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Secret Documents of Intelligent Branch on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman volume-III (1953)

বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ কপিরাইট সমস্যা যাতে না হয় সেকারণে সকল লেখা শুধুমাত্র ‘only Readable’, ‘non-downloadable’ ও ‘non-clickable’ রাখা হয়েছে। সংগ্রামের নোটবুকের সকল নথি-পত্রিকা-দলিল-সংকলন-বই থেকে নেয়া তথ্য-ছবি-ভিডিও শুধুমাত্র গবেষণার কাজে ব্যবহার্য। বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাম ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণার জন্য সংগ্রামের নোটবুক একটি অলাভজনক অবাণিজ্যিক স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে গড়া প্রচেষ্টা।


Advocate Md. Mujibar Rahman, Rajshahi judge court wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, EPAML informing preparation and suggestions of ensuing Rajshahi visit of H.S. Suhrawardy1
Dacca, 5 January 1953
The 5.1.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address) : Md. Mujibar Rahman, M.A. L.L.B., Pleader, Judges Court,
2. To (with address): Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. A.M.L., Nawabpur Rd., Dacca.
3. Language of letter : English.
4. Date of letter: 28.12.52.
5. Postal Seal: Illegible.
6 Post office of interception: G.P.O. Dacca.
7. Date of interception: 4.1.53.
8. Name of officer who can prove the interception: : Munshi Husainuddin S.I. I.B.
9. Whether photographed or not: No
10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered.
1. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (8 September 1892 – 5 December 1963) – H.S. Suhrawardy was born into a prominent Bengali Muslim family at Medinipur, West Bengal. He obtained BSc. (Hons.) and BCL (Bachelor of Civil Law) Degree from Oxford University. Suhrawardy was a renowned politician and statesman from Bengal in the first half of the 20th century and served as the last Prime Minister of Bengal during the British rule. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, he became a leading populist statesman of the then East Pakistan. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan. He was the political mentor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and a public celebrated orator.

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11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy kept
12. Number and date of Government order authorising interception: Casual.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Sec.
Md. Mujibar Rahman M.A. L.L.B. pleader Rajshahi writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L.2 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca requesting
2. EPAML/AML (East Pakistan Awami Muslim League/Awami Muslim League) – EPAML was founded at Rose Garden of K.M. Das Lane, Dhaka on 23 June 1949 in a convention of the leaders and workers of Bengal Provincial Muslim League. The new party was named East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. It was established with Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani as president, Ataur Rahman Khan, Sakhawat Hossain and Ali Ahmed Khan as vice-presidents, Shamsul Haque as general secretary, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as joint secretary while he was in jail and Yar Mohammad Khan as treasurer. From the very inception East Pakistan Awami Muslim League has been a secular and non-communal party. As a mark of its secular posture, the term ‘Muslim’ was deleted from the name of the party at its third council meeting held on 21-23 October 1955. The party believes in welfare economy. It has front organizations among the students, laborers, peasants, youths and women. The party quickly gained massive popular support in East Bengal.
The party later evolved into Awami League. Under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman eventually led the forces of Bengali nationalism in the struggle against West Pakistan’s military and political domination.
Awami League was the first opposition party in the then Pakistan. At its birth the party adopted a 42-point program with a special emphasis on the demand for provincial autonomy. Recognition of Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan, democracy, one man one vote, framing of a constitution, parliamentary form of government, regional autonomy and removal of disparity between the two wings had been the major demands of Awami League during the initial stage of the Pakistani rule. In the 1948-52 Language Movement, the Awami League and its student front, Chhatra League (established in 1948), played a vital role. The Awami League played a leading role in the formation of the ‘All Party State Language Action Committee’ in 1952 preceding the 21 February killing of language movement participants.
In the run-up to the East Bengal Legislative Assembly Elections in April 1954, the Awami League took the lead in negotiations in forming a pan-Bangla political alliance including the Krishak Sramik Party, Nizam-e-Islam and Ganatantrik Dal (Democratic Party). The alliance was termed the Jukta Front or United Front and formulated the Ekush Dafa or 21-Point Charter to fight for establishing rights in East Bengal. The party also took the historic decision to adopt the traditional Bengali boat, which signifies the attachment to rural Bengal, as its election symbol. In the provincial election United Front won 223 seats, out of 309 seats, Awami League alone secured 143, soundly defeating Muslim League with 9 seats.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with his charismatic leadership, workers-friendly approach, unparallel organizational capability and sacrifice succeeded to evolve Awami League

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to make a provisional programme of Mr. Suhrawardy at Rajshahi during his visit to E. Pak.
Sd/-5.1.53 No. 352/606-48 (1) sec. dt. 8.1.53.
Place copy in file & send a copy to Rajshahi Pl.
Side note: Issue, 7/1/53
T.S. One extra copy pl. Sd. 7.1.53
Copy of an English letter dated 28.12.52 from Md. Mujibar Rahman M.A. LLB. Pleader Judges Court, Rajshahi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. A.M.L. Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
My dear Dosto,
I learnt from Ittefaq that Mr. Suhrawardy is coming to North Bengal tour. I waited that after chalking out the programme you would inform me of his tour to Rajshahi. You should not forget the assurance you gave me and vise-versa. Do not make blunder so far Rajshahi’s concerned. I had a mind to go to Dacca by the 1st week of January’53, but for some urgent business. However if Allah permits, I would be glad to meet you at Dacca. I am proceeding very consciously and impelling upon the minds of Mr. S. Haq who is reasonable and practical politician. we stand for united front3 and our stand in the Democratic Party will
immensely popular political party as the symbol of Bengalis’ hope and aspiration. Under his leadership, there followed the movement against Ayub Khan, 6-Point Movement, Agartala Conspiracy Case, Mass Revolution of 1969, Election of 1970, Non-cooperation Movement of 1971 followed culminating in the war of independence. Thus the Bengalis earned their greatest achievement in thousands years-People’s Republic of Bangladesh State.
3. United front – The United Front also called Jukta Front was a coalition of political parties particularly against Muslim League in East Bengal which contested and won Pakistan’s provincial general election in April 1954 to the East Bengal Legislative Assembly. The coalition consisted of Awami Muslim League, Krishak Sramik Party, Ganatantri Dal (Democratic Party) and Nizam-e-Islam. The coalition was led by three major Bengali populist leaders- A K Fazlul Huq, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Mawlana Bhashani. The election resulted in a crushing defeat for the Muslim League. Veteran student leader of East Pakistan Khaleque Nawaz Khan defeated sitting Prime Minister of East Pakistan Mr. Nurul Amin in his own Nandail

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be final. The need of the hour is not democratic or other 1000 parties, but the killing of the common enemy Muslim Leaguet4 and at heart my and Mr. S. Haq’s policy will be directed towards that goal. We shall consider the possibilities how far we could make the tour of Mr.
Constituency of Mymensingh district and created history. Nurul Amin’s crushing defeat to a 27 years old young leader of Jukto Front effectively eliminated the Muslim League from political landscape of the then East Pakistan. United Front secured a landslide victory and gaining 223 seats in the 309-member legislative assembly. Awami League emerged as the majority party, with 143 seats. A.K. Fazlul Huq of Krishak Sramik Party became Chief Minister of East Pakistan upon the victory of the United Front. The election propelled popular Bengali leaders into the Pakistani federal government, with leaders such as Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Abul Mansur Ahmed becoming key federal ministers. In the provincial government, young leaders such as Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Yusuf Ali Chowdhury and Khaleque Nawaz Khan rose to prominence. The United Front demanded greater provincial autonomy for East Pakistan. It passed a landmark order for the establishment of Bangla Academy in Dhaka. However, within months of assuming power, the newly elected government was dismissed by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad, upon of accusations against A.K. Fazlul Huq of attempting secession. The dismissal of the United Front was a key turning point in aggravating East Pakistan’s grievances in the Pakistan union, leading to a farewell call for the separation and independence of East Bengal in 1957.
4. Muslim League – Muslim League was the only political party in British India led the ‘Pakistan Movement’. On the foundation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the President of All India Muslim League, Jinnah became the new nation’s Governor General and the Secretary General of Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The All India Muslim League was disbanded in December 1947 and succeeded by two organizations, Muslim League and the Indian Union Muslim League, the first being its original successor in Pakistan. Jinnah died in September 1948 and Liaquat was assassinated in October 1951. After death of its two senior leaders, the League began to disintegrate. By 1953, dissensions within the League had led to the formation of several different political parties. Liaquat was succeeded by Khawaja Nazimuddin, a Bengali, who was forced out of office in April 1953. Pakistan was racked by riots and famine and in the first national elections in May 1955 (held by a system of indirect voting) the League was heavily defeated. In October 1958 the Army seized power and the martial law regime of Muhammad Ayub Khan banned all political parties. This was the end of the old Muslim League. Ayub Khan later formed a new party, the Convention Muslim League. The opposition faction became known as the Council Muslim League. This latter group joined a united front with other political parties in 1967 in opposition to the regime. But when the military regime of Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan fell in December 1971 and Pakistan’s first genuine free elections were held, both factions of the League were swept out of power in West Pakistan by the Pakistan People’s Party of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and in East Pakistan by the Awami League of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In 1988 after the death of Pakistan’s military ruler and later President Muhammad Ziaul-Haq, under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif a new Muslim League was formed but it had no connection with the original Muslim League.

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Suhrawardy at Rajshahi a success and unique. If nobody co-operates, I am there so you need not worry. Please contact Mr. Shamsul Haq5 of this tour programme. I do strongly hope that you should not, must not contact anybody at Rajshahi, for, there is none except me who could command confidence or support of the people and if hastily anything is done by you at the spur of moment which I think rightly will go against the Awami League, will break balance. I am so far fabricating with skillful hand. One point I must clear in the interest of Awami League and the efficient opposition and in the interest of the people at large that Mr. Amir Ali, a veritable scoundrel and bluffer. So also one Mr. Joardar a cheat who recently has been prosecuted in the court and not to be confided with. They are prone utilise any opposition. As a man on the spot and as a sincere admirer of any opposition, I think it my solemn duty to warn you of the character of the above mentioned political orphans and rascals. The very character of the organisation will be personified if they are associated with. There is another man Mr. Mosaddek a veteran Muslim Leaguer at Rajshahi, poses to be a radical oppositionist at Dacca; he is also to be guarded on. This much today.
Inform me of the recent political development. Is it a fact that Mr. Fazlul Haq is opening a new party or hobnobbing with Mohon Miyan and other political rogue? Please guard him, he is to be utilised and not we to be utilised for him. I learn that he is reviving his old guard of the dead M.L.As6. Please see to that. I am O.K. Hope you so.
Yours etc.
Sd/ – M. Rahman.
5.Shamsul Haque (1 February 1918 – 1965) – Shamsul Haque was the first General Secretary of Awami League and played a key role in Bengali Nationalist Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He was a Bengali politician who led a parliamentary committee in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan to advocate for the recognition of Bengali Language during the Language Movement of 1950s. He was imprisoned for participating in the Language Movement and suffered mental illness.
6. M.L.A. – A Member of Legislative Assembly is a representative elected by the voters of an electoral district (Constituency).

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Letter of M.A. Aziz to Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan7 regarding Chittagong visit of H.S. Suhrawardy along with
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 7 January 1953
Copy of an English letter dt. 7-1-53 intercepted at G.P.O., Dacca. From : M.A. Aziz, 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong. To : Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, 25, Swarighat, Dacca.
Dear Mr. Khan,
While you had been to Lahore I sent you the papers of the case. Hope you have prepared yourself for the case. I don’t send you money in advance for the case. You will have it when you come here. We shall receive you, Sahid Sb. and Sk. Mujibur Rahman on the 11th January Morning at Ctg. Railway Station. Please tell Mujibar Rahman Sb. not to take any other man with him.
With thanks, Sd/-M.A. Aziz
N.B. Book a ticket for Sahid Sb. in advance.


Arrest warrant of Md. Abdul Bari @ Dhala Bari and three others
referred by a memo of DIB, Sylhet.
Sylhet, 9 January 1953
No. R.47082/83-51(Int.)
District Intelligence Branch
Sylhet, the 9th Jany. ’53.

7.Ataur Rahman Khan (1907-1991) – He was a politician and lawyer, founding Vice-President of Awami League. He was the key member of All Party Language Movement Working Committee and Joint Convener of United Front. He was Chief Minister of East Pakistan from September 1956 until promulgation of Martial Law by Ayub Khan in 1958. He floated a new political party Jatio League’ in 1969. He joined to the new party ‘Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League’ formed by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He took part in the Cabinet of Lt. General Hussain Mohammad Ershad Government and served as Prime Minister for nine months.

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To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca.
Ref:- Your No. 18945/606-48(1) Sec. dated 19.12.52.
My Memo. No. 9431/102-49A dated 6.12.52 may kindly be referred to about the warrants of arrest issued against Md. Abdul Bari alias Dhala Bari s/o Hazi Abdul Majid of Majlishamin, Sylhet town and 3 others.
I have not got any piece of land in Dacca de-requisitioned through any Hon’ble Minister.
Sd/- (M.S. Haque) Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Sylhet.


Kabezuddin Ahmed President, AML, Bogra wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman about the formation of a strong reception
committee in connection with the visit of
H.S. Suhrawardy in Bogra.
Dacca, 10 January 1953
DACCA; The 10.1.1953
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: Kabezuddin Ahmed B.L.
President Awami Muslim League, Bogra.

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2. To (with address)
: Mr. Muzibar Rahman,
Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
3. Language of letter
: Bengali.
Date of letter
: Nil.
Postal Seal
: Bogra. 6. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. 7. Date of interception
: 9.1.53. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Serajul Haq, S.I. I.B.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not
: No 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy Kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : casual.
authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Sec.
Kabezuddin Ahmed B.L. President A.M.L. Bogra writes this letter to Mr. Majibur Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca that a reception committee has been formed at the instance of Awami League workers in con. with forthcoming visit of Mr. Suhrawardy at Bogra.
Sd/ – 10/1/53 No. 827/606-48(1) sec. dt. 15.1.53.
D.I.B. Bogra. Place copy in file & send a copy to District for info.
Sd/ – 10.1.53.

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English translation pl. o. Ghani. 12/1/53. S… B. Rahwan Sa/-12/1/53. English translation is attached. Sd/-14/1
Copy of a Bengali printed leaflet dt. Nil.
From : Kabezuddin Ahmed B.L. President Awami Muslim League Bogra. To : Mr. Muzibar Rahman. Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim
League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
আত্মামী লীগ নেতা জনাব সহিদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাহেবের বগুড়া শুভাগমন উপলক্ষে
অভ্যর্থনা কমিটি গঠিত। আওয়ামী মুসলীম লীগ বগুড়া।
জেলা আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসে ১/৫৩ তারিখের মিটিংএ জনাব সহিদ সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাহেবের বগুড়ায় শুভাগমন উপলক্ষে জনাব কাবেজ উদ্দিন উকিল সাহেবের সভাপতিত্বে সৰ্ব্ব সম্মতিক্রমে নিম্নলিখিত ভদ্র মহােদয়গণকে লইয়া একটি শক্তিশালী অভ্যর্থনা কমিটী গঠন করা হইয়াছে।।
১) প্রেসিডেন্ট জনাব মজির উদ্দিন আহম্মদ (সম্পাদক, নিশান, কমিশনার মিউনিসিপ্যালিটী, বগুড়া) ২) ভাইস প্রে: মহম্মদ আলিমউদ্দিন মােজার, প্রেসিডেন্ট টাউন আয়ামীলীগ বগুড়া। ৩) ভাইস প্রে: কাবেজ উদ্দিন আহম্মদ বি,এল ৪) ” মােশারফ হােসেন মন্ডল, কমিশনার, মিউনিসিপ্যালিটী, বগুড়া। ৫) ” মােসলেম উদ্দিন আহম্মদ বি, এল ৬) জনাব বজলার রহমান মুনসী (ভা: প্রে: ও কোষাধ্যক্ষ) ৭) সেক্রেটারী জনাব সিরাজুল ইসলাম (সেক্রেটারী, জেলা আওয়ামীলীগ) ৮) জনাব ফকির লােকমান হাকিম (সেক্রে: টাউন আওয়ামী লীগ) ১) সহ: সেক্রে: জনাব হারুন অল রসিদ ১০) প্রচার সম্পাদক জনাব আবদুল মতিন ১১) আবদুর রহিম সওদাগর (কমিশনার মিউ: বগুড়া)। ১২) সৈয়দ মাহফুজার রহমান

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সদস্য বৃন্দ: ১) জনাব জসমত উল্যা আহম্মদ মােজার,
২) ” মেহের উদ্দিন আহম্মদ বি,এল
৩) ” তসিম উদ্দিন আহম্মদ মােজার,
৪) ” গােলাম রহমান সরকার
৫) ” সমীর উদ্দিন আহম্মদ
৬) ” মজাফফর রহমান
৭) ” লুৎফর রহমান বি, এল
৮) ” হামিদুর রহমান
৯) ” জহির উদ্দিন মুনসী মােজার
১০) ” নিজাম উদ্দিন আহম্মদ
১১) ” জহির উদ্দিন আহম্মদ মােজার
১২) ” দেলওয়ার হােসেন আহম্মদ (মােজার)
প্যান্ডেল সাব কমিটি :
১) জনাব আবদুর রহিম সওদাগর
২) ” হামিদুর রহমান ৩
৩) ” নিজাম উদ্দিন আহম্মদ
অর্থ সাব কমিটি :
১) জনাব মজির উদ্দিন আহম্মদ
২) ” লুৎফর রহমান বি, এল।
৩) ” কাবেজ উদ্দিন আহম্মদ বি, এল
৪) ” ফকির লােকমান হাকিম
৫) ” সিরাজুল ইসলাম।
আশু কাৰ্যসূচী :
১) সংগৃহীত প্রতিদিনের সমস্ত অর্থ কোষাধ্যক্ষের নিকট গচ্ছিত করা হইবে।
২) আরও প্রস্তাব পাশ করা হইল যে, উক্ত প্রকারের যে কোন সংগৃহীত অর্থ যাহা এ,কে,
মজিবর রহমান আদায় করিয়াছেন তাহা যেন অবিলম্বে কোষাধ্যক্ষের নিকট জমা দেন। অন্যথায় তাহার উপর অন্যরকম ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বন করা হইবে।

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৩) জনগণকে অনুরােধ করা যাইতেছে যে, তাহারা যেন যে কোন প্রকারের অর্থ এ,কে,
মজিবর রহমানকে না দেন।
৪) উক্ত অভ্যর্থনা সমিতির সেক্রেটারীদ্বয়কে অনুরােধ করা যাইতেছে যে, তাহারা যেন এই
সভার কার্য্যবলী স্থানীয় ও প্রাদেশিক খবরের কাগজে মুদ্রিত করেন এবং ইহার একটা নকল প্রাদেশিক প্রেসিডেন্ট ও সেক্রেটারীর নিকট প্রেরণ করেন।
স্বা: কাবেজ উদ্দিন আহম্মদ বি,এল
বগুড়া জেলা আমী লীগের সেক্রেটারী জনাব সিরাজুল ইসলাম কর্তৃক প্রকাশিত। বানু প্রেস বগুড়া (ই, পাক) ২৩৫-৫০০
English translation of a Bengali leaflet (printed) dt. nil from Kabejuddin Ahmad B.L. President Awami Muslim League, Bogra. To Mvi. Mujibar Rahman Secy. E.P.A.M. League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
Formation of Reception Committee in connection with the auspicious visit of Awami League Leader Janab Sahid Suhrawardy to Bogra.
Awami Muslim League Bogra-in a meeting at District Awami Muslim League office on 2-1-53 under the presidency of Janab Kabijuddin pleader, in connection with the August visit of Janab Sahid Suhrawardy to Bogra a strong reception committee has been unanimously formed with the following persons.
Janab Majiruddin Ahmed
President Editor “Nishan” Commissioner Municipality, Bogra. Md. Alimuddin Muktear,
Vice ” President, Town Awami League, Bogra. Kabijuddin Ahmad, B.L. Mosharraf Husain Mandal, Commissioner, Municipality Bogra. Moslemuddin Ahmed B.L.
Vice President. Janab Bazlar Rahman Munshi Vice President and Treasurer. Janab Sirajul Islam
Secretary Secy. Dist. Awami League. Janab Fakir Lockman Hakim Secy. Town Awami League.
5. 6. 7.

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9. Janab Harunal Rashid
Asst. Secy. 10. ” Abdul Matin
Publicity Secy. 11. Abdur Rahim Sawdagar, Commr. Municipal Bogra. 12. Syed Mahfuzar Rahman.
Members. 1. Janab Jasmatullah Ahmed Muktear.
Meheruddin Ahmed -B.L.
i mi
Tasimuddin Ahmed Muktear.
Golam Rahman Sarkar.
ť s
Amiruddin Ahmed.
ť i co
Mozaffar Rahman. Lutfur Rahman B.L.
Hamidur Rahman. 9. ” Jahiruddin Munshi Muktear. 10 ” Nizamuddin Ahmed. 11. Janab Jahiruddin Ahmed Muktear. 12. ” Delwar Hussain Ahmed Muktear.
Pandal Sub-Committee 1. Janab Abdur Rahim Saudagar. 2. ” Hamidur Rahman. 3. ” Nizamuddin Ahmed.
Finance Sub-Committee 1. Janab Majiruddin Ahmed. 2. ” Lutfur Rahman B.L. 3. ” Kabejuddin Ahmed B.L. 4. ” Fakir Lockman Hakim. 5. ” Serajul Islam.
Programme of present-work 1. The daily collection of money should be deposited with the treasurer. 2. Further resolved that any such collection made by A.K. Mujibar
Rahman must be deposited with the treasurer at once otherwise action shall be taken against him.

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3. People are requested not to pay any kind of money to A.K. Mujibar
Rahman. 4. Both the secretaries of the above Reception Committee are requested
to see that the proceeding of this meeting is published in the local and provincial news papers and a copy is sent to the Provincial President and Secretary each.
Sd/ – Kajibuddin Ahmed B.L.
President. Published by Janab Sirajul Islam, Secy. Dist. Awami League, Bogra. Bani Press, Bogra (E. Pak) 235-500.
9989 : 60%-48(1) dt. 23.7.3.
D.I.B. Bogra
Please refer to this office Memo No 827/606-48(1) dt.15-1-53 and let us have full particulars of the individuals mentioned therein.
Sd/ – 21/7 DS VI for SSIII
District Intelligence Branch, Bogra, the 5th August 1953.
No. 2358 / 77-49 (Int).
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal8, Dacca.

8.East Bengal – The Partition of British Indian province of Bengal took place in 1947 as part of the partition of India. Bengal was divided based on the Radcliffe Line between India and Pakistan. Hindu majority West Bengal became a state of India and predominantly Muslim East Bengal became a province of Pakistan. East Bengal was renamed as East Pakistan by the ‘One Uniť scheme of Prime Minister Mohammad Ali of Bogura. The ‘One Uniť was a geopolitical program launched by the government of Pakistan led by then Prime Minister on 22 November 1954. The program was believed to be enacted after the government faced difficulty of administrating the two unequal polities of Pakistan separated from each other by more than a thousand miles. To diminish the differences between the two regions, the program merged the four Provinces of West

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Ref. Your office No. 827/606-48 (I) dated 15.1.53 and No. 9989/606-48 (I) dated
The particulars of the individuals mentioned in your letter under ref. are as under:1. Mujiruddin Ahmad, Editor ‘Nishan’ Patrika, is son of Saharullah of Namajgarh,
Bogra town, Bogra. 2. Alimuddin Mukhtear, President, City A.M.L., Bogra is son of late Rahim
Baksh of Jalsuka and of Badurtala, Bogra town. 3. Kabejuddin Ahmad, B.L., President District A.M.L., Bogra, is son of late
Rafatullah of Dakshinbhag P.S. Bogra and of Sutrapur, Bogra town. 4. Musharraf Husain Mandal, Commissioner, Bogra Municipality, is son of late
Mansuruddin of Mustafapur P.S. Shibganj and of Rajabazar, Bogra town. 5. Bazlur Rahman Munshi, Vice President, District A.M.L., Bogra is son of
Badruddin of Badurtala, Bogra town. The Subject is retired Postal Clerk. 6. Sirejul Islam, Secretary, District A.M.L., Bogra is son of Asmat Sonar of
Atapara P.S. Bogra. 7. Fakir Loqman Hakim, Secretary, Town A.M.L., Bogra is son of late Usman
Fakir of Jora P.S. Bogra. 8. Harunal Rashid, Asstt. Secretary, Bogra District A.M.L., is son of Sk. Insan of
Atapara P.S. Bogra and of Thana Road, Bogra town. 9. Abdul Matin, Publicity Secy, Dt. A.M.L., Bogra is son of late Jashmatullah of
Baishaki P.S. Dhunat, Bogra. 10. Abdur Rahim Sawdagar @ Matin, Commissioner, Bogra Municipality is son of
Abdur Rab of Sutrapur, Bogra town, Bogra. 11. Saiyid Mahfuzur Rahman @ Manik is son of Saiyid Ahsan Ali of Sutrapur,
Bogra town. 12. Jashmatullah Ahmad, Mukhtear is son of late Asmatullah of Joregachha P.S.
Gabtali, Bogra. 13. Tasimuddin Ahmad, Mukhtear is son of late Raisuddin of Padmapara P.S.
Shariakandi, Bogra. 14. Ghulam Rahman Sarder (AM./C.P. supporter) is son of late Muniruddin of
Fulbari, P.S. Bogra.
Pakistan into a single province while East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was integrated with Pakistan as another province.

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15. Muzaffar Rahman, M.B., is son of Tamizuddin of Charpara P.S. Shariakandi
and of Jaleswaritala, Bogra town. 16. Lutfur Rahman, B.L. is son of late Reazuddin Mandal of Mutarref Ali Khan
Road, Bogra town and of Usgram P.S. Gabtali, Bogra. 17. Hamidur Rahman is son of Raisuddin of Fulbari P.S. Bogra.
18. Zahiruddin Munshi Mukhtear, Cashier District A.M.L., Bogra is son of late
Dilwar Hussain of Tekani P.S. Shariakandi and of Bogra town, Bogra.
19. Nizamuddin Ahmad (Y.L/AML), Student, 3rd Yr, Arts, A.H. College, Bogra is
son of Badiruddin Pk. of Tarapur P.S. Adamdighi, Bogra. 20. Dilwar Husain Muktear is son of late Ghulam Rahman of Bhadgram P.S.
Nandigram and of Shibbati, Bogra town. Particulars of Muslemuddin Ahmad, B.L. and Zahiruddin Ahmad, Mukhtear will follow.
Sd/-5.8 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bogra.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman arrived at Dacca Railway Station from
Narayanganj reported in a telephone message.
Dacca, 10 January 1953
Copy of Telephone Message, dated 10.1.53, from W/C. S. Amir Ali, Dacca Rly. Station, to O/C, Watch, I.B.
Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Dacca Rly. station being shadowed by W/C Abdul Jabbar, D.I.B. of Narayanganj at 22.08 hrs., and left Dacca Rly. Station at about 22.15 hrs. being shadowed by A.S.I. Kobbat Hossain of Dacca D.I.B. and W/C A. Satter Sarker of I.B. proceeded towards town side.
This is for your kind information.
Side Note: D.S. VI may please see. Watch has been arranged. Sd/- A. Razzak. 11.1.53.
He was located at 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Rd. Sd/- A.R. 11.1.53. Place in P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 12.1.53.

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Watch report9 on H.S. Suhrawardy who arrived at Dacca Airport on 10 January 1953 where Ataur Rahman, Ali Ahmad Khan and
other leaders welcomed him. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman met H.S. Suhrawardy at Dacca. H.S. Suhrawardy along with other leaders
left Dacca for Chittagong by train.
Dacca, 10 January 1953
Copy of C.R. dated 10.1.53. Time of duty – 15.45 – 22.00 hrs.
Place of duty – Dacca Airport.
For, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
Result of watch :
I took up my duty at 15.45 hrs. at Dacca Air Port along with S.I. M. Ahmad, A.S.I. Hyder Ali, W/C Akbar Chaudhury and others for Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. [The following persons came to Dacca Air Port to welcome Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, (1) Ataur Rahman (2) Ali Ahmad Khan, (3) Abdur Rahman, Muktear, (4) Prof. Qamruzzaman, (5) Mustaque Ahmad, (6) Sawkat Ali, (7) Nurul Islam Chaudhury. At about 18.45 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy arrived at Dacca Air Port by Orient Airways. At about 19.15 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left Dacca Air Port along with Ataur Rahman & Ali Ahmad Khan by Taxi Car No. EBD 2984 towards Dacca town and other persons (1) Abdur Rahim, (2) Prof. Qamruzzaman, (3) Mustaque Ahmad, (4)
(5) Nurul Islam Chaudhury left Dacca Air Port towards Dacca town by Taxi Car No. EBD 2468.]
From Aerodrome I, along with W/C Akbar Chaudhury came to Joynag Road and took up duty near premises No. 16 of that Road at about 20.10 hrs. On our arrival at the duty place, we saw a Jeep Car inside the compound of the house. The number of the car could not be seen. At about 21.37 hrs. the Jeep Car left the place & proceeded towards Ramna side. It could not be seen due to insufficient light if it carried any person other than driver.
9. Watch Report – Regular report submitted by IB officer about open or secret activities of the members of political organizations. It may sometimes be necessary to place 24 hour watch on a house or persons to verify and collect secret information.


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At about 21.40 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out along with Prof. Qamruzzaman, Ali Ahmad Khan and Abdur Rahim from the 16, Joynag Road and they went towards Ramna side by Car No. EBD 2556.
During my duty period, here none were found to enter in the premises.
Co-worker – W/C Akbar Chaudhury.
Submitted. Sd/- Anwar Ahmad,
A.S.I., I.B.
Side note: D.S. VI. The information’s at portion bracketed were put up to SS III yesterday
(vide telephone message dated 10.1.53. Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy put up at 16,
Joynag Road in the house of advocate Ali Amjad. He left for Chittagong last night by Chittagong mail accompanied by Advocate Ataur Rahman & Abdul Jabbar Khaddar. At Dacca Rly. Str. Prof. Qamruzzaman & some unknown men saw the subject at Dacca Railway Station. Sk. Mujibar Rahman just on his
return to Dacca from his home also met with the subject at Dacca.
Extract of relevant portion may go in the P.F. of all concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak. 11.1.53.
Yes. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 11.1.53.


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his movements, visit of AML office and other places in Dacca city.
Dacca, 11 January 1953
Copy of C.R. dated 11.1.53, submitted by W/C Karimul Hossain.
Hours of duty

From 10.00 to 14.00 & 22.00 to 02.00 hrs. on 12.1.53.
Place of duty
71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane.
Name of suspect – Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

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Result of watch: – At 10.30 hrs. I took up my duty at 94, Nawabpur Road A.M.L. office and relieved W/C Akbar Chaudhury. He told me that the suspect was seen present at the said office. At about 12.20 hrs. the suspect left that office by Rickshaw No. 1723 and went to No. 9, Hatkhola Road, Paramount Press at 12.30 hrs. At about 12.50 hrs. the suspect left that place by Rickshaw No. 722 and went to his quarter at about 13.05 hrs. Then he was not seen to come out from his quarter till 14.00 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Ibrahimuddin Sarkar at 14.00 hrs. & informed him accordingly. Again at 22.00 hrs. I took my duty at the above noted place. At about 23.15 hrs. the suspect entered into his Qtr. from outside being shadowed by W/C Akbar Chaudhury & relieved him that time. Then he was not seen to come out from his quarter and till 02.00 hrs. on 12.1.53. I was relieved by W/C Ibrahimuddin Sarkar at 02.00 hrs. on 12.1.53 and informed him accordingly.
Copy of C.R. dated 11.1.53, submitted by W/C Md. Ibrahimuddin Sarker.
Place of duty Hours of duty Name of suspect
– 71, Radhika Mohan Bashak Lane. – 14.00 to 18.30 hrs. & 02.00 to 06.00 hrs. – Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Result of watch :- I took up the duty in the vicinity of the above noted place from W/C Karimal Hossain and he told me that the suspect was present at the said place. At about 16.00 hrs. Professor Kamruzzaman and Sawkat Ali – worker of Awami Muslim League entered into the said place. At about 16.55 hrs. suspect M. Rahman along with the said two persons came out from the said place and they were proceeded towards the Awami Muslim League office by Rickshaw and they entered into the said office at about 17.05 hrs. At 18.30 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Akbar Chaudhury at 94, Nawabpur Road and I told him that the suspect M. Rahman was present in the said place. Again at 02.00 hrs. I took up the duty in the vicinity of the 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane and he told me that the suspect was present at the said place. I performed secret watch duty there up to 06.00 hrs. dated 12.1.53, but the suspect was not found. At 06.00 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Moazzem Hossain and I told him accordingly.
Précis on the Confidential Reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 11.1.53.

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The subject visited the following places.
2/1 Court House Street
: From 08.40 to 08.45 hrs. known place.
18, Karkun Bari Lane
: From 08.50 to 09.18 hrs.
Residence of Yar Mohammad of A.M.L.
94, Nawabpur Road,
A.M.L. Office
09.22 to 12.20 hrs. During his visit suspect Sakawat Ali and office clerk Serajul Haque were present at the said A.M.L. office.
9, Hatkhola Road,
From 12.30 to 12.50 hrs. leaving the said office he returned to his quarter at 13.05 hrs.
Paramount Press.
94, Nawabpur Road,
A.M.L. Office.
At 16.00 hrs. while the subject was present at his quarters, suspects Sakawat Ali and Kamruzzaman visited the said quarter and they all left the same Qtr. along with the subject then they went to A.M.L. office at 16.55 hrs. From 17.05 to 21.30 hrs. during his visit suspects Ali Ahmed and Manik Mia10 were present at the said A.M.L office.
Leaving the said office at 21.30 hrs. the subject returned to his quarters. Since then he was not seen to come out from his quarter till 06.00 hrs. on 12.1.53.
Sd/- S.I. 14.1.53 Side note: D.S. VI for favour of perusal.
Extract may go in P.F. of all concerned. Sd – A. Razzak. 14.1.53. Sd – A. Hafiz, 14/1
10. Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah – (1911- 1 June, 1969) – Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah was a
prominent Bengali journalist and politician. He was editor of the Ittefaq. Manik Miah played a vital role during the rise of Bengali nationalism in 1960s. Manik Miah was active in writing against military rule, autocracy and violation of the fundamental rights of people. He had a significant role in inspiring the people to join the struggle for freedom under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was close associate of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy.

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Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left for Chittagong
by train to join H.S. Suhrawardy in his tour there.
Dacca, 12 January 1953
Copy of Telephone Message dated 12.1.53, from A.S.I. Md. Yusuf, Dacca Rly. Station, to O/C, Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
The suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca Rly. Station by Chittagong Mail at 22.00 hrs. along with Prof. Kamruzzaman and Abdul Wadud Patwary being shadowed by W/C. Ibrahimuddin Sarker. They left for Chittagong. This is for your kind information.
Side note:
D.S. VI may please see. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. 13.1.53. S.S. III, The party has gone to join Mr. Suhrawardy in Chittagong & would accompany him in his tour. May be included in D.R. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 13.1.53.
Sd/- A. Hussain, 13.1.53. Included in D.R. Sd/- M. Yusuff, 13.1.53.


Enquiry report on camera meeting held at Bogra organized by local AML leaders wherein the speakers urged the government to give agricultural loan and donation to the distressed people. They set up a district relief committee for this purpose.
Dacca, 12 January 1953
Copy of report of a D.I.O11., dated 12.1.53.
11. D.I.O. – District Intelligence Officer, who is assigned to collect secret information or intelligence on political suspects, organizations and other political activities and different events related to public interests in the respective district.


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Beg to report that on enquiry it is learnt that a camera meeting of the Bogra District Awami Muslim League was actually held on 13.11.52 evening at the house of Alimuddin Ahmad (Mukhtear), President, Town Awami Muslim League, s/o late Rahim Baksh Mandal of Jhelsuka P.S. Bogra and of Badurtala, Bogra town. He presided over the meeting. Jahiruddin Mukhtear (cashier A.M.L.) s/o late Delwar Husain of Tekani, P.S. Shariakandi, Bogra and of Badurtala, Bogra town, Kaviraj Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Vice-President, A.M.L., s/o late Ibrahim Akhanda of Bererbari, P.S. Dhunat, Bogra and of Bogra town, Serajul Islam, Secy. D.A.M.L., 1952 and Asstt. Secy. D.A.M.L. 1953, S/o late Asmat of Atapara, P.S. Bogra and A.K. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. Town A.M.L. 1952 and Secy. D.A.M.L., 1953, s/o Shah Amir Ali of Kushtia P.S. Bogra and of Sutrapur, Bogra town – all active members of the A.M.L., Bogra attended the meeting and took part in the discussion. In the meeting they discussed about the shortage of food stuff in several unions of Sariakandi, Dhunat, Gabtali and Sherpur P.Ss. due to inundation and passed resolution urging upon the Government to give agricultural loan and donation to the distressed people. For this purpose they set up a District Relief Committee with the following office-bearers :
– Majiruddin Ahmad (Editor, Nishan), A.M.L., s/o late
Shaharullah of Namajgarh, Bogra town.
2. Vice President : Alimuddin Ahmad, Mukhtear, Bogra Town A.M.L.
3. “

Nani Gopal Debdas, M.B. (C.P.) s/o Tarek Nath of Katnerpara, Bogra town.
: Rajibuddin Tarafdar, Ex-M.L.A. s/o late Derastullah of
Narchi, P.S. Sariakandi, Dt. Borga and of Bogra town.
5. Asstt. Secy.
: Abdur Rahim @ Matin (Y.L.) s/o Abdur Rouf of Sutrapur,
Bogra town.
: Abdul Matin (C.P.) s/o late Jashmetullah of Baishaki P.S.
Dhunat, Bogra.
They also decided to bring Mr. Shahid Suhrawardy to this District by January, 1953.

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District Intelligence Branch Bogra, the 15th January, 1953.
No. R2376/77-49 (Int.) Forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information with ref. to his office Memo No. 19130/606-48(1) Int., dated 22.12.52.
Sd/ -14.1 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bogra. Side note: Card-Index all pl. Sd/-2.7.53


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his movements from his residence to AML office & other places in
Dacca city.
Dacca, 12 January 1953
Copy of C.R. dated 11.1.53, submitted by W/C Akbar Chaudhury on 12.1.53.
Hours of duty – 06.00 to 10.30 hrs. & 17.00 to 23.15 hrs. Place of duty – 71, Radhika Mohan Bashak Lane. Name of suspect – Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Result of watch – I took up my duty at the above noted place. W/C Abdus Sattar Sarker relieved by me. He told me that the suspect was present at his quarter. At about 08.35 hrs. the said suspect came out from his quarter and went to 2/1 Court House Street at about 08.40 hrs. At about 08.45 hrs. he left the said place and went to the 18, Karkun Bari at about 08.50 hrs. At about 09.18 hrs. he left the said place and went to the 94, Nawabpur Road at about 09.22 hrs. I did duty there till 10.30 hrs. But the suspect was not seen to come out from the office. I was relieved by W/C Karimul Hossain and told him that the suspect was present at 94, Nawabpur Road.
In the evening time I took up my duty at the above noted place in time and did duty there till 18.00 hrs. that I went to 94, Nawabpur Road and found that suspect

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was present at his office. At 18.30 hrs. W/C Ibrahimuddin Sarker relieved by me. At about 21.35 hrs. the said suspect left 94, Nawabpur Road and went to Kosh Mahal Hotel and Restaurant at about 21.45 hrs. At about 23.00 hrs. he left the said place and went to his quarter at about 23.15 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Karimul Hossain and told him accordingly.
No known suspect or any suspicious persons were seen to visit his quarter during my duty period.
Side note: Put up précis of the C.Rs. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Sd/-A. Razzak. 13.1.53.


Report on the three meetings held respectively at Laldighi
Maidan, Hathazari H.E. School ground and Satkania in Chittagong where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, H.S. Suhrawardy and other national and local leaders delivered speeches. In course of speech the leaders condemned ML ministry, criticized the Govt. in almost all issues, demanded immediate release of Mawlana Bhashani12 and other political prisoners, appealed to the people to
be united under the banner of AML etc.
Chittagong, 13 January 1953
In continuation of my report dated 13.1.53, it is to report that yesterday afternoon (13.1.53 between 15.40 hrs. and 20.30 hrs.) a public meeting was organised by the District AML, Chittagong at Laldighi Maidan, Chittagong town with Abdul Jabbar Khaddar in the chair. About 5000/6000 people attended the meeting
12. Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani – (12 December 1880 – 17 November 1976) – Mawlana
Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani was a politician. He was one of the founding leaders of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Bhasani was elected its president, Shamsul Haque and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were elected as respectively its General Secretary and Joint Secretary. He had active contribution of forming ‘All Party Language Movement Committee’ at Dhaka Bar Library on 31 January 1952. During his Presidentship Awami Muslim League renamed to Awami League by removing the word ‘Muslim’ from its official name in the council session of Awami League held on 21-23 October 1955. In 1957 he left Awami League and formed East Pakistan National Awami Party (NAP).

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The following important speakers spoke in the meeting. (1) A.K.M. Abu Taher, E.P.M.S.L., Chittagong. (2) Prof. Quamoruzzaman, A.M.L (3) Abdul Wadud Patwari, A.M.L. (4) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Acting Secy. AML, E. Pakistan. (5) Abdur Rahman Khan, President A.M.L., Tippera13. (6) Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, President A.M.L., Pakistan. (7) President.
The speakers in course of their speeches condemned the Muslim League and the League Ministry alleging that they have been failure in improving the living standard of the common people of the country. They criticised the Govt. almost on all issues, namely economic, education etc. stating that the present Govt. are inefficient. They, particularly, condemned the police action on the students in Karachi and criticised the B.P.C. Repor14t at length and breadth and urged on the people not to accept the BPC Report. They also demanded immediate release of
13. Tippera — The greater Cumilla region was once under ancient Kingdom of Samatata and joined
with Tripuri Kingdom. It came under the rule of East India Company in 1765 and was established as Tippera district (also known as Chakla (administrative division) Roshnabad in 1790). Later, it
was reorganized in three phases into six districts.
14. B.P.C. Report – The Basic Principles Committee (BPC) was a specialized committee set up on 12 March 1949 by governor general Khawaja Nazimuddin upon advice from prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan. The committee’s sole purpose was to formulate the basic underlying principles that would determine future constitutions and legislature of Pakistan. The committee had 24 members headed by Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan. On 28 September 1950, the BPC presented its initial report to the constituent assembly, which ushered strong criticism from the public, particularly from critics in East Bengal. In response to the criticism it was farther reviewed incorporating public opinion and presented to the constituent assembly on 23 November 1952. Its presentation was however postponed at the very last minute due to reservations held by some members of the committee. Later the revised report again presented to the assembly on 22 December 1952. The BPC report embodied provision for appointment of Governor General from one wing and Prime Minister from the other wing under new constitutional formula and establishing military head quarters in West Pakistan. State Language issue was not mentioned there in the report. In response to BPC report Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman demanded the formation of one house parliament on the basis of population and warned against imposing undemocratic constitution. He emphasized on the demand of allocating all powers to the province of East Bengal with full self-governance except keeping defense, foreign affairs and finance with the center on the basis of historical Lahore Resolution. He firmly declared Bengali must be recognized as State Language.

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Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and other political prisoners who are being detained in jail without any trial. The speakers also demanded Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan. Mr. Suhrawardy added that Moulana Bhashani has been ailing in Jail and alleged that the Govt. are not taking proper care for his treatment. He appealed to the public to render financial help according to their capacity with a view to give medical relief to Moulana Shahib. Accordingly Rs. 300/- approximately has collected from the audiences.
All the speakers called upon the people to be united under the ba- of the A.M.L. to dig grave for the Muslim League. They also asked the present ministers to vacate to make room for others who would be able to run the administration in a better way.
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong, the 14th Jan., 1953
No. 370/104-49
To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB, EB, Dacca.
In continuation of this office memo No. 347/104-49 dated 13.1.53. I write to inform you that yesterday afternoon (13.1.53) a meeting organised by the Awami Muslim League, Chittagong and attended by about 4,000 people was held at Laldighi Park, Chittagong town with Abdul Jabbar Khaddar in the chair. The following delivered speech in the meeting:
7. Mvi. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Faridpur, Awami Muslim League.
They also criticised the B.P.C. report alleging that the same is not framed either according to Islamic or Democratic Principles. They further condemned the police action against the students in Karachi and alleged that Hon’ble Messers Mustaque Ahmad Gurmani & Fazlur Rahman, Ministers, Government of Pakistan, were responsible for the incident.
Abdul Wadud also criticised the League Ministry in strong terms for opening fire on the students and said that the present education policy of Govt. is detrimental to the interest of the people. He also condemned the League Ministry for alleged corruption, nepotism and favouritism.

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Sk. Majibur Rahman condemned in strong terms the police action against the students at Karachi. He also condemned the Muslim League saying that it was an organisation to bluff the innocent people. He further criticised the jute and educational policy of the League Govt. In conclusion he criticised the BPC report and demanded representation from Pakistan on population basis.
A few resolutions demanding immediate release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and other political prisoners, Bengali as one of the state languages of Pakistan, condemning the police firing on the students at Karachi and urging the people to reject the BPC report etc. were adopted in the meeting.
H.S. Suhrawardy and his party will address another public meeting this afternoon (14.1.53) at Hathazari, Chittagong.
Further report will follow.
SdSupdt. of Police, DIB, Chittagong.
In continuation of my report dated 14.1.53, it is to report that yesterday afternoon (14.1.53) between 6.00 hrs. and 17.45 hrs. a public meeting was organised by the District AML Chittagong at Hathazari H.E. School ground, which is 12 miles off from Chittagong town with M.A. Aziz, Secy. Chittagong AML in the chair. About 300 people attended the meeting.
The following speakers spoke in the meeting. 1) A.K.M. Abu Taher, E.P.M.S.L., Chittagong. 2) Abdul Wadud Patwari, AML. 3) Kazi Golam Mahbub, of Barisal. 4) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, acting Secy. AML, E. Pakistan. 5) Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, President, Pakistan (AML). 6) Dr. Mohd. Hussain of Hathazari, Chittagong AML 7) President
The speakers in course of their speeches condemned the Muslim League and the League Ministry alleging that they have been failure in solving the various problems of the common people. They appealed to the people to be united under the

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banner of AML to struggle against the oppression and suppression of the existing Govt. They also urged upon the people to demand and raise a voice for the immediate release a Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani from Jail where Moulana Shahib has been suffering and the Govt. are not taking any proper care for his treatment. They condemned the recent police firing on the students in Karachi and criticised the B.P.C. Report. Mr. Suhrawardy asked the people to show black flag to the Muslim League Ministers.
Mr. Suhrawardy and his party after attending the above meeting, left for Chittagong.
Mr. Suhrawardy and his party will address another public meeting to be held at Satkania, which is about 37 miles off from Chittagong town, P.S. Satkania, Chittagong, this afternoon (15.1.53).
Further report will follow.
In continuation of my report dated 15.1.53, it is to report that on 15.1.53 between 15.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs. a public meeting was held at Satkania, P.S. Satkania, Chittagong under the auspices of the Dist. A.M.L. Chittagong, attended by about 3000 people, with Mofazzal Ahmad B.L. in the chair.
The Following important persons spoke in the meeting: –
1) A.M.M. Abu Taher, E.P.M.S.L., Chittagong. 2) M.A. Aziz, Secy. AML, Chittagong. 3) Zahur Ahmad Choudhuri15, Labour Leader. 4) Kazi Golam Mahboob of Barisal, AML. 5) Raibahadur Kamini Kumar Ghosh, Advocate, Satkania. 6) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Acting Secy. AML, E. Pakistan. 7) Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, President AML, Pakistan.
15. Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury (1916 – 1 July 1974) – He studied in Calcutta Islamia College. He
joined All India Muslim League in 1940. He was one of the founding members of Awami Muslim League in 1949. He was a labour activist and Assistant Secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Federation. He was active in the Language Movement. In 1954, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly from Chattogram under the United Front. He supported the 6-Point Movement and was imprisoned for it. He rendered a remarkable contribution in the Autonomy Movement of this country.

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The speakers in course of their speeches condemned the Muslim League and the Muslim League Ministry alleging that they have been proved failure in solving the multifarious problems of the country. They condemned the recent police action on the students in Karachi and that of Dacca last year. They appealed to the people to be united under the banner of the A.M.L. which, according to them, is the real organisation of the Muslims. They also urged upon the people to demand for the immediate release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani from jail otherwise a country wide agitation will be staged for his unconditional release. They also demanded Bengali to be one of the state languages of Pakistan.
Mr. Suhrawardy and his party reached Chittagong town at about 23.00 hrs. after attending the above meeting at Satkania.
He attended the court of 1st Sub-Judge, Chittagong in connexion with the municipal election case on 16.1.53.
Mr. Suhrawardy and his party may attend another public meeting to be held at Patiya in the afternoon (16.1.53). Further report will follows.
Jalaluddin Ahmed Inspr. I.B., Camp Chittagong


Letter of J. Ahmed, R.M. Bosak Lane, Dacca to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman about ensuing Madaripur visit of H.S. Suhrawardy.
Chittagong, 14 January 1953
Chittagong. The 14/1/1953.
Memo. No. 369(2)/102-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: J. Ahmed, R.M. Bysak Lane,

Page: 31
2. To (with address)
: Sk. Mujibor Rahman, Secy.
E.P.A.M. League at present Chittagong Awami Muslim
League Office. Language of letter
Bengali. Date of letter
: 13.1.53. Postal Seal
: Illegible. Post office of interception
: Chittagong G.P.O. Date of interception
: 14.1.53. Name of officer who can prove the : S.I. A.M.A. Quasem. interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy Kept. not Number and date of Government : Casual interception. order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to:1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information. 2. M.S. Haider, Esqr., Supdt., of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for information.
Sd/-14/1/53 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong. Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. The writer informs the addressee that a meeting is being organised at Madaripur and desires that the addressee and Mr. Suhrawardy should attend the meeting. Copies to I.B. & D.I.B. Faridpur for information.
Sd/-M. Yunus. D.I.O.(I) Chittagong.
Sd/- A.J. Chaudhury, Dy. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong. 14.1.53.

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Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 13/1/53 intercepted at Ctg. G.P.O. on 14/1/s3.
From : Tomar Mama, J. Ahmed. 71, R.M. Bysack Lane, Dacca.
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman Sb. Secy. E.P.A.M. League, Awami Muslim
league office, Ctg.
Postal seal of issue:- Illegible.
My dear Mujibar,
ভালবাসা নিও মাদারীপুরের সিরাজুদ্দিন অদ্য এক টেলিগ্রাফ পেয়ে রংপুর যাইতেছে। তারা আগামী ২১/১ তাং মাদারীপুরে এক বিরাট জনসভার আয়ােজন করেছে। ঐ সভায় শহীদ সাহেব ও তােমার উপস্থিতি বিশেষ প্রয়ােজন। অতএব যে কোন প্রকারেই হােক সহিদ সাহেবকে নিয়েProgravwwe করিবে।Special Launch ওMicrophone এর ব্যবস্থা করা হইয়াছে। না আসলে কিছুতেই চলিবেনা কারন আসমৎ আলি খার অবস্থা খুবই খারাপ, তারRun করবার কোনইclaiw নাই। অবশ্যইElection সম্পর্কে তােমাকে কিছু বলিতে হবে
শুধু একটি সাধারণ সভার আকারেই সভাটা হইবে। সিরাজ ১৮/১ সকালে এখানে পৌছিবে।


Expected tour of H.S. Suhrawardy in Sylhet which was communicated by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to M.A. Bari,
Secretary, District AML, Sylhet
Sylhet, 18 January 1953 Secret
Sylhet. Memo No. 437/81-51 Int.
The 18/1/1953.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Sheik Mujibar Rahman, Acting
Genl. Secy. E.P. A.M.L., Dacca.

Page: 33
2. To (with address)
: M.A. Bari, Secy. Dist. A.M.L.,
Sylhet. Language of letter
English Date of letter
: 11.1.53. Postal Seal
: Illegible. Post office of interception
: Head office, Sylhet. Date of interception
: 15.1.53. Name of officer who can prove the : S.I. M. Ashraf Ali Chaudhuri, interception
D.I.B., Sylhet. Whether photographed or not
: Not. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not . Copy Kept. Number and date of Government order : G.O. No. 2101 Poll/S dt. authorising interception
9. 10. 11. 12.
Copy/translation forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/- Illegible for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
True copy of an English typed letter dated 11.1.53, from Sheik Mujibur Rahman (1), Act. Gen. Secy. E.P.A.M. League, Dacca, to Md. Abdul Bari (2), Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Sylhet, intercepted at Sylhet Head Post Office on 15.1.53.
A.M.L.146(1) 63. Dated 11.1.53.
Md. Abdul Bari, Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Sylhet.
Dear Sir,
This office receives with thanks your letter dated … and notes contents thereof. We are really sorry to say that the tour programme of Janab H.S. Suhrawardy was published provisionally subject to confirmation by him. Mr. Suhrawardy will stay in

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East Bengal this time up to 31.1.53., and such his tour will be confined to fewer Districts than was anticipated. We have therefore to curtail his tour programme instead of extending it. However he will back again by the 18th Feb’1953 to cover the Districts and Sub-divisions which will be excluded from the tour programme
Yours faithfully, Sd/-Sheik Mojibur Rahman.
Act. Gen. Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League, Dacca.
Side note: (1) Not known.
(2) Md. Abdul Bari alias Dhala Bari (A.M.L) S/o Abdul Majid of Majlishamin, Sylhet town.
N.B. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent the same letter on 21.1.1953 to Abdur Rahman,
Secretary, District AML Tippera.

Page: 35


Confidential report on the movements of H.S. Suhrawardy and visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at advocate Ali Amzad Khan’s
residence where H.S. Suhrawardy stayed.
Dacca, 19 January 1953
Copy of confidential report submitted by an I.B. officer dated 19.1.53, regarding Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at 16, Joynag Road, Dacca, from 11.30 to 17.00 hrs. on 19.1.53.
As ordered I along with A.S.I. Hyder Ali Talukdar, W/C Anwarul Haque and W/C Saleh Ahmad performed duty at the above noted place for the above noted subject. The following persons visited the house of Ali Amzad, Advocate, at 16, Joynag Road, Dacca, as the marginally time noted against each.
12.32 hrs.
: Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left the house of Ali Amzad Khan16,
Advocate of 16, Joynag Road, Dacca, by Jeep Car No. EBD 2597 towards the town.
14.10 hrs.
: Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy returned to 16, Joynag Road along with
Ali Amzad Khan, advocate, by the same Car.
14.50 hrs.
: Ali Amzad Khan, advocate, left his house by the said car alone
towards the town.
15.00 hrs.
: Manik Miah @ Tofazzal Husain visited 16, Joynag Road,
15.15 hrs.
: Sk. Muzibar Rahman and Shamsuzzoha, s/o Khan Shahib
Osman Ali of Narayanganj, visited 16, Joynag Road, Dacca, being shadowed by I.B. & D.I.B. W/Cs.
15.54 hrs.
: Prof. Kamaruzzaman, Mostaque Ahmad and an unknown person
visited 16, Joynag Road Dacca.
16. Ali Amzad Khan – Ali Amzad Khan practiced as a lawyer in Dhaka & Kolkata. He played a vital role to form Awami Muslim League latter Awami League & was the founding Vice-President. He left Awami League on difference of political opinion. At last he took part in the politics introduced by Ayub Khan.

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16.03 hrs.
: Two unknown men visited 16, Joynag Road, Dacca.
16.12 hrs. 16.20 hrs.
: Nurul Islam Pleader visited 16, Joynag Road, Dacca. : Ali Amzad Khan, Advocate, returned to his quarter 16, Joynag
16.20 hrs.
: Kazi Ghulam Mahbub visited 16, Joynag Road.
16.50 hrs.
: Ali Ahmad, M.L.A. visited 16, Joynag Road, Dacca.
Those who entered into 16, Joynag Road were not found to come out up to 17.00 hrs.
Side note: D.S.VI Extract may go in relevant files. Sd – A. Razzak. 21.1.53.
Yes. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 22.1.53.
Watch report on the movements of H.S. Suhrawardy and visits of
AML leaders at the residence of advocate Ali Amzad Khan.
Dacca, 19 January 1953
C.R. dated 19.1.53. Time of duty-17.00-22.00 hrs. Place of duty-16, Joynag Road, For, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
Result of watch:- I took up my duty at 17.00 hrs. at the above noted place for Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with W/C Abu Bakker and Shamsul Huda Chaudhury. At about 17.08 hrs. Manik Mia came out from 16, Joynag Road and went towards Ramna side by Rick No.18. At about 17.20 hrs. Qamruzzaman (E.P.M.S.L.) came at 16, Joynag Road. At about 17.25 hrs. one unknown pleader came out from the 16, Joynag Road and he went towards Lalbagh side. At about 17.27 hrs. two unknown persons came at 16, Joynag Road by car No. EBD 2807. At about 17.30 hrs. Ataur Rahman came at 16, Joynag Road along with Sawkat Ali (Pleader). At about 17.45

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hrs. Mustaque Ahmed came out from the 16, Joynag Road along with one unknown person and they went towards Ramna side. At about 17.47 hrs. Prof. Qamruzzaman came out from the 16, Joynag Road and he went towards Lalbag side. At about 18.15 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Kazi Golam Mahbub, Shamsuzzoha & Qamruzzaman (E.P.M.S.L.) came out from the 16, Joynag Road and they went towards Ramna side under the shadow of W/C Abdur Razzak & W/C Ramizuddin. At about 18.30 hrs. Sawkat (Ex-Secy. prisoner) came at 16, Joynag Road under the shadow of W/C Khalilur Rahman. At about 18.35 hrs. Ali Ahad, M.L.A. and Nurul Islam Chaudhury (Pleader) came out from the 16, Joynag Road and they went towards Ramna side. At about 18.37 hrs, two unknown persons came out from the 16, Joynag Road and they went towards Ramna side by Car No. EBD 2807. At about 18.40 hrs. Sawkat (ex. secy. prisoner) came out from the 16, Joynag Road and he went towards town under the shadow of W/C Khalilur Rahman. At about 18.45 hrs. Ataur Rahman came out from the 16, Joynag Road and he went towards Ramna side by Jeep Car No. EBD 2597. At about 19.30 hrs. Ataur Rahman returned at 16, Joynag Road by the same Jeep Car. At about 20.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out from the 16, Joynag Road and he went towards Ramna side by Jeep Car No. EBD 2597. At about 20.48 hrs. H.S. Suhrawardy returned at 16, Joynag Road by the same Jeep Car. At about 21.05 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy came out along with Ataur Rahman & other three persons from the 16, Joynag Road and they went towards Ramna side by Jeep car No. EBD 2597. The other three persons were not recognized by us due to insufficient light in the Jeep Car.
Co-worker:- W/C Abu Bakker,
W/C Shamsul Hoda Chaudhury.
At 17.00 hrs. we relieved A.S.I. Haider Ali W/C Anwarul Haque and other.
Submitted. Sd/-Anwar Ahmed,
A.S.I., I.B. 20.1.53.
Sd/-W/C. Shamsul Huda Chaudhuri

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Report on the vis sit of H.S. Su hrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Gait andha. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered a short speech ci riticizing jute policy, education policy, heavy taxation on the poor farmer’s, people’s sufferings due to
government’s failure etc. Gaibandha, 20 January 1953
A.M.L. meeting, report, Gaibandha on 22.1.53.
As ordered I accompanied with Mr. H.S. Surahwardy from Dacca R/S to Gaibandha on 19.1.53 but on the way nothing usual came to notice. On 20.1.53 at about 12.00 hrs. Mr. Surawardy and Sk. Mujibar Rahman got down further train at Gaibandha R/S and they were received by Abul Hossain (Secy. dist. AML) Matiur Rahman (Secy. Sub-divisional AML Gaibandha) Fazlur Rahman (student) and about 800 members of the public in the station. They shouted the slogans Nara-e-Takbir, Alla-Ho-Akbar, Pakistan Zindabad, Awami Muslim League Zindabad, Quad-ePakistan H.S. Surawardy Zindabad etc. They proceeded to Dakbanglow in a procession shouting the same slogans.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman (acting Genl. Secy. Provincial AML) delivered a short speech criticising jute policy, education policy and other development projects etc. and remarked that the present Govt. totally failed to enforce their scheme for which practically no improvement has yet been done during the last 5 years and the sufferings of the people reached its top. He further stated that due to heavy taxation the betel-nuts growers and tobacco growers were not getting proper price and thereby they faced to measuries. In short he compared the present administration of the China with the administration of the Pakistan and removed that though they (China) achieved independence after Pakistan still progress so much in all aspects that none of the citizen suffered from wants of their daily necessaries and even there
is no beggar in that country at present. He concluded his speech to unite together

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under fold of the AML and move an attempt by lawful means to drive away Khawja Nazimuddin17, Nurul Amin18 and other league leaders from the Present Power in order to save Pakistan.
Sd/ – Gholam Kibria
S.I., I.B. 20.1.53
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches demanding Bengali as one of the State Languages, criticizing the misrule and failure of the government in a public meeting held at Gaibandha.
Gaibandha, 20 January 1953
Proceedings of a meeting held in the premises of Gaibandha Dakbanglow on 20.1.53.
(iii) Muzibur Rahman (mentioned) in his speech, stated that though the Pakistan was achieved with the sacrifice of laks and laks of poor Muslims but during the last five years of Muslim League rule none derived any benefit of their sacrifice. Nazimuddin who was at America during the struggle period, became Chief Minister of East Bengal on return. Afterwards he was Governor-General and then Premier of Pakistan where as the condition of common and Middle class people was going to be
17. Khawaja Nazimuddin (19 July 1894 – 22 October 1964) – He was a conservative Pakistani
politician and statesman. He served as the 2nd Prime Minister of Pakistan from 15 October 1951 to 1953 after assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan in 1951. He was born in Dhaka, East Bengal (now Bangladesh) into the Nawab family of Dhaka. He opposed introducing Bengali as one of the prime
State Languages of Pakistan.
18. Nurul Amin (15 July1893-2 October 1974) – He was a lawyer and politician. He was born at village Shahbazpur under Sarail PS in Brahmanbaria district. He was the minister of Civil Supply in the Provincial Cabinet headed by Khawaja Nazimuddin. He was also a member of the Pakistan National Assembly (1947-1954). He opposed the Language Movement. He was defeated by the United Front candidate in the Provincial Assembly elections in 1954. Nurul Amin was an antagonist to Bengali Nationalist Movement based on 6-point programme of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was against the Liberation War of 1971 and collaborated with the Pakistani occupation army. He was buried at Jinnah Mausoleum in Karachi, Pakistan.

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worst day by day and they were dying of starvation. He briefly criticised the jute and education policy of the Govt. and remarked that their schemes failed all together. He further stated that due to the mis-management of the jute scheme the jute growers did not get the price of jute what they received during 1947, 48,49, 50-51. At present they were not even getting the cost of producing jute. Though direction was given by Nurul Amin to purchase all the jutes within the radius of five miles of the border by the fixed rate but in secret circulars, agents and other authorised purchasers were asked to purchase jute at market rate.
He further stated that due to heavy taxation the betel-nut growers and tobacco growers were not getting proper price and thereby they faced great miseries.
At Kushtia, sugar cane growers also failed to get reasonable prices. This Govt. did not render any help to the poor and cultivators but they had spent Rs. 60,000/for erecting Hotel at Dacca and they also spent a huge amount for the construction of palatial buildings for the higher officers. As regards education scheme he said that it was nothing but a bluff to the public. Actually they set up their mind towards education of their children and therefore, they started public school. In this way they created divisions between the relations of common people and higher officials.
Continuing his speech, he said that this Govt. brutally killed many persons by firing through police at Chittagong, Dacca, Karachi and other places. He condemned the police atrocities over the students at Dacca on language issue and recent police firing over the innocent students at Karachi. He further gave out that when Khwaja Nazimuddin was the Chief Minister of East Bengal, he promised to include Bengali
e of the State Languages. There was a written document over this and it was
still with him. Police would not get it on search.
As regards BPC report he stated that it was neither Islamic nor Democratic. An agitation was going on over this report at Punjab and Mr. Nazimuddin with his supporters ran there to settle-up the matter but he did not consider it proper to come over to East Bengal to hear his own people because, Nurul Amin, on behalf of East Bengal gave him full supports. The speakers wanted to know who the people empowered him to do so.
The speaker condemned the action under the ‘Public Safety Act and stated that an old man like Moulana Bhashani, blind man Abul Hashim, Khairat Husain and others, who actually sacrificed their own comforts for the people and the State in the past and present, were now detained in Jail without any trial.

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In short, he compared the past administration of China with that of Pakistan and stated that Nazimuddin became Chiang Kai-shek of Pakistan. In China Ministers were paid Rs. 500/- only as their pay. None died out of starvation and there was no begging system. Lands have been distributed to the tillers. The question of unemployment had been solved. State managed to give free education up to middle school standard. There was no difference between the rich and the poor. He remarked that though China achieved independence after Pakistan still, it had shown much improvement in all aspects due to proper administration.
Finally he urged upon the audience to unite together and to rally round the Awami League. They should prepare themselves to start countrywide agitation for the inclusion of Bengali as one of the State Languages, to release all political prisoners and to drive away Sir Nazimuddin, Nurul Amin and other leaders of their group from their power by lawful means in order to save Pakistan.

M.A. Sattar of Haziganj, Chandpur sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stating about the formation of thana AML working
committee. Dacca, 20 January 1953
DACCA. The 24th January 1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: M.A. Satter, General Merchant
& Commission Agent P.O. Hajigonj, Dt. Tippera Janab Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Secy. E.P. Awami League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
To (with address)

Page: 42
3. Language of letter
: English. Date of letter
: 21.1.53. Postal Seal
: Comilla. Post office of interception : G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 24.1.53 Name of officer who can prove : Maung Maung A.S.I. the interception Whether photographed or not : No. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered.
If delivered whether copy kept : Copy Kept. or not Number and date of : Casual. Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Sec. D.S. VI
M.A. Sattar, Genl. Merchant & Commission agent, Hajiganj, Tippera writes to the Secy. E.P.A.M.L., Dacca reg. Hajiganj Thana A.M.L. matters. Sd/-26/1/53. No. 1689/606-48 (1) Sec. dt. 2/2/53
Place copy in file & send a copy to Comilla for info.
Sd/ -26.1.
True copy of a letter from M.A. Sattar, General Merchant & Commission Agent P.O. Hajiganj, Dist. Tippera.
To The Secretary, E.P. Awami Muslim League, Dacca. Our Ref. No A.M.L. 4/53.

Page: 43
In the first meeting of the Hajiganj Thana Awami Muslim League working committee it is unanimously resolved that the following persons will represent the Hajiganj Thana Awami Muslim League in the Chandpur S.D. Awami Muslim League working committee.
1) M.A. Sattar. 3) Kazi Shamsuzzaman.
2) Dr. A. Mannan. 4) Khan Abdul Wadud.
A true copy of this resolution is already sent to Mr. Habibullah B.L. Convenor, Chandpur Sub-Division Awami Muslim League working committee.
This copy is sent to you for information and necessary action if any.
Faithfully yours, Sd/ – M.A. Sattar
Side Note: Card index all names pl. Sd/-2.7.53.
No. 606-48(1) dt. 23.7.53
D.I.B. Tippera
Please refer to this office Memo. No. 1689 dt. 2-2-53 and let us have full particulars of (1) M.A. Sattar. (2) Dr. A. Mannan (3) Kazi Shamsuzzaman & (4) Khan Abdul Wadud.
Sd/ -21.7. DSVI for SSIII
Dist. Int. Branch, Tippera, COMILLA, the 27th 1953.
No. 3182/
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E. B., Dacca.

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Reference: – Your No. 9985/606-48(I), dated 22.7.53.
M.A. Satter is Md. Abdus Satter son of late Amin Miyan of Mokimabad, P.S. Hajiganj, Tippera (A.M.L.) Born in 1921.
Dr. A. Mannan s/o late Maniruddin of Bakila, P.S. Hajiganj, Tippera (A.M.L.) born in 1913.
Kazi Samsuzzaman s/o Nazrul Islam of Makimabad, P.S. Hajiganj, Tippera, (A.M.L.) Born in 1935. He is student of class X of Hajiganj H.E. School.
Khan Abdul Wadud s/o Sultanuddin Ahmed of Nowgaon, P.S. Ramganj, Noakhali and of Randhanimura, P.S. Hajiganj, Tippera (A.M.L.) born in 1933.
Sd/- 27/7/53 Supdt. of Police, DIB, Tippera.

Report on the speeches of H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Gaibandha and Rangpur criticizing the
government policy. Rangpur, 21 January 1953
Meeting report dt. 21.1.53 at Rangpur Town.
I beg to report that Mr. H.S. Surawardy and Sk. Mujibur Rahman along with Abul Hossain, Matiur Rahman left Gaibandha dakbanglow on 21.1.53 at about 09.15 hrs. for Rangpur. They reached Rangpur P.S. at about 12.00 hrs. and were received by Masudal Haq Choudhury, Dr. Mujahauddin and about 100 persons shouting slogans Quad-e-Pakistan Zindabad, Awami Muslim League Zindabad, Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani Zindabad etc. Mr. H.S. Surawardy and Sk. Mujibar Rahman garlanded by Masudal Haq Choudhury (mtd.). They left station for Rangpur town by car and halted at dakbanglow.
Abul Hossain (mtd.) in his speech gave a short past political career of Mr. Surawardy and Sk. Mujibar Rahman. In brief he also stated the reasons

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to form the Awami Muslim League and urged upon the audience to enlist themselves as members of the AML and make it sufficiently strong.
Matiur Rahman (Jt. Secy. Rangpur dist. AML) Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mr. H.S. Surawardy delivered the lecture. They criticised the present policy of the Govt. their maladministration with regard to the jute, commerce, education, industry and other development projects etc. Sk. Mujibar Rahman lastly in short gave a description of the China Govt. that was improved after achievement of independence in 1949 while the Pakistan is lagging far behind the present China in spite of their achievement of independence in 1947.
Mr. H.S. Surahwardy repeated his speech here as in Gaibandha meeting on 20.1.53 and I submitted in my report dated 20.1.53 excepting the following points-while speaking of the economic condition of the country he said that foreign capital was well-come and invited where as the local businessmen are suffering for want of patronise.
Sd/ – Gholam Kibria
S.I. I.B., 21.1.53.

Report on the AML meeting held at Nilphamari where H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches
demanding repeal of the Public Safety Act, Bengali as state language, withdrawal of the BPC report and passport system etc.
Nilphamari, 22 January 1953

AML Meeting report dated. 22.1.53 at Nilphamari.
I beg to report that on 22.1.53 at about 09.00 hrs. and Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Rangpur along with Abul Hossain, Dr. Majaharuddin, Masudal Haque Choudhury, Matiur Rahman (Rangpur) and other for Nilphamari by bus and reached Nilphamari dakbanglow at about 12.30 hrs. They attended the public meeting at Nilphamari

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ground at about 15.30 hrs. Dabiruddin Ahmad, B.L. of Nilphamari gurlended Mr. H.S. Surawardy and Fazlur Rahman (student) gurlended Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Dabiruddin Ahmad, B.L. (mtd.) proposed the name of Mr. H.S. Surahwardy as president and Fazlur Rahman seconded for the same. About 10,000 people attended the meeting. The meeting commenced with recitation with a verse from the Holy Quran (name not announced). Abul Hossain at the beginning of the meeting, in his speech gave a short past political career of Mr. Surahwardy.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mr. Suhrawardy delivered speeches on the same line as in Gaibandha on 20.1.53 and Rangpur on 21.1.53. The following resolutions were passed in the meeting:
1) Demanding repeal of the Public Safety Act and release of all the political
prisoners whom are being detained in Central Jail. 2) Demanding withdrawal of the B.P.C. report
3) Demanding withdrawal of passport system.
4) Demanding Bengali to be one of the state languages.
Demanding jute should be nationalized and also demanding withdrawal tax from the tobacco and betel-nuts.
Expressing confidence in the AML by raising hands of the audience and others.
The meeting was closed at 17.30 hrs.
Further I beg to add that the party of Mr. H.S. Surahwardy left for Saidpur by
Md. Ismail (Noakhali) and Nurul Islam (student Rangpur) were song same song (which was previously reputed in the meeting).
Sd/-Golam Kibria.
S.I., I.B. Saidpur Campt.

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Report on the meeting of AML at Saidpur of Rangpur district wherein mentioned that H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches criticizing the government policy, maladministration as regards to jute, commerce, tobacco and
refugee etc. Rangpur, 22 January 1953
AML Meeting report dt. 22.1.53 at Saidpur (Rangpur).
I beg to report that on 22.1.53 at about 18.30 Mr. Surahwardy and his party left Nilphamari for Saidpur by reserved bus. They reached Saidpur at about 20.15 hrs, and attended a public meeting held in front of the Saidpur H.E. School. About 10,000 people attended the meeting. Hafez Idres read out a verse from the Holy Quaran in the beginning of the meeting. Mujibar Rahman of Saidpur gurlended Mr. Surahwardy and Sk. Mujibar Rahman. The meeting was presided by Mr. Surahwardy. Mujibur Rahman proposed for presidentship and it was seconded by Abul Hossain of Rangpur. Mujibur Rahman in brief stated the reasons for the formation of Awami Muslim League and urged upon the audience to enlist themselves as member of the AML in order to strengthen the organisation.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mr. Surahwardy delivered speeches and criticised the present policy of the Govt. their maladministration with regards to Jute, Commerce, Tobacco, Optus and Refugee etc. Continuing Mr. Surahwardy gave a description of the horrible condition of the refugees in Pakistan. He also urged the audience to join the movement for the release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Khairat Hossain, Abdur Rashed (Tarkabagish) and other political prisoners detained without trial. Besides this Mr. Surahwardy repeated his speech as in Nilphamari dated 22.1.53 at 15.15 hrs.
The Following resolutions were adopted in the meeting:1) Demanding repeal of the Public Safety Act and release of Moulana
Bhasani, Khairat Hossain and other political prisoners detained without
trial. 2) Expressing no confidence B.P.C. report.

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3) Demanding dissolution of the present constitution and election of a new
one. 4) Abolition of Zamindary without compensation. 5) Expressing no conference of provincial and central ministry. 6) Dissolution of the East Bengal Legislature and demanding general
election by the 1953. 7) Demanding withdrawal 60% to 10% of the import tax from cloth and
thread etc. 8) Demanding withdrawal of the passport system.
Proposed to join launch movement by H.S. Surahwardy for the release of Moula Bhasani, Khairat Hossain and other political prisoners detained without trial.
The meeting was closed at about 23.30 hrs. sang same song as in previous meeting by Nurul Islam (student) and Md. Ismail (Noakhali).
Further I beg to report that Mr. H.S. Surahwardy and Sk. Mujibur Rahman are leaving for Dinajpur on 23.1.53.
Submitted Sd/- Golam Kibria S.I., I.B., Dinajpur Camp
22 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to Nural Islam Secretary, AML, Kushtia wherein he stated about the tour program of
H.S. Suhrawardy Kushtia, 22 January 1953
Ext. from the S.W.R. of D.I.B., Kushtia for w/e 22.1.53.
Part V – Politico-Communal Groups. (a) Muslim Groups. 11. A.M.L.

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A letter from Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (mentioned) to Nural Islam (Secy. A.M.L. Kushtia) S/o Panchu of Aruapara, Kushtia was noticed in post at Kushtia on 16.1.53. The writer regrets to inform the addressee that the tour programme of Mr. Suhrawardy which was tentatively drawn has been curtailed as he (Mr. Suhrawardy) will stay in East Bengal up to 30.1.52. The writer also informs the addressee that Mr. Suhrawardy will again be in East Bengal to cover the district and Subdvn. which have been dropped from the programme this time. The writer finally confirms that on 30.1.53 Mr. Suhrawardy is going to Kushtia to address a public meeting and as such necessary arrangement should be made for holding the meeting successfully.
A letter from Nurul Islam (mentd.) to Mozammel Haq (mentd.) also confirms the date of arrival of Mr. Suhrawardy on 30.1.53.
Side note: Copy to file Sd/ – A. Hafiz, 29.1
Forwarded to office for N.A. pl. Sd/ – 2.2.53.

Report on the public meeting of AML at Dinajpur wherein mentioned that H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches criticizing provincial and central ministry, jute policy, passport system, zamindari system19, detaining
political prisoners without trial etc.
Dinajpur, 23 January 1953
AML meeting report dt. 23.1.53 at Dinajpur town.
I beg to report that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Md. Ismail (Noakhali), Mujibur Rahman (Saidpur) left Saidpur on 23.1.53 at about 08.45 hrs. for Dinajpur and reached Dinajpur R/S at about 11.15 hrs.
19. Zamindari System – Zamindari System was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in British India
through Permanent Settlement Act 1793. A certain amount was fixed to pay to East India Company whereas zaminders used to exploit huge amount by means of torture and repression. It was introduced in provinces of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Varanasi. Zamindars were given the right to collect land-tax from the peasants.

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Rahimuddin, B.L. (President dist. AML) Dr. Naimuddin (Secy. dist. AML) Nurul Haque and about 100 people (including students) received them at the station shouting slogans Nara-e-Takbir, Alla-How-Akbor, Pakistan Zindabad, H.S. Suhrawardy Zindabad, Bhasani Moulan Zindabad etc. Dr. Naimuddin gurlended to Mr. Suhrawardy in the compartment of the train. From the station the party left for Dinajpur town by Car.
At about 15.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Md. Ismail (Noakhali) and others went to Dinajpur Ghora Shahid Maidan where a public meeting was arranged. About 6000 people gathered there. The meeting was presided at by Mr. H.S. Shurawardy, Dr. Naimuddin proposed the name of Mr. Shurawardy and seconded by Wahed Mia of Dinajpur. The meeting was commenced with a verse of the Holy Quran read out by Wahed Mia. Dr. Naimuddin, Sk. Mujibur Rahman and H.S. Shurawardy delivered speeches and criticised the present provincial and central ministry. The course of speeches condemned the police firing on the language movement in Dacca and recent student movement at Karachi. B.P.C. report, Jute policy, passport system, Zamindary abolition, Refugees problem, Tobacco etc. were also criticised in the meeting. Lastly asked the audience to name a country wide agitation, to include Bengali as one of the State Languages and to release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Khairat Hossain and other political prisoners detained without trial. The meeting was closed at 17.30 hrs.
Sd/-Golam Kibria S.I. I.B. 24.1.53.

Report on the meeting of AML at Bogra wherein mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches criticizing ML and
government policy. Bogra, 24 January 1953
A.M.L. meeting report dt. 24.1.53 at Bogra Altafunnessa Park.

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On 24.1.53 at about 10.00 hrs. Mr. Shurawardy, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Md. Ismail (Noakhali) Mosiur Rahman (Secy. Jessore dist. AML) Akbor Hossain Akand, B.L. (President dist. AML) Alimuddin Ahmad (Muktear) A.K. Mujibur Rahman and about 200 persons received at the station shouting slogans Pakistan Zindabad, H.S. Suhrawardy Zindabad etc. National flag was carried by Mozammel Haque in the station. The party left for dakbunglow in a procession.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman criticised the Muslim League and the policy of the present Govt. and condemned the police firing on the language movement at Dacca, recent student movement at Karachi etc. urging upon the audience to orgain AML every where in the district.
Sd/ – Golam Kibria S.I., I.B. Bogra Camp

Report on the public meeting of AML at Santahar, Bogra wherein
mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches criticizing the government in respect of heavy taxation on the all products, salt, education and jute policy, Safety Act, leniency towards the black marketers of the ML group etc.
Bogra, 25 January 1953
Meeting report dated 25.1.53 at Joger Maidan, Santahar.
I beg to report that on 25.1.53 at about 08.30 Mr. Suhrahwardy, Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Md. Ismail (Noakhali) left Bogra R/S and reached Santaher R/S at about 07.00 hrs. Dr. Md. Reajuddin Ahmed (President Santaher AML) Md. Faizuddin and about 30 persons received the party on the station shouting slogans Quad-e-Pak Zindabad, Awami Muslim League Zindabad etc. They left for Santahar Dakbanglow and halted then.
Mujibar Rahman during his speech criticised the present Govt. in respect of heavy taxation of all countries production, Salt policy, education and jute, tobacco,

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betel-nuts, Safety Act and leniency towards the black marketers of the Muslim League group, and police firing on students both at Dacca and Karachi. Continuing his speech he further said that Bengali should be made one of the State Languages and a compulsory subject in West Pakistan’s schools otherwise the people of East Bengal will non-cooperate with under.
Lastly he appealed to the audience to join the Awami Muslim League in order to strengthen the organisation and out the present Ministry.

Report on the public meeting of AML at Natore wherein mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches criticizing the government in respect of jute, sugar cane, tobacco, betel-nuts and education policy, detaining political prisoners
without trial etc. Natore, 26 January 1953
Meeting report dt. 26.1.53 at Natore, Chandheri Maidhan.
I beg to report that on 26.1.53 at about 07.30 hrs. Mr. Shurawardy and his party left Santaher for Natore and reached Natore at about 09.30 hrs. They were received at the station by Koma Mia Muktear, Ishaque, Israil, Ayub Ali and about 30 persons shouting slogans Pakistan Zindabad, Quad-e-Pakistan Zindabad, Sk. Mujibur Rahman Zindabad etc. The party left the station for dakbanglow.

Sk. Mujibur Rahman in his speech criticised the present Govt. in respect of Jute, Sugar cane, tobacco, betel-nuts and education policy etc. and condemned the action of the Government for their repression policy. Lastly he appealed the audience for the release of Moulana Bhasani and other political prisoners detained without trial and join AML to finish the Muslim League which according to him was the root came of the distress of the people.
Sd/- S.I., L.B.

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Report on the meeting of AML at Rajshahi in which several resolutions were moved by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and passed demanding release of all political prisoners, abolition of the Public Safety Act, granting of joint electorate etc.
Rajshahi, 27 January 1953
Copy of report dated 27.1.53 from DIO (II), Rajshahi.
In the meeting, several resolutions were moved by Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy., AML, EB and were passed demanding release of all Political Prisoners, abolition of the Public Safety Act, withdrawal of the BPC report, granting of Joint electorate, lifting of the passport system and etc. Some resolutions on the local issue were also moved by Md. Ishaqueuddin, Vice-President, Natore AML and were passed.
The Secretary, Natore Muslim League sent a printed leaflet with 14 questions to Mr. H.S. Shurawardi which he replied one after another to the entire satisfaction of the audience.
From the general feelings of the people it is presumed that Awami Muslim League is likely to gain ground in Natore Subdivision.
District Intelligence Branch, Rajshahi, the 28th Jany, 53.
Copy forwarded to Ali Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB, EB, Dacca and S.A. Sobhan, Esqr., CSP, District Magistrate20, Rajshahi for information.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, DIB, Rajshahi.
20. District Magistrate – The administrative head of district is known by three different designations, District Magistrate, District Collector and Deputy Commissioner on the basis of different functions.

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Report of DIO, Bogra wherein cited that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
spoke in a meeting at Bogra on State Language, maladministration, police firing at Dacca and Karachi etc.
Bogra, 28 January 1953
Copy of report of a DIO dated 28/1/53.
Beg to report that on 24.1.53 at about 10.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (1) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (2) Genl. Secy. East Pakistan AML, Md. Ismail (3) of Noakhali and Moshiur Rahman (4) Secy. Jessore District AML alighted from train at Bogra station and Akbar Husain Akanda (5) (President, Bogra district AML), Alimuddin Ahmad, Muktear (6) AK Mujibar Rahman (7) and about 200 persons received them at the station shouting slogans “QUAID-E-PAKISTAN ZINDABAD, HASAN SHAHID SUHRAWARDY ZINDABAD etc.

Mujibar Rahman (2) in course of his speech said that Bengali should be one of the State Languages of Pakistan. Nurul Amin Govt. has introduced Urdu in our schools and colleges but the Govts. in West Pakistan have not introduced Bengali in their schools and colleges as yet. If they do not accept Bengali, we shall boycott Urdu within a few months. What have we got from the League Govt. during these six years? We have got bayonet charge and gun shots in respond to our jute claims. He then bitterly condemned the police firing at Dacca and Karachi etc. The League Govt. calls them fifth columnist who being unable to bear the effects of maladministration of the League Govt. warns the public against the possible misery on them. But in the true sense of the term, Bulu Miyan, Muhammad Ali and others are fifth columnist. They are actual traitors of the country.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Bogra, the 5th Feb., 1953.
No. 370/77=49
Forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB, EB, Dacca for information
Sd/- Supdt. of Police
DIB, Bogra.

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Report of DIO, Pabna wherein mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in a meeting at Ishwardi criticizing the policy and work of ML government and requested the
audience to be united under the banner of AML. H.S. Suhrawardy also gave a short speech in the meeting.
Pabna, 28 January 1953
Copy of report 28/1/53 of a DIO.
I have the honour to report that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy has arrived at Ishurdi today at 11.00 hrs. by Amnura Passenger train. About 500 people gave him reception on the Ishurdi platform, shouting “Shahid Suhrawardy Zindabad” “Awami League Zindabad” “Pakistan Zindabad” etc. At about 11.30 hrs. a public meeting was held at Ishurdi Motor Stand under the presidency of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. Sk. Mujibur Rahman who accompanied Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi delivered lectures, criticising the policy and work of the Muslim League Govt. He requested the audience to be united under the banner of Awami Muslim League and try to break down the present Cabinet.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy gave a short speech in the meeting requesting the public to demand immediate release of Moulana Bhashani. In course of his speech he said that he would fix a day to observe Black Flag Demonstration throughout the Province with a view to demand immediate release of Moulana Bhashani and other security prisoners and to bring no-confidence to the present league Govt. He requested the people whether they agree with his proposal. The audience accepted his proposal by showing hands up.
He also requested the people to be united under the banner of Awami Muslim League.
About 900 people attended the meeting at Ishurdi Motor Stand.
The local Awami Muslim League leaders and about 50 College Students were
present at Ishurdi.

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Dist. Intelligence Branch Pabna, the 28th Jan/53.
No. 344 (2)/57-51.
Copy forwarded to : – 1) A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB, EB, Dacca. 2) M.U. Sarkar, Esqr., Dist. Magistrate, Pabna for information.
Sd/- A.K.L. Rahman Supdt. of Police, DIB, Pabna.

Report of DIO, Rajshahi stating that H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches criticizing the ML, acute food problem, defective education policy, industrial and
commercial drawbacks etc.
Rajshahi, 28 January 1953
Copy of report dated 28.1.53 from D.I.O. (II), Rajshahi.
“Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy with his party consisting of Sk. Mojibar Rahman of Faridpur, Md. Ismail of Noakhali, Mozammel Huq of Bogra, Sayeduddin of Pabna and of Rangpur College and others reached Rajshahi from Nator at about 12.30 hrs. on 27.1.53 and stopped in the Dak-Bungalow. From the morning, leaflets and posters were circulated and pasted at different places in Rajshahi town announcing the proposed arrival of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to Rajshahi to convene a mass meeting at Bhuban Mohan Park at Rajshahi town. All the arrangements here were done by the so-called members of the Democratic Party under the leadership of Mojibar Rahman, M.A., L.L.B., Pleader of Rajshahi.
From 15.30 hrs. to 18.00 hrs. a mass meeting was held in the Bhuban Mohan Park. About eight to ten thousand people including students attended the meeting. Being proposed by Abdul Jabbar, Vice-President of Youth League, Rajshahi and seconded by Syeduddin of Pabna, Mojibur Rahman, M.A., L.L.B., was elected President of the Meeting.

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In the meeting, Sk. Mojibar Rahman, Secy., Awami Muslim League, East Bengal and Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy delivered speeches and Md. Ismail sang songs. In their speeches both the speakers criticized the Muslim League and the Muslim League Govt. Muslim League was vilified in the estimation of the public by calling it an organisation for some vested interest e.g., the Khawaja group of East Bengal and others of West Pakistan. The organisation has turned to be an instrument for supporting or approving the evil deeds of the incapable League Ministers. The Muslim League Ministers including the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan were criticized to be inefficient as they could not deal with the problems of the country and the Speakers remarked that the country is facing acute food problem, educational defects, industrial and commercial drawbacks and the present ministry has hopelessly failed to solve the problems. As such the Speakers suggested the people to join the Awami Muslim League which will work for the people as published in their manifesto. They have denounced the ministry for resorting to open fire on the people and students in the Punjab, Chittagong, Dacca and Karachi.
Towards the closing of the meeting Sk. Mojibur Rahman moved the following resolutions which were all passed- (1) immediate release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and all other Political prisoners, (2) immediate abolition of Safety Ordinance, (3) withdrawal of Passport and Visa System, (4) demanding Bengali to be one of the State Languages of Pakistan, (5) expressing no confidence upon the Central and Provincial Ministers and demanding General election early (6) condemning firing upon the students of Karachi and (7) demanding immediate introduction of Compulsory Free Primary Education.
The line and point of speech are almost the same at Nator and Rajshahi.
After the meeting the section of the people who are neither Muslim Leaguers nor of any other political party are showing tendency to join the Awami Muslim League and the newly formed ‘GANATANTRI DAL’ has been facing a serious disruption as most of its members are going to join the A.M.L. Response from the public in attending the meeting was beyond expectation.”
DISTRICT INTELLIGENCE BRANCH Rajshahi, the 28th/29th Jany.’53
No. ….6(2) Copy forwarded to:
(1) Ali Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca,
and (2) S.A. Sobhan, Esqr., C.S.P., District Magistrate, Rajshahi, for information.

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Report on a meeting at Sirajganj where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered a brief speech criticizing the government in terms of jute, tobacco, betel-nut, education, Bengali as one of the state
languages etc. Pabna, 29 January 1953
AML meeting report dt. 29.1.53 at Khan Shahib’s Maidan, Serajganj (Pabna).
I beg to report that on 29.1.53 at about 04.30 hrs. H.S. Suhrawardy and his party left Pabna for Serajganj via Ishardi by Taxi and train on the way to Serajganj, students and public shouted slogans H.S. Suhrawardy Zindabad, Pakistan Zindabad etc. at Saratnagar, Lahiri Mohanpur and Solap Ry. Station. The party reached Serajganj R/S at about 11.00 hrs. and were received by Akbar Ali, Pleader, Amir Hussain, B.L. and 500 others shouting slogan Quaid-e-Pak. Zindabad, H.S. Suhrawardy Zindabad, Sk. Mujibar Rahman Zindabad, Bhasani Moulanar Mukti Chai, Rastra Bhasa Bangla Chai etc. They proceeded to AML office.
At about 15.50 hrs. a Public meeting was held at Khan Shahib’s maidan. The meeting commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran. The meeting was presided over by H.S. Suhrawardy, about 20,000 people assembled there. Sk. Mujibur Rahman in a brief speech criticised the Govt. in respect of jute, tobacco, betel-nut, education, Bengali as one of the state languages demanding introduction of compulsory Bengali in Western Pakistan within three months failing which a movement will be launched to boycott Urdu in Eastern Pakistan and condemned the recent police firing upon the students and public at Karachi. He urged the audience to join the Awami Muslim League to strengthen their party so that they could defeat the Muslim League which is the root cause of all the evils in Pakistan and also demanding the release of Moulana Bhasani, Moulana Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish and after political prisoners detained without trial.
Submitted, Golam Kibria, SI, IB.

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Secretary, EPMSL21, Jessore sent a letter to the Secretary, EPMSL, Dacca wherein the writer mentioned to confirm the news of publishing the statement in respect of the meeting to be held to
elect central council members.
Jessore, 29 January 1953
S.W.R. of the Supdt. of police, Jessore, for the w/e 29.1.53.
VI. E.P.M.S.L.
An English letter dated 22nd January from Ghulam Yazdan Chudhuri son of Late Abdul Karim of Churipatti, Jessore town, Secy. E.P.M.S.L. Jessore to Khaliq Newaz Khan son of Illa Newaz of Asergaon, Nandail, Mymensingh and of Dacca, Secy. E.P.M.S.L., Dacca was noticed in the post on 22nd January at Jessore. The writer refers to statement published in certain new paers regarding the meeting to be held to elect Central Council members on 12th and 13th February and request the addressee to confirm the news and send the following proposals:
That word “Muslim” of East Pakistan Muslim Students League …(missing from the original document due to page damage) omitted. That Bengali be declared as one of the State Languages of Pakistan. That Bengali be declared as the medium of education in Pakistan and “British” education system be changed. That every political prisoner be released at once. That jute producing and manufacturing industries and navigation be nationalised. That full freedom of speech and freedom of press be guaranteed. That Pakistan should secede from commonwealth.
21. EPMSL (East Pakistan Muslim Students League) – East Pakistan Muslim Students League was founded on 4 January 1948 by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a meeting at Fazlul Huq Hall, Dhaka University. Naeemuddin Ahmed was the first convener while Khaleq Newaz Khan General Secretary. It was the student front of Awami Muslim League. The word ‘Muslim’ was deleted from Awami Muslim League on posture of its secular ideology in 1955. Likewise on the same viewpoint East Pakistan Muslim Students League became East Pakistan Students League. This student organization played a vital role on Language Movement of 1952, Education Movement of 1962, 6-Point Movement of 1966, Mass Revolution of 1969, 11-Point Movement and Liberation War of 1971. So over the decades East Pakistan Students League evolved as Bangladesh Chhatra League.

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That Govt. should take immediate measure to educate the people of Pakistan within a very short time and sufficient free primary schools with properly trained teachers be installed in every corner of East Pakistan.
That this be declared that no student would be put to prison on political causes.
That import and production of sex appealing naked “Hollywood” type of
picture be immediately stopped.
Side Note: Place in file. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 6.2. U/O. 673 dt. 11.2.53.
Forwarded to office of n/a. Sd/-11.2.

Report on the Pabna visit of H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke at a local leaders and
students’ gathering. He criticized the ML government for imposing heavy tax and levy on the poor mass, unwillingness of accepting Bengali as one of the state languages of Pakistan,
detaining sick Mawlana Bhasani etc.
Pabna, 30 January 1953
Copy of report dated 30.1.53 form a D.I.O.
Beg to report that on 28.1.53 at about 09.00 hours Capt. Mansur Ali23 Secy. Pabna (Sadar) A.M.L., Abdur Rab of Bogra (A.M.L.), Mvi. Abdul Hamid, Abdul Momin Talukdar, Khabiruddin Ahmad both students of Dacca University, Abdul Matin, Ranesh Chandra Maitra (both of E.P.S.U., Pabna) along with about 30 local
22. Capt. Mansur Ali (16 January 1917–1975) – Capt. Muhammad Mansur Ali was a close confidant
of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and played an important role in the 6-Point Movement, He was an active member of Awami Muslim League (later Awami League). He studied in Kolkata Islamia College (now Mowlana Azad College) and pursued MA degree in economics and law from Aligarh Muslim University. He joined to the Pakistan Army and attained the rank of Captain. He was arrested in 1952 for organizing the Language Movement. In 1954 and 1970, he was elected a member of the East Pakistan Legislative Assembly. During the Liberation War, he was one of the top organizers of the Provisional Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, most popularly known as Mujibnagar Government with a portfolio of Finance Minister. After the independence he became the Minister of Communications and later Home Affairs. He was assassinated on 3 November 1975 along with three other national leaders at Dhaka Central Jail known as infamous Jail Killing.

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college students had been to Ishurdi to receive Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman in course of his speech gave out that the Muslim League Govt. during its 5 years’ administration extracted the public wealth for their selfish end and have brought all the business concerns to a standstill position by imposing heavy taxes. He criticized the Govt. policy in respect of levy which was meant for the poor but not for the big land lords like Miron Shah of Bhawalpur State and other Ministers and private Secretaries. During the last food crisis in the Bhawalpur State, Miron Shah indulged in hoarding and profiteering in respect of wheat but Nazimuddin did not interfere in the matter though he was aware of it, as he was entertained with fifty kinds of dishes. The Muslim League Govt. have been compared with Inter District Dacoit Gangs as they extort the public by imposing taxes after tax. But in lieu, the people are getting nothing. He further said that when Nazimuddin was the Chief Minister of East Pakistan, he gave a chit in writing to Sk. Mujibur Rahman that Bengali would be made one of the State Languages of Pakistan but as soon as he became the Prime Minister of Pakistan, he shamelessly declared that Urdu alone would be the State Language of Pakistan. So he is nothing but a ‘Monafik’ and due to his monafiki, so many lives of the country were lost at Dacca during the last language movement. He emphasises that if Bengali be not accepted as one of the State Languages then a movement will be launched to boycott Urdu in East Pakistan. Criticizing the B.P.C. report, he told that why they would accept parity of seats in Central Legislature which is undemocratic and un-Islamic. It might, however, be accepted if the Federal Capital, Military Head quarter and the Naval base are transferred to Dacca and Chittagong, respectively. Moulana Bhashani, who was the right hand of Quaid-e-Azam23 in his struggle for the achievement of Pakistan, has been rotten in the jail of the Muslim league Govt. The condition of the Moulana in the jail has become hopeless but the Govt. is not taking care of his treatment. If the Moulana is not released in no time, there would be a country wide revolution. He expressed that there is nobody in the Muslim League now except some contractors, black marketers and Khanbahadurs or Sirs.
Sd/- A.K.L. Rahman Supdt. of Police, DIB, Pabna.
23. Mohammed Ali Jinnah (Quad-i-Azam) (1876-1948) – Mohammed Ali Jinnah, father of the nation of Pakistan was called Quad-i-Azam. Jinnah served as a leader of the All India Muslim League from 1913 until creation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947. He served as first Governor General of Pakistan till death.

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Report sent from CID, NWFP24 on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who attended meeting at Lahore and visited different places of
Peshawar. Dacca, 30 January 1953
Copy of secret letter No. 97/NGO dated 30.1.53 from the Asstt. to the I.G. of Police, C.I.D., N.W.F. Province, to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
It is reported that after attending the Jinnah Awami League Convention at Lahore, Mr. Attaur Rahman Vice-President, East Bengal Jinnah Awami League and one Mojibur Rahman of East Bengal, accompanied the Pir of Mankin to the N.W.F.P.24 and visited various places in Peshawar district and attended private meeting

Summary report on the speeches of H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at AML meetings held in the districts of Rangpur, Dinajpur, Bogra, Rajshahi, Pabna and Kushtia. Both of them spoke on release of detained political prisoners, repeal of the Public Safety
Act, withdrawal of the ban on ‘Pakistan Observer’, abolition of Zamindari System, Bengali as one of the state languages, early election in the East Bengal Legislative Assembly etc.
Dacca, 30 January 1953
Summary report of the Bengali Speeches delivered by H.S. Suhrawardy and Sk. Majibar Rahman in the Awami Muslim League meetings held in the districts of Rangpur, Dinajpur, Bogra, Rajshahi, Pabna and Kushtia from 20th to 30th January 1953.
Sk. Majibar Rahman in his speeches said: “First of all …(missing from the original document due to page damage) my respects to them who have been detained without trial during the last state language movement. The history of the last 5 years of our achievement of Pakistan is a history of
24. NWFP – The North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) was a province of British India. It was established in 1901 and dissolved in 1955, after eight years as part of the independent state of Pakistan. The area became Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province on April 19, 2010 when the 18th Amendment was signed by the President of Pakistan.

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repression and oppression of Muslim League Government. We led a hunger March in 1948 and faced Lathe charge by our so-called national Government. Our Government has lost our jute market and they are responsible for the miseries of the people. In the 5 mile border they have ordered purchase of all jutes at fixed price but jutes are being purchased in these areas at market rate. We have no market of our tobacco and betel-nut. Sugar cane growers do not get price from the mill for their sugar cane in time. People are taxed heavily but the money is not spent for the good of the people. There is no arrangement for the education of our children. Teachers do not get sufficient pay for their maintenance. [The Muslim League Government kills our people by bullets whenever they put forward their just demands. Students were fired upon at Dacca last year when they demanded Bengali as one of the state Languages. The other day students were fired upon at Karachi when they demanded education and Khaza Nazimuddin accepted their demands when so many students were killed. I think he will not keep up his promise as he did not keep up his promise to make Bengali as one of the state languages. He is a ‘monafeq (hypocrite.)] In January, 1952 he declared in Dacca that only Urdu should be the state language of Pakistan. Khaza Nazimuddin must know that Bengali is neither Ahsan Manjil’s property nor his Patuakhali Zemindari it is a language of 4 crores and 21 lakhs people of East Pakistan. He will have to concede to their demands. He may kill or gaol as many people as he likes but he will have to accept Bengali as one of the state languages. And I declare if Bengali is not made a compulsory subject for study in the schools of East Pakistan within three months. We shall boycott Urdu in East Pakistan.
[B.P.C. report is neither basic nor based on any principle. It has been framed by Khwaja Nazimuddin who has all along been a British agent. The provision for the Muslim Head of the State is unnecessary in a country where 90% of the populations are Muslims. The Ulema Board will be a nominated one. The ministers will choose Ulema under their thumb to serve on the Board. B.P.C. report is silent about the State Language. East Bengal has been given 50% representation in the Central Legislature though East Bengalees are 56% of the entire population of Pakistan. We are opposed to it. We can, however, be agreeable to parity if Central Capital and Military Head quarters are transferred to Dacca and Naval Head quarter is transferred to Chittagong. Khwaja Nazimuddin is afraid of the Punjabis. He has gone to West Punjab25to
25. West Punjab -West Punjab was a province of Pakistan from 1947 to 1955. The capital was the
city of Lahore and the province was composed of four divisions (Lahore, Sargodha, Multan and Rawalpindi). The Independence of Pakistan in 1947 led to the division of the Punjab Province of

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please them.] He has not thought fit to come to East Bengal. Nurul Amin has given word for East Pakistanis who are opposed to the entire B.P.C. Report which is an advice to keep the present ministers in power. We cannot allow it to pass. If it is passed East Bengalees will be slaves. We must raise our united voice against it. If the present Government cannot give us food, education and shelter to the people, they should quit. Maulana Bhasani has been transferred from jail to Dacca Medical College hospital. We are to bear the expenses of his treatment in the hospital. Government does not pay anything for his treatment but lakhs of rupees are spent when ministers fell ill. I can assure Mr. Suhrawardy on behalf of the people of East Bengal that they are ready to join any movement for the release of Maulana Bhasani and other political prisoners. We have formed the Awami League to defeat the Muslim League which is nothing but a gang of dacoits in Pakistan. I request you to join the Awami League and form a society where there will be no exploitation. I request you again to join the Awami League to vanish the Muslim League forever?
H.S. Suhrawardy in his speeches said:
“I am sorry to see that some of the local Muslim leaguers have circulated a pamphlet against me. Majibar Rahman has said that Khawza Nazimuddin is a fortunate man but is he really fortunate? He is to speak before the people from behind an iron curtain and surrounded by armed police. He has no prestige in West Pakistan and nobody supports him. But I think myself a fortunate man. I can come before you and speak to you freely. I could save the lives of so many helpless Muslims in Calcutta after partition. People love me and they come to hear me. You know about the Karachi incident. Students made out a procession on their demand for more schools and facilities of education and wanted to see the education minister. Police obstructed them and used teargas against them to disperse. When refused to be dispersed Mr. Grace, Commissioner of Karachi Police ordered for firing. 16 were killed and about 200 injured. After the incident Khawza Nazimuddin said that he was ready to accept their demands. Nazimuddin is not fit for the post. We have passed so many resolutions but to no effect. Unless you drive them out they will not quit. I request you to drive them out by your united effort. I also request you to give up the Muslim League for the good of the country. Maulana Bhasani, Tarkabagis, Khairat Hussain
British India into two new provinces. The largely Sikh and Hindu East Punjab became part of India while the largely Muslim West Punjab became part of the new nation of the Dominion of Pakistan

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and many others have been detained in jail without trial because they know that people have no courage to raise their voice of protest. Nazimuddin is hoodwinking people in the name of Islam to keep him power. At Lyallpur Khawza Nazimuddin advised Government officers to favour the Muslim leaguers. The present Muslim league is an organisation of a few big people and the permit holders. I organised the Muslim league before partition and captured 113 seats out of 119 seats in Bengal where Nazimuddin and Akram Khan26 were away. We could form Muslim League ministry in Bengal but in other Muslim may …(missing from the original document due to page damage) provinces of India either congress27or unionist ministries were formed. It is not true that I have formed the Awami Muslim League with a view to capture power. 5 times I was offered posts of position and power. Qaide Azam offered me to go…(missing from the original document due to page damage) as his personal representative. I did not accept all this offers to serve a greater cause viz. protection of the Muslims in India after partition. Makhdum Miran Shah father of chief minister Bahwalpur entertained Khwaza Nazimuddin with 50 items of food and the ‘Zemindar published the news to glorify Nazimuddin. This news ought not to have been given publicity when people in general do not get two square meals a day. Nazimuddin should present one kind of food at a dinner as was done during the war time in British regime. Nazimuddin has no right to use government planes for Muslim league propaganda or to spend money from the public exchequer for Muslim League organisational work. Due to bad trade policy of the Government the prices of jute, bettle nut, tobacco and cotton have fallen abnormally whereas prices of rice and wheat have gone up so much so that it has gone beyond the purchasing capacity of the people. West Pakistan imports bettle nut from Ceylon and Singapore. They do not import bettle nut from East Pakistan. There is no market for bamboo. Fuel wood of Khulna cannot be exported to India. Corruption is rampant
26. Maulana Akram Khan (7 June 1868 – 18 August 1969) – Mawlana Akram Khan was a Bengali journalist, politician and Islamic scholar. He was the pioneer of journalism of Bengal Muslim society and founder of the daily Azad first Bengali newspaper of Dhaka. He was the founder member of Muslim League, President of East Pakistan Provincial Muslim League and Vicepresident of All Pakistan Muslim League. He was elected as the member of Constituent Assembly. He took retirement from politics in 1954, rendered remarkable contribution to Muslim Renaissance Movement in undivided Bengal.
27. Congress – Congress was founded in 1885 during the British Raj; its founders include Allan Octavian Hume (a prominent member of the Theosophical Society), Dadabhai Naoroji and Dinshaw Edulji Wacha. In the late nineteenth and early to mid-twentieth century, Congress became a pivotal participant in the Indian Independence Movement, with over 15 million members and over 70 million participants in its opposition to British colonial rule in India. After independence in 1947, Congress became India’s dominant political party.

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everywhere. 4 big Zemindars including Makhdum Miran Shah of Bhawalpur had a very large quantity of wheat in their stock which were not procured by the Government they were allowed to sell them in the open market at a very high price whereas poor agriculturists’ wheat were procured at a very low price. A high Government officer was opposed to giving permission to sell the wheat of Makhdum Miran Shah and others but his advice was not accepted. He resigned his service and has joined the Awami Muslim League. Government is exploiting the people in the name of Islam. A time may come when people will lose faith in Islam if the present state of affairs continue any longer. The income of the central and the Provincial Government28 have fallen to a very low level. At present there is no way out but to sell our Pakistan to England or America to save the situation. So it has become imperative upon us to remove the present Government from power. In a dem country people have the right to express their opinion through vote. In West Pakistan malpractices were resorted to in some provincial general elections. It is likely that malpractices will be adopted in the coming general election in East Bengal. I request you not to vote for the Muslim League. Government is leading the people to adopt illegal and unconstitutional means. Awami Muslim League will not take recourse to unconstitutional means. We shall go on fighting against corruption and injustice peacefully. We are not afraid of jails. We are ready to count for jail. When thousands, may, lacs of people will go to jail. Govt. will not be able to provide space and food for them.
During the British Govt. servants used to take bribe secretly. Nowa-days they take bribe openly because the Govt. under whom they serve is corrupt. Bribery has come to such a pass that people think that no service can be had from Govt. servants without bribe.
Introduction of passport system is the outcome of a mistaken policy. Owing to one particular officer’s when it has been introduced and Khwaja Nazimuddin has supported it. Hindus were settling down in East Pakistan with the passing of time. Passport system has upset that. Hindus were made scapegoat for the causes of the language movement although none of them killed, injured and arrested during the language movement were Hindus. In the belief that Hindus launched and added momentum to the language movement. Govt. introduced passport
28. Provincial Government – A provincial government is the government of a country subdivision in a federal form of government, which shares political power with the federal or national government. At the time of independence from British regime in August 1947, the then Pakistan included the five provinces: Bengal, Punjab, Sind, NWFP (presently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) & Baluchistan (Chief Commissioner’s Province).

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system which has caused hardships to Hindus, Ziratia tenants and Muslim optees. I have given very careful consideration to this problem of passport system its utility and evil effects and now I demand its immediate withdrawal. For one officer’s fault thousands of people are suffering.
B.P.C. Report has created ill feeling and suspicion in the minds of the people of the two wings of Pakistan. Two wings suspect each other. It has introduced provincialism which Pakistanis had not at the birth of Pakistan. Nurul Amin has sold East Pakistanis to Karachi. I say Pakistan is one. We must not allow Nurul Amin and Nazimuddin to ruin Pakistan. Nazimuddin has gone to the Punjab to pacify Punjabis but he has not come to East Pakistan as if East Pakistanis are his slaves and he has taken them for granted on the issue of the B.P.C. Report. So long as the present Ministers remain in power no change in the lot of the people in general will come about. Govt. servants have no confidence in the Govt.
There are 16 vacant seats in the East Bengal Legislative Assembly. Only one bye election was held in the Tangail constituency where Muslim League was defeated. Legally and constitutionally the East Bengal legislature cannot continue more than five years from 1946 but it is continuing and probably it will confirm more.
For championing the cause of the people Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani has been detained in jail. He is ill. Govt. does not defray the expenses of his treatment. His contributions to the making of Pakistan are greater than many of the present leaders of Pakistan. We have responsibility towards his release from detention. When he is in jail we cannot afford to remain outside jail and move freely. I shall fix a day to be observed for the release of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and other political prisoners in the whole of Pakistan. I urge you to join this movement for the release of political prisoners. It should be made clear that it will be a peaceful and constitutional movement. A day may come when Govt. servants also join you in ending this unjust Muslim League rule in the country.
Salt sells at 3 pice a seer at Karachi whereas people in this wing of Pakistan had to pay to Rs. 16/- per seer though sufficient salt can be produced in East Bengal. Our weavers have been thrown out of employment. Had sufficient yarn been imported or produced in mills in Pakistan their unemployment problem would have been solved and at the same time people would have got cloth at a cheap price. Similar is the case with the ‘Biri’ traders. Thousands of young men in this trade are unemployed now; our Government cannot import ‘Biri leaf from outside.

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Resolutions were adopted demanding release of Maulana Bhasani and other political prisoners detained without trial, repeal of the Public Safety Act, withdrawal of the ban on ‘Pakistan Observer abolition of Zemindar without compensation, Bengali as one of the state languages, early election in the East Bengal Legislative Assembly, quittal of Pakistan from the British commonwealth of nations, withdrawal of the Passport system, joint electorate condemning the jute policy of the present Government to the… (missing from the original document due to page damage) of curtailment of the spread of education, urging upon the Government to stop realisation of rent with interest in the acquired estates, expressing no confidence in the Central and the Provincial legislatures, condemning police firing upon the students in Dacca and Karachi and paying homage to the memory of those who were killed in the police firing, rejecting B.P.C. report and demanding unicameral legislature direct election of the head of the state and a democratic constitution framed by a constitutional assembly elected on the basis of population, expressing confidence in the Awami Muslim League. Dacca- 10.2.53.
Sd/ S.G. Hossain Kazi
Md. Hossain Govt. Reporters.
Side note: Copy to be placed in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

A public meeting of AML held at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches on Bengali as State Language, Dacca and Karachi killing, observance of
‘Shahid Day’etc. Dacca, 1 February 1953
The proceedings of the public meeting held at the instance of E.P., AML on 1.2.53 afternoon at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca.
M. Aziz of Chittagong, Secy. AML (Ctg.). He shouted at the top of his voice and urged the audience to prepare for a movement to ought the M.L. Govt. He was introduced as a revolutionary speaker.

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Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Acting Gl. Secy., AML. He remembered with sympathy the individuals killed at Dacca and Karachi by Police firing and the political prisoners at jails and urged the people to observe Sahid Day on 21.2.53 and agitate unitedly for the release of the political prisoners. In course of criticism of B.P.C. Report, he said that Urdu has been made compulsory in East Pakistan, but Bengali has not been correspondingly made so at West Pakistan. He warned that if Bengali be not made compulsory at W. Pakistan within 3 months, they would boycott Urdu here at any cost and agitate. He said that he was ready to abide by the decision about parity of seats as per B.P.C. Report provided the capital be transferred to Dacca, the Military headquarter of Pindi to East Bengal and the Naval HQ. at Chittagong.
Sd/ – S.N. Mahmud
Inspr. 1.B. 1.2.53.

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Report on the Chittagong visit of H.S. Suhrawardy and
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Chittagong, 2 February 1953
Chittagong, the 2nd Feb., 1953.
No. 816/104-49.
A. Hussain, Esqr. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Sub: Visit of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to Chittagong.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy accompanied by Sk. Mojibur Rahman arrived at Chittagong by Dacca mail on 2.2.53 at about 09.00 hours. M.A. Aziz, Genl. Secy. of the Chittagong District Awami Muslim League, Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri and A.K.M. Abu Taher, member of A.M.L. Ctg. who had gone to Dacca to attend the Council meeting of the Awami Muslim League also returned with Mr. Suhrawardy. At the Rly. Station they were received by Azizur Rahman (white) Secretary East Pakistan Mariner’s Association and a few others. Mr. Suhrawardy and Sk. Mojibur Rahman are staying at the Rest House, Station Road, Chittagong.
Mr. Suhrawardy attended Court to conduct the Municipal Election Case. He has got no other programme today.
They are expected to stay here till 4.2.53. They are under close watch and further report will follow.
Sd/- M. Ali,
2.2.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong.

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Report on the organizational affairs of Rangpur District Awami
Muslim League. Rangpur, 3 February 1953
District Intelligence Branch Rangpur, the 3rd February, 1953.
No. R.5818/42-48 (Int.)
A. Husain, Esq., Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, DACCA.
Reference: I.B. Memo. No. 18294/606-48(1) Sec., dated 6.12.52.
Rangpur District Awami Muslim League is busy in its organisational work and has not yet been able to re-organise its branch committees. Only Rangpur Town Committee has been formed recently. Several meetings at different places of this district were held at the instances of Awami Muslim League workers.

Jabed Ahmed, President, Kushtia District Working Committee of EPMSL sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he
focused on organizational matters. He also invited H.S. Suhrawardy along with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to visit Kushtia.
Dacca, 6 February 1953
DACCA; The 6th Feb. 1953.
Memo. No.

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(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Jabed Ahmad, President
E.P.M.S.L. Kushtia Dist. Majibor Rahaman, 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
English. : 2.2.53. : Kushtia 3 Feb. 53. : G.P.O. Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the : AKMS Haque, S.l., l.B. interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
President E.P.M.S.L. Kushtia Dist. writes to Mujibur Rahman of 94, Nawabpur Rd. thanking the addressee for his visit to Kushtia along with Mr. Suhrawardy on 30th Jany. last on behalf of the students of Kushtia Dist. seeking his advice and co-operation in the organisational matters.
Sd/ – 6.2.53
Place in file. Sd/ – 6/2
Copy of letter dt. 2.2.53 intercepted at G.P.O. on 5.2.53.

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: Jabed Ahmad, President, E.P.M.S.L. Kustia Dt. working
committee, Awami Muslim League office, Kustia. : Majibar Rahman sb, 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
Respected Majibar Bhai,
My best Salam to you. Hope this will find you in spirit. Thanks to you and to your spirit of advising me and my friends for the betterment and development of our student’s organisation. And most heartiest thanks to you for your kind visit to Kushtia with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy on last 20th January.
Being encouraged by your keen and skillful interest towards the progress and prosperity of student’s society, I venture to approach you with a view to draw your kind notice, to think over, deeply, the facts & figures which I am intending to note in the next paragraph.
Brother-in-faith, believe it or not, I tried my utmost to introduce a needful ‘Passport to Paradise for the students of Kushtia through an active attempt for the mutualisation with my comrade Mr. Abdul Matin who is, also with me, promised to you, on the eve of your departure from Kushtia, but the result is in vain. But why I have failed? Why I am a failure to make him feel the utility of mutualisation, why? Because in the bunglings and bickerings of political prestidigitation, we the students political prophets of Kushtia, have persistently relegated the common students to the oblivion and come to develop a counterfeit notion of the student’s organisation, that is only motely collection of demagongness. This is a singularly unfortunate symptom, which while lightening the stature of a few, strikes at the very root of integrity of the student’s organisation.
The existing structure of Kushtia Politics is rotten it has got to be salvaged; the order must be changed. This is the paramount need before us today and I believe that no amount of professional politicians such as Mr. Abdul Matin, Mr. Afsoruddin, Mr. Samsul Huda shall alter it. Adjustment of wide outlook, to this chaotic situation is, of course, a prerequisite for progress, but that must be preceded by wide-scale reforms in the existing order. It is to be realised that world is not a monopoly concern of the absolute sovereigns, but a common trust where everybody has a right to an equitable share. So also, this student’s organisation is not the life time property of ex-students and nonstudents; it is perfectly and constitutionally based on the strength of the

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students simply. I am always conscious of this principle of this organisation and here I am.
My conditional promise to you, I agree, has dashed them out of the question of mutualisation. What is my grounds to be so much no? The answer is clear to me:- (a) Mr. Abdul Matin, the ringleader is an exstudent for four years (6) Mr. Afsaruddin, the Vice President of their committee, is a spy of communist party and for this reason he has been suspended from Q.A.M. League. Moreover he is an ex-student for two years. (c) Lastly, Mr. Samsul Huda, the G.S. of their committee is an immoralist and philanderer.
Mr. Qumruzzaman directed me and Mr. Matin to struck off his name from this organisation as he is actually a black sheep of student society.
My struggle is directed not against the organisation, but these three elements and I am sorry to note that, I am bold and frank to deny them to be the real student. So how can I help you brother? I do not exaggerate to say that I will never tolerate a man without morality, people without principle, because they are pregnant with disqualification. I believe that the organisation of Mr. Khaleque Newaz Khan is not meant for the opportunists and immoralists.
So, their crying and demand is rather similar to yelp. The mere fact is that the handful flies in luxurious vikings or holds super-bouquets does is no way compensate for the sufferings of the students to whom a scant morsel appears to be a fortune. This organisation is not the dining hall of Versailles or ildiz koisk but opens to all the students. The case tl happened after your departure with the question of tea party is indecent to note here and the income of my experience about them has shadowed them in the dark of avoidance for the safety of the organisation.
Lastly I know it is your student’s organisation and it has a deep link with Awami Muslim league. But surely you have gathered the experience that they are not ready to agree the relation of these two organisations. Mr. Samsul Huda has openly used the bad terms with the prestige of Awami League. This sort of mentality hampers both the organisations.
In the end I will beg your apology for my indecency to you if any ! have taken a long time of your busiest life and I am to conclude now in short God helps those who help themselves’ and I reminiscencing the famous proposition of ‘Nitzche Live dangerously’ give you the assurance that we must open the doors of utopia, struggling after struggling.

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The letter claims your hearty co-operation and kind sympathy. Thanks for the trouble that you undergo for me and my organisation. Expected your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Md. Jabed Ahmad. President, E.P.M.S.L. Kushtia District Working Committee

Memo on the identity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent to CID,
NWFP, Peshawar, West Pakistan.
Dacca, 11 February 1953
7, WISE GHAT ROAD, Dacca, the 11th February’53. No. 2202/613-52 Genl.
To Arbab Atta Ullah Jan, Esqr., P.S.P., Asstt. to the I.G. of Police, C.I.D.. N.W.F. Province, Peshawar.
Ref: – Your memo No. 97/NGO dated the 30th January, 1953.
Mujibur Rahman referred to in your memo under reference …(missing from the original document due to page damage, identical with Sk. Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Gopalganj, District-Faridpur. He is the acting General Secretary of the Awami Muslim League in East Bengal.
(A. Hussain). for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
Side Note: “Copy may be placed on P.E” Sd/ – A. Hafiz 4/2/53
“Yes” Sd/ – A. Hussain. 6.2.53

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to Secretary, Subdivisional AML, Madaripur regarding observance of Shahid
Day’ on 21st February 1953.
Dacca, 13 February 1953 Secret
7 Wise Ghat Road,
DACCA; The 13. 2.1953
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Acting General Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Asmat Ali Khan, Secy. Subdivisional Awami Muslim League, Madaripur, Faridpur. English 10.2.53 illegible.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
6. Post office of interception
: R.M.S. Dacca. 7. Date of interception
: 12.2.53. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Ibrahim, A.S.I.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : Not. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy Kept.
12. Number and date of Government : Casual
order authorising interception

Page: 77
Copy/translation forwarded to
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Acting General Secretary, A.M.L., writes to Secy. Sub-divisional A.M.L., Madaripur, Faridpur, regarding observance of “Shahid Day” on 21st February with programme. He also informs that Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy will come back to East Bengal on or before 28th February.
Sd/- S.I., C.S.
13.2.53. Deliver. Place copy in file and send a copy to Faridpur for information and comment.
Sd/- A.Hafiz,
Original letter is delivered. Sd/-13.2.53.
Copy of an English letter dated 10.2.53. from Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Acting General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, to Asmat Ali Khan, Secretary, Sub-divisional Awami Muslim League, Madaripur, District Faridpur, intercepted by an I.B. Officer at R.M.S., Dacca, on 12.2.53.
The Working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League in its emergent meeting on Friday (5.2.53.) resolves that the all branch organisations be called upon to observe “Shahid Day” on the 215 February’53 peacefully and constitutionally
Programme : –
1. Hartal.
2. Procession. 4. Hoisting black flag.
3. Public Meeting. 5. Using Black badge.
N.B. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent the same letter on 10.2.1953 to A.K. Mujibar Rahman,
Secretary, District AML, Bogra and Abdul Aziz, Secretary District Awami Muslim League, 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong and Kazi Abdul Wadud, Secretary, Sadar SubDivisional AML, Tippera.

Page: 78
Report on the grouping of AML, Bakerganj district, proposal of renaming Jinnah Awami Muslim League, supply of ‘Weekly
Bakarganj, 17 February 1953
District Intelligence Branch Bakarganj, the 17th February 1953.
1165 No. 227 178-49(Int.)
To Ali Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Reference: – Your No. 19234/606-48(1)Sec., dt. 24.12.52.
There has been a split in the District A.M.L. organisation at Barisal into two groups. They are being led by Shamsher Ali, President, Barisal town A.M.L., s/o Muzaffar Ali of Barisal town and by Aminul Haq Chaudhuri, Pleader, Secretary, Barisal District A.M.L. Organising Committee respectively. Zahid Hussain @ Jahangir s/o Amzed Peshkar of Barisal town is in favour of the latter group. The writer of this letter is a supporter of Shamsher Ali.
Jahangir was the local agent of the weekly “Ittefak” at Barisal but supply of the paper was discontinued as Jahangir did not remit arrear dues for the paper. So Ashraf Ali Khan asked Sheikh Muzibur Rahman, Secretary, E.P.A.M.L., Dacca, s/o Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur to request Tofazzal Hussain @ Manik Bhai, Editor of the weekly “Ittefak” to send him 100 copies of this paper to his address. Ashraf Ali Khan also informed him that Shajahan s/o Abdur Rahman of Neamatpur, P.S. Daulatkhan and of Barisal town, is his party man and that he should be favoured with the commission for distribution of the papers. He also assured him that henceforth payment of the dues would be regular.
Ashraf Ali Khan requested Muzibur Rahman also to plead for the deletion of the word “Jinnah” from “Jinnah Awami Muslim League” and retain the word “Muslim” when the question of changing the name of the organisation would be taken up as he apprehended that in case the word “Muslim” is omitted from the

Page: 79
name of A.M.L. organisation it might appear as a non-communal organisation and the Muslims might desist from voting for the nominees for such an organisation during the ensuing General election of the Assembly especially when there is no legal provision for joint electorate system.
Sd/Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bakarganj.
9981 No. 606-48(1) dt. 23.7.53.
D.I.B. Barisal.
Please refer to your No. 1165 dt. 17-2-53 and let us have particulars of Aminul Huq Chaudhuri.
Sd/ -22.7. DSVI for SSIII
District Intelligence Branch Bakarganj, the 30th July, 1953. No. 4029 /78-49 (Int).
R. 3236.
To A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E. B., Dacca.
Reference:- Your No. 9981/606-48(1), dated 22.7.53.
Aminul Haq Chaudhuri, B.L. is s/o Nurul Haq Chaudhuri of Ulania P.S. Mehendignaj, Dist. Bakarganj and of Fakirbari Road, Barisal Town.
Sd/ – 30/7 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bakarganj.

Page: 80
Advocate Md. Mujibar Rahman, Rajshahi wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he emphasized on the financial help from the centre, renting a house for party office, request for
visiting Rajshahi etc. Dacca, 19 February 1953
DACCA; The 19.2.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Md. Mazibar Rahaman,
M.A.L.L.B. Pleader Judge Court, Sepahipara,
Rajshahi. : Mr. Mujibar Rahaman,
Secy. Awami League, 94,
Nawabpur Rd., Dacca. : English.
To (with address)
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 14.2.53.
Postal Seal
: illegible. Post office of interception
G.P.O, Dacca. Date of interception
18.2.53. Name of officer who can prove the : Delwar Hossain, S.I. interception
10. 11.
Whether photographed or not
: No Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. Number and date of Government order : Casual. authorising interception

Page: 81
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Section D.S VI.
For perusal please. Md. Majibur Rahman, Pleader, Rajshahi writes this letter to Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Secy, Awami League, Dacca, asking financial help from the centre for wide circulation and propagation of Awami League in the Mofasil area of Rajshahi Dist. and also with a request to send Kamaruzzaman and his party to Rajshahi to join E.P.M.S.L. and also with information of other party matters.
A.S. Chaudhury S.I.
No. 3022/606-48(1) Sec.(c) dt. 25/2/53.
Side Note: Place copy in file & send a copy to Rajshahi District for info &
comments. Sd/-20/2, for SS3 Issue 2 extra copies pl. Sd/-23/2/53.
True copy of an English letter dt. 14.2.53.
: Md. Mazibar Rahaman, M.A, L.L.B. Pleader Judge Court,
Sepahipara, Rajshahi.
: Mr. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. Awami League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca intercepted at G.P.O. on 18.2.53.
Dear brother,
I beg to draw your kind notice and consideration to the following facts immediately: –
(1) At the initial stage, the District Committee needs financial help
from the centre specially for purchasing the Mike. Please inform
what is the percentage of your help. (2) We have procured a house at a rent of Rs. 25/- P.M and opened
informally the Awami League office. Formally it will be opened by Shaheed Surwardhy in his next tour. Please keep this in your

Page: 82
constant view that this time. Shaheed Shaheb & you shall have to stay at Rajshahi Sadar for 3 days. We must hold meeting in the mofassil. Most Important: – We have intended to start a mike and a gip fund of Rs. 10,000/- since last week of February. If we are to collect the money through the receipt books supplied by you or through the books printed by us in name of our Dist. Committee? If you supply the receipt books, no money you will get from our fund as we are hard-pressed for want of a Mike & a Gip. If you fail to supply the same on our condition or inform us within a week. We must print the same as we cannot wait any longer, because the other party is
vilifying us in the mofassil as opportunists. (4) Please send the manifesto and circulation about 50 copies each free
cost. In view of the fact that Rajshahi is the divisional town and the key for your Awami League. You must give special attention to it by
occasional financial help & suggestion. (5) If the word “Muslim” has been dropped from the E.P.M.S.L and
their convention has been held? Please without making a single moment’s delay, send Kamruzzaman and his party to Rajshahi to join E.P.M.S.L, without which we are suffering very much. We do
not want that Ataur will be enjoying the exam prepared by us. (6) Please write to Jahur Choudhary of Nawabganj for helping us with
his gip without which we are handicapped in collecting money &
propagation. (7) We may write you to come at any moment. We have planned to
hold meetings in the mofassil.
I will be highly obliged to you if you kindly manage to pass a week at Rajshahi towards the beginning of March. This is most important in the interest of popularising Awami League.
Please write to Shamsul Huq, Hetam Khan, giving some suggestions. He wants that you should write him occasionally. I have many other important talks, but I cannot write here. Please supply me your home address at Dacca. I am O.K. Hope you to be so.
Yours etc. Sd/-M. Rahman.
N.B : Please inform me if, through some of your friend. You can supply
me a gip, either brand new or 2nd hand with good condition, between 7 to 8 thousands. Please write me very soon.

Page: 83
Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who took leading part in the Language Movement and observance of “Shahid Day’.
Dacca, 19 February 1953
List of individuals taking leading part in connection with the Language Movement and observance of Shahid Day.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, The 19th February, 1953.
No. 1853 (3) Copy forwarded for information to:1. A.Z. Obaidullah, Esqr., P.S.P.,
Dy. Inspector-General of Police, Dacca Range, Dacca. 2. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E. B., Dacca. 3. M. Idris, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, Dacca.
Sd/- S. Rahman, 19/2 Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
The following individuals are for the present taking leading part in connection with the Language Movement and observance of the ‘Shahid
2) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, A.M.L., S/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara,
Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 71, Radhikamohan Basak Road, Kotwali, Dacca and others.

Page: 84
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to Advocate Md. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary, District AML, Rajshahi wherein he gave
instructions and inspirations.
Rajshahi. Memo. No. 2099/38-49 Int.
The 19/20th March, 1953.

Page: 85
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman,
Acting General Secy. E.P.A.M. League.
2. To (with address)
Mujibur Rahman, Secy. Dist. A.M. League, Rajshahi.
3. Language of letter
: English
4. Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Rajshahi Head Office. Date of interception
: 21.2.53. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Ali Hossain, S.I., interception
D.I.B., Rajshahi.
Whether photographed or not
: Not
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Kept.
12. Number and date of Government order : …
authorising interception
Copy/in duplicate forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for favour of information.
Sd/ -19.3.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Rajshahi.
True copy of a letter from Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Acting Genl. Secy. E.P.A. M. League (1) to Mujibur Rahman, L.L.B. Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Rajshahi (2) intercepted at Rajshahi Head Post Office on 21.2.53.

Page: 86
A.M.L. 156 (2)53 dated 11.2.53.
Mujibur Rahman L.L.B. Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Rajshahi.
Dear Sir,
This office receives with thanks the nomenclature of your office bearers and notes the names therein. Please carry on with indomitable energy faith and confidence and the victory is with us. Try to keep contact with the Subdivisions and give them proper directions when needed.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Acting General Secy. E. P. A. M. League. Side Note: No. 2 is son of Emran Ali Sarkar of Bashudevpur, P.S. Godagari, Dist.
Rajshahi and of Sepaipara Rajshahi town,
Report on the observance of ‘Shahid Day’at Lalbagh area where
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders brought out a procession. The participants carried black flags, posters and chanted slogans against Khawaja Nazimuddin government.
Dacca, 21 February 1953
Report on the observance of Shahid Day from Lalbagh P.S. Area dt. 21.2.53.
From 11.00 A.M. till 12-15 P.M. boys and girls students wearing black badges and carrying black flags of different schools and colleges forming procession and shouting usual slogans were seen coming to Dacca University and through different directions and routes and ultimately gathering within the compound of Dacca university. Two of these processions were led by Sk. MAJIBUR RAHMAN and Abdul Wadud Patwari respectively. Ataur Rahman came to the University at about 11.45 A.M.

Page: 87
Report on the observance of Shahid Day from Lalbagh P.S. Area dated 21.2.53.
About 12.30 P.M. all the assembled students came out from Dacca University in a big procession numbering about 15 to 20 thousands including public who joined the procession being led by Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ataur Rahman, Kazi Golam Mahboob, Abdul Wadud Patwari, Shawkat Ali, Prawso Samaddar (YL), Sowhar Ali (EPREL), Khundkar Mostaque Ahmed, Gaziul Haque, Khandakar Md. Elias (Editor Juger Dabi) and others proceeded towards Nawabpur Road via Fuller Road, Bakshi Bazar Road, Mymensingh Rd. Govt. House Road, Topkhana Rd. Turnibee circular Rd. the processionists shouted the usual slogans along with “Nazim Nuru Bhai Bhai Ace Dasitea Fashi Chai, League State Dhangsha Hauk.” They also carried black flags, posters with inscriptures of the usual slogans and a placard deprecating Mr. Nazimuddin (H.P.M. Pakistan) wearing gum boots with writing “Made in America” on it and having rifle fixed with bayonets and trodding upon the masses and as a result the sole of the boots and the point of the bayonet became red. At the bottom of this placard Naba Kumar Institution was written. Dr. Abdullah and A. Karim along others of Pakistan Ambulance corps. followed the procession from the university in jeep car No EBD 1713.

Summary Report on the proceedings of the meeting held at Armanitola Maidan in observance of the Shahid Day’ where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches on state language movement, food-cloth-shelter crisis, freedom of speech, a society
free from exploitation etc.
Dacca, 21 February 1953
Summary report on the proceedings of the meeting held at Armanitola Maidan on 21-2-53 in observance of the Shahid Day’.

Page: 88
Ataur Rahman Khan – President.
Sk. Majibur Rahman in his speech said:
Nazimuddin and Nurul Amin Govt’s are not prone to concede to the just demands of the people in general. People demanded Bengali to be one of the State Languages of Pakistan but they have turned a deaf ear to it. Khawaja Nazim declared that Urdu should be the only state language of Pakistan. The movement punched on the 21st Feb. 1952 was not a movement for the Bengali Language- it was a movement for our life and death. We want to live like men – we want food, cloth, shelter, rights of a citizen, liberty of speech and a society free from exploitation. The movement of the 21st Feb. 1952 was an expression of these demands of the people, and the students received bullets and lathi charge. We have come here to observe “martyrs’ day” but every day people are dying of starvation in East Bengal. Our mothers and sisters are going naked, morale of the people of East Bengal has broken and the ruling class is sucking the blood of the people. I am not disrespectful to those who died in connection with Language Movement. Demands of no nation can be met without sacrifice and perseverance. We have to end the present oppressive rule in the country by peaceful means and establish a people’s rule in its place. Bengali is one of the richest languages of the world. Each one of the East Bengali is ready to lay down life for the demand for Bengali Language. Maulana Bhasani and a few hundred others are in Jail. No one can be detained in jail without a trial. We cannot get our demands fulfilled by merely passing resolutions. There cannot be any truce or pact with the oppressors who have sucked our blood and kept our mothers and sisters naked. Either they or we will remain in power. Every one of us wants not only Bengali as one of the State Languages, food, cloth, shelter but also the rights of a citizen, liberty of speech and release of political prisoners. If the present Govt. cannot concede to these just demands of the people let them give out power for those who will be able to fulfill them. So long as our demands are not conceded we shall carry on our movement peacefully in every nook and corner of East Bengal. Muslim League rule must be brought to an end by peaceful means for the good of the people in general. We are ready not only to go to jail but also to face bullets for the demands of Bengali Language, release of political prisoners, and for making a society free from exploitation.”
Sd/- S.A. Hossain Kazi
Md. Hossain Govt. Reporters.
(in Bengali).

Page: 89
Advocate M. Mashiur Rahman, Jessore wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he expressed great regret regarding the cancellation of tour program of H.S. Suhrawardy at Jessore. He
also emphasized that his (H.S. Suhrawardy) and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s presence was essential before the district board and assembly election. A letter from Abdul Hai, Secretary, District AML, Jessore sent to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the same issue.
Dacca, 25 February 1953
7 Wise House.
Memo. No.
The 25.2.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
M. Masihur Rahaman, B.L. Pleader, Judge
Court, Jessore. To (with address)
Sk. Mujibur Rahaman, 71 Radhika Mohan
Basak Lane, Dacca. Language of letter
English Date of letter
: 22.2.53. Postal Seal
Illegible. Post office of interception
R.M.S. Dacca Date of interception
: 24.2.53. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Ibrahim A.S.I. interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. Number and date of Government order : Casual. authorizing interception
9. 10. 11. 12.

Page: 90
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Sec.
For perusal please. M. Majibur Rahman, Pleader, Jessore writes this letter to Sheikh Majibur Rahman of Dacca expressing great regret knowing the cancellation of tour programme of Mr. Suhrawardy at Jessore and also with a request that his presence is essential before the next D.B. election as the Assembly election will depend much on it.
Sd/ -25.2.53. No. 3336 1606-48(1) Sec. dt. 4-3-53.
Side Note: S.S. III Perusal pl. The letter has been delivered.
Copy may be placed in PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman & sent to Jessore for info & comment. Sd/-25/2
Copy of an English letter dated 22.2.53 from M. Masihur Rahaman B.L. Pleader Judge Court, Jessore to Sk. Majibur Rahaman, 71 Radhika Mohan Basack Lane, Dacca.
My dear Mr. Rahaman.
Salam. I have received a telegram from Janab Suhrawardy Saheb intimating cancellation of his tour at Jessore. Perhaps you won’t realise the inconvenience. I have been put in. Practically all arrangements were complete to accord him a proper reception. Much enthusiasm was created amongst the workers. You know that the D.B. election of this District will be held by the middle of the month of April. The presence of you and Suhrawardy Shaheb within the District is an absolute demand by us within the month of March if you desire success in this election. So I would request you to please contact him immediately and send me his town programme for at least three days.
It is needless to tell you that the result of this election will influence the result of the assembly election and as such we have got to take up this election with all seriousness if we mean to run the party. Hope you will please make necessary arrangement and intimate early. Hope this will find you in good health and sprit.
Yours affectionately
Sd/ – M. Mashihur Rahaman. Sk. Mujibur Rahaman Esq.

Page: 91
Ext. from W. S. S. of Jessore Dist. the w/e 26.2.53.
V(a) (ii) A.M.L. Interception.
2. An English letter dated 22nd February from Mashiur Rahman S/o late Ismail of Jessore Town, Secretary, District A.M.L. to Shaik Mujibur Rahman son of Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, Acting General Secretary, E.P.A.M.L., 71, Radhika Mohan Basu Lane, Dacca was noticed in post at Jessore on 23’d February. The writer refers to a telegram from H.S. Sahrawardy, intimating cancellation of his tour to Jessore and informs the addressee that the D.B. election of Jessore will be held by the middle of April hence he suggests that the visit of Sahrawardy to Jessore is an absolute necessity for the success of the party, in the election. The writer requests the addressee to contact Mr. Sahrawardy and fix up a tour programme to Jessore for at least three days. According to the writer, the result of this election will influence the result of the next Assembly election and as such he desires to take up this election with all seriousness.

Page: 92
1609 dated 14.3.53.
Forwarded to office I.B. for necessary action. Sd/-14.3.
Side Note: Ext. to file. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 12/3.
Ext. from W. S. S. of Jessore Dist. for the w/e 26.2.53.
V(a) (ii) A.M.L. Interception.
3. A Bengali letter dated 24th February from Abdul Hai son of Abul Khair Pir of Kharki, Kotwali, Jessore, to Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (mentioned) was noticed in post of 26″ February at Jessore. The writer refers to the cancellation of the tour programme of Mr. H.S. Sahrawardy to Jessore during the first week of March and informs the addressee that due to the regular air service between Dacca and Jessore, the Hon’ble Ministers are very often attending meetings of the Muslim League in the villages. The writer also requests the addressee to contact Mr. Sahrawardy, with a request to visit Jessore by the last week of March for the success of the party in the D.B. election.
1609 dated 14.3.53.
Forwarded to office I.B. for necessary action. Sd/-14.3.
Side Note: Please extract in file. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 12.3.
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 28.2.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Sheik Mujibur Rahman,
Acting General Secretary. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca. Mr. Mashiur Rahman, Pleader, Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Jessore.
To (with address)
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 24.2.53.
Postal Seal
Outgoing. : R.M.S. Dacca.
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: 28.2.53.
8. Name of officer who can prove the : Keramat Ali Bhuiyan ASI
interception 9. Whether photographed or not
: No 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government order : Casual interception.
authorising interception

Page: 93
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Sec D.S.VI
For perusal please. Sheikh Majibur Rahman Genl. Secy. A.M. League writes this letter to Mashiur Rahman, Pleader Secy. Dist. A.M. League with intimation that Mr. Suhrawardy is expected by the 1st week of March/53 instead of 28th February/53.
A.S. Chaudhury S.l.
No. 3319/606-48 (1) Sec. dt. 4.3.53. Side note: SS-III, Perusal pl. Mr. Suhrawardy is expected by the first week of
March. Development may be awaited. Copy may be placed in file. Sd/-28.2.53 Yes. Also send a copy to SP Jessore DIB. Sd/-2.3 T.S. An extra copy pl. Sd/3.3.53.
Copy of an English letter dt. 24.2.53 intercepted at R.M.S. Dacca. From Sheik Mujibar Rahman, Acting General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca to Mr. Mashiur Rahman, Pleader, Secy. District Awami Muslim League, Jessore.
A.M.L. 174(2) 53. dt. 24.2.53.
Dear sir,
We have much pleasure to inform you that, Janab Suhrawardy, who was due here on or before the 28th Feb. 1953 is expected by the 1st week of March 1953. The standing programme therefore, stands changed, you would later on, be informed in details as to his programme in Jessore.
Yours faithfully, Sd/ -Sheik Mujibur Rahman Acting General Secretary
E.P.A.M.L. Dacca.

Page: 94
Paper clipping of the daily Azad published on 27 February 1953
embodied the news on the statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman regarding his request to the parliament members for the release of political prisoners. He also expressed his satisfaction for the observance of ‘Martyrs’ Day’in a peaceful manner.
Dacca, 27 February 1953 Azad dt. 27.2.53.
রাজবন্দীদের মুক্তি দাবীর অনুরােধ
পরিষদ সদস্যদের উদ্দেশে শেখ মুজিবরের বিবৃতি
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মােছলেম লীগের অস্থায়ী সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে বলেন, মওলানা ভাষানীর ন্যায় দেশপ্রেমিক এবং অন্যান্য বহুসংখ্যক রাজনৈতিক কর্মী আজও জেলে পচিতেছেন। ইহা জাতির পক্ষে কলঙ্কজনক। এক্ষনে পূর্ববঙ্গ পরিষদের অধিবেশন চলিতেছে। এই সুযােগে আমি পরিষদ সদস্যদের নিকট আবেদন জানাইতেছি যে, তাঁহারা যেন অন্ততঃপক্ষে রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের মুক্তি দাবী করেন। তাঁহাদের নির্বাচকমন্ডলীসহ সমগ্র জাতি এই দাবী করিতেছে। আমি তাঁহাদিগকে একথা জানাইয়া দিতে চাই যে, রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তি না হওয়া পর্যন্ত আমরা নিশ্চেষ্ট থাকিব না। তবে এই ব্যাপারে আমি পরিষদ সদস্যদের আন্তরিকতা যাচাই করিতে চাই।
শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে শহীদ দিবস অনুষ্ঠিত হওয়ায় সন্তোষ প্রকাশ বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে তিনি বলেন, ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারী শান্তিপূর্ণভাবে ও সাফল্যের সহিত শহীদ দিবস প্রতিপালিত হওয়ায় আমি দেশের কর্মী ও নেতৃবৃন্দের প্রতি অভিনন্দন জানাইতেছি। ছাত্ররা বা শান্তিপূর্ন বিক্ষোভ প্রদর্শনকারিগন হাঙ্গামায় প্ররােচনা দেয় বলিয়া সরকারের তরফ হইতে যে দাবী করা হইয়া থাকে, কর্মিবৃন্দ এবং জনসাধারন তাহার অসারতা প্রতিপাদন করিয়াছেন। আন্দোলনের পথে নিয়মানুসারন বজায় রাখিয়া জনসাধারন দুনিয়া…(missing from the original document due to page damage) প্রতিক্রিয়াশীলদের মুখোস…(missing from the original document due to page damage)
যে সময়…(missing from the original document due to page damage) এই ব্যাপারে প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল রাজনৈতিক গােষ্ঠীর ক্রীড়নক হিসাবে কাজ করিতে অস্বীকার করিয়াছেন, আমি তাঁহাদের প্রশংসা করিতেছি। ইহা দেশের পক্ষে শুভলক্ষণ।
Side Note: Place in PF of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Sd/-4.3

Page: 95
Secret report on the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Dacca to his native village Tungipara, Gopalganj.
Dacca, 28 February 1953 Copy of secret report submitted by S.I. Nurul Huda Chaudhury to O/C, Watch, I.B., Dacca, on 28.2.53.

Page: 96
On secret enquiry it is learnt that suspect Shaikh Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane left for his native village Tungipara on 26/27.2.53 night via Narayanganj. It could not be ascertained when the subject would again come back to Dacca. The subject was shadowed by W.C. Kazi Rostam Ahmed who could not give information about the departure as he alone went shadowing the suspect.
Side Note: D.S. VI for perusal please. Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca on the night
of 26/27.2.53 for his native village under the shadow of W/C Kazi Rustam Ahmed. Extract may go in P.F. Sd – A. Razzak, 28.2.53. Place in P.F. Sd/- A.Hafiz, 28.2

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to Md. Anisur Rahman, a teacher of Sherpur town conveying his pleasure on the formation
of Sherpur town Awami Muslim League.
Dacca, 28 February 1953
The 28.2.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
Memo. No.
From (with address)
To (with address)
Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Acting General Secy. East Pakistan Awami
Muslim League, Dacca. : Md. Anisur Rahman
(Teacher), Gobinda Kumar Bidyalaya, P.O. Sherpur Town, Dist.
Mymensingh. : “English” : 24.2.53.
Language of letter
Date of letter

Page: 97
Postal Seal
: Outgoing. : R.M.S. Dacca.
Post office of interception
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the : Keramat interception
Whether photographed or not
: No.
Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not . Copy kept. Number and date of Government order : Casual interception. authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Section D.S.VI
For perusal please. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. writes this letter to Anisur Rahman of Sherpur Town, Mym. that Awami Muslim League Committee has been formed at Sherpur Town, Mymensingh.
A.S. Chaudhury S.l.
No. 3325 /606-48(1) Sec. dt. 4.3.53. D.I.B. Mymensingh.
Side note: Copy to District for info and supply of the particulars of the office
bearers & keep a copy in file. Sd/-28.2. T.S. An extra Copy pl. Sd/ – 2.3.53.
Copy of an English Letter dt. 24.2.53. Intercepted at R.M.S. Dacca, From Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Acting General Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Dacca. To, Md. Anisur Rahman (Teacher) Gobinda Kumar Bidyalaya P.O. Sherpur Town, Dist. Mymensingh. A.M.L 167(2) 53. dt. 24.2.53.

Page: 98
Dear Sir,
We have much pleasure to receive your letter dated 20.2.53. and note the contents thereof. We are glad to know that you have formed the Sherpur Town Awami Muslim League and started work. Please make contact with the Mymensingh H.Q. and supply there with a list of your office bearers. You are hereby supplied with a copy of our Party Manifesto, which is still provisional.
Yours faithfully, Sd/ -Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Acting General Secretary,
East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca.

Md. Entaz Alam, organizer, Nawabganj Sub-divisional Awami League, Rajshahi wrote a letter to Secretary (Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman), EPAML, Dacca that two Union AML Working Committees were formed. Name of committees’ member with
particulars were enclosed.
Dacca, 28 February 1953 Secret
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 28th Feb. 1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Md. Entaz Alam, organizer
Nawabgonj A.L. Rajshahi. 2. To (with address)
: Secy. E.P.M. A.L. 94
Nawabpur Rd. Dacca. 3. Language of letter
: Bengali. 4. Date of letter
: 24.2.53. Postal Seal
: Rajshahi Illegible.

Page: 99
Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 28.2.53. Name of officer who can prove the : A.K.M.S Haque SI. IB. interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. Number and date of Government order : …. authorizing interception
10. 11.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Sec. D.S.VI
For perusal please. Md. Entaz Alam, Nowabgonj Sub-divisional Awami League, Rajshahi writes this letter to Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca that Dhaipukuria and Shahbazpur Union Awami League Committee is formed at Rajshahi.
A.S. Chaudhury S.l.
28. 2.53
No. 3314 /606-48(1) Sec. dt. 4.3.53 D.I.B. Rajshahi.
Side Note: Send copy to District for info & particulars of the persons mentioned.
Copy to file. Sd/ -29.2 for S.S.3. C.O. English translation of the attached. please. Sd/-2.3.53. English translation is attached. Sd/ -2.3.53.
Copy of letter dt. 24.2.53 intercepted at G.P.O. on 28.2.53.
From : Md. Entaz Alam, organiser Nawabgonj Sub-Divisional Awami
League, Rajshahi. To : Secretary, E.P.A.M.L. 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.

Page: 100
২০শে ও ২১শে ফেব্রুয়ারী জনাব জোহুর আহাম্মদ চৌধুরী বি,এল, সাহেবের সভাপতিত্বে রাজশাহী জেলার নবাবগঞ্জ মহকুমার অন্তর্গত যথাক্রমে দাই পুকুরিয়া ও সাহাবাজপুর “ইউনিয়ন আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ” এর কার্যকারি সমিতি গঠিত হইয়াছে।
দাইপুকুরিয়া ই: আ: লীগ
১। মৌঃ মােহঃ সােলেমান (সভাপতি)
২। ॥ ॥ শামছুর রহমান (সম্পাদক)
৩। ॥ ॥ সাজ্জাদ আহাম্মদ বিশ্বাস – সহ সভাপতি
৪। ডাঃ মােজহার হােসেন
৫। মৌঃ ইয়াকুব মােল্লা
৬। ॥ দোস্ত মােহাম্মদ বিশ্বাস
৭। ॥ আতাউর রহমান
৮। ॥ মােঃ আবদুল আজিজ।
৯। ॥ আমির উদ্দিন বিশ্বাস
১০। ॥ আব্বাস আলী বিশ্বাস
১১। ॥ হজরত উল্লা বিশ্বাস
১২। ॥ আবুল কাশেম মােল্লা কোষাধ্যক্ষ
সাহাবাজপুর ইঃ আঃ লীগ
১। মৌঃ মােঃ আবদুছ ছােবহান (সভাপতি) প্রেসিডেন্ট সাবাজপুর ইঃ বিঃ ২। মােজাহার হােসেন মিঞা – সম্পাদক ৩। আবদুছ ছামাদ মিঞা – কোষাধ্যক্ষ মৌঃ বাহার আলি বিশ্বাস ৫। ॥ খুরশেদ আলি ॥ ৬। ॥ রিয়াজ উদ্দিন ॥ । ৭। n হেরাশ মােঃ মােল্লা ৮। বেলাদুল ইসলাম

Page: 101
৯। ॥ ফজলুর রহমান। ১০। ॥ সিদ্দিক আহাম্মদ বিশ্বাস ১১। ॥ মালু মহা: মিস্ত্রি ১২। ॥ মােকশেদ আলি বিশ্বাস
২২শে ফেব্রুয়ারী শ্যামপুর ইউনিয়নের আওয়ামীলীগ জনাব জোহুর আহাম্মদ চৌধুরী বি,এল, সাহেবের সভাপতিত্বে গঠিত হইয়াছে
সভ্যগণের নাম –
১। মৌঃ মােঃ মােজুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী
২। ॥ আবুল লায়েক ॥
৩। ॥ মােন্তাজ আহাম্মদ ॥
৪। ইদ্রিস আহাম্মদ মন্ডল সেরাপত সরদার কোষাধ্যক্ষ মােজ্জাফর মন্ডল আলাব মন্ডল। মহী উদ্দিন ॥ জোহাক আহাম্মদ চৌধুরী নিয়াজ উদ্দিন বিশ্বাস খবিরদ্দিন মন্ডল আরশ মহাঃ বিশ্বাস
English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 24.2.53 from Md. Entaz Alam organizer Nawabganj Sub-Dnal. Awami League, Rajshahi, to the Secy. E.P.A.M.L. 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
The Union Awami Muslim League of Daipukuria and Shahbajpur Unions under Nawabganj Sub-Division, Rajshahi was formed under the presidency of Janab Zahur Ahmed Choudhury B.L. on 20th and 21st February respectively as follows.

Page: 102
Daipukuria Union, A. League 1. Mvi. Md. Soleman
President. 2. ” ” Shamsur Rahman Secy. 3. ” ” Sajjad Ahmed Biswas Asst. Secy. 4. Dr. Mozhar Hussain
Vice President. 5. Mvi. Yakub Mollah Dost Md. Biswas
Vice President. 7. Ataur Rahman 8. Mvi. Md. Abdul Aziz
Permanent Secy. Amiruddin Biswas
Asst. Secy. 10. ” Abbas Ali Biswas 11. ” Hajratullah Biswas 12. ” Abul Kasem Mollah
Shahajadpur Union Awami League 1. Mvi. Md. Abdus Sobhan – President. (President Shahabajpur
Union). 2. Mozhar Hausin Mia-Secy.
Abdus Samad Mia -Treasurer. 4. Mvi. Bahar Ali Biswas
Khurshed AliBirajuddinHerash Md. Mollah
Beladul Islam ” Fazlur Rahman 10. ” Siddique Md. Biswas. 11. Kalu Md. Mistry 12. Mokshed Ali Biswas

Page: 103
The Union Awami League of Shyampur was formed on 22nd February under the presidency of Janab Jahur Ahmed Chowdhury as follows. Names of members. 1. Mvi. Md. Mozul Islam Choudhury – President. 2. ” Abul Naim – Secy.
Montaj Ahmed – Treasurer.
Idris Ahmed Mandal
ť s
Serafat SarderMozaffar Mandal. Alabox Mandal
” “
Mohijuddin Mandal Johak Ahmed Chowdhury
11. ” 12.”
Niajuddin Biswas – Khabiruddin Mandal Arash Md. Biswas
District Intelligence Branch, Rajshahi, the 14/15th May, 1953.
No. 42298/38-49 (2).
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E. B., Dacca. Ref:- His Memo. No. 3314/606-48(1) Sec dt. 4.3.53.
The particulars of the persons are given below: 1. Md. Soleman Miah s/o Late Belayet Ali of Chakla, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
2. Doctor Muzaffar Hussain s/o Ishaque Miah of Mirzapur, P.S. Shibganj,
Yeakub Moula s/o Sukter Moula of Kalibari, P.S. Nawabganj, Rajshahi -VICE
4. Dost Muhammad Biswas s/o Hussain Ali Biswas of Daniat-gachi. -VICE
Ataur Rahman s/o Belayet Ali Kabiraj of Chakla, P.S. Shibganj, Raj.- VICE
Samsur Rahman s/o Dianatulla of Diapukur, Shibganj P.S., Rajshahi.SECRETARY
7. Sajjad Ahmad Biswas s/o Hazi Eman Mondal of Karnokhali, P.S. Shibganj,
8. Md. Abdul Aziz s/o Pareshtulla Biswas of Bagbari, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
9. Aminuddin Biswas s/o Munshi Sheikh of Bagbari, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
10. Abbas Ali Biswas (being fixed) – ASTT. SECY.
11. Hazratulla Biswas s/o Wajir Mondal of Karnakhali, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
12. Abul Quasim Moula s/o Sekandar Ali Moula of Kashiabari, P.S. Shibganj,
Sd/ -14.5.53. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Rajshahi.

Page: 105
District Intelligence Branch, Rajshahi, the 14/15th July, 1953.
No. 51997 38-49(11) To A. Hussain, Esqr. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: This Office No. 4229 dated 15.5.53 and your Memo. No. 3314/606… (1) Sec
dated 4.3.53, and also your No.3710/613-52(1) dated 12.3.53.
The particulars of the remaining individuals are given below:
1. Mvi. Md. Abdus Sobhan s/o Moksud Ali Biswas, President (P.U.B.) of Dash
Rashia-Chandpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
2. Md. Abdus Samad Mia s/o Akiruddin Mondal of Dash Rashia Chandpur, P.S.
Shibganj, Rajshahi-Treasurer.
3. Muzahar Hossain Mia s/o Esahaq Biswas@ Eashad Joari of Dash Rashia
Chandpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
4. Md. Basor Ali Biswas s/o Daud Ali of Azmatpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
5. Khurshed Ali s/o Abdul Jabbar Mondal of Dash Rashia Chandpur P.S.
Shibganj, Rajshahi.
6. Mvi. Reazuddin @ Biraj s/o Abdul Mvi. Harun Haji Nal Dubri P.S.
7. Herash Mohammad Molla s/o Jiaratulla Molla of Chakpara, P.S. Shibganj,
8. Beladul Islam s/o Akmatulla of Shahabajpur (Pardebepur), P.S. Shibganj,
9. Faizur Rahman s/o Niajuddin Mondal, Azmatpur (Sharshani) Shibganj,
10. Siddique Mohammad Biswas s/o Jair Biswas of Hadinagar, Shibganj, Rajshahi.

Page: 106
11. Muksed Ali Biswas s/o Enayet Mondal of Hajarbeghi Tera, Rashia P.S.
Shibganj, Rajshahi.
12. Kalu Mohammad Mistry – could not be traced. Further enquiry will be made
and the particulars of the same will be given later on.
Names of members of the Union A.M.L. of Shyampur.
Mohammad Mozul Islam Chaudhury, President, s/o Serajul Islam Chaudhury, Bajitpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
Abdul Nayem, Secretary, s/o Umed Ali of Bajitpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
3. Montazuddin Ahmad, Treasurer, s/o Nurul Huq Chaudhury of Bajitpur, P.S.
Shibganj, Rajshahi.
Idris Ahmad s/o Moksud Mondal of Sada Shibpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
Sarafat Sardar s/o Basarat Sardar of Sada Shibpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
6. Muzafar Mondal s/o Jobed Ali Mondal…do.
7. Ala Bux Mondal (Munna) s/o Neajuddin Munna of Gopalnagar P.S.-do
8. Mohijuddin Mondal s/o Ear Md. Biswas of Bajitpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
Johak Ahmad Chaudhury s/o Yakub Chaudhury of Gopalnagar, P.S. Shibganj,
10. Neajuddin Biswas s/o Akuruddin Biswas of Gopalnagar, P.S Shibganj,
11. Kabiruddin Mondal s/o Amiruddin of Shadashibpur, P.S. Shibganj, Rajshahi.
12. Wares Mohammed Biswas s/o Amiruddin of Shadashibpur.
Sd/for Superintendent of Police
Note: Nawabganj was a subdivision under Rajshahi district. Now it is full fledged
district under Rajshahi division.

Page: 107
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent two letters to Shaikh Abdul Aziz, Chairman, District AML, Khulna wherein he congratulated the victorious candidates in the Khulna D.B. election. He also stated
regarding the scheduled visit of H.S. Suhrawardy in Khulna.
Khulna, 5 March 1953
Memo. No. 838(2)/56-52 (Int.)
The 5th March, 1953.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
SHAIKH ABDUL AZIZ, M.A., LL.B., Chairman, District Awami
Muslim League, Khulna.
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
11.2.53 & 15.2.53
5. 6. 7.
Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception
Bagerhat Post office.
Name of officer who can prove the :
A.S.I. Abdul Halim
of Khulna
D.I.B. (Censor)
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Not photographed.
: Delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : XXXX
authorising interception

Page: 108
Copy/translation forwarded to
1. A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, 2. S. Rahman, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ – 5.3.53.
(S.A. Chaudhuri) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Khulna.
Copies of two different incoming letter dated 11.2.53 & 15.2.53 from Shaikh Mujibar Rahman Acting Gen. Secy. E.P.M. League to Shaikh Abdul Aziz M.A.L.L.B. Chairman Dist. Awami Muslim League Khulna, Puran Bazar, Bagerhat, intercepted at Bagerhat P.O. dated 20.2.53 by A.S.I. Abdul Halim. The letters released.
A.M.L. 161(2) 53 Dated 15.2.53.
TO Sk. Abdul Aziz M.A. L.L.B., Chairman Dist. Awami Muslim League, Khulna, Puran Bazar, Bagerhat.
Dear Sir,
This office receives with thanks your letter dated nil and notes the contents thereof. I on behalf of the Awami Muslim League, congratulate on successful candidates upon their sweeping success in the Khulna D.B. election defeated the Muslim League Candidates. Janab Suhrawardy cannot spare 4 days in Khulna as he has to travel the whole province. However, you will get one day in the minimum.
Yours faithfully, Sd/ – Shaikh Mujibar Rahman Acting Gen. Secy. E.P.A.M. League.
Side Note: S.P. for perusal pl. This is a good interception and we have
corroboration of the information with K.L.C.A (16) dt. 8.2.53 incorporated in our S.W.R. dt. 12.2.53. Copy may be sent to l.B. and D.I.B. Dacca for information. Copy may be placed in the P.F. of A. Aziz. May be noted in S.W.R. Sd/ – A. Mahamud (D.1.0.1) 22.2.53. Yes, Sd/ – S.A. Chaudhuri (S.P. Khulna) 2.3.53.

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Sk. Abdul Aziz M.A. L.L.B. Chairman Dist. Awami Muslim League, Khulna, Puran Bazar, Bagerhat. Postal seal. illegible.

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A.M.L. 155 (2)53, Dated: 11-2-53. To Sk. Abdul Aziz M.A. L.L.B., Chairman Dist. Awami Muslim League, Khulna. Dear Sir,
This office receives with thanks your Telegram dated nil and notes the contents thereof. Janab Suhrawardy is expected back on or before the 28th Feb. in order to cover those Districts and sub-divisions not attended this time. Two days will be scheduled for your District and not more; because he will have to traverse practically the whole province during the short period of his stay here. Please carry on with all your energy and vigour.
Yours faithfully, Sd/ – Shaikh Mujibur Rahman
Acting Gen. Secy. E.P.A.M. League.

Page: 111
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to advocate Md. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary, District AML, Rajshahi in which he focused on the financial issue, organizational affairs and other wellbeing of the
Rajshahi, 5 March 1953
Rajshahi. The 5th March, 1953.
Memo. No. 1731/38-49(ii) Int.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Acting
General Secy. E.P.A.M.L.
To (with address)
Mujibar Rahman, Pleader, Secy. Dist. A.M.L. Rajshahi.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Dacca 27 Feb/53.
Post office of interception
Rajshahi Head Office.
Date of interception

Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Ali Hossain, S.I. D.I.B., interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Kept. Number and date of Government order : … authorizing interception

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Copy/in duplicate forwarded to
A. Hussain, Esqr., Supdt., of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, for favour of information.
Sd/ -5.7 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Rajshahi.
True copy of an intercepted letter from Sheik Mujibar Rahman, Acting General Secretary E.P.A.L. to Mr. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary, District A.M.L Rajshahi.
A.M.L. 166(2)53 dated 24.2.53.
Mr. M. Rahman, M.A.L.L.B. Pleader, Rajshahi, Secretary District Awami Muslim League, Rajshahi, Sepaipara.
Dear Sir,
We have much pleasure to receive your letter dated 14.2.53 and note the contents thereof. We regret our inability to help you by any financial subsidy. Please try to be self-sufficient. The position would be quite anomalous, if we supply you with receipt books printed for the Headquarters. You are permitted to print receipt books for your district to raise funds through public donations and subscription with a direction to keep proper accounts, we are glad to know that you have formally started office. Jonab Suhrawardy, when again in East Bengal, will be requested to preside over the opening ceremony of your district office. And I shall also try to be present there. But the task would be hard one, as Mr. Suhrawardy has to traverse almost the whole of East Bengal.
You are hereby supplied with 20 copies of party manifest and 50 copies of creed form. Please acknowledge the receipt thereof.
Mr. Quamarazzaman and his party will very soon start for North Bengal and start work there.
Mr. Tahur Chowdhury would be requested to help you with his jeep until you can procure one. I am glad to know that you are in a mood to procure one mike and one jeep. I shall try to furnish you information as to a good Jeep.
Yours faithfully, Sd/-Sheik Mujibar Rahman. Acting General Secretary E.P.A.M.L

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G.M. Sayed, Convener, Pak-Soviet Cultural Association, Karachi,
West Pakistan sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
advocate Ataur Rahman along with the constitution of the aforesaid association informing about the first meeting of the Adhoc Committee of the association. He requested both of the
addressees to attend the meeting.
Dacca, 5 March 1953
DACCA; The 5.3.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
G.M. Syed, Convenor, Pak-Soviet Cultural Association, 126, Hyder Manzil, Bunder Rd.
Karachi. 2. To (with address)
Majibur Rahman, Secy. East Pak.
Jinnah Awami M. League, Dacca. 3. Language of letter
English 4. Date of letter
: 4.3.53 5. Postal Seal
Karachi 6. Post office of interception : G.P.O. Dacca. 7. Date of interception
5.3.53 8. Name of officer who can prove : S. Ahmed. S.I.
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Original submitted to office 11. If delivered, whether copy kept : …
or not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual
order authorising interception

Page: 114
Similar letter addressed to Mr. Ataur Rahman, Advocate, 25, Swarighat, Dacca.
Copy/translation forwarded to
G.M. Sayed, Convener, Pak-Soviet Cultural Association sends from Karachi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman & Ataur Rahman, the Constitution of the aforesaid association with the information that the first meeting of the Ad-HOC Committee will be held there on the 15th march when the addresses have been requested to attend.
For order pl. Sd/-5.3.53.
Side Note: S.S.I may kindly see the letter. This may be withheld.
One copy may go to Karachi. Inspr. M. Ahamad may prepare gist for F.R. Sd/-5.3. Gist taken. Sd/-14.3.
126, Hyder Manzil,
Muslim Colony, Bunder Road Extention,
Karachi. Dated 4.3.1953.
Dear Sir,
The first meeting of the ad-hoc Committee of the Pak-Soviet Cultural Association is convened on Sunday the 15th instant at 10 A. M. at 126, Hyder Manzil, Muslim Colony, Bunder Road Extention, Karachi.
Following will be the agenda for the meeting:
Consideration of the Draft-Constitution of the Pak-Soviet Cultural Association. Appointment of Provincial ad-hoc Committees, and organization of branch offices of the Association in each Province of Pakistan.

Page: 115
Formulation of future programme of work for the Association. Any other relevant matter that may be brought before the meeting.
You are requested kindly to make it convenient to attend the meeting.
Majedur Rahman Esq.
G.M. Sayed
Convenor Pak-Soviet Cultural Association.
The name of the Association shall be “The Pakistan-Soviet Cultural Association” abbreviated as the PSCA.
The Central office of the PSCA shall be situated at Karachi.
The PSCA is an association of all those people who bear good-will towards the people of the Soviet Union and believe that friendship and understanding between the peoples of Pakistan and the Soviet Union are necessary and beneficial for both. The PSCA therefore aims at promoting closer understanding between the peoples of the two countries through a sympathetic study of each other’s achievements and aspiring the social, cultural and economic spheres. The PSCA will endeavor to educate the public opinion in this country in all matters concerning the people of the Soviet Union and to remove misunderstandings caused by misinformation or lack of correct information by making available to them all authentic information about the achievements of the Soviet people, especially those of the Central Asian Republics, in all fields of human activities, social, cultural and economic. In the same manner the PSCA will also endeavor to make available to people of the Soviet Union all authentic information about the achievements and aspirations
of our people.

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To achieve these aims and objects the PSCA will strive to:
(i) ORGANISE talks, lectures, discussions and conferences for the exchange of
information of social, cultural and economic aspects of life in the Soviet Union. (ii) Maintain a library of books, pictures and photographs for the study of Soviet
art, literature, music etc;
(iii) Organise film shows, photographic and other exhibitions depicting life in the
Soviet Union;
(iv) Maintain social contacts between the various sections of the people of two
(v) Translate works of Soviet writers into Pakistani languages and vice versa;
(vi) Publish books and pamphlets on any of the subjects mentioned above;
(vii) Organise good-will and cultural delegation between the two countries.
4. Membership of the PSCA is open to all persons not below the age of sixteen
who agree to abide by its constitution and the rules and regulations formulated under it from time to time.
The membership fee of the PSCA is Rupee one a year payable in advance.
The PSCA will be organized as follows :
6. (i) Primary Units- Consisting of 5 or more than 5 Primary members,
with one of them serving as Secretary to the Unit, & convening at
least once every week. (ii) District Units- Consisting of 5 or more than 5 members -delegates of
the Primary Units on the basis of one for each Unit, with one of them serving as Secretary to the Unit, and convening at least once every month.

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(iii) Provincial Units – (One each for Sind, Punjab, N.W.F. Baluchistan,
& Bengal). Consisting of member-delegates of District units on the basis of 2 from each Dist: Unit, with one of them serving as
Secretary to the Unit, and convening at least once in 3 months. (iv) General Council-consisting of member delegates of the Provincial
Units on the basis of 15 for each, with one President, one VicePresident, one Secretary & two Joint Secretaries elected from
amongst themselves. (v) Executive Committee- Consisting of 21 member-delegates including
the office-bearers of the General Council who will be the office bearers of the Ex: Committee as well, on the basis of 4 (one lady) from each Provincial Unit, with the President of the General Council
as the 21st member of the Executive Committee. 7. Each organization of the PSCA reaching up to the Provincial Units will
contribute one fourth of its membership fee collections to the organization immediately higher to it. The funds thus finally accruing to the General Council will be at the disposal of the Executive Committee for which it will remain responsible to the former. The General Council may meet as and when the Executive deems it necessary, provided that it shall meet once every year in an annual general meeting not later than December 31 to elect the Executive Committee for the new year, to review the work of the current year and
to pass the annual accounts of the Association. 9. 20 members shall form the quorum for a general council meeting. 10. For the annual general council meeting of the PSCA individual
invitations shall be sent to all the members of the General Council giving them not less than 15 days’ notice. For all other meeting of the general council an announcement in the Press giving not less than 10 days’
notice shall suffice. 11. Any 10 members of the General Council can requisition in writing an
extraordinary meeting of the General Council to discuss any specified urgent matter concerning the Association, and it shall be obligatory on the Executive Committee to hold such a meeting within fifteen days after receiving such requisition.

Page: 118
The Executive Committee. 12. The Executive Committee shall be elected every year at the annual
meeting of the general council of the PSCA. 13. After the election, if during the course of the year any office holder or the
member of the Executive Committee ceases to be a member of the Committee for any reason, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt other in his place
pending bye-elections. 14. The Executive may meet as and when necessary, provided that it shall meet at
least once in 3 months to review the work done during the period. 15. The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be 7 which shall include one of
the secretaries. 16. No meeting of the Executive shall be constitutional or valid unless it is called
by the secretary or one of the joint secretaries with the approval of the
Secretary. 17. 7 days’ notice with the agenda of the meeting shall be given to every member
of the Executive Committee for holding a meeting of the Executive Committee.
Powers of The Executive 18. The Executive shall have all powers to take any decision or act consistent with
the provisions of the constitution, to promote the aims and objects of the
Association. 19. The Committee shall have power to raise funds and incur expenditure in
furtherance of the aims and objects of this Association. 20. The Committee shall have power to decide the date and venue of the general
council meeting of the PSCA and to take all decisions about calling upon Provincial Units to elect their member – delegates to the General Council, and
drawing up the agenda of the meeting. 21. The executive shall be competent to decide any question regarding the
membership of any person and its decision shall prevail until an appeal to the General Council reverses it.
General. 22. The libraries and reading rooms of the PSCA shall be open to the public, but
only the members of the PSCA shall be entitled to borrow books from them. 23. The books, pamphlets, etc, published by the PSCA shall be made available to
its members at reduced rates. 24. The Secretary of a PSCA Unit is authorised to spend an amount not exceeding
Rs: 25 in any one month for the purpose connected with the work of the PSCA and for the promotion of its aims and objects.

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25. For expenditure of amounts exceeding Rs. 25 the prior sanction of the unit is
necessary. 26. The Secretary of a PSCA Unit shall keep or arrange to keep correct accounts of
all income and expenditure of the Unit and get them audited, and present them
before the Unit, at least once a year. 27. A PSCA Unit may have an account with a bank and the account shall be operated individually by the Secretary where no office bearer exists in the Constitution of such a Unit, and jointly by the President & the Secretary where the office of the President exists in the Constitution.

A.K. Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, District AML, Bogra wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman informing that they brought out a black flag demonstration against the visit of centra minister Fazlur Rahman at Bogra.
Dacca, 6 March 1953
DACCA; The 6.3.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: A.K. Mojibar Rahman, General
Secretary District Awami Muslim League, Bogra. Sk. Mojibar Rahman, General Secy. E. Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nowabpur Road,
Dacca. : Bengali : 4.3.53 : Bogra. : G.P.O Dacca. : 6.3.53.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception

Page: 120
8. Name of officer who can prove : S. Ahmed. S.I.
the interception
Whether photographed or not : No 10. Whether withheld or delivered : X 11. If delivered, whether copy kept : with a copy.
or not 12. Number and date of Government : G.O.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Security Sec. D.S.VI
Mujibar Rahman Genl. Secy. Dist. A.M.L. Bogra writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L., Dacca req. the black flag demonstration etc., there in con. with the visit of Hon’ble minister Mr. Fazlur Rahman.
No. 3657/606-48(1) Sec. dt.11.3.53.
Side Note: SSIII, Perusal pl. Copy may go to District Bogra for info & comment.
We do not know of this black flag demonstration from any other source yet. Sd/ – 7.3.53. T.S. One extra copy pl. Sd/ – 10.3. C.O. English translation & two extra copies pl. Sd/ – 10.3. S.I. B. Rahman. Sd/ – 10.3.53. Copies attached. Sd/ – 10.3.
True copy of a Bengali letter dt. 4.3.53 from A.K. Majibar Rahman, General Secy. District Awami Muslim League, Bogra, addressed to Sk. Majibur Rahman Sb. General secy. Pak. A.M. League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca. My dear Majib Bhai.
গত ২রা তারিখে কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রী জনাব ফজলুর রহমান সাহেব বগুড়ায় এলে আগ্রামী লীগের নেতৃত্বে জনসাধারণ ও ছাত্র মিলে এক বিরাট জনতা ষ্টেশনে কাল পতাকা প্রদর্শন করে। অতঃপর জনতা সার্কিট হাউস পর্যন্ত শ্লোগান দিতে দিতে অগ্রসর হয়। শান্তি ও শৃঙ্খলা বজায় রেখে শােভাযাত্রা আস্তে আস্তে প্রত্যাবর্জন করে। কোনরুপ গােলমাল হয় নাই। খবরটি

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ইত্তেফাক সম্পাদককে পাঠান হয়েছে। আমাদের কাজকর্ম এক রুপ চলছে।District cowwwittee টী আজও ইত্তেফাকে প্রকাশ হয়নি। কারণ কি জানি না আশা করি ভাল আছেন। আমি আপনাদের আশীর্ববাদে একরুপ আছি। আদাব আরজ -।
Yours Sd/ – A.K. Majibur Rahman.
General Secretary.

Report on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca from
his native village. Dacca, 10 March 1953
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, accompanied by Kabi Ismail of Noakhali District, Abdul Wadud Patwary (E.P.M.S.L) from his native village returned to Dacca at about 22.30 hours last night (8.3.53). Kazi Golam Mahbub (Ex. Sec. Prisoner) also accompanied the subject from latter’s house, but separated in Barisal.
Extract may go in P.Fs of all concerned.
Side Note: Yes. Show S.S. III please. Sd/- for D.S.VI. 9.3.53.
Sd/- A. Hussain, 10.3.53.

Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at 71, Radhika Mohan Basak road and 94, Nawabpur road, Dacca.
Dacca, 11 March 1953
Copy of confidential report dated 11.3.53 submitted by W/C. Abu Sayed on 12.3.53 regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

Page: 122
Place of duty Hours of duty
– Radhika Mohan Basak Road. – 14.00 to 18.00 hours and 02.00 to 06.00 on 12.3.53.
Result of watch – At 14.00 hrs. I took up the duty at the above mentioned place and relieved W/C Moazzem Hussain. He told me that the aforesaid suspect was present in his quarter. At about 15.15 hrs. Prof. Qumuruzzaman entered into the suspect’s quarter from outside. At about 16.30 hrs. Mr. Manik Mia entered into the said quarter from outside. At about 17.45 hrs. the suspect along with the both men mentioned above came out from his quarter and proceeded towards the Nawabpur Road. At 17.55 hrs. they reached at 94, Nawabpur Road by Rickshaw. At 18.00 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Sayed Amir Ali at 94, Nawabpur Road.
Again at … (missing from the original document due to page damage) .00 hrs dated 12.3.53 I took up duty at the original duty place and relieved W/C Moazzem Hossain. He told me that the suspect was present in the quarters. I did secret watch there till 06.00 hrs. on 12.3.53 but the suspect was not seen to come out from his quarter. At 06.00 hrs. I was relieved by the same W/C and told him accordingly.

Condolence meeting held at Armanitola Maidan on the death of Joseph Stalin where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches.
Dacca, 11 March 1953
Extract from the proceedings of the condolence meeting held on 10.3.53 afternoon at Armanitola Maidan for the death of Stalin.
1. On 10.3.53 a public meeting was organized at the joint auspices of the Peace Committee, EPYL/EPMSL/ Ganatantri Dal, Progressive Writers Association, EPSU, Jamaat-e-Tulabai-e-Arabia and CPP to condole the death of Marshal Stalin at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca.
The meeting was presided over by Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, President, Peace Committee and attended by about 1,000 people. The majority of the audience belonged to the above parties.

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The following speakers addressed the meeting:6. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, AML.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman praised the Peace Mission of Stalin and his revolutionary role. He said that though he did not support his ideology yet as a great man and leader he deserved highest praise. According to Mujibur Rahman, Stalin was great like our prophet as he ameliorated the distress of the tortured and suffering humanity.
Sd/Inspr., I. B., Dacca.

A meeting of All Party State Language Committee of Action was held at Bar Library, Dacca where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders discussed the various aspects of making Bengali as
one of the State Languages.
Dacca, 11 March 1953
On 11-3-53 at about 7-30 P.M. a meeting was convened at the instance of the All Party State Language Committee of Action with Ataur Rahman, Advocate in the chair on the occasion at the Bar Library. About 100 persons, including students, teachers, political workers, lawyers, professors and members of the public attended it. The meeting ended at about 10-30 P.M.
Mahmud Ali (G.D.), Abdul Gafur, Abdul Wadud (EPSL), Jamir Uddin (AML), Abdus Samad (YL), Abdur Rahim Choudhury, K.M. Illias (Y.L.), Sk. Mujibar Rahman (AML), Ataur Rahman (AML), amongst others discussed the various aspects of making Bengali as the State Language. Some speakers also pleaded for making Postu, Punjabi and other languages as State Languages as it meant democratic justice and liberty to all classes of people for their self expression and self determination. Ataur Rahman Khan explained the practical difficulty in raising demand for other languages as state languages when their demand for Bengali is not

Page: 124
yet fulfilled. He told also that public meeting a strike was avoided today as it might not be successful as desired.
M.O.S. Sd/- Illegible

Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned that he visited Nawabpur AML office, Narayanganj, Barisal, his native village Tungipara and attended AML meeting at Gopalganj.
Dacca, 11 March 1953
Shadowing report of Sk. Mojibur Rahman

Page: 125
To The O/C, Watch I.B., E.B., DACCA.
I beg to report that on 26.2.53 at 22.00 hrs. I took up my duty for the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman at Radhika Mohan Basak Lane while the suspect was going towards Nawabpur side being shadowed by w/c Sk. Akhiluddin. At about 22.15 hrs. the said suspect reached 94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. office) by Rickshaw, where from he came out and returned to his quarter by the same Rickshaw at about 22-40 hrs. At about 23-10 hrs. the said suspect came out from his quarter along with the suspect Kazi Gholam Mahboob and went to the Victoria Park Bus Stand by Rickshaw at about 23-25 hrs., he left the said place for Narayanganj by Bus and reached Narayanganj at about 00.30 hrs. After that the suspects left Narayanganj
ghat for Barisal by the Steamer at 01.30 hrs, and reached Barisal on 27.2.53 at 15.30 hrs. The suspects left Barisal Steamerghat and went to the House of Abdur Rouf, B.L. (Conv. Democratic Party) as learnt from O/C Watch, D.I.B. Barisal by Rickshaw at about 16.15 hrs. I reported the fact to D.I.O. (1) Barisal on 28.2.53 at about 00.30 hrs., the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman left the said place alone and reached Barisal Launch Ghat by Rickshaw and got on a Launch. He took rest in the Launch for the night. At about 06.00 hrs. the said suspect left Barisal Launch Ghat for Khulna by the same Launch. At about 13.00 hrs. the said Launch reached Ghoperdanga station and suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman got down from the Launch and reached his house, Tengipara village on foot at about 13.30 hrs. At the same time I left Tungipara for Gopalgonj and reached Gopalgonj D.I.B. office and informed the arrival of the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman to W/C’s present in the Barrack as there was no officer present in the office at about 17.30 hrs. Then I proceeded towards Tungipara along with W/C Abdul Kader of D.I.B. Gopalganj and reached Tungipara village on 1.3.53 morning (at 04.30 hrs.). We came to learn that the suspect left Tungipara for Gopalganj on that very night. We also came to know that the said suspect would again came back to Tungipara, so I removed there on duty and W/C Abdul Kader left for Gopalganj on the same day. Sk. Mojibar Rahman ret’d back to Tungipara village at his house on 2.3.53 morning. I performed the Secret watch duty there for the said suspect on 2.3.53 and 3.3.53 and found Kabi Ismail (a worker of A.M.L.) was present in the house of Sk. Mojibar Rahman on 2.3.53. On 3.3.53 morning W/C Syed Abdul Ali of D.I.B. arrived at Tungipara and we two performed the duty according to turn. On 4.3.53 at about 23.45 hrs. Sk. Mojibar Rahman along with …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Kabi left Tungipara for Gopalgonj by Boat and reached Gopalganj at his quarter (Sk.

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Mojibar Rahman) on 5.3.53 at about 07.00 hrs. At about 14.00 hrs. the suspect attended A.M.L. meeting which was held at Town Maidan, Gopalgonj. Suspect Abdul Wadud Patwari and Kazi Gholam Mahboob attended the same. At about 19.00 hrs. suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman along with above mentioned suspects ret’d to the Sk. Mojibar Raman’s quarter. At about 23.00 hrs. they all left Gopalganj for Tungipara by Boat and reached Tungipara village at the house of Sk. Mojibar Rahman at about 06.30 hrs. on 6.3.53. They left Tungipara village on 7.3.53 at about 17.00 hrs. and availed the Barisal Mail steamer at Ghoperdanga station and reached Barisal Ghat on 8.3.53 at 06.00 hrs. They left Barisal Ghat and went to the house of Abdur Rouf, B.L. (mentioned above). At about 08.30 hrs. Sk. Mojibar Rahman along with Abdul Wadud Patwari and Kabi Ismail left the said house and reached Barisal Steamer Ghat. At 09.30 hrs. they left Barisal Ghat for N. Gonj and reached at N. Gonj at 20.45 hrs, and availed Bus for Dacca and reached Victoria Park by Bus at about 22.00 hrs. The suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman ret’d to his Quarter at 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane … (As per original file rest of the pages are not found)
Side Note: D.S. VI for perusal
Extract may go in the P.Fs. of Sk. Mojibar Rahman, Abdul Wadud Patwary & Kazi Golam Mahbub. Proceedings of the meeting held at Gopalgonj may be awaited. Sd/- A. Razzak, O/C, 11.3.53 Sd/- A. Hafiz, 12/3

Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned that he visited 94 Nawabpur Road (AML office), Minto Road, Bar
Library and River View Cafe in Dacca.
Dacca, 12 March 1953
Confidential report dated 11.3.53, submitted by W/C Md. Moazzem Hussain on 12.3.53, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Place of duty Hours of duty Result of watch
– – –
71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane. 10.00 to 19.00 hrs. & 22.00 to 02.00 hrs. on 12.3.53.

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At 10.00 hrs. I took up my duty at the above noted place and time for the above noted purpose and relieved W/C Syed Amir Ali, at 94, Nawabpur Road. He told me that the suspect was present 94, Nawabpur Road. The suspect came out from 94, Nawabpur Road at about 11.45 hrs. and he went to Bar Library at about 11.55 hrs. by Rickshaw. At about 12.05 hrs. the suspect came out from the Library and he went to River View Cafe (Restaurant) at Sadarghat. He left that place at about 12.50 hrs. and went to Bar Library about 13.00 hrs. He left that place about 13.25 hrs. He returned his quarter at about 13.35 hrs. At 14.00 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Abu Sayed Mia. At 22.00 hrs. again I took up my duty at 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, but could not find any W/C there and then I went to Bar library and found W/C Syed Amir Ali. I relieved him there. He told me the suspect was present at Bar library. At about 22.35 hrs. the suspect came out from the said place and returned his quarter at about 22.10 hrs. on foot. At 02.00 hrs. on 12.3.53 I was relieved by W/C Abu Sayed Mia.
Copy of Confidential Report dated 11.3.53, submitted by W/C. Syed Amir Ali on 12.3.53, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Place of duty Hrs. of duty
71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane. – 06.00 to 10.00 hrs. & 18.00 to 22.30 hrs.
Result of watch
I took up the duty at the above noted place for the mentioned suspect at 06.00 hrs. from W/C Moazzem Hossain. The suspect came out from his quarter at 08.30 hrs. and proceeded towards Secretariat Road and entered into 1, Minto Road at the residence of Mr. Miah Azgar Ali at 09.00 hrs. and left the said place at 09.30 hrs. and proceeded towards Nawabpur Road side and went to 94, Nawabpur Road (E.P.A.M.L. office) at 10.00 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Moazzem Hossain at 10.00 hrs. at that time. Again I took up the duty at 94, Nawabpur Road at …(missing from the original document due to page damage) hrs. from W/C Abu Syed. The suspect left the said place at 18.35 hrs. and proceeded towards court side and entered into the Bar Library at 18.50 hrs. I performed the secret watch duty there up to 20.30 hrs. I was relieved by W/C Moazzem Hossain at 22.30 hrs. at the Bar Library and I told him this accordingly. Side Note: W/C, Has the subject left above? Sd/- 12/3

Page: 128
Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman regarding a meeting at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca published in the daily Morning News.’
Dacca, 13 March 1953
M.N. dt. 13.3.53
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami League, in a statement last night, said he was “distressed that certain interested people had announced a public meeting in Armanitola”
He urged the sponsors of the meeting whom he termed “hirelings” to “retrace their steps from the dangerous, dishonest and mischievous activities they have resorted to” and abandon the meeting.
Side note: PF of Majibur Rahman, Sd/-18

Page: 129
Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stating his movements
and visits at different places of Dacca.
Dacca, 18 March 1953
Précis on the confidential reports dated 17.3.53, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca, submitted by S.I. F. Meher of I.B. on 18.3.53.
The suspect visited at the following places:
1) 26/1, Madan Mohan Basak Road, : From 08.50 to 09.15 hrs. leaving his
Dacca. (Enquiry is being made). qtr. at about 08.30 hrs. 2) 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca, : From 09.25 to 10.20 hrs. & returned (A.M.L. office)
to his Qtr. at about 10.30 hrs. Prof. Kamruzzaman visited the quarter of Sk. Mujibar Rahman from 15.45 hrs. to 16.30 hrs. During this period Sk. Mujibur Rahman was present at his
quarter. 3) 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca, : From 18.30 to 19.00 hrs. (A.M.L. Office)
Leaving his Qtr. at about 18.20 hrs. …(missing from the original: From 19.20 to 20.45 hrs. document due to page damage) Restaurant along with Abdul Hamid of Madaripur, Faridpur, with accompanied the subject from A.M.L. Office).
At about 20.45 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with Abdul Hamid left the Restaurant and returned to his quarter at about 21.00 hrs. Prof. Kamruzzaman visited the Qtr. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman from 21.00 hrs. Prof. Kamruzzaman and Abdul Hamid left the said house and proceeded towards Raishaib Bazar. Sk. Mujibar Rahman was not seen to come out of his Qtr. up to 06.00 hrs. dated 18.3.53.

Page: 130
Ref. prepage top.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that one Mr. Abdul Jalil, a contractor, resides at 26/1, Madan Mohan Basak Lane, his further particulars could not be collected. Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman met with the gentleman, the object of his visit could not be ascertained.
Sd/- F. Meher,
27.3. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 1.4.
Side Note: D.S. VI, For perusal please. Extract may go in P.Fs of Sk. Mujibar Rahman &
Kamruzzaman. Sd/- A. Razzak, 20.3. Sd – A. Hafiz, 23.3. Seen. Sd/- F. Meher. 24.3.

Report on the formation of AML committee at Sherpur town.
Mymensingh, 18 March 1953
Copy of a D.I.O’s report dated 13-3-53.
I beg to report that the Awami Muslim League has been formed at Sherpur town on 17-2-53 with the following as its office-bearers:
Mvi. Nur Muhammad, B.L., Pleader, Sherpur Court, s/o late Harifuddin Sarkar of Sherpur town, Mymensingh, aged about 50 years. Mvi. Abdul Haq, M.A., B.L., Pleader, Sherpur Court, S/o Mvi. Abdul Aziz of Sherpur town, Mymensingh, aged about 32 years. Maulvi Anisur Rahman, teacher, G.K.P.M. H.E. School S/o Saiyidur Rahman of Kashba, Sherpur, Mymensingh, aged about 30 years, I.A. plucked. Nizamuddin S/o Amir Sk. of Mondakhali, Sherpur, Mymensingh, read up to class X, aged about 27 years.
Asstt. Secy

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Members :
1) Nasiruddin (C.P.) s/o Rahim Baksha of Sherpur town, Mymensingh, aged about
30 years.
2) Saiyid Ali (C.P.) s/o late Nisha Sk. of Sherpur town, Mymensingh, aged about
26 years. 3) Ahmad Ali s/o Rahmat Mandal of Sherpur town, aged about 45 years.
4) Ludhu Miyan s/o Dr. Shafiuddin of Sherpur town, Mymensingh Matriculate,
aged about 20 years.
District Intelligence Branch Mymensingh, the 18th Mar, 53.
No. 3517/73-49 A Secret
Copy forward to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information with reference to his Memo No. 3325/606-48(1) Sec, dated 4-3-53.
Sd/-18.3. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Mymensingh.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to advocate Mujibur Rahman, Rajshahi, Secretary, District AML in which he offered
guidelines and instructions on the organizational affairs.
Rajshahi, 20 March 1953
Rajshahi. The 19/20th March, 1953.
Memo. No. 2098/38-49. (Int.)

Page: 132
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Acting
General Secy. E.P.A.M.L.
2. To (with address)
: Mr. Mujibur Rahman,
Pleader, Rajshahi Secy. Dist. A.M.L. Rajshahi.
3. Language of letter
4 Date of letter
: 24.2.53.
5. Postal Seal
: Dacca 27th Feb.’ 53.
Post office of interception
: Rajshahi Head office.

Date of interception

Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Ali Hussain, S.I., D.I.B., interception
Whether photographed or not
: Not.

10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Kept.
12. Number and date of Government order: …
authorising interception
Copy/in duplicate forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, for favour of information.
Sd/ -19.3.53. for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
True copy of a letter from Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (1) Acting General Secretary E.P.A.M.L. to Mr. Mujibur Rahman (2) Pleader, Rajshahi, Secy. Dist. A.M.L. Rajshahi intercepted at Rajshahi on 1.3.53.
A.M.L. 173(2)53 dated 24.2.53.

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Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Pleader, Rajshahi, Secy. Dist. A.M.L. Rajshahi.
Dear Sir,
We have received with thanks your committee- list and notes the names therein. How is Mr. S. Haque? Please convey my salam to him. Start your office and work systematically with possible co-operation with the units.
Yours faithfully, Sd/- Sk. Mujibur Rahman Acting General Secy. E.P. A.M.L.
Side Note: No.2 is son of Eman Ali Sarkar of Bashudebpur P.S. Godagari, Dist. Rajshahi and of
Sepaipara Rajshahi Town. Mr. S. Haque is Shamsul Haque s/o Haider Ali of Rajshahi town.

Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned that he visited 1 Minto Road; Nawabpur Road (AML office); DM’s court
and other places in Dacca.
Dacca, 20 March 1953
Précis on the confidential reports dated 19.3.53, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca submitted by S.I. F.Meher on 20.3.53. 19.3.53.
The subject visited at the following places:
From 09.00 to 09.30 hrs. leaving his Qtr. at about 08.45 hrs.
1, Minto Road, (Known place, previously visited). (Residence of Shah Asgar Ali) 16, Joynag Road(Residence of Mr. Ali Amjad, Advocate).
From 09.45 to 10.15 hrs.

Page: 134
94, Nawabpur Road, (A.M.L.
> 10.30 to 11.15 hrs. Office), suspect Shawkat Ali & suspect Sheraj Ali were present. D.M’s court, Dacca
” 11.25 to 11.50 ”
and retd. to his Qtr. at 12.00 hrs. Bar Library
From 14.25 to 14.30 hrs. leaving
his Qtr. at about 14.20 hrs. 18, Karkunbari Lane, (Residence of: From 14.35 to 14.50” Yar Md. Khan)
& retd. to Bar Library. At about 15.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with suspect Ataur Rahman and Prof. Kamruzzaman left Bar Library towards Johnson Rd. by Car No. EBD 2556. The Car belongs to M/S Haque Brothers Ltd. of 40, Imamganj, Dacca. The places visited by the suspect could not be ascertained. At about 18.40 hrs. he was seen to enter into 94, Nawabpur Road. 94, Nawabpur Road,
: From 18.40 to 21.00 hrs. House of Abdus Salam at Shegun : From 21.15 to 21.45 hrs. Bagan, Civil Supply Truck Deptt. at: From 22.30 to 22.40 hrs. & Bakshi Bazar. He waited at the gate returned to his Qtr. at about 23.00 of the said Deptt. and asked about a hrs. …. (missing from original document man to the gate-keeper, but no man due to page damage) not seen to come was seen to meet with him.
out his Qtr. upto 06.00 hrs. dated 20.3.53.
8) 9)
Side Note: D.S.VI, The précis may pl. be seen. Extract may go in P.Fs of all suspects
underlined. Enquiry reports from S.O. may be awaited. Sd/- A. R, 21.3.53 S.O. Object of attending D.M’s court may be ascertained & reported. Sd/- A. R. 21.3.53. Seen. Sd/- F. Meher, 24.3 Sd/- A. Hafiz. 27.3 1) Abdul Wadud Patwari & 2) Khairul Bashar were present at this time in A.M.L. Office.

Page: 135
Md. A. Zaman appealed through a letter for nomination of AML to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the forthcoming District Board election.
Dacca, 22 March 1953 Secret
DACCA; The 22.3.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Md. A. Zaman (of
Manikdaha, F’pur) now as Mukhtar, Narail, Jessore.
To (with address)
: Mvi. Mujibar Rahman,
Secy. A.M.L. Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
Language of letter
: English
Date of letter
: 17.3.53
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna.
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the : Munshi Husainuddin interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising interception

Page: 136
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Security Sec.
Md. A. Zaman, Muktear, Faridpur writes to Prov. Secy. A.M.L. Dacca requesting him to help the former in his D.B. election where he is a candidate for the A.M.L. party etc.
Side Note: Place copy in file & send a copy to District for info & comment. Sd/-23.3
Copy of an English letter (P.C.) dated 17.3.53 from Md. A. Zaman Muktear of Narail, Jessore to Mvi. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. Provincial Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
My dear Mujibar Saheb.
Though I am not in touch with you for a long time yet I think that you have not forgot me.
The D.B. election of Jessore will begin from the 7th April, I am a candidate for the said election from Kalia cum Narail constituency on behalf of Awami League. I think that your presence in some of the public meetings before the election is urgently necessary, hence I request you, to come here for few days before the said election. There are also other Awami League candidates in other constituency of Narail. I have left Gopalganj & now practicing in Narail for the last 5 years. Hope this will find you in well. My love to you, an early reply is earnestly solicited.
Sd/ – Md. A. Zaman, Manikdaha.

Page: 137
Report on the interview between Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mawlana Bhasani at Dacca Central Jail. Mawlana Bhasani was in fasting for the demand of accepting full autonomy of East Bengal and Bengali as one of the state languages of Pakistan.
Dacca, 24 March 1953
Copy of an I.B. Officer’s report dated 25/3/53 regarding interview with security prisoner Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani on 24.3.53.
As ordered I had been to the Dacca Central Jail and attended the interview between Sk. Majibur Rahman, Acting General Secretary, E.P.A.M.L. and the Security prisoner Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani held on 24.3.53 at 16.35 hours in presence of the Addl. Jailor (spl.). The interview did not exceed the time limit.
In course of conversation the Maulana said that he has been observing “Nafal Roza” since 17.3.53 and praying to the Almighty God so that Bengali may be accepted in the ensuing sessions of the Constituent Assembly as one of the State Languages of Pakistan and East Bengal be awarded full autonomy and till these are achieved he will continue to fast in this way, no matter, whether he is in jail or outside the jail. He referred to his statement made in his behalf before the Dy. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca on 22.3.53. This fasting, he said, is not hunger strike as ‘hunger strike’ is not permissible in Islam and moreover he takes bread and fruit in ….(missing from original document due to page damage) Iftari and Sehri as usually. He said that he has been badly suffering from toothache & …(missing from original document due to page damage) attached to jail Hospital ….(missing from original document due to page damage) request of Sk. Majibur Rahman to discontinue the Roza on …(missing from original document due to page damage) of ill health, he said that he would consider the ….(missing from original
document due to page damage) assurance that Bengali would be ….(missing from original
document due to page damage) languages of Pakistan.
Side Note: S.S. III, Perusal pl. may be considered for D.R. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 25.3.53.
Put up to S.S.-II, Sd/- A. Husain, 25.3 Included in D.R. Sd/- 25.3

Page: 138
Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stating his
movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 25 March 1953
Précis on C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 25.3.53. 25.3.53. The subject visited at the following places:
Left qr.
: 08.00 hrs. 18, Karkunbari (House of : 08.10 – 08.45 hrs. Yar Mohammad)

Page: 139
20, Umesh Dutta Road Mitford Hospital
Bar library Millat office
: 09.00-10.45 hrs. (Enquiry is being made) : 11.00 to 12.30
(The subject met with Abdul Latif, Bar-atLaw (Restrictee) of Narayanganj was admitted in the Hospital. He is under watch
Lof Dacca D.I.B.) : 13.00 – 13.30 hrs. : 13.40 – 13.50 hrs. : 13.55 hrs. : 17.45 hrs. : 17.50 -21.45 (Suspects, Sawkat Ali, Prof.
Kamruzzaman, Advocate Atawar Rahman, Manik Mia, Kamruzzaman (student), Bazlur Rahman of Narayanganj, were present in the A.M.L. office.)
Retd. to Qr. Left Qr. 94, Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. office)
Retd. to qr.00…. (missing from original document due to page damage) and was not seen to come out again.
Submitted. Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan, S.I.
Side Note: D.S. VI for perusal pl. Portion marked ‘A’ may also seen. D.S. I may also this
portion. Extract may go in P.Fs of all the suspects underlined. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 26.3.53. Yes. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 27.3. Sd/- A.U.M. 31.3.

Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned that he visited GPO; Minto Road; Passport office and
other places in Dacca. Dacca, 27 March 1953
Précis on the confidential reports of Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 26.3.53, submitted by S.I. Md. Nurul Huq Khan of I.B. on 27.3.53.

Page: 140
The subject visited the following places:
Left quarter at 08.30 hours
G.P.O., Dacca (inside a room in the G.P.O.)
: From 08.40 to 08.50 hrs.

09.30 to 09.45 hrs.
…. (missing from original document due to page damage) Minto Road, (Resident of Mr. Shah Ali Asgar, previously visited).
Passport & Visa office
09.50 to 10.00 hrs.
Ornet Air office
10.05 to 10.25 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. office).
10.30 to 11.30 hrs. (Suspect Sawkat Ali was seen present in the office.)
150, Mughaltulli

12.15 to 12.30 hrs.
G.P.O. Dacca inside in a room in (G.P.O.).

13.00 to 13.25 hrs.
Returned to Quarter
At 13.45 hrs.
Suspect Kazi Golam Mahbub.
At 17.00 hrs.
returned into the subject’s Qtr.
Left Qtr. along with Kazi Golam Mahbub.
: At 18.05 hrs.
9, Hatkhola – with Kazi Golam Mahbub.
At 18.25 to 18.45 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road, with Kazi Golam
From 19.00 – 21.15 hrs.
The following persons were seen present during staying of the subject :
1) Suspect Abdul Awal, 2) ” Sawkat Ali, 3) Kamruzzaman (Student) 4) Prof. Kamruzzaman,
5) Kazi Golam Mahbub, 6) Khalieque Newaz, 7) Abdul Adud Patwary

Page: 141
The subject along with Kazi Golam Mahbub left A.M.L. office at 21.15 hrs. and visited Millat office between 21.30 to 21.45 hrs. and returned to quarter with (Kazi Golam Mahbub) at 21.55 hrs.
On 27.3.53 at 06.02 hrs. the subject left Dacca Railway Station by Chittagong up Train being shadowed by our W/C. The destination of the subject could not be ascertained. We may wait for the report of the W/C who shadowed the subject.
Side Note: D.S. VI, The précis may pl. be perused. Extract may go in the P.Fs of Sk.
Mujibur Rahman & Kazi Golam Mahbub, if approved. Sd/- A. Razzak, 27.3
S.O. Does he not live here? Sd/- A.R. 27.3
Sd/- A. Hafiz. 28/3 O/C, Sir, He has got no fix place. Sd/-31.3
72 Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left for Chandpur along with other leaders to attend a meeting.
Dacca, 29 March 1953
Précis on C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 29.3.53.
The subject was not seen to come out from his qrs. till 11.00 hrs. Suspects Advocate Ataur Rahman and Abdur Rahim Muktear visited subject’s place at 08.30 hrs. Abdur Rahim Muktear left the place at 09.15 hrs.
Subject left qr. with Advocate Ataur: 11.15 hrs. Rahman 25, Swarighat with Advocate Ataur : 11.30 hrs. to 11.45. Rahman

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Victoria Park with Advocate Ataur: Rahman and they both left the place by Taxi 2984 towards Narayanganj.
It is learnt from the report of W.C Helaluddin that the subject along with Advocate Ataur Rahman & Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq left for Chandpur by Motor Launch from Narayanganj.
Submitted. Sd/- Md. Nurul Huq Khan.
Side Note: D.S. VI. for perusal of the précis specially the portion side-lined. Extract may
go in P.Fs of all underlined. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C, 31.3.53.
Sd/- A. Hafiz. 1.4.
D.S. VI.
It is reported by W.C. Helaluddin Mirdha who was on duty for suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman, that the subject accompanied by Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque, Ataur Rahman, Advocate and others left for Chandpur (Dist. Tippera) via Narayanganj by launch on 29.3.53. The W.C. failed to follow them. He is being separately dealt with for this.
It appears from the attached cutting of the Ittefak dated 29.3.53 that the subject and his party went to Chandpur to attend a meeting there on 29.3.53.
The cutting further contains the tour programme of A.M.L. leaders. District concerned may be informed by radiogram if approved.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
O/C 30.3.53.
Side Note: (Radiogram) Inform Rangpur accordingly to report the proceedings of the
meeting immediately. Jessore has been informed already (on the …. (missing from original document due to page damage) att. of P.A. 31 dt. 28…)
Précis of the confidential reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 28.3.53, submitted by S.I. Md. Nurul Huq Khan of I.B. on 30.3.53.

Page: 143
The subject visited the following places:
Left quarter …..
: At 11.00 hrs.
Dacca Court & Bar Library
: (Met with Advocate Ataur Rahman,
Abdul Wadud Patwary and Abdur Rahim, Muktear).
Returned to quarter
at 13.00 hrs.
Left quarter
at 17.45 hours.
94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. Office) From 18.00 to 21.45 hrs. (Suspects
Abdul Wadud Patwary, Advocate Atawar Rahman, Kamruzzaman, Kazi Golam Mahbub were seen present in the A.M.L. Office between the hours mentioned
above). 9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press). : From 22.10 to 22.15 hrs. leaving
A.M.L. Office with Kazi Golam
Mahbub. 12, Joynag Road (House of Anwara : From 22.55 to 23.00 hrs. leaving 9, Khatun M.L.A.
Hatkhola with Kazi Golam Mahbub.
Al Hamrah Hotel (Chak Bazar with Kazi : From 23.05 to 23.10 hrs. Golam Mahbub). 150, Mugaltoli, with Kazi Golam : From 23.15 to 23.50 hrs. Mahbub.
: At 24.00 hrs.
Returned to quarter with Kazi Golam Mahbub. and was not seen to come out again.
Side Note: D.S. VI, for favour of perusal.
Extract may go in P.Fs of all suspects underlined. Sd/- A. Razzak, 31.3.53. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 1.4.53.

Page: 144
Enquiry report in which it was mentioned that Shamsul Haque,
President AML, Rajshahi wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for getting party manifesto and constitution. Other
organizational issues of AML were also reported.
Rajshahi, 30 March 1953
East Bengal Form No.1.
Government of East Bengal. OFFICE OF The Superintendent of Police,
Maps or Plans.
To be marked for takid.
Spare Copies.
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Class of papers.
Collection No. Number and year of File. Serial number in File. Date of despatch.
Reminders issued.
Reply Received No. Date,
1st No. 2nd No. 3rd No.
,dated ,dated ,dated
33/6 No. 72.52/R 1758 dated Rajshahi, the 30/31’h March, 1953.
Ref :- Your No. 3112/606-48(1)sec. date 28.2.53.
On enquiry it was ascertained that Shamsul Huq, President A.M.L., Rajshahi actually wrote a letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahman for getting party manifesto and constitution in pursuance of which some copies of party manifesto and enrolment forms were received from the Provincial Office. Efforts are being made by the

Page: 145
Rajshahi District Organising Committee to raise fund to purchase a Mike and a Jeep car for better organisational work.
Kamaruzzaman has not yet sent any intimation about his proposal to visit
Rajshahi in near future.
The A.M.L. here actively participated in the observation of the ‘Shahid Day’. For the present the President and the Secretary of the A.M.L. are taking up programme to tour in the interior places to form nucleus of the party in Union Board level.
Sd/-30.3.53. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Rajshahi.

One Rafique wrote a letter from Rajshahi Central Jail to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he described about the brutal oppressions inflicted upon him and other co-prisoners with well planned motive. The writer requested to do the needful for saving them from dying. A secret enquiry was also conducted in this regard which revealed the identity of one Rafiq was identical with Rafiquddin Bhuiyan, a security prisoner of Rajshahi Central Jail
who wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, April 1953
English translation of a Bengali intercepted letter written by one Rafique to Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Dear Mujibur Bhai,
Accept my salam. Being oppressed much since some days I am compelled to write you thus. Since one and a half months the local authority has begun to oppress some of us very seriously with well planned motive. It cannot be said exactly what will happen at what time. On 22nd February last we, 14 persons, were taken to office for release. Then we were confined in Cell No. 20. And until now we are in the Cell in that condition. Since then the authority has begun to give us trouble from day to

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day in every respect for nothing. Beginning from food and study up to our sleep at night and they have begun to give us trouble. The things which we are entitled to get according to security rule they have stopped them including newspapers and letters as well and speaks insulting words. We came to know that this arrangement of oppression has been made to have bonds from us. By the middle of last March one security prisoner died in Cell No. 10 while locked up without any treatment and there was none to give a drop of water in his mouth at the time of death. Another prisoner has been detained like that in Cell. He is also suffering seriously but all arrangement for treatment is being made probably he might expire within a day or two. My death is also decaying every day. I have been reduced by 7 pounds since my coming to the jail but the doctor is not giving me any treatment. Besides this the Doctor has begun to behave us in such a manner that we are quite unaware of the time when our lives will be in danger. One day I was attacked with a severe pain in my stomach followed by purging and vomiting. The Doctor came then and gave me a Morphia injection as a result of which my heart became very weak and I was about to die. An elaborate report is sent herewith this letter. Please go through it and find out the ways and means as early as possible as to how we can be saved from this severe calamity. After much thinking I am compelled to write you. These oppressions sometimes make my mind to such that I do not find any language to express it. We are not even allowed to say our Jumma prayer. Please have a talk with Chief Minister and the Minister of Jail over these matters and try your utmost in all possible ways to redress it. And have this report published in news paper which is sent herewith as you think fit. I am in such a condition that it is not known when my brain becomes cracked. I am living in such a cell that I do no Moreover during this hot reason how much I am to suffer nobody knows save and except God. Received the information that Moulana Saheb will start hunger strike. We also decided on the following day to start hunger strike. But on the following day we find that you went to see him personally. So we did not start hunger strike. The Superintendent and the Jailor whom you saw at the time of giving money are not here now. At present the staff is completely a new one. So the oppression has begun anew. On 28th January last I applied for transfer with the recommendation of Superintendent but no reply has yet been received. For these affairs the state of mind is very bad at present. Even the registered letters are not received by jail office. We know that if there be any punishment then these are the punishment but why they are creating these difficulties now. You can understand that easily. Hope you would go through the report and do the needful after proper meditation. Since last January I am not getting any letters. Please write letters regularly.

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N.B. If you send a telegram then I shall know that the letter had reached you.
Note: Original Bengali letter and date of the letter not found.
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 28.7.53.
I made secret enquiries and ascertained that Rafiq one of the writers of the letters is identical with Rafiquddin Bhuiya, a security prisoner of Rajshahi Central Jail. The other two Aminur Rahman and Jajabar Khan could not be traced. Those names seem to be fictitious. These letters have been written inside the R.C. Jail by the aforesaid persons and so far ascertained those were smuggled outside through Warders.
On enquiry it was ascertained that no security prisoner died in Cell No. 10 but a security prisoner named Mangal Chandra Sarkar died in Jail Hospital on 16.3.53. He was under proper treatment. His death was not concealed and it was duly reported to the proper authorities. Some of the security prisoners have been kept in Cell according to Jail Rules. No ill-treatment shown towards them so far learnt. They are being allowed to read Newspapers fixed by the Govt.
During the visit of Mr. Faru-qui, Commissioner of Rajshahi Division at Rajshahi Central Jail, it was ascertained that security prisoner Pijush Kanti Roy made the same complaint to the Commissioner and the Commissioner enquired into the matter but found no truth.
As regards Brindaban Saha, he is not a security prisoner but ordinary convict. It was ascertained that Muslim security prisoners, those who are C.P.’s are not allowed to say their Jumma prayer with other convicts according to Jail Rule but they have been instructed by the Jail Authority to say their Jumma prayer among themselves and the Jail authority assured to provide them with a Imam but they refused to do so. They wanted to say their prayer with the ordinary convicts.
It was further ascertained that they submitted a petition regarding the death of the security prisoner Mangal Chandra Saha and it was duly enquired by D.M., Rajshahi. No morphic injection was given to any of the security prisoners so far learnt.

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District Intelligence Branch Rajshahi, the 26th Aug., 1953.
No. 5770
No. R. 3696/27-50.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca with reference to his No. 7172 (2)/ 606-48 (1) dated 16.5.53, for favour of information.
Sd/-26.8.53 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Rajshahi

Letter from Sulaiman Khan, Khilafat-i-Rabbany Party of Pakistan, 19 Azimpur Road, Dacca to Professor Md. Azraf of Tamaddun Mazlish of Sunamganj town wherein he explained the internal affairs of ML, AML, Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-Islam and gave different directions to the addressee along with organizing the party for general election. Another letter was sent from Abdul Haq, Secretary, Reception Committee, East Pakistan Cultural Workers Conference, Kushtia to advocate Md. Yusuf Ali, Bagerhat, Khulna in which he emphasized on a special conference
of the Provincial Cultural Workers to be held at Kushtia.
Dacca, 2 April 1953
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 14.4.1953
Memo No. 2141 (4)/56-51 (Int.)/
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
Sulaiman Khan, Khilafat-iRabbani Party of Pakistan, Central Office, 19, Azimpur Rd. Dacca.

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2. To (with address)
Prof. Md. Azraf, M.A., Sunamganj College, Sunamganj, Sylhet.
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
: 31/3/53. : 1/4/53 Illegible.
Postal Seal
6. 7.
Post office of interception Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the
S.I. Matiul Islam Khan, DIB, Sylhet.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
: Copy kept. : Casual.
Copy/translation forwarded to 1) A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB. Dacca. 2) M.R. Haque, Esqr., PSS, Supdt. of Police, DIB, Bakarganj.
M.S. Haider, Esqr., Supdt. of Police, DIB, Faridpur, for information. 4) S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, DIB, Dacca for information and
favour of supplying the full particulars of serials 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 & 12.
for Supdt. of Police,
DIB, Sylhet.
Copy of English translation of a Bengali letter dated 31.3.53 from Sulaiman Khan (1) of 19, Azimpur Road, Dacca to Prof. Md. Azraf, M.A. (2) of Sunamganj College, Sylhet.

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Khilafat-i-Rabbani Party, Central office, 19,
Azimpura Road, Dacca.
Dated 31.3.53. Dear Azraf Bhai (2),
Accept my salam and love. I am not hearing you for a long time. How is Maqbul Husain Sahib? To-day, I am writing to you as a worker of the Khilafat Party. Probably you have seen in the different newspapers how the political situation of Pakistan is becoming complicated. The quarrel in the Muslim League is reaching to its climax. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the Awami Muslim League is divided into two, today. Their quarrel to some extent is due to ideological and to some extent to personal leadership but the latter seems to be much more apparent than the former. Mr. Suhrawardy (4), Mujibur Rahman (5), and Manik Miyan (6) Editor of ‘The Ittefaque’ are in one group. Mr. Suhrawardy (4) is the leader of this group. They are mostly “secularists’. Their opposition group consists of Advocate Abdus Salam (7), Ali Ahmad, M.L.A. (8), Mustaq Ahmad (9) and others. They are supporters of Islamic ideals and anti-Suhrawardy to some extent. This last group is in favour of forming a united front with Mr. Fazlul Haq (10) and with this object in view a meeting was already held. There has been an attempt to do something investing all powers to Mr. Fazlul Haq (10). Probably Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-Islam will be declared soon as leftist organisation after expelling Din Md. (11) – Shamsul Haq (12) group, from it. Considering the pros and cons of all this factors we are also to find out our own principle without further delay. As such, an emergency meeting of the Central Committee would be called within a few days and you should remain ready to attend the same.
Now, let us have a talk of your Sunamganj Branch. What work you have done after the formation of the party i.e. whether you held any public meeting or committee meeting. Whether you have formed any new unit. Has any new worker been recruited? How much work you have done according to the programme presented to during the formation of the committee? Please arrange that the Chairman or Secretary may send a detailed report on these to me. The election is sure in 1954. At least 2/4 representatives must be sent from our party. According to this idea you are to go on with work ceaselessly henceforth in your own centre. Any negligence in this respect means non-cooperation with the fighting mass in one sense and betrayal to the party in the other. The seeds can be sown at sweet will if the field is ready. Hope you will reply soon. Inform me how far you are assisted by Maqbul Sahib (3). My love to the workers.
Sd/- Sulaiman Khan (1).

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N.B. Is there any preparation to form party at Sylhet proper or in other sub
divisions? How far the Islamic cultural co…(missing from the original document due to page damage) progressed? I like to ask… (missing from the original document due to page damage) again and again whether you…(missing from the original document due to page damage) work to your every day’s f… missing from the original document due to page damage) teaching, profession etc.
Jonab Maqbul Husain Sahib (3),
Accept my salam and love. I am writing to Azraf Bhai (2) in details about the politics of the country. Send a detailed report to party office, about the work done after the formation of the party. Henceforth we are to start work to stren party through propaganda of its ideology, and holding open and informal meetings in towns and mufassils, activising the Tamaddun Front, forming committees in villages, Unions and thanas, educating the workers on party line, circulating the books and newspapers of the Majlish etc. The mind of the society cannot be rectified in a single day by magic. The appeal of the distressed humanity should not go in what more I shall write. I am waiting for a reply.
Sd/- Sulaiman Khan (1)
Side Note: (1) D.I.B. Dacca will please supply his full particulars.
(2) (T. Majlish) s/o Asaf of Duhalia-Nayabari, Chhatak & Sunamganj town, Sylhet.
(3) Being fixed. (4) Ex-Chief Minister of Undivided Bengal. (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)- not known here. D.I.B. Dacca to supply the full particulars. (10) Advocate Genl., Dacca. (11) & (12) – Not Known here. Dacca D.I.B. to supply the full particulars.
Secret Weekly Report of the Supdt. of Police, DIB, Sylhet for the week ending the 9th April, 1953.
Part 1 – (a) (vii) Tamaddun-i-Mazlis.
In a letter dated 31/3/53 from Sulaiman Khan, Khilafat-i-Rabbany Party of Pakistan, 19, Azimpura Road, Dacca to Prof. Md. Azraf (T. Mazlish) s/o Ashaf of Sunamganj town noticed in the post at Sylhet on 2/4/53, the writer describes the present internal condition of the Muslim League, Awami Muslim League, Jamiat-ul

Ulema-i-Islam and asks the addressee to be ready for attending the special meeting of the Central Committee which will be convened within a short time to discuss the present political situation and to adopt the policy and principle of the party. According to the writer the political condition of Pakistan has been becoming complicated. The inner conflict of the Muslim League has reached to a climax and the Awami Muslim League is divided itself. The quarrel among the Awami Muslim Leaguers is partly due to ideology and partly on individual leadership but the symptom of the latter is more apparent than the former Mr. Suhrawardy who holds secularist view leads one of the groups with Shaik Mujibar Rahman, Acting Secretary of AML and Manik Miyan, Editor of the ‘Ittefak’. The other group consists of Abdus Salam, Advocate (being fixed), Ali Ahmad, MLA and Mustak Ahmad and others. This group professes Islamism. This group is in favour of forming a united front with Mr. Fazlul Haq, Advocate General, Dacca and with this end in view a meeting has already been held. The writer also apprehends that Din Muhammad and Shamsul Haq’s group in the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-Islam will soon be driven out from the party and it will declare itself as a leftist organisation.
The writer asks the addressee to submit a detailed report on the activity of the Khelafat-i-Rabbani Party at Sunamganj since its formation.
In conclusion, the writer asks the addressee to organise the party for general election to be held in 1954.
In the enclosure addressed to Makbul Husain (being fixed) of Sunamganj, the writer asks the addressee to submit a report in details about the organisational work of Sunamganj Branch. He advises the addressee to circulate the party ideology by holding open and formal meetings, to form committee in villages, unions, thana etc. educate the workers on party line, activate the Tamaddun front, and make the party strong through the circulation of the books, papers etc. issued by the Tamaddun Majlish29
29. Tamaddun Majlish – Tamaddun Majlish (or Pakistan Tamaddun Majlish) is an Islamic Cultural Organization established in 1947 by Principal Abul Kashem in prior East Pakistan. Tamaddun Majlish had significant contribution in the Bengali Language Movement. The members of the organization were strongly influenced by the mentality of the East Pakistan Renaissance Society. After the partition, they realized that Pakistan was no longer governed with the idealism that had been promised. This led most of the members of the Tamaddun Majlish to drift away from the Muslim League.

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(b) In a letter dated 24/3/53 from Abdul Haq, Secretary, Reception Committee, East Pakistan Cultural Workers Conference, Kushtia to Md. Yusuf Ali, Pleader, Bagerhat, Khulna noticed in the post at Kushtia on 26/3/53, the writer informs that under the auspices of Tamaddun Majlish, Kushtia, a special conference of the Provincial Cultural workers will be convened on 10 and 11/5/53 at Kushtia. The writer requests the addressee and 6 others including A.Z. Abdullah, s/o L. Abdul Hafiz of Sylhet town to attend the conference and make it a success with helpful suggestions on the Islamic culture. The writer asserts that political, social and economic crisis of the country have reached to a climax no doubt but the cultural crisis is more complicated and dreadful which has infected all. The mental inertia of the jewels of the nation has become blunt and narrow and human consciousness and dignity are at stake. The writer states that in the coming conference there will be an attempt to chalk out a programme of cultural activi …(missing from the original document due to page damage) adjustment between theory and practice of Islamic …(missing from the original document due to page damage) ideals.

Weekly secret report from Faridpur wherein mentioned that a letter sent to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Asmat Ali Khan of Madaripur in which organizational affairs were discussed relating to ensuing District Board election.
Faridpur, 2 April 1953
Weekly Secret Report of Faridpur District for the week ending 2.4.53.
Part V. Politico-Communal Groups.
a) Muslim Groups. (ii) Awami Muslim League.
It appears from a letter dated 20.3.53 and addressed to Asmat Ali Khan (A.M.L.- s/o Abdul Jabbar of Houshdi, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur and of Madaripur town) to Mujibar Rahman of 11, Jaynagar Road, Dacca, that the members of the party of Madaripur Subdivision are preparing themselves for the ensuing Assembly election and that they will collect Rs. 10,000/- for the election purpose. It also appears from the letter that the members of the party will try to get Abdus Salam

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Khan30 (A.M.L. – s/o L. Abdul Latif of Bejra, Muksudpur, Faridpur and of Faridpur town and of Dacca) elected Chairman of the District Board, Faridpur.
Side Note: Copy to file. Sd/ – S. Hag for DS VI, 7/4/53.
Forwarded to office for wa pl. Sd/-9/4.

Report on visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Comilla.
Comilla, 4 April 1953
Comilla, the 4th April,
No. 1815 (2)/10-53 (II) To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca.
I write to inform you that the following suspects visited this district on 27-3-53 and left for Dacca on 28.3.53 by Chittagong-Narayanganj train (Mail).
1. 2.
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Acting Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League. Abdul Ghani, B.A. S/O Ahmad Ali of Sultanpur, Brahmanbaria, Tippera.
30. Abdus Salam Khan (1906 – 29 February 1972) – He was a lawyer and politician. He was active worker of Muslim League and Pakistan Movement. Later he left Muslim League and joined newly formed Awami Muslim League in 1949. Upon the nomination of United Front he was elected member of East Pakistan Legislative Assembly in 1949 and became Minister. He was the main advocate of the Agartala Conspiracy Case lodged against Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by the Pakistan Government. He was uncle of former Commerce later Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister retd. Col. Faruk Khan MP.

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Ali Azzam, B.A. S/O L. Abdul Majid of Bejishwar, B’Baria, Tippera. Abdul Bari, Pleader, S/O L. Abbas Ali of Kazipara, B’Baria, Tippera.
Sd/-3.4.53. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Tippera.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders delivered speeches at Rangpur on economic condition and other realities prevailed in Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in course of his speech severely criticized the misrule of the ML government. He condemned the
abolition of A.G. Hospitals, enforcing cordon system, keeping patriotic leaders in jail, unwilling to accept Bengali as one of the state languages, over taxation, jute problem, educational policy
and overall short sighted trade policy of the government. He labeled ML leaders as ‘well disciplined gang of robbers’ who
were exploiting the country for their self interest.
Rangpur, 6 April 1953
Place : Rani Pukhur, P.S. Mithapukur, Dist. Rangpur. Date & hour : 6.4.53 between 19.45 to 20.45 hrs. Convenor : Local A.M.L. workers and sympathisers. Object : To discuss the present economic condition and other affairs now
obtaining in Pakistan. President
Maulana Tofazzal Hussain Ex-P.U.B. Khora-gach Union P.S.
Mithapukur s/o L. Abdur Rahman Sarker of Khoragach. Speaker : 1) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Acting General Secy. East Pakistan. A.M.L.
s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tongipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, and of
94 Nawabpur Road, Dacca. 2) Tofazzal Hussain (mentioned).

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Important A.M.L. leaders present:
1) Dr. Mozahar Uddin Ahmad- Vice President Dist. A.M.L. Rangpur s/o L.
Asimuddin Ahmad of Bhogdabri P.S. Domar and of City Pharmacy, Rangpur
town. 2) Habibur Rahman Chaudhury s/o L. Moshi Uddin Chaudhury of Fulchaki, P.S.
Audience : About 800 (eight hundred) people of which 20% would be children.
The meeting started with the recitation of a verse from the Holy Quran by Muklesur Rahman Kari of Noakhali at present of Paikan, P.S.Mithapukur.
Maulana Tofazzal Hussain (mentioned) in course of his inaugural speech appealed to the audience to maintain peace and order and not to canvass for any candidate in connection with the ensuing D.B. election going to be held on 9.4.53 in the course of the business of the meeting. He, however, told that they were at liberty to do so after the meeting was over. He then requested Sk. Mujibur Rahman to deliver his speech.
2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentioned) said in course of his speech that Pakistan was achieved with the sacrifices of so many lives of Muslims of both male and
– with the object in view that everybody would live in peace and prosperity in Pakistan. People would now realise to what extent their ambition had been fulfilled. Khawaja Nazim Uddin who became the first Chief Minister of East Bengal after partition immediately abolished the A.G. Hospitals in consideration of financial stringency of the Province and introduced Cordon system Criticising the Cordon System the speaker added that it was a bomb shell to the landless labourers of Dacca, Faridpur Districts who used to collect paddy from Khulna and Barisal Districts by way of their share for labour. In 1948, when they (people) started movement for recognition of Bengali as one of State Languages of Pakistan they were also thrown with the prison bar for indefinite period by the present Muslim
31. Cordon System – After creation of Pakistan in 1947 Khawaja Nazimuddin assumed as Chief Minister of East Bengal imposed administrative ban on the transfer of wages as paddy on the landless paddy reapers (Dawali) of Dhaka, Faridpur and Cumilla. The laborers used to go to Khulna and Barishal for reaping paddy and returned their respective districts carrying with the paddy as earned their wages for reaping. This administrative ban was called Cordon System’ which barred the laborers were being allowed to go with their share of paddy, which caused harassment and extreme misery for them. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 28.1.1949 led a procession of the reapers to the residence of the District Magistrate of Khulna to present their grievances to obtain permit for carrying paddy to their home. He severely criticized and demanded to abolish the Cordon System in various public meetings.

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League Government. Referring to the taxation policy of the present Govt. he said that people were over taxed and tobacco, betel-nut growers were most hard hit. Similar is the case with the sugar-cane growers. Dealing with the jute problem the speaker maintained that it was the Muslim League Govt. to invite the present economic crisis in the country for the unsound and short sighted trade policy. Referring to the recent trade agreement with India in the deal of jute, the speaker said that when jute was in the possession of the growers Muslim League Govt. did not think it worthwhile to reach such agreement. Now, as the Jute has already passed off the hands of the growers Govt. has signed the above agreement only for the interest of Ispahani, Amin Bros. etc. He also explained the reasons why the jute growers did not even get the fixed price. He therefore demanded that Govt. should in future purchase jute directly from the growers through their employees and not through any other agent. Further he suggested that Govt. should immediately change its trade policy and extend the market to other non-imperialistic countries willing to purchase Pakistani Jute in order to get a fair price for the cultivators.
Criticising the present educational policy of the Govt. the speaker continued that Govt. was looking for the education of the children of rich man only. In support of his contention he cited the establishment of Girl School at Dacca at a cost of Rs. 23 (twenty three) lacs and other Govt. educational institutions where tens of thousands of money are annually spent but whereas private institutions have been badly suffering for want of Govt. aid. As a result they are on the verge of collapse. This step-motherly attitude of the Govt. indicates that Govt. was unwilling to encourage mass education. It can be inferred that present Muslim League leaders at the helm of administration want to perpetuate their position by keeping the vast mass in darkness.
Dwelling on the Language problem the speaker demanded recognition of Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan to fulfill the legitimate ambitious desire of each and every East Pakistani. Condemning the action of the Muslim League Govt. the speaker said that it did not flinch back to brutally kill a number of students and other throwing within the prison bar who took part in the language movement. He also gave out that in East Pakistan Urdu has been made compulsory some standard but in West Pakistan Bengali has not been given any such honour. This is against the dictum of justice.
Referring to the financial position of the country as a whole the speaker said that every foreign country would get money from Pakistan and Her present cash balance has stood near about Rs. 30(thirty) crores as compared with 330 (Three hundred and thirty crores) crores in 1951. This sounds a miserable state of affairs in the financial stability of an independent country.

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The repressive Muslim League Govt. are keeping the patriots of the country such as Moulana Bhasani, Khoirat Hussain and others in jail without any trial for indefinite period, simply because they voiced the grievances of the general public. He further gave out that Muslim League Govt. are constructing a hotel at Dacca at a cost of Rs. 60 (sixty Lacs) Lacs whereas majority of the people are starving. Activities of the Muslim League Govt. so far as enumerated above are not in line with Islamic principles for which Pakistan is destined to stand. He further gave out that under the Muslim League administration people had to purchase a seer of salt at Rs. 16/- (sixteen) which is unknown in the history of the world. Yet Pakistan Govt. did not allow East Pakistanis to produce salt here.
Explaining the ideological object of the Awami Muslim League the speaker said that it was an organisation composed of the patriots to counteract the Muslim League Organization and its Govt. He further continued that Muslim League leaders have formed amongst themselves a well disciplined gang of dacoits who are exploiting the country for their own-selves. Now it would be the duty of the Awami Muslim League to oust them from their present position and set up a Govt. of the people who would look after the interest of the people in general and eradicate all sorts of mal-practices now rampant in Pakistan. He therefore made a fervent appeal to the audience to join the Awami Muslim League in numbers to help in their mission.
No resolution was moved.
The meeting dissolved at 20.45 hrs. with the following shouting by one Abdur Rahman of Palashbari, P.S. Pirganj, Rangpur and resounded by others.
Pakistan Zindabad, Awami Muslim League Zindabad, Bhasani-Khoirat Hussain-ar Mukti Chai, Muslim League Dhangsha Hawk, Krishok Majdur ek Hao,”
After the meeting was over Sk. Mujibur Rahman held the local workers meeting at the Awami Muslim League office where he instructed the workers to rouse public opinion in favour of the Awami Muslim League. He also instructed the workers to organise themselves well and stand unitedly to rise against any injustice being done by the Muslim League Govt. unless they could do so the present Muslim League Govt. will continue in the present way. About 14/15 local workers and sympathizers attended this meeting which continue If an hour.
The audiences were mostly illiterate villagers. As the speaker mainly dwelt on the alleged short-comings of the present Muslim League Govt. the audiences were led to believe that uptil now the present Muslim League Govt. have not done

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anything good to them. Some were however heard to say that it was nothing but a propaganda speech only to win sympathy of the people in connection with the ensuing general election in East Bengal.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Dr. Mozahar Uddin Ahmad, Habibur Rahman Choudhury (all mentioned) passed the night at the local Kachari building and returned to Rangpur on the following morning.”
District Intelligence Branch Rangpur, the 9th April, 1953.
No. R. 1975/54-49 (A)
A. Hussain, Esq., Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal. Dacca.
Ref: – Your Radiogram No. 4851 dated 31.3.53.
I forward herewith a copy of the proceedings of meeting held by Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 6.4.53 as desired.
Similar meetings were held at Haragacha, P.S. Kaunia and at Bendhabari, P.S. Pirganj and Sk. Mujibur Rahman reiterated the same thing. He reached Rangpur on 6.4.53 at 11.30 hrs. and left for Dacca to-day at 04.00 hrs.
Sd/ -9.4.53
(M.A. HAQUE) for Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Rangpur.
No. 5988/606-48 PF dt- 22/4/53.
SP. D.I.B. Rangpur.
Ref:- Your No. 1844 dt. 9/4/53.
I would request you to pl. send the proceedings of the meeting held by Sk. Mujibar Rahman at Haragacha & Bendhabari in the dist. of Rangpur, at an early date.
Sd/ -20.4.53 D.S. 6 for S.S.3

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No. 4851/dt. 31/3/53.
606-48 P.F
D.I.B. Rangpur,
Please send proceedings of meetings to be held by Sk. Mujibur Rahman & others at Rangpur by Spl. messenger with details of their activities.
DS VI for SS III No. 4851/1 dt. 31-3-53
Copy forwarded to by post in co-operation.
Sd/-31/3 DS VI for SS III
District Intelligence Branch Rangpur, the 13th : May, 1953.
2403/54-49 No.
R. 1234
A. Hussain, Esq., Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref: – Your No. 5988/606-48 P.F. dated 22.4.53.
I forwarded herewith the proceedings of the meetings held by Sk. Mujibur Rahman at Haragacha and Bendhabari as desired.
Sd/-15.3.53. (A. Ali) Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Rangpur.

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Report on a meeting held at Haragach, Rangpur where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders delivered speeches criticizing
the ML government on various issues as people found no difference between British and ML rule; H.S. Suhrawardy had been thrown away from the ML and ministry, maladministration, favoritism, corruption, State Language, purchasing betel-nuts from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) instead of East Bengal etc.
Rangpur, 7 April 1953
Meeting report dated 7.4.53.
Place : At village Sarai (Haragacha), P.S. Kaunia. Date & hour : 7.4.53 from 20.00 to 22.00 hrs. Convener : A.M.L. Kaunia P.S. Audience : About 300 (three hundred) President : Dr. Abdul Hamid (being fixed) of Haragacha. Speakers : (1) Mv. Habibur Rahman Choudhury (Vice President, Rangpur
Sadar A.M.L.) of Fulchaki. (2) Mv. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Acting Gen. Secy. East Pakistan
A.M.L.) of Faridpur. (3) Dr. Mojahar Uddin Ahmed (Vice President Rangpur AML) s/o
Osimuddin of Bhogdabari, P.S. Domar, Nilphamari. (4) Dr. Abdul Hamid (mentioned)
(1) Mv. Habibur Rahman- during his short speech he gave out that the people of this country sacrificed their lives for the achievement of Pakistan and they got it. Everybody hoped that after independence they would get their national Govt. which would save them from poverty, illiteracy and diseases. But the National Govt. formed by the Muslim League has totally forgotten it. Now the people find no difference between British Raj and Muslim League Raj. Rather they have been placed at an inferior level than British time. The general masses have been taxed from all sides and their economic back bone has been broken down. For the maladministration, favouritism and corruption of this Muslim League Govt., a prosperous country like Pakistan has turned to a country of beggars within this 5 or 6

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years. But the tragedy is this whoever speaks against the activities of the Govt., our National Govt. puts him to jail for an indefinite period without any trial.
He further maintained that Bengali people formed 56% of the total population of Pakistan. Their mother-tongue is Bengali. But ignoring the basic principle of democracy this Govt. is trying to thrust on us a foreign language of minority people as State language. Our people specially the educated section and the student community protested on this but the Muslim League Govt. did not pay heed to it rather showered bullets on the students who were the jewels of our country. This demand for Bengali as one of the State languages was a demand of 4 crores and 50 lakhs of people. This demand could not be suppressed. So all should stand united and fight to the last over this issue.
The speaker then reiterated that tobacco was one of the most important crops of Pakistan and it was the means of livelihood of the people of Rangpur. But due to the abnormal taxes on this commodity, the foreign markets have been lost. The same case was with Biri, also. Thousands of Biri workers are now idle and unable to earn their livelihood. The Muslim League Govt. is not trying to solve their problems. So he urged upon the audience to be united and check the activities of Muslim League Govt. otherwise this Govt. will give mortgage our Pakistan to America and England. In the name of Islam they are giving bluffs and leading Pakistan towards destruction.
(2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman – After paying tributes to the audience he said that Pakistan was achieved by sacrificing the lives of many people through the organising capacity of All India Muslim League32 under the leadership of QuideeAzam. All India Muslim League then took up the administration and formed the
32. All India Muslim League – All India Muslim League (AIML) popularly known as Muslim League was a political party established by the initiative of Bengali, non-Bengali Muslim elites, knights, nawabs & zamindars of British India on 30 December 1906 at Ahsan Manzil, Dhaka. The founder of the party was Nawab Sir Khawaja Salimullah Bahadur of Dhaka Nawab family. Sultan Muhammad Shah (Aga Khan III) was appointed the first honorary president. There were also six vice-presidents, a secretary and two joint secretaries initially appointed, proportionately from different provinces. AIML gained rapid popularity among the Muslims of British India as they dreamt of their rights and safety would be protected under its banner. The party established a separate Muslim majority nation state, Pakistan under the leadership of Mohammad Ali Jinnah through the partition of British India in 1947. Later the party was succeeded by Muslim League in Pakistan and Indian Union Muslim League in India. Soon after the partition of 1947 the Bengali leaders of Muslim League realized that the fate of the oppressed and poverty-hunger stricken people of East Bengal would never be changed under the leadership of Muslim League coterie rulers. The Bengali nationalist leaders broke away from Muslim League and form new party East Pakistan Awami Muslim League in East Pakistan on 23 June 1949 in a convention of the leaders and workers of Bengal Provincial Muslim League. As a mark of its secular posture, the term ‘Muslim’ was deleted from the name of the party at its third council meeting held on 21-23 October 1955.

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Govt. just before the achievement of Pakistan. Mr. Shuhrawardy was the Prime Minister of Bengal and one of the main creators of Pakistan. At that time Nazimuddin was roaming at Washington with a British mission. Mysteriously he hastened to Pakistan and became the Premier of East Pakistan without the knowledge of public which was most undemocratic. Mr. Suhrawardy in this way had been thrown away from the Ministry and the Muslim League. All India Muslim League had been dissolved with the establishment of Pakistan and the Pakistan Muslim League was formed after fourteen months. So the present Muslim League did nothing for the achievement of Pakistan. It had no existence when Pakistan was established.
He further maintained that people established Pakistan to get Islamic administration, classless society, equality in every sphere of life where every citizen would get equal right in education, medical aid etc. but they have been faced with different types of administration in the hand of this Muslim League Govt. They are raising administrative class of people who would exploit the general masses for all time to come.
Then the speaker dwelt at length over the different commodities of East Pakistan and said that the rice of Khulna and Barisal was so abundant that it coul easily feed 3 or 4 neighbouring districts. But the cordoning system of the Govt. prevented the neighbouring labourers to bring the rice to their own districts for their consumption. As a result these labourers have been harassed and deprived of their actual rights.
Then he said that this Rangpur district specially the Haragacha side was very prosperous for tobacco business. Foreigners from Burma, Sumatra, Madras and other places used to come and take tobacco from Rangpur. But due to bad policy and mal-administration of the Govt. these foreign markets have been lost. Similar things happened with the betel-nut producing districts like Khulna and Noakhali. Formerly these betel-nuts were exported to India and Karachi. Now it could not be exported to India, more over Karachi people were unwilling to purchase these betel-nuts. They purchased betel-nuts from Cylone with various pretext on the other hand the taxes on betel-nut are continuing as it were. It so happened that the taxes became more than the amount of the sell process of the betel-nuts. For these difficulties, the owner of the betel-nut gardens has destroyed their gardens to get rid of the taxes. The people of East Pakistan could prepare salt but the Govt. was not allowing this industry to grow. They preferred to purchase salt from Karachi for the sake of our West Pakistani brothers at a high price. But our West Pakistani brothers on the other hand did not purchase betel-nuts from East Pakistan. This was nothing but a policy of breaking down the economic back-bone of East Pakistan. After that the speaker

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criticized the jute policy of the Govt. and said that the Govt. fixed up the price of the jute. But no agent of Jute Board purchased jute at the Govt. rate. They violated the Govt. order but nobody was prosecuted for this offence. The Govt. did not fix up any rate for the exporters. Taking this opportunity the exporters sold jute at rate more than hundred rupees. These exporters and agents of jute board are the friends and relations of Ministers. They gained much but the foreign markets have been lost.
Pakistan National Bank was formed by the public money. Agents of the jute board were given money for trade in jute through this Bank. These agents cheated the cultivators by not giving the lowest price of the jute but sold these to the foreign countries to an unrestricted highest price. By this way the jute business has been destroyed.
The speaker also said that sugar-cane cultivators have been ruined. The cultivators sell the sugar-cane to the Mill owners. They do not pay the price. They say that the Govt. is not lifting the sugar and not paying any thing. So they were also unable to pay to the cultivators. The poor cultivators are harassed in this way.
The result of this mal-administration is this that all cash paying crops of East Pakistan have been destroyed.
The speaker further maintained that Mr. Nazimuddin declared that Bengali would be the State language but in the year, 1952 he changed his version and gave out that the Urdu would be the State language of Pakistan. The students and intelligentias protested and they launched demonstrations, processions and public meetings. But the Govt. fired on the peaceful demonstrators causing several casualties. He then urged the audience to take revenge of this oppression with the help of ballot instead of bullet.
The speaker further added that Urdu has been made compulsory from Class V and English has been made optional subject. But in West Pakistan Bengali has not been made compulsory. The students of East Pakistan will have to learn Bengali, English and Urdu with equal importance. As a result they will not be able to learn any of these subjects properly. Ultimately they will fail to face any competitive examination. He urged the audience to continue their movement to make Bengali as one of the State Languages.
The speaker held Mr. Nazimuddin, Nurul Amin and their party responsible for reducing this country to a country of poverty, and said that they have totally failed to run the administration of Pakistan. He demanded the resignation of all the Ministers of Muslim League Govt. and to give a scope to form a Govt. of A.M.L. organization under the leadership of Moulana Bhasani who did much for the achievement of Pakistan, and to run the administration of Pakistan properly.

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The Muslim League Govt. always speaks of Islamic State but they never follow the Islamic principles. The masses are starving and sleeping under the trees when the Ministers are living in palaces and taking flesh and butter. The people are suffering from proper education, medical aid, food and clothing but the Govt. is building Girl’s School, Hotel and market in Dacca city spending crores of rupees for the aristocrat people. Then he requested the audience to come under the banner of A.M.L. and to vote for Abdul Hussain (Secy. Rangpur Dist. A.M.L.) in the ensuing District Board election and to show the present Govt. the worth of A.M.L.
(3) Dr. Mozahar Uddin Ahmad (mentioned) – He delivered a short speech and said that after the achievement of Pakistan the general masses hoped that their condition would be better but within these six years their hopes have been turned into ashes. Previously they were exploited by the Britishers but now they are being exploited by the Pakistani Britishers. The speaker then discussed the condition of jute and said that Govt. blamed public for growing more jute. But uptil not a single man has been neither prosecuted nor any excess jute has been destroyed by the agents. So it was only a bluff to save the skin of the Govt. The jute agents purchased jute from the growers at a rate much lower than the fixed rate. But no action was taken against these agents.
He then spoke about the condition of tobacco and Biri leaves and said that due to the bad policy of the Govt. tobacco has lost its foreign market and Biri leaves are not coming to Pakistan. As a result so many cultivators and Biri workers are unemployed.
He further maintained that China got her independence in the year 1949. During this short period she had overcome her food grain difficulties and she is now exporting food grain to the countries like India. The President of China is getting Rs. 650/- per month. He has got no wooden furniture in his dwelling house except some bamboo made furniture. In Fact the leader of New China is living a practical Islamic life. He also requested the public to vote for Abdul Hossain (mentioned) in the District Board election.
(4) Dr. Abdul Hamid (mentioned) – He, in course of his speech, criticised the Govt. on the same point as discussed by speaker No.1 and urged audience to vote for Abdul Hussain (mentioned).
(1) To release Moulana Bhasani and other security prisoners immediately. (2) To make necessary arrangement for the betterment of jute. (3) To recognise Bengali as one of the State languages. (4) To provide food and clothing to the people.

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Report on a meeting at Mithapukur, Rangpur where Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman and other leaders spoke on the issue of detained political prisoners, recognition of Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan, abolition of zamindari system, demand of fixing minimum jute price, minimizing taxes on daily
commodities etc.
Rangpur, 8 April 1953
Meeting Report
Date & Hour 8.4.53 between 20.15 to 22.00 hours. Place : Bhendabari Dak Bungalow premises under Mithapukur P.S. Convenor: Mutiur Rahman (Secy. Sadar Sub-divisional A.M.L.) s/o L. Dr.
Moshiur Rahman of Bagduar, P.S. Pirganj. Object : To discuss the present condition of the country under the Muslim
League Rule. President : Dr. Abdul Jabbar (A.M.L.) s/o Munshi Mohammad Amanullah of
Bhabanchara, P.S. Pirganj. Speakers
(1) Habibur Rahman (A.M.L.) s/o L. Moshi Uddin Choudhury of
Fulchouki, P.S. Mithapukur. (2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (Acting General Secy. East Pakistan
A.M.L.) s/o Sk. Lutfor Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj,
Faridpur. (3) Dr. Mozhar Uddin Ahmad (A.M.L.) s/o L. Asimuddin Ahmad
of Bhogdabri, P.S. Domar and of City Pharmacy Rangpur town. (4) Tofazzal Hussain (Y.L.) @ Toful s/o Ishaque Ali Shah
Prodhan of Guptapara, Rangpur town. (5) Mutiur Rahman (mentioned).
(6) Tofazzal Hussain (Refugee) of Dhap-Katchery, P.S. Pirganj. Audience : About 7/8 hundreds.
(1) Habibur Rahman Choudhury (mentioned) said in course of his short speech that
nearly six years have elapsed since Pakistan was established but the expected change in the society, viz. social, cultural, economical etc. remains to be

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fulfilled. The Muslim League leaders instead of doing anything good to the general mass are only looking after their own interest. So he requested the audience to be united to voice their grievances for fulfillment.
(2) Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentioned). There was nothing new in his speech that
what has been forwarded to I.B. Vide Our No. 1844 dated 9.4.53.
(3) Dr. Mozhar Uddin Ahmad, (mentioned) also spoke on the same lines as No.1
and requested the audience to follow the instructions and suggestions of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. So he maintained that without mass awakening, no improvement can be expected from the present Ruling class. He therefore, appealed to the audience to join the Awami Muslim League in numbers and
fight against any injustice to be done by the present Muslim League Rulers. (4) Tofazzal Hussain @ Toful said in course of his speech that the present Muslim
League Govt. had turned to reactionary as they are bent upon to nip the popular movement in the bud through repressive measures. The present Muslim League leaders who are on the helm of administration are only after their own interest and that of their supporters and ignoring the interest of the greater number of people. Referring to the ensuing D.B. election he said that popularity of the A.M.L. would be proved with the successful return of the A.M.L. candidates. It was nothing but a test game. He however believed that in near future (during the next general election) they would be able to overthrow the present Muslim League Govt. when the people would give their verdict against the present Muslim League Leaders through their vote. He appealed to the audience to exercise their power and vote for A.M.L. candidates keeping in view the present deplorable condition of the country for which the Muslim League Govt. is responsible.
(5) Mutiur Rahman (mentioned). He mainly dwelt on the local affairs and said that
the miserable condition of the local people was the outcome of the repressive policy of the Zaminder who were patronised by the Muslim League Govt. He further said that black-marketeers, profiteers, Zotedars and Zaminders were the source of the Govt. power. So he held that the Zotedars, Zaminders, blackmarketeers and profiteers should be crippled down. He therefore requested the audience to cast their votes in favour of the A.M.L. candidates.

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(6) Tofazzal Hussain (mentioned) said in course of his short speech that poor men
have the experience of poor man’s lot and rich men while in power forget the poor. He therefore appealed to the audience to vote for the poor candidates and warned them to be on guard against the rich specially at the time of election.
The following resolutions moved by Mutiur Rahman (mentioned) were passed in this meeting.
(1) This meeting demands immediate release of all political prisoners including
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and others who are fasting in jails.
(2) This meeting demands recognition of Bengali as one of the State languages of
Pakistan along with Urdu.
(3) This meeting further demands abolition of the Zamindary system without
compensation and free distribution of lands amongst the landless cultivators.
(4) This meeting also demands a minimum jute price at Rs. 30/
(5) This meeting requests the Govt. to start a telegraph office at the local Post
Office to remove inconvenience of the local people and its surrounding places.
(6) This meeting further requests the Govt. that warning notices be withdrawn to
graze the cattle at the local Salbon area which have recently been acquired by
the Govt.
(7) This meeting demands that taxes on cloth, tobacco, betel-nuts etc. be minimised
to a certain extent to help the poor.
(8) This meeting further requests the Govt. to grant adequate aid to the Bhendabari
High School and other local educational institutions for smooth running, as at present they are in helplessly bad condition.
The meeting dissolved at 22.00 hours with the following slogans shouted by Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentioned) “Pakistan-Zindabad, Awami Muslim LeagueZindabad, Samasta Rajbandider-Mukti Chai, Zalem Muslim League SarkerDhangsha Hoke, Rastra Bhasha-Bangla Chai etc.
There was no speech from the Presidential chair”

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DIO report on the visit of H.S. Suhrawardy at Jessore wherein mentioned that the local AML leaders were trying to bring him to influence their district board election campaign. They conceived that their success in the District Board election might cause an influence on the success of Assembly Election.
Jessore, 9 April, 1953
Copy of report of a D.I.O. (Jessore) dated 1-4-53.
The workers of Awami Muslim League, Jessore, had been trying their best to bring Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy down to this district before the election of the District Board, Jessore as they hoped that his visit to this district and his speeches at different places might influence the public in general and might help in their success in the election campaign. A provisional tour programme of Mr. Suhrawardy was received here and the members of the Awami Muslim League were making necessary arrangements to organise meetings etc. within the district. But the cancellation of his tour programme caused a wide spread disappointment amongst them and as such Mashiur Rahman (D.Y.L./A.M.L.) s/o late Ismail of Singjuli Jhikargacha, Jessore and of Jessore Town, the writer of the letter requested the addressee Sk. Mujbar Rahman, Acting Secy. E.P.A.M.L., Dacca s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipapra, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca to persuade Mr. Suhrawardy to
before the election of the District Board, to be held from 7th April, /53. The workers of the A.M.L. Jessore, conceive that their success in the election of the District Board, Jessore, might cause an influence on the success in the Assembly election.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Jessore
Jessore the 9th April /53.
n 1779 No. R 565/80-49 Int.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information with reference to his No. 3336/606-48(1) Sec. dt/- 5.3.53.
Sd/ -10/4
(E. ALI SUPDT. OF POLICE, D.I.B., Jessore.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent two letters respectively to Aminul Haque Chaudhury, Vice-President, District AML, Barisal and Abdul Aziz, Secretary, District AML, Chittagong conveyed the decision for observing 17 April 1953 as ‘Political Prisoners
Release Day?
Dacca, 13 April 1953 Secret
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 13.4.1953 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Sheik Mujibur Rahman,
Acting General Secy. of
E.P.A.M. League. 2. To (with address)
: Mr. Aminul Haque
Chaudhury, Vice-President.
Dist. Awami League, Barisal. 3. Language of letter
: English. Date of letter
: 12.4.53. 5. Postal Sea
: Nababpur. Post office of interception
: R.M.S. Dacca. Date of interception
: 13.4.53. Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Ibrahim A.S.I.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
The list of addresses of similar letters attached herewith.

Page: 171
Copy /translation forwarded to
Perusal please.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman Secy. A.M.L. writes to Mr. Aminul Haq Chaudhury Vice President Dist. A.M.L. Barisal regarding the Political Prisoners Release Day to be observed on 17th April. This decision has been taken by the Central Committee. Similar letters have been addressed to several persons as per attached lists.
Sd/ -13/4/53 No. 5705/606-48 (1) Sec. dt. 18.4.53. SS III
Perusal pl. that Prisoners Release Day will be observed on 17th April has been published in the press. This has been included in D.R. dt. 13.4.53. May be filed.
Sd/ -14.4 Side Note: Send copy to Barisal DIB. Sd/-14.4.
Copy of an English letter dated 12.4.53 from Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Acting General Secy. of E.P.A.M. League to Mr. Aminul Haque Choudhury, Pleader, Barisal, Vice-President, Dist. Awami League, Barisal.
Dear Sir
It has been decided by the Working Committee to observe 17th April 53 as the Political Prisoners Release Day and prayer day.
I request all the units of our organisation to observe the day peacefully and constitutionally. There will be meeting and resolutions.

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The list of addresses of similar letters. (1) A.K. Mujibur Rahaman Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Bogra. (2) Mr. Nurul Islam, G. Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Kustia. (3) Mr. Abdur Rahman B.L. General Secy. Dist. Awami League, Tippera. (4) Mujibur Rahman, B.L. Rajshahi, General Secy., Awami League
Rajshahi. (5) Mr. Mashiur Rahman, General Secy, Dist. Awami League, Jessore. (6) Mr. Hashimuddin Ahamed, M.A. L.L.B. General Secy. Dist. Awami
League, Mymensing. (7) Md. Adiluddin Ahamed B.L. Convenor, Dt. Awami League, Faridpur. (8) M. Mansoor Ali M.A. L.L.B. General Secy. Dist. Awami League, Pabna.

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The 17.4.1953. Memo. No. 2441/102-49 (Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address) : Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Acting Genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca.

Page: 174
2. To (with address) : Mr. Abdul Aziz, Secy. Dist.
Awami Muslim League,
Chittagong. English.
Language of letter
Date of letter:

Postal seal : :
Illegible. G.P.O. Chittagong
Post office of interception
Date of interception :
Name of officer who can prove the
Habibor Rahman, A.S.I., D.I.B.,
10. 11.
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Delivered. : Copy kept.
Number and date of Government
Casual interception.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to 1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -17.4.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Chittagong. Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. The writer directs the local A.M.L. to observe 17.4.53 as political prisoners Release Day by organising a meeting and offering prayers only. Copy may be sent to I.B. for information at once.
Sd/- M. Yunus. D.I.O. (I) Ctg.
15.4.53. Seen, as proposed. Sd/- A. J. Chaudhuri. Dy. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong. 15.4.53.

Page: 175
Copy of an English letter dated 12.4.53 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 14.4.53.
From : Sheikh Mojibor Rahman (1), Acting Genl. Secretary, E. Pak. Awami
Muslim League, Dacca. TO : Mr. Abdul Aziz (2) Secy. Dist – A.M.L. Ctg.
No. A.M.L. 208 (4) 53 dt. 12.4.53.
Postal seal of issue: Illegible.
Dear Sir,
It has been decided by the Working Committee to observe 17th April, 1953 as the Political Prisoners Release Day and prayer day.
I request all the units of your organisation to observe the day peacefully and constitutionally. There will be meeting and resolutions demanding the release of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasanai (3) and other political prisoners detained without trial.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/-S.M. Rahman (Sk. Mujibor Rahman)
Acting Genl.
Secretary, E.P.A.M. League. (1) Secy. E.P.A.M.L. (2) S/o Hajee Muhabbat Ali Sawdagar of Halishahar, Doublemooring Ctg. (3) President E.P.A.M.L. now security prisoner.
N.B. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent the same letter to A.K. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary,
District AML, Bogra on 12.4.1953.

Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman containing his
movements and visits.
Dacca, 13 April 1953
Précis on the Confidential Reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 13.4.53.

Page: 176
The subject visited the following places:
Left quarter
: At 08.40 hrs.
: 08.50 to 08.55 hrs. : From 09.15 to 09.55 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. Office) Kamlapur (house of Manik Mia @ Tofazzel Hossain). Came out with Manik Mia & entered into A.M.L. Office. 103, Agasadek Road (house of Advocate Abdus Satter). Came out with Prof. Kamaruzzaman & entered into A.M.L. Office.
: At 10.25 hrs. and left the place
alone after a few minutes. : From 10.40 to 11.35 hrs.
: From 11.40 to 12.20 hrs. (Abdul
Jabbar Khader, Manik Mia & Shamsul Huq was seen there).
At 12.40 hrs. : At 15.10 hrs.
Returned to quarter Suspect Shawkat Ali visited the subjects place. The subject along with Shawkat Ali left quarter and Shawkat Ali separated at Chakbazar.
: At 17.00 hrs.
17.20 hrs.
The subject went to 16, Joynag Road (house : 17.25 to 17.50 hrs. of Advocate Ali Amjad). Purana Paltan (house of Advocate Abdus : 18.15 to 18.35 hrs. Salam) 94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. Office) : 18.45 to 22.50 hrs. Returned to quarter
: 23.00 hrs.
and was not seen to come out again.
Suspects, Abdul Jabber Kheder, Prof. Kamaruzzaman & Manik Mia were seen during the visit of the subject between 18.45 & 22.50 hrs.
Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan, S.I.
Side note:
D.S.VI for perusal please. Extract may go in P.F. if approved. Sd/- A. Razzak, 14.4, Sd/- A. Hafiz, 15.4.53.

Page: 177
Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman demanding the release of detained political prisoners published in the daily Azad on 14
April 1953.
Dacca, 14 April 1953 Azad dt. 14.4.1953.
আটক বন্দীদের মুক্তি দাবী
শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতি
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী জনাব সেখ মুজিবর রহমান সংবাদপত্রে নিম্নলিখিত বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন:| সম্প্রতি চাঁদপুর, যশাের ও রংপুর সফরে গমনের পূর্বে আমি মওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খান ভাসানীসহ অন্যান্য রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তি দান সম্পর্কে জনাব নুরুল আমীনের সহিত সাক্ষাৎ করি। অন্যান্য কতিপয় নেতাও আমার সঙ্গে ছিলেন। জনাব নুরুল আমিন আমাদিগকে বলেন যে, সরকার রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের ক্রমে ক্রমে মুক্তি দানের নীতি অবলম্বন করিয়াছেন। আমরা তাহাকে রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তিদান ত্বরান্বিত করার প্রয়ােজনীয়তা বুঝাইয়া দেই এবং তিনি আমাদিগকে এই আশ্বাস দেন যে, বিষয়টা পূৰ্ব্বাপেক্ষা গুরুত্ব সহকারে বিবেচনা করা হইবে। কিন্তু প্রায় তিন সপ্তাহ পূৰ্বে জনাব নুরুল আমীনের সহিত আমাদের সাক্ষাৎকারের পর এযাবত আর কাহাকেও মুক্তি দেওয়া হয় নাই দেখিয়া আমরা আশ্চর্য্য হইতেছি। গত মাস খানেক যাবত রােজা রাখা ও শুধু পানি দিয়া এফতার করার দরুণ জেলে মওলানা ভাসানী ও অন্যান্যের স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থার অত্যন্ত অবনতি হইয়াছে।
সরকার দীর্ঘদিন যাবত আটক রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তি দেন নাই। তদুপরি তাঁহারা বিভিন্ন স্থানে বিভিন্ন রাজনৈতিক প্রতিষ্ঠানের নেতাদের গ্রেফতার অভিযান নূতন করিয়া শুরু করিয়াছেন। উদাহরণ স্বরুপ চাঁদপুর, বরিশাল ও কুষ্টিয়ার বিষয় উল্লেখ করা যাইতে পারে। বিরােধীদলকে দমাইয়া রাখিবার জন্য সরকার সর্বশেষে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ও ঢাকা কলেজকেও কাজে লাগাইয়াছেন। সভা সমিতি, বিক্ষোভ ও ধর্মঘট প্রভৃতিতে যােগদানের জন্য সরকার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ও কলেজগুলিকে ছাত্রদের বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা অবলম্বনে বাধ্য করিয়াছেন।
সরকার সম্প্রতি সকল বিভাগে ছাটাই নীতি অবলম্বনেরও সিদ্ধান্ত করিয়াছেন। ইহার ফলে যাহারা বেকার হইয়া পড়িবে, বর্তমান আর্থিক সঙ্কটের দিনে তাহাদের দুর্দশার সীমা থাকিবে না। সরকারের এই সব কার্যকলাপ দেশের সর্বত্র অসন্তোষের সৃষ্টি করিবে।
আমি সরকারের নিকট অবিলম্বে বিনাবিচারে আটক সকল রাজনৈতিক বন্দীর মুক্তি দাবী করিতেছি। আওয়ামী লীগ ওয়ার্কিং কমিটি ১৭ই এপ্রিল তারিখে প্রদেশের সর্বত্র বন্দী মুক্তি ও প্রার্থনা দিবস পালনের সিদ্ধান্ত করিয়াছেন। এই দিবসকে সাফল্য মন্ডিত করার জন্য আমি সকল ইউনিটের প্রতি আবেদন জানাইতেছি।
Side note: Place in PF of Mujibur Rahman. Show SS III pl. Sd/-16/4

Advocate Md. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary, Rajshahi District AML wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, acting Secretary, AML, EB in which he discussed organizational affairs.
Rajshahi, 14 April 1953
No. R: 1956 /38-49(IT)
District Intelligence Branch Rajshahi, the 14th April 1953.
To A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B. Dacca.
Ref: your No. 3022/606-48(1) Sec. dated 25.2.53.
Mujibar Rahman, M.A., L.L.B., Secy., Rajshahi District Awami Muslim League wrote a letter to the acting Secy., A.M.L., E.B. requesting him to grant a lump sum for purchasing a jeep and a mike for the facility of party organisational work. Mujibar Rahman and his party has taken up a programme to traverse the whole district to popularise the A.M.L. and to get him and others of his party known to the mass. And he has stressed for Quamaruzzamn’s visit to Rajshahi to get the students under the fold of A.M.L. as they are now in P.S.U.
Mr. Tahur Ahmad Chaudhury was requested by Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his jeep is often being utilised by the writer and his party men.
The writer is more busy to popularise himself with a view to contest in the next election than to popularise his party as a whole.
Sd/ -16.4 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 181
Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 15 April 1953 Précis on the confidential report of suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 14.4.53, submitted by S.I. Masir Uddin Ahmed on 15.4.53.
14.4.53: The suspect visited the following places:Suspect Rafiqul Islam visited Sk. : From 08.00 to 08.15 hrs. He left along Mujibar Rahman’s quarters.
with Sk. Mujibar Rahman. 94, Nawabpur Road,
From 09.10 to 09.50 hrs. leaving quarter A.M.L. Office.
at 08.15 hrs, along with Rafiqul Islam & from Nawabpur Rly. level crossing they went away by a Taxi No. 3434 towards
North. 16, Joynag Road. He arrived at : From 12.03 to 13.15 hrs. wherefrom he Joynag Road (house of Ali Amzad, returned to qtr. at about 13.30 hrs. Advocate) by a Taxi No. 2737 at 12.03 hrs. Again at 16 Joynag Road. He left : From 16.40 to 17.30 hrs. leaving qtrs. at D.C. Jail along with Mr. H.S. about 16.20 hrs. Suhrawardy. Dacca Central Jail. He arrived here : From 17.40 to 18.25 hrs. & wherefrom along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy & he returned to 16, Joynag Rd. at 18.35 left the same with Mr. H.S. hrs. Suhrawardy. Again at 16 Joynag Road.
: From 18.35 to 19.00 hrs. leaving D.C.
Jail at 18.25 hrs. 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. Office. : From 19.15 to 21.00 hrs. leaving Joynag
Road at 19.00 hrs. Millat News paper office at Court : From 21.15 to 22.25 hrs. leaving A.M.L. house Street.
office at 21.05 hrs. & wherefrom he retd.
to his qtrs. at about 22.30 hrs. Side note: D.S.VI. The précis may pl. be seen. Extract may go in the P.Fs of Sk. Mujibar
Rahman, Rafiqul Islam & Ali Amjad, Advocate. Sd – A.Razzak, 16/4, Sd/- A. Hafiz, 17/4.

Page: 182
Letter from Captain Mansur Ali, Secretary, AML, Pabna to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he informed different organizational issues and requested to visit Pabna along with
H.S. Suhrawardy.
Pabna, 16 April 1953
Ext. from the S.W.R. of Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Pabna for the w/e 16.4.53.
PART V Politico-Communal Groups. (a) MUSLIM GROUPS. (ii) AWAMI MUSLIM LEAGUE.
In a letter dated 11.4.53 intercepted at Pabna Post Office, Capt. Mansur Ali, M.A. L.L.B. Secy., A.M.L., Pabna, informed Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. A.M.L. East Bengal, Dacca, that the members of the A.M.L. and the students of Pabna, were in difficulty for the occurrence that took place on the 15th and 16th February/53 at Pabna. The difficulty is not yet over; rather the position is worsening day by day. The students are gradually becoming depressed. The writer requested the addressee to come to Pabna on the 25’instant with Mvi. Ataur Rahman and Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. On that date the case of S.M. Nurul Alam might be defended by Mr. Suhrawardy at the Pabna Sessions Court and the members of A.M.L. and the students might get impetus from them all on the occasion.
(N.B. – Copy has not been sent to I.B. The students and the A.M.L. members are entangled in some cases which were started in connection with the troubles that took place on the 15th and 16 h February’53 on the occasion of the visit of the Prime Minister, East Bengal to Pabna. The cases are still pending investigation. Both the A.M.L. members and students are to some extent depressed for these cases. The writer thinks that if leaders like Mr. Suhrawardy, Mvi. Ataur Rahman and Mujibur Rahman visit this district at this time, the students and members of A.M.L. may get some impetus from them. The date of hearing of the appeal preferred by S.M. Nurul Alam, Ex-security prisoner, against his conviction in a specific case, has been fixed on 25.4.53 and attempt is being made to bring Mr. Suhrawardy on that date to defend the case. The writer has requested the addressee to convince Mr. Suhrawardy and other leaders to come to Pabna on that date). Side Note: Ex. G. to file, Sd/- DS 6 22/4
Forwarded to office for n/a pl. Sd/- 27/4.

Watch report on H.S. Suhrawardy regarding his movements
and visits.
Dacca, 16 April 1953 Precis on the watch reports of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy of 16, Joynag Road, dated 16.4.53, from 06.00 to 22.00 hrs.
08.35 hrs. 08.45″
10.10 hrs. 09.35” 10.00”

10.45 hrs.
The following persons visited the place. 1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman
: Sawkat Ali 3. Advocate Ali Amzad left quarters by a Jeep :
No. EBD 2597. Ataur Rahman visited the place by a Car No.: EBD 2520. Ataur Rahman along with Mr. H.S.: Suhrawardy left the place by a Car EBD 2520. They arrived at High Court. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy & Ataur Rahman were found in the High Court at 11.05 hrs. Mr. Suhrawardy attended the Court of Chief Justice. Mr. Suhrawardy alone left the High Court by a : Rickshaw at 14.00 hrs. He got on a car No. EBD 2584 near Medical College Hospital. He returned to 16, Joynag Road by the car at 14.15 hrs. One unknown person came to 16 Joynag Road : by a Car EBD 2807. Another unknown person visited by a Car No.: EBD 3522.
14.15 hrs.
17.15 hrs.
18.14 hrs.
17.28 ”
18.05 hrs.
Ataur Rahman – Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited –
: Shawkat Ali –
: Three unknown men visited by a car No. EBD : 1130 & left by the said car. Lutfar Rahman (Ex. Cal. Police Officer) : One unknown man came by a car No. EBD : 2798 and left the same by the said car.
18.35 hrs. 18.40 hrs. 19.15 hrs.
19.35 hrs. 19.35 hrs. 19.25 hrs.
19.20 hrs. 19.30 hrs.
20.05 hrs. 19.55 hrs.

Page: 184
20.40 hrs.
21.35 hrs.
Two unknown men came there by a Car No.: 2782 & left by the said car. Prof. Kamruzzaman, and Ali Ahmed, M.L.A. : came to the said place together. Sk. Mujibar Rahman –
20.45 hrs.
21.10 hrs.
23.05 hrs.
24.05 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/- Masir Uddin Ahmed, S.I.
Side Note: D.S.VI. The précis may be seen. Sply. portion side-lined. Enquiry report from
the S.O. may be awaited. Extract may go in the P.F. of the subject. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) S/O. Please enquire/report the particulars of unknown men mentioned in the précis. Also report the name & particulars of the owners of the cars which belong to unknown men. Sd/- A.R. 17/4

Letter from Zahirul Huque, AML, Bhairab to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he discussed regarding the visit of H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Bhairab.
Dacca, 16 April 1953 Secret INTELLIGENCE BRANCH
DACCA; The 16-4-1953
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) From (with address)
: Zahirul Huque, Awami
Muslim League, Bhairab. To (with address)
: Majibur Rahman, Awami
Muslim League Office 94,
Nawabpur Road, Dacca. Language of letter

Page: 185
4. Date of letter
: 15-4-53, 5. Postal Seal
Bhairab. 6. Post office of interception
G.P.O. Dacca. 7. Date of interception
: 16..53, 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Maung Maung, A.S./
interception 9. Whether photographed or not
: No 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy submitted to office. 12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising interception
Copy /translation forwarded to
Zahirul Huq (A.M.L.) of Bhairab writes to Mojibur Rahman (A.M.L. office) of Dacca to fix Mr. Suhrawardy’s programme for Bhairab.
True copy of a letter dt. 15.4.53 intercepted at G.P.O. on 167, from Zahirul Huque, Awami Muslim League, Bhairab.
Mojibur Rahman, Awami Muslim League Office 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca dt. 15.4.53.
মুজিবুর ভাই
তছলিম রলাে। আশা করি ভালই আছেন। চলতি মাসের ১৭ ই তারিখ শুক্রবার দিন আমাদের সম্পাদক সাহেবকে আপনার নিকট পাঠাইতেছি। আপনি আমার সাথে বলিয়াছিলেন সহিদ সাহেব ঢাকা আসলে পর আমাদের এখান থেকে চিঠি দিয়া জানবার জন্য। আমরা পত্রিকা মারফতে জানতে পারলাম তিনি গতকল্য ঢাকায় আসিয়াছে।
সেই মতে লিখি আপনারা উনার সফরের তালিকা তৈয়ার করিবার সময় ভৈরবের তারিখও ঠিক করিয়া নিবেন। আমারা এই টুকু আশা রাখি আপনি আপনার কথা মত কাজ

Page: 186
করিয়া যাইবেন। সহিদ সােহরাওয়ার্দি সাহেব কে আমাদের প্রতিষ্ঠানের পক্ষ থেকে শুভেচ্ছা ও আন্তরীক ভালবাসা জানাচ্ছি।
ইতি ভৈরব আগামী মােসলিম লীগের পক্ষ হইতে
জহিরুল হক

Watch report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 16 April 1953
Precis on the watch reports of Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 15.4.53, submitted by S.I. Masiruddin Ahmed on 16.4.53.
15.4.53. The subject visited the following places. 1. 58, Bangshal Rd.
: From 08.30 to 08.40 hrs. Enquiry is being made. 16, Joynag Rd.,
: ” 08.50 to 10.25 hrs. leaving House of Ali Amzad. He left the place Bangshal Rd. at 10.40 hrs. & by a Car No. EBD 3411. Enquiry is wherefrom he went away by the being made reg. the car.
car No. EBD 3411 at about
10.25 hrs. Suspect returned to his Qtrs. on foot at 12.45 hrs. Sutrapur P.S. He went there in : From 14.40 to 15.00 hrs leaving connection with the arrest of Kh. Md. quarters at 14.20 hrs. Elias (A.M.L.) of 14, Shashi Bhushan Chattarjee St. who was arrested by O/C, Watch, Dacca, D.I.B. and Sutrapur P.S. officers on 15.4.53 at
07.30 hrs. 5. Dacca Police Court –
: From 15.25 to 16.15 hrs.
leaving Sutrapur P.S. at 15.00 hrs.

Page: 187
6.A.M.L. Office at 94, Nawabpur Rd.
7.16, Joynag Road –
8. Again A.M.L. Office – : From 16.30 to 16.40 hrs.
leaving Dacca Police Court at 16.15 hrs. From 17.25 to 19.10 hrs. leaving A.M.L. Office at 16.45 hrs. From 19.30 to 20.20 hrs. leaving 16, Joynag Rd. at 19.10 hrs. From 20.30 to 20.40 hrs. leaving A.M.L. Office at 20.20 hrs. From 20.45 to 20.55 hrs. leaving 2/1, Court House Street at 20.40 hrs. & wherefrom he returned to quarters at 23.00 hrs.
2/1, Court House Street. Enquiry is being made.
18, Karkunbari Lane. This is known place.
Side Note: D.S.VI, Précis may pl. be seen specially portion sidelined.
Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak, 17/4 Yes. What are the charges against him? Sd/- A. Hafiz, 18/4 Seen. Sd/-F. Meher, 20/4
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s letter to Abdur Rahman Khan, Secretary, Tippera (Comilla) District AML conveying the date of general meeting of the EPAML working committee.
Comilla, 16 April 1953
Comilla, the April 53
DACCA; The 16.4.1953
Memo. No. 1961(2)/90-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1.From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Acting Genl.
Secy. E.P.A.M.L.

Page: 188
2.To (with address)
Abdur Rahman Tippera Dt. A.M.L. English.
Language of letter
Date of letter
ť in
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Illegible.
Comilla : 14.4.53
Date of interception
o ŕ oo
Name of officer who can prove the : A.F. Ahmedullah, S.I., D.I.B., interception
Tippera. Whether photographed or not :X
Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or : Kept.
Number and date of Government : Casual. order authorising interception
Copy forwarded to (1) A. Hussain Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, (2) S. Rahman Esqr., Addl. Supdt, of Police, DIB, Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -16/4/53
(A.R. Talukdar.) Supdt. of Police, DIB, Tippera.
A.M.L. No. 213(4)/53 Dated 13.4.53.
Mr. Abdur Rahman Khan (1)
A General Meeting of the E.P.A.M.L. Working Committee will be held on 19.4.53 at No. 16, Jaynag Rd. at 4 P.M. positively. Members are requested to attend punctually.

Page: 189
Agenda: 1. Organisational matters. 2. Relation with the centre. 3. Fixing the date of the Provincial Conference. 4. Approving of some of the newly elected Dist. Committees. 5. Financial matters. 6. Misc. Superscription :
Yours faithfully, Mr. A. Rahman Khan, Pleader,
Sd/-S.M. Rahman (2) Comilla, Genl. Secy. Dist.
(Shaik Mujibar Rahman) A.M.L., Tippera.
Acting Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. (1) s/o Abdul Latif of Puniot, P.S. Brahmanbaria, Tippera Secy. Tippera Dist.
A.M.L. (2) s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipura, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur, Acting Genl. Secy.
E.P A.M.L.
Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 17 April 1953
Précis on the confidential reports of suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Road, dated 16.4.53, submitted by S.I. Masir Uddin Ahmed on 17.4.53.
The subject visited the following places:
1. Orient Hotel.
2. 16, Joynag Road. : From 07.45 to 08.20 hrs.
leaving qtrs. at 07.30 hrs. From 08.35 to 10.20 hrs.
leaving Orient Hotel at 08.20 hrs. : From 10.25 to 11.10 hrs. leaving
Joynag Road at 10.10 hrs.
A.M.L. Office at 94, Nawabpur Road.
4. East Pakistan Passport and Visa : From 11.25 to 11.40 hrs. leaving
office at (Moghbazar Road). A.M.L. Office at 11.10 hrs. 5. Again at A.M.L. Office.
: From 11.55 to 12.05 hrs. leaving E.
Pak. Passport & Visa Office. 6. Passport Office, Dacca Ct. From 12.15 to 12.20 hrs. leaving
A.M.L. Office at 12.05 hrs. & wherefrom he retd. to qtrs. at 12.25
hrs. 7. Bar Library –
From 13.30 to 15.10 hrs. leaving Qtrs.
at 13.25 hrs. 8. 42, Joginagar Lane,
: From 15.20 to 15.25 hrs. (Susp. Rafiqul Hossain A.M.L. Leaving Bar Library at 15.25
lives there) 9. 9, Hatkhola Road, Paramount : From 15.35 to 16.30 hrs. leaving 42, Press.
Joginagar at 15.25 hrs. 10. High Court, Dacca.
From 16.55 to 17.30 hrs. leaving He left the High Court along
Hatkhola Rd. at 16.30 hrs. with Rafiqul Hossain. 11. A.M.L. Office –
: From 17.45 to 18.10 hrs. leaving High
Court at 17.30 hrs. 12. 16, Joynag Road. House of Ali : From 18.35 to 19.30 hrs. leaving Amjad
A.M.L. office at 18.10 hrs. 13. Again A.M.L. Office –
From 20.05 to 21.45 hrs, leaving
Joynag Rd. at 19.30 hrs. 14. 27, K.M. Das Lane,
: From 22.00 to 22.05 hrs. leaving House of Mr. A.K. Fazlul
A.M.L. office at 21.45 hrs. Haque. 15. Purana Paltan, House of Abdus: From 22.20 to 22.45 hrs.
Salam (Advocate). 16. 16, Joynag Road.
: From 23.05 to 00.05 hrs. leaving
Purana Paltan on 17.4.53 at 22.45 hrs. and wherefrom he retd. to Qtrs. at 00.30 on 17.4.53.
Side Note: D.S. VI for favour of perusal of the précis of the specially portions side lined.
Extract may go in P.Fs of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque, Rafiqul Hossain, Advocate Abdus Salam. Sd/- A. Razzak, 18/4/53. Yes. Sd/ A. Hafiz, 20.4.53.

Page: 191
Confidential report on H.S. Suhrawardy about his movements and
visits. Dacca, 17 April 1953
Précis on the confidential reports dated 17.4.53 regarding H.S. Suhrawardy at 16, Joynag Road, Dacca, submitted by S.I. F.Meher on 17.4.53.
17.4.53. The subject visited at the following places: Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy was present at 16, : Joynag Road.
From 06.00 to 13.50 hrs. At about 13.50 hrs. Mr. Suhrawardy left the house along with two unknown men by car No. EBD 3411.
The following persons visited 16, Joynag Road during the period noted against each. 1. Two unknown men by Car No. : From 09.20 to 10.00 hrs. EBD 3411 -do
to 11.15″ Three unknown men by Car EBD : ” 12.00 to 12.20 ” 2820 Again the two unknown men: ” 12.50 to 13.50 ” entered into 16, Joynag Rd. by Car EBD 3411 & left the house along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy by the same car. The car No. EBD 2820 entered : ” 14.40 hrs. into 16, Joynag Road. Sk. Mujibar Rahman & Rafiqul : ” 15.00 to 15.10 hrs. Islam entered into 16, Joynag Road. Mr. Suhrawardy returned to 16, : At about 16.40 hrs. Joynag Road along with the two unknown men by the car No. EBD 3411.

Page: 192
Mrs. Anwara Khatun, wife of Ali : At about 16.45 hrs. left her quarter Amzad Khan left her quarter by and returned to her quarter at about car EBD 2820.
17.05 hrs. by the same car. Prof. Khairul Bashar along with : From 17.25 to 18.25 hrs. one unknown man entered into 16, Joynag Rd. by rickshaw. Two unknown men entered into : “18.00 to 18.25 hrs. 16, Joynag Rd. by rickshaw. Mr. Suhrawardy along with Prof. : At 18.25 hrs. Khairul Bashar & the three unknown men left the house by car EBD 2820. Three unknown men entered into : From 18.35 to 18.45 hrs. 16, Joynag Rd. by rickshaw & the house by rickshaw. Ali Amzad Khan, Advocate, : At 20.30 hrs. returned to his house 16, Joynag Rd. along with one unknown man by Car EBD 2820. Mr. Suhrawardy attended the : From 18.30 to 21.15 hrs. meeting held at Puranapaltan Maidan & delivered lecture. Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque, Abdus Salam, Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman and others also attended the meeting.
At about 21.15 hrs. Mr. Suhrawardy left the maidan by car No. 2820 EBD and returned to 16, Joynag Road by the car along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ali Amjad Khan at about 22.05 hrs. Abdur Rahim, Muktear, visited 16, Joynag Road : From 22.30 to 23.45 hrs. and left the quarter along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman by rickshaw. No other suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the house upto 06.00 hrs. dated 18.4.53.

Page: 193
Side Note: S.O. Where did the subject go? Sd/- A.R.18/4
D.S.VI. The précis Sply. portions sidelined may pl. be seen. Result of enquiries as order in the précis may be awaited. Extract may go in P.Fs of all concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak, 18/4 S.I. F. Meher to pl. enquire & report the names & particulars of the unknown persons. Sd/- A.R. 18/4 Seen. Sd/-F. Meher, 20/4, Sd/- A. Hafiz, 20/4 S.O. to please enquire & report which places the subject visited leaving Paltan Maidan. Did Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque accompany the subject in the same car from Paltan Maidan? Sd/- A.R. 18/4

Watch report on movements and visits of H.S. Suhrawardy.
Dacca, 19 April 1953
Précis on the watch reports of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy of 16, Joynag Road dated 18.4.53, submitted by S.I. Masiruddin Ahmed on 19.4.53.
The following persons visited the said place:
In Out 1. Shawkat Hossain,
: 08.30 08.45 2. Two unknown men visited the place by Car No. EBD : 10.05 10.20
2820 & they left by the same car along with Anwara Khatun. Ali Ahmed & Rafique Hossain (together)
: 11.10 13.05 4. Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with Abu Taher, Govt. : 11.15 13.00
reporter by Car EBD 2820. 5. Ataur Rahman –
: 11.20 13.00 6. One unknown man came by cycle –
: 11.40 12.30 7. Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque came by car EBD 3392.
: 12.00 13.30 8. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left the place along with Abu Taher, : 14.00 16.15
Govt. Reporter by Car EBD 3522 & returned alone by
same car.

Page: 194
Ali Ahmed, M.L.A. –
: 17.10 22.40 Ataur Rahman –
: 18.00 21.45 Mr. A.A. Shah (Asgar Ali Shah, C.S.P.) visited by car : 20.10 20.45 3408 EBD. It is his own car & left along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy by the same car. Sk. Mujibar Rahman left by Car EBD 1390.
: 20.35 20.45 Prof. Kamruzzaman –
: 20.35 22.40 Ataur Rahman, advocate (President, Tippera A.M.L) : 18.00 22.45 Sk. Mujibar Rahman came by Car EBD 1390
: 22.05 24.00 Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy returned to quarters by Car No.: 23.55 3408 EBD. He did not come out in the night.
Side Note: D.S.VI, The précis sply. portions sidelined may pl. be seen. Enquiry report reg.
the movements of the subject by car & about the unknown persons may be awaited. Sd/- A. Razzak, 2014 Sd/- A. Hafiz, 20/4/53 S.O. to please enquire & report what places the subject visited by the Car. Sd/A.R. 20/4 S.O. to pl. enquire & report which places the subject visited by the car. Sd/A.R. 20/4 S.O. to pl. report the names & particulars of the unknown men. Sd/ A.R. 20/4 Seen. Sd/- 20/4
Précis on the watch reports of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy of 16, Joynag Road, dated 19.4.53.
The following persons visited the place from 06.00 to
06.00 hrs. on 20.4.53. 1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman
: Shawkat Ali,
: 3. Sherajul Islam, A.M.L. office clerk. Abdul Jabbar Khaddar,
: Tofazzal Hossain Chaudhury @ Manik: Mian.
11.55 hrs.
12.30″ 12.30″ 15.15 hrs.
13.00 hrs.
12.40″ 12.45″
16.55″ 00.30″ on 20.4.53

Page: 195
Aziz Ahmed
: 15.55″
00.30 hrs. on 20.4.53
16.00 hrs.
23.30 hrs.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman (again) Serajul Islam (again) Zahiruddin, Pleader, came by Car 2908 : EBD.
Abdur Rahim, Muktear,
23.45 hrs.
Prof. Khairul Bashar,
24.00 hrs.
Advocate Ataur Rahman,
23.45 hrs.
24.00 hrs.
4 unknown persons came by Car EBD 2928 : & left with Zamiruddin, Advocate by the same car.
Prof. Kamruzzaman,
Jamiruddin, Advocate
| 17.30″
Nurul Islam Chaudhury,
18.30″ 19.00″
23.40 hrs. 23.40 hrs.
4 unknown persons came by Car EBD 1390 : & left the same car. Enquiry is being made.
20.15 hrs.
24.00 hrs.
4 unknown men came by Car EBD 2630 reg.: car is being made, left by same car.
Badsha Mia of Shachibandar visited.
20.00 hrs.
23.45 hrs.
7 unknown persons entered with Advocate: Ataur Rahman.
Ali Ahmed, M.L.A.
24.00 hrs.
Abdul Jabbar Khaddar (again)
22.30″ 23.45 hrs. Liakat Ullah, Pleader –
: 15.40″ 23.40 hrs. Mr. H.S Suhrawardy was not seen to come out. It is learnt on secret enquiry that a meeting of A.M.L. was held in the said place.
Submitted, Sd/- M. Ahmed, S.I.

Page: 196
Side Note: D.S.VI, The précis may pl. be seen. A meeting was held at 16, Joynag Road. We
may await agent’s” report. Extract may go in P.F. of all concerned, if approved. Enquiry is being made about the unknown persons. Sd/- A.Razzak, 20/4 Yes. Also put P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 20/4 S.I. M. Ahmed to pl. enquiry and report the names & particulars of all the unknown persons. Sd – A. Razzak, 20.4 Seen. Sd/- 20.4
Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman about his movements
and visits.
Dacca, 20 April 1953 Précis on the watch reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Road, dated 17.4.53 to 19.4.53., submitted by S.I. Masiruddin Ahmed on 20.4.53.
17.4.53. The subject visited the following places: 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. Office. :
From 08.40 to 08.45 hrs. leaving Qtrs. at 08.30 hrs. From 09.10 to 09.15 hrs. leaving A.M.L. Office at 08.45 hrs.
House of Advocate Abdus Salam, : A.M.L. at Purana Paltan. He went there along with Shawkat Hossain. Again at A.M.L. Office he came here : along with Abdus Salam, Advocate. He left this place by a Taxi at 11.45 hrs. Enquiry is being made. Purana Paltan Maidan. He delivered : speech in the meeting there reg. the observance day of the release of political prisoners. He left the meeting place at 21.15 hrs. by a Car No. 1390 EBD.
From 09.25 to 11.45 hrs. leaving Purana Paltan at 09.15 hrs. & wherefrom he went away by Taxi No. EBD 27.10 hrs. From 16.45 to 21.15 hrs leaving quarters at 16.20 hrs. & wherefrom he went away by a Car 1390 EBD.
33. Agent – Agent is a person who collects secret information in a clandestine way for the
Intelligence Agency.

Page: 197
He returned to quarters at 00.01 hrs. from outside.
A.M.L. Office at 94, Nawabpur Road.:
From 09.30 to 09.45 hrs. leaving quarters at 09.20 hrs.
27, K.M. Das Lane.
From 10.00 to 10.30 hrs. leaving A.M.L. Office at 09.25 hrs.
House of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque.
9, Hatkhola Road,
From 10.35 to 10.40 hrs. leaving quarters K.M. Das Lane at 10.30 hrs.
He went away by a car No. EBD 2820 at 10.45 hrs. near the Ramna Post Office.
16, Joynag Road, House of Ali: Amzad. He was found there at 12.00 hrs. He came out from there with Atawar Rahman.
From 12.00 to 13.00 hrs. leaving Ramna Post Office by a Car at 10.45 hrs. & wherefrom he returned to Qtrs. at 13.30 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road,
From 19.30 to 19.35 hrs. leaving quarters at 17.20 hrs. From 17.45 to 17.55 hrs. leaving A.M.L. Office at 17.35 hrs.
Medical College Hospital, Dacca.
Purana Paltan (House of Advocate : Abdus Salam).
From 18.10 to 19.05 hrs. leaving M.C. Hospital at 17.55 hrs.
Again A.M.L. Office at 94, Nawabpur: Road.
From 20.00 to 20.15 hrs. leaving Purana Paltan at 19.05 hrs.
16, Joynag Road. He left this place by: a Car EBD 1390.
From 20.35 to 20.45 hrs. leaving A.M.L. Office at 20.15 hrs. & wherefrom he left by a car No. 1390
Ref. his destination is being made.
He returned to quarters by rickshaw at 01.05 hrs on 19.4.53.

Page: 198
At 01.15 (19.4.53) to 01.50 hrs.
Prof. Kamruzzaman visited the house : of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
He left his quarters by a car No. 1523 : EBD at 09.10 hrs, and he returned to quarters at 13.30 hrs. Enquiry is being
From 09.10 to 13.30 hrs. He was not ……. during this time.
18, Karkunbari Lane.
From 15.10 to 15.35 hrs. leaving quarters at 15.05 hrs.
16, Joynag Road,
No suspect or suspicious men visited his quarter.
From 16.00 to 23.30 hrs. leaving Karkunbari Lane at 15.35 hrs, and wherefrom he returned to quarters at 24.00 hrs.
Side Note: D.S.VI. for perusal please of the précis, specially portions side-lined.
Extract may go in P.Fs. of all concerned. Result of enquiry as noted by the S.O. may be awaited. Sd/- A. Razzak, 22/4 Sd/- A. Hafiz, 23/4
Précis on the confidential reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 20.4.53 submitted by an I.B. Officer.
The subject visited the following place.
Leaving quarter
At 08.05 hrs.
18, Karkunbari Lane.
At 08.15 hrs.
Year Mohammad resides there
Leaving 08.50 hrs. : 09.10 hrs. Leaving at 09.20
94, Nawabpur Road, (A.M.L. Office)
58, Nawabpur Road, (Restaurant).
09.25 hrs. Leaving at 09.58
55, Nawabpur Road,
Leaving at 11.00 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road, (A.M.L. Office)
At 11.15 hrs.
Leaving at 13.00 hrs.

Page: 199
17.55 to 22.40 hrs.
:17.56 to 22.40 hrs.
12. Ali Ahmad, M.L.A. 13. Mostaque Ahmed 14. Abdus Salam Khan (Advocate) 15. along with Nurul Huq Chaudhury, Pleader.
18.00 to 22.35 hrs.
Prof. Kamruzzaman
18.01 to 22.40 hrs.
Abdul Awal of Narayanganj
18.02 to 18.40 hrs.
18.50 to 22.40 hrs.
18.05 to 22.40 hrs.
18. 19.
Two unknown persons came by EBD 2440. Abul Hossain of Rangpur
| 19.00 to 22.35 hrs.
Abdul Jabber Khader
18.45 to 22.40 hrs.
Haji Osman Ali, M.L.A., along with
(Haji Osman Ali Sk. Mujibar Rahman,
being released
from D.C. Jail Yar Mohammad,
visited 16 Joynag Rafiqul Islam (mentioned)
Rd. and met with Rafiqul Hossain,
Mr. Suhrawardy Abdul Aziz of (Chittagong)
& others). He left
the place at 19.10 Shamsuzzoha,
hrs. Shamsuddin Ahmed, Serajuddin (A.M.L.) and about 40 unknown : At 19.10 hrs. Haji persons came & assembled at 16 Joynag Road and Osman Ali before entering into 16 Joynag Rd. they gave
along with 16 slogans
unknown persons ** Un ray”
entered 16 Joynag **GE SEICET QUOTE”
Road and left by Taxies towards
Narayanganj side. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left 16 Joynag Road by EBD : 21.10 hrs. 3522 12 unknown persons left 16, Joynag Rd. and went : 19.30 hrs. towards Northern side.

Page: 200
Confidential report on movements and visits of H.S. Suhrawardy.
Dacca, 21 April 1953 Précis on the confidential reports of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy of 16, Joynag Road dated 20.4.53, submitted by S.I. Nurul Haq Khan on 21.4.53.
The subject left 16 Joynag Road by EBD 2597 (Jeep).
: at 10.45 hrs. : 10.55 to 16.10 hrs.
Attended High Court.
Returned to 16 Joynag Road.
: At 16.25 hrs.
The following persons visited 16 Joynag Road at the time noted against each.
Abdur Rahim, Muktear
Rafiqul Hossain
: 17.22 to 22.40 hrs. : 17.22 to 17.45 hrs.
18.50 to 22.40 hrs.
Manik Mia
17.24 to 22.35 hrs.
Abdul Aziz
17.24 to 17.45 and
Sk. Mujibar Rahman
18.50 to 22.40 hrs. 17.25 to 17.45 and 18.50 to 22.40 hrs.
Lutfar Rahman
17.26 to 17.50 and
Yar Mohammad
21.15 to 21.20 hrs. 17.26 to 17.45 and
18.50 to 22.40 hrs. : 17.32 to 22.40 hrs. : 17.35 to 22.30 hrs.
Ataur Rahman (Advocate) Rafiqul Islam of Narayanganj came by EBD 2928 along with 3 unknown persons.
17.40 to 22.40 hrs.
One unknown person came by EBD 1523. Serajuddin (clerk, A.M.L. Office)
: 17.40 to 17.45 and
18.50 to 22.40 hrs.

Page: 201
Ali Ahmad, M.L.A.
: 17.55 to 22.40 hrs. : 17.56 to 22.40 hrs. : 18.00 to 22.35 hrs.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Mostaque Ahmed Abdus Salam Khan (Advocate) along with Nurul Huq Chaudhury, Pleader. Prof. Kamruzzaman Abdul Awal of Narayanganj
18.01 to 22.40 hrs.
18.02 to 18.40 hrs.
18.50 to 22.40 hrs.
18.05 to 22.40 hrs.
18. 19.
19.00 to 22.35 hrs.
18.45 to 22.40 hrs.
(Haji Osman Ali being released from D.C. Jail
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
visited 16 Joynag
Two unknown persons came by EBD 2440. : Abul Hossain of Rangpur
: Abdul Jabber Khader
: Haji Osman Ali, M.L.A., along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Yar Mohammad, Rafiqul Islam (mentioned) Rafiqul Hossain, Abdul Aziz of (Chittagong) Shamsuzzoha, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Serajuddin (A.M.L.) and about 40 unknown : persons came & assembled at 16 Joynag Road and before entering into 16 Joynag Rd. they gave slogans”TE UTM Mayo” “MGETOCICEst de To
Rd. and met with Mr. Suhrawardy & others). He left the place at 19.10
At 19.10 hrs. Haji Osman Ali
along with 16 unknown persons entered 16 Joynag Road and left by Taxies towards Narayanganj side.
21.10 hrs.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left 16 Joynag Road by EBD 3522
19.30 hrs.
12 unknown persons left 16, Joynag Rd. and went towards Northern side.
: 22.40 hrs.
Mohammad Ali, pleader, Zahiruddin, pleader, and 10 unknown persons left the place.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy returned from outside by EBD 2070.
23.50 hrs. (It is learnt on secret enquiry that the subject attended dinner party at Ispahani staff quarter at Maghbazar offered by the Ispahani & Co.)
At about 00.45 hrs. brother of Hon’ble Prime Minister: He was not seen to Mohammad Ali, came by EBD 2630 at 16, Joynag l eave the house. Road.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy was not seen to come out. It is learnt on secret enquiry that a meeting of A.M.L. was held in the said place.
Side Note: D.S.VI, The précis sply. portions sidelined may pl. be seen. Extract may go in
P.F. There was a party meeting yesterday at 16, Joynag Road. Agent’s report may be awaited. Result of enquiries ordered may be awaited too.
Sd/- A. Razzak, 21/4/53.
Sd/- A. Hafiz, 21/4/53. S.O. to please collect the names and particulars of the unknown men mentioned in the précis, so far possible & report.
Sd/- A. Razzak, 21/4
Seen. Sd/- 21/4
S.O. Pl. enquire & report if Mr. Suhrawardy visited any other place. Sd/- A. Razzak, 21/4
Seen. Sd/- 21/4
He is Omar Ali Chaudhury.
S.O. to please check up again & report if the timing of entry & departure of Si. No. 1,3,8,9,16 & 17 are correct.
Sd/- A. Razzak, 21/4 Seen. Sd/- 21/4

Page: 203
Confidential report on the movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Dacca, 22 April 1953
Précis on the confidential reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane from 06.00 (21.4.53) – 06.00 hrs. dated 22.4.53.
The subject visited the following places:
Left quarter.
: At 07.25 hrs. : At 08.00 hrs. leaving
At 09.40 hrs. leaving.
Purana Paltan, House of Advocate Abdus Salam. 16, Joynag Road Mr. Suhrawardy resides there. 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. Office.
” 19.00 hrs. leaving. | 11.32 hrs. leaving.
17.40 hrs. leaving 12.25 hrs. leaving
9, Hatkhola Road, Paramount press.
18, Karkunbari Lane.
14.10 hrs. leaving.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan@ Bhashni resides there and he was then present at quarter.
Quarter. 150, Mogaltuli, E.P.M.S.L. Office.
: :
18.10 hrs. leaving. 23.20 hrs. leaving 14.35 leaving 00.30 hrs. 16.15 hrs. leaving.
Sd/- S.I. 22/4/53
Side Note: D.S.VI. The précis may pl. be perused.
Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-A.R. 23/4 Sd/- A. Hafiz, 24.4.53.
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane – from 06.00 hrs. (22.4.53) – 06.00 hrs. dt. 23.4.53.

Page: 204
The subject visited the following places.
Left qrs.
08.10 hrs.
18, Karkonbari Lane Maoulana Abdul Hamid Khan
08.15 hrs. leaving along with Maulana Sb.
of Bhasani resides there. Ram Krishna Mission Rd. House of Sec. Pr. Abul Hashem.
: 08.50 Leaving
27, K.M. Das Lane, Mr. Fazlul Huque Sb.: 09.50 hrs. Leaving. residents there.
9. Hatkhola Rd. Paramount Press.
: 10.05 hrs. Leaving.
43/1, Joginagar Lane Y.L. Office. Nowabpur Rd., A.M.L. Office. 18, Karkunbari Lane.
Returned to qtr 18, Karkonbari Lane. 94, Nawabpur Rd. A.M.L Office. 16, Joynag Rd. House of Amjad Ali.
: 10.20 hrs. Leaving. : 11.25 hrs. Leaving. : 13.35 hrs. along with Shamsuzzuha,
S/o Osman Dalal. Leaving. : 14.15 hrs. Leaving. : 17.10 hrs. Leaving. : 19.00 hrs. Leaving. : 19.40 hrs. Leaving.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy resides there.
18, Karkonbari Lane.
: 21.55 hrs. Leaving.
Returned to his qrs.
: 23.25 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/-23.4
Side note: D.S.VI. The précis, specially portions sidelined may pl. be seen.
Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-A. Razzak. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 24/4.

Page: 205
Précis on the C.Rs of Suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dt. 23.4.53.
The subject visited the following places during the time noted against each.
Left quarter along with Rafiqul : 07.45 hrs. Hossain. 16 Joynag Road. Mr. H.S.: 08.45 hrs. from quarter. Suhrawardy resides there.
The subject left 16 Joynag Rd. along with Anwara Begam and Rafiqul Hossain at 08.30 by private car No. 3411 E.B.D. and returned to 16 Joynag Rd. along with Rafiqul Hossain by the same car at 09.15
hrs. The car is belongs to Ispahani & Co. 94 Nawabpur Rd. A.M.L. Office. 11.15 hrs. from Joynag Rd. along with
Rafiqul Hossain. 18 Karkunbari Lane, Maulana : 12.15 hrs. from A.M.L. Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani was
not present there.
Bar library.
: 12.40 hrs. from A.M.L. Office. Quarters.
: 13.30 hrs. from Bar Library. 94 Nawabpur Rd. A.M.L. Office. : 17.25 hrs. from quarter. Kamalapur, sister’s house of the : 17.40 from A.M.L. Office. subject. Medical College Hospital.
18.15 hrs. from Kamalapur Nawabpur Rd. A.M.L. Office. : 18.45 hrs. from College. 16 Joynag Rd.
20.00 hrs. from Nawabpur Rd. along with
Prof. Khairul Bashar. Millat Office, alone.
22.10 hrs. Quarters.
: 23.00 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/-24.4.53.
Side note: D.S.VI. The précis may please be seen. Extract may go in P.F. of the subject. Sd/
for O/C Watch. 27.4.53. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 28.4.

Page: 206
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dt. 24.4.53.
The subject visited the following places between the times noted against each.
08.00 hrs.
1. Left quarters. 2. Purana Paltan. House of Advocate Abdus Salam. 3. 16 Joynag Rd.
08.15 – 09.20 hrs.
09.30-11.30 hrs. From Purana Paltan.
4. Nawabpur Rd. A.M.L. Office.
11.45 – 12.00 hrs. From A.M.L. Office.
5. 18 Karkunbari Lane. Year Mohammad resides
12.10 – 12.30 hrs. from A.M.L. Office.
6. Quarters.
12.40 hrs. 7. The subject left his quarters at 13.40 hrs. On the way to Islampur while one
watcher shadowed the subject by cycle. The chain of the cycle out of order and missed the subject there at about 13.45 hrs. The subject was seen to enter his quarters from outside at 00.40 hrs. The subject left his quarters at 05.45 hrs, along with Qazi Golam Mahbub went to 16 Joynag Rd. at 06.10 hrs. At 06.45 hrs. the subject along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and other left 16 Joynag Rd. by car No. E.B.D. 3522 went to Dacca R/S and from Dacca R/S the subject and Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy availed Dacca Express at 07.00 hrs. when under shadow of W.C. Hafiz Ahmed and others.
Submitted. Sd/-25.4.
Side note: D.S.VI. The précis may please be seen.
Extract may go in P.F. of the subject. Sd/for O/C Watch. 27.4. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 28.4

Page: 207
98 Confidential report on H.S. Suhrawardy wherein mentioned his movements and visits.
Dacca, 22 April 1953
Precis on the confidential reports of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy of 16, Joynag Road dated 21.4.53, submitted by S.I. Nurul Haq on 22.4.53.
08.40 hrs.
Four unknown persons visited 16 Joynag :
Road by EBD 3411. 1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with Abdul Aziz :
of Chittagong visited 16, Joynag Road.
From 09.40 to 11.25 hrs. ” 19.00 to 23.00 hrs.
with two unknown persons left the place.
At 10.15 hrs.
“10.25 to 16.10 hrs.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left 16, Joynag Rd. by: EBD Jeep 2597. The subject attended the Court of Hon’ble : Chief Justice Mr. T. Elis at High Court. The subject was in the chamber of : Advocate General Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque & took tiffin with the latter. The subject returned to 16 Joynag Road by : Jeep EBD 2597.
From 13.05 to 13.56 hrs.
At 16.20 hrs.
The following persons visited 16, Joynag Road at the time noted against each.
At 17.15 hrs.
” 17.26

” 18.30″
1. Abdur Rahim, Muktear 2. Omar Ali Choudhury 3. Nural Islam Chaudhury 4. Prof. Kamruzzaman 5. Advocate – Ataur Rahman 6. Mohammadullah (Pleader) 7. Abdus Salam (Advocate)
: : : :
From 18.35 to 19.30 hrs.
” 18.25 to 18.45 ” ” 19.00 to 20.30 ” ” 21.00 to

Page: 208
8. Five unknown persons 9. Three unknown persons
18.35 to 21.00 ” 18.40 to 21.00″
The subject left 16, Joynag Road by EBD Jeep 2597 towards northern side.
At 18.45 hrs. He met with Moulana Bhasani at 18, Karkunbari (vide Karkunbari C.R. dated 21.4.53).
At 21.50 hrs.
The subject returned from outside by jeep : EBD 2597.
At 22.35 hrs.
Three unknown persons visited 16, Joynag : Rd. by EBD 2440.
At 22.40 hrs.
Two unknown persons visited the place by: EBD 3411.
Abdul Aziz along with two unknown: At 22.50 hrs. persons left the place. Five unknown persons left by EBD 1390 : At 23.05 hrs. Three unknown persons left by EBD 3411 : At 23.20 hrs. and shortly after Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and 23.25 hrs. other two unknown persons left by EBD 2440 & proceeded towards northern side. The subject along with Anwara Begum & : At 00.35 hrs. other two unknown persons as noted above returned to 16, Joynag Road. One unknown person visited the place by : At 02.00 hrs. EBD 2630 The subject was not seen to come out again till 06.00 on 22.4.53.
S.O. (1) Please enquire & report at once where Mr. Suhrawardy went accompanied by
Anwara Khatun (M.L.A.) & 3 unknown persons.

Page: 209
(2) Report, so far possible, the names & particulars of all unknown persons
mentioned in the précis. (3) Please enquire & report the names & particulars of the owners of all cars concerned.
Sd/ A. Razzak
Side note: D.S.VI, for favour of perusal of the précis spply. portions side lined. Extract
may go in the P.Fs. of all concerned. Enquiry report from S.O. may be awaited. Sd/ A.R. 22/4 Yes. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 22/4
S.O. Why did you not report to me that Anwara Begum accompanied?
Sd/- A.R. 22/4
Seen. Sd/- N.H. 22.4
Seen & noted. Sd/- N.H. 22/4
Precis on the confidential reports of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy of 16, Joynag Road dated 22.4.53, submitted by S.I. Nurul Haq Khan on 23.4.53.
The following persons visited 16, Joynag Road.
1. Abdul Aziz of Chittagong,
: From 08.35 to 09.50 hrs. 2. Lutfar Rahman, Ex. S.I. of Calcutta Police : ” 09.00 to 10.25 hrs.
alone with 3 unknown persons by EBD 1390. 3. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left 16, Joynag Road by : At 10.20 hrs.
Taxi 3137.
The subject attended High Court (in the court : At 10.30 hrs. of Hon’ble Chief Justice). The subject was in the chamber of Advocate- : From 13.30 to 14.00 hrs. General Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque. The subject again attended the court of : From 14.00 to 16.20 hrs. Hon’ble Chief Justice. The subject returned to 16, Joynag Rd. with : At 16.30 hrs. pleader Zahiruddin from High Court by Taxi 2632.
Page: 210
The subject left 16, Joynag Rd. with Abdus : At 17.40 hrs. Salam (Advocate) & Mr. Zahirudddin (Pleader) by Jeep Car No. 2597 and proceeded towards Northern side. The subject returned to 16, Joynag Rd. : At 19.00 hrs. Manik Mia @ Tofazzal Hossain came by: From 18.30 to 21.00 hrs. rickshaw. Four unknown persons came by EBD 2515. : From 18.35 to 19.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left 16, Joynag Rd. by: At 19.15 hrs. Jeep 2597 & proceeded towards northern side (He retd. at 00.30 hrs.) Four unknown persons came by EBD 3411. : From 19.30 to 19.55 hrs. Abdul Jabber Khader came by Rickshaw. : From 19.35 to 21.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman came by Rickshaw. : ” 19.40 to 21.10 hrs. One unknown person came by EBD 1936.
” 19.45 to 19.50 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy returned from outside : ” At 00.30 hrs. by EBD 1936.
Neither Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy again came out nor any other person was seen to visit the place till 06.00 hrs.
Side note: D.S. VI. The précis specially portions sidelined may pl. be seen. … (missing from
the original document due to page damage) of enquiries as … (missing from the original document due to page damage) may be awaited. Extract may to in P.F. Sd/- A.R. 23/4
Sd/- A. Hafiz, 23/4 S.O. to pl. enquire & report where Mr. Suhrawardy went. Sd/- A.R. 23/4 Seen. Sd/-23/4
S.O. to pl. enquire & report which places the subject visited. Sd/- A.R. 23/4
Seen. Sd/-23/4
S.O. to pl. collect the names & particulars of the unknown persons so far possible & report Sd/- A.R. 23/4
Seen. N.H. 23/4

Page: 211
99 Invitation letter of A. M. Azizul Haque, Joint Secretary, Pabna Sadar Sub-divisional Students League to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
inviting him to visit Pabna.
Dacca, 24 April 1953
Dacca; The 24.4.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: A. M. Azizul Haque, Joint Secy.
Pabna Sadar Subdivisional Students League, VillBharara, P.O. Dogachi, Pabna. Shekh Mojibar Rahman, Secy., E.P.A.M.L. 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
To (with address)
Language of letter
Bengali. 20.4.53.
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
G.P.O. Dacca.
Date of interception
: 24.4.53
Name of officer who can prove the: S. Ahmad, Si. interception
9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
not 12 Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception

Page: 212
Copy/ translation forwarded to
It. Secy. Sadar Sub-Divisional Students League Pabna writes to Secy. E.P.A.M.L., Dacca reg. their proposed holding of a meeting by the Ist week of May etc.
Side note: Inform District of the intercept & ask for further report. Sd/-24/4.
True copy of a Bengali letter dt. 20.4.53 from A. M. Azizul Haque, Joint Secy. Pabna Sadar sub divisional Students League, Vill- Bharara, P.O. Dogachi, Pabna, addressed to Shekh Majibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M. League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
জনাব ভাইজান, পত্রে আমার সালাম গ্রহণ করুন। আশাকরি খােদা তালার মর্জিতে আপনি বহাল তবিয়তে আছেন। আল্লাহ পাকের রহমে এবং আপনার তথা আপনাদের দেয়ায় আমরা সবাই কুশলে আছি ও আছেন। তৎপর আরজ ও সমাচার এই যে, আপনি যখন পাবনায় এসেছিলেন সেই সময়ে আমাদের গ্রামে (ভাড়ারা) একটা মিটিং করিবার জন্য প্রস্তাব করিয়াছিলেন বা বলিয়াছিলেন। জানতে পারলাম যে আগামী ২৫শে রােজ শনিবার পাবনা আসছেন যাই হােক আমাদের গ্রামবাসী সবাই মিলে আগামী মে মাসের ৫/৬ তারিখের ভেতরই পূর্ব-পাক ছাত্রলীগের সহকারী সভাপতি মুহাম্মদ আব্দুল মােমিন তালুকদার সাহেব ও আপনাকে দিয়ে একটা মিটিং করবার ইচ্ছা করি। এই মর্মে আপনাকে লিখে জানাচ্ছি যে মে মাসের ভিতরে আপনাদের সুবিধানুযায়ী কোন তারিখে আসতে পারেন সেইটি মেহেরবানী কোরে আমায় লিখে জানাবেন আপনাদের সঠিক উত্তর পেলে পর, আমি এদিকে মিটিং এর ব্যবস্থ্য ও যােগাড় করতে পারি। অতএব আপনি অতি সত্বর মােমিন সাহেবের সঙ্গে আলাপ আলােচনা ও পরামর্শ কোরে একখানা চিঠি আমায় দেবেন। এতে কোন প্রকার ত্রুটি ও অন্যথা হবেনা আশা করি। তালুকদার সাহেবকে একখানা চিঠি লিখে জানিয়ে দিব। বিশেষ আর কিছু লিখলুম না। ফেরত ডাকে আপনাদের কুশল দানে সুখী কোরবেন। পত্রের ত্রুটি মার্জনীয়।
আরজ ইতি –
আরজ গােজার।
Sa/- আবু মহাম্মদ আজিজুল হক।

Page: 213
No. 6300/606-48(1) Sec.
dt. 30.4.53. S.P. D.I.B. Pabna,
From a letter dated 20/4/53 of A.M. Azizul Haque of vill – Bharara, P.O. Dogachi, Dt. Pabna, Jt. Secy. Pabna Sadar Sub-divisional students League to Sk. Mujibur Rahman Secy. E.P.A.M.L. It appears that the latter is going to Pabna on 25/4/53. The writer requests Sk. Mujibar Rahman to hold a public meeting at their native village of the writer at Bharara during his tour at Pabna. I would, therefore, request you to please let me have a report in the matter at an early date.
Sd/ -25.4
DS.6 for 5.5.3 Side note: DS6
1) Order below. Draft for appvl. pl. 2)Names, if necessary may kindly be marked for indexing. Sd/ 25.4.53.

Invitation letter of Md. Suruj Mukhtar, Secretary, District AML, Maijdee, Noakhali to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to visit Noakhali.
Dacca, 28 April 1953 Secret INTELLIGENCE BRANCH
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 28-4-1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
Md. Suruj, Mukhtar, Secy. Dist. Awami League,
Maijdee, Noakhali. 2. To (with address)
Janab Sk. Majibur Rahman, Secretary in-charge Awami Muslim League, 94,
Nawabpur Rd. Dacca. 3. Language of letter
: English

Page: 214
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: 25.4.53.
Maijdee. : G.P.O. Dacca.
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: 28.4.53
Name of officer who can prove the : Maung Maung, ASI. interception Whether photographed or not
: No. Whether withheld or delivered. : Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy submitted to office. Number and date of Government : Casual. order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Secy. Dist. A.M.L. Noakhali writes to Secy. E.P.A.M.L., Dacca requesting to fix up programme of Mr. Suhrawardy for his district & rejoicing on the release of Moulana Bhasani etc.
Sd/ – 28.4.53
60%-48 (1) at 2.5.33
D.I.B. Noakhali Copy forwarded to- for information.
Sd/ – 2/5
Side note: Keep a copy in file & send a copy to District for info pl. Sd/-28/4
Type Sec. Pl. Issue, Sd/-2/5
True copy of a letter dt. 25.4.53 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca on 28.4.53.
From : Md Suruj Mukhtar, Secretary Dist. Awami League, Maijdee,
Noakhali. TO : Janab Shek Majibur Rahman, Secy, in-charge, Awami Muslim
League, 94, Nowabpur Rd. Dacca.

Page: 215
Janab Secy. Sb.
Please let me know the tour programme of Mov. S.H. Surhawardy with other leaders in our district, so that I can arrange for public meeting to be held in different parts of the district. At least four meetings to be organised in Sadar Subdivision & I request you to draw up the programme accordingly. Choumohani meeting be organised excepting market days, Tuesday & Saturday so also Maijdee meeting be organised excepting Sunday as the major portion of the officials remains absent on that day. The local public in general is very eager to see & hear Mov. S.H. Surhawardy on the present financial crisis & on the almost dead lock of all sorts of lively hood & earnings.
The Noakhali people are overwhelmed with joy on the release of Maulana Bhashani sb, & are very anxious to see him here with Surhawardy sb. Please advise if there be anything done by us at the change of the cabinet in the centre. I am well thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely, Sd/-Md. Suruj,
One Jajabar Khan from Rangpur jail sent a letter along with a report to Shamsul Huq wherein he requested to handover copy of the report to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, newspapers and leaders of other political parties. Particulars of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Md. Shamsul Haque of EPSL were also mentioned in a memo.
Dacca, 2 May 1953
English translation of a Bengali intercepted letter written by one Jajabar Khan to one Shamsul Huq.
Dear Shamsul Huq (Read singly and secretly),

Page: 216
This letter is not like other letters which reach you through proper channel. As soon as you receive this letter you do the following works (1) Meet with D.P. Barma and make arrangement to send the true copy of this report to all newspapers including Azad, (2) one copy of this report and the attached letter sent herewith must reach Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the leader of the A.M.L., (3) copies of this letter must reach Chuni of Youth League, Mahmud Ali of Democratic Party and Ilias of P.S.U., (4) place a request for its publication in leftist’s weekly and Govt. and private daily newspapers, (5) Telling my name you can say that this letter was received through illegal channel to those whose names are mentioned in this letter, except Mujibur Rahman, (6) Change the date of the report – 4th April with the date when you send it for publication. And note the name and address of the sender (though Pseudonym) at the bottom of the letter and then send it to newspaper. Otherwise some papers may not agree to publish it. The report has been prepared for its publication in newspapers, (7) after receiving my letter and report; you post a card to me. A normal letter whatever you write in it, if you write the following words then I shall be able to know that you have received my letter and report-the words are “I am suffering from dysentry and fever for some days”. Take this matter very seriously. Do these works very carefully. The conditions of myself and others are very bad.
The end Have you recognised the handwriting?
Sd/-Jajabar Khan.
No. 606-48 (1) (2)/6-5.53
(1) D.I.B. Rajshahi. (2) D.I.B. Dacca.
Please refer to Rangpur D.I. B’s Memo No. 2214(3)/54-49(Int) dt. 2.5.53 to your address.
I would request you to cause a thorough enquiry on the contents of the letter and how the letters were smuggled out of the jail.

Page: 217
Please let us have a copy of your reply to D. I. B. Rangpur, together with the particulars of Jajabar Khan if possible.
Sd/-13.5 D.S VI for S.S .III
Copy of letter No. 4703, dated 3.6.53 from the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca to the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Rangpur.
Ref: – Your No. 2214(3)/54-49(Int), dated 2.5.53.
Particulars of the individuals are as follows:
Md. Shamsul Haq s/o Mr. Osman Ghani of Thangerband, P.S Kaliakoir, Dist. Dacca. He is an expelled student of the Dacca University and belongs to E.P.S.L.
2. Sk. Mujibur Rahman s/o Mvi. Lutfur Rahman of Tongipara, P.S. Gopalgnj, Dist. Faridpur. He is the Secy. of E.P.A.M.L.
No. R.4224 /22-51(Int.)
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 20 June, 1953.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information, with reference to his No. 7172(2)/606-48(1), dt.-16.5.53. Jajabar Khan could not be fixed up without further particulars.
(S. Rahman). Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Secret. No 5362/22-51(Int.)
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 1st/3rd July, 1953.

Page: 218
To A. Hussain, Esqr., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
In continuation of this office No. 5051, dated 22.6.53. I write to say that Jajabar Khan could not be traced.
(S. Rahman). Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Note: Report mentioned in the letter not found.

Letter from Aminur Rahman Sawdagar of Rajshahi to Md. Shamsul Haque, Room No. 176, Salimullah Hall, Ramna, Dacca
informing the death of a security prisoner, various tortures inflicted on the other security prisoners and depriving them from minimum prisoner’s rights at Rajshahi jail.
Rangpur, 2 May 1953
Memo. No. 2214(3)/54-49 (Int.)
The 1st/2nd May, 1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Rafique and Aminur Rahman
Saudagar, Sepoypara, Rajshahi. : Md. Shamsul Huq Clo Allauddin
Al Azad Room No. 176, Salimullah Hall, Ramna, Dacca.
Bengali. : 4.4.53
Language of letter
4. Date of letter

Page: 219
Postal Seal : Rajshahi dated 5.4.53. Post office of interception
: Ishurdi R.M.S. Date of interception
6.4.53. Name of officer who can prove the A.S.I. A.K.M. Altaf Husain of interception
Ishurdi R.I. B. Staff. Whether photographed or not
Not. Whether withheld or delivered
Withheld. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. Number and date of Government : Casual. order authorising interception
10. 11. 12.
Copy/translation forwarded to:
A. Husain, Esq., Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, for information. K. N. Husain Esq., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B. Rajshahi, with the request to supply the particulars of the sender and the writer, if possible. S. Rahman, Esq., Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B. Dacca with the request to supply particulars of the addressee.
Sd/- 2/5/53
Copy of an intercepted Bengali letter from Aminur Rahman Sawdagar of Sepoypara, Rajshahi written by not known to Md. Shamsul Haq c/o Allauddin Al-Azad, Room no. 176, Salimullah Muslim Hall Ramna Dacca.
রাজশাহী, ৪ঠা এপ্রিল এখানে সদ্যমুক্ত একজন বন্দীর নিকট হইতে জানা গিয়াছে যে, গত মার্চ মাসের মধ্যভাগে রাজশাহী সেন্ট্রাল জেলের ১০ নং সেলে একজন নিরাপত্তাবন্দী মৃত্যু মুখে পতিত হইয়াছে। প্রকাশ যে উক্ত বন্দীটী মৃত্যুর সময় ও পূৰ্ব্বে কোন প্রকার

Page: 220
চিকিৎসার সুযােগ লাভ করে নাই, এমন কি নির্জন সেলে তালাবদ্ধ অবস্থায় মৃত্যুর সময় এক ফোটা পানিও পান করিতে পারে নাই। উক্ত নিরাপত্তা বন্দটীর পরিচয় ও মৃত্যুর খবর অত্যন্ত কঠোরতার সহিত গােপন রাখা হইতেছে। আরও জানা গিয়াছে যে, সম্প্রতি জেল কর্তৃপক্ষ কর্তৃক ১৪ জন নিরাপত্তা বন্দীকে সাধারন ওস্মার্ড হইতে বল পূর্বক সরাইয়া সেলে আটক করা হইয়াছে এবং এরপর হইতে প্রতিদিন নূতন নূতন ভাবে নির্যাতন চালান হইতেছে, সিকিউরিটি রূল অনুযায়ী প্রাপ্য দ্রব্যাদি পরিপূর্ণ সরবরাহ করা সংবাদপত্র নিয়মিত পড়িতে না দেওষ্ম, খেলাধুলা সুবিধা হইতে বঞ্চিত করা, আইন অনুযায়ী প্রাপ্য বই পুস্তক না দেওয়া; লেখা পড়ার বাধা জন্মানাের জন্য খাতাপত্র না দেয়া এবং আত্নীয় স্বজনের পত্যাদি দেড় মাসাধিক কাল পরে দেওষ্ম কোন কোন সময়ে চিঠিপত্রাদি আদৌ না দেম্মা ইত্যাদি চলিতেছে ইহাছাড়া কথায় কথায় অপমানকর ব্যবহার করা হয়। প্রকাশ যে, যাহাদের সেলে আলাদা করা হইয়াছে তাহাদের নিকট হইতে নির্যাতন করিয়া বন্ড আদায় করাই নাকি কর্তৃপক্ষের উদ্দেশ্য। খবর লইয়া জানা গিয়াছে যে, যাহাদের সেলে আটক করা হইয়াছে তাহাদের মধ্যে ময়মনসিংহের ভাষা আন্দোলনের নেতা ও আওয়ামীলীগের যুগ্মসম্পাদক রফিক উদ্দিন ভূইয়া, চট্টগ্রামের ভাষা আন্দোলনের নেতা ও রেল শ্রমিক নেতা চৌধুরী হারুনর রসিদ, বগুড়ার মােটর শ্রমিক নেতা সুবােধ লাহিড়ী বগুড়ার বিড়ি শ্রমিক নেতা মােখলেছয় রহমান, বরিশালের ছাত্র কর্মি আজাদ সুলতান, খুলনার সুধন্য রায়, সিলেটের উকিল কানাই ও বগুড়ার পিযুশকান্তি রায় প্রভৃতি আছেন। সম্প্রতি নূতন কায়দায় সুরু করা নির্যাতনের মধ্যে চিকিৎসার সুপরিকল্পিত অব্যবস্থাই প্রধান প্রকাশ যে, কিছুদিন আগে নিরাপভা বন্দী পিযুশ কান্তি রায়কে ১০৪ ডিগ্ৰী জ্বরের জন্য হাসপাতালে লইয়া যায়া হয়। কিন্তু হাসপাতালে নিরাপত্তা বন্দীদের যেখানে চিকিৎসা হয় তাহাকে সেখানে না রাখিয়া মারাত্মক ছোঁয়াছে রােগের ওয়ার্ড ‘দাগি ওয়ার্ডে রাখা হয়। পরে প্রতিবাদ করা হইলে তাহাকে বিনা ঔষধ ও বিনা পথে হাসপাতাল হইতে সেলে লইয়া যাও হয়। ইহা ছাড়া বর্তমানে ১০নং ও ১৪ নং সেলে আরও কয়েক জনকে আটক করা হইয়াছে বলিয়া প্রকাশ, ১০ নম্বর সেলে আটক বৃন্দাবন নামক একজন রাজবন্দির খুবই উদ্বেগজনক সংবাদ পাওয়া গিয়াছে। আরও জানা গিয়াছে যে, মুসলিম নিরাপত্তা বন্দীদিগকে জুমার নামাজ পড়িতে দেওঘা হয় না। ১০ নম্বর সেলে মৃত নিরাপত্তা বন্দীর প্রতি অবলম্বিত নির্যাতন ব্যবস্থার প্রতিবাদ করিয়া এবং এই মৃত্যু সম্বন্ধে বে-সরকারী তদন্ত দাবী করিয়া অন্যান্য নিরাপত্তা বন্দীরা একটি দরখাস্ত করিয়াছে বলিয়া জানা গিয়াছে। এই দরখাস্ত প্রাদেশিক কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট পাঠানাে হইয়াছে কিনা জেল কর্তৃপক্ষ নিরাপত্তা বন্দীদের তাহা জানায় নাই।
-সংবাদ দাতা
প্রেরক ও

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English translation of a Bengali intercepted letter written by Aminur Rahman Sawdagar of Sepoypara, Rajshahi to Md. Shamsul Huq Clo Allauddin Al Azad, Room No. 176, Salimullah Hall, Ramna, Dacca date 4.4.53.
Rajshahi, 4th April – It could be learnt from a recently released prisoner that during the middle part of March last a security prisoner died in Cell No. 10. It is understood that the prisoner did not get any opportunity for treatment at the time of his death or earlier, even he could not drink a drop of water at the time of his death in the solitary cell under lock and key. The identity and the news of death of the said security prisoner are being kept concealed with the greatest strictness. It could further be learnt that 14 security prisoners have recently been removed from the general Ward to Cell by force by the Jail authority and since then new oppressions are being inflicted on them every day. Non-supply of full quota of articles entitled to have according to security rules, non-allowance of regular reading of newspapers, deprivation from the facilities of games, non-supply of Khatas etc. to create obstacles towards study and making over the letter from relations after one and half months and on occasions not to make over at all etc. are going on. Besides these insulting behaviour is being administered at every step. It is understood that it is the object of the authority to exact bond by oppression from those who have been kept in segregation. It could be learnt that of the persons who have been confined in Cells Rafiuddin Bhuiyan the leader of language movement in Mymensingh and Joint Secretary of the Awami League, Chaudhuri Harun-Ar Rashid the leader of language movement in Chittagong and leader of Railway workers, Subodh Lahiri; the leader of the motor employees of Bogra, Mukhlesur Rahman, the leader of the Bidi workers of Bogra; Azad Sultan, student worker of Barisal, Sudhangshu Ray of Khulna, Banai, Pleader of Sylhet, Pijush Kanti Ray of Bogra and others are also included of the oppressions started anew the well planned ill-arrangement of medical treatment heads the list. It is learnt that some days before security prisoner Pijush Kanti Ray was taken to Hospital as he was attacked with fever which rose up to 104 degrees. But he was not kept in the place where the security prisoners undergo treatment and was kept in the ‘Dagi-Ward’ the most dangerous Ward for infectious diseases. Later on when this action was protested he was taken to Cell without any medicine and diet. It is also learnt that besides this some more persons are kept confined in Cell Nos. 10 and 14. Alarming news has been received about one Brindaban, a security prisoner confined in Cell No.10. It is further learnt that the

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Muslim Security Prisoners are not allowed to say their Jumma prayer. It is learnt that the security prisoners have submitted a petition protesting against the oppressive measures applied upon the security prisoner who died in Cell No. 10 and demanding non-official enquiry into the death. The Jail authority has not intimated the security prisoner whether the petition has been sent to the Provincial authority.
Side note: S.P. For perusal please. The letter gives some exciting reports of the internal jail administration. It refers to mal-administration in jail and oppression, injustice etc. upon the security prisoners. The publicity of the contents of the letter may help the disturbing elements to excite the general public which may detriment the interest of the state.
In view of the fact the letter may be withheld. Gist may go in S.W.R. and copy to I. B. for information. S.P. D.I.B. Rajshahi may be requested to supply the particulars of the sender and the writer if traced and Addl. S.P. D.I.B Dacca may be requested to supply particulars of the addressee.
This is a good piece of interception. The A.S.I. may be rewarded Rs. 10/- Sd/Badr-Uddin Ahmad, 8/4
Yes, Sd/-M.A. Haque, 12/4, S.P. D.I.B. Rangpur.
The Inspector-General of PRISONS, E. B., Dacca.
I send herewith a copy of a letter from Aminur Rahman Sawadagar of Sepoypara, Rajshahi, to Md. Shamsul Huq C/o Allauddin-Al-Azad, Room No. 176 Salimullah Hall, Ramna, Dacca, together with the copy of its enclosures which came to the notice of this department for your information and necessary action.
The enclosures appear to have been smuggled out of the Jail.
S.S.III for D.I.G
Side note: Portion, marked on P.367, PP 366-365
Type Sec. Another draft below.

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Report on the identity of Md. Asad-uz-zaman, Mukhtear, VicePresident, AML, Narail Sub-division. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was invited for visiting Narail to participate in the forthcoming
District Board election campaign.
Jessore, 6 May 1953 Secret
District Intelligence Branch Jessore, the 6/7th May, 1953.
No. 2131 /80-49 Int. (p.330)
A. Hussain, Esq., Special Superintendent of Police, I.B., East. Bengal, Dacca.
Reference: – Your No. 4644/606-48(1) Sec.(e) dated 28.3.53.
Md. A. Zaman is identical with Md. Asad-uz-zaman, Mukhtear (VicePresident, A.M.L. Narail Subdivision) son of late Shafiuddin of Manikdaha, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Narail Town, Jessore, applied for contesting the D.B. Election held in April, 1953 from Narail-cum-Kalia constituency. He invited Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.) son of Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, Acting General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, to come to Narail and to hold election propaganda meetings in his favour.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (mentioned) visited Jessore on 30.3.53 and addressed several public meetings throughout the district including Narail.
Afsaruddin Ahmad, Mukhtear (Organising Secretary of the A.M.L. Narail Subdivision) son of late Uber of Narail Town, was also a candidate for the same from Narail-cum-Kalia constituency. Md. Asaduzzaman (mentioned) withdrew his candidature in favour of Afsaruddin Ahmad (mentioned) according to their party’s decision.
Afsaruddin Ahmad (mentioned) won the election defeating a Muslim League supported candidate by 1500 votes.
Sd/ -7.5.53
(E. Ali) Superintendent of Police

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Watch report on Pabna and Naogaon visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mawlana Bhasani. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in the meeting at Pabna.
Dacca, 9 May 1953
Extract from shadowing report of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman, submitted by S.I. S.A. Wahed on 9.5.53.
The subject left his quarter at 20.30 hrs. & went to Dacca Rly. Station and met with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani. He left Dacca Rly. Station by Jagannathganj train at 21.30 hrs. along with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani. They reached at Iswardi Rly. Station at 14.45 hrs. where they got a great reception by the people. The subject along with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Shamsul Huq and Rafiqul Islam left Iswardi Rly. Station for Pabna by Taxi No. 907 EBD at 14.45 hrs. They reached at Pabna at 15.45 hrs. and put up at the house of Abdur Rob. The subject delivered speeches in the meeting which was held at Edward College compound from 17.00 to 21.00 hrs. on 6.5.53. Therefrom he went to Pabna town Hall. He left town Hall at 23.45 hrs. along with Shamsul Huq, Rafiqul Islam and Serajul Haque and went to the house of Abdur Rob and halted there for the night.
On 7.5.53 at 10.00 hrs. the subject along with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Shamsul Haque, Rafiqul Islam and Serajul Haque left Pabna town and went to Iswardi Rly. Station. Maulana Sb., Shamsul Huq, Rafiqul Islam and Serajul Huque separated from the subject and started from Nawgaon by train at 11.15 hrs. The subject left Iswardi at 14.30 hrs. on 7.5.53 by train and reached Dacca Rly. Station at 07.45 hrs. on 8.5.53 and returned to his quarter via A.M.L. Office.
Side note: D.S. VI. Extract may go in P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Sd – A.R. 11/5

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Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 9 May 1953
Précis on the confidential report of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 8.5.53, submitted by S.I. S.A. Wahed on 9.5.53.
The subject visited the following places:
Left quarter at 10.00 hrs.
Bar Library at 10.05 hrs.
18, Karkunbari Lane (Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan resides there) at 11.15 hrs.
from Bar Library.
94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. Office at 11.40 hrs. from Karkubari.
16, Joynag Road,
: At 12.40 hrs. from Nawabpur Road. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy resides there
The Salimullah Muslim Club at : At 13.45 hrs. from Joynag Road. Malibhag.
Returned to quarter 18, Karkunbari Lane
: At 14.15 hrs. from Salimullah Club. : At 15.30 hrs. from quarter.
: At 16.15 hrs. from Karkunbari.
Purana Paltan Maidan, attended a meeting and delivered lecture.
16, Joynag Road
: At 22.05 hrs. from Purana Paltan
meeting. : At 23.00 hrs. from Joynag Road.
Returned to quarter
Side note: D.S. VI. Précis may please be seen. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak,

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Confidential report on the visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
other leaders to Mawlana Bhasani.
Dacca, 10 May 1953
Précis on the confidential reports of suspect Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani of 18, Karkunbari Lane, dated 9.5.53, submitted by S.I. Nurul Huq Khan on 10.5.53.
The subject arrived at Tejgaon Airport by plane from Jessore. : At 12.45 hrs. He was received by Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and Sk. Mujibar Rahman at the Airport and left the place by : At 13.00 hrs. EBD 1517. The subject returned to quarter via Joynag Road.
The following persons visited 18, Karkunbari at the time noted against the names:
1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman
From 17.00 to 17.10 hrs. and again
20.40 to 22.25 hrs. 18.10 to 18.45 hrs.
2. Sawkat Hossain –
3. Prof. Kamaruzzaman
19.40 to 21.40 hrs.
20.55 to 22.25 hrs.
4. Abdul Wadud Patwary 5. Ali Amzad Khan
(came by EBD – 3522) 6. Ex. Prisoner Aziz Ahmed
At 21.55 hrs.
From 22.35 to 23.35 hrs.
The subject was not seen to come out from his quarter during the period of watch.
Side note: D.S. VI, for favour of perusal. Extract may be placed in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak,
10.5, S4/- A.U.M. 11/5

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Letter from Reazuddin Ahmed of Bogra to the editor, UPP, Ramna, Dacca wherein he mentioned about a meeting of Bogra District AML where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders strongly criticized the actions and policies of the ML government.
Bogra, 10 May 1953
Copy of an English letter dated 10.5.53 from Reazuddin Ahmed, Bogra.
The Editor, U.P.P. 17/1, Topkhana Road, P.O. Ramna, Dacca.
Bogra, May 10:- The removal of the Muslim League Ministry in the Provinces of Pakistan and in the Centre as well was demanded in a largely attended public meeting held here were in the Park Maidan on May 8 under the auspices of the Bogra District Awami Muslim League. Mr. Akbar Hossain Akanda, B.L. presided over the meeting. Immediate release of all political prisoners and early general elections throughout the Province were also demanded.
Mr. Sk. Muzibar Rahman, Secy. Dist. Awami League, Mr. Lokman Hakim, Secy. Town Awami League, Shaikh Abdul Aziz and others spoke in the meeting and vehemently criticised the actions and policies of the Muslim League Govt. They also condemned, in course of their speeches, for the rampant corruption, nepotism and the distress of the people during the last several years after partition caused by the Muslim League Govt.
Several resolutions in this connection were unanimously passed with the slogan “Pakistan Zindabad”. We “want removal of the League Ministries and want release of all political prisoners” etc.
Sd/-Reazuddin Ahmed,
Bogra, 10.5.53.

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Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s visit to his native village
Tungipara in connection with the District Board election.
Dacca, 11 May 1953
O/C Watch 1.B., Dacca
It is learnt on secret enquiry that Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani will attend a meeting at Chittagong on 12.5.53.
It is reported by W.C. Abu Syed that suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman left Dacca today by Taxi 2176. W.C. could not follow him as he had a cycle with him. Hence I made enquiry and learnt that Sk. Majibar Rahman left for his native village in connection with the Faridpur District Board Chairman election on 14-5-53. Subject’s cousin brother Sk. Mosaraff Hossain is a candidate for the Chairmanship. He is expected to return on 15.5.53.
Submitted, Sd/- Nurul Huque Khan.
11.5.53. D.S. VI. for perusal please. 1) We may send one S.I. and 2 W.Cs to Chittagong. 2) D.I.B. Faridpur may be informed about the departure of Sk. Majibar Rahman
Sd/- A. Razzak.
O/C. 11-5-53.
1) O/C Watch will please depute one S.I. and two W.Cs. immediately to take over
the Moulana of Bhashani at Chittagong with instruction to follow the Moulana wherever he goes and send proceeding of all meetings by the quickest possible
means. 2) D.A. please ask the Government reporters to follow the above instructions.
Sd/- A.U.M.
Side note: Action taken by Staff Sec. Sd/-12/5

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Confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, | H.S. Suhrawardy and Mawlana Bhasani.
Dacca, 13 May 1953
Précis on the confidential report of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, submitted by S.A. Wahed, S.I., on 13.5.53
The subject visited the following places:
Left Quarters
At 10.40 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. Office)
: At 10.55 hrs. from quarter.
Orient Airways Office. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy was : At 11.40 hrs. form A.M.L. present at Orient Office at that time. The subject & Office. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left Orient Airways Office at 11.45 hrs. by P. Car No. EBD 1517, went to Tejgaon Airport to receive Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani who arrived Tejgaon Airport from Jessore. The subject, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy & Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani left Tejgaon Airport by the same car at 12.45 hrs. They returned to 16, Joynag Road at 13.15 hrs. by the same car. The subject & Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani left Joynag Road at 13.25 hrs. by the same car, & returned to his quarter alone at 15.00 hrs. via Karkunbari Lane by rickshaw. Again at 16.55 hrs. the subject left his qtr. & went to 18, Karkunbari Lane at 17.00 hrs. From there he went to 16, Joynag Road at 17.40 hrs. From Joynag Rd. he went to 94, Nawabpur Road at 19.05 hrs. Again he went to 16, Joynag Road at 19.30 hrs. From there he went to 18, Karkunbari Lane at 20.45 hrs. & returned to his quarter at 22.35 hrs, along with suspect Abdul Wadud Patwary. Since then he was not seen to come out.

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Left quarter
: At 09.10 hrs. 18, Karkunbari Lane
At 09.20 hrs. 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. : At 09.40 hrs. From Karkunbari Lane, the Office
subject was missed near T.B. Hospital due to burst of tyre and tube of the cycle of shadowing W.C. at 09.50 hrs. Since then he
was not seen till 12.45 hrs. Returned to quarter
At 12.55 hrs. from outside. Left quarter
: At 13.15 hrs.
10.5.53 18, Karkunbari Lane
: At 13.15 hrs. the subject was missed by the
W.C. near Nawabpur Railway crossing due to close up of crossing gate about 13.25 hrs. Since then he was not seen till 18.40 hrs.
It is learnt that the subject went to 20, Gopibag 1st Lane, House of Mr. Yousuf Khan where he took dinner along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Maulana Sb, Ataur Rahman, Ali Amjad and Anwara Begum.
Left quarter
At 18.40 hrs.
Casanova Restaurant
: At 18.50 hrs. from quarter. 18, Karkunbari Lane Maulana Abdul : At 19.05 hrs. from Restaurant Hamid of Bhasani resides there. He was then present. A meeting was held at Maulana’s quarter. Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy, Mostaque Ahmed, Manik Miah, Ataur Rahman, Abdul Wadud Patwary, Abdul Matin, Nitai Ganguly and Pulin Dey attended the meeting. 16, Joynag Road
At 23.00 hrs. from Karkunbari Lane, by Car EBD 3522 since then he
Left Joynag Road at 01.00 hrs. was not seen till 10.50 hrs. on 11. 5.53.
Returned to quarter
: At 10.50 hrs. from outside.
Sadar Court
: At 11.20 hrs, the subject met with

Page: 231
S.D.O’s 34 court
Ataur Rahman, Syed Abdur Rahman, Muktear and Abdul Wadud Patwary there.
21 Court House Street (Post Office) Quarter
Left quarter Victoria Park (Taxi Stand)
: At 12.03 hrs. from Court. : At 12.15 hrs. along with Abdul
Wadud Patwary : At 13.15 hrs. with bag & baggage. : At 13.20 hrs. left Victoria Park by
Taxi No. 2176 at 13.25 hrs. & proceeded towards Narayanganj side.
On enquiry it is learnt that the subject went to Narayanganj by Taxi. From there he availed Steamer for his native village, Faridpur district.
Side note: D.S.VI may please peruse.
Extract may go in P.F. Sd – A. Razzak, 14/5 Yes. Sd/ A.U.M. 14/5
110 Letter of one Shahid, 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca
accompanied with a letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Fazilatunnessa Mujib acknowledging the news of their new born son. Shahid also informed her about tour of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Pabna and Mawlana Bhasani to Tungipara.
Dacca, 14 May 1953
Dacca; The 14.5.1953.
Memo. No.
34. SDO – The district was geographically divided into a number of units known as sub-divisions.
The official in-charge of this unit was called SDO (sub-divisional officer). The SDO was a valuable field aide to the District Collector (DC) and an integral part of the district administration. The Sub-division was abolished under the order of the Local Government Ordinance of 1982, which was upgraded to District.

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(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Shahid, 71 Radhika Mohan
Basak Lane, Dacca.
To (with address)
Bhabi c/o Moulvi Musa Mia of Tungipara Shaik Bari. P.O. Patgati, Faridpur.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Dacca Court, Dt. 12.5.53
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: 13-5-53
: B. Rahman, SI
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: No.
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy submitted to office.
: Casual.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
This letter appears to have been written to the wife of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. It contains the tour programme of Maulana Bhasani & Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

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Copy of a Bengali letter dated 5.5.53 from Shahid of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane Dacca to Bhabi c/o Moulvi Musa Mia of Tungipara Shaik Bari, P.O. Patgati, Dist. Faridpur.
একটু আগেই ভাইজান এসে সংবাদ দিল যে কামালের একটি ছােট ভাই হয়েছে। X X X ভাইজান এখুনি বেরিয়ে গেলেন পাবনা Tour এ ২ দিন পরে ফিরে আসবেন। সেখান থেকে এসে ফরিদপুর District Board এর Election এর জন্য ফরিদপুর যাবেন। ফরিদপুর ২/১ দিন পর ঢাকায় ফিরে একদিন পর মৌলানা ভাষানীকে নিয়ে আপনাদের বাড়ী যাবেন বেড়াতে অবশ্য ২ দিনের জন্য। মৌলানা ভাষানী ২ দিন আপনাদের বাড়ী বিশ্রাম নেবেন। সুতরাং আপনি সেইমত প্রস্তুত হয়ে থাকবেন। মৌলানা সাহেবের সঙ্গে হয়ত ২/৪ জন অন্য অতিথিও থাকতে পারে।
ইতিSd/- সহিদ।
পূনঃ ভাইজান একখানা চিঠি যাবার বেলায় লেখে দিয়ে গেল, সঙ্গে পাঠালাম।
স্নেহের রেনু।
আজ খবর পেলাম তােমার একটি ছেলে হয়েছে। তােমাকে ধন্যবাদ। xxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x খুব ব্যস্ত, একটু পর ট্রেনে উঠব। xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sd/- তােমার মুজিব।

Page: 235
Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 16 May 1953
Precis on the confidential reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, submitted by S.I. S.A. Wahed on…
The subject visited the following places:
Left his quarter 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane
: At 07.45 hrs. : ” 08.00 hrs. Enquiry is being made to
ascertain as to what was there. At 09.00 hrs. from Rajani Bose Lane. : At 09.50 hrs.
At 10.20 hrs. : At 10.30 hrs.
150 Moghaltuli (E.P.S.M.L. Office) Returned to quarter Left quarter 18, Karkunbari Lane, Year Md. resides there. 10, Mymensingh Road Fairly houses. Kill Burn & Co. Ltd. Topkhana Road. 9, Hatkhola Road Patuatuly Road. Cloth Shop of L. Mullick & Amrita Bastralya.
: At 11.20 hrs. Enquiry is being made.
At 11.45 hrs. Enquiry is being made as
to ascertain object of …….. : At 12.15 hrs. from kill Burn Co. Ltd.
Purchased clothes from the shops.
Returned to quarter
: At 13.45 hrs.
Left quarter Gulistan Building Cinema Hall Nawabpur Road – A.M.L. Office. 16, Joynag Road. Ali Amjad, Advocate resides there. Returned to his quarter
: At 15.15 hrs.
15.30 hrs. : At 18.05 hrs. from Gulistan building. : 19.25 hrs. from Nowabpur Rd.
20.30 hrs.
Left quarter
09.30 hrs.
Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. Office)
: 09.50 hrs.

Page: 236
: 10.25 hrs. from Nawabpur Rd.
Purana Paltan, house of Advocate Abdus Salam.
12.00 hrs. from Purana Paltan.
9, Hatkhola Road, Paramount Press. 18.5.53.
12.45 hrs. from Hatkhola.
: :
14.45 hrs. 15.10 hrs.
: At 16.00 hrs.
Returned to quarter Left quarter 16, Joynag Road, Ali Amjad, Advocate resides there. Returned to quarter Via Orient Airways Officer Left quarter Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. Office) In front of Azimpura Colony Orient Airways Office
: At 19.30 hrs. : At 19.40 hrs. : At 20.00 hrs. • At 20.30 hrs. From colony to book seat
himself from Jessore. : At 20.45 hrs. from Orient Airways
Office. : At 21.15 hrs. from A.M.L. Office. : 21.50 hrs.
Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. Office)
19, Kashaitola
Returned to-quarter
Secret agent report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his tour program in Barisal, Faridpur, Khulna and
Dacca, 16 May 1953 Secret Reliable. A-1
Extract from the Secret Information dated 16.5.53.
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (Ex. Sr. Pr.) s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, Jt. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. will start for Barisal on the night of

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16.5.53 (to-night) by Barisal Express via Narayanganj. He is likely to meet Moulana Bhasani, Abdul Hamid Khan (known – E.P.A.M.L. – Ex. Sr. Pr.) Presid. E.P.A.M.L. at Barisal. They will hold organisational meeting of the party on the following places on the dates as noted against each. Kazi Ghulam Mahboob (s/o Abdul Majid of Kashba, Gournadi, Barisal) of Barisal will accompany them up to Barisal and therefrom he may go to his native place. Md. Quamruzzaman (s/o Shamsuddin Ahmed of Bakharba, Sailkupa, Jessore) may also accompany them upto Jessore district and wherefrom he may be separated and may go to his native place.
1. Barisal town -17.5.53.
2. Tangipara (Faridpur) – 18.5.53. 4. Jessore district – 26.5.53 to 1.6.53.
3. Khulna district – 19.5.53 to 25.5.53.
Recorded by me. The agent is reliable and the information is believed to be true.
Sd/- Md. Aminullah II
S.I. I.B. 16.5.53
U/O. No. 2706 (4) dated 20.5.53.
Forwarded to Office for placing extracts to the P.Fs. of the individuals mentioned in the statement.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech on the District Board
election day at Faridpur.
Faridpur, 16 May 1953
W.C.R. from Faridpur Dist. for w/e 16.5.53
17. Miscellaneous.
The election of Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Faridpur District Board was held on 13.5.53 in the District Board, Faridpur.

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Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. was present there on the day of election. He at the request of the public and students delivered speeches in the premises of the District Board, Faridpur, criticising the jute, the education and other policy of the M.L. Govt. He compared the M.L. Govt. with the gang of dacoits as their duty was only to rob the people of Pakistan. He also advised the students to go to villages and explain the inefficiency of the M.L. Govt. to the people. Finally he requested the audience to join the Awami Muslim League organisation.
Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at his residence 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
Dacca, 17 May 1953
Precis on the confidential reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 15.5.53, submitted by S.I. S.A. Wahed on 17.5.53.
Watch placed on the subject after his return from his home (Faridpur) at 14.00 hrs. on 15.5.53.
No movement present at quarter.
Side note: D.S.VI. Please peruse the précis.
Extract may go in the P.F. of the subject. Sd/F. Meher, S.I. for O/C, Watch, 19/5/53, Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 19.5
Confidential report and telephonic message on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 18 May 1953 Précis on the C.Rs dt. 18.5.53, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.) of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.

Page: 239
18.5.53 The suspect visited at the following places: (1) 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca : From 09.00 hrs. to 09.30 (Residence of Yar Mohd.) Leaving his quarter at about 08.45 hrs. by rickshaw with his bag & baggage. (2) Office of the Orient Airways : from 09.45 hrs to 10.00
and took a plane ticket.
From there he left for Tejgaon Airport by Orient Airways passengers’ bus at about 10.50 hrs., he left airport for Jessore by Orient Airways plane vide Telephone message from Tejgaon Airport dt. 18.5.53. The message has been put up to D.S. VI on 18.5.53.
Sd/-19.5. Side Note: D.S. VI. Please peruse the précis.
Ext. may go in P.F. of the subject. Sd/-19.5. Sd/- A.U.M. 20.5.
Copy of Telephone Message dated 18.5.53 received at 11.00 hrs. from Abdul Gani Mollah of I.B., to O/C, Watch, I.B.,
Suspect Sk. Mojibor Rahman left Tejgaon Air Port for Jessore by Orient Air Ways at 10.50 hrs. This is for your kind information.
Side Note: DS VI. Perusal pl.
Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-18/5

Zainul Abedin Sikder, Secretary, Sub-division AML, Patuakhali wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he discussed about Bakerganj AML election and other organizational matters.
Dacca, 21 May 1953
Intelligence Branch, 7, Wise Ghat Road.
Dacca The 21.5.1953.
Memo. No.

Page: 240
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
Zainul Abedin Sikder, Secy. Sub-Division Awami Muslim League, Patuakhali, Barisal.
2. To (with address)
Sheikh Mozibur Rahman Sb. Secy. Provincial Awami Muslim League, 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca.
3. Language of letter
4. Date of letter
: 16.5.53
Postal Seal
: Patuakhali, 19.5.53.
6. Post office of interception
i G.P.O. Dacca
M Date of interception
: 21.5.53
8. : Keramat Ali Bhuiyan, A.S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not
9. : No.
10. Whether withheld or delivered : With original.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: No
M not : G.O. 1634 dt. 15.9.53.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal please. Jainul Abedin Sikdar writes this letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Dacca intimating of that Bakerganj A.M.L. election was held in the month of March. The writer points out that Shamser Ali is a betrayer of the organisation and many of the party workers there are opportunists. It has been proved recently when warrant of arrests were issued against some of A.M.L. workers.

Page: 241
In conclusion the writer wants men of very strict principles for party work particularly he wants to change the present President.
Sd/ – 21/5/53 Side note: Type Sec. pl. Sd/ – 21/5/53
Done by Sd/-H. Ahmed. 21/5 Original Delivered. 21/5 S.S. III may like to see. Sd/DIS. Pl. send a copy to Barisal DIB, Sd/-22/5
Zainul Abedin Sikder, Secretary, Awami Muslim League,
Barisal. 16th May, 1953.
My dear Rahman Sb.,
After my release from the prison I was so very busy that I could not make time to write to you. Now I feel the necessity of writing to you a few lines with the intention to give you a political idea of the district, so that nothing awkward may happen.
You know that the district Awami Muslim League Election was held during the month of March and in the said election Messrs S.W. Lokitullah, Aminul Hoque Chowdhury and Kaji Golam Mahbub won by absolute majority of votes. Not to speak of this the part played by Mr. Shamser Ali and his party was not at all healthy. Mr. Shamser Ali entered into hooliganism and insulted Mr. Aminul Hoque Chowdhury in the open meeting which does not befit a worker of dignified character.
Now I want to make a few categorical remarks about Mr. Shamser Ali. He is an opportunist in toto and will never hesitate to betray the cause of our organisation when he will find a better offering. Besides this he made an extensive tour with Jonab Azizuddin sb when he came to Barisal as Minister of State and delivered lecture in his meeting speaking highly of him. Even he did not hesitate to call a separate meeting on 21.2.53 of the Awami Muslim League organisation without any previous permission of the district organization when a meeting of the State Language Committee’ was called in connection with State Language Movement, in which meeting Mr. Malek Khan presided. All such actions are presudial to the interest of our organisation.

Page: 242
I do not disagree with anybody about the contribution Mr. Malek Khan made to the organisation. Still at such a critical time he cannot and should not hold the post of Presidentship for the good of the organisation. You must, I think, agree with me that the present situation is very grave. As such we need a man of learning and personality at the helm of affairs of the district otherwise the organisation will greatly suffer.
I hear you all are trying for an amicable settlement in between Messrs Aminul Hoque Chowdhury and Shamser Ali. I request you not to do it and give sanction to the party of Mr. Aminul Hoque Chowdhury for successful work and propaganda work of the organisation.
As to the question of Patuakhali I have got something more to say especially about Mr. Emdad Ali Muktear, President of the Sub-Divisional organisation. He is too big a man for us and it is absolutely impossible to run with him.
The Muktear is also an opportunist. He has come to this organisation not for the good of the organisation but with the motive to avail a chance. This man contested the last Assemble Election against the League candidate when the question of ‘Pakistan’ was in the mouth of every Muslim of India.
Secondly, he left Patuakhali without giving any notice to anybody and obtained admission into the University of Dacca and stayed there for a long time leaving aside the question of work of this Sub-Division. This does not befit a worker especially the president at this stage and of this new organisation.
Thirdly, when Mr. Shajahan was arrested and brought down to Patuakhali, the Muktear was fortunately or unfortunately here. He rebuked him in naked language in presence of many responsible persons of our locality and rebuked Mr. Forquan also in his absence sitting in a hotel for which he has been insulted by those people who were present at that time. He had not the courtesy to move the bail petition of Mr. Shajahan under the apprehension of being arrested. No sooner did he receive the news of the arrest of Mr. Golam Mahbub than he left Patuakhali for Dacca under the idea that warrant of arrest had also been issued against him. He had not the courtesy to see Mr. Mahbub.
I was not at all in the know of such arrests as I was at ‘Chakhar’ busy with my examination. When I came to know of these arrests and learnt that warrant had also been issued against me also, I wrote to Muktear in his Dacca address requesting him to come down to Patuakhali and move our case which he did not do. After my
e and just after he could know that no warrant had been issued against him, he came down to Patuakhali to regain his lost position through big talks and talking of Jonab Shaeed sb and his discussion with him but nobody gives any heed to it. On the other hand he is being openly criticised insulted in open places by the local people with the words, “You are a coward. You left Patuakhali with the intention to guard your own skin and save yourself from being arrested. Had there been any warrant of

Page: 243
arrest against you, you would not have hesitated to submit to the Govt. saying that you have left the Awami Muslim League organisation?” In spite of this if he be allowed to run the organisation as President, we will simply kill ourselves.
Fifthly, he thinks highly of himself and always passes this remark that it is he who has organised Awami Muslim League organisation at Patuakhali. It is absolutely false and a great lie. It is we people who did it and it is the circumstances that had helped the organisation to stand.
In conclusion I want to say that I do not like to work with any opportunist and kill the organisation. I want men of very strict principle having the mentality of sacrifice and suffering.
I have been writing to all about the situation only to have concrete suggestions from you.
No more to-day. I am well and hope this finds you hail and healthy.
With salam.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- Zainul Abedin Sikder. Secy. Sub-Awami Muslim League,
Patuakhali. dt. 16.5.53.

Letter of Mawlana Bhasani to Abdul Aziz, Secretary, AML, Chittagong in which he discussed the organizational matters.
Chittagong, 26 May 1953
English translation from the extract of a Bengali letter dated 26.5.53.
From: Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (1) To : Abdul Aziz (2) Secy. A.M.L. Chittagong.
Postal seal of issue: – Jessore, Satkhira 26th May 53
Dear Aziz,
You will form the union League. In the A.M.L. work you are mostly lagging behind. No one is willing to change the date of the provincial council. Hence it is

Page: 244
decided to hold the same at Dacca. Hope the council meeting will be over by the next June by the grace of Allah.
To form students’ League at Chittagong you will please write to Adud (3) Manik (4) Mea and Majibur (5) at Dacca. Please don’t forget it as it is essential.
Sd/- Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani.
(2) s/o Hajee Mohammed Ali of Halishahar, P.S. Doublemooring , Chittagong. (3) to (5) Dacca D.I.B. may collect.

Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 29 May 1953
Précis on the C.Rs dt. 29.5.53 regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
The suspect visited the following places:
18 Karkonbari Lane. Residence of : From 08.30 to 09.30 hrs. Leaving his Yar Mohd.
quarter at about 08.15 hrs.
Bar Library, Dacca.
: From 09.35 to 10.45 hrs. 11, Ruplal House.
” 11.00 to 11.15 hrs. 16, Joynag Road. Residence of : ” 11.30 to 14.00 hrs. and returned to Advocate Ali Amzad.
his quarter at about 14.15 hours. M4, Mayakatara, Sadarghat.
: From 14.40 to 15.29 hrs.
Rup Mahal Cinema Hall witnessed : From 15.30 to 18.00 the Cinema.
18, Karkunbari Lane, (Residence of : From 18.10 to 18.30 hrs. Yar Mohd.)

Page: 245
From 18.45 to 19.30 hrs.
“19.45 to 20.15 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road. (A.M.L. : Office) 9, Hat Khola Road. (Paramount : Press) 114, Goal Bathan Lane, Lal Mohan : Saha St.
” 20.30 to 22.00 hrs.
At about 22.00 hrs. the suspect left Lal Mohan Saha street, and went to New
Paradise Cinema Hall and returned to his quarter at about 24.00 hours. Since then he was not seen to come of his quarter up to 06.00 hrs. dt. 30.5.53.
Submitted. Sd/-30.5.53.
Side note: S.O. Is it a shop? Sd/- A.R. 1/6
D.S. VI for perusal please. Replies to the enquiries may be awaited. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak, 1/6
Précis on the C.Rs dt. 30.5.53 and 31.5.53 regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
The suspect visited at the following places:
2/1 Razar Dewri,
From 09.35 hrs. to 09.40 hrs. leaving his quarter at about 09.30 hrs.
Residence of Korban Ali, Pleader
9, Hatkhola Road,
: From 09.55 hrs. to 10.30 hrs.
(Peramount Press),
Residence of Advocate Abdus
From 10.50 hrs. to 13.20 and returned to
Salam at Purana Paltan.
his quarter at about 13.45 hrs.
9, Hatkhola Road,
(Peramount Press),
18, Karkunbari Lane,
From 15.00 to 16.45 hrs. Leaving his quarter at about 14.45 hrs. The suspect left 9, Hatkhola Rd. along with Security prisoner Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish and went to 18, Karkonbari Lane. They left Karkunbari lane at about 17.20 hrs.
Residence of Yar Mohd.)

Page: 246
: From 19.45 to 20.00 hrs.
25, Swarighat Rd. (by Rickshaw) (Residence of Ataur Rahman, Advocate) Ataur Rahman was present in his quarter.
Residence of Badsha Miah of
From 20.15 to 22.00 hrs.
Jiauddin Road near Akmal Khan
From 22.30 hrs. to 23.10 and returned to
16, Malitola Road. (Enquiry is being made)
his quarter at about 23.20 hrs. Since then he was not seen to come out of his quarter up to 06.00 hrs. dt. 31-5-53.
: From 08.15 hrs. to 09.00
18, Karkunbari Lane, Residence of Yar Mohd
: From 09.20 to 12.30 hrs.
16, Joynag Road. Residence of Ali Amzad, advocate.
From 12.45 to 13.30 hrs. and returned to
116, Mitford Road (Enquiry is being made)
his quarter at about 13.45 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road. A.M.L.
From 18.30 to 20.45 hrs. Leaving his
quarter at about 18.20 hrs.
Abdul Wadud Patwari,
Abdur Rahim Muktear and 5/6
unknown men were present in the office.
18, Karkunbari lane.
From 20.45 to 21.30 hrs. and returned to
Residence of Yar Md.
his quarter at about 21.35 hrs.
Side Note: D.S. VI. The Précis may please be perused. Portion marked A may specially be
seen. Extract may go in P.F. Result of enquiry as noted by the officer may be awaited. Sd/- A. Razzak. 3.6.53. Sd/- A.U.M. 3.6

Page: 247
Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 1 June 1953
Precis on the C.Rs of Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca. 1.6.53 The suspect visited the following places:
09.15 hrs.
: 09.30 hrs.
Left quarter 16 Joynag Road House of Advocate Amjad Ali, Returned to quarter Left quarter 94 Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. Office) Hotel Akbari
: : :
12.20 hrs. 12.40 hrs from Joynag Road. 18.10 hrs.
18.20 hrs. to 19.00 hrs.
211 Mitford Road.
: 19.10 hrs.
21.00 hrs. from Nawabpur Road. : 21.20 to 21.45 hrs. from Hotel Akbari.
Enquiry is being made as to who live at
211 Mitford Rd. : 22.00 to 22.30 hrs. Mitford Road.
22.40 to 01.10 hrs. from Karkunbari lane.
18 Karkunbari lane (Residence of Yar Muhammad) 179 Bangshal Road. (Forkania Madrasha) Returned to his quarter Left quarter 4 Alamganj Lane Prof. Kamaruzzaman — Returned to his quarter.
From Banghshal Rd. : 10.15 hours. : 10.25 hours.
: 13.20 hrs from Alamganj. Since then he
was not seen to come out of his quarter.
Submitted. Sd/-S.I. 3.6.

Page: 248
Side note: D.S. VI for perusal please. Extract may go in the P.F. of the subject. Result of
enquiries may be awaited. Sd/- A. Razzak, O/C, 4.6. Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 5.6. S.O. Was anybody else there? Sd/- A.R. 4.6. S.O. What did he do so long there? Sd/-A.R. 4.6., 2.6.53.
Precis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dt. 03.6.53.
The suspect visited the following places:
Left quarter.
10.00 hrs.
Police camp.
11.00 hrs.
Inspector Room
Bar Library.
: 11.20 hours.
11.25 hrs. to 12.10 hrs.
12.20 hrs. : 17.30 hrs.
Returned to his quarter
94 Nawabpur Road.
19.10 hrs.
A.M.L. Office. Ex M.L.A. Shamsul Haque. Prof. Kamuruzzaman, Abdul Wadud Patwary and Prof. Khairul Bashar were then present at the A.M.L. Office.
19.30 hrs.
40 Agamasi Lane. House of Aziz Ahmad. Returned to his quarter.
20.40 hrs.
21.00 hrs.
Submitted, Sd-S.I. 4.6.53.
Side note: D.S.VI for perusal of the précis please. Specially portion marked A. Extract may
go in P.F., Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C 5.6.53. Sd/- A.U.M. 5.6.
Précis on the C.Rs suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dt. 5.6.53.

Page: 249
The subject visited the following places.
At about 09.30 hrs. the subject left his quarter went to Bar Library at 09.10 hrs. He left that place at 11.45 hrs. went to 94 Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. Office) at 13.00 hrs. and returned to his quarter at 13.45 hrs. Again the subject left his quarter at 16.00 hrs. went to 18 Karkunbari lane at 16.10 hrs. He left that place at 16.30 hrs. went to 16 Joynag Road at 16.50 hrs. He left 16 oynag Rd. at 17.00 hrs. went to 2 Hatkhola Rd. at 17.40 hrs. He left that place at 18.00 hrs. along with suspect Manik Miah went to 18 Karkunbari lane again at 18.29 hrs. He left that place at 18.30 hrs. went to near Mukul Cinema Hall at 18.40 hrs. From there they both got up in a hired Taxi no. 2828 E.B.D. and proceeded towards Victoria Park side. The subject returned to his quarter at about 00.35 hours alone on foot.
Enquiry was made reg. the movement of the Car. Report submitted. The subject along with Manik Miah was dropped at Narayanganj Taxi stand from the Taxi but it could not be known what places were visited by the subject.
Submitted, Sd/- 6.6.53.
Side note: DSVI. The Précis specially portion marked A may pl. be seen. Extract may go in
P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C, 9.6. Sd/- 4.U.M. 9.6. S.O. Who else was there? Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 9,6. 1) 6 Joynag Road. Residence of Advocate Ali Amjad. 2) 9 Hatkhola Rd. Paramount press.
Letter of Mawlana Bhasani to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he focused on his sickness, provincial conference, EPSL and party
organizational affairs.
Dacca, 4 June 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca The 4.6.1953.
Memo. No.

Page: 250
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: Moulana Abdul Hamid
Bhashani, Bir-nagar, P.O. Panch Bibi, Bogra. Sheikh Majibar Rahman, Secy. Awami League, 18 Karkunbari, Dacca.
2. To (with address)
3. Language of letter
4. Date of letter
: 31.5.53.
5. Postal Seal
: Panch Bibi.
Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca.
7. Date of interception
: 4.6.53
8. : S. Ahmed, S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
9. Whether photographed or not
: No.
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept.
: G.O.
12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Moulana Bhasani writes from Bogra to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. A.L. Dacca reg. party matters in details.
Sd/ – 4/6/53. Side note: S.S. III may like to see.
Gist may go in F.R. Sd/-5/6 CO. English translation please. Sd/-19/6. S.I. S. Ahmed to comply by 20.6.53. Sd/-19/6/53. English translation is attached herewith. Sd/-23/6.

Page: 251
An English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 31.5.53 from Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Bhasani, Birnagar, P.O. Panch Bibi, Bogra, addressed to Sk. Majibar Rahman, Secy. Awami League, 18, Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca.
Dear Majibar Rahman,
Having reached at Birnagar on the 29th May from Pabna, I have been seriously attacked with Malaria. I have been taking medicine but no remission of fever whatever, there is no good physician. I have written for a Doctor from Rangpur. Manage to print at least 2000 thousands forms at any cost. If, by the grace of Allah, I come round, I would work with new vigour and spirit. The Ganatantric Dal is trying to break through the Awami League in various ways and Qumaruzzaman, President, E.P.S.L. has also joined with them. Qumaruzzaman, Hazi Danesh, Mahmud Ali, Samad and Elias, etc. are in a body trying their level best to strengthen the Ganatantric Dal by bringing the Awami Leaguers within the fold of the Muslim League. Hope you will engage yourself whole heartedly with Ataur Rahman Sb. and with other coworkers for the management of the provincial conference on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th July at Dacca. East Pakistan Students League was the strongest supporter of Awami League but it is a matter of regret that the E.P.S.L. is being abolished everywhere and the Students Union who are always after the down fall of Awami League have been getting strengthened. There is no sign of E.P.S.L. Please consult with Qumaruzzaman, Wadud etc. What should be done for this? If they do not do anything, I will take up the responsibility on my shoulder and after consultation with the pious students of the country sacrifice my life for the organization of E.P.S.L. in a new method, if Allah permits. He said conspiracy is going on counting us foolish. If we are not alert by this time, we will be trodden down and the real Islam will decidedly be exiled with the false Islam. Hope you will write to Mvi. Mosharaf Ali to come to Dacca and keep him in the manifesto and reshuffle committee. He should be well informed that the formation of a non communal organisation is essential. Mosharaf, Mashihar and there are others who do not favour of non communal organisation. Hope, you will try your level best to strong our party. If you do not try your best there will be serious protest in the

Page: 252
meeting. Hope you will follow my advice hence forward and manage to adopt the resolutions from the representatives of every districts and subdivisions who will attend the conference and arrange to keep them in the Head office. On repeated many instructions the Jessore League did not agree with that proposal. It seems they may do it afterwards. An agitation should be brought all over the East Pakistan through organisation before the conference. The object and programme will be on posters and leaflets. Awami League is the only organisation of the poor mass and not only has keeping after votes, by the grace of Allah there will be no difference between words and deeds. Brief working chart and object will be printed in the leaflet and be distributed throughout the province. A block of mine should be nicely printed and the oppressed cultivators, labourers, students, and teachers should be requested to join in the Awami League so as to enable them to get rid of the oppressors. Request them to establish Awami League in every union.
Sd: – Moulana Abdul Hamid, Bhasani.

Report on Pabna visit and meeting of Mawlana Bhasani, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Md. Shamsul Haque.
Pabna, 9 June 1953
Copy of report dated 9.5.53 from a D.I.O.
Beg to report that Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, Md. Shamsul Haque had been to Pabna on 6.5.53 and held a meeting at Pabna town under the aegis of the local Awami Leaguers. They did not visit the native village of the writer, in question. The writer’s particulars are as follows:A.M. Azizul Haque, Joint Secy., E.P.S.L., Pabna, Student of R.M. Academy, Pabna, s/o Failuddin Pramanik of Bharera, Pabna.

Page: 253
District Intelligence Branch
Pabna, the 9th June/53. No. 2147/46-52 Corrs.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, with ref. to his No. 6300/606-48(1) Sec. dated 28.4.53, for information.
Sd/(A.K.L. Rahman) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Pabna.

Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein stated his
movements and visits.
Dacca, 14 June 1953
Précis on the watch reports of Sk. Mujibar Rahman E.P.A.M.L. of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dt. 14.6.53 to 16.6.53:
He visited the following places: 1) 90, Malitola Road. Enquiry is being made.
from 10.00 to 12.00 leaving quarters at 09.50 and where from he returned to quarters at about 12.30. from 15.34 to 18.00 leaving quarters at 15.30. from 18.30 to 20.30 leaving Mitford Road at 18.00.
2) 210 Mitford Road. Enquiry is being
made. 3) 25 Swarighat. House of Atawar
Rahman, Advocate, V.P. of A.M.L. (E.B.)

Page: 254
A.M.L. office at 94 Nawabpur Road. : from 21.00 to 21.15 leaving None else visited the office during Swarighat at 20.30 and where the stay of the subject.
from he returned to quarter at 21.30.
15.6.53 18, Karkunbari lane.
from 09.05 to 09.15 leaving quarter at 09.00.
94, Nawabpur Road. No other suspect visited : from 09.30 to 09.45 leaving this office during the stay of the subject. Karkunbari lane at 09.15.
House of Abdus Salam, Advocate at Purana- : from 10.15 to 12.15 leaving 94 Paltan. He is prominent member of A.M.L. Nawabpur Rd. at 09.45 and
where from he returned to
quarters at 12.35. 94 Nawabpur Road. A.M.L. office. Suspect : from 18.40 to 19.30 leaving Abdul Wadud Patwary visited this office quarters at 18.40. from 19.00 to 19.15. 74/1 Tatibazar.
from 20.00 to 21.35 leaving 94 Nawabpur Road at 19.35 and where from he returned to quarters at 21.45.
16.6.53 90, Malitola Road: – In front of 90 Malitola.: from 08.05-08.12 leaving Inspr. Mvi. Nasiruddin Ahmad of I.B. quarters 07.55. addressed each other by way of “Id” greetings. 9, Hatkhola Road.
from 08.25-08.40 leaving
Malitola Rd. at 08.12. At Kamalapur, House of Manik Miah. He : from 08.50-09.20 leaving left along with Manik Miah. Manik Miah Hatkhola at 08.40. from 10.00went to 21 Balley Rd. and he left for 10.30 leaving Kamalapur at (H.P.M’s residence.)
08.40. 21, Balley Road. House of Mr. Asgar Ali : from 10.40-11.15 leaving Shah C.S.P. Both Sk. Majibar Rahman and H. P. M’s house at 10.30. Manik Miah left the place by Car No. E.B.D. 3522. Enquiry is being made.

Page: 255
18, Karkunbari lane.
from 16.40 to 17.50 leaving
quarters at 17.30. A.M.L. Office at 94 Nawabpur Rd. He left : from 17.58-19.00 leaving that place with suspect Aziz Ahmad.
Karkunbari lane at 17.50. Suspect Samsul Haque visited this office from 18’35-18’50. Suspect Aziz Ahmad ………18’39-19’00. 14 Purana Paltan. They went there to left : from 19’15-19’35 leaving A.M.L. together. Enquiry is being made.
office at 19’00. Again A.M.L. Office. Both of them (Aziz : from 20’25-21’10 leaving 14 Ahmad and Sk. Mujibar Rahman). He left Purana Paltan at 19:55. the place with Abdur Rahim Muktear. Again 18 Karkunbari Lane. He left alone. : from 21’30-23’00 leaving A.M.L.
office at 21.10 and where from he returned to quarters at 23’10
Submitted, Sd/-Masiruddin Ahmad
Side note: D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. of the précis specially the portion side lined and
marked A. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-A. Razzak, O/C, 18.6, Sd/- A.U.M, 20.6. A.S.I. Rajek entered into this office in uniform for some enquiries.

Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Aminul Haque Chowdhury, Convener, Barisal ad-hoc committee conveying the message of sending Ataur Rahman to enquire into the Barisal district
election matters. Dacca, 16 June 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 16.6.1953
Memo. No.

Page: 256
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Shaikh Majibar Rahman, 71,
Radhika Mohan Basak Lane,
Dacca. : Aminul Hoque Chaudhury,
M.A. L.L.B. Convenor Barisal Ad-hoc Committee, Agorpur
House, Barisal. : English. : 14.6.53 : Nil. : G.P.O. Dacca. : 16.6.53. : S. Ahmed Si.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception. Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorising interception
10. 11. 12.
: No. : Delivered. : Copy kept. : Casual.
Copy/ translation forwarded to D.S.VI.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman from Dacca writes to Aminul Huq Chaudhury of B’Sal reg. their party election affairs etc.
Copy of an English letter dt 14.6.53 from Shaikh Muzibar Rahman, 71, Radhika Mohan Bosak Lane Dacca to Aminul Huq Chaudhuri M.A. L.L.B. Pleader, Convenor, Barisal Ad-Hoc Committee, Agorpur house Barisal.
My dear Mr. Chaudhury
It is long since we meet last. Moulvi Ataur Rahman Sb. is being sent to your place. He will arrive at Barisal station by Barisal express steamer. He is going for formal enquiry about the regularity of your district election. After his coming from Barisal, Maulana sb. will approve your

Page: 257
district election. Please do send Mahbub with Ataur Rahman Sb. with necessary papers. You must submit your Council list afresh. They should be absolutely your men you must make such arrangement so that all the councilors may join the Provincial Session. My colleague and others are anxious for getting the information about the Lakitulla. Please inform us in details. Convey salam to all. The more when we meet.
Sincerely yours, Sd. Muzibar Rahman

Watch report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 17 June 1953
Precis on the Watch reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak lane, dt. 17.6.53:
He visited the following places:21 Balley Road – He left the place by a car : from 09.15 – 11.30 No. E.B.D. 3376 Enquiring is made reg. destination. He returned to quarters from outside at 13.00 by rickshaw. He left his quarters at about 15.35 by a Car No. E.B.D. 1232. He returned to quarters at 21.00 by rickshaw. Enquiring is being made. Again he left his quarters with bag and : from 21.40 to 22.15 leaving baggage and went to Dacca R/S.
quarters at about 21.15 and where from he left for Chittagong by Chittagong mail (Up) shadowed by E.I.B. W.C. Nurul Haque.
Submitted, Sd/-Masiruddin Ahmed,
Side note: D.S. VI for perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. Enquiring report may be awaited.
Sd/- A. Razzak, O/C, 20.6. Sd/- A.U.M. 22.6.

Page: 258
Weekly confidential report35 and secret enquiry report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Chittagong visit to campaign in his favor for the candidature of EPAML General Secretary.
Dacca, 20 June 1953
PART I. I.B. Secret Abstract No. 15 for the week ending 11.4.53 received on 18.6.53.
Movement of suspects:
A.L. *520 Sk. Mozibor Rahman came to Chittagong on 18.6.53 from Dacca by Dacca Mail and stayed in the house of Abdul Aziz Secy. Awami Muslim League, Chittagong at Anderkilla, Chittagong town. He has left for Dacca on the night of 19.6.53. It is reported that he discussed about the organizational work of the Awami Muslim League at Chittagong.
It is learnt on secret enquiry that Sk. Mujibar Rahman left for Chittagong to persuade members of that district to vote in his favour in the election of general secretary ship of the E.P.A.M.L., to be held in the next convention of Dacca by the 1st week of July 1953.
It is also learnt that Khandakar Mostak Ahmad will contest him. Sk. Mujibar Rahman may visit Comilla and Noakhali also for the same purpose.
Submitted. Sd/- Amjad Ali.,
S.I., I.B., 20.6.53.
In his P.F. Sd/- 4.U.M.
35. Weekly Confidential Report (WCR) – A collection of information regarding the political & state related affairs of the district. The accumulated report on a week-end basis used to send to IBEB, Dacca.

Page: 259
Telephonic message on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s arrival at
Dacca from Chittagong.
Dacca, 20 June 1953
Received at 09.00. Date 20.6.53.
From To
: W/C Sk. Rahman. Addresses Dacca R/S (if given) : O/C Watch I.B. Dacca.
Suspect Sk. Majubar Rahman arrived at Dacca R/S by Chittagong D.N. Train at 08.40 and left Dacca R/S by Rickshaw being shadowed by W.C. Md. Abdul Kashem, D.I.B. This is for your kind information.
D.S. VI for information. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 20.6.53.
Sd/- A.U.M. 20.6.53

Confidential report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman. Dacca, 22 June 1953
Precis on the C.Rs regarding suspect Mujibar Rahman Sk. of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.

Page: 260
The suspect visited at the following places:
from 09.45-10.54 hrs.
18, Karkunbari lane, (Residence of Yar Mahmud)
leaving his quarter at about 09.30 hrs.
: from 10.50-11.00 hrs.
2) Chabuk press near at Mukul Cinema Hall at
Johnson Rd.
3) Civil Supply office at Johnson Rd.
: from 11.05-11.10 hrs. 4) O.K. Restaurant at Johnson Rd.
: from 11.15-11.50 hrs. 5) 94, Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. Office) : from 12.00-12.10 hrs. 6) 9, Hatkhola Rd. (Paramount press)
from 12.25-13.10 hrs. and returned to his quarter at
about 13.30 hours. 7) Eastern Union Bank Ltd.
from 14.30-15.15 hrs. leaving his quarter at about 14.15 hrs. on the way he met with an unknown man and talked with
him about 5 minutes. 8) At about 15.15 hrs. he came out of the Bank : from 15.30-17.30 hrs.
along with Manik Miah and went to Rupmahal Cinema Hall. On the way they met with Abdur Rahman Muktear for a few
minutes. 9) 94, Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. Office)
: from 17.45-19.30 hrs. 10) 85, Narinda Road.
: from 19.45-21.45 hrs. and
returned to his quarters at about 22.30 hrs.
(National Medical School students Mess)
Since then he was not seen to come out of his quarter up to 06.00 hrs dt. 23.6.53
Side note: D.S.VI, Portions side lined may please be seen.
Extract of these portions may be placed in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C 24.6.53.

Page: 261
Telephonic message on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s departure from
Dacca for Bogra. Dacca, 23 June 1953
RECD. at 22.00 hrs. Date 23.6.53
From: A.S.I., K.A. Abbas, R/S, Dacca. To : O/C Watch I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Dacca R/S at about 21-10 hrs. being shadowed by W/C Hakum Ali of I.B., E.B., Dacca and left Dacca R/S for Bogra by Bahadurabad up train at about 21.30 hrs. being shadowed by W/C Nurul Haque of R.I.B.
This is for your kind information. Sd/
Side note: D.S. VI for information please. Sd/- A. Razzak O/C – 24.6.
Recd. H.S…. 23.6.53 at 22.30 P.M. Seen. Copy to his P.F. Sd/- A.U.M. 24.6.
129 Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 23 June 1953
On the C.Rs reg. Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
23.6.53 The suspect visited at the following places: 21, Belly Road, (Residence of Mr. A.A. Shah)
: from 10.00-10.05 hrs. Leaving
his quarter at about 09.30 hrs. : from 10.30-11.30 hrs. : from 11.45-13.10 hrs.
94 Nawabpur Road. Secretariat Building (A.G.E.B. Office)

Page: 262
From 14.15 hrs. to 17.25 hrs. Kazi Ghulam : returned to his quarter at about Mahbub visited the quarter of Sk. Mujibar 13.30 hrs. from 17.45 -18.05 Rahman at 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane. hrs. (Residence of Yar Mohmud)
: Leaving his quarter at 17.25
hrs. 50, Johnson Road
from 18.10 hrs-18.15. Residence of Advocate Abdus Salam Khan at : from 18.30-20.15 hrs. and Puranapaltan.
returned to his quarter at about 20.30 hrs.
At about 20.45 hrs. suspect left his quarter and went to Dacca Rly. Station by rickshaw at about 21.10 hrs. and left Dacca Rly. Station by Bahadurabad up train being shadowed by W/C Nurul Huda of R.I.B at about 21.30 hrs. Telephone message has been put up to D.S. concerned on 24.6.53 for information.
Sd/-25.6.53. Side Note: D.S.VI, Portions side lined may please be seen. Extract of these portions may go
in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak O/C, 27/6 Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 27.6.
130 Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Dr. Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, District AML, Bogra informing about the provincial council meeting and requested the addressee to attend the historic
council session.
Dacca, 24 June 1953 Secret
Intelligence Branch 7, Wise Ghat
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 26th June, 1953.

Page: 263
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
iť v 6 Nos
From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibur Rahaman, 71,
Radhika Mohan Basak Lane,
Dacca. To (with address)
Dr. Mujibur Rahman, Secretary District Awami
Muslim League, Bogra. 3. Language of letter
English. Date of letter
24.6.53 Postal Seal
Outgoing Post office of interception
: Ramna. Date of interception
: 26.6.53 Name of officer who can prove the : S.l. Sk. Yousuf. interception
Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorizing interception N.B. Similar copy to the following persons noted in a separate paper
attached herewith.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Sk. Mujibar Rahman from Dacca writes to Dr. Mujibar Rahman of A.M.L. Bogra with a request to attend the council meeting etc.
Sd/ -27/6/53
Copy of an English letter dt. 24.6.53 from Sk. Mujibur Rahaman, 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca to Dr. Mujibur Rahaman, Secretary District Awami Muslim League, Bogra, P.O. Bogra, Dt. Bogra.

Page: 264
71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca. My dear Dr. Sb,
My salam to you. You are certainly aware that the Provincial Council meeting of our organization is going to be held on the 3rd, 4th and 5th July, 1953 at Dacca. You can easily gauge the importance of this historic session. We are going to hold this time as we are to finalise our constitutional manifesto and take final decision on major policies.
You are therefore, earnestly requested to please come and attend the session with all of your councillors. Please do reach Dacca on or before the 2nd July after making necessary arrangement for the councillors so that they may reach on the due date. More when we meet at Dacca.
Affectionately Yours, Sd/ – Sk. Mujibur Rahaman
24/6/53 1) Mr. Abul Hossain, Secretary District Awami Muslim League,
Rangpur. 2) Serajuddin Ahamed, Pleader, President District Awami League,
Maijdi, Noakhali. 3) Jonab Khairat Hossain Sb. M.L.A. Nilfamari, Rangpur. 4) Haji Abdul Jalil Sb., Ashuganj P.O.+ Dist. Tippera. 5) Moulavi Mokbul Ahamed, Islamia Press, Maijdi Noakhali.

Page: 266
DIB report on Chittagong visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned that he attended AML working committee
meeting and urged upon the workers and organizers to well organize the party and start working in the interior of the district to mobilize public opinion following the next assembly election.
Chittagong, 25 June 1953
District Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 25th June, 1953
No. 3834/104-49
To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I write to inform you that AL * 520 Sk. Mojibor Rahman came to Chittagong from Dacca by Dacca Mail on the morning of 18.6.53. He was received at the Rly. station by Abdul Aziz, Secy. Awami Muslim League, (2) Dr. Anwar Hussain, A.M.L. and (3) Nurul Gani Chaudhuri @ Kamal. He stayed in the quarter of Abdul Aziz Secy. A.M.L. Chittagong at 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong town.
day Abdul Aziz, Dr. Anwar Hussain, Amir Hussain Dovash, Abdus Samad (Dock Labour) Nurul Gani Chaudhuri @ Kamal, Md. Ibrahim, Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri and some other came in his contact.
In the evening he attended the Working Committee meeting of the A.M.L. at the A.M.L. office, 122 Anderkilla, Chittagong which was attended by the above important members of the A.M.L. along with some others.
Discussion in the working committee meeting was held regarding the organizational matters of the party and it was decided that the workers and organizers should work co-heartedly to organize its branches in the interior of the rural areas and to spread the object and ideology of the organization to the minds of the general mass to make organization more stronger to contest Muslim League in the next election in the East Bengal assembly.
On 19.6.53 nothing was noticed in the morning important from the political point of view.
In the evening he was seen in the Awami league office attended the working committee meeting of A.M.L. which was attended by Abdul Aziz, Zahur Ahmad Chudhuri, Md. Abdus Samad, Amir Hussain Dovash, Kamal, Md. Ibrahim Emdadul Haque, Abdur Rahman and a few others.

Page: 267
Discussion took place regarding the organization work of the party and the following were selected as delegates from Chittagong Dist. A.M.L. to attend the A.M.L. conference at Dacca by the 1st week of July, 1953.
1. Abdul Aziz, Secy. A.M.L. 2. Zahur Ahmad Chadhuri – Asstt. Secy. E.P.F.L. 3. Amir Hussain Dovash. 4. Muzzaffar Ahmad – President A.M.L. 5. Dr. Anwar Hussain
and 2/3 others.
Further it was decided in the meeting to collect more funds to make the organization stronger to contest the Muslim League in the ensuing Assembly election of East Bengal.
Sk. Mojibor Rahman urged upon the workers and organizers of the A.M.L. for starting party work in the interior of the District and to mobilize public opinion for the next assembly election. He full-heartedly requested the A.M.L. leaders to well organize the party and make propaganda amongst the general public against the Muslim League.
Sk. Mozibor Rahman has left for Dacca by Dacca Mail on the night of 19.6.53 at 22.15 hours and has been shadowed by the R.I.B. staff. He was seen off at the Rly. station by M.A. Aziz.
Sd/- 25.6.53 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
4. Politico-Communal Groups (a) Muslim Groups
(i) A D.I.O. reports that A.L. *520 Sk. Mojibor Rahman was met at the Chittagong Rly. station by Abdul Aziz, Secy. Awami Muslim League, Dr. Anwar Hussain A.M.L., Nurul Gani Chaudhuri, @ Kamal, Amir Hussain Dobash, Abdus Samad (Dock Labour), Md. Ibrahim, Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri also contacted him later on. He attended the working committee meeting of the Awami Muslim League at the A.M.L. office, Anderkilla and discussed about the organisational work of the party and urged the workers and organisers to start party work in the interior of the district and mobilize public opinion for the next assembly election. He also

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requested the A.M.L. leaders to make wide propaganda amongst the general public against the Muslim League.
A detailed report was sent to I.B. vide this office memo No. 3834/104-49 dated 25.6.53.

Telephonic message on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at
Dacca. Dacca, 25 June 1953
TELEPHONE MESSAGE Recd. at 07.20 hrs. Date 25.6.53 From : O/C Watch. D.I.B., Dacca. To : O/C Watch. I.B., Dacca.
Suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman arrived Dacca R/S by Bahadurabad Down train at about 07.00 hrs. today being shadowed by W/C Abu Siddique of D.I.B. Mymensingh. The suspect left Dacca R/S for his residence being by W/C Nurul Haque of D.I.B. Dacca. This is for your information and n/a.
Sd/- S.A. Mannan.
dt. 25.6.53.
Side note: D.S. VI for information please. Sd/- A. Razzak
O/C. 25.6. Recd. H.C. M… To P.F. Sd/- A.U.M. 25.6.

Confidential report on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in
Dacca and visit at different places.
Dacca, 26 June 1953
Report on the C.Rs reg: Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca:

Page: 269
At about 07.00 hrs. on 25.6.53 Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Dacca Rly. Station by Down Bahadurabad train being shadowed by W/C Abu Siddique of Mymensingh D.I.B. And at about 07.30 hrs. he reached 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane being shadowed by A.S.I. Kazi Ali Abbas of I.B. from Dacca Rly. Station. The suspect visited at the following places:
3/1 Purana Paltan. Residence of : from 17.35 hrs. to 18.45 hrs. leaving Advocate Abdus Salam Khan.
his quarter at about 17.00 hrs. 94, Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. Office)
from 19.00 to 21.00 hrs. 55, Nawabpur Rd. (shop) (Khaddar : from 21.15-22.00 hrs. Kutir)
At about 22.15 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to his quarter since then he was not seen to come out of his quarter up to 06.00 hrs. dt. 26.6.53 and nobody visited his quarter during his stay at his quarter.
Submitted, Sd/-26.4.53.
Side note: 25.6.53, Telephone message re: arrival of the suspect has been put up to D.S.
concerned on 25.6.53. 25.6.53, D.S.VI. Portion side lined may please be seen. Extract of that portion may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak O/C. Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 27.6.53.

Report on the Dacca district peace conference where Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman delivered speech.
Dacca, 26 June, 1953 Proceedings of the Dacca District Peace Conference held on 26.6.53 at J.N. College, Gymnasium:
1. On 26.6.53 at 8 a.m. the delegates meeting of the Dacca Dt. Peace Conference was held under the presidentship of Ataur Rahman Khan, President, E.B. Peace Committee. About 50 delegates from Dacca district and about 30 visitors from other districts attended it.
The following speakers addressed the meeting.
*** 2. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., E.P.A.M.L.

Page: 270
All the speakers dwelt on the utility of the peace movement and described the evils of war, allegedly, designed by the Imperialist. They criticised the M.L. Govt. for extending their co-operation to the warring nations by reducing Pakistan into a war base for the 3rd World War. They all urged for peace campaign to stop the threatened war.
Sd/-Inspr., I.B., Dacca.

Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned that he attended Dacca district peace conference at Jagannath College36
Dacca, 27 June, 1953 Precis on the confidential reports regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca, submitted by F. Meher, S.I., I.B. on 27.6.53.
The suspect visited at the following places: He attended Dacca District Peace : From 09.45 to 12.30 hrs. leaving his Conference at Jagannath College, quarter at about 09.35 hrs. and returned Dacca. (Advocate, Ataur Rahman to his quarter at about 12.45 hrs. (AML) presided over the conference) Again he attended the above noted : From 17.15 to 23.30 hrs. leaving his conference.
quarter at about 17.00 hrs, and returned to his quarter at about 23.45 hrs. Since then he was not seen to come out of his quarter upto 06.00 hrs. dt. 27.6.53.
36. Jagannath College- Jagannath College has a history that started in 1858 when Dhaka Brahma School was founded by Dinanath Sen and other Hindu elites. Kishorilal Chowdhury, the Zamindar of Baliati in Manikganj, who took over the school in 1872 and renamed it after his father as Jagannath School. It was upgraded to a second grade college in 1884 and then in the year 1908 it raised to a first grade college started with 48 students. Jagannath College was transformed into Jagannath University in 2005 by passing a bill named Jagannath University Act-2005 in the Parliament. Jagannath University is a government financed public university at Sadarghat, Dhaka.

Page: 271
Side Note: D.S. VI for perusal please. Extract may go in the P.Fs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman
and Advocate Ataur Rahman. Sd/- A. Razzak, 27/6, Sd/- A.U.M. 29/6 W.Cs on the watch-duty for suspect Mujibar Rahman to report the names of the suspects who were seen to attend the conference. Sd/- A. Razzak, 27/6

Weekly Confidential Report of Mymensingh district citing Mujibar Rahman (AML) of Jamalpur town criticized ML government in a meeting at Sherpur jointly organized by Youth League and
Communist Party. Dacca, 27 June 1953
Weekly Confidential Report of Mymensingh District for the week ending 27-6-53.
17) Miscellaneous.
(a) A D.I.O. reports on 18.6.53 that under the joint auspices of the Y.L. and C.P. workers of Sherpur, a meeting (500) was held at Sherpur town on 15.6.53 with Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.) of Jamalpur town, in the chair. Nasiruddin (C.P.) s/o Rahim Baksh of Sherpur town, Habibar Rahman (A.M.L.) of Dhakalhati, Sherpur, Qasim Ali (Y.L./E.P.S.L.) s/o Shakawatullah of Sherpur town, Mujibar Rahman (Y.L./C.P.) of Sherpur town and the President delivered speeches criticizing the present Muslim League Govt. for their apathetic attitude towards the general mass and its failure to solve the vital problems of the country.
Resolutions inter-alia demanding food stuff at the concession rates, agricultural loan without interest, distribution of lands to the landless people, abolition of Zamindary without compensation, withdrawal of retrenchment policy and immediate release of all political prisoner were passed.
(b) A D.I.O. reports on 16.6.53 that Idd-ul-Fitre was celebrated at Kishoreganj town on 13.6.53 by the Govt. officials.
Maulana Athar Ali, Imam, Shaheedi Mosque, Kishoreganj town, not only denounced the radio news about the visibility of the moon at Dacca but offered a stiff opposition to those who came to prayer with the Govt. officials on the 13th (June) morning. As a result the situation became tense but the trouble was averted due to the timely intervention of the local police.

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The local Muslim League workers also did not offer their prayer on 13.6.53 and did so on 14.6.53 under the leadership of Maulana Athar Ali.
Side Note: SS I. This was a joint meeting of A.M.L, YL & C.P.
May be considered for D.R. Sd/-1.7.53 Too late for DR. Sd/- 2/7

Letter from Abdul Khaleque, President, Jessore District AML and Abdul Hai, Kharki Road, Jessore to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stating that sub-divisional committee of the Sadar Awami League recommended for making Awami League a non-communal organization. Besides this the writers conveyed other
organizational matters.
Dacca, 1 July 1953
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 1.7.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
3. 4. 5.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
M.A. Khaleque Prst. Dt.
A.M.L. Jessore & Abdul Hai : Mujibar Rahman 18 Karkun
Bari Lane. : English : 28/29.6.53 : Jessore.
R.M.S. : 30.6.53 : B. Rahman SI
7. 8.

Page: 273
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: No. : Delivered. : Copy to office. : Casual.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Abdul Hai from Jessore writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman of E.P.A.M.L., Dacca and President of E.P.A.M.L. reg. various party matters etc.
Sd/ -2.7.53.
Side note: S.S. III may like to see. We already know the contents of the letter
from Khaleque. Gist of the letter from A. Hai may go in F.R. Sd/ – 2.7 Steno. A copy for E.R. below pl. receive, Sd/ -4.7
M. Abdul Hai, M.A., Commissioner, Jessore Municipality
My dear Mujibar,
Perhaps you are well aware of the fact that already the Sub-divisional Committee of the Sadar Awami League has recommended for making Awami League a non-communal organisation. Today the members of the District Committee will sit to discuss and may possibly pass their verdict in favour of the
posal of making A.M.L. a non sectarian organisation. To speak to you frankly I should say that Mr. Masihur Rahman to whom you bank upon most and support may possibly oppose us in arriving at a decision on that matter. Moreover today I am very much surprised to see the name of Masihur Rahman in the list of the members of the working of All Pakistan Jinnah Awami League. I am sure Mr. Suhrawardy is still in the habit of recruiting all these black sheep eliminating the

Page: 274
best workers of the organisation. Every time I find the trend that is working still in the mind of Mr. Suhrawardy. I do not at all like to associate and subscribe to the views of Mr. Suhrawardhy of always eliminating the people who by their hard toil has made the organisation a stable one. Mr. Habibur Rahman whom you do not know well is an M.A.B.L. much more learned and sacrificed a lot for our nation does not find a place in any Committee but always I see that Mr. Masihur Rahman an ordinary graduate of ill calibre finds his room in every committee. This I should say a collossul mistake on the part of Mr. Suhrawardy to include such a man of questionable integrity in high sounded committee. You know that two years back when you people made him the member working committee suddenly resigned because he was unwilling to part with Shamsur Rahman but when he was finally kicked out by Ahmed Ali Sardar and S. Rahman he showed his willingness to join Awami League but not without any post. With good faith and without any such mental reservation we gave him the post as we gave the presidentship to Adv. A. Khaleque. In this way our best workers sacrificed their offices in favour of all these black sheep only with a view to see their conduct. But if without any further test and trial the centre and provincial leadership imposes upon us their will by deliberately neglecting the sentiment of ours by placating Masihur Rahman on us. Perhaps you know that we are not weak men here. Finally we shall wait for the decision of council. If you go on supporting Mashihur Rahman we shall not be in a position to support you. We know how to make our position strong. Even we are ready to expel and depose Masihur from his Secretary-ship for his misconduct and incapacity and inactivity. However I do not feel it convenient because you may possibly oppose us in our decision. Please ask Mr. Suhrawardy not to play foul with us. He has thought that by bagging support of Masihur Rahman, Abdus Salam Khan and Akbar Ali Shaib and Abul Mansur and other reactionary people whose only dream is to capture power and nothing more. I am afraid these people even may betray us after becoming M.L.As. with the same slogan that they want power, because if A.M.L. fails to form govt. these people will turn again as black sheep as Mr. Suhrawardhy had already experienced that sorts of men in the past. After reaching Dacca I may possibly consulting you and Moulana Shaib may issue a statement against the evil procedure of Mr. Suhrawardhy of nominating the whole quota of members of W.C. of All Pakistan A.M.L. still the Council has not approved and accepted the decision of the working committee as regards the decision of asking affiliation to Mr. Suhrawardy’s Jinnah Awami Muslim League which is different organisation from our East Pakistan Awami League. If Mr. Suhrawardy wants to neglect our views definitely we shall oppose him tooth and nail. Because you know that I have lost everything in struggling with the League of Jessore when not a single element

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barring a few were with me. I am not aspirant for any post perhaps if you scrutinise my past political record you will fail to have a glimpse of that. I am arriving Dacca on the 3rd morning. Please send my card to my father-in-law’s house so that I may directly join the meeting without any delay. My father peer Saheb of Kharki V. P., D.A.M.L arriving Dacca by plane on the 26th July. Please do attend him. More when we meet.
Sd/-Abdul Hai
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 1.7.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
M.A. Khaleque, D.A.M.L., Jessore. Mujibar Rahman, Karkun Bari Lane,
To (with address)
Language of letter Date of letter
English. 28/29.6.53
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: R.M.S. Date of interception
: 30.6.53 Name of officer who can prove the : B. Rahman, S.I. interception Whether photographed or not
: No Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. Number and date of Government order : Casual. authorising interception
10. 11. 12
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Abdul Hai from Jessore writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman of E.P.A.M.L., Dacca and President of E.P.A.M.L. regarding various party matters etc.
Sd/- 2.7.53

Page: 276
Where the letter was passed by SS III it should have been brought to me for gisting instead of sending it to S.S.T direct pl. note.
Sd/- 15/7.
Side note: S.S. III may like to see.
We already know the contents of the letter from Khaleque. Gist of the letter from A. Hai, may go in F.R. Sd – A.U.M. 2.7. Sd/-A. Hussain, 2.7.53
The gist of the letter should have been prepared & put up to me. It is not possible for me to read all such big reports and dictate gists at the time of dictating in F.R. A number of similar other reports about AML have been sent to me without gisting for F.R. DS must see to it in future.
Ref: No.
Dated, Jessore the 28th June, 1953.
The President, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 18, Karkoonbari Lane, Dacca.
I beg to forward herewith the relevant portion of the resolution adopted in the meeting of the working of the Jessore District A.M. League held on the 28th June, °53 at the residence of Janab Habibur Rahman sb. with Jonab Abdul Khaleque, President in the chair.
Yours faithfully, Sd/-M.A. Khaleque,
President, Dist. A. M. League, Jessore.

Page: 277
“Considered the question of making Awami Muslim League a non-communal political body and it is resolved that the resolution adopted in the Sadar Subdivisional Awami Muslim League working committee be adopted and sent to the President Provincial A.M.L. for final approval. The resolution runs as follows:Resolved that in consideration of the present political situation and other relevant factors this meeting expressed its considered and sincere views that A.M. League should be made a non-communal political organisation and should embrace all Pakistanis irrespective of caste, creed and colour into its fold in the best interest of Pakistan and its people forthwith. Mvi. Mashihur Rahman Secy. Dist. A.M. League, Jessore remained neutral and expressed no opinion on this issue. Prof. Abdul Hai, M.A. expresses his intention to move this resolution in the council meeting of the Provincial Awami M. League to be held in Dacca from 3rd July 653 and Moulvi Alamgir Siddique to second the Proposal.”
“A proposal requesting the president, E.P.A.M.L. to include two members in the working committee of East Pakistan A.L. from this district be made and for that purpose Mvi. Abdul Khaleque and Prof. Abdul Hai be selected and it is further resolved that Mvi. Habibar Rahman, M.A.B.L. be taken in the Provincial Parliamentary Board, if formed at this time in the Council meeting”.
Sd/-M.A. Khaleque,
President, 28.6.53
Copy to Sk. Mujiber Rahman for information and to take necessary action.

Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 1 July 1953
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane.

Page: 278
1.7.53 The subject visited the following places: Left quarter
: 09.45 hrs. Karkunbari lane Moulana Saheb : 09.55 – 11.00 hrs. was present at qurs. High Court.
: 11.20 – 11.50 hrs. From Karkunbari Lane. Dacca R/S.
: 12.00 – 12.30 hrs (Refreshment room)
From High court left Refreshment room
along with Rafiqul Hossain A.M.L. Paramount Press. 9 Hatkhola Rd. : 12.50 – 13.20 hrs. 18 Karkunbari lane. Moulana Saheb : 13.30 – 14.12 hrs. was then present. Returned to quarter.
: 14.30 hrs. Left Quarter.
: 14.50 hrs. Dacca court compound.
: 14.55 hrs. and left the place by Car No.
E.B.D. 1232. The car is belongs to Mr.
Safiul Karim. Returned to his quarter.
: 02.45 hrs. Since then he was not seen.
2.7.53. Left quarter.
: 08.30 hrs. 18, Karkunbari lane, Moulana : 08.35 – 12.00 hrs. Saheb was then present at quarter. Court compound.
: 12.05 and left that place by Car No.1232
E.B.D. Returned to quarter.
: 15.05 hrs. Left quarter.
: 15.50 hrs. 18 Karkunbari lane Moulana Saheb : 16.00 – 17.20 hrs. was then present. 14 Mohini Mohan Lane.
: 17.35 – 17.40 hrs. 18 Karkunbari lane.
: 17.45 – 18.45 hrs. O.K. Restaurant
: 18.50 – 20.00 hrs. 18 Karkunbari Lane Moulana : 20.05 – 00.30 hrs. Saheb was then present at quarter. Returned to quarter.
: 00.40 hrs. Left quarter.
: 06.45 hrs. Court compound
: 06.50 – 07.00 left by Car No. 1232 E.B.D.

Page: 279
Mukul Cinema Hall where he : 08.30 – 11.30 hrs. Left that Hall by Car attended A.M.L. Annual 3480 E.B.D. with C.I. “K’ Circle and went conference to D.M. Bungalow under his order. This fact was announced through the mike in
Mukul Cinema Hall. 18 Karkunbari Lane.
12.55 – 13.30 hrs by Car No. 3060 E.B.D. from D.M’s Bungalow. Moulana Saheb
and Ataur Rahman were with the subject. Returned to quarter.
: 13.40 hrs. Left quarter.
: 15.00 hrs. Muktear Library
15.05 – 15.20 hrs. 18 Karkunbari Lane.
: 15.25 – 15.45 hrs. Muktear Library where he attended : 15.50 — 19.58 hrs. A.M.L. Annual conference. 18 Karkunbari lane.
: 20.00 – 20.15 hrs. Muktear Library.
20.25 – 23.00 hrs. Attended conference. 18 Karkunbari lane.
: 23.05 -00.30 hrs. Returned to quarter.
: 00.40 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/- S.I. 4.7.
Side Note: Portions sidelined may pl. be seen. Extract of those portions may go in P.F. Sd/
A.R. O/C 9.7. Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 16/7
Précis on the C.Rs suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane.
4.7.53. The subject visited the following places: Left quarter
: 07.30 hrs18 Karkunbari Lane.
: 07.40 – 08.50 hrs. Moulana Saheb was then present at qur. Mukul Cinema Hall where A.M.L. Annual conference: 08.55 – 14.50 hrs. was held. The subject attended the meeting. 5.7.53. 18 Karkunbari Lane.
: 14.35 – 15.45 hrs. Returned to quarter
: 15.50 hrs. Left quarter
: 19.05 hrs.

Page: 280
Muktear library where A.M.L. Annual : 19.10 – 05.30 hrs. on 5.7.53 Conference was held. 18 Karkunbari lane.
: 05.35 – 05.50 hrs. Returned to quarter.
05.55 hrs. 6.7.53. Left quarters.
: 06.55 hrs. Muktear library
: 07.05-07.10 hrs. 18 Karkunbari lane.
: 07.15 – 08.05 hrs. Mukul Cinema Hall.
: 08.10 – 12.10. Left along with
Moulana Saheb and attending in the
meeting 18 Karkunbari Lane.
: 13.40 hrs. Moulana Saheb was with the subject. Court Compound
: 13.50 and left that place by Car 1232
and proceeded towards Nawabpur. Puranapaltan Maidan.
19.25 hrs left by Car No. 1232. The subject attended a meeting of A.M.L. but he do not delivered any lecture in
the meeting 18 Karkunbari Lane.
19.35-21.35 hrs. left by Car No.
1232. Since then he was not seen. 18 Karkunbari Lane.
: 11.00 hrs. 42 Juginagar lane.
11.15 – 11.45 hrs. Enquiry is being made to ascertain as to who lives at
qurs. Juginagar lane. 18 Karkunbari lane.
: 12.00 – 13.30 hrs. Returned to qurs.
: 13.40 hrs. Left quarters.
: 17.25 hrs. Casanova Hotel
| 17.30 – 18.15 hrs. 18 Karkunbari lane.
18.20 – 21.10 hrs. Left that place
along with Moulana Saheb. Bangshal Mosque along with Moulana : 22.15 hrs.
At Bangshal house of Saizuddin. Returned to his quarter.
23.00 hrs. 23.30 hrs. Since then he was not seen to come out of his qurs. during duty period.
Sd/- S.I. 7.7.
Side note: D.S.VI. Portions sidelined may pl. be seen. Extract of those portions may go in
P.F. Sd/- A.R. O/C, 9.7. Sd/- A.U.M. 16.7.

Page: 281
Précis on the confidential reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 8.7.53.
The subject visited at the following places:: 10.30 hrs.
From 10.45 to 11.45 hrs. & left the A.M.L. Office.
Left his quarter – A.M.L. Office, 18, Karkunbari Lane Bar Library – Dekanus Hotel, – 247/2, Nawabpur Road. Returned to his quarter – A.M.L. Office,
From 11.50 to 12.55 hrs. & left the Library. From 13.00 to 16.20 hrs. & left the Hotel.
: :
From 16.30 to 16.45 hrs. & left his quarters. From 16.50 to 20.00 hrs. & left the A.M.L. Office.
18, Karkunbari Lane.
: From 20.10 to 20.20 hrs. & left the place.
26/1 Madan Mohan Basak Lane, previously visited by the subject. Sangbad Office –
From 20.30 to 22.30 hrs. & left the Sangbad Office.
Returned to his quarters at 22.45 hrs. Since then he was not seen till 23.00 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/-M. Rahman, S.I.
Side Note: D.S.VI. Portions side-lined may please be particularly seen. Extract of these
portions may go in P.F. if approved. Sd/- A. Razzak, 13/7 S.O. to please enquire and report the object of visit to the hotel for about 3 hours there. Sd/- A. Razzak, 13/7, Sd/- A.U.M, 14/7/53.
139 Confidential report on AML office; visit and movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other leaders.
Dacca, 4 July 1953
Précis on the C.Rs of A.M.L. office at 18 Karkunbari lane, Dated 4.7.53 to 6.7.53.

Page: 282
The following men visited the office. Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
from 07.40-08.50 and 14.55-15.45
hrs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani returned to the place at 13.15 hrs. shadowed by W.C. Suhrab Ali. He returned from Mukul Cinema Hall after presiding over the
A.M.L. Conference there. Md. Ilias visited the place and left it along : from 15.35-15.45 hrs. with Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Abdus Salam of Y.L.
: from 16.30 – 16.45 hrs. Atowar Rahman advocate and Ali
: from 19.00-20.00 hrs. Amzad, advocate. Moulana left his quarter at about 09.00 hrs. for Mukul Cinema Hall to preside over a conference of A.M.L. there.
5.7.53 Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
: from 07.15-08.05 hrs. & 10.05 –
10.10 hrs. from 12.15- 13.40 hrs. &
19.25 – 21.15 hrs. Abdul Zabbar Khaddar
from 09.15 – 09.20 hrs. At about 09.55 hrs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani left the place and proceeded towards Mukul Cinema Hall. He shadowed by W.C. He went to Mukul Cinema to preside over the A.M.L. conference. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani : from 12.15 -13.30 hrs. (30 unknown returned to the said place along with Sk. persons) visiting there. Mujibar Rahman and 30 unknown persons at about 12.15 hrs. Again Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan : from 13.15-19.15. Bhashani left the place at about 13.15 hrs. He was at outside. shadowed by WC Suhrab Ali. He returned to quarters at 19.15 hrs. Atowar Rahman advocate visited the place. (from 21.35 hrs. till 22.00 hrs.). He did not leave the place.

Page: 283
6.7.53 Sk. Mujibar Rahman,
: from 10.10 – 10.55 & 12.10-13.30
and 18.20-21.10 hours. Eusuf Hassan, Progressive writer of : from 12.25-12.50 hrs. Narayanganj, Ali Ahmed M.L.A.
: from 13.00 – 13.40 hrs. Abdur Rahim Muktear
: from 18.25-19.05 hrs. 6/7 Unknown persons visited the place | from 09.00 – 10.05 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/- Masiruddin Ahmed.
S.I. 9.7.53
Side Note: D.S.VI for perusal pl. Sd/- A.R. O/C. 9.7.
To P.F. Sd/-A.U.M. 16.7.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke in a press conference which was published in the daily Millat on 9 September 1953. He delivered
speeches severely criticizing government’s apathy to the food crisis of East Bengal. He also spoke on famine condition across the province, not adopting the same measures for East Bengal as that of West Pakistan, implementation of test relief and auxiliary hospital, abolition of zamindari system without compensation and distributing land to the farmers, nationalization of jute, Bengali as
state language etc. Dacca, 9 July 1953
Millat dt. 9.7.53
পূর্ববঙ্গের খাদ্য-সংকটে সরকারী ঔদাসিন্যের তীব্র সমালােচনা। সাংবাদিকদের সম্মেলনে শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের ভাষণ
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার) “পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের গম ঘাটতি পূরণের জন্য সরকার দশ লক্ষ টন বিদেশী গম আমদানী করিতেছেন অথচ পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের চাউল ঘাটতি পূরণের জন্য কোন পন্থাই সরকার অবলম্বন করিতেছে না। বরং তাঁহারা ব্যাপারটিকে খেলাে করিয়া দেখিতেছেন।”

Page: 284
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান গতকল্য (বুধবার) বৈকালে আওয়ামী লীগের কেন্দ্রীয় দফতরে অনুষ্ঠিত এক পূর্নাঙ্গ সাংবাদিক সম্মেলনে উপরিউক্ত উক্তি করেন।
তিনি বলেন পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানে খাদ্য সংকট সম্পর্কে আমরা সংবাদপত্রের বাহিরে কিছুই জানি তবে বৈদেশিক গম আমদানী হইতে বুঝা যায় যে, তথাকায় খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি অত্যন্ত গুরুতর আকার ধারণ করিয়াছে। কিন্তু সরকার কর্তৃক প্রদত্ত কারণ জবের অভাব যথেষ্ট নয়। যাহা হউক অতি বিলম্বে হইলেও সরকার তথাকার খাদ্য সমস্যার মােকাবিলা করার জন্য কাৰ্য্যকরি পন্থা অবলম্বন করিয়াছেন।
কিন্তু পূৰ্ব পাকিস্তানের খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি শুধু গুরুতর নহে বরং আশঙ্কাজনক । ইহার কারণ স্বরুপ তিনি পাট, সুপারী, তামাক, প্রভৃতির বাজারের অভাবের কথা উল্লেখ করেন। যাহার ফলে সকল স্তরের লােকই ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হইয়াছে। তিনি বলেন, ইহা বলা অত্যুক্তি হইবেনা যে, প্রদেশের সৰ্ব্বত্র দুর্ভিক্ষাবস্থা বিরাজ করিতেছে। অত্যন্ত আশ্চর্যের বিষয় যে কেন্দ্রীয় অথবা প্রাদেশিক মন্ত্রিসভা মােটেই অবস্থার গুরুত্ব উপলব্দি করার প্রয়াস পান নাই।
হাজার হাজার দুঃস্থ অভাবের তাড়নায় শহরে আসিয়া ভীড় জমাইতেছে কিন্তু সরকার সঙ্কটের গুরুত্ব অনুধাবন না করিয়া হৃদয়হীনতার পরিচয় দিতেছেন। সরকারের উচিৎ সমস্যা সমাধানের জন্য পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের বেলায় যেরুপ কর্মপন্থা অবলম্বন করিয়াছে এখানে তদ্ররূপ করা।
বিদেশ হইতে খাদ্য আমদানী দ্বারা সমস্যার স্থায়ি সমাধান হইতে পারেনা সেজন্য সরকারকে বিনা খেসারতে জমিদারি উচ্ছেদ করিবার কৃষকদের মধ্যে জমি বন্টন করিতে হইবে।
তবে সাময়িকভাবে খুলনা, বরিশাল, নােয়াখালী, দিনাজপুর, ময়মনসিংহ, রংপুর, বগুড়া, ফরিদপুরের কতকাংশ ও কুমিল্লায় দুঃস্থদের জন্য টেষ্ট রিলিফ খয়রাতি সাহায্য ও অক্সিলিয়ারি হাসপাতাল স্থাপন প্রভৃতির বন্দোবস্ত করিতে হইবে।

Page: 285
গঠনতান্ত্রিক প্রশ্ন
তিনি বলেন, গত ৫ বৎসর যাবৎ আমাদের কর্মসুচী সম্পর্কে ভুল বুঝাবুঝি চলিয়া আসিতেছে। মুসলিম লিগ মহলে আমাদের বিরুদ্ধে প্রচারনা চালাইয়া আসিতেছে যে তাহাদের ও আমাদের কর্মসুচীতে কোন পার্থক্য নাই। ইহা সম্পূর্ণ ভিত্তিহীন ও বিভ্রান্তিকর।
মুসলিম লীগের কর্মসুচীতে ও যে কিছু কিছু ভাল জিনিষ নাই তাহা নহে তবে কার্যকারীতার অভাবে সেগুলি ফাইল চাপা পড়িয়া গিয়াছে।।
রাষ্ট্রভাষা সম্পর্কে তিনি বলেন, অন্যতম রাষ্ট্রভাষা হিসাবে বাংলার প্রশ্ন আজ পাকিস্তানের এই অঞ্চলের জীবন মরণের প্রশ্ন। এই ব্যাপারে মুসলিম লীগের স্বরুপ প্রকাশ পাইয়াছে। এ ব্যাপারে তাহারা জনসাধারণের সহিত যে বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করিয়াছে তাহা সকলেরই জানা আছে।
বৈদেশিক নীতি সম্পর্কেও মুসলীম লীগ সরকার দেউলিয়া বনিয়া গিয়াছে। আমরা কমনওয়েলথ ত্যাগের দাবী জানাইয়া আসিতেছি; আমরা জাতীয় ও আন্তর্জাতিক ব্যাপারে নিরপেক্ষ নীতি অনুসরণের পক্ষপাতি কিন্তু সাম্রাজ্যবাদী নীতি ঘােষণা মুসলিম লিগ আজ পাকিস্তানকে বিক্রয়ের বন্দোবস্ত করিয়াছে।
অপর জরুরি বিষয় হইতেছে নাগরিক অধিকার। মুসলিম লীগ গত ৫ বৎসরের শাসনে সম্ভাব্য সকল পন্থায় সমস্ত নাগরিক অধিকারের গলা টিপিয়া গণতন্ত্রকে ধ্বংস করিয়াছে। জননিরাপত্তার নামে যতসব কালাকানুন করিয়া জনসাধারণের অনিচ্ছাসত্বেও ইহারা নিজেদের শাসন কায়েম করিয়াছে। আমরা ইহার সম্পুর্ন বিরােধী।
এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে তিনি বলেন যে, আওয়ামী লীগ ক্ষমতায় আসিলে তাহাদের প্রথম ও প্রধান কাজ হইবে খাদ্য সমস্যার সমাধান ও সকল প্রকার কালাকানুনের অবসান করা।
অপর প্রশ্নের উত্তরে তিনি বলেন যে, সকল লােক বর্তমানে অন্যায় ও অসদুপায়ে অর্থ উপার্জন করিতেছে ক্ষমতায় আসিলে তাহারা প্রকাশ্য বিচারে ইহাদের সমস্ত টাকা পয়সা বাজেয়াপ্ত করিবেন তবে বিনা বিচারে কিছুই করিবেন না।
তিনি বলেন যে, আওয়ামী লীগ পাকিস্তানকে ইসলামি রাষ্ট্র করার পক্ষপাতি। তিনি বলেন পাকিস্তানের লিঙ্গুয়া প্রাক্কা দুইটি বাংলা ও উরদু। জিন্না আওয়ামী লীগের সহিত তাহাদের সম্পর্কের কথা জিজ্ঞাসা করা হইলে তিনি বলেন পূর্ব পাক আওয়ামী লীগ উহার একটি আঞ্চলিক শাখা তবে কোন রকম অন্যায় জবরদস্তি তাঁহারা সহ্য করিবেন না। অপর প্রশ্নের উত্তরে তিনি বলেন, তাঁহারা পাট জাতীয়করণ করার পক্ষপাতী।
মুসলিম লীগের সহিত কোয়ালিশন মন্ত্রিসভা গঠনের কথা জিজ্ঞাসা করা হইলে তিনি বলেন পাপ ও পূণ্য একত্রে থাকিতে পারেনা।
তাহারা কবে আইন অমান্য আন্দোলন আরম্ভ করিবেন সে সম্পর্কে জিজ্ঞাসা করা হইল তিনি বলেন যে, শীঘ্রই তাহারা ইহা ঘােষণা করিবেন।
তিনি বলেন, নীতিগতভাবে আমরা ৯২ (ক) ধারার প্রবর্তন পছন্দ করিনা তবে নির্বাচনের সময় ইহা করা হইলে আমরা ইহা সমর্থন করিব।

Page: 287
Omar from Karachi wrote a letter congratulating Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as he was elected General Secretary of Awami League. He wished to work together with him in their struggle to establish
democracy in East Bengal.
Dacca, 11 July 1953 Secret
Intelligence Branch 7 Wise Ghat Road.
Dacca; The 11.7.1953
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
: Omar Karachi,
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, East Bengal Awami Muslim League, 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca.
English. : 10.7.53
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Karachi – 10.7.53
: G.P.O. Dacca.
: 11.7.53
: Karamat Ali Bhuyan, ASI.
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorizing interception
: No. : Delivered. : No.
: G.O.

Page: 288
Copy/translation forwarded to
Omar writes from Karachi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman at Dacca reg. party matters & their intention to visit Lahore etc.
Sd/ – 11/7/53
Side note: S.S.III may kindly see. Omar may be the younger brother of the H.P.M.
Pakistan. We may send a copy to Bureau with a request for confirmation. Sd/ -11/7 Yes. DIG may like to see. Sd/ -11/7. C/0, Pl. shake off careless habit. Sd/ – 11/7 As proposed. Sd/-13.7.53
Copy of an English letter dated 10/7/53, intercepted at G.P.O., Dacca from Omar, 13, Kutchery Road, Karachi, to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, office of the East Bengal Awami Muslim League, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
My dear Mujibur Bhai,
Please accept my sincerest congratulations on your being elected General Secretary of the Awami League. Needless to say, those who have elected you have shown their wisdom, by selecting a person who possesses all the right qualities: character, integrity, ability, honesty and devotion. I regard it as both a pleasure and a privilege to be a friend of yours. I look forward to a time when we might be able to work together, in our struggle to establish democracy and decency in East Bengal. Equipped as you are for that struggle, I have no doubt of its ultimate success. Once again, accept my congratulations.
We are going to Lahore on the 12th, and intend to stay there for about a week. After that I do not know what exactly our plans will be. But please write to me when you have the time.
With kind regards,
I remain, Yours affectionately,
Sd/ – Omar.

Page: 289
No. 9584/606-48(1) dt.15.7.53
A.D. (P), Karachi.
I forward herewith a copy of the letter dated 10.7.53 from Omar, 13 Kutchery Road, Karachi, to Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, Awami Muslim League, Nawabpur, Dacca, intercepted at Dacca G.P.O. on 11.7.53 and request you to kindly let this office know the particulars of Omar – the writer of the intercept.
Sd/-14/7/53 S.S III for D.I.G.
Side note: SSIII/DS VI, Your orders below draft put up for appl. please. Sd/ -24.7
Note: Omar-step-brother of premier of Pakistan, Khawaja Nazimuddin. He was PS
of H.S. Suhrawardy.

Page: 290
INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Government of Pakistan
No. 17/B/53- (4) Dated the 19 AUGUST 1953.
My dear Hussain
Please refer to your memo No. 9584/606-48 (1), dated July 15th 1953, regarding one Omar, 13, Kutchery Road, Karachi.
2. Omar is probably identical with Umar Ali Chowdhuri, step-brother of Hon’ble Prime Minister. He is a young man and has toured countries in Europe. For some time he was employed in the Bengali Section of Radio Pakistan. At present he is working as Private Secretary to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. He also edits a paper of the All Pakistan Women Association and contributes short stories to the paper “Vision” of Karachi.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/(G. Murtza)
Assistant Director (G) A, Hussain, Esq., P.S.P., Spl., Supdt., of Police, (III), I.B., East Bengal, DACCA.
INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Government of Pakistan
No. 17/B/53-(4)
Dated the 15 October 1953

Page: 291
My dear Hussain
Please refer to our letter No. 17/B/53- (4), dated August 19th 1953. Our enquiries confirm that the writer of the letter received with your memo No. 9584/606-48(1), dated July 15th 1953, is Umer Ali Chowhdury whose details have been given in our letter under reference.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/(G. Murtza) Assistant Director (G)
A. Hussain, Esq., PSP, Spl. Supdt., of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, DACCA.

Letter from Syed Salehuddin Mahmood of Pangsa, Faridpur to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he congratulated him as he was
elected General Secretary of AML. He also focused on the unfortunate masses those who were dying of diseases due to lack
of medical treatment and of starvation. He drew attention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the party organizational affairs.
Dacca, 17 July 1953
Intelligence Branch 7, Wise Ghat Road.
Dacca; The 17.7.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained) From (with address)
: Syed Salehuddin Mahmood,
B.A. Vill & P.O. Pangsa, Dist-Faridpur.

Page: 292
2. To (with address) : Janab Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, B.A. 94, Nowabpur Road, Awami
Muslim League Office, Dacca. Language of letter
Bengali. Date of letter
13.7.53 Postal Seal
: Pangsa – 13.7.53 6. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca Date of interception
: 17.7.53 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Keramat Ali Bhuiyan ASI
Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual interception.
order authorising interception
7. Copy/translation forwarded to
Salehuddin Mahmood of Pangsa, Faridpur writes to Sk. Mujibur Rahman of E.P.A.M.L. Dacca reg. various problem of life & party politics etc.
Sd/ – 17/7/53.
Side note: Pl. send copy to Dt. for comment & particulars of the writer. Sd/-17/7.
A.S.I. for translation. Sd/-17.7.53. Sir English translation is attached herewith please. Sd/-20/7. DS VI Kindly mark these names for indexing. Sd/-20/7 Stt. Insp. take these actions & then put up. Sd/-20/9
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 13.7.53, Intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca. From Syed Salehuddin Mahmood, B.A., P.O. Pangsa, Dist -Faridpur to Janab Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, B.A., 94, Nawabpur Road, Awami Muslim League Office, Dacca.

Page: 293
সৈয়দ সালেহউদ্দিন মাহমুদ
পােঃ পাংশা, ফরিদপুর
১৩.৭.৫৩ ইং।
প্রিয় মুজিব ভাই:
দীর্ঘদিন হল বাড়ী এসেছি, তাই যােগসূত্র বিচ্ছিন্ন। কেবল সংবাদপত্রের মাধ্যমে রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতি পর্যবেক্ষণ করছি মাত্র। অবশ্য অর্থনৈতিক বিপর্যয়ের চরম বীভৎস রূপ গ্রামে এসে প্রত্যক্ষ করছি, এখানে দেখছি আমার অতি পরিচিত ছেলে বেলাকার বন্ধু বান্ধব চোখের সামনে তিলে তিলে অনাহারে, রােগ-যন্ত্রনায় বিনা চিকিৎসায় মারা যাচ্ছে। একটা এ,জি, হাসপাতাল পাংশায় ছিল সেটাও কিছুদিন পূৰ্ব্বে সরকারী কৃপাদৃষ্টিতে ছাটাইয়ের মধ্যে পড়েছে। আমি যখন ৪/৫ মাস পূৰ্ব্বে ঢাকা মিটফোর্ড হাসপাতালে টয়ফয়েড রােগে আক্রান্ত হয়ে অবস্থান করছিলাম, তখন এই হতভাগ্য দরিদ্র জনসাধারনের কথা মনে হত যারা মরবার সময় একবিন্দু ঔষধ ত’ দূরের কথা, ডিষ্ট্রিকট বাের্ডের ‘টিউব অয়েল রাজনীতির জন্য এক ফোটা ভাল পানি খেয়েও মরতে পারে না।
আজ মুজিব ভাই, আপনাকে চিঠি লিখছি বড় আনন্দিত হয়েই। আওয়ামী লীগের কাউন্সিলে গঠনতান্ত্রিক ভাবে যে নিৰ্বাচন হল সেই নির্বাচনে আপনাকে সাধারণ সম্পাদকের আসনে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হতে দেখে আমার চেয়ে আনন্দিত বােধ হয় পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে কেউই হয় নাই। আমার আন্তরিক শুভেচ্ছা গ্রহণ করুণ, পাংশার তথা সমগ্ন গোয়ালন্দ মহকুমার আম্মামীলীগ ভক্ত নাগরিকের পক্ষ থেকে খােশ আমদেদ জানাচ্ছি। আপনার নির্বাচনে আমি নিজেকে নির্বাচিত মনে করছি। কিন্তু ভাই এই আনন্দ ধ্বনির মধ্যে প্রাণে যেন কিসের একটা বেসুর ভাব লেগে আছে। যাদের প্রতিনিধি হিসাবে কাজে নাববেন, তারা এখনও নীরবে মারখায়। অন্যায় আজ উৎকট রূপে দেখা দিয়েছে।
এই রাজনৈতিক তথা অর্থনৈতিক পরিপ্ৰেক্ষীতে আপনার ন্যায় নির্ভীক, সৎ ও দেশপ্রেমিক কে মনােনীত করে আওয়ামী লীগ কাউন্সিল বুদ্ধিমত্তার পরিচয়ই দিয়েছে। অবশ্য যাদের রাষ্ট্র ভাষা আন্দোলনের সময় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় প্রাঙ্গুন থেকে উম্মত্ত ছাত্রদের হাত থেকে সরিয়ে নিয়েছে, তারা সুযােগ বুঝে প্রতিষ্ঠান থেকে যে সরে পড়বে তাতে আর বিচিত্র কী?
যাহােক সময়ের মূল্য আপনার আছে, চিঠি বাড়াব না । যে করেই হক গােয়ালন্দ মহকুমা আওয়ামীলীগ গঠন করা আশু প্রয়ােজন। পাংশাতে একটা বিরাট সম্মেলন ডাকব আশা করছি এজন্য আপনি ও জনাব মওলানা সাহেবের এখানে আসা একান্ত প্রয়ােজন। কোন সময় আসবার সুযােগ হবে পত্র পাঠ আমাকে লিখে জানাবেন।
ইতি :
Sa/- সৈয়দ সালেহউদ্দিন মাহমুদ
পােঃ পাংশা, ফরিদপুর

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English Translation of a Bengali letter dt. 13.7.53. Intercepted at G.P.O Dacca. From Syed Salehuddin Mahmood, B.A., P.O. & Vill – Pangsa, DistFaridpur to Janab Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, B.A., 94, Nowabpur Road, Awami Muslim League Office, Dacca.
Syed Salehuddin Mahmood P.O-Pangsa, Dist – Faridpur.
13.7.53 Dear Mujib Bhai,
Many days passed since I have come home, hence the breakup of communication. I am only observing the political situation in the midst of news paper. In fact I am observing the deplorable scene of the economic condition of the country after arriving at the village. Here I am finding that the well acquainted friends of my boyhood are dying without medical treatment suffering in diseases and also of starvation. There was an A.G. Hospital at Pangsa but it had been stopped a few days ago by the Govt. 4/5 months ago when I was at Mitford Hospital, of Dacca being attacked with Typhoid, I would remember about this unfortunate masses, who cannot but die neither taking a drop of medicine nor a drop of water for “tube-well politics” of the District Board.
Mujib Bhai, today I am exceedingly glad to write you. Perhaps there is nobody happier than myself in East Pakistan finding you elected as General Secretary in that election of the Awami Muslim League Council which has been selected in a formative basis. My hearty well wishes to you and I am informing you the satisfaction attained on behalf of the Awami League supporters of Goaland Sub-division specially of Pangsa. I am thinking myself elected for your selection. But brother, there is misunderstanding in our mind in the midst of this happiness. They are still receiving beatings silently with whom you would proceed as a leader. Nowadays injustice has shown its odd appearance. In the days of political and economic problems as well the Awami Muslim League Council has shown its intelligentia selecting an honest, courageous and philanthropist leader like you. In fact it is not amazing that those persons, who were come out from the hands of the agitated students at the University maidan at the time of Language agitation, might go out from the organization in any opportunity.

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I do not write you more, as there is value of your time. By hook or crook there is an immediate necessity to form the Sub-divisional Awami Muslim League of Goaland Sub-Division. I hope to call a huge meeting at Pangsa and as such your and Moulana sb’s arrival is urgently necessary. Please inform me when you will get opportunity to come.
Yours:Sd/ – Syed Salehuddin Mahmood, B.A.
P.O. & Vill – Pangsa,
143 Confidential report on the Barisal visit of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other leaders.
Barisal, 17 July 1953
District Intelligence Branch Barisal, the 17th July, 1953.
No. 3856
To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.) arrived at Barisal town on 15.7.53 by Barisal Mail being shadowed by W.C. 333 Md. Abdul Hafiz of I.B., E.B., Dacca. Nothing interesting was noticed during their journey from Dacca to Barisal.
Sd/ – 17.7.53. for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Bakarganj.

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Extract from the shadowing report regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others.
On 14.7.53 at about 20.10 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Bhasani, Toffazzal Husain @ Manik Miah, Obaidul Haque of Chittagong, Badsha Mia of 7, Kazi Ziauddin Road, Dacca and Rafiqul Islam left Badamtali Steamer ghat, Dacca for Barisal by Barisal Steamer. They reached Barisal on 15.7.53 at 12.00 hrs. and made over them to W/Cs Mohammad Alauddin and Kazi Ashraf Husain of Barisal D.I.B. On the way nothing found important to report.
Submitted, Sd/-18.7.53.
Side Note: D.S. VI. For favour of perusal please.
Extract may go in the P. Fs of the subjects. Sd/-18.7. Sd/- A.U.M. 18.7.

Telephonic massage on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mawlana Bhasani at Dacca from Barisal. They visited DM to
obtain transit visa for Lahore visit.
Dacca, 19 July 1953
Received at: 14-35 hours. Date 19.7.53.
Addresses From : O/C Watch (if given)
D.I.B., Dacca. To : O/C Watch, I.B. Dacca.
W/C Salamatullah of Narayanganj informed over phone that suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani arrived at Narayanganj at 14.15 hours by Barisal Mail and left for Dacca by reserve Taxi No. E.B.D. 1105 without shadow as there was no other Taxi available there at that time. This is for your kind information and necessary action.
Sd/- 19.7.

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Side note: D.S. VI/S.S. III. For favour of information.
Watch has been arranged. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C Watch. 19.7.53 Seen. Sd – A. Hussain. 19.7 To their P.Fs. Sd/-A.U.M. 20.7.
D.S. VI.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Sk. Mujibar Rahman who went to Barisal on 15.7.53 returned to Dacca, being un-shadowed on 19.7.53 on their return to Dacca they visited 48 Nawabpur Road (Studio House) and D.M’s Bungalow for obtaining transit visa to go to Lahore, with a view to attending a conference of working committee of A.M.L.
This morning (20.7.53) both of them accompanied by Advocate Ataur Rahman left for Lahore at 07.10 hours by Orient Plane. Extract may go in P.Fs of all concerned.
Sd/- A. Razzak, O/C Watch,
20.7.53. Yes. Sd- A.U.M. 20.7.

Letter of Sayeruddin Ahmad and two others to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to join the opening ceremony of the Communist party
office, Rangpur.
Dacca, 22 July 1953 Secret
DACCA; The 22.7.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1. From (with address)
Sayeruddin Ahmed, Shufi Motahar Hossain & Kali Ranjan Barman, Kamalkachna, Rangpur.

Page: 298
2. To (with address)
: Mr. Mujibar Rahman, Secy.,
E.P.A.M. League, 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca
Language of letter
Bengali. Date of letter
: Printed leaflet dated 18.7.53. Postal Seal
Rangpur. Post office of interception
G.P.O., Dacca. Date of interception
: 22.7.53. Name of officer who can prove the : S. Ahmed, S.I. interception Whether photographed or not : No. Whether withheld or delivered
delivered : Withheld. If delivered, whether copy kept or : not
10. 11.
2. Number and date of Government : Casual. order authorising interception.
Similar letters addressed to:
(1) Mr. Mahmud Ali Secy. Genl., Pakistan Ganatantri Dal, 1, Maulavi Bazar; (2) Muhammad Sultan, President, E.P.S. Union, C/O Bakshi Bazar, Dacca.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Sayeruddin Ahmad and two others from Rangpur issued this printed Bengali leaflet on behalf of D.C. of the Pakistan C.P. on 18th July inviting to attend the opening of their District Office on the 24th July and sent copies to Sk. Mujibar Rahman and others of Dacca noted overleaf. For order please regarding its disposal.
Perusal please. The information about the proposed opening of the party office at Rangpur on 24.7.53 has already been known through previous interception. We

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have called for a report from the District. On receipt of the report from the district the gist of the information will go in F.R. The letters may be withheld and one of the letters may be kept in the P.F. of Sayeruddin Ahmed (Ex-Security prisoner).
Sd/- K.M. Hussain,
23.7.53. Sd/- T. Ahmad,
পাকিস্তান প্রতিষ্টীত হবার পর ১৯৪৮ সালের মার্চ মাসে পাকিস্তানের কম্যুনিষ্ট পার্টি গঠিত হয়। পাকিস্তানকে একটি স্বাধীন, সুখী, সমৃদ্ধিশালী ও গণতান্ত্রিক রিপাবলিক হিসেবে গড়ে তােলার উদ্দেশ্যে এবং স্থায়ী বিশ্ব শান্তির জন্য সাম্রাজ্যবাদ – সামন্তবাদ একচেটিয়া পুজিপতি বিরােধী সকল দল, গ্রুপ ও ব্যক্তির একটি সম্মিলীত ফ্রন্ট গড়ার নীতি নিয়ে কমুনিষ্ট পার্টি কাজ শুরু করে।
সাম্রাজ্যবাদ – সামন্তবাদ একচেটিরা পূজি বিরােধী সকল প্রকার গণতান্ত্রিক আন্দোলন ধ্বংস করার জন্য লীগ সরকার রাষ্ট্রদ্রোহীতার ধুয়া তুলে দেশের মধ্যে চালায় প্রচন্ড দমন নীতি এবং এর প্রধান আঘাতই আসে কনিষ্ট পার্টির ওপর। যদিও কমুনিষ্ট পার্টিকে অবৈধ ঘােষণা করা হয় নাই। কাৰ্যতঃ লীগ সরকারের প্রচন্ড দমন নীতির ফলে কমুনিষ্ট পার্টির প্রকাশ্য কাজ অসম্ভব হয়। এই অবস্থাতেও আমাদের পার্টির দেশের বিভিন্ন গণ আন্দোলনে অংশ গ্রহন করে।
বিভিন্ন গণতান্ত্রিক দল ও প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রচেষ্ঠায় গণতান্ত্রিক আন্দোলনের প্রসার হওয়ায় এবং আমাদের একনিষ্ট জনসেবার ফলে আজ আমাদের পক্ষে সম্ভব হয়েছে আবার বৈধ উপায়ে প্রকাশ্য আন্দোলনে অংশ গ্রহন করার। আবার আমরা আমাদের পূর্বোক্ত সংকল্প নিয়ে কাজ শুরু করেছি।
আগামী ২৪ শে জুলাই, ৫৩ আমাদের জেলা অফিস উদ্ধোধন করা হচ্ছে। এই উদ্বোধন উৎসবে আপনার ও আপনার বন্ধু বান্ধবের সমর্থন ও যােগদান একান্তভাবে কামনা করি।

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ইনকিলাব জিন্দাবাদ গণতান্ত্রিক পাকিস্তান জিন্দাবাদ বৈপ্লবিক অভিনন্দনসহ পাকিস্তানের কম্যুনিষ্ট
পার্টির জেলা সংগঠণী কমিটির পক্ষে
রংপুর. ।। ছায়ের উদ্দিন আহম্মদ
১৮ শে জুলাই ৫৩
সুফি মােতাহার হােসেন।
কালীরঞ্জণ বর্মন
অফিস ঘরের ঠিকানাঃ- কামালকাচনা (মন্থনা হাউজের সন্নিকট)
Book Post
Mr. Mujibur Rahman Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Mulsim League, 18, Karkun Bari Lane. Dacca.

Watch report on Mawlana Bhashani and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned their arrival at Tejgaon Airport from Lahore. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia visited
Mawlana Bhashani’s residence.
Dacca, 24 July 1953
Précis on the watch reports of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani of 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dt. 24.7.53. :
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani reached at Tejgaon Air Port along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman and advocate Atowar Rahman on 24.7.53 at about 17.15 by plane from Lahore. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and Sk. Mujibar Rahman reached at 18 Karkunbari Lane at about 18.35 hrs. Atowar Rahman was separated from them at Orient Air Ways office.

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Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited 18 Karkunbari Lane from18.35 to 21.35 and 19.45 to 23.00 hrs.
Tofazzal Hossain Chowdhury @ Manik Mia visited the place from 18.20 to 20.00 hrs.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani visited A.M.L. Office in the ground floor of the same building from 19.30 to 22.00. He was found in the A.M.L. Office till 22.00 hrs.
Submitted Sd/-Masir Uddin Ahmed.
S.I. 25.7.53
Side note: Submitted to D.S. VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P. F.s, Sd/
for O/C, Watch. 28/7. Sd/- A.U.M. 28/7
Précis on the watch reports of Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Rd. Dt. 24.7.53:
Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and Atowar Rahman, Advocate arrived at the Air Port on 24.7.53 at about 17.15 hrs. by plane from Lahore.
He reached at 18 Karkunbari Lane along with Moulana Sb. at 18.35 hrs.
He visited 18 Karkunbari Lane.
From.18.35 to 19.45 leaving Tejgaon air port at 17.15 hrs. 21.35 to 23.00 hrs. leaving grs. at about 21.25 and where from he retd. to qrs. at 23.10 hrs.
Submitted Sd/- Masir Uddin Ahmed.
S.I. 25.7.53.
Side note: Submitted to D.S. VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F.s
concerned. Sd/for O/C, Watch. 28/7. Sd/- A.U.M. 28.7

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Weekly confidential report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mawlana Bhashani.
Dacca, 25 July 1953
Weekly Confidential Report of Dacca D.I.B. for the Week Ending, 25.7.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 21 & 22 d/- 23.5.53 & 30.5.53 were received on 20.7.53 and 25.7.53 respectively.
Weekly Confidential Report of Dacca D.I.B. for the Week Ending, 25.7.53.
(Movement of Suspect).
Ref:- Part I. Para 6 of the W.C.R. for the Week Ending, 18.7.53.
A.L. 11- Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani returned from Barisal on 19.7.53 by Steamer and left for Lahore on 20.7.53 by air. He returned to Dacca by air on 24.7.53.
Ref:- Part 1-para 7 of the W.C.R. for the W/E, 18.7.53.
A.L. 520-Sk. Mujibur Rahman returned to Dacca on 19.7.53 from Barisal by steamer. He left for Lahore on 20.7.53 by air and return to Dacca again on 24.7.53, by air.
A.L. 58- Ataur Rahman Khan left for Lahore on 20.7.53 by air and returned to Dacca on 24.7.53 by air.
Ref: – Part 1 – Para 5 of the W.C.R. for the W/E, 18.7.53. A.L. 554-Oli Newaz Khan left Dacca for Kishoreganj, Mymensingh on 17.7.53 by train.
Side note: Circulation of 30/7. D.S.6. 30.7. Sd/- A.U.M. D.S.2. Sd/- A. Hafez, 30.7.
Précis on the watch reports of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radika Mohan
Basak Lane, dt. 25.7.53 &26.7.53:

Page: 303
25.7.53 :
The subject visited the following places.
2/1 Rajar Deori Enquiry is being : From: 09.20 to 09.30 leaving qurs. at made.
about 09.15. 18 Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. office : From: 09.35 to 12.10 leaving Rajar & the residence of Moulana Abdul Deori at 09.30 hrs. Hamid Khan Bhashani.
3. Hatkhola Rd.
: From: 12.20 to 12.45 hrs. leaving
Karkunbari Lane at 12.10.
Paramount Press. Bar Library
4. From: 13.00 to 13.40 hrs. leaving Hatkhola Rd. at about 12.45 hrs. and wherefrom he retd. to qrs. at about 13.50 hrs.
: Again Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited 18 Karkunbari Lane.
From: 15.55 to 18.35 hrs. leaving qurs. at 15.45.
Casanova Hotel
: From: 18.40 to 20.00 hrs. Leaving
Karkunbari Lane at about 18.35 hrs.
37, Rankin Street. This is Bhabesh : From: 20.20 to 21.00 hrs. leaving Nandi’s house. He & his brother Dr. Karkunbari Lane at about 20.00 hrs. M.N. Nandi reside there.
Again at 18 Karkunbari Lane.
From: 21.15 to 21.45 hrs. leaving Rankin St. at about 21.10 and wherefrom he returned to grs. at about 21.50 hrs.
26.7.53 :Sk. Mujibar Rahman left his qrs. at: From 07.00 to 07.15 about 06.45 & reached at Dacca R/S about 07.00. He met Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani at Dacca R/S. He left Dacca R/S along with Moulana Sb. & returned to 71, Radhika Mohan Bashak Lane at about 07.30.

Page: 304
He visited 12 Lall Mohan Shaha St. Dr. : From: 09.30 to 09.35 leaving qr. at C.M. Bonik M.B. B.Sc. resides there & 09.15. it is their own house. Object of visit could not be known. 18 Karkunbari Lane.
: From 09.45 to 10.00 leaving Lall
Mohan Shaha st. at 09.35 & wherefrom he retd. to qrs. at 10.05
hrs. Again at 18 Karkunbari Lane.
: From: 10.15 to 11.50 left qrs. at 10.10
River view Restaurant at Shadarghat. : From: 12.00 to 12.15 leaving He took tea there.
Karkunbari Lane at 11.50. Amrita Bastralaya at Shadarghat. He : From: 12.20 to 12.50 leaving the river bought cloths from there.
view restaurant at about 12.15 & wherefrom he retd. to qrs. at 13.00 hrs.
9, Hatkhola rd. & Paramount Press. He : at about 16.45 hrs. left the Press along with Manik Mia. Both of them hired a Taxi No. E.B.D. 3189 at Victoria Park and went away.
Regarding Car & destination Enquiry is being made. At about 20.00 hrs. the individual returned to his qrs. along with Manik Mia. Again he left qrs. at 20.45 along with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani & went to Dacca R/S at about 21.00. At 21.30 Moulana Sb. left the R/S for Shantahar by Bahadurabad train. R.I.B. Nurul Haque Shadowed him. Sk. Mujibar Rahman left R/S at 21.35. : From: 21.40 to 21.50 hrs. leaving R/S. He visited 37 Rankin st. Bhabesh Ch. at 21.35 & wherefrom he retd. to qrs. Nandi to his brother M.N. Nandi resides at 22.00. there.
Submitted by Sd/-Masi Uddin Ahmed.
28.7.53. Side note: Submitted to D.S. VI for favour of perusal pl.
Extract may go in P. F.’s covered. Sd/- for O/C, Watch. 28.7 Yes. Sd! – A.U.M. 29.7

Page: 305
Precis on the C.Rs. of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani of 18 Karkunbari Lane dt. 25.7.53 and 26.7.53:
The subject visited the following places.
He was seen present at his qrs. in the morning at 09.30.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited the places.
: From. 09.35 to 12.10
The subject left his qrs. along with Ear Mohammad Khan by Rickshaw at 18.00. They reached at 9 Hatkhola Rd. at about 18.20.
They visited 9 Hatkhola Rd. It is a Press : namely “Paramount” it is a known place.
From. 18.20 to 21.30 leaving qrs. at about 18.00 & wherefrom he retd. to qrs. at about 21.30.
26.7.53 :
At about 06.45 Moulana Abdul Hamid : From. 07.00 to 07.15 leaving qrs. at Khan Bhashani left the qrs. at about about 06.45 & wherefrom he went to 06.45 & went to Dacca R/S at about 71 Radhika Mohan Bosak Lane at 07.00. Sk. Mujibar Rahman met the 07.30. subject at the Dacca R/S. Moulana Sb. halted at Dacca R/S.
He left 71 Radhika Mohan Bose Lane along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman at about 20.40 and went to Dacca R/S at about 20.55. A.S.I. Md. Yusuff made over the charge to R.I.B. WC Nurul Haque and he shadowed by the train to Moulana Sb. left for Shantahar.
Submitted Sd/- Masir Uddin Ahmed.
Side note: Submitted to D.S. VI for favour of perusal pl. Extracts may in P.F.s. Sd/- for
O/C, Watch. Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 20.7

Page: 306
Confidential report on AML office, Dacca.
Dacca, 25 July 1953
Précis on the C.Rs. of A.M.L. Office at 18, Karkunbari Lane dt. 25.7.53 and 26.7.53. :
25.7.53 :The following men visited the place:
1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
: from 09.35 to 12.10 and 15.55 to 18.35.
2. : from 17.10 to 17.45 hrs.
Atowar Rahman, advocate visited along with Abdul Zabbar Khaddar. Abdul Zabbar visited
3. : from 17.10 to 17.50 hrs.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani left the place along Ear Mohammad at about 18.00 hrs. and they returned to the said place at about 21.30 hrs.
26.7.53 :
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani left the said place at about 06.45 and he did not return there till 22.00 hrs.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman – from 09.45 to 10.00 hrs. and 10.15 to 11.50 Kh. Md. Ellias – from 11.10 to 11.40 hrs.
Submitted Sd/-Masir Uddin Ahmed.
S.I. 27.7.53.
Side note: Submitted to D.S. VI for favour of perusal pl. Extracts may go in F.Ps.Sd/- for
O/C, Watch. 28/7 Sd/- A.U.M. 28/7

Page: 307
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman appealed to observe ‘Anti Safety Act
Day’ published in the daily Millat.
Dacca, 26 July 1953 Millat dt. 26.7.53,
নিরাপত্তা আইন বিরােধী দিবস শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের
আহ্বানMillat 26.7 | পুৰ্ব্বপাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান গতকল্য শনিবার সংবাদপত্রে এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে বলেন যে প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামীলীগ সভাপতি আগামী ৭ই আগষ্ট তারিখটিকে নিরাপত্তা আইন বিরােধী দিবস হিসাবে প্রতিপালন করিবার আবেদন জানাইয়াছেন। এই উপলক্ষ্যে সমবেত প্রচেষ্টার দ্বারা ইহার উদ্দেশ্যকে সাফল্যমন্ডিত করিয়া তুলিবার জন্য শেখ মুজিবর রহমান আওয়ামী লীগের সকল ইউনিট ও জনসাধারনের নিকট আবেদন জানান।
তিনি আরও জানান যে খােরাকির পির সাহেব জনাব লকিতুল্যাহ এবং নবাবজাদা নজরুল্যা খানকে পাকিস্তান জিন্না আওয়ামী লিগ ওয়ার্কিং কমিটীর সদস্য মনােনিত করা হইয়াছে।
Side note : 6 dt. 28.7.53., on file. Sd/-28.7

Page: 308
Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 27 July 1953 Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dt. 27.7.53. The suspect visited the following places during the time noted against each:Left Quarters.
: 09.55 – 18, Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. office. Name was : 10.15 hrs. 10.25 hrs. in the A.M.L office during his stay there. 94 Nowabpur Road, up stair.
: 10.35 – 11.30 hrs.
Enquiry is being made. 9 Hatkhola Rd. Paramount Press.
: 11.50 – 12.00 hrs. 18, Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. office. Name was : 12.15 – 12.20 hrs. present in the A.M.L office at that time. Bar Library, The subject met there with suspect : 12.30 – 13.40 hrs. Ataur Rahman, Advocate. Return quarter.
: 13.50 hrs. Left quarter.
: 18.05 – 119 Nowabpur Rd. Kishore Medical Hall where : 18.10 – 18.35 hrs. he talked with the Doctor. 18, Karkon Bari Lane
: 18.45 – 19.10 A.M.L. Office. 13 Joynag Road
: 19.40 – 20.25
Enquiry is being made. Chwakbazar, Al Hamra Hotel, took tea.
: 20.30 – 20.45 hrs. 179 Bangshal Rd. Sir Salimullah Club, 12, 13 : unknown persons were present in the Club during his visit there. Sadarghat near Rupmohal Cinema Hall.
: 21.40 – 21.45
Left with 7 unknown persons whom they visit near Sadar Court. The suspect separated
from the unknown persons. Return to quarter.
21.35 hrs.
Submitted Sd/-28/7/53.

Page: 309
Side note: Submitted to D.S. VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- 28/7
Sd/- AU.M. 29/7
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dt. 28.7.53.
The subject visited the following places during the time noted against.
Left quarter.
: 08.30 hrs. Malitola Rd.
The suspect left Malitula Rd. by car No. 3522 & proceeded towards Bangshal Rd. Enquiry being made reg.
the movement of the C.R. Returned to quarter.
: 12.30 hrs. Left quarter along with Rafiqul Islam. : 16.30 hrs. Nowabpur Hall Pharmacy.
: 16.40 hrs. – 16.50. Kamalapur House of Manik Miah. : 17.15 – 17.35
Left along with Manik Miah & Rafiqul
Islam. 21. Belly Rd.
18.05 – 18.10 hrs.
Enquiry is being made. Medical College Hospital Cabin No. 18.35 – 19.00 hrs. Manik Miah 16 at 3rd Floor
separates from the subject in front of the Medical College Gate. Enquiry is
being made. 18, Karkunbari Lane.
: 19.20 – 21.00 hrs. A.M.L. office.
Left alone. Rupmohal Cinema Hall enjoy the : 21.15 hrs. –00.05 picture & Returned to quarter.
00.15 – Since then he was not seen.
Side note: Submitted to DS. VI for favour of perusal pl. Extracts may go in P.Fs. concerned.
Sd/- for O/C watch. 30/7 Yes. Sd/- A.U.M 3/7

Page: 310
Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Ms. Anwara Khatun, MLA, informing her nomination as a member of APJAML.
Dacca, 29 July 1953
Intelligence Branch 7, Wiseghat.
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 29th July 1953 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: Sheikh Majibur Rahaman,
Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94,
Nawabpur Road, Dacca. 2. To (with address)
Mrs. Anwara Khatoon, 16,
Joynag Road, Dacca. 3. Language of letter
: English 4. Date of letter
: 28.7.53 Postal Seal
Outgoing Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Date of interception
29.7.53 8. Name of officer who can prove the : S.l. Sk. Yousuf
interception 9. Whether photographed or not
: Nil 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy kept 12. Number and date of Government : G.O. 1635 dt. 15/9/52 order authorising interception
Similar letters addressed to the following persons are given in a separate sheet of paper.

Page: 311
1. Mr. Mashiur Rahaman, Pleader, Jessore Secretary District Awami
League, Jessore, P.O. & Dt. Jessore. 2. Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate Purana Paltan, Dacca. 3. Mr. Khairat Hossain M.L.A. P.O. Nilphamary, Dt. Rangpur. 4. Mr. Mozaffar Ahamed, President District Awami Muslim League
Chittagong 122, Anderkilla Road, Chittagong. 5. Mr. Zahirul Haque @ Nil Miah, Pleader, President District Awami
League, Comilla, Dt. Tippera. 6. Mr. S.M. Lakitullah, Pleader, Barisal President, District Awami
League, Barisal, Dt. Barisal. 7. Mr. Syed Akbar Ali, President, District Awami League, Pabna, P.O.
Sherajgonj, Dt. Pabna.
Copy/translation forwarded to
D.S VI Perusal pl.
Sk. M. Rahaman Secy. E. Pak. AML, Dacca writes this letter to Mrs. Anwara Khatun MLA 16, Joynag Rd. Dacca intercepting that she has been nominated as a member of All Pak. Awami Muslim League by Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy Convener of the party.
Sd/ -29.7
Copy of an English letter dt. 28.7.53 from Sk. Majibur Rahaman Secretary East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca to Mrs. Anwara Khatoon, M.L.A. 16, Joynag Road, Dacca.
Mrs. Anwara Khatoon, M.L.A. 16, Joynag Road, Dacca.
I am requested by Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, the Convener, of All Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League to let you know that you have

Page: 312
been nominated by him as a member of the Working Committee of All Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League.
Yours faithfully, Sd./ Sk. M. Rahaman. Secretary East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other leaders.
Dacca, 29 July 1953
Weekly Confidential Report of Dacca D.I.B. for the Week Ending, 18/7/53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence Nos. … (missing from original document due to page damage) dated 9/5/53 &16/5/53 were received on 15/7/53 & 18/7/53.
Weekly Confidential Report of Dacca D.I.B. for the Week Ending, 18.7.53.
(Movements of Suspects).
2. A.L. 347- Pulin Behari De left Dacca for Kuliarchar, Mymensingh by train on 11/7/53 and returned to Dacca by train on 14/7/53. A.L. 459 – Khaleq Newaj Khan arrived at Dacca from Mymensingh by train on 2/7/53 and left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 6/7/53. A.L. 437 – Hatem Ali Talukdar arrived at Dacca from Mymensingh by train on 2/7/53.
A.L. 436 – Hashimuddin Ahmad arrived at Dacca from Mymensingh by train on 2/7/53 and left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 6/7/53. A.L. 554 – Oli Newaj Khan (CP) arrived at Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 16/7/53. A.L. 520 – Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Dacca for Barisal by steamer on 14/7/53.

Page: 313
7. A.L. 11- Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani left Dacca for Barisal by Steamer on 14/7/53.
8. A.L. 458 – Khairat Husain arrived at Dacca from Rangpur by train on 2/7/53 and left Dacca for Rangpur by train.
Side note: No. 1, O/C Watch to confirm pl. Sd/ – M. Haq 27.7. We have report
reg. the movement of S. No 1 as noted above.Sd/ – A. Razzak olc 29.7

Letter of S. Akbar Ali of 36, Rankin Street, Dacca to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman about organizational affairs.
Dacca, 29 July 1953
Secret Intelligence Branch
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 29.7.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
2. To (with address)
: S. Akbar Ali 36, Rankin St.
Dacca. : Sheikh Mujibar Rahman
Hony. Secy. Provl. Awami League. 18 Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
3. Language of letter
: English.
Date of letter
: 29.7.53.
Postal Seal
6. Post office of interception
: Wari.
7. Date of interception
: 29.7.53
8. : A. Hossain S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception

Page: 314
9. Whether photographed or not
: No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : G.O. expired.
authorizing interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
D.S. VI Perusal pl.
S. Akbar Ali of 36, Rankin St. Dacca writes this letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahaman Hony. Secy. Provincial AML 18, Karkoonbari Lane, Dacca intimating that he is living for Sirajgonj tonight and a meeting between Mohan, Mr. Fazlul Haque and Maulana Atahar Ali. He says Fazlul Haque cannot & should not be trusted as he has organised a new party and other party matters etc.
Copy of an English letter dt. 29.7.53 intercepted at Wari, P.O. on 29.7.53 from S. Akbar Ali, 36, Rankin Street Dacca to Sheikh Mujibar Rahman Hony. Secy. Provl. Awami League, 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
36, Rankin Street 29.7.53. My dear Sheikh Sb.,
I am leaving for Sirajganj tonight. Please do convey my best regards to Jonab Moulana Sb. As for inclusion of my name in the Provl. W.C. & in the P.B. I am also of opinion that same person should not be in both more so when he is also in the Central W.C. As for myself I prefer P.B. but in this respect I absolutely rely on Jonab Moulana Sb. I shall whole heartedly & disinterestedly work in whichever places he pleases to choose me.
Mohan most probably will try to a conference between Jonab Moulana Sb. Fazlul Huq & Moulana Atahar Ali but has it clearly stated that Fazlul Huq cannot be and should not be fully trusted. Who knows he

Page: 315
is not playing the part he played yesterday in forming a separate party. Although promised several times to join Awami League & work jointly with Moulana Sb. at the behest of the M. League High Commands with a view to weaken Awami League & strengthen M. League at the next election?
With best wishes, I remain yours sincerely
Sd/ – S. Akbar Ali.
154 Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 29 July 1953
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dt. 29.7.53.
The subject visited the following places during the time noted against each.
Left quarter. 18, Karkunbari Lane.
: : :
A. House of Dhanmandi.
10.10 hrs. 10.20 – 12.40 hrs. 13.10 – 13.15 hrs. 13.45 – 13.55 hrs. 14.10 – 14.25
9, Hatkhola Rd. Paramount Press.
Bar Library.
Returned to his qtr.
14.30 hrs.
17.25 –
left quarter. Bar Library 21 Belly Rd.
17.50 – 17.50
left that place by car
3522 …
Returned to quarter.
22.05 hrs.

Page: 316
During his stay at his quarter A.K.M. Serajul Islam A.M.L. office clerk visited his quarter from 08.00-08.45 hrs, and suspect Rafiqul Islam left his quarter from at 09.15 hrs.
Submitted. Sd-S.I.
30.7. Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. extracts may go in P.Fs.
concerned. Sd/- for O/C watch. 1/8, Sd/- A.U.M. 1/8 S.O. Who lives there? Sd/- for O/C 1/8 S.O. Who lives there? Enquiry & report pl. Sd/- for O/C Watch. 1/8

Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman about
Mymensingh tour and visits within Dacca.
Dacca, 30 July 1953
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dt. 30.7.53.
Subject visited the following places during the time noted against each.
Left quarter.
: 10.10 hrs. 18, Karkonbari Lane. : 10.20 – 12.00 hrs. Tripura Modern Bank. : 12.10 –
The subject was missed there & went to Dacca R/S.
was shadowed. Explanation may be called for. Dacca R/S.
: 17.15 – 17.25 hrs.
The suspect left Dacca R/S by Mohanganj up train at about 17.25 hrs. under shadow of I.B. watcher & was made over to W.C. Akkas Ali of Mymensingh D.I.B. at Mymensingh R/S at about 21.15 hrs. during his journey from Dacca to Mymensingh. He was not seen to speak anybody or to smuggle anything.
Submitted. Sd/-S.I. 31.7.

Page: 317
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/
for O/C watch. 1/8 Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 2/8
Precis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dt. 31.7.53.
The subject arrived at Dacca R/S at about 18.00 hrs. on 31.7.53 from Mymensingh by Produtt Nagar train under shadow of W.C. Siddiqualla of Mymensingh R.I.B. At about 18.15 hrs. the subject left Dacca R/S went to 194 Nawabpur Road Hall Pharmacy at about 18.20 hrs. from there he went to his quarter at about 18.40 hrs. He left his quarter at about 19.45 hrs. went to 18 Karkunbari Lane at about 19.50 hrs. He left that place at about 20.45 hrs. along with Qamuruzzaman and went to O.K. Restaurant at about 21.40 hrs. He left O.K. Restaurant at about 21.50 hrs. and returned to his quarter at about 21.55 hrs. Since then he was not seen.
Submitted. Sd/-S.I. 3.8.
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. Extract may go in P.Fs.
concerned. Sd/-for O/C Watch. 5.8. Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 6.8

Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Emdad Ali Mukhtear of Patuakhali conveying the message of cancellation of his visit to
Patuakhali. Bakarganj, 1 August 1953
Memo. No. 4076 178-49 (Int).
The 1st Aug.1953.

Page: 318
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
Sk. Mazibur Rahman, 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
2. To (with address)
Emdad Ali Mukhtear, Patuakhali, Barisal.
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 21.7.53.
Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
: Illegible. : Patuakhali.
25.7.53. : S.I. Mukhsud Qazi, D.I.B. Barisal.
10. 11.
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or
Not photographed. : Delivered. : Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/ -1/8 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bakarganj.
Copy of an English letter dated 21.7.53 from Sk. Mazibur Rahman (1), 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca, to Emdad Ali Mukhtear (A.M.L.) (2) Patuakhali, Barisal, intercepted at Patuakhali Post Office on 25.7.53.
My Dear Emdad Ali Sb.
My salam to you all. I am sorry that we have been called in Lahore for an important political affair. So we have cancelled the programme under compulsion. We shall resume our tour again by the 2nd week of August, 1953 after returning from Lahore.
Sincerely Yours, Sd. Sk. Mazibur Rahman.

Page: 319
Moulvi Emdad Ali, Mukhtear, President, Sub-divisional Awami Muslim League, Patuakhali, P.O. Patuakhali, Dist. Barisal, (E. Pakistan).
No 2 is s/o Osimuddin of Kanchipara, P.S. Bauphal and of Patuakhali town.
Side note: S.P. Perusal please. Copy may go to I.B. for information. Gist may go in S.W.R. Sd. M.A. Salam, D.I.O. (1). 28.7.53. Sd. M.R Haque, S.P. 30.7.53.
Note: Same letter was sent to Abul Husain, Islamia Library, Rajbari, Faridpur on the same date.

Page: 320
Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other leaders.
Dacca, 1 August 1953
Weekly Confidential Report of Dacca D.I.B. for the Week Ending 1.8.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 23 dt. 6.6.53 was received on 29.7.53.
Weekly Confidential Report of Dacca D.I.B. for the Week Ending 1.8.53.
(Movement of Suspects)
1. A.L. 11-Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani left Dacca for Santahar, Rangpur by train on 26.7.53 at 21.30 hours.
A.L. 436 – Hashimuddin Ahmad arrived at Dacca on 26.7.53 from
Mymensingh by train and again left for Mymensingh on the same day by train at 23.00 hrs. A.L. 204- Trailakshya Nath Chakrabartti arrived at Dacca by Chittagang train on 26.7.53 at 19.40 hrs.
Ref:- Part I-Para I of W.C.R. for the W/E 18.7.53.
A.L. 347- Pulin Behari De left Dacca for Mymensingh on 25.7.53 by train and again returned to Dacca from Mymensingh on 26.7.53 by train. A.L. Suspect 525-Deb Prasad Mukharji left Dacca for Calcutta via Narayanganj by Goalandu Steamer on 27.7.53. A.L. 520 – Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca for Mymensingh on 30.7.53 at about 17.25 hrs, and returned from Mymensingh on 31.7.53 at about 18.15 hrs. by train. A.L. 492- Jananedra Chandra Majumdar of Mymensingh arrived at Dacca on 31.7.53 at 23.30 hrs.
Seen Sls. 1, 2 and 6.
Sd/- A.U.M. 8.8.

Page: 321
Seen Nos. 3 and 4. Sd/- M. Huq. 10.8.
Seen No. 5 and 7. O/C Watch will please report if No. 7 has been placed under watch. Party-D.S. (D.S. VII) may please see Sl. 7.
Sd/- A. Majid.
Serial No. 7 is a non starred suspect. According to I.B. Circular he shall be watched by Dacca D.I.B.
Sd/-for o/c Watch. 11.8.
Seen. Please show D.S. VII.
Sd/- A. Majid. 11.8.
Please ascertain from Addl. S.P. D.I.B., Dacca if he has been watched during his stay at Dacca by the D.I.B. watch staff.
Sd/- M. Huq.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-7.8.

Moslehuddin Bhuiyan, AML office, Narsingdi wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein the writer informed a protest meeting would be held on 8th August 1953 to observe Safety Act Day’at Narsingdi and invited him and Mawlana Bhasani to
attend the same.
Dacca, 4 August 1953
Intelligence Branch
7, Wise Ghat.
Dacca; The 4th August 1953
Memo. No.

Page: 322
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Moslahuddin, Narsingdi, P.O.
Narsingdi, Dt. Dacca. Sk. Majibar Rahaman, 18,
Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca. : Bengali
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Narsingdi. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Date of interception
: 4.8.53. Name of officer who can prove the : S.I. Sk. Yousuf. interception
Whether photographed or not
: Nil.
10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal pl.
Mosleuddin of Norsingdhi AML office, Dacca writes this letter to Sk. Muzibar Rahaman at Karkoonbari Lane, Dacca reg. a protest meeting to be held on 8th August instead of 7th to observe “Safety Act Day” at Norshingdhi & inviting Sk. Muzibar Rahaman & Moulana Bhasani to attend the same. He reports that Gonatantri Dal of Narsingdi joins them in this connection etc.
Sd/ -4/8/53 10894 No. den dt. 10.8.53.

Page: 323
Side note: Pl. send copy to Dacca D.I.B for information and particulars of the
writer. Sd/-4/8 S.1. Sk. Yousuf for translation. Sd/-4/8/53 Sir, The English translation is attached herewith. Sk. Yousuf si. 5/8/53 Reply at P. 511, D.I.B. Dacca
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 3.8.53 from Moslahuddin, Narsingdi Awami Muslim League Office, P.O. Narsingdi, Dt. Dacca to Sk. Majibar Rahaman, 18, Karkoon Bari Lane, Dacca.
জনাব মজবর রহমান সাহেব,
আমার ছালাম গ্রহন করিবেন। আমি দুই তিন পূৰ্ব্বে নরসিংদী হইতে আপনার নিকট খবর পােছানাের জন্য জনাব তােফাজ্জল হােসেন সাহেবের নিকট টেলিফোন করিয়াছিলাম। আপনী হয়ত খবর পাইয়া থাকিবেন। আমরা নরসিংদীতে আগামী ৮ই আগষ্ট সনিবারের দিন নিরাপত্তা আইন বিরােধী দিবস পালন করিতে যাইতেছি তাহার কারন ৭ই আগষ্ট শুক্রবার আমাদের নরসিংদীতে সাপ্তাহিক হাট জমে, এই হাটের দিনে নরসিংদীতে আমরা শুক্রবারে জনসভা করিলে জনসাধারনের বিশেষ অসুবিধা হয়, নরসিংদী গণতন্ত্রী দল আমাদের সাথে যােগ দিয়াছে। তাহারা আমাকে তাহাদের যুগ্ন সম্পাদক দেওয়ান মাহবুব আলীকে আমন্ত্রন জানাইয়াছে বলিয়া আমাকে অবগত করিয়াছে। অতএব আমার বিশেষ অনুরােধ আপনী শনিবার দিন ভােরের ট্রেনে যাহা ৬ টায় ঢাকা হইতে ছাড়ে সেই ট্রেনে চলিয়া আসিবেন। আপনী নরসিংদীতে আসিবেন এই কথা শুনে নরসিংদীর সমস্ত কর্মী ও জনসাধারনকে অত্যন্ত আনন্দ ও উৎসাহী দেখা যাইতেছে। আমরা আপনার নামে বিজ্ঞাপন ওPoster দ্বারা বহুল প্রচার করিতেছি। আপনার অভ্যর্থনার জন্য আমরা মিছিল সহকারে নরসিংদী ষ্টোনে উপস্থিত থাকিব। আপনি যদি না আসেন তবে আমাদের আর কথা বলার সাহস থাকিবেনা, দয়া করিয়া যদি মৌলানা সাহেবকে নিয়া আসিতে পারেন তবে আমাদের আনন্দের আর সীমা থাকিবে না। মৌলানা সাহেব যদি আসিতে সম্মত হন তবে আমাকে টেলিগ্রাম করিবেন মৌলানা সাহেব না আসিলেও আপনাকে কিন্তু আসিতেই হইবে। আমি গত ২১ শে জুলাই ঢাকা অফিসে গিয়াছিলাম এই বিষয়ে আলােচনা করার জন্য। আপনার আগমনের প্রতিক্ষায় রহিলাম। পত্র পাইয়া আমার মনে শান্তি দিবার জন্য উত্তর দিবেন।
ইতি মােসলেহ উদ্দিন।

Page: 324
English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 3.8.53 from Moslahuddin Narsingdi, Awami Muslim League office, P.O. Narsingdi, Dt. Dacca to Sk. Majibar Rahaman, 18, Karkoon Bari Lane, Dacca.
Jonab Majibar Rahaman Sb.
Please accept my “salam”. 2/3 days before I telephoned to Janab Tofazzel Hossain Sb. to reach you the information. Perhaps you might have received the information. We are going to observe the Anti Safety Act Day at Narsingdi on Saturday, the gth August because Friday, the 7th August is the weekly “Hat day of Narsingdi and if we hold public meeting at Narsingdi in the “Hať day, there will be much difficultly of the general masses. Gonatantri Dal of Narsingdi has joined with us in this connection. They have informed me that they have invited their Joint Secretary Dewan Mahabub Ali. Therefore my earnest request to you is that you will come here by the morning train on Saturday next, which starts from Dacca at 6 A.M. All the workers and general masses of Narsingdi are looking very happy and enthusiastic on hearing that you will come at Narsingdi. We are making wide circulation in your name by leaflets and posters. We shall remain present in procession at Narsingdi Station. We will not dare to say anything, if you do not come. If you can come with Maulana Sb. our joy will know no bounds. If Moulana Sb. agrees to come, please wire me. You must have to come here if Moulana Sb. will not come. I went to Dacca office on the 29th July to discuss this matter with you. Awaiting your arrival. Please reply me to give satisfaction in my mind. The end.
Sd/ – Moslahuddin

Page: 325
7376 No. R. 6909 _/100-49(Int.)
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 25th August 1953.
To A. Hussain, Esqr., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: – Your No. 10894/606-48 (1), dated 10.8.53.
Moslehuddin, the writer of the intercept, is Moslehuddin Bhuiyan son of Afsaruddin of Narsingdi, P.S. Narsingdi, Dacca. He is the President of Narsingdi Union Awami Muslim League.
(S. Rahman). Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Khairat Hossain of Nilpharmari about organizational matters.
Dacca, 5 August 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 5.8.1953
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
General Secy. E.P.A.M. League, 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.

Page: 326
2. To (with address)
: Mvi. Khairat Hossain Sb. M.L.A.
Nilphamari, Rangpur, (E. Pak.) 3. Language of letter
: English. Date of letter
: 4.8.53. Postal Seal
: Outgoing Post office of interception
: R.M.S. Date of interception
: 4.8.53. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Delwar Hossain Sl.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
not 12. Number and date of Government : G.O. 1551 dt 20.8.52. order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal PL.
Sk. Muzibar Rahaman Genl. Secy. AML Dacca writes to Mr. Khairat Hossain at Nilpharmari, Rangpur reg. Maulana Bhasani’s staying at Panch Bibi, Bogra & other organisational matters.
Sd/ – 5.8.53
Side note: o/C watch, Has the Moulana returned? Sd/-5/8.
D.S.VI. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan did not yet return to Dacca. A. Razzak, O/C 5.8.53

Page: 327
Copy of an English letter dt. 4.8.53.
: Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secy.
E.P.A.M. League, 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca. : Moulavi Khairat Hossain Sb. M.L.A, Nilphamari, Rangpur
intercepted at R.M.S on 4.8.53.
My Dear Khairat Bhai,
My Salam to Bhabi & you. It is long since we met last. When are you coming at Dacca? After your arrival at Dacca I shall have detailed talk with you on organisational matters. Maulana Saheb is at Panch Bibi (Bogra) now, but he is expected to return back tomorrow. The names of the members of the Awami League Working Committee shall be announced tomorrow.
Affectionately Yours,
Sd/-Mujibur Rahman.

Page: 328
Memo of Police HQ to DIG, IB, Dacca wanted to know the result | as regards to the prosecution of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mawlana Bhasani, alleged death of 40 thousand people in Khulna due to starvation, action against Nurul Islam Dutta etc.
Dacca, 10 August 1953
Secret Immediate
Office of the Inspector-General of Police,
East Bengal, Dacca.
No. 4303/S/27-53, dated 10.8.53.
F.R. Khundkar, Esqr., P.S.P., Deputy Inspector-General of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Please refer to the following subjects and report the result of action taken immediately for information of the Government :
Reference this office
No. 4018/S dated 29.7.53
Reference this office No. 4017/S dated 29.7.53
: regarding prosecution of Sk. Mujibar
Rahman and Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (I.B. D.R. No. 166 dated
27.7.53). : regarding alleged death of 40 thousands
of people in Khulna due to starvation (I.B.
D.R. No. 167 dated 28.7.53). : regarding action against Nurul Islam
Dutta (I.B. D.R. No. 172 dated 3.8.53). : regarding speeches delivered by Babu
Satin Sen (I.B. D.R. No. 140 dated 24.6.53).
Reference this office No. 4166/S dated 4.8.53
4. Reference this office No.
3347/ dated 27.6.53

Page: 329
5. Reference last para of page 1 of I.B. Daily Report No. 149 dated 6.7.53 where
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani said that the situation in Khulna was such that the village women there had recourse to prostitutions to earn their
livelihood and report the result of action taken. 6. Reference para 1 of page 1 of I.B. Daily Report No. 142 dated 26.6.53 and
report what action has been taken for delivering false statements that 137
security prisoners died in jails in this province as a result of Police firing. 7. Reference para 2 under heading “GANATANTRI DAL” of I.B. Daily Report
No. 146 dated 2.7.53 and report what action has been taken against Mijanur
Rahim for making a false statement in his speech. A consolidated report should be submitted in duplicate at once.
Sd/- H. Rahman. 10.8.53 Deputy Inspector – General of Police,
Side note: No action for Mujibar Rahman must be taken. The action for both Maulana
Bhashani & Sk. Mujibar Rahman is being taken from the P.F. of Maulana Bhasani. Sd/-11/8. Steno, Relevant. Exts. of D.R. as mentioned in paras 5, 6 & 7. Sd/-11/8 D.I.G. H.Q. rang me up now and asked me to expedite action on this letter. Put up with relevant papers to the S.Ss. concerned immediately. D.I.G. may see. Sd/- T. Ahmad. 11.8.53.
Saiyid Salehuddin Mahmud, Pangsa, Faridpur wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer requested for his opinion to hold election meeting at different places of Goalanda
Dacca, 10 August 1953 Secret
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 10.8.1953.
Memo. No.

Page: 330
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
2. To (with address)
Syed Salehuddin Mahmood, Pangsa, Faridpur. Sheikh Majibar Rahman, General Secy. Awami League, 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
Language of Letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Pangsa. : G.P.O. Dacca.
Post office of interception
8. Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
: S. Ahmed. S.I.
Whether photographed or not
: No.
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Copy kept.
G.O. Expired
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to
DS VI Perusal pl.
The letter is addressed to Sk. Mojibar Rahman.
The addressee is requested to hold election meeting in the subdivision of Goaland. Copy to DIB Faridpur to pl. report about the writer.
Sd/ -10/8 Side note: Yes pl. Sd/-10/8

Page: 331
True copy of a Bengali letter dt. 6.8.53 from Syed Salehuddin Mahmood, Pangsa, Faridpur addressed to Sheikh Mojibar Rahman, General Secy. Awami League, 18, Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca.
My dear Majib Bhai,
ইতি পূৰ্বে আপনাকে ৯৪ নং নবাবপুর রােডের ঠিকানায় চিঠি দিয়েছি কারন আপনার বর্তমান ঠিকানা জানা ছিল না। সেই সময় আপনি লাহােরে গিয়েছিলেন।।
নির্বাচনের পূৰ্ব্বে আমি মনে করি পাংশা তথা গােয়ালন্দ মহকুমায় বিভিন্ন কেন্দ্রে জন সভা হওয়া নিতান্ত প্রয়ােজন। আশা করি পত্র পাঠ আপনার মতামত জানাবেন। ইতি।
Sd:- সালেহউদ্দিন।
No. 2
dt. 12-৪-53
D.I.B. Faridpur
Please let us have full particulars of Syed Salehuddin Mahmood, Pangsa, Faridpur.
Sa/-12.৪ DS VI for SS 111
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 1st Sept. 1953.
No. 5035/6-53(1).
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E. B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 11050/606-48 (1) Sec. dt. 12.8.53.
Saiyid Salehuddin Mahmud, B.A. is a son of Saiyid Mahmud of Pangsa, Pangsa, Faridpur. He is a Law student of the Dacca University and is aged about 23 years.
Se/-1.৭.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 332
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 2nd Sept. 1953.
No. 5072 /33-… To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 10072/606-48(1) dt. 23.7.53.
Saiyid Salehuddin Mahmud, writer of the intercept, is a son of Saiyid Mahmud of Pangsa, P.S. Pangsa, Faridpur. He is a Law student of the Dacca University and is aged about 25 years. He is a strong supporter of the A.M.L. and an admirer of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the addressee of the letter. He came home in February last and since then he has been here owing to his ill health. He is trying to form the Goalundo Sub-divisional Awami Muslim League; but he has not yet been successful.
Sd/-2.9 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Captain Shamsul Haque,
President, Rajshahi District Awami League acknowledged receiving his statement on Rajshahi University intended to publish
in the different news papers.
Dacca, 10 August 1953
District Intelligence Branch
Intelligence Branch, Dacca.7 Wise Ghat Rd.
Dacca; The 10.8.1953.
Memo. No.

Page: 333
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
2. To (with address)
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General
Secty. E.P.A.M. League, 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca. Mr. Captain Shamsul Huq, (Hatam Khan) President Dist. Awami Muslim League, Rajshahi. English.
Language of letter
4. Date of letter 7.8.53
5. Postal Seal
Babu Bazar ( Dacca). R.M.S. Dacca.
Post office of interception
7. Date of interception
: Enayetullah SI.
8. Name of officer who can prove
the interception
Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: X.
: Delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
DS VI Perusal pl.
Sk. Majibor Rahman General Secy. E.P.A.M.L. sends this letter to Shamsul Huq Rajshahi. The statement referred to, was published under the heading “রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সম্পর্কে উত্তর বঙ্গ আয়ামী লীগ নেতার বিবৃতি” in Millat dt. 6.8.53 and action taken.
Copy on P.F. of Sk. Majibor Rahman & copy to DIB Rajshahi.
Sd/ -10/8

Page: 334
Side note : As proposed. Sd/-10/8
D.I.B. Rajshahi Copy forwarded to for information. DSVI for SS III Sd/-11.8 Type sec Pl. Issue. Sd/ -11/8
True copy of an English letter dt. 7.8.53.
From : Sheik Mujibur Rahman, General Secty.
E.P. Awami League, 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
Addressed to Mvi. -Captain Shamsul Huque, President Rajshahi district Awami League PO & Dt. Rajshahi. (E-Pak.).
My dear Mvi. Haque.
I am in receipt of your kind note together with a statement. I sent the copies of that to different daily papers. Perhaps you have seen that the matter was published in the daily “Millať of 6th Aug. 1953. I don’t know why other papers have not published that. Yours that statement will be duly published in our weekly “Ittafaq” on the next Sunday.
I am very busy with the preparation of “Anti Public Safety Act Days The more in the next.
N.B. I have changed my residence to the above address. Please send the personal letters there.
Sincerely Yours, Sd. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. General Secy. – E.P. Awami League.

Page: 336
Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 10 August 1953
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane. Dt. 10.8.53.
The subject visited the following places during the time noted against each:
09.55 hrs.
Left quarter. 16, Joynag Road. House of Advocate Ali Amjad.
: 10.05 – 10.20 hrs. Left qutr. accompanied by Ali
Amjad and Anwara Begum by Car. E.B.D. 2597 and proceeded towards S.M. Hall37 side. Ali Amjad is the owner of the Car.
Returned to quarter alone.
: 13.30 hrs.
Left quarter.
18.00 hrs.
12, Alauddin Siddique Lane.
10.10 hrs. 18.30 Left along with suspect Hatem Ali of Mymensingh A.M.L. and one unknown man by a Car No. E.B.D. 1232 and proceeded towards Armanitola side. Enquiry is being made to ascertain as to who lives at 12 Alauddin Siddique Lane and who the owner of the Car No. 1232.
Returned to quarter.
00.30 hrs. Since then he was not seen. No
suspects or suspicious persons were seen to visit his quarter during duty period.
Sd/-S.I. 12.8.
37. S.M. Hall – Salimullah Muslim Hall is a residential hall at Dhaka University inaugurated on 11 August 1931, which named after the fourth Nawab of Dhaka Sir Khawaja Salimullah Bahadur. He played a pioneering role in establishing Dhaka University, who donated 600 acres of land from his estate for this purpose. Salimullah Muslim Hall holds a special status among the residential halls of DU as Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a resident student attached to this hall.

Page: 337
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-for
O/C Watch. 12.8. Yes. Sd/-for D.S.VI. 13.8.53.

Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion of the visit of Khan Abdul Kyum Khan in East Bengal under caption
Criticism of Muslim League, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s statement published in the daily Millat’. On the same issue under another caption Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the result of Kayum Khan’s visit in East Bengal’ published in
the daily ‘Azad’
Dacca, 10 August 1953
Millat dt. 10.8.53
মুসলিম লীগের সমালােচনা
শেখ মজিবুর রহমানের বিবৃতি
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মজিবর রহমান গত কল্য (রবিবার) সংবাদপত্রে নিম্নোক্ত বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন :- খাদ্য কৃষি ও শিল্প সচিবের মুখ হইতে যেই সকল আশাবাদি মহল নতুন কিছু শুনিবার আশা করিয়াছিলেন খান আবদুল কাইয়ুম খানে পূৰ্ববংগ সফর তাহাদের সেই মােহ ভাংগিয়া দিয়াছে।
এক শ্রেনীর লােকের আশাবাদের পরিবর্তে সীমান্তে “মহান” খান গতানুগতিক পন্থায় মুসলিম লীগ হােমরা চোমরাদের ন্যায় গাল ভরা বুলি আওড়াইয়াছেন। | পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের শােচনীয় খাদ্য সঙ্কট , দুর্ভিক্ষ পাট ব্যবসায়ে কেলেঙ্কারি এবং অন্যান্য বর্তমান সমস্যার সমাধান সম্পর্কে কোন আলােচনা না করিয়া তিনি আসল সমস্যা এড়াইয়া গিয়াছেন। | তিনি যাহা করিয়াছেন তাহা হইতেছে এই যে, অন্যান্য মুসলিম লীগ নেতৃবৃন্দের ন্যায় ইতিপূৰ্ব্বে মৃত মুসলিম লীগকে পূনরুজ্বীবিত ও নিজকে আগামি নির্বাচনে মুসলিম লিগের বিজয় সম্পর্কে একজন ভবিষ্যত্বক্তা প্রমানিত করার কসরৎ করিয়াছেন।

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খান অবদুল কাইয়ুম খান সম্ভবতঃ পাকিস্তানের এই অংশের জনগনের রাজনৈতিক সচেতনতা সম্পর্কে অবহিত নন। এবং সেই জন্যই তিনি পূর্ব বংগের সহিত তাহার নিজ প্রদেশের সহিত তুলনা করিয়া মস্তবর একটা ভুল করিয়াছেন।
খান আবদুল কাইয়ুম খান আরও জানেন না যে, এখানকার তাহার বন্ধুরা কিভাবে অপমানিত, অপদস্ত ও ঘৃণিত হইতেছেন এবং যেখানেই যান সেখানে কাল পতাকা দ্বারা সম্বৰ্দ্ধিত হইতেছে। এই জন্যই তাহার সম্মানার্থে এখানে কোন প্রকাশ্য সভার বন্দোবস্ত না করিয়া নারায়নগঞ্জ ও ঢাকার পাবলিক হলে সেখানে তিনশত লােকেরও স্থান সঙ্কুলান হয় না। সেখানে ২টি সভা করিয়াছেন। যদি তিনি কোন প্রকাশ্য সভা করিতেন তবে তিনি জনগনের নাড়া অনুভব করিতে সক্ষম হইতেন। তিনি যে উহা করেন নাই সেই জন্য খােদাকে ধন্যবাদ।।
আমি খান আবদুল কাইয়ুম খানকে তাহার নিজ প্রদেশের মধ্যেই তাহার এসব বড় বড় বুলি সীমাবদ্ধ রাখিতে অনুরােধ করি। তথায় তিনি তাহার প্রসংসা পাইতে পারেন।
যদি তিনি স্বীয় শক্তি ও ক্ষমতা পরীক্ষা করিয়া দেখিতে চান তবে আমি তাহাকে ও তাহার বন্ধু জনাব নুরুল আমীনকে ব্যবস্থা পরিষদের যে কোন শুন্য আসনের জন্য প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা করিতে অনুরােধ করি। জনগনের অনবরত দাবি সত্ত্বেও মুসলিম লীগ নির্বাচনে সাহসী হইতেছেন।
খান আবদুল কাইয়ুম খান, আওয়ামী লীগকে মােশমা প্রতিষ্ঠান বলিয়া আখ্যায়িত করার সৎসাহস কোথায় পাইলেন। উপরােলিখিত না কোন আসনে যে কোন আওয়ামি লীগ পন্থার বিরুদ্ধে। প্রতিদ্বন্ধীতা করার জন্য আমি তাহাকে চ্যালেঞ্জ করিতেছি। তাহা হইলেই তিনি আওয়ামী লীগের স্বরুপ জানিতে পারিবেন।
মুসলিম লীগ সম্পর্কে যত কম বলা যায় ততই শ্রেয়ঃ । মুসলিম লীগ সভাপতি খাজা নাজিমুদ্দিনের পদচ্যুতি ও তাহার অপমানজনক পদত্যাগের সময় মুসলিম লীগ নেতৃবৃন্দ যে ভুমিকা অভিনয় করিয়াছেন তাহা জনসাধারণ এত শীঘ্রই ভুলিতে পারে নাই।।
13 dt. 12.8
On file Sd/-12/৪

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কাইয়ুম খানের পূর্ববঙ্গ সফর
ফলাফল সম্পর্কে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতি
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মােছলেম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমান নিম্নলিখিত মৰ্ম্মে একটী বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন। খাদ্য, কৃষি ও শিল্প সচিব খান আবদুল কাইয়ুম খানের পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে আগমনের ফলে যাহারা নুতন কিছু আশা করিতেছিলেন তাঁহারা সম্পূর্ণ নিরাশ হইবেন। তিনি গুরুতর খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি, দুর্ভিক্ষ, পাটের কারবারে দূর্নীতি প্রভৃতি সম্পর্কে কোন কিছু না বলিয়া। পূৰ্ব পাস্তিানের সমস্যাবলীকে এড়াইতে চেষ্টা করিয়াছেন। তিনি আসলে অন্যান্য লীগ নেতাদের মতই লীগ প্রতিষ্ঠানকে পূনরুজ্জীবিত করার জন্য বৃথা চেষ্টা করিয়াছেন এবং পরবর্তী নির্বাচনে মােছলেম লীগেরই জয় হইবে বলিয়া ভবিষ্যদ্বানী করিয়াছেন। কিন্তু জনাব কাইয়ুম খান সম্ভবতঃ

Page: 340
পাকিস্তানের এই অঞ্চলের জনসাধারণের রাজনৈতিক চেতনা সম্পর্কে অবগত নহেন। তিনি হয়ত জানেন না যে, তাঁহার এখানকার বন্ধুরা অপমানিত এবং বিকৃত হইয়াছে। তাহারা সর্বত্রই কৃষ্ণ পতাকার দ্বারা সংবর্ধিত হইয়া থাকেন। এই কারণেই তাঁহারা তাঁহার সম্মানার্থ কোন জনসভার ব্যবস্থা করেন নাই। ঢাকা ও নারায়নগঞ্জে পাবলিক হলে যে সভার আয়ােজন করা হইয়াছিল তাহাতে মাত্র দুই তিন শত লােকের স্থান সঙ্কুলান হইতে পারে। কোন প্রকাশ্য জনসভায় যােগদান করিলে তিনি জনসাধারনের প্রকৃত মনােভাব বুঝিতে পারিতেন।
খান আবদুল কাইয়ুম খান আওয়ামী লীগকে ভুইফোড় প্রতিষ্ঠান বলিয়া উল্লেখ করিয়াছেন। আমি তাঁহাকে চ্যালেঞ্জ করিতেছি, পূর্ববঙ্গ পরিষদের যে কোন শূন্য আসনের জন্য আওয়ামী লীগ প্রার্থীর সহিত প্রতিদ্বন্দিতার ব্যবস্থা করেন। তাহা হইলেই তিনি আওয়ামী লীগের প্রকৃত স্বরুপ উপলব্দি করিতে পারিবেন।
Side note: 6 dt. 13.8.53, Keep it in the file of Sk. Mujibur Rahman pl. Sd/- 15.8.53.

Page: 341
Ataur Rahman, 25 Swarighat, Dacca wrote a letter to Mawlana Bhashani in which he informed about a meeting held successfully, working committee meeting was under preparation and other
organizational affairs. Dacca, 11 August 1953
English translation of a relevant portion of a Bengali intercepted letter dt. 11.8.53 written by ATAUR RAHMAN, 25, Shearighat, Dacca to Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, Vill. Birnagar, P.S. Panchbibi, Dt. Bogra.
Jonab Moulana Saheb,
A public meeting was held on 7th last with very successfully. All were anxious for you and somebody was disappointed. All were peacefully maintained by your good wish.
A meeting of the Working Committee has been called for to be held on 25th August. There are many works to do, but the time is too short. As Kafiluddin Chaudhuri (3) Saheb refused to accept, he could not be put in the working committee in the long run. Now it is heard that he has decided to join Awami League along with his followers and he would finalise the decision within 24 days by private discussion. Let us see what happens. I would be relieved from anxiety if you would inform us the date of your coming to Dacca. I believe that you must come definitely before the meeting of the Working Committee is held. This is the first meeting, so your presence is urgently required. Majibur is at Dacca and has not gone
home as yet.
Yours affectionately, Sd/- Ataur Rahman.

Page: 342
Weekly supplementary report on two letters of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman written to A.K. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary AML, Bogra wherein he discussed important organizational affairs. Another
letter about observance of ‘Islami Shashantantra Day’ from Abdur Rahman Jamiat-i-Islami leader of Naogaon to the editor of
daily ‘Azad’. Bogra, 13 August 1953
Ext. from W.S.R. of the S.P. DIB, Bogra for the w/e 13.8.53.
(a) Muslim Groups. (ii) A.M.L.
(a) In an English letter dt. 29.7.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L.,
18 Karkunbari Lane, Dacca to A.K. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. A.M.L. Bogra, the writer requested the addressee to call a workers’ conference in the district immediately and to ask his sub-division and town units to do the same as early as possible with a view to preparing a list of workers on sub-divisional basis and to send a copy of each to the Provincial H.Q. The writer further informs the addressee that the manifesto & constitution which was finally accepted in the last Provincial Session will come out of the Press very soon & will be sent to the district as early as possible on payment of annas four per copy of constitution and annas two per copy of Manifesto. The writer also requested
the addressee to let him know the number of books he requires for his district. (b) In an English letter dt. 3.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L. 18
Karkunbari Lane, Dacca to A.K. Mujibar Rahman Secy. A.M.L. Bogra, the writer informs the addressee that he has recd. his letter dt. 23.7.53. He asks the addressee to try to observe the ‘Anti- Public Safety Act Day’ quite peacefully and methodically within the Municipal area provided necessary order is obtained otherwise meetings would be held outside Municipal area. He also requests the addressee to ask the office secy. not to break party discipline and mandates as long as he is office Secy.

Page: 343
Note: – The previous letter was also intercepted W.S.R. for the w/e 30.7.53 under
this head (b) may be seen.
(vi) Jamiat-i-Islami.
In a Bengali letter dt. 4.8.53 from Abdur Rahman (not known) of Naogaon to the Editor “Azad’ the writer sent a report to the addressee for publication in his paper. In the report it was stated that at the initiative of Noagaon Jamiat-i-Islami a meeting was held at Naogaon Mosque on 1.7.53 in observance of ‘Islami Shashantantra Day’.
Side note:
Intercepted at Bogra P.O. on 8.8.53. Copy not sent to IB copy sent to DIB, Dacca vide this office No. 1935 dt. 15.8.53. Intercepted at Bogra P.O. on 8.8.53. Copy sent to DIB, Dacca vide this officeNo. 1938 dt. 15.8.53. Intercepted at Santahar R.M.S. on 5.8.53. Copy not sent to I.B. Copy sent DIB, Dacca. Rajshahi vide this office No. 1907 dt. 13.8.53. Extracts of paras (a) & (b) to the file of the writer. Sd/- illegible for D.S.VI 19/8 Forwarded to office for n/a pl. (two copies) Sd/-29/8

Letter of Masihur Rahman, Secretary, District AML, Jessore, to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he discussed about forthcoming
election etc. Dacca, 15 August 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 15.8.1953 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: M. Masihur Rahman, Secy.,
District A.M. League, Jessore.

Page: 344
Secy. 18,
2. To (with address)
: Mujibar Rahman,
E.P.A.M. League,
Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. Language of Letter
English. Date of letter
: 4.8.53. Postal Seal
: illegible. 6. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 14.8.53 8. Name of officer who can prove the : S. Ahmed S.l.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy Kept.
not 12. Number and date of Government : G.O. Expired.
order authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Perusal pl. Secy. District A.M.L. Jessore writes this letter to Majibar Rahman Secy. E. P. A. M. L.
He reports that communist activity of one Ekramul Haq is hindering the work of the A.M.L.
Copy to DIB Jessore for favour of comment on this. DS III may like to see.
Side note: As proposed. S.S. III may like to see. Sd/ – 15/8, Sd/- 17/8/53
DSIII, 18/8
True copy of an English letter dt. 4.8.53. from Mr. Masihur Rahman, Secy. Dist. A. M. League, Jessore, addressed to Mujibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L. 18, Karkunbari, Dacca.

Page: 345
Dear Mr. Rahman,
It appears that the election is almost certain to be held in March next. We, at Jessore in the meantime, facing new crisis in politics. Mr. Ekramul Huq, one of our members in the working committee of the Dist. Awami League, (a brother of Mr. A. Hai) has openly started working for the communist party. The sentiment of the people of this district and the neighboring ones is very much hostile towards communism and our touch with them will have an adverse effect on the organisation. If we make any common platform with them on any issue, and start working with them, I am confident, we shall be forsaken by our people who gave us unqualified support in the last D.B. election.
Some time we are receiving instructions from the provincial organisation to work jointly with other organisations. I don’t know if you want us to join hands with them too. The issue is very vital at this moment particularly because the election is ahead of us. Our touch with the communist, in my opinion, will alienate the people’s support against us. Pending your directive on the issue I have decided not to work with them whatever may be the occasion. Please consult with Jonab Bhashani and let me have your positive direction immediately, as the issue has created some sort of commotion.
Yours faithfully, Sd:- M. Masihur Rahman. Secy., Dist. A.M. League, Jessore.
Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Kafiluddin Ahmad
Mukhtear of Kushtia informing that he was nominated as a member of AML working committee and invited to attend EPAML
working committee meeting.
Kushtia, 17 August 1953 Secret
Kushtia. Memo No. 4828 (2)/
The 17th. Aug. 1953.

Page: 346
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Shaikh Mujibur Rahman. Genl.
Secy. E.P.A.M.L.
To (with address)
: Kafiluddin
Language of Letter
Date of letter
English : 12.8.53. : Dacca P.O. dated 13.8.53. : Kushtia P.O.
ť in
Postal Seal Post office of interception
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
A.S.I. Syed Shahjahan Ali, D.I.B., Kushtia
: Not.
If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Copy kept.
: G.O. 1189 Poll/F dt.18.4.53.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy forwarded for favour of information to:1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca (2 copies). 2. S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Sd/ -17/8/53
(M.L. Haq) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Kushtia.
Copy of an incoming English letter dt. 12.8.53 from (1) Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League to (2) Janab Kafiluddin Ahmad, Mukhtear, Kushtia.
Dacca. 12.8.53.

Page: 347
Mr. Kafiluddin Ahmad.
I am glad to inform you that you have been nominated by the President as the member of the Working Committee of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
I hope you would kindly undertake the responsibility assigned to you and extend your full co-operation in all organisational matters.
Yours faithfully, Sd. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman.
A meeting of the Working Committee of the E. Pakistan Awami Muslim League will be held on 24.8.53 at Karkunbari Lane, Dacca (HQ) at 7-30 P.M. You are requested to attend punctually.
Agenda :
1. Discussion about the coming General Election and organisational matters. 2. Release of Political Prisoners and repeal of safety act. 3. Food and Weavers problems as well as the … (missing from original document due to
page damage) of economic situation of E. Pakistan. 4. Raising funds.
5. Misc.
Yours faithfully. Sd. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman.
Genl. Secy. E.P.A. Muslim League.
Side note: Submitted. No. 1 is well-known.
No. 2 is the s/o Late Refaitullah of Thanapara, Kushtia town AML. Copy of the letter may be sent to I.B and Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca for favour of information Gist in S.W.R. Sd. H. Serajuddin. D.I.O. (1). 16.8. Sd. M.L. Haq., S.P., D.I.B., Kushtia, 17.8.

Page: 348
Weekly confidential report on arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
at Tungipara, Gopalganj.
Faridpur, 22 August 1953
W.C.R. for w/e 22.8.53 Faridpur D.I.B.
Movement of Suspect.
2. A.L. suspect *520 Mujibar Rahman (s/o Lutfar Rahman of
Tungibari, Gopalganj, Faridpur of Dacca) reached Tungibari on
14.8.53 from Barisal. D.S.S.1 & 4 have seen this.
Part. 1.
W.C.R. for w/e 15.8.53 B’Sal D.I.B.
A.L. Suspect No. 520 Sk. Muzibur Rahman (A.M.L.) reached Barisal from Dacca by Dacca mail steamer on 14.8.53 at 11.30 hrs. On the same day at 13.30 hrs. he left for Gopalganj by Khulna mail.
Side note: Circulation, Sd/-19/8
See. A.N.M. Waheed. Sd/-22.8.53
Confidential Report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 24 August 1953
Precis on the C.Rs regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
24.8.53. The subject left qtr. at about 17.35 hrs. and visited the following places: – 1) 3 Wiseghat Road, Fecto Radio …. 17.40 – 17.55 hrs. Engineers house (object of
visit could not be ascertained on secret enquiry).

Page: 349
2) 18 Karkunbari …. 18.00-23.15hrs. The following persons were seen during the stay of the subject at 18 Karkunbari.
3)Prof. Khairul Basher ….. 18.15-21.30 hrs. 7/8 unknown persons… 19.00-21.30 hrs.
The subject returned to quarter at 23.30 hrs. and after that he was not seen to come out.
Submitted. Sd/-Nurul Huq khan, S.I.
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. Extracts may go in P.Fs
concerned. Sd/-for O/C Watch. 25.8 Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 26.8.

Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to H. S. Suhrawardy, 13 Kutchary Road, Karachi, Pakistan discussing the organizational
affairs and sent along with the names of newly formed AML working committee members and office bearers of AML office.
Dacca, 25 August 1953 Secret.
Intelligence Branch 7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca.
Dacca, Memo No. 17725 (16)/563-48 (1) Sec (H). The 25th August 1953.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy.
E.P.A.M.L. 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Armanitola, Dacca. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Esqr., (Barat-Law), 13, Katchary Road, Karachi, West Pakistan.
To (with address)

Page: 350
English : 13.8.53 : Illegible. : R.M.S. Dacca. : 15.8.53 : Kh. Enayetullah, S.I.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Govt. order authorising interception
: No. : Submitted with original letter. : Copy kept.
12. :G.O.
Copy/translation forwarded to
D. S. VI.
Perusal please. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman writes this letter to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
He sends names of the members of the newly formed working committee (A.M.L.) as nominated by Moulana Bhasani.
He also states that A.M.L. has decided to form one “Mujahid Bahini” for social service activities.
This may be considered for inclusion in D.R. and F.R.
He requested the addressee to come to Dacca and persuade Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq to merge his Krishak Sramik party with A.M.L.
The letter may pass. Copy may be placed on file and copy to the D.R. concerned.
Perusal please. (1) The contents of this letter may be included in Daily Report, Fortnightly report and in W.S.
(2) The letter may be delivered immediately after keeping copies which may be placed in connected files and may be sent to the Dist. concerned.
Sd/- A.N.M. Waheed.
for D.S.VI.

Page: 351
Portion marked may go in D.R. Inspr. to submit gist for F.R. and W.S.
Sd/- A. Hussain.
Seen. Sd/- M. Yusuff.
Gist enclosed for approval please.
Sd/- A.N.M. Waheed. Gist for W.S. / S.W.R. to S.S.III. Gist for F.R. is enclosed.
Sd/- A.N.M. Waheed. 19.8.53. The letter delivered.
Sd/- A. Hussain. 17.8. Gist for F.R. removed.

Page: 352
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman
General Secretary, E.P.A.M. LEAGUE,
8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Armanitola, DACCA
Dated 13.8.1953.
Jonab Suhrawardy Sb.,
Let me begin with my deep regard for you. It is long since we left Lahore. In spite of my strong desire I could not write you earlier than this time. After our arrival at Dacca, Moulana Sb. started for home for some days. We declared 7th Aug. as the anti-public safety act day. Though I had a mind to go to meet my parents and children yet I could not because of the preparation for the 7th. All the opposition parties and groups and student organisations supported us. Peaceful meetings and resolutions for the unconditional release of all political prisoners & repeal of safety act were passed. The day was observed throughout the province.
Almost a lac people assembled at “Paltan Maidan”.
Two days before the “day” we received a telegram from Moulana Sb. that his wife was bitten by snake and he expressed his inability to join the meeting. We sent a man to him with medicine and other requirements. Then I was busy with the printing of our constitution and manifesto for which people were very eager. Manik Miah and Year Md. Khan are seriously engaged for the declaration of the daily edition of our weekly “Ettefaq”. We believe that we shall be successful. We have decided to form one “Mujahid Bahini” for social service activities. Rafique Hossain LLB. of Tippera and Jalaluddin Ahmed, M.A. LL.B. of Faridpur have been appointed Chief and Deputy Chief of the “Bahini” respectively. Moulana has duly nominated the 26 members of the Provincial Awami League working committee.
The names are given below:
Mymensingh. Mymensingh.
1) A.K.M. Jahirul Haq, B.L. (Nil Miah) 2) Abdur Rahman Khan, B.L., 3) Abul Mansur, B.L. 4) Hashimuddin, M.Sc., B.L.. 5) Haider Mallic, B.L., 6) Deider Ahmed, B.L., 7) Sk. Abdul Aziz, M.A. 8) Moshiur Rahman, B.L. 9) S.W. Lakitullah, B.L., 10) A. Malek Khan. Barisal

Page: 353
Noakhali. Sylhet. Dinajpur.
11) Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate, 12) M.A. Aziz, B.A. 13) Jahur Ahmed Chowdhury, 14) Abdul Jabbar Khaddar. 15) M.A. Sukur. 16) Rahimuddin Ahmed, B.L. 17) Dabiruddin Ahmed, B.L. 18) Khairat Hussain, M.L.A. 19) Captain Mansur Ali, M.A. LL. B. 20) Moulana Abdul Rashid Tarkabagish, M.L.A. 21) Majibur Rahman, M.A. LL.B. 22) Akbar Hussain, B.L. 23) Kafiluddin Ahmed, Muktear. 24) Tofazzal Hussain, B.A. (Manik Miah.) 25) Anwara Khatoon., M.A. B.T.LL.B., M.L.A. 26) Syed Abdur Rahim, Muktear.
Rajshahi. Bogra. Kushtia.
The following office-bearers were elected at the last Council session. They are ex-officio members of the working committee:
1) Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Bhasani 2) Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate 3) Sk. Majibur Rahman, B.A. 4) Korban Ali, M.A. LL.B. 5) Abdur Rahman, 6) Year Md. Khan,
: General Secretary. : Organising Secretary. : Publicity Secretary. : Treasurer.
Besides them there are the following office bearers who are not members of the working committee, but they can participate in the deliberations of the working committee meeting.
1) 2)
Md. Mahmadulla, B.L Hashimuddin, M.Sc., LL.B.,
: Office Secretary. : Regional Organiser, for Central Region
(Dacca and Mymensingh). Regional Organiser for Northern Region) (Pabna, Bogra, Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Rangpur).
Captain Shamsul Haq, M.A

Page: 354
Abdul Hai, M.A.
: Regional Organiser for Southern region
(Faridpur, Barisal, Kushtia, Jessore and
Khulna). : Regional Organiser for Eastern Region
(Sylhet & Chittagong, Tippera Noakhali).
M.A. Bari,
I have forgot to let you know one thing i.e. Mr. Fazlul Huq has formed a party named “Pakistan Krishok Sramik Party”. The names of the office bearers of his party are given below:
1) A.K. Fazlul Huq- President & Convener. 2) Yousuf Ali Chowdhury, M.L.A. (Mohan Miah). 3) Shamsuddin Ahmed, M.L.A. (Kushtia). 4) Abdul Latif Biswas (Dacca). 5) Giasuddin Ahmed, (Jamalpur).
The reaction of the people for the formation of the party is not favourable to him. Still I must be fair to tell you that he has got some mass appeal and he will be hurdle on our way. But it is the opinion of all that if you come to Dacca immediately Mr. Haq may merge his party with ours. He is trying hard but nobody is responding to his call rather everybody is advising him to unite with you and Bhasani.
The first meeting of our newly formed working committee will be held on the 24h instant. Your presence in that meeting is seriously needed. Muslim League already has started electioneering campaign. So you should come to Dacca at least for few days to set the ball rolling.
Certainly you can remember that I told you in Lahore about the debt which I incurred for joining the Lahore Meeting. From the client, whose brief you have already taken, I could realise a sum to meet the needs as you told me, but I did not do that as I require your formal consent. But don’t forget that I like to draw the sum I demanded not the sum you told. Please keep correspondences to the address given below, as that is the address of my personal residence.
The more when we meet.
Address: 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Armanitola, Dacca.
Affectionately Yours,
Sd/-Mujibar. (Sk. Mujibur Rahman)
Note: The copy of the letter was sent by DIG, CID, Punjab to CID, IBEB, Dacca.

Page: 356

Letter of Jahirul Huq, Bhairab, Mymensingh to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he discussed the election and organizational affairs. He also invited Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with
Mawlana Bhasani to visit Bhairab.
Dacca, 27 August 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 27.8.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: Jahirul Huq, c/o Girls Junior
Madrassa Bhairab, P.O. Bhairab,
Dist. Mymensingh. 2. To (with address)
Sheikh Mojibar Rahman, General Secy. East Pakistan, A.M. League
18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. 3. Language of Letter
: Bengali. 4. Date of letter
: 25.8.53 Postal Seal
: Illegible. 6. Post office of interception : G.P.O. Dacca. 7. Date of interception
27.8.53 8. Name of officer who can prove : A.S.I. Fakir Moinuddin Ahmed.
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
Number and date of Government : G.O. order authorising interception

Page: 357
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal please. One Jahirul Haq, Bhairab, Mymensingh writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca inviting to visit Bhairab for party propaganda work along with Maulana Bhashani at an early date.
Copy may be placed on file.
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 25.8.53 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca.
From : Jahirul Huq c/o. Girls Junior Madrassa, Bhairab, P.O. Bhairab,
: Sheikh Mojibar Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
তছলিম রইল। আশা করি কুশলেই আছেন। “আম্মামী লীগের কর্মী হিসাবে আমাদের কর্তব্য হইল বৰ্তমান দেশের রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতি জানান। সেই হিসাবে আমরা ভৈরবের বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি জানান উচিত বলিয়া মনে করি।।
বৰ্তমানে এখানে মুসলীম লীগের জোর নিৰ্বাচনী প্রচার কার্য চালাইতেছে এবং অতি সত্বরই নূরুল আমিন সাহেব ভৈরব আগমন করিবেন। তাদের টাকা আছে স্বীকার করি কিন্তু আমাদের আছে “জনমত” কাজেই স্থানীয় জনগন চাইতেছেন আপনাদের মুখের কয়েকটা বানী শুনবার জন্য জনসাধারনের চাপে পড়িয়া আমরা আপনাদিগকে ভৈরব আসিতে অনুরােধ করিতেছি।
অতএব জনসাধারন যাহা চায় আপনারাও তাহাই চান। কাজেই আশা করি সফর তালিকার মধ্যে ভৈরবের নামটিও অন্তর্ভূক্ত করিয়া নিবেন। এবং অনুগ্রহ করিয়া পত্ত দ্বারা তারিখটা জানাইয়া দিবেন।
গত ২রা মে এর মিটিং এ আমরা পুরাপুরি সফলতা অর্জন করিতে পারি নাই। সেই হইতে জনসাধারন মৌলানা সাহেব ও আপনাকে দেখবার জন্য আমাদিগকে বারে বারে অনুরােধ করিতেছে।

Page: 358
আপনারা নানা কাজে ব্যস্ত থাকায় আমরা আপনাদিগকে আমাদের এখানে আসার জন্য অনুরােধ করি নাই। আপনার বাসায় আমি আপনাকে এবং মৌলানা সাহেবকে সঙ্গে নিয়ে ভৈরব আসবার জন্য অনুরােধ করিয়া ছিলাম। আপনি ওয়াদা দিয়াছিলেন- মৌলানা সাহেবকে সাথে নিয়া কাউন্সিলের মিটিং এর পর ভৈরব আসবেন। সেই মতে আপনার নিকট চিঠি লিখলাম, আশা করি আপনি আপনার আদা রক্ষা করিবেন। আপনারা যদি না আসেন তবে আমাদের স্থানীয় লােকদের “আত্মামীলীগের প্রতি যে আস্থ্য আছে তাহা অনেকটাই নষ্ট হইতে পারে। সুতরাং বিবেচনা করিয়া সফর তালিকা নির্ধারন করিবেন। আর বিশেষ কি লিখিব।
নিবেদক স্বাঃ জহিরুল হক।


Confidential report on arrival of Mawlana Bhasani at Dacca, his movements and visits along with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.
Dacca, 28 August 1953
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani of 18 Karkunbari Lane dt. 28.8.53.
Suspect Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani arrived at Dacca R/S at about 06.30 hrs. on 28.8.53 by Bhadurabad Mail train under shadow of Rangpur R.I.B. watcher. From Dacca R/S he went to 18, Karkunbari lane by Rickshaw at about 06.55 hrs. under shadow of I.B. watcher.
Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited the subject quarter at about 10.10 hrs.
At about 12.00 hrs. suspect Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Karkunbari lane by rickshaw. They reached 9 Hatkhola Road. Paramount Press at about 12.15 hrs. From there they returned to 18 Kar at about 13.20 hrs. At about 13.25 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left 18 Karkunbari lane. Again at about 18.15 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman visited 18 Karkunbari Lane.
At about 21.10 hrs. suspect Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Sk. Mujibar Rahman left 18 Karkunbari lane went to 37 Rankin st. House of Dr. M.N. Nandi at

Page: 359
about 21.30 hrs. by rickshaw. At about 22.15 hrs. they left Nandi’s house and returned to 18, Karkunbari lane at about 22.30 hrs. Since then the subject was not seen. Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left 18 Karkunbari lane at about 22.45 hrs.
Suspect Abdur Jobbar Khaddari A.M.L. visited subject’s quarter from 05.15 hrs. – 05.55 hrs. on 29.8.53.
Except the above no other suspects or suspicious persons were seen to visit Moulana Shaheb’s quarter.
Sd/-S.I. 30.8. Side Note: D.S.VI for favour of perusal please.
Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-for O/C Watch, 29.8.53 Yes. Sd/- A.U.M. 31.8.
174 Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman published in the daily Sangbad in response to the approach of enforcing Urdu in East Bengal, wherein he emphasized that if the government did not refrain from vile intention of imposing Urdu compulsory in the schools of the province then Urdu would be boycotted.
Dacca, 29 August 1953
Sangbad dt. 29.8.53
প্রদেশে উরদুকে বাধ্যতামূলক করার প্রস্তাব
আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ নেতার বিবৃতি।
গতকাল (শুক্রবার) এ,পি,পি’র মারফৎ প্রচারিত এক বিবৃতিতে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বলেন যে লীগ সরকার প্রদেশের বিদ্যালয় সমূহে উরদুকে বাধ্যতামূলক ভাবে চালু করার হিন প্রচেষ্টা হইতে বিরত না হইলে পুর্ব পাকিস্তানে উরদু বর্জন করা হইবে।
তিনি বলেন যে, আমরা দুঃখের সঙ্গে বাধ্য হইয়া পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে উরদু বর্জনের জন্য প্রত্যক্ষ আন্দোলন করিব।

Page: 360
তিনি প্রকাশ করেন যে সমস্যাটি বিবেচনা ও কর্মপন্থা গ্রহনের জন্য শীঘ্রই তিনি সকল বামপন্থী সমূহের একটি যুক্ত অধিবেশন আহবান করিয়াছেন।
তিনি বলেন যে, পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের রক্তস্নান বিফলে যাইবে না। তিনি লীগ সরকারের কুমতলবের প্রতিরােধের জন্য দেশবাসীকে সতর্ক থাকিতে বলেন। | সমস্যাটিকে ঝুলাইয়া রাখার জন্য তিনি মুসলিম লীগের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযােগ করেন। তাঁহারা। উরদুকে পশ্চাদ্বার দিয়া একমাত্র রাষ্ট্রভাষা করার জন্য চেষ্টা করিতেছেন।
Side note: 3 dt. 2.9.53, On file. Sd/-2.9

Page: 361


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other leaders.
Dacca, 29 August 1953
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane dt. 29.8.53.
The subject came from quarter at about 09.45 hrs, and visited 18 Karkunbari Lane at 10.00 hrs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani was present there.
At about 10.45 hrs. the subject came out from 18 Karkunbari and visited 61 Nawabpur Road (office of the Green and White Ltd. Jute and Tea Traders) there from he visited 43/1 Juginagor Y.L. office at 11.20 hrs.
He visited 9 Hatkhola Road and returned to 18, Karkunbari at 12.30 hrs. and there from he returned to quarter at 13.45 hrs. Again at 17.00 hrs. the subject came out from quarter and visited 18 Karkunbari at about 18.15 hrs
The following persons were seen at A.M.L. Office during the stay of the subject. 1) Abdur Rahim Muktear. 2) Rafiqul Islam 3) Pleader Mohammed Ali. 4) Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Basani. 5) Advocate Atawar Rahman.
At about 20.45 hrs. the subject along with Moulana Bhasani came out from 18 Karkunbari and went to Dacca R/S at 21.00 hrs. From Dacca R/S the subject came to party house at 2 Simson Road at 22.00 hrs. and on the way he met with Abdul Jabber Khadder. From party house the subject went to 18 Karkunbari and there from he returned to quarter at about 23.30 hrs. and was not seen to come out again.
Submitted Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan, S.I.
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. Sd/-for O/C Watch. 31.8.
To his P.F. Sd – A.U.M. 2.9.

Page: 362
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 29.8.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 27 dated 4.7.53 was received on 25.8.53.
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 29.8.53.
(Movement of Suspects) A.L. 465 Provash Chandra Lahiri of Rajshahi arrived at Dacca on 24.8.53 by train.
2. A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibar Rahman of Faridpur arrived at Dacca via Narayanganj by
Barisal Mail Steamer on 23.8.53. 3. A.L. 740 Ashutosh Singh and A.L. 322 Kamini Kumar Dutta both of Comilla
arrived at Dacca on 28.8.53 by train. 4. A.L. 498 Phanindra Bhusan Mazumdar of Faridpur arrived at Dacca via
Narayangnaj on 28.8.53 by steamer. 5. A.L. 175 Benode Behari Chakrabartti of Mymensingh arrived at Dacca on
25.8.53 by train.
6. A.L. 11 Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani arrived at Dacca from Bogra on
28.8.53 by train.
Circulation. Sd/-3.9. Seen. Please show D.Ss concerned Sd/- A. Majid. 4.9.
Seen. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 7.9. Seen. Sd/- S.A. Halim. 5.9. D.Ss I, IV, VI & VII. Dated 4.9.53.
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani of 18 Karkunbari Lane, dt. 29.8.53.
The following suspects and suspicious persons visited 18, Karkunbari lane during the time noted against each. Moulana Saheb was then present at quarters.

Page: 363
1. Abdul Jobbar Kheddari 08.00 – 09.50 hrs. 2. Shamsul Haque, Ex. M.L.A. 09.00 – 09.15 hrs. 3. Sk. Mujibar Rahman 10.00 – 10.45 hrs.
The subject left his quarter at about 13.15 hrs. along with Mr. Rahman went to Sadarghat. After purchasing some fruits they returned to quarters at about 13.45 hrs. Mr. Rahman left 18 Karkunbari lane at about 14.10 hrs.
The following suspects visited 18, Karkunbari lane during his stay at quarter (Moulana Sb.)
1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman 17.20 – 20.45 hrs. 2. Ataur Rahman, Advocate 18.30 – 20.20 hrs.
The subject left his quarter at about 20.45 hrs. along with suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman by Rickshaw went to Dacca R/S at about 21.00 hrs.
At about 21.40 hrs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan left Dacca R/S alone for Santahar by Bahadurabad Train under Shadow of R.I.B. watcher Abdul Hakim.
Submitted. Sd/-S.I. 31.8.53.
Side note: D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-for O/C watch.
2.9, Sd/- A.U.M. 2.9.


A community welfare meeting was held at Alamganj, Sutrapur, Dacca where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman demanded to remove the oil mill as its noise causing untold mental and physical agony to the
residents of the locality.
Dacca, 30 August 1953
Report of the public meeting held on 30.8.53 at 5-30 P.M. at Alamganj.
A public meeting (150) was held on 30-8-53 from 5-30 P.M. to 6-10 P.M. at Alamganj with Prof. Qamruzzaman (A.M.L.) in the Chair. It was not a political

Page: 364
meeting. It was organised by the Mahalla people to protest against the existence of the Dacca Oil Mill in a residential area causing untold suffering physical and mental, to the people of the area and to demand its removal to the Industrial area at Tejgaon.

Sk. Mujibar Rahman, General Secy. A.M.L. also described the inconveniences and sufferings of the people due to the existence of the Mill in a populated area and felt surprised how they could turn a deaf ear to the appeals and representation of the Mill to the industrial area. The people were agitating for the last two years but Govt. for the monetary benefit of an individual Capitalist, are allowing hundreds of poor people to undergo physical and mental agonies. He criticised M.L. Govt. to be the Govt. of the rich, Capitalists Zamindars, businessmen etc. with very little corner for the poor and suffering millions. Strong exception was taken at the effrontery of the Mill Manager who was reported to have said that if required he would purchase the whole Alamganj Mahalla and said that this was an instance of the innumerable oppressions and injustices and wrong done by the capitalist few over the poor Millions. He failed to understand how under law a mill can exist in a populated area. He asked the people of the area to unite and to explore all means and even to resort to hunger – strike to have the Mill removed, and assured all help from the A.M.L.
Submitted. Sd/-31.8.
Daily Report No. 192 dated 31.8.53 from I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Prof. Qamruzzaman (A.M.L.) and Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. Awami Muslim League took the opportunity of criticising the Govt. in a public meeting (150) held on 30.8.53 at Alamganj Mohalla, Dacca which the people of the said Mohalla organised with a view to demanding the removal of the Dacca Oil Mills from the locality.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman referred to the alleged inconveniences and sufferings of the people due to the existence of the mills in the locality and alleged, among other things, that although the people had been agitating for the last two years to have the

Page: 365
mills removed to the industrial area, the Govt. was not taking any action in the matter for the sake of an individual capitalist’s benefit. He advised the people of the locality to unite and explore all means, even to resort to a hunger strike to have the mills removed and assured them of all help from the Awami Muslim League.


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to President, AML, Khulna requesting observance of ‘Anti-Imperialist Day’on 10 September 1953. A copy of the disciplinary regulations of the party was also
Dacca, 31 August 1953
Copy of enclosure (1)
Printed Heads:
East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 18 Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. dated 31.8.53.
To The President, Awami Muslim League, Khulna.
D/ Sir,
Please note that 10th September 53 has been declared to be observed as the “Anti Imperialist Day”. Please organise public meeting and pass-resolutions with copies to the press and head quarter or the parts strain all nerves to make it a complete success.
Yours Faithfully
Sd/ S.M. Rahman (Shaikh Mujibar Rahman)
General Secretary East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.

Page: 366
Enclosure (11) Printed Heads.
East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 18 Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
Dated 1.9.53.
Circulation No. 4,
I have received information from certain quarters that some members of the Awami Muslim League have been failed to maintain the discipline of the organisation and have extending co-operation to other political parties in their affairs and in some cases propagating their cause. This is an act of gross indiscipline on the part of members of an organisation even, in some cases it is due to the weakness for some

Page: 367
persons. I therefore consider necessary to warn the members against the attitude and activities. Members violating the direction will be subject to disciplinary action. The district, Sub-Division & Branch Awami Muslim League are requested to see that the discipline of the organisation is strictly maintained (s.i.c.) and to report any act of indiscipline on the part of the members to the office of the E.P. Awami Muslim League.
Abdul Hamid Bhashani
(In facsimile) (Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani
President East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
Side Note : Superscription Janab Dildar Ahmad Pleader Khulna
Postal Seal Dacca 1 Sept. 53 illegible.

Page: 368
Ext. from SWR of Sylhet Dist. for the w/e 3.9.53.
Part V. Politico-Communal Groups.
(a) Muslim Groups. (ii) Awami Muslim League.
(c) In a letter dt. 31.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. East Pakistan
A.M.L. to Nurur Rahman s/o Azduddin of Sylhet town & Fulbari, Golapganj, Secy. Sylhet Dist. A.M.L. noticed in the post at Sylhet on 2.9.53, the writer informs that the 10th Sept. has been declared as Anti-Imperialist Day by the party. He asks the addressee to observe the day by holding meeting, passing
resolutions & sending copies to the press & party H. Qr. etc. (d) Circular No. 4 dt. 31.8.53 from Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani to Nurur
Rahman (mentd.) was noticed in the post at Sylhet on 2.9.53. It warns those members of the A.M.L. who have failed to maintain the discipline of the organisation and havme been extending cooperation to other political parties. It emphasizes members violating the direction will be subject to disciplinary action.
Side note:
Copy is being sent to I.B Copy given, Sd/-17.9 Copy is being sent to I.B. “Action to be taken on the letters ” Sd/-A.N.M. Waheed 9.9.53 Forwarded to the office for n/a. pl. with refer to the orders of DS (6). Sd/- SI CS. 15/9.53.
Note: Similar letter was sent to S.W. Lakitullah, President, District AML, Barisal.


Confidential Report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 1 September 1953
Précis on the C. Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, dt. 31.8.53 to 1.9.53.
The suspect visited the following places during the time noted against each.
Left quarter. Purana Paltan House of Advocate Abdus Salam Khan.
: :
09.00 hrs. 09.30 – 11.00 hrs.

Page: 369
11.30 – 12.15 hrs.
18, Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. Office. Returned to his quarter. Left quarter. 18, Karkunbari Lane. Rup Mahal Cinema Hall.
: 12.50 hrs. : 18.05 hrs. : 18.20 – 21.00 hrs. A.M.L. Office. : 21.15–23.45 hrs. witnessed the
pictures. 00-05 hrs. Since then he was not
Returned to his quarter.
1.9.53. The suspect visited the following places during the time noted.
Left quarter. 18 Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. Office. 9 Hatkhola Rd. Paramount Press. Returned to quarter. Left quarter. 18, Karkunbari Lane. Returned to quarter.
: 09.15 hrs. : 09.30 – 10.45 hrs. : 11.10 – 12.45 hrs. : 13.15 hrs. : 17.20 hrs. : 17.50 – 19.20 hrs. : 19.45 hrs. Since then he was not seen
during duty period.
Submitted. Sd/- 2.9.
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. Sd/- for O/C Watch. 3.9.
To P.F. Sd/- A.U.M. 3.9.
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, dt. 2.9.53.
The subject visited the following places, during the time noted against each.
Left quarter. At Purana Paltan House of Advocate Abdus Salam. 18, Karkunbari Lane. A.M.L Office.
: 11.00 hrs. : 11.30-11.45 hrs.
12.15 – 12.30 hrs
12.50 -13.30 hrs.
Bar Library. 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane. Returned to quarter. Left quarter. 18, Karkunbari Lane.
: : :
13.45-13.50 hrs. 14.15 hrs. 17.45 hrs.
18.10-19.40 hrs.

Page: 370
25 Swarighat Road House of Ataur Rahman Advocate, from 20.00-20.30 hrs. Returned to quarter.
: 21.00 hrs. Left quarter.
: 21.15 hrs. Victoria Park Bus stand. : 21.30 hrs.
The subject left Victoria Park by Taxi No. 2245 E.B.D. at about 21.50 hrs. went to Narayanganj Steamerghat under shadow of W.C. Abdul Hamid of I.B. The subject was made over to W.C. Raja Ali Howlader of Dacca D.I.B. on duty at Narayanganj Steamerghat. The subject left Narayanganj at about 23.30 hrs. by Barisal steamer for Faridpur.
Submitted. Sd-SI. 3.9.53.
Side note:
D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. The subject left for Faridpur via Narayanganj on the night of 2.9.53 by Barisal steamer. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-3.9. Yes. Also ask Faridpur to report activities of the subject during his stay there. Show S.S.III. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 5.9. Sd/- A. Hussain. 7.9.


Memo on the meeting held at J.M. Sen Hallo, Chittagong. Md. Abdul Aziz, Secretary, AML, Chittagong sent Rs. 2,000/- for the
| Ittefaq.
Chittagong, 2 September 1953 East Bengal Form No. 5. Secret
Government of East Bengal OFFICE OF THE Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong
Memorandum No. 5397,/ 102-49 (Int),
38. J.M. Sen Hall – J.M. Sen Hall is located next to Diwan Bazar in Chattogram. The building was
named after Jatra Mohan Sengupta-a lawyer and politician during British rule. From the beginning of British rule in the sub-continent to the end, the building and its premises had played host to major political, social, literary and cultural meetings. During the Langauge Movement JM Sen Hall turned into the venue of the Language Movement in Chattogram. The women wing of Awami League held meetings there during the non-cooperation movement on March 9, 1971.

Page: 371
dated 2nd September 1953
To: A. Hussain, Esqr.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your Memo. No. 9708/606-48 (I) dated 17.7.53.
The meeting mentioned in para I of the letter under reference refers to the meeting held at the local J.M. Sen Hall on 6.7.53 and was addressed by Mvi. Abul Hashem Ex-Security Prisoner.
It is also learnt that Md. Abdul Aziz, Secy. A.M.L. Chittagong, writer of the intercept has sent Rs. 2,000/- per bearer for the Ittefaq. As regards the proposed Dist. Conference of the A.M.L. nothing has been done as yet.
In this connection this office W.C.R. for the week ending 11th July, 1953 under head Miscellaneous may kindly be referred to.
Sd/ -1/9/53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Side Note: All communications should give the number, Date and Subjects of any previous


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to advocate Rahimuddin Ahmad, Dinajpur inviting him to attend the working committee
meeting Dacca, 2 September 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 2.9.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Gl. Secy.,
E.P.A.M.L. 18, Karkunbari Lane,

Page: 372
To (with address)
Janab Rahimuddin Pleader, Dinajpur.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Outgoing
G.P.O. Dacca.
6. 7.
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not
: Munshi Husainuddin, S.I., I.B.
10. Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Copy kept.
: Casual.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal pl. The notice issued by the Genl. Secy., E.P.A.M.L. A meeting of the Working Committee will be held on 13.9.53 at 18, Karkunbari Lane, to discuss some urgent agendas. Copy may be placed on file. Zonal Office & O/C watch may pl. note.
Sd/- 1.9
Side Note:
S.S. III may like to see. We have already received this from P.A. 31 dt. 31.8.53. Other actions as proposed. Sd/-2/9 Sd/- A. Hussain 3/9/53. Seen. Sd/- 9.9. Seen. Sd/- 12/9.
Copy of an English letter dated 30.8.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Gl. Secy., E.P.A.M.L. to Janab Rahimuddin Ahmad, Pleader, Dinajpur.

Page: 373
A meeting of the Working Committee of the E.P.A.M.L. will be held on 13.9.53 at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca (H.Q.) at 3-30 P.M. You are requested to attend punctually.
1. Discussion about the general election and organisational matters. 2. Release of political prisoners and repeal of Safety Act. 3. Food and Weavers problems as well as the review of economic situation of
E.Pakistan. 4. Raising funds. 5. Kashmir problem. 6. State Language problem 7. To consider the affiliation of Dacca City Committee. 8. Miscellaneous matters.
Yours faithfully, Sd/- Sk. Mujibar Rahman Gl. Secy., E. P.A.M.L.
Similar copy addressed to the following:1. Prof A. Hai, Jessore. 2. Haider Mallick, President, Sub-divisional A.M.L. Netrokona, Mymensingh. 3. A. Salam Khan, Advocate, Dacca. 4. Janab A.K.M. Zahural Haq, President, A.M.L., Tippera. 5. Janab Khairat Husain, M.L.A., Rangpur. 6. Maulana A.R. Tarkabagish, M.L.A., Pabna. 7. Syed A. Rahim, c/o Insaf Office, Dacca. 8. Mr. Mohd. Ali, Secy., A.M.L., Tangail, Mymensingh. 9. Janab Zahur Ahmad Chaudhury, 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong. 10. Mr. A. Husain, Secy. AML., Rangpur. 11. Akbar Husain, President, Dist. A.M.L., Bogra. 12. A. Rahman, Secy., A.M.L., Tippera. 13. Sk. A. Aziz, M.A., Bagerhat, Khulna.
Note: The same letter was sent to advocate Dildar Ahmad of Khulna.

Page: 374


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to M.A. Aziz, General Secretary, District AML, Chittagong requesting to attend AML working
committee meeting at Dacca.
Dacca, 3 September 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 3.9.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Gl. Secy.
E.P.A.M.L 8/3 Rajani Bose
Lane, Dacca. To (with address)
Mr. M.A. Aziz Gl. Secy. Dist. A.M.L 122 Anderkilla,
Chittagong. 3. Language of letter
: English. Date of letter
: 1.9.53. Postal Seal
Outgoing. 6. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 2.9.53 Name of officer who can prove the: Munshi Husain Uddin S.I. I.B
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : X. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal pl. Sk. Majibar Rahman requests the addressee to attend the working committee meeting of AML on 13.9.53 with Obaidul Huq and Zahur.

Page: 375
Copy may be placed on file & copy to DIB Chittagong. Sd/ -3.9
Side note: As proposed. A.M.L. dealing officer & Zonal officer to see & refer reg.
the meeting on 13.9.53. Sd/-for DS6 4.9.53.
Copy of an English letter dt. 15 from Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Gl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca to M.A Aziz Gl. Secy. Dist. A.M.L 122 Anderkilla, Chittagong.
My dear Aziz.
I am not receiving any letter from you. I do not know why? You know that I am very busy. There is nobody to help me except you and other few friends. Don’t forget to attend the meeting of the working committee. It is a very important one. Maulana Sb. came here day before yesterday and left Dacca yesterday for Panchbibi where his wife is seriously ill. Please come with Obaidul Haq. Where is Zahur? Request him on my behalf to come here on the 13th Sept. Don’t forget to come in my house. How are you?
Yours affectionately
Sd/ Mujib.
Note: Similar letter was sent to Captain Shamsul Haque, Regional Organizer, AML North
Bengal, Rajshahi.


Weekly Confidential Report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and Phani Bhushan Mazumdar.
Faridpur, 5 September 1953

Page: 376
East Bengal Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 27 dt. 7.7.53 received.
Part I. Movement of suspect. 1. A.L. suspect No. 498 (MJP) Phani Bhushan Mazumdar, s/o Satish Chandra of
Madaripur town, Faridpur, left Madaripur town for Dacca on 27.8.53. 2. A.L. suspect No. 520 (AML) Mujibur Rahman, s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara,
Gopalganj, Faridpur, left Tingipara for Barisal on 22.8.53.
Side note: Seen. Sd/- S.A. Halim. 7.9
D.Ss 4.6&7, 7.9. R.D. dt. 7.9. Sd/- A.U.M, 8.9. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 9.9.


Weekly confidential report, telephonic message and confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Satindra Nath
Sen and other leaders. Bakarganj, 5 September 1953
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Bakarganj, for the • Week Ending 5-9-53.
Part 1
DS6 1. A.L. Suspect No. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.) reached Barisal 8/9 from Dacca on 3.9.53 by the Dacca Mail and left for his native village
Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur, the same day at 13.30 hrs. by
Khulna Mail Steamer. DS4 2. A.L. suspect No. 711 Satindra Nath Sen left Barisal for Dacca on the 8/9 night of 2-9-53 by Dacca mail steamer. DS4 3. A.L. No. 680 Pran Kumar Sen (P.N.C.) left for Dacca on the night of 8/9 4.9.53 by Dacca Mail Steamer. DS4 4. A.L. suspect No. 449 Benode Behari Kanjilal (P.N.C.) left for Dacca on 8/9 the night of 4.9.53 by Dacca Mail steamer.

Page: 377
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Bakarganj, for the Week Ending 5.9.53.
The East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 27 dated 4.7.53 has
been received
Part I
1. A.L. Suspect No. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.) reached Barisal
from Dacca on 3.9.53 by the Dacca mail and left for his native village Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur, the same day at 13.30 hrs. by
the Khulna Mail Steamer. 2. A.L. suspect No. 711 Satindra Nath Sen left Barisal for Dacca on the
night of 2.9.53 by the Dacca mail steamer.
DS4 819
Circulation. Sd/-8.9.53
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the Aug. 1953.
No. /15-53
M.R Haque, Esqr., PSP., Supdt. of Police, DIB, Bakarganj.
A.L. suspect No. *520* Mujibur Rahman, (AML- s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca) reached Tungipara, on 14.8.53 by steamer from Barisal being shadowed by W.C. 1688 Saiyid Iman Ali of your D.I.B.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Faridpur. Q/19.8.

Page: 378
Confidential. Memo No. 4862/1(2) 15-53 dt. 19.8.53.
Copy forwarded for information to:
1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca & 2. S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the Sept. 1953.
No. /15-53. To M.R. Haque, Esqr., PSP., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Bakarganj. Reference this office No. 4862/15-53 dt. 19.8.53.
A.L. suspect No. *520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Tungipara, Faridpur on 22.8.53 for Barisal by steamer being shadowed. The suspect was made over to W.C. 77 Shamsur Rahman of your D.I.B.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Confidential. Memo. No. 5204 (1)(2)/15-53 dt. 7.9.53.
Copy forwarded for information to:1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca. & 2. S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca in continuation of this
office memo No. 4862/1(2)/15-53 dt. 19.8.53.
Sd/-7.9 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

Page: 379
W.C.R. for w/e 29.8.53 Bakarganj D.I.B.
Part 1.
A.L. Suspect No. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.) reached Barisal from his native village Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur on 22.8.53 at 17.00 hrs. and left for Dacca the same day at 23.30 hrs. by the Dacca mail steamer.
Side note: Circulation Sd/-2/9, Pl. show DS VI SD/- 2.9
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca dt. 8.9.53.
Received information over phone message from D.I.B. Dacca to the effect that suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman got down at Narayanganj steamer ghat from Barisal and left Narayanganj by Taxi E.B.D. 2386 towards Dacca town at 13.20 hrs. Accordingly we placed watch at Rajani Bose Lane.
At about 17.15 hrs. the subject came out from quarter and went to 18 Karkunbari A.M.L. office and had been there up to 19.15 hrs. There from the subject returned to his quarter at about 19.30 hrs. and was not seen to come out again.
Submitted. Sd/- Md. Nurul Huq Khan,
S.I. 10.9
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-for
O/C Watch.10.9 Yes. Sd/- A.N.M. Waheed. 10.9.53.
Recd. at: 15.15 hrs. Dated 8.9.53. From : O/C Watch, D.I.B., Dacca. To : O/C Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
W/C Reja Ali Howlader of Narayanganj D.I.B. informed over Phone that the suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman got down at N. Ganj Steamer ghat at about 13.00 hrs. today from Barisal Steamer being shadowed by W/C Syed Noor Safa Mahmud of Barisal D.I.B. The suspect left for Dacca by Taxi No. E.B.D. 2386 at about 13.20 hrs.

Page: 380
This is for your kind information. Sd/-W/C. 8.9.53.
D.S. VI /S.S. III for favour of perusal. S.I., S.A. Wahed has been asked to fix up him and to place watch.
Sd/- T.H. Choudhury.
O/C Watch. 8.9.53 Seen. Reported to S.S. III. Place in P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 8.9.53.


Weekly confidential report and confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AML leaders.
Dacca, 9 September 1953
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca dt. 9.9.53.
9.9.53. At about 09.10 hrs. the subject left his quarter and visited 25 Swarighat where Advocate Atwar Rahman resides. Therefrom the subject returned to quarter at 09.30 hrs.
At about 18.25 hrs. again the Subject came out from quarter and went to 18 Karkunbari A.M.L. office with five unknown person and had been there up to 22.00 hrs. Therefrom the subject returned to quarter at about 22.05 hrs. and was not seen to come out again. Suspect Manik Mia @ Tofazzel Hossain was in the A.M.L. office during the stay of the subject at A.M.L. Office.
Submitted. Sd/- Md. Nurul Huq Khan,
S.I. 10.9.
Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. concerned.
Sd/-for O/C Watch.
10.9. Yes. Sd/- A.N.M. Waheed., 12.9.

Page: 381
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane dated 10.9.53.
10.9.53 At about 09.45 the subject came out from qr. and visited the following places:
(1) 18 Karkunbari (A.M.L. Office). : 10.00-11.00 (2) 2 Simpson Road Party house. : 11.10-12.00 (3) Bar Library, Dacca.
: 12.10-14.10 Retd. to qr. at about 14.30 hrs. Again at about 16.30 hrs. the subject left his qr. and visited the following places:(1) 9 Hatkhola Road.
: 17.00-17.05 (2) Kamlapur (House of Razzak Bepari). : 17.30-21.45 (3) 18 Karkunbari.
: 18.45-21.45 Retd. to qr. at 22.00 and was not seen to come out again.
Submitted. Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan
S.I., 12/9
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the Sept.1953.
No. /15-53 To M.R. Haque, Esqr., PSP., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Bakarganj.
Reference this office No. 5204/15-53 dt. 7.9.53.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AL suspect No. *520) arrived at his village home at Tungipara at 23.30 hours on 3.9.53 (not 06.00 hrs. on 4.9.53 as reported by the watcher) being shadowed by W/C 882 Akhtar Husain of your D.I.B.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.

Page: 382
Confi. Memo. No. 5324/1(2)15-53 dt. 11.9.53. Copy forwarded for information to:1. A. Hussain, Esqr., S. S., I.B., Dacca, & 2. S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, DIB, Dacca, in continuation of this office No. 5204/(1)/2/15-53 dt. 7.9.53.
Sd/ -11.9 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca dated 11.9.53.
At about 08.40 hrs. the subject left his qrs. and visited the following places:
(1) 18 Karkunbari (AML office) Moulana Abdul : 08.55-12.30
Hamid Khan and Badsha Mia pleader were in the
A.M.L office (2) Hatkhola Rd.
: 12.15 to 13.15 hrs. Retd. to qr. at 13.40 hrs. Again at 16.00 the said suspect left his qr. Attended meeting at Purana Paltan Maidan who : 16.30-19.45 visited Casanova restaurant (at Johnson Rd). : 20.10-21.00 Had been at Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. office. : 21.15-22.30 Retd. to qr.
……. at 22.45 and was not seen to come out again.
Submitted. Sd/- Nurul Huq
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- O/C
Watch. 12.9 Yes. Sd/-14.9.53

Page: 383
The East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 28 dated 11.7.53 has been received.
Part1. DS… 1. A.L. suspect No. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L.) reached Barisal 15.9 on 8.9.53 at 17.45 hrs. from his native village Tangipara, P.S.
Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur and left for Dacca on the same day at 23.30
hrs. by the Dacca mail steamer. DS4 2. A.L. suspect No. 449 Binode Behari Kanjilal returned to Barisal from
Dacca on 8.9.53 at 11.30 hrs. by the Dacca mail steamer. DS2 3. A.L. suspect No. 302 Mrs. Sujata Das Gupta (Ex-Sec. Pr.) left for 15.9
Rajshahi on 8.9.53 at 13.30 hrs. by Khulna mail steamer to have an interview with her husband Amiya Kumar Das Gupta, Security
Prisoner, in the Rajshahi Central Jail. DS7 4. A.L. suspect No. 384 Deb Kumar Ghosh @ Mona left Barisal for 15.9 Calcutta on 8.9.53 at 13.30 hrs. by the Khulna mail steamer. DS7 5. A.L. suspect No. 680 Pran Kumar Sen arrived at Barisal on 9.9.53
15.9 from Dacca by the Dacca mail steamer. Side note: Circulation 15.9.53. Pl. show DS IV. Sd/-17/9
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police D.I.B, Faridpur for the week ending 12.9.53.
East Bengal Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 28 dated 11.7.53 received.
Précis already submitted in subject’s file. Sd/
Movement of Suspect. 1. Phani Bhushan Mazumdar (AL suspect No.*498 MJP) returned Madaripur
town on 4.9.53 from Dacca.
2. Sk. Mujibar Rahman (AL suspect No.*520-AML) left Tungipara, Gopalganj,
Faridpur on 7.9.53 for Dacca. 3. Ashutosh Singh (AL suspect No. *740) with Rajendra Ray, Pleader of Comilla
town, passed through this district on his way to Chuadanga, Kushtia on 6.9.53 being shadowed.

Page: 384
4. Kedareswar Sen Gupta (AL Suspect No. **703) arrived Kuarpur P.S. Palong
on 1.9.53 from Calcutta.
Side note:
Extract to P.F. Sd/-16.9, Sd/-15.9 O/C Watch. Put up with précis on suspects. Sd/-14.9 Not to me. Sd/-15.9. Seen. Sd/
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane dated 12.9.53.
At about 10.05 hrs. the subject came out and went to 18 Karkunbari (A.M.L. office) and had been there up to 13.00 hrs. and therefrom went to Bar Library at 13.10 hrs. At about 13.20 he left the Bar Library and retd. to qr. at 13.35 hrs.
Again at about 17.30 hrs. the subject left his qrs. and went to 18 Karkunbari. At about 18.15 hrs. he left the same went away by Taxi E.B.D. 2445. At about 23.00 hrs. the subject was seen to enter into his qrs. from outside. After that he was not seen to come out.
Submitted. Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan, S.I.
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/
O/C Watch. 14.9
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca dated 13/9/53.
At about 10.15 hrs. the subject left his qrs. with Abdul Jabbar Khadder and went to Medical College Hospital at 10.30 hrs. At about 10.55 hrs. the subject along with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani came out from the Medical College Hospital and went to 18 Karkunbari Lane and had been there up to 13.10 hrs. Therefrom the subject retd. to his qr.
Again at about 15.00 hrs. the subject left his qrs. and went to 18 Karkunbari Lane at 15.15 hrs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani was present at 18 Karkunbari Lane. The subject left 18 Karkunbari at 22.30 and retd. to qr. 22.45 hrs. and was not seen to come out again.
Submitted: Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan,

Page: 385
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-O/C
Watch. 14.9.53 Sd/- A. Hafiz. 16/9
Précis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane dated 14.9.53.
The suspect left his qr. at about 06.30 hrs. went to 18 Karkunbari lane at about 07.00 hrs. The subject along with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan left 18 Karkunbari Lane at about 07.30 hrs. went to Dacca R/S at about 07.50 hrs. They left Dacca R/S at about 07.55 hrs. went to 18 Karkunbari Lane at about 08.15 hrs. Again both the above suspect left 18 Karkunbari Lane at about 08.25 hrs. went to 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane at about 08.35 hrs. Again at about 13.30 suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman was seen to return to his qr. Suspect Professor Qamaruzzaman visited the subject’s quarter from 12.30 to 12.40 hrs.
Again at 18.30 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left his quarter went to 18 Karkunbari Lane at about 18.50 hours alone. He left 18 Karkunbari Lane at about 21.00 hrs. During his stay at 18 Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. office none visited the said place.
He returned to his quarter at about 21.15 hrs. Since then he was not seen during duty period.
Suspect Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan was not seen to come out from suspect Mujibar Rahman’s quarters during duty period.
15.9.53. Side note: DS v for favour of perusal pl. Sd/-S.I. 16.9
Keep it pl. in the P.F. of the suspect. Sd/-16.9.53.


Confidential memo on the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
from Faridpur to Dacca.
Faridpur, 11 September 1953 Confidential.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the Sept.1953.
No. /33-50 (B)

Page: 386
To S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Reference this office No. (2)1/15-53 dt. 9.53.
A.L. suspect No. *520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur on 7.9.53 for Dacca being shadowed. The suspect may go to his destination via Barisal.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.
Memo. No.5326/1/(2)/1/15-53 dt. 9.53
Copy forwarded for information to:1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca, in continuation of this
office No. 5324/1/(2)/15-53 dt. 11.9.53 & 2. M.R. Haque, Esq., PSP., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Bakarganj, in continuation of
this office No. 5324 dt. 11.9.53.
Sd/ -11.9 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
No. 1606-48 PF dt. S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur.
Please refer to your No. 5326/1 (2) dt. 11.9.53 reg. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and let us have a report about the activities of the subject during his stay there, at an early date.
Sd/ -17.9.53 D.S.6 for SS 111

Page: 387


Confidential report on movements of Mawlana Bhasani.
Dacca, 14 September 1953
Précis on the C.Rs. reg. suspect Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani of 18 Karkunbari Lane dated 14.9.53,
14.9.53. At about 07.00 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman entered into 18 Karkunbari and at about 07.30 hrs. he came out along with subject Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and they went to Dacca R/S & therefrom they went to 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane (Residence of Sk. Mujibar Rahman) at 08.35 hrs.
At about 12.30 hrs. Prof. Qamaruzzaman visited 8/3 Rajani Bose lane and at
13.00 he left the same.
At about 18.45 hrs. Moulvi Yusuf Ali Choudhury @ Mohan Mia visited 8/3 Rajani Bose lane and met with Moulana Bhasani. At about 20.00 hrs left the place by EBD 2295. The subject was not seen to come out from 8/3 Rajani Bose lane.
15.9.53. At about 06.30 hrs. Moulana Bhasani arrived at Dacca R/S and availed train for Mymensingh being shadowed by A.S.I. Shamsul Huq of R.I.B.
Submitted, Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan, S.I.
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal pl. Extracts may go in P.Fs
concerned. Sd/- O/C Watch 15.9
Seen. As proposed. Sd/- 16.9.53

Page: 388


Letter of H.S. Suhrawardy from Karachi to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he communicated his opinion and solicited reply on State Language issue, observance of ‘Anti-Imperialist Day’, party’s approach in terms of the solidarity and integrity of Pakistan before he decided to come over to East Bengal.
Dacca, 14 September 1953
Intelligence Branch
Memo No.
The 14.9.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy 13,
Kutchery Road, Karachi. To (with address)
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman c/o
Ataur Rahman, 25,
Swarighat, Dacca. Language of letter
English. Date of letter
: 11.9.53 Postal Seal
: Illegible. Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 14.9.53. Name of officer who can prove the: Munshi Husainuddin. S.l. interception
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered : Original submitted. If delivered, whether copy kept or : X. not Number and date of Government : G.O. order authorising interception

Page: 389
Copy/ translation forwarded to D.S. VI
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy writes from Karachi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman at Dacca reg. his opinion in con. with the State Language question, observance of Anti-Imperialistic Day etc., with ref. to their party solidarity & the integrity of Pakistan. He wants a reply from the addressee before he decides to come over to East Pakistan.
Original may be delivered after perusal. Copy kept. Sd/-14.9.53.
Side note: Type Sec. for immediate compliance pl. Sd/-14/9/53. 10.30
Copy enclosed. Sd/-14.9.53 1) Send copies to Govt. Bureau & I.G.P. 2) Put up for FR. 3) DIG may like to see. 4) Deliver the letter. Delivered. Sd/-14.9.53 Seen Sd/ -14.9 May be shown & this may be considered for monthly D.O. pl. Sd/
15.9.53 Included in DR. Sd/-15.9
13, Kutchery Road, Karachi 11th September 1953.
I have received a type written letter from you after a long time. I was very sorry to hear of the mishap to Maulana Bhashani’s wife. I hope that she has recovered by now, and the Maulana Sahib is again in circulation. Perhaps this was just as well, as the Maulana Sahib has a habit of over-straining himself, and he should give himself a rest from time to time.
I hope the organisation work is being done satisfactorily, and the regional organisers are touring and doing their duty. The main purpose should be to find strong sympathiser in every area, mohalla and lane of the town, and also in every village, and build the party on these strong workers.

Page: 390
I do not know when I shall be able to come to East Bengal. I hope it will be at the end of September or beginning of October, and may be even later, around the third week of October. There are many matters and cases over here, the most complicated being the Disturbances Enquiry Tribunal. I also must have time to have my teeth taken out, otherwise I shall not be able to work in East Bengal peacefully. I am wondering however whether you really do need my presence in Bengal, as it is impossible for me to go on supporting you in your extreme policy. Let me give you an example: Take the language question. We have all declared, and I have supported you on the problem, that one of the state languages should be Bengali. In order to get all-Pakistan confirmation for this policy, it is necessary not to antagonise the other parts of Pakistan, that is to say provided you wish to remain part and parcel of Pakistan. If you do not wish to do so, you can say whatever you like, and create bad blood between East and West, antagonise the people here, and destroy the integrity of the party. Now my policy clearly is that Pakistan must remain integral, and you must oppose all such influences whose tendency may be to separate the two wings. Hence you can well realise that you are antagonising the whole of West Pakistan by demanding that Urdu should be boycotted, or that you will start Direct Action. I do not think that anybody has given you the authority to threaten such a serious course of conduct as direct action. Therefore, while you press your claims for Bengali, you must not attack Urdu. If you do not agree with me let me know. I will then possibly decide not to come to East Bengal, and I will even begin to think that you are not desirous of maintaining the integrity of Pakistan.
I see that the Maulana Sahib has called for the observance of an anti-Imperialist Day on the 11th of September. This appears to have reference to the attitude of the Western Powers in relation to the Arab countries, and it takes no account of the imperialism of Soviet Russia over her sattalite countries. So be it. But you must realise what repercussions this will have. It seems that you are all obsessed with supporting, at the present moment indirectly, the ideology, the politics and the political structure of the Communist Powers. You are receiving support from what are known as progressive groups and from the Communists. The reaction amongst our people is that our party is a camouflage communist body, and you may have within East Bengal itself anti-Communist members of our party who may break away from us. Do you think that by observing this Day we have increased our internal strength? You are merely giving an opportunity to the other groups to capture the field. Can you not possibly go slow. There is plenty of time for international politics. Let us strengthen the party position and see whether we can win the elections on the party ticket. However, knowing as I do the manner in which

Page: 391
you have all been injected with Communism, I do not think you will be able to appreciate what I am saying. There is one other danger, and that again is the disintegration of Pakistan. A separatist policy will not help you to maintain your entity. You will have to join up with India, not on the basis of a sovereign unit, but as part of the Indian Union, a contingency which no one can contemplate with equanimity. Now I do not want you to run away with the idea that I am preaching reactionarism, but our policy has to be subordinated to the paramount policy of the integrity of Pakistan, and hence we have to go slow, and only adopt such policy as may not antagonise this part of the country.
Yours Sincerely, Sd/- H.S. Suhrawardy.
I would like a reply before I decide to go to East Pakistan.
No –
Secret (1) Home Secy., E.B.
12455(3) dt.16.9.53 (2) 1.G.P., E.B.
606-48 (1) Sec. (3) A. D.(P). Karachi.
I forward herewith a copy of a letter dt. 11.9.53 from Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy 13, Kutchery Road, Karachi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, C/o Ataur Rahman, 25, Swarighat, Dacca, intercepted at G.P.O., Dacca on 14.9.53 for favour of information. The letter has been delivered.
Sd/ -16.9.53
S.S.III for D.I.G., I.B. D.S.VI
Order below. Draft above may put up to S.S. III for appl. pl.
Sd/ -16.9.53.
The draft may kindly be approved.
Sd/ -16.9
Gist has been taken for FR. Take other actions at once.
Sd/ -16.9

Page: 392


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman communicated his tour program to Adeluddin Ahmad, Secretary, Faridpur District AML along with Mawlana Bhashani, Mawlana Tarkabagish and other leaders.
Dacca, 18 September 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 18.9.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Sk. Mojibur Rahman General
Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca Adeluddin Ahmad, Secy. Faridpur Dist. Awami Muslim League, Faridpur. English.
Language of Letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Outgoing. : G.P.O. Dacca.
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: 18.9.53
: S. Ahmed S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept.
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception

Page: 393
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Gel. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca writes to the Secy. Faridpur Dt. A.M.L. informing about the tour programme in the district etc.
Side note: S S III may kindly see for his information.
1. Copy may be sent to SP DIB Faridpur for information. 2. May be included in Daily report if approved. SSII may pl. see. 3. S.l. Wahed Ali to note in the appropriate reporter.
Sd/ -for DS.6, 21.9.53 4. Govt. Reporters may be asked to accompany the party during the tour. Sd/- 21/9/53 2 Bengali Reporters if possible. Sd/-21.9.53 (2) Included in DR. Sd/-22.9 Received not now. Sd/-22.9 Order already complied with vide file no 22-53 Staff. Sd/-23.9.53
Copy of an English letter dt. 16.9.53 from Sk. Mojibur Rahman, General Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca, addressed to Adeluddin Ahmad, Secy. Faridpur District Awami Muslim League, Faridpur.
My Salam to you all. Maulana Bhashani, Maulana Tarkabagish, Prof. A. Hai, Abdul Hamid Chowdhury, Jalal Uddin Ahmad & I have decided to tour & attend meetings at the following places within your area according to the following programme. The programme shall in no case be cancelled. I earnestly request you to make the necessary arrangements with all others to make the programme a success.
I am Sincerely yours Sd/ Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secy. East Pakistan
Awami Muslim League.

Page: 394
1 st
The following is the programme:1) 28th Sept. arrival at Tungipara (GOP) 2) 29th ” Meeting ” Ghaghar (Kotalipara) 3) 30th ” ” ” Gamadanga (GOP)
Oct.” ” Gopalganj town 5) 2nd ” ” ” Kashiani
Mokshedpur 7) 4th ” ” ” Rajoir 8) 5th ” ” ” Madaripur town 9) 6th
Chikandi 10) 7th ” ” “
Shibchor 11) 8th ” ” ” Bhanga 12)
Hatkrishnapur 13) 10th “
Faridpur 14) 11th ” ” ” Rajbari town 15) 12th ” ” Pangsha.


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Mawlana Bhasani and other AML leaders.
Dacca, 19 September 1953
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 19.9.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 30 dt. 25.7.53 was received on 17.9.53
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 19.9.53.
(Movement of Suspects).
A.L. 705 Purnendru Kishore Sen Gupta PNC arrived at Dacca from Sylhet by train on 14.9.53 and left on 17.9.53 by train.

Page: 395
Ref: Para b of W.C.R. for the W/E 29.8.53. A.L. II Moulana Abdul Hamid
Khan Bhashani AML left Dacca for Mymensingh on 29.8.53 by train and returned to Dacca on 4.9.53 by train. He again left Dacca for Mymensingh on 6.9.53. He returned to Dacca on 10.9.53 night by train. A.L. 204 Trailakshya Nath Chakrabartti @ Maharaj PSP arrived at Dacca on 29.8.53 by Chittagong down train. A.L. 122 Juan Bhattacharji PNC arrived at Dacca by train on 6.9.53 and left for Mymensingh by train on the same date. A.L. 706 Rabi Sen Gupta PNC arrived at Dacca by train on 6.9.53 and left Dacca on the same date by train. A.L. 492 Juanendra Mazumdar PSP arrived at Dacca by train on 19.9.53 night. A.L. 489 Khajewa Nawaj EPMSL and A.L. 436 Hashimuddin AML arrived on 13.9.53 morning and left for Mymensingh on the same day by night train. A.L. 426 also came to Dacca on 5.9.53 and left Dacca by train on 7.9.53.
6. 7.
Ref: W.C.R. for the W/E 29.8.53 Para 5 A.L. 176 Binode Chakrabartti PNC left Dacca for Mymensingh on 10.9.53 by train. He again returned to Dacca by
train on 19.9.53 and left for Mymensingh on 17.9.53. 9. A.L. 367 Monoranjan Dhar, M.L.A. PNC left Dacca for Mymensingh by train
on 10.9.53 and returned to Dacca on 12.9.53 from Mymensingh by train. 10. A.L. 755 Wahed Ali CP arrived at Dacca by train on 12.9.53. 11. A.L. 492 Juanendra Mazumdar PSP arrived at Dacca by train on 12.9.53 and
left for Calcutta by air on 13.9.53. 12. A.L. 3 M.A. Awal EPMSL arrived at Dacca by train on 14.9.53. 13. A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman AML left Dacca for Barisal by steamer on
2.9.53. He returned to Dacca via Narayanganj by Barisal steamer on 8.9.53.
Side note:
Circulation. Sd/-24.9. D.S. I, IV, VI & VII Seen . Sd/-24.9 Seen. Sd/- S.A. Halim 25.9 Seen. Sd/-A.H.M. Waheed. 25.9.53. Seen. SLs. 3.6 &11. Sd/-A.N.M. 26.9.

Page: 396


Letter of M. Mahmud Ali, Secretary General, Pakistan Ganatantri Dal to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he mentioned his party’s stance in terms of United Front against Muslim League on the
ensuing general election. Dacca, 19 September 1953
1. Moulvi Bazar Rd.
Dacca. dt.19.9.53.
Sub: United Front against the Muslim League in the ensuing General Election.
Dear Sir,
Our General Working Committee has noted with great satisfaction your anxiety for a United Front of all opposition political parties on the basis of an agreed minimum programme to fight and defeat the Muslim League which is the greatest obstacle on the way of our countries progress.
In order to facilitate a basis for the discussion towards an agreement amongst the parties concerned our Working Committee has drawn up the following tentative minimum programme and has authorised me to start negotiations with you.
I propose to take the earliest opportunity to meet you for a discussion, meanwhile, I shall be grateful if the minimum basis suggested by our Central Committee receives your careful consideration.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully, Sd/-M. Mahmud Ali
Secy. General Pakistan Ganatantri Dal.
Our tentative minimum programme: 1. Quitting British Common Wealth and declaring Pakistan as Sovereign
Democratic Republic. Introduction of Joint electorate System.

Page: 397
2. Confiscation of Foreign Capital and Interests employed to the Commerce and Industries of Pakistan.
3. Abolition of Zamindari System without compensation; confiscation of Excess lands from individual land-holders and re-distribute of confiscated and other cultivable Govt. waste lands amongst the landless and poor peasants. Nationalisation of Export. Trade in Jute-Expansion of Jute market guaranteeing a minimum price of Jute to the cultivators. Positive encouragement of Private National Capital in industrialising the
Establishment of civil liberty-Release of all political prisoners and withdrawal of internment orders and warrants issued against political workers-annulment of all black acts and ordinances and to guarantee freedom of speech, Worship, Association and Press.
7. Recognition of Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan. 8. Right to live Security against unemployment and high cost of living. 9. Advancement of Education and health of the people Introduction of free and
compulsory primary Education. 10. Establishment of Pak-Bharat amity.
To Sheik Mujibar Rahman, Esqr. Genl. Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 14, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.


Confidential report and telephonic message on movements and
visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 20 September 1953
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, from 18.9.53. to 20.9.53.

Page: 398
The subject visited the following places during the time noted against each.
: 09.50 hrs. : 10.15-10.30 hrs.
10.50-11.30 hrs. : 11.40- 11.50 hrs. : 12.10 hrs. : 14.30 hrs.
Left quarters. 21 Bailly Road. 9 Hatkhola Road Paramount Press. 18 Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. office. Retd. to quarter. Left quarter. Hotel Orient. Returned to quarter. Left quarter. 18 Karkunbari Lane. Curzon Hall attended Drama. Hotel Orient Returned to his quarter.
14.45-15.15 hrs.
19-9-53. Left quarter. 67 Patuatuly.
: 15.30 hrs.
17.50 hrs. : 18.10-19.00 hrs. : 19.20-21.00 hrs. : 21.30-22.25 hrs. : 22.30 hrs. Since then he was not
seen during duty period. : 10.50 hrs. : 11.00-12.30. Enquiry is being
made. : 12.40 – 13.00 hrs. : 13.05 – 13.25 hrs. : 13.40 hrs. : 14.15 hrs. : 14.20-15.45 Enquiry is being
7/B Chittaranjan Avenue. Sadarghat River View Cafe Restaurant. Returned to qr. Left quarter. 12 Kazimuddin Siddique Lane.
15.45 hrs.
Returned to quarter. Left quarter. 18 Karkunbari Lane. Sadarghat for marketing. Returned to quarter.
: :
17.45 hrs. 18.00-20.00 hrs.
20.9.53. Left quarter. 18 Karkunbari Lane. 247 Nawabpur Road. 9 Hatkhola Road. Paramount Press. 18 Karkunbari Lane.
20.45 hrs. Since then he was not
seen during duty period. : 09.55 hrs. : 10.10-10.20 hrs. : 10.30-10.45 hrs. : 11.00 – 11.15 hrs. : 11.30 – 11.35 hrs.

Page: 399
71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane.
11.40-11.45 hrs.
Kazimuddin Siddique Lane.
: :
11.55-12.10 hrs. 12.15 hrs.
Returned to quarter.
The subject left his quarter at about 15.00 hrs. went to Sadarghat Taxi Stand with bag and baggage.
He left Dacca at about 15.30 hrs. by Taxi No. E.B.D. 2782 went to Narayanganj at about 16.15 hrs. He left Narayanganj at about 16.30 hrs. by Goalundo Mail Steamer under Shadow of W.C. Abdul Mannan of R.I.B.
Submitted. Sd/- S.I. 21.9
Side note: D.S.VI. For favour of perusal pl. The subject left Dacca on 29.9.53 via
Narayanganj by Goalunda Mail Steamer. Extract may go in his P.F. Sd/- O/C, Watch. 21.9, Sd/- A. Hafiz, 22.9
Handed in at
Received at-10.45 hrs. Date-21- 9-53. From-O/C Watch, D.I.B., Dacca.
To-O/C Watch, .I.B., E.B., Dacca.
W/C Shamsul Hoque of D.I.B. N.ganj informed over phone on 20.9.53 at 17.00 hrs. that the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman arrived N.ganj Steamer ghat being shadowed by w/c Akbar Choudhury of I. B. and left the steamer ghat for Faridpur by Goa (on do steamer on the same date at 16.30 hrs.) being shadowed by w/c Abdul Mannan of R.I.B., Dacca. This is for your kind information.
Submitted to D.S. VI for
favour of perusal please. Sd/- A. Hafiz 21.9
Sd/- 21.9

Page: 400


Letter of Mawlana Bhasani to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman communicating his tour program and other organizational issues.
Dacca, 22 September 1953
Intelligence Branch 7 Wise Ghat Road.
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 22nd Sept. 1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan
(Bhashani) President Awami Muslim League. Mr. Muzibar Rahman (Secy. Awami Muslim League) 18
Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. : Bengali. : 20.9.53. : Mymensingh R.M.S. : G.P.O. Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: 22.9.53
Name of officer who can prove the : Md. Serajul Huq, S.I. I.B. interception Whether photographed or not : No. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
10. 11.
Number and date of Government : G.O. Ex. order authorising interception

Page: 401
Copy/translation forwarded to D.S.VI
Moulana Bhasani writes from Mymensingh to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. A.M.L., Dacca reg. his programme of tour etc.
This is known from his letter to Ataur Rahman Khan File.
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 20.9.53.
From : Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhashani)
President Awami Muslim League. To : Mr. Muzibar Rahman, Secy. Awami Muslim League
18 Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
প্রিয় প্রাঃ আওয়ালী মুসলীম লীগের সেক্রেটারী সাহেব।
অনবরত বৃষ্টি ও বর্ষায় দেশের বিভিন্ন স্থান জলমগ্ন হইয়া গিয়াছে আমি শান্তাহার বাহাদুরাবাদ সভা শেষ করিয়া গত রাত্তিতে মােমেনশাহীতে পৌছিয়াছি আগামী ১ লা অক্টোবর হইতে ৮ই অক্টোবর পর্যন্ত ফরিদপুরের বিভিন্ন স্থানে মিটিং খােদা করেন করিব। বেশী সময় দিতে পারিব না কারণ এখানে প্রাদেশিক সভার আয়ােজন আমাকেই করিতে হইবে। বৃষ্টির জন্য ১ দিনের কাজ ৫/৬ দিনেও করা যায় না। আশা করি প্রাদেশিক সভার কাজ শেষ করিয়া পুনরায় যাত্মা হইবে। প্ৰাদেশীক লীগ কাউন্সিলের মেম্বরদের নামের খাতা বা মেম্বরদের নাম ধামের লিষ্ট যতদূর সম্ভব তাড়াতাড়ি পাঠাইবেন। কাউন্সিলরদের নিকট পূৰ্বেই পত্র দিতে হইবে কার্ড পাঠাইতে হইবে। শরীরও আমার ভাল নয় বৃষ্টিতে ভিজিয়া ইনফ্লুয়েঞ্জা হইয়াছে। আমার নামে ফরিদপুরের ৮ই অক্টোবর পর্যাপ্ত সভা ছাড়া অন্য কোন জেলায় কেহ মিটিং না ডাকে তৎপ্রতি বিশেষ দৃষ্টি রাখিবেন। কারণ আমার পক্ষে মাত্মা সম্ভব হবে না। আমার দোয়া সালাম সকলকে জানাইবেন।
Sd/- মােঃ আব্দুল হামিদ খাঁ ভাষানী

Page: 402


Letter from unknown leader of Kushtia Student League to Mawlana Bhasani wherein the writer focused on
organizational matters. Dacca, 22 September 1953
English translation of a Bengali outgoing letter (Env.) dated 22.9.53 from (I) Student League, Kushtia to (2) Maulana A. Hamid Bhashani, President, East Pakistan Awami League, C/o. Tafazzal Hussain, Editor, “Ittefaq”, 94, Nawabpur Road, P.O. Ramna, Dacca.
Kushtia. 22.9.53.
Janab Maulana Sb., President, East Pakistan Awami League.
Oh Saviour of the Country and great man:
It is long since I have not received any news from you. I hope that you are advancing towards the way of liberation of the country. Day by day my mind is clouded with despondency. Now it seems that the popularity of Awami League is going to be decreased – for reason unknown to us. It is sheer impudence on my part, who is mere a boy, to advise you; yet I cannot but say something to you – the present guide of liberation of the country. Removal of a genius like (3) Janab Shamsul Haq from Awami League has been a great blunder. Though he is unwell at present but his maintenance would have been useful. Sometimes, it is learnt that (4) Janab Mujibur Sb., works with childish mind and consequently we are to suffer. I know that he is a genius but of tender age. There is much fuss in Dacca over the City Awami League. You yourself will have to take the responsibility for its legal settlement. (5) Khundkar Ellias and others should not be excluded. I came to learn that (6) Shahid Sb., is coming. So, my request to you that you along with him will please arrange to contest against the Muslim League having co-operation with the other leftist groups and (7) Janab Fazlul Haq Sb. In case the Leftist Groups do not co-operate it seems that Muslim League will get the facility. Please try to organise a United Front with them and Haq Sb., though it may cause a bit loss to us in the strict sense of legality. We shall fall in difficulty if Haq Sb. is excluded. Our ultimate object is to bring peace and prosperity of the country and not to occupy power.

Page: 403
Strength is required in bringing peace and prosperity. So, I write to you – a wise man – that you will try to do whatsoever you think best. You will also please give some advice to Shamsul Haq. Really he is a man of great genius and we will also write to him. Please ask Mujibur Sb. to be sympathetically patient to others. You must come to Kushtia once. I hope to get its reply through “Ittefak.”
Student League, Kushtia.
Side note: Submitted.
No.1 is unknown. He is being fixed. No.2 is the President, E.P. A.M.L., Dacca. No. 4 is the Sec., E.P.A.M.L., S/o Lutfur Rahman of Tungibari, Gopalganj, F’pur and of Dacca. 3 No. is the Ex-Scy., E, P., A.M.L.
No.5 is the son of Wasiruddin of Sirajganj, Pabna and of Dacca.
Ext. from W.S.R. of the S.P., D.I.B., Kushtia for the w/e 1.10.53.
(ii) Awami Muslim League.
A letter under the name of Students’ League, Kushtia addressed to Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (mentd.) was found in post at Kushtia on 23.9.53. Referring to removal of Mr. Shamsul Haq from the A.M.L. the writer says that it has been a serious blunder. As regards Sk. Mujibar Rahman the writer holds that though he is a genius but he works childishly; as a result the party is to suffer. Referring to the dispute over the Dacca City A.M.L., the writer requests the addressee not to exclude Khundkar Md. Illias (Secy. E.P.S.U.) & others from the party. He finally pleads for making a common cause with Mr. Fazlul Haq and other leftist groups as it is inevitable to fight the M.L. successfully in the coming election.
Note: A copy of the letter has been sent to Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca, for favour of his
information. Attempt is also being made to fix the writer.

Page: 404


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AL leaders at Faridpur.
Faridpur, 23 September 1953
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 23rd Sept.1953.
No.5639/33-50 (B)
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman,* AL-520 came to Faridpur town from Dacca along with one Abdul Hamid Chaudhuri, M.A., LL.B and Hemayet Uddin, M.A. student of Dacca University of Banagram, Gopalganj, Faridpur, on 21.9.53. They left for Gopalganj on 23.9.53.
Sd/-23.9.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for the week ending the 26.9.53.
East Bengal Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 30 dt. 25.7.53 received.
Part. I.
Movement of Suspects.
1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AL suspect No. *520-AML) came to Faridpur town from Dacca on 21.9.53 and left for Gopalganj on 23.9.53.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the Sept.1953.
No. /2-53.

Page: 405
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for the week ending 26.9.53.
Forwarded for information to:1. A.B.S. Sofdar, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Asstt., I.B., Dacca-3 copies. 2. S.B. Chaudhuri, Esqr., CSP., District Magistrate, Faridpur-2 copies. 3. S.M. Rab, Esqr. PSP., Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Khulna Range, Khulna-1 copy.
Sd/ – M.S. Haider Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Faridpur. Side note: Circulation. Sd/-29.9
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 26.9.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 30 dated 25.7.53 was received on 17.9.53.
PART I (Movements of suspects).
A.L. 456 Deb Kumar Ghosh @ Mana, P.S.P. arrived at Dacca via Narayanganj by Goalunda Steamer on 17.9.53. He left Dacca via Narayanganj by Barisal Steamer. He went up to Chandpur and returned to Narayanganj on 20.9.53 and again left for Barisal by Steamer. Ref: Serial 3 of the W.C.R. part I for the W/E, 19.9.53. A.L. 204 Trailakshya Nath Chakrabartti @ Maharaj, P.S.P. left Dacca on 18.9.53. A.L. 725 Shamsul Haq, A.M.L. left Dacca for Mymensingh on 20.9.53 by train. Ref: Serial 9 of part I of the W.C.R. for the W/E 19.9.53. A.L. 367 Monoranjan Dhar PNC left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 22.9.53. A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibar Rahman, A.M.L. left Dacca via Narayanganj for Faridpur by Steamer on 20.9.53.
Side note: Circulation. 2.10
D.S.4/D.S.6/D.S. 7 2.10.53. Sd/- ALUM. 3/10 Seen. Sd/- S.A. Halim, 3.10.53. Seen. Sd/- A.N.M. Wahed. 3.10.53.

Page: 406


Letter of one Hiru, 92 Depot Line, Karachi, Pakistan to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman expressing his desire to come to East Bengal and contest in the general election after joining AML.
Dacca, 7 October 1953
Intelligence Branch
7 Wise House.
Dacca; Memo. No.
The … 19. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Hiru, Karachi
To (with address)
: Sk. Majibur Rahaman,
General Secy. A.M. League (E. Pak), 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
Language of Letter
: Bengali.
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Illegible. : G.P.O., Dacca.
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: Md. Ibrahim, A.S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government order : G.O.
authorising interception

Page: 407
Copy/ translation forwarded to
One Hiru from Karachi writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman of A.M.L. Dacca, reg. his intention to come down to East Bengal & contest in the general election after joining the A.M.L. here along with some friends staying there etc.
Sa/-10.10.53 Side note: Put up translation pl. Sd/-10.10.53
Clo. This should have come through you after you have checked it. Pl. do it now. Sd/- 12/10/53 Send a copy to Dacca for info & comment & supply particulars. Sd/-12.10 Complied Sd/ -12.4.53
Copy of a Bengali letter dated 7.X.53 from Hiru, Karachi to Sk Majibur Rahaman, General Secy. East Pakistan Awami League, 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
My dear Khoka Bhai,
সালাম নিবেন- বহুদিন হয় কোন খােজ খবর নেই আশা করি কুশলেই আছেনঅনেক দিন ধরে ভাবছি চিঠি লিখব লিখব, সময় করে উঠতে পারিনা ক্ষমা করবেন। খবরের কাগজ মারফত সব কিছুই অবগত আছি। যাহা হােক আমি আগামী মাসে ঢাকায় আসছি। আমার ইচ্ছা আগামী প্রাদেশিকelection এ আমাদের Constituency অর্থাৎ কাশিয়ানি ও মুকসুদপুর হতে আগ্রামীলীগেরNowination পেতে চাই। আপনার ইচ্ছা জানাবেন। এখান থেকে আমরা ৫/৬ জন চাকুরী ছেড়ে বাংলাদেশে আসছি। এদের মধ্যে দুজন আমার সঙ্গে University তে M.A. পড়ে- বাকী কজন Law এবং College এ পড়ে। দেশের অবস্থ্য জানাবেন। আমি এসেই Awami League এর কাজে লেগে যাব। যে কোন Programe করেন তার মধ্যে আমার নাম include করবেন, আশা করি। জাফর নানা দেশে চলে গেছে। তার কাছে নিশ্চয়ই বিস্তারিত অবগত আছেন। তাকে আর এখানে এখন আসতে দিবেন না। Election এর পর যেন আসে।
– Sd. Hiru. আমার ঠিকানা (address):Haji M.R. Khondker, M.A.L.L.B.
92 Depot Line, Karachi.

Page: 408
English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 7.X.53 from Hiru, Karachi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Gl. Secy. A.M.L., 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca. My dear Khoka Bhai,
Please accept my Salam. I am not getting any news from you since long. Hope you are well. I was thinking of writing to you but could not make time. Please excuse me. I am aware of all facts through the press.
Anyhow I am coming to Dacca next month. I want to have Awami League nomination from Kashiani Maksudpur Constituency. Please let me know your opinion about it. I am coming to East Bengal along with 5 or 6 others all resigning our jobs here. Two of them are my class mates (M.A.) another are law students. Please write about the present condition of the country. On my arrival I will join the A.M.L. party. Please include my name in all your programmes. Jafar Nana (maternal grandfather) had already left for home & hope you got all information from him. Don’t allow him to come here. He can come here after election. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Sd/ – Hiru
Haji M.R. Khondkar, M.A.L.L.B. 92 Depot Line, Karachi.
Copy of report of a D.I.O. Dated 6.11.53.
Beg to report that I made confidential enquiry into the matter under reference but none could throw any light on the matter. On further enquiry it transpired that the subject Hiru and Jafar mentioned in the letter are the residents of P.S. Mukshudpur, Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur. Their other particulars could not be had. D.I.B., Faridpur may be requested to supply the full particulars of the persons mentioned in the letter except Sk. Mujibur Rahman and to comment on the contents of the intercept.

Page: 409
9345/163-49 (Int).
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 11th November, 1953.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information, with reference to his No. 14537/606-48 (1), d/-14.10.53. S.P., D.I.B., Faridpur has been requested to supply particulars of the individuals and comment on the contents of the intercept direct to him.
Sd/- 11.11.53
(S. Rahman). Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.
Vide Dacca D.I.B.’s No. 10219 dt. 11-11-53. Ascertained through Phone from Mr. Gomes of D.I.B. Dacca Sd/- 14.11.53
16217 No. 606-48 (1) dt. 17-11-53
D.I.B. Faridpur
Reference: Dacca D.I.B.’s No. 10219 dt. 11-11-53 to your address. An early reply is requested.
Sd/- 14/11 D.S VI for SSIII
Ascertained from Dacca D.I.B. Sd/-14/11
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 28th Nov. 53.
No. 7080/61-49

Page: 410
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Reference your No. 16217/606-48 (1) dt. 17.11.53.
The matter is still under enquiry.
Sd/-28.11 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Copy of Faridpur D.I.B. Memo No. 558/61-49, dated 30.1.54 to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref:- Your No. 10219/ 163-49 (Int), dated 11.11.53.
The full particulars of Hiru and Jafar are given below:
1. Khundkar Masiur Rahman @ Hiru Miyan S/o Khundkar Lutfar Rahman of
Maheshpur, Kasiani, Faridpur. He is aged about 25 years. He is a graduate and has been serving in the Pakistan Air Force in Karachi. He is a staunch supporter of the A.M.L. Khundkar Jafar Ahmad @ Jaadu Miyan S/o Khundkar Muhammad Idris Ali @ Idu Miyan of Byashpur, Kasiani, Faridpur. He is aged about 24 years. He is a Matriculate and a supporter of the A.M.L.
As regards the comments in the intercept the result of local secret enquiry will be reported to you as soon as possible.
Secret. No. 1985/163-49 (Int).
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 10th February, 1954.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information, in continuation of this office No. 10214, dated 11.11.53. P. 612
Sd/- 11/2/54 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 411
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 4th March, 1954.
No. 13/61-49 (III). To S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, DIB, Dacca. Reference this office No. 558/61-49 dt. 30.1.54.
On further enquiry it is ascertained that the writer of the intercept Khundkar Masiur Rahman @ Hiru Miyan has not yet visited his village residence. He is still living at the place of his posting. As the individual was not nominated by the A.M.L. to contest the ensuing general election neither he nor his supporters visited the place.
Jafar came to his village home in the month of October 1953 and left after a few days.
Sd/Supdt. of Policė, D.I.B.,
Memo. No. 1324/1/(1)/61-49 dt….3. 1954.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information, with reference to his No. 2730/606-48 (1)/F, dt. 18.2.54.
Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,


Confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Faridpur to Dacca, attending meeting and procession, visiting AL office and departed for Mymensingh.
Faridpur, 15 October 1953
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 15th Oct.1953.
No. 6158/33-50

Page: 412
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (AML) A.L. suspect No. *520 left Faridpur for Dacca on 14.10.53 being shadowed by W.C. Musharraf Husain of this D.I.B.
Sd/-15/10 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Précis on the C.Rs reg: suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
The suspect visited at the following places and associated with the marginally noted persons:
Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Faridpur town on 14.10.53 at about 08.00 hrs. by motor launch on the way at about 12.00 hrs. near Kartikpur the motor launch became disordered so he alighted from the motor launch and availed Goyna boat and arrived at Dacca on 15.10.53 at about 02.00 hrs. and reached his quarter at 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca. He was shadowed by W/C Mosharraf Hussain of Faridpur D.I.B. On the way he did not associate with any suspicious persons: The W/C sent a telephone message from Dacca D.I.B. and submitted a report personally at about 11.30 hrs. dt. 15.10.53. At about 21.15 hrs. the suspect was seen present at his quarter but not seen to come out of his quarter during the whole day. No suspect or suspicious person visited his quarter.
16.10.53. At about 09.15 hrs. he was seen present at his quarter.
1) Awami League Office from 10.16-12.30 hrs. Leaving his quarter at about 10.05
hrs. and returned to his quarter at 12.40 hrs.
Attended a meeting at Paltan Maidan organised by leftist parties and delivered lecture reg: protest against the new formula of H.P.M. Pakistan and the report of B.P.C. After termination of the meeting at about 17.00 hrs. a procession was out from Paltan Maidan, Sk. Mujibar Rahman also took part in the procession. The procession passed through Nowabpur Rd. It was dispersed at Sadarghat at 17.45 hrs. Then he left Sadarghat and went to 18, Karkunbari Lane alone. At 17.45 hrs. h Karkunbari Lane and returned to his quarter at 19.45 hrs.

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He was not seen to come of his quarter up to 06.00 hrs. dt.17.10.53. 17.10.53.
He visited the house of advocate Abdus Salam at Purana Paltan from 12.1013.15 hrs. Leaving his quarter at about 11.45 hrs.
9, Hatkhola Rd. (Paramount press) from 13.30 to 13.50 hrs. and retd. to his quarter at about 14.15 hrs.
18, Karkunbari lane (A.M.L. Office) from 18.15-19.30 hrs, and retd. to his qtr. at about 19.45 hrs. Since then he was not seen to come out of his quarter up to 06.0 hrs. dt. 18.10.53.
18.10.53. At about 12.20 hrs. he left his quarter by Jeep-Car E.B.D. 2597 of Ali Amzad, advocate of 16, Joynag Road. At about 12.25 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Dacca Rly. station from the town and left for Mymensingh by Pradyut Nagar up train at about 12.45 hrs. being shadowed by A.S.I. Shamsul Haque of R.I.B., Dacca.
21.10.53. The subject returned from Mymensingh on 21.10.53 night.
Side note:
D.S.VI for perusal pl. Extract of portions sidelined may be placed in P.F. Sd/A.R. 27.10. Sd/-for D.S.VI. 28.10.


Open letter in the form of leaflet found in circulation at Gopalganj embodied criticism of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 15 October 1953
3. শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এম এল এ এন সি এর নিকট এক নং খোলা চিঠি
(Open letter No. 1 to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, MLA, MCA.)
This leaflet in Bengali was found in circulation at Gopalganj. It bitterly criticises the activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para 1784), MLA, MCA, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangibari, PS Gopalganj, Faridpur and says that he was

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responsible for starting signature campaign against Hon’ble Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq at the instigation of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (para 1729) who is not a friend of the people of East Bengal. It also states that Sk. Mujibur Rahman was solely responsible for creating dissensions in the United Front Party. It says that he did not think it necessary to come to Faridpur even to show sympathy though the people of this district suffered from devastating floods in two successive years.


Report on the meeting held at Paltan Maidan, Dacca in observance of the ‘Anti-BPC Report Day’where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches criticizing the BPC report, provision for appointment of Governor General’ from one wing and Prime Minister from the other wing under new constitutional formula,
not mentioning State Language issue in the BPC report, establishing Military Head Quarters in West Pakistan, release of political prisoners, abrogation of Safety Act etc.
Dacca, 16 October 1953
Summary report of the proceedings of the all party meeting held at Paltan Maidan Dacca on 16.10.53.
The proceedings of the meeting commenced at 4-15 P.M. Ataur Rahman Khan presided.
* * *
Sk. Mujibar Rahman (Awami League) supported the resolution and in criticising the B.P.C. formula said that they opposed the B.P.C report of late Liaquat Ali and Khwaza Nazimuddin and rejected then and compelled them to withdraw. In the new formulae there was provision for appointment of Governor General from one wing and Prime Minister from the other wing. 30% vote was necessary from the other wing in passing a no-confidence motion these were absurd things. There was
39. Governor General – The Governor General was the representative of the British Monarch in
Pakistan, from the country’s independence in 1947. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the first Governor General of Pakistan from 15 August 1947 to 11 September 1948. His successor was Khawaja Nazimuddin from 14 September 1948 to 17 October 1951. Golam Mohammad and Iskander Mirza were the next two Governor Generals respectively. When Pakistan was proclaimed a republic in 1956, the office of Governor General was abolished on 23 March 1956.

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no mention of State Language 54% of the people of Pakistan live in East Bengal still Capital of the country, Military Head Quarters, Naval Head Quarters were established in West Pakistan. They were not afraid of jail or oppression they were determined to realise the just and democratic rights of the people. He requested the people to get themselves organised. If they were organised they would be able to throw the B.P.C. formulae of the Zalem Muslim League Government into the Bay of Bengal. He said that Nurul Amin said in Karachi that the people of East Bengal had accepted the B.P.C. formulae. He challenged Nurul Amin that there were 26 vacant seats in the East Bengal Assembly. If he (Nurul Amin) could hold by election in any of the vacant constituencies on the issue of the B.P.C. formulae and could will he was ready to support him and if he could not he would have to accept then B.P.C. report. He requested the people to join with them in the procession to show to the Government that the people were determined to rejecting the corrupted report.

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In observance of the anti- B.P.C. Report Day on 16.10.53 a public meeting (4000) was held from 4-15 P.M. to 5 P.M. at the Paltan Maidan under the presidency of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan (A.M.L.). It was organised by all opposition parties.
The following were the speakers:
* * *
8) Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.)
* * *
All the speakers criticised the B. P. C. Report including new constitutional formula of H.P.M. Md. Ali as undemocratic reactionary and detrimental to the interest of East Pakistan.
Resolution rejecting the B.P.C. Report including the new formula in Constitution making on the ground that the new formula was an instrument to enslave East Pakistan to West Pakistan and demanding dissolution of the present consembly, general election on universal franchise and joint electorate system and Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan were adopted.
The meeting ended at 5 P.M. when a procession (2500) was formed and under the lead of Abdul Wadud Patwari paraded Nowabpur Rd. and terminated at Sadarghat peacefully placards bearing their demands were carried by the workers of the parties. Ataur Rahman Khan and other leaders also were with the procession. It was preceded by a rickshaw fitted with mike from where slogans demanding.
1) Dissolution of Consembly. 2) Scrapping of the B.P.C. Report. 3) Bengali as a State Language. 4) Release of political prisoners. 5) Abrogation of Safety Act.
Guarantee for food, work, civil liberty, employment education for all in the constitution, were shouted. Slogans demanding end of the oppressive M.L. Govt. were also shouted.
Submitted Sd/-H. Hossain.
17.10 Inspr.

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Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other AL leaders.
Faridpur, 17 October 1953
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for the week ending 17.10.53.
East Bengal Secret Abstract of Intelligence No. 32 dt. 8.8.53 was received.
Part. I. Movement of suspects. 1. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, A.L. Suspect No. *520- AML, left for Dacca on 14.10.53. 2. Ashita Ranjan Bhattacharji (CP), A.L. suspect No. 111 left for Bakal, Gouranadi,
Barisal on 12.10.53. 3. Kedareswar Sen Gupta, A.L. suspect No. **703 left for Calcutta on 7.10.53. 4. Abdus Salam Khan A.L. suspect No. 30 came to Faridpur town from Dacca on
30.9.53 and left for Dacca on 12.10.53.
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E. 17.10.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 32 & 33 Dated 8.8.53 & 15.8.53 were received on 12.10.53 & 16.10.53 respectively.
PART-I (Movement of Suspect). 1. A.L. 98 Ranendra Mohan Basu C.P. arrived at Dacca by train on 11.10.53
being released from Rajshahi Jail. 2. A.L. 384 Deb Kumar Ghosh P.S.P. arrived at Narayanganj, Dacca from Barisal
by Steamer on 9.10.53 and left Narayanganj on 11.10.53 by Steamer. 3. A.L. 376 Nital Ganguli P.R.S.P. left Dacca via Narayanganj for Calcutta on
13.10.53. 4. A.L. 422 Abla Kanta Gupta P.N.C. arrived at Dacca by train from Sylhet on

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5. A.L. 83 Abani Kumar Barman C.P. was released from Dacca Central Jail on
15.10.53 and left Dacca for Sylhet by train on the same night (15.10.53). 6. A.L. 89 Miss Bhajana Basu C.P. left Dacca for Barisal by Steamer via
Narayanganj on 17.10.53. 7. Ref. Serial 5 of Part I of the W.C.R. for the W/E 26.9.53. A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibar
Rahman A.M.L. returned to Dacca from Faridpur by boat on 15.10.53. 8. Ref. serial 10 of Part I of the W.C.R. for the W/E 19.9.53. A.L. 755 Wahed Ali
C.P. left for Mymensingh on 14.9.53. 9. A.L. 436 Hashimuddin A.M.L. arrived at Dacca by train from Mymensingh on
3.10.53 and left Dacca for Mymensingh on 4.10.53. 10. A.L. 728 Moulana Shamsul Huda T.V.H. arrived at Dacca by train on 6.10.53
form Mymensingh. 11. A.L. 30 Abdus Salam A.M.L. left Dacca via Narayanganj by Steamer on
12.9.53 for Faridpur and returned to Dacca on 29.9.53.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-24.10.
D.S.1/D.S.2/D.S.4/D.S.6 & D.S.7. 24/10. Sd/-A.U.M. 26.10, Sd/-A. Majid. 24.10.53. Sd/-A.Hafiz. 26.10., Sd/-S.A. Halim. 26.10. Sd/-K.T. Ahmad. 26.10.53.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur the … Oct/1953.
No. /2-53
Weekly Confidential Report of Faridpur District for the week ending 17.10.53.
Forwarded for information to:1) A.B.S. Sofdar, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Asstt., I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, (in triplicate), 2) S.B. Chaudhuri, Esqr., C.S.P., District Magistrate, Faridpur, (in duplicate), and 3) S.M. Rab, Esqr., PSP., Dy. Inspr.-Genl. of Police, Khulna Range,
Khulna, (1 copy).
Sd/ -17/10 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.
Side note : Circulation Sd/-21/10

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Telephonic message on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left Dacca
for Mymensingh. Dacca, 18 October 1953
TELEPHONE MESSAGE Recd. at 13.00 hrs. Date 18.10.53. From : W.C. Khundakar Shamsul Huda, I.B., Dacca from Dacca R.I.B.
O/C Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Suspect Sheikh Majibur Rahman arrived at Dacca R.S. from town at about 12.25 hrs. and he left for Mymensingh by Praduthnagar train being shadowed by A.S.I. Shamsul Huque of R.I.B. Dacca at about 12.45 hrs.
This is for your kind information.
Sd/-A.S.I. 18.10.
Side note: D.S.VI for information please. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C, 19.10.
P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 19.10.
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 24.10.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 33 dated 15.8.53 was received on 16.10.53.
PART – 1. (Movement of Suspect). 1. Ref. Serial 7 of Part I of the W.C.R. for the W/E 17.10.53.
A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 18.10.53.


Telephonic message and confidential report on arrival and movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca.
Dacca, 21 October 1953
Copy of Telephone Message dated 21.10.53 at 20.20 hrs. from W.C. Nur Mohammad, Dacca Rly. Station to O/C, Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.

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Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived at Dacca Rly. Station at about 20.10 hrs. by Bhairab down train being shadowed by W/C Abdul Hamid, R.I.B. of Bhairab. At about 20.15 hrs. the said suspect left the Dacca Rly. Station for Dacca town being shadowed by W.C. Abdul Halim of I.B., Dacca. This is for your kind information.
Side note: D.S. VI for information pl. Watch has been arranged.
Sd/- A. Razzak, o/c, 22/10 P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz,
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, dt. 24.10.53 and 25.10.53.
The subject visited the following places. Left quarter. 09.30 hrs.
55 Kulutula, Tanugong lane 10.00-10.30. Enquiry is being made to ascertain who resides there. Sd/-26.7.
Report early please. Sd/- A. Razzak, o/c 27.10.
9, Hatkhola Road.
11.00-11.30 hrs.
Paramount press.
Returned to quarter.
12.00 hrs.
18.10 hrs.
Left quarter. 18, Karkunbari lane.
18.25-21.00 hrs.
A.M.L. office.
Returned to quarter.
21.20 hrs.
10.00 hrs. 10.10 – 10.30 hrs.
25.10.53 Left quarter 18, Karkunbari lane A.M.L. office. 9, Hatkhola Rd. Paramount press. 94 Nowabpur Rd. A.M.L. office. Returned to quarter Left quarter. 18, Karkunbari lane, A.M.L. office. Returned to quarter
10.40-11.30 hrs. 11.52- 12.15 hrs. 12.30 hrs. 17.30 hrs. 17.45-20.00 hrs. 21.00 hrs.

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Since there he was not seen during duty period.
Sd/- S.A. Wahed. S.I. 26.10.53.
Side note:
D.S. VI for perusal please. Extract of the portion marked A may go in P.F. Sd/A.R. 27.10. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 27/.10 S.O. It must be noted always if any other suspect was in A.M.L. office during the stay of the subject. Sd/-AR Seen. Sd/-S.A.Wahed 27.10.
Précis on the C.R.S. of suspect Sk. Mujlbar Rahman of 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca. dt. 27.10.53.
At about 08.30 hrs. subject left qr. and went to 29 Swarighat at 08.45 hrs. and at about 09.00 hrs. he left the place and went to 16 Joynag Road at 09.15 hrs.
At about 10.30 hrs. subject left 16 Joynag Rd. and retd. to his qr. at 11.00 hrs.
At about16.15 hrs. suspect came out and went to 18 Karkunbari at 16.30 hrs.
At about 19.10 hrs. suspect came out from 18 Karkunbari and went to Casanova Restaurant and there from he came to 67 Patuatuly at 20.00 hrs. At about 20.20 hrs. he left the place and went to the house of Kader Sarder at 20.35 hrs. and at about 21.45 hrs. he came out from there and went to Lion Cinema. At about 22.45 hrs. subject came out from Lion Cinema and retd. to gr. and was not seen to come
out again.
Submitted. Sd/-Nurul Huq Khan.
Side note:
D. S. VI. Portion side lined may pl. be seen and extract of that portion may go in P.F. of the suspect. Enquiry report reg. the visit of the subject to 67 Patuatuli, attached may pl. perused. Sd/ A. Razzak o/c 31.10

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Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman published in the daily Millat demanding formation of one house parliament on the basis of
population and warning against imposing undemocratic constitution. In the statement he emphasized on the demand of allocating all powers with full self-governance to the East Bengal except keeping defense, foreign affairs and finance with the center
on the basis of historical Lahore Resolution. He firmly declared Bengali must be recognized as State Language. He also criticized new constitutional formula known as “Mohammad Ali Formula’, arrest and detention of political leaders-workers, errors in the
voter list, etc.
Dacca, 27 October 1953 Millat dt. 27.10.53
ভিত্তিতে কেন্দ্রে এককক্ষ বৈশিষ্ট পরিষদ গঠনের দাবী
অগণতান্ত্রিক গঠনতন্ত্র চাপাইয়া দেওয়ার বিরুদ্ধে মুজিবুর রহমানের হুঁসিয়ারী
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার) গতকল্য সােমবার এক সাংবাদিক সম্মেলনে বক্তৃতা প্রসঙ্গে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী জনাব শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বলেন, আওয়ামী লীগ কেন্দ্রে জনসংখ্যার ভিত্তিতে এক কক্ষ বিশিষ্ট পরিষদের পক্ষপাতী।
তিনি বলেন যে, ঐতিহাসিক লাহাের প্রস্তাবের ভিত্তিতে দেশরক্ষা, পররাষ্ট্র ও মুদ্রা ব্যবস্থা কেন্দ্রের হাতে রাখিয়া অবশিষ্ট সমস্ত ক্ষমতা প্রদেশের হাতে ছাড়িয়া দিয়া পূৰ্ববংগকে পূর্ণ স্বায়ত্ব শাসন দিতে হইবে। তিনি দৃঢ়তার সহিত বলেন যে, বাংলাকে রাষ্ট্রভাষারূপে অবশ্যই স্বীকৃতি দিতে হইবে এবং এই সকল দাবী হইতে বিচ্যুতি হইলে পূৰ্ববংগের উপর কোন গঠনতন্ত্রই চাপাইয়া দেওয়া চলিবে না।
জনাব রহমান বলেন, ইহা সকলেই জানেন যে, মােহাম্মদ আলী ফরমুলা নামে পরিচিত বর্তমান অগণতান্ত্রিক মধ্যযুগীয়, শিশুসুলভ ও অবাস্তব মূলনীতি কমিটির রিপাের্টের বিরুদ্ধে আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ প্রতিবাদ জ্ঞাপন করিয়াছে। এই এলাকার কতিপয় মুসলিম লীগের স্বার্থসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি ও চাকুরী শিকারী ব্যতীত পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের জনগণ এই রিপাের্টকে সামগ্রিকভাবে প্রত্যাখ্যান করিয়াছে। এই রিপাের্ট কেন্দ্রের জন্য মধ্যযুগীয় উচ্চ পরিষদ গঠনের আয়ােজন করা হইয়াছে দেখিয়া দেশবাসী ইহার নিন্দা করিয়াছে। প্রতিনিধিত্ব জনসংখ্যার ভিত্তিতে নির্ধারিত না হইয়া পাকিস্তানের উভয় অঞ্চলের সমান আসনের ভিত্তিতে করা হইয়াছে। ইহা ছাড়াও অর্থ বিল ও অন্যান্য বিবদমান বিষয়ে উভয় পরিষদের যুক্ত বৈঠকের কথা বলা হইয়াছে। উভয় পরিষদের ক্ষমতাই সমান রাখার ব্যবস্থা করা হইয়াছে।

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মুজিবর রহমানের হুসিয়ারী
রাষ্ট্র ভাষা এবং কেন্দ্রীয় ও প্রাদেশিক এখতিয়ারভুক্ত বিষয় সমূহের বন্টন সম্পর্কে স্পষ্ট নীরবতা অবলম্বন করা হইয়াছে।
আওয়ামী লীগ কেন্দ্রে জনসংখ্যার ভিত্তিতে একটি পরিষদ চাহে। ঐতিহাসিক লাহাের প্রস্তাবের উপর ভিত্তি করিয়া অবশিষ্ট ক্ষমতা সমেত পূর্ব বংগকে পূর্ণ প্রাদেশিক স্বায়ত্তশাসন প্রদান করিতে হইবে। কেন্দ্রের হাতে কেবলমাত্র দেশরক্ষা পররাষ্ট্র ও মুদ্রা থাকিবে। বাংলাকে পাকিস্তানের অন্যতম রাষ্ট্রভাষারুপে …(missing from the original document due to page damage) কোন অঞ্চলের শতকরা ৩০ জনের সম্মতি না থাকিলে কোন বিল পাশ করা যাইবে না বলিয়া শাসনতন্ত্রের ফরমুলাতে যে ধারা সংযােজিত হইয়াছে, তাহা মারাত্মক ও অগণতান্ত্রিক।
ইহা পাকিস্তানের উভয় অংশের মধ্যে সন্দেহ ও অবিশ্বাস সৃষ্টির একটী শক্তিশালী অস্ত্রস্বরুপ। ইহা ছাড়াও এক অঞ্চল হইতে পাকিস্তান রিপাবলিকের প্রেসিডেন্ট অন্য অঞ্চল হইতে প্রধানমন্ত্রী নির্বাচিত হইবেন, এই মর্মে এক হাস্যকর শিশু সুলভ ও অগণতান্ত্রিক সােপারেশ করা হইয়াছে।
মােহাম্মদ আলীর এই ফর্মুলা নাজিমুদ্দিন ও লিয়াকত ফরমুলার সারাংশ করা হইয়াছে এবং পাকিস্তানের …(missing from the original document due to page damage) স্বীকৃতি দিতে হইবে। এই সকল দাবী হইতে বিচ্যুত হইলে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের সাড়ে চার কোটি জনসাধারণ তাহা স্বীকার করিবে না। এই সকল দাবী হইতে আওয়ামী লীগ এক ইঞ্চিও সরিয়া আসিবে না। প্রয়ােজন হইলে ইহার ভিত্তিতে আমরা গণ ভােট বা আগামী সাধারণ নির্বাচন কিংবা যে কোন উপনির্বাচনের মােকাবেলা করিতে প্রস্তুত আছি।
একটী গণতান্ত্রিক দেশে কোন সরকার শাসনতন্ত্র প্রণয়নকারী দল হইতে পারে না। সুতরাং পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের সাড়ে চার কোটি জনসাধারণের মতামত অপেক্ষা করিয়া যদি মুসলিম লীগ এই ফরমুলা চাপাইয়া দেয়, তাহা হইলে পাকিস্তানের ইতিহাসে একটি অতুলনীয় ঘটনা ঘটিবে।
জনাব মজীবুর রহমান দেশের সাম্প্রতিক শােচনীয় দুরাবস্তার কথা বলেন এবং ৬ বৎসরের লীগ শাসনের ফলে দেশ ভয়াবহ অবস্থায় আসিয়া দাঁড়াইয়াছে বলিয়া উল্যেখ করেন।
জনাব মজীবুর রহমান সরকারের প্রতিশ্রুত নিরপেক্ষ নির্বাচনের উল্লেখ করিয়া বলেন যে, দেশের বহু জননেতা ও কর্মী গ্রেফতার ও অন্তরীনাবদ্ধ রহিয়াছেন। সরকারী কর্মচারীদের প্রয়ােজনমত বদলী করা হইতেছে। পুলিশ বিভাগীয় অধিকর্তা আনসার সমাবেশে ও অন্যান্য স্থানে মুসলিম লীগকে বিজয়ী করাইবার কথা বলিতেছেন।
ইহাছাড়াও ভােটার লিষ্টে অসংখ্য ভুল রহিয়াছে এবং ইহা সংশােধনের জন্য খুব কম সময় দেওয়া হইয়াছে। অন্ততঃ পক্ষে আরাে ১৫ দিন বাড়াইয়া দেওয়া হউক।

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Letter of M. Ahamed, President, Netrokona town AML to Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman enquiring into health condition of Mawlana Bhasani, arrangement of public meeting and other party matters.
Dacca, 27 October 1953 Secret
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 27.X.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: M. Ahamed, President Town
Awami Muslim League, Netrokona. Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahaman General Secy. E. Pakistan Provincial Awami Muslim League. 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
Language of Letter
Date of letter
: 25.X.53.
ť v
Postal Seal
: Netrokona.
Post office of interception
o r
: 27.X.53.
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
: Delwar Hussain, S.I.
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
: No. : Delivered. : Copy kept.
If delivered, whether copy kept or
: G.O.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception

Page: 427
Copy/translation forwarded to:
President Town A.M.L. Netrakona (Mymensingh) writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy., E.P.A.M.L., Dacca enquiring about Maulana Bhasani’s health & various other party matters etc. Sd/ -27.10.53 Side note: Send copy to Mym. for info. Sd/-27.10.
Copy of an English letter dt. 25. X.53.
From : M. Ahamed, President Town Awami Muslim League, Netrokona. TO : Janab Sk. Mujibar Rahaman General Secy., E. Pakistan
Provincial Awami Muslim League, 18, Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca
intercepted at G.P.O on 27.X.53. Dear Sir,
We are very anxious to know the present condition of Jonab Moulana Bhasani Sahib’s health. Please inform us at an early date. The people of our Subdivision are anxiously awaiting the day at the mass meeting at Netrokona, particularly within our constituency (Bhati elakha viz Madan, Kaliajury & Itna). This is the most back-ward place in our Subdivision. Please contact with our Dt. Leaders (Mymensingh) & fix up a date for a mass-meeting at Madan-bazar in the interior of our Subdivision. Please consider whether you will pick up Janab A.K. Fazlul Huq or not. He is determined to come to N. Kona towards the end of November Provided Dt. Leaders of their party (Krisak -Sramik) approve of it.
Please note that after the two mass gatherings held under the auspicious of the Muslim Leaguers & Krishak -Sramiks, it is quite desirable (for the public have become restless to see Maulana Bhasani, Surwardhy & Sk. Mujibar Rahaman) to fix up a date for the two mammoth meetings at Madan & Netrokona and third one, if possible, at Kendua within a month. Please treat this letter as very urgent.
With thanks. Yours faithfully,
Sd/ – M. Ahamed. Predt. T.A.M. League, Netrokona.

Page: 428
15285 °. 606-48 (1) Sec. F. dt. 30.10.53
1.B. interception dt. 27.10.53
Copy forwarded to S.P. D.I.B. Mymenshingh for information
Sd/ -28.10.53 D.S.6 for S.S 111 1.B. E.B. Dacca.


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Muzhar Ali Khan, Editor, the daily ‘Pakistan Times’, Lahore requesting to publish his speech at a press conference dealing with the BPC report and various
Dacca, 28 October 1953 Secret Intelligence Branch
Dacca; Memo No.
The 28.10.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Gel.
Secy. E.P.A.M. League, 8/3
Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca. 2. To (with address)
Mr. Muzhar Ali Khan, Editor, “The Daily Pakistan Times”,
Lahore. Language of Letter
English. Date of letter
: 26.10.53. Postal Seal
Dacca Court. Post office of interception
: R.M.S. Date of interception
: 27.10.53.

Page: 429
: B. Rahman, S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
: No. : Submitted
If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to: D.S. VI
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L., Dacca sends to the Editor, Daily Pakistan Times, Lahore, his address at a Press Conference dealing with B.P.C.R. & various other matters concerning their view point. For orders pl. reg. its disposal.
Sd/-28/10/53 Side note: T.S. Type 3 copies at once. Sd/-28/10
S.S-III, The original may be delivered, keeping copy which may be put up for further action. Sd/-28.10.53 S.S-III, The report of the Press Conf. has already been published in the press. No further is perhaps necessary. Sd/-30/10
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman General Secretary E.P.A.M. League.
8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
Dated 26.10.53. My dear Muzhar Ali Khan Sb.,
My salam to you. Since my departure from Lahore I could not write you as I was on a whirlwind tour in East Pakistan. I am glad to let you know that we are getting your Pakistan times regularly.
I am sending a copy of my address at a press conference held today. I would be glad and thankful to you if you would kindly publish it in your paper in toto and not the substance only.
Sincerely yours, Sk. Mujibur Rhaman.

Page: 430
Address of Mr. Sk. Mojibur Rahman, General Secretary East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, to the Press Representatives:
I thank you gentlemen of the Press, for coming ever here to participate in this conference, Let me hope, time will profitably be spent here.
Gentlemen, certainly you are aware that we on behalf of our organisation raised our strong voice against the present undemocratic, medieval, childish and fantastic B.P.C.R. known as Mohammad Ali Formula, Except few job-hunters and interested persons of Muslim League of this wing, the formula has been rejected by the people of East Pakistan in toto and condemned on the grounds that a Medieval second chamber for the centre has been suggested in it. Representation has been proposed not on population basis but by caprice, equal power of both the chamber including money bill has been proposed, joint sitting for all controversial matters including money bill, question of confidence and non-confidence on the ministry, election of the Head of the State have been suggested. A dangerous and undemocratic clause has been inserted in the formula that any bill to be passed must require the ascent of at least 30% members of each wing and even clear majority of the Houses will not do. That is to say according to present formula if 175 members (as suggested for each wing for both the House) of one wing support a bill and 28% members of other wing also support it, still it shall not become a law. To speak more specifically a bill proposed and supported by 175 members of one wing if supported by more 50 members of the other wing shall not become a law as veteed by 125 members against 225 members. This is a tactics of the Muslim League ruling clique and a mighty weapon to create distrust and suspicion between the different wings of Pakistan. There is another ridiculous, childish and undemocratic suggestion in the formula that the President of Pakistan Republic shall be elected from one wing and the Prime Minister from another wing. These two important posts, as a result of the said award, shall be shuttle cocked from this wing to that wing in case of a vote of non-confidence against a ministry. The substances of Liakat40 Formula and Nazimuddin Formula have been squeezed into Mohammad Ali Formula with the conspicuous silence on state language and enumeration of Central and Provincial subjects.
Gentlemen, certainly you are aware that our stand is crystal clear. We want a single chamber at the Centre to be represented on population basis. Full Provincial autonomy shall have to be granted to the Provinces with residuary powers on the
40. Liaquat Ali Khan (October 1895 – 16 October 1951) – Liaquat Ali Khan was one of the founding leaders of Pakistan, statesman, lawyer and political theorist who became and served as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. He also held cabinet portfolio as the first foreign, defense and the frontier regions minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.

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basis of the Historic Lahore Resolution. Central subjects shall be only defence, currency and foreign affairs. Bengal shall have to be recognised as one of the State Languages. Nothing short of these shall satisfy the 45 million people of East Pakistan. We shall not deter an inch from these rightful claims. If necessary we are ready to face a referendum or coming general election or any pending by-election on these issues, provided the election is free and fair and conducted by an election commission composed of High Court Judges. In a democratic country a Govt. cannot and should not be a party to a constitution-making. So if Muslim League Govt. attempts to thrust the formula against the will of 45 millions of people of East Pakistan then such an occurrence will happen which is unparallel to the History of Pakistan. So I warn the Muslim League Govt. not to be misled by few persons who are opportunists and job-hunters by profession, by reputation and by conviction.
Recently I toured some Districts of our Province and I found thousands of our brethren ill fed., ill clad and many are dying out of diseases as they cannot afford a single farthing for medical treatment. Sky-high prices of daily necessaries and low price of jute betel-nut and other cash crops have inflicted a crushing blow to the millions of our people. The price of cloth is beyond the purchasing power of our people and many of them are living in a half-naked condition. The scarcity of paper and the dearness of its price have caused a great hardship to our students in particular and public in general. Wherever I had been, I found a melancholy picture and a sense of frustration and fear prevalent everywhere. This is the aftermath of Muslim League Govt.’s wrong and foolish economic policy which they pursued during the last 6 years. I have come to learn from certain News paper that the imposition of salt tax is under active consideration of the Muslim League Govt. Once the people of our province were forced to take salt at the rate of Rs. 16/- per sheer which was then ordinarily and normally sold at the rate of 6 annas per sheer. Let me be frank to tell you that if really tax is imposed on salt which will affect bitterly each and every body of our poor people, we shall have no other alternative than starting an anti-salt tax movement then.
On the one hand His Excellency the Governor of East Bengal told the other day that he is determined to hold free and fair election, on the other hand I heard some ministers of the Centre and of our Province speaking Muslim League’s Victory in the coming general election in East Pakistan. I pondered over the matter that how these dishonorably honorable persons speak of Muslim League’s victory. Where lies their strength of such joyful utterance. Now it has been crystal clear to me perhaps Muslim League’s strength and mirth are at the following wickednesses.
Our Rafiquddin Bhuyan, a prominent Awami League leader of Nurul Amin’s Constituency in Mymensingh District is still rotting in Jail. Mr. Hatem Ali Talukder,

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the President of Mymensingh District Students League and an important Awami League worker has recently been arrested and kept behind the prison bar. Mr. Alamgir Siddiqui, joint secretary Jessore District Awami league and Mr. Oli Ahad founder of East Pakistan Youth league and a prominent Awami League leader have been interned in their home villages. Specific cases under so called public safety ordinance are still hanging on Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Vice-President East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Mr. Kazi Golam Mahboob, Secretary Barisal District Awami Muslim League, Mr. K.M. Ilias provincial Awami League Councilor, Mr. Gaziul Hoque and K.G. Mostafa, important student leaders, Mr. M.A. Wadud. General Secy. East Pakistan students League, Mr. S.A. Rahim and Mr. S.W. Lakitullah, members Working Committee East Pakistan Awami Muslim League and on my humble self. Besides these many more important leaders and workers who have got definite contribution to the struggle for independence are passing their days in jail for some years together.
In some places the officers at the instigation of Muslim League leaders banned our public meetings by promulgation of sec. 144 Cr. P.C. The Muslim League Govt. has banned the free use of mike in public meetings prior permission of the Dist Magistrate and not the Sub-Divisional Magistrate is to be taken if mike is to use. But this meant for the opposition parties practically and not for the party in power though the order in general. I am reported that the recently made Alhaj I.G. told the Ansar adjutants rally at Dacca that they should work for and support the Muslim League in the coming general election. I am further reported that the same I.G. told in Mymensingh in a police rally that Muslim League should rule Pakistan for more five years.
In these hard days of economic stringency officers are being transferred from one place to another place on a large scale according to the choice and suitability of the Muslim league Leaders to facilitate their election campaign. I have got definite proves at my disposal that in some places some Govt. official has been granted long leave by the influence of some Muslim league Leaders and have been sent to Moffassil area for the secret propagation in favour of some prospective Muslim League candidates. There are also definite proves at my disposal that in some places the police officers are suppressing and oppressing our workers and leaders to satisfy their present Muslim League Bosses. But they should not forget that no person or no party has come to rule forever.
There have been innumerable mistakes in preparing the voter lists for the coming general election. The mistakes are twofold. Either the names of some persons have been total omitted or the name and father’s name of the voters have been wrongly recorded or printed. Only one month time from 1st Oct. to 31st Oct. 253

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has been scheduled for correction or inclusion of the voters names in the lists. The system of rectification of the list has been so suggested that the persons affected by the mistakes shall have to go either to the Sub-divisional officers or to the officers authorised for this purpose sitting at the Head Quarter of each Thana. The forms for correction shall have to be purchased at the rate of 6 pies per copy. Everybody is to bring his own form personally and not through others. Moreover every affected person shall have to produce before the officer a certificate of his age. Now gentlemen thing for a while, is it possible for our poor and illiterate people to get to Thana Head Quarter or Sub-divisional Head Quarter spending Rs. 4/- or Rs. 5/- and purchase a form for correction or inclusion of their names in the voter lists. It is indirectly a denial of suffrage to those poor people who are not at all responsible for these mistakes. My suggestion, which I already told to the press, is that the forms for correction of the voter lists should be given to the Presidents each such union board for free distribution to the deserving persons and the Presidents should be empowered and directed to rectify the lists, and at least more 15 days time should be extended for the correction of the voter lists.
The Muslim League leaders committed more than once that general election shall be held by the March 254 at the latest. If so, why the Muslim League Govt. is not declaring it by Gazette notification. I don’t know whether the party in power has got any sinister motive behind this silence. If there is any by “Allah”, I can boldly declare that no power on earth can save the Muslim League this time in East Pakistan from the in total and final doom.
I warn the Muslim League Govt. that please don’t try to suppress oppress and persecute us. Nothing is limitless. Whatever has been possible for you in West Pakistan shall not at all be possible in East Pakistan because our people may be poor and uneducated but they are not politically ignorant and unconscious. However coercion, intimidation and official influence the Muslim League Govt. may exercise, the leaders and workers of our party and the common masses of East Pakistan shall not at all be daunted, rather they shall march on for fully freedom of the people more vigorously at a galloping speed.
Now gentlemen, one word more and I have done. We are holding our Provincial Council Session on the 14th and 15th Nov.°53 and shall arrive at decision on all these matters about many other issues. I invite you all there on behalf of my organisation to hear our deliberations and decisions.
At last I thank you all gentlemen for your participation in the Conference.

Page: 434


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to H.S. Suhrawardy in Karachi;
Secretary, District AML, Tippera; Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury and A. Aziz of Chittagong requesting them to attend council
session for making it a grand success. MH. Usmani of Karachi and other West Pakistani leaders were also invited to
the AML council meeting. Dacca, 28 October 1953
Secret Intelligence Branch
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 31.10.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy.,
E.P.A.M.L., 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. Mr. Mahmood, C/O. H.S. Suhrawardy, 13, Kutchery Road, Karachi.
English : 28.10.53. : Nawabpur. P.O.
Language of Letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
: 30.10.53 : B. Rahman, S.I.
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorising interception
10. 11.
: No. : Delivered. : Copy to office.
: Casual

Page: 435
Similar letters sent to the following:1. Jonab M.H.Usmani, Jinnah Awami League Office, Karachi, 2. ” Raja Hassan Akhtar, Jabed Manjil, Mayo Road, Lahore, 3. ” Pir Salehuddin, 1513, Nishbat Road, Lahore, 4. ” Manjooral Haq, Jinnah Awami League Office, Karachi, 5. Jonab, Mia Nijamuddin, Convener, Jinnah Awami League, Bagdadul Jadid,
Bhawalpur. 6. Pir Sahib of Manki Shariff41 Peshwar-N.W.F.P. 7. Jonab, Khwaja Abdur Rahim, Jabed Manjil, Mayo Road, Lahore, 8. Jonab, Khan Golam Mohammad Khan, Lundkhore42, , I, Royal Park, Lahore.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman writes from Dacca to the addressees mentioned requesting them to attend the A.M.L. Council Session. Sd/-31.10.53
S.S.III Perusal please.
Copies may go to respective C.I.Ds, for information & report the departure of the individuals to I.B. if they really leave for East Bengal.
Sd/- A. Hafiz, 31.10 Sd/ A. Hussain, 31.10.53.
Copy of an English letter dated 28.10.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca, to Mr. Mahmood, C/o H.S. Suhrawardy, 13, Kutchery Road, Karachi.
41. Pir of Manki Sharif (1922 – 1960) – Amin-ul-Hasanat, son of Pir Abdul Rauf better known as the Pir of Manki Sharif, was a progressive Islamic religious leader in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) of India (after 1947, Pakistan) during the mid-twentieth century. He joined Muslim League in 1945. He played a significant role to include NWFP in Pakistan.
42. Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar – Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar was born in a respectable family of the district Mardan of Pakistan on 10 September 1908. His father Sardar Khadi Khan and grandfather Sardar Nasim Khan was friends of Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Smail Shaheed (the martyrs of Balakot). On the question of Nehru report, he joined hands with Maulana Mohammad Asli Johar and strongly opposed the Nehru report. The British troops surrounded Lundkhwar on 26 June 1930 and ransacked the house of Ghulam Muhamad Khan Lundkhwar and later completely burnt down his hujra and house. He was critical about misrule of Pakistan and supported Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s view having similar political ideology. Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhwar was the General Secretary of NWFP Awami League.

Page: 436
Dear Sir,
I have much pleasure to inform you that we are having our Council Session by the 14h and 15th November, 1953. Your presence is absolutely necessary for encouraging us as well as making it a grand success. You are therefore, cordially invited to attend.
Yours sincerely, Sd/Shaikh Mujibar Rahman,
General Secretary.
18, Karkun Bare Lane, Dacca.
Dated 2-11-53.
To The Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Tippera.
Dear Sir,
We have much pleasure to inform you that proposed Council Session of the E.P.A.M.L. will be held at Mymensingh (as was already announced) on the 14th and 15th Nov 53 positively.
Councillors will have to carry their respective beddings. There will be arrangements for lodging only. No more Councillors’ card will be issued. Please inform Councillors accordingly.
Sincerely Yours,
Sd/- S.M. Rahman. (Sheikh Mujibar Rahman) Genl. Secy., E.P.A.M.L.
N.B. Councillors will receive their Admit Cards from the Central Office,
temporarily shifted to Mymensingh by the 10″” Nov 53.
Particulars: Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, s/o. Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, P.S.
Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca and Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L.

Page: 437
Abdur Rahman Khan, B.L., s/o. Abdul Latif of Puniot, P.S. Brahmanbaria, Tippera & of Comilla town.
Intelligence Branch, E.B.
Dacca, 3.11.53. No. 15484 (4) / 613-52(1)F.
(1) The D.I.G. of Police, C.I.D., Lahore, (2) The A.I.G. of Police, Sind C.I.D., Karachi, (3) The A.I.G. of Police, C.I.D., Karachi, (4) The Asstt. to the I.G. of Police, C.I.D., N.W.F.P., Peshawar.
It appears from intercepts that Sk. Mujibar Rahman has invited the following individuals to attend Awami League Council meeting to be held on the 14th and 15th November, 1953 at Mymensingh.
I would request you to let this office know if and when the individuals leave for East Bengal.
1) MH. Usmani of Karachi,
Raja Hassan Akhtar of Lahore,
Pir Saleh Uddin of Lahore,
4) Manjoorul Haq of Karachi, 5) Mia Nizam Uddin of Bagdadul Zadid, Bhawalpur. 6) Pir Shahib of Manki Sharif of Peshawar, 7) Khawaja Abdur Rahim of Lahore, 8) Khan Ghulam Muhammad Khan, Lundkhore
Sd/ A. Hussain, for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca. F. 613-52 (1) D.S.6
Ref. S.S. III’s order below. Draft put up below for approval please. S.S.III may kindly sign the draft. Sd/-2.11.53.

Page: 438
Put up to S.S. III please. Sd/ A. Hafiz, 2.11.53. S.S.III 2.11.53. Sd/- A. Hussain, 2.11.53.
No. 15484 (4) / 613-52 (1) Fdt. 3.11.53. to D.I.G. C.I.D. Lahore & 3 others.
It is reliably learnt that Sheikh Majib-ur-Rehman, General Secretary, East Pakistan, Awami Muslim League, Dacca, has written a letter in English on 28.10.53, to Pir Sahib of Manki Sharif, Manki Sharif, District, Peshawar, N.W.F.P. which contains the following information. (Copy enclosed)
No. 36103 BDSB Dated Lahore, the 16th Nov. 53.
Copy forwarded to S.M. Lutufallah, Esquire, Special Superintendent of Police, (IV), C.I.D. East Bengal, Dacca.
The fact that the information emanates from this office should be kept secret.
Sd/for Deputy Inspector General of Police,
C.I.D. Punjab. SR
HASC * 4 letters recvd. to-day from the CID, Punjab have been addressed to
Mr. S.M. Lutfullah by name. Please put up the last DO or letter written to them on the subject. Sd/-1.12.53 Genl. Sec. may pl. put up quickly throgh H.A.S.C (2) It should also be pointed out to Punjab CID that there are not matters for SC. Sd/1.12 36104-5 BDSB dt. 16.11.53 36101-2 BDSB dt. 16.11.53 36207- BDSB dt. 17.11.53
Strictly Secret:
It is likely learnt that Sheikh Mujibur Rehman General Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca has

Page: 439
written a letter in English on 28/x/53 and posted from Dacca on 30X-53, addressed to Janab Khawaja Abdur Rahim, Javid Manzil, Mayo Road, Lahore, which contains the following subject.

I have much pleasure to inform you that we are having our Council Session by the 14th and the 15th November, 1953. Your presence is absolutely necessary for encouraging us as well as making it a grand success. You are, therefore, cordially invited to attend.
Sd/ – Sk. Mujibur Rehman
General Secretary.
Note: Similar invitation has been addressed to Khan
Mohammad Khan Lundkhor No 1 Royal Park Lahore.
Ex. by-Sd/ – 2.X.53
It is reliably learnt that Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman General Secretary East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Dacca, has written a letter in English on 20.9.1953, to Khan Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhur, containing the following information:
My salam to you all. It is long since we met in Lahore. I don’t hear from you for a long time. Our East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Council will sit on 17th and 18th October, 1953 at Mymensingh Town. This meeting is of great importance from the point of view of the ensuing Assembly election in our province.
So you can easily gauge the importance of the Council Session. I do believe that your presence and guidance will infuse new vigour and energy in our workers.
I would earnestly request you to arrive at Dacca by the 15th October, 1953 at the latest.
Secret No. 36258-59 BDSB Dated Lahore the 18th NOV. 1953.

Page: 440
Copy forwarded for information to:1. A.M. Sadullah, Esquire, P.S.P. Assistant Director (P) IB, Government of
Pakistan, Karachi. 2. Special Superintendent of Police, (IV) Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca.
The fact that the information emanates from this office should be kept secret.
Sd/for Deputy Inspector General of Police,
C.I.D., Punjab.
District Intelligence Branch
Chittagong Memo. No. 7276 (2)/ 102-49 (Int.)
The 10.11.1953 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Sk. Mujibor Rahman, 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
To (with address)
Mrss. Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri & A. Aziz. B.A. 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
G.P.O. Ctg.
Date of interception
A.S.I. Md. Azahar Ali.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
Copy Kept. Casual
Number and date of Government order authorising interception

Page: 441
Copy/translation forwarded to:
1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. 2. S. Rahman, Esqr.,Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/-4.11.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Chittagong. Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copies may be sent to I.B. and D.I.B. Dacca for information.
Sd – M. Yunus. D.I.O. (I) Ctg. 7.11.53.
As proposed. Sd/- A.J. Chaudhury. Dy. S.P. D.I.B. Ctg. 9.11.53.
Copy of an English typed letter dated 3.11.53 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 5.11.53.
From To
: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (1) 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca. : Mrss. Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri (2) and Abdul Aziz B.A. 122, Anderkilla,
Postal seal of issue: – Illegible.
My dear Jahur,
The East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Council Session is scheduled to be held on the 14th & 15th Nov. 53 at Mymensingh town. This session is of great importance in consideration of the coming Assembly Election. There will be no council session before the coming election if it is held by the 1st part of the coming year. So you are requested to come with all the councilors of your place.
Affectionately yours, Sd/-Sk. Mujibor Rahman
Copy of the same has been sent to Abdul Aziz, B.A., 122 Anderkilla, Chittagong in the same envelop.
Side note: (1) General Secy. E.P.A.M.L.
(2) s/o Azizur Rahman of Kattali Ps-Doublemooring, Chittagong.

Page: 442
Perusal of the attached letter recd. from D.I.B. Chittagong.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman- the writer of the intercept informs addressee that A.M.L. Council Session is scheduled to be held on 14th & 15th Nov. at Mymensingh.
13.11.53 Seen. File. Sd/ -14.11


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to H.S. Suhrawardy, Karachi wherein he explained the importance of his presence in East Bengal and other various party related matters.
Dacca, 29 October 1953
Copy of an English letter dated 29.10.53 from Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-At-Law. Jabed Manjil, Mayo Road, Lahore and another copy of the same letter at his 13 Kutchery Road, Karachi address.
My dear Sir,
Let me begin with my deep regard and salam for you. I have received your kind note about one month before. As I was very busy with my tour I could not write you earlier. As you are preoccupied up to 8th Novr.’53 in West Pakistan. So only to facilitate your joining the Council meeting we have again shifted the date to 14th and 15th Novr.’53. If you don’t join this time our workers will be demoralised and your not attendance will produce dangerous effect here.
Fazlul Huq Sahib has toured some districts as the President of his newly formed organisation namely “Pakistan Krishak Sramik Party”. We told everywhere that he will make joint front with Awami Muslim League to defeat the Muslim League in East Bengal.
Mr. Huq has declared in some districts that he is making correspondence with you and on your arrival at Dacca everything will be settled.

Page: 443
Consequently all of our workers and specially Maulana Sahib wants that you should reach here by the 10th Novr. 53. Because discussion prior to Council Session between you, Maulana Sahib and Fazlul Huq Sahib is necessary. So you should reach by the 10th Nov.’ 53 at the latest. We have already convened the Provincial working committee meeting to be held on the 13th November 1953. Please try to join the meeting anyhow.
I was on a whirlwind tour in some districts. I don’t like to repeat our difficulties. Maulana Sahib has not yet returned to Dacca as he is not fully cured. Please try to bring some leaders of West Pakistan specially Pir of Manki Sariff, Golam Mohammad Lundkhore, Usmani Manzoor, Mohammad Mia, Nazamuddin, Khwaja Rahim, and Raja Hassan Akhtar.
Yours affectionately,
Sd/- Mujibur.

Page: 444


Watch report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 4 November 1953
Précis on the watch report of susp. Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, dated 3.11.53 and 4.11.53:
3.11.53 The subject was not seen.
4.11.53 1. He visited 25, Swarighat House of : 09.00, Leaving to qrs. at 10.00 Atawar Rahman, Advocate.
about 08.45. 2. 27, K.M. Dass Lane House of Mr.: 10.45 to 12.00, Leaving Swarighat
A.K. Fazlul Haque. He went there at about 10.00. along with Atawar Rahman. Mujibur Rahman alone left the house of Mr.
A.K. Fazlul Huq. 3. 9, Hatkhola Road. This is Paramount : 12.05 to 12.35, Leaving 27, K.M. Press
Dass Lane about 12.00. 4. 18, Karkunbari Lane, A.M.L. office. : 12.50 to 13.00, Leaving Hatkhola
Rd. at about 12.35 and wherefrom
he retd. to qrs. at 13.15. 5. Again visited 18, Karkunbari Lane, : 16.55 to 19.20, Leaving qrs. at A.M.L. office.
about 16.45. 12, Patuatuli – From this shop he 19.35 to 20.00, Leaving 18, bought a pair of spectacles:
Karkunbari Lane at about 19.20 & wherefrom he retd. to qrs. at about 20.15.
Submitted. Sd. Masir Ud-Din Ahmad., S.I.
Side note: D.S.VI for favour of perusal please. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/-9.11.
Sd. A. Hafiz. 10.11.
Précis on the Watch reports of Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dt. 7.11.53: –

Page: 445
The Subject visited the following places.
(1) 9, Hatkhola Rd. It is Paramount
Press. (2) 18, Karkunbari Lane, A.M.L. Office. :
10.30 to 12.40, leaving qrs. at 09.45.
12.50 to 13.30, Leaving Hatkhola Rd. at 12.40 & where from he retd. to qrs. at about 13.45.
Again at 9, Hatkhola Rd. It is : Paramount Press.
15.35 to 15.50, Leaving qrs. at 15.15. 16.10 to 16.20, Leaving Hatkhola Rd. at about 15.50 hrs.
18, Karkunbari Lane.
and wherefrom he retd. to qrs. by
Rickshaw at 16.35. : 17.40 to 17.52, Leaving qrs. 17.25
by Rickshaws.
He attended Dacca R/S along with Susp. Rafiqul Islam, A.M.L. & Hakim Bhai.
At about 17.52 on 7.11.53 Sk. Mujibar Rahman availed 31 Up Mymensingh train along with Rafiqul Islam, A.M.L. & Hakim Bhai. They left for Mymensingh. W.C. Mujibul Haque of I.B. made over the suspects to me Abdul Gani of Mymensingh D.I.B. at Mymensingh R/S. on 7.11.53 at 22.30.
Submitted. 1/-Masir Ud-din Ahmed.
S.I. 10.11.53.
Side note: D.S. VI for perusal pl. Extract of portion side-lined may go in P.F. Sd/- A.
Razzak. O/C 14.11. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 17.11.


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other AL leaders.
Dacca, 7 November 1953
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E 7.11.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 35 Dated 29.8.53 was received on 5.11.53.

Page: 446
PART I. (Movement of Suspects). 1. A.L. 755 Wahed Ali C.P. arrived at Dacca from Mymensingh by Train on
20.10.53. 2. A.L. 436 Hashimuddin, A.M.L. arrived at Dacca from Mymensingh on
A.L. 561 Aparna Pal Chaudhuri, C.P. and A.L. 110 Animesh Chandra Bhattachaerji of Sylhet arrived at Dacca by train on 29.10.53. Ref: W.C.R. for the W/E 24.10.53 A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibar Rahman, A.M.L. returned to Dacca from Mymensingh by train on 21.10.53. A.L. 185 Kahitish Chandra Chakrabortti, P.N.C. of Bakarganj arrived at Dacca by Steamer on 29.10.53. He left Dacca for Barisal by Steamer on 30.10.53.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-14.11.
D.S.I/D.S.4/D.S.6 Sd. A. Majid. 16.11 Sd. A. Hafiz. 14.11, Seen. Sd. S.A. Halim.16.11.
Weekly Confidential Report of Mymensingh District for the week ending 7.11.53.
East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 34 dated 22.8.53.
Part-I- Movement of suspects.
A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Mymensingh for Brahmanbaria on 21.10.53 and returned to Dacca via Bhairab on the same date.
A.L. 436 Hashimuddin Ahmad left for Dacca on 1.11.53 and returned on 2.11.53. A.L. 569 Matilal Purakayestha left for Calcutta on 1.11.53.
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-9.11.53.
D.S.6/DS.4 9.11 Sd/-9.11

Page: 447


Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar, No 1, Royal Park, Lahore, Pakistan wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman communicating
his tour program in East Bengal.
Dacca, 7 November 1953 Secret Intelligence Branch
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 7.11.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Ghulam Mohammed Khan Londkhor No 1, Royal Park Lahore. Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman Gen, Secy. East Pakistan A.M. League.18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
English : 3.11.53.
Language of Letter
Date of letter
* in
: Lahore.
Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca
: 7.11.53.
” oo
Name of officer who can prove the interception
: A.S.I.
Ahmed. : No.
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Delivered.
: Copy kept.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception

Page: 448
Copy/translation forwarded to
G.M. Khan Lundkhor writes from Lahore to Sk. Mujibar Rahman of E.P.A.M.L. Dacca reg. the date of his arrival here & returns from East Pakistan & such other matters. May be delivered after perusal & keeping copy.
Sd/ -7.11.53 SS III Perusal pl. 1. The letter may be delivered. 2. Copies may be sent to Punjab C.I.D. Dacca & Mymensingh D.I.Bs.
Sd/ -7.11.53
Yes. Also send copies to 1) DIB’S, Comilla, Rangpur & Chttg.
Copy of an English letter dt. 3.11.53 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca.
From To
: Ghulam Mohammed Khan Londkhar. No. 1, Royal Park, Lahore. : Sheikh Mujib-ur Rahman, General Secy, East Pakistan Awami
Muslim League, 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
Dear Brother Mujib,
I sent you a wire today promising detail by letter which I do now. I shall start from Amritasar by train on November 9, provided of course, that I get the visa. I would stay for a day at Delhi to see the shrines and offer Fatiha there. I would like to stay for a day (not the whole day) at Calcutta. I shall reach Dacca on November 13 evening or morning of Nov. 14. The exact time I shall be able to wire from Calcutta.
If, however, I am not given a visa I shall leave Lahore for Dacca by air on Friday Nov. 13, 1953.
On November 23 I shall have to return by air back to Lahore because on the following day I have to visit Peshawar for election petition

Page: 449
you may fix up my programme between 13 Nov. and November 23. Please try to fix up my engagement at Comilla and at Saidpur. I shall also like to visit Chittagong.
Let me make it once more clear that I must leave you on Nov. 23.
Respect your sincerely, Sd – Ghulam Mohammed
Khan Londkhor DS6
Ref. Orders below. Two drafts put up below for approval pl. 1. Signed the letter to Districts. 2. Put up the other letter to SS III pl. Sd/ -7.11 2) Signed Sd/ – 7.11
dt. 7.11.53.
606-48 (1) F. To The Dy. Inspector-General of Police, C.I.D. Lahore, W. Panjab.
I send herewith a copy of a letter dated 3.11.53 from Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhore to Mr. Sk. Muzibar Rahman of Dacca which was intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca on 7.11.53. This is for your information.
Sd/ -7.11.53 SS III. I.B. E.B., Dacca.
for D.I.G. 1.B
15775 (5) No. 606-48 (1) E. dt. 4.11.53
(1) The S.P. D.I.B. Mymensingh. (2) The S.P. D.I.B Rangpur. (3) The S.P. D.I.B Comilla. (4) The S.P. D.I.B Chittagong. (5) The Addl. S.P. D.I.B Dacca.

Page: 450
1.B. interception dated 7.11.53.
Copy forwarded to- for favour of information & necessary action.
Sd/ -7/11 DS 6 for SS III I.B.E.B. Dacca


Letter of Mawlana Bhashani to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman informing his ill health and intention to retire from politics etc.
Dacca, 9 November 1953 Secret Intelligence Branch
Dacca; Memo. No.
The 9.11.1953. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan
(Bhashani) President A.M.
League. To (with address)
: Sk. Mujibar Rahman 18,
Karkunbari Lane, PO +
Dist. – Dacca Language of Letter
: Bengali. Date of letter
: 5.11.53. Postal Seal
: illegible… (Rangpur ?). Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 9.11.53. Name of officer who can prove the : A.S./ Fakir Moinuddin interception
Ahmed. Whether photographed or not : No. Whether withheld or delivered : Copy with original. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Number and date of Government : G.O. order authorising interception
11. 12.

Page: 451
Copy/translation forwarded to
Maulana Bhashani writes from Rangpur (?) to Sk. Mujibar Rahman at Dacca reg. his ill health & intention to retire for politics etc.
May be delivered after keeping copy. Sd/ -9.11.53
Deliver the original & put up copy for further action pl. Sd/ -9.11. Delivered Sd/ -9.11.53
S.S III Perusal pl.
There is nothing in the letter to show the letter has been written from Rangpur. Moulana Bhashani is at Bogra now. Development may be awaited.
Sa/- ৭.11.53
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 5.11.53 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca.
From TO
: Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhashani) President East Pak. A. League. : Sk. Mujibar Rahman, 18, Karkun Bari Lane, P.O.+Dist. Dacca.
প্রিয় মজিবর রহমান।
আমার শরীর অত্যন্ত অসুস্থ হঘা সত্ত্বেও তুমি একবার আমার সহিত সাক্ষাৎ করিতে আবশ্যক মনে কর নাই ইহার একমাত্র কারন তােমার কাজের চাপ অত্যন্ত বেশী তাই আমিও কিছু মনে করি নাই। যাহা হােক যদি পার ১ দিনের জন্য আতাউর রহমান সাহেব, ইয়ার মাহমুদ সাহেবকে সঙ্গে লইয়া সাক্ষাৎ করিলে সুখী হইতাম। আমার রাজনীতি হইতে বিদায় গ্রহণ করার কালে তােমাদের সহিত শেষ আলােচনা করা একান্ত দরকার ছিল। বহুবার ঢাকায় রওনা হইবার জন্য ইচ্ছা করিয়াছি কিন্তু মনে নানা রূপ হতাশার ভাব উদয় হস্তায় যাওয়ার ইচ্ছা পরিত্যাগ করিয়াছি। রাত্রিতে ঘুম হয় না সৰ্ব্বদাই মনে চিন্তা আসে জীবন একেবারেই বৃথা গেল। সমস্তই অদৃষ্টের দোষ বলিয়া বিশ্বাস না করিলেও আংশিক সত্য। আমার দেয়া ছালাম সকলকেই জানাইবে।
স্বাঃ- মৌলানা আব্দুল হামিদ
খাঁ (ভাসানী)

Page: 452


Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 10 November 1953
Précis on the C.Rs regarding Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane Dacca. 10.11.53.
The subject along with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani arrived at Dacca Rly. Station under shadow of A.S.I. Ashraf Ahmad of Mymensingh R.I.B. at about 21.00 hrs., from there both of them went to 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca, under shadow of A.S.I. Md. Yousuf of I.B. at about 21.15 hrs.
At about 21.45 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman left 18, Karkunbari Lane and retd. to his qtr. at 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
In the morning he was seen present at his qtr. At about 16.45 hrs. the suspect left his qtr. and went to 18, Karkunbari lane, at about 19.15 hrs. he came out of 18, Karkunbari Lane and proceeded towards Nawabpur Road by Rickshaw. At the “X” ing of Nawabpur Rd. and Bangshal Rd. the suspect was missed by the W/C Md. Malu Miah of I.B. due heavy rush of passersby, Taxi, cars etc. But the suspect was seen to return to his qtr. at about 21.20 hrs. Since then he was not seen to come out of his qtr. No. suspect or suspicious person visited his qtr. up to 06.00 hrs. dated 12.11.53
At about 07.10 hrs. he came out of his qtr. and went 18, Karkunbari Lane (A.M.L.Office) at about 07.25 hrs. At about 12.20 hrs. the suspect along with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani left the A.M.L. Office and went Dacca R/S to see off Moulana Bhasani at about 12.30 hrs. At about 12.40 hrs. Sk. Mujibur Rahman left the station and went to Bar Library and met with Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan at about 14.05 hrs. He left the said suspect and returned to his qtr. at about 14.30 hrs. Again at about 16.05 he left his qtr. and went to Bar Library and met with suspect Ataur Rahman, advocate from there both of them went to 18, Karkunbari Lane.
At about 17.00 hrs. they came out of the said place and went to City S.P’s Office at about 17.05 hrs. At about 17.10 hrs. they left the said office at about 17.10 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman went to 18, Karkunbari Lane. At about 21.10 hrs. he came

Page: 453
out of said office and returned to his qtr. Since then he was not seen to come out of his qtr. up to 06.00 hrs. dated 13.11.53.
Side Note: DS- VI. for perusal pl. Extract of précis side lined may go in P.F. of the
subject. Sd/- A. Razzak. o/c. 14/11. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 14.11.


Letter from Ashraf of Barisal to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he explained his non-attendance in the council session at Mymensingh and other organizational issues.
Dacca, 12 November 1953
12.11.53, My dear Majib Bhai
আমার ভালবাসা নিবেন। আশা করি খােদার ইচ্ছায় কুশলেই আছেন। আপনার চিঠি সময় মত পেয়েছি এবং ময়মনসিং যার একান্ত ইচ্ছা থাকা সত্বেও আসিতে পারিলাম না সে জন্য আমি খুবই লজ্জিত এবং দুঃখিত। আশা করি আমার অবস্থা বিবেচনা করে আমার উপর অসন্তোষ্ট হবেন না। আপনার চিঠি পাওয়ার পূর্বেইCouncil সভায় যােগদানের জন্য Councillors List দেখার বহু চেষ্টা করা সত্বেও দেখিতে পারি নাই। গােলাম মহাবুব এবং আমিনুল হক সাহেব সব সময় সমস্ত কাগজ পত্র গােপন রেখে চলিতে চান। কেন যে ইচ্ছা মত এরূপ করিতেছেন তাহা আমার পক্ষে বােঝা সম্ভব নয়। আমার অন্যান্য সহ কর্মীরা আমাকে ধরেছেন যে আপনার সাথে আমরাও Council সভায় যাব কিন্তু তার পূর্বে আমাদের Councillor List এ নাম আছে কিনা দেখিতে চাই। আপনি যদি Councillor List দেখাতে
পারেন তা হলে আপনি আমাদের ফেলে যাইতে পারিবেন না। আপনার ভাল করে জানা আছে যে আমি বরিশালে কত বৎসর থেকে কাজ করিতেছি। কাজেই আমার সহকর্মীদেরে ফেলে কিরূপে আমি যাব। আপনি বিবেচনা করে দেখিবেন Councillor List দেখিতে পারিলে সহকর্মীদের নাম না থাকিলে কোন রকম একটা বুঝ দিয়া আসিতে পারিতাম। কিন্তু বৰ্তমানে এমন অবস্থ্যর ভিতর পড়েছি যে কোন দিকেই পা ফেলিতে পারিতেছি না। আমার বন্ধুরা আমার বিরােদ্রে আপনাদের কাছে অনেক কথাই বলেন তা আমি জানি কিন্তু খােদা জানেন তার ভিতর কতদুর সত্য কথা আছে কোন কৰ্ম্মির সাথে আমার ব্যক্তিগত শত্রুতা নেই কিন্তু ন্যায়-নীতি সত্য কথা বলাটাই আমার একমাত্র অপরাধ … রাজনীতি করে জীবনটাকে ধংশের পথে চালিত করিতেছি। খােদায় জানে এর ভবিশ্যত কোথায়। কর্তাদের

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ব্যবহারে মনটাকে বিশাক্ত করে তুলেছে, পূর্বের মত সব কাজে ঝাপিয়ে পড়ার মত মন এখন আর হইতে চায় না কারণ বিচার কোথাও নেই। গত মাসের ১৬ তারিখ আমি ঢাকাতে গিয়াছিলাম আপনার সাথে দেখা করার জন্য অফিসে এবং বাসায় অনেক বার যা আসা করেও দেখা করিতে পারি নাই। খােদা জানেন শুনা কথায় আমার উপর কতদুর রাগ করে বসে আছেন। আমার শারিরিক অবস্থ্য কোন রকম আছে। দোয়া করিবেন ইতি
Sd/- আশরাফ।
আমার মনে হয় আমার নাম ও Councillor List এ নেই সেই জন্য List বাহির করিতেছেন না ইচ্ছামত লােক দেখে Card বিলি করেছেন। একদিকে টাকা পয়সার ভীষন অসুবিধা আবার অন্য দিকে নিজেদের সহকর্মীদের মনের অমিল। কাজেই মনের অবস্থা দিন দিন খারাপ হইতেছে। আপনার সুষ্ঠ পরামর্শের অপেক্ষায় রহিলাম
Sd/- আশরাফ। Side Note: Personal Address to Janab S.K. Majibor Rahaman Secretary East
Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane DACCA. East Pakistan
English Translation of a Bengali letter dated 12.11.53 from Ashraf, Barisal, addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 8/3, Rajani Basu Lane, Dacca, intercepted at Barisal R.M.S. on 15.11.53.
My dear Majib Bhai,
Please accept my love. I hope that you are well by the grace of Khoda. I received your letter in time. I could not turn up Mymensingh in spite of my earnest desire and for that I am very much ashamed and aggrieved. Hope that considering my conditions, you will not be displeased with me. Before I received your letter I tried to see the list of the Councillors with an intention to join the Council meeting but in vain. Ghulam Mahbub and Aminul Haq Shaheb always want to behave with us keeping the papers and files in secret. It is not possible for me to understand why they are doing willingly such things. My other colleagues pressed me to accompany me to attend the council meeting but before that they want to know whether their names have been included in the Councillors list. They say if you cannot show us the list to the Councillors, you cannot go leaving us behind. You know fully well how long I am working in Barisal. So how I shall attend leaving my colleagues. You will please consider it. If I could see the list of the Councillors, I could come even in the case of preclusion of the names of colleagues, by giving them some explanation. But at present I have been fallen under such circumstances, that I cannot proceed to

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any direction. I know that my friends communicate many things to you against me. But Khoda knows the degree of the truth in it. I have no personal enmity with any individual worker. But the expression of the right-policy and truthfulness is my only fault. You know fully well from when I have been guiding my life towards destruction by indulging politics. Khoda knows its future. My mind has been poisoned at the behaviour of the so-called leaders. Now the mind is not ready to plunge in any work like before, because there is no justice at any place. On the 16th ultimo I went to Dacca. With the intention to meet you, I frequented both the office and the quarters but in vain. Khoda knows, how much you have been displeased with me at the hearsay report. I am somehow physically well. Please bless me. Finish.
Sd. Ashraf.
I deem that even my name has not been included in the Councillors list. For that they are not disclosing the list. They are distributing the cards by their sweet will by seeing the face only. On the one hand there is the financial stringency and on the other hand disparity of the mind with the colleagues. So the conditions of the mind are deteriorating day by day. I am waiting for your sound advice. Finish.
Sd. Ashraf. Type Sec. 1. Copy of the forwarding memo with notes & orders to R.D. for n/a on relevant file.
Sd/ – 2.12.53 To R.D.
Copy of the forwarding memo has been received by me for dealing in F. 115-47 Genl. Sd/ – 2.12.53
Action is being taken on the orders of SS4 F.115-47 Genl. Sd/ – 3.12.53
No. 17192 dt. 7.12.53
606-48 (1)
S.P. D.I.B. Bakargonj
Pl. refer to part III (a) (II) A.M.L. of your S.W.R. for w/e 19.11.53 and let us have a copy of the letter of Ashraf Ali Khan. Sd/- 5.12 D.S.VI for S.S. III. I.B.

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Memo of interception on incoming and outgoing letters of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 12 November 1953
Home Department
No 3165 Poll./S.
: D.K. Power ESQ., C.S.P., Deputy Secretary to the Government of East
Bengal, : THE POSTMASTER, Dacca General Post Office, Dacca DISTRICT.
Dacca, the 12th Nov. 1953.
In exercise of the power conferred by section 26 (1) of the Indian Post office Act, 1898, the Governor is pleased to direct the interception of all postal articles which may be discovered in the course of transmission by post addressed to Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Zuagipara, Faridpur.
I am to ask you to be good enough to forward or hand over all intercepted articles to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca or to an officer deputed by him.
If any article is not required it will be returned to the Postal authorities for delivery to the addressee.
These orders will remain in force for a further period of six months from date.
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obedient servant,
Sd/- D.K. Power Deputy Secretary to the Government of East Bengal.

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No. 3165/1 Poll./S.
Copy, together with the order in original, forwarded to the Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police, I.B., C.I.D., East Bengal, for information and necessary action, with reference to his memorandum No 13375/7-53, Genl. dated the 24.9.1953.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of East Bengal
DACCA;. The 12th Nov. 1953.


Confidential report on movements and visits of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dacca, 13 November 1953
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane dated 13.11.53.
At about 07.20 hrs. subject came out from qrs. and went to 18, Karkunbari. At about 08.50 hrs. Subject left 18, Karkunbari and availed Taxi 2844 (E.B.D.) & proceeded towards Nawabpur side. Subject went to Tejgaon Airport to received Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
At about 15.30 hrs. Subject retd. to qr. from outside by Jeep E.B.D. 2579.
At about 17.15 hrs. subject came out from his qrs. and went to Dacca R/S by Rickshaw.
At about 17.55 hrs. Subject left Dacca R/S by train along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and his party for Mymensingh.
Submitted. Sd. Md. Nurul Huq Khan.
Side note: D.S.VI. This may pl. be seen. Extract may go in P.F. of the subject. Sd/- A.
Razzak. O/C. 16.11. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 16.11

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Advocate A.F.M. Abdul Jalil, High Court, Noor Manjil, Khulna wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman informing his tour at Bagerhat area. He also requested to fix tour program of H.S.
Suhrawardy at Khulna. Dacca, 16 November 1953
Intelligence Branch
Dacca; The 16.11.1953.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
A.F.M. Abdul Jalil. M.A.B.L. Advocate High Court, Noor Manjil, Khulna. Mr. Majibar Rahman, Secy, Awami M. League, 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca English. 10.11.53.
Language of letter
Date of letter
i inn
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca.
Date of interception
i ” oo
: S. Ahmed S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
: No. : Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept
or not
Number and date of Government : G.O. order authorising interception

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Copy/translation forwarded to
One A.F.M. Abdul Jalil, advocate, Khulna, writes to Mujibar Rahman of E.P.A.M.L., Dacca reg. his interest in the party etc. seeking favours too.
Sd/-16.11.53 S.S III
Perusal pl. Copy may go to District for info & comment. Sd/ – 16.11
Copy of an English letter dt. 10.11.53
From : A.F.M. Abdul Jalil, M.A.B.L. Advocate High Court, Noor Manjil,
Khulna. To : Mr. Muzibar Rahman, B.A. Secy. Prov. Awami League, 8/3
Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca.
Dear Mr. Mujibar,
We have received all your letters about Mymensingh Conference. Recently we made extensive tour to rural areas of Bagerhat and Sadar and held public meetings. Prof. Khairul Basher was here and he addressed in 5 meetings. He was of great help to us. Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huq is coming here on the 28th and we need some of you here. Mr. Suhrawardy’s presence is badly needed at Khulna. He will be of great help to us at this hour. So please see that Mr. Suhrawardy fixes up his programme for Khulna first.
We are all anxious to join the conference. But sorry to let you know that I am badly suffering from influenza Mr. Abdul Aziz and Dilder Sahib too. Please excuse me if I be unable to attend the Conference.
I understand the Parliamentary Board will be formed this time. If you think desirable and the Khulna members recommended, my name be placed for one of the members of the said Board. I have got strong desire to serve the organisation as I shall get scope to tour all over East Pakistan. I leave the matter entirely at the disposal of my friends. I placed this before Maulana Saheb last time when he had been at my house.
With love and best wishes
Yours Sd. A.F.M. A. Jalil

Page: 460
16394 No.
dt. 21-11-53
D.I.B. Khulna 1.B. interception dt. 16-11-53 Copy forwarded to… for information and favour of comment.
Sd/ -18.11 DS VI for SS III
A leaflet captioned ‘A few questions to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secretary, EPAML’found in circulation at Dacca city issued by four councilors of Dacca city, AML containing some
allegations against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 16 November 1953
I beg to report that the attached leaflet captioned “CÁT moeid আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক মুজিবর রহমানের নিকট কতিপয় প্রশ” (A few questions to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Gen. Secy. E.P.A.M.L.) were found in circulation in the Dacca City.
The leaflet contains some allegation against Sk. Mujibur Rahman Gen. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. It is issued by 4 councillors of Dacca City Awami Muslim League.
Submitted Sd/ – S… , .B. 16.11.53
Side note: S.S. II may kindly see for DR Sd/-16.11.53

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পূৰ্ব্ব- পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের সাধারণ সম্পাদক
জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের নিকট
কতিপয় প্রশ্ন
জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সাহেব জবাব দিবেন কি?
১। গত ৫ বৎসর যাবৎ পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ জনসাধারণের জন্য আন্দোলন ও সংগ্রাম করিয়া যে জনপ্রিয়তা ও প্রভাব অর্জন করে, আপনি উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানের সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত হইয়া আপনার একনায়কত্ব কায়েমের জন্য প্রতিষ্ঠানের মধ্যে দলাদলি ও কোন্দাল সৃষ্টি, অহঙ্কারিতা, আগামী নির্বাচনে আওয়ামী লীগ টিকিট দেওয়ার ওয়াদা করিয়া উৎকোচ গ্রহন ও আপনার অন্যান্য দূর্নীতি কি প্রতিষ্ঠানের মর্যাদা ও প্রভাব নষ্ট করে নাই?
২। আপনার একাধিপত্য কায়েমের জন্য বিভিন্ন জিলা ও মহকুমার নির্যাতিত আওয়ামী মুসলিমলীগ কর্মিদেরকে বিতারিত করিয়া যাহারা আপনাকে অর্থ ও ম্রোকদ্বারা তুষ্ট করিতে পারে এইরুপ একদল অসৎ লােকদেরকে বসাইবার চেষ্টা করিতেছেন কি না?
৩। আপনি যখন সফরে বাহির হন তখন একদল ভাড়াটিয়া আপনার সহিত আপনাকে সভায় জিন্দাবাদ এবং বেহায়ার মত আপনার গুনকীত্তন করার জন্য আপনি সঙ্গে লন ইহাদেরকে পােষার জন্য মােটা টাকা কোথায় পান জানাইবেন কি?
৪। আপনি মধ্যবিত্ত ঘরের ছেলে এবং কোন প্রকার ব্যক্তিগত আয় নাই তাহাতে আপনি (প্রতিষ্টানের
কাজে সফর ইত্যাদি বাদে) মাসে যে প্রায় ৮০০/১০০০ টাকা খরচ করেন তাহা কোথা হইতে আসে জানাইবেন কি?
৫। স্বৈরাচারী মুসলিম লীগকে খতম করিতে হইলে মৌলিক আদর্শের ভিত্তিতে যুক্তফ্রন্ট প্রয়ােজন কিন্তু আপনার ইহার বিরুদ্ধে আদাজল খাইয়া লাগিবার কারণ মুসলিম লীগের সহিত আপনার কোন প্যাক্ট হইয়াছে, না, যুক্তফ্রন্টে আপনার ওয়াদাকৃত লােকদেরকে টিকিট দিতে পারিবেন না বলিয়া বিরােধীতা করিতেছেন তাহা প্রকাশ করিবেন কি ?
৬। আপনার রাজনৈতিক কোন প্রকার পড়াশুনা বা জ্ঞান আছে কি? নিজে একটি বিবৃতি নির্ভুলভাবে লিখিবার ক্ষমতা রাখেন কি ?
৭। আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের মূল আদর্শ ইসলাম অথচ আপনি ইসলামের নামে আৎকিয়ে উঠেন এবং ইসলামকে বিভিন্ন সময়ে বিদ্রুপ করেন। আপনি গত কাউন্সিল সভার সময় বলিয়াছিলেন আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগকে অসাম্প্রদায়িক করিয়া মুসলিম শব্দটি মুছিয়া না দিলে আপনি আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ হইতে পদত্যাগ করিবেন কিন্তু তাহা করিয়াছেন কি ? তবে আওয়ামী লীগের মধ্যে পঞ্চম বাহিনী তাহা অস্বীকার করিতে পারেন কি ?
৮। আপনি গত ১৯৫২ সনে অক্টোবর মাসে পাঞ্জাবের জনাব মিয়া ইফতেখার উদ্দিনের টাকায় (নয়াচীনে) পিকিং শান্তি সম্মেলনে যােগদান করেন এবং প্রত্যাবর্তন করিয়া নিজেকে কমুনিষ্ট

Page: 462
আদর্শের অনুসারী বলিয়া প্রচার করেন কিন্তু তাহাতে জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাহেব অসন্তুষ্ট হইলে জনাব সােহরাওয়ার্দী সাহেবকে সন্তুষ্ট করার জন্য আরমানীটোলার এক প্রকাশ্য সভায় জনাব মিয়া সাহেবকে কি গালাগালি করেন নাই ? নয়াচীন হইতে ট্রাঙ্ক ও সুটকেশ বােঝাই করিয়া কাপড় চোপড় কাহার খরচে আনিয়াছিলেন জানাইবেন কি ? বলড্যান্স ও সুরামজলিসে সামিল হইয়াছিলেন কি ?
৯। আপনি গত কাউন্সিল সভায় সেক্রেটারী নিৰ্বাচিত হওয়ার জন্য আপনার সমর্থক কাউন্সিলারদের আসা, যাওয়া ও খাওয়ার জন্য ৮০০০/১০০০ টাকা খরচ করিয়াছিলেন তাহা কোথায় পাইয়াছিলেন?
১০। ইহাকি সত্য নয় আপনি এবং আপনার কতিপয় বন্ধু ইতিমধ্যেই মন্ত্রীসভা গঠন করিয়া বিভিন্ন দফতরে বন্টন করিয়া লইয়াছেন ? এবং তাহার জন্য ভাল ও যােগ্য লােক আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগে না আসে তাহার জন্য কোটারীর সৃষ্টি করেন নাই কি ?
১১। ঢাকা সিটি হইতে আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ কাউন্সিলে যাহাদেরকে কো-অপ্ট করা হইয়াছে তাহাদের নাম কোন অধিকার বলে লিষ্টি হইতে কাটিয়া ফেলিয়াছেন ?
১২। ১৯৪৮ সনের ভাষা আন্দোলনের সময় খুলনার জনৈক এমএ এ কে মন্ত্রী করার জন্য ৮০০ টাকা নিয়াছেলেন কি না ?
১৩। বিভাগপূৰ্ব্বে কলিকাতায় আপনি পারমিটবাজী করিতেন এবং বিভাগ পরেও সেইরুপ ব্যবসা চালান ইহা কি সত্য ? আপনার অন্যতম সমর্থক মিঃ রফিকুল হােসেনের নামে যে কেরােসিনের হােলসেল ডিলারী নিয়া দিয়াছেন তাহা হইতে কত বখরা আপনি পান জানাইবেন কি?
১৪। আপনি নিজের পকেটে একদল দালাল ছাত্র তৈরী করার জন্য পূর্ব পাকিস্তান ছাত্র লীগকে দুই ভাগ করেন নাই কি ? ছাত্র লীগের প্রবীন কর্মীদের বিরুদ্ধে জনৈক স্কুল মাষ্টার যে ১৯৫০ সনে কুষ্টীয়ায় ভবিষ্যতে কোন প্রকার রাজনীতি করিবে না বলিয়া ৫০০০ টাকার বন্ড সহি করিয়াছিল এবং ১৯৫২ সনে ফেব্রুয়ারির ভাষা আন্দোলনের সময় জয়দেবপুরের সরকারী ক্যাম্পে ছিল এবং জনৈক অছাত্র ইত্তেফাকের কর্মচারী ও ইউথলিগারকে যথাক্রমে সভাপতি ও সম্পাদক করিয়া একটি ভুইফোড় ছাত্র প্রতিষ্টান দাড় করান নাই কি ?
১৫। আপনি কোন অধিকার বলে পূর্ব নির্ধারিত সেপ্টেম্বর মাসের আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের কাউন্সিলর সভার তারিখ পরিবর্তন করিয়াছেন? ময়মনসিংহ হইতে কাউন্সিল সভা পরিবর্তন করিবার অভিসন্ধি করিয়াছিলেন কেন ?

আরজ গােজার
১। নাজির উদ্দিন আহম্মদ ৩। সাহাব উদ্দিন আহম্মদ
২। আব্দুর রশিদ ৪। এনায়েত হােসেন
ঢাকা সিটি আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের কাউন্সিলারবৃন্দ।

Page: 463


A resolution was passed at all party meeting held at Muktear Library Hall, Dacca to form “Sharba Dalio Gana Berodhi Mulniti Protirodh Committee’ and also decided to form a ‘Committee of
Action’. Dacca, 18 November 1953
Proceedings of the All Party meeting held at Muktear Literary Hall, Dacca on 18.11.53.
On 18.11.53 between 18.15 hrs. and 20.25hrs. an All Party meeting was held at Muktear Library Hall under the Presidentship of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bashani. About 100 persons from almost all the political groups attended it. The following were the prominent.
2. Sk. Mujibar Rahman. (A.M.L.)
Resolutions to form a “Sharba Dalio Gana Berodhi Mulniti Protirodh Committee” under the Chairmanship of Maulana Bhasani with two members from each party and to hold the first meeting of this committee on 20.11.53 at Muktear Bar, were passed in the meeting. The names of the member to be submitted before 20.11.53 to the chairman.
It was also settled that a Committee of Action would be formed on that day with its trenches in all the districts of East Bengal. In that meeting they would take a decision fixing up the date to observe a Province wide Hartal by holding meeting staging demonstration and bringing out procession.
The meeting dissolved at 20.25 hrs.
Submitted. Sd/- S.I.I.B.

Page: 464


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar of NWFP met a group of students at Iqbal Hall43 Dacca University. It was mentioned in another report that they did not visit Iqbal Hall.
Dacca, 18 November 1953
Extract from Daily Situation Report No. 136 dt. 18.11.1953 D.D.I. Dacca
Golam Md. Lundkhor of N.W.F.P. and Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Awami Muslim
League met a group of students on invitation at 10/6, Iqbal Hall on 7.11.53 at about
6 p.m.
Noticed through watch or otherwise by us? Sd/- M. Yusuff. 16.11.
(Ref. your orders at NSP VIII of P.F. 606-48) As usual, Sk. Mujibar Rahman was under continuous watch on 7.11.53 from 00.00 hrs. He was not lost sight of, at any time on the date. The précis at p 1648 clearly shows that Sk. Mujibar Rahman did not at all visit Iqbal Hall on 7.11.53 either alone or with any associate. He left for Mymensing accompanied by Rafiqul Islam (A.M.L.) and one Hakim Bhai (singer) on 7.11.53 at 17.52 hrs. by 31 up Mymensing train under shadow.
Golam Mohammad Lundkhawar came to Dacca by plane on 13.11.53 at 19.20 hrs. from Lahore. Except this visit, we got no report of his previous visit, if any, in the year 1953.
A. Razzak O/C 2.12.53.
43. Iqbal Hall – After the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971 Iqbal Hall of Dhaka University was renamed as Zahurul Haq Hall in hounour of Sgt. Zahurul Haq. He was killed on 15 February 1969 while imprisoned at Dhaka Cantonment as an accused of Agartala Conspiracy Case.

Page: 465


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AML leaders went to Tejgaon Airport to see off H.S. Suhrawardy who left for Karachi by air.
Dacca, 24 November 1953
Reg. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at Tejgaon Airport.
On 24.11.53 at about 10.55 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Amzad, Advocate, Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Manik Miah @ Tofazzal Husain and Abdul Hai of Jessore arrived Tejgaon Airport by Jeep Car E.B.D. 2597.
At about 11.45 Hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy alone left airport for Karachi by Orient Airways plane.
2/3 unknown persons also went Tejgaon Air-port to see off Mr. Suhrawardy by Jeep car E.B.D. 2277 at the time of his departure from Airport. Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ali Amzad, Advocate, Manik Miah @ Tofazzal Husain, Abdul Hai and the unknown persons left Airport for Dacca side by Jeep car nos E.B.D. 2597 and E.B.D. 2277.
Submitted. Sd/-24.11.53
Side note: D.S.VI for perusal pl. Sd/- A. Razzak O/C. 24/11P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz 24.11


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Nurur Rahman, Secretary, AML, Sylhet requesting him to send the name of candidates for
Parliamentary Board. Sylhet, 24 November 1953
District Intelligence Branch
Memo. No. 5706/ 83-51 (Int.)
Sylhet. The 24th November, 1953.

Page: 466
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy., E.P. A.M.L. 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
To (with address)
Nurur Rahman, Secy., A.M.L., Sylhet.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
: Temporary, dated. 18.11.53. : Sylhet.
| 19.11.53. : S.I. Matiul Islam Khan of D.I.B.,
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Not. : Delivered. : Copy kept.
2579-Poll/S, dated
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
: G.O. No.
Copy/ translation forwarded to
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/for Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Copy of an English letter dated 18.11.53 from Sheik Mujibur Rahman (1), Genl. Secy., E.P.A.M.L. 18, Karkunbari lane, Dacca, to Nurur Rahman (2) Secy A.M.L., Sylhet.

Page: 467
To the secy., Dist. A.M.L., Sylhet.
Dear Sir,
You are hereby requested to send the name of your candidates if any in the parliamentary Board within ten days. The man you will select, cannot contest in the Election.
Yours faithfully, Sad/- Sheik Mujibur Rahman (1) Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M. League
Side note: No. 1. Not known.
No.2. Nurur Rahman (SF/CP/YL/AML) s/o Azduddin of Fulbari, P.S. Golapganj and of Nayasarak, Sylhet town.
Perusal pl. of the attached papers. Names, if any, may pl. be marked for indexing.
Copy may be given to the Interception folder of Sk. Mujibur Rahman as suggested by R. D. For order please.
Sd/-M. Hussain, 28.11.53.
As proposed. Sd/-A. Hafiz, 30/11


Watch report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 25 November 1953
Précis on the watch reports of suspect Sk. Mujibur Rahman of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca, dated 17.11.53 to 20.11.53, submitted by S.I. Masir Uddin Ahmed on 25.11.53.

Page: 468
The subject visited the following places.
16, Joynag Road (House of Ali : 08.05 to 09.10 hrs. leaving quarters at Amjad)
about 07.45 hrs. 18, Karkunbari Lane – A.M.L.Office. : 09.45 to 10.20 hrs. leaving 16, Joynag
Road at about 09.10 hrs. along with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan
Bhashani. Ramna Rest House. Met with Mr. H.: 10.20 to 13.30 hrs. leaving 18, S. Suhrawardy.
Karkunbari Lane at about 10.10 hrs. & wherefrom he returned to quarters
at about 14.10 hrs. Again he visited 18, Karkunbari Lane : 15.10 to 16.25 hrs. leaving qtrs.
at15.00 hrs. Again at Ramna Rest House. He left : 15.40 to 17.55 hrs. leaving Rest House along with Maulana Abdul Karkunbari at 15.25 hrs. Hamid Khan Bhashani by a Taxi at 17.55 hrs. They met with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy there. 18.11.53. He visited 18, Karkunbari Lane by: 09.15 to 11.20 hrs. Leaving Qtrs, at Rickshaw.
about 09.00 hrs. At Casanova Restaurant at Johnson : 11.30 to 11.50 hrs. leaving 18, Road. He took tea there.
Karkunbari Lane at about 11.20 hrs. Ramna Rest House. He met with Mr. : 12.05 to 12.35 hrs. leaving Casanova H.S. Suhrawardy.
Restaurant at about 11.50 hrs. Again visited 18, Karkunbari Lane. : 13.00 to 14.40 hrs. leaving Rest A.M.L. office.
House at 12.35 hrs. 9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press). : 14.55 to 15.00 hrs. leaving 18, He left the place along with Manik Karkunbari Lane at 14.40 hrs. Mian. They went to Ramna Rest House : 15.10 to 16.15 hrs. leaving Hatkhola
Road at about 15.00 hrs.
He visited shade No. 18 of Eden : Buildings. At DIANFA Shop of Ahsan Manjil.
16.25 to 16.55 hrs. leaving Rest House at… 16.15 hrs. 17.00 to 17.05 hrs. leaving Eden Buildings at 16.35 hrs. & wherefrom he returned to quarters at 17.35 hrs.

Page: 469
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy visited Sk. Mujibur Rahman’s house at about 17.45 hrs. by Rickshaw No. 1254.
The subject visited the following places:
He visited O.K. Restaurant & took tea : 08.00 to 08.25 hrs. leaving Qtrs. at
07.45 hrs. 18, Karkunbari Lane A.M.L. office : 08.30 to 11.00 hrs. leaving O.K.
restaurant at 08.25 hrs. 37, Rankin Street – House of Bhabesh: 11.15 to 11.25 hrs. leaving 18, Chandra Nandi, M.L.A. (Central) on Karkunbari Lane at 11.00 hrs. enquiry it is learnt that he went to Dr. M. N. Nandi, M.B.B.Sc. for treatment. Ramna Rest House.
: 11.35 to 12.05 hrs. leaving 37,
Rankin st. at about 11.25 hrs. Purana Paltan Maidan. He went there to : 12.10 to 12.20 hrs. leaving Ramna supervise the work of dice.
Rest house at about 12.05 hrs. & where from he retd. to his Qtrs. at
12.45. In the evening again he visited 18, : 14.15 to 15.00 hrs. leaving qtrs. at Karkunbari Lane by rickshaw.
14.05 hrs. Raman Rest house. He met with Mr. H.S.: 15.15 to 15.45 hrs. leaving Suhrawardy.
Karkunbari Lane at 15.00 hrs. He attended the meeting of A.M.L. at: 15.50 to 20.05 hrs. leaving Rest Purana Paltan maidan and delivered house at about 15.45. speech there. He left the meeting after it was over along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy & Ataur Rahman, Advocate. Again he came back to Rest house along : 20.15 to 20.45 hrs. leaving Purana with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy & Ataur Paltan Maidan at 20.05 hrs. Rahman Khan, advocate. He left Rest house along with two unknown men by the jeep car No. EBD 2277 20.11.53. Khan Golum Muhammad Lundkhadar : 08.10 to 08.25 hrs. visited the residence of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. W.C. shadowed him.

Page: 470
The subject visited Ramna Rest House
09.00 to 10.10 hrs. leaving Qtrs. at
08.30 hrs.
10.20 to 12.45 hrs. leaving Rest House at 10.10 hrs.
Again he visited 18, Karkunbari Lane : along with Kazi Golum Mahbub, advocate. The subject left 18, Karkunbari lane along with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy by rickshaw No. 937.
Subject & Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy went to Ramna Rest House by the said rickshaw at
: 13.30 to 13.32 hrs. leaving 18,
Karakunbari lane at 12.45 hrs. &
13.30 hrs.
wherefrom he returned to qtrs. at
13.45 hrs.
15.05 to 15.30 hrs. leaving Qtrs. at
He visited 9, Hatkhola Road. It is : Paramount Press.
about 14.45 hrs.
Ramna Rest House
15.50 to 17.50 hrs. leaving 9, Hatkhola Rd. at about 15.30 hrs.
Again at 18, Karkunbari Lane
18.00 to 18.05 hrs. leaving Rest
house at 17.50 hrs.
At Mukhtear Library at Court House st. : 18.15 to 18.55 hrs. leaving 18,
Karkunbari Lane at 18.05 hrs. Again at 18, Karkunbari Lane
: 19.00 to 21.10 hrs. leaving
Mukhtear Library at 18.55. At Dacca Rly. Station. He met at the Rly. : 21.20 to 22.30 hrs. leaving Stn. with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Karkunbari Lane at 21.10 hrs. Bhashani, Khaleque Newaz and Aziz Ahmed.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman & Aziz Ahmed left: 22.45 to 23.00 hrs. leaving Rly. Rly. Stn. together and they went the Stn. at 22.30 hrs. residence of Aziz Ahmed at Agamachi Lane at 22.45 hrs.

Page: 471
At Ramna Rest House
23.15 to 24.45 hrs. leaving the residence of Aziz Ahmed at 23.00 hrs. & wherefrom he returned to Qtrs. at 01.30 hrs. on 21.11.53.
Side note: D.S.VI for favour of perusal of the portion sidelined. Extract of these portions
may go in P. F. Sd/ A.Razzak, o/c 29/11 Sd/ A.Hafiz, 30/11


Letter of Aminul Islam Chaudhuri, 193 Jamalkhan Road, Chittagong to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he appealed to support his candidature to contest in the election from United
Front Chittagong, 27 November 1953
District Intelligence Branch
Chittagong. Memo. No. 7704 (2)/ 102-49 (Int.)
The 27.11.1953 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Aminul Islam Chaudhuri B.A., 193 Jamalkhan Road, Chittagong.
To (with address)
Sk. Mujibor Rahman Esqr., Secy. Genl. E.P.A.M.L. Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 23.11.53.
Postal Seal
: Nil.
Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Ctg.
Date of interception
: 23.11.53.

Page: 472
Name of officer who can
: A.S.I. Md. Azahar Ali
prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: X.
Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
: Copy Kept.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
Number and date of
Government order authorising
Copy/translation forwarded to:
1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I. B., E.B., Dacca. 2. M. Mohsin, Esqr., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Tippera for information.
Sd/-27.11.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Chittagong Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copies to I.B. and D.I.B. Tippera for information. S.W.R. Sd/- M. Yunus. D.I.O. (I) Ctg. 26.11.53.
As above. Sd/- A. J. Chaudhury. Dy. S.P., D.I.B., Ctg. 26.11.53.
Copy of an English typed letter dated 23.11.53 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 23.11.53.
From : Aminul Islam Chaudhuri B.A.(1) Director-in-charge Aluminium Products
Ltd. Chittagong & Hony. Staff Correspondent “The Daily Pakistan Observer”, the Repose, 193 Jamal Khan, Chittagong.
: (2) Sheikh Mujubor Rahman, Esqr., Secretary General, East Pakistan
Provincial Awami Muslim League, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca.

Page: 473
Postal Seal of issue: – Nil.
My dear Mujib,
I could not see you after you left Chittagong last time. In the meantime I went to Dacca twice but unfortunately for me, I could not contact you as you were out of Dacca at that time. However I hope you are pulling on well and proceeding vigorously with your noble mission of weeding out the country from the evil clutches of self seekers and exploiters.
I have decided to contest the election this time from the united front of the opposition parties and I believe I won’t be denied your support in this respect. It is needless for me to write you many things about me. We worked suffered and struggled together during the great fighting day for achievement of Pakistan and you had ample opportunity of knowing me since after partition. You know, I could get many facilities and I only supported the reactionaries like Shah Azizur Rahman and other Muslim League People. But you know for my great convictions as regards the future Constitution of Pakistan on the basis the famous 1940 Muslim League Lahore Resolution; I was out of that organisation which has become happy abode of self seekers and exploiters. Since then I remained out of it and had been silently working in my humble capacity for the leftist parties and had always supported aim of your moves with all the powers I had. Though I could not sacrifice much, like you and many others of your party as full time worker. Yet I was not sitting idle.
My constituency will be Choudhagram P.S. in the Sadar (South) subdivision of Tippera district. I toured round the unions of the Thana and I assure you I have many friends and supporters and influential relations in the locality. Moreover if the united opposition is formed about which I have no doubt overwhelming majority of the people will Inshalla vote for the nominee of the united opposition front.
I may come to Dacca if you require my presence. Do kindly reply this letter for which I shall be eagerly waiting. May I not expect your support as an old a trusted comrade? Please write me back in enclosed envelope and oblige. With love and very best complements.
Yours Sincerely, Sd/- Aminul Islam Chaudhury
Side note: (1) D.I.O., A. Salam to collect particulars.
(2) Secy. EPAML.

Page: 474


Weekly confidential report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Abdus Salam Khan and Md. Quamruzzaman.
Faridpur, 28 November 1953
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.O., Faridpur for the week ending 28.11.53.
East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 38 dated 19.9.53 received.
Part – 1. Movement of suspects. 1. Abdus Salam Khan, A.L. suspect No. 30 arrived at Faridpur town on 22.11.53
from Dacca and again left for Dacca on 24.11.53. 2. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, A.L. suspect No. *520-AML, arrived Faridpur town on
28.11.53 from Dacca.
Side Note: D.S.6 1.12, Sd/- A. Hafiz. 2.12.
District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur, the 29th Nov. 53.
No. 7088 /33-50 (B)
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, A.L. *520 reached Faridpur from Dacca on 28.11.53 being shadowed.
Sd/-29.11 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,

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WCR for w/e 28.11.53 DIB Dacca. 7. A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Dacca for Mymensingh on 7.11.53 and
returned to Dacca on 10.11.53. He again left for Mymensingh on 13.11.53 and returned on 16.11.53 by train. He left for Chandpur on 21.11.53 by Launch and returned to Dacca on 24.11.53 by train. He left for Faridpur via Narayanganj by Steamer on 27.11.53.
Précis on the watch reports of Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane dated 25.11.53 to 27.11.53, submitted by S.I. Masir-Uddin Ahmed on 28.11.53.
He visited 18, Hatkhola Road.
Enquiry is being made. 9, Hatkhola Road. It is Paramount Press. 3, Nanda Lall Datta Lane. Enquiry is being made.
: 16.30 to 17.00 hrs. leaving quarters
at 16.00 hrs. : 17.10 to 17.30 hrs. leaving 18,
Hatkhola Rd. at. 17.00 hrs. : 17.45 to 18.30, leaving 9, Hatkhola
Rd. at 17.30 hrs.
D.R. 196 18, Karkunbari Lane. A.M.L. office. He : 18.45 to 19.25 hr. leaving Nanda Lall left this place along with Ataur Datta Lane at 18.30 hrs. Rahman, advocate. Again at 9, Hatkhola Road. He along : 19.45 to 20.05 hrs. leaving 18, with Ataur Rahman, advocate visited Karkunbari Lane at 19.25 hrs. the place. 27, K.M. Dass Lane. Residence of Mr.: 20.10 to 21.20 hrs. leaving 9, A.K. Fazlul Haque. He went there with Hatkhola Rd. at 20.05 hrs. The Ataur Rahman, advocate, Suspect subject left the place along with Abdus Samad, C.P. also went to the Ataur Rahman, advocate, Abdus said place at about 20.15 hrs.
Samad & one unknown man & went
to 9, Hatkhola Road. Again 9, Hatkhola Road.
: 20.45 to 21.55 hrs. leaving 27, K.M.
Das Lane at 21.20 hrs. 18, Karkunbari Lane, A.M.L. office. : 22.11 to 23.00 hrs. He alone left 9,
Hatkhola Rd. at about 21.55 & wherefrom he returned to quarters at 23.15 hrs.

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26.11.53 Anwara Khatun, M.L.A. visited 8/3 : 08.15 to 08.30 hrs. Rajani Bose Lane, residence of Sk. Mujibar Rahman by Jeep Car No. EBD 2597. She left the place along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman & was seen to return to his quarter at about 07.00 hrs. from outside on 27.11.53. 27.11.53. He visited 12, Kazimuddin Siddique : 08.15 to 09.00 hrs. leaving quarters at Lane. Enquiry is being made.
08.00 hrs. D.R. 197. 16, Joynag Road – Residence of Ali : 09.15 to 09.30 hrs. leaving Kazimuddin Amjad Khan, Advocate.
Siddique Lane at 09.00 hrs. Eqbal Hall North.
09.45 to 10.30 hrs. Leaving 16, Joynag
Road at 09.30 hrs. 9, Hatkhola Road, Paramount press. : 10.40 to 11.00 hrs. leaving Eqbal Hall at
about 10.30 hrs.
36/2 Jorepole Lane. Enquiry is being : 11.15 to 11.30 hrs. leaving 9, made.
Hatkhola Road at 11.30 hrs.
D.R. 198.
Again 16, Joynag Rd. He left the place : 11.50 to 12.40 hrs. leaving 36/2, by Jeep Car. No. EBD2597. The Car Jorepole Lane at about 11.30 hrs. belongs to Ali Amjad, advocate.
The subject left for Faridpur via Narayanganj by Goalund Mail at 15.30 hrs. on 27.11.53, Shadowed by R.I.B. watcher.
Side note:
D.S. VI for favour of perusal of the précis specially the portion sidelined. Extract of these portions may be placed in P.Fs of all concerned. Result of enquiry as noted by the S.O. may be awaited. Sd/- A. Razzak 29.11. Seen. Sd/- A. Hafiz 30.11 D.R. No. pl.? Sd/- A. Razzak, 29/11
W/E 5.12.53.
S.A. No. 40 dated 3rd October was received during the week under review.

Page: 477
Part I
Movement of Suspect : (1) A.L. No. 571 Md. Quamruzzaman has come to his
home at Bakharba, Sailkupa, Jessore on 28th Nov. from Dacca to organise a public meeting to be held on 3rd Nov. at. Katlagari, Sailkupa, Jessore on 3rd Nov. at
Katlagari, Sailkupa, Jessore. (2) *A.L. No. 520- Sk. Mujibur Rahman came to
Katlagari, Sailkupa, Jessore on 3rd Nov. at about 13.00 hrs. to attend a public meeting and left for Dacca on 4th Nov. at about 07.00 hrs. after addressing the meeting
Side note: Circulation Sd/- 9.12 D.S.6 10.12


Meeting held at Armanitola Maidan on the observance of ‘Bandi
Mukti Dibas ‘where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman demanded the release of the political prisoners. He warned government must not be allowed to detain anyone without trial. If the political prisoners were not released in the near future peaceful movement would be launched. He also spoke on the sufferings and agonies of the
prisoners in jail, demand medical treatment for Mawlana Bhasani. For the cause of justice, he is ready to be arrested and
die in jail. Dacca, 5 December 1953
Summary reports of Bengali proceedings of the ‘Bandi Mukti Dibas’ meeting at Armanitolla Maidan on 5.12.52.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman in his speech said: We demand release of the political prisoners. We do not want anarchy in the country. We must not allow Govt. to detain anybody in Jail without a trail. For months and years together hundreds workers are undergoing sufferings in the Jail. All our appeals for their release have gone unheeded. No amenities are provided for the political prisoners in Jail. They

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are kept in cells. Their health has broken down. Their conditions in Jails are more miserable than ordinary prisoners convicted of crimes. Persons convicted for blackmarketing are given first and second classes but not the political prisoners. Maulana Bhasani is an old man of 70. He is ill in the medical college but Govt. have not arranged for his medical treatment free of charge. Awami League workers are begging from door to door for the expenses of his treatment. There are so many others who are in jail. People of Pakistan have made no less sacrifice than Khan Bahadur44 Nurul Amin and Sir Nazimuddin. They have duty towards these political prisoners who are courting Jail for fighting for the interests of the people in general. Suhrawardy Saheb has declared that if the political prisoners are not released he will start a country wide agitation. 4 crores 21 lac. people of East Bengal will put forward demand for Bengali and better basic principles of the constitution so long they are alive . We shall see how long they can detain them in jail. As an humble servant of the people I say if the political prisoners are not released in the near future peaceful movement will be launched everywhere in Pakistan. Release them or the Jails will be flooded. I know I may be arrested again and may die in jail but I want to say that in order to establish justice in Pakistan students, youths, peasants, labourers will be making united movement. I.B. officers may note it and inform Nazimuddin Saheb”
Side note: Extract may be placed on the P.Fs of the speakers mentioned in the report if
they have got any. Sd/- K.G. Mortuza. 10/12. Sd/- T. Ahmad. 11/12.


Confidential report on movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other AML leaders.
Dacca, 8 December 1953
Précis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 8, Committeeganj dated 5.12.53 and 6.12.53.
44. Khan Bahadur – A compound of Khan (leader) and Bahadur (brave) was a formal title of respect and honour, which was conferred exclusively on Muslim subjects of the British Indian Empire. It was a title one degree higher than the title of Khan Sahib.

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Duty was arranged from 15.00 hrs. on 5.12.53 on suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman after receiving a telephone message from D.I.B. Office, Dacca that Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Narayanganj by Taxi No. 2765- E.B.D. with Yusuf Ali Choudhury @ Mohan Miah. The suspect was not seen to come out of his quarter during duty period up to 06.00 hrs. on 7.12.53, but he was seen to visit 18, Karkunbari Lane from 16.10 -16.30 hrs. again from 20.00 hrs. to 20.40 hrs. on 5.12.53. Then none was in the A.M.L. office.
On 6.12.53 the suspect visited A.M.L. Office from 12.00-12.45 hrs. Then Suspect Shamsul Haque, Ex. M.L.A., Kh. Md. Ilias and Prof. Kamruzzaman was then present at A.M.L. office from 15.15 – 16.05 hrs. then none was in the A.M.L. office and from 20.00- 21.00 hrs. Suspect Abdus Salam Advocate Kh. Md. Ilias. Nuruddin was then present at the A.M.L. office during the last mentioned time.
Submitted Sd/- 8.12.53
Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to Dacca from his native village on 5.12.53 Via Narayanganj by Steamer. Yusuf Ali Chaudhuri @ Mohan Mia also got down from the same steamer.
Extract of the note may go in PF of the subject. Sd/- A. Razzak, o/c. 9.12.
It is seen that the watchers on watch duty for the subject near the residence of the subject did not see him at all on 5.12.53 and 6.12.53. Pl. enquire and report where he actually put up. Sd/- A. Razzak. o/c. 9.12.53.
On enquiry it is learnt that the subject put up at 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane after his return from his native village. Sd/- 9.12.53
East Bengal Police Abstract of intelligence No. 40 dated 3.10.53 received last.

Page: 480
Movement of suspects.
1. AL. * 325 Ramesh Chandra Dutta (MJP) left for Tippera 30.11.53. 2. AL. *498 Phani Bhusan Mazumder (MJP) left for Tippera on 30.11.53. 3. AL. *520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman left for Dacca on 4.12.53.
Side note:
D.S.7,15.12, Sd/- A.U.M. 15.12. Seen. Sd/- A. Haq15.12 D.S.6, 15.12, Sd/- S. Haq, 16.12.53.
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the w/e 12.12.53.
Part-1 (Movement of suspects). 1. A.L. 367 Monoranjan Dhar Arrived at Dacca on 7.12.53 by train & left for
Mymensingh on the same day. 2. A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca for Chittagong by train on 9.12.53
and returned on 11.12.53. 3. A.L. 56 Mrs. Anwara Khatun left Dacca for Calcutta on 29.11.53 and returned
to Dacca on 6.12.53. 4. A.L. 728 Maulana Shamsul Huda of Mymensingh arrived at Dacca on 10.12.53
by train.
Side note:
Circulation of 15.12, D.S.416.12, Seen. Sd/- A. Haq16.12, D.S.6 16.12, Sd/- A. Hafiz, 16.12.53.
W.C.R. for w/e 12.12.53 Chittagong D.I.B.
Part-1 Movement of suspects.
A.D. * 520 Sk. Mozibor Rahman (A.M.L.) came to Chittagong on 10.12.53 morning by train. He left for Dacca, the same night by train. For detailed report Part II Para 4 (a) (VIII) may please be seen.
Side note: Circulation Sd/- 15.12
Précis on the C.Rs. reg. S.K. Mujibor Rahman (A.M.L.) of 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane, Dacca from 7.12.53 to 13.12.53.

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The subject visited at the following places and associated with the marginally noted persons during the time noted against each:
At about 09.15 hrs. he was seen present at his qtr.
18, Karkunbari Lane (A.M.L. Office) : From 10.30 hrs. to 14.35 hrs.
Leaving his qtr. at about 10.15 hrs. and retd. to his qtr. at about 14.50
hrs. -Do
: 17.45 hrs. to 20.35 hrs. Leaving
his qtr. at about 17.00 hrs. 43, Bangla Bazar (Shafiq Press)
: 20.45 hrs. to 21.15 hrs. and retd. to
his qtr. at about 21.55 hrs. Since then he was not seen to come out of the qtr. up to 06.00 hrs. dated 8.12.53. No suspect or suspicious
person visited his qtr. 8.12.53 18, Karkunbari Lane .(A.M.L. Office) : from 09.30 hrs. to 10.00 hrs.
Leaving his qtr at about 09.15 hrs. Ramna Rest House –
10.10 hrs. to 10.20 hrs. At about 10.20 hrs. he left the Rest House : Enquiry was made from the taxi and proceeded towards Purana Paltan by driver but he could not given any Taxi No. 21.44 E.B.D. along with two light reg. the places visited by the unknown men. At about 20.45 hrs. he was suspect and the two unknown seen to return to his qtr. alone. Since then persons could not be traced. he was not seen to come out of his qtr. up Sd/- 12 to 06.00 hrs. dated 9.12.53. 9.12.53. 18, Karkunbari Lane (A.M.L. Office) : 06.45 hrs. to 08.15 hrs. Leaving
his qtr. at about 06.30 hrs. 52, Johnson Rd.
: 08.20 hrs. to 08.40 hrs. (Delhi Muslim Hotel) took tea there. 18, Karkunbari Lane (A.M.L. Office) : 08.45 hrs. to 10.05 hrs. 9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press) : 10.25 hrs. to 10.30 hrs.

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At about 10.45 hrs. he proceeded towards Tejgaon Airport by Airport Service bus but the W/C. could not shadow him as he had a cycle with him. Sk. Mujibar Rahman retd. to his qtr. at about 14.20 hrs. At about 16.00 hrs. he left his qtr. by Jeep Car No. 2277. E.B.D. along with suspect Kh. Md. Ilias. At about 14.35 hrs. Kh. Md. Ilias entered into the qtr. of the subject.
Side note: D.S. VI for favour of perusal please. Ext. may go in the P.F. Sd/- for o/c. Watch
26/12. Yes Sd/- A. Hajiz. 26/12
At about 21.45 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived Dacca Rly. Station from the town side. At about 22.00 hrs. he left Dacca for Chittagong by up Chittagong train being shadowed by A.S.I. Abul Hashem of R.I.B. He made over the suspect at Bhairab Rly. Station to W/C. Jamir Ahmad of Bhairab R.I.B. At about 00.30 hrs. dated 10.12.53.
At about 08.45 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman arrived Dacca R/S. from Chittagong by Dn. Chittagong train being shadowed by W/C. Altaf Ali of Chittagong D.I.B. At about 09.00 hrs. Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Dacca R/S and went to his qtr. at 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane under shadow of W/C. Afsaruddin Ahmad of I.B.
Ramna Rest House from 11.35 hrs. to 12.15 hrs., Leaving his qtr. at about 11.10 hrs. 18, Karkunbari Lane (A.M.L. Office) : 12.25 hrs. to 15.05 hrs. He left his
office along with Moulana abdul Hamid Khan, Bhasani.
He arrived Purana Paltan Maidan along Moulana Sb. at about 15.15 hrs. and from there he visited Rest House Ramna for a few minutes.
At about 15.30 hrs. he (Sk. Mujibar Rahman) attended the meeting at Purana Paltan Maidan. At about 16.30 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Abdul Wadud Patwari and others left the Meeting place in a procession. The procession paraded through Nawabpur Rd., Patuatuli Rd. and Islampur Rd., Mitford Road, Chawk Bazar and Sir Nazimuddin Road. The procession dispersed near the Dacca Central Jail at about 17.30 hrs.

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Ramna Rest House from 17.45 hrs. to 18.40 hrs.
(Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani went to the Rest house from the procession, after dispersed the Ramna at about 17.30 hrs.)
18, Karkunbari Lane Ramna Rest House
: :
18.50 to 20.25 hrs. 20.45 hrs. to 00.45 hrs. dated 12.12.53 and retd. to his qtr. at about 01.15 hrs. 06.15 hrs., Leaving his qtr. along with an unknown man by rickshaw. After a few minutes both of them left the A.M.L. Office.
18, Karkunbari Lane (A.M.L. Office)
Ramna Rest House from 06.24 hrs. to 06.25 hrs.
At about 06.25 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi, Omar Ali Chaudhuri (brother of H.P.M., Pakistan) and the unknown man left the Rest House by Car No. E.B.D. 280) and proceeded towards Dacca Rly. Stn.
The W/C was on duty went to Dacca R/S and found Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with two unknown men left the R/S towards the town by the said car. At about 14.30 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman retd. to his qtr. from outside.
Ramna Rest House from 16.45 hrs. to 18.00 hrs., Leaving his qtr. at about 16.25 hrs.
At about 18.00 hrs. he left the rest house and proceeded towards Purana Paltan by Taxi No. 2937. At about 21.50 hrs. he retd. to his qtr. from outside on foot. W/C. Sabdar Ali’s report may be awaited who shadowed the suspect out of Dacca.
Side note: The two unknown men could not be ascertained on secret enquiry.


Meeting of the Executive Committee of All Party anti-people Basic Principles Resistance Committee held at 18, Karkunbari Lane,
Dacca, 9 December 1953 D.S.I.
I beg to report that a meeting of the Executive Committee of the All Party antipeople B.P. Resistance Committee was held on 8.12.53 between 19.00 hrs. and

Page: 484
20.00 hrs. at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. The following persons were seen to attend the meeting:
1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman. (A.M.L.)
* * *
It was learnt that the meeting discussed on the programme of the Protest Day against the B.P.C. Report and the new formula of the H.P.M. Pakistan on 11.12.53. The meeting also discussed about the donations to meet the expenditures of the Day. Details of the proceedings could not be collected.
Submitted. Sd/-S.M. Siddique.
S.I 9.12.


A nine members advisory Board of Awami Mujahid Bahini formed including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to assist AML and United
Front in the ensuing election.
Dacca, 12 December 1953
Extract from A/I No. 50 for the week ending 12.12.53.
Awami Mujahid Bahini.
2336. Dacca- An advisory Board of the Awami Mujahid Bahini has been formed with 9 members on 8th December at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (AML) (Ref: Supdt. to A/I. No. 50, Para 17) selected the following members to form the Board:
1. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (AML).
2. Rafiqul Hussain (AML). 3. Abdul Hamid Chaudhuri (AML) of Chandpur.

Page: 485
4. Almas Ali (AML) of Narayanganj, Dacca. 5. Muhammad Ullah (AML). 6. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman (AML).
7. Sirajul Islam (AML). 8. Jahiruddin, Pleader (AML). 9. Yar Muhammad (AML).
The main object of this Mujahid Bahini is to assist the Awami Muslim League and the United Front to contest the coming election against the Muslim League candidates.
W.C.R. of D.I.B. Dacca for the W/E. 12.12.53.
II. Volunteers (Party affiliation against each)
An Advisory Board of the Awami Mujahid Bahini has been formed with 9 members on 8.12.53 at 18, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (A.M.L.) selected the following members to form the Board.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (A.M.L.)
1. 2.
Rafiqul Husain (A.M.L.).
4. 5. 6.
Abdul Hamid Chaudhuri. (A.M.L) Chandpur. Almas Ali (A.M.L.) of Narayanganj, Dacca. Md. Ullah (A.M.L.) Sk. Majibur Rahman (A.M.L.)
Sirajul Islam (A.M.L.)
Jahiruddin, Pleader (A.M.L.)
Yar Muhammad (A.M.L.)
The main object of this Mujahid Bahini is to assist the Awami Muslim League and the United Front to contest the coming election against the Muslim League candidates.

Page: 486
A meeting of this Advisory Board will be held on 9.12.53 at 17.00 hrs. at No.1, Karkunbari Lane, Dacca to discuss the programme of work of this Bahini. It was proposed in the meeting that the Conference of the Mujahid Bahini will be held on 25.12.53 at Dacca (Venue not yet fixed).


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Abdul Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District AML requesting to send a list of probable candidates for the ensuing assembly election.
Chittagong, 18 December 1953 Secret
Chittagong. Memo. No. 8244(2)/102-49 (Int.)
The 18.12.1953 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibor Rahman, Genl. Secy.
E.P.A.M.L. 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane,
To (with address)
Mr.Abdul A.M.L.,
Aziz, 122,
Secy. Dist.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Nowabpur Dacca 11 Dec. 53 : G.P.O. Ctg. : 12.12.53
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the : A.S.I., Habibor Rahman interception

Page: 487
9. Whether photographed or not : X 10. Whether withheld or delivered Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy Kept.
12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to 1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B. Dacca. 2. S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/- 18.12.53 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Chittagong. Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. Copies may be sent to I.B. and D.I.B., Dacca for information. D.I.O. A. Salam to report as to who are the probable Awami League candidates from this district. S.W.R.
Sd/- M. Yunus. D.I.O. (I) Ctg.
As proposed. Sd/- A.J. Chaudhury. Dy. S.P., D.I.B., Ctg. 14.12.53.
Copy of an English typed letter dated 3.12.53 intercepted at G.P.O. Ctg. on 12.12.53.
: Sheik Mujibor Rahman (1) Genl. Secy.E.P.A.M.L.8/3 Rajani Bose Lane,
Dacca. : Mr. Abdul Aziz (2) Secy. Dist. A.M.L., 122 Anderkilla Road, Chittagong.

Page: 488
Postal seal of issue : Nawabpur Dacca 11 Dec. 53
Dear Sir,
We are making a preliminary list of probable Awami candidates for ensuing assembly election.
Your District has been allotted 13 seats by delimitation Committee. Would you please send me immediately a list of the probable candidates for the following constituencies of your Dist. stating in details their educational qualification, fitness, economic condition and approximate percentage of mass support at present.
Please do send the list immediately to the address mentioned below:
Yours faithfully, Sd/- Sk. Mujubor Rahman. 8/3 Rajani Bose Lane,
Dacca. Side note: (1) Of Faridpur.
(2) s/o Haji Mohabbat Ali of Halishahar, Ps-Doublemoorings, Chittagong.
Security Sec.
Perusal pl. The attached intercept Names may be marked for indexing if necessary. Further action if any may pl. advise. Sd/-24/12
Pl. call for the names of the candidates when collected.
Sd/-D.S.VI 24/12/53
D.I.B. Chittagong
Pl. refer to your memo No. 8241 (2) dt. 18-12-53 and let us have the names of the candidates when collected which was mentioned in your intercept.
D.S.VI your order below pl. Draft put up for approval pl.
Need not issue D.S.VI Sd/- 26.12

Page: 489


Weekly confidential report on movements of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and other AML leaders.
Dacca, 19 December 1953
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E. 19.12.53.
The East Bengal Abstract of Intelligence No. 42 dated 17.10.53 was received on 15.12.53.
W.C.R. of D.I.B., Dacca for the W/E. 19.12.53.
(Movements of the Suspects).
A.L. 347 Pulin Behari De left Dacca for Bhairab by train on 13.12.53.
A.L. 11 Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani left Dacca for Comilla by train on 12.12.53 and returned to Dacca on 13.12.53 by train. The Moulana left Dacca for Mymensingh by train on 15.12.53. He returned to Dacca from Mymensingh on 16.12.53 by train.
A.L. 204 Trailakshya Nath Chakrabartti arrived at Dacca from Bhairab by train
on 12.12.53.
4. A.L. 424 Monoranjan Gupta and A.L. 711 Satindra Nath Sen Gupta arrived at
Dacca from Barisal by Steamer via Narayanganj on 18.12.53. They left for Barisal by Steamer on 19.12.53.
A.L. 518 Md. Toha arrived at Dacca from Noakhali by train on 16.12.53. He
along with A.L. 14 Abdul Jabbar Khaddar left for Noakhali on 17.12.53.
6. A.L. 520 Sk. Mujibar Rahman left for Madaripur by Launch via Narayanganj
on 13.12.53.
A.L. 680 Pran Kumar Sen arrived at Dacca via Narayanganj from Barisal by steamer on 11.12.53. He left Dacca for Barisal by Steamer on 12.12.53.

Page: 490
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-26.12.
Sd/- .A.U. Mumammed 26.12. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 26.12.53. Sd/- K.T. Ahmad. 28.12.53. Seen. Sd/- S.A. Halim. 6.1.
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for the
week ending 19.12.53.
East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 41 dated 10.10.53 received last.
Part. I.
Movement of suspects.
AL. *520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman, arrived at Gopalganj on 14.12.53 from Dacca.
Side Note: D.S.6 Sd/-22/12
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 19th Dec.’ 53.
No. 7563 (3)/2-53.
Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for the week ending 19.12.53.
Forwarded for information to:
A.B.S. Sofdar, Esqr., PSP., Spl. Asstt., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
3 copies.
1 copy.
S.M. Rab, Esqr., PSP., Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Khulna Range, Khulna.
Altaf Gauhar Esqr., CSP. District Magistrate, Faridpur.
2 Copies.
Sd/- Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Circulation Sd/- 22/12

Page: 491
The East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 43 dated 24.10.53 has been
Part I.
(a) A.L. Suspect No. 384 Deb Kumar Ghosh (C.P) returned to Barisal from
Tippera on 18.12.53 by Dacca Mail Steamer. He again left Barisal for Dacca on 22.12.53 by Dacca-Narayanganj Mail Steamer and returned to Barisal on 25.12.53 by Dacca Mail.
(b) A.L. suspect No. 424 Monoranjan Gupta (P.N.C.) returned to Barisal from
Dacca on 26.12.53 by Dacca Mail steamer.
(c) A.L. suspect No. 711 Satindra Nath Sen returned to Barisal from Dacca by
Dacca-Narayanganj Mail Steamer on 20.12.53.
(d) A.L. suspect No. 520 Sk. Mujibur Rahman arrived Barisal from Gopalganj on
25.12.53 by Khulna Mail and left for Dacca by Dacca Mail at 22.00 hrs, on the
same date
Side note: Circulation. Sd/-29.12.53.
D.S.7 Sd/- A.U.M. 29.12. D.S.4 Extract on the P.Fs. Sd/- S.A. Halim, 30/12 D.S.6. 29.12. seen. Sd/- for D.S.6. 30.12.53.

Page: 492


Report on the Chittagong visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned that he contacted local AML members and discussed election affairs. He also campaigned in favour of United Front.
Dacca, 27 December 1953
Copy of letter No. 8262/193-47, dated 18.12.53 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Chittagong to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Ref: – Your No. 11258/D.A. 43 dated 11.12.53.
A.L. Suspect * 520- Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.) came to Chittagong on 10.12.53 by train. He was received by M.A. Aziz, Secy., A.M.L., Chittagong and others at Chittagong Rly. Station. He left for Dacca on the same night by train.
During his stay at Chittagong he contacted with the local A.M.L. members and discussed with them about election affairs and propaganda work of the United Front. He also discussed about the public opinion in connection with the visit of Hon’ble Mr. Nurul Amin, to this district. It is reported that he also enquired about the alleged police oppression on the students and the people who created disturbance in the public meeting addressed by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of East Bengal at Chittagong on 08.12.53.
No. 11811/D.A. 43 (Actn.)

District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 26/28th December, 1953.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information, with reference to the statement of D.A. 43 dated 9.12.53 Para III.
Sd/- K.H. Sobhan, 27.12.53
for Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Side note: Copy of page 61 (Act.) of D.A. 43 to P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman pl. Sd/-A. Hafiz 30.12.53.
Forwarded to office for n.a. pl. with reference to the order of D.S.6 above. Sd/ – 1.1.54
