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Secret Documents of Intelligent Branch on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman volume-IV (1954-1957)

বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ কপিরাইট সমস্যা যাতে না হয় সেকারণে সকল লেখা শুধুমাত্র ‘only Readable’, ‘non-downloadable’ ও ‘non-clickable’ রাখা হয়েছে। সংগ্রামের নোটবুকের সকল নথি-পত্রিকা-দলিল-সংকলন-বই থেকে নেয়া তথ্য-ছবি-ভিডিও শুধুমাত্র গবেষণার কাজে ব্যবহার্য। বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাম ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণার জন্য সংগ্রামের নোটবুক একটি অলাভজনক অবাণিজ্যিক স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে গড়া প্রচেষ্টা।


Telegram from Abdul Bari Nurur Rahman to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Sylhet, 9 January 1954
District Intelligence Branch, Sylhet
Intelligence Branch
The 9th January, 1954.
Memo. No. 134/83-51 (Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address) : Abdul Bari Nurur Rahman
2. To (with address) : Mujibur Rahman, 18, Karkunbari, Dacca.
3. Language of letter : English (Telegram).
4. Date of letter : 7.1.54
5. Postal Seal : 7.1.54.
6. Post office of interception: Sylhet
7. Date of interception: 8.1.54
8. Name of officer who can prove the interception: : Syed Abdul Alim, S.I. D.I.B., Sylhet.
9. Whether photographed or not : No.
10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government order authorising interception : G.O. No. 2579-Poll /S, dated 17.8.53.
Copy/translation forwarded to :
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I. B., E.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ – 9.1.54
for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Sylhet.

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Copy of a Telegram dated 7-1-54 from Abdul Bari Nurur Rahman to Majibur Rahman, 18, Karkunbari, Dacca.
Majibur Rahman (1) 18, Karkunbari, Dacca.
No agreement with Ganatantri. Push Awami League case only arriving tomorrow.
Abdul Bari (2) Nurur Rahman (3)
May be identical with Sk. Mujibur Rahman,
Genl. Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League, Dacca. 2. May be identical with Abdul Bari @ Dhala Bari
S/o Haji Abdul Majid, Majlish Amin, Sylhet town. 3. (SF/CP/YL/AML) s/o Azduddin
of Fulbari, P.S. Golapganj, and of Sylhet town.
Perusal of the attached. This is a telegram addressed to Majibar Rahman and was intercepted at Sylhet P.O. on 8.1.54. Further action if any may be advised. Names may be marked for indexing.
Sd/ -14.1.54 Names marked. D.S.II may please see.
Sd/DSII 16.1.54.
for D.S.6 14.1.


Memo on meetings of Awami Muslim League at Khulna and
Khulna, 9 January 1954
District Intelligence Branch
Khulna, the 9th Jan/54. No. 101/R. 2967/39-49 (Int.)

A. Hussain, Esq.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal1 Dacca.
Ref:- Your No. 16394/606-48(1) dt. 21.11.53.
The Awami Muslim League2 convened few meetings in the interior as well as in the town during the earlier part of November 1953 in which A.F.M. Abdul Jalil

1. East Bengal – The Partition of British Indian province of Bengal took place in 1947 as part of the partition of India. Bengal was divided based on the Radcliffe Line between India and Pakistan. Hindu majority West Bengal became a state of India and predominantly Muslim East Bengal became a province of Pakistan.
East Bengal was renamed as East Pakistan by the ‘One Unit’ scheme of Prime Minister Mohammad Ali of Bogura. The ‘One Unit was a geopolitical program launched by the government of Pakistan led by then Prime Minister on 22 November 1954. The program was believed to be enacted after the government faced difficulty of administrating the two unequal polities of Pakistan separated from each other by more than a thousand miles. To diminish the differences between the two regions, the program merged the four Provinces of West Pakistan into a single province while East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was integrated with Pakistan as another province.
2. EPAML/AML (East Pakistan Awami Muslim League/Awami Muslim League) – EPAML was founded at Rose Garden of K.M. Das Lane, Dhaka on 23 June 1949 in a convention of the leaders and workers of Bengal Provincial Muslim League. The new party was named East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. It was established with Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani as president, Ataur Rahman Khan, Sakhawat Hossain and Ali Ahmed Khan as vice-presidents, Shamsul Haque as general secretary, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as joint secretary while he was in jail and Yar Mohammad Khan as treasurer. From the very inception East Pakistan Awami Muslim League has been a secular and non-communal party. As a mark of its secular posture, the term ‘Muslim’ was deleted from the name of the party at its third council meeting held on 21-23 October 1955. The party believes in welfare economy. It has front organizations among the students, laborers, peasants, youths and women. The party quickly gained massive popular support in East Bengal. The party later evolved into Awami League. Under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman eventually led the forces of Bengali nationalism in the struggle against West Pakistan’s military and political domination. Awami League was the first opposition party in the then Pakistan. At its birth the party adopted a 42-point program with a special emphasis on the demand for provincial autonomy. Recognition of Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan, democracy, one man one vote, framing of a constitution, parliamentary form of government, regional autonomy and removal of disparity between the two wings had been the major demands of Awami League during the initial stage of the Pakistani rule. In the 1948-52 Language Movement, the Awami League and its student front, Chhatra League (established in 1948), played a vital role. The Awami League played a leading role

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(A.M.L), M.A.B.L., Advocate s/o Umed Ali Molla, Pantita, Terokhada, Khulna and of Khulna town and Maulana Khairul Bashar, ex-Professor of Tularam College, Narayanganj, Dacca participated. Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq, ex-Premier, undivided Bengal3 who had been to Khulna on 28.11.53 addressed a well attended meeting at Khulna.
The A.M.L. members of Khulna desire Mr. Suhrawardhy to visit Khulna for propaganda purpose. The writer (A.F.M. Abdul Jalil) has not been elected in the parliamentary board.
Abdul Aziz (A.M.L) M.A. s/o Haji Afijuddin, Teligati, Morrelganj, Khulna, Sk. Shamsuddin (A.M.L) s/o Lehajuddin of Fetehpur, Bagerhat, Abdul Bari (A.M.L) s/o Keramatulla of Faridpur and Khulna and others of Khulna attended the A.M.L. conference at Mymensingh.
Sd/ -9.1.54 Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Khulna.
in the formation of the ‘All Party State Language Action Committee’ in 1952 preceding the 21 February killing of language movement participants. In the run-up to the East Bengal Legislative Assembly Elections in April 1954, the Awami League took the lead in negotiations in forming a pan-Bangla political alliance including the Krishak Sramik Party, Nizam-e-Islam and Ganatantri Dal (Democratic Party). The alliance was termed the Jukta Front or United Front and formulated the Ekush Dafa or 21-Point Charter to fight for establishing rights in East Bengal. The party also took the historic decision to adopt the traditional Bengali boat, which signifies the attachment to rural Bengal, as its election symbol. In the provincial election United Front won 223 seats, out of 309 seats, Awami League alone secured 143, soundly defeating Muslim League with 9 seats. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with his charismatic leadership, workers-friendly approach, unparallel organizational capability and sacrifice succeeded to evolve Awami League immensely popular political party as the symbol of Bengalis’ hope and aspiration. Under his leadership, there followed the movement against Ayub Khan, 6-Point Movement, Agartala Conspiracy Case, Mass Revolution of 1969, Election of 1970, Non-cooperation Movement of 1971 followed culminating in the war of independence. Thus the Bengalis earned their greatest achievement in thousands years-People’s Republic of Bangladesh State.
3. Undivided Bengal – The decision to effect the Partition of Bengal was announced in July 1905, by the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon. The partition took place on 16 October 1905 and separated the largely Muslim eastern areas from the Hindu majority western areas. The partition animated the Hindus and led the Muslims to form their own national organization on communal lines. Bengal was reunited in 1911, in an effort to both appease the Bengali sentiment and have easier administration. Except these two partitions in British colonial rule the Bengal was undivided. It was again divided into the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and West Bengal (India) during the creation of Pakistan

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Letter from M. Mashiur Rahman, Secretary, District Awami Muslim League, Jessore to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he
requested AML central leaders’ tour program to Jessore in response to the Muslim League conference at Jessore attended by
Nurul Amin4
Jessore, 16 January 1954
District Intelligence Branch
The 16.1.1954.
Memo No. 203/80-49 Int. (p. 811)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address)
: Mashiur Rahman. To (with address)
Mujibur Rahman, 18,
Karkunbari Road, Dacca. Language of letter
: English. Date of letter
: 5.1.54. Postal Seal Post office of interception
Jessore Post Office Date of interception
: 5.1.54. Name of officer who can prove the: S.I., A. Muktadir, D.I.O5 (4), interception
D.I.B., Jessore.
4. Nurul Amin (15 July1893-2 October 1974) – He was a lawyer and politician. He was born at village Shahbazpur under Sarail PS in Brahmanbaria district. He was the minister of Civil Supply in the Provincial Cabinet headed by Khawaja Nazimuddin. He was also a member of the Pakistan National Assembly (1947-1954). He opposed the Language Movement. He was defeated by the United Front candidate in the Provincial Assembly elections in 1954. Nurul Amin was an antagonist to Bengali Nationalist Movement based on 6-point programme of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was against the Liberation War of 1971 and collaborated with the Pakistani occupation army. He was buried at Jinnah Mausoleum in Karachi, Pakistan.
5. D.I.O. – District Intelligence Officer, who is assigned to collect secret information or intelligence on political suspects, organizations and other political activities and different events related to public interests in the respective district.

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9. Whether photographed or not
: Not photographed. 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : Regular.
authorising interception
Copy /translation forwarded to
(1) A. Hussain Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for favour of
his perusal.
Sd/ -16.1.54
(M.B. Karim) Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Jessore.
Copy of an outgoing English letter dated 5.1.54 from Mashiur Rahman to Mojibur Rahman 18, Karkunbari, Road, Dacca, intercepted at Jessore Post office on 5.1.54.
M. Mashiur Rahman B.L., Secretary- District Awami Muslim League, Member Working Committee All Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League
East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
Jessore. Date 5.1.54.
Mvi. Mojibur Rahman Secy. E.P.A.M. League, Dacca.
My dear Mr. Rahman.
Salam. I have failed to attend the working committee meeting for very many reasons. Hitherto the position of the party was almost secure in this district but the

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Muslim League6 Conference on 3.1.54 which was attended by Janab Nurul Amin, Khan Abdul Quiyum, Maulana Shamsul Haq7 and Saboor has created a tempo in their favour. Unless an effective check can be given immediately, I am afraid, it will act adversely against us.
This tempo can be cooled down only by holding 3/4 meetings within the district by the central and Provincial leaders immediately. I am therefore requesting you to please make tour programme immediately for this district. I have never before urged you so much. It is now for you to save us or leave us to lunch. Janab Maulana Bhashani Shahib, Janab Suhrawardy Shahib8 and you must come together. Janab
6. Muslim League – Muslim League was the only political party in British India led the ‘Pakistan Movement’. On the foundation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the President of All India Muslim League, Jinnah became the new nation’s Governor General and the Secretary General of Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The All India Muslim League was disbanded in December 1947 and succeeded by two organizations, Muslim League and the Indian Union Muslim League, the first being its original successor in Pakistan. Jinnah died in September 1948 and Liaquat was assassinated in October 1951. After death of its two senior leaders, the League began to disintegrate. By 1953, dissensions within the League had led to the formation of several different political parties. Liaquat was succeeded by Khawaja Nazimuddin, a Bengali, who was forced out of office in April 1953. Pakistan was racked by riots and famine and in the first national elections in May 1955 (held by a system of indirect voting) the League was heavily defeated. In October 1958 the Army seized power and the martial law regime of Muhammad Ayub Khan banned all political parties. This was the end of the old Muslim League. Ayub Khan later formed a new party, the Convention Muslim League. The opposition faction became known as the Council Muslim League. This latter group joined a united front with other political parties in 1967 in opposition to the regime. But when the military regime of Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan fell in December 1971 and Pakistan’s first genuine free elections were held, both factions of the League were swept out of power in West Pakistan by the Pakistan People’s Party of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and in East Pakistan by the Awami League of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In 1988 after the death of Pakistan’s military ruler and later President Muhammad Ziaul-Haq, under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif a new Muslim League was formed but it had no connection with the original Muslim League.
7. Shamsul Haque (1 February 1918 – 1965) – Shamsul Haque was the first General Secretary of Awami League and played a key role in Bengali Nationalist Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He was a Bengali politician who led a parliamentary committee in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan to advocate for the recognition of Bengali Language during the Language Movement of 1950s. He was imprisoned for participating in the Language Movement and suffered mental illness.
8. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (8 September 1892 – 5 December 1963) – H.S. Suhrawardy was born into a prominent Bengali Muslim family at Medinipur, West Bengal. He obtained BSc. (Hons.) and BCL (Bachelor of Civil Law) Degree from Oxford University. Suhrawardy was a renowned politician and statesman from Bengal in the first half of the 20th century and served as the last Prime Minister of Bengal during the British rule. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, he became a leading populist statesman of the then East Pakistan. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, leaving the Muslim League he

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Fazlul Haq Shahib has tremendous mass popularity in this district. So it would be better if you can bring him too.
Now about finance. Just as Wahiduzzaman we have Ahmed Ali Sardar here. It is an impossible task to contest this man without financial help from the centre. We have no candidate, who can meet even the bare expense for this constituency. If you do not pay any attention to this constituency, in particular, the result may be fatal.
Please let me know immediately how much we can depend on you on all these matters.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/-M. Rahman. Postal Seal. Nil. Superscription.
To Mojibur Rahman, Secy. E. P. A. M. League, Dacca, 18, Karkunbari Road, Dacca.
Copy kept, delivered and not photographed, intercepted by me.
Sd/- A. Moktadir
D.I.O. (4) 5.1.54.
No. 203 dt. 16.1.54 from D.I.B. Jessore.
Please see the attached. One Mashiur Rahman wrote this letter to Mojibar Rahman. Names may be marked for indexing,
Sd/-21.1.54 Marked. S.S.III may like to see.
Sd/ – for D.S.6 22.1 The information do not go agst. any of the individuals marked for indexing. Greater discretion must be used in marking.
Sd/ -25.1 Side note: SS III 25.1.54.
joined the newly formed Awami League in 1952. He was the political mentor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and a public celebrated orator.

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Weekly confidential report9 on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other Awami Muslim League leaders.
Bakerganj, 23 January 1954
Circulation. Sd/- 26.1
East Bengal Police abstract of Intelligence No. 48 dated 28.11.53 – received.
D.S.4. 1. A.L. suspect No. 711 Satindra Nath Sen returned to Barisal from
Dacca on 18.1.54 by the Barisal Mail Steamer and again left for
Dacca by the Dacca Mail Steamer on 20.1.54. D.S.4. 2. A.L. suspect No. 424 Manoranjan Gupta retuned to Barisal from
Khulna on 18.1.54 by the Khulna Mail steamer. D.S.6. 3. A.L. suspect No. 411 Quazi Ghulam Mahbub returned to Barisal
from Dacca on 21.1.54 by the Dacca Mail Steamer. D.S.6. 4. A.L. suspect No. 520 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Barisal from
Dacca on 13.1.54 by the Dacca Mail steamer and again left for
Gopalganj (Faridpur) by the Khulna Mail steamer on the same day. D.S.7. 5. A.L. suspect No. 384 Deb Kr. Ghosh left for Calcutta by Khulna
Mail steamer on 19.1.54. Copy on his P.F. Sd/- S.A. Halim 26.1. Seen. Sd/for D.S.6. 27.1
Sd/-A.U. Muhammad. 27.1
9. Weekly Confidential Report (WCR) – A collection of information regarding the political & state related affairs of the district. The accumulated report on a week-end basis used to send to IBEB, Dacca.

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Weekly confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s statement on educational disparity between East and West
Faridpur, 27 February 1954
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for the week ending 27.2.1954.
SK. MUJIBUR RAHMAN (AML-S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur)
He said that E.P. contributed 94% of the total revenue but instead of that E.P. remained neglected while West Pakistan becoming prosperous. Citing an example of disparity he gave out the educational expenditure per capita was Rs.5)- while in East Pakistan it was 1/3 pie.


Weekly confidential report from Faridpur on the observance of
Shahid Day.
Faridpur, 27 February 1954
Faridpur W.C.R for the w/e 27.2.54. Details on the observance of Shahid Day.
Procession-its composition & names of persons
leading it.
Nature of
Gopalganj town (Maidan).
From 06 (4) SK. MAJIBUR RAHMAN hrs. to S/o Lutfar Rahman of 12.20 hrs. Tungipara, Gopalganj, hartal was Faridpur. served.

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Extract from abstract of intelligence of DIB, Dacca wherein they
reported about a meeting of East Pakistan Press Workers’ Association. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said if the laborers could come forward united with their legitimate demands the
government would be compelled to grant them.
Dacca, 17 April 1954
Industrial Movement (a) Organisation and Propaganda.
A general meeting (500) of the East Pakistan Press workers’ Association was held on 11th April at Azimpura Colony Dacca with Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, MLA (AML) in the chair. Muhammad Sulaiman, the outgoing General Secretary of the Association in his Annual Report discussed the organisational matters and the various grievances of the Press Workers and requested the Government to give due consideration to their demands for redress. In his report he suggested to Government to set up a “Fact Finding Committee” to investigate into thgrievances of the Press workers. The president urged upon the Press workers to stand united under the banner of their union and make it a strong organisation. He further said that if the labourers could come forward united with their legitimate demands the government would be compelled to concede to their demands. He warned the Press workers to be careful against the Dalals who are after them to create disunity amongst the workers. Resolutions, inter alia, demanding the government to give immediate effect to the Award of the Pay Commission and sanctioning of travelling allowances to them till quarters were erected for them near the Press at Tejgaon, Dacca were adopted. The meeting elected Mr. Yar Muhammad Khan, MLA and Mr. Jalauddin Ahmed as the President and General Secretary with others as office bearers for the year 1954-55.

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Proceedings of zonal conference of Awami Muslim League in
Jessore, 18 April 1954
Proceedings of the zonal conference of the Awami Muslim League of Jessore, Kushtia, Khulna, Faridpur and Barisal held on 18th April, at Jessore Town Hall Maidan.
1. President – Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani10
2. Flag- Awami Muslim League Flag (Party flag)
3. Date and hour- 18.4.54 between 17.00 and 21.10 hrs.
4. Place-Jessore Town Hall Maidan.
5. Slogans- Awami League Zindabad, Maulana Bhasani Zindabad, Pakistan Zindabad, etc.
6. Audience- 3000.
7. Name of speakers:- (a) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AML) S/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur: General Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League and 6 others.
Mujibur Rahman (mentd.) said that so long he used to speak against the Govt. and at present he was supporting the Govt. and this was possible for the victory of the United Front11 in the election. He stated that the country was facing a serious
10. Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani – (12 December 1880 – 17 November 1976) – Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani was a politician. He was one of the founding leaders of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Bhasani was elected its president, Shamsul Haque and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were elected as respectively its General Secretary and Joint Secretary. He had active contribution of forming ‘All Party Language Movement Committee’ at Dhaka Bar Library on 31 January 1952. During his Presidentship Awami Muslim League renamed to Awami League by removing the word ‘Muslim’ from its official name in the council session of Awami League held on 21-23 October 1955. In 1957 he left Awami League and formed East Pakistan National Awami Party (NAP).
11. United Front – The United Front also called Jukta Front was a coalition of political parties particularly against Muslim League in East Bengal which contested and won Pakistan’s provincial general election in April 1954 to the East Bengal Legislative Assembly. The coalition

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economic bankruptcy due to the 6 years mal-administration of the Muslim League Government and alleged that they converted a surplus and solvent country to a bankrupt one. He further expressed that the people of Pakistan became street beggars and educational institutions were collapsed during the regime of the Muslim League Government. He gave out that the people did not give vote to the United Front nominees but to 21-points12 of the United Front and further said that the East Bengal
consisted of Awami Muslim League, Krishak Sramik Party, Ganatantri Dal (Democratic Party) and Nizam-e-Islam. The coalition was led by three major Bengali populist leaders- A. K. Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Mawlana Bhashani. The election resulted in a crushing defeat for the Muslim League. Veteran student leader of East Pakistan Khaleque Nawaz Khan defeated sitting Prime Minister of East Pakistan Mr. Nurul Amin in his own Nandail Constituency of Mymensingh district and created history. Nurul Amin’s crushing defeat to a 27 years old young leader of Jukto Front effectively eliminated the Muslim League from political landscape of the then East Pakistan. United Front secured a landslide victory and gaining 223 seats in the 309-member legislative assembly. Awami League emerged as the majority party, with 143 seats. A.K. Fazlul Huq of Krishak Sramik Party became Chief Minister of East Pakistan upon the victory of the United Front. The election propelled popular Bengali leaders into the Pakistani federal government, with leaders such as Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Abul Mansur Ahmed becoming key federal ministers. In the provincial government, young leaders such as Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Yusuf Ali Chowdhury and Khaleque Nawaz Khan rose to prominence. The United Front demanded greater provincial autonomy for East Pakistan. It passed a landmark order for the establishment of Bangla Academy in Dhaka. However, within months of assuming power, the newly elected government was dismissed by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad, upon of accusations against A.K. Fazlul Huq of attempting secession. The dismissal of the United Front was a key turning point in aggravating East Pakistan’s grievances in the Pakistan union, leading to a farewell call for the separation and independence of East Bengal in 1957.
12. 21-point programme- United Front, an alliance of the opposition political parties incorporated 21- Point Programme objectives in the election manifesto to contest East Bengal Legislative Assembly in 1954 against the then party in power, Muslim league. The United Front was composed of four political parties of East Bengal, namely Awami Muslim League, Krishak Sramik Party, Nezam-e-Islam and Ganatantri Dal. The 21-point package programme in the election manifesto adopted by the United Front runs as follows: 1. To recognize Bangla as one of the State Languages of Pakistan;
2. To abolish without compensation zamindari and all rent receiving interest in land, and to distribute the surplus lands amongst the cultivators; to reduce rent to a fair level and abolish the certificate system of realising rent;
3. To nationalise the jute trade and bring it under the direct control of the government of East Bengal, secure fair price of jute to the growers and to investigate into the jute-bungling during the Muslim League regime to punish those found responsible for it;
4. To introduce co-operative farming in agriculture and to develop cottage industries with full government subsidies;
5. To start salt industry (both small and large scale) to make East Bengal self-sufficient in the
supply of salt, and to investigate into the salt-bungling during the Muslim League regime to
punish the offenders; 6. To rehabilitate immediately all the poor refugees belonging to the artisan and technician
class; 7. To protect the country from flood and famine by means of digging canals and improving
irrigation system; 8. To make the country self-sufficient by modernising the method of cultivation and
industrialisation, and to ensure the rights of the labourer as per ILO Convention, To introduce free and compulsory primary education throughout the country and to arrange
for just pay and allowances to the teachers, 10. To restructure the entire education system, introduce mother tongue as the medium of
instruction, remove discrimination between government and private schools and to turn all
the schools into government aided institutions, 11. To repeal all reactionary laws including those of the Dhaka and Rajshahi Universities and
to make them autonomous institutions, to make education cheaper and easily available to
the people; 12. To curtail the cost of administration and to rationalise the pay scale of high and low paid
government servants. The ministers shall not receive more than 1000 taka as monthly
salary; 13. To take steps to eradicate corruption, nepotism and bribery and with this end in view, to
take stocks of the properties of all government officers and businessmen from 1940 onward
and forfeit all properties the acquisition of which is not satisfactorily accounted for; 14. To repeal all Safety and Preventive Detention Acts and release all prisoners detained
without trial, and try in open court persons involved in anti-state activities, to safeguard the
rights of the press and of holding meetings, 15. To separate the judiciary from the executive; 16. To locate the residence of the chief minister of the United Front at a less costly house, and
to convert Burdwan House into a students hostel now, and later, into an institute for
research on Bangla language and literature; 17. To erect a monument in memory of the martyrs of the Language Movement on the spot
where they were shot dead, and to pay compensation to the families of the martyrs, 18. To declare 21 February as ‘Shaheed Day’ and a public holiday; 19. The Lahore Resolution proposed full autonomy of East Bengal leaving defence, foreign
affairs and currency under the central government. In the matter of defence, arrangements shall be made to set the headquarters of the army in West Pakistan and the naval headquarters in East Bengal and to establish ordnance factories in East Bengal, and to transform Ansar force into a full-fledged militia equipped with arms,

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Govt. would not be able to materialise 21 points unless they were able to dissolve the constituent assembly as those depended on the Central Govt. He also asserted the they repeatedly told that the constitution which was being framed by the existing Constituent Assembly would not be acceptable to them as they have no confidence on them (M.C.As.). He demanding dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and again demanded his resignation. He stated that their fight was not ended rather began and they must sweep away the M.L. for good; He disclosed that they proposed to set up an enquiry committee to enquire into the misappropriation of huge amount of refuges tax. In course of his speech he requested the local motor owners to consider the demands of the motor workers and cautioned that if they failed to this then they would take up the matter for action and even the Govt. would be moved, if necessary. He further assured that he would interview with Hon’ble Mr. A. K. Fazlul Haq for the release of security prisoners and withdrawal of University Ordinance. He also assured all possible help for to behave with the minorities of E. Bengal amiably otherwise the security of 4 crores of Indian Muslim would be in danger. He stated that there was a proposal to change the name of Awami Muslim League into Awami League to make the party accessible to all classes of people. He cautioned the Govt. officials who were alleged to have oppressed that public and declared that he thought that speeches would not recorded as they were the supporters of the present Govt. He exhorted that if 21-points of the United Front were not materialised, country was not freed to the strict sense of the term and the distress of the people was not ameliorated, they would continue their fight to the last at any cost and informed that Council of Action would be organised to fight against the Consembly and to move the Central M.L. Govt. from power.
20. The United Front Ministry shall on no account extend the tenure of the Legislature and shall resign six months before the general elections to facilitate free and fair elections under an Election Commission;
21. All casual vacancies in the Legislature shall be filled up through by-elections within three months of the vacancies, and if the nominees of the Front are defeated in three successive by-elections, ministry shall resign from office.

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Summary report on speeches of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Awami Muslim League meetings in Rangpur and Jessore. He spoke on 21-point program, repeal of Public Safety Act and University Ordinance, making AL a non-communal organization etc.
Rangpur, 19 April 1954
Extract copy from P.P. 68-64 of Fl. No. 13-54 (ISR) GI.
Summary Report of the speeches delivered at the Awami Muslim League meetings held in the districts of Rangpur and Jessore between 16.4.54 and 19.4.54.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Genl. Secy., E.P. Awami League) in his speech said:
“We have only won the first round of our battle to save the people by finishing the oppressive Muslim League Govt. A bigger struggle lies ahead. The oppressive Central Govt. has converted East Bengal into a Municipality. East Bengali’s incomes are taken away by the Centre. Betel-nut, tobacco, Railway and steamer services are central subjects. We have not voted for any individual but for the 21point programme. To implement the 21-point programme of the United Front we shall have to finish the Central Muslim League Govt. The Muslim League M.C.As. whom we have defeated in the last election are framing the constitution. We shall not accept that constitution. East Bengal has the majority of the population of Pakistan and provides greater amount of revenue than that of West Pakistan. Of the total revenue only 25% is spent for East Bengal. The present M.C.As. do not represent East Bengal and we have no faith in them. Mohammad Ali13 -the constitution cannot be framed with the help of American aid, you should resign. Bengali cannot be a state until we can finish the Central Muslim League Govt. and
13. Mohammad Ali (19 October 1909 – 23 January 1963) – He was known as Mohammad Ali of Bogura, a career diplomat later a Bengali politician and statesman. He started his political career as Muslim Leaguer, joined the Bengal provincial cabinet of Prime Minister H. S. Suhrawardy. He served as third Prime Minister of Pakistan. He dismissed the elected United Front government of A.K. Fazlul Huq in East Bengal on 30 May 1954. He was dismissed on 11 August 1955 by Governor General Iskandar Mirza.

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replace it by a people’s Govt. We have told them if they do not cease making the Constitution we shall be compelled to launch a mass-movement. Our struggle has not come to an end but has just begun. You organise Awami League and become its members. Take a vow to finish the Muslim League and to establish a people’s state. Some people pose questions why all the political prisoners have yet been released. Many have been released. We are trying for the release of the rest and we shall compel Fazlul Huq14 Sahib to do it. The Quorum has extended the Public Safety Act by three months more. Of this is not repealed immediately we shall repeal it as soon as the Legislative Assembly meets. We shall also repeal the University Ordinance. However, you should not stop your movement.
We have paid crores of rupees in the shapes of Muhajir too. It is not known what the Muslim League has done with the money. The Muhajirs are not Muhajirs, they are citizens of Pakistan. The Hindus should also not count as minority. We are fighting for each oppressed man irrespective of caste or creed. At present we find a struggle between the exploiters and the exploited. Ispahani, Dalmia are exploiting the poor. You get united, join the Awami Muslim League. We have decided in a working committee meeting to name it Awami League to make it a non-communal organisation. Pakistan is not the state of exploiters, Mahajans and oppressors, it is the state of the peasants, labourers and the poor. We shall fight for their liberation.
To implement the 21-point programme, you require a strong organisation. You join the Awami League in large numbers. If this Govt. fail to implement the 21-point programme we shall fight against them or any Govt. as we did against the Muslim League Govt. by courting Jail and receiving bullets. If our demands are not accepted we shall form committee of Action in each subdivision and see that the demands are conceded. You organise Awami League in villages and unions.”
14. Fazlul Huq – A. K. Fazlul Huq, popular with the title Sher-e-Bangla (Tiger of Bengal), was the first to advocate and present the Lahore Resolution, which called for the creation of sovereign Muslim-majority states in eastern and northwestern British India in 1940. In 1943 he was elected Prime Minister of Bengal during the British Empire in Bengal. He served as General Secretary of the Indian National Congress, and was a working committee member of the All-India Muslim League. In 1929, he founded the Krishak Praja Party (K.P.P.). He led the United Front Government in the then East Pakistan; also served as Chief Minister and Governor.

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Report on East Bengal Government Press workers meeting where
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech.
Dacca, 1 May 1954
Extract from A/I.No.18 for the week ending 1.5.54.
Industrial Movement. (a) Organisation and Propaganda.
Yar Muhammad Khan (para 872), MLA (AML) and Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MLA (AML) addressed an informal meeting (70) of the workers of the East Bengal Government Press held on 28th April at an open place on the west of the East Bengal Government Press and urged the employees to unite under the banner of the “East Bengal Press Workers Union” and to make the Union strong. They also assured the workers that they would try their best to redress their grievances.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches at Narayanganj on the occasion and significance of “May Day’ and Awami League’s
commitment to labourers’ emancipation.
Narayanganj, 2 May 1954
Extract from the Report on the observiance of May Day at Narayanganj.
Besides the president, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MLA, General Secretary, EPAL addressed the gathering.
In his short speech, Sk. Mujibar Rahman while explaining the significance of the ‘May Day’ celebration emphasised the need of organised movements by the labourers to further the missions for which the labourers laid down their lives in Chicago in the year 1886. Recalling his visit to China during the Peking Peace Conference in 1952, he pointed out the sharp contrast between the various amenities

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of life being enjoyed by the Chinese labourers and the miserable condition of the workers of this province, and assured the audience that the Awami League would be prepared to make any sacrifice for the emancipation of the labourers. At the conclusion he warned the workers against the disruptive activities of the agents.
Sd/- Illegible Inspector, I.B.,


Report on the clash between constables of Dacca Central Jail and shopkeepers. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders appeared at the scene, demanded enquiry and declared to observe the day
as ‘Protest Day’.
Dacca, 7 May 1954 D.R.
At about 5.30 p.m. on 6.5.54, altercation between a Jail Const. Maqbul Husain and a Panwala Amanat Hussain of 2, Begum Bazar Rd., Chawkbazar our payment of arrear due from the Jail constable, led to a scuffling between them. Neighbouring shopkeepers and members of the public intervened and also belaboured the Jail Constable. After a few minutes this Jail Constable again appeared on the spot along with 5/6 other Jail Consts. from the barrack in front of the main gate of the Jail with a view to take revenge and attacked the shop-keepers and members of public there with lathis. The local people retaliated by counter attacking the Jail Conts. with shower of brick bats and lathis. These Jail constables fell back against heavy odds and fled inside the Jail though the southern gate being holly chased by a huge mob. The mob went up to the inner gate on the southern side in an infuriated mood throwing brick- bats some of which fell inside the main compound beyond the high boundary wall of the Jail. The mob was also shouting abuses towards the Jail police. An alarm bell was then sounded inside the Jail and presently a passe of Jail police armed with muskets immerged out though the southern gate and charged the mob shich fell back and came on the Chawkbazar Road. They however did not stop brick batting. The Jail police fired several rounds and the mob melted away.

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After sometime a big infuriated mob (4-5 hundred) assembled in front of the main gate of the Jail shouting abused and demanding revenge. The Jail Constables remained confined in their barrack after closing the doors and windows. High Civil and police officials arrived in the meantime. The three Hon’ble Ministers and leaders like Ataur Rahman, M.L.A15, Sk. Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A., Yusuf Ali Choudhury (Mohan Miah), Abdul Wadud Patwari, Yar Md. Khan. Ali Aksad (C.P.) Abdus Selim (C.P.) and some others also arrived there in quick succession. The crowd demanded immediate Enquiry. The Hon’ble Ministers and leaders assured quick inquiry and punishment to the guilty. The residences of the I.G., Prisoners and Supdt., Jail were also attacked by mobs with brick- bats.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A. and Nooruddin of the Karmi Sibir declared amongst the mob that to-day will be observed as a ‘Protest Day’ against police firing and that complete ‘Hartal will be observed and procession and public meeting will be organised. He also said that if just enquiry is not made and guilty punished, he would protest and would be the first man to go to Jail if need be.
The mob continued to demonstrate there and occasionally throw brickbats at the barrack of Jail Police. The Hon’ble Ministers and public leaders left the place after preliminary enquiry. At about 10-40 p.m. some hooligans brought a table from the barrack veranda to the road in front of the jail gate. Abdus Selim (C.P.) stood up on the table and urged the people to take revenge. He raised the following slogans. “1615 The Car R: on?, FE CERTS zoan or”, “I. g. prisoner 44 pool ” ” Tecar to ” papar och Saar” etc.
The mob became at this more infuriated and increased the temps showing brick-bats. A member of the public was belaboured on the supposition that he was a Jail staff. He was rescued by some people and took shelter in the Jail barrack. The police and Civil officials were watching from in front of the Jail Gate. The mob then attacked the barrack, broke open its doors and charged the consts. inside with brick-bats and knives. The Jail constables came out in self-defense with lathis and also fired several rounds.
15. M.L.A – A Member of Legislative Assembly is a representative elected by the voters of an electoral district (Constituency).

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The mob disappeared in a moment. In the meantime more Police and E.P.R. arrived and began to guard the approaches to the barrack and Jail Gate. The families of some of the Jail Staff living outside took shelter inside the Jail out of fear of attack by mob.
About 42 persons were attended to in the medical College and Mitford Hospitals for brick-bat and bullet injuries of them 30 were admitted. About 10 of the Jail constables received brick-bat and knife injuries. They are being treated in the Jail Hospital.
A few small processions moved though Chawk, Mitford, Sadarghat etc. shouting slogans demanding revenge for the Police firing. One of these processions is reported to have shouted this slogans. “eyzo HIRTEIT SERANA মুজিবর রহমানকে চাই”।
A complete Hartal is being observed to-day. No vehicular traffic excepting fre private cars are to be found on the road. The situation appears to be tense particularly in Chawk Bazar area and its neighborhood. The lives of Jail staff are likely to be endangered if they are found in these areas. Zonal S.I. Md. Israil helped in preparing the report.
Sd/Inspr., I.B.
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the week ending 15.5.54.
Part – II. 17. Miscellaneous.
(1) Ref. Para 17(x) of W.C.R. for the week ending 8.5.54.
(a) After the first firing a number of persons were found exciting the members of
the public and inducing them to attack the jail warder’s barrack. Finding that the situation was going beyond control the Inspr. Genl. of Police got the mob cordoned. A few men amongst them resisted this action and were still exciting the people. To save the situation the Inspr. Genl. of Police said that the ring leaders should be removed. It was subsequently learnt that Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A. (Genl. Secy., A.M.L.), Mr. Yar Muhammad Khan, M.L.A.

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(A.M.L), Abdul Wadud Patwari (E.P.S.L. /A.M.L.), Saukat Ali (A.M.L.), Md. Salim (C.P.) and a few others were amongst the mob who were exciting the members of the public. As the officials and the United Front Leaders including the Hon’ble Ministers and Messrs. Yusuf Ali Chaudhury @ Mohan Miah ( P.K.S.P.), Abdul Latif Biswas (P.K.S.P.), Ataur Rahman Khan16 (A.M.L.) and others were able to persuade the mob to disperse for the time being the question of any further action on the ring leaders was not considered necessary. Messrs Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Yar Muhammad Khan, Abdul Wadud Patwari and few others were found spreading disaffection against the Inspr. Genl. of Police and subsequently in a procession they were heard to shout “I.G. DOHAR KALLA CHAI”, “I.G. PRISONER KALLA CHAI”, “RAKTER BADALEY RAKTA CHAI”, “SHAFI-O-MOKBULER FASHI CHAI”.
Note : It may be mentioned here that M.A. Nurunnabi (C.P.) Abdul Halim (C.P.),
Md. Salim (C.P.), Mirza Abdus Samad (C.P.), Ali Aksad (C.P.), Mrinal Barori (C.P.) Abdur Rafique (C.P.), Abdul Wadud Patwari (E.P.S.L./AML), Abdus Samad, M.L.A. (Y.L.), Tazuddin, M.L.A. (A.M.L), Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A. (A.M.L.), Yar Muhammad Khan, M.L.A. (A.M.L.), Ghulam Kader Chowdhury (G.D.) M.L.A., Mirza Abdul Kader Sardar (P.K.S.P.) and others visited the place immediately after the first firing and were found exciting the people against the administration in general and the police and jail authorities in particular. It would not be out of place to mention further that from sometimes past Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., Mr. Yar Mohammad Khan., M.L.A. and a few others disgruntled leaders of the Awami Muslim League have been in touch with the important …(missing from
the original document due to page damage) workers and attempting to gain the
confidence of … (missing from the original document due to page damage) the labour
16. Ataur Rahman Khan (1907-1991) – He was a politician and lawyer, founding Vice-President of Awami League. He was the key member of All Party Language Movement Working Committee and Joint Convener of United Front. He was Chief Minister of East Pakistan from September 1956 until promulgation of Martial Law by Ayub Khan in 1958. He floated a new political party Tatio League’ in 1969. He joined to the new party Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League’ formed by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He took part in the Cabinet of Lt. General Hussain Mohammad Ershad Government and served as Prime Minister for nine months.

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classes and other toiling section of … (missing from the original document due to page damage) public. The obvious idea appears to be that …(missing from the original document due to page damage) would start a wide spread agitation against …(missing from the original document due to page damage) wherever an opportunity arises. The
firing at …(missing from the original document due to page damage) bazar was entirely a
business of the jail warders …(missing from the original document due to page damage) the regular police had nothing to do with …(missing from the original document due to page damage) The Inspr. Genl. of Police and the other Police Officers visited the spot immediately with a view … (missing from the original document due to page damage) that the situation may not worsen and…(missing from the original document due to page damage) spread over a wider area and they did it …(missing from the original document due to page damage) patience and restraint in spite of …(missing from the original document due to page damage) provocations from the communist minded leaders
…(missing from the original document due to page damage) In spite of all these there has
been an …(missing from the original document due to page damage) vilify higher police
officers and administration …(missing from the original document due to page damage)
(b) In connection with the firing by the jail wardens and members of the public at
Chawk area on 6.5.54, Lalbag PS case no-17 dt. 7.5.54 u/s 307/326/324/342/148/149/34 P.P.C. has been started on the written complaint of Ahsan Md. Nabi @ …(missing from the original document due to page damage) (s/o L. Ghulam Nabi of 2, Jail Road, Dacca).
Side note: Extract to the P.Fs. of Md. Salim, M.A. Nurunnabi, Mirza Abdus Samad, Ali
Aksad, Mrinal Barori and Abdus Samad, M.L.A.
D.S.VI may see. Sd. A. Majid. 21.5.54. Read. today D.S.6. 22/5. Ext. to P.Fs of A.M.L. members mentioned in the reports. Sd/- for D.S.6. 22/5 D.S.I. 20/5. Sd/ – A. Majid. 21/5.

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So far 25 Jail employees including the eight arrested on 6.5.54 and have been arrested. Their names are as follows:
– Warder, D.C. Jail.
D.C. Jail.
D.C. Jail.
1. Md. Shafiuddin (s/o Haider Ali) 2. Ali Azam (s/o Asabuddin) 3. Abdul Khaleque (s/o Sabir Hussain) 4. Wali Muhammad Khan (s/o Azim Khan) 5. Sultan Ahmad (s/o Imanuddin) 6. Brajendra Chandra Shaha (s/o Ramakante) 7. Harald Anthoney Gaus – Sergeant Instructor,
(They are being forwarded to Court.) 8. Shaukat Ali (s/o Shafiuddin) – Warder, 9. Jahurul Haq (s/o Jafar Ali) 10. Liaquat Hussain (s/o Md. Yakub) 11. Abdul Mannan (s/o Samiruddin) 12. Md. Jafar Hussain (s/o Reazuddin) 13. Ismail Hussain Khan (s/o Parbat Khan) 14. Nazir Ahmed (s/o Ensanuddin) 15. Narayan Chendra Sarkar (s/o Mahim) 16. Md. Khalil Miyan (s/o Kamaluddin) 17. Abdul Jabbar (s/o Haridhan) 18. Mesbauddin (s/o Hafizuddin)
(They are in Dacca Central Jail Hospital and released on bail.) The case is under investigation.
(c) Reports from D.I.Os reveal that there was a complete strike on 7.5.54. The
Rickshaws, buses, taxis and hackney carriages were withdrawn from the streets of Dacca City as a protest against the firing of the Jail warders on public at Chakbazar on 6.5.54. Earlier in the morning a few rickshaw and buses started plying but they were stopped by the picketers at different road-crossings and public vehicles were taken out of the roads.

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Report on East Bengal Peace Committee meeting attended by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders at United Front office,
Dacca, 13 May 1954 D.S.1
A meeting of the East Bengal Peace Committee was held at Jukta Front office, Sadarghat on 12.5.54 between 16.30 & 18-30 hrs.
As no outsider was allowed to attend the meeting so the proceedings of the meeting could not be ascertained.
The following persons were seen entering the house in order to attend the meeting:
1. Ataur Rahman Khan – advocate.
2. K.M. Illias – P.C. 3. Abdus Samad – C.P. 4. Sk. Mujibor Rahman M.L.A. 5. Shamsul Huq – Ex-Secy., A.M.L. 6. Abdul Wadud Patwari – S.C.P.S.L. 7. Abdul Halim C.P.
and other 15/16 including ten unknown ladies. The all left the office at about 18-40 hrs.
Submitted. Sd/- Md. Yunus. S.I., I.B., Dacca.

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List of files and C.S. folders of members of recently formed East
Bengal Cabinet
Dacca, 15 May 1954
List of Files and C.S. Folders of the members of the recently formed Cabinet (E.B.) which are made over to D.I.G. as verbally ordered.
Description of Files and Folders.
1. 2. 3.
Ashrafuddin Ahmad Chaudhuri. Abu Hussain Sarkar. Ataur Rahman Khan.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
: P.F. 926-49 C.S. Folder 906.
P.F. 835-48. : P.F. 69/52 (Two Parts.)
Interception 69/52 (1) C.S. Folder 1096. P.F. 606/48-6 Volumes. Int. 606/48 (1) – 3 Volumes. C.S. Folder 354. P.F. 137/52 Int. 137/52 (1)
C.S. Folder 1328. : P.F. 560/48 Int. 560/48 (1) : Int. 203/51 (I) Sec.
Hashimuddin Ahmad.
6. Abdus Salam Khan17
Abul Mansur Ahmad.
Sd/- S.M. Billah.
15.5.54. N.B.
File and Folder of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq has already been made over by S.S. III to D.I.G. Sd/- S.M. Billah.15.5.54.
17. Abdus Salam Khan (1906 – 29 February 1972) – He was a lawyer and politician. He was active worker of Muslim League and Pakistan Movement. Later he left Muslim League and joined newly formed Awami Muslim League in 1949. Upon the nomination of United Front he was elected member of East Pakistan Legislative Assembly in 1954 and became Minister. He was the main advocate of the Agartala Conspiracy Case lodged against Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by the Pakistan Government. He was uncle of former Commerce later Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister retd. Col. Faruk Khan MP.

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These were taken to D.I.G. to-day. D.I.G. ordered that they may be kept with S.S.III. Sd/- S.M. Billah.18.5.54.
These files and folders have been made over to S.S. III to-day. Sd/- AH. Chaudhury. 20.5.54.


Letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Abul Quashem, Secretary,
Employee Association, Government Acquired Estate of M.Z. Co.with a copy of the employees association meeting resolution.
Kushtia, 23 May 1954
Memo no. 515) dt. 23.5.54.
Sk. Mozibor Rahaman Hon’ble Minister and Secretary Awami League, East Bengal, Dacca.
Copy of the resolution of the meeting of the “Employee-Association” Govt. Acad. Estate of M.Z.Co. Sonaicoondy Circle. Which is held on 23.5.54 is forwarded herewith for favour of kind perusal and necessary action.
Md. Abul Quasem
Secretary Employee -Association Govt. Acad. Estate. M.Z.CO.
Sonaicoondy Circle.

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Mewo . S(s) dt. 23.5.54.
Govt. Acad. Estate of M.Z.Co. Sonaicoondy Concern.
পঞ্চম অধিবেশন
স্থান – সােনাই কুন্ডি কুঠীর অফিস প্রাঙ্গন। তারিখ- ২৩/৫/৫৪, সময় সকাল ৮ ঘটিকা।
অত্র এ্যাসােসিয়েশনের কার্যকরী কমিটির সেক্রেটারী মৌলভী আরজাদ আলী কবিরাজ সাহেব স্থানান্তরে বদলী হয় মৌলভী আবুল কাসেম সাহেবকে সৰ্ব্ব সম্মতিক্রমে সেক্রেটারী করা হইল এবং ক্যাশিয়ার মৌলভী আতাহার রহমান সাহেব স্থানান্তরে বদলী হয় সৰ্ব্ব সম্মতিক্রমে মৌলভী ইমান আলী সাহেবকে ক্যাশিয়ার করা হইল।
কমিটির উপস্থিত সভ্য:১। মৌলভী এ.কে, এম. ফাত্তাহ ২। ” আয়েজুদ্দিন সরকার । প্রেসিডেন্ট)। আবুল কাসেম।
(সেক্রেটারী)। মকবুল হােসেন (এ্যাসিসট্যান্ট সেক্রেটারী)। ইমান আলী (ক্যাশিয়ার)। আরজাদ আলী কবিরাজ (মেম্বর)। আওলাদ আলী সরকার
আতাহার রহমান
আব্দুস ছামাদ
আসাদ আলী বিশ্বাস ১১। ” আতর আলী ১২। ” আব্দুল ওয়াহেদ
ছুরাত আলী
১৪। ” সুলতান আলী

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মৌলভী আয়েজুদ্দিন সরকার সাহেবকে সভাপতি মনােনীত করিয়া অদ্য মিটিং আরম্ভ করা হইল।
মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী জনাব এ.কে, ফজলুল হক সাহেব প্রমুখ সরকারের কর্মচারী ছাঁটাই পরিকল্পনা প্রত্যাহার হইলে জাতির কল্যানকামী চির পরিচিত এই কৰ্ম্মবীরকে আন্তরিক অভিনন্দন জানাইয়া হতভাগ্য কর্মচারীগণ অকুন্ঠ বিশ্বাসে নিশ্চিন্ত নির্ভরতায় নিজ নিজ কন্তব্য কর্মে মনােনিবেশ করিয়াছিল। হঠাৎ ডিষ্ট্রিক্ট ম্যানেজারের ২০/৬/৫৪ তারিখের ১৬৫৪/৬/৪-৩/৫৪ নং মেমাে অনুযায়ী এক তালিকায় দেখা যাইতেছে সমূহ কর্মচারী দুই ভাগে অভিহিত করা হইয়াছে। যথা- ১। নব পরিকল্পনায় গ্রহিত এবং ২। অবশিষ্ট কর্মচারী সারপ্লাস বা অতিরিক্ত। সরকারের নির্দেশের সাথে অসামঞ্জস্যমূলক এই অভিনব শ্রেনী বিভাগে সমূহ কর্মচারী নিজেদের এই শােচনীয় পরিনতি দেখিয়া করুণ বিস্ময়ে শিহরিয়া উঠিয়াছে। এই নব পরিকল্পিত তালিকায় রদ-বদল:
১। অত্র সার্কেলে ১০ টী তহশীল অফিস ছিল। সে স্থলে মাত্র ৬ টী রাখিয়া অবশিষ্ট তহশীলের কার্যাদি নিকটবর্তী স্থায়ী তহশীলের উপর ন্যস্ত করা হইয়াছে। ২। প্রত্যেক তহশীলে কর্মচারী ছিল প্রায় ১০ জন, যথা:- তহশীলদার ১ জন, মােহরার
৩/৪ জন ও হালসানা ৪/৫ জন। এক্ষনে প্রত্যেক তহশীল অফিসের জন্য মাত্র ৪ জন কর্মচারী নির্ধারিত করা হইয়াছে যথা:- তহশীদার ১ জন, এ্যাসিসট্যান্ট তহশীলদার ১
জন এবং অফিস পিওন ২ জন। ৩। পুরাতন তহশীলদারকে ডিগ্রেড করত: এ্যাসিসট্যান্ট তহশীলদার করিয়া বহুদূরে বিভিন্ন
ষ্টেটে স্থানান্তরিত করা হইয়াছে। উক্ত তহশীলদার পদে নূতন লােককে বহাল করা
হইয়াছে। ৪। প্রত্যেক তহশীলে গড়ে প্রায় ২২০০০ টাকা বাৎসরিক স্থিত ছিল। তখন কর্মচারী ছিল
১০ জন। এক্ষনে তহশীল অফিস কমাইয়া দেয়ায় তহশীলের বাৎসরিক স্থিত হইতেছে প্ৰয় ৫০০০০ টাকা সেখানে কর্মচারী হইল মাত্র ৪ জন। ৫। তদুপরি প্রায় সকলকেই বিভিন্ন ষ্টেটে বহুদূরে স্থানান্তর করা হইয়াছে। সেক্ষেত্রে সামান্য
বেতনে অনােন্যপায় হইয়া অনেকে চাকুরী ত্যাগ করিতে বাধ্য হইবে।
অতঃপর অবশিষ্ট কর্মচারীকে অতিরিক্ত বলিয়া গণ্য করা হইয়াছে। ইহার ফলে কত
…(missing from the original document due to page damage) বেকার হইয়া পড়িতেছে। অন্ত কমিটি তৎপ্রতি সরকারের দৃষ্টি …(missing from the original document due to page damage)

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তহশীল কার্য্যের শৃঙ্খলার উপরেই তহশীলের আদায় কাৰ্য্য সুনিয়ন্ত্রিত হয়। অন্যথায় নানা অসামঞ্জস্যের ভিতরে আদয় কাৰ্য ব্যাহত হইয়া ষ্টেটকে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ করে। উক্ত নূতন ব্যাবস্থায় যে সমস্ত বিশৃঙ্খলার নিশ্চিত সম্ভাবনা রহিয়াছে: সে সম্মন্ধে নিম্নে উল্লিখিত কতিপয় বিষয় প্রনিধান করিলে ষ্টেটের শুভাশুভ সহজেই বুঝিতে পারা যাইবে। ষ্টেটের গুণমুগ্ধ কর্মচারীগণ তৎপ্রতি রেভিনিউ বাের্ডের কর্মতৎপরতা কামনা করিতেছে।
১। প্রথমত: অনভিজ্ঞ সমস্যার জটিলতায় তহশীল কার্য্যে বিশৃঙ্খলার সৃষ্টি হইবে।
অশিক্ষিত প্রজাসাধারণও অনেক অসুবিধায় পড়িবে। ২। বহু অভিজ্ঞতা সম্পন্ন সুযােগ্য কর্মচারী আদায় কার্যে স্থান না পায় এবং সেখানে
অনভিজ্ঞতার কারণে আদয় তহশীল সাংঘাতিক রকমে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হইবে। ৩। ২২০০০ টাকা স্থিত থাকাকালীন যে তহশীল কাৰ্য ১০ জন কর্মচারী অবিরাম
পরিশ্রমে পরিচালিত করিয়াছে। এক্ষনে ৫০০০০ টাকার দ্বিগুণ মহালে মাত্র ৪ জন কর্মচারী কি প্রকারে পরিচালনা করিবে তাহা সহজেই অনুমেয়।
হতভাগ্য কর্মচারীদের বেতন বৃদ্ধিরও কোন ব্যবস্থা করা হয় নাই। ইহাদের বেতনের হার অতীব নিকৃষ্টতম, মাত্র ২০/২৫ টাকা। নব পরিকল্পনায় প্রায় ৭০% এর অধিক কর্মচারীকে অতিরিক্ত কর্মচারী বলিয়া গণ্য করা হইয়াছে। অতঃপর যে মুষ্টিমেয় দু’এক জনকে স্থান দেওয়া হইয়াছে তাদেরকেও উক্ত সামান্য বেতনে সুরে স্থানান্তরিত করিয়া চাকুরী ত্যাগ করিতে বাধ্য করিবার অভিপ্রায় কৌশলে ব্যক্ত করা হইয়াছে। ইহার বিচিত্র রহস্যের অন্তরালে এতদিনের পুরাতন কর্মচারীদিগকে চাকুরী হইতে অপসারিত করিবার জন্য এই অভিনব উপায়ে পীড়ন করার উদ্দেশ্য ছাড়া অন্য কোন তাৎপৰ্য খুঁজিয়া পাওয়া যায় না। সরকার কর্মচারী ছাঁটাই পরিকল্পনা প্রত্যাহার করাতে উক্ত রাভিসন্ধি কার্যকরী করিবার সূচনা স্বরূপ কৌশলে নিয়ন্ত্রিত এই নির্মম পরিবেশন।
যাহারা অনাহারে অর্ধাহারে ষ্টেটের সুখ দুঃখের সাথী থাকিয়া ঐকান্তিক নৈপূণ্যের সহিত এযাবৎকাল ষ্টেটের কৰ্ম্ম করিয়া সুযােগ্য কৰ্ম্মকুশলতার পরিচয় দিয়া আসিতেছিলেন…(missing from the original document due to page damage)
নানারকম টালবাহানা করিয়া সরকারের প্রচলিত নির্ধারিত হারের বেতন হইতে তাহাদিগকে কেন এতদিন বঞ্চিত করা হইয়াছে? অতঃপর কোন অপরাধে তাহাদিগকে ডিগ্রেড করিয়া তাহাদের বহুদিনের মান মর্যাদার লাঘব করা হইতেছে। অন্য কোন ষ্টেটে এই নব পদ্ধতি পরিবেশিত না হইতে কেবল অত্র স্থানীয় এ্যাকোয়ার্ড ষ্টেট এম, জেড, কোং এর উপর হইবারই বা কারণ কি? অন্তু এ্যসােসিয়েশনের সঙ্ঘবদ্ধ কর্মচারীবৃন্দ পরিস্কার রূপে সরাসরি তাহাই জানিতে চাই।

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নিতান্ত ভাগ্য বিড়ম্বিত কর্মচারীগণ বহুবার বহু প্রকারে তাদের অমানুষিক দুর্দশার বিষয় সরকারের কর্ণ গােচর করিয়াও স্থায়ীরূপে তাদের বিহিত ব্যাবস্থা কিছুই হইতেছে না। শত শত বুভুক্ষু কর্মচারীর আকুল আবেদন যদি তাদের জাতীয় সরকারের নিকট কেবল অরণ্যে রােদনে পর্যবসিত হয়; তবে জাতির ইতিহাসে প্রগতিশীল মানব সভ্যতার যুগে এর চেয়ে পরিতাপের বিষয় আর কি হইতে পারে?
দূর্ভাগ্য কর্মচারীবৃন্দের বিহিত ব্যাবস্থার মানসে সুব্যাবস্থ্যর কামনায় নব ডিষ্টিক্ট ম্যানেজার সাহেবের উক্ত তালিকার সংশােধনাৰ্থে কমিটি সরকারের আশু দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করিতেছে।
সভাপতিকে ধন্যবাদ দিয়া অদ্যকার মিটিং এর কাৰ্য্য সমাপন করা হইল।
Md. Abul Quasem
Secretary Employee-Association Govt. Acad. Estate. M.Z.Co.
Sonaicoondy Circle Copy submitted to:(1) The Collector, Kushtia
for favour of kind approval. (2) The Manager, Govt. Acad. Estate. M.z.Co., Kushtia for information to
favourable kind approval. 3) The Secretary, Board of Revenue,
East Bengal, Dacca for information & kind approval. (4) The Hon’ble Prime Minister
East Bengal, Dacca, for favour of kind perusal and necessary action. (5) Sk. Mozibor Rahman, Hon’ble Minister
and Secretary “Awami League” East Bengal Dacca, for favour of kind perusal and necessary action.
From Md. Abul Quasem Kuthi, Sonaicoondy PS. Allardarga, Kushtia.
To The Hon’ble Minister Sk. Mozibor Rahman and Secretary, Awami League East Bengal, Dacca. Dacca Central Jail

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Jail informed vide No. 9622/606-48 PF dt. 1.7.54
No. 103 A(19) Date of receipt 22-6-54
Letter dated : 23.5.54 From : S. Prisoner, Terrorist U.TConvict, Ord.
Md. Abul Quashem P.O. Allar Darga, Kushtia. To :
S. Prisoner, Terrorist U.T. Convict, Ord.
Forst Sk. Mujibur Rahman M.L.A, Genl. Secy. AML (E.P.) D.C Jail, Dacca.
Memo : Dacca Central Jail
856/S.B. dt. 21.6.54 C/O D.I.G., I.B.0
Remark of Censor officer. May be passed.
The writer Md. Abul Quasem Secy. Employee Assocn. Govt. acard. Estate M.Z.Co. Sonaicoondy circle is sending the copy of the resolution of the meeting of the Employee Assocn. Govt. Acard. Estate which was held on 23.5.54 to Sk. Mujibur Rahman of D.C. Jail.
As the content of the letter and the enclosure is not domestic or private.
This may not be allowed to pass. Sd/ -22.6.54
Side note: SS III, May be withheld, Sd/-23.6


One Ahmad Imam requested Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to accept invitation to attend East Pakistan Textile Workers Association
Dinajpur, 28 May 1954
28.5.54 My dear Mojib Bhai,
This is to introduce to you my dear friend Comrade-in-arms, Mr. S.A. B.M.A. Latif Asst. 2nd Divn. Party of Khansama, Dinajpur. He is a young of integrity, character, ability, extraordinary public, courage and

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indomitable power of will. I have seen him in action against the ruling authorities lashing out at the tyrants and their dishonest and corruptions. I hope you will fully appreciate his talents and utilize it for nation building. He was founder of the Anti-corruption Organisation of Pakistan in 1947. Now he is working in textile …(missing from the original document due to page damage) A big convention is going to be held of E. Pak. textile workers association in Dacca on 25th & 26th June. They want that the meeting should be held …(missing from the original document due to page damage) chair. I personally request you that you should …(missing from the original document due to page damage) accept their invitation & oblige me. A copy for the public … (missing from the original document due to page damage) is hereby attached for your signature. Please …(missing from the original document due to page damage) it by the return of post after your approval.
Yours Sincerely
Ahmad Imam V. & P.O. Khansama, Dinajpur.
Ahmad Imam Gen. Sect. E. Pak. Mohajir Students Association V. & P.O. Khansama, Dinajpur.


Daily report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said there was strong rumour that IGP Shamsuddoha assaulted him after arrest.
Another report revealed that the rumour was false.
Dacca, 1 June 1954
Extract from Daily Report No. 124 dt. 1.6.54 from I.B., E.B., Dacca.
A large number of persons who were likely to create disturbances were rounded up. 8 persons belonging to the C.P., Y.L., G.D. etc. were also arrested. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, a Minister of Mr. Fazlul Huq Govt. was arrested the same night in connection with Lalbagh P.S. Case No. 19 (5) 54 u/s.

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147/447/427/326/332/353/109/149 P.P.C. for having led an unlawful assembly after the shooting by the Jail warders on the public on 6.5.54.
Side note: Dacca DIB. dt. 31.5.54.
Dacca not mentioned. This is confusing. He led a riotous crowd that attacked the jail warders, broke open their barracks and attempted to raid the jail magazine. Sd/- A.H.M.S. Doha 2.6.54. I.G.P., E.B. Memo No. 2746/S, Dated 7.6.54.
I beg to report that strong rumour is prevailing amongst the public in the city that Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Genl. Secy. A.M.L) Ex-Minister is being assaulted by the police since his arrest inside the prison. It is also widely rumoured that Mr. Doha I.G.P., himself belaboured Sk. Mujibur Rahman because of his old grudge born in connection with the Dacca Jail incident.
Submitted S. M. Siddique S.I. I.B.
Side note: DIG may like to see. Govt. may be requested to issue a press stt. Zonal officers
have been instructed to fix up the rumour mongers. Sd/-5.6 It. Sec. informed & Contradiction suggested .Sd/-5.6 SS I/III, May like to see. Zonal staff has been asked to track down the rumour mongers. In view of the mischief such rumour is likely to cause. Govt. may be advised to issue a press statement contradicting the rumour. May go in DR. Sd/-5.6.54.
Dacca D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e. 12.6.54
Part 11
(v). There was a strong rumour in the Dacca City that Sk. Mujibar Rahman,
Ex-Minister of the Haq Cabinet has been assaulted inside the Dacca Central Jail and as a result he sustained severe injuries. Rumour mongers could not be traced as yet. Attempts are being made to trace them.
Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, M.L.A. and Mrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman met under trail prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman (Ex-Minister) on 5.6.54 between 16.00 and 16.30 hrs. at Dacca Central Jail in his presence. In reply to a

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question by Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, under-trial prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman said that the rumour which is afloat in the city that Sk. Mujibar Rahman was assaulted and mishandled after his arrest was false. In reply to a query from Sk. Mujibar Rahman regarding the present position of the United Front Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan said that the next meeting of the United Front Parliamentary Party will elect a new leader. Messers Abu Husain Sarkar, Ashrafuddin Ahmad Chaudhury, Abdus Salam Khan and himself (Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan) will contest for leadership. Sk. Mujibar Rahman said that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy should not have proceeded to Switzerland in this critical time of the party.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman told his wife to go back to his native village and take care of the children till he comes back from jail. He requested Mr. Ataur Rahman to draw his pay and T.A. for the few days he was a Minister and arrange to send his wife to his native village.
R 15855 dt/ – 21.6


Shahid Ullah Khan, District Muslim League worker of Pabna wrote a letter to IGP, East Pakistan, Dacca branding Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman as Communist.
Pabna, 7 June 1954
The I.G.P, East Pakistan Eden Buildings, Dacca.
Ref: শেখ মজিবর রহমান কমিউনিষ্ট হিসাবে ১৯৪৮ সালে পাবনায় গ্রেপ্তার হইয়া জেল হয়
তাহার বিবরন:
শেখ মজিবর রহমানের প্রকৃত স্বরুপ কি? ১। গত ১৯৪৮ সালে পাবনা শহরে উক্ত শেখ মজিবর রহমান কমিউনিষ্ট পুস্তকাদি সহ
হাতেনাতে গ্রেপ্তার হয় এবং পাবনায় ফৌজদারী কোর্টে বিচার হইয়া ৩ মাস জেল হয়। উক্ত শেখ মজিবর রহমান পূর্ব পাক আম্মামী লীগের সেক্রেটারী ও ভূতপূর্ব মন্ত্রী।

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২। উক্ত মজিবর রহমান ১৯৪৮ সালে কমিউনিষ্ট মতবাদ প্রচার করিতে আসে এবং
পুস্তকাদি সহ পাবনার I.B. ধরিয়া ফেলে। ৩। তাহার যখন পাবনায় জেল হয় তখন মিঃ আতাউর রহমান যিনি পূর্ব পাক আয়ামী
লীগের Vice President এবং ভূতপূর্ব মন্ত্রী পাবনায় আসিয়া D.M. এর অনুমতি লইয়া
জেলে সাক্ষাৎ করে। ৩। উক্ত মজিবর রহমানের বিচারের সময়ে পাবনার মােজার মােঃ মােছলেম মিয়া পক্ষ
সমর্থন করেন। এই মােজারের নিকট ও case এর নম্বর-আদি পায়া যাইতে পারে।
চিন্তা করিয়া দেখুন পাকিস্তানের বর্ণচোরা দরদী সাজিয়া কিভাবে শত্রুতা সাধন করিবার জন্য যুক্ত ফ্রন্ট সরকারের মধ্যে কি সাংঘাতিক লােক রহিয়াছিল।
আমাদের বিনীত নিবেদন পাবনায় D.M এবং S.P মারফৎ উক্ত case এর বিবরন আদি ও record পত্র অবগত হইয়া খবরের কাগজ (পূৰ্ব্ব ও পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের সংবাদপত্র) গুলিতে প্রকাশ করিয়া দেশ বাসীকে ঐ সব ব্যক্তির স্বরুপ কি জানাইবেন।
আরজ ইতি/-৭.৬ আপনার একান্ত:
সহিদ উল্লা খান
জিলা মােছলেম লীগ কর্মি

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Confidential letter from one member of Ansar, East Bengal Government Press, Tejgaon, Dacca to the Chief Secretary, Government of East Bengal wherein he complained against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who met Superintendents of EBGP and threatened not to take action against the demonstrators of
government employees.
Dacca, 8 June 1954 Confidential pl.
To The Chief Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal, Dacca.
I have the honour to inform you regarding one of the destructive activities of the secret communists spots in East Pakistan.

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That there are about 2000 employees in the East Bengal Govt. Press, Tejgaon, Dacca. On the day of the result of the last Assembly Election of Nandail (Mymensingh) Constituency the said communists though they are the Govt. employees took leading part to demonstrate a unlawful procession of the Govt. employees to meet and greetings some communist-cum-political leaders. They did not care the oppose of the authorities. The next day they formed a union and passed a resolution to take action against the authorities as a result of which one day they threatened the Superintendents to be happened “like Chandraghona Murder” this was created a great panic among the other employees. On the next day a armed police force party were deputed at the Press area who brought the situation under
The Supdts. suspended the main culprits as a result of which they made the union stronger than before, with the Presidentship of one political leader who is at present under Jail custody. After some days the said President and Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman (he is at present under Jail custody) met the Supdts. and warned them to not take any action against the culprits and not to proceed further.
As there are one rival group of the culprits, there is every apprehension of a serious clash, if not taken the immediate action against the culprits and conspirators of East Bengal Govt. Press.
The names of some of the culprits in the E.B.G.P. are given below for your kind and immediate action.
2. 3. 4.
Belayet Hossain, (leader suspension) Md. Osman, Secretary, Union. Wahid Mia- Leader. Idris MollaAbdur Rashid Khan.
Siranjul Ahmed and others.
Yours truly, Sd/- Muslim.
8.6.54. (One Ansar, E.B.G.P.)
To The I.G.P. (Mr. S. Doha) E.B. Govt., Dacca.

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Letter from one A. Latif of Khulna to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman felicitating sympathy on sufferings of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He also informed indiscriminate arrest-detention of party leaders and
workers of Khulna.
Khulna, 9 June 1954
A. Latif Khulna Ashok Hostel B.L. College
Room No-16
Jonab ভাইজান
আমার ছালাম জানিবেন। আশাকরি কুশলেই আছেন। আমরা সকলে শান্তিতে আছি। বাল্য হইতে এ পর্যন্ত পাকিস্তানের জন্ম এবং তার উন্নতির জন্য বহু কষ্ট করিয়া প্রায় অর্ধেক জীবন কাটাইয়া দিলেন। বিশ্রামের অবসর আপনার ভাগ্যে খুব কমই হইয়াছে, তাই দয়ালু সরকার বাহাদুর দয়া করিয়া বিশ্রাম দান করিতে জুটি করেন নাই। তাই তাদের ধন্যবাদ। দেশের অবস্থ্য ভাল। ধরপাকড় সমানই চলেছে খুলনা ৮/১০ জন সম্ভবত: ধরা পড়েছে। মিজানুর রহিম নাম করে কলেজের বি.এ পরীক্ষার্থী ধরা পড়েছে। গােপালগঞ্জের অবস্থ্য আমার জানা নাই। ফায়েক বােধ হয় কাহাকেও আর ফাঁকে থাকতে দিবেনা। সকল কিছুই অনুমান করিতে পারেন। পরীক্ষা দিতে চাই। কিন্তু পরীক্ষা দেওয়া যেন ভাগ্যে নাই মনে হয়। কারন সকল দিকই নানারুপ পরীক্ষা আগত।
বর্ষা খুবই হইতেছে। লােকেরা খুব শান্ত আছে। ওরা যা মনে করে আমরা তার উলটা। তবে দুঃখ যে সকলে পেয়েছে তা নীরবতাই প্রমান করে। কারন বেশী দুঃখ পেলে যা হয়। লােকে চেয়ে আছে মুখ পানে। পড়াশুনা ভাল হইতে চলিয়া হঠাৎ মন্দ হইতে বসিয়াছে, আমার একা নয় সকলের। একখানা পত্র দিয়াছিলাম তাহা সরকারের হাতে S. Biding এ রহিয়াছে, মনে হয়। যাক ভাল আছি। পরীক্ষা ১৩ই আরম্ভ হইবে। ক্ষমা করিবেন ভুল ত্রুটি মার্জনীয়।
উত্তর দিবেন। কেমন আছেন।
fro yours এ. লতিফ
Jonab Sk. Majibor Rahaman sb Central Jail Dacca Dacca East Pakistan.

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No. 100 A (16) Date of receipt : 18.6.54
Letter dated 9.6.54. Jail informed No. 9137/606-48 PF dt. 23.6.54
S. Prisoner, Terrorist, : U.T.,Convict, Ord.
A. Latif, Ashok Hostel, B.L. College. Khulna.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist,
Sk. Mujibur Rahman D.C. Jail, Dacca. U.T.,Convict, Ord.
Memo :
Dacca Central Jail C/O D.I.G. IB. 8307 S.B. dt. 17.6.54
Remark of Censor officer. May be passed.
Major portions of the letter deals with politics. This may not be allowed to pass.
Sd/ -S.I Censor
Side note : SS III Perusal pl.
The letter may be with held. Sd/ -19.6


Report on the appearance of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the court in connection with jail incident case [Lalbag P.S. Case No.-17(5)1954).
Dacca, 12 June 1954
Sk. Mujibar Rahman (ex-Minister) an under trial prisoner in the Central Jail incident case was brought to Court to-day at about 11-25 a.m. from the Central Jail in a prison van along with other 15 under trial prisoners. He was dressed in Pyjama, Punjabi and Jawaher Jacket.

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After about 15 minutes he was taken back to the Central Jail in the prison van. Nothing unusual happened.
Submitted Sd/ -12.6.54 Inspr. I.B. (H.Q.)


Application from Abul Hossain to District Magistrate18, Dacca to get TA bill signed by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and to meet him. Another application submitted by Ms. Mujib to meet him along with her children. Both applicants were allowed to meet him.
Dacca, 15 June 1954
TO The District Magistrate, Dacca. 15th June, 1954.
The pay had T.A. Bill of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, ex-Minister, Govt. of E. Bengal has got to be verified and signed by him for submission which must be done immediately.
I shall be obliged if you kindly allow me an interview with Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as early as possible.
Yours truly, Abul Hossain.
15.6.54 (Brother of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman)
79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
18. District Magistrate – The administrative head of district is known by three different designations,
District Magistrate, District Collector and Deputy Commissioner on the basis of different functions.

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Permitted under the usual conditions.
Sd/-SSI 16.6
Side note: Addl. S.P. city for advice per bearer please. Sd/-16.6.54
То The District Magistrate, Dacca. 16th June, 1954.
I request the favour of your kindly allowing me to see my husband Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Ex-Minister), who is now a “Division A” Prisoner in the Dacca Central Jail.
Please allow me to have the interview along with the children (3), who are all minors and who cannot therefore be left out.
Yours faithfully Mrs. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Side note: Addl. SP, City for advice per bearer please. Sd/-16.6.54
D.I.G.I.B. was not available. Discussed with Spl. Supdt. I.B. Mr. Md. Ali P.S.P. who has no objection. The petitioner may be directed to see the Spl. Supdt. in the 1.B. office for obtaining permission in connection with the interview. Sd/ – 16.6.54. Permitted under the usual conditions. Sd/ – 16.6

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Security Sec. Confidential.
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 17-6-1954. No.8753/606-48 PF (Sec.)
To Superintendent, D.C. Jail Dacca.
In forwarding herewith copy of two application dated 15.6.54 & 16.6.54 from Mrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & Mr. Abul Hossain. I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date fixed by you when due in presence of an I.B.

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Officer & the prisoner permitted to sign the Bill mentioned in the application.
The party and this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/-16.6 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Side note: DS.6 Order below. Draft for appvl. pl. Sd/ – 16.6.54
Sk. Mujibar Rahman is now detained as security prisoner. Sd/-16.6
Perusal of pp 5-3 and the I.G’s observation in the margin of P 5.
Perusal pl. Pages 4-3. I do not think any action is necessary on this petition. Page 5 – Zonal DS may see.
Sd/ -17.6
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 841/SB dated 18-6-54.
Mrs. Sheikh Muzibar Rahman & her 3 children and Mvi. Abul Hossain,79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
You are hereby permitted to have an interview with prisoner Mr. Sheikh Muzibar Rahman of this Jail on 21-6-54 at 11-00 A.M. on presentation of this letter at the Jail Gate.
Sd/- N.U. Sarker,
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

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Memo No. 841/1/SB dated 18-6-54.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca with reference to his Memo No.8753/606-48 P.F. Dated 16-6-54. One I.B. Officer may please be deputed for the purpose.
Sd/-19.6 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Side note: D.SI, Perusal Pl. R.S.I. may arrange pl. o. Ghani. 19.6.54.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and his wife, Children (minor 3) and his cousin Abul Husain in presence of Addl. Jailor in charge of the security section at the Dacca Central Jail on 21.6.54 for about 20 minutes when they spoke on domestic and personal affairs in which there appeared nothing important to note from the I.B. point of view. The S. Prisoner also signed a T.A. Bill during this time.
Sd/ -22.6.54.
Wahed Ali SI. I.B. Dacca.


Application of Sheikh Lutfor Rahman, father of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to meet him along with his mother at Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 21 June 1954
To The District Magistrate, Dacca. 21st June, 1954.
I like to have an interview with my son, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (ex-minister, Govt. of E. Bengal), who is now a prisoner in the Dacca Central Jail. In order to discuss with him about the marriage of my

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younger son and other domestic affairs of common interest. My wife also wants to meet him on same grounds.
As I shall have to leave for my village by the 25th of this month 1 shall not be able to have that interview beyond that date.
I would, therefore, request the favour of your kindly granting me the interview along with my wife by the 24th of June, 1954.
Yours faithfully Shaikh Lutfur Rahman, 79, Nazirabazar Lane,
Side note: 7411 (org.) dt. 24.6.54.
D.I.G I.B. for necessary action. Sd/-22.6.54

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Perusal pl.
The applicant wanted an interview with the S. prisoner on 24.6.53. the petition has been received today (25.6.54)
The application may be forwarded to the Central Jail to allow an interview in presence of an I.B. officer on a date fixed by the Jail authorities.
Sd/ -25.6.54
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 26.6.1954.
No. 9339/606-48 (Sec.) To Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 21.6.54 from Sk. Lutfar Rahman, I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date fixed by you when due in presence of an I.B officer.
The party and this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/ – 26.6.54 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Side note: D.S 6 Order below. Draft for appvl. pl. Sd/ -25.6.54.
Intelligence Branch, E. Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 26th June, 1954. No. 9339/606-48 P.F (Sec.)
Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Supdt. of Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 21.6.54 from Sk. Lutfur Rahman, I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date fixed by you when due in presence of an I.B. officer.

Page: 55
The party and this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/ – A. Hafiz For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Memo No. 9535 dated. 29.6.54.
Copy forwarded to Mvi. Sk. Lutfur Rahman, 79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca for information with reference to his above application.
Sd/ – 29.6.54 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Immediately Secret
Government of East Bengal Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 921/SB dated 1-7-54.
Mvi. Sheikh Lutfur Rahman, 79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca.
You are hereby permitted to have an interview with security prisoner Mvi. Sheikh Muzibur Rahman of this Jail on 2-7-54 at 10-30 A.M. on presentation of this letter at the Jail Gate.
Sd/- N.U. Sarker,
Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 921/1/SB Dated 1-7-54.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca with reference to his Memo No. 93397606-48 P.F. Dated 26-6-54 with a request to depute an I.B. officer for the purpose.
Sd/ – 1.7.54 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Side note: D.S.I._Perusal Pl.
R.S.I May note pl. O. Ghani 1.7.54.

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Letter of Dr. A Latif of Khanshama, Dinajpur to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman requesting him to preside over E.B. Textile Workers
Association convention.
Dinajpur, 22 June 1954
CENSOR CERTIFICATE Jail informed vide No. 9621 dt. 1.7.54.
No. 103A(20) Date of receipt 22-6-54.
Letter dated. 28.5.54.
S.Prisoner, Terrorist. From : UT
Dr. A. Latif P.o. Khansama, Dinajpur. U.T., Convict, Ord.
S.Prisoner, Terrorist.
– Sk. Mujibur Rahman. M.L.A. D.C Jail Dacca. U.T., Convict, Ord.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist. Memo : U.T.. Convict, Ord.
856/S.B. dt. 21-6-54
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.
Dr. A. Latif P.O. Khansama, Dinajpur requested Sk. Mujibur Rahman to preside over the Convention of E.B. Textile workers Assocn. to be held in Dacca on 25th & 26th June 54.
For favour of order please as to its disposal. Sd/ – 22.6.54
Side note: SSIII Perusal pl. May be withheld. Sd/-23.6.54

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Memo of DIB, Dacca to Assistant Secretary, Government of East
Bengal, Home (special dept.) Dacca regarding arrest and detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Detention extended another
six months.
DACCA, 22 JUNE 1954
East Bengal Form No. 45.
Handed in at 11.20 A.M. Date : 22.6.54
A.M Received at 18:00 hrs. P.M.
Addresses From : S.l. Abdul Halim if given)D.I.B. Dacca. To : DR Control Dacca
Ex-Minister Sk. Mujibor Rahman who was arrested in c/w Lalbag P.S. C/no. 19 dt. 7.5.54 u/s 147/447/427/326/332/353/109 P.P.C. has been arrested on 16.6.54. u/s 41(1) E.B.P.S.O.
Sd/ -23.6
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 24th June, 1954.
A.H. Sayeedullah, Esqr., E.P.C.S., Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Special) Department.
Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L) Ex-Minister, son of Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur who was in detention in jail as an under

Page: 58
trial prisoner in connection with Lalbagh P.S. Case No. 19 dated 7.5.54 under section 147/447/427/326/332/353/109 P.P.C. has been arrested under section 41(1) of the E.B.P.S.O., 1951 on 16.6.54 and committed to the Jail.
Sd/ – L.A. Chawdhuri for Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
No. 6364/1(3) dt. 24.6.54
Copy forwarded for information to: –
1. M. Ali, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. 2. M. E. Khan Chaudhury, Esqr., District Magistrate, Dacca. 3. A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, Dacca, for favour of perusal and return.
Sd/ -24.6 for Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Side note: Already Carded Sd/-30.6.54
Express. Office/C.S.
Please bring up-to-date the P. Fs and folders of:
1. Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq 2. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani 3. Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan 4. Sk. Mujibur Rahman
as early as possible for preparing fuller notes on them for transmission to Government.
Sd – A. Hussain
24.6.54. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Side note: Forwarded to office for n. a. pl. Sd/ – 24.6

Page: 59
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 8th/9th July, 1954.
No. 6426/100-49. P.F.
Mohammad Ali, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca.
Ref: This office memo no.6364/1(3) dated 24.6.54.
Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.), Ex-Minister, son of Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur was arrested on 16.6.54 under section 41(1) of the E.B.P.S.O., 1951.
The subject is one of the greatest troubleshooters and is full of potentialities for committing mischief to the State. In view of his potentialities and prejudicial activities, his detention for a period of 6 (Six) months is considered essential and recommended for public safety.
The District Magistrate, Dacca, endorses the above recommendation. A complete Reference Note on the subject will follow.
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.
Government of East Bengal Home (Special) Department
Order No. 2577- H.S. Dacca, the 12th July, 1954.
Whereas the person known as Sk. Mujibar Rahman son of Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, District Faridpur, was arrested under sub-section (1) of section 41 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal ordinance No.XXI of 1951) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring

Page: 60
Laws (Amendment) Act, 1954 (East Bengal Act I of 1954) and was committed to custody in the Dacca Central Jail.
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 41 of the said Ordinance as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1954 (Act II 1954) the Governor is pleased to direct that the said Sk. Majibar Rahman shall be detained in Jail custody for a period of two months with effect from the date of arrest i.e. from 16.6.54.
This is to authorise and require you to hold the said Sk. Majibar Rahman in the said Jail until the 14th August, 1954 unless further order of the Provincial Government19 be received in the meantime.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Confidential Immediate
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch.
From : The Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. Memorandum No. 2578 H.S., dated Dacca, the 12’h July, 1954. Subject : Detention of Sk. Mujibar Rahman under the East Bengal Public Safety
Ordinance, 1951(East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1954 (East Bengal Act No. II of 1954).
19. Provincial Government – A provincial government is the government of a country subdivision in a federal form of government, which shares political power with the federal or national government. At the time of independence from British regime in August 1947, the then Pakistan included the five provinces: Bengal, Punjab, Sind, NWFP (presently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Baluchistan (Chief Commissioner’s Province).

Page: 61
A signed order (in duplicate) on the above subject is forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above named person and report to Government in due course.
Sd/- M.F. Bari.
Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. H. Rahman No. 2578/1(4) – H.S. Copy, with a copy of the order, forwarded for information to the:1. Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Dy. Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, 3. District Magistrate, Dacca. 4. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, 8 Kumartuli Lane,
The 12th July, 1954.
Sd/Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 11081 /606-48 PF. dt. 19.7.54
Copy together with a copy of the order forwarded to Addl. SP. D.I.B. Dacca for information.
16.7.54 D.S.6 for S.S.111
Side note: D.S.6 Perusal pl. Copy may be sent to dist. Draft for appvl. pl. Sd/ – 19.7
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, The 13.7.54. No. 10634/3-54.
M. Azfar, Esqr., C.S.P., Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home Department, Dacca.
In continuation of this office Memo. No. 10541 dated 12.7.54, I am enclosing herewith lists of persons from those arrested under the East Bengal Public

Page: 62
Safety Ordinance after the promulgation of Section 92-A whose continued detention is considered necessary. The period of detention recommended are noted against each of the individuals, as well as the date of arrest, name of the jail and district where detained. The reports received from districts are enclosed in original, which may kindly be returned, after the issue of Government order.
(K.A. Haque)
13.7.54 Deputy Inspector-General of Police, LB.
No. 10774/606-48 P.F. dt. 15.7.54 Copy fodd. to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information.
Date of
Period of
Sk. Mujibar Rahman
16.6.54. Dacca Cl. Jail.
6 months.
Security Sec 606-48 PF
Two receipts below. Names, if necessary, may pl. be marked for indexing. O. Ghani 1.7.54
Marked Sd/ – 1.7

Page: 63
Secret Form No. XXIX, S. I., 1924.
Government of East Beng. Home (Special) Department.
No. 3162 -H.S, Dated Dacca, The 31% July, 1954.
From : Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
: The Deputy Inspector – General of Police,
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, 7, Wiseghat Road, Dacca.
Reference : His memorandum No.10634, dated the 13th July, 1954.
The undersigned is directed to return herewith the enclosure submitted to Government with the memorandum quoted above.
2. Necessary orders have been issued.
Sd/-31.7.54 Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Books sent to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Central Jail
Dacca, 24 June1954
Perusal pl. ref. D.C. Jail memo no. 829/SB. dt. 17.6.54. The following books are meant for S.Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman. 1) Ten Essays on the French Revolution-translated by William Jack
from Cashiers due Communism 1939.
This book is a communist literature containing C.P. matters of the French Communist Party. This book may be withheld.

Page: 64
2) Shanigraha & Prithibi (fate great by Abu Jafar Shamsuddin. This
is a drama containing the criticism of the Capitalists & speaks in favour of Communism. This may be withheld.
Sd/ – SI 24.6.54
Side note: Withheld by Order of DS VI
Withheld pl. Sd/ -24.6
Security Section
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 30th June, 1954.
No. 606-48 P.F. /Sec. Го The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Reference: Your No. 829/SB. dated 17.6.54.
I am to inform you that the books (1) Ten Essays on the French Revolution & (2) Shanigraha & Prithibi meant for Spr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman has been withheld u/s 21 East Bengal Security Prisoner Rules.
The prisoner may kindly be informed accordingly.
The books are returned herewith.
Sd/ – 28.6 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Side note: Issue, Books are withheld pl. Sd/ – 30.6
DS.6, Order below reg. withheld of Books. The books may be returned to Jail authority. Draft for appvl. pl. Sd/ -26.6.54

Page: 65


Bail petition of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman rejected and next date of
hearing fixed.
Dacca, 26 June 1954
Millat dt. 26.6.54
শেখ মজিবর রহমানের জামিনের আবেদন অগ্রাহ্য অদ্য নিম্ন আদালতে মামলার শুনানী
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গতকল্য (শুক্রবার) ঢাকার জেলা ও দায়রা জজ প্রাক্তন যুক্তফ্রন্ট মন্ত্রিসভার অন্যতম সদস্য শেখ মজিবর রহমানের জামিনের আবেদন অগ্রাহ্য করিয়াছেন। যুক্তফ্রন্ট মন্ত্রিসভার অপর একজন সদস্য জনাব আতাউর রহমান খান উক্ত আবেদন পেশ করেন।
ঢাকার চকবাজারে জেল ওয়ার্ডার এবং জনসাধারণের মধ্যে অনুষ্ঠিত সংঘর্ষের ব্যাপারে ঢাকা সেন্ট্রাল জেলের সুপারিন্টেন্ডেন্ট ডা: এন, ইউ সরকার শেখ মজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে কিছু দিন পূৰ্ব্বে যে মামলা দায়ের করিয়া ছিলেন, অদ্য (শনিবার) সেই মামলার শুনানীর তারিখ ধার্য করা হইয়াছে।
Side note: To the
P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/ – for D.5.6, 29.6

Page: 66


Abul Hossain submitted two applications to District Magistrate, Dacca respectively to get pay bill signed by Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and to meet him. Permission was allowed.
Dacca, 2 July 1954
The Dy. I.G. (1.B), Dacca. 2nd July, 1954.
I solicit the favour of your kindly allowing me to get The Pay Bill of my brother Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as M.L.A. (ex-Minister), who is now a Prisoner in the Dacca Central Jail, signed and verified by him today.
A special permission may kindly be issued, as we stand in need of money very badly.
Faithfully yours,
Abul Hossain, 79, Nazirabazar Lane,
Interview allowed at 11 am, as a spl. case for getting the pay bill signed and verified. Sd/ – 2.7
Security Sec. Confidential.
No. 9713/606-48 P.F.
Supdt. D.C. Jail.
Mvi. Abul Hussain may be allowed to have an interview with spr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman to enable him to get the pay bill signed & verified by the Spr. today at 11 A.M. in presence of an I.B. officer as a special case. The party has been informed accordingly.
for D.I.G.I.B.

Page: 67
No. 9713/1 dt.
Copy fodd. to Mvi. Abul Hossain for information
Sd/ – 2.7.54 for D.I.G. I.B.
Side note: D.S.6, Order below. Draft for appvl. pl.
R.S.I. may note. O. Ghani. 2.7.54
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S. Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and his parents (with 2 Children) and Abul Hussain at the D/C Jail on 2.7.54 for 20 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing important to note.
Wahed Ali S.I. I.B. Dacca.
The Dy. I.G. (1.B.), Dacca. 3rd July 1954.
As an additional signature is to be had in the Pay Bill of my brother Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, I request the favour of your kindly permitting me to get it done by him from the Dacca Central Jail today.
Yours faithfully,
Abul Hossain, 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
Side note: SSIII, S.l. Wahed Ali may get this done. Sd/- 5.7
yes. Sd/ – 5.2.54 Done File. Sd/- 6.7

Page: 68


Letter from one Mati Sarder to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained in Dacca Central Jail. Mati Sardar in his statement denied writing the letter as he was unable to read and write.
Dacca, 7 July 1954
মজিবর রহমান সাহেব, আচ্ছালাম্মা মােলায়কুম, আপনার প্রেরিত সংবাদ গুলি পাইয়াছি আমরা খবর পাইবার আগেই সমস্থ কাজেই লিপ্ত হইয়াছি। বর্তমান ওই রুপ কিছুই চলিবেনা, নিরবতার ভিতর দিয়েই গা ঢাকা দিয়াই কাজ করিতে হইবে। সকলেই আটক পড়িলে কাজ করিবে কে? পাঁচ কড়ি, নিজু, ও সুলতানকে আপনার উপদেশ উনুজাই কাজ করিতে বলিয়াছি আপনার ফেমেলি ভালই আছে তার জন্য কোন চিন্তা নাই। উহারা হকসাবের সাথে সমপুন্ন রুপে আলাপ করিতে পেরে নাই কারন তাহারা কলিকাতা চলিয়া গিয়াছে, এক সপ্তাহ পরে আসিবে।
Mati Sarder.
Saik Mozibor Rohaman Dacca Center Jail, Dacca.
No. 114(A) (1) Date of receipt. 7.7.54.
Letter dated: Nil
S. Prisoner, Terrorist From : U T. Convict, Ord.
Mati Sardar
S. Prisoner, Terrorista
sk. Mujibur Rahman D.C. Jail, Dacca. U.T., Convict, Ord.
Memo :
Dacca Central Jail a4/S.B, dt. 6.7.54. C/O, D.I.G., I.B..
Jail inforwed vide No. 15301,606-44 P.F. (B) dt. 1.9.54.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.

Page: 69
Kind perusal of the letter. The content of the letter indicate that some important and secret informations regarding party matters were communicated by the addressee (Sk. Mujibur Rahman) to the writer (Mati Sardar).
It is quite surprising as to how this information was communicated to the writer. Because, since the arrest of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, no letter addressed to Mati Sardar was received here for censor.
It also transpires from the content of this letter that the addressee has given some hints to the writer for doing some party works secretly.
This may not be allowed to pass (The cover of the letter was recd. here in torn condition). Sd/ – S.l. Censor, 7.7.54
Perusal pl.
The letter would speak for itself. It seems that informations are smuggled out from the Dacca Central Jail. Though some one within the Jail.
1. The letter may be withheld. 2. An officer of 1.B. may be deputed to cause enquiry as to how
information licked out from the Jail. 3. Dacca D.I.B. may be asked to cause an enquiry on that line. 4. A copy may also go to Dacca. D.I.B. for comments on the contents of the letter.
Sd/ -7.7.54
Side note: Yes. Also fix up the time mention & ascertain the primeness of the
letter. Sd/ – 7.7 Need not write to Dacca as orders on the 1st page of the report of Inspr. S. Haq. Sd/-1.9.54 Copy enclosect Sd/-7. 7.54.

Page: 70
East Pakistan Ration Dealers’ Association
(Regd. U/S 26 of Companies Act 1913.) 66/12, SIDDIQUE BAZAR ROAD, DACCA
Ref. No…..
Dated, …………..195
MOULVI MOTI SARDAR President, East Pakistan Ration Dealers’ Association.
To The Dear Sir,
মতি সরদার
Statement of Mvi. Moti Sarder s/o Late Channu Bepari of 66/12 Siddique Bazar, Dacca.
I am of above particulars, my present age is 62 years. I am a Ration Shop owner and a Coal merchant. My monthly income is about Rs. 2000/- including collection of house rents. I have not read in any school. I can only sign my name in Bengali and can write ‘Moti’ in English with much difficulty. I have not seen Sk. Mujibar Rahman now detained in Dacca Central Jail and only know him by me. The letter addressed to Sk. Mujibar Rahman in Bengali (shown to me) has not been written by me. The signature in English is also not mine. I cannot read or write a single word in English. Panch Kori Niju and Sultan mentioned in the letter are known in the localities of Siddique Bazar, Kazi Alauddin Road, Dacca, as M.PS (Military Police for the goondas). They are themselves goodas previously but at present they have left their bad habits. Two of them are working as Rly. Coal contractors and Sultan as Ansar. They are now opposed to qoodaism and as such Atiqullah and Chand Bepari (both brothers and qoodas) of Aga Mashi Lane, Dacca, do not like them (Nizu, Panch kori and Sultan). Atiqullah and Chand Bepari are the supporters of Majid Sardar who is very inimical towards me. So far I think, Atiqullah, Chand Bepari and Majid Sardar have done this mischief in order to put me and the three persons mentioned in the letter into trouble. It is well known in the locality that I and Majid Sardar do not see eye to eye due to various differences between us. I put my specimen signatures below.

Page: 71
মতি সরদার
Recorded by me. Read over and admitted
to be correct. A.F.M. Shafiqul Huq.
Insp. I.B. 8.7.54.
Side note : SSIII Perusal pl. An officer from I.B. reg. make further enquiry.
Papers may not be sent to D.I.B. Dacca. Sd/ -8.7.54. Inspr. Ali Imam to make further enquiries. He should get instructions from me. Sd/-10.7 Separate report is enclosed. Sd/ – 1.B.
Re. The enclosed I beg to submit that I made further enquiries into this on the lines shown by the D.S.VI. Moti Sardar being further examined stuck to his former statement as recorded by Inspr. Mvi. S. Huq of 1.B. on 8/7/54 (enclosed) and added that Atiqullah and Chand Bepari referred to in his said statement, are full brothers. They were formerly residents of Aga Masih Lane and now live somewhere at Rahmatganj near Bulloo Haji’s house there. They are the sons of late Dudoo Mea. Majid Sardar referred therein, on the same statement, is a son of Samad Khalifa. He is a resident of Aga Sadeque Road (No. not known).
Submitted Inspr. I.B.
3.8.54 Pl. put up personally. Sd/-23.8
Further report.
I made secret enquiries on all probable lines to trace the writer of this letter but could not obtain any information leading to it.
Inspr. I.B. Side note: SSIII Perusal pl. May be filed. Sd/ – 30.8.54

Page: 72


Request letter for fingerprints of security prisoners detained in
different jails. Dacca, 12 July 1954
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 12th/13 July, 1954.
No. 10601/3-54 (Sec.).
To A.K.M. Habibur Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P. Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a list of Security Prisoners who are detained in the Jails mentioned against each, I would request you to kindly direct the Officer-in-Charge of P.R. work to obtain fingerprints of the prisoners mentioned in the list and send to this office immediately in duplicate. The fingerprints should be obtained in the manner prescribed in Rule 491 of P.R.B., 1943- Vol. I.
Sd/ -12.7.54 for (Mohammed Ali) Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.
Side note: P.R.O. to arrange. He will prepare a list of all officers except P.R.Os & they would all go
to jail tomorrow for this work. Court Inspector for n/a & report. Sd/- 13.7

Page: 73
Date of arrest.
A.K.M. Sirajul Islam s/o Munshi Rafizuddin Ahmad of Dacca.
Abdul Wadud Patwari s/o Abdul Gafur of Dacca. Abdul Wahab Qazi s/o Jamaluddin Ahmad of Dacca.
Abdur Rahman Mastar @ Karikar
s/o late Jabbar Ali of Dacca.
Abdur Rahim Saiyid s/o late Bazlur Rahim of Dacca. Abdur Rauf s/o Akram Ali Mirdha of Comilla and of Dacca.
Abdur Razzaque Sonnamat @ A.R. Sonnamat s/o Hashemuddin of Dacca.
Abul Fazal Bhuiyan s/o Sundar Ali of Dacca Abul Hashem s/o late Hafizuddin of Dacca.
10. Almas Ali, M.L.A s/o Yunus
Bepari of Dacca. 11. Amjad Hussain s/o Muzaffar Ali
of Dacca. 12. Chakrabartti Kalidas s/o
Ahsutosh of Dacca. 13. Chakrabartti Nagendra Chandra
s/o late Keshab Chandra of Dacca.

Page: 74
14. Chatarji Bijay Bhushan, M.L.A.,
s/o Raj Mohan Chatarji of Dacca. 15. Das Gupta Santosh Kumar, s/o
late Jogesh of Dacca. 16. De Sital Chandra s/o late Ram
Chandra of Dacca.
17. Ghosh Jitendra Mohan s/o late
Banga Behari of Dacca.
18. Ghosh Sushil Kumar @ Sushil
s/o late Binode of Dacca.
19. Ghulam Hafiz Mirza, M.L.A., s/o
Ajimuddin of Dacca.
20. Ghulam Mustafa Sarwar,
A.K.M., s/o Usman Ali Dalal of Dacca.
21. Ghulam Qadir Chaudhuri,
M.L.A., s/o Ghulam Ahmad of Dacca.
22. Goon Pran Gobinda, s/o late
Adhar Chandra of Dacca.
23. Guha Ajit Kumar, Professor, s/o
Nripendra Mohan of Comilla & Dacca.
24. Habibur Rahman Singh of Dacca.
s/o L. Ansaruddin Singh of Dacca.
149/54 Ref. 17.7. 54 G.O. 2675 dt 15.2.54
645/54 493/54
25. Ishaq, s/o Yasin of Dacca. 26. Jalaluddin Ahmad, s/o Yunus Bepari of
27. Lal Miyan, s/o late Sobhan Bepari of

Page: 75
28. Manik Miyan, s/o late Ulfu Bhuiyan of
29. Mohammad Husain @ Kanchan Miyan,
s/o Abdur Razzaque Mirdha of Dacca.
150/54 Ref. 17.7.
54 G.O. 2675 dt 15.2.54 254/52
Mumtaz Begum (Mrs) @ Kalyani, W/O Abdul Mannaf of Dacca.
Munir Chaudhuri20, Professor, s/o Khan Bahadur Abdul Halim of Noakhali and
of Dacca.
32. Musharraf Hussain s/o Nadu Hussain
Sarkar of Dacca. 33. Naha Amulya Kumar s/o late Krishna
Chandra of Dacca. 34. Nazir Hussain, s/o Saman Bepari of
Dacca. 35. Noor Muhammad s/o Harmuz Miyan of
36. Nuruddin Ahmad s/o Fakir Mohd. of
Dacca. 37. Pal Bipad Bhanjan, s/o late Haralal Pal
of Dacca.
38. Ray Dharani s/o late Dina Nath of
Dacca. 39. Ray Satindra s/o late Naba Kumar of
20. Munir Chaudhuri – Munir Chowdhury (27 November 1925 – 14 December 1971) was a Bangladeshi educationist, play-writer & literary critic. He was a martyr of Bengali intellectual killings in 1971. He was arrested protesting against the killing of students on the Language Movement. In the late 1960’s there was proposal in Pakistan to replace Bengali language with the Arabic alphabet which he protested. Munir Chowdhury actively participated in the non-cooperation movement of Bangabandhu during the early part of 1971.

Page: 76
40. Safi Husain Khan s/o Miajan Khan of
41. Sohid Husain Khan, s/o Miajan Khan of
Dacca. 42. Sajid Ali, Saiyid s/o late Saiyid Amjad
Ali of Dacca.
43. Samaddar Pranesh s/o late Ramesh
Chandra of Dacca.
44. Shaha Kartick Chandra s/o Haradhan of
Dacca. 45. Shaha Lal Mohan s/o Khetra Mohan of
46. Shaha Lengta @ Sarajindra Shaha, s/o
Purna Chandra Shaha of Dacca.
47. Sharuddin @ Sahar Ali s/o late
Alauddin of Dacca. 48. Sultan Muhammad Mullick s/o Fakir
Mohd. Mullick of Dacca.
49. Yar Mohammad Khan, M.L.A., s/o
Saleh Mohd. Khan of Dacca. 50. Nurul Huda Kader Baksh, s/o late
Kader Baksh of Balubari, Dinajpur
arrested at Dacca. 51. Abdul Hamid Khundkar, M.L.A. s/o
Abdul Latif of Mymensingh and of
Dacca. 52. Subed Ali Md., s/o Umed Ali of Purura,
Bhaluka, Mymensingh. 53. Sirajuddin Ahmed Qazi @ Sirajul
Islam, s/o Abdul Wahab Qazi 54. Abdul Kader s/o Kuti Miyan of Dacca. 55. Abdul Karim Ganza, s/o late Mangal
Miyan of Dacca.

Page: 77
56. Abdul Khaleque, s/o late Fazlur
Rahman of Dacca. 57. Abdul Khaleque s/o Keramat of
Tippera21, and of Dacca.
30.5.54 No such person was sent
58. Abdul Majid s/o Abdul Aziz of Dacca. 59. Abdul Mannan Khan, s/o Abdul Latif of
Patna (India) and of Dacca.
31.5.54. 31.5.54
Ref. on 7.7.54
G.O. 2343 dt 6.7.54
60. Abdullah Miyan s/o late Abdur Rahman
of Dacca. Abdur Rahman s/o Abdus Samad of
Dacca. 62. Abdus Salam s/o Md. Wali Miyan of
Dacca and of Noakhali. 63. Abdus Sobhan s/o Jainuddin of Dacca. 64. Abedullah Md., s/o Azim Bux of Dacca. 65. Abul Hasem Khan s/o Osman of Dacca.
31.5.54 31.5.54
Ahmad Ali s/o late Md. Husain of
on 28.6.54 to R.I. for
Alauddin Ahmad s/o late Noor Mohd. of Dacca.

68. Amdu s/o late Ismail of Dacca town. 69. Asadullah Miyan s/o Hafizullah of
Dacca. 70. Asgar Ali s/o late Dugai of Dacca.
21. Tippera – The greater Cumilla region was once under ancient Kingdom of Samatata and joined with Tripuri Kingdom. It came under the rule of East India Company in 1765 and was established as Tippera district (also known as Chakla (administrative division) Roshnabad in 1790). Later, it was reorganized in three phases into six districts.

Page: 78
71. Ashrafuddin Bhuiyan s/o Abdul Halim of
72. 73. 74.
76. 77. 78.
Atiqullah s/o late Sirajuddin of Dacca. Babar Ali, s/o late Akbar Ali of Dacca. Badsha s/o Sardar Ali of Dacca. Battu Miyan @ Salauddin s/o Md. Chand Miyan of Dacca. Bazlur Rahman s/o Fakir Miyan of Dacca. Bhola Miyan s/o Aftabuddin of Dacca. Billal Miyan Md., s/o Md. Mehidi Bepari of Dacca. Billal Miyan s/o Noor Mohd. of Dacca. Bisa @ A. Mannan, s/o late Mohd. Ali of Dacca.
30.5.54 30.5.54
Tito Msing. subjail
31.5.54 Munshi
30.5.54 31.5.54.
81. Chamur s/o Jainuddin of Dacca. 82. De Gopal Chandra s/o Jogendra Chandra
De of Dacca. 83. De Nani Gopal s/o Jatindra Mohan of
Dacca. 84. Deb Kanai Lal s/o Dina Bandhu Deb of
Dacca. 85. Dil Chand s/o late Sukumar Ostagar of
Dacca. 86. Fakir Mohd. s/o Md. Miyan of Dacca. 87. Fatik Chand s/o late Wahed Mistri of
Dacca. 88. Firoz Miyan s/o Afazuddin of Tippera and
of Dacca.
Not admitt ed into
89. Hafizuddin @ Manu s/o Kaimuddin of
Dacca. 90. Hafizuddin s/o late Kalai Sk. of Dacca.

Page: 79
Hafizuddin s/o Sona Miyan of Dacca. 92. Hannan s/o Burak Ostagar of Dacca. 93. Helaluddin s/o late Md. Jan of Dacca. 94. Hingoo Miyan s/o late Sultan Khan of
Dacca. 95. Ibrahim s/o Noor Bux of Dacca. 96. Jane Alam s/o Kamal of Dacca. 97. Kalachand s/o Samir of Dacca.
98. Kashem Ali s/o Sayem Ali of Khagkandi,
Faridpur and of Dacca. 99. Keamuddin Miyan s/o Imanuddin of
Dacca. 100. Mala Mangal s/o Kamini Mala of Dacca. 101. Malaya Jogesh Chandra s/o Bepin of
Mansur s/o late Mulajan of Dacca.
Manzur Alam s/o Madan of Moungyr, (India) and of Dacca.
Mia Chand s/o late Pear Bux of Dacca.
Mohd. Ashrafuddin s/o late Md.
Maniruddin of Dacca.
106. Mohd. Habib s/o Abdur Rahman of
Mohd. Husain s/o late Elai Baksh.
Md. Kabiruddin Chaudhuri, s/o late Khaleque Bux of Dacca.
109. Md. Lokman s/o Moslem Miyan, of
Noakhali and of Dacca.
110. Md. Mainuddin, s/o Moula Khan of
Mongyr (India) and of Dacca.

Page: 80
111. Mohd. Omar s/o Md. Zahir of Dacca.
112. Md. Shafi s/o Abdul Karim of Gazipur
(India) and of Dacca.
113. Md. Yasin s/o Nawab Ali of Muzaffarpur
(India) and of Dacca. 114. Musa @ Moslehuddin s/o Saijuddin of
Ostagar of Dacca. 115. Nannu Miyan s/o Sadhu Diwan of Dacca.
Nannu Miyan s/o Ismail of Dacca.
117. Nawab Ali s/o late Abdur Rahim of
Ref. on 7.7.54 G.order 2343
dt 6.7.54
Noor Miyan s/o late Dalil Mohd. of Dacca.
119. Noor Mohd s/o Ahmad Ali of Dacca.
Noor Mohd s/o Tamizuddin of Dacca.
121. Nuruddin s/o Ainuddin of Dacca. 122. Osman Ali s/o Abdur Rahim of Dacca.
Ref. 7.7.54
G.O. 2343
dt 6.7.54
Ramjan Miyan s/o Sultan Ostagor of
Dacca. 124. Reajuddin/Ramizuddin s/o Abdul Malek
of Dacca. 125. Reazuddin s/o Adam of Dacca. 126. Rostam Ali s/o Naib Ali of Dacca.
30.5.54 31.5.54

Page: 81
Sadhu Miyan s/o late Sk. Baker of Dacca.
Salehuddin s/o Sona Miyan of Dacca.
128. 129. 130.
Salim s/o Tenu Bepari of Dacca.
Shahabuddin Sardar s/o late Jamiruddin of Dacca.
131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.
Shawkat Ali s/o Tota Miyan of Dacca. Siraj Miyan s/o Ansu Miyan of Dacca. Sohrab s/o Amir Bepari of Dacca. Sova Miyan s/o Danu Miyan of Dacca. Torab Ali s/o late Ramjan Ali of Dacca. Zahiruddin s/o late Enayet Husain of Dacca. Zahural Haq, s/o Badsha Miyan of Dacca.
31.5.54 31.5.54
No. 1235 – e dt. 27.10 Returned to Addl. SP, D.I.B. Dacca for
necessary action. Supdt. of Police, Dacca. Sd/-27.7
Ref. attached.
I have the honour to report that out of 137 security prisoners ! obtained the Finger Print of 129 prisoners and regarding the rest 8 prisoners’ F.P. could not be obtained as the reason noted against each with SL. No. & Name: –
(1) SL. No. 57
” 88
Not admitted in to Jail.
Abdul Khaleque S/o Keramat Feroz Miah S/o Afazuddin Bisa @ A Mannan S/O Mohamad ali
(2) SL No. 80
7 Transferred to M.S. J Ganj Jail on 29.6.54.

Page: 82
(3) SL. No. 24
11 11 29
(4) “”
Habibar Rahman Singh Mohd. Hossain @ Kanchan Released on 17.7.54 mia Abdul Mannan Khan Nowabali S/o L. Abdur Released on 7.7.54. Rahim Osman Ali S/O Abdur Rahim.

117 122
This is for your kind information
I have etc. Sd/ -22.7.54. P.R.O. Dacca Ct
Side note: 22 dt. 24.7.54
Forwarded K.Z. Huq, Ct. Insp. 18.8.45
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 4/6 Sept. 54.
No. 9103/R.7116
To Mohammad Ali, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I return herewith your Memo No. 10601/3-54(Sec.) dated 13.7.54 addressed to the Supdt. of Police, Dacca along with the report from the Supdt. of Police, Dacca, and its enclosures.
These were missent here.
Sd/ -9.54
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 83


Application of Abul Hossain to meet security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail. Simultaneously Sheikh Mujibur Rahman applied to DIG, IB to meet family members. Both applications granted and family members met him.
Dacca, 12 July 1954
To The Dy. I.G. (1.B.), Dacca. July 12, 1954.
Mrs. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mrs. Lutfur Rahman (mother of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman), Md. Elias (nephew), Mr. Sheikh Habibur Rahman22 (uncle) and Sheikh Abu Naser (brother) want to see their relation Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a prisoner in the Dacca Central Jail. You are, therefore, requested to kindly grant them the necessary permission.
Truly yours,
Abul Hossain (Brother of Mr. Sheikh M. Rahman) 79, Nazirabazar Lane,
Side note : SSIII, May be permitted on a date fixed by the jail authorities on
usual condition. Sd/ -12.7.54 Permitted as usual condition, Sd/-12.7.54 D.S.VI. Re. orders above. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/-13.7 for DS6
22. Sheikh Habibur Rahman – Sheikh Habibur Rahman s/o late Sheikh Abdul Hamid of village Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur was the uncle of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman i.e. Sheikh Lutfor Rahman, father of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the eldest brother of Sheikh Habibur Rahman. He was an employee of East Pakistan Central Co-operative Bank, Victoria Park, Dacca and resided at 55, Satish Sarkar Road, P.S. Sutrapur (now Gandaria), Dacca.

Page: 84
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, The 14th July 1954. No. 10751/606-48 PF (Sec.)
Superintendent, D.C. Jail,
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 12.7.54 from Abul Hussain, I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date fixed by you when due in presence of an I.B. officer.
The party and this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/-13.7 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
The D.I.G. I.B., E.B. Through the Supdt. Dacca Central Jail.
I did not have any interview this month. Hence, I would request you to kindly allow me to meet the following persons once in the third and again in the fourth week of this month.
1. Mrs. Fazilatunnesa -wife and my children (minor) 2. Sahera Khatun – Mother. 3. Sheikh Abu Naser – Brother.

Page: 85
4. Abul Hussain Khoka – Cousin 5. Zafar Sadeq – Uncle of 79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca.
Yours sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Dacca Central Jail
Side note: Forwarded, Sd/ – Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail
Received under. 1015 SB of D.C. Jail. DS VI, Perusal of the application. Copy may be forwarded to D.C. Jail for fixing up the date for interview when due in presence of an I.B. officer. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/-24/7. Yes. Sd/-24/7.
Government of East Bengal Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1027/SB dated 17-7-54.
Το Mr. Abul Hossain, 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
You and your Party are hereby permitted to have an interview with U.T. & Security Prisoner Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of this Jail on 20-7-54 at 10-00 A.M. on presentation of this letter at the Jail Gate.
Sd/- N.U. Sarker,
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1027/1 /SB dated 17-7-54.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca with a request to depute an I.B. officer for the purpose with reference to his Memo No. 10751/606-48 P.F. dated 15.7.54.
Sd/- 17.7.54, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 86
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 24.7.54 No. 11448/606-54 PF
To The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 14.7.54 from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date fixed by you in presence of an I.B. officer.
The party and this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/ -24.7 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and his mother, wife, Abul Husain, Md. Elias, and Abu Naser at the D/C Jail on 20.7.54 for 20 minutes in presence of M.M. Chaudhuri, Dy. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the l.B. point of view.
Sd/-Wahed Ali
S.1 20.7.54

Page: 87


Application by Abul Hossain to DIG, IB to meet security prisoner
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 3 August 1954
The Dy. I.G. (1.B.), E. Bengal. Dacca. Dated, 3rd Aug. 54.
I request the favour of your kindly granting a special permission to Mrs. N. Ahmed (Sister of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman) and Mr. Jalaluddin Ahmed (his maternal uncle) to have an interview with my cousin brother Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman tomorrow. As my sister Mrs. N. Ahmed has come down to Dacca to see his brother and is to leave for home day after tomorrow. The necessary arrangements may kindly be made.
Yours Truly, Abul Hosain, 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
Side note: Allowed on 4.8.54 at 4 p.m. in presence of a special case., Sd/
3/8/54. D.S.VI, Re-order above. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/ -4/8.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 4th August 1954.
No. 12518/606-48 PF
Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.

Page: 88
Mvi./ Mrs N. Ahmad and Jalaluddin Ahmed may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. S.K. Majibur Rahman on 4.8.54 at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
(A. Hafiz) For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
Side note: No. 12518/1 606-48 Dt. 4.8.54
Copy forwarded to Mrs. N. Ahmad for information. Sd/ – 4/8 DSVI for SS.III
As ordered, I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and Mrs. N. Ahmed, Jalaluddin Ahmed and 2 minors at the D/C Jail on 4.8.54 for 20 minutes in presence of M. M. Chaudhuri, Dy. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the l.B. point of view.
Sd/I.B. Dacca 4.8.54


Weekly Ittefaq sent to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in
Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 4 August 1954 CENSOR CERTIFICATE
No. 130 A (13) Date of receipt 4.8.54.
Letter dated : S. Prisoner, Terrorist.
– Manager Weekly Ittefaq Dacca.
U. T., Convict, Ord.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist.
– Sk. Mujibur Rahman D.C. Jail, Dacca. U. T., Convict, Ord.

Page: 89
Dacca Central Jail. C/O D.I.G., I.B.
– 1158/S.B. dt. 4.8.54.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.
This is Weekly Ittefaq dt. 25.7.54 may pass as nothing appears to be objectionable.


Letter from M.A. Khaleque, President, AL, Jessore to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman about health condition of H.S. Suhrawardy
which was withheld.
Jessore, 4 August 1954
JESSORE. Dated : 4.8.1954.
My dear brother,
Kindly accept my greetings on the occasion of Id-Ul-Azha. I am so sorry you are not in a position to enjoy the Idd with your relations and friends in a free atmosphere.
I don’t know the state at which the case, in which you have been involved, is. However, I pray to the Almighty Allah and hope the case will soon end in your honourable acquittal.
I am giving you a good news. Jonab H.S. Suhrawardy is now out of danger after a major operation and is now convalescing in Zurich, Switzerland. From his letter to our brother Jonab Tofazzal Hossain23, Editor, the Daily Ittefaq, it appears he may be in a position to come to East Pakistan in about five or six weeks’ time.
23. Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah – (1911- 1 June, 1969) – Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah was a prominent Bengali journalist and politician. He was editor of the Ittefaq. Manik Miah played a vital role during the rise of Bengali nationalism in 1960s. Manik Miah was active in writing

Page: 90
I hope this will find you all right with health and spirits.
Yours affly, M.A. Khaleque (M.A. Khaleque)
To Jonab Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Ex-Minister, Government of East Bengal,
General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.

Page: 91
Jail informed No. 13772/606-48 P.F. (B) dt. 20-8-54.
No. 132 A (14) Date of receipt 11.8.54.
Letter dated 4/8/54
From :
S. Prisoner, Terrorist U.T. Conviet, Ord.
M. A. Khaleque B.Com. M.L.A. Jessore.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist
* Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, D.C. Jail. U.T. Conviet, Ord.
Dacca Central Jail.
C/O D.I.G., I.B.
00/S.B. dt. 9.8.54.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.
The writer is giving an information regarding the arrival of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy in E.B. and his present condition of health to the addressee. Orders for disposal of the letter.
Sd/ -11.8.54.
Side note: SSIII, The major portion of the letter contains matters other than private & personal.
May be withheld. Sd/-11.8.


Recommendation for further 6 months detention of security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. His previous brief political
activities also annexed.
Dacca, 7 August 1954
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 7th August, 1954.
No. 8063/100-49

Page: 92
M. Ali., Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B., Dacca.
Ref: This Office No. 6926/100-49 P.F. dt. 9.7.54 reg: review report on S. Pr.
Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman (A.M.L.) Ex-Minister and G.O. No. 2577 H.S. dt. 12.7.54.
The subject (Sk. Mujibur Rahman) was the Genl. Secy. of the E.P. A.M.L. and was one of the greatest trouble shooters. As he is still full of potentialities for committing mischief to the State, his detention for a further period of 6 months is considered essential.
We have already recommended his detention for a further period of 6 months in our above Memo. Our previous recommendation may stand.
The District Magistrate, Dacca, endorses the above recommendation.
The R/N on the subject is enclosed herewith.
Sd/ -7.6
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca
In this R.N. on Sk. Mujibur Rahaman s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahaman of Gopalganj, Faridpur & of 8, Rajani Bosh Lane, Dacca.
D 59 (CA) Page 28
A secret source reported on 21.2.53 that Sk. Majibur Rahaman and others (mentioned) took leading part in organising the procession on 21.2.53 in connection with the observance of ‘Shahid Day’ on 21.2.53.

Page: 93
D 59 (CA) Page 33
A secret source reported on 25.6.53 that the proposed Dacca District Peace Convention will be held on 26.6.53 at Jagannath College24 Hall. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) may attend the convention.
(Identical) D 59 (CA) Page 48
A secret source reported on 18.11.53 that a meeting of the All Political parties except Muslim League, convened by Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, was held on 18.11.53 at the Mukter’s Bar Library, Dacca with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the Chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting criticised the policy of Pakistan in joining M.E.D.O and B.P.C. report25 and Md. Ali’s formula. In this meeting a committee was formed named “All Party Anti-Mass Basic Principles’ Resistance Committee”.
24. Jagannath College- Jagannath College has a history that started in 1858 when Dhaka Brahma School was founded by Dinanath Sen and other Hindu elites. Kishorilal Chowdhury, the Zamindar of Baliati in Manikganj, who took over the school in 1872 and renamed it after his father as Jagannath School. It was upgraded to a second grade college in 1884 and then in the year 1908 it raised to a first grade college started with 48 students. Jagannath College was transformed into Jagannath University in 2005 by passing a bill named Jagannath University Act-2005 in the Parliament. Jagannath University is a government financed public university at Sadarghat, Dhaka.
25. B.P.C. Report – The Basic Principles Committee (BPC) was a specialized committee set up on 12 March 1949 by governor general Khawaja Nazimuddin upon advice from prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan. The committee’s sole purpose was to formulate the basic underlying principles that would determine future constitutions and legislature of Pakistan. The committee had 24 members headed by Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan. On 28 September 1950, the BPC presented its initial report to the constituent assembly, which ushered strong criticism from the public, particularly from critics in East Bengal. In response to the criticism it was farther reviewed incorporating public opinion and presented to the constituent assembly on 23 November 1952. Its presentation was however postponed at the very last minute due to reservations held by some members of the committee. Later the revised report again presented to the assembly on 22 December 1952. The BPC report embodied provision for appointment of Governor General from one wing and Prime Minister from the other wing under new constitutional formula and establishing military head quarters in West Pakistan. State Language issue was not mentioned there in the report. In response to BPC report Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman demanded the formation of one house parliament on the basis of population and warned against imposing undemocratic constitution. He emphasized on the demand of allocating all powers to the province of East Bengal with full self-governance except keeping defense, foreign affairs and finance with the center on the basis of historical Lahore Resolution. He firmly declared Bengali must be recognized as State Language.

Page: 94
D 43 (CA) Page 26
A secret source reported on 5.8.53 that on 8.8.53 an open meeting under the auspices of C.P. workers, A.M.L. and Ganatantri Dal of Narasingdi, will be held at Narasingdi Jinnah Park, in connection with the observance of Release Day of all the Political Prisoners. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will address the meeting.
(Identical) D 43 (CA) Page 31
A secret source reported on 10.8.53 that on 8.8.53 a closed door meeting of the C.P., the Ganatantri Dal, and the A.M.L. was held at the home of Rani Chattarjee of Narasingdi with Dewan Mahbub Ali in the chair. Sk. Mujibur Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting discussed the proposed opening of a Relief Fund to help the Political Prisoners and their family.
Sk. Mujibar Rahaman pointed out that until a Provincial or District Relief Fund was opened it was not possible to start such a fund for Narasingdi branch. The meeting decided that the matter would be brought before Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and according to his suggestion an all party meeting would be called at Dacca to decide as to how to open the Relief Fund.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 20
A secret source reported on 19.1.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy arrived at Dacca from Feni today (19.1.53) and left for Gaibanda on 19.1.53 night along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy by Bahadurabad train.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 24
A secret source reported on 1.2.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy arrived Dacca from Kushtia via Goalanda and Narayanganj on 31.1.53.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 25
A secret source reported on 2.2.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi left Dacca for Chittagong on 1.2.53 by train.

Page: 95
D 90 (CA) Page 26
A secret source reported on 13.3.53 that a meeting of the All Party State Language Committee of Action was held on 13.3.53 at the residence of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan at 25 Swarighat, Dacca with Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting discussed and condemned the action of the sponsors of the meeting of the Sarders and Ulemas and Muslim Leaguers held at the Armanitola Maidan on 13.3.53 in assaulting the students.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 30
A secret source reported on 7.4.53 that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy announced at Lahore on 5.4.53 the name of Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned), members of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, as the members of the Jinnah Awami League for the year 1953.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 35 & 36
A secret source reported on 11.4.53 that the proposed meeting of the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca at the residence of Mr. Yar Mahammad Khan on 10.4.53 with Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibur Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting discussed the release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and others who are on hunger strike in Dacca Central Jail. The meeting also decided that a deputation consisting of Sk. Mujibur Rahaman and others (mentioned) will wait upon H.E. the Governor and the Hon’ble Prime Minister, East Bengal to apprise them the condition of the Security Prisoners and request them for the immediate and unconditional release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and other Security Prisoners. The meeting also condemned the action of the Govt. for the recent arrest of the party workers and students at Chandpur, Barisal and Kushtia.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 39
A secret source reported on 4.5.53 that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy returned to Dacca from his tour of Mymenshing District on 3.5.53. He is

Page: 96
staying with Mr. Ali Amzad Khan26 at 16, Joynag Road, Dacca where on his arrival Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) met with him at a closed door meeting and discussed the present political situation of the country. The meeting decided to hold a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, at the Purana Paltan Maidan, Dacca on 8.5.53 to register their voice of protest against the Muslim League Ministry in East Bengal.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 45
A secret source reported on 28.6.53 that Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani returned to Dacca from tour on 28.6.53 and he is staying at 18, Karkunbari Lane. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) called on him. Moulana apprised them his tour impression and expressed that the Awami League candidates will come out successful in the ensuing General Election of the East Bengal Assembly if the workers take keen interest in creating public opinion from now.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 47
A secret source reported on 1.7.53 that a meeting of the councillors of the Dacca City Awami Muslim League was held on 30.6.53 at the Dacca Bar Library Hall with Mr. A.R. Baksh, a pleader of Dacca Court in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches urging upon the workers to work in co-operation shaking off the personal differences. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman appealed to the councillors and supporters of the Awami Muslim League to work whole heartedly under the guidance of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and to shake off differences to fight the General Election of the East Bengal Assembly against the Muslim League Candidates.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 53 & 54
A secret source reported on 3.7.53 that the first Annual Council meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 3.7.53
26. Ali Amzad Khan – Ali Amzad Khan practiced as a lawyer in Dhaka & Kolkata. He played a vital
role to form Awami Muslim League latter Awami League & was the founding Vice-President. He left Awami League on difference of political opinion. At last he took part in the politics introduced by Ayub Khan.

Page: 97
at the Mukul Cinema Hall, Johnson Road, Dacca with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. About 350 Councillors from different Districts of East Bengal attended it. In the meeting Sk. Mujibar Rahaman read out his organisational report from a printed booklet. At about 12.00 hrs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani said that he was asked by the District Magistrate, Dacca to see him immediately along with Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and other (mentioned). The Moulana along with Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) left for the Bunglow of the District Magistrate.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 55
A secret source reported on 4.7.53 that it is learnt that Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani along with Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) were called by District Magistrate, Dacca yesterday (3.7.53) to ascertain from them whether there would be any Civil Disobedience movement or any demonstration in front of the Prime Minister’s residence on 5.7.53. They, it is learnt, assured the District Magistrate that there would be said demonstration for the present.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 58
A secret source reported on 5.7.53 that the council meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 5.7.53 at the Mukul Cinema Hall, Johnson Road, Dacca with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. The meeting elected the office-bearers of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League for the year 1953-54. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was elected as General Secretary.
(Identical) D 90 (CA) Page 60
A secret source reported on 19.7.53 that an emergent meeting of the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca on 19.7.53 with Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. In the meeting it was decided that Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani along with Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) would go to Lahore to attend the working committee meeting of the Jinnah Awami Muslim League to be held at Lahore on 21.7.53.

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D 116 (CA) Page 2
A secret source reported on 1.1.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) are the important and active members of the Awami Muslim League.
(Identical) D 116 (CA) Page 7
A secret source reported on 2.2.53 that a meeting of the working committee with District Presidents and Secretaries of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at the Dacca Bar Library Hall on 1.2.53 with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended it. The meeting discussed the organisational matters and decided to organise all Districts and units of Awami Muslim League and to create public opinion in favour of the organisation by holding Public and group meetings.
(Identical) D 116 (CA) Page 11
A secret source reported on 12.4.53 that a meeting of the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca on 10.4.53 with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. The meeting expressed its great concern for the Security Prisoners who are now on hunger strike in the Dacca Central Jail and decided to observe 17th April/53 as “Prayer Day” throughout the Province and also requested the general public to organise meeting on that day (17.4.53) for the release of the Security Prisoners. It has also been decided to send a deputation consisting of Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) to H.E. the Governor of East Bengal and H.C.M. Mr. Nurul Amin.
(Identical) D 68 (CA) Page 29
A secret source reported on 30.10.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League left for Gopalganj, Faridpur on the night of 28.10.52 on receipt of a telegram from Gopalganj to the effect that some Awami Muslim League workers of Gopalganj have been arrested by the police. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman will try to secure their release.

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D 110 (CA) Page 8
A secret source reported on 9.12.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) have applied for passport for Vienna to attend the Third World Peace Congress27 to be held on 12.12.52. None of them has yet been granted Passport.
(Identical) D 34 (CA) Page 29
A secret source reported on 12.1.50 that the proposed meeting of the Working Committee of East Pakistan Awami Muslim Student League could not be held on 7.1.50 at 150, Mughaltully as the members turned up for public apprehension. It is learnt that some members assembled at 69/1 Khaja Dewan and decided to hold a public meeting at Armanitola Maidan on 13.1.50 to weigh their supporters and sympathisers even after the arrest of the important leaders such as Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned).
(Identical) DA 50, Page 40
A secret source reported on 28.6.53 that a meeting of the East Bengal Peace Committee was held on 28.6.53 at 43/1 Juginagar with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting mainly discussed the holding of the All Indian Peace Conference to be held at Patna (Behar) on the 17th July and decided to send delegates from the East Bengal Peace Committee.
(Identical) D 123 (CA) Page 15
A secret source reported on 13.7.53 that according to Abdul Matin (C.P) an informal meeting of the C.P was held at 58, Bangshal Road, Dacca on 12.7.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended it.
27. Congress – Congress was founded in 1885 during the British Raj; its founders include Allan Octavian Hume (a prominent member of the Theosophical Society), Dadabhai Naoroji and Dinshaw Edulji Wacha. In the late nineteenth and early to mid-twentieth century, Congress became a pivotal participant in the Indian Independence Movement, with over 15 million members and over 70 million participants in its opposition to British colonial rule in India. After independence in 1947, Congress became India’s dominant political party,

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D 121 (CA) Page 19
A secret source reported on 14.2.53 that a meeting of the All Party State Language Committee of Action was held at 25, Swarighat with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended it. The meeting mainly discussed regarding funds and budget for the proposed observance of Shahid Day’ on 21.2.53.
(identical) DA 43 Page 184
A secret source reported on 8.4.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman is at present on tour to Jessore and Rangpur. He has been wired to come back to Dacca immediately and he is expected to arrive Dacca within a day or two.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 189
A secret source reported on 11.4.53 that the proposed meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Working Committee was held at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca on 10.4.53 with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended it. The meeting discussed about the release of Security Prisoners and other organisational matter.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 192
A secret source reported on 19.4.53 that a meeting of the Working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at 16, Joynag Road, Dacca on 19.4.53 evening with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended it. The meeting discussed about organisational matter.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 196
A secret source reported on 22.4.53 that members of the Working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League met again at 16, Jaynag Road, Dacca on 20.4.53. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended it. The meeting discussed about the organisational work of the party. The members were of opinion that the branches of A.M.L. should be formed in each and every important place of the country.

Page: 101
DA 43 Page 199
A secret source reported on 29.6.53 that the council meeting of the E.P.A.M.L will be held on 3rd, 4th & 5th, July 1953. In this connection a reception committee was formed with Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) to raise fund for defraying expenses in connection with the council meeting.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 213
A secret source reported on 5.9.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman issued invitation letters to all the members of the working committee requesting them to attend the working committee meeting of the A.M.L. at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca on 13.9.53.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 226
A secret source reported on 31.10.53 that a few days back Mr. Suhrawardy that he would be free from the engagement of cases from 8.10.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) written to him to come to Dacca on 9th or 10th Nov 53 but no reply from him has yet been received.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 234
A secret source reported on 12.11.53 that Mr. Suhrawardy is arriving at Dacca on 13.11.53. He is expected to put-up at the residence of Mr. Ali Amzad and the guests if any would stay at Orient Hotel or Ramna Rest House Dacca. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman is arranging accommodation for the guests in the above mentioned places.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 241
A secret source reported on 21.11.53 that Mr. Sahrawardy will leave Dacca on 21.11.53 morning with Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) for Chandpur Dt. Tippera via Narayanganj.
(identical) DA 43 Page 243
A secret source reported on 24.11.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) went to see off Mr. Sahrawardy at Tejgaon Airport on 24.11.53.

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DA 43 Page 247
A secret source reported on 28.11.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman left Dacca for Kushtia on 27.11.53 to bring Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani to Dacca. They are expected to return to Dacca on 30.11.53.
(Identical) DA 43 Page 248
A secret source reported on 28.11.53 that Sahrawardy directed Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to go to Chittagong to ascertain what happened at Chittagong at the time of the visit of Hon’ble Minister Mr. Nurul Amin. Sk. Mujibur Rahaman is likely to go to Chittagong tonight (28.11.53).
(Identical) DA 43 Page 254
A secret source reported on 5.1.54 that a meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at 18, Karkunbari Lane, P.S. Sutrapur, Dacca on 5.1.54 with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended it. The meeting discussed about the flag and decided that the same would be a rectangular one having green base with a white diagonal and two white stars
(Identical) DA 43 Page 269
A secret source reported on 27.1.54 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will leave Dacca for Jessore on 28.1.54 by air for election campaign.
(Identical) DA 41 Page 178
A secret source reported on 16.10.52 that a meeting of the East Bengal Peace Committee was held at 43/1 Juginagar Lane, Dacca on 6.10.52 with Syed Abdur Rahim in the chair. The meeting approved the selection of Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) as delegates for the Asiatic and Pacific Regional Peace Conference which will be held at Peking in the last week of September 1952.
DA 41 Page 186
A secret source reported on 23.11.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will leave Dacca for Mymenshingh on 24.11.52 morning train to attend a meeting at Mymenshingh town.

Page: 103
DA 47 Page 36
A secret source reported on 15.12.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) did not go to Vienna as they were not granted Passport by the authorities.
(identical) D 130 (CA) Page 11
A secret source reported on 5.8.53 that a public meeting under the joint auspices of Pak Ganatantri Dal, C.P. and A.M.L. (Narasingdi Union) will be held at Narashingdi on 8.8.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will address the meeting.
(identical) DA 52 Page 31 & 32
A secret source reported on 28.10.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman will leave for Gopalganj on 28.10.52 evening and will stay a few days in his home.
During his stay he will meet the E.P.M.S.L28. & A.M.L. Workers at Gopalganj and discuss party matters. He will also try to collect funds from Gopalganj for expenses of the E.P.M.S.L. council meeting to be held in Dacca in the later part of November/52. He is expected to visit Chittagong after his arrival at Dacca from Gopalganj.
(identical) DA 52 Page 33
A secret source reported on 23.11.52 that according to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman a meeting of the All party State Language Committee of action was held on 22.11.52 at 25, Swarighat, Dacca.
(identical) D 52 Page 201
A secret source reported on 24.1.54 that according to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman the Workers Convention was not held at the Mukul Cinema Hall on 16.12.53, mainly due to the reason that the organisers of the Convention failed to manage the hiring charge of the Mukul Cinema
28. EPMSL (East Pakistan Muslim Students League) – East Pakistan Muslim Students League was founded on 4 January 1948 by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a meeting at Fazlul Huq Hall, Dhaka University. Naeemuddin Ahmed was the first convener while Khaleq Newaz Khan General Secretary. It was the student front of Awami Muslim League. The word ‘Muslim’ was deleted from Awami Muslim League on posture of its secular ideology in 1955. Likewise on the same viewpoint East Pakistan Muslim Students League became East Pakistan Students League. This student organization played a vital role on Language Movement of 1952, Education Movement of 1962, 6-Point Movement of 1966, Mass Revolution of 1969, 11-Point Movement and Liberation War of 1971. So over the decades East Pakistan Students League evolved as Bangladesh Chhatra League.

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D 105 (CA) Page 117
A secret source reported on 5.1.54 that Shamsuzzuha (Y.L.) and others (mentioned) met Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) on 4.1.53 at the United Front Office, Dacca and requested them to hold a public meeting of the UF at the Narayanganj Cotton Mill area.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 17
A secret source reported on 27.3.53 that on 24.3.53 a deputation consisting Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) waited upon the Hon’ble Mr. Nurul Amin, Prime Minister, East Bengal to apprise him of the conditions of the security prisoners and requested him for their release specially Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 27
A secret source reported on 4.5.53 that according to Mr. Ataur Rahaman, a deputation on behalf of the E.P.A.M.L & E.P.S.L. will meet the Hon’ble Mr. Mohammad Ali, Prime Minister of Pakistan during his visit to East Bengal. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) may formed the deputation with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan as leader. The deputation will discuss with him about the dissolution of the East Bengal Assembly, announcement of the date of the election and release of the security prisoners.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 30
A secret source reported on 31.5.53 that the meeting of the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 28.10.52 at 94, Nawabpur Road with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting discussed the action of Mr. A.K. Shamsuddin Ahmed M.L.A. and other (mentioned) who joined the Muslim League without the permission of the A.M.L. High Command.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 31 & 32
A secret source reported on 31.5.53 that a meeting of the working committee of the E.P.A.M.L. was held on 26.10.52 at 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca with Mr. Ali Ahmed Khan M.L.A in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting discussed the organisational matters and urged upon the members to

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raise subscriptions from the members of the A.M.L for their party. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman raised a point as to why the MS.L.A. working in the Awami League did not support the Congress MS.L.A when they raised the questions of releasing the security prisoners during the Autumn Session of the East Bengal Assembly and characterised them as betrayers. Mv. Ali Ahmad Khan took exception to the remark and rebuked Sk. Mujibar Rahaman for his utterance. At this there was an exchange of words between Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and Ali Amjad Khan and the meeting ended in a chaos.
DA 51 Page 47 & 52
A secret source reported on 5.7.53 that the First Annual Council meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 3.7.53 at the Mukul Cinema Hall, Dacca with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman delivered his speech from a printed booklet in Bengali.
The same agent29 also reported that the third day council meeting of A.M.L was held on 5.7.53 at the Mukul Cinema Hall with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. The council meeting also elected the office-bearers of the E.P.A.M.L. for the year 1953-54. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was elected as General Secretary.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 73
A secret source reported on 14.9.53 that a meeting of the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 13.9.53 at 18, Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca with Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting discussed about the General Election of the East Bengal Assembly and organisational matters.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 85
A secret source reported on 2.11.53 that an emergent meeting of the Working Committee of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 1.11.53 at 18, Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting mainly discussed the shifting of the
29. Agent – Agent is a person who collects secret information in a clandestine way for the Intelligence Agency.

venue of the proposed council meeting of the E.P.A.M.L. to be held on the 14th & 15th November/53 from Mymensingh to Dacca. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman proposed in the meeting for changing the venue but that was not carried out.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 98
A secret source reported on 18.11.53 that a meeting of the All Parties convened by Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani was held on 18.11.53 at the Mukter Bar Library, Dacca with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting criticised the Muhammad Ali – Formula and the B.P.C report and held that the formula was prepared under the influence of U.S.A.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 106
A secret source reported on 21.11.53 that the proposed meeting of the SARVA DALLYA GANA BIRODHI MULNITI PRATIRODH COMMITTEE was held on 20.11.53 at the Muktear Bar Library, Dacca with Mv. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. In the meeting a list of members from the different organisations was submitted for inclusion in the Committee.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 112
A secret source reported on 26.11.53 that a meeting of the ‘Sarva Daliya Gana Birodhi Mulniti Pratirodh Committee’ was held on 26.11.53 at 25, Swarighat, Dacca with Mv. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. The meeting discussed the B.P.C. Report and the Mahammad Ali – Formula and decided to launch a movement throughout East Bengal. To chalk out the programme, an executive committee was formed. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was elected as a member.
(Identical) DA 51 Page 123
A secret source reported on 8.12.53 that on 8.12.53 the Advisory Board of the Awami Mujahid Bahini was formed with a members at 18, Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani selected Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) to form the Board.

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DA 54 Page 30
A secret source reported on 20.7.53 that Nuran Nabi (CP) and others (mentioned) held a closed door meeting at 43/1 Juginagar, Dacca on 19.7.53 and discussed the affairs of Hardeo Glass Factory of 18.7.53. The meeting decided to hold meeting and to wait on a deputation to the Hon’ble Prime Minister after consulting Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned).
(Identical) PACA 61, Page 4
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 26.4.52 that according to Ataur Rahaman, Advocate, Dacca, a secret meeting was held on 23.4.52 at 25, Swarighat, Dacca with Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and other (mentioned) attended the meeting. In the meeting a new Council of Action of the All Parties State Language Committee was formed.
(Identical) PACA 61- Page 7
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 6.5.52 that a secret meeting of the Dacca City E.P.M.S.L. was held on 2.5.52 at 150 Mughaltuli, Dacca with Md. Quamaruzzaman in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. It was discussed in the meeting to strengthen the organisation in all institutions of the Dacca City.
(Identical) PACA 61- Page 13
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 9.5.52 that a secret meeting of the Council of Action of the All Parties State Language Committee, Dacca was held on 7.5.52 at 25, Swarighat, Dacca with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. It was discussed and decided in the meeting that the financial condition of the party should be made strong to run the State Language Movement and the Signature Campaign should be started from the 15th May/52.
(Identical) PACA 35- Page 10
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 2.12.52 that according to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman a meeting of the Peace Committee was held in the house of Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan (A.M.L) at 25, Swarighat, Dacca on

Page: 108
30.11.52. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. It was unanimously decided to elect Khandaker Md. Illias as the Secy. of the Peace Committee in place of Md. Toha who is now in jail. The East Pakistan Peace Committee was expanded and Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was elected as Jt. Secy.
(identical) PA 25- Page 19
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 10.8.53 that a few days ago Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani decided that a “Safety Act Resistance Committee” should be formed on all party basis excepting Pakistan Krishak Sramik Party and Jamiat-e-Islam with a view to launching an agitation against the extension of the Safety Act in the next sitting of the East Bengal Legislature Assembly. According to that decision an urgent letter under the joint signatures of Ataur Rahaman Khan and Sk. Mujibar Rahaman has been sent to Moulana Bhashani through a messenger at Bogra, requesting him to come to Dacca immediately or allowing one of them to convene the meeting of the Safety Act Resistance Committee.
(Identical) PA 25 Page 24
A secret source reported on 18.8.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman who is now at his home, will return to Dacca before 24.8.53.
(Identical) PA 25 Page 49
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 3.11.52 that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy is arriving at Dacca on 15.11.52 by plane for conducting a case at Chittagong. He will stay 3 days at Chittagong and afterwards will return to Dacca and will stay up to 23.11.52. During this time he will give special attention for the release of all the political prisoners. He will also address public meetings. The final programme will be arranged on the return of Sk. Mujibar Rahaman from Gopalganj.
(Identical) PA 25 Page 50
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 14.11.52 that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy is arriving at Dacca on 15.11.52 from Lahore. He will start

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for Chittagong in the same day by Chittagong mail with Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned).
(Identical) DA 53 Page 24
A secret source reported on 27.6.53 that Delegates Session of the Dacca District Peace Convention was held on 26.6.53 at the Jagannath College hall with Mv. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the Session. In the Convention a letter from Dr. Kichlu to Ali Aksad was read out which spoke for Indo-Pak Amity and to work against the war mongering nations. In the meeting a committee for Dacca District styled as ‘Dacca District Peace Committee’ was formed.
(Identical) PA-31 Page 1
A secret source of IB. reported on 1.3.53 that a Working Committee meeting of the E.P.S.L was held at 18, Karkunbari Lane on 25.2.53 & 26.2.53. The meeting condemned the actions and oppressions by the Muslim Leaguers and the local authorities of the respective districts upon the students in connection with recent tour of Premier of E.B and other ministers and demanded the immediate and the unconditional release of the student workers and other security prisoners. The meeting also decided to observe “Rastra Bhasha Dibash” on the 11th March next.
In this connection on the night of 25.2.53 discussion took place in the office of A.M.L. amongst Sk. Mujibur Rahaman and others (mentioned).
(Identical) PA 31 Page 26
A secret source of l.B reported on 2.9.53 that after the return of Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and other (mentioned) to Dacca, arrangement will be made to observe “Anti-Imperialist Day” on the 14th September next and public meeting will be held at Purana Paltan Maidan, Dacca in the afternoon on 10.9.53 on the occasion.

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PA 31 Page 29
A secret source of 1.B reported on 12.11.52 that Mv. H.S. Suhrawardy will arrive at Dacca on 15.11.52 by plane and will start for Chittagong to attend a public meeting, which will be held at Chittagong on 16th November. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will start for Chittagong on the night of 15.11.52 by train to attend the above mentioned meeting. The same agent also reported that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman will not go to Noakhali on 15th November to hold meeting there as it was arranged previously.
(Identical) PA -31 Page 30
A secret source of I.B. reported on 14.11.52 that the Annual Conference and the public meeting of the E.P.M.S.L of Mymensingh District which was announced to be held on 14th November has been postponed. The meeting as mentioned above will be held on 24th November. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will attend the meeting.
(Identical) PA 31 Page 33
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 5.12.52 that on 4.12.52 a secret meeting of the East Bengal Peace Committee was held at 25, Swarighat, Dacca with Mv. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. In the meeting Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) were selected for the Central Peace Committee of Pakistan (Karachi).
(Identical) PA 28 Page 17
A secret source of 1.B. reported on 18.9.52 that a meeting of the East Pakistan Peace Committee was held on 29.8.52 at 43/1 Juginagar Lane, Dacca with Dewan Mahbub Ali in the Chair. The meeting resolved to send Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) to the Peking Peace Conference beginning from 27.9.53.
(Identical) 47 – 48 Page 724
A secret source of Barisal D.I.B. reported on 3.3.53 that a discussion in the camera meeting of the A.M.L. was held on 27.2.53, about the party programme. During the conversation, Sk. Mujibar Rahaman

Page: 111
advised the District A.M.L. members to elect the District A.M.L. executive committee before the E.P.A.M.L. conference which would be held at Chittagong by the last week of March’53.
(Identical) 191-49 Page 288
A secret source of Kustia reported on 6.5.53 that according to Shamsul Huda (E.P.S.L.) Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) would attend the Peace meeting at West Bengal.
(Identical) 17-52 Page 72
A D.I.O reported on 1.10.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) left for New China on 25.9.52 to attend the Peking Peace Conference by B.O.A.C plane.
(Identical) 79-48 Page 253
From a copy of secret information of Faridpur D.I.B dt. 11.7.52 reveals that Abdur Razzak Khan and others (mentioned) met Sk. Mujibar Rahaman at 71, Radhika Mohan Bashak Lane Dacca on 26.6.52 and got necessary instructions regarding party work of the Gopalganj Subdivisional Awami Muslim League.
(Identical) 214-49 Page 93
Extract of the daily report of I.B.E.B dt. 17.10.49 reveals that on certain information, the office of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League at 150 Moghultuli was searched on 17.10.49 for the arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and other (mentioned), the two militant members of the organisation who are evading arrest in connection with Kotwali P.S. case no 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) B.S.P.030, None of them was found there.
(Identical) 214-49 Page 164
Addl. S.P. I.B informed 1.B vide his memo no. 590/214-49 dt. 24.1.50 that C.S. no. 211 dt. 26.12.49 /s 147/325 I.P.C and 7(3)
30. B.S.P.0 – Bengal Special Power Ordinance, (Ordinance of 1946). It was promulgated by British
and used by Pakistani Govt. to prevent so called anti-state activities. Actually it was a Draconian Law to detain the Bengali political leaders, those who protested against the repression and misrule of the Pakistani rulers. Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested and detained many times under this Ordinance.

Page: 112
B.S.P.O has been submitted in Kotwali PS Case no 19(10)49 against Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned).
(Identical) 214-49 Page 225
True copy of the judgment of Kotwali P.S. case No. 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 P.P.C & 7(3) B.S.P.O. reveals that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was convicted u/s 147 P.P.C and sentenced to RI for 3 months.
(Identical) 22-51 (Int.) Page 2101
A Bengali letter dt. 6.2.53 from Mr. Khabir of A.R. Hall, Room No.12, 6 A.C. Roy Road, Dacca to Mainuddin Ahmed of Rajshahi intercepted at G.P.O, Dacca on 8.2.53. In this letter, the writer informed the addressee that on 12.2.53 & 13.2.53 a meeting under the auspices of the Student League will be held at Dacca. In that meeting Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will deliver speeches.
(Identical) 22-51(int.) P-2344
From an intercepted Bengali letter from one Rafique to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman it reveals that on 22nd Feb. last the writer and 13 others prisoners were taken to the office for release but instead of their release they were confined in cell no. 20. The writer also informed that they are not even allowed to say their Jumma prayer.
(Identical) 22-51 (Int.) P-2388
A Bengali letter dt. 26.4.53 from Prof. M.A. Qasim, Dacca University to Abdul Haq c/o Prof. A Satter, Kushtia College, Kushtia was intercepted in the Down E.B. Mail Train on 28.4.53. In that letter the writer requested the addressee to invite Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) to attend their literary discussion.
(identical) 22-51 (Int.) P 2498
A Bengali letter dt. 30.5.53 from Habibur Rahman, Sangbad, Dacca to S.M. Abdur Rashid of Manaharpur, Sailkupa Dt. Jessore was

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intercepted on 8.6.53 in the R.M.S. Van. In the letter the writer informed the addressee that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman told that Awami League will gain the majority of seats in the next election and will form the Cabinet.
(Identical) 22-51(int.) P-2982
A Bengali letter dt. 9.8.53 from Abdul Halim Mia of Narasingdi, Dacca to editor, Daily Azad Ramna, Dacca was intercepted at Ramna Post Office on 13.8.53. In that letter the writer informed the editor that a huge public gathering of more than thousand people was held at local Patpatti Maidan under the auspices of all party committee formed by the A.M.L, Pakistan Gonatantri Dal and other political parties. On the occasion of the observance of ‘Anti Safety Act Day’ under the initiative of Moulana A. H. Khan Bhashani, Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) were present in the meeting. The subject explained clearly about the Safety Act, and requested the people to organise a strong public agitation against Safety Act.
(Identical) 22-51(Int.) Page 3317
A Bengali letter dt. 3.11.53 from Ekhlas of East Bengal Textile Mart, Tejgaon, Dacca to Md. Abdus Satter, C/o Habibur Rahman Mia of Babu Khan Road, Khulna intercepted by an I.B. officer at R.M.S. Dacca on 8.11.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman told him that he would go their place after his tour in Faridpur.
(Identical) 22-51(Int.) P 3344
A Bengali letter dt. 22.11.53 from Md. Solaiman Khan, 136, Bandar Road, N.gonj to Gazi Kafiluddin Ahmed, Kustia was intercepted at Kustia Post office on 23.11.53. In the letter the writer informed the addressee that he learnt from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman that within a day or two, a circular will be issued from the Provincial office to all district secretaries for sending the names of the candidates of their district.

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95-48 Page 14
A D.I.O. reported on 23.5.49 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman of D.U is the Secy. of E.P.M.S.L.
(Identical) 95-48 Page 88
A D.I.O. reported on 19.5.51 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) are the active members of the E.P.M.S.L. from the year 1947 to 1951. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman is now in Jail.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 486
An English letter dt. 11.2.53 from Kabiruddin Ahmed of F.H. Hall to Capt. Munsur Ali, Pleader Pabna was intercepted at R.M.S. Dacca on 13.2.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that he came to know from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman that same Asstt. Secy. of Awami League has been insulted by some leaders of Muslim League. He also requested him to write all about that.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int) Page 571 & 572
A Bengali letter dt. 19.4.53 from Mosleuddin Bhuyea, Secy. Narasingdi Awami Muslim League to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman, General Secy. E.P.A.M.L. was intercepted at Narasingdi Post Office on 20.4.53. In the letter the writer informed the addressee to invite Sahid Sarwardi to hold a meeting in their area as the people are anxious to hear his valuable speech.
(identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 574
An English letter dt. 12.4.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to A.K. Majibar Rahman, Secy. District A.M.L. Bogra was intercepted and in that letter the writer informed the addressee that it has been decided by the Working Committee of the A.M.L to observe 17th April 1953 as the “Political Prisoners’ Release Day and Prayer Day” and he requested him to observe the day peacefully and Constitutionally.

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163-49 (Int.) Page 582
An English letter dt. 20.4.53 from Mansur of 14, Bakshibazar, Dacca to Mvi. Mohammad Ali, Pleader, Tangail, Mymenshing was intercepted at R.M.S. Dacca on 20.4.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that the date of the meeting at Tangail has been fixed on 26.4.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) will attend the meeting.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page – 592
A telegram from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mvi. Mozaharul Haq, Pleader, Manikganj dt. 22.4.53 was intercepted at Manikganj Post office on 22.4.53. In that telegram the sender informed the addressee to arrange a meeting on 4th May/53. Moulana Bhashani and others (mentioned) will attend the meeting.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page -595
A Bengali letter dt. 25.4.53 from Matiur Rahaman 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca to Mvi. Abul Hussain, Rangpur was intercepted at Rangpur Head Post office on 30.3.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman will reach Rangpur on 4th April after D.B. election of Jessore.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page -493
An English letter dt. 10.2.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Abdul Aziz Secy. District A.M.L. Chittagong was intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 13.2.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League in its emergent meeting on 6.2.53 resolves that all the branch organisations be called upon to observe ‘Shaheed Day’ on 21.2.53 peacefully.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 500 & 502
An English letter dt. 6.2.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Kazi Abdul Wadud, Secy. Sadar Sub-Divisional A.M.L. Tipperah was intercepted at Comilla on 19.2.53. In that letter the writer informed

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the addressee that Suhrawardy has left for Karachi on 6.2.53 and is expected to come back before 28th Feb/53.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 504
A D.I.O. reported on 21.2.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) held in closed door discussion on 20.2.53 at 25, Swarighat.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 516
An English letter dt. 15.2.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Sk. Abdul Aziz Chairman District A.M.L. Khulna intercepted at Bagerhat Post Office on 20.2.53. In that letter the writer congratulate the successful candidates upon their sweeping success in the Khulna D.B. election defeating Muslim League candidates on behalf of the A.M.L.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 522
A Bengali letter dt 24.2.53 from Abdul Hye to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was intercepted at Jessore Post office on 26.2.53. In that letter the writer requested the addressee to tell Mr. Suhrawardy to go to Jessore on the last week of March/53 as the District Board election will be held in the last week of March/53.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page -534
An English letter dt 24.2.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Dr. N. Ahmed, Secy. District A.M.L. Paharpur, Dinajpur was intercepted at Paharpur R.M.S on 2.3.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that Mr. Suhrawardy was due here by 28th Feb/53 but the date has been shifted to 7.3.53. Any way after his arrival he will be requested to accept his request.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int) Page – 560
An English letter dt 13.4.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Abdur Rahaman Khan, Secy. Tippera District A.M.L was intercepted at Comilla Post office on 14.4.53. In the letter the writer requested the members

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to attend a general meeting of the E.P.A.M.L working committee which will be held on 19.4.53 at 16, Jaynag Road, Dacca.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int) Page -627
A Bengali letter dt. 13.5.53 from Mosleuddin Bhuyan Secy. Narasingdi A.M.L. Dacca to the editor Ittefaqe, Dacca was intercepted at R.M.S. Dacca on 14.5.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that Najarpur Union Awami League P.S. Narashingdi was formed and its office bearers were elected. This committee requested the Secy. Sk. Abdul Aziz to write to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman for the affiliation of this committee.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int) Page -688
An English letter dt. 14.6.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Adiluddin Ahmed, Pleader Genl. Secy. of Awami League Faridpur was intercepted at Faridpur Post office on 18.6.53. In the letter the writer informed the addressee that the council session of the A.M.L will commence on 3.7.53 and shall continue for 3 days. Grave issues will be discussed in this Session. He also informed that he will try to get down at Rajbari on his way back to Dacca and will try to meet them all there in connection with the organisation.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 697
A Bengali letter dt. 14.6.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Sk. Md. Abdul Aziz (President Khulna District Awami League) was intercepted in the R.M.S. Van on 18.6.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that the Provincial Councillor’s Conference is going to be held on 3rd, 4th and 5th July next. This date will not be changed. He also requested him to send the full names and addresses of the councillors of his District after holding the District election before the fixed date.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 730
An English letter dt. 29.6.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Dr. Mujibar Rahaman, Secy. District Awami Muslim League, Bogra was

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intercepted on 28.6.53 at Bogra Post office. In the letter the writer requested the addressee to attend the council meeting with all his councillors at Dacca.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 763
An English letter dt. 13.7.53 from A.K. Mujibar Rahaman, Secy. A.M.L., Bogra to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was intercepted at Bogra Post office on 13.7.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that the situation of Bogra District is not so good due to flood. All the important centers are under water. So tour programme of Moulana Bhashani should have to be made when the rainy season is over.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page – 789
An English letter dt. 29.7.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Hashimuddin Ahmed General Secy., A.M.L. Mymensingh was intercepted and in that letter the writer requested the addressee to call a workers conference in his district immediately. He also informed that the manifesto which was finally accepted by the last Provincial council session shall come out from the press very soon and shall be sent to his district as early as possible.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int) Page -799
An English letter dt. 29.7.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. Mashiur Rahaman Secy. District A.M.L. Jessore was intercepted at R.M.S. Van on 6.8.53. In that letter the writer requested the addressee to call a workers conference in his district immediately. The manifesto and constitution which were finally accepted shall come out from the press very soon and will send to his District.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page – 802
An English cypher letter dt. 3.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman, to Mr. Atahar Ali, Secy. Sub-Divisional A.M.L, Bagerhat, Khulna was intercepted at R.M.S Van on 6.8.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that Manifesto and Constitution are not yet printed. As soon as they are printed will be furnished with copies.

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163-49 (Int.) Page 819
An English letter dt. 13.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy, 13, Kutchary Road, Karachi, West Pakistan, was intercepted at Dacca R.M.S. on 15.8.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that they declared 7th Aug. as the ‘Anti-Public Safety Act Day’. All the opposition parties and groups and student organisations supported them. Peaceful meetings and resolutions for the unconditional release of all political prisoners and repeal of Safety Act were passed. The day was observed throughout the province. He also informed that he was busy with the printing of their constitution and manifesto as the people were very eager of them. He also wrote in his letter that they have decided to form one “Mujahid Bahini” for social service. He also informed that the office bearers of the E.P.M.S.L were elected at the last Council Session. He himself elected as General Secy. He also informed the addressee that Mr. Fazlul Haq has formed a party named “Pakistan Krishok Sramik Party” and the newly formed working committee will meet on 24th instant.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 837
An English typed letter dt. 23.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. Mashiur Rahaman Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Jessore was intercepted at R.M.S. Van on 3.9.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that a meeting of the working committee of the E.P.A.M.L. will be held on 13.9.53 at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. He also requested him to attend the meeting.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 823
An English letter dt. 12.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. Akbar Husain, Pleader, Bogra was intercepted at Bogra Post office on 15.8.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that he has been nominated by the President as one of the members of the working committee of the E.P.A.M.L.

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163-49 (Int.) Page 824
An English letter dt. nil from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Akbar Husain, Pleader, Bogra was intercepted at Bogra Post office on 15.8.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that a meeting of the working committee of the E.P.A.M.L. will be held on 24.8.53 at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca and requested him to attend the meeting.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 845 & 850
An English letter dt. 31.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. Mujibar Rahaman Secy., Bogra District A.M.L. was intercepted at Bogra Post office on 2.9.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that they decided to observe 10th September 1953 as the “AntiImperialist Day” and requested him to organise public meeting and pass resolutions. Similar letter was sent to Mr. Saad Ahmed, Kustia.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 875
A D.I.O. reported on 26.9.53 that the Annual Council meeting of the E.P.A.M.L was held on 3rd, 4th and 5th July 1953 at Mukul Cenama Hall, Dacca. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman proposed to make the A.M.L. a noncommunal organisation. The proposal was hotly debated in the meeting but could not come to any final conclusion.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 876
An English letter dt. 16.9.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Almas Ali, Solar Press, Narayanganj was intercepted at Narayanganj Post office on 21.9.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that a meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Council scheduled to be held on 18th Oct/53 and also requested him to attend the meeting with his councilor.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 879
An English letter dt. 16.9.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Hashimuddin Ahmed, Genl. Secy. District A.M.L. Mymenshing was intercepted. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that a

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meeting of the E.P.A.M.L. council will be held at Mymensingh town on 17th & 18th Oct’53 and requested him to attend the same.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 898
An English letter from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. Asmat Ali Khan, Secy., Madaripur Sub-divisional A.M.L. was intercepted at Madaripur Post office on 22.9.53. In that letter the writer informed this addressee that he and others (mentioned) decided to tour and attend meetings at the following places of his area according to the programme.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) 979
An English letter dt. 2.11.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mvi. Abdur Rahim Secy. District A.M.L. Tippera, Comilla was intercepted at Comilla Post office on 5.11.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that the proposed council session of the E.P.A.M.L. will be held at Mymensingh on 14th & 15th Nov/53.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 997
A Bengali letter dt. 7.11.53 from Sa’ad Ahmed, Kushtia to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman was intercepted at Kushtia Post office on 7.11.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that they have formed strong committees in every Sub-division and gradually advancing.
(identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 1008 & 1011
A D.I.O. of Mymensingh reported on 16.11.53 that a meeting of the E.P.A.M.L. was held on 15.11.53 at Saheb Quarters Maidan, Mymensingh town with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches in the meeting. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman in his short speech told about the high price of the essential commodities, detention of Rafiquddin Bhuiyan and others political workers numbering about 300. He also criticised the Muslim League Govt. for not nationalising the Jute industry of Pakistan, abolition of Zamindary System without compensation. About State Language he said that if Mr. Nurul Amin supported the cause of Bengali

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as one of the State Languages of Pakistan, he should set at liberty all the persons arrested in connection with the language movement.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 1014 & 1017
D.I.B. Mymensingh reported that the council session of E.P.A.M.L. was held on 14.11.53 & 15.11.53 at Alaka Cinema, Mymensigh with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) deliver speeches in the meeting. At the meeting Sk. Mujibar Rahaman announced that the subject committee meeting of the E.P.A.M.L would be held at the residence of Hashimuddin Ahmed on 14.11.53 evening. The meeting discussed about the B.P.C. Report, shortage of clothes etc.
(Identical) 163-49 (Int.) Page 1083
An English letter dt. 3.12.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mvi. Abdul Aziz, Secy, District A.M.L. Chittagong was intercepted at G.P.O. Ctg. on 12:12.53. In the letter the writer informed the addressee that they are making preliminary list of probable Awami League candidates for ensuing assembly election.
(identical) File 163/49 P1311
A D.I.O reports on 6.12.52 that a meeting (3000) under the auspices of the Central All Party State Language Committee of Action was held on 5.12.52 at the Armanitola Maidan, Dacca to observe the “Political Prisoners Release Day”. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Acting Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L and others (named) delivered short speeches in the meeting. Sk. Mujibar Rahman in course of his speech narrated the circumstances and conditions under which the security prisoners are passing their days in the jail and mentioned that the ordinary criminals are given better facilities and treatment in the jail than the security prisoners.
(Identical) File 163/49 P1355
A D.I.O reports on 26.2.53 that a closed door meeting was held at 25, Swarighat, Dacca on 25.2.53 evening. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and

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others (named) attended it. The meeting discussed about the incidents happened between the students and the bearers of the Dacca College at the time of erecting the movement.
(Identical) 22-53 Page 111&121
A D.I.O. reported on 10.3.53 that a condolence meeting of Marshall Stalin was held at Armanitola Maidan on 10.3.53 under the joint auspices of E.P. Peace Committee, Pakistan Democratic Party, E.P.S.U, P.W.A & E.P. Youth League with Mr. Ataur Rahaman in the chair. Sk. Majibur Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman in his said that Stalin worked and underwent sacrifices for the oppressed people of the world. He dedicated his life for the establishment of peace.
(Identical) 109-48 (Int.) Page 195
An English letter dt. 30.11.52 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, 13, Katchari Road, Karachi was intercepted at Ramna Post office, Dacca on 2.12.52. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that their working committee has decided to accept his invitation to send delegates to his proposed convention.
(Identical) 109-48 (Int.) Page 200
A D.I.O. reported on 27.12.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) left for Lahore via Calcutta on 21.12.52 to attend the Pakistan Jinnah A.M.L. convention to be held at Lahore from 26th Dec/52.
(Identical) 109-48 (Int.) Page 224 & 226
An English letter dt. 2.11.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahaman to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy 13, Katchari Road, Karachi was intercepted at Dacca R.M.S on 4.11.53. In that letter the writer informed the addressee that East Pakistan A.M.L. Council Session to be held on 14th & 15th Nov/53 at Mymensingh town. He also wrote that Moulana Saheb also wants that he should call a working committee meeting of the All Pakistan Jinnah Awami League on the 12th Nov.

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136-52 (Int.) Page 72
A Bengali letter dt. 31.3.53 from Sulaiman Khan of 19, Azimpur Road, Dacca to Prof. Md. Azraf M.A. of Sunamganj College, Sylhet was intercepted. In that letter the writer informed that A.M.L has been divided into two. Their quarrel to some extent is due to ideological and to some extent to some personal leadership. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) are in one group and Abdus Salam and others are in other group.
150-47 Page 346
From the ext. of S.W.R of the Chittagong Dist. for the w/e 28.12.52 reveals that on 21.12.52 Sk. Mujibar Rahaman sent through a courier one printer copy of a booklet in Bengali captioned “Rakto Choser Doftar’ on 20.12.52 to M.A. Aziz Secy. A.M.L. Chittagong. The Booklet contains bitter criticism against the League Govt.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 44
W.C.R of Dacca D.I.B for the W/E 7.2.53 reveals that a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 1.2.53 at the Armanitola Maidan with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman in course of his speech recapitulated the failures of the Hon’ble Mr. Khawja Nazimuddin in administrating the country since the British regime. Referring to the language movement he said that although the Hon’ble Mr. Khawaja Nazimuddin31 made a written promise to make Bengali as one of the State Language of Pakistan but he never kept his promise on the contrary he made Urdu compulsory in East Bengal. The speaker
31. Khawaja Nazimuddin (19 July 1894 – 22 October 1964) – He was a conservative Pakistani politician and statesman. He served as the 2nd Prime Minister of Pakistan from 15 October 1951 to 1953 after assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan in 1951. He was born in Dhaka, East Bengal (now Bangladesh) into the Nawab family of Dhaka. He opposed introducing Bengali as one of the prime State Languages of Pakistan.

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declared in the meeting that if Bengali is not similarly made compulsory in the schools in West Pakistan within 3 months, a province wide agitation will be launched to boycott Urdu in East Bengal.
(identical) 1-59 Page 51
From the W.C.R dt. 14.2.53 of Dacca D.I.B it reveals that a public meeting under the auspices of the E.P.M.S.L was held at the Armanitola Maidan on 12.2.53 with Kazi Ghulam Mahboob in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman in his speech vehemently criticised the Muslim League Govt. for their different policies on education, foreign affairs and economic condition of the country. He demanded the Muslim League Govt. to vacate for better people to run the administration of the country.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 58 & 59
W.C.R dt. 21.2.53 of Dacca D.I.B. reveals that on 21.2.53 a procession of the students of almost all the educational institute came out from the university yard and passed through the main streets of the city. The procession was led by Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned). The procession then assembled at the Armanitola Maidan and hold a meeting there with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. All the speakers more or less discussed the origin and the incidents connected with the State Language Movement since 1947 and how brutally some of the students were killed in Police Firing on 21.2.52. They also discussed the present condition of Pakistan and the treatment shown to the people of East Bengal by the Central Govt. and West Pakistanis. The meeting passed resolution demanding recognition of Bengali as one of the State Language of Pakistan.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 73
W.C.R dt. 14.3.53 of Dacca D.I.B reveals that Kotwali P.s Case no 33 dt. 14.3.53 has been started against Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others

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(mentioned) u/s 7(1)(3) of the E.B.P.S.O 1951 for failing without any lawful excuse to comply with the order of the D.M. Dacca uls 21, E.B.P.S.L by not allowing Police Officers and Govt. Reporters to take notes in the meeting held in the Bar Library Hall on 11.3.53.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 90
W.C.R dt. 28.3.53 of Dacca D.I.B reveals that a meeting of almost all the political parties opposed to the Muslim League was held at the residence of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq at 27, K.M. Das Lane, Sutrapur, Dacca on 22.3.53 with Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting criticised the Muslim League and urged upon the members of all the political parties oppose to Muslim League to unite and to contest the next general election under the leadership of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 153
W.C.R dt. 9.5.53 of Dacca D.I.B reveals that a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 8.5.53 at the Paltan Maidan that Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches criticising the Muslim League and demanding the dissolution of the Nurul Amin Ministery.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 159
W.C.R. dt. 5.9.53 of Dacca D.I.B. reveals that a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 3.5.53 at Kalampur Hat, P.S. Dhamrai, Dt. Dacca with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches dwelling upon the mal-administration of the Muslim League and its educational and fiscal policies.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 280
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B dt. 12.9.53 reveals that in observance of the Anti-Imperialist Day a public meeting under the auspices of the East

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Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 11.9.53 at the Paltan Maidan with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Besides the President Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches in the meeting condemning the role of the Imperialist with special reference to Korea, Africa, Asia, Tunisia, Iran and Kashmir and characterized the Muslim League Govt. as the hirings of the American Imperialist and extorted upon the audience to give a death blow to the Muslim League in the coming election.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 314 & 315
W.C. R. of Dacca D.I.B. dt 17.10.53 reveals that a public meeting under the joint auspices of All Parties opposed to the Muslim League was held at the Paltan Maidan, Dacca, on 16.10.53 with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Besides the President Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches in the meeting criticising the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Formula and the B.P.C Report. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman challenged the recent statement of Hon’ble Mr. Nurul Amin made out the floor of the Constituent Assembly that the people of East Bengal have accepted the formula. He also pointed out that people of East Bengal might have to resort to a civil Disobedient Movement in protest against the formula. After the meeting a procession paraded through Nowabpur Road, Johnson Road and terminated at Sawarighat. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) took part in the procession.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 346
W.C.R of Dhaka DIB dt 7.11.53 reveals that a meeting under the auspices of the Awami muslim league was held at Hatridia PS Monohardi, Dhaka on 30.10.53 with Nizamuddin Sarkar of Sukundi in the chair. Besides the President Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches criticising the maladministration of the Muslim League Govt. and appealed to the people to vote for the Awami Muslim League candidates in the next General election.

Page: 128
1-53 Page 370
W.C.R. dt. 28.11.53 of Dacca D.I.B reveals that a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at Paltan Maidan on 19.11.53 with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. Besides the president Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman stated that the Muslim League broke ballot boxes at the time of election in the Punjab and N.W.F.P32 but he is sure that the people in East Pakistan are conscious enough and will not allow them to do the same thing here. If the Muslim League remains in power for another five years the name of Pakistan will be wiped out of the map of the world. He requested the people to see that only torn shoes and arum leaves are thrown into the ballot boxes of M.L candidates.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 388
W.C.R of Dacca D.I.B. dt. 12.12.53 reveals that an advisory Board of the Awami Mujahid Bahini has been formed with a members on 8.12.53 at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani selected Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) to form the Board. The main object of the Mujahid Bahini is to assist the A.M.L. and the United Front to contest the coming election against the Muslim League candidates.
(Identical) 1-53 Page 402
W.C.R of Dacca D.I.B dt. 19.12.53 reveals that on 11.12.53 a public meeting under the auspices of all the Political Parties opposed to the Muslim League to protest against the B.P.C. Report and the formula of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan was held at the Paltan Maidan, Dacca with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani in the chair. In the
32. NWFP – The North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) was a province of British India. It was established in 1901 and dissolved in 1955, after eight years as part of the independent state of Pakistan. The area became Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province on April 19, 2010 when the 18th Amendment was signed by the President of Pakistan.

Page: 129
meeting Qamruddin read out the resolutions which were seconded by Sk. Mujibar Rahaman on behalf of A.M.L.
(Identical) 100-49 Page 345
A D.I.O reported on 16.X1.52 that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy arrived at Tejgaon Air Port on 15.11.52 and he was received by Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and other (mentioned). Mr. Sahrawardy was also garlanded by Sk. Mujibar Rahaman.
(identical) 100-49 Page 366
A D.I.O. reported on 11.12.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman left Dacca on 7.12.52 for Comilla and from there he will go to Nowakhali to attend a meeting there.
(Identical) 100-49 Page 378
A D.I.O. reported on 22.12.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman went to Sylhet from Narasingdi on 15.12.52 by train with a view to ascertain under what ground Mvi. M.A. Bari, Secy. Sylhet and other workers have been arrested under Public Safety Act.
(Identical) 100-49 Page 425
From a report of Sylhet D.I.B dt 7.1.53 it reveals that Sk. Mujibar Rahaman went to Sylhet on 15.12.52 and left for Dacca on the same Day by train. He attended and delivered a short speech in the public meeting held at Gobinda Charan Park, Sylhet town on 15.12.52 under the auspices of the Youth League and Awami Muslim League and under the presidentship of Asaddar Ali (Y.L). In his speech sk. Mujibar Rahaman said that during the last 5 years the League Govt. had proved its worthlessness and the peasants were not getting satisfactory price of every commodities for which there condition were going from bad to worse. Criticising the activities of the Govt. he said that Govt. were spending lacs of rupees for the agents of the D.I.B. officers for secret

Page: 130
information, whereas lacs of people are dying for want of food and clothings.
(Identical) 127-50 Page 249 & 251
A D.I.O. reported on 27.6.53 that the open session of the convention of the Dacca District Peace Committee was held on 26.6.53 at Jagannath College Hall with Mr. Ataur Rahaman Khan in the chair. Besides the president Sk. Mujibar Rahaman and others (mentioned) delivered speeches. Sk. Mujibar Rahaman in his speech criticised the Muslim League Govt. for maladministration and condemned the 3rd World War and urged upon the people to stand against the way of such
163-49 P-46
A secret source of Rangpur reports on 27.6.49 that on 23.6.49 the delegates meeting was held at Rose Garden Park Dacca under the presidency of Mvi. Ataur Rahman, Dacca. After discussion the meeting decided to run a parallel Muslim League organization and the name of People Muslim League of Pakistan and an organising committee was formed. Sk Mujibar Rahman was elected as Asstt. Secy. of the Committee.
(Identical) 163-49 P.85
A D.I.O reports on 4.8.49 that Parallel League was Awami League. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & other mentioned were the member of the said League.
(Identical) 163-49 P.104
A D.I.O reports on 15.8.49 that a public meeting was held at Armanitola Maidan on 15.8.49. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. The meeting demanded the release of the students who were in jail and fair enquiry against the present ministry etc.

Page: 131
163-49 P- 155
A public meeting under the auspices of the Awami Muslim League was held at Armanitola Maidan on 11.10.49. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. In course of his speech Sk. Mujibar Rahman said that they held 4 meeting presiding but the resolution passed in those meetings brought nothing to the suffering mass. He further said of Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan33 could give them 2 hours time they would be able to show him everything. The speaker continued that thousands of people of East Bengal were dying like cats & dogs, dead bodies were being buried without shrouds. The problem facing to the country could not be solved by bloods. Before the conclusion of his speech he urged the audience to bring out a procession move in the town shouting slogans according to our demands.
(Identical) 163-49 P. 178
A D.I.O recorded the statement of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani on 14.10.49 after his arrest. In his statement the Maulana Sb said that on or about 19.9.49 he wrote a letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahman instructing to organize a public meeting to be held on 11.10.49 & write H.P.M. Pakistan to attend the said meeting. He further stated that Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) addressed the meeting which was held on 11.10.49 at Armanitola.
Identical 163-49 P.181
A D.I.O reports on 10.11.49 that Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) were the leading members of the Awami Muslim League.
Identical 163-49 P 205
A letter from C.I.D Punjab dt 15.2.50 reveals that one Anwarul Azim a M.Sc. student of M.A.O College Lahore appeared to be close
33. Liaquat Ali Khan (October 1895 -16 October 1951) – Liaquat Ali Khan was one of the founding leaders of Pakistan, statesman, lawyer and political theorist who became and served as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. He also held cabinet portfolio as the first foreign, defense and the frontier regions minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.

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contact of Sk. Mujibar Rahman during the stay of the latter in Lahore from 30.10.49 to 27.11.49. The former contacted him very frequently. Mujibar Rahman instructed Anwarul Azim to issue statement in which the formation of a Joint Student Union of East Bengal & West Pakistan was suggested. Mujibar Rahman before his departure from Lahore to Dacca got East Bengal Muslim Students League affiliated with the All Pakistan Muslim Students delegation Lahore.
Identical 163-49 P. 299
A D.I.O reports on 18.10.50 that Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) in a procession on 11.10.49 and attempted to enter Ramna area in violation of order w/s 144 Cr.P.C. Kotwali P.S. case No 19 dt 11.10.49 u/s 147 B.P.C/ 7(3) B.S.P.O. was started & Sk. Mujibar Rahman convicted & sentenced to R.I. for 2 months.
Identical 163-49 P-960 & 964
A D.I.O reports on 20.11.52 that a public meeting under auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 21.11.52 at Armanitola Dacca. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. He paid homage to the students who lost their lives in the State Language movement on 21.2.52. He criticized the League Govt. of the Hon. Mr. Nazimuddin & the Hon. Mr. Nurul Amin. He also criticized the Public Safety Ordinance and held that detention of any man without trial is against Quran & Hadith.
Identical 163-49 P. 994
An I.B. officer reports on 26.11.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahman would be leaving for Noakhali on the night of 5th December. He would address a public meeting at Majdia Town Hall Noakhali on 6.12.54, Feni on 7.12.52 and Comilla on 8.12.52.

Page: 133
163-49 P.1034-35
A D.I.O reports on 15.12.52 that a public meeting under auspices of Awami Muslim League Narsingdi branch was held on 14.12.52 at Narsingdi idgah Maidan. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. He criticized the policy of the Govt. & also said that the League Govt. failed to solve the problems food, cloth & education etc.
Identical 163-49 P1240 & 1255
A D.I.O reports on 17.4.53 that a public meeting under the auspices of the E.P. Awami Muslim League was held on 17.4.53 at Paltan Maidan Dacca. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting in course of his speech, he referred to security prisoners, student affairs & language matters and urged upon the audience to be united if they want to get their demands redressed.
Identical 163-49 P 1294 & 1292
A D.I.O. reports on 4.5.53 that a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca on 3.5.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. He bitterly criticized the various policies of the Muslim League Govt. including the detention of the security prisoner under E.B.P.S.O. He urged upon the audience to organize a united and peaceful mass movement for bettering the condition of the masses.
Identical 163-49 P.1304
D.I.B. Mymensingh reports that a public meeting under the auspices of Awami Muslim, Bhairab was held at Bhairab, Mymensingh on 2.5.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) attended and addressed the meeting. He criticizing the Muslim League Govt. said that shameless people like Nurul Amin & Nazimuddin etc. were occupying the chair for their self-interest. He also criticized the jute & other trade policies of the Govt.

Page: 134
163-49 P. 1320
A D.I.O reports on 4.5.53 that a public meeting under the auspices of the Awami Muslim League was held on 4.5.53 at Manikgonj Dak Bungalow compound Dacca. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. In course of his speech, he criticized the policy of the Govt. specially the jute policy. He held the Govt. responsible for alleged deplorable condition of the jute growers. He also condemned the authority of the Dacca University for the expulsion of some students.
Identical 163-49 P.1356
A D.I.O reports on 8.5.53 that a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at Paltan Maidan, Dacca on 8.5.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. In course of his speech he said that Pakistan has no constitution & illegal procedures were being followed. He also referred to the firing in Karachi, Lahore & Dacca, salt & jute prices and said that Pakistan was heading towards ruins.
Identical 163-49- P. 1430
A D.I.O reports on 8.6.53 that a closed door meeting of the delegates of the Dacca district Awami Muslim League was held at the Dacca Bar Library Hall on 7.6.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting. The meeting discussed the organization matter and also selected office bearers for 1953-54.
163-49 P. 1461
A D.I.O reports on 30.6.54 that a closed door meeting of the Dacca City Awami Muslim League councillors was held on 30.6.53 at Dacca Bar Library Hall. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. He urged upon the audience to work under the guidance of Maulana Bhashani for ameliorating the condition of the poor mass.

Page: 135
163-49- P. 1467
A D.I.O. reports on 3.7.53 that the council meeting of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at Mukul Cinema Hall on 3.7.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman read out the report on the organizational affairs of the party.
Identical 163-49 P.1472
A D.I.O reports on 4.7.53 that the adjourned council meeting of the Awami Muslim League was held at Mukul Cinema Hall on 4.7.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. In course of his speech he gave stress on making the organization a non communal one.
163-49- P. 1492
A D.I.O reports on 5.7.53 that the adjourned council meeting of the Awami Muslim League was held at Mukul Cinema Hall Dacca on 5.7.53. The office bearers for the year 1953-54 were elected. Sk. Mujibur Rahman was elected as General Secy.
Identical 163-49 P.1568 & 70
A D.I.O. reports on 4.8.53 that a leaflet captioned “Kala Kanun Pratyaharer Dabite Birat Jana Sabha” was issued by Sk. Mujibar Rahman & circulated in the city.
Identical 163-49 P. 1608 & 1611
A D.I.O reports on 8.8.53 that a public meeting to observe “Anti Safety Act Day” was held on 7.8.53 at Paltan Maidan, Dacca under the auspices of the A.M.L. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned), addressed the meeting. In course of his speech Sk. Mujibar Rahman said that there was no civil liberty in Pakistan, no freedom of speech & press. He also criticized the Muslim League, & the Govt.

Page: 136
163-49 P-1629 & 1631
A D.I.O reports on 9.8.54 that a public meeting under the auspices of Awami Muslim League (Narsingdi) was held at Narsingdi Jute Patty on 8.8.53 to observe “Anti Safety Act Day”. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others mentioned addressed the meeting. In course of his Sk. Mujibar Rahman bitterly criticized the Govt. & said that the Govt. is the agent of the British. He also criticized E. Bengal Public Safety Act. etc.
identical 163-49 P. 1662
A D.I.O reports on 18.8.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) visited Narsingdi on 8.8.54 & was received by the local people at Narsingdi station.
Identical 163-49 P. 1753
A D.I.O reports on 12.9.53 that a public meeting to observe “Anti Imperialist Day” was held at Paltan Maidan on 11.9.53 under the auspices of E.P. Awami Muslim League. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) addressed the meeting. The speaker condemned the role of the Imperialists and characterized the Muslim League Govt. as history of the American Imperialists. They urged upon the audience to give a death blow to M. League.
Identical 163-49 P.1874 & 1873
A D.I.O reports on 31.10.53 that a meeting of the A.M.L. was held at Hatirdia Bazar under Manohardi P.S. Dacca on 30.10.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others mentioned addressed the meeting. In course of his speech Sk. Mujibar Rahman gave the details of the difficulties being faced by the cultivators, workers & the general people of the country & held the Govt. responsible for the same. He bitterly criticized the policy of the Govt. towards the abolition of Zamindari.
Identical 163-49 P.1903
A D.I.O reports on 19.11.53 that a closed door meeting organized by A.M.L. was held at the Dacca Mukhtear’s Library on 18.11.53. Sk.

Page: 137
Mujibar Rahman & others (mentioned) attended the meeting discussed the formation of a United Front on all party basis.
Identical 163-49 P. 1914
A D.I.O reports on 18.11.53 that Sk. Mujibar Rahman met Mr. Gholam Mohd. Khandkar Lundhkar at Ramna Rest House.
Identical 163-49 P. 2005 & 2004
A D.I.O reports on 19.11.53 that a public meeting under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held at Paltan Maidan, Dacca on 19.11.53. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others (mentioned) attended the meeting and addressed the gathering. In course of his speech Sk. Mujibar Rahman said that the Muslim League broke the ballot boxes in the Punjab & N.W.F.P. but the speaker was sure that the people in East Bengal would not allow to happen so. He further said if the Muslim League remained in power for other 5 years the name of Pakistan would be wiped out from the map of the world.
Identical Prepared by me. Sd/-10/7
36 Finger prints collected from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and 12 other
Dacca, 7 August 1954
Secret/Immediate East Bengal form No.5
Government of East Bengal OFFICE OF THE Dy. INSPR.GENL. OF POLICE
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal Dacca Memorandum No. 12758/357-48 Sec., dated Dacca the 6/8/1954.

Page: 138
To: M. Mohsin, Esqr. P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, Dacca.
In continuation of this office memo No.10601 dated 13.7.54, I forward herewith a further list of persons who are detained in the Dacca Central Jail and request you to kindly direct the officers-in-charge of P.R. work to obtain finger prints of the prisoners mentioned in the list and send to this office immediately in duplicate. The finger prints should be obtained in the manner prescribed in Rule 491 of P.R.B. 1953 Vol. I.
(Mohammed Ali) Special Supdt. of Police I.B.
Side note: Sir, Duly complied & reports enclosed. Sd/ -18.8.54
East Bengal Form No. 5301. (P.R.B. Form No. 108-Vide Rule 580.) No. 9815 IB
Finger Print Bureau.
C.I.D. OFFICE, Dacca. Date, the 23rd September 1954
To The Dy. Inspector General of Police, I.B.
Returns herewith the Finger Impression Slip of the prisoner named on the reverse, forwarded with his Memo. No 16426/ 606-48 P.F. dated 18.9.54. for the reasons noted against Point-6.
Requests that it be re-submitted without delay after the necessary action has been taken – with a new memo noting the reference of this memo. 1. The rolled impressions are so faint or blurred that no sub-classification is
possible. 2. The rolled impressions have not been taken in their proper places. 3. The plain impressions have not been taken Itaneously, nor in the place assigned
for them.

Page: 139
4. The plain impressions of the hand do not with the order of the rolled impressions of that hand. The impressions of fingers have not been duly noted. The Jail Admission Number has not been noted.
5. 6.
The name, father’s name and place of the contact’s residence have not been duly noted.
The convictions noted on the slip are in complete and wanting in the following particulars:
The previous convictions have not been entered though Section 75, I.P.G. , has
been applied to the present conviction. 10. The officers preparing and testing the slip have not signed their names. 11. The date on which and the place where the slip was prepared and tested have
not been given. 12. The slip has been submitted before the time for appeal is over. 13. The date and place of his registration and the name of the gang to which he
belongs have not been noted on the top of the slip in red ink. 14. The word ‘Identified, or Unidentified or Female as the case may be, has not
been noted. 15. The required number of slips have not been submitted.
Superintendent. Finger Print Bureau, Dacca. Superintendent of Police.
Names of the persons whose F.P. Slips are enclosed. 1) Sk. Majibar Rahman
606-48 P.F. S/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman. 2) A.H. Ashraf Ahmed
515-54 S/o Mafijuddin Ahmad 3) Abdul Halim Miyan
872-54 S/o Nakari Munshi Md Solaiman
904-54 S/o L. Jonab Ali

Page: 140

1015-54 PF
5) Zulmat Ali Khan
S/o Shamser Khan 6) Makhsuder Rahman
S/o Mvi. Matiar Rahman 7) Shahabuddin
S/o Mvi. Mahbubur Rahman 8) A.B.M. Abdul Latif
S/o L. Mvi. Abdul Mannan 9) Chand Miyan
S/o Kala Miyan 10) M. A. Awal
S/o Munshi Minnat Ali 11) Majibuddin @ Kachi
S/o Reazat Hossain 12) Kurban Ali M.L.A.
S/o L. Tamizuddin Ahmed 13) Mahbub Ali Dewan
S/o L. Dewan Muhammad Ali.
– 45-54 PF
Date of
Name with particulars.
SL. No. 1.
D.C. Jail.
Sk. Majibur Rahman s/o Sk. Lutfur Rahman of Faridpur and of Dacca. A.H. Ashraf Ahmad s/o Mafizuddin Ahmad of Dacca. Abdul Halim Mia s/o Naksi Munshi of Dacca. Ali Miyan Matabbar s/o L. Nowab Ali Matabbor of Dacca. Md. Solaiman s/o L. Janab Ali of Dacca. Zulmat Ali Khan s/o Shamser of Dacca. Nurul Haq @ Nuru Mia S/o Abdul Hakim of Dacca.
15.6.54. 17.6.54.
6. 7.
19.6.54 21.6.54 17.6.54
D.C. Jail. D.C. Jail.

Page: 141
Makhsuder Rahman s/o Mvi. Matiar Rahman of 23.6.54
Rangpur & of Dacca. 9. Shahabuddin s/o Mv. Mahbubur Rahman of 23.6.54.
Chittaging & of Dacca. 10. A.B.M. Abdul Latif s/o L. Mv. Abdul Mannan of 23.6.54.
Bakarganj and of Dacca. 11. Chand Miyan s/o Kala Mia of Dacca.
29.6.54 12. M.A. Awal s/o Munshi Minnat Ali of Tippera & 23.6.54.
of Dacca 13. Majibuddin @ Kachi s/o Reazat Hussain of
1.7.54. Dacca. 14. Kurban Ali M.L.A. s/o Late Tamizuddin Ahmad 2.7.54.
of Dacca. 15. Mahbub Ali Dewan s/o Dewan Muhamad Ali of 2.7.54.
Tippera and of Dacca. 16. Abdul Jalil Sarder s/o L. Shamsher Ali of Dacca. 17.6.54. (1). S.Pr. Abdul Jalil Sarder-transferred to Munshigonj Sub-jail on 25
(2). S.Pr Nurul Haq @ Nuru Mia-released on 8-8-54 (3). S.Pr. Ali Mia Matbar-released on 8-8-54.
Superintendent DACCA CENTRAL JAIL.
Ref: attached I have the honour to report that out of 16 Prisoners, 1 obtained the P.F. of 13 Prisoners and as regards the remaining 3 Prisoners F.P. could not be taken for the reason noted below. 1) S.L.4. Ali Mia Matber, released on. 8.8.54 2) S.L. 7. Nurul Haque, released on 8.8.54 3) S.L. 16 Abdul Jalil Sarder transferred to Munshigonj Sub Jail on 25.7.54.
Sd/ – P.R.O. Dacca Court

Page: 142
Side note: 1442 -c dt. 30.8.54
Returned to Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B. Dacca. Sd/ – 19.8, Supdt. of Police, Dacca. Forwarded K.Z. Huq, Ct. Insp. 18.8.45
No. 16426/606-48 P.F. dt. 18.9.54
Spl. Supdt. of Police, C.I.D., E. B. Dacca.
13 Finger Print Slips of the Sprs. mentioned in the enclosed list are forwarded herewith for your record.
sd 17.9.54
for D.I.G. I.B. D.S.I.
13 Finger Print Slips below may pl. be seen. The other 3 persons mentioned in the list below have since been released. We may send the F.P. Slips to C.1.D for their record. Draft for appvl. pl.
Before issue Ref. section may note this. Sd/-1.9.54
Necessary corrections were made on the F.P. slips as in verbally instructed. Now the draft may be approved. Sd/-16.9.54
Side note: T.S., Sls. 4, 7 & 16 to be omitted from the list. Sd/ – 1.9.54.
Ref. Section
Notes & orders prepage. Finger Print Slips have been sent to dist. These may pl. be noted.
0. Ghani
20.9.54. Ref: Section has nothing to note at this stage. The section will note the information after the extracts have been placed in P.Fs.
Sd/ -21.9.54
No. 9815 dt. 23.9.54 from the Supdt. Finger Print Bureau. No. 18156/606-48 P.F. dt. 12.10.54
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Copy together with 142 Finger Print Slips of the persons mentioned in the enclosed list forwarded to – for information & with the request

Page: 143
to make necessary entries in the Finger Print Slips & to send them direct to Supdt. Finger Print Bureau under intimation to this office.
Sd/-30.9.54 for D.I.G.I.B.
Side note : Pages flagged B&C (Serially to be typed pl.)
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 28th Oct. 54.
No. R.9668/70-42.
To The Superintendent Finger Print Bureau, E.B., Dacca.
I send herewith 142 Finger Print Slips of the persons mentioned in the enclosed list after making necessary entries in the Finger Print Slips, as directed by the Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca in his Memo No.18156/606-48 dated 11.10.54.
This has also reference to your No.9816 dated 23.9.54 addressed to the Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., Dacca.
Sd/ – Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Memo No. 11009/1 dt 29.10.54.
Copy forwarded to Muhammad Ali, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information with reference to his letter noted above.
Sd/-30/ Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 144


Memo with grounds of detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent from DIG, IB to Assistant Secretary, Government of East Bengal.
Assistant Secretary, Government of East Bengal sent memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail for serving detention order on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman submitted representation to the Government against his detention order.
Dacca, 16 August 1954
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca the 16.8.1954. No.13176/606-48 PF.
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of E. Bengal Home (Special) Department, Dacca.
Sub: Grounds of detention in respect of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Ref: Home (Spl.) Deptt. memorandum No. 3303/1-HS. dated 3.8.1954.
Seven copies of draft grounds for detention in respect of the subject are sent herewith as desired.
Sd/ -13.8.54 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
G.O. for continued detention of Spr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman below may pl. be seen. In concurrence with D.M. Dacca 6 months detention of the subject was recommended. But G.O. was issued for 60 days detention according to which the subject is due for release on 14.8.54.
The file has been sent to H.S. section for the preparation of addendum. Now it appears the papers under disposal that Govt. wants to have the review report by the month of October, 1954 & draft G/D at once.

Page: 145
Now in view of the fact stated above it is for order if we should sent only G/D for the present & review report in addendum afterwards as desired by Govt. Sd/ – 7.8.54
Send the G.D. immediately & review the case by the end of October. Sd/ – 9.8.54
Order above. Draft G/D. is being prepared by H.S. Section. Further recommendation of the dist. may pl. be seen below.
Copy of the G.O. may be sent to dist. for information. Draft sent for appl. pl.
0. Ghani 11.8.54.
Confidential Immediate
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch.
From: The Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 3303- H.S., dated Dacca, the 3rd August, 1954.
Subject : Detention of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, under the East Bengal Public
Safety Ordinance, 1951(East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1954 (East Bengal Act No. II of 1954).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the above subject is forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above named person and report to Government in due course.
2. A further communication regarding grounds of the order of detention of the individual will be sent to you latter.
Sd/- M.F. Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.

Page: 146
No. 3303 /1 (4) – H.S.
Copy, with a copy of the order, forwarded for information to the:1. Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Dy. Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, E.B., 3. District Magistrate, Dacca, 4. Dy. Director, Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli Lane,
(Grounds of the order of detention should be furnished to Government at
once for communication to the Security Prisoner as required).
The case should be reviewed by the Octr., 1954 and report submitted to Government).
Dacca, The 3rd August, 1954.
Sd/ – Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
for 2 only.
Secret No. 13175/606-48 P.F. dt 16.8.54.
Copy together with a copy of the G.o. forwarded to Addl. SP. D.I.B. Dacca for information.
Sd/11.8.54 DS.6 for S.S.
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch
Order. No. 3303- H.S. Dacca, the 3rd August 1954.
Whereas the person known as Sk. Mujibar Rahman, s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur, is detained in the Dacca Central Jail under Order No. 2877, H.S. dated the 12th July, 1954

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And whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of public order, it is necessary to make the following order for the purpose of continuing his detention:
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 17 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1954 (East Bengal Act No. II of 1954) the Governor is pleased to direct,
(a) that the said person shall, subject to the provisions of section 18 of the said
Ordinance as enacted and continued in operation by the said Act be detained
until further orders; (b) that subject to the provisions of clause (a) of this paragraph the said person
shall until further orders continue to be detained in the Dacca Central Jail and (c) that during such detention the said persons shall be subject to the conditions
laid down in the East Bengal Public Safety (Security Prisoners) Rules, 1951.
By order of the Governor,
M.F. Bari, Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Communication of grounds of detention under section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951(East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1954 (East Bengal Act II of 1954).
In pursuance of section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1954 (East Bengal Act II of 1954), you Sk. Majibur Rahman son of Sk. Lutfor Rahman of Tangipara P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur at present detained in the D. C. Jail under Order No 3302 H.S. dated 3.8.54 made under clause (a) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 17 of the said ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:

Page: 148
1. That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the district of Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts of East Bengal the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i. e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and that during the year 1947, (after partition) 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur, Pabna and Bakarganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim masses against the Govt. of East Bengal. For your such prejudicial activities you were made a security prisoner in April, 1949. But after your release on 27.2.52 you reverted to disruptive activities throughout East Bengal particularly in the districts of Dacca and Faridpur during 1952, 1953 and 1954 (till your arrest on 16.6.54) you along with other anti-Pakistan elements indulged in prejudicial propaganda amongst the students and Muslim masses and incited them against the Govt. on various issues with a view to subvert the govt. by creating disorder and lawlessness in the country. Furnishing of further facts and particulars than those given above would be against public interest. That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province. You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order of detention made against you and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the Superintendent of the Dacca Central Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/-M.F. Bari. Asst. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal,
Home (Special) Department.
By Special Messenger. Confidential. Immediate.
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch
From: The Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 4024-H.S., dated Dacca, the 20th August, 1954.
Ref: This Deptt. Memo. No. 3303-H.S. dated the 3rd August, 1954.

Page: 149
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith one communication in duplicate) under section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951(East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Expiring Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 1954 (East Bengal Act II of 1954) in respect of Sk. Mujibur Rahman son of Sk. Lutfar Rahman and to request you to serve the communication on the person concerned and to report Government on the action taken. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any, made by the prisoner, as soon as possible.
Sd/- M.F. Bari.
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. No. 4024-/1 (4) – H.S. Copy, with a copy of the enclosure forwarded for information to the:
1. Inspector – General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Dy. Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal. 3. District Magistrate, Dacca. 4. Dy. Director, Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli Lane, Dacca.
Sd/Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
The 20th August, 1954.
To The Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Special) Department. Through the Supdt., Central Jail, Dacca. The 12th Sept., 1954.
I have received the grounds of detention. The grounds you have shown are absolutely baseless and there is not an iota of truth in it.
I am the general secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League and also the member of the Working Committee of the All Pakistan Awami League which is a constitutional opposition party.
Yours sincerely, Sd/-Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
Security Prisoner, Dacca Central Jail.
Side note: Forwarded, Sd/- Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 150


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Vice President of Purba
Pakistan Sutakal Mazdoor Union.
Dacca, 18 August 1954
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 18th August, 1954.
No. 8337/116-49.
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 12718/346-54 Gl. dated 6.8.54.
The names of the political party controlling the Unions are given below:
V.P.- Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.)
and others.
Sd/-18.8.54. for Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
NB: Related memo in this regard is referred to Heading No-68.


The weekly Ittefaq was sent to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dacca
Central Jail but it was withheld.
Dacca, 20 August 1954
Jail informed No. 13892/606-48 P.F. (B) dt. 20.8.54, Weekly paper (Ittefaq) returned vide No. above

Page: 151
CENSOR CERTIFICATE No. 130 A (13) Date of receipt 4.8.54. Weekly Ittefaq dated 25.7.54.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist, U.T. Convict Ord.
rast, Manager “Weekly Ittefak, Dacca.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist,
SL, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, D.C. Jail, Dacca. U.T. Convict Ord.
Dacca Central Jail
a1 1158/S.B. dt. 4.8.54. C/O D.I.G., I.B.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.
D.S. 6
This is Weekly Ittefaq dt. 25.7.54. This may not be allowed to pass as at appear to be objectionable.
Sd/for DS 6 13.8.
Paper returned to Jail vide No. 14643/606-48 PF (B) dt. 26.8.54.
No. 143A (42) Date of receipt 24.8.54
Letter dated 29th Sraban, 1361 B.S.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist, Manager “Weekly Ittefak”, Dacca. U.T. Convict Ord.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist,
” Sk. Mujibar Rahman D.C. Jail, Dacca. U.T. Convict Ord.
Dacca Central Jail C/O D.I.G., I.B. +
1267/S.B. dt. 21-8-54.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.

Page: 152
This is the id. Azadi issue of the Weekly Ittefaq. The article captioned sopport” vide pages 4 & 14 may please be seen. The article criticises the Muslim League activities in Adamjee Jute Mills incidents. This should not be allowed inside the Jail.
Sd/ -24.8
Side note: SSIII May be withheld. Sd/ -25.8


Application of Abul Hossain to DIG, IB to meet security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Central Jail which was allowed
along with family members and relatives.
Dacca, 25 August 1954
Mr. Sheik Mujibor Rahman M.L.A. Security Prisoner Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
The Dy. I.G. (1.B.) Dacca.
We had a special interview of two persons with my brother Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 4.8.54. Another permission for interview was granted by your office on 24.7.54 which the jail authority have not yet arranged.
I would, therefore, request you to kindly grant a special interview to myself, Mrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Mr. Sk. Habibur Rahman (his uncle) and the children who had their interview more than a month back and who all stand in urgent need of seeking advice from Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman in connection with important domestic affairs.
Truly Yours,
Abul Hossain, 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.

Page: 153
Side note:
SSIII May be allowed today at 4 p.m. in presence an I.B. officer. Sd/ – 25.8.54 DSVI Orders above. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/ -25.8.54.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 25.8.1954.
No. 14560/606-48
Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail Dacca.
Mvi. 1. Abul Hossain. 2. Mrs. Sk. Majibur Rahman. 3. Sk. Habibur Rahman and the children of the prisoner may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman on 25.8.54, at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. officer. The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/-25.8.54 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
No. 14560/1 dt. 25.8.54. Copy forwarded to Abul Hossain for information. DS VI for D.I.G.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and wife, Abul Husain, Habibur Rahman Sk. and 3 Children at the D/C Jail on 25.8.54 for 20 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the I.B. point of view.
Sd/ – Wahed Ali SI. I.B. Dacca.

Page: 154

Application from advocate Abdus Salam Khan to DIG, IB to meet security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for consulting legal
matters and it was allowed.
Dacca, 31 August 1954
To The Deputy I.G. (I.B.) East Bengal, Dacca. 31st August, 1954.
I solicit the favour of your kindly granting me a special permission to-day to see Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to enable me to consult him on legal matters. As I shall leave for Faridpur to-morrow for relief work. Please treat this as an urgent and special case.
Truly yours,
Sd/(Abdus Salam Khan)
Side not:
The interview is granted as a spl. case (the last one was held on 25/8/54) to be held tomorrow at 15.30 hours in presence of an I.B. officer. The discussion must be confined to the case agst. spr. Sd/31.8.54. for DIG. D.S.VI Order above. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/-31.8.54.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 31.8.1954.
No. 15212/ 606-48 P.F.
Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail Dacca.

Page: 155
Mvi. Abdus Salam Khan may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman on 1.9.54. at 3.30 A.M./P.M. in presence of an I.B. officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/ -31.8.54 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
No. 15212/1 dt. 31.8.54.
Copy forwarded to Abdus Salam Khan for information. D.S.6 for D.I.G.
East Bengal Form No.49.
VISITOR’S MEMO Name Abul Hossain Address 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca. Officer with whom an interview is sought. SS III (1.B.)
For permission of interview between Mr. Abdus Salam Khan and Mr. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman.
The interview may take place tomorrow at 3-30 P.M. Sd/- Abul Hossain, 31.8.54.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S. Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate at the D/C Jail on 1.9.54 for about 25 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor while in course of talk on the criminal case agst. the S. Prisoner in connection with the local Jail incident, the advocate took a brief of the case. The S. Prisoner tried to talk on the Habius Corpus but Mr. Khan said that this was not the time of filing the same to the High Court.
Sd/ -1.9.54 Wahed Ali

Page: 156


Application from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to DIG, IB to have an interview with advocate Ataur Rahman Khan and Zahiruddin to
discuss legal matters. The petition was allowed.
Dacca, 1 September 1954
The D.I.G. I.B. East Bengal Through the Superintendent Dacca Central Jail Dated 1st Sept. 1954.
I want to have an interview with Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan of 25, Sowarighat and pleader Zahiruddin of Dacca Bar Library to discuss about my case, pending in Dacca Court.
I shall be glad if you kindly grant the special interview as soon as possible.
Yours Sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security Prisoner Central Jail, Dacca.
Side note: Forwarded. Sd/-2.9.54.
Government of East Bengal Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1406/SB dated 6.9.54.
The D.I.G of POLICE, I.B., E.B., Dacca
The petitions from the under mentioned security prisoners on the subjects noted against each are forwarded herewith for favour of disposal.

Page: 157
1. S. A. Bari A.T.
– for interview.
2. Arun Mukherjee.
3. Sk. Muzibar Rahman
4. Sultan Mahmud Mallik
5. Mumtaz Begum.
6. Ashraf Ahamed.
7. Abdul Halim Mia.
8. Abdul Awal.
– for classification. 9. Ghulam Kader Chawdhury – Representation against Order of Detention.
Sd/-N.U. Sarkar.
6.9.54. Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Perusal of the application attached. This is an application submitted by Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman who desires an interview with Mr. Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Zahiruddin Ahmad to discuss about his case.
For orders please if the interview is allowed as prayed for. Sd/-18.9
The interview may be allowed on a day fixed by the Jail authorities in presence of an I.B. officer. Sd/ -18/9
Re- orders above. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/-20.9
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1547 (2)/SB dated 24.9.54.
1. Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, 25, Swari Ghat, Dacca. 2. Mr. Zahiruddin, Pleader, Dacca Bar Library.

Page: 158
You are hereby permitted to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. Sheikh Mazibar Rahman of this Jail on 27.9.54 at 4-0 P.M. on presentation of this letter at the Jail Gate.
Sd/- N.U. Sarker,
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1547/1/SB dated 24.9.54.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca with reference to his Memo No. 16596 dated 24.9.54 for favour of deputing an I.B. Officer for the purpose.
Sd/-24.9 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road,
Dacca, the 21.9.54. No. 16596 /606-48 P.F.
To The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 1.9.54 from Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman. I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date fixed by you in presence of an I.B. officer when due.
The party and this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/-20.9.54 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.

Page: 159
The interview of the S. Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman with Ataur Rahman and Zahiruddin was held at the D/C Jail on 27.9.54 for about 17.00 to 17.50 hrs. According to the telephonic order of D.I.G. I.B. I was outside of the room where the said interview was held. It was within my sight.
Sd/-Wahed Ali S.I. 1.B. Dacca.
Side note: DS VI For perusal pl. Sd/-28.9.
SSIII Perusal. Put up in file with S. prisoner’s Rule. Sd/ -28.9


Application from Abul Hossain to DIG, IB to meet security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Central Jail and it was
allowed. Dacca, 13 September 1954
То The Dy. I.G. (1.B.) of Police, E. Bengal, Dacca. 13th Sept. 1954.
I request the favour of your kindly allowing Mrs. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mr. N. Kabir (cousin brother), Mr. Tofazzal Hussain (cousin brother) and myself to have an interview with my brother Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman today. As Mr. N. Kabir will leave for Khulna, his present place of residence, tomorrow. You are requested to grant the interview today.
Truly yours
Abul Hossain, 79, Nazira Bazar Lane,

Page: 160
Side note: Grant an interview to Mrs. Rahman & Mr. Kabir tomorrow at
10 Am. in presence of an I.B. officer. Sd/ -13.9.54.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 13.9.1954.
Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
Mvi. N. Kabir and Mrs. Sk. Majibur Rahman may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman on 14.9.54. at 10 A.M. in presence of an I.B. officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/ -13.9 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
Side note : No 15970/1 dt. 13.9.54.
Copy forwarded to Mr. Abul Hossain 79, Nazirabazar, Dacca, for information, for D.I.G.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S. Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and Mrs. Rahman, N. Kabir and 3 minor children at the D/C Jail on 14.9.54 for 20 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor when they as usual talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the I.B. point of view.
Sd/(Wahed All) S.I. I.B. Dacca.

Page: 161


Political identity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders
sent to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail from IB.
Dacca, 16 September 1954
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wiseghat Road, Dacca, the 16th Sept.’ 54. No. 16219/394-54 P.F.
To Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 1428/SB dated 8.9.54.
The political groups of the following M.L.As are shown against each of their names as desired.
1. Golam Kader Choudhury 2. Sheikh Majibur Rahman 3. Yar Muhammad Khan 4. Mr. Korban Ali
– G.D. – AML – AML
Dewan Mahboob Ali
6. 7.
Khandaker Abdul Hamid Bijoy Bhusan Chatterjee
– G.D. – C.P. – C.P.
for (Mohammed Ali) Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.

Page: 162


Petitions submitted to Ministry of Home by security prisoner
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and three others.
Dacca, 20 September 1954
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail,
Memo. No. 1517/SB., dated the 20.9.54. To The Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Special) Department, Dacca.
The petitions submitted by the following security prisoners on the subjects mentioned against each are forwarded herewith for favour of disposal. 1. Mr. M. Korban Ali,
Representation against the order of detention 2. Mr. M. Solaiman,
do 3. Mr. Sheikh Muzibur Rahman – 4. Mr. Pran Govinda Goon
Prayer for release on execution any bond addressed to the Chief Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Sd/-Illegible Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.


Application from Abul Hossain to DIG, IB to have an interview
with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 2 October 1954
Dated: 2.10.1954
To The Dy. I.G. (I.B.) of Police, E. Bengal, Dacca. Sir,
I request the favour of your kindly granting (1) Mrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (2) Mr. Sheikh Habibur Rahman (uncle) (3) Mr. Jafar Sadique

Page: 163
(maternal uncle) and (4) myself an interview with my cousin brother Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman either today or Monday, Oct. 4, 1954
It may be mentioned here that our last interview was held more than a fortnight past.
Truly yours,
Abul Hossain 79, Nazirabazar Lane, P.O. Ramna Dacca.
Sd/ – 2.10.54 Side note : SS III may be allowed in presence of an 1.B. officer on Monday the 4th
October, at 4 pm. The interview is due. Dacca. Sd/ – 2.10.54
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 2.10.1954
No. 17632/606-48.
To Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
Mvi. 1. Abul Hussain, 2. Mrs. Sk. Majibur Rahaman, 3. Sk. Habibur Rahman, 4. Jafar Sadique may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman on 4.10.54. at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. officer. The party has been informed accordingly.
For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca. Side note : No. 17632/1 dt. 2.10.54.
Copy forwarded to Mvi. Abul Hussain, 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca for information. Sd/-2.10, for D.I.G./1.B.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman, and Abul Hussain, Sadique, Mrs. Majibar Rahman and 3 minor children at the D/C Jail on 4.10.54 for 20 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in

Page: 164
which there was nothing objectionable from the 1.B. point of view. He signed two Govt. cheques.
Wahed Ali
Sl. I.B. 4.10.54.


Letter from one Shahid to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he mentioned they were conveying his message and instructions to
the people. Every individual particularly many elderly menwomen of Gopalganj offered prayer, fasting and vowed for his
release on the date of his case. The letter was withheld.
Gopalganj, 8 October 1954
জনাব ভাইজান,
পত্রে আমার ছালাম নিবেন। ১২-“ক” হওয়ার ১২ দিন পর ঢাকা থেকে গােপালগঞ্জ আসি। এসেই সব ব্যাপারে জনসাধারণকে আপনার বক্তব্য আপনার এলাকার জনসাধারণকে জানাই। এখানকার “জনমত” আপনাকে ২ খানা চিঠি লিখে জানাই। কিন্তু দুর্ভাগ্য আমার যশােহর বাসী হয়ার দরুনই বােধ হয় একখানার উত্তর আজ আমি পাইনি। যাই হােক। আপনার প্রদত্ত “বাণী ও কর্তব্য নিয়েই প্রতিটি মুহুর্ভে প্রতিটি মানুষের কাছে পৌছে দেবার কাজেই আছি। আপনার রাজা মিয়ার কাছে লিখিত চিঠির কথা মানুষের কাছে পৌছে দিচ্ছি। অনেকে কাঁদে, অনেকে দুঃখ করে আর আমাদের অপবাদ দেয় বলে তােমরা কেন। “তাঁকে জেলে রেখে চুপ করে বাইরে আছ। গােপালগঞ্জের মানুষ প্রতিটি মুহুর্ভে তাঁরা ফরিয়াদ জানায় আল্লার কাছে তাদের প্রিয় নেতার জন্য। কত বৃদ্ধ-বৃদ্ধা আলুর দরগায়, রােজানামাজ মানত করে আপনার মামলার তারিখে। কিন্তু পথ কি? পথতঃ আমাদের বহু পরিচিত। কিন্তু সেটা কবে? কবে পাব সে পথের ইংগিত? রহমত গােপালগঞ্জ আছে। পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি কোরছে। জালাল ভাই আজ ৩/৪ এখানে এসেছে। আগামী কাল ঢাকা যাবে। গােপালগঞ্জ আপনার President Group ও Secretary Group এর মধ্যে মন কষাকসি চোলছে। দেয়া কোরবেন।
ইতি আপনার সহিদ।
লাল মিয়া, লুলু এবং হরিদাস পুঃ ব্রাদার্স গত স্কুলের ইলেকশনে লাঠি নিয়ে আমাদের সবাইকে মারতে এসেছিল এবং মেরেছিল। রতন মিয়া ভিতরে ভিতরে ওদের সঙ্গেই ছিল।

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TO Jonab Shaikh Mujibur Rahman Sb. (Ex-Minister) G. Secy. E.P.A.L. Security Prisoner Dacca Central Jail Dacca.
Jail informed vide No. 19542/606-48 (B) dt. 1.4.54.
No. 179 A (37) Date of receipt 18.X.54.
Letter dated 8.10.54
S. Prisoner, Terrorist : U.T. Conviet, Ord, Shahid, Gopalganj, Faridpur. :
S. Prisoner, Terrorist Sk. Muiibur Rahman. D.C. Jail, Dacca U.T. Convict, Ord.
Memo · Dacca Central Jail
” 1696/SB dt. 14.x.54. C/O D.I.G., I.B.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.
The letter may kindly be perused. It contains matters not restricted to private & domestic rather politics, though not objectionable. This may not be allowed to pass.
Sd/-S… 17//s4. SSIII May be withheld.
Sd/ -19.10

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IB Inspector had an interview with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at
Dacca Central Jail in order to send review report on his case along with interview report to the government. IB officer found his attitude firm and unchanged. He denied any conditional release as
usual. Further 6 months detention was recommended.
Dacca, 12 October 1954
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 11th 12th Oct.54.
No. 10361/100-49.
To A. Hussain. Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Reference your No.13175/606-48 dated 16.8.54.
Kindly refer to Govt. Memorandum No.3303-H.S. dated 3.8.54 in which the Govt. wants that case of Sc. Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman should be reviewed by the October, 1954, and send us a copy of interview report I.B. Officer, so as to enable us to send our review report on the case of the subject (Sk. Mujibur Rahman)
Sd/ -12.10.54
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police.
D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref. file No. 606-48 P.F.
I interviewed Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman in the Dacca Central Jail this day on 18.x.54. During the interview he denied his connection with any political party other than except the A.M.L. He gave out that he was a follower of Mr. Suhrawardy and believed in democracy alone. He did not like to say anything about the promulgation of section 92/A in E.B. on the plea that it was a very painful matter to him as it

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turned him into a prisoner from a Minister, overnight. His attitude was found to be firm and unchanged. He was against conditional release.
Submitted Sd/-18/x. Inspr. 1B
Secret Express
No. 18580/606-48 PF dt. 19.10.54.
Copy fodd. to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information and w/a. with ref. to his No. 10361 dt 12.10.54 with the request to send review report on the case of the subject immediately.
Sd/ -18.10.54. D.S.6 for S.S.III.
Secret Express
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca Dated, the 27th 28th October, 1954. No. 10929 R. 9913/100-49 P.F.
To A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your Office letter No.18580/606-48 P.F., dated 19.10.54 regarding
review report on Security Prisoner, Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.) Ex- Minister.
An I.B. Officer interviewed the subject (Sk. Mujibar Rahman) in the Dacca Central Jail on 18.10.54. He denied connection with any political organisation other than A.M.L. He gave out that he was the follower of Mr. Suhrawardy and believed in democracy alone. He did not like to say anything

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about the imposition of Sec. 92 A in East Bengal. His attitude was found to be firm and unchanged. He was against conditional release. He is a great troubleshooter.
In view of the above it appears that he is full of potentialities for committing mischief. His detention for a further period of 6 months is considered essential and recommended for public safety.
Opinion of the District Magistrate, Dacca is as follows: “I agree.”
Sd/- (S. Rahman) Addl. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Application from Sheikh Lutfor Rahman to DIG, IB to meet his
son Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and it was allowed.
Dacca, 13 October 1954
The Dy. I.G. of Police (I.B.), E. Bengal, Dacca. 13.10.54.
I request the favour of your kindly granting me a special interview with my son Sheikh Mujibur Rahman today or tomorrow, as I will go back to my village home (Gopalganj, Faridpur) very soon from where i came yesterday to attend his case.
Truly yours, Sheikh Lutfar Rahman 79, Nazira Bazar Lane,
P.O. Ramna, DACCA. Dated Dacca 13.10.54
Side note: Interview permitted as a spl. case. Sd/ 13.10.
on 14.x.54 at 10 A.M. D.S. VI. Orders above. Draft below for approval pl. Sd/ 13.10.54

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Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road,
Dated, Dacca, the 13.10.1954.
Dr. N.U. Sarkar.,
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail,
Mvi. Sheikh Lutfur Rahman may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman on 14.10.54.
at 10 A.M. in presence of an I.B. officer as spl. case.

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The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/ – A. Hafiz. For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
East Bengal, Dacca.
No. 18253/1 dt. 13/10/54.
Copy forwarded to Sheikh Lutfur Rahman for information, (79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca).
Sd/-13.10 for D.I.G./ I.B.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the Spr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and Lutfor Rahman and 2 minor children at the DIC Jail on 14.10.54 for 20 minutes in presence of A. Matin on behalf of Addl. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the I.B. point of view.
Sd/ -14.10.54. Wahed Ali
S.I. I.B.


Application from Abul Hossain to DIG, IB to meet Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman at Dacca Central Jail and it was allowed.
Dacca, 19 October 1954
To The Dy. I.G. of Police (1.B.) E. Bengal, Dacca. 19th October, 1954.
I request the favour of your kindly granting Mrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Mr. Sk. Md. Ali (brother-in-law), Mr. Jafar Sadiq (maternal

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uncle), Mr. Sk. Habibur Rahman (uncle) and myself an interview with Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman tomorrow or day after tomorrow. It may be mentioned here that our last interview was held on 4.10.54 and a special interview of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman with his father alone was held about a week ago.
Yours truly,
Abul Hossain, 79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca.
Side note: SSIII The interview may be allowed on 20.10.54 at 4 p.m. Sd/
19.10.54. D.S.6 Order above. Draft for Sd/ – 19.10.54
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 19.10.54.
No. 18573/606-48 P.F. To The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 19.10.54 from Abul Hussain, I am to state that the interview may be allowed on 20.10.54 at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/-19.X.54 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
By Special Messenger. No. 18573/1 dt. 19.10.54.
Copy forwarded to Mvi. Abul Hussain, 79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca. for information. Sd/-19.X. for D.I.G.I.B.

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As ordered I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his wife, A. Husain, Sk. Habibur Rahman, Sk. Mohammad Ali and 3 children at the DIC Jail on 20.10.54 for 20 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the I.B. point of view.
Sd/ – 20.10.54. S.I. I.B. Dacca.


Application of Abul Hossain to DIG, IB to meet Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Permission for interview along with other relatives
Dacca, 30 October 1954
Ref. … Dated .. . …. 195
To The Dy. I.G. of Police (1.B.), E. Bengal. Dacca. 30.10.54.
I request the favour of your kindly allowing Mrs. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mr. Jafar Sadeq (maternal uncle), Mr. Sheikh Md. Ali (brotherin-law), Mr. Md. Elias (nephew) and myself to have an interview with Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman today in view of our being very anxious to learn of his attack of rheumatism in one of the legs. It may be mentioned that our last interview took place on 20.10.54.
Yours Truly,
Abul Hossain, 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
Side note : SS 11 The interview is due & may be allowed to-morrow at 10 am.

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Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 30th Oct., 1954.
No. 19456/606-48 To Dr. N.U. Sarkar. Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, DACCA.
Mvi. 1. Abul Hossain, 2. Mrs. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 3. Mr. Jafar Sadiq 4. Mr. Sheikh Md. Ali 5. Mr. Md. Elias may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 31.10.54 at 10 A.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer. The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/-30.10 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca. No. 19456/1 dt. 30.10.54.
Copy forwarded to Mvi. Abul Hossain for information
Sd/-30.10 For D.I.G. I.B.E.B. Dacca.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S. Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and his wife, A. Husain, Sk. Mohammad Ali, and 3 minor children at the D/C Jail on 31.10.54 for about 25 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in there was nothing objectionable from the l.B. point of view.
S.I. I.B. 1.11.54.

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Application from Abul Hossain on behalf of parents of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman to DIG, IB for allowing them to meet him at Dacca Central Jail. Simultaneously Fazilatunessa also applied to DIG, IB to have an interview with her husband Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with his mother and 3 minor children. Both
petitions were allowed.
Dacca, 1 November 1954
Dated : … … 195
The Dy. I.G. of Police (1.B.), E. Bengal. Dacca. 1.11.54.
I request the favour of your kindly granting a special interview to the parents of Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman- Mr. and Mrs. Sheikh Lutfor Rahman with their son Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman today. They have come here from their village home in the Gopalgonj Sub-division to see their son who is reported to be suffering from rheumatism.
Yours Truly, Abul Hossain
1.11.54 79, Nazira Bazar Lane,
Side note: SSII May be allowed as a Special Case today at 4 P.M. Sd/1.11.54
Allowed Sd/ – 1.11.54
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 1-11-1954.
No. 19561/ 606-48 PF.

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To Dr. N.U. Sarkar., Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, DACCA.
Mr. & Mrs. Sk. Lutfar Rahman may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 1.11.54 at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer as special case.
The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/ -1/XI/s4 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
No. 19561-1/606-48 PF. dt. 1.11.54
Copy forwarded to Mr. Lutfar Rahman for information For D.I.G.I.B.
As ordered l attended the interview held between the S. Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and his parents and 2 minor children at the D/C Jail on 1.11.54 for 20 minutes in presence of Addl. Jailor when they talked on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the I.B. point of view.
Sd/ -1.11.54.
S.I. I.B.
The D.I.G, Intelligence Branch, Dacca.
My husband Mvi. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman M.L.A who is detained in the Dacca Central Jail as a security prisoner, has been suffering from an attack of rheumatism for some time, it is understood. Moreover, I urgently need his advice on some family affairs.

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I shall deem it a great favour if you kindly grant me a special permission to see him immediately. 1. Ilias Ahmed Chowdhury
N/o (S.M. Rahman)
2. Sheikh Ali Mian
(B/O )
Dated, Dacca, The 12th Nov. 54.
Yours faithfully
Fazilatunnessa. W/o Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Side note: SSII The last interview was held on 4.11.54 as a special case. The last
ordinary interview was held on 14.10.54. May be allowed as an ordinary case on 11.11.54 at 4 pm. Sd/-10.11.

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Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 10th Nov, 1954.
No. 20246/606-48 P.F.
Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, DACCA.
1. Mrs. Fazilatunnessa 2. Ilias Ahmad Chawdhury 3. Sheikh Ali Mian may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Shaikh Mujibur Rahman on 11.11.54 at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
East Bengal, Dacca.
Received One Copy. Sd/ 10.11.54
No. 20246/1 dt. 10.11.54. Copy forwarded to Mrs. Fazilatunnesa for information
Sd/-10.11. for D.I.G. I.B.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and Fazilatunnesa, llias Ahmed Chaudhuri, Sk. Mahammad Ali, and 3 children (minor) at the D/C Jail on 11.11.54 for about 20 minutes in presence of A. Matin, clerk on behalf of Addl. Jailor. They talked on domestic and personal affairs. There was nothing objectionable in the talk from the I.B. point of view.
Sd/ -11.11.54.
S.I. I.B.

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Application from advocate Ataur Rahman Khan to DIG, IB to have an interview with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central
Jail. Permission was given.
Dacca, 2 November 1954
Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate Member, East Bengal Legislative Assembly
Phone No. 3984 25, SWARIGHAT.
DACCA Dated 2.11.1954
To The DIG (IB) East Bengal. Dacca.
I shall be obliged if you kindly make an arrangement for my interview with Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Security Prisoner, Dacca Central Jail, in connection with his case.
The date may be fixed for tomorrow in the afternoon.
Yours truly Ataur Rahman Khan.
Side note : Interview permitted. Sd/-3.11
Tomorrow at 4 p.m. The party informed through Mr. Abul Hussain, the bearer of the letter. Sd/-3.11
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 3. 11. 1954.
No. 19776/606-48 PF. To Dr. N.U. Sarkar., Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, DACCA.

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Mvi. Ataur Rahman Khan may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman on 4.11.54 at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/-3.11.54 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
East Bengal, Dacca.
As ordered I had been to the DIC Jail on 4.11.54 to attend the interview of the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman with Advocate, Ataur Rahman Khan but I could not attend the interview as both of them objected my presence there saying that they will talk on some case concern. So I was outside of the room according to the verbal instruction of D.S. VI.
Wahed Ali S.I. 6.11.54.


Weekly confidential report on the rumor at Gopalganj town that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s acquittal from all cases and inclusion
in East Bengal Cabinet.
Faridpur, 13 November 1954
Faridpur D.I.B. W.C.R for w. e. 13-11-54
Part II
17 Misc
(c) D.I.B. S.I., Gopalganj reports on 6.11.54 that there is a strong rumour at Gopalganj town that Sk. Mujibur Rahman, late a Minister of the dismissed U.F. Cabinet will be honourably acquitted of all charges pending against him and will also be taken in as a minister in the East Bengal Cabinet which is expected to be formed soon.

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Fazilatunessa applied to DIG, IB to meet her husband security
prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 29 November 1954
To The D.I.G. I.B.E.B. 7, Wise Ghat Dacca.
I have the honour to state that I accompanied with my mother-inlaw and my children wish to have an interview with my husband Janab Sk. Majibur Rahman Ex. minister U.F. detained in the Dacca Central Jail as security prisoner.
Hope you will do the needful and oblige.
Yours faithfully
Fazilatun nessa 79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca.
Side note : SSII The interview is due. Sd/-29.11
Permitted if due. Sd/ -29.11
(Children) Hasina Begum –
Kamaluddin Ahamed –
3. 4. 5.
Jamaluddin ” Shaikh Mohamed Ali – Habibar Rahaman.
2 22 40

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Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dated, Dacca, the 29th Nov, 1954.
No. 21395/606-48 P.F. To Dr. N.U. Sarkar., Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, DACCA.
Mvi. Spr. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman may be allowed to have an interview with his mother, wife, three minor children, Shaikh Mohammad Ali & Habibar Rahman on 29.11.54 at 4-30 P.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
No. 21395/1 dt. 29.11.54
Copy forwarded to Mrs. Fazilatunnesa for information.
Sd/ -29.11. for D.I.G.I.B. E.B.
Side note: D.S.6, Perusal pl. orders below. If the interview is allowed, draft &
fair copies placed herewith may kindly be signed.
As ordered I attended the interview held between the S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and mother, uncle, wife, brother-in-law and 3 minor children at the D/C Jail on 29.11.54 for about 20 minutes in presence of A. Matin, clerk on behalf of Addl. Jailor. They talked as usual on domestic and personal affairs in which there was nothing objectionable from the l.B. point of view.
Wahed Ali
SI. I.B. 30.11.54.

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Interview report of IB officer with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dacca Central Jail. His personal description also attached.
Dacca, 3 December 1954
Ref. File No. 606/48 P.F. (B).
I interviewed S. Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman in the D.C. Jail this day on 2.12.54.
During conversation, he admitted his connection with the A.M.L. only and with no other political party. He added that after release he may start an Anti-Communist Campaign.
Though he was found to be frank and changing, he was against conditional release. His D.R. with particulars is enclosed.
Submitted. Sd/-3.12.54.
Inspr. I.B.
1. NAME- Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
alias, pet or nickname among relations, friends or women. 2. Age (if looks it, or older, or younger) – 34 years (Born-About 1920) 3. Professions or callings (Past, present and possible) – Zamindari. 4. Height (in feet and inches when possible, otherwise, tall, short, medium) – 5′
10.5″ inches
5. Build (stout, thin, erect, stooping) – Strong & stout. 6. Head (round, oval, square) – Oval. 7. Hair (colour, quantity, parting, cut) – Dark & back brushed. 8. Forehead (high, low, straight, receding, protruding) – Broad & high. 9. Eye-brows (colour, thick, thin, shape) – Dark & thin.

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10. Eyes (colour, large, small, peculiarities) – Dark & medium. 11. Sight (long, short, wearing glasses, pince-nez or spectacles) – Long sight
defective wears glasses. 12. Ears, (large, small, close to head, protruding with long or short lobe, if pierced)
– Medium, with small lobes. 13. Nose (large, small, Jewish, turned up) – Pointed & prominent. 14. Mouth (open, close, shut, wide shows teeth) – Open, shows teeth. 15. Lips (thick, thin, protruding, receding) – Rather thick. 16. Teeth (clean, discoloured, protruding, regular, irregular, if any false specially in
front) – Regular, bear smoke spots. 17. Fingers (long, short, nails, any peculiarities, rings or ring marks, on which
finger) – long with – long nails. 18. Chin (round, pointed, square, turned up) – Square but deep at the middle. 19. Face (long, round, smiling, scowling, wrinkled, pitted) – long. 20. Complexion (fair, dark, medium) – Medium. 21. Moustache (colour, turned up, etc,) – Dark & thick. 22. Beard (colour, thick, thin, style) – Shaved. 23. Dialect (Bengali if East, West or North Bengal or any- other Language) –
Bengali (Faridpur). 24. Marks, warts, pimples, birth-marks, freckles, tattoo-marks, scars about the
face, neck, hands, arms or person – One mole on the rt. cheek & pimple
marks on the face. 25. Peculiarities of manner, habit (smoking, eating, drinking), appearance, gait,
speech, voice or accomplishments, mental or physical, or defects age weak
knees or ankles, etc. – 26. Companionship – 27. Dress – Pyjama, Lungi etc.
Note: The value of the ear as a feature for identification lies not only in its great variations, but to the fact that it can be closely examined from behind a man’s back without his being conscious of being watched. An officer taking down a description should ascertain the minutest facts on marks, peculiarities, etc. The smallest thing may lead to detection. The essential is to give characteristics, which cannot be changed, removed or

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dyed. Everyone is proficient in something physical or mental or has a favourite habit, a weak side, a partiality in food, drink, smoke, conversation, companionship, amusement. This should be ascertained particularly. The words in brackets will be found to be of particular help to officers,
when cross-examining persons able to give descriptions. 1. Name with full particulars
Sk. Mujibar Rahman slo. Sk. Lutfar Rahman
of Tangipara, Gopalgonj, Faridpur. 2. Party affiliation- A.M.L. 3. Blood relationship with any other security prisoners or suspects4. Personal description as per appendix X of P.R.B.- Enclosed.


Application from Akhtar Sulaiman (daughter of H.S. Suhrawardy) to DIG, IB to meet Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail.
Application was granted and she met Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. They discussed political situation of East Bengal, illness of H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, reason for detaining him etc. She wanted to speak with him separately which was not
Dacca, 10 December 1954
C/O Grahams Trading Co.
Dear Sir,
I would be very much obliged if you could let me see Mr. Mujibur Rahman M.L.A. who is now in Jail. As I am leaving for Karachi today at 4-40 p.m. so I hope you will not say no to my request. Thank you.
Yours Sincerely (Mrs.) Akhtar Sulaiman.

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Side note : Permitted. Issue written permit, & the applicant & her child. Sd/
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 11.12.1954
No. 21959/606-48 PF To Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Supdt. of Dacca Cl. Jail, Dacca.
Mrs. Akhtar Solaiman & her child may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman on 10.11.54 at 11 A.M in presence of an I.B. Officer The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/-9.12.54 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
I.B. East Bengal, Dacca. No. 21959/1/1 dt. 10.12.54
Copy forwarded to Mrs. Akhtar Solaiman for information
Sd -9.12 for D.I.G.I.B.
As ordered, I attended the interview between Spr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mrs. Solaiman (daughter of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy) and her minor child at Dacca Central Jail on 10.12.54 A.M. It was conducted by Addl. Jailor D.C. jail.
in course of the conversation, she enquired about the Security Prisoner’s health and the reasons of his arrest. He said that he had got slight lungs trouble and gout. He added that he was detained in jail on a

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false charge of rioting. He intended to take legal help of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy in his case. He was shown a telegram by her in which doctor’s remark about Mr. Suhrawardy’s physical fitness and warning not to get overworked was written. She gave out that she was going to Karachi to meet her father and apprise the G.G. of the political situation of E.B. as desired by H.E. the G.G. of Pakistan. So, she thought it wise to meet the security prisoner. He requested her to convey to Mr. Suhrawardy that it would be beneath the dignity of Mr. Suhrawardy to join the Central Cabinet where the present H.P.M was. He assured her that the A.M.L. was in majority here in spite of some black sheep in it. He further asked her to get his release including other Spr’s. & the P.A. of Ex H.C.M. E.B. which was easy for the G.G. to do. Then he would go to Karachi and submit a correct report on the political situation in E.B. She blamed Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq for his previous statements and hinted that it would be helpful if Mr. Suhrawardy did come to East Bengal and gradually fight out his way to the centre through election. He (Mujibur Rahman) replied that the A.M.L. is behind him and he approved of the idea of his coming to E.B. He was all praise for Mr. Suhrawardy & claimed him as his father and leader. He also told that he had full faith and confidence in H.E. the G.G. of Pakistan.
Referring to the visit of Mowlana A.H. Khan Bhasani to Berlin, she said that Mr. Suhrawardy had expressed his displeasure of Moulana’s association with K.M. Illias. The pointed out that Moulana was a regular Namazi (prayer-goer) and he went there just for sightseeing. He added that it was pity that others went there but none was dubbed a communist like him. He criticised the statement of H.M. Maj. Gl. Iskander Mirza with reference to Moulana Bhasani’s political creed. She said that it was time now to check, H. M. Maj. Gl. Iskander Mirza. She said emotionally that justice of Govt. would follow very soon.
She wanted to speak secretly to the security prisoner & by removing me & the Addl. Jailor. I did not allow it.
Two gentlemen of Norwitch ins. Company, Dacca, and Graham Trading Co. Dacca who accompanied her in a car up to the jail also tried to speak to the Spr. It was also not allowed.

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After the interview, I was requested to show her the house of Mr. Taher, Urdu reporter, at Dhalkanagar, P.S. Sutrapur. He is her relative.
The security prisoner addressed her as sister. She thanked D.I.G.I.B. through me for his prompt help & good dealings to her in connection with the interview affair.
I reported verbally to SSI after the interview
M.O.S. S.N. Mahmud of. I.B-E.B. Dacca.
Side note: Seen & shown to D.I.G. Sd/ – 11.11.54


Letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from ex-security prisoner Matiur Rahman of Gaibandha stating party matters and famine
condition in Gaibandha.
Gaibandha, 10 December 1954
Jail informed vide No. 22177/606-48 (B) dt.14.12.52
No. 222 A (14) date of receipt 10.12.54
Letter dated : 3.12.
: Matiar Rahman, Gaibandha.
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman, D,C Jail.
: 2103/S.B. dt. 8-12-54
Remarks of Censor Officer

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D.S.VI Perusal of the letter please. The content of the whole letter is party matter and politics. This may not pass. Sd/ – 11.12
Side note: Withheld Sd/ -11.12
মতিয়ার রহমান, গাইবান্ধা
৩/১২ প্রিয় মুজিব ভাই,
এর পূৰ্ব্বে আপনাকে একখানা পত্র লিখিয়াছি, বােধ হয় পাইয়া থাকিবেন। পত্রিকা মারফত আপনার অসুস্থতার সংবাদে জনসাধারন, কৰ্ম্ম মর্মাহত। আল্লার কাছে আপনার নিরােগ এবং দীর্ঘায়ুর প্রার্থনা করি।
আপনাকে জামিন মঞ্জুর করায় অত্যন্ত খুশী হইয়াছি। …(overlaid with black ink)
পত্রিকায় বােধহয় দেখিয়াছেন আওয়ামী লীগ পুনঃ গঠন করিতে হইবে। আগামী মাঘ মাসের মধ্যে ইউনিয়ন আওয়ামী লীগের পুনঃ গঠন কাজ শেষ করিতে হইবে। কিন্তু কর্মীদের মত আপনি বাহিরে না আসা পর্যন্ত এ ব্যাপারে হাত দেয়া উচিত নয়। আপনার মতামত এ ব্যাপারে জানাইলে খুশী হইব।।
গ্রামের নিভৃত কোন হইতে বন্দী মুক্তির দাবী দিন দিন জোড়দার হইতেছে। জনসাধারণ বিরাট ভাবে চিন্তা ভাবনা করিতেছে প্রদেশে যখন শান্তি পুরাদমে বিরাজমান। তখন পালামেন্টারী শাসন কেন প্রবর্ভন হয় না এবং কেন বিনা-বিচারে রাজবন্দীদের আটক রাখিয়া তাহাদের এবং তাহাদের পরিবারদের-কষ্ট দেত্মা হইতেছে।
গাইবান্দা মহকুমায় বিরাট অর্থ সংকট দেখা দিয়াছে। জনসাধারণ অর্ধাহারে অনাহারে দিন কাটাইতেছে। চাউলের সের IN. ক্রয় করিবার ক্ষমতা জনসাধারনের নাই। নিত্য প্রয়ােজনীয় দ্রব্যের মূল্য খুবই বেশী। পাটের দাম মােটেই নাই।।
আমি রাজশাহী জেল হইতে ছাড়া পাইয়া অসুখে পড়ি। বৰ্ত্তমানে ভাল। দারুন আর্থিক সংকটে দিন কাটাইতেছি।
ইতি মতিয়ার রহমান।

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আজিজার খন্দকার এম.এল.এ, আব্দুর রহমান, মতিয়ার, ছােবহান, মালেক, প্রভৃতি রাজশাহী জেলে আছে। আগামীতে মহকুমা আম্মামী লীগ কর্মিদের সভার ব্যবস্থা করিতেছি, আমি একরুপ।
আগামীতে আপনার এবং অন্যান্য রাজবন্দীর কুশল জানাইলাম। সমস্ত রাজবন্দীদের আমার আদাব জানাবেন।
আপনার মতি।
কন্তু কুখ্যাত নিরাপত্তা আইনের আপনাকে আটক রাখায় আমরা দুঃখীত।

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Sk. Mujibur Rahman M.L.A Secy. Provincial Awami Muslim League & Ex-Minister (Security Prisoner) Dacca Central Jail DACCA


Application of Abul Hossain to meet Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with his relatives at Dacca Central Jail. Permission for
interview was granted.
Dacca, 14 December 1954
TO The Dy. I.G (I.B.) of Police, E-Bengal Dacca. 14th Dec., 1954
I request the favour of your kindly allowing Mrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Hasina (6 yrs) (daughter), Mr. Eliasuddin Ahmed (Nephew),

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Mr. Mir Ashrafuddin Ahmed (Nephew), Mr. Eunusur Rahman (cousin brother) and myself to see Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman today, who is a security prisoner in the Dacca Central Jail.
It may be mentioned that our last interview was held on 30.11.54.
Yours Truly,
Abul Hossain 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 14th Dec.1954. No. 22228/606-48 P.F
To Dr. N.U. Sarkar, Supdt. of Dacca Cl. Jail, Dacca.
1. Mvi./ Abul Husain, 2. Mrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, 3. Mvi. Elias Uddin Ahmad, 4. Mvi. Mr. Ashrafuddin Ahmad, 5. Mvi. Eunusur Rahman, may be allowed to have an interview with security prisoner Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 15.12.54. at 4 P.M. in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party has been informed accordingly
Sd/ – 14.12 For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
No. 22228/1/dt. 14.12.54.
Copy forwarded to Mvi. Abul Husain 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -14.12 for D.I.G. 1.B.E.B.
R.S.I Informed S.I. K.G. Sobhani at the D.C. Jail over phone to attend the interview. Sd/ -15.12

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As ordered I attended the party interview held between S. Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Abul Hossain, Mvi. Ashrafuddin Ahmed and Eunusur Rahman in D.C. Jail on 15.12.54 between 16.00 hrs. to 16.30 hrs. The discussions were confined to purely domestic affairs & personal matters. Nothing was consulted on the l.B. point of view.
Sd/-S….B. 15.12.54.


Release order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on compassionate ground to see his ailing father. He was released on 18 December 1954 from Dacca Central Jail. His friends and admirers received
him at the jail gate and then proceeded with a procession to Victoria Park. Later he left for Faridpur to see his ailing father.
Dacca, 18 December 1954
Secret (By Special Messenger)
Home (Political) Department.
No. 145/ DS (P)/54 Dated, Dacca the 19th December, 1954.
From : Altaf Gauhar, Esqr., C.S.P., Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal.
: The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
I am directed to say that Government have considered the petition submitted by Mr. Abul Hossain on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, security prisoner and have on compassionate grounds decided to release the detenue to enable him to see his father who is reported to be seriously ill.

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2. I am to instruct that the security prisoner should be released immediately on receipt of this order.
Your obedient servant,
Memo. No. 145(1)/DS (P)/54 dated. 18.12.54.
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca for information.
Sd/-18.12 (Altaf Gauhar) Deputy Secretary
Side note: Received the order for release of S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman at 7-35
p.m. Sd/ – Addl. Jailor , D.C. Jail, 18.12.54.
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 2204/ SB dated 20-12-54. To
The Assistant Secretary to the Government of East Bengal, Home (Spl.) Department, Dacca.
Ref: Memo No. 145/DS(P)/54 dated 18-12-54, of the office of the Deputy
secretary to the Government of East Bengal, Home (Political) Deptt.
Sub: Release of security prisoner Mr. Sheikh Muzibur Rahman.
Mr. Sheikh Muzibur Rahman – security prisoner of this jail was released on 18-12-54 under Government order No. 145/DS (P)/ 54 dated 18-12-54.
Sd/N.U. Sarker,
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

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Memo No.2204/1(3) SB dated 20-12-54.
Copy forwarded for information to:1. The Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal. 2. The D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. 3. The ADDL. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Sd/-20.12.54 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
D.S.I/Zonal Inspector
On 18.12.54 at about 18.30 hrs. the Security Prisoner Sheikh Muzibar Rahman M.L.A and Ex-Minister of deposed Fazlul Haque Cabinet E.B. was released from the Dacca Central jail and he was received at the jail gate by about 15 persons said to be the friends and admirers of Mr. Rahman from the jail gate. Sk. Muzibar Rahman was taken in a procession to his quarters at Nazira Bazar Lane via Bangshal Road. After a short stay in his quarters he started for Victoria Park to have a taxi with view to go to Faridpur via Narayanganj & Barisal to see his ailing father there. This time also he was followed by a procession of about 50 persons up to Victoria Park who shouted slogans as follows: –
(1) Pakistan Zindabad. (2) Jukta Front Zindabad. (3) Haque – Bashani Zindabad. (4) Sk. Muzibar Zindabad etc.
Submitted Sd/- S.. 20.12.54
Side note : SS-II may kindly see for D.R. Sd/ -20.12.54

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Dacca D.I.B.W.C.R for w.e. 18.12.54
(iii) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.), Ex-Minister, E.B. was released from the Dacca Central Jail on 18.12.54 at about 20.30 hrs. About 40 persons garlanded him at the jail gate and proceeded with him in a procession through Bangshall Road, Kazi Alauddin Road, Nowabpur Rd. and reached Victoria Park at about 21.00 hrs. He then left for Narayanganj in a taxi enroute to his native village in Faridpur district. The processionists shouted the following slogans:
Sk. Mujibur Rahman Zindabad, Jukta Front Zindabad, Haq Bhashani Zindabad.


Reception in honour of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Gopalganj after release from Dacca Central Jail as security prisoner. In the
reception meeting local AML leaders spoke on the life of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In course of his speech Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said he was kept in jail after the promulgation of section 92-A rule in East Bengal. He firmly declared that he was ready to remain in jail for the whole life if necessary for fulfilling 21-point demands of EPAML. He also requested students to pursue studies, people to rally under AML banner and minority communities not to migrate
to India.
Gopalganj, 22 December 1954
Copy of report of O/C, Gopalganj P.S. dt. 22.12.54.
Proceedings of the reception organised by the Awami League on the 21st December, 1954 at Town Ground, Gopalganj.
Audience- About 3500 of which 2/3 hundred Hindus both Scheduled and caste Hindus.
2. Date and place – 21.12.54- Gopalganj Town Maidan. 3. President – Mr. Kazi Muzaffar Hussain, B.L., Pleader, Gopalganj. 4. Time – 15.00 hrs. to 16.30 hrs.

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5. The meeting started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Mvi. Shamsul Huda, Imam of Court Mosque.
The following persons delivered speeches in the meeting: – 1. Sardar Rahmatjan – (I.A. Examinee) of Balakair, PS Gopalganj 2. Sahidul Haq Khan @ Shahidul Islam, s/o. Shamsuddin of Bagudanga, PS Kalia,
Jessore and of Gopalganj Town. 3. Abdur Razzak Khan @ Raja Miyan, Mukhtear, Gopalganj Town. 4. Bazlur Rahman, Student 15 year of Q.A.M. College, Gopalganj.
They all spoke on the life of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. They all delivered speeches that Sk. Mujibur Rahman has been taking from his boyhood active part in politics and always for the welfare of the poor people. They also spoke as to what services were rendered by Mujibur Rahman during the last Adamjee Jute Mill incident and also addressed the mass that the case against Mujibur Rahman at Jail gate incident is false. They did not like to say anything more on the subject.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, spoke that he was released from Central Jail, Dacca. He said that he was kept in jail after the promulgation of Section 92-A rule in East Bengal. He also said that the case against him which started due to the incident at jail gate, Dacca, is false. He did not like to say anything more in this respect at this stage. He requested the mass to become the members of the Awami Muslim League. He is ready to remain in jail for the whole life if necessary for fulfilling 21-poins (demands of E.P.A.M.L.). He also promised to serve the people throughout his life. He also advised the students to devote their life in prosecuting studies and to fight for the right cause of the people and to fight against corruption. He also advised the students to move in the interior of the villages and request the people not to offer any bribe to anybody in respect of officers and public.
He also requested the members of the minority community not to migrate to Bharat anymore as Pakistan is also their. Those who migrated to Bharat before have done a great mistake. He assured, he is also for them.
He also said that if anybody says that he is a communist of disloyal to Pakistan then 95% of people of Pakistan are disloyal and communist.
He also thanked to the people who gave a grand reception and a Tora of Rs.501/- for his journey to Karachi.

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Muzaffar Hussain, B.L., Pleader. He was the president of the meeting and gave thanks to the people who came after taking trouble to give the reception and also to various organisations who garlanded Sk. Mujibur Rahman as token of love.
There was no resolution:
The audience took keen interest in the speeches delivered by the individuals.
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for w.e. 25.12.54.
Political activities. (a) Muslim Group-U.F.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AML-s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur) being released from the Dacca Central Jail reached Gopalganj on 20.12.54 and held a meeting on 21.12.54, details of which will be reported in the next W.C.R.
No. 979/606-48 PF dt.13.1.55
S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur.
Please refer to your W.C.R. for the week ending 1.1.55 part II under head Political activities reg. the reception of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Report reg. such an important matter should have been sent to this office separately without waiting for the W.C.R. This shows that the importance of the thing has not been understood by your officers.
A report on the above matter may kindly be sent at an early date.
Sd/-13.1 D.S.6 for S.S.11

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Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for the week ending the 1st January, 1955.
3. Political activities. (a) Muslim Groups-U.F.
Reference my W.C.R. for w.e. 25.12.54 under head 3. Political activities, (a) Muslim Groups-U.F.-Part-II.
A meeting convened by Khundkar Shamsul Huq @Bashu Miyan (AML-s/o. Mahmudul Haq of Beneswardi, Nagarkanda, Faridpur and of Gopalganj, Faridpur), President, Gopalganj Sub divisional A.M.L. and others of the party was held on 21.12.54 with a view to giving a reception to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (AML-s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur), Secretary, EPAML, on his arrival at Gopalganj being released from the Dacca Central Jail. This was presided over by Qazi Muzaffar Husain, B.L. (AML-s/0. the late Felanuddin of Kurpala, Kotwalipara, Faridpur and of Gopalganj town) and attended by something like 4000 persons including students and Hindus of the town and its adjacent villages. Slogans such as PAKISTAN ZINDABAD, BIPLABI NETA MUJIBUR ZINDABAD (Long live Mujibur Rahman, the revolutionary leader), SAMRAJYABAD DHANGSHA HAUK (Down with imperialism will ruin). In the meeting Sk. Mujibur Rahman (metd.) was garlanded on behalf of EPSL, AML, Merchants Association and also by some leading persons of the town. The interesting feature of the garland presented by the Merchants Association was that it was made of currency notes of different denominations to the amount of Rs.501/- meant for defraying the cost of his journey expenses for Karachi.
The following persons took part in the deliberation:1. Rahmatjan Sardar (EPSL-s/o. Abdus Samad of Balakoir, Gopalganj, Faridpur
and of Gopalganj town), 2. Shahidul Haq Khan @ Shahidul Islam (EPSL-s/o. Shamsuddin of Begudanga,
Kalia, Jessore and of Gopalganj Town). 3. Abdur Razzak Khan @ Raja Miyan (AML-s/o. the late Abdul Latif of Bezra,
Muksudpur, Faridpur and of Gopalganj town), 4. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (metd.) & 5. Khundkar Shamsul Haq (metd.)

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The speeches of the persons shown against Sl. Nos.1 to 3 and 5 were confined to eulogizing the so-called sacrifices and services of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (metd.) for the cause of the people.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman (metd.), in reply to the address of welcome gave out that with the introduction of Section 92-A Rule he was thrown behind the bar and that he was falsely implicated in the Dacca Central Jail Rioting Case, of which he did not like to go into details. He assured the people that for the fulfillment of the 21-item election manifesto and standing against injustice he was prepared even to court jail all through his life. He also appealed to the people to rally round the banner of the AML en masse. Commenting on the migration of the Namasudras34 (Scheduled caste people) of the district he appealed to the Namasudras not to migrate to Bharat being victims to the deceiving propaganda that they would be able to live in peace and happiness there. He advised the Namasudras who had not yet migrated to Bharat
so. He also expressed that there would be a general election very soon. He deplored that he was dubbed as a Communist and disloyal element. According to him if this remark was justified 95% population of East Pakistan would fall in line with him.
Referring to the students he advised them to devote full attention to the studies and fight out corruption and injustice and mobilize public opinion against it by moving in the interiors. His speech was appreciated by the audience.
Mujibur Rahman (metd.) left for Dacca on 21.12.54 via Jessore.
(b). Abdul Wazed Chaudhuri, MLA(AML-s/o. Abdul Wahed of Rajbari town), Secy., Goalundo Subdivisional A.M.L., distributed invitation cards among the members of the party to attend a party meeting on 5.1.55 for discussing urgent party matters.
Side note: D.S.6. 6.1
SSII, Perusal pl. This information should have been sent by the District separately without writing for the W.C.R. This shows that the District does not understand the importance of a thereby. District may be asked to report on this. May be considered for D.R. Sd/-6.1 Too old for D.R. Sd/- 6.1
34. Namasudra – Namasudra (also Namassej or Namassut) is an Indian avarna community originally from certain regions of the then Bengal, India. They were traditionally engaged in cultivation and as boatmen. They lived outside the four-tier ritual ‘varna’ system and thus were outcastes.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman left for Karachi to meet H.S. Suhrawardy. The news was published in the daily Jugantar on 23
December 1954.
Dacca, 23 December 1954
Jugantar dt. 23.12.54. 16 dt. 4.1.53
মুজিবর রহমানের
করাচী যাত্রা
সুরাবর্দির সহিত সাক্ষাতের উদ্দেশ্য ঢাকা, ২২শে ডিসেম্বর- পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমান নিরাপত্তা আইনে আটক থাকিবার পর গত ১৮ই ডিসেম্বর মুক্তিলাভ করিয়াছেন। তিনি আওয়ামী লীগের অন্যতম নেতা এবং নব নিযুক্ত কেন্দ্রীয় আইনসচিব মিঃ সুরাবর্দির সহিত সাক্ষাতের জন্য আজ অপরাহ্নে করাচী যাত্রা করিতেছেন।
16 dt. 453-1
Jugantar at 23.12.54 মুজিবর রহমানের
করাচী যাত্রা শুরাবদির সাহ5 সাক্ষাতের
উদ্দেশ্য । ঢাকা, ২২শে ডিসেম্বর–পূর্ব পাকিখন আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমান নিরাপত্তা আইনে আটক থাকিবার পর গত ১৮ই ডিসেম্বর মুক্তিলাভ করিয়াছেন। তিনি আওয়ামী লীগের অন্যতম নেতা এবং নব নিযুক্ত কেন্দ্রীয় আইনসচিব মিঃ। সরাবদির সহিত সাক্ষাতের জন্য আজ অপরাহে, করাচী যাত্রা করিতেছেন।

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Weekly Confidential Report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and telephone message on his arrival at Tejgaon Airport,
Dacca, 25 December 1954
Bakarganj D.I.B.W.C.R. for w.e. 25.12.54.
(3) A.L. suspect No. 520 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (AML) arrived at Barisal on 19.12.54 from Dacca by Dacca Mail steamer and left for his home (Gopalganj, Faridpur) on the same day by Khulna Mail steamer.
F.pur Dist. W.C.R of the w/e 25.12.54.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AML)- A.L. * 530 reached Gopalganj on 20.12.54 from Dacca.
Khulna D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e. 25.12.54.
part-1 Movement of Suspect
2. Mujibar Rahman Shaikh (A.L. 530) left for Jessore en-route Khulna on 22.12.54. He was shadowed up to Jessore by a W.C. of this D.I.B.
Jessore Dist. W.C.R. of the w/e 25.12.54
Part-1 Movement of suspect: A.L. *530-Mujibar Rahman Shaikh arrived Jessore at
08.45 hrs. on the 22nd Dec./54 by train from Khulna and left for Dacca by plane on the same day.

Page: 204
East Bengal Form No.45.
Handed in at AM Date: 22.12.54
Received at AM
Addresses Mostafa of 1.B. From: W.C Gulam (if given) Mostar
To : 0/C Watch, I. B. E. B. Dacca
At about 12.45 hrs. Ex-Minister Sk. Mujibar Rahman, arrived at Tejgaon Airport by Jessore plane & left airport for Dacca Town by Car no 3522 E.B.D. This is for your kind information. Sd/-22.12
Side note: SSII Perusal pl. Sd/-22.12
DSVI For kind information. Sd/-22.12
Faridpur D.I.B. W.C.R for w.e. 1.1.55.
Movement of Suspects. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AML)/A.L.*530 left for Dacca on 21.12.54 Via Jessore.
D.S.6 Sd/-6.1

Chapter – II

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman asked A. K. Fazlul Huq about violating
the rules of United Front.
Dacca, 1 January 1955
M.N. dt. 1.1.55
Huq An Impediment
In Way of
“Restoration’ MUJIBUR RAHMAN (By A Staff Reporter)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Provincial Muslim League, in a statement issued in Dacca yesterday (Monday) said after his discussions in Karachi he was confident that the question of restoration of parliamentary government could not be taken up as long as Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq remained the leader of the Party. “If there was any impediment in the way of the restoration of Parliamentary Government, it is Mr. Huq’s insistence on being the leader,” he said.
Mr. Rahman in his statement charged Mr. Fazlul Huq for violating the rules of the United Front Party and making utterances “without consulting the Party or the Cabinet” when he was the Chief Minister of East Pakistan.
Mr. Rahman said that the no-confidence motion to be moved in the next United
Front Parliamentary Party meeting would not be on behalf of any affiliated party “but in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the Party.” “This will be amply proved if one looks to the names of the signatories where in the members of all the four affiliated parties have put their signatures,” Mr. Rahman added.
Side note: P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Seen. Sd/- 7.2.55

Page: 208


Abdul Latif Biswas, General Secretary, Pakistan Krishak Sramik Party protested statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman published in
the daily Azad.
Dacca, 8 January1955
Azad dt. 8.1.55
জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতি জনাব আবদুল লতিফ বিশ্বাসের প্রতিবাদ
পাকিস্তান কৃষক শ্রমিক পার্টির সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব আবদুল লতিফ বিশ্বাস নিম্নলিখিত মর্মে এক বিবৃতি দান করিয়াছেন:
জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকারের করাচীতে প্রদত্ত বিবৃতির নিন্দা করিয়া এবং যুক্তফ্রন্টে বিভেদ সৃষ্টির জন্য কতিপয় রাজনীতিবিদ মােছলেম লীগের সহিত আলাপ-আলােচনা করিতেছেন বলিয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মােছলেম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান যে অভিযােগ

Page: 209
করিয়াছেন তাহা ভিত্তিহীন ও বিভ্রান্তিকর। কৃষক শ্রমিক পার্টি ও নেজামে এছলাম পার্টীর নিন্দা করিয়া তিনি করাচীতে এক বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন। জনাব মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতির পাল্টা বিবৃতি দেওয়ার কোন ইচ্ছা আমার ছিল না; কিন্তু পার্টির প্রতি কর্তব্যবােধে আমি তাহার বিভ্রান্তিকর বিবৃতি সম্পর্কে কিছু না বলিয়া থাকিতে পারিতেছি না।
জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকারের বিবৃতি দৃষ্টে বুঝা যায় যে, তিনি কেবল নিজের মনােভাবই ব্যক্ত করিয়াছেন। তিনি (সরকার) বলিয়াছেন যে, বর্তমান অবস্থায় যুক্তফ্রন্ট পার্টি হয়ত হয়ত সাময়িক ব্যবস্থা হিসাবে অল্পদিনের জন্য এবং পূৰ্ব্ববঙ্গে পার্লামেন্টারী শাসন পুনঃপ্রবর্তনের ব্যবস্থা হিসাবেই গভর্ণরের উপদেষ্টা নিয়ােগের প্রস্তাবে রাজী হইতে পারে। যুক্তফ্রন্ট পার্টী কি সিদ্ধান্ত করিবে তাহা তিনি কিছুই বলেন নাই।
জনাব আতাউর রহমান ও জনাব মুজিবর রহমান অভিযােগ করিয়াছেন যে, কৃষক-শ্রমিক পার্টি ও নেজামে এছলাম মােছলেম লীগের সহিত দহরম-মহরম করিতেছে এবং জনাব ফজলুল হক লীগে যােগদানের পথ পরিস্কার করিতেছেন, এই অভিযােগ সম্পূর্ণ ভিত্তিহীন ও বিদ্বেষমূলক। তাহারা ভুলিয়া গিয়াছেন যে, তাহাদেরই প্রধান কর্তা জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী মােছলেম লীগের প্রেসিডেন্টের নেতৃত্বে গঠিত কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিসভায় যােগদান করিয়াছেন অনিয়মতান্ত্রিকভাবে।
তাঁহারা আরও অভিযােগ করিয়াছেন যে, নেজামে এছলাম ও কৃষক শ্রমিক পার্টি যুক্তফ্রন্টে বিভেদ সৃষ্টি করিতেছে। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীই যুক্ত ফ্রন্টকে পার্টি বলিয়া স্বীকার করেন নাই। মােছলেম লীগের ন্যায় তিনিও বলিয়াছেন যে, যুক্তফ্রন্ট কোন পার্টী নয় ইহা কতিপয় গ্রুপের সংমিশ্রন মাত্র। তিনি ইহাও বলিয়াছিলেন যে, তিনি কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিসভায়…(missing from the original document due to page damage) এবছর প্রতিনিধিত্ব করিতেছেন না। যুক্তফ্রন্টের তিন নেতার একজন হইয়াও তিনি ব্যক্তিগত ক্ষমতায় কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিসভায় যােগদান করেন এবং করাচীতে তখন জনাব । ফজলুল হক উপস্থিত থাকা সত্বেও তাঁহার সহিত পরামর্শ করেন নাই। জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী একথা একবারও ভাবেন নাই যে, পূর্ববঙ্গের লােকেরা পার্লামেন্টারী শাসন পুনঃ প্রবর্তনের জন্য অত্যন্ত উগ্রীব। বরঞ্চ পূর্ববঙ্গে পার্লামেন্টারী শাসন পুনঃ প্রবর্তনের জন্য ব্যস্ত হওয়ার কারণ নাই বলিয়া যে উক্তি করিয়াছেন তাহাতে প্রদেশবাসীর আশা ভরসা নস্যাৎ করিয়া দিয়াছেন। তখন স্পষ্ট বুঝা যাইতেছে যে যুক্তফ্রন্ট পার্টীতে বিভেদ সৃষ্টির চেষ্টা কে করিতেছেন। জানা গিয়াছে যে, কৃষক-শ্রমিক পার্টির জনাব আবু-হােসেন সরকারের পরিবর্তে পূৰ্ব্বপাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের ভাইস প্রেসিডেন্ট জনাব আতাউর রহমানকে কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিসভায় ঢুকাইবার জন্য আলােচনাও বিস্তর হইয়া গিয়াছে।।
সেটা যখন ব্যর্থ হইল তখন দাবী করা হইল যে, পূর্ববঙ্গে গবর্ণরের কতিপয় উপদেষ্টা নিয়ােগ করিয়া জনাব আতাউর রহমানকে প্রধান উপদেষ্টা করিতে হইবে। এসব কথা বিভিন্ন পত্রিকায়। প্রকাশিত হইয়াছে এবং এখনও উহার প্রতিবাদ করা হয় নাই। বুঝা যায় যে, এই সব আলােচনার জন্যই করাচীতে জনাব আতাউর রহমানের এত দীর্ঘকাল উপস্থিত থাকার প্রয়ােজন হইয়াছিল স্বার্থী মহলকে নিরাশ করিয়া দিয়া জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকার কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিসভায় যােগদান করিলেন। ব্যর্থ মনােরথ হইয়া জনাব আতাউর রহমান জনাব মুজিবর রহমানকে সঙ্গে লইয়া ঢাকা ফিরিয়া

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সত্যঘটনা গােপন করার জন্য বিবৃতি দেওয়া শুরু করিলেন। সুতরাং যুক্তফ্রন্টে বিভেদ সৃষ্টির চেষ্টার জন্য কৃষক-শ্রমিক বা নেজামে এছলাম পার্টির বিরুদ্ধে আদৌ অভিযােগ করা যায় না। বস্তুতঃ আওয়ামী লীগের মুষ্টিমেয় ক্ষমতালােভী লােকই যুক্তফ্রন্ট ও দেশবাসীর স্বার্থের ক্ষতি করিয়া নিজেদের স্বার্থ উদ্ধারের প্রয়াস পাইতেছে। এই জন্যই এই সব লােক জনাব হকের বিরুদ্ধে গুজব করিতে দ্বিধা করে নাই।
মােছলেম লীগের সহিত জনাব ফজলুল হক বা কৃষক-শ্রমিক পার্টির কোনও সম্পর্ক নাই।


Letter of Saifur Rahman from Karachi to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioning restoration of parliamentary government and his efforts towards re-establishing democracy in Pakistan.
Karachi, 12 January 1955 Strictly Secret
Name & address of the sender
Saifur Rehman, 2/177 T. Pakistan Employees
Cooperative Housing Society, Karachi.
Date of letter
Sent from
: Karachi
Name & address of the addressee : Sk. Mujeebur Rehman, M.L.A. Care Office of
the United Front Party, Sadarghat, Dacca.
: Not
Photographed Detained
: Passed.
No. SB/302 Office of the AIG of Police , C.I.D
Karachi, the 12th Jan., 1955.
SECRET report forwarded with compliments to:1) The Asstt: Director (P), I.B., Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi. 2) The Spl. Supdt. of Police II, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca,
for information.

Page: 211
The fact that this information emanates from this Department may please be
kept secret.
Sd/ -12/1 For Asstt. IG of Police, C.I.D.
Sadar P.O. Karachi.
2/177 T. Pakistan Employees’ Co-operative Housing Society, Karachi,
Jan. 7th, 55.
My dear Mujeeb Bhai,
I am exceedingly sorry to have missed you at your hotel on the night of the 4th inst. I trust however that you had a comfortable journey, and that your discussions with Shaheed Bhai at Karachi were satisfactory.
The not-so-unexpected inclusion of me. Abu Hossain Sarkar1 in the Central Cabinet have created mixed feelings and rather insipid reactions in the Pro-Awami circles; contradictory versions regarding the restoration of Parliamentary Government in East Pakistan, appearing in the Press, have dampened the hopes and wishes of more than many. I only trust and pray that your efforts forwards recreation of Democracy in Pakistan are rewarded sooner than the biased expectations of a lot of interested persons.
Needless to remind you that my house here is at your absolute disposal, and my wife and I shall be extremely happy to make you comfortable and “at home”, whenever you have occasion to visit Karachi again.
With kindest regards from self and wife.
1. Abu Hossain Sarkar (1894 -17 April 1969) – Abu Hossain Sarkar was born in Rangpur, Bengal Presidency. He was elected to the Bengal Constituent Assembly in 1937. He played an important role in the formation of Krishak Sramik Party in 1953. In 1954 Sarkar was elected to the East Bengal Provincial Assembly from the United Front. On June 1955 he was elected as Chief Minister of East Bengal. He resigned on 30 August 1956 over inflation and food shortages.

Page: 212
No. 9521/606-48 (1) dt 12.5.55. To The A.I.G. of Police, C.I.D. Karachi.
Ref: Your memo No. SB/302 dated 12.1.55.
It will be appreciated if you please supply us full particulars of the writer together with his political allegiance, if any.
Received at 15.30 hours Sd/ -12.5


Watch report2 on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
Ataur Rahman Khan.
Dacca, 17 January 1955
Précis of watch reports dt. 17.1.55. reg. watch over the following.
1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
He went out by Car at 08.50 hrs. and returned at 13.35 hrs. He again went out by Car to Airport therefrom he took off to Karachi by P.I.A. plane.
Ataur Rahman Khan. He went out by Car at 08.15 hrs. and returned to his qrs. at 16.15 hrs.
Ashrafuddin A Chowdhury. He was not seen.
Submitted. Sd/-18.1.
2. Watch Report – Regular report submitted by IB officer about open or secret activities of the members of political organizations. It may sometimes be necessary to place 24 hour watch on a house or persons to verify and collect secret information.

Page: 213
Side note: D.S.VI.
Perusal please. Mr. Sk. Mujibor Rahman left for Karachi yesterday by P.I.A. plane. Ext. may go in P.F. Sd/-18/1. for O/C., Watch Sd/for D.S.6 18/1.


Report on the committee of Purba Pakistan Sutakal Mazdur Union consisting of Mawlana Bhasani and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman respectively as president and vice-president.
Dacca, 18 January 1955
P-35-34 of File No.1340-54 (Genl.).
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dt. 18.1.55.
I have the honour to report that my report on the following labour unions is as follows:
34. Purba Pakistan Sutakal Mazdur Union is not actually active and functioning since after
the promulgation of Section 92-A in E.B. It has controlled by the C.P. office bearers are
as follows:
President : Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (A.M.L.) son of Sarafat Ali of Kagmari,
P.S. Tangail, Dt. Mymensingh.
Asstt. Secy. Harunner Rashid a Trade Unionist of Chittagong.


A.K.M. Bazlur Rahman (Y.L.) son of Shamsuddin Ahmed of Galachipa, P.S. Narayangonj, Dt. Dacca.

Sunil Ray (C.P.) son of Debendra Chandra Ray of Shyamagram, P.S. Nabinagar, Tippera.
37. No. II Dhakeswari Sutakal Mazdoor Union is functioning and not so active since after
the promulgation of Section 92-A in E.B. It is controlled by the Narayanganj

Page: 214
NB: Related memo in this regard is referred to Heading No-38.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said in a press statement that ML government imposed 92A section unjustly on people of East Bengal, arrested more than one thousand, even though people were patient and keeping peace. He also demanded allowance for
families of those imprisoned.
Dacca, 18 January 1955 Sangbad dt. 18.1.55
রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের
মুক্তি প্রসঙ্গ শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কর্তৃক সরকারের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ
পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মুসিলম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সংবাদপত্রে প্রকাশের জন্য নিম লিখিত বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন:
১৯৫৪ সালের মে’তে পূর্ব বঙ্গে ৯২ক ধারা প্রবর্তনের পর সম্ভাব্য হাঙ্গামার প্রতিরােধের উদ্দেশ্যে সরকার নিরাপত্তা ব্যবস্থা হিসাবে এক হাজারের অধিক লােককে গ্রেফতার করিয়াছেন। বর্তমান পর্যায়ে এই প্রসঙ্গে আলােচনা করিয়া লাভ নাই; তবে দীর্ঘকাল যাবৎ আমি তাহাদের আটক রাখার যৌক্তিকতা উপলব্ধি করিতে পারিতেছি না। জনগণের উপর ৯২ক ধারা চাপাইয়া দেওয়ার পর কোন গােলযােগ হয় নাই এবং ঘােষনার বিরুদ্ধে কোন আন্দোলন, বিক্ষোভ এমনকি, কোন সভাও অনুষ্ঠীত হয় নাই। যুক্তফ্রন্টের নেতারা জনগণের নিকট ধৈর্যধারণ ও শান্তি বজায় রাখার আবেদন জানান এবং জনগণ তাঁহাদের সুপরামর্শ গ্রহণ করেন। ইতিমধ্যেই পাকিস্তানের ঐতিহাসিক পরিবর্তন ঘটিয়াছে ও জনাব এইস, এস, সােহরাওয়ার্দী কেন্দ্রে মন্ত্রিমন্ডলিতে যােগ দিয়াছেন।
এই অবস্থায় রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তি না দেওয়ার কোন সঙ্গত কারণ অথবা যুক্তি থাকিতে পারে না। এই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নটি গভীরভাবে বিবেচনার জন্য আমি প্রাদেশিক ও কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের নিকট আবেদন জানাইতেছি। পাকিস্তান সরকারের কতিপয় নীতি সমালােচনার অভিযােগে মওলানা আশরাফ আলীর গ্রেফতারের প্রতি আমার দৃষ্টি আকৃষ্ট হইয়াছে। জনসাধারণের ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে অবশ্যই রক্ষা করিতে হইবে। কোনক্রমেই জনগণের গণতান্ত্রিক অধিকার নিয়ন্ত্রিত করা চলিবে

Page: 215
এই সুযােগে আমি সরকারকে জানাইতে চাই যে, জেলের আভ্যন্তরীণ অবস্থা অত্যন্ত শােচনীয় ও বেদনাদায়ক। সরকার কর্তৃক গৃহীত পৃথক করণ নীতি রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদিগের অসুবিধার সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে। খাদ্য ও অন্যান্য প্রয়ােজনীয় দ্রব্যের সরবরাহের পুস্তকের ব্যবস্থা এবং জেলগ্রন্থাগারের পুস্তক নিৰ্বাচন রুচির পরিপন্থী। আমি সরকারের নিকট বন্দীদের এই অসুবিধা দূর করার জন্য অনুরােধ জানাইতেছি। আমি সরকারের নিকট বন্দীদের পরিবারবর্গের পােষণের জন্য ভাতা দেওয়ার আবেদন জনাইতেছি। ইহারা সকলেই পাকিস্তানের নাগরিক দেশের জনসাধারনের জীবিকার ব্যাপারে সরকার প্রধানতঃ দায়ী।
Side note: On his P.F. Sd/ – 22.1

Page: 216


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman former minister of deposed A. K. Fazlul Haque cabinet was urgently called by H. S. Suhrawardy to meet him in Karachi. Before leaving for Karachi he said that he would
meet Prime Minister and central cabinet in Karachi.
Dacca, 18 January 1955
M.N. dt. 18.1.55
Mujibur Rahman leaves for
Karachi (By A Staff Reporter)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Provincial Awami Muslim League and a former minister of the deposed Fazlul Huq cabinet, left Dacca for Karachi by air yesterday (Monday) on an urgent summons from the Pakistan Law Minister, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
Mr. Rahman, prior to his departure for the federal capital, told Morning News’ that he was called by the Jinnah-Awami Muslim League chief “presumably for discussing the political situation in the country with reference to the recent developments in East Pakistan”.
He further said that he would not join any “controlled cabinet” in East Pakistan.
Sources close to the Awami Muslim League hinted yesterday (Monday) that there was a “possibility” of Mr. Mujibur Rahman’s inclusion in the Central Cabinet.
Mr. Rahman said that in Karachi he would meet Prime Minister Mohammad Ali and other members of the Central Cabinet.
Side note: On his P.F. Sd/ – 22.1



Before leaving for Karachi Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said in a statement that democratic rights of the people must be safeguarded and must on no account be controlled.
Dacca, 18 January 1955
P.O. dt. 18.1.55
Mujibur Rahman Demands Release of Political Prisoners
(By A Staff Reporter)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, in a statement which he released before his departure for Karachi on Monday afternoon, said that the political prisoners arrested when Sec. 92-A was clamped down on East Bengal should be released.

Page: 218
Since the reason for which over a thousand people were arrested is no longer there, and a change in the Central Government has taken place in the meantime, with Mr. Suhrawardy as a member of the Council of Ministers, there did not appear to be any cogent reason for keeping these people further incarcerated, said the statement.
Commenting on the arrest of Maulana Ashraf Ali of the Nizam-e-Islam Party, Shaikh Mujibur said that the democratic rights of the people must be safeguarded and must on no account be “controlled.”
He also drew the attention of Government to conditions in jail, and pointed out that segregation has brought unnecessary misery, the supply of food and other necessities and the selection of books for political prisoners in the jail library needed immediate Government attention.
Side note: On his P.F. Sd/ – 22.1

Page: 219
Millat dt 18.1.55 48 dt. 22.1.55,
শেখ মজিবরের
করাচী যাত্রা (নিজস্ব বার্তা পরিবেশক)
পূর্বপাক আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মজিবর রহমান গতকল্য (সােমবার) পি,আই,এ, বিমানযােগে করাচী যাত্রা করেন। তিনি কেন্দ্রী আইন সচিব জনাব এইচ,এস, সােহরাওয়ার্দীর সহিত জরুরী আলােচনা করিবেন বলিয়া প্রকাশ। জনাব রহমান একসপ্তাহ কালের মধ্যে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিবেন।


Watch report on a trip of former minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
from Dacca to Mymensingh by train.
Dacca, 30 January 1955
Shadowing report dt.30.1.55.
The O/C., Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that I was detailed to perform secret watch duty at Dacca R/S from 17.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs. on 30.1.55. At about 17.30 hrs. the ex-minister Mr. Sk. Mazibur Rahman arrived at Dacca R/S from Dacca town side and at about 18.00 hrs. He left Dacca R/S for Mymensingh by Mymensingh train. I shadowed him upto Mymensingh R/S. At about 22.55 hrs. the said subject reached Mymensingh R/S

Page: 220
where I made over the said subject to W/C No. 3001, Md. Abdul Hannan of Mymensingh D.I.B. On the way, from Dacca R/S to Mymensingh R/S neither any suspect nor any suspicious person was seen to interview with the said subject.
Submitted by W/C. Md. Malu Miah.
dt. 31.1.55.
Side note:
For favour of perusal pl. Shadowing report of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman shadowed by I.B. Watcher from Dacca R/S to Mymensingh R/S and made over the subject to Mymensingh D.I.B. watcher at about 22.55 on 31.1.55. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- 31/1/55. Yes please. Sd/- 1.2.55. for D.S.6.


Mawlana Bhasani wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman after two unreplied letters wherein he mentioned that workers’ belief in democracy would be utilized for the good of the people. If there was
lack of consciousness and constitution framed by undemocratic leaders, it would be difficult to run the administration. Bhasani wished that people would be benefited by the fearless leader like
Assam, 31 January 1955
Intelligence Branch
The 31st January 1955 Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Hamidabad P.O. Hamidabad, Dt. Goalpara,
Assam. 2. To (with address)
Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Secy. Awami League, East Pakistan, Dacca.

Page: 221
3. Language of letter
Bengali Date of letter
: 25.1.55 Postal Seal
Hamidabad 6. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
31.1.55 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Serajul Huq, S.I.I.B.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not
no 10. Whether withheld or delivered : with original. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government order : G.O.
authorising interception
Copy /translation forwarded to
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, Hamidabad, Assam, writes this to Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman M.L.A. Dacca requesting him to devote himself for the welfare of the General mass and to enlighten him with the present political situation in East Bengal etc.
Side note: O/C, Censor. Put up copy & deliver original. Sd/ – 31/1
Original delivered, Sd/-31/1 Gist may be included in the D.R. Sd/-1/2 D.I.G. may see. Sd/-1/2/55 SS.II, Gist enclosed. But this has already come out in the press. Sd/-2/2, for DS 6 Included, Sd/ – 2/2
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 25.1.55 from Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Hamidabad, Dist. Goalpara, Assam to Mujibar Rahman, Secy, Awami League, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Dear Mujibar Rahman,
I did not get any reply from you in spite of writing you two letters. Let me hope you are working for the Awami League in all earnestness. Innumerable workers and leaders are working for the good of the people of the world. Despite their ideological differences, their firm conviction in God and strong belief in the service of humanity are leading them

Page: 222
towards rapid progress. Democracy has its merits and demerits as well. Workers believing in democracy would utilize it for the good of the people. If there is lack of political consciousness and the constitution is framed by undemocratic leaders, it would be difficult to run the administration. Difficulties are experienced in framing the constitution unless there are men of ideals to frame it. I hope the people would be benefitted by the fearless workers like you. I shall be obliged if you please apprise me of the present state of affairs. All of you please accept my Salam’ and ‘Doa’.
Yours Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani.
English Maulana fel
translation of a Bengal letter &25.155
Abdul Hound Chan Bhasani,

Page: 223
Gist for D.R.
In a letter dated 25.1.55 Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani writes to Ataur Rahman Khan M.L.A. that he has come to know that his exclusion from politics would improve the political situation of Pakistan and help restoration of parliamentary Govt. in East Bengal. He also advises the addressee to work according to instruction of Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy.
In another letter to Sk. Mujibur Rahman as M.L.A. the Moulana Bhasani writes that democracy has its merits and demerits. Those who believe in democracy can make it useful to the people.
The Moualana adds that it is impossible to run Govt. constitutionally by undemocratic leaders and such persons create difficulty in framing the Constitution.
NB: Partly similar information is referred to Heading No-76.


K. Bahauddin, Dilkusha Garden, Ramna, Dacca wrote a letter to former minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he focused on political polarization among ML, AML as well as in the central and provincial government. He wrote sarcastically that he did not think Mawlana Bhasani would be able to visit East Pakistan soon, till Major General Iskandar Mirza, the interior Minister was fully satisfied about his good intention for East Pakistan as well as
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 3 February 1955
Intelligence Branch
The 3.2.1955. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: K. Bahauddin Dilkhusa Garden,
Ramna, Dacca. 2. To (with address)
: Mr. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman
Ex- Minister & M.L.A. E.P Genl. Secy, A.M.L Bangshall Rd, Dacca.

Page: 224
3. Language of letter
(English) 4. Date of letter
: 1.2.55 Postal Seal
: Outgoing. Post office of interception : Ramna. Date of interception
: 3.2.55 8. Name of officer who can prove : M. Husainuddin, S.I.
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Original submitted. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept. not
since original delivered keeping
2 typed copies. Sd/ – 3.2 12. Number and date of Government : G.O.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to DSVI
K. Bahauddin, Dilkhusa Garden, Ramna, Dacca writes this to Mv. Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A. Dacca criticising the statement published in “Pakistan Observer dt. 1.2.55 and also his political career stating that he is a secy. of a much smaller organisation than the formidable Muslim League etc.
Sd/ – 3.2 Side note: Censor Sec.
Kindly compare it before action. Sd/-2/2/55 Compared, Sd/ -3.2.55. SSII, Perusal pl. May be placed in P.F. This is interesting. Sd/-3/2
Dilkusha Garden,
P.O. Ramna, Dacca, E. Pakistan.
1st Feby., 1955. Dear Mr. Mujibur Rahman,
I have read your statement on Mr. Fazlul Haq in to-day’s Observer dt. 1.2.55.
Let me tell you in plain words that the defect of the Qaid-E-Azam’s formidable organisation in East Pakistan, in last general election was mere a coincidence and sheer bad luck for the organisation, it is a temporary setback in East Pakistan and not a permanent one.

Page: 225
You must also bear in mind that Mr. Muhammad Ali the Prime Minister of
ill the President of All Pakistan Muslim League, besides this Muslim League is still a very powerful organisation in West Pakistan.
You are only a lad of 30 years age and a Secy. of a much smaller organisation than the Formidable Muslim League. You forced your entry as a Minister in the depressed Fazlul Haq Cabinet through the backing of Mr. H.S. Shurawardy only, as he is very fond of you.
When you became a minister, I dropped a post card to you saying you looked more like a village babu than “Arabian Shaikh”
It seems as if 42 million people of East Pakistan irrespective of caste and creed are solely at your command, and you can form a parliamentary form of Govt. in East Bengal all by yourself as its Chief Minister, ousting 80 years old, old layman Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq, who would be more on the terms of Mr. Md. Ali, the Prime Minister of Pakistan and President of all Pakistan Muslim League, than yourself and Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan etc. etc.
As you know Mr. Syed Azizul Haq and I have worked together for three years from 1939-1942 and I have great regards for my friends Syed Azizul Haq and Mr. S.M. Murshid’s old uncle, Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq and he being a leader of K.S.P.
You and Ataur Rahman Khan cannot also form a Minister in East Bengal without Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq and K.S.P. and Mr. Md. Ali is quite alive to these facts, besides Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq has still a very high regard for the formidable Muslim League organisation in East Pakistan than yourself and Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan etc. etc.
Even your President Moulana Bhasani admitted that when Mr. Suhrawardy could be a Minister in the Centre, why not Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq should again be a Chief Minister in East Pakistan.
I don’t think Moulana Sahib would be able to visit East Pakistan soon, till Major General Iskandar Mirza Sahib the Interior Minister is fully satisfied about his good intention in East Pakistan, as well as yours.
You are welcome to face me for discussion whenever occasion suits you.
I don’t think Mr. Gulam Muhammad the Governor General3 of Pakistan ever paid any attention or lend his ear to your talks or discussion in Karachi, A “lad of
3. Governor General – The Governor General was the representative of the British Monarch in Pakistan, from the country’s independence in 1947. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the first Governor General of Pakistan from 15 August 1947 to 11 September 1948. His successor was Khawaja Nazimuddin from 14 September 1948 to 17 October 1951. Golam Mohammad and Iskander Mirza were the next two Governor Generals respectively. When Pakistan was proclaimed a republic in 1956, the office of Governor General was abolished on 23 March 1956.

Page: 226
30” and “Jail Bird”. It was Mr. Suhrawardy that you talked and it was he, who talked on your behalf to G.G., P.M. and the Interior Minister.
You are only hoping to become a minister though the patronage of Mr. Suhrawardy only. Mr. Fazlul Huq refused to take you in his cabinet as Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan Sahib was quite good enough to work with him, A man of 57.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- K. Bahauddin.


Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong AML regarding working committee meeting of AML to be held on 15th February 1955 at Dacca. Similar letter was sent
to M.A. Aziz by Ataur Rahman Khan.
Dacca, 8 February 1955
Copy of an English typed letter dated 4.2.55, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 8.2.55.
From : Sheikh Majibur Rahman (1) Genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami League, 56,
Simpson Road, Dacca. To : Mr. M. A. Aziz (2), 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong. Postal seal of issue: Dacca 7th Feb. 55.
Dear Sir,
A meeting of the Working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami League will be held on Tuesday the 15th February ’55 at 5 P.M. at the office of the East Pakistan Awami League, (56, Simpson Road, Dacca) to discuss the following :1) To take stock of the present political and decide our course of action. 2) Organisation.
You are requested to attend the meeting punctually.
Yours faithfully, Sd/-Sheikh Majibur Rahman.
Genl. Secy.

Page: 227
Enclosure My dear Aziz Saheb,
A meeting of the Working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami League has been called on the 15th February’55. The meeting is particularly important in view of the present political situation in East Bengal and it is necessary that we come to some sort of a definite decision regarding the issues that are involved at the moment.
I would therefore specially request you to make it a point to attend the meeting and help us with your wise deliberations.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- Ataur Rahman Khan (3).
Site note: 1. Identical Sheikh Majibur Rahman Genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
2. S/. Haji Mohabbat Ali Sawdagar of Halisahar, P.S. Double Mooring, and of 122,
Anderkilla Chittagong town. 3. Ataur Rahman Khan, Vice-President, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.


Assistant Director (P), Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, Karachi requested to send copies of two letters written by Mawlana Bhasani to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Ataur
Rahman Khan.
Karachi, 8 February 1955
No. 14/B/54- (10)
Dear Mr. Haque,
Kindly refer to paragraph 4 & 5 of your Daily Report No. 26, dated February 2, 1955. We shall be grateful if you will kindly send us photostat copies of both the letters if available or copies of both the letters.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- A.M.S. Ahmad, Assistant Director (P).

Page: 228
K.A. Haque, Esq., P.S.P., Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, DACCA. (By Courier Service).
No. 4415/606-48 (1)F, dt. 26/2
My dear Ahmad
As desired in your memo No – 14/B/54- (10) dated 8.2.55 English translations along with copies of both letters are sent herewith.
Your Sincerely Sd/-25/2
SSII A.M.S. Ahmad, Esgr, P.S.P. Asstt. Director (P) Intelligence Bureau Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi.
Side note: Page 8 and PP 663-662 of the linked file 69-52 (1) Sec.
P.P. 2-3 & PP 656-655 of the linked file.
Ext. from D.R. 2nd February, 1955.
I.B. intercepted letter dated 31.3.55.
4. In a letter addressed to Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, M.L.A.,
Maulana Bhashani writes that he has come to know that his exclusion from politics would improve the political situation of the country and help restoration of Parliamentary Govt. in East Bengal. He has advised the addressee to work according to instructions of Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy. 5. In another letter to Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A., Maulana
Bhashani writes that democracy has its merits and demerits and those who believe in democracy can make it useful to the people. He further adds that it is not possible to run a Govt. constitutionally by undemocratic leaders moreover, such persons also create difficulty and impediment in the eye of framing the constitution.
NB: Similar information is referred to Heading No-73.

Page: 229


Letter from Badrunnessa Ahmed of Chittagong to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein she wished to be present in the council meeting.
Chittagong, 9 February 1955
District Intelligence Branch Intelligence Branch
The 9.2.1955 Memo. No. 1214/102-49 (Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Badrunnessa Ahmad, Chittagong.
To (with address)
Sheikh Majibur Rahman, M.L.A. 56 Simpson Road, Dacca.
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
Postal office of interception
Chittagong G.P.O.
6. 7.
Date of interception
: A.S.I. Md. Azhar Ali.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
Copy kept. : Casual.
12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to:
A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/-8/2/55 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 230
For favour of perusal. The writer is being fixed. Copy to I.B. for information.
Sd/- Md. Yunus.
D.I.O. (I) 7.2.55.
As above. Sd/- A.J. Chaudhuri. D.S.P4, D.I.B., Ctg. 7.2.55.
Sd/- Ahmadur Rahman Azmee
Copy of an English translation of a Bengali letter dated 4.2.55 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 5.2.55.
From : Badrunnessa Ahmad (1), Chittagong.
: Shekh Majibur Rahman (2) M.L.A., 56 Simpson Road, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue: Nil.
Majib Bhai,
I am glad to receive your letter. You are right indeed. Do it once instead of doing several times. All can accept the change easily as Mr. Fazlul Huq (3) is known to all intelligentsia. No doubt the programme for the future will be decided though none could say who would survive and who wouldn’t to the last.
I noticed in the paper that the meeting has been fixed for the 17th. It is an acute problem of going up the worldly affairs than the husband for the time being. I would proceed but postponed as advised by Advocate Ghani Saheb (4). As such I have decided to proceed on the 15th. I hope there will be no disadvantage for this. Is there any necessity of the female workers at present? You could approach to those who would support in favour of the no-confidence motion. However, don’t think I am avoiding the responsibilities. I have heard from Ghani Sb. that there is no necessity for the above. I have signed the paper brought by Ghani Saheb instead of yours. Hope this will do. No more. Accept my adab. I expect to be present in time. The end.
Sd/- Badrunessa Ahmad.
4. D.S.P – Deputy Superintendent of Police, a rank used by the Police forces in the Indo-Pak SubContinent and formerly by the British Empire. After the independence of Bangladesh DSP renamed as SDPO (Sub-divisional Police Officer). This rank was abolished on 14.3.1979.

Side note: 1. D.I.O. A. Halim has been asked to fix up her.
3. Identical with A.K. Fazlul Huq Ex- C.M. E.Bengal. 4. Not known


Letter of Debotosh Dash Gupta from Calcutta to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on behalf of an organization called Santisena Committee in which he worried about influx of refugee from East Bengal and
intended to organize a peace mission tour to East Bengal.
Calcutta, 19 February 1955
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 19th Feb. 1955
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
Debotosh Das Gupta, 21/B D.L.
Roy Street, Calcutta -6. 2. To (with address)
Mr. Muzibar Rahman, Secretary, The Awami League,
Dacca. Language of letter
English. Date of letter
: 15.2.55 5. Postal Seal
: Calcutta R.M.S. 6. Post office of interception Date of interception
: 19.2.55 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Serajul Huq, S.I. 1.B.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No 10. Whether withheld or delivered : With original 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
G.P.O. Dacca

Page: 232
Copy / translation forwarded to DSVI
Debotosh Das Gupta, Central Santi Sena Committee Calcutta writes this to Mr. Mujibar Rahman MLA Dacca stating that he is greatly worried for the fresh influx of refugees from East Bengal and he intends to organise a peace mission tour in East Pakistan etc.
Sd/ – 19/2 Side note: SS II, Perusal pl.
Santi Sena is the Volunteer organization of the Congress. DS IV, may please see. The original may be delivered & the facts may be considered for D.R. Sd/- 19/2 (1) Seen. Place copy on congress file. (2) Deliver the letter immediately after making a copy. Sd/-21.2.55
On Congress file
Ref. 21/B, D.L. Roy Street, Calcutta-6. Date 15.2.1955.
My dear Majibar,
I am very glad to learn that you are now the torch-bearer of the United Front party of East Pakistan. Hope that your sincere effort to bring about Democracy, Peace and Progress in East Bengal would be crowned with success shortly.
I am greatly worried for the fresh influx of refugees from East Pakistan. I have not yet been able to ascertain the real reason of their migration. I believe that the influx would stop if your United Front can take up the reins of the Govt. again and solve the acute problems. I intend to organise a peace mission tour in East Pakistan as early as possible on behalf of the Shanti Sena Committee as was done in 1948. I want to proceed to East Bengal when Saheed Saheb would be coming there next time.
I am writing to Saheed Saheb also about this. If you all welcome my plan then I shall make all necessary arrangements for the peace-mission tour.
Hope you are doing well with your health. I am extremely sorry to learn that a great rift has taken place between Saheed Saheb and Huq Saheb at this critical Juncture. My good wishes to you all,
Yours affectionately,
Sd/- Debotosh Das Gupta. Mr. Majibar Rahman Secretary, The Awami League, Dacca.

Page: 233


Report on the visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Mymensingh, Tangail, Jamalpur and Netrakona intended to carry on signature campaign for no-confidence motion against A. K. Fazlul Haq.
Mymensingh, 19 February 1955
Political Activities (a) Muslim Groups.
316. Mymensingh .- It is reported that Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para), Secretary, East
Pakistan Awami Muslim League, went to Mymensingh on 31.1.55 from Dacca and visited
Mymensingh, Tangail, Jamalpur and Netrakona. He met the MsLA of the respective places. The object of his visit was to carry on the signature campaign for bringing no-confidence motion against Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq. But he did not get any favourable response from any
quarter. Later, he again along with Maulvi Ataur Rahman (para 91), Advocate, “Vice
President, EPAML, visited Mymensingh, Jamalpur and Tangail town between 8th and 10th
February, 1955 and approached the MLA of the places and was successful in obtaining the
signatures of Maulvi Abul Mansur Ahmed, BL, Maulana Altaf Hussain, MLA and
Maizuddin Mukteear, all of Mymensingh town, and Amir Ali Khan, Khuda Baksh Muktear
and Azharul Islam, all MSLA of Tangail Subdivision.


Letter of Badrunnesa Ahmed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
regarding party affairs. Chittagong, 26 February 1955
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong.
Dacca; The 26/2 1955
Memo. No. 1742 (2)/102-49(Int)

Page: 234
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) From (with address)
: Budrunnessa Ahmad,
Chittagong To (with address)
Sheikh Majibur Rahman, M.L.A. 56 Simpson Road., Sadarghat, Dacca
: Bengali
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: :
Chittagong G.P.O. 23.2.55.
S.I. A.M.A. Quasem
7. Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can prove the
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
Copy kept Casual
Copy/translation forwarded to: 1. A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. 2. S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -25.2.55 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong. Dy.S.P.
For favour of perusal. The writer is being fixed. Copies to I.B. and D.I.B., Dacca for information. S.W.R.
Sd/- Md. Yunus. D.I.O. (I) Ctg.
24.2.55. Yes, as proposed. Sd/- A. J. Chaudhuri. Dy.S.P., D.I.B., Ctg. 24.2.55.

Page: 235
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 23.2.55 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 23.2.55.
From : To :
Budrunnessa Ahmad (1) Chittagong, Sheikh Majibur Rahman (2) M.L.A., 56 Simpson Road, (Awami League Office) Sadarghat Road, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue : Nil.
Majib Bhai,
Always I am going on thinking. I know that my opinion will not tally with that of you because you all are expert and I am just mere new and as such my mind is always sentimental. So far I know I think there is some gross mistake. It is as clear as water that we have got no such majority with the help of whom we can form the cabinet without any bar, of course it is a fact that if we can form, it would be automatically with the help of majority permit. But there is one thing whether Awami League intends to run Abu Hussainy Administration like the Muslim League? If they do not intend so it is rather better to go straight to the right way. If we bring no confidence motion and through which we cannot get any useful result we are not to be defaulted there, rather they would be blamed who have became follower of Mohammad Ali. I belief and I had the mind to bring confidence in order to change the leaders but no to break the party because nobody has the courage to break the party on the other hand the whole 21 points will turn into false. I have
n so many that Awami League is to be more stronger for the sake of Suhrawardy Saheb only but why it would be so that I also know but exchange of interest of the whole country? Please tell me those who gave vote what hope they cherished in their mind? In order to less fulfill their hope there must be unity behind it. The necessity of having unity is required today also which was in the year 1946-47. East Pakistan has been left neglected if you like to make it prosperous there requires unity. Today Mr. Suhrawardy may not be a strong one but as soon as the West Pakistan election will commence he will become a strong one and for which why shall we be the play mate in the hands of centre. They will win to break down the unity. This is why I am saying let Ram or Shyam be Chief Minister what is the harm to you and me? If they do not select anybody from Awami League let them select one of their own even the chance may be given to Nanna Miya or Mohan Miyan and we have got no objection there also. We want the parliamentary Govt. and the work and we are not fighting for “Gadi”. Mohammad Ali wants to shake hand with the then Muslim League and this is their fault and that would be for the sake of selfishness only. They are not going straight. It is also their mistake. You please explain them the thing and select one from among them to be the leader and

Page: 236
keep the prestige of the unity. Is it really impossible? In spite of examining the pulse of your own party if you go to examine the pulse of the country you will see that up till now masses have got much regard for Huq. But the educated people have got no regard for even any party. So we should not discuss about the polities so far possible. To prove our strength if we go to fight we might have to lose our own prestige.
On that day you were asking me for Working Committee member but I have got no personal opinion as to whom you may like to elect but it is sure that there is no other female behind me as became an officers’ wife. I cannot say why they see the officer in doubtful eyes. So far I think they are still cherishing the mentality cherished up to the year 1946 during the British Imperialism and as such those who have opened industrial works in the country and executing our orders are the enemies of the country. So I have got no rights to do politics in their opinion I will ask any day if I am a citizen of this country or not. However I am not aware of your next move. Where there is a silent man like Mr. Ataur Rahman, I see my own light there and I have nothing to say for you. Don’t think your party in a short term rather try to make it a long term and this is my last request. Tell Ittefaq not to bit the drun in such way and let Millat shout and automatically it would be stopped. Within the real democracy truth will gain the goal of course if we lead the country in dictatorship or totalarian way. We must remember that country is not for party but the country is for the country. On the whole for the sake of Gadi don’t go to break down the party. Please take a further attempt in a democratic way and see to whom they keep faith. I hope that the members have got no objection to accept him who has got faith in masses.
If you are not in a position to reply, don’t reply but only I want to know that whether my opinion is similar to that of you or not? If not tallied please explain me. If you yourself cannot explain, make it explained by others. Quamaruzzaman Sb. has accepted my views and only I want to know from you.
Let your wife know my adab. Have a training from her as to how to think a thing with patience. Democracy will no longer do. The burden is now on your shoulder so keep an eye on the ground have a mind to bring fruits for future and go on doing works
Araz Guzar.
The End Sd/- Badrunnessa Ahmad.
Site note : 1) D.I.O. A. Hakim who has been asked to fix her should expedite. He should consult me.
Sd/- Md. Yunus. 24.2. 2) S/O, Jasimuddin of Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca.

Page: 237
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 23.2.55 intercepted at Ctg. GPO on
From TO
: Badrun-Nesa Ahmed, Ctg. : Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A.
56, Simpson Road (Awami League Office), Sadarghat, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue: Nil.
মুজিব ভাই
শুধু ভেবেই চলছি জানি আমার সঙ্গে আপনাদের মতের মেল হবে না, কেননা আপনারা পাকা ঘুঘু আর আমি সম্পূর্ণ আনকোরা তাই স্বভাবতই মনটাSentinental, আমার কেন
জানি মনে হচ্ছে কোথায় যেন ভুল হচ্ছে, এ কথা জলের মত স্বচ্ছ যে আমরা এমন wajority (!) পায়নি যা নিয়ে নির্বিঘ্নেCabinet Forw করা যায়, অবশ্য এটা ঠিকForw করতে পারলেwajority perwit ইত্যাদির দৌলতে আপনিই হবে, কিন্তু কথা হচ্ছেAwami League কিMusliwa league এর মত “ আবু হােসেনী রাজত্ব করতে চায়? যদি না চাই তাহলে ওসব ঘােলাটে আর নােংড়া পথে না গিয়ে পরিস্কার পথ ধরাই ভাল। No Confidence wotion এনে যদি আশানুরূপresult না হয় তাহলে দোষ আমাদের নয়। দোষ সে সবের যারা মহম্মদ আলীর ভাওতায় পড়ল। আমার বিশ্বাস No Confidence এনেleader change করতে চেয়েছিলামPart break করতে চাইনি কেননাPartg break করার সাহস কারু নাই অন্যথায় গােটা ২১ দফা মিথ্যা হয়ে যায় আমি অনেকের কাছেই শুনেছিSharawardu সাহেবের জন্যেইAwami league কেStrong হতে হবে কেন হতে হবে সে আমিও বুঝি কিন্তু সে কি সারা দেশের স্বার্থের বিনিময়ে? যারা ভােট দিয়াছিল বলুনত তারা কত আশা নিয়ে দিয়েছিল, তাদের সে আশা যৎসামান্য পূরণ করার পেছনেও চায়unity. 1746-47 যেunityর প্রয়ােজন ছিল সেunityর প্রয়ােজন যে আজও আছে, E. Pakistan neglected হয়ে আছে এপর্যন্ত তার কিছু উন্নতি করতে হলে যে চাই একতাCAT TOATACT masu OTGE AT RC m W. Pakistan 9 … (missing from original document due to page damage) এর সাথে সাথেstrong হবেন তার জন্য… (missing from original document due to page damage) Central ICU C ISTO …(missing from original document due to page damage) এই unity ভাঙ্গার পেছনে জয় যে তাদেরই হলাে! তাইত বলছি রাম, শ্যাম যে।Chief Minister হয় হােক। আপনার বা আমার কি? Awami league থেকে না নিতে চাইলে তারাই দেক না। নিজেদের লােক, এমন কি নান্না মিঞা, মােহন মিঞাকেও দেক, তাতেও আপত্তি করব না। আমরা চাইParliamentary Govt. এবং চাই কাজ, গদার লড়াইত করিনি। তারা মহাম্মদ আলি তথাMuslim League এর সাথে হাত মিলাইতে চাই, সেই তাদের দোষ সেটা হলােই তাে স্বার্থের খাতিরে। তারা চাইGovt. সুতরাং সােজা পথ না ধরে টেরা পথ ধরেছে এও তাদের ভুল, তাদের সেইটা বুঝিয়ে দেন এবং তাদেরই একজনকেhead করেunitg বজায় রাখুন, এটা কি সত্যিই অসম্ভব? নিজেরpartyরpulse ছাড়া

Page: 238
দেশের pulse হাত দিয়ে দেখলে দেখবেনwaSS এর আজও Ha৭…(missing from the original document due to page damage) উপর আছে, শ্রদ্ধা কিন্তু শিক্ষিত দলের সবpartg উপর এসেছে অশ্রদ্ধা তাই যতদূর সম্ভবPolitical আলােচনা করেনা, ক্ষমতার লড়ায় করতে গিয়ে..(missing from the original document due to page damage) আমাদেরprestige যাবে নষ্ট হয়ে?
সেদিন working cownwittee wnewber এর কাছে বলছিলেন আমার নিজস্ব কোন মতামত নেই যার যা খুশী দিতে পারেন তবে এটা ঠিক আমার …(missing from the original document due to page damage) কোন মহিলা নেই যেহেতু আমি officers wife কেন জানিনা এরা officers দের সন্দেহের চোখে দেখেন আমার মনে এদের চিন্তা ধারা আজও 1746 পর্যন্ত ঠেকে আছে British আমলের মনােবৃত্তি আজও ঘােচেনি তাই দেশে যারা Industry খুলছে, তারা এবং যা আমাদেরই order execute করছে তারা দেশের …(missing from the original document due to page damage) stosure UNITI ACU uransa cold rights are party 3341391 আমি এ দেশের citizen কি না তাই …(missing from the original document due to page damage) জিজ্ঞাসা করে নেব। সে যাক, জানিনা আপনার …(missing from the original document due to page damage) next wove কি? যেখানে আতাউর রহমানের …(missing from the original document due to page damage) ব্যক্তি আছে, সেখানে আজও আমি …(missing from the original document due to page damage) দেখি আর আপনার কথা ছেড়েই দিলাম..(missing from the original document due to page damage) Partyce Short term a fost Long …(missing from the original document due to page damage) এ যাবেন এই অনুরােধ করে রাখলাম। ….(missing from the original document due to page damage) বলবেন ঢাকটা একটু কম পেটায়, শুধু …(missing from the original document due to page damage) চেচাইতেছেন, ওর চেচানী ..(missing from the original document due to page damage) সত্যিকার-Dewa০cracyর মাধ্যমে সত্যের জয় হবেই হবে অবশ্য যদি আমরা দেশকেDictatorship বাTotalitarian-এ নিয়ে যায়। আমরা এ কথা নিশ্চয় মনে রাখবাে যেPartyর জন্য দেশ নয় দেশের জন্যparty.
মােট কথা শুধু মাত্র গদীর জন্যpartg break করবেন নাDemocratic wag তে আর একবার চেষ্টা করে দেখেনfaith কার উপর? যার উপরেfaith থাকবে আশা করি তাকেই মেনে নিতে বাধা নাই আমাদের কোনweber এর চিঠির উত্তর দিতে না পারলে দেবেন না শুধু জানতে চাই আমার মত আপনার মতের সঙ্গে মেলে কিনা যদি না মেলে বুঝিয়ে দেবেন নিজে না দিতে পারলে অন্যকে দিয়ে বুঝাবেন। কামরুজ্জামান সাহেব আমার মত মেনে নিয়েছেন শুধু আপনারটা জানতে চাই।
আপনার গৃহিনীকে আদাব জানাবেন। তাঁর কাছেTraining নেবেন কিভাবে স্থির হয়ে ভাবতে হয়।Dewag099’ আর চলবেনা। জুয়াল আপনাদের ঘাড়ে পড়েছে, সুতরাং মাটির দিকে নজর রেখে ভবিষ্যতের ফসলের উপর খেয়াল রেখে কাজ করতে হবে। আরজ গুজার
Sa/- বদরুন্নেসা আহমদ
Recorded by me. Sd/-S..

Page: 239


Weekly report on the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Ataur Rahman Khan for Calcutta and travelling of other four AML leaders from different destinations.
Dacca, 12 March 1955 W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 12.3.55.
(PART-I) Movements of Suspects.
A.L.143 Manindra Nath Bhattacherji left Dacca for Calcutta on 7.3.55 by air.
A.L. 520. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman and A.L. 89 Ataur Rahman Khan left Dacca for Calcutta by air on 12.3.55.
A.L. 634 Atindra Mohan Ray Chaudhuri arrived at Dacca from Tippera by train on 7.3.55 and left Dacca for Calcutta by air on 9.3.55.
A.L. 188 Binode Chakrabartti and A.L. 354 Monoranjan Dhar arrived at Dacca by train
from Mymensingh on 4.3.55.
Re. Si. 1 and 4. Extract on their P.F.
Sd/- S.A. Halim. 17.3
Sd/- A. Hafiz


Letter from Saiyid Akbar Ali of Sirajgonj to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman relating to District Board Election and party affairs. He expressed sorrow to him for not issuing strong worded rejoinder to Mohmmad Ali’s statement and also advised Ataur Rahman to
be strong and self respecting.
Pabna, 21 March 1955

Page: 240
The 21st March, 1955.
Memo No. 1139(2)/
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Saiyid Akbar Ali, Saiyid Manjeel, Serajganj, Pabna. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Esgr., Secy., Provincial A.M.L., 56 Simpson
To (with address)
Rd., Dacca.
Language of letter. Date of letter.
Postal Seal.
Unsealed (outgoing posting).
Post office of interception
: Searjganj. Date of interception
: 7.3.55. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : A.S.I. Md. Akram Ali Miah, D.I.B. interception
Serajganj, Pabna. 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to:
A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca and 2. S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -19.3.55.
(Moinuddin) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Pabna.
True copy of an English letter addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Esqr., Secy., Provincial Awami Muslim League, Simpson Road, Dacca, sent by Saiyid Akbar Ali, Saiyid Manjeel, Serajganj, Pabna.

Page: 241
Saiyid Akbar Ali, B.L., M.L.A.
Saiyid Manjeel, Serajganj. Dated 5th March, 1955.
My dear Sheikh Shahib,
I could not meet you before my departure for Serajganj. The D.B. election is going to take place from the 2nd April. Candidates are chosen on behalf of Awami Muslim League. We shall issue pamphlets supporting our candidates. Strong candidates are being placed against Abdullah-Al-Mahmood and Abdur Rashid Mahmood. I am not contesting.
I am sorry you have not issued very strongly worded rejoinder to Muhammad Ali’s statement (kilkenny cats) of course seen the one issued by Tajuddin and others.
We should on no account have any track with reactionary group. They should be driven out of the fold. We should entirely devote in organisational works and make our organisation, the Awami Muslim League as strong as possible. We should on no account have any talk with those in power. If we can make our organisation strong, they are bound to stoop down and come to us. This state of things cannot go on for an unlimited length, of time.
My compliments to Jonab Ataur Rahman. He should be strong and self respecting. His action sometimes compromises our organisations’ position which is most deplorable.
Please let me know where is Moulana Shahib now? Have you received any other from him as also from Mr. Suhrawardy.
I shall certainly go to Dacca when any of them comes there.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- S. Akbar Ali.


Confidential report on the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
Ataur Rahman Khan and two other leaders from Dacca to Karachi. Movements of Abdus Salam Khan and Ashrafuddin Ahmad Chowdhury were also mentioned.
Dacca, 25 March 1955
Précis on the C.Rs of the following Ex-Ministers dated 25.3.55.
Mr. S.K. Mujibar Rahman
The subject went out by Jeep Car.324-EBS at about 08.45 hrs. went to the residence of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan at about 09.00 hrs. Both of them left Swarighat at about 10.30 hrs. by Jeep car 324-EBS.

Page: 242
The subject returned to his residence at about 13.30 hrs. by rickshaw. At about 14.50 hrs. Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan visited the subject residence by Jeep Car No. 324-EBS. At about 15.00 hrs. the subject left his residence accompanied by Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan went Tejgaon Airport by the same Jeep car. The subject left airport at about 16.00 hrs. for Karachi P.I.A. plane along with Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Abul Mansur Ahmad and Moslem Ali Molla.
(as appeared from the report of W.C. on duty at Tejgaon Airport.)
Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan.
The subject left his residence at about 10.30 hrs. by Jeep Car. 324-E.B.S. accompanied by Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman. The subject left Tejgaon Airport at about 16.00 hrs. for Karachi by P.I.A. plane along with Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Abul Mansur Ahmad and Moslem Ali Molla.
Side note : D.S.VI. Perusal please. Both the suspects accompanied by Abul Mansur Ahmed and
Moslem Ali Mollah all of A.M.L. left for Karachi by P.I.A. plane on 25.2.55. Sd/-26.3.55. Please place extracts as relevant folders. Sd/- for D.S.6. 26.3.
Précis of watch report dt. 4.4.55 reg. the watch over the following.
Abdus Salam Khan. In the morning he attended High Court. In the evening he returned from outside at 22.30 hrs. after calling on Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq. Ashrafuddin Ahmad Chowdhury. He was seen to leave by car at 16.00 and to return at 22.00 hrs. Ataur Rahman Khan. He returned from Karachi by P.I.A. plane at 06.00. He also attended A.M.L. Office at 17.20 and returned at 20.30. Sk. Mujibar Rahman. He returned from Karachi by P.I.A. plane at 06.00 hrs. He was noticed to leave his grs. by car at 16.55 and was found to visit A.M.L. office at 17.10 when he stayed till 20.30 hrs.
Returned to his qrs. at 22.30
Side note :D.S.VI. For Your Kind information pl. Sd/-5.4.55.
Ext. of paras 3 and 4 as their respective P.Fs. Sd – for D.S.6. 5.4.

Page: 243


Letter addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by M.A. Khaleque, President Jessore AML where he criticized A.K. Fazlul Haque and discussed party affairs. He also wrote about the preparation of observing ‘Protest Day’on the 15th April 1955.
Jessore, 7 April 1955
Intelligence Branch
The 7th April 1955
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: M. A. Khaleque B. com. B.L.
M.L.A. President, Dist. Awami
League, Jessore. To (with address)
Jonab Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P Awami Muslim League, 56
Simpson Rd. Dacca. Language of letter
English Date of letter
: 5.4.55 Postal Seal
: Jessore Post office of interception .: G.P.O. Dacca Date of interception
: 7.4.55 Name of officer who can prove : Md. Serajul Haq, S.I., I.B. the interception Whether photographed or not : No Whether withheld or delivered : With original If delivered, whether copy kept or : Since delivered keeping a not
typed copy. The typed copy
enclosed. Number and date of Government : G.O. order authorising interception
9. 10. 11.

Page: 244
Copy / translation forwarded to
M.A. Khaleque M.L.A. & President, District Awami League, Jessore, writes this to Shaikh Mujibur Rahman Genl., Secy., E.P. Awami Muslim League requesting him not to join any meeting called by Mv. Dr. Fazlul Huq as they no longer recognise him as their parliamentary leader & soliciting instructions what they should do, etc.
Side note : SS II, Perusal please. There is nothing of importance. The original letter may be
delivered after keeping a typed copy for office record. Sd/-7.4.55 for DS6 As Proposed, Sd/-7.4. Original delivered keeping a typed copy. Sd/-7.4.55.
M.A. Khaleque, B. Com., B.L., M.LA Advocate, Dacca High Court. President, District Awami League.
JESSORE Dated 5.4.1955.
My dear brother,
Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq has called a meeting of the U.F.P.P. on the 10th and a public meeting the same day as “Reinstatement of Democracy Day” clever as he is, after his unsuccessful hobnobbing with Mr. Mohammed Ali and his Muslim League clique, he is now trying to steal a march over the Awami League in the above way.
Our stand with regard to the U.F.P.P. meeting which he has called on 10.4.55 must be clearly enunciated. My humble view is that as we no longer recognise him as our Parliamentary leader. We cannot join any meeting called by him. However kindly do what you think best in consultation with Jonab Ataur Rahman Khan and in telephonic consultation with our revered leaders Jonab Maulana Sahib and Jonab Suhrawardy Sahib. The Awami League M.L.As may kindly be intimated in time as to what they should do.
I am glad to see that you have called a “Protest day” to be observed throughout Pakistan on the 15th April. We shall leave no stone unturned to make it a success here.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- M.A. Khaleque. Jonab Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 56, Simpson Road, Dacca.

Page: 245


Weekly confidential report on the acquittal of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AML leaders from Dacca central jail incident
Dacca, 9 April 1955
Dacca, W.C.R. for w/e 9.4.55.
[III Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A. (A.M.L.) who was an accused in Dacca Central Jail Gate Case (Lalbagh P.S. Case No. 19 dated 7.5.54 u/s.147/447/427/326/332/353/109 P.P.C.) was acquittal and discharged by Mr. F. Rabbi, Magistrate, 1st Class, Dacca on 6.4.55. Messers Ataur Rahman Khan, M.L.A. (A.M.L.), Kamaruddin Ahmad (A.M.L.), Kamruzzaman, M.L.A. (A.M.L.), Serajul Haq, M.L.A.(A.M.L.) and 10 others met Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A. in a teaparty on 6.4.55 at about 19.30 hrs. at the Awami Muslim League office at 56, Simpson Road, Dacca and congratulated him on his acquittal from the Case.]
Side note: Extr. of para lll to P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/ – 16.4


Weekly confidential report on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Barisal from Dacca and leaving for his home. In this
report movements of two other AML leaders also included.
Bakerganj, 9 April 1955
D.S. I 12/4
The East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No.8 dated 19.2.55 has been received.
Part – I.
D.S. 4 12/4
(1) A.L. suspect No. 365 Paresh Chandra Ganguly left Barisal for
Khulna on 7.4.55 by the Khulna mail steamer.

Page: 246
D.S. 6 12/4
(2) A.L. suspect No.81 Aminul Haque Chaudhuri left Barisal for Dacca
on 7.4.55 by the Dacca mail steamer. (3) A.L. suspect 530 Shaikh Muzibur Rahman, S/o. Lutfor Rahman of
Tungipara P.S. Gopalganj Dt. Faridpur arrived at Barisal from Dacca on 8.4.55 by the Dacca Mail steamer and left for his home on the same day by the Khulna mail steamer.
Sd/- A.M.M.A. Rahman.
Sd/-S.A. Halim. Sd/-16.4.
Sd/-18.4.55. for D.S.6.
Letter of Badrunnesa Ahmad from Chittagong to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein she expressed her happiness with the news of
acquittal of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from jail gate case.
Chittagong, 13 April 1955
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong.
The 13 April 1955 Memo No. 3425/102-49 (Int)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
Badrunnessa Ahmad, Chittagong.
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
Sheikh Majibur Rahman, M.L.A.
Genl. Secy. Awami League, 56, Simpson Road, Dacca.
Language of letter
: Bengali.
3. 4.
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Chittagong 10.4.55.
6. 7.
Post Office of interception Date of interception
: :
Chittagong. R.M.S. Office 10.4.55.

Page: 247
8. Name of Officer who can prove the : A.S.I. Syedul Haq.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept 12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to:
A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -13.4.55 Superintendent, of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
S.P./ Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copy may be sent to I.B. for information. S.W.R.
Sd/-Md. Yunus. D.I.O. (I) Chittagong.
Action as proposed. The individual is an M.L.A. She is in habit of holding correspondence with Sk. Majibur Rahman, Secretary, A.M.L. (Provincial) dealing with and criticising the present state policy.
Sd/- A.J. Chaudhuri. DSP., DIB., Chittagong.
Sd – K. N. Hussain. S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong. 12.4.55
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 9.4.55, intercepted at Chittagong R.M.S. on 10.4.55.
From : Badrunnessa Ahmad, (1) Chittagong.
: Sheikh Majibur Rahman (2) M.L.A., Genl. Secy. Awami League, 56,
Simpson Road, Dacca.

Page: 248
Postal seal of issue : Chittagong 10.4.55. Majib Bhai,
I am glad on receipt of the news of your honourably acquittal. But those who have charged you without grounds what have you done against them? It is only in our country thats are harassed by anybody without cause. Really it makes me astonished just to see their courage. Even they do not obey the Minister. If you have got grudge against anybody take the revenge. However we are congratulating you on your release.
However leave the matter. Are we not anybody of the Awami League? This is a very big organisation which has captured the Parliament even but should we think that it has got no organisation. But our small women organisation has got better discipline than that. What talk you had with the Prime Minister? We don’t know anything what resolution adopted in the party Working Committee. I also know that it is not possible to inform every matter to every member. But you can inform us by writing what we should know. The matter which is published today in the Ittefaq, that is challenged tomorrow in the Millat. How shall we know that Ittefaq is correct? But Ittefaq did not claim on any day, that it is the only paper of Awami League. Nobody wanted any subscription from us so far. So you should not expect the subscription for a year at a time. I shall not be able to give that as I have not yet received a single piece as M.L.A. Heard that our money has been provided in budget. Of course I have not seen the same personally that’s why I can’t tell the exactness. Thinking how it will be if I file a case? Still the speaker is getting his pay with the kindness of Haq Sab. The house is continuing according to the constitution. What you say should I file a case I don’t think that anybody is doing politics here at Chittagong. All of them are K.S.P. who are 1 or 2 in number. Please inform me who are here amongst our group. I have become dull here. Will you not allow us in the Committee? I could get some life if I could get the facility to go to Dacca.
No more today, my adab to you. I want the reply of my complaint as you are the Secretary. When Bhasani Sb. will come? If really Suhrawardy resigns on this point then it will be good. They are sitting fight to get Suhrawardy there and thinking that the opposition is in their hands. Salam Khan should not be taken any more. There are some persons who brought the destruction of the party and the country. Today the peculiar position of the party is only for him. All on a sudden why the Statesman is very much busy with the marriage of Md. Ali. What is the utility of performing the ceremony after a year? Is there any fun in it? The end.
Sd/- Badrunnessa Ahmad.
Side note :1) may be identical with Badrunnessa Begum W/O Nuruddin Ahmad of Kushtia town and
of Forest Bungalow, Baily Road, Dacca A.P. Feringhee Bazar, Chittagong town.

Page: 249
Copy of a Bengali letter dated 9/4/55.
মুজিব ভাই,
আপনার বেকসুর খালাস পাওয়া সংবাদ আনন্দিত হলাম। কিন্তু বেকসুর যারাCharge এর মধ্যে ফেলেছিল তাদের কি করেছেন? আমাদের দেশ বলেই অকারন এভাবেharass করা সাজে। এদের বুকের পাটা দেখে সত্যিই অবাক লাগে winister পৰ্য্যন্ত মানে না” যদি কোন ব্যক্তি বিশেষ এর পেছনে থাকে কেন না তার বিরুদ্ধে উল্টো ঠুকে। যায় হােক আপনার মুক্তি পাওয়ায় আমরা অভিনন্দন জানাচ্ছি।।
যাক সে কথা। আমরা কিAwami League এর কেউ নই? এতবড় একটা প্রতিষ্ঠান যে প্রতিষ্ঠানেরParliament পৰ্য্যন্ত Capture করেছে তার কোনOrganisation নাই সেকি ভাবা যায়? এর চেয়ে আমাদের ছােট ছােট মহিলা প্রতিষ্ঠানের শৃঙ্খলা আছে।Prime Minister এর সঙ্গে কি সব কথা বলেন।PartyরWorking Cowwwittee তে কিResolution নেয়া হয় কিছুই আমরা জানতে পারি না। প্রতি কথা প্রতিwewber কে জানবার নয় সে আমিও জানি কিন্তু যে কথা জানবার সেটা তাে আমাদের লিখিতভাবে জানাতে পারেন। ইত্তেফাকে যে কথা আজ বের হয় কালজে মিল্লাত তারChallenge করে সুতরাং আমারা কি করে বুজব ইত্তেফাক ঠিক- ইত্তেফাক তাে কোনদিন বলেনি যে সেটা শুধু মাত্রAwami League এরpaper,
আমাদের কাছে কেউ কোনদিন চাঁদা ও চায় না তাই বলে একসঙ্গে এক বছরের চাঁদা চেয়ে বসবেন না। ও দিতেও পারবনা কেননাM.L.A হয়ে এক পয়সা তাে পেলাম না। শুনছি নাকিBudgetএ টাকা পাশ করা হয়েছে। সুতরাং মাইনা নাকি দিচ্ছে। অবশ্য আমি নিজে দেখিনি। তাই বলতে পারছিনা সঠিক খবর। ভাবছি একটাCase করলে কেমন হয়…(missing from the original document due to page damage) হক সাহেবের কৃপায় – সুতরাংHouse তােContinue করছেConstitution অনুযায়ী…(missing from the original document due to page damage) আপনি কি বলেন করব নাকি একটাCase? Challenging এ কেউPolitics করে বলে তাে মনে হয় না। যা ২/১ জন আছে সবইK.S.P. জানাবেনতাে আমাদের দলের কে আছে। এক্কেবারেDul/ হয়ে আছি এখানে।Cowwwitteeর মধ্যে কি আমাদের ঢােকাচ্ছেন না? তাহলে ঢাকা গিয়ে এসেও আরাম পাত্মা যায়।
আর না আদাব রইল। আমার Complain এর জবাব চাই- কেননা আপনি তার Secretary. ভাষানী সাহেব কবে আসবেন? যদি সত্যি সরওয়ার্দী এই Point এresign দেয় তাহলে খুব ভাল হয়-ওরা সরয়ার্দীকে নিয়ে বড় গ্যাঁট হয়ে বসে আছে-ভাবছি Opposition তাে আমাদের হাতের মুঠয়, সালাম খানদের আর নেয়া উচিত নয়-এই রকম কতক লােক থাকে বলে Partyর ও দেশের সর্বনাশ হয় …(missing from the original document due to page damage) og CNJ Partyx UNCE 4 Peculiar Position. “The

Page: 250
Statesman” হঠাৎMd. Ali বিয়ে নিয়ে পড়ল কেন? এক বছর পরে Open ceremonuর বা কি প্রয়ােজন হল? এর মধ্যেও কি মাদারীর খেল আছে নাকি?
sro, বদরুন্নেছা আহম্মদ,


Photographs of 63 security prisoners including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were sent to Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca.
Dacca, 14 April 1955
No. 7499/606-48 P.F. dt 14.4.55
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Sub: Photographs of S. Prs.
The photographs of the following security prisoners both face & profile are sent herewith for your record:1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
33. Abdur Rahman 2. Kurban Ali, M.L.A
34. Sahar Ali Mahbub Ali Dewan.
35. Nuruddin 4. Ashraf Ahmad.
36. Abdullah Mia Md. Ali Sardar.
37. Satyendra Ch. Ray. Noor Jahan.
38. Hannan 7. Asgar Ali
39. Subed Ali 8. Manik Miyan
40. Ghulam Qadir
Chaudhuri, M.LA 9. Nani Gopal De
41. Julmat Ali Khan. 10. Fakir Md.
42. Abul Hashem Khan.

Page: 251
11. Bhulu Miyan.
43. Sirajuddin Ahmad Qazi
@ Sirajul Islam. 44. Syed Abdur Rahim. 45. Hafizuddin
12. Hafiz Uddin 13. Ashrafuddin
46. Chand Mia
14. Md. Yasin 15. Khabir Uddin Chowdhuri
47. Abdus Subhan
48. Abdul Majid
16. Sova Miyan. 17. Reazuddin
49. Abdullah
18. Zahir Uddin 19. Rustam Ali
50. Helal Uddin 51. Sarajundra Saha. 52. Md. Ibrahim 53. Bilal Mia.
20. Ramzan Ali 21. Md. Habib 22. Manzur Alam
54. Md. Sulaiman
23. Md. Husain
24. Tarab Ali
25. Jagesh Mala 26. Mia Chand. 27. Salauddin
55. Md. Ishaque. 56. Nagen Chakrabartti. 57. Pran Gobinda Goon. 58. Pranesh Samaddar. 59. Abdul Halim 60. A.R. Sonammat. 61. Sultan Mahmud Mallik 62. Mukshedur Rahman. 63. Amulya Kr. Naha.
28. Md Umar
29. Kasem Ali 30. Gahaney Alam 31. Majib Uddin
32. Lokman
Sd/ – for S.S.T.

Page: 252


A meeting of AML held at Gopalganj town maidan where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in his speech demanded abolition of sec 92A, observance of Protest Day’ and removal of restrictions on the
movement of Mawlana Bhasani.
Faridpur, 16 April 1955
Page No. 249 of file 13-54 (Faridpur).
Ext. From A/I No. 16 for the week ending 16.4.55. Political Activities.
(a) Muslim groups.
625. Faridpur – At the instance of Khundkar Shamsul Haq (para 8) alias Basu Miyan (AML), son of Mahmudul Haq of Baneswardi, Nagarkanda, Faridpur and of Gopalgonj town, a meeting (5,000) of the Awami Muslim League, Gopalgonj was held at Gopalgonj town Maidan on 10th April for discussing the present political situation of Pakistan with special reference to the withdrawal of section 92-A from East Bengal, with Khundkar Shamsul Haq in the chair. Besides the President Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (para 613) (AML), son of Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalgonj, Faridpur, Shahidul Haq Khan, ex-security prisoner and others delivered speeches in the meeting criticising the continuance of 92-A Rule in East Bengal and urging upon the audience to join A.M.L. and observe the ‘Protest Day’ by holding public meetings at Gopalgonj town on 15th April, demanding the abolition of 92-A Rule in East Bengal, withdrawal of restriction order imposed upon Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (para 623), immediate release of all security prisoners and formation parliamentary form of government in East Bengal in no time. Resolution demanding immediate release of security prisoners abrogation of 92-A Rule from East Bengal, removal of restriction on the movements of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani etc., were adopted.

Page: 253


Movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, AML.
Faridpur, 16 April 1955
Faridpur D.I.B. W.C.R. for w/e 16.4.55. 606-48 PF
3. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.*530) reached Gopalganj from Barisal on 9.4.55.
Sd/ – DSVII Seen Sd/-21.4


Weekly Confidential Report on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Khulna, 16 April 1955
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Khulna, for the week ending 16.4.55.
Part I. Movement of Suspect.
A.L. suspect 530 Shaikh Mujibur Rahman left for Jessore on 14.4.55 from Kotwalipara enroute to Khulna. He was shadowed by a watcher A.S.I. of D.I.B. Gopalgnaj, Faridpur.
Jessore D.I.B. W.C.R. for w/e 16.4.55.
Part. (1) (Movements of suspects).
* A. L. No. 530 Sk Mujibur Rahman arrived at Jessore on 14th April from Khulna side by 255 Up Goalundo Passenger Train and visited the house of Abul Khair Pir Saheb, (AML) s/o late Shah Abdul Karim of Khorki, Kotwali, Jessore and left for Dacca by plane on the same day at 12.20 hrs.

Page: 254


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and 9 other leaders.
Dacca, 23 April 1955
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 23.4.55.
Part I. (Movement of suspects). A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman and A.L. 89 Ataur Rahman Khan left Dacca for Calcutta on 22.4.55 by plane and returned to Dacca on 26.4.55. A.L. 236 Basanta Kumar Das who left for Calcutta on 9.4.55 returned to Dacca on 18.4.55 by plane. A.L.530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Dacca via Narayanganj by steamer on 11.4.55.
A.L. 400 Qazi Ghulam Mahbub arrived at Dacca from Barisal by steamer via Narayanganj on 14.4.55.
A.L. 86 Ashrafuddin Ahmad Chaudhuri arrived at Dacca by train on 14.4.55.
A.L. 312 Ramesh Chandra Datta left Dacca for Faridpur by Goalund steamer on 14.4.55. A.L.89 Ataur Rahman Khan, A.L.530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Al. Abul Mansur Ahmed left Dacca for Karachi by plane on 25.4.55. A.L.754 Ashutosh Singh of Comilla arrived at Dacca train on 21.4.55.
A.L. 354 Monoranjan Dhar, A.L.212 Trailakhya Nath Chakrabartti and A.L. 425 Hashimuddin Ahmad arrived at Dacca from Mymensingh by train on 20.4.55.
10. A.L. 86 Ashrafuddin Ahmad Chaudhuri left Dacca for Sylhet on 16.4.55 and
returned to Dacca by train on 18.4.55.
Side note : Issue, 10 copies pl. Sd/- 4.5

Page: 255


Letter from Badrunnessa Ahmed of Chittagong to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein she enquired about her inclusion in the party
Chittagong, 4 May 1955
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong.
The 4-5-1955
Memo No. 3989(2)/102-49 (Int)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Badrunneassa Ahmad,
To (with address)
Mr. Majibur Rahman, M.L.A. Genl. Secy. A.M.L, 56, Simpson
Road, Dacca.
Language of letter
Bengali : 29.4.55.
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Chittagong. G.P.O.
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the
: S.I. Abdul Bari.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
Copy kept.
: Casual.

Page: 256
Copy/translation forwarded to :1. A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
2. M. Yusuff, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -3.5.55 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong. Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copy of the letter may be sent to I.B. and D.I.B., Dacca for information. D.I.B., Dacca may supply particulars of Qumuruzzaman. S.W.R.
Sd/- Md. Yunus. D.I.O.(I) Chittagong.
Action as proposed. We have already received the particulars of Quamuruzzaman, this is in the file.
Sd/-A.H. Chaudhuri D.S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong.
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 29.4.55, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 29.4.55.
From : Badrunnessa (1) To : Mr. Majibur Rahman (2) M.L.A. Genl. Secy. A.M.L., 56, Simpson Road,
Postal seal of issue : Nil.
Majib Bhai,
Again I am compelled to write you. At the time of departure I came to learn from Quamuruzzaman that my name has been submitted for the Convention. But he is not also sure of it. That’s why I am anxious to know the same from you. Please write me about the facts by return of post. I shall have to cancel all other tour programme for going to Dacca. Moreover the books of old Constitution should be burnt. In the meantime I had some urgent works in Calcutta. However I shall stop the same for the time being, Please don’t keep the letter pending for 7/8 days. If you are unable to reply the same, tell your wife for compliance. Hope you will give importance to this effect.
Are you still determined for going to America? Don’t give us bluff. Adab to
Sd/- Badrunnessa Ahmad.

Page: 257
Side note: 1) Badrunnessa Begum W/O Nuruddin Ahmad of Amlapara, Kustia and of Forest
Bungalow, Bally Road, Dacca A/P Feringhee Bazar Chittagong town. Sd/-7.5
True Copy of a letter dt 29.4.55 From : Badru Nessa, Chittagong on 29.4.55 To : Mr. Majibur Rahaman M.L.A. General Secy. Awami. M. League 56, Simpson Road Sadarghat, Dacca. Postal seal – Nil
মুজিব ভাই,
আবার কিছুটা বাধ্য হয়ে লিখতে হচ্ছে। আসবার দিন শুনলাম কামরুজ্জামানের কাছে যে, আমার নাম নাকিSubwait করা হয়েছেConvention, তবে উনিও নাকি জানেন না সেই খবরটা আপনার কাছে জানতে চাচ্ছি। যদি সত্যি তা হয় তাহলে ফেরৎ ডাকে ২/১ লাইনে জানিয়ে দেবেন। ঢাকা যাবার জন্য বাইরে যাওয়াটাCancel করে দেব, তা ছাড়া পুরানConstitution এর বইগুলি আর একবার ঝালিয়ে দিতে হবে। ইতি মধ্যে একটু কলকাতা যা প্রয়ােজন ছিল, সেটা আপাততঃ বন্ধ করে দিতে হবে। চিঠিটা ৭/৮ দিন নিয়ে ঘুরলে হবে না- নিজে দিতে না পারলে বউকে বলবেন জানিয়ে দিতে। আশা করি কথাটার গুরুত্ব দিবেন।
Awerica মায়া ঠিক আছে তাে? দেখবেন ফাঁকি দেবেন না, আদাব রইল।
বদরুন্নেসা আহাম্মদ
Side note: Intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. by S.1. A. Bari on 29.4.55


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote 3 separate letters respectively to security prisoners Abu Jafar, Mannan and Monwar consoling
them that H.S. Suhrawardy was trying for their release.
Dacca, 4 May 1955

Page: 258
General Secretary: Sheik Mujibur Rahman
Date 4.5.1955.
No. 98 My Dear Jafar,
Received your kind note and gone through it with care.
We are trying for Political Prisoners’ release. Jonab H.S. Suhrawardy is doing his utmost to this effect. Please don’t despair and have confidence to yourself. ALLAH IS WITH US. With greetings.
Yours. Sd/-Sk M Rahman
(Sk. Mujibur Rahman) To Mr. Abu Jafar, Security Prisoner Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.

Page: 259
To Mr. Monwar Hossain Security Prisonar, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
No. 9813 dt 17.5.55
No.93A(50) date of receipt. 10.5.55
Letter dated : 4.5.55
From: S. Prisoner, Terrorist Sk. Majibur Rahman, Gen.Secy. EPAL Dacca.
U.T. Convict, Ord. To S. Prisoner, Terrorist Abu Gaffar D.C. Jail Dacca.
U.T. Convict, Ord.
Dacca Central Jail. Memo :
1377/86. C/O D.I.G., I.B.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.
Sd/-11.5.55 Side note: SS I, Perusal pl. the letter.
The letter may be withheld as it brings Mr. Suhrawardy who is a member of the Central Cabinet in the scene of Sr. Pr. release. It may also create chaos inside the Jail. Sd/-11/5
DACCA. General Secretary: Sheik Mujibur Rahman
Date 4.5.1955. NO. 94.
My Dear Mannan,
We are seriously trying for your release. Allah knows how far shall we be successful. Jonab H.S. Suhrawardy is trying his best to fight out all cliques and have the political workers released.
Had I received your letter earlier I could arrange to send the book you have wanted. In any case hope you will not mind my unintentional act. WITH LOVE.
Yours, Sd/ -Sk M Rahman. (SHEIKH MUJIBUR RAHMAN)

Page: 260
No. 9816 dt. 17.5.55
No. 93A(45) date of receipt. 10.5.55

Page: 261
Letter dated : 4.5.55.
From : S. Prisoner, Terrorist Sk. Majibur Rahman Gen. Secy. EPAL Dacca.
U.T. Convict, Ord. Sk. Majiour Rahman gen. secy. EPAL To :
S. Prisoner, Terrorist A. Mannan D.C. Jail, Dacca. U.T. Convict, Ord.
Dacca Central Jail. Memo :
11377/8% dt. 1.5.55 C/O D.I.G., I.B.
Remarks of Censor Officer. Private May be passed.
Side note: SSI, Perusal pl.
The letter may be withheld as it gives a bad reflection in the administration. DSIII, Sd/-11.5
General Secretary:
Sheik Mujibur Rahman
Date 4.5.1955
No. 99
My Dear Monwar,
Received your kind note and gone through it with care.
We are trying for Political Prisoners’ release. Jonab H.S. Suhrawardy is doing his utmost to this effect. Please don’t despair and have confidence to yourself. ALLAH IS WITH US.
With greetings.
Sd-/Sk. M Rahman (Sk. Mujibur Rahman)

Page: 262
No. 93A(39) date of receipt. 10.5.55
Letter dated : 4.5.55

Page: 263
From : S. Prisoner, Terrorist Sk. Majibur Rahman Gen. Secy. EPAL Dacca. U.T. Convict, Ord.
Monwar Hossain D.C. Jail.
: UT. Convict, Ord.
Memo :
Dacca Central Jail. no : C/O D.I.G., I.B. 1377/86 dt. 9.5.55.
Remarks of Censor Officer. Private May be passed.
Side note : SSI, Perusal pl. The letter may be withheld as it is likely to create
excitement amongst the Sr. Pr. and thereby chaos & confusion inside the Jail. Sd/- for DSIII, 11/5 Withheld. Sd/-12.5


Weekly confidential report on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Rangpur, 7 May 1955
Rangpur D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e. 7.5.55
2. A.L. Suspect 530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at Bonarpara, Rangpur on 30.4.55 being shadowed by W.C. Mutahar Hussain, Bahadurabad, Mymensingh. He was shadowed up to Panch Bibi via Santahar and Bogra on the same day and made over to W.C. Mujibur Rahman of Panch Bibi.
Bogra D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e. 7.5.55
(c) A.L. No. *530 Shaikh Mujibar Rahman of Faridpur and of Dacca visited Birnagar, P.S. Panchbibi, Bogra, to see Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani on 30.4.55 by the night train and left for Dacca on 1.5.55 by midday train.

Page: 264


A meeting of AML held at Mymensingh Town Hall Maidan where
H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders
delivered speeches. All of them criticized ML government for exploiting common mass, opening fire during the State Language
Movement, A.K. Fazlul Haque for betraying United Front and demanded withdrawal of sec 92A, regional autonomy on the basis of Lahore Resolution, release of political prisoners, distribution of adequate relief to the cyclone affected area of Mymensingh etc.
Mymensingh, 9 May 1955
P.82-81, File No.13-54 (M’Singh.) Genl.
Hon’ble Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy- He explained to the people that the A.M.L. decided to join the proposed Constituent Convention with a view to end the present Constitutional dead lock. He further disclosed that in case of the Regional autonomy, the principle of parity would in no way help one unit to dominate over the other as no law should be passed which is applicable to a unit, without full consent of that unit. Finally he apprised the audience that Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq during his stay at Karachi consented to the party in membership for both the units but now he was opposing it at the instance of his advices.
The following resolutions were passed in the meeting: 1. It demanded the withdrawal of the Section 92-A in the Province. 2. It supported the decision of the A.M.L. in joining the proposed Constituent
Convention 3. It demanded the Regional Autonomy on the basis of Lahore Resolution of 1940. 4. It demanded the release of all political prisoners and acceptance of Bengali as
one of the State Languages of Pakistan. 5. It urged upon the Government to send adequate relief to the cyclone affected
area of Mymensingh District. Appreciation- The meeting was attended by the Muslims and a minor section of the Hindus of Mymensingh town and its neighboring villages. Majority of the audience appeared to have been impressed by the speech. At the end of the meeting one Abdul Halim (supporter of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq) son of Abdul

Page: 265
Hakim of Mymensingh town wanted to put a question to Hon’ble Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy but he was not allowed by the President.
Confidential/Express. By special messenger.
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 9th May/55,
No. 3784/73-49 (A)
Copy forwarded to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information, with reference to his letter No. 9222/22-55 (Statt) dated 7.5.55.
Sd/- S.A. Chaudhuri Superintendent of Police, D.I.B.,
P.82, File No.13-54 (M’Singh.) Genl. Copy of a D.I.O’s report dated 9.5.55.
Proceedings of a meeting held at the Town Hall, Mymensingh town on 9.5.55.
: S.K. Town Hall Compound Mymensingh town.
Date and hour :
9.5.55 between 16.15 to 17.45 hours.
: :
A.M.L. Mymensingh Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, President, E.P.A.M.L.
he President,
(2) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, E.P. A.M.L., (3) Ataur Rahman Khan, Vice-President, E.P.A.M.L., (4) Hon’able Mr. Suhrawardy, Minister of Law Pakistan. About 6000.
At the instance of the AML Mymensingh, a meeting (6000) was held at the local Town Hall compound on 9.5.55 with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani in the chair. The speeches of the different speakers are noted below:
Sk. Mujibar Rahman- In course of speech he criticised the Muslim League Government for their alleged exploitation of the masses during their regime. He said

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that the AML fought against the autocratic rule of the Muslim League and even may be of the workers had to court arrest and detention.
He further stated that after the promulgation of Section 92-A in the province many Awami League workers and MLAs were sent to Jail and Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq who was the Leader of the United Front party betrayed the party after being branded as the traitor by the Mohammad Ali Cabinet. He spoke that Mr. Fazlul Haq had to surrender to Mr. Mohammad Ali and ultimately the AML had to bring noconfidence motion on the leadership of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq.
Finally, he urged the people to be united under the Awami Muslim League with a view to establishing the democracy in Pakistan.
P.94, 94-89, 84 of File No.13-54 (M.Singh) Genl.
Summary report of the speeches delivered at the Awami Muslim League meeting held at D.B. Hall premises, Mymensingh on 9.5.55 under the presidency of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A in his speech said: “The Awami Muslim League was formed under the leadership of Maulana Bhasani to fight against the misrule of the Muslim League Govt. which turned the poor people into street beggars, exploited and finished the peasants and Labourers. The Muslim League administration was responsible for the low price of jute and abnormally high price of commodities like salt and cloth. The people are still suffering. Many Awami Leaguers have been behind the prison bars not for months but for years together. Maulana Bhasani suffered imprisonment for years. The cause of these imprisonments was that they wanted food and clothes for the people and wanted to eradicate injustice and opinion from Pakistan. The Muslim League Govt. opened fire during the state Language Movement.
During the last election Fazlul Huq Sahib joined with us. We proposed that he should become the chief Minister of East Bengal but he should sent connection with his associates against some of whom lie alleged charges of cheating, theft, black marketing and anti-state activity. The Jt. Front was the election with 90% of the votes. The Muslim League circle at Karachi trembled that the bank balance of ill got money might be forfeited and might be tried for the oppression committed in Pakistan. In East Pakistan the Jt. front Ministry came to power. Fazlul Huq Sahib

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became the chief minister. Maulana Bhasani urged upon him to respect the 21-pt. programme. He made friendship with the president of the Pakistan Muslim League.
Section 92-A was imposed. I was arrested and later several criminal cases were instituted against me. 50 MLAS and 15 hundred workers were arrested. Mohammad Ali Sabib dubbed Fazlul Huq Sahib a traitor. He can send us to jail but we are undaunted. We took a view in the jail that we would not and die in jail, we would not submit.
Mir Jafar’s treachery doomed us to slavery for 2 hundred years. When our soldiers were fighting for democracy, ministers were behind the prison bars, 15 hundred workers arrested then the commander (Fazlul Huq) submitted before Mohammad Ali. The commander who has committed treachery cannot become the leader. He made Mohan Mian, Abdul Latif Biswas and his nephew Nanna Mian Ministers. Our voted for your emancipation. We mould a no-confidence motion against him (Fazlul Huq) that he cannot become the leader. We wanted to fight the clique of the Muslim League.
Sec. 92. is in force. Workers are in jail. Autocracy is there. You take a view for establishing democracy, individual liberty, unconditional release of workers and for making Bengali a state Language. We shall fight for these end and hope you will join with us.”
Sd/- Ghulam Yazdani
Sd/- Md. Husain Govt. Reporters
P. 464 of File No.13-54 (M’Singh) Genl.
Political & Activities. (a) Muslim groups.
802. Mymensingh. At the instance of the Awami Muslim League, Mymensingh a public meeting (6,000) was held at Town Hall compound , Mymensingh the 9th May with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (para. 801), President, East

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Pakistan Awami Muslim League in the chair. Hon’ble Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi Minister of Law, Government of Pakistan, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (par. 800), General Secretary, EPAML, Ataur Rahman Khan, Vice-President, EPAML and the President delivered speeches dwelling on the present Constitutional deadlock in the country consequent upon the decisions of the Federal Court invalidating all the existing laws. They told the audience that the only way left open was to from a Constituent Convention and validate those laws which were passed during the last seven years’ rule of the Muslim League; hence the AML decided to join the proposed Constitutional Convention on the basis of the 21- point programme of the United Front Party (para 487). They all stressed that this decision was taken for the greater interest of the country. They urged the audience to support the decision of the AML and be united under the banner of Awami Muslim League with a view to establishing democracy in Pakistan. Resolutions, demanding withdrawal of Section 92-A in the Province, release of all Political prisoners, regional autonomy on the basis of the Lahore Resolution and supporting the decision of the AML in joining the proposed constituent Convention, were adopted in the meeting.


Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to advocate Dr. Dabiruddin Ahmad, MLA, Nilphamari, Rangpur stating that they were trying
hard for the release of all political prisoners.
Dacca, 13 May 1955
Copy of P-52 of F. No. 182-52 (I).
True copy of an English intercepted letter dated 13.5.55 from Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.B. Awami Muslim League, 56-Simpson Road, Sadarghat, Dacca, addressed to (2) Dr. Dabiruddin Ahmad, M.L.A. Pleader, P.O. Nilphamari, Rangpur.
Date : 13.5.55.
Genl. Secy. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, No. 104

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My dear Dabiruddin Sb.,
We have much pleasure to receive your letter dated 5.5.55. Therein you have mentioned that doubt has crept in that we are not trying for the release of political prisoners of your district. I can assure you that we are trying hard for the release of all political prisoners. We have made a list of political prisoners detained without trial in which your list also will be included and we will do our best for their release.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- S.M. Rahman,
Genl. Secy., Note : 1). May be fixed by Dacca.
2). A.M.L. /C.P. supporter S/O Amiruddin Pramanik of Bhogdabri P.S.
Domar and of Nilphamari, Rangpur.

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Letter of M.A. Aziz Secretary, Chittagong District AML to News Editor, Daily Sangbad, Dacca wherein he mentioned expected visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mawlana Bhasani in
Chittagong along with their meeting programs.
Chittagong, 16 May 1955
P. 68 of file No. 28-54 (1) Sec.
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 16.5.55, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 17.5.55 from M.A. Aziz (1), Secy. Chittagong Dist. A.M.L. Chittagong to the News Editor, Daily Sangbad, Bangshal Road, Dacca.
Visit of Maulana Bhasani, Sk. Majibur Rahman and Musafir of Ittefaque on the 29th May/55 at Chittagong.
Maulana Bhasani, Sk. Majibur Rahman and Musafir of Ittefaq will reach Chittagong on the 29th May/55 at 8 A.M. for delivering speeches in the workers convention. They will deliver speeches in different parts of the district on the present political position and for the organisation of the A.M.L. In this connection the District Awami League Working Committee fixed the following places for the mass meeting in the dist. 29th May 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. Workers Convention at J.M. Sen Hall, Chittagong-4-30 P.M. Mass meeting at Laldighi Maidan, 30th May, 2-30 P.M. Mass meeting at Hathazari, 4.30 at Rauzan. 315 May-2-30 P.M. Mass meeting at Banshkhali. 1st June-2/30 P.M. at Anawara-2nd June at 3 P.M. at Patiya. 3rd June 3 P.M. at Cheringa -4th June at 3 P.M. at Cox’s Bazar.
Janab M.A. Aziz Secy. Dist. Awami League appealed to the A.M.L. Workers of the district and requested them to make correspondence with the central office 122, Anderkilla, Ctg. Moreover he has given directions for the completion of the
5. J.M. Sen Hall – J.M. Sen Hall is located next to Diwan Bazar in Chattogram. The building was named after Jatra Mohan Sengupta-a lawyer and politician during British rule. From the beginning of British rule in the sub-continent to the end, the building and its premises were venue of major political, social, literary and cultural meetings. During the Langauge Movement JM Sen Hall turned into the venue of the Language Movement in Chattogram. The women wing of Awami League held meetings there during the non-cooperation movement in 1971.

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primary works for the arrangement of the meeting of the above mentioned places making correspondence immediately with the thana and sub-divisional Committee.
Sd/- M.A. Aziz.


Accumulated reports on the travelling and attending meetings of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mawlana Bhasani at J.M. Sen Hall,
Laldighi Maidan, Rauzan, Banaskhali in Chittagong.
Dacca, 29 May 1955
Shadowing report of ** suspect Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bashani & Mazibor Rahman.
The O/C., Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I have the honour to report that on 28.5.55 at about 22.30 hrs. ** Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bashani and Sk. Mazibor Rahman (M.L.A.) left Dacca R/S. and availed Chittagong up train, being shadowed by me. On 29.5.55 at about 05.45 hrs. when the suspect Abdul Hamid Khan Bashani and Sk. Mazibor Rahman reached at Feni Station for reception under the leadership of Abdul Jabber Khaddor (M.L.A.) and shouted the following slogans. “haci UTT-SCOPERIT, oregant anter জিন্দাবাদ একুশ দফা কায়েম কর, রাজ বন্দীদের মুক্তি-চাই”।
Also the said reception party shown the respect to Moulana Bashani by garlanded and they went away, except Abdul Jabber Khadder, he went to Chittagong with Moulana Bashani. At about 08.30 hrs. the said suspects reached Chittagong R/S. when they got down from the train, then about 300 hundreds persons gathered there for their reception and they began the shouting the following slogans. “মাওলানা ভাসানী-জিন্দাবাদ। শেখ মজিবর জিন্দাবাদ, পাকিস্তান-জিন্দাবাদ, একুশ দফা কায়েম কর, রাজ বন্দীদের মুক্তি চাই, রাষ্ট্র ভাষা বাংলা চাই, আম্মামী লীগ জিন্দাবাদ। and they proceeded toward Chittagong Awami League Office, Anderkilla and reached there at about 09.30 hrs. at the same time I made over the suspect to A.S.I. C.R. Das

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of D.I.B., Chittagong. I submitted a report to O/C., Watch D.I.B., Chittagong in this respect. Besides this nothing was seen during the journey period.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Habibor Rahman. I,B., S.C.O., Dacca.
As proposed. S.S. II may pl. like to see.
Sd – A.K.M.H. Rahman.
Sd/- for D.S.6 31.5. 606-48 PF
D.S.VI. Perusal please. Extract may be placed the P. Fs of the subjects. Sd/-30.5.
One copy more pl. Sd/-16.6
Page No. 60 of file No. 13/54 (Chittagong) Report on the visit of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani for….
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani accompanied by Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at the Chittagong Railway Station on 29.5.55 morning at 08-15 hrs. by Dacca Mail. At the Station about about 1,000 Awami Muslim Leaguers received the party. He was garlanded at the Station by the A.M.L. workers. The party then proceeded towards the A.M.L. Office in a procession via Station Road, Mohd. Ali Jinnah Road, Court Road and Anderkilla Road shouting slogans viz. Biranabbai Ka Dhara protahar Karo (Withdraw Section 92A Kala Kanun Batil Karo (repeal the black laws). Moulana Bhasani – Zindabad, Sk. Mujibur Rahman-Zindabad, Awami League-Zindabad etc. The following amongst others were present at the reception:
1. Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri6, M.LA. (A.M.L)
2. Md. Abddul Aziz, Secy. A.M.L., Chittagong.
3. Prof. Nurul Islam Chaudhuri, Secy. Sadar “B” Sub-divisional A.M.L.
and others.
6. Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury (1916 – 1 July 1974) – He studied in Calcutta Islamia College and joined All India Muslim League in 1940. Chowdhury was one of the founding members of Awami Muslim League in 1949. He was labour activist and Assistant Secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Federation. He was active in the Language Movement. In 1954, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly from Chattogram under the United Front. He was imprisoned for participating in 6 Point Movement

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At the station printed leaflets in Bengal captioned Maulana Abddul Hamid Khan Bhasani Ke Kaikti Prasha”(some questions to Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani) were distributed. The leaflets contains 13 (thirteen) questions and ends with 5 names of the workers of United Front. It has been printed from the Kohinoor Electric Press, Chittagong. Copy of the leaflet is enclosed.
Maulana Abddul Hamid Khan Bhasani and Sk. Mojibur Rahman attended the A.M.L. workers Convention at the local J.M. Sen Hall between 10-30 hrs. and 13-10 hrs. The convention was attended by about 350 workers from different places of the district and the same was presided by Muzaffar Ahmed, President A.M.L., Chittagong. Maulana Abddul Hamid Khan Bhasani, stated to the workers the experience he gathered during his stay in England. He added that the fir ncial condition and social status of a labourer in England much better than that of a solvent Pakistani. Further he stated that the Muslim League being totally detested in the last Assembly election took revenge on the United Front by dissolving the United Front ministry and promulgating Section 92-A in East Bengal. He explained to the workers that the A.M.L. had accepted the Convention after careful examination considering the present position of the country. He appealed to the workers to organise the A.M.L. units in every village and to raise voice constitutionally for the restoration of parliamentary Government and for the release of all political prisoners. He criticized the H.P.M. Mr. Mohammad Ali as incompetent and un-representative. He also appealed to the H.E. the GovernorGeneral of Pakistan for his immediate removal. Sk. Mujibur Rahman stated that he was acquitted further, he stated that United Front was formed to defeat the Muslim League but the United Front leader Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq betrayed and joined hands with Mr. Mohd. Ali, president of Muslim League. So a no-confidence motion was passed against the leader (Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque). Moreover, he asked the workers of A.M.L. to organise the A.M.L. units in every union and village of the district.
Resolutions demanding the removal of Mr. Mohd. Ali, H.P.M. of Pakistan, withdrawal of section 92-A in East Bengal and the release of all political prisoners, were adopted in the convention.
In the afternoon he addressed a meeting at the local Laldighi Maidan. A separate meeting report is enclosed.

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District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 30th May, 1955.
No. 4701
Copy forwarded to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca together with the meeting report and a printed Bengali leaflet.
Sd/Superintendent of Police, D.I.B. Chittagong.
Meeting Report 1. Date & hour : 29.5.55 between 17.00 hrs. and 18.40 hrs. 2. Place. : Laldighi Maidan. 3. Flag.
Awami Muslim League flag. 4. Organizer : A.M.L. Chittagong in observance of the 21 point programme
week. 5. Audience. About 7000 almost all adult middle class and labour class
Muslims. 6. Slogans. : Maulana Bhasani Zindabad. Sk. Mujibur
Rahman Zindabad. Awami League -Zindabad. 7. President. : Muzaffar Ahmed S/o Nezu Miyan of Pathantooli P.S. Double
Mooring, Chittagong (President A.M.L. Chittagong). 8. Speakers : 1. ** **
2. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary East Pakistan
Provincial Awami Muslim League. 9. Gist of the speeches.
Sk. Majibur Rahman stated that the people of East Bengal might be illiterate but were not ignorant. He criticized Yasuf Ali Chaudhuri (Mohan Miyan) alleging that he was one of these who were responsible for opening fire on the students at Dacca in 1952 and that he was included in Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq’s Cabinet against the will of the people (Shame! Shame!). He added that the main object of forming the United Front was to defeat the Muslim League but afterwards when their leader Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq tried to be friend with Mr. Mohammad Ali it became a sad

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affairs. Mr. Mohammad Ali called the United Front anti-State and promulgated Sec. 92A in East Bengal after dissolving the United Front Cabinet our leader Mr. Fazlul Huq apologized to Mr. Mohammad Ali (Shame! Shame!) that Mr. Fazlul Huq drew Rs. 2300/- per month disobeying the 21 point programme of the United Front (hear! hear!!) (At this time there was protest against this sorts of personal attack on Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq from the audience). He stated that the A.M.L. would not take rest unless it could make the people free and added that if required the A.M.L. workers would count imprisonment for 7 years more. He urged the people to join the A.M.L. at this there was protest and cry from a section of the audience against his speech and the speaker stopped.
Before the beginning of the meeting one Shamsul Huda of Noakhali and other two men entertained the audience with songs describing the desirable plight of the peasants and labourers.
The audience were impressed by the speeches of Zahur Ahmed Chaudhuri and Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani. Sk. Mujibur Rahman at the beginning impressed on the audience but his gradual attack on Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq annoyed a section of the audience and they tried to create disturbance but Majibur Rahman had to stop on the request of of Maulana Bhasani and situation eased.
No resolution was adopted in the meeting.
The meeting was peaceful in any way.
Meeting Report
Date and hour. : 30.5.55 between 17-15 hrs. to 19-45 hrs. Place.
Rauzan H.E. School Ground, Chittagong. Organiser. : Md. Khaled, M.A. Secretary Rauzan Thana A.M.L. of
Sultanpur, P.S. Rauzan, Chittagong. President. Farookh Ahmad Chaudhuri of Shehanagar, P.S. Rauzan. Audience.
About 5000 including about 500 Hindus. Flag.
: A.M.L. Flag. Slogans.
Narai-Takbir- Allah hu-Akbar. Pakistan -Zindabad. A.M.L.indabad. Maulana Bhasani – Zindabad. Sk. Mojibur RahmanZindabad.

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Sub Speakers
: :
A.M.L. Propaganda meeting. 1. Abdul Hye of Gohira, P.S. Rauzan, Chittagong.
4. Sk. Mojibur Rahman, Secy. A.M.L. Provincial. 5. Maulana Abddul Hamid Khan Bhasani, President E.P.A.M.L.
Sk. Majibur Rahman:
He commenced his speech saying that last year on this Sunday he was thrown behind the prison bar by the Muslim League Government without any reason and he is fortunate that he is free to express his feelings to the mass. He made a critical survey about the various atrocities of the Muslim League Govt. during the last 8 years which led the country and its people to immense sufferings. He also discussed at length about the origin of the Awami Muslim League and its achievements during the last few years. It was Awami League which was responsible for the crushing defeat of Muslim League in the last Assembly Election. He also explained in brief the reasons, which led them to join the proposed Constituent Assembly of Pakistan by the Awami Muslim League. The main cause is attributed to the safety of the country from chaos and confusion which resulted from the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan by the Governor-General in the last year. He also cited the sad incidents of Adamjee Jute Mills which according to him was the creation of the Muslim League to discredit the United Front Ministry. He lastly appealed to the mass to join Awami Muslim League and to organise its units all over the district with a view to fight against all odds specially against the so called undemocratic Muslim League, in power in the Centre. He also made similar appeal to the students community.
Meeting Report.
: Jaldi H.E. School field (Banaskhali).
Date and hour : 31.5.55 at 1600 hrs. to 1830 hrs.
3. 4. 5.
Organizer Flag Slogans
Awami Muslim League, Benaskhali. : Nill.
: Pakistan Zindabad-Awami League Zindabad, Moulana
Bhasani-Zindabad, Sk. Mojibur Rahman Zindabad, Rastra Bhasa Bengla Chai, Mozahid-E-Azam, Zindabad-NaraiTakbir, Raj Bondir Mukti Chai.

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About 4000 (Muslims youths and student containing majority
parts of peasant class with about 400 of Hindus). :Syed Muzzaffar Ahmad. : 1) Sk. Mojibur Rahman, Secy. Provincial A.M.L.E.B.
7. 8.
President Speakers
All the speakers in course of their deliberations dwelt on the necessity of the solidarity of the A.M.L. and urged the audience to join A.M.L. and to organise its unit all over the district. They also urged the people in general to be honest and give up the habit of giving bribes to the Govt. Officials. They added that the Jukta front leader Mvi. A.K. Fazlul Haque has betrayed the party and has joined his hand with the Muslim League and for the same reason the A.M.L. had to give up connection with the Jukta front. They demanded the withdrawal of Sec. 92(A) and the restoration of Parliamentary Govt. in East Bengal. They also demanded immediate abolition of Zamindari System7 without any compensation and the release of all political prisoners. They appealed to the Govt. to discontinue the imposition of unnecessary and heavy taxation on the poor pay which is not sufficient to maintain themselves and added that the pay of the primary teacher should not be less than Rs.35/-. They also said that favouratism, nepotism are rampant in Pakistan which should immediately be stopped.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman started his speech saying that he promised to Asabuddin M.L.A. that he would visit Banaskhali along with Moulana Bhasani and accordingly
came here today. He said that the East Bengal has been suffering badly due to imposition of Sec. 92-A. The people in the last assembly election voted in favour of Jukta front nominees on the promise of the fulfillment of 21 point of Programme of the Jukta front and accordingly Jukta front ministry was formed to solve the problem of the mass, but the central Muslim League Govt. under the premier ship of the Honourable Mr. Mohammed Ali took revenge of the defeat of Muslim League in E.B. by dissolving the U.F. ministry on a very flimsy grounds. The central ministry made various propaganda against the Jukta front of East Bengal and accursed them for rioting in the Chandrogona paper mills and Adamjee Jute mills though they had no concern at all. This was the creation of the Muslim League to blame the Jukta front leaders. He also criticized the M.L. Govt. alleging that it spent huge amount of moving for unnecessary pleasure trips to foreign countries. He also gave a brief
7. Zamindari System – Zamindari System was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in British India through Permanent Settlement Act 1793. A certain amount was fixed to pay to East India Company whereas zaminders used to exploit huge amount by means of torture and repression. It was introduced in provinces of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Varanasi. Zamindars were given the right to collect land-tax from the peasants.

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history of the formation of the A.M.L. and its achievements and asked the audience to come under the banner of the same. Concluding he demanded Bengali as one of the state language of Pakistan and criticized Mr. Nurul Amin Ex. Chief Minister E.B. alleging that he ordered to open fire on the innocent students at Dacca in the year 1952 as they wanted Bengali as one of the state language. Shame-Shame. He again reminded the audience that A.M.L. was never concerned with any subversive activities. He also added that Muslim League Govt. falsely brought seven charges against him after imposition of Sec. 92-A. in E.B. including a charge of decoity. He has been honourably acquitted of the charges. He also declared that A.M.L. has taken decision to join the proposed convention in the interest of the state and people.
Extract from A/I. No. 23, from the week ending 4.6.55.
Political activities. (a) Muslim Group
913. Chittagong:- Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (para 878) and Sk. Mujibur Rahman attended the AML workers Convention held on 29th May at J.M. Sen Hall, Chittagong. About 350 workers from different places of the district attended the Convention and the same was presided over by Muzaffar Ahmad Chaudhuri, President Chittagong District Awami Muslim League. Maulana Bhasani explained to the workers that the A.M.L. had decided to join the new Constituent Assembly after careful examination of the present position of the country with a view to saving the country from constitutional crisis arising out of the dissolution of the old Constituent Assembly. Sk. Majibur Rahman (para 802) explained the causes that led to no- confidence motion against the United Front leader Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq. The convention passed resolutions demanding the removal of Hon’ble Mr. Mohammad Ali from the Premiership of Pakistan, withdrawal of Section 92-A from East Bengal and the release of all political prisoners, etc.
On 29th May, a Public meeting (7,000) was held at Laldighi Maidan with Muzaffar Ahmad, son of Nazu Miyan of Pathantooli, Double Mooring , Chittagong in the chair, Zahur Ahmed Chaudhuri (para 806), MLA, (AML), Dr. Anwar Husain, son of late Wajed Ali of Harbung, Chakaria, Chittagong, Publicity Secretary, AML Chittagong, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, President, EPAML and Sk. Majibur Rahman delivered speeches in the meeting. All the speakers dwelt on the history of formation of the United Front against the Muslim League with the common object of defeating the Muslim League in the Assembly election of 1954 as the Muslim League Government during its 7 years regime did nothing for the improvement of the condition of the state and its people. They also criticised various

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activities of the Muslim League Government. They asked the people to organise A.M.L. in every village of the district. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani expressed that no Constitution could be framed without giving Provincial Autonomy as envisaged in the Lahore Resolutions of 1940.
On 31″ May, a public meeting (4,000) was held at Banskhali (Jaldi), Banskhali, Chittagong with Maulvi Muzaffar Ahmed in the chair. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani, Professor Ashabuddin Chaudhuri, M.L.A. and Abdul Hamid Chaudhuri, M.L.A. of Faridpur delivered speeches in the meeting demanding withdrawal of Section 92-A from East Bengal, restoration of Parliamentary Government and condemning the activities of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq for his alleged joining hands with the Muslim League.


Letter to news editor Desh’ of Calcutta from H. Chowdhury of
Chittagong. The writer mentioned about arrival of Mawlana Bhasani and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Chittagong where they
delivered speeches in a large public meeting.
Chittagong, 30 May 1955
Copy of Page 55 of file No. 13-54(1) Chittagong.
Extract from a copy of an English letter dated 30.3.55 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 30.5.55.
From: H. Chaudhuri (1) Chittagong. To : The News Editor, “Desh”6 Sooterkin Street, Calcutta-13.
Postal seal of issue – Nil.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Sheik Majibur Rahman and some other Awami League Leaders arrived here yesterday morning and were received in the Rly. station by the local Awami League leaders.
In the after-noon Maulana Bhasani addressed a largely attended public meeting wherein the explained the implication of the 21 points programme of the Awami League.
He also said that on the success of this programme, depends the strength and progress of the Pakistan State. He maintained emphatically that his party will devote

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its energy in making the programme successful. Other leaders also addressed the meeting. But the public opinions seemed to be against the views expressed by the leaders as the audience shouted anti slogans most of the time.
Joint Front Day in Chittagong.
A joint Front Day is going to be held here today. The day is being held according to the appeal of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq, the leader of the Joint Front. A public meeting will be held this afternoon on Laldighi ground in which demand will be made for the establishment of Parliamentary Govt. in East Bengal without delay; and release of all political prisoners.
Side note:
This is incorrect. There was complete silence when Bhashani addressed. But when M. Rahman started criticising Mr. Fazlul Huq, there was some disturbance.


Meeting of AML held at Patya, Chittagong where Mawlana Bhasani and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said that Pakistan was in a critical position due to its 7 years’ misrule; criticized atrocities of ML government on the innocent students at Dacca during Language Movement and
demanded regional autonomy for East Bengal.
Chittagong, 2 June 1955
Page No. 72-71 of file No. 13/54 (Ctg.)
Place : Patiya Field, Patiya. Date : 2.6.55, from 15.30 hours to 18.00 hours. Organization: A.M.L., Patiya. Slogan Nara-i-Takbir, Moulana Bhasani Zindabad, Muzahid-E-Azam
Zindabad, Rajbandider Mukti Chai, Kala Qanun batil Karo,
Rashtra Bhasha Bangla Chai etc. Flag
A.M.L. Party flag. Audience : 3,000 Rural people, including about 200 Hindus. President : Syed Muzzaffar Ahmed, President A.M.L., Chittagong.

Page: 281
1. Abul Masud Chaudhuri, A.M.L., Patiya.
6. Sk. Mojibur Rahman, M.L.A., Secy. Provincial A.M.L.,
Dacca. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, President A.M.L.. East Bengal.
7. Ma
Sk. Mujibur Rahman started his speech by saying the Pakistan is in critical position at the moment and it was due to the maladministration of the Muslim League, during its last 7 years of rule. We achieved independence after 200 years of slavery at the sacrifice of thousand and thousand of lives who fought for the independence of the country but its fruit could not be enjoyed by the General mass and it has now become the personal property of the limited persons who had no sacrifice for the country and of the contrary they were the instrument of oppression
ple by the Britishers. These people formed a so-called Muslim League which was nothing but an organision of the Capitalist, Zaminders, and other vested
s. They led the country to ruin for their selfish interest. He illustrated that the people had to purchase salt @ Rs.16/- per seer and cloth @ Rs.12/- though the similar things were much cheaper in the sister country. He also said that they launched and agitation on the October, 11, 1950 demanding food at the cheap rate and for this they had to face lathi charge from the Police at Dacca. He also described State Language movement of East Bengal and atrociting of the Muslim League Government over the innocent students of Dacca, for the same. He criticized the action of Mr. Md. Ali, H.P.M., Pakistan for dissolution of U.F. Ministry in East Bengal and demanded his removal. He also criticized the utterance of Major General Iskander Mirza8 against Maulana Bhasani. He demanded regional autonomy for East Bengal and said that all powers should be given to the province except Defense Currency and Foreign Affairs. He gave out that the question of making Awami League as a non-Communal organization will be taken up in a meeting which will be held in August, 1955. Lastly he urged upon the people to come under the Awami League and to organise its demands in all places through the province.
8. One-Unit plan – One-Unit was the title of a scheme launched by the federal government of Pakistan to integrate the four provinces of West Pakistan into one homogenous unit, as a counterbalance against the numerical domination of the ethnic Bengalis of East Pakistan. Governor General Iskander Mirza unified all provinces of West Pakistan on 5 October 1955 which was known as ‘One Unit Scheme’. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman strongly opposed the ‘One Unit Scheme’.

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Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Sub-divisional Secretary,
AML, Cox’s Bazar to observe 21-point programme week.
Dacca, 2 June 1955
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong
The 2.6.1955. Memo. No. 4786/102-49 (Int)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Sk. Majibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. A.M.L. 56, Simpson Road, Dacca. Sub-Divisional Secretary A.M.L., Cox’s Bazar. English, 17.5.55.
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post Office of interception
R.M.S. Van.
Date of interception
8. Name of Officer who can prove the : S.I. Arabur Rahman.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy Kept 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
A.K.M.H. Rahman, Espr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca
for information.
Sd/ -2.6.55 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 283
Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copy may be sent to I.B. for information. All D.I.Os. are being directed to collect information and report in the observance of the week. S.W.R.
Sd/- Md. Yunus. D.I.O. (1) Chittagong.
Sd – A.J. Chaudhuri. D.S.P.,D.I.B., Chittagong. 30.5.55.
Copy of an intercepted letter 17.5.55 from Sk. Majibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. A.M.L., 56, Simpson Road, Dacca to all Secretaries District and Sub-Division Awami League.
From : The office of the East Pakistan Awami Legue, 56, Simpson Road, Dacca.
Circular order No. XXII of 17th May, 1955.
To : All Secretaries District and Sub-Division League.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani the revered President of our great organisation has declared 21 point-programme week from the 29th May 1955 to the 4th June, 1955. All units of Awami League are hereby directed to observe the week in co-operation with all socio-political organisation. The following demands will come up prominently:
(a) Restoration of Democratic Govt. all over Pakistan Particularly East Pakistan.
(b) Bengali one of the State Language. (c) Historic Lahore Resolution.
(d) Release of political prisoners.
(e) Abolition of Zemindari System without compensation. (f) Abolition of certificate system and others. The programme shall be as follows:(1) Public meeting (2) Peaceful processions. (3) Hoisting Awami League Flags. (4) Prayers in all mosques for fulfillment of 21 point programme on 3.6.55.
Sd/- Sk. Majibur Rahman Genl. Secy. Awami League,

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Meeting of AML held at Cox’s Bazar where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and local AML leaders delivered
speeches. Along with other issues Sheikh Mujibur Rahman demanded removal of Prime Minister Mohammad Ali from power and held him responsible for the dissolution of the UF ministry.
Chittagong, 2 June 1955
Secret District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong.
The 2.6.1955 Memo. No. 4771/61-53 (Int)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
M.A. Aziz, Chittagong
To (with address)
: Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Genl.
Secy. East Pakistan Awami
League, Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post Office of interception
R.M.S. Office, Chittagong.
Date of interception
: S.I. Mosnad Ali.
Name of Officer who can prove the interception
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept : 5720 dt. 1.11.54.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception

Page: 285
Copy /translation forwarded to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Espr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca
for information.
Sd/ -2.6.55 Supdt, of Police, D.I.B.,
Chittagong. Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copy of the letter may be sent to I.B. for information. S.W.R.
Sd/- Md. Yunus D.I.O. (I) Chittagong.
27.5.55. As proposed. Sd/- A.J. Chaudhuri. D.S.P.,D.I.B., Chittagong. 28.5.55.
Copy of an English letter dated 26.5.55, intercepted at R.M.S. office on 26.5.55.
: M.A. Aziz, 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong.
: Sk. Majibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. East Pakistan Awami League, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue : Illegible.
Dear brother,
Id greetings to you all. Arragnements of meeting at City as well as interiors including Cox’s Bazar is completed. Insallah you shall have to reach Chittagong by Dacca mail on the 29th. Workers of Sitakunda thana Awami League will give you reception at Sitakunda Station on your way to Chittagong. The train stays there only for 5 minutes. So I remind you in advance to be out of your compartment as soon as the train reaches at Sitakunda Station. So that the workers can see you and do the needful. They have written me letter officially to intimate this to you. So please see that workers are not deprived I think the train reaches Sitakunda very early in the morning. With effection.
Yours M.A. Aziz.
Side note: S/O Haji Mohabbat Ali of Halidaharm P.S. Double Mooring, Chittagong and of 122,
Anderkilla, Chittagong town.

Page: 286
Page No. 62-61 pf file No.13/54 (Chittagong.)
MEETING REPORT. 1. Date & hour : 4.6.55 from 16.00 hrs. to 18.15 hrs. 2. Place : In the premises of the Cox’s Bazar Institute. 3. Organizer : A.M.L., Cox’s Bazar. 4. Slogans Nara-E-Takbir, Pakistan Zindabad, Muzahid-E-Azam
Zindabad, Kala Kanon Batel Karo, Restrobhasa Bangla Chai,
Sk. Muzibur Rahman Zindabad, etc. 5. Flag
Awami League Party flag.
6. Audience
About 2 thousands mostly Muslim students, business men
and cultivators and some Hindus of the intelligentia group.
Mvi. Abdus Salam (A.M.L) of Cox’s Bazar (Baharchara).
1. Ghulam Mohiuddin, Secy., Cox’s Bazar A.M.L.
4. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., Secy., Provincial A.M.L.,
Dacca. 5. Maulana Abddul Hamid Khan Bhasani, President,
A.M.L. East Bengal, Dacca.
Gist of speeches.
All the speakers in course of their speeches urged upon the audience to be united under the banner of the A.M.L. and to organize its units at every place of the province. They further said that A.M.L. was the only organization which was fighting for establishing real democracy in Pakistan as well as for the upliftment of the country. They bitterly criticized the Muslim League Govt. of Pakistan for the alleged mal administration during its 8 years rule in commercial, economic, educational and other spheres of administration. They demanded unconditional release of all political prisoners, restoration of Parliamentary form of Govt. in East Bengal, introduction of Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan repeal of Public Safety Ordinance and abolition of Zamindari System without any compensation, etc. They also alleged that the Central Govt. of Pakistan overthrow the United Front Govt. of East Bengal through the influence of some veteran Muslim League leaders with a view to make the United Front Party unpopular and

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also for the reason that M.L. leaders were afraid that the United Front Govt. would take action against them for the alleged miss rule during the Muslim League regime. They further gave out that Central Govt. falsely accused the United Front leaders for rioting in Adamjee Jute Mills and Chandraghona paper mills with which they had no concern at all. They urged the audience to become members of A.M.L. without Caste and creed with a view to establish real democracy in the country. They also gave out that A.M.L. would be non communal organisation in the month of July next when Hindus and members of other minority communities would be able to become members of the Awami League. They warned the audience not to be misguided by the false propaganda of the mushroom organisations.
Sk. Muzibur Rahman, in his speech said that Pakistan was in critical position at the moment and this was due to the alleged mal-administration of the Muslim League Govt. during its eight year’s regime. He also said that Pakistanis were slaves in their own free country. He further added that though independence was achieved at the sacrifice of the lives of thousands and thousands of people after 200 years’ slavery but it could not be enjoyed by the General mass and it has become the personal property of some limited persons who had no sacrifice for the country. He also disclosed that the so called Muslim League was the organisation of the Capitalists, Zamindars and other vested interests. He cited that the people of E.B. had to purchase salt at Rs.16/- per seer and cloth at very high price though the same things were much cheaper in the neighbouring country, Bharat. He also described the state language movement of East Bengal and the alleged atrocities of the M.L. Govt. over the innocent students of Dacca. He demanded immediate removal of Mr. Md. Ali, B.P.M., Pakistan, from power and held him responsible for the held him responsible for the dissolution of the U.F. ministry in East Bengal. He criticised Major General Iskandar Mirza, the Interior Minister of Pakistan for his utterances against Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani. He demanded regional autonomy for E.B. and said that all powers should be vested in the provincial Govt. except defense, foreign affairs and currency with the centre. He said that the A.M.L. would be made non-communal organisation in August next when all people irrespective of caste and creed would be in a position to become its members. He requested the audience to organise its units in full places of the province.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani Began his speech after reciting the verses from Holly Quran. He urged upon the Muslim to follow the teaching and precepts of

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the Holly Prophet in day-to-day life and to obey all directions of the Holly Quran and Sunna. He then criticised the M.L. Govt. in the same way as that of Sk. Mojibur Rahman for its alleged maladministration. He further said that corruption and nepotism were rampant in Pakistan. The relatives of the ministers were getting all sorts of favour. He cited that one person after passing his M.A. Examination had to search for a professorship of Rs. 125/- whereas Mr. Sahabuddin, the brother of the then Prime Minister was made the Governor of N.W.F.P. who could not even pass out the matriculation examination and Mr. Salim having educational qualification of class VI became the minister of East Bengal Govt. during the Muslim League regime. He also pointed out that Maulana Madudi was put to jail for his movement for the upliftment of the nation. He demanded immediate release of all security prisoners, abolition of Zamindari system without compensation, repeal of Public safety ordinance and immediate restoration of Parliamentary Govt. with any person as Chief Minister whom H.E. the Governor thinks fit. He again urged the audience to become the member of A.M.L. and unitedly stand against all odds to establish real democracy in the country. He further declared that A.M.L. would be made noncommunal organisation from July next. He also pointed out that Mr. Md. Ali H.P.M. Pakistan had joined hands with the so called leaders of East Bengal and trying to become M.C.A. from East Bengal through their help. He warned the audience to be careful against the so called leaders. He again urged the audience to launch agitation to compel the Govt. to fulfill 21-point programme of United Front.
The other speakers also spoke on the same line and urged the audience to become the member of A.M.L and to organise its units in all places of the Province.
Resolutions demanding construction of Rly. line from Dohajari to Cox’s Bazar, immediate release of all security prisoners, regional autonomy for East Bengal, immediate abolition of salt tax imposed on the salt producers of C.B., the establishment of a college and a technical school at Cox’s bazar, reduction of tax imposed on tobacco producers, compensation to the distress people of Patenga, Halisahar, Kutubdia, C.B. and Cherngs and other places for the acquisition of their land during was in 1945, increase of pay of the primary teachers and immediate restoration of parliamentary Govt. in East Bengal were adopted in the meeting.
The meeting was peaceful and the audience present were impressed by the speeches of Moulana Bhasani and Sk. Mujibur Rahman. There was no interruption in the meeting by any party or person.

Page: 289
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 6th June, 1955.
No.4891/dated 7.6.55.
Copy forwarded to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/Supdt.of Police, D.I.B.,


AML meeting held at Satkania, Chittagong where Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District AML delivered speeches. He appealed to the audience to be united and raise their voice for making Bengali as one of the state languages and demand regional autonomy. He also demanded Railway line
from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar.
Chittagong, 5 June 1955
Page No. 76-75 of file No.13/54 (Ctg.).
Meeting Report. 1. Date and hour : 5.6.55 between 16.00 and 17.00 hrs.
: Battali (Amirabad) P.S. Satkania.
2. Place 3. Organizer 4. Slogans
: A.M.L. Satkania. : Pakistan Zindabad Naray-E-takbir, A.M.L. Zindabad,
Moulana Bhasani Zindabad, Rastra Bhase- Bangla Chai. Sk. Majibur Rahman Zindabad.
A.M.L. flag.
5. Flag 6. Audience
: About 400, Muslims businessmen and cultivators with a small
number of Hindus.

Page: 290
7. Object
: To make A.M.L. stronger and to form units in each union at
least with 5 members.
8. President
: Professor Nurul Islam of Patiya (A.M.L)
: 1. M.A. Aziz, Secy, Ctg. District A.M.L.
2. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy. E.B.A.M.L.
Gist of the speeches.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman,
He started that Pakistan was achieved after the sacrifice of hundreds of people and added that those who were the well ……. of the British people now became the ministers, Prime Minister of the State. They ruined Pakistan during the seven years of their rule and said that such maladministration was not prevalent during the British rule. He cited that salt was sold at Rs.16/- per seer. People paid high rated taxes and asked as to where those money had gone and added that money was spent in London by erecting palatial building of their own. Poor remained the same but big people rose to the highest climax. Zamindari system was abolished but he asked as to why there should be payment of 60 crores of rupees as compensation. He vividly cited the movement of language controversy9 and said that Nurul Amin wanted to Stop it by bullets which was impossible. He appealed to the people to be united and said that the thrones of the Zamindars shall go to the wind. He then said about the formation of Jukta Front which brought the end of Muslim League Govt. and added that Muslim League Govt. in the centre remained intact. He in a protesting attitude delivered that A.M.L. was ready to face any eventually for implementation of the 21-Points programme. Even A.M.L. preferred to face death than to bow down to the treacherous and nefarious activities of H.P.M. Md. Ali. He entreated upon the
9. Language Controversy – The then Pakistan government tried to impose Urdu as State Language of Pakistan. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other political and students leaders vehemently opposed the government decision. The students of Dhaka University and other political activists defied the law and organized a protest on 21 February 1952. The movement reached its climax when a few student demonstrators were killed on that day by Police firing. The deaths provoked widespread civil unrest. After years of conflict, the Central Government relented and granted official status to the Bengali Language in 1956. The Language Movement which was started in the year 1948 demanding Bengali as the State Language of Pakistan, the then government administration used to call the Movement as ‘Language Controversy! In 1999, UNESCO declared 21 February as ‘International Mother Language Day, in tribute to the Language Movement and the ethno-linguistic rights of people around the world.

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audience to come up with all out United effort to stand against it with a view to saving the country from that gradual destruction. He excited the mob by his reference to the tragic death of Barkat and Salam with the remarks
He again appealed to the audience to be united, raise their voice of making Bengali as one of the State languages and demand Regional autonomy. He further appealed to form units in each and every villages and become member of A.M.L. At the conclusion of the speech he asked at least 5 members from each unit, who are ready to sacrifice everything. He further declared that A.M.L. will be made noncommunal in the month of September this year.
The following resolutions were passed:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Release of all Political Prisoners. Railway line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar. To introduce Bengali as State language in East Bengal. Provincial autonomy in East Bengal. The meeting ended peacefully. Both speeches were highly impressive.
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong the 6th June, 1955.
No. 4870/104-49
Copy forwarded to A.K.M.H.Rahman, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, Dacca for information.
Sd/.P.,D.I.B., Chittagong.

Page: 292


Two AML meetings held at Cox’s Bazar where Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and Mawlana Bhasani delivered speeches. They demanded introduction of Bengali as one of the state languages of
Pakistan, repeal of the Public Safety Act, restoration of parliamentary government, regional autonomy and implementation of 21-Point Programme’.
Chittagong, 11 June 1955
Page No. 425 of file No. 13/54 Ctg. Extract from A/I No.-24 from the week ending 11.6.55. 3. Political activities.
(a) Muslim Groups
958.- Chittagong:- Under the auspices of the Awmi Muslim League, Cox’s Bazar, a public meeting (2,000) was held on 3rd June at Ghanostyam Hat (near Chakaria Air Field), Chakaria, Chittagong with Muzaffar Ahmad (para 913). President, Awami Muslim League, Chittagong in the chair. The speakers including Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 913) M.L.A. (A.M.L), General Secretary, E.P.A.M.L. and Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (para 956) (AML), President, EPAML delivered speeches dwelling on the alleged mal-administration of the Muslim League Government during its eight years rule in Pakistan and demanding abolition of Zemindari System without compensation, introduction of Bengali as one of the state Languages of Pakistan, unconditional release of all political prisoners and repeal of the Public Safety Act. They urged the audience to unite under the banner of the Awami Muslim League and continue struggle for implementation of “21-Point Programme” of the United Front Party. Maulana Bhasani further demanded regional autonomy for East Bengal. According to him corruption, nepotism and favoritism ran rampant in Pakistan and merit, efficiency and University degrees were disregarded. In this connection he compared the pay of a Police Sub-Inspector with that of Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr. Mohammad Ali. He also pointed out that there were some Ministers and Government High officials, like Mr. Shahabuddin. ExGovernor of NWFP and Mr. Salilm, Minister of East Bengal who could not pass even the Matriculation Examination. Resolutions, inter alia, demanding restoration of Parliamentary Government in East Bengal, unconditional release of all political

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prisoners, withdrawal of warrants pending against the political workers, and regional autonomy for East Bengal, were adopted in the meeting.
Another meeting (2,000) organised by the Awmi Muslim League, Cox’s Bazar, was held at the premises of Cox’s Bazar Institute on 4th June with Maulvi Abdus Salam (AML) of Cox’s Bazar in the chair. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 913) MLA, Secretary, AMA, East Bengal, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, President, AML, East Bengal and others criticised the alleged mal-administration of the Muslim League Government in Pakistan during its past eight years’ regime. They urged the people to stand united on the AML platform and organise its units in every village. Union Board and Thana of the Province. Resolutions, inter alia, demanding immediate restoration of Parliamentary Government in East Bengal, unconditional release of all political prisoners, Regional autonomy for East Bengal, abolition of salt tax on the salt producers of Cox’s Bazar, construction of a Railway line from Dohazari of Cox’s Bazar, establishment of a College and a Technical School at Cox’s Bazar and compensation for the displaced people of Patenga, Halisahar, Kutubdia, Cox’s Bazar, Chiringa and other places of Chittagong district were adopted in the meeting.


Watch report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other AML leaders at Dacca railway station and 39,
Rankin Street
Dacca, 13 June 1955
C.R.dt. 13.6.55. Hours of duty- From 06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs. & 16.00 to 20.00 hrs. Place of duty- Dacca R/S & 39, Rankin St.
For suspect and suspicious persons. I relieved A.S.I. Kazi Ghulam Murtaza at 06.00 hrs. at the aforesaid place. He told me there is nothing interesting to report. At about 07.30 hrs. Suspects Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Abdul Wadud Patwari, Syed Akbar Ali Chaudhuri, Seraj Meah and Fifteen others unknown persons arrived at Dacca R/S. to receive Moulana Abdul

Page: 294
Hamid Khan Bhasani. At about 08.15 hrs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani arrived at Dacca R/S. by Ctg. Dn. Train. I shadowed him. The said Moulana came out and sat inside the Jeep Car No.4126. At the time of the departure of the said Moulana one A.S.I. Abdul Hamid of R.I.B. Bhairab turned up to me and said that he was shadowing the said Moulana from Bhairab and also told me that there is one more suspect Purnendu Bikash Dastidar whom he has also shadowed. He (the A.S.I. of Bhairab) pointed me to the suspect’s rickshaw, which was seen by me going at a far off distant while I was engaged in watching the movements of Moulana Bhasani and other A.M.L. leaders who is also double starred suspect. As the said A.S.I. was not in a position to hand over his charge timely, so, it was absured for me to shadow as I did not recognize the said suspect. I however, sent two messages to I.B. Office and informed on phone to S.S.III. At about 11.00 hrs. I was relieved by W.C. Gulam Mostafa at 11.00 hrs. I returned to I.B. Office direct from duty place, to attend telephone parade. Here at I.B. Office I attended the parade and was called by O/C., Watch reader and posted to 39, Rankin St. along with watchers Ahad Bhanerjee and Seraj Chaudhuri and according to the instructions of S.I. Ghulam Kibria Sb. We returned to our grs. at about 20.30 hrs.
Submitted. Sd/- Syed Abdul Mannan.
dt. 13.6.55.


Watch report on movements of Mawlana Bhasani and Purnendu
Bikash Dastider at Dacca railway station.
Dacca, 14 June 1955
The watch report dt. 13.6.55 of Dacca Rly. Stn. may please be seen (enclosed).
As it appears from this report, the double starred suspects Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and Purnendu Bikash Dastider arrived at Dacca R.S. from Chittagong by the same train in the morning of 13.6.55 being shadowed by only one A.S.I. of Bhairab R.I.B. (A.S.I. Abdul Hamid) and while the A.S.I. A Mannan of I.B. on duty at Railway Station was busy with Moulana Bhasani, the R.I.B., A.S.I. pointed out the other suspect Purnendu Bikash Dastidar while the latter was

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reportedly out of his reach. As a result of this the suspect Purnendu Bikash Dastider remained unstarred at Dacca. On receipt of the telephone message from A.S.I. Abdul Mannan S.I. Golam Kibria was detailed to fix up the suspect and the A.S.I. was asked to explain why he missed him. It may be mentioned that besides, I.B. staff there are D.I.B. and R.I.B. Watch staff on duty at the station. The shadowing A.S.I. of Bhairab R.I.B. could have made over the suspect Purnendu Bikash Dastidar to any other watcher present at that time while the A.S.I. Abdul Mannan was engaged in watching in movements of another suspect. In these circumstances one S.I. of the section may please be deputed to enquire of this matter so that proper watch can be taken.
Let A.S.I. Abdul Mannan
(i) Explain as to why he failed to follow the suspect as Moulana left station in a
Jeep which he was not to follow.
(ii) D.I.B., Ctg. may also be asked as to why no D.I.B. watcher shadowed them up
to the destination, where were the R.I.B. & D.I.B. watchers?
(iii) S.I. N. Haq Khan will please enquire and report.
Sd/- S. Dewan.
(i) A.S.I. Mannan to explain. (iii) S.I. N. Haq Khan to comply pl. (ii) Office may take action.
Seen Sd/-17.6.

Page: 296


Letter from Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar10 of Lahore, Pakistan to Mawlana Bhasani and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In the letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman he termed Ghulam Mohammad11 and Chowdhury Mohammed Ali men of dirty and deceitful nature.
He issued a press statement at Lahore in this regard.
Lahore, 20 June 1955
The 20th June, 1955. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post Office of interception
G.P.O., Dacca.
10. Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar was born in a respectable family of the district Mardan of Pakistan on 10 September 1908. His father Sardar Khadi Khan and grandfather Sardar Nasim Khan was friends of Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Smail Shaheed (the martyrs of Balakot). On the question of Nehru report, he joined hands with Maulana Mohammad Asli Johar and strongly opposed the Nehru report. The British troops surrounded Lundkhwar on 26 June 1930 and ransacked the house of Ghulam Muhamad Khan Lundkhwar and later completely burnt down his hujra and house. He was critical about misrule of Pakistan and supported Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s view having similar political
ideology. Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhwar was the General Secretary of NWFP Awami League.
11. Ghulam Mohammad (April 20, 1895- August 29, 1956) – Ghulam Mohammad also called Malik Ghulam Muhammad was born in Lahore. He was Finance Minister in the first cabinet of Pakistan. He was third Governor General from 1951 to 1955.

Page: 297
7. Date of interception
: 20.6.55 8. Name of Officer who can prove the : Md.Serajul Huq. S.I. IB
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: With original. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: 12. Number and date of Government : G.O.
order authorising interception
Similar copy addressed to Sk. Muzibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P. Awami League, Dacca.
Original in file No F 483 -48 (1)
Copy/translation forwarded to
Ghulam Mahammad Khan Landkhwar, Lahore writes this to Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Dacca enclosing his statement published in Karachi paper criticising H.P.M’s decision to invite Mr. Fazlul Huq’s nominee to form Govt. in East Bengal etc.
Sd/-20.6. Original delivered. Copies attached.
Side note : S.S. II. Perusal pl. The statement of Lundkhar has come out in the Press.
May be delivered keeping a copies. Sd/-A. Hafiz, 20.6.55. Yes. Sd/- A.K.M.H. Rahman, 20.6.
Royal Park Lahore
My dear Mujeeb,
The installation of Sarkar Govt. in East Pakistan has very adversely affected our position here. As I thought and told Shaheed Saheb, at the time of his joining the Cabinet, people like Ghulam Mohd. and Ch. Mohd. Ali are of dirty and deceitful nature. They have not only received Shaheed Shaheb, time have also struck at his

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prestige in the public. We must strongly advise Shaheed Saheb to sever his connections with them.
I would be reaching Karachi by the 23rd evening to participate in the Working Committee meeting. Hope you would also reach by that time.
With kind regards.
Yours Sincerely Sd/- Ghulam Mohd. Khan
P.S. – I am sending you a copy of my statement about Bengal.
LUNDKHWAR Criticises Mohd. Ali’s methods.
Khan Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar, a member of the Working Committee, of the Pakistan Awami League, has in a statement to the Press from Lahore on Monday, criticised Premier Mohammed Ali’s decision to invite Mr. Fazlul Haq’s nominee to form Government in East Bengal.
This decision, Mr. Lundkhwar adds, has been taken with the sole purpose of weakening the position of the Awami League and buttressing the position of Mr. Mohammed Ali himself. The following is the full text of the statement:
“Before we compliment and congratulate Prime Minister Mohammed Ali on his reported decision to restore Parliamentary Government in East Bengal, it is necessary that we make sure whether this decision has been taken in deference to principles of democracy and popular Government or is a mere trick to strengthen his own individual position.
A nominee of Maulvi Fazlul Haq has been given the opportunity of forming a Government in East Bengal. The nation will recall that at the time of his dismissal from Chief Ministership of his province the same Maulvi Fazlul Haq was clearly described by Mr. Mohammed Ali as traitor. Speeches of the Quaid-i- Azam and late Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan were profusely quoted to establish the charge of treachery against Mr. Haq.
One wonders where are those charges now? Were those charges wrong and flimsy? Or, is it that the present restoration of Mr. Huq to power has been dictated

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by considerations of personal gain? If the charges were wrong then it becomes clear as day that Mr. Mohammed Ali himself appears unsuitable for the highly responsible office of Prime Ministership of a country.
If, however, the charges were true the question that would strike any honest citizen’s mind is why such a person is being allowed to rule over the destinies of a whole province of Pakistan. The Prime Minister can have no justifiable right to entrust a person, whom he himself described as traitor not so long ago, with power to rule.
The conclusion is, therefore, irresistible that this decision has been taken with the sole purpose of weakening the position of the Awami League and buttressing the position of Mr. Mohammed Ali himself.
PARLIAMENTARY GOVT. “That Parliamentary Government ought to be restored in East Bengal is something no right thinking man would dispute in fact, the way the people of that province were divested of it and the long delay in its restoration constitute an almost unpardonable crime against democracy. It is the birthright of the people of that province that their own elected representatives should run the Government there. But the method adopted for this restoration is obnoxious and thorough undemocratic. Mr. Fazlul Haq was elected leader of the United Front when the largest single political party of the province, the Awami League was one of its constituents. But Mr. Haq’s repeated mistakes and continued conspiratorial hobnobbing with Mr. Mohammad Ali ultimately led to the dissociation of the Awami league from the Haq-led United Front.
The United Front is no longer a United Front nor can Mr. Haq claim to be a leader of the real United Front.
“The correct way for the restitution of democratic rule in East Bengal should have been, as is the genuinely democratic practice in every self-respecting democracy, that it would first be honestly determined as to who really commands confidence of the Legislative Assembly, let the members of the Assembly meet and elect their leader in a free unrestricted manner and he who wins a clear confidence vote be called upon to form a Government.
“Our experience shows that once a man is put in power it is not so difficult for him to obtain support through political baits and bribes. But this method, everybody will agree, is certainly not the correct or even a decent method. And yet the Prime Minister has chosen this trick.

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“I know it perfectly well that Mr. Mohammad Ali will never choose the correct path for the simple reason that he never really had a truly representative character nor commands one now. He became and continues to be Prime Minister of Pakistan through dubious political alliances. It is natural that he should adopt the same methods when he should find his office in jeopardy. He cannot afford to resort to fair democratic practices in seeking solutions to political problems. That is what he has done yet another time. I appeal to all lovers of democracy in this country to condemn Mr. Ali’s tactics and demand that East Bengal should be restored to democracy in a democratic way.- APP.


Watch report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca
railway station while travellig to Mymensingh.
Dacca, 27 June 1955
Shadowing report dt. 27.6.55.
The O/C., Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that I was on duty at Dacca R/S. on 26.6.55 to 27.6.55 from 22.00 to 06.00. At about 05.15 hours suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Dacca R/S. along with Md. Shiraj and went to Mymensingh R/S. at about 09.40. I shadowed them up to Mymensingh R/S. then I made over the said suspect to W.C. Ali Akbar of D.I.B. Mymensingh. During my journey period no suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the said suspect.
Submitted. Sd/-W.C. Golam Mustafa.
Side note: D.S.VI. For favour of perusal and information. Ext. may go to P.F. pl. Sd/-O/C 28.6.55.
Seen Sd/-29.6. for D.S.6

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Letter from M. A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District Awami League to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he discussed party
Chittagong, 30 June 1955
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong.
Dacca; The 30.6.1955
Memo. No. 5641 /61-53 (Int) P.F.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
M.A. Aziz, Secretary Chittagong District Awami League, 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong.
To (with address)
Sk. Majibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. East Pakistan Awami League, 79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: 17.6.55 : Chittagong, June’18 : Chittagong R.M.S
Post Office of interception
7. 8.
Date of interception Name of Officer who can prove the interception
: A.S.I. Syedul Huq.
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy Kept 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception

Page: 302
Copy /translation forwarded to
A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr. P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -29.6.55 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong. Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. The writer gives advice to the addressee that he would work cautiously and give sober statement. Copy to I.B. for information. SWR
Sd: Md. Yunus. D.I.O. (I) Chittagong.
As proposed above. Sd: A.J. Chaudhuri. D.S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong. 20.6.55.
Copy of an English letter dated 17.6.55, intercepted at Chittagong R.M.S. on 18.6.55.
From : M.A. Aziz (1) Secy. Chittagong District A.M.L.,122, Anderkilla,
Chittagong. To : Sk. Majibur Rahman (2) Esqr., Genl. Secy. East Pakistan Awami League,
79, Nazirabazar Lane, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue : Chittagong 18 June 55.
My dear brother,
As my youngest son died I could not come to Dacca this time. There is nothing to be disappointed. People will understand one day the role of Awmai League and the bluff of Mr. Huq (3) and his party of course it will take time to clear the confusions that have arisen. We shall have to put our step very cautiously in future. A slight mistake may ruin the suffering and sacrifice of our innumerable works. So you should be careful from future whenever you take any decision. I have been working very seriously to wipe out the confusions and please ask workers of every district to be more active because sufficient mispropaganda is afoot from the opposite camp. You will mistake if you over look the popularity of Mr. Huq. He will be exposed if we have strong organisation otherwise nobody can check his

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popularity. Please do not give such a statement which may injure your popularity. At this critical juncture measured statements should be issued.
If you can manage time and whenever you will be free please try to address a public meeting in Chittagong city. With love to you.
Yours Aziz
Side note: 1) S/O Haji Mohabbat Ali Sowdagar of North Halisahar, P.S. Doubble Mooring,
Chittagong and of 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong town. 3) Leader of U.F. Ex-Chief Minister of East Bengal.


Weekly confidential report on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 9 July 1955
W.C.R. for Dacca D.I.B. for the week ending 9.7.55.
PART-I. (Movement of Suspects)
1. A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman reached Dacca by Train from Chittagong on 6.6.55. He left Dacca for Mymensingh Train on 27.6.55 and returned to Dacca and Mymensingh on 28.6.55.


Watch report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who
travelled from Dacca to Mymensingh by train.
Dacca, 21 July 1955
The R.I.O., Dacca.
I have the honour to report that on 20.7.55 at about 07.30 hrs. suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman, M.L.A. left Dacca R/S. for Mymensingh by Jaganathganj train, I

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shadowed him from Dacca to Mymensingh R/S. in the train. About 11.40 hrs. the train arrived at Mymensingh R/S. and I made over the said suspect to W/C. Aftabuddin Ahmed of D.I.B., Mymensingh. During his journey found nothing important to note.
Y.O.S. Misir Ali Molla, A.S.I., R.I.B., Dacca.
Side note : 6653/Dt. 21.7. Forwarded to O/C., Watch, I.B. for information. Sd/-21.7.
D.S.VI. For Perusal pl. Ext. may go to P.F. pl. Sd/-21.7.


Letter of Badrunnessa Ahmed from Chittagong to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman congratulating him for his challenge to Prime Minister
Mohammad Ali.
Chittagong, 23 July 1955
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 23.7.1955
Memo. No. 6404/102-49 (Int)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Badrunnessa Ahmad,
Chittagong Sheikh Majibur Rahman, M.C.A. Dacca. Bengali 18.7.55
Nil • Chittagong G.P.O.
18.7.55 : A.S.I. Sultan Ali.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post Office of interception Date of interception Name of Officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not

Page: 305
10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not. 12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Delivered Copy kept. Casual.
Copy / translation forwarded to
A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr.,P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/-23.7.55 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
1) D.S. for perusal please. 2) Gist in S.W.R. 3) Copy may be sent to I.B. for information.
Sd: A. Jabbar, 19.7.55 D.I.O. (II) D.I.B.,
Yes. Sd: A.J. Chaudhuri, 21.7.55. D.S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong.
English translation of an extract from a Bengali letter dated 18.7.55, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 18.7.55. From : Badrunnessa Ahmad (1) Feringhee Bazar, Chittagong. To Sheikh Majibur Rahman (2) M.C.A. 56, Simpson Road, Sadarghat,
Dacca. Postal seal of issue : Nil.
Majib Bhai,
I am not writing to you for your letter. I am sending this letter for myself. I shall not get satisfaction if I don’t give you congratulation further challenge of Mohammad Ali by you. Really we are proud for you and pray that the country can boast for you someday. We can tolerate everything but not to that puppet.
Sd/Badrunnessa Ahmad.
Side note : 1) W/O Nuruddin Ahmad of Amlapra, Kushtia and of Feringhee Bazar, P.S. Kotwali,
Chittagong town. 2) General Secretary, East Paksitan Awami Muslim League.

Page: 306
Copy of an extract from a Bengali letter dt 18.7.55 Intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 18.8.55
মুজিব ভাই,
চিঠির জন্যই চিঠি দিচ্ছিনা- চিঠি দিচ্ছি আমার নিজের জন্যই- অর্থাৎ Md. Afi যেchallenge দিয়েছেন তারজন্য Congratulation না জানালে শান্তি পাওয়া যাবে না… সত্যিই আপনার জন্য আমরা গর্ব অনুভব করছি … এবং কামনা করি একদিন যেন দেশ আপনাকে নিয়ে গর্ব করতে পারে। আর যাকেই সহ্য করিনা কেন ঐ puppet টাকে সহ্য হয় না।
বদরুনেছা আহাম্মদ
Submitted Sa/-18.7.55


Summary report of the speeches of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
delivered at AML meeting at Municipal Park, Khulna. In the meeting he said after British regime they were dependent people
in an independent country.
Khulna, 27 July 1955
Extract copied from PP. 73, 70-64 of file No. 13-54 (KLN.) GL.
Summary report of the speeches delivered at the Awami Muslim League meeting held at Municipal Park, Khulna on 27.7.55 under the Presidency of Shaikh Abdul Aziz, M.L.A.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A. in his speech said:

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“It was hoped that with the disappearance of the British the people would get their square meals, cloth, education, adequate wage; injustice, oppression and all sorts of corruption would go. After taking stock of things it seems that we are dependent people in an independent country. The treasury has exhausted in a mysterious way. For seven years the Muslim League could not give the country a Constitution; there were permit-hunting, black-marketing and exploitation of the poor.
We started a movement against the misrule of the Muslim League in 1948 under the leadership of Maulana Bhasani. A sub-Inspector of Police can detain a man without trial for a month and it can be extended for years with the approval of the Govt. We wanted education and cloth. We received lathi-charge and incarceration, we wanted Bengali as a state language. We received bullets. Salt was sold at Rs. 16/- a seer. Students were killed. Thousands died in Khulna famine. Awami League workers had to suffer imprisonment for protesting against injustice and oppression.
The Joint Front came into being to fight the Muslim League in the last general election under the leadership of Maulana Bhasani, Suhrawardy and Fazlul Huq. I have got nothing to say against Fazlul Huq who is 87. But men like Mohan Mian, Azizul Huq and Hamidul Huq Chawdhury are his association. In spite of our single party majority we offered Fazlul Huq premiership. Now Abu Hussain Sarker is the leader. We do not want Ministership, we want the implementation of the 21-points programme. We cannot support them as they have struck at the root of the programme.
Section 92-A was imposed. The Joint Front Ministry voted to power by 97% of the people was dissolved. I was arrested. 15 hundred workers and 50 MLAs were jailed. When we were taking oath in the Govt. house a serious riot took place in the Adamjee Jute Mills resulting in the loss of 700 lives. There was a conspiracy behind it. We being ministers, could not formed such troubles. We demand that the report on the enquiry into the riot be published and the culprits punished. Before my arrest I told Fazlul Huq not to submit to anybody, in a year’s time Mohammad Ali would how down his head before him (Fazlul Huq). While in jail I came to know that several criminal cases had been institution against me. Mohammad Ali branded Fazlul Huq a traitor, I was branded a rioter. Our workers and MLAs did not submit. Some of our workers lost their properties. One or two Govt. employees were also arrested. It was alleged that Maulana Bhasani was a Communist and might be shot.

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In the Constituent Assembly I challenged the Prime Minister of Pakistan that I would, by the grace of Allah, defeat him in his an election in his own Zamindary at Bogra. He did not reply. He left the hall stealthily. In Pakistan Ministers are dismissed and appointed. Abu Hussain Sarker has been transferred from the Centre to the Province. The Prime Minister of Pakistan has in seriously insulted and wounded the sentiment of the representatives of 97% of the people of this province.


Weekly confidential report on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Jessore, 30 July 1955
Jessore D.I.B. W.C.R for w.e. 30.7.55
Part I (Movements of suspects.)
A.L. No. 530 *Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived Jessore by 255 down train from Khulna side on the 28th July/55 at 09.27 hours and left for Dacca by plane on the same date at 12.00 hours and A.L. No. 417 Habibur Rahman left for Bongong, 24 Parganas, West Bengal by bus from Jessore on the 29th July/55 at 09.00 hours.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-8.8
D.S.6, RD, 9.8 (2Pages) Sd/-9.8.55, 10.8
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Khulna, for the week ending 30.7.55.
Part I. Movements of Suspects.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.*530) reached Khulna on 27.7.55 by launch from Gopalganj and addressed a public meeting organised by the A.M.L. in the local Municipal Park. He left Khulna on 28.7.55 for Jessore. He was shadowed by a W.C. of this D.I.B.
Side note: Circulation, Sd/-D.S.6

Page: 309


Meeting organized by AML workers held at Naria Bazar, Faridpur where local AML leaders demanded excavation of a
canal, construction and reconstruction of roads, fixation of minimum jute price, release of all security prisoners. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in organizational meeting at
Gopalganj town and Madaripur Municipal ground.
Faridpur, 30 July 1955
P. No. 281 of file No. 13- 54 (F.Pur).
Extract from A/I. No. 31 for W/Ending 30.7.55.
3. Political activities.
(a) Muslim groups.
At the instance of the AML workers, a meeting (200) was held on 22nd July at Naria Bazar, Naria, Faridpur with Dr. Ghulam Moula, M.S.C. MBBS (AML), son of late Abdul Ghafur Dhali of Mukhtearerchar, Naria in the chair. Ali Ahmed Khan (AML), son of Mainuddin of Sonakhanda, P.S. Naria, Faridpur, Abdul Mannan alias Tuni Mannan (CP/AML), son of Abul Hashem of Madaripur town, Faridpur, Asmat Ali Khan (para 916), MLA (AML), son of late Abdul Jabbar of Madaripur town, Faridpur and the President delivered speeches in the meeting condemning the alleged maladministration of the former ML Government in East Bengal and the present M.L Government at the Centre. They said that a large number of A.M.L. workers and supporters were put behind the prison bar after the imposition of Section 92-A in East Bengal on the grounds of there alleged subversive activities. They also criticised the KSP alleging that most of its leaders are Zamindars and rich men. Resolutions demanding excavation of a canal from Sureswar to Angaria for facility of business, construction of metallic road from Madaripur town to Sureswar, reconstruction of District Board Roads and bridges at Government expenses, fixation of minimum price of jute and dropping of cases instituted against jute growers for growing jute in excess, sufficient Government aid for the schools of that area and early release of all security prisoners, etc., were passed in the meeting.
An organisational meeting (600) of the Awami Muslim League was held on 25th July at Gopalgong town with Qazi Muzaffar Husain, BL, son of Felanuddin of

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Kurpala, Gopalganj town in the chair. Shahidul Islam (AML), son of Shamuddin of Bagudanga, Kalia, Jessore and of Gopalganj town and Sk. Majibur Rahman (AML) son of Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca delivered speeches in the meeting, condemning the action of the Hon’ble Mr. Mohammed Ali, Prime Minister of Pakistan in respect of imposition of Section 92-A and the maladministration of the former United Front Government headed by Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq (para 1204). Resolutions, demanding immediate release of all security prisoners, introduction of Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan, stoppage of Certificate system and introduction of better system of education, were adopted in the meeting.
On 24th July, similar organisational meeting (600) of the AML was held at Madaripur Municipal ground, under the President ship of Asmat Ali Khan, MLA (AML), son of Abdul Jabbar of Housdi, Madaripur, Faridpur.


A public meeting organized by AML Khulna held at Municipal Park, Khulna where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and local leaders delivered speeches. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in his course of
speech reviewed the political and socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country. The local leaders announced that they formed a committee known as “Security Prisoners’ Relief
Committee” at Khulna.
Khulna, 30 July 1955 P. 267 of File No. 13-54 (Khulna) Genl.
Political activities (a) Muslim groups.
1305. Khulna A public meeting (3,000) organised by the District AML (para 1088), Khulna was held on 27th July at the local Municipal Park with Shaikh Abdul Aziz (para 1088) (A.L.12) in the chair. Abdul Bair, converner, students’ League, Khulna (AML), son of Keramatullah of Khanarpar, Gopalgonj, Faridpur and of

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Khulna town, Mominuddin Ahmed (AML), son of Aftabudddin of Choto Boyra, Daulatpur, Khulna, Dildar Ahmad, MCA (AML), son of Abul Qasim of Samantasena, Khulna and of Khulna town and Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 1301) (A.L.530) delivered speeches in the meeting, reviewing the political and socioeconomic conditions prevailing in the country, with special reference to the present Sarker Ministry of East Bengal. They urged upon the audience to rally round the banner of AML for the realisation of the 21-point programme. They also announced that a Committee known as “Security Prisoners’ Relief Committee” had been formed at Khulna with Mominuddin Ahmad as the president and Deben Das (pare 1046), MLA as the Vice-President and Rs. 25 and Rs.10 had been contributed to its fund by a person on behalf of Natun Bazar, Khulna town and Dr. Atulendra Nath Das (CP) respectively. They appealed to the audience to contribute generously to its fund.
PP. 93 of File No. 13-54 (Khulna) GL. Copy of a D.I.O’s Report dated 10.9.55.
The venue of the meeting is not correct. The committee was formed in a meeting held in “Dera Hostel Khulna town on 25.7.55 with the office-bearers mentioned in the letter under reference and it was named “Security Prisoners” Relief Committee, Khulna”. On 27.7.55 in a public meeting held at Khulna town Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.530) announced publicity of its formation. A sum of Rs. 25/was contributed by the shop-keepers of Natun Bazar, Khulna town and As. 10/- by Dr. Atulendra Nath Das (O.P.- ex-security prisoner s/o Late Akhaya of Khulna towards its fund. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman made an appeal to the public in the meeting to freely contribute towards the fund. In response to his call there was some more collection in the meeting place and the total amount came to Rs. 57/8/-.
But according to the instruction of some authorities of the E.P.A.M.L., the member of the A.M.L., Khulna have cut off their connection with the committee as it was formed with members of other political parties.
District intelligence Branch
Khulna, the 9th Ocr. ’55. No. 9356/R.3537/39 -49 (M.F.)

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Copy forwarding to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr-. P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca, for information with reference to his No. 15178/13-54 (Khulna) GL. Dated 22.8.55.
Sd/- S.A. Sayeed Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Khulna.


Weekly confidential report on movement of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 30 July 1955 Faridpur D.I.B. W.C.R for w.e. 30.7.55.
Part-I. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.*530) reached Madaripur town on 24.7.55 from Dacca.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-3.8
D.S 63.8


Summary report on the speeches of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
delivered in the AML meeting at Madaripur and Gopalganj respectively on 24 July and 25 July 1955. He demanded declaring 21st February a holiday and permission to erect a Shaheed Minar.
Faridpur, 3 August 1955
P. No. 56 to 41 of file No. 13-54 (F.pur)
Summary Report of the speeches delivered at the Awami Muslim League meeting held at Madaripur on 24.7.55 and at Gopalgonj on 25.7.55 in the district of Faridpur.

Page: 313
Sk. Majibar Rahman M.L.A., M.C.A. in his speech said: “Pakistan was achieved in August, 1947. People fought and some sacrificed their lives for Pakistan with the end in view that they would be better fed, clothed and educated and get better price for jute and better dwelling places. But now they have been frustrated in their hopes. In fact they are dependent people in an independent country. A section of the people is responsible for our people’s miseries. From time immemorial men have been doing harm to men, and struggle is going on against them. For the last seven years Muslim League Govt. have exploited the people. People have paid taxes but they have not been spent for the benefit and well being of the people in general. Pakistan treasury is empty now.
In order to fight against the oppressions and repressions of the Muslim League, Awami Muslim League was formed in 1949 under the leadership of Maulana Bhasani and Mr. H.S Suharwardi. There is only one man in Pakistan who does not want any office i.e., Maulana Bhasani. He wants well-living and happiness of the people in general. That is his crime and that is way he is sometimes jailed for years together. Each of our workers was sent to jail for voicing the demands of the people for food, cloth, fair price for jute, Bengali as one of the state Languages of Pakistan etc.
Janab Huq Saheb is a man of 87 years. He used to love me while I was a Minister. I have nothing to say against him. I pity him? He is surrounded by some bad men who do not allow him to do good work for the people. Before the general election he was holding the post of Advocate General. He resigned. We welcome him and offered him Chief Minister ship of East Bengal. Awami Muslim League never hankered after Chief Minister ship, though they faced all sorts of oppressions and repressions of the Muslim League Govt. United Front was formed and the election was run on the basis of 21-point programme. Muslim League was defeated, but the Muslim League at Karachi remained.
Mr. Md. Ali was appointed Prime Minister of Pakistan. I threw out a challenge to him in the Constituent Assembly at Murree to contest with me in his own Zamindary at Bogra and he will be defeated.
Sometimes Fazlul Huq Saheb says what he should not say but we do not believe that he is a traitor. Mr. Md. Ali Jamned him traitor and me a rioter.
The moment we were taking oath in the Govt. House as Ministers the riot in the Adamjee Jute mill was started and about 700 men were killed, in order to discredit the United Front Ministry. The riot was the result of the conspiracy of the Muslim League against the United Front. An enquiry has since been made into it, and a

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report has been submitted to Govt. But the report has not been made public. We demand that the report should be published for the information of the general public.
Fazlul Huq Saheb and we were called to Karachi for discussion. There arrangements were being made to arrest us. Getting scent of it Huq Saheb and we flew to Dacca. Mohon Mia and Ashrafuddin Ahmed Choudhury stayed back at Karachi? As soon as we returned to Dacca, section 92-A was promulgated. I was arrested and Fazlul Huq Saheb was home interned. On the eve of my arrest I met Fazlul Huq Saheb in his house and requested him to remain firm in his stand and not to tender apology and bend his head to Mr. Md. Ali who did Injustice to the people of East Bengal
Mr. Md. Ali arrested our 1500 workers including 50 Ms.L.As. properties of some of them were confiscated. False cases were started. I was implicated in a dacoity case. Still we did not tender apology. And we were determined not to do it. While 1500 workers were in the jail Huq sahib tendered apology to Mr. Md. Ali and regretted his conduct on the advice of Mohon Mia and others? Then we made up our mind to move no confidence motion against the leadership of Huq Saheb in the U.F. Party meeting and yet away from him.
One of the central Ministers in the case taken Govt. called Moulana Bhasani a communist. Maulana Bhasani is not a coward. He went to jail for 17 times.
We have joined the Constituent Assembly to realize our demand for full provincial autonomy and also other demands embodied in the 21-point programme. He want Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to be Prime Minister of Pakistan. We do not want Mr. Md. Ali who has sent our 1500 workers including 50 M.L.As to jail, Jamned Fazlul Huq Saheb a traitor and me a rioter. We cannot support him. The U.F. Party no longer exists. Mohon Mia, Hamidul Haq Choudhury and others want Mr. Md. Ali to be Prime Minister of Pakistan. We want full Provincial autonomy for East Bengal. If we do not get it we shall resign our seats in the Constituent Assembly.
Mr. Abu Hossain Sarker is the nominee of Mr. Md. Ali. We shall not accept ministry under him. But so long he will implement the 21-point programme, we shall support him. 250 persons are still in jail. If Mr. Sarker does not release them it will not be easy for him to tour in the province he may see black flags where ever he goes. We shall not allow any body to be detained in jail without trial. They must be tried in a court of law. If they are found guilty of treason or anti-state activities, hang them. We have no objection. Rajshahi University authorities have made it a rule that guardians will have to execute a bond for the good conduct of their wards and the students will have to get certificate of good conduct from a magistrate or I.B. department. This rule should be repealed at once.

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Students are compelled to take part in politics. When they see their parents suffering from wants they cannot be silent spectator.
We want immediate release of all political prisoners, abolition of the system of realization of rent through certificate, declaration of the 215 Feb, a holiday permission to erect a Shaheed Minar. These can be done by the ministry immediately
He exhorted the audience to join the Awami Muslim League in large numbers and carry on the fight for the cause of the people.
A meeting of the Awami Muslim League was held at Town Maidan, Gopalgonj on 25.7.55 Kazi Mozaffar Hossin presided. About 1000 people attended.
Sk. Majibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A., dwelt on what he said at Madaripur on 24.7.55. He further said:
If the Ministry do good works and can root out corruption and bribery I promise that I shall not seek election to the Legislative Assembly. Officers in lower rank take bribe because those who are at the top of the administration are not free from corruption and bribery’.
Mr. Abdus Salam Khan of Gopalgonj deserted Awami Muslim League and joined Huq Saheb’s party. He enjoys no prestige in the new situation. I know he will have to come back to the Awami Muslim League. The door of our party is always open to him.
I have said at Karachi that we can from coalition with any party in the centre provided they accept our demand for full provincial autonomy for East Bengal and Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan.
The Gopalgonj College is in a moribund condition. I propose that an All party committee should be formed to raise funds for the College.
Govt. have issued an order that only the M.L.As supporting the party in power should find place on the committee for local institutions. This is a deplorable order Mr. Abu Hossain Sarker should know that the motion expressing confidence in him has not yet been passed?”
Sd/- S.A. Hossain Kazi
Ghulam Yazdani Govt. Reporters. 3.8.55.

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Watch report and WCR on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 4 August 1955
Shadowing Report
The O/C., Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I have the honour to report that on 3.8.55 while I was on secret watch duty at Dacca R/S. At about 05.00 hrs. the suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman reached at Dacca R/S. from Dacca town. At about 05.20 hrs. he left the said R/S. by Parbatipur up train and at about 10.30 hrs. he got down at Mymensingh R/S. from the train.
I shadowed the said suspect from the Dacca R/S. to Mymensingh and made over to W.C. Ali Akbar of D.I.B., Mymensingh. On the way from Dacca to Mymensingh I found nothing important against him.
This is for your kind information.
Submitted another report to D.I.O.I, Mymensingh D.I.B.
Submitted. W/C. Nuruddin Ahmed,
Perusal please. It is the shadowing report regarding Sk. Mujibar Rahman to Mymensingh.
for O/C.,W. Office.
Pl. write to Mymensingh D.I.B. for the activities of the subject there.
Sd/ -4.8. for D.S.6
Dacca D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e. 6.8.55 606-48 PF

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10. A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca by train on 20.7.55 and returned from
Mymensingh on 21.7.55 by train. He left Dacca for Mymensingh again on 3.8.55 and returned to Dacca on the same day.
Side note: Sd/-DSVII, 17.8
Faridpur D.I.B. W.C.R. for w/e 6.8.55 606-48 PF
Movement of suspects:1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.L. *530) left for Khulna on 27.7.55.
Side note : Sd/-DS6, 10.8
No. 15159/606-48 P.F. dt. 20.8.55
S.P.D.I.B. Mymensingh.
On 3.8.55 at about 05.20 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman S/o Lutfar Rahman of Faridpur & of Dacca left Dacca R/S. by Parbatipur up train and at about 10.30 hrs. he got down at Mymensingh R/S. 1.B.W.C. Nuruddin Ahmad shadowed the subject from Dacca R/S. and made over the Subject to D.I.B. W.C. Ali Akbar.
You are, therefore, requested to report to this office about his activities there at an early date.
Sd/ -20.8 for SS 11
Dacca. Reply at P.2045
No. 15860/606-48 P.F. dt. 6.9.55

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To S.P. D.I.B. Mymensingh.
Kindly refer to this office letter No.15159 dt. 20.8.55 and expedite your reply pl.
for SSII, I.B. Reply at P.2045 Sd/-6.9


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in a meeting at Mymenshing Town Hall criticizing Muslim League government
and A.K. Fazlul Haque. He demanded acceptance of Bengali as one of the state languages, declaration of 21 February as a public
holiday, erection of a memorial for the martyrs of 1952,
Mymensingh, 13 August 1955
P.548, File No. 13-54 (M’singh) Genl.
Political Activities (a) Muslim Groups.
1397. Mymensingh.-A meeting (60) of the AML workers of Mymensingh district was held on 3rd August at Mymensingh Town Hall with Maulvi Abul Mansur Ahmad (para 1307), MLA, MCA, son of Abdur Rahim of Dhanikhola, Trishal, Mymensingh and of Mymensingh town in the chair. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 1305) MLA, MCA, son of Lutfur Rahman of Tangibari, Gopalganj, Faridpur delivered a speech vehemently criticizing the Muslim League Government for their failure to frame a Constitution for Pakistan and to ameliorate the condition of the general masses in course of their 7 years regime. He also remarked that the Muslim League Government was responsible for the riot at Adamji Jute Mills and Chandraghona Paper Mills. He regretted the activities of Mr. Fazlul Haq and

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accused him of causing a rift in the United Front Party in collusion with Mr. Muhammad Ali, the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The speaker eulogised Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (para 1394), for his untiring service to the country. In conclusion the speaker urged the workers to strengthen the AML Party by organising AML units in every union. The meeting adopted resolutions inter alia, demanding the release of all political prisoners, withdrawal of warrants of arrests and restriction orders against the political workers, declaration of 21st February as a public holiday, erection of a memorial for the martyrs of 1952, acceptance of Bengali as one of the State Languages, repeal of Public Safety Act, abrogation of Pak-USA Military Aid Pact, fixation of minimum price of jute at Rs. 30 per maund, stoppage of the certificate system for the collection of rents and making the AML organisation a noncommunal one. The following were elected as office bearers of the Mymensingh District Awami Muslim League (para 1090) for the year 1955-56:
:Maulvi Abul Mansur Ahmad (para 1307), MLA, MCA, son
Abdur Rahim of Dhanikhola, Trishal, Mymensingh and of
Mymensingh and of Mymensingh town. Vice-President : Maulana Altaf Husain (para 1307), MAL, son of late
Ahmad Ali Sarkar of Akua, Kotwali, Mymensingh. Secretary
Rafiquddin Bhuiyan (para 1249) (Ex- Security Prisoner) son of late Wafizuddin of Meranga, Nandali, Mymensingh and
of Mymensingh town. Office-Secretary : Dr. Abdul Malik Shamsad, son of late Abdus Samad of
Mymensingh town. Assistant Secretary : Hatem Ali Talukdar (para 1328) (Ex- Security Prisoner),
son of Afsaruddin of Mahmudpur, Gopalpur, Mymensingh
and of Mymensingh town. Treasurer
Azizur Rahman, Proprietor of Robi Press, Mymensingh town.
Copy of report of a D.I.O., Mymensingh, dated 7.9.55.
I beg to report that Sk. Mujibar Rahman, S/o. Lutfar Rahman of Faridpur arrived at Mymensingh on 3.8.55 at about 10.30 hrs. being shadowed by a watcher of I.B., Dacca. He left for Dacca on the same day at about 17.15 hrs.

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During his stay here at Mymensingh town he attended the Mymensingh District Councilors meeting of the A.M.L. on 3.8.55 at the Town Hall. In the meeting he delivered speeches criticising the Muslim League Ministry for failing to frame the Constitution during its 7 years’ regime. He also held the Muslim League responsible for the riots in the Adamji Jute Mills and the Karanafuli Paper Mills. He further criticized the Pak-American Military Aid Pact. He emphasised that he would start a vigorous movement for the cause of the Provincial autonomy, joint electorate and the acceptance of Bengali as one of the State languages of Pakistan.
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 9th/10th Sept./55.
No. 7413/R.7167/11-55.
Copy forwarded to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, with reference to his No. 15159/606-48 P.F. dated 20.8.55 for information.
Sd/ -10.9.55 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.


EPAML working committee meeting decided to suspend Abdus
Salam Khan and reconstitute constitution sub-committee.
Dacca, 22 August 1955
P.10 file 543-54 (1).
East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. 56, Simpson Road, Dacca, Aug., 1955.
Dear Sir,
I am giving below an extract of the resolution of the working committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League taken at its meeting held on 4th August, 1955 under the Presidentship of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, for your information and action.

Page: 321
Extract of the Resolution :
“Resolved that Mr. Abdus Salam Khan having been suspended from the organisation, Mr. S.W. Lakitullah be elected in his place in the constitution Sub-Committee which was formed on 5.4.54.
Further resolved that in place of Messrs. Ataur Rahman Khan, Abul Munsur Ahmad and Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, who would be absent in Karachi, the following members be elected in the said Sub-Committee :(1) Mr. A.J. Khaddar, (2) Mr. Abdus Samad, (3) Mr. Khairat Hussain.
Further resolved that Mr. Muhammad Ullah, Office Secy., be elected as another member in the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee shall submit its reports within 15 days from to-day”
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Oli Ahad, Publicity Secretary, for General Secretary, East Pak. Awami Muslim
To Mvi. S.W. Lakitullah, President, Barisal. 22.8

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Letter of M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District AML to Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman informing about deputation to HPM
Mohammad Ali regarding establishment of facilities for tuberculosis, leprosy and VD treatment at Chittagong Hospital.
Chittagong, 30 August 1955 Secret District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong.
The 30.8.1955. Memo. No. 7368/61-53 (Int)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: M.A. Aziz, Secy., Dist. Awami
Muslim League, Chittagong. 2. To (with address)
Mr. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A.
M.C.A. Summberset House, Karachi. 3. Language of letter
: English. 4. Date of letter
Nil. Postal Seal
: Nil. 6. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Chittagong. 7. Date of interception
: 27.8.55. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : S.I. Masnad Ali.
Whether photographed or not : XXX 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
not 12. Number and date of Government : G.O.
order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to
A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information.
Sd/-30.8.55 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.

Page: 323
For favour of perusal. Copy may be sent to I.B. for information. They had waited on deputation before Hon’ble Minister K.K. Datta during his last visit to Chittagong.
Sd/- M. Yunus, 29.8.55 D.I.O. (1) Chittagong. As proposed above.
Sd/- A.J. Chowdhury, 30.8.55 Dy. S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong.
Copy of an English letter dated nil intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 27.8.55.
League, 122
: M.A. Aziz, Secy., Chittagong District Awami Muslim Anderkilla, Chittagong.
: Mr. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A. Summerset House,
Dear brother,
It is long since that we have met last. The role of Awami League in the Assembly is being much appreciated by the public here in Chittagong. I am quite O.K. Hope this will find you in hale and hearty.
I am herewith sending a copy of application already sent to the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Govt. of Pakistan, to you along with a news item of the deputation which waited upon the Hon’ble Law and Health Minister, Govt. of Pakistan about V.D. centre in Chittagong. Hope you will please move in the matter. With affections.
Sd/- M.A. Aziz.
Enclosure No. 1
Hon’ble Chaudhury Mohammad Ali, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Karachi.
Subject : Public health problem in Chittagong.
Most respected Sir,
While congratulating your declaration on 11.8.55 with your special remark that East Bengal has been neglected since partition and with the promise that you will

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kindly pay special attention to this unfortunate zone, we would like to bring to your kind notice the following :
: There is no facility for the diagnosis and treatment of this
dangerous disease. The patients are mixed up with the general patients at the Chittagong General Hospital. The poor patients cannot afford to pay Rs. 16/- as the charge for XRay. The lengthy treatment with costly medicine is out of question. It is spreading, as the population increase, as a public danger. Free treatment centre may kindly be started as early as possible. The same problems as Tuberculosis and can partly be solved by opening a treatment centre.
Venereal Disease
: Chittagong as a major port of Pakistan with its gradually
increasing commercial and industrial importance faced the necessity of a well organised Venereal Disease Hospital. Owing to financial crisis the provincial Govt. has abolished the clinic organisation before the partition. For want of treatment facility it is spreading like anything. Hon’ble Dr. M.A. Malik, ex-Minister of Health 2 years back gave a speech published in paper that a Venereal Disease Hospital has been started in Karachi and similar Hospital will be started in Chittagong with the facility of free treatment and training to Doctors with foreign experts. Unfortunately 2 years have been taken by Govt. to complete the building which is now ready. Your kind personal interference is solicited to start the work of the Hospital immediately.
We fervently hope you will take immediate action in solving this problem infectious disease in the interest of suffering humanity.
Yours Faithfully, 1. Sd/- Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri, M.L.A. (3) Secy., Chittagong City Awami
League. 2. Sd/- M.A. Aziz Secy., District Awami League. 3. Sd/- Taftunnessar Begum, M.L.A. (4)

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4. Muzaffar Ahmad, M.C.A. (5) 5. Purnendu Dastidar (6) M.L.A. 6. Sd/- Sudhangshu Bimal Datta, M.L.A(7). 7. Sd/- Sudhangshu Bimal Barua, M.L.A.(8)
Enclosure No. II. From : M.A. Aziz, Secy., Chittagong Dist. Awami League.
A deputation consisting of Chittagong M.L.As Jonab Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri, Babu Sudhangshu Bimal Barua, Babu Purnendu Dastidar, Babu Sudhangshu Bimal Datta, and Dist. Awami League Secretary, Jonab M.A. Aziz met the Central Law & Health Minister Hon’ble K.K. Datta on 20.8.55 at Chittagong Circuit House and placed before him urgent health problems of Chittagong. They told him that building for V.D. centre have been constructed at Agrabad, Chittagong but no work has yet begun. Considering the grave situation of the disease, they requested him to re-open the V.D. clinic attached to the General Hospital, Chittagong, which started functioning in 1945 an was abolished in February 1954, in case the proposed V.D. centre by the Central Govt. in Agrabad cannot be made to function immediately.
They also placed the matter of grave dearth of medicine and equipment in the General Hospital, Chittagong and the matter of in availability of urgent medicines by general public in the open market at fair price.
The Hon’ble Health Minister gave patient hearing to the deputation and assured immediate consideration.
Sd/- M.A. Aziz, Secy., Dist. Awami League.
122 Anderkilla.
Copy to Jonab Muzaffor Ahmad, M.C.A., Karachi.
Side note: (1) S/Haji Mahabbat Ali Sadager of Hali sahar, Double Morrings and of 120
Anderkilla Road, Chittagong. (2) S/o Jasimuddin of Gopalganj, Faridpur. (3) S/o Azizur Rahman @ Abdul Aziz of Kattali, Double Morrings, Ctg. (4) Wo M.A. Aziz, Bar-at-law, Anderkilla, Ctg. (5) Nazu Mia Sadagar of Pahartali, Double Morrings, Ctg. (6) S/Chandra Kumar of Delghat, Patiya, Chittagong, & of Dewanji Pukurpara,
Kotwali, Ctg. (7) S/o Ramesh of Dharampur, PS. Satkania, Chittagong.

Page: 326


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said in the assembly debate that if they insisted on integrating Karachi to One-Unit scheme then there
would be bloodshed in East Bengal.
Dacca, 22 September 1955
Azad dt. 22.৭.SS
Azad “পূৰ্ব্ববঙ্কে রক্তপাত হইবে”
এ,পি,পি র সংবাদে বলা হইয়াছে যে, গণপরিষদের অদ্যকার অধিবেশনে প্রায় ১২ জন সদস্য বিতর্কে অংশ গ্রহণ করেন তন্মধ্যে ১ জন সদস্য আওয়ামী লীগ দলভূক্ত। একমাত্র বাহুম্মালপুরের জনাব আব্দুল সালাম ব্যতীত আর সকলেই প্রায় আইনের ২য় ধারার বিরুদ্ধে বক্তৃতা করেন।
জনাব মুজিবর রহমান বলেন, করাচীকে এক ইউনিটের অন্তর্ভূক্ত করার জেদ ধরিলে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে সম্ভবতঃ ইহা লইয়া রক্তপাত হইবে।
Side note: 26 dt. 1-10-55.
On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L) M.C.A., Sd/-for DS 6, 1/X


AML members threatened secession of East Bengal from Pakistan while discussing amendments to One-Unit bill in the constituent
Karachi, 23 September 1955
H.S. dt. 23,৭,55
“East Bengal Real
H.S. 23.৭.55 From Our own Correspondent
KARACHI, SEPT.22-Threats of cession of East Bengal from Pakistan were given in the Pakistan Constituent Assembly in course of speeches made Awami Leauge Members from East Bengal while speaking on amendments to the One-Unit Bill yesterday. Awami League member Mr. Mujibur Rahman making a frontal

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attack on the ruling clique’ said, it was no use saying that East Bengal wanted to cecede from Pakistan. In fact East Bengal with 56 percent of population was the real Pakistan. If West Pakistan wanted to go out well they could do so.
Mr. Mujibur Rahman challenged Mr. Fazlul Huq to fight the by-elections for four vacancies in the East Bengal legislature on the One-Unit issue.
He declared if justice and fair play field, other means would be necessary. Mr. Mujibur Rehman also told the Constituent Assembly that the people of Frontier Province would never tolerate that their revered leader Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan should be arrested. He said, what kind of freedom it was in this country that a Frontier Province leader was not allowed to proceed to Baluchistan. Ridiculing the claim that people supported the One-Unit plan, he said, the fate of Ghaffar Khan who wanted to create public opinion against the One-Unit was a revealing example that the Government would not allow any person to express free opinion.
Site Note : 82 dt 19.X.55, VI On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/- for DSVI, 19.10

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Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Khawaja Abdur Rahim of
Lahore inviting him to attend council session of AML.
Dacca, 2 October 1955
Strictly Secret:
It is likely learnt that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman General Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca, has written a letter in English on 28/x/53 and posted from Dacca on 30X-53, addressed to Janab Khawaja Abdur Rahim, Javid Manzil, Maya Road, Lahore. Which contain the following subject:
shunt Mijiken East Panna Awain Karkunhani L an, a better in English
teater Dacca t Jonah Khawaja Manzie Mayo Re
Dacca has with on 22/0153 a
300-3, Cole Ah
Rahe Javid .
& hane auch pleasure inporn zen that we are having Concie Session by the 14th and the 15th November 1953. Your pregnant inabolutely necessary for le Zing us as well as analmig.
meess. You are strenson, Cordially invited to attend
so st. Magihan Genel senlain.

Page: 329
I have such pleasure to inform you that we are having our Council Session by the 14th and the 15th November, 1953. Your Presence is absolutely necessary for encouraging us as well as making it a grand success. You are therefore, cordially invited to attend.
Sd/ – Sk. Mujibur Rahman
General Secretary.
Note : Similar invitation have been addressed to Khan Ghulam
Mohammad Khan Lundkhor No I Royal Park Lahore. Ex. by –
Sd/ – 2/x/55


Open letter blaming Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to create dissension in the
United Front found in circulation at Gopalganj town.
Faridpur, 5 October 1955
Faridpur D.I.B. W.C.R for w.e. 5.10.55
It bitterly criticises the activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman M.L.A., MCA, S/ Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, PS. Gopalganj, Faridpur and says that he was

Page: 330
responsible for starting signature campaign against Hon’ble Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq at the instigation of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy who is not a friend of the people of E.B. It also states that Sk. Mujibur Rahman was solely responsible for creating dissension in the U.F. Party. It further states that he being elected as M.L.A. and M.C.A. drawing thousand of rupees from the Pak treasury but is pouring venom against the Govt. It also says that he did not think it necessary to come to Faridpur though the people of this district are suffering from devastating flood in two successive years even to show sympathy to them.
Side note: 1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MLA, M.C.A. er Nikat – Ek Nambar Khola Chiti’
2. Captioned open letter No. I to Sk. Mujibur Rahman. (M.L.A., M.C.A). Found in Circulation No. in Gopalganj town on 3.10.55. Ask for a Copy. Sd/ -1/11 D.S.6 R.D, 18.10, 4.11
3. “zapat 1949 Rata, 43,44,4; 91, FT, 99 fapt up an citant foft”
(Open letter No. 1 to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MLA, MCA.)
This leaflet in Bengali was found in circulation at Gopalganj. It bitterly criticises the activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para 1784), MLA, MCA, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangibar, PS. Gopalganj, Faridpur and says that he was responsible for starting signature campaign against Hon’ble Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq at the instigation of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (para 1729) who is not a friend of the people of East Bengal. It also states that Sk. Mujibur Rahman was solely responsible for creating dissensions in the United Front Party. It says that he did not think it necessary to come to Faridpur even to show sympathy though the people of this district suffered from devastating floods in two successive years.
File D.S.VI 31.1

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Weekly confidential report on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 8 October 1955
W.C.R. Dacca D.I.B. for w.e. 8.10.53.
A.L. 530- Shaikh Mujibur Rahman arrived Dacca from Karachi on 16.9.55 and left for Karachi on 20.9.55 by P.I.A.
Sd/- 18.10 RD 19.X
Side note: R, 2464 dt.22.10
D.S.4/D.S.6/D.S.7, 17.10 Seen, Sd/ 17.10.55
129 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman after returning from Karachi travelled to Bogra and Jessore via Mymensingh by train. He attended North Bengal Awami League Convention at Bogra.
Dacca, 8 October 1955
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman (M.C.A.) of 79, Kazi Alauddin Rd. dt. 7.10.55 from 12.00 to 22.00 hrs.
On 7.10.55 at about 07.00 hrs. the subject arrived at Tejgaon Airport from Karachi by P.I.A. plane and there from he left for town by E.B.D. 324 at about 07.30 hrs. At about 16.15 hrs. the subject came out from 79, Kazi Alauddin Rd. and went away by Jeep 4126 towards northern side.
The following persons visited the subject’s place:(1) Wali Ahad (A.M.L.) from 16.20 to 16.25. (2) Rafique Ahmed (M.L.A.) (3) Korban Ali (Do).

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The subject had been in the A.M.L. office from 17.15 hrs. to 19.30 hrs. while the following persons were seen in the said office.
(1) Wali Ahad (A.M.L.). (2) Korban Ali (M.L.A.) (3) Abdul Wadud Patwary (A.M.L.) (4) Lutfor Rahman @ Zulfikar (Do)
At about 19.45 hrs, the subject retd. to his qtr. and again at about 20.45 hrs. he came out from his qr. with bag and baggage and availed train from Dacca R/S. for Bogra by Bahadurabad train at about 21.30 hrs. being shadowed by one W.C. Sk. Abdul Hakim.
Sd/-8.x.55. Secret
Side note:
D.I.G. may like to see. Sd/- S. Ismail. D.I.G., I.B. 10.10.55. Shown. Sd/-SAHMI 10.10
For kind information pl. Ext. may go to the P.F. P1. Sd/- 10.10.
Sd/- A.Hafiz. 11.10
Shadowing report of suspect Sk. Mazibor Rahman of A.M.L.
The O/C., Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that I took the duty from W.C. M. Nural Islam and W.C. Shamsul Haque at the Dacca R/S. shadowed the * Suspect Sk. Mazibar Rahman of A.M.L. At 21.00 hrs. on 7-10-55. At about 21.20 hrs. he left Dacca R/S. by Bahadurabad Mail train. At about 07.20 hrs. he reached Bahadurabad ghat by same train on 8-X-55. At about 07.30 hrs. I made over the said suspect Sk. Mazibor Rahman to W.C. 1616 Md. Matahar Hossain of Bahadurabad Ghat D.I.B. of Mymensingh district.

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I did not find any duty party at Mymensingh R/S. for making over the said suspect.
During the period of the duty no known suspect or suspicious person were seen to meet with the said suspect. The said suspect was not seen to come out from the 2nd class compartment of the said train. Separate report submitted to O/C., Watch of D.I.B., Mymensingh district on 9-10-55.
Sd/-W.C. Sk. A. Hakim Miah.
I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Side note: D.S.VI. For kind information pl.
Ext. may go to the P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 10.10
C.R. dt. 11.10.55.
Hours of duty : 12.00 hrs. to 18.00 hrs. Place of duty : Tejgaon Air Port. Purpose of duty : For suspects and suspicious person.
Result of duty.
At 12.00 hrs. I was on secret watch duty at the above noted place for the above mentioned purpose and I did secret watch duty there up to 18.00 hrs.
Arrival of suspects – At about 12.45 hrs. Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman arrived at Tejgaon Air Port from Jessore by A.B.B. Plane and he left at Tejgaon Air Port for town at about 13.15 hrs. by Taxi No. 4192-E.B.D.T. Message sent to I.B. Office for N/A.
Departure of suspects : Nil. Passengers
: Normal. Matter of interest : Nothing.
Important Passengers – Mr. Mohd. Moslem Ali Molla (M.C.A.) left at Tejgaon Air Port for Calcutta at about 14.10 hrs. by A.B.B. Plane. At 12.00 hrs. I relieved W.C. Abdul Hakim Miah.
Submitted. Sd/-Mohd. Abdus Samad. A.S.I. of I.B. Dacca.

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Extract to the P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman
Sd/-A.U. Muhammad.
Side note: Action taken on the T.M. Sd/-13.10.
Jessore D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e. 15.10.55
A.L. No.*530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at Jessore on the 11th October/55 by the Sirajganj No. 270 Down train and left for Dacca on the same day by plane.
D.S.3 22.10
Ext. of P. 428 of F. 13-54 (Bogra) Genl.
Ext. from A/I No. 42 the Week Ending 15.10.55.
(a) Muslim Groups. (13-64/Bogra/Genl)
1784. Bogra. – The North Bengal Awami League workers’ Conference was held at the premises of Teghor High Madrassa, Jaipurhat, Bogra on 9th and 10th October under the presidentship of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (para 1742), President, East Pakistan Awami League.
The first sitting of the delegates meeting (150) was held on 9th October within the enclosure. The following prominent delegates, amongst others, attended the meeting from different districts of East Bengal:
AKBAR HUSAIN AKANDA (para 1592), BL, President, Bogra District AL, son of late Akalu of Jaleswaritala, Bogra town.
Dewan Muhiudin (AL) MLA, son of Keramat Ali Fakir of Jaleswaritala, Bogra town.
Ghaziul Haq (para 1605) (YL/CP) Ex- security prisoner), son of Maulana Sirajul Islam of Sultanganj Para, Bogra town.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 1594) (AL), MLA, MCA, son of Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalgonj, Faridpur, and of Dacca.
Altaf Hussain (AL), MLA, Dacca. Professor Muzaffar Ahmad (AL), MLA, of Dacca.

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Abdul Awal (EPSL), son of Minnat Ali Sikdar of Rasulpur, Matlab Tippera, and Dacca.
Mrs. Selina Banu (Para 1290) (AL), MLA of Pabna. Abdul Haq (CP/Ex-security prisoner) of Jessore. Abdul Matin (EPSU) of Pabna.
On 10th October, the delegates meeting (500) was again held within the enclosure. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani in his presidential speech discussed the international position and the foreign policies of the Central Government of Pakistan. He urged the workers to take the responsibility of uniting the labourers, the peasants, the middle class people and others under the leadership of Awami League to fight for the improvement of their condition and to make Pakistan a happy and contented democratic State. Resolutions, inter alia, demanding abolition of Zemindari system without compensation and distribution of lands to the landless cultivators, granting of regional Autonomy leaving three subjects. i.e. Defence, Foreign Affairs and currency with the Centre, acceptance of Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan, real of the Public Safety Act and other black laws, introduction of free compulsory primary education and reduction of the cost education, reduction of salaries of the governors and Ambassadors and increase of pay of the low-paid Government servants, cancellation of Pak-USA Military Pact and other Military alliance, declaration of 21 February as public holiday and erection of Shahid Monuments, introduction of joint-electorate with adult franchise, establishment of Naval Headquarter in East Pakistan, shifting of the Federal Capital from Karachi to Dacca and not to Gadap, if it is at all shifted and abolition of the posts of Deputy Prime Minister and parliamentary Secretaries, were adopted in the meeting
Ext. of P. 428 of F. No. 13-54 (Bogra ) Genl.
The open session (20,000) of the North Bengal Awami League Convention of was held on 10th October. Professor Muzaffar Ahmad (AL, MLA, Dacca, Professor Abdul Hye of Jessore, Muhammed Toha (para 1755), (CP), MLA, son of Haji Muhammed Yasin of Charjangalia, Ramganj, Noakhali and of 43/1, Juginagar Lane, Dacca, Saiyid Akbar Ali (para 1431) (AL), MLA of Pabna, Abdul Awal (EPSL), son of late Minnat Ali Sikder of Rasulpur, Matlab, Tippera and of Dacca, Mrs. Salina

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Banu (AL) MLA of Pabna, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (AL), MLA, MCA. of Faridpur and Abdul Haq (para 1637) (CP) Ex-security prisoner) of Jessore, delivered speeches urging upon the people to be united under the banner of the Awami League to fight for the legitimate demands of the oppressed people of the country. They laid stress on the implementation of the 21-point manifesto of the United Front. They reminded the people that the section of the United Front which, under the leadership of Mr. A. K. Fazlul Haq had formed the Coalition Government at the Centre were also bound 21 point pledge to the people.


Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman referring security watch on him and other leaders, censorship on letters, demanded
withdrawal of security watch.
Dacca, 16 October 1955
Ittefa9 dt. 16.10.55. 1 dt. 17.10.55
নেতৃবৃন্দের উপর গােয়েন্দা বিভাগীয় কর্মচারীদের শ্যেনদৃষ্টি
ব্যক্তিগত চিঠিপত্রও সেন্সরের ব্যবস্থাঃ
সাধারণ সম্পাদক কর্তৃক সরকারী ব্যবস্থার প্রত্যাহার দাবী।
পূর্ব-পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এম,এল,এ; এম,সি,এ, সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে বলেন যে, পূর্ববঙ্গ সরকার আওয়ামী লীগ নেতৃবৃন্দ ও অন্যান্য রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের বিরুদ্ধে সর্বক্ষণের জন্য গােয়েন্দা নিয়ােগ করিয়াছেন। তিনি সরকারকে সতর্ক করিয়া দিয়া বলেন যে, রাজনৈতিক কর্মিগণের বিরুদ্ধে আই,বি,ও ডি,আই,বি নিয়ােগ বন্ধ না করিলে জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকারের সরকারকে উহার ফল ভােগ করিতে হইবে।
শেখ মজিবর রহমানের পূর্ণ বিবৃতিটি নিমে প্রদত্ত হইলঃ
“ইহা অত্যন্ত দুঃখের বিষয় যে, পূর্ববঙ্গ সরকার মওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খান ভাসানী, জনাব আতাউর রহমান ও অন্যান্য রাজনৈতিক কর্মী এবং আমাকে ছায়ার ন্যায় অনুসরণ করিবার জন্য একদল গােয়েন্দা লেলাইয়া দিয়াছেন। তাঁহারা আমাদের অফিসসমূহ এবং বাসভবনের সম্মুখে

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আই,বি, প্রহরী নিযুক্ত করিয়াছেন। দিবারাত্র ২৪ ঘন্টার মধ্যে চারিজন অথবা পাঁচজন লােক সর্বদাই তথায় অবস্থান করে এবং কে আসিতেছেন, কে যাইতেছেন, তাহা লক্ষ্য করে। এমন কি, আমরা যখন বাহিরে যাই, তখনও তাহারা সাইকেলযােগে আমাদের অনুসরন করে।
“আমরা আরও জানিতে পারিয়াছি যে, সরকার আমাদের চিঠিপত্র, এমন কি আমাদের পত্নী ও পিতামাতার চিঠিপত্রও ‘সেন্সর’ করার ব্যবস্থা করিয়াছেন।
“আমি আমাদের রাজনৈতিক নেতৃবৃন্দ ও কর্মীদের নিকট হইতেও এইরুপ অভিযােগ পাইয়াছি যে, তাহাদের উপরেও এইরুপভাবে লক্ষ্য ‘পাহারা দেওয়া হইতেছে। সরকার ইহাকে কি মনে করিতেছেন, তাহা আমি বুঝিতে পারিতেছি না।

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“মুসলিম লীগ সরকার এইরুপভাবে আমাদের কার্যাবলী লক্ষ্য করিতেন। এক্ষণে আবু হােসেন সরকারের সরকারও ইহার পূর্ববর্তী সরকারের পদাঙ্ক অনুসরণ করিতেছেন।
“জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকার ঘােষণা করিয়াছিলেন যে, তিনি জনসাধারণকে তাহাদের গণতান্ত্রিক অধিকারের জন্য নিয়মতান্ত্রিকভাবে সংগ্রাম করিতে দিবেন। সরকার কি এই গণতান্ত্রিক নীতিই অবলম্বন করিতেছেন? তিনি রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তি দিলেও জননিরাপত্তা আইন ইত্যাদির ন্যায়’কালা-কানুন’ এখনও পূর্ববঙ্গের সংবিধানে লিপিবদ্ধ রহিয়াছে। তিনি যেকোন সময়ে রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের বিরুদ্ধে জননিরাপত্তা আইন ব্যবহার করিতে পারেন।
“তিনি(জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকার) যেন অবশ্যই একথা বিস্মৃত না হন যে, আওয়ামী লীগ প্রতিষ্ঠান পূর্ববঙ্গ ব্যবস্থা পরিষদে একক সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ দল এবং পাকিস্তান ও পূর্ববঙ্গে আওয়ামী লীগ নিয়মতান্ত্রিক বিরােধী দল।
“আমি সরকারকে সতর্ক করিয়া দিতেছি যে, তাঁহারা রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের বিরুদ্ধে তাঁহাদের আই,বি,ও ডি,আই, বি, কর্মচারীদের নিয়ােগ প্রত্যাহার না করিলে তাঁহাকে(আবু হােসেন সরকারকে) ইহার ফল ভােগ করিতে হইবে। তাঁহার জানা উচিত যে, আমরা জেল অথবা মিথ্যা মামলার জন্য পরােয়া করিনা। আমরা পাকিস্তানের – বিশেষ করিয়া পূর্ববঙ্গের জনসাধারণের গণতান্ত্রিক অধিকারের জন্য দীর্ঘ ৭ বৎসর সংগ্রাম করিয়াছি এবং আরও ৭ বত্সরের জন্য সংগ্রাম করিতে প্রস্তুত আছি। আমরা উহার জন্য যে-কোন পরিণতির মােকাবিলা করিতে প্রস্তুত।”
Side note: S.S.II, in a file at once & comment. Sd/ -15.10.55
O/C. Watch, Pl. put up under what authorities & laws Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman is being watched, if watched at all. Sd/ -17.10.55. My report is enclosed, Sd/ -17.X SSII, Perusal pl. Watch is being maintained on the Sk. Mujibar Rahman continuously according to rule, he being an one starred suspect. Proper care is taken that the watch is not exposed & there has been no occasion in which our watch was exposed. Interception of the correspondence is also carried on under G.O. This was never leaked out to the subject through any of our commissions or omissions. It appears that the Sk. Mujibar Rahman made this statement on a memory or impression to attack the present East Bengal Cabinet. Sd/20.20.55

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Daily Ittefaq dt. 17.10.55. 2 dt. 17.10.55
গােয়েন্দা পুলিশের দৌরাত্ম।
মূখ্যমন্ত্রী জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকার প্রদেশে ব্যাক্তি-স্বাধীনতা প্রতিষ্ঠার সুস্পষ্ট ওয়াদা দেওয়া সত্বেও সরকারের গােয়েন্দা বিভাগের লােকেরা নেতৃস্থানীয় রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের জীবন দুর্বিসহ করিয়া তুলিয়াছে। সম্প্রতি আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক গণপরিষদ সদস্য জনাব শেখ মজিবর রহমান সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি মারফত এই তথ্যটি জনসম্মুখে উদ্ঘাটিত করিয়াছেন। প্রকাশ, আওয়ামী লীগের নেতৃস্থানীয় এবং সর্বজনমান্য রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের গতিবিধির প্রতি সর্বক্ষণ দৃষ্টি রাখিবার জন্য পূর্ববঙ্গ সরকার গােয়েন্দা পুলিশ নিযুক্ত করিয়াছেন। এমন কি, গােয়েন্দা চরেরা রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের ব্যক্তিগত চিঠি- পত্র পর্যন্ত সেন্সর করা শুরু করিয়াছে বলিয়াও জনাব মজিবর রহমান অভিযােগ করিয়াছেন। কিছুদিন পূর্বে মওলানা ভাসানীও সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে অনুরুপ অভিযােগ আনয়ন করিয়া সংবাদপত্রে বিবৃতি দিয়াছিলেন। বস্তুতঃ প্রদেশের সকল স্থান হইতেই নূতন করিয়া গােয়েন্দা বিভাগের দৌরাত্ম্য বৃদ্ধির সংবাদ আসিতেছে। প্রদেশবাসী ইহাতে উদ্বিগ্ন না হইয়া পারে না।

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গােয়েন্দাদের দৌরাত্ম্যের পরিণাম পূর্ববঙ্গের জনসাধারণ লীগ-আমলেই দেখিয়াছে। মুসলিম লীগ সরকার দেশবাসীর ঘৃণা ও ক্ষোভ কুড়াইয়া পুলিশ এবং গােয়েন্দা বিভাগকেই তাহার একমাত্র রক্ষাকবচ হিসাবে ব্যবহার করিয়াছে। মুসলিম লীগ তাহার রাজনৈতিক বিরােধীদের জীবনকে দুর্বিসহ এবং জনসাধারণকে সন্ত্রস্ত করিয়া তুলিবার কু-মতলবে প্রদেশব্যাপী রাজনৈতিক কর্মী ও দেশ বরেণ্য জননেতাদের বিরুদ্ধে গােয়েন্দা লেলাইয়া দিয়া এক বিভীষিকার রাজত্ব কায়েম করে। এই সমস্ত গােয়েন্দা-চরের রিপাের্টকে ভিত্তি করিয়াই পূর্বতন সরকার নির্বিচারে দেশ-প্রেমিকদের উপর তাহার দমন-নীতির ষ্টীমরােলার চালাইয়া দিয়াছিল। সেই তিক্ত অভিজ্ঞতা এদেশের মানুষ আজও বিস্মৃত হয় নাই।।
কিন্তু সর্বাপেক্ষা ক্ষোভের বিষয় এই যে, প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল লীগ সরকারের জগদ্দল পাথরকে জনগণ চুড়ান্তভাবে অপসারিত করার এবং তথাকথিত যুক্তফ্রন্ট দল পূর্ববঙ্গে ক্ষমতাসীন হওয়ার পরও সেই একই স্বৈরতন্ত্রী পুলিশী নীতি অনুসৃত হইতেছে। ইহা দেখিয়া গণতন্ত্রকামী মানুষ মাত্রই বিক্ষুদ্ধ না হইয়া পারে না। মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর ব্যক্তি-স্বাধীনতা প্রতিষ্ঠার বড় বড় ওয়াদার সহিত এই পুলিশী তৎপরতা নেহায়েত সামঞ্জস্যবিহীন।
পূর্বেই আমরা বলিয়াছি যে, জনগণের গণতান্ত্রিক অধিকার আদায়ের মহান সংগ্রামে লিপ্ত রাজনৈতিক কর্মী ও নেতাদের বিরুদ্ধে গােয়েন্দা বিভাগের এই শ্যেনদৃষ্টি নিক্ষেপের একমাত্র উদ্দেশ্য হইল সন্ত্রাস সৃষ্টি করা। আবার একথাও সত্য যে, অনুরূপ সন্ত্রাস দ্বারা রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের অটল সংগ্রামী স্পৃহাকে বিনষ্ট করিতে যাওয়া বাতুলতা মাত্র। হিটলারের গেষ্টাপােদলও সেই নীতি অনুসরণ করিতে গিয়া ব্যর্থ হইয়াছিল। মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রও “ম্যাকার্থিজম” চালাইয়া বিশ্ববাসীর নিকট অপদস্থ হইয়াছে। কারণ, দেশপ্রেমের উজ্জ্বল আলােকে যাহাদের হৃদয় উদ্ভাসিত, যাঁহারা লীগ শাসনের নির্বিচার হিংস্রতার সম্মুখে সাহসিকতার পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হইয়াছেন এবং যাহারা সকল প্রকার ত্যাগের জন্য আত্মােৎসর্গ করিয়াছেন, তাঁহাদের পিছনে গােয়েন্দা লাগানাের অবশ্যম্ভাবী ফল হইল, সরকারের নিজের আসনটিকেই টলটলায়মান করিয়া তােলা। দেশবাসী আজ নিজের মৌলিক অধিকার গুলি রক্ষার জন্য দৃঢ় পদক্ষেপে আগাইয়া আসিতেছে। যে-কোন মূল্যেই তাহারা ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে পুলিশী প্রতি আক্রমণের কবল হইতে মুক্ত করিবে। জনগণের এই মনের কথাটি সরকারের জানা থাকা প্রয়ােজন। নচেৎ তাঁহাদের ভুলের মাশুল কড়ায়-গন্ডায় দিতে হইবে- যেমনটি দিয়াছিল মুসলিম লীগ।।
পরিশেষে আমরা সরকারের নিকট দাবী করি যে, অবিলম্বে এই গােয়েন্দা তৎপরতা বন্ধ করিতে হইবে, কোন রাজনৈতীক কর্মীকে ছায়ার মত অনুসরণ করা বা তাহার ব্যক্তিগত চিঠি-পত্র সেন্সর করা চলিবে না। আমরা সরকারকে ইহাও জানাইয়া দিতে চাই যে, সরকারের কোন অপকর্মই জাগ্রত জনসাধারণের সর্তক দৃষ্টিকে এড়াইতে পারিবে না।
Side note: a) in file with comment., Sd/-17.10

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman travelled Jaipurhat along with Mawlana Bhasani on organizational purpose. They attended North Bengal
Awami League Workers’ Conference.
Bogra, 20 October 1955
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police D.I.B., Bogra, for the week ending 15.10.55.
a) Ref: W.C.R. for the week ending 17. 9.55-A.L. No. ** 24 Maulana Abdul
Hamid Khan Bhashani left Birnagar P.S. Panchbibi, Bogra for Mohimaganj, P.S. Gobindaganj, Rangpur by 264 Down Train leaving Panchbibi R.S. at 03.30 hours on 13.10.55 to address a public meeting at Mahimaganj. (S.P., D.I.B. Rangpur was informed vide this office 4225/48-52 dated
11.10.55) (b) The following A.L. suspects attended the North Bengal Awami League
Workers’ Conference on 9.10.55 and 10.10.55 at Jaipurhat, P.S. Jaipurhat,
Bogra :1) A.L. *530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AML), M.L.A., M.C.A. s/0. Lutfur Rahman of
Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, and of Dacca; 2) A.L. No.* 10 Abdul Awal (EPSL) s/o. late Minnat Ali of Rasulpur, P.S.
Matleb, Dt. Tippera and of Dacca. 3) A.L. 21 Abdul Halim Qazi (YL/CP) s/o. Haider Ali of Balua, Priganj, Rangpur. 4) A.L. 25** Abdul Haq (CP/Ex. Sr.Pr.) s/o. Abul Khair of Kharki, Kotwali,
Jessore. 5) A.L.No. 83 Amzad Hussain (CP) s/o. Aftabuddin Pk of Bhagdabari, Domer,
Rangpur. 6) A.L.No. 92 Azizur Rahman Khundkar (AML), M.L.A., s/o. Umar Ali of
Gaibandha town, Rangpur.

Page: 343
7) A.L.No. 431 Idris Ali Lohani (CP) s/o. Tasiruddin of Noakhila, Baderganj,
Rangpur. 8) A.L.No. 455* Amulya Lahiri (CP), s/o. Dwarike Neth of Mohanpur, Ullapara,
Pabna. 9) A.L.No. 483 Mansur Ali12, M.A.LL.B., Captain (AML) s/o. late Md. Haraf Ali
of Kazipur, Sirajganj, Pabna. 10) A.L.No. 450 Khairat Husain (AML), M.L.A., s/o. Hidayatullah of Barakata,
Nilphamari, Rangpur. 11) A.L.No. 487 Matiur Rahman (EPSL/AML/CP), s/o. Dr. Mashiur Rahman of
Bagduar, Pirganj, Rangpur. 12) A.L.No.737 Shamsul Haq (AML) M.L.A. s/0. Haidar Ali of Hatemkhan,
Rajshahi town. 13) A.L.*771 Wali Ahad (Y.L./AML) s/o. Abdul Wahab of Ibrahimpur, P.S.
Brahmanbaria, Tippera.
East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence Nos.30 and 31 date 23.7.55 and 30.7.55 respectively have been received during the week under review.
Sd/-17.10. D.S.3/D.S.6.
Seen Extract to P.Fs. Sd – A.Majid.
Please place on A.M.L. file
and respective… Sd/-20.10.55.
for D.S.6
12. Capt. Mansur Ali (16 January 1917–1975) – Capt. Muhammad Mansur Ali was a close confidant of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and played an important role in the 6-Point Movement. He was an active member of Awami Muslim League (later Awami League). He studied in Kolkata Islamia College (now Mowlana Azad College) and pursued MA degree in economics and law from Aligarh Muslim University. He joined to the Pakistan Army and attained the rank of Captain. He was arrested in 1952 for organizing the Language Movement. He was elected member of the East Pakistan Legislative Assembly in 1954 and 1970. During the Liberation War, he was one of the top organizers of the Provisional Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, most popularly known as Mujibnagar Government with a portfolio of Finance Minister. After the independence he became the Minister of Communications and later Home Affairs. He was assassinated on 3 November 1975 along with three other national leaders at Dhaka Central Jail known as infamous Jail Killing.

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Watch report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
Mawlana Bhasani.
Dacca, 25 October 1955
O/C., Watch.,
Précis on the C.Rs on the movements on Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani of 18, Karkunbari Lane from 06.00 hrs. 24.10.55 to 06.00 hrs. dt. 25.10.55.
Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A. entered into the said place at about 08.30 hrs. He left the place accompanied by Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani at about 09.15 hrs. by the jeep car No. E.B.D. 4126 and proceeded towards Nowabpur side. The subject retd. to his qrs. at about 10.55 hrs. by the same jeep.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani again left his qrs. at about 15.45 hrs. by jeep No. E.B.D. 4126 and went along Nawabpur Rd. About 15 persons including 8 known persons visited 11,Karkunbari Lane. The subject was present at his qrs. during the time of visit of the following persons.
Ex. S. Prisoner. 1. Abdul Haq- 10.45 hrs. to 12.00 hrs. 2. Mani Singh- 10.40 hrs. to 12.10 hrs. 3. Anil Mukherji
-do4. Khoka Roy
-do5. Sk. Roushan Ali -do
Ex. S. Prisoner. 6. Mirza Abdus Samad. -do
and other 7 unknown persons entered in to the place together by the same time and left together.
Ex. S.Prisoner Ali Aksad : 11.10 to 11.25 visited the place twice. : 12.30 to 13.10. Pulin Behari De, M.L.A. : 11.30- 12.15 hrs.

Page: 345
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani left for Mymensingh at 18.25 hrs. Mymensingh train shadowed by W.C. Mir Md. Nurul Haq of I.B.
D.S.VI. Sd/- A. Imam., 27.10
Seen. Sd/- A.N.M. Wahed. 28.10.55.
Ext. may be placed on the P.F. of the subject. D.Ss. 1 and 2 may pl. See. The report should have been put up earlier.
Sd/-28.10. for D.S.6
Ext, on the P.F’s of the subjects concd. D.Ss. II & III may also see. Sd/- A.M.M. A. Rahman, 28.10.55.
O/C., W. Is this corroborated by the C.R. of A. Haq & Rowshan Ali.? Sd/- A. Majid. 31.10.55.
D.S.III. Yes pl., Sd/-1.11.
Sd/- A. Majid. 1.11.55.
Bakargonj D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e 29.10.55.
A.L. No. 530 Sk. Mijubur Rahman M.L.A. MCA (AML) arrived at Barisal from Dacca on 28.10.55 by the Dacca Mail Steamer on his way to Faridpur.

Page: 346
Jessore D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e 5.11.55.
A.L. No. 530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at Jessore on the 5th Nov./55 from Khulna side by 255 Goalundo up train at 10.00 hrs. and left for Dacca on the same day by plane.
Side note: Sd/-16.11
D.S.6, 16.11
Faridpur D.I.B. W.C.R. for w.e 5.11.55.
2. A.L. No 530 – Sk. Mujibur Rahman reached Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj,
Faridpur on 28.10.55.


Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Moslehuddin Bhuiyan of Narsingdi inviting him to attend annual general meeting of the
councilors of EPAML.
Dacca, October 1955
English translation of a Bengali letter addressed to Moslehuddin Bhuiyan, P.O. Narsingdi, Dacca by Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
Annual councillors meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
On 21, 22 and 23rd October, 1955 Annual General meeting of the councillors of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League will be held at Dacca. Your presence is solicited.
Agenda. (1) Address of the President. (2) Address of the General Secy. (3) To accept the resolution of the members of the Working Committee.

Page: 347
(4) Amendment of organisational administration. (5) Selection of the office bearers. (6) Selection of the parliamentary board. (7) Resolutions. (8) Miscellaneous.
Sd/- Mujibar Rahman., Genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.


Weekly confidential report on formation of AML District Committee, Khulna and proposal made to turn AML into a non
communal organization. Khulna, 5 November 1955
PP. 94 of File No. 13-54 (Khulna) GL.
Ext. from the Weekly Report No. 44 dated 29.10.55 of the D.D.I. Dacca on the Internal situation in East Bengal.
(a) Election of A.M.L., Khulna.
Reference Weekly Report No. 35 dated 27.8.55, para 2. on 6.10.55 the two rival district committees of the A.M.L., Khulna, were dissolved and a fresh election was held in a meeting with Oli Ahad, publicity secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, in the chair. The following were elected office bearers of district A.M.L., Khulna :
President : A. Aziz, M.A., MLA.- s/o Afiluddin of Morrelganj, Khulna. He is the
founder of the A.M.L. in Khulna. Secretary : Tapiruddin Ahmed, pleader, s/o Mozam Shai of Sarshina, P.S.
Lohagara. Jessore and of Khulna town, and 7 others.
All the members are known AML workers and no leftist or communist elements have secured any position in the committee.
Tapiruddin Ahmad got elected as Secy. by defeating Mominuddin Ahmad, M.A., by a narrow margin. The latter is very popular with the younger section of the AML who have been disheartened at his defeat.

Page: 348
(b) A.M.L. Working Committee meeting.
The AML in its working committee meeting held on 19/20.10.55 with Maulana Bhasani in the chair and attended by Ataur Rahman Khan, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Jahirruddin Ahmed, Tofazzal Husain, @ Manik Miyan, Rafique Hosain and others discussed organisational issues and letters relating to the ensuing council session.
Maulana Bhasani placed before the working committee members his proposal to make the organisation a non-communal one. He particularly asked Tofazzal Hussain @ Manik Miyan to influence Mr. Suhrawardy in favour of the move. Only Rafique Hussain expressed an opinion against the while all the other members maintained silence over the issue and expressed themselves in favour of leaving it to the general council session.
The move for turning the A.M.L. into a non-denominational organisation, which was once liked by the top-ranking Awami Leagues, lost much of its importance to them with the realisation that the C.P. had been trying to exploit it. But they did not dare oppose the move seriously as Maulana Bhasani was in favour of it. A good number of communist and fellow-travelers including Murtuza, A. Matin (ex-president, EPSU), Shafiq-(Iqbal Hal13l), A. Halim who have since joined the A.M.L. were found very active in connection with the A.M.L. council session. Ext. of para 2 please.
Sd/-5.11. For DSVI.


WCR on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s arrival at Gopalganj.
Faridpur, 12 November 1955
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Faridpur for the W/E 12.11.55
3. A.L. *530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at Gopalganj on 31.10.55 from Dacca.
13. Iqbal Hall — After the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971 Iqbal Hall of Dhaka University was renamed as Zahurul Haq Hall in hounour of Sgt. Zahurul Haq. He was killed on 15 February 1969 while imprisoned at Dhaka Cantonment as an accused of Agartala Conspiracy Case.

Page: 349


WCR on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman leaving Dacca for Karachi.
Dacca, 12 November 1955
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Dacca for the w/e 12.11.55
A.L. 530-Sk. Mujibur Rahman left for Karachi on 6.11.55 and returned to Dacca on 11.11.55.
Sd/ -29.11


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman leaving Dacca for
Mymensingh by train. Dacca, 14 November 1955
To The R.I.O., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 13.11.55 at about 08.30 hrs. *suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman, M.L.A. & M.C.A. arrived Dacca R/S. from Dacca town being shadowed by W/C. Kazi Matiur Rahman of I.B. and made over the suspect to be at Dacca R/S. about 08.45 hrs. The suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman along with Abdul Hamid, M.L.A. left Dacca R/S. for Mymensingh by 13 up (Khulna) train at about 08.50 hrs. I shadowed them from Dacca to Mymensingh R/S. in the train. About 12.40 hrs. the train arrived at Mymensingh R/S. and I made over the said suspect to W/C. Syed Anwar Hussain of D.I.B., Mymensingh. During his journey found nothing to report.
Y.O.S. Sd/-14.11.55. A.S.I., R.I.B., Dacca.
D.S.VI for kind information pl. Extract may go in P.F.
Sd/- A. Wadud
Side note: 9993 dt.15.11.55.
Forwarded to O/C., watch, I.B. for favour of information. The subject is a A.L. suspect No. 530. Sd/-15.11. R.I.O.

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Communist leader Moni Singh and other leaders ‘statement on taking necessary step against the rice hoarders. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a wireless message on the food situation of East Bengal to Premier Chaudhry Muhammad Ali’14 and leader of the
opposition, H.S. Suhrawardy.
Dacca, 15 November 1955
Weekly Ittehad dt. 15.11.55.
মওজুদদারদের বিরুদ্ধে সুষ্ঠু ব্যবস্থা।
গ্রহনের জন্য বিশিষ্ট কর্মীগনের আবেদন।
কমুনিষ্ট নেতৃস্থানীয় মুক্ত রাজবন্দী শ্রী মনি সিং জনাব মীর্জা আব্দুস সামাদ এবং জনাব আলতাফ আলী বৰ্তমান খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে এক যুক্ত বিবৃতিতে বলেনঃ চাউল মজুদদারদের ষড়যন্ত্রের মােকাবিলা করার জন্য সুপরিকল্পিত কর্মপন্থা অবলম্বনে সরকারের ব্যর্থতার দরুন এইরূপ বহু খাদ্য পরিস্থিতির সৃষ্টি হইয়াছে।
কিন্তু আতঙ্কের কোন কারণ নাই, সৰ্ব্বদলীয় খাদ্য কমিটির সহযােগীতায় সমগ্র প্রদেশে ন্যায্য মূল্যের বহু সংখ্যক দোকান খুলিলে এবং মওজুত চাউল উদ্ধারের কাজ দ্রুততর করিলে এই সংকট রােধ করা যাইবে। উক্ত যুক্ত বিবৃতিতে বলা হইয়াছে খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি ভয়াবহ আকার ধারণ করিয়াছে। ঢাকা শহরে প্রতিমন চাউলের মূল্য ৪০ টাকায় উঠিয়াছে, বাজারে চাউল নাই, ন্যায্য মূল্যের দোকানের সম্মুখে জনতা লম্বা কিউ দিতেছে, এদিকে ন্যায্য মূল্যের দোকানের সংখ্যাও অতি নগন্য। বড় বড় মওজুতদারদের ষড়যন্ত্রের ফলেই এই ভয়াবহ পরিস্থিতির উদ্ভব হইয়াছে। সরকার এই সকল ষড়যন্ত্রকারীদের সায়েস্তা করার জন্য সুপরিকল্পিত কর্মপন্থা অবলম্বন না করায় এই পরিস্থিতির সৃষ্টি হইয়াছে।
14. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali (15 July 1905 – 2 December 1982) – Chaudhry Muhammad Ali commonly known as Muhammad Ali a career civil servant, served as Finance Secretary of Pakistan. In 1951 he was appointed as Finance Minister by Prime Minister Khawaja Nazimuddin. He was the president of Pakistan Muslim League from 12 August 1955 to 12 September 1956. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali was appointed as the fourth Prime Minister on 12 August 1955 until being removed through a successful passage of vote of no confidence motion in the National Assembly on 12 September 1956. The first Constitution of Pakistan in 1956 adopted during his tenure.

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আতংকের কারন নাই “কিন্তু ইহাতে আতঙ্কের কোন কারন নাই। একটি সর্বদলীয় খাদ্য কমিটি গঠন করিয়া উহার সহযােগিতায় প্রদেশ ব্যাপী ন্যায্য মূল্যের দোকান খুলিয়া অবাধে চাউল বিতরন করিলে এই পরিস্থিতি আয়ত্তে আসিবে। এবং অনতিবিলম্বে মওজুত চাউল উদ্ধারের কাৰ্যও শুরু করিতে হইবে, ত এবং দ্বিধাহীনভাবে উপরােক্ত কর্মপন্থা অবলম্বন করিয়া জনগনকে অনশনের হাত হইতে রক্ষা করা হউক, আমরা সরকারের নিকট এই আবেদন জানাইতেছি। খাদ্য সংকটের অপসারন করার জন্য আমরা দেশ প্রেমিক প্রত্যেক রাজনৈতিক দল ও জনসাধারনকে ধৈৰ্য্য সহকারে এবং ঐক্যবদ্ধভাবে কাজ করার আহবান জানাইতেছি”।
প্রধানমন্ত্রী ও সােহরাওয়ার্দীর নিকট
আামী লীগের তার পূৰ্ব্ব বঙ্গ আস্তামী লীগের পক্ষ হইতে প্রধানমন্ত্রী জনাব চৌধুরী মােহাম্মদ আলী ও বিরােধী দলের দলীয় নেতা জনাব এইচ,এস সােহরাওয়ার্দীকে পূর্ববঙ্গের খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে তার যােগে অবহিত করা হয় এবং এ ব্যাপারে তাহাদের হস্তক্ষেপ করা হইয়াছে। তার দুটি আওঘামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কর্তৃক প্রেরিত হইয়াছে।
On P.F. of the Subject. Sd. M. Hussain.


Watch category list of IB for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana
Bhasani and Ataur Rahman Khan.
Dacca, 19 November 1955
Ref. Your order on the cuttings of Ittefaq’ dt 17.X.55 enclosed, I beg to report that Mr. Mujibar Rahman Sk. B.A. M.L.A. M.C.A. is a single starred suspect No.530 of the August list, Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, Maulana, is a double starred suspect No.24 of it and Ataur Rahman Khan B.L. M.L.A. M.C.A. is a Non-starred suspect No.89 of the same list.
Watches on them are maintained under the instruction of the D.I.G. 1.B. laid down on the 1st page of the said list which is also linked for kind information.
Sd/-17.X. Side note: 606-48 PF/10.11.55

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WCR on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other political
Dacca, 19 November 1955 W.C.R of Dacca D.I.B. for the W/E. 19.11.55.
Part-1 (Movement of suspect). 1. A.L.739-Maulana Shamsul Huda Arrived at Dacca on 15.11.55 by
Bahadurabad train. 2. A.L.691 – Mani Krishna Sen left Dacca for Rangpur (Ref: W.C.R. for the W/E,
12.11.55 – SI 12). 3. A.L. 86- Ataur Rahman Khan arrived at Dacca from Karachi on 12.11.55. 4. A.L. 50- Abdus Samad arrived at Dacca on 15.11.55 by train. 5. A.L.530- Sk. Mujibur Rahman, left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on
13.11.55. He came back to Dacca from Mymensingh on 15.11.55 by train. 6. A.L.771-Oli Ahad arrived at Dacca by Chittagong train on 14.11.55. His
departure was reported in W.C.R. W/E.12.11.55, S1.8. 7. A.L.414- Ranu Chaterji left Tejgaon Airport on 15.11.55 for Calcutta by Indian
Air Line. 8. A.L.89-Ataur Rahman Khan left Dacca Airport on 15.11.55 for Calcutta by
Indian Air Line.
Seen. Show other D.Ds concerned pl.
Sd/-A. Hafiz.
Seen. Sd/- A. Newaz. 28.11.
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Faridpur for the W/E 19.11.55.
5. A.L. *530 Mujibur Rahman who came to Gopalganj on 31.10.55 left for Dacca
via Khulna-Jessore on 5.11.55. 27307 /R/dt. 29.11

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Shadowing report from 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. dt. 18.11.55 and 17.00 hrs. dt. 18.11.55 to 15.00 hrs. dt. 19.11.55.
The O/C., Watch Statt, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that I shadowed the suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A. from Dacca to Noakhali. The suspect came out from his qr. (79, Kaji Alauddin Road) at about 09.15 hrs. dt 18.11.55 and went to A.M.L. office at 09.30 hrs. At 11.00 hrs. W.C. Abdur Rakib relieved me at A.M.L. Office. Again at 17.00 hrs. I took up my duty at 79, Kazi Alauddin Road and relieved W/C. Abdur Rakib and he told me that the suspect was out. At about 16.10 hrs. he returned to his qr. from outside. There at 18.10 hrs. he came out from his gr. and went to A.M.L. Office at about 18.30 hrs. He had been there from 18.30 to 20.45 hrs. At about 20.45 dt. 18.11.55 he came out from A.M.L. office and returned to his qr. at 21.00 hrs. Then at about 21.40 hrs. he came out from his qr. and went to Dacca R/S. at 21.50 hrs. dt. 18.11.55. The above suspect along with Aziz Ahmad and N.A. Choudhury left Dacca R/S. at 23.00 hrs. dt. 18.11.55 by Chittagong mail train being shadowed by me at 06.30 hrs. dt. 19.11.55 they reached Laksam R/S. & they had been at Laksam R/S. Upper Class waiting room from 06.30 hrs. 11.50 hrs. dt 19.11.55. At 11.50 dt. 19.11.55 they left Laksam R/S. by train and went to Maijdee Court R/S. at 15.00 hrs. dt. 19.11.55 at Maijdee Court R/S. I made over the suspect to W/C. 920 Mozharuddin Ahmed of Noakhali R.I.B.
The following station localities, Sonaimori R/S. (about 20 persons Choumuhani R/S. (about 20 persons), Maijdee R/S. (about 15 persons), & Maijdi Court R/S. (About 20 persons) shouted the following slogans. “PAKISTAN ZINDABAD”, “A.L ZINDABAD” “Sk. Mazibur Rahman- Zindabad”.
A short report was submitted to O/C., Watch Staff, Noakhali, D.I.B., This is for your kind information.
M.O.S. Sd/-21.11.55.
A.S.I. of I.B. Seen. Sd/- for D.S.6. 24.11.55.
Side note: To D.S.VI for kind information. Exts. may go in the P.F. Sd/- 21.11.

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W.C.R. of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Noakhali for the week ending 26.11.55.
Secret Abstract Nos. 35 and 36 for the weeks ending 27.8.55 and 3.9.55 respectively received on 31.10.55.
Part-1. Movement of suspects. (1) Md. Toha (M.L.A./A.L., A.L. 524) reached Maijdi town, Noakhali on 18.11.55
and left for Dacca on 19.11.55 by train. (2) Pulin Behar De (M.L.A.,P.S.P., A.L.333) came to Feni on 7.11.55 and left for
Chittagong on 18.11.55. (3) Mujibur Rahman Sk. (A.L., A.L.530) reached Maijdi town, Noakhali on
19.11.55 and left for Dacca on the same day at 22.00 hrs. by train. Aziz Ahmed
(A.L., A.L.91) accompanied him both in the up and down Journeys. (4) Ahsutosh Narayan Chaudhuri (A.L.227) left for Comilla on 23.11.55 and
returned to Maijdi town on 24.11.55.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-28.11.
D.S.4, 28.11. Seen. Sd/- A. Newaz. 29.11. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 29.11. Sd/- A.U Muhammad. 9.11.
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Dacca for the W/E 26.11.55.
A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman, left for Karachi on 25.11.55 by P.I.A.
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Dacca for the W/E 26.11.55
A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca for Chittagong by train on 18.11.55. He came back to Dacca on 20.11.55 by train.
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Dacca for the W/E 3.12.55. A. L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived Dacca form Karachi on 2.12.55 and left for Kagmari, Mymensingh by train on the same day.
Side note: D.S4/D.S6, R/28669 dt. 14.12

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech at Maijdi Court Maidan, Noakhali criticizing A.K. Fazlul Haque and East Bengal Chief Minister Abu Hossain Sarkar for their failure in redressing
grievances of the people. Noakhali, 26 November 1955
P. 254 of file No. 13-54 (Noakhali)
Political activities. (a) Muslim groups.
Under the auspices of the AL, a public meeting (2,000) was held at Maijdi Court Maidan, Noakhali on 19th November under the presidentship of Maulvi Sikandar, BL, son of Muhammad Yakub Ali Miyan of Kadirpur, Begumganj, Noakhali and of Maijdi town. Besides the president, Maulvi Muhammad Toha (para 2106) MLA (AL)/YL) , son of late Hazi Mohammad Yasin of Char Jangalia, Ramgati, Noakhali and of Dacca, Maulvi Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (S-47/10), MCA, Secretary EPSL, Dacca, delivered speeches on food and salt crisis at Dacca, Chaumuhani and other places of East Pakistan and on the grievance of the Railway employees. They criticised the Hon’ble Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq and Hon’ble Chief Minister Mr. Abu Husain Sarker for their alleged failure in redressing the grievances of the people of East Pakistan and held the East Pakistan Cabinet responsible for the present rice scandal and also expressed that there were many rice black-marketers amongst the relations of the Ministers and MSLA and demanded proper action against them and the lists of the persons who were supplied with permits of rice and paddy for sale.

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H. S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani, Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar and other leaders attended Awami League conference at Kagmari, Tangail. H. S. Suhrawardy criticized the United Front ministry for non-implementation of 21-point programme. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman demanded full
autonomy of East Bengal. Mymensingh, 3 December 1955
P.180-179. File No. 13-54 (M’singh) Genl.
Observation report in connection with the Awami League Conference at Tangail and Kagmari, Mymensingh on 3/4-12-55.
3. 4.
Posters, leaflets and Cartoons on the following lines were found in circulation in the town (enclosed). Mujahid Bahini numbering about 25 from Netrakona with their band party arrived at Tangail and participated in the function. Volunteers numbering about 100 with badge.” Remained engaged. Some local people numbering about 200 carrying lathi, ballam, ramdao, dhal, etc. paraded through Tangail town on the morning of 3.12.55. On 3.12.55 Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and other leaders of West Pakistan arrived at Tangail and they were received by the local people. Some Hindu landies numbering about 15 approached Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and took dust of his feet.
A procession was taken out at Tangail town at about 12.30 hours and led up to Santikunja, where they were accommodated by S. Sahed Al Jalaly, Zaminder of Dilduar in his Guest House.
7. At about 15-00 hours Maulana Bhasani, Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Hatem Ali
Talukdar attended the Kali Cinema Hall, Tangail and declared that as a protest of the D.M.S. order for allowing Police Officer in the convention, the worker
convention had to be postponed. 8. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Ghulam Md. Lundkhor, Miyan Iftikharuddin and Pir of
Manki Sharif left for Kagmari in a jeep to inspect the Madrasa house, food arrangement for the workers, etc. Maulna Bhasani received them. Maulana

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Bhasani showed them all the institution and explained to them that according to the direction of Maulana Azad Subhani he spent about Rs. 36000/- from his own pocket for construction a madrasa but still the Govt. of Pakistan terms
him as a communist. 9. Mr. Suhrawardy and other West Pakistan leaders halted at night at Santikunja
Katchery, Tangail. 10. Sudhangshu Serkhar Shaha, M.L.A. (PNC), Birendra Lal Chaudhuri (PNC) and
other members of the minority community arrived at Santikunja on the night of
3.12.55 and talked with Mr. Suhrawardy. 11. On 4.12.55. all the Awami League leaders except Sk. Mujibar Rahman went to
Kagmari about 07.00 hours of them Miyan Iftikharuddin returned to Santikunja
and again left for Kagmari at about 10.00 hours. 12. The eldest daughter of Rai Bahadur R.P. Shaha of Mirzapur (Bijoya Rai
Chaudhuri) with Bhabani Sen, Asstr. Manager of Rai Bahadur arrived at Kagmari at about 10-30 hours on 4.12.55. met Mr. Suhrawardy and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and invited all of them to visit Mirzapur enroute to Dacca. Mr. Suhrawardy accepted the invitation and it was learnt that he along with the West Pakistan leaders will leave Tangail on 5.12.55 morning for Mirzapur on that date. They may leave Mirzapur on 6.12.55 morning for Dacca. (D.I.O., Tangail with one A.S.I. and one W.C. of the Tangail D.I.B. have been
deputed to remain on constant watch duty on them). 13. The Char-Muslims showed lathi play to the West Pakistan Leaders at Kagamari
at about 11.00 hours.
14. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, E.P.A.L., led a procession numbering
about 2000 carrying lethal weapons, etc. they paraded Kagmari and Tangail
towns. 15. Shaikh Heshamuddin, Khan Ghulam Md. Lundkhor and other West Pakistan
leaders remained present at Kagmari Mission from 10.00 hours to 14.00 hours and took their meal there. They attended public meeting at Kagmari Maidan from 14.30 hours to 21.00 hours. After that they all excepting Mr. Lundkhor
returned to Tangail. 16. Lundkhor left the meeting place at 18.30 hours and arrived at Tangail town by
jeep and halted at Tangail at Antikunja. 17. A musical party styled ‘Gana Natya Sangha’ arrived at Tangail from Dacca on
3.12.55. This party consisted of two girls and 6/7 male persons. It was arranged earlier that Mr. Shurawardy and his party will be entertained with songs and dances at Santikunja (Place of night halting) but as Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

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did not like the idea the programme was cancelled. But some of the male member of this party sang in the public meeting at Kagmari maidan on the night
of 4.12.55. 19. Mrs. Salina Begum, M.L.A., pabna attended the public meeting at Kagmari and
took her seat on the disarming the leaders. She did not address.
P. 183-182 of File No. 13-54 (M’singh) Gl. 3. Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish15 M.L.A., M.C.A. 4. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A., 5. Abul Mansur Ahmad, M.L.A., M.C.A. and 6. Ataur Rahman Khan, M.L.A., M.C.A.
All of them addressed the meeting more or less on the same line as assessed by Mr. Suhrawardy and Maulana Bhasani. Mr. Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish particularly criticised the betrayal of Mr. Fazlul Haq, the United Front Chief, which in the name of 21 point programme succeeded in the last Assembly election and not says that he does not believe in the 21 point programme. Sk. Mujibar Rahman vehemently criticized the Govt. for their in-efficiency in the distribution of the United Front M.L.As indulged in procuring permits of thousand maunds of food grains and bargained with them. But none of the Awami League M.L.As. have done so on. He demanded full autonomy for East Bengal in addition to the demand to joint electorate system. He urged the audience to raise a voice for the fulfillment of their demands.
P. 184, File No. 13-54 (M’Singh) Gl.
Proceeding of the Awami League Conference held at Kagmari Maidan, P.S. Tangail, Mymensingh on 4.12.55.
15. Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish (27 November 1900 – 20 August 1986) – Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish was born in Sirajganj. He was President of Awami League from 10 October 1957 to 25 January 1966. He presided over the first session of National Parliament of Bangladesh in 1972. Tarkabagish joined to Muslim League in 1936 and elected in the Bengal Legislative Assembly in 1937 and 1946. He was one of the leaders of Bengali Language Movement, arrested on 23 February 1952 and remained captive till 1 June. He joined to Awami Muslim League and elected as member of legislative assembly from United Front in 1954. Tarkabagish was also elected as member of Constituent Assembly in 1956 and Pakistan National Assembly in 1970. After independence he was the member of Bangladesh National Parliament in 1973. Tarkabagish formed a party named Gano Azadi League in 1976. He played a vital role in the formation of 15 party alliance during General Ershad regime.

Page: 359
Place: Kagmari Maidan, P.S. Tangail, Mymensingh.
Date & Hour :
4.12.55 between 14-30 to 21-00 hours.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (AL) son late Hazi Sharafat of Kagmari, P. S. Tangail. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (AL) (mentioned). Mr. H.S. Syhrawardy, President, Pakistan Awami League. (2) Hatem Ali Khan M. L. A. (AL) son of late Nayeb Ali
Khan of Belua, P.S. Gopalpur, Dist. Mymensingh. (3) Hatem Ali Talukdar (AL) son of Afsaruddin of
Mahmudpur, P.S. Gopalpur, Mymensingh. (4) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Red Shirt Leader), West
Pakistan. (5) Mr. G.M. Saiyid, Ex- Chief Minister, Sind16
(6) Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish, M. L. A.,
M.C.A.(AL), Pabna. (7) Miyan Iftikharuddin, Punjab. (8) Pir of Manki Sharif17 West Pakistan.
(9) Mahmudul Haq Usmani, General Secretary, All Pakistan
Awami League. (10) Shaik Heshamuddin, West Pakistan. (11) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A., General Secretary,
E.P.A.L. (12) Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, M.L.A., M.C.A., Vice
President, E.P.A.L. (13) Abul Mansur Ahmad, M.L.A., M.C.A., (AL) of
Mymensingh town. About one Lakh.
16. Sind – Sindh is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, in the southeast of the country. Historically home to the Sindhi people, it is also locally known as Mehran. Karachi is its capital.
17. Pir of Manki Sharif (1922 – 1960) – Amin-ul-Hasanat, son of Pir Abdul Rauf better known as the Pir of Manki Sharif, was a progressive Islamic religious leader in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) of India (after 1947, Pakistan) during the mid-twentieth century. He joined Muslim League in 1945. He played a significant role to include NWFP in Pakistan.

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1. Mr. H.S Suhrawardy.
He opened the conference and gave introductory speech about the West Pakistan Leaders, Present in the meeting. Later he addressed the meeting and explained to the audience in Bengali the speeches delivered by West Pakistan leaders in Urdu. He mainly dwelt upon joint electorate, 21 point programme and criticized the United Front Ministry for non-implementation of 21 point programme. He particularly referred the recent arrests of the communists and other Awami League workers in connection with the police strike and accused the Abu Husain Govt. for the police strike, as his Govt. was supposed to know the police grievances for which they resorted to strike. He stated that his party has got no connection with the communists. The communists openly approached the Ministers and as well as himself and showed their willingness to work constitutionally for the betterment of Pakistan and demanded withdrawal of the ban from their party. At this stage he was of the opinion that the C.P. cannot indulge in such an unconstitutional move of fomenting police strike. He also condemned the introduction of Section 93 in place of Section 92-A. He accused the present Govt. for their failure to call the Assembly session and to hold by election in 4 seats of the East Bengal Legislative Assembly within their last six months of regime and thus defying the provision of one of the 21 point programme. Lastly he stressed upon the joint electorate system and appealed to the audience to join Awami League in a body to strengthen its platform which is the only democratic organisation for the present in Pakistan.
P. 570, File No. 13- 54 (M’singh) Genl.
3. Political activities.
(a) Muslim Groups.
An Awami League Conference (1,00,000) was held at Kagmari, Tangail, Mymensingh on 4th December, with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (para 2224) in the chair. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (para 2224), President, Pakistan Awami League, Hatem Ali Khan (para 2073), MLA (AL), son of late Nayeb Ali Khan of Nelua, Gopalpur, Mymensingh, Hatem Ali Talukdar (para 2073), (AL), son of Afsaruddin of Mamudpur, Gopalpur, Mymensingh, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Red

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Shir Leader) of west Pakistan, Mr. G.M. Sayeed, Ex- Chief Minister, Sind, Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish (para 2075), MLA and MCA (AL) of Pabna, Miyan Iftikharuddein of Punjab, Pir of Manki Sharif of NWFP, Mahmudul Haq Usmani General Secretary, All Pakistan Awami League, Shaikh Hishamuddin of West Pakistan, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (para 2223), MLA, MCA, Secretary E.P.A.L., Ataur Rahman Khan (para 1958) MLA, MCA, Vice-President, EPAL, Abul Mansur Ahmed (para 1961), BL. MLA, MCA, President, District Awami League, Mymensingh and the President delivered speeches dwelling on the role of the Awami League which was claimed to represent common people of the country.


AML meeting at Laldighi Maidan, Chittagong where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized General Iskandar Mirza as descendent
of Mirjafar of Murshidabad. Chittagong, 9 December 1955
Page No. 149-147 of file No.13/54 (Chittagong).
Meeting Report.
1. Date and hour : 9.12.55 between 15.00 hrs. to 20.00 hours. 2. Place : Laldighi Maidan, Chittagong. 3. Organiser : Awami League, Chittagong. 4. Flag
Awami League and Pakistan State flag. 5. Audience : 10,000 (Ten thousands) mostly Muslims, middle class
people and intelligensia, & about 200 Hindus. 6. Slogans
Pakistan-Zindabad Shahid Bhasani Zindabad, Awami
League Zindabad & Ekosh Dafa-Qayem Karoo. 7. President : Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, President, East
Pakistan Awami League. 8. Speakers : 1. Dr. Anwar Husain (A.L) S/O late Wajid Ali of Harbang,
PS. Chakaria, Chittagong.

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6. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A., Genl. Secy. East Pakistan Awami League.
9. Gist of the speeches.
6. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman stated during the course of his speech that he felt for his colleagues Aziz and Zahur who were in prison. The U.F. Govt. are in power as a result of the sacrifice of the worker who are now in the jail (Shame! Shame!) They are responsible for scarcity of rice and paddy as permits for rice and paddy were distributed amongst the party Ms.L.A. who sold the permits in black market. Awami League was not responsible for the scarcity of rice. If arrest was necessary, Suhrawardy, Bhasani and himself were to be arrested first but the Govt. were afraid of arresting them (Hear: Hear). He was ted bye-Election. He criticized the U.F. Party for its betraying the 21- points programme. Karachi was made over to West Pakistan. Major General Iskandar Mirza is not a man of East Pakistan rather a descendent of Mirjafar of Murshidabad. He said that they would not allow them to run the administration peacefully if the workers would not be released within two months. They would either drag them out of jail or they themselves would court jail. He demanded the release of Aziz and Zahur and appealed to the people for joining Awami League.
Page No. 504 of file No.13/54 (Chittagong).
Extract from A/I No. 50 for the week ending 10.12.55.
Political activities. (a) Muslim Groups.
On 9th December a meeting (10,000) under the aegis of the Awmai League was held at Laldighir Maidan, Chittagong town, with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani in the Chair. Besides the President Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, G.M. Sayeed, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 2125) and others, delivered speeches in the meeting criticising the Government for alleged repression on the people through the arrests of the political workers under public Safety Act. They demanded immediate release of the security prisoners, joint electorate and appealed to the people to join the Awami League.

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Organizational tour of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Mymensingh along with Mawlana Bhasani where he criticized foreign policy of
Mymensingh, 11 December 1955 P.199-198 of File No. 13-54 (M’singh) GI.
Proceedings of Awami League Meeting held at Shaheb Qurter Maidan on 11-12-55.
Place : Shahib Quarter Maidan (Riverside), Mymensingh Town. Date & Hrs. : On 11-12-55 between 16.00 hrs. and 19-30 hrs. Convener : Awami League, Mymensingh. President : 1. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, President E.P. Awami
League, s/o Late Hazi Sarafat of Kagmari, Tangail,
Mymensingh. : 2. Mahmudul Haq Usmani, Secretary, All Pakistan Awami
1. Pir Salahuddin of West Pakistan. 2. G.M Saiyid of West Pakistan.
3. Mahmudul Haq Usmani of West Pakistan.
4. Sk. Mujibur Rahman M.L.A., M.C.A., Secretary E.P. Awami
League, s/o Sk. Lutfur Rahman of Tungibari, P.S Gopalganj, Dt. Faridpur.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman- He began his speech stating that people of Pakistan did not get Independence as yet, only a few got independence. The rich grew richer and the poor grew poorer. He said that during the Muslim League regime the people were ruined, many cultivators turned in to beggars, women sold their chastity for food and as a challenge to that situation, the Awami League was organised under the leadership of Moulana Bhasani. The Muslim League Govt. with the help of the Safety Act our Moulana Bhasani, the speaker and many other workers of the Awami League behind the prison bars, replied with bullets the students who demanded Bengali as a State Language. He cautioned the audience that if they were not united

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now when the constitution was being made, they would be slaves forever. He demanded implementation of the 21-point programme in to and introduction of joint electorate. He vehemently protested against the arrest of the Awami League Ms. L.A. (including Abdus Samad who was arrested yesterday at Sylhet) and warned Hon’ble Mr. Abu Husain Sarker that if he would not stop the arrest, they would not allow him to remain in peace, they would start peaceful mass movement throughout the country.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech at Bhairab Railway compound on joint electorate system, food scandal, East Bengal
Safety Act etc. Mymensingh, 11 December 1955
P. 195 of File No. 13-54 (M’ singh) Gl.
Proceeding of a public meeting held at the compound of the Bhairab Raly. Dispensary.
Bhairab Rly. Dispensary ground.
Place : Date & Hours:
11-12-55 between 06-30 hours and 07-30 hours.
Workers of the Bhairab Awami League.
About 500 (including 100 Hindus).
• Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (AL) son of late Sarafat
of Kagmari, Tangail, Mymensingh.
1. Heshamuddin of West Pakistan.
: : :
2. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan of West Pakistan. 3. Sk. Majibar Rahman, General Secy., E.P.A.L. 4. The President (Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani).
3. Sk. Majibur Rahman – In course of speech, he vehemently criticised the existing Govt. of East Pakistan, advocated for Joint – Electorate system and said that due to the Punjabi clique the country was faring bad. He then threw a challenge to Maulana

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Athar Ali, M.L.A., M.C.A. (son of Azimuddin of Gungadi, Bianir Bazar, Sylhet and of Kishoreganj town, Mymensingh) to organize conference of all the Ulemas of the Muslim world and find out for himself whether Joint-Electorate System was antiIslamic. He further appealed to the audience to come under the banner of the A.L. In order to live and die for Pakistan. He demanded enquiries into the food scandal, withdrawal of East Bengal Safety Act and immediate release of all political prisoners.


Awami League meeting at Pabna where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
Mawlana Bhashani, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan of Frontier Province and other leaders delivered speeches. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized evil deeds of Muslim League, United Front and coalition government for their dishonest activities, distribution of government permits for rice and paddy to the relatives of
ministers, exploiting the country’s wealth etc.
Pabna, 13 December 1955
PP.64-63 of F.NO. 13/54 (Pabna) Genl. Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 13.12.55.
Beg to report that a public meeting under the auspices of Awami League, Pabna, was held on 12.12.55 afternoon at Radhanagar Madrassa premises, Pabna, under the Presidency of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, President, E.P., A.L., Mr. Khairat Hussain, M.L.A., Vice-President, E.P.A.L., Presided over the meeting at the commencement, till the arrival of the Moulana. About 6000 people attended the meeting. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A., Secy., E.P.A.L., Mr. Hisamuddin of Pu Moulana Bhashani and Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan of Frontier, delivered speeches, vehemently criticising the present ruling clique for leading the country towards the verge of ruination, gradually. They held responsible the Central and West Pakistan Govts. for fast deterioration in the condition of the people and the country. Moulana Bhashani and Sk. Mujibur Rahman during their speeches dwelt mainly and the ill-deeds of the last Muslim League Govt. and the present U.F. and coalition Govt. for their dishonest activities and utter inefficiencies and failure to

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ameliorate the condition of the teeming millions. They also held responsible the U.F. Govt. for the high price of rice and mal-distribution of the rice. They alleged that the permits of Govt. Rice and paddy were given to the relatives of the Ministers and M.L.As. of K.S.P. and Nezam-e-Islam parties, who in spite of distributing the same to the needy, sold the rice and paddy to black marketers. It was a farce that there was no fixed selling Price. They also gave out that joint electorate was not against the principle of Islam, when joint electorate in E.B., D.B. and Municipality and in becoming M.C.As. were not opposed then why the fanatical object one could be cropped up now. They urged the Ulemas not to exploit the people in the name of Islam. They criticised Moulana Abdullahel Qafi’s challenging leaflet on the issue of joint electorate. They made a contrast of the salary of the G.G. with those of the President of Indian and China and expressed that the G.G. and other high of officials were exploiting the country’s wealth for their un-Islamic addictions when the general people of the country were at the verge of death for want of food, clothes and other essential commodities. The recent arrests under E.B.P.S.A. in East Pakistan were condemned and immediate release of the politics workers was demanded within one month, failing of which a peaceful countrywide movement was threatened. They emphasised that the people of East Pakistan would not lag behind in achieving the 21-Point pledges with a view to saving East wing of Pakistan from the colonisation of West Pakistanis. Moulana Bhashani also condemned the statements of the Russian leaders in respect of Kashmir.
Sk. Hisamuddin of Punjab in course of his speech con-demanded the statements of Pakistani Foreign Minister that Pakistan was now being governed under a fairly democratic constitution i.e. Govt. of India Act of 1935. He also criticised the reported Statements of Mr. Khurshchev and Marshal Bulgaini declaring Kashmir as Northern part of India. He called upon the people of East Pakistan to assist their brothers in West Pakistan to get freedom from the suppression of land lords, Zamindars Jagirdars and unrepresentative Govt.
Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan during his speech, said that he had brought the message of love and good will from the Pathans to the people of East Pakistan, whom they consider their elder brother. He criticised vehemently the way of one unit, was evolved in west Pakistan and urged the people of East Pakistan to see that with the framing of the future constitution the people’s wishes were not trampled. He said when there could be Provinces named Punjab, Beluchistan, Sind and Bengal why could not be there a Province named after the Pathan.

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Resolutions, inter-alia, demanding materialization of all the 21- Point pledges, in corporation of joint electorate system, release of all the recently arrested political persons, re-admission of Azahar Ali and Saiyid Reza Quader in the Edward College, Pabna, who were forced to take T.C., enquiry into the misappropriation of the P.I. fund and its realisation, recognition of Pabna Medical School, increased grant of Govt. and to the Edward College, Pabna, from one thousand to three thousands monthly and construction of Dacca- Nagarbari Road, were adopted in the meeting.
N.B.: Moulana Bhashani declared that he would soon visit West Pakistan with a
view to organising the oppressed people of that wing against the present
Ruling clique. Note: The audience patiently heard the speeches and seemed to have appreciated
it. Most of the audience raised their hands in support of the Moulana’s appeal in achieving the 21-point pledges. A good number of members of the minority community also attended the meeting.


Awami League meeting at Rajbari where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
spoke on the oppression of ML government, putting patriotic leaders and workers to jail, martyrdom of Language Movement,
removing disparity between East and West Pakistan etc.
Faridpur, 15 December 1955
Page No. 85 to 84 of file No. 13-54 (F.pur.) Copy of report of D.I.O. (Rajbari), dated 15.12.55 on the proceeding of the Awami League meeting held on 15.12.55 morning.
I have the honour to report that Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the leader of the “RedShirt,” Sk. Heshamuddin of Punjab, Pir Salahuddin of Punjab, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. of the East Pakistan Awami League (S/o. Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, P.S Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca) and Taijuddin Ahmed, Secy., Dacca City Awami League arrived at Rajbari Rly. station at about 21.55 hours on 14.12.55. They were given an warm reception by the members and supporters of the Goalundo Sub-Divisional Awami League and E.P.R.L. Rajbari Branch at the station. About 150 persons including Abdul Wajid Chaudhuri. MLA (AL son of Abdul Wahed of Rajbari Bar), Akbari Ali Biswas (C.P./ A.L.) s/o late Prashullah of Betanga, P.S. Baliakandi, Faridpuir), Nazibur Rahman (Y.L/A.L- s/o Ladu driver of dhunchi, Rajbari, Faridpur), Anisur Rahman (Y.L/A.L -s/o Atiur Rahman of

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Rajbari town) and Ansar Ali (Y.L/A.L- s/o Abdul Husain of Bhawanipur, Rajbari, Faridpur attended the station to receive them. Some Hindus of the locality including Debabrata Bhattacharji (PNC), Rabindra Nath Maitra of Rajbari Bar and Kali Shankar Maitra, B.L. of Rajbari Bar attended the station. While the train arrived at the station the persons who attended to receive the leaders, shouted slogans
1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (2) Taizuddin Ahmad, (3) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and (4) Sk. Heshamuddin.
1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman in course of his speech said “we achieved Pakistan in exchange of lives and properties to live peacefully and happily but instead of that we were oppressed like anything during the reign of the Muslim League. He continued that at the time of Muslim League administration in East Bengal all patriots were put to jail under public Safety Act without trial. He said that to continue the maladministration, the M.L Govt. empowered even one D.I.B. Sub- Inspector to arrest and detain one person without any offence under Public Safety Act. He referred to the language contravery movement and said that 4 jewels of East Pakistan were killed by the Muslim League Govt. as they demanded Bengali as one of the State languages of Pakistan. He continued that the M.L. Govt. was uprooted from East Bengal in the last general election for misdeeds committed by it during its regime.
He said that 92-A was promulgated in East Pakistan by the Central Muslim League Govt. out of gradge and he along with others of the United Front Party were put to jail. Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq was branded as traitor. He continued that he was not so much aggrieved for unwarranted harassment by the M.L. Govt. but he was vitally wounded while he had heard that Mr. A.K Fazlul Haq admitted his fault and apologized to the M.L. Govt. For that reason, he said, his party had cut off all connection with Mr. Haq’s party.
He said that the nominated Chief Minister Mr. Abu Husain Sarkar, released all security prisoners to have congratulation from the people of East Bengal but he (speaker), could not find out the reason of arresting the same persons again.
ning the recent arrest he asked as to how United Front Govt. which promised to implement the 21 point programme, could make arrest and detain persons without trial which was also un-Islamic. It was funny, he said that the Govt. was making arrest first and then giving order for enquiry into the cases. He also added that in those cases evidences might be manufactured against the arrested

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persons. He also said that his party could paralyse the present Govt. within only 7 days and added that he had given one months’ time to release all security prisoner without condition. Otherwise he would launch peaceful mass movements. He referred to the recent rice scarcity and police strike in East Pakistan and added that all these happened due to weakness and maladministration of the Govt. But he said, the Govt. was now attempting to shift the blame on the opposition parties who had no connection with all these affairs.
He demanded parity in all respects and said that only 5% of the income which was earned from East Pakistan towards centre was being spent for East Pakistanis and not none that 6% of the central services was being provided with the people of East Bengal. Advocating full provincial autonomy for East Pakistan he demanded reservation of 50% in the services for East Pakistan and setting up of Navel Headquarters in East Bengal and Army too. He urged for incorporation of the system of joint electorate and regional full autonomy for East Pakistan in Pakistan Constitution which is going to be framed. He continued that he requested the East Pakistan Chief Minister to immediately call a session of Assembly but the nominated Chief Minister was very much afraid of calling the Assembly because all the recent happenings in the province would be discussed there and many things might come out reg. their nefarious activities. Last of all he requested the people in general to be united and struggle for their legitimate claims.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech in a meeting of Awami League at Faridpur criticizing Pakistan government for failure to fulfill basic demands like food, clothes and education. He also spoke on State Language issue, Safety Act, dismissal and appointment of ministers, police strike, framing of the constitution, joint electorate
system, full provincial autonomy etc.
Faridpur, 15 December 1955
Page No. 99 of file No. 13-54 (Faridpur).
Summary report of the Urdu Speeches delivered at Awami League meeting held at Town Club Ground, Faridpur on 15.12.55 at 3 P.M.
President : Shaikh Mujibur Rahman.

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P. 89 to 86 of file 13-54 (Faridpur) Copy of report of D.I.O. (Sadar), Faridpur, dated 16.12.55 on the proceeding of the Awami League meeting held on 15.12.55.
4. Sk. Mujubur Rahman (Mentd.), President of the meeting.
4. Sk. Mujibur Rahman in his speech said that he was glad to get an opportunity to speak before people of his own district. He said that Pakistan was achieved in the hope that the general people of the country might get their proper food, clothes and education etc. but it was a matter of great regret that although 8 3 years had elapsed that Pakistan came into existence, the people were ill-fed and ill-clad. Whenever he (Sk. Mujibur Rahman) and other workers demanded proper food, clothes and education for the common people the Muslim League Govt. had arrested him and other leaders under the Safety Act and detained them in jail.
Turning his speech towards the State language of Pakistan he said that Bengali had not yet been accepted as one of State languages of Pakistan. When the students in Dacca launched movement demanding Bengali as one of the State languages of Pakistan, they in return received bullets from the Muslim League Govt. and as a result many students had lost their lives untimely. He said that the Muslim League Govt. had tried to snatch away the languages of the people.
Speaking on the Safety Act, he said that this was the instrument through which even Sub-Inspector of D.I.B. might arrest a political leader and commit him direct to jail. Those who were arrested under the Safety Act, were kept in detention without trial. He said that those who were to be arrested in theft and dacoity cases, were to be brought before the court for regular trial and if they were found guilty, they were to undergo the sentence of imprisonment. But if a person who would speak in favour of the cause of the people in general i. e. demand food, cloths, education etc. would be arrested and detained in jail at the sweet will of the Government. He said that very recently many Awami League leaders had been arrested by the Abu Husain Sarkar Govt. and detained in jail. He demanded their release at an early date. He also said that in the last Assembly election, the people of the country had not cast their votes to a particular person, but had cast their votes to the nominees of the United Front who were pledged to fulfill the 21 points of the United Front. But it was a pity that the present Govt. had not yet fulfilled a single point.
The speaker then made a sarcastic remark about the transfer and dismissal of the Ministers. He said that in Pakistan, the Ministers were often transferred and

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dismissed and appointed. He continued that Mr. Abu Husain Sarker was a Central Minister but subsequently he was transferred to East Pakistan on promotion as the Chief Minister of East Pakistan.
Speaking on the financial condition of East Bengal, he said that the United Front Govt. had declared that the financial position of the Govt. was miserable and as such they could not take up any plans. According to the speaker when the financial condition of the country was miserable, than why the United Front Cabinet had been maintaining as many as 15 Ministers, 3 Chief Whips and 1 Political Secretary etc.
Speaking on the food-crisis of the country, he said that the Govt. had 33 lakhs maunds of rice and paddy at their disposal and according to Hon’ble Mr. Ghiyasuddin Ahmed Chaudhuri, it was sufficient to meet the demands of the people. In one meeting at Madaripur, he said that Hon,ble Mr. Ghiyasuddin Ahmen Chaudhuri had declared that they had such a huge stoke of rice, that they could flood the rice market with rice and if a person would sell rice @ Rs. 40/-or Rs. 50/per maund, they had nothing to do. According to the speaker, this minister had no idea about the demands of the people of East Pakistan. He held the Govt. responsible for the abnormal rise in prices of rice and paddy for their lack of foresight.
Speaking on the police strike, he said that the police were responsible for the maintenance of law and order and none would support the Police strike or any discontent in the police force. He said that when the Govt. had I.B., D.I.B. and C.I.D. staff who supplied them all information regarding political affairs and strike, then why the Mr. Abu Husain Sarker Govt. did not know the cause of the strike.
Speaking on the framing of the Constitution of the State, he said that 8 5 years had passed that independence was achieved but its constitutions could not yet be framed. He said that newly elected Ms. C.A. only draw their T.A. from Karachi but actually they were not doing anything.
Speaking on the activities of the United Front Party, he said the United Front Party had formed a coalition Ministry with the Muslim League in the Centre scarifying the posts of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Governor – General of Pakistan to the West Pakistanis. He said that Mr. Haq had said that Major- General Iskendar Mirza was a man of Bengal. If he were a man of Bengal, he said, then why he elected M.L.A. from the Punjab.
The speaker then said that he would like to warn the Abu Husain Sarkar Cabinet to release all the political Prisoners detained in jail at an early date

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otherwise they would launch such peaceful mass movement in the country that their Minister ship would be at Stake.
He then said that there was the sign of the approaching of the famine in the country. He warned the leaders of the country to resign from their posts, if they could not tackle the situation.
The speaker also advocated the Joint electorate system in Pakistan. He said that the Maulanas had declared that if Joint electorate system of election in the Assembly election was introduced, it would be Un-Islamic and against the principles of the Muslim religion. According to the speaker, Joint electorate system of election was prevailing in Indonesia, Egypt, Iran, India, and other Muslim countries of the world. He said that Joint electorate system should be introduction in Pakistan for the wellbeing and harmony of the people.
Referring to the Kashmir issue, he severely condemned the version of the Russian Leaders, who during their recent visit to India dominion had declared that Kashmir was a part and parcel of India. He said that they should not have said anything about the internal affairs of Pakistan. The speaker then said that Kashmir issue should be decided by impartial plebiscite. According to the speaker, if impartial plebiscite were held, Kashmir must come under Pakistan.
The speaker then urged upon the students, the youths and the people to be united and to be up and doing for the betterment of condition of the people of the country.
• He then said that Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani who was due to home to Faridpur could not come owing to sudden attack of illness. He asked the audience to pray to Allah for his speedy recovery. After that Munazat was held.
Resolutions demanding the release of all political prisoners detained in jail, the abrogation of the Safety Act, the introduction of Joint electorate system and full provincial autonomy for East Pakistan were passed in the meeting. The following slogans were uttered in the meeting.
The audience appeared to have been impressed with the speeches of the speakers. People from a distance 18 or 20 miles were seen attending the meeting. The local influential Hindus also attended the meeting. The meeting dissolved at 17.15 hours.

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Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other Awami League Leaders.
Dacca, 17 December 1955
Weekly Confidential Report District Intelligence Branch for the week ending 17.12.55.
East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No.40 dated 1.10.55 received.
Part-I Movement of suspects. 1. A.L. *499/MJP – Phani Bhushan Mazumder left for Dacca on 8.12.55. 2. A.L. *312/MJP – Ramesh Chandra Datta left for Dacca on 8.12.55 and returned
on 14.12.55. 3. A.L. *530/A.L. – Sk. Mujibur Rahman (S/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara P.S.
Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca) came to Faridpur town on 15.12.55 and left for Dacca the same day (evening).
Seen. for D.S.6.
Sd/-21.12. Side note : D.S.77., 21.12, Sd/.A.U.Muhammad. 22.12
Circulation. Sd/-20.12. D.S.4/D.S.6, 21.12. Seen. Sd.A.Newaz. 21.12


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other Awami League Leaders.
Rajshahi, 17 December 1955
Weekly Confidential Report of Rajshahi District for the week ending 17.12.55.
PART-1 Movement of suspects. 1. Shudhanshu Mohan Chowdhuri (A.L.233/R.S.P.)-left for Calcutta via Darsana
on 13.12.55 at 23-30 hrs. by 290 Down train. 2. Capt. Shamsul Huq (A.L.737/A.M.L.)- left for Dacca on 11.12.55 at 12-50 hrs.
by 262 Down train.

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3. Provesh Chandra Lahiri (A.L. 458/R.S.P.)- Returned from Dacca on 12.12.55 at
17.30 hrs. Up train. 4. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.529/A.L.) – left for Dacca on 16.2.55 at 12-50 hours
Down train. 5. Shaik Mujibur Rahman (A.L.530/A.L.) – Nos. 5,6 & 7 arrived at Rajshahi from 6. Abdul Ghaffar- No. 6 NWF.
Pabna Via Nator on 13.12.55 at 14.00 7. Khairat Husain (A.L.450/A.L.)
hours b Motor Bus from Nator R/S. Circulation. D.S.6/D.S.7.
Sd/- A.Hafiz. Sd/- A.U. Sd/-21.12.
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B. for the W/E. 17.12.55.
PART-I Movement of Suspects. 1. A.L. 347 Debendra Nath Ghosh arrived Dacca on 09.12.55 by steamer from
Barisal via Narayanganj. 2. A.L. 718 Purnendu Kishore Sen Gupta arrived Dacca on 14.12.55 by train from
Akhaura. 3. A.L.312 Ramesh Datta left Dacca for Faridpur on 12.12.55 by steamer from
Narayanganj. 4. A.L. 354 Monoranjan Dhar arrived Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from
Mymensingh. 5. A.L. 728 Sudhangsu Mohan Saha arrived Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from
Mymensingh. 6. A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived Narayanganj on 16.12.55 by steamer
from Faridpur and left for Barisal at 23.00 hrs. on 16.12.55 by steamer from
Narayanganj 7. A.L. 458 Pravash Ch. Lahiri left Dacca on 11.12.55 by 7 Up Dinajpur train. 8. A.L. 458 Khaleq Newaz Khan arrived Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from
Mymensingh. 9. A.L. 771 Oli Ahad left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 11.12.55. He arrived
Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from Mymensingh. D.S.I/D.S.4/D.S.6/D.S.7. Sd – Seen. Seen
Sd/(2 pages) 24.12. for Sd/-27.2. Sd/-27.12. A.U.Muhmmad D.S.I. For
28.12. 24.12. D.S.IV. D.S.VI.

Page: 375


Weekly confidential report on arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Barishal. He and other leaders delivered speeches in a meeting
where he accused ML as root of all troubles.
Bakerganj, 17 December 1955 Bakarganj D.I.B. W.C.R. for W/E 17.12.55. A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MLA (AML) arrived at Barisal on 17.12.55 by the Dacca Mail Steamer.
P.37 of File No. 13.54 (BKJ) GI.
Summary report of the Urdu speeches delivered at Bell’s Park, Barisal in 17.12.55 under the auspices of E.P Awami League.
Mr. Sheikh Mojibur Rahman presided over the meeting. About 7,000 people attended
P.40-39 of File No. 13-54(BKJ) GI.
District Intelligence Branch Barisal, the 19th Dec., 1956.
No. 6119./78-49.
To A.K.M.H. Rahman Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
On 17.12.55 at about 10-30 hours, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan of N.W.F.P., Sheikh Heshamuddin of Punjab, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, M.C.A. and Taizuddin M.L.A., arrived at Barisal Steamer Ghat by Dacca Mail Steamer. They were received at the ghat by the leaders the A.L. G.D. and P.N.C., including among others Abdul Maleq Khan (A.L) S/o L. Abdur Razzaq of Rajpasha, P.S. Jhalakati and of Barisal Town, Aminul Haq Chaudhuri, M.L.A.(A.L.) s/o Nurul Haq of Ulamia P.S. Mehendiganj and of Barisal Town, Qazi Ghulam Mahbub (A.L.) son of Abdul Majid of Kashaba, P.S. Gournadi and of Barisal Town, Abdur Rab Sarniamat (G.D.) s/o Abdul Khaleq of Seral, P.S. Gournadi and of Barisal Town, Debendra

Page: 376
Nath Ghosh @ Abir, M.L.A. (P.N.C. – B.R. 307), and Pran Kumar Sen, M.L.A. (P.N.C) s/o Ananta of Fulasree, P.S. Gournadi and of Barisal Town. Solgans “Shahid Bhashani Zindabad” “Khan Bhashar Zindbad”, “Mujibar Rahman Zindbad”, and “Pakistan Zindabad” were shouted by the crowd of about 3000 persons who hailed the leaders at the ghat. A small group of about 30 persons headed by Md. Sulaiman (M.L) s/o L. Abdur Rahman of Ghamarpatti and of Alekanda, Barisal Town exhibited black flags to the leaders and followed them to a certain length shouting slogans “Shahid Bhashni Murdabad,” “Khanbhashani Murdabad”, “Simanta Gandhi Murdabad” “Pakistaner Satru Firey Jao” and “ Pakistan Zindbad”.
Though the opposition group was in an aggressive mood they could not cause any hindrance to the activities of A.L Leaders due to strict vigilance of the Police force.
A public meeting was held at the Bell’s park, Barisal town at the instance of the Bakargonj Dist. A.L. under the president ship of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. It was attended by about 6000 persons both Hindus and Muslims, and addressed by Mvi. Taijuddin, M.L.A., Dacca, Heshamuddin of West Punjab18, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan of N.W.F.P and Mujibur Rahman, M,C,A, of Faridpur.
In course of their speech they adversely criticized the M.L. misrule in the country, its evil effect on the present-day politics and urged upon the public to rally under the banner of the A.L. Besides. Taijuddin denounced the Mollahs who were spreading disaffection among the innocent public by giving motivated ‘fatwahs'(verdict on religious issues) that Joint Electorate was un-Islamic. He also criticized the central and the E.B. Cabinets as the shadows of the M.L.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman also alleged that the Muslim League ‘ vested interest who were holding powers in West Pakistan, were at the root of all troubles. He also expressed doubt about the loyalty of H.E. the Governor- General of Pakistan, Mr. Iskander Mirza.
18. West Punjab -West Punjab was a province of Pakistan from 1947 to 1955. The capital was the city of Lahore and the province was composed of four divisions (Lahore, Sargodha, Multan and Rawalpindi). The Independence of Pakistan in 1947 led to the division of the Punjab Province of British India into two new provinces. The largely Sikh and Hindu East Punjab became part of India while the largely Muslim West Punjab became part of the new nation of the Dominion of Pakistan.

Page: 377
Resolutions demanding Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan, repeal of the Public Safety Act, fulfillment of the 21 point programmed immediate release of the security prisoners, framing of the constitution on democratic principles, etc. were passed in meeting.
The leaders left for Dacca by Dacca Mail on the morning of 18.12.55.
Sd/Superintendent of Police, D.I.B.,
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B. for the W/E, 24.12.55.
Movement of Suspects.
A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived Dacca on 18.12.55 from Barisal via Narayanganj.
P. 139 of File No. 13-54 (BKG) Genl.
Political Activities (a) Muslim Groups
2306. Bakarganj.- On 17th December, a public meeting (6,00) under the aegis of the Awami League, Bakarganj, was held at Bell’s Park, Barisal town. Taizuddin, MLA, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para. 2281), Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, and Hisamuddin delivered speeches in the meeting criticising the Muslim League maladministration in the country and its evil affect on the present day politics and urged upon the people to join the Awami League. Hisamuddin spoke of the alleged Punjabi clique which consisted of big Jaigirdars and Zamindars who were out to exploit the masses. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan advocated the establishment of a Pukhtoonistan for the Pathans and urged upon the people of East Bengal to support

Page: 378
the cause of the Pathans. Resolutions, demanding, implementation of the 21- point programme, Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan, repeal of the public Safety Act, release of the political prisoners recently arrested, joint electorate system and framing of the Constitution on democratic principles, were adopted in the meeting


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other East and West Pakistan leaders
delivered speech at Pabna. They also spoke on One Unit bill, framing future constitution and materialization of 21- points.
Pabna, 17 December 1955
PP.179 of File No.13/54 Genl.
Ext. from A/I No.51 for the W/E, 17.12.55.
Political activities. (a) Muslim Group
2270. Pabna.- Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, President, EPAL, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, EPAL, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan of N-WFP (Red Shirt leader), Shaikh Hishamuddin of West Punjab and Peer Salehuddin of West Punjab, addressed a public meeting (6,000) at Khan Shahib’s Maidan, Serajganj, on their way to Pabna. Maulana Bhashani was in the chair. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 2268), Maulana Bhashani (Para.2268) and Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish (Para 2226. (AL), MLA, MCA, in course of their speeches criticised present Provincial Government for recently arresting so many persons in violation of the 21 point pledges. They emphasized that if the present provincial Government failed to implement the 21-Point programme within a month, they would organise countrywide non-violent mass movement.
A public meeting (6,000) under the auspices of the Awami League, Pabna, was held on 12th December at Radhanagar Madrassa Premises, Pabna, under the Presidentship of Maulana Abdul Hamid khan Bhashani, President, EPAL, Shaikh, Mujibur Rahman, MLA, MCA, Secretary, EPAL, Mr. Hishamuddin of Punjab, Maulana Bhashani and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan of the Frontier Province delivered

Page: 379
speeches, vehemently criticising the present ruling clique for leading the country to the verge of ruin. They held the Central and West Pakistan Governments for fast deterioration in the condition of the people and the country Maulana Bhashani and Shaikh Mujibur Rahman during their speeches dwelt mainly on the maladministration of the last Muslim League Government and the present United Front Government and Coalition Government at the Centre for their alleged dishonest activities and failure to ameliorate the condition of the teeming millions. Khan Abdul Ghafur Khan during his speech said that he had brought the message of love and goodwill from the Pathans to the people of East Pakistan whom they considered their elder brothers. He criticised vehemently the way in which the One Unit was enforced in West Pakistan and urged the people of East Pakistan to see that with the framing of the future Constitution the people’s wishes were not trampled down. Resolutions, inter alia, demanding materialisation of the 21 point pledges, joint electorate system, release of all the recently arrested political persons, readmission of Azahar Ali and Saiyid Reza Qadir in the Edward College, Pabna, who were forced to take T.C., enquiry into the misappropriation of the P.I. fund and its realisation, recognition of Pabna Medical School, increase in the grant of Government aid to the Edward College, Pabna, from one thousand to three thousand per month, and construction of Dacca-Nagarbari Road, were adopted in the meeting.
Extract from Weekly Report No.51 dt. 21.12.55 of DDI, Dacca on the Internal Situation in East Bengal.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan and Sk. Hishamuddin of Punjab addressed a public meeting (4000) at Pabna on 12th December under the Presidentship of Khairat Husain, MLA, VicePresident, East Pakistan-Awami League.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Maulana Bhasani in course of their speeches criticised the various alleged acts of omission and commission of the Provincial Govt. in the political and economic field specially in respect of the arrest of political workers following the police strike, disregard of the 21-point programme of the United Front, rice scandal, etc. In criticising the opposition to joint electorate both of them condemned the attitude of the Muhallas who were accused of trying to exploit religion for their personal ends. Particular attack was directed against Maulana

Page: 380
Abdullah-e-Kafi who had recently formed an Islamic United front at Pabna and issued a leaflet, circulated in the Awami League Meeting, Challenging Maulana Bhasani’s views that joint electorate is in accordance with Islamic Principles.
A.L. No. 24 Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and A.L. No. 530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman accompanied by Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan of Frontier Province and other leader of West Pakistan arrived at Ishurdi on 12.12.55 at 15.00 hrs. being shadowed from Sirajganj side. They left for Pabna immediately after that.
Side note: Circulation, Sd/-2.1.56.
D.S. (2 Pages), 2.1 Seen, Sd/- 2.1.56. DSVI


A group of AL supporters gathered at Feni Railway station to greet H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Mawlana
Bhashani and other East and West Pakistan leaders.
Noakhali, 17 December 1955
P. 255 of file No. 13-54 (Noakhali)
3. Political activities
(a) Muslims groups.
Under the auspices of the Awami League, a group of people (200) attended Feni Railway Station, Feni, Noakhali, on 9th December under the leadership of Abdul Jabbar Khaddar, (para 2074), MLA (AL), to meet the Awami League leaders Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, Shaikh Majibur Rahman MLA, MCA, Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan of West Pakistan and other Awami League leaders of the West Pakistan on

Page: 381
their way to Chittagong from Dacca by Chittagong Mail. The train halted at Feni Railway station, for about 15 minutes. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani delivered a short speech to the people advising them to stand united for the implementation of 21- point programme. He also declared that the Awami League leaders and workers would launch a ‘Civil Disobedience Movement in the country if the 21-point programme was not implemented by the United Front Ministry.


AL meeting at Faridpur and Rajbari where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other East and West Pakistan leaders delivered speeches on joint electorate system, 50% reservation posts in the central services for East Bengal, Bengali as one of the State
Languages etc.
Faridpur, 17 December 1955
P. No. 292 of F. No. 13- 54 (Faridpur). Extract from A/I No. 51 for the W/Ending 17.12.55.
3. Political activities.
(a) Muslim groups.
On 15th December a meeting (5,000) under the aegis of the District Awami League, Faridpur, was held at Faridpur town with Shaikh Majibur Rahman in the chair. Besides the President, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Shaikh Hishamuddin delivered speeches in the meeting criticising the One-Unit Bill and alleged that the poor and the middle class people of the Punjab were passing their days in miserable condition as they were being exploited by the capitalists and the Zemindars. They also criticized the arrests of the political leaders and urged the people to launch a vigorous movement for their release. They also advocated joint electorate system, full regional autonomy and condemned the provocating speeches of Russian leaders in India regarding Kashmir. Resolutions, demanding the release of all political prisoners, abrogation of the Safety Act. Introduction of joint electorates and full regional autonomy for East Pakistan, were passed in the meeting.

Page: 382
Page No.291 of file No. 13-54 (Faridpur).
Extract from A/ I. No. 51 for the W/ Ending 17.12.55.
Political activities. (a) Muslim groups.
2265. Faridpur.- On 15th December, a public meeting (800) under the aegis of the Awami League, was held at Rajbari town with Shaikh Hishamuddin in the chair. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para- 2264), General Secretary, EPAL, son of Lutfur Rahman, of Tugipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, and of Dacca, Taizuddin Ahmad, Secretary, Dacca City Awami League, and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the Red Shirt’ leader, delivered speeches in the meeting reviewing the political situation of the country and vehemently criticising the Sarkar Ministry for the recent arrests of the leaders of different political parties and for not implementing the 21- Point programme. They also supported joint electorate system, and demanded reservation of 50 per cent, posts in the Central Services for East Bengal, Naval and Military Headquarters in East Bengal, Bengali as one of the State Languages, regional
autonomy, etc.


WCR on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AL
Rajshahi, 21 December 1955
Page no. 211 of file No. 611-47 P.F.

Page: 383
PART- 1 Movement of Suspects. 1. Shudhanshu Mohan Chowdhuri (A.L. 238/ R.S.P.) – left for Calcutta via
Darsana on 13.12.55 at 23-30 hrs. by 290 Down train. 2. Capt. Shamsul Huq (A.L. 737/ AM.L.) – Left for Dacca on 11.12.55 at 12-50
hrs. by 262 Down train. 3. Provash Chandra Lahiri (A.L. 458/ R.S.P.) – Returned from Dacca on 12.12.55
at 17.30 hrs. Up train. 4. Mujibur Rahman (A.L.529/ A.L.) – Left for Dacca on 16.2.55 at 12-50 hours
Down train
Shaik Mujibur Rahman ( A.L. 530/A.L. Abdul Ghaffar Khan- No.6 NWF. Khairat Husain (A. L. 450/ A.L.)
– Nos. 5, 6 & 7 arrived at
Rajshahi from Pabna via Nator on 12.12.55 at 14.00 hrs. by Motor Bus from Nator R/S.
D.S. 6/D.S.7
Circulation. Sd/-21.12.
Sd/- A. Hafiz.
Sd/- A.U. Muhammad.


WCR on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AL
Dacca, 27 December 1955
Page No. 210 of file No. 611-47 PF. W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B. for the W/E. 17.12.55.
Movement of Suspects.
A.L. 347 Debendra Nath Ghosh arrived Dacca on 9.12.55 by steamer from Barisal via Narayanganj.

Page: 384
A.L. 718 Purnendu Kishore Sen Gupta arrived Dacca on 14.12.55 by train from Akhaura. A.L. 312 Ramesh Datta left Dacca for Faridpur on 12.12.55 by steamer from Narayanganj. A.L. 354 Monoranjan Dhar arrived Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from Mymensingh. A.L. 728 Sudhangsu Mohan Saha arrived Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from Mymensingh. A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived Narayanganj on 16.12.55 by steamer from Faridpur and left for Barisal at 23.00 hrs. on 16.12.55 by steamer from Narayanganj A.L. 458 Pravash Ch. Lahiri left Dacca on 11.12.55 by 7 Up Dinajpur train. A.L. 458 Khale Newaz Khan arrived Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from Mymensingh. A. L. 771 Oli Ahed left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 11.12. 55. He arrived Dacca on 12.12.55 by train from Mymensingh.
7. 8.
D.SI/D.S.4/D.S.6/D.S.7. (2 pages) 24.12.
Sd/-24.12. for D.S.I.
Seen. Sd/-27.2. for D.S.IV.
Seen. Sd/-27.12
for D.S.VI Sd/- A.U. Muhammad

Chapter – III

WCR on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman leaving Dacca for Karachi and
movements of other leaders.
Dacca, 7 January 1956
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B for the W/E,7.1.56
(Movement of Suspects.) 1. A.L. 87 Moulana Atahar Ali arrived Dacca on 2.1.56 by Plane from Karachi.
2. A.L. 212 Trailokya Chakrabartti arrived Dacca by train from Mymensingh on
1.1.56 and left for Mymensingh on 4.1.56. He again came to Dacca on 6.1.56.
A.L.712 Sukhendu Sen arrived Dacca on 4.1.56 from Mymensingh and left Mymensingh on the same date.
A.L. 754 Ashutosh Singh arrived Dacca on 3.1.56 by Chittagong Down train.
A.L. 24 Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani arrived Dacca on 6.1.56 by Mymensingh train. He left Dacca on 8.1.56 by Mymensingh train.
A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca by Plane on 22.12.55 for Karachi.
7. A.L.89 Ataur Rahman Khan left Dacca for Karachi on 22.12.55 by Plane.
A.L. 63 Abul Mansur Ahmad left Dacca on 22.12.55 by Plane for Karachi.
D.S.4/D.S.6/D.S.7 17/1.
Seen. Sd – A. Newaz.
Seen. for D.S.VI Sd/-18/1/56.
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B for the W/E, 21.1.56.

Page: 388
1. 2.
A.L. 212 Trailokya Chakrabartti left Dacca on 17.1.56 by Chittagong train. A.L. 374 Debendra Nath Ghose left for Barisal by steamer from Narayanganj on 16.1.56.
3. A.L. 754 Ashutosh Singh left Dacca by Green Arrow on 15.1.56. 4. A.L. 24 Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani left Dacca on 16.1.56 by train
for Mymensingh. 5. A.L. 89 Ataur Rahman Khan left Tejgaon Airport on 16.1.56 for Karachi. 6. A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Tejgaon Airport on 16.1.56 for Karachi. 7. A.L. 354 Monoranjan Dhar arrived Dacca on 6.1.56 from Mymensingh.
D.S.4/D.S.6/D.S.7 28/1
Seen. Sd/- A. Newaz.
Seen. for D.S.6 Sd/-28/1
Sd/-A.U. Muhammad
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B for the W/E, 28.1.56
(Movement of Suspects.)
A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived Dacca from Karachi on 27.1.56.
A.L. 661 Birendra Nath Sarkar arrived Dacca on 24.1.56.
3. A.L. 354 Monoranjan Dhar arrived Dacca on 24.1.56 by train from
Mymensingh. 4. A.L.728 Sudhangsu Mahan Saha left Dacca by train on 28.1.56.
A.L. 312 Ramesh Ch. Datta left Narayanaganj on 18.1.56 by Steamer for Goalundo.
A.L.333 Pulin Behari De left by train on 28.1.56.
A.L. 24 Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani arrived Dacca on 25.1.56 and left Dacca by train on 29.1.56.
Side note: R./3141 dt. 8.2. by train
DS.4/DS6/DS7, 4/2

Page: 389


Telephone message on departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from
Dacca to Jessore by air.
Dacca, 8 March 1956
TELEPHONE MESSAGE East Bengal Form No.45. Handed in at AM Date : 8.3.56 Received at 17.30 hrs A.M. Words
Addresses From : W/C Yakub Hossain Gif given) Tajgon Airport I.B.E.B. To : O/C Watch
Sk. Mazibur Rahman M.C.A left Tajgon Airport for Jessore by P.A.C. at about 10.30 hrs. This is for your kind information.
End of Message, Check Back please. Telephone Operator. Sd/ – 8.3
Side note: DSVI for kind information pl. Sd/ – 8/3


Awami League meeting at Gopalganj where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized ML government spending money for the road of Karachi without doing anything for eliminating sufferings of East Bengal villagers. He also focused on starvation, joint electorate system, regional autonomy, unemployment problem of East
Bengal. Faridpur, 9 March 1956
P. No. 139-34 of file 13-54 (Faridpur). Summary report of the speeches delivered in Bengali at the meeting held under the auspices of Awami League on 9.3.56 at Town Maidan, Gopalganj, Faridpur.

Page: 390
President : Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish, M.L.A., M.C.A.
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman M.L.A., M.C.A. in his speech said, “Pakistan was achieved at the cost of heavy sacrifices. We hoped that the condition of the people would improve, after the Britishers had left. But only few people have grown richer while the rest have become poorer.
Famine is approaching. Mr. Abu Hossain Sarker’s Government and Choudhury Md. Ali’s Government fail to provide the people with food, the Awami League would start strong movement.
The Muslim League Government spent lakhs of rupees for the road of Karachi but did not say anything about the suffering villagers of East Bengal. When the people are dying, the rent together with an interest of annas five per rupee is being realised by issuing certificates. Realisation of interest is un-Islamic. We request the Moulanas to start movement against it and if they do so Awami League would cooperate with them. Of course it would be better for the Moulanas to keep away from these things, which they do not understand.
The people of our country are dying of starvation because, the peasants do not act reasonable price for their produce and so they cannot afford to buy rice for want of money.
The Muslim League government has prepared some fantastic plans for the prevention of flood. Rice is already scarce and we do not know what the people would do during the coming months. Rationing system has been introduced in the
towns only.
Out of foreign exchange earned by Pakistan only a hundred crores of rupees has been spent in East Bengal while the rest eleven hundred crores of rupees has been spent in West Pakistan.
A poor employee in Pakistan gets Rs.35/- per month while the Governor General gets Rs.12500/- per month. This is not fair.
It is un-Islamic to detain anybody without trial. Even Allah would not send anybody to the heaven or hell without trial.
It is strange that the Government is trying to grow jute in Karachi and West Pakistan while the production of Jute in East Pakistan has been heavily curtailed.

They say that the joint electorate system is un-Islamic. But members of the Union Boards, District Boards, Municipalities and constituent Assembly are elected through the joint electorate system. The Muslims of other countries also vote through the joint electorate system, so, this system cannot be un-Islamic. When we demand regional autonomy, they say that we are brethren in Islam. But the Youths of our country do not get jobs. Though we comprise 56% of the population of Pakistan yet we have given only 10% of the services under central Government.
All the business licences have been given to West Pakistanis while the Business men of our country are sitting idle. If the weavers of our country get yarn, they would produce better cloth than the mills can produce. Even the … (Unreadable due to overlaid by other words ) our country are migrating from this country for want of food.
If the Bengalees are given arms they would make fine soldiers 60% of our budget is spent for the military but only a negligible portion of this amount is spent in East Bengal.
The foreign exchange earned by the export of Jute, betel-nut and tobacco of this wing of Pakistan goes to Karachi. When Choudhury Md. Ali requested Mr. Suhrawardy, to be the Prime Minister and to take three more Awami Leaguers into his cabinet, we rejected his offer and told that we would accept minister-ship only when the poor people would ask us to do so.
Mr. Haque has put East Bengal in the pocket of West Pakistan. He has become Governor by doing so.
We ask the food minister to introduce rationing in villages. If you fail to provide the poor villagers with food, we would not forgive you.
The density of population is about 900 per square mile in East Bengal while it is only about 200 per square mile in West Pakistan. The unemployment problem of East Bengal could have been solved by the Industrialisation instead of doing this, the Government promoted the development of industries in West Pakistan. As a result we shall have to spend all our money in that wing of Pakistan to keep those industries going.
We request all to join Awami League and make it strong. You should promise to fight on till the condition of the people improves. The youth should go to villages and fight on unitedly against the United Front and the bribe takers. You should demand food, cloth and shelter.”

Page: 392


Letter of H.S. Suhrawardy from Karachi to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Karachi, 9 March 1956
Secret Intelligence Branch
The 9.3.1956. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
H. S. Suhrawardy, 49, Clifton, Karachi. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A, M.C.A. 79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca. English. 5.3.56. Karachi 6.3.56 G.P.O. Dacca. 8.3.56 A. Azam A.S.I.
3. Language of letter
Date of letter Postal Seal
Post office of interception 7. Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can prove the
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Delivered. Copy kept. G.O.
Copy/translation forwarded to DS VI
Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy Karachi writes this to Mujibar Rahman directing him not to kill Maulana Raghib Ahsan. etc.
Sd/ -9/3/56 Side note: SS II, May please like to see. Sd/-9/3/56 for DS6

Page: 393
True Copy of an English letter dt. 5.3.56.
From : H.S. Suhrawardy, 49, Clifton, Karachi. To : Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A.
79, Nazira Bazar Lane, Dacca.
My dear Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
I wonder if you have received a letter from Maulana Raghib Ahsan, regarding his attitude on the 29th January incident.
He says that he had nothing to do with the disturbances on that day & is sorry that you intend to kill him. Don’t do it. How silly people can be & how much mischief makers are at work.
Yours Sincerely, Sd/-H.S. Suhrawardy

WCR on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman arrived at Jessore by air.
Jessore, 10 March 1956
Jessore D.I.B W.C.R. for w.e. 10.3.56
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, (A.L.*. 543) arrived at Jessore on 8.3.56 by Air and left for Khulna by train on the same day under proper surveillance.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Tangail and met
Mawlana Bhasani.
Mymensingh, 15 March 1956
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 15th March/56.
No. 1615(2)/11-56 (II).

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Md. Yusuff., Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
M.A. Choudhury, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A., accompanied by Abdul Hamid Chaudhuri, M.L.A., of Faridpur visited Tangail Town on 5-3-56 at about 12-30 hrs. and met Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani at Maulana’s new residence at Santosh Rajbari (near Kagmari) at 14-30 hrs to take him to Faridpur and Jessore Districts but the Maulana, it is learnt, expressed his inability at the moment to go to those places. They left for Dacca on the same day via Mirzapur at about 20-00 hrs.
Sd/-15.3.56 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh


Awami League meeting at Khulna where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches focusing on unusual salary inequality among officers, economic, agricultural, industrial and welfare disparity
between two wings of Pakistan. He also criticized the role of Mohammad Ali of Bogra and Chaudhuray Mohammad Ali against
the interest of East Bengal.
Khulna, 15 March 1956
Extract copied from PP. 137-130, 123 of file No. 13-54 (KLN) GI.
Summary report of the speeches delivered in Bengali, at the meeting held under the auspices of Awami League on 8.3.56 at Municipal Park, Khulna.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., M.C.A., in his speech said:

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“We fought for the establishment of Pakistan and thought that the people would be happy and prosperous in Pakistan. But unfortunately some rich people have become richer and the poor people have become poorer in Pakistan.
I ask the people who want to cheat in the name of Islam, to show that, there is provision in Islam that one class of people would live in luxury while others would die of starvation.
Famine condition is prevailing in the country. 33 lakhs maunds of rice has vanished from the Government go downs. The relatives of the United Front ministers have received the permits for this rice. The people of East Bengal do not want to die of starvation. If the people die of starvation, we would start such a strong movement that the Government will have to send every Awami League worker to jail. We are ready to co-operate with the Government to save the people from the clutches of death.
We cannot solve this problem by begging this problem will be solved if we can control the flood and the peasants can get proper price for their produce.
We request the Central Government to repay the foreign exchange earned by East Bengal, and utilise that money for, controlling flood and industrialisation of this wing.
Our Islamic Constitution contains provisions for the realisation of compound interest. It also approved the realisation of rent by ‘Certificate System’. I request Mr. Abu Hussain Sarker not to issue any ‘certificates’ for some time.
People of West Pakistan are our brethren, but that does not mean that we would starve while they would eat.
Bribery is rampant in Pakistan. This is not Islamic. All the Government servants in Pakistan are Muslims, but while one Muslim peon gets 35/- per month another Muslim Officer gets 12,000/- per month. The officers do not behave well with peasants. The officer should improve their character.
We accepted ‘parity’ on the condition that this principle would be followed in all spheres. But East Bengal is not getting justice in financial matters.
We shall not raise any objection, if the Muhajirs are employed here. But we shall not tolerate if people from Karachi and Punjab are hired and employed here.
They are telling that the Railway has been included in the list of provincial subjects but actually it is not so. Though industries have been included in the list of provincial subjects the central Government has been empowered to take over all

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industries which have got connection with the Defence. In one way or other every industry is connected with the defence of the country. Thus we have received nothing
During the last eight years 75% of the Foreign Exchange has been earned by East Bengal but only 5% of this money has been spent for her, the rest 95% has been spent in West Pakistan. Our country has been reduced to a Municipality.
Instead of promoting agricultural development in West Pakistan (where the density of population is far lower than in East Bengal), the Government has industrialised her. As a result, the foreign exchange earned by East Bengal during the next ten years will have to be spent in West Pakistan to keep those industries going, and East Bengal will be reduced to a market of West Pakistan. No industry would grow up and the economic condition of the people would deteriorate.
If the members from East Bengal in the Constituent Assembly could work unitedly, we could get our rights. We conferred with Mr. Haque and decided that Moulana Bhasani, Mr. Suhrawardy and Mr. Haque would together discuss with the West Pakistani leaders about our demands. But ultimately Mr. Haque betrayed us.
Our demand for the introduction of the joint-electorate system has not yet been accepted. Moulanas tell that it is un-Islamic. But the members of the Union Boards, District Boards, Constituent Assembly and the President of the Constituent Assembly, all are elected through the joint-electorate system.
Even Allah would not punish anybody without trial, but our Islamic Constitution contains a provision to the effect that, people could be detained without trial. Abdus Sattar, Khondoker Azizur and Mannan are still in jail. Nezam-e-Islam Conference has also told that it was un-Islamic to detain anybody without trial.
95% of the people of Pakistan are Muslims. So, it is useless to declare that the President of the state would be always a Muslim. Our next generation may form a very bad idea about Islam, when they would see the sorry state of affairs in this Islamic State. They have done more harm to Islam than the Britishers. What would be the condition of Indian Muslims, if India becomes a Hindoo State?
In all Muslim States of the world joint-electorate system is in vogue, but it has been declared un-Islamic in this country.
Mr. Atahar Ali was anti-Pakistani, before the establishment of Pakistan. But now he talks of Islam. Politics is a complex affair, and Moulanas should not poke their nose into it.

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If the Bengalees are taken in the army they would make fine soldiers. The Bengalees get only 5% of the total amount spent for the Military. Only Bengalees should be taken into the Military services, till they form 50% of the total personnel strength.
The labourers should organize themselves and fight constitutionally for the realisation of their demands. The local Awami league leaders would help them in this matter.
I request the Hindoos, not to leave this country.
Mr. Tamizuddin did nothing to redress the grievances of East Bengal during his Presidentship of the Constituent Assembly. He has come again with Muslim League. If the Leaguers come to you ask them about their activities during the last eight years.
Mr. Md. Ali of Bogra sold Pakistan to America. Chaudhuray Md. Ali has told that he would do justice, but what has he done during the 4 years when he was the minister in charge of economic affairs?
You should organise yourselves. Awami League workers will go on fighting for the interests of the poor people. If required they will go to gallows for this. You should all join Awami League and make it strong”.
Sd/- H.A. Md. Khurshid Imam.
Md. Shamsul Islam. Govt. Reporter


Watch report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
Mawlana Bhasani.
Dacca, 15 March 1956
C.R. dt. 15.3.56.
Hours of duty-06.00 hrs. to 11.00 hrs./17.00 hrs. to 22.30 hrs. Place of duty- 56, Simpson Rd. (A. L. office) Purpose of duty- for suspects and suspicious persons.

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Result of watch. I along with W.C. Siddiqur Rahman Patwary took up the duty at the above noted place for above noted purpose & W.C. did secret watch duty there. During our duty period the following persons were seen to visit at the said place by the different times and different batches.
1. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani 2. Ataur Rahman Khan (M.L.A.,M.C.A.) 3. Sk. Majibur Rahman (M.L.A.,M.C.A.)
18.15 hrs. 19.20 hrs.
22.30 hrs 22.30 rs.
10.15 hrs.
17.40 hrs. 10.30 hrs.
4. Wali Ahad.
17.40 hrs. 17.30 hrs.
22.25 hrs. 22.30 hrs.
Tarkabagish, :
5. Moulana Abdur Rashid
(M.L.A.,M.C.A.) 6. Mohd.Toha. 7. Abdul Wadud Patwary.
17.45 hrs.
19.20 hrs.
08.00 hrs
09.00 hrs.
18.45 hrs.
19.10 hrs.
8. Md. Abdul Jalil
10.55 hrs.
10.35 hrs.
10.45 hrs.
9. Waliulla. 10. Lutfar Rahman @ Zulfikar. 11. Abdul Halim (C.P.)
17.45 hrs.
19.20 hrs.
19.00 hrs
22.30 hrs.
12. Shamsuzzaha.
21.45 hrs.
21.00 hrs.
13. Kamaruddin (Advocate) 14. Mohiuddin Ahmed, M.L.A.
18.10 hrs. 18.20 hrs. 18.05 hrs. 17.50 hrs.
21.30 hrs.
15. Mahabub Ali Dewan.
21.30 hrs.
18.30 hrs.
21.15 hrs.
20.00 hrs.
21.15 hrs.
16. Prof. Ab-dul Hai. 17. Emadulla (Youth League) 18. Yar Mohd. Khan. 19. Abul Manshur Ahmed, M.L.A., M.C.A.
18.15 hrs.
22.15 hrs.
19.00 hrs.
21.00 hrs.
S.I. N. Haque Sb. supervised the duty place from 17.00 hrs. to 18.30 hrs.

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S.I. N.Ahmed Khan sb. supervised the duty place from 20.30 hrs. to 20.45. S.I. M.Ahmed Sb. supervised the duty.
At 11.00 hrs. were relieved by W.C. A.Razzaque & told him that the suspects Sk. Majibur Rahman, Wali Ahad & Mohd. A. Jalil were present at the relieving times.
At 17.00 hrs we relieved said W.C. & he told us that suspect Mohd. Ali was present at the said office at the returning times.
Submitted, Mohd. Abdus Sama. A.S.I. of I.B., Dacca.
Side note: A/D.S.VI., Sd/-16/3.
Please place exts. on relevant files. Sd/- for D.S.6,16/3.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AL leaders delivered speeches in a meeting at Raipura, Narsingdi where he held the government responsible for food crisis. He also spoke on the trick of ML government for misusing religion to deceive the people.
Dacca, 16 March 1956
The New Nation dt. 16.3.56
CHARSUBABHI (Raipura), March 14 – The Muslim League in the Centre with the help of the so-called United Front members of the Constituent Assembly has incorporated un-democratic provisions in the Constitution against which the Awami League has fought and shall continue to fight to the last to realize the demands of East Bengal”, declared Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, MCA, General

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Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami League, at a huge gathering of 30,000 people today at Charsubadhi Bazar. The meeting was presided over by Sayefullah Khondhar.
Mr. Rahman said that the “United Front” Party has betrayed the people of East Bengal and quoted facts and figures how the ruling clique has trampled down every legislative demand of East Bengal. He emphatically declared that East Bengal would never accept any constitution which has not reflected the hopes and aspirations of the suffering millions of this wing of Pakistan.
The constitution has been named as “Islamic Republic” only to hoodwink the illiterate masses, and many of its provisions were against the fundamental principles of Islam, added Mr. Mujibur Rahman. For instance, he said, detention without trial was un-Islamic, but the Constitution said to be Islamic provided such detention without trial.
JOINT ELECTORATE Mr. Mujibur advocated joint electorate and explained with cognet arguments why the Awami League was in favour of join-electorate. Without adoption of joint electorate, he added, East Bengal could not fight unitedly for the realisation of her demand. Besides, joint-electorate would infuse the spirit of nationalism among all sections of people.
While speaking on food crisis, Sheikh Majibur Rahman said that the Sarkar Ministry was solely responsible for it.
He appealed passionately to the minority communities not to leave their motherland.
Mr. Korban Ali, M.L.A., President, Dacca District Awami League told the gathering that they were not opposed to the Islamic Constitution. What they wanted was the realisation of the true Islamic principles in the Constitution where there will be no ex-…. (missing from original document due to page damage). He appeal to the audience not to be misled by mischievous propaganda of the interested quarters against the Awami League. The Awami League stands for justice and fairplay,

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AFSARUDDIN Mr. Afsaruddin Ahmed, Secretary, East Pakistan Lawyers’ Association, said in his speech that the propaganda that the Awami League was against Islam was a malicious one. He congratulated the M.C.A.s for their bold stand in the Constituent Assembly for the cause East of Bengal under the leadership of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. He appealed to the audience to join the Awami League in large numbers.
MOHIUDDIN Mr. Mohiuddin Ahmed, M.L.A., in his speech urged upon the Government to remove all handicaps in the way of the development of cotton handloom industry. The closing down of this industry mean starvation for 30,000 families in this Province. He called the present Constitution as un-Islamic and undemocratic and urged upon the people to resist it at any cost.
Mr. Bazlur Rahman thanked the audience and leaders who arrived here to address the gathering
Side note: On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/-20/3, DS6


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders delivered speeches at AL public meeting in Gopalganj. They criticised Nizam-l-Islam and ML making them responsible for the miserable condition of
the people.
Faridpur, 17 March 1956 P. No. 299 of file No. 13-54 (Faridpur) Extract from A/I No. 11 for W/Ending 17.3.56. 3. Political activities.
(C) others.
532. Faridpur.- At the instance of the AL, a public meeting (2,000) in connection with the visit of Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, MCA (AL), son of Lutfur Rahman, of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, and other important members of the Awami League, was held at Gopalganj town on 9th March, with Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish MCA (AL), of Pabna, in the chair. Abdur Razzak Khan,

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Mukhtear (AL), son of late Abdul Latif of Bazra Muksudpur Faridpur, and of Gopalganj town, Rahmatjan Sarder (AL), son of Abdus Samad, of Balakoir, Gopalganj, Faridpur, Dilder Ahmed, MCA, of Khulna, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Abdul Jalil, Advocate, MLA, of Khulna, Jalaluddin Ahmed, MA, LL.B (AL), son of Hatemuddin of Borfa, Gopalganj, Faridpur, and Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish, the president of the meeting, delivered speeches, criticised the alleged undemocratic character of the Constitution and stated it to be against the interests of East Bengal. They also criticised the activities of the Nizam-I-Islam and the Muslim League and held them responsible for the present miserable condition of the people of the country.


Weekly confidential report of DIB, Faridpur on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders.
Faridpur, 17 March 1956
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for the week ending 17.3.56.
Secret Abstract of Intelligence-Nil.
Part-I. Movements of suspects. 1. AL 492 Miss Krishna Rani Malo (CP) left for Dacca on 6.3.56.
2. AL* 543/AL-Sk. Mujibar Rahman, MCA, arrived at Gopalganj on 9.3.56 3. AL 62/AL Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish, MCA arrived at Gopalganj
town on 9.3.56. 4. AL *474/ CP. Liaqat Husain left for Kushtia on 13.3.56. 5. AL *514/JP-Phani Bhushan Mazumdar left for Dacca on 7.3.56.
AL *330/MJP-Ramesh Chandra Datta left for Dacca on 7.3.56 and came back on 15.3.56.

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Weekly confidential report of DIB, Jessore on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Jessore, 17 March 1956
W.C.R. of D.I.B Jessore for the W/E 17.3.56.
(Movements of Suspects.)
On 13.8.56 Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (A.L.* No. 543) passed through Jessore on his way back from Khulna. It has reference to W.C.R. for the W/E 10.3.56.


Weekly confidential report of DIB, Khulna on arrival of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman there.
Khulna, 17 March 1956
W.C.R. of D.I.B Khulna for the W/E 17.3.56.
(2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (A.L.*543) arrived Khulna by train on 3.3.56 and left for
Gopalganj by steamer in the same night.


Weekly confidential report of DIB, Dacca on arrival of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman at Dacca from Karachi.
Dacca, 24 March 1956
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Dacca. for the W/E 24.3.56.
10. A.L. 530 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived Dacca on 2.3.56 by Plane from Karachi.
He also arrived Dacca on 13-3-56 by Plane from Jessore.

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Weekly confidential report of DIB, Faridpur on arrival of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman at Gopalganj.
Faridpur, 24 March 1956
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Faridpur for the W/E 24.3.56.
Part-I. Movements of suspects. 1. A.L. *543/AL. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MCA, who arrived at Gopalganj on
9.3.56 left for Dacca on 12.3.56.


Weekly confidential report of DIB, Khulna on arrival of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman there.
Khulna, 24 March 1956
W.C.R of D.I.B Khulna for the W/E 24.3.56.
(2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (*AL. 543) arrived Khulna on 13-3-56 on his way to
Jessore from Gopalganj and left Khulna by train in the same morning for Jessore. He was shadowed by a W.C. of this D.I.B.


Letter of Kazi Zaheerul Haque to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman regarding participation at World Council of Peace, Vienna.
Dacca, 26 March 1956
Intelligence Branch, E.B. Dacca Lalbagh.
Dacca; The 26.3.1956.
Memo No.

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(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
Kazi Zaheerul Haque, 27 Bamacharan Chakravarty
Road, Wari Dacca : Sk. Mujibur Rahman,
M.C.A. Somerset-House, Karachi.
To (with address)
Language of letter
: English.
Date of letter
: 26.3.56.
Postal Seal
: Outgoing. : R.M.S. Dacca.
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: 25.3.56.
Name of officer who can prove the : Kh. Enyetulla, S.I. interception
Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Original letter submitted 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : 12. Number and date of Government order : G.O.
authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to D.S. VIZI
Perusal of the intercept (original enclosed) Kazi Zahurul Huq writes this letter to Sk. Mujibur Rahman M.C.A., Karachi to participate World Council of Peace at Vienna.
Side note: Letter delivered as ordered by DIG. Sd/-26/3/56
1. urgent Type Sec. pl. Sd/- 12.00, 26/3/56 Done, Sd/- 26/3 Gist forwarded to H.S. E.P. with Copy to AD. (c) Karachi ( 68-56-MFSC) Sd/- 28/3/56

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27, Bamacharan Chakravarty Road,
Wari, Dacca.
March 26, 1956 My Dear Mujibor Rahman Saheb,
I beg to be excused for having failed to see you when you came here last. However, I now place before you the following for your consideration:
The World Council of Peace at Vienna has been in correspondence with me for long. They wanted a list of persons from East Pakistan who are prepared to attend the next session to be held in Stockholm from 5th to 9th April. I gave them the list in which you all were included. Yesterday I received a telegram from Vienna, a copy of which is given below.
On receipt of the above telegram, I contacted Messrs. Kamuruddin Ahmed, Zamiruddin Ahmed and Yar Mohmad. Mr. Yar Mohmad contacted you on phone last night. He told me that Moulana Tarkabagish and you are prepared to go. Consequently I sent a wire to Vienna to-day a copy of my telegram is as follows:
Now I request you to send a wire to Vienna in the following manner:

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Please exert your influence over Messrs. Abdus Sattar and Hamidul Haq Choudhury to instruct East Bengal Govt. to issue passports in the name of:
1. Abdul Hamid Choudhury, M.L.A. 2. Altaf Mahmud. 3. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A. 4. Yar Mahmad Khan, M.L.A. 5. Abul Hussain, M.A. 6. Quazi Zaheerul Huq.
I am sending a copy of the letter written to me by Mr. Amiya Sen, Indian representatives in the World Council of Peace in Vienna.
Mollwald Platiz 5 Vienna 4
Austria. 21/3/1956. My dear Friend,
A letter is going to you from the Secretariat to inform that they can send only one ticket. In case there is any delay, I am writing to you personally immediately. I am very sorry that they have not agreed to more than one but I can only explain this at Stockholm. However, if any one very important like Ataur Rahman Khan, or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman or a member of the Constituent Assembly is definitely able to come please telegraph to the World Council ( The Telegraphic Address is : PAIMONDE- Wien) and only in that case will they consider the que tickets for them.
Again I would like to say how sorry I am that they could not comply with your demand, but 10 was in any case out of the question. However all this can only be explained when we meet.
Please telegraph immediately to us the names of anyone who will come, as according to arrangements made with Stockholm authorities they will only grant

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Visas to persons when the World Council has given the names, so we would like to know definitely who will come.
Yours very affectionately,
Sd/-Amiya Sen.
Quazi Zaheerul Huq, Editor Janamat, 27, Bamacharan Chakrabarty Road, Wari, Dacca, East Pakistan.
Your immediate action is now very necessary. Wire me what you have done so far by the following address.
Janamat, 27, Thataribazar, Dacca.
Yours affectionately, Sd/- Quazi Zaheerul Huq.
Mr. Sheikh Mojibur Rahman, M.C.A. Somerset House, Karachi.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized Pakistan foreign policy in the
National Assembly.
Dacca, 30 March 1956
Weekly Natun Din dt. 30.3.56
পররাষ্ট্র নীতি ও সামরিক চুক্তি পাকিস্তানবাসী জনগণের মস্তক লজ্জাবনত করিয়াছে।
সিয়াটো ও বাগদাদ চুক্তি সমগ্র মুসলিম জাহানের স্বার্থ বিরােধী জাতীয় পরিষদে শেখ মুজিব কর্তৃক সরকারের বৈদেশিক নীতির তীব্র সমালােচনা।
২৬শে মার্চ জাতীয় পরিষদে পাকিস্তানের বৈদেশিক নীতির সমালােচনা প্রসংগে আওয়ামী লীগ দলীয় সদস্য জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান বলেন যে, পাকিস্তানের বৈদেশিক নীতি প্রতিটি পাকিস্তানীর মস্তক লজ্জাবনত করিয়াছে।

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তিনি বাগদাদ চুক্তি ও সিয়াটো চুক্তিতে পাকিস্তানের অংশ গ্রহণের সমালােচনা করিয়া বলেন যে, বাগদাদ চুক্তির ফলে ইরাক ব্যতীত সমগ্র মুসলিম জাহানের স্বার্থ বিরােধী কার্য করা হইয়াছে। সিয়াটো চুক্তিতে যােগদান করিয়া পাকিস্তান থাইল্যান্ড ব্যতীত দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার অন্যান্য দেশের বিরাগভাজন হইয়াছে।
তিনি বলেন, সম্প্রতি করাচীতে সিয়াটো শক্তি সম্মেলনে দেশে নাশকতা মূলক কার্যকলাপ দমনের যে প্রস্তাব গৃহীত হইয়াছে, তদ্বারা পাকিস্তানের আভ্যন্তরীণ ব্যাপারে হস্তক্ষেপ করা হইয়াছে।
জনাব মুজিবর রহমান আরও বলেন, যে, সিয়াটো এবং বাগদাদ চুক্তিতে পাকিস্তান যােগদান করায় এতদঞ্চলে উত্তেজনা বৃদ্ধি পাইয়াছে এবং দেশের নিরাপত্তা ব্যাহত হইয়াছে। এই সকল চুক্তিতে যােগদান করার মাহাত্ম কি তাহা বুঝিতে তিনি অক্ষম বলিয়া জানান।
পাকিস্তানের কোন দেশের আক্রমণাশংকার আতংকিত হওয়ার প্রয়ােজন নাই।
বাজেট সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত আলােচনার জন্য অপরাহ্নে জাতীয় পরিষদের অধিবেশন আরম্ভ হয়। স্পীকার জনাব আব্দুল ওহাব খান সভাপতিত্ব করেন।
জাতীয় পরিষদে প্রশ্নোত্তরের সময়ের পর পার্লামেন্টারী বিষয় সম্পকীয়। দফতরের ষ্টেট মন্ত্রী সরদার আমীর আজম খান পররাষ্ট্র ও কমনওয়েলথ দফতরের জন্য ২৯ লক্ষ ৮৯ হাজার (১৩৫৫৫৬ সালের পরিবর্তিত) এবং ১৯৫৬-৫৭ সালের জন্য ৩১ লক্ষ ২৮ হাজার টাকা ব্যয়-বরাদ্ধের দাবী উত্থাপন করেন।
জনাব জহিরুদ্দিনের বক্তৃতা জনাব জহিরুদ্দিন (আওয়ামী লীগ) বলেন, সরকারের বৈদেশিক নীতি সম্পর্কে আলােচনার জন্য পররাষ্ট্র এবং কমনওয়েলথ রিলেশন্সখাতে ব্যয়বরাদ্দ এক হাজার টাকা হ্রাস করিয়া দেওয়া হউক।
ছাঁটাই প্রস্তাব উত্থাপন করিয়া জনাব জহিরুদ্দীন অভিযােগ করেন যে, বৈদেশিক নীতি সম্পর্কে পাকিস্তান সরকার জনসাধারণের মতামত গ্রহণ করেন না।
তিনি বলেন, সরকারের বৈদেশিক নীতি জনসাধারণ কর্তৃক অনুমােদিত নহে। কাজেই আমরা যে কোথায় অবস্থান করিতেছি, তাহা জনসাধারণ জানেন না। এমতাবস্থায় পরিষদ কখনই এই ব্যয় বরাদ্দ গ্রহণ করিতে পারে না।
সিয়াটো এবং পাক-মার্কিন পারস্পরিক দেশরক্ষা চুক্তিতে পাকিস্তানের অংশ গ্রহণ সম্পর্কে তিনি বলেন যে, তিনি বিশ্বাস করেন, পাকিস্তান শান্তির নীতি গ্রহণ করিবে এবং শক্তি ব্যতীত শান্তি কখনই আসিতে পারে না। কিন্তু উক্ত শক্তির জন্য কোন বৈদেশিক রাষ্ট্রের উপর নির্ভর করা চলিবে না। দেশের স্বাধীনতা ও সার্বভৌমত্ব বিসর্জন দিয়া অন্য রাষ্ট্রের বন্ধুত্ব সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করা চলিতে পারে। ।
তিনি বলেন, জনসাধারণের মনে এই ধারণা রহিয়াছে যে, এই সকল চুক্তি দেশের মর্যাদা হানি করিবে। তাঁহাদের ধারণা যে, ইহার ফলে এমন কি দেশের সার্বভৌমত্ব বিপর্যস্ত হইতে পারে।

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নুরুর রহমানের বক্তৃতা জনাব নুরুররহমান (আওয়ামী লীগ) বলেন যে, বর্তমানে বহির্বিশ্বে আমাদের কোন বন্ধুরাষ্ট্র নাই। এমন কি সমস্ত মুসলিম রাষ্ট্রগুলিও আমাদের বিরুদ্ধে গিয়াছে। ইসরাইলের প্রশ্নে আমরা তাহাদিগকে কোন সমর্থন দেই নাই। আমেরিকা ও বৃটিশের সহিত সামরিক জোটে যােগদান করিয়া আমরা আরব রাষ্ট্র গুলির সহানুভূতি হইতে বঞ্চিত হইয়াছি। কারণ বৃটিশ ও আমেরিকার চক্রান্তেই মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের বুকে ইসরাইল রাষ্ট্রের জন্ম হইয়াছে। বাগদাদ চুক্তিতে যােগদান করিয়া আমরা প্রত্যক্ষভাবে আরব রাষ্ট্রগুলিরও বিরুদ্ধে গিয়াছি।।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, আমাদের নিকটতম প্রতিবেশী রাষ্ট্রগুলির সাথেও সম্পর্ক ভাল নহে, সিয়াটো চুক্তিতে যােগদান করিয়া আমরা থাইল্যান্ড ছাড়া দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ার দেশ গুলির বিরােধিতা করিতেছি।
যদি আমরা সঠিক বৈদেশিক নীতি অবলম্বন করিয়া থাকি, তবে কেন রাশিয়া ও অন্যান্য দেশগুলি সম্পর্কে ভয় পােষণ করিতেছি।
Side note: On his P.F. Sd/-DS6 7/4

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Brief notes from DIG, IB, East Pakistan to IB, Karachi on leaders
and important persons of East Bengal political parties.
Dacca, 9 April 1956
Secret/ By Spl. Bag.
Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan.
No. 5149/3-58 (Statt.)
Dt. 9/4/56.
The Asstt. Director (I), Intelligence Bureau, Karachi, Ref: Your No. 12/B/55(30) dated 17.11.55.
As desired, I send herewith brief notes on the leaders and important persons of the political parties in East Bengal together with supplementary notes on (1) Basanta Kumar Das, M.L.A., M.C.A. (2) Bhabesh Chandra Singa. M.L.A. (3) Mrs. Nellie Sen Gupta, M.L.A., (4) Dhirendra Nath Datta, M.L.A. and (5) Satish Chandra Bala only as the rest have got no further reference to be supplied.
Kindly acknowledge receipt.
Sd/- K.G. Mohiuddin
7/4. for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., E.P.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders attended Peace
Conference at Stockholm, Sweden.
Dacca, 26 April 1956
P. 273, file 104-53 GI. D.S.I.
It is learnt from a reliable source that the following 10 persons of Pakistan – 5 persons from East and 5 persons from West Pakistan attended the conference of the World Peace Council which was held at Stockholm (Sweden) from the 5th to the 9th April 56.
1. SHEIKH MUJIBAR RAHMAN, MP, MLA of Faridpur & of Dacca.
Peer Saheb of Manki Sharif was the leader of the delegation and Mr. G.M. SAYEED was one of the members of the presidium of the conference of the World Peace Council mentioned above.
In the conference of the World Peace Council Peer Saheb of Manki Sharif of West Pakistan and Mr. Zahiruddin M.P. of East Pakistan delivered lectures against colonialism. They stated that Kashmir affair should be solved by peaceful negotiation and by arbitration with a view to maintain peace in the world.
The conference passed resolutions appealing to the U.N.O. and the big powers of the world demanding the prevention of the production of Atom Bomb and the control of experimentation and the use of the same. In another resolution, it was said that disarmament should be given effect to by agreement among the Big Powers and if necessary by powerful campaign for peace through political organisations and religious institutions.
In the conference the delegates were requested to make wide propaganda in their respective area by organising strong Peace Committees.
Submitted, Sd/- Md. Amin Ullah II, S.I. I.B., Dacca.

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Back from Karachi, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared that Awami League having ideology and record of services to the suffering
people could not form a coalition with United Front.
Dacca, 6 May 1956
P.O. dt 6.5.56
MUJIB BELIES HOPE OF COALITION Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, MCA, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, who arrived here this morning from Karachi said that there was no chance of coalition with the “discredited United Front Ministry”. The Awami League Secretary alleged that the United Front Ministry had failed to solve the food problem and had created famine conditions in the Province.” The United Front Party forming a coalition with the Muslim League at the Centre and usurping power in the Province has betrayed the 21-point programme; the demand for full provincial autonomy for East Pakistan and parity in all respects, he added.
“The Awami League party having an ideology and record of services to the suffering people could not form a coalition with the United Front party” Mr. Rahman added -APP.
Side note: P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Sd/-17/5/56. DSVI

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a statement severely criticized the
government of Abu Hossain Sarker.
Dacca, 9 May 1956
Ittehad dt. 9.5.56
শেখ মুজিব্র রহমান।
বিভিন্ন ব্যাপারে সরকারী নীতির তীব্র সমালােচনা পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এম.পি. গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) সংবাদপত্রে নিমরুপ বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন:
গত রবিবার প্রধানমন্ত্রী জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকারের বাসভবনের সম্মুখে যে লজ্জাকর ঘটনা সংঘটিত হইয়াছে এবং তৎসম্পকে জনাব সরকার সংবাদপত্রে যে বিবৃতি প্রদান করিয়াছেন, প্রতি আমার দৃষ্টি আকৃষ্ট হইয়াছে। আমি বিশ্বাস করি যে, আমাদের দেশের জনগণ জনাব সরকার কর্তৃক দিনের পর দিন প্রদত্ত বহু মিথ্যা বিবৃতির সহিত ইতি পূৰ্ব্বেই পরিচিত লাভ করিয়াছেন।
ক্ষীয়মান সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠতা ও চলিশজন সঙ্গী লইয়া জনাব সরকার মন্ত্রিসভা গঠন করেন। তিনি ব্যবস্থাপক সভার অধিবেশন আজও আহ্বান করেন নাই, শাসনতন্ত্রের বিধান অগ্রাহ্য করিয়া সার্টিফিকেট দ্বারা অতিরিক্ত বাজেট পাশ করাইয়াছেন। সর্বোপরি বাৎসরিক বাজেট পাশ করাইবার জন্য মাত্র এক সপ্তাহ ধার্য করা ইহয়াছে। এক সপ্তাহের মধ্যে তিন শতাধিক পরিষদ সদস্যের দ্বারা সরকারী বার্ষিক আয় ব্যয়ের খতিয়ান আলােচনা কল্পনাতীত এবং এভাবে সদস্যদের মুখ বন্ধ করার চেষ্টা করা হইয়াছে।
দেশের খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি শুধ দ্রুত অবনতির দিকেই যাইতেছে না, ইহা বর্তমানে এক সাংঘাতিক পর্যায়ে আসিয়া পৌছিয়াছে। অনাহারে মৃত্যুর সংবাদ প্রতিদিন পাওয়া যাইতেছে, অথচ সরকারী দল এখনও আত্মসন্তুষ্টির মধ্যেই আছেন। কেন্দ্রীয় খাদ্য মন্ত্রী জনাব আব্দুল লতিফ বিশ্বাস পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তানে খাদ্য ঘাটতি নাই বলিয়া যে হাস্যাস্পদ এবং দায়িত্বজ্ঞানহীন উক্তি করিয়াছেন, তাহাতে এই আত্মসন্তুষ্টির প্রমাণ নতুন ভাবে পাওয়া যায়।
আওয়ামী লীগ খাদ্য সমস্যা সমাধান কল্পে সরকারের সহিত সহযােগিতার হস্ত প্রথম হইতেই প্রসারণ করিয়াছিল। কিন্তু জনাব সরকার তাহাতে কর্ণপাত করেন নাই।।
আমাদের প্রেসিডেন্ট মওলানা ভাসানী সরকারকে সরকার সৃষ্ট ভয়াবহ খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পকে ওয়াকিবহাল করানাের জন্য বহু চেষ্টা করেছেন। কিন্তু ক্ষমতাসীনদলের মনে রেখাপাত করিতে অসমর্থ হইয়া তিনি (জনাব মওলানা ভাসানী) সরকারের মােহ দ্রিা ভঙ্গের জন্য শেষ চেষ্টা স্বরুপ অনশন ধর্মঘট শুরু করিয়াছেন। মওলানা ভাসানীর অবস্থা উদ্বেগজনক হওয়া সত্ত্বেও জনাব সরকার এবং তাহার সাঙ্গপাঙ্গরা ইহাকে একটা খেলার জিনিস মনে করিতেছে। মওলানা সাহেব বর্তমানে মুমূর্ফ অবস্থায় আছেন। তাহার ওজন ক্রমশঃ কমিয়া যাইতেছে। তিনি যে কোন মুহুর্তে মৃত্যু মুখে পতিত হইতে পারেন। আর তখন মওলানা সাহেবের সহিত সরকার মন্ত্রিসভার কোন সম্পর্ক থাকিবে ।

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গত রবিবার জনাব সরকারের বাস ভবনের সম্মুখে সংঘটিত ঘটনা সম্পর্কে তিনি যে বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন তাহা তাঁহার অবিমৃষ্যকারিতারই পরিচয়। আমরা জানি ঐ দিন পুলিশের বেয়নেটের আঘাতে কতিপয় পরিষদ সদস্যসহ আমাদের বহু কৰ্ম্মী আহত হইয়াছে। জনাব সরকার ব্যাখ্যা করিয়া বলেন নাই যে, কিভাবে তাহার বাসভবনে তখন অধিক সংখ্যক পুলিশ আসিয়াছিল এবং কে পুলিশ সুপারকে ফোন করিয়া ঘটনাস্থলে আনয়ন করিয়াছিলেন, আমি কি জনাব সরকারকে একথা জিজ্ঞাসা করিতে পারি, তিনি নিজে কেন বাহিরে আসিয়া শােভাযাত্রাকারীদের সহিত সাক্ষাৎ দান করেন নাই? তিনি কেন পুলিশ সুপারকে আদেশ দিয়াছিলেন। শােভাযাত্রীদের জোরপূৰ্ব্বক বিদায় করিয়া দেওয়ার জন্য? জনাব সরকার যেন, দেওয়ালের লিখন। পড়িতে ভুলিয়া না যান।
আমরা যে কোন মুল্যে দেশের এই ভয়াবহ খাদ্য সংকটের মােকাবেলা হইতে সৰ্ব্বদাই প্রস্তুত থাকিব। ৫০ এর মনান্তরের পুনরাবৃত্তি হইতে দিবনা। রােম যখন পুড়িয়া যায় নিরু তখন বাশী বাজাইতেছিল কিন্তু আমরা তাহাকে বাশী বাজাইতে অনুমতি দিতে পারি না। জাতির জন্য, দেশের জন্য, আমরা আমরণ সংগ্রাম চালাইয়া যাইব। কিছুতেই প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল শক্তির নিকট নতি স্বীকার করিবনা।
Side note: On file. Sd/-DS6, 19/5

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Letter from advocate M. Masihur Rahman, Judge Court, Jessore to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman requesting to change the date of
parliamentary party meeting.
Jessore, 10 May 1956
Intelligence Branch, Lalbagh
Dacca; The 10th May 1956.
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) From (with address)
: M. Masihur Rahman B.L.
M.L.A. Pleader. Judge’s
Court, Jessore. To (with address)
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A, MCA. Secy, E.P.A.L. 56, Simpson Rd. Dacca.
Language of letter
: English
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: G.P.O., Dacca
Date of interception
: 9.5.56.
: Maung Maung A.S.I. I.B.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: No
10. Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept.
: G.O.
12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception

Page: 417
Copy/translation forwarded to
M. Masihur Rahman, MLA Jessore writes this to Sk. Mujibur Rahman requesting him to change the date of their Parliamentary party meeting from 16th to 19th instant.
Side note: Seen. Copy to PF. Sd/-14/5
Copy of an English letter Dt. 7.5.56
From : M. Masihur Rahman B.L, M.L.A. Pleader, Judge’s Court,
Jessore. To : Sk. Mujibur Rahman. M.L.A., M.C.A. Secy. East Pakistan Awami
League, 56 Simpson Road, Sadarghat, Dacca.
My dear Mujibur Rahman,
Salam Now that the Session of the Assembly has been convened to be held on the 22nd Meeting of our parliamentary party should be held on the 19th or 20th but not earlier. Because members from mofassil would not like to go so early as 16th when they have got to go again on the 22nd
I therefore suggest that the meeting of our Parliamentary should commence from the 19th or 20th and not 16th, please consult Janab Ataur Rahman Saheb and if you agree announce the date through dailies. I intend to reach Dacca by the 19th or 20th,
Hope this finds you alright.
Yours sincerely, Sd/ – M. Masihur Rahman.

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Report on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Kagmari,
Mymensingh, 10 May 1956
District Intelligence Branch, Mymensingh, the 10th May, 1956,
Memo. No. 3138(2)/83/48 B
1. Md. Yusuff., Esqr.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
M.A. Chaudhury, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref: This Office Memo. No. 3109/1(2) dated 7.5.56.
*A.L. 453 Shaikh Mujibar Rahman came to Kagmari, Tangail, on 6.5.56 morning to see A.L. 28** Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani who resorted to hunger strike and again left for Dacca in the afternoon with A.L. 28.
Sd/ -10/5/56 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Mymensingh


Letter from A. Hai Kharki of Jessore to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he discussed organizational affairs.
Jessore, 10 May 1956
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 10 h May 1956.
Memo No.

Page: 419
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
A. Hai Kharki, Jessore.
To (with address)
Shaikh Muzibar Rahman M.L.A, M.C.A. Genl. Secy. E.P. Awami League, 56 Simpson Rd. Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
G.P.O. Dacca.
Date of interception
Md. Serajul Huq S.I. I.B.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
With original
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to DS VI
A.Hai, Kharki, Jessore writes this to Sk. Mujibar Rahman requesting him to send some money and to arrange a tour programme in North Bengal immediately after Council meeting etc.
Sd/ – 10.5.56
Side note : SSII, Perusal pl. The letter has been delivered. Copy to P.E.Sd/-1415

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Kharki- Jessore.
7. 5. 56.
To Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, M.C.A. M.L.A., General Secretary, East Pakistan- Awami League, 56, Simpson Road, DACCA.
Received your telegram. Regret much for my inability to join you when you have demanded so. Maulana Bhashani is not on the right truck- he has acted unwisely and even not in consultation with you and the working committee, he has done it. I am hopeful that you would be able to terminate his fasting. I understand that Maulana Bhashani is today is the shining example of Peace- Democracy and Freedom in Pakistan and his heart burning undoubtedly with the greatest desire to serve humanity. But emotional and sentimental – The great patriot of our age is stumbling to rescue the suffering millions from destruction slavery. It is also sure that we have got a giant like you to assist Maulana in the most dark days of Pakistan. During your absence from Pakistan some other hands and forces have gained soil- in Awami politics in E.P. I am not a hypocrite what I believe. I vendicate and declare it honestly- what I profess never mind to establish it against the teeth of opposition.
At present I am at a fix — and to some extent perplexed purely for my present economic condition. I am desperately in need of money. Without which I cannot move at present since 1952. I am struggling hard to make my way — but could not make any headway because of my unyielding and unbending temperament. You also assured me of some help – that also is not coming. All the time I see money coming to Oli Ahad. I could also serve in that way. But you could not believe it and naturally I am drifting away. It is your fault not mines. I cannot move with beggar’s bowl- and cannot maintain that habit of begging money. Rather I should die of starvation and hunger. No shame to it. I am willing to join the council meeting just after EED. Please immediately send some money. This time I would like to stay either at Mustafa house or yours. Please let me know about your consent. Please make a tour programme of yours and mine in North Bengal. Don’t care for others.
N. B. Our tour is necessary and that should be done immediately after council meeting
Yours brotherly,
Sd/- A. Hai.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech before a large audience
at Dacca Paltan Maidan. In his speech he focused on food shortage, hunger and mal-administration of Abu Hossain Sarkar.
Dacca, 11 May 1956
English translation of the speech of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.P. delivered at the public meeting at Purana Paltan Maidan held on 11.5.56.
Hon’ble President and my brethren! You have heard the speeches made by my friends. I have forgotten to deliver a speech. This morning after rising from bed I noticed that Mr. Abu Hussain Sarkar has issued a statement abusing us. He has said, “How can I control flood? Can we construct a barrage in the Brahmaputra?” Prime Minister Md. Ali has said that the Awami Leaguers are shouting about famine for nothing. During 1943 – famine it was found after calculation that there was a deficit of 3 lakh tons of food grains for the whole of Bengal, and now there is deficit of 10 lakhs tons in East Bengal only. In 1943 forty three lakhs of people died and this time 60 lakhs of people would die of starvation. Those who are present here today do not know the condition now prevailing in rural areas. I recollect that the condition here is the same as I saw in Calcutta at that time. The wailings of the hungry we hear now at Dacca are the same as those heard in Calcutta in 1943. Not to speak of eating rice, fried rice or red potatoes, the rural people of East Bengal are living on leaves of the trees. For whom do we do politics? For whom have we undergone imprisonments? They voted for us for the good of the State. They pay taxes to the State. The State belongs to the people. Paltan Maidan cannot be a State nor can desert of Sahara or Bay of Bengal be a State. There can be state only in places where there is human habitation. If the people of Bengal die of starvation, we shall kick at politics, and give up membership of the Legislative Assembly and the Parliament. We want to go to jail. We demanded Autonomy because there is no alternative to save East Bengal. There was flood last year and also the year before. We shouted in vain, in the Consembly. Mr. Suhrawardy shouted there. Maulana Bhashani has now taken recourse to hunger strike. Our friends of the Govt. side foiled our demand for Autonomy in the Consembly. This is the United Front Government, whoever be at
the helm of administration of East Bengal even if it be Mr. Ataur Rahman, there is

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no way to save East Bengal. We are like soldier without arms, fighting in vain against the adversities.
The budget of East Bengal would have been much much larger if we had Autonomy. I have seen the condition of the villages. There is still 5/6 months time for the paddy harvest. But God alone knows if there would be adequate harvest in case of another flood this year. Mr. Sarkar! The flood in the Brahmaputra can be controlled if serious attempts are made to control it. Even if there be dearth of money we want that the people of our country cannot be allowed to die of starvation. Faruqui Saheb has said, “This sort of agitation by the Awami League would not be tolerated.” We have seen so many Chief Secretaries come and go. Our Paltan Maidan exists for ever. The Ministers amongst you could never have been returned in the election. They have become Ministers due to the eight years’ sacrifice of Awami League and that of Maulana Bhashani. Their charm for ministership is too great. To us the ministership and the jail are the same. Why should we oblige an officer like you? He says, “I won’t tolerate these.” Tell your Md. Ali () All these have happened because of these weak Ministers. I don’t want to say anything against the Government officers. But why the Government officers interfere with politics? Remember, this is 1956. I have seen your Abu Hussain Sarkar as well. I would request you to be careful. It is not known who becomes Minister and when. You are a permanent Govt. official and you have to serve along. I would not have said this but today I say this with deep regret, which you cannot imagine. On my return from Karachi I came to know that Maulana Bhashani had resorted to hunger strike on a demand of 50 crore of rupees for the food of the people of East Bengal. Bhashani is 70 years old. He has undergone imprisonment for long periods for the people, not for a seat in the Cabinet nor to be an M.L.A. His only sin is that he loves East Bengal and Pakistan. To atone for this sin he has been on hunger strike for the last 11 days. We don’t know what would be his condition next morning. I could not check my tears when taking Maulana Bhashani from Kagmari in a Jeep. He loves me. I have done politics standing by his side. I told Maulana that many people would die but if you die the loss of East Bengal would be so great and the people would be so much shocked that it cannot be described. You please break your hunger strike. The intelligensia and the student community will be at your back. We got him admitted in the Mitford Hospital. He passed stool at his bed to-day. He had high temperature yesterday. I don’t know if he would survive. Mr. Faruqui says, “Under

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whose permission was he admitted in the Hospital”. Mr. Faruqui! Is it anybody’s father’s Hospital? You are audacious. We know how to deal with them. Don’t get so much excited. Keep your head cool. They can be finished not by blow but my tricks. Days are numbered. Friend! I am coming to what I was saying. I got Maulana Saheb admitted in the Hospital. This information came to us and so far as I know this is correct. You will be surprised to know that Maulana Bhashani has demanded 50 crores of rupees from the Centre and not from Abu Hussain Sarkar. Bhashani has demanded introduction of rationing system in every village of East Bengal and also to give relief the poor people of East Bengal. If you get 50 crores of rupees from the Centre now you should give service to the people of East Bengal. As for you … (missing from original document due to page damage) Minister I begged for vote. Nobody heard your names since 8 years. You are the Chief Minister of East Bengal. Muslim League is in power at the Centre through your support. You had not the courtesy to
go and tell Bhashani, … (missing from original document due to page damage)
“Maulana Bhashani your demands and mine are the same. You break your hunger strike. I will get a resolution passed in the assembly demanding 50 crores of rupees from the Central Government.” He couldn’t do that. Not a single Minister visited Maulana Bhashani; but being connected with last 8 years I have seen that you Abu Hossain Sarkar and the members of your Cabinet have ………. at the doors of Maulana Bhashani in morning and evening to become his Secretary, not to speak of Chief Minister. Such is the condition of Bhashani today that he may die any day. But you Abu Hosain had not the courtesy to tell Bhashani to give up hunger strike to save the people of East Bengal. I have thought over it, what can you do? Your guardians, the Muslim Leaguers at Karachi would be annoyed with you. You are a nominated Chief Minister. You have apprehension of being dismissed. They could not keep Nazimuddin nor they could keep Md. Ali or Nurul Amin. It is a question of 2 or 4 years. You will be compelled to leave Gadi and come down to Iskaton. You will not get a place with the Muslim League. You will have to go back to Gaibandha. I would request you one thing we know. Tomorrow is the Idd. It was doubtful if we hold this meeting, but we thought for whom is the Idd. It is the Idd for the Ministers. In the Idd day, the mothers and sisters of my countrymen have no rice. People cannot celebrate the Idd. My mothers and sisters beg on the public road. Seeing big men you give alms to the poor Pakistani Citizens and the Muslim Citizens whom you have deceived saying that they are your brothers. To-day

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Bhashani has taken the course of hunger strike for these poor people. Friends! We will now pass resolutions. After the resolutions are passed we will go in procession. I shall request you to make peaceful demonstration. Mr. Ataur Rahman and myself will be there. Do not create any disturbance. We will hand over the resolutions (to the Chief Minister). If he does not fulfill them we will let you know our demands. I don’t like to see the people of East Bengal die within my views. The shed no. 20 of the Dacca Central is by far a better place than that. East Bengal is finished. There is no way to save it. People have no money. They cannot buy if rice sells at Rs.5/-. Rural people are finished due to the exploitation during the last 8 years. Whatever foreign money we earn goes to Karachi. East Bengal gets nothing. But it is said all Muslims are brethren. You take food up to your full and the people of the other side of the same state die of starvation. Friends! I would request you today to remain prepared. We won’t allow our people to die of starvation this time- we won’t. Insha Allah. I would like to convey to you on behalf of the Awami League to remain prepared. If necessary the Awami League would adopt ‘Direct Action’ programme against this Government and the Government at the Centre. We would start such great agitation that the Govt. of Md. Ali and Abu Hussain Sarkar would collapse like a house of cards. It is necessary to depend on the people. I would request you to imagine how grieved you would feel if your young son or daughter die gradually of starvation before your eyes. Those who live in a city, know it Ministries would come and go but the people must live forever. The demands of the poor must be realized whoever might come to power. I would request you to remain united. Very soon we will fix date and time and start ‘Direct Action’ at the Paltan Maidan. On that day we will tell our wives and children, “We are going to the red building (Prison), you go back to your native place.” We will not be able to see those who voted for us, die of starvation. I did not spend money to become an M.L.A. The poor people of my country not only voted for us but also helped us with money. How can I show my face to them and tell them, “You die of starvation. I am helpless.” You have not called the Assembly even for a day for the last two years. You have called the session for 8 days from 22nd to get the budget passed. It takes 8 days if 309 members speak for 5 minutes each.
You didn’t call the session so long apprehending that your Ministry would collapse. Now issuing permits to the (members). You think that you are safe. We will see to this in the Assembly. You called the Assembly only for the election of the

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speaker. We will teach you a lesson on that day (meaning 22nd May). We want two lakhs of people. We will organize everywhere. Lakhs of people will come from rural areas and wouldn’t go back without getting their food. The 80/90 Ms.L.A. of Awami League including Ataur Rahman, we will tell either save the people of East Bengal or we will go to the red building. We will proceed in a peaceful procession. Mr. Ataur Rahman will hand over the resolution to the Chief Minister and tell him that these are our resolutions. Please accept them. From there we will go to Bhashani and tell to suspend his hunger strike for a few days for the sake of the country and the people. Let us see if the Government accedes to our demands. You will join our procession to save the poor – to save Maulana Bhashani. Those who want to go, please raise their hands – workers get prepared and arrange the procession in such a way that, we like a constitutional opposition party, go peacefully maintaining law and order.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared 25th May as ‘Food Right Day’
and urged people to observe the day.
_Dacca, 16 May 1956
Sangbad dt 16.5.56
২৫শে মে খাদ্য দাবী দিবস’ পালন
শেখ মুজিবর কর্তৃক সিদ্ধান্ত
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতকাল (মঙ্গলবার) এক বিবৃতিতে বলেন, কেন্দ্রীয় ও প্রাদেশিক সরকার প্রদেশের ভয়াবহ খাদ্য পরিস্থিতির মােকাবিলা করিতে শােচনীয়রুপে ব্যর্থ হইয়াছেন। প্রাদেশিক সরকার পরিস্থিতির গুরুত্ব সম্পর্কে সম্পূর্ণ উদাসীন রহিয়াছেন এবং স্বীয় দলের ক্ষমতা নিরঙ্কুশ রাখিবার জন্য রাজনৈতিক কার্যকলাপের তীব্রতা বৃদ্ধি ব্যতীত এ যাবত অন্য কিছুই করেন নাই। এ ব্যাপারে আমাদের পৌনঃ পৌনিক আবেদন এবং দাবীও ব্যর্থ হইয়াছে। গত দু’বৎসর যাবত যে বন্যার তান্ডবে প্রদেশবাসী অবর্ণনীয় দুঃখ দুর্দশা ভােগ করিয়াছে এবারও তাহার পুনরাবৃত্তির সুস্পষ্ট লক্ষণ সুচিত হইয়াছে। এই সম্ভাব্য বিপত্তির ক্ষয়ক্ষতির পরিমাণ কল্পনাতীত।

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এঈ সকল অবস্থা বিবেচনা করিয়া আমরা আগামী ২৫শে মে (শুক্রবার) দেশব্যাপী ‘খাদ্য দাবী দিবস’ উদযাপনের সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করিয়াছি। উক্ত দিবসে অনশনক্লিষ্ট অযুত জনতার নিকট অবিলম্বে খাদ্যদ্রব্য সরবরাহের এবং অনশন ধর্মঘটরত মাওলানা ভাসানীর দাবী সমূহ আদায়ের উদ্দেশ্যে দেশের সর্বত্র জনসভা ও বিক্ষোভের অনুষ্ঠান করা হবে।
এঈ দাবী দিবস যথাযােগ্যভাবে পালনের জন্য আমি সৰ্বসাধারণের নিকট আবেদন জানাইতেছি যথাসময়ে এ সম্পর্কিত বিস্তারিত কর্মসূচী প্রকাশ করা হবে ।
Side note: D.S.I. may pl see. Z. Agent dealing officers & Zonal staff may pl mote & report. Sd/-21/5
D.S.VI, Seen. All Zonal S.Is will please note. Seen. Sd/-2275

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Ittehad dt 16.5.56,
সমাধানে কেন্দ্রীয় ও প্রাদেশিক সরকারের চরম ব্যর্থতা
শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কর্তৃক তীব্র সমালােচনা
পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের বর্তমান খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি আলােচনা করিয়া আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতকল্য (মঙ্গলবার) এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে বলেন যে, পূর্ব পাকিস্তান বর্তমানে এক দারুণ খাদ্য সংকটের সম্মুখীন হইয়াছে এবং কেন্দ্রীয় ও প্রাদেশিক সরকার সমস্যা সমাধানে সম্পূর্ণ ব্যর্থ হইয়াছেন। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান সরকার ইহাকে উপেক্ষা করিয়াছেন এবং ইহার গুরুত্বকে ঔদাসীন সহকারে বিবেচনা করিয়াছেন। প্রকৃত প্রস্তাবে তাঁহারা ক্ষমতাসীন থাকার জন্য স্বজনপ্রীতি ও দলীয় রাজনীতির উত্তেজনা বৃদ্ধি ব্যতীত আর কিছুই করেন নাই।
তিনি বলেন যে, তাঁহাদের আন্তরিক দাবী ও অনুরােধ সম্পূর্ণ ব্যর্থতায় পর্যবসিত হইয়াছে।
যে বন্যা গত দুইবৎসর পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে বিধ্বস্ত করিয়াছে উহা পুনর্বার আরম্ভ হইয়াছে এবং পূৰ্ব্বাপেক্ষা অধিকতর সস্কার সুচনা করিয়াছে।।
জনাব মুজিবর রহমান বলেন যে, আমাদের উপর যে বিপদ নামিয়া আসিতেছে উহা অচিন্তনীয়।
উপরিউক্ত ঘটনার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে আমরা আগামী ২৫শে মে খাদ্য দাবী দিবস প্রতিপালনের সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করিয়াছি। উক্ত দিবসে প্রদেশের সর্বত্র বিক্ষোভ প্রদর্শন করা হইবে এবং জনসভার মাধ্যমে লক্ষ লক্ষ বুভূক্ষ্ম জনতার জন্য অবিলম্বে খাদ্যের ব্যবস্থা ও অনশন ধর্মঘটরত মওলানা ভাসানীর দাবীসমূহ মানিয়া লওয়ার জন্য সরকারের নিকট দাবী জানান হইবে। দাবী দিবসকে সাফল্যমন্ডিত করিবার জন্য তিনি সকলের নিকট আবেদন জানাইয়াছেন। দাবী দিবসের কর্মসূচী সম্পকে বিস্তারিত সংবাদ যথা সময়ে জানান হইবে।
Side note: On file pl. Sd/-1975, for DS VI

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke at Awami League and Youth League organized meeting in Chittagong Laldighi Maidan where he explained the food situation, imminent famine and demanded
full rationing
Chittagong, 16 May 1956
Page No. 246-245 of file No.13-54 (Ctg.).
1. Date and time: 16.5.56 from 16.30 hours to 18.30 hours. 2. Place : Laldighi Maidan, Chittagong town. 3. Organiser : Awami League & Youth League, Chittagong.
A.L. Flag.
6. 7. 8.
Slogan Audience President Speakers
: “eings Bday DTE, TKO Gstarfare or ” : About 5000 (about 20% non Muslims). : M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Dist. Awami League, Chittagong.
(1) Muzaffar Ahmad (M.P.), President, D.A.L., Chittagong.
(5) Sk. Mazibur Rahman, Secretary, Provincial A.L., East Pak. 9. Gist of the speeches.
Sk. Mozibur Rahman enumerated the causes of the present famine condition and poverty of the people of East Pakistan for which he held the Central Ministry entirely responsible. He alleged that there was absolutely an unequal distribution of foreign exchange earnings and disparity in the Central and Defence services between the two wings of Pakistan. Quoting the facts in support of this statement he told the audience that out of 65% foreign exchange earnings of East Pakistan 55% is spent for West Pakistan. Only 10% of it is spent for East Pakistan though 55% people live in East Pakistan. He placed before the audience an appealing picture of the impending famine by quoting data of our requirements and resources to meet the food situation. During his last itinerary of the foreign countries he, in nowhere, found that people could starve for shortage of food without any resistance. He

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warned the Sarkar Ministry that the A.L. did not crave for Ministry, but they would not allow the people to die without food against any eventuality. They reminded the Ministry that no amount of bullets can stop them to resist their movement. He rather sarcastically remarked that by going to jail people would at least get food and other necessaries. He also encouraged the people not to be afraid of resorting to any movement for their food and join the A.L. by thousands in launching this movement and he was always prepared to go to the Jail. How could the people have confidence in the Ministry who always tell lies. He quoted in this connection the statement of the Chief Minister, East Pak, after his recent visit and talk with Moulana Bhasani. According to democratic principles, the Ministry should have resigned after their failure to cope with the food situation. But they are too shameless to leave their power. Referring to Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq, he said that as he had become Governor he had nothing to say. He added that the no-confidence motion brought against him was justified. If the present policy of the Govt. continued, East Pakistan would be turned to a grave-yard. He asked the people to inform the A.L. about the food situation in the villages and the corruption which are prevalent in the Province, so that they could place the facts in the Assembly which is going to be held on 22.5.56 and fight. He pointed that in 1943 famine 40 lacs of people died on account of shortage of 4 lacs of tons of food. But this time there is a shortage of 10 lacs tons of food. Out of this 10 lacs tons of shortage we are getting 1 lac 55 thousand tons from America and 15 thousand tons from India. They are waiting to see how the Govt. was going to meet the deficit. He said that if the food situation further deteriorates he, as Genl. Secy of the Provincial A.L. asked the Govt. to note that the A.L. would launch active direct action all over the Province. Lastly M.A. Aziz complained that the recent seizure of rice by the police at Chittagong town and its suberb ahas worsened the situation, as a result 50% people are not getting rice even by paying high prices.
Resolutions were passed demanding immediate fulfillment of the demand of Moulana Bhasani for which he resorted to hunger strike, full regional autonomy and the release of the prisoners.
The audience were very much impressed with the speech of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and appreciated the move taken by A.L.
After the meeting was over M.A. Aziz led a procession of about 500 people from the Laldighi Maidan. They paraded the streets of the town shouting slogan demanding rice at cheaper rate or resignation of the Ministry, introduction of full rationing, fulfillment of Moulana Bhasani’s demand and the release of the political

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prisoners etc. The processionists also went to the D.M.’s Bungalow and waited there for some time to see the District Magistrate. When they came to know that the District Magistrate was out they left the place. The processionists dispersed at A.L. Office, Anderkilla, Chittagong.
The meeting and procession was peaceful.
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 17th May, 1956.
No. 4104/104-49.
Copy forwarded to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca for information. Two Govt. Bengali Reporters took long hand notes of the proceedings of the meeting.
Sd/for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
P.O. dt. 1 7.5.56
“DIRECT ACTION” FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT CHITTAGONG, May 16:-A hunger-march participated by about 10,000 people paraded the streets of Chittagong this evening. Processionists shouted slogans demanding free distribution of rice to destitutes and district wide rationing.
Earlier, a public meeting sponsored by Food Crisis Resistance Committee and Awami League was held this afternoon demanding immediate solution of food crisis, which the meeting described as appalling throughout the province.
The meeting, presided over by A. Aziz, Secretary, Awami League, blamed both Central and Provincial Government for bungling with food.
Addressing the meeting, East Pakistan Awami League Secretary, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman revealed that his party would soon declare “Direct Action” if crisis continued. He added that his party would table adjournment motion wh Pakistan assembly sits on May 22.
The meeting passed resolution urging upon Government to accede to Maulana Bhasanis demands
Side note: On file, Sd/ – for DSVI, 1975

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Page No. 528 of file No.13-54 (Chittagong).
Extract from A/I No. 20 for the week ending 19.5.56.
Political activities. (c) Others.
945. Chittagong :
On 16th May, a public meeting (5,000) under the aegis of the A.L. and the YL, was held at Laldighi Maidan, Chittagong with M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District A.L., in the chair. Besides the president, Muzaffar Ahmad (MP), Ashabuddin (Para 326), MLA, Chittagong (AL), Abul Masud Chaudhuri (Ex.

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Security Prisoner), Maulvi Zahiruddin Ahmad (MP) of Dacca, and Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para 530), General Secretary, A.L., East Pakistan, delivered speeches in the meeting, dwelling on the food crisis in East Pakistan and condemned the food policy of the Government. They alleged that due to inefficiency and lack of foresight of the Government the food situation of the province had become acute. They condemned the export of rice by the Government in spite of timely warnings of the opposition parties. They vehemently criticised the statement of the Central Food Minister and the provincial authorities on the present food position of the province. They narrated the merits of regional autonomy, causes of famine and recurrence of flood and economic crisis in East Pakistan. They criticised unequal distribution of foreign exchange earnings and disparity in the Central Government Services and Central Superior Service between East and West Pakistan.
Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Lalbagh
Dated Dacca, the 22nd May, 1956.
No. 7131/606-48 P.F.
A. Majid, Esq., CSP., Secy, to the Government of East Pakistan, Home Department, Dacca.
I am enclosing herewith a copy of the English translation of the speech delivered by Mr. Mujibar Rahman, M.L.A. at a meeting held at Paltan Maidan on 11.5.56. The speaker levelled some allegations against the Chief Secy. which had no basis. He also indirectly accused the Chief Secy. of using his influence to help the party in power. The relevant portion of the speech has already been brought to the notice of the Chief Secy. who wanted to see an English translation of the same.
(K. A. Huque) Dy. Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan,

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Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other leaders.
Dacca, 19 May 1956
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B. for the week ending 19.5.56.
Abstract Intelligence No.51 dated 17.12.56 received on 19.5.56.
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B. for the week ending 19.5.56.
PART-1. (Movement of suspects) 1. A.L. 226 : Trailakshya Nath Chakrabartti arrived Dacca by train from
Mymensingh on 16.5.56. 2. A.L.753 : Maulana Shamsul Huda of Gafurgan, Mymensingh arrived
Dacca by train on 17.5.56. 3. A.L. 740 : Sudhanshu Mohan Shaha of Mymensingh arrived Dacca by train
from Mymensingh on 18.5.56. 4. A.L. 211 : Binod Chakrabartti arrived Dacca by train from Mymensingh on
18.5.56. 5. A.L. 249 : Dabiruddin Ahmad of Nilfamari arrived Dacca by train on
15.5.56. 6. A.L.413 Ghulam Azam arrived Dacca from Mymensingh by train on
16.5.56. 7. A.L.768 : Ashutosh Singh arrived Dacca by train from Chittagong on
20.5.56. 8. A.L. 254 : Basanta Kumar Das arrived Tejgaon Airport by Indian Airline on
19.5.56. 9. A.L. 543 : Shaikh Mujibur Rahman left Dacca for Chittagong by train on
15.5.56 and returned to Dacca by train on 17.5.56. 10. A.L. Monoranjan Dhar arrived Dacca by train from Mymensingh on 18.5.56.
Sd/for D.S.VI. 28/5/56.
Sd/- A.Hafiz.
Sd/- A.U.Muhammad

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Watch report on Awami League office, 56 Simpson Road, Dacca.
Dacca, 23 May 1956
CIR dt. 22.5.56.
Hours of duty 11.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs.
Place of duty at 56 Simpson Road AML Office. Purpose of duty-suspects & suspicious persons.
Result of watch.
I was on secret watch duty at the above mentioned place time noted above. The following persons were seen to inside the said office time noted against there names.
11.05 hrs.
1) Abdur Rashed Tarkobagish. 2) Sk. Mazibur Rahman
Jahed Uddin
4) Shudangsu Bimal datta.
5) Prosannh Kanti Roy.(Ex-Sec Pr.)
13.00 13.05 “
6) Wali Ahad.
At 17.00 hrs I was relieved by A.S.I. Abdul Samad and told him accordingly.
Submitted, W/C Sd/- Md. Sabdar Ali.
Side note: DS.II. S No. 4&5 were released on 22-5-56 morning from DC Jail. They visited A.L.
office and met with Wali Ahad as is seen from the report. Extract may go in P.F. of the subject. Sd/- A. Razzak, O/C, 23.5.56. As proposed. DS VI may pl. see Sd/-23-5-56.

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Report of General Secretary, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on struggles of AL, maladministration of ML, people’s sufferings
from starvation, flood and natural calamities, political crisis, economic disaster, deprivation of rights etc. on the occassion of
Awami League Council Session.
Dacca, 25 May 1956
Natun Din (Weekly) dt. 25.5.56
সংগ্রাম ও সংগঠন প্রসংগে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগ কাউন্সিল অধিবেশনে সাধারণ সম্পাদকের রিপাের্ট
N. Dih 25/5 আপনারা আমার আন্তরিক অভিবাদন গ্রহণ করুন। আজ এক দুর্যোগময় মুহূর্তে আমাদের এই মহতী কাউন্সিল অধিবেশন বসিয়াছে। সমস্ত প্রকার দুর্যোগের মােকাবেলা করিয়াই জন্মের মুহূর্ত হইতে আওয়ামী লীগ বর্তমান মুহূর্ত পর্যন্ত শুধু বাচিয়াই থাকে নাই, উহার বিরামহীন সংগ্রামের মধ্য দিয়া এ-দেশবাসীর হৃদয়ে বাঁচিয়া থাকিবার অধিকারও অর্জন করিয়াছে। আমি জানি, মানুষের সুখ – দুঃখ, হাসি-কান্না, ব্যথা-বেদনা, অভাব-অভিযােগ, স্বাস্থ্য-শিক্ষা-সংস্কৃতি, ব্যক্তি ও রাষ্ট্রীয় নিরাপত্তার যে দুর্বার আন্দোলন ও সংগ্রামের মধ্য দিয়া আওয়ামী লীগ স্বকীয়তা ও স্বাধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠিত করিয়াছে; উহা আওয়ামী লীগের নেতা ও প্রত্যেক কর্মীকে আজ উদ্বুদ্ধ এবং সংগ্রাম-দৃঢ় করিয়াই রাখে নাইভবিষ্যতের জন্য সংগ্রাম-শপথে লৌহ-কঠিন করিয়া তুলিয়াছে। আমরা সকলেই একমত যে, জীবনের অপর নাম সংগ্রাম। এই জীবনসংগ্রাম সামাজিক সাফল্যে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হইতে পারে। আওয়ামী লীগের কর্মী হিসাবে আমাদের এই পুঞ্জীভূত অভিজ্ঞতা শুধু আমাদের সাংগঠনিক জীবনেই নহে, আমাদের সামাজিক জীবনেও বিপ্লব সৃষ্টি করিবে। কিন্তু সংগ্রামীর প্রধান কাজ হইল সংগ্রামের গােড়ার কথা, মানুষের সমস্যা, উহার পরিবেশ এবং সমাধানের বলিষ্ঠ পথের সন্ধান ও উহার রুপায়ণ। আজ প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ, দুর্ভিক্ষ, আর্থিক বিপর্যয়, ক্ষমতাসীন চক্রের স্বৈরাচার ও শােষণ আমাদের সমাজ এবং রাষ্ট্রকে কোন পথে লইয়া যাইতেছে, আমাদের প্রত্যেকেরই অখন্ড চিন্তা ও খােলা দৃষ্টি নিয়া উহার বিচার করা উচিত। বন্যার যে দুন্দুভী পূর্ব-পাকিস্তানের বিভিন্ন যায়গায় বাজিয়া উঠিয়াছে ইহা পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীদের জীবনে নূতন নয়। কিন্তু বিজ্ঞান-সমৃদ্ধ ও সম্পদ-বলিষ্ঠ মানুষ অসহায়ের মত আজও প্রকৃতির রুদ্র পীড়ন সহ্য করিবে কিনা ইহাই হইল সব চেয়ে বড় সওয়াল। হােয়াং হাে নদীর

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প্লাবন ট্যানিসিভ্যালির তান্ডব ও দানিয়ুবের দুর্মদতাকে বসে আনিয়া যদি মানুষ জীবনের সুখ-সমৃদ্ধির পথ রচনা করিতে পারে তবে পদ্মা-মেঘনা-যমুনার মত শান্ত নদীকে আয়ত্ব করিয়া আমরা কেন বন্যার অভিশাপ হইতে মুক্ত হইব না? আজ গদীনশীন যুক্তফ্রন্ট সরকার এবং কেন্দ্রের মুসলিম লীগ যুক্তফ্রন্ট’ আতাতকে জিজ্ঞাসা করিতে হইবে, কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের স্বীকৃতি অনুসারে বন্যার ফলে পূর্বপাকিস্তানে ৫ শত কোটি টাকা ক্ষয়ক্ষতির পরও পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে বন্যা নিরােধের জন্য তাঁহারা কি করিয়াছেন? আমি জানি, তাঁহাদের নিকট এই সওয়াল তুলিয়া লাভ নাই। যাঁহারা চক্রান্ত এবং বিশ্বাস ঘাতকতার বাঁকা পথ ধরিয়া ক্ষমতা দখল করিয়াছেন তাঁহারা নিজেদের ছাড়া অন্যের কথা কল্পনা করিতে পারেন না। কেন্দ্রীয় ও প্রাদেশিক সরকারের এই আত্মচিন্তাকে চুরমার করিয়া গণমুখিনতার প্লাবনকে আমন্ত্রণ জানাইতে পারিলে আমরা শুধু বন্যাই নহে, সকল সমস্যারই সমাধান করিতে পারিব। কিন্তু আমাদের এই চিন্তা তখনই সাফল্যমন্ডিত হইবে যখন এই চিন্তার পরিপন্থী প্রাদেশিক ও কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারকে তাহাদের গণবিরােধী কার্যকলাপের জন্য উৎখাত করিতে পারি।
বন্যার প্রশ্নকে পিছনে রাখিয়া দুর্ভিক্ষের প্রশ্নকে টানিয়া আনিলেও কেন্দ্রীয় এবং প্রাদেশিক সরকার সমূহের গণদুশমনি আরও পরিস্কার হইয়া উঠে। এই কথা আজ অনস্বীকার্য যে, পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের ৬০ হাজার গ্রামের শতকরা ৯৫ জন লােকই অনাহার ও অর্ধাহারে মুত্যুর প্রতীক্ষায়। আছে। সহায়-সম্বলহীন মানুষের এই অনিবার্য মৃত্যুকে রােধ করিবার কি ব্যবস্থা এ পর্যন্ত প্রাদেশিক ও কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার করিয়াছেন? চোরাকারবারী আর সমাজবিরােধীদের গভীর ষড়যন্ত্রের ফলে বুভুক্ষু মানুষের মুখের অন্ন যখন গগন-স্পর্শী মুল্যে বিক্রয় হইতেছে তখন উহাকে মানুষের মুখে তুলিয়া দিবার জন্য সরকার কি ব্যবস্থা করিয়াছেন? টেস্ট রিলিফ, বিনা মুল্যে ও স্বল্প মুল্যে চাউল বিতরণের কথা ছাড়া এই পর্যন্ত এই সম্পর্কে সরকার কি কার্যকরী ব্যবস্থা করিয়াছেন? আমরা জানিতে চাই, রুগীর মৃত্যুর পর ডাক্তার ডাকিবার নীতি গ্রহণ করিয়া স্বেচ্ছাকৃত ভাবে সরকার এই দেশকে উজাড় করিতে চান কিনা? আমি হুশিয়ার করিয়া দিয়া বলিতে চাই, এই দেশের মানুষের অস্থি দধীচির অস্থির চেয়েও দাহ্য। ইহা যে আগুন জালাইবে তাহা সরকারকে জ্বালাইয়াই ক্ষান্ত হইবে না, সমস্ত প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল শক্তিকেও নিপাত করিয়া দিবে। মৃত্যুপথযাত্রী গ্রামবাসীর কথা বাদ দিয়া শহরের কথা ধরিলেও এই একই ছবি ফুটিয়া উঠে। ভিক্ষুকের মিছিল, বেকার আর অল্প আয়ের লােকদের অনাহার আর অসহায়তা আজ শাহরের বাতাসকে বিষাক্ত করিয়া তুলিয়াছে। সরকারের জানা দরকার খাদ্যের সন্ধানে ভূকা মানুষের মিছিল বিশৃংখলা সৃষ্টিকারীর আবিস্কার বা গােপন প্রমাণ আবিস্কারের হুমকীতে থামিবে না। গােলাগুলিও ইহাকে থামাইতে পারিবে না। একমাত্র খাদ্যই ইহাকে থামাইতে পারিবে। কিন্তু আমরা জানিতে চাই, খাদ্য-সংকট সম্পর্কে মওলানা ভাসানীর পুনঃ পুনঃ সতর্কবাণী উচ্চারণ, গত সেপ্টেম্বরের খাদ্য-আন্দোলন ও ফেব্রুয়ারীতে উদ্বেগজনক খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীর হুশিয়ারী পর প্রাদেশিক এবং কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পকে কি করিয়াছেন ? সেই দিন এই হুশিয়ারীকে গ্রহণ করিলে অনশন ক্লীষ্ট মানুষের মুখে একমুঠা অন্ন তুলিয়া দিবার জন্য গণদরদী বৃদ্ধ নেতা মওলানা ভাসানীকে জীবনের তােয়াক্কা না

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করিয়া ৫০ কোটি টাকার দাবীতে অনশন ধর্মঘট করিতে হইত না। অগণিত মানুষের ক্ষুধার ফরিয়াদ, কর্তা ব্যক্তিদের কানে পৌছাইবার জন্য ভাসানীর অনশন আর ভূকা মিছিলের প্রয়ােজন হইত না। ১০ লক্ষ টন খাদ্য ঘাটতির মুখে আজ সরকারকে বিব্রত বােধ করিয়া মানুষকে আত্মহত্যা আর মুত্যুর মুখে ঠেলিয়া দিতে হইত না। সরকারের চাউল -কেলেংকারী, অথবতা, ক্ষমতা-গৃধুতা – সর্বোপরি ঔদাসীন্য আজ মানুষকে এই সর্বনাসের মুখে ঠেলিয়া দিয়াছে। তাহাদের এই অবস্থাই আমাদের শাসন-ব্যবস্থাকে শিথিল করিয়া দিয়াছে। আমাদের অর্থনৈতিক কাঠামােকে ভাংগিয়া সামাজিক জীবনে বিশৃংখলা সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে। আজ পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে গদীনশীল ব্যক্তিরা যে শুধু তাহাদের কর্তব্য সম্পর্কে অজ্ঞ এমনই নহে, গদীর তথাকথিত মালিক কেন্দ্রের প্রভূদের খেয়ালখুশির মাসুল জোগাইতে আজ তাহারা নিবেদিত প্রাণ। তাহাদের এই অবস্থা শুধু আমাদের দেশে বন্যার অভিশাপ দুর্ভিক্ষের হাহাকার শাসন-ব্যবস্থায় শৈথিল্য, রাজনৈতিক সংকট, আর্থিক বিপর্যয়কেই ডাকিয়া আনে নাই, আমাদের ভবিষ্যৎকেও গােলামীর জিঞ্জিরে আর শােষণের জাতাকলে বাঁধিয়া দিয়াছে। গঠনতন্ত্র প্রণয়ন কালে তাহাদের এই মনােভাব একান্ত ভাবে পরিস্ফুট হইয়া উঠে।
দেশের ঐক্যবদ্ধ প্রতিরােধ, গণ-পরিষদের পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অধিকাংশ সদস্যের মতামত-এমন কি ক্ষমতাসীন চক্র “যুক্তফ্রন্ট” দলের পরিষদ সদস্যের সুপারিশকে পদদলিত করিয়া আঞ্চলিক স্বায়ত্বশাসনসহ পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের ন্যায়সংগত দাবীসমূহকে কেন্দ্রের প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল কোটারীর হাতে তুলিয়া দিয়া তাহারা পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের ভরাডুবি করিয়াছে। এই ভরাডুবিকে লােক চক্রের সামনে লুকাইয়া রাখিবার জন্যই ইসলামের গালভরা-বুলি আর জাতীয় অর্থনৈতিক কাউন্সিলের অবতারণা করা হইয়াছিল।
খােদার দরগায় হাজার শােকরিয়া যে, এই অল্প সময়ের মধ্যেই শাষকদের সেই ধােকা সাধারণ -মানুষের নিকট পরিস্কার হইয়া গিয়াছে। আওয়ামী লীগ দল তথাকথিত ইসলামিক গঠনতন্ত্রের বিরােধিতা করিতে গিয়া গণপরিষদে দৃঢ় কণ্ঠে ঘােষণা করিয়াছিল যে, এই দেশের শতকরা ৮০ জন বাসিন্দা যেখানে মুসলমান এবং ইসলামের আদর্শ দ্বারা উদ্বুদ্ধ সেখানে আমাদের গঠনতন্ত্রকে ইসলামিক লেবাস পরাইবার পিছনে শাসকদের কোন সদিচ্ছা নাই, ইহার পিছনে আছে কেবল গভীর মতলব। শাসকরা জানিত, তাহারা সাধারণ মানুষকে রুটি-রুজি, স্বাস্থ্য-শিক্ষা উন্নত জীবনের কোন প্রতিশ্রুতি দিতে পারিবে না। তাহারা জানিত, ইসলামের মহান আদর্শ মানুষকে এই সকল অধিকার দিলেও তাহাদের রচিত গঠনতন্ত্র এই সকল অধিকার দিতে পারিবে না। তাই তাহারা জীবন ও মানবধর্মী ইসলামকে এজিদের সৃষ্টি সুলতানিয়াতের লেবাস পরাইয়া মানুষকে অধিকার-বঞ্চিত করিবার মতলবে অনৈসলামিক গঠনতন্ত্রে “ইসলামিক” শব্দ জুড়িয়া দিয়াছে।
Side note: On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/ -30/5, DS6

Page: 440


Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of AL in
response to imposing 144 Cr. PC at Dacca city.
Dacca, 3 June 1956
Ittehad dt. 3.6.56
ঢাকায় ১৪৪ ধারা জারী প্রসঙ্গ
উদ্দেশ্য সম্পর্কে জনাব মুজিবরের বিবৃত্তি পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি প্রদান করেন।
বিবৃতিতে তিনি বলেন : সাত বৎসর যাবৎ মুসলিম লীগ পরিস্থিতি এবং বর্তমান রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে আলােচনার জন্য ১লা জুন জনসভা অনুষ্ঠানের কথা ঘােষণা করার পর মওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খান ভাসানীর সহিত সাক্ষাৎ করার জন্য জনাব আতাউর রহমান এবং আরও কয়েক জন সহ আমি কাগমারী গমণ করি এবং গতকল্য রাত্রি ৯টায় রাজধানীতে প্রত্যাবর্তনের পর এখানে এক মাসের জন্য ১৪৪ ধারা জারি করা হইয়াছে শুনিয়া আমি বিস্মিত হইয়াছি। স্পষ্টতঃ খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে আলােচনা বন্ধ করার জন্যই ১৪৪ ধারা জারি করা হইয়াছে। সরকারী ইশতেহারে খাদ্য সমস্যা সম্পর্কে যে পরােক্ষ উল্লেখ রহিয়াছে, তাহা হইতে কেন্দ্রের ‘যুক্তফ্রন্ট’ মুসলিম লীগ কোয়ালিশন সরকারের মনােভাব পরিস্কার হইয়া উঠিয়াছে। বর্তমানে এই কোয়ালিশন সরকার শাসনতন্ত্রের ১৯৩ ধারা অনুযায়ী প্রদেশে শাসনকার্য পরিচালনা করিতেছেন।
“এইভাবে জাতীর কণ্ঠরােধ করিয়া যুক্তফ্রন্ট মুসলিম লীগ সরকার নিজেদের দুষ্কর্মের প্রায়শ্চিত্ত নিজেরাই ডাকিয়া আনিতেছেন। পাকিস্তান প্রতিষ্ঠার পর সরকার এখানে অনুরূপ কাজই করে এবং ইহাতেই তাহারা ধ্বংস হইয়া যায়। আজ ক্ষমতাসীন কোটারীর পক্ষে এ কথা মনে করা সহজ যে, কোনরুপ শঙ্কা ব্যতিরেকে জনগণের উপর উৎপীড়ন অত্যাচার ও দমননীতি চালান যায় এবং তাহাদের কণ্ঠরােধও করা যায়। কিন্তু জনগণ একদিন তাহাদের বিরুদ্ধে রুখিয়া দাড়াইবেন। তখন তাহাদিগকে পথে দাড়াইতে হইবে। “বুরােক্রেসির চিরাচরিত প্রথা অনুযায়ী কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার রাজনীতি ও রাজনীতিকদের ক্রটি ধরিতে শুরু করিয়াছেন। কিন্তু শুধু রাজনীতিকগণই দেশকে বাঁচাইতে পারেন আমলা তন্ত্র নহে। কারণ আমলাতন্ত্রের শাসনকর্তাগণ জনগণের দুঃখ কষ্ট এবং তাহাদের মনােভাব কখনই বুঝিতে পারেন না।
“আওয়ামী লীগ নেতৃবৃন্দ গত সেপ্টেম্বর মাস হইতে খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে সতর্কবাণী উচ্চারণ করিয়া আসিতেছেন। কিন্তু যুক্তফ্রন্ট সরকার সেদিকে কর্ণপাত করেন নাই। এখন তাহারা স্বীকার করিয়াছেন যে, প্রদেশে ১০ লক্ষ টন খাদ্য ঘাটতি রহিয়াছে। এখন চারদিক হইতে অনাহার এবং অনাহারে মৃত্যুর খবর আসিতে দেখিয়া তাহারা বিভিন্ন দেশ হইতে খাদ্য সংগ্রাহের চেষ্টা করিতেছেন। খাদ্য আসিয়া পৌছিলেও পরিস্থিতি ক্রমেই খারাপের দিকে যাইতেছে। অথচ জনগণকে তাহাদের দাবী উত্থাপনের সুযােগ দেওয়া হইতেছে না।

Page: 441
“১লা জুন যে জনসভা অনুষ্ঠানের কথা ছিল, তাহা আমি স্থগিত রাখিয়াছি এবং যে পরিস্থিতির উদ্ভব হইয়াছে তৎসম্পকে আলােচনার জন্য আমি শীঘ্রই ওয়ার্কিং কমিটির বৈঠক আহ্বান করিব। কারণ এখন এমন এক সময় উপস্থিত হইয়াছে যখন লক্ষ লক্ষ দুঃস্থ জনসাধারণের জীবন রক্ষার জন্য আমাদিগকে অবশ্যই কাজ করিতে হইবে”। Side note: On the P.F. ofSk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/-5.6 DS6

Page: 442


East Pakistan Youth League ovserved Nazrul Joyanti at Dacca Bar Library Hall. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Khan Bahadur Abdur Rahman Khan, Principal Jagannath College and others delivered speeches on the occasion. They also spoke on the premature death
of Imadullah, General Secretary, EPYL.
Dacca, 4 June 1956
Origl. in file no. 123-51 GI. D.S.I/Zonal Inspr
East Pakistan Youth League observed Nazrul Jayanti at the local Bar Library Hall between 20.00 hrs and 23.15 hrs on 2.6.56 with Khan Bahadur1 Abdur Rahman Khan, Principal, Jagannath College in the chair. About 150 persons attended the function in which the mother of late Imadulla and his widow wife were the chief guests. The following persons spoke in the meeting on the life of Rebel Poet Nazrul Islam. They also gave out that the young men of this country got inspiration from the writings of the Poet. 1) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.P., M.L.A. (AL). 2) Zahuruddin Ahmad- Advocate. 3) Professor Rafiqul Islam. 4) Shahid Saber. 5) Qamruzzaman, M.L.A., President, E.P.Y.L.
All the above speakers also discussed the various aspects of the life of late Imadulla, the General Secy. of E.P.Y.L. They also stated that though the great patriot was no more with them, but his past activities would ever inspire them. The meeting condoled on the immature death of late Imadullah.
After the meeting was over, a varity entertainments were performed by the members of the Y.L. of whom the following were known. 1) Nurul Islam, Y.L. 2) Gulam Mortaza (Pakistan Gana Natya Sangha) 3) Bipul Das Gupta -do-.
Sudmitted, Sd/- Md. Ishaque, S.I.
1. Khan Bahadur – A compound of Khan (leader) and Bahadur (brave) was a formal title of respect and honour, which was conferred exclusively on Muslim subjects of the British Indian Empire. It was a title one degree higher than the title of Khan Sahib.

Page: 443
Side note:
Submitted. 1) The information appeared in the Daily Sangbad and Millat, but not in details. 2) Copy of the report may be placed in YL file and D.F. 3) Extracts to P. Fs. Concerned. Sd/-Z.Inspr. 4.6.56. Submitted. Copy to Y.L. file and exts. to and relevant P.Fs. Sd/- Inspr. I.B. 4.6. Sd/A.M.M.A. Rahman 4.6.56.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Mawlana Bhasani at Santosh, Kagmari, Tangail along with Ataur Rahman Khan.
Mymensingh, 6 June 1956 Secret
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 7th June, 1956.
No. 3668(2)/11-56(x)
To 1. Md. Yusuff, Esqr.,
Special Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., E.P., Dacca. 2. M.A. Choudhury, Esqr.,
Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
I write to inform you that * AL/543 Mujibur Rahman Shaikh, accompanied by Ataur Rahman Khan, Vice President, E.P.A.L. arrived at Santosh (Kagmari) on 30.5.56. at 18.45 hours by a Jeep and halted at Santosh with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani. They left Santosh on 31.5.56 at 09.30 hours by the same Jeep via Mirzapur.
Sd/-6.6.56 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh. Side note: DS6. Please see. Sd/ -11.6.56

Page: 444


Letter of M.A. Masud Chaudhuri, Assistant Secretary, District Awami League, Chittagong to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman informing formation of Patiya Thana Food Committee.
Chittagong, 11 June 1956
District Intelligence Branch
The 11th June 1956.
Memo No. 4774 (2)/102-49 Int.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: M.A. Masud Chaudhuri, Asstt.
Secy., Dist. Awami League, Chittagong Sk. Mujibur Rahman, M.L.A., 56, Simpson Road, Saderghat, Dacca
To (with address)
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Patiya 6. Post Office of interception : Chittagong R.M.S.Office. 7. Date of interception
: 5.6.56 8. Name of Officer who can prove : A.S.I. Abul Hashem Howlader
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : Not. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or: Copy kept.
not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception

Page: 445
Copy / translation forwarded to 1) A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca for
information. 2) M.A. Chaudhuri, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/-9.6 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copies may be sent to I.B. and D.I.B., Dacca for information. Zonal D.I.O., Patiya to report about the personnel with full particulars of Food Committee formed at Patiya and its day to day activities. Other Zonal D.I.Os. should report if such Food Committees have been formed by A.L. in there respective Zones. S.W.R.
Sd/- M. Yunus, 7.6.56.
D.I.O.(I), Chittagong. 1. S.P. may please see the intercept. 2. As proposed. 3. Zonal D.I.O. Patiya will explain why he did not give any report about the A.L.
sponsored Thana Food Committee. He will find out the names of those C.P. workers who have been taken in this Committee.
Sd/- M.M. Haque. 7.6. Dy. S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong.
Sd/- K.N. Hussain. 7.6. S.P., D.I.B., Chittagong.
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 4.6.56 intercepted at Chittagong R.M.S. Office on 5.6.56.
From : M.A. Masud Chaudhuri (I), Asstt. Sec., Dist. Awami League, Chittagong. To : Janab Sheikh Mojibur Rahman Saheb, M.L.A. (2), 56, Simpson Road 14,
Sadarghat, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue : Patiya

Page: 446
Janab Shaikh Saheb,
Accept my taslim. I am rather very sorry as I could not attend the Council Conference to my ill health. It is also heard through Prof. Nurul Islam (3) that you being kind enough asked about me and not only that you even mentioned my name in your speech also. The sensitive mass of East Bengal are eagerly looking at the leadership of respected Moulana Saheb and yours. Specially all will face defeat on account of your joint force. Some misunderstanding may arrive amongst yourselves but those should be rectified. I have full confidence on your strong leadership. If God bless this will last till my death. As regards Moulana Saheb (4), he is above all. He is not only our leader but also the leader of all the sufferers of the world. I learnt through newspaper and from Nurul Saheb that you are going out on tour. I request you to come to Patiya. I will be glad if you kindly inform me when you would be able to come. A serious food crisis is prevailing over here. More than 50 % men are anyhow surviving by taking one meal only. So it is essentially necessary for you to look into this side at least once. There will be no trouble if rain continues. In the meantime I have attended some food meetings. More such meetings have been arranged by me. I have formed a Thana Food Committee at Patiya with some of the workers of Awami League. Work of the organisation is going well. God the Almighty may bless you.
Side note:
(1) (2)
S/O. Bazlue Samad of Patiya, P.S.Patiya, Chittagong. He is Genl. Secy. E.P. A.L. S/O. Abdus Samad of Gobinderkhil, P.S. Patiya, Chittagong and of Hill View, Old Telegraph Road, Chittagong. Identical with Moulana A. Hamid Khan Bhashani S/o. Haji Sarafat Ali of Bhashanirchar, Assam and of Tangail, Mymensingh.
No. 8562/606-48 (1) F dt. 18.6.56 To The S.P. D.I.B. Chittagong
Please refer to your memo. No. 4774 (2) /102-49 (Int.) dated 11.6.56 and send us a copy of the report of D.I.O. Patiya when received.
Sd/-18.6.56 for SS.11, 1.B
Side note: Done pl., sd/-18/6,

Page: 447
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 6.7.56.
I made enquiry and ascertained that Food Committee has been formed with the following Office bearers at Patiya, Chittagong. 1. Ramizuddin, Asstt. Adjutant s/o. My. Kalu Sikder of Charpathar P.S.
Munshiganj, Dacca- President. 2. Haji Abdus Samad Sawdagar s/o. late Fazar Ali of Govinderkhil, P.S. Patiya,
Chittagong- Vice President. 3. Abul Masud Chaudhuri (A.L) s/o. late Bazal Ahmad of Patiya, Chittagong
Secretary. 4. Shiba Sankar Dhar s/o. late Ramesh Chandra Dhar of Govinderkhil, P.S. Patiya,
Chittagong- Vice-President. 5. Abdul Gafur (A.L) s/o. late Amin Sharif of Patiya, Chittagong- Member; 6. Abdul Mamin s/o. Abdul Mazid of Patiya, Chittagong, Member. 7. Shamsul Alam (A.L) s/o. Sayedur Rahman of -do-, Member. 8. Mono Ranjan Das s/o. Aswini Kumar Das of -do-, Member. 9. Mono Ranjan De s/o. Mohan Bashu De of -do-, Member. 10. Ahmad Noor Sawadagar (A.L) S/o. Mafzal Ahmed of -do-, Member. 11. Sree Nath Dhar s/o. Digambar Dhar of -do-, Member. 12. Babu Upendra Sarma, B.L. S/o. Pran Krishna Dhar of-do-, Member, 13. Kamaluddin s/0. late Amir Ali of -do-, Member.
14. Nazir Ahmad Talukder s/o. Nasarat Ali of do, Member.
15. Moazzam Hussain Talukder slo. Babazan Talukder of Ukanpara. P.S.
Kotaripara, Faridpur, a clerk of Patiya Post Office Chittagong- Member.
It is learnt that Abul Masud Chaudhuri and other members of the Committee who belong to his party issued some ration cards to their supporters, though they were not deserving rice at controlled price. The President of the Committee after checking cancelled their ration cards, as a result the A.L. workers in the Committee are not co-operating with other members. It was also learnt from the President of the Committee that Abul Masud Chaudhuri creates troubles in distributing rice to the people as ration cards of some of his party men were cancelled. The activity of the Committee is under watch.

Page: 448
District Intelligence Branch
Chittagong, the 17th/18th July, 56.
No. 5768/R 2612/102-49 Int.
Forwarded to A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca for information with reference to his Memo. No. 8562/606-48 (1) F dated 18.6.56
Sd/ -17.7.56 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong


Reports on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General
Secretary, Awami League and other.
Dacca, 11 June 1956
No. 8240 (3)/22-56 (Staff) dt 11.6.56
S.P., D.I.Bs., Jessore, Khulna and Faridpur.
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary of E.P.A.L. is shortly leaving for Jessore, Khulna and Faridpur where he may address public meetings. You are requested to report his activities, proceedings of the meetings and also to take long hand notes of his speeches.
Sd/For D.I.G., I.B., E.P.
2. Radiogram – A radiogram is a formal written message transmitted by radio. Also known as a radio telegram or radio telegraphic message, radiograms use a standardized message format or form and radiotelephone or radiotelegraph transmission procedures.

Dacca, the 11th June. 1956. No. 8240/1(3)/22-56 Statt.
Copy, by post, forwerded to Supdts. of Police, in-charge of D.I.Bs. Jessore, Khulna and Faridpur, in confirmation.
Sd/For D.I.G. of Police, I.B.
W. Natun Din dt. 15.6.56
শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের
সফর তালিকা নতুন দিন
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও জনাব জালালুদ্দীনের। সফর-তালিকা নিম্নে প্রদত্ত হইলঃ
বিগত ১২ই জুন ঢাকা হইতে রওয়ানা হইয়া খুলনা ও যশােহর হইয়া ১৩ই জুন গােপালগঞ্জ। ১৪ই জুন টুংগিপাড়া, ১৫ই জুন কোটালী পাড়া, ১৬ই জুন কাঁথী, ১৭ই ও ১৮ই জুন গােপালগঞ্জ, ১৯শে জুন চন্দ্রদিঘলিয়া, ২০শে জুন বামনডাংগা, (মকসুদপুর) এবং আগামী ২১শে জুন পুনরায় ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন।

Page: 450
Copy of watch report of A.S.I. S.A. Razzaq dated 12.6.56.
I beg to report that I performed secret watch duty at Rly Stn., Jessore at about 13.00 hrs. I found one *suspect Sk.Mujibur Rahman along with the Raushan Ali, Abdul Hai and Golam Murshid Biswas. The suspect left for Khulna along with Abdul Hai and Gholam Murshid Biswas. I shadowed the suspect up to Khulna. In course of my shadowing period at about 15.45 hrs., when the Benapole local train reached the Daulatpur College station some of the College students arrived at the stn. gave a reception to Sk. Mujibur Rahman in the compartment by garlanding the suspect and shouting slogan ‘MUJIBUR RAHMAN ZINDABAD’. At 16.15 hrs I reached at Khulna R1. Stn. and tried to trace out the watcher of Khulna district with the help of Ticket Collector of Khulna Rly. Station gate who knew him but got no trace of the watcher. Accordingly I shadowed the suspect who went to Noor Manjil, Girls School of Khulna town and then Dak Bangalow where he halted. I went to Khulna D.I.B. Office and submitted my report accordingly. Nothing more important came to my notice.
District Intelligence Branch. Jessore the 16th June/56
No. 2032(2)/22-56
Copy forwarded for information to: 1. Ahmad Ibrahim, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Khulna., 2. M. Yusuff, Esqr., Spl., Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca, with
reference to his signal No 8240 (3) dt. 11.6.56.
Sd/-16.6.56 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
English rendering of the watch report dated 15-6-56 of W.C./511 Shahidur Rahman of Khulna D.I.B.
On 12-6-56 I was on watch duty at Khulna Rly. Station. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.-*543) and Abdul Hye (A.L.-31) reached Khulna Rly. Station at 15.45 hrs. Dilder Ahmed (M.C.A, A.L.) Abdul Jalil, Advocate, M.L.A. (A.L), Tafsiruddin, Ahmad, Pleader (A.L.), Abdul Bari (A.L.21), Nurul Islam @ Nannu (C.P./Y.L./S.U./A.L., s/o Monteshamuddin of Khulna town) and others attended the

Page: 451
Rly. Station to receive them. The suspects came to the residence of Tafasiruddin Ahmad, Pleader, stayed there for about 15 minutes and then went to the house of Dilder Ahmed, M.C.A. From there they came to the Municipal Park and delivered speeches in the meeting held there. After meeting Shaikh Mujibur Rahman left for Launch Ghat. He came back to the house of Dilder Ahmed, M.C.A at about 21.00, took his meal there and at about 22.45 hours left for Launch bound for Gopalganj. Launch steamed off Khulna Ghat at about 23.00 hours and reached Manikdah Station at 06.00 on 13-6-56 and at 07.30 it came to Gopalganj town when I made over the suspect to W.C. /718 Mustafizur Rahman of Faridpur D.I.B.
The suspect was not found talking with any political person during his travel from Khulna to Gopalganj.
MOVEMENT OF SUSPECTS. (1) Muminuddin Ahmed (A.L. 554) left for Jessore on 10-6-56 by 07.30 hrs. train
and returned by 21.00 hrs. train on the same night. (ii) Reference W.C.R. for the week ending 19-5-56, Part-I, SI. (1) Debendra Nath
Das (A.L. 264) returned from Dacca on 11-5-56 by Barisal Steamer. (iii) Mujibar Rahman Sk. (A.L.*543) and Abdul Hye (A.L.31 reached Khulna on
12-6-56 by 15.45 hrs. train. On the same night Abdul Hye left for Jessore and Mujibur Rahman left for Gopalganj. The latter was shadowed up to Gopalganj
by a watcher of this D.I.B. (iv) On 14-6-56 Muminuddin Ahmed (A.L.554) left for Dacca by train.
Secret Abstract No. 4 dated 28.1.56 received in this office on 12.6-56, Secret Abstract No.5 dated 4-2-56 and Secret Abstract No.6 dated 11-2-56 received in this office on 15-6-56.
Why this has been marked for me?
Sd/- A. Newaz.

Page: 452
It should have been marked for D.S.7 pl.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-21/6. 13586 dt. 10.7.
D.S.4/D.S.6/D.S.7. 21/6. Seen. Sd/-for D.S.6. 22/6.
Jessore D.I.B W.C.R for w/e 16.6.56
Part – 1
(Movement of suspects.)
*A.L.No.543 of 1955, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca, General Secretary E.P.A.L. arrived at Jessore on 12th June/56 and left for Khulna on the same day at about 13.00
Copy of report of A.S.I. Abdur Razzaque of Jessore D.I.B. dated 12.6.56.
I beg to report that I shadowed one * Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Genl. Secy. Awami League) along with one A.L. suspect of Jessore town named Abdul Hye from Jessore to Khulna by Benapole local train and I got down at Khulna Railway Station at about 16.00 hours and found no W.C. present there. So I shadowed his movement up to Khulna Dak-bungalow. In course of my shadowing period at about 15.45 hrs., when the train reached at the platform of Daulatpur College some of the College students make an reception in the train compartment by the chain of a flower. Nothing found important during my duty period to note. This is for favour of your kind information.
District Intelligence Branch Khulna : The 29th June 56.
No. 3778(2)/6-56.
Copy forwarded to:
1) Md. Yusuff, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Pakistan, Dacca, 2) Moinuddin, Esqr., P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Jessore, for

Page: 453
We had foreknowledge about the arrival here of the suspect on 12-6-56 and our W.C 511 Sahidur Rahman was actually present on duty at Khulna Railway Station when the suspect arrived and he submitted a detailed report (copy enclosed) in this
ection. The watcher A.S.I. of Jessore D.I.B. must have failed to pick up our W.C. at Khulna Railway Station due to the crowd that had assembled round and followed the visitors.
Sd/ -19/6 (Ahmed Ibrahim) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B : Khulna.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches at Kathi, Ujani in
Gopalganj and Chandradighai in Faridpur on food crisis, starvation and threatened to launch civil disobidence movement if government failed to supply food at concession price.
Faridpur, 19 June 1956
P.183- 80 of 13-54 (Faridpur)
Summary Report of the speeches delivered in the Awami League Meeting held at Kathi on 16.6.56, Ujani on 17.6.56, Gopalganj on 18.6.56 and at Chandradighal on 19.6.56 in the district of Faridpur. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman in his speeches said:
The conditions of the people in the Gopalganj Subdivision are very precauions. As soon as I landed at the Manikdia Station I got the information that a woman died of starvation in the village of Ghoser char; I hurried to Ghoserchar then and there and found that the information was true. The whole of Gopalganj Sub-division is in grip of famine and I do not know how people can be saved. Nine months ago in my speech in the Constituent Assembly I warned Government that famine would overtake East Pakistan but Govt. turned a deaf ear to my warning and exported rice to foreign countries. 33 lakhs maunds of rice and paddy were released from Government stock and maldistributed- people are dying of starvation like savage animals. Maulana Bhasani took resort to fast unto death in sympathy with the starving people of East Pakistan and he was persuaded to break his fast on the assurance that the Central Govt. would advance sum of …. rupees 55 crores to

Page: 454
purchase food for the starving people of East Pakistan, but that money is not forthcoming Govt. is making propaganda that the price of rice is decreasing. This is a lie. People have no purchasing power. Govt. Reporters and a Magistrate are touring with me. I request them to see the miserable conditions of the people with their own eyes and send a report to Govt. It is a heart rending scene to see sons and daughters are dying of starvation before the eyes of parents. Mr. Abu Hossain Sarkar, and Choudhury Md. Ali cannot realise it. They could realize it had their sons and daughters died of starvation. It is an irony of fate that peasants grow rice by dint of hard labour but they die of starvation. In no other country in the world people die of starvation. A section of the people in our country builds big building whereas children of the peasants die of starvation.
You voted me to the Legislative Assembly but Govt. called the Assembly into session only for two days during these two years. I made 50% of the speeches in the Assembly demanding food, clothes, employment for you. I do not see any use of a government if the people die of starvation. I am ready to resign all my officers, yet Govt. should arrange food for the people.
East Pakistan has been neglected for the last 8 years twelve hundred crores of rupees have been spent for development by the Central Govt. and out of these twelve hundred crores only one hundred crores have been spent for development of East Pakistan. Only … 5% of the Central services have been given to the East Pakistanis 85 crores of rupees are spent for the purposes of defence and out of these 85 crores of East Pakistanis do not get even five crores. I warn Govt. if they do not supply sufficient food to feed the people by the 8th July next the Awami League will launch a movement- either Govt. will have to give the people food or shoot them to death people will prefer bullets to death due to starvation. I urge you not to die of starvation.
Govt. have done nothing to prevent flood though it is controllable in this scientific age. When we press Govt. to control flood they plead financial inability but there is no want of money to pay Rs.12000/- to the President and Rs. 6000/- to Huq Saheb per months. Sk. Majibar said that bribery was rampant in the country and advised the audience not to bribe officers and stand against bribery.
He urged Govt. to give free rations to 30% and rice at Rs.15%- per maund to 50% of the people, and further said that if Govt. failed to fulfill his demand by the gth July next he would be compelled to launch Civil Disobedience movement against Govt.

Page: 455


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other AL leaders.
Jessore, 23 June 1956
Weekly Confidential Report of Jessore District for the week ending 23.6.56.
No. S.A. was received during the week under review.
PART-I (Movement of suspects.)
A.L. No. 35/56 Abdul Khaliq (A.L.) son of late Idu Molla of Balarampur, P.S. Mohammadpur, Jessore and of Jessore town and A.L. No 89/55 Afsaruddin Ahmad (A.L.) son of late Obir Biswas of Narail town went to Dacca on 16th June/56 by plane and both of them returned to Jessore by air on 18th June/56.
**A.L.No.24/55 Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (A.L.) on his way to Khulna from Faridpur travelled through this district by 256 Down Train, was shadowed up to Khulna Railway Station.
*A.L.No. 543 Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.) S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca reached Jessore from Khulna on 22nd June/56 and left for Dacca by plane. (This refers to the W.C.R. for the W/E 16.6.56).
A.L.No. 121 Azizul Haq Khan @ Aziz Khan (C.P./Y.L.) son of Abdul Haq Khan of Saiyidmahalla, P.S. Fakirhat, Khulna and of Ghope, Kotwali, Jessore, returned to Jessore from home on 20th June/56. (This refers to the W.C.R. for the W/E 5.5.56).
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-26/6.
D.S. 7 26/6. D.S.3/D.S.6. 26/6. Seen. Sd/-for D.S.6 29/6. Seen. To P.F. Sd/-A. Majid. 26.6.56.

Page: 456
PART-1 MOVEMENT OF SUSPECTS. 1. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (A.L.**28) accompanied by Abdul Hye
(A.L.31) arrived Khulna by train on 17-6-56 at about 22.45hrs. and left Khulna for Paksey by 19.30 hrs. train on 18-6-56. They were shadowed by 2 watchers of this D.I.B. up to Ishardi.
2. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.L.*543) arrived Khulna from Patgati, Gopalganj,
Faridpur by Barisal Steamer on 22-6-56 at 07.00 hrs. and left for Jessore the same day by 07.30 hrs. train. He was shadowed up to Jessore by a W/C. of this D.I.B.
Atulendra Nath Das (A.L.253) left Khulna for Calcutta by 09.30 hrs. train on 22-6-56.
ABSTRACT OF INTELLIGENCE Secret Abstract No. 4 dated 28-1-56 received in this office on 12-6-56, Secret Abstract No.5 dated 4-2-56 and Secret Abstract No.6 dated 11-2-56 received in this office on 15-6-56.
Side not: Circulation.
Sd/-18/6. Sl. No.(1) & (2) to relevant P.F. Please. Sd/-for D.S.6 30/6/56. Sd/-for D.S. III. 29/6
Faridpur D.I.B W.C.R. for w/e 23.6.56.
3. AL *543/ AL-Sk. Mujibar Rahman, MCA, arrived at Gopalganj on 13.6.56.
Side note: Seen. Sd/-25/6 R.D. 26/6

Page: 457


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke in a press briefing on his spot experience regarding food crisis and food mismanagement in
some districts.
Dacca, 23 June 1956
Millat dt 23/6/56
শেখ মুজিবরের সফর অভিজ্ঞতা
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মজিবুর রহমান সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি মারফত বলেন যে ফরিদপুর খুলনা বরিশাল ও যশােহর জেলায় এক পক্ষকালীন সফর সমাপ্ত করিয়া আমি ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিয়াছি। আমি দেখিয়াছি যে এই সকল এলাকার জনসাধারণ দুর্ভিক্ষের করালগ্রাসে পতিত হইয়া অনাহারে ও অর্ধাহারে দিন কাটাইতেছে। কোন কোন এলাকা হইতে অনাহারে মৃত্যুর খবরও পাওয়া যাইতেছে। যদি কোন অতি মানবীয় ক্ষমতাবলে ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বল করা না হয় এবং দেশের সমগ্র শাসন ব্যবস্থা অতি যােগ্যতার সহিত পরিচালিত না হয় তাহা হইলে এই সকল জেলা তথা সমগ্র পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের শতকরা ৭৫ ভাগ লােক নিঃসন্দেহে না খাইয়া মরিবে। অত্যন্ত লজ্জার কথা যে বিশ্বে মহাযুদ্ধের মত কোন প্রকার দুর্বিপাক না থাকা সত্যেও এই বিংশ শতাব্দিতে আমাদের মত স্বাধীনদেশের হাজার লােক মরিয়া যাইবে।
এই অভাবনীয় পরিস্থিতির কারণ অনুসন্ধানের জন্য অধিক দূর যাইতে হইবে না। সরকারের নির্লিপ্ত ও ক্ষতিকারক নীতি এবং বিশেষ করিয়া চাউল কেলেংকারী বর্তমান দুর্ভিক্ষ অনাহার ও মৃত্যু ত্বরান্বিত করার জন্য দায়ী ইহার শেষ কোথায় আমি বলিতে পারি না।
কিন্তু সরকারকে আমি জানাইয়া দিতে চাই যে এই পরিস্থিতি আর গড়াইতে দেওয়া হইবে না। স্বাধীন দেশের জনসাধারণের কার্যভােগেরও সীমা থাকা উচিত। যদি শাসক গােষ্ঠি মনে করেন যে তাহারা সারা জিন্দেগানী এই ভাবে চালাইয়া যাইতে পারিবেন তাহা হইলে তাহারা বােকার স্বর্গে বসবাস করেন।
যে নির্বাচিত ব্যবস্থা পরিষদের সদস্যগণকে বক্তব্য পেশ করার সুযােগ দান করা হয় যে, তাহা রক্ষার কোন যৌক্তিকতা আমি দেখি না যদি জনসাধারণ ভাত কাপড়ের মত নিত্য নৈমিত্তিক দ্রব্যের অভাবে মরিতে বসে এবং তাহাদের প্রতিনিধিগণ কিছু করিতে না পারেন তাহা হইলে গণতন্ত্র পার্লামেন্টারী শাসন কয়েম রাখারই কি প্রয়ােজন। এই অবস্থার কি কে বা কাহারা দায়ী। আমার পক্ষকালীন সফরে আমি এই সত্য উপলব্ধি করিয়াছি যে জনসাধারণের মনে হতাশার সৃষ্টি হইয়াছে। পরিশেষে খাদ্য পরিস্থিতির মােকা- বেলার উপায় উদ্ভাবনের জন্য ১৪৪ ধারা প্রত্যাহার করিয়া পরিষদের অধিবেশন আহব্বানের জন্য আমি সরকারকে অনুরােধ করি।।
Side note: P.F Sd/-26/6

Page: 458


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman discussed in a secret party meeting in Khulna shortage of fund to continue party activity and trained workers in the labour front, candidate selection for National
Parliament bye-election etc.
Khulna, 23 June 1956
Copy of P- 163 of File No. 13-54 (KLN) GL.
Extract from the Weekly Report No. 24 dated 23.6.56 of D.D.I., Dacca on the Internal Situation in East Pakistan.

Page: 459
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy., East Pakistan Awami League held a secret meeting (15) in Khulna town on 12.6.56. Dildar Ahmed (AL) MP, A.F.M.A.Jalil (AL),MLA, A. Hai (AL) of Jessore and others attended.
Among other matters, they discussed the paucity of party funds, Khulna shortage of trained workers on the labour front, their present strained relation with the GD., Khulna the question of A. Jabbar, president, GD., Khulna, a candidate for the bye-election of the National Parliament who may seek the votes of the Ms.L.A. of the AL. was also discussed.
It was decided that the MP, Ms.L.A. and the leading workers should raise about Rs. 300/- to maintain the field worker of the party.


Weekly confidential report on movements of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 23 June 1956
2. Dacca D.I.B. W.C.R for the 23.6.56. A.L. 543 Sk.Mujibar Rahman left for Tangail on 31.5.56 by jeep and returned to Dacca on 1.6.56 by jeep. He again left for Jessore on 12.6.56 by plane from Dacca Airport
Side note: Ext. to P.F. please Sd/ -29.6


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized the Government in two meetings at Faridpur and Gopalganj for its failure to solve the food problem and said there would be no peace in the country until and unless the government was abolished.
Faridpur, 23 June 1956
P. No. 307 of file No. 13-54 (Faridpur) Extract from A/I No. 25 for the W/Ending 23.6.56.

Page: 460
3. Political activities.
1158. Faridpur.- At the instance of Vilayat Husain Qazi (AL), son of Derajtulla, of Kurpala, Kotwalipara, Faridpur, a public meeting (1,000) was held on 5th June at Ghagar Hat, Near Katgola, Kotwalipara, Faridpur, under the Presidentship of Muzaffar Hussain Qazi (AL), son of Felanuddin, of Kurpala, Kotwalipara, Faridpur. Abdus Samad, son of Sonaullah, of Kushla, Kotowalipara, Faridpur, Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para 1117) (AL), son of Lutfur Rahman, of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, General Secretary, EPAL, the president and a few others delivered speeches in the meeting., criticizing the Government for its alleged failure to solve the food problem in the province. They appealed to the public to stand united and observe the 8th July, 1956, as the “Food Demonstration and Mass Movement Day” throughout the province.
On 16th June, a public meeting (300) at the initiative of Abdul Bari Miyan (AL), son of Keamuddin, of Khanarpar, Gopalganj, Faridpur, was held at Kathi Hatkhola, Gopalganj, to discuss the food crises. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (para. 1117) (AL), son of Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, General Secretary, EPAL, was the only speaker in the meeting. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman mainly dwelt on the food crisis prevailing in East Pakistan. He alleged that the present crisis was due to mismanagement of Government. He urged the people of East Pakistan to be united for launching a civil disobedience movement if the Government failed to solve the food problem.
A similar meeting (2,000) was held at Gopalganj Town Maidan on 18th June, with Qazi Muzaffar Husain (para. 1116) (AL), son of Pelanuddin, of Kurpala, Kotwalipara, Faridpur, President, Subdivisional A.L., in the chair. Rahmetjan Sardar (AL), son of Abdus Samad, of Bolakoir, Gopalganj, Faridpur and Shaikh Mujibur Rahman ( Para. 1117) (AL), son of Lutfar Rahman, of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, delivered speeches, in course of which they said that there would be no peace in the country until and unless the present Government was abolished. They further alleged that whenever any report of death from starvation was received Government officials suppressed facts and submitted false reports. In this meeting also Shaikh Mujibur Rahman urged the public to launch a civil disobedience movement.

Page: 461
Ittehad dt 30.6.56
ভয়াবহ খাদ্য পরিস্থিতির জন্য অথৰ্ব্ব সরকার মন্ত্রিসভাই দায়ী শেখ মুজিবর কর্তৃক পরিস্থিতি সরেজমিনে তদন্তের জন্য প্রেসিডেন্ট মীর্জাকে অনুরােধ
প্রদেশের ভয়াবহ খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি এবং অনাহার ক্লিষ্ট জনগণের দুর্দশা স্বচক্ষে দর্শন করিয়া তাহা প্রতিকারের জন্য প্রেসিডেন্ট মীর্জাকে অনুরােধ করিয়া পূৰ্ব্ব পাক আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে বলেন যে, পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের বর্তমান দুর্ভিক্ষ অবস্থা সরেজমিনে পরিদর্শন করার জন্য পাকিস্তানের প্রেসিডেন্ট মেজর জেনারেল ইস্কান্দর মীর্জা অবশেষে মাত্র তিনদিনের জন্য এই প্রদেশ সফরে আসিয়াছেন। ইহা বড়ই পরিতাপের বিষয় যে, যে মুহুর্তে দেশের জনসংখ্যার শতকরা ৫জন বিলুপ্ত হইতে চলিয়াছে। ঠিক সেই মূহুর্তে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে প্রকৃতি এবং যে সরকার মন্ত্রিসভার কেলেংকারী নীতির জন্য খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি এরুপ ভয়াবহ আকার ধারণ করিয়াছে, সে সরকার মন্ত্রিসভার খামখেয়ালীর উপর রাখিয়া পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী লন্ডন গিয়াছেন কমনওয়েলথ প্রধানমন্ত্রী সম্মেলনে যােগদান। করার জন্য।
ইহা অতীব বিস্ময়কর যে, জনাব মির্জা প্রদেশের পরিস্থিতি পরিদর্শনার্থ মাত্র তিন দিবস এখানে অবস্থান করিবেন। তিন দিবসে খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে একটা সম্মক ধারণা করা কি সম্ভব ? তিনি হয়ত কতিপয় শহরে ভ্রমণ করিবেন। কিন্তু গ্রামাঞ্চলে যেখানে রেশন বলিতে কিছুই দেওয়া হয়
এবং যেখানে চাউল ৭০/৭৫ টাকা মণ ধরে বিক্রয় হইতেছে আর যার ফলে অগণিত নরনারী অনাহারে দিন্যাপন করিতেছেন, তাহাদের সম্পর্কে তিনি কোন ধারণা করিতে পারিবেন বলিয়া মনে। হয় না। গ্রামের সঙ্গে যাহাদের কোন সম্পর্ক নাই তাহারা গ্রামের হতভাগ্যদের সম্বন্ধে কোন সঠিক ধারনা করিতে পারেন না।।
জনাব মীর্জা যদি শুধু তিন দিবসই সফর করেন আর সে সফর যদি শুধু মাত্র কতিপয় শহরে যেখানে রেশনিং প্রথা প্রবর্তিত হইয়াছে এবং লােকের একটা নির্ধারিত আয়েরও পন্থা রহিয়াছে এরুপ স্থানে সীমাবন্ধ থাকে তবে তিনি প্রতারিত হইবেন।
এখন প্রশ্ন হইতেছে গ্রামের হত ভাগ্যদের অবস্থার কি হইবে? সেখানে খাদ্যদ্রব্য পাঠানাের কি ব্যবস্থা গৃহীত হইয়াছে ? কিছুই না।
সরকার মন্ত্রিসভা কেবল “খাদ্যের আগমন বার্তা” শুনাইয়া আসিতেছেন। কিন্তু গ্রামবাসী তাহার কনা মাত্রও চোখে দেখিতে পাইতেছেন না। ইহার পরিনতি অত্যন্ত ভয়াবহ। যদি খাদ্যাভাবে লােক মরে, তবে আজ যাহারা গদীতে আছেন তাহাদের প্রয়ােজনটা কোথায় ?
পাকিস্তানের শতকরা ৫৪ জন পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে বাস করেন। আর এই প্রদেশেরই পরিস্থিতি অত্যন্ত মারাত্মক। সুতরাং জনাব মীর্জার কি উচিত না এখানে অন্ততঃ দুই মাস থাকেন এবং কি পদ্ধতিতে রিলিফ দেওয়া হইতেছে তাহা স্বচক্ষে অবলােকন করেন ? দলীয় কোন্দল যে খাদ্য। সরবরাহে এবং রিলিফ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহনে বাধা সৃষ্টি না করে তাহাও জনাব মীর্জাকে দেখিতে হইবে।

Page: 462
আমি মনে করি, তিনি দুই মাস এখানে থাকুন এবং স্বচক্ষে দেখুন কিভাবে একটা স্বাধীন দেশের অগণিত লােক দুর্ভিক্ষের কবলে পতিত হইয়া মৃত্যুর সাথে শেষ সংগ্রামে লিপ্ত রহিয়াছে।
সরকারী মন্ত্রীসভার রিপাের্টে সন্তুষ্ট হইয়া তিনি যেন এ প্রদেশ ত্যাগ করিয়া চলিয়া না যান। কেননা সরকারী রিপাের্ট কতিপয় স্বার্থন্বেষী দ্বারা প্রস্তুত করা হইয়াছে, তাহা ভিত্তিহীন।
Side note: On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/-2/7 DS6

Page: 463
Page No. 308 of file No. 13-54 (Faridpur).
Extract from A/I No. 26 for the W/Ending 30.6.56. 3. Political Activities.
(a) Others.
1206. Faridpur.- At the instance of the Awami League, a meeting (250) was held on 19th June, at the premises of Chandradigho-lia Madrassa to discuss the food problem of East Pakistan. No one presided. Zahurul Haq and Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para. 1205) (AL), son of Lutfar Rahman, of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur delivered speeches in the meeting. They bitterly criticized the Government for its alleged failure to tackle the food problem of the province. Referring to the unemployment problem, they alleged that many youths of East Pakistan were moving hither and thither like street beggars for employment. They termed the ruling classes of the country as the oppressors and urged upon the people to be united for launching a movement it the Government failed to fulfill their demands by the 7th July, 1956.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s statement on spot experience of famine and deaths of people in Khulna, Jessore, Barisal and Faridpur. He criticized President Iskandar Mirza for his short visit to East
Pakistan. Dacca, 29 June 1956
Weekly Natun Din dt. 29.6.56
সমগ্র পূর্ব-পাকিস্তান ভয়াবহ দুর্ভিক্ষ কবলিত হইয়া পড়িয়াছে। শেখ মুজিব কর্তৃক মফস্বল সফরের অভিজ্ঞতা বর্ণনা দ্রুততার সহিত খাদ্য সরাহ না করিলে
দেশ ধ্বংস হইয়া যাইবে বলিয়া মন্তব্য পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী শেখ মুজিবর রহমান প্রদেশের কয়েকটি জেলা সফরান্তে ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিয়া সম্প্রতি এক বিবৃতিতে প্রদেশের ভয়াবহ খাদ্য-পরিস্থিতির বর্ণনা প্রদান করেন। উক্ত বর্ণনায় তিনি বলেন যে, জনগণের প্রতি সরকারের নির্মম ঔদাসীন্য, ত্রুটিপূর্ণ খাদ্যনীতি এবং অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নে ব্যর্থতার ফলেই এই ভয়াবহ অবস্থার উদ্ভব হইয়াছে। গত ৮ বৎসর যাবৎ পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের উপর কেন্দ্রের অবিশ্রান্ত শােষণকেই দুর্ভিক্ষের একমাত্র কারণ বলিয়া তিনি উল্লেখ করেন।

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তিনি বলেন, ফরিদপুর জেলার বিশেষ করিয়া গােপালগঞ্জ মহকুমা এবং খুলনা, যশাের ও বরিশাল জেলার অংশ বিশেষ দীর্ঘ এক পক্ষকাল ব্যাপক সফর সমাপনান্তে নিরতিশয় ভারাক্রান্ত মনে এইমাত্র আমি ঢাকা প্রত্যাবর্তন করিয়াছি। গােটা এলাকা দুর্ভিক্ষ এবং অনাহারের করাল কবলে পতিত হইয়াছে এবং ইতিপূর্বেই জনসাধারণ অনাহারে মৃত্যুবরণ করিতে শুরু করিয়াছে। আমার স্থির বিশ্বাস অতি দ্রুততার সহিত ব্যাপক প্রচেষ্টা না চালাইলে উক্ত এলাকার শতকরা ৭৫ জন দুর্ভিক্ষের করাল গ্রাসে পতিত হইয়া পৃথিবীর বুক হইতে মুছিয়া যাইবে। শুধু উপরােক্ত কয়েকটি জেলাই নহেগােটা পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আজ দুর্ভিক্ষের কবলে পতিত হইয়াছে।
জনগণের প্রতি সরকারের ঔদাসীন্য ও অবহেলা এবং সেই সংগে তাঁহাদের ক্ষতিকর নীতি তথা তাঁহাদের খাদ্য-কেলেংকারী এবং অর্থনৈতিক ক্ষেত্রে নেতৃত্বদানে তাঁহাদের অসামর্থ সব মিলিয়া বর্তমানে মর্মান্তিক খাদ্য-সংকট সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে। ফলে, মানুষ অনাহারে মৃত্যুবরণ করিতেছে। ইহার শেষ কোথায়, আমি এখনই তাহা বলিতে পারিতেছি না। কিন্তু আমি জনগণ এবং সরকারকে জানাইয়া দিতেছি যে, এই বিষাক্ত আবহাওয়ার অবসান করিতেই হইবে। স্বাধীন দেশের মানুষের দুঃখ কষ্টের একটা সীমা আছে। যদি কোন কোটারী মনে করিয়া থাকেন যে, তাহারা তাহাদের প্রভুদের হাতের পুতুল হইয়া চিরকালই ক্ষমতায় প্রতিষ্ঠিত থাকিয়া পীড়নের দন্ড চালাইয়া যাইতে পারিবেন, তাহা হইলে তাহাদের জানা উচিত যে, তাহারা আহম্মকের স্বর্গে বাস করিতেছেন। দেশের স্বাধীনতার জন্য তাঁহাদের প্রভূদের কোন ত্যাগ নাই এবং জনগণের জন্যও তাঁহাদের দরদ নাই। বস্তুত তাহারা সাম্রাজ্যবাদীদের ইংগিতে চলিতেছে। তিনি বলেন যে নির্বাচিত ব্যবস্থা পরিষদ সদস্যদিগকে গত নির্বাচনের পর হইতে আজও পর্যন্ত প্রদেশের কোন সমস্যা সম্পর্কে মত প্রকাশের সুযােগ দেওয়া হয় নাই, সেই পরিষদের কি প্রয়ােজনীয়তা রহিয়াছে, তাহা আমি বুঝিতে পারিতেছি না। জনগণ যদি খাদ্যভাবে মৃত্যুমুখে পতিত হয় এবং তাহাদের নির্বাচিত প্রতিনিধিগন যদি উহার বিরুদ্ধে কিছুই করিতে না পারেন, তাহা হইলে গণতন্ত্র এবং পার্লামেন্টারী সরকারে এই ঠাট বজায় রাখার প্রয়ােজনীয়তা কি ? এই সকল মারাত্মক ঘটনার পুনরাবৃত্তি বন্ধ করার জন্য অবিলম্বে বাস্তব কিছু করিতেই হইবে। সরকারের জানা উচিত যে, যত প্রকার দমন নীতি এবং ধােকাবাজিই চালান হউক না কেন, উহার দ্বারা জনগনের অগ্রগতিকে চিরদিনের জন্যই বাধা দিয়া রাখা যাইবে না। আমি ব্যাক্তিগতভাবে ফরিদপুর জেলার সুদূর পল্লী অঞ্চলে পভ্রজে সফর করিয়া যাহা দেখিয়াছি, তাহাতে একমাত্র ক্ষমতাসীন ব্যাক্তিগণ ছাড়া আর সকলের মনে হতাশা এবং দয়ার উদ্রেক নিশ্চয়ই হইবে। কিন্তু ক্ষমতাসীন দল জনগণের এই বিপর্যয়ের প্রতি আদৌ কর্ণপাত করিতেছেন না।
আমার সফরকালে গিমাডাংগার হারুনুর রশীদ, ঘােষের চরের টিলু সিকদারে স্ত্রী সুরতন্নেছা, গােপালগঞ্জ শহরের এতিম বালক শালু এবং রাহুত হাটের নগেন্দ্র নাথের স্ত্রী অনাহারে মারা গিয়াছে। আমি ব্যাক্তিগতভাবে ঘটনাগুলি তদন্ত করিয়াছি। সরকার যদি নেহাত গা বাঁচাইবার জন্য মিথ্যা প্রতিবাদ না করেন, তাহা হইলে তাহারা এই সকল ঘটনার সত্যতা সম্পর্কে চ্যালেঞ্জ দিতে পারিবেন না। জনগণ জীবনীশক্তি হারাইয়া মৃত্যুর দিকে অগ্রসর হইতেছে। সরকারী গুদামে এমন কোন উল্লেখযােগ্য খাদ্য নাই যাহার দ্বারা লংগর খানা এবং আংশিক রেশনিং প্রথা প্রবর্তন অথবা বিনামুল্যে খাদ্য বিতরণ করা যাইতে পারে। সরকারের উদ্যোগে গঠিত মহকুমা খাদ্য কমিটি কর্তৃক বার বার খাদ্যের দাবী জানান সত্বেও সরকার ইস্পিত পরিমাণ খাদ্য এবং সাহায্যের অংশ বিশেষও প্রেরন

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করিতে পারেন নাই। অথচ মহকুমা হাকিমই খাদ্য কমিটির চেয়ারম্যান। শুধু অমুসলমানগণই নহেঅসহায় মুসলমাগণও দলে দলে বাস্তুত্যাগ করিতে শুরু করিয়াছে।।
‘প্রত্যেকেই জানেন যে, কোটারী কর্তৃক এই প্রদেশকে গত ৮ বৎসর যাবৎ একটানা শােষনের ফলেই এই দুর্ভিক্ষের সৃষ্টি হইয়াছে। ফলে জনগণের ক্রয়ক্ষমতা একেবারে নিঃশেষ হইয়া গিয়াছে। সরকার যদি ন্যায্যমূল্যেও চাউল দেন, তাহা হইলেও তাহারা তাহা ক্রয় করিতে পারিবেন না। তাছাড়া পল্লী অঞ্চলে খাদ্য সরবরাহ করা হয় না বলিলেও চলে আমি গােপালগঞ্জ মহকুমায় চাউল মণপ্রতি ৬০ হইতে ৬৫ টাকা দরে বিক্রিত (বাকি অংশ পাওয়া যায়নি)
Side note: Yes, keep it on the P.F of Sk. Mujibor Rahman, Sd/-2.7 DS6

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Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders.
Dacca, 30 June 1956
W.C.R. of Dacca D.I.B. for the W/E. 30.6.56.
Part-1 (Movement of Suspects) 1) A.L. 290 Satya Brata Das Left for Sylhet by train on 22.6.56. 2) A.L. 282 Tara Miyan left for Sylhet by train on 22.6.56. 3) A.L. 226 Trailokya Chakrabartti left Dacca by train on 27.6.56. He came on
22.6.56. 4) A.L. 371 Monoranjan Dhar arrived Dacca by train on 28.6.56. 5) A.L.768 Ashutosh Singh left Dacca by train on 28.6.56. 6) A.L. 543 Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to Dacca on 22.6.56.
by plane from Jessore. 7) A.L. 536 Md. Toha left for Calcutta by plane on 22.6.56. 8) A.L. 9 Gaziul Haq arrived Dacca on 19.6.56. by train. 9) A.L. 347 Pulin Behari De arrived Dacca on 21.6.56 from Comilla by launch
Via Narayanganj. He left for Comilla on 18.6.56 by train. 10) A.L. 465 Khaleq Newaz Khan arrived Dacca on 24.6.56 by train from
Mymensingh. 11) A.L. 318 Ashutosh Datta arrived Dacca on 15.6.56 by train and left Dacca on
21.6.56 by train.
Side note: Seen. Sd/- A.Newaz, 4/7.
Seen. Sd/-5/7. for D.S.6 5/7 Sd – A.U. Muhammad

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Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, DIB, Faridpur, for the w.e.30.6.56.
Secret Abstract of Intelligence Nos. 7 dt. 18.2.56. & 8 dt. 25.2.56 & 9 dt. 3.3.56 received.
Part-1 Movement of suspects. 1. AL* 543/AL-Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MCA, who came to Gopalganj on 13.6.56,
left for Dacca on 21.6.56.
2. AL *330 Ramesh Chandra Datta (MJP) left for Dacca on 23.6.56 & came back
on 28.6.56.
AL* 514 Phani Bhushan Mazumdar (MJP) left for Dacca on 23.6.56.
4. AL 259/ HM Chandra Bhushan Das who went to Dacca on 14.6.56 came back
on 19.6.56.
5. AL 42/AL- Abdul Mannan @ Tuni who left for Dacca on 15.6.56 came back
on 18.6.56. 6. AL/538/CP-Md. Yahiya Sk. Dr. who went to Dacca on 5.6.56, came back on


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Bhairab and instructed local AL leaders and workers on organizational affairs.
Mymensingh, 7 July 1956
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 7th July/56.
No. 4278(2)/11-56(2)
1) Md. Yusuff, Esqr.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police,
I.B., E.P., Dacca. 2) M.A. Chaudhury, Esqr.,
Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.

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I write to inform you that political suspect AL/543 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Bhairab on 1.7.56 at 15.00 hrs. being shadowed by W/C Abdul Hakim of R.I.B. Dacca, and on the same date the suspect left Bhairab at 19.00 hrs. being shadowed by the said W/C.
Sd/ -8.7.56 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.
P. 597 of File No. 13-54 (M’Singh) Genl. Extract from A/I. No. 27. For the week ending 7.7.56. 3. Political Activities.
(C) Others
On 1st July, Sk. Majibur Rahman ( Para. 1206) (AL), General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, MP, along with Moulvi Zahiruddin Ahmed (para 945) (AL), MP, and Rafiquddin Bhuiyan (para. 1233) (AL), son of Wafizuddin, of Meranga, Nandail, Mymensingh, visited Bhairrab and met the AL workers in the house of Chand Muyan Sadagar, of Chandiber, Bhairab, wagon looting cases and urged them not to be disheartened by the arrests of the AL workers and requested Mr. Zahiruddin Ahmed, MP, to go to Kishoreganj to move the Court for the release of the arrested persons on bail. Accordingly Mr. Zahirudden Ahmed, MP, along with Afiquddin Ahmad, Bhuiyan (AL), went to Kishoreganj on 2nd July and moved the bail petition on behalf of the accused persons but this was rejected by the court.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman condemned Government for imposing 144 Cr.PC. as a bad technique to hide food problem.
Dacca, 7 July 1956 Sangbad dt. 7.7.56
১৪৪ ধারা জারী খাদ্য সমস্যা সমাধানে ব্যর্থতা ঢাকিবার অপকৌশল।
শেখ মুজিবের বিবৃতিঃ সরকারী অগণতান্ত্রিক নীতির তীব্র নিন্দা পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক ও পার্লামেন্ট সদস্য শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতরাত্রে (শুক্রবার) এক বিবৃতিতে ঢাকা শহর ও তেজগাঁও এলাকায় ১৪৪ ধারা জারীকে সরকার মন্ত্রিসভার সর্বশেষ অগণতান্ত্রিক কাৰ্য্য বলিয়া আখ্যাত করেন এবং ইহার তীব্র নিন্দা করেন।

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তিনি বলেন, আমি সরকারের এই ব্যবস্থার নিন্দা করিবার ভাষা খুঁজিয়া পাইতেছি না। আওয়ামী লীগ ওয়ার্কিং কমিটির সাম্প্রতিক এক প্রস্তাবে ৮ জুলাই রবিবার দিন খাদ্যের দাবীতে ঢাকায় জনসভা ও শােভাযাত্রা অনুষ্ঠানের সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করা হয়। সরকার এ সম্পর্কে অবহিত থাকা সত্বেও ১৪৪ ধারা জারী করিয়াছেন। আদেশ জারীর যে কারণ দর্শানাে হইয়াছে, তাহা অত্যান্ত হাস্যকর, কেননা, আওয়ামী লীগ কর্তৃক সভা কিংবা শােভাযাত্রা অনুষ্ঠানের ফলে কখনও শান্তিভঙ্গের নজীর নাই। প্রকৃত প্রস্তাবে সরকার খাদ্য সমস্যার ক্ষেত্রে তাহাদের শত দুর্নীতি, দুস্কৃতি, কেলেংকারী ও ব্যর্থতা ঢাকিবার জন্যই জনগণের কণ্ঠরােধ করিবার উদ্দেশ্যে সরকার এই অপকৌশলের আশ্রয় গ্রহণ করিয়াছেন।
Side note: Yes, on the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-9.7 DS6

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Morning News dt. 8.7.56 6 dt 11.7.56
Promulgation Of Sec. 144
(By A Staff Reporter) The promulgation of Section 144 in Dacca with effect from Saturday for one month was condemned by the East Pakistan Awami League General Secretary and a member of the National Assembly, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a statement yesterday (Saturday).
Mr. Rahman said the order was the “latest undemocratic act of the Sarkar Ministry. He said that it was known to the Government that the Awami League was to hold a public meeting on July 8 and to bring out a procession demonstrating the resentment over the present food situation.
There had never been any breach of peace due to holding of public meeting by Awami League in the past, Mr. Rahman added.
DIST. AL. CONDEMNS. The banning of any public gatherings was also condemned by the Dacca District Awami League Working Committee, which met on Friday under the presidentship of Mr. Kamruddin Ahmed.
The Working Committee also discussed the present position and requested the Awami League workers “to co-operate with the local staff” in distributing food grains fairly.
Side note: On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/-DS6 11.7.

Page: 471


Kalyan Kumar Bakshi from Calcutta wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman calling him a Bengali patriot. He also visited
Dacca. Calcutta, 14 July 1956
Dacca; Memo No.
The 14 th July 1956. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Kalyan Kumar Bakshi,
130/10 Brahma Samaj Road,
Behala, Calcutta 2. To (with address
: Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, M.P.
Nazira Bazar Dacca 3. Language of letter
English Date of letter
: 10.7.56. 5. Postal Seal
: Calcutta R.M.S. 6. Post office of interception : G.P.O. Dacca. 7. Date of interception
14.7.56 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Serajul Haq, S.I. I.B.
Whether photographed or not : No 10. Whether withheld or delivered : With original. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or :
: G.O.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Side note : Original letter delivered. Sd/-14.9

Page: 472
Copy / translation forwarded to
Kalyan Kumar Bakshi Calcutta writs this Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Dacca requesting to let him know the assessment of the Political and economic trends etc.
Sd/-14.7.56 SS 11
Perusal please. We have no information as to when the writer visited Dacca and called on Sk. Mujibur Rahman. 1) S.l. Wahed Ali may please inquire at the Airport, about the dates of
arrival and departure of the writer. 2) We may also ask the RO of P.A. 24 (In Calcutta) to fix up the writer
and supply his full particulars and party affiliation, if any. 3) A.L. and C.P. agent dealing officer may pl. fix up Halim Bhai,
through their agents. D.S. (II) may pl see. 4) O/C watch may pl. comment.
Side note: Report placed before. Sd/-14.7.56
Seen & noted sd/ -S.I 1.B. 16.7
Dear Sheik Saheb,
This is to recall myself to your memory. You may remember that you were kind enough to receive me at your place in Dacca a few days ago, when I had called accompanied by Halim Bhai.
It was a pleasure for me to have met a Bengali Patriot like you and I am sure that you will play no mean part in the regeneration of the Bengali people.
I also feel that the policy of your party, the Awami League comes nearest to the interests of the common people of East Bengal.
I shall be very happy if you can let me have your assessment of the political and economic trends which are emerging. Kindly, also, let me know if I can help you in any way in furthering your cause which is also mine.

Page: 473
Thanking you and hoping for the favour of an early reply.
To Sheik Mujibur Rahman, M.P. Nazira Bazar, P.O. Ramna, DACCA.
Yours Sincerely, Sd/- Kalyan Kumar Bakshi. 130/10, Brahma Samaj Rd. Behala, Calcutta.
Security Section
I.B. interception dt. 14.7.56. Secret
No. 10308/606-48 (1) dt.26.7.56 Copy forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information and with request to report about the writer, visit to Dacca and his Contact with Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman M.P. as mentioned in the intercepted letter.
Sd/ -24.7.56 for SSIII.B.
Ref: Order on the comment of o/C Watch, below. Draft for appl. please.
Side note: Reminder issued vide page 764, Reply at Page 767
Kalyan Kumar Bakshi is not known to us by sight. We could not mention watch on Sk. Mujibur Rahman for some months past due to Shortage of Staff, but as far as is known, Dacca DIB maintains watch on him. If necessary, Dacca D.I.B. may be asked to report if they had got any information about Kalyan Kumar Visit to Dacca and his contact with Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
A. Razzak
O/C, 17.7 Side note: Seen. Please ask Dacca D.I.B. on the point requesting an early reply.
Sd/-for DS 6, 17.7

Page: 474
Ref File No. 606-48 (1) Subj: To ascertain the arrival and departure of Kalyan Kumar Bakshi of
130/10 Brahma Shamaj Road, Calcutta.
On enquiry at the Dacca Airport it is ascertained that one Kalyan Kumar Bakshi (K.K. Bakshi) S/o G.B. Bakshi of 17/1 Harish Mukharji Road, Calcutta arrived here on 26.6.56 by Air from Calcutta being accompanied with one Manwarul Huq of 22 Dina Nath Sen Road, Dacca.
As regards his departure nothing could be ascertained there. D.I.B. Kustia may kindly be asked to ascertain the same if he has left for Calcutta via Darshna.
He had PP No 11009073 dt 19.4.56 issued at Calcutta visa no Il/ 6/13/ C/56 dt 4.5.56 issued at Calcutta with expiry date 3.11.56.
Wahed Ali SI. IB., DACCA.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 6th 7th August, 1956. No. 7271/R 6221/22-51 (1) Int
A.K.M. H. Rahman, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca. Ref: His Memo No. 10308/606-48 (1) F dt. 26.7.56.
Enquiries were made and it could not be ascertained if the writer of the intercept under reference visited Dacca and contacted Sk. Majibur Rahman.
Sd/-6.8.56 Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 475
Reminder! Secret
No. 10962/606-48(1)F. dt. 8.8.56
TO The Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Please refer to your memo. No. 10308 1606-48 (1) dated 26.7.56 and expedite reply wanted therein.
Sd/ -7.8. for S.S. II, I.B.
No. 11605/606-48(1) F dt. 23.8.56 To The Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca. Ref: Your memo No 7271 / 22-51 (1) Int. dated 7.8.56.
It transpired that the writer of the intercepted letter, Babu Kalyan Kumar Bakshi of Calcutta visited Dacca on 26.6.56 being accompanied with one Mr. Manwarul Haq of 22 Dinanath Sen Road, Dacca. Your report under reference is quite contradictory. Please enquires further on report early.
Sd/ – 22.8 for SSII, I.B.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in some meetings at
Faridpur criticizing the Government.
Faridpur, 14 July 1956
Extract from Monthly D.O. No. 362/C, dated 5.7.56 from S.P. Faridpur to Inspector – General of Police.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, E.P.A.L also delivered speeches in some of the meetings where he vehemently criticized the Government for their

Page: 476
alleged failure in solving the food problem of the country and urged the public to launch a Civil Disobedience Movement if their demands are not fulfilled.
Office of the Inspector-General of
Police, E. Pakistan.
Memo No. 3539/S/73-56., dated 14.7.56.
Copy forwarded to A.Q. Ansari, Esqr. Joint Secy., Home Department, Govt. of East Pakistan, for information.
Sd/- A.S.M. Ahmed. for Inspector-General of Police,
East Pakistan.


WCR on movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left for
Karachi and six other leaders.
Dacca, 17 July 1956
W.C.R of Dacca D.I.B. for the W/E. 14.7.56.
Movement of Suspects. 1. A.L. 788 Oli Ahad arrived Dacca on 7.7.56 by train. 2. A.L. 740 Sudhangsu Mohan Saha left Dacca on 7.7.56 by train. He arrived
Dacca on the same date. 3. A.L. 543 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left for Karachi on 9.7.56 by plane. 4. A.L. 768 Ashutosh Singh arrived Dacca on 9.7.56 by train. 5. A.L. 254 Basanta Kumar Das arrived Dacca by train on 10.7.56. 6. A.L. 371 Monoranjan Dhar left Dacca on 12.7.56 by train. 7. A.L. 788 Oli Ahad left Dacca for Comilla on 3.7.56 by train.
Side note: Seen. Sd/-for D.S.I. 23.7.
Sd/- A.U. Muhammad. 24.7. Seen. Sd/-for D.S.6 24.7

Page: 477


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman made a statement at Karachi, Pakistan alleging the ruling clique of turning East Pakistan into colony and demanded their trial for apathy to the state. He also spoke about the price escalation of rice, famine condition and deprivation of
East Pakistan.
Dacca, 19 July 1956
Natun Din dt 19.7.56
ক্ষমতাসীন চক্র পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে কলােনীতে পরিণত করিয়াছে রাষ্ট্রের প্রতি উদাসীন শাসকগােষ্ঠীর বিচার হওয়া উচিত
করাচীতে শেখ মুজিব কর্তৃক দাবী উত্থাপন
“পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জনসাধারণ কেন্দ্রের নিকট হইতে সহানুভূতিলাভে বঞ্চিত। করাচী বহু দুরে অবস্থিত এবং কেন্দ্রের রাজনীতি পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের রাজনীতির উপরই নির্ভরশীল, অধিকিন্তু ক্ষমতাসীনচক্র পূর্ব-পাকিস্তানকে প্রায় একটি কলােনীর মত করিয়া রাখিয়াছে। গত ১২ই জুলাই করাচীতে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে উপরােক্ত মন্তব্য করেন।
পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে শেখ মুজিব বলেন, পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জনসাধারণ যে গুরুতর সংকটের মধ্য দিয়া কালাতিপাত করিতেছে, প্রতি আমাদের পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানী ভাইদের ঔদাসীন্যই শুধুমাত্র আমাদিগকে বিচলিত করতেছে না। সরকারও সে পরিস্থিতির গুরুত্ব উপলদ্ধি করিতে পারেন নাই, তাহাও আমাদিগকে বিচলিত করিয়া তুলিয়াছে।
তিনি বলেন, যখন অনাহারে লােক মৃত্যু বরণ করিতেছে, সেই সময় আমাদের কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিগণ বিদেশে সম্মেলনে যােগদানের নামে সফর করিয়া বেড়াইতেছেন, যদিও এই সম্মেলন বর্তমানে অনুষ্ঠান না করিলেও চলিত অথবা অন্য কাহারও উক্ত সম্মেলনে যােগদান করিলেও চলিত। এমন কি প্রধানমন্ত্রী পর্যন্ত পাকিস্তানের বাহিরে তাহার অবস্থানের মেয়াদ বর্ধিত করিতেছেন। বর্তমানে তিনি হজের দোহাই দিতেছেন; কিন্তু পূর্ব পাকিস্তান এই দুর্যোগের সময়ে প্রধান মন্ত্রির উপস্থিতি এবং তাহার ব্যক্তিগত মনােযােগ দাবী করে। এ পর্যন্ত খুব কম কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিই পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অবস্থা পরিদর্শন করিয়াছেন। জনাব শহীদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অবস্থা জানেন এবং এমনকি তিনি প্রদেশের গুরুতর পরিস্থিতির প্রতি পাকিস্তান প্রেসিডেন্টের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করিয়া তাহাকে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অবস্থা স্বচক্ষে পরিদর্শন করিতে আহবান করিবার একমাস পর প্রেসিডেন্ট তথায় গমন

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করেন। যদিও, মাত্র তিনদিন তিনি তথায় অবস্থান করেন, তবুও আল্লার কাছে হাজার শুকুর যে, তথায় গমন করিয়াছেন। তিনি আরও বলেন, পূর্ব পাকিস্তান মন্ত্রিসভার ব্যর্থতা প্রেসিডেন্ট নিজে উপলব্ধি করিয়াছেন। এবং সামরিক বাহিনীর হস্তে খাদ্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ ভার প্রদানের উপর গুরুত্ব আরােপ করিয়াছেন – যদিও বিরােধী দলকে সুযােগদান করাই সবচাইতে উপযুক্ত ও শাসনতন্ত্র সম্মত হইত।’ তিনি আরও বলেন, একদিকে মন্ত্রিসভার কার্যকলাপের নিন্দা করা হইয়াছে; কিন্তু অন্য দিকে উক্ত মন্ত্রিসভাকেই কার্য চালাইয়া যাইতে দেওয়া হইতেছে এবং জনাব সরকার নিজ টলায়মান আসন রক্ষা করিতে নতুন নতুন মন্ত্রী নিয়ােগ করিয়া চলিয়াছেন। ইহা কি ন্যায় – নীতির কাজ?।
তিনি বলেন, পুর্ব পাকিস্তানের বর্তমান অবস্থা বর্ণনাতীত এবং এই অবস্থার উন্নতি করিতে বর্তমান বিশেষ একনিষ্ঠা ও চিন্তাধারার প্রয়ােজন। এখানে মণপ্রতি গমের মূল্য ১৪ টাকায় উঠায় যাহারা বিচলিত হইয়া পড়িয়াছেন, তাহাদিগকে যখন পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের চাউলের মূল্য বেশীরভাগ জায়গায় ৪৫/৬০ টাকা এবং কোন কোন জায়গায় ইহার চাইতেও উচ্চে বলা হয়, তখন তাহারা আমার কথা বিশ্বাস করিতে পারেন না। খাদ্যাভাবে যে আতংক সৃষ্টি হইয়াছে, সরকার যদি খাদ্যের সত্যিকার অবস্থা সম্পর্কে জনগণকে অবহিত করিতেন তবে সমগ্র জাতির সাহায্য লাভ করিতে পারিতেন এবং এই আতংকও প্রশমিত হইত।
জনাব মুজিবর রহমান সরকারের প্রতি অভিযােগ উত্থাপন করিয়া বলেন, ‘জনাব আবু হােসেন সরকারের প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রিসভা পরিস্থিতির মােকাবিলা করিতে সম্পূর্ণ ব্যর্থ হন। গণপরিষদে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের দাবীর প্রতি কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার উপেক্ষা প্রদর্শন করেন। তাহারা জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দীর সর্তকবাণী এবং দাবী দাওয়ার প্রতি কর্ণপাত না করিয়া অযথা সময় অতিবাহিত করেন।
তিনি বলেন, বর্তমানে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জন্য কোটি কোটি টাকা ব্যয় করা হইতেছে, কিন্তু উহাতে প্রকৃত সমস্যার কোনই সমাধান হইতেছে না। সময়মত ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বন করিলে এই কোটি কোটি টাকার অপচয় হইত না। পরিস্থিতির মােকাবিলা করিতে যাহারা উদাসীন্য দেখাইয়াছেন এবং ব্যক্তিগত স্বার্থে যাহারা সমস্যাকে জিয়াইয়া রাখিয়াছেন, একটি তদন্ত কমিশন গঠন করিয়া, তাহাদিগকে জনসমক্ষে বিচার করিতে জনাব রহমান তাহার দাবী জানান।
পরিশেষে জনাব মুজিবর রহমান তাহার বিবৃতির পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানী ভাইদের প্রতি আবেদন জানাইয়া বলেন, এখানে বহু দানশীল ব্যক্তি রহিয়াছেন, তাঁহারা নিজেরা পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অবস্থা পরিদর্শন করুন অথবা নিজেদের প্রতিনিধি প্রেরণ করুন এবং এক ভাইয়ের দুরাবস্থায় অপর ভাই আগাইয়া আসুন।
Side note: In the PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/ -31.7 DS6

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Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left Dacca for
Mymensingh, 21 July 1956
To The O/C., Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 20.7.56 at about 07.25hrs. suspect * Sk. Majibar Rahman came to Dacca R/S. from town side without shadow. At 07.30 hrs. 13 up train being

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shadowed by me up to Mymensingh R/S. at 11.45 hrs. The said suspect got down from the train at Mymensing R/S. After that about 15 unknown persons were seen to visit with the said suspect at the Railway platform, made over the said suspect to W/C. Shahidur Rahman D.I.B. of Mymensingh who was on duty at station. During the journey period neither any suspect nor any suspicious persons or outsider were seen to visit with the said suspect. I submitted a separate report to the D.I.O.I of D.I.B. Mymensingh.
This is for your kind necessary information.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Abdul Wahid.
I.B., Dacca.
Side note: D.S.VI. for kind perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F.
Sd/-for olc. Watch. 24.7. Seen. Sd/- for o/c., Watch. 24.7.
District Intelligence Branch
Mymensingh, the 25th July, 1956. No. 4721(2)/11-56(2)
1. Md. Yusuff, Esqr.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
2. M.A. Chaudhury, Esqr.,
Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
I write to inform you that *A.L./543 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived at Mymensingh on 20.7.56 at 12.00 hours being shadowed by W.C. Abdul Wahed of I.B., Dacca.
Sd/ -26.7.56 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.

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District Intelligence Branch,
Mymensingh, the 26th July/56 NO. 4772(2)/11-56(2).
1) Md. Yusuff, Esqr.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
2) M.A. Chaudhury, Esqr.,
Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
I write to inform you that political suspect AL/543 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Mymensingh Railway Station on 20.7.56 at about 11.50 hrs. by train from Dacca being shadowed by W/C Abdul Wahed of I.B., Dacca.
Sd/-26.7 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 26th July/56.
NO. 4771(2)/11-56(2)
To 1) Md. Yusuff, Esqr.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca. M.A. Chaudhury, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
I write to inform you that political suspect AL/543 Mujibar Rahman Sheikh left for Dacca on 21.7.56 at 17.00 hrs. being shadowed by W/C Motahar Hossain who made over the suspect to W/C Altafuddin Talukdar of I.B. at Dacca Railway Station.
Sd/ -26.7 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman issued a circular urging people to
observe 27 August, 1956 as a ‘Protest Day’.
Dacca, 19 August 1956
The 19-8-1956. Memo No. 5452/38-49
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, General
Secy. E.P.A. League.
To (with address)
: Mvi. Sirajuddin Ahmad, M.L.A.
Secy. District Awami League, Noakhali
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Dacca
Maijdi Court P.O.
18.8.56 : A.S.I. Rafiquddin Ahmad.
6. Post office of interception 7. Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can prove the
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Not
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: kept
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception

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Copy (in duplicate) forwarded to
A. K. M. H. Rahman, Esq., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.P., Dacca, for information.
Sd/-19.8 (M.L. HAQ) Supdt. of Police D.I.B., Noakhali.
True Copy Circular No. 12. Date,15.8.1956.
Dear Sir,
The Working Committee, East Pakistan Awami League in its meeting dated 14.8.56 decided to observe August, 27, 1956 as a protest day to record strong condemnation and country wide resentment against the flagrant violation of the spirit of the Constitution by ruling clique proroguing the East Pakistan Assembly and not allowing the elected representatives to discuss and find out solution of colossal problems facing the country today. All the units of the Awami League are hereby directed to organise general strike, public meeting and demonstrations in cooperation with other democratic organisations to make this day a success.
Sincerely Sd/- ( Shaikh Mujibur Rahman)
General Secretary, Pakistan Awami League.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman revealed in his speech in the Peasant
Conference at Kagmari Tangail the true nature of the ruling clique and cautioned against conspiracy to make East Bengal a vested field of oppression. He also urged the peasants to organize and launch united mass movement for realizing their demands.
Dacca, 19 August 1956
Ittehad dt. 19.8.56
পূর্ব বঙ্গকে কায়েমী শােষণের ক্ষেত্রে পরিনত করার হীন চক্রান্ত

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শেখ মুজিবর রহমান কর্তৃক শাসকগােষ্ঠীর স্বরুপ উদঘাটন কৃষক সমাজের দাবী-দাওয়া আদায়ের জন্য সঙ্ঘবদ্ধ গণ আন্দোলন গড়িয়া তােলার উদাত্ত আহবান।।
(নিজস্ব প্রতিনিধি প্রেরিত) কাগমারী, ১৮ ই আগষ্ট। -পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান অদ্য এখানে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান কৃষক সম্মেলনের দ্বিতীয় অধিবেশনে সভাপতির ভাষণে বলেন যে, প্রদেশের বর্তমান যুক্তফ্রন্ট সরকার কেন্দ্রীয় শাসক গােষ্ঠীর হীন চক্রান্তের সহিত হাত মিলাইয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে এক কায়েমী শােষণের ক্ষেত্রে পরিণত করিয়া দেশের মেরুদন্ড কৃষক সমাজকে ধ্বংসের পথে ঠেলিয়া দিতেছেন। দেশ ও জাতির শত্রু এই শাসকগােষ্ঠীকে ক্ষমতাচ্যুত করিয়া আত্মমর্যাদা লইয়া বাঁচিবার জন্য তিনি দলমত নির্বিশেষে সকলের প্রতি সঙ্ঘবদ্ধ আন্দোলন। গড়িয়া তােলার আহ্বান জনান।
তিনি বলেন যে, যে বাংলা একদিন শস্য শ্যামলা ছিল আজ তাহা শুষ্ক মরুভূমিতে পরিনত হইয়াছে। এখানকার মানুষ আজ এক মুঠো ভাতের জন্য কুকুর বিড়ালের মত পথে পথে ঘুরিতেছে।
এই শাসকচক্র দেশকে ভিক্ষারী করিয়া তুলিয়াছে, বিশ্বের দরবারে তাহার মস্তক অবনত করিয়াছে। তিনি বলেন যে, পাকিস্তান কৃষি প্রধান দেশ, আর এদেশের কৃষককুল এই জাতির প্রাণ। পাকিস্তান অর্জনের জন্য আমরা সংগ্রাম করিয়াছিলাম। কারণ আমরা আশা করিয়াছিলাম পাকিস্তান অর্জিত হইলে দেশের অগণিত নির্যাতীত ও নিপীড়িত জনতা ফিরিয়া পাইবে তাহাদের হারান। অতীত, শান্তি ও শিক্ষা।
দেশ হইতে দুরীভূত হইবে সুদ প্রথা আর সৰ্ব্ব প্রকার কালাকানুন। উচ্ছেদ হইবে দেশের কৃষককুলের রক্ত শােষণকারী জমিদার সম্প্রদায়, কিন্তু কার্যক্ষেত্রে আমরা তাহার কিছুই পাই নাই।।
তিনি তাহার বক্তৃতার দেশের কৃষক সম্প্রদায়ের দুঃখ ও নিপীড়িত জীবনের করুন কাহিনী। বর্ণনা করেন। এই নির্যাতন ও ধ্বংসের হাত হইতে রক্ষা পাইবার জন্য এবং ২১ দফা আদায়ের বাস্তব কর্মপন্থা গ্রহণ করিতে তাহাদিগকে আহবান জানান।
সম্মেলনের উদ্যোক্তা দেশবরন্যে নেতা মওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খান দেশের কৃষক কুলকে বর্তমানের ধ্বংস হইতে রক্ষা করিবার জন্য এবং তাহাদের জীবন যাত্রার মান উন্নয়নের জন্য গতকল্য যে সাতদফা পরিকল্পনা উপস্থিত করেন জনাব মুজিবর রহমান তাহার প্রতি পূর্ণ সমর্থন জ্ঞাপন করেন।
বক্তৃতায় তিনি সাতদফার প্রথম ও দ্বিতীয় দফা বিনা খেসারতে জমিদারী প্রথার উচ্ছেদ এবং সার্টিফিকেট প্রথা ও খাজনার সুদ বন্ধ করিবার জন্য জোর দাবী জানান। তাছাড়া তিনি অন্যান্য দফাগুলি যথা খাদ্যের ব্যবস্থা, বিনাশর্তে সমস্ত রাজ বন্দীর মুক্তি ও কালা কানুন প্রত্যাহার, মদ, গাজা ভাং ইত্যাদি সেবন বন্ধ, পূর্ণ আঞ্চলিক স্বায়ত্তশাসন এবং পরিষদ অধিবেশন আহব্বান সম্পকে

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বিস্তৃত আলােচনা করেন এবং অবিলম্বে এইগুলি কার্যকরী করার জন্য দাবী জানান এবং কৃষক কুলকে তাহাদের দাবী আদায়ের জন্য সংঘবন্ধভাবে সংগ্রামের জন্য প্রস্তুত হইতে আহব্বান জানান।
তিনি বলেন যে, কেন্দ্রীয় শাসক গােষ্ঠী তাহাদের ঘৃণ্য ষড়যন্ত্রের মাধ্যমে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে শােষণ করিয়া চলিয়াছেন এবং দেশের প্রাণ কৃষককুলকে ধ্বংসের পথে টানিয়া আনিয়াছেন। আজ আমাদের প্রয়ােজন দল-মত নির্বিশেষে সকল দেশ প্রেমিককে একত্রিত করা এবং গণতান্ত্রিক কার্যক্রমের ভিত্তিতে সংঘবদ্ধ ও শান্তি পূর্ণ ভাবে নির্ভয়ে সংগ্রাম করিয়া যাওয়া।
তিনি আরও বলেন যে, আমাদের চোখের সম্মুখে যেখানে নুতন দুনিয়া জাগৃত হইতেছে, সেখানে আমরা শাসকচক্রের ঘৃন্য চক্রান্তের ফলে দুর্ভিক্ষ ও মহামারীতে ভূগিয়া ক্রমশঃ মৃত্যুর পথে অগ্রসর হইতেছি। উন্নতির সর্ববিধ সম্ভাবনা সত্ত্বেও আমরা বর্তমানে নিজের গৃহে পরবাসী হইয়া রহিয়াছি।
তিনি বলেন যে, শাসক গােষ্ঠির কবল হইতে আত্মরক্ষা করিয়া যদি আমাদিগকে মানুষের মর্যাদা লইয়া বাচিতে হয়, তবে জাতির মহাসনদ ২১ দফার বাস্তব রুপায়ণ অপরিহার্য। যাহারা ২১ দফার কাৰ্য্য সুচীকে কার্য্যে পরিনত করিবার ওয়াদা করিয়াছিলেন, তাহারা আজ জালিম মুসলিম লীগের সহিত হাত মিলাইয়া ক্ষমতার অধিষ্ঠিত রহিয়াছেন। এই শাসকগােষ্ঠিকে ক্ষমতাচ্যুত করিতে না পারিলে যে দেশবাসীর সম্মুখে সমূহ বিপদ রহিয়াছে, জনাব রহমান দ্ব্যর্থহীন ভাষায় তাহা উল্লেখ করেন।
সর্বপ্রকার প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ অবহেলা করিয়া দুরদুরান্তর হইতে বিরাট জনতা আজ তাহাদের প্রিয় নেতাদের বক্তৃতা শুনিতে উপস্থিত হয়। গতকল্যও গভীর রাত্রি পর্যন্ত সম্মেলনের কাৰ্য্য চলিতে থাকে। অদ্য সকাল নয়টার পুনরায় এই ঐতিহাসিক সম্মেলনের কাৰ্য্য আরম্ভ হয়। দ্বিতীয় দিনে সভাপতির আসন গ্রহণ করেন জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান।
সভায় জনাব অলি আহাদ, জনাব মহীউদ্দিন, জনাব দেওয়ান মহীউদ্দিন বক্তৃতা করেন। তাহারা তাহাদের বক্তৃতায় উক্ত সাতদফার প্রতি তাহাদের সমর্থন জ্ঞাপন করেন। সম্মেলনে আমিনা বেগম এম,পি, ও মেহেরুন্নিসা এম,পিও উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
Side note: On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/-21.8 for D.S.VI.

Page: 488
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 21st August 56.
No. 6049 (2)
1) Md. Yusuff, Esq.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police., I.B., E.P., Dacca.
M.A. Choudhury, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
A.L. 543 Sheikh Mujibar Rahman left for Dacca on 19.8.56 at 04-45 hrs. being shadowed by W.C. Ayet Ali Bhuiya of this D.I.B. who made over the suspect to W.C. Abdur Rahman of I.B. at Dacca Rly. Stn. at 10-15hrs.
Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Mymensingh

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District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 22nd August 56.
No. 6070(5)/11-56(2)
1) Md. Yusuff, Esqr. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca. 2) M.A. Choudhury, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca. 3) D. Hossain, Esqr., P.S.P.,Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Tippera. 4) M.A. Karim., Esqr., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Faridpur. 5) S.A. Sayood, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Sylhet.
I write to inform you that **A.L. 543 Mujibar Rahman Sheikh, *A.L.788 Wali Ahad and *A.L.69 Abdus Samad arrived at Mymensingh on 17.8.56 at 01-30 hours being shadowed by W.C. Nurul Haque of R.I.B., Dacca. The party left for Tangail on the same date at 05-00 hrs. being shadowed by A.S.I. Aliuzzaman of this D.I.B.
A.L. 102 Maulana Altaf Husain also returned from Dacca with the party mentioned above.
Sd/-22.8.56. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Mymensingh.
210 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stated on the observance of ‘Protest Day’
that he noticed with great sorrow a few agents of the central ruling clique trying to create confusion among the people of East
Bengal. Dacca, 22 August 1956
Millat dt. 22.8.56
প্রতিবাদ দিবস সম্পর্কে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতকল্য মঙ্গলবার সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে বলেন আমি অত্যন্ত দুঃখের সহিত অবলােকন করিয়াছি যে, ২৭ শে আগষ্ট তারিখের প্রস্তারিত প্রতিবাদ দিবস সম্পর্কে কেন্দীয় শাসনচক্রের কতিপয় দালাল পর্ব বাংলার।

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জনমনে বিভ্রান্তি সৃষ্টির প্রয়াস পাইতেছে। আমি আমার দেশবাসী ভাইদের নিকট বিশেষ জোরের সহিত বলিতে চাই যে ২৭শে আগষ্ট তারিখে প্রতিবাদ দিবসে সাধারণ ধর্মঘট অনুষ্ঠান জনসভা সােভাযাত্রা প্রভৃতি অনুষ্ঠানের আওয়ামী লীগ ওয়ার্কিং কমিটি যে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করিয়াছে তাহা বলবৎ রহিয়াছে। অতীতে আমরা শাসকচক্রের অনেক অগনতান্ত্রিক ও অগঠনতান্ত্রিক কার্য প্রতিরােধ করিয়াছি এবং ভবিষ্যতেও আমরা ইহা করিব।
প্রাদেশিক গভর্ণর কর্তৃক পরিষদের অধিবেশনকে অগনতান্ত্রিক কার্য বলিয়া আখ্যায়িত করিয়া শেখ মুজিবর রহমান বলেন যে আমরা অবশ্যই অগণতান্ত্রিক ব্যবস্থার প্রতিরােধ করিব। তিনি বলেন যে, আমরা যদি এ প্রচেষ্টায় ব্যর্থ হই তবে আমরা দেশবাসীর নিকট বিশ্বাস ঘাতক বলিয়া প্রতিপন্ন হইব এবং ভবিষ্যৎ বংশধরদের নিকট দায়ী থাকিব।
জনাব মুজিবর রহমান আওয়ামী লীগের জেলা মহকুমা, থানা ও ইউনিয়ন শাখার কর্মকর্তা ও প্রাদেশিক পরিষদ ও জাতীয় পরিষদ সদস্যগণের প্রতি যে কোন পরিস্থিতির জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকিতে অনুরােধ করেন এবং প্রত্যেক সদস্যকে নিজ নিজ নির্বাচনী এলাকায় গমন করিয়া প্রতিবাদ দিবসের প্রস্তুতি কার্যে ব্যাপৃত হইতে আবেদন করেন।
Side note: Seen. On the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman Sd/-23.8.

Page: 491.
Azad dt. 23.4.56
প্রতিবাদ দিবস পালন
জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতি পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এক বিবৃতিতে বলেন, আমি অত্যন্ত দুঃখের সহিত লক্ষ্য করিয়াছি যে, করাচীর শাসনচক্রের কিছু সংখ্যক অনুচর আগামী ২৭শে আগষ্ট প্রতিবাদ দিবস’ পালন সম্পর্কে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জন সাধারণের মনে বিভ্রান্তি সৃষ্টির চেষ্টা করিতেছে। জোরের সহিত আমি জানাইয়া দিতে চাই যে, সাধারণ ধর্মঘট, জনসভা এবং শােভাযাত্রা দ্বারা ২৭শে আগষ্ট প্রতিবাদ দিবস’ পালন সম্পর্কে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগ ওয়ার্কিং কমিটীর পূর্ব সিদ্ধান্তই বহাল রহিয়াছে। আমি দেশবাসীকে বলিতে চাই যে, শাসকচক্রের বহু অগণতান্ত্রিক কার্যকলাপ আমরা সহ্য করায় সরকার গত ১৩ই আগষ্ট তারিখে প্রাদেশিক ব্যবস্থা পরিষদের অধিবেশন বন্ধ রাখার কথা ঘােষণা করিতে সাহস পাইয়াছেন।
Side note: On the P.F. of the subject pl. Sd/-506 25.8

Page: 492


Letter from Md. Taimur Rahman Mia, Muktear, Rajshahi Court and Assistant Secretary of Awami League Sadar Sub-division, Rajshahi to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman regarding observance of
‘Protest Day’. Rajshahi, 22 August 1956
Dacca; The-19 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
Memo No.
1. From (with address)
: Md Taimur Rahman Mia
Mukhtear, Rajshahi Criminal Court & Assitt. Secy of Sadar Subdivision, Member of Dist.
Working Committee. 2. To (with address)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Genl. Secy. Awami League 56, Simpson
Road, Sadar Ghat, Dacca 3. Language of letter
Bengali 4. Date of letter
: 22.8.56. 5. Postal Seal
: Illegible. 6. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. 7. Date of interception
: 24.8.56 8. Name of officer who can prove : Delwoar Hossain S.l.
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Submitted to office 11. If delivered, whether copy kept : Copy kept
or not 12. Number and date of
Government order authorising
interception. Side note: Original letter delivered, Sd/-25.8

Page: 493
Copy/translation forwarded to DIS VI
Letter dated 22.8.56 from Md. Taimur Rahman Miah –Mukter Rajshahi Criminal Court – Asst. Secretary of Sadar Subdivision, member of District Working Committee-sepoipara, Rajshahi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman General Secretary A.L. -56 Simpson Road, Dacca, requesting instruction if section 144 is enforced etc.
Side note: Seen. Please release the original. And send a copy to the local D.I.B. for
information. Sd/ -25.8.56 for D.S.6 Bengali Copy attached as desired by Sd/-25.8
Copy of a Bengali letter dt 22.8.56 from Md. Taimur Rahman mia, Muktear, Rajshahi Criminal Court & Asstt. Secy. of Sadar Sub-division to Sk. Majibar Rahman, Genl. Secy, A.L. Dear Brother,
আদাপ নিবেন। আপনার প্রেরিত Circular No 12 dt. 15.৪ এর পত্রে ২৭ তারিখে মিটিং করার জন্য বলিয়াছেন। আমরা এবারে প্রস্তত কিন্তু ছাত্র ও বিভিন্ন দলের মধ্যে একটু মতানক্য। এই জন্য যে ১৪৪ ধারা জারী হইলে তখন আইন অমান্য করিতে হইবে কিনা তাহা আপনাদের নির্দিষ্ট আদেশ নাই। সুতরাং আপনি অনতিবিলম্বে পত্র ও কাগজ মারফত নির্দিষ্টOpenion জানাইয়া সুখী করিবেন। নইলে আমার পক্ষে অসম্ভব হইবে। জবাবের প্রতি সকলে উদগ্রীব হইয়া রহিলাম। আশা করি আপনারা সব ভাল। বাসাস্থ শ্রেণী বিশেষ আমার সালাম ও স্নেহাশীষ ও দোয়া রইলাে।। খােদা হাফেজ ইতি।
Yours Sincerely Sd/ – Taimur 22.4.56.

Page: 494


Letter from Maziruddin Ahmed, President Sub-divisional Awami League, Netrakona, Mymensingh to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman informing about the observance of ‘Protest Day’.
Mymensingh, 25 August 1956
Dacca; The 25th August 1956.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Maziruddin Ahmed, President
Subdl. Awami Muslim League. Netrakhona, Mymensingh Janab Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Secy. Prov. Awami League 56.
Simpson Road, Dacca : English : 24-8.56.
Language of letter
3. 4.
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Netrokona.
Postal office of interception : G.P.O. Dacca Date of interception
: 25.8.56 Name of officer who can prove the : Maung Maung A.S.I.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Order submitted to office 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : –
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception

Page: 495
Copy/translation forwarded to
NO 1 dt 30/8/56. DIS VI
Letter dated 24.8.56 from the Ahmed, President, Subd. Awami League, Netrakona, Mymensingh to Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Secretary Provincial Awami League, 65 Simpson Road, Dacca informing about facing all sorts of repression and oppositions in observing “Protest Day” on the 27th August 1956.
Sd/ -25.8.56 Side note: Original letter delivered, Sd/ -25.8,
Deliver after keeping copy & send a copy to District for comments. Sd/-25.8.56 Type Section please. Sd/ -25.8.56 Typed pl. Sd/-25.8.56
P.O. Netrakona. Dt. Mymensingh. Date: 24.8.56.
From : Maziruddin Ahmed, (Khurshid Mia) Mooktar, President, Subdl. Awami M. League, V. President, District Awami League, Member, E.P. Provincial Awami League,
Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy. Provincial Awami League, 65, Simpson Road, Dacca.
D/ Sir,
You will be pleased to learn that yesterday I, on behalf of the Subdl. Awami League- called a Meeting of the 9 Leftist parties of Netrakona in our office room at about 10. A.M. and decided to observe “grote Test” as decided by the Working Com. of the Provl. Awami League. I have seen your statement in the papers. We have resolved to face all sorts of repressions and oppositions- for the purpose (27th August) and to make it a full success.

Page: 496
We are awaiting your periodical directions in order to work for the “Islamic Republic” and for the Constitution newly framed, and for our beloved mother land (Pakistan!)
Salam to our great leaders Janab H. Suhrawardy and Maulana Bhashani with thanks.
Yours sincerely Sd/- M. Ahmed,
President, Sub-Divisional Awami League, Netrakona (Mymensingh)
Date 24.8.56.
Jonab Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Secy. Provl. Awami League, 56, Simpson Road, Dacca. East Pakistan.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 17th/18th Septr. 1956.
No. 8727/R7110 /22-51(1). Int.
To A.K.M.H. Rahman, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca.
Ref: – Your Memo No. 11605 /606-48 (1) dt. 23.8.56.
I write to inform you that further quiet enquiries made to verify the contents under cover of I.B Memo No. 11605/606-48 (I) dated the 2314, August, 1956 have not yielded any result.
Sd/ -18.9.56 Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

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Memo for sending the copy of short and long-hand-note on speech
of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 1 September 1956
Confidential Form No. XXIX S.I., 1924
Government of East Pakistan Home (Political) Department.
No.2539-Poll/S., Dated Dacca, the 1st September, 1956.
: A.Z. Faruqui, Esqr., C.S.P., Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of East Pakistan. : The Deputy Inspector- General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of memorandum No. 3539/S/75-56, dated the 14h July, 1956 received from the Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, and to request that a copy of the short/ long hand note of the speeches of Mvi. Sk. Majibar Rahman may be furnished to Government at an early date.
Sd/Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of East
Form No. XXIX. S.M. 1941.
Government of East Pakistan. Home (Political) Department.
No. 2844-Poll/S., Dated Dacca, the 2nd Oct., 1956 441/56. FROM : A.Z. Faruqui, Esqr., C.S.P., Dy. Secy, to the Govt. of East Pakistan. To : The Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan,

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Reference : This Deptt. Memo. No. 2539-Poll/S., dated the 3rd September, 1956.
The undersigned is directed to say that copies of the short/long hand speeches of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman are no longer required, and need not be sent.
Sd/Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of East


Reporters deployed to record speeches of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 5 September 1956
Re. order on NSP XXXIII dt. 5.9.56 under Sl. No. (2).
Two Bengali Reporters were deputed to record proceedings of the meetings held at Jessore, Khulna & Faridpur, where speeches were delivered by Sk. Mujibur Rahman Genl. Secy. A.L.
Sd/ -2.9.56.
Secret Express
No. 12188/606-48 P.F.(E) dt.6.9
S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur
Please refer to your monthly D.O.No.362/C dt. 5.7.56 addressed to the Inspector General of Police East Pakistan, Dacca and send the long hand notes of the meetings in which sk. Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches.
Sd/-5.9.56. for DSVI for SSII

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Report on the observance of ‘Protest Day’at Netrakona.
Netrakona, 14 September 1956
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 14.9.56.
“I beg to report that under the direction of the Provincial A. L. the local A.L. observed the “Protest Day” on the 27th August, 1956. The one day strike was also observed in the town. Shops were mostly closed, except of the Chemists, Pan Wallas, restaurants and a few others. All public traffic was at a standstill since 10.00 hrs. In the evening a few rickshaws came out to play and a few shops were also opened. In the afternoon a huge procession coming out (most of the students) and moved through the main roads of the town and assembled at vegetable market, Netrakona town where a large public meeting was held. Details reported submitted duly.
The particulars of the writer of the letter is as follows:1. Maziruddin Ahmed @ Khurshid Miah (A.L.) Muktear, S/o Sabiruddin of Maloi
Road, Netrakona town, Mymensingh.”
Copy of further report of the D.I.O. 23.9.56.
“I beg to state that I have enquired about the meeting held on 23.8.56. at A.L. Office, Netrakona and learnt that under the Presidentship of Maziruddin Ahmad, Muktear (A.L) S/o Sabiruddin of Netrakona town, a close door meeting took place at A.L. Office, Netrakona at 10.00 A.M. in order to decide plan and programme to observe ” Protest Day” on the 27th August and how the day could be success. The following amongst others attended and discussed. They decided to observe the day peacefully 1. Fazlur Rahaman Khan (A.L/ C.P.O.) S/o Idrish Khan of Kunia, P.S. Netrakona.
Abdul Khaleq (A.L) S/o Abdul Karim of Magushita, P.S. Atpara.
Abdul Mazid @ Tara Mia (A.L) S/o Maziruddin Ahmad of Netrakona town.
4. Nuruzzaman Chaudhury (A.L) S/o Sadaruzzaman of Netrakona town.

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5. Abdul Hannan (C.P.) S/o Abbas Ali of Bali, P.S. Netrakona.
6. Abdul Gani (C.P) S/o Abdus Sheik of Malni Road, Netrakona town. 7. Abdul Kuddus (C.P) S/o Ismail of Paharpur P.S. Atpara. 8. Abdul Matin (E.P.S.L) S/o Abdul Halim of Jangalbari, P.S. Kishoreganj and of
Malni Road, Netrakona town.
9. Naziruddin (E.P.S.L) S/o Sabiruddin of Malni Road, Netrakona town.
10. Satya Kiran Aditya (C.P./Y.L.) S/o L. Sudhangshu of Netrakona town. 11. Khorshed Anowar Chaudhury (Y.L.) S/o L. Sabiruddin Ahmed of Bali P.S.
12. A.S.M. Nurun Nabi (Sanskriti Sangha) S/o Mouze Ali, Muktear of Netrakona
13. Amin Jalal Chaudhury @ Amal (EPSL) S/o Jalal Ahmed, Sub- Registrar,
14. Asanuzzaman Faruq (Sanskriti Sangha) S/o Manir Ahmed, Muktear, Netrakona
town. Details report will appear in my previous report.”


Official note on Babu Kalyan Kumar Bakshi who met
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 22 September 1956 Security Sec. DS6
Please see the attached letter received from Dacca D.I.B. This, so far I remember, refers to the arrival of Babu Kalyan Kumar Bakshi at Dacca in June last who contacted Mr. Mujibar Rahman. This has been dealt with in file 606-48 (1) (Interception folder of Sk. Mujibar Rahman) which is lying with you. Kindly advise if the PUD is to be put up in the file.
Sd/ -21.9.56 Side note: Seen. Sd/-22.9

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman urged the people in two Awami League meetings at Chawak Bazar and Laldighi Maidan, Chittagong for
cooperation in eradicating corruption from national life.
Chittagong, 27 October 1956
Page No. 551 of file No. 13/54 (Ctg)
Extract from A/I No. 43 for the week ending 3. Political activities.
(c) Others.
2070. Chittagong:- At the instance of the A.L. Chittagong town, a meeting (500) was held on 22nd October at Chawak Bazar, Chittagong town, with Mr. Fazlul Karim Sawdagar of Bakalia, Panchlak, Chittagong, in the chair. Dr. Anwar Husain (para. 529) (AL), son of Abdul Wazed, of Chittagong town, and Zahur Ahmed Chaudhuri (para 2021), MPA, delivered speeches dwelling on the present food crisis, resolutions, demanding immediate introduction of rationing system in Chandgaon area and also adequate compensation to the villagers of Chandgaon who had to part with their available lands for construction of the factories and tanneries, were adopted in the meeting.
At the instance of the A.L., Chittagong a mammoth public meeting (10,000) was held on 26th October at Laldighi Maidan, Chittagong town, with Maulvi Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri, MPA, in the chair. A large number of labourers from the port area and other industries came in procession and attended the meeting. Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Minsiter, Labour Commerce and Industries, East Pakistan, addressed the meeting. He appealed for co-operation from the public in eradicating corruption from national life.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke in a meeting at Mymensingh on food problem, corruption and malpractices.
Mymensingh, 27 October 1956 P. 608 of File No. 13-54 (M’ Singh) Genl. EXTRACT FROM A/I. No. 43. FOR THE WEEK ENDING 27-10-56
Political Activities (C)Others.
At the instance of Awami League, Mymensingh, a public meeting (10,000), was held at Mymensingh town on 20th October with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (para. 2072) (AL) of Kagmari Tangail, in the chair. Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Chief Minister, Government of East Pakistan, Sk. Majibur Rahman, Ministerin-charge Commerce, Labour, Industries and Anti-corruption, Government of East Pakistan and the President delivered speeches dwelling on the present food problem of the country, and also on the need of eradicating corruption and malpractices which were rampant in the country.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other leaders delivered speeches at Awami League council in Mymensingh urging upon the delegates to carry on party work heart & soul.
Mymensingh, 30 October 1956
P. 418, File No. 13-54 (M’Singh) Gl. Copy of report of a D.I.O. dt. 30.10.56.
“Beg to report that the A.L. Council meeting of the Mymensing Dist. which was scheduled to be held on 5.10.56 was postponed till 20.10.56 as the date was not convenient for Moulana Bhasani and Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Provincial Minister to attend the meeting.
The council meeting was however held on 20.10.56 at Aloka Cinema Hall between 09.00 to 14.00 hours under the President ship of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani- President A.L.E.P. Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Chief Minister and Mr. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Provincial Minister also attended the meeting. About 200 delegates attended it.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani was elected as President of the
Mymensingh Dist. A.L. in place of Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmed-Central Minister.
Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Moulana Bhasani, Rafiquddin Buuiya- Secy. Mymensingh Dist. A.L. & few other delivered speeches urging upon the delegates present to carry on party works with heart & soul. The delegates were particularly requested to take special care to improve the food situation of the District. All the speakers stated that corruption and mal-practices must be eradicated from the society and Govt. Machineries.

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The following resolutions were passed:1. Demanded Regional autonomy for East Pakistan. 2. Removal of Restriction orders imposed on student during last 92 (A) Regime in
the Province.
3. To declare all the Sub-divisions of the District except Sadar as famine area.
D.I.B. Mymensingh
The 3rd Nov. ’56
No. 7588/R. 8113/M.G. 18 (Action)
Copy forwarded to Mainuddin Esq., P.S.P. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.P., Dacca, for information with reference to his Memo No. 2813/CS dt. 16.10.56.
Sd/- K.L. Rabbani D.I.O.
2.11.56. for S.P. D.I.B., Mymenisngh.

Chapter – IV

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman urged upon the audience at Awami League meeting in Hatiya to remain alert against the false
propaganda of ML workers.
Noakhali, 30 March1957
P.302 of file No. 13-54 (Noakhali)
3. Political Activities
(C) Others.
623. Noakhali,- Under the auspices of the AL, a public meeting (300) was held at the premises of Hatiya, H.E. School, Hatiya, on 17th March, with Muazzim Husain, BL (AL) of Hatiya, in the chair. Resolutions, demanding restriction on the movement of rice and paddy from Hatiya and introduction of Rationing system in the area, were passed in the meeting.
Mr. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Minister-in-charge of Commerce Industries, Labour and Anti-Corruption, Government of East Pakistan visited Noakhali on 24th March and addressed public meeting, convened by the AL on the same date and urged upon the audience to remain alert against the false propaganda of the ML workers and appealed to the people to support the AL to make Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, the Prime Minister of Pakistan stronger to enable him to solve the Kashmir problem.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a meeting at Jamalpur urged the AL workers to maintain discipline and unity among themselves.
Mymensingh, 11 May 1957 P. 623 of File No. 13-54 (M’sing) Genl.

Page: 508
3. Political Activities.
(c) Others.
874. Mymensingh.-At the instance of the AL, Jamalpur, a public meeting (1,000), was held at Jamalpur town, on 8th May, with Mr. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Minister-in-charge of commerce and Industries, in the chair. The President in his presidential speech urged the AL workers to maintain discipline and unity among themselves without with no development would be possible in the country. He also appealed to the people to give the present Ministry at least 3 years time to cope with vital problems of the province. He also urged upon the audience to rally round the banner of the Awami League and not to be misguided by the disruptive elements.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman resigned as Minister-in-charge of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Anti-Corruption, Government of East Pakistan. Chief Minister acknowledging his resignation in a letter requested him to continue in his capacity till 15 June,
1957. Dacca, 31 May 1957
Eastern Examiner dt. 31.5.57
Chief Minister Asks Him To Continue Till June 15
Shaikh Tipped As New Awami League Chief
While acknowledging his resignation the Chief Minister in a letter has requested him to continue in his present capacity till June, 15.

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It may be recalled that during the Awami league Council meeting at Kagmari a few months ago the President of the organisation Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani had asked Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to choose between the ministership and the General Secretaryship of the organisation, and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had then told the Moulana that he would resign from the Cabinet in due course, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s resignation at this juncture when the Awami League Council meeting is due to be held on June 12, bears a great significance.
Opinion in the political circles is divided but with full background before me I am in a position to forecast that Moulana Bhashani’s resignation will most probably be accepted in the forth coming session of the Awami League Council and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s name will be proposed for the presidentship of the organisation.
Under this Condition, I believe there will be a hard tussle between the pro and
the anti Bhashani groups.
There is one more view on the issue, which, although not very much significant carries some weight, no doubt.
This view shows that Sheikh Mujibar Rahman who is not very happy over the issue of opposition to Moulana Bashani among the members of the organisation which is practically the creation of Moulana Bhashani himself, may support him outright at the time of discussions on Moulana’s resignation in the Awami League Council meeting.
There is a fifty fifty chance of the Shaikh’s support and his opposition to Moulana Bhashani. The group which does not favour the policy of Mr. Suhrawardy regarding the demand for full regional autonomy for East Pakistan is getting stronger day by day and to bring round the majority of the Awami League council members in his fold blindfold … (illegible in the original doc. ) Suhrawardy Combine to Crack
Anyhow politics in Pakistan and particularly in this wing of our Homeland is not easy to forecast correctly like the mechanical weather forecast which is not always correct and accurate.
Side note: On the P.F of Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- 6.6 DS 6,

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a meeting at Town Hall Maidan, Jessore severely condemned Muslim League for making false
allegation of corruption against him.
Jessore, 10 August1957 Copy of P-329 of F. No. 13-54 (ISR) GI. EXTRACT FROM A/I. NO. 32; FOR THE WEEK ENDING 10.8.57.
3. Political Activities.
(c) Others.
1481. Jessore.-On 9th August, under the auspices of the Awami League, Jessore, a public meeting (3,000) was held at the Town Hall Maidan, Jessore, under the presidentship of Waliur Rahman (para. 274), pleader (AL), son of the late Mukammil, of Narail town, Jessore. Mr. Sk. MUJIBAR RAHMAN SEVERLY condemned the Muslim League for making false allegation of corruption against him. It was a matter of deep regret, the speaker observed, that the Muslim League which was solely responsible for the under developed condition of East Pakistan was a gain trying to gain ground in the political field by making false propaganda and playing on the religious sentiment of the people. Resolutions, inter-alia, demanding compensation for the Military purposes and contraction of a Jute Mill and expressing full support in the foreign policy of Mr. Suhrawardy, were passed in the meeting


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman urged Awami League in a statement to unite all over the country to observe the death anniversary of
Dacca, 10 September 1957 Millat dt. 10.9.57
যথাযােগ্য মর্যাদার সহিত কায়েদের মৃত্যুবার্ষিকী পালনের আহবান প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতি

Page: 511
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গতকল্য (সােমবার) সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি প্রসংগে আগামীকল্য (বুধবার) দেশবাসীকে, বিশেষ করিয়া আওয়ামী লীগ ইউনিটসমূহকে যথাযােগ্য মর্যাদার সহিত জাতির জনক কায়েদে আজমের মৃত্যু বার্ষিকী উদযাপনের জন্য অনুরােধ করিয়াছেন।
বিবৃতিতে জনাব মুজিবর রহমান বলেন, “আমি আমার দেশবাসীকে স্বরণ করাইয়া দিতে চাই যে, জাতীয় শােক দিবস ১১ই সেপ্টেম্বর পুনরায় আমাদের দ্বারে আগত প্রায়। এই তারিখেই পাকিস্তানের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা এবং আমাদের পাকিস্তানী জাতির জনক মহান কায়েদে আজম প্রাণত্যাগ করেন। এই দিনটি এই মহামানবের ও তাহার অনুসৃত আদর্শ স্বরণের এবং মহান কায়েদের অপূর্ণ দায়িত্বকে সম্পূর্ণরুপে বাস্তবায়িত করিবার উদ্দেশ্যে সংকল্প গ্রহনের দিন। এই দিনটি সকল পাকিস্তানীর জন্য আত্মশুদ্ধি আত্মানুসন্ধান এবং হিসাব নিকাশের দিন।
“সুতরাং, যথাযােগ্যভাবে কায়েদে আজমের মহান আত্মার শান্তির জন্য সর্বশক্তিমানের নিকট প্রার্থনা করিবার জন্য আমার দেশবাসী সকলের নিকট আবেদন জানাইতেছি। আমি মনে করি, এই দিনে কাহারও রাজনৈতিক উদ্দেশ্য চরিতার্থ করিবার জন্য কায়েদের নাম ভাংগাইবার চেষ্টা করা উচিৎ হইবে না। আমি আওয়ামী লীগের সকল ইউনিটকে প্রদেশের সৰ্ব্বত্র মসজিদ, মন্দির ও গীর্জায় প্রার্থনানুষ্ঠানের আয়ােজন করিবার জন্য অনুরােধ করিতেছি।
ইউ,এস, আই, এস অডিটরিয়ামে আলােচনা সভা ১১ই সেপ্টেম্বর কায়েদে আজমের নবম মৃত্যু বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে ঢাকাস্থ ইউ,এস, আই, এস অডিটরিয়ামে এক আলােচনা সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হইবে। প্রাদেশিক পরিষদের স্পীকার জনাব আব্দুল হাকিম অনুষ্ঠানে সভাপতিত্ব করিবেন। -এ,পি,পি.
Side note: P.F of Sk. M. Rahman Sd/-D.S.VI 14.9.57.

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Two meetings of Awami League at Hathazari and Satkania, Chittagong where the central and local leaders welcomed the activities of AL Government and criticized the previous ministries of Muslim League and UF. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman attended the
meeting at Satkania. Chittagong, 14 September1957
Page No. 572 of file No. 31-54 (Ctg.) Extract from A/I No. 37 for week ending 14.9.57.
3. Political Activities.
(C) Others.
1684. Chittagong:
On 7th September, a public meeting (250) under the auspices of Hathazari Thana Awami League was held in the premises of the Dak Bungalow at Hathazari, with Maulvi Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri (para. 1640), MPA, in the chair. Besides the president, Abdul Wahab Chaudhuri, Secretary Hathazari Thana AL, son of Haji Khalilur Rahman Chaudhuri, of Fatepur, Hathazari, Chittagong, Abu Taher, Secretary, Sadar (North) Sub divisional Awami League, Chittagong, Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish (para. 1640), Acting President, East Pakistan Awami League, spoke in the meeting. They discussed about the present political situation, welcomed the activities of the A.L. Government and criticised the previous ministries of the Muslim League and the U.F. for their failure in solving the problems of people. They also criticised the NAP alleging it to be the first communist party in the country and urged upon the audience not to be duped by the propaganda of the NAP.
A similar meeting (1,500) of the Awami League was held on 9th September at Satkania, with M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District Awami League, in the chair and Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, MPA, MP of Faridpur as speaker.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman expressed his resentment criticizing
Government’s move to stop ICA aid.
Dacca, 4 November 1957
M.N. dt. 4.11.57
(BY A Staff reporter) The East Pakistan Awami League General Secretary, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, expressed his resentment against the move to postpone the expenditure of the 10 million dollar ICA aid to private industries.
In a statement issued in Dacca late last (Sunday) night he denied that the Suhrawardy Government took into consideration political affiliations, in the distribution of import licenses. He challenged “anybody” to examine the list of the parties who were granted licenses from this province”.
Sheikh Mujib said this decision at the instance of the present Central Government “foreshadow things to come and reappearance of a rule which during the last 10 years had impoverished the country as a whole, and East Pakistan in particular, with a view to fattening a small coterie”.
Saying that “the unholy clique at Karachi had exploited the poor people of this province,” Sheikh Mujibur Rahman threatened that the Awami League was “seriously contemplating to raise a country wide agitation in this connection.
The Awami League, he said might have to issue mandate to the East Pakistan Government to take all possible measures to “face this threat to the economic development of this province.”
Side note: On the P.F. of the subject Sd/-DS6 11.11

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized and condemned in a statement discriminatory attitude of the new Central Government.
Dacca, 5 November 1957 Sangbad dt. 5.11.57
শেখ মুজিব কর্তৃক নয়া কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের বৈষম্যমূলক আচরণের সমালােচনা
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান গত বরিবার সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে বলেন:
“পন্য সাহায্য কাৰ্যসুচী অনুযায়ী আন্তর্জাতিক সাহায্য সংস্থা পাকিস্তানের বেসরকারী শিল্প। প্রতিষ্ঠান সমূহকে যে সাহায্য মঞ্জুর করে, বর্তমান কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের অনুরােধক্রমে উক্ত সাহায্য দান বন্ধ করা হইয়াছে বলিয়া পাকিস্তানে নিযুক্ত মার্কিন রাষ্ট্রদূত ঘােষণা করিয়াছেন, স্থানীয় সংবাদপত্র

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সমূহে এই মর্মে রিপাের্ট প্রকাশিত হইয়াছে। আন্তর্জাতিক সাহায্য সংস্থার এই সাহায্য বনটন সম্পর্কে কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার তদন্তের ব্যবস্থা করিতেছেন বলিয়াও রিপাের্ট উল্লেখ করা হইয়াছে।”
পাকিস্তানে নিযুক্ত মার্কিন রাষ্ট্রদূত মি: ল্যাংলীর নাম উল্লেখ করা না হইলে স্বাভাবিক অবস্থায় উপরােক্ত রিপাের্ট বিশ্বাসযােগ্য নহে।।
একটি ক্ষুদ্র কোটারী গঠনের উদ্দেশ্যে গত দশ বত্সর যাবৎ গােটা দেশ এবং বিশেষ ভাবে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে যেরুপ অধঃপতনের মুখে ঠেলিয়া দেওয়া হইতেছে বর্তমানে প্রচেষ্টা উহারই পুনরাবৃত্তি এবং ইহা অতীতের সব কিছুকেই ছাপায়া গিয়াছে। বছরের পর বছর পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের প্রতি যে বিমাতাসূলভ ব্যবহার প্রদর্শিত হইয়াছে এবং শিল্প ও অন্যান্য উন্নয়ন ক্ষেত্রে পাকিস্তানের দুই অংশের মধ্যে যে তারতম্য করা হইয়াছে তাহার ফলে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান বলা বাহুল্য ভঙ্গুর হইয়া পড়িয়াছে। এ দুঃখজনক কাহীনী আজ সর্বজন বিদিত। সকল রাজনৈতিক দলের বিশিষ্ট নেতৃবর্গ এমনকি স্বার্থ সংশ্লিষ্ট কোটারীর মূখপাত্রগণ পর্যন্ত প্রকাশ্য বক্তৃতা বিবৃতিতে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে এ দুঃসহ অবস্থার সত্যতা স্বীকার করিয়াছেন। পূর্ব ও পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের শিল্প এবং অন্যান্য উন্নয়ন ক্ষেত্রে যে অসম অবস্থা বিদ্যামান রহিয়াছে, প্ল্যানিং বাের্ড উহা স্পষ্ট ভাষায় স্বীকার করিয়াছেন। কিন্তু পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অর্থনৈতিক সমস্যা এবং পাকিস্তানের উভয় অংশের এই অসম অবস্থার প্রতিবিধানের জন্য প্ল্যানিং বাের্ড উপযুক্ত পরামর্শ দান অথবা পথ বাতলাইতে অসামর্থের পরিচয় দিয়াছেন।
দুনিয়াধ্বংসী এই অশুভ চক্রের হাতের ক্রীড়নক হইতে বাধ্য হইতেছে না। শাসনতন্ত্রের বিধানে পরিষ্কার ভাবে প্রদেশের হাতে স্ব-স্ব শিল্প গঠনের ভার দেওয়ার নির্দেশ থাকিলেও কেন্দ্রে আওয়ামী লীগ দল ক্ষমতায় আসিয়া এই বিষয়ে কেন্দ্র ও প্রদেশের অধিকারের সীমানা নির্ধারণ না করা পর্যন্ত এই অশুভ চক্রটি শাসনতন্ত্রে এই বিলটা কাৰ্যকর করণ বিলম্বিত করে। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে বেশী পরিমানে শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠা করিয়া দেশের উভয় অংশের শিল্পায়নে সমতা আনার জন্য ক্রমে ক্রমে এই অসমতা দূর করার সুস্পষ্ট সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হয়।
নিজেদের ঘৃণ ব্যবহারের সাফাই দেওয়ার জন্য এবং এই প্রদেশের শিল্পায়ন ব্যাহত করিবার জন্য কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার সব সময়ই বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার অভাবের অজুহাত দেখাইয়াছেন। আইসিএ বেসরকারী শিল্প উন্নয়নে ৫ কোটি টাকার মধ্যে বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা সাহায্য করিবেন জানিতে পারিয়া সাধারণ মানুষের মনে আশার সঞ্চার হয়। স্বাভাবিকভাবেই সকলে আশা করেন যে, এই টাকার অধিকাংশই পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের শিল্প উন্নয়নে ব্যয়িত হইবে। কিন্তু দুঃখের বিষয় করাচী চক্র দীর্ঘকাল ধরিয়া আই সি এর এই প্রস্তাব জনসাধারনের প্রতিনিধির এমনকি মন্ত্রীদের নিকট হতেও গােপন করে… (missing from the original document due to page damage) 676*17 2163169 472 wifeta sprog প্রতি লক্ষ্য করিয়া পরিকল্পনাগুলি পুংখানুপুংখরুপে পরীক্ষা করা হয় এবং পরীক্ষান্তে উহা গ্রহণ করা হয়। কোন অঞ্চলের অধিবাসী কিংবা তাহার রাজনৈতিক মতবাদ কি সে সম্পর্কে কোন প্রশ্ন না তুলিয়া প্রার্থীর আর্থিক সচ্ছলতার প্রতি লক্ষ্য রাখিয়া প্রার্থী মনােনীত করা হয়।
ফলে বহু মুসলিম লীগার এই এ্যলােটমেন্ট লাভ করে। রাজনৈতিক মতবাদ কখনও বিচার করা হয় নাই।

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বর্তমানে কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার অতীতের কুখ্যাত মুসলীম লীগেরই ধ্বংসাবশেষ। গত ১৯৫৪ সাল হইতে ১৯৫৬ সাল পর্যন্ত পূর্ব পাকিস্তান কর্তৃক যখন জোর প্রতিবাদ উত্থাপিত হইতে থাকে তখন মুসলিম লীগ অধ্যুষিত কেন্ত্রীয় সরকার পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের ১৫০টি শিল্প ইউনিটের জন্য ৩৫ কোটি টাকা এবং সে স্থলে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের ৪৭টি অনুরুপ শিল্প ইউনিটের জন্য মাত্র ২ কোটি টাকা বরাদ্দ করা হয়। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে উপেক্ষা করিয়া পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানে বৃহদাকার শিল্প ছাড়াও হাজার হাজার ক্ষুদ্রকার শিল্প গড়িয়া তােলার ক্ষেত্রে সরকারী সাহায্য ও সহযােগিতা প্রদর্শিত হইয়াছে।
পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের বেসরকারী শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার সাহায্যের জন্য কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারী সংস্থা পিআইডি সিকি পরিমান অর্থ বিনিয়ােগ করিয়াছে তাহার উল্লেখ করিয়া আমি জনমনে উত্তেজনা সৃষ্টি করিতে চাই না। এই প্রতিষ্ঠানটি পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের শিল্পায়নে অর্থ বিনিয়ােগের চেয়ে বিদেশে শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠান গড়িয়া তােলার জন্য অর্থ বিনিয়ােগ করা বেশী যুক্তিযুক্ত বলিয়া বােধ করেন। কেন্দ্রে ক্ষমতাসীন বর্তমান সরকারের কাছে এই ঘটনা অজানা নয়। তাহারা ইহা জানেন, তবে নিজেরা জনসাধারণের প্রতিনিধি না হওয়ার দরুন রাষ্ট্রের..(missing from the original document due to page damage) টাকা বরাদ্ধ করিয়া একটি পরিকল্পনা গ্রহন করে। এই পরিকল্পনাও পূর্ব হইতে বিদ্যমান পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানিদের কতিপয় পরিকল্পনার সহিত তাল রাখার জন্য গৃহীত হয়। প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামী লীগ সরকার বিষয়টি প্রধানমন্ত্রীর গােচরীভূত করে এবং সরকারী কর্মচারীদের এই চক্রান্ত তাহার নিকট ফাস করিয়া দেয়। ইহার ফলে প্রাদেশিক সরকারকে ৭ দিনের মধ্যে কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের নিকট প্রদেশের সমুদয় পরিকল্পনা পেশ করার নির্দেশ দেওয়া হয়।
এত অল্প সময়ের মধ্যে এই পরিকল্পনা পেশ করা প্রায় অসম্ভব হইলেও প্রাদেশিক সরকার উক্ত নির্দেশ পালন করেন।
আজাদী লাভের পর হইতে লােক চক্ষুর আড়ালে দেশের অর্থনীতির প্রতি লক্ষ্য না রাখিয়া গােপনে অনুগ্রহ বিতরণের যে রেওয়াজ চলিয়া আসিতেছিল তাহা ভঙ্গ করিয়া প্রাদেশিক সরকার বিভিন্ন প্রকার ৩৩ ধরনের শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য শিল্পপতিদের নিকট হইতে প্রকাশ্য ভাবে সংবাদপত্রে বিজ্ঞাপন প্রকাশ করেন। এই শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার ব্যাপারে বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা রক্ষা কিংবা অর্জনের উপরও দেশীয় কাঁচা মালের ভিত্তিতে স্থাপিত শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপর অধিকতর গুরুত্ব দেওয়া হয়। আমি যে কোনও ব্যক্তিকে এই প্রদেশ হইতে লাইসেন্স প্রাপ্ত লােকদের নামের তালিকা পরীক্ষার চ্যালেঞ্জ দিতেছি। আমি দৃঢ়তার সহিত বলিতে পারি যে তালিকায় দেখা যাইবে যে গােড়া মুসলিম লীগপন্থীরাও অর্থ বিনিয়ােগের সুযােগ হইতে বঞ্চিত হন নাই।
বিভিন্ন বিশেষজ্ঞ বাের্ড এই সকল পরিকল্পনা বারবার পরীক্ষা করিয়া দেখেন এবং এ সম্পকে সকল পর্যায়ে বহু আলাপ আলােচনা এবং সম্মেলন অনুষ্টিত হয়। প্রাদেশিক শিল্প ডাইরেকটরেট প্রাদেশিক সরকার, কেন্দ্রীয় শিল্প, অর্থ এবং অর্থনীতি সংক্রান্ত দফতর, সাপ্লাই এ্যান্ড ডেভলপমেন্ট ডাইরেক্টটরেট এবং প্লানিং কমিশন সকল শিল্প পরিকল্পনা পরীক্ষা বার বার করেন এবং এই সকল বিভাগের আলাপ আলােচনার ভিত্তিতে চুড়ান্ত তালিকা প্রনীত হয়।

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আন্তর্জাতিক সহযােগিতা সংস্থার প্রতিনিধিগণের সহিত ঢাকা এবং করাচীতে বেশ কয়েকটি সম্মেলন এবং আলােচনা বৈঠক অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। এবং তাহারা পৃথক পৃথক ভাবে প্রত্যেকটি পরিকল্পনা গভীর ভাবে পরীক্ষা করিয়া দেখিয়া উহা অনুমােদন করেন। প্রাদেশীক সরকারের প্রতিবাদ সত্ত্বেও কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের তথাকথিত ক্রীনিং কমিটি পুনরায় ঐ সকল পরিকল্পনা পরীক্ষা করেন এবং অবশেষে তাহা অনুমােদন করেন।
এই সকল প্রচেষ্টার ফলে সাহায্য প্রাপ্ত মােট ৫ কোটি টাকার মধ্যে এই প্রদেশের জন্য ২ কোটি ৩১লক্ষ টাকা বরাদ্দকৃত হয়।
এই সকল নয়া শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য প্রায় ১০ কোটি টাকার পুঁজি নিয়ােজিত হইত এবং প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ে ১লক্ষ লােকের কর্ম সংস্থান হইয়া সাড়ে ৩ কোটি টাকা বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা সঞ্চিত হইত এবং প্রতি বৎসর ১২ কোটি মুল্যের পন্যদ্রব্য উৎপাদিত হইত। ইহার ফলে জিনিসপত্রের দাম স্বাভাবিকভাবে কমিয়া আসিত। ইহা ছাড়াও এই সকল শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠান কাঁচা মাল হিসাবে প্রচুর পরিমান প্রাকৃতিক সম্পদ কাজে লাগাইতে পারিত। এই সকল প্রাকৃতিক সম্পদ অব্যবহৃত অবস্থায় পড়িয়া রহিয়াছে এবং বর্তমানে দেশের অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নের ক্ষেত্রে উহা মূল্যহীন অবস্থায় পড়িয়া রহিয়াছে। কৃষকগণ তাহাদের উৎপন্ন ফসলের উপযুক্ত মূল্য পাইত এবং উহা এই সকল শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠানে কাচাঁমাল হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা যাইত এবং তাহারা তাহাদের প্রয়ােজনীয় জিনিসপত্র সস্তা দামে পাইত এবং ফলে সামগ্রিক ভাবে ইহা সাধারণ মানুষের ভাগ্যোন্নয়নে সহায়ক হইত।
স্বাধীনতা লাভের পরবর্তী ১০ বৎসর পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীদেরকে অনশন অর্ধাহারে জর্জরিত করা হইয়াছে এবং এই অংশের কোন উন্নয়ন পরিকল্পনাই বিবেচনা করা হয় নাই। কেন্দ্রের বর্তমান চক্র ক্ষমতাসীন হইয়াই প্রাদেশিক সরকারকে তাহাদের সকল উন্নয়ন পরিকল্পনা স্থগিত রাখিবার নির্দেশ দান করেন। কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার বর্তমান বৎসর পূর্ব বঙ্গকে কোন উন্নয়ন ঋণ দানে অস্বীকৃতি জ্ঞাপন করিয়াছে। ইহা পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অস্তিত্বের প্রতি সরাসরি চ্যালেঞ্জ বিশেষ। কেন্দ্রের এই অস্বীকৃতির ফলে প্রদেশে খাদ্য ঘাটতি। জিনিষপত্রের অগ্নিমূল্য এবং প্রদেশে বিদ্যুৎ শক্তির অভাব চিরস্থায়ী হইবে। ইহার ফলে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানীদেরকে স্থায়ীভাবে করাচী চক্রের মর্জির উপর নির্ভরশীল হইয়া থাকিতে হইবে। এই দেশের উপর অর্থনৈতিক শােষণকে নিশ্চিত করণ এবং নিজ পুরাতন সমর্থকদের তাহাদের পুরাতন আসনে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করার জন্য বর্তমান কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার বিশ্বের সম্মুখে দেশকে হেয় করিতে বিন্দুমাত্র কুষ্ঠিত হয় নাই এবং তাহারা বর্তমানে সাহায্য প্রাপ্তি অর্থকে বাজেয়াপ্ত হইয়া যাইতে দেওয়ার কথা বিবেচনা করিতেছে। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান রেলওয়ের ব্যাপক সংস্কার আশু প্রয়ােজন। পাকিস্তান রেলওয়ের উন্নয়নের জন্য প্রাপ্ত মােট ১৫ কোটি টাকা খরচের মধ্যে পূর্ববঙ্গ রেলওয়ের জন্য মাত্র ১ কোটি টাকা বরাদ্ধ করা হইয়াছে। দেশের ভাগ্য নিয়ন্তা ভদ্রলােকগণ এই অসম বিতরণ ব্যবস্থার কৈফিয়ত দান করিবেন ?
Side note: On the P. F. of the subject. Sd/ – 11.11.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and H. S. Suhrawardy attended a meeting at College Madrasa Ground, Sirajganj. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman elaborately described the differences between the
administration of H. S. Suhrawardy Government and ML Government. Suhrawardy’s Government was successful in the matters of starvation, foreign affairs, Kashmir issue etc. while ML
Government failed in all respects.
Pabna, 11 November1957
PP. 217-215 of File No. 13-54 Genl.
Report re: meeting held at College Madrasa Ground Serajganj town, Dist. Pabna on 11.11.57.

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Place : College Madrasa Ground, Serajganj town. President : Moulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish, President E.P.A.L., Audience : About 20,000. Speakers: Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy.
SK. Mujibar Rahman in course of his speech said “on the fall of Abu Husain Sarkar’s Ministry and when there was scarcity of food staff, we were hesitating to take the responsibility of shouldering the Govt. as we apprehended that we would fail to face the starved people when our chief Mr. Husain Saheed Suhrawardy branded us coward for not taking the responsibility. Accordingly we took the responsibility yet we are in a state of ……….how to procure rice for the starved people where our great leader rushed to our help by giving us plenty of rice and made us to clear that we saved the lives of our people from starvation to a some extent. Had there been no Mr. Suhrawardy as Prime Minister we would have not got even a three sevens of rice from the Centre. During the 9-year misrule of Muslim league East Bengal was exploited, step motherly treatment was meted out though it contributed a major portion of exchequer to the Centre but after the assumption of office by our chief the state of affairs which was penalent changed, he began to look to the interest of East Bengalese, he allotted 60 crores of rupees within the span of his 13 months Ministry which the M.L. gave only 2 crores within 9 year of its rule. This created bitterness amongst the vested interest in W.P. so they hatched conspiracy against our leader with the K.S.P. leaders and removed Mr. Suhrawardy. Another reason was that Mr. Suhrawardy during his short period of Premiership, entranced the prestige of Pakistan, which M.L. Govt. could not, he visited several countries brought those countries to……. side with the result that on Kashmir issue out of 10 members in the scarcity Council, 9 voted in favour of Pakistan and one in favour of India. Mr. Jawharlal Nehru who used to criticised Pakistan that it was governed by “Chaprasis” found a hard time during the time of Mr. Suhrawardy as the latter used to pay back Nehru in his own coin”.
As regards difference with Moulana Bhasani and the Suhrwardy he said “Moulana Bhasani was telling the same thing which Nehru was telling which was unbearable as there may be shortcomings within us but we cannot destroy Pakistan.

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At present Moulana Bhasani has gone to West Pakistan living disappointed in East Pakistan became the Bengalees will never give place to a person on a party who is out to have Pakistan”.
He further said “Mr. Suhrawardy has resigned to maintain his Principle, and if you like that he should keep his principle there you should strengthen his hands and follow his direction so that he may overcome the faces of evil.
He also spoke on the …… of joint electorate. He enquired from the audience. Do you want that a Bengali, your blood should be the Prime Minister (all the audience said yes by raising their hands Mr. Suhrawardy took photo while hands were raised) do you want that a man who speaks Ata Hai Kartalai’ should be your P.M. (voice of No .No.)”
Concluding he said that when you want that Mr. Suhrawardy should be your PM then you should struggle for it to realise your just demand”.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and H.S. Suhrawardy attended a meeting at Chandaikona, Sirajganj. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman recalled the services of H.S. Suhrawardy in the interest of East Pakistan. He accused West Pakistanis of hatching conspiracy against
Suhrawardy and removing him.
Sirajganj, 12 November1957
Page:-208 of File No. 13/54 Genl. Meeting Report held at Chandaikona (Serajganj) on 12.11.57.
: 12.11.57 Time
: 15.30 to 16.30 hrs. Place
: Chandaikona Ground. President
Capt. Mansur Ali, Provincial unnotu. Audience
: 1000 (approximately) Principle Speakers: Sk. Mujibur Rahman & Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.

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Sk. Mujibar Rahman in course of his speech recalled the services of Mr. Suhrawardy and ……. him for looking to the interest of East Pakistan which according to him was neglected during the time of M.L. Govt. with the result that the West Pakistanis hatched conspiracy against him and removed him, that Mr. Suhrawardy acquired friendship of 10 big countries which on 9 voted in favour of Pakistan on Kashmir issue.
He further criticised Moulana Bhasani and said that he was going against on the foreign policy of Pakistan and was the mouth piece of Mr. Nehru which we did not tolerate it the result he formed a National Awami party, a party which stands against the interest of Pakistan.
Condemning he enquired the audience whether they want Mr. Suhrawardy as our Prime Minister (voice of yes) on Mr. Chandigar voice of no. no.). He again enquired whether they preferred me Suhrawardy (voice of yes) on Moulana Bhasani (Voice of no, no). He then urged upon the audience to cast their votes in favour of Bashiruddin an A.L. Candidate in order to strengthen the hands of Mr. Suhrawardy.


H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman attended a public meeting at Sirajganj I.I. College ground in by-election campaign of that constituency. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman held West Pakistan leaders responsible for unconstitutional removal of Suhrawardy
from Premiership. Sirajganj, 15 November 1957
PP. 224-222 of File No. 13/54 GI. Copy of report from D.I.O., Sirajganj dated 15.11.57.
Beg to report that on 11.11.57 Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came to Sirajganj with Sk. Mujibur Rahman and addressed a public meeting (25000) arranged by the local A. L. at Sirajganj I.I. College ground in connection with their election campaign (Sirajganj by-election) in favour of Dr. Basiruddin Chaudhuri (A.L.) of Mukhtearpara, Sirajganj, Pabna. The meeting was held from 15.30 hours to 18.00 hours with Maulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish (President, E.P.A.L.) in the chair.
Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman E.P.A.L. Secy.) told that the people of Pakistan drove away the Britishers to live in their free home land with over increasing peace,

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prosperity and progress. But during 9 years died of starvation, there was no industrialization, there was no proper arrangement for roads, price of rice and essential commodities sore up beyond the purchasing power of the public and the suffering of the people knew no bounds. The K.S.P. Govt. also traveled on the same track. Then the Awami League came into power under the leadership of Janab Suhrawardy and imported rice by air, started gruel kitchens, allotted crores of rupees for industrialzation and test relief work in Pakistan and as a result the people of East Pakistan were saved from death of starvation. Janab Suhrawardy categorically allotted 50% of the revenue and foreign aid for the development of East Pakistan which was not liked by certain groups of West Pakistan who so long enjoyed the Lions Share of the fund for the improvement of West Pakistan exclusively. Pakistan won friend-ship of strong Western countries under the leadership of Janab Suhrawardy and she was recognised with respect as a nation in the eye of the world. The progress in the hostile activities of Mr. Nehru towards Pakistan in Kashmir and other affairs was crippled. With a view to undo Pakistan Maulana Bhashani then began to echo with the will and expression of Mr. Nehru. Mr. Mirza the descendant of Mirjafar who sold away the independence of Bengal, is also now again ready to undo Pakistan and as such joined hands with Maulana Bhashani. They have unconstitutionally removed Mr. Suhrawardy from premiership and they want separate electorate system with a view to exrort East Pakistan. Sk. Mujibur also told that unconstitutional removal of Mr. Suhrawardy from Premiership and deprivation of East Pakistan from her rightful demands would not be tolerated Sk. Mujibur Rahman sought the opinion of the Public present and most of them raised their hands in favour of Mr. Suhrawardy.
The Awami Leaguers raised slogans:
“কায়েদে পাকিস্তান হােসেন শহীদ সরওয়ার্দি জিন্দাবাদ” “বিপ্লবী নেতা শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান, জিন্দাবাদ” “আম্মামী লীগ জিন্দাবাদ” মির্জার মির্জাফরী চলবে না” যুক্ত ৰ্বিাচন PICHA Zost” etc. Occasionally in the meeting.
General observation:- The audience seemed to have appreciated the speeches though some of them became disappointed as Mr. Suhrawardy did not speak as much as they expected about the burning problems of East Pakistan i.e. food, high price of essential commodities and so on. The speech of Mr. Suhrawardy and Mr. Mujibur Rahman mainly centered round the alleged forced resignation of Mr. Suhrawardy.

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Copy of report from D.I.O. Sirajganj dated 16-11-57.
Beg to report that on 12.11.57 from 16.00 to 17.00 hrs. a public meeting (12.000) was held at Chandaikona H.E. School ground, P.S. Sirajganj, Pabna at the instance of Sirajganj Awami League in connection with Sirajganj By-election campaign in favour of A.L. nominee Dr. Basiruddin Chaudhuri. Janab Mansoor Ali, M.A.LL.B. (Minister, Food East Pakistan) was in the chair.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman (E.P.A.L. General Secy.) in course of his speech told that during M.L.GOVT. there was firing on the students. The M.L. and the joint front Cabinet did nothing for the benefit of the people. But during the short period of A.L. Govt. under the leadership of Janab Suhrawardy many of the items of 21-point programme were implemented, Bengali was accepted as one of the state Languages of Pakistan, during the threats of famine people were fed with rice @ Rs.20/- P.M. though the same was imported by air @ Rs. 130/- P.M. The A.L. supported the Bagdad pact S.E.A.T.O. pact and U.S.-Pak. military pact with a view to get the help of those friendly countries in time enemy attack. Due to the foreign policy of Janab Suhrawardy almost all the countries of the United Nations organisation supported Pakistan in her Kashmir issue. But due to the detrimental activity and adverse criticism of Maulana Bhashani all those progress of Pakistan has come to a standstill. He further told that Mr. Suhrawardy allotted so many crores of money for the development of East Pakistan which was not liked by the M.L. and some other parties of West Pakistan and as such they removed Janab Suhrawardy out of office. Lastly, the speaker urged upon the people to cast votes in favour of Dr. Basiruddin Chaudhuri (A.L. candidate) in the Sirajganj Constituency By-election to take place on 28.11.57
Observation: – Though most of the audience raised hands in favour of Mr. Suhrawardy in an excited moment actually 50% of the approximate had a genuine support for him. The N.A.P. had organised meeting in that locality beforehand and won support of a certain percentage. The slogans were as in the meeting of the 11th instant at Sirajganj.

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Two largely attended public meetings at Madaripur where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and H. S. Suhrawardy delivered speeches describing the good activities of AL Government.
Faridpur, 23 November 1957
P. No. 341 of file No. 13-54 (Faridpur) Extract from A/I No. 47 for the W/ Ending 23.11.57. 3. Political Activities.
(a) Others.
2279. Faridpur.- Under the auspices of the Subdivisional Awami League, Madaripur, two largely attended public meetings, one at Bhojeswar Bazar and the other at Suhrawardy Maidan, Gharisar, Naria, Faridpur, were held on 13th and 14th November respectively in which Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (AL), son of Lutfar Rahman, of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, General Secretary, Awami League Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (para. 2277), Ex.-Prime Minister, Pakistan and Dr. Ghulam Maula, M.Sc.M.B.B.S of Madaripur town, amongst others, delivered speeches describing the good work done by the AL Government and Mr. H.S Suhrawardy as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. They criticized the ML Government for their maladministration and step-motherly treatment towards East Pakistan.
P. No. 328 of File No. 13-54 (Faridpur).

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A short note on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman describing his political
activities of pre and post partition 1947.
Dacca, 5 December 1957 Extt. from notes & orders from NSP LXXXVIII – LXXXIX of 3-48 (Statt.)
Part VI.
Short Notes of the following individuals were prepared by your officers on request by the Intelligence Bureau, Karachi under their Memo. No. 12/B/55/30 dated 17.11.55. These were prepared and sent to Bureau under this office Memo No. 5149/3-48 (Statt.) dated 9.4.56.
The enclosed manuscript copies as well as 1 spare copy of each individual who has a P.F. may be placed in the P.Fs. for record. Short Notes of those who have no P.Fs. may be kept in the Statt. Sec. File 3-48 (Statt.) Part- V in which file these were dealt with:(1) Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani. (2) Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, MLA (AML). (3) Mr. Abul Mansur Ahmad. (4) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, B.A. (5) Mr. Khairat Husain. (6) Mr. Abdus Salam Khan. (7) Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haq, (8) Mr. Abu Husain Sarkar. (9) Mr. Yusuf Ali Chaudhuri Alias Mohan Miyan. (10) Mr. Tamizuddin Khan. (11) Mr. Shah Azizur Rahman s/o Shah Md. Siddiq. (12) Maulana A.H.M. Abdul Hye. (13) Mr. A.K.M. Fazlul Qadir Chaudhuri. (14) Maulana Akram Khan1.
1. Maulana Akram Khan (7 June 1868 – 18 August 1969) – Mawlana Akram Khan was a Bengali journalist, politician and Islamic scholar. He was the pioneer of journalism of Bengal Muslim society and founder of the daily Azad first Bengali newspaper of Dhaka. He was the founder

(15) Maulana Athar Ali. (16) Maulana Saiyid Muslehuddin.
(17) Maulana Ali Ahmad Chaudhuri.
(18) Maulana Abdur Rahim.
(19) Prof. Ghulam Azam Alias Shahanshah. (20) Md. Asad Zilani. (21) Maulana Faruq Ahmad.
As suggested
Sd – M.J. Miah. 5.12.57
A short note on Sk. Mujibar Rahman, B.A. S/o Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of (Dacca Town) 79, Quazi Alauddin Road, Dacca(Born-1921).
The subject was an important student worker of the Prepartition days and a prominent leader of the All Bengal Muslim Students League.
After the partition, the subject got admission in the Dacca University as a law student and commenced his political activities against the Ministry. He took prominent part in the State Language agitation in 1948 and was arrested on 11.3.48 at Dacca for Violation of Section 144 Cr. P. C. He also took prominent part in the menial strike of the University (Dacca). He was also reported to be an active member of the Democratic Youth League (now defunct). On 29.4.49 the subject was arrested u/s 18(2) E.B.S.P.O. for his prejudicial activities. While in Jail he took
member of Muslim League, President of East Pakistan Provincial Muslim League and Vicepresident of All Pakistan Muslim League. He was elected as the member of Constituent Assembly. He took retirement from politics in 1954, rendered remarkable contribution to Muslim Renaissance Movement in undivided Bengal.
2. Democratic Youth League – After the 1947 partition, Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the virtual overlord of Pakistan. Among the two newly created provinces, the rulers of West Pakistan started discrimination against East Pakistan on a variety of issues including language. This gave rise to the Language Movement. Right after the birth of Pakistan in 1947, some political activists gathered in Sirajuddoula Hotel in Kolkata to discuss the future of East Pakistan. That meeting resolved to form a non-communal political movement and organization in Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was present in that meeting. In an activists’ conference held on 6 and 7 September, 1947 in Dhaka, the Democratic Youth League2 was formed. Peoples Freedom League and Tamaddun Majlish were also launched movement for the demand of Bengali as one of the State Language of Pakistan.

recourse to hunger-strike for alleged maltreatment on the security prisoners and their detention without trial.
The subject was released on 27.2.52 on ground of ill health.
The subject on release from jail resumed his anti -Govt. activities with greater vigour and became the officiating General Secretary of the E.P.A.M.L. in place of Mvi. Shamsul Huq, who had been arrested during the State Language agitation in February, 1952.
The subject along with Messrs Ataur Rahman and a few others attended the Peking Conference in September, 1952 as a delegate from Pakistan.
In July, 1953, the subject was elected as a General Secretary of the E.P.A.M.L.
The subject is returned as an M.L.A on U.F. Ticket as an Awami Leaguer.
He was reported to have agitated an unruly mob to attack the jail warders and break the jail barrack in April, 1954.
The subject was included in the last Cabinet of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq and was arrested on the night of 30.5.54 in a specific case in connection with the riot in front of the Dacca Central Jail. He was, however, discharged from the charge in court. He was also subsequently (16.6.54) arrested u/s 41(1) E.P.P.S.O. and (is detained in the Dacca Central Jail) was released in February, 1955.
The subject was a prime mover in bringing a no-confidence motion on 17.2.55 in the Party meeting of the United Front.
He was elected to the Constituent Assembly from East Bengal from E.P.A.M.L. on 21.6.55.
He was elected Secretary of the E.P.A.M.L. Parliamentary Party on 23.6.55.
He was elected Genl. Secy of East Pakistan Awami League in October, 1955.
He took active part in all the popular agitations that developed time to time in East Bengal such is abolition of Zamindari System without compensation, repeal of Public Safety Ordinance, State Language agitation, release of security prisoners etc.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of EPAL went to Calcutta for medical checkup on 23 December 1957 and returned
to Dacca on 26 December 1957.
Dacca, 24 December1957
East Bengal Form No.45.
Handed in at .M. Date : 23.12.57
Received at 17.30 f.M
, Addresses From : S. I. A. Rakib (if given) Immigration. To : D.S.I repeated O/C watch 1.B.E.P.
Mr. Sk. Majibar Rahman M.P, General Secretary of Awami Muslim League left for Calcutta by 1.A.C. plane at 17.00 hrs. This is for your kind information. Sd/-23.12
Side note: SSII May pl. like to see and consider for D.R. Sd/ -24.12
Extract from D. R. No. 278 dated 24.12.57 from I.B., E.P., Dacca
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Departure 23.12.57. Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rhaman, M.P. – for Calcutta by I.A.C. Plane.

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Secret/ By Special Bag.
INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Government of Pakistan
No. 7/B/58- (2),
Dated the 17 JAN 1958. Dear Mr. Ahmad
Please refer to para 7 of your Daily Report No. 278, dated December 24, 1957 under the heading “ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE”. 2. I shall be grateful if you will kindly let me know as to when Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman went to Calcutta and why.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/(Arbab Mukhtar Ahmad) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (I).
A.S.M. Ahmad, Esqr. PSP., Deputy Inspector – General of Police. Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan. DACCA.
Side note: Steno. Relevant extract pl. Sd/-20.1.58
Ext. enclosed. Sd/-20.1
Ref: DS VI’s order on the NSP XXXVI. File 606-48 P.F.
Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, M.P. (A.L.) left Dacca Airport for Calcutta by I.A.C plane at 17.00 hrs. on 23.12.57.
He rtd. to Dacca from Calcutta by 1.A.C plane at 09.30 hrs. on 26.12.57.
This was his latest visit to Calcutta. The object of his visit to Calcutta is not known.
Sd/ – 21.1.58.

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D.S.VI Sir,
I have the honour to report that I made quiet inquiry into the purpose of visit of SK. MUJIBUR RAHMAN (A.L.) M.P. Genl. Secy. of the Awami League to Calcutta from 23.12.57 to 26.12.57 and learnt that SK. MUJIBUR RAHMAN (mentd.) had been to Calcutta for a medical checkup.
The source added that the Sheikh Sb. has been ailing for sometime past with a sort of pain in his stomach, which the local doctor could not diagnose properly. He is said to be better at the present.
Sd/ – 1.2.58.
Inspr. I.B.

D.O. No. 1681/606-48 P.F. (E) dt. 6.2.58
My dear Ahmad,
Kindly refer to your D.O.No 7/B/58 (2) dt. 7.1.58 addressed to Mr. A.S.M. Ahmad.
It was ascertained that Mr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman went to Calcutta on 23.12.57 for a medical Checkup. He returned back to Dacca on 26.12.57.
Yours Sincerely,
(A. Ahmad)
T. Ahmad Esq., P.S.P.,
AD. (1), Intelligence Bureau,
