তাহার ভ্রাতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের মারফৎ উক্ত মেসিন স্থাপনের হুকুম আদায় করে।
এই সময়ে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের শিল্প উজীর ছিলেন। মামলায় আরও বলা হয় যে, শেখ মুজিবর রহমান আল আমিনের অংশীদারদের নিকট হইতে আওয়ামী লীগের চাঁদা বাবদও ১৫ শত টাকা আদায় করেন।
স্পেশাল জজ তাহার রায়ে উজীর সরকারী কর্মচারী নহে বলিয়া বিবাদী পক্ষ হইতে আদালতের আওতা সম্পর্কে যে চ্যালেঞ্জ করা হইয়াছিল তাহা বাতেল করিয়া উজীরগণও সরকারী কর্মচারী এবং সেই হেতু আদালত বর্তমান মামলার বিচার করিবার ক্ষমতা রহিয়াছে বলিয়া মন্তব্য করেন।
-এ, পি, পি, Side note: Seen. In file please. Sd/ -4.6.60

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Statesman dt. 1.6.60
MUJIBAR RAHMAN ACQUITTED DACCA, May 31- Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, former Commerce Minister of East Pakistan and general secretary of the now dissolved Awami League and his brother, Sheikh Abu Nasser, were today acquitted of the charges of corruption brought against them by the Provincial Anti-Corruption Bureau.

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Mr. S.M. Rashed, Special Judge, delivering judgment in the case said there was no evidence on the side of the prosecution to prove the case against the accused. The judge, however, did not accept the defence suggestion regarding the background of the case and observed: “We are concerned with the present and the materials before us are not sufficient to conclude that the present case was brought with any motive to undermine or lower the prestige of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman in the eye of the public.”
Shekh Mujibar Rahman and his brother were charged with misuse of power and position to obtain financial advantage. It was alleged that during his Minstership Sheikh Rahman had put pressure on certain people wanting to set up a textile calendering firm and eventually succeeded in making his brother, Abu Nasser, one of its partners without any financial investment. Some monetary gain for the Awami League party was also alleged to have been secured. – P.T.I.
Side note: Seen. In file pl. Sd/-DSVI, 10.6.60
Pakistan Observer dt. 1.6.60

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In course of the 23-long typed page judgment the learned Judge observed that as to the grant of the import licence to the firm in question the prosecution referred to the evidence of Mr. Ruhul Quddus the then Director of Industries and some files of the Department. There was absolutely nothing in the evidence of Mr. Ruhul Quddus or in the official papers to show that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as Minister in charge of the Department ever exercised his influence in securing the recommendations of the Department in favour of the firm in question or in granting the necessary import licence or the permission of the Government to set up the plant. About two prosecution witnesses namely Mr. Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury and Anwar Ali who were declared hostile by the prosecution and who disclosed that they made false statement before the Magistrate due to police pressure, the Judge observed that he was perfectly convinced that those witnesses were gained over by the accused side and he was not inclined to believe that under the pressure of the Police of the Anti-Corruption Department then made the statements before the Magistrate (implicating Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his brother).
Whoever might be responsible for gaining over the witnesses, observed the learned Judge, no credence can be given to the evidence given by such a witness and as a matter of fact we do not find anything from the evidence of this witness (Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury) to support the prosecution case. The next witness Anwar Ali is also of the same category.
A.L. FUND About the allegation of payment of Rs. 1,500 to the Awami League fund the Judge observed: “In view of this evidence and also in view of the fact that the FIR does not contain any such allegation though the FIR was lodged after examining at least three of the partners including the managing partner Mr. Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury there is every reason to accept the defence suggestion that this part of the prosecution case was introduced with a view to lending additional support to the prosecution case. Whatever might be the reason for introducing the alleged story of payment, the prosecution has failed to substantiate the allegation of payment. I am, therefore, unable to give any weight to the Khata-account and I us reject the same. So the alleged payment of Rs. 1,500 towards the Awami League fund has not been

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proved and no adverse inference can be drawn against accused Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on such allegation.
Thus I find that the prosecution has failed to establish the charge against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman”
MUJIB’S CONTENTION About the accused Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s contention that the present case was brought with the motive to undermine or lower his prestige in the eye of public, the court observed that the materials before us are not sufficient to conclude that the present case was brought with any motive to undermine or lower the prestige of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the eye of the public. I am, therefore, unable to accept the defence suggestion regarding the back ground of the present case.”
It was further observed that “except the mere fact that the accused Abu Naser is the younger brother of accused Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and he was taken as a partner of “Al-Amin Industries” by giving him three annas share without investment of capital. There is no evidence to substantiate the allegation that his brother Sheikh Mujibur Rahman secured pecuniary benefit for him by abusing his official position as Minister in the matter of the partnership business affair. We have already seen that the prosecution has failed to substantiate the accusation against Skeikh Mujibur Rahman “In that view of the case the question of abetment of the offence by Sheikh Abu Naser does not wise at all.”
SHARE About the giving of three annas share to the accused Sheikh Abu Naser without the investment of any capital the Court observed that the partnership deed would disclose that Abu Naser was not the only person who was taken as one of the partners without investment of any capital. Besides, Abu Naser there were Golam Hyder Chowdhury and Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury who were taken as partners without investment of any capital. It was only Haji Sekender Ali and his son Anwar Ali who were the financing partners. Hence the contention of the learned public prosecutor did not hold good. Along with it the plea of accused Abu Naser should be taken into consideration. He had said in his statement recorded under section 342 Cr. P.C. that he was in business since 1950 and he had business transaction with Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury long before his brother came to power and that the necessary import licence and the permission to set up the plant were obtained by their own efforts without having any concern with his brother Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the matter. Thus we find that there was hardly any evidence against him.

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CHARGE FAILS Besides this, we had seen already that the main charge against the principal offender had failed. So the charge of abetment against the abettor was bound to fail automatically.
I must, the learned Judge observed, therefore find that the prosecution has failed to bring home the guilt to accused Sheikh Abu Naser under the charge.
In result the learned Judge acquitted both the accused persons of the charge brought against them.
Mr. Azizuddin Ahmed, Special Public Prosecutor assisted by Mr. Moazzem Hossain, Pleader appeared for the prosecution while Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Mr. A. Salam Khan, Advocate, Mr. M. Azam Advocate, Mr. Zahir Uddin Advocate and Mr. Zillur Rahman, Pleader appeared for the defence.
Side note: Seen. In his P.F please. Sd/-DSVI 16.6.60

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Letter of advocate M. A. Khaleq, Jessore addressed to Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman. Jessore, 4 June 1960
The Jessore June 4th 1960.
Memo No. 3175(2)/61-51 PF (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Postal office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: M.A. Khaleque, Advocate,
Jessore Town. : Sk. Mujibur Rahman, 67
Segun Bagicha, Dacca. : English. : 28.5.60. : Nil.
Jessore Post Office.
29.5.60. : A.S.I. Md. Ismail
10. 11.
not. : delivered. : copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
1. M. Yusuff, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information.
2. A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for
information and favour of supplying the full particulars of Muhibus Samad for record here.
Sd/ -4.6.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

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Copy of an outgoing English letter dated 28.5.60 from M. A. Khaleq, Advocate, Jessore, addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, 67, Segun Bagicha, Dacca, intercepted at Jessore Head Post Office on 29.5.60.
M. A. Khaleq, Advocate, Dacca High Court.
Jessore, Dated 28th May, 1960. My dear Mujibur Rahman Sb.
I enclose herewith a letter to the Leader. Kindly hand it over to him and speak to him about my being for legal profession. I intended to join High Court and Supreme Court. I shall be satisfied with whatever little fees I may get from the clients. My presence at Dacca is also necessary to secure loan from House Building Finance Corporation and to begin construction of house on my Dhanmandy land. Otherwise the land will be taken over by Govt.
Kindly try to secure a part time job for me where I may get about Rs. 400/- to 500/- a month so that I may stay at Dacca and start practice at Dacca and begin construction of my house. Of course in part time I shall be able to do full days’ work. In this connection kindly talk to Mr. Muhibus Samad and ascertain if he can help me in the matter.
Yours sincerely, Sd. M. Khaleque
(1) M.A. Khaleque (AL) (Ex- Minister) s/o L. Idu Molla of Jessore Town. (2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, s/o Lutfar Rahman, of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur
and of Dacca.
Copy of an outgoing English letter dated 28.5.60 from M.A. Khaleque, Advocate, Addressed to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Dacca, intercepted at Jessore, Head Post Office on 29.5.60 By A.S.I. Md. Ismail.
M.A. Khaleque, Advocate, High Court, Dacca.
Jessore, 28.5.60. My dear Sir,
The other day you expressed a desire to set up an office at Dacca for your legal profession. This is a very good idea because during your absence in Lahore and

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Karachi in connection with professional business clients intending to engage you in case in the Dacca High Court and in the Supreme Court will be able to contact you through your Dacca Office. If you do that I shall consider it a proud privilege to associate myself with your office. I hope I shall be able to render you valuable assistance in the matter of preparation of briefs and finding out relevant legal decisions. I have got a pretty big library with stock of Calcutta Weekly-Notes, A.I.R., D.L.R., P.L.D., A.I.R. Manual in 8 volumes, and all other indispensable and valuable Law Books. I have got a type writer. These can be used in your office. The dream of my life to practice in the High Court and in the Supreme Court could not be fulfilled so long. I shall be satisfied with whatever little fees you may fix from the clients.
Respectfully yours, Sd. M.A. Khaleque


H S Suhrawardy leaving for Karachi seen off by Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and others.
Dacca, 4 June 1960 TELEPHONE MESSAGE
Receive at – 15.40 Date : 4.6.60.
From : To :
S.I. S. Ahmed for O/C, Immigration (D.A.P.). D.S.I, I.B. repeated to O/C, Watch, I.B.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan left for Karachi by P.I.A. Plane today at 15.30 hrs. he was seen off by Mr. Sk. Mozibur Rahman, Mr. Hossain @ Manik Miah and Mr. Abdul Jabber Khadder.
This is for your kind information.
Informed to D.S.I
Seen. O/C., Watch to include it in D.R. and then it should be placed in the P.F. of Mr. Suhurawardy.
Sd/-N.M Biswas.
D.S VI. 5.6.60.

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Included in draft D.R. Sd/-9/6.
Copy to the P.Fs. of Sk. Mujibor Rahman, Tofazzal Hussain and A.J. Khadder.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas.


Watch report on Tofazzal Hossain shows Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
visited him. Dacca, 7 June 1960
Hours of duty : Place of duty : Name of suspect :
C.R. dt 7.6.60. 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Bazi Kakrail & Ittefaque Office., Mr. Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Result of watch. At about 08.00 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards town side by car No. E.B.D. 2529. He did not return till 11.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period at 19.30 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman entered into my duty place from outside by Jeep Car No. E.B.D.111. At about 20.00 hrs. he left the said place and proceeded towards western side by the same jeep car. At about 20.10 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards western side by Car No. E.B.D. 2529. At about 22.30 hrs. the suspect return to his quarter from outside by the same car.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. Ishaque Miah,
I.B., E.P., Dacca.
dt. 8.6.60
Side note: Copy to his P.F. also. Sd/ – N.M. Biswas, 9.6

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Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 9 June 1960
C.R. dt. 9.6.60. Hours of duty : 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. Places of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of subject : Mr. Sk. Mojibur Rahman.
Result of Watch. During my duty period at about 14.30 hrs. the above noted suspect returned to his quarter from outside by rickshaw along with suspect Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah. Being reached there the suspect Mr. Sk. Mojibur Rahman got down from the Rickshaw and entered into his quarter. Then and there the suspect Mr. Tofazzal Hossain left the said place and proceeded towards the northern side by the same rickshaw. I did duty there till 17.00 hrs, and found present Sk. Mojibur Rahman at his quarter.
Submitted, Sd/- W.C. Ashrafuddin Chowdhury.
I.B., E.P., Dacca
Dt. 10.6.60
Side note: Copy to his P.F. also. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 10/6/60.
C.R. dt.. 6.6.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs to 00.00 hrs. Places of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of suspect : Mr. Sk. Mojibar Rahman (Ex. Minister)
Result of Watch. During my morning duty period the above noted suspect was not seen by me to come out from his quarter several times he was seen to laitaring in his Barenda. During my duty period 10/12 persons male, female and children came from outside and entered into the suspects quarter and associated with the said suspect and his family. The visitors some came by rickshaw, some cycle and some on foot. They left the said place in different times.
During my evening duty period at about 17.40 hrs. the 2nd son of Ex. Minister Mr. Abul Moonsur Ahmed came from outside by car No. 9010 (K.A.A.) and entered

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into the suspect quarter. At about 18.00 hrs. he left the said place and went away towards the southern side by Car No. 9010 (K.A.A.). At about 18.15 hrs 9/10 male and female and children came from outside by Jeep No. 111 E.B.D. and entered into the suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman’s quarter. They meet with him and his family. At about 18.45 hrs. they left the said place and went away towards the western side by the same Jeep E.B.D. No. 111. At about 19.30 hrs. Mr. Sk. Mojibur Rahman and his wife left his quarter by his Jeep E.B.D. 111 and proceeded towards the northern side. At about 22.45 hrs. they returned to his quarter from outside by the same jeep No. 111 E.B.D. After that the suspect was not seen by me to come out again.
No known suspect was seen to visit my duty place.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Ashrafuddin Choudhury
I.B., E.P. Dacca.
Side note: S.I. M. Ahmed pl.fix up. Copy to his file also. Sd.N.M. Biswas, 9/6.
Report enclosed. Sd/-16.6.60
Ref. C.R. dt.. 6.6.60 of Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 76, Segunbagicha.
Reg. To fix up the unknown persons:
On secret enquiry it is learnt that the unknown persons were reported to be the relatives of the subject under reference.
They came to the place on invitation due to the “Id” Festival.
Submitted, Sd/-Masir Uddin Ahmed, S.I., I.B.
Side note: D.S.VI may pl. see. Sd/-O/C.,Watch, 16.6.
Seen. Sd – N.M. Biswas, 17.6.


Watch report on Tofazzal Hossain who met Sheikh Mujibur
Dacca, 12 June 1960
C.R. dt. 12.6.60 Hours of duty : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Places of duty : Bazi Kakrail,. Name of suspect : Tofazzal Hossain.

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Result of Watch At 06.00 hrs. I took up my duty at the above noted place and did secret watch duty there. At about 09.15 hrs. the suspect left his qrs. and proceeded towards the eastern side by Car No. 2529-E.B.D. During my duty period the suspect was not seen returned the said place.
Again at 17.00 hrs. I took up the same duty at the same place and did duty there. At about 17.30 hrs. the suspect entered the qrs. from outside by car No. 2529E.B.D. During my duty period the suspect was not seen to come out again. Sk. Majibar Rahman visited the suspect grs. from 18.35 to 20.00 hours.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Ayet Ali Miah
Side note: Ext. to his P.F. also. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. 14.6.60
C.R. dt. 15.6.60 Hours of duty : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail Road & Ittefaq office Name of subject : Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of Watch. During my morning duty period, the above noted subject was seen present at his quarter. At about 10.00 hrs. the said subject left his quarter and proceeded towards eastern side by E.B.D. car 2529. He was not seen to retd. to his quarter till 11:00 hrs.
During my evening duty period, I took up my duty at Bazi Kakrail and did duty there. At about 19.15 hrs. Sk. Mojibur Rahman arrived there by E.B.D. Jeep Car No. 111 and entered into the house of above noted subject. At about 20.25 hrs. Sk. Mojibur Rahman left the said places by the same Jeep Car E.B.D. No. 111. and proceeded towards eastern side. The above noted subject was not seen to come out from his quarter till my duty period.
Submitted, Shamsul Ghani A.S.I., I.B. Dacca.
Dt. 16.6.60 Side note: Copy to his P.F. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 16/6.

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C.R. dt. 18.6.60 Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail and of Ittefaq Office. Name of suspect : Tofazzal Hossain (Manik)
Result of Watch. In the morning duty period at about 09.30 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibor Rahman entered into the said qrs. from outside by his Jeep Car No. E.B.D. 111 and at about 10.30 hrs. he left the place along with suspect Mr. Tofazzal Hossain by Car No. E.B.D. 5422 and proceeded towards eastern side. After remaining duty period was not seen to return back.
In the evening duty period at about 20.20 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with 3 unknown persons entered into the said quarter from outside by his car no. E.B.D. No. 111 and at about 21.30 hrs. they left the said place by same car. Suspect Tofazzal Hossain was seen present at his qrs. D.R. of the above noted unknown persons is not given as the place was darkness.
Sd/- 19.6.60 Side note: Car belongs to A.K. Rafiqul Hossain, Ex. MPA.
Copy to his P.F. also. Sd – N.M. Biswas, 20.6.
C.R. dt. 19.6.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs, and 17.00 hrs, to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail Road Ittefaq Office.
: Bazi Kakrail Roa Name of subject : Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of duty. During my morning duty period at about 09.50 hrs. the above noted subject left his quarter and proceeded towards eastern side by E.B.D. Car No. 2529. He was not seen to retd. to his quarter till 11.00 hrs.
During my evening duty period at about 18.30 hrs. the above noted subject was seen present at his quarter. At about 19.10 hrs. Sk. Majibur Rahman arrived there by his Jeep car No. E.B.D. 111 and entered into the house of said subject. At about 20.15 hrs. subject Sk. Mojibur Rahman left the said place and proceeded towards eastern side by Jeep Car No. E.B.D. 111. The above noted subject was not seen to come out from his quarter till my duty period.
Submitted, Sd/-Shamsul Ghani A.S.I., IB., Dacca.
Dt. 20.6.60
Side note: Seen. Copy to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibor Rahman also. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 20.6.60.

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C.R. dt. 27.6.60
Hours of duty
: 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.25 hrs. to 22.00 hrs.
Place of duty : Baze Kakrail Road (Santinagar) and Daily Ittefaque Office at
No. 1, R.K. Mission Road. Name of suspect : Mr. Tofazzal Hossain alias Manik Miah.
Result of watch In the morning duty period at about 07.00 hrs. the above noted suspect along with his wife came to his qtrs. from outside by a car Nos. E.B.D. 2529. At about 09.45 hrs, the suspect along with Rafiqul Hossain (Advocate), Ex. M.P.A. came out from his qtrs, and went away towards East by his own Car No. E.B.D. 5422. At about 10.30 hrs. I went to No. 1, R.K. Mission Rd. (Daily Ittefaque Office). The suspect was seen present there till 11.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period the aforesaid suspect was seen present at his qtrs. From 17.30 hrs. to 20.00 hrs. Since then, he was not seen till 22.00 hrs. During my duty periods no other suspects or suspicious persons was seen to visit the suspect’s qtr. except the followings:
1. Rafiqul Hossain (advocate)
By Car No. E.B.D. 5422)
09.00 hrs.
Out. 09.45 hrs.
18.50 hrs.
19.50 hrs.
2. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman
(By Jeep Car No. E.B.D. 111.)
Submitted, Sd/-Mohd. Yousuff, I.B.,E.P. Dacca.
dt. 28.6.60.
Side note: Seen. Sd – N.M. Biswas, 28/6. Copy to their P.Fs. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 28/6.
Hours of duty Place of duty
C.R. dt. 29.6.60. : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and….. : Baze Kakrail Road (Santinagar). & Daily Ittefaque Office.
Name of suspect : Mr. Tofazzal Hussain alias Manik Miah.
Result of watch
In the morning duty period at about 08.40 hrs. the above noted suspect came out from his qtr. and went into the Daily Ittefaque Office at No. 1, R.K. Mission Road at about 08.55 hrs. by a rickshaw. Since then he was not seen till 11.00 hrs.

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In the evening duty period at about 17.15 hrs. the aforesaid suspect left his qtr. and proceeded towards the West by a Car No. E.B.D.- 2529 and at about 19.45 hrs. the suspect returned to his qtr. by the same car. Again at about 20.30 hrs. the said suspect along with Sheikh Mujibar Rahman came out from his qtrs, and went away towards the North by a Car No.E.B.D. 2529 and was not seen to return to his qtr. till 22.00 hrs. During my duty periods no other suspects or suspicious persons was seen to visit my duty place except the following:
Out 11.00 hrs.
10.35 hrs.
Rafiqul Hussain (Advocate) (By E.B.D. No 5422) Sheikh Majibar Rahman (By Jeep Car No. E.B.D.111).
20.00 hrs.
20.30 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. Yusuff, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Dt. 30.6.60
Side note: Seen. Copy to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd – N.M. Biswas, 30/6.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visiting Faridpur and Chittagong districts after his release from Jail.
Dacca, 25 June 1960
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret/Express
No. 11270 /606-48 P.F.
dt. 2.6.6
Addl. SP. D.I.B. Dacca
It was observed by D.I.G. I.B. that you were asked to check up how Sk. Mujibar Rahman sends his tour programmes out. But no report has yet been received.
I would, therefore, request you to pl. send your report on this point immediately.
Sd/ -25.6 DS VI for SS 11

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Phone No. 4231/61 Secret/Express
No. 12010/606-48 P.F. dt. 7.7.60
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca
Please refer to this office memo 11270 dt. 25.6.60 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/-2.7.60 DS (VI) for SS(2)
Secret PHONE No. 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch,
Dacca, the 11th July, 1960. No. 6108/R. 4742/100-49 P.F.
Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 11270/606-48 P.F., dated 27.6.60.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman visited Faridpur and Chittagong districts after his release from Jail.
Enquiry was made from the Supdts. of Police, D.I.Bs concerned if they had received prior information from the subject direct about his arrival and departure to and from their respective districts.
D.I.B., Chittagong reports that they received prior intimation from the subject direct both the times and D.I.B., Faridpur reports that they received prior intimation from him direct about his visit to Faridpur.
Sd/ – (A. Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.

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Watch report on Abul Mansur Ahmed shows Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and others visited him.
Hours of duty Place of duty Name of suspect
Dacca, 28 June 1960
C.R. dt. 28.6.60 : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. dt. 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. : 28, Abhoy Das Lane. : Abul Mansur Ahmed.
Result of watch At 06.00 hrs. I took up my duty at the above noted place and did secret watch duty there. During my duty period, the suspect was not seen.
Again at 17.00 hrs. I took up the same place and did secret watch duty there. At about 18.00 hrs. the suspect was seen present at his quarter. At about 20.00 hrs. Atawar Rahman Khan along with 2 unknown persons entered the suspect quarter from outside by car No. 27-E.B.D. Two unknown persons I could not collect the D.R. it was darkness inside the car. At about 20.25 hrs. Sk. Majibar Rahman entered the suspect qrs. from outside by Jeep Car No. 111-E.B.D. At about 22.00 hrs. Atawar Rahman Khan along with two unknown persons left the said place and proceeded towards the northern side by same car. At about 22.00 hrs. Sk. Majibar Rahman left the said place and proceeded towards the Northern side by same Jeep car. S.I. Golam Kibria Sb supervised the duty place.
Submitted, Sd/- Ayet Ali Miah
29.6. Side note: Copy to their P.Fs. also. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 29.6.


Acquittal of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from the corruption case
hailed by Awami League workers.
Jessore, 29 June 1960
Extract of para (b) of Monthly D.O. No.213-C/1(3)c dt.6.6.60 from S.A Irtiza Esq., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Jessore.
(1) Political Affairs:
The acquittal of Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami League from the corruption case appeared to have been hailed by

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the Ex. Awami League workers of the district. It is observed that they have regained their morale to some extent as no corruption charge could be proved against him.
Ext. of para (b) under head Political affairs, to be placed in the P.F of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman went to Chittagong and returned to
Dacca by train. Dacca, 1 July 1960 Telephone Message.
Received at – 22.45 Date : 1.7.60. From : W.C. Noural Haque of R.I.B., Dacca. To : O/C., Watch, I.B., E.P. Dacca.
Suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman left Dacca R/S. by I up Ctg. mail train to-day (1.7.60.) at about 22.15 hrs. being shadowed by I.B. staff, who was on duty at Dacca R/S.
This is for your kind information. Sd/-1.7.
D.S. VI for information pl. F.R. awaited. Included in draft D.R.
Sd/for O/C., Watch.
Seen. Copy to his P.F. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. 2.7
Secret Phone No. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 7th July, 1960.
No. /100-49 P.F
S.Mannan Baksh, Esqr. M. A., P.S.P. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong.

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Single starred suspect A.L.551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (a restrictee) left Dacca for Chittagong by train on 1.7.60 at about 22.15 hrs. being duly shadowed and he arrived Dacca from Chittagong on 3.7.60 by Chittagong Mail train being shadowed by W.C Sultan Ahmed of R.I.B., Chittagong.
I would request you to kindly send us a report on the activities and movements of the subject during his stay at Chittagong. Kindly also report if you had received prior intimation from the subject direct before his arrival and departure to and from Chittagong
(A. Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B. Dacca.
Memo No. 5937/ 1(1), dated 7.7.60.
Copy forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P,S.P., S,S, (II), I.B.,E.P., Dacca for favour of information.
Sd/ – 7.7.60 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B. Dacca.
Phone No. 4231/18 Secret
No. 12396/606-48 P.F. dt. 13-7-60 S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong
Please refer to memo No. 5937 dt. 7.7.60 from Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca to your address and let us have a copy of your reply thereto.
Sd/-11.7.60 DS (6) for SS (2)
Copy of the report O/C watch dated 3.7.60.
On 2.7.60 at about 06.45 hrs. A.L *551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived Chittagong by 2 down Chittagong mail train being shadowed by A.S.I Masuk Miyan of I.B., Dacca. He stayed at Hotel Miskha, Station Road, Chittagong town. He left for Dacca by train on the same night.
At Chittagong Rly. Station the subject was received by M.A Aziz, Secy. defunct A.L S/O Mohabbat Ali of Halisahar P.S. Double Mooring, Chittagong.

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During his stay at Chittagong Mr. M.A. Aziz (mentioned) and Manik (being fixed) met him. So far learnt they mostly discussed about their Insurance (Alfa Insurance Co.) business. It is further learnt that Mr. M.A. Aziz has been appointed as Chief Organiser of this district.
District Intelligence Branch,
Chittagong, the 15th Jul/60. No. 6527(2)/R. 2812/20-60
Copy forwarded to:1. Moinuddin Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca for
favour of information.
2. A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information
with reference to his Memo No. 5937/100-49 P.F. dated 7.7.60.
We received prior intimation from the subject direct before his arrival and departure to and from Chittagong.
Sd/ – 15.7 Superintendent of police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong, the 27th July’ 60.
6843 /20-60.
R.2924 To Moinuddin Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt., of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 12396 1606-48 P.F. dated 13.7.60. regarding A.L *551
Mujibur Rahman Shaikh.
In his connection kindly refer to this office Memo No. 6527(2)/2060 dated 15.7.60.
Sd/ – 27.7. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong

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Watch report on Tofazzal Hossain shows he met Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and others. Dacca, 1 July 1960
C.R.dt. 1.7.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail Road (Santinagar) & Daily Ittefaque Office. Name of suspect : Mr. Tofazzal Hussain alias Manik Miah.
Result of watch. In the morning duty period at about 07.45 hrs. the above noted suspect came out from his qtr. And went away towards the west by a Car No. E.B.D. 2529. Then I went to Daily Ittefaque Office at No. 1. R.K. Mission Road at about 08.40 hrs. But the subject was not seen till 11.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period the aforesaid suspect was not seen by me. During my duty periods no other suspects or suspicious persons was seen to visit my duty place except the followings:
1. Rafiqul Hussain (Advocate)
(by E.B.D. Car No. 5422).
In 09.00 hrs.
Out. 10.15 hrs.
19.10 hrs.
19.15 hrs.
2. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman:
(by Car No. E.B.D. 5130)
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Mohd. Yousuf. I.B., E.P. Dacca.
Dt. 2.7.60.
Side note: A/D.S.VI., Seen. Copy to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman also. Sd/-N.M Biswas. 2/7/60.

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Watch report on H S Suhrawardy and Tofazzal Hossain shows them meeting Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others.
Dacca, 3 July 1960
C.R. dt. 3.7.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs.
Place of duty
: Bazi Kakrail, Dacca.
Name of suspect : Tofazzal Hossain & Mr. H.S. Suhrwardy.
Result of watch.
During my morning duty period at about 09.30 hrs. Subject Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia came out from his quarter and proceeded towards town side by his own car E.B.D. No. 2529. After that till 11.00 hrs. he was not seen to returned to his
In the evening duty period at about 21.05 hrs. subject Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Tofazzal Hossain and A.K. Rafiqul Hossain came out from the said place and proceeded towards western side by Car E.B.D. No. 2529 till 22.00 hrs. he was not seen to returned to quarters. The following persons at visited my duty place and the time noted against their names.
1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
IN 18.15 19.10
OUT 17.25/18.30
21.00 17.00. 21.00
2. A.K. Rafiqul Hossain 3. Zahiruddin Ahmed (Adv.)
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Shafiqul Islam.
4.7.60. A/D.S.VI
Copy to Messrs. Mujibur Rahman and Suhrawardy’s P.Fs. also. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. 7.7.60.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman given reception by Narayanganj Awami League President A.K.M. Shamsuzzoha, an agent of Alpha
Insurance Co. Dacca, 6 July 1960
It was learnt that on 4.7.60 at about 18.45 hrs. Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Genl. Secy. now defunct AL) controller of Agents of Alfa Insurance Co., was given a reception by A.K.M. Shamsuzzoha (President of N. gonj AL now defunct) said to be an agent of the said Co., in his residence “Hira Mohall” at North Chashara, N. gonj in connection with the starting of a new Branch of the company at N. gonj (Ground floor of Hira Mohall).
The function was attended by influential business men, mostly of jute and supporters of now defunct AL, N. gonj, who were entertained with light refreshment.
No outsider except the invitee was allowed attend the function inside the “Hira Mohall”.
Mr. Mujibur Rahman was learnt to have explained the policy of the Co. have requested the audience to co-operate the company and the agents to work hard sincerely for all round organisation of the company.
Mr. Mujibur Rahman stayed there for about one hour & then left for Dacca. This is for favour of information
Submitted. Sd/ -6.7.60
Side note: DS I, May kindly see for information Sk. Mujibur Rahman is reported to
have been trying to financially support him & A.L worker by way of giving their agencies of the Alfa Insurance Co. M.A Aziz Gn. Secy. Ctg. Al was reported to have been similarly made in charge of the Chittagong office of the Alfa Insurance Co. DS VI may like to see for wa Sd/ -6.7.60 Show, DS 6,5d/-6.7.60 Seen. S.S(2) may like to see. Sd/-DS V1,6.7.60 Seen. Sd/-6.7.60

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Report on anonymous Urdu letter addressed to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 8 July 1960 Secret
The 8th July. 1960. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Not Known. 2. To (with address)
Sk. Mozibur Rahman Ex. Joint Secy. Awami
League, Dacca. 3. Language of letter
Urdu. Date of letter 5. Postal Seal
Illegible Post office of interception
G.P.O. 7. Date of interception
: 7.7.60. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Serajul Huq S.I. I.B.
interception Whether photographed or not
: No 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Submitted original
letter. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual
order authorising interception.
mi two
Copy /translation forwarded to DS!
In Urdu knowing officer may pl. be directed to put up English Translation of the letter (enclosed).

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Inspr. Mr. Md. Israil to translate & show DS6.
Sd/ -9.7.60
English translation is enclosed for favour of perusal.
Sd/ -9.7.60 DSVI may like to see. Sd/-9.7.60.
English translation of an anonymous Urdu letter addressed to (on the cover) Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahman Sahib, Ex-General Secretary of Awami League, Dacca, East Pakistan intercepted at G.P.O., Dacca on 7.7.60. Envelope bears the invisible postal seal of issue and despatch.
Mr. Hussain Sahid Sb. Suhrawardy, Khan Abdul Quyyum Khan Sb., Sardar Bahadur Khan Sb., Chaudhuri Muhammad Ali Sb., Miyan Md. Mumtaz Sb. Daulatana, Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Sb. Mamdot, Miyan Iftekharuddin Sb. Mr. Md. Ayub Sb. Khoru, Sk. Mujibur Rahman Sb., Mr. Ataur Rahman Sb. Mr. Abu Hossain Sb. Sarkar.
Assalam Alai Kum.
(According to Mr. Chief Justice Kayani, the qualities of Supreme Sovereignty rest with Allah only). 1. After putting the nation and the country in the worst possible calamities you
should not remain silent nor you should rest while seeing the nation and the country in calamities.
Appealing for fostering unity and faith, amongst you, I say that you should sink all your differences for saving the nation and the country from its dark future. In this practical unity and faith the salvation of the country and the nation rests. Get rid of the grouping and the lust for personal power and become united selflessly.
Establish a party in the country under the name of Pak Liberal Party. If God wished people will join you.
Make truthfulness your motto. Now the nation is stirring upon you. In the last 21 months the nation has already assessed the entire situation and as such the gulf between you and the nation is about to end. It needs immediate practical actions. Don’t think of the bitter experiences of the past, the people will be with you.

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The nation, desirous of a healthy atmosphere, makes an urgent appeal to you for unity, faith, sacrifice and sincerity in the practical field. This demand of the nation is a sacred trust with you. Now the time has come when you should return this trust to the nation. Therefore without any hesitation and murmuring discharge your duty by returning the trust.
The solution of the differences between the heaven and the earth is interlinked with your sincerity of purpose. The entire nation of the world, if God pleases, will support you provided you begin with integrity and sincerity. The condition during the struggle period both in East and West is dark, but the post-struggle future period will be bright and successful.
Now the Pakistani nation is screaming in the hand of inexperienced rulers. To expect better result by keeping quiet will bring ruination. Truth shall always prevail, however difficult the path, the barrier, and the chain may be. Courage always fulfils the true motives. Only firm determination is needed.
You gentleman, liberate the nation by breaking the chains of E.B.D.O. and Martial Law. When the free voice of the nation and the freedom of press are gagged and when the rulers are bent upon to destroy the principle of the nation and when disunity, poverty and illiteracy are being engineered, then the nation forgets independence forever. In this way a nation loses the feeling of making difference between freedom and slavery.
Your bitter politics of the past has entangled the nation and the country in the present miserable plight. Now the nation can be saved only by your sacrifice. You should not wait for the automatic change of the conditions. The nation is staring at you. It is your duty to come to the field unitedly.
10. Pakistan has been attained after great sacrifice. In this country imperialism,
Presidential form of Govt. and policies, detrimental to the freedom of the country, are destructive for the nation. You, gentleman, are the pulse-feeler of the nation. Why then there is the delay? Keeping in view the above noted facts and conditions please commence the work. Let it not be so that with the passage of time the nation and the people may become crippled. It is hoped that your conscience is not dead like silent spectator. Your courage of self-respect has not been lost. Your conscience must have been feeling the difference between the right and the wrong and in truth has not also been prepared to leave the nation leaderless by demonstrating cowardice. You people must not have become unmindful of the unbounded duty towards the nation by being absorbed in luxury, wealth and kith and keen. You must have been feeling for the

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complete loss of freedom. If these are true-may it be true- then the time has come to implement the promises made on the 7/8 April, 1946 at a Convention held in the Arabic College, Delhi. The nation is waiting for the fulfillment of those promises. The Nation has at all time and in all circumstances supported you gentlemen. The responsibility of disunity lies on you. But the nation has always welcome honorable guest-leader. This simple nation to-day, though entangled in calamities, expects you to go ahead. The nation is ready to save freedom. On the other hand if you like that someone from the public should take a start then I am ready for the same. I always give preference to the rights of the people upon the entire strong chains of cruelty; but your leadership is always needed.
Therefore please form the Pak Liberal Party on the following basis:1) To foster unity and faith. 2) To put a stop to the former grouping. 3) To set up Liberal Party. 4) To arrange for an agitation. 5) To safeguard the prestige of the Press, nation and the country 6) To safeguard the freedom of speech. 7) To finish the strong hold of Martial Law and other pressures. 8) To implement the constitution of 1956 with certain modification. 9) To arrange for an early free election.
Translated by
Sd/(Mohammad Israil) Ins. I.B. EP. Dacca.
S.S. (2)
For Kind perusal of the English translation of an anonymous Urdu letter without date & addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, placed below.
The same letter is also appears to have been addressed to 10 others Top political leaders of both the wings including Messrs H.S. Suhrawardy, Khan Abdul Quiyum Khan, Choudhury Md. Ali, Mr. Khuro, Ataur Rahman Khan, Abu Husain Sarkar & others.

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The writer states that the nation, in the last 21 months has already assured the situation of the country & the future of the country nations seems to be gloomy if efforts are not made to save the nation. He urges all these leaders to sink their differences & join hands together for the duty which the nation has trusted to them. He suggests for the establishment of a new political party under the name of Pak. Liberal Party. The writer invites the leaders to break the chain of E.B.D.O. & the Martial Law & come forward to give a correct lead to the nation.
Copy of the translation may be sent to the West Pak. C.I.D for information & necessary action & requested to let us have their comments.
Copy may also be sent to Dacca D.I.B. for information & report of similar letters have been received by Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan & Abu Hussain Sarkar. If so, what are its reaction.
All agent dealing officers & the Zonal Inspr. may please see & ascertain from their services if any such political party is in the opting.
The original letter may be withheld. D.S. (1) /S.S.(1) may please see. Sd/-DSVI, 11.7.60
Side note: Seen. Sd/ -9.9.60
As proposed. Sd/-11.7.60. Seen. Sd/-12.7.60.
No. 13059/606-48 (1) dt. 21.7.60
S.P. (B) CID. West Pak., Lahore.
I forward herewith copy of an anonymous Urdu letter dt. nil addressed to the Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secretary, Awami League (now defunct) for information and necessary action.
It was intercepted at the G.P.O. Dacca on 7.7.60 and withheld. I would also request you to kindly let us have your comments on the same.
Sd/ -15.7.60. for DIG /I.B./E.P.

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Phone No. 3462.
Secret Confidential FORM K
No. 7754 (4) BDSB
INTELLIGENCE BRANCH Dated Lahore, the 2.9.1960
The Dy. Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Reference your memorandum No. 13059, 606-48(1), dated 21.7.60 regarding anonymous Urdu letter addressed to Sh: Mujib-ur-Rehman.
2. The original intercepted letter along with the envelope may kindly be supplied to enable us to make a probe in the matter.
Sd/(ABRAR AHMAD) DSP/B. for Deputy. Inspector-General of Police
C.I.D, West Pakistan, Lahore.
No. 18057 dt. 26.9.60, 606-48 (1)
S.P. (B) CID. West Pak. Lahore.
Ref : Your No. 7754 (4) BDSB dt. 2.9.60.
The original Urdu letter together with its cover referred to in the above memo is sent herewith as desired. This may kindly be referred when done with.
Sd/ -26.9.60. for DIG/IB/EP

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Phone No. 9462. Secret Confidential FORM K
No. 8723 (4)/BDSB
INTELLIGENCE BRANCH Dated Lahore, the 3.X.1960
To The Dy. Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, Government of Pakistan, Dacca.
Memo: Reference this office No. 7754(4) BDSB dated 2.9.60.
2. The original intercepted letter along with the envelope may kindly be supplied early.
Sd/-D.S.P16 (B), for Dy. Inspector General of Police,
C.I.D, West Pakistan, Lahore.
No. 19412/606-48 (1) dt. 17.X.60 To S.P. (B) CID, Lahore (West Pak.)
Ref : Your No. 8723 (4) /BDSB dt. 3.10.60.
The original copy of the letter & the envelope in question was sent to you under this office No. 18057/606-48(1) dt. 26.9.60 which may kindly be referred to
Sd/ – 12.10.60 for DIGI 1.B./E.P.
16. D.S.P – Deputy Superintendent of Police, a rank used by the Police forces in the Indo-Pak Sub
Continent & formerly by the British Empire. After the independence of Bangladesh DSP renamed as SDPO (Sub-divisional Police Officer). This rank was abolished on 14.3.1979.

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Hearing of official authority misuse case against Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman adjourned. Dacca, 11 July 1960
Ittefaq dt. 11.7.62.
শেখ মুজিবের মামলার তারিখ পরিবর্তন।
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
অদ্য (সােমবার) ঢাকা বিভাগের স্পেশাল জজের এজলাসে প্রাক্তন প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রী শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে সরকারী ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহারের অভিযােগে আনীত অপর একটি মামলার শুনানীর জন্য যে তারিখ ধার্য ছিল, উহা আগামী ২৫ শে জুলাই পর্যন্ত পিছাইয়া দেওয়া হইয়াছে।
জনাব মুজিবুর রহমানের প্রধান কৌসুলী জনাব হােসেন শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী ঢাকা হাইকোর্টে অপর এক মামলায় ব্যস্ত থাকার দরুন উপরােক্ত তারিখ পরিবর্তন করা হইয়াছে।
Side note: On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-19.7.

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Anwar Ali and Mujibar Rahman Chaudhuri declared hostile witness in connection with the trial of Ramna PS case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Special Judges Court, Dacca. Both
convicted by Military Court.
Dacca, 12 July 1960 Phone No. 4231/61. Secret/Immediate
No. 12597/606-48 P.F. dt. 15.7.60
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
It was reported that Anwar Ali S/o Haji Sikandar Ali of Tanbazar, Narayanganj, Dacca, (ii) Mujibar Rahman Chaudhuri S/o. Mujhar Ali of Darogapara, Panchbibi, Bogra, who were declared hostile in connection with the trial of Ramna P.S. case No. 4 dated 2.2.59 u/s 5(2) of Act 11 of 1947 against Sk. Mujibar Rahman in Special Judge’s Court Dacca, have been prosecuted u/s 193 P.P.C on the complaint of the Spl. Judge and have been convicted on 12.7.60 to undergo 4 years and 2 years R.I. respectively by the Special Military Court, Dacca.
You are, therefore, requested to report the reaction of the conviction amongst the public, if any.
Sd/ –
12.7.60 DS(6) for SS(2)
Side note: DS(6), Orders below: Draft for approval Pl. Sd/ -12.7
S.S.(2) Reference the report enclosed.
I contacted the court Inspr. & C.S.l., Dacca court & learnt that the witnesses 1) Anwar Ali s/o Haji Sekender Ali of Tanbazar, Narayanganj, Dacca & 2) Mujibur Rahman Choudhuri Slo Mujhar Ali of Darogapara, P.s. Panchbibi, Bogra, who was declared hostile in con. with the trial of Ramna P.s. case no. 4 dt. 2.2.59 u/s 5(2) of Act. Il of 1947 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman in Spl. Judge’s Court Dacca (disposed on 31.5.60), have

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been prosecuted u/s 193 P.P.C. on the Complaint of the Spl. Judge. They are Dacca court direct case no. 718/60 & 719/60. Although the cases are under the P.P.C, they are being tried in the Special Military Court Dacca. The trials of the both the cases are reported to have been completed but judgments have not been delivered yet. The next date of production is 20.7.60. Mr. Azizuddin Ahmad, Spl. P.P., conducted these
On enquiry from our office it was learnt that these cases were not included in the weekly return of M.L. cases submitted to the B.N.R.
Dacca D.I.B. has not reported anything about these cases. We may request Dacca D.I.B. to report result of these cases & also the reaction if any.
12.7.60 S.S.(2) Ref: Your orders prepage margin.
Both the persons have been convicted by Special Military Court No. 4 of Dacca & Anwar Ali has been sentenced to 4 yrs. R.I. & Mujibur Rahman Chowdhuri to 2 yrs. R.I. vide publication of the Daily Ittefaq of date. Judgment delivered yesterday (12/7/60).
13.7.60 Verified from C.S.I. Sadar Ct. Sd/-DS VI 13/7
Anwar Ali surrendered on 6.7.60 & Mujibur Rahman Choudhuri on 7.7.60 after issue of processes. Sd/DS VI 13.7.60
Action as instructed pl. Sd/ – DSVI 15/7
Pl. issue the herewith draft. Sd/-13.7.60
Side note: Pl. put up after delivery of the judgment. Sd/ – 12.7.60
Office, 2) Pl. keep it in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. 2) Write to Dacca D.I.B. as suggested in the report. 3) Put up the file on 19.7.60 positively. Sd/ – DS VI. 12.7.60.

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SSII discuss that these cases should be included in our Stt. sent to the Director B.N.R. E.P. The enclosed proforma on which the Stt. goes may pl. be filled in. Sd/ – 13.7.60
The cases have been included in the Stt. for week ending 7.7.60 and shown to sell as desired pl. Sd/-13.7
Secret Immediate Phone: 4231/61.
Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan,
Lalbagh, Dacca, the 14th July 1960. No. 12597/606-48 P.F.
A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
It was reported that Anwar Ali, S/o. Haji Sikandar Ali of Tanbazar, Narayanganj, Dacca, (ii) Mujibar Rahman Chaudhuri, S/o. Mujhar Ali of Darogapara, Panchbibi, Bogra, who were declared hostile in connection with the trial of Ramna P.S. case No. 4 dated 2.2.59 u/s 5(2) of Act II of 1947 against Sk. Mujibur Rahman in Special Judge’s court, Dacca have been prosecuted u/s 193. P.P.C on the complaint of the Special Judge and have been convicted on 12.7.60 to undergo 4 years and 2 years R.I. respectively by the Special Military Court, Dacca.
You are, therefore, requested to report the reaction of the conviction amongst the public, if any.
(N.M. Biswas) for Special Supdt. of Police (II)IB
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Reference the case against Sk. Mujibur Rahman ended in acquittal on 31.5.60.
I had been to Dacca Sadar Court and ascertained that the hostile witnesses Anwar ali s/o Haji Sekandar Ali of Tanbazar, Narayangonj, Dacca and Mujibur Rahman Chowdhuri s/o Mujhar Ali Chowdhuri of

Page: 164
Dargapara p.s Panchbibi Dt. Bogra have been prosecuted u/s 193 P.P.C vide (M.L) case no. 718 A/60 and 719 A/60 respectively. The cases are subjudised. The accused persons are in Hajat.
Wahed Ali SI. I.B, Dacca.
Side note: Ramna p.s case no.4 dt. 2.2.60. u/s 5(2) of Il of 1947
Azizuddin Ahmed. 20.7.60


Report on a letter addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
Dacca, 14 July 1960
1.B. interception dt. 7.7.60. No. 13058/606-48 (1) dt. 21.7.60.
Copy of the English translation forwarded to the Addl. S.P. DIB. Dacca for information with the request to please make a secret enquiry and refer if similar copies have been received by Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan (AL) and Mr. Abu Hussain Sarkar (KSP). If so, its reaction may also please be reported.
Sd/ -14.7.60. for SS III.B/E.P.
Secret. PHONE No. 4231 /34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 30th August, 1960.
No. 7571/R. 5625./100-49 P.F. To Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B., E.P. Dacca.
Ref: Your no. 13058 dated 21.7.60.

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It could not be ascertained as yet if Messrs. Ataur Rahman Khan and Abu Husain Sarkar received similar letter under reference.
Sd/ -30.8.60
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy of No. 9969(4)/BD SB dt. 18.11.60. No. 22907/606-48 (I) dt. 3.12.60
Forwarded to Addl. S.P. DIB. Dacca for information with reference to his no. 7571/100-49 P.F. dt. 30.8.60. He is requested to trace the writer & send us a report early.
Sd/-2.12.60 for SSII/IB/EP
No. 1444/606-48 (1) dt. 23.1.61.
To Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Kindly refer to this office memo no. 22907 dt. 3.12.60 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/- 16.1.61 for SS (2) IB/EP
No. 22734/606-48 (1) dt. 30.11.60 To The DIG/ CID/ West Pak. Lahore
The receipt of your memo No. 9969 (4)/ BD SB dt. 18.11.60. together with its enclosures is acknowledged with thanks.
Sd/ -29.11 for DIG/IB/EP.
Secret PHONE No. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 7th February, 1961. No. 1074/ R. 9814./100-49. P.F.

Page: 166
To Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your no. 22907/606-48 (1), dated 3.12.60 and subsequent reminder No. 1444,
dated 23.1.61.
No further clue could be obtained to trace out the writer.
Sd/ – 7.2.61 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
No. 4595/606-48(1) dt. 11.3.61
S.P. (B) C.I.D. West Pak. Lahore.
Ref: Your No. 9969 (4) BDSB dt. 18.11.60 regarding a letter addressed
to Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
The writer of the letter in question could not be traced even after further enquiries.
Sd/ -8.3 for DIG/IB/EP
From Secret
Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, PSP., Assistant Director, Intelligence Bureau, Rawalpindi.
No. dated Lahore, the19.
Please refer to your Memo No. 14/B/57(16), dated the 10th August, 1960.

Page: 167
2. It is requested that either original or Photostat copies of the letter and envelops addressed to M. A. Khuro, ex-chief Minister, may please be sent to me for comparison with specimen handwriting of a person suspected to be the writer of similar objectionable letters.
Sd/(Shahzada Habib Ahmad) Superintendent of Police.
No. Sec: (61)/62 – SB. Dated Lahore the 5th January, 1961.
Copy forwarded to the deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca, with reference to this office Memo No. 9969(4)/ BDSB, dated 18.11.1960. It is requested that either the original letter or photostat copy of the objectionable letter and its envelope addressed to Sh. Mujib-ur-Rahman, may please be sent to the undersigned.
Sd/(Shahzada Habib Ahmad) Superintendent of Police, (A)
C.I.D., West Pakistan.
No. 1093/606-48 (1) dt. 18.1.61.
TO S.P. (A) CID. West Pak. Lahore.
Ref: Your memo no. Sec. (61)/62-SB dt. 5.1.61
A photo copy of the letter & placed within its envelope addressed to Sk. Mujibar Rahman is sent herewith, as desired.
Sd/ – 18.1.61 for D.I.G., I.B., E.P., Dacca.


Report on coal deal when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was Minister.
Dacca, 14 July 1960
DS 1/1B.
Sub: Coal deal when Sk. Mujibur Rahman was a minister.

Page: 168
As ordered, I made secret enquiry at Messers Coal Mining and Trading Co. (Pak. Ltd.), 112 Delish Road, Narayanganj which was appointed as Govt. Coal Agent during the time when Sk. Mujibar Rahman was a minister of Commerce, Labour and Industries during Awami League Ministry.
The Company was registered under the Companies Act. Chittagong vide Register. No. 470 EB/58 of 1950-51 by the Registrar of Joint Stock Company East Pakistan. The Capital of the Company was 5 lacs. The following persons are the Directors of the Company.
1. Kazi Mujibar Rahman 2. H.A. Khandkar
All Pak. National. 3. Mohd. Mohsin 4. Sukumar Paul (Nominated) 5. K. Naser – Indian National – since applied for being the citizen of
Amongst the Directors Mr. K. Naser is the main show of the Company. The Company mainly deals in Coal. The Company have recently established a mills styled Khulna Coconut Processing Mills at Khulna though sanction and import licenses for the purpose was obtained by the then Awami League Government. The mills now producing coconut oil, copra, fibre and mattress etc.
Since October 1959 the entire Coal business through Government level was suspended and they could not give any tender for the Government level.
Now the Company is not a Govt. agent for coal. They are engaged in carrying loading and unloading business for the private Companies such as Bawani Jute Mills, Dhakeswari Cotton Mills, Chittaranjan Cotton Mills
K. Naser is the nerve brain of the Company and he has made acquaintance with the high official of the East Pakistan Secretariat particularly in the C.L.l. Department as he was a coal agent for a long time and all payment and sanction was made by that Department.

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At present he has to visit several times to Mr. Fazlur Rahman Joint Secretary of the C.L.I. and Mr. Shaful Azam, (Deputy Secretary) & others for settling up of the old account of Rs. 22000/ – which was due to the Coal mining Co. as Commission. Further Mr. Naser very often goes to the Department for getting import licence of raw materials and spare parts of the machineries of the Khulna Mills.
Mr. Naser made acquaintance with Mr. Fazlur Rahman (mentioned) at Faridpur when he was D.M. there and Mr. Naser went there for the survey of the present coal pit at Faridpur.
Submitted Sd/-S… .,
14.7.60 Side note: DS 6 may pl. see. Sd/-14.7.60.
Foundation was laid by Asghar Ali Shah. Shown to IGP. BAC is already looking into this. Our part to find whether any aid is passing on to Mujibur Rahman or his group, from political aspect. This should be put up to SSII. Sd/-25.7.


Watch report on H S Suhrawardy who met Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and others. Dacca, 15 July 1960
C.R. dt. 15.7.60. Hours of duty : 12.00 to 18.00 hours. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail, Santinagar. Name of Suspect : Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
Result of watch.
At about 12.10 hours Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy returned to his quarter along with Md. Hanif by Car No. E.B.D. 2660 being shadowed by S.I. Golam Kibria. At about 12.15 hours Md. Hanif left the said place by Car. At about 13.15 hours T. Hossain @ Manik Miah returned to his quarter by rickshaw. At about 13.20 hours Sk. Mujibur Rahman came to the said place by his jeep car No. E.B.D.111. At about 14.00 hours Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out from the said place along with Sk. Mujibur Rahman by E.B.D Jeep Car No. 111 and went to Dacca R/S. at about 14.15

Page: 170
hrs. At about 14.20 hours Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left Dacca R/S. for Mymensingh by 17 up train being shadowed by me. At about 18.10 hours the suspect reached at Mymensingh R/S. at that time I made over the suspect to W/C Md. Salim and D.I.O. III of Mymensingh D.I.B. & R.I.O. of Mymensingh R.I.B., During my shadowing duty period he was not seen to talk with any suspect or suspicious persons or smuggled anything to anybody.
Submitted. Sd – A.S.I. Md. Badiuzzaman, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Side note: D.S.VI may pl. see. Ext. may go in P.F. Sd/- Illegible. O/C., Watch. 15/7.
Seen. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. 18.7.60.


Report on alleged remarks by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of ‘playing
with fire’ in a meeting.
Dacca, 18 July 1960
A very reliable secret source reports on 16.7.60 that Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex-Minister) in course of discussion with an unknown man on the same date stated that they will have a meeting with their boss (meaning, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy) by Thursday next and let him know the result of the meeting.
During the discussion Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman remarked that the present Govt. was playing with fire.
The information is passed on to Spl. Supdt. of Police (II), I.B. for favour of his information and necessary action.
Necessary watch may kindly be arranged for Thursday next and officers concerned may be briefed accordingly to get detailed of the meeting.
Sd/ -18.7
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of SC, IB, Dacca.
S.S.- II, IB, No. 4225, 4-56/TS(L) SS/SC dt. 18.7.60.

Page: 171
606-48 P.F. (Loose) Security DS 6
Perusal pl. of the letter below received from S.S. Sc. Necessary watch may pl. be arranged for Thursday next and officers concerned briefed accordingly to get details of the meeting as desired by S.S. Sc. The P.F. of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (606- 48 P.F.) is now under action
May kindly see. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy has already left Dacca on 17.7.60 for Lahore. Sk. Mujibur Rahman is under watch. We may, however, ask O/C Watch to tighten the watch on Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Manik Mia.
Copy of the information may be placed on the folder of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and D.F.
Sd/For DS6
19.7.60. DS (6) Note and orders above:
Copy for D.F. placed below may please be removed. D.F. copy removed. Sd/ -27.7.
Side note: S.l. Golam Subhani pl. aloted the Staff. Sd/5.1.-20.7
for O/C watch. Seen & noted. Sd/ -20.7


Watch report shows Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and family left for
Faridpur by Barisal Steamer.
Dacca, 27 July 1960
The R.I.O., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 23.7.60. I was on duty at N’Ganj R/S. and S. Ghat from 04.30 to 10.00 and 20.00 hours to 23.00 hours.

Page: 172
On this day at about 22.00 hours suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman came to N. Ganj Steamer ghat by his own Jeep No. E.B.D. 111 accompanied by his family. At about 23.00 hours the said Majibur Rahman left for Faridpur by Barisal Steamer, Dacca accompanied by his family, but there was no watch behind of him. So I shadowed him from N’Ganj to Barisal Steamer ghat. At about 11.30 hours I made over the said suspect to W/C 1055 Tajul Islam of Barisal D.I.B. on 24.7.60.
During my journey period no suspect was seen to meet with him nor smuggled anything from anybody.
This is for your kind information.
Sd/-Y.O.S. Sd – W.C. M. Abu Baker,
R.I.B., N. Ganj. dt. 27.7.60. 6562 dated 27.1.
Forwarded to O/C., Watch I.B. for favour of information and n/a.
Sd/-R.I.O., Dacca.
D.S.VI may pl. see. May go in subject’s P.F. Sd/-O/C., Watch. 28.7.
Seen. Sd/-N.M. Biswas.
Enclo: Copy of Memo No. 6620(2) dt. 28/29.7.60 from the Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca to 1) The Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur and 2) The Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Khulna.
Secret PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 28th July, 1960. No. 6620(2)/1/100-49.
Forwarded to M.S. Haider, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (1), I.B. E.P., Dacca, for favour of information.
Sd/ -28.7.60
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B. Dacca.

Page: 173
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
76, Segunbagicha
Dacca- 2. Dated 22.7.1960
The Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Dear Sir,
This is for your information that I am leaving for my village home Tungipara Post Patgati P.S Gopalgonj District Faridpur on the 23rd night from Narayanganj by Khulna mail via Barisal.
I will reach Ghoperdanga or Patgati station on the 24h night.
Halt at Tungipara – 25, 26th of day. Leave Tungipara for Khulna on the 26th night by Barisal steamer. Reach Khulna on the 27th morning. Halt Khulna- 27, 28 or 29th. Leave Khulna on the 28th or 29th, for Tungipara by same steamer route. Halt at Tungipara -29th, 30th, 31st and 184 August.
Within these period i.e. 29, 30, 31st July and 1st August I might visit Gopalgonj once.
On the 2nd leave Tungipara via Barisal by Khulna mail and reach at Narayanganj on the 3rd August.
If there is any change of my programme I will inform the local D.I.B. Office accordingly.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
22.7.60. C.C. to S.P., D.I.B. Faridpur. C.C. to S.P., D.I.B. Khulna.
Secret. PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 28th July, 1960.
No. /100-49 P.F. Copy forwarded to :1. K.G. Mohiuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur & 2. Husain Ahmed, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Khulna, for information
with a request to maintain watch on the suspect during his stay in their

Page: 174
respective districts. They are also requested to report if they had received prior intimation from the suspect direct about his visit to their respective districts.
Sd/ -28.7.60.
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Phone No. 4231/61.
No. 14009(2)/606-48 P.F. dt. 2.8.60. Secret (1) S.P. D.I.B. Khulna. (2) S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur.
Please refer to memo no. 6620(2) dt. 29.7.60. from Add. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca to your address and let us have a copy of your reply thereto.
DS(6) for SS(2). Side note: Reply from Khulna at P- 3323.
Reply from Faridpur at P-3325.

Copy of letter No. 3312/33-50A, dated 28.7.60 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 6296/100-49 P.F. dated 19.7.60 regarding Sk. Mujibur
Prior intimation from the Ex-Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman was received here by post. He however sent no intimation to this office prior to his departure from the district of Faridpur.
Secret PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 11th/15th August, 1960.
No. 7148/100-49 P.F. Copy forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information, in continuation of this office No. 6108, dated 11.7.60.

Page: 175
Report from D.I.B., Chittagong will follow as soon as received.
Sd/ -15.8.60
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy of letter No. 4156/16-60 dated 27.7.60 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Bakarganj to the Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
A.L. 551- Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at Barisal on 24.7.60 by Dacca Mail being shadowed by W.C. 29- Abu Bakkar of R.I.B., Narayanganj and left for home by Khulna Mail Steamer being shadowed by W.C. 1055-Tazil Islam of Barisal D.I.B. on the same date.
Secret PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 11th 15th August, 1960.
No. 7147/100-49. Copy forwarded to M.S. Haider, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(1), I.B., E.P., Dacca. for information, in continuation of this office No.6620/2(1), dated 28.7.60.
The suspect arrived Dacca on 3.8.60 from Faridpur being shadowed by W.C. 940-Sharfuddin of Faridpur D.I.B.
Sd/ -15.8.60
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report on financial help to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by K. Naser
an old friend.
Dacca, 27 July 1960 Sk. Mujibur Rahman 606-48 P.F. (Loose). DS(6)
Please see the report of 1.B. officer placed below and order of SS (1) thereon. SSII may kindly see.
Sd/ -27.7.60.

Page: 176
S.S. II.
For kind perusal please, along with S.S. (1)’s order on page 1. Mr. K. Naser is an old friend of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. He is an Indian National. He has applied for pak. Nationality, which he is yet to obtain. He has been doing business since after Independence and is a solvent man. He would perhaps never hesitate to help Sk. Mujibur Rahman if he asks for it. But it is not known if any aid is passing through him for any political purpose.
We may ask S.P. D.I.B. Dacca to keep watch on the activities of the subject and report if anything of interest comes to notice.
Zonal Inspr. and S.l. 1.A. Dewan may pl. note and report
for DS6 DS(6) Orders above. Draft below for approval please.
Sd/ -28.7.60.
Phone No. 4231/61.
No. 13825/606-48 P.F. dt. 30.7.60. Secret Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca
Please keep watch on the activities of K. Naser, Director, M/S Coal Mining and Trading Company (Pakistan) Ltd., 112 Delisle Road, Narayanganj, Dacca and report if anything of interest comes to notice.
Sd/ -28.7 DS(6) for SS(2)
Secret Phone No.4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 15th September, 1960.
No. 18:5522/7-60(1)
To Moinuddin Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.

Page: 177
Ref: Your Memo No. 13825/606-48P.F., dt. 30.7.60.
Mr. K. Naser, Director of M/S Coal Mining & Trading Co. (Pak.) Ltd., of 112, Delisle Road, Narayanganj has since been traced. Which on the subject was maintained for sometimes but nothing interesting came to light. He is attending his office daily from Dacca. He is under watch and further report will follow, if anything interesting comes to notice.
Sd/ -15.9.60
(A. Khaleque) for Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 26th /29th October, 1960.
No. 9502/7-60(1) A. To Moinuddin Esq., P.S.P. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref:- Your Memo No. 13825/606-48 P.F., dt. 30.7.60 and this Office Memo No.
8152 dt. 15.9.60 reg. Mr. K. Naser.
Further watch has been placed on the subject but nothing interesting came to our notice.
Sd/ -28.10.60 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref. your order on page 3312, I beg to submit that no information has so far been obtained through secret sources and contact indicating that Kazi Abu Naser had made any financial help to Sk. Mujibar Rahman or to any political organisation.
Sd/ -22.9.60. Zonal Inspr. I.B.

Page: 178
Ref. file 606-48 P.F. DS VI/IB. Sir,
I made secret enquiry but no information about K. A Naser’s rendering any help to Sk. Mujibar Rahman or any other political parties could be had so far.
Submitted Sd/-27.9.60.
SI. I.B.


Bureau of Anti Corruption case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Dacca, 28 July 1960 D.S. VI. Sir,
As ordered I had been to the Dacca court and ascertained from the records that the B.A.C Case against Sk. Mujibur Rahman which was fixed on last 23.7.60 is shifted on 20.8.60 for defence argument.
Submitted S. Karim 28.7.60.
Side note: Seen. Please keep it on the subject’s P.F. Sd/-28.7.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with family left Tungipara for Narayanganj via Barisal by Barisal Mail Steamer.
Dacca, 3 August 1960
The O/C., Watch, I.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that from 2.8.60 at about 06.00 hrs. to 3.8.60 at about 16.45 hrs. I shadowed the suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman-A.L. (with his family members), S/o.

Page: 179
Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.O. Gopalganj, Dt. Faridpur and of Dacca town from Tungipara to Narayanganj via Barisal by Barisal Mail Steamer. I made over the said suspect to W.C. 29 Md. Abu Baker of R.I.B., Narayanganj on 3.8.60 at about 16.45 hrs. at Narayanganj Steamer ghat. Nothing politically during my shadowing period. This is for favour of your kind information.
Y.O.S. Sd – W.C. 940. Md. Sarafuddin of
D.I.B., Gopalganj, Dt. Faridpur.
dt. 3.8.60. Side note: D.S. VI may pl. like to see.
Ext. may go in P.F. Sd/-4.8, O/C. Watch. Seen. Sd/- N.M. Biswas.
Weekly Confidential Report of the superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Khulna for the week ending 30.7.60.
Part I. Abstract of Intelligence.
East Pakistan Abstract of Intelligence Nos. 25 dated 18.6.60 and 26 dated 25.6.60 were received on 25.7.60 and 26.7.60 respectively.
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Khulna for the week ending 30.7.60.
Part 1. Movement of Suspects. 1. Ref: W.C.R. for the week ending 23.7.60, part I- Sl. 1, A.L. 89 Abdus Sabur Khan17 returned to Khulna from Dacca on 25.7.60. 2. A.L.* 551 Mujibar Rahman Shaikh arrived at Khulna on 27.7.60. by Barisal
Mail Stemmer and left Khulna on 28.7.60 by steamer for Gopalganj, Faridpur.
Side note: Seen. A report from Khulna on the activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman is awaited. Sd/
17. Abdus Sabur Khan- Abdus Sabur Khan or Khan A Sabur was a Bangladeshi politician from Khulna. He was a Minister in the Government of Ayub Khan. He strongly opposed independence of Bangladesh in 1971. He went into hiding after Bangladesh independence in 1971 but was later captured and put in jail. However he was released by the order of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and died in 1982.

Page: 180
Copy of report dated 5.8.60 of a D.I.O.
Ref: Visit of A.L * 551 Shaikh Muzibur Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur
and of Dacca.
I beg to report that A.L. Suspect *551 Shaikh Muzibur Rahman S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj Faridpur and of Dacca came to his native village at Tungipara on 25.7.60 at 06.30 hrs. with his wife and children being shadowed by W.C. Md. Abu Bakkar of Narayanganj R.I.B. and by W.C. 1055 Tazul Islam of D.I.B. Barisal. The subject left for Khulna by Khulna Mail Steamer on 26.7.60 at 23.30 hrs. being shadowed by W.C. 95 Jamshed Ali of D.I.B. Gopalganj. The subject halted at Khulna upto 29.7.60 in connection with the work of the Alpha Insurance Co., Ltd. where he is serving as Controller of Agencies at Dacca. The subject left Khulna for Tungipara at 00.30 hrs. on 29.7.60 and reached Tungipara on the morning of 29.7.60. He halted at his home on 29.7.60 and 30.7.60. On 31.7.60 at about 13.30 hrs. the subject came to Gopalganj to meet Mvi. Abdus Salam (AL) Mukhtear, Gopalgang and Mvi. Abdur Razzaque Khan @ Raja Miyan (AL) of Gopalganj. The subject also met Mvi. Khondkar Shamsul Haq @ Bashu Miyan (A.L.) Mukhtear, Gopalganj town. So far ascertained the main object of the subject’s visit to Gopalganj was to see Abdur Razzaque Khan @ Raja Miyan (A.L.), Mukhtear, Gopalganj who has been suffering from Cancer and Gastric Ulcer since long. The subject left for Tungipara the same day at about 16.30 hrs. The subject halted at his native village up to 2.8.60 at 06.00 hrs. Proper watch was placed on the suspect during his stay in this jurisdiction but nothing political did come to notice. So far ascertained, the subject came to see his ailing father and mother and to meet his other relations at home. Some persons of his own village and of the surrounding villages came to see him during his stay at Tungipara. No undesirable person did come to meet him during his stay and nothing unusual did happen during the period.
The subject left for Dacca with his wife and Children by Barisal Mail Steamer on 2.8.60 at about 06.00 hrs. The subject was shadowed up to Narayanganj by W.C. 940 Sharfuddin of this D.I.B. and handed over to W.C 29 Abu Bakker R.I.B Narayanganj. Nothing unusual or political did happen during his journey up to Narayanganj.

Page: 181
* Phone: 58.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 12th August, 1960.
No. 3578 (2)/33/50A Forwarded for information to :1. A. Khaleque Esq., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police , D.I.B., Dacca , with reference
to his signal No. 6565 dated 27.7.60 and Memo No. 6620(2) 100-49 P.F. dated 29.7.60.
Prior intimation from the suspect was received in this office direct. 2. Moinuddin Esq., P.S.P., Spl., Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca, with
reference to his Memo No. 14009(2)/606-48 P.F. dated 2.8.60.
Sd/ -12.8 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Faridpur.
Original in P. 563 – 48 P.F Office
Please place those notes in their respective P.Fs, and keep the P.Fs, up-to-date. Any new materials added to their files should be brought to my notice immediately. All these files should be put up to me on 10.8.60 at 08.00 hrs. positively.
C.S. folders of the subjects should also be brought up-to-date and action taken as indicated above.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas
D.S. VI. Side note: Short note taken by DS (6) on 6.8.60.
Short note written the B.H. folder.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman went from Tungipara to Khulna for
Alpha Insurance Company affairs.
Khulna, 8 August 1960
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 6.8.60.

Page: 182
A.L.* 551 Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (A.L.) reached Khulna Steamer Ghat on 27.7.60 at 06.30 hours by steamer from Gopalganj being shadowed by W.C.
Jamshed Ali of Gopalganj, Faridpur. S.A.M. Hashmi and Abdul Barkat, workers of Alfa Insurance Company Ltd., also came with him. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman put up at Salim Hotel, room No. 4 and left Khulna on 28.7.60 mid-night for Tungibari, Gopalganj, Faridpur by steamer being shadowed by a W.C. of Khulna D.I.B.
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman visited Khulna to do some business of Alfa Insurance Company Ltd. and also to see for himself the prospect of opening a Branch office of the Company at Khulna. At Khulna the following persons contracted him:
1) Naser Ahmed (brother of Sk. Mujibur Rahman) 2) Nowsher Ali Choudhuri- Prop. of Khulna Navigation Company. 3) Sirajul Islam Choudhuri- Businessman. 4) Abdul Mannan Pan Exporters. 5) Vilayat Husain @ Baccu Miyan. 6) Farid Ahmed- Contractor of South Central Rd., Khulna town. 7) Abdul Jalil (N.A.P.) Unit Manager (Life Dept.) Premier Insurance Co. Khulna
Branch. 8) Dildar Ahmed (A.L. 343) – A.L.- Ex. M. P.
He visited the house of Herajtulla Biswas (Father-in-law of his brother Naser Ahmed) of Khulna town on 27.7.60 from 09.20 hours to 10.30 hrs.
A. L. 343 Dildar Ahmed met him in Salim Hotel on 29.8.60 from 14.00 hrs. to 15.00 hrs.
On 28.7.60 evening he visited the house of Abdul Jalil (mentd.) at Baniakhamar, Khulna town from 18.10 hours to 18.40 hrs.
The subject also moved in jeep No. E.B.H 376 at Khulna.
His call at the house of Herajtulla Biswas was a courtesy visit to a relative’s hours. A.L. 343 Dildar Ahmad had no political discussion with him during his meeting with Sk. Mujibar Rahman. The visit of the suspect to the house of Abdul Jalil (mentd.) was also formal.
It is also learnt that Nawsher Ali Choudhury, Sirajul Islam Choudhuri (both mendt.) and others gave the suspect full assurance of co-operation in doing his insurance business at Khulna.
The subject also gave previous intimation of his visit to Khulna to this D.I.B.

Page: 183
Secret Phone 6. No. 21-60.
District Intelligence Branch
Khulna, the 3393(2) Aug., 1960. Copy forwarded to:1. A. Khaleque, Esq., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, DIB., Dacca, for information
with ref. to his No. 6620(2)/100-49 P.F dated 28/29th July, 1960. Moinuddin, Esq., P.S.P. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pak. Dacca for information with ref. to his No. 14009(2)/606-48 P.F. dated 2.8.60.
Sd/ – 8.8.60 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B Khulna.


Intelligence Branch strategy of watching H S Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Manik Miah with a special focus on Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 12 August 1960
Extract of order passed in File 2- 59 T.S.
The following three points for action were given to the Intelligence Branch after a full discussion at the meeting yesterday of the Intelligence Co-Ordination Committee:
(3) The activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and the same of Mr. Suhrawardy and
Manik Miyan were discussed. It was decided that close watch should be kept on the activities of all these three ex-political leaders, in particular of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. The persons they contact and the action they take after these three are closeted for a secret discussion should be watched and efforts made to find out the trend of the secret discussion among these three. Here also, all enquiries must be discreet.
Sd/- A.M. A Kabir.
D.I.G., I.B. 12.8.60.

Page: 184
DIG’s order above. (a) * (6) * (c) Extract of para (3) may be placed
individuals for n/a pl.
in the relevance PFs. of the
Immediately please. As proposed (1) x x x x (2) * * * *
Sd/SSI 13.8
Extract from S.S II’s orders in I.B.
File No. 189-55 M.F. (Gl.)
Ref: D.I.G ‘s order dt. 12.8.60. in file 2-59 T.S. Para 3.
All the three persons are on watch round the clock. O/C Watch may tighten up the watch.
Zonal Inspr. may also note for action as ordered. Inspr. Mr. S.A Khan may also see for similar action.
Dacca D.I.B., may also be requested to take action on the line through their sources.
Sd/- N.M. Biswas
12.8.60. Sd/-Moinuddin
Phone No. 4231/61
No.15002/606-48 P.F. dt. 15.8.60. Secret/ Express Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca
D.I.G. I.B. desires that the activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman and those of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and Manik Miyan should be kept under close watch. The persons they contact and the action they take after these three are closeted for a secret discussion should be watched and efforts made through sources to find out the trend of the secret discussion

Page: 185
among these three. Anything obtained should be communicated to this office immediately.
Sd/ -13.8
DS (6) for SS (2) Side note: TS. Two extra copy pl. Sd/-13.8.
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 25.10.60.
I held quiet enquiry into the subject matter under reference. So far it could be gathered Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Manik Miyan and others had talks about the cases pending against Sk. Mujibur Rahman and other A.L personnel. It also came to light that during Mr. Suhrawardy’s stay at Hotel Shahbagh, Mr. Suhrawardy during off time used to call Manik Miyan for gossiping and also to attend cinemas for which he has got hobby.
Nothing could be gathered if they had any talks over revival of politics.
Secret. PHONE No. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 3rd November, 1960.
No 9681 No. R.6364/109-48 P.F.
Copy forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S (II) I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information, with reference to his No. 15002/ 606-48 P.F., dated 15.8.60.
Sd/(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca. _ 3.11.60.
Secret. Phone No. 4231/61.
No. 21352/606-48 P.F. dt. 12.11.60
Addl. S.P. DIB. Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 9681/109-48 P. F.

Page: 186
Kindly keep in view the order of D.I.G. Conveyed to you under this office No. 15002 dt. 15.8.60 for future action and guidance.
Sd/ -11.11.60. DS VI -For SS II.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman drawing Rs. 2000 as monthly salary and Rs. 200 as car allowance and may be about 2% of the amount of the business (premium) as commission from the Alpha Insurance
Company Ltd., Dacca. Dacca, 12 August 1960
SS./// D.S. (6)
On secret enquiry it was learnt that Sk. Mujibur Rahman Genl. Secy. of E.P.A.L. (defunct) is drawing Rs. 2000/- as monthly salary and Rs. 200/- as Car Allowance from the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., Dacca. Besides he also gets some commission as the business done by the company. The percentage of commission’s could not be known. But it may be about 2% of the amount of the business (premium).
Sd/ -Inspr. 1.B. 12.8.60.
Side note: S.S.(2) may kindly see. Sd/ – DSVI 12.8.60.
D.I.G may kindly see. Sd/ -12.8.60. Place in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-DS. VI 12.8.60.


Report on Alpha Insurance Company Ltd.
Dacca, 12 August 1960
Phone No. 4231/61. Secret East Pakistan Form No.1.

Page: 187
Intelligence BRANCH. Maps or plans To
to be marked for takid Spare copies S.P. C.I.D. Karachi
Department Class of papers
Collection No. Reply Received Reminders:
Number and year of No Date 1st No.
File 2nd No.
Serial Number in File 3rd No.
Date of despatch.
No. 14976 Dated 13.8.60.
Please let us have at an early date, a note on the Alpha Insurance Company Ltd., Karachi giving the following details: – 1) Names of Proprietors and Directors with their full particulars and
Party affiliation. 2) Branches of the company operating in Pakistan and abroad, if any 3) Source of appointment of Sk. Mujibur Rahman as controller of agencies of Dacca branch.
Sd/-12.8.60 for D.I.G I.B.
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 16805/606-48P.F. dt. 9.9.60 S.P.C.I.D. Karachi. Ref: This office memo No. 14976 dt. 13.8.60. regarding Alpha Insurance Company Ltd., Karachi.
An early reply is requested.
Sd/-6.9.60. for DIG IB

Page: 188
Phone No. 4231/60. Secret
No.18171/606-48 P. F. dt. 27.9.60. S.P. C.I.D. Karachi.
Ref: This office memo No. 14976 dt. 13.8.60 and No. 16805 dt. 9.9.60
regarding Alpha Insurance Company, Ltd., Karachi. An early reply is requested.
SD/ Moinuddin
26.9 for DIG IB
F-606-48 P.F. D.S.VI./ ZI. Reg: Alpha Insurance Co., 12, Jinnah Avenue, Dacca.
It could be ascertained on enquiry that M/S Alpha Insurance Company is a subsidy of M/S Ideal life Assurance company limited of Karachi. On further probe it could be gathered that the preindependence name of this parent concern was ‘Indian Life Assurance of Karachi’. This was a Goaneese Cum Portuguese concern. Indo Pak. Settlers of this country established the firm as early as 1892. Though the firm had its H/O at Karachi it had better business in Bombay to other places in India with the idea of remaining the major Assets to Indian soil in post independence years, the management planned to construct a gigantic mansion in the city of Calcutta. But before it could be completed, Indian Govt. Nationalised all the insurance Coys. of the land and thus the enterprise lost all hopes of prosperity in India and again switched on to Pakistan and changed the name as ” Ideal Assurance Co. Ltd., and it was splited up in two sections viz. Ideal Assurance Co. Ltd., to carry on with general and Alpha Insurance Co. with life section only. From the very beginning, this Coy. was very conservative in its outlook and it concentrated in business with men of the two communities named earlier. It had a deviation from the long reared up policy following 1956 and the enterprise entertained inclusion of Muslim Directors therein. Thus business magnets like Yusuf Abdullah Haroon & others were associated with this concern and it decided to

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expand business even in E. Pakistan. There after gradually its office was set up at Dacca at 12, Jinnah Avenue “Hassan Building” Dacca. Alpha Insurance Coy, which is a subsidy (as stated earlier ) of this Coy, has also been housed at the 2nd floor of the same building”.
It could be ascertained from a contact that Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Ex-Minister) (A.L.) was appointed as the controller of Agencies in the life section with a monthly salary of Rs. 1500/- at the instance of Yusuf Abdullah Haroon a patron in the concern, who again did so at the request of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy”.
The details of Board of Directors is given hereafter.
Board of Directors.
E.V. Castellino, M.A. LL.B. Chairman Hatim B. TYABJI – M.A. (Oxon) Bar-at Law.
S.A.D’ Souza B.A.B.T. A. SEQUEIRA J.P.
Policy Holders’ Directors
S.A.D’ SOUZA B.A.B.T. Director in Charge. P.SEQUEIRA, Dy. Gen. Manager.
The concern has got agencies in different Districts of East Pakistan and this is mostly manned by former Awami League workers. This is for favour of your kind information.
Side note: DSVI. Perusal please of this report regarding the Alfa insurance. Sd/
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 19418 /606-48 P.F. dt. 17.X.60. S.P. C.I.D. Karachi.

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Ref: This office memo No. 14976 dt. 13.8.60 and subsequent reminder
Nos. 16805 dt. 9.9.60 and 18171 dt. 27.9.60 regarding Alpha Insurance Company Ltd. Karachi. An early reply is requested.
Sd/ -12.X.60
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 20612/606-48PF dt.2.11.60. S.P. C.I.D. Karachi. Ref: This office telegram No. 17960 dt. 24.9.60 and memo No.19417
dt. 17.10.60 regarding the activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman during his stay at Karachi.
An early reply is requested.
for D.I.G.I.B.
Sd/ -2.11
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 20613/606-48P.F. dt.2.11.60.
S.P. C.I.D. Karachi. Ref: This office memo No. 14976 dt. 13.8.60 and subsequent reminder
Nos. 16805 dt. 9.9.60, 18171 dt. 27.9.60 and 19418 dt. 17.10.60 regarding Alpha Insurance Company Ltd., Karachi. An early reply is requested.
Secret Tel: 30031 No. SB/6/Office of the Supdt. of Police, C.I.D., Karachi, the 2nd Jan 1961.
The Dy. I.G. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.

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Reference your letter No. 14976/606-48 PF dated 13.8.1960 regarding Alpha Insurance Company Ltd., Karachi.
Enquiries reveal that the Alpha Insurance Company Ltd., Karachi was established in 1952. The Head Office of the company is at 134/135 Writers Chambers, Dunolly Road, Karachi and branch offices at Hyderabad, Lahore, Dacca and Chittagong. There is no branch of the company in any foreign country. The company is not connected with any political party and there is nothing adverse against the company.
The requisite particulars of the Chairman and Directors of the company are given below:
1. Yusuf Abdullah Haroon:
He is Chairman of the company. He is a well known Muslim Leaguer and was Ambassador of Pakistan in Austria, during the Muslim League18 Government. He acted as President of the Muslim League during the year 1953. He was instrumental to agitation against Mr. Muhammad Ali Bogra, President of the Muslim League over his statement in support of Bangla language in February, 1954. He was included in the 5-man committee set up to hold Muslim League convention in 1954. He was keen supporter of merger of Karachi with One Unit. In 1955 he was appointed as convener of the Muslim League Convention. He was arrested while attempting to
18. Muslim League/M.L – Muslim League was the only political party in British India led the ‘Pakistan Movement’. On the foundation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the President of All India Muslim League, Jinnah became the new nation’s Governor General and the Secretary General of Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The All India Muslim League was disbanded in December 1947 and succeeded by two organizations, Muslim League and the Indian Union Muslim League, the first being its original successor in Pakistan. Jinnah died in September 1948 and Liaquat was assassinated in October 1951. After death of its two senior leaders, the League began to disintegrate. By 1953, dissensions within the League had led to the formation of several different political parties. Liaquat was succeeded by Khawaja Nazimuddin, a Bengali, who was forced out of office in April 1953. Pakistan was racked by riots and famine and in the first national elections in May 1955 (held by a system of indirect voting) the League was heavily defeated. In October 1958 the Army seized power and the martial law regime of Muhammad Ayub Khan banned all political parties. This was the end of the old Muslim League. Ayub Khan later formed a new party, the Convention Muslim League. The opposition faction became known as the Council Muslim League. This latter group joined a united front with other political parties in 1967 in opposition to the regime. But when the military regime of Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan fell in December 1971 and Pakistan’s first genuine free elections were held, both factions of the League were swept out of power in West Pakistan by the Pakistan People’s Party of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and in East Pakistan by the Awami League of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In 1988 after the death of Pakistan’s military ruler and later President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif a new Muslim League was formed but it had no connection with the original Muslim League.

demonstrate at the Assembly Building in favour of merger of Karachi into One Unit and was later released. He was the pioneer of the disturbances created to hackle the Prime Minister Ch: Muhammad Ali during his speech on 14th August, 1956. He was included in the Action Committee of the Karachi Provincial Muslim League to defend the civil liberties of the arrested Muslim League workers under the security of Pakistan Act. He took keen interest in the re-organisation of the city Muslim League. He addressed several meetings in this connection and participated in agitation etc. against adoption of the Joint Electorate for Pakistan. He also participated in Egypt Day observances in the city and criticised Egypt. He is inactive these days. 2. Malik Bagh Ali:
He is a Director of the company. He originally belongs to Sialkot, West Pakistan. He was at Hyderabad Deccan before partition from where he migrated to Pakistan in 1947. He is proprietor of M/S Malik & Haq situated on Victoria Road, Karachi.
He is also Chairman of the Karachi Transport Syndicate. He has recently been nominated as a Councilor to the Karachi Municipal Corporation by Government. He was a member of the Republican party before the promulgation of Martial Law. He has not come to adverse notice. 3. Ibrahim Saleh Mait:
He is also a Director of the company. He originally belongs to Bombay and migrated to Pakistan in 1947. He is proprietor of the Pakola Company. He has been appointed as a Councilor to the Karachi Municipal Corporation by Government. There is nothing adverse against this individual. 4. Arthur Squira.
He is another Director of the Alpha Insurance Company Ltd. He is working as a Photographer. This individual has also been appointed as a Councilor to the Karachi Municipal Corporation by Government. He has not come to the adverse notice of this Department.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman has secured the position of Controller of Agencies through the influence of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
Sd/ – (M. Akram Sheik) Superintendent of Police, C.I.D.,

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D.S. (6).
As ordered, I made quiet inquiries about the Alpha Insurance Company, Dacca, on the points instructed. It transpired that since Sk. Mujiber Rahman (ex-Al.) joined the company as the controller of Agencies it has been doing good business, throughout the province. The reasons for his quick success are his personal reputation and a worker of trustworthy and license workers at his disposal, who were once his Co., workers in the Awami League.
The degree of patronage received by him from the Govt. department could not be known, however it was learnt that the company expected some business from Industries deptt. and W.A.P.D.A. some time back.
The following ex-Awami Leagues are working in the Alpha Insurance Co., and are working at the places noted against each:1. Golam Mustafa of Dacca. (Ex-Secy. Dacca city A.L.), Dacca. 2. Nurul Islam of Chandpur (Ex-A.L. worker), Dacca. 3. A. Aziz of Chittagong (Ex-Secy. Chittagong Dist. A.L.) Chittagong.
Rafiquddin Bhuiyan of Mymensingh (Ex-Secy. Mymensingh Dist A.L.)
Mymensingh. 5. Shamsuzzoha of Narayanganj (Ex-Office bearer of N. Ganj. A.L.) N. Ganj.
Nothing could be learnt if any political party is monopolizing the Insurance Co. But this can be said that the Awami League has some influence on it through Sk. Majibur Rahman. It also said that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is very cautious these days and refuses to discuss politics with anyone. At the same time it cannot be denied that he is in touch with a good number of Ex-A.L. workers through his business.
Sd/- 27.2.61


History sheet and short note on former Minister
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Lahore, 20 August 1960
No. 7378(4)/BDSB, dated Lahore, the 20.8.1960.

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History sheet (A card) of Mr. Mujib-ul- Rehman. Ex-Chief Minister and member Awami League (defunct) originally a resident of East Pakistan Dacca, does not contain details of his political activities since 1959. In order to bring his history sheet up-to-date, will you please submit a detailed note on all important political events in which he participated so that the same should be included in his history sheet.
This may please be treated as urgent. The enclosed history sheet form may also please be filled in and returned.
Sd/ – Sd/ – 19.8. for Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Criminal Investigation Department
West Pakistan, Lahore.
(1) The Inspector Political (1), C.I.D., Lahore. (2) The Group Officer C.I.D., (3) The Special Superintendent of Police, C.I.D., Region, East Pakistan Dacca.
Notes on Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, E.P.A.L. (defunct) son of Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur and of 76, Segun Bagicha, Ramna, Dacca.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman was detained in Dacca Central Jail from 12.10.58 to 16.12.59 as a security prisoner. He was released with restriction of his movements. He joined the Alpha Insurance Co. as a Controller of Agencies for East Pakistan from 1.3.60. He is reported to have been drawing Rs. 1,500/- per month. In course of his visit to different districts in connection with his business he met the workers of the Awami League. He is now contemplating to set up district branches of the Insurance Co. with the ex-workers of the Awami League with an ultimate object to maintain link with the people. He is found meeting Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy during his visits to Dacca.
He was convicted in Ramna P.S. Case No. 3(2) 59 under section 5(2) of Act II/ 1947 by the Special Judge, Dacca on 12.9.60. He preferred an appeal before the Hon’ble High Court, Dacca, in this case. He is on bail now.

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History Sheet. Name
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Parentage
Lutfar Rahman. Date of Birth
: 1921. Religion
: Muslim Sunni Nationality
: Pakistani. Education
: B.A. Profession
He had no profession previously. At present he is serving as Controller of agencies of M/S Alfa
Insurance Co. Original address
Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. At present he
is living at 76, Segun Bagicha, Dacca. Karachi address
(a) Residence – No.
(b) Office – No. Description
Height – 5′ 8″ Built – Strong, Complexion – Medium, Face – Round, Eyes – loated, Ear – Lobes separated, Nose – Prominent, Hair – Back brushed,
Beard – Shaved, Keeps moustache and wears glass. Dress
Usually wears Payjama and Panjabi & occasionally
trousers & Hawaiian shirt. Language speaks : Mother tongue Bengali. Also speaks in English. Modus operandi ( in case : Nil of criminal) Finger print
: Nil. classification Photo
: Enclosed. Punishment
: (a) Convictions – Nil. (b) Detention –
(i) Arrested on 29.4.49 u/s
18(2) of E.P.P.S.O. for prejudicial activities.
Released on 27.2.52. (ii) Arrested on 16.6.54 u/s
41(1) of E.P.P.S.O. for prejudicial activities and
Released in February 1955. (iii) Arrested on 19.10.58 u/s 41
(1) of E.P.P.S.O. for prejudicial activities and released on 17.12.59.

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(c) Suspicion : Nil. (d) Arrest : As (b) above. (e) Externment : Nil.
Association : As a prominent member of the Provincial Awami League and a
Provincial Minister, he associated with big dignitaries, high
officials and prominent political workers. General character and conduct with political ideology. Brief History enclosed.
PHONE: 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 25th October, 1960. No.9396/100-49 P.F. R.6948
Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
I send herewith Memorandum No. 7378(4)/BDSB dated 20.8.60 of the Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, C.I.D., West Pakistan, Lahore, for favour of necessary action. The letter was addressed to the Special Supdt. of Police, C.I.D., East Pakistan but was mis-delivered here.
A short note on the activities of the subject (Sk. Mujibur Rahman) has, however, been prepared on the basis of the available information at this end and is annexed hereto for favour of your perusal.
History-sheet from received with the aforesaid memo is also sent herewith duly filled in.
Sd/ -25.10.60
(A. Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B. Dacca.
A short note on the activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex-security prisoner) since his release from detention on 17.12.59.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman was released from Dacca Central Jail on 17.12.59 under Govt. Order No.949-H.S. dated 17.12.59. Since then he is staying at 76, Segun Bagicha, Dacca.

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After his release Tafazzal Husain @ Manik Mia saw him at his house on 19.12.59 (morning). One Mr. Lutfar Rahman Zulfiqr of Barisal (Ex-A.L.) and Mrs. Hazera Mahmud Ali w/o Mahmud Ali (ex- Minister, N.A.P.) also saw him at his Dacca residence in the afternoon. The subject also went to the house of Abdus Salam Khan (ex- Minister) on 21.12.59 morning.
The subject left for his home at Gopalganj, Faridpur on 30.12.59 via Narayanganj by Steamer. On his way he got down at Barisal on 31.12.59 and met Abdur Rob Sarnamat (N.A.P.) and Zahid Husain @ Jahangir (A.L.). Some other A.L. & N.A.P members also met him on board the steamer. He reached home on 31.12.59 and returned to Dacca on 9.1.60. During his stay at his native village, nothing political came to notice.
While at Dacca he met his party associates Messrs Toffazzal Hussain @ Manik Mia, Abul Mansur Ahmed, Zahiruddin, Ataur Rahman Khan and others on different dates. He also associated with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy almost regularly during his stay in Dacca on different occasions. He was also reported to have been searching for a job for the maintenance of his family.
After his release the subject was not seen to participate in politics openly but the following information were received against him from secret sources:
On 12.1.60. the subject along with some other ex-A.L. workers discussed Basic Democracies with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at Hotel Shabagh when Mr. Suhrawardy remarked that they would have to wait for next 10(ten) years to achieve real democracy in the country and also said that Martial Law was necessary to put a check on hot-headed rulers like Sk. Mujibur Rahman. On 6.2.60, an I.B. Officer ascertained from a source that during his visit to Dacca in January, 1960 Mr. Suhrawardy paid Rs. 25,000/- to the subject. The object of payment is still under verification. This was partly corroborated by the report of another I.B. Officer. On 14.2.60 an I.B. Officer reported that according to Sk. Mujibur Rahman and T. Hussain @ Manik Mia, the present administration has not been able to solve the problems of the country specially the economic problem as in their opinion the policy adopted by the administration was contrary to the solution of the problem. They said that the grip of West Pakistan over East Pakistan was still there. They also criticised the “Bonus System” which according to them gave opportunity to the West Pakistan capitalists to exploit the resources of East Pakistan and also to facilitate transfer of their wealth from here to West Pakistan.

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On 22.2.60 a Dacca agent reported that one A.K.M. Shamsuzzoha (Ex-A.L.) of Narayanganj met the subject at his house in February last when the subject gave out that he was mentally disturbed and intended either to start a business or to secure a job in some Insurance Firm in order to establish himself financially. He added that he did not mind if he was screened out by E.B.D.O. But, the people would remember him for the service he had given to them.
Another I.B. source reported on 22.2.60 that the subject in course of discussion with Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed (Ex-Minister) mentioned that the students were very active this year in observance of the “Shahid Day” and that he would do his duty. He also continued that they must unite and work hard. This, according to the source, showed that the subject was trying to regain his position among the students.
An I.B. Officer reported on 7.3.60 that he received information from a reliable source that the subject had been appointed the Controller of M/S Alfa Insurance & Co. at the monthly salary of Rs. 1500/-.
A short note on activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex- Minister/A.L.) after his release from jail on 17.12.59
The subject was detained in Dacca Central Jail from 12.10.58 to 16.12.59 as security prisoner. He was released with restriction on his movement.
* He joined the Alpha Insurance Co., Dacca, as the Controller of Agencies for East Pakistan on 1.3.60 at a monthly salary of Rs. 1500/
After his release the subject was not seen to participate in politics openly but the following information’s were received against him from secret sources:
On 12.1.60 the subject along with some other ex-A.L. workers discussed Basic Democracies with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at Hotel Shahbagh.
On 14.2.60 an I.B. Officer reported that according to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the present administration had not been able to solve the problems of the country specially the economic problem as in their opinion the policy adopted by the administration was contrary to the solution of the problem. He said that the grip of West Pakistan over East Pakistan was still there. He also criticised the “Bonus system” which according to him gave opportunity to the West Pakistan capitalists to exploit the resources of East Pakistan and also to facilitate transfer of their wealth from here to West Pakistan.

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It was reported in April, 1960 that Sailendra Chandra Ghose, 1″‘ Secretary, Indian High Commission, Dacca contacted Sk. Mujibur Rahman at his residence. In course of his talk he expressed his grief over the Martial Law administration, especially the rule of West Pakistan over East Pakistan and gave out that East Pakistanis would not tolerate this sort of thing for ever.
In June, 1960, the subject in course of an informal talk with Dildar Ahmad, (Ex-Minister, A.L.) and others gave out that he would open branches of Alfa Insurance Company Ltd. in all the districts and appoint the Ex-Secretaries of district defunct A.L. as branch managers. The Secretaries of Chittagong, Narayanganj and Dacca City A.L have already been appointed. He further disclosed that after the imposition of the Martial Law in the country. The A.L leaders have lost contact and some of them were in bad financial condition and by appointing them he will be able to help them and maintain contact with the A.L. leaders.
The subject was convicted by the Special Judge, Dacca on 12.9.60 u/s 5(2) of Act. II of 1947 and sentenced to suffer 2 years simple imprisonment and to pay a fine of Rs. 5000/- in default to undergo simple imprisonment for a further period of 6 months. He has since preferred an appeal in the High Court against the conviction. The petition of appeal will be taken up for hearing for admission of the appeal after the vacation. He is now on bail.
Phone no. 4231/61
No. 20790 dt. PF.
D.I.G. of Police, C.I.D W.P. Lahore.
Reference your memorandum no. 7378(4) BDSB dt.20.8.60 addressed to the Special Supdt. of Police C.I.D, East Pakistan, Dacca.
As desired, I send herewith the History sheet in respect of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, duly filled in, together with a short note on his activities since his release from jail on 17.12.59.
Sd/-3.11.60. for D.I.G of Police,
1.B.E.P., Dacca.

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Examination and cross-examination of the witnesses against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as published in the newspaper.
Dacca, 27 August 1960 Pakistan Observer dt. 27.8.60.
Deposition At Hearing By Our Court Correspondent
Four more prosecution witnesses including Mr. W.B. Kadri the then Secretary, Commerce, Labour and Industries were examined in connection with the case of misconduct brought against Sheikh Mujibur Rahmans former Provincial Minister, Commerce, Labour and Industries yesterday (Friday).
Further cross-examination of prosecution witness Mr. A. Monaem concluded yesterday. After him Mr. Nurul Huq the then Assistant Secretary Finance was examined. He proved some Govt. files and was not cross-examined by the defence.
The next prosecution witness who is an Assistant in the Office of the Registrar, Joint Stock Companies, Chittagong stated that M/S Coal Mining and Trading Company was registered in 1951 and its share was expanded in 1954.
Mr. Sitanshu Roy, An Upper Division Assistant, “Regional Coal Controller” Office, Dacca stated that tender was submitted by M/S Hassan Ahmed when the firm was appointed agent: The tender application was now untraceable because of the fact that at the time of shifting the office from Eden Buildings to Kakrail many papers were mislaid.
The shifting of the office started in November, 1959 and before that time all the files were in normal order, said the witness in cross-examination.
The witness further stated that he made a statement before the police in connection with the present case. The police wanted the file containing the tender petitions before the office had shifted to Kakrail. But the witness could not give the tender application immediately. The police thereafter did not want it.
In reply to another question the witness said that the tender file was linked with the main file. He also told the police at the time of examination that he could not trace out the file.

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The next witness Mr. W.B. Kadri in his deposition stated that on the recommendation of Mr. Ruhul Quddus, the then Director, Commerce, Labour and Industries dated March 12.1957 for setting up a coke manufacturing plant at Darshana, he (Mr. Kadri) suggested that before selection of industrialist for the above purpose an advertisement should be made. The witness considered it appropriate that before recommending for the grant of permission to the Central Government the industrial units or projects should be advertised and a fair selection should be made.
The witness said that the file then went to the Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who passed order on March 21, 1957 after which the file …(missing from the
original document due to page damage) back to witness.
The witness further stated that he objected to the cancellation of the agency of M/S Hassan Ahmed. He also suggested that as more coal was to be imported from India under the new trade agreement both the companies should be given agency without canceling M/S Hassan Ahmed.
CROSS EXAMINATION In Cross examination Mr. Kadri stated that he became the Secretary C.L.& I. towards the end of December, 1955 Before that he was Private Secretary to both Messrs Chowdhury Muhammad Ali and Muhammad Ali Chowdhuri Prime Ministers of Pakistan.
The witness further stated that at the time of making his notes he did not know that M/S Coal Mining and Trading Company had approached the Coal Commissioner for permission to set up a coke manufacturing plant. He realized that the setting up of the plant would have meant saving of foreign exchange. It would have also facilitated distribution.
Mr. Kadri further said that he advised Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his predecessor that it would be appropriate to advertise industrial units and projects while permitting persons to set up industries.
The witness admitted that there was a great interest and enthusiasm in 1956-57 amongst the industrialists and intending industrialists to set up industry in East Pakistan.
The last witness for the day was Mr. A Jalil, Inspector attached to Bureau of Anti-Corruption stated that on February 2, 1959 he lodged F.I.R of this case. He

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lodged another case against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman but he could not remember if it was on the same day.
He further said that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested in October, 1958 under Anti-Corruption Act of 1957. He was detained under Safety Act the witness said, but he could not say if at that time he was in custody.
During cross-examining this witness Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy read out some certified copies of different courts, records wherein it was stated that in the three other cases brought against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman two ended in discharge by First Class Magistrates and the third ended in his acquittal by Mr. S.M. Rashed Special Judge, Dacca Division.
The first case was under Anti-Corruption Act (for acquiring properties disproportionate to his known sources of income). The second one was a case under Section 420 P.P.C. (cheating) and the third one was for misuse of official position for obtaining pecuniary advantage for his brother Sheikh Abu Naser.
The witness said that he was in the known of the first and third case only.
About the present case, the witness said that he made a secret inquiry and lodged F.I.R. He did not visit Darshana and other places personally but ascertained from different sources that no coke manufacturing plant was set up there.
In reply to a question of the defence lawyer Mr. Abdus Salam Khan the witness stated that he saw the files of M/S Coal Mining and Trading Company but he did not find anything about the plant at Darshana.
Then in reply to another question the witness said that he seized the Account Book of the firm containing the account of expenses for the plant.
“In my ejahar I did not make Naser an accused,” concluded the witness.
Hearing of the case will resume today at 8 a.m.
Side note: VI. Seen. In the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -7.9.60. D.S.VI.

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Report on the conclusion of hearing of cases against Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 29 August 1960 Sangbad dt. 29.8.60.
শেখ মুজিবরের মামলার শুনানী সমাপ্ত
ঢাকা, ২৮ শে আগষ্ট ( এ পি পি) অদ্য সন্ধ্যায় স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ, মওদুদের আদালতে জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও কাজী আবু নসরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলার শুনানী সমাপ্ত হয়।

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জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও কাজী আবু নসর যথাক্রমে ফৌজদারী অসদাচরণ ও উহাতে সহায়তার দায়ে অভিযুক্ত হইয়া বিচারার্থ প্রেরিত হইয়াছেন।
শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযােগ এই যে প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রী হিসাবে তাঁহার সরকারী পদমর্যাদার অপব্যবহার করিয়া কাজী আবু নসরের জন্য আর্থিক সুবিধা আদায় করেন। সরকারপক্ষ কাজি আবু নসরকে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বন্ধু বলিয়া অভিহিত করে। জনাব কাজী আবু নসরকে অপরাধে সহায়তা করার দায়ে অভিযুক্ত করা হইয়াছে।।
অদ্য রবিবার (ছুটির দিন) হওয়া সত্ত্বেও আসামী পক্ষের কৌসুলী জনাব এইচ, এস সােহরাওয়ার্দীর আবেদনক্রমে সকাল দশটা হইতে প্রায় ৯ ঘন্টা ধরিয়া আদালতে অধিবেশন চলিতে থাকে। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীকে জরুরী কাৰ্য্যোপলক্ষে বিমানযােগে করাচী পৌছার সুযােগদানের জন্য এই ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হয়। আদালতে সরকার ও আসামী উভয় পক্ষের সওয়াল । জওয়াব শ্রবণ করা হয়। স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর জনাব আজিজুদ্দিন আহমদ সরকার পক্ষের তরফ হইতে আদালতে বলেন যে, শেখ মুজিবর রহমান প্রাদেশিক সরকারের মন্ত্রী হিসাবে একজন সরকারী কর্মচারী ছিলেন। বিজ্ঞাপন অথবা টেন্ডার গ্রহণ না করিয়া কোল মাইনিং এন্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানীকে ভারত হইতে কয়লা আমদানী ও কয়লার ব্যবসার এজেন্সী দানের ফলে জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান তাহার সরকারী পদ মর্যাদার অপব্যবহার করেন বলিয়া স্পেশাল পাবলিক প্রসিকিউটর উল্লেখ করেন।
আসামী আবু নসরের সহিত পূর্ব হইতেই শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের ঘনিষ্ঠতা ছিল এবং প্রাক্তন প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রী তাহার জন্য সরকারী পদমর্যাদার অপব্যবহার করেন বলিয়া জনাব আজিজুদ্দিন উল্লেখ করেন। মন্ত্রীর নির্দেশ দানের ক্ষমতা থাকিলেও তিনি উক্ত ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করেন।
জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীর সওয়াল জওয়াব আসামী পক্ষের কৌসুলী জনাব এইচ. এস. সােহরাওয়ার্দী বলেন যে, মামলার শুনানীকালে যে সমস্ত ঘটনা বর্তমান মামলার মঞ্জুরীর ভিত্তি গঠন করে, তাহা সত্য নহে। আসামী আবু নসরই একমাত্র ব্যক্তি যে সফট কোক কারখানা স্থাপন করিতে চাহে; তাহাকে এজেন্সী ও কারখানা স্থাপন করিতে দেওয়া হইলে যে উক্ত শিল্পে পুজি নিয়ােগ করিতে উৎসাহী হইবে বলিয়া শেখ মুজিবর রহমান মনে করে।
কোল মাইনিং এন্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানীকে এজেন্সী দানকালে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সফট কোক শিল্প উন্নয়নের বিষয়ই চিন্তা করেন।
বিশেষ কোন শিল্পের জন্য বিজ্ঞাপন অথবা টেন্ডার গ্রহণ বাধ্যতামুলক নহে বলিয়াও জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী উল্লেখ করেন। তৎকালীন বিভাগীয় সেক্রেটারী জনাব ডব্লু,বি, কাদরীও কাজী আবু নসরকে সফট কোক আমদানীর এজেন্সী দান করিতে চান।
আসামী আবু নসরের কৌসুলী জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান বলেন যে, এই মামলায় কোন প্রত্যক্ষ সাক্ষ্য নাই।
মামলার রায় দান স্থগিত রাখা হইয়াছে।
Side note: VI, Incomplete. Sd/ – DSVI 3.9.60, Seen. Keep in his P.F. Sd/-DSVI 6.9.60

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Extract from fortnightly report on the political situation in
West Pakistan.
Lahore, 1 September 1960
Extract from Fortnightly report on the situation in West Pakistan during the second half of July, 1960. (Govt. of West Pakistan Home Deptt. (Special) Lahore.
1- General
According to an anonymous letter (noticed in transit by post) addressed to M/S Suhrawardy, Abdul Qayyum Khan, Bahadur Khan, Muhammad Ali Chaudhury, Ata-ur-Rahman, Daultana, Mamdot, Iftikhar-ud-Din, Khuro, Majibar Rehman and Sarkar, an appeal was being made to them to sink their difference, to aim at truthfulness and sincerity of purpose and to join hands to form a Pakistan liberal party, with the aim of ending “Inexperienced rulers” E.B.D.O. and Martial Law. The letter also contained a suggestion for agitation to have free and early election.
Side note: Have we seen this here, as well? Sd/-A.M.A. Kabir. 1.9.60.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman former Provincial Minister sentenced to serve simple imprisonment for two years and to pay a fine of Rs. 5,000, in default imprisonment for 6 months.
Dacca, 13 September 1960 Sangbad dt. 13.9.60.
শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের ২ বসর কারাদন্ড জেলা দায়রা আদালতের রায়: আপীল সাপেক্ষে অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন জামীন মঞ্জুর ঢাকা, ১২ ই সেপ্টেম্বর ( এ,পি,পি)। সাবেক প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রী ও প্রাক্তন আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এবং স্থানীয় ব্যবসায় প্রতিষ্ঠানের ম্যানেজিং এজেন্ট কাজী আবু নাসেরকে অদ্য এখানে যথাক্রমে অসদাচরণ ও উক্ত কাজে সহায়তার অভিযােগে তাঁহাদের প্রত্যেককে দুই বত্সরের বিনাশ্রম কারাদন্ড ও পাঁচ হাজার টাকা জরিমানা এবং জরিমানার টাকা অনাদায়ে আরও ছয় মাসের বিনাশ্রম কারাদন্ডে দন্ডিত করা হইয়াছে।

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জেলা ও সেসন জজ এবং পদাধিকারবলে সিনিয়র স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এ মউদুদ উক্ত দন্ডাদেশ দান করেন এবং হাইকোর্টে আপিল সাপেক্ষ অভিযুক্ত উভয়ের অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন জামিন মঞ্জুর করা হইয়াছে।
স্পেশাল জজ তাঁহার রায়ে এই মর্মে মন্তব্য করেন যে তকালীন দুনীর্তি দমন দফতরের ভারপ্রাপ্ত মন্ত্রী ও ১৯৫৭ সনের পূর্ব পাকিস্তান দূনীর্তি দমন আইন পাশের প্রধান উদ্দ্যোক্তা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান দূর্ভাগ্য বশত: নিজেই উক্ত দূনীতিমূলক কার্য্যে জড়িত হইয়া পড়েন। অভিযুক্ত কাজী আবু নাসের সম্পর্কে বিচারপতি মন্তব্য করেন যে, ঘটনার অন্তরালে থাকিয়া কলকাঠি চালনায় তিনিই প্রধান নায়ক হিসাবে অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান যে, সকল অপরাধমূলক কাজ। সহায়তা ও প্ররােচনা দান করেন।
শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগ হইতেছে যে, একজন সরকারী কর্মচারী হিসাবে তিনি তাঁহার সরকারী পদ মর্যাদার অপব্যবহার করিয়া অপর অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তি কাজী আবু নাসেরের জন্য আর্থিক সুবিধাদী আদায়ের সুযােগ গ্রহণ করেন। বাদীপক্ষ হইতে কাজী আবু নাসেরকে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বন্ধু হিসাবে উল্লেখ করা হয়। কাজী আবু নাসেরের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগ হইতেছে যে, অপরাধমূলক কাজে তিনি শেখ মুজিবর রহমানকে সহায়তা দান করেন।
এখানে উল্লেখযােগ্য যে, বাদীপক্ষ শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও কাজী আবু নাসেরকে বন্ধু হিসাবে উল্লেখ করেন এবং অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও কাজী আবু নাসের উভয়েই আদালতের সম্মুখে বিবৃতি মারফৎ তাহাদের বন্ধুত্ব সম্পর্কের কথা অস্বীকার করেন।
বাদীপক্ষ হইতে এই মর্মে অভিযােগ আনয়ন করা হয় যে, অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান। প্রাদেশিক বানিজ্য, শ্রম ও শিল্প দফতরের মন্ত্রিত্বের দায়িত্বভার গ্রহণের পর আকস্মিকভাবে ও যথেচ্ছ উপায়ে ভারত হইতে কয়লা আমদানীর ব্যাপারে মেসার্স হাসান আহমদ এন্ড কোম্পানীর এজেন্সী বাতিল করেন। মেসার্স হাসান আহম্মদ এণ্ড কোম্পানীর এজেন্সী বাতিলের পর জনাব রহমান মেসার্স কোল মাইনিং এণ্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানীকে তদস্থলে নিয়ােগ করেন। অভিযুক্ত কাজী আবু নাসের উক্ত কোল মাইনিং এ্যাণ্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানীর ম্যানেজিং এজেন্ট ছিলেন।
বাদীপক্ষ হইতে অভিযােগে আরও বলা হয় যে, বিভাগীয় সেক্রেটারী কর্তৃক আপত্তি উত্থাপন করা সত্ত্বেও অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান উক্ত এজেন্সী বাতিল করিয়া দেন এবং ফাইনান্সিয়াল রুলস ও প্রচলিত পদ্ধতি লঙ্ঘন করিয়া কোল মাইনিং এ্যাণ্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানীর স্বপক্ষে নির্দেশ দান করেন। বাদীপক্ষ হইতে অভিযােগ করা হয় যে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান উক্তরুপ নির্দেশ প্রদান পূর্বক কোল মাইনিং এ্যাণ্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানীর প্রতি অনুগ্রহ প্রদর্শন করিয়াছেন। এবং কোম্পানী সম্পর্কে তিনি ব্যক্তিগতভাবে আগ্রহী।
অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কর্তৃক কোল মাইনিং এ্যাণ্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানীকে হার্ড কয়লা সক্ট কয়লায় রুপান্তরিত করার জন্য দর্শনীয় একটি কারখানা স্থাপনের অনুমতি দান সংক্রান্ত নির্দেশ প্রদান প্রসঙ্গে স্পেশাল বিচারপতি তাঁহার রায়ে মন্তব্য করেন যে অভিযুক্ত আবু নাসের ও তাহার

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ফার্মকে অনুগ্রহ প্রদর্শনের নিমিত্ত অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কোল মাইনিং এ্যাণ্ড ট্রেডিং কোম্পানী কর্তৃক কারখানা স্থাপনকে অজুহাত হিসাবে গ্রহন করে এবং নিশ্চিতভাবে উহা তাহাদের ব্যক্তিগত স্বার্থ সিদ্ধি।
অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও কাজী আবু নাসের তাঁহাদের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগসমুহ অস্বীকার করেন। বাদীপক্ষের সাক্ষীদের মধ্যে বিভাগীয় কমিশনার জনাব ডব্লিউ, এ, কাদরী, যশাের ও দিনাজপুরের জেলা ম্যাজিষ্ট্রেটদ্বয় এবং বগুড়ার নওয়াবজাদা হাসান আলী সাক্ষ্য প্রদান করেন।
বাদীপক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন বিশেষ সরকারী উকিল জনাব আজিজ উদ্দিন আহমেদ এবং তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করেন জনাব মােয়াজ্জেম হােসেন খান। বিবাদীপক্ষে মামলা পরিচালনা করেন। জনাব এইচ এস সােহরাওয়ার্দী এবং তাঁহাকে সাহায্য করেন জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান ও জনাব জহিরুদ্দিন।
Side note: V, Seen. Pl. make cutting from Pakistan Observer for P.F. Sd/ – DS. VI.
19.9.60 Cutting from Pakistan Observer were made & Placed in file No. 7৭/58 (Gen/) Sa/-2017

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Morning News dt. 13.9.60.
(BY Our Staff Reporter) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a former provincial Minister and General Secretary of the defunct Awami League was yesterday sentenced to serve simple imprisonment for two years and also to pay a fine of Rs. 5,000 in default simple imprisonment for six months more on a charge of committing criminal misconduct by abusing his official powers and position by obtaining pecuniary benefit for his “friend” Kaz Abu Nasser.
The co-accused, Kazi Abu Nasser, Managing Agent of M/S. Coal Mining & Trading Company (Pak.) Ltd. Whom the prosecution described as an “intimate friend” of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was also found guilty and awarded the same sentence for actively abetting Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the commission of the offence.
The sentences were passed by Mr. A. Moudud, District and Ex-officio senior Special Judge Dacca. The Judge granted ad interim bails to both the accused pending their appeals before the High Court.
Observing that during the tenure of his office Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was responsible for passing the East Pakistan Anti-Corruption Act (Act XXVI) of 1957 and bringing the same on the Statute Book and that “it is unfortunate that Mr. Rahman also succumbed to the same malady” the Judge held that “Mr. Rahman’s was not a rough-and ready decision in the interest of the State and the public as he wanted the court to believe while passing the impugned orders.”
“On the other hand” the Judge observed, “I am convinced that the granting of permission to manufacture soft coke from hard coal was seized upon as a subtle device to grant the agency of importing soft coke to the accused Nasser and his firm by canceling that of M/S. Hasan Ahmad Ltd., and this is the reason why even no formal application was asked for from the said agency.” The circumstances under which all such orders were passed leave no manner of doubt in mind that the accused Abu Nasser was the main actor, wire-pulling from behind, instigating and abetting the accused Mr. Rahman to pass the impugned order in favour of his firm.”
Dealing with the evidence on record, the Judge held that “Mr. Rahman was determined to cancel the agency of M/S. Hasan Ahmed Ltd., and to appoint M/s. Coal Mining & Trading Company as the agent on that very date. There is no indication in the record that Mr. Rahman had received any complaint personally

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against Hasan Ahmed Ltd., that its appointment was made illegally and that the interests of the State and public demanded such cancellation.”
With regard to the defence plea that Nawabzada Hasan Ali was an uncle of Mr. Mohammad Ali19 of Bogra, who was the then Prime Minister of Pakistan and that the agency was granted to M/S. Hasan Ahmed as an act of favour from some directive the Judge observed: “I say that there is nothing on record to imagine that the then Prime Minister Mr. Mohammad Ali had any influential directive for granting the agency to M/S Hasan Ahmad.”
Then in respect of the defence argument that M/S Hasan Ahmad had no past experience in coal business at the time of their appointment as the agent the Judge observed that “I am far from thinking that past experience only could be the sole criterion for the appointment, in as much as that would hamper the growth of healthy competition in business and industrialization of the country and would certainly create a vested interest in favour of those already in the line. In the present case we find clear evidence that there was a tender notice calling for tenders for the agency on 3.1.55 and that in pursuance of the procedural rule as starred by PW4 Mr. Moyed Khan that in all cases of contract and supplies to the Government of over Rs. 2500 it is compulsory to call for tenders. But when the agency of Hasan Ahmad was cancelled by the accused Mr. Rahman on April 7, 1957 and M/S. Coal Mining & Trading Company was appointed by him in their stead no tenders were called for and there was not even a show for a fair deal.”
“I am not satisfied” the Judge held, “as to the manner in which such cancellation and appointment were made abruptly by the accused Mr. Rahman. Even if it be conceded for the sake of argument that the appointment of Hasan Ahmad was an act of favouritism it could not be righted by an act of another favouritism in the manner as has been done. I do not think it a sound principle of natural Justice that because Peter has something in his possession illegally obtained therefore Paul would be entitled to rob it with impunity for the benefit of Richard.”
Discussing the part played by accused Kazi Nasser as charged by prosecution the Judge observed that “There is evidence on record that the accused Abu Nasser
19. Mohammad Ali (19 October 1909 – 23 January 1963) – He was known as Mohammad Ali of Bogura, a career diplomat later a Bengali politician and statesman. He started his political career as Muslim Leaguer, joined the Bengal provincial cabinet of Prime Minister H. S. Suhrawardy. He served as third Prime Minister of Pakistan. He dismissed the elected United Front government of A.K. Fazlul Huq in East Bengal on 30 May 1954. He was dismissed on 11 August 1955 by Governor General Iskandar Mirza.

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did not even apply for and on behalf of his firm M/S Nasser had instigated and abetted the accused Mr. Rahman to grant him the agency by dint of his position as a Minister of the Department all this best illustrates that Mr. Rahman did so illegally by abusing his such position as public servant and that was at the instigation and abetment of the other accused Abu Nasser.”
With regard to the intimacy between the two accused, the Judge held that evidence of prosecution witnesses Khorshed Alam and Rahim Nawaz Chowdhury both of Narayanganj, “substantiates that the accused Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had previous intimacy with the accused Abu Nasser, and this necessarily proves the instigation and active abetment on the part of the accused Abu Nasser to the accused Mr. Rahman to grant him the favours.”
Referring to a third act of concession”granted by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to the accused Abu Nasser and his firm by granting the latter lease for mining peat in Gopalganj Sub-Division of Faridpur Distract the Judge remarked that although the matter was not covered by the sanction order of the Provincial Government nor did it from a part of the indictments against the accused, but “no court can shut the eyes to such a broad fact which best illustrates what went on between the accused in or about that time and speaks volumes regarding their conduct.”
The prosecution case in brief was that by a Notification in January, 1955 tenders were invited for appointment of agents for procuring and handling soft coke/ coal from India. In pursuance to this Notification M/S. Hasan Ahmad Ltd. and M/S. Coal Mining Trading company including 19 others applied for the tenders Nawabzada Hasan Ali was the Managing Director of M/S. Hasan Ahmad Ltd. while the accused Abu Nasser was the Managing Agent of M/S. Coal Mining Trading company Subsequently M/S. Hasan Ahmad was appointed as the agent on the recommend…(missing from the original document due to page damage) Mining company got the agency on the merit of their case, they had sufficient ex-presence to do the business efficiently. While M/S. Hasan Ahmad had none, the defence stated Sheikh Mujibur Rahman also pleaded that there were innumerable compliants against the agency of M/S. Hasan Ahmad. As regards the charge of unjustifiably granting licence to the accused Nasser for setting up a plant at Darsana the defence pleaded that the proposal came from the Industries Directorate and that the Minister merely accepted the same “Coal Mining & Trading Company.” The Judge further observed that “the fact that the accused Nasser was after this agency from the very beginning has been already clearly illustrated. He was an applicant for the agency in pursuance of the notice dated January 8, 1955, but he was unsuccessful; he did not rest there

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but he approached the successful agent M/S. Hasan Ahmad Ltd. through its Managing Director Nawabzada Hasan Ali suggesting to do the act and share the commission, but his proposal was turned down. His such activity necessarily proves that he was in search of an opportunity to grab the agency whenever an occasion arises. And the occasion did arise when Mr. Rahman took over as the Minister-incharge of Commerce, Labour and Industries Departments.”
“Having a critical appreciation of all such circumstances I have got no hesitation to hold that the accused Abu…(missing from the original document due to page damage) of a tender committee. But after Sheikh Mujibur Rahman took over his office, the accused Abu Nasser approached him for the benefit of his firm and by his act of abetment accused Mujibur Rahman had abruptly and arbitrarily passed orders canceling the agency of Hasan Ahmad and appointing Coal Mining company on the same date and that he did it in spite of serious objections raised by the Secretary of the Department concerned and also without calling for a fresh tender and he did so in flagrant violation of the Financial rules and office procedure. The prosecution also charged that Nasser got the agency without submitting any application nor did he quote any rates therefore.
The prosecution further alleged that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had also granted a licence to the firm of the other accused Abu Nasser for setting up a soft coke plant at Darsana. But in fact the prosecution stated, no such plant was ever established. Moreover it was stated, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman granted the license despite the objections of the Departmental Secretary. Thus Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as a public servant, committed an offence of criminal misconduct punishable u/s. 5 (2) of Act II of 1947 and Abu Nasser abetted him the prosecution charged the two.
The defence, however, pleaded not guilty to all the charges. Both Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Abu Nasser denied of having any intimacy or friendship between them. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stated that he had never visited the office or residence of Abu Nasser as deposed by the prosecution witnesses.
The defence further pleaded that there was sufficient ground for canceling the agency of M/s Hasan Ahmad. It was also put forward by the defence that M/S. Coal …(missing from the original document due to page damage)
Side note: VI, Seen. In file please (P.F.) Sd/ – DSVI, 20.9.60.

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Report on reaction to conviction of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman former Minister for Commerce, Labour and Industries.
Dacca, 13 September 1960 DS 1/DS VI.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman former provincial minister of Commerce, Labour and Industries and General Secretary of the defunct East Pakistan Awami League was convicted along with Kazi Abu Naser Managing Director, M/S Coal Mining and Trading Company, Narayangonj on charges of criminal misconduct and abetment thereof respectively and each was sentenced to suffer two years simple

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imprisonment and to pay a fine of Rs. 5000/- or in default to suffer simple imprisonment for a further period of six months.
There was not much reaction amongst the people in general over this conviction of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and the long sentence of the case has already lost much of its sensation. A section of intelligentsia was, however, formed to be in sympathy with Sk. Mujibar Rahman on account of the long terms of imprisonment awarded to him which was considered by them not in commensurate with the charges. The political opponents of Sk. Mujib are also reported to be not happy for his conviction.
The erstwhile supporters and members of the defunct Awami League specially the followers of Sk. Mujibar Rahman sharply reacted to this news of this conviction and some of them have became apprehensive of similar action against them. The leading circle of the defunct Awami League was, however, reported to be mentally prepared for such conviction and there are determined to go up to the highest court of the country to absolute Sk. Mujib from the charges. So much so that in the evening of 11.9.60 there used to be strong rumour afloat in Dacca that the judgment of the case against Sk. Mujibar Rahman would be out on the following day and that Sk. Mujibar Rahman would be convicted and sentenced to imprisonment.
The reaction of Sk. Mujib’s conviction still appears to be confined to the ex political circle.
Sd/ -13.9.60
Zonal Inspr.IB Side note: Seen. DS 6, Sd/-13.9.60.
Reg. The case of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Ex. Minister)
As ordered I had been to the Dacca Court yesterday (12.9.60) and came to learn that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is sentenced to serve simple imprisonment for two years and also to pay a fine of Rs. 5000/- in
ult simple imprisonment for six months more, on a charge of

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committing criminal misconduct by abusing his official powers & position by obtaining pecuniary benefit for his “friend’ Kazi Abu Nasar under Section 5(2) of Act II of 1947. This is for your kind information.
Y.O.S. Sd/ -13.9.60
SI Side note: Seen. Please keep in his P.F. for record. Sd/ – DS VI 13.9.60.
Confidential Phone No. 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 14th Septr., 1960. No. 8075/
M.S. Haider, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (1), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
It has been observed that the news convicting Sk. Mujibur Rahman spread like wild fires in the city. The ex-Awami League workers were found very much shocked and they commented that justice was not done to him. A section, however, said that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy who defended the case while leaving Dacca hinted that Sk. Mujibur Rahman would be punished in the case and asked his followers to arrange ad interim bail on the date of Judgment for filing appeal in the High Court. The local Awami League leaders are still of the view that Sk. Mujibur Rahman will be honourably acquitted from the High Court.
Sd/ -14.9.60
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Reaction of the conviction of Sk. Mujibur Rahman on the General Public and Politicians.
It has been observed that there is not much reaction among the general public over the conviction of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the defunct

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Awami League, who was convicted by the Special Judge, Dacca on 12.9.60 u/s 5(2) of Act II of 1947 and sentenced to suffer 2 years simple imprisonment and to pay a fine of Rs. 5000/-, in default to undergo simple imprisonment for a further period of 6 months. There has however, been a sharp reaction amongst the erstwhile supporters and members of the defunct Awami League. The pro- Mujibur Rahman group appears to have been very much shocked at this conviction and comments that justice has not been done to him. They are, however, very much hopeful that Sk. Mujibur Rahman will be honorably acquitted in the higher Court. Even the antiMujibur Rahman group is of opinion that the sentence is not commensurate with the charges.
D.I.G. may kindly see.


Report on appearance of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and two advocates on his behalf at High Court.
Dacca, 21 September 1960
O/C., Watch, I.B.
As ordered I made further secret enquiry and learnt that Advocate Zahiruddin and Mr. H.K. Choudhury appeared on behalf of Sk. Majibar Rahman on 20.9.60 at Dacca High Court. It is also learnt that Advocate Abdus Salam Khan and Mr. Serajul Haque appeared on behalf of Kazi Abu Naser in the same cost.
Submitted. Sd/-. Shamsuzzaman.
S.I. 21.9.60
Side note: D.S. II may pl. like to see, with ref. to his orders below. Sd/-22.9. O/C watch. Sd/
Moinuddin. 22.9.60
Reg: Suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman.
As ordered I had been to Dacca High Court on 20.9.60 between 09.00 hrs, and 14.00 hrs, and did secret duty.

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During duty period Sk. Majibur Rahman attended the Court of Mr. Justice Murshed and Justice Idris at Dacca High Court in con. with his case No. 622 dt. 20.9.60. As Justice Murshed did not attended the court the next date of his case was shifted to 7.11.60 by Mr. Justice Idris.
Advocate Jahiruddin and Mr. Humyan Kabir Chaudhury appeared on behalf of Sk. Majibar Rahman. No student was seen to attend the Court during my duty period. Nothing important to report.
Submitted. Sd/- Shamsuzzaman.
Side note: Abdus Salam Serajul Huq & H.K. Choudhury. There is no mention in the news papers
that Mr. Zahiruddin appeared for the appellant. This should be further verified. Sd/Moinuddin. 21.9.60. DS. VI for perusal pl. Sd/-21.9.60. Seen. Action as ordered by S.S.(2) pl. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. 21.9. Seen. Thanks.


High Court granted ad interim bail to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman former Provincial Minister and Qazi Abu Nasser who were earlier convicted on charges of criminal misconduct and abetment.
Dacca, 21 September 1960 Dawn dt. 21.9.60
Ad interim bail granted to Mujib & Abu Nasser
DACCA, Sept 20: Mr. Justice Idris of the Dacca High Court here today granted an ad interim bail to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman former Provincial Minister and Qazi Abu Nasser who were earlier convicted on charges of criminal misconduct and abetment respectively.
His lordship also passed a stay order on the realisation of lines from them pending admission of their appeal after the vacation in November next.
After their conviction and sentence on Sept. 12 last both Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Qazi Abu Nasser were granted ad interim bail by the Special Judge

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pending their appeal before the High Court which was to expire on Sept. 24 next. – APP.
VI. In file Sd/-23.9.60.


Report on petition of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman informing his
movement to Karachi. Dacca, 23 September 1960
Copy of letter dated 22.9.60 from Ex-security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I am leaving for Karachi on the 25th of this month by P.I.A. Flight No. 101.
The Head Office of Alpha Insurance Co. Limited has asked me to go there for discussion in connection with Insurance business.

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Secret: Immediate. PHONE: 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 23rd September, 1960.
No. 8405/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca, for favour of information.
The Superintendent of Police, C.I.D., Karachi may kindly be informed of the movement of the suspect (Sk. Mujibur Rahman).
Sd/ -23.9.60 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B. Dacca.
606-48 P.F. (Loose) DS (6)
Perusal please the report below regarding the movement of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. May inform C.I.D. Karachi to watch his movements and report the result thereof. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/ -24.9 SS (2) for perusal of the P.U.D. Draft below may kindly be approved.
Sd/ – DS VI, 24.9.
No. 17960/606-48 P.F. dt. 24.9.60. COPS, Karachi
E.P. List * 551 is leaving for Karachi on 25.9.60 by P.I.A flight No.101. His movements may please be kept under watch and the result reported to this office. Sd/-24.9.60. Dintell Phone No. 4231/61.
Secret No. 17960/1 dt. 24.9.60
Post copy forwarded to ——– in confirmation. This is in connection with Sk. Mujibar Rahman (EX – M.P.A. / M.P.) who will visit the Head office of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., Karachi.
Sd/ -24.9.60 for D.I.G IB.

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Telephone Message.
Received at- 19.00 hrs. Date- 25.9.60. From: S.I. S. Alam for O/C., Immigration. To-D.S. VI & O/C., Watch.
To-day at 18.30 hrs. Ex. Minister Sk. Majibar Rahman left Dacca for Karachi by P.I.A. This is for your kind information. Sd/
Side note: Included in Draft D.R. Sd/-26.9. Seen. Copy in file pl. Karachi C.I.D. informed. In D.R. pl.
Sd/- N.M. Biswas.26.9.D.S.VI.D.S.I informed over phone. Sd/
Received at 14.30 Date 4.10.60.
From To
: S.I. A Rahim to O/C. Immigration (D.A.P) : D/S VI I.B. repeated to O/C watch I.B., Dacca.
Today at 14.00 hrs. Sk. Mozibur Rahman Ex-Minister of East Pak, arrived from Karachi by P.I.A. plane.
This is for your kind information. Sd/- 4.10.
Side note: Submitted to S.S. II for kind perusal. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. 5.10.60.
Seen. Sd – Moinuddin. 5.10.60. Copy to his P.F. Sd – N. M. Biswas. 8.10.60.
606-48PF (loose) DS(6)
Perusal please the telegram below regarding the movements of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. O/C watch has seen and noted the same. We have already requested C.I.D. to report on the activities of the subject during his stay at Karachi. The report may be awaited pl.
Sd/ -6.10.60. Side note: S.S. Il for kind perusals pl. Sd/-6.10.60.

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Phone: 30031.
No. SB/8843
Office of the Supdt. of Police, C.I.D.,
Karachi, the 18th October, 1960.
The Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Subject: Movements of Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman E.P.L. No. 551.
Reference your endorsement No. 17960/1/606 – 48 PF, dated 24.9.60 on the subject noted above.
Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman arrived here from Dacca by P.I.A. on 25.9.60 and stayed at the Beach Luxury Hotel. He left for Dacca on 4.10.60 by the same service.
During his stay here he did not come to the adverse notice of this Department.
Sd/For Superintendent of Police,
C.I.D. Karachi.


Report on Mohammed Humayun Kabir Choudhury relating to handing over some documents to some Serajul Haque.
Dacca, 27 September 1960
A reliable source reported on 24.9.60 that Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (exMinister, E.P) on that day requested Mr. Serajul Haque (identity not known) to see one Mr. H. Kabir, Room No. E/9, F.H. Hall, Dacca University and collect all papers from him. It is not known what were the papers referred to.
The information is passed on to the Spl. Supdt. of Police (II), I.B. for his information and necessary action.
Sd/ -27.9.60
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB.

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Side note: No.5525, 4-56/SC/TS(Loose)dt. 27.9.60.
To, SS II. IB. The information should be worked out. I have already asked DS VI & Zonal officer to work out the information. Sd/ -27.9.60.
D.S. VI. Z/T. Re. H. Kabir of E.9 F.H. Hall. Dacca.
On enquiry it could be ascertained that the full name of the subject is Mohammed Humayun Kabir Choudhury. He obtained M.A. in Pol. Science in 1958, International Affairs in 1959. He obtained L.L.B. in 1958. Appeared in M.A. Part II in History in 1960. He is said to be working as a Junior to Hamidul Huq Chowdury.
His particulars are as follows, S/o Mohammad Hossain Chowdhury, vill – Moghadia – P.O. – Abu Torab, P.S. Mir Sarai – Chittagong. He is said to be a very studious boy and it could not be ascertained if he had any inclination or complicity in the Hall Politics. Considering his career in the F.H. Hall, the contact is of opinion that he does not have time to relax in Hall politics. This is for favour of your kind information.
Sd/ -28.9.60
S.I. I.B.
Side note: DS VI, May kindly see w/r to SS Il’s order for information. Sd/-28.9.60.
Office, Pl. put up in file. Sd/-DS VI 29.9.60.


Secret memo from DIG, CID, Lahore to SP, CID, Dacca on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Lahore, 29 September 1960 Secret
CID Dacca, East Pak Dacca. Subject: H.S.(Accud.) of Mujib-ur-Rahman.

Page: 225
No. 8630/4/B DSB, dated Lahore, the 30.9.60.
No.7378(4) dated
PLEASE refer to this office secret memorandum 26.8.1960 on the subject cited above.
2. Please expedite your report.
Sd/ -29.9 for Deputy Inspector General of Police,
C.I.D., West Pakistan, Lahore.
The reference referred to in the attached memo No. 8630(4) B dt. 30.9.60 from C.I.D, West Pakistan, Lahore addressed to C.I.D., East Pakistan, Dacca could not be traced, pl.
Sd/ -18.10.60
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 20037/606-48 P.F. dt. 25.X.60.
D.I.G. C.I.D., West Pakistan, Lahore. Sub: H.S. of Mujibar Rahman.
Please refer to your memo No. 8630(4) BDSB dt. 30.9.60 addressed to the Spl. Supdt. of Police C.I.D. Dacca.
It appears that your memo no. 7378 (4) BDSB dt. 20.8.60 mentioned therein has neither been received in the office of the Dy. Inpr. General of Police, C.I.D., Dacca nor in this office.
I would, therefore, request you to please send a copy of your memo No. 7378(4) dt. 20.8.60 together with a note as to how the letter was sent here in order to make further enquiry to trace the letter at this end & to take other necessary action on the same.
Sd/ -24.10.60. For D.I.G.I.B.

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Watch report on Tofazzal Hossain who was visited by Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 6 October 1960
C.R. dt.6.10.60.
Hours of duty : Place of duty : Name of subject :
06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Bazi Kakrail (Santinagar). Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of watch.
At about 08.45 hrs. the suspect left the place and went to Ittefaque at about 09.10 hrs. by rickshaw. I did duty there till 11.00 hrs. But the suspect was not seen again.
Again I attended my duty & did secret watch duty there. At about 20.45 hrs. Suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman entered into the said place and then he left the said place by his own car jeep No. 111- EBD. I did duty their till 22.00 hrs. But the suspect was not seen by me.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C.Yar Mohd. Ishaque. of I.B.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of both. Sd/-D.S. VI 10.10.
C.R. dated 7.10.60. Hours of duty : From 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Bazi Kakrail (Santinagar) Name of suspect : Tufazzal Husain @ Manik Mia
Result of watch. At about 08.45 hrs. the above noted suspect left his quarter by Rickshaw and went to 1, R.K Mission Road (Ittefaq office). Reached Ittefaq office at about 09.05 hrs. I did secret watch duty there up to 11.00 hrs, but the said suspect was not seen to come out from office. Again I took up my duty at 17.00 hrs. the above noted place. At about 18.20 hrs. suspect Mazibur Rahman visit the said place by his E.B.D. Jeep No. 111. At about 19.50 hrs. he left the above noted place along with Tufazzal Hussain by the same Jeep. At about 21.25 hrs. the above noted suspect Tufazzal

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Husain returned his quarter by E.B.D. Jeep No. 111. I did secret watch duty there up to 22.00 hrs. but the said suspect was not seen to come out from his quarter. No known suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the said place except suspect Mazibur Rahman during my duty periods.
Submitted Sd/-W/C Amjad Hussain.
I.B., E.P., Dacca. Dated 8.10.60.
Side note: Copy to both the P.Fs. Sd/-N. M. Biswas. D.S.V. 10.10.60.
C.R. dated 8.10.60. Hours of duty : 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hours. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail (Santinagar) Name of Subj : Tuffazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of watch I attended my duty at Ittafaque office and did secret watch duty there. At about 13.30 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman entered into the said place by E.B.D Jeep Car No. 111. At about 14.00 hrs. the suspect along with Sk. Mazibur Rahman left the said place by E.B.D Jeep car No. 111. and proceeded towards northern side and then I left the said place and went to Bazi Kakrail at about 14.30 hrs. I did duty there. At about 16-15 hrs. the suspect was seen present at his quarter. I was on duty there till 17.00 hrs. But the suspect was not seen to come out from his quarter.
Submitted. Sd/-W/C. Yar Mohd. Ishaque
of I.B. 8.10.60.
Side note: Copy to P. Fs. of both the suspect. Sd/- N.M. Biswas 10.10.60.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman travelling to Chittagong and
his activities there.
Chittagong, 22 October 1960 Copy of report of a D.I.O. dt. 22.10.60.

Page: 228
A.L. *551 Sk. Mujibar Rahman came to Chittagong from Dacca on the night of 15.10.60 by Green-arrow shadowed by W/C Ashrafuddin of I.B.E.P., Dacca. From the Railway Station he went to Rest House where he halted.
On the morning of 16.10.60 Md. Abdul Aziz, Ex-Secy. defunct A.L. Chittagong S/o Haji Mohabbat Ali of Halisahar, P.S. Double Moorings, Chittagong and Sultan Ahmed Contractor (A.L.) S/o Janab Ali of Abedorpara, P.S. Double Moorings, Chittagong, Md. Yosuf son of Korban Ali of Halishahar, P.S. Double Mooring, Chittagong and of Bulbul Store, Chittagong and one Habibur Rahman of Feni went to the Rest House in room No. 16 where Sk. Mujibur Rahman was accommodated and met him there. At 12.10 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman accompanied by M.A. Aziz (mentioned) left the Rest House by Car No. KAA 3734 (car used by M.A. Aziz) and returned to Rest House again at about 14.00 hrs. along with Md. Yusuf (mentioned). It is learnt that they went to Alpha Insurance at Anderkilla, Chittagong and it could not be ascertained if he visited any other places from there. At about 14.00 hrs. Zahur Ahmed Chaudhury (A.L.) Ex-M.P.A. S/O Azizur Rahman of Kattali P.S. Doublemooring along with M.A. Aziz (mentd.) went to the Rest House and met him. At about 16.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with Zahur Ahmed Chaudhuri and M.A. Aziz left Rest House by KAA 3734 (Car used by M.A. Aziz) and returned to the Rest House at about 21.50 hrs. by the same car. It is learnt that they moved in the city area by car. At night the following attended a dinner thrown by Sk. Mujibur Rahman at the Rest House, Chittagong.
1. M.A. Aziz (mentioned). 2. Mr. M.A Jabbar (EX- Chief Engineer Govt. of East Pakistan ). 3. Md. Yusuf (mentioned).
4. Abdur Rahman (being fixed).
On 17.10.60 morning Md. Abdul Aziz (mentioned) Mutassir Ali of Sylhet (subject of A.L. 572) and Sultan Ahmed Contractor went to the Rest House and met him. The subject matter of discussion could not be known. At about 10.35 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with M.A. Aziz (mentioned) and Sultan Ahmed contractor (mentioned ) left Rest House by jeep No. 92 and returned to Rest house at 13.15 hrs. along with M.A. Aziz (mentioned). The places visited by him could not be ascertained
In the evening M.A. Aziz (mentioned) went to the Rest House and Sk. Mujibur Rahman accompanied by him left the rest house at 18.50hrs, and returned to rest house at about 23.45 hrs. by KAA 3734. It is learnt that he went to the house of M.A. Aziz (mentioned). No information could be gathered if he visited any other places.

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On 18.10.60 morning M.A. Aziz (mentioned) and Sultan Ahmed contractor went to the Rest House and met Sk. Mujibur Rahman. The subject matter of discussion could not be known. At about 11.45 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with M.A. Aziz (mentioned) left Rest House by F.R.C. 1550 (car used by M.A. Aziz) and returned to the Rest House at 13.40 hrs. The places visited by him could not be known. And about 20.00 hrs. M.A. Aziz (mentioned went to the Rest House and then left the Rest House along with Sk. Mujibur Rahman by car No. 3754. They returned to Rest House at about 21.45 hrs. The place visited by him could not be known.
On the evening of 19.10.60 at about 08.40 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with M.A. Aziz (mentioned) Md. Sk. Yusuf (mentioned) and Sultan Ahmed contractor (mentioned) left for Rangamati by Car No. 3754 and returned to Rest House, Chittagong from Rangamati by the said car along with M.A. Aziz, Md. Yusuf and Sultan Ahmed contractor (all mentioned) at about 18.30 hrs. He was then present in the Rest House
On 20.10.60 in the morning Sultan Ahmed Contractor and M.A. Aziz (mentioned) went to the Rest House and met him at noon again Sultan Ahmed Contractor (mentioned) and M.A. Aziz (mentioned) went to the Rest House and met Sk. Mujibur Rahman. At about 11.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with above noted persons left Rest House by E.B.C. 92 and returned to rest house at13.00hrs. along with M.A. Aziz (mentioned) it could not be ascertained the places visited by him.
In the evening M.A. Aziz (mentioned) and Sultan Ahmed contractor (mentioned) went to the Rest House and remained with him till late hours of the night.
On 21.10.60 morning M.A. Aziz (mentioned) and Sultan Ahmed contractor (mentioned) went to the Rest House and contacted with Sk. Mujibur Rahman. At about 10.35 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with M.A. Aziz left Rest House and returned to Rest House at about 18.50 hrs. He left for Dacca on the same night by Chittagong Mail shadowed by R.I.B. staff. As he always moved in car he could not be properly watched.
Except above, nothing interesting in nature came to notice.
Report on the visit of A.L. *551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman to Chittagong from 15.10.60 to 21.10.60.

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Dist. Intelligence Branch Chittagong the ……
No. 9041(3)/20-60, R-4551 Copy forwarded to :1. Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P. Spl. Supt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East
Pakistan, Dacca. 2. K.G. Mohiuddin, Esqr., P.S.P. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for favour of
3. A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P. Addl. Sudt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for favour of
information with reference to his memo No. 9148(2)/100-49 PF dated 18.10.60.
The subject in his letter dated 14.10.60 from Dacca intimated that he would leave Dacca for Chittagong on 15th October, 1960 by Green Arrow. The letter was received here on 17th October, 1960.
Sd/- A.N.M. Waheed, 26.10.60 for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Chittagong.
Shadowing report of suspect Sk. Mujibor Rahman.
The O/C, Watch, I.B. Dacca.
I beg to report that on 15.10.60 at about 13.15 hrs. the above noted suspect left Dacca R/S by Ctg. Green Arrow train on that day he reached Chittagong R/S by train and made over him to W/C Manirudden of R.I.B., Chittagong at about 21.35 hrs. During the journey on the way from Dacca R/S to Chittagong R/S nothing found important to report.
I submitted a separate report to O/C, Watch, D.I.B., Chittagong.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Afsaruddin Ahmed.
Side note: D.S. VI may pl. see. Ext. may go in P.F. Sd/- M. Ahmed. O/C Watch, 17.10. Yes pl. Sd/- N.
M. Biswas, 17.10.60.
Copy of letter dated 14.10.60 from Ex-security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman, a Restrictee, to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 231
This is to inform you that I am starting for Chittagong to-morrow the 15th October, 1960 by Green Arrow in connection with my business. I will stay there about a week.
Thanking you.
Secret: Immediate. PHONE : 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 18th October, 1960.
No. 9148(2)/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded for information to:1. Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca. 2. S. Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong, for
information with a request to arrange watch on the activities of the subject during his stay at Chittagong, and report result. It may also be intimated if the subject had sent prior intimation about his visit to Chittagong.
The subject left Dacca on 15.10.60 at 13.15 hrs. by Green Arrow being shadowed by W.C. Afsaruddin of I.B.
Sd/ – 18.10.60 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
606-48 P.F.(loose) DS (6)
Please see the letter below regarding the movements of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. May ask D.I.B. Chittagong to send a copy of his reply to DIB Dacca. Draft below for approval please.
Yes please. Draft signed.
Sd/ – D.S. VI, 21.X.60. No. 20031 dt. 25.X.60 to DIB Ctg.
Phone No. 4231/ 61
No. 20031/606-48 P.F. dt. 25.X.60 Secret
S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong.

Page: 232
Please refer to memo No. 9148(2) dt. 18.10.60 from Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca to your address and let us have a copy of your reply thereto.
Sd/ -21.X.60. DS(6) for SS(2)
Secret: PHONE: 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 26th October, 1960.
No…./100-49 P.F.
S. Mannan Baksh, Esqr. P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong.
Ref:- This office No. 9148(2)/100-49 P.F. dated 18.10.60.
The Restrictee (Sk. Mujibur Rahman) arrived at Dacca on 22.10.60. by Down Chittagong Mail Train at about 07.00 hrs. being shadowed by W.C. Moniruddin of Chittagong R.I.B.
Kindly let us know if the subject had sent any intimation to you prior to his departure from Chittagong.
Sd – (A. Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca. No. 9420/1(1)/1 Dt. 26.10.60.
Copy forwarded to Moinuddin Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police I.B., E.P., Dacca, for favour of information.
Sd/ -26.10.60.
(A. Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy of secret letter No. 8898(2)/20- 60 dated 22.10.60 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong to the Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.P., Dacca and another.

Page: 233
A.L. 572 Mutassir Ali of Sylhet came to Chittagong from Sylhet on 14.10.60 morning by Chittagong Mail being shadowed by R.I.B. A.S.I. Majed Ali of Sylhet. He stayed in Pakistan Hotel, Chittagong town. During his stay at Chittagong town he visited Taz Biri Factory at Jail Road and other Biri Factories at the town. It is learnt that he visited these Biri factories in connection with his business. He met Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L. *551) at Rest House, Chittagong on 17.10.60 morning. The subject matter of discussion could not be ascertained.
He left for Sylhet on 19.10.60 at 18.45 hrs. by Dacca Passenger train being shadowed by the same R.I.B. A.S.I. Majed Ali of Sylhet. Except above nothing interesting came to notice during his stay at Chittagong town.

Phone No. 4231/61
No. 20789/606-48PF. dt. 4.11.60 Secret S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong
Please refer to memo No. 9420 dt. 26.10.60 from Addl. S.P. D.I.B Dacca to your address and let us have a copy of your reply thereto.
Sd/ – D.SVI,
2.11.60. DS(6) for SS(2)
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 21672/606-48 P.F. dt. 17.11.60.
S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong
Sub: Activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman during his stay at Chittagong.
Please refer to your memo No. 9041 (3) dt. 27.10.60 on the above subject.
Efforts may be made to ascertain the subject matter of his discussions with his contacts at Chittagong through agent and the result thereof reported.
Sd/ – D.SVI, 15.11.60.
DS(6) for SS(2).

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District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong, the —- th Nov’60.
No……./20-60 R. 4654.
A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 9420/100-49 P.F. dated 26.10.60 regarding A.L.* 551 Sk.
Mujibur Rahman.
We received prior intimation about the departure of the subject on the very day he left for Dacca.
Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong. Secret Memo No. 9500/1 dated 17.11.60, R. 4721.
Copy forwarded to Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca for favour of information with reference to his memo No. 20789/606-48 P.F. dated 4.11.60.
Sd/ -17.11 Superintend of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
East Pakistan Form No.5.
Government of East Pakistan
OFFICE OF THE ….. Memorandum No. 9498, 24611 dated Ctg. the 17.11.1960.
All communications should give the number, date and subjects of any previous correspondence.
Το Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 20031/606-48 P.F. dated 25.10.60 regarding movement of
A.L.* 551 Mujibur Rahman Sk.

Page: 235
In this connection kindly refer to this office memo No. 9041 (3)/20-60 dated 27.10.60.
Sd/ -17.11 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong, the 12th Dec’ 60.
No. 13044/ 20-60, R. 4906. To Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 21672/606-48 P.F. dated 17.11.60 regarding activities of Sk.
Mujibur Rahman during his stay at Chittagong.
We have no agent on A.L. However secret enquiries were made but nothing could be ascertained about the discussion of Sk. Mujibur Rahman with the persons mentioned in our memo under reference.
Sd/ -12.12 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
Copy of secret letter No. 9500/20-60 dated 17.11.60 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Chittagong to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 9420/100-49 P.F. dated 26-10-60 regarding A.L. *551- Sk.
Mujibur Rahman.
We received prior intimation about the departure of the subject on the very day he left for Dacca.
Secret. Phone: -4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 24th December, 1960.
No. 11277/ 100-49 (PF).
Forwarded to Moinuddin, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information in continuation of this office Memo. No. 9420/1(1) dated 26.10.60.
Sd/-24.12.60 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 236


Report on the return journey of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from
Chittagong to Dacca.
Chittagong, 22 October 1960 To The O/C., Watch, I.B., Dacca.
I have the honour to report that on 21.10.60 at 22.30 hours suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman left Ctg. R/S. for Dacca by 1 up Dacca Mail train. I shadowed the suspect from Ctg. R/S. to Dacca R/S. by same train. The suspect arrived at Dacca R/S. at 07.00 hours. and I got down from the train and made over the suspect to W/C. Serajuddin Dhali of I.B. Dacca at Dacca R/S. at 07.00 hours, on the way the suspect was not seen to talk with any suspect or with any person on 22.10.60 at 07.30 hours. at Dacca R/S. The phone message I.B. and D.I.B. office, Dacca. This is for your kind information.
Submitted, Sd/-Rly. I.B.Ctg.
dt.22.10.60. Side note: D.S. VI may pl. see.
Ext. may go in P.F. Sd – M. Ahmed. O/C. Watch. 24.10. Seen. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. 24.10.


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 23 October 1960
C.R. dt. 23.10.60.
Hours of duty : 07.00 hrs. to 12.00 hrs. and 18.00 hrs. to 24.00 hrs. Place of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of suspect : Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Result of watch. In the morning duty period at about 10.00 hrs. the said suspect left his qrs. by Jeep Car E.B.D. No.111. After that the suspect was not seen to return till 12.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period at about 20.10 hrs. the said suspect returned to his qrs. by the above noted Jeep Car. At about 20.30 hrs. suspect Tofazzal Hossain

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(Manik Mia) entered into the said place by rickshaw. At about 21.15 hrs. he left the said place suspect Sk. Majibor Rahman was not seen to come out from his qrs. till 24.00 hrs.
Submitted, W/C. Abdur Rashid.
I.B. dt.24.10.60.
Side note: Seen. Copy to both P.F. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. 24.10.


Watch Report on Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Dacca, 23 October 1960
C.R. dt. 23.X.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail (Santinagara) Name of subject : Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of watch.
Residence of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
In the morning duty period the above noted suspect was not seen by me. Again I did duty there. At about 20.10 hrs. the suspect returned to his quarter from the outside by rickshaw. At about 20.15 hrs. the suspect left the place by rickshaw and went to 76, Segun Bagicha at about 20.30 hrs. At about 21.15 hrs, the suspect left the said place and returned to his quarter on foot at about 21.30 hrs. I was on duty their till 22.00 hrs. But the suspect was not seen again.
No suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the said place.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Yar Mohd. Ishaque of I.B.
Side note: Copy to both the P.F. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 24.10

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Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who was visited by
Dr. A. Karim.
Dacca, 24 October 1960
C.R. dt. 24.10.60.
Returned on 16.11.60.
Hours of duty
11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs.
Place of duty
: 3, Segun Bagicha and of 119, Nawabpur Rd. (Kishore
Medical Hall).
Name of suspect
: Abdul Karim.
Result of watch.
At about 12.30 hrs. the above noted suspect left Nawabpur Rd. (Kishore Medical Store) by rickshaw and went to 3, Segunbagicha at about 12.50 hrs. At about 16.45 hrs. he left his qrs, and went to 76, Segunbagicha (House of Sk. Majibor Rahman) at about 16.50 hrs. At about 17.50 hrs. he left the said place and retd. to his qrs. at about 17.10 hrs. At about 17.20 hrs. the suspect left his qrs. and went to Nawabpur Rd.( Kishore Medical Store) at about 17.35 hrs. by rickshaw being shadowed by me.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Abdur Rashid, I.B.
DL. 25.10.60.
Side note: Seen. D.S.6 may pl. see. Extract in P.F. Sd/- for D.S.I. 25.10.60.
Seen. O/C Watch to please check it with the C.R. on Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- N. M. Biswas. 26.10.
C.R. dated 24.X.60. Place of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of suspect : Sk. Mojibur Rahman, Ex-Minister of East Pakistan. Hours of duty : 12.00 hrs. to 18.00 hrs.
Result of watch. I attended my duty at the place and time & suspect noted above.
At about 15.30 hrs. the said suspect returned his quarter from outside by Jeep car No. 111 E.B.D. after that the suspect was not seen again till 18.00 hrs.

Page: 239
At about 16.50 hrs. to 17.05 hrs. suspect Dr. A. Karim visited my duty place being shadowed by W.C Abdur Rashid of I.B.
Submitted, Sd/- Illegible, I.B. E.P. Dacca.
dt. 25.10.60. Side note: Seen. Sd. N.M. Biswas, 25.10.
D.S.I may also see pl. Sd/-O/C., Watch, 25.10. Seen. Ext. in Sd/-for D.S.I, 26.10.60


Weekly confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
PART-I Movement of Suspects.
A.L. 345 left for Chittagong on 8.10.60 and returned on 13.10.60.
A.L 551 arrived Rangamation 19.10.60 from Chittagong and left for Chittagong the same day by Jeep.
Secret Abstracts Nos. 37 and 38 received.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/ -26/X. Please call for a report from Chittagong Hill tracts
if the subject gave previous intimation to the D.I.B for his visit. Sd/-DS VI -28.X.60
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 20667/606-48 P.F. dt.3.11.60 S.P. D.I.B Chittagong Hill Tracts
Please refer to your W.C.R. Part-1 under head-movement of suspects for the W/E 22.10.60 and report if suspect A.L 551 Sk. Mujibar Rahman gave previous intimation to you for his visit.
Sd/ – 31.X.60
DS(6) for SS(2) Side note: DS (6) Orders below. Draft for approval pl. Sd/ – 31.X

Page: 240
District Intelligence Branch Rangamati, the 12th Nov 60.
No. 5699/ 28-51. R. 4332
To Moinuddin, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo No. 20667/606-48 P.F. dated 3.11.60.
A.L. suspect 551 Sk. Mujibar Rahman informed this office by letter about his proposed visit to this district.
Sd/ -12.11.60 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong Hill Tracts.


Watch report on Tofazzal Hossain reveals he was visited by
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others.
Dacca, 29 October 1960
C. R. dt. 29.10.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail, Name of suspect : Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of watch. During my morning duty period at about 08.00 hrs. the above noted suspect left his quarter and proceeded towards the western side by car No. E.B.D. 5422.
In the evening duty period at about 17.30 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman and suspect Rafiqul Hossain came from outside by their car and Jeep E.B.D. No.111 and 5422 and entered into the quarter. At about 19.00 hrs. they along with Tofazzal Hossain left the said place and proceeded towards the eastern side by the same jeep and car. Up to 22.00 hrs. I did duty there but the suspect did not return to his quarter.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Md. Nasiruddin.
I.B. E.P., Dacca.
dt. 30.10.60.
Side note: Copy to all the three p.fs. Sd/-N.M Biswas. 31/X.

Page: 241
C. R. dt. 1.11.60. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail (Santinagar.) Name of suspect : Tofazzel Hossain @Manik Mia.
At about 09.35 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman entered into the said place by E.B.D, Jeep car No.111. At about 09.40 hrs. the said suspect left the said place along with suspect Tofazzal Hossain by E.B.D. Jeep car No.111 and proceeded towards western side. I did duty there till 11.00 hrs. But the suspect was not seen to returned.
Again I did secret watch duty there. At about 19.50 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman entered into the said place by E.B.D. Jeep Car No.111. At about 19.55 hrs. the suspect left the said place along with Tofazzal Hossain by E.B.D Jeep Car No.111 and proceeded towards western side. I was on duty there till 22.00 hrs. But the suspect was not seen to returned.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Yar Mohd. Ishaque of I.B.
Side note: Copy to both the P. Fs. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. D.S.VI, 2.11.60.
Hours of duty Place of duty Name of suspect
: : :
C.R. dt. 4.11.60. 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs. Baze Kakrail, Santinagar. Tofazzel Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Result of Watch
At about 10.30 hrs. that the said suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards east side by Jeep Car E.B.D.111. I remained there till 11.00 hrs.
Evening duty period the said suspect was present at his quarter. Suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman visited my duty place from 10.00 to 10.30. No other suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the said place during my both the duty periods.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Afsaruddin Ahmed Co-worker – W.C.A. Kader.
Side note: Copy to both P. Fs. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 5.11.60.

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Watch report on Tofazzal Hossain shows Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman visited him along with unknown person.
Dacca, 6 November 1960
C.R. dt. 5.XI.60. Hours of duty 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail (Santinagar). Name of subject : Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia.
Result of watch. At about 09.55 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman entered into the said place by
Car No.111 Jeep. At about 10.05 hrs. the said suspect along with Tofazzal Hossain left the said place and proceeded towards eastern side by E.B.D Jeep Car No.111 till 11.00 hrs. The suspect was not seen to returned.
Again I did duty there. At 18.30 hrs. one unknown person entered into the said place by rickshaw. At about 20.35 hrs. suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman along with said unknown person left the said place by rickshaw. I was on duty there till 22.00 hrs. But the suspect was not seen to come out from his quarter.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Yar Md. Ishaque
of I.B. 6.XI.60.
Side note: Enquiry is being made to trace out the unknown persons. Sd. G. Kibria 7/11. D.R. of
unknown person- Age about 30 years. Height – 5′-5″, Nose- Pointed, Fan -round, clean shaved, Hair long, Back brush, Health- Medium, Complexion – Black, Wearing black full pant full white shirt. Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Yar Mohd Ishaq. of I.B. 5.11. Copy to both the P.Fs. Sd/- N.M. Biswas.D.S.VI, 7.11. D.S.VI. Ref. order overleaf I made secret enquiry to trace out the unknown person visited the residence of Tofazzal Hossain on 5/11/60, but to no effect. Sd/-G. Kibria. S.I. 18.11 Seen, Sd/- N.M. Biswas.22.11.60.


Report on Appeal Petition against conviction of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman before the High Court.
Dacca, 10 November 1960
The O/C Watch, I.B.E.P. Dacca.

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As ordered I had been at High Court today in connection with granting the appeal petition of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. It is learnt secretly that the appeal petition has been granted by the High Court authority on 9.11.60.
The following advocates moved on behalf of the petitioner. 1. Abdus Salam Khan. 2. Sirajul Haque 3. Humayun Kabir. 4. Zahiruddin.
Submitted, Md. Anwarul Haque Khan, A.S.I. I.B.E.P. Dacca.
dt. 10.11.6O.
Side note: DS- VI, for favour of kind perusal. Sd-10/11, O/C Watch.
Seen. Keep in file please. Sd-DS VI, 10.11.60.
Morning News dt. 8.11.60
Mujib’s Petition For Admission Of Appeal
(By A Staff Reporter) The application for admission of the appeals of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman a former Provincial Minister and General Secretary of the defunct Awami League and Qazi Abu Nasser, which came up for hearing yesterday (Monday) before Mr. Justice Murshed and Mr. Justice Idris of the Dacca High Court was adjourned till Thursday next. Their Lordships, however extended the ad-interim bails of the petitioners up to Thursday.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was found guilty by the Senior Special Judge Dacca Mr. A Moudud, who sentenced him to two years simple imprisonment and also to pay a fine of Rs. 5,000 in default simple imprisonment for another six months on September 12, on a charge of abusing his official position by obtaining pecuniary benefit for his alleged friend Qazi Abu Nasser. Qazi Abu Nasser was also awarded the same sentence,
Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Mr. Serajul Huq, Mr. Jaheeruddin Advocates appeared for the petitioners.
Side note: VI, in his P.F. pl. Sd/ – DS VI, 16.11.60.

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Pak. Observer dt. 10.11.60.
Sheikh Mujib’s Appeal Admitted for Hearing
The appeals preferred by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, former provincial Minister and General Secretary of the now defunct Provincial Awami League and the other person Qazi Abu Naser against their conviction and sentence by the Senior Special Judge, Dacca were admitted for hearing in the Dacca High Court by Their Lordships, Mr. Justice Hasan and Mr. Justice M.R. Khan yesterday (Wednesday).
Mr. Mujib and Mr. Naser were earlier convicted for criminal misconduct for obtaining pecuniary gain for his friend by abusing his official power as a minister and for its abetment respectively and sentenced to simple imprisonment for 2 years each and a fine of Rs. 5,000 each, in default simple imprisonment for a further term of six months each, on September 12 last.
The case was that in pursuance of a tender notice on January 8, 1955 issued by the Director of the Consumer Goods and Fuel for procuring and handling coal imported from India. 31 tenders were received from amongst which M/S Hasan Ahmed Ltd. was ultimately selected as agent.

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The appellant Naser who served in the M/S Coal Mining and Trading Co. (Pak) Ltd. applied but his application was rejected. Then Naser approached Mr. Rahman when he became Provincial Minister.
AGENCY CANCELLED Mr. Rahman arbitrarily cancelled the agency of M/S Hasan Ahmed Ltd. and gave the same to the firm of Mr. Naser, without inviting any fresh tender. It was also alleged that Mr. Rahman further granted permission to Naser’s firm to set up a coke manufacturing plant at Darsana and also to import 500 tons of hard coal for use by the firm despite objections by the Departmental Secretary.
The appellant pleaded not guilty. The defence put forward by Mr. Mujib was that Abu Naser was never his friend and whatever he did as a Minister was in good faith for the best interest of the country and was intended to serve the ends of justice.
The defence of Naser was that he was never a friend of Mr. Rahman nor had he approached him any time. So the question of abetment does not come at all.
On behalf of the appellants, on point of law among others it was submitted before Their Lordships that
Mr. Rahman was never a public servant within the meaning of Sub-Section 9 of Section 21 of the Penal Code.
(b) Mr. Rahman was appointed minister by the Governor of the province. So the
sanction for the prosecution will have to be given by the Governor alone, but in the present case the sanction was not given by the Governor which has vitiated the trial. (c) The minister who was an adviser to the Governor as well as a
representative of the people was the head of the Department who was to carry on the wishes of the people for the good of the country and to serve the ends of justice. If Mr. Rahman did something… (missing from the original
document due to page damage) Mining Co. who was the lowest tenderer. (c) Mr. Rahman only regularised the illegality and the question of calling fresh
tender did not arise because all the tenders were before the Minister and he gave it to the lowest tenderer. Moreover, that was a mid-season.
With regard to the Coking Plant at Darsana and the import of coal from India, it was submitted that it was a Central Government’s affair and came through the departmental procedure and Mr. Rahman only performed his duty as a minister approving the same and he knew nothing more in that matter.

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Thus what Mr. Rahman did as a minister he did in good faith, without fear or favour to serve the best interests of the country and of justice. And so the question of misconduct and its abetment by the other appellant does not arise.
Mr. A. Salam Khan, Mr. Serajul Huq, Mr. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury and Mr. Zahirudin, Advocate, appeared on behalf of the appellants.
Side note: Vi, Seen. In his P.F. pl. Sd/ – DS VI – 15.11.60.

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Secret D.S. (6) Reference page 342. File 606-48 P.F.
I made quiet inquires to find out the purpose of Mr. Serajul Haque’s visit Humayun Kabir of F.H. Hall, but without any result.
However it was learnt Serajul Haque, who is an Ex – M.P.A and exSub-inspr. of Police, has completely washed his hands from politics. He is doing business and his wife is a practising doctor at Dacca, having her Chamber at Madan Mohan Basak Rd. Dacca.
Submitted Sd/-inspr. I.B.
Regarding the purpose of the visit of Sirajul Huq (Ex. MPA) to Humayun Kabir in F.H.M. Hall. I made secret enquiry and came to know that with M/S Sirajul Huq and Humayun Kabir are legal practitioner and have been elected together in connection with the case of Sk. Mujibar Rahman as both of them have been working as associates to Mr. A. Salam Khan, Advocate in conducting the case of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. As to Mr. Humayun Kabir he is not reported to have any political alignment at present.
Sd/ -Zonal inspr.l.B


Report regarding anonymous letter addressed to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Lahore, 18 November 1960
Secret Phone No. 64729. FORM J
No. 9969(4)/BDSB.
INTELLIGENCE BRANCH Dated Lahore, the 18.11.1960

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The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Please refer to your memo. No. 13059/606-48 (1), dated 21.7.1960, regarding anonymous letter addressed to Sh. Mujib-ur-Rehman, ex-General Secretary of defunct Awmai League.
Enquiries have again been made here and it is revealed that the letter in question was posted in the Railway Mail Van in East Pakistan. With a view to trace identity of the writer of the letter you may kindly have further enquiries made in the matter and send a report on his antecedents etc. The original letter with the envelope is returned herewith for ready reference. Their receipt may please be acknowledged.
Sd/ –
(S. Imtiaz Ali) for Deputy Inspector-General of Police,
C.I.D., West Pakistan, Lahore.


Watch report on Dr. M.A. Karim who visited Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at his residence.
Dacca, 22 November 1960
C.R. dt. 22.11.60. Hours of duty : From 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs.
Place of duty
: 3, Segun Bagicha & 119, Nawabpur Rd.
Name of suspect : Dr. M.A. Karim.
Result of watch.
In my morning duty period at about 09.05 hrs. the above noted suspect left his quarter and proceeded towards Nawabpur Rd. side by rickshaw and reached his pharmacy at 09.20 hrs. Till at 11.00 hrs. he has not seen by me to come out from his pharmacy. In my evening duty period at about 17.15 hrs. the said suspect left his pharmacy and visited the house of Sk. Majibur Rahman at about 17.30 hrs. by rickshaw and left the said place (76, Segun Bagicha) at about 18.05 hrs, and proceeded towards Nawabpur Road and reached his pharmacy at about 18.20 hrs. At

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about 19.45 hrs. he left his pharmacy and reached his quarter at about 20.00 hrs. Till at 22.00 hrs. he was not seen to come out from his quarter again.
Submitted. Sd/- W/C., Amjed Hossain.
Side note: Purpose of visit? Ext. to P.F. Sd – A. Majid, 23.11.60.
S.I. N. H. Chaudhuri pl. enquire and report. Sd/- A.H.M. Mohiuddin. O/C Watch, 24.11. Report Submitted. Sd/-26.11.
Ref. C.R. dt. 22.11.60.
Reg. suspect Dr. M.A. Karim of 3, Segunbagicha and of 119, Nawabpur Rd.
It is learnt on a secret enq. that the suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman was lying sick at his residence due to attack of some internal elements while suspect Dr. M.A. Karim visited that of the former to see him on 22.11.60.
Submitted. Sd/-N.H. Choudhury.
S.I. 26.11.60.
Side note: D.S.I may pl. like to see. Sd/-A.H.M. Mohiuddin, 26.11.
Seen. Show D.S.6. Sd – A. Majid, 26.11. Seen. Sd/- N.M. Biswas, D.S. VI, 28.11.60.


Report on two Urdu intercepted letters from Rawalpindi to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Rawalpindi, 23 November 1960
The 23.11.1960 Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be.maintained.) 1. From (with address)…..
Mojahed Nasir, Rawalpindi. 2. To (with address)
Mr. Mujibur Rahman, c/o Manik mia. Daily Ittefaque. Dacca.

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3. Language of letter
Urdu 4. Date of letter
: 21.11.60. 5. Postal Seal
: Lahore 19.11.60. 6. Post office of interception
Wari. 7. Date of interception
22.11.60. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : A. Azam A.S.I.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Original. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : X.
not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual. order authorising
interception 1. One copy addressed to the Editor Ittefaque, Dacca.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Enclosed two Urdu letters from Rawalpindi addressed to Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Editor “Ittefaq” Dacca, may be perused and orders, may be passed for its disposal. Sd/ -23.11.60
S.S.(1) may kindly see the English translation of two intercepted letters from one Mujahid Nasir of Rawalpindi. The writer of the letters appears to be a mischievous person. The letters may be withheld & sent to West Pakistan C.I.D. for tracing out the writer & taking necessary action in the matter.
Sd/ – D.S.VI 26.11.60
English translation of the Urdu letter from Mujahed, Rawalpindi to addressed to Mr. Mujibar Rahman through Manik Mia Saheb Editor Daily Ittefaq Dacca.
Janab Mujibur Rahman Saheb,
My compliments to you. I am well. I always pray for your welfare. Kindly recommend me to Manik Mia, the Editor of Ittefaq to publish any dispatched news in his issue immediately

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I have intimacy with the Lt. General Azam Khan. He is my best friend. If there be any source with him please inform me. Mr. Suhrawardy …(missing from the original document due to page damage … Illegible. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) do not mind his words.
Yours sincerely Mujahid, Rawalpindi
Translation of the Urdu letter from Mujahed Naser, Rawalpindi & address to the Editor Daily Ittefaq Dacca. D/o letter 21.11.60.
Dear Editor,
My Compliments. Reliable information is sent herewith which is a very sad news that while Field Marshal Mohd. Ayub Khan20 was eeding in his car on the road some revolutionaries fired on him which resulted in his serious injury. His nose was badly injured. He was given an immediate medical aid by calling a Doctor. The said F. Marshal is near death. We should pray for him.
The above information may please be published with an appeal to pray for him.
Yours Mujahed Nasir
Sd/ -24.11
606-48 (1)
Draft put up below for favour of appl. with ref. to order on the flagged page. Folder is n/a please.
Sd/ -12.12.60
20. General Ayub Khan – Mohammad Ayub Khan (14 May 1907-19 April 1974) – A Pakistan Army General and second President of Pakistan. Forcibly assumed the presidency ousting first president Iskander Mirza through military coup in 1958. Banned all political parties and arrested Awami League and other opposition leaders including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman almost without touching Muslim League leaders. Promulgated EBDO (Elective Bodies Disqualification Order) contrary to the constitution barring political leaders from taking part in political activities. Also introduced Basic Democratic system at all levels. Elected union council members called Basic Democrats constituted the electoral college and they voted to elect the President, National and Provincial Assembly members of the country. The controversial win over Fatima Jinnah in presidential elections and the outcomes of war with India in 1965 brought devastating results for Ayub Khan’s image and his presidency. The popular demonstrations and labour strikes all over Pakistan, especially those under Awami League leadership in East Pakistan ultimately compelled him to step down in 1969.

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S.S.(2) may kindly see the two Intercepted Urdu letters in the enclosed envelope. English translations on the letters are also placed in the file (flagged A & B). In this con. my note at page flagged C may kindly be seen also. Draft letter to West Pak C.I.D. below may kindly be approved.
Sd/ – DSVI,
12.12.60 Side note: SS(2), 12.12.60, Received back in sec. on 16.12.60
Ref : attached. Sir,
With due respect I beg to state that I was on duty at Ramna P.O. at 16.00 hrs, on 11.12.60 along with S.l. Amir Hossain and on 14.12.60 at 09.00 hrs.
We are to handle about 10 to 15 thousand letters and packets and also had to attend at foreign P.O. from 10.00 to 12.00 hrs. On 14.12.60 and checked a huge number of letters and packets very hurriedly as the time is too short.
in these circumstances a post card on 11.12.60 and a post card on 14.12.60 has been escaped from my notice. The letters of Sk. Mujibur Rahman has been submitted in many occation. But I am very sorry for the ommission of the Post cards from my notice.
So, I pray that I may kindly be excused for this time. I will be more careful for the future.
Y.O.S Sd/-A.S.Censor
No. 23975 dt. 19.12.60, 606-48 (1)
The DIG/CID. West Pak., Lahore.
I forward herewith two intercepted Urdu letters dt. 21.11.60 together with their cover (in original) from one Mojahed Nasir of Rawalpindi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman and the Editor Daily Ittefaq, Dacca for favour of tracing out the writer & taking other necessary action.
The letters were intercepted at the Wari Post Office Dacca on 22.11.60 and withheld.

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The letters may kindly be retd. with your reply.
for DIG/IB/EP Side note: In the enclosed envelope pl.


Letter to Ittefaq relating to the attack and bullet injury on
Ayub Khan.
Dacca, 24 November 1960
Janab Editor Saheb Daily Ittefaq, Dacca,
The following news may pl. be sent to other newspapers and there oblige.
Field Marshal Mohd. Ayub was fired on the road while he was going from Lahore. He sustained injury on his nose. He was given medical aid. These bullets were fired by revolutionaries. Please pray for his recovery by publishing this news. The above news is reliable. Pl. publish at once.
Yours sincerely, Sd/-(Murad) Sd/24.11


Report on anonymous intercepted letter addressed to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Rawalpindi, 24 November 1960
Secret/ By Special Bag
INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Government of Pakistan
RAWALPINDI No. 2/B/60(29) Dated the 24 NOV 1960
My dear Haider,
I understand that on 7.7.1960 an anonymous letter in Urdu addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rehman and some other political personalities of Pakistan was intercepted

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by you in Dacca. It appears that besides Sheikh Mujibur Rehman the letter among others was addressed to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan, Mian Mumtaz Mohammad Doltana and Mian Iftikharuddin. An English translation of the intercept was supplied by you to the West Pakistan C.I.D. who have now sent a copy of the same to us. Action is requested in this connection on the following:
A photostat copy of the original intercept addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rehman may please be supplied to us.
We may please be informed if similar letters addressed to Mr. Ataur Rehman Khan and Mr. Abul Hassan Sarkar came to notice.
Did the I.B. investigation reveal anything about the origin/author of the said letter? Dy. Inspector-General of Police, C.I.D., West Pakistan has informed us that according to his enquiries the letter was posted in the Railway Mail Van in East Pakistan.
The letter refers to the formation of a party named as Pak Liberal Party. Has any other information concerning the formation of such a party came into your possession.
The tone of the letter indicates that the author is religious minded. We are interested particularly to know if Jamaat-e-Islami or any other religious/ political group is found associated with this letter or the type of the activity indicated in the letter. A Prominent member of Jamaat-e-Islami in West Pakistan is alleged to have written threatening letters to the President.
An early reply is requested.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/(A. Aslam Hayat) Assistant Director
D.I.B.2. (L) D-23317 M.S. Haider Esq. P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, I.B.E.P. DACCA.
Phone no 4231/61 Secret.
D.O. No. 634 dt.11.1.61. 606-48(1) My dear Safdar,
Please refer to Mr. Aslam Hayati D.O. No. 2/B/60(29) dt. 24.11.60 addressed to M.S. Haider, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.

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As desired a photo copy of the original intercept addressed to Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, is enclosed. The letters addressed to Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan and Abu Husain Sarkar did not come to our notice. Enquiry so far made could not reveal the origin or author of the letter. It was posted in some R.M.S. but the name of the R.M.S. is not legible. There is so far no report of the formation of the Pak. Liberal Party or of the connection of Jamat-e-Islami workers or any other religious political group with this letter. Further enquiry is being made & if anything of interest comes to notice, it will be duly communicated to you.
A.B.S. Safdar, Esqr., P.S.P. A.D.I. Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pak., R. Pindi.
Yours sincerely Sd/ – 7.1.61
(Moinuddin) for D.I.G., I.B., E.P., Dacca.


Watch report on H S Suhrawardy who travelled from Airport to Baje Kakrail and visited by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others.
Dacca, 29 November 1960
Subject Mr. H.S Suhrawardy. Place : Baje Kakrail (Residence of Manik Mia). Time : 17.00 to 24.00
I had been on secret watch duty at Dacca Air Port and Baje Kakrail. At about 18.36 Mr. H.S Suhrawardy along with Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia reached Dacca Air Port. Sk. Mujibur Rahman and one *Mr. Ajad (*Pl. fix him.) of Mymensingh Rd. welcomed the subject at the Airport.
The subject accompanied with Mr. Azad left by the car No. E.B.C. 4062 at about 19.10 and Manik Mia along with Sk. Mujibur Rahman left the Air Port by car No. E.B.D. 5753 at the same time and all of them reached Baje Kakrail at about 19.30. O/C., watch had been with and from 17.00 till the arrival of the subject at

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At about 19.35 one unknown person came by a jeep car No. E.B.D. 4275 and left the said place at about 21.30. The unknown person could not be recognised due to darkness.
Abul Mansur Ahmed visited the place with his eldest son from 19.40 to 21.30.
Another unknown person visited the place from 19.45 to 21.30 by car No. E.B.D. 6457. Mr. Azad left the said place with the said unknown person by the same car and proceeded towards north.
Sk. Majibar Rahman left Bajekakrail at about 20.30 and got down at “Ittefaque paper office”. I returned to original duty place at about 20.40.
Sd/-Masir Uddin Ahmed,
S.I. 29.11
Side note: Seen. Copy to the P.Fs. of all the three. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. D.S. VI, 29.11.
Received at 19.30. Date- 28.11.60. From : S.I. S.A. Alim, D.A.P. To : D.S.VI repeated to O/C., Watch , I.B.
Today at 18.45 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Ex. Premier, Govt. of Pakistan has arrived from Lahore by P.I.A. Plane accompanied by Mr. Tofazzal Hossin Miah. They were received by Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Airport. Mr. Suhrawardy and T. Hossain left Airport by Car No. 4062- E.B.D. and Sk. Majibur Rahman left Airport by Car 5753 E.B.D.
This is for your kind information.
Sd/ -28.11
Side note: Whose cars. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. 29.11, S.I.M. Ilyas to fix up the owners pl. Sd/-A.H.M.
Mohiuddin. 29.11, Included in draft D.R. Sd/-29.11, Seen. O/C Watch for D.R. Copy to P.Fs. of Messrs. Suhrawardy, Manik Miyan and Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. D.S.VI, 29.11.

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Appeal petition of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for early hearing
Dacca, 30 November 1960 Ittefa9 dt.32.11.62.
শেখ মুজিবুরের আপীল
শুনানী ত্বরান্বিত করার আবেদন মঞ্জুর গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) পূর্ব পাকিস্তান হাইকোর্টের প্রধান বিচারপতি জনাব ইমাম হােসেন চৌধুরী ও বিচারপতি জনাব এম, আর, খান শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের আপীলের শুনানী ত্বরান্বিত করার আবেদনটি মঞ্জুর করিয়া উক্ত আপীলের শুনানীর দিন শীঘ্রই ধার্য করিবার আদেশ দান করিয়াছেন।
স্মরণ থাকিতে পারে যে, ঢাকার সিনিয়ার স্পেশ্যাল জজ জনাব এ, মওদুদ গত ১২ই সেপ্টেম্বর শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে সরকারী ক্ষমতা অপব্যবহারের দায়ে দুই বৎসরের বিনাশ্রম কারাদন্ড ও ৫ হাজার টাকার জরিমানা, অনাদায়ে আর ও ৬ মাসের বিনাশ্রম কারাদন্ডের আদেশ দান করেন।
এই আদেশের বিরুদ্ধে জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান হাই কোর্টে আপীল দায়ের করেন এবং উক্ত আপীলটি বিচারপতি জনাব হাসান ও বিচারপতি জনাব এম, আর, খানকে লইয়া গঠিত ডিভিশন বেঞ্চে শুনানীর অপেক্ষায় মুলতবী রহিয়াছে।
কোন সরকারী কর্মচারীর বিরুদ্ধে মামলা আনয়নের পূর্বে সংশ্লিষ্ট সরকারের নিকট হইতে অনুমােদন গ্রহণের সময় তিনি সরকারী পদে বহাল না থাকিলে তাহার বিরুদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগের বিচার করার অধিকার স্পেশাল জজের আওতা বহির্ভূত – সম্প্রতি পাকিস্তান সুপ্রীমকোর্ট এই মর্মে এক রায় প্রদান করিয়াছেন। শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের আবেদনে বলা হইয়াছে যে, তাহার বিরুদ্ধে। মামলা আনয়নের জন্য সরকারী অনুমােদন গ্রহণের সময় তিনি সরকারী পদে বহাল না থাকিলেও স্পেশ্যাল জজ কর্তৃক তাহার মামলার বিচার হয়। সুপ্রীম কোর্টের উল্লেখিত সিদ্ধান্তের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে তাহার মামলা সম্পর্কে নূতন অবস্থার উল্লেখ করিয়া জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান তাহার আপীলের শুনানী
তুরান্বিত করার আবেদন করেন।
এডভােকেট জনাব আবদুস সালাম খানের সহিত এডভােকেট জনাব হুমায়ুন কবীর আবেদনটি পেশ
Side note: Vi, Seen in file please. Sd/-DS.VI – 7.12.60.

Page: 258
Ittefa9 dt. 1.12.62.
শেখ মুজিবুরের আপীল সংক্রান্ত।
সংবাদের ভ্রম সংশােধন হাইকোর্টে শুনানীর জন্য গৃহীত শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের আপীল আবেদনের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে তাহার শুনানীর তারিখ শীঘ্রই ধার্য করা সম্পর্কে ঢাকা হাই কোর্টের প্রধান বিচারপতি জনাব ইমাম হােসেন চৌধুরী ও বিচারপতি জনাব এম, আর, খান এক আদেশ দান করিয়াছেন বলিয়া গতকল্য বুধবার ইত্তেফাকে যে সংবাদ প্রকাশিত হইয়াছে উহা নিতান্ত ভুলবশতঃই প্রকাশিত হইয়াছে। বস্তুত:, উক্ত আপীল আবেদনটির শুনানী ত্বরান্বিত করিবার জন্য গত মঙ্গলবার একটি আবেদন পেশ করা হইয়াছে মাত্র এবং সে সম্পর্কে ঐ দিন বিচারপতিগণ কোন প্রকার আদেশ জারি করেন নাই।
এই অনিচ্ছাকৃত ত্রুটির জন্য আমরা দুঃখিত। – বা: স: ই: Side note: in file pl. Sd/-DSVI, 7.12.60.

Page: 259
Ittefaq. dt.3.12.60
শেখ মুজিবুরের আপীল শুনানী ত্বরান্বিত করার আবেদন অগ্রাহ্য
(হাইকোর্ট রিপাের্টার)
বিচারপতি জনাব এ, জে, খান এবং বিচারপতি জনাব এস, আলীকে লইয়া গঠিত ঢাকা হাই কোর্টের ডিভিশন বেঞ্চ গত বৃহস্পতিবার শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের আপীলের শুনানী ত্বরান্বিত করার জন্য আনীত আবেদনটি অগ্রাহ্য করেন।
স্মরণ থাকিতে পারে যে, ঢাকার সিনিয়র স্পেশাল জজ জনাব এম, এ, মওদুদ গত ১২ ই সেপ্টেম্বর শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে সরকারী ক্ষমতা অপব্যবহারের দায়ে দুই বৎসরের বিনাশ্রম কারাদন্ডে ও পাঁচ হাজার টাকার জরিমানা এবং জরিমানার টাকা অনাদায়ে আরও ছয় মাস বিনাশ্রম কারাদন্ডের আদেশ দান করেন। এই আদেশের বিরুদ্ধে জনাব মুজিবুর রহমান হাইকোর্টে আপীল করেন এবং উক্ত আবেদনটি শুনানীর অপেক্ষায় মুলতবী রহিয়াছে।

Page: 260
কোন সরকারী কর্মচারীর বিরূদ্ধে মামলা আনায়নের পূর্বে সংশ্লিষ্ট সরকারের নিকট হইতে অনুমােদন গ্রহণের সময় তিনি সরকারী পদে বহাল না থাকিলে তাহার বিরূদ্ধে আনীত অভিযােগ বিচারের ক্ষমতা স্পেশাল জজগণের আওতা বহির্ভূত সম্প্রতি পাকিস্তান সুপ্রীম কোর্টের উক্ত মর্মে প্রদত্ত এক রায়ের উল্লেখ করিয়া শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের পক্ষ হইতে তাঁহার আপীল আবেদন ত্বরান্বিত করিবার অন্য এই আবেদন পেশ করা হয়।
Side note : VI, Seen. In file pl. DS VI – 7.12.60.

Page: 261
Pakistan Observer dt. 3.12.60.
MUJIB’S PRAYER REFUSED Plea For Expeditious Hearing Ruled Out
By our High Court Correspondent
Mr. Justice Khan and Mr. Justice Ali of the Dacca High Court refused the prayer of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, former Provincial Minister and the General Secretary of the now-defunct Awami League for the early hearing of the appeal preferred by him against his conviction by the Senior Special Judge, Dacca on September 12 last or of a preliminary point that his conviction was not maintainable coming to the finding that the appellant was on bail and there was no urgency in the matter.
Their Lordships observed “We understand that the appeal is not yet ready and the appellant is on bail…… No passing urgency so as to fix a date for hearing immediately in preference to other older matters already in the list in some of which the appellants are undergoing imprisonment”. Their Lordships further observed (However, this may be kept in view and fixed for hearing as soon as the business of the Court permits.”
On behalf of Mr. Mujib the prayer for expeditious hearing of the appeal or the preliminary point was made on the ground that the conviction was not maintainable in the light of the recent Supreme Court Judgment in Golam Sadiq’s case according to which the trial of a person under the special procedure laid down by the Criminal Law Amendment Act was bad as he was not a public servant at the time when the Sanction for his prosecution was given by the “Appropriate Government” and this was so in Mujib’s case also.
The State opposed the prayer on point of inconvenience and on the point that this was not so urgent a case to get preference.
Side note: VI Seen. In file please. Sd/ – DS VI, 2.1.61.

Page: 262


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 30 November 1960
C.R. dt. 30.11.60.
Hours of duty : 07.00 hrs./12.00 hrs. and 18.00 hrs. to 00.00 hrs. Place of duty : 76, Segunbagicha. Name of suspect : Sk. Majibur Rahman.

Page: 263
Result of watch. In the morning duty period at about 09.50 hrs. the above noted suspect left his qrs. by his own Jeep car E.B.D. No. 111 and till 12.00 hrs. he was not seen to retd.
In the evening duty period at about 18.25 hrs. the said suspect left his qrs, and went to Ittefaque office by rickshaw at about 18.55 hrs. At about 19.5 hrs he left the Ittefaque office by rickshaw and went to 10, Larmini St. (Chittagong Syndicate) at about 19.20 hrs. At about 19.40 hrs. he left the Larmini St. and retd. to his grs. (Segun Bagicha) by rickshaw at about 20.05 hrs. I shadowed him by cycle.
Again at about 20.25 hrs he left his qrs. by Jeep Car E.B.D. No. 111 and during my duty period he was not seen to return. S.S.G. Kibria sb supervised the duty place in the morning duty period.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Abdur Rashid.
I.B. dt. 1.12.60. Side note: Sd/- N.M. Biswas, 2/12
S.I. G. Kibria pl. enquire and report if possible. Sd/-A.H.M. Mohiuddin, O/C., Watch, 1/12. Noted. Sd/- Report submitted. Sd/- G. Kibria. 10.12.
Ref. C.R. dt. 30.11.60. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Bejoynagar, Dacca.
It is learnt on secret enquiry that one Tarek Ahmed Choudhury resides at 10, Larmini St., Dacca, but the purpose of visit of the subject under ref. could not be known.
Submitted. Sd/- Golam Kibria,
S.I. 10.12.60.
Side note: D.S. VI may pl. see. Sd/- A.H.M. Mohiuddin 10/12. Seen. In P.F. pl. Sd/-D.S. VI,

Page: 264


Watch Report on Toffazzal Hossain shows he was visited by
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 31 December 1960
Hours of duty Place of duty Name of suspect
C.R. dt. 31.12.60. : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. : At Baza Kakrail. : Toffazzal Hossain.
Result of watch.
During my duty period at about 9.30 hrs. the suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards eastern side by Jeep car E.B.D. 111. During my duty period the suspect was not seen to return the said place.
Again at 17.00 hrs. I took up the same duty at the same place and did duty there. At about 17.10 hrs. the suspect returned to quarter from outside along with A.K. Rafiqul Hossain (Advocate) by car E.B.D. 5422. Sk. Majibur Rahman left the suspect’s quarter at 17.30 hrs. by Jeep car E.B.D.111. At about 17.45 hrs. A.K. Rafiqul Hossain along with Tofazzal Hossain left the said place and proceeded
towards the western side by car E.B.D.5422.
During my duty period the suspect was not seen to return to the said place. No other suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the said place.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Ayet Ali Miah.
Side note: Copy to the 3 P. Fs. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. 2.1.61.
Hours of duty Place of duty Name of suspect
C.R. dt. 31.12.60. : From 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs.
Baze Kakrail (Santinagar) : Tofazzal Hussain @ Manik Mia.

Page: 265
Result of watch.
During my duty period the above noted suspect was not seen by me. At about 16.20 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman to visit the said place by Jeep No. E.B.D. 111. Till at 17.00 hrs. he was not seen to come out from the said place.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Amjad Hussain.
dt. 1.1.61.
Side note: A-D.S.VI, Sd/-2/1, Copy to both the P.Fs. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. 2.1.61.
C.R. dt. 2.1.61. Hours of duty : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : Baze Kakrail & Ittefaque office. Name of suspect : Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
• Result of watch At about 09.00 hrs. the above noted suspect came out from his quarter and went to Ittefauqe office by rickshaw at about 09.30 hrs. I was there till 11.00 hrs. but the above said suspect was not seen to come out again from the said office.
In the evening duty period at about 17.15 hrs. subject Mr. Rafiqul Hossain entered into the Manik’s quarter from outside by his car No. E.B.D. 5422.
Then at about 17.30 hrs. subject Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman came out from the Manik’s quarter and proceeded towards western side by his Jeep Car No. E.B.D.111.
After that at about 18.00 hrs. my suspect Tofazzal Hossain along with Rafiqul Hossain came out from above noted place and proceeded towards eastern side by E.B.D. Car No. 5422. I was there till 22.00 hrs. but my suspect was not seen to return from outside.
Submitted Sd/-W.C. KH. Shamsul Huda.
of I.B. Dacca.
Side note: A-D.S.VI Seen. Copy to P.Fs. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, 3.1.61.

Page: 266
C.R. dt. 4.1.61. : 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs.
Hours of duty
Place of duty
: Baze Kakrail & Ittefaque office.
Name of suspect :
Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah.
Result of watch At about 09.00 hrs. the above noted suspect came out from his quarter and went to 76, Segun Bagicha (Sk. M. Rahman’s qtr.) by rickshaw at about 09.10 hrs. Then at about 09.15 hrs. the above said suspect left the said place along with Sk. Majibor Rahman and proceeded towards western side by the Jeep Car No. E.B.D 111. After that I went to my original place and did duty there till 11.00 hrs, but the said suspect was not seen to return to his quarter.
In the evening duty period the above noted suspect was not seen by me and no suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the said place and S.I. Md. Illias Saheb supervised the duty at 17.00 hrs. to 17.30 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Kh. Shamsul Huda. of I.B. E.P. Dacca.
Side note: A- D.S. VI. Copy to both P.Fs. Sd/- N.M. Biswas. Noted. Sd/-12.1.

Chapter – II

Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman allegedly demanded Rs.500 from former Minister Abul Mansoor Ahmed, who referred to former Minister Kafiluddin Chaudhuri.
Dacca, 3 January 1961
A reliable secret source reported on 30.12.60 that Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (exMinister) demanded Rs.500/- from Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed (ex-Minister) for certain work. Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed could not pay the money and told Mr. Mujibur Rahman that all their money is with Mr. Kafiluddin Chaudhuri (exMinister). He asked Mr. Mujibur to have the money from him.
[Note: This perhaps refers to their party fund.]
No. 34/4-56/SS/SC dt. 3/1/61.
Forwarded to SS- II, IB for his information & necessary action. Ext. may go to the PFs of the individuals concerned.
Sd/- (A. Ahmed) 3.1.61
S.S., SC. Side note: 2 spare copies below please. Sd/-3.1.61.
[A reliable secret source reported on 21.2.61 that Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (exMinister) sent a boy (might be a student) to Mr. Kafiluddin Chaudhuri (ex-Minister) to receive some payment. Mr. Kafiluddin Chaudhuri paid the boy Rupees one hundred. This might be his contribution in connection with the observance of ‘Shaheed Day’ on 21.2.61.]
No. 932/ dt. 24.2.61, 4-56SC/TS(L)
Forwarded to M.B. Karim, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca for information and necessary action.
Extract may be placed in the P.Fs. of both the subjects.
Sd/ – 24.2.61
(A. Ahmed ) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB, Dacca.

Page: 270
A reliable source reported on 16.2.61 that Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, exminister visited S. M. Hall on the same day at about 21.00 hrs. This visit might be in connection with the observance of the ‘Shaheed Day’ on 21.2.61.
Forwarded to S.S.II for his information and necessary action.
Sd/ – 17.2.61.
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.C.I.B
Side note: D.S.VI. The information should be pursued and thoroughly worked out.
606-48 P.F. (Loose) DS(6)
Perusal please the letter below. For favour of orders pl. Sd/ -27.2.61 SS(2)
May kindly see the P.U.D. We have no corroboration from any other source. Mr. Kafiluddin Chaudhuri is also not under watch. 1) Copy may be sent to Addl. S.P., D.I.B. Dacca with a request to
enquire through his agent & report result. 2) Zonal Inspr. may see & probe into the matter. 3) Continued watch may be placed on the Kafiluddin Chowdhuri for at
least a fortnight so find out his connection with students.
For favour of orders.
Sd/ – DS VI 27.2.61
(1) An inquiry may be made through the A.L. agent of D.I.B. Dacca. (2) Zonal Inspector may also try to find out. (3) No useful purpose will be served at this stage by placing watch. In
the past also we had placed watch continuously for a month or more without any result.
Sd/ – 27.2.61

Page: 271
Regarding the reported contribution of Rs. 100/- by Kafil Uddin Chowdhuri Ex. Minister E.P. to the Shahed Day Fund through a student reported to have been sent by Sk. Mujibur Rahman. I made all possible attempts through secret sources and contact but no corroboration thereof could be made as yet. The action is however kept in view.
Sd/ -26.4.61
[Ext. from Secret Information] Phone No. 4231/18
No. 424 dt. 7.1.61./606-48 P.F.(E) Secret Addl. S.P. D.I.B Dacca.
Copy forwarded to – for information and comments after making enquiry through his sources.
Sd/- 6.1.61. DS(6) for SS(1).
D.S (6)
Reference page 3501. I made inquiries from my secret contacts and source on the point. Nothing useful could be ascertained.
Ins. I.B. Sd/ – 3.3
Secret PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 27th February, 1961. No. 1662 /100-49 P.F. R.210.
M.B. Haider, Esq., P.S.P., S.S (I), I.B. E.P., Dacca.

Page: 272
P 3502.
Ref: Your No.424/606-48 P.F. (E), dated 7.1.61.
The information could not be substantiated. However, it has been kept in view.
Sd/ – 27.2.61. Addl.Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 16…. dt. 27.2.61. Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Please expedite your reply to this office memo No. 424 dt. 7.1.61 and subsequent reminder Nos. 1651 dt. 25.1.61. and 2991 dt. 13.2.61.
Sd/ – 25.2.61. DS (6) for SS(2).
PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 6th March, 1961. No. 1912 /100-49 P.F. R.210.
M.B. Haider, Esq., P.S.P., S.S. (I) , I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 424/606 – 48 P.F.(E), dated 07.1.61. and subsequent reminder No.
2991, dated 16.2.61.
The information could not be substantiated by secret enquiry.
Sd/-6.3.61. Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 273
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 1651 dt. 25.1.61/606-48 P.F.
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Please refer to this office memo No. 424 dt. 7.1.61 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/ – 24.1.61. DS(6) For SS(2).
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 2991 dt.13.2.61/606-48 PF
Addl. S.P. D.I.B., Dacca.
Please refer to this office memo No. 424 dt. 7.1.61 and No. 1651 dt. 25.1.61 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/-10.2.61. DS (6) for SS (2)


Report on preparation and fund raising to observe 21 February.
Dacca, 9 January 1961
[A reliable secret source reported on 6.1.61 that one Mr. Halim who arrived Dacca on the previous day arrange with Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex-Minister) to see him for a discussion regarding the 219 February. They might be discussing regarding the programme to be chalked out in observance of the day.)
Security Control, I.B., East Pakistan.
Lalbagh. Dated Dacca, the 9th January, 1961.
No./52/4-56 SS(SC) TS

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The information is passed on to Moinuddin, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. for his information and necessary action.
Ext. may go to the P.F. of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman and steps may kindly be taken to fix up Mr. Halim.
Sd/ ( A. Ahmed)
9.11.61. for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, IB & SC
East Pakistan, Dacca.
606-48 P.F.
DS (6)
Perusal please the letter below. For order please. Sd/ – 12.1.61.
S.S. (2) may kindly see the information placed below. Agent dealing officers may note & try to fix up Halim & collect inform on the line.
Copy of the information may also be sent to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for taking similar action.
O/C watch may pl. also note & instruct the watchers. D.S. (1) may pl. see.
Sd/ – DS VI – 12.1.61.
[Ext. from Secret Report at 6.1.61.] Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 1161 dt. 19.1.61./606-48 P.F.
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Copy forwarded to – for information and with the request to fix up Halim and collect information on the line through his sources.
Sd/ – 16.1.61. DS (6) for SS(2)

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Secret. PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 16th February, 1961.
No. 1346 /23-61.R. 528. To Moinuddin Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Your No. 1161/ 606 -48 P.F., dated 19.1.61.
The subject Mr. Halim could not be fixed up on enquiry.
Sd/ – 16.2.61. Addl. Supdt. of police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report on location and surroundings of residence of
Afiluddin Sardar.
Dacca, 31 January 1961
Ref. P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Reg. Topographical position of the residence of the Afiluddin Sardar of
D.S.VI Sir,
As ordered I visited the above noted place and found that the house is the only two storied south facing building by the eastern side of the Kamalapur Bazar and most prominent in that area. There is only one exit from that house leading towards a main road by the southern side of that house. In the eastern-northern side of that house, there is vacant field of agricultural land and ditches and in the western side there are only a few small houses mostly tin sheds where there is no path or lane normally used as exit. The house is about 150 yds. away from the main

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road of the southern side and also visible from there, as there is no house in between the house of the subject and the road.
Sd/ – SI
31.1.61. Side note: Pl. put up in file. Sd/ – DS VI 31.1.61.


Report on the payment of fund by Afiluddin Sardar.
Dacca, 31 January 1961
Phone No. 4231/61. Secret/Immediate
No. 2144 dt. 31.1.61/606-48 P.F. (E)
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
It was reported that Afiluddin Sarder, a renowned contractor of Kamalapur, Dacca is making over some money to Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
I would, therefore, request you to pl. ascertain through your source and report why the money is being paid, what is the amount and what is the connection between them.
Sd/-31.1.61. D S (6) for SS (2).
A reliable secret source reported on 29.1.61 that Afiluddin Sarder (Perhaps of Kamalapur, Dacca) who is a contractor was willing to pay Rs.1000/- for certain work and that Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex-Minister) was approached to accept the money. He (Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman) said that the matter should be discussed with Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed (ex-Minister) and others. He was not willing to keep the money as he was very busy with his office works.
Side note: No. 566/4-56/SC (TS)L. dt. 1.2.61.
Forwarded to M.B. Karim, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supt. of Police, I.B., for information & necessary action. D.S.VI has been verbally briefed by me to follow up the information. Sd/-1.2.61. (A Ahmed), Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB.

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Secret. PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 6th March, 1961.
No.1911/100-49 P.F. R.952. To M.B. Karim, Esq., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B. E.P., Dacca.
Ref:- Your No. 2144/606 – 48 P.F.(E), dated 31.1.61.
We have no corroboration of the information under reference.
Sd/ -6.3.61. Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report on history of Alpha Insurance Company.
Dacca, 3 February 1961 Phone No. 4231/61. Secret
Dated Dacca, the 3rd February, 1961.
No. 2270/606- 48/P.F.
M. Akram Sheikh, Esq. PSP., Supdt. of Police, C.I.D., Karachi.
Reference your letter No. SB/6 dated 2nd January, 1961 regarding Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd.
I thank you for your letter under reference. From another source it is ascertained that the Alpha Insurance Co. is a subsidy of M/S Ideal Life Assurance Co. Ltd. of Karachi, the pre-independence name of which was Indian Life Assurance of Karachi. It was a Goanese-cum-Portuguese concern and was established as far back as 1892. Though the firm had its head office at Karachi, it had good business in Bombay and other places in India. With the idea of removing the major assets to India in post-independence years, the management planned to construct a big house

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in the city of Calcutta. But as the India Government nationalized the Insurance Companies of the land, the management postponed the idea. They changed the name of the concern as Ideal Insurance Co. Ltd. It was also split up into two sections namely Ideal Assurance Co. Ltd. and Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., the former to deal with general business while the latter to carry on with life only. Both the branches have started office in Dacca at 12, Jinnah Avenue.
-ci w tv oss
The board of Directors are said to be as follows:1. E.V. CASTELLINO, M.A., LL.B. – Chairman.
HATIM B. Tayabji, Bar-at-Law – Director,
S.A D’Sauza- B.A., B.T.& 4. A. SEQUEIRA, J.P., Policy Holders. Directors. 5. Yar Mohammed A Memon, B.A., L.L.B. 6. BEN F. D’Sauza.
A.S. DUARTE, B.Sc., (Tech), Manchester. 8. S.A. D’Sauza, B. A., B.T.- is the Director in-charge.
It will be greatly appreciated if you kindly have a further probe and let us have a fuller report at a very early date.
(M.B. Karim) for Dy. Inspr. – Genl. of Police,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Secret Immediate TELE: NO: 30031.
Dated 4th March, 1961.
No. S.B/1909 My dear Karim,
Reference your d.o. letter No. 3607, dated 24.2.61, regarding Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd.
2. Discreet enquiries reveal that the Alpha Insurance Co. is a subsidy of M/S Ideal Insurance Co. the letter having 80% share capital. M/S Ideal Insurance Co. was known as Indian life Assurance C. in the Pre-partition days.
This company had its branches at Bombay Calcutta, Delhi till 1956 when all the branches were closed due to Nationalisation of the Insurance Coys. by Indian Government. Indian Life Assurance Company was changed to Ideal life Assurance Co. soon after partition. It was a Goanese-Cum-Portuguese concern having

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established in 1892. Alpha Insurance Co. was established in 1952. It is also true that Ideal life Assurance Co. wanted to construct a big house in Calcutta and had good business in Bombay and Calcutta.
Alpha Insurance Co. is dealing in fire Marine and Motor when Ideal Company is dealing in Life only. Both the Companies have got their branches at Dacca, Chittagong, Hyderabad Sind21, and Lahore and the head office of these companies are in Karachi. The firm has got its offices at Writer Chambers Dunolly Road, Karachi, when the latter in Ilaco House, Victoria Road, Saddar, Karachi.
The names of the directors of both the companies are shown below:
Alpha Insurance Co: 1. Mr. E.V. Catellino, Director.
Mr. S.A. D’Sourza, Director In charge. Mr. A. Squeira, J.P. Director. Mr. Yar Mohd. A. Memon, Director.
Malik Beghadi, Director. 6. Mr. Yousuf Haroon, Chairman. 7. Mr. Saleh Mait, Director. 8. Haji Bashiruddin (Sitarae Khidmet) Director (since about 2 months) Ideal Life Assurance Co:1. Mr. E.V. Catellino, Chairman.
Mr. Hatim B.Tayabjee, Director. Mr. A. Squeira, Director.
Mr. Yar Mohd. A. Memon, Director. 5. Mr. Ben F. D’Souza, Director.
A.S. Duarte, Director.
There is nothing adverse against the directors and companies on the records of this Department.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/(M. Akram Sheik)
M.B. Karim, Esqr., office of the D.I.G.P.
I.B., East Pakistan, Lalbagh, Dacca.
21. Sind – Sindh is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, in the southeast of the country. Historically home to the Sindhi people, it is also locally known as Mehran. Karachi is its capital.

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Report on visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Mirzapur Kumidini
Hospital, Tangail.
Dacca, 3 February 1961
Copy of letter dated 28.1.61. from Ex-security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca.
This is for your information that I am going to Mirjapur (Tangail) to see the Hospital with the General Manager Mr. T.C. De Souza and Mr. Hashmi, Agency Manager of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., to-morrow, the 29th January, 1961 and will come back on the same day.
Secret PHONE; 4231/34
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 3rd/4th February, 1961.
No.958 (2)/100-49 P.F. Copy forwarded to:1. K.N. Hossain, Esqr. P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Mymensingh.
He is requested to let us know if they received prior information from the suspect (*A.L. 551) direct before he visited Mirzapur (Mymensingh) and also his subsequent movements there till his departure there from.
The subject was released from Dacca Central Jail on 17.12.59 and after released he was placed under restrictions. 2. Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, (II) I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -3.2.61.
(A. Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
606- 48 PF (Loose) DS(6)
Perusal please the letter below from D.I.B Dacca regarding the movements of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. May ask DIB Mymensingh to send a copy of his reply to D.I.B Dacca. Draft below for approval pl.
Sd/- 6.2.61.

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Phone No. 4231/61.
No. 3314 dt. 20.2.61./606-48 P.F. Secret
S.P. DIB Mymensingh.
Please refer to memo No. 958 (2) dt. 4.2.61 from Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca to your address and let us have a copy of your reply thereto.
Sd/ 6.2.61. S (6) for SS (2).
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 24.2.61.
I beg to report that I made secret enquiry into the matter and learnt that Mr. Sheikh Majibur Rahman along with his two companions mentioned in the file visited Mirzapur Kumidini Hospital on 29.1.61 in the evening. So Mr. Majibur Rahman sat in the office room with the Hospital Secretary and his other two companions moved through the Hospital and Bharateswari home. The purpose of the visit by the above gentleman was for having a pleasure trip and to see the Hospital. They left for Dacca after dusk on the same day.
Secret. Phone-office-41. Res-20.
Dist. Intelligence Branch
Mymensingh, the 28th Feb/61. No. 969(1)/11-61(2)/ R.1058, 1506.
Copy forwarded for information to:(1) A. Khaleque Esq., P.S.P. Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca with reference
to his No. 958(2)/100-49 P.F. dated 4.2.61. (2) M.B. Karim Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B, E.P., Dacca with reference to his No. 3314/606-48 P.F. dated 20.2.61.
Sd/- 28.2.61. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.

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Report on Pir Shahib of Manikganj on suspicion of political
Dacca, 11 February 1961
A reliable source reported on 3.2.61 that during a discussion on the same date a friend (to be fixed) of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex- Minister) told him that the new Union tax will help them for their party work in the village. Mr. Mujibur Rahman told them that he did not like the post of Minister, etc. He was quite happy at the moment. However, his friend stated that he would see him again for discussion. Mr. Mujibur Rahman said they may come any day, he is always at their service.
On the same date, a relation of Mr. Mujibur Rahman told him that Pir Saheb of Manikgonj (to be fixed) wanted to see him (Sk. Mujibur Rahman). This Pir Saheb might have some political background and motive.
No. 718 dt. 11.2.61. 4-56(SS/SC)TS(L).
Forwarded to Moinuddin Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca for his information and necessary action.
The unknown friend of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Pir Saheb may be fixed up by the agent dealing officers.
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB, Dacca.
606-48 PF(Loose) Perusal please the letter below. For order please.
S.S (2) May kindly see the enclosed secret report. We have no corroboration from any other source. I.B. agent dealing officers may fix up the ‘friend’ & the ‘Pir Saheb’.
Copy may also be sent to D.I.B. Dacca for information & fixing up the individuals.
Sd/ – DSVI 16.2.61.
Side note: DS (6) Orders above: – Draft below for approval pl. Sd/ -20.2.61.

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[Ext. from Secret…. dt. 3.2.61] Phone No. 4231/61 Secret.
No. 3384 dt. 21.2.61./606-48 PF Addl. S.P D.I.B. Dacca.
Copy forwarded to-for information and with the request to fix up the ‘friend and the “Pir Saheb” through his sources.
Sd/ – 20.2.61. DS (6) for SS(2)


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman asked DIG, IB to look into the 6 anonymous post card letters sent to him, 15 more such letters
were also sent to him.
Dacca, 13 February 1961
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
76, Segunbagicha
Dacca-2 Dated: 13.2.1961.
The D.I.G., I.B., DACCA.
Dear Sir,
I am sending herewith six Post Cards which are written and addressed to me by one unknown person. This sorts of letters I am getting every now and then.
I shall be glad if you kindly look into the matter. With best regards,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/-13.2.61. (Sheikh Mujibur Rahman)
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. A.K.M. Fazlul Hoque. Nehero, Rajendra Basak sen
প্রিয়-ভাষানি+পদ্মজা নাইডাে-ছালাম জানিবেন, শ্রীকৃষ্ণের বীট বা ষ্টাইল সম্মন্ধে আপনারা এ বীটে বা তার প্রার্থনায় ৭০০ হইতে ৭০০০ হাজার প্রার্থনা পর্যন্ত মিলাইয়ে দিলে অবশ্যই আমরা তাঁদের কাছে আমাদেরকে দেখাইতে পারব। বিশেষ কিছু বলার যদিও

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আমার থাকে তথাপি বদ মাইষের ধরুন আমি বলতে যাব না-শ্রী-কৃষ্ণ আর এভাবে আসবে
। আমার নিজের কিছু বলতে যাওয়া শুধু অন্যায় নয় পরুন্ত বেশী আর আমার বলার শ্রী কৃষ্ণ বা ইসলামিক ব্যাপারে কিছু থাকতে পারে না। যতদিন পর্যন্ত আমি আমার অবস্থাকে খুজে না পাই-কারন নেই। শুধু বদমাইষের মধ্যে থেকে বিপর্যয়ে-পড়ে গেছি কাজেই বলার মত কিছুই করতে পারব না– X X X তারা যতদূর আমার জানা পরিবারের হওয়া দরকার। যেমন- C.R. Das, Naido, J.C. Bose, সুবাস বসুA.T. Mukherjee, রবি ঠাকুর, গান্ধি ইত্যাদি ইত্যাদি। পশ্চিম বাংলা মন্ত্রী ও ইন্ডিয়ার মন্ত্রীদের প্রতি পরিবার হতে মিল মত হলে হওয়া চাইxxx, বােধ হয়। এখানেই শেষ-খােদা হাফেজ।
Mr. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept.66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca), E. Pakistan.
T0, Md. Ataur Rahman khan. Mohan Miahn. A.K. Fazlul Hoque. Jawharolal Nehero and others.
প্রিয় ভাষানী+পদ্মজা নাইডাে-ছালাম জানিবেন ও দোয়া করিবেন। আশা করি সবাই ভাল আছেন। আমি এক রকমে দিন কাটাইতেছি মন বিশেষ ভাল না। বাড়ীতে অসুখ আছে, একথা বােধ হয় শুনিছেন। আমি ও লিখে জানাইয়া দিতেছি। সবাই দোয়া করিবেন এবং আলেম সাহেব দের ও জানাবেন যেন দয়া করে আমাদের জন্য দোয়া করেন আর অতি সত্বর যেন এ আপদ বালাই থেকে সবাই ছহি সালামতে মুক্তি পাই। বিশেষ আমার আর কি বলার আছে। কাউকে কিছু বলতে পারি না। অবশ্যই আমার নছিব মন্দ না হলে আমি এ রকম অবস্থায় পড়ি না। আর কোন আফসােস করেও লাভ নেই। দোয়া করেন খােদার কাছে যেন আমরা খােদার ইচ্ছায় শান্তি মত থাকতে পারি। সবাকে ছালাম দিবেন ও দোয়া করিতে বলিবেন। N.B. দুনিয়ায় ছােট লােকের রাগের জন্য আমার কিছু নেই। জানাইয়া দিবেন সবাকে।
Mr. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. 76. Sagun Bagicha. Po. Ramna (Dacca), E. Pakistan.

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T0, Mv. Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. Mohan Miah, Fazlul Haque Sheikh Mazibur Rahaman, Habibullah Bhahar.
প্রিয় ভাষানী, (Abdul Havid Khan,) কুমিল্লার চৌধুরীরা Hg.P ব্যাপারে এর প্রার্থ বিশা মার ৩ মার্চের কার সাথে মিশতে পারতে পারেনা, তারা শাস্তি পাওয়ার পর তারা তাদের নিজেদের দাওয়াত বা এই রকম কিছু করে+লােক জন তাদের দোয়া করতে পারে তারা কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ প্ৰাৰ্থ করিয়ে যাইতে পারিয়া যাইবে ভাল আশা থাকিয়া নিয়া আমরা যাইব। আমরা সবাই কার বতিবা কাউকে তাদের করি না তাদের জানাইয়া জানিয়া থাকা উচিত। xxx ১. প্ৰাৰ্থ বিশা মাত্তর:- চৌধুরীরা আমাদের লােকজনের সাথে কোন রকম যােগাযােগ না
রাখে এমন ভাবে তাদেরকে জানা উচিত। তথাটির মরাই কার বাতবা আমরা তাদের কাছে কোন ঠেকিয়া থাকব না। তাদের বাহুল্যতাকে গ্রাহ্য করবনা ++ (এই নীতি মত রীতিমত আমরা আমাদের নিয়ে চলতে থাকব।Xxx M.S. (পরে জানাচ্ছি – শুনলাম কুমিল্লার চৌধুরীরাHg.P স্কীম আইন বা নীতিধারা ভুল করিয়া দিয়াছে, তার জন্য আপনারা তাদের কাছে জানাইয়া দেন সবাকে নিয়ে বলেন, দাবী করেন যেন কেহ আমার শরীরে বা মনের কোন অংশে বীট বা স্ট্রাইক না করে। কানেকশানেHg.P এর নিজসু-যােগবন্ধতা ছাড়া কুমিল্লার চৌধুরীরা-না করে। অন্য কিছু না করে। জন সাধারনকে বীট এর স্কীম পাঠালে আমার কষ্ট হলে আপনারা দায়ী থাকবেন- XXX, পরে শামসুল হুধা ডা: ও আ: রহমান ইউ: কেরানী-সম্মন্ধে ও অন্যান্য বিষয়ে জানাচ্ছি।
Mv. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman, Ex. Minister of Anti-corpt Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
To, Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. A.K Fazlul Haque, Mohan Miahn. Jharalal Nehero Rajendra prashad sen.

Page: 286
প্রিয় ভাষানী+পদ্মজা-নাইডাে ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাবেন আর দোয়া করিতে বলিবেন। এ অবস্থায় থেকে বিশেষ আর কি ই বা লিখিতে যাব, আমার একবারে কোন কিছু করতে ইচ্ছা হয় না, শুধু কেবল ভাবতে হয় আমার অবস্থ্য নিয়ে, কোন খান দিয়ে আমরা কোন বিপদে পড়ি এই দ্য নিয়েই চলছি। যা হউক খােদার কাছে দোয়া করেন যেন আমরা কোন রকমে বেশ শান্তিতে দুনিয়ায় চলতে পারি। কোন সময় ধারনাও করিনে যে এ ভাবে সাধারন মানুষের হাতে পড়ে নিজকে অতটুকু হয়রান করতে হবে।..(missing from the original document due to page damage) করেও লাভ নেই। অদৃষ্টের দশা নিয়েই চলতে হয়েছে। দোয়া করেন সবাই যেন আল্লাহ আমাদেরকে শান্তিতে রাখে কোন বিপদ না হয়। মনটা ভেঙ্গে যায় মানুষের কাৰ্য কলাপ দেখলে। আর আপনারা চেষ্টা করবেন খােদা সন্তুষ্ট হয় এর এ রকম প্রতিকার করতে। আপনাদের ভুল তাদের এ রকম প্রশ্রয় দেওয়া তারা সাধারন স্বভাবের অথচ মিছিল মিহিন চেহারায় উৎখাত করে দিলে মন্দ নয় ভালই হয়।
N.B. দোয়া করবেন যেন ভাল হয়ে যায়। চিন্তায় আছি, আরকি দেয়াটাই আপনাদের চাই।
Mv. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anti-corpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
T0, Md. Ataur Rahman Khan A.K.M. Fazlul Hoque. Mohan Miahn Bidhan- Ray
প্রিয় ভাষানি + Nehero+++
ছালাম জানিবেন, এবার আর একটা পত্র লিখছি, রাজশাহীতে কি পাবনায় একজন ব্রাহ্মন বনদেবী আয়ত্তে রাখার বিষয় বা বিদ্যা জানেন, আপনাদের অনেকেই ফোনে এ বিষয় আমাকে জানাইয়েছেন। আরও অনেক কথা বলা বলি করেছেন, বােধ হয় ব্যাপারটা সত্যই হয়ে যাইবে। আর হওয়া দরকার। আমার সব সময় একটু ভষ্ম আছে। আমি পড়ে আছি, বদমাইষের মধ্যে। ভবিষ্যতের জন্য আমাকে একটু সাবধান হওষ্মর জন্য অবশ্যই এটা শিখার দরকার। যদি সেই লােক এ ব্যাপার শুনে থাকে তবে সে খােদার কাছে দায়ী আছে, জানাবেন দয়া করে। আর রাজশাহী হতে যারা আসছেন, তারা কি রয়ে গিয়াছেন আমার

Page: 287
অবশ্যই জানা দরকার। আরHg.P এ যদি কোন কয়েদীকে মুক্ত করেন যা করার ইচ্ছা থাকে সেটা অবশ্যই আপনাদের উপর খােদার একটা অনুগ্রহ থাকে, কাশ্মীরের সেখআব্দুল্লাহ সম্মন্ধে আমার ভাল হয়- XXX। N.B. সেই ব্রাম্মন কেউ জানাবেন। ফোনে একটু ভাল হয়।
Mv. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anti-corpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque. Mohan Miahn.
প্রিয় ভাষানি+বিধান রায় এবার ছালাম জানিবেন। আশা করি খােদা চাহেত আমার সব কিছু আপনারা জেনে নিতেছেন এখন এই পত্রে কুমিল্লা চৌধুরীদের কয়েকটা মেয়ে মানুষ ও তাদের সহায়তা করেছে এমন কয়েকজনার শাস্তির কথা বেশ লিখে দিতেছি। মনে হয় অবশ্যই তারা এটাকে মানিয়া নিবে, তাতে তাদের উপকার আছে বলেই আমার মনে হয়। তারা যেমন আমাদের মত চলা উচিত। তাহেরুন নেছার-৩৬, করিমুন নাহার-২৩, মনােয়ারা-১৯, ছখিনা-১১, নবি-১৮, রাহেমা-২, রেনুকা-২=১আর- কমও হইতে যাইয়া শেষ: বেত আর জুতা মারা, প্রয়ােজন হলে তাদের ব্যাপার নিয়ে আমার কি চিন্তা করা উচিত। এটা আমার হাসির বিষয়। তাদের ব্যাপার নিয়ে জগৎ একটু অসহায় হতে পারে, কিন্তু যার জন্যই আমি অতটুকু দাবী করি শুধু তারা সবদিক দিয়ে ইতরামিরই পরিচয় দেয় আর কিছুইনা।
Mr. Md. Sheikh. Mazibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. 76. Sagun Bagicha. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.

Page: 288
On scrutinising the letters…(missing from the original document due to page damage) one it appears that all post cards bear postal seals of Ramna Post office with different dates & time when the following officers as per duty chart were on duty at the P.O. The names of the officers were noted against the dates & times.
P. C. bearing postal seals with date & time.
Names of officer.
1) 26.11.60 = 11.30 hrs.}
2) 22.1.61 = 16.00 hrs.} 3) 11.12.60 = 16.00 hrs.} 4) 10.12.60 = 11.30 hrs.} 5) 28.1.61 = 11.30 hrs.} 6) 14.12.60. – 09.00 hrs.}
S.l. Amir Hossain, A.S.I. Ataur Rahman.(under suspension) S.l. Talebul Haq. A.S.I. Azizur Rahim. S.l. Amir Hossain. A.S.I. Abdur Raquib S.I. Amir Hossain. S.1. Talebul Haq. S.l. Amir Hossain. A.S.1. Abdur Raquib.
Sd/ – 1.3.61
Phone no 4231/61
No. 4136 dt. 4/3/61 /606-48 P.F.
Addl.S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Copy forwarded to …….. for information and with the request to enquire into the matters through his source and report the result thereof.
Sd/ – 28.2 DS (6) for SS (11)
Side note: DS(6) Order below :- Draft for approval pl. Seen. Show Zonal Insp. also.
Sd/ – 28.2.61

Page: 289
Secret PHONE NO.4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 4th April 1961.
No. 3815/23-61. R.1910. To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 4136/606-48 P.F., dated 4.3.61.
We have no corroboration of the information from any of our sources.
Sd/ -4.4.61
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
The .27.2.1961 Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address) 2. To (with address)
: Mr. Md. Sheikh Muzibur Rahman,
Ex-Minister Anticorruption Dept. 66, Purana Paltan Road, Po. Ramna,
Dacca, E. Pakistan. 3. Language of letter
: Bengali.
Date of letter
7. 8.
Postal Seal
: Comilla. Post office of interception
: Ramna. Date of interception
: 26.2.61 Name of officer who can prove the : Hussain S.I. interception G.’ Whether photographed or not : No. Whether withheld or delivered : Submitted with original letter.
9. 10.

Page: 290
If delivered, whether copy kept or : … not Number and date of Government : Casual. order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to DS VI
A post card addressed by an unknown person from Comilla to Sk. Mujibar Rahman contains some anomalous things which have no rational bearing. This may be withheld.
Sa/- 27.2.61 Withheld & put up in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. A.K. Fazlul Haque. Nehero Prashad Sen Dr. Bidan Roy ectsr.
প্রিয় ভাসানি+পদ্মজা নাইডাে ছালাম জানিবেন এবং সবাকে জানাবেন আর সবাই মিলে আমাদের জন্য দোয়া করিবেন যেন আমরা খােদা চাহেত মঙ্গল মতে দিন কাটাইয়া যাইতে পারি। আলেম সাহেবদের জানাইয়া দিবেন যেন আমাদের জন্য খালেছ ভাবে দেয়া করেন। বিশেষ আর কিছু লিখার দরকার নেই পত্র দেওয়া আর দিন কাটাইয়ে যাওয়া আমার। ইচ্ছ। এখন আপনারা কুমিল্লা চৌধুরীদের জিজ্ঞেস করতেHg.P. একি মজার জিনিস সব কিছু বাধার পরও তারা মুক্তি পাই নাই ইসিতে তাদের এসব নিয়ে, বাকীটা বাকীটাই শুধু মেয়েদের জন্য এর চেয়ে বুড়া মানুষ টি আরও বেশী অন্যায় না করে চিন্তা করা উচিত ছিল, তারা আমার কাছে, অন্যায় শুধু করেনি তারা শুধু তাদের সাধারণ মূল্য আমাকে দিয়ে। দিয়েছে, আমার ভাবতে হয় এ নিয়ে সুযােগ বুঝে তারা আমাদের কাজে লাগাইয়া দিয়েছে অথচ আমার জন্য তারা চিরদিন খােদার কাছে দায়ী থাকবে বাকীটা আমার বলার দরকার। নেই কালু চৌঃ তাদের প্রজা বলবে আর তারা জুলুম করে যাবে আমার ক্ষতির দাবী তাদের জানাইয়া দিন, যেন তারা পূরন করে। N.B: দোয়া করেন সবার জন্য ফসলের জন্য ফলের জন্য।
To Private Mv. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman. Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca), E. Pakistan

Page: 291
Dacca; The .20.3.1961
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
Language of letter Date of letter
Mr. Md. Sheikh. Muzibur Rahman, Ex-Minister ofAnti. Corrpt. Dept. 76, Purana Paltan Ramna,
Dacca. : Bengali : Nil
Comilla Ramna
20.3.61 : Gi’ Hussain S.l.
Postal Seal
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered :
: No. : Submitted with original
If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
A post card is addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ex. M.P.A by some unknown addressee. The meeting has no consistency. This may be withheld.
Sd/ – 24.3.61
Side note: Seen Please withheld the letter. Office to please report if we have got any
report from the Comilla D.I.B. regarding the identity of the writer. Sd/30.3.61

Page: 292
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. A.K. Fazlul Haque. Mahan Miah. Rajendra Prashad Sen, Nehero Naido,
প্রিয় ভাসানি+বিধান রায় ছালাম জানিবেনও সবাকে জানাইয়ে দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন দোয়া করিতে জানাইয়ে দিবেন আপনাদের মনে থাকতে পারে, সাবে-কদরের আগের দিনই রান্তে কিছু বৃষ্টি হয়ে গিয়েছে অন্য জায়গায় হয়েছে কিনা খবর দিবেন, সর্ববত্ত জানাইয়ে দিবেন-নতুন করে হিন্দু মুসলমান মিলাদ পড়ে দেয়া করে কীৰ্ত্তন করে আর দান-খয়রাত করে-করে যায়। অবশ্যই ভাল ফল পাইবে মানুষ যেমন বদমাইষ। ২ টি বােধ হয় আটকিয়ে গিয়েছে।
ভবিষ্যতে আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের জানতে দিবেন আশা করি দোয়া করেন। প্রত্যেকটা ব্যাপারে যেন পূর্ন ভাবে মমাংশা হয়ে যায়। আমি যেন সব বালাই থেকে মুক্ত হয়ে যাই।Hg.P ব্যাপারে আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের ও বাড়ী লােক জনের কোন রকম আপদ বালাই না হয় অসুখ বিসূখ রােগ শােক চিরতরে না হয়। আর অন্যভাবেও না হয়। N.B: অসুখ বিসুখ আপদ বিপদ না হয় শান্তি ত আছি।
ইতি To Private Mv.Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman Ex-Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 76 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan
Dacca; The .4.4.1961
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Name Not mentioned. Sheikh. Muzibur Rahman, Ex-Minister Anti Corpt. Dept. 66 Purana Paltan Ramna, Dacca.
Language of letter

Page: 293
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna.
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception.
: 3.4.61. : Alamin A.S.I.
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorising interception
: Original Submitted.
: Casual.
Copy/translation forwarded to with held for DS 6.4.61. 606/4৪ (৫) 84O2 dt. 7/4
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. A.K. Fazlul Haque. Rajendra prashad Sen Dr. Bidhan Roy
প্রিয়-ভাসানি+পদ্মজা নাইডাে ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন। দোয়া করিবেন ও দোয়া করিতে R বলিয়া দিবেন সবাকে। আশা করি সবাই খােদার কৃপায় সমাচার ভাবে দিন কাটাইতেছেন। আপনারা কে কি কাজ করতেছেন এ ব্যপারে এবং সব দিক দিয়ে কি যােগার যন্ত্র করিতেছেন-আমার জানা দরকার আছে বলেই আপনাদের জানা দরকার। বিশেষ আর কি লিখিব, আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের কোন রকম অসুখ বিসুখ, রােগ। শােগ, আপদ বালাই, দুঃখ কষ্ট, অশান্তি অসুবিধা না হয় আর ভবিষ্যতেও না হয় সেই ভাবে দোয়া করে যাবেন।Hg.P ব্যাপারে আমাদের ঘরে বাড়ীতে কোন রােগ শােগ আপদ বালাই, দুঃখ, কষ্ট, অসুখ বিসুখ, অশান্তি অসুবিধা না হয় এবং ভবিষ্যতেও না হয় সবাই ভালােভাবে দোয়া করে যান, খােদাও আপনাদের শান্তিতে রাখুক।
দোয়া করিতে বলিবে সবা কে জানাইয়াও।

Page: 294
Strictly Private
Md. Sheikh Majibur Rahman. Ex. Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road, Po. Ramna – (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
Dacca; The .10.4.1961
Memo No.
1. 2.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) From (with address)
: Nil To (with address)
: Sheikh. Muzibur Rahman,
Ex-Minister of Anti Corpt. Dept.66, Purana Paltan
Ramna, Dacca. Language of letter Date of letter
: Nil Postal Seal
: Comilla Postoffice of interception
: Ramna. Date of interception
: 9.4.61. Name of officer who can prove the : Gi’ Hussain S.I. interception
t si
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
No Submitted with original letter
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
: Casual

Page: 295
Copy/translation forwarded to 11.4.61 Withheld. Sd/ -10.4 for DS VI R/8470 11/4/61
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, A.K. Fazlul Hoque, Rajendra Prashad Sen.Padmja Naido
প্রিয় ভাষানি+বিধান রায় ছালাম জানিবেন, সবাইকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন ও দোয়া করিতে জানাইয়া দিবেন, বিশেষ কিছু লিখার আমার ইচ্ছা হয় না। আপনাদের অনেক কিছু লিখে জানাই দেয়া করার জন্য যাতে আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের কোন বিপদ না হয় এবংHg.P ব্যাপারে আমাদের মধ্যে যা বলতে লােকের বিপদ আপদ বা অসুখ বিসুখ না হয়। কিন্তু সে সবের গােলমাল এখানও যায় না। সময় সময় হঠাৎ অসুস্থ হয়ে যায় এবং গােলমাল হয়ে যায়। বিশেষ চিন্তায় থাকি অবশ্যই সবাই দোয়া করেন। যেন আমাদের বলবে কোন রকম অসুখ বিসুখ, আপদ বালাই, দুঃখ কষ্ট, রােগ- শােক অশান্তি অসুবিধা এসবের কিছুই না হয় ভবিষ্যতেও না হয় আরHg.P ব্যাপারেও না হয়। ভাল বিশেষ সেই। N.B দোয়া করেন। খবর দিবেন।
Private ……….
To, Mv, Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman Ex- Minister to Anti-corpt. Dept.66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna. E. Pakistan.
The .15.4.1761 Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Comilla.

Page: 296
To (with address)
Shaikh Muzibur Rahman, Ex-Minister of Anit Corpt. Dept. 66 Porana Polton Road, Dacca. “Bengali”.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception
A Rahim, Asi.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
10. 11.
Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Original Submitted
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to withheld Sd-15.4.61 for DS6 dt. 17-4-61 7144 dt. 17/4.
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan. A.K. Fazlul Haque. Rajendra Prashad Sen, Padmja Naido;
প্রিয় ভাসানি+বিধান রায় ছালাম জানিবেন-সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেনসবাকে দোয়া করিতে বলে দিবেন। বৃষ্টি হয়ে গিয়েছে। এবার জানাইয়া দিন সবাকে অর্থাৎ হিন্দু মুসলমান সবাকেই যেন মিলাদ পড়ে দোয়া করে কীৰ্ত্তন করে দেয়া করে দান খয়রাত করে। আর আন্তরিকতার সহিত সব কিছু করে যায় আর খােদা যেন রহমত ও বরকত দান করে বেশী ভাবে। আর বিশেষ কিছু লিখবনা। সব কিছু আমাকে জানতে দিবেন। এই আশা রাখি।

Page: 297
আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের আপদ বালাই, অসুখ বিসুখ. রােগ শােগ, দুঃখ কষ্ট, অশান্তি অসুবিধা না হয় এবং ভবিষ্যতেও না হয়।Hg.P ব্যাপারেও আমাদের ঘরে এবং বাড়ীতে, লােকজনের আপদ বালাই, অসুখ বিসুখ, রােগ শােক দুঃখ কষ্ট, অশান্তি-অসুবিধা হয়, ভবিষ্যতেও না হয় এই ভাবে দোয়া করে করিবেন।।N.B. দোয়া করিবেন ভালাে ভাবে শান্তি পাই। দোয়া করিতে বলিবেন।
To Private Mv. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman Ex-Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan
DACCA; The. 24.4.1761
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Comilla mentioned).
To (with address)
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Ex-Minister of Anticorruption Dept 66, Purana Paltan, Dacca.
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
: Nil
Postal Seal
Comilla, H.O
Post office of interception
: Ramna Po.
Date of interception
: 23.4.61.
: S.I. Md. Talebul Haque.
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not
: X.

Page: 298
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Submitted in original.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: ‘C.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
1/26.4.61 Withheld for P.F of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ex. Sd/-24.4.61. for DS VI 606/44 (1) 1813 dt. 26/4
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan A.K. Fazlul Hoque. Rajendra- prashad Sen, Padmja-Naido,
প্রিয় ভাষানি+বিধান রায় ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন ও দেয়া করিতে বলে দিবেন। এবার বৃষ্টি বেশ এক রকম ভালই হয়েছে। কোন রকমে চলতে পারে। সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন যেন মিলাদ পড়ায়, দান খয়রাত বেশ রকম ভাবে করে, মনে প্রাণে দোয়া করে। বরাবর এ রকমই লিখে যাই। বাড়ীতে হঠাতে মায়ের অসুখ হয়ে পড়ে। এখন, খােদার ইচ্ছায় এক প্রকার ভালই চলছে তবুও বিশেষ চিন্তার মধ্যে ষ্ম ও বিপদের মধ্যে আছি। দোয়া করা হয় অবশ্য তবুও এ রকম কেন হয় কিছুই বুঝে উঠতে পারিনা। মনে একটুর দুঃখ নিয়েই চলছি। আমায়তাে দোষহীন ছিলাম তবুও এ রকম হয়ে যায়। কাকে দায়ী করব। যাউক খােদার ইচ্ছা। মনে প্রানে আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের জন্য দেয়া। করবেন আমাদের কোন অসুখ বিসুখ রােগ, শােক, দুঃখ, কষ্ট, আপদ-বালাই, অশান্তি অসুবিধা না হয় ভবিষ্যতে ও না হয়।Hg.P ব্যাপারে ও না হয় ভবিষ্যতেও ঐরকম কিছুর না হয়। দোয়া করবেন আলেম সাঃ দের জানাবেন, ছালাম দিবেন দেয়া করতে বলবেন।
দোয়া করতে বলবেন। নূতন আগতদের ছালাম দিবেন।N.B. দোয়া করেন। সবাই আগত নতুন আকৃষ্ট ইত্যাদি।

Page: 299
Private Mr. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anti Corpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana-Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
Dacca; The .1.5.1961
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Comilla
To (with address)
Shaikh. Mujibur Rahman, ExMinister 66, Porana Polton, Dacca
Language of letter
: Bengali
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Comilla Ho.
Post office of interception
: Ramna P.O.
Date of interception
: S.I. Md. Talebul Haque.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Submitted in original. : …
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception

Page: 300
Copy / translation forwarded to
Withheld 3.5.61, Sa/-2.5.61 for DS V, 606/44 (1) C, 102৭৪ dt 3/5
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan A.K. Fazlul Hoque Rajendra Prashad Sen. Padmja Naido,
প্রিয় ভাষানি+বিধান রায় ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন ও দোয়া করিতে বলিয়া দিবেন। বিশেষ আর কি লিখব কোন প্রকারে দিন কাটান আর এ বিপদ থেকে কোন প্রকারে মক্তি পাম্মা। আপনারা খােদার কাছে মনে প্রানে দোয়া করেন যেন খােদার মর্জিতে এ বালাই থেকে মক্তি পাইয়া যাই। আমাদের ঘরে অসুখ, বিসখ অথবা ঝগড়া ঝাটি একটা না একটা লাগিয়া আছেই, কিছু করার পথ আর দেখছি না। অনেক চিন্তায় আছি ব্যাপারটা নিয়ে। যা-উক খােদার ইচ্ছা। আপনারা সবাই মনে প্রানে খােদার কাছে দোয়া করেন আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনে কোন অসুখ বিসুখ, আপদ বালাই, রােগ, শােগ দুঃখ কষ্ট, অশান্তি অসুবিধা ঝগড়া ঝাটি না হয় এবং ভবিষ্যতেও না হয় Hg.P ব্যাপারেও এখন এবং ভবিষ্যতেও না হয়। আলেম সাঃ বার ছালাম দিবেন আর দোয়া করিতে বলিবেন।
N.B. সমাচার দিবেন ও মনে প্রাণে দোয়া করেন।
To Mv. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman. Ex Minister of Anti Corpt Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road . Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
DACCA; The.৪.5.1761.
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
: Comilla.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, of Ex-Minister of 66, Porana Polton, Dacca

Page: 301
ť si
Language of letter 4. Date of letter
Postal Seal Post office of interception
Date of interception 8.
Name of officer who can prove
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Bengali : N/. : Comilla, Ho. : Ramna Po. : 6.5.61.. : S.l. Md. Talebul Haque.
i r
: : :
E Submitted original. X.
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to
D.S. Vi for kind perusal & for order. It is an anonymous letter addressed for Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman Ex- Minister. The contents of the letter appear to be objectionable. This may be withheld.
Yes Please Sd/-৪.5 Sa/- ৪.5.61
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, A.K. Fazlul Hoque. Rajendra – Prashad Sen, Dr. Bidhan Ray
প্রিয়-ভাষানি+পদ্মজা-নাইডাে, ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দেয়া করিবেন ও দোয়া করিতে জানাইয়া দিবেন। এবার খােদার ইচ্ছায় বেশ ভাল, বৃষ্টি হইয়া
ছে, কাজেই, সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন যেন সবাই হিন্দু মুসলমান ভাল করে মিলাদ পড়ে দোয়া করে, মনে প্রানে, ভাল ভাবে দান খয়রাত করে। হিন্দুদের কীৰ্ত্তন ভাল হয় দান খয়রাত ও ভাল হয়। বিশেষ আর কিছু লিখতে চাই না। আলেম সাহেবদের ছালাম দিবেন ও দেয়া করিতে জানাইয়া দিবেন। আমি একটু চিন্তায় এবং ভয়ে আছি।
কখন যে, কার কি ঘটে বলে সময় অসময় একটা কিছু ঘটে যায়। এটাই থামছে না মনে প্রানে দেয়া করেন। আমার পারিবারিক লােক জনের যেন কোন অসুখ বিসুখ, রােগ, শােক, আপদ বালাই, দুঃখ কন্ঠ অশান্তি, অসুবিধা, ঝগড়া-ঝাটি না হয় এবং ভবিষ্যতেও না হয়।

Page: 302
হঠাতেও যেন না হয় দোয়া করেন।Hg.P ব্যাপারে ও না হয়, ভবিষ্যতেও না হয়। হঠাতেও হয়। দোয়া করেন সবাই।
দোয়া করেন সবাই। দোয়া করেন। N.B. অন্যান্য জায়গার বৃষ্টি ও ফলফলাদিও সালাম জানাইবেন।
sro Private
Mr. Md. Sheikh Mazibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anti Corpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana-Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
The. 20.5.1961. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address) To (with address)
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, ExMinister of Anticorruption, Dept. 76, Sagunbagicha,
Ramna , Dacca. 3. Language of letter
Bengali. Date of letter
: Nil. 5. Postal Seal
: Comilla. Post office of interception
: Ramna. 7. Date of interception
: 20.5.61. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : G. Hussain ASI.
interception. Whether photographed or not
No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : submitted with original letter. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
Number and date of Government order authorising interception

Page: 303
Copy /translation forwarded to
with held 1. Dt. 22.5.61
M. Husain for DS.VII 25.5.61
606-48 (1) S/1168৪Dt. 23.5
T0, Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, A.K.Fazlul Hoque, Rajendra Prashad Sen. Padmja Naido,
প্রিয় ভাষানি + বিধান রায়, ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন: দেয়া করিবেন ও সবাকে দোয়া করিতে বলিয়া দিবেন, আশা করি সবাই ভালভাবেই দিনাদিপাত করিতেছেন, আর আমি একটা গােল মালের মধ্যে পড়ে একটু দুঃখের ভিতর দিয়েই দিন কাটাইয়ে যাইতেছি। মনে সময় সময় আফসােস হয়। জানিনা খােদা কখন আমাকে এর হাত থেকে মুক্ত করে। আর ভাবতে হয় আমার জীবনটা কি দুঃখের ভিতর দিয়েই কাটিয়া যাইবে? যাউক খােদার কাছে আমার জন্য –
আমি কিছুই করার মত নাই। খােদার যা-ইচ্ছা তার জন্য আমার কি ইচ্ছা হয়? বিশেষ বিসখে লাভ নাই। আপনাদের যা-করার দরকার করতে পারেন। আমাদের পারিবারিক লােক জনের কোন অসুখ বিসুখ, রােগ, শােক,আপদ, বালাই, দুঃখ-কষ্ট, অশান্তি অসুবিধা-ঝগড়া ঝাটি ইত্যাদি কোন কিছুই না হয়। ভবিষ্যতে ও না হয়, Hg. P ব্যাপারে ও হয় ভবিষ্যতে ও না হয়। এই ভাবে দোয়া করেন। দোয়া করিবেন, দোয়া করেন।N.B. দোয়া করিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন ভালভাবে।
Mv. Md. Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 76 No. Segunbagicha PO.. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.

Page: 304
DACCA; The. 29.5.1961.
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
Tippera. Shaik Mujibur Rahman, Ex-Minister Anticorruption, 66, Purana Paltan Rd., Ramna, DACCA. Bengali. Nil. Tippera.
Language of letter
4. 5.
Date of letter Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna.
7. 8.
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
: 28.5.61 : G. Hossain S.l.
: No. : Submitted with original.
Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to with held. 1/29.5.61 M. Husain for DS VI

Page: 305
606/48 (1) S/2020 Dt. 30.5
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, A.K. Fazlul Hoque, Padmja Naido,
Razendra Prashed Sen,
প্রিয় ভাষানি+বিধান রায়-ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন। দোয়া করিবেন ও সবাকে দেয়া করিতে বলিয়া দিবেন। আশা করি সবাই মল মতেই দিনাতিপাত করিতেছেন। এবার বৃষ্টি হয়ে গিয়েছে। সবাই মিলাদ পড়ান, আর সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন যেন সবাই মিলাদ পড়ায়। সংকীৰ্ত্তন করে দোয়া করে মনে প্রানে, দান খয়রাত করে, বেশ। ভালভাবে। বিশেষ আর কি লিখতে যাব।
দান খয়রাত ভালভাবে করেন। আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের যেন কোন প্রকার। অসুখ বিসুখ। রােগ, শােক, আপদ বালাই দুঃখ কষ্ট, অশান্তি অসুবিধা, ঝগড়া ঝাটি, এ রকম কিছুই না ভবিষ্যতে ও না হয়।Hg.P ব্যাপারে ও না হয় ভবিষ্যতেও না হয়। এই ভাবে দোয়া করে যান বিশেষ আর কি? সবাই মিলাদ পড়ান, কীৰ্ত্তন করেন দোয়া করেন।
ইতি private
My. Md. Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road, Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
Dacca; The. 5.6.1961.
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
Comilla (Unknown Person). Sk. Mujibur Rahman, of Ex -Minister
of Anticorruption, 66, Purana Paltan Rd. Dacca-2.

Page: 306
Language of letter
: Bengali
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Comilla.
Post office of interception
: Ramna.
Date of interception
A. Habib A.S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
: X, : X, : Original submitted.
If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to –
with held I/6.6.61 M. Husain for DS VI. 5.6
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, A.K. Fazlul Hoque. Rajendra Prashad Sen. Dr. Bidhan Ray.
প্রিয় ভাষানী+পদ্মজা নাইডাে, ছালাম জানিবেন, সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন সবাকে দোয়া করিতে বলিয়া দিবেন যেন খােদার ইচ্ছায় আমরা ছাই ছালামতে থাকি। বিশেষ আর কি লিখিব আপনাদের সবার কুশলাদি জানিতে চাই। মনে হয় আপনারা ভালই আছেন। আমি কোন প্রকারে গােল মালের ভিতর দিয়ে চলছি। একটু ভাল করে দেয়া করেন- যেন আমাদের সময় অসময়ে। অসুখ না হয়। এইটার জন্যই একটু চিন্তার মধ্যে আছি। কিছু বলার আর নাই।
সময় হয়ে গিয়াছে, সবাই মিলাদ পড়ান, কীৰ্ত্তন করান, দোয়া করেন দান খয়রাত ভালভাবে করেন। বিশেষ ভাবে আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের যেন কোন প্রকার অসুখ

Page: 307
বিসুখ, রােগ শােগ, দুঃখ কষ্ট, অশান্তি অসুবিধা, ঝগড়া ঝাটি, এই রকম কিছুই না হয় ভবিষ্যতেও না হয়, খােদার ইচ্ছায়, Hg.P ব্যাপারে ও না হয়, ভবিষ্যতেও না হয়।N.B. CCEAN PESA, ET MANO PESA, Mera
private To, Mv. Md. Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road. Po. Ramna (Dacca) – E. Pakistan.
DACCA; The 12.6.1961.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Name not mentioned. : Mv. Md. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ex –
Minister of Anti Cor. 66 Purana Paltan, Dacca.
Language of letter
: Bengali.
Date of letter
: Not noted.
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna Po.
Date of interception
: Aminul Hossain ASI.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: X.
Whether withheld or delivered
: Original submitted.

Page: 308
: X.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to –
with held. M. Husain Sd/-13.6.61 for DS VI 12/6/61 Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, A.K. Fazlul Hoque, Rajendra – Prashad Sen, Padmja Naido
প্রিয়- ভাষানি+বিধান রায় ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন। দোয়া করিবেন ও সবাকে দোয়া করিতে বলিয়া দিবেন। বিশেষ আর কি লিখিত। বৃষ্টি হইয়া গিয়াছে সবাই মিলাদ পড়ান কীৰ্ত্তন করেন, দোয়া করেন মনে প্রানে, দান খয়রাত করেন। বিশেষ আর কি লিখা চলে। খােদার ইচ্ছায় আমরা এক প্রকার চলছি ভয়ের ভিতর দিয়া। আমাদের লােকজনের ছাই ছালামতের জন্য সবাই খােদার কাছে দোয়া করেন।
আমাদের সবার খবরাদিও আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের যেন কোন প্রকার অসুখ বিসুখ, রােগ শােগ, দুঃখ কষ্ট, আপদ বালাই, অশান্তি অসুবিধা, ঝগড়া ঝাটি, ইত্যাদির কিছুই না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়। Hg.P. ব্যাপারেও না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়। এই ভাবেদোয়া করেন।
পড়ান, কীর্তন করান দোয়া করেন। দান খয়রাত করেন।
Private Mv. Md. Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anti ^orpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road, Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.

Page: 309
The 17.6.1961. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)

To (with address)
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ex -Minister of
Anti Corp-Dept., 66 Purana Paltan Rd. Dacca-2.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna.
Date of interception
Name of officer who can
A. Rahim ASI.
prove the interception
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: X. : X.
: Original submitted.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
Number and date of Government order authorising

Page: 310
Ataur Rahman Khan, A.K. Fazlul Hoque, Rajendra – Prashad Sen, Naido, প্রিয় ভাষানী+বিধান রায় সালাম জানিবেন, সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন, আর সবাকে দোয়া করিতেন বলিয়া দিবেন। বৃষ্টি হইয়া গিয়াছে,সবাই মিলাদ পড়ান দেয়া করেন। ভালভাবে দান খয়রাত করেন, কীৰ্ত্তন করেন, দোয়া করেন, ভালভাবে দান খয়রাত করেন, খােদা সব সামগ্রীর উপর রহমত এবং বরকত দান করুক, শান্তি দিউক। আশা করি, খােদা চাহে সবাই কুশলেই আছেন ।
অসুখ গােলমাল লাগিয়া আছে। যাউক আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের যেন কোন প্রকার অসুখ বিসুখ, আপদ বালাই, রােগ শােগ, দুঃখ কষ্ঠ অশান্তি অসুবিধা, ঝগড়া ঝাটি, ইত্যাদির কিছুই না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়। ব্যাপারেও না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়। এই ভাবেদোয়া করেন। ভালভাবে দোয়া করবেন দান খয়রাত করবেন কীৰ্ত্তন করেন।
Mv. Md. Private
Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anticorpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road, PO.. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
DACCA; The 27.6.1961.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
: Not… noted.
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
: Mr. Mohd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ex –
Minister Purana Paltan Dacca.
Language of letter
: Bengali.

Page: 311
4. 5.
Date of letter Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna Po.
Date of interception
: Aminul Hussain ASI.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: X.
Whether withheld or delivered
: Original submitted.
: X.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
with held. To R/S. Sd/- 24.4.61 M. Hassain, for DS VI 2৪.6.61
606/48 () S 13452 Pt. 28.6
Ataur Rahman Khan, Fazlul Hoque, Endra- Prashad Sen, Pad..ya Naido,
ভাষানী+বিধান রায় সালাম জানিবেন, সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন, আর সবাকে দোয়া করিতেন বলিয়া দিবেন। বৃষ্টি হইয়া গিয়াছে, সবাই মিলাদ পড়ান দেয়া করেন। ভালভাবে দান খয়রাত করেন, কীৰ্ত্তন করেন, দোয়া করেন, ভালভাবে দান খয়রাত করেন, খােদা সব সাশ্মীর উপর রহমত এবং বরকত দান করুক, শান্তি দিউক। আশা করি, খােদা চাহে সবাই কুশলেই আছেন ।
অসুখ গােলমাল লাগিয়া আছে। যাউক আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের যেন কোন প্রকার অসুখ বিসুখ, আপদ বালাই, রােগ শােক, দুঃখ কষ্ট অশান্তি অসুবিধা, ঝগড়া ঝাটি,

Page: 312
ইত্যাদির কিছুই না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়। ব্যাপারেও না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়। এই ভাবেদোয়া করেন। ভালভাবে দোয়া করবেন দান খয়রাত করবেন কীৰ্ত্তন করেন।
ইতি Private To, Mv. Md. Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Ex. Minister of Anti Corpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road, PO. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.
The 13.7.1961 Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
: Comilla, unknown person.
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ex -Minister
Anti corruption. Ramna, Dacca.
Language of letter
: Bengali.
Date of letter
: Nil.
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna.
Date of interception
: A Hussain SI.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: ….
Whether withheld or delivered

Page: 313
If delivered, whether copy
: Orginal Sumitted .
kept or not
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Md. Ataur Rahman Khan , A.K. Fazlul Hoque, Rajendra Prashad Sen, Dr. Bidhan Roy
প্রিয়, ভাষানি+পদ্ম জানাইতে ছালাম জানিবেন ও সবাকে জানাইয়া দিবেন, দোয়া করিবেন ও সবাকে দোয়া করিতে বলিয়া দিবেন। খােদার ফজলে আমরা বাটাস্থ পারিবারিক লােক জন এক প্রকার চলছি। মনের মধ্যে যাব সময় চিন্তা কখন যে কার কি হয় যাউক খােদার যা ইচ্ছা হয়। বৃষ্টি হইয়া গিয়াছে। সবাই মিলাদ পড়ান, কীৰ্ত্তন করেন দোয়া করেন-ভালভাবে দান খয়রাত করেন, খােদার অনুগ্রহ হবেই আশা করা যায়।
আমাদের পারিবারিক লােকজনের যেন কোন প্রকার অসুখ বিসুখ, রােগ শােক, দুঃখ কষ্ট, আপদ বালাই, অশান্তি অসুবিধা, ঝগড়া ঝাটি, ইত্যাদির কিছুই না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়।Hg.P ব্যাপারেও না হয় ভবিষতেও না হয়। দোয়া করেন এই ভাবে।
Mv. Md. Private Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Ex Minister of Anti Corpt. Dept. 66 No. Purana Paltan Road, Po. Ramna (Dacca) E. Pakistan.

Page: 314


Quite enquiry about Alpha Insurance Company.
Dacca, 18 February 1961
DS (6)
Perusal please the letter below and orders thereon. F.O.P.
Seen. Zonal Inspr. & S.l. Rustom Ali have already been deputed for the purpose & their reports are awaited. Show the order of S.S. (2) to them please.
Sd/ – DS VI-18.2.61
Side note: Seen. Sd/ – 18.2, Z.1. 20.2.61
Secret Phone No – 4231/61
No. 3610 (17) dt. 24.2.61 606-48 PF.
Ss. P. & Addl. S.P. in charge of D.I.Bs in East Pakistan.
Would you kindly cause necessary quiet enquiries by an Inspector regarding branches of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. in your districts if any and a detailed report submitted to this office incorporating therein the following points :
1. Places of situation of the branches with the date of its opening. 2. Names with full particulars of the important personnel employed
therein it with their political affiliation if any in the past. 3. Short notes on the members of the staff having political affiliation. 3. Comments: A very early report requested.
Sd/ -SS II 24.2.61

Page: 315
Phone No. 4231/61.
Office of the D.I.G. of Police.
I.B., East Pakistan.
D.O. No. 3607 Dacca, the 24.2.61.
My dear Akram,
Kindly refer to this office No. 2270/606-48/P.F. dated 3.2.61 regarding Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. I shall be grateful if you would kindly depute a senior and experienced officer to make the enquiries on the points raised and communicate the results to me at a very early date. Kindly give the matter a high priority as there are some special reasons for this request.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- 24.2.61. (M. B. Karim)
M. Akram Shaikh, Esq., P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, C.I.D., Karachi.


Enquiry report on Alpha Insurance Company shows doing good business using Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s connections. He is also
in touch with good number of Awami League leaders.
Rangamati, 2 March 1961
District Intelligence Branch Rangamati, the 2nd March’61.
No. 943/14-61(1), R.583 To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P. Spl.Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 3610(17)/606-48/P.F dated 24.2.61.
There is no branch of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. in this district.
SDI – 2.3.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Page: 316
Re: Alpha Insurance Co. East Pakistan.
I made inquiries through secret contacts but the actual extent of its business in this wing could not be had as yet. This being a business secret with all the insurance companies it could not be ascertained through indirect links. As the insurance companies are to submit the annual outturn of their deals to the controller of insurance Govt. of Pakistan. This information can be had from that office.
As regards the alleged patronisation by the Govt. officer to the Alpha Insurance Company I have already submitted a report regarding its business with this quasi Govt. organisation like East Pakistan small and cottage Industries Corporation.
It is also learnt that some of the Govt. Deptt’s make business with the Insurance Companies for the articles under their charge and for importing materials. The departments of Communication and railway food and Home Transport are their concerns which make deal with Insurance Companies. It will not be obtained through secret enquiry if any of the above departments had any business with the Alpha Insurance Company.
As to the appointment of ex-political workers in the said Company it could had that Mr. MA Aziz (Ex. Secy. Chittagong District A.L.) has been placed in charge of the Chittagong branch of the Company. Besides this Shamsuzzoha (Ex. AL.) S/O Osman Ali of Narayangonj has been associated with the Company and rented for such an office at his residence at New Chashara, Narayangonj, Dacca.
It could not be ascertained if there be any political end behind the activities of the Insurance Company.
Sd/ – 7.3.61.
Chief Secretary has asked for a report from the I.B. on the Alpha Insurance Company and particularly on the extent of its business in East Pakistan, degree of patronage it has received from Govt. departments and political antecedents of persons in charge of this company in East Pakistan – at its principal office at Dacca and agencies in the districts.

Page: 317
2. It would be particularly important to find out whether any political party is monopolising this company and if so, weather this has any political objective.
Sd. A.Q. Ansari,
A short note of the Alpha Insurance Company is placed below, as desired.
Sd/- 7.3.61 (A.M.A. Kabir)
D.I.G., I.B. (Phone Nos. 3025 & 4231/33).
Side note: DIG, IB.(By name). No. 38-HS(S) dt. 24.2.61. Sd/-A.M.A. Kabir, 25.2.61. Home Secy. (By
A short note on the ALPHA INSURANCE CO. LTD., East Pakistan, Dacca.
The Alpha Insurance Co. came to our notice in March, 1960 when Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L. defunct) joined the organisation as the controller of Agencies of the Company in East Pakistan.
The Alpha Insurance Co. was reported to be a subsidy of Messrs. Ideal Life Assurance Co. Ltd., Karachi. The Ideal Life Assurance Co. confined their activities only in life Section of the business while the newly created Alpha Insurance Co. dealt with general business. The Company was reported to be a Goanese cum Portugeese concern originally established long before the Independence. In 1956, it opened its door to Pakistani business magnets and Mr. A Yusuf Abdullah Haroon (M.L. defunct) of Karachi became one of the Directors. It was also in 1956 that the branch of Alpha Insurance Co. was started at Dacca at 12, Jinnah Avenue.
At our instance, C.I.D., Karachi caused an enquiry at their end and it was ascertained that the Alpha Insurance Co. was established in 1952 with its head office at 134 and 135, Writers’ Chamber, Dunolly Road, Karachi with branches at Hyderabad, Lahore, Dacca and Chittagong. The Company has no branch in any foreign country. The members of the board of directors, according to the C.1.D., Karachi are,1. Yusuf Abdullah Haroon (defunct M.L.) of Karachi – Chairman. 2. Malik Bagh Ali (defunct Republican Party) of Sealkot, West Pakistan. 3. Ibrahim Saleh Mait, originally belonged to Bombay now a Municipal
Councilor of Karachi. Arthur Squire – a Councilor, Karachi Municipal Corporation

Page: 318
On ascertain points, we have again made a reference to C.I.D., Karachi with the materials obtained so far here for a further probe and the results are still awaited.
It is learnt that Sk. Mujibur Rahman secured the job as Controller of Agencies in East Pakistan with the assistance of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (defunct A.L.), Ex-Prime Minister, Pakistan. With the joining of Sk. Mujibur Rahman the Company was reported to have been doing good business through him. It was reported that while Mr. Keramat Ali, C.S.P. ,was the Director of small & Cottage Industries Corporation of East Pakistan, the Company received marine business from the Corporation to the turn of about Rs. 35 lacs. It also got business from the P.I.D.C. to the Extent of 5% of their total insurance business. The actual Extent of the total business of the Company could not, however, be assessed adequately as it is considered top secret. The position can be clarified from the controller of Insurance, Government of Pakistan, to whom all the companies submit an annual report on the business done by the Insurance Co.
The following persons belonging to the defunct Awami League are reported to have been working in the company at the places noted against each:1. Ghulam Mustafa of Dacca (Ex-Secretary. Dacca City A.L.) Dacca.
2. Nurul Islam of Chandpur, Comilla (Ex-A.L. worker)-Dacca. 3. M.A Aziz, (Ex-General Secretary, Chittagong Dist. A.L) – Chittagong. 4. Rafiquddin Bhuiyan of Mymensingh. (Ex- Secretary, Mymensingh District
A.L)-Mymensingh. 5. Shamsuzzuha of Narayanganj. (Ex- Office bearer of Narayanganj A.L.)
As regards monopoly of any political party over the Alpha Insurance Co., [However, it is likely that the Awami League would have some influence over the East Pakistan unit through Sk. Mujibur Rahman who as will be seen from the above paragraph has been employing his own erstwhile political workers in the company here was reported by the C.I.D., Karachi that the Company is not connected with any political party and there is nothing adverse against it.
Enquiries are still being made regarding the present activities of the company here to find out if it has been indulging in any political activity under the cover of Insurance business, beyond building up a part of company with political

Page: 319
workers of the Awami League. If anything worthwhile comes to notice, it will be reported in due course.
The activities of the company Vis-a-Vis Sk. Mujibur Rahman were brought to the notice of the Govt. in Intelligence Co-ordination Committee meetings by the Dy. Inspr. -Genl. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan.
District Intelligence Branch Noakhali, the 15th March,1961.
No.1313/13-61(2), R.899 To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl.Supdt.of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca,
Ref: Your No. 3610(17)/606-48 (P.F) dated 24.2.61.
On quiet enquiry it is ascertained that there is no unit of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. in this district.
SDI – 14.3.61
Secret Phone no. 6
District Intelligence Branch
Khulna, the 24 March,1961 No. 1301/12-61(i)(P.24). R.735
M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl.Supdt. of Police., I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 3610(17)/606-48 /P.F dated 24.2.61.
No branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. was established here.
SD/ – 24.3.61 Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Khulna.

Page: 320
Secret PHONE 66
District Intelligence Branch Sylhet, the 28th March/1961. No. 2684/R.1740/8-61(1)
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref :- Your memo No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F., dated 24-2-61.
I write to inform you that there is no branch of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. in this district.
SDI – 25.3.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Sylhet.
East Bengal Form no.5
Secret Phone No.4 &95
Government of East Pakistan OFFICE OF THE Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Jessore.
Memorandum No. 1056, dated Jessore the 25 March. 1961. 13-61(1)/R-600
To M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P, Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 3610(17)/605-48 P.F dated 24.2.61.
There is no branch of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. in this district.
Sd/ – 25.3.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Side note: All communication should give the Number, date and subjects of any previous

Page: 321
East Bengal Form no.5 Secret
Government of East Bengal OFFICE OF THE Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dinajpur. Memoranda No. 1727/4-61(I). dated Dinajpur the 28th March, 1961. R864 P-18.
M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P Special. Supdt. of Police. D.I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated, the 24th February, 1961.
There is no branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. in this dist.
Sd/ – 28.3.61 Superintendent of Police,D.I.B.,
Side note:
All communication should give the Number, date and subjects of any previous Correspondence
Phone no. 4231/61 Secret
No. 5798(15) dt. 1.4.61/606-48 P.F.
All SSP and Addl. S.P. in charge of D.I.Bs. in East Pakistan (except DIB. C.H.T. and Noakhali).
Please refer to this office memo No. 3610(17) dt. 24.2.61 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/- 28.3 DS (6) for SS (2)
Government of East Pakistan Office of the Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dinajpur
Memorandum No. 1727/4-61(1) dated Dinajpur 28th March’61. R. 864 P-18
Το M.B. Karim, Esqr. P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.

Page: 322
Ref: Your Memo No. 3610(17)/606-48/PF. dated, the 24th February , 1961.
There is no branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., in this dist.
Sd/-Illegible. for Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Dinajpur.
Secret Phone : 217.
District Intelligence Branch Comilla, the 30th March, 1961. No. 870/ 3-61(1) P.20.R.747
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt.of Police., I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated 24.2.61.
No branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. could be traced in this district as yet.
(M.A. Islam) Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Secret Phone No. BGR – 47.
District Intelligence Branch
Bogra, the 30th Mar.’61.
No. 817/12-61(1) R. 510, P.13. To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl.Supdt.of Police.(II), I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref : Your memo No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated 24.2.61.
No Branch of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. exists in this district.
(S.L. Hossain) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bogra.

Page: 323
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 31st March/61. 1.4.61
No. 2074/ 7-61(I), R.1151 To M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl.Supdt.of Police. I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 3610(17)/606-48/P.F dated 24.2.61.
On secret enquiry it is ascertained that Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., Chittagong has no other branch in Chittagong district than their office at Anderkilla, Chittagong town. Hence the information as desired cannot be supplied.
SD/-1.4.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Secret Phone No. 36.
District Intelligence Branch Rajshahi, the 4th April/61. No.1751 / 12-61(I), R.845
To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police. I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca,
Ref : Your memo No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated 24.2.61.
There is no branch of Alpha Insurance Company in Rajshahi District.
SDI – 3.4.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Rajshahi
Phone-“RNP-3” Secret
District Intelligence Branch
Rangpur, the 5th April,1961. Memo. No. 1882 /8-61(i). (R.594)

Page: 324
To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special superintendent of Police. Intelligence Branch, East Pak., Dacca-1.
Your Memo No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated 24.2.1961regarding the Branches of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd.
On inquiry by an Inspector of this D.I.B., nothing could be known regarding the operation of any branch of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. in this district.
The matter has been kept in view and the development, if there be any, will be reported promptly.
East Bengal Form no.5
PHONE: 58. Secret
Government of East Pakistan OFFICE OF THE Superintendent of police D.I.B, Pakistan.
Memoranda No. 1149, dated Faridpur the 5th April 1961. 6-61(1)B.
M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Reference: Your Memo. No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated 24.2.61.
The matter has been enquired into by an Inspector, D.I.B. of this district who reports that there is no branch of Alpha Insurance Company Ltd. in this district.
Sd/ -5.4.61 Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Faridpur. Side note: All communication should give the Number, date and subjects of any previous

Page: 325
Secret Phone No.134
District Intelligence Branch Bakarganj, the 5th April,1961.
No. 1385/5-61(1) To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt.of Police. I.B.,E.P., Dacca,
Reference your No: 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated the 24th February, 1961, and subsequent reminder.
Enquiry reveals that “Alpha insurance Co. Ltd.’ has not opened its branch anywhere in this district. There is also no information about employment of any agent for this company here.
SD/-5.4.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bakarganj.
Phone No.17. Secret
District District Intelligence Branch
Khustia, the 8th April, 1961. No. 1789/3-61(1) RR.661-P.39.
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police. I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 3610(17)/606-48 /P.F dt. 24.2.61
There is no branch of Alpha insurance Co. Ltd. in this district.
SDI – 8.4.61 Supdt.of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 326
Phone-office 41 Res. 20
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 10th April, 61.
No. 1703/ 8-61(I) R. 1669.
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police. I.B. E. P., Dacca.
Your Memo No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated 24.2.61 and reminder No. 5798(15) dated 1.4.61.
There is no regular Branch of Alpha Insurance Co. in this district. But preparations are afoot to open a branch at Mymensingh town with Abdul Jabbar S/o Kalu Miyan of Chawk-Sheora, Mymensingh town as in charge of Mymensingh branch.
Abdul Jabbar (mentioned) is on record of this D.I.B. He was a member of E.P.M.S.L.22 and Y.L. during his student life.
SD/-10.4.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.
District Intelligence Branch Khulna, the 17 April, 1961. No. 1724/12-61(i) R. 1125
22. EPMSL (East Pakistan Muslim Students League) – East Pakistan Muslim Students League was founded on 4 January 1948 by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a meeting at Fazlul Huq Hall, Dhaka University. Naeemuddin Ahmed was the first convener while Khaleq Newaz Khan General Secretary. It was the student front of Awami Muslim League. The word ‘Muslim’ was deleted from Awami Muslim League on posture of its secular ideology in 1955. Likewise on the same viewpoint East Pakistan Muslim Students League became East Pakistan Students League. This student organization played a vital role on Language Movement of 1952, Education Movement of 1962, 6-Point Movement of 1966, Mass Revolution of 1969, 11-Point Movement and Liberation War of 1971. So over the decades East Pakistan Students League evolved as Bangladesh Chhatra League.

Page: 327
M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl.Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref.: Your Memo No. 5798(15)/606-48 P.F dated 1.4.61.
Reply to your letter No. 3610(17)/606-48-P.F. dated 24-2-61 has already been sent in this office no. 1301/12-61(i) dated 24-3-61. Copy of the reply is enclosed for ready reference.
Sd/ – 17.6.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Khulna.
Copy of letter No. 1301/12-61(i) dated 24-3-61 addressed to the Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,(II) E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your memo no. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F. d/-24-2-61.
No branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., was established here.
Sd/- S. Islam., 24/3/61 for S.P., D.I.B., Khulna.
District Intelligence Branch Pabna, the 25th April,/1961.
No.1671/ 12-61 (1) A.) R845 (P.8) Το M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 3610(17)/606-48 P.F dated 24.2.61.
No branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. could be located in this district.
However, the matter has been kept in view.
Sd/ -25.4.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Pabna.

Page: 328
Phone-No. 4231/61 Secret.
No. 8375 dt. 8.5.61/606-48 PF
Addl. S.P. DIB Dacca.
Please refer to this office memo No. 3610(17) dt. 24.2.61 and No. 5798 (15) dt. 1.4.61 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/- 6.5 DS(6) for S.S(2)
As per order I had been to PP who went through the restriction order of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (vide page 3078). His opinion in this connection is enclosed at Page 3610.
Submitted, Sd/ – 11.5.61
As ordered, I made quite inquiries about the Alpha Insurance Company, Dacca on the points instructed. It transpired that since Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex. A.L.) joined the Companies as the Controller of agencies, it has been doing good business throughout the province. The reasons for his quick success and his personal reputation and a member of trustworthy and sincere workers at his disposal, who were once his co-workers in the Awami League.
The degree of patronage received by him from the Govt. department could not be known, however it was learnt that the Company expected some business from Industries and W.A.P.D.A. some time back. The following ex. Awami Leaguers are working in the Alpha Insurance and are working at the places against each:(1) Golam Mustafa of Dacca. (Ex-Secy. Dacca City A.L.) (2) Nurul Islam of Chandpur (Ex-A.L. worker) – Dacca. (3) A. Aziz of Chittagong. (Ex. Secy. Chittagong Dist. A.L) Chittagong.

Page: 329
(4) Rafiquddin Bhuiyan of Mymensing (Ex. Secy. Mymensing Dist. A.L.)
Mymensing. (5) Shamsuzzoha of Narayangonj (Ex. office bearer of N. gonj. A .L)
Nothing could be learnt if any political party is monopolizing the Insurance Co. But this can be said that the Awami League has some influence on it through Sk. Mujibur Rahman. It is also said that Sk. Mujibur Rahman is very cautious these days and refuses to discuss politics with anyone. At the same time it cannot be denied that he is in touch with a good number of ex-A.L. workers through his business.
Submitted, Sd/ – Inspr. I.B.
Side note: Put up in file please. Sd/-DS VI – 27.2.61.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman left Dacca for Chittagong and came back
by Air. Chittagong, 5 March 1961
1617(15) 5/3/61 at 19-45 h.,
East Pakistan Form No. 5449-M (modified).
Register No. 78 Call. Serial No. Precedence. Transmission Instructions. From : (Originator) SP DIB CHITTAGONG Date- Time origin Office
05 1300
Date Semp To : (For action) DINTELL DACCA
Count Group
11 W) For information.
Originator’s No. 1508 dt. 5-3-61 (.) AL 551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman Left for Dacca to – day by morning plane 5 1300
To O/C Watch Sd/- 5.3.61 20.30 Hrs.

Page: 330
Signature of originator.
Originator’s Instructions.
Degree of Precedence.
Time THE or TOR
1522 Time cleared.
10026 Sd/ – 5.3
Side note: Passed over phone to Ali Akbar (clerk) of IB office at 1546. Sd/ – 5.3.
This is known. Sd/- 5.3.
Weekly Confidential Report of Chittagong District for the week ending Saturday the 4th March, 1961.
PART I. Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 4 for the week ending 28.1.61 received in this office on 28.2.61.
MOVEMENT OF SUSPECTS. A.L. *207 Bhadra Atindra arrived Chittagong for Comilla on 26.2.61 at 21.30 hours and left Chittagong for Comilla on 27.2.61 at 13.30 hours by train.
A.L.*551 Sheik Mujibur Rahman arrived Chittagong from Dacca on 1.3.61 at 15.00 hours by plane and staying at Chittagong town.
Pl. ask the Dist. to report what for the subject went to Chittagong.
Sd/-G. Nabi.
Pl. request district to report his activities there.
Sd/- N.M. Biswas.
D.S.VI. 9.3.61
Side note: Circulation. Sd/- 7.3.61


H S Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Mirzapur Kumudini Hospital and came back by car on the same day.
Mymensingh, 8 March 1961
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 8th/9th March, 1961.
No. 1162/11-61(2)

Page: 331
A.Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt.of Police, D.I.B., DACCA.
Reference : Your signal No. 1541/100-49/ P.F dated 25.2.61 reg: visit of A.L.*551
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Mirzapur, Mymensingh on 25.2.61
The subject arrived at Mirzapur at about 13.00 hrs. by car, visited the Kumudini Hospital and left for Dacca in the evening on 25.2.61.
No intimation of his visit to Mirzapur on 25.2.61 was received in this office from the subject.
The intimation referred to in this office memo. No. 1111 dated 6.3.61. relates to the visit of 29.1.61 and not 25.2.61.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy also visited Mirzapur on 25.2.61, halted at the Kumudini Hospital and left for Dacca in the evening.
Sd/Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh. No. 1162/1/11-61 (2) dt. 9.3.61.
Copy forwarded to M.B. Karim, Esqr., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. East Pakistan, Dacca for information.
Sd/ -9.3.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh
Phone no. 4231/61
No. 4768 /606-48 PF, dt. 14.3.61. Secret
S.P. DIB Mymensingh.
Please refer to your memo No 969(2) dt 28.2.61 and report if you had received prior information from Sk. Mujibar Rahman direct before he visited Mirzapur.
Sd/ – 10.3.61. DS VI (6) for SS(2)

Page: 332
Copy of letter No. 1111/11-61(2), dated 6.3.61 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Mymensingh to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Reference: Your No. 1541/1/100-49 P.F., dated 25.2.61 reg. Sheikh Mujibur
In continuation of this office No. 969(2) dated 28.2.61., I write to inform you that an intimation was received from the subject by post on 30.1.61.
Secret Phone No.4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 24 March 1961
No. 3420/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information. In this connection Mymensingh D.I.B. Memo No. 969(2), dated 28.2.61 may kindly be referred to.
Sd/ – 24.3.61 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Secret. Phone office-41 Res -20.
Dist. Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 27th March/61.
No. 1457/R.2153./11-61(2) To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Superintendent of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca
Ref: I.B. No. 4768/606-48 P.F dt. 14.3.61.
I write to inform you that a copy of intimation dated 28.1.61 addressed to Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B, Dacca was received in this office on 30.1.61. The subject came to Mirzapur on 29.1.61
Sd/ – 27.3.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.

Page: 333
Copy of letter No. 1162/11-61(2), dated 9.3.61 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Mymensingh to the Addl. S.P., D.I.B., D
Reference: Your signal No. 1541/100-49, P.F., dated 25.2.61 reg. visit of
A.L.*551-Sheikh Mujibur Rahman To Mirzapur, Mymensingh on 25.2.61.
The subject arrived at Mirzapur at about 13.00 hrs. by car, visited the Kumudini Hospital and left for Dacca in the evening on 25.2.61.
No intimation of his visit to Mirzapur on 25.2.61 was received in this office from the subject.
The intimation referred to in this office memo No. 1111 dated 6.3.61 relates to the visit of 29.1.61 and not 25.2.61.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy also visited Mirzapur on 25.2.61, halted at the Kumudini Hospital and left for Dacca in the evening.
Secret Phone :4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 22nd 24th April, 1961.
No. 4521/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information, in continuation of this office No. 3420, dated 24.3.61.
Sd/ -23.4.61 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report and instructions from superior authority about anonymous letter addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Comilla, 10 March 1961
1.B. Interception dt. 26.2.61.
No. 4596 dt. 11/3/61 606-48 (1)

Page: 334
Forwarded in original to the S.P., D.I.B., for information with the request to kindly fix up the writer of the letter and return the original letter with his comments on the contents of the same.
Sd/ – 10.3
Sd/ -9.3.61 for SS(2) IB/EP
Secret/Phone No. 217.
District Intelligence Branch Comilla, the 15th April, 1961, No. 2255/ R.911./90-49 (Int.)
M.S. Haider, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Reference: Your Memo. No. 4596/606-48 (I) dated 11.3.61.
In returning herewith the intercepted letter in original, received with your Memo. under reference I write to inform you that secret enquiry was made but the writer of the letter could not be traced at Comilla. The contents of the letter carries no political bearing and it does not held in any way to trace out the writer and to find out on what basis the letter was written to the addressee.
Sd/ – 15.4.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
No 8142 dt. 4.5.61 /606-48 (1) TO S.P. DIB. Comilla.
Please kindly refer to your No. 2255/90-49 (Int). dt. 15.4.61. in reply to I.B. memo No. 4596/606-48 (1) dt. 11.3.61
Writing of such letter is undesirable as it might create complicities both from our point of view and the political leaders as well. Anyway, writer of such letter should be traced and warned where possible.
Sd/ – 4.5 Sd/ -29.4.61. for SS(2) IB/EP

Page: 335
Secret/Phone No. 217.
District Intelligence Branch Comilla the 7th June, 1961, No. 3293/90-49 (Int.).
R. 1672 P-776. To M. B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Reference: Your Memo. No. 8142/606-48(I) dated 4.5.61.
Several attempts were made to trace out the writer but to no good. The matter is kept in view and report will be submitted if and when the writer is traced.
Sd/ – 7.6.61 Sup. of Police, D.I.B.,


Report on the activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during his stay
at Chittagong Chittagong, 15 March 1961
Phone no. 4231/61
No. 4858/606-48 P.F. dt. 15.3.61. Secret S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong.
Please refer to your W.C.R. Part I-under head-Movement of Suspects for the W/E 4.3.61 and report on the activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman during his stay at Chittagong.
Sd/ – 11.3.61 DS (6) for SS (2)
Side note: DS(6) order below draft for approval pl. Issue 13/3/61. Sd/ – 11.3.61

Page: 336
Copy of letter No. 2008/20-61, dated 30.3.61 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong to the addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your Signal No. 1783 dated 1.3.61 regarding movement of A.L. 551
Sk.Mujibur Rahman.
The subject arrived Patenga Airport by P.I.A. Plane on 1.3.61 and drove to the office of the Alpha Insurance Company at Anderkilla, Chittagong town where he met with Mr. M.A. Aziz, General Secretary of the defunct A.L. and Abu Taher, a worker of the defunct A.L. Chittagong. From the Alpha Insurance Company office he left for Chittagong Rest House where he stayed at Room No. 26. On 5.3.61 he · left for Dacca by P.I.A. Plane. His departure has been intimated to I.B. by Signal.
During his stay at Chittagong he visited some important places of the town. The following individuals also met with him at Rest House, Chittagong.
Mr. M.A. Aziz, Genl. Secy., Defunct A.L., Chittagong. Mr. Abu Taher, a worker of defunct A.L., Chittagong.
Mr. Amir Husain Dovash (A.L.) S/o Nur Husain, Contractor of East Goshindanga, P.S. Double Moorings, Chittagong.
Mr. Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri (Ex-M.P.A.)
So far learnt the subject came to Chittagong in connection with his Alpha Insurance business. The subject matter of their discussion could not be ascertained.
We received prior intimation from the subject direct before his arrival and departure to and from Chittagong.
Secret Phone : 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 22nd/24th April, 1961.
No. 4522 /100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -23.4.61 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 337
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 20th April , ’61.
No. 2518/R. 1425./20-61.
To M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl.Supdt.of Police. I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your memo No. 4858/606-48 P.F dated 15.3.61.
In this connection kindly refer to this office Memo No. 2008/1 dated 30.3.61.
Sd/ -20.4. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 20th April,’61.
No. 2519/20-61. To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police. I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: This office signal No. 2117 dated 4.4.61 regarding movement of A.L. *551
Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
On 1.4.61 at about 07.45 hrs. the suspect along with his 3 minor children arrived Patenga Airport by P.I.A. Plane from Dacca. At Chittagong Airport he was received by Mr. M.A. Aziz, Ex-Genl. Secy. of defunct A.L., Chittagong. At about 08.00 hrs. they arrived Chittagong Rest House where the suspect and his 3 minor children stayed at Room Nos. 13 and 15. On 4.4.61 the Suspect along with his minor children left for Dacca by P.I.A. Plane.
During his stay at Chittagong, the suspect visited the office of the Alpha Insurance Company at Anderkilla, Chittagong town. The suspect along with his minor children also visited the residences of Mr. M.A. Aziz (mentioned), Amir Hussain Dovash, Ex-cashier of defunct A.L. Chittagong and Abdur Rahman (an

Page: 338
A.L. worker) an organiser of Eastern Federal Insurance Company, Chittagong. They were invited there and took their meals.
On 3.4.61 at about 10.00 hrs. Mr. Matiur Rahman, Ex-Genl. Secretary of defunct A.L. Rangpur district met Sk. Mujibur Rahman at the Rest House, Chittagong. The subject matter of their discussion could not be ascertained.
No political activity of the suspect came to notice during his stay at Chittagong. So far learnt the suspect came to Chittagong in connection with his Alpha Insurance business.
Sd/-20.4 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
TELEPHONE MESSAGE Received at-08.20 hrs. Date-4.4.61.
From To
: W.C. Abdul Majid. D.A.P. : O/C., Watch, I.B. Dacca.
To-day at about 07.43 hours suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman arrived at Dacca Air port from Chittagong by P.I.A. Plane and left airport for Dacca town by his Jeep car No. 111 at about 07.53 hours.
This is for your kind information.
D.S.VI may pl. see. Watch arranged. Sd/- 4.4.0/C., Watch. Included in arrival report. Sd/- Md. Ilyas, 4.4.61. Seen. He went to Ctg. on 1.4.61. Pl. ask Chittagong D.I.B. for his activities there. Sd/-N.M. Biswas, D.S.VI, 4.4.
23. Radiogram – A radiogram is a formal written message transmitted by radio. Also known as a radio telegram or radio telegraphic message, radiograms use a standardized message format or form and radiotelephone or radiotelegraph transmission procedures

Page: 339
Secret. 606-48 PF
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 4th April’61 No. 2117/1(2)/20-61
Copy by post forwarded in confirmation to:1. M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
A. Khaleque, Esqr., P.S.P., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
This refers to the movement of A.L. 551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman. We received prior intimation from the subject direct before his arrival and departure to and from Chittagong. Further report about the activities of the subject will be intimated soon.
Sd/ – 4.4.61 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
East Pakistan Form No. 5449 (modified).
Register No.100
10.00 hrs.
Serial No. 35/36
Transmission Instructions.
From : SP DIB CHITTAGONG (Originator)
Date- Time origin. 04
Office Date Stamp.
1130 Count Group
24 =
To : DINTELL (For action) DACCA 2 W) ADDL. SP. For information. DIB. DACCA
Originator’s No. 2117 (.)A.L 551 who came to Chittagong on 1st April/61
by PIA Plane left for Dacca on 4th April/61 by morning
flight (.) A.L 551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman 041205

Page: 340
Signature of
Originator’s Instructions.
Degree of Precedence.
Telephone No.
Time cleared.
Side note: A.L. 551 Sk. Mujibur Rahman. To O/C Watch Sd/-4.4.61 21.00 hrs. This
is known. Sd/ – OC Watch 5.4


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Zahur Hossain Chaudhury, Editor, daily Sangbad and few others met H S Suhrawardy at Kakrail residence of Tofazzal Hossain, Editor, daily Ittefaque.
Dacca, 29 March 1961
Re: the visits of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Zahur Hossain Chaudhury Editor, daily Sangbad and few others to the residence of Mr. Tufazzal Hossain Editor, daily Ittefaque at Kakrail, Dacca wherein Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy has been accommodated. I made secret enquiries and came to know from a secret contact very close to Tufazzal Hossain that there had been no Political background behind the visits of Z.H. Chaudhuri and Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Mr. Z.H. Chaudhuri paid a country visit to Mr. T. Husain and it was an accident that Mr. Suhrawardy was staying there at that time. Mr. Suhrawardy has been suffering from stiffness of neck and has been receiving electrical treatment under Dr. Ahmed Hossain.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman went there to see his boss (H.S. Suhrawardy) who is expected to leave for United States or UK for medical treatment by the first week of April.
So far it was learnt, there had been no political discussion on that afternoon.
Sd/ -29.3.61 Zonal Inspr. I.B.

Page: 341
Side note:
SS(2) may pl. like to see. Sd/ -29.3 For this same apparatus is necessary. Has this been set up at house of Manik Mian.? Sd/ -29.3 Please find out for some other source. Sd/-30.3.61 SSII, Re.: your query above, the apparatus for electrical treatment is installed in the chamber of Dr. Ahmed Hossain. Dr. Ahmed Hussain calls on Mr. Suhrawardy to check & watch development Sd/ -29.3.61 DSVI, Re: The marginal order of SS II above, I tried to tap other sources to collect information regarding the visit of Sk. Mujibur Rahman & Z.H. Choudhury but to no avail. Sd/ -12.3.61 Seen, File in P.F of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-29.6.61


Secret Report on H S Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
others. Dacca, 30 March 1961
[A reliable secret source reported on 27.3.61 that Sk. Mujibur Rahman in course of a discussion with some ex-politicians including Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed (ex-Minister) stated that Mr. Asghar Ali Sha, screened out C.S.P. officer, had a long discussion with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (ex-Minister) and he (Sk. Mujibur Rahman) would tell them the details of discussion later.]
No.1408/4-56/SS (SC) dt. 30.3.61.
Forwarded to M.B Karim, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca with a request to follow up to obtain more details of the discussion through secret source.
Sd/ -30.3.61
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB, Dacca.
Side note: This has already been covered by watch. The discussions took place on
25.3.61 evening for about a couple of hours when Mr. Majibur Rahman was also present. To be placed in P.F. and also follow up. Sd/ -30.3.61.

Page: 342
DS (6)
Perusal pl. the letter below and orders thereon. Further action if any may please be suggested.
Sd/ – 31.3.61 Please send a copy to Dacca D.I.B. & request them to report after enquiry through their agents regarding details of discussion if possible. Mr. Shah again saw Mr. Suhrawardy on 30.3.61.
Sd/ -1.4.61.
DSB VI Side note: DS (6) Order above. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/-3.4.61.
[Extract from Secret Information dt. 27.3.61 ]
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 6064/606-48 P.F. dt. 6.4.61 Secret Addl. S.P. D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy forwarded to – for Information and with the request to report after enquiry through his agents regarding details of discussion if possible.
Sd/ – 3.4.61. DS(6) for SS (2)
Secret. PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca the 5th May, 1961. No.4905/R.2713/ 23-61.
To M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref. : Your No. 6064/606-48 (P.F) dated 6.4.61.
Our agents were contacted but none of them could say anything on the subject.
(A.Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 343


Report on the insight and activities of Awami league and its leaders.
Dacca, 11 April 1961
Original in file 13-54(M.F) GL. S.S.II.
It is ascertained from a reliable person that there has been no concentrated move on the part of Ex-Awami League leaders to revive their political activities in the present circumstances. Though some of them occasionally meet others and discuss various matters, but there is nothing in the party way. They talk in their individual capacity. As long as there is Martial Law in the country the Awami League would not dare to indulge in any sort of activity which falls within the preview of the regulation. They are however observing the trend of public feelings vis-a-vis the present administration with their open eyes and ears. Their attention is mostly towards the working of the basic democracies and the constitution in the making II. The Awami League leaders are expecting serious reaction amongst the masses
due to enhanced rate of taxation, de-control of cloths and the rising trend in the prices of the essential commodities. If the present Govt. fails to tackle these problems the public reaction may lead to mass agitation. It is only then the ex
leaders would try to fish in the muddled water. III. It is also learnt that the leftist elements belonging to the N.A.P. and the C.P.
including a few, who are wanted by the police, are contracting some of the exA.L. Leaders including Sk. Mujibur Rahman from time to time and gingering them up so that they may be brought to the platform at the proper time. Of late Sk. Mujibur Rahman has become very cautious in his talks with others. He
would never give out his mind to a person in whom he has no confidence. IV. He generally meets his friends in his office (Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd.). In the
recent past he had a meeting with Professor Wilcox, a Fulbright scholar from the United States and had a good discussion, regarding constitutionConfederation and federation. The difference between Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Ataur Rahman Khan exists to this day and there is no possibility of conciliation between the two because the difference is based on personal interest. Both have love for power and hope to
take up Politics when it is possible. One looks upon the other with hatred. Side note: Please give extract on page 1 to v to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/
N.M. Biswas. 11.4.61. D.S VI

Page: 344


Report on Pir Saheb of Manikganj.
Dacca, 12 April 1961 Secret PHONE NO.4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 12th April ,1961. No. 4143/R.1549/23-61.
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 3384/606-48 P.F., dated 21.2.61.
Pir Saheb of Manikganj town is traced as Saiyid Shahadat Husain@Badsha Miyan s/o L. Saiyid Ratan Miyan of Dhantara Taker Bazar, P.S. Dhamrai, Dist. Dacca and of Manikganj Town. He is not on our record.
Some Ex-Awami League workers were, however, found visiting “Ratan Unani Hakimy Medical Hall”, Manikganj, of the said Pir Shaheb. The friend of Sk. Mujibur Rahman could not be fixed.
Sd/ -12.4.61
(A. Khaleque.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 7808/606-48 PF. dt. 28-4-61 Secret, Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Sub: Activities of Saiyid Shahadat Husain @ Badsha Miyan S/o Late
Saiyid Ratan Miyan of Dhamrai, Dacca.
Please refer to your memo No. 4143 dt. 12.4.61 and keep the activities of the subject under watch for some time and report the result thereof.
Sd/ -26.4.61. DS(6) for SS(2)

Page: 345


Report shows Sheikh Mujibur Rahman joined Alpha Insurance
Company on First March 1960.
Dacca, 13 April 1961
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated. 13.4.61
I beg to report that I made enquiries and ascertained that there is a branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. at Dacca and the office of which is located at 12, Jinnah Avenue, Dacca. This office was opened during the middle part of October, 1959. There is no other branch of the company at Dacca District. The head office of the Co. is at Karachi.
Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L./Ex- Minister, E.P.) S/O Lutfar Rahman of Tongipara, P.S. Gopalgonj, Faridpur is the Controller of Agencies for East Pakistan. He joined this company on 1.3.60. He is on our record.
Secret PHONE NO.4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 6th 7th June, 1961 No.5776/R.1714/ 100-49 PF
Copy forwarded to M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(2) I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information, with reference to his No.3610(17)/606-48 PF, dated 24.2.61
There is another officer engaged in Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd. at Dacca Branch besides Sk. Mujibur Rahman.His name is Ghazi Golam Mostafa s/o Sultan Gazi of Kaliganj, Dacca. He is an Inspector of the Co. He is on our record. He was the Secy., Dacca City A.L.
The individuals find opportunities to mix with the members of public in course of business and may exploit them.
Sd/- 7.6.61
(A.Khaleque) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 346
Phone-No. 4231/61
No. 10623/606-48 P.F dt. 15.6.61. Secret.
S.P. D.I.B, Chittagong.
Please refer to your memo no. 2074 dt. 1.4.61.
There is a branch of Alpha Insurance Company Ltd. at Anderkilla, Chittagong.
You are, therefore, requested to supply the information as required in this office memo No. 3610 (17) dt. 24.2.61
Sd/ – 4.6.61
DS(6) for S.S(2) Side note: Below another pl. Sd/-14.6.
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 9214/606-48 P.F (E) dt. 20.5.61. Secret.
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Please expedite your reply to this office memo No. 3610 (17) dt. 24.2.61 and subsequent reminder Nos. 5798 (15) dt. 1.4.61 and 8375 dt. 8.5.61.
Sd/ -18.5 DS(6) for SS(2)
Phone-No. 4231/61
No. 12447/606-48 P.F(E) dt. 8.7.61. I. Secret. S.P. D.I.B, Chittagong.
Please refer to this office Memo No. 10623 dt. 15.6.61 and expedite your reply thereto. Below another please.
Sd/ – 8.7 Sd/ – 5.7.61 DS(6) for S.S(2)

Page: 347
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 8th/13th July/61.
No. 5131/7-61(1)/R.2820 To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref. : Your memo No. 10623/606-48 P.F dated 15.6.61
The office of Alpha Insurance Company Ltd. is situated at Anderkilla, P.S. Kotwali, Chittagong just in front of the Union Bank Ltd., Chittagong Branch. The date of opening on Ist May, 1960.
The names of the employees with full particulars are noted below :
1. Mr. M.A. Aziz (Secy. Ex. A.L.), Resident Representative, is identical with Mr.
M. Abdul Aziz, Ex. Secy. Awami Leaque, S/o late Mahabbat Ali of Halisahar, P.S. Doublemoorings, Chittagong. He is on our record.
2. Mr. Mozharul Haque, Office Clerk, S/o Aminul Haque of Halisahar, P.S.
Doublemoorings, Chittagong. There is nothing on our record against him, at this end.
Abul khair, Peon, S/o late Rahim Bux of Hulain, P.S. Patiya Chittagong. There is nothing on our record against him at this end.
Comments will follow.
Sd/ – 13.7.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 31st /4th August/61.
No. 5787/ R.2820/7-61(1)/ To M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.

Page: 348
Ref.: Your memo No. 10623/606-48 PF dated 15.6.61 and this office memo No.
5131/7-61(1) dated 13.7.61.
There is no direct information as yet that the workers of M/S Alpha Insurance Company have tried to revive their political activities through the platform of the Insurance work of this branch.
As regards inter district link of the Alpha Insurance Company, Ctg. Branch, Ctg., this office memo No. 9014(3)/20-60 dated 27.10.60 (Para-2 of D.I.O’s report dt. 22.10.60) may please be referred to.
Sd/ – 4.8.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Side note: R/D File to please. Sd/-17.8.61. Not traced in office RD Pl. Sd/-16.8
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 15880/606-48 P.F. dt. 30.8.61.
S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong. Ref: Your memo No. 5787 dt. 4.8.61
Please send a copy of your memo No. 9014(3)/20-60 dt. 27.10.60 which does not appear to have been received in this office.
Sd/ – 26.8.61 DS (6) for SS(2)
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 9th/12th Sept. 61.
No. 73 72/7-61 (1)/R.3849
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S., I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Reference : Your Memo No.15880/606-48 PF dt. 30.8.61.

Page: 349
Our No. 9014(3)/20-60 dt. 27/10/60 is a mistake for No. 9041(3)/20-60 dt. 27.10.60 a copy of which is sent herewith as desired.
Sd/ – 10.9.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong.


Officers deployed at Ramna Post Office asked for explanation for failure to intercept the anonymous letters addressed to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 29 April 1961
The following Interception staff of Ramna Post office will please explain as to why they failed to intercept the under mentioned post cards addressed to Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Ex- Minister. The P.CS bear the seals of Ramna P.O. with different dates and time when these officers as per duty chart were on duty at the Ramna P.O. The names of the officers are noted against the dates and time. ( Ref: file no 60648 PF). P.C. bearing Postal
Name of officers seal with date & time 1. 26.11.60 at 11.30 hrs.
Si. Amir Hossain.
ASI. Ataur Rahman.
· (He has been transferred) 2. 22.1.61 at 16.00 hrs.
SI. Talebul Hoq.
ASI Azizur Rahman. 3. 11.12.60 at 16.00 hrs. s sl. Amir Hossain
(ASI. Abdul Raqib 4. 10.12.60 at 11.30 hrs. Sl. Amir Hossain 5. 28.1.61 at 11.30 hrs.
SI. Talebul Hoq (was on leave) 6. 14.12.60 at 09.00 hrs.
SI. Amir Hossain I ASI. Abdul Raquib
Sd/ – 29.4.61
Side note: Seen. Sd/ -1.5.61. Explanation attached herewith sd/ – 15.5.61

Page: 350
Ref : attached. Sir,
I have the honour to explain that I was on duty at Ramna Post office along with A.S.I. Abdur Raquib and others.
We are to handle about 15 to 17 thousands of letters and packets at Ramna Post office in a shift in every day and to check these huge number of letters and packets very hurriedly. After opening the mail bags about 12 Packers and Postmen are deputed to arrange the letters and packets of 69 bits Postmen whereas we are only two and some time only one in a shift. Moreover we are to attend Foreign Post Office and to check a huge number of Postal articles of about 6 to 8 thousands there very hurriedly during the same shift.
In these circumstances some Post Cards addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman have been escaped from my notice. Since then 5 Post Cards of the same writer have been intercepted by me and submitted to office for necessary action. However, I am very much regretted for the omission of those Post Cards from my notice.
Therefore I pray that I may kindly be excused for this time. I will be more careful for the future.
Y. O.S. Syed Amir Hossain si
Ref: attached. Sir,
With due respect I beg to state that I was on duty at Ramna P.O. on 22.1.61 along with A.S.l. Azizur Rahman.
We are to handle about 10 to 15 thousand letters and packets in a shift in every day and to check these huge number of letters very hurriedly as the time is too short.
In these circumstances a post card has been escaped from my notice. I am very much repentant for the omission of the post card from my notice.

Page: 351
So, I pray that I may kindly be excused for this time. I will be more careful for the future.
YOS Md. Salebul Haque S.I. Censor Section


Official instruction from higher authority to notify before
changing place of duty.
Dacca, 6 May 1961 I have gone through the order dt. 17.12.59. From Para 3 of this order it appears to me that the person who has been ordered to stay in notified residence must give prior information to S.P. Intelligence Branch of the said notified Area at the time of his departure from the notified residence to any other place & his subsequent movement from that place to any other place shall have to be informed with S.P. Intelligence Branch of the notified area i.e. from where he first took permission to proceed to some other place.
Sd/ – PP
Side note: Please put up on file. Sd/ – Ds 6
Ref: F606-48 PF
As per order I had been to PP who went through the restriction order of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (vide page 3078). His opinion in this connection is enclosed at Page 3610.
Submitted Sd/ – 11.5.61

Page: 352


Report on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Barisal, Tungipara and came back to Dacca by Air from Jessore.
Dacca, 12 May 1961
C.R. dated 12.5.61. Period of duty : 07.00 hrs. to 12.00 hrs. & 18.00 to 24.00 hrs. Place of duty : 76, Segun Bagicha. Name of suspect : Sk. Majibur Rahman.
Result of watch. I had been on secret watch duty in the vicinity of 76, Segun Bagicha for suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman. At about 10.10 hrs. the suspect left his quarter and proceeded towards town side by E.B.D. car No.7171 and did duty there, the suspect was not seen to return from outside. In the evening duty period at 19.30 hrs. the suspect returned to his quarter from outside by E.B.D. Car No. 7171. At about 21.30 hrs. the suspect left his quarter and proceeded Narayanganj side by the same car with bag baggage and came to learn that the suspect going to his native village. After that I reached at N.Ganj steamer ghat and found him at steamer at about 22.30 hrs. and he boarded steamer. At about 23.00 hrs. the suspect left N.Gonj and reached at Barisal at about 12.30 hrs. on 13.5.61. At 12.30 hrs. the suspect left Steamer and went to Barisal town at the ( residence of) Abdur Rob Sarniamat (Sister-in-Law) of suspect staying- after 15 minutes, he left the said house and reached at steamer 13.30 hrs. At about 13.45 hrs, the suspect left Barisal steamer ghat by Khulna steamer and reached at Patgati station at about 23.45 hrs. on 14.5.61. At about 01.15 hrs. he left the Patgati Station and reached at his native village “Tangipura” by boat at about 04.30 hrs. on 15.5.61.At about 06.00 hrs. I left the Tangipura village and reached at Gopalganj by boat at about 11.30 hrs. on 15.5.61. I submitted a shadowing report to D.I.O, Gopalganj.
During the journey period no suspect or suspicious person were seen to associate with him except his (Sister-in-Law at Barisal).
D.S.VI may pl. see. Ext. may go in P.F. Sd/- A.H.M. Muhiuddin. 17.5
Submitted. Sd/- W.C. Azharul Hoque.

Page: 353
For perusal please. The suspect all on a sudden left for Faridpur on 12.5.61 and returned to Dacca on 16.5.61 via Jessore by plane. He was shadowed by I.B. W/C. who on arrival at Gopalganj made over the suspect to D.I.O., Gopalganj, Faridpur. We may write to S.P.D.I.B., Faridpur for a report on his activities there. Ext. may go his P.F.
Any report from Dacca D.I.B.?
Sd/- 17.5.61
for D.S.6 Office.
Please ask Dacca D.I.B. if the subject intimated his departure from Dacca according to restriction order.
Sd/-18.5 for D.S.6


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s involvement in the strike for postponement of final examination of Dacca University students.
Dacca, 19 May 1961
A reliable secret information has been received that on 18.5.61 morning Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Ex-Minister) was trying to contact a boy of F.H. Hall for some urgent work. But as the boy has gone to his native village he could not do so.
Presumably, Mr. Mujibur Rahman who was also a prominent member of the Awami League (defunct) is instigating the students to continue the strike for postponement of their final examination. He (Mr. Mujibur Rahman) perhaps, wanted to brief the boy for representing their case before the Chancellor who would be returning to headquarters yesterday (18.5.61). I
Apparently the Ex-Awami League Leaders are still trying to keep the students in their confidence and use them for their future political gains.
No. 2172/4-56/SC(L)TS dt.19.5.61
The above information is passed on to M.B. Karim, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., for information and necessary action.
Sd/ – 19.5.61.
Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB.,Dacca. Side note: D.S.VI & DS I to see please. DS VI for wa. Sd/ -19.5.

Page: 354
606-48 P.F. (Loose DS (6) Perusal pl. the letter below and orders thereto. For orders pl.
Sd/-20.5.61 See. Inspr. M. Ahmed, Zonal Inspr. may please try to fix up the boy of the F. H. Hall trace and report. D.S (1) may pl. See. Ext. to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Sd/ – Ds 6
The students are not on strike. Therefore, the question of Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s instigating the strike does not wise. There is no information that the issue of shifting exam, dates is being exploited by any political party or person. The daily Azad came out with an editorial on 17.5.61 supporting the students’ cause.
Z.1. will try to fix the boy of F.H. Hall & if possible the object of Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s contact with him.


Report on Tungipara visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and return
to Dacca.
Faridpur, 23 May 1961
[Ext. from C.R. dt. 12.5.61]
Phone-No. 4231/61/6863
No. 9681/606-48 P.F. dt. 31-5-61
Secret. S.P., D.I.B., Faridpur.
Copy forwarded to — for information and with the request to let us have a report on the activities of the subject during his stay there.
Sd/ – 23.5 Side note: DS(6) for s.5(2) Below another pl. Reply at page 3624. Sd/-30.5

Page: 355
East Bengal form no.5 Secret
Government of East Pakistan
OFFICE OF THE Supdt. of Police D.I.B. Faridpur. Memorandum No. 2326 date. Faridpur the 6th June, 1961.
33-50A.P.877/R.1410. To M.B. Karim, Esq.,PSP., Spl. Supt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref.: Your Memo No .9681/606-48 P.F. dated.31.5.61.
This Office Memo No. 2242(2) dated.31.5.61 wherein a detailed report on the activities of the subject Sk. Mujibar Rahman has been submitted, may kindly be referred to in this connection.
Sd/- 6.6.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
Side note: All communication should give the Number, date and Subjects of any previous
East Bengal Form No. 5 Secret
Government of EAST PAKISTAN. OFFICE OF THE Supdt.of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur. Memorandum No. 2470 dated Faridpur the 17th June 1961.
33-50A. P. 880 /R. 1487.
M.B. Karim, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca. Ref.: Your Memo No. 9961/606-48 P.F. dated 5.6.61.
This Office Memo No. 2242 (2) dated 31.5.61 may kindly be referred to in this connection.
Sd/ – 17.6.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
Side note: All communication should give the Number, date and Subjects of any previous

Page: 356
Copy of report of D.I.O., Gopalganj dated. 18.5.61.
I beg to report that A.L. starred suspect No. 551- Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.) S/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur came to his native village by steamer via Barisal on 14.5.61 at 04.00 hrs. being shadowed by W.C.459. Azharul Haq of I.B. The suspect left for Dacca via Khulna and Jessore at about 22.30 hrs. on 15.5.61. Proper watch was placed on the Subject during his stay here. The object of his visit so far ascertained, was to see his old father and mother, to see the condition of his houses and the condition of his village due to the damage caused by the recent cyclone. He gave about Rs. 300/-from his personal fund to the poor and needy persons of his village as help as their houses where damaged by the storm. He met the villagers and his near relation during his stay here. No outsider met him during the period. Nothing undesirable nor political did happen during his
The subject left for Dacca via Khulna and Jessore on 15.5.61 at 22.30 hrs. He was shadowed upto Khulna by W.C. 940 Sharefuddin of this D.I.B. and handed over to the D.I.B. staff, Khulna on 16.5.61 at about 09.00 hrs.
District Intelligence Branch
Faridpur, the 31 May, ‘61.
No. 2242 (2)/33-50A.P.875. Forwarded for information to :- .
1. M.S. Haider, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., E.P., Dacca. 2. Hussain Ahmed, Esq. PSP., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., E.P., Khulna.
Sd/ – 30.5.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
Phone-No. 4231/61 Secret.
No. 9961/606-48 P.F. dt. 5.6.61 S.P., D.I.B., Faridpur.
It was reported that suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left for Patgati on 12.5.61 and returned to Dacca on 16.5.61.

Page: 357
You are, therefore, requested to let us have a report about his activities during his stay there.
Sd/ -3.6.61
DS(6) for S.S(II) Side note: Order below. Draft for approval pl. Sd/-3.6.61
[ Ext. from C.R. dt. 12.5.61] Phone-No. 4231/61 Secret.
No. 9680/606-48 P.F. dt. 31.5.61.
Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy forwarded to – for information and with the request to report if the subject intimated his departure from Dacca according to restriction order.
Sd/ – 30.5. DS(6) for s.s(2)
Secret PHONE No.4231/34
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 11th/13th July,/1961. No. 7892/R.5389/100-49 P.F.
M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref. : Your No. 9680/606-48 P.F. dated 31.5.61.
The suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman intimated his departure for his village home by a petition dated 12.5.61 which was received in this office on the following day i.e. on 13.5.61.
Sd/ – 11.7.61 (A.K.M. Sirajul Haq.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 358


Report on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 24 May 1961
W.C.R. of DIB, Dacca for the W/E, 20-5-61.
Abstract of Intelligence Report No. 15 dated 15-4-61 was received on 15-5-61.
W.C.R. of DIB, Dacca for the W/E, 20-5-61.
(Movement of suspects) * A.L. 551 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman left Dacca for Patgati via Narayanganj by Barisal Steamer on 12-5-61 and returned to Dacca on 16-5-61 from Jessore by PIA plane.
Side note: Seen. Sd/- A. Majid, 24.5.61. Request DIB for a report on his activities there. Sd/- N.M.
Biswas. 24.5.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman ‘s alleged comment on one
Nuruddin. Dacca, 24 May 1961
Phone Nos. 3025 & 4231/33.
D.O. NO. 9524/606-48 P.F. dt. 24.5.61.
My dear Chaudhuri,
It has been reported to us that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had in a discussion among his trusted colleagues expressed dis-approval of the conduct of Nuruddin in that the latter did not help the Sheikh Saheb at the time of the tribulations he faced during the Martial Law regime. The Sheikh Saheb is also reported to have said that he would teach Nuruddin a lesson when the Martial Law came to be abrogated.
The above information is plausible and may be due to the fact that the Sheikh Saheb possibly did not receive the help he expected from Nuruddin when he was

Page: 359
being prosecuted in the cases of corruption. I shall be grateful if you could in any case give us the benefit of your comments as to the reasons why the Sheikh Saheb would cherish feelings of ill-will towards Nuruddin.
Yours sincerely, Sd/ – 24.5.61
(A.M.A.Kabir) S.A. Chaudhuri, Esq., P.S.P., Director-General, Bureau of Anti-Corruption, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Side note: S.S. II, Pl. have enquiries made on over on this. Sd – 24.5.61.
D.O. no. 9838/606-48 P.F. dt. 2.6.61.
My dear Khaleque,
It is reported that during discussions among his trusted colleagues Sk. Mujibur Rahman expressed that Mr. Nuruddin did not help him at the time of the tribulation he faced during the Martial Law regime & that he would teach Nuruddin a lesson when the Martial Law is abrogated.
Would you please have discreet secret enquiries made & let us know the reasons why Sk. Mujibur Rahman would cherish feelings of ill-will towards Mr. Nuruddin.
Yours sincerely E
Sd/ – 31.5.61
S.S (2) A. Khaleque, Esqr. P.S.P. Addl. S.P., D.I.B, Dacca.
Phone-No. 4231/61. Secret
No. 11606/606-48 P.F. dt. 30.6.61. Addl.S.P., D.I.B.,Dacca.
Please refer to this office D.O. No. 9838 dt. 2.6.61 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/ – 22.6.61. DS(6) for S.S(2)

Page: 360
Ref.:- F 606-48 P.E.
I made a secret inquiry on the alleged report that Sk. Mujibur Rahman in course of discussion with his friends he threatened Nuruddin Ahmed that he would teach him a good lesson when the Martial Laws was abrogated but nothing could be heard. The matter is kept in view.
Submitted Sd/ – 3.7.61.
PHONE NO.4231/34
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 11th (13th July, 1961.
D.O. No. 7891/R.5446.100-49 P.F.
Dear Mr.Karim, Ref. : Your D.O. letter No. 9838/606-48 P.F., dated 2.6.61 and
reminder No. 11606 dt. 30.6.61.
It transpired that Sk. Mujibur Rahman wanted substantial help from Mr. Nuruddin to which the letter expressed his inability. It is further reported that Mr. Nuruddin requested Sk. Mujibur Rahman to severe all connections with him as he did not like to identify himself with him. This seemed to have wounded his vanity and as such he was cherishing ill feeling towards Mr. Nuruddin.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- 11.7.61 (A.K.M. Sirajul Haq.)
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Special Supdt. of Police, (II), Intelligence Branch, E.P., Dacca.

Page: 361


Report on Alpha Insurance Company office at Mymensingh.
Mymensingh, 12 June 1961
Phone-No. 4231/61
No. 10622/606-48 P.F. dt. 15/6/61 Secret.
S.P. D.I.B. Mymensingh.
Kindly refer to your memo no. 1703 dt. 10.4.61 and let us know if the branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. has since been opened in Mymensingh.
Sd/ – 12.6.61 DS(6) for S.S(2)
Phone-No. 4231/61
No. 12446 /606-48 P.F. (E) dt. 8.7.61.
S.P., D.I.B., Mymensingh.
Please refer to this office Memo No. 10622 dt. 15.6.61 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/ – 5.7.61 DS(6) for S.S(2)
Phone-Office 41 Res. 20 Secret.
District Intelligence Branch Mymensings, the 10th July,61.
No. 3568 /R.4485 /8-61(1) To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref.: Your Memo No. 10622/606-48 P.F. dated 15.6.61.

Page: 362
The branch of the Alpha Insurance Co. has not yet been formally opened. Abdul Jabbar S/O Kalu Miyan of Chawk-Sheora is working as in-charge of Mymensingh. The opening of the branch will be intimated in due course.
Sd/ – 10.7.61 Superintendent of Police,


Watch report on Ataur Rahman Khan former Chief Minister of
East Pakistan. Dacca, 15 June 1961
C.R. dt. 14-6-61. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 & 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : 500/A Dhanmondi, Road no. 7 Name of suspect : Ataur Rahman Khan, Ex. Chief Minister of E. Pak.
Result of watch
In the morning duty period at about 09.15 hrs. the above noted suspect along with his wife left his quarters by car No. E.B.D. 27 and proceeded towards town side. But the suspect was not seen to returned to his qrs. till 11.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period at about 18.00 hrs. the suspect returned to his quarter from outside and at about 20.45 hrs. again he along with his family left his quarter by the same car and Proceeded towards town side. I was on secret watch duty there, but he was not seen to returned till 22.00 hrs.
No known suspects or suspicious persons were seen to visit the duty place except suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman, who visited the place from 20.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. by his car no. E.B.D. 7171
Submitted, W.C A.K.M Amjad.
15.6.61 1.B.,E.P., Dacca.

Page: 363
Side note: Noted. Sd/-13.7., Sk. Mujibur Rahman also visited him on 2/3 days ago.
Pl. put up the report also. Sd/-16.6.61. Report enclosed herewith for perusal pl. Sd-15.6. Seen. Orders on separate sheet attached. Sd/ – DS. VI, 19.6.61
C.R. dt. 14.6.61
Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : 500/A, Dhanmondi, Road No.7. Name of suspect : Ataur Rahman Khan, Ex. Chief Minister of E. Pak.
Result of watch.
In the morning duty period at about 09.15 hrs. the above noted suspect along with his wife left his quarter by car No. E.B.D.27 and proceeded towards town side. But the suspect was not seen to returned to his grs. till 11.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period at about 18.30 hrs. the suspect returned to his quarter from outside and at about 20.45 hrs. again he along with his family left his quarter by the same car and proceeded towards town side I was on secret watch duty there but he was not seen to returned till 22.00 hrs. No known suspects or suspicious persons were seen to visit the duty place except suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman, who visited the place from 20.00 hrs. to 20. 30 hrs. by his car No. E.B.D.- 7171.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. A.K.M. Amjad.
1.B., E.P.,Dacca.] Side note: Sk. Mujibur Rahman also visited him on 2/3 days ago. Pl. put up the
report also. Sd/-N.M. Biswas. D.S.V1.15.6.61. Report enclosed herewith for perusal pl. Sd/-0/C. Watch. 15.6. Seen. Order on separate sheet attached. Sd/ -N.M. Biswas. 19.6.61.
Ref. C.R. dt. 14.6.61 of Suspect Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan reg. the visit of Mr. Mujibar Rahman.
It is ascertained on secret enquiry that Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited the subject in c/with his Case. It is also learnt that Mr. Ataur Rahman

Page: 364
Khan has been assisting Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy in this case as a defence lawyer.
Submitted. Sd/ – S… 27.6.61
Side note: DS, VI may pl. see. Sd/ -29.6 S.I. S.A. Karim please check up from the news
papers. Sd/-DS. VI 29.6.61. Seen for compliance. Sd/ – 30.6.61.


Report on contention between Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
Ataur Rahman Khan. Dacca, 19 June 1961
Ref. : Attached C.RS. of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan.
It is known that these two suspects belong to two different campsrather they are antagonistic at present. There is also no known reason to these contacts. O/C watch may please arrange to find out the reason through secret enquiry. Office may also write to Dacca D.I.B. to have the matter enquired into through their secret sources & the result reported to us.
Sd/ -19.6.61.
Side note: Office Pl. see the order of DS VI & return the report after taking w/a.
Sd/ -R. ASI 20.6.61. S.I. Millyas pl. enquire & report. Sd/-19.6.
Phone-No. 4231/64
No. 11607/606-48 P.F. dt. 30.6.61. Secret. Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
It was reported that recently Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited the house of suspect Ataur Rahman Khan, Ex-Chief Minister of East Pakistan on two occasions.
It is known that these two suspects belong to two different camps rather they are antagonistic at present. There is also no known reason to their contacts.

Page: 365
I would, therefore, request you to kindly ascertain the reason of their visits through your sources and report the result thereof.
Sd/ – 26.6.61 DS(6) for S.S(2)
Side note: Below another please. Sd/ – 29.6. Sd/ – 30.6.
PHONE NO.4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch,
Dacca, the 3rd August, 1961.
No. 8647/ R.7466./100-49 P.F. Το M. Yusuff, Esqr., S.S.(III), I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref.:- Your No.11607/606-48 P.F., dated.30.6.61.
The reason for visiting the house of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan by Sk. Mujibur Rahman could not be ascertained.
Sd/ – 3.8.61. (A.K.M.Sirajul Huq.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his brother acquitted of anti
corruption case.
Dacca, 6 July 1961 Pakistan Observer dt. 6.7.61.
SHEIKH MUJIB AND NASER ACQUITTED Prosecution Case Not Proved Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Page: 366
Their Lordships also held that there were no reliable evidence on record to show that Mr. Q.A. Naser was an intimate friend of Mr. Mujib which actuated the latter to pass the order with a conscious mind that this would benefit the former. The trend of evidence showed that MR. Naser was serious in his plan to establish a coking plant as was granted by the Minister Mr. Mujib and Mr. Mujib gave the order of establishing a coking plant to the Coal mining Co. (Naser’s Farms) in good faith as according to his judgment this farm would be able to establish a factory in order to make the country self-sufficient in coal. In fact when the agency was given to Coal Mining Co, Mr. Naser was surprised as he did not pursue the matter after Hasan Ahmed got the agency and then after getting the agency he pressed for modification of terms. The Minister who was actuated by a desire to industrialise the country might have given the same to a firm which according to him was reliable. There was no denying the fact there were enough material before the Minister to grant the agency to this firm as this farm was doing business in coal since 1947 and its competence was never questioned.
Their Lordships also held that according to the trend of evidence the prosecution contention that Mr. Mujib used this plant as a clock to give the agency to the Coal Mining Co, and Mr. Naser also used the plant to get the agency in coal was not tenable. It was found that Mr. Naser was all along serious and established the plant and produced and supp\lied coal to the consumers.
MINISTER WAS A PUBLIC SERVANT Their Lordships also held that a Minister was a public servant within the meaning of the last portion of the clause (9) of section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code and referred to the opinion of the Privy Council where Their Lordships of the Privy Council did not agree to a defense contention that a Home Minister was not an officer under the Governor according to article 49(1) and 51 of the Government of India Act 1935 and Article 71(4) of our late Constitution a Minister was an officer

Page: 367
under the Governor who can be appointed and dismissed by him (Governor) and who was also in service and pay of the Government. So a Minister was a public
On point of sanction. Their Lordships opined that the Criminal Law amendment Act of 1958 did never dispense with sanction and thus could not agree with Mr. Azizuddin Ahmed that according to that Act sanction for the prosecution of a public servant who had ceased to be so at the time of prosecution sanction would be a superfluity. Their Lordships also could not agree with the defence counsel Mr. Suhrawardy that the Special Judge would not have any jurisdiction to try a public servant who ceased to be so at the time of prosecution. So according to Their Lordships a Special Judge will have jurisdiction to try a public servant with sanction though he ceased to be so at the time of his prosecution.
Another ground taken by Mr. Suhrawardy was that the sanction order was bad because some material facts were suppressed from the view of the sanctioning authority. On this point also their Lordships could not agree with the learned counsel because in their opinion according to the Criminal Law Amendment Act the sanctioning authority was to be satisfied prima facie and the case would be fought later on its own merits. When all the relevant files were placed before the sanctioning authority and prima facie they were satisfied to start the case, it could not be said the sanction was bad.
It may be recalled that in the lower court Mr. Mujib was convicted for alleged Criminal misconduct in obtaining pecuniary gain for his friend (Naser) by abusing official power as Minister, and Mr. Naser was convicted for Its Abe men. They were sentenced on Sept. 12 last year to simple imprisonment for two years each and a fine of Rs. 5000 each, in default to suffer simple imprisonment for a further term of six months each.
The case was that in pursuance of a tender notice on January 8, 1955 issued by the Director of Consumer Goods and fuel for producing and handing coal imported from India 21 tenders were received. From amongst these M/S Hassan Ahmed Ltd. was ultimately selected as agent. The appellant Naser who served in the M/S Coal Mining and Trading Co. (Pak) Ltd., also applied but his application was rejected. It was alleged that Mr. Naser (alleged friend of Mr. Mujib) approached Mr. Mujib, when the latter became provincial Minister in connection with the aforesaid agency.

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NO FRESH TENDER It was also alleged that Mr. Mujib canceled the agency of M/S Hasan Ahmed Ltd. and save the same to the firm of Mr. Naser, without inviting any fresh ender Mr. Mujib further granted permission to Mr. Naser’s firm to set up a coke manufacturing plant at Darsana and also to import 500 tons of hard coal for the use of the firm despite objections by the Department Secretary.
Both the appellants pleaded innocent.
The defence put forward by Mr. Mujib was that what-ever he did in connection with the agency was in good faith for the best interest of the country and was intended to save the ends of Justice. He also denied any relation with Mr. Nasar.
Explaining the circumstances which led to the cancellation of the agency of M/S Hasan Ahmed Ltd., the defence stated that this firm at the outset got the agency illegally and by suppression of facts in spite of the fact that M/S Coal Mining and Trading Co. (Pak) Ltd. (Naser’s firm) was the lowest tender also who were expert in the line. Moreover, there were appellants against the M/S Hasan Ahmed & Co. Therefore, after the appointment of Mr. Mujib as a Minister, he cancelled the illegal one of M/S Hasan Ahmed and Co. and according to rule gave the agency to M/S Coal Mining Co. who was the lowest tenderer.
The appellant Mr. Naser’s defence was that he was never a friend of Mr. Mujib nor had he approached him any time. So the question of abetment did not arise at all.
In their judgment their lordships also came to the evidence that the supply of coal by the M/S Hasan Ahmed was defective and there were complaints of being of bad quality and short in weight. These complaints even came from some District Magistrates24 while giving the agency to the Coal Mining Co. the Secretary should have placed the rules before the Minister. Instead, the Secretary suggested dividing the agency of Coal between Hasan Ahmed and Coal Mining Co. the Secretary should have placed the rules before the Minister. Instead, the Secretary suggested dividing the agency of coal between Hasan Ahmed and Coal Mining Co. So in the absence of any rule and the records of the tender committee. It was not improper for the Minister to give the agency to the Coal Mining Co. on the same terms as to
24. District Magistrate – The administrative head of district is known by three different designations, District Magistrate, District Collector and Deputy Commissioner on the basis of different functions.

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Hasan Ahmed as this was contemplated to be the official rate. The Minister also in
pect could disagree with the Secretary. Because Vcople had access to a Minister and this was a part of his duty to meet the people and receive their opinions on different problems of the country as a Minister was responsible to the people. So he could even disagree and override the Secretary.
Coming to the argument of mens rea (guilty mind). Their Lordships opined that in the present case also guilty mind was to be proved and there were no evidence that Mr. Mujib had such a state of mind while giving the coal agency to the Coal Mining to benefit his alleged friend Mr. Naser. And a Minister had, every right to take independent view.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy with Mr. Humayun Kabir Choudhury appeared on behalf of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Mr. A. Salam Khan with Mr. Serajul Haq appeared for Mr. Naser.
Mr. Azizuddin Ahmed with Mr. A.W. Mollik appeared for the State.
Side note: Seen, Keep in the P.F of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ -12.8.61. DS VI.

Page: 371
Morning News dt. 6.7.61.
A Division Bench of the Dacca High Court, comprising Mr. Justice Asir and Mr. Justice Ali, yesterday allowed the appeals preferred by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a former provincial Minister and General Secretary of the now defunct Awami League and Kazi Abu Nasser against the judgment of the Special Judge of Dacca, set aside their convictions and sentences and acquitted them of the charges of criminal misconduct and abetment respectively.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Kazi Abu Nasser, described by the prosecution as the former’s ‘friend’ were convicted by the District and Special Judge of Dacca for criminal misconduct and abetment respectively and each of them were sentenced to two years simple imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 5,000 in default to suffer another six months simple imprisonment.
The charge against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was that while a Minister of the provincial Government, as a public servant, he had committed the offence of criminal misconduct be abusing his official powers and position for obtaining pecuniary advantage for his friend.
Side note: Seen. Sd/ – Ds VI 11.7.61.

Page: 372
Pakistan Observer dt.24.6.61
‘No Irregularity in Granting of Coal Agency’
Arguments Resumed in Mujib’s Case
By our High Court Correspondent Resuming his arguments for the second day before Mr. Justice Asir and Mr. Justice Ali of the Dacca High Court. Mr. Suhrawardy explained the circumstances prevailing at the relevant time in 1956) vis a vis the industrialization of this Province, Mr. Suhrawardy said: “a new Prime Minister was sworn in then in Karachi and a new Government took up the administration of the country which was very eager to establish industry in East Pakistan. Where upon the industrialists became up and doing to establish industry and started approaching the Government and the Government fully responded.”
Mr. Suhrawardy was arguing on behalf of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman when the appeals preferred by him and Mr. Q. A. Naser came up for hearing against their conviction by the Special Judge Dacca, along with a provisional application by Mr. Ruhul Quddus, a prosecution witness in the case.
Mr. Suhrawardy maintained that the “farsighted Policy” undertaken by the then Minister Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, if fully carried out, could have made this province self-sufficient in coal supply by this time. It was a fact that Mr. Naser’s firm M/s coal mining and trading co. ( Pak) Ltd, was the only concern which had experience in the line and who had supplied coal to the Government in the past. After the permit under the category of “agency and manufacture” had been granted to the firm it had started production and duly supplied coal to the buyers at a cheaper rate were by the Government also could earn some amount, for this reason even long after Mr. Mujib had resigned, Mr. Nasser’s firm continued in business and he was asked by the authority to continue and was also granted import licence again. But then Mr. Nasser was arrested and his agency and production had winded up.
Mr. Suhrawardy then read out the evidence of Mr. Hasan Ahmed who had been given a coal agency before it was cancelled by Mr. Mujib. Mr. Hasan admitted that he was a newcomer in the business and had no past experience. Mr. Hasan Ahmed also said that there were complaints against him about the supply of coal.

Page: 373
In this connection it may be mentioned that the charge against Mr. Mujib was, inter alia, that by canceling the agency of coal of M/s Hasan Ahmed & Co. and giving it to Mr. Naser’s firm, he abused his official power as a Minister and committed criminal misconduct.
Mr. Suhrawardy read out the evidence of the witness and from the evidence he placed several extracts before their Lordships and submitted that there were no irregularity or illegality in the action of Mr. Mujib “Mujib” only cancelled the illegal agency, obtained by M/s Hasan Ahmed by suppressing facts, and gave it to a firm which was expert in the line, to serve the ends of justice, fair play and ultimately for the greater good of the country” he added.
Coming to the evidence of the police official who lodged the first information report, Mr. Suhrawardy submitted that it was unthinkable how an “ejahar” could be such a motivated one and so full of mis-statements. He then read out a portion from his (police officers) evidence where the witness said that in the past he lodged two more ‘ejahars’ against Mr. Mujib and in all, three cases were started but Mr. Mujib came out either acquitted or discharged, in all the three cases.
It was also submitted that the sanction for prosecution was obtained by ‘suppression of facts, on incorrect facts and without placing all the relevant facts’ before the sanctioning authority. “Thus obtained, the sanction was bad and conviction could not stand” he added.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy with Mr. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury appeared for Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Mr. Hamidul Huq. Chowdhury with Mr. Kamaluddin Hussain assisted by Mr. Arhamuddin Siddiqui will appear for Mr. Quddus.
Mr. A. Salam Khan with Mr. Serajul Huq appeared for Mr. Naser.
Mr. Azizuddin Ahmed with Mr. A. W. Mallik appeared on behalf of the state.
The hearing will resume on Monday, at 10-30 a.m.
Side note: Seen. Sd/- 11.7.61 DS VI

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Appeal of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to expunge certain remarks
accepted. Dacca, 7 July 1961
Dawn dt. 7.7.61
DACCA, July 6 : A Division Bench of the Dacca High Court, comprising Mr. Justice Mohamamad Asir and Mr Justice Sekander, while acquitting Shaikh Mujibur Rahman and Kazi Abu Nasser (briefly covered in Thursday’s Dawn) held that neither Sheikh Mujibur Rahman could be found guilty on the charge of criminal misconduct nor his alleged friend Kazi Abu Naser, could be held responsible for the abetment of the offence.

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The prosecution cases in brief, was that Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, while a Minister in the Provincial Government, had obtained some pecuniary advantage for his friend Kazi Abu Nasser of the Coal Mining and Trading Company by abruptly and arbitrarily canceling the coal handling and procuring agency of Hasan Ahmad and company and given the same to Kazi Abu Nasser of the Coal Mining and Trading Company. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman had thus abused his official power and position and thereby committed the offence of criminal misconduct.
Their Lordships in their Judgment said that there was nothing on record to warrant an irresistible conclusion that Shaikh Mujibur Rahman was prompted to obtain pecuniary advantage for Kazi Abu Nasser by granting him the agency for handling and procuring coal.
Dealing with the question of “friendship” between Shaikh Mujijbur Rahman and Kazi Abu Nasser, as alleged by the Prosecution, their Lordships declined to accept the theory of ‘friendship and intimacy’. They referred to certain contradictions and lack of corroboration in the deposition by some prosecution witnesses on the question of friendship and said that no documentary evidence was available which could suggest any personal friendship between Shaikh Mujibur Rahman and Kazi Abu Nasser to a degree that could prompt the former to obtain pecuniary advantage for the latter.
Observing that criminal intention was essential for holding a man guilty or otherwise, their Lordships held that it was difficult to suggest that while granting the coal handing and procuring agency to Kazi Abu Nasser Shaikh Mujibur Rahman was actuated by any bad faith. Their Lordships did not find anything wrong in the cancellation of the agency of Hasan Ahmad since the contract under which they had been appointed provided that their agency could be terminated at the pleasure of the Government. Besides, there were also complaints against Hasan Ahmed and Company and their way of doing business was not satisfactory.
Their Lordships held that the hypothesis that Shaikh Mujibur Rahman had thought the coal handling and procuring agency if given to Abu Nasser would promote the industrialization of the province could not be termed as unreasonable.
Referring to the objection that had been raised by the departmental Secretary in the granting of the agency to Abu Nasser, their Lordships held that if the Minister had not accepted the same it could not be said that he had acted in bad faith.

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ABUSE OF POWER Their Lordships dealing with the question of abuse of power, observed that the word ‘abuse’ presupposed a perverse use of a position and that a sense of unfairness on the part of the public servant seemed to be essential and the want of good faith was one of the requisites to arrived at a decision that the public servant had abused his position. Their Lordships earlier in their judgment discussed the definition of public servant and observed that a person appointed by the Governor to discharge the functions of a Minister, who was paid out of the public exchequer and who was liable to be dismissed by the Governor, could not but be regarded as public servant.
Turning to some question of sanction in the case, their Lordships held that sanction to prosecute was important and was necessary in starting prosecution in the present case. They said that in their view the order of sanction had been properly given and its validity could not be questioned.
It may be mentioned here that the same court yesterday had ordered for the expunction of certain adverse remarks made against Mr. Ruhul Quddus, a former Director of Trade and Commerce, by the Special Judge in his Judgment in the present case.
Mr.Ruhul Quddus, who was a prosecution witness in the present case against Shaikh Mujibur Rahman and Kazi Abu Nasser, had applied before the High Court for expunging those remarks against him. -APP.
Side note: Seen. In his P.F Pl. Sd/ – Ds VI, 18.7.61


Report on the reaction of acquittal of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 11 July 1961
S.S 11/D.S VI
It is learnt that the acquittal of Sk. Mujibur Rahman has mixed reaction. The non-political or the non-aligned members of the intelligentsia are of the views that the High Court in acquitting Sk. Mujibur Rahman has given a certificate of honesty to him, which he would definitely utilize after the withdrawal of the Martial law from the

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country. His supporters say that let the constitution case, he will show what he can do.
The other group who are opposed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman on said to be of opinion that the acquittal has done more harm than good. This will not only encourage him, but his supporter as well to take to politics.
However there is no marked reaction amongst the members of the general public.
Submitted Sd/ – 11.7.61
Inspr. I.B.
Side note: S.S (2) may kindly see. May be kept in his P.F. Sd/ -11.7.61. This is
obvious. May be kept in P.E. Sd/-11.7.
[A very reliable source reported on 13.7.61 that Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miyhan, Editor, The Ittefaq, during a discussion with Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ExMinister) and others on the same date told Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman that he (Mr. Mujibur Rahman) being free from the criminal cases launched against him should now go ahead with the party work and asked him to hold party meetings. Mr. Mujibur Rahman in reply told him that Dacca was not a suitable place for any meeting now as their activities will be under watch here. Mr. Mujibur Rahman further told that Mr. Mashihur Rahman (Ex-Minister) is doing good work in preparing the ground. At this Mr. Tofazzal Hossain (mentd.) agreed that they should wait and see.
Security Control, I.B., East Pakistan,
Lalbagh. Dated, Dacca the 15th July, 1961.
No. 17/4-56/TS(L) S (SC). Forwarded for information to M.B. Karim, Esq.,P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
The Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., desires your comment and please inform him if there is any corroboration of this from any source of the particular party.
Further he desires that watch on the activities of this party, particularly of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miyan and Mr. Mashihur Rahman should be intensified.

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The Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Jessore may also be requested to arrange unobtrusive watch on the activities of Mr. Mashihur Rahman there in Jessore and he should be under continuous watch during his visit to Dacca in future.
Sd/ – 15.7.61.
(A. Ahmed ) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB, Dacca.
Side note: Pl. Put up in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – Ds VI 15.7.61.
Phone No. 4231/61 No. 13866 dt. 27.7.61. 606-48 P.F
To Addl. S.P. D.I.B, Dacca.
A reliable source reports that, during a discussion Mr. Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia told Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman that since he was acquitted from the criminal cases brought against him, he should go ahead with party work and held secret party meetings.
You are requested to please watch the activities of the Awami League leaders particularly of M/S Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Tafazzal Hossain and report submitted in due course.
Sd/ -26.7.61
for SSII
Phone No. 4231/61
No. 16513/606-48 P.F. dt. 7.9.61
Secret Addl. S.P. DIB. Dacca.
Please refer to this office memo No. 13866 dt. 27.7.61 and expedite your reply thereto.
Sd/ – 6.9 Sd/ – 1.9.61 DS (6) for SS(2)

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Secret. PHONE No. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 21st Septr., 1961. No. 9963/53-59 P.F. R.8227.
M.B.Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S.(II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 13866/606-48 P.F., dated 27.7.61., and subsequent reminder No.
16513, dated 7.9.61.
The activities of the Awami league leaders including Messrs Tafazzal Hosain @ Manik Miyan and Sk. Mujibur Rahman were watched and enquired into but nothing worth reporting came to notice except what was reported by Dacca. C.A. 133 on 23.8.61 vide this District S.W.R. for the Week Ending, 31.8.61 under head A.L.- part 111.
Sd/ – 21.9.61 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Watch on Moshiur Rahman regarding preparation for party work.
Dacca, 26 July 1961
Secret Phone No. 4231/61
No.13865/606-48 P.F dt. 27.7.61
S.P. D.I.B Jessore.
It is reported by a reliable source that Mr. Mashihur Rahman (A.L. Ex – Minister) is doing good work in preparing the ground for party work. The D.I.G.I.B desires that an unobtrusive watch should be arranged on Mr. Mashihur Rahman and weakly reports submitted to this office.
Sd/ – 26.7 for SS 11

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Phone No. 4 & 95.
District Intelligence Branch Jessore the 5th August/61.
No. 3479/21-48
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref.: Your No. 13865/606-48 PF dated 27.7.61 regarding activities of Mr.
Mashihur Rahman. (AL, Ex-Minister).
An unobtrusive watch has been placed on the activities of the individual but nothing interesting has come to notice as yet.
Sd/ – 5.8 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Secret Phone No.4 & 95.
District Intelligence Branch Jessore the 12 August/61.
No. 3588/21-48 PF
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref.: Your No. 13865/606-48 PF dated 27.7.61 regarding activities of Mr.
Mashihur Rahman.
The activities of the individual have been kept under watch but nothing interesting has yet come to notice.
Sd/ – 12.8 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 381
Secret. Phone No.4 & 95.
District Intelligence Branch Jessore the 19 August/61
No. 3679/21-48 To M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref. : Your No. 13865/606-48 PF dated 27.7.61 regarding activities of Mr.
Mashihur Rahman.
The activities of the individual have been kept under watch but nothing interesting has come to notice during the week ending 19.8.61.
Sd/ – 19.8.61 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Phone No.4 & 95.
District Intelligence Branch Jessore the 26 August/61.
No. 3802/21-48
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref.: Your No. 13865/606-48 PF dated 27.7.61 regarding activities of Mr. Mashihur
The activities of the individual have been kept under watch. Nothing interesting has come to notice during the week ending 26.8.61.
Sd/ – 26.8 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 382
Secret. Phone No.4 & 95.
District Intelligence Branch Jessore the 5th Sept./61.
No. 4012 /21-48
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref.: Your No. 13865/606-48 PF dated 27.7.62 regarding activities of Mr. Mashihur
The activities of the individual have been kept under watch but nothing interesting came to notice during the week ending 2.9.61.
Sd/ – 2.9 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Phone No.4 & 95.
District Intelligence Branch Jessore the 9th Sept./61.
No. 4094/21-48
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: I.B Memo No. 13865/606-48 PF dated 27.7.61 regarding activities of Mr.
Mashihur Rahman.
The activities of the individual were watched but nothing interesting came to notice during the week ending 9.9.61.
Sd/ – 9.9 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 383


Report on information about Alpha Insurance Company and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from C.I.D. Karachi.
Dacca, 10 August 1961 Notes and orders copied from N.S.P. CXC, 196-197, 208, 216-217,218-219, 220-221,227,223 of S.B., E.P. file No. 606-48 P.F. regarding Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Please write to C.I.D. Karachi, requesting them to supply us with a note on the Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., Karachi, giving the following details :
Names of Proprietor and Directors with their full particulars and party affiliation.
2. Branches of the company operating in Pakistan and abroad if any. 3. Sources of appointment of Sk. Mujibur Rahman as controller of agencies of Dacca Branch
Sd/-N.M. Biswas.
D.S.(VI), D.S.(6). Orders above. Draft below for approval please.
Sd/-S. Alom
10.8.60. S.S.(2)
The draft letter at page 3321 addressed to S.P., C.I.D., Karachi for details of Alpha Insurance Co. Ltd., may kindly be approved for issue.
Sd/-N M. Biswas.
11.8.60 Sd – Moinuddin.

Page: 384
Please see the report of the I.B. officer at pages 3429-3424 with reference to the order of SS (2) at N.S.P. 192. We have also requested C.I.D. Karachi for a detailed report on Alpha Insurance Company Ltd., Karachi, vide page 3321. The report may perhaps be awaited please. F.O.P.
May kindly see pages 3429-3424. Particularly page 3426 partition marked A.
This is .. W/R.. to Alpha Insurance Co. & the appointment of Sk. Majibur Rahman as Controller of Agencies of the said Co., We have also requested C.I.D., Karachi for a detailed report on this company which is still awaited.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas.
D. S. (VI) Seen. Sd/-Moinuddin.
Perusal please pages 3505-3504 in reply to page 3321. In this connection the enquiry report of our officer at pages 3429-3424 and notes and orders at N.S.P. 196 Para 2 may be seen. For order please.
Sd/- S. Alam.
9.1.61. S.S. (2).
May kindly see pages 3505 & 3504 containing details of Alpha Insurance Co. Karachi. In this con. Zonal officers report may kindly be seen at pages 3429-3422.
From both the reports it appears that Sk. Mujibur Rahman get the job in the company through the influence of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. But the two reports differ materially in respect of the origin and other details of the company. Zonal officer may see the Karachi report at pages 3505-04 and submit further report after careful enquiry.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas.
9.10.61 Sd/-Moinuddin.

Page: 385
DS (6).
Perusal please page 3548 in reply to page 3556. In this connection Dacca D.I.B.’S Letter at Page 3555 may be seen. F.O.P.,
(II). Perusal please page 3548 in reply to page 3502. In this connection page 3501
and notes and orders at N.S.P., may be seen. Inspector Mr. S.A. Khan may
please be asked to expedite the submission of his report in this connection. (iii). Perusal pl. pages 3551-50.
Page 3551-50 seen. Report of Zonal Inspector is waited. He has been given talked to expedite.
(1) Perusal please the report of Z.I. at pages 3557-3556 regarding Alpha Insurance Company. In this connection pages 3551-3550 and orders at prepage (iii) may be seen. F.O.P.
Page 3551-56. Seen. Acton already taken and reply sent to Govt. vide pages 3555-52.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas.
DS (VI). Sd/- N.B. Karim.
Perusal please pages 3570-3569 in reply to page 3540 (pl 13)
F.O.P. Reg : Pages 3570-69. SS (2).
May kindly see pages 3570-69 W/R. to pages 3518 & 3540. Their previous report is at pages 3505-3504. Their report at pages 3570-69 materially corroborates the report of our Zonal officer at pages 3429-24, regarding the origin of the company but he wrongly reported that it deals with life only.

Page: 386
Our report to Govt. May be seen at page 3554-3552. There is nothing materially new in the p.o.d. to be reported to Govt. in continuation of our report at pages 3554-52.
For favour of orders.
Sd/-N.M. Biswas
15.3.61 DS(VI)
We may continue in our efforts to find out the extent of their business here and as to whether any undue support is forthcoming from any quarters of the Govt. or Govt. aided authorities.
Sd/- Karim.
Orders of SS(2) above:(II) We have already requested all D.I.B.’S to report on Alpha Insurance company
vide page 3541. The reports are waited. Further action may please be advised.
(2) Mr. M. Ahmed, Zonal Inspector may please note and report in due course.
Sd/- 25.3.61.
(iii) Perusal please page 3579 in reply to page 3565. No report has yet been
received from the Zonal Inspector. He may please be asked to expedite the submission of his report.
Zonal Inspr. is sick. He should be asked to expedite as soon as he resumes his duties.
Sd/- 13.3
Perusal please pages 3592-3608 in reply to page 3541. Reply from all the D.I.B.s except D.I.B., Dacca have been received. May issue a reminder. Draft below for approval pl.
Further action if any may please be advised.
Seen draft signed.
Sd/-6.5. Sd/-S.Alam.

Page: 387


Report on the acquittal of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his brother
Abu Naser from case.
Dacca, 19 August 1961
Ref. file no. 606-48 P.F. Sir,
I ordered I consulted the Daily News Paper and found that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy with the Humayun Kabir Chaudhury appeared on behalf of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman & Mr. Abdus Salam Khan with Mr. Serajul Huq appeared for Mr. Naser. The case was heard by a Division Bench of the Dacca High Court- consisting of Mr. Justice Asir and Mr. Justice Ali of the Dacca High Court. Their Lordships acquitted both the appellants of the charges & set aside their convictions & sentences passed by the Senior Special Judge, Dacca.
YOS. Sd/ – 19.8.61.


Watch report on Abul Mansoor Ahmed reveals Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other political leaders visited him.
Dacca, 5 September 1961
Hours of duty : Place of duty : Name of suspect :
C.R. dt. 5.9.61. 06.00 to 11.00 & 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. 543/L, Dhanmondi R/A Road No.13. Abul Mansur Ahmad.
Result of watch. At about 09.00 hours the said suspect came out from his quarter and proceeded towards the new market side by his own car. Till 11.00 hours he was not seen to
During the evening duty period at about 17.05 hours the said suspect came out from his quarter and preceded towards the new market side by his own car. At about 17.20 hours suspect Zahiruddin (advocate) Ex-minister came to the suspects place

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on foot. At about 19.00 hours suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman came to the suspect’s place by his car No. 7171-E.B.D. At. about 19.30 hours suspect Abul Mansur Ahammad return to his quarter by his own car. At about 20.00 hours suspect Zahiruddin left the said place by E.P.R.T.C. Bus and proceeded towards new market side. At about 20.40 hours. Sk. Mojibur Rahman left the said place by his own car E.B.D.-7171. I did secret duty there up to 22.00 hours but the above noted suspect was not seen to came out again. No other suspect or suspicious person was seen to visit the said Place.
Submitted. Sd/-Md. Badiuzzaman,
A.S.I. I.B.,E.P.,Dacca.
dt. 6.9.61.
Side note: O/C, Watch to pl. arrange a secret enquiry on this meeting, if, possible. Sd/- 6.9,
S.I. Md. Ilias pl. enquire and report as desired by D.S.VI. Sd/-G. Kibria. for -O/C., Watch. 7.9.


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who visited Chittagong
and came back to Dacca.
Chittagong, 20 September 1961 Radiogram
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 20th Sept’61. No. 7617/1(2)/20-61

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Copy by post forwarded for confirmation to:1. M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca. 2. A.K.M. Sirajul Haq, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Sd/ – 20.9 Superintendent of Police.
D.I.B. Chittagong.
1.B5411 dt. 20/9/61 14.00 hrs.
East Pakistan Form No. 5449-M (modified)
Register No. 49 Transmission Instructions.
Serial No.
From : (Originator) A) SP DIB CHITTAGONG
origin. 201200
Office Date Stamp.
To: (For action) Addl. SP DIB DACCA W) For information. DINTELL DACCA
Count Group
Originator’s No. 7617 dt. 20-9-61 (.) AL 544 Who came to Chittagong on 18th left for Dacca today by morning flight PIA (.) M/1 =201200 606-48 PF
A.L 544 Sk. Mujibur Rahman, To, O/C. Watch Sd/-20.9.61 Seen. This is known. Sd/ – 21.9
Signature of originator.
Originator’s Instructions. Degree of
Time cleared.
Telephone No.
Secret Phone No. 4231/61.
No. 18009/606-48 P.F. dt. 2.10.61.
SP. DIB. Chittagong.
Sub: Activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

Page: 390
Please refer to your signal no. 9614 dt. 20.9.61 and let us have a report on the activities of the subject during his stay in your district.
Sd/ – 27.9.61. DS (6) for SS (II)
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 28th Sept.’61.
No. 7857/20-61
M.B. Karim, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl.Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: This office signal No. 7617 dated 20.9.61 regarding movement of A.L. *544
Sk. Mujibur Rahman .
On 18.9.61 the subject arrived at Chittagong by P.I.A. morning flight and halted at Chittagong Rest House in room No. 19. At about 14.15 hrs. M.A. Aziz, Genl. Secy. defunct. A.L. Chittagong S/O Haji Mohabbat Ali of Halisahar, P.S. Double Moorings, Chittagong along with Manik Babu (being fixed) came to the Rest House and met the subject. At about 16.00 hrs. one Nasiruddin Ahmed (A.L) of Bingrol. P.S. Anwara, Chittagong also met the subject and discussed with him for about an hour. At about 17.46 hrs. the subject along with M.A. Aziz (mentioned ) and Manik Babu (mentioned ) left Rest House and came back to Rest House at about 19.10 hrs. along with others mentioned. Just after the departure of the subject from the Rest House Nasiruddin Ahmed also left the Rest House.
So far learnt, on secret enquiry, the subject visited Alpha Insurance Office, Anderkilla, Chittagong town and discussed about their business. At about 19.15 hrs. the subject along with M. A. Aziz and Manik Babu left Rest House. At about 21.55 hrs. the subject along with Sultan Ahmed (A.L) contractor S/O K. B. Khalilur Rahman of Halisahar returned to Rest House. On secret enquiry so far learnt the subject along with M. A Aziz went to the house of Sultan Ahmed contractor and took their meal there. At about 23.15 hrs. Sultan Ahmed contractor (mentioned) left the Rest House with his Jeep No. EBC 92.
On 19.9.61 at about 08.15 hrs. M.A. Aziz along with Manik Babu came to Rest House and met the subject. At about 11.00 hrs. the subject along with M.A. Aziz

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left Rest House in car No. EBC 3189 (Owner M.A. Aziz). They came back to Rest House at about 13.30 hrs. by the same car. Just after the departure of the subject Manik Babu also left Rest House. On secret enquiry it is learnt that the subject along with M.A. Aziz came to Alpha Insurance Office and discussed about their Insurance business. At about 15.00 hrs. Abu Taher (being fixed) along with one Kamal of Anderkilla (being fixed) came to Rest House and met the subject. At about 17.30 hrs. Manik Babu came to Rest House and met the subject. At about 20.45 hrs. the subject along with others (mentioned) left Rest House. At about 23.00 hrs the subject along with M.A. Aziz and Manik Babu returned to the Rest House by the same car and halted for the night. It is learnt on enquiry that the subject went to the house of M.A. Aziz and took meals there.
On 20.9.61 about 06.15 hrs, the subject along with M.A. Aziz and Manik Babu left Rest House for Patenga Airport in car No. EBC 3189 where from the subject along left for Dacca by P.I.A. morning flight.
Sd/ – 28.9 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
Phone No. 4231/61 Secret.
No. 18614 dt. 10.10.61/606-48 PF.
S.P. DIB Chittagong. Sub: Activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Please refer to your memo no. 7857 dt. 28.9.61 and report after a quite enquiry if the suspect held any secret meeting or discussion on party matters during his stay at Chittagong together with the full particulars of the unidentified persons.
Sd/ – 4.10.61 DS(6) for ss(2)
Sd/ – 7.10
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 22th Nov. “61 No. 9472 /R.4441/4326./20-61
Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.

Page: 392
Ref: Your memo Nos. 18009/606-48 P.F. dated 2.10.61 and memo No. 18614/606
P.F. dated 10.10.61 regarding activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Secret enquiries were made but it could not be ascertained if the subject held any secret meeting or discussion on party matters during his stay at Chittagong. On enquiry it is further learnt that Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with Manik Babu @ Bhupati Bhusan Chaudhuri (C.P) S/O Dhirendra of Habilaisdwip, P.S. Patiya, Chittagong and of Khatunganj, Chittagong town visited the house of the Manager of the Nisho Co. Chittagong on 19.9.61 night. It is reported that the Nisho Co. has been working with Natun Agency. But the subject matter of discussion could not be ascertained.
Particulars of the unidentified persons are given below. (1) Manik Babu is identical with Bhaupati Bhusan Chaudhuri (C.P) @ Manik Babu
S/o Dhirendra of Habilalaisdwip, P.S. Patiya, Chittagong and of Khatunganj,
Chittagong town. (2) Abu Taher is identical with A.K.M.Abu Taher (EPNSL) S/O Khalilur Rahman
of Madarsha, P.S. Hathazari, Chittagong. (3) Nasiruddin is identical with Nasiruddin Chaudhuri (NAP) S/o Lal Miyan
Dafadar of Bingrol, P.S. Anwara , Chittagong and of Chittagong town. Kamal could not be fixed as yet.
Sd/ – 21.11.61. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.


Report on fund collection for treatment of H S Suhrawardy in
New York.
Dacca, 21 September 1961
A reliable secret source reported on 20.9.61 that Mr. Tofazzal Hussain alias Manik Miyan, Editor, The Ittefaq, on receipt of information of Mr. Suhrawardy’s illness in New York asked Mr. Sulaiman (son-in-law of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy) to arrange for sending money to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (ex-Prime Minister) for his treatment. Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miyan promised to send to Mr. Sulaiman for the purpose Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand) and for this he approached Rai Bahadur R.P.Saha. Manik Miyan also asked Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex-Minister) to collect Rs. 5000/- more for the purpose and Mr. Mujibur Rahman agreed.

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Forwarded (in duplicate) to the Spl. Supdt. of Police (II), I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information and necessary action. Extracts may be placed in the respective P.Fs. of the subjects.
Sd/ – 21.9.61.
(A. Ahmed)
Spl. Supdt. of Police. SC.IB. Side note: No. 43/ss(sc) dt. 21.9.61.


A Watch report on Ataur Rahman Khan.
Dacca, 22 September 1961
C.R. dt. 22.9.61. Hours of duty : 06.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 to 22.00 hrs. Place of duty : 500/A, Dhanmondi R/A Road No.7. Name of suspect : Ataur Rahman Khan (Ex. C.M. of East Pakistan)
Result of watch. At about 08.15 hrs. the above noted suspect left his quarter by car E.B.D. No. 27. I did secret watch duty there till 11.00 hrs. but the said suspect did not rtd. to his quarter.
In the evening duty period about 4 unknown persons visited the duty place from 18.50 hrs. to 21.10 hrs. by Car E.B.D. No. 4992. So I could not collect the D.R. due to darkness. Suspect Ataur Rahman was seen present at his quarter.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Md. Yakub Hossain of
I.B. 23.9.61.
Side note: S.I. M. Rahman to fix up the owner and unknown person. As proposed. Sd/- 23.9
C.R. dt. 22.9.61. of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan.
On secret enquiry it is ascertained that owner of E.B.D- 4992 IB M/S. Chandanmall Kishan Lall, Sitalakhya, Narayanganj, Dacca. The unknown persons could not be fixed.
Submitted. Sd/-M.Rahman, S.I.,I.B. Watch.

Page: 394
Side note: D.S.VI may pl. see. Sd/-30.9 O/C., Watch.
Please put up the papers in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-30.9 for D.S.6
Ref. C.R. dt. 5.9.61 of suspect Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed.
It is ascertained on secret enquiry that suspect Zahiruddin visited the suspect Abul Mansur Ahmed and discussed about the house of suspect Zahiruddin which is under construction. The purpose of visit of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman with suspect Abul Mansur Ahmed could not be collected on secret enquiry as yet.
Submitted Sd/-Md. Ilyas, S.I.
Side note: Seen. Please keep a copy of the watch report in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Abul
Mansur Ahmed. Sd/-30.9 for D.S.6


Watch Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 8 October 1961 TELEPHONE MESSAGE
Received at-18.10 Date -8.10.61. From: W.C. Abdus Salam, To-O/C., Watch, I.B., E.P. Dacca.
Today 18.00 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman along with his wife, children, father and brother shifted his original place-76,Segun Bagicha and proceeded towards the town side by car No. E.B.D. 7171 with bag and baggage.
This is for your kind information.
Sd/ – 8.10
Side note: D.S.VI may pl. see. Sd/-9.10 O/C., Watch.
Ref. attached telephone message.
I made secret enquiry about the information and ascertained that Mr. Mujibur Rahman shifted to his own newly built house at Road No.32 plot no.677, near Lake

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Circus Dhanmondi Residential area on 8.10.61 in the evening. The construction work of the house has not been completed yet.
Sd/-10.10 S.I.,I.B.(W).
Side note: D.S.VI may pl. see. Ext. may go in P.F. O/C., Watch. Yes. Sd/- 11.10.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 11 October 1961 Top Secret
A reliable secret source reported on 10.10.61 that Mr. Kafiluuddin Chaudhuri (ex-Minister) during his discussion with Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex-Minister) on the same date enquired from the latter that what his students were doing when Indian students were doing ‘golmal’. Mr. Rahman told him that he did not see the students for a long time, moreover, it was not wise on their part to make any ‘golmal’ at this stage. Time will come for their works.
No. 49/5S (SC) dt. 11.10.61.
Forwarded in duplicate to Syed Mannan Baksh, Esq., E.S.P., Spl. Supdt, of Police, I.B., Dacca, for information and necessary action.
This may go in the respective P.Fs, of the subject.
Sd/ -11.10.61.
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB.


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dhanmondi
Residential Area. Dacca, 31 October 1961
C.R. dated 31.10.61. Hours of duty : 07.00 hrs. to 12.00 hrs. and 18.00 hrs. to 24.00 hrs. Place of duty : 677/A, Dhanmandai R/A. Road No. 32/A Name of suspect : Sk. Majibur Rahman.

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Result of watch. In the Morning duty period the above noted suspect was not seen by me till 12.00 hrs.
In the evening duty period the above noted suspect was not seen by me till 24 hrs. No suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the duty place.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Abdul Maleque Miah.
of I.B.E.P., Dacca.
Side note: Why the subject could not be seen? S.I. M. Alam to enquire and report pl. at once.
As proposed. Sd/ S.R. Choudhury. 1.11.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman left Dacca for Tungipara.
Dacca, 2 November 1961
The R.I.O., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 28.x.61 I was on duty at N. Ganj. R/S. & S. Ghat from 04.30 to 10.30 and 20.00 to 23.00 hrs.
On that day at about 22.30 hrs. suspect *Sk. Majibur Rahman on arrival at N.Ganj Steamer Ghat by his car and got up the Barisal Mail Steamer. At about 23.00 hrs. the said suspect left for Guperdanga by Barisal Steamer and reached at Guperdanga 23.00 hrs.on 29.x.61.
After that the said suspect left for Tangipara by boat and reached at (Tongipara) his home at about 01.00 hours. I shadowed him from N.Ganj Steamer ghat to Tongipara (Gopalganj).
During my shadowing period no suspect was seen to meet with him nor smuggled anything from anybody.
Further I beg to report that I wish to made over the suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman to A.S.I. Soydur Rahman of Barisal D.I.B., but the said A.S.I. refused to

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take over the charge of aforesaid suspect. The said A.S.I. told me that he could not take over the charge of this suspect without the permission of O/C. Watch, D.I.B., Barisal. I have submitted a same report to D.I.O., Gopalganj (Tongipara).
This is for your kind information.
Y.O.S Sd/-W.C. Abu Baker. R.I.B. N. Ganj.
Side note: Submitted to O/C., watch, I.B., Dacca, through D.I.O (S) for n/a. Sd/- R.I.O., Dacca.
2.11.61 D.S. VI may pl. see. Ext, may go in P.F. Sd/- 0/C., Watch. Seen. Sd/-3.11 for D.S.6 Sd/-4.11.
Ref. C.R. dt. 31.10.61 reg. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
D.R. 59 dt. 1.11.61. It is learnt on secret enquiry that Sk. Mujibur Rahman left for his native village Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur on the night of 28.10.61 with his family by steamer from Narayanganj. He may visit Khulna.
It is further learnt that he was due to return last night.
Submitted Sd/-2.11.61 S.I., I.B.(W)
Side note: D.S.VI may Pl. see. S.I. M. Alam to report pl. as soon as the subject return to Dacca.
Faridpur D.I.B. May be asked to report. Sd/-O/C. Watch. 2.xi As proposed. Sd/ S.R. Choudhury. 2.11.61
[Ext. from C.R. dt. 31.10.61] Phone No. 4231/61
No. 21138 dt. 10.11.61 /606-48 P.F.
Secret. S.P D.I.B. Faridpur
Copy forwarded to………for information and with the request to report the activities of the subject during his stay there.
Sd/- 7.11.61 DS (6) for SS(2)

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istrict Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 16th Nov.261 No. 4710/33-50A. P.882,887.
M.B. Karim, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Signal No.10961/100-49 P.F. dated 28.10.61 from the Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B. Dacca, to my address. And your memo No.21138/606-48. P.F. dt. 10.11.61.
A.L. suspect 544 Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (A.L) S/O. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca reached his native village Tungipara on 30.10.61 at 07.00 hrs. via Barisal by Steamer from Dacca being shadowed by W.C. 29 Md. Abu Bakkar of Narayanganj R.I.B. The suspect halted at Tungipara from 30.10.61 to 2.11.61. None except his relations met the suspect during his visit at home. So far ascertained, the suspect came home for bringing down his family to Dacca and also for paying respect to his parents. Nothing political or otherwise happened during his stay. The suspect left for Dacca with his family on 2.11.61 morning by steamer from Goperdanga steamer station. He reached Narayangonj Steamer Station via Barisal on 3.11.61 at 15.20 hrs. and left for Dacca at about 16.15 hrs. The suspect was shadowed up to Narayanganj by W.C. 1109 Awlad Husain of Faridpur D.I.B. and was made over to .W.C. 29 Md. Abu Baker of Narayanganj R.I.B. Nothing unusual happened during the shadowing period.
Sd/ – 15.11.61. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 2nd Dec. ’61. No.4927/33-50A.P.898
To A. Rahim, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
In continuation of this office memo No. 4710 dated 16.11.61 I would like to inform further that A.L. suspect Abdur Rob Sarnamat (G.D. /N.A.P.), B.L., Pleader,

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Barisal town also came to Tungipara a long with the suspect Mujibor Rahman who is his brother-in-law on 2.11.61 Abdur Rob Sarnamat left for Barisal by steamer from Goperdanga Station along with Sk. Mujibor Rahman and got down from Steamer at Barisal Steamer ghat at about 17.30 hrs. the same day.
Sd/ – 30.11 Supdt.of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
To The O/C., Watch, I.B.E.P., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 2.11.61 at about 06.00 hrs. *A.L 544 Sk. Mojibur Rahman left his home (Tongipara) for Gopalganj Steamer Ghat with his family along with A.L. Suspect Mr. Abdur Rob Sarnabat of Barisal town. At about 07.00 hours suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman and his family with A.L. Suspect Abdur Rob Sarnabat arrived at Gopalganj Boat.
At about 08.00 hours suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman and his family along with A.L. suspect Abdur Rab Sarnabat left Gopalgonj S/S for Narayanganj Barisal Mail Steamer
On 2/11/61 at about 17.30 hrs. A.L. Suspect Abdur Rob Sarnabat got down at Barisal Steamer Ghat on the way and left for Barisal town.
On 2/11/61 at about 15.20 hours the suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman and his family arrived at Narayanganj S/S. At about 16.15 hrs. the said suspect and his family left Narayanganj R/S. for Dacca by E.B.D. Taxi No. 4062 and Car No. E.B.D.7171 and made over the suspect to W/C. 29- Abu Baker of R.I.B., N’Ganj. During my shadowing period no other suspect was seen to meet with him except (A.L.) suspect Abdur Rob Sarnabat of Barisal town and nor smuggled anything to anybody. This is for favour of your kind information.
Y.O.S. Sd/-W.C. Awlad Husain,
Side note: D.S.VI may pl. see. Ext. may go in P.F. Sd/- O/C., Watch. 4.11. Seen. Yes please. Copy
may also be sent to Faridpur D.I.B. for information.

Page: 400


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman left Tungipara for Dacca.
Tungipara, 15 November 1961 Secret Extract from Watch Report. Phone No. 4231/61
Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan
Lalbagh, Dacca, the 15th November, 1961,
No. 21578/606-48 P.F. (E) Copy forwarded to K.G. Mohiuddin, Esqr. P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for information.
(S.R. CHAUDHURI) For Special Supdt. of Police(2)
I.B.,E.P., Dacca.
To The O/C, Watch, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 2.11.61 at about 06.00 hrs. *A.L. 544 Sk. Mojibur Rahman left his home (Tungipara) for Gopalganj Steamer Ghat with his family
ng with A.L. Suspect Mr. Abdur Rob Sarnabat of Barisal town. At about 07.00 hrs. suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman and his family with A.L. Suspect Abdur Rob Sarnabat arrived at Gopalganj S.S. by Boat.
At about 08.00 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman and his family along with A. L. Suspect Abdur Rob Saranabat left Gopalganj S/S. for Narayanganj S.S. by Barisal Mail Steamer.
On 2.11.61 at about 17.30hrs. A.L. suspect Abdur Rab Saranabat got down at Barisal Steamer ghat on the way and left for Barisal town.
On 2.11.61 at about 15.20 hrs. the suspect Sk. Mojibur Rahman and his family arrived at Narayanganj S/S. At about 16.15hrs. the said suspect and his fanily left Narayangonj R/S. for Dacca by E.B.D. Taxi No. 4062 and car No. E.B.D. 7171 and made over the suspect to W/c. 29 Abu Baker of R.I.B., Narayanganj. During my

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shadowing period on other suspect was seen to meet him except (A.L.) suspect Abdur Rob Sarnabat of Barisal town and nor smuggled anything to anybody.
This is for favour of your kind information.
Y.O.S. Sd/-W.C. Awlad Husain
[Ext. From Watch Report.] Phone No. 4231/61 Secret
No. 21578 dt. 15.11.61 /606-48 P.F.(E) S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur. Copy forwarded to — for information.
Sd/ – 13.11 DS(VI) for SS(2)


Watch Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 17 November 1961
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 17.11.61.
I have the honour to report that myself with the help of my watchers kept watch over the activities of the subject for sometime but nothing transpired during this period in respect of Political affairs.
Secret. PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 24th November, 1961
No. 11840 /23-61./R.7629.
Copy forwarded to A. Rahim, Esqr., P.S.P.,S.S. (1), I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information, with reference to his No. 7808/606-48 P.F., dated 28.4.61.
Sd/ – 24.11.61. Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

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Watch Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left Dacca for
Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar with prior intimation to IB office. He was received by Abdul Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong Awami League at the Airport met Alpha Insurance Company officials. It is reported that he met Awami League leaders and
advised them to prepare for election.
Dacca, 28 November 1961
C.R. dt. 28.11.61. Hours of duty : 07.00 hrs. to 12.00 hrs. and 18.00 hrs. to 24.00 hrs. Place of duty : 677, Dhanmondi R/A of Road No.32. Name of suspect : Sk. Majibar Rahman, Ex. Minister.
Result of Watch.
I attended my duty in the morning and evening duty periods and did secret watch duty there according to time as mentioned above at the vicinity of above noted place for the above noted suspect but the suspect was not seen by me during the both duty periods.
No suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the duty place.
Submitted, Sd/-A.K.M. Amjad
I.B., Dacca. 29.11.61.
Side note: It is secretly learnt that the suspect has left for Chtg. by plane on 27.11.61 at 07.00 hrs.
Sd/-29/xi. O/C., Watch. Office. Please enquire if the subject has informed Dacca D.I.B. about his departure. 2) Pl. also call for a report from Chittagong D.I.B. on his activities there. Sd/- for D.S.6, 29.11

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East Pakistan Form No.5449-(modified)
Register No. 104/13
Transmission Instructions.
Serial No. R2/3
From : (Originator) A) S.P DIB Chittagong
Date- Time
origin. 292100
Office Date Stamp
To: (For action) ADDL. S.P DIB, Dacca.
Count Group.
W) For information. Dintell Dacca
Originator’s No. Nil – A.L. 544 leaving for Dacca by PIA Morning flight 30th instant. Sd/-M/ 242245
Signature of originator.
System T-8
Degree of precedence
Time cleared
Sd/ -29.11.61
Designation Telephone No.
Phone no. 4231/61 Secret.
No. 22799 dt. 5.12.61 /606-48 PF.
S.P. DIB. Chittagong.
Please refer to your Signal dt. 29.11.61 and report the activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman during his stay at Chittagong.
Sd/ – 2.12
Ds (6) for SS(2) Side note: Below another please. Sd/ -4.12
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 2th Dec. “61
No. 9770/20-61

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Syed Mannan Baksh, Esqr., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
A.L.* 544 Mujibur Rahman Sk. arrived at Patenga Airport along with Mr. S.A.M. Hashmi, Manager of Alfa Insurance Co. Ltd. Karachi Branch on 27.11.61 at 08.00 hrs. They are received by (1) Md. Abdul Aziz, Ex-Secy. of the defunct A.L. of Chittagong district S/o Haji Mohabbat Ali of Halisahar, P.S. Double Moorings, Chittagong. They left for Rest House by E.B.C. car No. 3189 belonging to M.A. Aziz (mentioned). He was present at the Rest House, Station Road, Chittagong from 09.00 hrs. to 11.30 hrs., 14.00 hrs. to 18.10 hrs. and 20.00 hrs. to 23.59 hrs. on 27.11.61. He visited other place in the meantime including the offices of the Alfa Insurance Co., Anderkilla, Chittagong and Natun Agency at Ramjoy Mohajan Lane, Chittagong in a private car owned by Mr. M.A. Aziz mentioned. The following persons were found to meet him on the day.
(2) Bhaupati Ranjan Chaudhuri @ Manik S/o late Dhirendra Lal Chaudhuri of
Habilasdwip, Patiya, Chittagong and of Khatunganj. (3) Kamaluddin S/O Abdul Halim of Nazir Ahmed Chauduri Road, Ctg. town. (4) Md. Yusuf S/o Korban Ali of Halisahar, P.S. Double Moornings, Ctg. (5) Sultan Ahmed, S/O Jonab Ali of Abiderpara, P.S. Double Moorings, Ctg. (6) Nuzaffar Ahmed, Ex-M.P. S/O Nazu Miyan of Pathantooli, Ctg, town.
On 28.11.61, the subject left for Cox’s Bazar at about 06.10 hrs. by E.B.C. 3189 and reached there at 11.30 hrs. M.A. Aziz and Mr. Hashmi (both mentioned) accompanied him to Cox’s Bazar. The party was also followed by the following persons in a separate Jeep No. EBC 1915 from Chittagong to Cox’s Bazar.
(7) Nani Gopal Datta, Managing partner, Natun Agency. (mentioned) (8) Tarek Ahmed S/O Kobbad Ahmed of Station Road, Chittagong.
At Cox’s Bazar they visited Rest House and Hotel Coxy. The following
persons of Cox’s Bazar met them. (9)
Mr. Mostaque Ahmed Chaudhuri of Illisia, P.S. Chakaria, owner of Hotel
Coxy. (10) Jalal Ahmed, B.A.B.T. S/O Omar Miyan of Baragope, P.S. Kutubdia,
Chittagong. (11) Mohiuddin Chaudhuri Slo Feroz Ahmed Chaudhuri of Harbang, P.S.
Chakaria., Chittagong, a Mukhtear of Cox’s Bazar Court. (12) Dr. Serajuddin Ahmed, L.M.F. of Lohagora, P.S. Satkania, Ctg.

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Mr. Jalal Ahmed (mentioned) arranged their khana at Cox’s Bazar.
The party left Cox’s Bazar at 14.30 and came to Chittagong Rest House at 20.00 hrs. The subject halted in the Rest House along with Mr. Hashmi (mentioned) and did not go out till 12.15 hrs. of on 29.11.61. He visited Alfa Insurance Co. office, Anderkilla on 29.11.61 between 12.20 hrs. and 13.40 hrs. and returned to Rest House at 13.50 hrs. At 17.05 hrs. he went out by E.B.C. Car No. 3189 and returned back at 19.00 hrs. and halted at the Rest House till 06.10 hrs. He left Chittagong Rest House along with Mr. Hashmi (mentioned) at 06.10 hrs. on 30.11.61 by EBC 3189. He was seen off by M.A. Aziz (mentioned) at Patenga Airport at 07.00 hrs.
On 28.11.61 & 29.11.61 he contacted with the same persons as mentioned under para (1) and also (14) Zahur Ahmed Chaudhuri S/o Abdul Aziz of Dampara, P.S. Double Moorings, Chittagong. The subject matter of discussion between him and others who contacted him could not be had as yet.
As he moved always by private car constant watch on his movement could not be possible and the details of the other places visited by him during his absence from Rest House excepting those already specified could not be ascertained yet.
Sd/ – 2.12 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong
Phone no.4231/61
No. 23235 dt. 12.12.61/606-48 P.F.
S.P. DIB. Chittagong. Sub: Activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Please refer to your memo No. 9770 dt. 2.12.61 and report after ascertaining through sources if the subject had any political discussion with any person during his stay at Chittagong.
Sd/ – 12.12 Ds (6) for SS(2)

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Secret. PHONE NO. 4231/34.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 23/26th December, 1961. No. 12754/100-49 P.F. R.11460.
S. Mannan Baksh, Esqr., P.S.P., S.S. (II), I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 22798/606-48 P.F., dated 5.12.61.
The suspect A.L. 544-Sk. Mujibur Rahman sent intimation to us prior to his departure for Chittagong
Sd/- 26.12.61 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report on activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Chittagong.
Chittagong, 7 December 1961
Ext. from the S.W.R. of Ctg. Dist. for w/e 7.12.61 Non-Communal Political Groups.
Muslim Groups. Awami League.
(a) It is reported on 30.11.61 that Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Al) who came to
Chittagong recently, stayed in the Rest House, Chittagong and met with (i) Abdul Aziz, Ex-Secy. Chittagong Dist. A.L.(ii) Md. Yusuf of Bulbul Store, Anderkilla, (iii) Sultan Ahmed (Contractor, A.L), iv. Kamaluddin Ahmad (AL) (v) Zahur Ahmed Chaudhuri (AL), (vi) Mohiuddin Muktar (Secy. Gox’s Bazar, AL) and many others. In course of discussion, he advised the workers to work whole heartedly and to keep liaison with the ordinary party workers to fight the election.
It is also reported that the important A.L. Leaders who are disqualified by EBDO would guide them secretly in the activities and election affairs. The A.L workers may also get support of the P.N.C., N.A.P and workers of the other progressive organizations.

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It is further added that Abdul Jabbar Khaddar (AL) of Noakhali, came to Chittagong and met Abdul Aziz (mentd.) on 14.11.61 and 15.11.61 and discussed amongst many things including party affair and matters relating to the next election etc.
It is reported on 4.12.61 that Sk. Mujibur Rahman, during his last visit to Chittagong asked Mr. Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri (AL/Ex-MPA) and Abdul Aziz (Genl. Secy., Ctg. Dist. A.L.) to try their level best to capture the Trade Union Front tactfully to utilize them during the ensuing election.
S.S. (II)
Perusal please. Ext. may be placed in the P. F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Abdul Jabbar Khaddar.
Sd/-S.A Khan
for D.S.VI. Seen. Approved.
Sd/-Syed Mannan Baksh.
11.12.61 Side note: No.47063/2. dt. 27.12. To office for N/A Pl. Sd/-27.1


HS Suhrawardy arrived at Dacca from Karachi and stayed at Baze Kakrail residence of Tofazzal Hossain where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others met him.
Dacca, 9 December 1961
C.R. dt. 8.12.61 of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at Dacca Air Port and Baze Kakrail.
As ordered I had been to Dacca Air Port on 8.12.61 morning and found that the above noted Subject arrived from Karachi by P.I.A. Plane at about 05.25 hrs, and after a few minutes he along with Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Air port by car E.B.D. 2529. The subject put up at Baze Kakrail, residence of Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miyan.
At about 07.45 hrs. one unknown person visited the place by car E.B.D. 6145 (being fixed). He left the place at about 08.00 hrs. by the same car. At about 09.25

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hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman left the place by his own car E.B.D. 7171. Abdul Jabber Khadder entered into the place at about 09.45 hrs, and left the place at about 10.15 hrs. along with Tofazzal Hossain by car E.B.D. 2529.
In the evening at about 19.20 hrs. the subject along with Dr. A. Hossain retd. to the place by the E.B.D. 8008 from letters residence being shadowed. Dr. A. Hossain left the place after a few minutes by the said car. At about 21.25 hrs. the subject left the place along with Tofazzal Hossain by car No. E.B.D. 2529 and went to Dacca Club and returned to the place by the same car at about 00.30.hrs.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman left the place at about 20.00 hrs. by his own car. Advocate Rafiqul Hossain visited the place from 18.50 to 21.00 hrs. by his own car E.B.D. 5422. One unknown person visited the place from 18.50 to 20.20 hrs. by car No. E.B.D. 5711 (being fixed).
Submitted. Sd/- Golam Kibria.
S.I. 9.12.61.
May kindly see. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy is putting up at the house of Mr. Tofazzel Hossain, Editor, Ittefaq.
Sk. Majibur Rahman and Abdul Jabbar Khadder (both A.L) contacted him at his residence.
Dr. A. Hossain is a friend of him. Rafiqul Hossain, B.L. is his junior.
Agent dealing officers may be directed to collect information if the A.L.S holding anything in politics. Dacca D.I.B. may also be requested in the same line.
O/C., Watch to place put précis of watches on the suspects weekly.
Sd/- for D.S.6
9.12.61 Seen. Action suggested approved. Agent dealing officers should be asked to find out if any Political discussion took place or not. Watch to continue as usual.
Sd/- S.M. Baksh.
9.12 Side note: S.I. Ayub Ali to fix up pl. Car of M/S. National Fire & Genl. Insurance Action is being
taken from the PF of Mr. Suhrawardy.

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Report on the clandestine meetings of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
with political leaders. Dacca, 12 December 1961
[A reliable secret source reported on 11.12.61 that one Azmeri (to be fixed ) during his discussion with Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex- Minister) on the same day referred to their recent meeting in which Mr. Zahiruddin delivered a speech. Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman advised him not to give publicity of this meeting. ]
Security Control, I.B., East Pakistan,
Lalbagh. Dated, Dacca the 12th Dec.’61
No. 64/4-57/TS(SS/SC)
Forwarded to Syed Mannan Baksh, Esp., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca, for his information and necessary action.
Officers concerned may try to obtain details of the meeting referred to above.
Sd/ – 12.12.61
(A. Ahmed) Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC, IB,EP, Dacca
S.S. 11
Reference page 3703, it is learnt from reliable source Ajami is Mr. Q.G. Ajmeri, President, E.P. conference of social workers, which is a branch of the Pakistan Conference of social workers. An annual election of the office bearers of the E.P. branch was to be held on 9.12.61. Mr. Zahiruddin (Ex-Minister) and Mrs. Saddeque w/o Dr. Saddeque of Dacca were appeared to the group of Mr. Ajmeri, who had a good hold once the E.P. branch. But Mr. Zahiruddin and Mr. Saddeque (mentd.) with the help of Mrs. Soleiman D/O Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, who is the treasurer of Pakistan Conference of Social workers Karachi, wanted to oust the group of Mr. Ajmeri. The group of Mr. Ajmeri managed to obtain an injunction, with covering the election on 9.12.61 from the Court.
The source added that the discussion with Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L) in which Mr. Zahiruddin also figured might be regarding the election of the E.P. conference of social workers because they are trying to coming

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about an amicable settlement between the groups. Mr. Ajmeri has no party affiliation and he never hobnobbed in politics.
Sd/ – 18.12.61.
[Ext. From Secret information dt. 11.12.61]
Phone No.4231/61
No. 23667 dt. 18.12.61/606-48 P.F.
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Copy forwarded to … for information and connects. He is also requested to report the full particulars of Azmeri mentioned therein.
Sd/ – 15.12 DS (6) for SS(II)


Report on H S Suhrawardy’s payment of his house construction.
Dacca, 18 December 1961
[A reliable secret source reported on 16.12.61 Mr. Ahad (may be Oli Ahad) approached Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (ex-Minister) to ascertain how much he was to pay for the construction of the house of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (ex-Minister) at Dacca and to whom he would pay the money. Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman advised him to pay Rs.15000/- for the purpose to M/S Khalil Omar (to be fixed).]
No. 6406/SS (SC) dt.18.12.6. 4-56 TS (2)
Forwarded to Syed Mannan Baksh, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. for information and necessary action.
Sd/ – 18.12.61
(A. Ahmed)
Spl. Supdt. of Police, SC,
IB, Dacca.
