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Secret Documents of Intelligent Branch on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman volume-II (1951-1952)

বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ কপিরাইট সমস্যা যাতে না হয় সেকারণে সকল লেখা শুধুমাত্র ‘only Readable’, ‘non-downloadable’ ও ‘non-clickable’ রাখা হয়েছে। সংগ্রামের নোটবুকের সকল নথি-পত্রিকা-দলিল-সংকলন-বই থেকে নেয়া তথ্য-ছবি-ভিডিও শুধুমাত্র গবেষণার কাজে ব্যবহার্য। বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাম ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণার জন্য সংগ্রামের নোটবুক একটি অলাভজনক অবাণিজ্যিক স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে গড়া প্রচেষ্টা।


Transfer order of security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Faridpur Jail to Khulna Jail.
Dacca, 4 January 1951
Memo. No. 2153/1-H.J., dated 29.12.50 from the Assistant Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Jails) Department to the Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal, Dacca.
MEMO. NO. 15-Con-14/51.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the Supdt. Faridpur Jail. The prisoner should at once be transferred to Khulna Jail. The date of transfer of the security prisoner should be reported to this office at once.
Sd/- A. Sattar,
for Inspector General of Prisons,
East Bengal, Dacca.
MEMO. NO. 15/1(6) – Con-14/51.
Copies forwarded for information to the: –
1. Superintendent, Khulna Jail and necessary action. The date of admission of the security prisoner to his jail should be reported to this office immediately.
2. Sub-Divisional Officer, Gopalganj.
3. District Magistrate1, Khulna,
4. District Magistrate, Faridpur,
5. Dy. Inspr. – General of Police, I.B., East Bengal,
6. Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Jails) Department.
Sd/ -4/1
Copy of report dated 13.1.51 of A.S.I. Mir Afsaruddin of Faridpur D.I.B. to the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Khulna.
1. District Magistrate – The administrative head of district is known by three different designations, District Magistrate, District Collector and Deputy Commissioner.

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I beg to report that being directed I escorted Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman from Faridpur Jail to Khulna Jail and made over the said security prisoner to Jail authority on 13.1.51 A.M.
Nothing to report.
District Intelligence Branch,
Khulna, the …… January, 1951. No. 174(2)/ 38-51
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca and M.S. Haque, Esq. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for information.
Sd/ -15.1.51. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B.,
Khulna. Memo. no. 1299 dt. 25.1.51 Copy forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca, for information.
Sd/ – 22.1 D.S.6 for SS3.
Side note: Mr. Hye to please note this. Sd/ -19.1


A public meeting of EPAML held at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca where Moulana Bhasani spoke on the sufferings of the refugees for want of rehabilitation, demanding release of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman etc. Dacca, 6 January 1951
Ext. from PP. 787-86, File No. 563-48/PF. Ext. from A/I No. 1 for w/e 6.1.51.
15. Miscellaneous.
A public meeting (20,000) of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 5th Jany. at Armanitola Maidan, with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani in the chair.

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The president criticised the UNO for non-recognition of the Communist China which developed into Korean war. He also dwelt on the sufferings of the refugees for want rehabilitation, announced the decision of publishing a party organ of the Awami Muslim League2 and urged the people to express no-confidence in the present East Bengal Ministry. Resolutions, inter alia demanding Islamic State in Pakistan, Medical aid to Barisal which is infected with Epidemic, fulfillment of the demands of the doctors and the compounders, grant of Rs. 5 crores for Mohajereen3 release of Shaikh Mujibur Rahman and other security prisoners, were passed in the meeting


Report about taking photographs of the prisoners at Dacca and Rajshahi Central Jail where photographs could not be taken of 7 prisoners including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as they were shifted
to other jails.
Dacca, 16 January 1951 Original in F 357-48 To The Special Supdt. of Police, (I), I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
As ordered I went to Dacca and Rajshahi Central Jail to take photos of the security prisoners. I took 46 photos from Dacca Central Jail and 21 photos from Rajshahi Central Jail.
2. Awami Muslim League – All Pakistan Awami Muslim League or East Pakistan Awami Muslim League is the political party founded by Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and which later evolved into Awami League, under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. It was established as the Bengali alternative to the domination of the Muslim League in Pakistan and over centralization of the government. The party quickly gained massive popular support in East Bengal, later named East Pakistan and eventually led the forces of Bengali nationalism in the struggle against West Pakistan’s military and political establishment. The All Pakistan Awami Muslim League was formed as a breakaway faction of the All Pakistan Muslim League’ in 1949, within two years of the formation of Pakistan. The word ‘Muslim’ was eliminated in 1953.
3. Mohajereen – Muhajir (also spelled Mohajereen) is an Arabic-origin term used in Pakistan, meaning an ‘immigrant’ to describe Muslim immigrants and their descendants of multi-ethnic origin who migrated from different regions of India after the partition of India to settle in the newly formed state of Pakistan. Although some of them speak different languages at the native level, they are primarily identified as native Urdu speakers and hence also called Urdu speaking people.

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I enclose herewith two separate list of the security prisoners. I could not take the photos of 6 security prisoners as two of them have since been released the four have been transferred to other jails (list is below).
M.O.S., Sd. Shamsul Huq, S.I., I.B. O/C, Photo Section, I.B.
16.1.51. Dacca Central Jail. 1. Nirode Baran Chakrabarty, of Barisal – Transferred to Barisal Jail.
Broja Gopal Bhattacharji, of Barisal Transferred to Barisal Jail. 3. Abdul Hamid Khan, Maulana of Dacca – Released. Ramanath Datta of Dinajpur
Dinajpur Jail. 5. Gobinda Kar, of Mymensingh 6. Sk. Majibar Rahman of Dacca, – Gopalganj (Faridpur). 7. Premangshu Sen Gupta of Barisal, – Released.


Production warrant of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to produce him before the court of 1st Class Magistrate, Gopalganj.
Dacca, 22 January 1951
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Khulna Jail.
Memo No./C, dated 22.1.51.
The Sub-Divisional Officer, Gopalganj.
Sub: Production of security prisoner Sk. Majibar Rahman before the court of Mr.
M. Israil, Magt. 1** Class, Gopalganj.
In returning herewith the production warrant in respect of the above named security prisoner, the undersigned has the honour to request you to please send the production warrant through the District Magistrate, Khulna, when the case is actually matured for day to day hearing in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of Government to send the prisoner to Gopalganj from time to time.
Sd/- Md. Hossain. Superintendent,
Khulna Jail.

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Memo No. 17815) C, dated 3.1.51.
Copies forwarded for information to:1. Dy. Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Special) Department. 2. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, Dacca. with ref: to his memo No.
15/1(6)-Con-14/51 dated 4.1.51. 3. District Magistrate, Khulna. 4. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Khulna. 5. Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Khulna Jail. 1638 Мемо по.
9. 606-48 PF (C) dt. 30.1.51 Copy forwarded to the S.P. D.I.B Faridpur, for favour of necessary action.
Sd/ -29.1 D.S.6 for SS3


Note of PP, Faridpur regarding Gopalganj P.S. case in which he
suggested that the case would not be dragged any longer.
Dacca, 24 January 1951
Ref: Gopalganj P.S. case No. 11 dated 18-7-49.
The case has been fixed for hearing on 30-1-51. The number of witnesses for the prosecution is 10 if they are all present that day the prosecution is likely to be finished then. It is not yet known if D.Ws will be examined. At any rate I don’t think that the case will be dragged any longer. It may be finished by February next.
Sd/-B.L. Bhadra,
P.P. Faridpur. 22.1.51.

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District intelligence Branch Faridpur the 24th January 51
No. 333/33-50. Copy forwarded to A. Hussain Esqr. Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. Dacca, for information with reference to I.B. No. 45/606-48 P.F. dated 1-1-51.
Sd/ -24.1.51 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B. Faridpur.


A memo for taking photograph of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Khulna, 25 January 1951
1419 No. “. 606-48 PF (C) dt. 27.1.51
The S.P. D.I.B. Khulna.
Please get SPr. Mujibar Rahman of Dacca, now detained in Khulna Jail, photographed & send us two copies each of face & profile photos together with the negatives & one copy each of profile & face to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for record.
Sd/ -25.1
D.S.6 for S.S.3 Memo. no. 1419/1 dt 27.1.51 Copy forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -25.1 D.S.6 for SS.3

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Confidential memo regarding transfer of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Khulna jail to Gopalganj sub-jail to produce him
before the SDO court of Gopalganj.
Khulna, 26 January 1951
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Khulna Jail.
Memo No./C, dated 26.1.51.
To The Superintendent, Gopalganj Sub-Jail.
The undersigned has the honour to inform that a security prisoner Mvi. Shaik Majibar Rahman will be transferred to his Sub-Jail on the 28th January, 1951 for production before the court of S.D.O.4 Gopalganj on the 30th January, 1951. 606/48 (P.F)
Sd/-Md. Hossain. Superintendent, Khulna Jail.
Memo No. 335(3)/C, dated 19.1.51. Copy forwarded for information to:1. District Magistrate, Khulna in continuation of this office No.178 (3) dt. 23.1.51. 2. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Khulna, in continuation of this office No.
178(4) dt.23.1.51. 3. Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, in continuation of this
office No. 178(5) dated 23.1.51. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, Dacca in continuation of this office No. 178(2) dated 22/23.1.51. The security prisoner is being transferred to the Gopalganj Sub-Jail on receipt of a Radiogram5 from the S.D.O., Gopalganj.
Khulna Jail.
4 S.D.O – The district was geographically divided into a number of units known as sub-divisions. The official in-charge of this unit was called S.D.O. (sub- divisional officer). The SDO was a valuable field aide to the District Collector (DC) and an integral part of the district administration. The Sub-division was abolished under the order of the Local Government Ordinance of 1982, which was redesigned as new district.
5. Radiogram – A radiogram is a formal written message transmitted by radio. Also known as a radio telegram or radio telegraphic message, radiograms use a standardized message format or form and radiotelephone or radiotelegraph transmission procedures.

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S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a petition to SP, DIB, Khulna requesting to send it to his advocate for moving Habeas Corpus
petition in the High Court.
Khulna, 12 February 1951 Petition.
Name etc. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Security prisoner Grade-1, District Jail, Khulna. Dated Khulna the 12th Feb. 1951.
The S.P., I.B., Khulna. Through the Supdt. District Jail, Khulna.
I am sending herewith the true copies of the detention orders, the grounds of detention and representations of mine which I have submitted to the Govt. time to time.
Will you please arrange to send these copies to my pleader Maulvi Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate, High Court to move my Habeas Corpus petition in the High Court. The address of Mr. Abdus Salam Khan is 15/3, Hatkola Road, Tikatuly, Dacca. Please send these papers as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely, Sd/-Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Security Prisoner
Memo No. 502 dt. 13.2.51.
Forwarded to the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Khulna together with seven enclosures for favour of disposal.
Sd/- Illegible, Supdt., Khulna Jail.
Petition of Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Sec. Prisoner along with the copies of representations received from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Khulna.

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District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur, the 27th Feby./1951.
No. 708/33-50
Forwarded to A. Gafur, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca for disposal. The Security Prisoner is now detained in the Khulna Jail. The individual was made Security Prisoner in Dacca for his activities there.
Sd/-M. S. Haque
27.2.51. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
District Intelligence Branch,
Dacca, the 9th Feby./ 1951. No. 2476/100-49.
Copy, together with the petition of the Sec. Prisoner along with the copies of representations, forwarded to T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., S.S., I. B., East Bengal, Dacca for favour of disposal.
Sd/-9.3 Addl. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Dacca. Confdt.
No. 606-48 P.F.CC) dt. 21.3.51
To The S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur.
Ref : Your no. 708 dated 27/2/51 to the address of the Addl. S.P.
D.I.B. Dacca forwarding petition from SPr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The papers cannot be given to the Advocate unless the Habeas Corpus petition is actually filed. The SPr. may however have an interview with his advocate if he desires.
The petition of the Spr. together with its enclosures are retd. to you as the SPr. is now in the Faridpur Dist. Jail.
Sd. Q. A Ahmed
20/3 DS6 for SS3

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Memo. no. 4315/2 dt. 21.3.51
Copy forwarded to the his no. 2476 dt. 9/2/51.
SP, DIB, Khulna Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca for information w/r to
Sd/-20/3 DS6 for SS3


Interview report of S. Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained in Khulna Jail where he mentioned about his works as ML worker, criticism of EB Ministry6 denial of executing bond for his
release etc.
Khulna, 26 February 1951
Interview report regarding Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman who was detained in Khulna Jail.
I interviewed the S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman in Khulna Jail on 22.2.51. In course of interview he gave out a history of his work as a Muslim League7 worker till partition of Bengal. He tried to establish that
6. E.B Ministry – Bengal was divided into two provinces on 3 July 1946 in preparation for the partition of India – the Muslim-majority East Bengal and the Hindu-majority West Bengal. The two provinces each had their own Chief Minister. In August 1947 West Bengal became part of India and East Bengal Became part of Pakistan. The mentioned EB or East Bengal Ministry was the Ministry of Chief Minister Nurul Amin of Muslim League, which lasted 14 September 1948 to 3 April 1954.
7. Muslim League – Muslim League was the only political party in British India led the ‘Pakistan Movement’. On the foundation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the President of the All-India Muslim League, Jinnah, became the new nation’s Governor-General and the Secretary General of the Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The All India Muslim League was disbanded in December 1947 and succeeded by two organizations, the Muslim League and the Indian Union Muslim League, the first being its original successor in Pakistan. Jinnah died in September 1948 and Liaquat was assassinated in October 1951. After death of its two senior leaders, the League began to disintegrate. By 1953, dissensions within the League had led to the formation of several different political parties. Liaquat was succeeded by Khawaja Nazimuddin, a Bengali, who was forced out of office in April 1953. Pakistan was racked by riots and famine

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he did much for the achievement of Pakistan and he would do best of his ability for the betterment of the poor people of Pakistan through whose sacrifice it was achieved. He criticised the Ministry of East Bengal for its incapability of rendering any substantial help to the poor class people and also for the betterment of the country. He criticised the B.P.C. report which according to him is the result of the conspiracy of the higher authority of West Pakistan with a view to ultimately reducing East Bengal to a colony. He also gave out that as an Awami League worker he was very keenly observing the news about the coming election of the Punjab which would give a clear idea of the party’s strength. He opined that the Muslim League would come out successful in the election in the Punjab with a very small margin. But he was sure that Awami Muslim League would defeat the Muslim League by an overwhelming majority if there would be any general election in East Bengal. He was not willing to execute any bond for release even if the detention would cause him to face death. His attitude was very stiff.
Sd/-B. Rahman
Side note: Secret. No. 606-48 PECC) dt. 28.2.51
Copy to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for sending review report of this prisoner for the Q/E Dec. 1950 with DM’s recommendation. Sd/ -27.2 DS 6 for SS 3
and in the first national elections in May 1955 (held by a system of indirect voting) the League was heavily defeated. In October 1958 the Army seized power and the martial law regime of Muhammad Ayub Khan banned all political parties. This was the end of the old Muslim League. Ayub Khan later formed a new party, the Convention Muslim League. The opposition faction became known as the Council Muslim League. This latter group joined a united front with other political parties in 1967 in opposition to the regime. But when the military regime of Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan fell in December 1971 and Pakistan’s first genuine free elections were held, both factions of the League were swept out of power in West Pakistan by the Pakistan People’s Party of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and in East Pakistan by the Awami League of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In 1988, after the death of Pakistan’s military ruler and later President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, a new Muslim League was formed under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif but it had no connection with the original Muslim League.

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Memo of SP, DIB, Khulna attached with photographs and negatives of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Khulna, 6 March 1951 Secret
District Intelligence Branch, Khulna. The 6th March, 1951.
No : 27332/38-51.
A. Hussain Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 1419/606-48 P.F.(C) dated 27.1.51.
Two copies of each of face and profile photos, together with the negatives, of security prisoner Mujibar Rahman are enclosed. One copy each of profile and face photos of the said security prisoner is being sent to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca as directed.


Release and re-arrest order of S. Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
including other correspondences.
Dacca, 7 March 1951
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department.
Special Branch.

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From : Maulvi M. Fazlul Bari,
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Khulna Jail. Memorandum No. 755- H.S., dated Dacca, the 7th March, 1951.
Subject: Release of Sheikh Mujibor Rahman under section 10A of the Bengal
Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the subject is forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above named person and report to Government in due course.
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 755/1 (5) H.S. Copy, with a copy of the order forwarded for information to the :1. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, 3. Superintendent of Police, District Intelligence Branch, Khulna. 4. District Magistrate, Khulna. 5. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane, Dacca.
[The security prisoner should be re-arrested under section 18 of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance immediately after his release and a report sent to
Government by radiogram at once]
Dacca, The 7th March, 1951. […] for 3 only.
Sd/ – 7.3.51 Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Memo No. 4338 dt. 21.3.51
Copy together with a copy of the G.O. forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information.

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The subject was re-arrested on 14.3.51 and committed to the Faridpur Dist. Jail.
Abu Nasar
12.3.51 DS6 for SSII
3901 No. “O606-48 PF (c) dt. 13.3.51
To The S.P. D.I.B. Khulna.
Reference your signal no. 787(3), dated 12/3/51.
Orders for release & re-arrest of the subject was sent to you under this office No. 3752(2) dated 11/3/51 by Spl. messenger.
Sd/ -13.3
for SS3.
Memo. no. 3901/1 dt 13.3.51 Post copy in confirmation to the S.P. D.I.B. Khulna.
Sd/ -13.3
for SS3.
Government of East Bengal Home (Special) Department.
No. 756-H.S.
Dated, Dacca, the 7th March, 1951. In exercise of the Powers conferred by Sections 10A and 10B of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950) the Governor is pleased to cancel the Order No. 2667- H.S. dated the 25th October, 1950 detaining Sheikh Mujibor Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman in Khulna Jail, and to direct that the said Security Prisoner be released forthwith.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/-M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.

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Secret By Special Messenger
7, WISEGHAT ROAD. Dated, Dacca the 11.3.51. No.3752(2)/357-48(sec.)
To M. Idris., Esq., P.S.P., Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Khulna.
In enclosing herewith Govt. order No. 756 H.S. dated 27.3.51 in duplicate addressed to Supdt. Khulna, Jail together with Memo No. 755-H.S. dated 7.3.51, for release of the Security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman. I write to say that you will kindly arrange to get the order served on the prisoner by the jail and after that have him re-arrested under section 18(1) B.S.P.08. as enacted and continued in operation by East Bengal Act I of 1951 and inform Govt. and this office by Radiogram.
The endorsement meant for you is also sent herewith.
Sd/ -11.3.51
for (T. Ahmad) Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal
Home (Special) Deptt. The enclosed release order of security prisoner Sheikh Mujibar Rahman may be sent to D.I.G., I.B. with the request to serve it on the prisoner and re-arrest him u/s 18 of B.S.P.O. in accordance with instruction issued under this Deptt. Memo. No. 748 H.S. dt. 4.3.51. The enclosure meant for S.P., D.I.B., Faridpur is also sent herewith for communication to him.
Sd/- 2.3.51. D.I.G., I.B.
Sd/- M.F. Bari.
B.S.P.0 – Bengal Special Power Ordinance, (Ordinance of 1946). It was promulgated by British and used by Pakistani Govt. to prevent so called anti-state activities. Actually it was a Draconian Law to detain the Bengali political leaders, those who protested against the repression and misrule of the Pakistani rulers. Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested and detained many times under this Ordinance.

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Originator’s No. 787/3/38-51Dated 12.3.51. To : DINTELL9 DACCA “W” ADDL. S.P., D.I.B., DACCA and S.P., D.I.B.
FARIDPUR From : S.P., D.I.B. Khulna.
Memo. No. 787/3 (3)/38-51, Dated 12.3.51
Copy forwarded to :
1. T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I. B., East Bengal, Dacca. 2. A. Gafur, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D. I. B., Dacca, and 3. M. S. Haque, Esq., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, in confirmation.
Serial No: 843
Transmission Instructions. Alo 42 v 44 WR 99/100 of M From : SP DIB. Kin Date. Time of Origin Office Date Stamp To : Dintell Dca. Addl SP DIB Dca and SP DIB FRD. For information
GR 36

9. Dintell – Short form of DIG Intelligence. An office of the then Central IB dealing with intelligence, secret and other reports.

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Originators No. 787(3)/38-51 12/3/51.
Ref : iB no 3528(15)/357-48(sec) Dt. 7/3/51 orders for the Release of
security prisoner Mvi. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman received by Supdt., Kln. Jail on 12/3/51 (.) orders of Rearrest not recd. by us instruction solicited (.) Immediate = 121220
Signature of originator Place.
Degree of precedence
1239.13 Time Cleared
Operator Signature
12 Transfer order of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Khulna jail
to Barisal jail, later which was postponed until further order.
Dacca, 7 March 1951
MEMO. NO. 269-Con-15/51.
The Superintendent, Khulna Jail.
Ref:- Your Radiogram dated 5.3.51.
Security prisoner Majibar Rahman of your jail should at once be transferred to Barisal Jail for detention there. The date of the transfer of the security prisoner should be reported direct to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca and Deputy Secretary to the Government of East Bengal, Home Department, Special Section under intimation to this office.

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MEMO. NO. 269/1/(5)- Con-15/51.
Copy forwarded for information to the:
1) Superintendent, Barisal Jail. The date of admission of the security prisoner in
his jail should be reported to this office immediate. 2) Deputy Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home Department, Special Section. 3) Dy. Inspr. – Genl. of Police, I.B., East Bengal. 4) District Magistrate, Barisal. 5) District Magistrate, Khulna.

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Copy of telegram dated 12.3.51 from the Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal to the Superintendent, Khulna Jail.
MEMO. NO. 299-Con-15/51.
Post copy forwarded to the Superintendent, Khulna Jail in confirmation in continuation of this office memo. No. 269/Con-15/51 dated 7.3.51. The security prisoner should stay at your jail until further orders.
EAST BENGAL, DACCA. MEMO. NO. 299/1/(5)- Con-15/51.
Copies forwarded for information in continuation of this office memo. No. 269-Con-15/51 dated 7.3.51 to the:1) Superintendent, Barisal Jail with reference to his telegram dated 10.3.51. 2) Dy. Inspr.-Genl. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca. 3) Deputy Secy, to the Government of East Bengal, Home Department, Special
Section. 4) District Magistrate, Khulna. 5) District Magistrate, Barisal.
9.3.51 606-48 PF (C) To The Asstt. Secy. Govt. Home (Spl.) Dacca.
In returning herewith your notes dt. 7/3/51 together with Memo no. 755/1(5) H.S. dt. 7/3/51, I would write to inform you that the orgl. order of release to be served on the Spr. has not been received with the memo. The subject is at present detained in Khulna Jail but is under order of transfer to the Barisal jail vide Memo no. 269/1(5) dt. 7/3/51 for the I.G. of Prisons. Necessary orders may kindly be issued.
Sd/ -9.3 SS3 for D.I.G. I.B.

Page: 23


Confidential memo mentioned regarding review of the case of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and recommendation for further
period of 6 months detention.
Dacca, 8 March 1951
District Intelligence Branch Dacca the 8th March 1951
No. 24500/100-49.
To T. Ahmad Esq., P.S.P., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref : Your No. 3200/606-48 P.F. (C) Dt.28.2.51 and 2177 (17)/ 357-48 (Sec) S Dt.
9.2.51 regarding review of the case of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman
for the quarter ending 31.12.50.
The subject was interviewed by an I.B. officer on 22.2.51 in the Khulna Jail. His attitude was found to be very stiff and he was not agreeable to his release after furnishing a bond. This attitude of the subject is very significant. His profession that he would work constitutionally if released, cannot be trusted, as he is still reluctant to be released on bond. He is still full of potentialities for mischief. His detention in Jail for a further period of 6 months is considered essentially necessary for the security of the State. The D.M., Dacca also endorses the above recommendation.
Sd/-8.3 Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.


Letter sent to produce S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman before the Magistrate Court of Gopalganj. His release order was also sent through radiogram message and then another order followed to detain him again in connection with Gopalganj court GR case.
Khulna, 13 March 1951

Page: 24
Copy of letter No.38/C/ADM dated 13.3.51 from S. Karim, Esq., M.A. Addi. District Magistrate, Khulna to the Superintendent of Jail, Khulna.
Sub : Production of Security Prisoner Mvi. Sk. Mujibar Rahman in the Court of
the Magistrate, Gopalganj.
Ref : His Memo. No. 538/C dated 13.3.51.
No intermediate custody warrant can be issued by this Court as no case is pending here in any of the courts. Such a warrant should have been issued by the Court before which the case is pending or by the Court to which that court is subordinate. U.T. prisoner Mvi. Mujibar Rahman to be produced immediately before the Magistrate at Gopalganj as wanted by him in G.R. case No. 314/49 if not required to be detained here for any other matter. Necessary arrangements are being made for his immediate transfer to Gopalganj.
Sd/ – S.Karim Addl. D.M., Khulna.
Memo. No. 38/1/c/ADM dated 13.3.51.
Copy forwarded to the Supdt. of Police, Khulna for making an immediate arrangement for escorting the U.T. prisoner to Gopalganj.
The escort party should be instructed to take custody of the U.T. prisoner from the local jail to-day by 6 P.M.
The fact of his transfer may at once be reported to S.P., D.I.B., Faridpur, if considered necessary.
Sd/-S. Karim Addl. D.M. Khulna.
13.3.51. Radiogram Originator’s No. 803(3)38-51 Dated 13.3.51. To : S.P., D.I.B. FARIDPUR “W” DINTELL, DACCA and Addl. S.P., D.I.B.,
Dacca. From : S.P, D.I.B., Khulna.

Page: 25
Memo. No. 803/3(3)/38-51, Dated 13.3.51
Copy forwarded to :1. T. Ahmed, Esq., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca. 2. A. Gafur, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, 3. M.S. Haque, Esq., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur,
in confirmation.


Transfer of ex-security prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Khulna jail to Gopalganj in connection with Gopalganj court G.R. case and a confidential message was also followed to re
arrest him. Khulna, 14 March 1951

Page: 26
District Intelligence Branch, Khulna. The 14th March. 1951.
No. 8121/5/38-51
Copy forwarded to:1. S.D.P.O10 Gopalganj, Faridpur in confirmation together with copy of I.B. letter
No. 3752(2)/357-48 (Secr). dated 11.3.51. 2. Mvi. M. Fazlul Bari, Asst. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Special
Branch) Department, Dacca with ref. to his No.755/1-H.S. dated 7.3.51. 3. T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca with
ref. to his No. 3752(2)/357-48 (Sec.) dated 11.3.51. M.S. Haque, Esq., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur in continuation of our radiogram No. 803(3)/38-51 dated 13.3.51. A copy of I.B. letter No.
quoted above is enclosed. 5. The District Magistrate, Khulna with ref. to his No.38/1/C ADM dated 13.3.51.
Govt. order for the release of the security prisoner Mvi. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman was originally addressed to the Supdt., Faridpur Jail. It was re-directed to Khulna Jail where it was received by the Superintendent on 12.3.51. The release order was served on the security prisoner on 13.3.51. The subject was however, detained in custody by the Superintendent, Khulna Jail as he was an U.T. prisoner in connection with Gopalganj Court G.R. Case No. 314/49 u/s 143/188 P.P.C. which stood adjourned to 12.4.51. Since no intermediate custody warrant was issued from Gopalganj Court the Superintendent, Khulna Jail, requested D.M., Khulna to issue the same, as under the rules he could not keep the prisoner in custody without it. A.D.M. Khulna was not empowered to issue intermediate custody warrant, he asked Superintendent, Khulna Jail, to send the prisoner to Gopalganj under escort by the Barisal Mail Steamer on 14.3.51 morning.
Govt. order for the re-arrest of the subject was received from I.B. through special messenger after the departure of the steamer. S.D.P.O. Gopalganj was, therefore, requested by telegram to arrest the subject u/s 18(1) B.S.P.O. Copy of D.M’s letter No. 38/1/C/ADM dated 13.3.51 addressed to Supdt., Khulna Jail, is enclosed.
10. S.D.P.O. – Sub-divisional Police Officer, responsible for maintaining law and order in the sub division. This designation was abolished when Bangladesh government made all the subdivisions into districts in 1984.

Page: 27
Serial No: 769
Call Precedence
Transmission Instructions. 22 v 26 R 70 mop From : SP. DIB. FRD. Date. Time of Origin Office Date Stamp To : SDPO GPJ -w- Circle inspr GPJ Dintell DCA and SP DIB KLN For information
GR 66 Orginators No. 135 Dt. 14/3/51 (.) Sk. Mujibur Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara PS. gpj frd and of dca will be produced by Kin police before SDO gpj in connection with gpj court GR Case No314-9. He should be arrested u/s 18(1) of spo as enacted and continued in operation under act 1 of 1951 and committed direct to gpj sub-jail submitted a report to this office immediately. 14510
Signature of Degree of THI or TOR
Operator originator Place. precedence Time 1529
Signature Cleared
Sd/Side note: S.S.III, For favour of perusal. Sd/-14/3, 22.00 hrs.
16 Radiogram message to produce Sheikh Mujibur Rahman before SDO, Gopalganj and an order of re-arrest was also followed
under SPO.
Faridpur, 14 March 1951
Radiogram From : Superintendent Police DIB Faridpur To : SDPO Gopalganj “W” Circle Inspector Gopalganj, Dintell Dacca and
Supdt. Police DIB Khulna.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca will be produced by Khulna Police before SDO Gopalganj in connection with Gopalganj Court G.R case No. 314/49 () He should be arrested u/s

Page: 28
18(1) of SPO as enacted and continued in operation under Act I of 1951 and committed direct to Gopalganj Subjail submitting a report to this office immediately.).
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 14th March’51
No. 896/1(4)/33-50. Confidential Copy by post, forwarded to: 1. A. Hussain Esqr. Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. Dacca. 2. M. Idris Esqr. P.S.P. Supdt. of Police, DIB. Khulna. 3. S.D.P.O. Gopalganj. 4. Circle Inspector of Police, Gopalganj. in confirmation.
Sd/ -15.3
(M.S. Haque) Superintendent of Police,
DIB, Faridpur.


Radiogram message related to re-arrest of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Gopalganj under the requisition from Dintell, Dacca.
Faridpur, 15 March 1951
From : Superintendent Police DIB Faridpur To : Superintendent Police DIB Khulna “W” Dintell. Dacca.
Chapter 1 – 1951

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District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 15th March’51
No. 936/1(2)/33-50.
Copy by post, forwarded to:
1. M. Idris Esqr. P.S.P. Supdt. of Police, DIB. Khulna. 2. A. Hussain Esqr. Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. Dacca. in confirmation.
Sd/ -15.3
(M.S. Haque) Superintendent of Police,
DIB, Faridpur.
Serial No: 960 Call Precedence
Transmission Instructions. AP022/27 NR 25 M-O-U
From : SDPO Gpj
Date. Time of Origin Office Date Stamp To : Dintell Dca. -W- SP DIB FRD SP DiB KLN
……………………………………………………… For information
GR 36 Originators No. As directed by SP Khulna Sk. Mujibur Rahman has been arrested on 14/3/51 under section 18(1) BSPO East Bengal act 1 of 1951 (.) Provincial govt11. may be informed (.) He is being forwarded to Khulna = 141830.
Show SSI Sd/-15/3
Signature of originator Place. Place Sd/ -15/3
Degree of precedence
1912/ Time Cleared
Operator Signature Sd/ – 14.3
11. Provincial Government – A provincial government is the government of a country subdivision in a
federal form of government, which shares political power with the federal or national government. At the time of independence from British regime in August 1947, the then Pakistan included the five provinces: Bengal, Punjab, Sind, NWFP(presently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and Baluchistan (Chief Commissioner’s Province).

Page: 30
Serial No 1025
Transmission Instructions.
Call APO 22 V 26 NR 86
Precedence OP
From : SP DIB FRD Date. Time of Origin Office Date Stamp
15/3/51 To : SP DIB KLN-W- DINTELL DCA.For information
GR 38 Originators No. 143. Ref. This office radiogram Number 135 dt 14th March (.) SDPO GPJ reports that the subject was arrested at gpj on 14/3/51 on a requisition received from you earlier (.) Kindly take Necessary action in this connection = 151800. Signature of Degree of THI or TOR
Operator originator Place. precedence 1238.15
Signature Time Cleared Sd/ – 17.3


Report on the bail and re-arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Gopalganj on 14.3.1951, his short speech to the students, procession and meeting against his arrest etc.
Gopalganj, 15 March 1951
Copy of report dated 15-3-51 of D.I.O.12 Gopalganj.
I beg to report that on 14-3-51 Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur, was brought to Gopalganj S.D.O’s Court from Khulna Jail under police escort in case u/s 143/188 P.P.C. pending against him and S.D.O. was pleased to release him on bail on 14-3-51 at 15.30 hours. After his release a procession of 200 local students was out at 16.00 hours on
12. D.I.O. – District Intelligence Officer of DIB, who collects secret information or intelligence on political suspects, organizations and other political activities and different events related to public interests in the respective district.

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14-3-51 and paraded the town and Bazars shouting the slogans “Pakistan Zindabad”, “Mujibar Rahman Zindabad” etc. and when the procession reached near the Gopalganj Court Mosque, Sk. Mujibar Rahman gave a short speech addressing the students who joined the procession. He requested the students to be united and to fight against the Govt. to remove all sorts of corruptions. He also said that he was arrested when he demanded the Govt. to withdraw the cordon system and to consider the other legal demands of the peasants and labourers etc. The procession dissolved at 17.00 hours after shouting the slogans as noted above.
In the evening (14-3-51) at 17.30 hours he was arrested u/s 18(1) of the S.P.O under East Bengal Act I of 1951 near his house at Gopalganj town while he was talking with some students. On 15-3-51 from 08.00 hours to 12.00 hours, a complete hartal was observed in Gopalganj town as a mark of protest against the arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. All the shops in the town were closed. (1) Abul Kashem, (2) Abdul Latif, (3) Raja Miyan, all students of I.A. 1st year class of Gopalganj College, (4) Shamsur Rahman, a student of class VIII of S.M. Modern H.E. School, Gopalganj, were responsible for this hartal.
At 12.30 hours on 15-3-51, another procession with about 150 local students was out in the town and Bazar who shouted the slogans “Sk. Mujibar Rahmaner Mukti Chai”, “Pakistan Zindabad” etc. The procession lasted only for 30 minutes. At 13.00 hours (15-3-51) a meeting was held near the quarter of Sk. Mujibar Rahman under the Presidentship of Abdul Latif (mentioned) as a protest against the arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahman About 150 local students attended it. Abul Kasem and Shamsur Rahman (both mentioned) and the President himself gave short speeches criticising the Govt. for the arrest and detention of Sk. Mujibar Rahman in Jail custody. A similar resolution was passed in the meeting and Abul kasem said that the resolution should be sent to the Govt. with a request to release Sk. Mujibar Rahman at once otherwise they would fight against the Govt. for the same. Lastly they requested the students to be united. The meeting ended at 14.00 hours after shouting the slogans as noted above.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 24th March’ 51
No. 1029/33-50. Copy forwarded to A. Hussain Esqr. Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. Dacca, for information. The individual was released on bail by S.D.O. Gopalganj before the receipt of order for arrest from the Supdt. of Police, DIB, Khulna and from this office.

Page: 32
In this connection, this office No. 945/1(4) dated the 17th March 1951. May kindly be referred to.
(M.S. Haque) Superintendent of Police,
DIB, Faridpur.
NB : The similar report as extract from Abstract of Intelligence and WCR13 format was mentioned in the heading no-22.
13. WCR-Weekly Confidential Report – It is the collection of information regarding the political
and state interested affairs of the district. The accumulated report on a week-end basis used to send to IBEB, Dacca.

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Radiogram message of sending Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Faridpur district jail as there was no accommodation at Gopalganj sub-jail.
Faridpur, 17 March 1951 Radiogram
From : Superintendent Police DIB Faridpur To : East Bengal Dacca “W” Dintel Dacca and Superintendent Police DIB
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 17th March’51
No. 945/1(4)/33-50. Confidential Copy by post, forwarded in confirmation to: 1. D.K. Power Esqr. C.S.P. Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal Home
(Political), Dacca. 2. A. Hussain Esqr. Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. with reference to S.D.P.O
Gopalganj signal No. 36 dated 14-3- 51. 3. M. Idris Esqr. P.S.P. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Khulna, with ref. to this office No.
936/1(2) dated 15-3-51. 4. S.A.F.M.A. Sobhan Esqr. District Magistrate, Faridpur, for information.
Sd/ -17.3
(M.S. Haque) Superintendent of Police,
DIB, Faridpur

Page: 34
East Bengal Form No. 5449 M.
Serial No.
Transmission Instructions.
Call AP 022/26 106
Precedence M-O-U
Date. Time of Origin Office Date Stamp To : East Bengal Dca. -W- Dintell Dca and SP DIB KLN
For information
GR 56
Originators No. 154 17/3/51 (.) Sk. mujibar rahman son of lutfar rahman of tangipara Police Station Gpj FRD was arrested at gpj on 14/3/51 U/S 18(1) of SPO as enacted and continued in operation under east bengal act 1 of 1951 and there being no accommodation in Gpj subjail has been committed to the FRD Dist. Jail on 17/3/51 for detention=171845.
Signature of originator Place.
Degree of precedence
1921 Time Cleared
Operator Signature Sd/ – 17/3
No. 606-48 PF (c)
– dt. 17.3.51
The Asstt. Secy. Govt. of EB. Home (Spl.) Dacca
Ref : Your No. 755/1(5) H.S. dt 7/3/51. Sub : SPr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The subject has been re-arrested on 14.3.51 m/s 18(1) B.S.P.O. as enacted & continued in operation by East Bengal Act I of 1951.
Sd/ -16.3 SS3 for D.I.G.

Page: 35


Detention order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman under BSPO, 1946.
Dacca, 21 March 1951
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department.
Special Branch.
From : Maulvi M. Fazlul Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
To : The Superintendent, Faridpur Jail Memorandum No. 1035- H.S., dated Dacca, the 21st March 1951. Subject: Detention of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman under section 10A of the Bengal
Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the subject and one communication in duplicate) of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Ordinance are forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order and the communication on the above named person and report to Government in due course.
2. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any, made by the security prisoner as soon as possible. 606/48 (P.F)
Sd – M.F. Bari
A. Kashem. Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 1035 /1(4) – H.S.
Copy, with a copy of the order and the communication forwarded for information to the:1) Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2) Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, 3) District Magistrate, Faridpur, 4) Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane, Dacca.
Dacca, The 21st March, 1951.
Sd/Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.

Page: 36
Memo no. 5783 dt. 11.4.51.
Copy, together with a copy of the G.O. for detention, forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information.
Sd/ -11.4 DS6 for SS3


Detention order along with the grounds of detention made
effective on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 21 March 1951
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department. Special Branch
No.1036-H.S. Dated Dacca, the 21st March, 1951.
Whereas the person known as Sheikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150 Moghaltuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca is detained in the Faridpur Jail under the provisions of section 18 of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act, 1951 (East Bengal Act I of 1951):
and whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of public order, it is necessary to make the following order for the purpose of continuing his detention:
Now, therefore, in exercise of the Powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (I) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946 as so enacted and continued in operation by the said Act, the Governor is pleased to direct

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(a) that the said person shall subject to the provisions of section 10B of the said ordinance as so enacted and continued in operation be detained until further orders;
(b) that, subject to the provisions of clause (a) of this paragraph the said person shall until further orders, continue to be detained in the Faridpur Jail and
(C) that during such detention the said person shall be subject to the conditions laid down in the East Bengal Security Prisoners Rules, 1950.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No.VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act 1951 (East Bengal Act I of 1951).
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No.VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act 1951 (East Bengal Act I of 1951), you Maulvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghaltuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca at present detained in the Faridpur Jail under order No.1036-H.S. dated the 21st March, 1951, made under clause (a) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the said ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:
1. That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur and some districts of East Bengal, the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and that (during the years 1947 (after partition,) 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur, Pabna and Bakarganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and
sses against the Govt. of East Bengal, and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the months of March, April, May, June, July and September, 1948 and January, February, March, September and october 1949 you along with some anti-Govt. elements carried on mischievous and disruptive propaganda amongst the students and Muslim masses at Dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur,

Page: 38
Faridpur town, Narsingdi and other places, and incited them to create disorder in the Province of East Bengal with the ulterior object of discrediting the Government of East Bengal in the estimation of the people of East Bengal for its overthrow. Furnishing of any more facts and particulars than those given above would be against public safety. ]
2. That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province.
3. You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order of detention made against you, and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the Superintendent of Faridpur Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Home (Special) Department.


Extract from abstract of intelligence and WCR mentioned regarding the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on bail and rearrest, meeting and delivering speech to the students, procession
protesting his re-arrest etc.
Faridpur, 24 March 1951
Ext. from A/I No. 12 W/E 24.3.51.
8. Youth and Students Movement.
510. Faridpur- On 14th March Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para.216) (AMLson of Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj) was released on bail from Gopalganj court. He was taken out in a procession by some students and a meeting was held. Mujibur Rahman addressed the meeting criticizing Government for gaoling Maulana of Bhasani and others without trial and urging the students to unite. Mujibur Rahman was arrested the same day u/s 18(1) Bengal Special Powers Ordinance as enacted and continued in operation by Act I of 1951. Hartal was observed the next day at Gopalganj

Page: 39
bazar on the initiative of the local students who took out a procession (150) and shouted slogans condemning unjustified detention, urging release of Mujibur Rahman, demanding Bengali to be the State Language and denouncing oppression perpetrated by French Government in Morocco. The processionists also held a meeting and adopted a resolution to fight for the release of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Extract from the W.C.R. of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, for the week ending 24.3.51.
Part II
15. Miscellaneous.
(a) S.D.P.O. Gopalganj, reports that on 14.3.51 before the receipt of order of re-arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahman S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur (security prisoner), he was enlarged on bail from Gopalganj Court. However, he was re-arrested u/s 18(1) of the S.P.O. after an hour of his release and committed to the Faridpur Jail on 16.3.51. Just after his release, several students of the local schools and college paraded the town with him in a procession. After termination of the procession they assembled in a meeting where Mujibar Rahman delivered a short speech criticizing the policy of the Government for detaining people like Maulana of Bhasani in the past and many others, interfering in civil liberties and urged the students to be united. On the following day Hartal was observed in Gopalganj Bazar at the initiative of some student of the local schools and college, About 150 students came out in a procession shouting “HTTSETESTI Area চাই বে-আইনী বন্দি চলবে না, রাষ্ট্র ভাষা বাংলা চাই, মরােক্কোতে ফরাশীর অত্যাচার বন্দ
R and m oela FEFCRITE,” and gathered in a meeting where a resolution was passed that they would fight the Government for the release of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
After the arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, one Abdur Razzak Khan, a Muktear of Gopalganj (being fixed) went to Gopalganj Post Office to send a telegram to the Press stating the arrest as unfair and criticising the Government for interfering in public liberty. The Post Master, however, refused to transmit the message.
Side Note: Show D.S.6 Please. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 26.3.
Office to please report why the order for his re-arrest reached late. Sd/-Q.A. Ahmad 27.3. NB : SP, DIB, Faridpur sent a similar report of the same incident to SSP, IBEB,
Dacca on 15.3.1951 which was mentioned in the heading no-18.

Page: 40


Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia wrote a letter to H.S. Suhrawardy14 in Lahore where he stated about Dacca visit of Suhrawardy, organizing zonal conferences, political situation, re-arrest of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.
Dacca, 28 March 1951
True copy of an English letter addressed to H.S. Suhrawardy Esqr., Bar-at-law, Mamdot villa, Danis Road, Lahore by Manik, 94 Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
The 28th March, 1951.
I hope you received my former letter in which I would to know if it would be possible for you to come over here with khan of Mamdod and Pir Saheb of Manki Sharif15 by the 1st part of April, so that we might organise some, zonal conference. Section 144 is still in force in the city of Dacca.
Maulana Sb is again keeping in different health and he is now at his village home in Bogra. He is likely to reach Dacca on April 1.
Shamsul and others are here. I think I already informed you that the Tangail byelection has been set aside. It was a differing judgment, Justice Amin Ahmed, Chairman of the tribunal was in favour upholding the election and the remaining two defered.
Due to incessant propaganda in the Govt. organs such as Radio, Azad, Morning news and Pasban a section of the people are confused over League victory in the
14. Mr. Suhrawardy – Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, born into a prominent Bengali Muslim family,
he was educated at Oxford. He was a renowned politician and statesman from Bengal in the first half of the 20th century. He served as the last Prime Minister of Bengal during the British rule. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, he became a leading populist statesman of the then East Pakistan. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, leaving the Muslim League he joined the newly formed Awami League in 1952. He was the political teacher of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and a public celebrated
15. Pir of Manki Sharif – Amin-ul-Hasanat (1922 – 1960), son of Pir Abdul Rauf better known as the Pir of Manki Sharif, was a progressive Islamic religious leader in the North-West Frontier Province (Khyber Pakhtukhwa) of India (after 1947, Pakistan) during the mid-twentieth century. He joined Muslim League in 1945. He played a significant role to include NWFP (Khyber Pakhtukhwa) in Pakistan.

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Punjab. But political beings who realise the effect of official influenced and corrupt methods used by the man-in power are not influenced. They rather appreciate that inspite of all machinatious, corruption, concion and intidimation and several serious “Election stunts” the opposition has emersed with a substantial number to start with, they put up a very good analogy. In Kashmir 86 P.C. people are Muslims and choice in a plebiscite is accession either to Pakistan or Hindusthan. The choice for the Muslims is obvious yet we are apprehensive, and rightly apprehensive, that a fair plebiscite is not possible so long Sheikh Abdulla is holding the rein of administration. Similarly no verdict is possible against the party in power. So long Liaquat Ali Saheb holds the rein of administration here and moves about to canvass votes. We do not know how to achieve that but without that, free election is impossible. We are still confident that Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan who is a represtative in the Pak Constitution Assembly from East Bengal comes here on a plain. Mr. Liaquat Ali and seeks votes for himself, he will meet with the greatest disappointment of his life.
Muzibar was released at Gopalganj on 15th March and rearrested after one and half hour.
In absence of an organ, even an weekly we are finding it difficult to make
progress in our work.
Mr. Hamidul Haq desires that you appear in his case on the 4th April particularly, and subsequently to take up arguments of the case too. On 4th the prayer of Hamidul Haq to summon Nazimuddin as Governor-General as who will come up for hearing. He is prepared to hear costs.
Although there is no chance of General election here before 1953, the every possibility of the boy elections being held soon, and Mr. Nurul Amin’s16 mock fight in the Pak Assembly is a prelude to that. We are prepared Insallah we can mobilise
16. Nurul Amin – Nurul Amin (1893-1974) was a lawyer and politician. He was born at village Shahbazpur under Sarail PS. in Brahmanbaria district. He was the Minister of Civil Supply in the Provincial Cabinet headed by Khawaja Nazimuddin. He was also a member of the Pakistan National Assembly (1947-1954). Nurul Amin was elected as Chief Minister of Bengal in 1948 and continued in the position for 5 years. He opposed the Language Movement. He was defeated by the United Front candidate in the Provincial Assembly elections in 1954. Nurul Amin was an antagonist to Bengali Nationalist Movement based on Six-point programme of Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He opposed the Liberation War of 1971 and collaborated with the Pakistani Occupation Army.

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largest number of youths and student workers in those constituencies, but we are suffering from lack of funds, a worse then perhaps that you had to face in Punjab.
There is no organ either, of course Azad and Morning News a days do not count with the people, yet we will have to give alternative.
Any way, we are carrying on. It will be very good thing if you come by the 1st week, or second for reasons mentioned.
Eagerly awaiting your reply.
Yours effectionately,
Sd/- Manik.


Case review of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman where his case, arrest, detention and release, speech in the students’ gathering,
letter to H.S. Suhrawardy, criticism of the Government, recommendation for detention, grounds of detention etc. were
Dacca, 7 April 1951
No. 206-48
dated 7.4.1951. 606-48 P.F.
To Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of E.B., Home (Spl.) Deptt., Dacca.
Subject: Review of the case of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman son of
Lutfar Rahman for the quarter ending Decr 1950.
In forwarding herewith in a sealed cover a copy/copies of the under mentioned document in respect of the subject together with seven copies of the draft grounds for detention, I am to state that the District Magistrate/Dacca recommends his further detention for a period of six months under the Special Powers Ordinance. I concur with the District Magistrate.

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1. Fifth addendum to the B.H. 2. Copies of B.H. & its previous addenda are already with the Govt.
SS3 for Dy. Inspector General of Police, I.B.
5530/1 Memo. No. 606-48P F dated 7.4.51.
Copy together with a copy of the fifth addendum forwarded to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/-5/4 Special Superintendent of Police, I.B.
Fifth Addendum to the Brief History of the political activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and 150, Mogultuli and 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca. (Born in about 1921)
1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman was detained as a security prisoner in the
Khulna Jail under govt. order No. 2667-H.S. dated 25th October, 1950. But as the B.S.P.O. (The East Bengal Act 1 of 1950) was declared ultravires after 15th September, 1950 by the Hon’ble High Court, the above govt. order no. 2667 H.S. dated 25.10.50 was cancelled and the subject was released on 13.3.51 under govt. order no.756 H.S. dated 7th March, 1951. But he was detained in custody as he was an under trial prisoner in connection with a case u/s 143 & 188 P.P.C. (Vide para 2 of the first Addendum to his B.H.) pending against him in Gopalganj Court. He was forwarded and produced before the S.D.O. Gopalganj on 14.3.51 to stand his trial in the case when he was released on Court bail at 15.30hrs. After his release at 16.00 hrs. he was received by about 200 local students who came in a procession. The subject addressed the gathering of the students near Gopalganj Court urging them to unite and fight against the present govt. and alleging that he was detained so long, only because he pressed the govt. to concede to the legitimate demands of the peasants and labourers.

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2. In the evening of 14.3.51 at 17.30 hrs. the subject was arrested u/s
18(1) of the B.S. P.O. as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal. Act 1 of 1951 and there being no accommodation in Gopalganj Sub-jail he was forwarded & committed to Faridpur Jail
on 17.3.51. 3. In December, 1950 the subject addressed a letter to Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy (Ex-Premier of undivided Bengal17) Lahore, West Pakistan in which he adversely criticized the govt. (The letter was
Censored and with-held). 4. An officer of the Intelligence Branch interviewed the subject on
22.2.51 in the Khulna Jail. During interview the subject criticized the present East Bengal Cabinet for its alleged incapability for of doing anything for the betterment of the country. He maintained the idea that the Awami Muslim League would come out successful if any general election is held in East Bengal, He was not willing to
execute any bond for his release. His attitude was found very stiff. 5. in view of the stiff attitude of the subject and his potentialities for
doing mischief the District Magistrate, Dacca recommends his detention in Jail for a period of six months.
I concur with the D.M. and recommend that the subject be detained in Jail for a period of six months under the B.S.P.O as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Act 1 of 1951.
Ins. A Khaleque 28.3.51,
Sd/ – 4/4 D.I.G. I.B.
Side Note : B.H.-420-415, 1st Add-424-421, 2nd -516, 3rd -593,4th –
17. Undivided Bengal – The decision to effect the Partition of Bengal was announced in July 1905, by the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon. The partition took place on 16 October 1905 and separated the largely Muslim eastern areas from the Hindu majority western areas. The partition animated the Hindus and led the Muslims to form their own national organization on communal lines. Bengal was reunited in 1911, in an effort to both appease the Bengali sentiment and have easier administration. Except these two partitions in British colonial rule the Bengal was undivided. It was again divided into the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and West Bengal (India) during the creation of Pakistan.

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Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946, (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment & Reenactment Act 1951 (East Bengal Act I of 1951)
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No.VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactments Re-enactment Act 1951 (East Bengal Act I of 1951, you Maulvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman, of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghaltuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca, at present detained in the Faridpur Jail under order No.-H.S., dated made under clause (a) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the said Ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:
That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the district of Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts of East Bengal. the object of which is to overthrow this Government (i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and that during the years 1947 (after partition), 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the district of Dacca, Faridpur, Pabna and Bakarganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim masses against the Govt. of East Bengal; and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the month of March, April, May, June, July and September, 1948 and January, February, March, September and October, 1949 you along with some antigovt. elements carried on mischievous and disruption propaganda amongst the students and Muslim masses at Dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Faridpur town, Narsingdi and other places and incited them to create disorder in the province of East Bengal with the ulterior object of discrediting the govt. of East Bengal in the estimation of the people of East Bengal for its overthrow. Furnishing of any more facts and particular than those given above would be against public interest.
That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province.

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You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order of detention made against you, and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the Superintendent of Faridpur Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor. Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of
East Bengal Home (Political) Department.


Confidential memo related to the censor certificate on a post card written from Maolana Bhasani to S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer stated about his efforts for the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and remarked that his release was linked to the
freedom of the country.
Faridpur, 10 May 1951
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 10th May
No. 1587/6348
M.A. Chaudhury Esqr. Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. Security Control, Dacca.
I forward herewith one post card letter addressed to Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman for favour of disposal.
It contains matters other than domestic affairs.
Sd/-10.5.51 Superintendent of Police,
DIB, Faridpur.

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No. 105
Dated of receipt 18.5.51.
Letter dated -30.4.51.
From : S. Prisoner, Terrorist.
U.T., Convict. Ord.
Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhasani) of 18, Karkun bari Lane. Dacca. Sk. Mojibar Rahman of D.C. Jail.
: S. Prisoner, Terrorist
U.T., Convict. Ord.
Memo : Dacca Central Jail.
C/o D.I.G., I.B..
Faridpur D…B. Wew০. 1567/%3/44 Pt. 10.5.51. May be passed.
Remark of Censor officer
Perusal pl. Faridpur D.I.B. Memo enclosed moulana Bhasani discuss his political views and mission of his life.
As the subject matter of the letter is not hoisted to private matters. The letter may be with-held & kept on his P.F. D.I.B. Faridpur may be informed.
Sd/-17.5 As proposed S.S III may like to see. Sd/-17.5
606-48 (C), BB-31.1.51., office, For n/a pl, Sd-15/5
১৮ নং কারকুন বাড়ী লেন
ঢাকা ৩০/8/৫১
আমার দোয়া জানিও এবং সমস্ত বন্দীদিগকে জানাইও। মােঃ আব…..
দোয়া বাদ
আমি সৰ্ব্বদাই গ্রাম অঞ্চলে বাস করি কারন গ্রামের মরণাপন্য কৃষক মজুর দের অবস্থ্য ভাল না হইলে এবং পাকিস্তান শুধু কয়েক জন বড় লােকের সঙ্গে ৭।। সাড়ে শাত কোটী লােকের পাকিস্তানের উনতি স্বজন প্রীতি দূর্নীতি অনাচার অবিচার মনের ব্যাবস্থ্য আদর্শ রাষ্ট্রে পরিনত করার দায়ীত্ব সকলকেই গ্রহন করিতে হইবে।

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প্রতিষ্ঠান রাষ্ট্র স্থায়ী এবং আমাদের প্রানের চেয়ে প্রায় পাকিস্তানের প্রতেক নাগরিক কে অনুভব করতে হইবে তােমার মুক্তির জন্য সরকারের দৃষ্টি বহুবার আকর্ষন করিয়াছি কিন্তু ছেলে অন্ধ হইলে নাম পদ্য লােচন রাখিলে প্রতেকে ধৈর্য ধারন কর আল্লাহ সঙ্গে আছেন দেশের মুক্তির সঙ্গে তােমার মুক্তি
Janab, Sk. Majibur Rahman Security Prisoner Faridpur Jail Dt. Faridpur.

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Brief history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman including information about case, arrest, detention, conviction, party port-folio, lining towards Suhrawardy, speech in the student’s gathering, remark of
reporting officer etc. Dacca, 16 May 1951
Sk. Mujibar Rahman was arrested on 31.12.49 in connection with Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 P.P.C and 7(3) of the B.S.P.O (This case ended in conviction on 12.9.50 in the court of S.D.O. south Dacca. He was sentenced to undergo R.I. for 3 month us 147 P.P.C.). He was arrested on 1.1.50 U/S 18(1) of the S.P.O. and was committed to Dacca Central Jail. He was joint secretary of the Awami Muslim League and a staunch supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy and a very active member of the A.M.L.
A case u/s 143/188 P.P.C. is pending against him in Gopalganj Court vide Gopalganj P.S. case no 11(7) 48 dt. 18.7.48. In this case, he was granted bail on 14.3.51 by S.D.O. Gopalganj. Immediately after release, he addressed a gathering of students in Gopalganj Court area urging them to unite and fight against the present govt. and alleged that he was being detained because he pressed the govt. to concede to the legitimate demands of the peasants and labourers. He was arrested on the very day under special power ordinance 18(1) (revalidated order) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Act. I of 1951.
In view of the fact that a case u/s 143/188 P.P.C. is pending trial at Gopalganj Court and also he was kept detained in the Jail for more than a year, the question of his release may be considered.
Sd/ -16.5.51.
Side note: B.H-P 415-20.
Ist addendum P.424 3rd •
P.591 5th – P.733
P.516 P.670

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Confidential memo related to conditional release of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained at Faridpur jail with remarks that he was eager to go out of jail but denied to sign any bond.
Dacca, 23 May 1951
Form No. XXIX, S.I., 1924.
Government of East Bengal
HOME (SPECIAL.) Department. No. 1716 H.S dated Dacca, the …23rd May, 1951.
From To
: M.F. Bari, Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. : The Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East
Question of conditional release of security prisoner Mujibur Rahman Khan of the Faridpur Jail.
Reference: Correspondence resting with your memorandum No. 5530/606-48
P.F., dated the 7th April, 1951.
In view of the fact that Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Maulvi Shamsul Huq who are members of the Awami Muslim League have already been released from detention, Government are prepared to consider the question of conditional release of Mujibur Rahman Khan also. You are accordingly requested to ascertain whether he will be willing to execute a bond for his release and if so, to give your views together with the terms and conditions you would recommend.
Sd/-23.5.51 Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Ref- file No.606-48 P.F.
I interviewed the security prisoner Sheikh Mujibar Rahman in Faridpur Jail on 22nd May. In course of conversation the Security

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Prisoner stated that Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Shamsul Haq18 ex M.L.A19, President & Secretary respectively of Awami Muslim League were already released by the govt. but he being a joint secy. of the said organisation was not being released by the govt. He was unable to understand why the govt. was treating him different way. He was not repentant for his past political activity rather expressed that he would resume his political career as an active member of the party after his release. He was unwilling to discuss his past activities. He was eager to go out of Jail but was determined not to furnish any bond for the same. His attitude was very stiff.
Munshi Husainuddin
S.I. I.B. 25.5.51. Secret
8544 Memo. no. 606-48 PE dt. 2.6.51.
Copy to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for sending the review report of the prisoner for the Q/E March 1951 as early as possible.
Sd/ -29.6 D.S.6 for S.S.3
8548 NO. 606-48 PE.(C) dt 2.6.51
The Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of E.B. Home (Spl.) Deptt: Dacca. Ref: Your no. 1716 H.S. dt. 23.6.51.
18. Shamsul Haq – Shamsul Huq was the first General Secretary of Awami League and played a key role in Bengali Nationalist Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He was a Bengali politician who led a parliamentary committee in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan to advocate for the recognition of Bengali Language during the Language Movement of the 1950s. He was imprisoned for participating in the Language Movement and was suffered mental illness. Shamsul Haq born in 1 February 1918 and died in the year 1965 Delduar thana in the district of Tangail.
19. M.L.A – Member of Legislative Assembly is a representative elected by the voters of an electoral
district (Constituency).

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SPr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman is unwilling to execute any bond for his release. Our recommendation regarding the Spr. for the Q/E March 1951 will be sent in due course.
Sd/-30/5 SS3 for D.I.G.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 9th June, 1951.
‘. R. 4278.(P-168)/100-49
To A. Hussain Esq., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Your No. 8544/606-48 P.F. Dt. 2.6.51. regarding review of the case of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the quarter ending: 31-3-51.
The Subject was interviewed by an I.B. officer on 22.5.51 at the Faridpur Jail. His attitude was found to be very stiff and he was not agreeable to his release on furnishing a bond. This attitude of the subject is significant. He is still full of potentialities for mischief making. His detention in jail for a further period of 6 months is considered essential for the security of the State.
The District Magistrate, Dacca also endorses the above recommendation.
Sd/ -9.6.51 Addl. Supdt. of Police, In-Charge, D.I.B., Dacca.


A list of Habeas Corpus petitions of 42 security prisoners
including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 4 June 1951
Copy Home (Special)Deptt.
The Habeas Corpus petitions of security prisoners named in the enclosed list will be heard in the High Court, Dacca on 8.6.51. The D.I.G., I.B. may be requested

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to depute I.B. Officers to hand over to the Advocate General the served copies of the orders of detention, grounds of detention and release orders in respect of the prisoners. This may kindly be treated as urgent.
Sd/- M.F. Bari,
4.6.51. D.I.G., I.B.
S.I. A. Quader will please check whose G.Os. are still to be brought. Security prisoners of my section need only be checked by the said officer.
Sd/- A.K.M.H.
Sd/-K.T. Ahmad
Dhirendra Chandra Sarkar.
Sachindra Nath Das.
1 Brajendra Ch. Das. 3 Sitangshu Maitra. 5 Sadananda Ghosh Dastidar. 7 Satya Ranjan Maitra. 9 Bhupendra Chandra Manna. 11 Sailendra Nath Mazumder. 13 Ghulam Quadir Shah. S.C.O
10 12 14
Ashutosh Bharadwaj. Ghuni Lal Chakrabartti. Iswar Chandra Chakrabartti.- S.C.O. Nitai Chandra Pradhan. Purnendu Bikash Kanango.
Satya Brata Das.
Satkowri Datta.
Babar Ali Miyan.
17 Jitendra Mohan Ghosh. 19 Dinesh Chandra Lahiri @ Basu. 20 21 Pranab Chakrabartti.
22 23 A.K.R. Ahmed.
24 25 Dr. Atulendu Nath Das. 26 27 Hrishikesh Bhattacharji. 28 29 Bhajana Basu
30 31 Sujata Das Gupta.
32 33 Sardar Fazlul Karim.
34 35 Bhadramani Hajong.
36 37 Amrit Lal Chatarji @ Brejendra 38
Lal Chatarji. 39 Jagabrata Sen Gupta.
40 41 Gyan Singh @ Gian Singh- 42
Brajendra Chandra Das. Subodh Kumar Sen. Satyendra Mohan Sen. Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Miss Ashita Pal Chaudhuri Ashamani Hajong. Lily Chakrabartti. Ranu Chatarji Manorama Basu. Bama Charan Goldar @ Sardar.
Gopinath Banarji. Suranjan Banarji.

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Message regarding Habeas Corpus petition of S.Pr. Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman. Faridpur, 4 June 1951
Serial No 135
22 & 26 NR 13 From : SI. DIB. FRD
Transmission Instructions.
606/48 (P.F.). Date. Time of Origin Office Date Stamp
GR 35
Originators No. 344 dt. 4-6-51 habeas corpus Petition of Security Prisoner Skaikh Mujibar Rahman will be heard and disposed of by the honourable high court on the gth inst. Notice was accordingly served on him on 2-6-51 = (.) 41455
Signature of originator Place.
Degree of precedence
1533 Time Cleared
Operator Signature


Report on the Habeas Corpus petition of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 5 June 1951
Ref: file No. 606-48 P.F.
Enquiries were made from the Asstt. Secy. Mr. M.F. Bari, and Mr. Malek the dealing assistant of the habeas corpus case of security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman. The Asstt. Secy. instructed me to bring the necessary connected papers from the jail concerned. But when I explained the difficulties of bringing the papers on or before the date of hearing i.e. on the 8th June he expressed that there was no possibility of calling the case on that date as there were about hundred cases to be heard before this case on that date. The dealing assistant told me that this case would be shown as not ready on 8th June in High Court Case
Chapter 1 – 1951

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list. I enquired from the assistant dealing with these cases in the L.R. office who could not give me any definite information about the matter and referred me to the above mentioned assistant Mr. Malek whom ! already consulted. In view of the above we may bring the papers at an early date.
Munshi Hussain Uddin
S.1, 1.B., 5.6.51


Memo of request from IB for obtaining all the original Govt. orders and grounds of detention served on S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman from the Jail concerned.
Dacca, 6 June 1951 By special
8700 (2) No. 606-48 PF (c) dt. 6.6.51.
Faridpur The S.S.P., DIB,
The SS.P. Do, Khulna
Ref : Your signal No. 344, dt. 4/6/51.
Please obtain all the original govt. orders & grounds of detention served on S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman from the Jail concerned immediately & send them with the bearer of this letter in connection with Habeas Corpus petition filed by the subject.
DS6 for SS3 Side note : This should be taken by S.l. Mr. B. Rahman.
District Intelligence Branch, Khulna, the 11th June, 1951.
No. 1734/38-51.

Page: 56
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 8700(2)/606-48 P.F. (C) dated the 6th June, 1951.
The following original Government orders and grounds of detention served on Security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman are enclosed.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
G.O. No. 756 H.S. dated 7.3.51 G.O. No. 2667 H.S. dated 25.10.50 G.O. No. 2143 H.S. dated 16.9.50 G.O. No. 881 H.S. dated 16.3.50 G.O. No. 147 H.S. dated 28.1.50
(Release order) (Detention order with GD).
(do) (do ) (do )
D.I. B. KHULNA. Side note : With S.I. Mr. B. Rahman, Sd/ – 14/6
Ref: – Miss case No 202 of 1951
Received the following Govt. order along with their grounds of detention of S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. (1) G.O. 1036-H.S. dt 21.3.51 with G.D. (2) G.O. 756-H.S. dt 7-3-51. (3) G..2667-H.S. dt 25-10-50 with G.D. (4) G.O. 2143-H.S. dt 16-9-50 with G.D. (5) G.O.881 -H.S. dt 16-3-50 with G.D. (6) G.O. 147 -H.S. dt 28-1-50 with G.D.
Sd/ -14.6.51
Steno of A.G.F.B. The uls brought all the original Govt. orders from Faridpur and Khulna Jail along with the grounds of detention for S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman and handed them over to the Advocate general assistant and receipt obtained (attached).
Sd/-S… 1.3.

Page: 57

Recommendation of further detention for a period of six months
for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 19 June 1951
9129 No: ‘. 606-48 P.F.
912 dated : 19.6.1951
To. Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of E.B., Home (Spl) Deptt., Dacca. Sub: Review of the case of security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman son of
Lutfar Rahman for the quarter ending March 1951.
In forwarding herewith in a sealed cover a copy of the under-mentioned document in respect of the subject, I am to state that the Dist. Magistrate Dacca recommends his further detention for a period of six months under the Special Powers Ordinance. I concur with the Dist. Magistrate.
1. Sixth addendum to the B.H. 2. Copies of BH & its previous addenda are already with the govt.
(553) for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
9129/1 Memo No : 606-48 P.F. Date
Dated : 19.6.51
Copy together with a copy of the sixth addendum forwarded to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca. for information.
Sd/ -18.6 Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.
Sixth Addendum to the Brief History of the political activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150 Mogultali and of 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca. (Born in about 1921)

Page: 58
1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman is, at present, detained as a security prisoner in
the Faridpur Jail under govt. order No.1036-H.S. dated 21st March, 1951.
2. The case u/s 143+188 P.P.C against the subject (vide Para 2 of the
first Addendum to his B.H.) is still subjudice. 3. An officer of the Intelligence Branch interviewed the subject on
22.5.51 in the Faridpur Jail. (During interview the subject stated that when Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and Shamsul Haq being the President and the Secretary respectively of the Awami Muslim League were already released, he being the joint secretary of the said league should have also been released.) He was not repentant for his past political activities & was unwilling to execute any bond for his release.
NB: This page is cross marked. 4. Sk. Mujibar Rahman is the joint secretary and the most militant
member of the Awami Muslim League. In view of his stiff attitude, potentialities for mischief and unwillingness to execute any bound for his release the District Magistrate, Dacca recommends his detention in Jail for a further period of six months under the B.S.P.O.
I concur with the D.M.
Sd/ -16.6 D.I.G. I.B.
Side Note: For B.H., 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Add., please see, B.H. folder linked
5th Add. P 733 Portion marked, [ ] may be omitted. Sd/ -15/6

Page: 59


Interview report of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained at Faridpur jail wherein his works as ML activist, joining to AML, continuing his former activities even after release, refusal on executing any bond etc. were mentioned.
Dacca, 19 July 1951 DS1
As directed I interviewed Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman in the Faridpur Jail on 14.7.51. The prisoner stated that formerly he was a true Muslim Leager and did much for the achievement of Pakistan. But subsequently, he continued, when he found that the Muslim League was turning to a capitalists organisation and its programme to do good to the poor Muslim, through whose sacrifice Pakistan was achieved, was being neglected he joined the Awami Muslim League thinking that he would be able to serve the poor Muslims to the best of his ability through this organisation. He also stated that he would must do his former activities even after his release. He was unwilling to be released on executing a bond.
The attitude of the prisoner was found to be still stiff and unchanged.
Side note: On file Sd/-20.7.51
15951, dt 21/7, No. 10453 dt. 24.7.51, Copy to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information. DS6 for SS3, Sd/-23.7
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 31th July, 1951.
7770 No. R. 5363 (P-173)/100-49.
A. Hussain Esq., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 10453/606-48PF. Dt. 24.7.51 regarding review of the case of S.Pr.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

Page: 60
An I.B. officer interviewed the subject in the Faridpur Jail on 14.7.51. He admitted his connection with the Awami Muslim League and stated that he would resort to his former activities even after his release. He is not agreeable to execute any bond for his release. His attitude appeared to have undergone no change. He is stiff and still full of potentialities for mischief. Hence his detention for a further period of 6 months is considered essential for the security of the State.
The District Magistrate, Dacca also endorses the above recommendation.
Sd/-30.7 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report on the judgment of 130 Habeas Corpus petitions including
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 31 July 1951
Original in File 414-50 PF.
D. S.I.
As ordered, I had been to Dacca High Court today and attended the judgment of 130 Habeas Corpus petition cases. These were finally heard by Hon’ble Messrs. Amin Ahmed and Ibrahim J. J. on 17″, 18th and 19th of this month. All the Habeas Corpus petitions submitted by the following Security Prisoners to the Hon’ble High Court, were rejected by the said Judges and declared detention was legal except the petition of security prisoner Ghulam Quadir Shah vide High Court Case No. 167/51, who was ordered to be released forthwith. (This was informed to S.C.O. office on phone and a report was submitted to S.S.IV for information and necessary action)
1. H.C/No 49/51
57. H.C/No 115751
– Manmatha
Nath De – Sukumar
– Santosh Kr.

Page: 61
Lal Mohan Shaha
Gopesh Chandra Malakar Satish Shaha. Subodh Ray
52/51 53/51
Sachindra Ray.
– Abu Azhar Md.
Abdul Hye. Satyendra 160. Chakrabartti Kalipada Chakrabartti
Anil Das

Naresh Chandra Chakrabartti
Mahadev Sanyal Chirendra Kr. 62. Sarker


Amulya Kanchan
Nag Mozaharul Islam alias Abu Laloo Pandey
Abu Baker Siddique. Jyotish Ch.Ray.


– Subodh Kr.
– Sushil
Jnanendra Ch.Das Abu Reza Md. 65. Farid-udDohar. Narayan Chakrabartti Domaram Singh Abdur Rahman 67. Arif Sushil Kr. Ghosh Majibar
68. 1 Rahman


Amarendra Nath Sen.

– Remendra

Page: 62
Praiulla Ranjan Sen
Deba Prasad Mukharji


Santosh K Biswas Binay Bhusan 70. Banarji Ram Gopal Chakrabartti. Nagendra Nath 71.
Ranesh Das Gupta.
– Jyoti Prasad

Khitish Ch.
86/51 87/51
– Bhujan Pali
Prabhash Kiran 72. Ray Chaudhuri. Sukumar 73. Chakrabartti Nani Chaudhuri Dhiraprakash 74. Brahmachari Shahidullah Sabir Bijan Behari Purkayastha Arun Chandra Mukharji Chandra Kanta 77. Karmakar
Khabir Seikh Bhutiram


Bimalendu Gupta@ Ratan Gupta.

Dwijendra Mohan Shome

Sudhindra Datta Ray Ajit Kr. Das Gupta Chanchal Kr.Sarkar
Saif Dohar

Dhirendra Nath Sil
39. I
Nath Sinha

Page: 63
Abdus Sattar
141/51 1.
Kumud Nath Sarkar.
Chandra Mohan Saha Sishir Kr. Ray

Abaran Singh Amulya Nath Lahiri.

Ajit Chatarji


Amulya Ch. Sen Gupta.
103/51 105/51
Prafulla Ray Karmakar Kahemesh Ranjan Chatarji Sudhir Kr. Sen Farizullah Khan Hamendra ‘Kr. Sarker Prithwi Singh
Madhab Ch. Datta Banik


Dr. Maruf Hussain.

Chandra Sekhar Das

Abdul Haq
Ananda Mohan Saha
Chand 87.
Fakir Saha
Abani Bhushan
111/51 Muhammad
Akbar 112/51 Mvi. Abdur 88.
Rauf 113/51 – Nepal Ch. Das 114/51 Sudhir Chandra
Dhirendra Ch. Naha.
Sahabuddin @ Dukhu.
113. H.C/No 194/51
90. H.C/No 158/51 – Ashutosh
Bharadwaj. 161/51 Brojendra
– Amrita Lal
Ch. Das.

Page: 64
Purnendu Bikash
Jagabrata Sen Gupta.

Sachindra Nath Das Dinesh Ch. Lahiri.
Gopi Nath Banarji. Gyan Singh.
Suranjan Banarji.
Sheikh Majibar Rahman Sayeruddin
Ghulam Quadir Shah (S.C.O) Dhirendra Chandra Sarkar Sailendra Nath Mazumder Iswar Ch. Chakrabartti (S.C.O.) Bhupendra Ch. Manna.

Bhupati Chakrabartti
Abdur Rahman
122. 1. 122.

Sital Chandra De. Kshitish Ch. Ray. Sundharanjan
Netai Ch. Prodhan Satyabrata Das @ Kajal Hrishikesh Bhattacharji Ranu Chatarji Lily Chakrabortti Bhadra Mani Hajong Ahamani Hajong
Abdul Bari.
Nirmal Kr. Sen. Nishi Kanta
Bhajana Bosu

Page: 65
Susma De
Miss Ashita Paul Chaudhuri
Aparna Paul Chaudhuri
191/51 –
Mrs. Monorama Bosu Sujata Das Gupta Bama Chharan Goldar
Dhanu Debi @ Bichitra
Submitted. Sd – Md. Masdar Hussain.
S.I., I.B. 31.7.51.
NB: As per original document sl. No.57-89 not found.


Memo with the request to report on the health condition of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman due to his petition for release or transfer
to Dacca for his medical treatment.
Dacca, 6 August 1951
Form No. XXIX, S,I., 1924.
Government of East Bengal. Home (Special) Department.
Memo: No : 1960-H.1, dated Dacca, the 6th August,1951.
: M.F. Bari, Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal.
: The Superintendent, Faridpur Jail.
: Petition from Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibor Rahman for his release or
transfer to Dacca for his treatment.

Page: 66
Reference : Your Memorandum No. 1933/S.B. dated the 17th July, 1951.
The undersigned is directed to request you to report whether Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibor Rahman should be transferred to Dacca for his treatment in view of the present condition of his health.
Sd/-M. F. Bari. Assistant Secretary to the Government of East Bengal.
No.1960/1(2)-H.S. Copy forwarded for information to the 1) Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal. 2) Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal.
Dacca, The 6th August, 1951
Sd/ -6.8.51 Assistant Secretary to the Government of East Bengal.
No. 11382 dt. 13.8.51
Copy forwarded to the S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur, for information & with the request to let us know about the illness of the S.Pr.
Sd/ -11.8 DS6 for SS3


Extract from abstract of intelligence mentioned regarding a meeting of North Bengal AML held at Gaibandha.
Rangpur, 11 August 1951
Orgl. in file 613-50 Gl. Extract from A/I No. 32 for the week ending 11.8.51.

Page: 67
10. Muslim Affairs.
1324. Rangpur – on 19 August a meeting (45) of the Awami Muslim League Workers was held at the house of one Abdur Rahman of Gaibandha town with Maulvi Abul Husain, Organiser of North Bengal Awami Muslim League, son of late Maniruddin of Jagadishpur P.S. Badraganj and of Rangpur town, in the chair. The speakers including Mutiur Rahman (para, 808), son of Dr. Mashiur Rahman of Bagduar, P.S. Pirganj and of Rangpur town, Qazi Abdul Halim student, 2nd year Arts, Gaibandha College, son of late Haji Haider Ali of Balua, P.S. Pirganj and the president criticised the official Muslim League and stated that Awami Muslim League was an organization of the common people whereas the Official Muslim League was of the big people. The latter organisation would as such look to the interest of the big people only ignoring the welfare of the common people. They also criticised the jute policy and the budget of the Pakistan Government and said that Pakistan Government made no proportionate allocation of funds towards between West Pakistan and East Pakistan. They also reminded the audience of the situation arising out of the concentration of Bharati troops near Pakistan borders and urged them for enlistment in the Ansar and other defence organisations. Resolutions strongly condemning the aggressive design of the Nehru Government in massing their troops on Pakistan borders and pledging full co-operation with the present Government and their all for the defence of Pakistan, demanding the abolition of the Zemindari system without compensation equitable distribution of lands among the cultivators, unconditional release of Sk. Mujibar Rahman (para 835) (Joint Secretary of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League) and other political prisoners, and Bengali as one of the State languages, were adopted.
At a meeting (100) of the leading Muslims of Rangpur town held of 30th July at Rangpur Keramatia Mosque, the present political situation arising out of the concentration of Bharati Military against the Pakistan borders was discussed and the Muslims were urged to make any sacrifice for the defence of Pakistan.


There was no district committee of AML in Faridpur and nonfunctional of the committees of Gopalganj and Madaripur due to arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were cited in the
extract of a memo.
Faridpur, 13 August 1951

Page: 68
Extract from the Memo No. 2829/61-49 dated the 13th August, 1951 from S.P. DIB Faridpur, to the Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B. Dacca.
Reference I.B. No. 10916 (19)/613-50 Genl. dated the 3rd August, 1951.
There is no organised District Committee of the Awami Muslim League in this district. Subdivisional Committee with the following members were however, formed at Gopalganj and Madaripur in 1946 but owing to the arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahman under the S.P.O. these committee are not functioning now.
14. Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur
(Now a security prisoner).


A memo related to the transfer of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Faridpur jail to Dacca Central jail on medical ground.
Dacca, 22 August 1951 Confidential
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department.
Special Branch. From : M.F. Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Faridpur Jail, Faridpur. Memorandum No. 2000-H.S., dated Dacca, the 22nd August, 1951.
Subject : Transfer of Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibor Rahman from Faridpur Jail to
Dacca Central Jail on medical ground. Reference : Your memorandum No.2108/S.B., dated the 11th August, 1951.
The undersigned is directed to say that security prisoner Sk. Mujibor Rahman who has been keeping bad health be transferred at once from Faridpur Jail to Dacca Central Jail for treatment and a report be sent to Government.
Sd/- M.F.Bari, Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.

Page: 69
No. 2000/1(4)-H.S. Copy forwarded for information to the:1. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. District Magistrate, Faridpur, 3. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, 4. Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail,
(with reference to his memorandum No.2273-J.M., dated the 18th August 1951.)
(…) for 2 only. Dacca, The 22nd August, 1951.
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. 12297 Side Note: No. 70-48 PF dt. 30.8.51
Copy to S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur for information. Sd/-29/8, D.S.VI. for S.S.III. I.B.


S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was transferred from Faridpur Jail
to Dacca Central Jail on medical ground.
Faridpur, 30 August 1951
Memo No. 2255/ S.B., dated the 30th August, 1951.
The Assistant Secretary to the Government of East Bengal, DACCA. Home Dept., Special Section.
Reference : Your Memo. No. 2000-H.S. dated 22.8.51.
: Transfer of Security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman to Dacca Central
Jail on medical ground.

Page: 70
I would inform you that the above-named security prisoner was transferred to Dacca Central Jail on 29.8.51 as ordered under your above-quoted memo.
Sd/- A.K.M. Siddique,
Superintendent Faridpur Jail.
Memo No. 2257/S.B., dt. 30.8.51.
Copy Forwarded for information to :
1. The Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, Dacca. 2. The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, Dacca. 3. District Magistrate, Faridpur. 4. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur.
Sd/-30.8 Superintendent Faridpur Jail.
From: Dr. N.U. Sarker, M.B., D.T.M., Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. To : The Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home Deptt. Spl. Branch,
Dacca. Sub : Transfer of security prisoner Sk. Mujibor Rahman from Faridpur Jail to
Dacca Central Jail on medical ground. Ref : Your No.2000/1(4) -H.S., dt. 22-8-51,
I would inform you that security pr. Sk. Mujibor Rahman of Faridpur Jail, received here on transfer on 30-8-51.
This is for your information.
Sd/-N.U. Sarker
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 71
Memo No. 1232/1(2)/S.B./dt.1-9-51. Copy forwarded for information to :1. The Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, Dacca.
2. The D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E. B., Dacca.
Sd/- 1.9.51 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.


Confidential memo enclosed with a copy of remarks of Civil Surgeon, Faridpur on the health condition of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Faridpur, 1 September 1951
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 1-9 August 51
No. 3124/33-50. To A. Hussain Esqr., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. Dacca.
Reference I.B. No. 11382/606-48 P.F. dated the 13th August 1951.
I enclose herewith a copy of remarks made by Civil Surgeon, Faridpur, on the present state of health of Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
The individual was transferred to the Dacca Central Jail on 29-8-51.
Sd/ -1/9 Superintendent of Police,
DIB, Faridpur.
Copy of remarks made by Civil Surgeon, Faridpur on the present state of health of security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

Page: 72
His eye-sight is reported to be deteriorating of late. He underwent operations on his eyes about 16 years back for epidemic Dropsy (Glaucoma). He has developed undue susceptibility to cold after his admission in this jail. Though the loss of his weight is not marked, his general health appears to be below par. In my opinion his transfer from this jail to Dacca is necessary for observation, proper investigation and better treatment of his condition in view of the fact that his health does not improve inspite of all sorts of treatment here.


Censor report on three copies of Ittefaq in order to deliver the
newspapers to S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 6 September 1951
Office of the Superintendent,
Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1264/SB/dt. 6.9.1951 To The D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I would send herewith the books of under noted security prisoners for favour of censor and early return to this office for delivery. 1. Sk. Majibur Rahman: – “Ittefak” three copies.
Sd/-6.9.51 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
No 12930 dt. 17.9.51 606-48 (C) DS.VI
Perusal pl. Dacca Jail memo together with 3 copies Ittefak dt. 28 th Srabon 8 th Vadra and 15 th Vadra. This is the organ of A.M.L and Moulana A Hamid Khan is its founder.

Page: 73
The papers are sent to Sk. Majibur Rahman SPr.
It is needless to prepare an elaborate review of this paper. It will suffice to say that this is a known anti govt. paper. These issues are also contain bitter criticism against the govt. here & there and discuss plans and programme of A.M.L.
May be withheld
Sd/ -10.9 Side note: SSIII. For perusal pl. The security prisoner may not be allowed
to have these party papers. Sd/-10.9 This is not in the list of papers admissible to the SPr. So Not Allowed. Sd/ -10.9
13292 No. No. 606-48 P.F.(c) dt. 22.9.51.
Supdt. D.C.Jail.
Ref : Your Memo No. 1264/S.B/ dt. 6.9.51.
Three copies of “Ittefak” of different dates belonging to Sk. Majibur Rahman are sent here with.
These should not be allowed to the prisoner in Jail.
D.S.6 for S.S.III.I.B.


Habibur Rahman20, uncle of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman applied for interview and met him on 24.10.1951 at Dacca central jail.
Dacca, 6 September 1951
20. Habibur Rahman – Sheikh Habibur Rahman s/o late Sheikh Abdul Hamid of village- Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur was the uncle of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman i.e. Sheikh Lutfor Rahman, father of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the eldest brother of Sheikh Habibur Rahman. He was an employee of East Pakistan Central Co-operative Bank, Victoria Park, Dacca and resided at 55, Satish Sarkar Road, P.S. Sutrapur (now Gandaria), Dacca.

Page: 74
The D.I.G.I.B. Wiseghat, Dacca.
The 6th September, 1951.
I have the honour to state that I have come to learn that My nephew Sk. Majibur Rahman, the Security Prisoner, is now at Dacca Central Jail, if it be so, may I be kindly allowed to see him with my family. I shall be highly obliged if you will kindly inform me the date and time of interview with him.
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obediently servant,
Habibor Rahman.
(Habibur Rahman.)
C/O East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., Victoria Park, Dacca.
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 15th September 1951
No. 14/606-48 (Sec)
Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 6.9.51 from Mvi. Habibor Rahman. I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date to be fixed by you in presence of an I.B. Officer. The party may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/-8/10 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
I.B., E.B., Dacca.

Page: 75
To The D.I.G.I.B. Wiseghat, Dacca. The 15th September, 1951.
With reference to my letter no. nil dated 6-9-51, I have the honour to inform you that I like to see my nephew Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the security prisoner, who is in the Dacca Central Jail and for whom I am extremely anxious. It is not unlike to mention here that I am going to my village home with my family before the Puja Holidays. So I request and pray to you that you will be kind enough to manage in such a way that I may see him before my departure.
May I be kindly permitted to see him with my family and oblige me thereby.
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obediently,
H. Rahman. (Sk. Habibur Rahman.)
East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., Dacca.
(Copy of report of a D.I.O. Dt. 25.9.51.)
It was learnt on confidential enquiry that Sheikh Habibur Rahman (45) s/o L. Sk. Abdul Hamid of village Tongipara P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur is the uncle of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman i.e father of Sk. Mujibur Rahman is Sheikh Lutfor Rahman, who is the eldest brother of Sk. Habibur Rahman. The applicant is a dispatcher of East Pakistan Central Co-operative Bank, Victoria Park, Dacca and resides at 55, Satish Sarkar Road, P.S. Sutrapur, Dacca. The applicant and the following persons seek interview:
1. Syeda Begum (35), W/O applicant. 2. Lalu (7), daughter of the applicant. 3. Khondkar Sakhawat Hussain (25), s/o Khundkar Md. Hussain, village
Harukandi, P.S. Kotwali, Dist. Faridpur and of 55, Satish Sarker Road, P.S. Sutrapur, Dacca. This Khundkar Sakhawat Hussain is the sister’s son of the applicant and cousin brother of Sk. Mujibur Rahman.

Page: 76
It was learnt that the applicant seeks interview with the subject out of affection. Neither anything transpired against the applicant form local enquiry nor is he on our records. Khundkar Sakhawat Hussain is not on our records and nothing transpired against him from local enquiry.
Express. Confidential
No. 9816/100-49. R. 7011, 69.00
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 27th Sept., 1951.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca for information with reference to his No. 12995(2)/606-48(PF)-C. Dt. 18.9.51 and 13291(2) Dt. 22.9.51. We have no objection to this interview in presence of an I.B. officer.
Sd/-27/9 (S.Rahman.) Addl. Supdt. of Police
MEMO NO. 1566/SB/dt. 18-10-51.
Mvi. Habibur Rahman, c/o East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., Victoria Park, Dacca.
You are hereby permitted to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman of this jail on 24-10-51 at 4 P.M. on presentation of this letter at the jail gate.
Sd/- N.U Sarker.
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 77
Memo No. 1566/1/SB/dt. 18-10-51.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, with reference to his memo No. 14243 dt. 15-10-51, with a request to depute an I.B. officer for the
Sd/ – 18.10. Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Ref: F 606-48 P.F. N.S.P. LX. DS VI
As ordered I had been to the Dacca Central Jail on 24-10-51 and attended the interview between Sec. Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his uncle Sk. Habibur Rahman at 16-30 hrs.
The discussions centered round their private & personal affairs and nothing objectionable was spoken.
Submitted Sd/ – SI, IB 25.10.51.


Interview between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his advocate Ataur Rahman Khan21 on case related matters held at Dacca Central Jail in presence of an IB officer and Deputy Jailor.
Dacca, 10 September 1951
12731 No. .606-48 P F. (C) at.
o dt. 7.9.51
21. Ataur Rahman Khan (1907-1991) – He was a politician and lawyer, founding Vice-President of Awami League. He was the key member of All Party Language Movement Working Committee and Joint Convener of United Front. He was Chief Minister of East Pakistan Sept. 1956 until promulgation of Martial Law by Ayub Khan in 1958. He floated a new political party Jatio League’ in 1969. He joined to the new party ‘Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League’ formed by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He took part in the Cabinet of Lt. General Hussain Mohammad Ershad Govt. and served as Prime Minister for nine months.

Page: 78
To Supdt. D.C. Jail.
Please find enclosed herewith a petition from Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, B.L. Advocate Dacca.
The interview may be allowed to be held on 9.9.51 at 11.00 hrs. in presence of an I.B. officer.
Ref. File No. 606-48 P.F.
As ordered I attended the interview of Mr. Ataur Rahman, Advocate, with SPr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, in the C. Jail, Dacca on 9.9.51 at 11.00 hrs.
Legal matters were discussed in the interview. The Spr. told that as the Hon’ble High Court accepted the ordinance of detention as legal, it was preferable to file an appeal in that Federal Court. He also contended that the Charge given to him was only a reference to same cases in which he was acquitted. So, in view of the charge, his case was unwarranted to keep him in detention.
Nothing objectionable was discussed in the interview. One Dy. Jailor remained present in the interview.
Sd/ -10.9.51.


Letter of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed to Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia and Shamsul Haque wherein he focused on his health condition and treatment, his case, organizational
works, Ittefaq etc.
Dacca, 12 September 1951

Page: 79
কেন্দ্রিয় কারাগার
মানিক ভাই
আমার ছালাম নিবেন। আমার মনে হয় আপনারা সকলে আমার জন্য একটু ব্যস্ত হয়ে পড়েছেন। চিন্তার কোন কারণ নাই। আমি জেল হাসপাতালে ভর্তি আছি। চিকিৎসার চেষ্টা খুবই হইতেছে। হাসপাতালে কিছুদিন থাকতে হবে বলে মনে হয় কারন শরীরের অবস্থ্য এখনও উন্নতির দিকে যায় নাই।
আতাউর রহমান সাহেব দেখা করতে এসেছিলেন। ফেডারেল কোর্ট করা যায় কিনা আর করিবে কিনা? জনাব সুরায়ার্দি সাহেবতাে পিন্ডি মামলা নিয়া ব্যস্ত। কে মামলা পরিচালনা করবেন? আপনি সুরাহ্লাদি সাহেবের কাছে চিঠি লেখে জানুন তিনি করতে পারবেন কিনা আর তাহা না হলে অন্য কাহাকে দিয়া মামলা করার কোন অর্থ হবে বলে আমার মনে হয় না। আপনারা বাহিরে আছেন। ছালাম সাহেব, আতাউর রহমান সাহেব ও অন্যান্য সকলের সাথে পরামর্শ করে যাহা ভাল বােঝেন তাহাই করিবেন। আমার কিছু বলার নাই। শুনে সুখী হবেন, সিগারেট খাওয়া ছেড়ে দিয়াছি কারণ আর কতদিন বাবার পয়সা সর্বনাশ করা যায়। আর শরীরের অবস্থাও ভাল না কারন হঠাৎ ঢাকা জেলে আসার পর থুথুর সাথে পর পর তিন দিন কিছু রক্ত পড়ে তবে সে রক্ত সদি শুকাইয়াও হােতে পারে আবার হাচি খুব বেশী হয় বলে অনেক সময় গলা ফেটেও রক্ত পড়তে পারে আর কাসের সাথেও হতে পারে তাই নিজের থেকেই হুসিয়ার হয়ে যায়া ভাল। কতকাল থাকতে হয় ঠিক তাে নাই। X Ray করার কথা বলেছি তবে সরকারের কাজে সকল সময়ই খুব সময় লাগে। কবে X Ray করে বলা যায় না। তবে যাহাতে তাড়াতাড়ি হয় তাহার চেষ্টা করিব। ঢাকা। জেলের সুপার সাহেব খুব ভাল ডাক্তার তাই শীঘ্রই ভাল হয়ে যাবাে বলে আশা করি। চিন্তার কোনই কারণ নাই। জেলখানায়ও যদি মরতে হয় তবে মিথ্যার কাছে কোন দিন মাথা নত করবাে না। আমি একলা জেলে থাকাতে আপনাদের কোন অসুবিধা হবে না। কাজ করে যান খােদা নিশ্চয়ই সাহায্য করবে। আমার জন্য কিছুই পাঠাবেন না। আমার কোন কিছুরই দরকার নাই। নূতন চীনের কিছু বই যদি পাওা যায় তবে আমাকে পাঠাবেন। চক্ষু পরিক্ষার পর আপনাকে খবর দিবাে কারণ চশমা কিনতে হইবে। নিজেই দরখাস্ত করে আপনার সাথে দেখা করতে চেষ্টা করিব। বন্ধুবান্ধবদের ভালবাসা দিবেন। ভাবিকে ছালাম দিবেন।
আপনার ছােটভাই

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Central Jail
Dacca 12/৭/51
হক সাহেব
আমার আদাব নিবেন। ভাবির চিঠি মাঝে মাঝে ফরিদপুরে পাইতাম। সকল সময় উত্তর দিতে পারা যায় না তাহা আপনি বুঝতে পারেন। গােপালগঞ্জের মামলা আজও শেষ হয় নাই। তবে চিকিৎসার জন্য ঢাকা এনেছে। রােগ মুক্ত হইলেই আবার যেতে হবে। যাহা হউক ভাবিকে বলবেন শীঘ্রই তাহার চিঠির উত্তর দিবাে তাহাকে ভাবতে নিষেধ করবেন। ভয়ের কোন কারণ নাই। আমি জানি, আমি মরতে পারি না বহু কাজ আমার করতে হইবে। খােদা যাহাকে না মারে মানুষ তাহাকে মারতে পারে না।
নানাকারণে সিগারেট খাওয়া ছেড়ে দিয়াছি আমার কোন কিছুরই দরকার নাই। যদি ২/১ খানা ভাল ইতিহাস অথবা গল্পের বই পাঠাতে পারেন তবে সুখী হব।
বহুদিন মওলানা সাহেবের কোন সংবাদ পাই নাই এখন কেমন আছেন এবং কোথায় আছেন জানালে সুখী হব। আপনার শরীর কিরূপ, বন্ধু বান্ধবদের আমার ছালাম দিবেন। কোন রকম ভয়ের কারণ নাই তাদের জানাবেন। আমি শীঘ্রই আরােগ্য লাভ করবাে বলে আশা করি বাকি খােদা ভরসা।[কাগজটা চলছে জেনে সুখী হলাম মানিকভাই ও ইয়ার মহম্মদের উপর কাগজের ভার সম্পূর্নরুপে ছেড়ে দিয়ে আপনি অন্য কাজ করবেন তাহা হলেই ভাল হবে]।
ভাবিকে চিঠি দিতে বলবেন।
আপনার ‘মুজিব’
NBগােপালগঞ্জ মামলার তারিক ১৯ শে অক্টোবর। শরীর ভাল হলে পাঠাবে আর ভাল না। হলে পাঠাবে না। তবে ঐ তারিকেই সমস্ত সাক্ষী আসবে বলে মনে হয় কারন তিন মাস পরে তারিক পড়েছে। কোর্ট সকল কিছু বন্দবস্ত না করে আর তারিক ফেলে নাই। চিঠিটা মানিকভাইকে দেবেন।

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S.M. Rahman Security Prisoner Central Jail Dacca.
Mr. Shamsul Hoque Secy. E. Pakistan Awami Muslim League 94, Nowabpur Road Dacca.
In the same letter he addresses Manik Miah. Until the matter is finally decided by the Govt. we are to treat it as one letter.
He directs Manik Miah to appeal in the federal court process on the dismissal of Habeas Corpus case. This may pass. Portion on [ ] refer to Jail affairs and politics. So may be deleted of the letter perused.
Sd/-20.9 S.S III For perusal pl.
The letter contains political matters referring to other political workers & criticism of Jail administration. This may be withheld & place in the file of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. The Jail Supdt. may be requested to inform the prisoner that the letter was withheld.
Sd/-24.9.51 Side note: Jail informed vide no- 13413 dt. 25.9.51
606-48(c), dt-9-51
Mr. Shamsul Haque., Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League Manik Miah- i.e. T. Hossain, office secy. Awami league (my cousin), 94.
Nowabpur Road
Mr. Ataur Rahman Advocate Sowarighat, Dacca Mr. A. Salam Khan22, Advocate 15/3 Hat Khola Road, Dacca.
22. Abdus Salam Khan (1906 – 29 February 1972) – He was a lawyer and politician. He was the active worker of Muslim League and Pakistan Movement but protesting against undemocratic and autocratic policy of Pakistan Govt. Later he left Muslim League and joined newly formed Awami Muslim League in 1949. Upon the nomination of United Front he was elected member of East Pakistan Legislative Assembly in 1949 and became Minister. He was the main advocate of the Agartala Conspiracy Case lodged against Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by the Pakistan Govt. He was uncle of former Commerce later Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Retd. Col. Faruk Khan MP.

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Mr. Yar Mohmmad23, 18, Karkun Bari Lane Dacca, a friend of mine. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary.


Memo of Khulna DIB mentioning AML had not been formed in Khulna and visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the district.
Khulna, 13 September 1951
p. 151 of 613-50
Copy of Khulna D.I.B. Memo No. 5688/39-49, dated the 13th September, 1951 to the Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. Dacca.
Reference : Your Memo No. 15096 (19)/613-50 (Gl.) 8.7.50.
The Awami Muslim League has not yet been formed in this district, Mujibur Rahman, Joint Secretary of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, visited Khulna in 1949 to organise the League but did not succeed, as he did not get any support from the local Muslims.


Memo enclosed 5 books and 4 copies of Ittefaq sent for censor with a view to deliver those to S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 19 September 1951
23. Yar Mohammad Khan (1920 – 1981) – Yar Mohammad Khan was one of the key founders and treasurers of Awami Muslim League in 1949. His residence was at 18, Karkun Bari Lane, Dacca used as the first party office of Bangladesh Awami League. The ‘Weekly Ittefaq’ was first published on December 24, 1949 by Yar Mohammad Khan, its founder and publisher. He donated a Jeep and also the news paper ‘Daily Ittefaq’for Awami League. When Yar Mohammad Khan heard the news of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s assassination over radio on 15 August 1975 he became senseless and collapsed from his chair to the floor. Family members took him to a hospital and when he returned to his sense he requested to put ice on his head. He couldn’t accept the fact of the death of Bangabandhu. Yar Mohammad loved Bangabandhu so much that he never denied any request of him. Great leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman acknowledged the contribution of Yar Mohammad Khan in his autobiography ‘The Unfinished Memoirs

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Office of the Superintendent,
Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1311/S.B./dt. 19-9-51.
To The D.I.G. of Police, I.B.,E.B., Dacca.
I would send herewith the following books of under mentioned security prisoners for favour of censor and early return to this office for delivery.
1. Keshal Chandro Guha : –
(a) “Goethe’s Faust parts I & IP” – one copy. (6) “Siter Upekhita Ranjan” (C) “Khadoť
Do. (d) “The Story of Civilization part l” –
(e) “The Story of Civilization Vol. IP – Do. 2. Sk. Majibur Rahoman : – “Ittefak” four copies.
Sd/ -19.9 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Re. Entry no. 41 dt 19.9.51. D.S. VI
Perusal pl. D.C. Jail memo enclosed R.2 These “Ittefak” weekly papers Dt. 1.9.51, 8.9.51, 8.9.51 & 16.9.51 are meant for S.Pr. Sk. Mojibur Rahman.
These weekly papers were also received by this office previously and were not allowed to the S.Pr.
So these papers may be withheld. Pl. Speak.
Submitted Sd/ -22.9 As proposed
Sd/- S.L.Cs Sd/ -22.9
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 28th September, 1951.
No. 13611/606-48 (C)

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To The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Reference your No. 1311/SB dt. 19.9.51
I am to inform you that four copies “ITTAFAK” addressed to Security Prisoner Maulvi Sk. Mujibur Rahman have been withheld.
The prisoner may kindly be informed accordingly.
The above mentioned papers are sent herewith which may please be delivered to the prisoner at the time of his release.
O/C For Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police
Intelligence Branch.


Interview report of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained at Dacca Central Jail in which he stated about his role as ML worker, leaving ML, serving under AML and determined to continue after release, firm denial of signing any bond for his
release etc.
Dacca, 19 September 1951 Ref : – File No. 606-48 P.F.
D.S 2
As ordered I interviewed S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman in Dacca Central Jail on 18.9.51. The S.Pr. stated that he was a strong Muslim League worker & did lords of thing for Muslim League. At present he is in Awami Muslim League. He left the Muslim League on the ground that he will serve the poor from Awami Muslim League. After his release he will join Awami Muslim League again & will work for benefit of the state. He is not willing to furnish any bond for his release. His attitude appears to be stiff
Submitted N. Hossain
S.I. I.B. 19.9.51.

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Side note: R. 20481 dt. 24.9.51
14831 VO. 606-48 P.FCC) dt. 25.10.51 Copy to D.I.B. Dacca for information. Sd/-26.10, D.S.6, for S.S.4. I.B.


Detention order served on S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for alleged association with illegal activities at Dacca, Faridpur and
some other districts aiming to overthrow the Government.
Dacca, 20 September 1951
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch.
From : M. F. Bari, Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Memorandum No. 2394- H.S., dated Dacca, the 20.9.1951.
Subject : Detention of Sheikh Mujibor Rahman under the East Bengal Public Safety
Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the above subject is forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above names person and report to Government in due course.
2. A Further communication regarding grounds of the order of detention of the individual will be sent to you later.
Sd/- M.F. Bari, Assistant Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.

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No. 2394/1-H.S. Copy, with a copy of the order, forwarded for information to the: –
1. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, 3. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane, Dacca. 4. District Magistrate, Dacca (Grounds of the order of detention should be
furnished to Government at once for communication to the Security Prisoner as required).
The 20-9-1951
Sd/Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
(…) for 2 only.
17254 (2)
No. 606-42
*606-48 PECC) dt. 6.12.51
Copy, with a copy of the order forwarded to Addl. S.P D.I.B. Dacca and SP. Faridpur for information.
Sd/ – 26.10 D.S.6 for S.S. I, I.B.
Communication of grounds of detention under section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951).
In pursuance of section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951(East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951), you Maulvi Sheikh Mujibor Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Mogultuli and of 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca, at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under Order No. 2395- H.S., dated 20.9.51, made under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 17 of the said Ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:
That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the district of Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts of East Bengal, the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i.e. Govt. of East

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Bengal) by violent means and that during the years 1947 (after partition), 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur, Pabna and Bakarganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim masses against the Govt. of East Bengal, and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the months of March, April, May, June, July and September, 1948 and January, February, March, September & October, 1949 you along with some anti-Govt. elements carried on mischievous and disruptive propaganda amongst the students and Muslim masses at Dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Faridpur town, Narsingdi and other places, and incited them to create disorder in the province of East Bengal with the ulterior object of discrediting the Govt. of East Bengal in the estimation of the people of East Bengal for its overthrow. Furnishing of any more facts and particulars than those given above would be against public safety.
That a
That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province.
You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order of detention made against you, and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the superintendent of Dacca Central Jail, where you are at present detained By order of the Governor.
Sd/ – A.Q.M. Mahiuddin Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal,
Home (Special) Department.
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch.
Order No. 2394 H.S.
Dacca, the 20.9.1951. Whereas the person known as Sheikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfor Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150 Mugultuli and 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca is detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. 1036- H.S., dated the 21st March, 1951

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1951 :
And whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of public order, it is necessary to make the following order for the purpose of continuing his detention :
Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) and of section 17 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) the Governor is pleased to direct –
(a) that the said person shall, subject to the provision of Section 18 of the said
Ordinance, be detained until further orders; (b) that subject to the provisions of clause (a) of this paragraph the said person
shall until further order continue to be detained in the Dacca Central jail and (c) that during such detention the said person shall be subject to the conditions laid
down in the East Bengal Public Safety (Security Prisoners) Rules, 1951.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- M. F. Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of
East Bengal, Dacca.


Statement of Dacca University student Md. Abdul Halim regarding Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Shamsul Haque.
Dacca, 27 September 1951
Extract of 43 of 482-49 DR (49)
Statement of Md. Abdul Halim s/o L/ Mvi. Abdul Hakim of 14, South Masundi P.S. Sutrapur, Dacca aged about 24 years.
My name and parentage and as above. I am a student of the Dacca University and read in the B.A. II yr. class. I am a member of E.P.M.S.L. I joined with the last student movement and have been working with the members of the E.P.M.S.L. I know (1) Mvi. Shamsul Huque M.L.A. (2) Sk. Majibur Rahman an ex-student of the University of Dacca.

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Personal and physical descriptions of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, September 1951
NAME: SK. Majibar Rahman
alias, pet or nickname among relations, friends or :
Age (if looks it, or older, or younger)
: about 31 years
Professions or callings (Past, Present and Possible)
Height (in feet and inches, when possible, otherwise, : long tall, short medium.)
Build (Stout, thin, erect, stooping)
Head (round, oval, square)
: Round
Hair (colour, quantity, parting, cut)
Forehead (high, low, straight, receding, protruding)
: Parting
straight : Thicker
Eye-brows (colour, thick, thin, shape)
Eyes (colour, Large, small, peculiarities)
: larger Sight (long, short, wearing glasses, pince-nez or : wearing spectacles).
Ears (large, small, close to head, protruding with long or : short lobe short lobe, if pierced). Nose (large, small, jewish, turned up)
: pointed Mouth (open, close, shut, wide shows teeth)
: close Lips (thick, thin, protruding, receding)
thin Teeth (clean, discoloured, protruding, regular, irregular, : regular if any false especially in front).

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Fingers (long, short, nails, any peculiarities, rings or ring-marks, on which finger).
Chin (round, printed, square, turned up)
: pointed : long
Face (long, round, smilling, scowling, wrinkled, pitted)
Complextion (fair, dark, medium)
: medium
Moustache (colour, turned up, etc.)
Board (colour, thick, thin, style)
: Shaved
Dialect (Bengali if East, West-or North Bengal or any : other language)
Marks, warts, pimples, birth-marks, freckles, tatto- : marks, scars about the face, neck, hands, arms, or person.
Peculiarities of manner, habit (smoking, eating, : drinking), appearance, gait, speech, voice or accomplishments, mental or physical, or defects, e.g., weak knees or ankles, etc.
: Payjama & Shirt
Note : The value of the ear as a feature for identification lies not only in its great
variations, but to the fact that it can be closely examined from behind a man’s back without his being conscious of being watched.
An officer taking down a description should ascertain the minutest facts on marks, peculiarities, etc. The smallest thing may lead to detection. The essential is to give characteristics, which cannot be changed, removed or dyed. Everyone is proficient in something physical or mental or has a favourite habit, a weak side, a partiality in food, drink smoke, conversation, companionship, amusement. This should be ascertained particularly.

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The words in brackets will be found to be of particular help to officers, when cross-examining persons able to give descriptions.
1. Name with full particulars – Sk. Majibar Rahman s/o Sk. Lutfar
Rahman of Tangipara P.S. Gopalganj Dt. Faridpur. 2. Party affiliation- Awami Muslim League. 3. Blood relationship with any other security prisoner of suspects- x. 4. Personal description as per Appendix X of P.R.B.- attached.


Short note on AML Faridpur where mentioned AML as new organization managed to form a committee.
Dacca, 28 September 1951
An up-to-date short note on the Awami Muslim League in Faridpur District.
Awami Muslim League is a new organization in East Bengal. Before partition it had no existence. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and his supporters finding no place in the official League had organised a separate League styped “Awami Muslim League” in Pakistan.
Though there are a number of supporters of this League in Faridpur District, no such organisation could yet be formed at sadar Subdivision due to the influence of Mr. Yusuf Ali Chaudhuri (Mohon Miyan) M.L.A. an influential and well known League leader of Faridpur town.
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (S/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur now a security prisoner being a staunch supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy and a Joint Secretary of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, managed any how to form a committee with the help of some misguided students at Gopalganj in the year 1949 with Kazi Altaf Hussain (s/o. Taher Mazi of Gopinathpur, Gopalganj), Abdur

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Razzak Khan (son of Abdul Latif of Muksudpur and of Gopalganj town), Khundkar Shamsul Haq (Muktear, Gopalganj son of Naya Khundkar of Baneswardi, P.S. Nagarkanda, Faridpur), Muzaffar Hussain (Pleader, Gopalganj son of Fayazuddin Ahmed of Kuarpur, P.S., Kotalipara, Faridpur) and Abdul Wahed (Son of Md. Jasimuddin of Sotagram, P.S. Kasiani, Faridpur.)


Brief history of AML for the year 1949 mentioned about the creation of AML, meeting of AML held at Armanitola ground, procession, police interception and arrest etc.
Dacca, 28 September 1951 (Copy of page 38, 39, 40 file No.125-50 GL.)
Since the partition a disgruntled group of M.L. workers were trying to form a parallel organisation with their followers and they got the encouragement when they got Maulana A. Hamid Khan of Bhasani amongst them in the middle of 1949.
On 11.10.49 a meeting of the A.M.L. was held at Aramanitola Field with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani in the chair. Mvi. Shaukat Hussain, President, Chamber of Commerce, Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A.and Sk. Mujibar Rahman addressed it.
Resolutions, demanding the appointment of a special Tribunal to enquire into the mal-administration of the province by the present Cabinet and early general election, were passed.
After the meeting a procession headed by Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. and Sk. Mujibur Rahman came out towards Ramna side via Nawabpur Road. Police had to resort to tear gas and a mild lathi charge to disperse the procession. Nineteen persons including Mvi. Shamsul Haq. M.L.A. were

Page: 95
arrested on the spot and Case No.19 (10) 49 u/s 147, 325 I.P.C. and 7 (3) B.S.P.O. was started at Kotwali P.S.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani was also arrested from his house at Karkunbari Lane in connection with the above noted case and also u/s 18(1) B.S.P.O. on 14.10.49.
VII. A temporary Committee of the E.P.A.M.L. was formed with Salimul Haq of 274, Nawabpur Road, Dacca, as president and Yar Muhammad, s/o Saleh Muhammad of 18, Karkunbari Lane, P.S. Sutrapur, as Secy. Sk. Mujibur Rahman left for Lahore from Calcutta to see Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy with a view to bring some money from him for the party work in E.B.
VIII. Sk. Mujibur Rahman who was also wanted in connection with the above noted case was arrested on 31.12.49 from 69/1, Khwaje Dewan. He is a Security Prisoner in Dacca Jail.
P. 270-271 of 613-50
Extract of Notes on Awami Muslim League in East Bengal.
The activities of the Awami Muslim League Transgressed the constitutional and Lawful limits in October, 1949. The party organised a meeting on 11th October, 1949 at Armanitola Maidan Dacca with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan in the Chair, Mir Shawkat Hussain, Shamsul Huq, M.L.A. and Sk. Mujibar Rahman addressed the meeting. The speakers inter alia criticised the administration of the present East Bengal cabinet and demanded the appointment of a special tribunal to enquire into the malad-administration of the province and an early general election. After the meeting, a procession leaded by the above mentioned persons paraded along the main through fare of the city in a riotous manner. The Police had to use tear gas and used lathi charges to disperse the processionist and to control the situation. 19 processionists were arrested on the spot and a case u/s147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) BS.P. was started against them. The case ended in conviction Sk. Mujibar Rahman Syed Md. Fazlul Huque Abdur Rouf and Samsul Huda were sentenced to 3 months R.I. each u/s 147 P.P.C. on 12.9.50.

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Extract from notes on East Bengal AML wherein mentioned about the tour of Shamsul Huq and Mawlana Bhasani to organize the party, detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Lahore visit before
his arrest etc.
Dacca, 29 September 1951
Extract from Note on Awami Muslim League Organisation in East Bengal.
(viii) Shamsul Huq, M.L.A. Mymensingh is a promising young man with good
organising capacity. He being accompanied by Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan toured several Districts and addressed Meetings to organise the party from 1947 till his arrest in October, 1949. He was later on released unconditionally. He was formerly a member of the Democratic Youth League24.
(ix) Sk. Mujibur Rahman of Faridpur. He is a joint Secretary of the party is now
detained as Security prisoner in D.C. Jail, is an active member with militant outlook, was convicted in a case u/s 147 P.P.C. on 12.9.50 and senteced to R.I. for 3 months. and then specific case u/s 143/188 P.P.C is pending against him in Faridpur. He was arrested on 29.4.49. Before his arrest he fled away to Lahore, Contacted Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi with a view to seek instruction regarding the organisational work of the party in E.B.
24. Democratic Youth League – After the 1947 partition, Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the virtual overlord of Pakistan. Among the two newly created provinces, the rulers of West Pakistan started discrimination against East Pakistan on a variety of issues including language. This gave rise to the Language Movement. Right after the birth of Pakistan in 1947, some political activists gathered in Sirajuddoula Hotel in Kolkata to discuss the future of East Pakistan. That meeting resolved to form a non-communal political movement and organization in Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was present in that meeting. In an activists’ conference held on 6 and 7 September, 1947 in Dhaka, the Democratic Youth League was formed. Peoples Freedom League and Tamaddun Majlish were also launched movement for the demand of Bengali as one of the State Language of Pakistan.

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Extract from an up-to-date short note on Faridpur AML about the formation of AML committee at Gopalganj by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 29 September 1951
Extract from an up-to-date short note on the Awami Muslim League in Faridpur District.
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj Faridpur- now a security prisoner) being a staunch supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy and a Joint Secretary of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, managed anyhow to form a committee with the help of some misguided students at Gopalganj in the year 1949 with Kazi Altaf Hussain (s/o Taher Kazi of Gopinathpur, Gopalganj) Abdur Razzak Khan (s/o Abdul Latif of Muksudpur and of Gopalganj Town), Khundkar Shamsul Haq (Mukhtear, Gopalganj- s/o Naya Khundkar of Baneswardi, P.S. Nagarkanda , Faridpur), Muzaffar Hussain (Pleader, Gopalganj, s/o Fayaluddin Ahmad of Kuarpur, P.S. Kotalipara, Faridpur) and Abdul Wahed (s/o Md. Jasimuddin of Suktagram, P.S. Kasiani, Faridpur).
The names of important members are given below: – 14. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj,
Faridpur, (now a security prisoner).


Extract from D.O. dated 15.2.1950 of CID, Punjab, Lahore mentioned pro-Awami League campaign of Anwar-ul-Azim, his close contact with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, affiliation of EBMSL with All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation in Lahore etc.
Punjab, 29 September 1951
Extract from D.O. No. 1908/BDSB, dated the 15th Feb., 1950, from the C.I.D. Deptt. Punjab, Lahore to Asstt. Director (g), I.B., Pak. Karachi.

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One Anwar-ul-Azim s/o Majib-ur-Rahman, a medical practitioner of Gaibandha (a sub-divisional town of Rangpur, East Bengal) has recently come to notice for conduction strong pro Awami League propanganda among the students in this Province. Anwar-ul-Azim came to Lahore in the middle of September, 1949. He is at present a M. Sc. student of Zoology in the M.A.O. College Lahore. He joined the University classes on 26.9.1949 and as a University student was allowed residential accommodation in the Montorency Hall- Law College Hostel, Lahore. Anwar-ulAzim appears to be a prominent worker of the East Bengal Awami League and close contact of Mujib-ur-Rahman- since arrested- secretary of the East Bengal Awami League- During the latter’s a stay in Lahore from 30.10.49 to 27.11.49. Anwar-ulAzim came un contact with him frequently. It was under the instructions of Mujib
am that Anwar-ul-Azim sent a statement for publication on 4.11.49 in the “East Bengal Observer suggesting the formation of a joint Student Union of East and West Pakistan and aslo the starting of a newspaper mainly covering the political and other activities of the students of both the wings of the Pakistan State. It will be recalled that before departure for Dacca Majib-ur-Rehman got the East Bengal Muslim Students League affiliated with the All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation, Lahore. This was affected through the efforts of M.A. Kazmi – a Law College student and President of the West Punjab Muslim Students Federation. Incidentally, M.A. Kazmi and Anwar-ul-Azim are neighbours in the same hostel.
Memo No. 1909/BDSB, dated the
Copy forwarded to Khan Bahadur Habib-ur-Rehman, M.A., P.P.S., Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, C.I.D. East Bengal, Dacca, for information and with the request that details of Anwar-ul-Azim’s particulars antecedents and previous political proclivities may please be supplied to the undersigned at an early date.
Sd/Superintendent of Police (B)
C.I.D./Punjab (Taj)


Application of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to DIG, IB, requested to have an interview with his advocates in connection with his ‘Habeas Corpus ‘ petition in the Federal Court.
Dacca, 10 October 1951

Page: 99
TO The D.I.G. I.B. East Bengal Through the Superintendent Central Jail Dated-Dacca the 11th Oct. 1951
I want to have an interview with my pleader, Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate, of 15/3 Hatkhola Road and Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, of Sowarighat, Dacca in connection with my Habeas Corpus Petition in the Federal Court.
I hope you will kindly grant the interview and inform them as soon as possible.
Yours Sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security Prisoner
Central Jail Dacca. Memo No. 1538/SB/dt. 15.10.51 Forwarded. Sd/-15.10 Superintendent, DACCA CENTRAL JAIL.

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7, Wise Ghat Road,
Dacca, the 24.10.51 14798 No. 606-48 PF (Sec) (c)
To Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 11.10.51 from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date to be fixed by you in presence of an I.B. Officer. The party may please be informed accordingly.
Only legal matters should be discussed during the interview.
Sd/-22.10 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
I.B., E.B., Dacca.
DACCA CENTRAL JAIL. MEMO NO. (2)/SB/dt. 31-10-51.
To 1. Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, Sowarighat, Dacca. 2. Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate, 15/3 Hatkhola Road, Dacca.
As security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman of this jail, wants to have an interview with you in connection with his Habeas Corpus petition in the Federal Court, you are hereby informed that you can interview the aforesaid prisoner in the jail office on 9-11-51 at 4 P.M. on presentation of this letter at the jail gate.
Sd/ – N.U. Sarker
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 101
Memo No. 1655(2)/1/SB/dt. 31.10.51.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, with reference to his memo No. 14798 dt. 25-10-51 with a request to depute an I.B. officer for the purpose.
Sd/-31.10 Superintendent, DACCA CENTRAL JAIL,
Ref- file No. 606-48 PF
Party interview report of sec. pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
I had been to Dacca Central Jail on 9th November and attended the party interview of security prisoner Sheikh Mujibar Rahman with Ataur Rahman Khan and Abdus Salam Khan (both advocates) at 16.30 hours. They discussed regarding the Habeas Corpus Case of the said security prisoner. Both the advocates disclosed that they would move to Govt. for his early release. Nothing objectionable they discussed during the interview period. Abdus Salam Khan discussed domestic matters with the subject. Lastly Abdus Salam Khan assured the security prisoner that he would file a Habeas Corpus Case to the Federal Court of Pakistan for his release at an early date.
Sd/Munshi Hussainuddin
S.l. 1.B. 10/XI/51.


Secret memo requesting to expedite for sending the interview report of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman earlier.
Dacca, 24 October 1951 Secret.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 24th Oct., 1951.
No. 10802/100-49.

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A. Ahmad Esq., P.S.P., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: – Your No. 11117/(19)/17/357-48 (Sec) Dt. 7.8.51 regarding Mujibar
Rahman Sheikh of Dacca.
Please refer to the list of security prisoners for the quarter ending June 1951 (Sept. group) forwarded to this office with the letter under reference, the interview report on the case of the aforesaid Security Prisoner early may please be expedited.
Sd/ -24.10
(S. Rahman) for Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


S. Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was not agreeable to any conditional release and willing to work as AML on release.
Dacca, 31 October 1951
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 30th/31st Oct., 1951.
No. 10876/100-49.
A. Hussain, Esq., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: – Your No. 14831/606-48 PF. (C) Dt. 25.10.51 regarding review of the case
of S. Pr. Majibur Rahman for the quarter ending: 30.9.51.
An I.B. officer interviewed the subject in Dacca Jail on 18.9.51. He stated that he was a strong M.L. worker and did lots for Muslim League. At present he is in Awami Muslim League. He left the Muslim League on the ground that he will serve

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the poor from the Awami Muslim League. After his release he will join Awami Muslim League again and will work for the benefit of the State. But in view of his past activities his plea of serving the poor through the Awami Muslim League is nothing but a hoax to create a rift in the solidarity of the people under the banner of the M.L. He is full of potentialities for committing mischief. He is not agreeable to any conditional release. Hence his further detention for a period of 6 months is considered essential and recommended.
The Dist. Magistrate, Dacca also endorses the above recommendation,
Sd/-31.10 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca


Eye treatment of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was delayed atDMCH due to late presence of IB officer.
Dacca, 4 November 1951
Copy of Telephone message dated 4.11.51 from the Supdt. Dacca Central Jail to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B, Dacca.
Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman will be sent to the eye ward of the Dacca Medical College Hospital to-morrow the 5th November at 9 A.M. He is requested to arrange necessary Police Guard for the purpose. This is for your information.
DISTRICT INTELLIGENCE BRANCH, Dacca, the 4th November, 1951.
No. 10995 (2)/100-49

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Copy forwarded to 1. T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca for information and necessary
2. R.I., Lalbagh for information and to make necessary arrangement to escort the
S. Pr. from the Dacca Central Jail to the Hospital accordingly. He will also arrange necessary guard till the S. Pr. remains in the Hospital.
Sd/ -4/11
(S. Rahman) Addl. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B. Dacca.
Consulted D/A. He says that no letter from Dacca D.I.B has not yet been received by him.
A. Razzak
o/c. 5.11. 10995 (2)/100-49 D/A.
It is learnt that Dacca D.I.B sent a copy of telephone message in 1.B received form D.C. Jail reg. dispatch of sec. pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman from D.C. Jail to Medical College for the treatment of his eyes. He was to be sent on 5.11.51. D.C. Jail refers the escort party saying that the sec. pr. could not be sent as no 1.B. officer turned up. Pl. see if the letter has been recd. by you and also arrange through phone with the Dy. Jailor. DC. Jail on what date the sec. pr. can be sent to Medical College.
Pl. also request the Dy. Jailor when the date is fixed, to send requisition to the Dacca D.I.B. for escort party
A. Razzak o/c.5.XI.

Page: 105
East Bengal Form. No. 45.
TELEPHONE MESSAGE. Handed in at : AM Date: 5.11.51. Received at : 12.15. AM
– Addresses · D.I.B. Dacca
From : Adl. S.P.
(if given). :D.I.B. Dacca To : S.S.I. I.B. Dacca
Security prisoner Mojibur Rahman could not be taken to Medical College Hospital this morning as I.B. officer reached the jail gate late. The police escort party has been asked to report to 1.B. if they are required on tomorrow on 6.11.51. (A.S.I A. Gafur D.I.B., Dacca.)
W/C Syed Gholam Md. Masud
1.B, S. C. Dacca.
MEMO NO./SB/dt. 10-11-51. To The Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca. Ref: This office memo No. 1729/1/SB/ dt. 6-11-51.
Security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman of this jail will be sent to the eye out patient Deptt. of Medical College Hospital on 13-11-51 at 8 A.M. He is requested to arrange necessary police guard for the purpose.
Sd/ – N.U. Sarker.
Dacca, Central Jail. Memo No. 1796/1/SB/dt. 10-11-51.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information and necessary action.
Sd/ – for Superintendent, Dacca, Central Jail.

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Copy of Memo. No. 1791/SB dated 10.11.51. from the Supdt., Dacca Central Jail to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca.
Ref: This office Memo. No. 1729/1/SB dated 6.11.51.
Security Prisoner Sk. Majibar Rahman of this jail will be sent to the eye out patient Deptt. of Medical Hospital on 13.11.51 at 8 A.M. He is requested to arrange necessary police guard for the purpose.
Confidential. By Spl. Messenger.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 10th /11th Nov. 1951.
No. 11242 (2)/100-49 Copy forwarded to 1. T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information and necessary
action. An I.B. officer may kindly be deputed to escort the S.Pr. from
the Jail gate to the Medical College Hospital. 2. R.I., Lalbagh for information and to make necessary arrangement to escort the
S. Pr. from the Dacca Central.


Application of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman requesting to have an interview with his uncle Sheikh Habibur Rahman and other relatives
Dacca, 9 November 1951 TO The D.I.G. I.B. East Bengal Through the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. Dated – Dacca the ath Nov. 1951.
I want to have an interview with my uncle Sheikh Habibur Rahman. my brother-in-Law Sheikh Nural Haque and my cousin, Chunnu Miah, Raja Miah, Shona Miah, Mowla Miah. I am very anxious to see them.

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I will be glad if you kindly grant the interview and inform them in the address of my uncle Mr. Sheikh Habibur Rahman, clerk, East Bengal Provincial – Co-operative Bank, Victoria PARK, Dacca.
Yours Sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Security Prisoner Central Jail
No. 1831 /SB/dt-13-11-51
Forwarded. Sd/ – 13.11.51 Superintendent, DACCA CENTRAL JAIL.

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MEMO NO. 1892/ SB/dt. 22-11-51.
Mvi. Sk. Habibur Rahman, Clerk, East Bengal Provincial Co-operative Bank, Victoria Park, Dacca.
You are here by permitted to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman of this jail on 28.11-51. at 4 P.M. on presentation of this letter at the jail gate, along with Sk. Nurul Haq, Chunnu Mia, Raja Mia & Sona Miah.
Memo No. 1892/1/SB/dt 22.11.51.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, with reference to his Memo No. 16409 dt. 19/20-11-51 with a request to depute an I.B. officer for the purpose.
Sd/-22/11 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.


Ittefaq newspaper sent to S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca
Central Jail had been withheld.
Dacca, 10 November 1951

Page: 109
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 10th Nov. 51
15913 No.
°: 606-48 (C) (Sec.)
The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Reference : Your No. 1536/SB dated, 15-10-51
I am to inform you that two copies of Ittefak dt.16-9-51 & 6-101951 addressed S.Pr. Mlvi. Sk. Mujibar Rahman has been withheld.
The prisoner may kindly be informed accordingly.
The papers are sent herewith. Which may please be returned to the S.Pr. at the time of his release.
For Dy, Inspr. Genl. of Police,
Intelligence Branch
Re. Entry no. 43/dt. 24.10.51. DS VI
Perusal D.C. Jail memo enclosed. No. 1536/SB. Dt. 15
Re. 6. 2 copies of Ittefak Dt. 16.9.51 dt. 6.10.51 for S.Pr. Sk. Mojibar Rahman:
This paper was not allowed to the S.Pr. inside the Jail previously. May be with held.
Submitted. Sd/S..Cas
5.11.51 As proposed. Sd/-6.11.51

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Former Royal Pakistan Air Force officer Akhtar Ahad sent a letter from Karachi to S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer talked over the towering popularity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in entire Pakistan. Censor certificate and remarks on the letter were
also included.
Karachi, 12 November 1951
Akhtar Ahad B.A. 88/3, ack ack School Clifton, Karachi
12/11/51 My dear Mujibar Bhai,
This may surprise you. Probably you may recollect the scene when I met you at Dacca more than a year back as an officer of the Royal Pakistan Air Force. I am now out of the bondage of the defenee forces and have started my career as a political worker again. I am at present organizing Awami Muslim League in Karachi with special zeal and have now completely dedicated myself for the service and prosperity of the people of Pakistan. Mujibar Bhai! it is pity and inhuman on the part of the present government that you are still rotting behind the bar. But the government is absolutely ignorant of the fact that the inner urge of a man or a communication can never be suppressed by just putting him behind the bar. You are probably not aware that how much respect & honour you command from the people of not only East Pakistan but from all parts of Pakistan. Being complete in touch with the people of Western Pakistan. I may assure you that only 15 year more (Insha allah’) and we shall replace this tyrant government. When now I am completely in the field of active politics, 1 extremely feel your absence. Had you just been with me I would have been redoubled in energy. The Awami League in Karachi is progressing with leaps & bounds and in the near future we expect the whole Capital with us. Our group in frontier is a very

Page: 111
formidable one and if there is even 20% fairness, we shall win this general election. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy comes to Karachi every week. He is very busy with Rawalpindi Conspiracy case. He always speaks very high of you. Last week he uttered before a workers meeting that if there would have been 5 Mujibar Rahmans the whole country would have been with him. You better write him a letter and put it in mine. I shall handover to him.
You will be pleased to know that I am married also. Please accept my heartiest love and compliments as well as from Mrs Akhtar Ahad. My eyes are eagerly waiting to see you. Expecting an immediate reply.
Yours brotherly, Akhtar Ahad.

Page: 113
Date of receipt : 15.11.51. Letter dated : 12.11.51.
S, Prisoner, Terrorist From
11, Akhtar Ahad BA of 88/3, ack ack School, U.T., Ord.
Clifton, Karachi.
S, Prisoner, Terronist. U.T., Convict; Ord.
Sk. Mojibar Rahman of D.C Jail.
Memo :
Dacca Central Jail
C/O D.I.G.,I.B
Dt. 15.11.51.
Remarks of Censor Officer. May be passed.
The writer is a political worker who is organising A.M.L. in Karachi. In this letter he makes high appreciation of Sk. Majibar Rahman’s past political activities and the Govt. is bitterly criticised for detaining him behind the Prison bar. He further predicts that within 1 year the
present tyrant Govt. will be replaced.
The letter may be with held & kept on the P.F. of Spr. Sk. Mojibar Rahman. Copy may be forwarded to Karachi I.B. to pl. report about the writer & take other necessary action as deemed proper.
Sd/-16.11 S.S III For perusal pl.
Action may be taken as suggested above. An officer of the Hd. gr. staff may ascertain the particulars of the writer from R.P.A.F. office (Tejgaon). Officers may supervise him.
D.I.G. may like to see.
Sd/ -17.11.51.
As proposed. SS III should also see on return. Mujibur Rahman is in jail from 31.12.49. So the meeting of an R.P.A.F. officer with him about a year ago appears to be a bit dubious.
Sd/ -17.11.51 Office pl. take action. Place the letter on P.F. For the perusal of SS III.

Page: 114
Secret. No. 16538/606-48 P.F. dt 21.11.51
A.D. (P)., Karachi.
Letter dt. 12.11.51 from Akhtar Ahad, B.A. addressed to Sheikh Mujibor Rahman.
Copy forwarded to – With the request to report on the writer of the intercept.
S.S. III for D.I.G., I.B.


Detention of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman extended for further
six months.
Dacca, 13 November 1951
I.B., EAST BENGAL, DACCA. No. 12932 dated: 13.11.51.
Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of E.B., Home (Spl.) Deptt., Dacca. Sub: Review of the case of security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar
Rahman for the quarter ending June, 1951.
In forwarding herewith in a sealed cover a copy of the under mentioned document in respect of the subject together with seven copies of the draft grounds for detention, I am to state that the Dist. Magistrate, Dacca recommends his further detention for a period of six months under the E.B.P.S.O. I concur with the Dist. Magistrate.
1. Seventh addendum to the B.H., Copies of B.H. and its previous addenda are already with the Govt.
Sd/ – 9/11 F. Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.

Page: 115
16052/1 Memo. No.
dated 13.11.51.
Copy, together with a copy of the seventh addendum forwarded to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/- 9.11 Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.
Seventh addendum to the Brief History of the political activities of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Mogultuli and of 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca. (Born in about 1921.) 1. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman is at present, detained as a security prisoner
in the Dacca Central Jail under Govt. order No. 2394-H.S. dated
20th September 1951, 2. The case w/s 143/188 P.P.C against the subject (vide para 2 of the
first Addendum to his B.H.) is still subjudice. 3. The Subject filed a Habeas Corpus petition before the Hon’ble High
Court, Dacca which was rejected on 31.7.51 and his detention was
declared legal. 4. An officer of the Intelligence Branch interviewed the subject in the
Faridpur Jail on 14.7.51 in the Dacca Central Jail on 18.9.51. The Subject admitted his connection with the Awami Muslim League and stated that he would resume activities as a member of the A.M.L if he is released. He was not willing to furnish any bond for his release.
His attitude was found to be very stiff. 5. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman is the Joint Secretary and the most militant
member of the Awami Muslim League. In view of his past prejudicial activities present stiff attitude and potentialities for mischief, the D.M. Dacca recommends his detention in jail for a further period of
six months under the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951.). I agree with the D.M.
Sd/ – 9/11
D.I.G.I.B. Side note: B.H – 420-415, 1st add-424-421, 2nd “-516, 3rd “-593,
4th “-670, 5th “-733, 6th “-764.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was admitted to DMCH for treatment where a few MLAs, his old friends, Medical College students
including political leaders met him.
Dacca, 13 November 1951
Reg. S. Prisoner Sk. Majibar Rahman’s attendance at the Medical College Hospital.
To-day (13.11.51) at about 09.00 hrs. S. Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman was brought to the Medical College Hospital under proper police escort party for examination of his eyes by Dr. Lashkar (Eye specialist) of Medical College. He was taken in the out-door waiting room of the said Hospital. Some of his old friends and medical students all about 30 in numbers including Mrs. Anwara Khatun, M.L.A., Mr. Khairat Hussain, M.L.A., Manik Miyan and Mr. Ahmad Hussain (Ex-Minister United Bengal) came to him & enquired of his health. He replied that he was suffering from eye trouble. I and Dacca D.I.B. S.I. Matiar Rahman were on duty in this connection. At our request all gentlemen went away without making further talk. The S. Prisoner after being examined by the physician left the Hospital for Dacca Central Jail at 13.00 hrs. under proper Police escort. He was made over to the Jail authority D.C. Jail.
Submitted, Sd/-Masiruddin Ahmad, S.I.,
Submitted to D.S.VI for favour of perusal. Portion side-lined may pl. be seen. Extract may go in P.F.
Sd/-A. Razzak, O.C., 13.11
Extract may be placed in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. D.S. II may please see. The names of the medical students may be collected.
Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad., 14.11. Sd/-K.T. Ahmad., 14.11. Sd/- A. Hussain, 19.11.
Chapter 1 – 1951

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(Copy of report of a D.I.O. Dt. 13.11.51.)
Beg to report that S. Pr. Sk. Majibur Rahman was taken to the Dacca Medical College today (13-11-51) for examination of his eyes and treatment. He was escorted from the D.C. Jail to the Medical College, Hospital (outdoor eye Deptt.) and back by H.C. 1985 Abdul Kader and three other constables of Lalbagh Police Lines-vide Escort C.C. No. 100 Dt. 13.11.51.
Myself with S.I. Mashiruddin Ahmad of I.B. and A.S.I. Kazi Golam Mustafa of D.I.B. shadowed the S. Pr. from the D.C. jail to the Medical College (Eye out door Deptt.) and back. He was examined by Dr. Laskar and was advised admission for further examination and treatment.
When he was taken to the outdoor waiting room of the eye Deptt. of the D.M.C. Hospital some of his old friends and acquaintances including a few students of the Dacca Medical College, Mrs. Anwara Khatun, M.L.A. Mr. Khairat Hussain, M.L.A., Mr. Ahmad Hussain, Ex-Minister of Joint Bengal and Mr. Tafazzal Hussain @ Manik Mia (A.M.L.) enquired about his present state of health. He replied that he was suffering from eye trouble. Myself and S.I. M. Ahmad requested the visitors and the S. Pr. not to talk without permission from the authorities and they complied with
our request.
This is for your information.
No. 11481/100-49.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 17th Nov., 1951.
Copy forwarded to T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca for information in continuation of this office No. 11242 (2)/Dt. 11.11.51.
(S. Rahman.) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

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Secret memo related to admission and treatment, medical examination report, deputing escort for S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, sanction order for shifting him from Dacca Central Jail
to DMCH and placing watch over him were furnished here.
Dacca, 16 November 1951
The Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref: His memo No. 2684/Con-19/51, dt. 6-11-51.
Sub: Eye examination of security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman in the Medical
College Hospital, Dacca.
Security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman was sent to eye out patient Deptt. of Medical College Hospital on 13-11-51 and received back on the same date. The Professor of Ophthalmic Surgery of that hospital was advised for immediate admission of the prisoner in question to the Medical College Hospital for thorough examination and treatment.
Necessary sanction may kindly be accorded for the removal of prisoner to the
Medical College Hospital as early as possible,
Sd – N.U. Sarker.
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No.1849/1(2)/SB/dt. 16-11-51.
Copy forwarded to :
The D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information.

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The Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information. The actual date of removal of the prisoner will be communicated in due course.
Sd/-16.11.51 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
DACCA CENTRAL JAIL. MEMO NO. 1901/SB/dt. 22-11-51.
The Superintendent of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. Ref: His memo No. 16106/606-48 P.F. (C), dt. 13/14-11-51.
Sub: Medical Examination report on the health of security prisoner SK. Majibur
The prisoner was received on transfer from Faridpur jail on 30.8.51 for the treatment of :
1. Pain in both eyes. 2. Watering from both eyes. 3. Blurring of vision. 4. Frequent attack of cold with cough and expectoration.
Gives history of slight spitting of blood-once only- while in Faridpur jail.
Physical Examination : –
No temp. since admission in this jail.

Pulse Heart
72 per minute. N.A.D. Moist sounds could be detected in both lungs at the time of attack with cold. At other times – No abnormal sound could be detected.
Liver & Spleen –
Not palpable.

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His eyes were Examined by the Asstt. Professor of Ophthalmology, Medical College on 13-11-51.
Finding : History of Glaucoma since 1936 operated both eyes by Mr. T. Ahmed.
Present complaint: – Pain, Watering, Blurring of vision-5 months.
Scleral hole functioning
– with own glass.
6/12 ?
6/12 ?
6/6 ?
– Without glass.
6/36 ?

Without drop :
Marked optic palor. Glaucomatous cupping present. Advised admission for thorough examination and treatment.
His Wt. on admission in jail on 27.3.51 was 125 Lbs. Present Wt. 121 Lbs.
Arrangement is being made to admit him in the Medical College Hospital as advised by the Ophthalmic Surgeon.
Sd/ -22.11.51 Medical Officer & Superintendent,

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DACCA CENTRAL JAIL. MEMO NO. 1906/SB/dt. 23-11-51.
The Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
Sub: – Removal of security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman to the Medical College
Hospital, Dacca, for admission and treatment, thereof.
I would inform you that security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman of this jail, will be transferred to Medical College Hospital on 29-11-51 at 10 A.M., as arranged with the Superintendent of that hospital.
You are requested to arrange necessary police guards for escorting and guarding over the prisoner in the said hospital, during his stay there.
Sd/ – N.U. Sarker.
Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1906/1(2) SB/dt. 23.11.51. Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1. The D.I.G. of Police, I.B.E.B., Dacca. 2. The Superintendent of Medical College Hospital, Dacca, with reference to his memo No. S/23/3520 dt. 14-11-51.
Express. Secret
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 26th Nov., 1951.
To R.I., Lalbag, Dacca.
Please depute an escort party consisting of two constables to escort S.Pr. Sk. Majibur Rahman from Dacca Central Jail to the Medical College Hospital, Dacca for admission and treatment thereof on 29.11.51 at 10. A.M.
The escort party must reach the jail gate before 10 A.M. on 29.11.51 positively.

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Please also arrange necessary guard for guarding the S. Pr. in the said hospital during his stay there.
Sd/-S. Rahman.
Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca. No.11691 (1) 4
Copy forwarded to T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca with a request to depute an I.B. officer to shadow the security prisoner & to arrange watch of the S.Pr. during his stay in the Hospital.
(S. Rahman.) Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Report of an I.B. Officer dated 29.11.51 regarding security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
On 29.11.51 at 10.40 hrs. security prisoner Mujibar Rahman was taken out from the D.C. Jail under Police to Dacca Medical College Hospital where he was
admitted and accommodated in Cabin No.8.
Watch has been placed over him.
Nothing was found to report against him.
For favour of perusal. Extract may be placed in P.F.
Sd/- A.Razak.
O/C 29.11. Sd/-Q.A. Ahmad.


S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman met Sheikh Nurul Huq and others at
Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 29 November 1951

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As ordered I attended interview between S.Pr. Majibur Rahman and Sk. Nurul Huq, Chunnu Miyan, Raja Miyan & Sona Miyan at Central Jail, Dacca on 28.11.51 between 4 PM & 4/30 P.M.
The party discussed on family and domestic affairs. Nothing unusual happened to report.
Sd/ -29.11.51


Watch report24 on S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman while he was
under treatment at DMCH.
Dacca, 30 November 1951
[I was on duty at M.C. Hospital for S/prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman from 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. on 30.11.51. At about 09.15 hrs. Khaleque Newaz, Secy. E.P.M.S.L. and one Nurul Islam came near the Cabin of the S/prisoner and was to enter into it
when I obstructed them and pointed out that they could not see a s/prisoner without a
permission from I.B. but they did not pay any heed to my request. I asked for help from the Const, on duty who expressed his inability that he had no such orders from his officer. When they began to talk with the S/prisoner I stood at the door but could not over hear the matters of their discussion & went out at 09.45 hrs. Nothing objectionable was found to smuggle]
M.O.S. Sd/-W.C. Md. Abbas Khan, of I.B. Dacca.
S.S. III For perusal please.
The uniformed const. should have obstructed the outsider who interviewed the security prisoner.
24. Watch Report – A regular report submitted by IB officer where it is usually mentioned of collected information about the open or secret activities of the members of political organizations. It may sometimes necessary to place a 24 hour watch on a house or persons to verify and collect secret information.

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Copy may be sent to Dacca D.I.B. with a request to take action against the Const. on duty and also to issue necessary instructions to the uniformed Consts. on duty there for the future. The security prisoner should not have entertained such illegal interview. The Supdt. D.C. Jail may be informed about the conduct of the security prisoner for action under the Jail Code viz. Further interview for certain period may be stopped or so. D.I.G. may like to see.
Sd/-Q.A. Ahmad., 3.12.
(1) The Const. (Guard Const.) on duty should have obstructed and prevented
the interview which lasted for half an hour. S.P. Dacca may be asked to deal with him. S.P. may also enquire if the guard const. were duly instructed by the officer who detailed them for the duty.
(2) Addl. S.P. D.I.B., Dacca may be informed of this.
(3) The W.C. should have asked the G.C. to prevent the interview before
obstructing the persons himself. It is a pity that he did not get into the room and hear the text of the conversation. He appears to be of dull type. He was already expressed by putting obstruction to them. The W.C. has
been verbally warned. (4) The Supdt. D.C. Jail may be written to for taking n/a against the S.Pr.
Sd/- A. Hussain, 3.12. D.I.G.
Sd/- A. K. M. H., 3.12.
Hours of duty – 06.00 to 11.00 & 22.00 to 06.00 hrs. Place of duty – Medical College Ward No. 14 Cabin No. 8. Name of Sec. Pr.- Mujibar Rahman.
Result of watch.
I took up the duty at the above noted place at 06.00 hrs. and relieved W.C. Abdur Rahman Talukdar of S.C.O. During my duty period the said security prisoner was seen present at his sick bed No. 8 Ward No. 14 at about 09.15 hrs. Khalique Newaj, Secy. E.P.M.S.L. & Nurul Islam entered into the prisoner’s Cabin. I was pointed out these two persons by A.S.I. Alfazuddin Howladar. At about 09.45 hrs. the said two person came out from the prisoner’s cabin. Except this two visitors no other suspect of any suspicious persons were seen to visit the security prisoner and

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nothing was smuggled by him to any body or by any one to security prisoner in my duty period.
Relieving : I relieved W. C. Abdur Rahman Talukdar of S.C.O. at 06.00 hrs. I was
relieved by W.C. Manik Mia at 11.00 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/-W.C. Md. Abbas Khan, of I.B., E.B. Dacca.
Why did you not challenge them and oppose them. Why did you allow them to enter into the room.
Sd/- A. Razzak,
0.C., 1.12.
I beg to report that I asked them not to enter into the prisoner’s Room but they did not pay any heed to my request and entered into it.
M.O.S., Sd/-W.C. Abbas Khan, 1.12.51.
DACCA CENTRAL JAIL. MEMO NO. 1983/ SB/dt.5-12-51.
The Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home Deptt. Spl. Branch, Dacca.
Sub: Removal of security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman to the Medical College
Hospital, Dacca, for treatment.
The undersigned has the honour to inform that the above mentioned security prisoner was removed to the Medical College Hospital on 29-11-51 for eye

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treatment as recommended by the Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology. He is still under treatment there. This is for his information and necessary action.
Sd/ – N.U. Sarkar
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1983/1(2)/SB/dt. 5.12.51. Copy forwarded for information to :
The Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, Dacca with reference to his Memo No. 2898/Con/dt. 21.11.51.
The D.I.G. of Police, I.B.,E.B., Dacca.
Sd/- 5.12.51 Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Copy of a D.I.O.’s report dt. 29.11.51.
Beg to report that Spr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman was removed to the Medical College hospital from the D.C. Jail today (29.11.51) for treatment. I with W/C Md. Aslam shadowed him from D.C. Jail to Medical College Hospital. He has been admitted in Cabin No. 14 of the Medical College Hospital for the treatment of his eyes. He was escorted and is being guarded in the hospital by one H.C. and three constables deputed from Lalbag Line. I.B. staff is also watching over him at the hospital.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 10th Dec. 1951.
No. 293/100-49,
Forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -10/12
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
Chapter 1 – 1951

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Confidential memo along with a communication sent to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail requesting to serve it on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 30 November 1951
Confidential Immediate.
From : Mr. A.Q.M. Mahiuddin, Esqr., Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. Memorandum No. 3102 – H.S., dated Dacca the 30th November, 1951.
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith one communication in duplicate) under section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXI of 1951) in respect of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and to request you to serve the communication on the person concerned and to report to Government on the action taken. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any, made by the prisoner, as soon as possible.
Sd. A.Q.M. Mahiuddin, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 3102-/1 (4) H.S. Copy, with copy of the enclosure forwarded for information to the:1. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal. 2. Deputy Inspector -General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal. 3. District Magistrate, Dacca. 4. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane, Dacca.
Dacca, The 30th Nov 1951.
Sd/-30.11 Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.

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Sheikh Habibur Rahman applied to meet his nephew S.Pr.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 3 December 1951
The D.I.G. I.B. Wiseghat, Dacca. The 3rd December, 1951.
I have honour to state that my nephew Sheik Mazibur Rahman who is the security prisoner of the Dacca Central Jail, has been lying ill seriously and transferred from the said Jail to the Medical College Hospital for his better treatment. At this anxiety makes perplexed very much and I like to see him at the said Hospital every day after my office hours i.e. 5-30 P.M. to 6-30 P.M.
May I, therefore, most fervently pray that you would be kind enough to allow me to see him at the Medical College Hospital every day from 5-30 P.M. to 6-30 P.M. and oblige me thereby:
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obedient servant,
H Rahman.
(Habibur Rahman) Uncle of Sk. Majibur Rahman.
C/O East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., Dacca.
Victoria Park.
Advanced Copy to Asstt. Secy. Home & Political Deptt., Eden Buildings. Dacca.
M. Hafizuddin Esqr. P.P.S., Deputy Inspector General of Police, District Intelligence Branch,
East Bengal, Wiseghat, Dacca.

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Application of Ali Ahmed Khan, MLA and other 3 persons desired to meet Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who was under treatment at
DMCH. Dacca, 4 December 1951
The Deputy Inspector General of Police D.I.B. East Bengal, Dacca. Dear sir,
We the under signed request the favour of your permission to see Mr. Mujibar Rahman, a Detenue under the E.B. Safety Act, now in Dacca Medical College Hospital for treatment. We want to see him tomorrow afternoon during the visiting Hours in Cabin No. 14, where he is under treatment.
Yours Sincerely Dated Dacca
1. Ali ahmed Khan, M.L.A. The 4th December,
2. C.M. Arif, M.L.A. 1951.
3. F.a. Mannan, M.L.A. 4. Kafiluddin Chaudhury.
Information may kindly be sent to the following address:Ali ahmed Khan, M.L.A, 3, Avoydas Lane, P.O. Wari, Dacca. Side Note: Received to-day from R.D. Sd/-8.12.51

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Memo with a request to take disciplinary action under jail code against S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as he was found engaged in unauthorized talks with two EPMSL leaders at DMCH.
Dacca, 8 December 1951
No. 1739
No. 606-48 PE dt. 8.12.51.
To Supdt. D.C. Jail.
Sub: S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman who is now at Medical College Hospital
for treatment.
The above named S. Pr. was found engaged in unauthorised talking with Mr. Khalique Newaz, Secy. E.P.M.S.L. & another at about 09.15 hrs. on 30.11.51 for about half an hour in bed No.8 ward No. 14 at the Medical College Hospital.
You are therefore requested to take necessary disciplinary action under the Jail Code against this Spr. for such unauthorised interview.
Sd/- 7/12 S.S IV. I.B.


Application of Sheikh Habibur Rahman forwarded to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 14 December 1951
7, Wise Ghat Road,
Dacca, the 14.12.51 No. 17631-606-48 P. F. (Sec.)

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Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 3.12.51 from H. Rahman. I am to state that the interview on each day as prayed for cannot be granted. Interview may be allowed when due on a date to be fixed by you in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/ -10.12 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
I.B.,E.B., Dacca.


Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia sent a letter to H.S. Suhrawardy in Lahore in which he stated regarding the release of Mawlana Bhasani, detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, securing party’s publication in the newspapers, Punjab election, etc.
Lahore, 20 December 1951 Secret
It is reliably learnt that Manik, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Central Office, 94 Nawabpur Road, Dacca has sent a letter of the following subject, in English (typed) dated 13.12.50 posted the same day from Dacca addressed to H.S. Suhrawardy Barister-at-law, Mamdot villa, Lahore.
I hope you received my telegram. Bhashani was released on the 10th instant. Please congratulate him if not already done. So far did not receive any news about the Civil Liberties Conference, although the opening speech of Mr. Muhammad Ali has appeared in certain Calcutta paper. We hope Khairat Sahib is doing well there. He should address a press Conference there and if possible also address a few public meetings. It would be better if you could make time to come here once, shortly. Ali Amjad tells me that you are likely to come here by the 6th Jan. Is there any truth in it?

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One Mr. Menezes has been sending some despatches for the last days regarding your activities. We have secured their publication in “Pakistan Observer” and “Morning News.” He may be asked to send the despatches direct to observer and also “Morning News” although the role of the later daily is difficult to understand. As regards ‘Insaf it is no use sending there, as the policy of the paper has changed and the editor and other responsible people have resigned. It is widely rumoured that the interest of the paper has been sold to American Consulate. Mr. Minezes may, however send one copy to us so that we may know when and what despatches are sent and make necessary approach for the publication.
Mujibor is now in the Faridpur District Jail for trial in a case at Gopalganj u/s 147 P.P.C. He is drooping in health.
We are doing somehow. We are very much interested in the Punjab election. Workers are ready to go and work. Kindly let us know when the election will be actually held, at least one month ahead we must know otherwise there will be difficulty in collecting funds and getting passages.
With best regards.
No. 14704-5/BDSB, dated 20-12-51
Copy forwarded for information to: – * A.M. Sadullah, Esqr., P.S.P. Asstt. Director, (P) Intelligence Bureau Govt. of
Pakistan Karachi,
2. Muhammad Yusaf, Esqr., P.S.P. Spl. Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch East
Bengal Dacca. The fact that the information emanates from this office should be kept secret.
Sd/For Deputy Inspector General of Police
C.I.D Punjab (G.R. 19/12)

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Chittagong visit of H.S. Suhrawardy and Mawlana Bhasani. H.S. Suhrawardy and local leaders delivered speeches in a meeting. Suhrawardy held an indoor conference and met the press
representatives in Dacca.
Chittagong, 30 December 1951 Ext. From PP. 996-95, File No. 563-48/PF. 5. Chittagong- Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and his party arrived at Chittagong on 30th
December at 09.00 hrs, and were received at the Railway station by about 100 men including (1) Azizur Rahman Labour holder, (2) Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri, Labour holder, (3) Abdul Aziz, AML, (4) Abu Taher, EPMSL, (5) Dr. Anwar Husain (EPMSL), and (6) Maulana Abdur Rahman, Insurance agent.
Mr. Suhrawardy and Maulana Bhasani were garlanded and greeted with shouts ‘Suhrawardy Zindabad’, ‘Bhasani Zindabad. Khan Ghulam Md. Khan Lundkhor25 and Ataur Rahman, pleader, joined the party later from Dacca.
Mr. Suhrawardy visited Muradpur. Agrabad and its neighbouring places (suburbs of Chittagong town) to see the conditions of the displaced persons whose houses and lands had been acquired by the Government under Land Acquisition Act for the development of the city. He also visited the local Maternity Hospital.
A meeting (10,000) organised by the supporters of Awami Muslim League, Chittagong, was held on 30th December at Lal Dighi Park, Chittagong, with Maulana Shafiur Rahman in the chair.
Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri. Secy. Jetty Labour Union recalling the revolutionary movements of the Youths of Chittagong said that the time was coming when another revolution would start from the soil of Chittagong would give a death blow to the present Ministry and establish a democratic Government. Criticising the elections of the Punjab and NWFP, he said that the Muslim League won by bullets and not by ballots.
25. Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhore – Ghulam Muhammad Khan Lundkhwar was born in a highly respectable family of the district Mardan present Pakistan on 10 september 1908. His father Sardar Khadi Khan and grandfather Sardar Nasim Khan was friends of Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Smail Shaheed (the martyrs of Blalkot). Ghulam Muhmmad Khan Lundkhwar was a born leader who never bowed to tyranny or injustice. On the question of Nehru report, he joined hands with Maulana Mohammad Asli Johar and strongly opposed the Nehru report. The British troops surrounded Lundkhwar on 26 June 1930 and ransacked the house of Ghulam Muhamad Khan Lundkhwar and later completely burnt down his hujra and house. He was critical about misrule of Pakistan and supported Bangabandhu’s view having similar political ideology. Ghulam Muhammad Lundkar was the General Secretary of NWFP Awami League.

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Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy in course of his speech said that the Muslim League had lost all support of the people and the organisation was made into a “Pocket League”. He exhorted the people to rally round the Awami League and fight against this “Pocket League” to build a happy and prosperous Pakistan. He severely condemned the Government for adopting fascistic measures in gagging the public opinion by promulgation of orders under section 144, Cr. Pc, and opined that the Government would be inviting chaos and disorder in the country if they would persist in suppressing the civil liberties of the people. He expressed great concern over the continued detention of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AML) who was reported to be seriously ill, and requested the audience to create public opinion against this illegal detention.
6. Dacca- Reference Abstract of Intelligence No. 52 of 1951 para No. 2109. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (para 5) along with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani (para 5) Khan Ghulam Md. Khan Lundkḥor (para 5) Shaukat Ali, Shamsul Haq (para 6), Mushtaq Ahmad, Tasadduq Ali Khan, Qazi Ghulam Mahbub, Nuruddin, Yar Muhammad and Ataur Rahman Khan (para 5) returned to Dacca from Mymensingh on 1st January. Mr. Suhrawardy held an indoor conference at 10, Naba Ray’s Lane (Arfan Khan’s house) with Awami League leaders and a few students. He also met the press representatives at 94, Nawabpur Road between 13.00 and 13.45 hrs. on the same day (1st January) and gave out his tour impression of East Bengal. He stated that his programme was disturbed by the officials …(missing from the original document due to page damage) and hired goondas of the Muslim League. He criticised their …(missing from the original document due to page damage) actions bitterly and condemned the promulgation of the orders … (missing from the original document due to page damage) 144, Cr. PC, at Dacca, Rangpur and Bogra. He stated … (missing from the original document due to page damage) persons who dismantled the restrum at Dacca constructed …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Awami Muslim League meeting were the hired goondas of the Muslim League. Referring to the present situation of Khulna, Mr. Suhrawardy said that it was most appalling. The Government should take all steps for the betterment of the situation. He suggested that embankments at a cost of Rs. 2 crores should be built and arrangements made for free hospitals, free kitchens, free distribution of seeds and cattle to the cultivators at an early date. He also suggested that some sort of agreement with West Bengal Government for free movements of certain products of Khulna district to Calcutta for disposal should be made.

Chapter – II

Page: 137


Secret report on S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who was brought to Dacca for treatment, found taking undue advantage in
extending his political activity.
Dacca, 1 January 1952
It has been reported that the Security Prisoner, Mujibar Rahman who, on the orders of H.P.M., was brought to Dacca for treatment is taking undue advantage of his coming to Dacca in furtherance of his political activity. This is indeed a misuse of a favour. Permission has to be given by D.I.G. I.B., to those who wish to interview and at these interviews some member of the I.B. staff is to be present.
Will D.I.G., I.B. kindly look into this immediately and discuss the matter with
Sd/- 1.1.52
D.I.G.I.B. Sd/ – 3.1.52
(M. Azfar)
I had discussed this tag of with H.S. file.
Sd/ – 1.5
Sk. Mujibar Rahman who admitted at the Medical College Hospital on 29.4.51. He was granted interviews on three occasions since then. 1. On 3.12.51 with messers Syed Hossain & Md. Ali. 2. On 8.12.51 with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. 3. On 14.12.51 with Mr. Habibur Rahman.

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H.S. Suhrawardy sent a letter from Hyderabad (Sind27) to advocate Abdus Salam Khan of Dacca in which the writer stated about the detention grounds of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his release and rearrest, need of publicity tour, keeping Ittefaq alive, need of
microphone for the tour program etc.
Hyderabad (Sind), 2 January 1952
Copy of an English letter intercepted at Dacca G.P.O. on 6.1.52.
From : Shaheed Suhrawardy, Hyderabad. (Sind), Dt. 2.1.52. TO : Abdus Salam Khan Sahib, advocate. 15/3, Hatkhola Road.
Dacca. (East Pakistan) My dear Abdus Salam,
I am sending you the grounds of detention which were served on Mujibur Rahman on 7.12.51 and I wonder if something can not be done about it. It seems that a release order was signed on 7.3.51; he was released on 13.3.51 from custody under the Public Safety Ordinance but was sent under custody to Gopalganj under some warrants and other in a criminal case; on the 14th – at 3-30 pm he was released on bail and promptly re-arrested by the S.l under the P.S. Ord. He was served on 2nd April with the detention orders and ground of detention. On the 6th Oct. the detention order has been extended and he has been given the grounds. On the 7th Dec. perhaps when you moved the petition, you must have pointed out that if he was once released, he could hardly have been arrested on the same grounds on which he was at first arrested and then released – If so, then there does not appear to be any good ground for a fresh Hab. Cop. petition. But it may be worth while doing it over again.
I am sorry your case prevented you from meeting me. How on earth can we get on without founds-my view is that where ever I have been, 95% if not more of the people are against the Muslim League. But we
27. Sind – Sindh is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, in the southeast of the country. Historically home to the Sindhi people, it is also locally known as Mehran. Karachi is its capital.

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need propaganda. We must have that Loud Speaker-it is absolutely ‘A.L.’ We must buy it. Then Moulana Sahib and Shamsul Huq and as many of you all as can manage must go on a tour of Bengal. The Moulana Sahib says he should be able to do after 15 January, when Khan Shalam Md. khan of Lunakhwar can join – It does not matter if it is a week later. But the tour should be finished this winter- as extensively as possible. Then of course, there is the Ittefaq. This must be kept alive and perhaps Manik Mia might be able to manage on Rs. 500/= a month. If Ittefaq also is stopped, you can give up all hopes of remaining a daily paper. If a daily paper is to be run it should be on a commercial basis. I could say more as I do not know who will be prepared to take up the matter. After all it is a question of money all round which is not forthcoming unless we start collecting at our meeting- (which, perhaps, would not be wise.) So I see little chance of being able to run a daily – But we must have the microphone, & the tour.
Best wishes
Yours Sincerely, Sd/ – Shaheed Suhrawardy.


Professor Abdul Hai of Jessore sent a letter to the Editor,Pakistan Observer wherein the writer mentioned that a well attended meeting of AL workers of Jessore was held to observe the
‘Egypt and Tunisia day’.
Dacca, 18 February 1952
True copy of an English letter dated 18.2.52 from Abdul Hai (Prof.) Jessore to the Editor Pakistan observer, 3/1 Jhonson Road, Dacca.
According to the direction of the provincial committee of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, a well attended meeting of the Awami league workers of this district was held at 5 p.m. at its Office to observe the Egypt and Tunisia day under

Page: 140
the presidentship of Jonab Shah Sufi Moulana Abul Khair, Peer Shaib, President, District Awami League, Jessore.
At the very outset this meeting expressed its deep sense of sorrow at the sudden death of learned peer shaib of Sarsina and sympathised with his bereaved family.
The meeting in a resolution seriously condemned the British and the French atrocities on Egypt and Tunisia and recorded its support for the liberation movement of the Egyptians and Tunisians and urged upon the Govt. of Pakistan to severe all diplomatic relations with the British and French imperialism and further requested the Govt. most emphatically to leave the Common Wealth in no time and to boycott the British and French goods.
In another resolution, they condemned the Prime Minister’s recent damaging utterances as regards state language.
In another resolution they demanded immediate and unconditional release of all the political prisoners especially of Shaikh Muzibur Rahman and requested the Govt. of Pakistan to take a very strong policy in regard to Kashmir.
Sd/- Abdul Hai.


Leaflet under caption ‘Hunger Strike of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mahiuddin’ was found in circulation at different
places of Dacca city.
Dacca, 20 February 1952 D.S.II
Did zonal duty in the Sutrapur P.S. area with W/C Md. Yusuf on 19.2.52 and this morning (20.2.52) a Bengali leaflet under heading “Hunger Strike of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and Mahiuddin” was found to be distributed at different places of Dacca City. This leaflet was issued from Central Committee of East Pakistan Muslim Students’ League by Shamusl Haq, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League and others mentioned in the attached leaflet. The leaflet appeals to

Page: 141
the public to sympathise with the hunger strike of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and Mahiuddin and make some agitation to have them released from Jail, with others and save them from the jaw of death. It is also mentioned in the leaflet that they have started hunger strike from 16th February’52 and submitted a Memorandum to Hon’ble Chief Minister Janab Nurul Amin.
Submitted. Sd/- A. Aziz.
S.I., I.B. 20.2.52


DIO report mentioned about regret of Khundkar Abdul Hafeez on the failure of Khawaja Nazimuddin in respect of state language issue, his (K.A. Hafeez) condemnation on the ban of the ‘Pakistan Observer’, demand for the release of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman etc.
Dacca, 22 February 1952
Pages 166 & 165 of I.B. File No. 578-50 Genl. Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 22.2.52.
Khundkar Abdul Hafeez (mentioned) regretted that Khawja Nazimuddin Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan, had so far failed to implement the assurance given by him in 1948, when he was the Prime Minister of East Bengal, that Bengali should like Urdu be the State Language of Pakistan. He criticised the latest statement of the H.P.M. of Pakistan issued from Dacca announcing that Urdu alone was going to be the State Language of Pakistan. Continuing the speaker regretted that the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan derived inspiration from the late Quaidi-Azam in the matter of State Language but he was not alive to the growing corruption and nepotism to eradicate which the late Quaid-I-Azam enjoined upon all officers more than once. The speaker claimed Bengali to be the richest of all literatures in Pakistan and said it was the spoken language of 56% per cent of the population of Pakistan. Recognition of Urdu as the only State Language, he said,

Page: 142
would mean domination of East Pakistan by the West Pakistanis who were proficient in the language. The speaker denounced the move initiated by the Hon’ble Education Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Fazlur Rahman, for replacing Bengali by Arabic script. Concluding the speaker condemned the ban imposed on “Pakistan Observer” and demanded release of security prisoners Muhiuddin Ahmad of Barisal and Mujibar Rahman of Faridpur. He also suggested dissolution of the present Constituent Assembly.


Report about the language agitation in Kushtia in continuation of WCR, cited about the speeches of Diwanuddin Ahmad on the state language issue, his criticism of the government for detaining
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.
Kushtia, 23 February 1952
Pages 307, 304 and 303 of File No. 578-50 Genl.
Detailed report regarding the Language Agitation in Kushtia District in continuation of W.C.R. for the week ending 23.2.52.
18. Diwanuddin Ahmad (mentioned), in his speeches, gave out that Pakistan Government were playing the role of traitors. He explained that the Hon’ble Premier of Pakistan assured in 1948 while he was the Premier of East Bengal that he would try his best to introduce Bengali as one of the State Languages. But on 27.1.52 the same Premier made a contradictory Statement in Dacca and said that Urdu alone would be the State Language in Pakistan. These different statements, according to him, are two roles played by one and the same man though in different times. He said that Pakistan Government had adopted Fascism in detaining Muzibar Rahman and Mohiuddin in Jails. He charged the Government with prevarication and said that when anybody died of starvation, the Govt. announced that the man died of colic pain. He also criticised the activities of one Head Master of a local Institution who was said to have beaten a boy of Class X for demanding Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan (Note – It refers to para 4 of the report).

Page: 143


Statement of Shamsul Haque, General Secretary of EPAML in which he stated about State Language Movement of Dacca
University students in 1948, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the member of Central State Language Committee of Action formed in the same year, their meetings held in Dacca and other places etc.
Dacca 25 February 1952 Extract from pages 973,971, 967,966 of file No. 408-48 P.F.
Statement of Shamsul Haq (33) s/o Mv. Md. Dabiruddin of Maithan P.S. Nagarpur, Dt. Mymensingh and of 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca. Genl. Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
In the year 1948 the students of the Dacca University started State Language Movement at Dacca demanding Bengali to be one of the State Language of Pakistan. It was conducted by a Central State Language Committee of Action of which I was a member. I remember the following to be the members of that Committee of Action, viz. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Naimuddin Ahmed, Kamruddin Ahmed, Advocate, Oli Ahad (EPYL) Md. Toha (EPYL) Prof. Abul Kashem of T. Majlish. Our office was in the F.H. Hall. On 11.3.48 the students were requesting the Govt. employees near Eden Buildings not to attend their duties as a token of their sympathy for the state language movement.
In the year 1949 the E.P.A.M.L. was formed at Dacca under the leadership of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani28 and I was made the Genl. Secy. of this organisation and Moulana Bhashani as its president. Sk. Mujibar Rahman of Faridpur was made the Joint Secretary. The following were its permanent members viz Ataur Rahman Khan (Advocate) Abdus Salam Khan @ Badsha Mia (Advocate) Ali Amjad Khan (Advocate) Anwara Khatun (M.L.A.) Khairat Hussain (M.L.A.) Yar Md. Khan of Dacca, Almas Ali of N’Ganj. Abdul Awal Aziz Ahmed. The Awami Muslim League of E.P. is not affiliated to the Jinnah Awami M.L. of West
28. Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani – Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (12 December 1880 – 17 November 1976) was a politician. On 23 June 1949, he founded East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Bhasani was elected its president, Shamsul Huq and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman elected as respectively its General Secretary and Joint Secretary. He formed All Party Language Movement Committee’ at Dhaka Bar Library on 31 January 1952 and campaigned for the recognition of Bangla as a National Language in Pakistan. During his Presidentship Awami Muslim League renamed to Awami League by removing the word ‘Muslim’ from its official name in the council session of Awami League held on 21-23 October 1953. In 1957 he left Awami League and formed East Pakistan National Awami Party (NAP).

Page: 144
Pakistan of which Mr. Suhrawardy is the convenor. The E.P.A.M.L. was organised as a constitutional opposition to the Muslim League which was most undemocratically formed with the chosen persons of the Govt.
On 24.2.52 or 25.2.52 a meeting of the All Party committee of Action was held at the Dacca Medical College Hostel. I do not remember the number ….. room. The meeting was attended by Oli Ahad ….. Abul Hashem, Ali Ahmed ….. Khairat Hussain, M.L.A., Kazi Ghulam Mahboob, Ataur Rahman Khan (Advocate) and others whose name I do not remember. It was decided in that meeting to call off the general strike excluding the students. I did not meet any member of the Committee of Action nor attended any meeting of the C.A. thereafter. I did not go to S.M. Hallo, F.H. Hall after 21/2/52 I read in the paper that some members of the C.A. were arrested from Purana Paltan (Santinagar).
Extract from page 229 of file No. 408-48 P.F.
Statement of Moulvi Shamsul Huq, M.L.A. Son of Moulvi Dabiruddin of Teuria P.S. Nagorepur, Dt. Mymensingh and of 150 Mughaltuli, Dacca arrested on 11.10.49 in connection with Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19 (10) 49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. r/w 7(3) B.S.P.O.
Extract from page 203 of file No. 408-48 P.F.
Statement of Mvi. Shamsul Haq s/o Dabiruddin of M’singh.
We had several meetings in Dacca and other places in East Pakistan on behalf of the Awami Muslim League. On 11.10.49 we held a meeting at Armanitola Park Dacca to formulate the demands and grievances of the people to be placed before the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Pakistan. We also invited him to attend the public meeting to hear the demands and grievances himself. We sent one letter and 5 wires to Karachi to the H.P.M. Pakistan and sent letters requesting Mr. D.K. Power to arrange accordingly. A deputation committee was formed with Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Mr. Ataur Rahman, Shaikh Mujibar Rahman and two others to wait on deputation to H.P.M. Pakistan and accordingly Mr. D.K. Power was requested to arrange an interview.
29. S.M. Hall – Salimullah Muslim Hall is a residential hall at Dhaka University, named after Nawab Sir Khawaja Salimullah Bahadur. It was inaugurated on 11 August 1931. Among the residential halls of DU, Salimullah Muslim Hall holds a special status since Bangabandhu was a resident student attached to this Hall.

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Leaflet of EPMSL embodied the news of hunger strike of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mohiuddin in protest against Public Safety
Dacca, 29 February 1952
Page 284 of File No. 578-50 Genl.
A Bengali leaflet captioned “Anashanbrata Sk. Mujibar and Mohiuddin” issued by the E.P.M.S.L. Referring to the hunger strike resorted to by Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Mohiuddin in protest against public safety ordinance, etc., the leaflet characterises the present Government as fascist Government and holds it responsible for impending death of Sk. Mujibur and Mohiuddin. It gives indication to the Government to take lesson from the past history.
The leaflet was seized by the police on 28.2.52 at about 04.00 hours during search of the friends union press at 3/1, D.L. Ray Road, Dacca.
Submitted. Sd/- A. Chowdhury. D.I.O. (7)
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca the 29th February, 1952.
No. 2537
Copy forwarded to T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information.
Sd/- Illegible. 29/2/52. for Addl. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Cipher30 telegram of keeping continuous watch on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 1 March 1952
30. Cipher- A cipher is a method of hiding words or text with encryption replacing original words with other letters, numbers and symbols through substitution or transposition. It is a system of writing that prevents most people for understanding the message.

Page: 146
Cipher telegram from Dintell
To : Supdt. Police, Faridpur.
Please keep continuous watch on Sk. Mujibur Rahman and if he indulges again in prejudicial activities he should be arrested.
Sd/ – 1.3 C.S. Send it by ciphers telegram at once.
Sd/ – 1.3.52
Paraphrase of Cipher telegram No. 2824 dated 1.3.52 from Dintell Dacca to the Supdt. of Police, Faridpur.
Please keep continuous watch on Sk. Mujibur Rahman and if he indulges again in prejudicial activities he should be arrested.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal,
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 1st March, 1952.
No. 2824/1
Post copy forwarded to M.S. Haider, Esq., Supdt. of Police, Faridpur, in confirmation.
Sd/ – 1.3.52 for (A.K.M. Hafizuddin) Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia stating his illness and requested to keep running
Dacca, 26 March 1952

Page: 147
DACCA: Memo. No. 5383/681-49 (I) Sec.
The……19 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
: Mujib, Tuagipara, Patgate, Faridpur
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
: Mr. T. Hossain, Editor; Ittefak. 9,
Hatkhola Road, Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: Md. Ishaque S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: No : Delivered : Copy kept
11. If delivered, whether copy kept
or not
12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to: M.S. Haider, Esq., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur, with a request to report about the writer.
Sd/ – Q.A. Ahmad
for (A. Hussain)
Special Supdt. of Police, I.B. Side note: Copy to F. No. 606-48 P.F. for filing. Sd/ – 14.4.52
Copy of a letter in English dated 28.3.52 from Mujib, Tuagipara, Patgati, Faridpur to Mr. T. Hossain, B.A., Editor, ‘Ittefak’, 9, Hatkhola Road, Dacca, intercepted at G.P.O. on 1.4.52.

Page: 148
My dear Manik Bhai31,
My best Salams attend you. Just now I have received your Post Card. Really Manik Bhai I can feel your difficulties. When I was thinking to start for Dacca, I was attacked with blood dyscentry. I am much improved by the grace of Allah. My body is a home of deases. Anyhow I must arrive Dacca on or before 16th positively. I require thorough treatment. Please arrange an accommodation for me. Please continue with the paper anyhow until and unless I go. Please write me. Convey my Salam to Ataur Rahman Sahib. I am very anxious to know the condition of Wadood who was ill in time of arrest. How are you?
Yours affectionately,
Sd/- Mujib.


Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein he stated about the situation in Dacca and requested him (Sheikh Mujibur Rahman) to come to Dacca for
Dacca, 31 March 1952
DACCA: The 31.3.1952.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: T. Hussain, 9, Hatkhola Rd.
P.o. Wari, DACCA.
31. Manik Bhai – Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia (1911-1 June, 1969) was a prominent Bengali
journalist and politician. He was the editor of the Ittefaq. Manik Mia played a vital role during the rise of Bengali nationalism in 1960s. Manik Mia was active in writing against military rule, autocracy and violation of the fundamental rights of people. Manik Miah had a significant role in inspiring the people to join the struggle for freedom under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was close to Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy.

Page: 149
To (with address)
: Sheikh Mojibur Rahman, Vill.
Tongipara,P.. Patgati, Dt.
Faridpur. : English
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 29.3.52.
Postal Seal
6. Post office of interception
: Wari 7. Date of interception
: 29.3.52 8. Name of officer who can prove the : A. Hussain A.S.I.,
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception
5 dt. 2/4/52 Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal pl. T. Hossain @ Manik Miah sends this letter to Majibar Rahman.
Reports that no information of Maulana A. Hamid Khan Bhasani has been received for a party long time.
He requests the addressee to come to Calcutta for treatment & put up in his house at Kamalapur.
Copy may be placed on file copy to D.I.B. Dacca to pl. watch & report if the addressee come to Dacca & put up in the above address & copy also to S.P. Faridpur.
Sd/- 31/3 Side Note: As proposed. S.S.III may pl. see. Sd/-1/4

Page: 150
Int. letter from T. Hossain to Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
4973 (2) No. 606-48 P.F. dt. 7.4.52
Copy forwarded to:(1) Add. S.P. D.I.B., Dacca with a request to report if the addressee
come to Dacca and maintain watch on him. (ii) S.P. D.I.B., Faridpur for information.
Sd/ – 3.4
D.S.6. for S.S.III. I.B.
Side note: D.S.6. Order below draft for appl. pl. Sd/ – 3.4
Copy of an English letter dt. 29.3.52 intercepted at Wari P.o. on 30.3.52
From: T. Hussain, 9, Hatkhola Rd. P.O. Wari, Dacca. TO : Mr. Sheikh Mojibur Rahman B.A., Vill. Tongipara, P.o. Patgati,
Dt. Faridpur.
9, Hatkhola Rd. P.o. Wari, Dacca.
29.3.52. Dear Brother,
Many thanks for your letter. The condition at Dacca is still uncertain. Arrests are continuing. Shamsul Huq has surrendered on 19th. Khaleque Newaz & Aziz ahmed surrendered on 27th & 28th respectively.
There is no information from Moulana saheb (Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bashani). Long ago we received communication from him that he was suffering from blood pressure.
We are all very much concerned over your health and everybody advises treatment & rest for you. Purely for Medical treatment you may come to Dacca. We shall make all arrangements for the purpose.

Page: 151
I reside at Kamalapur Bazar just on the eastern side the Governor’s house. You are always welcome there.
We are carrying on somehow. There where we meet. My Salam to your parents.
Your aff. Sd/- T. Hussain.


Government orders for the release of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and Mahiuddin Ahmed were served on them.
Dacca, 31 March 1952
Copy of letter No. 1372/33-50 dated 22.3.52 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur to the Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 3156/100-49 P.F. dated 15.3.52.
Govt. orders for the release of Security Prisoners Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mahiuddin Ahmed were served on them on 25.2.52 and 28.2.52 but they were actually relieved from the Jail Hospital on 27.2.52 and 1.3.52 respectively.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 31st March,/ 1st April 1952.
3788 No. R. 2851. (P. 2445/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., S.S.,I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information in continuation of this office No. 2337/100-49 P.F. dated 25.2.52.
Sd/ – 31.3
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.,

Page: 152


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to advocate Abdus Salam Khan regarding the judgment of Gopalganj case and urgent
discussion with the addressee.
Faridpur, 6 April 1952
Copy of an English letter dt. 6.4.52 intercepted at wari P.O. on 12.4.52
From : Mujib, Tungipara, Patgati, Faridpur. TO : Mv. Abdus Salam, Advocate., 15/3, Hatkhola Rd. Dacca.
Tungipara, Patgati, Faridpur.
6.4.52. My dear Mama,
My best Salams attend you. The judgment of the Gopalganj Case on the 15th April. It is the opinion of the Magistrate that you have to appear before the court in time of judgment. No use of lingering the case. I hope you will come positively. I am thinking to start for Dacca on the 16th. We have some urgent discussions with you about Gopalganj and Faridpur affairs. Please convey my salam to Mamy and others. How are you? Please do not forget to come.
Yours affectionately
Sd/ – Mujib
Copy/translation forwarded to DS (6)
Perusal pl. Sk. Majibar Rahman writes this letter to Abdus Salam.
He reports that he will start for Dacca on 16.4.52 We noticed this in a letter addressed to Manik Miah. Copy may be placed on file
Sd/ – 12.4

Page: 153
S.S III For perusal pl. 1) Copy may be sent to Dacca D.I.B & S.P. Faridpur for information. 2) O/C watch may pl. arrange watch on his visit to Dacca.
Sd/ – 14.4
6046 (2)
– dt. 22.4.52 606-48 PF
Int. letter from Mujib to Mv. Abdus Salam
Copy forwarded to 1) Add. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca. 2) S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur for information.
Sd/ – 19.4
D.S 6 For. S.S-III I.B.
Side Note: Order below. Draft. for appl. pl. Sd/ – 19.4

Page: 154


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to H.S. Suhrawardy wherein he stated about his ruined health condition due to long imprisonment, undemocratic attitude of the Government, anxious
to meet H.S. Suhrawardy etc.
Karachi, 8 April 1952 Secret.
It is learnt through a secret source that one (1) Mujibur, Jungipara, P.O. Patgati, District Faridpur has in a letter in English dated 28/3/52 posted from Patgati, informed (2) Mr. H.S. SUHRAWARDY, Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case, Hyderabad Sind as under :
“After my release I wrote one letter but I have not yet received any reply from you. Still I am very weak. I am suffering from blood dysentry. I require thorough treatment and for this reason I am starting for Dacca on or before 16 April. You know the condition of East Bengal. The people in power will not allow the people to work constitutionally. They are creating chaos in the country. I am very anxious to see you. Two and a half years incarceration has ruined my health. I require some change. Please write to me as soon as possible in the address of (3) Manik Bhai, 9, Hatkhola Road, Dacca. How are you? Please convey my Salams to friends and coworkers” (3) Tafazzal Hussain @ Manik Mia.
Secret No. S.B. 3745 of 1952.
Karachi, the 8th April, 1952. Copy forwarded with compliments to:
1) The Asst. Director (P), I.B., Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi. 2) The Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
for information.
The fact that this information emanates from this Department may please be kept secret.
Sd/- (Mohd. Hussain) ASST. I.G. OF POLICE C.I.D. SIND.

Page: 156
dt. 14.4.52. Copy / translation forwarded to
D.S.VI. Perusal pl.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman is starting for Dacca on 16.4. He will put up with Manik Miah in his Kamalapur house.
Copy may be placed on file copy to D.I.B. Dacca. O/C Watch may also pl note.
Copy forwarded to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information and necessary action.
Sd/ -19.4
for S.S. III. I.B. Side Note: As proposed. S.S. III may pl. see. Sd/ – 10.4
Copy of an English letter dt. 6.4.52. intercepted at Wari P.O. on 10.4.52. From : Mujib, Tungipara, Patgati, Faridpur. TO : My. T. Hussain. B.A., Editor, Ittefak, 9, Hatkhola Rd. DACCA.
Tungipara, Patgati, Faridpur.
6.4.52. My dear Manik Bhai,
I have received your letter. I am improved some-extend. I require treatment. The date of judgment of Gopalganj case on the 15th April and I will start for Dacca on the 16th positively. I will stay with you. My health will not permit me to take meal in the Hotel.
I do not know what will happen in Gopalganj case. Any how I am prepared for any consequence Manik Bhai. I can not forget your love and affection. Please convey my Salam to Bhabi and friends. How are you?
Yours affectionately
Sd/ – Mujib Side Note: We noticed that letter inviting Mujibur Rahman to come to
Dacca & stay with him.
Chapter II – 1952

Page: 157
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur the 18th April, 1952
No. 1843/33-50
To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. E.B., Dacca.
It appears from a report of D.I.O. (Gopalganj) that Sk. Mujibar Rahman (AMLEx-Security Prisoner) S/O Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur was to start for Dacca on 16.4.52. Arrangements were however made to shadow him up to Dacca.
Sd/- (M.S. Haider) Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.

Page: 158
Side Note: The subject came to Dacca on 21.4.52 at 23.00 hrs. under Shadow. He
has been putting up at 150 Mogaltuli. Watch has been placed on him., A. Razzak. O/C, Sd/- 22.4 O/C watch, Has the subject come to DACCA? Sd/ – 22.4


Mawlana Bhasani wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he focused on his earnest desire to meet Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, fate of the oppressed people of East Bengal, emphasizing on the victory of truth and the downfall of falsehood
through sacrifice etc. Dacca, 12 April 1952
DACCA: The 12.4.1952.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Maulana Abdul Hamid Bhasani.
To (with address)
Sheik Mujibur Rahman, P.O. Patgati, Vill. Tangipara, Faridpur.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Outgoing
Post office of interception
G.P.O. Dacca.
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove : S.I. S. Ahmed. the interception

Page: 159
9. Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered
If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
Number and date of Government : Casual. order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal pl.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani on the eve of his surrender to the Dist. Magt. Dacca writes this letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Copy be placed on file.
Sd/-M. Hossain
may please see. This may be placed in the file of Maulana Bhasani and copy to the file of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/-Q. A. Ahmad. Sd/-A, Hussain.
True Copy of a Bengali letter dt. nil from Moulana Abdul Hamid Bhasani.
To Sheik Muzibur Rahaman. P.O. Patgati. Vill.-Tangipara., Dt. -Faridpur.
প্রিয় মজিবর রহমান
আশা করি তুমি, তােমার পিতা-মাতা, ছেলে মেয়ে- আলুর ফজলে ভাল আছ। আমার যাত্রার পূৰ্ব্বে দেখা করা একান্ত দরকার ছিল তাহা বােধ হয় অদৃষ্টে নাই। পূৰ্ব্ব বাংলার ৪ কোটী মজলুমের সহায় একমাত্র আল্লাহ আর তােমরা কতিপয় যুবক ছাড়া আর কেহ নাই।

Page: 160
পদ প্রার্থী ব্যতীত নিঃস্বার্থ লােক মােটেই পাত্মা যায় না। আল্লাহ ভরসা করিয়া তােমাদের উপর দায়িত্ব দিয়া বিদায় হইলাম। সত্যের জয় মিথ্যার পতন অবশ্যই হইবে তবে ত্যাগের দরকারী। শান্তি ও ধৰ্ম্ম- সঙ্গুে থাকে ইহা আমার অনুরােধ
Sa/- মােঃ আবদুল হামিদ


News published in the daily Ittefaq regarding the acquittal of Awami League Joint Secretary Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and VicePresident Abdus Salam Khan from Gopalganj case.
Dacca, 21 April 1952

Page: 161
Ittefak dt. 21.4.52
আওয়ামী লীগ নেতারা
অভিযােগ মুক্ত। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের ভাইস প্রেসিডেন্ট জনাব আবদুস সালাম খান এবং জয়েন্ট সেক্রেটারী শেখ মজিবর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে গােপালগঞ্জ মহকুমা হাকিমের এজলাসে যে মামলা। চলিতেছিল তাহাতে আওয়ামী লীগ নেতৃদ্বয়কে বেকসুর খালাস দেওয়া হইয়াছে।
স্মরণ থাকিতে পারে যে, জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও আবদুস সালাম খানকে গত ১৯৫০ সনের জুলাই মাসে গােপালগঞ্জে ১৪৪ ধারার আদেশ অমান্য করার দায়ে অভিযুক্ত করা হইয়াছিল।
গত ১১ ই এপ্রিল গােপালগঞ্জ মুসলিম ছাত্র লীগের প্রেসিডেন্ট সরদার এমামকে বিশেষ অর্ডিন্যান্স বলে গ্রেফতার করা হয় এবং পরে তাঁহাকে জামিনে মুক্তি দেওয়া হয়। গ্রেফতারের সময় তাঁহার বাড়ীও তল্লাসী করা হইয়াছিল। কিন্তু আপত্তিকর কোন কিছু পাওয়া যায় না বলিয়া প্রকাশ।
Side Note: 8 dt. 17. 5.52. Place in the file of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
SS. /// wag p. see. Sd/- 17.5.

Page: 162


UPP Correspondent, Barisal sent a letter to the Editor, UPP,
Dacca stating that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke in a press conference at Barisal on the state language issue, tyranny and
misrule of ML govt.etc.
Barisal, 22 April 1952 Secret
Memo. No.
The : 22.4.1952. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: M. Ali Ashraf, cor. U.P.P.
Barisal. : Editor U.P.P. Topkhana. Rd.
Ramna Dacca.
To (with address)
Language of letter Date of letter
: English : 20.4.52. : Barisal.
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna, Dacca.
22.4.52. : S.l. Arju.
Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can prove
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept

: With original, delivered.
or not
12. Number and date of Government : Casual interception.
order authorising interception N.B. Another similar letter addressed to the A.P.P. 9, Segun Bagicha, Ramna, Dacca is also submitted.
Sd/- 22.4

Page: 163
Copy/translation forwarded to
DS VI Perusal pl.
M. Ali Ashrof U.P.P. Barisal sends the statement issued by Shaikh Majibor Rahman in a press conference. He bitterly criticises Muslim League and its Govt.
Copy may be placed on P.F. Shaik Majibor Rahman & copy to D.I.B. Barisal.
Sd/ – 24.4.52 S.S.III. For perusal pl. 1) Extract of portion [ ] may be sent to H.S. with a note that Sk.
Mujibar Rahman Ex-Security prisoner is now in Dacca & his
activities are under watch. 2) May be considered for F.R. S.S. Il may pl. see. – Seen. Sd/-30.4 3) Copy may be sent to S.P. Faridpur, Barisal & Dacca for information. (4) D.I.G. may like to see.
Yes list before sending copy to H/S. check up if the stt. has been
published in any paper. Sd/ – 28.4
S.S III Sir it was not seen in paper here. Sd/ – 29.4
Side Note: Office, Pl. send a typed copy of the letter at once.
Copy of a letter dated 20.4.52 from M. Ali Ashraf Corr. U.P.P. Barisal to the Editor U.P.P. Topkhana Ramna, Dacca.
SHAIKH MUJIBUR RAHMAN Jt. Secy. East Pakistan Awami League, who was detained for 25 years under Safety Ordinance, in a Press Conference here

Page: 164
It seems it is high time for all right thinking patriotic and democratic people to assess the series of attempts made by the ruling clique to mislead & confuse the people over the State Language and other vital issues.
The tyranny of Muslim League and of its Govt. has put to shame the worst tyrants of the world. People today need not be told how the Muslim League Govt. have, during these five years, perpetuated a reign of terror stifling all popular and democratic forces, adopting the most unscrupulous methods ever known in history. The peoples’ inherent rights of speech, association and movement, even the natural instinct of the hungry to demand food, have been totally denied. People simply wonder whether Democracy can at all survive in Pakistan with so many Safety Acts and Ordinances which serve as the safety of the Present ruling oligarchs.
Hundreds of Patriotic workers and leaders are being cast into prison for the simple reason that they voice the popular demands. I need not say about my sufferings.
The demand for Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan even after clear verdict of 45 million people, has been shelved under various shameless pretexts and excuses.
To mislead the people, thousands of leaflets in the name of Official Muslim League, are being published in Govt. Press and circulated through Govt. machineries to justify their atrocities launched afresh since the historical incidence of February 21. The cries of Islam and Pakistan being in danger are once more exploited, though in vain.
To terrorise the people, the workers and leaders of Awami – League, Youth League and East Pakistan Muslim Students League” and others who are connected with popular demands are being indiscriminately harassed and arrested. Even Muslim League M.L.A.’s who had resigned in protest of the February atrocities, have been goaled. And with these preparations perhaps the Muslim League Govt. is going to hold an election of the type they staged in the Punjab and Frontier.
32. East Pakistan Muslim Students League (EPMSL) – The East Pakistan Muslim Students League
was founded on 4th January 1948 following the independence of Pakistan to support the political activities and campaigns of the Muslim League in electoral politics. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the founder of Students Organization.

Page: 165
I believe that the people of East Pakistan through their suffering have by this time become conscious enough not to be deceived any more by the Muslim League black-mails. I appeal to all democratic forces of the Country to unite and rise up to save Pakistan from the clutches of the oppressors. I have no doubt that victory is
Sd/- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
M. Ali Ashraf Corr. U.P.P.
Barisal April 20.
Mr. D.K. Power District Magistrate opened recently the “ Khaledabad Refugee Coloney here in the Atul Nagar area of the town. Rehabilitation of the Refugees and arrangements for collage Industry have been made, it is learnt.
Sd/- M. Ali Ashraf
93 Report on the movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and placing
watch over him.
Dacca, 22 April 1952
To The O/C, Watch, I.B., Dacca.
Sir, [I beg to report that the Suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman left Gopalganj (Faridpur) for Dacca on 19.4.52 at 11.00 by Steamer. I shadowed him under order D.I.O., Gopalganj. He reached at Narayanganj Steamer Ghat 21.4.52 at about 10.00 hrs. He left the said place by texi No. E.B.D. 2920. I shadowed him by texi upto Dacca.150, Tughaltoli, at about 23.00 hrs. he entered into the 150, Mughaltoli,

Page: 166
Dacca. Then I did secret duty there upto 07.00 hrs. dt. 22.4.52 at about 07.00 hrs. I left the said place for I.B. Office to inform the matter accordingly.]
This is for your kind information.
m.o.s. Sd/-01S. Wazed Ali. D.I.B. Gopalganj.
(Faridpur) dt. 22.4.52.
Side Note: D.S.VI.
Suspect Mujibar Rahman came to Dacca from Faridpur on 21.4.52 at 23.00 hrs. and has been putting up at 150, Mogaltuli, Watch has been placed on him. Extract may go in P.F. Dacca D.I.B. and S.P. Faridpur may be informed. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 22.4. As proposed. S.S.III. may pl. see. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 22.4 Sd/- A. Hussain. 22/4.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 28th/29th April, 1952.
No. 4935/163-49 (Int.)
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I would inform you that Ex- security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman arrived at Dacca on 22.4.52 and is staying in the house of Tafazzal Hossain @ Manik Miyan of Kamalapur, P.S. Tezgaon, Dacca.
Sd/- 29.4
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 167


Extract from proceedings and report of the conference of All Party State Language Committee of Action held at Bar Library,
Dacca therein cited about the challenge of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to the Govt. for holding referendum on the state language
issue, disapproval of H.S. Suhrawardy’s suggestion to give regional status to Bengali, release of all security prisoners etc.
Dacca, 28 April 1952
Extract from Proceedings of the Conferences of the All Party State Language Committee of Action, held on 27.4.52 between 15.15 hrs. and 22.30 hrs. at Bar Library, Dacca.
1. President – Mr. Ataur Rahman, Adyocate. 2. Audience- About 300 (mostly students).
Sk. Majibar Rahman (A.M.L.) – He challenged the Govt. to hold a referendum in Bengal on the language issue. He said that the demand of Bengali as the state
language is the just demand of 45 crores of people, which can not in any way
he suppressed by sheer brutal force. He appealed to the audience to go to the villagers and make propaganda to the effect that the present Muslim League is not that Muslim League. So, all should unite together and stand against the Govt. Then, Govt. will have no other alternative but to accede to the demands.
One leaflet entitled Issued from Amader Press, 19, Azimpura, Dacca is also enclosed.
Sd/- Md. Shahejuddin, Inspector of Police, I.B.,
I learnt reliably that the conference of the All Party State Language Committee of Action was held at the Bar Association Hall on 27.4.52. A mike was hired from the Fecto on Rs. 50/- which was paid by Mr. Kamruddin Ahmad. The conference

Page: 168
began at about 3 P.M. under the presidency of Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan. It was attended by about 4/5 hundred people. Delegates from 16 districts of East Bengal attended it. The following individuals amongst others were present.
1) Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.) ?
of Dacca 2) Kamruddin Ahmad
S.A. Rahim Muktear of Dacca. One Zahiruddin, Ex-Salare- Zila. Hatem Ali Talukdar of Mymensingh.
Shamsul Huq of Rajshahi. 7) Abul Hashem of Faridpur.
Abdur Rahman of Sylhet. 9) Safiqul Huq of Comilla. 10) Abdul Gafur of Khulna. 11) A. Hashem of Barisal.
Ataur Rahman Khan read out the printed address. It was reported that the address was actually drafted by Kamruddin Ahmad and was printed from a press at Narayanganj. The printed address (copy enclosed), at the conclusion, urged the agitators to form active committees in every town, Sub-division and thana and to carry on agitation till the demand of making Bengali as State Language was acceded to. I further learnt that Sk. Mujibar Rahman disapproved the suggestion of Mr. Suhrawardy to give regional status to Bengali. Sk. Mujibar Rahman received the suggestions of Mr. Suhrawardy through a letter. Other workers also did not agree with Mr. Suhrawardy. Their main demand was to make Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan.
It was also discussed that the Central Govt. of Pakistan had issued orders to the Provincial Govt. to take drastic steps against those taking part in the language agitation. The workers of the State Language Committee viewed this move with concern and resolved to carry on the language movement resolutely.
In the conference, copies of the bulletin of Islamic Brother-hood were also distributed. In it, the possibility of taking Dacca University under the Govt’s control with a view to suppress the language movement was condemned.
It was heard that to counter-act this move it was proposed to send a delegation to Hon’ble Minister Fazlur Rahman at Karachi. The conference also discussed the number of students arrested in the movement, the number now released and the

Page: 169
number of those who were made security prisoners. The conference concluded at about 9-30 P.M. Resolutions demanding Bengali as State Language of Pakistan, release of all security prisoners etc. were passed. A few female students also attended it.
Sd/- A.N.M. Wahed
Statement of a casual source dated 28.4.52. S.S.III may see.
What the source states is known. We received the proceedings of the conference of the All Party State Language Committee of Action held on 27.4.52 at the Bar Library, Dacca and action taken on them.
Extracts may be placed on the relevant files and copy sent to Dacca D.I.B. for information.
D.S. VI. may see. Sd/-K.T. Ahmad.
30.4.52. Sd/- A. Hussain,
R.O. tells me that the information is based on secret agency. This may be treated as a I.B. Officer’s report.
Sd/- K.T. Ahmad.
6.5.52. O.S.
This is not an Agent’s report. This may be treated as an officer’s report and kept in subject’s P. file for action.
Sd/-S.A. Halim.
7.5.52. Side Note: R.D. Please mark the files please., Sd/- A.H. 7.5
Genl. Sec. Sd/- M.A.K. 7.5.52. On file 578 /50 (GI). The leaflet of Islamic Brother-hood should go on its file with the relevant extract from the report, marked [] please. Sd/-W. U. 7.5.52.

Page: 170


Précis from the confidential report of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his visits of different places in Dacca.
Dacca, 28 April 1952
Precis on the C.R. dated 28.4.52, regarding suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman of 133/29 Kamalapur, submitted by A. Razzak, O/C, Watch on 29.4.52.
Suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman accompanied by Tafazzal Hossain came out of his quarters at 09.30 hrs, and went to Paramount Press at 9. Hatkhola Road at 09.55 hrs. At about 10.05 hrs. Suspect Majibar Rahman went out of the press leaving Tafazzal Hossain there and went A.M.L. Office, 94, Nawabpur Road at 10.25 hrs. During his stay at A.M.L. office, Ali Amjad visited A.M.L. office from 12.15 to 12.25 hrs. At about 12.35 hrs. the subject left A.M.L. Office and went to 150, Mogaltuli at about 13.15 hrs. At about 14.15 hrs. the subject came out of the house, got into a Bus which proceeded towards Chawak. The W.C. could not follow by cycle. The subject again returned at 150, Mogaltuli at about 16.00 hrs. About 40 men including members of A.M.L., Y.L. and some delegates to the conference of the all parties State Language Committee of Action, held at Bar Library on 27.4.52 collected at 150, Mogaltuli between 17.00 hrs. to 18.30 hrs. by batches subject was one amongst them. They all left the place between 22.30 hrs. to 22.45 hrs. Suspect Mujibar Rahman having left the place at 22.45 hrs. accompanied by Manik Miah @ Tafazzal Hossain returned to theirs quarters at 23.30 hrs.
Relevant Extract may go in the P.Fs of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Tafazzal Hossain and Ali Amjad if any.
Perusal please. Action as suggested. It appears that Sk. Mujibar Rahman is getting active.
Inspr. A.N.M. Wahed, K. H. Sobhan and S.I. Aminullah no. II may please note and report his activity and that of the party in details. Dacca D.I.B. may also be asked to report his activity early.
Sd/-Q.A. Ahmad.
Sd/- A. Hussain,
Side note: Action may pl. be taken from this file. Sd/- 3.5

Page: 171


The daily Ananda Bazar published a statement of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman stating about his speech on the miserable condition of security prisoners in Pakistan jails which revealed the true colour
of Pakistan government.
Dacca, 30 April 1952 Ananda Bazar dt. 30.4
পাকিস্তানের কারাগারে নিরাপত্তা
বন্দীদের শােচনীয় অবস্থা আওয়ামী লীগ নেতার বিবৃতিতে পাক সরকারের স্বরুপ উদঘাটিত
ঢাকা, ২৯শে এপ্রিল-আওয়ামী লীগের যুগ্ম-সম্পাদক জনাব মুজিবর রহমান এক বিবৃতি প্রসঙ্গে পাকিস্তানের কারাগারসমুহের অবস্থা বর্ণনা করিয়া বলেন, “এ সম্পর্কে যত কম বলা যায় ততই ভাল। যে সমস্ত নিরাপত্তা বন্দী বছরের পর বছর ধরিয়া বিনাবিচারে জেলে পচিতেছেন, বৃটিশ আমলে যে সমস্ত সুবিধা দেওয়া হইত, তাহাও তাঁহারা পান না। এই সমস্ত বন্দীর অধিকাংশই আসিয়াছেন মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবার হইতে : কোনও রকম ভাতার ব্যবস্থা না থাকায় ইহাদের উপরে নির্ভরশীল ব্যক্তিদের অবস্থা যে কতখানি শােচনীয় হইয়া দাঁড়াইয়াছে, সহজেই তাহা অনুমান করা চলে।”
জনাব মুজিবর রহমান বলেন, “পূর্ব পাকিস্থান আওয়ামী লীগের সভাপতি মৌলানা ভাসানী জনসাধারণের সেবাতেই তাঁহার জীবন উৎসর্গ করিয়াছিলেন। জনসাধারণের স্বার্থেই তিনি দুঃখ লাঞ্জনা বরণ করিয়া লইয়াছেন। ৬৭ বৎসর বয়স্ক এই বৃদ্ধ এক্ষণে পাকিস্তানের কারাগারে দিনযাপন করিতেছেন; তাহার স্বাস্থ্যের অবস্থা অতীব শােচনীয়। ইহাপেক্ষা দুর্ভাগ্যের বিষয় আর কিছুই হইতে পারে না।” বিবৃতিটিতে আরও বলা হয়, “পাকিস্থানের সর্বত্রই বিরােধী দলসমুহ, অর্থাৎ আওয়ামী লীগ, যুব লীগ ও পূর্ব পাকিস্থান মুসলিম ছাত্র লীগের বিশিষ্ট কর্মী ও নেতৃবৃন্দকে গ্রেপ্তার করা হইয়াছে। এ ব্যাপারে মুসলিম লীগ সরকারের উদ্দেশ্য খুবই সুস্পষ্ট। আগামী সাধারণ নির্বাচনের উপরে লক্ষ্য রাখিয়াই তাঁহারা এ কাজ করিয়াছেন।”
শহীদের আত্মোৎসর্গ বৃথা যাইবে না
ভাষা আন্দোলনের উল্লেখ করিয়া জনাব মুজিবর রহমান বলেন “এ আন্দোলনে যাহারা শহীদ হইয়াছেন এবং অন্যান্য যাহারা অত্যাচরিত ও কারারুদ্ধ হইয়াছেন,
(৫ম পৃষ্ঠায় দ্রষ্টব্য) পাকিস্থানের কারাগারে
নিরাপত্তা বন্দী
(১ম পৃষ্ঠার পর) তাঁহাদের ত্যাগস্বীকার বৃথা যাইবে না। মুসলিম লীগ ও মুসলিম লীগ সরকার যতই না কেন চক্রান্ত করুন, বাঙলাকে আমরা অন্যতম রাষ্ট্রভাষা করিবই।”

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আওয়ামী লীগ সম্পর্কে তিনি বলেন, এই প্রতিষ্ঠানের নীতি অহিংস, পন্থা শাসনতন্ত্রসম্মত। প্রথমাবধিই এই প্রতিষ্ঠান শাসনতন্ত্রসম্মত উপায়ে এবং সুনিদিষ্ট কর্মপন্থার ভিত্তিতে জনসাধারণের দুর্দশা দুর করিবার জন্য সংগ্রাম করিয়া আসিতেছে। কিন্তু নিতান্তই দুর্ভাগ্যের বিষয় এই যে, ক্ষমতার আসনে অধিষ্ঠিত মুসলিম লীগ দল দেশ শাসনের ব্যাপারে তাঁহাদের ত্রুটিবিচ্যুতির সামান্যতম সমালােচনা সহ্য করিতেও প্রস্তুত নহেন। বিরােধী দলসমুহের নেতা ও কর্মীদিগকে তাঁহারা সামান্য অছিলাতেই নিরাপত্তা আইন অনুসারে কারারুদ্ধ করিয়া থাকেন। এ দেশে গণতান্ত্রিক আদর্শের সুস্থ বিকাশের পথে ইহা প্রতিবন্ধক স্বরুপ।” বিবৃতির উপসংহারে বলা হয়, “মুসলিম লীগ গত পাঁচ বৎসরে যে ব্যর্থতার পরিচয় দিয়াছে, স্পষ্টই বুঝা যায় যে, ইসলাম ও পাকিস্থান বিপন্ন, এই ধুয়া তুলিয়া সেই ব্যর্থতার বােঝাকে তাহারা লােকচক্ষুর অন্তরাল করিতে চাহে। সরকারকে আমি আশ্বাস দিতেছি যে, পাকিস্থান রাস্ট্রের অখন্ডতা, সংহতি ও সার্বভৌমত্ব যদি কখনও বিপদাপন্ন হয়, তবে সেই আপকালে আওয়ামী লীগ বর্তমান সরকারকে যে শুধু নৈতিক সমর্থন জানাইবে তাহাই নয়, আক্রমনকারীকে প্রতিহত করিবার জন্য সরকারের প্রতি সক্রিয় সহযােগিতার হস্তও প্রসারিত করিয়া দিবে।”
-পি টি আই Side Note: Place in the file of Ex-Security prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
S.S./Il. may pl. see. D.I.G. may like to see. Sd/- 6.5 Not necessary. Sd/ – 8.5

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The daily ‘Hindustan Standard33 published a statement of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman stating that he talked over the sufferings of opposition leaders and workers in jails, sacrifice of the language
martyrs etc.
Dacca, 30 April 1952 H.S. dt. 30.4.52.
DETENTION Awami League Secy. On Pak Govt. Motive.
DACCA, APRIL 29,- “It is the height of misfortune that the 67 year old Maulana Bhashani, President of the east Pakistan Awami League, who dedicated his life and worked and suffered for the cause of the teeming millions, is now languishing in Pakistan Jail in precarious health”. says Mr. Mujibur Rahman Joint Secretary of the Awami League, in a statement here after his recent release from detention for over two years.
Most of the veteran workers and leaders of the opposition, namely the Awami League, Youth League and East Pakistan Muslim Students League have been arrested all over East Pakistan and the motive of the Muslim League Government is clear. They have done so keeping their eye on the coming general elections, he adds.
As regards the conditions in Pakistan jails, Mr. Rahman says “The less said the better. The security prisoners, who are rotting in Jail, for years without trial do not even get the facilities given during the British regime. Most of these prisoners hail from middle class families and the plight of their dependents without any allowance can better be imagined than described. I would appeal to the Government in the name of humanity to release all security prisoners forthwith or arrange their trial in court of law”.
Referring to the State Language Movement Mr. Rahman says that sacrifices made by those who became “ martyrs and also others who were victims of atrocities and are in jail“ would not go in vain. He adds,“ We must have Bengali as a State
33. Hindustan Standard – Hindustan Standard was an English-language daily published from Kolkata by the Ananda Bazar Patrika (APB) Group. It’s headquarter was at 3, Burman Street, Kolkata. In 1937, Suresh Chandra Majumdar started the daily in English and soon it became a leading newspaper in Kolkata which competed with British-owned the Statesman, along with its Bengali language sisterpublication Ananda Bazaar Patrika. The Delhi edition was started in 1951. Finally the newspaper stopped publication in 1982.

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language, despite the machinations by the official Muslim League and oppression by its Government”.
The Awami League, he points out, is a constitutional party wedded to nonviolence and constitutional methods and since its inception has been fighting constitutionally for the amelioration of the masses on the basis of a set programme. “But unfortunately the Muslim League, which is in power today is very much sensitive even to tolerate the least criticism of their omissions and commissions in the governance of the country. On the slightest pretext the Government throws the opposition leaders and workers behind the prison bars under the Security Act. This is repugnant to the growth of healthy democracy in the country.
“The Muslim League apparently wants to hide its failures of the last five years by raising the false bogey of ‘Islam and Pakistan in Danger.’ I take this opportunity to assure the Government that in time of actual emergency and real danger to the integrity, stability and sovereignty of Pakistan the Awami League will not only give its moral support to the present Government but will stretch its hand of active cooperation to repel the aggressor” he concludes.
Side Note: Place in the file of Sk. Mujibar. S.S. III. may pl. see. Sd/- 12.5

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Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his movements and visits in different places of
Dacca 1 May 1952 Precis on the C.Rs dated 30.4.52 regarding suspect Mujibar Rahman of 133/29 Kamalapur.
The subject visited the following places :
10.35 –
10.40 hrs.
1. House of Kader Sardar from 2. 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane –
11.00 –
11.30 hrs.
11.45 –
3. AML Office at 94, Nawabpur Rd. 4. 25 Distillary Rd. – 5. Mukul Cinema –
13.40 –
14.50 .
15.00 –
17.45 hrs.
6. A.M.L. Office –
17.50 –
19.20 hrs.
19.40 – 20.00
7. 1, Minto Rd. – 8. Residence of the D.I.G. I.B. = to
Suspect Tofazzal Hossain who had been at A.M.L. Office accompanied the suspect from the office to all places visited subsequently, They returned to their quarters at 23.00 hrs. from the residence of the D.I.G.. I.B.
Extract may go in the P.Fs. of the suspects if approved
Sd/- A. Razzak
O/C., 1.5.
Side Note: S.O. to pl. enquire to report who lives at the places at S. No. 2, 4, & 7.
Sd/- A. Razzak, O.C. 1.5.52. As proposed. S.S. III may pl. See. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad, 8.5 Sd/- A. Husain. 12.5

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Précis on the confidential report therein cited about the movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at different
places in Dacca.
Dacca, 2 May 1952
Copies of precis on the C.R. dated 29.4.52 regarding suspect Skeikh Mujibar Rahman of 133/29, Kamalapur, submitted by O/C, Watch.
The subject left his quarter on 29.4.52 at about 10.30 hours and went to 15/3, Hatkhola Rd. (Previously visited, House of Advocate Abdus Salam). He left that place at about 11.00 hours and went to A.M.L. Office at 94, Nowabpur Road at 11.10 hours. At about 13.30 hours the subject accompanied by Tofazzal Husain and Rafiqul Islam who had been there on visit to A.M.L. Office came out of the office went to 78/5, Bengal Industrial service at Patuatuli. Subject purchased a pair of sandal there. After that, at about 13.55 hours they left the place and came to I.B. Office at about 14.00 hours. The subject had an interview with S.S.III. They all left I.B. Office. Manik Miyan separated from them. The subject along with Rafiqul Islam went to Jugerdabi Office at 14, Shashi Bhusan Chatterji Lane at 15.00 hrs. They left the office at 17.05 hours and went to 94, Nowabpur Rd. A.M.L. Office at 18.00 hours. At about 19.35 hrs. the subject accompanied by Tofazzal Husaian who entered into A.M.L. Office at 19.20 hrs. left the place and went to 11 Becharam Dewri (Residence of Anwaruddin Sb. D.S.P34., D.I.B.,) At about 20.50 hrs. they both left the place and returned to their quarters at about 22.15 hrs.
Side Note: S.S.III. For perusal Pl. Extract may be placed in the P.Fs. of Sk. Mujibar
Rahman & others who have any. Sd/- 0.A.A. Sd/- A. Hussain. 2.5
The object of visit was having class 1 classification for security prisoner M.A. Awal. Sd/- Q.A.A. 2.5.52
34. D.S.P – Deputy Superintendent of Police, a rank used by the Police forces in the Indo-Pak Sub Continent and formerly by the British Empire. After the independence of Bangladesh DSP renamed as SDPO (Sub-divisional Police Officer). This rank was abolished on 14.3.1979.

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Confidential report on the movements and visits of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 2 May 1952
Confidential Report submitted by O/C, Watch, dated 29.4.52, to D.S.VI.
Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman came to Dacca on 21.4.52 night from Faridpur via Barisal. He temporarily put up at 150, Mugaltuli, but on 22.4.52 he shifted himself to 133/29 Kamalapur (Residence of Tafazzal Hossain, A.M.L.) and since then he has been living there.
Since his arrival at Dacca uptill now he visited the following places.
1. Residence of Abdus Salam- Advocate, at 15/3 Hatkhola Road. 2. Residence of Hamidul Haque Choudhury at 1, Bhagabati Banerjee Road, 3. “of Ataur Rahman at 25, Swarighat Road, 4. ” of Ali Ahammed Khan, M.L.A. at 3, Abhoy Das Lane, 5. United States Information Service at 31, Hatkhola Rd. (Some members of
the public used to go there to read or purchase magazine etc.) 6. Paramount Type Foundry at 9, Hatkhola Road, where “Ittefaque” the organ
of A.M.L. is printed. 7. Residence of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque at 27, K.M. Das Lane. 8. A.M.L. Office at 94, Nwabpur Road. 9. 150, Mogaltuli, 10. M.C. Hospital, He saw Doctor Ibrahim there. 11. Residence of D.S.P., Dacca D.I.B. at Becharam, Dewri. 12. 54, Aga-Sadek Road ( Residence of Dr. Abdul Wahab, H. M.B.
(He was seen to contact with the following persons:] 1. Tofazzal Hossain, 2. Ataur Rahman, 3. Abdur Rahim Muktiar 4. Ali Ahmmed Khan and others.
He attended a meeting of all parties State Language Committee of Action held at Bar Library on 27.4.52.
About 40 men including members of A.M.L., Y.L., and some delegates from districts to the Conference of All Parties Committee of Action held at Bar Library on

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27.4.52, collected at 150 Mogaltuli on 29.4.52, Sk. Mujibar Rahman was one amongst the above persons. Side note: S.S. III, for perusal please. Extract may go in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibar
Rahman and others who have any. Sd/-Q.A. Ahmed. 2.5 Sd/- A. Hussain, 2.5.52


Précis on the confidential report regarding visits of suspicious
persons at 150, Mogaltuli, Dacca.
Dacca, 3 May 1952
Precis on the C.Rs dated 2.5.52 regarding visit of suspects and suspicious persons to 150, Mogaltuli.
Between 17.15 & 17.30 about 6 students entered into 150, Mogoltuli Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman accompanied by Rafiqul Islam (Jt. Secy. A.M.L.) entered into the same place at 17.00 hrs. They all left the place at 18.00 at a time and went away towards different direction. Suspect Mujibar Rahman was under shadow. Extract may be placed in relevant file if any.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
O/C. 3.5


Précis on the confidential report wherein mentioned about the movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 3 May 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, dated 2.5.52, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 133/29, Kamalapur, Dacca.
The subject visited the following places:
42, Juginagar Lane, Rafiqul Islam, Joint Secretary, A.M.L. resides here.
: (1) at 08.45 hrs. and remain
there for a short time.

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2. 43/1, Juginagar Lane, Y.L. office.
(2) From 14.30-16.00 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. office.
At about 09.00 hrs. : From (1) 09.20 -12.30 hrs.
” (2) 19.30-22.00 hrs. : 13.00-14.00 hrs. : 16.20-16.30 hrs. : 17.00-18.00 hrs.
4. 5. 6.
80, Khalkanagar Lane, 9, Hatkhola Road. 150, Mughaltooli,
Between 17.15-17.30 hrs. about 6 students entered into 150, Mughaltooli, they all along with Mujibar Rahman and Rafiqul Islam left the home at 18.00 hrs. and went away towards different direction. Suspect Rafiqul Islam accompanied with subject from his quarters to all places visited by the subject. At about 20.00 hrs. the subject left A.M.L. office along with Rafiqul Islam and Toffazzal Husain who had been there at 21.30 hrs. the subject returned to his quarter with Tofazzal Hussain. While the subject was at A.M.L. office, Ali Ahmad Chaudhuri M.L.A. visited the said office at 19.40 hrs. and left the same at 21.40 hrs.
Relevant extract may be placed in the P.Fs. of all conderned if approved.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
Side note: Enquiry is being made.
House of Prof. Akhlaqur Rahman object of visit could not be ascertained. Sd/- 30/5 Extract to P. F. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 8/5 S.S.III. Sd/- A. Hussain, 12/5


H.S. Surawardy sent two letters respectively to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia wherein he focused on
detained leaders in jail, injustice and oppression of the ruling government, illness of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, State Language
issue etc.
Karachi, 3 May 1952

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DACCA; The 3rd May 1952
Memo. No………./563-48(1) Sec
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
ť in
From (with address)
: Shaheed Suhrawardy, 56,
Clifton Karachi 2. To (with address)
: Manik Mia, Kamalapur Bazar
P.O. Wari Dacca East Pakistan. Language of letter
,English. 4. Date of letter
: 22.4.52. Postal Seal
: Illegible Post office of interception
: Wari. Date of interception
: 25.4.52 8. Name of officer who can prove : A. Hussain A.S.I., I.B., Dacca..
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not
: No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : (Delivered) 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception Copy to 606-48 P.F., Sd/ – M. Haque.
56, Clifton, Karachi
My dear Manik Mia,
I hope you have received the Rs. 1000/- I have …(missing from the original document due to
page damage) I must tell you that I have no money. I am doing these …(missing from the original document due to page damage) practically free and many of them absolutely free –

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meeting …(missing from the original document due to page damage) expenses of travelling even from my own pocket. This is really …(missing from the original document due to page damage) terrible the way they have put our leaders in jail- all this preparatory to the elections. What can I do, I do not know? – I …(missing from the original document due to page damage) learnt that without letting me know they have passed secret institutions that I should not be allowed to go to E.P. and they will … missing from the original document due to page damage) the formal order at the aerodrome when I want to go. The … (missing from the original document due to page damage) and oppression of these people passes all understanding. I …(missing
from the original document due to page damage) a reply to the papers to the references to me by
Nazimuddin at … (missing from the original document due to page damage) No one pointed it here, presumably because they received instruction from the Centre not to do so.
I am extremely busy with the case here and hence cannot write to Ataur Rahman, and Ali Ahmad as I would like to. Show them these two letters, this one and the one to Mujibar. Ali Ahmed says, I should write to Ahmed Hussain, Mujibar Rahman, Madar Bux, Abdul Hamid and Tarkabagish- what should I write to them.
Yours affectionately
56, Clifton, Dacca (?)
My dear Mujibar,
Thank Heavens they have released you. I am sorry to learn you are still unwell. If you wish to come over to Karachi, do so by all means. It may do your health some good. It is so terrible to hear that they have arrested the leaders of the Awami Muslim League all over the place and yet we can do nothing. How long will our people have to endure these miseries – and surely God watches, and he will come to our rescue. I do not say things to please people. I consider this State Language controversy35 to be meaningless and will really disrupt Pakistan, if they do not drop
35. Language Controversy – The then Pakistan Govt. tried to impose Urdu as State Language of Pakistan. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other political and students leaders vehemently opposed the Govt. decision. The students of Dhaka University and other political activists defied the law and organized a protest on 21 February 1952. The movement reached its climax when a few student demonstrators were killed on that day by Police firing. The deaths provoked widespread civil unrest. After years of conflict, the Central Government relented and granted official status to the Bengali Language in 1956. The Language Movement which was started in the year 1948 demanding Bengali as the State Language of Pakistan, the then Govt.

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the matter. At the worst, let us have Regional State Languages- Bengali for Bengal, and Urdu for West Pak., and for some time carry on with English as the Inter-Region Language and the International Language. However, it is no use saying these things, as no one is prepared to listen. But I would advise, Muslims in Bengal to learn Urdu as a compulsory 2nd language, and if I am right, they will not object, if they are properly approached.
Yours Shaheed Suhrawardy.
104 Précis on the confidential report wherein mentioned the movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at different
places in Dacca. Dacca, 5 May 1952


Precis on the C.Rs of Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 133/29, Kamalapur, Dacca.
The subject visited the following places.
07.30 hrs. -08.00 13.30 ” -17.00 22.00 ” -06.00 (4.5.52) 08.30 ” -10.00 hrs.
71 Radhika Mohan Basok Lane from The subject come here with bags and bagges from 133/29 Kamalapur. He shifted his residence here. 25 Swarighat (Residence of Ataur from Rahman) Residence of Kader Sarder. at Aulod Hussain Lane. 94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L. office) He left the office along with Rafiqul Islam who had been there at 10.05.
11.07 -12.50.
Administration used to call the Movement as ‘Language Controversy’. In 1999, UNESCO declared 21 February as ‘International Mother Language Day’, in tribute to the Language Movement and the ethno-linguistic rights of people around the world.

Page: 183
13.10 -13.20.
Bar Library. The subject left the place alone leaving Rafiqul Islam there. 5/1, Chittaranjan Avenue, Ispahani &
17.25 -18.15.
18.30 -21.15
7. 94, Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. Office) The
subject came here accompanied by professor Quamruzzaman from Ispahani & Co. The former left the place at 21.15
hrs. and the latter at 19.20 hrs. 8. (Residence of the suspect- 71, Radhika
Mohan Basak Lane)
Present at Quarters 06.00-06.40. 07.25-08.15 13.30-17.45
4.5.52. The subject visited the following places.
07.00 -07.20 Hrs.
-08.35 hrs.
08.45 -09.35 hrs.
1. 18/3 Armenion St. 2. 150 Mogaltuli. 3. 25 Swarighat (Residence of Ataur
Rahman). Ali Amjad visited this place
from 08.00-08.40. 4. 94, Nawabpur Rd. (A.M.L. Office. suspect
Rafiqul Islam visited this place from 10.15 hrs.- 12.15 hrs.
10.00 -10.05
10.15 -11.00 11.05 -12.15
5. 7, Bhagabati Banarji Rd. 6. 15/3 Hatkhola Rd. (Residence of Advocate
Abdus Salam) 7. 9, Hatkhola Rd. 8. AML Office (94, Nawabpur Rd. between
19.00 hrs. and 20.00 hrs. Ali Ahmed Choudhury, Rafiqul Islam, Tofazzal Hossain, Ataur Rahman, Advocate came to the place at different times. They all including the subject left the place at different times. between 21.00 and 22.00
“(2) “(3)
12.20 -12.30 12.45 -13.15 18.10 -22.00

Page: 184
Extract of portion sidelined may be place in the P.F. of the subject. Relevant extract from the precis may be placed in the P.Fs. of others.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
Side Note: S.O. to pl. enquire and report who lives at the places noted at N. No.1 &
5, Sd/- A. Razzak. O.C. 5.5 S.O. reports that Shakhawat Hossain of Faridpur Dist. who is the Secy. of Chamber of Commerce, resides in Armanian St. It is his own house. Sd/- A.R. 14.5.
Muhammad Patal of Bombay, an officer of Burma Shell office at Hatkhola Rd. resides at 7, Bhagabati Banarji Rd. with family. Sd/- A.R. D.S.VI. may please see. Extract to P. Fs., Sd/- A.Q. Ahmad. 8.5 S.S.III. Sd/- A. Hussain. 12.5


Secret report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 5 May 1952
No. 6842 dt. 5.5.52.
To The Addl. S.P. D.I.B., Dacca.
Please report early about the activity of Sk. Mujibur Rahman ExSecurity Prisoner who is at Dacca & getting active day to day.
Sd/ – 5/5 D.S.6 for S.S.3.
Sd/ – 3.5

Page: 185


M.A. Gafur, Convener, Language Movement Committee, Khulna sent a letter to advocate Ataur Rahman Khan stating observation
of the ‘Protest Day.’ Khulna, 6 May 1952
Ext. from PP. 147-146, File No. 69-52/PF.
English translation of an outgoing letter in Bengali dated 6/5/52 from M.A. Gafur (1) Sarada Babu Road, Khulna to Ataur Rahman Khan (2), Advocate, 25, Swarighat, Dacca, intercepted by S.I. Abdul Ghafur at Khulna Head Post Office on 7/5/52. The letter was released.
Printed heads
M.A. Gafur Saroda Babu Road, Khulna
Dated 6/5/52.
My dear advocate sub,
I do not know the date fixed for deserving the “Protest Day”. Schools and Colleges are going to be closed. Please keep this in view and make out programme of work. We are going to invite Mvi. Mujibar Rahman (4) on the “Protest Day”. Please see that he is not booked for some other place.
I shall be much obliged if you kindly give me his address. I shall send the names of the two councilors letter on. Finish.
Sd/- A. Ghafur Convenor Language Movement Committee

Page: 186


PTI, Dacca, sent a letter to the Manager, PTI, Calcutta wherein mentioned about the decision of EPAL for sending a delegation consisting of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders to meet the Governor Genera36 and PM of Pakistan.
Dacca, 7 May 1952
DACCA; The 7.5.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address)
: P.M. Babu, P.T.I. Dacca. 2. To (with address)
: The Manager, Press Trust of
India, 7, Hare Street, Calcutta. 3. Language of letter
: English. Date of letter
: 6.5.52. 5. Postal Seal
: Nil. Post office of interception
: Ramna. Date of interception
7.5.52. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Shahabuddin Ahmad A.S.I., I.B., interception
Dacca. 9. Whether photographed or not : : X 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
36. Governor General – The Governor-General was the representative of the British Monarch in
Pakistan, from the country’s independence in 1947. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the first Governor-General of Pakistan from 15 August 1947 to 11 September1948. His successor was Khawaja Nazimuddin from 14 September 1948 to 17 October 1951. Golam Mohammad and Iskander Mirza were the next two Governor-General respectively. When Pakistan was proclaimed a republic in 1956, the office of Governor-General was abolished on 23 March 1956.

Page: 187
Copy / translation forwarded to
D.S.(6) Perusal please the Press Report, sent by P.T.I. Dacca.
The reporter states that A.M.L. East Pakistan has decided to send a deputation to wait upon the Governor General and the Prime Minister of Pak. to discuss the question of release of Awami League leaders, workers who are under detention without trial.
This news has already been published in paper. Copy may be placed on file.
Sd/-M. Hossain,
9.5.52. Copy may be sent to Karachi Bureau for information.
Sd/- Q.A. Ahamd,
13.5. Sd/- A. Hussain,
Copy to file 606-48 P.F. Sd/
True copy of an English letter dated 6.5.52 from P.M. Balen, P.T.I., Dacca, addressed to the Manager, Press Trust of India Ltd., 7, Hare Street, Calcutta.
The East Pakistan Awami League has decided to send a deputation to wait upon the Governor General and the Prime Minister of Pakistan to discuss the question of release of Awami League Leaders, Workers and other political prisoners, who are under detention without trial, in view of the first general elections in East Bengal, likely to be held at the end of this year on early in 1953.
The deputation, which will include among others, Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Vice-President and Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary of the Awami League, will also present their case before the East Bengal Government.
The Awami League has also by a resolution expressed its “grave concern” over the deterioration in the health of Moulana Bhashani, President of the Awami League, and three members of the East Bengal Assembly, namely Messrs. Khairat Hussain, Tarkabagish, Osman Ali and Abul Hashem, former General Secy. of the Muslim League in undivided Bengal, who are under detention in connection with the language movement.

Page: 188


Précis on the confidential report mentioned about movements and
visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 8 May 1952
Precis on the C.Rs. dated 5.5.52, regarding Sk. Mujibar Rahman. 5.5.52. Present at Qtr. -(i) From
06.00 to 07.40 hrs. 12.48 to 17.15 hrs.
23.50 to The subject visited the following places: – (1) 144, Bangshal Road, …………..09.00 hrs.
He came to this place accompanied by Rafiqul Islam from his quarter from. (II) 2, Simpson Road along with Rafiqul Islam – 09.10 to 09.30 hrs.
Party House. (III) 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. Office – from 09.45 to 12.25 hrs. along with
Rafiqul Islam. Rafiqul Islam who accompanied the suspect left A.M.L. office
at 13.30 hrs. (IV). 148, Nawabur Road (Arrow Tailor Shop) 12.35 – 12.40 hrs. on the way to
this place the subject talked with Mvi. Bahauddin, Inspr. of Police. (V). 42, Juginagar Lane – from…. Residence of Rafiqul Islam (VI). 9, Hatkhola Road, from 17.45 -17.50 along with Rafiqul Islam. (VII). 94, Nawabpur Road, from 18.00 to 19.35, A.M.L. office along with Rafiqul
Islam. (VIII) Residence of Kader Sardar, from 20.00 to 23.40 hrs. Suspect Rafiqul Islam
accompanied with subject from 42, Juginagar Lane and visited the places Sl. Nos. VI, VII, & VIII along with the subject. Suspect Ataur Rahman visited
the house of Kader Sarder from 20.00-23.00 hrs. 6.5.52. Present at quarters – (I) From. 06.00
to 08.00 hrs. (II)
– 13.05 hrs. (III)
15.24 – 15.40″ (IV)
22.15 – 06.00″ dated
– 7.5.52.”

Page: 189
to 09.45 hrs.
The subject visited the following places :I). 4, Jindabahar 1st. Lane from –
Residence of Kamaruddin Ahmad M.A.B.L. II). 67, Patuatuli Cloth Shop from III). 1, Simpson Road, Party House IV). 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. office.
to 10.12 hrs. to 10.30 hrs. to 12.30 hrs.
Side Note: Enquiry is being made.
Kafiluddin Chaudhuri Advocate, Dacca, lives there. Extract to P.Fs. of all concerned and also to Dacca D.I.B. for information. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad, 8/5 S.S. III. Sd/- A. Hussain, 12.5
to 14.00 hrs.
to 14.30 hrs. to 16.15 hrs.
(V). 4, Purna Banarji Lane,
from 13.20 (VI). 33/1, Bangla Bazar (Library).
—– VII). Office of MM Ispahani and Co. at ” 16.00
Chittaranjan Avenue (VIII). 6, Folder St. Wari
” 16.00 (IX). 7, Bhagawati Banarji Road,
” 17.10 (X) 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. Office. ” 18.20 (XI). 148, Nawabpur Road, (Arrow tailor from 19.15
shop). (XII). 94, Nawabpur Road, A.M.L. office
from 19.30
to 16.15 hrs. to 18.00 hrs.
to 18.05 hrs. to 19.25 hrs.
to 22.05 hrs.
Suspect Rafiqul Islam visited the office from 17.40 to 22.10 hrs. Ali Ahmad M.L.A. visited the said office from 17.00 to 19.00 hrs.
Side Note: Enquiry is being made.
One Zahur Alam of Tippera37- a business man lives there. 7.5.52. Present at quarters – From (1) 06.00 – 07.50 hrs.
13.25 – 16.30 ” (3) 23.15 – 06.00(8.5.52)
37. Tippera – The greater Comilla region was once under ancient Kingdom of Samatata and was joined with Tripuri Kingdom. It came under the rule of East India Company in 1765 and was established as Tippera district [also known as Chakla (administrative division) Roshnabad in 1790]. Later, it was reorganized in three phases into six districts.

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Visited the following places :
1. Shah Mosque at Lalbag. Met with Shah Saheb, from 08.00 – 10.15 hrs. 2. A.M.L. office at 94, Nawabpur Rd. from
10.35 – 11.55 hrs. 3. 50, Johnson Road (Dispensary of Fr. M. Haque, 12.00 – 12.20 hrs.
Dental Surgeon). from 4. O. K. Restaurant – from
12.25 – 12.40 hrs. 5. A.M.L. office – from
12.45 – 12.50 hrs. 6. 9, Hatkhola Road – from
13.00 – to 13.10 hrs. 7. A.M.L. office, – from
16.45 – to 19.20 hrs.
Suspect Rafiqul Islam entered into this office at 17.30 hrs.
8. Residence of Ataur Rahman along”
19.30 – 21.15 hrs. with Rafiqul Islam, Advocate Kumruddin visited the place during the stay of suspect M. Rahman and Rafiqul Islam, came direct from the residence of Ataur Rahman and
remained for a few minutes. 9. A.M.L. office, along with Rafiqul Islam. 10. 3, Abhoy Das Lane along with from
21.45 – 23.00 hrs. Rafiqul Islam, Residence of Ali Ahmed Khan (M.L.A.) coming out of the house both separated each other.
Side note: D.S.VI. Extract of portions, side linked may go in the P.Fs. of the subject
and others concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak. 8.5


Musharraf Husain Chaudhuri, Acting President, EPMSL wrote a letter to Akhtar Ali Khan of Karachi in which the writer focused on the State Language affairs and Good-Will Mission of East
Pakistan. Dacca, 12 May 1952

Page: 191
Memo. No. /
DACCA; The : 12.5.1952
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Musharraf Husain Chawdhury,
Acting President, EPMSL, 25 S.K. Das Rd. Gandaria, Dacca.
To (with address)
: Mr. Akhtar Ali Khan, Esqr., 7,
Kutchery Road, Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 7.5.52
Postal Seal
Out-going Post office of interception
: G.P.O., Dacca. Date of interception
: 12.5.52. Name of officer who can prove the : Keramat Ali Bhuiyan, A.S.I. interception
Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual Interception.
order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to
D.S. (6)
Perusal please.
Musharraf Hussain Chaudhury, acting President, E.P.M.S.L. writes this letter to Akhtar Ali Khan, Treasurer, Jinnah Awami Muslim League.

Page: 192
He reminds the addressee of inviting a good will mission from East Pakistan to West Pakistan. If the addressee agree the mission may accompany the deputation consist of Sheikh Majibur Rahman and others to be sent to Karachi.
Copy may be placed on file. Copy to Karachi to please report about the proposed good will mission.
Sd/- M. Hussain
Side Note: S.S.III
1. Copy may be sent to Dacca D.I.B. for comments about sending
good-will mission. 2. Inspr. A. Wahed and K.H. Sobhan, may also please ascertain
from this agents on this. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad, 16/5. Sd/- A. Hussain, 17/5.
Copy of an English letter dated 7.5.52 intercepted at G.P.O., Dacca, from Musharraf Husain Chaudhuri, Acting President, EPMSL., 25. S.K. Das Road, Gandaria, Dacca to Akhtar Ali Khan, Esqr. 7, Kutchery Road, Karachi.
I am extremely sorry that I could not write to you since you left Dacca in December, 1951. Actually we were busy with the State Language affairs so long of which, I think, you are fully aware. You perhaps, remember the commitments that you assure us of inviting a good-will mission from this wing to the western part of Pakistan. You were also pleased to inform that any such proposal would be cordially
welcomed by your good self. Few days back we decided in our W/C meeting to send
a good-will mission to Karachi provided we can acquire the necessary fund from any generous person for the purpose. As per your verbal instructions we beg to remind you that you were pleased to agree that you would do all necessary arrangement for that mission which is proposed to start before the holy month of Ramzan.
We also beg to inform you that in a meeting of the Working Committee of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League a resolution was passed that a deputation be sent to Karachi and they also resolved that the deputation would consist of Mr. Shek

Page: 193
Mojibor Rahman, Acting General Secretary, and any other two of its W/C. So, it would be a nice team if we would manage to accompany them.
Hope this finds you hale and hearty. With best regards. P.S. An early reply is solicited.
Yours faithfully, Sd/- Musharraf Husain Chaudhuri,
Acting President, E.P.M.S.L., 25, S.K. Das Road, Gandaria,
Mr. Akhtar Ali Khan, Treasurer, Jinnah Awami Muslim League, 7, Kutchery Road, Karachi.


Abdul Momin Talukdar of Pabna wrote a letter to advocate Ataur Rahman Khan wherein the writer mentioned about District AL
organizational matters.
Pabna, 12 May 1952 Secret
Intelligence Branch 7 Wise House.
Dacca Memo No.
The : 12.5. 1952
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
Abdul Momin Talukdar, Ex. General Secy. of Pabna Edward College Students Union, Vill. Chakmakimpur, P.O. Rajapur, Pabna.
To (with address)
Ataur Rahman Advocate, 25, Sowarighat, Dacca.
Language of letter

Page: 194
4. Date of letter : 09.5.52.
Postal Seal : Illegible.
6. 7. 8.
Post office of interception
: G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 11.5.52. Name of officer who can prove the : A.S.I. Md. Ibrahim.
Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered
11. If Delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising interception
Three copies of an English letter dated 9/5/52 from Abdul Momin Talukdar, village Chakmakimpur, P.O. Rajapur, Dt. Pabna to Ataur Rahman, Advocate 25 Sawarighat, Chalkbazar, Dacca.
I received a letter from Janab Mazibur Rahman Saheb on the 7th instant. He has requested me to organise Awami League. I had consulted with a few gentlemen. They are willing for it. Please request Mazibur Rahman Saheb to write to Capt. Mansur Rahman, Rowsan Jan Choudhury, Belayet Ali Muktear and Mr. Abdus Sabur38, Pleader to organise it. I am trying my level best. But I am sorry to inform you that I am a candidate of B.Sc. Exam. So I am not in a position to work whole heartedly. However after my examination I may dedicate my best time to organise it. Please convey my salam to Janab Mazibur Rahman and Khondker Ilias of the Juger Dabi.
Sd/- A. Momin Ex. General Secy. Edward.
38. Abdus Sabur Khan (10 Otober 1908 – 25 January 1982) – Abdus Sabur Khan or Khan A Sabur was a Bangladeshi politician from Khulna. He directly opposed the 6-point programme of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and was an antagonist to the Bengali Nationalist movement. He launched propagation against Bangladesh war of liberation. He was elected to the Pakistan National Assembly in 1962 and became communication minister in Ayub Khan’s cabinet. He went into hiding after Bangladesh independence in 1971 but was later captured and put in jail. However, he was released by the order of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Page: 195


Précis from the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein cited his movements and visits at different places of
Dacca, 12 May 1952
Precis on the C.Rs dated 1.5.52.
Ref: Suspect. S.K. Mujibar Rahman of 133/29, Kamalapur, Dacca.
The subject visited the following places.
1. 9, Hatkhola Road from
(Paramount Press)
09.00 hrs. to 16.50 hrs. to 09.25 hrs. to
09.05 hrs.
16.51hrs 10.10 hrs
2. Residence of I.G. of Police at Haricharan Ray
3. O. K. Restaurant
10.40 to 11.25 hrs. at Johnson Road.
13.50 to 15.10 hrs. 4. A.M.L. Office.
11.35 hrs. to 13.40 hrs.
15.20 ” to 16.30 hrs. 5. 147, Nawabpur Rd.
16.35 hrs. to 16.40 hrs. 6. 66, Swamibag Road
17.10 to 17.30 hrs. There from he came to Victoria Park Bus stand and went towards Narayanganj by taxi No. E.B.D. 2772 at about 17.50 hrs.
At about 22.00 hrs. he was seen coming from Victoria Park side by rickshaw. He went up to the gate of A.M.L. Office which having been found closed he retd. to his qtr. direct
The subject when he first came out of his qtr. was accompanied with Manik Miah from the same and visited the places with him at Sl. 1 to 3 leaving Manik Miah at O.K. restaurant.
Side Note: Subject Ali Ahmad visited A.M.L. Office from 13.00 hrs. to 13.40 hrs.
S.O. to pl. enquire and report who lives at S. Nos. 5 & 6. Sd/- A. Razzak, 0. C. Report submitte. Sd/- 14.6. Dacca D.I.B. may be asked to report the activities. Sd/- A. Razzak., O/C. 8/5. Seen. Sd/- 2.5 As proposed. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 8.5

Page: 196
Sd/- A. Hussain. 12.5 Relevant extract of the precis may go in the P.Fs of suspects Sk. Mujibor Rahman, Tofazzal Hussain and Ali Ahmad, if approved. Sd/- A. Razzak., O/C.


Précis from the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
therein his movements and visits were cited.
Dacca, 12 May 1952
Precis on the C.Rs dated 11.5.52 regarding suspect Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Rd., Dacca. Present at quarters : From
06.00 – 08.20.
12.45 – 17.10 (3)
23.40 -06.00 (12.5.52) The subject visited the following places. 1) A.M.L. Office.
From 08.35 10.15 hrs. 2) 9, Hatkhola Rd.
” 10.30 12.30 ” 3) A.M.L. Office
17.20 20.30″ Tofazzal Hossain (from 19.05-20.30 hrs) Prof. Kazi. Kamruzzaman (from 17.30-19.50).
Rafiqul Islam (from 19.05- 20.30) and 3 unknown persons (from 19.00-20.15 hrs.) visited the A.M.L. Office. (4) Maya Cinema
21.00 hrs. -23.30 hrs. Both Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Rafiqul Islam came out of A.M.L. Office went to Maya Cinema. After coming out of the Cinema both parted. The subject retd. to his qtrs. alone.
Why the unknown persons were not followed and fixed pl.
Sd/- Q. A. Ahmad.
Side Note: Extract may go in P.Fs. of all concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C, 12.5
As proposed. SS III may pl. see. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 12/5. Sd/- A. Hussain. 13/5.
Chapter 11 – 1952

Page: 197


Sheikh Lutfar Rahman wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman advising on Karachi visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Gopalganj
election and release of political prisoners.
Faridpur, 13 May 1952
7 Wise House.
DACCA; The : 13.5.1952.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
Language of letter
3. 4.
Your Abba, Tungipara. Sk. Majibar Rahman Awami Muslim League office 94. Nawabpur Rd. Dacca. Bengali 10.5.52 Illegible. G.P.O. Dacca. 13.5.52 A.S.I. Md. Ibrahim.
Date of letter
5. Postal Seal 6. Post office of interception 1: 7. Date of interception
: 8. Name of officer who can prove :
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : 10. Whether withheld or delivered : 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or:
x Delivered. Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception

Page: 198
Copy / translation forwarded to
Perusal pl.
Father of Sk. Mojibur Rahman writes this letter to Mojibar Rahman. His father too appear to be an active worker.
His remark against Moulana Bhasani may be seen. He predicts about the Success of election in Gopalganj. Copy may be placed on file.
Sd/ – 13.5 Side Note: The election probably refers to D.B. election.
Copy to S.P. Faridpur for comments SS III may pl. see. Sd/ – 14.5

Page: 199
An English translation of a Bengali letter dated 10.5.52 from his father, Tungipara to Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Awami Muslim League Office, 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca on 13.5.52
Please let me know when are you leaving for Karachi? Shamsul Haque and Moulana Bhasani must be kept a night. The later one is very much religious minded but very clever. You meet him occasionally. They feel proud at your such interview. By the Grace of Allah I assure our victory at Gopalganj in the ensuing election provided Moulana does not interfere. I doubt if there be any election at all. Outwardly there will be busy programme of election but it will be deferred. You will take up the matter with the Premier, Pakistan to get the release of all political prisoners. Write me how you are pulling on.
Yours father.

Page: 201
করাচী কোন তারিখ রওয়ানা হইবা লিখিবা। সামসুল হক, মওলানা সাহেবকে আমাদের ঠিক। রাখা কর্তব্য। লােক খুবই পরহেজগার তবে ধূর্ত। তাহার সহিত মাঝে মাঝে দেখা করিবা। তােমরা উহাদের সহিত দেখা করিলে উহারা খুব গৌরব মনে করে। মাওলানা সাহেব যদি কোনও interfere করে তাহা হইলে গােপালগঞ্জে আমাদের জয় খােদার কৃপায় নিশ্চিত। আমার মনে হয় ইলেকসন। কখনই হইবে না। ইলেকসনের খুব তােড়জোড় করিয়া শেষে বন্ধ করিয়া রাখিবে। তুমি প্রধান মন্ত্রীর সহিত দেখা করিয়া সকলের মুক্তির চেষ্টা করিবা। সত্তর তােমার কুশল লিখিবা।
Sd. তােমার আব্বা
Side Note: 1. Shamsul Haq, 2. Moulana Bhasani

Page: 202


Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan sent a letter to M. A. Ghafur of Khulna in which the writer discussed organizational issues of the party.
Dacca, 13 May 1952 English translation of a Bengali letter (intercepted at Dacca G.P.O on 13/5/52) from Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, Convenor of East Pakistan, All Pakistan State Language committee of Action to M. A. Ghafur, Sarda Babu Road, Khulna.
Dear Ghafur Sahab,
I have got your letter. Mujibar Rahman said to have written to you also. It will do if you write to him at Awami Muslim League office, 94, Nawabpur Road. Dacca.
I am very glad that you are in favour of the A.M.L. We have got full sympathy for your work and we are ready to help you in your work. I want to defeat the Muslim League and I am grateful and thankful to you for your support in this matter. It is essential to set up an organizing committee at Khulna. If possible, please do it without any delay. The committee may be formed with members numbering 11, 13, 15 or more including the President and the Secretary. If you find any difficulty in electing President and Secretary, please proceed with the work by electing one convenor. If you send the list of members of the committee to us, we shall communicate our approval to you. After this, you will be able to start work in the moffosil areas and organise sub-divisional committees. The Dist. Committee will be competent to approve the sub-divisional Committees.
Manik Miyan and many others talk highly of your work.
I and Mujibur Rahman are going to Karachi soon to attempt to have the Goverment policy changed regarding the ensuing electoral procedure. Here we saw H.E. the Governor yesterday.
The protest Day has not yet been fixed. The signatures campaign will probably start very soon.
The Protest Day may be fixed after the month of Ramzan and after the opening of the schools and colleges. Mujibar Rahman will go to Khulna before that. Please let us know what we are to do. I hope you are all right- the end.
Yours, Sd/- Ataur Rahman Khan.

Page: 203


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District AML wherein he talked over his party port folio, health condition, organizational affairs etc.
Chittagong, 14 May 1952
CHITTAGONG The 14th May,1952
Memo. No. 3585/102-49 (Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
Sk. Mojibur Rahman, E.P. Awami M. League, Central Office, 94,
Nawabpur Rd., Dacca. 2. To (with address)
M.A. Aziz, Secy. Ctg. Dist. Awami
Muslim League, Chittagong. 3. Language of letter
: English. 4. Date of letter
: 2.5.52. 5. Postal Seal
: Dacca dt. 4.5.52. 6. Post office of interception : Chittagong G.P.O. 7. Date of interception
: 5.5.52. 8. Name of officer who can prove : W. C. Sagir Khan.
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : Not. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception

Page: 204
Copy /translation forwarded to
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/-13.5.52 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.
S.P. for favour of perusal.
It appears from the letter that the writer has assumed the charge of the Provincial League on 27-4-52. He will go out on tour just after the Ramzan. The letter also discloses the future activities of Awami League.
Copy may be sent to I.B. for information.
Sd/- A. Khaleque, D.I.O. (I), Ctg.
Appd. Sd/- Md. Ali, S.P., Ctg., 7.5
Copy of an English letter dated 2-5-52, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 55-52.
From : Sheikh Mojibur Rahman, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Central
Office, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
: Mr. M.A. Aziz, Secy. (1), Chittagong Dist. Awami Muslim League,
Postal seal of issue: Dacca dt. 4-5-52.
Dear brother,
You may be glad to learn that I have resumed charge of the Provincial Awami League since 27th April, ’52 as Genl. Secy. Due to long detention in jail I am very weak in health but Insha Allah I hope to undertake tour after the Ramzan. In the meantime our works in the mofussil units should be proceeded with vigorously in view of the coming General election.
I would therefore request you to take up organisational works earnestly and without losing time preach the programme and ideology of the Awami league in every nook and corner of your district. Sub-Divisional and Union Awami League should be formed and whole time workers mobilised for sustained propaganda.

Page: 205
I am also sending herewith a copy of the Manifesto and constitution of the Awami League for your use. I shall be thankful if you kindly let us know your requirements in this respect. We shall send your requirements but you should kindly remit the price of those books @ -/4/- (four annas) each copy.
Please send a list of the workers of your district who were victimised during the state language movement in different shapes such as arrests etc. and also the names of those who might still be in detention.
The reports of your organisational activities, may be forwarded to the Central Office as well as to the Ittefak.
Mr. M.A. Aziz Secy., Dist. Awami M. League
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully, Sd/- Sk. Mojibur Rahman.
Side Note: (1) S/O Haji Mohabbat Ali of North Halishahar, P.S. Double Moorings
NB: The same letter was sent to Abdul Bari, President, AML, Brahmanbaria, Tippera.


Précis from the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his movements and visits at different places of
Dacca. Dacca, 15 May 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, dated 14.5.52, regarding suspect Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Das Lane, Dacca.
Present at quarters :-
06.00 –
08.45 hrs.
14.10 –
15.20 “
16.00 –

22.15 –
06.00 (15.5.52)

Page: 206
1. Pakistan Library at.”
09.00 – Kazi Alauddin Road 2. Dispensary of Dr. Surul Wahab of Kazi 09.20 –
Alauddin Road….
09.40 hrs.
10.10 hrs.
12.45 hrs.
3. Central Hotel at Nawabpur Road.
09.55 – 4. AML. office
10.15 – Suspects Manik Mia (from 09.10 -10.30 hrs.) Rafiqul Islam (from 09.10- 10.30 ), Abdul Hai, Dacca Rly. employees League, from (11.45 – 12.30) visited AML. office. Abdul Hai was seen to meet with Sk. Mujibar
Rahman and hold discussion. 5. 9, Hatkhola Road …………. from
13.00 – 6. Bar Library
13.30 – 7. Dathi Hotel at 52, Jhonson Road, He took 15.30 –
some food there.
13.15 hrs.
14.00 hrs. 15.50 hrs.
8. A.M.L. office. 9. Medical College Hospital ……
17.30 – 17.40 –
17.35 hrs. 18.35 hrs.
10. A.M.L. office ……….
18.45 –
21.30 hrs.
Manik Mia visited this office from 19.30 -21.30 hrs. Both left the office at 21.30 hrs. Manik Mia proceeded towards Ramna side and the subject towards
Sadarghat. 11. 65, Nawabpur Road …. from
21.45 – 21.55 hrs.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
15.5.52 Side Note: Noted the order below. A.N.M. Waheed. Sd/- 15.5
D.S.VI. may pl. see. Extract may go in P.Fs of all concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak. 15.5 Show S.S.III. Inspr. K.H. Sobhan & A.N.M. Waheed to pl. report the subject & details of discussion with Sk. Mujibar Rahman and E.P.R.E.L. Secy. Abdul Hye through their reports. Show S.S. III. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. Yes. immediately. Sd/- A. Hussain. 15.5

Page: 207


Letter of Ataur Rahman Khan addressed to Mohammed Mahmud, Political Secretary to H.S. Suhrawardy wherein the writer
discussed about party’s organizational matters.
Dacca, 15 May 1952
Copy of an English letter intercepted at Dacca G.P.O. on 16.5.52.
From : Ataur Rahman Khan, 25, Swarighat, Dacca., Dt. 15.5.52. To : Mohammed Mahmud Saheb, Hony. Political Secretary, to Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy, Dak. Bunglow, Hyderabad (Sind).
My dear Mahmud Saheb,
I received your letter and the one addressed to the firm of Messrs. Abdul Ghani of Kamarnagar.
Mr. Rahim Buksh came to me yesterday and made over the sum of Rs. 500/- as advised by his partner there at Hyderabad. As there was delay in having the money, I sent a telegram on 13.5.52.
This morning, I received a telegram from Shaheed Saheb informing me about it
I shall be glad if you kindly inform him that we have received the money and we are going ahead with our works in right earnest. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, our Acting General Secretary will proceed to West Pakistan within a very short time and will see you all there. I am also thinking of going, if my health permits.
With salam to Jonab Shaheed Saheb and best regards to you.
Yours Sincerely, Sd/- Ataur Rahman Khan.


Précis from the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein cited his movements and visits at different places of
Dacca. Dacca, 16 May 1952

Page: 208
Precis on the C. Rs dated 15.5.52 regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca. Present at quarters :- From (1)
06.00 – 09.25 hrs. ” (2)
13.50 – 17.30 hrs. (3)
21.55 – 06.00 (16.5.52.)
– 10.00 hrs.
The subject visited the following places :(1) 3/8, Johnson Rd. –
From (The Royal Stationary House) (2) A.M.L. Office. (3) 9, Hatkhola Rd.- (Paramount Type Foundry) (4) 16, Hatkhola Rd. – (Burma Shell Oil Storage
and distributing Co. of Pakistan)
10.10 11.18
– 11.10 ” -11.40 “
-11.55 “
– 12.35″
-13.40″ – 18.25″ -18.25″
(5) 15, Hatkhola Rd. (Residence of Advocate 11.57
Abdus Salam) (6) Bar Library
13.00 (7) A.M.L. Office Prof Kamruzzaman from 18.00 Visited the office.
18.00 (8) 25 Swari ghat Rd. (Residence of Mr. Ataur
Rahman, Advocate) along with Prof. Kamruzzaman Tofazzal Hossain visited the said house from 18.30 They all (Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Kamruzzaman and Manik Miah came out of the residence of Ataur Rahman. Manik Mia and Kamruzzaman went away towards Sadarghat by bus and suspect Mujibar Rahman prosecuted towards
Nawabpur Rd. under shadow. (9) A.M.L. Office. from
20.30 (10) Residence of Tofazzal Hossain at Kamalapur. 20.55
-20.00 “
-20.45 hrs. -21.30.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
O/C., 16.5.
Side Note: Extract to P.Fs. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 17.5
D.S.VI may pl. be see. Sd/- A. Razzak.
Chapter 11 – 1952

Page: 209


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which his movements
were reported
Dacca, 16 May 1952
(Copy of watch report dated 16/5/52 submitted by A.S.I. Shamsuddin)
I beg to report that on 16/5/52 I was on special watch duty at 25, Swarighat from 07.00 hrs. to 09.15 hrs. and 16.00 hrs. to 24.00 hrs. At about 19.20 hrs. suspect Mujibur Rahman came from eastern side and entered inside the 25, Swarighat and after 5 minutes he left the said holding. Again at about 19.37 hrs. suspect Mujibur Rahman entered inside 25, Swarighat and attended an indoor meeting there from 19.45 hrs. to 21.10 hrs. About 20 to 25 persons attended the meeting including Mujibur Rahman and Ataur Rahman (Advocate). All are unknown per 21.45 hrs. Mujibur Rahman left the said Swarighat. No other suspicious persons visited the said house.
This is noted for favour of your kind information.
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 18th July, 1952.
No. 7714/137-52. Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB, EB, Dacca, for information with reference to his No. 10150/69-52 (PF) dt. 10/7/52.
Sd/-S. Rahman for Addl. Supdt. of Police
DIB, Dacca.


News regarding Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s Karachi tour and submission of memorandum to Pakistan Government in order to demand free and fair election and the release of political leadersactivists was published respectively in the daily Azad on 21.4.1952 and Ittefaq on 25.4.1952.
Dacca, 21 May 1952

Page: 210
Azad dt. 21-5-52.
আওয়ামী লীগের অস্থায়ী সেক্রেটারীর সফর স্মারক লিপি পেশ করার জন্য
বুধবার করাচী গমন। ঢাকা, ২০শে মে। – পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী মােছলেম লীগের অস্থায়ী জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী জনাব মুজিবর রহমান আগামীকল্য করাচী যাইতেছেন। তিনি এই প্রতিষ্ঠানের পক্ষ হইতে পাকিস্তান সরকারের নিকট একটি স্মারকলিপি দাখিল করিবেন।
স্মারকলিপিতে পাকিস্তান সরকারের নিকট ন্যায়সঙ্গত ও অবাধ নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠানের নিশ্চয়তা এবং আওয়ামী লীগ কর্মী ও নেতৃবৃন্দ এবং অপরাপর রাজনৈতিক কর্মীদের মুক্তি দাবী করা হইয়াছে বলিয়া জানা গিয়াছে। – এ, পি, পি ।
Side Note: 3 dt.. 24.5, Place in the file of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
S.S.//t. wag pl. See. Sd/-26.5; Sa/- 27.5

Page: 211
Ittefaq dt. 25.5.52.
আওয়ামী লীগ প্রতিনিধির।
করাচী গমন। বন্দীমুক্তি ও সুষ্ঠু নির্বাচনের দাবীতে
স্মারক লিপি দাখিলের সিদ্ধান্ত।
পূৰ্ব্ব-পাক আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ ওয়ার্কিং কমিটির সাম্প্রতিক সিদ্ধান্ত অনুযায়ী করাচীতে প্রতিনিধি প্রেরণ করা হইয়াছে। জনাব আতাউর রহমান খান ও শেখ মজিবর রহমানের প্রতিনিধিদলে যাইবার কথা ছিল। হঠাৎ জনাব আতাউর রহমান অসুস্থ হইয়া পড়ায় ভারপ্রাপ্ত সাধারণ সম্পাদক শেখ মজিবর রহমান গত বুধবার বিমানযােগে করাচী রওয়ানা হইয়া গিয়াছেন। তিনি আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা ও কর্মী ও অন্যান্য রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তি দাবী করিয়া এবং আগামী নির্বাচন স্বাধীন ও নিরপেক্ষভাবে পরিচালনার দাবী জানাইয়া প্রতিষ্ঠানের পক্ষ হইতে এক স্মারকলিপি পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী ও গর্ভর্ণর জেনারেলের নিকট পেশ করিবেন। তিনি পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানে কয়েকটি জন সভায়ও বক্তৃতা করিবেন। দুই সপ্তাহের মধ্যে জনাব রহমান ঢাকায় ফিরিবেন বলিয়া আশা করা যায়।Side Note: 7 dt. 2.6.52. Place in the file of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
SS. /// wag pl. see. Sa/- 3.6

Page: 212


Secret memo on the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for
Dacca, 22 May 1952
Secret Express
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 21/22nd May, 1952.
No. 5840/100-49 To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Sk. Majibur Rahman reached Tejgaon Air Port on 21.5.52 at 08-45 hrs. by Orient Air Bus being shadowed by W/C Kobbat Hussain and A.S.I. Sujat Ali and left Tejgaon Air Port for Karachi by Karachi Air Mail at 09-45 hrs. Rafiqul Hussain, Musharraf Hussain Choudhury and 3 others (unknown) accompanied him upto Tejgaon Air Port.
This is for his information.
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.


Request for sending a copy of manifesto constitution of AML.
Comilla, 22 May 1952
No. 335/90-49 (Int.)

Page: 213
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B., Dacca.
Reference- Your No. 7663/606-48 PF, dt. 19.5.52.
Would you kindly send if possible a copy of the ‘Manifesto Constitution of the Awami Muslim League’ referred to in the intercepted letter, forwarded to us under your letter referred to above.
Sd/- 22.5.52 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Tippera,
9295 No. 606-48 PE. dt. 19.6.52.
TO S.P. D.I.B., Tippera Ref: Your No. 3351 dt. 22.5.52.
We have no copy of the “Manifesto Constitution of the Awami Muslim League”.
Sd/ – 19.6
D.S.6 for S.S.III. 1.B.,


Secret memo on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in
Karachi, 22 May 1952
It is learnt that Mujibur Rehman, a leader of the Awami League, East Pakistan, who has come to Karachi in order to remove the misunderstanding between East and

Page: 214
West Pakistan on the language question, is making anti Government propaganda. He said that he has come to West Pakistan with the intention of explaining the situation of East Pakistan and inform the people of West Pakistan that if they want to save East Pakistan, they should remove the present Government at once otherwise, he said, we will lose East Pakistan one day. Further he said that the Hon’ble Khawaja Nazimuddin has no standing in East Pakistan and he should not try to go to East Pakistan for the sake of future elections. It is said that he intends to hold a Press Conference in a day or two. Besides he will also address a public meeting.
No. S.B. 5438 of 1952.
SIND C.I.D. Karachi, 22nd May, 1952.
Copy forwarded with compliments to:1) The Asstt. Director (P)., I.B., Government of Pakistan, KARACHI 2) Special Superintendent of Police (III), Intelligence Branch, East Bengal,
DACCA, for information.
Sd/(Mohd. Hussain) ASSTT. I.G. OF POLICE,


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman submitted a memorandum on behalf of
EPAML to the Prime Minister of Pakistan embodied demand of appointing of an independent election commissioner, setting up an
election tribunal, immediate release of all leaders-workers of AML and other political parties, withdrawal of the ban imposed
on newspapers etc. Karachi, 30 May 1952

Page: 215
The Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The humble memorial on behalf of the East Pakistan
Awami Muslim League.
Most respectfully sheweth:1) that a bill has been passed for the holding of the General elections in East
Bengal and it is widely understood that the elections may take place by the first part of the next year. that the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League is the only constitutional opposition party with clear manifesto and programme for the well-fare of the people and with that end in view, it has been working for the last four years and
proposes to contest the General elections in East Bengal. 3) that the experience of the elections in the N.W.F.P39 and the Punjab has created
genuine apprehension in the mind of your memorial that there can be no free and fair election unless definite steps in the lines suggested below are taken by your Government to guarantee free and fair election and to uphold and maintain democracy. that your memorialists therefore place the following demand in the interest of a fair and honestly executed general election and expect that by conceding to them you would remove the misapprehension from the mind of the electors.
We demand:
a. Appointment of an Election Commissioner by the Governor in his discretion
and not by the advice of the ministry and who must be independent of the
influence of Central or Provincial execution. b. Setting up of and Election Tribunal of two High Court Judges to deal promptly
with all complaints arising out of rejection of nomination papers of any candidate or any other irregularities in that connection.
39. N.W.F.P. – The North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) was a province of British India. It was
established in 1901 and dissolved in 1955, after eight years as part of the independent state of Pakistan. The area became Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province on April 19, 2010 when the Eighteenth Amendment was signed by the President of Pakistan.

Page: 216
c. Immediate release of all leaders and workers of the Awami Muslim League as also of all other political prisoners detained under the Safety Acts. No leader or worker of parties contesting the election should be arrested, detained on any pretext under the Security Acts prior to and during the election of the contesting parties.
Withdrawal of the ban imposed on newspapers so as to enable the creation of a healthy democratic atmosphere for free political discussion.
Complete neutrality to be maintained by all the Government resources, administrative machineries and propaganda organs such as radio, journals and papers. All officers should be strictly warned to maintain by words, deeds and attitude absolute neutrality and impartiality. Dissolution of the present ministry with the expiry of the terms which falls on the 14th of August, 1952 and the assumption of the powers in connection with the election by the governor till the constitution of the new Assembly; the present Muslim League ministry or its nominee should not be allowed to function either as caretaker or adviser during the elections.
In the matter of delimitation of constituencies the East Pakistan Awami
Muslim League should be consulted.
Your memorialists are confident that in the name of democracy and the principles of Islamic justice and fair play, you will be pleased to take suitable steps in respect of the demands recited above.
And your memorialists as in duty bound shall ever pray.
Sd/- Karachi.
The General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Shaik Mujibur Rahman who had been deputed on behalf of the Provincial Awami League met Khawaja Nazimuddin today at 9 A.M. in his office.
As for the release of all leaders and workers of the Awami League and other political prisoners, Khawaza Nazimuddin the Prime Minister of Pakistan asked Shaikh Mujibur Rahman to approach the Provincial Chief Minister Hon’ble Nurul Amin.

Page: 217
Commenting on the Awami League, Khawaja Nazimuddin is of opinion that it is a constitutional opposition party and as such all possible facilities in connection with the ensuing General elections in the province, will be extended by the Government.
The talks which lasted for 70 minutes, was held in a cordial atmosphere and Khawaja Sb. gave an assurance to Mr. Mujibur Rahman that he will give a serious consideration to the various points embodied in the memorandum submitted by the East Pakistan Awami League.
N.B. A copy of the memorandum is attached herewith.

125 (I)

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke in a press conference at Karachi on the state language issue, his detention for two and a half years, prevention of holding meetings of his
party men, inefficiency and corruption of the ML government, jute growers’ rightful demand etc.
Karachi, 30 May 1952 Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Acting General Secretary of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, in a press conference here says:
I am very happy to be here. I have availed of the earliest opportunity after my release from Jail to come over to West Pakistan to acquaint our brethren here with the conditions obtaining in our part of Pakistan and to remove the clouds of misunderstanding that have been deliberately cast in the minds of the people here particularly on the State Language Movement which convulsed the country for a long time.
Ever since the creation of Pakistan the people of Pakistan have been making persistent demand of making Bengali as one of the state languages it being the mother-tongue of 45 millions people of Pakistan. We made it quite clear that we are not averse to Urdu, on the contrary we have been advocating sincerely that for mutual understanding and goodwill, the people of East Pakistan must learn Urdu and those of West Pakistan, Bengali. But the ruling clique in Pakistan has been insisting

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on destroying the language of the people of East Pakistan, and in their attempt to do so have introduced Arabic scripts into Bengali. They contend that Bengali is a sanskritised Hindu language and is the language of Hindu culture. This betray their utter ignorance about the origin and the history of the language. To enter into a discussion as to how far Bengali language has been the creation of the Muslim rulers, poets, people, and how far they enriched the language and literature would be to recount the entire history of the last five centuries and I would refrain from entering into such a long discussion. Suffice it to say, that there is absolutely no sense in saying that Bengali is the language of the Hindus. This bogey has been raised by persons who do not even know the very alphabets of the language and who are following the footsteps of their erstwhile masters- the Britishers who replaced persian, the language of the Muslims by English and turned the Muslim Community into a host of drawers of water and hewers of wood.
In the year 1948, Khawaja Nazimuddin, the then Prime Minister of East Pakistan during the first State Language movement entered into a written agreement with the committee of Action to give Bengali the status of state language along with Urdu. But the same gentleman, while making a speech at Dacca Maidan on the 27th of January, threw his pledge to the winds and declared that Urdu shall be the only State Language of Pakistan. Thus creates terrible resentment in the mind of the people particularly the intelligential who had suffered during the 1948- movement. You are certainly aware of what followed thereafter and how several valuable lives were lost before the bullets of the Nazimuddin government.
The reason for Khawaja Nazimuddin hitting on the language problem is not far to seek. It is a common knowledge that the Muslim League has forfeited the confidence of the people and exists only on the various Safety Acts and other undemocratic and dishonest methods. By introducing the language controversy he wanted to create a cleavage between the East and West Pakistan and his main purpose was to find a plea in this lawful movement to suppress the opposition by oppression and intimidation. You will be surprised to hear that although the government was the sole aggressor on the peaceful students and people and there was not a single instance of violence from the students the government 500 workers and leaders mostly Awami Leaguers and student-leaders and workers throughout the province, including Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani the President and the Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.

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You are certainly aware that due to the popularity of the Awami Muslim League and since the defeat of the Muslim League candidate by the Secretary of the Awami League in the Tangail by-election in 1949, as many as 26 by-elections in the province have been held up for the last four years. The Muslim League candidates were defeated hollow in the Municipal and District Board elections everywhere. This occasion was created to let loose the engine of oppression in East Pakistan to frighten the people on the eve of the general elections. But that is not to be. Khawaja Nazimuddin has misjudged the people of East Pakistan with whom he had never any personal contact throughout his life as he was never supported by popular votes. The recent oppression has only strengthened the stamina and determination of the people to fight the menace, namely the Sarkare Muslim League. You also know that within 6 months of the formation of the Awami Muslim League, the President Secretary, Joint Secretary and many workers of the organisation were thrown into prison. I myself was in detention for about 2.1/2 years. The Awami leaguers were prevented from their lawful activities of holding meetings, through promulgation of orders under section 144, when the goonda methods of breaking our meetings had failed. The present Sarkari League is the combination of all the opportunists of the British regime, namely the Nawabs40, knights41, Khan-Bahadurs42 and ex-Muslim congressites. The people of East Pakistan are united to throw the unholy combination from power by all constitutional means.
The inefficiency, corruption and nepotism of the Muslim League government have been responsible for the death of about 20,000 men due to famine in the Khulna district alone. Lots of people in the Barisal and other districts are facing death. Thousands of beggars infest the towns of East Pakistan due to scarcity of food. This state of affairs is a challenge to Islam and Pakistan. But the Muslim League and its government are callous to these. All the resources and energies of the
40. Nawab – A ‘Nawab’ is an honorific title ratified and bestowed by the reigning Mughal Emperor to semi-autonomous Muslim rulers of princely states in South Asia. Nawab’ usually refers to males; the female equivalent is ‘Begum’ or ‘Nawab Begum’. The primary duty of a Nawab was to uphold the sovereignty of the Mughal Emperor along with the administration of a certain Province.
41. Knight – A Knight’ is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a Monarch or other political leader for service to the Monarch or Country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, Knighthood was conferred upon mounted warriors.
42. Khan Bahadur – A compound of Khan (leader) and Bahadur (brave) was a formal title of respect
and honour, which was conferred exclusively on Muslim subjects of the British Indian Empire. It was a title one degree higher than the title of Khan Sahib.

Page: 220
Government are utilised for keeping their Gaddi intact and permanent. This greed and corruption brought the price of salt to Rs.16/- a seer, unknown in the history of the world. Jute which is the main cash crop in the East Pakistan, and provides 75% of the trade of Pakistan has been virtually killed at the alter of the greed of businessmen like Ispahanis and the agents of Muslim League, the growers have been pauperised as they could not get even the cost of production and the foreign buyers have been scared away due to uneconomic prices exacted by the greedy traders. Betel nuts and tobacco, two next important cash crops have also been totally upset due to unsound and suicidal policy of the Muslim League Government. I would invite the people of West Pakistan and particularly the journalists to go over to the rural areas in East Bengal and see for themselves the awful plight of the people. If this government is allowed to continue in power any more, the whole country will be turned into Arabian desert and 90% people will become destitute. The educational structure of East Pakistan has been completely shattered. The Ministry is spending lacs of rupees on false propaganda mainly to lull the people into sleep. Hundreds of plans are published in government papers and magazines and the government subsidized papers.

125 (II)

In the press conference at Karachi Sheikh Mujibur Rahman emphasized on the Kashmir issue and foreign policy of Pakistan, ML leaders’ controversial role in the Calcutta killing, people of
East Bengal free in name not in reality etc.
Karachi, 30 May 1952
This weak and timid Muslim League Ministry are responsible for the bungling in Kashmir. 5 years are passing but no solution is in sight. Our brothers in Kashmir are gasping under Dogra-Abdulla regime and the Muslim League government looking helplessly to the Anglo-American dominated Security Council for the solution of Kashmir problem. This hopelessness might have increased the bargaining power of America with India but it can never help us in getting back Kashmir. In

Page: 221
spite of such glaring failure and timidity on their own part the Muslim League Government invokes unity on the scene of Kashmir. But I can tell you with confidence that you can not get back Kashmir under this weak, worthless leadership if not at once removed. We remember the Great Calcutta Killing43 when all these people who now through clique preside over our destiny fled away on the sight of danger and it was the valiant leadership of Mr. Suharawardy and the people that won us this battle. We make our people bold and fearless and not frighten them as the Muslim Leaguers. It is a shame and disgrace that Pakistan being the greatest Muslim State in the world, should dance in the tune of the oppression .
Anglo American Imperialist even on the face of their ruthless oppression and pressure of Muslims on the Middle East and Tunisia. The tragedy is that the people who were nurtured in the British Imperialism are in the helm of administration today in our country. We are free in name and not in substance. Where is the constitution which is the charter of the right of the people of a free country?
So far Awami League is concerned it advocates a policy of active neutrality. We are not to side with or merge any block. We may accept help from any country for the construction, progress and prosperity of our people provided it is voluntary unconditional and free from political or economic interferences. We have open mind to receive the best from the other countries of the world to emulate in our soil as a free, independent sovereign country.

125 (III)

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke in the press conference at Karachi on the general election, detention of AL leaders-workers and their
immediate release, manifesto of AL etc.
Karachi, 30 May 1952
Awami League will contest all the Muslim seats in the East Bengal Assembly. The election must be fair and free. All our workers and leaders detained under
43. Great Calcutta Killing – The Great Calcutta Killings also known as Direct Action Day’ was a day of widespread communal rioting between Muslims and Hindus took place on 16 August 1946 in the city of Calcutta in Bengal province of British India. The cause of the riot was on the partition of Bengal on religious ground.

Page: 222
security must be released forthwith. Freedom of expression must be allowed. Ban on newspaper must be removed. If the methods of the Punjab and N.W.F.P. are repeated in East Bengal we shall resist them tooth and nail, because the absence of free election will launch the country in chaos and disaster. The Muslim League Ministers want to confuse the people by saying that there is no difference of programme between Awami League and Muslim League. This is false. The Muslim League has no programme. It only talks vague on the problems of the country, whereas East Pakistan Awami League has its published manifesto. It aims at economic betterment of the people on the basis of a set programme. It stands for abolition of Zamindari without compensation, nationalisation of Jute and other Key industries, to develop industries on Government initiative narrowing down the gap between the highly paid and low paid officers and assuring minimum living wages to all. It stands for free compulsory education and thorough change in the educational system in the light of independence. It stands for eradicating evils of corruption, bribery, favouratism, nepotism by practical means. In short the party pledged to uplift the condition of masses and aimed a classless society based on Islamic equity and justice.
Sd/- Illegible


Paper clipping of C and M Gazette caption with ‘Awami League to contest all seats in East Bengal Assembly’embodied the speech of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at a news conference in Karachi was
published on 31.5.1952.
31 May 1952
C&M …… dt. 31-5-52.
Gen- Secy. explains manifesto
The Awami League will contest all the Muslim seats in the East Bengali Assembly but the elections must be fair and free, the acting General Secretary of the

Page: 223
East Pakistan Awami League, Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, said at a news conference in Karachi yesterday.
He demanded that all Awami League workers be released forthwith, freedom of
expression be allowed and the ban on newspapers be lifted.
Sheikh Mujibur Rehman while accusing the Muslim League of having no programme said that the East Pakistan Awami League, according to its published manifesto, stood for abolition of zemindari without compensation, nationalization of jute and other key industries, narrowing down gap between the highly paid and the low paid minimum wage to all, free compulsory education, eradication and corruption and bribery- a classless society based on Islamic equality and justice.
He said the Awami League stood for Pakistan’s neutrality between Power blocs but “we may accept help from any country provided it is voluntary, unconditional and free from political and economic interference.”
Sheikh Mujibur Rehman accused the Pakistan Government of bungling the Kashmir issue by putting too much faith in the Anglo-American dominated Security Council.
The Awami League leader said that in supporting the demand that Bengali be made a State Language of Pakistan, the Awami League was not at all averse to Urdu “on the contrary we have been advocating sincerely that for mutual understanding and goodwill, the people of East Pakistan must learn Urdu and those of West Pakistan Bengali”. He refuted the allegation that Bengali was un-Islamic and recalled how Muslim rulers had nurtured it.
He invited the people of West Pakistan particularly the journalists to visit East Bengal and see for themselves what he called the awful plight of the people. He accused the Muslim League Government of being responsible for the famine in parts of East Bengal and said the people of the province would overthrow the present Government by all constitutional means-UPP.
1 dt, 6-6-52.

Page: 225


Secret memo about the analysis on a letter of Sheikh Lutfar
Rahman sent to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 2 June 1952
District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur, the 2nd June, 1952.
No. 2530/33-50.
To A. Hussain, Esqr. Spl. Supdt. of Police I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 7836/606-48 P.F. dt. 21.5.52.
In March, 1952 Sk. Mujibar Rahman wrote a letter to Mr. H.S. Shurawardy at his Sindh address saying that he would go to West Pakistan for a change and also to see him. The writer who is the father of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, perhaps, refers to that. As regards the election affairs, it is heard that Sk. Mujibar Rahman will contest the coming General Election and the writer is confident about his success. He is however doubtful if any election would at all take place in the near future. It is not known what Maulana Bhasani has to interfere with the election affairs of Gopalganj, but it is presumed that he apprehends that some other candidate might be set up by the Maulana.
Sd/ -2.6
(M.S. Haider) Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed to Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah in which he focused on press-conference in Karachi, interview with the Prime Minister, State Language issue etc.
Karachi, 4 June 1952

Page: 226
Dacca : The 4.6.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address) To (with address).
: Majib (Sk. Mujibar Rahman). : T. Hussain (Manik Mia)
Editor Ittefak, 9, Hatkhola
Rd. Dacca. : English
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Karachi.
5. 6.
Post office of interception
: Wari. 7. Date of interception
: 4.6.52. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : a. Husain. A.S.I.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : Not. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Submitted with the original
letter 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or :
not 12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to DSVI
Perusal please
This cover addressed to T. Hussain (Manik Mia) contains a letter in English and two copies of a Press Statement issued by Sk. Mujibar Rahman and one copy of the memoranda submitted by the A.M.L. in connection with the coming election.
In the statement Sk. Mujibar Rahman upholds the cause of Bengali as one of the state languages of Pakistan and eulogies the ideology of his party (A.M.L.)

Page: 227
The letter reports about Sk. Mujibar Rahman’s recent talk with the H.P.M. Pakistan at Karachi.
We may allow the letter to pass noting typed covers of the contents of the case to be placed on relevant files.
Sd/ – 4.6.52
Side note: Put up with typed copy & also copy of the Bengali letter with its
English translation at once & deliver the original. Sd/ – 4.6 D.S.VI, Statement of Sk. Mujibur Rahman has already been marked. The paper cutting enclosed. Sd/ – 6.6 Issue, Furnish copy at once pl. Sd/ – 4.6 Letter delivered. Sd/- 6.6
S.S.III. For perusal pl. 1) Copy may be sent to H.S, I.G.P. Karachi Bureau for information. 2) Copy may also be sent to Dacca D.I.B. for information. 3) S.S. II may pl. see for F.R. 4) D.I.G. may like to see.
Sd/ – 12.6
English Translation of a Bengali letter written by Sk. Majibar Rahman, acting Secretary Awami Muslim League to Manik @ T. Husain, Editor Ittefak’ from Karachi C/o M.H. Osmani, 352 Nazareth Rd. Garden East.
Brother Manik,
‘Salam’ to you. Perhaps you have since received my letter. Press – Conference was held yesterday & it was a successful one. I am sending the report. This morning I had an interview with the Prime Minister for 70 minutes & discussed many matters & you will be able to know all these when we shall meet together next. The busy days are passing well. I could not meet with H.S. Suharawardy as he has gone to Lahore. He will come back in a day or two. After contacting him I will return via Lahore & shall let you know everything. Please send “Ittefaq”. Few advertisements may be procured. Have an eye over the office. Ask Rafiq to make replies to the letters.

Page: 228
The Comrades here are rendering much help. It is a great & only regret that Maulana Sahib & other Comrades are in Jail. I am well. Convey my Salam to others.
Sd. Majib

Page: 229


Report on several political programs and organizational works of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Elected to act as General Secretary of
EPAML in absence of Shamsul Huq on 26.4.1952.
Dacca, 4 June 1952
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 31.5.52.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, S/o. Sk. Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dt. Faridpur, an ex-security prisoner arrived at Dacca on 21.4.52 and put up at 150, Mughaltooli, the office of the E.P.M.S.L. and met the E.P.M.S.L. members. On 23.4.52 Sk. Mujibur Rahman attended a meeting of the All Party Committee of Action held in the house of Mr. Ataur Rahman at 25, Swari ghat.
In a meeting of the A.M.L. members held at 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca on 26.4.52 Sk. Mujibur Rahman was elected to act as General Secretary of the E.P.A.M.L. in absence of Shamsul Huq and he took over charge of the E.P.A.M.L. from that date.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman during his period of stay in Dacca met the leading members of the A.M.L. at their residences and discussed organisational matters. He very often met the students workers at his residence at 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Road, Dacca.
On 27.4.52 Sk. Mujibur Rahman attended a convention of the All Party State Language Committee of Action held at the Bar Association Hall, Dacca and took an active part in the deliberation. A resolution for an open Referendum on State Language issue has been proposed by him and it was passed in the meeting.
On 1.5.52, Sk. Mujibur Rahman accompanied by Tofazzal Hussain went to I.G.P’s residence and after a short period of stay returned to 94, Nawabpur Road.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, attended two meetings of the E.P.M.S.L. at 150, Mughaltooli, Dacca on 28.4.52 and 16.5.52 respectively and discussed the organisational matters with the E.P.M.S.L. members.
On 12.5.52 Sk Mujibur Rahman and 4 other members of the E.P.A.M.L. met H.E. the Governor of East Bengal at the Govt. House and submitted a written representation demanding appointment of an Election Commissioner, a tribunal for dealing speedily with the rejected nomination papers, release of all political prisoners, freedom of Press, nutrality of the Govt. officials during election period and enforcement of Sec. 92A in East Bengal.

Page: 230
Sk. Mujibur Rahman left for Karachi by the Orient Air Ways plane on 21.5.52. It is learnt that he would meet the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan in Karachi and discuss election affairs in East Bengal. He will also meet the leading members of the A.M.L. and Muslim League there.
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 2nd June, 1952
No. 6310
* R.4800/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr. Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B. Dacca, for information with reference to his No.6842/606-48 P.F. (E) dated 5.5.52.
Sa/- 4.6.52
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.
130 News on a press conference of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Lahore
was published on 16.6.1952 in the daily Jugantar wherein mentioned about detention of AL workers under PSO, famine condition prevailed in different places, demand of declaring
Bengali as mother tongue.
Dacca, 16 June 1952
Jugantor dt. 16.6
জননিরাপত্তা আইনানুসারে আওয়ামী লীগের সহস্রাধিক কম্মী আটক
পূর্বপাকিস্তান আওয়ামী নেতা কর্তৃক
তথ্য প্রকাশ স্থানে স্থানে দুর্ভিক্ষের অবস্থা বিদ্যমান বলিয়া মন্তব্যঃ
বাংলাকে মাতৃভাষা বলিয়া গণ্য করার দাবী
লাহাের ১৫ই জুন – পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আওয়ামী লীগের জেনারেল সেক্রেটারী মি ঃ মুজিবুর রহমান গত শনিবার সাংবাদিকদের বলেন যে, নিরাপত্তা আইনানুসারে বিভিন্ন বিরােধী দলের প্রায়

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এক হাজার নেতা ও কর্মীকে আটক করা হইয়াছে। তিনি বলেন যে, আটক বন্দীদের মুক্তি দিয়া ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতা পুনরুদ্ধার না করিলে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের অবস্থা বিপজ্জনক হইয়া উঠিবে। মিঃ মুজিবর রহমান বলেন, সম্প্রতি খুলনার দুর্ভিক্ষে ২০ হাজার লােক মরিয়াছে। বরিশাল ও অন্যান্য জেলার অধিকাংশ লােক দুর্ভিক্ষের সম্মুখীন হইয়াছে। এখনই প্রতীকারের ব্যবস্থা না করিলে ভয়াবহ দুর্ভিক্ষ দেখা দিতে পারে।
মিঃ রহমান পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের মাতৃভাষা বাংলাকে রাষ্ট্রভাষা হিসাবে গন্য করার দাবী জানান। তিনি বলেন, “বর্তমানে পূর্ববঙ্গে যাহা ঘটিতেছে, তাহা ইসলাম ও পাকিস্তানের প্রতি চ্যালেঞ্জেরই ইঙ্গিত। খাদ্যশস্যের মূল্য ক্রমশ ও বাড়িতেছে। অতিরিক্ত কর ভারে জনসাধারণ জর্জরিত।”
Side note: Place in the file of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Ex-Security Prisoner.
S.S.III may pl. see. Sd/ – 30.6, Sd/ -26.6


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed and replied questions of journalists in a press conference at Lahore on 14.6.1952.
Lahore, 16 June 1952
Copy of Report dated 16.6.52 made by an officer of this Deptt.

Page: 232
Mr. Mujib-ur-Rahman, acting General Secretary of East Pakistan AwamiMuslim League, addressed a Press Conference at Argentine, Lahore, on the evening of 14.6.52. Cyclostyled copy of the address is attached herewith for favour of perusal. J.A. Leaguers like Khawaja Abdul Rahim, Raja Hassan Akhtar, Hamid Nizami, Mian Amir-ud-Din, Shorish Kashmiri and Pir Salahud-Din also attended. Nawab of Mamdot was conspicuous by his absence. Expence of the Conference were borne by Khawaja Abdur Rahim.
Replying to a question that if Bangala was not recognised as a State Language Mr. Majib-ur-Rehman told that such a situation would be fraught with dangers for both the wings of Pakistan. The language controversy, he said, was the creation of Hon’ble Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din’s brain. He added that H.P.M., has practically no influence in East Pakistan and had an idea of permanently settling down in West Pakistan.
Majib-ur-Rehman disclosed to the press-man that H.S. Suharwardy has agreed that Awami Muslim League should oppose all league candidates in the Provincial General elections. He also remarked that if H.P.M., stood in favour of free and fair elections all the detenus of the opposition in East Pakistan should be released.
Questioned by Hasrat Qureshi, Zaminder’s Chief Reporter, the Awami League Leader told that he was the General Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League which had no political affiliation so far with the Jinnah Awami League. The latter organisation did not exist in East Pakistan. Awami Muslim League’s constitution and manifesto, he said, were radically different from that of Jinnah Awami League.
This declaration of the part of E.P. Awami Muslim League Leader was received with mixed feelings by the Jinnah Awami Leaguites present at the function. Hamid Nizami and Khawaja Abdur Rahim were heard whispering that Majib-ur-Rehman was unwise in making the assertion that the two organisations were different from each other.
As advised by Mr. Suharwardy a Awami Muslim League Leader extended an invitation to Khawaja Abdur Rahim and Raja Hassan Akhtar to visit East Pakistan. Provincial J.A. League may shortly consider the advisability of sending a batch of its prominent workers to East Pakistan for Propaganda and primarily to whip-up public opinion in favour of the release of Awami Muslim League detenus in that province.

Page: 233
No. 8362 – BDSB, dated Lahore, the 19th July, 1952.
Copy together with a copy of the press interview of Mr. Mujib-ur-Rehman, acting General Secretary of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, is forwarded to Muhammad Yusuf, Esquire, P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch, C.I.D., East Bengal, Dacca, for information.
Sd/-10.7.52. for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
C.I.D., Punjab.
Side note: Copy of order transcribed from file 613/52 Gen: – “Place copy to Sk. Mujibar
Rahman’s file and further actions may be taken there from. Show S.S III, (Sd) A Hafiz, 2.8.52 (Sd) Ali Hussain, 4.8.52


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter from Lahore to Tofazzal
Hossain Manik Mia.
Lahore, 17 June 1952
DACCA; The 17.6.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Acting General Secretary E.P. A. M.L. (Lahore) W. Pak Tofazzal Husain Esqr. Editor “Ittefaq” 9, Hatkhola Rd., Wari, Dacca
English. : 14.6.52 : illegible.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal

Page: 234
Post office of interception
: Wari. 7. Date of interception
: 17.6.52. 8. Name of officer who can prove the : A. Husain A.S.I.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Submitted with the original
letter 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or :
not 12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to
Perusal pl. This is a Press Statement made by Sk. M. Rahman, Acting Secy. E.P.A.M.L. at a Press Conference at Lahore on 14.6.52.
In the statement he discussed about Bengali Language movement, last famine at Khulna and imprisonment of A.M.L. leaders under P.S. Act and demanded latter’s release immediately as the A.M.L has a programme to contest all the Muslim Seats in the forthcoming General election.
The letter may be delivered after retaining a typed copy to be placed on file.
Sd/ – 17.6.52
Insp. I.B.E.B.
Side note: Office, Please supply typed copies immediately. Sd/ – 19.6
Put up with the typed copy at once pl. Sd/ – 18.6 Letter delivered, Sd/ – 19.6 S.S. III., For perusal pl. May go in F.R., S.S. 1. may pl. see., Sd/ -26.6
Included in F.R. Sd/ – 7.7 The Address of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Acting General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, to the PRESS CONFERENCE AT LAHORE, on the 14th of June, 1952, at 6-00 p.m. at “Argentina” The Mall, Lahore.

Page: 235
Copy / translation forwarded to
Perusal please.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman writes this letter to T. Husain, Editor, Ittefak and encloses a cutting from C+M Gazette dt. 13.6.52 which contains the writer’s statement to the reporter of that paper.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman informs the addressee about the change of H.S. Suhrawardy’s address at Karachi and is expected back to Dacca on 24th June.
We have not been getting copies of C+M Gazette since 4th June and this statement was exclusively made to the representative of this paper. (1) We may retain typed copies of this paper cutting and the letter may
pass. (2) Copy may be placed on file. (3) Extract from the letter may be placed on the P.F. of H.S.
Suhrawardy (4) O/C Watch may be informed of the writer and possible return.
Sd/ – 17.6
Side note : As proposed., Sk. Mujibar Rahman’s return to Dacca is known.
S.S.III. may pl. see, Sd/ – 26.6 Where was it to send? Letter delivered , Sd/ – 3.7 Delay reported, Sd/ – 7.6 Should not happen in future, Sd/-3.7. Not received, Sd/ – 26.6
Copy of a Bengali letter dt 13.6.52 Intercepted at Wari P.O. on 17.6.52.
From : Mujib Zabed Monjil Meo Road. Lahore.
To: Mr. T. Hussain Editor Ittefak 9, Hatkhola Rd., Wari DACCA.

Page: 236
Secret Documents of Intelligence Branch (IB) on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Zabed Monjil Meo Road, Lahore
মানিক ভাই,
আমার ভক্তিপূর্ণ ছালাম গ্রহন করিবেন। করাচী হােতে আসার সময় আপনার ২ খানা চিঠি জনাব সুরুওয়ার্দি সাহেব আমাকে দেন। চিঠি পেতে দেরী হওয়ার কারণ সহিদ সাহেব ক্লিপটনের বাসা ছেড়ে ১৩ নম্বর কাচারী রােডে আসিয়াছেন। আপনার বিপদের কথা আমি অনুভব করতে পারি। কিন্তু কি করব? আর এক বিপদে পড়িয়াছি। লাহাের এসেই টিকিট করতে যাই কিন্তু ২৪ তারিখের পূৰ্ব্বে কোন টিকিট পাম্মা গেল না। সপ্তাহে মাত্র ২ বার এরােপ্লেন ঢাকা যায়, এত ভিড় যাহা কল্পনা করা যায় না। ২৪ তারিখ ইছ, আর আমাকে সেই দিনই রওনা হতে হবে। কি করব ভেবেছিলাম বাড়া ইদ করব তাহা আর এবার হল না। যাহা হউক, গরীবের আবার তাদের কাজ কাজ কি? জেল খানায় মওলানা সাহেব ও বন্ধু বান্ধবদের কি অবস্থায় দিন কাটছে বুঝতে পারছি না। দয়া করে আমাকে এই ঠিকানায় চিঠি দিবেন। সামচুল হুদা করাচী বা লাহােরে নাই। ফজলুল হক ও রউফের কোন সংবাদ পেয়েছেন কি? প্রােফেসার সাহেবকে ও রফিককে অফিসে বসে কিছু কাজ করতে বলবেন । আমি জানি আপনার পক্ষে সম্ভব নহে। আতাউর রহমান সাহেব ও অন্যান্য সকলকে ছালাম দিবেন। কাজ কিছু করতে পেরেছি। পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের লােকের ভুল অনেকটা ভাঙ্গতে পেরেছি বলে মনে হয়। দোয়া করবেন, টাকা পয়সা নাই যে আবার করাচী যেয়ে তাড়াতাড়ি ঢাকা পৌছাব।Advertisement কিছু পাব তবে কয়েকদিন দেরী করতে হবে। আমি চেষ্টার
টী করি নাই। আপনার শরীরের প্রতি যত্ন নিবেন। মােটেই চিন্তা করিবেন না। খােদা হাফেজ।
আপনার ছােট ভাই
স্বা: মুজিব।
My address C/o Alhaju Abdur Rahim Bar-at-Law, Zabed Monjil Meo Road, Lahore.

Page: 238
Sk. Mujibur Rahman to T.
Copy of an intercepted letter from Hussain @ Manik Mia, Editor, Ittefak.
9482 (4)
°: 606-48 P.F. dt. 28-6-52
Forwarded to:
Home Secy., E.B., Dacca. ii) I.G.P., E.B., Dacca. iii) A.D. (P) Int. Br., Karachi iv) Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information.
Sd/ – 18.6
S.S.Ill. for D.I.G. I.B.


Report of SB, Sind, CID, Karachi on the letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent from Lahore to H.S. Suhrawardy at
Karachi, 25 June 1952 Secret.
S.B. SIND C.I.D. KARACHI DATED 25-6-1952. It is learnt through a secret source that one Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Zahed Manzil, Meo Road, Lahore has in a letter in English, dated 14/6/52 posted from Lahore informed Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy C/O Registrar Central Jail, Hyderabad (Sind), as under :
“My best salam attends you. I have reached here safely. I have addressed the Press Conference here today. By the grace of Allah I have satisfied the Press representatives. I am sending to you one copy of the press statement.
Some of your friends are being offended because we have informed only Khowaja Saheb. Showaja Saheb and others are taking special care for my comfort. I am starting for Dacca on the 24″ June because I am not getting any ticket before that day. I have already purchased the ticket. Excuse me that I have given you trouble, coming West Pakistan. Please pray to Allah that I can continue with my work. You know I love my country (Pakistan) and love my leader and I can sacrifice everything

Page: 239
for them. If you can manage time, please write to me every now and then. I have to start touring going East Pakistan. Please take special care on your health. Nation cannot spare you in this critical juncture. In Hyderabad, there is nobody to take care on you. I cannot understand how you are keeping your health. Please don’t think for me. I have born to suffer.
My Dacca address : Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 71 Radhika Mahan Moshak Lane, Dacca.
Note: The letter did not contain the copy of the press statement.
Secret No. S.B. 6693 of 1952.
SIND C.I.D. Karachi, the 25th June, 1952.
Copy forwarded with compliments to:1. The Assistant Director (P), I.B., Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi. 2. The Spl. Superintendent of Police (1), I.B., East Bengal, Dacca
for information.
The fact that this information emanates from this department may please be kept secret.
(Mohd. Hussain) ASST. I.G. OF POLICE C.I.D. SIND.


Précis of a confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from 24.6.1952 to 29.6.1952 wherein mentioned his movements and
Dacca, 1 July 1952
Precis on the C.Rs. of suspect Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca from 24.6.52 to 29.6.52.

Page: 240
24.6.52. The subject returned from Lahore on 24.6.52 by plane at 19.30 hrs. Watch was
2.00 hrs, as the telephone message sent by the Airport Staff at 19.40 hrs. was delivered to me at 21.30 hrs. The subject was not found to leave his quarters from 22.00 (24.6.52.) to 06.00 (25.6.52).
25.6.52. Present at quarters.
06.00 – 09.00 14.30 – 17.40
24.00 – 09.15(26.6.52) Visited the following places :1. A.M.L. Office
09.15 – 10.45 2. 9, Hatkhola Rd. (Paramount press)
11.00 – 13.00 3. 15, Hatkhola (Residence of advocate Abdus 13.10 – 14.15
Salam Khan)
Suspect Manik Mia accompanied the Subject from 9 Hatkhola Rd. to 15 Hatkhola Rd. 4. A.M.L. Office
18.15 – 21.00 5. Rup Mahal Cinema
21.30 – 23.45
26.6.52. Present at quartets :
06.00 – 09.15 12.45 – 17.40
21.55 – 09.15(27.6.52). Visited the following places :1. 16, Jainag Rd. (House of Ali Amjad Khan) 09.40 – 10.15 2. 63, Barada Ganguly Lane, (House of 10.30 – 11.30
Shamsuddin Ahmad, M.L.A.). 3. 9, Hatkhola (Paramount press)
11.45 12.20 4. A.M.L. Office (1)
17.50 – 20.15
21.00 – 21.45 During the stay of the subject the following persons visited the office for the time noted against each.
1. 2 unknown men
17.45 –
2. Manik Mia
17.55 – 20.40.
3. 2 unknown persons
19.15 –
4. Abdur Rahim Muktear
21.10 – 21.40.
5. 2 unknown persons
19.45 –
5. 124, Nawabpur Rd. Cambridge Pharmacy). “
20.20 – 20.45.

Page: 241
29.6.52. Present at quarters :
06.00 – 11.15 14.25 – 18.00 21.55- 06.00(30.6.52) 11.25 – 13.10
Visited the following places :1. 101, Naseruddin Rd. (Suspect Mahiuddin is putting up there)
(1) 2. A.M.L. Office
13.25 –
18.10 – 21.45.
During the stay of the subject here in the 2nd time 5 unknown persons visited the office in batches of two and one alone.
Side note: 1) Ext. to relevant file pl.
2) The enquiries are to be completed at once. 3) The return of Sk. Mujibar Rahman was already marked for DIR vide
telephone message. Pl. consult & put up to S.S. III. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad., 1.7. That was put up to S.S. III. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C., 1.7. D.S. VI may pl. see. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 1.7. Who are the unknown persons pl.? To be traced at once. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 1.7 D.S. VI, Ext. may go in P.F. of both the suspects. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 1.7. Sd/Q.A. Ahmad. 1.7


Précis of a confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman cited
his movements and visits.
Dacca, 2 July 1952
Precis on the C.Rs. dated 1.7.52, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
1.7.52. Present at quarters –
06.00 – 09.30 hrs. 13.30 – 17.05″ 23.30 – 06.00 (2.7.52).

Page: 242
Visited the following places :1. A.M.L. office, from 2. 9, Hatkhola Rd. (Paramaunt Press, 3. Bar Library, from 4. 16, Jainag Rd. (Residence of Ali Amjad,
Advocate), from 5. A.M.L. office, from
09.45 – 10.20 hrs. 10.35 – 11.30. 11.45 – 13.15 hrs. 17.35 – 18.00 hrs.
18.30 –
23.00 hrs.
During the stay of the subject at A.L.M. office about 10 persons including Tofazzal Hossain, Ataur Rahman Khan, Abdus Salam, Advocate, Shahidul Huque, pleader, visited A.M.L. office and remained there till 23.00 hrs. They all left the place at 23.00 hrs. They held an indoor discussion there. Three of the unknown persons were shadowed from A.M.L. office. They are being fixed.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
Perusal of the attached.
Seen. May be kept in the file of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. No other action appears called for & copy may also go to Mr. Suhrawardy’s file. SS(3)
Sd/ – 7.7.52
Side note: Inspr. A.N.M. Wahed, K.H. Sobhan and Safiqul Haque may pl. report about the
meeting As proposed. SS III may please see. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad., 2.7.52, Sd/- A. Husain, 4.7 DS VI. may pl. see. Extract may be placed in relevant files. Sd/- A. Razzak. 2.7


The working committee meeting of EPAML held in Dacca expressing great alarm on the deteriorating jute situation, extreme misery of jute growers, state language issue and demanding release of Mawlana Bhasani including party
workers etc.
Dacca, July 1952

Page: 243
….(missing from the original document due to page damage) Committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League in the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) held …(missing from the original document due to page damage) on Tuesday expressed great alarm at the
deteriorating Jute situation …(missing from the original document due to page damage) in the
extreme misery of Jute growers.
The resolution says, “This meeting reviewed the Jute policy of the Govt. of Pakistan since non-devaluation and the present position of the Jute market. The Committee is of the opinion that the plight of the Jute growers is due mainly…(missing from the original document due to page damage) lack of foresight and absence of planned economic policy of the Government.
This Committee is further of the opinion that the creation of the Jute Board consisting mainly of the Jute business magnates was in itself responsible for overlooking the interests of the Jute growers.
The Committee also considered the recent fixation of Jute prices by the Govt. of Pakistan, which is not even half the cost of production.
The Committee has noted with concern the fact that the agents are purchasing Jute from growers even at rates lower than that fixed by the Government. The Meeting Committee considered the economic condition of the country and opined that the present role of the Govt. to make the richer and the poor poorer has resulted in the widespread poverty, unemployed and the present impasse in the economy of the Country.
This meeting, therefore, urges upon the Govt. to revise its present economic policy which has proved disastrous to the mass of the country, and the fair market for Jute and other raw materials.
This Committee is definitely of the opinion that the solution to the Jute problem lies in its nationalisation, which should not be delayed on any pretext.
This meeting demands an impartial inquiry Committee to go into the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) of Jute bungling for the last four years by the Commerce Ministry of the Govt. of Pakistan.
The meeting expressed great resentment that so many workers and …(missing from the original document due to page damage) detained in Jail during the State Language movement are still not …(missing from the original document due to page damage, the Government to release Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhasani), and other …(missing from the original document due to page damage) workers of the opposition detained under Security Act.

Page: 244
The meeting also decided to formally affiliate the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League with the All-Pakistan body in view of the fact that the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Suhrawardy has accepted the manifesto, programme and the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) The meeting further requested Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to…(missing from the original document due to page damage) East and West Pakistan Awami Leaguers, as early as possible …(missing from the original document due to page damage) constitution of the All-Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
The Convenor, All Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League, 13, Kutchary Road, Karachi,
Dear Sir,
I have been authorised by the working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Muslim League.
The Committee members …(missing from the original document due to page damage) to accept
the name manifesto …(missing from the original document due to page damage)
Our working Committee …(missing from the original document due to page damage) as possible. This should prefer …(missing from the original document due to page damage) election here. This certainly …(missing from the original document due to page damage) requested to consider this …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Hope you will be going …(missing from the original document due to page damage).
Enclosure: Copy of the resolution.
Note: Some portions of the Image are damaged


Tosadduq Ahmed sent a letter from Dacca enclosing a hand out of press conference addressed by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to the
Editor, Nowa-e-Waqt of Lahore.
Dacca, 5 July 1952

Page: 245
DACCA; The 5.7.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
T. Ahmed, 80, Dhalkanagar, P.O. Faridabad, Dacca.
To (with address)
The Editor, Nowa-eWaqt (daily) Lahore. English.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Ramna.
Date of interception
: 5.7.52 : Shahabuddin Ahmed S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
9. 10.
Whether withheld or delivered
Original submitted to office.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorising interception
: Casual
Copy / translation to for warded to
Perusal please
Tosadduq Ahmad (A.M.L.) sends a hand out of a press conference addressed by Sk. Mujibar Rahman acting Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L at Dacca on 3.7.52. to the Editor, Nawa-e-Waqt (daily) at Lahore.

Page: 246
Sk. Mujibar Rahman discusses various problems of both wings of Pakistan with special reference to the exploitations by the vested interests in the light of his experience gathered in course of his recent tour in West Pakistan.
The letter may be delivered retaining typed copy of the same.
Sd/ -6.7.52 1) May be considered for F.R. and D.R. il) Copy may go to the PF of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/ -9.7.52
Side note: Pass the original & put up with typed copy at once pl. Sd/-5.7
Issue Copy pl. Sd/ – 8/7 D.S.VI, The attached delivered.
Editor, Nowa-e-Waqt, Lahore.
80 Dhalkanagar P.O. Faridabad Dacca, East Bengal July 4, 1952.
Dear Sir,
Enclosed herewith please find a hand out of a press conference addressed yesterday by the Acting General Secretary of East Pakistan Provincial Awami Muslim League.
As you might remember, I had been sending some items for your paper some time back and I am told you had been pleased to publish them. But since I received no reply from you about my appointment as your representative I discontinued the service.
I am now told by Mr. Mujibur Rohaman that you intend to appoint a representative for East Bengal. I shall be thankful if you would let me know whether it will be possible for you to endow me with the honour of representing your paper.
Thanking you in advance and hoping to be favoured with and early reply.
Yours faithfully, Sd/-T. Ahmed.

Page: 247


Précis of a confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his movements, visits and press conference.
Dacca, 5 July 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Das Lane, Dacca, for 2.7.52 & 3.7.52.
2.7.52. Present at quarters :
06.00 – 09.30 13.10 – 17.55.
21.15 – 08.15 (3.7.52.) Visited the following places :1. A.M.L. office
09.45 – 11.20 2. 9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press)
11.30 – 12.40 3. A.M.L. office …
18.05 – 21.00 Suspect Tofazzal Hossain visited the A.M.L. office from 17.10 to 20.00 hrs.
3.7.52. Present at quarters :
06.00 – 13.25 –
08.15 16.55
Visited the following places :1. A.M.L. office
(1) 08.30 –
Ex. I.B. Typist Abdul Kader Chaudhury went into the office at 09.00 hrs. met with the subject. He left the office at 16.00 hrs. Jalal Ahmed of Gopalganj Subdivision, Faridpur, now living at 71, Radhika Mohan Das Lane, accompanied the subject to A.M.L. office and returned to the quarters with him. 2. A.M.L. office ……..
17.05- 21.30. Between 17.30 and 18.30 hrs. about 25/30 persons including Ali Ahmed Khan (M.L.A), Tofazzal Hossain, Abdul Kader Chaudhury (Ex. I.B. Typist), Editors of ‘Jugerdabi, Millat and Ittefaq, a press conference was held there. The conference dissolved at about 20.30 hrs. and all the persons except Mujibar Rahman and Tofazzal Hossain left the place between 20.30 -21.00 hrs. Proceedings of the conference could not be collected as the conference was held in Camera. Separate report regarding this conference was submitted on 4.7.51 at 09.00 hrs. Manik Mia left the office at 21.30 hrs. 3. Chandi Charan Basu, No. 3/1 ….
21.45 – 22.30

Side note: S.S. III may please see. Sd/-Q.A. Ahmad. 5.7, Sd/- A. Husain, 10.7
D.S. VI may please see. Extract may go in relevant files. Sd/- A. Razzak. 5.7 Sd/-Q.A. Ahmad., 5.7 Enquiry is being made. Sd/- A.R. 4.7


Précis of a confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman cited
his movements and visits.
Dacca, 6 July 1952
Precis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, from 4.7.52. to 6.7.52.
Present at quarters –
06.00 – 08.10 hrs. 21.30 – –
Visited the following places :
1. A.M.M. Office –
08.20 – 11.10 hrs. 2. Azimpura Colony (No. 13).
11.20 – 17.10 hrs. 3. A.M.L. Office –
17.35 – 21.15 hrs. During the stay of the subject the following persons visited the office for the period noted against each.
1. One unknown man –
17.30 – 17.37 hrs. He was shadowed and located at Salimullah Muslim Hall. Enquiry is being made regarding the man by S.I.N. Haque. 3 unknown men- two of them were shadowed 17.40 – 21.05 and located at 42, Juginagar lane. Enquiry is
being made reg. them by S.I. M. Ahmed. 3. Ali Ahmed –
20.00 – 20.40 hrs.
20.50 – 21.05 hrs. Present at quarters.
06.00 – 08.00 hrs. 12.00 – 13.20 ” 17.15 – 18.05″ 22.50 – —

Page: 249
Visited the following places :1. 25, Swarighat,(Residence of Ataur Rahman,
08.15 – 09.00 hrs. 2. 150, Mugaltuli, (Office of the E.P.M.S.L). 08.55 – 09.00 hrs 3. A.M.L. Office – X
09.15 – 10.25″ Two unknown men visited the office from 08.30 – 10.40. They talked with the subject. They were shadowed up to Ramna Rest House on foot. There they got into a running bus No. 1902 EBD. The shadowing ASI Alfajuddin Howlader noted in his report that as he had a cycle with him, he could follow the running bus.
4. 5. 6.
9, Hatkhola road, (Paramount Press.) A.M.L. officeDistrict Judge’s office –
11.15 hrs. 11.15 –
X – 13.30 –
11.25 hrs. 11.30 hrs. 11.50 hrs. 14.40 hrs.
7. Bar Library –
Here the subject met in the second time with suspect Ataur Rahman, Tofazzal Hossain and Pleader Korban ali.
8. Paramount Restaurant –
14.50 – 15.00 hrs. The subject came here from Bar Library accompanied with Tofazzal Hossain. 9. Dacca Court Compound. –
15.05 – 11.00 hrs. Both the subject and Manik Mia returned to the Court Compound and talked each other.
10. Court of S.D.O. (South) –
16.00 –
17.05 hrs.
(The subject and Tofazzal Hossain both)
Suspect Ataur Rahman entered in the Court Room at 1630, talked with the subject. At about 17.05 hrs. the subject alone left the court for his quarters.
11. A.M.L. office –
18.15 – 20.20 hrs Between 18.30 and 19.30 hrs. 5 unknown persons visited the place. One of the unknown person left the office at 19.30 hrs. One of the rest of the unknown persons was located at 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane. Enquiry is being made regarding the
12. House of Hon’ble Minister Tofazzal Ali
6.7.52. Present at quarters. –
20.35 – 22.30 hrs. 06.00 – 08.15 hrs. 12.00 – 17.25 hrs.

Page: 250
08.25 –
08.50 hrs.
Visited the following places. 1. 2/1, Court House St. 2. A.M.L. Office. 3. 9, Hatkhola Rd. (Paramount press.) (i)
07.00 – 10.00 “
10.15 –
10.25 hrs.
10.50 – 11.00 ” 10.30 – 10.45 hrs.
4. 27, K.M. Das Lane (House of Mr. A.K.
Bazlul Haque)
5. 26/1 Madan Mohan Basak Rd.
11.10 – 11.45 ” 17.35 – 18.50 hrs.
6. A.M.L. Office –
The subject came to the office from his quarters accompanied by an unknown man. S.I. N. Haque is making enquiry about the man. 7. Bar Library. –
19.00 – 19.30 hrs. (Both the subject and the unknown man).
There the subject talked with Ataur Rahman. At about 19.30 hrs. the subject along Ataur Rahman and the unknown man left the place in a Taxi No. 2772 towards Victoria Park. He was not found to return to his qrs. on that day. On 7.7.52 the subject was found to enter into A.M.L. office from outside at 09.55 hrs. and left the same at 12.25 hrs.
Visited the following places leaving A.M.L. Office :1. 9, Hatkhola Rd. –
12.35 – 13.05 hrs. 2. Returned to quarters. –
13.20 – 16.40 hrs.
Manik Mia visited the subjects quarters. The subject left his quarters along with Manik Mia and went to A.M.L. office at 16.55 hrs. They left the office at 20.10 hrs. went to Azad News Paper office at 20.30 hrs. The subject left the office at about 21.45 hrs, and returned to his quarters at 22.10 hrs.
Side note: D.S.VI., Portions side lined may pl. be seen. Extract may go in relevant files.
Sd – A. Razzak. 8.7.52 Yes. please. Seen. S.S.III, may pl. see., Sd – K.H.S., 9/7, SD – A. Haussain. 10.7
Known, previously visited.
One Rafiqul Islam is residing there. F.R. awaited. Sd/- K.H.S.

Page: 251
Enquiry is being made. Enquiry is being made by S.I. F. Mehar., Sd/- 14/7 S.I. M.Rahman Dewan and M. Ahmed are making enquiry as to the places visited by the subject in the Taxi. Seen & noted. Sd/-8/7/52.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to mother of Khaleque Newaj Khan of Mymensingh in which he emphasized that she had no reason to be pained as her son was in the prison for the cause
of the country and people.
Dacca, 8 July 1952 Secret
Dacca; The 8.7.1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
Mojibur Rahman, East Pakistan, Awami Muslim League office 94, Nawabpur
Road Dacca. 2. To (with address)
Mother of Khaleque Newaj Khan. Vill – Achargao, P.O.
Nandail, Dist – Mymensingh. 3. Language of letter
Bengali Date of letter
: 6.7.52. 5. Postal Seal
: Out going from Faridabad
P.O. 6. Post office of interception
: Faridabad. Date of interception
7.7.52. Name of officer who can prove the A.S.I. Fakir Moinuddin interception
Ahmed. 9. Whether photographed or not : No.

Page: 252
10. Whether withheld or delivered : Submitted to office in
original. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: 12. Number and date of Government : G.O. n০. 2300 dt. 21.12.50.
order authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Perusal please.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, acting Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. writes this letter to the mother of Khaleq Newaj Khan who detained in D.C. Jail encouraging her to feel proud of her worthy son. This may be placed on file.
Sd/- ৭.7.52 Side note: As Proposed. SS(3), Sd/ – 9.7.52
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 6.7.52 intercepted at Faridabad P.O.
From: Mojibar Rahman East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Office 94,
Nawabpur Road Dacca. TO : Mother of Khaleque Newaj Khan Vill- Achargao P.O.-Nandail,
Dist. – Mymensingh.
আমার ভক্তিপূর্ণ ছালাম নিবেন। আপনি আমায় জানেন না তবু ও আজ লিখতে বাধ্য হচ্ছি। আপনার ছেলে খালেক নেওয়াজ আজ জেল খানায় এতে দুঃখ করার কারণ নাই। আমিও দীর্ঘ আড়াই বৎসর কারাগারে কাটাতে বাধ্য হয়েছি। দেশের ও জনগনের দুঃখ দুর্দশা দুর করার জন্যই সে আজ জেলখানায়। দুঃখ না করে গৌরব করাই আপনার কর্তব্য। যদি কোন কিছুর দরকার হয় তবে আমায় জানাতে ভুলবেন না আমি আপনার ছেলের মত। খালেক নেহ্লাজ ভাল আছে। জেল খানা থেকেই পরীক্ষা দিয়েছে। সে মওলানা ভাষানী সাহেবের সাথে আছে।
আপনার স্নেহের
(sd) মুজিবর রহমান।

Page: 253


Précis of a confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman therein _mentioned his movements, visits, meetings etc.
Dacca, 12 July 1952

Page: 254
Precis of the C. Rs, of Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, from 8.7.52. to 10.7.52.
Present at quarters
06.00 – 08.00 hrs. 09.20 – 09.40 ” 13.30 – 17.20 21.30 – 22.10″ 23.00 – 06.00″
Visited the following places :
08.10 – 09.10

1. 48/1 Jhonson Rd. Hair cutting Saloon. 2. 32, Pannitala. – (enquiry is being made)
3. Ashak Lane (Kader Sardar’s house).
09.45 – 10.25 ” 10.30 – 11.25 hrs. 11.30 – 11.45 hrs.
4. 10, Wise ghat Rd. Maya Hotel
5. Tripura Modern Bank Ltd.
– 13.00 hrs.
6. Bar Library.

13.20 hrs.
7. A.M.L. Office
17.30 – 21.15 hrs. During the stay of the subject the following men visited the office for period noted against each.
17.40 –
19.45 hrs.
1. Mohammadullah, Pleader of Noakhali and
Dacca Court.
2. S.I. Abu Yusuff of Dacca D.I.B.
17.50 –
18.10 hrs.
3. S.I. Motiar Rahman of Dacca D.I.B.
17.45 –
18.10 hrs.
Both the S.Ls, talked with the subject.
Badamtali Steamer Ghat –
22.30 – 22.50 hrs. He attended the Steamer coming from Barisal. An old man came by the Steamer, was received by the subject & was taken to the residence of the subject.
9.7.52. – Present at quarters-.
06.00 – 08.30 hrs.
13.00 – 16.30″
21.35 – 06.00″

Page: 255
Visited the following places :1. House at Fokirapul.
S.O. has been asked to enquire and report.
09.30 –
10.00 hrs.
2. A.M.L. office.
10.30 –
12.00 hrs.
3. 9, Hatkhola Rd. (Paramount Press).
12.30 –
12.45 hrs.
16.45 –
18.15 hrs.
4. Medical College ( Watcher has been asked to
report what the suspect did there or whom he contacted.)
5. A.M.L. office.
18.30 hrs.
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI. for favour of perusal. Extract may go in relevant
files. Sd/- A. Razzak., 12/7 SS. III may pl. see. Sd/- Q.A: Ahmad. 12/7, Sd/- A. Hussain, 12/7
During the stay of the subject about 10/12 persons including Manik Mia, Ali Ahmad visited the office between 18.32 and 19.00 hrs. Separate report regarding his meeting has been submitted by S.I. Matiar Rahman on 10.7.52. One of the unknown persons was located at 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane. Enquiry is being made to collect the particulars of this man. The ASI reports that a Gunda Bara Badsha Mia by name of Sachi Bandar visited A.M.L. office at 20.30 hrs. He was received by Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Manik Mia, and Ali Ahmad and was introduced to the members. At about 21.30 hrs. all left the place batch by batch excepting Mujibar Rahman and Badsha Mia, both of whom left the office at 21.45 hrs.
10.7.52. Present at quarters.
06.00- 08.15 hrs. Visited the following places :1. 32 Panitala –
08.20 – 08.40 hrs. 2. 25, Swarighat Rd. (Residence of suspect Ataur 09.00 – 10.10 hrs.
Rahman) 3. 150, Mogaltuli (E.P.M.S.L. office)
10.15 – 10.35 hrs. 4. A.M.L. office,
10.55 – 11.55 hrs. 5. Dacca Court. –
12.20 – 12.25 hrs. 6. Bar Library –
12.30 – 12.35 hrs.

Page: 256
15.30 –
16.30 hrs.
7. House at Arambag Lane (Fakirapul), Enquiry
is being made. 8. 224, Nawabpur Rd. (Cambridge Pharmacy) 9. A.M.L. office,
17.05 – 17.30. 17.35 – 20.30 hrs.
The following suspects visited A.M.L. office for the period noted against each. 1. Manik Mia
16.30 – 18.30 hrs. 2. Ali Ahmed –
20.15 – 20.30 hrs. Yunusur Rahman of Gopalganj, Faridpur
17.30 – 20.30 hrs. (He is an A.M.L. member).
11.7.52. Present at quarters –
06.00 – 11.45 hrs. 14.45 – 16.10 ” 21.15 – 06.00″
Visited the following places :1. Bar Library. – 2. Tripura Modern Basak. 3. 247/2 Nawabpur (S. Deccan’s Residential
hotel and restaurant.) 144, Bankshals Rd. (enquiry is being made).
11.50 – 11.55 hrs. 12.00 – 14.35 hrs. 16.15 – 16.35 hrs.
16.40 –
16.50 hrs.
Side note: S.O. to pl. enquire and report if he is a goonda or Sardar of a Mahalla. He may
be a Sardar as I think. Sd/-A. Razzak. 12.7, Sd/-Q. A. Ahmad. 12.7
DSVI may pl. see, Sd/-A. Razzak. 12.7, Sd/-Q.A.Ahmad, 12.7
D.S. VI, may pl. see. Sd/-A. Razzak. 12.7, Sd/-Q.A. Ahmad. 12.7
17.00 –
17.30 hrs.
5. 25, Swarighat Road,
(Residence of suspect Ataur Rahman).
6. 150, Mogaltuli (E.P.M.S.L. Office) –
17.35 –
18.00 hrs.
Between 17.30 and 18.30 hrs. about 6/7 persons who seemed to be shopworkers and not students came to the place and left the same individually by that time. Some shops are located in the ground floor.
A.M.L. office .
18.30 –
20.55 hrs.

Page: 257
During the stay of the subject the following persons visited the place for the period noted against each.
1. Manik Mia –
17.30 – 20.00 hrs. 2. Bara Badsha Mia -of Sachi Bandar,
20.15 – 20.55 hrs. 3. Two unknown persons, one of them was located at 18.00 – 20.50 hrs.
Fazlul Haque Hall. Enquiry is being made.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
Side note: P.A. 31 reported on 10.7.52 that a meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. would be held on
11.7.52 at 17.00 hrs. DS VI may pl. see. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 12.7


Précis of a confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman cited
his movements and visits.
Dacca, 14 July 1952
Precis on the C.Rs. dated 12.7.52 and 13.7.52, regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
12.7.52. Present at quarters :
06.00- 07.55 09.55- 10.00 13.45- 15.00 16.35- 17.35 19.40- 20.20
21.45- 06.00 Visited the following places :1. 32, Panitala- previously visited 08.00 08.30 hrs. 2. 150, Mogaltuli (E.P.M.S.L. office) 08.40 08.50 3. 207, Mitford Rd. (S.O. has been asked to enquire and report who lives there
and whom the suspect contacted.

Page: 258
18, Karkunbari Lane (House of Ear Mohammad). The subject having left the house, came up to the Nawabpur Rd. and near D.B. office he talked with a Surgeant for about 5 minutes. He left the place along with the Surgeant by a motor cycle No. 2548 (Police) & returned to his quarters with the sergeant. At about 10.00 hrs. they both came out and went to Paramount Hotel at about 10.05. hrs. in the said Car. They left the place at about 10.15 hrs. The Surgeant went towards the courts and the subject went to A.M.L. office, at about 10.20 hrs.
A.M.L. Office
10.20-10.35 hrs.
6. 9, Hatkhola Rd. (Paramount Press) -10.50-11.30 hrs. 7. Tripura Modern Bank
12.00-13.30. hrs. House at Fakirapur ( Previously visited) 15.20 hrs.
Enquiry is being made. 9. AML. Office …..
..17.45-19.30 hrs.
8. Hon
The following persons visited the place during the period noted against each.
1. Mahamudulla, Pleader, Sadar Court, Dacca.- 18.55-20.25
2. Aziz Ahmed – 19.00-20.30 hrs.
3. Kh. Abdul Hai, M.S. Haque, all of E.P.R.S.L. 20.15-21.00 hrs.
4. Two unknown youths – 17.30-18.30 hrs.
They were shadowed and located at S.M. Hall. Enquiry is being made to collect particulars. From A.M.L. Office, the subject went back to his quarters and left the same along with an old man whom the subject received at Badamtali ghat when the old man got down from Barisal steamer. The report has been submitted on 15.7.52. 10. Dacca Rly. Stn. with the old man
20.40The old man left by Bahadurabad train and the subject left for town. 12. A.M.L. Office —— 21.05 – 21.30 hrs.
13.7.52. Present at quarters –
06.00 – 08.25 hrs. 13.15 – 16.30 22.20 – 06.00

Page: 259
Visited the following places : 1. Met with Sardar Badsha Mia at Sachi Bandar in front 08.35- 08.40 “
of a shop 2. 25, Swarighat ( House of Ataur Rahman). The subject 09.10 – 10.00 hrs.
came here with Badsha Mia.
House of Zinzira. The subject accompanied by Ataur
10.30 – 12.30 hrs.
Rahman, Badsha Mia and one unknown person who visited the house of Ataur Rahman visited this house. About 4/5 unknown persons had been at this house from before. The subject along with Ataur Rahman, Badsha Mia and the said unknown person left the place. Ataur Rahman went back to his quarters. Near Chawk bazar crossing the unknown man separated. The subject and Badsha Mia got into a Rickshaw and proceeded on the way to the quarters of the subject. Badsha Mia got down from the rickshaw near Babu Bazar pool and separated. The subject came back to his quarters.
4. Tea Stall. (In Court House St.) took tea.
16.35-17.10 hrs. 5. A.M.L. Office –
17.15-22.00 hrs. During the stay of the subject the following persons visited the office during the period noted against each. 1. Tafazzal Hossain –
18.00 -20.45 hrs.
5 unknown men who visited the place, left the same (1) – 18.00 with a bundle of leaflets for distribution. A copy of the (2) 20,00 -20.10. leaflet is attached. They returned here after distributing the leaflet at 20.00 hrs. and left the same at 20.10 hrs.
18.45 – 19.00 hrs.
1 unknown man He was located at 40, Jinda-bahar 2nd Lane. Enquiry is being made to collect particulars.
4. Aziz Ahmed .. 5. Abdul Hai ( T.C. Dacca Rly. St.,)
19.35-19.40 hrs. 21.00 – 21.20.

Page: 260
Side note: D.S. VI., Portion side – lined may pl. be seen & extracts may go in relevant files.
Sd/- A. Razzak. 14.7 As proposed. SSIII may please see. Sd/- Q. A. Ahmad. 14.7 SS III may please see. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. Enquiry is being made reg. the inmates of the house and particulars of the suspicious persons if possible. Sd – A. Razzak. Sd/- Q.A. Ahmad. 14.7


Report on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s father to
Dacca who came from Barisal and stayed with him.
Dacca, 15 July 1952
Copy of C.R. dated 8.7.52, regarding to ascertain whom suspect Mujibar Rahman received at the Badamtali Steamer Station who came by Barisal mail.
It is learnt on secret enquiry that father of suspect Mujibar Rahman came from Barisal and he received him at the Station. His father halted with him.
Submitted Sd/-Masir Ud-Din Ahmad.
S.I., 15.7


Md. Abdul Quader Miah (a student of class X) of Pubail, Dacca sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein the writer requested to
send the Ittefaq newspaper and manifesto of AL.
Dacca, 15 July 1952

Page: 261
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 15.7.1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Md. Abdul Quader Miah
Bhadun, H.E. School (Class x) P.O. Pubail. Dist. Dacca Janab, Shaikh Mazibur Rahman, General Secretary, EPak, Awami Muslim League.
94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca. : “Bengali”.
3. Language of letter 4. Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Pubail – 13.7.52. : G.P.O. (Dacca). : 15.7.52. : Keramat Ali Bhuyan A.S.I.
6. Post office of interception 7. Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the
interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: No.
: delivered.
: Copy Kept.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
: G.O. No. 2300 dt. 21.12.50.
Copy /translation forwarded to
DSVI Perusal please.
Abdul Quader Mea, Student of class X Bhadur H.E. School Pubail writes this letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahman.

Page: 262
The writer proposes to be a silent worker of the Awami League and requests the addressee to send copies of Ittefak to facilitate the propaganda work.
1) This may be placed on file. 2) Copy may be sent to Dacca D.I.B. to trace the writer and report
about his political antecedents.
Side note : A.S.I. Keramat Ali
Please put up another copy to be sent to Dacca D.I.B. Sa- 16.7 Sir, Another copy enclosed here with please. Sd/- 21/7 As Proposed, Sd/ – 15.7
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. nil, intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca. From, Md. Abdul Quader miah, Bhadun H.E. School (Class x) P.O.- Pubail, Dacca. East Pakistan: To, Janab, Shaikh Mazibur Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
Bhadun H.E. School
P.O. – Pubail, Dacca My Dear Brother,
আসলামু আলাইকুম বাদ সমচার আরজ এই যে আপনি যদি দয়া করিয়া ৬ই জুলাইর “ইত্তেফাক পত্রিকা হইতে আরম্ভ করিয়া আমার নামে পাঠাইয়া দেন তাহা হইলে খুব ভাল হয়। কারন আমি এখন জনসাধারনকে দেশ সম্বদ্ধে কথা বলিয়া শুনাইতে পারি না, যদি য়া করিয়া কয়েক মাস পত্রিকা দেন তাহা হইলে দেশের জনসাধারন আরও ভালভাবে দেশ সম্বন্ধে জ্ঞাত হইতে পারিবে। বর্তমানে দেশের মধ্যে সাড়া পড়িয়াছে যে “ আয়ামী লীগই” জনসাধারনের ভাগ্য নিয়ন্ত্রন। এখন হইতে পত্রিকা ও মাত্র ২ খানা “আয়ামী লীগের ম্যানিফেসটো পাঠাইয়া দিলে “আম্মামী লীগ” আরও জনপ্রিয় হইয়া উঠিবে। ইহাই আমার আকুল প্রার্থনা, আপনার নিকট, ভাই সাহেব আপনার সহকর্মীদের কাছে আমার সালাম বলিবেন। আপনারাইতাে কিছু দিন পরে পাকিস্তানের ও ইসলামের মহান নেতা বলিয়া গণ্য হবেন এবং কালে হয়তাে দরিদুদিগকে ভুলিবেন না।

Page: 263
খােদা আপনাদের মল করুন ইহাই আমাদের কামনা। আপনার ভাই নিরব কর্মা এবং আত্মামী লীগের প্রচারক।
পত্র পাত্মা মাত্র উত্তর যানাইবেন এবং নিম্মলিখিত ঠিকানায় পত্র ও পত্রিকা পাঠাইবেন।
Fro Sd/ – Md. Abdul Quader Miah, Bhadun H.E. School (Class x)
P.O.- Pubail, Dist – Dacca. East Pakistan.
N.B. Pretest Examination is near at hand so, it is impossible to come to
office. The letters wrong is pardonable.
Int. letter from Md. Abdul Quader Miah to Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
11022 No. 606-48 dt. 25-7-52
Copy forwarded to Addl. S.P. B.I.B. Dacca with a request to trace the writer and report about his political antecedents, if any.
Sd/- 23.7
D.S.6 for S.S. III. I.B.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca the 16th/18th August, 1952.
No. R. 7887. (P. 265) /163-49 (Int.) To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 11022/606-48 P.F. dated 24.7.52.
Md. Abdul Quader Miyan (15) is son of Eklasuddin of Chuariakhola, P.S. Rupganj, Dacca. He is a student of Class X, Bhadun H.E. School under Joydebpur P.S., Dacca.

Page: 264
The subject is not a member of A.M.L. but is a supporter of the said organisation.
Sd/- 16.8
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Letter sent from A. Rahman, Convener, All Party State Language Committee of Action to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman where a notice of
invitation offered to him.
Dacca, 16 July 1952
True copy of a Bengali letter dt. 15-7-52 from A. Rahman, Convenor, All Party State Language Committee of Action. 25 Swarighat, Dacca to Janab Shaik Mujibar Rahman, Acting Genl. Secy. Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca intercepted at R.M.S. Dacca On 16.7.52.
“নােটিশ জনাব,
আগামী শুক্রবার ১৮.৭.৫২ তারিখে ৫ ঘটিকায় ২৫, সােয়ারীঘাটে কর্মপরিষদের এক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হইবে। আপনাকে উপস্থিত থাকিতে অনুরােধ করা যাইতেছে।
আলােচ্য বিষয় : ১. স্বাক্ষর অভিযান সপ্তাহ নির্ধারণ ২. বিবিধ
Sd/ – A. Rahman

Page: 265


An official order was passed to trace out Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
and to arrange continuous watch on him.
Dacca, 16 July 1952
S.I. Firoz Meher with 2 W.Cs. of I.B. may at once proceed to Barisal to trace the suspect and to arrange continuous watch. Supdt. of Police, Barisal may also be requested accordingly and to report in details about his activity.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal.
7, Wise Ghat Road. Dacca, the 16th July, 1952.
. 606-48 P.F.’
Copy forwarded to S.A. Bashir, Esq., Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Barisal for information and necessary action. The suspect Sk. Majibur Rahman left for Barisal on 14.7.52 by Barisal steamer. He is also requested to arrange to shadow the suspect to his next destination & to report his activity immediately.
Sd/ – 17.6
for (A. Hussain.) Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.
E.B., Dacca.
10681 No. 606-48 PE dt. 19-7-52.
To Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca. Sub: Ex-S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Please let us know if the departure of Sk. Mujibur Rahman on the night of 14.7.52 was known to you. If so whether watch was maintained on him.
Sd/ – 18.7
D.S.6 for S.S.Ill. I.B.

Page: 266


Report on secret enquiry that a meeting of EPMSL held at Bar
Library, Dacca on 14.7.1952.
Dacca, 16 July 1952
The meeting organised by E.P.M.S.L. which was held at Bar Library on 14.7.52 evening, was attended by Sk. Mujibar Rahman and speeches were delivered by him. The meeting being over, as Mujibar Rahman apprehended some actions against him by the Govt. due to speeches delivered by him touching somewhere about the demands of the Rly. workers.
The decision was arrived at by Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his party members in favour of Mujibar Rahman’s leaving remained absent from Dacca till the Rly. strike would be over.
According to this arrangement Mujibar Rahman direct came to his quarters and after a short while he left the same and went up to the crossing of Akmal Khan Road and Islampur Road near Badamtoli area and met with Sardar Badsha Mian of Sachibandar. There from the suspect visited the Nisat Cinema Hall till about 22.15 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman left the Cinema Hall and went direct to Badamtoli Steamer ghat.
He arranged to purchase the ticket through a man at any time before his arrival at the station ghat. He left Dacca by Barisal steamer. Destination could not be known. All the facts had been obtained on secret enquiry.
Submitted. Sd/-Masiruddin Ahmed.
S.I. 16.7.52
Side note: Submitted to D.S.VI. for favour of perusal. Actions are being taken against 4
the defaulters. Sd – A. Razzak. 1617 Put up with the explanations of the W.Cs. Sd/- Q. A. Ahmad. 16/7 S.S.III, For perusal. (1) The comment of the S.I. that Mujibar Rahman went to Barisal for avoiding arrest due to his speeches- in favour of the Rly. strike vide portion side marked ‘A’ is not convincing. His speech on his vide portion ‘B’ of the report of SI. dated 15.7.52 and portion ‘C’ of Dacca D.I.B’s report closed do not seem to be of serious nature. The report of the Govt. reporters may be awaited.

Page: 267
(2) S.P. Barisal and Dacca D.I.B. may be informed about the departure for Barisal. Dacca D.I.B. may be requested to let us know if the departure of Sk. Mujibar Rahman was known. S.I. Feroj Mehar with 2 WCs, may at once proceed to Barisal to trace the suspect and to arrange continuous watch. SP., Barisal may also be requested accordingly and to report in details about his activity. Sd – Q.A. Ahmad., 16.7 Yes. Also ask Barisal D.I.B. to shadow the suspect to his next destination and for immediate report., Sd – A. Hussain,, 16.7 Send a radiogram to S.P. Faridpur at once with a request to arrange continuous watch on him & to report his activity immediately., Sd/18.7 D.S6, 3 drafts put up for appl. pl., Sd/- 18.7.52


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to Abdul Aziz, Secretary, District AML, Chittagong in which he emphasized on keeping close contact with the central office and updating with their
progress through at least a monthly report.
Dacca, 17 July 1952
Chittagong. The 17th July/52
Memo. No. 5339 (2)/102-49 (Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secy, E.P.A.M.L. Dacca. Mr. Abdul Aziz, Secy, Dist. A.M.L. Anderkilla.
Chittagong. : English.
Language of letter

Page: 268
4. 5.
Date of letter Postal Seal
: Dacca Court 10
JULY 52.
Post office of interception
Chittagong, G.P.O. Date of interception
: 11.7.52. Name of officer who can prove the A.S.I. Md. Azaharali. interception Whether photographed or not
: Not. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. Number and date of Government order : Casual. authorising interception
11. 12.
Copy / translation forwarded to 1. M. Yusuff, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca and 2. S. Rahman, Esq., Addi. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -17.7.52 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Dy. S.P. for favour of perusal. Copies may be sent to I.B. and Dacca D.I.B. for information. Interception staff may watch further correspondence to get the names of the office-bearers.
Sd/- M. Yunus, DIO (I), CTG
11.7.52 1. As proposed. 2. S.P. May like to see., Sd/- A. Khaleque,, Dy. S.P./DIB/CTG., 11.7 Seen, Sd/- Md. Ali, S.P./CTG., 13.7
Copy of an English typed letter dt. 9-7-52, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 11-7-52.
From : To :
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, E.P. Awami Muslim League, Dacca. Mr. Abdul, Aziz, Secretary, District Awami Muslim Leagaue, Anderkilla, Chittagong.

Page: 269
Postal seal of issue: Dacca Court, 10 JULY’ 52.
Dear Sir,
With reference to this office letter No. nil dated nil, I beg to bring to your notice that copies of Manifestoes, Constitution Memorandum etc. were sent to your office on ……….. but the receipt thereof has not yet been acknowledged. This office is quite in the dark about your activities in the mufossil. Please try to keep close contact with and enlighten the headquarter as to your progress in your district by at least a monthly report. An early acknowledgement of the receipt of Manifestoes etc. will be highly appreciated by this office.
Please send the names of the office-bearers and members of your district and Sub-Divisional committees with address.
Yours faithfully, Sd/- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League.
Note: Same letter was sent to Abdul Bari, Convener, Sub-Divisional Awami
Muslim League, B’baria, Tippera on 9.7.1952.


Md. Wahab of Barisal sent a letter to Tofazzal Hossain Manik Mia wherein the writer stated that they were opening AL office very
soon at Barisal and requested to send Ittefaq.
Dacca, 17 July 1952
Copy of an English letter dt. 17.7.52 intercepted at G.P.O., Dacca on 20.7.52 from Md. Wahab, Barisal to Mvi. Tofazzal Husain (alias Manik Mia), 9, Hatkhola Road, Dacca.
We are starting Awami League Office at Barisal very soon. However I shall inform you the matter timely.

Page: 270
You will please send me 30 copies of ” piso” from the next week as the demand of the same is very high. You will also please send your bill immediately so that I may clear the dues by the last week of this month.
My regards to Mr. Mojibur Rahman and tell him about the starting of our Awami League Office. I am well. Hoping you are also in good spirit.


Radiogram message mentioned the departure of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman from Dacca to Faridpur.
Dacca, 18 July 1952
No. 10624 dt 18-7-52.
S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur.
Please trace the subject of your letter No. 2530/33-5 dt. 2/6/52 who left Dacca on the night of 14-7-52 and arrange continuous watch on him & report his activity immediately.
Sd/ – 18.7
D.S.6. for S.S. III. I.B.
No. 10624 11 dt. 18-7-52
Part copy forwarded to – in confirmation. The subject is Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/ – 18.7 DS6 & S.S.III. I.B.

Page: 271


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left Dacca for Narayanganj, Madaripur, Gopalganj and other districts for organizational tour.
Dacca, 19 July 1952 D.S.VI
As ordered, I made secret enquiry and also contacted my agent and ascertained that on the night of 14/15 .7.52 Sk. Mujibar Rahman (Secy, E.PA.M.L.) left Dacca for Narayanganj and stayed there for about 2- days. On 16.7.52 night he left Narayanganj for Madaripur (Faridpur) by steamer. From Madaripur he would proceed to his native village at Gopalganj where he would stay for about 10 days. Next he would visit Khulna and Jessore for party organisation.
Submitted Sd/ – A.Z.M. Shafiqul Haq
Inspr. I.B.
19.7.52. Side note : S.SIII., For perusal pl.
Copy may be sent for S.P. Faridpur, Khulna & Jessore with a report to arrange continuous watch on the activities of the suspect during his visit in their respective districts & to report result promptly. It is known that the suspect is now in his native village in Faridpur Dist., Sd/ – 24.7
Report of an I.B. officer dt. 19.7.52.
11543(2) No. 606-48 P.F.(c) dt. 4.8.52
Copy forwarded to 1) S.P. D.I.B. Khulna ii) S.P. D.I.B. Jessore.
With a request to arrange continuous watch on Sk. Mujibur Rahman when he visits in their respective districts and to report result promptly.
Sd/ – 31.7
D.S.6 for S.S.III. I.B.

Page: 272
Order below. Draft for appl. pl. We have already written to DIB., Faridpur for similar action.
Sd/ – 31.7.52
10682 No. 606-48 PE dt. 19-7-52
To S.P. D.I.B. Bakarganj. Sub: Ex-S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
The subject left Dacca by Barisal Steamer on the night of 14.7.52. You are requested to make necessary arrangement for his continuous watch and shadow. The suspect to his next destination and to report to this end immediately.
Sd/ – 18.7
D.S.6 for S.S.III. I.B.


Secret memo from IB, Karachi informed about a letter sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Tofazzal Hussain Manik Mian.
Karachi, 21 July 1952
Secret By Courier Service
INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Government of Pakistan

Page: 273
No. 9/B/52- (17) Dated the 21 JUL 1952 My dear Hafizuddin,
Please refer to your Memo. No. 9482(4) / 606-48 P.F., dated June 19th 1952, signed by Mr. A. Hussain on June 30, and received by us on July 4th, forwarding a copy of a letter in English dated May 31s, 1952 from Shk. Mujibur Rehman to T. Hussain (Manik Mian) editor ‘Ittefak’ Dacca
2. As would appear from the Memo under reference the letter was intercepted on June 4th 1952. The Director desires that such intercepts and any other documents may kindly be sent to us as expeditiously as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/ – 19.7
(M.A. Zafar) Deputy Director (F)
A.K.M. Hafizuddin Esquire., P.S.P., J.P., Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca.
Side note: Why this delay? Sd/- 22.7


Message mentioned movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Barisal, 22 July 1952
District Intelligence Branch, Barisal the 22nd July’ 52.
No. Riziko (5-52(1) To A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. Reference your No. 10497/606-48 P.F., dated 16.7.52.

Page: 274
Suspect Majibur Rahman did not visit this district. I.B. officer deputed, has been directed to go to Madaripur where the suspect is reported to have gone. The officer left this district for Madaripur by Mardaripur Mail on 18.7.52.
Sd/- 22.7.52 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bakarganj.
District Intelligence Branch, Barisal, the 7th Aug’ 52.
No. 137299 15-52 (1) To A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. Reference your No. 10682/606-48 P.F., dated 19.7.52.
The suspect is reported to have gone to Madaripur and this has been duly communicated to you vide this office letter No. 3282, dated 22.7.52.
sd/ – 6.8 Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bakarganj.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman about maintaining continuous
watch over him. Dacca, 22 July 1952
(Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 22.7.52.)
I beg to report that Sk. Mujibur Rahman under reference is not an A.L. suspect. But as he is an active member of the A.M.L. we maintain watch on him to know his activities during his stay in Dacca. This time he came to Dacca on 24.6.52 evening from Lahore by plane and watch was arranged from the next morning. The watch on him daily continued from 05.30 hrs. till 24.00 hrs. or till it seemed necessary

Page: 275
according to circumstances. On 14.7.52 the subject was under watch as usual. In the evening A.S.I. Md. Shujat Ali and W.C. Abdul Hai were on duty and duty period the subject attended a meeting held at local Bar Library till 20.30 hrs.
nd then went to 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane where he was putting up. He also attended Nishat Cinema and witnessed the last show and returned to his quarter at about 23.40 hrs according to the watch report of the watcher (copy of the watch report is attached herewith). The report of the A.S.I. shows that the subject did not leave his quarter before midnight on the day in question.
The departure of Sk. Mujibur Rahman from Dacca came to our notice on 15.7.52. The matter was then enquired into by D.I.O. II and the result of enquiry practically corroborates the report of the watcher (A.S.I). According to the report of DIO II Sk. Mujibur Rahman left Dacca at about 24.00 hrs. on 14.7.52 for N’Ganj by a taxi and left for his native village.
District Intelligence Branch,
22nd Dacca, the 23 July, 1952.
No. 7818/100-49 P.F.
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., S.S. I.B E.B. Dacca for information with reference to his No. 10681/606-48 P.F. dated 19.7.52.
Sd/- 23.7
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
Side note : Not received, Sd/ – 23.7
DIS VI, Pl. send one ASI to Faridpur with necessary instructions, Sd/- 23.7


Manzurul Haque, Jinnah AML, Karachi sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein the writer thanked for his (Sheikh Mujibur Rahman) advices to form committee in Karachi and discussed on organizational affairs, Punjab and Bhawalpur election etc.
Dacca, 23 July 1952

Page: 276
Memo. No.
The 23rd July 1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Manzooral Haq, Jinnah Awami Muslim League, Karachi, Stranchar Road Pakistan Chawk. Majibar Rahman, Acting General Secy. 94, Nawabpur A.M.L. English. 21.7.52. Illegible G.P.O. Dacca. 23.7.52. Akms Haque S.I. I.B.E.B.
Language of letter Date of letter
: Postal Seal
: Post office of interception : Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the: interception
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not Number and date of Government order authorising interception
: :
Delivered. Copy is attached.
G.O. No. 1620 dt. 5.7.51.
Copy/translation forwarded to
D.S.V. Perusal please.
Manjurul Huq of Jinnah Awami Muslim League, Karachi writes this letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
The writer informs about the elimination of some undesirable elements from the Jinnah Awami Muslim League, Karachi and expresses concern over the pessimistic statement of Azizuddin released in the press.

Page: 277
1) This may be placed on file. 2) Copy may be sent to Karachi CID for information.
Sd/ – 23.7
Side note : C.O., I doubt if this letter was correctly copied., Sd/- 26.7
D.S.VI., Since corrected S.S. III., For perusal pl., Action may has taken as suggested., Sd/29.7, Sd/ – 31.7
Copy of English letter dt. 21.7.52 from Manzurul Haque Jinnah Awami Muslim League, Karachi Province Stranchar Rd. Pakistan Chowk to Sk. Majibor Rahaman, Acting General Secy. East Pakistan Awami League, 94 Nawabpur.
My dear Mujeeb.
Salam – A-laikum,
I received your letter from Lahore but could not reply to you owing to heavy work of the party. I thank you for your advices in the formation of the party. I have already cleared out the undesirable elements & some have resigned by themselves. I hope all friends may be alright there. Please pay my respect & Salam to Maulana Sahib & all other friends in Jail & outside.
Majeeb Bhai today I saw a statement of your Mr. Azimuddin Ahamed (enclosed) issued from Lahore. It is very mischievous. Think it over properly. These sorts of statements were issued by all the leaders of the Frontier Government as well as the central before the frontier elections. So was done before the Punjab & Bhawalpur elections, and they won the election by hook or by crook. Please contradict it & send a copy to me at Karachi address & oblige. I will also contradict it. All the opposition groups of Bhawal joined us, this group has got mass backing like you at the east.
Mr. Rassol, Mr. Tirmizi, Hafeez & all other. Salam to you. Any other matter or service fit for me at Karachi ?
Sincerely yours Sd/ – Manzoorul Haq.

Page: 278
Copy of a paper cutting (paper not known) “League will sweep Polls in East wing’ Azizuddin confident. Star report Lahore dt 20.7.52. Air Mail
Copy of an intercepted letter from Manzurul Haque to Sk. Majibur Rahman
11682 0. 606-48 PE dt. 6-8-52,
Forwarded to A. D (P) Int. Bureau, Karachi for information.
Sd/ – 4.8
DS6 for S.S.III.I.B.
D.S.6 Order below. Draft for approval pl.
Sd/ – 4.8.52
Sd/ – 6/8/


Report wherein mentioned the movements and visits of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from 16.7.1952 to 22.7.1952.
Dacca, 24 July 1952
D.S.VI/O.C., Watch, I.B. Dacca.
As ordered I along with W/C Mohsin Ali and W.C. Moslem Ali left Dacca for Barisal on 16.7.52 to find out suspect Sk. Muzibar Rahman. On 17.7.52 at 12.00 hrs. I reached Barisal D.I.B. office and paid my respect to D.I.O. (I) and made over a closed cover addressed to SP., D.I.B. Barisal by name. Under order of S.P. and D.I.O (I) I contacted with agent dealing officer and moved throughout the town for

Page: 279
the suspect but got no clue. On 18.7.52 morning agent dealing officer failed to give any information of his arrival at Barisal. At about 11.00 hrs. on the same date I got secret information that the suspect will attend a A.M.L. meeting at Madaripur on 18.7.52 evening. After getting this information I hurriedly left Barisal for Madaripur by steamer at about 11.30 hrs. on the date. At 22.00 hrs. I reached Madaripur town and came to learn that the suspect did not go there and attend the meeting. On 19.7.52 I contacted with D.I.B. staff, Gopalganj but they could not give any information about the suspect. In the evening I received information that the suspect had gone to Gopalganj via Charmuguria on 18.7.52 by night steamer. Accordingly on 20.7.52 at 02.00 hrs. I left for Gopalganj by Motor launch.
On 20.7.52 at 11.00 hrs. I reached Gopalganj along with my staff and contacted with D.I.O. Gopalganj and got information from him that the suspect had left for his own house being shadowed by his W/C. 1096 Abdur Razzak Khan at 14.00 hrs. on 19.7.52. Then and there I deputed my two W/Cs, Mohsin Ali and Moslem Ali with necessary instructions for his continuous watch in co-operation with W/C of Gopalganj.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that on 14.7.52 at about 22.00 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Nishat Cinema Hall and went to Narayanganj by a taxi. He halted somewhere at Narayanganj upto 16.7.52. He left Narayanganj for Shaitnal steamerghat by boat. From there he availed of a steamer and reached Charmugurai at 20.00 hrs. on 18.7.52 but he did not alight from the steamer there. He reached Gopalganj at 11.00 hrs. on 19.7.52 and on the same day at about 14.00 hrs. he left Gopalganj for his own house at Tangipara being shadowed by W/C Abdur Razzak Khan of Gopalganj D.I.B. At Gopalganj he (Sk. Mujibar Rahman) was reached and garlanded by students of Gopalganj town.
On 21.7.52 I supervised the duties of the W/Cs detail for Sk. Mujibar Rahman near about his house and found them alert. Necessary instructions were given to them for his unabtrusive continuous watch. On 22.7.52 I left the plan imparting instructions to continue the watch under D.I.O. Gopalganj until further order.
It is also learnt that suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman is expected to come to Dacca by the 2nd week of August, 1952.
Submitted. Sd/- T. Meher, S.I.

Page: 280
Side note : Submitted to D.S.VI. for favour of perusal., Sd/- A. Razzak., 24.7
S.S.III., For perusal please. The Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman is now at his native house Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. Two I.B. watchers are also watching him there.
We may request S.P. Faridpur sending extract of this report to arrange continuous watch with his staffs and to send back the two watchers of I.B.
Extract to P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. May be considered for D.R., Sd/-Q. A. Ahmad., 24.7.52, Not necessary for D.R., Sd/- A. Hussain., 24.7.52


Md. Mahmood, PS of H.S. Suhrawardy sent a letter to the editor,
‘Weekly Ittefaq’, Dacca contained a press statement of H.S. Suhrawardy, Convener, APJAML made on 23.7.1952 from
Hydrabad, Sind.
Dacca, 26 July 1952 Orgl. in 563 -48 (1) P. 446 -444. Secret INTELLIGENCE BRANCH,
The 26th July, 1952. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Md. Mahmood, Political
Secretary to Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy. 2. To (with address)
Editor, “Weekly Ittefaq,”
Dacca. Language of letter
English. Date of letter
: 23.7.52. Postal Seal
: Illegible. Post office of interception
: G.P.O, Dacca.

Page: 281
A.K.M.S. Haque, S.I., I.B.
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not . Whether withheld or delivered : If delivered, whether copy kept or
:X : Withheld.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy / translation forwarded to
D.S.VI. Perusal please.
This letter contains a Press Statement of H.S. Suhrawardy, Convenor, All Pakistan Jinnah Awami League made on 23.7.52 from Hydrabad Sind and sent to the Editor, “Ittefaq” for publication.
H.S. Suhrawardy in this statement speaker about the assurance given by him to Choudhuri Wali Mohammad, Babu Ali Mohammad and Haji Wahed Baksh while persuading them to break their fast unto death.
He also accords affiliation to the E.P.A.M.L. as the General Secretary of the All P.J.A.M.
1) We may allow the letter to pass. 2) Copies may be placed on the A.M.L. file and the P.F of H.S. Shurawardy. 3) Copy may be sent to Karachi, Burueau and Karachi C.I.D. 4) May be considered for W.S. and F.R.
Sd/- 26.7.52 Side note : S.S.III, For perusal please.
Action may be taken as suggested., Sd/- Q. A. Ahmed., 26.7.52 Also may go in D.R. regarding affiliation of the A.M.L., Sd/- A. Hussain,, 26.7.52

Page: 282
Copy of letter dated 23.7.52. from Md. Mahmood, Political Secretary to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to the Editor, “ Weekly Ittefaq” intercepted by an I.B. Officer at G.P.O. Dacca on 25.7.52.
Hyderabad, July 23, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Convenor of the All Pakistan Jinna Awami Muslim League has issued the following statement to the Press.
I am glad to be able to announce that at my earnest request Choudhury Wali Mohammad, Babu Ali Mohammad and Haji Wahid Baksha, have given up their fast unto death. They had lost 19 Lbs, 10 Lbs, and 9 Lbs, in weight respectively. Nevertheless I found them determined to continue their fast. On my assurance that the public here will take up their work and carry out agitation until the justice and oppression which the ruling clique and their agents are inflicting on the workers of the opposition have been redressed, they have most reluctantly obeyed my request. The responsibility on us is correspondingly great. I do not expect any consideration from the rulers. They did not bother to have them examined by their doctors in spite of the Choudhuri Saheb’s intensive and unbroken fast for 12 days although one recalls that in the time of Col. Dring he sent his doctors after a fast of 4 days. Times have totally changed and we are now governed by a class who seem drunk with the Pride of power. They appear lulled by the inexhaustible patience of the people of Pakistan, and their supineness and ability to bear uncomplainingly every form of justice and oppressions. But a time I hope will soon come when the people will rise from one end of Pakistan to the other in defence of civil liberties of the rule of the Law of respect for constitutional decencies, to end misrule, nepotism and corruption, and that one party Tyranny of the Muslim League Ministries which seem determined to victimise those in the opposition as undeserving of justice and human treatment. It is to this end that our party must solemnly pledge itself, and work relentlessly.
Press Note:
On the request of the Working Committee of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League conveyed through Shaikh Mujibar Rahman its General Secretary, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, convenor of the All Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League has granted affiliation to East Pakistan Awami Muslim League as a Branch of the All Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Convenor of the All Pakistan Jinna Awami Muslim League is leaving for Bahawalnagar on Friday.
Chapter 2- 1952

Page: 283


Mahammadullah, office-in-charge, EPAML, Dacca sent a letter to Md. Majibar Rahman, General Secretary, Panchar Union AML,
Faridpur wherein organizational matters were discussed.
Dacca, 5 August 1952
DACCA; Memo. No.
The : 5.8.1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Mohammedulla, Office-in
Charge, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94,
Nawabpur Rd, Dacca. 2. To (with address)
: Md. Majibar Rahaman.
General Secy, Patchar Union Awami Muslim League, Po.
Patchar Dt. Faridpur. 3. Language of letter
: English 4. Date of letter
: Nill 5. Postal Seal
: Nawabpur. 6. Postal office of interception
: R.M.S. Dacca. 7. Date of interception
: 5.8.52 8. Name of officer who can prove the : Delwar Hussain S.l. I.B.
interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception

Page: 284
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Perusal please.
Mahammadullah, office – in-charge of E.P. A.M.L. Dacca accords in this letter affiliation to the Patchar Union A.M.L. (Faridpur)
This may be placed on file.
Copy may be forwarded to S.P. D.I.B Faridpur for favour of information and report about the organisation with full particulars of the addressee & other office bearers of the Union League.
Sd/- 5.8.52
Side note: As proposed, Sd/ – for DS VI, 6.8.52
Int. letter from Md. ulla to Sk. Majibur Rahman.
11989 ‘: 606-48 P.F. dt 11.8.52.
Copy forwarded to S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur with a request to report about the organisation with full particulars of the addressee and other office bearers of the Muslim League.
D.S.6 for S.S. III I.B
True copy of an English letter dated nil
From: Mahammadullah, Office-in-Charge, East Pakistan Awami Muslim
League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca. TO : Md. Majibar Rahaman, General Secretary, Patchar Union Awami
Muslim League, P.O. Patchar Dt. Faridpur intercepted at R.M.S. Dacca on 5.8.52.

Page: 285
Dear Sir,
This office receives with thanks your letter dated 12.7.52 is quite sanguine of the fact that you have formed your Local Union Awami Muslim League. Affiliation is hereby granted with a direction to work in consultation with the Sub-divisional Awami Muslim League leaders. You are hereby supplied with several copies of manifestoes, part constitutions etc. which contain the nature, principles as well as the aims & objects of the Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/ – Mohammadullah


Confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during the period from 20.7.1952 to 31.7.1952 wherein cited his few political
programs at Gopalganj.
Dacca, 7 August 1952
Ali and
Copy of Confidential Report submitted by W.Cs, Moslem Mohsenuddin Ahmed of I.B., to O/C, Watch, I.B., E.B. Dacca. on 7.8.52.
We beg to report that on 20.7.52 at about 18.00 hrs. we took up our duty at Tungipara under P.S. Gopalganj according to the order of D.I.O. Gopalganj and S.I. F. Meher of I.B., Dacca. Reports of our duty from 20.7.52 to 31.7.52 were submitted to D.I.O. Gopalganj. We performed our duty there in three batches…(missing from the original document due to page damage) along with the watchers of D.I.B. Gopalganj in 24 hours. On 30.7.52 at about 04.00 hrs. the suspect Shaikh Mujibar Rahman left his residence and reached Gopalganj town by boat about 13.00 hrs. At about 13.30 hrs. he went to the house of …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Muktear, Gopalganj and held a close door meeting in that … (missing from the original document due to page damage) from 21.00 to 23.00 hrs. Shamsul Haq, Muktear, Golam Mostafa…(missing from the original document due to page damage) Muktear, Imanuddin Sardar, a 2nd year student of Gopalganj College, Rahamatjan Sardar, and Mohammad Ali Biswas and

Page: 286
two/three… (missing from the original document due to page damage) others attended the meeting, and halted there for the night… (missing from the original document due to page damage) On 1.8.52 at 09.00 hrs. he left Gopalganj town for Tungipara by boat and reached his house at about 16.00 hrs. Details of 1.8.52 to 3.8.52 were submitted to D.I.O. Gopalganj. On 3.8.52 at about 17.30 hrs. the suspect Shaikh Mujibur Rahman came out from his residence and went to Gopalgang at about 23.50 hrs. and halted there for the night in…(missing from the original document due to page damage) of Raza Mia. On 4.8.52. at 10.00 hrs. he left the said place along with Yunus Molla and Iman Uddin Sardar of Gopalganj and they availed Motor Launch and went to Char-Muguria at16.00 hrs. From there they availed steamer and went to …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Steamer Station at about 17.30 hrs. Near about 100 men …(missing from the original document due to page damage) students came to station for his reception and they shouted slowgan saying
Then the procession proceeded towards the new town and Zahangir house at Barisal Road at about 18.15 hrs. and…(missing from the original document due to page damage) for the night there. On 5.8.52 at about 16.30 hrs. the suspect came out and proceeded towards steamer station…(missing from the original document due to page damage) availed the steamer and went to Char-Muguria and remained till 24 hours along with Abdus Sattar, Ansar Dhali, …(missing from the original document due to page damage) and others, the above mentioned person accompanied the suspect from Madaripur and they were student and they…(missing from the original document due to page damage) inter- trained at the house of Hamizuddin of Char Muguria on 6.8.52 at about 01.00 hrs. the said suspect and …(missing from the original document due to page damage) came out from the said place and hired a boat for …(missing from the original document due to page damage) at about 03.00 hrs. They
reached the house of Zaha … (missing from the original document due to page damage) Barisal Road.
On that day at about 17.00 hrs. he … (missing from the original document due to page damage) nion attended at the public meeting which was …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Mosque of New town at Madaripur. The suspect Shaikh Mujibur Rahman presided over the meeting at about 18.45 hrs. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) meeting was finished and they returned to the house …(missing from the original document due to page damage). At 22.00 hrs. the suspect Shaikh Mujubar Rahman came to the said place and went to steamer ghat of Madaripur…(missing from the original document due to page damage) companion. At 22.30 hrs. he alone availed the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) for Dacca. On 7.8.52 at 15.10 hrs. he arrived …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Steamer Ghat and hired a Taxi No. EBD. 2445 and…(missing from the original document due to page damage) Dacca and returned to his quarter at

Page: 287
71, Radhika Mohan Basak lane at 15.30 hrs. During our journey …(missing from the original document due to page damage) found important to note in the report and he was …(missing from the original document due to page damage) smuggle anything or to correspondence with any…(missing from the original document due to page damage) shadowed him up to his destination.
W.Cs. Mohsenuddin Ahmed and Muslim Ali (both of I.B. were detailed at Faridpur District to watch the movement of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman during the stay of the subject in that district. The above two watchers to break up duty from 20.7.52. and submitted reports to D.I.O. Gopalganj. The attached report submitted by the watcher is not complete. S.P. Faridpur may be requested to …(missing from the original document due to page damage) a detailed report regarding the movements and activities of the subject during the stay of the subject in … missing from the original document due to page damage) district.
Sd/- A. Razzak.
Side note: S.S.III, Copy (1) may be sent to District for a report.
(2) to the file of the subject. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 8.8.52, Sd/- A. Hussain. 9.8.52.
District Intelligence Branch. Faridpur the 29th July, 1952
No. 3457/33-50 To A. Hussain Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. E.B., Dacca.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman (AML-Ex-Security Prisoner) s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, arrived at Gopalganj from Dacca on 19.7.52. His movements are being watched.
Sd/- 29.7 Supdt. of Police, DIB.

Page: 288
12445 No. 606-48 Pe dt. 21-8-52
S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur
Please let us have a detailed report reg. the movements and activities of Sk. Majibur Rahman during his stay at Faridpur. An early reply is requested.
Sd/ – 18.8
for S.S.III, I.B. Side note : Another below.


APP Correspondent Rangpur sent a letter to acting Manager, APP of Pakistan, Dacca wherein the writer stated about a strong reception committee of Rangpur district AML formed to receive Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders.
Rangpur, 8 August 1952 Secret
The 8/9.8.1952
Memo. No. 4480/54-49 (Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Mr. Nurul Islam. Dist
Correspondent of the Associated Press of Pakistan. Acting Manager, Associated Press of Pakistan, 9, Segun Bagicha, Ramna, Dacca.
To (with address)

Page: 289
Language of letter
: English Date of letter
: 6.8.52. Postal Seal
: Nil. 6. Post office of interception
: Nawabganj Bazar. Date of interception
6.8.52. Name of officer who can prove the : A.S.I Md. Shamsuddin. D.I.B.., interception
Rangpur. 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy Kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception
Side note : 606-48 P.F. Copy 67 & 52PF 782-48(1) Sec. 22-48 stats 613
52(1) Sec. Sd/ – 11.8
SSIII Perusal please the intercept below.
(1) Copy of the intercept may be forwarded to S.S.P. Rangpur,
Dinajpur, Bogra, Rajshahi and Pabna for information & necessary
action. (2) O/C Watch may depute one Sub-inspector and 3 W.Cs to
accompany the party from Dacca to the Dists mentioned in the
programme, and record the proceedings of the meetings etc. (3) Office to arrange deputation of 2 Bengali Govt. reporters and one
English reporter to record the proceedings of all the meetings of the different dists mentioned in the programme.
Side note : Noted: A Razzak, o/c 13.2
Govt. Reporter deputed already pl. Sd/ – 11.8.52
True copy of an English intercepted letter (Envelope) written by (1) Mr. Nurul Islam to Acting Manager, Associated Press of Pakistan, 9, Segun-Bagicha, Ramna, Dacca.

Page: 290
Mr. Nurul Islam. Dist. Correspondent of the Associated Press of Pakistan (A.P.P) Rangpur, Aug. 6.
P.O Alamnagar, Dist. Rangpur (East Pakistan)
A strong Reception Committee of the Rangpur District Awami Muslim League has been formed to receive (2) Ataur Rahman Khan and (3) Mvi. Majibur Rahman, the Vice President and the Acting Secy. of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, respectively who are arriving at Rangpur on August,15 night. A district jute growers conference will be held on Aug. 16 from 12 A.M. to 2 P.M. and the Dist. Awami League workers conference will be held from 2-30 P.M. to 5 P.M. in the Rangpur Town Hall. It is also learnt, if allowed, a mass meeting will be held in the after-noon.
On the same day a Muslim Students League Conference will be held in the District Board Hall where Mvi. (4) Kamruzzaman and (5) Mvi. Mosharraf Hussain Choudhury the Secy. and Vice President of the East Pakistan Muslim Student’s League will deliver speeches.
Sd/-N. Islam D.1.0 (1)
For favour or kind perusal and N/A. Copy may be sent to I.B. for information and deputing a Govt. reporter to Rangpur on 15.8.52. D.I.O.VI please arrange to keep watch on the persons (No. 2 to 5) when they will reach Rangpur.
Sd/- S.M. Talebur Rahman.
D.I.O. (VIII) S.P.
Perusal please. Action may be taken as suggested. Govt. reporters may be requisitioned by a telegram as Sk. Majibar Rahman is marked as one of the objectionable speakers if approved.
Sd/- M. Haque, 7.8.52.
D.I.O. (1) Side not: 1. Dist. Correspondent of A.P.P. Rangpur.
2. S/O. Mvi. Imtazuddin Khan of Balia, P.S. Dhamrai, Dacca. Advocate, Vice-President,
A.M.L., Dacca. 3. Acting Secy. A.M.L. East Pakistan. 4. Secy. E.P.M.S.L.,E.P. SIO. Shamsuddin Ahmad of Bokharba, Sailkupa, Jessore and of
150, Moghaltuli, Dacca. 5. Vice-President, E.P.M.S.L., (E.P.)

Page: 291


Secret report from CID, Punjab on a letter sent from Secretary, JAL, Punjab, Lahore to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the
writer discussed about the affiliation of AML with APJAML, announcing statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by all Pakistan
Radio, election of EB etc.
Lahore, 8 August 1952 Secret
It is reliably learnt that Office Secretary, Jinnah Awami League, Punjab, Lahore, has written a letter in English of the following subject on 9.7.1952, addressed to Sh: Majibur Rehman officiating General Secretary, East Bengal Jinnah Awami Muslim League, Dacca. The letter has been posted from the Naulakha P.O. on 10.7.1952.
Thanks for official intimation of the affiliation of the Awami Muslim League, with all Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League. Your statement was announced by all Pakistan Radio. You have got due recognition of your province both by press and Radio, which is a matter of great satisfaction for the opposition and you deserve congratulation on it.
There must be some link between us and I propose the exchange of deputation between both the wings. Since elections are taking place in the East Bengal, so you must educate people to the necessity of fair elections and do not allow the Government to convict it with a force. In view of the irregularities committed in the N.W.F.P. Punjab and Bahawalpur its very essential that the masses should be of the rights and the proper use of the adult. Anyhow one suffer during the elections are prepared to render useful service to you if you would ask to do so.
I am herewith enclosing one of the cuttings of the newspapers for your perusal. More when we meet.
No. 9622- BDSB Dated Lahore, the 8/8/52
Copy forwarded to Nur-ud-Din Ahmad, P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police, (IV), Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca. The fact that the information emanates from this office should be kept secret.
Sd/for Deputy Inspector General of Police
CID., Punjab.

Page: 292


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman where mentioned about his return from Madaripur to Dacca, continuous watch over him, his movements etc.
Dacca, 8 August 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, of suspect Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca dated 7.8.52.
On the return of the subject to Dacca from Madaripur on 7.8.52. at 15.30 hrs. continuous watch was arranged.
Present at quarters, 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane.
(1) 15.30-17.50 hrs. (2) 23.00-06.00/-8.8.52
Visited the following places:Previously visited:
A.M. L. Office from 18.00 to 19.45 hrs.
The following persons visited the office for the period noted against each during the say of the subject.
(A) Tofazzal Hossain … 17.10-19.45 hrs. (B) Prof. Khairul Bashar … 17.20 -20.27 hrs. (C) Rafiqul Islam …
19.00-20.00 hrs.
Decken’s Inn at Nawabpur Road-from 19.50 to 20.30 hrs.
Previously visited:
3. Residence of Mr. Ataur Rahman, Advocate at Swarighat. 20.45- 22.30 hrs.
Suspect Tofazzal Hossain accompanied the subject from A.M.L. Office and visited the places noted at S. Nos. 2 and 3. They both came out from the residence of Mr. Ataur Rahman, Advocate. Suspect Tofazzal Hossain separated from the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) near Mogaltuli. There-from the subject returned to his quarters at about 23.00 hrs.
Side note :
S.S.III., Extract may be placed to relevant file., Sd/- A. Hafiz., 8.8.52, Sd/- A. Hussain, 9.8.52

Page: 293


Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed to Abdul Aziz Kabiraj of Bogra wherein the writer stated about North Bengal
tour program.
Dacca, 9 August 1952
DACCA; The 9.8.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
E.P. Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Rd.
To (with address)
Abdul Aziz Kabiraj, Mati Usadalya Bogra, Dt. Bogra
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Nawabpur (Dacca).
Post office of Interception
: R.M.S. (Dacca).
Date of Interception
Name of officer who can prove the : Enayetullah SI. Interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
: delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Copy kept.
12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising Interception

Page: 294
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal please. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Act. Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L dispatches the up to date Programme of their North Bengal Tour to different persons in North Bengal districts. (1) This may be placed on file. (2) Copies may be sent to S.S.P., D.I.B. of the districts concerned for
information and for particulars of the respective addresses. (3) O/C watch take a note of it. (4) May be considered for D.R.
Sd/ – 9.8.52 True Copy of an English letter dt. 8.8.52.
From : Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League,
Central office, 94, Nawabpur Road. Dacca.
Addressed to Janab Abdul Aziz Kabiraj, Mati Usadalya, Bogra. Dt. Bogra.
Ref: A.M.L. 32 (8) 52, intercepted at R.M.S. on 9.8.52.
Dear brother,
We have much pleasure to enclose herewith our “North Bengal Tour Programme”. The purpose of the tour mainly is to meet the workers and discuss with them the present economic and political situation of the country and derive ways and means to organise the masses.
We will surely, count very much on your help and co-operation in this matter.
Would you kindly see that besides the political and social workers some representatives of the Jute – growers also attend the proposed workers’ convention.
Weather permitting you may also organise a public meeting. More when we meet, with kindest regards.
Sincerely yours. Sd/ – Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Page: 295
Tour Programme.
Leave Dacca
15.8.52. Morning
Midnight 16.8.52
17.8.52 Morning
Reach Rangpur Rangpur Convention Leave Rangpur Reach Dinajpur Dinajpur meeting Leave Dinajpur Reach Bogra
at 11.45 A.M.
17.8.52 Night 18.8.52 Morning
Via Station
Bogra Convention Leave Bogra Reach Rajshahi Leave Rajshahi Reach Pabna
Night Morning
Leave Pabna
N.B. Similar of letters have been sent to the following Addresses: 1. Janab, Jahur Ahamed Chowdhury. Po & Vill – Monakhasha Dt. –
Rajshahi. Janab, Sirajul Islam, Secty. Dt. – Awami Muslim League, Bogra,
Dt. – Bogra. 3. Janab, Captain Shamsul Haque, Rajshahi.
Janab, Mujibur Rahman, pleader, Rajshahi. ” A Momin Talukdar Vill – Chalk Makimpur, P.o. Rajapur, Dt. – Pabna. Janab, Kobbat Ali Mia. Jt. Secretary Sukdeb H.E. School. P.o. Sukdeb, Barisal.

Page: 296
7. Janab Captain Munsur Ali44 Pleader Pabna.
8. Janab, Mr. Dabiruddin Ahamed B.L. President Nilphamary Awami
Muslim League, Dt. – Rangpur. 9. Janab, Balait Ali Mukter, Pabna. 10. “Dr. Mujahuddin Ahamed. Moti -usadalya, Rangpur. 11. Janab Abdus Sobur pleader Pabna. 12. ” Rahimuddin Ahmed pleader. Dinajpur. 13. ” Mujibur Rahman. Secty. Town Awami Muslim League.
Copy (in duplicate) forwarded to A. Hussain Esq., Special Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, for information. One Govt. Bengali reporter may kindly be deputed to take long hand notes of Sk. Majibar Rahman.
Sd/ – 8.8.52
(M.A. HAQUE) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Rangpur. Side note : Statt. Sec, 11.8.52, Already deputed. Sd/ – 11.8.52
NB: Similar letter was sent to Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Pabna & other North Bengal districts.


Letter sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Md. Nizamul Haque, Secretary, Barachapa Union AML, Dacca therein the writer discussed about pamphlets and booklets of the party.
Dacca, 11 August 1952
44. Capt. Mansur Ali (16 January 1917 –1975) – Capt. Muhammad Mansur Ali was a close confidant of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and played an important role in the Six Point Movement. He was an active member of Awami Muslim League (later Awami League). He studied in Kolkata Islamia College (now Maulana Azad College) and pursued MA degree in economics and law from Aligarh Muslim University. He joined the Pakistan Army and attained the rank of Captain. He was arrested in 1952 for organizing the Language Movement. In 1954 and 1970, he was elected a member of the East Pakistan Legislative Assembly. During the Liberation War, he was one of the top organizers of the Provisional Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, most popularly known as Mujibnagar Government with a portfolio of Finance Minister. After the independence he became the Minister of Communications and later Home Affairs. He was assassinated on 3 November 1975 along with other three national leaders.

Page: 297
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 11.8.1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Sheikh Mujibar Rahman,
General Secretary E. Pak. Awami Muslim League, 94,
Nowabpur Rd. Dacca. : Md. Nizamul Haque
Secretary, Barachapa Union Awami Muslim League P.O.
Barachapa Dt. Dacca. : English : 7.8.52 : Nawabpur (Dacca). : R.M. S. (Dacca). : 10.8.52. : Enayetullah S.l.
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
i so
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the Interception Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or delivered
: x : delivered. : Copy kept.
If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Casual.
Number and date of Government order authorising Interception
Copy/ translation forward to
Perusal please.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Acting Genl. Sey. E.P.A.M.L. writes this letter to Md. Nizamul Huq, Secy. Barachapa Union Awami League Dacca

Page: 298
expressing his inability of supplying more pamphlets for the purpose of party propaganda.
Copy may be sent to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca to trace the addressee and to report about his political activities with his full particulars.
Sd/ – 11.8.52
Side note : As proposed. Place copy in the P.F. of Mujibur Rahman & also on the file.
Sd/ – 11.8
Int. letter from Sk. Majibur Rahman to Md. Nizamul Haque.
12301 No. 606-48 PE dt. 19-8-52
Copy forwarded to Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca with a request to trace out the addressee and to report about his political activities with his full particulars.
Sd/ – 16.8
DS6 for S.S.III., I.B.
Side note: D.S.6 : Order below. Draft for appl. pl. Sd/ – 16.8.52
1 page
True Copy of an English letter dt. 7.8.52
From: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, General Secty., E.P. Awami Muslim
League, 94, Noawabpur Rd. Dacca.
Addressed to Md. Nizamul Hoque, Secretary, Barachapa Union Awami Muslim League, P.o. Barachapa, Dt. Dacca.
Dear sir,
We thank you for your letter dt. 3.8.52 and are quite glad to know that you have started mass movement. There are no other pamphlets, published by us except what have been received by you. Our booklets

Page: 299
serve the purpose of the pamphlets. Try to proceed in the line which you have followed.
This is the way in which we propose to propagate our ideas and organise our people.
Yours faithfully Sd/ – Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
General Secretary, E.P. Awami Muslim League.

Page: 300


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 11 August 1952
Precis on the C.Rs dated 8.8.52 reg. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
9.8.52. Present at Quarters:
(1) 06.00 – 07.45 hrs.
(2) 12.00 – 17.15 hrs.
(3) 23.00 – 06.00 hrs.
Visited the following places : –
1. 26/1 Madan Mohan Basak Road, previously visited, 08.00 – 08.05 hrs.
Suspect Rafiqul Islam (A.M.L) of 42, Joginagar visited the subjects place. He accompanied the subject to 26/1 Madan Mohan Basak Road from the Quarter of the subject.
2. A new house bearing no number as yet at Purana Paltan.
08.35 – 09.15 hrs.
3. A.M.L. office – Rafiqul Islam accompanied the subject 09.25 – 11.45 hrs.
from the house at Purana Paltan. Rafiqul Islam left the
place at 12.10 hrs.
4. A.M.L. Office –
17.30 – 20.00 hrs.
The subject left the office at 20.00 hrs. He went up to Nawabpur Rly. crossing where he got into a Bus and proceeded towards Purana Paltal side being shadowed W.C. Jainal Abedin of Dacca D.I.B. Our W/C could not shadow as he had to take the cycle of the Dacca D.I.B. Watcher in custody to enable the latter to shadow the suspect by the same bus. S.I. Maseruddin Ahmed has been asked to bring the result of shadowing from Dacca D.I.B. The subject returned to his quarter at 23.00 hrs being shadowed by the said W.C. of Dacca D.I.B.
Sd/- A. Razzak.

Page: 301
Side note : D.S. VI may please see.
Sd/- A. Razzak. 11.8.52, W/C has been asked to trace and report as to …(missing from the original document due to page damage) here. Sd – A. R. 9.8, Sd/-12.8.52 Place it Mujibar Rahman’s file. Sd/- A. Hafiz. F.R. please. Sd – A.Hafiz. 12.8


Watch report on the North Bengal tour of Sheikh Mujibur
Dacca, 11 August 1952 Reg: Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
I was deputed to follow Sk. Mujibar Rahman who was to leave for Nilphamari by night train on 9.8.52 to attend a meeting there on 10.8.52 but he did not leave.
I was also ordered to withhold Govt. reporters namely Benode Bihari Dey and Mohd Hussain in case Sk. Mujibar Rahman did not leave for Nilphamari.
I got only Benode Bihari & failed to meet Mohd Hussain in spite of our best endeavor along with Benode Bihari. It is learnt that he (Sk. Mujibar) is leaving Dacca on 15.8.52 for holding meeting in North Bengal.
Shahzada Khan.
S.I. 11/8/52. Side Note: S.S.III, Perusal pl. Govt. reporter Mr. Mohd. Hussain has already
left for Rangpur will contact SP there. Sk. Mujibar Rahman is believed to be leaving for Rangpur on 15.8.52. Official reporters may leave for Rangpur in time. Sd/ – 11.8

Page: 302


Abstract of Intelligence mentioned about a meeting of AL workers
held at Gaibandha town.
Rangpur 11 August 1952
P. 760 of file No. 613–50 Genl. A/I. No. 32 for the week ending 11.8.51.
1324. Rangpur – On 1st August a meeting (45) of the Awami League Workers was held at the house of one Abdur Rahman of Gaibandha town with Maulvi Abul Husain, Organiser of North Bengal Awami Muslim League, son of late Maniruddin of Jagadishpur P.S. Badarganj and of Rangpur town, in the chair.
Resolutions strongly condemning the aggressive design of the Nehru Government in massing their troops of Pakistan borders and pledging full cooperation with the present Government and their all for the defence of Pakistan, demanding the abolition of the Zemindari system without compensation equitable distribution of lands among the cultivators, unconditional release of Sk. Mujibar Rahman (para 835) (Joint Secy. of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League) and other political prisoners, and Bengali as one of the State languages, were adopted.


The movements and organizational works of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Gopalganj and Madaripur.
Faridpur, 12 August 1952
Copy of memo No. 3742/57-47 dated 12.8.52 from the Supdt. of Police DIB, Faridpur, to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 2083/CS dated 14.7.52.

Page: 303
Sk. Mujibar Rahman (AML) returned home on 19.7.52 from Dacca via Charmuguria and Gopalganj and was there till the evening of 3.8.52. During this period he came to Gopalganj on 30.7.52 evening and halted for a day. He was placed under continuous watch all through the time. At his village he showed no activity but while at Gopalganj, he met almost all the members of the Awami League and the EPMSL of Gopalganj Subdivision, presumably to give instruction on party work. He left Gopalganj on the morning of 4.8.52 and arrived at Madaripur the same afternoon. He halted at Madaripur till about 22.30 hrs of 6.8.52. While at Madaripur, he met the local members of the AML and the EPMSL and also addressed a Public Meeting on 6.8.52 afternoon at Madaripur town organised by the local Awami Leaguers. He left for Dacca on the night of 6.8.52 by the Tarpasha Mail. The proceedings of the meeting recorded by the local officers are being scrutinised to see if any action is possible against the speakers.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur the 4th Sept., 1952
No. 4098/33-50
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. E.B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 12445/606-48 P.F. dt. 21.8.52.
In this connection kindly refer to this office No. 3742 dated 12.8.52.
Sd/ – 4.9 Supdt. of Police, DIB
13669 No. 66-48 Pe dt. 15-9-52
S.P. D.I.B, Faridpur.
Ref : Your no 4098/33-50. dt. 4.9.52.

Page: 304
Please let us have a copy of your no. 3742 dt. 12.8.52 as it does not appear to have been received here.
Sd/ – 13.9
D.S 6 for S.S 3 I.B.
District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur the 20th Sept., 1952.
No. 4484/33-50
A. Hussain, Esqr.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Reference your No. 136697606-48 P.F. dated 15.9.52. Enclosed herewith a copy of this office No. 3742 dated 12.8.52, as desired.
Sd/ – 20.9 Supdt. of Police, DIB


The movements of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Faridpur to
Dacca mentioned in a secret memo.
Faridpur, 12 August 1952
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur the 12th August, 1952
No. 3740/33-50 (B) To A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B. Dacca.

Page: 305
Sk. Mujibur Rahman (AML- S/O Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur ) left for Dacca on 6.8.52. He was shadowed by the watcher constables of I.B.,
Sd/ – 12.8 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned his movements, visits and meeting in Dacca.
Dacca, 12 August 1952
Precis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
9.8.52. Present at quarters –
i) 06.00 – 09.25 hrs.
ii) 13.55 – 17.40 hrs.
iii) 22.55 – 06.00 hrs.
Visited the following places:

09.35 – 10.10 hrs. 10.15 – 10.25 hrs. 10.35 – 10.40 hrs. 10.45 – 11.00 hrs.
11.02 – 12.10 hrs.
1) A.M.L office 2) 222 Nawabpur Road (General Trade Agency)
Bar Library 4) 3 Johnson Road- (Kitabistal – Book shop) 5) Crown Press at 78/3 Royal Street.
Amrita Bastralaya.
Bata Shoe shop 8) 3/11A Victoria Park,
(Book Exchange) 9) 5, Patuatuli (Modern Book Depot) 10) Post & Telegraph Audit office at Ruplal House. 11) Bar Library 12) A.M.L. Office
11.45 – 12.10 hrs.
12.15– 12.25 hrs. 12.35- 13.35 hrs. 13.45– 13.48 hrs.
18.00-18.40 hrs. 19.15-22.45 hrs.

Page: 306
The following persons visited the place during the time noted against each during the stay of the subject.
Prof. Khairul Bashar –
17.58-22.20 hrs.
Rafiqul Islam (A.M.L) –
18.15-22.40 hrs.
19.45-22.15 hrs.
Advocate Abdus Salam Ali Ahmed M.L.A 3 unknown persons
20.15-22.25 hrs. 21.10–22.10 hrs.
18.55– 19.05 hrs.
A new house at Purana Paltan previously visited Present at quarters. –
i) 06.00-08.10 hrs. ii) 13.00–16.35 hrs. iii) 21.50-06.00 hrs.
Visited the following places:
08.25 – 08.30 hrs.
09.00 hrs.
48, Jinda Bahar 1st. Lane (Enquiry is being made) 3 Jinda Bahar 1st lane, (2nd floor, (enquiry is being made) Iqbal Hal145 (North) – A.M.L. Office –
09.30-10.45 hrs. i) 10.55 – 11.10 hrs. ii) 12.15 – 12.30 hrs.
The following men visited the office & remained there for the period noted against each during the stay of the subject. a) Prof. Khairul Bashar from
Rafiqul Islam –
09.30 – 12.30 hrs. 11.30 – 12.30 hrs.
11.13 – 11.18 hrs.
124 Nawabpur Road (Alopathic medicine shop) 9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press)
11.25 – 12.00 hrs.
45. Iqbal Hall – After the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971 Iqbal Hall of Dhaka University was
renamed as Zahurul Haq Hall in hounour of Sgt. Zahurul Haq. He was killed on 15 February 1969 while imprisoned at Dhaka Cantonment as an accused of Agartala Conspiracy Case.

Page: 307
A youth said to be Hamid Chaudhury accompanied Shaikh Mujibar Rahman from his quarters to the places at Sl. No. 1-4
7. 8.
48, Nawabpur Road, (Photo shop).
12.35 – 12.45 hrs. 25, Swarighat Road (Residence of Mr. Ataur 16.50 – 18.10 hrs. Rahman) Mr. Ataur Rahman was then at the Qtrs. One unknown person visited the residence of Ataur Rahman at 17.45 hrs. and left the same at 18.10 hrs.
10. 11.
Armanitola Maidan. He attended a meeting held 18.30 – 19.00 hrs. there for the famine stricken people of Khulna. He delivered lecture in the meeting. Separate report reg. the proceeding of the meeting has been submitted. A.M.L. Office –
19.10 – 21.05 hrs. 124, Nawabpur Road (Cambridge Medical 21.10 – 21.20 hrs. pharmacy) 90, Kazi Alauddin Rd. (Residence of Ex-Sec. 21.30 – 21.40 hrs. prisoner Aziz Ahmed).
Sd/- A. Razzak.
12.8.52. Side note: Place in P. file. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 12.8.52
D.S.VI. 10.8.52. Portions side- lined A may go in P.F. of all concerned. S.O. has been asked to collect his particulars and report. Sd/- M. Ahmed. 12.8 S.O’s report attached. Sd/- A.R. 21.8 S.I. S. Khan has been asked to collect the name & particulars of the man. Sd/A.R, 12.8 It is Rafiqul Islam an A.M.L. Worker lives at 42, Juginagar Lane, Sd – S. Khan. 12.8.52


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 13 August 1952

Page: 308
Precis on the C.Rs regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca.
Present at quarters

06.00 – 08.30 hrs.
13.30 – 16.00 hrs.
23.55 – 06.00 hrs.
Visited the following places :- 08.35 hrs. 1. Victoria Park. Therefrom the subject went away towards N. Ganj side by Taxi
No. 1317 EBD. Separate report reg. this departure was submitted to D.S. VI. The subject returned to his quarters at 13.30 hrs. Dacca D.I.B. has been requested to report the movements of the subject during the period of the subject’s stay somewhere near Narayangnaj side.
2. Paramount Press at 9, Hatkhola Road –
16.15 – 16.45 hrs.
A.M.L. Office –
17.00 – 19.50
Prof. Khairul Bashar visited the office during the stay of the subject
4. 48, Nawabpur Road(Art & Photography)
19.52– 20.10”
Salimullah Muslim Hall
i) 21.30-21.50 hrs.
90, Kazi Alauddin Road, (Residence of Ex. Sec. Prisoner Aziz Ahmed)
ii) -23.45”
-22.30 “
7. A new house at Purana Paltan previously visited.
Enquiry has already been ordered to be made by
S.O. reg. the occupier of the house. 12.8.52
Present quarters
06.00 – 08.30 hrs. 13.10 – 17.10 hrs. 23.00 – 06.00 hrs.

Page: 309
08.45 – 09.30 hrs.
09.35 – 09.50 hrs.
Visited the following places: – 1. 3, Sayed Aulad Hossain lane (Residence
of Abdul Latif, pleader) 2. 4, Jindabahar 1st Lane,
(Residence of Qumruddin, M.A., B.L.) 3. 2, Simpson Road (Party house) 4. 1, Simpson Road, 5. A.M.L. Office, 6. Bar Library, 7. 48, Nawabpur Road (Photo-Shop)
10.00 – 10.30 hrs.
10.31 – 11.00 hrs.
11.15 – 12.25 hrs.
12.40 – 13.00 hrs.
17.25 – 17.40 hrs.
A.M.L office.
– 1) 17.45-18.30 hrs.
2) 19.15-21.00 hrs. The following men visited the office for the period noted against each.
a) 2 unknown persons from b) 5 unknown youths ” c) 1 unknown old man”
17.35 -21.15 hrs. 18.45 -21.15 hrs. 19.00 -21.15 hrs.
Of the 7 unknown men at (a) & (b) 2 have been located at S.M. Hall and 1 at 2/1 Court House Street which is a Medical Mess. S.Os, F. Mehar and N. Haque have been asked to collect names and particulars of these 3 unknown men and report. The old man at “c” has been fixed at 3 Abhay Das Lane. S.I. M. Dewan has been ordered to collect the name and particulars of this old man and report.
9. Paramount Press at 9 Hatkhola Road.
10. House of Honourable Minister Tofazzal Ali 11. 13 Azimpura Colony (known)
– 18.45-19.00 hrs. – 21.20 –21.45 hrs
21.55 –22.05 hrs. 22.15 –22.28 hrs.
12. Azad Office –
Sd/- A. Razzak.
Side note: D.S. VI may please see. Extract may go in P.Fs of all concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak. 13.8.52
Place in File please. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 15.8.52

Page: 310
Previously visited. S.O. to enquire and report the object of visit to this place with the names and particulars of the Proprietor and Manager. Sd/- A.R. 13.8. Seen and noted. Sd/- 15/8/52. SS. VI, Extract may go in P.F. Sd – A.R. 13.8 D.S. VI may pl. see. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. 13.8.52.
Seen. Sd/-F. Mehar. 15.8.52.
Seen & noted. Sd/- 15.8
Report submitted. F. Mehar. 19.8.52


S. Ahmed of EPAML, Dacca sent a letter to the Editor, ‘Weekly Chashi’, Mymensingh stating North Bengal tour of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 14 August 1952
True copy of an English letter dated 14th August, 1952.
From : S. Ahmed of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca.
To The Editor, “Weekly Chashi” Milan Press, Mymensingh, District Mymensingh intercepted at Dacca R.M.S. on 21.8.52.
Jonab Ataur Rahman Khan, Vice-President, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Jonab Sheik Mujibar Rahman, the General Secretary and Mr. Badsha Mia are proceeding on a North Bengal tour on the 15th August 52. They are expecred to address public meeting in all the District Head quarters of North Bengal and meet the workers there and are expected back here by the last week of August 1952.
Sd/-S. Ahmed.

Page: 311


Extract from the SWR of Faridpur DIB concerning a party
meeting of AML held at Madaripur town.
Faridpur, 14 August 1952
Extract from the S.W.R. of the Faridpur D.I.B. for wle 14.8.52. Part iv (ii) B (a) Awami Muslim League.
The agent adds that a party meeting of the A.M.L, was held in the night of 6.8.52 in the house of Asmat Ali Khan, Mukhtear, (AML- s/o Abdul Jabbar of Boalia, Madaripur and of Madaripur town) under the Presidency of Nurul Haq, Mukhtear, Madaripur town (being fixed). It was attended by Sk. Mujibar Rahman (Mentd) Asmat Ali Khan, Mukhtear (mentd) Daliluddin Ahmad, Pleader, Madaripur (AML- s/o Karimuddin, Panchkhola, Madaripur), Abdul Latif Hawladar (Mentd) Md. Abdullah (mentd), Abdul Mannan @ Tuni Mannan (AML s/o Abul Hashem of Gobindapur, Madaripur) and others (7 named). In the meeting Abdul Latif Howlader and Md. Abdullah (both mentioned) submitted written statement to Sk. Mujibar Rahman to the effect that they had joined the Awami Muslim League. The executive committee of the Madaripur Subdivisional Awami Muslim League was also reconstituted in the meeting with Chaudhuri Shamsuddin Ahmad @ Badsa Miyan, M.L.A. (AML-s/o L. Gaizuddin Khalas of Dattapara Shibchar, Faridpur) as President, Daliluddin Ahmad, B.L. (mentioned) and 5 others as Vice-Presidents, Asmat Ali Khan (mentioned) as Secretary, Saiyid Shamsul Haq, Mukhtear (AMLs/o Mir Abdul Majid of Madaripur town) as joint secy., Abdul Mannan @ Tuni Mannan (mentioned) as Joint Secy. and Organiser-in-charge, Rafiquddin Ahmad (AML-s/o Samiruddin of Mahisherchar, Madaripur) and Abdur Rashid (being fixed), a watch maker of Madaripur town, as Assistant Secretaries, Khundkar Abdul Hamid (AML-Mentioned) of Charmuguria, Madaripur) as office secy., Md. Abdullah (mentd) as Treasurer, Chaudhuri Saifuddin Ahmad, Zamindar and P.U.B of Dattapara Shibchar, Faridpur (being fixed), Abdus Sattar (Secy. EPMSLMadaripur, being fixed), Saijuddin, Mukhtear, Madaripur (AML-s/o Daliluddin of Pearpur, Madaripur) and 24 others as members.
Side note: Office. Extract to the P.F of Mujibur Rahaman, Sd/- A. Hafij, 19.8.

Page: 312


Confidential memo on the Rangpur tour of Sheikh Mujibur
Dacca, 18 August 1952 Confidential.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 18th August, 1952.
No. 8580/100-49. To T. Ahmad, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca
I write to inform you that suspect Sk. Mazibur Rahman left Dacca accompanied with Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan of 25, Swarighat, Dacca for Rangpur on 15.8.52 by 109 UP train at 07.25 hrs. being shadowed by S.I. Shahzada Khan and W.Cs. Abdur Rahman, Almasur Rahman and Shamsul Alam of I.B.
Sd/ – 18.8
(S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


Report on Mohammadullah, advocate of 2/1 Court House Street, Dacca related to his membership of AML.
Dacca, 19 August 1952
Ref. Shadowing Report of W/C. Abdus Sattar Sarkar from 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca dated 12.8.52/ 13.8.52 to 2/1 Court House Street, Dacca.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that Mr. Mahammadullah, B.L., Pleader of 2/1 Court House Street, a member of Awami Muslim League, seems to be identical with the D.R. supplied by the W/C. in his report dated 13.8.52.
Submitted. Sd/- S.I., 19.8.52
Side note: S.I. must show the man to the W/C for proper identity. Sd/- A. Razzak, 21.8.52,

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Secret report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman regarding his visit to an artist and photographer’s studio at Nawabpur road, Dacca.
Dacca, 19 August 1952
Copy of Secret Report submitted by Nurul Huque Khan, S.I, to O/C, Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca on 19.8.52.
Ref: – C.R. 12.8.52 of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
On secret enquiry it was ascertained that 48, Nawabpur Road is a Artists and Photographers Studio and one Afzal Hossain is its Proprietor. He was formerly at Karaia Road, Calcutta and at present he is living at 70, Wari Street Dacca with his family members.
The object of the visit of the subject could not be ascertained on secret enquiry.


Report on the visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Dinajpur wherein mentioned his participation in a public meeting and delivered speeches on government policy, nationalization of jute, cancellation of PSO, release of all security prisoners and demand
Bengali as the state language.
Dinajpur, 19 August 1952
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dinajpur, the 19th August, “52
*** No. 4513/90-49.*****
A. Hussain, Esqr., Special Supdt. of Police, IB, EB, Dacca.
Sub: Visit of Muzibur Rahman and others to this district.
Ref : My memo No. 4444 dated 16/8/52.

Page: 314
According to announcement made on 17/8/52 by Maulvi Rahim Uddin Ahmad, B.L., President, Dinajpur District Awami Muslim League, a public meeting attended by about 300 people was held at 5-30 p.m. the same day at the premises of the Dinajpur Institute, on the arrival of (1) Sk. Muzibur Rhaman, Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, (2) Maulvi Ataur Rahman, Advocate and Vice President, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League and President, East Pakistan Jute Cultivators’ Association, (3) Muhammad Qamruzzaman, Secretary, East Pakistan Muslim Students’ League and (4) Maulvi Abul Husain, Secretary, District Awami Muslim League, Rangpur. No. 2 presided over the meeting and it was addressed by Nos. 1 to 4.
In course of their speeches they criticised the Government policy in respect of jute in that they said that rate has been fixed by Government for the purchase of jute from the growers by agents but it sells far below the rate so fixed; on the other hand, Government have failed to fix up rate for the sale of jute in the foreign countries by big jute merchants like Ispahani, Dada and others. As a result these merchants sold a maund of jute @ Rs. 111/-even. This exorbitant high price of jute has induced the foreigners to use cotton and some other materials as substitute for jute and xonsequently Pakistan has lost the foreign markets. Result is that price of jute has gone down to Rs. 6/- permaund. All these could happen due to unsound policy of the Government. On the other hand, there has been heavy taxation on cloth and the burden of this taxation has fallen on the poor who are day by day losing their purchasing capacity. As regards education of the children in Schools and Colleges, they said that due to economic crisis caused by the abnormal depression in the price of jute, the guardians are now compelled to discontinue their education. Condition of the Primary Schools are also in pitiable state.
They also dwelt on and criticised the following subjects:1) Food Policy of the Government; 2) Salt Policy; 3) Import of betel-nuts by West Pakistan from Ceylon instead of East Bengal; 4) Plan for construction of a palacial hotel after the pure European fashion for
foreign diplomats visiting Dacca; 5) Purchase of Buildings in foreign countries for the Pakistan Embassy.

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Finally, they vehemently criticized the Government action for detaining in Jail Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhasani) who had all along been the President of the Assam Provincial Muslim League before Partition and worked hard for the achievement of Pakistan. They said how it could be possible that a man of his stature be anti-Pakistani. The President further said that the leaders who are at the helm of the administration in times of trouble generally cry out saying “Islam in danger”. This is nothing but hoax. At the conclusion of the meeting the following resolutions were also adopted:
1) 2) 3)
That Govt. be moved to nationalise Jute; That Govt. be moved to cancel Public Safety Ordinance; That Govt. be moved to release all security prisoners specially Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani; That Govt. be moved to accept Bengali as one of the State Languages.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, Dinajpur.


Secret memo on the interception of all postal articles which might
be delivered by post addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 20 August 1952 Secret
POLITICAL NO. 1539 Poll../S. From : I.A. Khan, Esqr., C.S.P, Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Post Master, Dacca General Post Office, Dacca District. Dacca , the
20th august, 1952. Sir,
In exercise of the power conferred by section 26(1) of the Indian Post Office Act, 1898, the Governor is pleased to direct the interception of all postal articles

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which may be discovered in the course of transmission by post addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Tungipara, Faridpur.
I am to ask you to be good enough to forward or hand over all intercepted articles to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca or to an officer deputed by him.
If any article is not required it will be returned to the Postal authorities for delivery to the addressee.
These orders will remain in force for a period of six months, from date.
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obedient servant,
Sd/-I.A. Khan. Dy. Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Copy, together with the order in original, forwarded to the Dy. Inspr-Genl. of Police, I.B., C.I.D., East Bengal, for information and necessary action, with reference to this memorandum No. 2747/7-52 Genl. dated the 10.6.52.
Sd/-I.A. Khan Dy. Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal.
DACCA, The 20th Aug, 1952.


Telephone message on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
other leaders at Dacca Railway Station.
Dacca, 22 August 1952
Copy of Telephone Message dated 21.8.52 at 24.00 hrs. submitted by A.S.I. Habibar Rahman, Dacca Rly. Stn. to O/C, Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Subject Sk. Muzibar Rahman and Ataur Rahman arrived at the Dacca Rly. Stn. by Jagannath down train at about 23.30 hrs. They both took Rickshaw and left the

Page: 317
Rly. Stn. towards Nazira bazar and Nawabpur side respectively. This is for your
kind information.
Side Note: D.S.VI. Subjects Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman, Qumruzzaman
(E.P.M.S.L) and Badsha Mia of Badamtali returned last night from their North Bengal tour. Sd/- A. Razzak. 22.8


Confidential report about a meeting between Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Fazlul Quader Chowdhury.
Dacca, 22 August 1952
Ref: C.R. dated 22.8.52 of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan
Basak Lane, attached.
O/C, Watch, I.B.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that Mr. Fazal Quader Chowdhury46 of Chittagong lives in room No. 29 at Rest House.
Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman met with him on 22.8.52. This for your kind information.
Submitted. Sd-S.I. 22.8.52
46. Fazal Quader Chowdhury (Fazlul Quader Chowdhury) – Fazlul Quader Chaudhury (1919- 1973) was a Bengali politician who served as the 5th speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan from East Pakistan. He belonged to Ayub Khan’s Convention Muslim League. He was also the acting President of Pakistan from time to time when Ayub Khan left the country. He opposed the 6-Points Programme of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. During the liberation war he formed “Rajakar Bahini’ in Chittagong and supported Pakistani occupation army who committed genocide in the then East Pakistan. In 1973, after the independence he was jailed for War Crimes as collaborator of Pakistan army during 1971 and died in Dacca Central Jail on 17 July 1973.

Page: 318
Side Note: D.S. VI may please see. Fazal Kader Choudhury is known to be a supporter of A.M.L.
Sd/- A. Razzak. 28.8.52
S.S. III. Copies may be placed on the files of the suspects and A.M.L. file as well. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 28.8.52. Sd/- A. Hussain, 28.8.52


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other accompanied leaders during their visit in the North Bengal districts where the
leaders took part in the public meetings and criticized the government. Also spoke on Language Movement, release of all political prisoners and other issues of public sufferings and
Dacca, 23 August 1952
[Report reg. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman & others]
On 15.8.54 suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Dacca, Qamruzzaman, Secretary E.P.MSL and Badshah Mia of Dacca left Dacca for Rangpur by 07.15 Train. 16.8.52
On 16.8.54 at 02.00 hrs the party reached Rangpur Rs where it was received by Shah Abdul Bari, Masudul Haq, Habibur Rahman Chowdhury, Fazlur Rahman and others of Rangpur.
The party stayed at Dak Banglow Rangpur.]
On 16.8.54 a public meeting of Rangpur town Awami Muslim League was held at Public Library Compound which was presided over by Mr. Ataur Rahman and attended by about 2000 peoples. The proceedings of the meeting began at 17.40 and concluded at 19.15 hrs. Abul Hussain, Secy. Rangpur A.M.L. Kh. Azizur Rahman of Gaibandha,

Page: 319
Qumruzzaman of Dacca. Badshah Mia of Dacca, & Sk. Mujibar Rahman spoke in the meeting.]
Kh Azizur Rahaman of Gaibandha while delivering his speech said that the present Muslim League was not the same which brought Pakistan. It was now the pocket league of some interested persons who were utilising it for their own ends. He further said that he had been working constitutionally still its workers were put behind the bars. He asked the audiences to gain their strength in furtherance of their just cause and said that there would be no peace & prosperity in the country unless the Muslim League is annihilated.
Sk. Mujibar while delivering his speech said “Before I continue I must pay my respect to Moulvi Khairat Husain who is now in jail. There are others such as Motiar Rahman & Sobhan. There is Moulana Bhasani.
[This Public Safety Act must be repeated in Pakistan. There are about 500 S/Prisoners in jail. I had to pass in jail for 2 years. Our fault was that we asked the leaders to give food & clothing to the people. Muslim Leaguers who are ruling the country are driving Pakistan towards hell. I shall appeal to the Govt. for solving the jute problem on our country on your behalf. Our Jute board has been set up with Mr. Faruque & Isphani who are not the man of peasants and they have increased their Bank balances. There was a good market for our jute but why that has been lost. The explanation to be given by Muslim Leaguers. When there is no market for our jute in America & Britain then why the leaders do not seek markets in other countries of the world but they would not because they are to please the Americans & British. If there is no fair market for jute all will have to suffer. Our demand is to give at least Rs 30/- to the jute growers for a mound of jute but as we know they have no capacity we demand Rs. 16/ – which they have fixed to give to the jute growers. The only solution is that Govt. should come to the market and see that jute growers get Rs. 16/- per mound. They are doing nothing for tobacco, Education System has been spoilt. Famine must come in the Country within 2 months. We must put those responsible to trial. Food & medicine are not provided to the poor but a hotel at a cost of Rs. 75 laks is being constructed with their taxes. A girl school is going to be established for the daughters of ministers at a cost of Rs. 7 lakhs.] When we protest we are labelled as enemies of the state.

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The leaders who are selfless like Moulana Bhasani are put in jail. There are so many workers in jail without trial – Pakistan Zindabad; Awami League Zindabad; Zalim Sarkar dhangsha haok.”
[Ataur Rahman in course of his speech said “we achieved Pakistan 5 years ago. It has been stated on the Independence Day that Pakistan has been marching towards progress, on Radio which is quite a lie. They have been spreading a tirade of lies during the last 5 years. Khaliquzzaman said that Muslim League is a political party and not a political institution. It is not the same Muslim League which brought Pakistan. Muslim League always supports the Govt. whether right or wrong in its policy. Muslim League leaders did not raise their voices during Khulna famine, Salt crisis and language movement. The M.L Govt. fired 27 rounds on the students during Language movement. We were the party of the language movement but we do not know of any Communist connected with it as the Govt. declared. Govt. is taking advantage of the simplicity of the public and doing every kind of injustice. Those who have been detained without trial are accused of association with Secret Society. Govt. do not allow us to give publicity to our resolutions. Mr. Nurul Amin welcomed the new jute policy of the Central Govt. probably he wants to go to the Central Govt. We always stand against all injustice and keep on fighting. If you are to die, die like men & not like cats & dogs. Be united”.]
Abul Husain Secy. Rangpur Dist A.M.L. & Qamruzzaman Secy. E.P.M.S.L. spoke on the same points.
The following resolutions were adopted in the meeting:
1) Urged the Govt. to postpone realisation of all kinds of Govt. loans
given to peasants until they get fair price of jute; to purchase jute at the maximum price fixed by the Govt.; to enter into Trade Pact with India to exchange Pakistani Tobacco worth 6 crores of rupees
with Hindusthani Biri leaves of same amount. 2) To abolish the Jute Board and establish a new Jute Board consisting
of the representatives of the Govt. & peasants. 3) Nationalisation of Jute trade.

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4) Release of Moulana Bhasani, Shamsul Haq, Khairat Hussain, Motiar
Rahman and other political prisoners. 5) To impart education to meritorious students at Govt. cost. 6) To cease connection with the British Commonwealth and U.N.O.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman & his party returned to Dak Bunglow.
A meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. was held at the Public Library Compound at 19.45 hrs on 16.8.52 under the presidentship of Qamruzzaman, Secy. EPMSL. About 40 men attended.
Fazlur Rahman, Student, Convener of Rangpur Dt. EPMSL. & Abdul Jalil student spoke in the meeting.
The speakers criticized the policy of the Govt. in respect of education and urged upon the students to be united in order to exert their right.
The meeting ended at 20.15 hrs.
A [On 16.8.52 from 21.00 to 23.00 hrs a workers meeting of the Rangpur Awami Muslim League was held in Camera at Dak Banglow Rangpur. About 30 men including (1) Sk. Mujibar Rahman (2) Ataur Rahman (3) Qamruzzaman (4) Badshah mia (5) Abul Husain Secy. Rangpur Dt. A.M.L. (6) Dr Mazhar Ali, Vice-President A.M.L. Rangpur (7) Shah Abdul Bari (8) Kh Azizur Rahman (9) Motiar Rahman of Gaibandha (10) Yakub Mahfuz (11) Masudul Haq Chowdhury (12) Mohd. Ishaque students & (13) Fazlur Rahman attended.
On 17.8.52 the party accompanied by Abul Husain Secy. Rangpur AML and Habibur Rahman Chowdhury A.M.L. worker of Rangpur left for Dinajpur by 08.30 hrs train. They reached Dinajpur at 10.00 hrs the same day and stayed at Tajmahal Hotel.
At 17.50 hrs. meeting of the A.M.L. was held at Dinajpur Institute. Mr Ataur Rahman advocate Dacca presided. About 500 men attended. Rahimuddin Ahmad, Pleader and a worker of A.M.L. introduced Sk

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Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman to the audience. Sk. Mujibar Rahman Abul Husain, Ataur Rahman and Qamruzzaman spoke in the meeting.]
Qamruzzaman while delivering his speech said “Due to the bad leadership the people of our country are suffering from want of food & cloth. There is no good arrangement for our education. We wanted Bengali as one of our state languages for which we had to face bullets. We have every right to launch such movements. As an independent nation we must continue our struggle till our demands are fulfilled. We may be stopped by Safety Act but we must not stay back. Students who take part in any politics are refused admission in school & colleges. If we get your cooperation we must continue the struggle.”
Abul Husain, Secy. Ranpur Dt. AML in course of his speech said “Present Govt. has done nothing., Peoples condition deteriorated, education is in deplorable conditions. Free Primary education is a farce, Cloth problem is acute. Nizamuddin gets 12 thousand as his salary Isphani’s capacity rose to Rs. 23 crores from 3 crores.
Every Leaguers are after their self interest; Peoples voice is gagged by rifles. No progress has been made in agriculture & industry. Five years ruling of Muslim League has led us to destruction. Present leaders have no sacrifice to their credits in achievement of Pakistan. We cannot allow the Country to destruction. We must stand unitedly against this oppression”. Sk. Mujibar Rahman addressing the audiences said “We got Pakistan in 1947 and it is 1952. I shall give you an account of the misdeeds of the muslim league rulers. Cordoning was introduced. In 1948 on demand of Bengali as being one of the state languages of Pakistan many students were arrested & harassed. During 1947 to 1952 we have lost all the world market for jute the main crops of East Bengal for which Muslim League and its policy are responsible.
The M.L. Govt. fixed the price of jute at Rs. 16/- but it did not fix the rate of jute at which the big firms will sell at foreign market as a result we have lost our foreign markets. The M.L. Govt. did not restrain the firms in selling jute at exorbitant prices in the hope that they would

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get crores of rupees from the big businessmen at the time of election. Our Jute Board has been set up with Faroqui and Isphani. I request the Govt. on behalf of you to give the jute growers at least Rs. 14/- per maund. I request you to get yourselves united and let the Govt. know that the people are not ready to die for want of food. On tobacco heavy taxes have been imposed. We import Biri leaves worth 6 crores from India but the Govt. do not force India to take similar worth of our tobacco. We will not allow the ministers to fly with our money. We must confiscate your money and distribute among the poor. Due to fall of jute price many students are going to stop their education. We had to buy salt at Rs. 16/- per seer. There is a Safety Act for the safety of ministers & the Muslim Leaguers. About 500 of our men are in jail without trial. Those who demand food & cloth are characterized as enemies of state. Moulana Bhasani is in jail at his age of 67. There are Khairat Husain, A.R. Tarkabagish, Abul Hashim, Golam Mahboob, oli Ahad & others in jail for the reason that they demanded food & cloth for the people. I request the Govt. to release them & put them on trial. I request you to join Awami Muslim League we shall give you our full confidence if you fulfill our demands. There is none who can snatch our mother tongue. If they want more students to die. I shall give hundred of them to die”.
[Ataur Rahman in course of his speech said “We fought for Pakistan and achieved it. Freedom does not mean transfer of power, it means happiness & prosperity for all people. You have to consider whether you are happy after the achievement of Pakistan. Rich are getting richer & poor the poorer day by day due to the selfishness of the Muslim Leaguers. 5% people comprising ministers & their satellites are exploiting 95% people. Govt. is constructing a hotel at Dacca at a cost of Rs.75 Lakhs. Pakistan Govt. purchased houses in foreign countries for accommodating its embassies to show that Pakistan is a rich state.
Cry of Islam is raised every now & then to hoodwink public. Islam in danger means Nizamuddin is in danger. We wanted abolitions of Zamindary without compensation when Nizamuddin said at Narayanganj that it was against Islam. Simple Muslims believed it

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without arising any reason. Afzal said that people died in Khulna famine because they had no power of existences. Our Govt. does not admit that it is the Govt. of the people. Govt. wants to thrust Urdu upon us. It does not admit that our language is quite different. If we say so we are accused of Provincialism. The remedy of all these misdeeds lies with you. You can make the Govt. perfect wholly consistent with the interest of the masses for which you are to stand unitedly” The following resolutions were adopted in the meeting: – 1) Condemns detention without trial of Moulana Bhasani & other
political prisoners & demands their release forthwith. 2) Criticizes the difference of price label between East and West
Pakistan. 3) Demands representation of East Bengal in the Centre according to its
population. The meeting concluded at 19.15 hrs.]
Between 17.45 & 20.45 Sk Mujibar Rahman & his party attended a workers meeting held in Camera at Dinajpur Institute in which a Committee of Dinajpur A.M.L. was formed. At 21.00 they returned to this place of stayal at Taj Hotel. At 22.00 the party along with Abul Husain left for Bogra. [18.8.52 On 18.8.52 at 10.30 the party reached at Bogra as and were received by viz: –
Akbar ali khandakar BL.
(2) (3)
Serajul Islam Bazlur Rahman Alimuddin Muktear A.K.M. Rahman. Bashiruddin Siddiqui Kabiraj Sk. Abdul Aziz Samiruddin (Youth League) and Golam Mohd. Mohiuddin.

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The party stayed at Modern House, a house provided by Alimuddin Muktear.
The party attended a meeting held at Edward Park on 18.8.52 at 16.15 hrs. sponsored by the Bogra Dist. A.M.L. The meeting was presided over by Alimuddin Muktear. About 5000 people attended. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman, Qamruzzaman, Abul Husain, Abdul Motin (Y.L.) & Samsuddin (Y.L.) sopke in the meeting.]
Abdul Motin (Y.L) in course of his speech said “Our national problem is jute which is the only cash crop of E. Bengal. Hosieries exported at Rs. 95/- but purchased from the growers at low rate. Bank of England grew richer in jute trade.
Due to the bad policy of the Govt. Khulna was affected by famine and Bogra is in grip of it. Foreign companies are exploiting our jute resource and we are facing starvation. Jute policy has brought about a crisis in jute trade. Jute is selling at Rs. 3/- per mnd. Women are losing their chastities. To remedy this we have to raise our voices loudly”
[ Sk Mujibar Rahman in course of his speech said ” we fought for Pakistan and thought that we shall established such a state where there would be no want of food & cloth and public voices would not be restrained by Safety Act. In 1947 cordoning was introduced as a result lakhs of poor labourers died in East Bengal for want of food. We requested Liaquat Ali to come to us for solution of the food problem but he did not reply to us. The leaders promised free compulsory primary education but no where it has been introduced. Secondary schools have been closed for want of teachers, University education has been stopped due to the arrest of good professors under Public Safety Act. Poor People are burdened with taxes but facilities of education are given to the children of the rich. A school is being established at a cost of Rs. 7 lacs for the children of ministers & high officials. The price of jute has been fixed by the Govt. at Rs. 16/- where are purchased from the growers but no rate has been fixed when the big businessmen export it to foreign countries as a result the foreign countries have to purchase jute at exorbitant price which they now cannot bear so they are raising substitute for jute. Govt must buy jute. The growers of jute must be

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allowed to live if you can not leave your gaddi. Give those who competent to manage the situation. There is only one remedy to save the jute growers if Govt. comes to the markets and buy jute from the growers. Competition is rampant.] To fight against the organised corruption we have started Awami Muslim to check the misdoings of Muslim League Govt. Nazimuddin & Nurul Amin are not our enemies we shall fight against their policy. I appeal you to get united” Other speakers spoke on the same time.
The meeting adopted the following resolution:1) Demanding fixation of jute price at Rs. 30/- per maund and direct
purchase of jute by Govt. 2) Demanding amendment of the Co-operative loan rules. 3) Demanding reductions of tax from foreign cloth and criticizes undue
preference to British cloth. 4) Criticizes difference of price label between East & West Pakistan. The
meeting concluded at 18.45 hrs.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to his place of stayal from the meeting.
In the night between 21.00 & 23.00 hrs. Sk. Mujibar held A.M.L. workers meeting in Camera. About 30 men attended. 19.8.52
On 19.8.52 Sk. Mujibar Rahman & his party including Abul Husain of Rangpur left for Rajshahi by morning train. At 10.00 they reached Rajshahi and stayed at Dak Bunglow.
In the evening at about 16.30 hrs Sk. Mujibur Rahman went to the Court and met with Mujibar Rahman.
Pleader, Rajshahi and subsequently went to the house of Madar Baksh M.L.A. of Rajshahi. In the night a meeting of the supporters of Awami Muslim League & others was held in Camera at Dak Bunglow Rajshahi.

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On 20.8.52 Sk. Mujibar Rahman & his party left for Pabna at 04.00 hrs and reached Pabna at 08.30 hrs. They stayed at the house of one Mazharul Huq at Sibrampur, Pabna.
Sk. Mujibar subsequently visited the house of Abdus Sabur, pleader and Captain Mansur Ali pleader.
On 20.8.52 a meeting under the presidentship of Captain Mansur Ali, pleader was held at Town Hall, Pabna and was addressed by Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman, Qamruzzaman, Abul Husain, Mahmudul Haq and Abdul Mokim Talukdar. The proceedings of the meeting began at 17.40 hrs and was attended by about 2000 people.
The speakers cast aspersion on the Govt. for the fall in jute price as a result the poor cultivators who produce jute do not get a price commensurate with their labour and on the other side allowed some farms to accumulate crores in jute trade; deplored the educational policy of the Govt. and its inaction to improve the lot of the poor masses; indicted the Govt. for the curtailment of civil liberties by applying Public Safety Act; demanded release of Maulana Bhasani, Abdur Rashid Tarkabagish, Nurul Alam & other political prisoners ; called upon the people to unite under the banner of Awami Muslim League to fight for the realisation of country’s aspiration for which creation of Pakistan was aimed at, to eradicate corruption and tyranny and ensure social justice for all which, the speakers said, could only be achieved by totally eliminating the Muslim League making ducks and drakes with the destiny of masses.
The meeting adopted the following resolutions:
1) Demanded postponement of realisation of agricultural loan from the
peasants till they get fair price for the jute. 2) Demanded that Govt. should buy jute direct from the jute growers. 3) Demanded nationalisation of jute. 4) Demanded release of all political prisoners detained without trial.

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5) Demanded good educational policy & all the meritorious and poor
students be given Governmental aid for higher education. 6) Demanded withdrawal of excess tax from foreign cloth. 7) Demanded forthwith withdrawal of ban from “Pakistan Observer 8) Demanded the case of Bengali to be made one of the state languages
of Pakistan.
The meeting concluded at 20.45 hrs.
After the meeting was over the party leaving Qamruzzaman returned to their place of stayal.
Qamruzzaman held a meeting of students in Camera at Town hall and was attended by about 50 students.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman held a close-door meeting at the house of Mazharul Haq between 23.00 and 02.00 hrs in which matter to set up a committee of Awami Muslim League was discussed.
On 21.8.52 at 02.45 hrs Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his party left by a taxi for Ishwurdy. The party, excepting Abul Husain who left for Rangpur, availed of train for Dacca.
At 23.30 they reached Dacca R/S and left for their destinations.
[Submitted Shahzada Khan
SI, IB. 23.8.52]
Side note: TO SS II to issue for WR, Sd/ – 23.8
SS III, Perusal pl. Here is the report of SI. SKhan who shadowed Sk. Mujibur Rahman & his party during their tour in North Bengal. The party visited Rangpur, Dinajpur, Bogra, Rajshahi & Pabna. They addressed public meetings in all the places except Rajshahi. The meetings were well attended. They critcised Govt. Gist of their activities may be considered for D.R.

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Govt. reporter’s reports may be allowed for further action., Sd/ – 23.8.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Acting Secy. Awami Muslim League along with Ataur Rahman, advocate, Dacca, Md. Qumruzzaman, Secretary, East Pakistan Muslim Students League and Badsha Miyan of Badamtali Dacca visited Rangpur, Dinajpur, Bogra, Pabna and Rajshahi from 16.8.52 to 20.8.52. Except Rajshahi they addressed public meetings at all other places advising criticising the Muslim League and the Govt. as usual. Resolutions amongst others were passed in these meetings urging the Govt. (1) to postpone the realisation of agricultural loan from the peasants until they got fair prices for jute and to establish a Jute Board consisting of the representatives of the Govt. and the peasants and (2) demanding East Bengal’s representation in the Centre according to its population, fixation of the price of jute at Rs 30/- per mound and its direct purchase by the Govt. At Rajshahi they only held a camera meeting. Camera meetings were also held at in the other Districts.
Side note: 606-48 P.F.
Copy to, 69-52 PF, 417-48 PF, Sd/ -25.8 Included in DR, Sd/ -25.8


Correspondent, Nao Belal, Bogra sent a letter to the Editor, Nao
Belal, Dacca mentioned a public meeting of ‘All Party Preparatory Committee’ in connection with the jute situation.
Bogra, 23 August 1952

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Memo. No.
DACCA; The 23 8.1952
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Correspondent, Bagura. : Nao- Belal, 1 Moulvi
Bazar Dacca : Bengali
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 21.8.52
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
G. P.O. Dacca.
Date of interception
: S.I. S. Ahmad
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or delivered.
Whether withheld or not
: Copy kept.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Casual
Number and date of Government order authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal pl.
Correspondent Nao Belal Bogra, writes to the ‘Editor’ Nao Belal Dacca informing about a meeting held there on 18th Aug under the auspices of the all parties preparing committee to review the Jute problem. Various speakers of the A.M.L. & Y.L. including Sk. Mujibar Rahman spoke on the lines & demanded redress from the Govt.
Copies may be placed on file & their P.Fs. Sd/ – 25.8.52,

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Side note: SS III, we know of the conference but have not heard of the All Party
Preparatory Committee.
Copy may be placed in P.F’s & file.
Copy may also be sent to Bogra for a report on the detail Committee & its progress of work. Sd/ – 26.8, Sd/ – 28.8
A booklet was published on it & it was reviewed. Sd/ – 28.8
English translation of a Bengali intercepted letter dt. 21.8.52 from Correspondent, Nao Belal, Bogra to the editor, Nao Belal, Dacca.
13759 No. 606-48 Pe dt.16-9-52
Copy forwarded to S.P. D.I.B. Bogra with a request to let us have a detailed report about the “All party preparatory Committee” and its progress of work.
Sd/ – 13.9
DS 6 for S.S III. IB
Side note: Issue, 5 Copies of the, Int. letter pl. Sd/ – 13.9.52
Five Copies of the Int. letter please. Possibly it would be to translate it in Engl.
Sd/- 29.8.52
D.S 6 Order below. Draft for appl. pl., Sd/ – 13.9.52, Sd/ – 13.9 Recvd. today at 11.20 hrs., Sd/ – 12.9.52
Side note: S./ S. Ahmad to comply pl. Sd/ – 30.8.52
English translation is attached. Sd/ – 1.7
Copy of Report of a D.I.O. dated 28-10-52.

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The meeting was organised by A.M.L., Y.L. The organising party was named as All party preparatory committee and this committee was formed specifically for the success of the conference only. After the conference the committee is not in existence.
District Intelligence Branch Bogra the 28th /29th October, 1952.
No. 2364/77-49 (Int).
Forwarded to A. Husain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca for information with reference to his No. 13759/606-48 P.F. dated 16-9-52.
Sd/- 29/X Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Bogra.
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 21.8.52 from correspondent, Nao Belal, Bogra to the Editor, Nao Belal, 1 Moulvi Bazar Road, Dacca intercepted at G.P.0. Dacca on 22/4/52.
বগুড়া ২১ শে আগষ্ট,
গত ১৮ই আগষ্ট সহর সর্বদলীয় প্রস্তুতি কমিটীর উদযােগে এডওয়ার্ড পার্কে পাটের বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে এক জনসভায় প্রায় ৫/৬ হাজার লােক জমায়েতের সম্মুখে জেলা যুবলীগ ও প্রাদেশিক আওয়ামীলীগ নেতৃবৃন্দ বক্তৃতা করেন। সৰ্বপ্ৰথমে যুবলীগের জনাব আবদুল মতিন দেশের ভগ্নপ্রায় অর্থনৈতিক কাঠামাের আলােচনা প্রসঙ্গে বলেন, এই বাংলাদেশের পাটের টাকায় ব্যাঙ্ক অফ ইংল্যান্ড প্রভৃতি বিদেশী বড় বড় ব্যাঙ্ক গুলির উৎপত্তি। চাষিরা পাঠের উপযুক্ত মূল্য না পাওয়ার ফলে দেশের সামাজিক কাঠামাে ভেঙে চুরমার হয়েছে। এই সহরেই মা-বােনেরা তাহাদের ইজ্জত বিক্রি করেছেন। কৃষক সমাজের অনাহার, আত্মহত্যা আজ নতুন নয় কৃষি ভিত্তি পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তানের এই চরম দুদর্শার ফলে ডাজার, উকিল, মােক্তার প্রভৃতি আয় কমতে বাধ্য হয়েছে। স্কুল-কলেজের ছাত্র সংখ্যা কমে এসেছে। মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারগুলাে আর কলেজের ছাত্রদের জায়গীর দিতে না পারায় মফঃস্বলের ছাত্রগুলাে কলেজে পড়া ছেড়ে দিতে বাধ্য হচ্ছে। বগুড়া কলেজের বর্তমান সেসনে ছাত্র ভর্তির হিসেব তুলে ধরে তিনি বলেন, যদি টাকা না পায় তবে দেশের অর্থনৈতিক কাঠামােই শুধু

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ভেংগে পড়বেনা গােটা দেশের সাংস্কৃতিক অগ্রগতির পথও রুদ্ধ হয়ে যেতে বাধ্য, পাটের মূল্যের সংগে দেশের শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠান গুলাের সম্বন্ধ বের করতে যেয়ে তিনি বলেন, আজ চাষির টাকা নেই বলেই চাষিরা একবিড়ি দুইতিন বার খাচ্ছে ফলে পূৰ্ব্বে যেখানে ভান্ডারী বিড়ি দৈনিক ৬/৭ লক্ষ বিক্রি হত আজ সেই খানে বিক্রি হয় মােটে ১ লক্ষ। রংপুর ‘আয়ামী লীগের সম্পাদক জনাব আবুল হােসেন বক্তৃতা প্রসঙ্গে বলেন এতদিন ধরে আমাদের উজিরেরা যদি পারমিট এর উকালতি এবং একটানা রেডিও বক্তৃতা না করে যদি বৃটিশ আমলের লেখা ভূমি সংস্কার সম্বন্ধীয় বইগুলাে পড়তেন তবে দেশ আজ অনেক দূর এগিয়ে যেত কমপক্ষে অবাস্তব বিবৃতির হাত হতে দেশ রক্ষা পেত।
শেক মজিবর রহমান ও যুবলীগের জনাব ছমির উদ্দিন আহমদ সরকারের জন নিরাপত্তা আইনের তীব্র প্রতিবাদ প্রসংগে বলেন যে জীবন সংগ্রামই মানব ইতিহাসের মূলকাহিনী- মানুষের ধ্যান, ধারনা, সুখ, দুঃখ প্রভৃতির বিকাশ লাভের মূলে আছে এই জীবন সংগ্রাম। এই জীবন সংগ্রামের তাগিদেই মানুষ সরকারের নীতির সমালােচনা করে। কিন্তু সরকার এই সমালােচনা সহ্য করতে না পেরে ফ্যাশিষ্ট কায়দায় নিরাপত্তা আইন প্রয়ােগ করে জীবন সংগ্রামের তাগিদে মানুষের স্বতঃস্ফুর্ত ভাবধারার টুটি চেপে ধরেছেন।
তুমুল লীগ বিরােধী আওয়াজের সংগে সৰ্ব্বদলীয় প্রস্তুতি কমিটি জিন্দাবাদ এবং পাটের নূন্যতম মূল্য ৪০ চাই ধ্বনি সহ মাগরেবের ক্তে সভা শেষ হয়। বগুড়া ২১ আগষ্ট, বগুড়া এ, এইচ, কলেজের উন্নতিকল্পে সরকার সর্ভাধীনে ৫০ হাজার টাকা ঋণ সাহায্য করিতে প্রতিশ্রুতি দিয়াছেন। ঐ প্রতিশ্রুতিতে বলা হয়েছে, কলেজ কমিটী যদি ৫০ হাজার টাকা তুলিতে পারেন, তবেই সরকার ৫০ হাজার টাকা দান করবেন। এই উদ্দেশ্যে গত ১৭ই আগষ্ট একটী প্রস্তুতির খসড়া তৈয়ারী করিবার কালে জেলা লীগ সভাপতি বগুড়া কলেজকে কমউনিষ্টদের আখড়া এই অজুহাতে কোন রকম সক্রিয় সাহায্য করিতে অস্বীকৃতি জ্ঞাপন করেন। এবং বলেন বগুড়া কলেজ “ধ্বংশ হয়াই উচিৎ।”
বগুড়া ২১শে আগষ্ট বগুড়াস্থিত ইউ, পি, পি এবং “সত্যযুগের প্রতিনিধি জনাব রিয়াজ উদ্দিন আহম্মদকে বিনা নােটিশে ইসলামিয়া মেসিন প্রেসের ম্যানেজারের পদ হইতে বরখাস্ত করা হইয়াছে। উক্ত প্রেস জন সাধারনের সম্পত্তি বলিয়াই এখানে প্রত্যেকেই অবগত থাকিলেও প্রেসের পরিচালনার ব্যাপারে কোন এক বিশেষ পরিবারের পূর্ন কর্তৃত্ত প্রতিয়মান হয়। এবং খবর নিয়া জানা গেল ঐ বিশেষ পরিবারের কায়েমী স্বার্থের খাতারই জনাব রিয়াজ উদ্দিন সাহেবকে বরখাস্ত করা হয়।

Page: 334
An English translation of a letter dt. 21.8.52 from Correspondent, Nao Belal, Bagura to the Editor, Nao – Belal, 1, Moulvi Bazar Rd. Dacca.
Five to Six thousand people assembled in a meeting arranged by “All Party Preparatory Committee” in connection with the present situation of Jute, at Edward Park, Bagura on the 18th August last and the leaders of the district Youth League and the Provincial Awami League delivered lectures in the meeting. At first, Janab Abdul Matin of Youth League said in course of discussion regarding the breaking down of the economic structure of the country, that the “Bank of England” and other foreign big banks were established by the Jute prices of Bengal. As the producers of the Jute were not getting their appropriate prices of their Jute. The Social structure of the country broke down. In this town mothers and sisters are selling their prestige. It is not a new thing to-day that cultivators are committing suicide due to starvation. As a result of this extreme distress of the cultivators of East Pakistan the income of the doctors, pleaders Muktars etc is bound to decrease the number of students in Schools and Colleges are decreasing. As the students of Colleges can not get lodgings in the houses of middle class family, the moffasil students are compelled to give up their studies. Raising the question of account of students’ admission in the present session of Bagura College he said “if they do not get money, the economic structure of the country will not only break down but also the way of cultural progress of the country will be bound to close” to connect the prices of Jute with the industrial establishment of the country he said “as the cultivators have no money, they are smoking one biri two or there times” and “as a result, times before when the ‘Bhandari Biri were sold daily for rupees six to seven laks which are now being sold for rupees one lak only. Janab Abul Hossain, Secy. Awami League, Rangpur in course of delivery his lecture said that if our ministers went through the books written during the time of British period about the land reconstruction instead of pleading the permit system and delivering one way Radio lecture, our country could progress much. At least the Country could be saved from false statements.

Page: 335
Sheik Mujibar Rahman of Awami League and Janab Sumsuddin Ahamad of Youth League said in course raising serious protest against the Public Safety Ordinance of Government. “Life struggle is the only original story of human history”. This life struggle is at the root of manifestation of people’s meditation, conception, happiness and sorrows etc. The call of this life struggle, people criticise the action of Govt. But Government can not tolerate these criticises and apply public safety ordinance against them in fascist manner. The demand of life struggle has pressed the throat of progressive idea of the people. The meeting was dissolved at the time of Magrib prayer after a fierce voice of the people with all party preparatory Committee “Zindabad” against Muslim League and also with a loud voice “want the minimum price of Jute as RS 40/-P.M. Bagura, 21st August, Government promised to help the Bagura A.H. College with an amount of Rupees fifty thousand on Condition.
In that promise it was said that if the College Committee could realise rupees fifty thousand. Govt. would help with the said amount of Rupees fifty thousand.
On account of this, on 17th August at the time of preparing a draft of preparation, the district League president refused to give any active help to Bagura College on the plea that Bagura College turned into a communist seat (Akhra). It should be ruined.
Bagura 21st August: – Janab Reajuddin Ahmad A.P.P. and representative of Saitya Young, Bagura has been discharged from the post of Managership of Islamia Machine Press without notice. Though everyone knows that the said press is a public property. Yet the press is under the sole authority of a particular family.
It was learnt through the reliable information received that Reajuddin Shahib had been discharged at the interest of that particular family.

Page: 336


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his arrival from North Bengal tour,
movements and visits in Dacca city.
Dacca, 24 August 1952
[Precis on the C.Rs. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman, dated 22.8.52.
The suspect along with Mr. Ataur Rahman, Kamruzzaman (E.P.M.S.L.) and Badsha Miah of Badamtali returned from the North Bengal town to Dacca at 23.30 hrs. by Jagannathganj Down train on 21.8.52.
Present at quarter –
24.00 hrs. to 08.30 hrs. 21.10 ” to 06.00 hrs.
Visited the following places:-) (1) A.M.L. office –
(i) 08.40-08.45 hrs. (ii) 11.15 – 11.45 hrs.
– 09.00 – 10.30 hrs. – 10.45 – 11.00 hrs. – -at 11.55 – 15.45 hrs.
(2) Ramna Rest House Room No. 29. (3) 9 Hatkhola Road, Paramount Type Foundry (4) Dekans Hotel, Nawabpur Road,
Manik Mia visited the place during the stay of
the subject. (5) 25, Swaing Hat
Residence of suspect Ataur Rahman, suspect Ataur Rahman was present at his quarter then. Subject visited this place along with Manik Mia from Dekan Hotel.

16.00 – 17.45 hrs.
– 18.00 – 21.00 hrs.
A.M.L. office The subject came here alone leaving Manik Miah at the residence of Mr. Ataur Rahman. Suspect Abdul Wadud Patwary had been at the office from 18.30 to 20.00 hrs.
Sd/- A.Razzak.

Page: 337
Side note: D.S.VI. may please see. Extract may go in P.F. of all concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak.
24.8, Sd/- A. Hafiz. 25.8.52 S.O. has been asked to enquire and report as to who lives at Room No. 29. Sd/A.Razzak. 24.8 Seen & noted. Sd/-24.8.52.
184 Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman therein mentioned his movements in Dacca and Narayanganj.
Dacca, 26 August 1952 Το The O.C., Watch, I.B., E.B. Dacca.
I beg to report that the suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman was seen to come out from 71, Radika Mohan Basak Lane, (his quarter) at about 08.30 hrs and went upto Victoria Park on foot. From there he proceeded towards Narayanganj side by taxi No. 3155. E.B.D. I shadowed him by Govt. Cycle upto one mile. Then I went to Narayanganj and searched for the above noted suspect at the Steamer at Narayanganj which was due to started for Goalunda Ghat and also did secret watch duty at Narayanganj with the help of D.I.B. watcher upto 15.00 hrs. but got no trace of the above noted suspect.
This is for your kind information.
Sd/-W.C. Abdul Maleque Choudhury.
I.B. S.C.O. Dacca. 26.8.52
185 Mohammodulla, EPAML office-in-charge, Dacca sent a letter to
Alamgir Siddique, Secretary District AML, Jessore wherein the writer wanted to know whether any grievance on contiguity of the
respective constituency.
Dacca, 27 August 1952

Page: 338
True copy of an English letter dt. 27.8.52.
: Mahammodulla, office-in-Charge. 94, Nawabpur rd. Dacca
(East Pakistan Awami Muslim League). : Alamgir Siddique, Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Jessore
intercepted at Dacca R.M.S. on 27.8.52.
Dear Sir,
I am desired to inform you that the Delimitation Committee as it appears from the Govt. Press note operates from the 28th Aug.’ 52.
You are therefore instructed to represent your grievance if any, with regard to constituency making before the Committee having regard to the convenience of the voters as well as the geographical contiguity of the component parts of the respective constituencies.
Yours faithfully, Sd/ – Mahammodulla


Watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned
about his Narayanganj visit.
Dacca, 27 August 1952
Reg. Visit of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman at Naraynganj on 26.8.52.
On enquiry it is learnt that the suspect visited the house of Almas, a worker of the A.M.L., at Narayanganj. The object of his visit could not be ascertained.
Submitted. Sd/- Shahzada Khan.
S.I., I.B., 27.8.52.
Side note: D.S.VI., This enquiry report may pl. be perused together with the watch report
placed below. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 27.8., Sd/- A. Hussain. 27.8.

Page: 339


Letter from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed to Alamgir Siddique, Secretary, District AML, Jessore stating South Bengal
tour program. Dacca, 28 August 1952
DACCA The 28.8.1952
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Sheik Mujibur Rahman, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. 94, Nawabpur rd. & Mohammadulla, office-in-chare 94, Nawabpur rd (E.P.A.M.L) Janab Alamgir Siddique Secy, Dist. Awami Muslim League Jessore. English. 26th & 27th Aug. Nawabpur.
R.M.S., Dacca : 27.8.52 : Delwar Hossain si
Language of letter Date of letter
ť n
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
é “
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
Whether withheld or not
: Delivered.
: Copy kept.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception.

Page: 340
Copy/translation forwarded to
Perusal pl.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Gel. Secy. A.M.L. sends his South Bengal tour programme to Alamgir Siddiq, Dist. A.M.L. Jessore requesting him to arrange for meeting etc.
Copy may go to file and his P.F.
Copy may go to Jessore, Kushtia & Faridpur also for information & report in due course.
Sd/- 29.8.52 Side note: noted, Sd/ – 3.9.52
S.I. Munshi Hossainuddin to note the programme. Place copy on the file. Other actions need not be taken, as we have already done that on reports received from other sources. Sd/ – 29.8
True copy of an English letter dt. 26.8.52.
From : Sheik Majibur Rahaman, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca. TO : Janab Alamgir Siddique. Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League,
Jessore intercepted at Dacca R.M.S on 27.8.52. Dear Sir,
We have much pleasure to enclose herewith our South Bengal Tour Programme. The purpose of the tour mainly is to meet the workers and discuss with them the present economic and political situation of the country and derive ways and means to organise the masses. We will, surely, count very much on your help and co-operation in the matter. Would you kindly see that besides the political and social workers some representative of the jute growers also attend the proposed workers Convention. Weather permitting you may also organise a public meeting. More when we meet.
With kind regards.
Sincerely yours Sd/ – Sheik Majibur Rahman.

Page: 341
Janab Abdus Salam Khan, Vice-President, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, has kindly agreed to accompany.
“Tour Programme” Khulna
Date 7th, 8th Sept. From Khulna by Barisal Express – Departure 7-15 At Jessore
Arrive 9-27. 9th Sept. From Chuadanga by Chittagong mail. Dept. 12-39 At Kustia …………………. Arrival 13-59 10th Sept. From Rajbari by Rajbari Faridpur mixed. Dept. 23-45 At Faridpur
……………….. Arrival 1-55 11th Sept.

Page: 342
It is reported that Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the acting Secretary Awami Muslim League will go out on a tour in the districts of Barisal, Khulna, Jessore, Kushtia, Faridpur & address public meetings organized by the District Awami Muslim League on the following dates.
Barisal – Khulna – Bagerhat – Jessore – Kushtia – Faridpur –
30.8.52 7.9.52 8.9.52 9.9.52 10.10.52 11.9.52
Abdus Salam Khan Advocate Dacca (of Faridpur) & Quamruzzaman Acting Genaral Secretary E.P.M.S.L. will join Sk. Majibur Rahman at Khulna & accompany him till the end of the tour.
Sd/ – 28.8
Side note: Included in DR, Sd/-28.8
Note: Same letter sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Qazi Kafiluddin
Ahmed, President, District Awami Muslim League, Kushtia, dated -28.8.1952.

Page: 343


Extract from the SWR of SP, DIB, Dinajpur on the letter addressed to Captain M. Mansur Ali wherein he (Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman) instructed organizational works.
Dinajpur, 28 August 1952
Ext. from the S.W.R. of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dinajpur for the week ending 28.8.52.

Page: 344
PART IV. Politico-Communal Groups.
(ü) Muslim Affairs. 1) In an English letter dated 26.8.52 (intercepted on 28.8.52 at Dinajpur P.O.), Sk. Mujibur Rahman, s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist-FaridpurSecy., E.P.A.M.L. informed Captain M. Mansur Ali M.A., LL.B. (ALIG) of the receipt of the letter of appreciation, in due time from him and at the same time encouraged the latter to carry on with the party work with undaunted zeal and spirit. The writer also informed the addressee of his recent tour programme in different parts of East Bengal for organisational work.
N.B. The A.M.L. organisation has already been in existence in Dinajpur, the Secy.
of which is Moazzam Husain of Dinajpur town. He (Moazzam Husain) was formerly the Astt. Secy. to the Dist. M.L. and resigned from there during the last State Language movement. The addressee is actually a man of Pabna, most probably through mistake he has been addressed as Convenor, Dinajpur
A.M.L. Side note: Copy to be placed on the file of (PF) Sk. Mujibur Rahman
Place a copy to Sk. Majibur Rahman’s P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz. Sd/- 9.9.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who entered to a shop at Nawabpur, Dacca for hiring a sound speaker set for their Barisal
Dacca, 29 August 1952 DS VI
Last evening while I was inspecting a radio set in a Radio Shop at Nawabpur for purchase. Sk. Mujibur Rahman accompanied by another man whom I do not know had been to the same shop to hire a Sound Speaker set for their meeting at Barisal.
In course of talk with the owner of the shop Sk. Mujibar Rahman gave out that he along with Ataur Rahman Khan advocate would be proceeding to Barisal by Barisal mail this night (29.8.52) and would return by the 31st after participating the meeting on 30th instant at Barisal.
Sd/ – 29.8.52

Page: 345
Side note: SS III, Perusal pl. It is not known that Ataur Rahman Khan would
accompany Sk Mujibur Rahman, now is it known that he would come back to Dacca from Barisal. May be placed in the Folder of Sk.Mujibur Rahman Khan. Sd/ – 29.8 His preferred visit to Barisal is known & action taken. Sd/- 29.8


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who left for Barisal via
Narayanganj on the midnight of 29-30 August 1952.
Dacca, 30 August 1952
Sk. Mujibur Rahman alone left for Barisal via Narayanganj on the midnight of 29-30th August 1952, under watch. Extract may go in P.F.
Sd/ -A. Razzak
O/C 30.8
Side note: o/C, Watch. Has he been followed by any of our officers or men.?
Sd/-30.8 No. officer was deputed from watch section. Watchers shadowed the subject. Sd/-o/C, 30.8 SS III, Insp. Wahed has also accompanied the suspect. Sd/-30.8.


Report on the Pakistan Peace Committee for attending All Asian and Pacific Regions Peace Conference to be held in Peking.
Dacca, 31 August 1952 Page 279 of file No. 68-52 Genl. (II)
Copy of report of an Inspector of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, Dated 31.8.52.

Page: 346
I verified the statement and found correct. In course of a conversation with Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, I could gather that he was requested by the Pakistan, Peace Committee to send the names of delegates from East Bengal to attend the All Asian and Pacific Regions Peace Conference to be held in Peking in the last week of Sept’52. He has accordingly sent names of 15 delegates consisting of himself, Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L.) Hasan Parvez, Dewan Mahbub Ali E.P.Y.L. Mahmud Ali (E.P.Y.L) and others. Mr. Ataur Rahman has requested the Pak Peace Committee for partial financial help for defraying the expenses of this delegation. He has not yet received any reply to that. He has not yet applied for passport but will apply very soon. He has a mind to go by Air while the other delegates by steamer up to Hong Kong.
Dist. Int. Branch, Dacca.
The 31st August, 1952.
9176/D, A, 41
R. 9034
Copy forwarded to T. Ahmad, Esq., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca with reference to his memo. No. 1297368-52(GI) dated 30.8.52, for information.
Further developments are being watched.
Sd/-S. Rahman Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.L.B.,

Page: 347


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to Abul Khair, Pir Sahib of Kharki, Jessore in which he discussed South Bengal tour program.
Dacca, 2 September 1952 Secret DISTRICT INTELLIGENCE BRANCH, Jessore
The 2nd Septr.1952
Memo No. 3606 (2)/80-49 Int.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Secy. • E.P.A.M.L.
To (with address)
: Abul Khair, Pir Sahib of Kharki,
Kotwali, Jessore.
Language of letter
: English.
Date of letter
: 26.8.52
ť in
Postal Seal
: Jessore Post Office. : 29.8.52
i .
: A.S.I. Md. Shaukat Ali, Jessore D.I.B
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
: Not
: Delivered.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Kept
Number and date of Government order authorising interception

Page: 348
Copy forwarded to
A. Hussain Esq., Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information. The under signed may be informed if any Govt. Reporter will be coming here to take note of the speeches of Mujibur Rahman. S. Rahman Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information and with a request to supply full particulars of Abdus Salam Khan (sl. 3).
Sd/ – 2.9.52
(E. Ali) Superintendent of Police,
Copy of an incoming typed English letter dated 26.8.52 from (1) Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Central Office, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca to Janab (2) Pir Sahib of Kharki, Jessore, intercepted at Jessore Post Office on 29.8.52 by A.S.I. Md. Shaukat Ali.
Central Office: 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca
Ref: A.M.L. 49 (8) 52 dated 26.8.52.
Dear Sir,
We have much pleasure to enclose herewith our South Bengal Tour programme. The purpose of the tour mainly is to meet the workers and discuss with them the present economic and political situation of the country and derive ways and means to organise the masses.
We will, surely, count very much on your help and co-operation in this matter. Would you kindly see that besides the political and social workers some representative of the jute growers also attend the proposed workers convention. Weather permitting, you may also organise a public meeting.
More when we meet. With kindest regards.
Sincerely yours. Sd. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman
(3) Janab Abdus Salam Khan, Vice-President, East Pakistan Awami Muslim
League has kindly agreed to accompany.

Page: 349
Side note: 1&3 to be fixed.
2 is identical with Abul Khair son of late Abdul Karim of Kharki, Kotwali, Jessore. S.P. For favour of perusal. Copy may be sent to I.B. with a request to let us know if Govt. reporter will be sent for taking notes of their speeches. Gist may go in S.W.R. 0.C. Watch may note and arrange watch over their movements. D.I.O. (2) to keep in touch with his source for their activities here. Copy may be sent to D.I.B. Dacca for particulars of sl.3, Sd/- K.H. Rahman, D.I.O. (I), 30.8.52 Also inform D.M. Sd/- E. Ali, S.P. 31.8.52
It is reliably learnt that Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the acting Secretary Awami Muslim League is going to hold meetings at the places and on dates stated below :
Barisal Khulna Jessore Kushtia Faridpur …
30.8.52. 7.9.52. 9.9.52. 10.9.52. 11.9.52.
He will leave Dacca either on the night of 28th or 29th August 1952 and avail Steamer from Narayanganj. From Barisal he will go to his home and stay there up to 5.9.52. It is further learnt that Abdus Salam, advocate, Dacca will join Sheikh Mujibar Rahman at Khulna on 7.9.52 and accompany the latter on tour. Mujibar Rahman will return to Dacca on 13.9.52.
Submitted. Shahzada Khan S.I.I.B. (Watch)
27.8.52. Side note: D.S. Vi – for favour of perusal. The officer deserves D.A. We may
depute one S.I. & 2 W.Cs in this connection. A. Razzak. o/C. Our officer is going to Barisal. He will take two W.c. with him. Send copies to the dists. concerned & also have it verified by Agents. sd/ – 27.8 Noted. sd/ – 0/0 27.8

Page: 350
Report of an I.B. officer dt. 27.8.52.
12799 (5) No. 606-48 P.F. a
E dt. 27.8.52
Copy forwarded to S.S.P. Barisal, Khulna Jessore, Kushtia and Faridpur D.I.B. for information and necessary action.
Sd/ – 27.8 D.S.6 for S.S. VI, I.B
Received at 4.00 P.M. Out 16.00 hrs, Sd/ – 27.8
Extract from S.W.S. of S.P., Jessore for w/e 4.9.52.
IV (ii) B (d) A.M.L. Interception.
An English letter dated 26th August from Shaikh Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L) (being fixed), Secy., East Pakistan A.M.L, Dacca, to Abul Khair (A.M.L.) son of late Abdul Karim, of Kharki, Kotwali, Jessore, was noticed in post at Jessore on 29 August. In the letter the writer informs the addressee about his (writer’s) tour programme in company with Abdus Salam Khan (Being Fixed) Vice-President, E.P.A.M.L. to Khulna, Jessore, Kushtia and Faridpur. The writer also informs the addressee that the purpose of his (writer) visit is to discuss the present economic and political situation of the country and to derive ways and means to organise the
He requests the addressee that some representatives of the jute growers should attend the proposed workers convention. He further requests the addressee to organise a public meeting on 9th September.
Side note: Copy to P.F. of Mujibur Rahman. Sd/- DS6, 13.9
To, Office for N.A. please, Sd/- 15.9.52
Copy to P.F. of Sk.Mujibur Rahman. Sd/-A. Hafiz. 13.9
606-48 PF
NB: Tour Programme of SP, DSB, Jessore sent to IBEB, Dacca.

Page: 351
Secret Immediate
District Intelligence Branch Jessore, the 3rd Septr. 1952
No. 3609/80-49
A. Hussain, Esq., Special Superintendent of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Reference:- This office No. 3606 (2)/80-49 Int. dated 2.9.52.
A copy of tour programme mentioned in the intercepted letter under reference is sent herewith.
Sd/- 3.9.52
(E. Ali) Superintendent of Police,
Jessore. Side Note: Received at 4.45 pm Sd/- 6.9
Tour Programme Khulna
From Khulna by Barisal Express
7th & 8th Sept. d. 7-15 a.. 9-27 -9th Septr. d.. 12-39 a.. 13-59-10th Septr.
At Jessore From Chudanga by Chittagong Mail At Kushtia From Rajbari by RajbariFaridpur mixed At Faridpur
d.. 23-45 a.. 1-55 – 11th Septr.
D.S 6
Perusal of the attached. Necessary arrangement made for deputing Govt. reporters. Should we send copy of the intercept to D.I.B. Kushtia and Faridpur.
Sd/- 6.9.52. Not necessary Sd/ – 8.9

Page: 352


Secret report of CID, Karachi on the letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed to H.S. Suhrawardy in Karachi where the writer focused on organizational progress and people’s response , economic assistance for the party and Ittefaq, people’s sufferings
due to low price of jute etc.
Karachi, 8 September 1952
Name & address of the sender Mujib-ur-Rehman, East Pakistan Jinnah Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca. Date of letter 23.8.52 Sent from DACCA Language English. Name & address of the addressee H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-law, 13, Kutchery Road, Karachi. Photographed Not Detained Not.
No. SB/8059 Office of the Supdt. of Police, C.I.D. Karachi, the 8 Septr., 1952.
Secret report forwarded with compliments to: –
The Assistant Director, (P), I.B. Govt of Pakistan, Karachi,
The Special Supdt. of Police, III, Intell: Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca, for information.
The fact that this information emanates from this Department may please be kept secret.
Sd/- 8.9
(A.H.Mirza) Superintendent of Police, C.I.D.
A.I.G., Karachi
I regret that I did not receive any letter from you for a long time. The organisational work is proceeding satisfactorily. Mr. Ata-ur-Rehman Khan and myself under took whirlwind tour of North Bengal districts and returned to Dacca yesterday. There was tremendous response from the people.

Page: 353
The only handicap is necessary finance. The general people are very much affected due to low price of jute. We cannot appeal to the people for funds.
“Ittefaq” is carrying on but for stabilising the paper special issues have to be brought out, which means extra expenses. Independence issue was brought out and again Idd special will be brought out on the 31st August. If we don’t do it, the circulation of the paper will go down, as other papers do bring out specials on the occasion. We have no means to defray the additional costs involved in this venture. So unless you come to our rescue, not only the Special issue can be brought out but the paper itself will collapse. It is needless to say that this is our only feeble organ.
Shaheed Saheb, you should realise that we never approach you for on personal difficulty and we also knew your difficulty.
I have already sent telegram to you (copy enclosed), Please anyhow manage it, otherwise all our efforts will and in frustration. You may realise with what difficulty the “Ittefaq” was kept going for one year.
It is only last appeal that you take up my request seriously. You may send the money to Janab Ata-ur-Rehman’s address or Manikbhai’s.


Report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his entourage about their arrival in Jessore. After attending few political programs they left
for Kushtia. Jessore, 11 September 1952
[Copy of report of a D.I.O., dated 11.9.52.
“Sk. Mujibar Rahman (A.M.L), Joint Secretary of the Awami Muslim League, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, arrived at Jessore Railway

Page: 354
Station from Khulna on 9th September by 31- up Barisal Express along with Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate, of Faridpur Town and Md. Qamruzzaman, Joint Secretary, E.P.M.S.L. and they were received by Prof. Abdul Hai (A.M.L.) son of Abul Khair of Kharki, Kotwali, Jessore, (2) Alamgir Siddiqi (A.M.L.) son of Haji Abdul Karim of Churipatti, Kotwali, Jessore, (3) Ghulam Yazdan Chaudhuri (A.M.L.) son of Abdul Karim of Churipatti, Kotwali, Jessore, (4) Ikramul Haq (A.M.L.) son of Abul Khair of Kharki, Kotwali, Jessore, (5) Abul Qasim (A.M.L.) son of Khan Md. Ismail, (6) Abdur Razzaq (A.M.L.) son of Md. Ismail Sheikh, (7) Abul Hashem (A.M.L.) son of Ali Husain of Churipatti, Kotwali, Jessore, (8) Tafiqul Islam (A.M.L.) son of Safed Ali of Ghope, Kotwali, Jessore, (9) Shamsur Rahman @ Khoka (A.M.L.) son of Munshi Abdul Wadud of Bhaina, Magura, Jessore and of Jessore Town, (10) Khundkar Zahurul Haq (A.M.L.) son of late Khundkar Aminuddin of Jessore Town, (11) Jahangir Siddiqi (E.P.M.S.L.) son of Haji Abdul Karim of Churipatti, Kotwali, Jessore, (12) Shamsul Alam Khan (A.M.L.) son of Arjan Ali of Khorasunni, Jhenidah, Jessore and of Jessore Town, (13) Sirajul Islam Chaudhuri (A.M.L.) son of late Abdul Mannan of Gobra, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Jessore Town, (14) Saiyid Siddiq Husain (E.P.M.S.L.) son of Saiyid Jinnat Husain of Chanchra, Kotwali Jessore, (15) Sultan Ahmad (E.P.M.S.L.) son of Md. Musa of Jessore Town, (16) Usman Ghani (A.M.L.) son of late Abdul Karim of Koarpara, Jhikargacha, Jessore and of Jessore Town, (17) Reza Khan (A.M.L.) son of late Bahadur Khan of Ghope, Kotwali, Jessore, (18) Prabir Datta @ Nurul Islam Datta (E.P.M.S.L.) son of Dr. Nirmat Chandra of Tala, Tala, Khulna and of Jessore Town, (19) Mahit Ghosh @ Bilu Ghosh son of late Ramesh of Jessore Town, (20), Saiyid Matiar Rahman (EPMSL) son of Saiyid Abdur Rahman of Jessore Town and a few other students of the local institutions at the Jessore Railway station. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his party were then taken to the 1st Floor of Ali Manzil, Daratana Road, Jessore, where they passed their times till they left for Kushtia.]
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Abdus Salam Khan and Md. Qamruzzaman were taken to the house of Abul Khair (A.M.L.), Pir Sahib, of Kharki, Kotwali, Jessore – son of late Abdul Karim of Kharki, Kotwali, Jessore, by his son Prof. Abdul Hai (mentioned) for lunch at about 13-00 hours.
In the afternoon of 9th September, Md. Qamruzzaman held a meeting at the Town Hall, Jessore, with the members of the E.P.M.S.L. A report has been submitted by D.I.O. (3) separately in this connection.

Page: 355
On the same day at about 17-30 hours the members of the Awami Muslim League, Jessore organised a meeting at the Town Hall premises which was presided by Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate (mentioned). Sk. Mujibar Rahman, (mentioned), the president, Md. Qamruzzaman and Musharraf Husain delivered speeches in the meeting. The place of the meeting was shifted to the Town Hall, Jessore, due to rainfall and the meeting was held under protest of the Town Hall authorities and it was terminated at about 21-00 hours. A report has been submitted by D.I.O. (3) in this connection.
A secret meeting was held at the 1st floor of Ali Manzil, Daratana Road, Jessore, with Sk. Mujibar Rahman (mentioned) in the chair on the same night. A separate report of the secret meeting has been submitted through the statement of J.E.C.A. 10, dated 9.9.52.
After the termination of the meeting, Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his party were taken to the house of Altaf Husain Chaudhuri (A.M.L.) son of late Afzal Husain of Paikkandi, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Chanchra, Kotwali, Jessore for dinner.
On the following morning viz. 10.9.52 morning, Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his party left for Kushtia via Chuadanga by bus.”
District Intelligence Branch, Jessore, the 27th Septr./1952. No. 3902 (2)/80-49 (p.85).
Copy forwarded to:
1) 2)
Md. Yusuff, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca. and Rifat Pasha Sheikh, Esqr., C.S.P., District Magistrate, Jessore,
for information.
Sd/- 29.9
(E. Ali) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Jessore.

Page: 356


Confidential report on the movements of Sheikh Mujibur.
Dacca, 13 September 1952
Copy of C.R. submitted by W/C. Md. Sabdar Ali, to O/C, Watch, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca on 13.9.52.
I beg to report that suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to 71, Radhika Mohan Bashak Lane, Dacca from Faridpur under our shadow. Detailed report follows.
This is for your kind information.
Side note: D.S. VI for favour of perusal. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. 13.9.52
Seen. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 13.9.52


Précis of the watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein mentioned his movements and visits at different places of Dacca.
Dacca, 15 September 1952
Precis on the watch reports reg. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 13.9.52 to 15.9.52 (6 A.M.)
at 18.05 hrs. He attended A.M.L. Office. at 19.00 hrs. He went to 9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press from where “Ittefaq”, the organ of A.M.L. being published).
He returned to his quarter. He was not seen to come out until 08.15 hrs. the following day.

Page: 357
at 08.15 hrs. He went to 5, Chitta Ranjan Co. (1st floor) (M.M. Ispahani & Co. object not known.)
08.30 hrs., He went to 11, Simphson Road (Paper Shop).
09.40 hrs., He visited 25, Swari Ghat Road, (House of Ataur Rahman, Advocate)
11.15 hrs., He went to 1, Moulvi Bazar and remained there till 12.30
hrs. (Dr. Abdullah lives there).
12.45 hrs. He went to 207, Mitford Road, (The Chamber of Dr. Abdullah.
13.00 hrs. He returned to his quarter.
15.30 hrs. Tofazzal Hussain Manik Mia (A.M.L.) visited suspect’s place.
17.30 hrs. He in company of Tofazzal Hussain went to A.M.L. office.
20.35 hrs. He went to a Batteries Shop.
21.30 hrs. He returned to his quarter.
He did not come out.
Sd/- 15.9.52
Side note: D.S. VI. Portions side lined may please be seen. Sd/- A. Razzak. 15.9.52
Place in P.F. Seen. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 15.9.52


Report on the organizational tour of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his party leaders in the district of Barisal, Khulna, Jessore,
Kushtia and Faridpur. Dacca, 16 September 1952

Page: 358
Activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman & his party during their tour from 30 32 to 12. 52
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Acting General Secretary, Awami Muslim League went out on tour in the Districts of Barisal, Khulna, Jessore, Kushtia & Faridpur, for organizational purpose. He addressed meetings at the above places on 30.8.52, 8.9.52, 9.9.52, 10.9.52 & 12.9.52.
On 30.8.52 Sk. Mujibur Rahman attended the Barisal District Awami League Conference.
Abdus Salam Khan, advocate Dacca & of Faridpur and Md Quamruz Zaman, Acting Genl. Secretary E.P.M.S.L. joined Sk Mujibur Rahman at Khulna on 8.9.52 & were with him till the end of the programme. They addressed all the meetings.
The Speakers criticized the administration of the present Govt. discussed the State Language problem. Education system of East Bengal, the Jute policy of the Govt. & the postponement of the general election & urged upon the people to join the Awami Muslim League.
Following resolutions amongst others were passed. 1) Govt. should declare the State Language of Pakistan without further
delay. 2) Govt. should decide other plan to solve Kashmir issue. 3) Khulna should be declared a famine area. 4) Release of all Security Prisoners. 5) Nationalization of Jute & other industries. 6. Allotment of seats of the Central Legislative Assembly (Consumably)
according to the population of the provinces. 7. Pak Govt. should cut off connection with the British Commonwealth.
At Khulna the A.M.L. had unified to hold the meeting at the Municipal Park, but this could not be done as the District Muslim League

Page: 359
held a meeting at the scheduled time in the said Park. The A.M.L. therefore, moved away to the Khulna Football ground & hold the meeting there.
The party of Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to Dacca on 13 –
Sd/ – 16.9
Side note: Included in DR, Sd/ – 16.9


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned about his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 17 September 1952
Precis on the C.R.S. of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca dated 16.9.52.
Present at qrs.
1) 06.00 – 08.30 hrs.
2) 12.30 – 17.25” 3) 22.30 – 06.00 ”
1) Abdul Jabbar Khader visited suspect’s place
Visited the following places :
1) 27 Hatkhola Road
08.45 – 09.20 hrs.
– 09.28 – 10.28 »
2) 9 Hatkhola Road 3) 94, Nawabpur Road (AML Office)
– 10.30 – 10.35″
4) 3/11, Jonson Road

10.45 – 11.35 »
5) 5/1, Jhonson Road (M.M. Ispahanis Office).

6) Court House

Page: 360
7) 94, Nawabpur Road (AML Office) and met with – 17.40-20.00
Manik Miyan, Abdul Jabbar Khader and 20
unknown persons.
8) Visited the house of Advocate Abdus Salam Khan
– 20.15-21.45
90 Fulbaria Rd.
– 22.05-22.15
Returned to gr. at 22.30 hours.
Submitted. Sd/- Nurul Huq Khan, S.I.
Side note: D.S. VI may pl. see. It seems that a meeting was held there. Extract of portion sidelined
may go in P.Fs. of all concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak, O/C 17.9
Yes. We have got a report on this from H. Q. staff. Show S.S. III. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 17.9, Sd/A. Hussain, 18.9.52


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to H.S. Suhrawardy in Lahore, Pakistan where he discussed on the lack of funds for the Ittefaq and party, tremendous people’s response to his party,
organizational affairs etc.
Dacca, 18 September 1952
Sender, Majib-ul-Rahman East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Bahwalpur Road, Dacca.
To, H.S. Suharawardy, Bar-at-Law, Lahore
C/o Kh: Abdul Rahim Esq Bar-at-Law Zahid Manzil Moys Road Lahore.

Page: 361
We sent two Telegrams and letters indicating our difficulties, but unfortunately we get no response from you yet, there is wide depression here due to jute crises mainly. Yet we have to carry on with tour and Ittafaq but for this we would not have teased you. We are in debts for Ittafaq as we have to bring out special issued … missing from the original document due to page damage) one independence and another I’d special, there we necessary and we would do a lot -of propaganda of our manifest and activities through these issues. The total costs amounted to Rs 5000/-(Five thousand) net and as the price had to kept at annas two only, the loss was Rs. 2500/- side by side the organizational tour had to be under taken and sustained.
606-48(1) the copy to 563-48(1) Pl., Sd/ – 6.10

Page: 362
This also means money. So, we put up the most minimum demand to you. Your silence has been distressing. Insallh, we have set up committees in all Districts in course of tour and there was tremendous response from the people. We would again request you to help us with the minimum, otherwise. We can’t carry on.
Your presence over here is also urgently necessary, that can help us a good deal. We do not know when the Pindi case would be concluded. Any way let us know when you would be available at the earliest.
Our Chittagong Secretary has fixed up a case for you in November. It is a municipal election case and the hearing is fixed on the 20th Nov. The party will pay you RS 5000/ – (five thousand) for a day and they are ready to remit Rs 1000/ – forthwith along with papers. We believe you would be relieved of the Pindi case much earlier and you can be here at Dacca for organisational work from October. In my case, it is our request that you please accept the case and intimate to us by return of post. You may also write to Mr. A. Aziz, Secretary.

Page: 363
District Awami League, 122, Andarkilla, Chittagong direct who will forward to you the case records and Rs 1000/- forthwith. This is urgent.
We shall be looking for your reply. More when you meet.
With the kindest regards
Yours affectionately. ASI Anowar Ulla Khan Ex Hà, Q.M. Pin
18.9.52 Secret
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT, PUNJAB. NO-13324-BDSB, dated Lahore, the 27th Sep, 1952.
Copy for information to Nur-ud-Din Ahmad, Esquire, P.S.P. Special Superintendent of Police (IV), I.B. East Bengal, Dacca.
Sd/for Deputy Inspector General of Police
C.I.D Pb. 26.9

Page: 364
Ref. Your notes at NSP xcxvi of file 606-48 P.F. on enquiry it was found that an “Express” Telegram as mentioned in the letter was sent to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy by Sk. Mujibar Rahman on 23.8.52 at 14.30 hrs. Sd/ – 20.9.52
Side Note: Office, Place it in file pl. Sd/ – 22.9.52 for DS VI


M.A. Bari of Khulna sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer shortly discussed about the activities of few local leaders as regards party work, his personal difficulties being an
AML worker etc.
Khulna, 19 September 1952

Page: 365
Khulna. The 19th September 1952.
Memo. No. 3600/39-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
M.A. Bari, Studio Focus, K.V. Chakravarti Road, Khulna.
To (with address)
Shaikh Majibar Rahman, 94 Nawabpur Road. Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Khulna R.M.S. 13.9.52.
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the interception
S.I. Abdul Ghafur(Censor) D.I.B., Khulna.
Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered : 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or :
Delivered. Kept
12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to:
Ali Hussain., Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police I.B., East Bengal, Dacca for information.
Sd/Superintendent of Police D.I.B. Khulna.

Page: 366
English translation of an outgoing letter in Bengali Dated 19.9.52 from M.A. Bari (1) Studio focus, K.V. Road Khulna to Shaikh Majibar Rahaman (2) 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca, intercepted by S.1 Abdul Ghafur (Censor) at Khulna R.M.S on 13.9.52. The cover was released.
My dear Brother,
Please accept my greetings. Hope you are keeping well (3) Momin shaheb has already left for Kalabarie having accepted a job of school teacher there. Nothing can be expected from Mukhtiar Saheb. (4) He appears to have been frightened much. (5) Aziz sahib stops at Bagerhat. It is not possible for him to do the work properly there. (6) Tofazzal is busy with preparation for his examination. If however, work but being a worker of Awami Muslim League. I can not find a lodging here. No one is willing to provide me with a lodging through fear of Mr. Sabur (7) even not Mukhtear sahib himself. I could any how arrange for my meals with Mr. Jabber (8) but he has also expressed his unwillingness for same reason. I my self …(missing from the original document due to page damage) this way ! moreover I am not getting money from home for my studies as I have joined politics. If I could arrange a free board & lodge for myself I could proceed with both my studies as well as the party work properly. We have made a considerable progress in the work of Students League. So far, we have collected 50 members boys. Mr. Abdul Wahab (9) (Chand Mia) and Mr. Abdul Hashem (10) may like to make an arrangement for myself. They may be agreeable if you kindly write to them to this effect. Please let me know when you are going to hold meeting at Gopalgong.
Sd. M.A Bari
Submitted S Hossain, A.S.1,
18.9.52 Side note: 39-49(Int.)
No. 5- S/Hazi Afizuddin of Teligati, Morrelgonj Khulna. No. 7- S/O Nazmul Khan of Said Mahalla Fakirhat Khulna & of Khulna town. No. 8 – Abdul Gaffar Sarder Advocate S/o Indaz Sarder of Talua, Dumuria, Khulna & of Khulna town. No. 1, 3, 5, 6, 9 & 10 unknown. No. 4 – Golam Sayed

Page: 367
S/o Mahammad Ali of Deara, Khulna & of Khulna town. No. 2-S/o Lutfor Rahaman of Tungipara, Gopalgonj Faridpur. Pl. Show S.P We may send copy to 1.B. D.I.O III to watch & report activities of A.M.L. workers & report the activities of S.L. workers & supply full particulars of the unknown individuals. Gist may go in W.S.R. Sd. I. Ali D.1.0 (l), 15.9.52 Yes. Sd/ – 17.9.52


M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District Awami League sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein the writer discussed on getting financial help for Ittefaq through conducting Chittagong Municipality election case by H.S. Suhrawardy.
Chittagong, 20 September 1952 Secret DISTRICT INTELLIGENCE BRANCH, CHITTAGONG.
The 20th Septr./52. 19 Memo. No. 7195(2)/102-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address): M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District Awami Muslim League.
To (with address)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Esq.,
Secretary, Provincial Awami Muslim
League, 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
Language of letter
: English
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Nil
Post office of interception
Chittagong G.P.O.
7. Date of interception
: 13-9-52 8. Name of officer who can prove : A.S.I. Golam Hussain Khan.
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : Not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept
: Casual
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to 1. A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police I.B., E.B., Dacca, and 2. S. Rahman, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Dy. S.P. for favour of perusal. The writer informs the addressee that he has fixed up the Municipal Election case for Mr. Suhrawardy at Chittagong for which he will get Rs. 5,000/- and requests the addressee to contact Mr. Suhrawardy if he is agreeable to conduct the case. Copies to I.B. and D.I.B. Dacca for information.
Sd/- M.Yunus, D.I.O (1)/CTG.
As proposed Sd/- A. Khaleque Dy. S.P./DIB/CTG 15.9.52

Page: 369
Copy of an English letter dated 9.9.52, intercepted at the Chittagong G.P.O on 13.9.52.
From : M.A. Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District Awami League.
: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Esq., Secretary, Provincial Awami Muslim
League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue: – Nil.
(Organising Committee)
My dear brother Mujibur,
First of all let me apologise from you for not being able to meet you at the time of my returning from Dacca. On an urgent call from Chittagong, I had to leave Dacca on the 27th by 3-30 train when I could not make time to see anyone of you though I tried in the central office but could not meet even Seraj Bhai whom I think went to basha to take his lunch. I hope you don’t mind.
As per my discussions with you in Dacca I have fixed up a case on Rs.5000/for Suhrawardy Sb. This a simple Election case concerning Chittagong Municipality. The date for the positive hearing of this case has been fixed on the 20th November, 1952. So now tell me whether you can fix up with Suhrawardy Sb. and whether you can take the entire responsibility of his attending the case at least one day before the hearing of this case without fail. Please write Suhrawardy Sb. immediately if he can attend this case on the day fixed and take the brief. If he replies in affirmative the party will be sending the papers and Rs.1000/- in advance. Now this is the chance. You cannot expect a single furthing unless you ad
urthing unless you adopt this policy from Sahid Sb. I want that the remaining Rs.4,000/- will be utilised for“ Ittefaq”. Besides this during his stay in Chittagong with regard to this case I expect to get more cases which may also fatch a handsome of money. So please fix up immediately on phone and let me know the result in return. The party has depended on me so much that unless he hears from me the result of negotiation he will not engage other lawyer. So you can well imagine the responsibility I have in this matter. I am anxiously awaiting for what you have done in this respect.

Page: 370
About “Ittefaq” Inshallah we shall have money. Tell Manik Bhai not to think for money for “Ittefaq”. I shall do my best to realise handsome money for this paper. In this connection I had discussions with many and they have encouraged me very much with love to you. Please remember me to other friends and workers. Awaiting an immediate reply.
Yours sincerely, Sd/-M.A.Aziz


Letter from Md. Mazammel Haque of Kushtia addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman where the writer discussed on organizational
works, sending Ittefaq, etc. Kushtia, 20 September 1952
DACCA The 20th Sept. . 1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Date fi
Md. Mozammel Huq Office. Secy. Dist. A.M.L. Kustia. Majibor Rahaman, Gen, Secy,
E.P.A.M.L. Dacca. : Bengali : 18.9.52 : Kustia 18th Sept 52 : G.P.O. Dacca. : 20.9.52. : AKMS Haque S.l., I.B.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
5. 6. 7. 8.
Chapter 2- 1952

Page: 371
9. Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
: Copy kept
G.০. No-1620 Dt. 5.7.51
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Md. Mozammal Haq, Office Secy. Dist. A.M.L Kushtia writes to the Editor, Ittefaq, Dacca, reg. circulation of the paper there & other matters.
Copy may be placed on file & may call for a report from the dist. Sa/- 20.৭.52 with full particulars of the writer, as proposed. Sa/- for D.S. VI 20.৭.52
…(missing from the original document due to page damage) 52 intercepted at G.P.O. on 20.৭.52
From : Md. Mozammel Haque, Office Secy., Dist: Awami Muslim
League, Kushtia. TO : Mazibor Rahman, General Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca.
Janab G.S. Sb.
আমার ছালাম গ্রহন করিবেন। এবার “ইত্তেফাক” সম্বন্ধে যে কথা আপনার সাথে হইয়াছিল উক্ত কথা অনুযাই আমাদের নামে প্রথম কিস্তি পাঠাইয়া দিবেন।
এখানকার কাজ আস্তে আস্তে অগ্রসর হইতেছে। বর্ষার জন্য একটু বেগ পেতে হইতেছে তবুও পন্তি হইতে কিছু কিছু মাতব্বার ধরনের লোেক আমাদের অফিসে আসা যাত্মা করিতেছে। আমরা আপাততঃ তাহাদের দ্বারা পলুির কাজ চালাইতেছি। আর তার সাথে যদি “ইত্তেফাক” পাই তবে সােনায় সােহাগা হইবে। এখানে মুসলিম লীগের দালালদের আর মুখ

Page: 372
নাই অতী সাধারণ লােকেও উহাদের মুখের উপর যাতা বলিতেছে এবং আমাদের পার্টিতে দিনের পর দিন তােক বেশী হইতেছে৷ বিড়ি ও রিকসা ইউনিয়ন আমরা শীঘ্রই গঠন করিব। জনাব ছালাম সাহেব কবে আমাদের কুষ্টিয়া আসিবেন। প্রােগ্রাম আগে পাঠাইয়া দিবেন। আমরা মনে করিতেছি জনাব ছালাম সাহেব কে লইয়া একটি কর্মি সম্মেলন করা হইবে। সারর্দি সাহেব কবে বাংলায় আসিতেছে তাহা জানাইবেন।
ইতি স্বা- মােহাম্মদ মােজাম্মেল হক অফিস সে: জে: আ: মু: লীগ।
কুষ্টিয়া, হাইরােড

Page: 373


M.A. Aziz of Chittagong sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
wherein the writer requested to communicate with H.S. Suhrawardy in respect of Chittagong Municipality election case
and discussed other organizational issues.
Chittagong, 20 September 1952
Chittagong. Memo. No. 721712 / 102-49(Int.)
The 20th Septr./52. 19 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
M.A. Aziz, Anderkilla, Chittagong. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Esq., Genl. Secy. E.P.A.L. 94, Nawabpur Road, Chittagong. English
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
CTG. Court Building, 15 SEPT, 52. Chittagong G.P.O.
Post office of interception
A.S.I. Md. Azahar Ali.
7. Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can prove
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Not : Delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or :
Copy kept
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception

Page: 374
Copy/ translation forwarded to
1. 2.
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police I.B., E.B., Dacca and S. Rahman, Esq., Addl.Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/- 20.9.52. Supdt. of Police D.I.B
Dy. S.P. for favour of perusal. It appears that Mr. Suhrawardy is going to be engaged as a lawyer in the Municipal Election Case of Sultan Ahmad, Contractor. It is interesting to note that the fee which will be realised for Mr. Suhrawardy would be utilised for running the paper “Ittefaq”. Copy to I.B. and D.I.B, Dacca for information.
Sd/- M.Yunus, D.I.O (1)/CTG.
16.9.52 As proposed Sd/- A.Khaleque, Dy. S.P./DIB/CTG
Copy of an English letter dated 15-9-52 intercepted at the Chittagong G.P.O on 15-9-52.
From : M.A.Aziz, Anderkilla, Chittagong. To : Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Esq., Genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim
League, 94, Nawabpur, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue:- Chittagong Court, Building, 15- SEPT. 52
My dear brother Mujibur.
I sent you a letter a few days back but sorry I have not received the reply as yet. This may be due to your absence from station. I have written to my previous letter

Page: 375
about fixing Mr. Sahid Suhrawardy for the Election case of Mr. Sultan Ahmad of Chittagong. I am very much anxious how far you have done with regard to this. If necessary, please contact Sahid Sb. over the phone and fix up. The date of positive hearing of this case is on the 20th November 1952. If he agrees to accept the brief we like to send him Rs.1,000/- and the necessary papers in advance. As per my previous letter I want that the rest of the money which figures at Rs.4,000/- will be utilised for “Ittefaq” the soul of the turning millions of East Bengal. I want that you should write to Sahid Sb. to take the tour programme in the month of November and December during which period he may do some cases here and that will fetch a very good amount for the organisation. So do not …(missing from the original document due to page damage) to make all necessary arrangements immediately. With affection … (missing from the original document due to page damage) Awaiting a prompt reply.
Yours sincerely, Sd/-M.A.Aziz.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to M.A. Aziz of Chittagong in which the writer stated that he wrote to H.S. Suhrawardy in connection with the Chittagong municipal case and other
organizational matters.
Dacca, 20 September 1952
Chittagong. The 20th Septr./52. 19
Memo. No.7215(2)/102-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Mujib, 94 Nowabpur Road, Dacca. Mr. M.A. Aziz, Secy,A,M.L., 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong.
To (with address)

Page: 376
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
: English : 15.5.52 : Nawabpur, 15 Sept’52 Dacca. : Chittagong Genaral Post Office : 16.9.52 : A.S.I. Md. Azahar Ali
6. 7.
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered
: No : Delivered
If delivered, whether copy kept
or not
12. Number and date of Government : Casual Interception
order authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to 1. A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B., Dacca and 2. S. Rahman, Esq. Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/Supdt. of Police D.I.B.,
Chittagong 20.9.52.
Dy. S.P. for favour of perusal. The writer asks the addressee to write direct to Mr. Suhrawardy for his engagement in the Municipal Election Case. Copy to I.B., and D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/- M.Yunus, D.I.O (1)/CTG.
As proposed, Sd/- A.Khaleque, Dy. S.P./DIB/CTG, 17.9.52.
Copy of an English letter dated 15-9-52 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O on 169-52.

Page: 377
From : Mujib, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
: Mr. M.A. Aziz, Secy., Awami Muslim League, 122, Anderkilla, Ctg.
Postal seal of issue: – Nawabpur, 15 SEPT.’52, Dacca.
My dear Aziz,
Received your letter, coming from South Bengal tour. I will fix up with Mr. Suhrawardy any way. I have just written to him in connection with the case. You please write to him about the matter.
I am thinking to start my tour after 8th Oct. of this year. Please inform me the date possible for you. My North Bengal and South Bengal tour is great success. We have got very good response from everywhere. By the grace of Allah victory is ours. Please convey my salam to Muzaffar Bhai, Abdur Rahman, Azizur Rahman, Zahur and others.
Yours affectionately,
Sd/-Mujib. Address of Mr. Suhrawardy, 13, Kutchary Road, Karachi.


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
mentioned about his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 22 September 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 20.9.52.
20.9.52. Present at Quarter…………
06.00 to 18.30 hrs.
20-30 to 06.00 hrs. – 09.00 to 11.45 hrs.
Suspect Abdul Wadud Patwari visited the subject’s place.

Page: 378
18.32 to 18.50 hrs.
Subject visited 74, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane (House of Pleader Ayzuddin, 2) 94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L.Office) Returned to Quarter
19.05 to 20.30 hrs.
20.40 hrs.
Side Note: D.S.VI. Portion side lined may be placed in P.F. of the suspects concerned.
Sd/-A. Razzak. 21.9.52. Sd/-for D.S. VI. 22.9.52


Enquiry report about forming Barchapa union committee of AML
under Monohardi PS, Dacca.
Dacca, 22 September 1952
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dt. 19.9.52.
I beg to report that I made local enquiries and collected particulars of the individual under reference which is as follows:
Md. Nizamul Huq s/o Abdul Pradhan of Kayetergaon, P.S. Monohardi, Dacca. He appeared in the I.A. Examination this year from Gaffargaon College, Mymensingh. He is now at home. He is the Secretary of Barchapa Union A.M.L.
During enquiry it also transpired that in accordance with the direction of Sk. Majibar Rahman (A.M.L) the Union Committee of A.M.L at Barchapa Union was formed with the following office bearers in a meeting held at Barchapa under Monohardi, P.S. on 18.7.52 with Mvi. Shah Habibur Rahman B.A. in the chair.
President- Shah Habibur Rahman s/o Abdul Khaleque of Barchapa
P.S.,Monohaordi, Dacca. He is a M.A. class student of D.U.
Abdus Sobhan s/o Arjun Pradhan of Kayetergaon, P.S., Do. He read up to class X at Chalakchar H.E. School. Now at home.
Fazlul Huq s/o Yakub Ali Master of Brahmanergaon, P.S., Do. He appeared in the I.A. Examination this year from Bhairab College. Md. Nizamul Huq s/o Abdul Pradhan of Kayetergaon P.S., Do.

Page: 379
Asstt. Secy. Nurul Huq Bhuiya s/o Abdur Rahman of Barchapa P.S., Monohordi,
Dacca. He read up to I.A. He is now a teacher of Barchapa Girl Junior Madrasa. Kabirul Hossain s/o Aftafuddin of Paikan, P.S., do, Dacca. He has got a
shop at 156, Nowabpur, Dacca. Auditor. Majibaur Rahman s/o Rahmatullah Pradhan of Jamalpur, P.S., do. He
read upto I.A. He is now a teacher of Up grade H.E. School at
Krishnapur. Treasurer. Jamaluddin (A.K.M) s/o Nizamuddin of Borchapa P.S. do. He appeared
in I.A. examination this year from Kishoreganj College.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca, 20th Sept/52.
No. R. 8640
140/163-49 (Int).
Copy forwarded A. Hussain Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, for information with reference to his No. 12301/606-48 P.F. dt. 19.9.52.
Sd/- 22.9


Letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent to S.M. Gholam Sayeed of Khulna wherein the writer gave directions regarding
organizational works.
Dacca, 23 September 1952

Page: 380
The 23rd Sept.1952 Memo. No. 3652/39-49(int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
MUJIBAR RAHMAN, Secy.East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94 Nowabpur Rd. Dacca
To (with address)
: S.M. Ghulam Sayeed, Mukhtear,
District Convenor, Awami League Bhairab Strand Rd. Khulna.
Language of letter
: English : 15.9.52.
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Khulna Head Post Office
Date of interception
: 17.9.52 Name of officer who can prove : S.I. Abdul Ghafur of Khulna D.I.B., the interception
(Censor) Whether photographed or not : No
Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or : Copy kept
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception
Copy/ translation forwarded to:
A.Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt, of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, For information.

Page: 381
Copy of an incoming letter in English dated 15.9.52 from Majibar Rahman (1) Secretary East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca to S.M. Gholam Sayeed (2) Mukhtear Dist. convenor Awami League, Bhairab Strand Road, Khulna, intercepted at Khulna head post office by S. Abdul Ghafur censor on 17.9.52. The letter was released.
Printed Heads
EAST PAKISTAN AWAMI MUSLIM LEAGUE Central office :- 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
Dated 15th Oct. 1952 Ref:….
My dear Said Shabb
My love to you. I do not know how you are going on with your work? Any how try to organise the Awami League in your district for the hungry people. Please …(missing from the original document due to page damage) setup one office. You know the condition of Bari (3) You Should arrange his food and accommodation in your house. He is the worker of your party. You requir a worker like him. Where is …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Request him to work on behalf of me. Please do not fear. Allah is with us. Don’t forget to write to me every now and then. How are you?
Yours Sincerly Sd/ – Majibar Rahman
No-1 – S/o Lutfar Raman of Tungipara Gopalgonj Faridpur. & of Dacca. No-2 – S/o Mahmud Ali of Deara Khulna & of Khulna Town. No. 3 – Unknown
No. 4 – D.Y.L. S/o Aftabuddin of Chhota boyra Ps. Doulatpur, Khulna.

Page: 382
Pl. Show sp
We have recently intercepted a letter in which Bari regretted that name of the A.M.L workers here are working for fear of Mr. Abdus Saboor. We may send copy to l.B. Gist may go in W.S.R. D.I.O’s III & X to continue watch against their activities.
Sd/ – 1. Ali (DIO./) 9.9.52 Yes. Sd/ – M.R. Chaudhuri
Add.SP(D), Khulna 20.9.52 Superscriptions:
Mr. S.M. Golam Said Mukhtear Dist. Convenor Awami League. Bhairab Strand Road, Khulna.
Postal Seal illegible


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
mentioned his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 24 September 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, of suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 23.9.52, submitted by S.I. Nurul Huq on 24.9.52.
Present at quarters
06.00 to 08.30 hrs. 13.40 to 14.30 hrs.
24.00 to 06.00 hrs.
Visited the following places :

09.00 to 09.30 hrs.
Purana Paltan Road (House of Mvi. Abdus Salam Khan, M.A.,B.L.

Page: 383
2. 27, K.M. Dass Lane (Residence of Mr. A.K. Fazlul – 09.50 to 11.00 hrs. Huque,47
9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press)

11.05 to 11.45 hrs.
3. 4)
94, Nawabpur Road, (A.M.L. Office)
12.00 to 12.05 hrs.
Eden Buildings (Room No. 30, Asstt. Secy. of – 12.15 to 13.00 hrs. Passport) and met with Advocate Ataur Rahman
Returned to Quarters

13.40 hrs.
Eden building (Home Political Section)
14.30 to 18.45 hrs.
209, Nawabpur Road, (Royal Dutch Air line office)
19.30 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road (A.M.L Office)

20.00 to 20.05 hrs.
25, Swari Ghat Road (Residence of Advocate Ataur – 20.25 to 21.15 hrs. Rahman).
21.40 hrs.
10. Jorepur Lane (House of Mvi. Rouf Sahib, Secy. of
Dacca Municipality).

23.20 hrs.
11. The Daily Sangbad Office – 12. 25, Swarighat Road,

23.35 to 23.45 hrs.
Returned to Quarters.

24.00 hrs.
Side note: D.S. VI may pl. see. Portions side lined may be placed in P.Fs of all concerned.
Sd – A. Razzak. Sd/- A. Hafizuddin, 24.9.52
47. Mr. Fazlul Huq – A. K. Fazlul Huq, popular with the title Sher-e-Bangla (Tiger of Bengal), was the first to advocate and present the Lahore Resolution, which called for the creation of sovereign Muslim-majority states in eastern and northwestern British India in 1940. In 1943 he was elected Prime Minister of Bengal during the British Empire in Bengal. He served as General Secretary of the Indian National Congress, and was a working committee member of the AllIndia Muslim League. In 1929, he founded the Krishak Praja Party (K.P.P.). He led the United Front Government in the then East Pakistan, also served as Chief Minister and Governor.

Page: 384


Express secret memo mentioned about the delegation of Peace Conference of Asian and Pacific Regions would be held at Peking
in September1952.
Dacca, 25 September 1952 Experss. Secret
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 25th September, 1952
No. 14316/68-52 (Genl.)
A.M. Sadullah, Esq., P.S.P., Asstt. Director (P) Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, Karachi.
Sub: Details about the delegation to peace conference of Asian and Pacific Regions
to be held at Peking in September.
Reference your circular memorandum No. 21/B/52(5) dated 22.8.52 and telegram dated 19.9.52, the East Bengal Provincial Peace Committee, Dacca, originally proposed to send 15 delegates to attend the Peace Conference at Peking but as this proposal was not approved of by the Central Peace Committee, Karachi, they have subsequently selected only 5 delegates whose particulars are as follows:
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, son of Shaikh Lutfar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca and of Tungipara P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur, Acting General Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca.
Regarding the details of travel arrangements, it may be noted that all the delegates and applied for passport which was granted to them. They have left Dacca by B.O.A.C. Plane to-day (25.9.52). Information so far received, reveals that the expenses for their journeys from Dacca to Hong Kong and back will be borne by the delegates themselves and the expenses from Hong Kong to Peking and back will be defrayed by the Chinese Government. The delegates it is reported, stay at Peking for

Page: 385
a fortnight with a view to studying the developments in various departments under the Chinese Government.
In this connection, this office Memo. No. 13173/52(1) Dacca dated 5.9.52 may kindly be referred to regarding traveling expenses.
Sd/-T. Ahmad. for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.
East Bengal, Dacca.
210 Telephone message on the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
who left for Hong Kong. Dacca, 25 September 1952
East Bengal Form. No. 45.
Handed in at
m. Date 25/9/52
Received at 12.20
From : w/c Abul Mahamud To : 0/c Watch
Addresses (if given)
At about 09.30 hours the suspect Sk. Mozibar Rahaman along with Ataur Raheman, Tofazzal Hossain, Md. llias and Syed Yousuf Hossain arrived at Tejgaon Airport by Taxi No 2937 being shadowed w/c Noor Ahamed. At about 10.30 hours they left for Hongkong by B.O.A.C Plane. This is for favour of your kind information.
Side note: SS III, Perusal pl. May be included in DR, Sd/- 25.9

Page: 386
East Bengal Form. No. 45.
Handed in at
Date 25/9/52
Received at 13.30 hrs.
From : o/c Tajgoan.
(if given) Airport
: S.S. Security. Control
Sir states that Sk. Majibur Rahman, Ataur Rahaman, Tofazal Hossain, Md. Elaish & Syed Yusuf Hossain all of East Pakistan Awami Muslim League left for Hongkong today by B.O.A.C. Plain at 10.00 hrs. This is for your kind information.
W/C Md. Sabder Ali
District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur the 11th Oct., 1952.
No. 4934/65-49
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB E.B., Dacca.
It appears from an intercept that Sk. Mujibar Rahman (AML- s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur) has gone to PEKING. Would you kindly let this office know if this is a fact?
Sd/- 11.10 Supdt. of Police, DIB
Faridpur. Side note: Pl. consult file 68/52.

Page: 387
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dt. 10.10.52.
There was contemplation on sending some Youth League members to the Peking Conference but it was not materlialised ultimately and the following persons left for Peking to attend the Peace Conference on 25.9.52.
1. Mvi. Ataur Rahman – Advocate. 2. ” Tofazzal Husain, Office Secy. A.M.L. 3. “Yousuff Hasan (Progress Writers’ Association). 4. ” Sk. Majibar Rahman, Acting Secy. A.M.L. 5. ” Khundakar Md. Ilias.
Dist. Intelligence Branch,
Dacca, the 11th Oct./52 No. 10505/22-51 (Int). R. 9599.
Copy forwarded to T. Ahmad Esqr., P.S.P.. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B. Dacca for information with reference to his No. 13957/69-52 (1) H. dt. 19.9.52. In this connection D.I.R. No. 268 Para III dt. 25.9.52 may kindly referred to.
Sd/- (S. Rahman) Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
15718 No. 606-48 P.F. dt. 21.10.52
S.P. D.I.B., Faridpur.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman went to Peking on 25.9.52. This has got referred to your letter no. 4934 dt. 11.10.52
Sd/ – 20.10
D.S 6 for S.S III, IB.

Page: 388
Copy of report of a D. I. O. dated 1.10.52).
Beg to report that the following persons from East Bengal have already left for New China on 25.9.52 to attend the Peking Peace Conference by B.O.A.C. Plane.
1) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ex. Security Prisoner.
As regards organisational problems, methods of selecting delegates and finance etc. I contacted my source (DA.41) and ascertained that Pakistan Peace Committee directed East Bengal Peace Committee to send five delegates from East Bengal. Accordingly 17 persons had applied for passports and above mentioned 5 persons left for attending the peace conference. There was no formal meeting for selecting the delegates. The East Bengal Peace Committee has borne the partial expenses of the delegates and the rest to be borne by the delegates themselves, from Dacca to Hong Kong. All expenses from Hong Kong to Peking will be borne by the Chinese Peace Committee. This has already been reported by D.A. 41 in his statement dated 9.8.52.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca The 25th October, 1952.
No. 10948/ 17-52.
Copy forwarded to T. Ahmad, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information with ref. to his No. 14463(17) 52 genl. dated 6.9.52 and this office No. 9973 dt. 25.9.52.
Sd – S. Rahman for Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.


Mirza Shaukat Hossain of Pabna wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he discussed organizational works of the party.
Jessore, 3 October 1952

Page: 389
DACCA The 3rd oct.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Language of letter
: Mirza Shaukat Hossain,
Pabna Sk Majibor Rahaman, 94 Nawabpur, Dacca.
Bengali : 29.9.52 : Illegible : G.P.O. Dacca : 3.10.52 : AKMS Haque, S./ 1.B
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or
10. 11.
: : :
x Delivered Copy kept
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
Mirza Shawkat Hossain writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman at 94, Nawabpur Rd. from Pabna reg. A.M.L. affairs.
Copy may be placed on file & may call for a report from the district.
Sd/ – 4.10.52 Side note: As proposed. Show SS III pl. Sd/-8.10.

Page: 390
Copy of letter dt 29-9-52 intercepted at G.P.O on 3.10.52
From: Mirza Shaukat Hossain Pabna Address – Vill+P.O- Nakal Dt. –
To: Sk. Majibar Rahaman, 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca.
রহমান ভাই সাহেব
ছালাম জানবেন। কাগজ মারফত আপনাদের সমস্ত সংবাদ জেনে থাকি। নিজেরা পাবনাতে না থাকায় আপনাদের সঙ্গে direct correspondence রাখতে পারিনি। যাহা হউক পাবনার বাইরে থাকলেও কাজ কৰ্ম্ম কিছু কিছু করছি। বরিশাল, খুলনা, যশােহর, কুষ্টিয়া এ সব জেলার অভ্যন্তরে ঢুকে দেখেছি, সেখানেও আপনাদের যা দরকার এবং গ্রামে Propaganda ভাল হবে বলে মনে হয়। পাবনায় হক সাহেব আসার পর থেকে বেশ একটা চাঞ্চল্যের সৃষ্টি হয়েছে। তারা মনে প্রানে হক সাহেবকে চায় কিন্তু বুঝতে পারছিনা। হক সাহেবকে কোন তরফফে Support করবেন। যদি হক সাহেবকে আমাদের দলে ভেড়ান যায় তা হলে খুবই ভাল হয় কারণ Public sentiwent এমনি যে তারা Partg বুঝে না তারা চয় পুনরায় হক সাহেবকে গদীতে দেখতে। যতটুকু দেখলাম তাতে মনে হল হক সাহেব In directly আত্মামী লীগকেই মনে প্রানে চায় কারণ এখান কার কাৰ্যসূচী ইসলামি সম্বন্ধীয় হইলেও ক্যাপ্টেন মনসুরের সঙ্গেই তার ছিল আলাপ বেশী। মনে হল Dacca থেকে আসবার সময়ে আপনাদের কাছ থেকে কিছু জেনে এসেছিলেন বা আপনারা জানিয়ে ছিলেন যাহা হউক এখন আপনাদের আর একবার পাবনায় আসা দরকার। সিরাজগঞ্জ, সাহাজাদপুর এবং পাবনাতে আর একটিবার সভা করা অবশ্য দরকার এবং অল্পদিনের মাঝেই। কি করবেন জানাবেন। আমরা সে মতে কাজ করব। এখন আমরা কিছু দিনের মত গ্রামে কাজ করবার আশা করছি। কিছু বই পত্রের দরকার। প্রত্যেক ইউনিয়নে অন্ততঃ তিনখানা বই দেয়ার দরকার আশা করছি যে কিছু বই নিম্ন ঠিকানায় পাঠিয়ে দিবেন। অল্প দিনের ভিতর ঢাকায় যাবার ইচ্ছা আছে গেলে সমস্ত কিছু সাক্ষাতে আলােচনা করা যাবে। আপনি বােধ হয় বর্তমানে কিছুদিন ঢাকাতেই থাকবেন। গােপালগঞ্জ কোন তারিখে যাবেন। যদি ভাটিয়া পাড়া দিয়ে যান তাহলে মধুখালি অবশ্য দেখা করবাে। সমস্ত । কিছু জানিয়ে চিঠি দিবেন এবং কিছু Constitution এবং খসড়া ম্যানিফাষ্ট পাঠাবেন। ভাল আছি ইতি
Your affectionately
Sd. Shoukat
আপনার চিঠি এবং বইগুলির জন্য খুবই উদ্বিগ্ন থাকবাে।

Page: 391


Secret memo regarding the consent of H.S. Suhrawardy to
conduct the Chittagong Municipal Case.
Chittagong, 3 October 1952
Dist. Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 3rd Oct. 52. No 7495/102-49 (Int).
M. Yosuff, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,E.B., Dacca.
In continuation of this office Memo. No. 7217(2)/102-49(Int.), dated 20.9.52, I write to inform you that Mr. Suhrawardy has agreed to conduct the case of Sultan Ahmed under reference and he has asked for the brief of the case.
It is also learnt that in all Rs. 5,000/- will be paid to Mr. Suhrawardy by Sultan Ahmed for the conduction of the case of which Rs.4.000/- will go to the Ittefaq Fund and Mr. Suhrawardy will get Rs.1.000/- only.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,


Report on the names and particulars of the members of reception committee of AML, Rangpur in connection with the tour of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Rangpur, 12 October 1952
Copy of report of a D.I.B. Officer dated 12.10.52.
“Names and particulars of the members of the Reception Committee of Awami Muslim League, Rangpur formed in connection with the last tour of Ataur Rahman,

Page: 392
Advocate ( A.M.L) of Dacca and Sk. Mujibur Rahman (A.M.L) of Dacca in August, 1952 are submitted below:
1) Dr. Mozahar Uddin Ahmad (A.M.L) s/o late Asim Uddin of Bhogdabri, P.S.
Domar and of City Pharmacy, Rangpur town – President. 2) Abul Hussain (A.M.L) s/o late Maniruddin of Jagadishpur, P.S. Badarganj, and
of Rangpur town – Secretary. 3) Yakub Mahfuz, @ Jorges s/o late Saiyid Motahar Husain of Munshipara,
Rangpur town. – Member. 4) Sajedul Huq (A.M.L) s/o Serajul Islam Waqf Inspector, Rangpur – do – 5) Nurul Huq, B.L. (being fixed) of Rangpur. – do – 6) Mian Abdul Hafiz s/o late Mian Abdus Samad of Bagua, P.S Ulipur and of
Kurigram, district Rangpur – do – 7) Masudul Huq Chaudhuri @ Bhiku (C.P.-A.M.L.) s/o Majiruddin Chaudhuri of
Balurghat, West Dinajpur and of Salbon, Rangpur town – do[8) Shah Abdul Bari (C.P.-A.M.L) s/o late Shah Dabiruddin of Kachua Sahebganj,
P.S. Badarganj, Rangpur and 3/4 others.”]
District Intelligence Branch, Rangpur, 12th October, 1952.
5654 No. R 3992/54-49 (Int).
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, for information, with reference to I.B. Memo. No. 12444/ 606-48 P.F., dated 21.8.52.
In this connection, this district W.C.R. for the week ending 23.8.52- Part II under head 3- Muslim Revolutionary Group may also kindly be referred ……
Sd/ – 12.10.52

Page: 393


Letter from M.A. Aziz of Chittagong addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer stated about the correspondences of Chittagong Municipal case, tour program of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, district conference etc.
Chittagong, 20 October 1952 Secret
Chittagong. The 20 th Octr.1952.
Memo. No. 7945(2)/104-49 (Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
M.A. Aziz, 122, Anderkilla,
To (with address)
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. 94, Nawabpur, Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
25-9-52. : Chittagong R.M.S. 25 Sep. 52
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: R.M.S. Mail Van, Chittagong.
6. 7.
Date of interception
: A.S.I. Md. Azaharali.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: Not. 10. Whether withheld or delivered
Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising interception.

Page: 394
Copy/ translation forwarded to 1. A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supt. of Police, I.B.E.B. Dacca; and 2. S. Rahman, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Dy. S.P. for favour of perusal. The writer informs the addressee that he has already written to Mr. Suhrawardy for arguing the Election Case at Chittagong. He also wants the addressee to tour at Chittagong. Copies to I.B. and D.I.B Dacca for information.
Sd/- M.Yunus, D.I.O (1)/CTG
27.9.52. 1. S.P. may like to see. 2. Action as suggested may be approved.
Sd/- A. Khaleque, Dy. S.P./DIB/CTG.
Appd., Sd/- Md. Ali, S.P./Ctg. 29.9
Copy of an English letter dated 25-9-52, intercepted at R.M.S. Mail Van on 25-9-52.
From To
: M.A. Aziz, 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong. : Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Esq., Genl. Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League,
94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue:- Chittagong, R.M.S. 25 Septr. 52.
My dear brother Mujibur,
I have received your letter but sorry could not reply immediately as I was away from the town.
I have written letters and sent telegram to Shahid Sb. with regard to that case. He has replied me by telegram as well as by letters that he is prepared to accept the brief if he is informed for how many days the case would last. Accordingly I

Page: 395
have informed him that the case is expected to last for four days by reply paid telegram at his Karachi address and requested him to wire his acceptance. It is about a week that I have sent him the wire but sorry I could not get the reply as yet. I believe he is not in Karachi, so the delay. However I have sent him two letters in his two addresses of Karachi and Hyderabad (Sind). You please write him immediately to accept the brief immediately. If I get his reply in the affirmative I will send him the relevant papers of the case and Rs. 1000/- in advance. I am very anxiously waiting for his acceptance. Please let me know immediately how far you have done in this regard.
About your tour programme in Ctg.
The rainy season is still not over and there is incessant rain every day in Chittagong. So I propose to fix up your tour programme from the 18th Novr.’ 52 and it will last till Sahid Sb. comes to Chittagong. I want to have a district conference after we finish the tours in the interiors of Chittagong. Please publish this in the “Ittefaq’ and other papers so far possible. Awaiting reply, with affections,
Yours Sd/- M.A. Aziz.


Report on Abdul Mutaleb, member of the executive body of AML,
Dinajpur. Dinajpur, 20 October 1952
Copy of report of a DIO dated the 16th Oct., 1952.
I beg to report that Abdul Mutaleb worked in different organisation at different times. In 1948, he was recruited as a member of the E.P.M.S.L. On 16.2.52 he was made a convenor of the District Students’ Union, Dinajpur for State Language Movement. Again on 17.8.52 when Ataur Rahman, Vice President, Sk. Mazibur Rahman, Secretary, Awami Muslim League, East Pakistan and Qamaruzzaman,

Page: 396
Secretary, E.P.M.S.L. came to Dinajpur and formed a District Committee of the Awami Muslim League at Dinajpur. He (Abdul Mutaleb) was elected a member of the Executive body of Awami Muslim League and since then he is working as such.
District Intelligence Branch, Dinajpur, the 20th Oct., 1952.
No. 5279/20-52, P.60
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB, EB, Dacca for information with reference to his memo No. 13324 dated 8/9/52.
It is not possible to say of which organisation Abdul Mutaleb is a member.
Sd/- K. Rahman for Supdt. of Police, DIB, Dinajpur


Letter from M. Fazlur Rahman, Secretary, AL, Santahar, Bogra sent to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer stated about
local organizational issues of the party.
Bogra, 23 October 1952
DACCA: The 23.X.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: M. Fazlur Rahman, Secy.
Santahar A.M. League, Bogra.

Page: 397
To (with address)
Sheik Mazibar Rahaman, Secy. Awami M. League c/o Ittefaq paper, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca. Bengali
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Santahar, R.M.S. : G.P.O. Dacca.
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: S. Ahmed, S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: No.
10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : Casual.
authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Mr. Fazlur Rahaman, Secy., Santahar A.M.L. writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L, Dacca, reg. formation of A.M.L. there.
Sd/ – 24.10.52
Copy to file, Sd/ – 24.10 606-48 (1)
True copy of a Bengali letter dt 18.X.52 from M. Fazlur Rahman, Secy. Santahar Awami League, Bogra, addressed to Sheik Mazibar Rahman, Secy. Awami League, C/o Ittefaq paper, 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca.

Page: 398
গত ৩০/৮/৫২ তারিখে অত্র সান্তাহার বাজারে ইউনিয়ন বাসীদের এক সমাবেশে সান্তাহার ইউনিয়ন আম্মামীলীগ গঠন করা হয়। উক্ত সভায় সভাপতিত্ব করেন মাননীয় ডাঃ রিয়াজ উদ্দিন আহম্মদ সাহেব এবং বক্তৃতা করেন মৌঃ নিজাম উদ্দীন মিয়া এবং আরও অনেকেই। উপস্থিত বক্তাগণ আওয়ামীলীগের তাৎপর্য বিশেষ ভাবে বুঝাইয়া দেন। উক্ত সভায় পাট চাষীদের দুরবস্থ্য, রাজবন্দীদের বিনা সর্ডে মুক্তি দাবী, দেশের অন্যান্য দুরাবস্থ্য বিশেষভাবে আলােচনা হয়।
নিম্ন লিখিত কর্মিগণকে লইয়া সান্তাহার আগ্রামীলীগ কমিটী গঠন করা হইয়াছে।
১। ডাঃ রিয়াজ উদ্দিন আহম্মদ – প্রেসিডেন্ট ২।” এম আবুল কাসেম খন্দকার – ভাঃ প্রেসিডেন্ট। ৩। মৌঃ হাতেম আলী মন্ডল – ” ঐ। ৪।” আব্দুল খালেক মিয়া
” মকলেছুর রহমান মিয়া ৬। ডাঃ এম, ফজলুর রহমান – সেক্রেটারী।
” এম, আফজাল হােসেন, এ্যাঃ – ৮। মৌঃ মফিজদ্দিন আহম্মদ জয়েন্ট সেক্রেটারী। ১। ” জিলুর রহমান
ক্যাশিয়ার। ১০। মৌঃ নিজাম উদ্দিন আহমদ – ডিরেক্টর। ১১।” মিজানুর রহমান ১২।” আবু বকর সিদ্দিকি। ১৩।” আবদুল জব্বার মিয়া ১৪।” আবদুল মজিদ মিয়া ১৫।” মনসুর রহমান ১৬।” কাজী আবদুল গফুর ১৭।” মেহের আলী
Sd/- ডাঃ রিয়াজুদ্দিন আহমদ
Sd/- এম, ফজলুর রহমান

Page: 399
পুনঃ “জনাব”
আচ্ছালামাে আলায়কুম বাদ আমাদের এই কমিটির কাগজ পত্র আপনার নিকট পাঠাইলাম।District Sec9. কে অনুরােধ করা সত্ত্বেও আমাদের কোন সৎ যুক্তি দেন নাই। আমরা নূতন কিছুই জানিনা, কি করেছি বা করব বুঝিনা। তাই অনেকদিন যাবত চেষ্টা না করে আবার আপনার নিকট পাঠাইলুম। সৎযুক্তি ও সৎ পরামর্শ সৰ্ব্বদাই কামনা করি। আশা করি মঙ্গল মতেই চলছে, পরবর্ভা মিটিং করা হবে। “রিঅর্গানাইজ” না হলে আমরা সাহস পাচ্ছি না। মায়া হয় সভূর করবেন ও পত্র দিবেন। আপনার শুভার্থ কামনা করি।
আপনারইSd/-এম, ফজলুর রহমান,
Secy, Santaher Awami League,
English Translation of a Bengali letter dt. 18.X.52 from Fazlur Rahman, Secy. Santahar A.M.L. Bogra addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Secy. A.M.L. C/o Ittefaq Paper, 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca.
Santahar Awami Muslim League was formed on 30/8/52 last at Santahar Bazar with the inhabitants of Santahar Union. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Reazuddin Ahmad and lectures were delivered by Moulvi Nizam Uddin Mia and many others. The speakers present specially explained to the audience the objections of the A.M.L. In the meeting the pitiable condition of the Jute growers, unconditional release of the Security prisoners and other economic depression of the province were discussed.
Santahar A.M.L committee was formed with the following workers:
(1) (2) (3)
Dr. Reazuddin Ahmad M. Abul Quasem Khondker Moulvi Hatem Ali Mondal
– President. – V. President. – Vice President.

Page: 400
(4) (5)
Abdul Maleq Mia Mokhlesur Rahman Mia
– “
Dr. M. Fazlur Rahman

Jt. Secy. Cashier. Director.
(7) Dr. M. Afzal Hossain – (8) Moulvi Mofizuddin Ahmad – (9) „Zillur Rahman (10) Moulvi Nizamuddin Ahmad – (11) Mizanur Rahman
– (12) Abubaker Siddique (13) Abdul Jabbar Mia (14) Abdul Majid Mia (15) Mansur Rahman (16) Kazi Abdul Gafur (17) Meher Ali
(Sd) Dr. Riazuddin Ahmad,
(Sd) M. Fazlur Rahman, President.
Secy. N.B. Janab,
As-Salamo-Alaikum, sending herewith the papers of our committee. In spite of our request the District Secretary did not give us only food advice. As we are new, so we do not know what is to be done and what is not. This is why, we did not try since many days and now we are again sending it to you. We expect your good advice & good council. Hope it is going well. Henceforth, we will organise meetings. We are afraid, without re-organization. Whatever you do, do it quickly. Yours well wisher.
(Sd) M. Fazlur Rahman
Secy. Santahar Awami League.

Page: 401


Advocate Md. Ali of Tangail sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer focused on public meeting, release of detained political leaders, Bengali as state language etc.
Tangail, 25 October 1952
DACCA: The 25th Oct. 1952.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Md. Ali, Pleader,
Convenor, Tangail, A.M.L.
(Subdivision), M.sing. : Secy, E.P. Awami M.
League, 94, Nawabpur
Rd. Dacca : English
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal Post office of interception
Tangail 23rd Oct. 52.
G.P.O. Dacca : 24.X.52. : A.K.M.S. Haque, S.l., 1.B.
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
9. 10.
Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception.
Delivered : Copy kept. : Casual.

Page: 402
Copy/translation forwarded to
Md. Ali (A.M.L.) of Tangail, Mymensingh writes to the Secy. E.P.A.M…, Dacca reg. certain previous references (not known) and send in advance the resolution to be adopted in a mass meeting on the 19th Oct. (meeting report also noticed in interception). Sd/ – 25.10.52 Place copy in file pl. Sd/ – 25.10.
Copy of letter dt. 22.X.52 intercepted at GPO. on 24.X.52
From : Md. Ali, Pleader, Convenor, Sub-Div. Awami M. League, Tangail. TO : Sk. Majibur Rahman, the Secy. E.P. Awmami M. League, 94
Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
Memo No-38. Sir,
I am receipt of your letter no A.M.L. (9) 52 dt. 11.9.52 in due time but I could not reply to it as I was away from Tangail during the last vacation. Only two letters were received unstamped and there is no need of compensation for that. I am glad to hear that the person in fault has been set right.
I beg further to inform you that in obedience to your letter no A.M.L. 80(10)52 dt. 17.X.52. I have convened a mass meeting on 19.10.52 at Tangail town for the purpose mentioned there in and sent the resolutions passed there in to the secretary, Govt. of E.P. Home Dept. and to the Press. One of the same is sent here with for your information. I beg to add that the demand of release of M. Shamsul Haque should be made along with that of Bhashani Moulana as desired by the people of his Sub. Dev.
Your faithfully Sd/ – Md. Ali, Pleader.
Chapter II – 1952

Page: 403


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
mentioned his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 28 October 1952
Precis on the C.Rs of suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane dated 25.10. & 26.10.52.
The suspect visited the following places, between the time noted against each. 25.10.52
Present at qr. along with suspect Mohiuddin.
08.00 hrs.
on 26.10.52.
08.25 hrs.
101, Nasiruddin Sardar Rd., Residence of 08.15 suspect Mohiuddin.
(3) 18, Karkonbari Lane, where Moulana Bhashani 08.30
lived, along with suspect Mohiuddin.
27, Tikiatully, House of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque 09.25 along with suspect Mohiuddin.
9, Hatkhola Rd. Peramout Press along with suspect Mohiuddin.
94, Nowabpur Rd., A.M.L Office, along with 10.45 suspect Mohiuddin.
Suspect, Prof. Khairul Basar, Manik Miah & Ali Ahmed was present there.
00.30 hrs.
(7) Nagor Mohal Cenema Hall along with suspect 21.30
Mohiuddin where they witnessed picture.
on 26.10.52.

Page: 404
08.00 17.05
26.10.52 (1) Present at qr.
23.20. (2) At Kamalapur. House of suspect Manik Miah. 08.25 (3) 1, Minto Road, Chief Secretaries qrs. along 09.00
with suspect Manik Miah. (4) At Purana Paltan, House of Mr. Abdus Salam, 10.40
Advocate, along with suspect Manik Miah. (5) 94, Nawabpur Road., A.M.L. Office. Suspect 11.20
Mohiuddin, Ali Ahmmed Khan, M.L.A. Manik Miah, Professor Khairul Basar, Kamruzzaman,
17.10 Ataur Rahman & Sergeant S.K. Khan was present there.
23.00 hrs.
25, Swarighat Road, House of suspect Ataur 11.45
ispect Ataur 11.45
12.00 hrs.
Side note: D.S. VI, for perusal pl. Extract may go in P.F. of all concerned.
Sd – A. Razzak olc, 28.x.
Sd/- A. Hafiz. 28.10, Copies geven, Sd – 14.11


Md. Abdul Momin Talukder, General Secretary, EPMSL, Pabna
sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer stated about Peking visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, inclusion of A.K. Fazlul Haque to AL, organizing public meeting etc. A leaflet was also attached with the letter.
Pabna, 29 October 1952

Page: 405
The 29.10.1952 Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Md. Abdul Momin Talukdar,
General Secy. E.P.M.S.L. Pabna. Janab Shaikh Mojibur Rahman, General Secretary, Awami Muslim League, 94
Nowabpur Road, Dacca. : English to Bengali. : 26.10.52
Illegible. : G.P.O. Dacca : 29.10.52. : Keramat Ali Bhuiyan, ASI.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered : If delivered, whether copy kept or
: No.
: Delivered. : Copy kept.
: G.O. 1634 dt. 15/9/52
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception.
Copy of an English letter dated 26th October, 1952 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca, from Md. Abdul Momin Talukder, Ex-General Secretary, & General Secretary, E.P.M.S.L., Pabna to Janab Sk. Majibur Rahman, General Secretary, Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.

Page: 406
My dear Mojib Bhai,
Taslim to you. I came to know through the papers that you have come back from Peking on the 21st Oct. I wrote a letter to you just at the hour of your starting for Peking suggesting some important problems regarding the inclusion of Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque in the Awami League. I received a letter from your office Secy. Mr. Mahmudolla Saheb in connection with this. I think that you will consider the time very carefully. He also informed me that you were starting for a North Bengal tour. Please send detailed Programme if it be a fact.
However you will be glad to hear that we organised a grand meeting demanding the release of Moulana Bhasani and other political leaders arrested in the State Language Movement. It is unique success. About 13000 people attended the meeting. No such meeting took place in the life of Pabna. Various resolutions including the demand for immediate release of Moulana Saheb and other political leader were passed unanimously. It is sent to the papers and Secy. Dept. of Home, E.P. Your organisation is getting strength day by day.
You will also be glad to know that I have passed the B.Sc. examination by the mercy of the Almighty Allah. I like to get myself admitted in the University. I may see you at Dacca within a few days. I like to organise such meeting at Serajganj within a day or two. I hope you will communicate through letter your experience of the Asian Peace Conference held at Peking. Here by I am sending one copy of our pamphlet which we circulate for the meeting.
Please convey my salam to Ataur Rahman Khan Saheb and Kamruzzaman Saheb.
Yours sincerely, Sd/-A. Momin.
N.B. Attached herewith Bengali copy of the Leaflet.
মরনাপন্ন মওলানা ভাসানী ও অন্যান্য রাজবন্দীদের মুক্তি দাবীতে
বিরাট জনসভা
শুক্রবার ২৪শে অক্টোবর বৈকাল চার ঘটিকা ভ্যন- পাবনা টাউনহল।

Page: 407
মজলুম ভাইসব,
পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের সাড়ে চারিকোটী মজলুম জনগনের দরদী নেতা ও পাকিস্তান আন্দোলনের অন্যতম ত্যাগী কর্মবীর মওলানা ভাসানী আজ স্বৈরাচারী লীগ শাহীর কারা প্রাচীরের অন্তরালে মৃত্যু শয্যায় শায়িত। তা ছাড়াও মওলানা আব্দুর রশিদ তর্কবাগীশ, জনাব সামসুল হক, আবুল হাশিম, খয়রাত হােসেন, আব্দুল মতিন, নুরুল আলম, কাজী গােলাম মাহবুব, খালেক নেয়াজ, অন্যান্য বহু জন ও ছাত্র নেতা ঐতিহাসিক ভাষা আন্দোলনে ধৃত হইয়া বিনা বিচারে কারাগারে আটক রহিয়াছে। জনসাধারন আজ কিছুতেই লীগ শাহীর এই জুলুম বরদাস্ত করিতে রাজী নয়। আসুন দলে দলে উক্ত সভায় যােগদান করিয়া বক্তৃকণ্ঠে বন্দী মুক্তির আত্মাজ তুলি।
১। ক্যাপ্টেন মনসুর আলী, এম.এ.এল.এল.বি. – আহবায়ক, জেলা আহ্লামালীগ, পাবনা। ২। আবদুল মমিন তালুকদার – সাধারণ সম্পাদক, পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তান ছাত্রলীগ, পাবনা। ৩। মােহাম্মদ মাহমুদ আলম খাঁন – (মুকু মিঞা) সাধারণ সম্পাদক, পাকিস্তান তমুদন
৪। মৌলবী আমিনউদ্দিন আহম্মদ, এল.এল.বি.। ৫। অধ্যাপক আব্দুল হামিদ। ৬। মৌলবী আবদুর রব।
সভার প্রস্তাব
১। এইসভা মরনাপন্ন মাওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খাঁন (ভাসানী) সাহেবের সংবাদে উদ্রেগ
প্রকাশ করিতেছে। এই মুহুর্ভে তাঁহার ও মৌঃ সামছুল হক, মৌঃ আব্দুল হাসিম, মৌঃ হাশিম উদ্দিন, এম,এ,এল,এল,বি, মৌঃ রফিক উদ্দিন ভূঞা, মৌঃ খয়রাত হােসেন এম,এল,এ, মৌঃ আব্দুর রশিদ তর্ক বাগীশ ও অন্যান্য বিনা বিচারে আটক সকল
রাজনৈতিক বন্দিদের মুক্তির দাবী করিতেছে। ২। এই সভা প্রাদেশিক ও কেন্দ্রিয় নিরপত্তা আইন বাতিলের জন্য জোর দাবী
জানাইতেছি।। ৩। এই সভা বাংলা ভাষাকে পাকিস্তানের অন্যতম রাষ্ট্র ভাষা হিসাবে মানিয়া লত্মার জন্য
সরকারের নিকট জোর দাবী জানাইতেছে।

Page: 408
৪। এই সভা প্রস্তাব করিতেছে যে পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তানের আইন সভার সময় উত্তীর্ণ হইয়া যাওয়া
সত্ত্বেও সরকার নির্বাচন দিতেছেন না বলিয়া অনতি বিলম্বে নির্বাচনের দাবী
জানাইতেছে। ৫। এই সভা পাটের সর্ব নিম্ন মূল্য ৪০, টাকা বাধিয়া দেয়ার জন্য জোর দাবী
জানাইতেছে। ৬। এই সভা প্রস্তাব করিতেছে যে খাদ্য ঘাটতি টাঙ্গাইল মহকুমা ব্যাপি খাদ্য সংকটের
মুখে, শতকরা ৮৫ জন লােক অনাহারে দিন কাটাইতেছে। সরকার হইতে যে চাউল নির্ধারিত করা হইয়াছে তাহাতে শতকরা ১০ জনেরও খাদ্যের দাবী মিটে না। কাজেই কাল বিলম্ব না করিয়া প্রচুর চাউল দ্বারা বুভূক্ষ টাঙ্গাইল বাসীদের অভাব মিটান হউক।


Memo of SP, DIB, Faridpur contained the list of full particulars of
office bearers of Panchar Union AML.
Faridpur, 1 November 1952
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur the 1st Nov., 1952
No. 5325/61-49 To A. Hussain, Esqr. Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB E.B., Dacca. Reference your No. 11989/606-48 PF. dated 11.8.52.
Md. Mujibar Rahman (addressee) is the son Husainuddin of Panchar Bazar, Shibchar, Faridpur. He is a Matriculate. The full particulars of the other office bearers of the Panchar Union Awami Muslim League are as follows :
Dr. Abdul Malik (27), s/o the late Aijuddin Fakir of Kharakandi, Shibchar, Faridpur. He is a quack. Abul Husain Miyan (23), s/o Dadan Miyan, of Baherchar Panchar, Shibchar, Faridpur.

Page: 409
Secretary. Joint Secretary.
3. Abdur Rabb Miyan (20), s/o Abdur Rashid, of do. 4. Abdul Halim Kazi (24) s/o Jainuddin of Satero
Rashi, Shibchar, Faridpur. 5. Abdul Khaleq Miyan (26) s/o Mahar Ali Haji of
Matbarer-char, Shibchar, Faridpur. 6. Nur Mohammad Molla (25), s/o Moniruddin of Sare
Bish Rashi, Shibchar, Faridpur. He is the Asstt. Headmaster of the Panchar H.E. School. He is a
Matriculate. 7.
Abdur Rashid Miyan, B.A., (25) s/o Ismail Munshi of Bakharerkandi, Shibchar, Faridpur. He is an
Asstt. teacher of Bakharerkandi H.E. School. 8. Shamsul Haq, @ Shamsuddin Ahmad (30), s/o Dr.
Mainuddin of Kolapara, P.S. Sreenagar, Dacca and
of Panchar Bazar, Shibchar, Faridpur. 9. Ismail Fakir (28) s/o the late Haran Fakir of
Bahadurpur, Shibchar, Faridpur. 10. Md. Lal Miyan Howladar (65), s/o the late Saijuddin
of Kharakandi, Shibchar, Faridpur. 11. Wajuddin Howladar (30), s/o Gaijuddin of
Kharakandi Shibchar, Faridpur. 12. Sirajul Islam (21) s/o Bishai Mirdha, of
Poddarerchar, Shibchar, Faridpur 13. Abdul Aziz (30), s/o Saijuddin of Sataro Rashi,
Shibchar, Faridpur. 14. Chaudhuri Mominuddin (24), s/o Kazimuddin of
Matbarerchar, Shibchar, Faridpur. 15. Nurul Islam (24), s/o Dr. Mainuddin of Kolapara
Sreenagar, Dacca and of Panchar Bazar, Shibchar,
Faridpur. 16. Saiyid Husain Miyan s/o Mudasser Ali of
Bahadurpur, Shibchar, Faridpur.
Sd/- 1.11 Supdt. of Police, DIB,
Side note: Card index all pl. Sd/ – 10.12.52

Page: 410


Paraphrase of a cipher message mentioned about arrival of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Gopalganj.
Gopalganj, 1 November 1952
Paraphrase of the cipher message
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman reached Gopalganj on thirtieth instant being shadowed by a watcher from Dacca. Continuous watch is being maintained here. Side note: See. Place it in file. Sd/ – 1.11.52
Paraphrase of the cipher message
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman has reached Gopalganj on 30th instbeing shadowed by a watcher from Dacca. Continuous watch is being maintained here on him.
Side note: No. 711 dt. 30.10.52. This is second message, containing the same
matter. Place it file please. Sd/ – 1.11.52


Letter from Mohammadullah, office-in-charge of EPAML, addressed to A.K.M. Fazlur Rahman, Secretary, Sub-divisional AML, Feni in which the writer attached a proposed tour program
of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 4 November 1952
True copy of a letter from Muhammadullah, office-in-charge, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca, dated 3.12.52

Page: 411
to Mr. A.K.M. Fazlur Rahman, Secretary, Sub-divisional Awami Muslim League, Feni.
Ref: A.M.L. 129 (12)52.
Dear Sir,
We have much pleasure to inform you that the proposed tour programme will commence from the 7th of Dec.,’52 and the meeting at Feni will be held on 9.12.52. Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the G.S. will be accompanied by Prof. Qazi Quamaruzzaman, Mr. Rafiqul Hossain and Prof. Kharul Bashar. The tour programme is attached herewith.
Yours faithfully, Sd/-Mohammadullah,
News items:- Janab Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the General Secy., E.P.A.M. League in company with Prof. Qazi Quamaruzzaman, Mr. Rafiqul Hossain and Prof. Abul Khairual Bashar will proceed on a tour on 5.12.52 covering the Dist. of Tippera and Noakhali.
Tour programme.
Departure. from Dacca … at Comilla
Comilla 2 P.M
7th Dec.’52 Halt 7th and 8th 8.12.52. … Halt…..9th 9.12.52. Halt 10th 11.12.52. ..
Comilla (night)… at Feni Feni (night) … at Maijdi. Departure from Maijdi for
Sd/- (Illegible)

Page: 412


Paper clipping of the Morning News’ mentioned about criticism made by Lahore edition of the Civil and Military Gazette on the statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as he supported Chinese
govt. policy.
Dacca, 4 November 1952 m.n. dt. 4/11
CRITICISED The Lahore edition of the Civil & Military Gazette has criticised editorially the statement made by the General Secretary East Pakistan Jinnah Awami League, Mr. Mujibur Rahman, a delegate to the so-called Peace Conference at Peking, that “the people of China were wedded to world peace” and that Muslims in China, oppressed under Kuomintang regime, were receiving friendly treatment.
The paper said: “It is preposterous for a man who perhaps never stepped
he corporation limits of Peking to pronounce a verdict on what the Chinese people think and feel, specially when he does not know a word of Chinese … It is an insult to the basic ideology of this state whose citizenship Mr. Mijibur Rahman is abusing for false pro-communist propaganda to suggest that the future of humanity lies in the hands of that Godless immoral cult ….”
Side note: SS III, Perusal pl. may be placed in P.F of Mujibar Rahman,
Sd/ – 12.11

Page: 413


Extract from WCR of SP, DIB, Faridpur mentioned about an incident in connection with taking photograph of the students of QAM College48, Gopalganj with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 8 November 1952
Extract from W.C.R. of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Faridpur for the week ending 8.11.52.
At the request of Khan Badruddoza, Principal, QAM College, Gopalganj Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentioned) who came to Gopalganj on 30.10.52, visited the college the same day at about 10.30 hrs. and had tea with him. Seeing that Mujibur had a camera with him the students wanted him to take a photograph of the students. The principal, at first objected to this proposal but this was allowed by him and the photograph was duly taken. Soon after this the students insisted on having another group photograph with Mujibur and they did take this photograph ignoring the objection of the principal. It was at this time that the classes began and the principal served an order on Muhammad Ali Biswas (EPMSL.- s/o Abdul Majid of Borni, Gopalganj, Faridpur) and Imamuddin Sardar (EPMSL- s/o Ilem of Borfa, Gopalganj, Faridpur), both students of the 2nd years class, not to attend their class until further notice for taking lead in defiance of the order of the principal. As a protest against this order the students came out of their classes and assembled at a meeting inside the common room where they criticised the action of the principal. The principal ordered the students not to hold any meeting in the college premises whereupon the students got furious and wanted to assault him (principal) the situation was, however, averted by taking him (principal) away from the place. It was decided in the meeting to continue the strike until the principal was removed from the college
48. QAM College – Quad-e-Azam Memorial College was established in the year 1950 started asI.A. and I.Com (Higher Secondary) class. The first Principal of the College was Babu Pabitra Kumar Das Gupta. After the independence it was renamed as Bangabandhu College. The college was turned into a post graduate Government College in 1974 and renamed again as Government Bangabandhu College.

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and their grievances redressed. After the meeting the students numbering about 150 paraded the main thoroughfares of the town demonstrating their demands for the removal of the principal from the college. Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentioned) on receipt of this information saw the secretary of the College (Mv. FayekuzzamanML, Secy., ML, Gopalganj Subdivision) and demanded of him the redress their grievances. In the meantime the students’ procession reached the Secretary’s place and the Secretary having assured the students to look into their grievances, the processionists including Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentioned) left the place and held a meeting in front of the house of Mujibur. In this meeting Mujibur exhorted the students to continue their strike until their grievances as were redressed. Next day the college remained closed as it was a Friday. On that date a meeting of the governing body of the college was held which upheld the Order of the principal. This, all the more annoyed the students whereupon they decided not to sit for the present examination of the 2nd year class, which was to commence from 1.11.52 as a protest against this decision of Governing body. On 1.11.52 the Secretary (mentioned ) called Imamuddin Sarder (mentioned) and gave him an assurance that he will get the order of expulsion withdrawn against him and also save him from the case pending against him vide Gopalganj P.S. case No. 9(4) 52 u/s 7 of the EBPSO ( reported in my W.C.R. for w.e. 19.4.52 under head 8. Youth and Students Movement- (b) in case he sits for the examination along with other students. As a result of this Imamuddin Sardar sat for the examination along with other students with the exception of only Muhammad Ali Biswas (mentioned) and one Abdur Rahman (EPMSL) who was expelled just before the commencement of the examination.


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
mentioned about his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 8 November 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, reg. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca from 06.00 hrs. dated 7.11.52 to 06.00 hrs. dt. 8.11.52.

Page: 415
The following places visited by the suspect during the periods noted against each.
Present at his quarter

06.00 – 08.00 hrs. 11.50 – 13.50 hrs. 22.30 – 06.00 hrs. dt. 8.11.52. 08.10 – 08.20 hrs.

2. 101, Karkonbari
House of suspect
3. House of Dr. Miss. 08.55 – 09.05 hrs.
H.Sayed of Kakrail, Prof. of Medical
College, Dacca. 4. Iqball Hall
– 09.30 – 10.00 hrs. 5. Rest House, Ramna – 10.15-11.00 hrs. 6. Paramount Press at 9, – 11.10 – 11.15 hrs.
Hatkhola Road, 7. A.M.L. Office at – 11.30 – 11.40 hrs. 94, Nowabpur Road, – 17.45 – 18.00 hrs.
– 18.20 – 19.05 hrs.
Suspect Abdul Adud Patwari & some unknown person was present at A.M.L. office from 18.20 hrs. to 19.05 hrs.
8. He visited Airways

18.05 – 18.10 hrs.
9. 40, Agamassi Lane,
– 19.20 – 22.00 hrs.
10. At about 13.00 hrs. the suspect came out of his quarter and proceeded towards
Nawabpur Road, on the way at Johnson Road. He took a Rixkshaw, but the W/C could not shadow up to his destination, as the Cycle of W/C suddenly became disorder. Again he was noticed at 94, Nawabpur Road at 17.45 hrs.
Submitted, Sd/- T. Meher, S.I.

Page: 416
Side note: Extract to P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz., 10.11.
W/C has been asked to report where is this Airways Office? Enquiry is being made for 40, Agamassi Lane. Sd/- T. M. 8.11. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 10.11.


Extract from WCR of SP, DIB, Faridpur cited about arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Madaripur, secret meeting with local
AML leaders, his Madaripur PS case etc.
Faridpur, 8 November 1952
Extract from W.C.R. of the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for the week ending 8.11.52.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman (genl. Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League- s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur) arrived at Madaripur on 29.10.52 from Dacca enroute to Gopalganj. During his short stay in Madaripur he held a secret meeting at the house of Nurul Haq (AML s/o L. Wajed Ali of Aripara, Rajoir, Faridpur and of Madaripur town), Mukhtear and attended by (1) Abdul Mannan @ Tuni (A.M.L.-s/o Abul Hashem of Chargobindapur, Madaripur, Faridpur), (2) Shamsul Haq, Mukhtear ( AML-s/o Late Aijuddin of Andarchar Kalkini, Faridpur), (3) Asmat Ali Khan, B.A., Mukhtear (AML-s/o L. Abdul Jabbar of Housdi, Madaripur and of Madaripur town) (all accused of Madaripur P.S. Case No. 5(8)52 u/s. 7(3) of the EBPSO – vide this district W.C.R. for the w.e. 23.8.52, under head 3. Muslim revolutionary Groups) and Khundkar Abdul Hamid (AML-s/o Saijuddin of Charmugria, Madaripur, Faridpur), Secy. of the sub divisional Awami Muslim League, Madaripur and others. In this meeting he infused new blood among the workers of the A.M.L by declaring that Abdus Salam, M.A.,B.L. (A.M.L. – s/o

Page: 417
Abdul Latif of Bezra, Muksudpur, Faridpur and of Dacca), an Advocate of the Dacca High Court, would defend the Madaripur P.S. Case No. 5(8)52 u/s 7(3) of the EBPSO free of cost.
Side note: S.S. III. Perusal Pl. We know of the case against Asmat Ali and others. May the
Extract be placed in the P.F. of Mujibur Rahman and A.M.L File. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 15.11.52, Sd/- A. Hussain. 15.11.52


Asraf Ali Khan, Joint Secretary, Barisal district AML Organizing Committee sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer discussed on the organizational matters of district AML, suggestions to turn Ittefaq into a progressive news paper, famine
situation of Barisal etc.
Barisal, 10 November 1952
7 Wise House
DACCA: The 10.XI.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Asraf Ali Khan, Joint Secratary District Awami Muslim League Organising Committee, Brown quarters, Barisal. Sk. Majibur Rahman. 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca. Bengali 4.X1.52. illigeble
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal

Page: 418
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
: G.P.2. Dacca. : ৭.X.52 : A.S.I. Md. Ibrahim
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept
: x : Delivered. : Copy kept.
or not
12. Number and date of Government : Casual.
order authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Ashraf Ali Khan of Dist. A.M.L. Barisal writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, 94, Nawabpur Rd, Dacca reg. organisational matters of the party,
Sd/- 10.11.52
Place copy in file. Sd/- 10.11.52
Copy of a Bengali letter dated 4.X1.52 from Asraf Ali Khan, Joint Secretary District Awami Muslim League organising committee, Brown quarters Barisal to Sk. Majibar Rahman 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
My Dear Majibar Bhai,
আমার ছালাম নিবেন। আশা করি কুশলেই আছেন। যদিও আমাদের সেক্রেটারী সাহেবর মারফত এখানকার আওয়ামীলীগের কার্যাবলী ওয়াকেফহাল আছেন তবুও কয়েকটা বিষয় আলােচনা করার জন্য একখানা পত্র দিলাম। আমাদের এখানে মহকুমা কমিটি বেশ শক্তিশালী হয়েছে। এখন মহকুমায় পুঃনtour দেবারPrograme করেছি।Sadar, South, North & citg অল্প দিনের ভিতর কয়েকটাwaportant থানা ঘুরে এসে কমিটি করে ফেলব। তার পরইDistrict election শেষ করার ইচ্ছা রাখি। আপনার ওখানে কোন মাসের ভিতরElection করতে চান।

Page: 419
বর্তমানে দেখা যাচ্ছে কয়েকটা ছােট দল ঐক্য ফ্রন্ট করার জন্য খুবই ব্যস্থ হয়ে। পড়েছেন। আমার ক্ষুদ্র বিবেচনায় এবং ক্ষুদ্র দূরদৃষ্টিতে মনে হয় ঐক্য ফ্রন্ট করার কোন দরকার নেই এখন। কারণ সত্যিকারের ইসলামিক আদলে অনুপ্রানিত হয়ে আমাদেরOrganisation এর কাজ যেরূপ হয়েছে তাতে অন্য কোন দল দাড়াইবার স্থান পাবে বলে মনে হয় না। কাজেই কয়েকটা লােক দিয়া নামে মাত্র রাজনৈতিক দল গঠন করলেই ঐক্য ফন্ট করার দরকার হইয়া পড়ে। এই সমস্ত লােকের জনসাধারণের উপর মােটেই হাত নেই।Specially বরিশালেরYouth League & Democratic Party’র উপর জনসাধারণের এবং Intelligent class এর মােটেই বিশ্বাস নেই। কারণ এতদিন এরাGovt. এর.B. র কাজ থেকে আরম্ভ করে মানুষ খুন করা পর্যন্ত কোনটাই বাদ দেয় নাই। এদের আদর্শ বলতে কোন জিনিষ নেই। বা জনসাধারণের কল্যাণ করারও সেরূপ কিছু নেই। শুধু স্বার্থ নিয়া বিবেচনা করেন। আমার মতেQuantitg’র চাইতেQuality অনেক ভাল হাজার গুনে। জানিনা আপনাদের কিমত। আমার মতে আমরা আমাদের আদর্শ প্রচার করে যাব। যদি শক্তিশালী দল পরে দেখা যায় তখন ঐক্য ফন্ট নিয়া চিন্তা করবাে। ওদের অবস্থা খুবই খারাপ হয়ে পড়েছে। বরিশাল শহর ছাড়া অন্য কোথাও সভা সমিতি করতে বের হয় না। বরিশালেই কয়েকটা লােক আছেন। যাক এ বিষয়ে আপনার চিন্তা ধারা আর আমার চিন্তা ধারা কিরূপ আলােচনার জন্য লিখলাম। আমরা একটুকু শক্ত হয়ে থাকলে মনে হয় আম্মামীলীগে যােগদিতে বাধ্য হইবে। ওদের যােগ দেয়া ছাড়া অন্য কোন পথ নেই।
অদ্য ইত্তেফাকে দেখলাম বরিশালে হক সাহেবের সভায় মহিউদ্দিন নাকি বক্তৃতা করেছেন। কাগজে লিখিছে। কিন্তু ইহা একদম মিথ্যা। হক সাহেব একাই বক্তৃতা দিয়াছেন। অন্য কোন দলের কাউকে বলতে দেয়া হয় নাই। এইরূপ মিথ্যা খবর দেখায় ইভেফাক সম্বন্ধে বেশ সমালােচনা হয়েছে। কারণ প্রগতিশীল কাগজে এরূপ মিথ্যা খবর দেখায় সমালােচনার খােরাক মিলে। তাই আপনিEditor সাহেবকে বলবেন আমাদের সেক্রেটারী সাহেবের মারফত বা নিজস্ব কর্মীর মারফত খবর নেয়া দরকার। বােধ হয় এরূপ মিথ্যা সংবাদ আলী আশরাফ দিয়াছেন। মিথ্যা খবরে আমাদের কাগজের বদনাম হয় এবং আমাদের অনেক সমালােচনার ভিতর পড়তে হয়। বরিশালের অবস্থ্যFawine খুবই খারাপ হয়ে পড়েছে। আপনি আতাউর রহমান সাহেব বা সালাম সাহেব একবার এখানে আসলে খুবই ভাল হয়। আমার শরীর এক প্রকার আছে। দেয়া করবেন। সময় কম তাড়াতাড়ি লিখলাম। বিস্তারিত পরে লিখব আপনার পত্র পেলে।
Sd/- আশরাফ আলি খাঁ। জয়েন্ট সেক্রেটারী আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগ,
অর্গানাইজিং কিমিটি।

Page: 420


Précis of the confidential report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
mentioned his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 10 November 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, reg. Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca, from 06.00 to 06.00 hrs. dated 8/9.11.52.
The suspect visited the following places during the time noted against each.
1. He was present at
his Qtr.
– 06.00 to 08.45 hrs.
13.15 to 16.30”. 21.10 to 06.00”
At about 08.45 hrs. the suspect left his Qtr. on the way at Johnson Rd. He availed town Service Bus. The W/C. could not be able to shadow him in the Bus with his Cycle. So the places visited by the suspect could not be ascertained.
dated 9.11.52.
2. A.M.L. office,
– 10.50 to 12.00 hrs.
– 17.05 – 19.30 hrs.
94, Nawabpur Road,
3. Bar Library

12.10 to 13.00 hrs.
4. S.M. Hall, Ramna, – 20.15 to 20.30 hrs.
Submitted. Sd/- T. Meher, S.I.
Side note: D.S. VI. for favour of perusal. Sd/- A. Razzak, olc. 10.11
To P.F. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 10.11
Chapter 11 – 1952

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Précis on the confidential report of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned his movements, visits and attending meeting in Dacca.
Dacca, 10 November 1952
Precis on the C.Rs, reg. Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, Dacca, from 06.00 hrs. to 06.00 hrs. 9/10.11.52., submitted by S.I. T. Mehar on 10.11.52.
The suspect visited the following places during the time noted against each. 1. He was present at his Qtr. – 06.00 – 07.55 hrs.
12.45 – 16.20 hrs.
20.35 – 06.00 hrs. 2. 16E, Ananda Bag – 08.30 – 08.35 hrs. 3. 23, Akhoy Das Lane, – 08.40 – 12.00 hrs. 4. District Board Office – 16.30 – 20.20 hrs.
He attended a meeting organised by the East Bengal Peace Committee to accord a reception to those who went to Peking Santi Sammelan including Sk. Mujibar Rahman. The meeting was held in the office of District Board, Dacca, about 100 men attended the meeting.
Side note: Enquiry is being made. Sd/- T. Meher, S.I. 10.11.52.
D.S. VI. Portion side lined may go in P.F, Sd/- A. Razzak. 10.11 Yes. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 10.11


Précis of the watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned
his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 12 November 1952
Precis on the Watch reports reg. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 10.11.52.

Page: 422
Dated 10.11.52.
At 08.30 hrs. the suspect went out of his qrs and visited A.M.L. Office, 61, Nawabpur Road, house of Manik Mia – an A.M.L. worker at Kamalapur and lastly Passport Office at Eden Building at 12.00 hrs.
(W.C. Syed Abul Mahmood while shadowing the suspect left him abruptly at Eden Building to inform his reliever W.C. Mohd. Abbas. In consequence the suspect was not found by the latter till the suspect returned to his qrs. at 21.30.
The W.C. concerned may explain. Sd/- 12/11.
Side note: D.S.VI for favour of perusal. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 12.11.52.
S.O: Pl. Contact Dacca D.I.B. and supplement the report. Sd – A. Razzak. o/c.12.11 Noted. Sd/-12.11 At 21.30, he returned to his quarters. Place in P.F. Seen. Put up the ex-planation of the W.C. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 12/11.


M.A. Aziz of Chittagong sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman cited about arrangement of meetings, expected visit of H.S. Suhrawardy in Chittagong, lack of funds etc.
Chittagong, 13 November 1952
The 13th November, 1952.
Memo. No. 8835 (2) /102-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
M.A. Aziz,
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
Shaik Majibur Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.L. 94, Nawabpur Road,
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
English. 10/11/52.

Page: 423
Postal Seal
ľ oo
Post office of interception
Chittagong G.P.O. Date of interception
: 10.11.52. Name of officer who can prove the
W.C. Saghir Ahmed Khan. interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. 12. Number and date of Government order : Casual Interception. authorising interception.
Security Sec. D.S.C,
Perusal pl. attached receipt. Names, if necessary may kindly be marked for indexing.
Sd /0.Ghani.
20.11.52. Copy/translation forwarded to :1) A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt.of police, I.B., E.B. Dacca for information. 2) S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police D.I.B., Dacca for information with a request to comment regarding the visit of Mr. Fazlul Huq to Chittagong.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
13.11.52 Dy.S.P.
For favour of perusal. The letter reveals that Mr. Suhrawardy will come on 16.11.52 but there is no certainty of Mr. Fazlul Haq’s visit. The writer asks the adıdressee to see that he should see that Mr. Fazlul Haq should visit. Copies to I.B. and D.I.B., Dacca for information with a request to comment regarding the visit of Mir. Fazlul Haq to Chittagong.
Sd/- Md. Yunus, D.I.O. (1) Ctg.
11.11.52. Si de note: As proposed. Sd/-A.Khaleque, Dy.S.P. Ctg. 11.11.52.

Page: 424
Copy of an English letter dated 10.11.52 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 10.11.52
From : M.A. Aziz. To : Shaik Majibur Rahman, Secretary E.P.A.L., 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
Postal seal of issue : Nil.
(Organising Committee)
122, Anderkillah dt.10.11.52.
President : S. Muzafar Ahmed
Secretary : M.A. Aziz
Treasurer: Amir Hussain Dovash.
My Dear Brother Majibur,
I have received your telegram and accordingly have made programme as under.
16th Morning at 3.20 A.M. Reception at the Rly. Station. 16th afternoon at 2 P.M. Public meeting at Laldighi Maidan. 17th after-noon at 2 P.M. Sitakunda Thana conference. 18th after-noon at 2 P.M. Double -Moorning Thana conference. 19th after-noon at 2 P.M. Fatikchari Thana conference.
Besides this we have arranged some other meetings also in other police stations the programme of which will be announced after.
Ataur Rahman Sahib has informed us that Sahid sb. is definitely coming and there is no surety of Fazlul Huq Sb. It would have been very much beneficial for our party if you could bring Huq Sahib only for 16th though not more.
Any way I have circulated pamphlets and posters giving the names of all. I am really sorry not to the news of your having tour in Chittagong in the “Ittefaq”. Any way please see that my programme finds place in all possible News papers of Dacca. This is very important.

Page: 425
Brother you know under what difficulty … (missing from the original document due to page damage) work and more other rich people are not paying us …(missing from the original document due to page damage) penny. We are to manage everything from the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) very limited friends. In no case
the number of …(missing from the original document due to page damage) be more than 7.
Because we are short of fund and …(missing from the original document due to page damage) we have no house to accommodate them. We are to … (missing from the original document
due to page damage) in a hotel. So from economic point of views I hope …(missing from
the original document due to page damage) understand my difficulty. Awaiting reply.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- M.A. Aziz Secretary.


DIO report of Kushtia wherein mentioned about Muzammel Haq, office secretary of AML, Kushtia as an active member tried to form branch committees, secret meeting of Bidi workers etc.
Kushtia, 13 November 1952
Copy of D.I.O’s report dated 5-11-52.
The writer Muzammel Haq (Office Secy. Awami Muslim League, Kushtia Branch) son of late Anisuddin of Kutipara, Kushtia Town is the only active member of the Awami Muslim League in the District. For some times past he was trying to form Branch Committees in other sub-divisions. About a month back, he visited Meherpur and Chuadanga sub-divisions to organise Branch Committees of the party there but he had to come back disappointed as he got no support from the local people.
On the afternoon of 29-10-52 at instance of Muzammel Haq (memtioned) a secret meeting of the Bidi workers of Kushtia Town was held in the go down of Ghana Shyam Das Agarwalla of Kushtia Town. Muzammel Haq (mentioned) presided over the meeting. In the meeting a Bidi Workers Union, Kushtia

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Branch was formed with 7 member :- Qazi Kafiluddin Ahmed (President, A.M.L. Kushtia Branch) son of late Refaitullah of Kushtia town and Muzammel Haq (mentioned) were selected President and General secretary of the party respectively.
Muzammel Haq (mentioned) it is learnt, is now trying to organise the rickshaw Paddlers Union at Kushtia Town. It is yet to be seen how far he succeeds in his
No marked activity of the party in the mufassil area has yet come to our notice.
District Intelligence Branch Kushtia, the 13th Nov., 1952
5630 No. 237661 74-49(1).
Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Special Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, for favour of information in reference to No. 16341/606-48(1) Sec. dated 30-10-52.
Sd/ -13.12.52
(M.L. Haq) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B. Kushtia.


Précis of the watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned
his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 13 November 1952 Precis on the watch reports reg. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Road, Dacca.
Dated 11.11.52. He visited 11, Becharam Dewry at 08.45 hrs., A.M.L. Office at 10.30 hrs. & 7, Bhagabati Banarjee Lane (house of Manik Mia). He came out along with Manik Mia at 15.10 hrs. and visited 9, Hatkhola Road (Paramount Press) there from they went

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to Passport Office and then went to Ramna Rest House at 17.20 hrs. (W.C. Golam Solaiman left the suspect at Rest House and went to inform his reliever. As a result when his reliever went to Rest House, he did not find the suspect there.)*
18.00 hrs. he was found at A.M.L. Office where at about 20.00 hrs. Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Ali Aksad and Abdur Rahim Muktear arrived by Car No. 2556 (Ataur Rahman’s car) and entered into A.M.L. Office.
21.05 Sk. Mujibar Rahman along with Khairul Bashar, Aziz Ahmed and Abdur Rahim Muktear left the A.M.L. Office. The former returned to his qrs at 21.20 and the latters left for their destinations.
Side note: The W.C. may explain for. Sd – 13.11 Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 13.11.
Submitted to D.S. VI for favour of perusal. Extract may go in P.F. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C 13.11. Sd/- A. N.M. Waheed. 13.11.


Extract from SWR mentioned a letter sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Nurur Rahman, President, district AML of Sylhet containing information of H.S. Suhrahwardy’s visit to Sylhet.
Dacca, 13 November 1952
Ext. From the S.W.R. of Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Sylhet. (Week ending 13.11.52).
Part IV-(ii) B. (a) Activities of the Muslims who are opposed to the Muslim League.
In a letter dated 10.11.52 from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, E.P. Awami Muslim League, Dacca to Nurur Rahman, President, District A. M. L. , Sylhet noticed in the post at Sylhet on 12.11.52, the writer informs the addressee about the visit of Mr. Surahwardy, to Sylhet on 19.11.52, when he will address a public meeting. The addressee has been asked to arrange accordingly and confirm it by wire to Chittagong where Mr. Surahwardy will address a meeting on 16.11.52.
(Note – I.B. has been asked to send Govt. Reporters to Sylhet on 19.11.52.) Side note: Ext. to file. Sd/-A. Hafiz, 26.11
Forwarded to office for NA. Pl. Sd/- 28.11.52

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Précis of the watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned
his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 15 November 1952
Precis on the watch reports reg. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 13.11.52,
At 09.30 hrs. – The suspect went to the residence of Mr. Asghar Ali Shah at 1,
Minto Road, and therefrom he left along with Mr. Asghar Ali
Shah in the latters Car. At 13.30 hrs. – He returned to his quarters. At 15.30 hrs. – He went to 9, Hatkhola Lane (Paramount Press) then to 58,
Kolutola Lane, the house of Badsha Mia. At 17.00 hrs. – He came to A.M.L Office and then went to 101, Nasiruddin Sardar
Lane, the house of suspect Mohiuddin (Y.L) and returned to
A.M.L Office at 18.00 hrs. Then Ali Amjad Khan, Advocate, Abdur Rahim, Muktear, Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Abdul Aziz and Prof. Khairul Bashar, entered into the A.M.L. Office on after another between 18.00 to 19.00 hrs, and left after 20.30 hrs.
At 21.45 hrs. – Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to his quarter.
Sd/- Illegible
Side note:
D.S. VI for favour of perusal. Extract may go in P. Fs, concerned., Sd – A. Razzak, 15/11. .Sd/- A. Hafiz. 15.11.


Précis of the watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned
his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 15 November 1952
Precis on the watch reports regarding suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Road, Dacca.

Page: 429
Dt. 14.11.52.
08.45 hrs. – He went to the Bunglow of Mr. Asghar Ali Shah at 1, Minto Road,
therefrom he went to Passport Office and then to A.M.L. Office. 11.55 hrs. – He went to 9, Hatkhola Road – the Paramount Press where Mohd.
Emadullah of Youth League, subsequently joined him. 12.15 hrs. – Both came out of the place and proceeded up to Thathari Bazar
where they separated. On the way Sk. Mujibar visited 61, Nawabpur Road (Green & White Ltd.) before returning to his quarter at 13.30 hrs.
14.10 hrs. – He visited 101, Nasiruddin Sardar Lane, the house of Mohiuddin
(Y.L.) and came out at 16.00 hrs, along with Manik Miah (A.M.L)
and went to District Board Hall. He came out alone. 16.45 hrs. – He visited 42 & 43 Juginagar Lane, (Youth League Office) where he
went with Mohd. Emadullah (Y.L). He returned to A.M.L. Office. 19.15 hrs. – He left A.M.L. Office and went to 25, Swarighat, the house of Ataur
Rahman Khan where he remained till 21.15 hrs.
He then went to Iqbal Hall. Leaving the same at 22.30 hrs. he returned to his quarters at about 23.10 hrs.
Sd/- S.I. 15.11
Side note: D.S. VI, for favour of perusal. Copies of relevant portions may go in the P.Fs,
concerned. Sd/- A. Razzak. 18.11. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 18.11.


Précis on the watch report of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman mentioned
his movements and visits in Dacca.
Dacca, 15 November 1952
Precis on the watch reports reg. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman of 71, Radhika Mohan Basak Lane, dated 13.11.52.
At 08.40 hrs. –
The suspect went to the A.M.L. office, then went to the house of Abdus Salam, Advocate, therefrom he returned to A.M.L office at 10.15 hrs.

Page: 430
At 11.50 hrs. – He went to 101, Nasiruddin Sarder Lane, the house of
Mohiuddin (Y.L.), therefrom he returned to A.M.L. office at 16.10 hrs. Khairul Bashar, Abdul Wadud Patwari and Ataur Rahman Khan entered into the A.M.L office.
At 19.12 hrs. –
He visited Cafe Sheraz and then went to 101, Nasiruddin Sarder Lane, the house of Mohiuddin. He remained there till 20.30 hrs. and returned to his quarter.
Sd/- Illegible
Side note: D.S. VI for favour of perusal. Extract may go in P. Fs, concerned. Sd/-A. Razzak,
15/11. Sd – A. Hafiz. 15.11.
238 Telephone message mentioned about departure of H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with other leaders
from Dacca to Chittagong.
Dacca, 15 November 1952
Received at 22.20 hrs. Date : 15.11.52. From : S.I. M. Rahman & A.S.I. Syedur Rahman, I.B., Dacca. To : S.S. III, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Sk. Muzibur Rahman, Ataur Rahman, Manik Miah and others left for Chittagong by Up Chittagong Mail train at about 22.08 hrs. being shadowed by W/Cs. Munsher Ahamad, Syed Ahamed and Abbas Khan.
This is for your kind information.
Sd/- 15.11
Side note: To D.I.G. for favour of information. Sd/- A. Hussain, 16.11.52.
Seen. D.R. Sd/- A.K.M. Hafizuddin.17.11.52. Included in D.R. Sd/- M. Yusuf. 17.11.52.

Page: 431


Report on the arrival of H.S. Suhrawardy, President, AML at Tejgaon Airport, Dacca from Lahore.
Dacca, 16 November 1952
Copy of report submitted by T. Meher, S.I. of I.B., E.B. Dacca dated 16.11.52, regarding Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, President, Awami Muslim League.
On 15.11.52 at about 18.00 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, President of A.M.L. arrived Tejgaon Airport by Lahore Plane. He was received and garlanded by the following A.M.L. workers at the Airport. 1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, 2. Ali Amzad49, Advocate, 3. Ataur Rahman, Advocate, 4. Abdul Wahab (representative of Statesman). 5. Manik Miah, 6. Ali Ahmad, M.L.A. 7. Prof. Kazi Kamruzzaman, 8. Abdul Awal of Narayanganj, 9. Abdur Rahim, Mukhtear, 10. Abdus Salam, Advocate, 11. Serajul Haque, 12. Rafiqul Islam, 13. Nurul Haque Chaudhuri, 14. Muhammadullah (Prof. Khairul Bashar is mistake for Muhammadullah in
corporated in my telephone message given in this connection from Airport on 15.11.52.) and about 15 unknown persons including a few numbers of students.
Ali Amzad Khan – He practiced as a lawyer in Dhaka and Kolkata. He played a vital role to form Awami Muslim League latter Awami League and was the founding Vice-President. He left Awami League on difference of political opinion. At last he took part in the politics introduced by Ayub Khan.

At about 18.30 hrs. Mr. Suhrawardy left the Airport by car No. 2820 accompanied by the above noted persons towards the Dacca City. He was followed by the following Cars No. EBD- 2071, EBD- 2899/B., EBD-903, EBD-2556 and EBD-3187.
At about 18.45 hrs. Mr. Suhrawardy went to the residence of Ali Amzad, Advocate, of 16, Joynag Road, Dacca, along with the said persons and held a secret meeting there. As there was no access for the public, particulars of the meeting could not be collected.
At about 21.00 hrs. almost all the persons left the said house leaving Mr. Suhrawardy and other few persons. At about 21.45 hrs. Mr. Suhrawardy left the house of Ali Amzad for Dacca Rly. Station along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman and Ali Amzad.
At about 22.08 hrs. on 15.11.52, Mr. Suhrawardy along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Ataur Rahman, Manik Miah and 3 others left Dacca Rly. Station for Chittagong by up Chittagong Mail being shadowed by S.I. Nurul Haque, W/C. Mansur Ahmad, W/C. Syed Ahmad and (W/C Abbas Ali Khan for Sk. Mujibar Rahman). I along with S.I. M.R. Dewan, A.S.I. Hyder Ali Talukder, W/C Muzzaffar Ahmad, W/C Ghulam Soleman, W/C Akhiluddin, W/C Munshi Abdur Rezzak and W/C Mukshed Ali Molla, performed the duty.


Report of SP, DIB, Chittagong on the visit of H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders in Chittagong those who attended public meeting and delivered speeches criticizing
ML government, demanding release of all security prisoners, holding immediate general election, inclusion of Bengali as one of
the state languages of Pakistan etc.
Chittagong, 16 November 1952 Report regarding the visit of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and other Awami League leaders to Chittagong on 16.11.52.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy accompanied by Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, Dacca Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, E.P.A.M.L., Tafazzul Hussain @ Manik Miya,

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Editor. Ittefak arrived at Chittagong on 16.11.52 at 08.00 hrs. by the Dacca Mail. At the Chittagong railway station he was received by about 100 persons (members and supporters of the A.M.L.) including the following:
1. Muzaffar Ahmad, President, Chittagong Dist. A.M.L. 2. Md. Abdul Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong Dist. A.M.L. 3. Moulana Abdur Rahman, Asstt. Secy. Chittagong Dist. A.M.L. 4. Azizur Rahman, Publicity Secretary,
-do5. A.K.M. Abu Taher, Member
-do6. Zahur Ahmad Choudhrui, Asstt. Secy. E.P. Federation of Labour.
He was garlanded by Muzaffar Ahmad and welcome with shouts of Awami Muslim League Zindabad, Sahid Suhrawardy Zindabad, Azad Pakistan Zindabad etc.
They are staying at Wallace Hotel, station road, Chittagong. A Public meeting organised by A.M.L. and attended by about 5000 persons was held at Laldigi Park, Chittagong on 16.11.52 evening with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy in the chair. The following amongst others were the speakers: –
1. Zahur Ahmad Choudhury
Abdul Jabber Khaddar
Abdul Aziz 4. Ataur Rahman Khan 5. Mujibur Rahman
All the speakers in their usual tone criticised the Muslim League and the Muslim League Govt. and their policy with regard to food, education etc., and demanded the unconditional release of Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani. Mr. Suhrawardy in course of his speech pointed out the shortcomings of the present Muslim league Govt. and alleged that it is full of favouritism, nepotism and corruption. He criticised the Chief Minister of the N.W.F. Province and characterised him as a bully and not a strong man. He stated that both the people of East and West Pakistan have no confidence in Hon’ble AL-Haj Khawja Nazim Uddin. He cited instances in which Muslim League members were shown undue favour with regard to distribution of land and factories left behind by the Hindus in West Pakistan especially at Bhawalpur State. Referring to the recent Muslim League
e at Lyalpur Mr. Suhrawardy alleged that the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan as the President of the Pak. Muslim League spent Govt. money in

Page: 434
connection with the conference and remarked that for this he is liable for prosecution u/s. 409 P.P.C. He said that the Public Safety Acts cannot prevent the people from making agitation the alleged inefficiency of the Ministry. The people will continue the agitation and they are ready to see how many jails are constructed for detaining them. He also dwelt on the Kashmir issue and said that it is practically lost to Pakistan.
Resolutions were passed in the meeting demanding release of all security prisoners, immediate general election and inclusion of Bengal as one of the State Languages.
Dist. Intelligence Branch Chittagong, the 16th Nov. 52.
No. 8956. Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B., Dacca.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,


Report on the visit of H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
and other AL leaders in Chittagong.
Dacca, 16 November 1952 Report on the activities of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, during his visit of Chittagong on 16.11.52.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Acting Secretary of the Awami Muslim League, Moulvi Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Tofazzal Hussain @ Manik Miyan reached Chittagong from Dacca on 16.11.52 by train. At Feni Railway Station, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy enquired from some of the people at Feni R/S platform the current prices of the essential commodities viz. Rice, Paddy etc. He was told that the rice was being sold on Rs. 22/- per md.

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2 About 30/40 people were found to come before the compartment in which Mr. Suhrawardy and others were traveling with a view to give him reception. These people were headed by Mvi. Abdul Jobbar Khadder, Prominent Awami Muslim League worker of Feni. Slogans such as “Shurawardy Zindabad” “Pakistan Zindabad” “Nizam-e-Islam” etc. were shouted. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman also addressed the gathering by saying that the Govt. had detained Moulana Bhasani, the President of the Awami Muslim League wrongfully and had not provided proper facilities for his treatment. He asserted that Awami Muslim League was a better organisation than the Muslim League and it was the former which could root out the corruption and nepotism etc. prevailing in the country. He further gave out that he as well as other A.M.L. leaders would pay a visit to Feni again in the near future when they would be able to explain fully he stand of the Awami Muslim League Party.
Moulvi Abdul Jobbar Khadder got himself entertained in the same compartment and came to Chittagong owing with the party.
At Pahartali R.S. a group of Awami Muslim League supporters numbering about 20/25 went towards Mr. Suhrawardy’s compartment and shouted usual slogans. Most of them came to Chittagong from pahartali in the same train. About 100 A.M.L supporters received Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at Chittagong R.S. The prominent amongst them were Zahour Ahmad Choudhuri, Azizur Rahman, President, Chittagong Dist. A.M.L., used slogans were shouted at the time.
Afterwards the party proceeded towards Wallace Hotel and halted there.
A meeting of the Awami Muslim League was held at Laldighir Maidan, Chittagong town, under the presidency of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. The meeting started from 3 P.M. and continued till 8.30 P.M. with a break for 45 minutes for prayer. The number of the audience will be about 5000. The following were the speakers in the meeting.
(1) Sirajul Islam. (2) Johur Ahmad Choudhuri of Chittagong. (3) Abdul Jobbar Khadder of Feni, Noakhali. (4) Kari Shamsul Hoq of do. (5) Abdul Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong Dist. A.M.L. (6) Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate. (7) Tofazzal Husain @ Manik Miya. (8) Sk. Mujibar Rahman. (9) H.S. Suhrawardy.

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Sirajul Islam stated that in his speech that Pakistan has been achieved since 5 years but no improvement of the condition of the people took places. He criticised the Muslim League and the Muslim League Govt.
Zahur Ahmed Choudhuri50 stated that the present Govt. was imperialistic in character and its repressive policy towards the people in general was fully evident now. He asked the audience to join the Awami Muslim League, which could only solve the various problems of the country. He wanted the down-fall of the Muslim League. Side note: S.S. III.
Perusal Pl. Report of Insp. Waheed regarding the activities of Mr. Suhrawardy and his party during their journey from Dacca to Chittagong and proceedings of public meeting at Laldighi on 16.11.52
May be considered for D.R.
Ext. may be placed in P.F. of the Suhrawardy & A.M.L. file.
D.I.G. may like to see. Sd – A. Hafiz. 17.11.52, Sd/- A. Hussain, 17.11.
Included in D.R. Sd- M. Yusuff, 17.11.
D/R. Sd- A.K.M.H. 17.11.
Abdul Jobbar Khaddar stated that some of the Dists of East Bengal were facing famine. He mentioned the names of the Dists. of Khulna, Barisal etc. The independence which had been achieved was not the real independence. Economic freedom was still to be achieved. He urged the audience to join A.M.L.
Kazi Shamsul Huq and Abdul Aziz spoke the same line,
Ataur Rahman, Advocate, vehemently criticised both Muslim League and the Govt. saying that in the educational, economic, spheres etc. of the country, no improvement took place, the Govt. was responsible for all the evils prevailing in the country. He referred to his Peking experience and urged the audience to follow their examples. He also wanted the downfall of the Muslim League.
50. Zahur Ahmed Choudhury (1916-1974) – Zahur Ahmad Chowdhury was born in Chittagong in 1916. He studied in Calcutta Islamia College. He joined the All-India Muslim League in 1940. He was one of the founding members Awami Muslim League in 1949. He was a labour activist and was the Assistant Secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Federation. He was active in the Language Movement. In 1954 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly from the United Front representing Chittagong centre. He supported the Six-Point Movement and was imprisoned for it. He rendered a remarkable contribution in the Independent Movement of this country.

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Tofazzal Hosain @ Manik Miyan referred to the detention of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani stating that his condition was bad in Medical College Hospital. He urged the audience to agitate for the release of Moulana Bhasani and other security prisoners.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman condemned the Govt. by stating that under its control, the country was in the verge of ruin. The Govt. wrongly had detained Maulana Bhasani for whose past work the Dist. of Sylhet had fallen within Pakistan. He criticised the Jute, educational, economic policies of the Govt. He also mentioned of the high handedness on the part of a Police Sergeant towards a school boy within the compound of a school in Chittagong town and demanded its enquiry by the Magistrate and Superintendent of Police. He referred to the last Police firing on the students for taking part in the Language movement. He explained the progress made by the people of China to the audience. He urged the people to join the A.M.L.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy stated that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Hon’ble Mr. Nazimuddin had lost faith of the people of both wings of Pakistan.
During his regime, the prices of essential commodities had risen. He dwelt at length the condition in West Pakistan, specially the high prices of wheat, official interference during the last election in that part of Pakistan. He mainly attacked in his speech Hon’ble Mr. Nazimuddin and Hon’ble Mr. Abdul Quyum Khan. He continued to state that being president of the Muslim League, Hon’ble Khwaja Nazimuddin should not have spent Govt. money for Muslim League Conferences, an act liable to be prosecuted u/s. 409 I.P.C. He advocated that Bengali shall be one of the state languages of Pakistan and deprecated the idea of taking so much protection measures for the Prime Minister of Pakistan who according to him was seen to make speeches in public meeting behind the steel made curtain and heavy Police protection. He urged the audience to ignore Public Safety Act and to go on fighting for the right cause without being afraid for going to jail. He further said that Kashmir had been lost due to the bungling of the Govt. of Pakistan.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy is expected to address 4 meetings, one at Kumira, one at Nazirhat, one at Pahartali and another at Pathantoli. He is likely to leave Chittagong for Sylhet on 19.11.52.
The municipal election case for which he came to Chittagong was adjornured. The following resolutions were adopted in the above said meeting (meeting held at Laldighi on 16.11.52.)

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The meeting demanded 1) release of Moulana Bhasani and all other political prisoners, demanded 2) return of the houses of the evicted people of Chittagong and adequate compensation for them as soon as possible, demanded (3) Urdu and Bengali as the state languages of Pakistan, (4) representation of East Bengalees in the Central Legislature on the basis of population, (5) Condemning the action of the political parties in West Bengal to observe East Bengal Day (6) expressing no confidence in the M.L.As elected in 1946 and (7) demanding early election in Provincial Legislature.
Sd/- A.N.M. Waheed Inspector, I.B.


G.M. Sayed of Karachi sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer focused on an association known as “Pak-Soviet Cultural Association and requested Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to
serve on the ad-hoc committee of the association.
Karachi, 17 November 1952
DACCA; The 17.11.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
: G.M. Sayed, 126, Hyder
Manzil, Muslim Colony, Bunder road Extention, Karachi-5. Majibur Rahman, Esq. General Secy, Awami Muslim League, Dacca. (East Bengal).
To (with address)

Page: 439
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
5. 6.
: English.
14.11.52 : Karachi. : G.P.O. DA : 17.11.52 : Delwar Hossain, S.I.
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
: No.
9. 10.
: Submitted to office
with original. : Copy kept. : Casual.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not 12. Number and date of Government order
authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to D.S. II/VI
Security Section G.M. Sayed writes from Karachi to Sk. Mujibar Rahman Genl. Secy. A.M.L, E.P. Dacca reg. the functioning of ‘Pak-Soviet Cultural Association’ with request to remain in the ad-Hoc Committee of the Assn. & circulation of the views of the Assn. here amongst willing cooperation. Forwards pl. reg. the disposal of the original letter.
Sd/ – 17.11.52
Side note: Copy below for E.R. to remove pl. Sd/ – 21.11.52.
SSI may kindly see Pak-Soviet Cultural Association is functioning at Karachi. Copy may be forwarded to C.I.D. Karachi. To pl. report about their organisation. Together with the names of the members of Ad-Hoc committee. Gist may be considered for inclusion in F.R. The letter may pass. DS VI may like to see. Sd/ – 17.11 As proposed. Copy to steno for DR. Sd/ – 17.11 Delivered. 17.11

Page: 440
True copy of an English letter dt. 14.11.52.
From : G.M. Sayed, 126, Hyder Manzil Muslim Colony, Bunder road
Extension, Karachi-5. TO : Mujibur Rahaman Esq. General Secy. Awami Muslim League,
Dacca (East Bengal). Intercepted at G.P.O on 17.11.52.
My Dear Mujibur Rahaman,
You may, perhaps, be knowing that with a view to establishing and maintaining ties of friendship and goodwill based upon human sympathy and cultural understanding between the peoples of the Soviet Union and Pakistan, an association known as Pak-Soviet Cultural Association has been functioning for some time part with its Head Quarters at Karachi.
In order further to activise the association towards achieving its noble objections more successfully, it has now been realized that an adHoc committee consisting of a few prominent men of good-will throughout Pakistan, should set up for reorganizing the Association, and formulating an appropriate programme for its build up throughout Pakistan.
May I therefore request you kindly to give your esteemed consent to serve on this ad-Hoc committee. I am sure no one is more conscious of the necessity of such a measure in the interests of human understanding and world peace than your good self.
I will be further obliged if you kindly arrange to convey the accompanying message to other friends in your Province who may be willing to cooperate with us in this noble venture.
With greetings.
I am yours sd/ – G.M. Sayed.

Page: 441


A.K. Mujibur Rahman of Bogra wrote a letter to the editor, Ittefaq wherein the writer mentioned an important meeting of Bogra
Awami League held in connection with the food situation.
Bogra, 17 November 1952
7, Wise Ghat Road,
DACCA; The 17.X1.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: A.K. Majibur Rahman,
Secretary, Town Awami
Muslim League, Bogra. To (with address)
The Editor, “Ittafak”94,
Nawabpur Road, Dacca. Language of letter
Bengali. Date of letter
: 15.11.52 Postal Seal
Bogra – 15.11.52. Post office of interception
G.P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
17.xi. 52. Name of officer who can prove the : Karamat Ali Bhuiyan, interception
ASI Whether photographed or not
: No. Whether withheld or delivered
Delivered. If delivered, whether copy kept or not : Copy kept. Number and date of Government order : GO no. 1634 dt. 15.9.52. authorising interception.
11. 12.
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Secy. Town A.M.L., Bogra writes to the Editor, Ittefaq, Dacca reg. a meeting of the party on the 13th Nov. in which the food situation of the

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district and attempt for the visit of Mr. Suhrawardy there were discussed. Sd/- 17.11.52.
Side note: Has this not been included in WCR? Sd/ – a Hafiz. 17.11
Action taken vide NSP III, bottom.
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 15.11.52 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca. From, A.K. Majibur Rahman, Secy. Town Awami Muslim League, Bogra. To, The Editor “Ittefak”, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
“সিটি আয়ামী লীগের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সভা” জনাব,
আলিমুদ্দিন সাহেবের সভাপতিত্বে ১৩ই নভেম্বর বৃহস্পতিবার রাত্রি ৭. ঘাটিকায় বগুড়া সিটি আওয়ামীলীগের একটি গুরুত্বপুর্ন সভায় বর্তমান খাদ্য পরিস্থিতি সম্বন্ধে আলােচনা হয়। জনাব জহির উদ্দিন মােক্তার, জনাব কবিরাজ শেখ আব্দুল আজিজ , জনাব সিরাজুল ইসলাম ও জনাব এ.কে, মুজিবর রহমান সাহেব আলােচনার অংশ গ্রহণ করেন। জেলার বিভিন্ন অঞ্চল বিশেষ করিয়া পূৰ্ব্ব বগুড়ার সারিয়াকান্দি,ধনুট থানা, গাবতলী থানা, ও সদরের পূর্ধ্ব ও দক্ষিণ অঞ্চল ও সেরপুরের খামারকান্দি ও খানপুর ইউনিয়নে গৃহিত প্রস্তাবে দুস্থ জনগনের জন্য আবশ্যক পরিমান কৃষিলােন খয়রাতি সাহায্য দিবার জন্য সরকারের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষন করা হয়। অপর একটি প্রস্তাবে আগামী ডিসেম্বরে জনাব শহিদ সােরহ্লাদি সাহেব ও অন্যান্য আওয়ামীলীগের নেতৃবৃন্দের বগুড়ায় আনিবার জন্য জেলা ও সিটি লীগের যুক্ত শক্তিতে প্রস্ততি হইবার জন্য সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করা হয়। এবং বগুড়ার দুর্ভক্ষ প্রপীড়িত অঞ্চলের দুস্থজনগন যাহাতে কৃষিলােন ও খয়রাতি সাহায্য নিয়মিত ভাবে পায় তৎপ্রতি জেলা ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট সাহেবের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করা হয় ।
জনাব “ইত্তেফাক” সম্পাদক সাহেব দয়া করিয়া প্রেরিত প্রস্তাবগুলি আপনার কাগজে সত্ত্বর প্রকাশ করিলে বাধিত হইব।
ইতি –
Sd/ A.K. Majibur Rahman
Secretary, Town Awami Muslim League,

Page: 443
English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 15.11.52
From: A.K. Majibur Rahman, Secy, Town Awami Muslim League, Bogra. TO : The Editor, “Ittefaq” 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca.
“Important meeting of City Awami League”
An important meeting of Bogra Awami League was held on Thursday, the 13th November at 19-30 hours at Bogra city under the presidentship of Alimuddin Sb. in connection with the present food situation. Janab Jahiruddin Muktear, Janab Kabiraj Sheik Abdul Aziz, Janab Serajul Islam & Janab A.K. Mujibar Rahman took part on the discussion
The attention of the Govt. has been drawn in the resolution accepted in the localities specially Shariakandi, Eastern side of Bogra. Dhanut thana, Gabtali thana, the S/E Elakhas of Adab, Khamkerkandi of Sherpur & Khanpur union to give agricultural loan & money help to the distressed people of the elekhas mentioned above. In another resolution it was decided to bring Mr. Shahid Sarwardhy & others Awami Leaders at Bogra on December next & to combine both Dist. and City League into one power and the attraction is also drawn to the Dist Magistrate in which the distressed people of Bogra eleckhas get agricultural loan & money help.
Janab Editor Sb. “Ittefaq”. I shall be obliged if you kindly publish the above resolutions in your esteemed paper.
Sd/ – A.K. Majibur Rahaman
Secy. Town Awami Muslim League,

Page: 444


Report on the visit of H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other AML Leaders at Kumira and Pahartali wherein cited that the leaders spoke on Language Movement, acute economic crisis, abnormal income tax imposed on the people, nepotism and corruption, railway strike, price fall of jute and cotton, salt tax,
Public Safety Act etc.
Chittagong, 18 November 1952
Further report regarding visit of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and other Awami League Leaders for 17.11.52.
1. On 17.11.52 Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Sk. Mojibor Rahman, Ataur
Rahman Khan, Taffazal Husain @ Manik Miyan and Abdul Aziz, Secretary Chittagong District Awami Muslim League left Chittagong town for Kumira P.S. Sitakunda, by private car at 13.00 hrs. and arrived at 14.15 hrs. where they attended a public meeting organised by the Awami Muslim League with Ahmad Miyan Chaudhuri, President, Sitalpur Union Board, P.S. Sitakunda in the chair. About 600 persons attended this meeting. The following were the speakers:1. Abdul Aziz 2. Sk. Majibor Rahman 3. H.S. Suhrawardy. 4. President.
All the speakers in their usual tone criticised the Muslim League Ministry which according to them had failed to meet the demands of the people.
Abdul Aziz in course of his speech stated that after the achievement of Pakistan a few self-seekers who were once title holders and Nawabs had captured the ministry and are carrying on all sorts of oppression.
Sk. Majibur Rahman in course of his speech remarked that there is no Govt. on earth which perpetrates such oppression on the people as the Muslim League Govt. does. He also condemned in strong terms the police action at Dacca with the last language controversy movement. He condemned the Muslim League saying that it was an organisation to bluff the innocent people. He also criticised the jute and educational policy of the Muslim League Government.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy in course of his speech dwelt on the salt crisis in East Bengal, the preferential treatment shown to the Muslim Leaguers, abnormal fell in

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import and export duties leading to acute economic crisis in the country, the abnormal income tax imposed on the people and the nepotism and the corruption that are alleged to be prevalent in the Muslim League Govt. He urged the audience to join the Awami Muslim League which could save the country from destruction. 11. After the meeting at Kumira was over at 17.30 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and
his party drove in a car to Pahartali where a public meeting was held from 18.00 hrs. to 21.00 hrs. (17.11.52) at the instance of the Pahartali branch of the K.P.R.E.L. with Burhan uddin a clerk of the office of the D.M.E.K.B.Rly. Pahartali in the chair. They were received with shouts of ‘Suhrawardy Zindabad Sk. Majibor Rahman Zindabad ‘Ataur Rahman Zindabad’ and “Peking’ peace Conference Zindabad. About 2,000 persons attended the meeting. The following were the speakers :1. Suja Miyan, Driver, EB. Rly Pahartali.
Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri. 3. Sk. Majibar Rahman.
Ataur Rahman Khan. 5. Taffazal Hussain @ Manik Miyan. 6. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy. 7. President.
Suja Miyan in course of his speech narrated the various grievances of the Railway employees and characterised the Government as “ZALIM SARKAR”. He cited the instance of the alleged injustices of the Railway Administration towards the Rly. employees referring to the Government order suspending the ‘house rent’ of the local Rly. employees and the discharge of one driver by a Rly. official, for not carrying out the illegal order of the latter.
Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri bitterly criticised the policy of the Govt. refering to the proposed Rly. strike. He stated that the wave of the strike was changed by His Excellency the the Governor of East Bengal when the employees were detrained to go on strike. Now these Railway employees are not getting justice from the Govt. He alleged that the present Ministry has leased out some places in Pakistan to be used as bases of U.S.A. Army. He also criticised Hon’ble Alhaj Khawaja Nazim
n saying that during the communal disturbances in Calcutta Alhaj Khawaza Nazimuddin left Calcutta for Dacca while Mr. Suhrawardy was touring all over Bengal, to maintain communal harmony. He dubbed Alhaj Khawaja Nazimuddin as CHIANG KAI SHIK and observed that the Muslim League would be sent to the grave and a new Government established in Pakistan.
Sk. Majibur Rahman in course of his speech said that during five years of Muslim League rule no change in the rules and laws of Pakistan has been made. He criticised the Government policy in detaining Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani.

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Lastly he urged upon the audience to be united and to start a movement against the present Government with a view to establishing a new Government where people could live in peace and happiness.
Ataur Rahman Khan and Taffazul Hossain in course of their speeches dwelt on the happy and prosperous condition in China which they recently visited.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy in course of his speech criticised the policy of the Nazimuddin Govt. especially with regard to fall in price of Jute and Cotton. Referring to the situation of salt in Pakistan he stated that he was contemplating if any movement should be launched for the abolition of Salt Tax. He said that the people of West Pakistan has lost confidence in Mr. Nazimuddin and observed that Mr. Nazimuddin is quite unfit to be the Prime Minister of an independent country like Pakistan. He also urged the people not be afraid of the Public Safety Act. They will see how many jails Govt. can build for detaining Pakistani young men. He lastly urged the people to launch a movement for the repeal of the Public Safety Act.
In the meeting resolutions were passed urging the Govt. to restore the house rent of the local Railway employees and not to discharge any Rly. employees illegally, demanding release of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and other political prisoners, requesting the people not to react on the observance of the “East Bengal Day” announced by Dr. Shama Parasad Mukherjee in East Bengal etc. After the meeting was over the party returned to Wallace Hotel Chittagong town.
On 18.11.52 another public meeting will be held at Pahartooly, Chittagong town to be addressed by Mr. H.S. Surharwardy and his party. They are expected to leave Chittagong for Sylhet on 18.11.52 by Sylhet Mail and as such no other public meeting will be addressed by them here.
Sd/- Mohammad Ali Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Chittagong, The 18th Nov.’ 52.
No. 9036 (2) Copy forwarded to :1. A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. East Bengal, Dacca in
continuation to his office No. 8956 dated 16.11.52. 2. A. Aziz, Esqr., District Magistrate, Chittagong.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.

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Report on the political programs of H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other leaders at Chittagong court building and Pathantuli area, addressing from train compartment on the way from Chittagong to Sylhet, meeting near Sylhet court
premises etc. Dacca, 20 November 1952
Report on the activities of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and others.
On 18.11.52, (1) Mr. Suhrawardy along with (2) Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and Abdul Aziz, Secretary, Chittagong District Awami Muslim League, came to the Court Building, Chittagong. There Mr. Suhrawardy held a consultation with Mr. Naser Miyan, Pleader, (3) Monmohan Biswas, pleader, (H.M.) and Ahmad Miyan Chaudhuri, a Zeminder of Chittagong. He then visited the area in Pathantuli etc. where the Government had acquired land through eviction. The meeting then followed, report on the proceedings of which has already been submitted.
Mr. Suhrawardy along Sk. Mujibar Rahman left for Sylhet by the night train. As they reached Kulaura Railway Station, a small group of young men raised slogans “Suhrawardy go back” displaying black flags. There was also a larger body of A.M.L. supporters at the Railway Station. There was a little agitation as the two groups involved themselves in a union closely, when order was restored. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and Mr. Suhrawardy addressed the gathering from the Railway compartment. Here Mr. Suhrawardy repeated the things be said in the previous meetings except that he told the people not to be afraid of the police, as many among the police were supporters of the Awami Muslim League. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman also repeated, what he had said in the last meeting (at Chittagong.).
At Sylhet Railway Station about 150 persons led by (4) Abdul Bari @ Dhala Bari (A.M.L.) gave a reception to the A.M.L. leaders. They were taken to the A.M.L. office at Nayasarak.
A meeting was held at 16.00 hrs in the compound near the Court Premises. An audience of about (5000 to 6000) five to six thousands heard them speak. At the beginning of the meeting Tara Miyan, Modassir Ali and Dabiruddin Ahmad welcomed Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy on behalf of their respective organisations viz. Youth League, Students Union etc. Addressing the meeting, Sk. Mujibar Rahman

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criticised the cordon system on betel-nuts, tobacco and the Govt. Jute Policy. He made a plea for re-distribution of lands among the peasants.
Mr. Suhrawardy charged the Govts. of West Punjab51 Sind and N.W.F.P. with gross unfairness in conducting provincial elections. He believed that such unfairness would not be allowed by the people in the forthcoming election in East Bengal. Criticising the Pakistan Govt. he said that the reason for Pakistan’s failure in Kashmir was the inability of Pakistan Govt. to occupy Kashmir when opportunities presented themselves. He held the Govt. responsible for the fall in the prices of jute and cotton and the consequent miseries of people. He told the audience that he intended to come to East Bengal in January if no restrictions were placed on his movement.
Resolutions were passed (1) expressing no-confidence in Nazimuddin and Nural Amin Ministries, (2) demanding release of Maulana Bhasani and other political prisoners, (3) repeal of Salt Act, and (4) urging Govt. to allow people in the Sea side areas of Khulna, Barisal, Chittagong and Noakhali to produce Salt.
Mr. Suhrawardy and Sk. Mujibar Rahman left Sylhet for Dacca on the same night, (5) Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, (6) Tafazzel Husain @ Manik Miyan and others who accompanied Mr. Suhrawardy from Dacca, came back to Dacca from Chittagong direct.
Submitted, Sd – A.N.M. Waheed, Inspector, D.I.B.
Side note: S.S. III.
Perusal please of the proceedings of Mr. Suhrawardy’s meeting at Chittagong on 19.11.52 and report on the movements and activities of the party. May be considered for D.R. D.I.G. may like to see. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 20/11. I think no separate report will be necessary as the I.G.P. will know the text from the D.R. Sd/- A. Hussain, 20/11. D.I.G. agreed with me. Sd/- A. Hussain, 20.11. Included in D.R. Sd/- M. Yusuff, 20.11.
51. West Punjab –West Punjab was a province of Pakistan from 1947 to 1955. The capital was the city of Lahore and the province was composed of four divisions (Lahore, Sargodha, Multan and Rawalpindi). The Independence of Pakistan in 1947 led to the division of the Punjab Province of British India into two new provinces. The largely Sikh and Hindu East Punjab became part of India while the largely Muslim West Punjab became part of the new nation of the Dominion of Pakistan.

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Telephone message on the arrival of H.S. Suhrawardy along with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Railway Station from
Dacca, 20 November 1952
Copy of Telephone Message dated 20.11.52 from S.I. Masir Uddin Ahmed, Dacca Railway Station, to O/C, Watch, I.B., Dacca.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy arrived at Dacca Railway Station this morning at 09.00 hrs. (on 20.11.52) by Sylhet down train along with Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Mr. Suhrawardy left Dacca Rly. Station for Rest House (Ramna) along with Ali Amzad and Ataur Rahman, Abdus Salam by the Car No. EBD 682. The Following persons received him at Dacca Railway Station – Ali Amzad, Ataur Rahman, Abdus Salam, Altaf Hossain and watch placed at Ramna Rest House.
Side Note: D.S. VI.
The message please be perused. Watch has been arranged for the individual concerned. Sd/- T. Meher, S.I., 20.11 S.S. III. Perusal please. May be filed. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 20.11 D.I.G may like to see. Sd – A. Hussain. Sd – A.K.M. Hafizuddin. 20.11 Included in D.R. Sd)- A. Yusuff, 20.11.


Aminul Haque Chowdhury of Barisal sent a letter to Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman together with a leaflet in which the writer focused on the starvation of 90% people, ruining of jute and other
agricultural products, tyranny of black-marketers, ruining educational sector, zamindary system, detaining people without
trial etc.
Barisal, 20 November 1952

Page: 450
DACCA: The 20.11.1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Aminul Haque Chaudhary, M. A.
B.L. Secy. Awami Muslim League, Barisal. Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman, Secy. Awami Muslim League, East Pakistan, 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Illigible G.P.O., Dacca
Post office of interception
8. Nama
Delwar Hassain, S.I.
7. Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept
: No : Delivered. : Copy kept.
or not
12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.

Page: 451
Copy/translation forwarded to
Copy of a Bengali leaflet issued by the A. M. L. Bakerganj dealing in various aspects of their organisational policy and passing many resolutions on various demands.
Side Note: SS III, Copy may be placed in file. Sd/ – A. Haifiz Sd/ – 24.11
True copy of a Bengali letter dt. 17.11.52.
From : Aminul Haque Chowdhury M. A. B. L. Secy. Awami Muslim
League, Barisal.
: Mr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman, Secy. Awami Muslim League, East
Pakistan, 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca intercepted at Dacca G.P.O. On 17.11.52
“বাখরগঞ্জ জিলা আহ্বামী মুসলীম লীগের
আহ্বান ভাইসব!
দীর্ঘ পাঁচ বছর আগে “নিখিল ভারত মুসলীম লীগের” পতাকা তলে সমবেত হয়ে একদিকে বৃটিশ সাম্রাজ্যবাদ আর অন্য দিকে ভারতীয় ব্রাক্ষন্যবাদের বিরুদ্ধে সংগ্রাম করে বহু রক্তের বিনিময়ে যে পাকিস্তান হাসেল করেছি আজ আমাদের হিসাব করে দেখার প্রয়ােজন হয়ে পরেছে যে সে পাকিস্তানে এই দীর্ঘ পাচ বছরে জাতীয় জীবনে বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে আমরা কতদুর সামনে এগিয়েছি অথবা পিছিয়ে পড়েছি। ভারত বিভাগের অব্যবহিত পরেই একদল স্বার্থপর লােক লীগকে কোটারী লীগে পরিণত করার ফলে তার প্রতিবাদে পাকিস্তান সংগ্রামের শ্রেষ্ঠ সৈনিকবৃন্দ মুসলীম লীগের সত্যিকার অনুসারীরা একে একে বিদায় গ্রহণ করেছেন। বর্তমান মুসলিম লীগ আর সেই ১০ কোটি মজলু মুসলমানে কওমী প্রতিষ্ঠান “মুসলিম লীগ” নাই। সে মুসলিমলীগ অনেক আগে মরে গেছে- বেচে আছে তার প্রেতাত্রা

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খানকা শরিফের পীর সাহেব, মাওলানা সাব্বীর আহম্মদ ওসমানী, মাওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খান ভাসানী, শহীদ সােহরাষ্য, এ, কে, ফজলুল হক, মামাদোতের খান মিঞা ইফতেখার উদ্দিন, শাওকত হায়াৎ খান, মিস ফাতেমা জিন্না, আবুল হাশেম প্রভৃতি শ্রেষ্ঠ নেতৃবৃন্দ। বিভাগের মুসলীম লীগকে কওমের খেদমত করার সত্যিকার প্রতিষ্ঠান বলে মনে নিতে পারেন নি।
বর্তমান লীগ শাহীর দৌলতে আমাদের জাতীয় জীবনের সর্বক্ষেত্রে নেমে এসেছে ভয়াবহ বিপর্যয়। কায়েদে আজম বলেছিলেন “পাকিস্তান যদি শুধু ধনিক আর বড়লােকদের জন্যই হয় তবে সে পাকিস্তান আমি চাই না। কিন্তু আজ আপনারা চোখের সামনে কি দেখতে পাচ্ছেন- সর্বত্রই চোরাকারবারীদের রাজত্ব, অনাচার অবিচার কলুষ কালিমা জাতীকে আজ কুষ্ঠ রােগাগ্রস্ত করেছে। যে দেশে শতকরা ১০ জন লােক খেতে পায় না সেই পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে বৰ্ত্তমান লীগ সরকার প্রতিপালিত চোরাকারবারীরা ১৬, টাকা সের দরে নুন খেতে সর্বসাধারণকে বাধ্য করেছে। লীগ সরকার পুষ্ঠ দালাল আর ফাটকাবাজীদের কবলে পরে বিশ্বের বাজারে পূর্ব বাংলার একচেটিয়া পাটের ব্যবসা নষ্ট হয়ে গেছে। এদেশে পাটের দাম আজ ৩ টাকা থেকে ৫ টাকা। এ দামে পাট বিক্রি করে কৃষকের উৎপাদন খরচ ও উঠছে না। এমনি ভাবে পূর্ব বাংলার গােটা জনসমষ্টির একটা বিরাট অংশের অর্থনৈতিক মেরুদন্ড ভেঙ্গে যাচ্ছে। লীগ সরকার ভ্রান্ত নীতির ফলে পূর্ব বাংলার পাট, শুপারী, আক, তামাক, মরিচ ও অন্যান্য কাচা মালের বাজার আজ আর কোথাও নাই।
উপযুক্ত সেচ কাৰ্য, বাধ নির্মাণ এবং কৃষিকার্যের বৈজ্ঞানিক দৃষ্টি ভঙ্গীর প্রবর্তনের অভাবে নানা দুর্বিপাকে মাঠের ফসল ধ্বংস হয়ে যাচ্ছে, আর তার অবধারিত পরিনতি হিসাবে বছরের পর বছর একটানা দুর্ভিক্ষের কবলে পরে সহস্র সহস্র মানুষ, প্রাণ দিয়ে লীগ। সরকারে ভুলের মাশুল জোগাচ্ছে। পূর্ব বাংলার শ্যামল স্নিগ্ধ গ্রামগুলাে দিনের পর দিন উজার হয়ে যাচ্ছে। শিক্ষাক্ষেত্রে ও চলছে বিপর্যয়ের পর বিপর্যয়। অর্থের অভাবে শতশত বিদ্যালয় নানা স্থানে বন্ধ হয়ে গেছে। যে কয়েকটি স্কুল কলেজ তৈলহীন প্রদীপের মত আজো কোন রকমে বেচে আছে কাৰ্যকরী অর্থ সাহায্য না পেলে সেগুলি কিছুদিনের মধ্যেই ধ্বংস হয়ে যাবে।। প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়গুলি অধিকাংসই ইতিমধ্যে গােশালায় পরিনত হয়েছে। কিন্তু লীগ শাহীর দৃষ্টি সেদিকে মােটেই নাই। শুধু বরিশাল বি, এম, কলেজ যা কিছুদিন আগে ও “বাংলার অক্সফোর্ড” নামে অবিহিত ছিল তা আজ ৮০ হাজার টাকার ঘাটতি বাজাটে চলছে। মফস্বলের প্রায় সমস্ত স্কুল কলেজের একই অবস্থা। একদিকে অবিভাবকদের অর্থনৈতিক বিপর্যয় অন্যদিকে স্কুল কলেজে পড়ার খরচের ক্রমবর্ধমান চাপে পরে মধ্যবিত্ত সমাজের শিক্ষার্থীরা আজ আর উচ্চ শিক্ষার দিকে এগুতে পারছে না। এমনি ভাবে আর ও কিছুদিন চললে এদেশ- অজ্ঞানতার অন্ধকারে ডুবে যাবে। তবে লীগ সরকারের তাতে সুবিধাই হবে। কারণ অজ্ঞের দেশে জুলুম করা যত সােজা সচেতন সমাজে তা সম্ভবপর নয়। বিনা খেসারতে জমিদারী উচ্ছেদের যে দাবী জনসাধারণ করেছিল লীগ সরকার তা মেনে নেয়নি বরং

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নিশ্চিত অর্থনৈতিক ধ্বংসের হাত থেকে রক্ষাকল্পে জমিদারী উচ্ছেদের নামে জমিদারদেরে জনসাধারনের টাকায় বাঁচাবার বন্দোবস্ত করেছে আর নতুন ধরনের এক প্রকারের জমিদারী সৃষ্টি করেছে। ভূমি বন্টন ব্যবস্থার মাধ্যমে ভূমাহিনদের ভূমি দেয়ার ব্যবস্থ্য ও কোটারী লীগ সরকার করতে পারেনি। যার উপর নির্ভর করেছে গােটা পূর্ব বাংলার অর্থনৈতিক ভবিষ্যৎ। বৰ্তমান লীগ-শাহীর সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ কীর্তি হল “নিরাপত্তা আইন”। দুনিয়ার কোন সভ্য দেশে বিনা বিচারে করাদণ্ডের ব্যবস্থ্য নাই। খুন করলে ও বিনা বিচারে তার ফাসি হয় না। আলুও নাকি রােজ হাশরের দিনে কাউকে বিনা বিচারে শাস্তি দিবেন না।
কিন্তু বর্তমান মুসলীমলীগ সরকার খােদার উপর ও খােদকারী করেছে। এই সরকারের য়ায় পূর্ব বাংলার বিভিন্ন জেলে অবিভক্ত বাংলার মুসলীম লীগ সম্পাদক জনাব আবুল হাসেম, পূর্বপাক আম্মামীলীগের সভাপতি মাওলানা আব্দুর হামিদ খান ভাসানী, সম্পাদক জনাব শামসুল হক প্রভৃতি সস্র সহস্র রাজনৈতিক কর্মী আজ বিনা বিচারে জেলের অভ্যন্তরে বছরের পর বছর ধরে পঁচে মরছে। এই মুসলীম লীগ সরকার জনসাধারণের খাম্মা, শিক্ষা স্বাস্থ্যের বন্দোবস্ত করতে না পেরে বিনা বিচারে আটক রাখার বন্দোবস্ত করেছে। জনসাধারন তার অভাব অভিযােগ জানতে পারে না। জানাবার চেষ্টা করলে ও তার বিনা বিচারে শ্রীঘরে থাকতে হবে। “ধন্য মুসলীম লীগ সরকার”।
ভাই সব-যে পাকিস্তান হাসেল করার জন্য আমরা অকাতরে বুকের রক্তে হিন্দুস্তানের পথ প্রান্তর সিক্ত করেছি-সে পাকিস্তানকে ও কোটারী লীগ শাহীর জুলুমের হাত থেকে রক্ষা করে কায়েদে আজমের ওম্মাদামত ইসলামি সাম্য মৈত্রী ও ভ্রাতৃত্বের নীতি অনুযায়ী পাকিস্তানকে সুন্দর করে গড়ে তুলতে আপনারা সমবেত ভাবে অগ্রসর হউন। মনে রাখবেন “আলা ঐ জাতির অবস্থ্য পরিবর্তন করে না যতক্ষণ সেই জাতি নিজের অবস্থা নিজে পরিবর্তন না করে”। (কোরয়ান) ইসলামিক নীতির উপর নির্ভর করে কায়েদে আজমের আদা অনুযায়ী জনসাধারণের দাবী নিয়ে পাকিস্তানকে সুষ্ঠু ভাবে গড়ে তুলতে যে আত্মামী মুসলীম লীগ আজ এগিয়ে আসছে আপনারা প্রত্যেক গ্রামে গ্রামে তার সংগঠনী শাখা গড়ে তুলুন। তাহলেই বৰ্ত্তমান লীগশাহীর অবসান হবে আর আপনাদের অধিকার আপনারা ফিরে পাবেন।
সমবেত ভাবে আওয়াজ তুলন
(আমাদের দাবী)
১। কৃষক সমাজ তথা পূর্ব বাংলাকে অর্থনৈতিক ধ্বংসের হাত থেকে রক্ষা কল্পে পাট
অবিলম্বে জাতীয়করণ করে দালালদের মারফতে না কিনে সরকারী কর্মচারীদের দ্বারা ন্যায্য মূল্যে কৃষকদের কাছ থেকে পাট ক্রয়ের বন্দোবস্ত করতে হবে। ২। অবিলম্বে পাকিস্তানের রেল, ষ্টীমার এবং যাবতীয় শিল্পগুলি জাতীয়করণ করতে হবে।

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৩। অনতিবিলম্বে জাতীয় অভিশাপ সর্বনাশা নিরক্ষরতা এবং যাবতীয় কুসংস্কার দূর
করিবার জন্য আধুনিক বৈজ্ঞানিক প্রথম শিক্ষাকে প্রত্যেক নর নারীর জন্য বাধ্যতা মুলক করতে হবে।
৪। অবিলম্বে মানব-দ্বোহী মুনাফাখাের ও কালােবাজারীদের হাত হতে খাদ্য নিয়ে
ছিনিমিনি খেলবার সকল সুযােগ অধিকার কেরে নিয়ে সরকারী কর্মচারীদের মাধ্যমে সুনিয়ন্ত্রিত রেশনিং এবং সস্তা রেশন দোকান চালু করে খাদ্য ক্রয় ও বর্ধনের সুব্যবস্থ্য করতে হবে।
৫। বেকার সমস্যা ও ভিক্ষাবৃত্তি সমূলে বিনাশ করবার জন্য অবিলম্বে গ্রামে গ্রামে কর্মশিবার
(স্মার্ক হাউজ) খুলতে হবে।
৬। এই মুহুর্তে সকল প্রকার বেশ্যাবৃত্তি ও মদ, গাঁজা, চরশ, সিদ্ধি প্রভৃতি যাবতীয় নেশার
দোকান সম্পূর্ণ বন্ধ করতে হবে এবং শরীয়ত বিরােধী সকল প্রকার নাচ, গান, আমােদ
প্রমােদ বন্ধ করতে হবে। ৭। স্বাস্থ্য হীনতা, শিশু মৃত্যু এবং অকাল মৃত্যু রােধ করবার জন্য গ্রামে গ্রামে বৈজ্ঞানিক
প্রথায় সরকারী হাসপাতাল খুলতে হবে।
৮। জমিদারদের খেসারত বন্ধ করে অবিলম্বে সুষ্ঠু ভূমি বন্টন ব্যবস্থ্যর মাধ্যমে ভূমিহীনদের
জন্য ভূমির বন্দোবস্ত করে বৈজ্ঞানিক সমবায় প্রথার কৃষি কার্য্যের বন্দোবস্ত করতে হবে।
১। বিনা বিচারে আটক রাখার আইন বাতিল করে দিয়ে অবিলম্বে সমস্ত রাজনৈতিক
নিরাপত্তা বন্দীদের মুক্তি দিতে হইবে।
১০। পূর্ব বাংলায় যাতে পদতীক, নৌ ও বিমান বাহিনী গড়ে উঠে আত্মরক্ষায় স্বয়ং সম্পূর্ণ
হতে পারে সেজন্য অবিলম্বে সমস্ত স্কুল কলেজ ও মাদ্রাসায় সামরিক শিক্ষা বাধ্যতামূলক করতে হবে ও নানা স্থানে সামরিক কলেজ খুলতে হবে।
১১। অবিলম্বে বাধ্যতামুলক মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষার প্রবর্তন করতে হবে এবং স্কুল কলেজ মাদ্রাসা
গুলিকে আসন্ন ধ্বংসের হাত থেকে রক্ষা কল্পে প্রচুর অর্থের বরাদ্দ করতে হবে। ১২। খুলনা, বরিশাল এবং অন্যান্য যে সব জিলার জন সাধারণের খাদ্যাভাব চরমে উঠেছে, সেসব জিলা গুলিকে অবিলম্বে “দুর্ভিক্ষ পীড়িত এলাকা” বলে ঘােষণা করে তাদের জন্য সরকারী সাহায্যের বন্দোবস্ত করতে হবে।
১৩। বাংলা ভাষাকে অবিলম্বে পাকিস্তানের অন্যতম রাষ্ট্রভাষা হিসাবে ঘােষণা করতে হবে।
১৪। মন্ত্রী ও উর্দ্ধতন সরকারী কর্মচারীদের বেতন ও শাসন খাতের খরচ হ্রস করে নিম্নতম
কর্মচারীদের বেতন বৃদ্ধির বন্দোবস্ত করতে হবে।

Page: 455
১৫। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের সকল সরকারী কর্মচারীদের বেতন পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের বেতনের হারে
সমান করতে হবে। XXX আরও অনেক দাবী দাম্মা আমাদের আছে যা আওয়ামীলীগের প্রাথমিক ঘােষণা পত্রে দেখতে পাবেন।
পাকিস্তান – জিন্দাবাদ। আত্মামী মুসলীমলীগ- জিন্দাবাদ। জিলা আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের তরফ হতে:
আমিনুল হক চৌধুরী এম-এ, বি-এল (ভূতপূর্ব মুন্সেফ), উকিল, জজ কোর্ট বরিশাল। সেক্রেটারী জিলা আত্মামী মুসলীম লীগ
অর্গানাইজিং কমিটি। আব্দুল মালেক খান মার্চেন্ট প্রেসিডেন্ট জিলা আয়ামী মুসলিমলীগ
অর্গানাইজিটিং কমিটি।
Similar leaflet was addressed to Mr. Mahammadulla office secy. Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca., Sd/ – A. Hossain, S.l. 1.B., 17.11.52.
পাকিস্তান প্রেস, বরিশাল।


Memo of SP, DIB, Pabna mentioned about the particulars of Shaukat Hossain, member of Pabna AML organizing committee,
visit of A.K. Fazlul Haque etc.
Pabna, 21 November 1952
District Intelligence Branch Pabna, the 21 Nov./52. No. 3822/57-51 Int .

Page: 456
To A. Hussain, Esqr. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B., Dacca.
Your Memo. No 16342/606-48(1) Sec. dated 30-10-52.
Shaukat Hossain (Mirza) s/o L. Mirza Afsar Ahined of Nakote, Dist. Jessore was a Student of Pabna Edward College and passed the B.A. Examination in this year and left for his native district. While he was here, he was a member of the Pabna Awami Muslim League Organizing Committee. His present where about is not known to us now.
Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque visited this district and presided over the conference of Anjuman-E-Islahul Muslemin on 19th & 20th September, 1952. He gave a Presidential speech in the conference. The public in general including the peasantry, day-labourers and the Ulemas present seemed to be much impressed at his speech.
The details of the fact have been incorporated in this district W.C.R. dated 279-52- part II, (10) Muslim affairs.
Sd/ – 22.11
(A.K.L. Rahman) Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Pabna.


Telephone message on the movements of H.S. Suhrawardy who
left for Karachi.
Dacca, 22 November 1952
Received at 10.00 hrs Dated 22.11.52.
From : S.I. Mosiruddin Ahmed (Dacca Air Port).
: 0.C., Watch, I.B., Dacca.

Page: 457
At about 09.45 hrs. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy arrived at Dacca Air Port along with S.K. Mojibur Rahman, Manik Miah, by car No. E.B.D. 3206 Ataur Rahman (Adv.), Abdul Jalil, Rofiqul Islam, Prof Qamruzzaman and Md. Elias came at Dacca Air Port by car No. E.B.D. 682 to see off Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
This is for your kind information.
Sd/- 22.11
Reg: Abdul Jalil – The subject is a man of Noakhali and resides in Dacca at
Stephen’s House, Madan Mohon Bysak Rd. He carries on business in bricks and one of the adherents of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy.
Submitted. Sd/- Masir Ud-Din Ahmed.
24.11 Side note: Who is he ? Sd/- A. Hussain, 22.11
S.I. M. Ahmad to report pl. Sd/- 22.11 Report placed below may kindly be seen. Sd/- D.S.VI. Sd/- 22.11 S.S. III We may ask for full particulars and a short note on the individual from the Noakhali. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 26.11 Sd/- A. Hussain, 27.11.
Copy of Telephone Message dated 22.11.52 from S.I. Masiruddin Ahmed, Tejgaon Airport to O/C. Watch, I.B., Dacca received at 12.20 hours.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy left for Karachi by 12.00 hours (22.11.52). Mr. Ataur Rahman, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Abdus Salam, Rafiqul Islam, Md. Ilias, Abdul Jalil, Nurul Islam Chaudhuri, Aziz Ahmed returned to Dacca from Airport by Car No. EBD 2599. Manik Miyan left Airport for Dacca at about 11.30 hrs by Car No. EBD 3206. This is for your kind information.
Side Note: AST: Include in D.R. Sd/- M. Yusuff, 22.11.52
S.S. III, Perusal pl. D.I.G. may like to see. May be included in D.R. Sd/- A. Hafiz, 22.11.52. Sd/- A. Hussain, 22.11.52 Seen. Sd/- A.K.M.H. 24.11.52.

Page: 458


Hatem Ali Talukder of Mymenshing sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein the writer requested Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to attend the conference of EPMSL, Mymenshingh.
Mymenshing, 22 November 1952 Secret
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 22.xi:1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Hatem Ali Talukder, Convenor, * District Student League, Mymenshing. Janab Sk. Majibur Rahman, Secretary, East Pakistan, Awami Muslim league, 94, Nawabpur
Road, Dacca. : Bengali.
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 18.11.52
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
: Mymenshing 20.11.52 : G.P.O.,Dacca : 22.11.52 : Keramot Ali Bhuiyan, ASI
Date of interception
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy
kept or not
: No. : Delivered. : Copy kept.
: G.O. 1634 dt. 15/11
12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.

Page: 459
Copy/translation forwarded to D.S. VI
Hatem Ali Talukder of Mymenshingh writes this letter to Sk. Majibur Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca with a request to attend the conference of East Pak. Muslim Students League, Mymensing on 24th November with all other workers of Awami League and a Pamphlet attached regarding the conference.
Sd/- 22.11
Side Note: Place copy in EPMSL file PF. Sd/ – 22.11.
Copy of a Bengali letter of 18.11.52 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca. From, Hatem Ali Talukder, Convenor, District Students League, Mymenshing. To, Janab Sk. Mojibur Rahman, Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca, E. Pakistan.
Dear Mojib Bhai:
আমার শুভেচ্ছা নেবেন। আমাদের ২৪ শে নবেম্বরের তারিখ অনুযায়ী আপনারা আমাদের আমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ করিয়া ঠিকমত সকাল ৬টার ট্রেনে চলিয়া আসিবেন। আতাউর সাহেব, ছালাম সাহেব, ও তােফাজ্জল সাহেব ও সামছুল হক সাহেব, কামরুজ্জামান ও যুবকর্মী ছামাদ ভাই যেন আমাদের সৰ্ম্মেলনে আসেন তাহার ব্যবস্থ্য আপনার উপর রইল।
অভিনন্দন। ইতি Sd/ Hatam Ali Talukder
N.B. Copy of a leaflet attached herewith please.
পূৰ্ব্ব পাক মুসলিম ছাত্র লীগের ময়মনসিংহ জিলা শাখার নির্ধ্বাচনী সম্মেলন।
নিৰ্বাচনী অনুষ্ঠান
স্থান : অলকা হল। সময় : ২৪শে নভেম্বর সকাল ১১ ঘটিকা। সভাপতি : সদ্য জেলমুক্ত খালেক নয়াজ খান। সেক্রেটারী, পূর্ব পাক ছাত্রলীগ।

Page: 460
ছাত্র ও জনসভা, স্থান : বিপিন পার্ক সময় : অপরাহ্ন ৩ ঘটিকা, সভাপতি সদ্য কারা মুক্ত হাশিম উদ্দিন আহম্মদ,
সেক্রেটারী, জিলা আওয়ামীলীগ। ভাইসব,
৫৷৷ বৎসর পূৰ্ব্বে পাকিস্তান প্রতিষ্ঠিত হইয়াছে। এই দীর্ঘ সময়ে আমরা কি পাইয়াছি আজ তাহার হিসাব নিকাশের সময় আসিয়াছে। শিক্ষা প্রসারের বদলে শিক্ষায় সঙ্কোচ নীতি। জমিদারী উচ্ছেদের পরিবর্ভে ৬৫ কোটি টাকায় জমিদারী ক্রয়, ৪০ টাকা মূল্যের পাট ৫ টাকায় বিক্রয়, ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতার পরিবর্ভে জন নিরাপত্তা আইন প্রবর্তন, /১০ পয়সা সেরের লবন ১৬ টাকায় বিক্রি, রাষ্ট্র ভাষা বাংলার দাবীর অপরাধে মন-নীতি অবলম্বন ও গুলি চালনা, হাজার হাজার দেশ কর্মীদের বিনা বিচারে জেলে আটক করন, সমৃদ্ধ জীবন যাপনের পরিবর্তে অগনিত মানুষের অন্নাভাব অনাহারে মৃত্যু বরন চলিতেছে। কেন, আসুন আমরা সমবেতভাবে ধার চিত্তে তার আলােচনা করি। সমাধানের পথ নিশ্চয় খুঁজিয়া পাইব। এই উদ্দেশ্য সামনে রাখিয়াই আমাদের এই প্রচেষ্টা। আপনারা দলে দলে সভায় যােগদান করুন।
প্রধান অতিথি।
১। বিপ্লবী জননেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ।
সেক্রেটারী, পূৰ্ব্ব –পাক আওয়ামী লীগ। ২। মৌ:- আবুল মনসুর আহমদ, প্রেসিডেন্ট, জিলা আওয়ামী লীগ। ৩। মৌ:- আতাউর রহমান খান, এডভােকেট। ৪। ” আবদুছুলাম খান, এডভােকেট। ৫। ” রইছ উদ্দিন আহম্মদ, এম, এ, বি, টি –
শামছুল হক চৌধুরী প্রেসিডেন্ট, পূৰ্ব্ব পাক ছাত্রলীগ। ৭। কামরুজ্জমান, সম্পাদক, পূর্ব-পাক ছাত্রলীগ।
পূৰ্ব্ব পাক ছাত্রলীগের ময়মনসিংহ
জিলা শাখার, সভ্যবৃন্দ
জিলা ছাত্র লীগ আহবায়ক হাতেম আলী তালুকদার কর্তৃক প্রকাশিত।
রুবী প্রেস, ময়মনসিংহ

Page: 461


Extract from SWR of Faridpur where mentioned about a letter sent from K.U. Khan, 1/2 Iqbal Hall, Dacca to Sheikh Mujibur
Dacca, 25 November 1952
Ext. from S.W.R. of Faridpur for w/e 20.11.52
Part – IV (ii) B(a) A. M. L.
c) It appears from a letter dated 1.11.52 and addressed to Sk. Mujibur Rahman
(mentd.) by K.U. Khan of 1/2 Iqbal Hall, Dacca (being fixed) that the writer was a security prisoner and that he was unconditionally released on 29.10.52. It also appears from the letter that the writer urgently requires the presence of the addressee at Dacca for discussion with him on some matter (?).
Side note: Ext. to D.F. and Folder. Sd/-A.Hafiz. 25.11


Extract from SWS cited on the revolutionary activities in Faridpur which included political activities and meeting of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 25 November 1952
Ext. from S.W.S. of the revolutionary activities in Faridpur district for w/e 20.11.52
Part – IV (ii) B (a) A.M.L.
(a) EPCA – 24 reports on 12.11.52 that Sk. Mujibar Rahman (AML- s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur) contacted Asmat Ali Khan (AML- s/o the Late Abdul Jabbar of Housdi, Madaripur and of Madaripur town, Faridpur and

Page: 462
Khundkar Abdul Hamid (AML-s/o Saijuddin of Charmuguria, Madaripur, Faridpur) at Madaripur on 5.11.52 on his way to Dacca and advised them to canvass against the Muslim League candidate who will contest the ensuing District Board Election of Faridpur.
The agent further reports that Sk. Mujibar Rahman, at a camera meeting held in his house at Gopalganj town on 4.11.52 with Rahmatjan Sardar (EPMSL – s/o Abdus Samad of Balakair, Gopalganj, Faridpur), Muhammad Ali Biswas (EPMSL – s/o Abdul Majid of Borni, Gopalganj, Faridpur) and a few others (4 named) advised the members present to work sincerely for the party and requested them to support Abdul Hamid Chaudhuri of Arpara, Gopalganj, Faridpur (being fixed) who will also contest the coming election of the Faridpur District Board.
The agent also adds that Khundkar Saiyidul Haq @ Saiyidul Islam (E.P.M.S.L. – s/o Khan Shamsuddin of Bagudanga, Kalia, Jessore and of Gopalganj town visited Baultali, Gopalganj, Faridpur, on 7.10.52 and held a secret meeting at the Baultali H.E. School with the local students. After a short discussion on party matters the Baultali Unit of the EPMSL was formed with Liyaq Husain Sardar (being fixed), Abdul Bari Sikdar (EPMSL- s/o Akber Sikdar of Bangram, Gopalganj, Faridpur), Nausher Ali Khan (EPMSL – s/o Fahamuddin of Balakair), Muazzem Hussain Ukil (EPMSL-s/o Saijuddin of Kalpur, Gopalganj, Faridpur). Sk. Abdul Mutalib (EPMSL – s/o Aminuddin of Nizra, Gopalganj, Faridpur) and Iliasuddin Ukil (EPMSL – s/o Abdul Hakim of Kalpur, Gopalganj, Faridpur), all students of class x of the Baultali H.E. School, as President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Asstt. Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Side note: Ext. to D.F./Folder. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 25.11.52.


Mohamudullah, office in charge, EPAML, central office, Dacca sent a letter to Ahmed Ali, President, MSL, Comilla attached with a tour program of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 25 November 1952

Page: 463
DACCA; The 25th November 1952.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Mahamudullah officer in charge East Pakistan Awami Muslim
League, 94, Nowabpur Rd., Dacca. : Mr. Ahmed ali, President Muslim
Students’ League, Tipperah, Ananda-Bhaban, Monoharpur, Comilla, Dt. Tippera. English.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Nowabpur (Dacca)
Post office of interception
R.M.S. Dacca
Date of interception
Enayet Ullah S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or
10. Whether withheld or
If delivered. whether copy
kept or not
12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception

Page: 464
Copy/translation forwarded to
Mohammadullah, officer-in-charge East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Nowabpur, Dacca writes this letter to Mr. Ahmed Ali, President Muslim Students League. Mondharpur, Comilla, with the tour programme of Sk. Majibur Rahman in the districts of Comilla and Noakhali.
Sd/ – 25.11.52 S.S.III Perusal pl.
Tour programme of Mujibur Rahman & his party in the districts of Tippera & Noakhali.
Copies may be sent to the districts for information. One Bengali reporter may accompany their Tippera may be asked to comment on the contents of the letter from Rafique to Ahmad Ali. Copy may be placed in the P.F. of Mujibur Rahman. S.l. Kibria to enter meeting chart., Sd/ – 25.11
Side note: State. Sec. For na pl. Sd/ – 27.11.52.
Noted in the chart. sd/ – 2.12.52.
1.B. Int. dt. 24.11.52. No 18463 (2)/606-48(1)sec dt.
S.P. D.I.B. Tippera. S.P. D.I.B. Noakhali
Copy forwarded to:-for information (with the request to comments on the contents of the letter for Rafique to Ahmad Ali.) Sd/ – 4.12.52 D.S.6 for S.S.3.
Side note: T.S. Portion () for Tippera only. Sd/ – 2.12
Please put up personally. Sd/ – 3.12.52.

Page: 465
True copy of a letter from Mohammadullah, Officer in charge, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Central Office 94, Nowabpur Rd. Dacca, dt 24.11.52.
TO Mr. Ahmed ali The President, Muslim Student’s League, Student’s League Office, Ananda Bhaban. Monoharpur, P.O. Comilla, Tippera.
Dear Sir,
As per programme attached herewith Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the General Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League. Janab A.K. Rafiqul Hossain, the Joint Secy. and Prof. Khairul Bashar propose to start on a tour programme covering the Dist. of Tippera and Noakhali. Please confirm by Telegram circulate the programme and try to make the meeting a complete success.
Yours faithfully Sd/ – Mohammad ullah
Officer in Charge
Dear Ahmed Ali,
We have made this programme in accordance to your letter and the man you named is impossible who seeks a chance at the last of our politics. Our door is always open for him if he resigns his service and join us. I shall attend your political prisoners release day the 5th Dec. If you write me for this purpose and please write me to my home address, Thaner Kandi or I shall come as per programme. As for help to organise meeting etc. ask the help of Khan and Lal Bhai with this letter, and tell him to organise Chandpur subdivision in the meantime, I shall be available if they require me for the purpose.
The public meeting with Mujibur Rahman must be a grand success, and shall personally see to that if I come to attend your sth meeting.
Yours Sd/ – Rafique.

Page: 466
News items.
Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League and Janab A.K. Rafiqul Hossain Joint Secy. E.P.A.M. League accompanied by Prof. Shah Khairul Bashar will start on a tour in the Dists of Tippera and Noakhhali with effect from the 6th Dec. 52, in accordance with the following tour programme.
Date Departure
Arrival 5th Dec 1952 ……. from Dacca 10 P.M. …. Noakhali 8 A.M.
(Next day) Public Meeting Maijdi 3 P.M. 6th Dec 1952. from Noakhali 3 A.M. Feni early Morning
(Next day) Public Meeting Feni 3 P.M. 7th Dec 1952 Feni 8 P.M. ……..
Comilla 11 P.M.
(Same day) 8th Dec 1952, Public Meeting at Comilla and departure there
from by the next day for Dacca at 4 A.M.
Similar tour programme has been sent to the following addresses:
1. Abdur Rahman Khan B.L.
Secy. Dist Awami Muslim League,
Choudhry para, Comilla. Tippera. 2. Master Mahbubur Rahman, Secy.
Ramgonj, A.M. League
P.O. Panchgaun, Dist. Noakhali. 3. Dr. Abul Hussain Basher,
Secy. Tammuddin Union A.M. League
Hatiya, Sandip, Noakhali. 4. Tofail Ahmed Choudhury, Gen. Secy.
No. 6. Union A.M. League. P.O. Raipura, Dt. Noakhali.

Page: 467
5. Mr. Suraj Mia Mukhter, Secy.
Dist. A.M. League. Noakhali.
6. A.K.M. Fazlur Rahman, Secy.
Sub-Divisional A.M. League. Feni, Noakhali.
7. Molvi Nurul Huque,
Choumohoni, Noakhali. 8. Mr. Sirajuddin Ahmed, Pleader, Noakhali,
President, Dist. A.M. League, Noakhali.
9. S. G. M. Abul Feraj, Secy.
Taltola Awami Muslim League, P.O. Panchgaun, Noakhali.


UPP, Dacca sent a letter to post box No. 2098, Calcutta wherein mentioned a press release on the meeting of ‘All Parties State
Language Committee’at Dacca.
Daccca, 25 November 1952 Secret
DACCA; The 19
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: United Press of Pakistan
Dacca. : Post Box No. 2098, Calcutta
To (with address)
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 25.11.52.
Postal Seal
: Outgoing

Page: 468
Post office of interception
: Salamatullah, S.I. Censor, I.B.
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Not. : Delivered. : Copy kept.
Casual Interception.
Number and date of Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to
An anonymous letter from United Press of Pakistan, Dacca to Post Box No 2098 Calcutta with a statement issued by Sk. Mujibur Rahman Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League that December 5, 1952 shall have to be observed as “Release of Political Prisoners Day” as it is the most burning problem of the day.
Sd/-S… 25.11.52
Side Note: Seen. Show Zonal D.S’s. as well. Sd/ – 25.11
SS III, Yes. The dists. have been sent copies of an Agent’s stt. reg. this subject. Sd/ – 26.11
True copy of a letter (envelop) typed in English dt. 25/11/52
From : U.P.P. Dacca. TO : Post Box no. 2098, Calcutta.
Dacca, Nov. 25 — The All Parties State Language Committee which met here recently has declared December 5, 1952 as “Release of Political Prisoners Day”

Page: 469
In a statement issued in this connection. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League said that the release of political prisoners was the most burning problem of the day. Moulana Bhasani and hundreds of other political workers were rotting in jail without trial. “This is openly a crime against the humanity perpetuated by the Muslim League Ministry to gag the civil liberty”.
He appealed to the students, youths and the members of all the political parties to make the day a success ——U.P.P.


Report on the Mymensingh tour of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
advocate Ataur Rahman Khan.
Dacca, 25 November 1952
The O/C., Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 24.11.52 I and W/C. Nur Ahmed were deputed for shadowing the suspect Sk. Mozibar Rahman. At about 04.45 hrs. dated 24.11.52 the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman and Advocate Ataur Rahman arrived at Dacca R/S being shadowed by W.C. Mohibur Rahman. At about 05.00 hrs. they availed the Mymensingh train and left for Mymensingh. At about 10.30 hrs. they reached at Mymensingh R/S being shadowed by us. About 20/25 persons came at the said R/S for their reception. They gave a slogans: – Pakistan Zindabad, Sk. Mojibar Rahman Zindabad. Ataur Rahman Zindabad, East Pakistan Students’ League Zindabad etc. After that the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman and Ataur Rahman and about 20/25 persons left the said R/S and went to Dak Banglow, Mymensingh and we made over the said suspect to A.S.I. Manik Sikdar and W.C. Abdul Basir. There from we went to Mymensingh D.I.B. Office and submitted a details report to D.I.O. (I) (My.). Again we took up the duty at Dak-Banglow at about 15.00 hrs. At about 15.30 hrs. the said suspect along with Ataur Rahman came out from the said place and went to Bepin Park and attended the public meeting. They delivered a lecture. After finishing the meeting at about 20.30 hrs. they left the said place and went to the

Page: 470
house of Advocate Hashemuddin and remainds there. At about 23.00 hrs. they came out from the said place and returned to Dak Banglow and remainds there till 02.30 hrs. on 25.11.52. After that they left the said Banglow and went to Mymensingh R/S at about 03.00 hrs. the said suspect and Ataur Rahman availed the Dacca train and left for Dacca. At about 09.00 hrs. they arrived at Dacca R/S After that the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman left the said R/S and went to 94, Nowabpur Rd. After five minutes the said suspect came out from the said place and went to 71, Radhika Mohon Basak Lane, at about 09.30 hrs. Then I did secret watch duty there and send the W.C Noor Ahmad to the Officer for arrange the reliever and to inform the above mentioned facts. At about 10.30 hrs. I was relieved by W.C. Moslem Ali and
informed him accordingly.
Submitted. Sd/- W.C. Anwarul Hoque.
S.C.O., Dacca.
Side note: D.S. VI Sd/-26.11,
Place copies of P.Fs. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 27.11.


Hatem Ali Talukdar, President, Mymensingh District Students League sent a letter to the editor, Ittefaq stated the election of
Mymensingh District Students League.
Mymensingh, 26 November 1952
Ext. of PP. 110-109, file 457-51 (1) Sec.
Copy of a Bengali letter dated 26.11.52 intercepted at Wari P.O. on 29.11.52 from Md. Hatem Ali Talukdar (Reporter) President, Mymensingh Dist. Students League, Mymensingh to the Editor, Ittefaq 9, Hatkhola Road, Wari, Dacca,

Page: 471
To The Editor, Weekly Ittefaq.
বিগত ২৪/১১/৫২ তারিখে ময়মনশিং জেলা ছাত্র লীগের নির্ধ্বাচন সুসম্পন্ন হয়।
সকাল ১১ ঘটিকায় স্থানীয় অলকা হলে প্রায় ৪ শত পরিষদ সদস্য এবং প্রতিনিধীর উপস্থিতিতে জেলা ছাত্র লীগের আগামী বৎসরের জন্য নিম্নলিখিত কর্মকর্তা নিৰ্বাচিত হয়। নির্বাচনি সভায় ভূতপূৰ্ব্ব ছাত্র নেতা ও বিপ্লবী জননেতা সেখ মুজিবর রহমান ছাত্রদের উদ্দেশ্যে এক সার বার্তা বক্তৃতা প্রদান করেন। সম্মেলনে ছাত্রনেতা খালেক নেওয়াজ খান সভাপতিত্ব করেন।
স্বাঃ মােঃ হাতেম আলী তালুকদার


Extract from WCR of SP, DIB, Faridpur mentioned the expulsion order on two students of QAM College Gopalganj.
Faridpur, 26 November 1952
Extract from W.C.R. of the Supdt. of Police D.I.B. Faridpur for the week ending 22.11.52.
Reference my W.C.R. for the week ending 8.11.52, under this head.
The order of expulsion on (1) Muhammad Ali Biswas (EPMSL- s/o Abdul Majid of Borni, Gopalganj, Faridpur) and (2) Abdur Rahman (EPMSL), still stands but there is a likelihood that the college authority will reconsider the steps taken by them and allow them to sit for the Test Examination.
A new principal has since joined the college. He is Ashita Ranjan Bhattacharji (C.P.- s/o L. Kali Prasanna of Bakal, Gournadi, Bakarganj). The students seem to be

Page: 472
satisfied with this new incumbent. Mv. Badruddoza Khan, it is learnt, will continue to work as the Vice-Principal of the college.
Side note: S.S-I may kindly see the portion at “A” of para 8. Ashita Ranjan Bhattacharji is
a known communist. His two sons are also communists. S.P. Faridpur may keep close watch on the activities of Ashita Ranjan Bhattacharji as he is head of the Educational institution now. Sd/- K.M. Hussain, 26.11.52 Put up reference Note on the individual. Sd/- T. Ahmad, 28.11.52.
No. 191191 606-48 P.F. dt. 22.12.12.
S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur.
With ref. to your W.C.R. for the a/e 22.11.52 part ll under head Youth & Student movement. I would request you that the activities of Ashita Ranjan Bhattacharji may kindly be watched.
Sd/ – 20.12.52 D.S. I for S.S-1


Correspondent of Daily Millat, Mymensingh sent a letter to the News Editor, Millat, Dacca in which the writer stated holding the
election of Student League, Mymensingh.
Mymensingh, 27 November 1952
DACCA; Memo. No.
The 27.11.1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Mir Shirajul Haque, Correspondent of Daily “Millať” Mymensingh.

Page: 473
2. To (with address)
: News Editor, “The Millať”17,
Court House st. Dacca. Language of letter
Bengali 4. Date of letter
: 25.11.52 Postal Seal
: Iligible. Post office of interception : G.P.O, Dacca. Date of interception
: 27.11.52 8. Name of officer who can : Delowar Hossain, SI
prove the interception
Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or : Delivered.
delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy : Copy kept.
kept or not 12. Number and date of
Casual. Government order authorising interception.
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Mir Shirajul Haque, Correspondent “Millať Mymensingh writes this letter to the editor “Millať” that a public meeting was held at Bepin Park, Mym. At the instance of Students League where Awami League workers delivered speeches similar letter was noticed before.
Sd/ – 27.11.52
Side note: Ds VI May kindly see. Sd/ – 27.11
Seen. Place copy in file, Sd/-28.11.
True Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 25.11.52 From : Mir Shirajul Haque, Correspondent of Daily “Millat Mymensingh. To : The News Editor “The Millat” 17, Court House st., Dacca intercepted at
G.P.O. on 27.11.52.

Page: 474
গতকল্য পূর্ব পাক ছাত্র লীগের ভূতপূর্ব সম্পাদক জনাব খালেক নেওজ খানের সভাপতিত্বে উক্ত প্রতিষ্ঠানের মােমেনসাহী জেলা শাখার কর্মকর্তা নিৰ্বাচিত হয়। জনাব হাতেম আলী তালুকদার ও জনাব শামসুল হক যথাক্রমে সভাপতি ও সম্পাদক নির্বাচিত হন।
বৈকালে স্থানীয় বিপিন পার্কে জনাব হাশিম উদ্দিন আহমদের সভাপতিত্বে এক বিরাট জন সভায় জনাব শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান, জনাব আতাউর রহমান খান, জনাব খালেক নেয়াজ খান, জনাব আবুল মুনসুর আহমদ প্রমুখ বক্তাগন বৰ্ত্তমান রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতি, খাদ্য সমস্যা, রাষ্ট্রভাষা বাংলা, রাজনৈতিক বন্দীদের মুক্তি, শিক্ষা পরিস্থিতি প্রভৃতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সমস্যার উপর জোরাল বক্তৃতা দান করেন। সভায় উক্ত বিষয় সূচী অনুযায়ী বহু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রস্তাব গৃহীত হয়।
Sd/- মীর সিরাজুল হক।


Matiur Rahman, AML, Rangpur sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer discussed about the organizational
affairs of District AML.
Rangpur, 29 November 1952 Secret
DACCA; The 29.11. 1952
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Motiur Rahman, Awami Muslim League office, Rangpur Sheikh Mojibar Rahman, Secy. Provincial Awami Muslim League office 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca.

Page: 475
Language of letter
Bengali. 21.11.52
Date of letter
Postal Seal
Bagduar. G.P.O. Dacca.
Post office of interception
7. 8.
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
A.S.I. Fakir Moinuddin Ahmed.
Whether photographed or not
Delivered Copy kept
Whether withheld or delivered : 11. If delivered, whether copy kept :
or not 12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception.
GO no 1634 dt. 15th Sept 1952.
Security Sec.
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Matiur Rahman, Awami Muslim League, Rangpur writes this letter to Sk. Majibur Rahman Secy, Awami Muslim League Dacca that Rangpur Dist Awami League shall be reorganised on the 25th of December and nominees shall be selected for the coming Provincial election.
Sd/ -29.11.52
No. 18294/606-48(1) Sec. dt. 6.12.52.
SSIII Copy may go to District for info & comments. Copy may be placed in A.M.L. Sd/- 29.11
Side Note:
C.O. English translation of intercept pl. for sending to dist. for placing in A.M.L. file. Sd/ – 2.12.52 T.S. One Extra copy pl. Sd/ – 3.12.52 An English translation attached. Sd/-3.12.52 S.1. A.S. Chaudhuri to comply pl. Sd/-3.12.52

Page: 476
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 21.11.52 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca.
From : Mr. Matiur Rahman, Awami Muslim League office, Rangpur.
: Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Secy., Provincial Awami Muslim
League office, 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca.
শদ্ৰেয় মুজিব ভাই,
আগামী ডিসেম্বর মাসের ২৫ তারিখের মধ্যেই রংপুর জিলা আওয়ামী লীগের পূণর্গঠন শেষ হবে। এবং প্রাদেশিক কাউন্সিলের জন্য প্রতিনিধি নিৰ্বাচন করা হবে। আগামী মাসের ১৫ তারিখের মধ্যে মহকুমা কমিটি গুলির নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। প্রতি থানায় থানায় থানা কমিটি করা হচ্ছে এবং প্রায় প্রতিদিন মফস্বলে একটা না একটা জনসভা করা হচ্ছে।
আপনারা যদি প্রাদেশিক কাউন্সিল সভা ডাকিবার সিদ্ধান্ত করে থাকেন তার জন্য এখন থেকে প্রস্তুতির দরকার। দুঃখের বিষয় আজ পর্যন্ত সে সম্পর্কে আপনার কোন বিবৃতি প্রকাশ হলাে না। প্রাদেশিক কাউন্সিল সভা না হলে প্রদেশ ব্যাপী শক্তিশালী সংগঠন দাড় করানাে খুব কঠিন। আওমীলীগই আজ পাকিস্তানের একমাত্র বিরােধী দল হিসেবে স্বীকৃত কিন্তু তার জন্মকাল হতে প্রাদেশিক ভিত্তিতে কর্মীদের সভা ডাকা হলাে না এটা একটা সংগঠনের পক্ষে কত ক্ষতিকর তা আপনি বুঝতে পারেন।
আমার মতে শীঘ্রই প্রাদেশিক কাউন্সিলের সভা ডেকে বাস্তব অবস্থার উপর সংগঠন দাড় করাইয়া সঠিক কৰ্ম্ম পদ্ধতি গ্রহণ করা উচিত।
আপনি এ সম্পর্কে অবিলম্বে কাগজে বিবৃতি দিন। কাউন্সিল সভা যাতে জাকজমকের সঙ্গে হয় তার ব্যবস্থা করবেন। রংপুরে শক্তিশালী সংগঠন গড়বার কাজে আমরা খুব ব্যস্ত আছি। আপনার সঙ্গে যে ভিত্তিতে আলােচনা হয়েছে সেই হিসাবে কাজ করছি এবং North Bengal এর বিভিন্ন কর্মীদের সঙ্গে যােগাযােগের ব্যবস্থা করছি। আগামী মাসের প্রথম সপ্তাহে ঢাকা যাব এবং সম্পূর্ন ভাবে আত্মনিয়ােগ করবার জন্য প্রস্তুত। আপনার মতে এখানে সবাই প্রায় একমত। আমার যে দুটো কাজের জন্য আপনাকে অনুরােধ করেছিলাম আশা করি তা আপনার স্মরণ আছে।
ইতি -স্বাঃ মতিউর।

Page: 477
An English translation of a Bengali latter Dt. 21.11.52 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca.
From Matiur Rahman, Awami Muslim League office, Rangpur to Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Secy, Provincial Awami Muslim League office, 94, Nowabpur Rd, Dacca.
Reverend brother Mujib:
Rangpur Dist Awami Leage organisation shall be finished by the 25th of December and representatives shall be selected for the Provincial Council. The election of the Subdivisional Committee shall be completed by the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) of the next month. Committees are being formed in each thana and public meeting is being held almost every day at mofusil area.
You should get yourself ready from now if you are at all determined to convene a Provincial Council meeting. But I am sorry to say that no such statement has yet been released by you uptil now in this connection. It will be very difficult to take a strong foothold throughout the Province unless the provincial council is called soon. It is an admitted fact that Awami League is the only opposition party in Pakistan but no council of workers was ever called on provincial basis since its birth. You can very well realise how harmful it is for the growth of an organisation.
In my opinion a Provincial council should be called for at once and the real method of work should be decided upon, on the foothold of real state of things to make the organisation a sure success. I request you to make a press statement. Kindly arrange to perform the council meeting in a grand manner. We are busy at Rangpur for a very strong organisation. We are working on the lines suggested by you and arranging to keep correspondence with other workers of North Bengal. I am going to Dacca by the first week of the next month, and always ready to devote my whole time. Here all are sharing with your views. ! hope you remember the two requests I made to you for the two works of mine.
Sd/ – Matiur.

Page: 478


Mohamudullah, office-in-charge, EPAML, Dacca sent a letter to
Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, Union AML, Panchar, Faridpur where the writer mentinoned about the expected visit of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman in Faridpur.
Daccca, 4 December 1952 Secret
7, Wiseghat.
DACCA; The 4th December 1952.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Mahamudullah, Officer-in-Charge, East Pakistan Awami Muslim Leage, 94, Nawabpur, Dacca. Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Secy. Union Awami Muslim League, Panchar P.O. Panchar, Dist. Faridpur. English. 2.12.52 Faridabad.
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
R.M.S. Dacca
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or
: :
4.12.52 Enayet Ullah, S.l.
Copy Kept.
10. Whether withheld or
delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy
kept or not 12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.

Page: 479
Copy/translation forwarded to D.S. VI
Mohammadullah, Officer-in-Charge E.P.A.M.L. writes this letter to Mujibur Rahman, Secy. Panchar Union Awami League, Faridpur, reporting the inability of Sk. Majibur Rahman to be in their locality by now but they may expect him along with Mr. Sahawardy by January next.
Sd/ – 4.12.52 No. 18359/606-48 (1) sec. D.I.B. Faridpur. dt. 9.12.52.
Side Note: Place copy in file & send a copy to District for info. Sd/ – 4.12
True copy of a letter from Mohammudullah, Officer-inCharge, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca.
Ref: A.M.L. 124 (12) 52.
TO Mr. Mujibur Rahman Secretary, Union Awami Muslim League, Panchar, P.O. Panchar, Dist. Faridpur. Dt. 2.12.12
Dear Sir,
This office received with thanks your letter dated 13.10.52 and notes the contents there of, Janab S.K. Mujibur Rahman is busy with Dist organisations. He is expected to be in Faridpur by January 53; along with Janab Suhrawardy. It will be impossible on his part to be in your locality by now.
Yours faithfully Sd/ – Mahmmadullah Officer-in-Charge.

Page: 480
Security sec. D.S.6
Perusal pl. two receipts placed below. File is under action. Names, if necessary, may kindly be marked for indexing.
Marked. Place copy in file. sd/ – 10.12.


Md. Suruj Mia, Mukhtear, Secretary, AML, Noakhali sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer stated about the observance of Political Prisoners Release Day’.
Noakhali, 4 December 1952 Secret Immediate
DACCA; Memo No. 6802(2)/58-49
The 4th December, 1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Md. Suruj Muktear, Maijdi, Noakhali.
To (with address)
Janab SK. Majibur Rahman, Secy. Awami Muslim League, 94 Nawabpur Road, Dacca
Language of letter
Date of letter
: Maijdee Court 3 Dec/52.
5. 6.
Postal Seal Post office of interception
: Maijdee Court.

Page: 481
Date of interception
: S.I. Abdul Halim Shariff.
8. Name of officer who can prove
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept
or not
: No. : Delivered. : No.
12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.
Copy/ forwarded to:
S. Rahman, Esqr., Additional Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information. A. Hussain, Esqr., Special Superintendent, (III), I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for favour of deputing a Govt. reporter to attend the meetings.
(A. Fateh.) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B, Noakhali.
Copy of an intercepted letter dated 3.12.52 addressed to SK. Majibur Rahman, Secy. Awami Muslim League, Dacca.
SI. No.I. Md Suruj Mia Mukhtear.
Md Suruj Mia Mukhtear. Maijdee Noakhali
3.12.52 Dear Sir,
Received your letter dated 27.11.52 No. 166(II)52 and arranging to observe the 5th Dec/52 as instructed by your above letter, according to your changed programme we are making arrangements for holding a public meeting on the 9th at Feni and on the 10th at Maijdee, Noakhali and accordingly our President, Awami Muslim League wrote a letter to you on 29.11.52 but no reply as yet regarding your arrival here. Please inform me by which train you will reach at Noakhali so that we can receive

Page: 482
you at the Maijdee Court Railway Station on the appointed time. The meeting at Maijdee will be held at 3 P.M on the instant so I propose you to come by morning train on the same date which will reach at Maijdee Court Railway Station at 7 A.M. There is no other train sure to avail the time of the meeting. Please inform me as early as possible; so that we can make all other arrangements of the meeting declared to be held above. Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Md. Suruj Mia, Secretary, Awami Muslim League,
Janab SK. Majibur Rahman, Secy. Awami Muslim League, 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca.
Side note: Postal Seal, Maijdee Court, 3 Dec/52.


Mohammadullah, office-in-charge, EPAML, Dacca sent a letter to Sirajuddin Ahmed, President, district AML, Noakhali in which the writer informed about the tour program of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman in Comilla.
Dacca, 5 December 1952
The 5th December, 1952 (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
Memo No.
From (with address)
: Mohammadullah, Office in Charge
East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.

Page: 483
To (with address)
Sirajuddin Ahmed, Pleader, President Dist. Awami Muslim League, Noakhali. English
Language of letter
Date of letter
: 3.12.52
Postal Seal
Wallir Road
Post office of interception
: R.M.S. Dacca
Date of interception
: 5.12.52. : Enayetullah, Sl.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not : No Whether withheld or .: Delivered delivered
: Copy kept.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
: Casual
Number and date of Government order authorising interception.
Copy/ translation forwarded to
Mohammadullah, E.P.A.M.L. Dacca writes this letter to Sirajuddin Ahmed Pleader, President, Dist A.M.L. Noakhali that Sheik Majibur Rahman & others shall be on tour from 7th December in Comilla & Noakhali.
Sd/- 6.12.52
Side Note: Seen. File
Action taken on other intercept. Sd/-for DS(6) 6.12.52.

Page: 484
True Copy of a letter from Mohammadullah, Office-in-Charge. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94. Nawabpur Road, Dacca. Ref: A.M.L. 128(12) 52.
TO Mr Sirajuddin Ahmed, Pleader President, Dist Awami Muslim League Noakhali.
Dear Sir,
You have perhaps received this office letter dated 2.12.52, confirming your programme, we beg further to inform you that Janab Sk. Mujibur Rahman, the General Secy, will be accompanied by Prof. Qazi Quamaruzzaman, Mr. Rafiqul Hossain and Prof. Kharul Bashar. The touring party will be in Comilla on the 7th, and the 8th Feni, on the qth and Maijdi on the 10th.
Yours faithfully, Sd/ -Mohammadullah
NB: Same letter was sent from Mohammadullah, office-in-charge, East Pakistan
Awami Muslim League, 94, Nowabpur Road, Dacca to (1) A.K.M. Fazlur Rahman, Secy., Sub-divisional Awami Muslim League, Feni & (2) Mr. Abdur Rahman Khan, Pleader, Secretary, District Awami Muslim League, Comilla Chawdhurypara, dated 3.12.1952.


Extract from proceedings mentioned about the meeting of All Party State Language Committee of Action in observance of ‘Political Prisoners Release Day’ held at Armanitola Maidan,
Dacca where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech.
Dacca, 5 December 1952

Page: 485
Extract from Proceedings of the meeting at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca held on 5.12.52 at the instance of All Party State Language Committee of Action, in observance of Political Prisoners Release day.
(8) Sk. Mujibar Rahman (Acting General Secretary-E.P.A.M.L.). He said that Abul Hashim, Moulana of Bhasani and other selfless workers, who brought in freedom and Pakistan, were thrown into jail by the M.L. Govt. simply because they wanted education for the uneducated, food for the hungry etc. and fought against corruption in M.L. He mentioned the names of Toha, Oli Ahad, Krishna Binode Roy and others during his speech and criticised the Govt. as barbaric for imprisoning them without trial for their democratic agitation.
He described in his speech about the jail life. He said political prisoners were treated worse than ordinary criminals in jail and any protest resulted in their confinement to cell on transfer to other jails from Dacca. He further said that Bhasani Moulana was not getting medical treatment properly and that the A.M.L. workers were sending help by collecting money from the public – (Shame, Shame was cried by the audience) He wanted the I.B. officers to note particularly, during his speech, his warning to both the Central and Provincial Govt. about his firm determination to launch extensive and organise agitation for the immediate release of Tarkabagish Abdur Rashid, Bhasani Moulana, Abul Hashim, Oli Ahad and others. He said that he was ready to court jail and death for this if Govt. delayed to release them.
M.O.S. Sd/- S.N. Mahmud
Inspr. I.B., Dacca 5.12.52 (19.00 hours).


The daily Morning News ‘published news with caption Release of Political Prisoners Demanded’ on the observance of
‘Release of Political Prisoners Day’
Dacca, 5 December 1952

Page: 487
5.12.52. The subject visited A.M.L. Office at 94, Nawabpur Rd. – 09.10 – 10.45.
Bar Library & meet with Advocate Ataur Rahman and Kamaruzzaman – 10.55-11.20
Ruplala House with suspect Kamruzzaman – 11.35-11.40
Mitford Hospital with Kamaruzzaman – 11.55-12.45.
25, Swarighat with Kamaruzzaman – 13.00-13.15.
Kamaruzzaman separated from Baburbazar and the suspect retd. to gr. – 13.30.
Left qr. – 14.30.
Attended meeting at Armanitola Maidan – 14.40 – 17.30.
A.M.L. Office – 17.45 – 17.48.
Ruplal Cinema Hall – 18.10 – 20.30.
Retd. to qr. – 21.00
and was not seen to came out till duty period.
Submitted. Sd/- 6.12
Side note: Place in file. Sd/- A. Hafiz. 10.12.


Extract from summary report of proceedings of the meeting held at Armanitola Maidan in observance of ‘Bandi Mukhti Dibas ‘where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke on the release of all
political prisoners, proper treatment of Mawlana Bhasani, establishing justice in all respect, Bengali as one of the state
languages etc. Dacca, 6 December 1952
Extract from Summary report of Bengali proceedings of the Bandi Mukhti Dibas meeting at Armanitola Maidan on 5.12.52.

Page: 488
Sk. Majibar Rahman in his speech said: we demand release of the political prisoners. We do not want anarchy in the country. We must not allow Govt. to detain anybody in jail without a trial for months and years together hundreds of workers are undergoing sufferings in the jail. All our appeals for their release have gone unheeded. No amenities are provided for the political prisoners in jail. They are kept in cells. Their health has broken down. Their conditions in jails are more miserable then ordinary prisoners convicted of crimes. Persons convicted for black marketing are given first and second classes but not the political prisoner. Maulana Bhasani is an old man of 70. He is ill in the medical college but Govt. have not arranged for his medical treatment free of charge. Awami League workers are begging from door to door for the expenses of his treatment. There are so many others who are in jail. People of Pakistan have made no less sacrifice than Khan Bahadur Nurul Amin and Sir Nazimuddin. They have duty towards these political prisoners who are courting jail for fighting for the interests of the people at general. Suhrawardy Saheb has declared that if the political prisoners are not released he will start a country wide agitation. 4 crores 21 lac people of East Bengal will put forward demand for Bengali and better basic principles of the Constitution so long they are alive. We shall see how long they can detain them in jail. As an humble servant of the people I say if the political prisoners are not released in the near future peaceful movement will be launched everywhere in Pakistan. Release them or the jails will be flooded. I know I may be arrested again and may die in jail but I want to say that in order to establish justice in Pakistan students, Youths, Peasants, Labourers will be making united movement. I.B. officers may note it and inform Nazimuddin Saheb.
Resolutions were adopted demanding release of all political prisoners unconditionally, expressing deep concern for the ill health of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani and many other political prisoners, and demanding Bengali as one of the State Languages of Pakistan.
The meeting broke at 5-15 P.Ms. About 3000 people attended.
Sd/- S.G. Hossain Kazi, Govt. Reporter,

Page: 489


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to Abdur Rahman Khan,
Secretary, DAML, Comilla in which he stated observing December 5, 1952 as the ‘Political Prisoners Release Day’in a
peaceful manner. Dacca, 8 December 1952
Comilla, The 8th December, 1952.
Memo. No. 7886(2)/90-49(Int)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Secy., E.P. Awami Muslim League, Dacca. Abdur Rahman Khan, B.L., Pleader, Comilla, Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Tippera. English 27.11.52
Nawabpur, 29 Decr., 1952.
Language of letter
4. 5. 6.
Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not
: S.I. Md.
Comilla. : X : Delivered. : Copy kept.
10. Whether withheld or delivered
11. If delivered, whether copy kept or
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception.

Page: 490
Copy/translation forwarded to :
A. Hussain, Esqr., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, S. Rahman, Esqr., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca. for information.
Sd/- 8.12.52
(A.R. Talukdar) Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Tippera.
True Copy.
East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Central Office, 94, Nawabpur Road,
Ref: A.M.L. 116(II)52 Dated 27.11.52.
Abdur Rahman Khan B.L., Pleader, Comilla. Secy. Dist. Awami Muslim League, Comilla, Chaudhuripara.
Dear Sir,
It has been decided by the All Parties State Language committee of action and has been endorsed by East Pakistan Awami Muslim League to observe Decr.5, 1952 as the “Political prisoners release day” by holding public meetings and to pass resolutions demanding unconditional release of all political prisoners including those arrested during the state language movement. It should be noted that there will be no strike and no procession for the purpose but only peaceful public meeting and there must not be violation of Sec. 144 Cr. P.C. or any such order if there be any for the observance of the Day strict observance of the instructions is essential for the success of the cause.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully, Sd/-Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Secy., E.P. Awami Muslim League.
Side note: (1) S/o Abdul Latif of Puniot, B. Baria, Tippera and of Comilla town.

Page: 492


Extract from the statement of an agent mentioned about a closed
door meeting in which it was decided that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with 3 leaders would attend to the Vienna Peace
Dacca, 9 December 1952
Extract from the Statement of D-73(C.A.) dated 6.12.52.
II. I came to learn from (7) Ali Aksad that a closed door meeting of the East
Pakistan Peace Committee was held on 4.12.52 between 18.00 hrs. and 20.00 hrs. in the residence of (8) Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, 25 Swarighat Dacca Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan Presided over the meeting. Ali Aksad (9) Pranesh Samaddar, (10) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (11) Dewan Mahboob Ali Imadullah (12) Sayiyid Muhammad Hashem (13) Abdul Jalil and about 15 others attended this meeting. It was decided in the meeting that Ataur Rahman Khan, Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Dewan Mohboob Ali, Ali Aksad will go to Vienna to attend the Peace Congress there. It was disclosed in the meeting that Ali Aksad has submitted a petition for a passport and Motahar Hussain Chaudhuri (4) he has stood surely for Ali Aksad. In this meeting, resolution along with others demanding release of all the security prisoners were unanimously passed.
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca the 9th December, 1952.
No. 12618/D-73.
Copy forwarded to T. Ahmad, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information with ref. to his No. 17016(17)/6 (Genl.) dt. 11.11.52 and in continuation of this office letter No. 12273-D/110 C.A. dt. 3.12.52.
Sd/- S. Rahman, for Addl.Sudpt. of Police, D. I. B.,

Page: 493


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to Suruj Mia, Mukhtear, Secretary, District AML Noakhali in which he informed about the
shifting of Provincial Election date.
Dacca, 10 December 1952
December, 1952.
Memo. No. 7880
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy.,
E.P.A.M.L., Dacca.
To (with address)
Suruj Mia Mukhtear, Secy. Dist. A.M.L., Noakhali.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Postal Seal
: Maijdi Court 4th Decr. ’52, Noakhali.
Post office of interception
: Maijdi Court.
Date of interception
S.I. Abdul Halim Sharif
Name of officer who can prove the interception Whether photographed or not Whether withheld or delivered
: No. : Delivered.
: Copy kept.
If delivered, whether copy kept or not
Number and date of Government order authorising interception.

Page: 494
Copy of an intercepted letter dated 1.12.52 from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secy., East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, Dacca to Mvi. Suruj Mia, Mukhtear, Secy., Dist. A.M.L., Noakhali, intercepted at Maijdi Court Post Office, Noakhali on 4.12.52.
Ref: – A.M.L. 119(12)52, dated 1.12.52.
Dear Sir,
We have much pleasure to inform you that for unavoidable reason we have been compelled to shift the date of our Provincial Election to February, 1953, and as such you get the whole month of December, 1952 and January, 1953. You have not complete the subdivisional election by the 25th December, 1952 and the District by the 12th of January, 1953. We beg to mention here that All Pakistan Awami Muslim League Convention is going to be held at Lahore. You are at liberty to send representative to the Convention at your own expense for which you require a visa. The central organisation will supply them with food and lodging. The respective district committees must send the numbers of the intending goers by the 15th December, 1952.
NB: Same letter was sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, East Pakistan Awami
Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca to (1) Md. A. Aziz, Secretary, District
Awami Muslim League, Chittagong 122, Anderkilla, Chittagong, (2) Abdur Rahman Khan, B.L. Secretary, Tippera District A.M.L., Comilla & (3) S.M. Golam Sayeed, Mukhtear, Jt. Convenor, District Awami Muslim League, Khulna, dated-1.12.1952.


M.A. Gafur of Faridpur sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in
which the writer stated about his devotion to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, losing confidence on ML, Faridpur election, willing to
be co-worker of AL etc. Faridpur, 10 December 1952

Page: 495
DACCA; The 10.12.1952.
Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: M. A. Gafur, Vill-Chhulna, P.O.
Boalmari, Dist. Faridpur. 2. To (with address)
Sheik Mujibar Rahman, Secy. Provincial Awami Muslim League, C/ Tofazzal Hossain, Editor Ittefaq, 9, Hatkhola Road, P.O.
Wari, Dacca 3. Language of letter
Bengali Date of letter
.: 6.12.52 Postal Seal
: Boalmari 6. Post office of interception
G.P.O. Dacca 7. Date of interception
10.12.52 8. Name of officer who can : A.S.I. Jakir moinddin ahmed
prove the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy : Copy kept.
kept or not 12. Number and date of
: casual. Government order authorising
Copy/translation forwarded to
M.A. Gafur of Chhulna, Faridpur writes this letter to Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L Dacca reg. party matters.
sd/ 10.12.52

Page: 496
No. 187%৭/%b6-44(a)sec. dt. 16.12.12.
1. Place copy in file. 2. Send a copy to District for info & particulars of the writer. sd/
Side Note: Reminder issued Vide P. 235
CO English translation of the attached int. pl. Sd/ – 12.12.52 SI AS Chaudhuri to comply pl. Sd/ -12.12.52 An English translation in attached. Sd/ -15.12.52 Repg at P 247 sd/- 16.12.
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 6.12.52. intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca.
From : M. A. Gafur, Vill – Chhulna, P.o. Bowalmari, Dist – Faridpur. To : Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Secretary, Provicial Awami Leage, C/o.
Tofazzel Husain, Editor “Ittefaq”, 9, Hat Khola Road, Dacca. জনাব।। আমার ছালাম গ্রহণ করিবেন। আমি যদিও আপনার সহিত পরিচিত নই তবুও আমি আপনাকে একজন মহৎ দেশপ্রেমিক হিসাবে ভক্তি করি। আপনার কর্তব্য জ্ঞান স্বদেশ সেবা বিরাট ব্যক্তিত্ব, নির্ভীক বক্তৃতা নানা রকম ঝড় ঝঞ্ঝার মধ্যেও কৰ্ত্তব্য কর্মে দৃঢ়ভাবে অবিচল অটল থাকা, দেশের জন্য বারংবার কারাবরণ প্রভৃতি মহৎগুণে আমাকে শুধু আমাকে কেন দেশের অধিকাংশ জনসাধারণকেই মুগ্ধ করিয়াছে। অবশ্য ছয় বৎসর পূর্বের ১৯৪৬ শালের ফেব্রুয়ারী মাসে গত নিৰ্বাচনের সময় বােয়ালমারী বাজারে আপনার প্রতিভা দেখিয়া মুগ্ধ হইয়াছিলাম এবং তখনই আপনার সহকর্মী হইব বলিয়া হৃদয়ে আশা পােষণ করিয়াছিলাম। যদিও আমি মুসলিম লীগের একজন নগন্য খাদেম হিসাবে এযাবৎ কাজ করিয়া আসিতেছিলাম; কিন্তু মুসলিমলীগের কার্যকলাপে আমি কোন দিনই সন্তুষ্ট হইতে পারি নাই। কারন আমি বুঝি যেটা মুসলমানদের রাজনৈতিক প্রতিষ্ঠান সেখানে প্রত্যেক মুসলমানের প্রবেশাধিকার থাকিবে না কেন? মুসলিম লীগের উপর এখন আর জন সাধারনের আস্থ্য নাই। আছে শুধু মুষ্টিমেয় কয়েকজন স্বার্থপর ও দালাল লােকদের। আপনাদের প্রতিষ্ঠিত আগ্রামীলীগের উপর এখন অনেকেই আস্থ্য স্থাপন করিয়াছে। কিন্তু প্রকাশ্যে ঘােষণা করিবার সৎ সাহস এখনও এদেশবাসীর হয় নাই। কি জানি যদি গভর্নমেন্টের অতিথি হইতে হয়। আমি বৰ্তমানে আপনাদের সাপ্তাহিক কাগজ ইত্তেফাক এর গ্রাহক

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হইয়াছি। উক্ত কাগজ মারফত জানিতে পারিলাম আগামী ২৫ শে ডিসেম্বরের মধ্যে আম্মামীলীগের মহকুমা সমূহের নিৰ্বাচন সম্পন্ন করিতে হইবে। আমাদের ফরিদপুর জেলার সদর মহকুমার নির্ধ্বাচন সম্পন্ন হইয়াছে কি না জানি না। কি ভাবে ঐ নির্বাচন হইবে এবং আমাদিগকে কি ভাবে কাজ করিতে হইবে তাহা অবশ্যই পত্র পাল্লা মাত্র জানাইয়া দিবেন। অবশ্য ২৫ শে ডিসেম্বরের পূর্বে আপনি একবার বােয়ালমারী আসিলে সব ঠিক হইয়া যাইত। যদি আসিতে পারেন তবে আমাকে পত্র দ্বারা জানাইবেন। আমি সব ব্যবস্থা করিব। ইনশা আল্লাহ আমরা আগামী ইলেকশনে জয়লাভ করিতে সমর্থ হইব। আমার মনে হয় যদি আপনারা প্রত্যেক থানায় থানায় ঘুরিয়া সভা করিতে পারেন তবে সবগুলি আসনই আমরা দখল করিতে সমর্থ হইব। আপনাদের শুধু টাউনে টাউনে বক্তৃতা করিলে চলিবে না। পাড়াগায়েও নামিয়া আসিতে হইবে। কারণ পাড়াগায়ের লােক এখনও অজ্ঞ। তাহা দিগকে সব কিছু বুঝাইয়া মর্মে মৰ্ম্মে উপলব্ধি করাইয়া দিতে হইবে। আপনারা প্রথমে সদস্য সংগ্রহ আরম্ভ করুন। তাহার পরে নির্বাচন সম্পন্ন করিবেন।
নইলে পকেট লীগের মত দশা হইয়া যাইবে। আপনি বােধ হয় আমাকে চিনেন না। তবে খুব সম্ভব বােয়াল মারীর আবু ছাইদ মিয়াকে চিনেন। তিনি আমার ভাই। এই আমার পরিচয়। আশা করি আপনাদের একজন নগন্য খাদেম হিসাবে মুসলমান সমাজের খেদমত করিতে পারিব। আশা করি আমি আপনাদের একজন সহকর্মী হিসাবে আপনাদের স্নেহাশীষ। পাইব। ইতি।
আমার বর্তমান ঠিকানা। স্বাঃ মােঃ আঃ গফুর মিয়া।
গ্রাম-ভীমপুর পােঃ নওপাড়া, জেলা-ফরিদপুর।
স্বাঃ- এম, এ, গফুর ছােলনা, পােঃ বােয়ালমারী
An English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 6.12.52 from M. A. Gafur of Chhulna, P.O. Bowalmari, Dist. Faridpur to Sheikh Majibar Rahman, Secy. Provincial Awami League, C/o Tofazzal Hussain, editor “Ittefak”, a Hatkhola Rd. Dacca intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca on 10.12.52.
Please accept my Salam Janab. Though I am foreign to you, still 1 regard you as you are one of the best patriots of the country. It is not by

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me alone but the countrymen in general were charmed at your sense of duty, service to the country, strong personality, dauntless speech and that you remain always calm and steady in your duty even in the midst of various tempests. We were first of all charmed at Bowalmeri Bazar about 6 years back in the month of February in 1946 during election at your sharp intellect and since then I was harbouring an idea of becoming a comrade of yours. So long I was a humber worker of the Muslim League but I could never be satisfied with the activities of Muslim League. For I fail to understand why a political organisation which is purely of the Muslims shall deprive other Muslims to step in to it. People have lost confidence on the Muslim League organisation. It has now got the confidence of a very few selfish people and of a very few brokers only. Many have got confidence now on your Awami League but they are rather shy to give out wide publicity due to lack of courage, for fear of Safety Act. At present I have become a subscriber of your weekly “Ittefak”. It was noticed through this weekly that subdivisional election of Awami League shall have to be finished by the 25th of December. I am not sure if Sadar subdivisional election of our Faridpur District is over by this time. How that election is to be carried out and our works shall have to be finished on, kindly enlighten us early about it as soon as you receive this letter. Of course if you could have arranged to come once at Bowalmari before the 25th of December everything would have been alright. I shall arrange everything provided you inform me early reg. your arrival. “Insha-Allah” we shall be able to win the coming election. I think if you hold meetings at places in each thana, we would be able to secure all the seats. If you simply hold meetings in the Town area, the purpose will not be served.
You shall have to come down to the nook and corner of the villages as the village folk is still in the dark. They are to give a clear understanding and the idea is to be released explicitly. You better, first of all, recruit members; then finish your election, otherwise, you shall have to share the same gate of pocket-league. Probably you do not know me but I think you are acquainted with one Abu Said Mia of Bowalmari. He is my brother and thus I give out my identity. I hope as a humble

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servant of yours; shall be able to render service to the community. I hope and like to be blessed by you as a co-worker of yours.
My present address. Sd – Md. A. Gafur Mia
vill – Bhimpur
P.O. Nopara Dt. -Faridpur.
Servant Sd – M.A. Gafur
Sulna, P.O. Bowalmari


Extract from SWR of Dacca DIB mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to Abdul Ghafur, Secretary, Sub-divisional
AML, Narayanganj about the decision of All Parties State Language Committee of Action to observe ‘Political Prisoners
Day’on 5 December 1952.
Dacca, 11 December 1952
Ext. from SWR of the Dacca DIB for the w/e 11.12.52.
Part IV Politico Communal Groups. (2) Sk. Mujibar Rahman (s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dt.
Faridpur & of Dacca) Acting Genl. Secy. of the E.P.A.M.L. writes on 27.11.52 to Mvi. Abdul Ghafur (being fixed) Secy. Subdivisional A.M.L. Narayanganj, that All Party State Language Committee of Action has decided to observe ‘Political prisoners Day’ on 5.12.52 by holding public meeting and passing a resolution for unconditional and immediate release of political prisoners arrested during the last Language Movement. Continuing the writer directs that there will be no strike or procession in this connection & confined only to holding of peaceful meeting. Forwarded to office for N.A. Sd/- 20.12
Side note: Int. by Dacca DIB at Narayanganj on 1.12.52. Copy not sent to I.B. Ext. to file.
Sd/.A. Hafiz, 19.12

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Confidential report on the arrival of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at
Dacca from Noakhali.
Dacca, 12 December 1952
Copy of C.R., submitted by O/C, Watch, I.B. on 12.12.52. to D.S. VI.
Suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman, accompanied by Prof. Khairul Bashar and Prof Quamruzzaman arrived at Dacca Rly. Station from Maizdi, Noakhali by Chittagong Mail at 19.30 hours on 11.12.52 under shadow. From Dacca Rly. Station they all came to A.M.L. Office. From there Sk. Mujibar Rahman returned to his quarter at 71 Radhika Mohan Basak Lane alone. Extract may go in P. Fs of all concerned.
Side note: Place in P.F. Sd/- A Hafiz, 12/12/52.


Jahed Ali Ahmad, Convener, Kushtia State Language Committee of Action wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer focused on the release of prisoners, negative propaganda of
Tamuddun Majlish as regard to State Language Movement, reshuffled committee of Kushtia District State Language
Committee of Action etc.
Kushtia, 13 December 1952
7, Wise Ghat Road,
Memo. No.
Dacca; The 13.12.1952.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Jahed Ahmad, Convener, Kushtia State Language Committee of Action, Kushtia.

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To (with address)
Janab Shaik Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter
: :
Bengali. 9.12.52.
Postal Seal
: Kushtia – 10.12.52.
G.P.O., Dacca.
Post office of interception Date of interception
& ” có
: 13.12.52. : Keramat Ali Bhuiyan A.S.I.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy
kept or not
: x : Delivered. : Copy kept.
12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.
Copy of a Bengali letter dated 9.12.52 intercepted at G.P.O., Dacca from Jahed Ali Ahmad, Convenor, Kushtia State Language Committee of Action, Kushtia to Jonab Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, General Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
প্রিয় মজিবর ভাই –
আমার সালাম জানিবেন। গত ২রা ডিসেম্বর আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসে স্থানীয় রাষ্ট্র ভাষা ক পরিষদের এক অধিবেশনে কেন্দ্রীয় রাষ্ট্রভাষা কৰ্ম্ম পরিষদের নির্দোনুযায়ী আগামী ৫ই ডিসেম্বর বন্দী মুক্তির দাবীতে এক জন সভার আয়ােজন করবার সিদ্ধান্ত লও হয়। কিন্তু অতীব দুঃখের বিষয় ইতিমধ্যে তমুদ্দন মজলিসের সদস্য ও কর্ম পরিষদের চেয়ারম্যান আব্দুল হক এবং E.P.M.S.L. এর কর্মী সামসুল হুদা আমাদেরকে মুখে মুখে বলিতে থাকে লােকজনের উৎসাহ কমে গেছে, Let it be drop. রাষ্ট্র ভাষা কৰ্ম্ম পরিষদের ২ রা তারিখে এই সিদ্ধান্ত ও কেন্দ্রীয় কমিটির ঘােষণাকে পালন না করার একমাত্র কারণ হইতেছে তমুদ্দন মজলিস সমস্ত রাজবন্দীদের মুক্তা চায় না। তার বড় প্রমাণদেখবেন গত সপ্তাহের “সৈনিকের শেষ” পৃষ্ঠায়। ৫ই ডিসেম্বর এই খবরটি ছাপা হয়েছে খুব কায়দা মাফিক শেষ কলমে এবং তার হেড লাইন এর রূপ:-“ভাষা আন্দোলনে বন্দীদের মুক্তি দাবী”

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এইরূপ হেড লাইনে এত বড় গুরুত্তপূর্ণ খবর ছাপানাের অর্থ বন্দী মুক্তির আন্দোলনে ফাটল ধরানাের অপপ্রয়াস মাত্র। এখানকার তমুদ্দন মজলিসের এই ভূমিকার সহিত উক্ত খবর পরিবেশনের কোনও পার্থক্য নেই। এদের হটকারিতার আর একটি তথ্য জানাইতেছি। তমুদ্দন মজলিস যে ছোট পুস্তকাকার “ভাষা আন্দোলনের ইতিহাস” প্রকাশ করিয়াছে তাহাতেও মিথ্যার আশ্রয় লওয়া হইয়াছে। তাহাতে বলা হইয়াছে কুষ্টিয়া জেলা ভাষা আন্দোলনে তমুদ্দন মজলিশের নেতৃত্বে আগাইয়া চলিয়াছে। তাহাতে আরও বলা হইয়াছে তমুদ্দন মজলিশের সদস্য আবদুল হক রাষ্ট্র ভাষা কম্ম পরিষদের কনভেনর। কিন্তু এটা। আরও মিথ্যা কথা। কনভেনর ছিল মােঃ সামছুল হুদা। তমুদ্দন মজলিসের কোনও কর্মির বাড়াতে কৰ্ম্ম পরিষদ গঠিত হইলেই তাদের নেতৃত্ব বুঝায়না। আমরা কোন আন্দোলনেই ফাটলের সৃষ্টি করে গণ আন্দোলনের পথ রুদ্ধ করে দিতে চাই না বলেই এসব কথার এত দিন ও কোন প্রতিবাদ করি নাই। এখন আরও বহুবার তারা এই রকম হটকারিতার সৃষ্টি করিয়াছে। এসব বলে আপনার মূল্যবান সময় নষ্ট করিতে চাই না আর আপনাকে বিরক্ত করাটাও উচিত হবে না বলেই চুপ করলাম। পূর্ববর্ভা রাষ্ট্র ভাষা কর্মপরিষদে কুষ্টিয়া জেলার আওয়ামীলীগ বা যুবলীগের কোন প্রতিনিধি না থাকলেও এবং রাষ্ট্র ভাষা কৰ্ম্ম পরিষদ কেন্দ্রীয় কমিটির ঘােষণা “বন্দীমুক্তি দিবস” পালন না করলেও আমরা মিলিত ভাবে আয়ামী লীগ ও যুবলীগের উদ্যোগে কেন্দ্রীয় রাষ্ট্র ভাষা কৰ্ম্মপরিষদের নির্দেশে ৫ই ডিসেম্বর বন্দী মুক্তি দিবস পালন করার সিদ্ধান্ত নেই। এক জনসভার আয়ােজন করি। ভবিষ্যতে রাষ্ট্র ভাষা আন্দোলনকে আগাইয়া দেত্মার জন্য সর্ব দলীয় ভাবে কুষ্টিয়া জেলা রাষ্ট্র ভাষা কৰ্ম্ম পরিষদকে পূর্ণগঠিত করা হইয়াছে। পূর্ববর্তী কমিটিতে আওয়ামীলীগ কিংবা যুবলীগের কোন প্রতিনিধি ছিল না। জন সভাতেই কমিটি গঠন করা হয় এবং আম্মামী লীগের সম্মতিতে কর্ম পরিষদের অফিস আওয়ামী লীগ অফিসে স্থাপন করার সিদ্ধান্ত করা হয়। এখন থেকে কুষ্টিয়া জেলা রাষ্ট্র ভাষা কর্মপরিষদের যাবতীয় নির্দেশ বর্তমান কনভেনরের সহিত করিতে অনুরােধ করিবেন।Reshuffled Committee 1. Abdur Rahim B.A. B.T. B.L. (Chairman) Mazammel Haq
(Vice Chairman) Lutfal Haque Dewan Ahmad
ť v
Jahid Ahmad
Quzi Kafiluddin. Md. Nural Islam
(Members) Representatives Awami League.
Md. Abdul Aziz

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Md. Ismail
10. Jiaur Rahman 11. Ainul Islam
Members (Y.L.)
12. Abdul Matin
Member (E.P.M.S.L)
13. Shamsul Huda 14. Abdul Gafur 15. Abdul Haq
Member (Tamaddun Majlish52)
17. Abdul Quad
Member (Biri Workers Union)
18. Alifuddin 19. Shamsuddin Ahmad
Sd/ – Jahid Ahmad Convenor Kushtia State Language Committee of Action


Nurur Rahman, President, Sylhet district AML sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer stated about the telegram on the arrest warrant of M.A. Bari and 4 others, serious illness of Mowlana Bhasani and his release with all political
prisoners etc. Sylhet, 15 December 1952
52. Tamaddun Majlish – Tamaddun Majlish (or Pakistan Tamaddun Majlish) is an Islamic Cultural Organization established in 1947 by Principal Abul Kashem in East Pakistan. Tamaddun Majlish played an active role in the Bengali Language Movement in 1948 and 1952. The members of the organization were strongly influenced by the mentality of the East Pakistan Renaissance Society. After the partition, they realized that Pakistan was no longer governed with the idealism that had been promised. This led most of the members of the Tamuddun Majlish to drift away from the Muslim League.

Page: 504
Memo. No.
Dacca; The 15.12.1952. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Nurur Rahman, President, Sylhet District Awami Muslim League, Nayasarak Sylhet. S. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary, Awami League, Nowabpur
Road, Dacca. : English. : 13.12.52. : Sylhet. : G.P.O. Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
ť in
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception
: A.S.T. Fakir Moinuddin Ahmed.
Name of officer who can prove the interception
9. Whether photographed or not : No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept : Copy kept.
or not 12. Number and date of Government :
order authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to
President Sylhet District A.M.L. writes to the Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca reg. arrests of persons under the Safety Act & hands of officers in it etc.
Sd/- 15.12.52

Page: 505
No. 18945 /606-48(1) sec. dt. 19.12.52. SS(III) Perusal pl. 1. Copy may be placed in file. 2. Copy may go to District (Sylhet) for info and comment.
Sd/ – 15.12
Side Note: Security Sec
Issue. 16.12.52 606-48(1), copy to 245-51(1) & 613-52 (1) if it is approved of D.Š. PL. T.S. Two extra copies pl. Sd/-16/12 D.S.6 R.Ds note above for apprl. pl. Sd/-20.12.
Copy of an English letter dt. 13-12-52 intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca.
From: Nurur Rahman, President, Sylhet District Awami Muslim
League, Nayasarak, Sylhet. To : S. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary, Awami League, Nowabpur Road,
My dear Rahman Sb.
Ref your telegram, warrant of arrest under safety act 7(3) had been issued against Mr. M.A. Bari and 4 others. It was alleged that they had delivered speeches in a meeting held on 17.10.52. On 17.10.52 we held a meeting receiving alarming news of serious illness of Moulana Bhasani and on that day release of political prisoners in general and Moulana Bhasani in particulars had been demanded. It was a meeting organised by Sylhet district Awami League and members of other organisation participated. It is discovered from the records that F.I.R. was lodged by the police of that day incident on 5.12.52. It may you to be curious why police was so late their movement if at all, they wanted to make some arrests. It is generally believed that the arrests made was not for the speeches on that occasion but for specifying a movement started here against issue of a monopoly permit for potato seeds to a brother-in-law

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of a H.M. The four persons concerned were very vehement in their criticises, and it is the brother-in-law on the other side, with a view to harass those who speak against him manipulated this arrest. Mr. Serajul Hog Chowdhury, S.P. Sylhet, it learnt has taken the task in his hand and in return he had got a piece of land in Dacca de-requisitioned through an H.M. it is rumoured. How far this part of the story is correct is yet to be found out. You can ascertain if there is any truth in this rumour or not. However a movement is afoot, undoubtedly I shall try to keep you informed all about it from time to time.
Yours, Sd/ – Nurur Rahman.
275 Report on the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, A.K. Fazlul Haque along with other leaders those who left Dacca for Sylhet by train, Narsingdi visit and delivered speeches in the meeting there,
etc. Dacca, 17 December 1952
The O/C, Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
I beg to report that on 14.12.52 at about 05.55 hours I took up my duty at the 71, Radika Mohan Basak lane for suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman that time there was
reliever in that place. Than I left that place and went to Dacca R/S and found reliever W/C. Karinul Hossain with the suspect Sk. Mojibar Rahman and I relieved him at 06.00 hrs. At about 06.10 hrs the said suspect left Dacca R/S along with A.K.
zlul Hoque, Rafiqul Islam and Komruzzaman for Narsingdi by Chittagong train At about 09.00 hrs they reached at Narsingdi R/S and they were received by about 500 peoples of Narsingdi and they procedded to-wards the Narsingdi Bazar on foot and they reached at Awami League Office. After an hour they left said office and

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went to the house of Kafiluddin Bhuiyan, where they waited up to 14.30 hrs. At the same time they left the said place and went to Iddgah Maidan where they attended the meeting. The meeting report had been submitted by S.I. Abdul Karim of D.I.B., Dacca. After finishing the meeting they returned to the house of said Kafiluddin Bhuyan. At about 21.50 hrs the suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman left that place along with Rafiqul Islam and reached at Narsingdi R/S. at about 22.30 hrs. At about 22.35 hrs. left the R/S. along with said person for Sylhet. At about 00.40 hrs Rafiqul Islam get down from train at Brahman Baria R/S and proceeded towards the town dated 15.12.52. At about 09.00 hrs the suspect Sk. Majibar Rahman reached at Sylhet R/S and I hand over the suspect to W/C Osman gani of R.I.B., Sylhet. At the time of returned journey W/C Bhola Mia of D.I.B., Sylhet. Made over the said suspect to me at about 21.00 hrs.
Side note: Reader. Put up the W.C. at once. Sd/- A. Razzak. O/C. 17.12
W/C. Is it an Awami League meeting? Yes Sir. Sd/- Shamsul Hoq. 17.12.52.
At about 21.15 hrs the said suspect left Sylhet R/S for Dacca by train. At about 09.15 hrs. (on 16.12.52) reached at Dacca R/S and reached at 94, Nowabpur Road by rickshow No. 310 at about 09.25 hrs. At about 10.45 hrs. the said suspect left the said place and went 71, Radika Mohan Basak lane at about 1.00 hrs by rickshow no. 793. I relieved by W/C M.M. Jahurul Hoque at 12.00 hrs.
Submitted W/C. Shamsul Haq
I.B., Dacca.
16.12.52 D.S.VI.
Suspect Mujibar Rahman accompanied by Mr. A.K. Fazlul Huque and Rafiqul Islam (A.M.L.) went to Narsingdi and put up in the house of Kafiluddin Bhuiyan. Mr. A.K. Fazlul Haque addressed a meeting sponsored by A.M.L. which was attended by Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Rafiqul Islam, who delivered lectures from Narsingdi. Sk. Mujibar alone went to Sylhet on 15.12.52 at 09.00. There he attends a meeting of the A.M.L. and delivered lectures. On that very day he left Sylhet for Dacca. He reached Dacca on 16.12.52 at 09.15 hrs. Copy of this extract may go in P.F. of all concerned.
Sd/- A. Razzak
O/C. 17.12

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A telephone message about the movements and visits of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman in Dacca.
Dacca, 19 December 1952
Copy of Telephone Message dated 18.12.52, from W/C M.M. Zahurul Huq, I.B., Dacca, to O/C, Watch, I.B., Dacca.
At about 15.20 hrs. suspect Sk. Mujibar Rahman entered into 12, Farashganj Road by a Rickshaw . At about 16.45 hrs. the said suspect left the said place and proceeded towards North Brook Hall Road side by Jeep Car No. EBD 2597. So I left the said place for my original duty place.
This is for your kind information.
Side note: S.O.
(1) Who is the owner of the Jeep Car? (2) Make enquiries from the driver as to which places the suspect visited. Sd – A.
Razzak, 19.12, Seen. Sd/- 19.12
Copy of C.R. submitted by an S.I. of I.B to O/C, Watch, I.B., E.B., Dacca on 20.12.52.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that Mvi. Abu Ahamed Bazlul Karim is the owner of the Jeep Car No. EBD 2597. It is from there learnt that the suspect visited 12 Farashganj Road Passport Office and Swarighat Road house of Ataur Rahman. The subject went to Passport office for Visa & passports as he is going to Lahore in a day
or two.
Side note: D.S. VI may please see with ref. to my orders to S.O. on the attached telephone
message. Sd/- A. Razzak, 22.12, Sd/- A. Hafiz, 22.12.52

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Capt. Monsur Ali, Convener, District AML, Pabna sent a letter to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he mentioned about the formation of Sirajganj AML Sub-divisional Committee,
organizational matters etc.
Sirajganj, 20 December 1952
In a letter dated 9.12.52 intercepted at Pabna Post Office on 10.12.52. Capt. Monsur Ali, Convenor, Dist. Awami Muslim League informs Sk. Mujibur Rahman, General Secy., E.P.A.M.L. 94, Nawabpur Road, Dacca, that a Sub-Divisional Committee of the Awami Muslim League has been formed at Serajganj on 7.12.52. with great enthusiasm. The writer further informs the addressee that the field of work at Serajganj is favourable for their party and the presence of the latter is immediately necessary there for holding one or two meetings and thereby to encourage the public by giving vent to their progressive ideas.
The writer further informs the addressee that Moulvi Abdur Rob, Secy. Sadar
Sub-divisional A.M.L., Pabna, has been selected a delegate from this District to the ensuing All Pakistan Awami Muslim League convention.
Side note:
Extr. from SWR of Pabna for W/E 11.12.52. Copy to File please. Sd/- 20.12.52,


Ashraf Ali Khan of Barisal sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which he prayed to God for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman that he could serve the exploited masses and also desired for getting Ittefaq, suggestion for renaming the party etc.
Barisal, 20 December 1952

Page: 510
Memo. No.
Dacca; The 20.12.1952. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Ashraf Ali Khan, Khan Lodge, Brown Qrts. Barisal. Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Secy. A.M.L. E.P. 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
Language of letter
Date of letter
Bengali : 16.12.52 : Barisal
5. 6.
Postal Seal Post office of interception
G.P.O. Dacca
Date of interception Name of officer who can prove the interception
: 20.12.52 : B. Rahman. S.l. 1.B
Whether photographed or not
10. Whether withheld or delivered
: Delivered.
11. If delivered, whether copy kept
: Copy Submitted to office.
or not
12. Number and date of Government : Casual
order authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to D.S. VI
Ashraf Ali Khan writes from Barisal to Mujibar Rahman Khan, Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca reg. the circulation etc. of Newspaper Ittefaq’ a such other matters. Sd/ – 20.12.52.

Page: 511
No. 17234/606-44 (1) Sec. dt.24.12.52. Copy to file & Barisal for info & comments. Sd/ – 20.12
Side note: Security Sec
C.O. English translation pl. Sd/-22.12. S.I. Hossainuddin for a Bengali copy, Sd/-22.12.52
Kindly put the name of addressee clearly. Sd/-23.12
/Ssue. 23.12.52
Reminder issued vide P. 236. Reply at P. 246. English translation is attached herewith. Sd/ – 23.12.52.
Copy of a Bengali letter dated 16.12.52 from Ashraf Ali Khan, Khan Lodge, Brown art. Barisal to Sheik Mujibar Rahman, Secy. Awami Muslim League, 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
My dear Brother
আমার ছালাম নিবেন। আশাকরি খােদার ইচ্ছায় কুশলেই আছেন। সত্যিকারের ইসলামিক আদর্শে অনুপ্রাণিত করে যেন মজলুম জনসাধারনের খেদমত করার শক্তি খােদা আপনাকে দেন ইহাই আমাদের কামনা এবং প্রার্থনা। আপনি করাচি যাত্মার জন্য বর্তমানে খুব ব্যস্ত আছেন। তবুও যাত্মার পূৰ্ব্বে একটি কাজ করে যাত্মা দরকার মনে করি। কারণ বরিশালে জাহাঙ্গির সাহেবের নামে মাত্র কয়েক কপি ইত্তেফাক আনার ব্যবস্থা করেছিলাম। কিন্তু রিতিমত টাকা না দেয়ায় বর্তমান সংখ্যা থেকে পেপার বন্ধ করে দিয়েছেন। বন্ধ করা মানিক ভাইর মােটেই দোষ হয় নাই। কারণ বরিশালে প্রায় ৬৩ টাকার মত বাকী পড়ে। আছে। টাকা বাকী থাকলে কোন মতেই পেপার দেয়া উচিৎ নয়। আপনাকে আমি নিজে এবং অনেকেই বলেছিলাম যে অন্যত্র একটা ব্যবস্থা করা দরকার। ইত্তেফাক আমাদের একমাত্র মুখােপত্র তাও আসা বন্ধ হলে আমাদের আর কোন উপায় নাই। আমি রিতিমত ইত্তেফাক পড়তে না পারলে খুবই অসুবিধা হয়। আপনি দয়া করে মানিক ভাইর সঙ্গেও আলাপ করে আমার নামে পেপার পাঠাবার ব্যবস্থা করবেন। আমি শাজাহানকে দিয়ে সব ব্যবস্থা করে নিব। শাজাহানও উপকৃত হবে। কত কমিশন এবং অন্যান্য নিয়মাবলি লিখিয়া। পত্র দিতে বলিবেন। আমার নামে পেপার রিতিমত আসলে সব রকম চিন্তা থেকে মানিক ভাই রেহাই পাবেন। টাকার জন্য কোন চিন্তা করতে হবে না। মানিক ভাই যদিও আমাকে চিনে
তাই আপনার দায়িত্বে তেনাকে বলে দিবেন। আগামি সংখ্যায় ১০০ কপি পাঠাতে বলিবেন। ছােট দুইটি পয়েন্ট আলােচনা করে বিদায় নিব।

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১। কোন রাজনৈতিক প্রতিষ্ঠানের সাথে কোন ব্যক্তির নাম থাকা উচিৎ নহে। কাজেই
জিন্না আয়ামী লীগ নাম নিয়া আশা করি আলােচনা করে আসবেন করাচিতে।। ২। পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তানে জয়েন্ট ইলেকশন না হওগ্র পর্যন্ত আম্মামী মুস্লিম লীগের স্থানে মুস্লিম
শব্দ বাদ দেয়া কোন মতেই উচিত হবে না। আওয়ামীলীগ নাম দিয়া ইলেকশন চালান খুবই কষ্টকর। কারণ জনসাধারণ সম্পূর্ণ অন্ধ। আশাকরি পয়েন্ট দুইটি সম্মন্ধে বিবেচনা করিয়া যাহা হয় ঠিক করিবেন। যুবলীগ সম্মন্ধে আপনার ধারণা যাহা ছিল সে ধারণা এখন পরিবর্তন করা দরকার। সেখানে পরিষ্কার সুষ্ঠু ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া দরকার। আমার শরির কয়েকদিন পর্যন্ত খুবই খারাপ তবুও কর্তব্যের খাতিরে পত্র দেওয়া দরকার মনে করেছিলাম। আশাকরি সব ঠিকমত ব্যবস্থা করিবেন। ইতি
স্বাঃ আশরাফ আলী খাঁনKhan Lodge, Brown quarters
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 16th December from Ashraf Ali Khan, Khan Lodge, Brown quarters, Barisal to Sheikh Mujibar Rahman Secy. Awami Muslim League, 94 Nawabpur Rd. Dacca.
My dear brother,
Please accept my Salam. Hope you are well by the grace of God. It is my desire and prayer to God that you may get help from Almighty to serve the exploited masses of the country by inculcating real principles of Islam among them. I know that you are too much busy to go to Karachi still I am requesting you to do one thing before your departure. I managed to bring few copies of Ittefaq through Zahangir of Barisal but due to the nonpayment of the dues. The paper has been discontinued Manik Bhai did no wrong at all Rs. 63/- (Rupees Sixty-three) is still due to Barisal. Paper should not be sent at any cost if arrear money is not received. I myself and others told you that we should manage the same elsewhere. Ittefaq is our only organ, if it is also stopped to send here, then we have got no alternative. I feel very much difficulties without going through Ittefaq. Please be kind enough to discuss with Manik Bhai and manage to send the paper in my name. I will make all

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arrangements by Shahjahan. Shahjahan will also be benefited for this. Please tell him to write in details regarding commissions and other rules and regulations. If I receive the paper regularly Manik Bhai will be off from all anxieties. Don’t think for money. Though Manik Bhai is somewhat unknown to me, you pl. tell him to send 100 copies from the coming issue on your responsibility. I will mention two other points only.
1. Name of None should remain in the name of some political
organisaion. Hope you will hold discussion regarding Jinnah Awami
Muslim League in Karachi. 2. At any cost the word “Muslim” should not be abolished from Awami
Muslim League so long if election is introduced in East Bengal.
It will be difficult to contest in the election with the name Awami League because the masses are fully blind. Hope you will hold discussion over the above two points and to decide one whichever you think better. You should change your opinion regarding Youth League which you had before. My health is very week since few days, still I thought it better to write you for my duty sake. Hope you will manage all matters.
Sd/ – Ashraf Ali Khan, Khan Lodge, Brown quarters,


M. A. Aziz, Secretary, district AML, Chittagong sent a letter to Mahabubul Alam Chowdhury, Assistant Head Master, Sitakunda H.E. School, Chittagong in which the writer informed the visit of
H.S. Suhrawardy and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Chittagong, 24 December 1952

Page: 514
Chittagong The 24.12.1952.
Memo. No. 10332/102-49(Int.)
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
: M.A. Aziz, Secretary, District Awami
Muslim League, Chittagong.
To (with address)
Mv. Mahabubul Alam Chowdhury M.A. Asstt. Head Master, Sitakunda H.E. School, P.O. Sitakund, Chittagong.
Language of letter
English : 21.12.52
Date of letter
ť in
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Chittagong G.P.O
Date of interception
: A.S.I. Golam Hussain Khan
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or
: X
: Delivered
: Copy kept.
10. Whether withheld or
delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy
kept or not 12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.
Casual interception.

Page: 515
Copy/translation forwarded to :
A. Hussain, Esqr., Special Superintendent of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information.
Sd/for Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Chittagong.
Dy. S.P.
For favour of perusal. The writer requests the addressee to arrange a meeting on 17.1.52 at Sitakund. Copy to I.B. for information.
Sd/-Md. Yunus, D.I.O.(I), D.I.B., Chittagong.
23.12.52 Yes., Sd/- A.J. Choudhury, Dy. S.P., D.I.B. Chittagong., 23.1952.
Copy of an English letter dated 21.12.52, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 22.12.52.
From: M.A. Aziz, Secretary, District Awami Muslim League, Chittagong. To : Mvi. Mahabubul Alam Chowdhury M.A. Asstt. Head Master, Sitakunda
H.E. School, P.O. Sitakunda, Ctg.
Postal Seal of issue : Nil
President : S. Muzaffar Ahmed. Secretary : M.A. Aziz. Treasurer : Amir Hussain Dovash.
122, Anderkilla, Date 21.12.52.
Dear Sir,
You will be glad to learn that Janab H.S. Suhrawardy, SK. Muzibur Rahman, Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, will be reaching Chittagong on the 11th January, 1953, and they will address several public meetings in the interiors of the District.

Page: 516
We want to have a meeting at Sitakunda on 17.1.53 where Mr. Suhrawardy, Sk. Muzibar Rahman and others will be present, we therefore, request you to kindly take steps to make this meeting a grand success. Thanking you very much.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/-M.A. Aziz, Secretary District Awami Muslim League, Chittagong.


Memo on the letter of G.M. Sayed of Karachi addressed to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer talked over Pak-Soviet
Cultural Association.
Karachi, 24 December 1952 Secret No. SB/12987
Office of the Assistant IGP CID,
Karachi, Decr. 24, 1952.
The Special Supdt. of Police, (I), Intelligence Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Reference your Memo No. 17504/606-48(1), Sec, dated 21.xi.52, forwarding copy of an intercepted letter from G.M. Sayed, 126, Hyder Manzil, Bunder Road Extension, Karachi to Majibur Rehman, Esqr. General Secretary, Awami Muslim League, East Bengal.
G.M. Sayed is a well known figure of Sind. He is the President of the PakSoviet Cultural Association, Karachi, and had recently visited Peking for the Peace Conference.
A copy of the Constitution of the Pakistan-Soviet Cultural Association is enclosed for your information.
The Ad-Hoc committee of the Association has not yet been formed. At present, however, the Association is contacting influential persons to obtain their consent to be on the Ad-hoc committee.
Sd/ – 23.12
(A. H. Mirza) Assistant IGP, CID, Karachi.

Page: 517
Secret Copy
The name of the Association shall be “The Pakistan-Soviet Cultural Association”, Abbreviated as the “PSCA”. The office of the PSCA shall be situated at Karachi.
The PSCA is an association of all those people who bear goodwill towards the people of the Soviet Union and believe that friendship and under-standing between the people of Pakistan and the Soviet Union are necessary and beneficial for both. The PSCA therefore aims at promoting closer understanding between the peoples through a sympathetic study of each other’s achievements and aspiration in the social, cultural and economic spheres. The PSCA will endeavour to educate the public opinion in this country in all matters concerning the people of the Soviet Union and to remove misunderstandings caused by misinformation or lack of correct information by making available to them all authentic information about the achievements of the Soviet people, in all fields of human activities, social, cultural and economic etc. In the same manner the PSCA will also endeavour to make available to the people of the Soviet Union all authentic information about the
achievements and aspiration of our people.
To achieve these aims and objects the PSCA will strive to : (i) Organise talks, lectures, discussions and conference for the exchange of
information of social, cultural and economic aspects of live in the Soviet Union. (ii) Maintain a library of books, pictures and photographs for the study of Soviet
art, literature, music, etc. (iii) Organise film shows, photographic and other exhibition depicting life the
Soviet Union. (iv) Maintain social contacts between the various sections of the people of the two
countries. (v) Translate works of Soviet writers into Pakistani Languages and vice-versa. (vi) Publish books and pamphlets on any of the subjects mentioned above. (vii) Organise goodwill and cultural delegation between two countries.

Page: 518
Membership :
Membership of the PSCA is open to all persons not below the age of sixteen who agree to abide by its constitution and the rules and regulations formulated under it from time to time.
The membership fee of the PSCA is Re.1/-a year payable in advance.
General Body And Executive :
The entire membership of the PSCA on its membership register shall constitute its General Body.
The executive of the General Body shall be called the Executive Committee of PSCA and it shall be responsible to the General Body.
The General Body may meet as and when the Executive deems it necessary, provided that it shall meet once every year in an annual general meeting not later than December 31 to elect the Executive Committee for the new year, to review the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) of the current year and to pass the annual accounts of the Association.
The quorum for a general body meeting shall be 50 or …(missing from the original document due to page damage) fifths of the total membership on the register which …(missing from the original document due to page damage)
For the annual general body meeting of the PSCA individual invitation shall be sent to all the members of the PSCA giving them not less than ten days’ notice. For all other meeting of the general body an announcement in the Press giving not less five days notice.
Any 25 members of the Association can requisition in writing an extra ordinary meeting of the general body to discuss any specified urgent matter concerning the association and it shall be obligatory on the Executive Committee to hold such a meeting within fifteen days after receiving such a requisition.
The Executive Committee :
The Executive Committee of the PSCA shall consist of one President, one Vice-President, one Secretary, two Joint Secretaries and six members, all elected. After the election if the circumstances warrant, the Executive may co-opt not more than two members to the committee. The Executive Committee shall be elected every year at the annual meeting of the general body of the PSCA, every member having one vote for each vote to which election is made. After the elections, if during the course of the year any office holder or the member of the Executive Committee ceases to be a member of the Committee for any reason, the Committee

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shall have the power to co-opt other is their place pending bye-elections, provided that at no time shall the number of co-optees exceed three, including the 2 co-opted under rule 13 above. The Executive may meet as and when necessary, provided that it shall meet at least once a month to review the work done during the month. The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be five which shall include one of the secretaries.
No meeting of the Executive shall be constitutional or valid unless it is called by the Secretary or one of the Joint Secretaries with the approval of the Secretary.
The meeting of the Executive shall ordinarily be presided over by the President or in his absence by the Vice-President, provided that in the absence of both any member of the Executive may be elected to preside.
Three days’ notice with the agenda of the meeting shall be given every nber of the Executive Committee for holding a meeting of the Executive Committee.
Any four members of the Executive can requisition in writing a meeting of the Committee to discuss any specified urgent matter and it shall be obligatory on the secretary to call such a meeting within a week after receiving such requisition. If the secretary fails to call such a meeting with the specified time, the requisitionists themselves call a meeting of the Committee after giving due notice as prescribed in rule No. 20, above, at which any member of the committee may be elected to preside if both the President and the Vice-President are absent or have refused to preside, for such a meeting called by the requisitionists any seven members shall form the quorum
Powers of The Executive :
The Executive shall have all powers to take any decision or act consistent with the provisions of the constitution, to promote the aims and objects of the association. The committee shall have power to raise funds and incur expenditure in furtherance of the aims and objects of this association. The committee shall have power to decide the date and venue of the general body meeting of the PSCA and to take all decisions about calling for nomination papers and drawing up the agenda of the meeting
The executive shall be competent to decide any question regarding the membership of any person and its decision …(missing from the original document due to page damage) prevail until an appeal to the General body reverses it. The executive shall have power to take disciplinary action against any member of the PSCA who is proved to the satisfaction of the committee to be guilty of indulging in activities prejudicial to the interest of the Association. Before that any such action the person against whom such charges are … (missing from the original document due to page damage) given

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full opportunity to vindicate his …(missing from the original document due to page damage) a meeting of the committee. Any member against whom such action is taken shall
o appeal to the General Body within fifteen days after that the decision has been communicated to him. On receipt of such an appeal the Secretary shall call a general body meeting within fifteen days to hear that appeal.
The library and reading-room of the PSCA shall be open to the public, but only the members of the PSCA shall be entitled to borrow books from it. The books, pamphlets, etc. published by the PSCA shall be made available to its members at reduced rates. The Secretary of the PSCA without prior sanction of the Executive is authorised to spend an amount not exceeding Rs.25/- in any one month for the purpose connected with the work of the PSCA and for the promotion of its aims and objects.
For expenditure of amounts exceeding Rs. 25/- the prior sanction of the executive is necessary.
One of the Joint Secretaries shall keep correct accounts of all income and expenditure of the association and the accounts of the association shall be audited at least once in a year and presented before the annual general body meeting.
The PSCA may have an account with a bank approved by the executive committee and the account shall be operated jointly by the President and the Secretary.
Amendment To The Constitution:
This constitution of the PSCA shall not be amended or altered except at the annual general body meeting by means of a resolution brought before it.
Resolutions proposing amendments to the constitution shall be given notice of not less than 30 days before the date of the annual general body meeting of the PSCA.
No amendment to the constitution shall be deemed to have been passed by the General body unless not less than two-third of the members present at the meeting vote for it.
The procedure for the dissolution of the PSCA shall be the same as that prescribed for amending the constitution, provided that the passage of the resolution proposing dissolution shall not be deemed constitutional and valid unless not less than four fifths of the total membership of the PSCA vote in favour of such resolution.
(Passed at the extra-ordinary meeting of the PSCA on February 10, 1952.)

Page: 521


Mohamudullah on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent a letter to Hatem Ali Talukder, President, Mymenshingh District EPMSL where he mentioned about participation of Jamalpur conference.
Dacca, 26 December 1952 Secret
7 Wiseghat Rd.
Memo. No.
Dacca; The 26.12.1952. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Mahamuadullah, for Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M. League, Dacca. Mvi. Hatem Ali Talukder, President, Mymenshingh Dist. E.P.M.S.L. Mymenshingh Anandamohan College. English 19.12.52 Nawabpur (Dacca) R.M.S. (Dacca) 25.12.52 Enayetullah S.l.
3. Language of letter
Date of letter 5. Postal Seal 6. Post office of interception 7. Date of interception 8 Name of officer who can
prove the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or
delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy
kept or not
: : : :
: :
Copy kept
12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.

Page: 522
Copy/translation forwarded to
Secy. E.P.A.M.L., Dacca writes to the President E.P.M.S.L., Mymensingh reg. the tour of Mr. Suhrawardy & his visit there.
Sd/ – 27.12.52
Side Note: Place Copy in file. Sd/ -27.12
True Copy of an English letter dt. 19.12.52 from Mahamudullah for Sheik Mujibur Rahman Secty. E.P.A.M. League,
A.M.L. 134(12)52.
Addressed To Mvi. Hatem Ali Talukder, President, Mymenshingh Dist. E.P.M.S.L. (Ananda Mohan College, Mymenshingh).
Dear Sir,
Received your letter dt. 14.12.52 and noted the contents thereof. We are sorry to inform you that we are not in a position to attend your Jamalpur conference owing to pre-occupations in Lahore. However we must go to Jamalpur during the 2nd round of our tour in January 1953 in company with Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy,
Yours faithfully Sd. Muhammadullah for
Sk. Mujibur Rahman Secty. E.P.A.M. League.


Yousaf Hassan of Narayanganj wrote a letter to M. Iftikharuddin of Lahore in which the writer stated on the Peace Committee in East Bengal, formation of Azad Pakistan Party, Peking
Conference etc. Punjab, 29 December 1952

Page: 523
It is reliably learnt that Yousaf Hassan, Javed Hosiery Lalmohan Shaba Building, New Chahara, P.O. Narayanganj, Dacca East Pakistan has written a letter in English of the following subject on 1.12.1952, addressed to M. Iftikharuddin-Din, M.C.A. Chairman, Progressive paper Ltd., 21, Aikman Road, Lahore.
I arrived here on October, 24th and since then I have been so busy that I could
not write this letter earlier as promised by me in Peking.
Prof: S. Hai came here en route to India and Karachi and had talk with us in details on the peace movement at East Bengal, formation of Azad Pakistan Party and on other vital affairs. I am sure, that Prof. Hai must have informed you about all the discussions he had with us. But after his departure a new development took place in the Peace Committee here. You know the part played by Ata-ur-Rahman, Vice President Awami Muslim League, Majibar Rahman its secretary, T. Hussain Editor of the Awami Leagues official organ ‘ATEFAQ’ and Elias the member Awami League in Peking and how they misrepresented the entire democratic movements of East Bengal there and how they contacted the Secretary of the World Peace Council and tried to separate East Bengal Peace Committee from the West Pakistan Peace Committee through him etc.
These four Awami Leaguers now by manipulation have become successful in electing Elias as the Secretary of the East Bengal Peace Committee in spite of our oppositions. And now they are trying to go to Vienna free. At Peking Conference we committed mistake in selecting the delegates and now the things have gone much worse here. You can understand our delicate position. Our men Dison Mohboob Ali and Ali Aksar who are anxious to attend the Vienna Conference have very little chance to go under the present condition. Although, I do not know the programme of the conference and has many delegates are going to Vienna , but if you are taking anybody from East Bengal, we would much obliged if you could send the invitations on the names of Diwan Mahboob Ali and Ali Aksar or one of them. This is the only solution left before us and I am writing this letter with great responsibility.
We are very seriously thanking to organise “Azad Pakistan Party but before formation you must come.
I am sure this letter will find you in perfect health and mood.
With best regards.

Page: 524
Secret. No. 13805-6/AOSB dated Lahore, the 29th Dec. 1952.
Copy forwarded for information to Nuru-ud-Din Ahmed, Esqr., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police (IV) East Bengal, Dacca.
2) A.M. Sadullah, Esqr., P.S.P. Asstt. Director (P) Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi.
Sd/for Dy. Inspr. Genl of Police,
D. I. D., Punjab SR.


Md. Matiar Rahman, Secretary, AL, Gaibandha sent a letter to
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein the writer stated about Gaibandha visit of H.S. Suhrawardy and some other provincial
AL leaders.
Rangpur, 30 December 1952 Secret
DACCA; The 30.12.1952. Memo. No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
From (with address)
Md. Matiar Rahman, Secy. A.M.L. Gaibandha
To (with address)
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. A.M.L., E.B. 94, Nawabpur Rd., Dacca. English. 27.12.52
3. 4. 5. 6.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal Post office of interception
illegible G.P.O. Dacca

Page: 525
Date of interception
Munshi Husainuddin, S.I. of Police
Name of officer who can prove the interception
Whether photographed or not
: No
10. Whether withheld or delivered : 11. If delivered, whether copy kept :
or not
Delivered Copy kept.
12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to
Secy. A.M.L. Gaibandha, Rangpur writes to the Genl. Secy. E.P.A.M.L. Dacca regarding to confirm the dates fixed for holding meeting there during the visit of Mr. Suhawardy.
Sd/ – 30.12.52 No. 291 1606-48(1) Sec. dt. 7.1.53, D.I.B. Rangpur.
Side Note: Place copy in file & send a copy to District for info. Sd/ – 31.12.
Copy of an English letter dated 27.12.52 from Md. Matiar Rahman Secy. Awami League (Momenan Rd) P.O.- Gaibandha, dist – Rangpur, To Janab Mujibar Rahman Sk. Acting Gl. Secy. A.M.L., 94 Nawabpur Road Dacca.
Janab, Assalamo Alaikum.
It has come to our notice that Janab H.S. Suhrawardy and some other Provincial Awami League leaders are expected to come to Gaibandha on 19.1.53. In this respect we request you that two days programme be made as follows: –
19.1.53 – Public meeting at Gaibandha town. 20.1.53 – Public meeting at any other place of the Sub-Division.

Page: 526
Kindly confirm the above programme and inform us by return of post.
Yours sincerely Sd/ M. Rahman.

Sirazul Islam, Secretary, AML, Bogra sent a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in which the writer stated about the annual conference, formation of selection committee and other
organizational issues.
Bogra, 30 December 1952 Secret
Memo. No.
Dacca; The 30.12.1952. (The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. 2.
From (with address) To (with address)
: Sirazul Islam, Secy. A.M.L. Bogra : Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. AML,
94, Nawabpur Rd, Dacca. : Bengali : 19.12.52.
3. 4.
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal
ť ri
: Bogra.
G.P.O. Dacca
Post office of interception
: 30.12.52. : Munshi Husainuddin, S.I.1.B.
Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can prove
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy kept
or not 12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception.
: No. : Delivered. : Copy Kept.

Page: 527
Copy/translation forwarded to
Serajul Islam, Secy. A.M.L., Bogra writes to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Genl. Secy. A.M.L., E.P., Dacca reg. party election affairs etc.
Sd/- 30.12.52
No. 508/606-48(1) Sec(c). dt. 10.1.53.
Side Note: Place copy in file & send a copy to District (Bogra) for info. Sd/- 30.12
CQ One extra copy p. Sa/-2.1.53,
S7. B. Rahman, Sa/-2.1.53,
Copy attached. Sd/-3/1/53.
Copy of a Bengali letter dated …(missing from the original document due to page damage) from Sirazul Islam, Secy. A.M.L. Bogra, to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.A.M.L. 94 Nawabpur Road, Dacca.
জেলা আওয়ামীলীগ
মৌ: মজিবর সাহেব –
আপনাকে পত্র দ্বারা জানাইয়াছিলাম যে জেলার সাধারন বার্ষিক অধিবেশন শেষ হইয়াছে। কিন্তু দুঃখের সহিত জানাইতে হইতেছে যে আবার আগামী ১২ জানুয়ারীতে জেলার বার্ষিক অধিবেশন অনুষ্ঠিত হইবে বলিয়া সংগঠনিক কমিটি ঘােষণা করিয়াছে। কারণ স্বরূপ আপনাকে জানাইতেছি, যে গত অধিবেশনে কোরাম না হওয়ায় নির্বাচন স্থগিত রাখিয়া একটি সিলেকশন কমিটি গঠিত হয় এই মর্মে যে যদি জেলার প্রত্যেক ইউনিট ও জেলা কমিটির সকল সদস্য ও সমর্থকেরা এই সিলেকশন কমিটিকে স্থায়ী জেলা কমিটি বলিয়া মানিয়া লয় কিন্তু ইতি মধ্যেই পাঁচবিবি, আক্কেলপুর, ..(missing from the original document due to page damage) ক্ষেতলাল, তিলেকপুর, সান্তাহার, গাবতলী, … (missing from the original document due to page damage) শারিয়াকান্দি, সেরপুর ও শহরের ইউনিটের…(missing from the original document due to page damage) হইতে সিলেকশন কমিটির বিরুদ্ধে অনাস্থ্য আসিয়াছে, তাহারা স্বাক্ষরযুক্ত প্রতিবাদ পত্রে আমাকে জানাইয়াছে যে জেলার বার্ষিক অধিবেশন হইতেছে, এই মর্মে কোন সংবাদ পাই নাই। আমি প্রচারের ভার কবিরাজ সাহেবের হাতে দিয়াছিলাম। যাক ১ই জানুয়ারীতে সিলেকশন শেষ করিয়া কাগজ পত্র পাঠাইতেছি।
স্বা: সিরাজুল ইসলাম
