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Secret Documents of Intelligent Branch on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman volume-I (1948-1950)

বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ কপিরাইট সমস্যা যাতে না হয় সেকারণে সকল লেখা শুধুমাত্র ‘only Readable’, ‘non-downloadable’ ও ‘non-clickable’ রাখা হয়েছে। সংগ্রামের নোটবুকের সকল নথি-পত্রিকা-দলিল-সংকলন-বই থেকে নেয়া তথ্য-ছবি-ভিডিও শুধুমাত্র গবেষণার কাজে ব্যবহার্য। বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাম ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণার জন্য সংগ্রামের নোটবুক একটি অলাভজনক অবাণিজ্যিক স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে গড়া প্রচেষ্টা।

An SI, IBEB, Dacca submitted a Watch Report1 to DIG, IBEB. In the report among other information it was mentioned that in front of Burdwan House2 Ramna, Dacca some workers of EPML sold booklets published by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, EPML workers camp, 150 Mughaltuly, Dacca. Some unknown persons also distributed another 2 leaflets at the same place.
Dacca, 13 January 1948
D.I.G., I.B., E.B.
I beg to report that being deputed by D.S.1. I had been to “Burdwan House” Ramna, Dacca. The Muslim League3 Party Meeting started at 6.30 P.M. Hon’ble
1. Watch Report – A regular report submitted by IB officer where it is usually mentioned of collected information about the open or secret activities of the members of political organizations. It may sometimes necessary to place a 24 hour watch on a house or persons to verify and collect secret information.
2. Burdwan House, Ramna, Dacca. – Now Bangla Academy earlier known as Burdwan House. Once part of the University of Dhaka, Burdwan House was the official residence of the Prime Minister of the then East Pakistan, Nurul Amin, in 1952, when the Language Movement was at its peak.
3. Muslim League – Muslim League was the only political party in British India led the Pakistan Movement’. On the foundation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the President of the All-India Muslim League, Jinnah, became the new nation’s Governor-General and the Secretary General of the Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The All India Muslim League was disbanded in December 1947 and succeeded by two organizations, the Muslim League and the Indian Union Muslim League, the first being its original successor in Pakistan. Jinnah died in September 1948 and Liaquat was assassinated in October 1951. After death of its two senior leaders, the League began to disintegrate. By 1953, dissensions within the League had led to the formation of several different political parties. Liaquat was succeeded by Khawaja Nazimuddin, a Bengali, who was forced out of office in April 1953. Pakistan was racked by riots & famine and in the first national elections in May 1955 (held by a system of indirect voting) the League was heavily defeated. In October 1958 the Army seized power and the martial law regime of Muhammad Ayub Khan banned all political parties. This was the end of the old Muslim League. Ayub Khan later formed a new party, the Convention Muslim League. The opposition faction became known as the Council Muslim League. This latter group joined a united front with other political parties in 1967 in opposition to the regime. But when the military regime of Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan fell in December 1971 and Pakistan’s first genuine free elections were held, both factions of the League were swept out of power in West Pakistan by the Pakistan People’s Party of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and in East Pakistan by the Awami League of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In 1988, after the death of Pakistan’s military ruler and later President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, a new Muslim League was formed under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif but it had no connection with the original Muslim League.

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Ministers I.I.Chundregar4, Abdur Rab Nistar5 and Pirjada Abdus Sattar6 were present in the meeting
At about 5.45 P.M. a deputation of about 30 girls both Hindu and Muslim came in a procession shouting slogans “Inquilab Zindabad” “
O TTI ETT HIGU 28″, and saw the H.P.M. at his residence. The deputation was led by Miss Layla who ventilated their grievances and urged the H.P.M. for reopening their college without delay.
Some unknown persons distributed leaflets (1) under the heading m ica প্রতি জনসাধারণের শ্রদ্ধা নষ্ট করিও না”, issued by Idris Ahmad, President South Bakarganj Santi Prachar Samiti, Mahepur, Khepupara, a copy of the same is attached..
Another leaflet (2) under the heading “পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের কনট্রোল রহিত কাউন্সিল অবCUPPACH Fres”, issued by Barkat Ali, Pleader, Barisal, and Md. Azezur Rahman (Amerul Mozahedin) Joint Secretary, Eastern Pakistan Anti Control Council of Action, was also distributed by some other unknown persons. A copy of the same is enclosed.
Some unknown workers of Eastern Pakistan Muslim League workers camp sold booklets @ 3/- each entitled “938- IG TUTIT GEGENG SAU FETO 24 ORLETTES trīt”. Published by Sk. Mujibar Rahman, B.A. and Naimuddin Ahmad, B.A. (Hon.) Eastern Pakistan Muslim League workers camp of 150 Mogultooly, Dacca. A copy of the booklet is enclosed.
About 300 persons collected in front of the “Burdwan House” most of whom were found to be interested only in seeing the Dominion Ministers. Nothing untoward happens and the crowd dispersed when they were not allowed to enter the compound of Burdwan House. This is for your information.
Submitted Sd/- Illegible S.I, I.B., 13.1.48.
4. I.I. Chundregar (15 April 1898-26 Sept. 1960) – Ibrahim Ismail Chundregar was the 6th Prime Minister of Pakistan. He served as Prime Minister of Pakistan only for 2 months 17 October tol6 December 1957. After the partition in 1947 he became the first cabinet member of Pakistan with a portfolio of Trade and Commerce.
5. Abdur Rab Nistar, Sarder (1899-1958) – He was a front line politician, an active worker of Pakistan Movement & prominent leader of Pakistan Muslim League. He was the Communication Minister of Pakistan & appointed as Governor of the Punjab.
6. Pirjada Abdus Sattar – A Pakistan Muslim League politician & was the Chief Minister of Sind from 22 May 1953 to 8 November 1954.

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A search statement was prepared by an SI of Lalbagh P.S., Dacca on 3.3.1948, where he listed a Bengali leaflet entitled ‘An Appeal
to the Eastern Pakistan Students’. The leaflet explained the necessity of the formation of EPMSL after the partition of Bengal
eliminating MSL which existed in un-united Bengal. It was published under the signature of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 3 March 1948
Search Statement
1. Malkhana No. 2. Place searched, with of the owner of occupier … The Inshaf Office, Dacca 3. Date of search, with name of the officer conducting it … 3.3.48, S.I. Alauddin
of Lalbagh P.S., Dacca

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Sl. No.
Notes and orders
Description of articles seized
Contents or Particulars.
Result of enquiry
on search
2. A Bengali leaflet entitled (An appeal to the Eastern The Leaflet explains the Note actionable. Pakistan Students)
necessity of the formation of (Sd): A.Newaz. (Male, Female) Circular the East Pakistan Muslim 2/4 No.2.
Students League, after the
partition of Bengal, Bengali Wordings
eliminating the Muslim should be called for.
Students League which existed Sd/ – 11.8.51
un-United Bengal published under the signature of the followings :
4) Sk. Mujibur Rahman, 4) s/o Lutfur Rahman B.A. (Faridpur)
of Tangipara, Faridpur & student 1st Year B.L.
*** ** 9) s/o Tamijuddin
Ahmed of Bawani & Dinajpur town, 1st Yr. B.L. & 1st
Year M.A.

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DIO7, IBEB, Dacca submitted a report containing the particulars of the members of the provisional organizing committee of EPMSL including the name of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was one of the signatories of the leaflet which advocated Bengali to be
the State Language of Pakistan.
Dacca, 4 March 1948
Copy of the report of a D.I.O. dated 4/3/48.
I have the honour to report the particulars of the members of the Provisional Organising Committee of East Pakistan Muslim Students League8 as follow. They were the signatories the leaflet which advocated Bengali to be the State Language for Pakistan.
4. Sk. Mujibur Rahman s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Faridpur. Student 1st Yr. B.L., Dacca University, attached to S.M. Hall, at present c/o Kamruddin Ahmed, 150, Moghultulli, Dacca.
7. D.I.O – District Intelligence Officer of DIB, who collects secret information or intelligence on political suspects, organizations & other political activities & different events related to public interests in the respective district.
8. East Pakistan Muslim Students League (EPMSL) – The East Pakistan Muslim Students League was founded on 4th January 1948 following the independence of Pakistan to support the political activities and campaigns of the Muslim League in electoral politics. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the General Secretary of this Students Organization.

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IB report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was arrested on
Dacca, 11 March 1948
Lists of persons arrested by Police on 11.3.48.
2. Sk. Mujibar Rahman- Law, member of Pakistan Muslim League Council.


Extract from WCR9 of SP office, Faridpur, where it was mentioned that a complete hartal was announced at Gopalganj town on 16.3.1948 as a mark of protest against the arrest of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 3 April 1948
Extract from W.C.R. for the week ending 3.4.48 from S.P. Faridpur.
5. Youth and Student Movement. On 15.3.48 Nasiruddin10 (s/o Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara and Gopalganj town, a student of class X, S.N. Academy) and Moktader Husain @ Panchu, (s/o Sabder Munshi of Barni, P.S. Gopalganj, a student of M.N. Institution, Gopalganj) announced in Gopalganj town a complete hartal on the following day (16.3.48.) as a mark of protest against the arrest of Mazibur Rahman (s/o Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, a Post-Graduate student of Dacca University) at Dacca. No hartal was however, observed in the town but the students of S.N. Academy and the M.N.
9. WCR-Weekly Confidential Report – It is the collection of information regarding the political & state interested affairs of the district. The accumulated report on a week-end basis used to send to IBEB, Dacca.
10. Nasiruddin – Sheikh Abu Naser (1928-1975), younger brother of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was killed on 15 August 1975, when Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was assassinated along with all family members in house no-677, road no-32, Dhanmondi, Dhaka residence except Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana, both were in abroad at that time. He was a Contractor of Civil Supply Department & renowned businessman in Khulna.

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Institution11, numbering about 400, came out of their respective classes and moved through the town in a procession in the afternoon shouting “Pakistan Zindabad”, “Chhatra Dabi Mante Hobe (Students’ claim must be accepted)”, “Rashtra Bhasha Bangla Chai (we want Bengali as the State Language” “Down with Nazimuddin”, “Release Mazibur” “Release arrested students” etc. Besides this above two, Abdus Sattar (s/o Mofazzel, of Barni P.S. Gopalganj, Metric12 candidate, S.N. Academy) Nazrul Islam (s/o Ahmed, Process server, Civil Court, Gopalganj, student, class X, S.N. Academy), Abdulla (s/o Mr. Z. Abedin, Lawyer Magistrate, Gopalganj, student S.N. Academy), Abu Jafar & Mantu, (s/o Abdul Hakim, Clerk, Civil Court, Gopalganj, student, S.N. Academy) Yunus Sardar (s/o Moazzem Sardar, East Nizra, Gopalganj, Faridpur), Yunus Molla (s/o Altaf Husain of Kolpur, Gopalganj) and Erfanuddin Molla (s/o Elem of Malenga, Gopalganj) were the prominent participants in the procession.
Side Note: Was Muzibar Rahman arrested in Dacca city in connection with the language controversy?13 why did the Gopalganj students take up his cause? Ask Faridpur to clarify the latter point., Sd. S.K.G, 16/17.4.48
11. M.N. Institution – In the year 1950 this institution was turned to Quide Azam Memorial College by the then Govt. & local people. After Independence in the year 1972 it was renamed as Bangabandhu College. The college was nationalized in the year 1974. At present it is Govt. Bangabandhu College, located at the centre of Gopalganj town. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman passed Matriculation from M.N Institution in 1942.
12. Matric – Matriculation’ (generally called “Matric’) is a term commonly used to refer to the final year of High School or Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination, which ends at tenth standard (tenth grade) and the qualification received on finishing the tenth standard (tenth grade) of high school, commonly called ‘Matriculation Exam! Most students, who pass out of matriculation, or class 10, are 15-16 years old. Once the Matric year and exam have been passed, students are said to have ‘Matriculated’
13. Language Controversy – The then Pakistan Govt. tried to impose Urdu as State Language of Pakistan. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other political & students leaders vehemently opposed the Govt. decision. The students of Dhaka University and other political activists defied the law and organized a protest on 21 February 1952. The movement reached its climax when a few student demonstrators were killed on that day by Police firing. The deaths provoked widespread civil unrest. After years of conflict, the Central Government relented and granted official status to the Bengali Language in 1956. The Language Movement which was started in the year 1948 demanding Bengali as the State Language of Pakistan, the Govt. Administration used to call the Movement as ‘Language Controversy! In 1999, UNESCO declared 21 February as

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Reference notes on the basis of Agent’s14 report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman dated 19.4.1948, where among numbers of information it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was elected member of the provincial sub-committee of EPML15, as a member of DYL & EPMSL he went to Barisal for organizational work, took leading part in the strike of the menials & students of
Dacca University etc.
Dacca, 19 April 1948
Reference notes on Mujibar Rahman Sheikh s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur of 150 Mogultooly, Lalbagh, Dacca.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was elected a member of the Provincial Sub-committee of the East Pakistan Muslim League at a connection of the Muslim League Councilors held at Narayanganj on 16.5.48 under the Presidency of Maulana Bhashani (Abdul Hamid Khan).
Mr. H.S Suhrawardy, is receiving huge amount of money from Mr. Sarat Bose16 and other wealthy Hindus of Calcutta Indian Dominion to endeavour for the unification of both the Bengals. Mr. Suhrawardi had been working in this direction with his group members of whom the agent named Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Faridpur and others.
According to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Faridpur the position of the Ministry is very strong now and it as at present impossible to cause the downfall of this Ministry even if Mr. Suhrawardy come in to East Bengal Politics. According to him the only alternative before them now is to
‘International Mother Language Day’, in tribute to the Language Movement and the ethno
linguistic rights of people around the world.
14. Agent – Agent is a person who collects secret information in a clandestine way for the Intelligence Agency
15. EPML – East Pakistan Muslim League. The President of the party was Maolana Akram Khan till he retired from politics in 1960. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the member of the party. EPML played significant role to achieve Pakistan.
16. Sarat Bose – (6 September 1889 – 20 February 1950) – Bose a barrister and Indian independence activist. He was the president of Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee and served as a member of the All India Congress Committee from 1936 to 1947. He attempted to construct a movement for a united but independent Bengal with Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy. His effort received no support from the Congress.

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take to terrorism and assassinate some of the top ranking leaders here. He is contemplated to go underground soon.
The agent further reports that Mr. Suhrawardy will hold a conference on 9.6.48 at 1. Woodburn Park, Calcutta, the place of Mr. Sarat Bose to devise ways and means for the unification of Bengal and also to hit back the orders served on him at Dacca on 3.6.48. Before going to attend this conference, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others will confer with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhashani17 at 160 Kalibari Road, Mymensingh to discuss about the terms to be placed before Mr. Shuhrawardi to enable them to work with them for the unification of Bengal.
The same agent reports later that con 15.6.48) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman did not go to attend the conference on the apprehension of some action being taken against him there but he adds that Mr. Shuhrawardi requested some members who attended the conference to ask Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to see him (Mr. Shuhrawardi) early.
The Agent reports that at a meeting of the council of ABMS League held on 9.4.48 and 10.4.48 the activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and few of his co-workers of the newly formed EPMSL were condemned as they were carrying on with Anti Pakistan activities.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is mentioned as a prominent member of the DYL of Pakistan. The same agent reports again on 4.5.48 that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of the DYL saw Mr. Shuhrawardi in January 48 and discussed various problems facing Eastern Pakistan. Mr. Shuhrawardi is reported to have said that as Pakistan is already an accomplished fact he is no longer in favour of unification of Bengal.
The agent reports that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a member of the DYL and the EPMSL went to Barisal for organisational work. He and his
17. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani – Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani (12 December 1880 – 17 November 1976) was a rural-based politician. On 23 June 1949, he founded East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Bhasani was elected its president & Shamsul Huq as its General Secretary. He formed ‘All Party Language Movement Committee’ at Dhaka Bar Library on 31 January 1952 & campaigned for the recognition of Bangla as a National Language in Pakistan. He renamed Awami Muslim League to Awami League by removing the word Muslim’ from its official name in the council session of Awami League held on 21-23 October 1953. In 1957 he left Awami League & formed East Pakistan National Awami Party (NAP).

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co-workers were organising a feeling against the present ministry before the Assembly started its session.
The agent reports that a meeting of the EPMYP workers was held at 150 Mogultooly, Dacca on 19.5.48. It was decided that all the PMS League workers should work jointly, for the achievement of real democratic independence. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman would remain in charge of the office at 150 Mogultooly, Dacca.
The same agent reports on 8-9-48 that on 22. 8. 48 a meeting of the EPMSL was held at 150 Mogultooly, Dacca, on 22. 8. 48 and it was decided in the meeting that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman would go out on a tour of the North Bengal districts to collect funds for the organisation.
The agent reports later (on 20.12.48) that on 7.12.48 a meeting of the Central Organisation Committee of the EPMSL was held at 150 Mogultooly, Dacca.
It was decided in the meeting that if the deputation to the Hon. Premier for the withdrawal of the expulsion order from the students of Rajshahi College fails, they would organise strike, procession, meeting and also hunger strike if possible, as a protest in different districts of East Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was entrusted for organising in Faridpur, Barisal and Khulna districts for the purpose.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was one of the signatories, as a member of the EPML in a requisition notice handed over to Maulana Md. Akram Khan, President EPML on 19.1.48 asking him to call a meeting of the council within 15 days to discuss an agenda including “Consideration of vote of no confidence in Maulana Md. Akram Khan, the President of the EPML”.
Shamsul Huq Chaudhury, Chairman, Organising Committee, Dist. M.S.L. Bakerganj wrote to Mr. Naimuddin, Convener, EPMSL, 150 Mogultooly, Dacca, on 10.10.48 that Sk. Mujibur Rahman visited Barisal with whom they had discussion regarding organisation.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman was found taking leading part in the strike of the menials and of the students of the Dacca University. He is responsible for organising the demonstrations in the house of the Vice-chancellor and also inciting the students in joining such demonstrations.
Sd/ – 19.4.48

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Extract from a copy of report, submitted by DIO (1), Faridpur on 4.5.1948, where H.S Suhrawardi’s visit for ‘Peace Mission’ in different places of East Bengal, his desire to stand in the assembly election, trying to win over the student section, holding meeting at
Faridpur etc. were mentioned.
Faridpur, 4 May 1948 Extract from a copy of report dated 4.5.48 submitted by D.I.O.(1), Faridpur.
According to information of another source Mr. Suhrawardy may purchase landed properties either in Barisal or Jessore with a view to stand in the Assembly election. His supporters have become so zealous that they may be try to induce Mr Fazlul Huql18, Ex-Premier of Bengal to resign his seat in favour of Mr. Suhrawardy19. Mr. Suhrawardy’ is getting new adherents and supporters in places visited by him on the plea of peace mission. He is trying to win over the student section to achieve his object. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj and of Dacca town, a student leader and supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy in United Bengal has come in contact with him (Mr. Suhrawardy) with a band of students workers. They carry propaganda in favour of Mr. Suhrawardy.
Mr. Suhrawardy intended to return to Calcutta via Sindiaghat, Bhanga and Faridpur after holding meetings there. He could not go in this route owing to bad
18. Mr. Fazlul Huq – A. K. Fazlul Huq, popular with the title Sher-e-Bangla (Tiger of Bengal), was the first to advocate and present the Lahore Resolution, which called for the creation of sovereign Muslim-majority states in eastern and northwestern British India in 1940. In 1943 he was elected Prime Minister of Bengal during the British Empire in Bengal. He served as General Secretary of the Indian National Congress, and was a working committee member of the All-India Muslim League. In 1929, he founded the Krishak Praja Party (K.P.P.). He led the United Front Government in the then East Pakistan, Serving as Chief Minister and Governor.
19. Mr. Suhrawardy – Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, born into a prominent Bengali Muslim family, he was educated at Oxford. He was a renowned politician and statesman from Bengal in the first half of the 20th century. He served as the last Prime Minister of Bengal during the British Raj. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, he became a leading populist statesman of the then East Pakistan. He was the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, leaving the Muslim League he joined the newly formed Awami League in 1952. He was the political teacher of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & a public celebrated orator.

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weather and want of time. According to this programme, about 200 people attended the Sindiaghat station on 30-4-48 to receive him. Mr. Shamsuddin Chaudhuri @ Badsha Mia MLA of Dattapara, P.S. Sibchar waited for Mr. Suhrawardy to take the latter to Bhanga and Faridpur with motor launch. Some leading members of the Madaripur Jugantar Party20 were also found waiting for him along with Shamsuddin Chaudhuri @ Badsha Mia, MLA. Mujibar Rahman and Shamsuddin Chaudhuri @
Badsha Mia MLA are the leading supporters of Mr. Suhrawardy at Gopalganj and
Bhanga sides.


Extract of a report submitted by DIO (1), Faridpur, where it was mentioned that on 29.4.1948 a public meeting was held at S.N Academy compound. H. S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & president of the meeting delivered speeches. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke on the sufferings & hardships faced by the common mass, Government’s repression & torture on the students.
Faridpur, 4 May 1948
Extract from a copy of report dated 4.5.48 submitted by D.I.O. (I)
On 29.4.48 in the afternoon a public meeting was held in the S.N. Academy compound with Mr. Muzaffar Husain (M.L.) in the chair. About 1000 people were attended the meeting of which 2/3rd were the Hindus. The meeting started with the shouting of the League slogans and ‘Suhrawardy Zindabad’. Mr. Suhrawardy. Sk. Mujibar Rahman (mentioned before) and the President were the speakers. Mujibar
20. Jugantar Party – Jugantar Party was the leading revolutionary group in colonial Bengal. The group was named after Jugantar, the mouthpiece of advocating militant nationalism. The party’s leader Barindra vowed to free India from the British colonial domination with religious inspiration tempered by acts of violence, justifying murders by Khatriyas to further happiness of Mankind. He launched a vigorous anti-partition movement with a revolutionary zeal. He and his twenty-one followers collected arms and explosives and manufactured bombs and thus laid the foundation of the terrorist group, called the Jugantar.

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Rahman in course of his short speech dwelt on the scarcity of cloths, food stuffs and other daily necessities of life in East Pakistan. He describes how the poor and middle class men were passing their lives in hardship in the scarcity of these articles. He deplored that students who sacrificed for the cause of Pakistan were now tortured by police and are called ‘fifth columnists21, by the authority when any reasonable demand is made by them against any Govt. policy is criticised in constitutional way. He asked explanation from Mr. Suhrawardy as to why the students were dragged in the struggle of Pakistan by him.


Extract from the East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, Dacca, week ending 8.5.1948, where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in a meeting held at S.N academy compound on 29.4.1948. He spoke on the scarcity of food-stuffs and clothing & criticized the Police action against the students during Language Movement. H. S. Suhrawardy during
his course of speech urged the audience to maintain Hindu Muslim unity & appealed to the Hindus not to migrate from East
Bengal to India. He remarked that through his ‘Good-will mission’ tour he was genuinely working for Hindu-Muslim unity
on a non-political basis.
Dacca, 8 May 1948
Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 34-Vol.II, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the 8th May, 1948.
541. Faridpur – Another meeting was held on 29th April in the S.N. Academy compound with ‘Quazi Muzaffar Husain, President Sub-divisional Muslim League in the chair. Speaker Mujibur Rahman son of Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara,
21. Fifth Columnists – A clandestine Subversive Organization working within a country to assist an invading enemy’s military and political aims. The term was first applied in 1936 to rebel sympathizers inside Madrid (Spain) when four columns of rebel troops attacked that city.

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Gopalganj, Faridpur delivered speeches on the scarcity of food-stuffs and clothing’s in East Pakistan and criticised the action of the Police against the students during the language controversy at Dacca. Mr. H.S Suhrawardy in his speech urged the audience to maintain Hindu Muslim unity without which neither Pakistan nor Indian Union could prosper. He reminded the audience of declaration of the Quaid-e-Azam that the minority community would get equal rights and privileges in Pakistan. He appealed to the Hindus not to migrate from East Bengal to the Indian Union. He further urged the audience to give up the vague hopes of the re-union of the two Bengals or re-adjustment of the boundaries on the basis of the population. He also remarked that it was not fair to dub the genuine critics of the Government as fifth columnists. He refuted the allegation made by some news- papers that he was out to disrupt the Mussalmans of East Bengal through his “Good-will mission” tour and asserted that he was genuinely working for Hindu-Muslim unity on a non-political basis.


A close door meeting of ex-councilors of Bengal Provincial Muslim League was held at Mutual Club, Paikpara, Narayanganj on 16.5.1948. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other prominent leaders
delivered short speeches in the meeting.
Narayanganj, 16 May 1948
Ref : A closed door meeting of Ex Councilors of Bengal Provincial Muslim
League on 16.5.48.
On the after-noon of 16.5.48 a closed door meeting was held in the Mutual Club at Paikpara, Narayanganj. The meeting was addressed by Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhashain) of Mymensingh. The subject matter of discussion in the meeting could not be obtained as it was absolutely a secret closed door meeting and no public was allowed in.
The following prominent Councilors were noticed to attend the afore-said meeting :
6. Sk. Mojibar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur.

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A public meeting was held at Narayanganj public library on 17.5.1948. Maolana Bhasani presided over the meeting. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other prominent leaders shortly delivered speeches in the meeting. He spoke on their tremendous works & struggle to achieve Pakistan, scarcity of foodstuff & clothing, imposing taxes on the poor, corruption, injustice, misrule of the
ministry etc. Narayanganj, 17 May 1948
Time – Date –
A public meeting in the Narayanganj Public Library on 17.5.48. 17.00 to 19.00 hours. 17.5.48.
Place –
Narayanganj Public Library.
About 1500 Muslims including some local Hindus attended the meeting. The following slogans were shouted before the commencement of the meeting and after the meeting terminated :
Pakistan Jindabad.
Quaid-e-Azam Jindabad.
3. Na rai Takbir – Alla -ho-Akbar.
Muslim League Jindabad.
5. Bhashanir Moulana Jindabad.
The bribe destructed.
7. Beyman Dal Dhangsha Houk.
The hired Gundas of Zamindars should be destroyed.
The following prominent persons among others attended the meeting :
1. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani
3. Prof. Kazi Kamaruzzaman
2. Sk. Mojibar Rahman of Faridpur 4. Mv. Shamsul Huq of Mymensing
6. “Khan Sb. Osman Ali, M.L.A22.
5. ” Shamsher Ali of Barisal
7. ” Atawar Rahman of Dacca.
“Almas Ali of Narayanganj.
9. ” Abdul Awal do
10. Hazi Ramizuddin of Tippera23.
22. M.L.A – A Member of Legislative Assembly is a representative elected by the voters of an electoral district (Constituency).

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The Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani presided over the meeting.
The meeting commenced with a recitation of the Holy Quran. The following persons delivered short speeches in the meeting :
Sk. Mojibar Rahman
Prof. Kazi Kamaruzzaman
3. Shamsul Huq
Shamsher Ali & the president.
Sk. Mojibar Rahman spoke in Bengali and said that he along with some other Muslim workers did tremendous works at the risk of their lives and struggled hard till the achievement of Pakistan as a result they are taken as fifth columnists and they have been deprived of all their legitimate claims from Muslim League.
Prof. Kazi Kamaruzzaman speaking in Bengali – said that they agreed with the works of Ministers before the achievement of Pakistan without raising any objection. Now they have attained Pakistan after a great deal of struggles and they are not bound to obey their undesirable orders and imperialistic administration in the country. He, in course of speech, added that he tried to include Tippera Zamindary to Pakistan on condition that a lump sum amount would be paid to the Maharaja instead of his present income …. (missing from original document due to page damage) state at
Comilla (Rs. 20 lacs) but this proposal was …. (missing from original document due to page
damage) rily rejected by the Prime Minister of East Bengal ….(missing from original document
due to page damage). speaker demanded the abolition of Zamindari System24.
Summary Report of the Proceedings of East Pakistan Muslim Councilors’ Conference held at Narayanganj on 17.5.48.
23. Tippera – The greater Comilla region was once under ancient Kingdom of Samatata and was joined with Tripuri Kingdom. It came under the rule of East India Company in 1765 and was established as Tippera district (also known as Chakla (administrative division) Roshnabad in 1790]: Later, it was reorganized in three phases into six districts.
24. Zamindari System – Zamindari System was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in 1793 in British India through Permanent Settlement Act. It was introduced in provinces of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Varanasi. Zamindars were given the right to collect land-tax from the peasants. The Zamindars used to exploit the peasants by means of torture & repression.

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The above Conference was held at the Public Library Hall at Narayanganj at 5
P.M. on 17.5.48. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, M.L.A., presided.
Speaking on the scarcity of food, clothing etc., in villages Sheikh Majibar Rahman said:
“There is an acute scarcity of clothes in villages. Rural People do not get clothes to purchase whereas people in the towns get sufficient supply of clothes and clothes are being sold in black market. Barisal is a surplus district. There rice sells at Rs. 40/- per maund. Before the achievement of Pakistan people were assured of sufficient food, clothing, justice, fair play etc., in Pakistan, but after its achievement they feel disappointed as there has been no change in their standard of living. On the other hand taxes are being imposed on them. When we point these out and demand their remedy and also eradication of corruption and injustice, we are damned as traitors, 5th Columnists etc., We declare that we have worked to achieve Pakistan and we shall fight to defend it, if necessary.”
Continuing he said: “those who, in the last General Election spent lacs of rupees to defeat Muslim League candidates abused our Quad-i-Azam25 and condemned the aspiration for Pakistan as unreal some have suddenly become champions of the Muslim League, and are being members of the League Committee. The reason of this is obvious. The present Ministry, by raising the bogey of Islam in danger, want to know themselves in power and to make the League their Pocket organization. We throw out a challenge to the Ministry to contest with any of our workers in a Union Board election and we are sure they will not be to return.”
The speaker visualised 1943-famine in this Province within months and in order to save the situation, he invited the young men go to villages to organise the Muslim League and make it an organise of the poor and homeless people, and for that he said that they should be prepared to sacrifice their lives even.
25. Quad-i-Azam (1876-1948) – Mohammed Ali Jinnah of Pakistan was called Quad-i-Azam (Great Leader). He is the father of the nation of Pakistan. Jinnah served as a leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan’s creation on 14 August 1947 and then as Pakistan’s first Governor-General until his death.

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Proceedings of a meeting organized by the Progressive Muslim
League held at Sherpur town on 28.5.1948. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & other leaders delivered speeches. Maolana Bhasani demanded the abolition of Zamindary system. He criticized the ministry & the Govt. high officials, emphasized on the reorganization of Muslim League & requested Hindus not
to leave Pakistan.
Mymensingh, 28 May 1948 Proceedings of a meeting held at Sherpur town on 28.5.48.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Place of meeting – Date & hour – President Speakers –
In the compound of J.K. School, Sherpur town. 28.5.48. – 15.00 to 19.30 hours. Mr. Altafuddin, B.L. pleader, Sherpur court. 1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, a student leader of Dacca. 2. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, M.L.A. East Bengal. 3. Jahiruddin Ahmed (so called Salare-Suba, East
Bengal.) 4. Khondkar Abdul Hamid, Sub – Editor, “Ittehad” s/o
Khondkar Abdul Latif of Kasba, Sherpur town. 5. Mr. Fakharuddin Ahmed, B.L. s/o late Ali Newaj of
Newra, Iswarganj and of Gulkibari Road,
Mymensingh. 6. Mr. Shamsul Haq26 s/o Dabiruddin of Maithan,
Nagarpur, Mymensingh.
Khondkar Abdul Hamid and others.
5. 6. 7.
Organiser Audience Gist.
600 both Hindus and Muslims.
26. Shamsul Haq – Shamsul Huq was the first General Secretary of Awami League & played a key role in Bengali Nationalist Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He was a Bengali politician who led a parliamentary committee in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan to advocate for the recognition of Bengali Language during the Language Movement of the 1950s. He was imprisoned for participating in the Language Movement & was suffered mental illness. Shamsul Haq reportedly died sometime in 1965 in the district of Tangail.

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The meeting was organised by the Progressive Muslim League at the instance of the C.P.I. and discussed the subject matter as to the reorganisation of the Muslim League in Pakistan. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, M.L.A., said that the object of Muslim League had been fulfilled with the achievement of Pakistan. It was now necessary to decide about the future shape of the Muslim League in Pakistan. It was also urgent necessity of converting the Muslim League into a real democratic organisation of Muslim masses in Eastern Pakistan.
The primary members of Muslim League should be recruited up to 10 million for the interest of the Muslim at large and not in the interest of a few top ranking people such as Nowab?, Knights28, Khan Bahadurs29 etc. of Pakistan. He bitterly criticised the top-ranking Govt. officers who were not responsible to the people. He emphasised about the abolition of Zamindary system. He also criticised the ministry and the bill for the abolition of the Zamindary system which was placed by the Hon’ble Minister Hamidul Haq Chaudhury’ in the last Assembly session of East
27. Nawab – A Nawab’ is an honorific title ratified and bestowed by the reigning Mughal Emperor
to semi-autonomous Muslim rulers of princely states in South Asia. Nawab’ usually refers to males; the female equivalent is Begum’ or ‘Nawab Begum. The primary duty of a Nawab was to uphold the sovereignty of the Mughal Emperor along with the administration of a certain Province.
28. Knight – A ‘Knight’ is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a Monarch or other
political leader for service to the Monarch or Country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, Knighthood was conferred upon mounted warriors.
29. Khan Bahadur – A compound of Khan (leader) and Bahadur (brave) was a formal title of respect
and honour, which was conferred exclusively on Muslim subjects of the British Indian Empire. It was a title one degree higher than the title of Khan Sahib.
30. Hamidul Huq Chowdhury (1901-1992) – Hamidul Huq Chowdhury was elected to the Bengal
Legislative Council in 1937 (serving as Deputy President of the Council) and was re-elected to the body in 1946. In 1947, Hamidul Huq represented the Muslim League before Sir Cyril Radcliffe’s Boundary Commission. Following partition in 1947, Hamidul Huq moved with his family to Dhaka, East Pakistan (Bangladesh). He was elected to the Pakistan Constituent Assembly and was also a member of the East Bengal Legislative Assembly. He was against the independence of Bangladesh.

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Bengal. He criticised the conduct of some leaders of Eastern Pakistan of invoking the name of “Islam” whenever they found their self-interest was in jeopardy. He stated that there was no distinctive between the rich and the poor and that all were equal in Pakistan. He appealed to the Hindus not to leave their hearths and homes, their interests and lives should be protected by the Muslim of Eastern Pakistan. The President and all speakers spoke about the abolition of Zamindary system and reorganisation of Muslim League in the Eastern Pakistan.
The following resolutions were accepted:
The primary members of Muslim League should be 10 millions in Eastern Pakistan.
2. Abolition of Zamindary system without compensation. 3. Introduction of Free Primary Compulsory Education. 4. Reconstruction of Sherpur -Jamalpur D.B. Road. 5. Pay of top-ranking Govt. officers should be reduced up-to the maximum of Rs.
1000/- per month. 6. Abolition of Commissioners’ posts in East Bengal.
District Intelligence Branch, C.I.D Mymensingh, the 10th July, 1948.
No. 3227/83-48.
Copy forwarded to S.K. Gupta, Esqr. P.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B, C.I.D, Dacca for information with reference to his No. 7277/483-48 P.F., dated 28.6.48.
Comments on the contents of the cutting will follow in due course.
Sd. Y.A. Sayeed
Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Mymensingh.

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DIO, Narayanganj submitted a report regarding the particulars of
the speakers who spoke in a meeting, held at Narayanganj on 17.5.1948. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Shamsul Huq & other leaders
delivered speeches in the meeting.
Narayanganj, 29 May 1948
Copy of report of a D.I.O. dated 29.5.48.
I have the honour to report the particulars of the following individuals who delivered speeches in Narayanganj meeting on 17th May:1. Majibar Rahman, s/o, Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, P.O.
Ratair, Faridpur. He is aged about 28 years. As regards his occupation he is reported to be a student.
Shamsul Huq, s/o, Dabiruddin of Maithan, P.S. Nagarpur, Mymensingh. He is aged about 30 years. He graduated himself from the D.U. He is organizing the M.L. against the present Cabinet.
Shamser Ali is a man of Barisal. His particulars could not be available here. He
is aged about 35 years.
4. Prof. Kazi Quamruzzaman-aged about 32 years. His particulars were not
available. He is Prof. of Feni College Noakhali.
Further particulars of these individuals may be had from the districts concerned.
District Intelligence Branch,
Confidential : No. 2964/260-39 Dacca, the 3rd June, 1948.
Copy forwarded, to S.K. Gupta, Esq., Special Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, E.B., Dacca, for information in reply to his Memo No. 5937/553-47, dt. 26.5.48.
(Sd): A. Husain
2.6.48 Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.

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Under the patronage of Muslim League opposition group, a meeting regarding the then situation of the country was held at Idgah Maidan, Narsingdi on 1.6.1948. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maolana Bhasani & other leaders delivered speeches in the
meeting. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman spoke on the abolition of Zamindary system, taxes on poor people, education, corruption, ill
payment of lower officers etc.
Narsingdi, 1 June 1948
Report of a meeting held at Narsingdi on 1.6.48. Subject : Present situation in the country.
Under the auspices of the Muslim League opposition Group, a meeting was held at Idgah Maidan, Narsingdi on 1.6.48.
Muzibar Rahman gave particular stress on the abolition of Zemindari system without compensation. He stated that all the Zeminders, either Hindus or Muslims, live in Calcutta or in big cities and that about 8 crores realised as revenue from the peasants of Eastern Pakistan had gone to the Zeminders living in West Bengal where this money had been spent by these Zeminders lavishly Who are then, he demanded, enemy of the State? These Zeminders or the people who had paid this revenue? He continued that tax, sales tax and other taxes were paid by the poor people and the rich people never pay these. Where was then, he asked, justice? The speaker continued that people were ready to pay all kinds of taxes, but they needed food, clothing and other necessaries of life including education. Regarding corruption, the speaker said that the Civil Supply Department should be abolished without further delay, as it brings in all kinds of evil. That the Police who were ill paid, were compelled to take bribe, as they were unable to maintain their families with such small pay. That the pay of the high officials should be decreased and the ill paid officers should be enhanced. This policy could stop corruption.
In conclusion he stated that the present day leaders did not want that the masses should be educated, as their leadership would then be at stake. The reason was obvious. As for instances, he cited the cases of Primary School teachers, who had not received their pay for the last 7 months. That the high officials experience no difficulty in getting their pay regularly. He demanded that Primary education should be compulsory, and appealed to the public to become members of the Muslim League.

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Summary report of the proceedings of a meeting of the Muslim League (Opposition Group) held at Idgah, Narsingdi on 1.6.48 under the President of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, M.L.A.
Before the formal commencement of the meeting Almas Ali, Secretary, Narayanganj City Muslim League introduced Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, M.L.A., Mrs. Anwara Khatun, M.L.A. and Majiber Rahman to the audience and said that the

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Maulana Sahib would speak before them about the problems with which the country was confronted after the achievement of Pakistan.
Speaking on the abolition of the Zemindary system Majibur Rahman said:
“It was one of the pledges of the Muslim League at the time of the last general
at the Zemindary system would be abolished without compensation. Our leaders and we too preached it in villages to the general public but our pledge to that
een far from fulfillment. Our peasants are homeless and are going without food and cloth. They die of starvation. There has been no arrangement for their education and medical aid. The Zemindary system alone is responsible for their miseries and privations. Unless that is abolished there cannot be any peace, tranquility and progress in the country. When the peasants are over burdened with – taxes of various kinds, the Govt. is going to give Rupees 60 crores as compensation to the Zemindars. This will have a baneful effect on the life of the poor public. People have sacrificed their lives and we shall not allow the poor to die. We are prepared to go to gallows for the abolition of the Zemindary system. We shall soon launch a movement for its abolition without paying any compensation for it”.
Criticising the reorganisation of the Muslim League he said: “Ad-hoc committees are being formed with the so-called leaders. Attempts are being made to make the Muslim League a pocket organisation of a few people. Our ‘Jehad’ is against this move. All Muslims including students will have to be members of the Muslim League which alone will make Pakistan powerful and resourceful and the public prosperous.” Concluding he said that another famine was in sight and urged the audience to take a vow that they should prefer death by bullets to death owing to starvation. He further said that they would not allow the public to die like dogs and jackals.
“We shall make a “Jehad’, face bullets and die if necessary.” he added.
The formal proceedings of the meeting commenced at 5-7 P.M. with a recitation from the holy Quran by Maulana Abdul Bari.
Next a song was sung by Shamsur Rahman: “সব মুসলিম দেশের লাগী মােদের নিশান উঠাও। জনগনের হাতে হাত মিলায়ে আপনা দাবী জানাও”।
Then Matiur Rahman, Secretary, Narsingdi Muslim League delivered a speech in which he said that committees had been formed by Maulana Akram Khan with people who had all along openly opposed the Muslim League and the read workers who had made sacrifices for the achievement of Pakistan had been given no place on

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the Committees. Each union had a population of not less than 5 thousand people but arrangements were reported to have been made for enrolment of only one hundred members per union.

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He reposed full confidence in Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, M.L.A. and offered him a very help and support in the re-organisaition of the Muslim League on broad based way.
Almas Ali, Secretary, Narayanganj City Muslim League speaking on the scarcity of food and cloth said: “we expected that after the achievement of Pakistan there will be no want of food and cloth but we have been keenly disappointed. We have no food to eat and no cloth to wear. Our mothers and sisters are going naked. We can no longer blame the British for this … (Missing from original document due to pa damage) Now we are a free people and have to solve our own problem … (Missing from original document due to page damage) remember that these police officers are paid out of our revenue and are our servants. If we do not speak our mind out of fear of them our problems will ever remain unsolved and our state will turn into an autocratic one. We have right to criticize the Government for its acts of omission and commission.”
Cautioning the Government against the rise in prices of rice he said: “The price of rice is soaring up day by day. 50 lacs of people died during the famine of 1943 without any protest but this time the people will not die in the like manner. We are a free people and as such everybody has equal right to live – be he a Chief Minister or a layman. No Government has right to kill us in this slow process. People should be up against this at once. They should protest against the rise in prices of rice well in time. Pressure should be brought to bear upon the Government for lowering down the prices of rice immediately. If the Government cannot do this we have every right to remove it from power and put able men in its place.”
Dwelling on the abolition of the Zemindary system he said: “Government is adopting dilatory tactics for the abolition of the Zemindary system. Government is making scheme after scheme but without any fruition. This is nothing but a plan for the complete annihilation of the peasantry and to make the matter worse they are contemplating to give the Zemindars Rs. 40 crores as compensation. Nazimuddin Sahib has said that acquisition of property without compensation is repugnant to the principles of Shariat we do not know of any such ‘Shariat’ which has embodied these principles.”
Concluding he said: “Jinnah Sahib has asked all Muslims, man and woman to enroll themselves as members of the Muslim League but those who have been out to make the Muslim League their pocket organisation are disregarding the advice of the Quaid-i-Azam. So far no receipt books have been distributed in the Unions. I can say with all emphasis that attempts are being made to limit the Muslim League to a coterie of Muslims and thus Jinnah Sahib is going to be affronted. Our sole aim is to enroll every Muslim, male and female as a member of the Muslim League in

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difference to the wishes of Jinnah Sahib and if any leader stands in our way we shall not spare him. We shall make the Muslim League a peoples’ Organization.”

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Then Maulana Abdul Bari said that people expected that Pakistan would usher in an era of affluence but it had not been so. The poor were growing poorer and the rich richer. A.G. Hospitals were being abolished but people were dying of fatal diseases without any treatment. He urged the Government to make ample provision for medicine, food and cloth.
Next Majiber Rahman again rose and said: “There cannot be the opinion about the abolition of Zemindary system without any compensation. Opposition may come from a few rich men addicted to wine and women but we are ready to spend our lifeblood for its abolition. We are often damned as enemies of the state. Are not those who allowed some Zemindars to go away with 60 crores of Rupees to Indian Union, enemies of the state? Zemindars are indulging in luxuries while poor are going a begging for food and cloths. I promise on behalf of the youths of Bengal that we shall make any sacrifice to save the poor people and shall not allow them to die.”
Criticizing the top-heavy nature of the administration he said: “There is wide difference between the pay of the high officials, Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries and that of the Professors, ministerial officers and Primary teachers. Half-educated Parliamentary Secretaries are drawing fat salaries whereas ill-paid Primary teachers are not getting their salaries for the last seven months. There are Parliamentary Secretaries who travel on private business and drawing traveling allowance from the exchequer. The salary of the Chief Secretary should be reduced to rupees one thousand and those of M.L.As. and Ministers should also be reduced to make provisions for the enhancement of the pay of the ill-paid officers.”
Criticizing the system of sales tax he said: “Under the present system the poor are to bear the full brunt of taxation, rich pay less tax. This is a conspiracy to suck the poor. We shall not allow the state to be destroyed by the Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries. We shall save it at the cost of our blood.”… (Missing from original document due to page damage)
Concluding he said that 75 lacs of receipt book would be distributed in Eastern Pakistan for enrolment of Muslim League members. He urged the audience to take a vow that they would exact their own demands and would not allow their countrymen to die of starvation.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan M.L.A. in delivering his presidential speech said: “Allah is our creator. We must have explicit faith in Him and bound to obey His directions. We should all irrespective of caste to work to establish place in the world and win the hearts of our fellow, love and affection. It is the duty of every individual to make other …..(Missing from original document due to page damage). No nation can prosper

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vilifying others. We should do our own duty. Our guide and is the owner of this vast universe. All rights, interests title in land should be vested in Him. We enjoy His lands and He is entitled to rents. As He has no needs and wants the rents should be for the good of mankind.
During the last 175 years’ British regime in our country there were lamentable degradation in every sphere of our life. For their own advantage and benefit the British kept us in ignorance and o(a)bject poverty. They did nothing for nation – building purposes. In 1350 (B.S.) 50 lacs of died of starvation and 18 thousand women became prostitutes to save their lives. This is a blot on the British administration in India.
We have achieved freedom but we have not been free from British. We have attained only Dominion Status31, Full freedom not achieved. Still we find the king’s effigy on our currency and stamps etc. Only ‘Laelaha Illallohu Muhemmadur Rasulullah’replace on them.”
Dilating on the failure of the Zemindars to improve the peasantry he said: “From this year we shall stop paying … (Missing from original document due to page damage) made Zemindars. We shall pay them direct to our Government of … (Missing from original document due to page damage) Zamindars have miserably failed to fulfill their promises… (Missing from original document due to page damage) improved the lands and nor have they educated the people. On …(Missing from original document due to page damage) they have exacted Rs. 34 crores as ‘Abwab32, per year which is collected Rs. 62 (sixty two) crores as rent. They have spent …(Missing from original document due to page damage) own comforts and happiness. Not only that they were the British … (Missing from original document due to page damage) oppression and repression, so we demand that the Zemindary system should be abolished without compensation. We shall remit rents to the …. (Missing from original document due to page damage) of the Revenue Department from the month of ‘Bhadra next. Pakistan and shall pay our rent to the Pakistan Government. They
31. Dominion status – Dominions were semi-independent polities that were under the British Crown, constituting the British Empire, beginning with Canadian Confederation in 1867. They included Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, South Africa, the Irish Free State and then from the late 1940s also India, Pakistan, and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Dominion status was formally defined in the Balfour Declaration of 1926, which recognized these countries as ‘Autonomous Communities within the British Empire’, thus acknowledging them as political equals of the United Kingdom
32. Abwab – It’s an Arabic term. A tax levied by a native chief (Zamindar) on a landowner or subject.

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will realise our rents and spend it for our benefit. We hope to make a vigorous movement for the abolition of the Zemindary system … (Missing from original document due to page damage) police with his bayonet will be able to stop it for it will … (Missing from original document due to page damage) movement.”
Condemning the presence of the police officers on duty, …(Missing from original document due to page damage) the British administration police officers were sent to take …(Missing from original document due to page damage) There might have been a point in it. Now we are free. In …(Missing from original document due to page damage) 60 lacs Hindu – Muslims
have the right to criticise the Govt. … (Missing from original document due to page damage) be no reason for posting police guards with bayonet around … (Missing from original document due to page damage) are the Government. We can make and unmake it. We can … (Missing from original document due to page damage) of Governor. We have equal rights. We pay revenues. We …(Missing from original document due to page damage) they are realized and spent. It is not
the monopoly …(Missing from original document due to page damage) of the Assembly. The
ministry depends on our will. This …(Missing from original document due to page damage) Government. We have the rights to point out the faults. (Missing from original document due to page damages right should not be crippled.”
He exhorted the audience not to offer ‘Salam’ to …(Missing from original document due to page damage) “It should be offered to Allah alone”, he said.
He appealed to the Hindus not to leave Pakistan .. (Missing from original document due to page damage) and Muslims too show every consideration to the Hindus. …(Missing from original document due to page damage) mother-land are traitors” he declared.
Dwelling on the re-organisation of the Muslims … (Missing from original document due to page damage) determined to enlist one crores Muslims as members … (Missing from original document due to page damage) cost. I will not listen to any pleadings of Nasi … (Missing from original document due to page damage) Khan. I am determined to do it. And after doing …(Missing from original document due to page damage) Quaid-i-Azam for his judgment whether he will …(Missing from original document due to page damage) one crores or the Muslim League of the few people. Muslim depend upon unity. We have got to rally … (Missing from original
document due to page damage) organisation. Division to our … (Missing from original document due to
page damage). will be …(Missing from original document due to page damage) advise the Government”.
He declared that a movement for the abolition of Zemindary without compensation would be launched on the 7th June, 1948 when the Assembly will be in session and invited the young men to take part in it. Finally he advised the

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Muslim National Guards to co-operate in it and stamp out corruption, hoarding and black-marketing.
Resolutions demanding (1) abolition of zemindary by October, 1948, (2) prohibition of sale and purchase of liquor and ganja, and abolition of Central Excise Department, (3) Introduction of Free and Compulsory primary Education, (4) abolition of control system, (5) condemning Jewish aggression on the Arabs, (6) urging the other countries of the world not to recognise the state of Israel and (7) urging the Government of Pakistan help the Arabs with men, money and materials and the Government of Union …(missing from original document due to page damage) and other states to help the Arabs, were unanimously passed.
The proceedings of the meeting came to a close at 7-10 P.M. About 18 hundred people attended.
Sd – S.A. Hossain Kazi Sd/-Ghulam Yazdani
Govt. Reporter.
Summary report of the proceedings of a meeting of the Muslim League (opposition Group) held at Idgah, Narsingdi on 1.6.48 under the presidency of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, M.L.A.
Next Majibur Rahman again rose and said “There cannot be the opinions about the abolition of Zemindary System without any compensation. Opposition may come from a few rich men addicted to wine and women but we are ready to spend our life-blood for its abolition. They are often damned as enemies of the State. Are not those who allow some Zemindars to go away with 8 to 10 crores of rupees to Indian Union, enemies of the State? Zemindars are indulging in luxuries while the poor are going a begging for food and cloth. I promise on behalf of the youths of Bengal that we shall make any sacrifice to save the poor people and shall not allow them to die.”
Criticizing the top-heavy nature of the administration said “There is wide difference between the pay of the high office, Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries and that of the Professors, ministerial officers and Primary teachers. Half-educated Parliamentary Secretaries are drawing fat salaries whereas ill-paid Primary teachers are not getting their salaries for the last seven months. There are Parliamentary Secretaries who travel on private business and drawing traveling allowance from the exchequer. The salary of the Chief Secretary should be reduced to rupees one

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thousand and those officers and Ministers should also be reduced to make provisions for the enhancement of the pay of the ill-paid officers.”
Criticizing the system of sales tax he said “under the present system the poor are to bear the full brunt of taxation, rich pay less tax. This is a conspiracy to suck the poor. We shall not allow the state to be destroyed by the Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries. We shall save it at the cost of our blood.”
Speaking on the corruption and bribery in Government Departments he said, “corruption and bribery are rampant every offices”. The Civil Supply Deptt. has been the cause of misery of the poor. It is curious to note that Police officers who are ill-paid have been engaged to check corruption and bribery. The result is obvious.
He demanded that free and compulsory Primary education be introduced without delay.
Concluding he said that 75 lacs of receipt book had been distributed in Eastern Pakistan for enrolment of Muslims. He urged the audience to take a vow that they would exact demands and would not allow their countrymen to die of starvation.
A meeting of MSL of Gopalganj subdivision held in the house of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 26.6.1948. He presided over the meeting & spoke shortly on the abolition of Zamindary system, criticized the role of the then MLA of Gopalganj subdivision etc.
Gopalganj, 26 June 1948


At a meeting of Muslim Students League of Gopalganj Subdivision held in the house of Sk. Mazibur Rahman, s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, PS Gopalganj and dist. Faridpur on 26.6.48 late in the afternoon the Gopalganj Sub-divisional Muslim Students’ League was reconstituted the following. The meeting was presided over by Sk. Mazibur Rahman.

Yunus Molla, s/o-Altaf Molla of Kalpur, PS Gopalganj, Faridpur. Moktader Husain, s/o Daliluddin, Munshi of S(B)arni, PS Gopalganj.
Vice-President –

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Mazibur Rahman gave a short lecture on the utility of the abolition of Zamindari system and at length criticised Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmed, the present MLA of Gopalganj Subdivision and said that he should resign from his MLA-ship if he cannot mitigate the sufferings of the people of his subdivision by improving the food situation. The following resolutions were passed in the meeting.
1. Immediate abolition of the Zamindary system, 2. Resignation of the local MLA if he cannot check the apprehending famine in
the Sub-division. 3. Unconditional release of Mr. Jahiruddin, MA, BL, Salare-Suba of MNG, East
Pakistan, 4. Decrease in the salaries of high Government officials, viz., Ministers,
Secretaries etc.
Slogans “Pakistan Zindabad”, “Gopalganj Chatra League Zindabad”, “Quaid-iAzam Zindabad”, “Gariber Jainy Khabar Chai” (Want food for the poor), “Gopalganj MLA Khabar Dao Na Hai Sare Paro” (Gopalganj MLA, give food or vacate the place), etc, were raised.
Side Note: Secretary- Rahmatzan Sardar s/o Shamdu Sarder of Balakair, PS.
Gopalganj. Exct. in the P.F. of Mazibur Rahman. Sd/ – 12.8


Brief history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, where his bio-data, speeches in different meetings, political activities against the ministry of Khaja Nazimuddin particularly his support for Urdu language in the constituent assembly, violation of 144 Cr.P.C., his arrest, follower & supporter of H.S Suhrawardy etc. were briefly mentioned. It was sent by SP, DIB, Faridpur to IBEB, Dacca.
Faridpur, 19 July 1948
Brief history on Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, 150, Mugoltuli, Dacca.
The subject is a Law student in the Dacca University. He along with Naimuddin Ahmad, B.A. (both of the Eastern Pakistani Muslim League Workers Camp, 150,

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Mogultuli, Dacca.) published a Bengali booklet entitled “Purba Pakistan-e-Durbhaga Janasadharan Kaifiyat Dite habe amader Dabi”.
Immediately after the formation of the ministry in Eastern Pakistan, the disappointed groups began to make propaganda against the ministry. The subject is one of those prominent members taking part in this propaganda.
Secret information received on 1.3.48 that the subject along with others were contemplating to agitate against the Hon’ble Khaja Nazimuddin33 on his return from Karachi for the latter’s support of Urdu language in the Constituent Assembly. These agitators planned to stage black flag demonstration either at the aerodrome or at the residence of the Chief Minister on his return from Karachi. The subject gave out that the students were determined to insult and molest the Hon’ble Khaja Nazimuddin, which they intend to do by violating the orders u/s 144 Cr. p.c. if necessary.
Secret information was received on 4.3.48 that the subject along with others had been carrying on propaganda at Dacca to observe general strike on 11.3.48 over the language controversy.
Secret information was received on 12.3.48 that the subject along with others took part in the discussions held at Fazlul Haq Hall on 10.3.48 and gave opinion in favour of violating section 144 Cr.p.c. on 11.3.48. On this decision, small batches of Hindu and Muslim students were sent out on 11.3.48 to picket the G.P.O., the secretariat and other important Govt. offices. The subject was arrested on 11.3.48 for violating the orders.
The subject is a staunch supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy. He along with other students supporters of Mr. Suhrawardy carry on propaganda in favour of the later. The subject was one among others, who waited at Sindiaghat station on 30.4.48 to receive Mr. Suhrawardy.
33. Khaja Nazimuddin – Khawaja Nazimuddin (19 July 1894 – 22 October 1964) was a conservative Pakistani politician and statesman who served as the 2nd Prime Minister of Pakistan from 15 October 1951 to 1953. He was born in Dacca, Bengal (now Bangladesh) into the family of the Nawabs of Dhaka. He involved in the politics of Bengal in British India. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated in 1951 and Nazimuddin became the next Prime Minister. He opposed introducing Bengali as one of the prime State Language of Pakistan.

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At a public meeting held at S.N. academy compound in the Faridpur district on 29.4.48. Mr. Suhrawardy, Muzaffar Hossain and the subject delivered lectures. He dwelt on the scarcity of cloths, food stuffs and other daily necessities of life in East Pakistan. He described how the poor and middle class men were passing their lives in hardship for want of these articles and deplored that students who had sacrificed much for the cause of Pakistan were now tortured by Police and are called ‘Fifth Columnists’ when any reasonable demand was made to the authority or if any Government policy was criticised in constitutional way. He asked for explanation from Mr. Suhrawady why he had drafted the students in the struggle for Pakistan.
The Subject was seen attending a closed door meeting of the Ex-councilors of Bengal provincial Muslim League held in the Mutual Club at Paikpara, Narayanganj on 16.5.48.
The subject attended a public meeting held in the public library, Narayanganj on 17.5.48 and delivered lectures. In his speech he said that he along with other Muslim workers did tremendous works at the risk of their lives to achieve Pakistan, but now they were called “Fifth Columnists’ and that they had now been deprived of the privileges of becoming Muslim League members.
On, 1.6.48 the subject attended and addressed a public meeting held at Idgah Maidan, Narsingdi. He stated that it was one of the pledges of the Muslim League to abolish the Zemindari System without compensation. This was preached by the leaders and others among the masses, but this was not yet fulfilled. Peasants were homeless, without food and cloth and were dying of starvation. Unless this was abolished, there cannot be any peace, tranquility and progress in the country. He also criticised the action of the Muslim League leaders in their work of re-organisation of the Muslim League.
The subject on 13th June’ 1948 met Shamsher Ali, Pleader, Barisal and others in Barisal town, discussed about the present parliamentary politics spoke adversely against the Ministry but in favour of Mr. Suhrawardy.
LL/ 19.7.48

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HISTORY SHEET (To be used also in recording statements.)
: Shaikh Mujibur Rahman
1. Name, aliases, and nicknames
(if any).
2. Father’s name
Shaikh Lutfur Rahman (Retired Sheristadar)
3. Addresses –
(a) Home address
: Vill. Tungipara, p.s. Gopalganj, Dist.
(b) Other addresses
: 150, Mughaltuli, Dacca (League Office).
4. Caste
: Muslim.
5. Date of birth
6. Schools and Colleges where : Metric from M.N. Institution, Gopalganj
educated, showing dates of in 1942; I.A. from Islamia College34, passing examinations and from Calcutta, in 1945; B.A. from Islamia which places.
College, Calcutta in 1947.
At present a student of Law Class in the Dacca University.
: X
7. Places of employment (if any)
with approximate dates.
8. Name of relations.
34. Islamia College – Islamia College was founded on 9 December 1926 in central Kolkata, West Bengal, India by Victor Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd Earl of Lytton, the then Governor of Bengal. It is a government administered Liberal Arts College. It is affiliated to the University of Calcutta. The College offers both post-graduate and under-graduate courses in a number of subjects in the three streams of Arts, Science and Commerce. In the year 1960 it was renamed as Maolana Azad College. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman enrolled at the Islamia College to study law and entered to the student politics there.

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a. In Government service
Mv. Saiyid Husain, M.A., B.C.S., Inspector of Bengal Excise, Rajshahi (Vill. Parulia, P.S. Kasiani, Dist. Faridpur) Brother-in-law (sister’s husband).
: 2. Mv. Nurul Huq, B.A., Head Clerk,
A.G., East Bengal, Dacca, of village Tungipara, Brother-in-law (sister’s husband)
: 3.
Sk. Jahurul Haque of Tungipara, Branch Postmaster, Patgatti, Uncle of his wife.
Concerned in political : offences of dealt with under the Bengal Criminal Law Amendment Act or other special Legislation. Employed by public : bodies and where
: 1.
Sk. Abu Naser, younger brother, Contractor, Civil Supplies, Khulna.
: 2.
Abdur Rab s/o. Abdul Khaleque of Sarail, P.S. Gournadi, Barisal, President, Goila U.B. and Director, Pakistan Transport Combined, Barisal (i.e. transport contractor of Civil Supplies), brother-in-law (Sister’s husband),
: 3. Mv. Musharraf Husain, PUB,
Patgatti, uncle.

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English translation of a Bengali letter intercepted at Dacca R.M.S dated 17.7.1948, sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Moulana
Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani.
Dacca, 19 July 1948
7, Wise Ghat Road.
The 19.7.1948.
Memo. No.
(The Secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained) 1. From (with address)
: Majibar Rahman, 150, Mogoltoli,
Dacca, Muslim League Office. 2. To (with address)
: Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan,
Kagmari Islamia Mission, Tangail,
Momenshahi 3. Language of letter
: Bengali 4. Date of letter
: 17.7.48 5. Postal seal
: Lalbag Post Office dated 17.7.48. 6. Post office of interception : Dacca. R.M.S. 7. Date of interception
: 17.7.48. 8. Name of officer who can prove : Abdus Samad Mia, A.S.I.I.B. the interception
Dacca. 9. Whether photographed or not : nil. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : 11. If delivered, whether copy kept :
or not
12. Number and date of Govt.
order authorising

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Copy of an English translation of a Bengali letter dated 17.7.48 from Mujibar of 150 Mogoltooli, Muslim League Office, Dacca to Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Kagmari, Islamia Mission, Tangail, Momenshahi Dist. intercepted by I.B. at Dacca R.M.S. on 17.7.48.
Please accept my cordial salam. I have come to Dacca about 8/10 days ago. But no work has been done at all. On account of your absence I could not get any satisfaction in my mind. As we could not supply the receipt book our duty forwards the public has not been done for which our prestige is going to be lost before the public. The present situation of the country is so bad for which the people are compel to die. When will you come? Perhaps you will not be able to come before Idd-festival. You will write to me and will pray to God for me. Today all the people

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of the Eastern Pakistan are very hankering for you. About 50 police have been shot down. How are you? Letter of Hamid is sending herewith.
Your affectionate
D.S.V. 1) Pl. see your order at- P.100. You probably mean that a copy of the letter written by Mujibur Rahman should go to his P.F.
N.H. 1) Yes.
Sd/-A.H. 22/7.

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The statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion of the foundation of Pakistan Day’, which was published in the daily
‘Ittehad’ on 13.8.1948.
Dacca, 13 August 1948 Ittehad- 13.08.1948
পাকিস্তান প্রতিষ্ঠা দিবস
ছাত্র সম্প্রদায়ের কর্তব্য
বিশিষ্ট লীগ কর্মী শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতি
(ঢাকা অফিস হইতে প্রাপ্ত)
ঢাকা, ১২ ই আগষ্ট-অধুনা বিলুপ্ত বঙ্গীয় প্রাদেশিক লীগ কাউন্সিলের সদস্য ও পূৰ্ব্ব-পাকিস্তানের সাম্প্রতিক রাষ্ট্রভাষা আন্দোলনের অন্যতম নেতা শেখ মুজিবর রহমান নিমােক্ত বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন :
পূর্ব পাকিস্তান মুসলিম ছাত্রলীগ সংগঠন কমিটির আহ্বায়ক মওলবী নঈমুদ্দীন আহমদ আসন্ন আজাদী দিবসে35 ছাত্র সমাজের কর্তব্য সম্পর্কে সম্প্রতি একটী বিবৃতি দিয়াছেন। ঐ দিবসে গণআজাদী ও দেওয়ানী আজাদী প্রতিষ্ঠার সঙ্কল্প গ্রহণ করার জন্য তিনি ছাত্র সমাজকে আহবান জানাইয়াছেন। নঈমুদ্দীন সাহেবের এক সময়ােপযােগী আহবানকে আমি সর্বান্তঃকরণে সমর্থন করি।
১৯৪৭ সালের ১৫ই আগষ্ট আমরা যে ‘আজাদী লাভ করিয়াছি, সেটা যে গণ আজাদী নয়, তা গত একটী বছরে সুস্পষ্টভাবে প্রমাণিত হইয়াছে। জাতীয় মন্ত্রিসভা’ দীর্ঘ একটি বছরে জনগণের দুইশ’ বছরের পুঞ্জীভূত দুঃখ-দুর্দশা মােচনের কোন চেষ্টা ত করেনই নাই, রঞ্চ সেই বােঝার উপর অসংখ্য শাকের আটি চাপাইয়াছেন। ভুখা, বিবস্ত্র, জরাগ্রস্ত ও শত অভাবের ভারে ন্যুজ জনসাধারণের ভাত, কাপড়, ওষুধ পত্র ও অন্যান্য নিত্যব্যবহার্য দ্রব্যের কোন ব্যবস্থা তারা করেন নাই; বরঞ্চ পাট, তামাক শুপারী ইত্যাদির উপর নয়া ট্যাক্স বসাইয়া ও বিক্রয়কর বৃদ্ধি করিয়া জনগণের দৈনন্দিন জীবন দুর্বিসহ করিয়া তুলিয়াছেন। বিনা খেসারতে জমিদারী বিলােপের ওয়াদা খেলাফ করিয়া তাঁরা জমিদার ও মধ্যস্বত্বভােগীদিগকে পঞ্চাশ ষাট কোটি টাকা ক্ষতিপূরণ দেওয়ার ব্যবস্থা করিতেছেন। নুতন জরীপের নাম করিয়া তাঁরা জমিদারী প্রথার সম্পূর্ণ বিলােপ আট বছর স্থগিত রাখার ষড়যন্ত্র করিতেছেন। শুধু তাই নয়, রাষ্ট্রের নিরাপত্তার অছিলায় তারা অনেক দেশভক্ত লীগ-কৰ্মীকেও বিনা বিচারে কয়েদ খানায় আটকাইয়া রাখিতেছেন। রাষ্ট্রভাষা আন্দোলনে মুসলিম ছাত্র সমাজের উপর এবং আরও কতিপয় ক্ষেত্রে জনতার উপর লাঠী চার্জ, কাঁদুনে গ্যাস ব্যবহার ও গুলী চালনা করিয়া তারা আজাদীকে কলঙ্কিত করিয়াছেন। আজ সেই মন্ত্রিসভাই আজাদী উৎসবের সাময়িক সমারােহের দ্বারা নিজেদের অথৰ্ব্বতা ও প্রতিক্রিয়াশীলতা ঢাকিবার প্রয়াস পাইতেছেন।
35. আজাদী দিবস পাকিস্তানের স্বাধীনতা দিবস, ১৪ আগষ্ট ১৯৪৭। এই দিনে দ্বি-জাতি তত্ত্বের ভিত্তিতে বৃটিশ শাসকদের নিকট থেকে পাকিস্তান স্বাধীনতা লাভ করে। সংস্কৃতি ও ভাষাগত ভিন্নতা থাকা সত্বেও শুধুমাত্র ধর্মের ভিত্তিতে প্রতিষ্ঠা পায় পূর্ব ও পশ্চিম পাকিস্তান নামে প্রায় ১৪০০ মাইল ব্যবধানে একটি অস্বাভাবিক রাষ্ট্র। পাকিস্তানী শাসন আমলে এই দিনটিকে আজাদী দিবস হিসেবে পালন করা হতাে।

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বস্তুত: গণ-জীবনে আজাদীর পরিবেশ সৃষ্টি না করিয়া আজাদী উৎসব করিতে যাওয়া এবং বন্যাক্লিষ্ট, দুর্ভিক্ষপীড়িত মরণােন্মুখ জনগণকে সেই উৎসবের শরীক হইতে বলা নিষ্ঠুর পরিহাস ছাড়া আর কিছু নয়। এই প্রহসনে আত্মপ্রতারিত ‘নেতারাই সন্তুষ্ট থাকিতে পারেন, জনগণ-বিশেষ করিয়া সচেতন ছাত্র ও যুব-সমাজ উহা দ্বারা বিভ্রান্ত হইবে না। তারা আজাদী দিবস’ অবশ্যই পালন করিবে, কিন্তু সেটা উৎসবের দিন হিসাবে নয়, উৎপীড়নের নিগঢ় ছিন্ন করার সঙ্কল্প নেওয়ার দিবস হিসাবে পালন করিবে।
আমি আশা করি, মিঃ নঈমুদ্দীন আহমদের আহবানে শুধু মুসলিম ছাত্র সমাজ নয়, গােটা ছাত্র ও যুব সমাজই এক বাক্যে সাড়া দিবেন এবং ১৫ই আগষ্টকে সঙ্কল্প-দিবস’ হিসাবে সফল করিয়া তুলিবেন। Side Note: SS-1, May kindly see. May be placed in the P.F. of Muzibar Rahman.
Sa/-13.8, Sa/- 28.8. 606/48 PE.

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The news concerning the arrest of student worker Mominur Rahman & investigation undertaken by East Pak Chhatra League were published in the daily Ittehad on 4.9.1948 with the heading Arrest of Student Worker Mominur Rahman.’
Dacca, 4 September 1948 Ittehad dt. 4.9.48.
ছাত্ৰকৰ্ম্মী মমিনুর রহমানের গ্রেফতার
পূৰ্ব্ব-পাক ছাত্রলীগ কর্তৃক তদন্তের ব্যবস্থা
(ঢাকা অফিস হইতে)
ঢাকা, ২রা সেপ্টেম্বর-ফরিদপুরের বিশিষ্ট ছাত্রলীগ কর্মী মিঃ মমিনুর রহমান ঈশ্বরদী যুবলীগ সম্মেলনে যােগদান করিতে গিয়া গত ২১শে আগষ্ট তারিখে গ্রেফতার হইয়াছেন। মিঃ রহমানকে বর্তমানে পাবনা জেল হাজতে রাখা হইয়াছে বলিয়া প্রকাশ। পূর্ব পাকিস্তান মুসলিম ছাত্র লীগের তরফ হইতে এ-বিষয়ে তদন্তের জন্য ছাত্র নেতা মিঃ শেখ মুজিবর রহমান আগামী ৪ঠা সেপ্টেম্বর পাবনা যাত্রা করিতেছেন। তদন্তের রিপাের্ট এক সপ্তাহের মধ্যে প্রাদেশিক মুসলিম ছাত্র লীগ কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট দাখিল করিতে মিঃ মুজিবর রহমানকে নির্দেশ দেওয়া হইয়াছে বলিয়া প্রকাশ।
Side Note: SS 1, May like to see. May be placed on the P.F of Mozibur Rahman.
D.S-5. We have already asked S.P. Pabna to report detail about the arrest. Sd/-6.9. given to Mr. Hai today. Sd/ – 10.12.


SP, DIB, Faridpur sent a copy of reference note on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to SSP, IBEB, Dacca, where it was mentioned that a Muslim League meeting was held at Gopalganj on 9.7.1945 with H.S. Suhrawardy, ex-minister in the chair. The reports of different political program of H.S. Suhrawardy, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other leaders were also mentioned in the report.
Faridpur, 6 September 1948
Reference notes on Muzibar Rahman s/o, Late Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur.

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A Muslim League meeting was held at Gopalganj on 9.7.45 with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Ex-Minister, in the chair. About 3000 people, including a large number of students and about 500 lathials (lathi players) attended. The lathials hailed from different parts of Gopalganj Sub-Division. Khan Bahadur S. Dohar (Retd. D.C., Calcutta) of Ratail, P.S. Kasiani, Muzibar Rahman of Gopalganj, Musharraf Husain (PUB, Patgathi, Gopalganj) and Abdul Ali Talukdar (PUB, Dumaria, P.S. Kotalipara) had arranged the demonstration of lathi play. There was a scuffle between the supporters of Khan Bahadur S. Dohar and Mv. Salam @ Badsha Miyan over the shouting raised by Muzibar Rahman on behalf of Khan Bahadur S. Dohar.
On 18.9.45 Muzibar Rahman, Secy., All Bengal Muslim Students League, came to Madaripur from Barisal along with Ataur Rahman36, a Post- Graduate Student of the Calcutta University for party propaganda work. He was received cordially by Muslim Students at the station with shouting “Muslim League Zindabad”, “Quaid-e-Azam Zindabad” and “Chhatra Neta Muzibar Rahman Zindabad”. On 19.9.45 a meeting of the Muslim Students League was held with Muzibar Rahman in the chair. About 150 Muslim Students attended and some of them delivered short speeches explaining what is Pakistan and asked the Muslim Students to stick to their policy and to go on fighting till Pakistan was achieved. The president also asked the students to start libraries and night schools in the villages for mass education. He gave much stress on the coming election of India and urged the Muslim students to cast their votes for the candidates who would be nominated by the Muslim League without fail.
On 9.11.45 Muzibar Rahman, Secretary, All Bengal Muslim Student League, presided over a Muslim Propaganda Meeting held at Madaripur. About 400 people attended the meeting.
As soon as the news of police oppression November, 1945, on the students of Calcutta came all the students (male and female) of local Rajendra College came out of their classes as a protest. Afterwards a big protest meeting was held in the College compound under the presidency of Muzibar Rahman. In the meeting Comrades (1) Atul Ghosh, (2) Ashit Datta, (3) Muhammad Zahed, & (4) Amarendra Ghosh
36. Ataur Rahman Khan (1907-1991) – He was a politician & lawyer, founding Vice-President of Awami League. He was the key member of All Party Language Movement Working Committee & Joint Convener of United Front. He joined to the new party ‘Baksal” formed by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He took part in the Cabinet of Lt. General Hussain Mohammad Ershad Govt. & served as Prime Minister for 9 months.

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delivered lectures condemning and protesting against the police oppression on the students of Calcutta.
On 11.1.46 a meeting was held at Faridpur, Yusuf Ali Chaudhuri, President, Faridpur District Muslim League, in the chair, in connection with the “Victory Day” of the Muslim League for the unprecedented success of Muslim League Party during the Central Assembly Election and also for making propaganda to capture all the Muslim seats in the next Provincial Assembly. Muzibar Rahman Khan, a student of the Islamia College, Calcutta, delivered speeches in favour of Pakistan explained the significance (of) the day, vilified the last Congress Ministry for their atrocities upon the Muslims and condemned the exploitation of the British Government and the Hindu Capitalists as well.
On 16.1.46 Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Secy., Bengal Provincial Muslim League, accompanied by Maulana Abdul Hai visited Madaripur to select League nominees for the coming election. About 800 people amidst the usual shouts of Muslim League slogans and “Down with British Empire” received them at the station. A meeting was held and all of them attended. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Maulana Abdul Hai and Muzibar Rahman (Muslim Students League) delivered usual election propaganda speeches. A resolution was passed condemning the recent Chittagong incident and demanding suitable action against the culprits.
The death anniversary of Late Nazir Ahmed who was murdered during the Communal Riot at Dacca in 1943 was observed in this town (Faridpur) on 2.2.46 by the Muslim Students League. About 250 Muslim Students went out of their classes and paraded through the main thoroughfares of the town, led by Muzibar Rahman, a student of the local College.
On 3.3.48 a meeting of the students over the language controversy was held in the premises of the Court Mosque at Gopalganj with Jainul Abedin Sardar in the chair. About 400 people attended the meeting. Md. Muzibar Rahman s/o, Lutfur Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur, a student of Dacca University, and Secy., Provincial Students League and others addressed the meeting. A resolution with demanding the adoption of Bengali as Court Language and a cut in the salaries of the Hon’ble Ministers was unanimously passed.
On 29.4.48 afternoon a meeting was held at S.N. Academy Compound with Kazi Muzaffar Husain, Pleader, Gopalganj (President, Sub-divisional Muslim League) in the chair on the occasion of the visit of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to Gopalganj. Muzibar Rahman, s/0. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, spoke first. He dwelt on the scarcity of clothes, food stuffs and other daily necessities of life in East Pakistan. He narrated how the poor and the middle

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classmen were passing their days in hardship. He said that it was the call of Mr. Suhrawardy that brought the Muslim students to-day in the political arena. He accused the Govt. for classifying its critics as Fifth Columnists. He deplored the police action against the students during the Language Controversy at Dacca. He arranged everything for giving a fitting reception to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy at Gopalganj.
On 7.5.48 a meeting of about 100 Muslims including some students was held in the town field, Gopalganj, under the presidentship of Muzibar Rahman, s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. In his presidential speech, Muzibar Rahman said that not only the ministers but also the member of the Assembly were responsible for the food and cloth crisis. He urged for the abolition of Zemindary System forthwith and expressed sympathy for the poorly paid Govt. servants. Resolutions were passed in favour of the introduction of Bengali as Court Language of the East Pakistan, and the abolition of the Zemindary System. The President further said that if they fail (the ministers and members) to do these, they should resign forthwith. He also advised that as a last resort they should organise a no-tax campaign
There was a meeting in the house of Sk. Muzibar Rahman of Gopalganj Town on 26.6.48 by the Muslim Students of Gopalganj which was presided over by Sk. Muzibar Rahman. In the meeting the Sub-divisional Muslim Students League was re-constituted. Sk. Muzibar Rahman in course of his presidential speech spoke on the utility of the abolition of the Zemindary System, criticised Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmed, the present MLA of Gopalganj Sub-division and said that he should resign from his MLA ship if he cannot mitigate the sufferings of the people of Gopalganj Sub-division by improving food situation. Resolutions asking immediate abolition of the Zemindary System, unconditional release of Mr. Jahiruddin, M.A.B.L., SalareSuba of MNG; East Pakistan, decrease in the salaries of high Govt. officials, ministers etc. were passed.
Side Note : Included in the addendum to B.H. Sd/ – 9.11
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 6.9.1948. Memo No. 2814/70-48.
Copy forwarded to S.K. Gupta, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca, with reference to his No. 7286/606-48 Sec., dated 28.6.1948.

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The History Sheet Form in respect of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, duly filled in, is returned herewith.
Sd/- 6.9.48. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B. Faridpur.
[The texts mentioned above in the heading no-20 (reference note ) were latter again sent by SP, DIB, Faridpur to SSP, IBEB, Dacca vide DIB, Faridpur memo no-229/33-50 dated 12.1.1950, which is cited
in the heading no-166 (sub-heading no- i to x)]


A copy of an English letter dated 10.10.1948 was sent from Shamsul Hug Choudhury to Naimuddin Ahmed, which was intercepted at GPO, Dacca on 13.10.1948.
Dacca, 13 October, 1948 Secret
Intelligence Branch C.I.D.
7, Wiseghat Road (The Secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained) 1. From (with address)
Shamsul Hug Choudhury, Chairman, Organising Committee, District
Muslim Students League, Bakerganj. 2. To (”)
Mr. Naimuddin Ahmed, B.A. Convener, Eastern Pakistan Muslim Students League, 150, Mogoltuly,
P.O. Chakbazar, Dacca. 3. Language of letter
English 4. Date of letter
10.10.48. 5. Postal seal
Illegible. 6. Post office of interception : G.P.O., Dacca. 7. Date of interception
13.10.48. 8. Name of officer who can : Khandaker Nuruddin Ahmed, A.S.I.
prove the interception 9. Whether photographed or not No. 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Delivered. 11. If delivered, whether copy : Copy kept.
kept or not 12. No. & dt. of Govt. order : Casual interception.
authorising interception.

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Copy of an English letter dated 10.10.48 from Shamsul Huq Choudhury, Chairman, Organising Committee, District Muslim Students League, Bakerganj, addressed to Mr. Naimuddin Ahmed, B.A. Convener, Eastern Pakistan Muslim Students League, 150, Mogoltuly, P.O. Chakbazar, Dacca, intercepted by I.B. at Dacca G.P.O. on 13.10.48.
Letter head printed in English as :
Organising Committee. District Muslim Students League, Bakarganj, Mukhlisur Rahman, Convener, Barisal, Choudhury Shamsul Huq, Chairman. Dated: 10.10.1948.
Letter No.
My dear Naimuddin Sb.,
My best regards attend you. I hope you are going well with works. Mr. Majibar Rahman came here on his way to home and we had a thorough discussic regarding organisation. We wish to hold our election before 25th Nov. Please immediately send us at least three thousands of receipts and twenty five Constitution Books. If you do fail to send those at least within a week, we shall not be able to capture Barisal. So we like to hold our election before the other group or else for our delay they will capture the Dist. Please treat this letter as a wire. Please at any cost send those at least within four days. I am proceeding towards Pirojpu workers are also sent to work in different part of the district.
More when we meet. Hoping this to find you quite O.K. My best wishes to all of our Comrades.
Yours sincerely
(Sd) : Shamsul Huq Choudhury Address :Bahauddin Ahmed37, B.A.
Submitted Fakirbari, Barisal.
(Sd) :- Nuruddin Ahmed
A.S.I. 15.10.48.
37. Bahauddin Ahmed (1926-1998) – Kazi Bahauddin Ahmed was one of the active personalities of Language Movement in Barisal from 1948-1952. He was appointed as Assistant Director of Passport & Immigration department in 1954. Later he served as Director General of that Department. He was a cultural minded personality & specially known as devoted to music based on classical modes.

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WCR of SP, Khulna, for the week ending 4.12.1948, where it was
mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Daulatpur & Bagerhat P.C. College & delivered speeches in the meetings. He criticized the food policy of the Govt., the ministry for suspending the primary education, ministers ‘including the Prime Minister’s frequent tours by plane which caused damage to the public fund etc.
Khulna, 4 December 1948.
Weekly Confidential Report of the Superintendent of Police, Khulna, for the week ending 4.12.48.
On 1.12.48 Sk. Majibur Rahman, an organiser of the Eastern Pak. Muslim Students League, Dacca, (revolted group of the MSL led by pro-communist Muslim Students) visited Daulatpur college for propaganda work at the invitation of the Muslim students of Mr. Saboors’ camp. At first the Principal of the Daulatpur College declined to accord permission to hold a political meeting within the precincts of the college but on being assured that only educational matters would be discussed in the meeting he gave the permission. When the meeting was going to start a number of Muslim students of Mv. Abdul Hamid’s camp led by A.S.M. Tahmiduddin entered into the hall and tried to disturb the meeting. This led to an altercation between the two groups and culminated in a free fight. In the melee that ensued Tahmiduddin received a incised wound on his right eye. The supporters of Tahmiduddin lodged an information alleging that Tahmiduddin was stabbed on the right eye by Amjad Hussain, the leader of the opposite party. A case u/s 147/324 I.P.C was registered. After the incident the meeting was held without interruption.
Addressing the students Mujibar Rahman criticised the food policy of the Government and severely castigated the ministry for having suspended primary

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education. The Government was urged to step up the defense measures and to arrange for compulsory military training38 in the Colleges of East Bengal.
D.I.O. Bagerhat reports that on 2.12.48 a meeting organised by the M.S.L. was held in the Bagerhat P.C. College compound with Sk. Mujibar Rahman (mentd.) in the chair. The following students delivered speeches.
1. Amjad Ali Goral 2. Abul Mansoor Ahmed (MSL s/o Kashem Ali of Pathashi, Perojpur, Barisal) 3. Noor Ali Sardar (s/o Md. Ismail of Pania, Kaliganj, Khulna)
4. Omar Faruq.
5. Abdul Aziz B.A. (MSL s/o Haji Afizuddin of Teligati, Morrelganj, Khulna.)
The speakers severely criticised the present food policy of the East Bengal Government. They criticised the present ministry, the Government officials and particular the S.D.O39., Bagerhat. The S.D.O., they alleged was helping the black marketers and smuggler by giving them permits freshly and was recklessly issuing warrants of arrest against the Muslim League workers who deposed his corrupt practices in the public. The S.D.O., they said, was being influenced by some local black marketers and he was mainly responsible for irregular distribution of the rationed commodities in Bagerhat Sub-Division. The speakers condemned the arrest of Mir Musharraf Ali, M.A. B.L. and Abdul Latif under the Special Power Ordinance.
38. Compulsory Military Training – Compulsory enrollment & induction into the military service, Some nations require a specific amount of military service from every citizen particularly in war time or in threat of war. A nation with a fully volunteer military does not normally require mandatory military service from its citizens, unless it is faced with a recruitment crisis during a time of war. The compulsory military service system having existed around 26 countries in the world including Israel, North Korea & Norway.
39. S.D.0 – The district was geographically divided into a number of units known as sub-divisions. The official in-charge of this unit was called S.D.O. (sub-divisional officer). The SDO was a valuable field aide to the District Collector (DC) and an integral part of the district administration. The Sub-division was abolished under the order of the Local Government Ordinance of 1982, which was redesigned as new district.

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Sk. Mujibur Rahman in his speech said that our ministry including the Prime Minister of Pakistan who were lavishly paid were making frequent tours by planes causing grievous damage on the Government exchequer. He mentioned particularly the recent visit of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan, who, he alleged, brought planes from Karachi to Dacca for his tours. The students he said, demanded Bengali as their state language for the people, abolition of Zamindary system without compensation but the ministry did not accept any of their demands and moreover they have been treated as fifth Columnist. He cited the example of Rajshahi where the student workers have been arrested. He criticised the Government policy of paying compensation to the Zaminders. About 40 crores of rupees, he disclosed, would be given as compensation to the Zaminders as estimated by the Government. of these 30 crores of rupees would go to Hindusthan where most of the Hindu Zaminders were living. These 30 crores would be utilised for armed preparation he said, to invade East Bengal. The schools and colleges were on the other hand being
abolished. He condemned the activity of S.D.O. Bagerhat who issued warrant of
arrest against Abdul Aziz a M.S.L. worker and demanded its withdrawal at once.
Resolutions demanding the compulsory military training for the students, abolition of Zamindary system without compensation, demanding Bengali as one of the State languages of Pakistan, compulsory free primary education, dismissal and open trial of the dishonest Government officials, organisation of Civil Defense40 and the cancellation of the warrant of arrest against Abdul Aziz were unanimously passed in the meeting. At the close of the meeting about 500 students of different schools and colleges paraded in a procession in Bagerhat Town shouting. “দূর্নীতি বন্ধ কর। আজিজের গ্রেপ্তারী পরগ্রানা তুলে নিতে হবে। বাগেরহাটের S.D.0.র বদলী চাই etc.
40. Civil Defense – Civil Defense is an effort to protect the citizens of a state (Generally non combatants) from military attacks and natural disasters. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response or emergency evacuation and recovery. Since the end of the Cold War, the focus of civil defense has largely shifted from military attack to emergencies and disasters in general.

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A meeting of students was held at Daulatpur College convened by EPMSL. The news of the meeting was published in the daily
Ittehad on 13.12.1948. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in the meeting regarding police repression on the students, food crisis & defense of the country, reformation of education
system etc. Khulna, 13 December 1948
Ittehad dt. 11.12.48
দৌলতপুর কলেজে ছাত্র সভা
(সংবাদদাতা প্রেরিত)
খুলনা, ১ লা ডিসেম্বর- পূর্ব-পাকিস্তান মুসলিম ছাত্র লীগের খুলনা শাখার আহবানে অদ্য বৈকাল ৪ ঘটিকার সময় দৌলতপুর কলেজের ৬ নং রুমে কলেজের প্রিন্সিপাল মহােদয়ের সভাপতিত্বে এক সভা হয়।
এই সভায় যােগদানের জন্য পূর্ব-পকিস্তান মুসলিম ছাত্রলীগের তরফ হইতে জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমান, বরিশালের জনাব এ,কে,এম, আরসেদ আলী দৌলতপুর পৌছিলে ছাত্রগণ তাঁহাদিগকে বিরাটভাবে সম্বর্ধনা করে।
বক্তৃতা করিতে উঠিয়া শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সাহেব বলেন, “আমি প্রধানতঃ পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের বিভিন্ন স্থানে কর্মীগণের উপর পুলিশ জুলুমের প্রতিবাদ জ্ঞাপন করিতে আসিয়াছি। তাছাড়া, আরও তিনটী বিষয়ের প্রতি আপনাদের গভীর মনােযােগ আকর্ষণ করিতেছি। প্রথমতঃ খাদ্যসঙ্কট ও দেশরক্ষার সমস্যাই আমাদের সর্ব প্রধান সমস্যা। দেশরক্ষার জন্য দেশের জনসাধারণের সন্তোষ বিধান করা বিশেষ প্রয়ােজন। জনসাধারণের মুখে ভাত না দিতে পারিলে কিছুতেই তাদের মন সন্তুষ্ট থাকিতে পারে না। তাই দেশরক্ষার ব্যাপারে তারা স্বভাবতই পিছনে পড়িয়া থাকে। জনগণের জন্য ভাত-কাপড়ের বন্দোবস্ত করিতে পারিলে জনগণ স্বতঃস্ফুর্ত ভাবে দেশ রক্ষা করিতে ঝাপাইয়া পড়ে। শুধু সামরিক শক্তির দ্বারাই দেশ রক্ষার চিন্তা অবাস্তব। খাদ্য সমস্যাও দেশ রক্ষার সমস্যা। একে অপরের পরিপূরক।” শিক্ষা সম্বন্ধে তিনি বলেন, শিক্ষাদীক্ষাই হইল মানব সভ্যতার মাপকাঠী, – অথচ আমাদের দেশের অগণিত জনসাধারণকে অশিক্ষার অন্ধকারে ডুবাইয়া রাখিয়া কোন মুখে আমরা বিশ্বের দরবারে নিজদিগকে সভ্য জাতি বলিয়া গৌরব করিব? আজ দেখিতে পারিতেছেন আমাদের সমস্ত শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানই ধ্বংস হইতে বসিয়াছে, শিক্ষকদের বেতন না বাড়াইলে শিক্ষা সমস্যার সমাধান অসম্ভব। শিক্ষা পদ্ধতির আমূল পরিবর্তন করা দরকার। পুলিশ জুলুমের উল্লেখ

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করিয়া তিনি বলেন, দুঃখের বিষয় সব সভা সংগ্রামের নির্ভিক সৈনিক ছাত্র ও যুবকগণ আজ অন্যায়ভাবে বৃটিশ আমলের আমলাতান্ত্রিক মনােভাবাপন্ন পুলিশ কর্মচারিগণ কর্তৃক নির্যাতিত হইতেছে। রাজশাহীর চারিজন ছাত্র কর্মীকে শহর হইতে বহিস্কার করিয়া দেওয়া হইয়াছে। প্রত্যেক জিলায়ই কর্মীদের উপর অন্যায়ভাবে জুলুম করা হইতেছে। এর তীব্র প্রতিবাদ করিবার জন্য সংঘবদ্ধ হউন। জননিরাপত্তার নামে বিনা বিচারে আটকের প্রতিবাদ করুন। লেখাপড়ার প্রতি। বিশেষ জোর দিয়া তিনি বলেন, “আপনারা ছাত্র হিসাবে ভাল হইতে চেষ্টা করুন। আপনারা শিক্ষায় প্রত্যেকটি শাখায় পারদর্শী হউন।” তিনি আরাে বলেন, “সামরিক শিক্ষাকে স্কুল কলেজের পাঠ্য তালিকাভূক্ত করিয়া অবিলম্বে বাধ্যতামূলক করার জন্য আপনারা জাতীয় সরকারকে চাপ দিন।”
Side Note:
1. Show SS-3, 2. Place on the P.F. of Majibor Rahman. 3. We may ask district to comment. We know Rajshahi college student expulsion. Sa/ 13.12


English translation of a Bengali letter dated 25.12.1948, sent
from A.M. Nurul Islam to Abdul Hamid Chaudhury.
Dacca, 25 December 1948 English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 25.12.48 from A.M. Nurul Islam of Saadat College, Karatia, to Maulvi Abdul Hamid Chaudhury, Muslim Hall, Dacca.
Dear Chaudhury Sb,
My compliments to you. I am deprived of meeting you for a pretty long time. I am feeling uneasy for it. Your affectionate touch of mine hås Endeavour you as my own. Yet I did not intentionally make correspondence with you because you are to crack your brain for practical politics in a capital full of works and activities. You are to shoulder greater responsibility there, so I don’t like to overburden you with anything more. Yet I am to write you. Hope you will not mind. I shall be glad if you kindly reply me at your leisure. There are two things with regard Rabbaniat & Language controversy agitation. I first write you about Rabbaniat. I had a talk with Mr. Haque for an hour about Rabbaniat and I found great pleasure in is far non-progressive in ideology than his manners and customs in personal life. Some of his views appear to be a sign of more reactionary, besides this he committed 2 or 3 political blunders after the achievement of Pakistan. This is not due to his charm for leadership or any other fault but due to his over sentimentality

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and anti-realistic views. Yet I respect him because he is the sincere well wisher of the community. However my object to speak all these things to you is, “if you agree with me to bring about a turn in him to the reality or if you don’t agree with me you may correct me by clarification. Secondly in course of talk with Hazrat Bhai I came to learn that you are contemplating to launch a large scale revolutionary agitation in the month of January on the issue of Bengali as one of the state Language of Pakistan. So I am thinking a new about the fairness of otherwise of the movements. On the last occasion about 99% of the student of Karatia College joined the movements and as a result they were turned as a fifth columnist by the so call(ed) Government (of course we care little for it) never the less if you are to launch the movements this time we shall have to shoulder greater responsibility and I doubt if there is any able leader in this centre to shoulder that responsibility. So I advise you to think the matter very carefully. In the language of Quaid-E-Azam I may say “matter is very very grave, think and think again before you make your decision final.” I am not in favour of adopting of revolutionary methods for a few years at least because I consider it to be going far away from the ideal if we jump in the struggle like a fool without being armed with necessary weapons. So, I hope you will seriously think over the matter and make us a partner of your thought by informing us the grounds on which you like to shoulder the responsibility at this crisis with him at the helm. Tender my best complement to Naimuddin Shaheb, Muzibar Shaheb and show them this letter and let me have their opinion. I am continuing with my study at my Hostel. Hazrat Bhai and others are living in the same Mess. Saifuddin Sb., has gone home for a few days. On the ensuing 12th & 13th December a big conference of Maulana of Bhasanirchar is going to be held at Kagmari where a Waqf41 Well-Fare Board is going to be formed.
(Sd): A.M. Nural Islam
41. Waqf – Waqf Act 1954 defines Waqf as, “Waqf means the permanent dedication by a person professing the Islam, of any movable or immovable property for any purpose recognized by Muslim Law as religious, pious, or charitable.” When a Muslim person, who is working for charitable purpose under religious faith and sentiments and for the benefit and upliftment of the society, has donate his property in the name of Allah is called waqf.

Chapter- II

WCR & extract from East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence of IBEB, Dacca. In the report among other information it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a
students’ meeting at Dacca University compound urged the students to be united. He criticized the education policy of the Govt., warned the Govt. withdrawing the cases against the
students & immediate release them from custody.
Dacca, 1 January, 1949 Weekly Confidential Report of Dacca District for the week ending Saturday, the 1st January, 1949,
The East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence Nos. 41 and 42 dated 30.10.48 and 6.11.48 respectively were received on 28.12.48 and (No. 40 dated 20.10.48 is still in Press vide I.B. No. 17540 (30) dated 28.10.48.)
6. Youth & Student Movement
3) The D.I.O. Narayanganj reports on 26.12.48 that under the auspices of the E.P. Muslim Students League a meeting was held at the Public Library, Narayanganj on 25.12.48 to celebrate the birth day of late Quaid-E-Azam with Sk. Muzibar Rahman, a student of the Dacca University in the chair. A.K.M. Bazlur Rahman, Secy. E.P.M. Students League, Narayanganj Branch, Abu Nasar, Md. Wahed of Dacca University, Manindra Bhowmick, Teacher, Narayanganj H.E. School and the president delivered short speeches on the life and works of the late Quaid-e-Azam the audience to follow the instructions of the late Quaid-e-Azam in building up the Pakistan state in such way that it may last ever long. The speakers also urged upon the audience to contribute liberally to the Kashmir Fund for the help of the Azad Kashmir Force42 who are fighting for true independence of the country.
n P.F. of Mujibar Rahman, Sd/ 26/1/49.
42. Azad Kashmir Force – Azad Kashmir Force or Azad Kashmir Regular Force (AKRF) was the predecessor of Azad Kashmir Regiment of Pakistan Army. As AKRF, it was part of the Paramilitary Forces of the state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It was merged into Pakistan Army after Bangladesh-Pakistan Liberation War in 1971 as one of the Infantry Regiments and named as Azad Kashmir Regiment or AK Regiment.

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Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending January 1, 1949.
95. Dacca- At a meeting (550) of the students of various Institutions of Dacca including about 50 girl students held on 8th January in the University Compound under the presidency of Naimuddin Ahmad (Para 95), Sk. Mojibur Rahman and Nadira Begum* delivered lectures urging the students to be united. They threatened the Government that if their demands were not acceded to within a month they would resort to direct action, and criticised the educational policy of the Government. Mujibur Rahman warned the students to guard against the communists infiltrating into their camp. Resolutions were passed demanding (i) the withdrawal of all the pending cases against the students and their immediate release from custody, (ii) the stoppage of the alleged repressive policy of the Government against the students and (iii) de-requisitioning of the National Medical School and the adequate provision for the accommodation of the schools and colleges in Dacca immediately. Prior to holding the meeting the students moved in a procession in the town shouting usual slogans. Ranendra Basu (C.P.) and Nitai Ganguli (R.S.P) participated in the aforesaid meeting.


Report on the ‘Anti-Repression Day’observed on 8.1.1949 by
EPMSL at Dacca.
Dacca, 8 January 1949 Report on the “Anti-Repression Day” observed on 8.1.49 by the E.P.M.S.L.
At about 11.30 hrs. about 200 students of the National Medical School came out of their classes carrying a Pakistan State flag and a flag of the Students Union of the School with cry of usual slogans “ , “etc. and left in a procession for the University ground via Johnson Road, Patuatuly, Mitford Road, Armanitola and Mr. Nazimuddin Road. On their way, their numbers were inflated by about 50 students of the J.N. College, about 20 students of the Jubilee School, some students of the East Bengal Institution, about 50 students of the Mitford Medical School, about 50 students of the Ahmadia H.E. School and about 10 students of the Armanitola H.E.
43. Nadira Begam – Eminent woman leader in the decade of 1940-50. She was renowned as progressive & communist thinker. Sister of Professor Kabir Chowdhury & martyr Munir Chowdhury. Her father’s name is Khan Bahadur A. H. Chowdhury. He was a District Magistrate.

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School. Another batch of the students of the Graduate H.E. School and P.N. H.E. School numbering more than hundred were also found coming to the University ground in a procession shouting the same usual slogans via Modan Mohan Das Road and Nawabpur Road.
They all assembled at the University ground at about 13.00 hrs.
In the meantime more than hundreds students of the University, Medical College, Engineering College and of the Eden College already assembled there under the lead of Naimuddin Ahmed (E.P.M.S.L.) s/o Kabiruddin of Rajshahi town and of 9. Debi Das Lane. Lalbag. Dacca, a law student, Sk. Mazibur Rahman (E.P.M.S.L.) s/o Lutfar Rahman of Ta(u)ngipura, Gopalganj, Faridpur, and of 150, Mitford Road Lalbag, Dacca, a Law student, Aziz Ahmed (E.P.M.S.L.) s/o Phulu Miyan Bhuiyan of Ruhutia, Feni, Noakhali and of Nazirabazar, Kotwali, Dacca- a law student, Mirza Golam Hyder (being found), a University student, Abdul Matin Chaudhuri. (being fixed)- a University students, Ataur Rahman (being Fixed) a 2nd Yr. B.Sc. student and others of their group. They were also found picketing at the University gate. In course of picketing Ataur Rahman noted above was found to assault another University student named Moazzem Hossain Chaudhuri for attempt to attend his class. However, it was settled amicably immediately at the intervention of Sk. Mazibur Rahman.
At about 13.15 hrs. they held a meeting there (at the University ground) with Naimuddin Ahmed (mentioned above) in the chair. At the outset he moved several resolutions demanding the release of all the students under arrest, withdrawal of all cases against them, more students residences at Dacca Town, de-requisitioning of the National Medical School and the change of the repressive policy of the Government towards the students.
In support of these resolutions Sk. Mazibur Rahman (mentioned above), Dabirul Islam Chaudhuri (E.P.M.S.L.) (being fixed) and Nadira Begum (C.P. sympathiser) University student do Khan Bahadur A.H. Chaudhuri, D.M. Khulna, deliver lectures. Sk. Mazibur Rahman criticised the present Ministry in that it did not look
the problems of the students and their education. He declared that unless the reasonable grievances of the students were redressed within a month they will take direct action for the fulfillment of their demands. He further warned the communist not to infiltrate into this movement of the students.
Dabirul Islam Chaudhuri urged the Govt. to make arrangement for mass education. Nadira Begum asked the students to be united to put forward their grievances to the authorities.

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More than 500 hundred students attended the meeting, including about 50 girl students who were led by Nadira Begum. The meeting dissolved at about 14.15 hrs. and they left without any other demonstration.
Enquiries revealed that besides the above, the following also took an active part in organising the observance of this Anti-Repression Day. Their particulars are being collected.
1. Muniruddin Ahmed – of the Engineering College. 2. Abdur Rahman Chaudhuri, s/o A Latif of Ulamit, Barisal, a student of the
University. 3. Nazrul Islam- a student of the University of S.M. Hall. 4. Mafidur Rahman- a Medical student.
In this connection it is interesting to note that Netai Ganguli R.S.P. s/o Makhan Lal of Ichhapura, Serajdikhan, Dacca, Ranendra Mohan Basu (C.P.) s/o L. Peary Mohan Basu of Manipur(i)para, Tejgaon and of 7, Wari. St., Dacca and Munir Chaudhuiri (C.P.,S.F.) s/o Khan Bahadur A.H. Chaudhuri of Noakhali and of Dhanmandai, Dacca were also found to participate in the procession and the meeting
Ranendra Mohan Basu has been arrested by a D.I.O. and committed to the jail u/s 18 (2) of the B.S.P.O.
At Narayanganj only about 50 students of Jay Gobinda H.E. School came out of their classes in a procession shouting the same slogans and paraded through the streets under the lead of A.K.M. Bazlur Rahman s/o Shamsuddin Muktear of Galachipa, Narayanganj, Abu Nasar Md. Wahid- 1st year student, Dacca Inter. College, Md. Nahl, a student of class IX of Jay-Gobinda H.E. School Golam Maula2nd year student Dacca inter. College, Habubar Rashid-1st Year B.A., Dacca University, s/o Keramat Ali of Narayanganj, and others (all of E.P.M.S.L.) Between 11.30 hrs. and 13.00 hrs. when they attempted to enter into the Narayanganj H.E. School and Bar Academy School, they were opposed by Golam Rabbani Khan slo Abdus Samad Khan of Golachipa, Azizul Haq, s/o Z.I. Bhuiyan of Narayanganj, Shamsul Huda, s/o Janab Ali of Ampatti, Narayanganj, Sufi Hossain Khan s/o Miajan Khan of Khanpur, Narayanganj (all of All E.P.M.S.L.) and their supporters. But at the timely intervention of the Police, the matter ended peacefully and the processionists left for the house of Osman Ali, M.L.A. s/o L. Bengu Prodhan of Chasara. His son Shamsuzzuha, Almas s/o Yunus Bepari of Baburail, Narayanganj,

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Almas (junior) s/o Sikim Ali @ Abdul Hakim of do were at the background of this demonstration at Narayanganj.
At about 13.15 hrs. when Sufi Hossain s/o Miajan (mentioned above), a member of 11, E.P.M.S.L. was passing by the Chasara Road, after opposing the processionists, he was assaulted by Sudhangshu Chaudhuri @ Kanu, s/o Nagendra, of Chasara, a supporter of the C.P. for opposing the strike.
Necessary action is being taking against him.
At Munshiganj Golam Kadir and Abdur Rashid, both 4th yr. class students of the H.G College44, members of E.P.M.S.L. attempted to organise the observance of the Day but their attempts were foiled by an anti-move taken by Shamsul Islam and Mohajid Hossain, both students of the II yr. class of the H.G. College and members of the All E.P.M.S.L.
Submitted (Sd) A. Ahmed, Inspr. D.I.O. I.
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 10th Jany. 1949.
Copy forwarded to :
Khan Bahadur H. Rahman; P.P.S., Dy, Inspector General of Police, I.B., E.B,
A.Z. Obaidullah, Esq., P.P.S., Supdt. of Police, Dacca, for favour of information in continuation of this office letter No, 137 (2) dated 7.1.49.
Sd/- A. Gafur- 10.1 Addl. sup-dt. of Police D.I.B, Dacca.
44. H.G College – Govt. Haraganga College, Munshigonj. A noble hearted man named Ashutosh Ganguly of Routvog village of Dhipur union, Tangibari ps of Munshiganj district had taken initiative to set up this college for the assistance of the students in this region. Sher-E-Bangla A. K. Fazlul Haque laid the foundation stone of the college on the 18th December of 1938.

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Addenda to the brief history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, sent from
SP, DIB Khulna to IBEB, Dacca, where a number of political activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were mentioned. It was also reported that he delivered speeches demanding to adopt Bengali
as court language, abolishing Zamindary System, redressing grievances of the peasantry & criticizing repressive measures of
the Govt. in the different meetings.
Dacca, 9 January 1949
Addenda to the B.H. of Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur & of 150 Mugoltuli, Dacca.
On 3.3.48 a meeting of the students over the language controversy was held in the premises of the Court Mosque at Gopalganj with Jainul Abedin Sardar in the chair. The subject addressed the gathering and a resolution demanding the adoption of Bengali as Court Language and a cut in the salaries of the Hon’ble Ministers was unanimously passed. On 7.5.48 a meeting was held at the town field, Gopalganj. The subject presided over it and in his presidential speech, he said that not only the ministers but also the members of the Assembly were responsible for the food and cloth crisis. He urged for the abolition of ‘Zemindari System’ forthwith and expressed sympathy for the poorly paid Govt. servants. He further said that if the Ministers and members fail to comply with these, they should resign. He also advised that as a last resort they should organise a no-tax campaign. Resolutions were passed in favour of the introduction of Bengali as Court Language in East Pakistan and the abolition of the Zemindari System?
(Sl. no-4 & 9 are mentioned according to the original document. Probably the required text was taken
from different files. So the chronological serial no. is not found.)
14. On 26.6.48 a meeting of the students was held in the house of the
subject at Gopalganj town, which was presided over by him. The

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Sub-Divisional Muslim Students League was re-constituted in this meeting. In his speech, the subject gave stress on the abolition of the ‘Zemindari System’, criticised Moulovi Shamsuddin Ahmad, the present M.L.A. of Gopalganj Sub-division and said that he should resign if he cannot mitigate the sufferings of the people of his constituency by improving the food situation. Resolutions asking for immediate abolition of the Zemindari System’, unconditional release of Zahiruddin, Salar-e-Suba, M.N.G., decrease in the salaries of high Govt. officials, ministers etc. were passed.
(Sl. no- 9 & 14 are mentioned according to the original document. Probably the text is taken from
different files. So the chronological serial no. is not found.)
15. The subject addressed a letter dated 17.7.48 from 150 Mughultoli
to Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan at Kagmari Islamia mission in which he informed the addressee that about 50 police men had been shot down.
16. The subject organised a private meeting of the Progressive Muslim
Students League workers at 150 Moghultoli, Dacca on 20.7.48, in which it was decided to work within the Muslim League with a view to capturing the League. The party workers were advised to make demonstration against Govt. by holding meetings and organising processions for the redress of the grievances of the
peasantry. 17. Secret information received shows that the subject left Dacca on 4th
September 48 for Ishurdi to make enquiries in connection with the police interference in the Rajshahi divisional conference of the DYL, held at Ishurdi in August last.
18. Secret information received on 8.9.48, shows that the subject
attended a meeting of the E.P.M.S.L (Progressive group) on 22.8.48 held at 150 Moghultoli under the presidency of Zahiruddin, Salare-Suba of the M.N.G. In the meeting the work done by the P.D.Y.L. in different districts of Pakistan was discussed and it was decided to realise Rs. 3000/- as party fund for organisational work. The subject was selected to go out on tour in North Bengal for this purpose.

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19. From secret information received on 15.9.48, it is learnt that the
subject went to Pabna town, where he held a public meeting and a students’ meeting. In both the meetings resolution criticising the Nazim ministry and actions of the Police at Ishurdi were passed. Further addendum to the B.H. of Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalgong, Faridpur and of 150 Moghultoli, Dacca.
20. At a meeting of the Central Organisation Committee of the East
Pakistan Muslim Students League held on 7th December at 150, Moghultoli, Dacca, the alleged repressive measures of their Govt. in connection with the Rajshahi college affairs were discussed and it was decided that if the deputation sent to the Hon’ble, Premier of East Bangal for the withdrawal of expulsion orders on the students of Rajshahi College failed, the students would organise strikes and demonstrations throughout the province and would also take recourse to hunger strike if possible. The subject was placed in charge of the proposed organisation in the districts of Faridpur,
Bakarganj and Khulna. 21. In connection with the observance of the ‘Anti-Repression’ day at
Dacca by the students on 8.1.49, a students’ meeting was held at the University ground. The subject who was one of the main speakers in the meeting severely criticised the Govt. for its alleged repressive measures against the students in the different districts and supported direct action if the demands of the Suhrawardy’s one was not met.
A resolution moved by the subject on the above lines was passed in the meeting.
Sd/ – 9.1.49.

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Further addendum added to the brief history of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman. In the addendum it was mentioned that he leaded to organize paddy reapers of Dacca, Faridpur & Comilla. He also supported the strike of menials at Dacca University.
Dacca, January 1949
Further addendum to the B.H. of Sk. Mujibor Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalgonj District Faridpur and of 150 Mughultoli, Dacca.
22. Secret interception of correspondence during January and March 1949, reveals that the subject has been organising branches of the East Pakistan Muslim Student’s League in certain districts of East Bengal, obviously with a view to strengthen the progressive students group led by him.
It also appears that he is trying to organise and agitate the paddy reapers of Faridpur, Dacca and Comilla working in other districts on the issue of the removal of their earned paddy to their respective homes. In this connection he addressed a meeting of about 350 paddy reapers at Khulna on 28.1.49. He led the reapers in a procession to the D.M’s banglow and tried unsuccessfully to obtain necessary permits for them. Another meeting was to be held at Lalpur near Ashuganj (Tippera) on 14.3.48 in presence of his promises for organising the paddy reapers and he was invited to attend the same.
23. The subject took prominent part in the recent strike of the menials and students of the Dacca University. He addressed meetings and actively participated in the demonstrations organised on behalf of the strikers.

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English translation of a Bengali letter dated 8.1.1949, sent from
Syed Ahammad Ali, special agent, Nao-Belal, 90, S.M. Hall, Ramna, Dacca to the editor, Nao-Belal, Nao-Belal office, Sylhet.
Dacca, 9 January 1949 Copy of an English translation of a Bengali letter dated 8.1.49 from Syed Ahammad Ali, Special Agent, Nao-Belal, 90, S.M. Hall, Ramna, Dacca to the Editor, Nao-Belal, Nao-Belal office, (Kumarpara Sylhet) intercepted by I.B., East Bengal, at Dacca R.M.S., on 9.1.1949.
Nao-Belal (Progressive weekly of East Pakistan, Sylhet)
The most important news of Dacca for this week is that the Students were on strike and took out precessions on the 8th. The East Pakistan Muslim Students League had made an appeal to the Students of Dacca and of East Bengal to observe strike on the 8th to record their protest against the repression of students that was being perpetuated throughout the province. Student Federation, too, co-operated in the call for strike. Many were of opinion that next to the Language controversy this “Anti repression Day” would lay the foundation of a strong agitation. The strike to be held on the 8th was the main topic for the last two weeks. The East Pakistan Muslim Students League as well as the Students Federation published the object of the strike and various instances of student repressions with the help of various sorts of posters and bulletins. The walls of the University and other educational institutions were lettered with posters. Amongst these placards there were of course, few issued by the anti-strikers.
The main points of argument of the anti-strikers that the strike was an illegal one and behind it the anti-state element of the communists was at work. The situations at China and Indo-Nesia were referred to in some of their posters. From the very beginning many people entertained various apprehension regarding the strike of the 8th and particularly the statement of Janab Nurul Amin45 issued on the 6th made the situation very grave.
45. Nurul Amin – Nurul Amin (1893-1974) was a lawyer & politician. He was born at village Shahbazpur under Sarail PS. in Brahmanbaria district. He was the Minister of Civil Supply in the

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On the 8th the students started picketing at the schools and colleges from ten in the morning and it is needless to say that the strikers at all the schools, colleges and other academic institution were successful. The number of the anti-strikers was very poor and in several occasions they had altercations with the strikers.
No collision took place anywhere. The students from Jagannath College46, Intermediate College and other institutions reached the University compound in processions before 12 noon. The meeting was due at 12 o’clock in the University compound. But as the University authority did not permit the students assembled in the University maidan nearby and the meeting concerned just at 12 under the presidentship of Naimuddin Ahmed. The meeting was attended by large number of students both boys and girls. Mvi. Sk. Majibur Rahman, (Student League), Mvi. Dabirul Islam (Student League), Mosammat Nadira Begum (Students Federation) and several others made speeches in the meeting. Sk. Majibur Rahman and Dabirul Islam bitterly condemned the repressive policy of the Government. After setting some instances of repressions on the students by the Government. Miss Nadira said “It is now not the students alone but the masses are also not getting a fair deal from the present day Government. The repressive measures of the Government are being directed in the same way on the poor peasants, labourers and the middle class people. In order to make our announcement successful we have to keep pace with these poor peasants and labourers”. She fervently appealed for an all party unity.
Provincial Cabinet headed by Khwaza Nazimuddin. He was also a member of the Pakistan National Assembly (1947-1954). Nurul Amin was elected as Chief Minister of Bengal in 1948 & continued in the position for 5 years. He opposed the Language Movement. He was defeated by the United Front candidate in the Provincial Assembly elections in 1954. Nurul Amin was an antagonist to Bengali Nationalist Movement based on Six-point programme of Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He opposed the Liberation War of 1971 & collaborated with the Pakistani Occupation Army.
46. Jagannath College – It was transformed into Jagannath University in 2005 by passing a bill named Jagannath University Act-2005 in the National Parliament. Jagannath University is a government financed public university at Sadarghat, Dhaka. The University has a history that started in 1858 when Dhaka Brahma School was founded by Dinanath Sen & other Hindu elites. The name Jagannath School was given by Kishorilal Chowdhury, the Zamindar of Baliati in Manikganj, who took over the School in 1872 & renamed it after his father. In 1884 it was raised to a second grade college & then in the year 1908 it became a first grade college started with 48 students.

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It was hoped in the meeting that the speakers might adopt a resolution urging advancing towards active movement. As the student repression at Rajshahi, Khulna and other places had been in extreme, it was expected that the organisers of the meeting would not show any compromising attitude, but in a resolution moved by Sk. Majibur Rahman they allowed one month’s time to the Govt. and threatened that in the event of their failure direct action would follow. Mosammat Nadira Khanam placed a resolution for taking out processions on the streets to mobilige the public opinion, but it was not passed. … (Here a paragraph is unreadable in the original document due to page damage)
Copy of an English letter dated 8.1.49 from Syed Muhammad Ali (Khasru) 90, S.M. Hall47, Ramna, Dacca to the Editor, Nao-Belal, Nao-Belal Office, Kumarpara, Sylhet (EP) intercepted by I.B. at Dacca R.M.S. on 9.1.1949. My dear Nadhir Bhai,
I am sending herewith my first news letter for Nao-Belal. I had to write it very hurriedly and so, I am afraid, the news letter has not been at all satisfying. I do hope my next news letters will be containing better.
I arrived here on the last 5th at night and could not see a news letter in the first week of this month.
I met the British Information Service Officer for B.I.S. Blocks. He has asked me to make a formal application, I shall do it and I hope you will receive some interesting blocks soon.
I am O.K. Please send me Nao-Belal regularly. With salams to Bhabi and yourself.
Yours sincerely
Sd/ – Khasru P.S.
My next news letters will have more than one items and so will not be as brief as the first one.
47. S.M Hall – Salimullah Muslim Hall is a residential hall at Dhaka University, named after Nawab Sir Khwaja Salimullah Bahadur. It was inaugurated on 11 August 1931. Among the residential halls of DU, Salimullah Muslim Hall holds a special status due to its heritage.

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A statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Chairman of ‘Oppression Prevention’ Sub-committee was published in the daily “Zindegi’
on 10.1.1949. Dacca, 10 January 1949
Zindegi dt. 10.1.49.
শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের বিবৃতি
জুলুম প্রতিরােধ সাবকমিটির চেয়ারম্যান শেখ মুজিবর রহমান নিম্নলিখিত বিবৃতি দিয়াছেনঃ- ৮ই জানুয়ারী ছাত্র ধর্মঘট সম্পর্কে পূঃ পাকিস্তানের উজিরে আজমের বিবৃতি দেখিয়া আমরা কিছুমাত্র বিস্মিত হই নাই। তিনি ফেলিস্তিন, ইন্দোনেশিয়া প্রভৃতি দেশের দোহাই দিয়া ছাত্রদের ন্যায়সঙ্গত দাবীকে উড়াইয়া দিয়াছেন। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের ছাত্র সমাজের উপর নানা রকমের অকথ্য জুলুম চলিতেছে এবং তাঁহাকে আমরা সমস্ত জিলার ব্যাপারই জানাইয়াছি। যদিও তিনি অন্যান্য ছয়টি জেলার ছাত্রদের উপর অনুষ্ঠিত জুলুমের কথা ব্যক্ত না করিয়া কেবলমাত্র রাজশাহীর ঘটনাই উল্লেখ করিয়াছেন। বারম্বার স্মারকলিপি দেওয়া সত্ত্বেও তিনি ছাত্রদের ন্যায্য দাবী না মানাতেই আমরা বাধ্য হইয়া জুলুম প্রতিরােধ দিবস ঘােষণা করিয়াছি। তিনি গােটা ছাত্র সমাজকে “রাষ্ট্রের দুশমন” এবং জুলুম প্রতিরােধ দিবসে রাষ্ট্রের পৃষ্ঠে “ছুরিকাঘাত” বলিয়া আখ্যায়িত করিয়াছেন। জনাব নুরুল আমীন সাহেব যে ছাত্র লীগকে কমিউনিষ্ট ও পঞ্চম বাহিনী বলিছেন, সেই ছাত্রলীগকেই তিনি ১০০/- সাহায্য করে পূর্ব পকিস্তানে মুসলিম ছাত্র লীগের সংহতি বাঁচাইয়া রাখিয়াছেন। বিগত ১১ই মার্চের আন্দোলনেও এইসব খেতাব দেওয়া হইয়াছিল কিন্তু পরিশেষে তদানীন্তন প্রধানমন্ত্রী জনসাধারণের ন্যায্য দাবীকে সুস্থ্য জ্ঞানে মানিয়া লইয়া ছিলেন। ছাত্রসমাজ ও জনসাধারণকে “রাষ্ট্রের দুশমন” প্রভৃতি মামুলি বুলি দিয়া ভুল বুঝান অসম্ভব। এবার জনসাধারণের পুর্ণ সহানুভুতি ও সমর্থন আমাদের পিছনে রহিয়াছে, এ সম্বন্ধে আমরা সুনিশ্চিত।
Side note: Place in the P.F. of Sk. Mujibor Rahman, against whom action is being
taken. Show SS-3 pl. Sd/ – 12.1
48. উজিরে আজম – উজিরে আজম উর্দু শব্দের বাংলা প্রতিশব্দ প্রধানমন্ত্রী। ঐ সময়ে পূর্ব বাংলার প্রধানমন্ত্রী ছিলেন নুরুল আমিন।

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WCR of DIB, Rangpur with effect from 15.1.1949, where it was mentioned that EPMSL, Rangpur branch issued an appeal with the signature of the organization’s convener to the students urging
them to be united under EPMSL. It condemned the Rajshahi district authority for oppression, arrest & expulsion of some
students of Rajshahi College.
Rangpur, 15 January 1949 17. LEAFLETS AND PAMPHLETS Rangpur WCR w/e 15.1.1949.

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A Bengali letter dated 18.1.1949 was sent from K. A. Hamid, exPresident, Sub-divisional Students League, Madaripur, Faridpur to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, law student, 150, Mogaltuli, Dacca.
Dacca, 18 January 1949
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 24.1.1949. (The Secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (Do.)
Language of letter
Date of letter
ť s
Postal seal
: K.A. Hamid, ex-President Sub
division Students League, P.O.
Charmugria, Faridpur. : Majibar Rahman, Law Student,
150, Mugoltuli, Dacca. .: Bengali : 18.1.49. • Madaripur, 21.1.49. : Dacca G.P.O. : 22.1.49.
A.S.1. Khandaker Nuruddin
Ahmed. : x : Submitted in original. :copy kept.
o n
Post office of interception Date of interception Name of officer who can
prove the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy
kept or not 12. Number and date of Govt.
order authorising
: Casual interception.
Memo. No. ……. dt. …….. Copy/translation forwarded to
DSV Perusal pl.

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Ex-President Sub Division Student League Charmugria, Faridpur sends this letter to Mozibar Rahman. Law Student, 150, Mogoltuli, Dacca.
He reports in details how he could be able to form East Bengal Student League as made against great opposition.
Enclosures !! are sent for publishing in Ittehad these can be information about the formation of Muslim Student League at M. N. High School and Nazimuddin college with the names of office bearing of working committee.
Copy to Faridpur & copy may be placed on file. Sd/ – 24.1
Side note : 1. Place on E.P.M. students League file. 2. Copy to Faridpur for a
report. 3. Copy to P.F. of Mujibar Rahman. Sd/ – 24.1.49 : DS 5, According to Procedure copy should go to E.P.M.S.L. file. 771 –
48 (1) : This has been ordered at (1) above. Another copy may go in P.F. of
Mujibar Rahman whose file has to be posted up-to-dated. Sd/25.1.49 Censor sec. English translation pl. Sd/ – 25.1.49
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, Dated the 26th January, 1949
No. 1641/771-48(1)
Copy forwarded to A. Gafur, Esqr., Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, for information, and with a request to supply the full particulars of the writer.
For (Md. Yusuff.) Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B.,

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Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 18.1.49. from K.A. Hamid, ex-president, Sub-divisional Students League, Madaripur, P… Charmugria, Faridpur to Sheikh Majibar Rahman, Law Student, 150, Magaltuli, Dacca.
Letter head printed in English as :Pakistan Jindabad.
P.O. Charmugria,
Dt. Faridpur
Dated 18.1.144৭, My dear Mea vai,
আমার ভক্তিপূর্ণ ছালাম গ্রহণ করিবেন। পূৰ্ব্বে আপনার নিকট একখানা পত্র দিয়াছি পাইয়াছেন কিনা জানি না। গতকল্য আপনার একখানা পত্র পাইয়া সব অবগত হইলাম। এখন মাদারিপুর সম্বন্ধে কিছু বলি শুনুন। মাদারিপুরে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান ছাত্রলীগ যাহাতেforwa না হইতে পারে তাহার জন্য সমস্তLeader এবংofficer এক যােগে লাগেCollege এরPrincipal এবংProfessor ও সেই সঙ্গে জড়িত। ইতিমধ্যে বাদলের সঙ্গে বাদলের নিজস্ব ব্যাপার নিয়ে খুব বেশী গন্ডােগােলPrincipal এর সঙ্গে হয়। তার ফলে বাদল বাধ্য হইয়াCollege ছাড়িয়া যায় এবং লতিফ ভূঞা সাহেবও নানান কারনে চুপ থাকতে বাধ্য হয়। আমার চাকুরির মায়া ছাড়িয়া বাধ হইয়া সামনে অগ্রসর হইতে হয়।S.D.০ সমস্ত নেতাদের নিয়া একweeting করে। আমি ছাত্রদের পক্ষ হইতে সেখানে উপস্থিত হই। অনেক তর্কের পরেofficer staff বাধ্য হয় আমাদের মতামতে। পরে একমাত্রCollege ছাড়া আমরা সবSchool এক হইয়া যাই। ওরা অনেক চেষ্টার ফলেও কোন স্কুলেCowwittee forw দূরের কথা, ঢুকতেই পারে নাই।School সব আমাদের একচেটিয়া। কলেজে ভীষন দলাদলি থাকার দরুন কিছুই করিতে পারিনা। পরে একদিন শহরে এমন এক ঘটনা ঘটলাে যে, Principal রাস্তায় বাহির হইলেই মাইর খাত্মার অবস্থা। বাধ্য হইয়া সে আমাকে ডাকে। ঐ দিন হইতেই আমিCollege এ যাওয়ার সুযােগ পাই এবং আপ্রাণ চেষ্টার ফলে অদ্যCollege এ S. League এরCownwittee forw করি। এখন মাত্র ১৫ জন ছেলে ছাড়া সবই আমাদেরParty তে এসেছে। ইনসাআল্লাহ আমাদের আর কোন ভয় নাই পূর্বের দিন আবার শুরু হইয়াছে। মিঞা ভাই সঙ্গে যেcollege এরCowtwittee পাঠাইলাম। যে প্রকারেই হউকা জেন্দেগী এবং এত্তেহাদে উক্ত ১৩ টা নামই যেন ওঠে। তাহা না হইলে আমিfalse position এ পরিব। কারণ উক্ত ১৩ টা নামpaper এ উঠার উপর নির্ভর করে আমাদেরcollege এরparty ঠিক রাখা না রাখা। কাজেই কিছু খরচ হইলেও সম্পূর্ণ কমিটিpaper এ উঠাবেন। যাক সে কথা। মাদারীপুরেরAdjutant আমাদের recommend করিবে না।

Page: 82
কারণ যে Aliwuddin এবং Eskender মিঞার দুই জন Non-Matric এবং সেই দুইজন Adjutant এর খুব পেয়ারা, ঘুষ খাইয়া তাহাদের নাম পাঠাইয়াছে। আমাদিগকেrecommend ত দুরের কথাPlatoon Cownwanderও নিযুক্ত করিবেনা। কাজেই এখন যাহা ভাল মনে করেন করিতে পারেন। তবে কোনenquirg আসিলে আমরা থানারsupport ভাল ভাবে পাইব। আমি ভাল আছি দোত্মা করিবেন। মাদারিপুরে আমাদেরParty দিন দিন শক্তিশালী হইতেছে। ইতি।
আপনার স্নেহের স্বাঃ হামিদ
(Copies of three enclosures attached herewith)
Copy of enclosure No I
মেয়া ভাই,
ইত্তেহাদ” জেন্দেগী এবং আজাদে যাহাতে ছাপা হয় তাহার বিষয়ে আপ্রাণ চেষ্টা করিবেন। বিশেষ করেCollege কমিটি।
স্বাঃ হামিদ।Submitted Sd/- 24.1.4৭
Copy of enclosures No II “মিঠাপুর এল, এন, হাইস্কুল মুসলীম ছাত্রলীগ”
অদ্য ১৭/০১/১৯৪৯ ইং সােমবার বেলা ৪ ঘটিকার সময় মিঠাপুর হাই স্কুল প্রাঙ্গনে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান ছাত্মলীগের নিদের্শ অনুসারে মিঠাপুর হাইস্কুল প্রাঙ্গনে, হেড মৌলবী আলতাব উদ্দিন সাহেবের সভাপতিত্বে ছাত্ম লীগ গঠন উপলক্ষে এক সভার অধিবেশন হয়, সভায় মহকুমা ছাত্মলীগের
49. ইত্তেহাদ – কলকাতা থেকে প্রকাশিত তৎকালীন দৈনিক পত্রিকা।
50. জেন্দেগী – তকালীন একটি দৈনিক পত্রিকার নাম।
51. আজাদ – আজাদ একটি বাংলা দৈনিক পত্রিকা, যা ১৯৩৬-১৯৯২ সাল পর্যন্ত প্রকাশিত হয়। পত্রিকাটি ঢাকা থেকে প্রকাশনার সুযােগে ভাষা আন্দোলনের সময় বাংলা ভাষাকে সমর্থনের মাধ্যমে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা রাখে। এটি ৩১ অক্টোবর ১৯৩৬ সালে প্রথম কলকাতায় প্রকাশিত হয়। দেশ বিভাগের পর ১৯ অক্টোবর ১৯৪৮ পত্রিকাটি ঢাকায় স্থানান্তরিত হয়। ১৯৫২ সালের ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারী ভাষা শহীদদের নিহত হওয়ার পর ২২ ফেব্রুয়ারী পত্রিকাটি একটি বিশেষ সংখ্যা প্রকাশ করে। ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারীর ঘটনার প্রতিবাদে পত্রিকাটির সম্পাদক আবুল কালাম সামসুদ্দিন, যিনি আইন সভারও সদস্য (এমএলএ), কেবিনেট থেকে পদত্যাগ করেন।

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প্রাক্তন সভাপতি খােন্দকার আবদুল হামিদ সাহেব, পূর্ব পাকিস্তান ছাত্রলীগের কার্যকলাপ বিস্তারিত ভাবে বুঝাইয়া দেন। সর্ব সম্মতিক্রমে নিম্নলিখিত কার্যকরি কমিটি গঠন হয়।
১। আব্দুল আজীজ মিঞা, সভাপতি। ৩। আলেপউদ্দিন আহম্মদ, সহ: সভাপতি। ৫। আবুল হােসেন, সহ: সম্পাদক। ৭। খবির উদ্দিন, কোষাধ্যক্ষ।
২। জমাদার ইউছুব আলী, সহ:সভাপতি। ৪। মজিবুর রহমান, সম্পাদক। ৬। আফছার উদ্দিন, জয়েন্ট সেক্রেটারী।
অতঃপর সভাপতির গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বক্তৃতার পর সভার কাজ শেষ করেন।
সংবাদ দাতা।Sd/ – K.A. Hamid.
Ex- President Sub-divisional Student Leugue.
Copy of enclosures No III “মাদারীপুর নাজেমউদ্দিন কলেজে মুসলীম ছাত্রলীগ
অদ্য ১৮.১.৪৯ ইং মঙ্গলবার বেলা পাঁচ ঘটিকার সময় মাদারীপুর মহকুমা মুসলীম লীগ অফিসে পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তান মুসলীম ছাত্র লীগের নির্দেশ অনুসারে নাজেমুদ্দিন কলেজের ছাত্রলীগ গঠন উপলক্ষে মহকুমা ছাত্রলীগের প্রাক্তন সভাপতি খােন্দকার আব্দুল হামিদ সাহেবের সভাপতিত্বে এক সভার অধিবেশন হয়। সভায় মােঃ নােয়াখালী ও মােঃ করম আলী ছাত্রলীগের প্রয়ােজনীয়তা সম্বন্ধে বক্তৃতা করেন। সৰ্ব্ব সম্মতিক্রমে নিম্নলিখিত কাৰ্য্যকরি সমিতি গঠন হয়।
১। মােহাম্মদ হােসেন মিঞা- সভাপতি। ৩। আব্দুল মজিদ মিঞা- সহ: সভাপতি। ৫। আব্দুল হামিদ খাঁন- জয়েন্ট সেক্রেটারী। ৭। সিরাজুল হক – কোষাধ্যক্ষ। ১। সামছুল হক। ১১। মিঞা আব্দুল হামিদ। ১৩। আব্দুল গফফার।
২। মজিবর রহমান- সহ: সভাপতি। ৪। মােহাম্মদ নােয়াবালী মিয়া- সম্পাদক। ৬। সিদ্দিকর রহমান-এসিস্ট্যান্ট সেক্রেটারী। ৮। আব্দুল ছাত্তার মিঞা- অডিটর। ১০। করম আলী মিঞা। ১২। হেমায়েত উদ্দিন।
কাৰ্যকরি সমিতির সভ্যরূপে নিযুক্ত হন। অতএব সভাপতি পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তান ছাত্রলীগের আদর্শ ও উদ্দেশ্য সম্বন্ধে এক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বক্তৃতা করেন। যাহাতে অচিরেই মাদারীপুর মহকুমা ছাত্রলীগ তাহাদের কার্যকলাপ দ্বারা পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের মধ্যে উন্নতম স্থান অধিকার করিতে পারে। তজ্জন্য কলেজের ছাত্রদের প্রতি নির্দেশ করেন। অতঃপর সভার কাজ শেষ করেন।
Sd/ – K.A. Hamid.

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English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 18.1.49 from K.A. Hamied, Ex-President, Sub-Divisional Student League, Madaripur, P.O. Charmugria, Faridpur to Sheikh Majibar Rahman, Law Student, 150, Mogultuli, Dacca intercepted at Dacca G.P.O. on 22.1.49.
My dear Mia Bhai,
Please accept my respectful salam. I dropped a letter to you but I am not aware whether you have received it or not. Your letter reached me yesterday in which I have come to know everything. I am giving you herewith the information of Madaripur for your information. All the leaders and the officers of Madaripur tried conjointly so that The East Pakistan Student Leaque were not formed there. The Professor as well as the Principal too were in it. In the mentioned Badal had a great hitch with the Principal over some personal affair as a result of wl had to leave the college. And Latif Bhuia also for various reasons had to keep silent. So I was compelled to take up the cause giving up my attachment for the services. The S.D.O. held a meeting with all the leaders and I attended it on behalf of the students. After long discussion the office staff were made to endorse our views. Subsequently all of our schools stood united same the College. What to speak of forming committees they could not even find their way in the schools in spite of their all efforts. We have got absolute control over the schools. As there had been party faction in the college we could not make any progress

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there. Ralis on an incident took place in the town; and it created such an atmosphere that it was apprehended that the Principal would be assaulted if found on the road. So he had to call me and since then I got the opportunity to get into the college. With my best efforts I have managed to form the committee of the S. League in the college today and now all but 15 students of the college have come within the fold of one party. By the mercy of Almighty our bad days are gone and we have regained our last glory. You must get all the 13 names of the college committee published in Jindegi as well as in Ittehad which is sent herewith. Otherwise I shall be put to a false position. Because the stability of our party in the college depends upon the publication of those 13 names in paper. So you should get the complete committee published in paper even if it cost you a little. But the matter drop here. Adjudent, Madaripur will not recommend us. Because Alimuddin and Eskandar Mia both of whom as non-metric are very pet to the Adjutant. And he after taking gratitude have sent their names. What to speak of recommendation he will not even appoint us as platoon commander.
So you may do whatever you deem wise. But in case of any enquiry we will get full support from the local thana. I am well. Our party is getting stronger every day at Madaripur.
Affectionately your’s
Sd/ – Hamid.
Enclosure no-1 Mea Bhai,
You should do your level best to get these published in Ittehad, Jindegi and Azad particularly the report regarding the college committee.
Methapur L.N. High School Muslim Students League.
Under the direction of the East Pakistan Students League a meeting was held on Monday, the 17th January 1949 at 4 p.m. in the compound of Methapur High School under the Presidentship of Head Moulavi Aftabuddin Saheb with a veiw to organising Students League. Khandakar Abdul Hamid. Ex-President of the Sub-divisional Students

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League explained in the meeting the activities of the East Pakistan Students League. The working committee was formed unanimously with the following persons.
(1) Abdul Aziz Mia – President (2) Jamadar Yusuf Ali, Vice President (3) Alep Uddin Ahmed, Vice President (4) Majibur Rahman, Secretary (5) Abul Hossain, Asst. Secretary (6) Afsar Uddin, Joint Secretary (7) Khabir Uddin, Treasurer
Then the meeting dismissed after an important speech delivered by the President.
Sd. K.A. Hamid. Ex-President, Sub-Divisional
Student League
Enclosure-III Madaripur Najimuddin College Mulsim Students League.
In order to organise Student League of Najimuddin College a meeting was held on 18.1.49 at 5 p.m. at the Sub-Divisional Muslim League office under the direction of the East Pakistan Students League. Khandakar Abdul Hamid, Ex-President of the Sub-Divisional Student League presided. Noab Ali and Moulvi Karam Ali made speech in the meeting explaining the importance of the Students League. The working committee was formed unanimously in the meeting: – 1. Md. Hossain Mia – President. 2. Majibar Rahman – Vice” 3. Abdul Majid Mia -” 4. Md. Noab Ali – Secretary. 5. Abdul Hamid Khan – Joint Secretary. 6. Siddiqur Rahman – Asst.” 7. Serajul Haque – Treasurer. 8. Abdul Sattar Mia – Auditor. 9. Samsul Haque.

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10. Karam Ali. 11. Mia Abdul Hamid. 12. Hemayet Uddin and 13. Abdul Gaffar were elected members of the working committee.
Then the president delivered an important speech regarding the object and ideology of the East Pakistan Students League and he addressed the students of the college so that in short time Madaripur Sub-Divisional Student League could achieve prominence in East Pakistan by their activities. The meeting dissolved later on.
Sd. K.A. Hamid.
President 12.1.49.


WCR of DIB, Khulna with effect from 29.1.1949 in which it was mentioned among other political information that Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman addressed in a gathering of paddy reapers of Dacca, Faridpur & Comilla at Khulna Municipal park on 28.1.1949. He urged them to follow him up to DM’s Bungalow for realizing their demand to go home with paddy as their wages of reaping.
Khulna, 29 January 1949
Khulna WCR for w/e 29.1.49 The Hon’ble Minister Mr. J.N. Mandal visited Khulna on 27.1.49. He was given a warm reception by the Muslim and Namasudras52 and presented with address of welcome on behalf of various organisations at a public meeting held in the local municipal park.
52. Namasudra – Namasudra (also Namassej or Namassut) is an Indian avarna community originally
from certain regions of the then Bengal, India. They were traditionally engaged in cultivation and as boatmen. They lived outside the four-tier ritual ‘varna’ system and thus were outcastes.

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The meeting was attended by about 5000 people. Addressing the gathering the Hon’ble Minister declared amidst cheers that the birth of Pakistan heralds the end of the age long Brahminical tyranny over the depressed class Hindus. He discouraged migration and assured the Hindus of a fair and equitable treatment in Pakistan.
On 28.1.49 at about 08.45 hrs. Sk. Mujibar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, in company with Shamsul Alam, son of Najimuddin of Tothpara, Khulna Town went to the Khulna Municipal park and addressed a gathering of about 350 reapers of Faridpur, Dacca and Commilla. He asked them to follow him to D.M’S Bungalow in order to demand from the Dist-Magistrate permit for going home with paddy they had obtained as their wages for reaping. There after Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Shamsul Alam led the reaper to the bungalow of the District Magistrate in a procession shouting “Alla-Ho-Akbar and AMADER DABI MANTE HABE”. They placed the grievance of the Dawalias53 before the Dist. Magistrate either to allow the ewalias to go with their paddy to their houses or to give them food. Sk. Mujibar Rahman reported to District Magistrate that they were being harassed by the Civil Supply Officer54 and men and they were neither getting permits nor they were being allowed to go with their paddy. The Dist. Magistrate told the Dewalias and Sk. Mujibar Rahman that he had no power to allow them to take paddy from this district and that the Govt. order must be obeyed. The Dawalias who were not satisfied with D.M’S reply again assembled at the Khulna Municipal park under the leadership of Sk. Mujibar Rahman (mentioned) in the afternoon. Mujibar Rahman info that he could not do anything for them at present. He, however, asked the spokesman of the Dewalias to see him at Khulna on Monday to know if Govt. had allowed them to go with their paddy. He also advised them not to come to Khulna for reaping paddy which entailed so much troubles and suffering.
Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending January 29, 1949.
192. Khulna – On 28th January, Sk. Mujibar Rahman (para 95) of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur collected about 350 reapers of Faridpur, Dacca and Tippera, at
53. Dawalia – The crop reapers specially paddy reapers are called Dawalia in some areas of Bangladesh. Dawalia were generally non-landowners. They used to get a portion of reaped paddy as their wages for reaping. They were not allowed to go home with their paddy as an administrative ban was enforced from transferring paddy from one district to another.
54. Civil Supply Officer – Civil Supply Officer was a Govt. official responsible for supplying of commodities in the respective district.

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Khulna Municipal Park and took them in a procession to the residence of the District Magistrate to represent the grievances of the reapers (Dawalias) and for obtaining the permit for carrying paddy to their respective districts. The District Magistrate having told them in reply that he was unable to act against the existing Government order, they left. Mujibar Rahman assured them that he would try further and advised them not to visit Khulna for reaping paddy again.
34 Extracts from the monthly DOR of Khulna district dated 5.2.1949. In the extract it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led a demonstration of paddy reapers in Khulna town condemning the ban on taking paddy by the reapers & took the procession to the District Magistrate’s bungalow. The demonstration compelled the DM to withdraw the ban. He had referred their grievances to the Government for redress. Some alleged communist activities of Munir Chowdhury were also mentioned.
Khulna, 5 February 1949
Extract from the Monthly D.O. of Khulna District dated 5.2.49.
On 28.1.49 the other new comer, Shaikh Mujibar Rahman led a demonstration about 350 reapers in Khulna town condemning the ban on taking paddy by the reapers and marched at the head of the procession to the District Magistrate’s Banglow. Munir Chaudhuri who did not come on the surface was reported to have secretly instigated the reapers to hold demonstration and compel the District Magistrate to withdraw the ban. The demonstrators, however, withdrew on the assurance of the D.M. that he had referred their grievances to the Government for redress.
Extract from the Monthly D.O. of Khulna District dated 5.2.1949. Political Affairs Communism.
There was no external manifestation of communist activity during the month except that there have been attempt to exploit, the grievances of the reapers who

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visit this district every year during the harvest season from Faridpur, Dacca, Comilla and other East Bengal Districts. The move to incite the reapers has been taken not by the leaders of this district but by two well known Muslim leaders of the communist brand who have recently come to this district on a political expedition. One of them is Munir Chaudhuri55 a son of our Dist. Magistrate who earned a notoriety in Dacca for anti-Ministry activities. Munir Chaudhuri has managed to secure the post of the English Lecturer in the Daulatpur College with the help of his father with whom he is putting up. It portends ill for the students, particularly the Muslim students of the college to have a lecturer who is a former votary of communism. It is reported that in the course of his lecture in the class room he commends communism to the students and pours out venom against the Ministers and Muslim League leaders. The students under his influence are reported to be drifting towards communism and are imbibing a feeling of hatred towards the Govt. It is apprehended that if he is allowed to continue in the college his teachings will vitiate the minds of the impressionable youths and land them in a political atmosphere that might be difficult to control. It is rather unfortunate that he should be allowed to use Govt. jeep for going to the college which lies at a distance of about five miles from Khulna town. On 28.1.49 the other new comer, Sk. Mujibar Rahman led a demonstration of about 350 reapers in Khulna town condemning the ban on taking paddy by the reapers and marched at the head of the procession to the Dist. Magistrate’s Bungalow. Munir Chaudhuri who did not come on the surface was reported to have secretly instigated the reapers to hold demonstration and compel the Dist. Magistrate to withdraw the ban. The demonstrators, however, withdrew on the assurance of the D.M. that he had referred their grievances to the Government for redress.
55. Munir Chaudhuri – Munir Chowdhury (27 November 1925 – 14 December 1971) was a Bangladeshi educationist, play-writer & literary critic. He was a martyr of Bengali intellectual killings in 1971. He was arrested protesting against the killing of students on the Language Movement. In the late 1960’s there was movement in Pakistan to replace Bengali language with the Arabic alphabet. He protested this movement as a linguist & writer. Munir Chowdhury actively participated in the non-cooperation movement of Bangabandhu during the early part of 1971.

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WCR of DIB, Faridpur for the week-ending dated 12.2.1949, where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s group was
antagonistic to Shamsuddin Ahmed Khundker, MLA for his
inaction & failing to improve the food situation of the subdivision. They also circulated leaflets against the MLA & the visiting Governor General for the same reason. The MLA got very much annoyed & took aggressive attitude. The restraint showed by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & his party was appreciable.
Faridpur, 12 February 1949
Confidential Weekly Confidential Report of Faridpur District for week-ending Saturday, the 12th February, 1949
Part II.
16. Miscellaneous.
(b) The ill-feeling which has been brooding for some time past between the two parties at Gopalganj came to a head during the visit of His Excellency the Governor General56 of Pakistan to Gopalganj. Tactful maneuvering of things by the Magistrate and the Police saved the situation. Luckily there was no serious trouble worth the name and the visit of His Excellency was over peacefully. The group of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, S/o Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, Ps Gopalganj, Faridpur is antagonistic to Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmed Khundkar57, MLA and his party for the alleged inaction of the MLA to do anything for removing the economic stringency of the local people nd improvement of the food situation in the Sub-Division. In June last Mujibar
56. Governor General – The Governor-General was the representative of the British Monarch in Pakistan, from the country’s independence in 1947. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the first GovernorGeneral of Pakistan from 15 August 1947 to 11 September 1948. His successor was Khawaja Nazimuddin from 14 September 1948 to 17 October 1951. Golam Mohammad & Iskander Mirza were the next two Governor-General respectively. When Pakistan was proclaimed a republic in 1956, the office of Governor-General was abolished on 23 March 1956.
57. Shamsuddin Ahmed Khundkar – He was the Member of Legislative Assembly in undivided Bengal elected in the year 1946 from Gopalganj & a lawyer.

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Rahman and his party issued a printed leaflet in Bengali by way of a open letter to the MLA captioned “PUTTY ” asking the MLA to either quit the chair of MLA ship or to arrange for the food and cloth for the people of Gopalganj Sub-Division. This caused great annoyance to the MLA and he wanted the local Police to arrest the signatories of the leaflet and take action against them for causing, according to him, fear and alarm to the people, under the special powers ordinance. On legal opinion no case was found to lie under the ordinance as the statement contained in the leaflet could not be said as wholly untrue or such exaggeration as were likely to cause alarm to the public or a section of the public considering the economic condition of the country, high prices of paddy and rice. As it was a letter to the MLA himself by the people whom he represented in the assembly he could institute a case for defamation if there was anything untrue so as to affect his reputation. The leaflet in no way, however, came within the purview of a prejudicial act and hence no action for the police was possible. During the visit of His Excellency the Governor General, Mujibar Rahman and his party issued Bengali leaflets in the form of an address to His Excellency the Governor General recounting the distress and difficulties of the local people owing to the high prices of rice and other essential commodities and criticising the collection of funds on various counts from the people at a time when there was a cry of hunger and distress everywhere. Mujibar Rahman and his party contemplated to approach his with the prevailing abnormal conditions and also to make speeches in this connection at the reception committee meeting of his Excellency the Governor General. Apprehending that this might lead to some disturbances the District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police on 3.2.49 called for Mujibar Rahman for discussion and Mujibar Rahman agreed not to make any speech or demonstration whatsoever during the presence of his Excellency the Governor General. But this interview, as was apparent from the attitude of the party mentioned of the MLA, was not liked by them, Subsequently on 4.2.49. a ….(missing from the original document due to page damage) of hours before the reception meeting of his Excellency the Governor General a crowd including students gathered in front of boat of His Excellency the Governor General and started cheering applause for His Excellency the Governor General amidst which occasional shouts of“ Want Food” were also heard. Mujibar Rahman was again sent for. Mujibar Rahman on call came to the District Magistrate, At this the party of the MLA got very much annoyed, took aggressive attitude and rushed on to the men of Mujibar Rahman and drove them away by the use of flag sticks. Mujibar Rahman’s party men receded there from to avoid disturbance. The restraint exhibited by Mujibar Rahman and his party was appreciable. Mujibar Rahman kept

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his promise and there was no further trouble. A hot tension between the two parties at Gopalganj still persists. Situation is under watch.
Side note:
1. Seen, what do we know about this person Sk. Mujibar Rahman and his party affiliation? 2. What is really the bone of contention between him and Shamsuddin Ahmad Khandkar M.L.A. (Sd) M. y. 24.2


Extract from East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence for the
week ending 12.2.1949, where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman held several meetings in Faridpur, Gopalganj,
& Madaripur. In the meetings he discussed how to establish a college at Gopalganj, urging the people to be united & not to give subscription under compulsion, abolishing of Zamindary System, criticizing MLA & the Govt. for failing to improve food situation, in favour of allowing the reapers to take their paddy out of the
district etc.
Dacca, 12 February 1949
Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending February 12, 1949.
297. Faridpur. – Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (para. 192), son of Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, Police- Station Gopalganj, Faridpur and his party have been for some time antagonistic to Shamsuddin Ahmad Khundkar, M.LA., and his party due to Shamsuddin Ahmad’s alleged failure to do anything to improve the general lot of the poor people and the food situation in the Gopalganj subdivision. This ill-feeling became a little aggravated during the recent visit of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral to that subdivision. Mujibar Rahman and his party issued Bengali leaflets in the form of an address to His Excellency the Governor General recounting the pitiable plight of the local people for the rise in the prices of rice and other essential commodities and criticising the collection of funds from the people on various counts. They also contemplated to approach His Excellency in this connection, and also to deliver speeches at the reception committee meeting. All these were

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indicative of the outbreak of some trouble between the two groups which, however, could not happen due to the intervention of the local authorities.
(This is the same report as an extract form WCR of Faridpur, week ending dated 12.2.1949 which is
mentioned in the heading no-36)
Part II.
Faridpur W.C.R 26.2.49 16. Miscellaneous
(a) On 8.2.49 Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfor Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, and his party announced a public meeting at Gopalganj town on 11.2.49 through leaflets to discuss mainly as to how a College could be established at Gopalganj but Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmad MLA and his party were determined not to allow any such meeting as they apprehended that the object of the meeting was to criticise mainly his activities. Sk. Mujibar Rahman was on the other hand adamant to hold the meeting and to criticise the conduct of Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmad, his supporters and the newly formed committee of the Muslim League at Gopalganj. According to him the people in general were very much dissatisfied with Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmad and his party men because of their selfish activities. Mujibar Rahman also appeared inclined to resort to the criticism of the Govt. for their policy in respect of food grains. All persuasion to dissuade Mujibar Rahman from holding any such meeting which was likely to cause a breach of the peace, the feelings between the two parties having been inimical for sometime past, particularly from the time of the visit of His Excellency the Governor General of Pakistan to Gopalganj (Vide report in my W.C.R. for the week-ending 12.2.49) and order u/s 144 Cr.p.c. was promulgated banning all meetings in the Gopalganj town for a period of 60 days with effect from 10.2.49. On the night of 10.2.49 both the parties were noticed collecting men and weapons but they did not dare make appearance in public and there was no trouble.
Subsequently Sk. Mujibar Rahman held a meeting on the afternoon of 11.2.49 at Ghosherchar, P.S. Gopalganj, outside the area of Gopalganj town. About 300 people attended and Sk. Mujibar Rahman himself presided over the meeting. In his presidential speech he stated that more than 3 lakhs of rupees were collected from the public in the name of a college at Gopalganj but the money had been sent to Karachi. He demanded that the College should be started at Gopalganj by June next and urged upon the people to create strong public opinion in favour of this demand. He also demanded an account of the subscriptions realised so far in connection with the visit of H.E. The Governor-General of Pakistan and the H.E. the Governor of East Bengal the Quaid-i-Azam Relief Fund, the Mosque and the Minar Funds. He

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also criticised the activities of the local MLA (Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmed) for his failure to represent the grievances of the people of Gopalganj Sub-division to the Govt. and have them redressed. He urged the people to force the MLA to quit his chair if he was unable to do anything for the people he represented. He further asked the audience to fight against all reports of corruption and criticised the action of the Government for not allowing the reapers of Faridpur and Dacca Districts to bring Paddy from Khulna District in consequence to which a large number of people of Gopalganj Sub-division have to face starvation. He farther gave out that the MLAs of this district did not need to his request to them to go on a deputation in company with him to the Minister-in-charge of the Civil Supplies in this connection. He asked the people not pay any subscriptions to any funds if force is used. He advised the people to create public opinion in favour of abolition of the Zamindary system without any compensation. He sympathised with the teachers of the primary Schools
if the Govt. were paying no attention for the amelioration of the condition of primary School teachers, most of whom were without salary for the last 4/5 months. He asked the people not to depend on Govt. but to set up Day and Night Schools in villages for supporting education to them. He also criticised the drawing of fat salaries by the high officials and ministers. This system, according to him should be changed and the pay of the high officials should be reduced down and the pay of the subordinate staff should be substantially increased. According to him there should not be any less than Rs. 100/-per month. He dwelt on the scarcity of cloth.
Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending February 26, 1949.
369. Faridpur- A meeting (300) was held on 11h February at Ghosherchar, P.S. Gopalganj, under the presidency of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para. 365), son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, who in course of his speech said that more than 3 lakhs of rupees had been collected from the public for starting a college at Gopalganj but the money was sent to Karachi. He demanded that a college should be started at Gopalganj by June next and asked for public opinion to be mobilised in this respect. He also demanded an account of the subscriptions raised for different funds from time to time. He criticised the action of the Government for not allowing the reapers of Faridpur and Dacca districts to bring paddy from Khulna district. He asked the audience not to subscribe to any fund under compulsion and to stand united for the abolition of Zemindari system without compensation. He said further that the fat salaries drawn by the high officials and the Hon’ble ministers should be

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cut down and those of the subordinate staff should not be less than Rs. 100 per month.
Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending February 26, 1949.
365. Faridpur – At a meeting (150) of Muslim students held on 20th February in the compound of Madaripur H.E. School with Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para. 297), in the chair, lectures were delivered stressing on the need of forming the Muslim Students’ League on a new model and appealing to the student present to take a bold stand against the Government for not being able to supply the bare necessities of life, not abolishing the Zemindari system and not introducing compulsory free primary education, and military training etc.
A meeting (600) was held on 21st February in front of the mosque at Madaripur town. This was also presided over by Sk. Mujibur Rahman (mentioned), Phani Bhusan Mazumder (M.J.P.E.S.P, para 306), son of Satish of Madaripur town, Ramkrishna Mazumder (C.P.) son of Jagesh, Pleader, Madaripur town, and some other members of the Madaripur Jugantar Party were among those who attended the meeting. Speeches were made criticising the abnormal rise in the price of essential commodities and Government’s policy of procurement and distribution of foodgrains and referring to the fat salaries of high officials as compared with the poor pay of the subordinate officers, etc.


Extract from WCR of Faridpur for the week ending dated 26.2.1949. A meeting was held at the compound of Madaripur
H.E. School on 20.2.1949 presided over by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He explained to the audience the necessity of forming MSL on a new model. He further urged the students raising voice against the Government for not abolishing Zamindary System &
introducing compulsory free primary education etc. Another meeting was taken place on 21.2.1949 at the field in front of the mosque of Madaripur town, where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman &

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other speakers criticized the abnormal rise of the price of essential commodities, rationing system only for town areas, mal
administration, cordon system etc.
Dacca, 26 February 1949
Ext.from Faridpur W.C.R.for w/e 26.2.49
(e) On 20.2.49 in the afternoon a meeting was held at the compound of the Madaripur H.E. School at the instance of Abdul Hamid Khan, Clerk, Madaripur Civil Supplies office, of Charmugria, P.S. Madaripur. About 150 Muslim students attended. Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur, presided. Speakers who included (1) Abdul Hamid Khan of Charmugria, P.S Madaripur, (2) Abdul Wahab @ Manju, a student of Islamia H.E. School, (3) Yunusur Rahman Mollah, a Matric examinee of Gopalganj H.E. School and the president explained to the audience the necessity of forming the Muslim Students League on a new model. They appealed to the students present to take a bold stand against the Govt. for their inability to supply the bare necessaries of live. Sk. Mujibar Rahman further urged the students present to raise voice against the present Government for not abolishing Zamindary System and not introducing compulsory free primary education and Military training and also not supplying arms for the defence of the country.
(f) On 21.2.49 another meeting convened by Abdul Hamid, Clerk, Madaripur Civil Supplies office, of Charmuguria, P.S. Madaripur, was held in the field in front of the Mosque, at Madaripur town, under the presidency of Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist, Faridpur a student of M.A. & Law Class of the Dacca University. About 60 persons including some Hindus attended. ESP Phani Bhushan Mazumdar (MJP) son of Satish of Madaripur town, Ram Krishna Mazumder (CP) s/o Jogesh, Pleader, Madaripur town, Arun Sen, s/o late Kedareswar of Khayerbhanga, P.S. Madaripur (MJP) and Kartik Chandra Shaha (MJP) of Madaripur town, were also noticed in the meeting. Kabiruddin Ahmad @ Tara Miyan s/o Hefizuddin of Jafrabad, P.S Madaripur, Yunusur Rahman, Secy., Gopalganj Sub-divisional Muslim Students League of Kalpur, P.S Gopalganj and Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Student of M.A. & Law class of the Dacca University s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, delivered speeches. All the speakers

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criticised the abnormal rise in the price of essential commodities, the present rationing system, which was confined to the town areas only, and also the policy of the Govt. with regard to the procurement and distribution to food grains.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman urged the people present to be united in raising a voice against the present Government and to do away all sorts of mal-administration and highhandedness. He gave out that the pay of the high officials should be cut down while that of the subordinate and the menial staff should be enhanced. He also appealed to the people to raise voice against the Govt. for not supplying the necessaries of live and not introducing the Free primary Education and the compulsory military training and also demanding the removal of cordon system and the introduction of rationing system in every village. Resolutions were passed in the meeting demanding adequate supply of food grains for the people.
Side note: 1. Ext. of paras (C) & (1) on the file of Majibar Rahman.
2. The activity of the clerk of the Civil Supply Department in
organising such public meetings seems to be peculiar, should be brought to the notice of Govt.


Extract from the WCR of DIB, Dacca for the week ending 5.3.1949, where it was mentioned that EPMSL held a meeting at Narayanganj on 27.2.1949, election of Dacca Salimullah Muslim hall was held on 1.3.1949 & another meeting was organized by EPMSL at Dacca University building, in which Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized the university authorities for not considering the demands of menials of the university.
Dacca, 5 March, 1949
Extract from the W.C.R. of Dacca District for the week ending 5.3.49.
8*. Youth and Student Movement.
A D.I.O. further reports that a meeting under the auspices of the Eastern Pakistan Muslim Students’ League was held at Narayanganj on 27.2.49 evening

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with Mr. Faiz Ahmad, B.L., Genl. Secy. E.P. Trade Union Federation, in the Chair. Mohammad Ali, Azahar Hussain Bhuiyan, Amarendra Banarji (R.S.P.) and M. A. Jahir, delivered speeches in this meeting criticising the present food policy of the Govt. and asked the Ministers to vacate their chairs if they fail to give adequate relief to the poor. A D.I.O. reports that on 1.3.49 evening the election of the Dacca Salimullah Muslim Hall Union was held. Mr. Abdur Rahman, an M.A candidate and a law student (Supporter of the E.P.M.S.L. with his party) contested the election against Mr. Razaur Rahman (neutral) and his party. The result of the polling will be announced on 2.3.49. A D.I.O. reports on 3.3.49 that on 2.3.49 at 13-30 hrs. a meeting of about 150 students of the E.P.M.S.L. was held in the University building with Mr. Naimuddin Ahmad, convener, E.P.M.S.L. a law students of the Dacca University in the Chair. Sk. Majibur Rahman, Secy. E.P. M.S.L. delivered a speech. The meeting in criticising the University authorities for their apathy towards the amelioration of the condition of the university menials expressed that the strike by the menials will mean unspeakable difficulties to students and so they requested the authorities to consider their case immediately.
After the meeting Mr. Naimuddin went in a deputation to wait upon the ViceChancellor of the Dacca University to represent the case of the menials but the ViceChancellor refused to meet with the deputationists.
As the D.I.O. could not get any access to the meeting he had to collect its details afterwards from other sources.
WCR contains different headings as per the type of information. ‘Youth and Student Movement’ is the heading no-8 in the WCR form, which was mentioned in this extract as related information.


Extract from East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence for the
week ending 5.3.1949.
Dacca, 5 March 1949
Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending March 5, 1949.

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403. Dacca – A meeting of about 150 students of E.P.M.S.L. was held on 2nd March in the University building under the presidency of Naimuddin Ahmad (para95), Convener, E.P.M.S.L Law Student of the Dacca University. It was attended by Sk. Mujibar Rahman (para. 369), Secretary. E.P.M.S.L., and others. The University authorities were asked to satisfy the demands of the menials immediately as the proposed strike by the menials would mean numerous difficulties for the students.
(The same report in details was mentioned in the sl. no-3 of heading no-38)


Report of a procession brought out by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at
Nowabpur road & Sadarghat area on 12.3.1949. A meeting of students held at Dacca University ground. Nadira Begum & other student leaders spoke in the meeting. All of them delivered their speeches in support of Bengali as state language. They criticized
the Govt. policy in respect of food and cloth.
Dacca, 12 March 1949
Report of the meeting held on 12th march at University ground.
While passing through Sadarghat we found a procession of about 200 students led by Sk. Mazibur Rahman, Dubirul Islam and Kalyan Das Gupta proceeding along Nowabpur Road shouting slogans such as Pakistan Zindabad’, ‘Police Zulum Chalbe Na’, Vice-Chancellor 4 Page BUT ‘. We followed them up to F.H. Hall at 12.00. They entered the Hall. We then went to the University to attend a meeting to be held there,
At 13.00 hours a group of young boys led by, amongst others, Mrinal Kanti Biswas son of Mr. Dwarika Nath Barari arrived at the University ground. At 13.30 a procession of about 100 girl students with some 15 boys reached the said ground led by Nadira Begum shouting slogans as “TICA CATOR, ORT 2314 BACK AT, Propar জুলুম চলবে না” “Students Federation58 and ছাত্ত সংঘ জিন্দাবাদ They assembled in a meeting in the ground where the following persons spoke:
58. Students Federation – The first student political group in Pakistan was the Muslim Students Federation. Started in 1947, as a student wing of the Muslim League, the Muslim Students

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1. Afzal Hossain,
2. Nadira Begam,
3. Mokleswar Rahman of Jagannath Intermediate College, 4. Rafiqul Islam of Dacca Intermediate College, 5. Nurul Huq of Armanitola H.E. School, 6. Bahauddin, 1st Year B.A. of the Dacca University.
All of them delivered their speeches in support of Bengali as State language. They criticised the Govt. policy in respect of food and cloth. They referred to the communist movement in China and Burma. They advocated a labour ministry in Bengal.
After the meeting was over all of them proceeded towards Assembly Hall, led by Nadira Bagum shouting different slogans. The procession was stopped near the Assembly House. The processionists tried to proceed forcibly when the following were arrested by Police.
1. A.K.M. Maniruzzaman Chowdhury, 2. Saiful Islam, 3. Syed Afzal Hossain, 4. Ekbal Answari Khan, 5. Mrinal Kanti Barari, 6. Abul Khair Abdul Salam. The
other processionists returned to the University ground. We left for office to submit
report asking W.Cs. Shamsul Alam and Muzaffar Ahmed to watch the movement of the processionists there.
Office Ext. Place on PF of Sk. Mujibar Sd/ – M.A.H.
Sd/-Md.Eunus, S.I. Sd/- Anwarul Haq Chowdhury, S.I.
I.B, Dacca. , 12.3.49.
Federation held prominence in Pakistan until the Muslim League splinted shortly after coming to power. The 1950s saw the rise of two kinds of political student parties; Left leaning Marxist parties like the Democratic Students Federation and religious right wing parties like the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba.

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A report was submitted to OC watch, IBEB, Dacca regarding two
meetings of University employees & students held at the University ground on 12.3.1949. After the completion of evening meeting a procession was brought under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. They visited different halls of DU & ended
entering into Dacca Hall59.
Dacca, 12 March 1949
To O/C Watch I.B Dacca.
Sir, I beg to report that I attended the meeting of University employees & students held at the University ground at 12.30 hours, where they decided to call off the strike. The University authorities asked the employees to join their duties on 10.3.49 but as the employees were late by few hours to take their decision, the University authorities did not allow them to resume and informed them that their service were disposed with. The employees held another meeting in the University ground at about 17.00 hours, which was presided by Abdur Rahman. In the meeting it was decided to approach the students community & they went in procession towards Dacca Hall. Then to F.M. Hall. Girls Hostel near the Vice-Chancellor house, S.M Hall and Iqbal hall south house under the leadership of Kalyan Das Gupta, Majibar Rahman. From there the procession proceeded towards the University and Kalyan Das Gupta proceeded towards Azad office. I shadowed him up to proximate Azad office from where he turned towards Dacca Hall. He entered Dacca Hall at about 20.45 hours waited there up to 22.00 hours he did not come out.
– Side note : Show SS-III, Place copy in Mujibar’s PF, DS. V, Sd/ -12.3
59. Dacca Hall – Shahidullah Hall is one of the three founding residential halls of Dhaka University, established in 1921 named as Lyton Hall. The then higher learning Govt. institution Dhaka College contributed students during the opening of Dhaka University & it was subsequently renamed Dhaka Hall and renamed again after the name of famous linguist Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah following his death in 1969.

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A copy of an intercepted English letter was sent from Rafique, North Lakshmipur, Brahmanbaria, Tippera to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman dated 12.3.1949. A radiogram was sent in this regard from DIB, Tippera to Dintell60, Dacca about a meeting where the
reapers were being organized to attend.
Dacca, 12 March 1949 Secret
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 12.3.1949
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.) 1. From (with address)
: Rafique North Lakshmipur
Brahmanbaria, Teppera 2. To (Do.)
Moulvi Sheikh Majibur Rahman 150 Mogultolly,
Dacca 3. Language of letter
: “English” Date of letter
9.3.49 Postal Seal
: Illegible. Post office of interception
: G.P.O Dacca. 7. Date of interception
: 12.3.49 8. Name of officer who can prove the : ASI Abul Kasem
interception 9. Whether photographed of not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Submitted with orginal 11. If delivered. whether copy kept or not : Copy Kept. 12. Number and date of Government : Casual
order authorising interception
Memo No. … dt. … Copy/translation forwarded to
60. Dintell – Short form of DIG Intelligence. An office of the then Central IB dealing with intelligence, secret & other reports.

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Copy of English letter intercepted at G.P.O Dacca dt. 12.3.49
Rafique North Lakshmipur Brahmanbaria Tippera
Moulvi Sheikh Majibur Rahman 150, Mogultolly Dacca.
My dear Majib,
Hope you remember your promise to organise reapers and in this connection I have organised a gathering at a place named Lalpur, near Ashuganj on the 14th March, Mondaye next. I have given high publicity on your name and people will come to listen to you which you yourself may think of.
So I request to require your presence in the gathering without fail. Your absence would mean absence of everything. I have extended my invitation to Fazlul Quader Chowdhury61 of Ctg. who will attend as promised by him.
You will start from Dacca by 9 am. morning & reach Ashuganj by I pm and the meeting place between 2 to 3 PM.
My men or myself shall receive you at the station. But never miss and for no ground.
61. Fazlul Quader Chowdhury – Fazlul Quader Chaudhury (1919-1973) was a Bengali politician who served as the 5th speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan from East Pakistan. He belonged to Ayub Khan’s Convention Muslim League. He was also the acting President of Pakistan from time to time when Ayub Khan left the country. He opposed the 6-Points Programme of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. During the liberation war he formed ‘Rajakar Bahini’ in Chittagong & supported Pakistani occupation army who committed genocide in the then East Pakistan. In 1973, after the independence he was jailed for War Crimes as collaborator of Pakistan army during 1971 & died in Dhaka Central Jail on 17 July 1973.

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I am well & may come to Dacca in the meantime.
Yours Sd/ – Rafique
Radiogram 62 No. 4495 dt. 12.3.49
D.I.B. Tippera.
A meeting will be held at Lalpur, near Ashugonj on the fourteenth March to organise reapers i.e. Daoals.
Sd/ – 12.3
Memo no. 4495(1)/1 dt. 12.3.49 Copy forwarded to in confirmation.
Sd/ – 12.3 Ds I for DIG
Perusal pl.
One Rafique Brahmanbaria Tipperah. writes this letter to Mr. Sk Muzibar Rahman Dacca.
It appears that reapers (crema) are being organised and in this connection a meeting is arranged at Lalpur near Ashuganj on 14th March. The addressee is requested to attend the meeting as principal speakers Fazlul Kader Choudhury of Chittagong will attend the meeting.
copy may send to D.I.B Comilla & Dacca.
62. Radiogram – A radiogram is a formal written message transmitted by radio. Also known as a radio telegram or radio telegraphic message, radiograms use a standardized message format or form and radiotelephone or radiotelegraph transmission procedures.

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Side note : Secret no. 4550 dt. 14.3.49
: Copy forwarded to D.I.B Tippera for information, sd/ – 12.3, DS-/
for ss: Copy to Comilla. Inform the date to Comilla by a radiogram today.
Sd/ – 12.3


Extract from the East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, Dacca, the week ending on 12.3.1949, where it was mentioned
that the menials of Dacca University under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other student leaders continued their strike up to the 10th March. On the 9th March the students of DU & the menial strikers held a meeting at the University premises in which the students expressed their full sympathy with the strikers.
Dacca, 12 March 1949
Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending March 12, 1949.
451. Dacca – The menials (150) of the Dacca University under the leadership of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (Para 403), Secretary, E.P.M.S.L., Akhlakur Rahman (S.F.) and others continued their strike up to 10th March when they were discharged by the authorities for not resuming work.
On 9th March about 200 University students and the menial strikers held a meeting in the University premises in which the students expressed their full sympathy with the strikers and declared that they would not attend their classes till the demands of the strikers were satisfied. The general attitude of the students of the University appeared to be coercive in support of the strikers and they went on strike in sympathy with the menials. The students of Fazlul Huq Muslim Hall and Dacca Hall staged a demonstration on 11th March demanding the re-opening of the University and re-employment of the discharged menial servants of the University.

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Daily intelligence report of DIB, Dacca, no. 27, 32 & 35 dated respectively 4.3.1949, 10.3.1949 & 13.3.1949. It was mentioned in
the reports about holding of different meetings & procession of DU students, some boys & girls of different schools of Dacca led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & DU students protested against the
Govt. policy of proposed introduction of Arabic script in East Bengal & placing armed Police pickets at the University. They also protested against the DU authority’s apathy to the demands
of menials.
Dacca, 13 March 1949
2. A D.I.O. reports on 3.3.49 that on 2.3.49 at 13.30 hours a meeting of about 150 students of the E.P.M.S.L. was held in the University buildings with Mr. Naimuddin Ahmad convener, E.P.M.S.L, a Law student of the Dacca University in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy, E.P.M.S.L. delivered a speech, The meeting in criticising the University authorities for their apathy towards the amelioration of the condition of the University menials expressed that the strike by the menials will mean unspeakable difficulties to students and so they requested the authorities to consider their case immediately.
After the meeting Mr. Naimuddin went in a deputation to wait upon the ViceChancellor of the Dacca University to represent the case of the menials but the ViceChancellor refused to meet with the deputationists.
4. A D.I.O. reports that a meeting of about 200 University students and 150 menials was held in front of the University Library on 9.3.49 afternoon. Sk. Majibar Rahman, Secretary, E.P.M.S.L, condemned the authorities for placing armed police pickets in the University compound and expressed that the students have their full sympathy with the menials in their struggle for bread and also gave out that until the menials cases were favourably considered the students will not join their classes. Later at about 18.00 hours about 60 students went to the house of the ViceChancellor when a meeting of the University Executives was going on. At about 21.00 the S.P., Dacca and the Addl. S.P. (City) on information from D.I.B. contacted

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the Vice-Chancellor who, it is reported, did not require police help in the University affairs at a stage when the authorities arrived at a point of compromise viz. the pay of the University Malis (gardeners) to be raised to the standard of those in Govt. service-increment to the wage of the part time sweepers on condition of satisfactory work. The strikers will be treated as discharged if they fail to resume work by 12.00 hours today. The Addl. S.P. (City) as desired by the Vice-Chancellor withdrew the police from the University.
The strike of the menials and of the students is continuing. The following students are taking leading parts in the affairs.
1. Sk. Majibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.M.S.L. 3. Arabindu Basu, S.F.
2. 4.
Akhlakur Rahman, S.F. Kalyan Das Gupta, R.S.P.
(The D.I.O. is in touch with the situation).
5. On 12.3.49 at 11.00 hrs. the students of S.M. Hall, F.H.M. Hall, Dacca Hall and J.N. Hallo), assembled at Iqbal Hall and there from they came out in a procession by parading over Urdu Road, Chawk, Mitford Road, and Sir Nazimuddin Road with shouts of “University Khulte Habe, Menial-der Dabi Mante Habe, Chhatra Mazdoor Ek Bhai, Police-er Zulum Dhangsha Hauk, Chhatra-der Dabi Mante Habe, etc. and come back to F.H.M. Hall at 13.00 hrs. Kalyan Das Gupta, 1st yr, M.A. student, Sk. Majibar Rahman, Secy, E.P.M.S.L., Abdur Rahman Chaudhuri, 3rd yr. Law student, led the procession. Some fifty school boys and girls of different schools of Dacca assembled in the University ground at about 14.30 hrs. where a meeting was organised by the S.F. The D.I.B. Officers could not get access to the meeting. It was gathered afterwards that Afzal Hussain, 1st Yr, B.A. Nadira Begum, 2nd Yr. M.A. Mukhlesar Rahman of J.N. College, Rafiqul Islam, Dacca Inter, College, Nurul Haque, Armanitola H.E. School and Bahauddin 1st yr, B.A., Dacca University delivered speeches in this meeting by criticising the Government
63. J.N Hall – Dhaka University was established in 1921 as a merger of the two institutes of higher learning that existed in the city at that time, Dhaka College, a government institution and Jagannath College, which was privately founded. With the Jagannath College Act of the Indian Legislative Council (Act No XVI of 1920), that college was renamed as Jagannath Intermediate College. The second and third year students (303 in all) were transferred to Dhaka University on the following year along with many teachers and equipment such as library books. The residential Jagannath Hall’ at Dhaka University was then named after the contributing college

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policy of the proposed introduction of Arabic Script in East Bengal and urged the students to unite to fight against the proposal. After the meeting the students came out of the University ground and proceeded towards the Assembly Hall in a procession under the leadership of Nadira Begum, Bahauddin and Afzal Hussain (all mentioned). The procession was intercepted by the Police on duty at the Assembly Hall. The Police ordered the students to disperse but they in defying the order made an attempt to enter into the Hall by force when the Police dispersed the unlawful assembly of the students by making a mild lathi charge.


An official memo was sent from Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal,
Home Department to the IG, Prisons, Dacca regarding the provisions of Bengal Security Prisoner Rules 1940 & Bengal Special Power Ordinance related to some facilities of detenues.
Dacca. 15 March 1949
East Bengal Secretariat Home Department, Special Branch.
Eden Buildings, Ramna, Dacca. No. 710-H.S., dated Dacca, the 15th March, 1949.
From: M. Azfar, Esq., O.B.E., P.A.S.,
Secretary to the govt. of East Bengal Home Department. To : The Inspector General of Prisons Government of East Bengal, Dacca. Sir,
I am directed to say that it has been brought to the notice of Govt. that the Bengal Security Prisoners Rules 1940 are being still used as a guide for the classification and treatment of, and provision of accommodation, furniture and equipment, clothing, meals, books, newspapers, discipline, punishments etc., for, the detenues under the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance. These rules were framed under sub- rules 6 & 5(a) of rule 26 of the Defence of India Rules and after the lapse of the Defence of India Rules in 1946, the Bengal Security Prisoners Rules of 1946 were also abrogated. These rules therefore have become inoperative and should neither be taken as a guide nor enforced in respect of persons arrested and detained

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under the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance which came into force on the 1st day of October 1946.
2. Under sub-section 4 of section 10A of the Bengal Special Power ordinance of 1946 any person arrested under the Ordinance is liable to be removed and detained under such conditions, including conditions and to maintenance, discipline and the punishments of the offences as the Provincial Government64 may from time to time by general or special order specify! I am to say that all persons detained under the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 will be subject to the same conditions with regard to classification, treatment, accommodation, furniture and equipment, clothing, travel in custody and escort, disciplinary measures, provision of writing materials, books, periodicals etc, as apply to Division II & III convicts, prescribed in Vol. I of the Rules or the Superintendence and Maintenance of Jails and Subsidiary Jails65 in Bengal.
3. In respect of appearing at examinations, facilities may be allowed with the previous sanction in writing from the Inspector General of Prisons, to security prisoners for appearing at the University and other examination recognized by the Provincial Government which do include practical tests, provided the Provincial Government are not involved in any extra expenditure on account of the fees, purchase books and other expenses. Such examinations should be held inside jails. The Inspector General of Prisons at his discretion may refuse allow any security prisoner to sit for any examination if his condition during detention has been unsatisfactory.
4. No security prisoners lodged in the Dacca Central Jail shall permitted to have interviews with persons other than police officer except on the written order of the Deputy Inspector General of Police (Intelligence Branch). In respect of those lodged in district jail interviews with persons other than police officers should only
64. Provincial Government – A provincial government is the government of a country subdivision in a federal form of government, which shares political power with the federal or national government. At the time of independence from British regime in August 1947, the then Pakistan included the five provinces. Bengal, Punjab, Sind, NWFP(presently Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) & Baluchistan (Chief Commissioner’s Province).
65. Subsidiary Jail – Subsidiary jails were established at the headquarters of former sub-divisions of districts, now upgraded to districts under section 541 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for the confinement of prisoners both convicted and under-trial. Prisoners sentenced to more than 14 days are not ordinarily kept in the subsidiary jail and are required to be sent to the district jail within 14 days.

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be allowed on the written order of the District Magistrate in consultant with the Superintendent of Police. These interviews shall be conduct in the presence of an officer of the Intelligence Branch and an officer of the Jail.
5. No letter, newspaper, book or other communication shall be transmitted to and from any security prisoner except through the Superintendent of jail and the Intelligence Branch. A security prisoner may be allowed to address communications to any officer of the Central of the Provincial Government or to the presiding officer of the Legislature of which he is a member.
6. All prisoners who are not specifically put in Div. II. should be placed in Div. III. All cases in which it is proposed to place any prisoner in Div. II. Shall be referred to Government by the District Magistrate with his recommendation and the report of the superintendent of Police as regards his status, education, occupation, standard etc.
Pending orders of Government all prisoners will be placed in Div. III. But in exceptional cases the District Magistrate might, pending the orders of Government, ask the Superintendent of the jail in which prisoner is detained to put him in Div. II. He should. however, report any such case immediately to Government for orders.
7. I am to request you to put these instructions into force with immediate effect.
I have, etc., (Sd) : M. Azfar
Secretary. Memo No. 710/1(5) – H.S., dated 15/3/49.
Copy forwarded to the Dy. Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, for information
(Sd): M. Azfar Secretary., 15.3
All D. I. Bs. in East Bengal.
Copy forwarded to … for information and favour of necessary action.
(Sd): A. Newaz,
for (M. Ahmed), Special Supdt. of Police, I.B.
66. District Magistrate – The administrative head of district is known by three different designations, District Magistrate, District Collector & Deputy Commissioner.

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An IB officer, Dacca submitted a confidential watch report on the
movement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 18.3.1949 that he shadowed Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who came out from 12 Abhay Das lane & proceeded towards the town. He was not seen in the
vicinity on 28.3.1949.
Dacca, 19 March 1949
Confidential report 18.3.49
Reg. secret watch duty at 150, Mitford Rd+12 Abhay Das Lane for the Susp ect Mojibar Rahman on 18.3.49 from 06.30-10.30 hrs. + 15.00-20.00 hrs. I had been on secret watch at the above noted place. I beg to report that I could not find the said suspect at 150 Mitford Rd. Then I went to search for the suspect Mojibar Rahman at 12 Abhay Das Lane (Tikatuli) at 15.00 hrs. The said suspect Mojibar Rahman came out from the 12 Abhay Das Lane at about 15.30 hrs and proceeded towards town by cycle. For want of cycle I could not shadow him.
Submitted Sd/-Asi. Anwar Ahad.
IB. 19.3 Side note: Place on the P.F. of the subject, Sd/ – 19.3.
Confidential Report dt. 28.3.49 reg. secret watch duty for suspect Mazibar Rahaman at 12 Abhay Das Lane. Dacca.
On 28.3.49 from 07.00 to 10.00 & 17.00 to 20.00 hrs. I had been on secret watch for the above noted suspect in the above noted vicinity.
During my duty time the above noted suspect was not seen. S.I M. Ahamed supervised the duty.
Submitted Sd/ -29.3.49
A.S.I of I.B, Dacca Side note: Cause an inquiry if the suspect at Dacca.

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[Re: – To enquire about the absence of suspect Mazibur Rahman from his residence at 12 Abhay Das lane.
It is learnt on secret enquiry that suspect Mazibur Rahman has left Dacca for Rajshahi to Dinajpur about a week ago.]
Submitted Nasir Uddin Ahmad
S.I. I.B, 29.3.49
Side note
: D.S. V, A. Razzak, 29.3 : Place in P.F. & inform Rajshahi & Dinajpur to keep watch in the
activity of Mujibor. : Office, Please Sec Ds-V’s orders avobe and do the needful. A.
Razzak, OIC, 30.3
Particulars of the individual may please be supplied in order to find out his P.F. He is a law student. No further particulars are on our records. For particulars, CS may be referred to Index sec.
Sd/-A. Razzak
O/C -2.4
Re: Note over leaf.
The individual may be identical with Sk. Mujibur Rahman s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.s. Gopalganj, a law student of Dacca University. He is a member of D.Y.L.
Sd/ -F. Rahman.
C/S-4.4.49. Secret. No. 6491 (2)/606-48 dt. 6.4.49 D.I.B Rajshahi/D.I.B Dinajpur
Extract. Forwarded & with request to keep watch on the activity of Mujibar Rahman. (a Law student of Dacca University) s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur & of Dacca.
Sd/- 5.4 DS-5. for SS-III

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DIO, DIB, Dacca reported that a closed door meeting of EPMSL was held at Mugaltuli on 4.4.1949. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other leaders delivered speeches in the meeting. Six students including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were fined by DU authority for
taking part in the strike of menials.
Dacca, 8 April 1949
DAILY INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 56 DATED 8.4.49. I. A D.I.O. reports that in a closed door meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. held at 150, Moghultuli on 4.4.49 evening, Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, Aziz Ahmad, Abdul Wadud and others strongly criticised Dr. W.H.A. Shadani, Dean of Arts, Dacca University for his recent statement which he broad casted through the Radio Pakistan, Dacca containing indecent remarks against the women folk and the female students of the East Bengal. The meeting passed resolutions (1) demanding resignation of Dr. Shadani and condemning him for his indecent remarks regarding the women of East Bengal and also condemning the authorities of the Radio Pakistan for allowing such remarks to be broad casted through their radio station. The meeting further condemned the Government of East Bengal for its remaining silent over such a thing with a request to take necessary action in the matter.
3. Reference D.I.R. No. 55 dated 6.4.49 para 1, a D.I.O. reports that the following students were dealt with by the D/U for their taking prominent part in the last strike of the menials of D.U. in the manner noted against each :
The following six students have been fined Rs. 15/- each: 1) Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Secy. E.P.M.S.L. 2nd Yr. Law, D.U s/o Sk. Lutfar
Rahman of Tangipara, P.O. Patgati, Faridpur.


Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence for the week ending on 9.4.1949, where it was mentioned that a meeting was held under the auspices of All EPMSL of Islamia H.E. School
at Swarighat, Dacca on 2.4.1949.
Dacca, 9 April 1949 Extract from East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Serial No. 35, Dated Dacca, Saturday, the week ending April 9, 1949.

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616. Dacca – At a meeting of about 75 students of the Islamia H.E. School, Dacca, held under the auspices of the All E.P.M.S.L. on 2nd April at Swarighat, with Jaynal Abedin, a student of the Dacca University, in the chair, resolutions were passed proposing to move the Government to stop the increased rate of school fees and to abolish the Zemindari System.
At a closed door meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. held at 150, Mogaltuli, on 4th April which was attended by Sk. Mujibar Rahman (para 451), Aziz Ahmad (para. 616), Abdul Wadud. and others, resolutions were passed demanding resignation of Dr. Shadani, Dean of Arts, Dacca University, for his broadcasted speech containing indecent remarks relating to the womenfolk and female students of East Bengal.
49 SI, Watch, IBEB, Dacca submitted a report regarding the students’ strike in observance of ‘Anti-oppression Day’on
Dacca, 16 April 1949
Report reg. the Students strike in observance of Anti-oppression Day dated 16.4.49.
On 16.4.49 the regular class was held. There was no demonstration on meeting. Nadira Begum, Mojibur Rahman, Abdur Rahman Choudhury, Abdul Hamid, Mahboob Hussain and some others were canvassing in favour of strike. Shah Azizur Rahman, Mokhlesor Rahman, Dalilur Rahman, Sultanuddin and others canvassed against the strike. There was nothing further worth reporting.
Submitted by Shahzada Khan. S.I. Watch I.B.

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Deputy Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Political) department sent a memo by order of the Governor along with detention grounds dated 16.4.1949 to Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca as regards to the detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for a period of
3 months.
Dacca, 16 April 1949
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Power Ordinance (Ordinance of 1946) as adopted and continued in operation by the East Bengal ordinances temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act (Act 1) of 1949.
In pursuance of Section no 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance (Ordinance VI of 1946) as adopted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act (Actl) of 1949. You Shaikh Mujibur Rahman son of Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, Ps Gopalgonj, Faridpur and 150 Moghultoly, Dacca at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. .. dated .. made under subsections 1(a ) and (4) of section 10 A of the said Ordinance, are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds :1. That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret
association in the district, of Faridpur and Dacca the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and in this connection you have been carrying on prejudicial and disloyal propaganda against the Govt. and have been inciting the kisans and labourers and Students of districts Faridpur and Dacca to acts of disloyalty and violence against this Govt. and
That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province.
You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order – of detention made against you, and

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should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned
through the Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of
East Bengal, Home (Political) Department.
No. 10188/606-48P.F. dt. 2.3.5/49 To Addl. S.P. D.I.B, Dacca. Reference your Memo No. 3038(1) dt. 2.5.49.
Govt. has been moved for the detention of Mujibar Rahman for a period of three months.
Sd/ -17.5


Two officers, IBEB, Dacca submitted a report regarding the students’ strike in observance of ‘Anti-Repression Day’ at Dhaka
University on 17.4.1949.
Dacca, 17 April 1949
Report regarding the students strike in observance of Anti-repression day dated 17.4.49.
In the morning at 07.40 hrs. Nadira Begum, Sk. Majibar Rahman and Bahauddin had been at the gate of the University and were obstructing the students to attend the classes, in some cases by persuasion and in some cases by application of force. In spite of obstruction some students attended the class and some joined with them.
At about 12 noon a procession of about 60 students mostly be-longing to Medical College and School and Engineering College was seen coming from

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Medical Collage side and moving round the University ground it entered the University compound with shouts of slogans. Ping ProX OTSING SR. DTA QUMTI শাস্তির প্রত্যাহার চাই, ইউনিভার্সিটির অন্যায় অত্যাচার মানবনা। স্বৈরাচার চলবেনা, জুলুমবাজ চলবেনা।
At 13.00 hrs. all the processionists and some other students assembled in a meeting therein with Shamsul Huda in the chair (1) Sk. Majibar Rahman, (2) Abdul Matin Choudhury, (3) Kazi Mahboob Hussain (4) Nadira Begum and (5) Bahauddin spoke in the meeting. Nos. 1, 2, & 3 delivered their speeches criticising the action taken by the University authority against 27 students for sympathy towards the menial strikers of the University. They appealed to the students to continue the strike till the punishments are withdrawn.
Bahauddin spoke that everywhere the fascist Govt. victimizes the students to suppress their just causes. In China Chiang bombed the University. In Cairo British help were taken to suppress the students movement. These oppressions referred to above led those Govts. to fall and the students to victory. These examples will be ever lasted here to bring about the similar consequences.
Nadira spoke “Student community is not separate from the labouring masses. So our struggle will not centre round the student only but the whole oppressed peasants, labourers and toiling classes. Vice-Chancellor is the order carrier of the Fascist Govt. which in collusion with the capitalist, profiteers, black-marketers and with the help of the I.B. and Police force suppresses any movements for legitimate demands. So, our struggle is not against the order carrier but against this “Zalim League Govt. She continued the everywhere, i.e. in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma and India these Fascist Govts. failed to suppress the peoples’ demands and here too the Govt. will be compelled to meet the same fate. She exhorted the student to unite themselves and force Nurul Amin to quit his Gaddi.
After Nadira’s speech while Golam Mustafa stood for reading of the resolutions one Dalilur Rahman., Sultanuddin and Makhlesar Rahman interrupted, as a result the meeting ended in a chaos at 14.00 hrs. Resolutions could not be heard. About 200 students including 4 girls students attended the meeting. Nitai Ganguli, Abdul Wadud Patwari, Mrinal Kanti Barua were also present in the meeting.
There from they went to the Vice-Chancellor’s house at 14.30 hrs. in a procession shouting slogans. They wanted to meet Vice Chancellor but he did not

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come down. Provost Mr. Ayenger and Osman Gani tried to persuade them by reasoning but Sk. Majibar Rahman and others refused any relaxation unless the University withdraws the punishment from the students unconditionally.
Submitted by Shahzada Khan S.I. 1.B
Md. Eunus 11 S.I. I.B., 18.4 Watch sec.
Extract from the East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, Dacca, the week ending April 1949, where it was mentioned that
on the 17th April Nadira Begum & others picketed at the gate of Dacca University while willing students were prevented attending
from their classes. On the same day the students of different colleges of Dacca held a meeting at the University compound. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other student leaders delivered
speeches. Dacca, 17 April 1949
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence of Vol. III. Dated, Dacca, Saturday, the week ending April
699. Dacca- On 17th April Nadira Begum, Abdur Rahman Chaudhuri others Picketed at the gate of the Dacca University and willing students were prevented from attending their classes.
On this day about 500 students of the Dacca College, Jagannath College, Medical College and Engineering College held a meeting in the University compound with one Shamsul Alam (a first student, Dacca Medical College) in the chair. Sk. Majibar Rahman (E.P.M.S.L.), Bahauddin Chaudhuri (S.F), Abdul Wadud (E.P.M.S.L.) Nadira Begum (S.F) who delivered speeches appealed to the student continue the strike till the order of punishment against the student of the University was revoked.

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Daily intelligence report dated 18.41949, where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other student leaders picketed at
DU gate on 17.4.1949. Some students from other educational institutions of Dacca joined with them. They demanded immediate
withdrawal of punishment inflicted on the 27 students of DU.
Dacca, 18 April 1949
DAILY INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 63 dated 18.4.49. II. In continuation of para IV of D.I.R. dated 17.4.49 a D.I.O. reports that at about 10.00 hours Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Abdur Rahman Chaudhuri, Bahauddin Chaudhuri, Abdul Wadud, Nadira Begum and Aziz Ahmad (ex-student, D.U.) with some other students started picketing at the University gate. They blocked the gate and requested students and Professors not to enter the class rooms.
In the meantime Shah Azizur Rahman, Daliluddin and a few other students (of All E.P.M.S.L.) who were not in favour of the strike, tried to enter their classes. Arguments and altercations took place between the two parties and lasted for about 2 hours; but none could enter the classrooms.
At about 12.00 hours, some students of the Dacca College and Jagannath College entered into the Dacca University compound and then the students of the Dacca University including some students from the Medical College and the Engineering College joined them. They hold a meeting with one Shamsul Alam, a student of the Dacca Medical College (1st year) in the chair. Sk. Mujibar Rahman (E.P.M.S.L.) Bahauddin Chaudhuri (S.F.), Abdul Wadud (E.P.M.S.L) and Nadira Begum (S.F.) delivered speeches. In course of their speeches they appealed to the students to continue their strike, till such time the University authorities had withdrawn their orders passed against the 27 students of the University. About 500 students attended the meeting. Nitai Ganguli, a member of the R.S.P. was also seen in the meeting.
They also demanded immediate withdrawal of punishment inflicted on the 27 students and decided to proceed to the Vice-Chancellor’s house. One Bengali printed leaflet entitled “Dalalder Chine Rakhun. Aj Apana derke Sangramer Path Theke Bichyuta Karbar Janya “Abedan” Janachhe Kara?” and another entitled “Chhatra Karmir Upar Sarkari Zulum” both issued by the E.P.M.S.L. were distributed in the meeting.

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Daily intelligence report no. 64 dated 19.4.1949. In the report processions of Dacca Medical School & DU students, entering the
procession led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman into the compound of VC’s residence, delivering speech by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.
were mentioned
Dacca, 19 April 1949
DAILY INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 64 DATED 19.4.49. I. a. In continuation of Para II of D.I.R. dated 18.4.49 a D.I.O. report that about
50/60 students of the Dacca Medical School came out in procession via Becharam’s Dewry and Dewan Bazar Road, to the University compound; at about 12.45 hours. They shouted slogans:“Nare-E-Takbir-Allahu Akbar Fascist Raj-Chalbena, Chhatra Daban Chalbena, Bahiskarer Adesh-Pratyahar Kara. Bandi Chhatrader-Mukti Chai”
At the University, they joined the picketers at the inner entrance. Attendance in the Classes were thin.
At about 13.30 hours, the same day (18.4.49) the students of the Medical School and the University, numbering about 200/250, went out in procession to collect students from the Curzon Hall, Medical College and Engineering College; with a view to proceed to the Vice-Chancellor’s house in a large number. The procession was lead by Sk. Mujibar Rahman (E.P.M.S.L.) Bahauddin Chaudhuri (S.F.), Nadira Begum (S.F.), Abdul Wadud (E.P.M.S.L.) and Shamsul Huda, a student of the Medical College. At about 14.00 hours, they came to the Vice-Chancellor’s house, and entered into the compound by scaling the compound fencing. In the compound they shouted slogans-Chhatra Daman Chalbena, Vice-Chancellor Neme Esha, Anyay Adesh Pratyahar Kara” At about 18.00 hours they all assembled in the Council Hall of the house, and held a meeting. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Ghulam Mohammad delivered speeches, and requested the students not to leave the house. They also stated that they would not allow the servants of the Vice-Chancellor to go out for marketing, next morning (19.4.49).

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A secret memo was sent from Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca to Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal, Home Department, Dacca. In the memo Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s role of organizing the students for strikes, processions, meetings & hunger strike, taking leading part in the strike of DU menials, his efforts for replacing the Govt. by real democratic one, his arrest u/s 54 Cr.P.C. by the DM on 19.4.1949, request for issuing his early detention etc. were
Dacca, 20 April 1949 Express Secret.
Dist. Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 20th April, 1949 No. 2725
The Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of E. Bengal, Home Department, (Special Section), Dacca. Thro. District Magistrate & Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
I have the honour to report that information which is believed to be true has been received that Sheikh Majibur Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Mogaltuli, P.S. Lalbag, Dacca, a Law class student of the Dacca University is an active and leading member of the Democratic Youth League and the East Pakistan Muslim Students League67 which work against the present Government of East Bengal. He was entrusted to organise the students in the
67. Democratic Youth League – After the 1947 partition, Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the virtual overlord of Pakistan. Among the two newly created provinces, the rulers of West Pakistan started discrimination against East Pakistan on a variety of issues including language. This gave rise to the Language Movement. Right after the birth of Pakistan in 1947, some political activists gathered in Sirajuddoula Hotel in Kolkata to discuss the future of East Pakistan. That meeting resolved to form a non-communal political movement and organization in Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was present in that meeting. In an activists’ conference held on 6 and 7 September, 1947 in Dhaka, the Democratic Youth League was formed. Peoples Freedom League & Tamaddun Majlish were also launched movement for the demand of Bengali as one of the State Language of Pakistan.

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districts of Faridpur, Barisal and Khulna for strikes, processions, meetings and hunger strike as a protest against the expulsion of some students from Rajshahi College. He is one of the East Pakistan Muslim Young Progressive Workers who are after replacing the present Government by one which according to them, should be really Democratic in character. He was found taking leading part in the strike of the menials and of the students of the Dacca University and is responsible for organising the demonstration in the house of the Vice-Chancellor and also inciting the students in joining such demonstrations.
Information is also at hand that this Sheikh Majibur Rahman maintained contact with Bose-Suhrawardy Group which wanted amalgamation of the two Bengals. He is said to have expressed in June 1948 that it was impossible to cause the downfall of the Ministry even if Mr. Suhrawardy had come into East Bengal politics without resorting to terrorism.
While he was staging a demonstration at the house of the Vice-Chancellor of the Dacca University on 19.4.49 with other students, he was arrested u/s 54 Cr.P.C under orders of the District Magistrate. When he and the other students refused to leave the Vice-Chancellor house in spite of being ordered to do so by the District Magistrate.
As this individual had been acting all through, in a manner of prejudicial to public order, orders u/s 2 of the East Bengal Prevention Detention Ordinance (Ord. VI of 1949) may kindly be issued early for his detention in the Dacca Central Jail.
I have the honour to be,
Sir your most obedient servant,
Sd. A. Gafur. Addl. Superintendent of police
D.I.B, Dacca
Memo. No. 2725(1) dt. 20.4.49
Copy forwarded to F.R. Khundkar, Esq, P.P.S., Dy. Inspr. Gnrl. of Police I. B. E.B. Dacca, for information and favour of necessary action.
Reference Notes on the subject is also enclosed herewith.
Sd/-20.4 Addl. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Dacca

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Secret. No. 7986/606-48 P.F. dt. 25.4.49
Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca.
Reference your memo no. 2725 (1) dated 20. 4. 49. Mv. Sheikh Majibar Rahman.
Please send your recommendation for what period the subject should be detained in jail under the ordinance. An early reply is requested.
Sd/ – 23.4.
DS(V) for SS(3) Sd/-23.4


Daily intelligence report submitted by DIO, DIB, Dacca, dated 20.4.1949, where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
along with the other students continued to stay at the VC’s residence compound refusing the DM’s order to vacate. Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman was arrested on the spot.
Dacca, 20 April 1949 DAILY INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 65 DATED 20.4.49.
2. In continuation of Para I of D.I.R. No. 64 dated 19.4.49, a D.I.O. reports that there was no picketing at the University on 19.4.49, as the strike was called off for the day with the hope that there would be an amicable settlement between the students and the University Authorities. No demonstrations came to the ViceChancellor’s house from outside. Sk. Majibur Rahman along with about 20 others students continued to stay on, inside the Vice-Chancellor’s house for the day till 16.00 hrs. when the D.M., the D.I.G., S.P., Addl. S.P. City and Addl. S.P., D.I.B, went to the Vice-Chancellor’s house. The D.M. ordered the students who were inside the Vice- Chancellor’s house, to vacate, but they refused to do so. The following students were then arrested u/s 54 Cr.P.C. on the spot. 1. Sk. Majibur Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dt.
Faridpur and 150 Mogaltuli II Lane.

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A Bengali letter dated 18.4.1949 was sent from M.A.Taher, Secretary, ‘A’ Sub-division MSL, Andarkilla, Chittagong to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, EPMSL office, 150 Mogultuli, Dacca, which was intercepted at GPO, Dacca on 20.4.1949. The letter was
translated in English.
Dacca, 21 April 1949. INTELLIGENCE BRANCH
Dacca; The 21.4.1949
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained.)
1. From (with address) : : M.A Taher. Secy. “A” Sub.
M.S.L., c/o Amania Restaurant
Andarkilla Chittagong. 2. To (with address)
Sk. Mozibur Rahman. B.A. E.P.M.S.L office 150 Mogaltali
Road, Dacca. 3. Language of letter
Bengali. Date of letter
18. 4. 49. Postal Seal
: Illegible. 19.4.49. Post office of interception : Dacca, G.P.O. Date of interception
: 20.4.49 8. Name of officer who can prove : A.S.I., Khandaker Nuruddin the interception
Ahmad. 9. Whether photographed of not : … 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Submitted in original. 11. If delivered. whether copy kept : Copy kept.
or not 12. Number and date of : Casual interception
Government order authorising interception
Copy/translation forwarded to DS V Perusal pl.
M.A Tahir Secretary ‘A’ Sub MSL sends this letter to Mazibur Rahman EPMSL. office.

Page: 128
Reports that D.M of Chittagong has stopped telegram Massage of the gl. Sec of MSL.
There was strike and procession in all Schools and Colleges. Probably this strike in connection with Dacca University affairs. The letter may Pass copy to D.I.B Chittagong.
Side note : pl. type & put up, Enclosed, Sd/- 29.4
The English translation needs correction. Will DIS please attend to it
first? : SS3, Mujibur Rahman the addressee has been arrested for creating
trouble in the University and is now in jail, the letter may be placed
on his PF & copy may be sent to Chittagong. Sd/ -28.4 : DS.V, An officer may please be deputed to translate the letter.
Translation enclosed. Sd/ – 27.4

Page: 129
Copy of a Bengali letter of 18.4.49 from M.A. Taher Secy. “A” Sub. M.S.L. C/O, Amania Restaurent, Andarkilla, Chittagong to Sk. Mozibur Rahman, B.A E.P.M.S.L. office, 150 Mogoltali Road, Dacca.
18.4.49 c/o Amania Restaurant
Andarkilla, ctg.
BEAR-core ,
তছলিম বাদ সংবাদ এই আপনাদের উপড় অত্যাচারের খবর পেয়ে আমরা(D.M.S.L President & “A” & “B” Sub-division M.S.L Secretary) 426 du forsto grosine PCT (QT cfarem grau su ile ar 38/8 A.P.I. CETAT (Tar D.M. Sic 7 TCH France

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শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপর বিশেষ কড়া নজর রাখা সত্বেও খােদার রহমতে প্রায় স্কুলের ছাত্ররা ধর্মঘট, সভা, শােভাযাত্রা করেছে এবং অত্যাচারের প্রতিবাদও করা হয়েছে। আশা করি যখন প্রবেশকা পরিক্ষা শেষ হবে ২৬/ তাং একটা ছাত্র ও জনসভা তার প্রতিবাদে ডাকার বন্দবস্ত করিতেছি। কথা হলাে এই আমরা কোন প্রেস দিতে না পারায় আপনাদিগকে জানাইতেছি। আপনারা এই ১৭ তাং একখানা রিপাের্ট ভাল করে দিয়া দিবেন পত্রিকায়, নইমুদ্দিন সাহেবের ব্যাপার নিয়ে চিন্তায় আছি। এই কাজটার দ্বারায়E.P.M.S.L নাম খারাপ হয়েছে। আমিও এবার প্রবেশকা পরিক্ষার্থ, সময় কোথায়, দোয়া করবেন।A.E.P.M.S.L_Secretarg Qudus, Moulana Islaw, Sultan এসেছিল সুবিধা করতে পারে নাই। আমায় দোত্মা করবেন। রহমান চৌঃ কে আমার ছালাম জাং
Sd/-M.A. Taher Secretary “A” Sub, M.S.L
Submitted Sd/-21.4.4৭. ASI
English translation of a Bengali letter Dt. 18.4.49 from M.A. Taher, Secy. ‘A’ Sub Division M.S.L. c/o Amania Restaurant, Andarkilla, Chittagong, to Sk. Mojibar Rahman, B.A. E.P.M.S.L office, 150 Mogultuli, Dacca, intercepted at Dacca G.P.O on 20.4.49.
Janab Sheikh Saheb,
With due respect I would like to inform you that as soon as we came to know of the opposition that had been committed on you the President., D.M.S.L., Secy. ‘B’ Subdivision M.S.L and myself issued a joint statement protesting against it which was sent through Press telegrammed on 14.4. But that message as it is known from U.P.I was intercepted by the D.M.
In-spite of strong vigilance over the academic institutions students of most of the schools observed strike, held meetings brought out processions and protested against oppression. I am arranging to call a meeting of both people and students on 26th after the ensuing Matriculating Examination is over, to record our protest against it. The fact is that as we could not send it to any press we are giving this information to you. You should make a good report about the incidents

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of the 17th and give it to the press. The affair of Naimuddin Saheb which found its publication in the newspaper made us much anxious. By this act he has humiliated the E.P.M.S.L. I am also appearing in the Matriculation Examination this year as much I have very little times in my hand I seek your blessings. The A.E.P.M.S.L. Secretary. Qudus, Moulana Islam and Sultan had been here but could not make any headway. Please pray to God for me. My Salam to (Rahman Chudhury?)
Sd/ – M.A. Taher Secretary ‘A’ Sub-M.S.L.


A secret memo was sent from SP, Dinajpur to SSP, IBEB, Dacca that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Dinajpur to meet a security
prisoner on 23.3.1949. He also met local students
Dacca, 22 April 1949
District intelligence Branch Dinajpur, the 22 April, 1949
No. 1351/102-48 (III).
Khan Sahib Md. Yusuff
Spl. Supdt. of Police, IB.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Reference your No. 649(2)/606-48 dated 6.4.49.
Majibar Rahman, along with one Shah Abdul Hamid Chaudhuri came here on 23.3.49 and met security prisoner Dabirul Islam. They also met local students and urged them not to be misguided by the communists. They left for Dacca on 26.3.49
Sd/- 22.4.49 Superintendent of Police

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Extract from the WCR of Dacca district for the week ending 23.4.1949, where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
led a procession of students of DU, Medical & Engineering
college to Dacca University VC’s residence compound on 12.4.1949. A discussion was held between the students & members of DU executive council without any result, students decided to stay in the compound etc. were also cited in the extract.
Dacca, 23 April 1949
Extract from the W.C.R. of Dacca District for the W/E. 23.4.49.
8. Youth & student Movement.
. 6.
(a) A D.I.O. reports that about 50/60 students of the Dacca Medical School
came out in a procession, via Becharam’s Deury and Dewan Bazar Road, to the University compound; at about 12.45 hours.
They shouted slongans:
“Nara-E-Takbir- Allaho Akbar, Fascist Raj Chalbena, Chhatra Dalan Chalbena, Bahishkarer-Adesh Pratyaher Kara, Bandi Chhatrader Mukti Chai”.
At the University they joined the picketers at the inner entrance. Attendance in the classes were thin.
(b) At about 13.00 hrs. the same day (12.4.49) the students of the Medical
School and the University, numbering about 250/260, went out in a procession to collect students from the Curzon Hall, Medical College and Engineering College, with a view to proceed to the Vice-Chancellor’s house in a large number..
The procession was led by Sk. Mujibar Rahman (E.P.M.S.L) Bahauddin Chaudhuri (S.F) Nadira Begum (S.F), Abdul Wadud (E.P.M.S.L) and Shamsul Huda, a student of the Medical College, At about 14.00 hours they came to the ViceChancellor’s house, and entered in to the compound by scaling the compound

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fencing. In the compound they shouted slogans- Chhatra Daman Chalbena, ViceChancellor, Annay Adesh Pratyahar Kara.
(c) At about 18.00 hours they all assembled in the council Hall of the house,
and held a meeting. Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Ghulam Mohammad delivered speeches, and requested the students not to leave the house. They also stated that they would not allow the servants of the vice-Chancellor to go out for marketing, next morning (19.4.49).
(d) At about 18.30 hrs. some of the members of the executive Council of the
University came to the house of the Vice-Chancellor and held a meeting with him upstairs. The students waited at the Council Hall to hear their decision. At 21.00 hrs. some members of the B. Council viz (1) Mr. Ibrahim Khan, (President, Secondary Education Board), (2) Mr. Abdul Halim (Prof. of History D.U.) (3) Mr. Mizanur Rahman (Jt. Secy. Education Deptt.) (4) Dr. T. Ahmed. (Principal, Medical College), (5) Dr. Chakrabartti (Provost, Dacca Hall) appeared before the students and discussed the matter for settlement. The students said that they were ready to apoligise for their
There Upon the members went back to the Vice-Chancellor and came back after a few minutes. They asked the students to go back to their respective homes; but they could not give any assurance about the withdrawal of the order.
The students then lay down on the way of the member saying that they would not allow the members to go out without considering their case. Then one Mr. Siddique, an Advocate, took up their case, but his negotiations also failed.
The.E.C. members carried on discussions till 01.00 hrs. (19.4.49) this morning, but no settlement was arrived at. They left the Vice-Chancellor’s house after the discussion was over.
About 25 students continued to stay in the Vice-Chancellor’s house. The situation is being watched.
Side note:
D.S.V/D.S.II., Sd/-Y.A.C., 12.5,

Ext. on P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Sd/-A.H. 13.5.

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An express letter was sent by Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East
Bengal to the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail regarding continuation of detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was
arrested u/s 54 Cr.P.C. on 19.4.1949.
Dacca, 25 April 1949 By Special Messenger
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department. Special Section.
From : Maulvi A. B. Khan.
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Express Letter. No. 1177-H.S, dated Dacca, the 25th April, 1949

Page: 135
Please continue detention of Sheikh Majibur Rahman arrested under Section 54 Criminal Procedure Code on the 19th April, 1949 and await further orders
Sd/-A. B. Khan
Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal No. 1177/1(4)-H.S. Copy forwarded for information to the :1. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch East Bengal, 2. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, 3. District Magistrate, Dacca, 4. Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca. Dacca, The 25th April, 1949
Sd/ -25.4.49 Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.


A statement of Qazi Golam Mahboob of Bakarganj, DU student was recorded on 27.4.1949. In the statement he stated that he became a member of EPMSL when it was formed in Dacca. He
was one of the 35 members from Dacca city to the central executive body of EPMSL of Dacca city members. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman & other 4 student leaders were known to him.
Dacca, 27 April 1949 Statement of Qazi Golam Mahboob @ Saru s/o. Qazi Abdul Majid of Kashba, P.S. Gournadi, Dist. Bakarganj – student II Year M.A. Class, Dacca University (37, Bishnu Charan Das Lane, Dacca.) recorded on 27.4.49
My name and particulars are the same as noted above. My present age is about 21 years. I passed the Matriculation Examination as a private candidate from Barisal Zilla School, in 1942. Then I went to Calcutta and took admission in the Islamia College in that very year. In Calcutta I used to put up at 30, European Asylum Lane, with my sister. Her husband is Mr. S. A. Salique, Retired District Magistrate.
After passing my I.A. from that college, I shifted to the Bakar Hostel in 1946. While living in the Bakar Hostel I worked in the Election Campaign, on behalf of Mr. Abdur Rahman Siddique in the Central Assembly. I also worked in the Bengal Assembly Election, for Mr. Sadruddin, A Muslim League candidate, from Barisal;

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against Mr. A. K. Fazlul Haque and before Mr. Sobhan (M. L. candidate) against Afzal (Minister)
Abdur Rahman Chawhdurị (s/o. K.S. Abdul Latif) was the worker of Barisal in charge.
I took admission in the Dacca University in 1948 (Janu. or Feb.) since then I put up at 37. Bisnucharan Das Lane, Lalbagh, Dacca.
I became a member of the E.P.M.S.L. when it was formed in Dacca. I am one of the 35 members from the Dacca City to the Central Executive Body of the E.P.M.S.L. of the Dacca City members. I know the Following: – 1. Abdul Chaudhuri (D.U.) (s/o. Abdul Latif Chaudhuri of Latif Manzil, Barisal
and of SM Hall, Dacca). 2. Abdul Matin Khan Chaudhuri (D.U). 3. Abdur Rashid (D.U). 4. Sk. Majibur Rahman (D.U, s/o, Sk. Lutfar Rahman of vill. Tangipara, P.O.
Patgati, Faridpur.) 5. Jalal (M.A. 2nd Year Political Science) (Jalaluddin Mollah, s/o. Munsi
Hatimullah of Parpha, P.O. Chandra-Adhi, Faridpur).


Copy of a DIO’s report of DIB, Faridpur, where it was mentioned that the local Muslim Leaguers & the Professors of Nazimuddin college tried their utmost to prevent the formation of a branch of East Pakistan Students League at Madaripur under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who did not support the Government.
Hamid, a student leader of Madaripur Sub-divisional MSL & supporter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman organized a branch of EPSL at Madaripur Nazimuddin College. Particulars of few persons & the members of the working committee of Mithapur L.N.H.E. School MSL were also mentioned in the report.
Faridpur, 28 April 1949
SECRET [Copy of Report dated 28.4.49 of a D.I.O.] On enquiry I came to learn that the local Muslim Leaguers and the Professors of Nazimuddin college tried their utmost to prevent the formation of a branch of the

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East Pakistan Students League at Madaripur under the leadership of Mujibar Rahman (a Law student of Dacca University, s/o Lutfar Rahman of, Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur). The idea behind this was that the branch of the East Pakistan Students League which was going to be formed under the leadership of Sk. Mujibar Rahman would not support the present Govt. The members of this students group were the supporters of Mr. Surahwardi (ex-Primier of Bengal) and until now they are trying their best to form public opinion against the present ministry. The students of Nazimuddin College also endorsed the views of the local League leaders. So it was not possible for Mujibar Rahman’s party to form a Students’ Union there so
At the latter part of December last Lutfar Rahman Bhuiyan @ Badal, 1st year student of Madaripur Nazimuddin College s/o Abdul Latif Bhuiyan of Madaripur town had a hitch with Dr. Mahiuddin, Principal, Nazimuddin College over the selection of players of a proposed theatrical performance which was to be staged on 21.12.48 as a result of which Lutfar Rahman Bhuiyan @ Badal had to leave the College. This incident made a split among the sutdents of Nazimuddin College. Taking the advantages of Division among college students, Khaundkar Abdul Hamid, Ex-president of Madaripur Sub-divisional Muslim Students League, a party man of Mujibar Rahman, now a clerk of Civil Supply Office, Madaripur (s/o Saizuddin of Aoj, P.S. Madaripur) organised the branch of East Pakistan Students League at Madaripur Nazimuddin College.
The Particulars of the following persons are given below:-) Badal @ Lutfar Rahman Bhuiyan s/o Abdul Latif Bhuiyan of Madaripur town (Amirabad aged about 20 years. He is a student of 1st year I.A. Class. He is a member of the Muslim Students League. Abdul Latif Bhuiyan s/o Hasenuddin of Madaripur town. He is aged about 44 years and read up to class VIII. He is a member of the MJP. Eskandar Ali Mia S/o Khan Sahib Janab Ali Khan of Kardi, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 40 years. He is a graduate and an M.L.A. Alimuddin Ahmad, Khan Shahib, Secretary, Faridpur District Muslim League, Vice-Chairman, Faridpur District Board, s/o Late Ainuddin of Chardaulatkhan, P.S. Kalkini, and of Madaripur town, Faridpur. He is aged about 55 years and a Muktear.

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The particulars of the members of the working committee of Mithapur L.N.H.E. School Muslim Students League are as follows:
1. Aftabuddin, Head Maulvi of Mitahpur H.E. School, s/o Aftaruddin of
Hogalpati, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 45 years. He passed Jamayetul Ula Examination.
Abdul Aziz Miah, President of working committee of Muslim Students League of Mithapur, L.N.H.E. School, s/o Mafizuddin Fakir of Charnachna, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is a student of class IX of Mithapur H.E. School, and aged about 20 years.
Jamadar Yusuff Ali, Vice-President of – do- s/o Jamadar Nodai of Burirchar, P.S. Madaripur. He is a student of class IX of Mithapur H.E. School, aged about 19 years. Alefuddin Ahmad, Vice President of-do- s/o Sabar Matbar of Gourbardi, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 18 years and a student of Mithapur H.E.
School, in class X. 5. Mujibar Rahman, Secretary of do-s/o late Ghiyasuddin Talukder of Gayghar
Ganganagar, P.S. Janjira, Faridpur. He is aged about 21 years and a student of class X of Mithapur H.E. School. Abdul Hussain, Asstt. Secretary of-do- s/o Mv. Alauddin Mian of Bamandanga, P.S. Muksudpur, Faridpur. He is aged about 18 years, and a student of class X of Mithapur H.E. School. Afsaruddin, Joint Secretary of do-s/o Salamat Khan of Kalikapur, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 19 years and a student of class IX. Khabiruddin, Treasurer of do- S/o Afeluddin Kazi of Hatserwar, P.S. Shibchar, Faridpur. He is aged about 18 years and a student of class IX of Mithapur H.E.
School. The particulars of the working committee members of Madaripur Nazimuddin College Muslim Students League are given below:1. Md. Hussain Miah- President, s/o Mv. Mohammad Malfu Mia @ Bepari of
Charmuguria, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 16 years and a student of 1st year I.A. class of Nazimuddin College, Madaripur.

Page: 139
2. Mujibar Rahman- Vice-President-s/o late Korman Talukdar of Hajirhowla, P.S.
Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 16 years and a student of 1st year I.A. Class.
3. Abdul Mazid Miah s/o Cheragali Matbar of Gaighar- Ganganagar P.S. Janjira,
Faridpur. He is aged about 20 years and a student of 1st year I.A. Class.
Md. Nowabali-Secretary-s/o Lal Chand Fakir of Charpakhaira P.S. Madaripur. Faridpur. He is aged about 18 years and a 1st L.A. Student.
Abdul Hamid Khan-Joint Secretary- s/o Hazi Islam Khan of Panchkhola, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 18 years and a student of 1st year I.A
6. Siddiqur Rahman-Asstt. Secretary. s/o Mv. Nazimuddin Dhali of
Shuchiarbhanga, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged about 18 years and a
student of 1st year I.A. Class. 7. Sirajul Haq, Treasurer-s/o Mv. Adeluddin of Panchkhola, P.S. Madaripur,
Faridpur. He is aged about 20 years. He read up to I.A. Now serving in Pakistan
Navy. 8. Abdul Sattar Miah, Auditor, s/o Mv. Abdul Majid Fakir of Janjira, P.S. Janjira,
Faridpur. He is aged about 18 years and a student of 1st year I.A. Class. 9. Shamsul Haq s/o Hazi Ibrahim Howlader of Angaria, P.S. Palong, Faridpur, He
is aged about 17 years, and a student of I.A. 1st year class. 10. Karam Ali s/o Jabbar Ali Mia of Gaida, P.S. Madaripur, Faridpur. He is aged
about 18 years and a student of 1 year I.A. Class. 11. Mia Abdul Hamid s/ Panju Molla of Chandibardi, P.S. Madaripur. Faridpur.
He is aged about 18 years and a student of 1st year I.A. Class. 12 Hemayetuddin s/o Abdu Sardar of Banagram, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. He is
aged about 17 years and a student of 1st year I.A. Class. 13. Abdul Gaffar s/o Nizamuddin Bepari of Mozaffarpur P.S. Shibchar, Faridpur.
He is aged about 18 years and a student of 1st year I.A. Class.

Page: 140
Copy of report dated 28.4.49 of a D.I.o.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 13th may, 1949.
No. 1937/6-49(1)
Forwarded to Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, Special Superintendent of Police, I.B. East Bengal, Dacca. for information with reference to his No. 2448/ 606-48 (Hai), dated 14.2.49.
Sd/ – 13/5
(M. S. HAQUE) Superintendent of Police, DIB, Faridpur.


An official letter was sent from Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca to SSP,
IBEB, Dacca that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had been recommended for 3 months detention by DM, Dacca.
Dacca, 29 April 1949
District intelligence Branch Dacca, the 29th April, 1949
No. 2987/100-49
To Khan Sahib Md. Yusuff Spl. Supdt. of Police, I. B.,E.B., Dacca.
Reference Your No. 7980/606-48-P.F. dated 25.4.49
Sheikh Majibur Rahman has been recommended 3 months detention by District Magistrate, Dacca under u/s 2 of the East Bengal Preventive Detention Ordinance (ord. VI of 1949).
Sd/- 29.4 Addl. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B, Dacca.

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Daily Intelligent Report no. 73 dated 30.4.1949 submitted by Addl.SP, DIB, Dacca that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was sent to Dacca Central Jail on 29.4.1949 u/s 18(2) BSPO for detention.
Serajul Haque & other 6 persons were released from custody. They all were arrested from the DU VC’s Bungalow on 19.4.1949.
Dacca, 30 April 1949 DAILY INTELLIGENCE REPORT NO. 73 DATED 30.4.49. 1. Ref: Para-II of D.I.R. No. 65 dt. 20.4.49. 1. Sk. Majibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman, has been committed to Dacca
Central Jail u/s 18 (2) B.S.P.O., for detention on 29.4.49 and the following
persons have been discharged from custody :2. Serajul Haque, s/o. Hafizul Haque. 3. A.H.M. Abdus Sattar, s/o L. Md. Solaiman. 4. Ataur Rahman s/o Akhtaruddin. 5. A.H.M Shamsul Huda s/o Basiruddin. 6. Mozharuddin Ahmed, s/o Wasihuddin.
7. Abu Naser Md. Wahed s/o Abdur Rahim.
(These persons were arrested from the Vice-Chancellor’s House on 19.4.49.)
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 20th April 1949.
Copy forwarded for information to:1. M. Ahmad, Espr., P.P.S., S.S. I.B., E.B., Dacca. 2. The Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Dacca Range, Dacca. 3. The District Magistrate, Dacca. 4. The Superintendent of Police, Dacca, for perusal and return.
Sd/- A. Gafur. Addl. Superintendent of Police, DIB.
Dacca- 30.4.

Page: 142


An official letter was sent from Superintendent, Dacca Central
Jail to Deputy Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with 5 students were arrested in c/w University strike & was sent to the jail on 29.4.1949. They were placed in Div-II category as security prisoners.
Dacca, 30 April 1949
Office of the Dacca Central Jail Memo No. 838/S.B. dt. 30.4.49
The Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal Home (Special) Department.
The undernoted prisoners, who were arrested in connection with the university strike, were recommitted to Jail on 29.4.49, by the Inspector of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, under section 18(2) of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance (Ordinance VI of 1946) for a period of 30 days.

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They have been placed in Div. II as security prisoners in anticipation of sanction as per recommendation made by the D.I.B :
1. Kazi Golam Mahbub. 3. Sk. Majibur Rahman. 5. Samsul Huda.
2. Bahauddin Ahmad. 4. Khalek Newaj Khan. 6. Aziz Ahmad.
Sd/-A.H. Khan. Supdt., Dacca Central Jail. 30.4
Secret. No. 838/3-S.B.dated 30.4.49.
Copy to :i. District Magistrate, Dacca for favour of approval to the classification given to
the prisoners mentioned above. ii. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, for information. iii. Deputy Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B. Dacca, for information.


Express letter was sent from Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca to Assistant Secretary Govt. of East Bengal that he (Addl. SP) requested to issue 3 months early detention for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. SP & DM, Dacca also recommended for his detention.
Dacca, 30 April 1949 Express. Confidential
Dist. Intelligence Branch No. 3038/100-49 Dacca, the 30th April, 1949
The Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of E. Bengal
Home Department, Special Section
Eden Buildings, Ramna, Dacca. Through The District Magistrate, & The Superintendent of Police, Dacca.
Reference : This office Memo. No. 2725 dated 20.4.49.

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I have the honour to report that Sheikh Majibar Rahman S/O Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S Gopalganj and of 150 Mogaltuli, P.S. Lalbag, Dacca, has been arrested u/s 18(2) B.S.P.O. (Ordinance VI of 1946), and committed to Dacca Central Jail on 29.4.49.
Orders u/s 10A (1) (a) of the B.S.P.O. (Ordinance VI of 1946), (and not u/s 2. of Ordinance VI of 1949, as prayed for in our Memo. under reference) may kindly be issued for his detention in the Dacca Central Jail, for a period of 3 months with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to public safety, and maintenance of public order.
I have the honour to be
Sir Your most obedient servant
Sd/- A. Gafur. Addl. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.
Copy forwarded to F.R. Khundkar, Esq., P.P.S., Dy Inspr. General of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for favour of information, in continuation of this office Memo. No. 2725/(1) dated 20.4.49.
Reference Notes on the subject has already been forwarded with Memo. under reference. Statement and History sheet will follow.
Sd/-30.4 Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B, Dacca.
Side note : Forwarded. I recommend detention for 3 months. Sd/-S.A. Chaudhuri, 1.5.49, S.P.
Dacca. : I agree. Sd/- A. Reza, 2.5, D.M. Dacca.

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Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman s/o Sheikh Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, student of 2nd year LLB, Dacca University and of 150 Mogaltali, Dacca. The statement was
written by SI, DIB, Dacca.
Dacca, 1 May 1949
Statement of Sk. Mozibur Rahaman s/o Moulvi. Sk. Lutfar Rahaman of Tangipara. Post-Patgati P.S. – Gopalganj, Dist- Faridpur at present student of 2nd year L.L.B. Dacca University and of 150 Mogaltali, Dacca.
My name is Sk. Mozibur Rahaman s/o Mlvi. Sk. Lutfar Rahaman of Tungi para, P.S. Gopalgonj, Dist-Faridpur. I am a student of 2nd year L.L.B. Dacca University. I have got one younger brother namely Sk. Abu Nasar who appeared in the matriculation examination this year from S.N. Academy, Gopalganj and four Sisters namely (1) Fatema Begam (2) Asia Begam (3) Amena Begam (4) Laela Begam. I passed the Matriculation examination from Mission School, Gopalgonj in the year 1942, I.A from Islamia College, Calcutta in the year 1945 and B.A. from Islamia College, Calcutta in the year 1947. My age is about 28 years.
From 1937- 1939 I was the secretary of the sub-divisional Muslim Students League in Gopalganj, Faridpur.
Again I was the founder Secretary of the sub-divisional Muslim League and the students League also in Gopalganj subdivision from 1939-42. I was also secretary of Muslim League defence committee in Gopalgonj from the year 1942-43. I organised Muslim students League and Muslim League in Faridpur District from 1940-1947. I worked as an assistant of Moazzem Hossain Choudhury, Secretary of the Bengal Provincial Muslim League Relief committee from the year 1943-44. I worked in the Natore & Balughat bye election in favour of Muslim League against Mr. Fazlul Haque & Shyamaprasad Ministry. I was the Chairman of Reception Committee of the Pakistan Conference at Gopalganj in 1943 where Mr. Tamizuddin Khan, President Pakistan Constitution Assembly, Hon’ble Khaja Sahabuddin Minister in-charge of Broadcasting & interior Com. Pakistan Dominion and other prominent leaders of Muslim League had joined the Conference. ! worked in Calcutta corporation election in favour of Muslim League candidates in the year 1944. I was the worker in-charge of Faridpur District Muslim League election & propaganda office appointed by Bengal Provincial Muslim League Parliamentary Board in the year 1945-46 and these were 6 constituencies under me.

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I joined as a delegate from the Bengal Provincial Muslim League68, in the conference of All India Muslim League69 held in Delhi in the year 1944, where Quide-E-Azam Presided, again I joined the Special Session of the All India Muslim League held in Delhi in the year 1946, where I took oath to give my life for the achievement of Pakistan in front of Quide-E-Azam. ! was the representative of Bengal Provincial Muslim League in Behar at the time of rioting there. I worked as the in-charge of Behar Refugee camps at Asansole, Kandulia, Madaiganj, Maera, Niga etc. for about three months in the year 1946. I worked as in-charge of Calcutta Muslim Students League in the Refugee Camps of Bravarn College, Muslim League office at the time of Calcutta Rioting. I was in-charge of 300 hundred volunteers in Sylhet Referendum70 in the year 1947. Last of all I was the councilor of Bengal Provincial Muslim League from the year 1943-48. I was the member of the All Bengal Muslim Students League from the year 1938-47. After partition, I have been working as a member of the E.P.M.S.L. I have no connection with C.P. and the other political parties of Eastern Pakistan. I joined in the recent students strike as a protest of punishment against 27 students of D.U. I did not join in the last menials’ strike of D.U. On 19.4.49 at about 16.10 hrs. I was arrested along with 6 other students by the D.M., D.I.G. and city S.P and brought to Jail from the office of the vice-Chancellor, Dacca University.
Read over and admitted to be correct.
Sd/ -SI DIB, Dacca 1.5.49
Sd/S.M. Rahman
68. Bengal Provincial Muslim League – Bengal Provincial Muslim League was established in Dhaka on 2 March 1912 as a branch of the parent organization of All India Muslim League with Nawab Khwaja Salimullah as its President and Syed Nawab Ali Chowdhury and Zahid Suhrawardy as secretaries.
69. All India Muslim League – The All-India Muslim League (popularized as Muslim League) was a political party established by the initiative of non-Bengali Muslim Elites, Knights, Nawabs & Zamindars of Dhaka in the year 1906. This party established a separate Muslim-majority nation-state, Pakistan by the leadership of Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
70. Sylhet Referendum – The Government of British Raj declared on 3 July 1947 that a referendum would be held to decide the future of Sylhet on 7th July 1947. H. C. Stock was appointed as the Commissioner of the referendum. The ‘Sylhet Referendum’ was held in Sylhet to decide whether Sylthet would remain in Assam, India or join with East Bengal, Pakistan. The referendum was decided in favor of joining Pakistan

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HISTORY SHEET (To be used also in recording statements.)
1. Name, aliases, and nicknames : Sk. Mujibar Rahman
(if any). 2. Father’s name
Maulvi Sk. Lutfur Rahman 3. Addresses(a) Home address
Vill. Tungipara, P.O. Patgati, P.S.
Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur (b) Others address
: 150, Moghultuli, Dacca and student of
2nd year L.L.B. Dacca University. 4. Caste
Muslim 5. Date of birth
1921(28 years) 6. Schools and Colleges where : Passed Metric from Mission H.E.
educated, showing dates of School Gopalganj in the year 1942, passing examinations and from I. A. from Islamia College, Calcutta in which places.
1945, B.A. from Islamia College, Calcutta in 1947- at present 2nd year
L.L.B. D.U. 7. Places of employment (if any), : Nil.
with approximate dates. 8. Name of relations. (a) In Government service
nent service : Nil. (b) Concerned in political: Nil.
offences or dealt with under the Bengal Criminal Law Amendment Act or other
special Legislation. (C) Employed by public bodies: Nil.
and where (d) Others Brother – 1) Sk. Abu Naser
Sisters – 1) Fatema Begum
2) Achia Begum 3) Laila Begum 4) Amena Begum

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Extract from the East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence,
Dacca, week ending 7.5.1948, where it was mentioned that a meeting was held under the auspices of MSL at Gopalganj. In the meeting the speakers raised voice against the disciplinary action
taken by DU authority on some students & they demanded the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other arrested students. The students of Madaripur town observed strike on 28.4.1949 on the
same issue.
Dacca, 7 May 1949
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence, Dacca Saturday, the week ending May 7, 1949.
783, Faridpur – On 26th April about 200 students attended a meeting held under the auspices of the local M.S. League in the Coronation Hall Gopalgnaj town, and presided over by Abul Hussain, B.A., of Bhendabari P.S. Gopalganj, a teacher, S.N. Academy, Gopalganj town. Lectures were delivered in the meeting criticising the disciplinary action taken by the Dacca University authorities against some students and demanding release of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para 699) and other students who were arrested. The speakers urged the students to be united and not to urged the students to be united and not to allow a split in their organisations.
The school and college students of Madaripur town, Faridpur observed a strike on 28th April on the same issue and moved through the town shouting slogans demanding release of the arrested students, etc.


DIG, IB, Dacca sent a brief history on the political activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to IGP, Dacca. In the brief history it was mentioned that he addressed in a gathering of paddy reapers &
led them in a procession to the DM’s bungalow of Khulna for demanding permits to carry their earned paddy to their home. He agitated the students against the Govt. of East Bengal on the issue

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of acute food crisis, abolition of Zemindari system, introduction of free compulsory primary education, military training & supply of
arms to the people for defense of the country. He severely criticized maladministration of the Govt., showing apathy to the rights of menials by the DU authority, introduction of Arabic
script in Bengali & expulsion of certain students of Rajshahi College etc. He was arrested on 19.4.1949 u/s 54 Cr.P.C. in c/w University strike & rearrested on 29.4.1949 u/s 18(2), EBSPO.
Dacca, 9 May 1949 Secret. To 1.Gr.P
As desired a brief history on the political activities of Mujibar Rahman is sent herewith for favour of perusal and return.
Sd/ -10.5 D.I.Gr. 1B
22. On 28.1.49 the subject addressed a gathering of about 350 Paddy reapers of Faridpur, Dacca and Comilla at Khulna. He also led them in a procession to the D.M.’s bungalow for demanding permits for carrying their earned paddy to their house. As the D.M. did not issue such permits, he advised the reapers not to visit Khulna again for reaping paddy.
The audience to create public opinion in favour of the abolition of Zemindari System without compensation. He criticised the Govt. for paying no attention to the amelioration of the conditions of the primary teachers. He also commented against the drawing of fat salaries by the high officials and the ministers and suggested that their pay should be reduced and that of the subordinate staff increased.
24. On 20-2-49 a meeting of the Muslim Students was held at Madaripur, Faridpur under the presidency of the subject. The subject explained to the students present the necessity of forming the Muslim students League on a new model. He urged the students to agitate

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against the Government of East Bengal on the issue of acute food crisis, abolition of Zemindari system, introduction of free compulsory primary education, military training and supply of arms to the people for defence of the country.
25. The subject presided over a public meeting held on 21-2-49 at Madaripur town. It was attended amongst others by several prominent C.P. and Jugantar members. He severely criticised the Govt. for their alleged mal-administration and high handedness. He urged those present to raise the voice against the government demanding the bare necessary of life, of the rationing system in the rural areas and free primary education and compulsory military training.
On 23.3.49 the subject meet security prisoner Dabirul Islam at Dinajpur and also meet the local students and discussed party matters.
26. In connection with the strike of the menials and students of Dacca University a meeting was held in the University ground on 10.3.49 in which the subject took an active part. According to the decision arrived at in this meeting. The subject led the strikers in a procession to the different students’ hostels in the city to enlist their sympathy for the strikers.
27. On 12.3.49 the subject led a student’s procession in the city as a protest against the discharge of the menials on strike by the Dacca University authorities
28. In a meeting of E.P.M.S.L Rangpur held on 29-3-49 at Rangpur College ground the subject criticised the action of Dinajpur Police for arresting some students leader of E.P.M.S.L Dinajpur. He urged those present to launch an agitation on the issue of proposal introduction of Arabic Script in Bengali. He contacted some party members at Gaibandha, Rangpur on 30.3.49 and spoke to them the above lines.
29. In April 1949 the subject was reported to be an active member of the Democratic youth League and the East Pakistan Muslim Students League which carry on propaganda against the Govt. of East Bengal. He was entrusted with the task of organising the students of Faridpur, Barisal and Khulna for strike, processions, meetings and hunger strikes as a protest against the expulsion of certain students of Rajshahi College.

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It was also reported that he had contact with Bose -Suhrawardy group which favours union of East and West Bengal.
30. On 19.4.49 he was arrested u/s. 54 Cr.Pc. while he was staging a demonstration at the house of the Vice-Chancellor of the Dacca University, it was committee to Dacca Central Jail
31. On 29-4-49 the Subject was rearrested u/s. 18(2) of E.B.S.P.O and committed to Dacca Central Jail where he is now detained in custody.
Hussain Sd/ -9.5
(The contents of Sl. no-22(1″ para) & 23-31 are same that of Sl. no-22-31 of heading no-71)



An interview between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a law student of the Dacca University, leader of the EPMSL (arrested in c/w the students strike of DU) & Fazlul Quader Choudhuri of Chittagong was held on 9.5.1949 at Dacca Central Jail. In the interview
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stated that he would agree to an honourable compromise with the University authority. He was not ready to offer any apology to anybody & denied any connection
with the communists etc.
Dacca, 9 May 1949
Interview between Moulvi Fazlul Quader Choudhuri of Chittagong and Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman a law student of the Dacca University and leader of the Eastern Pakistan Muslim Students League (arrested in connection with the Students’ strike) at 5.30 p.m. on 9.5.49 at the Dacca Central Jail in presence of the undersigned.

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Moulvi Fazlul Quader Choudhuri asked the prisoner whether he would agree to a compromise with the University authorities. The prisoner replied that he would agree to an honorable compromise.
The prisoner was of opinion that the University authorities should unconditionally withdraw the orders of punishment inflicted on some of the students. He was not ready to offer any apology to the University authorities, and said that the students did nothing for which they morally owed any apology to anybody. He denied the charge of damage to the furniture and electric fittings of the house of the Vice-Chancellor. He also said that the allegation of insult to the Vice-Chancellor by the students was totally false.
In reply to further queries by Mr. Quader the prisoner said that it was totally false that the students joined hands with the communists in effecting and conducting the strike. He asserted that on the contrary the object of their taking up the cause of the menial staff was to present the communists from exploiting the menials of the University, he said that they were ever vigilance to guard against the communists capturing the situation. He therefore stated that on the whole the students had no fault while the University authorities wounded the feelings of the students by calling the Police to oppress them.

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Moulvi Quader pointed out that the strike if pursued further would spoil the carrer of many students, and on that consideration insisted on a compromise being affected. He also said that there was no harm in an apology from the students of the University authorities as the relation between leaders and students was akin to the relation between father and son. The prisoner said that at one stage the students were ready f such an apology but the University authorities at the instance of some Minister (not named) ultimately turned down the proposal. So he would not consider the question of apology any more for the sake of the prestige of the students. At least personally he was opposed to it. .
Mvi. Quader requested the prisoner that in consideration of the past relation between him & the prisoner the latter should empower him to negotiate for the compromise and to decide by himself what terms would be within the honour of the students. The prisoner after some hesitation said that he gives his reply to that proposal at 10-30. a.m. tomorrow (10.5.49). It was arranged that the consent (or otherwise) of the prisoner to the proposal would be communicated to Mvi. Quader by the jailor through telephone.
Sd/ – 9.5.49 Side note: This is hardly worthy of credit, Sd/ – 10.5.49

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D.S. -III Pl. inquire about it Sd/ – 10.5.49
Inspr. S. Ahsan will please ascertain from the jailor what final reply the prisoner gave to Mvi. Quader through the jailor.
Sd/ -11.5. S.S.-11 The report from jail placed below may be seen No enquiry necessary in jail. Sd/ -11.5 DS (3)
The orders at ‘A’ above. The report is not obtained nor does it appear to have been seen by SS (2), Sd/ – 19.5
It was attached it. Ask o/c censorchip o/s for it pl. sd/ – 19.3

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Message to be Communicated to Mr. Fazlul Kader Chowdhury.
We are prepared to come to our honorable & amicable settlement on following conditions:1. Unconditional withdrawal of the punishment order by Dacca
University authority. 2. Unconditional releases of student prisoners throughout East Pakistan
arrested in this connection. 3. No further victimization. 4. Withdrawal of the ban on newspapers banned in this connection.
Sd/ – Sk. Majibor Rahman Dacca Central Jail


DIG, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca sent the brief history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, son of Sheikh Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur & of 150 Moghaltuli, Dacca to Inspector-General of Police, East Bengal, Dacca.
Dacca, 10 May 1949
Brief History on Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, 150 Moghaltulli, Dacca.
The subject is a Law student in the Dacca University. He along with Naimuddin Ahmad, B.A. (both of the Eastern Pakistan Muslim League workers camp, 150, Maghultuli, Dacca) published a Bengali booklet entitled “Purba Pakistan-eDurbhaga Janasadharan Kaifiyat Ditehabe Amader Dabi.” Immediately after the formation of the Ministry in Eastern Pakistan, the disappointed group began to make propaganda against the Ministry. The subject is one of those prominent members taking part in this propaganda. Secret information received on 1.3.48 shows that the subject along with others were contemplating to agitate against the Hon’ble Khwaja Nazimuddin on his return from Karachi for the latter’s support of Urdu language in the Constituent Assembly. These agitators plan to stage black flag demonstration either at the aerodrome or at the residence of the Chief Minister on his return from Karachi. The subject gave out that the students were determined to insult and molest the

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Hon’ble Khwaja Nazimuddin, which they intend to do by violating the orders under section 144Cr.p.c. if necessary. On 3.3.48 a meeting of the students over the language controversy was held in the premises of the court Mosque at Gopalganj with Jainul Abedin Sardar in the chair. The Subject addressed the gathering and a resolution demanding the adoption of Bengali as court language and a cut in the salaries of the Hon’ble Ministers was unanimously passed. Secret information was received on 4.3.48 that the subject along with others had been carrying on propaganda at Dacca to observe general strike on 11.3.48 over the language controversy. Secret information was received on 12.3.48 that subject along with others took part in the discussions held at Fazlul Haq Hall on 10.3.48 and gave opinion in favour of violating section 144 Cr. P.C. on 11.3.48. On this decision, small batches of Hindu and Muslim Students were sent out on 11.3.48 to picket the G.P.O., the Secretariat and other important Government offices, the subject was arrested on 11.3.48 for violating the orders. The Subject is a staunch supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy. In along with other student supporters of Mr. Suhrawardy carry on propaganda in favour of the latter. The subject was one among others, who waited at Sindiaghat Station on 30.4.48 to receive Mr. Suhrawardy. At a public meeting held at S.N. Academy compound in the district of Faridpur on 29.4.48, Mr. Suhrawardy, Muzaffar Hossain and the subject delivered lectures. He dwelt on the scarcity of clothes, food stuffs and other daily necessities of life in East Pakistan. He described how the poor and middle class men were passing their lives in hardship for want of these articles and deplored that students who had sacrificed much for the cause of Pakistan were now tortured by Police and are called fifth columnists when any reasonable demand was made to the authority or if any Government policy was criticised in constitutional way. He asked for explanation from Mr. Suhrawardy why he had dragged the students in the struggle for Pakistan. On 7.5.48 a meeting was held at the town field, Gopalganj. The subject presided over it and in his presidential speech, he said that not only the Ministers but also the members of the Assembly were responsible for the food and cloth crisis. He urged for the abolition of Zemindari System forthwith and expressed sympathy for the poorly paid Government Servants. He further said that if the Ministers and members fail to remedy these, they should resign. He also advised that as a last resort they should organise a no-tax campaign.

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Resolutions were passed in favour of the introduction of Bengali as court
language in East Pakistan and the abolition of the Zemindari system. 10. The subject was seen attending a closed door meeting of the Ex-councillors of
Bengal Provincial Muslim League held in the Mutual Club at Paikpara,
Narayanganj on 16.5.48. 11. The Subject attended a public meeting held in the Public Library, Narayanganj
on 17.5.48 and delivered lectures. In his speech he said that he along with other Muslim workers did tremendous works at the risk of their lives to achieve Pakistan, But Now they were called fifth columnists and that they had now
been deprived of the privileges of becoming Muslim League members. 12. On 1.6.48 the subject attended and addressed a public meeting held at Idgah
Maidan, Narsingdi. He stated that it was one of the pledges of the Muslim League to abolish the Zemindari System without compensation. This was preached by the leaders and others among the masses; but this was not yet fulfilled. Peasants were homeless, without food and cloth and were digging of starvation. Unless this was abolished, there cannot be any peace, tranquility and progress in the country. He also criticise the action of the Muslim League
Leaders in their work of reorganisation of the Muslim League. 13. The Subject on 13th June 48, met Shamsher Ali, Pleader, Barisal and others in
Barisal town, discussed about the present parliamentary politics, spoke
adversely against the Ministry but in favour of Mr. Suhrawardy. 14. On 26.6.48 a meeting of the students was held in the house of the subject at
Gopalganj town, which was presided over by him. The Sub-Divisional Muslim Students League was re-constituted in this meeting. In his speech, the subject put stress on the abolition of the Zemindari system, criticised Moulvi Shamsuddin Ahmad, the present M.L.A. of Gopalganj Sub-Division and said that he should resign if he cannot mitigate the sufferings of the people of his constituency by improving the food situation. Resolutions asking for immediate abolition of the Zemindari system, unconditional release of Zahiruddin, SalarE-Suba, Muslim National Guard, decrease in the salaries of high Government
officials, Ministers etc. were passed. 15. The subject addressed a letter dated 17.7.48 from 150 Mughaltuli to Moulana
Abdul Hamid Khan at Kagmari Islamia Mission in which he informed the
addressee that about 50 Police men had been shot down. 16. The subject organised a private meeting of the Progressive Muslim Students
League workers at 150, Moghaltuli, Dacca. on 20.7.48, in which it was decided to work within the Muslim league with a view to capturing the League. The

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party workers were advice to make demonstrations against Government by holding meeting and organising processions for the redress of the grievances of
the peasantry. 17. Secret information received shows that the subject left Dacca on 4th
September 48 for Ishurdi to make enquiries in connection with the Police interference in the Rajshahi Divisional Conference of the Democratic Youth
League held at Ishurdi in August last. 18. Secret information received on 8.9.48 shows that subject attended a meeting of
the E.P.M.S.L. (Progressive group) on 22.8.48 held at 150, Moghultuli, under the presidency of Zahiruddin, Salar-e-Suba of the M.N.G. In this meeting the work done by the P.D.Y.L. in different districts of Pakistan was discussed and it was decided to realise RS. 3000/- as party fund for organisational work. The
subject was selected to go out on tour in North Bengal for this purpose. 19. From secret information received on 15.9.48. it is learnt that the subject went to
Pabna town where he held a public meeting and a students’ meeting. In both the meetings resolutions criticizing the Nazim Ministry and actions of the Police at
Ishurdi were passed. 20. At a meeting of the Central organization Committee of the East Pakistan
Muslim Students League held on 7th December at 150, Moghultuli, Dacca. the alleged repressive measures of the Government in connection with the Rajshahi College affairs were discussed and it was decided that if the deputation sent to the Hon’ble Premier of East Bengal for the withdrawal of expulsion orders on the students of Rajshahi College failed, the students would organise strikes and demonstrations throughout the Province and would also take recourse to hunger strike if possible. The subject was placed in-charge of the proposed
organisation in the districts of Faridpur, Bakarganj and Khulna. 21. In connection with the observance of the ‘Anti-repression day at Dacca by the
students on 8.1.49, a students’ meeting was held at the University ground. The subject who was one of the main speakers in the meeting severely criticised the Government for its alleged repressive measures against the students in the different districts and suggested direct action if the demands of the students were not met. A resolution moved by the subject on the above lines was passed
in the meeting 22. On 28.1.49 the subject addressed a gathering of about 350 paddy reapers of
Faridpur, Dacca and Comilla at Khulna, it also led them in a procession to the D.M’S bungalow for demanding permits for carrying their earned paddy to their homes. As the D.M’S. did not issue such permits he advised the reapers not to visit Khulna again for reaping paddy.

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23. The subject held a meeting on 11.2.49 at Ghosherchar: which he criticised the
action of Govt. for not allowing the paddy reapers of Faridpur and Dacca districts to remove their earned Dacca from Khulna. He advised the audience to create public opinion in favour of the abolition of Zemindari system without compensation, criticised the Govt. for paying no attention to the amelioration of the condition of the primary teachers. He also commented against the drawing of fat salaries by the high officials and the Ministers are suggested that their pay
should be reduced and that of the subordinate staff increased. 24. On 20.2.49 a meeting of the Muslim Students was held at Madaripur, Faridpur
under the presidency of the subject. The subject explained to the students present the necessity of forming the Muslim Students league on a new model. He urged the students to agitate against the Government of East Bengal on the issue of acute food-crisis, abolition of Zemindari system, introduction of free compulsory primary education, military training and supply of arms to the
people for defense of the country.. 25. The subject presided over a public meeting held on 21.2.49 at Madaripur town.
It was attended amongst others by several C.P. and Jugantar members. He severely criticised the Govt. for alleged mal-administration and highhandedness. He urged those who to raise their voice against the Government
demanding the bare necessaries of life. 26. In connection with the strikes of the menials and students of Dacca University a
meeting was held in the University ground on 10.3.49 in which the subject took in active part. According to the decision arrived at in this meeting the subject led the strikers in a procession to the different students hostels in the city to
enlist their sympathy for the strikers. 27. On 12.3.49 the subject led a students’ procession in the city as a protest against
the discharge of the menials on strike by the Dacca University authorities. 28. In a meeting of E.P.M.S.L. Rangpur held on 29.3.49 at Rangpur college ground
the subject criticised the action of Dinajpur Police for arresting some students leaders of E.P.M.S.L. Dinajpur. He urged those present to launch an agitation on the issue of proposed introduction of Arabic Script in Bengali. He contacted some party members at Gaibandha, Rangpur on 30.3.49 and spoke to them on
above lines. 29. In April, 1949 the subject was reported to be an active member of the
Democratic Youth League and the East Pakistan Muslim Students League which carry on propaganda against the Govt. of East Bengal. He was entrusted with the task of organizing the students of Faridpur, Barisal and Khulna for

Page: 164
strikes, processions, meetings and hunger-strikes as a protest against the expulsion of certain students of Rajshahi College. It was also reported that he had contact with Bose-Suhrwardy group which favours union of East and West
Bengal. 30. On 19.4.49 the subject was arrested u/s 54 Cr.P.C. while he was staging a
demonstration at the house of the Vice-Chancellor of the Dacca University and
was committed to Dacca Central Jail. 31. On 29.4.49 the subject was rearrested u/s 18(2) of E. B.S.P.O. and committed to
Dacca Central Jail where he is now detained in custody.
(F.R. Khundker) Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca.
(The contents of Sl. no- 22-31 are same that of Si. no-22(1″ para) & 23-31 of heading no-69)
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 10th May, 1949. No.9239/606-48 P.F.
Z. Hussain, Esq, P.P.S, J.P Inspector-General of Police East Bengal, Dacca.
As desired a Brief History on the political activities of Mujibar Rahman is sent herewith for favour of perusal and return.
Sd/- 10.5 For (F.R. Khundker) Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.
Side note : Seen & returned. A note about his age, family circumstances, sources
of income etc. would have been helpful. Sd/ – 11/5 • He is aged 28 years. A note in family circumstances is enclosed with
the BH. Sd/ – 25.5 : No.10361 dt. 25.5.49. An addendum to the B.H. placed below for
pursue & perusal & return. Sd/-D.I.Gr., I.B., D.I.G., l.B, Sd/ – 13.5

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A message was sent from S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Fazlul Kader Chowdhury through Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail on 11.5.1949, which was communicated to DIG, IBEB, Dacca for censor. The message was approved to pass by IBEB, Dacca.
Dacca, 11 May 1949 SECRET.

Page: 166
Office of the Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 889/S.B. dated 11.5.49
The D.I.G.I.B.
I would forward herewith a message from security prisoner Mv. Sk. Majibur Rahman (student) for favour of censor and return to-day for communicating the same to Mr. Fazlul Quader Choudhury, or action may be taken from your office direct.
Address of Mr. Fazlul Karim Choudhury. Dakbanglow. Dacca
Sd/Superintendent Dacca, Central Jail.
No. Letter dated Date of Receipt –
S. Prisoner, Terrorist
Mozibar Rahman, Dacca.
S. Prisoner, Terrorist
Fazlul Kader Choudhury.
Dacca Central Jail
Memo :
887 dt. 11.5.44
Clo. D/I.G, I.B.
Remark of Censor Officer May be passed.
The S. Prisoner send this message to Fazlul Kadir Choudhury. He gives some terms on which amicable settlement may be made with the govt.
Final order appear tom have been pending D.I.G office may send a typed copy.
Side note : DS III, Reply to jail that the letter may be passed, Sd/ – 11.5
: This may be kept on PF of the Prisoner, Sd/- 13.5

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Copy of an English letter dated 10.5.1949, sent from Nooruddin,
108, Dinonath Sen road, P.O. Faridabad, Dacca to H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-law, 13 Kutchary road, Karachi, West
Pakistan Dacca, 11 May 1949
Dacca :
The 11.5.1949
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1. From (with address) : Nooruddin, 108, Dinonath Sen Rd. P.O.
Faridabad, Dacca. 2. To (with address)
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-law, 13
Katchary Rd., Karachi, West Pakistan. 3. Language of letter
English Date of letter
10.5.49 Postal Seal
: Nil (despath letter) 6. Post office of interception : Dacca. G. P.O. 7. Date of interception : 10.05.49 8. Name of officer who can
prove the interception : A.S.I. Khondkar Nuruddin Ahmad 9. Whether photographed
or not 10. Whether Withheld or not: submitted in original. 11. If Delivered, Whether copy kept or not
: copy kept. 12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception : Casual Interception.

Page: 168
Copy of a letter in English dt. 10.5.49 from Nooruddin, 108, Dino Nath Sen Road, P.O. Faridabad, Dacca to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-law 13, Kutchary Road, Karachi, West Pakistan.
We thank you for your congratulation for the success at Tangail. But congratulations and blessing from Karachi will not help. Your immediate presence in this part of the country is the demand of the moment. There are going to be more by-election in the district of Bogra, Pabna, Chittagong and Mymensingh and you should decide to contest from of these constituencies. Your defeat in the constituent assembly election may influence your decision. But you must remember that the people at large are with you. Sabur’s last moment betrayal changed the situation. I myself did not like the idea of contesting from a constituency where M.L.A. are voters. Any way I congratulate you, as you did not withdraw. This was a token
You must be in receipt of my letters from Chandpur. I am sorry not to be favoured with a reply. I hope this time you will kindly send me a reply by the return of post
Your decision reg. Ittehad is not encouraging to me. Perhaps you remember that requested you to include me in your new venture in Pakistan. I am confident that I am not inferior to Fakrul Islam or to others. You will always raise me question of age when you want to avoid us.
What about our future business possibilities. Has it been finally shelved or still you think of renewing it. If you want to do anything do it immediately. Otherwise we are to lose many-things. Are you shortly coming to Dacca or Calcutta? Mujibar is in jail.
Yours Sd/- Nooruddin
N.B. The boys are being detained as security prisoners. You should come here once and more for them in the High Court.

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An Inspector, IBEB, Dacca submitted addenda to the brief history
of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 24.5.1949.
Dacca, 25 May 1949
D.I gr./SS (3)
Kindly see l.Gri’s remarks below. An addenda to the B.H. of the subject has been prepared & placed below for perusal & signature Pl. The Manuscript copy of the addenda is at page 151. Memo below may also kindly be endorsed to I.Gr. for perusal & return.
Sd/-25.5.49 Confidential
Addenda to the brief History Sk. Majibur Rahman. D.S. V
As ordered, I interviewed Sk. Mujibar Rahman in Dacca Jail today and ascertained from him that [Sk. Majibur Rahman is aged about 28 years. His father is a retired Sheristader of Munsiff’s court and is getting a pension of Rs. 50/-or 60/- per month. There is no other earning member in his family. His father has sufficient landed property i.e. about 100 bighas of khash Cultivable land. His father does not pay any Income Tax. He is a Talukdar and is respectably connected.
Mujibar Rahman is married. He has also acquired some landed property through his wife yielding an annual income of about Rs 2000/He was a law student at Dacca when he was arrested. He was getting his monthly allowance from his father out of the income of his father’s and his own landed property. He had no other source of income.]
H.S. Section may now be directed to incorporate these information in his B.H.
Sd/ -24.5.49
S.M. Billah Inspr. of Police I.B

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A Govt. order issued by Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal dated 25.5.1949 related to the continuation of detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman until further order in Dacca Central Jail. DIG, IBEB, Dacca submitted addenda to the brief history of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman
Dacca, 25 May 1949
Government of East Bengal Home (Special) Department
Order. No. 1336-H.S. Dacca, the 25th May 1949
Whereas the person known as Sheikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and 150 Moghultoli, Dacca is detained in the Dacca Central Jail under the provisions of Section 18 of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 (Ordinance VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Reenactment Act 1949 (East Bengal Act I of 1949) :
And whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of public order, it is necessary to make the following order of the purpose of continuing his detention :
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of SubSection (I) and Sub-Section (4) of Section 10A of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 Bengal (Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as so enacted and continued in operation by the said Act, the Governor is pleased to direct
(a) that the said person shall subject to the provisions of Section 10B of the said
Ordinance as so enacted and continued in operation be detained until further orders;

Page: 171
(b) that, subject to the provisions of clause (a) of this paragraph the said person
shall until further orders, continue to be detained in the Dacca Central Jail and
(c) that during such detention the said person shall be subject to the conditions laid
down in Government order No. 710 H.S dated the 15th March, 1949.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- A-B-Khan Asstt. Secy., to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman is aged about 28 years. His father is a retired Sheristadar of Munsiff’s Court and is getting a pension of Rs. 50/- or 60/- per month. There is no other earning member in his family. His father has sufficient landed property i.e. about 100 bighas of khash cultivable land. His father does not pay any Income Tax. He is a Talukder71 and is respectably connected.
Mujibur Rahman is married. He has also acquired through his wife some landed property yielding an annual income of about Rs. 2000/-. He was a Law student at Dacca when he was arrested. He was getting his monthly allowances from his father out of the income of his father’s and his own landed property. He had no other
source of income.
Sd/ – 25.5.49
(F.R. Khundker) Deputy Inspector-General of Police, IB
East Bengal, Dacca.
71. Talukder – It’s a family title which means owner of a huge landed property.

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Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail dated 25.5.1949 in connection
with serving the detention order on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 25 May 1949
By Special Messenger Security Section Sd/28
Confidential Immediate
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Section
From Maulvi A. B. Khan Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
The Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 1335- H.S., dated Dacca, The 25th May, Subject : Detention of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman Section 10A of the Bengal Special
Powers Ordinance 1946 (Bengal VI of 1946).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the above subject is forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above named person and report to Government in due course.
A further communication regarding grounds of the order of detention of the individual will be sent to you later.
Sd/- A. B. Khan Asstt. Secy., to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 1335/1-H.S. Copy, with a copy of the order, forwarded for information to the:1. Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal.” 2. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal.
District Magistrate, Dacca. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli lane, Dacca.

Page: 173
(Grounds of the order of detention should be furnished to Government at-once for communication to the security prisoner as required). The Case should be reviewed towards the beginning of August, 1949 and Govt. informed so that the question of his release may be duly considered) Dacca, The 25th May, 1949.
Sd/Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 11047/606-48 P.F. dt 4.6.49
Copy with a copy of the order forwarded to Addl. S.P. DIB, Dacca for information in continuation of the office Memo No-10188/60648PF dt.23.5.49.

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Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail sent a memo dated 27.5.1949 to Deputy Secretary, Govt. of East-Bengal, Home (special section that the detention order had been served upon S.Pr. Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman on 26.5.1949.
Dacca, 27 May 1949
Office of the Dacca Central Jail. Memo No.979/S.B. dt. 27.5.49.
The Dy. Secretary to the Govt. of East-Bengal. Home (Spl.) Sec.
Ref: Your No. 1335-H.S.dt. 25.5.49
forwarding detention order of Mv. Sk. Majibur Rahman.
Detention Order No. 1336-H.S. dated 25.5.49 was served upon security prisoner Mv. Sk. Majibur Rahman on 26.5.49 and a copy of the order was made over to him.
Sd/ A.H. Khan.
Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.
Secret. Copy to D.I.G. I.B for information.
Sd/ -27.5 Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.


Muslem Uddin Ahmed & other two applied with a request on 6.6.1949 to DM, Dacca for allowing them to meet Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, detained at Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 6 June 1949
TO The D.M. Dacca.

Page: 175
We have the honour to request you the favour of your kindly issuing us a permit to meet with Mr. Sk. Majibar Rahman, Divisional Prisoner of Central Jail in Dacca.
We have the etc.
Muslem Uddin Ahmed 2. Israil Hossain
Md. Hossain Sd/- 6.6.49
Side note:
Allowed interview in presence of an I.B officer on 7.6.49 at 5.p.m., Sd/-7/6/49 SI. Safiqul Haq Chowdhury will pl. attend, Sd/ -7/6/49
No. 11157/ 606-48. P.F. dt. 6/6
To Supdt, D.C. Jail.
In enclosing here with a copy of petition dated 6.6.49 from Mlvi. Lutfur Rahman. I would request you to allow the interview on 9.6.49. at 5.p.m. in presence of an I.B. officer.
The party has been informed.
Sd/ – D.S. (5), SS (1) Side note : Safiqul Haq Choudhury will Plattend Sd/-6/6
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 7th June, 1949
No. 4160/100.49 606-48 P.F
To M. Ahmad, Esq, P.P.S S.S, I.B, E.B, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a petition of Masleuddin and two others together with a slip of D.M. Dacca, I write to say that the interview may be granted in presence of an I.B. officer this afternoon.
Sd/ -7.6 Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B, Dacca.

Page: 176
TO DS-11
Ref:- File No. 606-48 P.F.
I beg to state that I attended the interview held between Sk. Mujibor Rahman and his relations in Dacca Central Jail on 7.6.49. Nothing political matter was discussed.
Submitted S. Huq Chowdhury
S.I. I.B., 8.6.49 D.S.11 Ref: – attached paper.
I attended the interview of the following persons with Sk. Majibur Rahman in Dacca Central Jail on 7.6.49. Nothing political matter was discussed.
Submitted S. Haq Chowdhury S.1. I.B., 8.6.49.

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Sheikh Lutfar Rahman, Tungipara, Gopalganj submitted an application dated 6.6.1949 to Special Officer, IB, Dacca for allowing him with his son-in-law, Syed Hossain to meet his son
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, detained at Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 6 June 1949
The special officer, I. B. Dacca.
Dated, Dacca. the 6th June, 1949.
I beg to submit that myself & my son-in-law, Mvi. Syed Hossain, M.A. want to see Sk. Majibar Rahman who has been detained in the Central Jail, Dacca, in connection with the University strike. I am the father of the said Majibar Rahman who, I am told, is badly suffering in Jail. And as such I wish to see him & satisfy myself about the condition of his health.
Your’s faithfully Lutfar Rahman.
Vill-Tangipara P.O.-Patgathi, Faridpur.
Local Address: – 12, Abhoy Das Lane, Dacca.
Side note: Allowed interview in presence of an I.B officer on 7.6.49 at
Sd/-SS 1, 6.6.49

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Sheikh Lutfar Rahman submitted an application dated 8.6.1949 to the Special Officer, IB, Dacca. He requested to allow him along with his son in law, S. Hossain to meet his son Sheikh Mujibur
1. Rahman, detained at Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 8 June 1949 To The special officer, I.B. Dacca. Dated, Dacca, the gth June 1949
I beg to state that I was kindly allowed by you to see my son Sk. Majibar Rahman at 5.p.m. As yesterday was also a day for interview with common convicts, there was a great rush at the jail gate of consequent delay in my interview.
I found my ward & son reduced in health & more over he has suffered wound in his rt. hand. In this circumstances, I shall be highly obliged & grateful to you, if you kindly grant me & my son in law, S.

Page: 179
Hossain Mia another interview with him to-morrow in the morning, for I intend to leave for home morning of 9.6.49. Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours truly
Lutfar Rahman 12, Abhoy Das lane, Dacca.
Side note: Allowed Interview in presence of an I.B officer on 10.6.49 at 10.A.M., Sd/-8/6/49
Express Letter
No.11460 dt. 10.6.49
Supdt. Dacca Central Jail.
in forwarding herewith a copy of a petition dt.8.6.49 from Lutfar Rahman, the father of the Spr. Majibar Rahman, I write to say that the interview is allowed in presence of an I.B. officer on 10.6.49 at 5.p.m.
DSV Sd/ – for SS 1

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Sheikh Lutfar Rahman submitted an application dated 9.6.1949 to
Special Officer, IBEB to meet his son Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, detained at Dacca Central Jail. He requested to shift the interview timing at 5 pm instead of 11 am on the 10th June 1949, which had
already been granted earlier.
Dacca, 9 June 1949
To The Special Officer I. B. Dacca. Dated, Dacca. 9.6.49.
I have been permitted by you to see my son, Sk. Mujibor Rahman to-morrow at 11.A.m with my son-in-law Mvi. Syed Hossian. But due to certain unavoidable reasons, I shall not be able to see my son at 11.A.m. and, I, therefore, request you shift my interview at 5.P.m. on that date.
It may be noted that my son-in-law would see him in the morning as permitted by you in my last petition.

Page: 181
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
Lutfar Rahman. Side note: Granted interview at 5.p.m. today (10/6/49) in presence of an 1.B
officer. The interview granted at 11 A.m. today is cancelled., Sd/10.6.49
Bengal Form. No. 45
a.m Handed in at:
: 11.6.49. Received at : 12.15 pm
Words From : Central Jail Addresses : Dacca To : S.S. 1.B. , Dacca.
Interview of S. Pr. Sk. Mojibar Rahman with his father which could not be held on 10.6.49, will be held today at 4. Pm, (on 11.6.49). An 1.B. officer may please be deputed. End of Message, check back please Telephone Operator. Sd/ – ASI, A Ahad. 11.6 Side note: Action already taken, Sd/-11.6.49

Page: 182
No. 11548 dt. 11.6.49. Confdl. Supdt. D.C. Jail.
Please allow Moulvi Lutfar Rahman and Moulvi S. Hossain to have an interview with S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman to-day at 4 P.M. in presence of S.I. M. Hossain of this Dept. who is deputed for the purpose.
Sd/ -11.6 DS-5 fo SS-1. I. B

To The Special officer, I.B, Dacca. Dated, Dacca, the 11th June, 1949.
I beg to state that I was permitted by you to see my son, Sk. Majibar Rahman on 10.6.49 at 5 p.m. Accordingly, I had been to the Central Jail at 5.p.m., but as there was no l.B. officer with the necessary order at that time, I had to go back without the interview as arranged by you.

Page: 183
To-day, I am leaving for home, So, I earnestly request you to grant me, with my son-in-law, Mr. S. Hossain an interview with my son at 4 p.m. for which act of kindness I shall remain over grateful to you.
Thanking you.
Yours truly. Sd/ -11.6.49.
Lutfar Rahman Side note : Allowed interview at 4 PM. in presence of an 1.B. officer today.
Sd/ – 11.6.49 : Learnt from DS-2 that the party is aware of the time an order for
interview with the S. Pr., Sd/ -11.6.49. : Si. M. Hossain will pl. attend, Sd/ -11.6.
[Ref. 606/48 P.F]
DS (5).
I beg to report that I had been to Dacca Central Jail at 17.00 hrs on 10.6.49. The intending party for interview with security prisoner Majibar Rahman was not at the jail gate between 17.00hrs and 17.30 hrs. The Deputy Jailor Moulvi Emdadulla, who is in charge of the security prisoners could not say anything of the party.
M.O.S Sd/ – M. Hossain SI of Police, I.B., 11.6.
DS (5)
I beg to report that I had been to Dacca Central Jail to attend Interview held between Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Moulvi Lutfar Rahman and Syed Hossain at P.M. on 11.6.49. During interview no political discussion was resorted to by the party.
M.O.S Sd/ – M. Hossain SI.I.B. Dacca

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SSP, IBEB sent a report to Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca about the official procedure of interview with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 10 June 1949
No. 11456/606-48 (Sec) A Dated 10.6.49.
The Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca.
Reference your Memo. No-4160 /100-49 dated 7.5.49 forwarding a petition of Moslemuddin with a slip of District Magistrate, Dacca.
I write to inform you that the interview was sought with Shaikh Mujibar Rahman who is a security prisoner and the D.M. had no authority to permit such interview. Instead of forwarding the petition to us, you should have pointed this out to the D.M and asked the petitioner to apply to us. In future you will please see that such permissions are not granted by D.M. which are to be exclusively given by us. I have however, permitted interview in this case.
Sd/ – 8.6
(M. Ahmad) Special Superintendent of Police, I.B.


Md. Moslem Uddin along with other two applied to SSP, IBEB,
Dacca dated 14.6.1949 for having an interview with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, divisional prisoner of Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 14 June 1949
The S.P. 1.B.E.B. Dacca.
We have the honour to request you the favour of your kindly permitting us to meet with Sk. Majibur Rahman, Divisional Prisoner of Central Jail in Dacca, in order to discuss some family important matters and take some advices from him as he is our most intimate friend.

Page: 185
Permanent address:Father’s Name:- Md. Mehar Molla Vill. Bongram Po. Amthali Dt. Faridpur.
We have the honour to be
sir Your most obediently 1. Md. Moslem Uddin
2. Md Israil Hossain, 32, Kotwali Rd., Dacca.

Page: 186


Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan would submit a habeas corpus petition to Dacca High Court on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The news was published in the daily
_Ittehad on 16.6.1949.
Dacca, 16 June 1949
Ittehad dt. 16.6
শেখ মজিবর রহমানের
আটক আদেশ। হাইকোর্টে হেবিয়াস কর্পাসের আবেদন
(ঢাকা অফিস হইতে)
ঢাকা, ১৫ই জুন – আগামী সােমবারে এডভােকেট মি: আতাউর রহমান শেখ মজিবর রহমানের পক্ষ হইতে ঢাকা হাইকোর্টে হেবিয়াস কর্পাসের আবেদন করিবেন।
Side note:
Report attached, Sd/ -24.6
Place on PF show SS-3 pl., Sd/-17.6
Has this been done?, Sd/-21.6
Perusal pl. The file is under action with SS3, Sd/-23.6
Moslem Husain will pl. collect information from Secretariat if the Case may actually filed.
May kindly see the attached report. The S.Pr. will be released on our recommendation on 26.6.49 at 8 Am., Sd/ -24.6

Page: 188


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a memorandum to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail in c/w serving the detention order along with detention grounds on S. Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Dacca, 16 June 1949 Confidential Immediate Security Section, Sd/-2016
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department. Special Section.
From To
: Maulvi A.B. Khan, Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 1713-H.S., dated Dacca, the 16th June, 1949.
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith one communication under section 10C of the Bengal Special. Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment act 1949 (East Bengal Act of 1949) in respect of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and to request you to serve the communication on the person concerned and to report to Government on the action taken. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any, made by the prisoner, as soon as possible.
Sd/-A.B. Khan. Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 1713/1-H.S.
Copy, with copy of the enclosure, forwarded to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal for information.
Dacca, The 16th June, 1949.
Sd/Asstt. Secy, to the Govt., of East Bengal.

Page: 190
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance (Ordinance VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act, 1949 (East Bengal Act I of 1949).
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance (Ordinance VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act 1949, (East Bengal Act I of 1949) you Shaikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and 150 Moghultooly, Dacca at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. 1336 dated the 25th May, 1949 made under sub-sections 1(a) and (4) of Section 10A of the said Ordinance, are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:
That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret, association in the districts of Faridpur and Dacca the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i.e. Government of East Bengal) by violent means and in this connection you have been carrying on prejudicial and disloyal propaganda against the Government and have been inciting the Kisans labourers and students of districts Faridpur and Dacca to acts of disloyalty and violence against this Government and
That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province.
You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Government against the order of detention made against you, and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned. through the Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/ – A.B. Khan Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal
Home (Political) Department.

Page: 191


An IB officer reported to DIG, IB, Dacca dated 16.6.1949 related to the legal position of the 12 students including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in connection with the University troubles.
Dacca, 16 June 1949 D.I.G., I.B
There are 12 students in custody to-day in connection with University troubles. Of these Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall be released by to-morrow. Government will issue orders of release in respect of 3, 4 & 5 who are security prisoners and the S.P. should be asked to withdraw cases against Nos. 6, 7 & 8.
Nos. 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 & 12 should be released on 27.6.49, Government will issue orders in respect of security prisoners Nos. 1 & 2 and case against Nos. 9-12 should be withdrawn by the S.P.
Nitai Ganguli who is not a student is to be detained until interviewed to ascertain if he is willing to migrate to Calcutta to his father’s place.
The cases in which accd. students are on bail should also be withdrawn by S.P.
This has the concurrence of H.P.M.
Sd/-Z. Husain.
D.I.G, I.B. u/o. the file may be returned after action has been taken.
Sd/- A.K.M. Hafizuddin.
U/O. No. 11878/128-48 P.F. dated 16.6.49. Secret.
Copy forwarded to the Superintendent of Police, Dacca through the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca for arranging the release of Nos. 6, 7 & 8 are in custody in connection with specific cases. He is requested to see that these persons are released positively by to-morrow and the cases against Nos. 9-12 and those in which the accused students are on bail are withdrawn as desired by I.G.P.
Sd/- M. Yusuff. 16.6
for D.I.G., I.B.

Page: 192
The following students are still in Jail.
1. Sk. Majibur Rahman.
E.P.M.S.L 2. Bahauddin Ahmad.
S.F.C.P. 3. Shamsul Huda.
E.P.M.S.L. 4. Wali Ahad.
E.P.M.S.L. 5. Enayet karim
S.F.C.P. 6. Abul Barkat.
E. P. M.S.L. 7. Khandakar Golam Mostafa.
E.P.M.S.L. 8. Abul Hasanat
E.P.M.S.L 9. Syed Afzal Hossain
Kotwali P.S. C/No.18 dt. 21.4.49.u/s. 7 (3) B.S.P.O Case Do.
Kotwali P.S. C No…. dated.24.4.49.u/s. Do. Lalbag P.S. C./No…. dated 1.6.49 u/s. 7 (3) B.S.P.O
Kotwali P.S. C /No….. date. 2.6.49. u/s. 7 (3) BS.P.O
10. Mrinal Kanti Barori
S.F.C.P. 11. Rafiqul Islam
S.F.C.P 12. Abu Md. Mokleswar Rahman,
То D.S. Home (Spl.) Dept
With reference to your Memo No-1335/1 H.S. dt. 25.5.49. forwarding the detention order No-1336 H.S. dt. 25.5.49. in respect of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman. I am to state that there is no sufficient materials to justify further detention of the subject.
1, therefore recommend that the subject may be released about the time the University closes for vacation.
Sd/ -16.6 D.I.Gr. I.B.
Chapter II – 1949

Page: 193
(1) Except Nitai Ganguli go up for release for all the remaining ten. No. 10 & 11
should be released about the time the University closes for vacation. (2) Regarding those students arrested in connection with specific case they should
all be released and the cases withdrawn against them by to-morrow except those who are connected with C.P.
Sd. F.R. Khaundkar
16.6.49. 1 D/Ss V, II & VI to note please. 2 Extract of para (2) to Dacca D.I.B. atonce for action.
Sd. M. Yusuff, 16.6.
Place extract on P.F. and take action atonce.
Sd. A.H. 16.6.
Seen. Office to place an extract of the orders on the P.F. of Nitai Ganguli.
Sd. A. G. Khan, 16.6.
Aziz Ahmed
Release recommended as there was no sufficient material for his further detention.
Shamsul Huda
(444-49 P.F.)
Khalique Newaz Khan Ghulam Mahbub Khan
(446-49 P.F.) (447-49 P.F.) (128-48 P.F.)
Netai Ganguli
An active member of R.S.P. Recommended detention for six months. 439-49 P.F. 441-49 P.F.
Enayet Karim Golam Murshed Faruqui
(C.P. – S.F.) (E.P.M.S.L.)
Mohd. Abdul Matin
440-49 P.F.
Wali Ahad
442-49 P.F.
10. Bahauddin Ahmed
443-49 P.F.
11. Sk. Mujibar Rahman
606-48 P.F.

Page: 194


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal issued an order to cancel detention order no. 1336- H.S., dated the 25’h May, 1949, in respect of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained at Dacca
Central Jail with effect from the 27th June, 1949.
Dacca, 17 June 1949
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Section,
Order. No. 1742-H.S. Dacca, the 17th June. 1949.
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of Sub-Section (1) and SubSection (4) of Section 10A of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 (Ordinance VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances. Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act 1949 (East Bengal Act I of 1949) the Governor is Pleased hereby to cancel order No. 1336- H.S., dated the 25th May, 1949, in respect of the security prisoner Sheikh Mujibar Rahman detained in the Dacca Central Jail with effect from the 27th June 1949.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- A.B. Khan Asstt. Secy., to the Govt. of East Bengal.


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a memorandum dated 17.6.1949 to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail in c/w the
release order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 17 June 1949
Confidential Immediate Security Section Sd/ – 20/6

Page: 195
Government of East Bengal
Home Department. Special Section
From : Maulvi A.B. Khan., Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. Memorandum No. 1741-H.S., dated Dacca, the 17th June, 1949.
Subject: Release of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman under section 10A of the Bengal
Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the above subject is forwarded here with. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above named person and report to Government in due course.
Sd/- A.B. Khan Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East
No. 1741/1(4)-H.S.
Copy, with a copy of the order, forwarded for information to the:
1. Inspector – General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, 3. District Magistrate, Dacca, 4. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan 8, Kumartuli Lane, Dacca.
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt, of East Bengal. Dacca, The 17th June, 1949.
No. 12732/ No 606-48 PF dt 27/6 Copy, with a copy of the order forwarded to Addl. SP. D.I.B Dacca for information.
Sd/ -SS-1

Page: 196


DIG, IBEB sent a secret memo to DS, Home (Spl.) Department, Dacca that materials regarding the detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman under the SPO did not justify his further detention. So
DIG recommended for his release.
Dacca, 18 June 1949 Secret No. 12220/606-48 P.F. dt. 21.6
D.S Home (Spl) Dept with reference to your Memo No-1335/1 H.S. dt. 25.5.49. forwarding G.O. No-1336 H.S. dt. 25.5.49 regarding detention of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman under the S.P.O. I am to state that materials against the subject do not justify his further detention.
I therefore, recommend that he may be released about the time the University closes for vacation (that is on 27.6.49).
Sd/ – P.1.Gr. 1.3.

Page: 197


Abdur Rob, 12 Abhoydas lane, Dacca applied to SSP, IBEB, dated 20.6.1949, who desired to meet Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
divisional prisoner of Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 20 June 1949
Special Superintendent of Police Intelligence Branch.
I want to have an interview with Shaikh Majibar Rahman a relation of mine, (interned in Dacca Central Jail) preferably on 22nd of June, 49.
I shall be highly obliged if you kindly give me the permission.
I remain
Sir yours obedient Sd/-Abdur Rob
Address 12, Abhoy Das Lane Dacca.
Side note : SI. Safiqul Haque will pl. attend the interview, Sd/ – 20.6
: Granted an interview in presence of an I.B. officer on the 22/6/49
at, Sd/-20.6


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed DIG, EBIB on 21.6.1949 in respect of the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Bahauddin Ahmed Choudhury from Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 21 June 1949. Secret.
Office of the Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1111/S.B. Dt. 21.6.49.

Page: 198
The D.I.G. I.B. Dacca.
Security prisoners Mv. Sk. Majibur Rahman and Mv. Bahauddin Ahmed Choudhury will be released from this jail on the morning of 26.6.49. under Govt. order. Necessary action may please be taken.
Dacca Central Jail D.S.V.
I beg to report that I attended the interview of Security Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman with his brother in-law Abdur Rob at Dacca Central Jail on 22.6.49. at 5.Pm. No political discussion was reported by the party. Dy. Jailor Emdadullah was present during interview.
Place on file pl. Sd/ – 28.6
m.o.s. A.F. M. Shafiqullah
S.I.I.B. 23. 6.49.

Page: 199


Advocate M. A. Khandaker submitted two habeas corpus petitions to Dacca High Court respectively on 20’h & 23’d June 1949 on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, DU law student against the continuous detention since the 29th April 1949 without any trial. On the request of Advocate General the case was adjourned till 1.7.1949. The news was published respectively in the Ittefaq on
24.6.1949 & Ananda Bazar on 27.6.1949.
Dacca, 23 June 1949
Ittehad dt. 24.6
ছাত্র নেতা মুজীবর রহমান। আটকের বিরুদ্ধে হেবিয়াস কর্পাসের দরখাস্ত
ঢাকা, ২৩শে জুন- ঢাকা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি মিঃ এলিস ও বিচারপতি মিঃ আমীরুদ্দীন আহমদের এজলাসে এডভােকেট মিঃ এম এ খােন্দকার অদ্য গত ২৯শে এপ্রিল হইতে ঢাকা জেলে আটক ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের আইন ক্লাসের ছাত্র মিঃ শেখ মুজীবুর রহমানের পক্ষ হইতে এক হেবিয়াস কর্পাশের দরখাস্ত পেশ করেন। এডভােকেট জেনারেলের উপর এ সম্পর্কে নােটিশ জারী করা হইলে তিনি সময় চান, আগামী ১লা জুলাই তারিখে দরখাস্ত দাখিল করা হইবে।
-পি, টি, আই, রয়টার
Place on P.F. Sd/- 1.7

Page: 200
Ananda Bazar dt 27.6.49
আর এক হেবিয়াস কর্পাসের দরখাস্ত
গত ২০শে জুন, এডভােকেট মিঃ এম এ খােন্দকার, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের আইন ক্লাসের ছাত্র। শেখ মজিবর রহমানের পক্ষে একখানি হেবিয়াস কর্পাস দরখাস্ত দাখিল করেন। প্রকাশ, গত ২৯শে এপ্রিল হইতে উক্ত ছাত্রকে ঢাকা জেলে বিনা বিচারে আটক রাখা হইয়াছে। অদ্য এডভােকেট জেনারেলকে উপস্থিত থাকিবার জন্য নােটিশ দেওয়া হইয়াছিল। কিন্তু অদ্য এডভােকেট জেনারেল এই হেতুতে সময়ের প্রার্থনা করেন যে, তাহারা এখনও পর্যন্ত প্রয়ােজনীয় তথ্যাদি সংগ্রহ করিতে সমর্থ হন নাই। বিচারপতিদ্বয় আগামী ১লা জুলাই পরবর্তী শুনানীর দিন ধার্য করিয়াছেন।
DS 5
I had been to High Court and ascertained that a petition under Habeas Corpus Act was filed on behalf of Sk. Mujibar Rahman by Advocate M.A. Khandaker on 20.6.49 on 23.6.49. The case was taken up for hearing by the Hon’ble High Court and on the request of Advocate General the case has been adjourned till 1.7.49.
To D.I.G for information. Sa/- 24.6
M.O.S. M. Hossain S.I. of Police
.B.- 24.6
No. 12733/No 606-44 P.E. dt. 27.6.4৭.
To Addl. S.P.D.I.B, Dacca.
Please depute the officer who actually asserted Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to see Advocate General to help him if necessary in con. with the Habeas Corpus Petition case filed in favour of the Security Prisoners.

Page: 201


Extract from the daily Ittehad dated 26.6.1949 with caption ‘Counter League formed in East Bengal. Decision of League workers council’ was published. A counter Muslim League by name ‘East Pakistan Janagoner Muslim League’ was formed in the Muslim League workers council at Rose Garden, Dacca on
Dacca, 26 June 1949
Extract from Daily Ittehad dt. 26.6.49.
পূর্ব বঙ্কে পাল্টা লীগ গঠন। লীগ কর্মী সম্মেলনের সিদ্ধান্ত
ঢাকা ২৪শে জুন- গতকল্য রােজ গার্ডেনে মিঃ আতাউর রহমান এডভােকেটের সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠিত মুসলিম লীগ কর্মী সম্মেলনে গৃহীত সিদ্ধান্ত অনুযায়ী “পূর্ব পাকিস্তান জনগনের মুসলিম লীগ” নামক একটি প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী মুসলিম লীগ গঠিত হইয়াছে। আসাম প্রাদেশিক মুসলিম লীগের প্রাক্তন প্রেসিডেন্ট মওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খান ভাসানীকে চেয়ারম্যান এবং মিঃ শামসুর রহমান এম এল এ কে সেক্রেটারী ও শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে (নিরাপভা বন্দী) জয়েন্ট সেক্রেটারী করিয়া একটি সংগঠন কমিটি গঠিত হইয়াছে।

Page: 202


OC, watch, DIB, Dacca reported that a procession of students marched up to the gate of Dacca Central Jail on 26.6.1949 to greet the released Security Prisoners Sheikh Mujibur Rahman &
Bahauddin Ahmad.
Dacca, 26 June 1949 Reg. Procession in connection with the release of Security Prisoner’s Mujibar Rahman and Bahauddin on 26.6.49 from Dacca Central Jail.
*** A procession consisting of about 40 students including Kazi Golam Mahbub, Afzal, Aziz Ahmed, Nurul Islam, all of East Pakistan Muslim Students League and M.L. As. – Md. Arif and Samsul Haque, marched up to the gate of the Central Jail at 09-20 hrs. on 26.6.49. The Security Prisoners were released from the Jail at 09-30 hrs. and were garlanded by the processionists. The Ex-Security Prisoners boarded into a Jeep Car No. BGD 1700 and proceeded along with the procession. They having passed through Sir Nazimuddin Road, Bakshibazar and Ramna area and reached University Compound. Along the routes they shouted the following slogans. “পাকিস্তান জিন্দাবাদ, মুসলিম লীগ জিন্দাবাদ, পূর্ব পাকিস্তান মুসলিম ছাত্রলীগ জিন্দাবাদ, ভাইস
অন্যায় আদেশ প্রত্যাহার কর। মন্ত্রীদের কেনা গােলাম ভাইস চ্যান্সেলার গদ ছাড়, ধামা ধরা- ভাইস চ্যান্সেলার গদী ছাড়, অকর্মন্য প্রধান মন্ত্রী গদী ছাড়। অন্যায় জুলুম চলবে না।”
On the University ground they spoke to the students flocked there that they were sent jail for organising a movement for the withdrawal of punishments awarded on some students who took up the cause of the menials in organising strike for enhancement of their pay and for realisation of other legitimate de ex-security prisoners added saying that a country could not be governed by bullets and bayonets, this could be done only by mutual love and brotherhood. So they requested the Govt. to govern the country in such a way that the people would voluntarily help in the administration. They also said “If the Vice-chancellor does not withdraw the punishment and accede to the legitimate demands of the students, all the students will unitedly launch a movement for their demands”. From the University ground the processions along with the ex-security prisoners went to 31, Training College Rd. via Chawk-bazar and Maulvibazar area. Bahauddin stayed at the said premises and Majibar Rahman along with the 2 M.L.As. went away towards the east in the same Jeep.
Sd/- Abdur Razzak.
O/c-27.6.49 Side note : 1) Place on E.P.M.S.L. file.
: 2) Copies to P.F Mujibar and Bahauddin. Sd/ -29.6, 606/48 P.F

Page: 204


Extract from DIR, DIB, Dacca & memo of Dacca Central Jail,
where it was cited that S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Bahauddin Ahmad were released from Dacca Central Jail on 26.6.1949. They were received by Maulana Bhashani, Shamsul
Haq & some students with a jeep and band party.
Dacca, 27 June 1949
Ext. from D.I.R No. 118 dt. 27.6.49. of Dacca D.I.B.
ll – S. Prs. Sk. Majibar Rahman and Bahauddin Ahmad were released from the D.C Jail on 26.6.49 (AM),
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhashani, Mr. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A., Mr. Ali Amjad Khan, Advocate, with a number of students (20/25) went to the jail gate at about 10.00 hrs. with a jeep and a band party to receive the S. Prs. at the jail gate on their release. Both the S. Prs. were taken round the town in a jeep, with the Band.
Office of the Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1160/ S.B. Dated 27.6.49.
The Dy. Secretary to the Govt. of East-Bengal. Home (Spl.) Sec.
Ref.:- Your No. 1741-H.S.dt. 17.6.49. and No.1736-H.S dt.17.6.49.
Security prisoners Mv. Sk. Majibur Rahman and Mv. Bahauddin Ahmad Choudhury were released from this jail on 26.6.49.
Sd/ A.H. Khan.
Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.
Chapter 11 – 1949

Page: 205
Secret. Copy to :
1. 2.
D.I.G.I.B. Dacca for information. I.G. Prisons for information.
Sd/Superintendent Dacca, Central Jail.


DIG, IB informed Asstt. Secretary, Home (special) Department,
Dacca related to serving the detention grounds on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail on 18.6.1949, which was communicated to advocate general as desired by the office of
Asstt. Secretary
Dacca 27 June 1949.
NO. 12734 dt. 27.6 TO Asst. Secry., Home (Spl.) Dept u/o.
Grounds of detention (Memo No 1713 H.S. dt 17.6.49) were served on Security Prisoner Mvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman on 18.6.49 in the D.C Jail. The above information has been communicated to the Advocate General on 22.6.49 as desired in your un-official note dt. 22.6.49.
Another below
Sd/ -27.6 for D.I.Gr. 1.B Sd/ -25.6


Extract from the daily Report no. 87, dated 27.6.1949 from DIG,
IBEB, Dacca, where it was mentioned that on 26.6.1949, S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Bahauddin Ahmad were released from Dacca Central Jail. Advocate General informed DIB, Dacca that the case of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had been dropped as he was released
Dacca, 27 June 1949

Page: 206

Extract from the Daily Report No.87, dated 27.6.49 from the Deputy Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B, E.B, Dacca.
Release of Security Prisoners.
On 26.6.49 security prisoners Sk. Mujibur Rahman and Bahauddin Ahmad were released from the Dacca Central Jail. They were received at the jail gate by Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani, Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. & Mvi. Ali Amjad Khan, Advocate, Dacca and about 20/25 students and taken round the city in a jeep car accompanied by band party.
How did these people come to know of the hour of release of these prisoners?
Sd – A. Ahmed
1.7.49. I would like to see the reply to C.S’s query.
Sd/- N. Amin,
2.7.49. Ascertain the facts from D.I.G. (I.B.)
Sd/- M. Azfar
No. 15514/606-48 P.F. dt. 5.8
The order of their release had been sent to the jail from the Secretariat together with that of three others namely Samsul Huda, Enayet Karim and Oli Ahad who were released on 17.6.49 that is 9 days prior to the release of the prisoners in question. Information about their release on the morning of 26.6.49 (No hour was mentioned) was received in I.B. by a letter from the Jail. The Dacca D.I.B. was also in the know of the prisoners’ release order. It is not therefore possible to say if the people who received the prisoners at the jail gate had picked up the information from anywhere of these places, the jail, the Secretariat, the I.B. or the D.I.B. or got it from any of the released prisoners, Samsul Huda, Enayet Karim and Oli Ahmad mentioned above. It may be also that they had gone to the Jail gate in the morning without knowing the actual hour of release because it usually happens that prisoners are released in the morning about the time in question and this is generally known to people.
Sd. Md. Yusuff
4.8.49 D.I.G., I.B

Page: 207
The case of Mojibur Rahman has been dropped as he has been released. Therefore no such papers are any more necessary.
Sd/-Illegible. Advocate General
8.7.49. Secret.
Dist. Intelligence Branch
Dacca the 13th July, 1949 No. 530/4350/100-49
Forwarded to Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B, Dacca, for information with reference to his letter No.12733/606-48 P.F. dated 27.6.49.
Sd/-13.7. Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B, Dacca.


A copy of an intercepted letter dated 28.6.1949, sent from one Manik of Calcutta to H.S. Suhrawardy in Karachi, where it was mentioned that the convention of EPML workers was held on
24.6.1949 successfully in spite of all attempts to disrupt the meeting by the interested party. In the convention an organizing
committee was set up with Maolana Bhasani as president, Shamsul Haque & Sheikh Mujibur Rahman respectively as
secretary & joint secretary.
Dacca, 28 June 1949
Copy of an intercepted letter dated 28.6.49 from one Manik, Calcutta to H.S. Suhrawardy, Karachi.
Perhaps you have already been informed that the East Pakistan Muslim League workers convention was held on the 24th instant very successfully, in spite of all attempts at foiling the samme by the interested party. Firstly, they brought pressure on the proprietor of the Taj Mahal hall where the meeting was to be held. Then the venue of the meeting was fixed at the Armanitola Maidan. Secondly, they

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announced a meeting on the same day and sometime at Victoria Park for M/s Khaliquzzaman, and Aurangzeb Khan to address the same, with the motive of diverting people from our meeting. But for paucity of audience no meeting was held in the Victoria Park and ultimately they had to arrange somewhat in the nature of Press Conference in the Curzon Hall. Thirdly, not content with that they hired goondas to break the meeting. The goondas started creating troubles at the outset but at the appeal of Maulana Saheb not only the rowdyism stopped but the leaders of the goondas surrendered and confessed that they were hired for and surrendered money. In spite of rain, there were attendance over 20, 000 people and delegates came from all parts of E.P. They have formed a new organization styled “East Pakistan Janeganer Muslim League” and set up an organizing committee with Molana Bashani as President. Shamsul Haque, Secretary and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (in detention) as Jt. Secretary.


DS-3, IBEB sent an official memo to SP, DIB, Dacca that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Bahauddin Ahmed were released from jail on 26.6.1949 & taken to Dacca University with procession, where they attended a meeting. The news related to their release was
published in the ‘Ittehad’ on 29.6.1949.
Dacca, 29 June 1949
Secret From: S.P. Dacca D.I.B.
Ittehad dt. 29.6.49 writes that after their release from Jail Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Janab Bahauddin Ahmed was taken to the Dacca University on procession and they were received in a meeting held in the University on 26.6.49.
Please let us have a report on this meeting. There is no mention of this meeting either in your DIR or in your WCR.
Sd/ – DS-3 for SS-3

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News with caption ‘Release of student leader Shiekh Mujibur Rahman & Bahauddin Ahmad, grand reception at DU’ was published in the daily Ittehad on 29.6.1949. Same news was
published in the English daily A.B.C on 30.6.1949.
Dacca, 29 June 1949
Ittehad dt. 29.6
ছাত্রনেতা মুজীবর রহমান ও বাহাউদ্দীনের মুক্তি
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে বিপুল সম্বর্ধনা।
ঢাকা, ২৭ শে জুন- ছাত্র নেতা ও সম্প্রতি গঠিত পূর্ব পাকিস্তান গণ মুসলিম লীগের যুগ্ম সম্পাদক জনাব শেখ মুজীবর রহমান ও জনাব বাহাউদ্দীন গতকল্য ঢাকা জেল হইতে মুক্তি লাভ করিয়াছেন। উভয়কেই ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ধর্মঘট সম্পর্কে গ্রেফতার করিয়া নিরাপত্তা বন্দীরুপে আটক রাখা হইয়াছিল। মুক্তির পর উভয়কে শােভাযাত্রা সহকারে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে লইয়া যাওয়া হয় এবং তথায় এক সভায় তাঁহাদিগকে সম্বৰ্ধনা জ্ঞাপন করা হয়। এস্থানে উল্লেখ করা যাইতে পারে যে, জনাব মুজীবর রহমানের মুক্তির জন্য গত ২০ শে জুন ঢাকা হাইকোর্টে হেবিয়াস কর্পাসের দরখাস্ত করা হয়।
– পি, টি, আই রয়টার
A.B.C at 30.6.4৭
DACCA STUDENT LEADER Security Prisoner Released
From Jail.
DACCA, June. 27, Shiekh Mujibar Rahman, a student leader and Joint Secretary of the recently formed East Pakistan Peoples Muslim League and Mr. Bahauddin who were both arrested in connection with the Dacca University strike and detained as security prisoners were released yesterday from the Dacca Jail. They were taken in a procession to the university and given an ovation at a meeting. It will be recalled that a habeas corpus petition was moved in the Dacca High Court on June 20 last for the release of Mr. Mujibar Rahman and that petition has been fixed for hearing on July 1.

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A fortnightly report on the political situation dated 1.7.1949,
where it was mentioned that student leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Barisal & met some local Muslim contacts. He made propaganda against the Nazimuddin ministry & told that Maulana Bhasani should resign from the assembly in favour of
H.S. Suhrawardy. Dacca, 1 July 1949
Fortnightly Report on the Political Situation dated 1st July,1949. 4. (b) A. Source Reports on 15th June that on 13th June one Mujibur Rahman of Gopalganj, A student leader of Dacca, belonging to the Anti-Nazim group visited Barisal, met some of his local Muslim contacts and made propaganda against the present Ministry. He said that Moulana Abdul Hamid of Bhashani, Mymensingh would soon resign from the Assembly in favour of Mr. Suhrawardy who would seek election from the constitutency.

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Cover sheet & a copy of a Bengali letter dated 2.7.1949, intercepted at GPO, Dacca which was sent from Ohid (mama), Imam House, Shajadpur, Pabna to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 2 July 1949
7 Wise Ghat Rd. Intelligence Branch
The 4.7.1949
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1. From (with address)
Chid (Mama) Imam House, Shajadpur. Po. Pabna Dist.
Pabna. 2. To (with address)
Shaik Muzibur Rahaman, League Worker Camp 150,
Mogaltooli Road, Dacca. 3. Language of letter
Bengali 4. Date of letter
: 2.7.49. 5. Postal Seal
: Illegible 6. Post office of interception : G.P.O Dacca 7. Date of interception
: 4.7.49 8. Name of officer who can prove : Karamat Ali Bhuiyan
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not : Nil 10. Whether Withheld or Delivered : delivered 11. If Delivered, Whether copy kept : Copy kept
or not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual interception
order authorizing interception.

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Copy/translation forwarded to D.S.V
Perusal please.
In this letter one Ohid from Pabna offers his co-operation to Sk! Mojibar Rahman in organising the parallel League.
The writer is supported to be the Secy. Sahjadpur Union league, Pabna.
D.I.B, Pabna may be written for particulars of the writer.
No. 14০৭6/606-44 P.E. dt. 14.7. Copy to Pabna DIB for supplying pls. of the write.
Sd/-৭.7 DS-5 for SS-3 IB.
Copy of a Bengali letter dt. 2.7.49. Intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca from Ohid (Mama) Imam House Shahajadpur. P.O. Pabna Dist – Pabna To. Shaikh Mazibur Rahman, League Workers camp 150, Mogaltooli, Road Dacca.
ইমাম হাউস
২.৭.৪১ ইং
শাহজাদপুর, পাে:- পাবনা জিং- পাবনা। ডিয়ার মজিব।
বহুদিন পর তােমার খবর নিচ্ছি বােধ হয় – একটু আশ্চার্য হবে। তুমি হয়ত: আমার খবর রাখবার সময় পাও নাই কিন্তু মাঝে মাঝে আমি তােমার খবর নিতাম। যে বারই ঢাকায় গিয়েছি তােমার খােজ করেছি। তুমি যখন জেলে তখন আমি ঢাকায় গিয়েছিলেম, ছালে, নুরুদ্দিন ও শামছুল হক সাহেবের সঙ্গে দেখা হয়েছিল তােমাদের কার্যকলাপের দিকে সৰ্ব্বদাই আমার লক্ষ আছে। তােমরা যে একটি পার্টি গঠন করেছ জেনে খুবই সন্তুষ্ট হলেম, ঠিক উপযুক্ত সময়ই গঠন করেছ, জনসাধারণ এখন এই চায় যা তােমরা করতে চাও। ঢাকায় হক সাহেবের সঙ্গে আমার-কিছু আলােচনা হয়েছে। প্রত্যেক জেলায় বেরিয়ে এখন প্রচার করবার উপযুক্ত সময়। আমাদের ফজলুল হকের নিকট জানলাম তােমরা নাকি খুব শীঘ্রই প্রত্যেক জেলায় টুরে বেরুবে। আমাদের জেলায় বিশেষ করে শাহজাদপুরে নিচ্ছয়ই আসবে। আমার মনে হয় বর্ষার পরে আসলে ভাল হয়। কারণ

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বর্ষার সময় যদি মিটিং করতে চাও তবে লােকজন আসার একটু অসুবিধা হবে। যদি আসাই ভাল মনে কর তবে আমাকে অবশ্য জানাবে।। আমি এখানে ইউনিয়ন লীগের সেক্রেটারী, একটা কিছু ধরে থাকতে হবে। এই সময় যদি তােমার সঙ্গে দেখা হত তবে খুবই ভাল হত। যদি বর্তমান কিছু দিন ঢাকায় থাক তবে জানাবে হয়ত: যেতে পারি। ছালে সাহেবকে বল তার নিকট আমি বিশেষ লজ্জিত জন্য চিঠি লিখি নাই। শামছুল হক সাহেবের সঙ্গে এ বিষয়ে আলাপ করে আমাকে অবশ্য জানাবে। তােমরা যখন যা কর আমাকে অবশ্য জানাবে। মনে রেখ যে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের এক কোনায় তােমাদেরই একজন কেউ আছে, সময় মত সেও তােমাদের সঙ্গে যােগ দিবে। চিঠি পাল্লা মাত্র তােমাদের বর্তমান কার্যপদ্ধতি কি বিস্তারিত জানাবে।
ছালে সম্বন্ধে যা লিখলাম তাকে বলাে।
ওহিদ (মামা)

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English Translation of a Bengali letter dt. 2.7.49 from Ohid (mama), Imam House, Shahajadpur, Pabna, to Shaik Mozibar Rahman, League Workers Camp, 150. Mogoltooly, Dacca, intercepted at Dacca G.P.O on 4.7.49.
Dear Mazibar,
After a long interval I am writing to you and I think this will surprise you. You might not have had time to enquire of me but I occasionally used to keep myself informed about you. Whenever I had been to Dacca I used to search for you. And during your detention in jail I went to Dacca and saw Saleh, Nooruddin, and Shamsul Haque. I am always interested in your activities. I am very glad to know that you have organised a party. You have started it just at the right moment. The public opinion is in favour of that you intend to do. I had discussion with Mr. Haque at Dacca. It is the suitable time for you to hold tours in every district for propaganda work. I came to know from our Fazlul Haque that you would shortly commence your tour in every district. You must visit our district specially Shahjadpur. In my opinion it would be better if you come here after the rainy season as in rain there will be much inconvenience for the people to attend the meeting’s if you arrange for it. If you decide to come here please inform me beforehand.
I am working here as the Secretary of the local Union Muslim League. I must have something to do to continue my political carrier. It would have been better if I could see you now. Please inform me if you stay at Dacca for the time being as I may have a chance to go there.

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Tell Saleh Saheb that I am much ashamed as I could not write to him. After discussing with Shamsul Haque about this matter. You must inform me of it. You must keep me informed about the progress of your activities. You should remember that there is someone staying at a remote corner of East Pakistan who will join with you at time of need. Please send me the details of your programme on the return of post. Please tell Saleh what I spoke of him.
Ohid (Mama) Secret
District Intelligence Branch Pabna the 9th September 49 No. 3305/R.1338/14-47
M. Yusuff Esqr. Special Supdt., of Police, I.B. Dacca.
Referene I.B. No. 14096/606-48 P.F. dated the 13th July 1949.
Ohid is Raushan Ali Mia s/o Asgar of Shazadpur, P.S. Shazadpur, Pabna, aged about 28 years. He read upto class X (Madrasa). He is the Secretary of the Shazadpur Union Muslim League. Now he is a supporter of Awami League.
Sd/ – 9.9 Superintendent of Police
D.I.B. Pabna.


A secret watch report on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman dated 5.7.1949, where it was mentioned that during the duty hour he was not seen at the vicinity. Nothing unwanted came to notice.
Dacca, 6 July 1949 CR. Dt. 5.7.49
Req : Secret watch duty at 9-Patlakhan gali for Suspect Sk. Mojibur
On 5-7-49 from 06.00 to 10.00 and 15.00 to 17.30 hrs: 1 along with w/c Moslem ali had been on secret watch duty for the said suspect

Page: 218
at the aforesaid vicinity. The suspect was not seen during our duty period. No suspect or suspicious person was seen there.
Submitted w/c Muzaffar Ahamed
1.B Dacca. 6.7.49
Side note : DSV, Enquiry is being to ascertain if the suspect is in Dacca town or
not, Sd/-A. Razzak, 6.7 : On enquiry it is learnt that suspect Mujibar Rahman left for his
native village in this evening dt. 3.7.49, Sd/ – A Razzak, O/C 7.7


Particulars of the office bearers of All East Pakistan Muslim
Students League, EPMSL & woman section of the Students League were submitted to SSP, IBEB by DIB, Dacca where the name of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was mentioned.
Dacca, 10 July 1949
D.I.B. Office, Dacca, dt. 10/11.7.49
No. 4266/313-48/R./1914.
M. Ahmad Esq. PPS. Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B. Dacca.
Ref: His No. 5587/771-48( Genl.) dt. 25.3.49 and Subsequent Reminder No.
9468/771-48(Genl.) dt. 13.5.49 (serial No. 5)
Particulars of the office bearers of All East Pak. Muslim Students League, E. Pak. Muslim Students League and Woman section of the students league are given below:E.P.M.S.L. (Central)
3. Sk. Majibur Rahman, 2nd Yr. Law Students, D.U, Secretary, S/o Sk. Lutfur Rahman of Tangipara, Faridpur c/o Kamuruddin Ahmad, 150, Mogaltoli Dacca.

Page: 219


SS-I, IBEB sent a letter to DM, Dacca that one Mosleuddin Ahmad along with two others submitted a joint petition on 6.6.1949. He requested for permission of an interview with S.Pr.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. It was also pointed out that the permission of meeting with security prisoners could only be
granted by DIG, IB.
Dacca, 14 July 1949 Secret.
m 2 No.14097/606-48 P.E. dt. 142 D.M. Dacca.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman. slo Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara Gopalganj, Faridpur, was detained in D.C. Jail in June last as a Security Prisoners.
One Mosleuddin Ahmad along with two others submitted a joint petition to you on 6.6.49. praying for permission of their interview with the said S.Pr. and you passed orders on said petition permitting the interview in presence of a Police officer, and forwarded the petition to Addl. S.P. Dacca D.I.B, asking him to depute an officer. i bouton douce o It is pointed out that in view of para 4 of G.O No – 710- H.S. of the 15th March 1949. Such permission can only be granted by D.I.G. I.B. In future petitions for interview with security prisoners should be permitted to me for orders. af betonos contend to b e remodeob 39.2.10 sbbw ved at vi gnisom zist shiw modo s Sd/ – SS-1 for DIG.I.B. 210 Copy to D.I.B. Dacca for information with ref. to his No. 4496/10049 dt. 18.6.49992 to mongletong or
o n zeirinha god mi anothing bra si Sd/ – SS-I.B


SP, DIB, Faridpur sent a confidential & very urgent letter dated 15.7.1949 to DM, Faridpur. In the letter, a meeting was stopped u/s 144 Cr.P.C. organized by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, proposal of imposing 144 Cr.P.C. at Gopalganj for a period of 60 days, reorganizing activities of ABMSL under the leadership of

Page: 220
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, autocratic dealings of one ML leader of Gopalgonj to the Govt. officers, etc. were mentioned.
Faridpur, 15 July 1949
District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur
No. 2920/14-49, dated 15th July, 1949. Confidential and Very Urgent.
S.G. Kabir, Esq., District Magistrate, Faridpur.
In forwarding herewith the relevant portion from the report of S.D.O Gopalganj, with an endorsement of the Addl. S.P., Faridpur, who attended the visit of the Hon’ble Minister with you at Gopalganj and with whom I had a thorough discussion about the state of affairs now prevailing at Gopalganj, I am to state that as no instructions have yet been received from the Government as to the holding of such meetings, it is essentially necessary that action u/s 144 Cr. P.C is taken in this case in order to avoid serious breach of peace and even blood- shed. It may be mentioned that a few months back a meeting organized by Sk. Mujibar Rahman, now the Joint Secretary, Aom-e-League, was stopped by promulgation of Section 144 Cr.P.C. The desperate attitude of the parties concerned is there and as such if there is any breach of peace in connection with this meeting it may have wide repercussion in the whole of Gopalganj subdivision by giving rise to serious complications in the administration. So, the promulgation of Section 144 Cr.P.C. is all the more necessary to stop the present meeting for the interest of the people and the State. The order u/s 144 Cr.P.C may be promulgated at once throughout the whole of Gopalganj P.S. for a period of 60 days for the present.
I would also like to refer to you the conduct of My. M. Zaman as shown in S.D.P.O’s72 report and request you to kindly take suitable steps so that the officers
72. S.D.P.O – Sub-divisional Police Officer, responsible for maintaining law & order in the sub division. This designation was abolished when Bangladesh government made all the subdivisions into districts in 1984.

Page: 221
of Gopalganj are not shabbily treated by him for personal ends in the name of the Muslim League. The bad effect of such dealings towards Govt. officers by the members of the public in the name of such sacred organisation cannot be overemphasised. The incident as depicted in the S.D.P.O’s is taken to this. It is now up to the Govt. to consider and see if such a person, who in the name of the Muslim League abuses the Govt. officers from top to bottom for no reasons and exploits the organisation obviously for self-aggrandisement and thereby undermines its dignity and sacredness should be allowed to behave in this way. This sort of self-created autocracy needs be checked at once the interest of the people and the state.
Sd/-M.S. Haque. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Faridpur. Confidential
Memo No. 2920/14-49/1(3), dated 7.1949. Copy forwarded to:1. A.K.M. Hafizuddin, Esq, P.S.P., J.P., Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police, East Bengal,
Dacca. 2. S. Nasiruddin, Esq, P.S.P, Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Khulna Range Khulna. 3. Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, Special Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for
Sd/-M.S. Haque.
Superintendent of Police. 15/7 Secret.
Note on the students and Youth Organisations now functioning in the District of Faridpur.
Gopalganj Subdivision
At present no student or youth organisation is functioning in this Sub-division. Sk. Mujibar Rahman. s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur, a Law student of Dacca University and Secy. All Bengal Muslim Students League, now defunct, is trying to re-organise the party. He is making propaganda tour in this district as well as in the neighboring districts. Next general election of office bearers of District as well as of Sub-divisional Students League are expected to be held in March next.
Chapter 11 – 1949

Page: 223


Extract from the WCR of SP, Faridpur for week ending 16.7.1949, where it was mentioned that a leaflet under caption
‘The message of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to his followers of Gopalgonj from Dacca Jail Gate’ was found in circulation at Gopalganj town on 1.7.1949. The leaflet contained that he was fighting for the economic freedom of the hungry and oppressed people, his firm determination to continue struggle against the Nurul Amin cabinet & frequently sending him to jail would lead
them to the path of freedom.
Faridpur, 16 July 1949
Extract from the W.C. R. of the Supdt. of police, Faridpur for week ending Saturday, the 16th July, 1949.
Part-II 16. Miscellaneous (c) A printed Bengali leaflet under the caption “ঢাকা জেল গেট হইতে গােপালগঞ্জের অনুগামীদের উদ্দেশ্যে শেখ মুজিবর রহমান সাহেবের বাণী”
(Message of Shaikh Mujibar Rahman from the Dacca Jail Gate to his followers at Gopalganj) issued under the signature of A.M. Jahurul Haq (s/o Jainuddin Kazi of Merry-Gopinathpur , P.S. Gopalganj) was found in circulation in Gopalganj on 1.7.49. The leaflet inter alia states that being prompted by the principles of Islam, Mujibar Rahman had been fighting for the economic freedom of the hungry and oppressed mass for the last 2 years, but the Govt. in order to stop such a movement, had sent him to Jail. In it the people were advised not to wage war against the Govt. but to expose the bad elements of the society like Mv. Shamsuddin Ahmed, MLA, his Son-in-law, Mv. Wahiduzzaman and others, who would get an opportunity during the absence of Mujibar Rahman in jail, in playing with the lives of the poor through mal-distribution in respect of rice, sugar and other controlled articles. It concludes with a firm determination to continue the struggle until the present cabinet of Hon’ble Mr. Nurul Amin pay attention towards the amelioration of the condition of the poor mass and that the courting of iail would lead them to the path of the freedom of the people. Side note: Seen. D.S.V may kindly see. Sd/- G.C.K. 21.7
Ext. on the P.F. of Mujibor Rahman., Sd/- for D.S-V. 2.8.

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Extracts from the report of SDPO, Gopalganj, dated 19.7.1949, where it was mentioned that a large number of people assembled at the mosque of Gopalganj town after the prayer at around 1300 hrs. on 18.7.1949. The assembly turned out in to a meeting. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed in the meeting. The meeting was declared unlawful by the SDO but Sheikh Mujibur Rahman continued his addressing. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Abdus Salam Khan were arrested and the meeting was dispersed.
Faridpur, 19 July 1949 Extracts from the report of S.D.P.O., Gopalganj, dated 19.7.49. Under No. 3128(4) dt. 5.8.49 from PIB Faridpur personal file of Sk. Muzibur Rahman.
On 18.7.49 the whole of armed and unarmed force available were kept standby from 13.00 hrs. People began to enter the mosque in small batches of 3 or 4 in prayer costumes. More than one thousand People assembled in the mosque and said their prayer. In the meantime two to three thousand others assembled outside the mosque. After the prayer the assembly turned out in to a meeting. On the proposal of Maulvi Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Maulvi Abdus Salam Khan73 was elected president. As soon as they started addressing the meeting, the Sub-divisional Officer, Mr. Q. G. Ahad, declared the meeting unlawful and directed them to disperse. These orders were not carried out and both Maulvi Abdus salam Khan and Sk. Mujibar Rahman continued to address the meeting although it could hardly be heard due to a tremendous noise which was created after the S.D.O.’s orders. They said that the present Muslim League is not the true representative of the general public and they were not looking into the interests of the people in General. That is
73. Abdus Salam Khan – He was a lawyer & politician. He was the active worker of Muslim League & Pakistan Movement but protesting against undemocratic & autocratic policy of Pakistan Govt. Later he left Muslim League & joined newly formed Awami Muslim League in 1949. Upon the nomination of United Front he was elected the member of East Pakistan Legislative Assembly in 1949 & became Minister. He was the main advocate of the Agartala Conspiracy Case lodged against Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by the Pakistan Govt.

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why the Awami Muslim League74 which means the Muslim League of the People has been started to fight out the causes of the general mass. They urged the people to be members of the Awam-e-Muslim League. As Maulvi Abdus Salam Khan and Sk. Mujibar Rahman disobeyed the orders and continued to remain to be members of an unlawful assembly they were arrested and the meeting was dispersed. None was injured nor there was any other casualty.


An Inspector, IBEB, Dacca reported on 20.7.1949 as regards an enquiry related to the leakage of release hour of Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, who was released on 26.6.1949. The leakage of the information of release hour was leaked by his 3 comrades those
who earlier released on 17.6.1949. The release order of both Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Bahauddin Ahmed reached to the jail on 17.6.1949, 9 days ahead of their release. It seemed that those 3 prisoners were responsible for the leakage.
Dacca, 20 July 1949 Re- Release of Muzibar Rahman and the Leakage of this information. SS-III/DSV
Ascertained on enquiry that Both Sk. Muzibar Rahman and Bahauddin were duly released on the morning of 26.6.49, The former was released under G.O. no. 1742 H.S. dt. 17.6.49, which cancels. The detention order No. 1336 dt. 25.5.49 with effect from 27.6.49. According to the jail code rule 524 the date of release of the prisoner is
74. Awami Muslim League – All Pakistan Awami Muslim League or East Pakistan Awami Muslim League is the political party founded by Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and which later evolved into Awami League, under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. It was established as the Bengali alternative to the domination of the Muslim League in Pakistan and over centralization of the government. The party quickly gained massive popular support in East Bengal, later named East Pakistan and eventually led the forces of Bengali nationalism in the struggle against West Pakistan’s military and political establishment. The All Pakistan Awami Muslim League was formed as a breakaway faction of the ‘All Pakistan Muslim League in 1949, within two years of the formation of Pakistan. The word ‘Muslim’ was eliminated in 1953.

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taken as the day of imprisonment in jail again according to jail code rule 573 a prisoner is to be released after the morning meal and as soon as possible after the sun rises.
Regarding leakage it was ascertained that the release order of Shamsul Huda, Enayet Karim and Oli Ahad, the three comrades of Muzibar were received on the same forwarding memo no. 1736 H.S. dt. 17.6.49 as those of Sk. Muzibar Rahman and Bahauddin, but these three were released on 17.6.49, when the order was received whereas the remaining two Sk. Mujibar Rahman & Bahauddin were released on 26.6.49 i.e. 9 days after the receipt of the release order by jail authority. The jail authorities, the secretariat, the D.I.B. office, Dacca and this office, thus got the intimation of this release about 9 days ahead. It might be quite likely that the three who were released on 17.6.49, were responsible and interested in this leakage.
Sd/Inspr 1.B. 20.7.49.
Re- Release of Mujibar Rahman and the leakage of this information.
As ordered I had been to D.I.B. office, Dacca and ascertained on enquiry that on receipt of the copy of G.O no 1742 H.S. dated 17-6-49 which cancels the detention order no 1336 dt. 25.5.49 with effect from 27.6.49 from 1.B. Mvi. Anwar Uddin Ahmad Inspector of Police, Dacca D.I.B. went to Dacca Central Jail for an interview with Sk. Mujibar Rahman (security prisoner) on 26.6.49 moving with the knowledge that Mujibar Rahman would be released on 27.6.49. But he found Mujibar Rahman released there and received at the jail gate by Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani and others. Moulavi Anwaruddin Ahmad cannot give any light as to the leakage of the release hour of the prisoner. Dacca D.I.B did not get any intimation from jail regarding the time of release of the prisoner.
Sd/ -22.7

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Extract from the WCR of SP, Faridpur for the week ending dated 23.7.1949 where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Abdus Salam Khan were arrested u/s 143 Cr.P.C. for holding an alleged unlawful meeting at Gopalganj court mosque.
Faridpur, 23 July, 1949. Extract from the Weekly Confidential Report of the Supdt., of Police, Faridpur, for week ending Saturday, 23rd July, 49.
(Part II).
(10) Muslim Affairs. (18-7-49)
(b) On 19.7.49 Shaikh Mujibar Rahman (s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S Gopalganj) and Abdus Salam Khan @ Badsha Miyan (mentioned) were arrested u/s 143 Cr. P. C. for holding an unlawful meeting of about 3 thousand people inside the Gopalganj Court Mosque in defiance of the prohibitive order u/s 144 Cr.P.C. Both of them have since been released on Personal Bonds. The details of the meeting are wanting and the same will be communicated to I. B. in due course.
Side note
: 1. Ext. on P.F. of Mujibar Rahman
2. Call for a detailed report. 3. Show S.S.3.
Yes, M. Yusuff., 4.8 : Received by me to-day. sd/ -9.8.49


Extract from the WCR of SP, Faridpur for the week ending dated
23.7.1949, where it was mentioned that a 3-page Bengali pamphlet under the caption ‘The Champion of Nation’s Cause in
Dacca Central Jail’ was noticed in circulation in Gopalganj on 6.7.1949. The pamphlet illustrated the political activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the cause of the people.
Faridpur, 23 July 1949 Extract from the Weekly Confdl. Report of the Supdt. of Police, Faridpur for week ending Saturday, 23rd July/49.

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(Part-II) 17. Leaflets and Pamphlets:
A three-page Bengali Pamphlet (priced at annas two each) edited by Sk. Shahadat Husain under the caption”(The Champion of nation’s cause in Dacca Central Jail) and published by Shamsul Alam Sharif, student of the M.A. Class of the Dacca University, was noticed in circulation in Gopalganj on 6.7.49. It illustrates the activities of Sk. Mujibar Rahman (mentioned) for the cause of the people and the State of Pakistan. According to it, Mujibar Rahman is the pioneer of the movement for the economic freedom of the Muslim mass. In March 1948 he had been to jail for some time for launching a strong movement against the Govt. in connection with the State language controversy and again in March, 1949, he was thrashed into jail for his taking up the cause of the Dacca University students who were penalised by the authorities in connection with the students demonstration held in Dacca in token of their sympathy with the low paid employees of the University. Of all the progressive leaders of the Eastern Pakistan, he is the boldest and the most prudent and consequently his prolonged detention will be a great handicap to the general mass and especially to the people of Gopalganj Subdivision. In his absence in jail the opportunist and the reactionary elements of Gopalganj like “Mv. Shamsuddin Ahmad, M.L.A. and Wahiduzaman @ Thanda Miyan (being fixed) will get an opportunity in exploiting the people through their so-called social service. It is those Shamsuddin Ahmed, M.L.A and Wahiduzzamman @ Thanda Miyan and their satellites who made an all out effort to veto all attempts of the people to establish educational institutions and in some cases actually succeeded in ruining the existing ones with a view to keeping the people in the darkness of illiteracy for their own selfish ends. During the cloudy days of the nation they, as agents of the Hindu Mahasabha, vehemently opposed any move for the establishment of Pakistan. It is also rumoured that they mismanaged the accounts of the Gopalganj Mosque Funds. The people of Gopalganj should beware of those persons. Although Mujibar Rahman is in jail, his numerous followers will always be the watchful sentries for the interest of the mass.
D. S-V. Sd/-30.7.
Side note: 1. Ask Dacca for full particulars of Shamsul Alam Sharif and Sk. Shahadat Husain if
possible. 2. Ext. on the P.F. of Majibur Rahman. 3. S.S-3. may see. This is nothing but a propaganda against Shamsuddin Ahmed,
M.L.A. & Wahiduzzaman who belong to the opposite camp. Sd/- S.M. Billah for D V., 2.8.49. : Seen. As proposed., Sd – M. Yusuff., 4.8.49.
Received by me to-day, Sd/- 9.8.49.

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SP, CID, Karachi sent a secret report on 1.8.1949 to IBEB, Dacca
that someone from 15 Khajedewan, Dacca, informed H. S. Suhrawardy in Karachi regarding receiving a letter dated 5.7.1949 from him (H.S. Suhrawardy). The unknown receiver mentioned in
his reply the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, upcoming convention at Lahore & other political activities of East Pakistan.
Dacca, 1 August 1949 Secret S.B. Karachi CID report dated the 27.7.49.
It is learnt through a secret source that someone (name not known) 15, Khaje Dewan, 1st Lane, Dacca, has informed H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-Law, 13A Kutchery Road, Karachi as under:
Your kind letter dated 5.7.49 addressed to both of us was received with thanks,
Mujibur Rehman was released after about a week after submission of the application and no rule was issued formally but the A.G. was called. All the detenus have been released except Dahirul Islam whose application has been dismissed.
Mujibur Rehman is out on tour with the organisation matters and as soon as I meet him your message will be communicated to him.
Glad to hear about the convention at Lahore. We are eager to attend the same. The likely persons to attend are self, Maulana Sahib, Ataur Rahman, Ariff Chowdhury (ex Hon’ble Shamsuddin) and Mushtaque. But we must be informed about the date at least 15 days before. Consideration of expenses will not enable us to bring a contingent to our desire.
While thanking you for your kind enquiry regarding our son’s health we are glad to inform you that he is out of danger (Allah willing) and he is rapidly improving
As regards your messing up – it was – forgotten with your departure but it gave us a temporary shock as we arranged it here with us. We have no ill will with anybody, and for this we cannot have.

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Maulana Sahib was out of Dacca on tour in Districts and he has come back with a membership of one lakh or more. His experience in North Bengal is shocking
where 50% of the people are half fed.
In our convention about 400 delegates from districts came and an organisation committee with 31 members with Maulana Bhasani as the President, Shamusl Haq as the Secretary and Mujibur as Join Secretary was formed. The condition has not yet been drawn up. We propose to enlist at least one crore of members by the 30th of Sept. next on adult franchise basis, having no enrolment fees.

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The convention was followed by a mass meeting of a vast attendance of people at Almanitola Maidan. All resolutions were passed including abolition of Zamindari (without compensation), immediate general election and abolition of internal cordoning and also of Civil Supplies Department etc. and adopted the resolution of establishment of a Awami Muslim League. Ex-Hon’ble took part but I can’t say that it was a prominent part.
Enrolment work is proceeding satisfactorily but Ramzan is preventing much progress.
No. S.B. 11584/49/371/4. Office of the Supdt. of Police, CID
Karachi, the 1st August, 1949
Copy forwarded with compliments to:The Asstt. Director (P) I.B., Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi. for information.
The fact that this information emanates from this Deptt. may please be kept secret.
Sd/- A. H. Mirza Supdt. of Police, Karachi C.I.D.


A cover sheet & an English translation of a Bengali letter intercepted at Chittagong GPO on 1.8.1949, sent from Abdur Rahman Choudhury, old League office, Anderkilla, Chittagong to Shamsul Haque MLA, Secretary, Eastern Pakistan Awami (Janaganer) Muslim League, 150, Mogaltuly, Dacca.
Chittagong, 1 August 1949
District Intelligence Branch, Chittagong.
Intelligence Branch The 10th August, 1949
Memo No. 6379

Page: 233
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Abdur Rahman Choudhury. Old League
office, Anderkilla, Chittangog. Janab Mlvi. Shamusl Haque, Secy., E.P., Awami (Janagarner) Muslim League,
150, Mughaltooly, Dacca. : Bengali. : 1.8.49. : Out going letter. : G.P.O Chittagong. : 1.8.49 : S.I. Md. Israil
Language of letter Date of letter Postal Seal
Post office of interception 7. Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can
prove the interception 9. Whether photographed or
not 10. Whether withheld or
delivered 11. If Delivered, whether copy
kept or not 12. Number and date of
Government order authorising interception
: Not
: Delivered.
: Copy and E.T. kept.
: Casual interception.
Copy/translation forwarded to Khan Sahib Md. Yusuff, Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/Superintendent of Police,
English translation of a Bengali letter of 1.8.49 intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 1.8.49.
: Abdur Rahman Choudhery (1)
Old League office Anderkilla, Chittagong.
: Janab Moulvi Shamsul Haque
M.L.A. (2) Secy., Eastern Pakistan Awami (Janaganer) Muslim League, 150, Mogaltuly, Dacca.

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“ Idd Mobarak”. My dear Haque Sb., After compliment and all that I state that your letter dated 29.7.49 addressed to Jahur Ahmad Choudhury75 (3) has been received by me. The work at this place could not be done satisfactorily as all the workers have left for muffasil due to Ramzan. we have started the work with full swing and hope that Insha-Alla the work will go on rapidly. The condition of this place is also hopeful. It gave me great pleasure that Maulana Saheb (4) will visit Chittagong within the fourteen days of the next month. We are going to discuss the matter soon and after fixing up the date, time and the venue of the conference we will inform you. I am also arranging along with it, for the worker’s meeting. In the above-mentioned conference yourself, Maulana Sb. and Sheikh Mojibur must be present. Tell my “Taslim” to all over there.
Side note
: 1. Particulars are being collected.
2. Particulars are not know to us.. 3. S/O Azizur Rahman Choudhury of Kattalli, P.S. Double Mooring Chittagong, 4. This may refer to Maulana Abdul Hamid Bhasani as his party is commonly known
as Janaganer Muslim League.


Extract from the monthly D.O of Khulna dated 5.8.1949, where it
was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman visited Khulna on 19.7.1949 in the course of his propaganda tour. Political activities
of Khulna ML were also mentioned in the extract.
Khulna, 5 August 1949
Ext. from the Monthly D.O. of Khulna dated 5th August, 1949.
75. Zahur Ahmed Choudhury – Zahur Ahmad Chowdhury was born in Chittagong in 1916. He studied in Calcutta Islamia College. He joined the All-India Muslim League in 1940. He was one of the founding members Awami Muslim League in 1949. He was a labour activist and was the Assistant Secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Federation. He was active in the Language Movement. In 1954 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly from the United Front representing Chittagong centre. He supported the Six-Point Movement and was imprisoned for it. He rendered a remarkable contribution in the Autonomy Movement of this country.

Page: 235
Muslim Affairs. 1. Mr. A. Sabur M.L.A76. who has been nursing a grudge against Maulana Akram
Khan77 and the official league has, it is reported, aligned with new Muslim League formed by Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Jt. Secy. of the Eastern Pak. Awami Muslim League visited Khulna on 19.7.49 in the course of his propaganda tour. He contacted Mr. Sabur and his supporters and held secret discussion. They decided to hold a public meeting in Khulna town but subsequently abandoned the idea in view of the existing ban on meetings here.
The members of the official Muslim League in Khulna walked out from a meeting organised by the Dist. Magistrate to form a committee and to chalk out a programme for celebration the Independence Day, because they could not secure key positions in the Celebration Committee which mostly went to Mr. Sabur and his supporters. The celebration committee was formed by the District Magistrate with himself as the Chairman and Khan Sahib Sultan Ahmad (a supporter of Mr. Sabur) as the Secy. On 29.7.49 the Muslim League formed a Celebration Committee of their own and decided to celebrate the Independence Day separately by holding procession and a meeting.
Side note : Seen. Para (3) and 1 (2) have been included in the D.R. as suggested.
Place extract of (1) & (2) under head Muslim affairs on the P.F. of A. Sabur., Sd – Md. Yusuff., 11.8.
76. A. Sabur – Abdus Sabur Khan or Khan A Sabur was a Bangladeshi politician from Khulna. He was a Minister in the Government of Ayub Khan. He strongly opposed independence of Bangladesh in 1971. He went into hiding after Bangladesh independence in 1971 but was later captured and put in jail. However he was released by the order of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and died in 1982.
77. Maulana Akram Khan – Maulana Akram Khan was a Bengali journalist, politician and Islamic scholar. He was the founder of Dhaka’s first Bengali newspaper the Azad & founder member of Muslim League. He was the President of East Pakistan Provincial Muslim League, Vice-president of All Pakistan Muslim League & was elected the member of Constituent Assembly. He took retirement from politics in 1954, rendered remarkable contribution to Muslim Renaissance Movement in undivided Bengal & was the pioneer of journalism of Bengal Muslim society.

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Extract from the WCR, SP, DIB, Faridpur for the week ending dated 6.8.1949 where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Abdus Salam Khan were arrested on 18.7.1949.
Faridpur, 6 August 1949
Extract from the W.C.R. of the Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur for week ending Saturday, the 6th August, 1949. (Part II).
10. Muslim
(b) Reference W.C.R. for week ending 23.7.49 under head 10 (b) and the
Appendix thereto. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman and Abdus Salam Khan @ Badsha Miyan were arrested on 18.7.49 and not 19.7.49 as mentioned therein.
Side note: 1. Write for full particulars of the personnel.
2. Extract to P.F. of Mujibar Rahman, Sd/-Y. A. Chaudhuri, 13.8

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DS3, IBEB, Dacca sent a report dated 10.8.1949 to SP, DIB, Faridpur regarding the arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman &
Abdus Salam Khan on 19.7.49 u/s 143 Cr.P.C.
Dacca, 10 August 1949 No. 16046/606-48 PF dt. 13.8
S.P. Faridpur D.I.B.
Please refer to your W.C.R. for the W/E 23.7.49 under the head “(10) Muslim Affairs (6)” regarding arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Abdus Salam Khan @ Badsha Miyan on 19.7.49 u/s 143 C.P.C, and furnish as with a detailed report.
Sd/ -10.8 DS3 for SS 3 I.B.


True copy of an English letter dated nil intercepted at Dacca RMS
on 10.8.1949 sent from Manik, League workers’ camp 150, Mughaltooly, Dacca, addressed to H.S. Suhrawardy, 13A, Kutchari road, Karachi League workers camp.
Dacca, 10 August 1949
True copy of a letter in English dated nil intercepted at Dacca R.M.S. on 10.8.49 from (1) Manik, League Workers’ Campt, 150, Mughaltooly, Dacca, addressed to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, 13A, Katchari Road, Karachi League Workers Camp
* * *
Maulana, S. Huq, Majibur and other workers clearly state that but for an organise this enthusiasm of the people cannot be kept up and the organisation is bound to collapse. Although 50 to 60 thousand people on o(a)verage attended all the meetings so far held by the Awami League. “Azad’ is making adverse propaganda day in and day out, particularly after the ban on Ittehad.

Page: 238


True copy of an English letter dated nil intercepted at Dacca RMS on 10.8.1949, sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to H.S.
Suhrawardy in Karachi.
Dacca, 10 August 1949
True copy of an English letter dated Nil intercepted at Dacca R.M.S. on 10.8.49, from Mujibur, 9 Patlakhan Lane, Dacca to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, 13A, Kutchery Road, Karachi.
My salam to you. You will get all information from Manik Bhai’s78 letter. I am very anxious to see you and also I have some urgent talk with you about Awami
78. Manik Bhai – Tofazzal Hossain Manik Miah (1911-1 June, 1969) was a prominent Bengali journalist and politician. He was the editor of the Ittefaq, Manik Miah played a vital role during the rise of Bengali nationalism in 1960s. Manik Miah was active in writing against military rule, autocracy and violation of the fundamental rights of people. Manik Miah had a significant role in

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League and parliamentary affairs. When you can come here? Please write to me, giving all directions. How are you?
Affectionately yours,
Sd/- Mojibur
N.B :
I have to finish the direction of E.P.M.S.L within one month but unfortunately we have no fund. Anyhow Allah is with us, Khuda Hafez.
Sd/- Mojibur.


An SI, IB, Dacca reported on 11.8.1949 that Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miah informed H.S Suhrawardy that Maulana Bhasani,
Shamsul Huq & Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had been trying to contact him over phone but due to unsuitable timings of the direct
radio-line, the communication was hampered.
Dacca, 11 August 1949
Maulana, Shamsul Huq, Majibur have been trying to contact you over the phone but unsuitable timings of the direct Radio-line has hampered if so far. Except the city of Dacca there propaganda is carried on by means of leaflets, booklets and posters, activities in the rest of the E.B. have come to standstill for lack of publicity organ.
With kindest regards.
Yours affectionately
Sd/- Manik.
Submitted for favour of necessary action.
Sd/-S.I, IB, Dacca.
inspiring the people to join the struggle for freedom under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was close to Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy

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An English letter dated 12.8.1949, sent from Awami Muslim League, camp 150, Mughaltuly, Dacca addressed to H.S. Suhrawardy 13-A, Kutchery road, Karachi.
Dacca, 12 August 1949
True copy o a letter in English …(missing from original document due to page damage) at Dacca R.M.S. on 10.8.49 from (1)….(missing from original document due to page damage) League, camp 150, Mughaltooly, Dacca addressed to/(2) Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi 13-A, Kutchery Road, Karachi. Sir,
Hope You have received my letter written from home. I am still ailing but had to come to Dacca for several reasons.
2. I worked for the removal of (3) ban of ‘Ittehad’ and contacted several H.Ms. but it seems they are not inclined to lift it. They are afraid of the (4) Awami Muslim League which has by this time received tremendous popular response. After the success of the Workers (5) Convention the situation at Dacca has altered effectively in our favour, so much so that on the independence day neither the ministry nor its pocket League has dared to chalk out any programme for public meeting, whereas under the auspices of the Awami League, processions and meetings are arranged and we expect overwhelming response.
3. The move of the Parliamentary party appears to be obscure. About 25 M.L.As., have signed a memorandum intimating their resignation from the M.L.P. Party, more we expected to follow. But there seems to be no co-ordination and basis. (6) Mr. Huq and (7) Shamsuddin are out to fish. Assembly Session is going to be commenced in the first part of September’ 49. Some of our workers are disinclined to concentrate on P. Politics. But the position of the P. Party is such that a little more pushing can oust them from power. The only weapon that remains in the armory of the ministers is the show of threat of sec 92 A, but even that will not be availing. The contention of Bhashani and others are that it is better to concentrate on the organisational side and press for general election and to have nothing to do with the parliamentary side at the present moment, or at least the organisational side must receive precedence. The latter view seems to be correct as without mobilising people behind the organisation it will be futile to attempt in other organisation. …… is also true that ousting …. (missing from original document due to page damage) itself be effective means to that enough discussion on this has become necessary. Ministers where saw are completely nervous and their faces have become small. This is the right time to hit.

Page: 243
(8) Maulana, (9) S. Huq (10) Majibur and other workers clearly state that buffer an organ this enthusiasms of the people can not be kept up and the organisation is bound to collapse. Although 50 to 60 thousand people on average attended all the meetings so far held by the (4) Awami League, ‘Azad’ is making adverse propaganda day in and day out, particularly after the ban on Ittehad. They want that either you or (11) Miah-Saheb must come to the rescue of the party by providing them with a daily paper of course you may get staff at half salary for six month. There are gesturer like this. It can be run on small establishment costs, thereby minimising the changes of loss at the beginning. You might remember that the permanent assets of Ittehad will not exceed 1.1/2 lacs (even with double set machine) and the rest of the capital was swallowed up in losses due to heavy establishment from the beginning. Of course these are matters of details. You can draw out estimate through business experts in this line. Workers, including myself are interested in a party paper that will support our programme and not its management. (8) Maulana (9) Shamsul Huq, (10) Majibur have been trying to contact you over the phone but unsuitable timings of the direct Radio line has hampered it so far. Except the City of Dacca where propaganda is carried on by means of leaflets, booklets and posters, activities in the rest of the E.B. have come to stand still for lack of publicity organ. They suggest either you to come over here as early as possible or any one of them to go to Karachi to discuss and settle all these matters. But here again the question of passage money comes. Your reply on this is eagerly awaited by all.
Some misunderstanding is growing – between (4) Awami League…. (missing from original document due to page damage) that (13) Fazlul Quader Chaudhuri could …(missing from original document due to page damage) Karachi. He has after the formation of the (4) Awami League, sent in a letter to (8) Bhashani intimating his resignation from the Organising Committee on the ground that it is dominated by “ShaheedHashami’group who are enemy No. 1 of Pakistan.
6. Bhashani (8) is displeased that you do not write to him although you write to
others. 7. Our workers contend that if they have an organ they do not require so much
fund for the organisation. But pending that they require some lump fund to organise office and carry on propaganda by leaflets, booklets etc., besides holding public meetings throughout East Bengal.

Page: 244
8. Shahjahan (14) is in great troubles in connection with the River Transport Services Co. (Private Ltd). A case of misappropriation has been started against him.
9. Mojibur (10) was again arrested at Gopalganj for breaking Sec. 144. About 50
thousand people defied the ban …(missing from original document due to page damage) and

Page: 245
attended the meeting. But ‘Azad’ twisted the news and flashed as “Hopeless failure of Awami League meeting at Gopalganj.” This is how our organisational work is being. hampered and sabotaged.
With kindest regards Yours affectionately
Sd/- Manik (1)
Side note: 1.
Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Miyan s/o Moslehuddin of vill & P.O. Bhandaria Dt.
Bakarganj and of Ittehad office, Calcutta.
Ex-premier of United Bengal.
The ban on Ittehad in Pakistan is still in force.
Came into Independence in…1949.
5. The Workers’ Convention was held at 23rd and 24h June, 1949.
6. He is A. K. Fazlul Huq, Ex- Premier, Undivided Bengal79
7. He is an M.L.A.
8. He is Moulana A. Hamid Khan, M.L.A of Tangail. Mymensingh.
He is Shamsul Huq, s/o Dabiruddin of Tangaill, Mymensingh, M.L.A.
10. s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur Law Student, Dacca
University Ex-Sec. Prisoner.
11. He is Miah Iftikharuddin of 21, Aikman-Road, Lahore.
12. ……….. (missing from original document due to page damage)
13………… (missing from original document due to page damage). Slo Khan Sahib
Abdul Jabbar of Raojan, Chittagong, Vice. President, E,P,R,E,L
14. s/o Abdus Samad B.L., Armanitola, Dacca, Ex-Captain, pioneer Corps.
79. Undivided Bengal – The decision to effect the Partition of Bengal was announced in July 1905, by the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon. The partition took place on 16 October 1905 and separated the largely Muslim eastern areas from the Hindu majority western areas. The partition animated the Hindus and led the Muslims to form their own national organization on communal lines. Bengal was reunited in 1911, in an effort to both appease the Bengali sentiment and have easier administration. Except these two partitions in British colonial rule the Bengal was undivided. It was again divided into the then East Pakistan & West Bengal (India) during the creation of Pakistan.

Page: 246


English translation of a printed Bengali post card dated 14.8.1949, sent from S. Mozaffar Ahmed (Ex-Salar-E-Zilla), Secretary, reception committee, Anderkilla, Chittagong to Mir Bazlul Karim, Anwara, Chittagong & 77 others.
– Dacca, 14 August 1949
English translation of a printed Bengali Post Card dated 14-8-49, intercepted at Chittagong G.P.O. on 17.8.49.
From : S. Mozaffar Ahmed (Ex-Salar-E-Zilla), Secretary, Reception Committee,
Anderkilla, Chittagong. To : Mir Bazlul Karim, B.A., P.O. Anwara, Chittagong, and 77 others as
mentioned in the report.
Assalam-o-Alaikum. On Thursday, the 25th August, 1949 at about 2 P.M. a meeting of the workers of the Chittagong divisional Muslim League has been called at the local J.M. Sen Hall. The said meeting will be presided over by Pir Janab Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Saheb Bhashani.
In the present critical circumstances we are to build up the Pakistan into a real Islamic State so that it can stand as an example to the whole of universe. In doing so it has been considered necessary to assess the opinion of the workers and patriots.
I therefore hope that you by attending this meeting with your fellow workers will fulfill your duties in respect of this important work.
Delegate Fees:- Rupee One (Re.1/-)
Yours faithfully, Sd/-S. Mozaffar Ahmed (Printed)
(Ex-Salar-E-Zilla) Secy. Reception Committee
Anderkilla, Chittagong.

Page: 247


DIO, IBEB, Dacca reported from the extract of DIR no. 153 dated 18.8.1949 that a closed door meeting of the organizing committee
of AML was held at 150, Moghaltuli, Dacca on 17.8.1949.
Dacca, 18 August 1949
Extract from Daily Intelligence Report No. 153 dated 18.8.49.
II. A D. I. O. reports that a meeting of the organising committee of the Awami Muslim League was held at 150, Moghultuli on 17.8.49 between 18.30 hrs. and 23.00 hrs.
The following persons took part in the meeting :
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhashani.
Maulana Raghib Ahsan, M. A.
Mr. Shamsul Haque, M.L.A. Mvi. Ataur Rahman Khan, B.L.
5. Mvi. Ali Amzad Khan, B.L.80
6. Sk. Majibar Rahman, (E.P.M.S.L.) Mr. Chaudhuri Md. Ariff, M.L.A.
Badsha Miyan of Babu Bazar.
9. Mirza Abdul Kader @ Kader Sardar. 10. Abdur Rahim, Muktear. 11. Yar Mohammad of Rai Sahib Bazar. 12. Shawkat Husain, Pleader.
80. Ali Amzad Khan – He practiced as a lawyer in Dhaka & Kolkata. He played a vital role to form Awami Muslim League latter Awami League & was the founding Vice-President. He left Awami League on difference of political opinion. At last he took part in the politics introduced by Ayub Khan.

Page: 248
This being a closed door meeting, details of the proceedings could not be taken. Admission was refused to the officer who was sent to attend the meeting. About 40/45 persons including 10/15 students attended the meeting. Mozammel Haque (R.S.P.) of Barisal visited the place for half an hour and came away.
III. The following leaflets and posters have been received from the Additional S.P., City. Details have been noted against each:
1. 12 printed Bengali leaflets as already reported in D.I.R. No. 148 dt/- 12.8.49
Para II, and 32 copies of Bengali Cyclostyled leaflets entitled, “Eyo Azadi Jhuta Hay. 15 -i- August Barbad”; – containing extracts from the printed Bengali leaflet, noted above found on the Mymensingh Road on 14.8.49 at 05.45 hours, by C.I., Lalbag; who thinks that they might have been dropped from some vehicle passing that way, with the intention that the public going to the Race Course to participate in the ‘Independence Day celebrations, on
14.8.49, might pick them up. 2. One Bengali manuscript poster entitled, “Kahara?’ as reported in D.I.R. No. 149
dated 14.8.49- Para VII (a), found pasted on a wall at Banagram Road, on 14/15.8.49 night.
Two Bengali printed Leaflets entitled, “Swadhinata Dibasher Dak”, Issued by the East Pakistan Socialist Party as already reported in D. I. R. No. 152, Dated 17.8.49- Para IX (a); and one manuscript poster as reported in the same D.I.R. – para IX (3)
4. One Bengali manuscript, poster issued by “Tamaddun Majlis81″ – entitled,
“Azadi Istehar”, found pasted at the University gate on 15.8.49 at about 02.00
81. Tamaddun Majlish – Tamaddun Majlish (or Pakistan Tamaddun Majlish) is an Islamic Cultural Organization established in 1947 by Principal Abul Kashem in prior East Pakistan. Tamaddun Majlish played an active role in the Bengali Language Movement in 1948 & 1952. The members of the organization were strongly influenced by the mentality of the East Pakistan Renaissance Society. After the partition, they realized that Pakistan was no longer governed with the idealism that had been promised. This led most of the members of the Tamuddun Majlish to drift away from the Muslim League

Page: 249
hours. It says that the Muslim masses want “work” and not “words” from the leaders of the state, who preach “Islamic Socialism”, but take thousands of rupees for themselves from the State.
Ref. N.S.P XXX of Khulna S.W.R file.
Please place this copy of para ll of the D.I.R. in the Awami League file and in the P.F.S of the persons attended the meeting as mentioned in the D.I.R. if any one of them has got P.F. Sd/ – D.S.III, 15/9
Forwarded to office for N/A please.
5. One Bengali manuscript poster issued by the Communist Party, found pasted on
a wall at Banagram Road, on the night of 14/15.8.49. It contains the following
writings :
“Gariber Rakta Shoshan Kariya League-Khunira 15-i-August Azadir Utshab Karitechhe. Ei Khuni Pashuguli Ke Khatam Karia Janater Azadi Kayem Karo. 15-i- August Kalo Potaka Urao”.
“Communist Party”
6. One copy of Bengali printed leaflet entitled, “Communist Gan Shabodhan” –
Issued “on behalf of the students of the Medical College.” It condemns the activities of the “Communist” students who were responsible for the issue of a Bengali printed leaflet (Reported in D.I.R. No. 149, dated 13.8.49-Para VI (I) .and warns the “Communist” students that they should changed their views and ways of movement. No Communist activity (viz. hoisting of black flag in the college hostel etc) against Pakistan will be tolerated.
IV. The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail reports that S.Pr. Abdul Hamid Khan
has given up hunger strike on the evening of 16.8.49 unconditionally (vide Para VI- last portion of D.I.R. No. 151 dated 16.8.49).

Page: 250


SP, DIB, Faridpur sent an official memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca, related to the arrest information of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman &
Abdus Salam Khan.
Faridpur, 18 August 1949
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, The 18th August
No. 3309/2-49 Actn.
To Khan Sahib M. Yusuff Spl. Supdt. of Police I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref :- Your No. 16046/606-48 P.F.(I), dated 11.8.49.
In this connection I would invite a reference to this office No. 3128 (4)/14-49, dated 5.8.49 forwarding an extract from the report of S.D.P.O., Gopalganj, dated 19.7.49 regarding the arrests of Abdus Salam Khan and Shaikh Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/ -18.8.49.
(M.S. HAQUE) Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Faridpur.

Page: 251


Extract from the East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, Dacca, week ending dated 20.8.1949, where it was mentioned that
on 10th August about 150 students of S.N. Academy of Gopalganj paraded the main streets of the town in defiance of 144, Cr:P.C. & the information of forming a separate students organization under
the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 20 August 1949.
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence, Dacca, the week ending 20th August, 1949.
1299. Faridpur – On 10th August about 150 students of the S.N. Academy, Gopalganj town, paraded the main thoroughfares of the town in defiance of the prohibitive order under section 144, Cr.P.C., which was already in force there, demanding the immediate starting of Boarding House at Gopalganj. The following students took the leading part in organising the procession:
1. Abu Abdullah, s/o Mvi. Jaynal Abedin, Lawyer Magistrate, Gopalganj, student
of class X, S.N. Academy, Gopalganj. 2. Abdul Mannan Shaikh, s/o Azahruddin of Bangram, P.S. Gopalganj 3. Fazlur Rafiq @ Khoka, s/o A. Majid Laskar, Seristadar of Gopalganj Civil
Court. 4. Mukul Mian (being fixed) student of class X, S.N. Academy, Gopalganj town.
The students of Gopalganj town are reported to have been trying to organise a separate students organisation within the fold of the official Muslim League different as district from the one affiliated to the East Pakistan Muslim Students League and belonging to the group of Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para 1290) s/0. Lutfar Rahman of Tongipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. For this purpose they are issuing leaflets depicting the existing Muslim Students League as being an organisation of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (para 1046) meant to mislead the people of Pakistan and to further his (Mr. Suhrawardy’s) selfish ends.
(The similar report had been referred to heading no-126)

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Extract from the East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, week ending dated 20.8.1949, where it was reported about a meeting of
AML held on 10.8.1949 at Jamalpur Eidgah Maidan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maolana Bhasani & Shamsul Haque delivered speeches on nepotism & corruption prevailing among the Govt. officials, levy scheme, abolition of Zamindari system etc.
Dacca, 20 August 1949
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence, Dated, Dacca, the week ending August, 20th, 1949.
1290. Mymensingh
A meeting (300) of the Awami Muslim League (para 1273) was held on 10th August at Jamalpur Id-Gah Maidan with Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A.(para 1243), Secy. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, in the chair. Mujibur Rahman (para 783) of Faridpur, Law Student, Dacca University, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani, President, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, and the President delivered lectures dwelling on the alleged nepotism and corruption prevailing among the Govt. officials, the Govt. Levy Scheme, the abolition of Zamindari System without compensation the introduction of compulsory primary education and the immediate improvement of Chittagong Port. They also criticised the present Govt. policy of giving disproportionately high pay to the top ranking officials and low pay to the members of the subordinate staff. Resolutions were passed expressing noconfidence in the present Ministry and demanding:
(i)Dissolution of the present Ministry early and the holding of fresh election on the basis of adult franchise82;
82. Adult franchise – Adult franchise is a fundamental pillar of any democracy. Adult franchise means that the right to vote should be given to all adult citizens without the discrimination of caste, class, colour, religion or sex. It is based on equality which is a basic principle of democracy

Page: 253
(ii)the setting up of a tribunal to enquire into the allegation nepotism and corruption on the part of the Hon’ble Ministers and other high officials of the Govt. and also about the properties acquired by them during the last years; the abolition of Zamindari System without compensation. the fixation of the minimum price of jute at Rs. 50/- maund, and the immediate improvement of Chittagong Port, etc.
(ii) (iv)
the 111


Extract from the WCR of SP, Faridpur for the week ending dated 20.8.1949, where the political activities of students of Gopalganj
were mentioned.
Faridpur, 20 August 1949.
Extract from the Weekly Confdl. Report of the Supdt. of Police, Faridpur for week ending Thursday, the 20th August, 1949.
8. Youth and Students Movement.
(b) The students of Gopalganj town have been trying to organise a separate students organisation within the fold of the official Muslim League distinguished from the so-called Muslim Students League, affiliated to the East Pakistan Muslim Students League (belonging to the group of Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur). To this end in view they have been issuing leaflets depicting the organisation of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to mislead the people of Pakistan and to hurl abuses to the Late Quaid-i-Azam for his (Mr.
Suhrawardy’s) selfish ends.
(The similar report had been referred to heading no-124
On 11.8.49 while some students were distributing the leaflets a band of students
of the counter bloc named below snatched away the leaflets and assaulted the
distributors. A case u/s 147/379 I.P.C. was started at Gopalganj P.S. against all the
accused students, who were arrested and subsequently released on bail : –

Page: 254
1. Abu Abdullah s/o Mv. Jainal Abedin, Lawyer Magistrate, Gopalganj. 2. A.K.M. Md. Ali Biswas (I.A. Student) s/o Abdul Majid Biswas of Boarni, P.S.
Gopalganj. 3. Abdul Mannan @ Mannan @ Mannu s/o Azharuddin Sk. of Bangram, P.S.
Gopalganj. 4. Saiyidul Haq Biswas @ Dudu Miyan s/o Zahurul Haq of Boarni, P.S.
Gopalganj. 5. Ghulam Akel @ Photo (being fixed) a student of class X of S. N. Academy,
The case is under investigation.
1. Name with full particulars
Sk. Majibar Rahman s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara P.S.
Gopalganj Dt. Faridpur 2. Party affiliation- Awami Muslim League. 3. Blood relationship with any other security prisoner of suspects4. Personal description as per Appendix X of P.R.B.- attached.


Extract from East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence for the
week ending on 20.8.1949 where it was mentioned about a meeting of AML held at Armanitola Maidan on 18.8.1949. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maolana Bhasani & Shamsul Haque delivered
speeches in the meeting. The speakers addressed on free & compulsory primary education, criticizing the policy of official ML, urging the audience to become members of AML, demanding
immediate release of all arrested students etc.
Dacca, 20 August 1949
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence, Dated, Dacca, the week ending 20th August, 1949.

Page: 255
1302. Dacca – A meeting (5,000) of the Awami Muslim League (para 1290) was held at Armanitola Maidan on 18th August with Maulana Abdul Hamid (Bhasanir Maulana) (para 1290) in the chair. The Maulana in course of his speech explained to the audience the right of freedom and its utility and asked them not to be afraid of the Police bullets and other machineries used by the Cabinet but to have fear only for Allah, the Almighty. He also criticised the dilatory action of the Govt. in regard to mass education in that the free and compulsory primary education bill though passed 19 years back, had not yet been given effect to.
Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. (para 12900), Secretary, Awami Muslim League, criticised the policy of the official Muslim League as adopted after the achievement of Pakistan and urged the audience to become members of the Awami Muslim League.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (para 1299), Secy. E.P.M.S.L. and Jt. Secy. of Awami Muslim League, asked the students to fight to the last against the alleged oppressions of the police upon the students, demanded the immediate release of all students confined in jail without any trial and immediate revision of pay scale of Govt. servants including Ministers which, according to him, should be between Rs. 100/- to Rs. 500/
The following resolutions were unanimously passed:
That the general election should be held immediately according to Shariat on the basis of adult franchise.
3. 4.
That the Zamindari System should be abolished without any compensation. That free and compulsory education should be introduced at once. That the Chittagong Port should improve as early as possible.
That the students who are still in jail should be released unconditionally.
That the salary of the Govt. servants should be fixed at from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 500/

Page: 257


True copy of an English letter dated 21.8.1949, sent from Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman addressed to Syed Md. Sohail, 13 Comt Chamber & H.S. Suhrawardy, 13 A, Kutchary road, Karachi.
Dacca, 25 August 1949
Intelligence Branch
Memo No.
Dacca; The 26.8.1949
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (with address)
: Mojibur Rahman, 150,
Mughaltooly, Dacca. Mr. Syed Md. Sohail, 13, Comt Chamber (2) H.S. Suhrawardy, 13 A, Kutchary Rd. Karachi
English. (Typed) (By Air Mail) : 21.8.49.
Illegible. dt. 25.8.49
Language of letter Date of letter
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Dacca R.M.S
Date of interception
: 25/8/49
Name of officer who can prove the : Moslehuddin Ahmed, of, IB interception Sub-Inspr.
9. Whether photographed or not : X 10. Whether withheld or delivered Submitted with original. 11. If Delivered, whether copy kept or Copy kept
: C.I.
12. Number and date of Government
order authorising interception

Page: 259
True copy of an English letter (Typed) dated 21/8/49 intercepted at Dacca R.M.S on 25.8.49.
150, Mughaltully, Dacca
21.8.49 Janab,
Hope you have received my letter sent along with Manik Bhai’s letter. We are all anxiously awaiting for reply to the points raised therein on our behalf. You certainly realize the attitude if the present regime which is mean. All sorts of oppression has been let loose. Promulgation of Sec. 144, arrest and harassment of our workers have become every day affairs. In spite of all these our organizational work is proceeding unexpectedly fast. But for an ‘organ’ all our activities cannot be published. The other day we organized a public meeting at the Armanitola Maidan on the occasion of the Independence Day celebration but the Ministerial party wanted and in fact employed all vile tactics to break our meeting but all their attempts failed and the meeting was a tremendous success and there was a gathering of nearly fifty thousands. But for want of publicity we are where we were practically. You certainly realize that we are fighting against thousand odds and you also know where other difficulties be. Our workers in mufassil are harassed like anything. I am leaving for Barisal and Gopalganj to night our workers have been assaulted and arrested in those places.
The conference of the East Pakistan Muslim Students League have been fixed on the 16th an 17th Sept., 1949. Would you kindly see that Mian Manzorul Alam, Mr. Abdus Sattar Khan, Niyazmi (Ex. M.L.A Punjab) and Mr. Gholam Nabi of West Punjab are avail to address the same? On hearing from you we shall issue invitation cards to those gentlemen.
When are you coming to Dacca? We are all anxious to have you in our midst for various talks.
Manik Bhai is indisposed. Yet we have requested him to take up charge of the central office of the Awami Muslim League. With best regards.
Yours affectionately, S/- Mojibur Rahman.

Page: 260
We tried to contact you over the phone. Even three days back we sat late homes at night and were told from the Karachi Exchange at about 2 a.m. that you were not available.
Sd/- M.R.
Sub-Inspr. of Police, IB, Dacca. 26.8.49
I.B, East Bengal, 7 Wiseghat Road Dacca, the 5th September, 49. No. 17651(2)/563-48 P. F.
1. Dy. Secy., Home (Political) Deptt. E.B., Dacca. 2. Asstt. Director (P), Int. Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi.
I enclose for your information copy of an English letter from Mojibar Rahman, 150, Moghultuli, Dacca to Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy, 13A, Kutchery Road, Karachi. The cover was addressed to Mr. Syed Md. Sohail of 13 Court Chambers, Karachi who is Mr. Suhrawardy’s Post box: It was noticed in the R.M.S., Dacca on 25/8/49 and delivered.
Sd/- M. Yusuff.
for D.I.G, I. B. Copy with enclosure forwarded to Addl. Supdt. of Police, DIB., Dacca for information.
Sd/- M. Yusuff. for D.I.G, I. B


Extract from East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, Dacca,
for the week ending on 27.8.1949 where it was reported that a public meeting of AML was held at Laldighi park, Chittagong on 26.8.1949. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhashani, Shamsul
Haq, Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri & Bazlus Sattar delivered

Page: 261
speeches in the meeting. The speakers severely criticized the ML
ministry as regards to the food and cloth crisis, urged the audience to join Awami League & asked the members of the minority community not to leave the country. On 27 August 1949 other two meetings one organized by MSL held at J.M. Sen Hall & another meeting of railway employees was held at Railway
Institute, Chittagong.
Dacca, 27 August 1949
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence, Dated, Dacca, Saturday, the w/e. 27th Aug. 1949.
1344. Chittagong
A public meeting (10,000) was held at Laldighi Park on 26th August with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhashani (para 1326) in the chair. Mvi. Bazlus Sattar (Para 860) Zahur Ahmad Chaudhuri (Para 1266) both of Chittagong, Sk Mujibur Rahman (para 1302) Jt. Secy. East Bengal Awami League, Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. (Para 1302) and the President, in course of their speeches severely criticised the present Ministry in regard to the food and cloth crisis and the deplorable condition of the mass. They urged the audience to join Awami League. The president asked the members of the Minority Community not to leave this country but to join hands with the Muslims in establishing Pakistan on a firm footing the following among other resolutions were passed in the meeting :
That “No Confidence” motions should be tabled against the present Ministry of East Bengal and the Muslim League as organised by Maulana Akram Khan (Para 1266).
That fresh election after preparing a new voters list on the basis of adult franchise should be held immediately.
That the pay of Ministers, Provincial or Central, should not be more than Rs.1,100/- and that of the lower Grade officers should not be less than Rs.120/
per month.
That the Zamindari System should be abolished without any compensation.

Page: 262
5. That the retrenched employees of the various departments of the Government should be re-employed immediately.
6. That the students now detained in jail should be released immediately,
7. That a special Tribunal should be set up at once to enquire the activities of the East Bengal Ministers.
On 27th August a meeting (500) of the Muslim Students League was held in the J.M. Sen. Hall83. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhashani, who presided over the Meeting, reviewed the resolutions passed on 26th August. He advised the students to be united in order to fight for the redress of their grievances, namely introduction of compulsory free primary education and compulsory military training for the students of East Pakistan.
On the same day in the evening Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan address about 1,000 railway employees in the Railway institute. Cherag Ali Khan (Para 1338), Working President, E.P.R.E.L., Mahbubul Haq (para1338), Secy. of do., Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A., Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Secy. East Bengal Awami League, also spoke in the meeting. All the speakers condemned the alleged corruption and nepotism prevailing among the high Railway officials and urged the employees to join the E.P.R.E.L. and move the Railway authorities through this organisation for providing them with proper accommodation, reintroducing the grain shops, reemployment of the retrenched hands and implementation of the pay Commission’s Award immediately. Maulana Abdul Hamid also Advised them to resort to strike after giving proper notice to the Railway authorities if, their grievances were not fulfilled within specific period.
83. J.M. Sen Hall – J. M. Sen Hall is located next to Diwan Bazar in Chittagong, The building was named after Jatra Mohan Sengupta-a lawyer and politician during British rule. He took part in laying the foundation of the protest against British rule. From the beginning of British rule in the sub-continent to the end, the building and its premises had played host to major political, social, literary and cultural meetings. With the Pakistani regime raising questions over language following the departure of the British colonial rulers, the JM Sen Hall turned into the venue of the Language Movement in Chittagong. Awami League’s women wing held a meeting there during the non-cooperation movement on March 9, 1971.

Page: 263


Extract from the monthly D.O of Faridpur dated 5.9.1949 where
it is mentioned that AML of Maulana Bhasani was gradually gaining ground in the district under the leadership of Abdus
Salam of Faridpur & ML of Gopalganj subdivision set up a separate student organization within their fold to counteract the students league of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 5 September 1949
Extract from the monthly D.O. of Faridpur district dated 5.9.1949.
(e) Muslim Affairs:- In spite of interference from its opposition, the Awam-eMuslim League of Maulana Abdul Hamid (of Bhasani) is gradually gaining ground in the district under the leadership of Mvi. Abdus Salam @ Badsha Miyan, M.A, B.L. Advocate, of Faridpur town. Enrolment of members is proceeding.
The Muslim League of Gopalganj Subdivision has set up a separate student organisation within their fold, to counteract the Students League of Sk. Muzibar Rahman who is the Joint Secy. of Awam-e-Muslim League. They issued printed leaflets describing the existing Students’ League as the organisation of Mr. Suhrawardy and meant for misleading the students of Pakistan etc. A quarrel took place between the two groups of the students of Gopalganj over the circulation of these leaflets on 11.8.49 and a criminal case was registered at Gopalganj P.S. by Muslim League party against the other. Subsequent to that two other counter cases were also started at the P.S. on 13.8.49 over another trouble between those two groups of the students. All the cases are under investigation. Strained feelings between the two groups of the students still exist. The situation is under watch.
Show S.S.III
Sd – S.K.G.
Extract on the M.S.L. file.
Sd/-M.Y. 16.9.

Page: 265


True copy of an English letter dated 8.9.1949, sent from S.A. Hamid, General Secretary, District Muslim Students League, Khulna to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 150 Mogaltuli, Ramna,
Dacca, 13 September 1949 Secret
Dacca : The 14.9.1949 Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained) 1. From (with address)
S.A. Hamid, General Secy., District Muslim Students
League, Khulna. To (with address)
Mr. Mazibar Rahaman, 150
Mogaltuly, Ramna, Dacca. Language of letter
English Date of letter
8.9.49 Postal Seal
Khulna R.M.S Post office of interception : Ramna Date of interception
13.9.49 Name of officer who can prove: Sl. A. Aziz. IB the interception Whether photographed or not : Whether withheld or Delivered with original delivered If delivered, whether copy kept : Copy kept or not Number and date of Government : order authorising interception.
True copy of an English letter dt 8.9.49 from S.A. Hamid, General Secretary, District Muslim Students League, Khulna to Mr. Muzibar Rahman 150 Mogaltuli, Ramna, Dacca. Intercepted by si A. Aziz at Ramna Ps. on 13.9.49.

Page: 266
My dear Vaizan,
Received your letter on the 6th instant and have realised everything. I requested Amjad Ali (President District Committee) and others of Bagerhat and they came yesterday. We have decided to go to Dacca from here on the 13th and shall be in Dacca with our 16 delegates on the 15th. But we are very much thinking of money. We are required at least 800/- rupees. However by the grace of the Almighty we shall attend the council meeting. Mr. Anwar Hussain of Shatkhira have started for Dacca yesterday. I have requested him to see you beforehand. Some mischievous events are going on here at Khulna, arounding Mr. Habibur Rahman of Madaripur, a student of Barisal College and Mr. Mahiuddin Ahmed (Secry., D.M.L) of Barisal. I shall tell you in detail about it, when we shall meet. Amzad Ali, Chand Mia, Hafiz, Mokles, Mohammad and all others are coming. We have decided to start from June on the 13th by the Goaland train. Please convey my regards and salams to Hamid Sb. and Jalal Shahib. Hope you are passing on well.
With regards
A Hamid

Page: 267
Perusal Pl.
General Secy. District Muslim Student League Khulna wrote this letter to Majibar Rahman.
Reports that 16 delegates from Khulna will reach Dacca on 15th peacefully to attend the conference.
Copy may be placed on file & copy of D.I.B Khulna & report about the names of delegates
Sd/-14.9 No. 18724/606-48 P.F. dt. 21.9 Secret.
Copy to D.I.B. Khulna to please report about the names of delegates.
Sd/-14.9, DS.3 for SS3 IB.,
Sd/ -17.9

Page: 268


Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, Karachi sent a memo dated 16.9.1949 to DIG, IBEB, Dacca regarding a letter, sent from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to H.S Suhrawardy in Karachi & requested for getting a note on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Karachi, 16 September 1949 Secret
No. CAP/199-II Intelligence Bureau Government of Pakistan
Karachi, dated 16.9.49 Dear Mr. Khundkar,
Please refer to your Memo. No. 17651 (2)/ 563-48/ P.F. dated September 5th, 1949 forwarding a copy of an intercepted letter from Mojibur Rahman, Dacca, to H.S. Suhrawardy, Karachi.
2. I shall be grateful if you will let me have a full note on the writer. We would also like to have a full report on the Conference of the East Pakistan Muslim Students League due to be held on September 16th and 17th, 1949.
Yours sincerely Sd/- A.M. Sadullah
Assistant Director (P). F.R. Khandkar, Esq, PPS D.I.G. of Police I. B.E.B Dacca (By Air Mail)


Extract from East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, week ending dated 17.9.1949. All contents of the extract are cited below
in sub-heading no. i & ii. Dacca, 17 September 1949
i. A camera meeting of the delegates to the provincial conference
of EPMSL was held on 16.9.1949 at Tajmahal cinema hall,

Page: 269
Dacca. In the meeting the provincial executive council of EPMSL was formed. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in his presidential address
stated that students should take part in politics, suggested the students to have the real education & criticized the Govt. for not
holding general election. Dacca, 17 September 1949
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence, Dated, Dacca, the week ending Sept. 17, 1949.
1447. Dacca – On 16th Sept. in a camera meeting (250) of the delegates to the Provincial Conference of the East Pakistan Muslim Students League (Para 988), held at Tajmohal Cinema Hall, and presided over by Sk. Mujibur Rahman, (Para 1344), Jt. Secy. Awami Muslim League, the Provincial Executive Council was formed with Dabirul Islam (Security Prisoner) as President, Surajul Islam and Aziz Ahmad (Para 616), as Vice-Presidents, Abdul Khaliq Newaj Khan as Secretary and 25 other members. In course of his presidential address, Sk. Mujibur Rahman stated that in a country like Pakistan where only 5 P.C. of the total population was literate the students could not but take part in politics for the solution of the various problems to ameliorate the condition of the masses. They had to go ahead in spite of all repressions but not in silence. He warned the Govt. to repeal the ordinance recently promulgated whereby the student agitators would be deprived of their stipends and expelled from the schools and colleges and said that if this was not done they would have to find out their own ways about it. He suggested to the students to have the real education which did not mean reading of only the books on the curriculum and advised them to start study circles and debating societies, to ventilate their ideas about the various problems and to carry on a campaign against illiteracy. He blamed the Govt. for not holding a general election in spite of the countrywide demand of the people and for establishing reign of terror in the country by curtailing the liberties of the individual, the organisations and the newspapers and taking recourse to other black laws. He also criticised them for trying to introduce Arabic scripts in Bengali language and unjustly dubbing them as Communists. He asserted that as true Muslims they would fight against Communism to the last man.
ii. An open session of the conference was held at Armanitola maidan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani, Shamsul Haq & other leaders addressed in the meeting. The speakers

Page: 270
criticized those who advised the students not to take part in politics, urging the students to come forward for eradicating the evils prevailing in the administration, bitterly criticized the Govt.
for dubbing them as communists etc.
Dacca, 17 September 1949
The open session of the conference (3,000) was held in the same evening at Armanitola Maidan under the presidency of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhasanir Maulana) (para 1435). Speeches were made by Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A., (para 1344), and the president besides several others criticising those who advised the students not to take part in politics and urging on the students to come forward to eradicate the evils prevailing in the administration and build Pakistan into an Islamic State based on Islamic Socialism and Shariat. Govt. was also bitterly criticised for dubbing them as communists. The speakers made demands for the imparting of compulsory military training to all adults and supply of arms without license to all Pakistanis for the defense of East Pakistan in the case of emergency. They also made allegations that the Ministers were trying to bring about a disruption among the students by starting a bogus students organisation with the help of the students who are their relatives and pets. The president requested the audience to muster strong in thousands, place their demands before the Prime Minister of Pakistan during his ensuing visit to Eastern Pakistan and ask for a definite reply from him with regard to the same.

Page: 271


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to Moshiur Rahman on
20.9.1949, which was intercepted at G.P.O, Dacca. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman advised Moshiur Rahman that he should start
the work of AML as it was the high time.
Dacca, 21 September 1949
Copy of an English letter intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca. Dated 21.9.49.
From : Majibur, 9, Patlakhan Lane, To: Mr. Moshiur Rahman, B.L. Dacca, 20.9.49.
Ex-Chairman D.B., Jessore. My dear Moshiur Bhai,
Received your letter. I think, you should start the work of Awami Muslim League. Maulana Sahib also told me to write to you. It is high time for us to start work. I think and feel that time is ripe now. The condition of Dacca is very very good. If we await there. People will finish us. I will inform you when I will be able to go to Jessore with Maulana Sahib. I hope you are O.K. though I know your condition.
Yours affly.
Sd/- Majibar.

Page: 272


English translation of a Bengali letter, sent from Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman, 9 Patla Khan lane, Dacca to Abul Hashem & Abdus Sattar, Seramkandi, Patgati, Faridpur dated 21.9.1949 which was
intercepted at GPO, Dacca on 22.9.1949.
Dacca, 22 September 1949
The : 22 Sept, 1949.
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Mojibar Bhaijan 9, Patla Khan Lane, Dacca. Mr. Abul Hashem & Abdus Satter Vill. Seramkandi P.O. Patgati. Dt. Faridpur. “Bengali
Language of letter
Date of letter
5. Postal Seal 6. Post office of interception 7. Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can prove
the interception
out going : G. P.O. Dacca
22.9.49. : ASI, Abul Kasem
Whether photographed or not
Delivered Copy kept
10. Whether withheld or delivered
If delivered, whether copy kept
or not 12 Number and date of Government
order authorising interception.

Page: 273
English Translation of a Bengali letter dt. 21/9/49 from Majibar, 9 Patla Khan’s Lane, Dacca to Abul Hashem and Abdus Sattar Vill. Seram Kandi P.O. Patgati, Dt. Faridpur, intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca on 22.9.49.
Dear Hashem & Sattar,
My love to you. I do not get any news from you for a long time. ! had a mind to know the result of your exam but it is great regret that both of you have got plucked. Nothing to worry about it. Begin your studies without delay. It does not matter at all if anybody gets pluck. What God does, He does for the best. Have faith on Him and begin your Studies. You will have to pass by the Grace of God. The people of the country hope to get many things from you.

Page: 274
We are started today to think over the situation of the country. The People of the country will not survive any more. The Paddy may be brought to our County from Khulna within a short time perhaps you remember that I told you “Be united the cordon system will be withdrawn.” The ministers got frightened and abolished the cordon system. If we are united, everything will be alright. We will have to swear that we will nobody to die without food. Why the general public will suffer for want of food when we have got all. Some people will plunder the country. Our country men can understand nothing for their illiteracy. By no means you will give up your studies. Allah will favour you surely. Send my salams to your parents. How Bara Mia, Hakkan Mia & others? Please write.
Sd/ – Majibar Bhaijan Submitted Md. Ishaque S.I. 1.B. 27.9

Page: 275


Two Govt. reporters, IBEB Dacca submitted a report regarding proceedings of the conference held at Armanitola maidan, Dacca on 22.9.1949 in which Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speech.
He spoke on not paying any attention by the Govt. to the many resolutions passed from their meetings, demanding three things food, education & military training, urging the students to launch
illiteracy drive in the rural areas etc.
Dacca, 22 September 1949 Summary report of the proceedings of the East Pakistan Muslim Students’ League conference held at Armanitola Maidan Dacca on 16.9.49. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani Presiding.
The proceedings of the conference began at 4.35 p.m with a recitation from the Holy Quran.
Next Sheikh Majibar Rahman said:
“We have held so many meetings and passed so many resolutions copies of which have reached the central and Provincial Governments but to no effect. Are the Govt. blind? I believe in direct action. Pakistan was achieved through direct action. Many lost their lives.
Compensation is now being given to the Hindus who have left for the Indian Union. All the properties of the Muslims of India have been confiscated. Even the property of Qaide Azam has shaved the same fate. And we are going to pay them 60 crores of rupees as compensation. Is it justice? You should remember, where justice and equally fail the shining still decides the issue.
We want three things: – Food, Education and Military training. Everybody must be given military training to defend his country. They (leaders) love the country to become ministry. Those who fly in aero plane may fly away in times of danger. The Punjabi soldiers are not conversant with the geographical condition of East Bengal. We will have to defend our country. As regards food if you are prepared to lay down your lives Nurul Amin cannot but give us food. If in any other independent country a single individual died of starvation the ministers would have been shot dead. The Ministers would have been pulled by their cars and brought down from their residences. I will urge upon the students to launch illiteracy drive in the rural areas.

Page: 276
If a matriculate muktear can be a minister then cannot we graduates become so? We do not want the plantain frees (M.L.As). We want fresh election.
Thousands of Muslim Youths will lay down their lives if there be oppression on any students or Awami League workers. Meetings are held in the residence of the ministers to create rift in the student community. Money is being spent to organise the All East Pakistan Muslim Students League. You must not forget that who does injustice and who tolerates it are equally sinners go on working, you will succeed.
Dacca 22.9.49.
Sd – Md. Husain, Sd/-Ghulam Yazdani
Govt. Reporters.

Page: 277


Translation copy of a Bengali letter dated 22.9.1949, sent from Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Joint Secretary, Awami Muslim League, 150 Mogultuly, Dacca,
which was intercepted at GPO, Dacca on 26.9.1949.
Dacca, 26 September 1949
The 26th Sept. 1949.
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
Md. Abdul Hamid Vasani To (with address)
Mr. Majibor Rahman, It. Secy. Awami Muslim League 150.
Mogultuly, Dacca. 1 Language of letter
Bengali Date of letter
22.9.49. Postal Seal
Illegible Post office of interception : G. P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
26.9.49 Name of officer who can prove : ASI. Abul Kasem the interception Whether photographed or not 1: Delivered Whether withheld or delivered :Original Submitted If delivered, whether copy kept : Copy kept or not Number and date of : Government order authorising interception.

Page: 279
Translation Copy of a Bengali letter intercepted at G.P.O. Dated 25.9.49.
Md. Abdul Hamid Vasani Dt 22,747,
Moulvi Majibor Rahman Jt. Secretary. Awami Muslim League 150. Mogultuli, Dacca.
Dear Mazibor Rahman
Hope you are well by the grace Allah. You will call for a meeting of Pakistan Voters on the next 11th October at Armanitola. To inform the real demand of the Public to Liakot Ali84 will be the motto of the said conference. Get the news to be published in “Ittefak” and the poster and notices are to be distributed after printing. A Special care is to be taken to get the members of the Awami Muslim League early in the Dacca City. By the grace of Allah wish to reach Dacca after the “Eid” and will tour on various Districts. Hope you will try as far as you can with all other workers to have the conference of the 11th October. You will form an organising committee in every district.
Sd/ Md. Abdul Hamid Vasani
Submitted A Kasem, ASI dt. 1.12.49.
84. Liakot Ali – Liaquat Ali Khan (October 1895 – 16 October 1951), was one of the leading founding leaders of Pakistan, statesman, lawyer and political theorist who became and served as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. In addition, he also held cabinet portfolio as the first foreign, defense, and the frontier regions minister from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.

Page: 280
Copy/ translation forwarded to:-DS- III Perusal pl.
Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani writes this letter to Mojibar Rahman (Khan) of Jt. Secy. Awami League.
The addressee is directed to hold a conference of Pakistan voters at Armanitolla Moidan, Dacca on 11.10.49 to ventilate the grievances of the masses and communicate the same to Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan. Copy may be placed on file & Copy to D.I.B. Dacca.
Sd/ -20.9
Side note :
SSIII may please see., sd/-28.9 Told verbally, as there was no time to give an ext. No. 20157/606-48 P.F. dt. 19.10. As proposed. Ds3 for SSI, I.B.

Page: 281


Extract from the East Bengal Police abstract of intelligence, the week ending dated 15.10.1949. A meeting of AML was held on 11.10.1949 at Armanitola maidain. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other two leaders delivered speeches in the meeting. They spoke on food policy of the Govt., development of cottage industries, sending 5 telegrams to meet the PM etc. After the meeting a
procession was brought out.
Dacca, 15 October 1949
Extract from the East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence, Dated, Dacca,the week ending 15th Oct. 1949.
1588. Dacca- A meeting (5,000) of the Awami Muslim League (para 1503), was held on 11th October in Armanitola Maidain under the presidency of Maulana Abdul Hamid (Bhashanir Maulana) (para 1503). It was addressed by Sakhawat Husain, President, Chamber of Commerce, Mvi Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. (para 1573) and Sk. Mujibur Rahman (para 1447).
Sakhawat Husain said in course of his speech that Govt. was indifferent to the development of cottage industries and taking prompt measures for the improvement of Chittagong Port. He impressed upon the audience that nothing work while could be expected till the present Govt. was dislodged from power.
Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A., said that as many as 5 telegrams had been sent to the Prime Minister, Pakistan, requesting him to attend this meeting in order that they could have a chance of apprising him of the actual state of affairs in the country and that the East Bengal Cabinet was also requested to arrange for his attendance in the meeting audience to raise their hands to signify if they had or had not confidence in the present Cabinet. The audience raised hands in favour of no-confidence.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman criticised the food policy of the Govt. He said that 70 p.c. of the people were starving due to the fact that some person were playing false with foodstuffs. He read out among others the following resolutions:1. That a special Tribunal be formed to enquire into the mal-administration by the
present Cabinet.

Page: 282
2. That a general election be held early, failing which the coters should meet in a conference and ask the Cabinet to vacate room for the real representative members to run the Govt. He next proposed to the audience to go round in a procession in order to let the Prime Minister of Pakistan know that the public were not satisfied with the present Ministry in East Bengal.
After the meeting ended a procession head by Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan proceeded towards Ramna. It was held up by the police first at Nawabpur and then at Nazirbazar Railway crossing under orders of the Dist. Magistrate. At the latter place the processionists assumed violent attitude. The District Magistrate thereupon ordered them to disperse. They refused to do so and threw brickbats causing injuries
e S.D.O., North, and 10 constables. Tear gas was then used to disperse them but as this did not prove effective recourse had to be taken to a mild lathi charge.

Page: 283


A copy of an English letter dated 12.10.1949 was sent from Mashiruddin Ahmed of Dinajpur to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 150 Mogultuly, Dacca, which was intercepted at Dacca G.P.O on
Dacca, 15 October 1949
Intelligence Branch, Dacca.
Memo No.
The 15. 10. 1949.

Page: 284
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1. From (with address)
: Mashiruddin Ahmad,
Dinajpur 2. To (with address)
: Sk. Mazibur Rahman
150, Mogaltuly, Dacca. 3. Language of letter
: English 4. Date of letter
: 12.10.49. 5. Postal Seal
: Dinajpur dt. 12.10.49 6. Post office of interception : G. P.O. Dacca. Date of interception
: 15.10.49 8. Name of officer who can prove : Md. Ishaque S.1, 1.B
the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered : Office Delivered 11. If Delivered, Whether copy kept : Copy kept
or not 12. Number and date of Government : Casual interception.
order authorising interception.
Copy of a letter in English dt. 12.10.49 from Mashiruddin Ahmed, Dinajpur to Sk. Mazibur Rahman, 150 Mogaltuly, Dacca, intercepted at G.P.O Dacca. on 15.10.49.
Janab Sk. Mazibur Rahman Saheb.
Best Compliments to you. I have returned to Dinajpur Via Rajshahi. There I could interview Mr. Dabirul Islam. He has been kept in a cell and is passing a difficult life. I have advised him to write to the I.G. Pr. for transfer to Dacca. Here I discussed the problem of holding a meeting which practically depends on your fixing the date & programme.
Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Liakat Ali Khan is visiting Dinajpur on the 20th. We were thinking if the meeting could be held before that date but I do not think if possible as most probably the authority would not allow us.

Page: 286
I think you are not too busy. Moulana Saheb & M.L.A Saheb are also there. I had a desire to go there and discuss your porgramme but could not leave this place.
Here to receive Nawabjada, a reception committee has been formed by the so-called leaders like Moulana Baqui & others. It seems that the people will have no access to Prime Minister. They are trying to keep back the real situations & grievances of the general mass. We are thinking of submitting a memorandum but how to do it? Certainly it requires some guidance.
Dabirul Islam asked me to write you for the necessary note books of law and if possible send them to Jail for study. I do not know what books are necessary for him. Please do the needful and inform me accordingly. I cannot understand why”Ittefaque is not coming. They have forgotten to send it. So long my wide publicity in the district has been in vain. The manager Saheb must be regular in sending the paper. Please remind him. I am well & hope you & others to be so.
Yours Sd/ – Mashiruddin Ahmad
Side note: DS 4 may like to see. Sd/


Further statement of Shamsul Haq, MLA, recorded by DIO-13, DIB, Dacca dated 16.10.1949, where it was mentioned that the majority of DYL members came from ML workers and Muslim students. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Shamsul Haq & other leaders were from ML. He added that CP tried to reorganize DYL but
Dacca, 16 October 1949
Extract from page 200 of file No 408-48 P.F.

Page: 287
Recorded by me
Read over and admitted to be correct but he refused to give his signature in the statement. The H.S., specimen handwriting in English and Bengali is attached here to.
Sd/- K. Sayeedur Rahman
D.I.O. 13
17.10.49 Further statement of Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. s/o Dabiruddin of M’singh.
The following are the office bearers of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Organising Committee, which has its office at 150, Mughalguli, Dacca.
President Secretary Jt. Secy Cashier
– Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani. – Moulvi Shamsul Huq, M.L.A. – “Shaikh Mujibar Rahman. – “Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, Swarighat, Dacca.
Recorded by me. Sd/- K. Sayedur Rahman D.I.O. 13, Dacca DIB
dt. 16.10.44.
Further statement of Mvi. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. s/o Dabiruddin of M’Singh.
The majority of the members of D.Y.L. were from the Muslim League Workers and Muslim students. Almost all other students organization had representation in it. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Nooruddin, Moazzam Hussain, Aziz Ahmad, Almas Ali, Korban Ali and myself and some others were members from Muslim League. It is about August or September 1948 the C.P. tried to re-organise the D.Y.L. but failed. It is defunct since May, 1948.
Recorded by me. Sd/ – K. Sayedur Rahman D.I.O. 13, Dacca DIB

Page: 288


Extract from the daily report of IBEB, Dacca dated 17.10.1949 where it was mentioned that on certain information the office of EPAML at 150 Moghultuli was searched on 17.10.1949 to secure the arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Shaukat Ali, who were evading arrest in connection with Kotwali P.S. case no. 19 (10) 1949. Tofazzal Hassain Manik Mia was arrested in that case &
others were allowed to go after interrogation.
Dacca, 17 October 1949
Extract from daily report No. 156 dated the 17th October, 1949 from Intelligence Branch, East Bengal.
On certain information, the office of the E.P. Awami Muslim League at 150 Moghultuli was searched at about 4-30 a.m today (17.10.49) for the arrest of Shaikh Mujibur Rahman and Shaukat Ali, the two militant members of the organisation who are evading arrest in connection with Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19 (10) 49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. and 7 (3) B.S.P.O. None of them was found there and nothing incriminating was seized. Six persons who were found there were brought to Kotwali P.S. and one of them Tofazzal Hussain alias Manik son of Muslemuddin Ahmad of Bhandaria, P.S. Pirojpur, District Barisal who attempted to run away on sight of the police was arrested in connection with the above case and the rest were allowed to go after interrogation.
This seems hardly a good ground for arresting a person.
Sd/- A. Ahmed,
20/10. Chief Secretary.

Page: 290


English translation of a Bengali letter dated 15.10.1949 was sent from Rafiquddin Ahmed, Secretary, Madaripur Muslim Students League to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 150 Mogultuly, Dacca, which was intercepted at Dacca G.P.O on 18.10.1949.
Dacca, 18 October 1949 Secret
Dacca; The 19.9.1949 Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
From (with address)
To (with address)
Language of letter Date of letter
: Rafiquddin Ahmed. Secy.
Madaripur M.S League : Sk. Mazibur Rahman, 150.
Mogaltuly, Dacca. : Bengali : 15.10.49. : Illegible
G. P.O. Dacca : 18.10.49 : Md. Ishaque, S.I. I.B
Postal Seal
Post office of interception
Date of interception 8. Name of officer who can
prove the interception 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or delivered 11. If delivered, whether copy A
kept or not 12. Number and date of
: Delivered
copy kept
: Casual Interception.
Government order authorising

Page: 292
Copy of a Bengali letter dt15.10.49 from Rafiquddin Ahmed Secretary Madaripur Muslim Students League to Sk. Majibur Rahman, 150 Mogaltuly Dacca, intercepted at G.P.O. Dacca, on 18.10.49.
ভাই জান,
আমার শতকোটী ছালাম ও আন্তরিক ভালবাসা গ্রহণ করিবেন। অনেকদিন গত হতে চলু, আমরা আপনার নিকট হইতে কোন চিঠি পত্র পেলাম না, আপনার সমস্ত সংবাদ আমরা রাখি আপনি রাখেন কিনা জানি না। বর্তমানে মাদারীপুরে আওয়ামী মুসলিম লীগের অবস্থা তত ভাল নয়, কেননা এরই মধ্যে মুসলিম লীগের অনেক টিকিট এসে গেছে। তবে ঘাবরাবার কিছু নেই। প্রথমাবস্থায় প্রত্যেক কাজেই কিছু না কিছু অসুবিধা ভােগ করতে হয়, আমাদের বেলায়ও ঠিক তাই। কতকরে বল্লাম আপনাকে একটিবার মাদারীপুরে আসতে আসতে অথচ আপনি একটি বারও আসিলেন না। আমার মনে হয় আপনি আমাদেরে ভুলে গেছেন। আমাদের বড় সাধ আপনি মাত্র একটি বারের জন্য ভাষানীর পীর সাহেবসহ মাদারীপুর আসেন। কেননা আপনাদের মুখের কথা শুনবার জন্য জনসাধারন উন্মত্ত প্রায়। হামিদ মিয়ার নিকট জানতে পারলাম বর্তমানে এসকান্দার মিয়া ও মােহনমিয়ার সাথে নাকি খুব মনােমালিন্য । খােদার নিকট দোয়া করি তাই যেন সত্যি হয়। অধিক কি লিখব ছাত্রলীগ কাজ ভালই চলছে। পত্র পায়া মাত্র আপনী কবে মাদারীপুর আসবেন জানাবেন।
আপনার স্নেহের রফিক উদ্দিন আহমদ
English translation of a Bengali letter dt. 15.10.49 from Rafiquddin Ahmed, Secretary, Madaripur Muslim Students League to Sk. Majibar Rahman, 150 Mogultuly, Dacca, intercepted at Dacca G.P.O. on 14.10.4৭.
My salam and love to you. Since long we have not been receiving any latter from you. We always keep information of you but I do not know whether keep that of ours or not. The position of Awami Muslim League in Madaripur is not good. In the mean time many tickets of Muslim League have reached here. However there is reason for disappointment in every work difficulty is to be faced at the first stage. And there cannot be any exception in our case, too. Although I entrusted you so much to come here once but you did not care to comply it. I think you have

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forgotten us. It is our long cherished desire that you should once come to Madaripur with Pir Saheb of Bhasani because the people are anxious to listen to you. I came to know from Hamid Mia that dissension broke out between Mohon Mia and Eskendar Mia. I pray to God so that this comes out to be true. No more today. The work of the Student League is in well progress. Please let me know when you should visit Madaripur on receipt of this letter.
Yours Sd/- Rafiquddin Ahmad

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Deputy Director, Intelligence, Dacca sent a cipher radiogram
dated 18.10.1949 to Enverom, Karachi, which carried the message that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Awami League left
Dacca for Lahore via Calcutta to meet H.S Suhrawardy.
Dacca, 18 October 1949
Paraphrase of cipher radiogram No. 1534 dated 18-10-49 from Intelligence, Dacca to Enverom, Karachi
Sd/-8.10 Security
Office of the Deputy Director, Intelligence Govt. of Pakistan, 8 Kumartuli Lane,
Dacca the 18th. Octr. 1949.
Copy forwarded to:
A.M. Sadullah Esq., PPS., Assistant Director (P), Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, Karachi-1, in confirmation. A. Ahmed Esq., OBE., PAS., Chief Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal, Dacca. F.R. Khundkar Esq., PPS., Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca.
for favour of information.
Sd/ -18.10
(M.H. Khan) Deputy Director, Intelligence

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Addl. SP DIB, Dacca requested SS, IBEB, Dacca to arrange for the arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on his return to East Bengal in c/w Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. & 7 (3) B.S.P.O. Some officers’ notes were also mentioned in this regard.
Dacca, 22 October 1949
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 22nd October, 1949.
No. 8008/100-49

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Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 21326/ 606-48 P.F. (I), dated 21.10.49.
Kindly arrange for the arrest of Shaikh Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghultuli, Lalbag, Dacca, just on his return to East Bengal in connection with Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) B.S.P.O.
Sd/-22.10 Addl. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.
Perusal pl. of paper below from Dacca D.I.B w/r to p.5. O/C watch has been instructed under SS-Ill’s orders to arrest Mujibar Rahman. He may however note it.
Sd/ -26.10 O/C watch to note pl. sd/ -26.X
Perusal Pl. of the paper below from D.D.1, Dacca. Mujibar Rahman’s file is under action. F.O.P.
Sd/ – 20.10 S.S.I.
For information. Our watch staff also could not locate the whereabouts of the subject since the arrest of Shamsul Huq M.L.A. during the demonstration.
Seen show D.I.G. Our watch should have collected this information.
Sd/- 20.10.

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Seen. To D.I.G. as per note of SS-1
1. below. Sk. Majibur Rahman was not under continuous watch. He
was casually looked up twice a day. He was lost sight of by our watcher, since after the incident on 11.10.49. He was searched for by the local police on 17.10.49. at 150, Magultali, the office of the
Awami League but not found. 2. Send copy of the radiogram message immediately to Dacca D.I.B. for
information. 3. Also keep copies of the message on the P.Fs of Majibur Rahman &
Mr. Suhrawardy. 4. O/C, watch staff to note and taken. Side note: Copies made over to Mr. Shaifuddin, Sd/- 21.10


Copy of radiogram dated 26.10.1949 sent from SP, Faridpur to
Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca stated that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was wanted in Gopalganj P.S. case no.11 under section 143/188 I.P.C
Faridpur, 26 October 1949 Copy of Radiogram dt. 26.10.49 from the Supdt. of Police, Faridpur to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca.
Shaikh Mujibar Rahman is wanted in Gopalganj P.S Case No.11 dt. 18.7.49 under section 143/188 I.P.C. which ended in charge sheet. He was on bail but did not appear on date fixed.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 28th October, 1949.
No. 8188/(2)/100-49.
Forwarded to :
1. Khan Sahib Md. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information, in
continuation of this office No. 8008, d/- 22.10.49. He is wanted in Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19 d/-11.10.49 u/s-147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) B.S.P.O. and he is absconding

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2. S.A. Chaudhuri, Esqr, Supdt. of Police, Dacca, for information.
Sd/ -27.10 Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B, Dacca.


APP was asked to give opinion for the prosecution of the speaker
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on his two speeches delivered on 11.10.1949 & on another date. Considering the matter as a whole the APP did not find anything justifying for the prosecution of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 30 October 1949
The annexed sheets, said to be the summary of the two speeches delivered by one Majibar Rahman on 11.10.49 and on another date (being No. 15 speaker) at Armanitola Maidan, have been made over to me for opinion on the prosecution of the speaker.
I regret to note that the copies are very clumsy and faintly and indistinctly written and with difficulty I read and re-read them.
It is true that portions of the speeches bear signs of want of moderations and shows over- zealousness and holiness of the speaker but considering the matter as a whole I do not find anything justifying the prosecution of the speaker.
Sd/- Upendra Kumar Chanda. Asstt. Public Prosecutor
District Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 10th Nov. 1949. No. 8530/R/6601/56-48
Copy forwarded to Khan Shahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca for information with reference to his No. 20858/771-48 (Genl.) dt. 15.10.49.
Sd/- A. Gafur.
Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca. Side Note: Notes copied from file 771-48 genl., Seen. Place a copy of P.210 on
the subject’s P-7., Sd/ -M-Yusuf, 12.xi.49

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Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca wrote to SS, IBEB, Dacca that the writer Majibur Rahman apparently was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of
EPAML. The officer made a comment on the letter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman that by the underlined sentences he wanted to mean the organizational work of AML was going fine. All though the organizational work was not pushed through all the district of
East Bengal but their target was attained.
Dacca, 8 November 1949
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 8th November, 1949. No. 8404/163-49(Int.)/R.6281
M. Ahmad, Esq. P.P.S., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Reference:- Your No. 19204(2)/447-48 P.F.(NA), dated 26.9.49.
The writer Majibur Rahman apparently is Sahikh Majibur Rahman of the E.P.A.M.L, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalgonj, Faridpur.
By the sentences underlined the writer might have meant that the organisation of the Awami M.L. was going on well at Dacca and if the organisational work is not pushed through in all the districts of E.B. in right earnest till the goal (enlistment of at least 10 lacs of members) is attained, the position of the organisers will be awkward before the public.
Sd/- A. Gafur, Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Dacca.


Extract from the weekly report no. 36 dated 12.11.1949 on the internal situation in East Bengal, where it was mentioned that the
Congress high command was very much interested in AML & Congress leaders of Pakistan. Srish Chatarji & other two leaders of Congress were reported to have connection with AML leaders.
Dacca, 12 November 1949 Extract from the Weekly Report No. 36, dated 12th November, 1949 on the internal situation in East Bengal, prepared by Deputy Director, Intelligence, Government of Pakistan Dacca, received with his No. 1777(2)/2-49.

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The Congress85 High Command is very much interested in the Awami Muslim League in Pakistan and the Congress leaders of Pakistan, apparently not taking part in political movement are availing this opportunity for creating a disruption in the official Muslim League. Srish Chatarji, Bhabesh Nandi and Manaranjan Dhar, noted above were reported to be in close touch with Shamsul Haq and Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary and joint Secretary, respectively, of the East Bengal Awami Muslim League.


Extract from West Punjab Police abstract of intelligence for the
week ending dated 12.11.1949 where it was mentioned that a secret meeting of NWFP Awami League organizing committee was held at Campbellpur on 9.11.1949 in which Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of East Bengal and other NWFP workers were present. It was directed through a cipher telegraphic message to SDPO,
Gopalganj, Faridpur to arrest Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
West Punjab, 12 November 1949
Extract from West Punjab Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 46 for the week ending the 12th November 1949.
546. A secret meeting of the N.W.F.P86. Awami League Organising committee was held at Campbellpur on the 9th. The PIR OF MANKI SHARIF (Para, 369), GHULAM MUHAMMAD Lundkhor (Para, 342), whose entry into the N.W.F.P. is
85. Congress – Congress was founded in 1885 during the British Raj; its founders include Allan Octavian Hume (a prominent member of the Theosophical Society), Dadabhai Naoroji and Dinshaw Edulji Wacha. In the late nineteenth and early to mid-twentieth century, Congress became a pivotal participant in the Indian Independence Movement, with over 15 million members and over 70 million participants in its opposition to British colonial rule in India. After independence in 1947, Congress became India’s dominant political party.
86. N.W.F.P. – The North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) was a province of British India. It was established in 1901 and dissolved in 1955, after eight years as part of the independent state of Pakistan. The area became Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province on April 19, 2010 when the Eighteenth Amendment was signed by the President of Pakistan.

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banned by the Frontier Government, MUJIBUR RAHMAN of East Bengal and other N.W.F.P. workers were present. Methods were discussed for overthrowing the N.W.F.P. Ministry and for organising the Awami League in West Punjab87 and Sind88 in order to co-ordinate all anti-Muslim League parties. Posters were distributed in which, among other things, insinuations were made against the Hon’ble Premier of N.W.F.P.
Seen Ext. of B at P.344 on the P.F. of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/-M.Y. 13.12


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent an official memo to SSP, IBEB Dacca, in which he informed that no meeting was held in the University on 26.6.1949 after the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Bahauddin Ahmad.
Dacca, 16 November 1949 Secret
District Intelligence Branch. Dacca, the 16th/17th November, 1949.
No. 8731/25-49(5) To Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref : Your No. 16969/606-48 P.F. (J), dated 26.8.49 and subsequent reminder
dated 28.10.49.
87. West Punjab – West Punjab was a province of Pakistan from 1947 to 1955. The capital was the city of Lahore and the province was composed of four divisions (Lahore, Sargodha, Multan and Rawalpindi). The Independence of Pakistan in 1947 led to the division of the Punjab Province of British India into two new provinces. The largely Sikh and Hindu East Punjab became part of India while the largely Muslim West Punjab became part of the new nation of the Dominion of Pakistan
88. Sind – Sindh is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, in the southeast of the country. Historically home to the Sindhi people, it is also locally known as Mehran. Karachi is its capital.

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In this connection Para II of D.I.R. 118, dated 27.6.49 may please be referred to. No meeting was held in the University on 26.6.49 after the release of Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Janab Bahauddin Ahmad.
Sd/- 17.11 Addl. Superintendent of police
D.I.B., Dacca.

Page: 303


i. Assistant Director, IB, Pakistan sent a secret memo to DIG, Intelligence, East Bengal, Dacca regarding Lahore visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, his meeting with H.S Suhrawardy & press of West Punjab, his plan of going to Karachi for the purpose of
seeking an interview with the Premier of Pakistan etc
West Punjab, 21 November 1949
Secret Confidential
Dated Lahore, the
November, 1949.
My Dear
Kindly refer to the telephonic conversation we had the other day about Mujibur-Rahman of East Bengal.
2. He arrived in Lahore by air from Delhi by an I.N.A. plane on 30.10.49. The passenger list of the plane bore his name as S.M. Rahman. The C.I.D officer at the airport, who was fore – warned about his arrival, could not place him correctly with the result that Mujib-ur-Rahman was not immediately placed under surveillance on his arrival here. He was originally to put up at the Mamdot villa where Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy is already staying but for want of accommodation he put with Mian Iftikhar-ud-Din, at No 21, Aikman Road, Lahore. Shortly after his arrival Mr. H.S. Suhawardy went to Pakpattan, District Montgomery to attend a public meeting there and Mujib-ur-Rahman saw him on 1.11.49 at the Khan of Mamdot’s house. He met him again at the same place on the following day and discussed with him the case against the Khan of Mamdot, specially the account relating to a cheque for rupees two lacs received by the Khan of Mamdot from East Bengal during his early days as Premier, West Punjab. Mujib-ur-Rahman also discussed with him the desirability and possibility of starting an Awami League in the West Punjab. While talking to a Press Representative, Mujib-ur-Rahman categorised his visit to West Punjab as of a personal nature and denied that it had any political significance as well. His later

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actions, however, have belied this statement. Mujib-ur-Rahman was laid down with fever for nearly 3/4 days and could not take part in any activity during this period. On his recovery, when contacted by another press Representative, he stated that in his view the Muslim League had now been reduced to a Government body and had lost its link with the masses. According to him, in order to gauge the true feelings of the masses in the forthcoming West Punjab Assembly elections, an organisation for the masses should be created and the same may be named as Awami League. The creation of such a body he said may be of some concern for those in power but in all democratic countries a healthy opposition always helps in the formation of a stable Government. He condemned the reign of terror and arrests prevalent in both East Bengal and the N.W.F.P. and according to him the repressive action taken by the Government was responsible for the creation of the Awami League in those Provinces. In his view opposition of Government could not be construed as an antistate activity as there was hardly any person in Pakistan who wished ill for his country. Hamid Nizami of the daily “Nawa-i-Waqt89 is reported to have seen Mujib-ur-Rahman on the 1st and 2nd Nov., 1949. Mujib-ur-Rahman also has been thinking of going to Karachi for the purpose of seeking an interview with the Premier of Pakistan with a view to urge upon him on behalf of the Awami League the stoppage of indiscriminate arrests in East Bengal and N.W.F.P.
ii. Assistant Director, IB, Pakistan sent a secret memo to DIG,
Intelligence, East Bengal, Dacca regarding Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s meeting with Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhore of NWFP
on 7.11.1949, visit of Rawalpindi etc.
West Punjab, 21 November 1949
3. On 7.11.49 Mujib-ur-Rahman contacted Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhore90 of the N.W.F.P. and was closeted with him for a good length of period.
89. Nawa-i-Waqt – It is an Urdu daily newspaper in Pakistan. The daily Nawa-i-Waqt was founded by Hameed Nizami on March 23, 1940.
90. Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhore – The Khans of Lundkhwar (A historical village and union council of Takht Bhai Tehsil in Mardan District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, formerly NWFP, Pakistan) grew famous because of their early involvement in politics. Khan Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhwar had a great name in the politics of Indian Sub-Continent. Ghulam Muhammad Lundkar was the General Secretary of NWFP Awami League.

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Both of them later left for Rawalpindi to contact Pir of Manki Sharif91 either at Rawalpindi or at Campbellpur. This contact was made at Campbellpur92 and on 9.11.49 nearly thirty persons from the N.W.F.P. attended a closed meeting at which Mujib-ur- Rahman gave a detailed account of the detention of over 50 Awami League workers including Maulana Abdul Hamid, President, Awami League, East Bengal and Mr. Shamsul Haq. M.L.A., East Bengal by the East Bengal Government under the Public Safety Ordinance. Mujib-ur-Rahman accused the Govt. of using the ordinance against the Awami League workers indiscriminately. The ruthless use of the ordinance was, according to Mujib-ur-Rahman, in itself a positive proof of the strength of the Awami League. He suggested the amalgamation of the Awami Muslim League of East Pakistan and the N.W.F.P. and the creation of a similar body in the West Punjab and later on in Sind. Mujib-ur-Rahman also contradicted the Hon’ble the Prime Minister of Pakistan’s statement that no Awami League existed in East Pakistan. He claimed that they had already won the first bye-election for the Provincial Legislature and the remaining nine bye-elections will in due course show their strength. He called the East Bengal Govt.’s policy in “crushing the honest and trusted Muslim League workers who had formed the Awami League” as suicidal. The result of that Govt.’s policy was that communists were taking advantage of
91. Pir of Manki Sharif – Amin-ul-Hasanat (1922 – 1960), son of Pir Abdul Rauf better known as the Pir of Manki Sharif, was a progressive Islamic religious leader in the North-West Frontier Province of India (after 1947, Pakistan) during the mid-twentieth century. He joined Muslim League in 1945. He played a significant role to include NWFP in Pakistan.
92. Campbellpur – At present Attock’ formerly known as Campbellpur, is a city located in the northern border of the Punjab province of Pakistan and the headquarters of Attock district.

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these grievances and creating discontentment among the public. The names of persons who attended this meeting is given below :1. Mujib-ur-Rahman
2. Pir of Manki Sharif 3. Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhore
Qazi Muhammad Aslam, Bar-at-Law,
Peshawar. 5. Arbab Sher Ali Khan, Nikkakhel 6. Haji Abul Malik of Peshawar. 7. Sardar Khan, M.L.A., Hazara. 8. Taj Muhammad Khan, Tarkheli of
Khulu. 9. Fazal Haq Shahdad of Peshawar. 10. Syed Shah of Hoti Mardan. 11. Ahmad Shah of Pabi.
Muhammad Farid of Mardan. 13. Ghulam Sarwar of Hazara. 14. Faqira Khan of Hazara. 15. Muhmmad Zaman of Hazara. 16. Muhammad Azeem, Kakakhel of
Ziarat. 17. Madad Khan of Nowshehra.
Asaf Khan of Kohat. 19. Shakar Ullah
Abdul Aziz of Hazara 21. Abdul Qayyum Khan Sawati,
Qazi Abdul Hakim Jallowzai 23. Habib-ur-Rahman Khelpura
Sarfaraz of Manzai 25. Shafi-ud-Din
26. Siraj-ud-Din 27. Muhammad Sadiq of Hazara 28. Chughtai 29. Abdus-Sattar Chamkani.
The meeting lasted from 2 P.M. to 11 P.M. A further detailed report on this conference is awaited and when received will be communicated you in due course. 4. Mujib-ur-Rahman is now in Lahore.
Yours sincerely,
(SD) Habib Ullah Malik K. B. Syad Sayad Ahmad Shah, OBE,, PPS., Assistant Director (G), I.B. Pak, Karachi.
No. 16881-BDSB of 12.11.49.
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence, East Bengal, Dacca (by name) for information.
Sd/Superintendent of Police (B)/CID.,
West Punjab (Taj)

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Mujibar Rahman left Lahore by air on the 27th November for Delhi on way to Dacca. Detailed Report follows.”
No. 24411/606-48 P.F. Secret Immediate By Spl. Messenger. (1) Copy forwarded to A. Gafur, Esq Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, at
once to be on the look-out for arresting the individual.
Sd/ -1.12.49

Page: 310
Side Note: O/C F.c. made over to Dispatcher at 12.00 hrs with instruction to send it & the addressee at once by spl. Messenger.
Sd/ – 12.00 hrs 1.18.49
Copy of D.O. letter No. 9/B/49 (37), dated 8-12-49 from the Assistant Director (G), to the Deputy Director, Intelligence, Dacca.
Please refer to our memorandum No. 9/B/49 (37), dated November 18th, 1949, a detailed repot received from the West Punjab C.I.D., regarding Sk. Mujib-urRahman, joint Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, is enclosed for information.

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No. 1969/171-49
Copy, together with its enclosures, forwarded to A.K.M. Hafizuddin .P.P.S., Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca for information.
Sd/ – 20.12
(M.H. KHAN). Deputy Director, Intelligence, Dacca.

Page: 312
ii. Copy of a report received by DIG, intelligence, Dacca from West Punjab CID, Pakistan where it was mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to Lahore on 10.11.1949 after attending the conference at Campbellpur.
West Punjab, 21 November 1949 Secret.
Copy of a report received from the West Punjab C.I.D.
After attending the conference at Campbellpur Mujib-ur-Rahman returned to Lahore on November 10th, 1949. Immediately after his return he shifted over to the West End Hotel, McLeod Road, Lahore, at the instance of Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhor, General Secretary of the N.W.F.P. Awami League. The main purpose of Mujib-urRahman’s visit to West Punjab appears to have been to take advantage of H.S. Suhrawardy’s presence here and through his influence and contacts to try to create favorable opinion for the East Bengal Awami League as well as to find out if it were possible to create a similar party in West Punjab with the ultimate object of linking up the parties of East Bengal, West Punjab and N.W.F.P. During the course of his stay in West Punjab he contacted a considerable number of persons including Mian Iftikhar-ud-Din, Ghulam Muhammad Lundkhor, Pir of Manki sharif, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Khan Iftikhar Hussain Khan of Mamdot, Abdus Sattar Niazi of Khilafat-i-Pakistan Group, Rao Mehroze Akhtar of the West Pakistan Anjuman-iMuhajreen, Akhtar Mir of Jinnah Group, Ch. Muhammad Iqbal Cheema, General Secretary, West Punjab Muslim League, Newabzada Mazhar Ali Khan, Asstt. Editor, Pakiatan Times, Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan, Sardar Muhammad Sadiq, General Secretary of All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation, Khaqan Bahar, s/o Mazhar Ali Azhar, ex-Ahrar leader, an L.L.B. student of Law College, Lahore and Vice-President of the All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation. A number of students of the Punjab Muslim Students Federation also met him in the West End Hotel. The main theme of Mujib-ur-Rahman’s deliberations with these persons and others who came in contact with him was the formation of a central Awami Muslim League in Pakistan. His contention was that the present day leadership of the Muslim League was misusing the fair name of the League for their selfish ends and the organisation as it stood was nothing more than a limited concern of the leaders holding its offices. As regards East Bengal and the N.W.F.P., Mujibur-ur-Rahman impressed upon his visitors and others whom he contacted that the Awami League

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workers in both the Provinces were being subjected to an all round oppression. In the beginning he was hopeful of obtaining Pir of Manki Sharif’s support but later on
he became skeptical about his success on receipt of the news that the movements of Pir of Manki Sharif had been restricted to a district of the N.W.F.P- and there was a possibility of the Pir trying to patch up with the Hon’ble the Prime Minister of N.W.F.P. The only other person who could help him in this respect was Ghulam

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Muhammad Lundkhor but he had little influence in West Punjab and on account of his externment from the N.W.F.P. he could not return to that province for six months
more to come. 2. Mujib-ur-Rahman postponed his return to East Bengal till December 3rd, 1949 by which time he expected that Messrs Hamid-ul-Haq Chaudhury and Raghib Hussain of East Bengal would also join him here. At one time Mujib-ur-Rahman himself gave out that he was extending his stay in Lahore as he might be required to appear as a defense witness in the Khan of Mamdot’s case but this information could not be confirmed from any other source. 3. He informed the representatives of the Students Organisations that at least 52 student members of the East Pakistan Students League had been put behind the bars merely on the suspicion that they were supporting the Awami League. Twelve of them, he stated, were arrested outside the Medical College, Dacca, where they staged a demonstration and raised the slogans of “Begum Liaquat Ali Khan go back” and “We do not want to hear you” when Begum Liaquat Ali Khan visited that institution to address the students during the Hon’ble the Prime Minister of Pakistan’s last visit to East Bengal. On November 13th, 1949 Mujib-ur-Rahman accompanied Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to Sargodha where the latter addressed a public meeting. On November 20th, 1949 M.A. Kazmi, a Law College

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Student and President of the Muslim Students Federation invited Mujib-ur-Rahman to a dinner which was attended by, among others. Messrs Nur Ahmad, Fazal-urRahman Zaki, Zaka Ullah Shah and Syed Muhammad Zafar, members of the Working Committee of the Federation. During the course of his speech at this dinner Mujib-ur-Rahman said that the students in East Bengal had comparatively more progressive views than the West Punjab students. They took part in politics and even fought elections. Two of the students in East Bengal were M.L.As. He advised the West Punjab students to become progressive likewise. M.A. Kazmi and Nur Ahmad promised him full support of the West Punjab students on behalf of the West Punjab Muslim Students Federation. Kazmi has since made a Press statement which was published in a number of the local “Dailies”. A relevant extract from the Civil and Military Gazette is enclosed.
4. Mujib-ur-Rahman left Lahore by air by an INA plane for Delhi en route to Dacca on November 27th, 1949 thus changing his original plan of departure on December 3rd, 1949.
iv. Extract from the civil and military gazette dated 28.11.1949 where it was mentioned about the joint statement to the press by West Punjab Muslim Students Federation expressing regret to the alleged ill-treatment on East Bengal student workers by the
Provincial Government. West Punjab, 28 November 1949
Extract from the Civil and Military Gazette dated November 28th, 1949.
Alleged Ill-Treatment of E. Bengal Students
West Punjab Federation’s Resentment.
The President and the General Secretary of the West Punjab Muslim Students Federation, in a Joint statement to the Press, expressed regret at the alleged illtreatment of student workers in East Bengal by the Provincial Government.
They stated that the East Bengal Government was arresting student’s workers and according them “C” class in jails. Many students, they complained, had been implicated in false cases.

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Mentioning “concrete” cases of Mr. Davirul Islam, President of the East Bengal Muslim Students League, and Mr. Abdul Halim, Joint Secretary of the same organisation, they charged the jail authorities of Dinajpur District with having beaten them severely, resulting in one of the students having fainted and lying an unconscious state for about three days.
Warning the East Bengal Government against the consequences of this “repression”, the signatories of the statement continued: “The students of West Punjab cannot sit idle while their counterpart in the other part of Pakistan is being subjected to oppression.
“We learn that at present there are about 50 students in jail in that province which is a blot on the fair name of Pakistan and democracy. We, therefore, appeal to the Central Government to bring pressure on the East Bengal Government to release all the students in East Pakistan. We also appeal to all democratic-minded persons to raise their voice against this oppression on the student community”.

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Paraphrase of a cipher telegraphic message dated 30.11.1949 regarding the arrest order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was sent
from Dintell, Dacca to SDPO, Gopalganj, Faridpur.
Dacca, 1 December 1949
Paraphrase of a cipher telegraphic message93 No. 4078/CS dated 30.11.49 from Dintell, Dacca, addressed to the Sub divisional Police Officer, Gopalganj, Faridpur. Arrest Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangibari.
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 1st Dec. 1949.
No. 24462/606-48 P.F. Copy by post forwarded to the Sub Divisional Police Officer, Gopalganj, Faridpur, in confirmation.
Sd/ -1.12 Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.,
East Bengal, Dacca.


Extract from the Police abstract of intelligence, West Punjab, Pakistan for the week ending 3rd December 1949 where it was
mentioned that due to the efforts of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, EPMSL had been affiliated with the All-Pakistan Muslim Students
West Punjab, 3 December 1949
Extract from the Police Abstract of Intelligence West Punjab No. 49 for the W/E. the 3rd December, 1949.
93. Cipher Telegraphic Message – A cipher is any method of encrypting text (concealing its readability and meaning). It is also sometimes used to refer to the encrypted text message itself. So Cipher telegraphic message is generally sent through telegraphic system of communication.

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STUDENTS. [586. Due to the efforts of MUJIB-UR-REHMAN (para. 572) of East Bengal, the East Pakistan Muslim Students League has been affiliated with the All- Pakistan Muslim Students Federation.7
Extract of portion marked [ ] in para 586 on the P.F. of Sk. Mazibur Rahman.
No. 24990/606-48 P.F. dt. 10.12.49
By Air Mail.
The A.D. (P) (Mr. Sadullah), Int., Bureau, Karachi. Reference your No. CAP/ 199-11, dated 16.9.49.
I forwarded herewith a copy of the short note on Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, the writer of the intercepted letter in question, as desired.
As regards the conference of the East Pakistan Muslim Students’ League, held on September, 16th 1949, paragraph 1447 under the head “8-youth and student movement”, of East Bengal Police Abstract of Intelligence No. 38, dated, 17.9.49, a copy of which was forwarded to D.D. (C) on 27.10.49, may kindly be referred to.
Sd/SS III I.B.E.B. Dacca.


A note on political activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on
Language Movement, food & cloth problems, abolition of Zamindary System, paddy reapers’ demand, introduction of free primary education, strike of menials & students of Dacca University etc. was submitted by SSP, IBEB, Dacca on
Dacca, 10 December 1949
A note on Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangibari, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Mugaltuli, Dacca.

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Sheikh Mujibar Rahman is aged about 28 years and is a student of Law in Dacca University. He is at present Secretary of the E.P.M.S.L. and joint Secretary of Awami Muslim League. He maintains himself with the income of the landed property which he has acquired through his wife and the monthly allowance he receives from his father. His father is a retired Serestadar of Munsiff’s Court and has
got sufficient landed property.
2. His activities came to our notice just after the partition when he joined hands
with the disappointed group and began to make propaganda against the present
Ministry. 3. He took a very active part in the agitation for adopting Bengali as the State
language of Pakistan, and made propaganda at Dacca for general strike on 11.3.48. on this issue. On 11.3.48 the subject was arrested for violating orders under section 144 Cr. P.C.
4. He is a staunch supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy. He addressed a series of meetings
in the districts of East Bengal and severely criticised the present Ministry for failing to tackle the food and cloth problems and demanded abolition of
Zemindari System without compensation.
5. In connection with the observance of the Anti- repression Day at Dacca on
8.1.49 the subject bitterly criticised the Government for it’s alleged repressive measures against the students and suggested Direct Action if the demands of the students were not met.
6. On 28.1.49 the subject addressed a gathering of about 350 paddy reapers of
Faridpur, Dacca and Comilla at Khulna. He also led them in a procession to the bungalow of the District Magistrate Khulna for demanding permits for carrying their earned paddy to their homes. On the District Magistrate’s refusal to give permits, he exhorted the reapers not to go to Khulna any more for reaping paddy
during the harvest time. 7. In February, 1949 the subject asked the Muslim Students in a meeting to agitate
against the Government of East Bengal on the issue of acute food crisis, abolition of Zemindary system, introduction of Free Primary Education, Military training and supply of arms to the people for the defence of the country.

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8. In connection with the strike of the menials and the students of Dacca
University, a meeting was held on 10.3.49 in which the subject took an active part and led the strikers in a procession to the different student Hostels in the city to enlist their sympathy for the strikers. On 12.3.49 he led a student’s procession in the city of Dacca as a protest against the discharge of the menials on strike by the Dacca University authorities.
9. On 29.3.49 in a meeting of E.P.M.S.L. Rangpur, the subject criticised the action
of the Dinajpur Police for arresting student leaders and urged the audience to launch an agitation on the issue of proposed introduction of Arabic Script in
Bengali. 10. On 19.4.49 the subject was arrested under section 54 Cr. P. C. while staging a
demonstration in the house of the Vice-Chancellor of the Dacca University and on 29.4.49 he was re-arrested under section 18(2) of the E.B.S.P.O. and was detained in jail till 26.6.49. The University authorities also imposed a fine of Rs.
15/- on him for his misconduct. 11. The subject along with others were arrested on 18.7.49 for holding a meeting at
Gopalganj town, Faridpur in defiance of an order under section 144 Cr. P.C.
Charge sheet has been submitted against them and the case is now subjudice. 12. The Subject participated in several meeting of the Awami Muslim League and E.
P. M. S. L. held at Dacca on different dates, and demanded release of political prisoners detained without trial, abolition of Zemindary System without compensation, free compulsory primary education, nationalisation of jute trade, early election on the basis of adult suffrage etc.
13. The subject took a leading part in organising the meeting held at Armanitolla
Maidan on 11.10.49. He delivered Anti- Government speech and read out a resolution demanding enquiry by a special tribunal in to the alleged maladministration of the East Bengal Ministers. He incited the audience to form a procession after the meeting and go round in the city in order to demonstrate to the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Pakistan, that they had no faith in the present East Bengal Ministry. While parading through the streets of Dacca, the processionists became violent and threw brickbats causing injuries to the S.D.O. (North) and some Police constables. The procession was declared unlawful and dispersed

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with the help of tear gas and lathi charge. The ring – leaders were arrested but the subject managed to escape and went under – ground.
15. It was reported that the subject sent round party members to different districts of
Eastern Pakistan to launch agitation on the issue of the above incident during the visit of Hon’ble Prime Minister of Pakistan to those districts. He also asked the party members to dissuade the public from attending the meeting held on 12.10.49 at Paltan Maidan, Dacca which was addressed by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Pakistan.
16. The subject surreptitiously left for Calcutta on 15.10.49 on way to Lahore to
contact Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to discuss Political situation of East Bengal and to receive instructions from him.
17. The Subject reached Lahore on 30.10.49 and put up with Mian Iftikharuddin at
20-21, Aikman Road, Lahore. He saw Mr. Suhrawardy on 1.11.49 at the Khan of Mamdud’s house. He discussed with him the desirability and possibility of starting an Awami League in West Punjab. In a press interview he condemned the alleged reign of terror prevailing both in East Bengal and N.W.F.P. According to him the repressive action taken by the Govt. was responsible for
the creation of the Awami League in these Provinces. 18. On 1.11.49 at Campbelpur the subject attended a closed door meeting in which
gave out that over 50 Awami League workers including the president Moulana Abdul Hamid of Bhashani, were being detained in East Bengal. He characterised this policy of the East Bengal Government as being a Suicidal one.
19. The Subject is reported to have left Lahore on 27.11.49.
Sd: (M. Yusuff) Special Superintendent of Police I.B. East Bengal. Dacca.

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English translation of a Bengali letter dated 9.12.1949 was sent from Sobhan, Assistant Secretary, East Pakistan Students League, Gaibandha, Rangpur to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 150 Mogultuly, Dacca, intercepted at Dacca GPO on 15.12.1949.
Dacca, 15 December 1949
English translation of a Bengali letter dated 9.12.49 from Sobhan, Asstt. Secy., E.P. Students League, Gaibandha, Rangpur, to Sk. Mujibur Rahman, 150, Mogultully, Dacca, intercepted at Dacca G.P.O. on 15.12.49.

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Unity Peace Progress.
Eastern Pakistan Sub-Divisional Muslim Students League, Gaibandha, (Rangpur).
President : A. Hye Akanda. Genl. Secy : M. Lutfar Rahman. Office Secy : A.R.M. Golam Kibria.
My dear Mujib Bhai,
My salam to you. We are very sorry not to hear anything from you for a long time. Hope you are not behind the bar and are enjoying a good health. You took down our address to have regular correspondence but we could not find out the reasons for your keeping silient. We came to know that eleven persons including Maulana Saheb and Shamsul Haque were arrested. We staged a students meeting to record our protest against such action. It is not possible for us to carry on the work without having regular contact with you. You should kindly maintain regular correspondence with us and oblige. Convey my salam to other comrades. Please apprise me with the whereabouts of Mr. Awal. I remitted the sum of Rs 210/- to the Head office of the Ittehad, Calcutta according to your instruction to have the agency of Ittehad. That amount was jointly contributed by Lutfar and myself. But for the reason unknown to me I received no news from there. Even they did not acknowledge the receipt of that money. It was proposed that the office of Ittehad would be removed to Dacca. I am at a loss. However I shall see to this when it is removed to Dacca. No more today. We are all well.
Sd/- Sobhan, Asstt. Secy., E.P.S.L., Gaibandha, Rangpur.

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SDPO, Gopalganj sent an official memo to DIG, IB, Dacca on 30.12.1949, in which he informed that attempts were made to
arrest Sheikh Mujibur Rahman but he was not found.
Gopalganj, 30 December 1949
TO The Dy. Inspector General of Police, I.B. Dacca. Through the Supdt. of Police D.I.B. Faridpur.
With reference to your memo no. 24467/606-48 P.F. Section, dt. 1.12.49. I beg to state that attempts were made to arrest Sk. Mujibur Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara and of Gopalganj town P.S. Gopalganj Dt. Faridpur but he could not be found.
I have the honour to be
Sir, Your most obedient Servant
Sd/S.D.P.O. Gopalganj
Sd/- 4.1 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Faridpur.

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A report was submitted by SI, DIB Dacca, which contained a search report conducted under a search warrant at the premises no. 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca, where Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
was arrested & his statement was recorded as well.
Dacca, 31 December 1949 SS III/D.S. III
As ordered, I contacted the D.I.B. staff at Dacca on 31.12.49 at about 11.30 hours and obtained necessary instructions.
The D.I.B. staff S.I. Khandakar Saidur Rahman and S.I. Md. Ismail assisted by the o/c. Lalbagh P.S. conducted the search at the premises no. 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca, on the strength of a search warrant issued by the S.D.O.(S), Dacca observing all the formalities of search. I remained present and assisted them in conducting the search.
Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Jt. Secretary Awami Muslim League was found in one of the ground floor rooms of the aforesaid premises and was arrested at about 15.00 hours.
The statement of Sk. Mujibar Rahman was recorded by S.l. Khondkar Saidur Rahman of D.I.B. Dacca. The I.B. office was informed of it by the Dacca D.I.B.
Submitted Syed Md. Siddique
SI/ – 31.12.49
Side note: Place this copy of the report in the P.F. of the subject. sd/ -6.1.50


Statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Joint Secretary, Awami Muslim League, who was arrested on 31.12.1949 in c/w Kotwali P.S. case no 19(10) 49 u/s 147 I.P.C r/w 7(3) B.S.P.O. & u/s 18(2)
Dacca, 31 December 1949 Statement of Maulvi Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, B.A. Joint Secretary. Awami Muslim League s/o Mvi. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara P.S. Gopalganj Dist- Faridpur

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and of 150 Moghultully and 69/1 Khajeh Dewan Dacca (Born 1920) arrested on 31.12.49 in connection with Kotwali P.S. case No. 19 (10) 49 u/s 147 I.P.C. r/w 7(3) B.S.P.O. and u/s 18(2) B.S.P.O.
My particulars and addresses as noted above. As regards my educational career and political activities till my arrest on the 19th April 1949 I have already made statement before a D.I.B. Officer and I don’t like to repeat the same. I was released from Jail on 26.6.49. I was elected a Joint Secy. Awami Muslim League while in Jail and I came to know about it on my release. Since then I was working in Awami Muslim League. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhashani and Mvi. Shamsul Huq M.L.A. are its President and Secy, respectively. I am the Jt. Secy. I don’t recollect the names of other personnel’s of the executive committee of members of the A.M.L. I presided over the E.P.M.S.L. convention held at Tajmal Hall in September, 1949. I also addressed the public meeting held at Armanitola in that connection. I was the convener of the A.M.L. meeting at Armanitola on 11.10.49. I also addressed in the meeting. I am not ready to say anything about the procession of 11.10.49. After days after the 11th October 1949 I left East Pakistan for Lahore and formed in several part of West Pakistan details of which I decline to state. I don’t like to state how and by what means I went there. This day (31.12.49) morning I came to Dacca from my home. I came home from west Pakistan a few days back. I usually resides at 150 Moghultully Dacca but on my arrival at Dacca I took the room at 69/1 Khajet Dewan on rent, where I was arrested.
There is a case against me in Gapalganj Court for alleged violating of order u/s 144 Cr.P.C. I was arrested and released on P.R. in that case. The case is subjudice.
Item No. I of the search list is a copy of Press statement given by me while I was in Lahore and it was published in almost all the paper of West Pakistan.
Item Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 came to me as were distributed by the public I know signatory S. Mozaffar Ahmad of item No. 2 the signatories since dissolved the A.M.L. & M.L. of Chittagong district and formed a M.L. on mass basis. I am not in position to say whether this League is affiliated with official League It is not affiliated with A.M.L
I don’t know the signatories of Item No.3. I know all the signatories of item No. 4 who have since joined M.L. I know the contents of the leaflet (Item No. 5) which

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was printed copy of my statement on behalf of A.M.L. I don’t who published and drafted item No. 6 but from the leaflet itself it is apparent that it is the statement of Maulana of Bhasani.
Item No. 7 contents under translation of my statement in the press and my statement to the press representative (A.P.P.) on integration made at Lahore.
Item No. 8 might have been left by one student whose name I don’t recollect. I don’t know anything about the meeting as proposed to be held on 7.1.50 at 150 Moghultully, Dacca.
Item No. 9-It is not my concern and I don’t know about the maker of it. I cannot say anything about Item 10. I don’t know anyone of the persons names in the chit.
I have got nothing to say. He refused to put his signature and gic(v)e his specimen handwriting.
Sd/-31.12.49. Recorded by me, Read over and admitted to be correct.
Sd/-D.I.O. I.B.


A note on Awami Muslim League where it was mentioned regarding political activities, arrest, detention & release of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 31 December 1949
Shaik Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, District Faridpur and of 150, Mogultuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca.
5. The subject was a Law student of Dacca University before he was arrested on 31.12.49 by Dacca D.I.B. in connection with Kotwali P.S. (Dacca) Case No. 19 (10) 49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) BSPO and committed to jail u/s 18(2) of the SPO. He

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was subsequently made a security prisoner for 6 months under Govt. order No. 147 H.S. dated 28.1.50 prior to this, he was also arrested on 29.4.49 for his prejudicial activities and detained as security prisoner at Dacca Central Jail under Govt. order No. 1336 H.S. dated 25.5.49 but was released unconditionally on 26.6.49. He was again arrested on 18.7.49 by Gopalganj Police, Faridpur for holding a public meeting in defiance of the prohibitory orders u/s 144 Cr.P.C. and was prosecuted u/s 143/188 IPC. The case is still subjudice.
The subject is a staunch follower of Mr. Suharawardy and the Maulana of Bhasani. Before his arrest on 31.12.49 he was the Joint Secretary of the Awami Muslim League. He convened the meeting held at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca on 11.10.49 on the occasion of the visit of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Pakistan and delivered anti-govt. speeches. He also took part in the procession taken out after the aforesaid meeting and on their way, some of the members of the procession became violent and injured some police Constables and the SDO, North ( Dacca) as a result of which the procession was declared unlawful and dispersed. Kotwali Police (Dacca) started a case u/s 147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) SPO and arrested some of the ring leaders but the subject managed to escape. He went to Lahore, met Mr. Suharwardy and discussed about their future programme of the work. He also contacted a number of top ranking leaders of the Awami Muslim League of West Pakistan and discussed with them about the formation of the Central Awami Muslim League of Pakistan.
He is also a militant member of the Eastern Pakistan Muslim Student League
and is conducting the activities of a section of the students community.
In view of the above circumstances and his potentialities for mischief making I recommend his further detention as a security prisoner.

Chapter – III

Daily Intelligence Report of DIB, Dacca, where it was mentioned that the house no. 69/1, Khajedewan, Dacca, residence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Joint Secretary, EPAML was searched under search warrant & he was arrested on 31.12.1949. Some
documents were also seized.
Dacca, 1 January 1950
Daily Intelligence Report No. 1 dated 1.1.50
On 31.12.49 between 14-30 hrs. and 16-00 hrs. the house No. 69/1, Khajedewan was searched under search warrant and Sk. Majibar Rahman Joint Secy. E.P. Awami Muslim League s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur was arrested and some documents were seized. He is arrested in connection with Kotwali P.S. case No. 19 (10) 49 and is also being forwarded u/s 18 (2) B.S.P.O.
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, dated 1st January, 1950.
No. 3(4)/38-49.
1. Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B.,E.B., Dacca. 2. The Dy. Inspector-General of Police, Dacca Range, Dacca. 3. The District Magistrate, Dacca. 4. The Supdt. of Police, Dacca, for favour of perusal and return.
(Sd): A. Gafur,
Addl. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.
Side note: Included in D.R., Sd/-1.1.50.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Joint Secretary, EPAML was arrested on 31.12.1949 by DIB Dacca. The news of his arrest
was published in the daily Jugantor & Azad on 1.1.1950
Dacca, 1 January 1950
Jugantar dt. 1.1.50.
শেখ মুজিবর রহমান।
পূর্ববঙ্গ জননিরাপত্তা আইনে গ্রেপ্তার ঢাকা ৩১শে ডিসেম্বর আজ অপরাহ্নে জননিরাপত্তা আইনে পূর্ববঙ্গ আজমি মুশ্লিম লীগের যুগ্মসম্পাদক শেখ মুজিবর রহমানকে গ্রেপ্তার করা হইয়াছে। আজমি লীগ পাকিস্তানে বিরােধী দল। উত্তর-পশ্চিম সীমান্তের মানকি শরিফের পীরের নেতৃত্বে এই লীগ গঠন করা হইয়াছে।
পি, টি, আই, আর No. 3 dt. 10.1
Azad dt. 1.1.50
শেখ মুজিবর রহমান গ্রেফতার
(ষ্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
গতকাল (শনিবার) গােয়েন্দা পুলিশ স্থানীয় থানার পুলিশের সহায়তায় ছাত্রকর্মী শেখ মুজিবর রহমানকে বিশেষ ক্ষমতাবলে গ্রেফতার করিয়াছে বলিয়া জানা গিয়াছে।
Put up in P.F.


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent a memo along with history sheet of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal Home (Spl.) department, Dacca. In the memo it was
mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested on 31.12.1949 in cw Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10) 49 147/325 1.P.C, 7(3) B.S.P.O & was sent to Dacca Central Jail on 1.1.1950.
Dacca, 3 January 1950

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District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 3rd January, 1950.
No. 29/100-49
A.B. Khan, Esq., Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal Home (Spl.) Deptt., Dacca.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, B.A. Joint Secretary, Awami Muslim League s/o Mv. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur and of 150 Moghultuli and 69/1 Khajeh Dewan, Dacca was arrested on 31.12.49 in connection with Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19(10)49 147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) B.S.P.O. and committed to Dacca Central Jail on 1.1.50 u/s 18(2) of the B.S.P.O (Ord. VI 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinance Temporary Enactment and Reenactment Act 1949 (East Bengal Act I of 1949).
(Sd) A. Gafur, 3.1 Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B, Dacca.
HISTORY SHEET (To be used also in recording statements)
1. Name, aliases, and nicknames (if any). Sk. Mujibar Rahman, B.A. 2. Father’s Name My. Sk. Lutfar Rahman. 3. Addresses
(a) Home address Vill. Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur.
(b) Other addresses 150 Mugholtuli, Dacca and 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca. 4. Caste- Muslim 5. Date of birth 1920 6. School and College where educated, showing dates of passing examinations and
from which places.
Matriculated form Gopalganj M.N. Institution in 1942 passed I.A. & B.A. from Islamia College, Calcutta in the year 1945 and 1947 respectively.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & two other Security Prisoners of Dacca Central Jail, applied to DIG, IB on 7.1.1950 for getting permission to consult with their lawyers.
Dacca, 7 January 1950 To The D.I.G., I.B., East Bengal. Dated, Dacca the 7th Jan, 1950. Through the Supdt, D.C. Jail.
We beg to state that we want to consult with the lawyers namely i.e. Janab Kafiluddin Chaudhuri, Janab Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Janab Ali Amjad Khan, Advocate, Khaje Dewan & Janab Kamruddin Ahmed, B.L. Pleader, 4, Jinda Bahar, Islampur, Dacca, in connection with our case to-day at 4 P.M.
May, we therefore, hope that you will kindly permit and inform them accordingly.
Yours faithfully 1. Sd/- Abdul Hamid Khan. 2. Sd/- Mohammad Shamsul Huq. 3. Sd/- Sheikh Mojibur Rahman
Security prisoners, Dacca Central Jail. No. 33/S.B., Dated, 7.1.50. Forwarded, Sd – A.H. Khan, Superintendent Dacca Central Jail., 7.1.50.
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, The 10th January, 1950.
No. 574/483-48(Sec)J. To A.H. Khan, Esqr., Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 7.1.50 from security prisoner Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and others, I am to state that the interview may be allowed at 4. P.M on 11.1.50 in presence of an I.B. officer who has been deputed for the purpose. The party may please be informed accordingly.
for Spl. Supdt. of Police
I.B., E.B., Dacca.

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Extract of the agent report, DIB, Dacca dated 12.1.1950 where it
was mentioned that the proposed meeting of the working
committee of EPMSL could not be held on 7.1.1950 at 150, Moghultuli as the members did not turn up for fearing of Police
apprehension. They decided to hold a public meeting at Armanitola Maidan on 13.1.1950 to weigh their supporters & sympathizers even after the arrest of all the important leaders. The members of EPMSL issued leaflets to that effect.
Dacca, 12 January 1950
Extract from the Stt. of D. 34 (C.A.) d/ 12.1.50
The proposed meeting of the Working Committee of East Pakistan Muslim Student League could not be held on 7.1.50 at 150, Moghultuli as the members did not turn up for Police apprehension. It is learnt that some members assembled at 69/1 Khaje Dewan and decided to hold a public meeting at Arminatola Maidan on 13.1.50 at 4 P.M. to weigh their supporters and sympathisers even after the arrest of all the important leaders such as Maulana Abdul Hamid of Bhasani, Maulvi Shamsul Haq and Sk. Mujibar Rahman (all security Prisoner). The members of E.P.M.S.L. issued leaflet to effect.
165 SP, DIB, Faridpur sent an express radiogram of secret reference notes on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to SSP, IB, Dacca on 12.1.1950. All contents of the secret reference notes are mentioned below in
the sub-heading no. i to xxv.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 Reply on P. 385 Radiogram
N0.204/606-48 P.F. dt. 5.1 Supdt. Police, Faridpur D.I.B.
Please supply immediately reference notes if any on Shiekh Majibar Rahman 5/0 Lutfar Rahman of Tangibari Gopalganj and of Dacca.
Sd/ -4.1

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Post copy for confirmations. The Subject has been arrested by Dacca D.I.B. on 31.12.49 in c/w Kotwali case 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 IPC & 7(3) BSPO, and committed to jail on 1/1/50 U/S 18(2) of the S.P.O
Sd/ -4.1.50
DS3 for SS3 1.B Secret.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 12th /14 January, 1950.
No. 229/33-50 To Khan Sahib M.Yusuff., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca. Ref: Your Radiogram No. 204 dated 5.1.50.
I send herewith a copy of up-to-date reference notes in respect of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur as desered.
Sd/-12.1 Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,
Faridpur Secret.
Reference Notes on Mujibur Rahman, s/o Late Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. Age- 30 years (1950)
i. On 9.7.1945 a Muslim League meeting was held at Gopalganj with H.S. Suhrawardy, Ex-Minister, in the chair. A large number of people, students and lathials (lathi players) attended in the
meeting. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other local leaders arranged the demonstration of lathi play. There was a scuffle between the supporters of Khan Bahadur S. Dahar and Salam @
Badsha Miyan.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
A Muslim League meeting was held at Gopalganj on 9.7.45 with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Ex-Minister, in the chair. About 3000 people, including a large number of students and about 500 lathials (lathi players) attended. The lathials hailed from different parts of Gopalganj Sub-Division. Khan Bahadur S. Dahar (Retd. D.C., Calcutta) of Ratail, P.S. Kasiani, Mujibur Rahman of Gopalganj, Musharraf Hussain

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(PUB, Patgati), Gopalganj and Abdul Ali Talukder (PUB, Dumuria, P.S. Kotalipara) had arranged the demonstration of lathi play. There was a scuffle between the supporters of Khan Bahadur S. Dahar and Mv. Salam @ Badsha Miyan over the shoutings raised by Mujibar Rahman on behalf of Khan Bahadur S. Dahar.
ii. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, ABMSL, visited Madaripur along with Ataur Rahman for party propaganda work on 18.9.45. On the next day a meeting of MSL was held with the presidentship of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in which he delivered short speeches
explaining about Pakistan and asked the Muslim students to continue their fighting till Pakistan was achieved. He advised the students to start libraries and night schools in the villages for
mass education. Faridpur, 12 January 1950
On 18.9.45 Mujibar Rahman, Secy., All Bengal Muslim Students League, came to Madaripur from Barisal along with Ataur Rahman, a post-Graduate student of the Calcatta University for party propaganda work. He was received cordially by Muslim students at the station with shoutings “ Muslim League Zindabad”, “ Qaide-Azam Zindabad” and” Chatra Neta Mujibur Rahman Zindabad” on 19.9.45 a meeting of the Muslim Students League was held with Mujibar Rahman in the chair. About 150 Muslim students attended and some of them delivered short speeches explaining what is Pakistan and asked the Muslim students to stick to their policy and to go on fighting till Pakistan was achieved. The president also asked the students to start libraries and night schools in the villages for mass education. He gave much stress on the coming election of India and urged the Muslim students to cast their votes for the candidates who would be nominated by the Muslim League without fail.
iii. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Secretary, ABMSL, presided over a propaganda meeting of ML, held at Madaripur on 9.11.1945. As soon as receiving the news of police oppression of November
1945, on the students of Calcutta all the students of local Rajendra College came out of their classes as a protest. Later a big protest meeting was held under presidency of Sheikh Mujibur
Faridpur, 12 January 1950

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On 9.11.45 Mujibar Rahman, Secy., All Bengal Muslim Students League, Presided over a Muslim League Propaganda Meeting held at Madaripur. About 400 people attended the meeting.
As soon as the news of police oppression of November, 1945, on the students of Calcutta came here all the students (male and female) of local Rajendra College came out of their classes as a protest. Afterwards a big protest meeting was held in the College compound under the presidency of Mujibar Rahman. In the meeting Comrades (1) Atul Ghosh, (2) Ashit Datta, (3) Muhammad Zahid, & (4) Amarendra Ghosh delivered lectures condemning and protesting against the police oppression on the students of Calcutta.
iv. On 11.1.1946 a meeting was held at Faridpur with Yusuf Ali
Chaudhuri, President, Faridpur District ML in the chair in connection with the Victory Day’ & the success of ML during the
central assembly election and also for making propaganda to
capture all the Muslim seats in the next Provincial Assembly. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered speeches in favour of Pakistan.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
On 11.1.46 a meeting was held at Faridpur with Yusuf Ali Chaudhuri, President, Faridpur District Muslim League, in the chair, in connection with the “Victory Day” of the Muslim League for the unprecedented success of Muslim League party during the Central Assembly Election and also for making propaganda to capture all the Muslim seats in the next Provincial assembly. Mujibur Rahman Khan, a student of the Islamia College, Calcutta, delivered speeches in favour of Pakistan, explained the significance of the Day,
The Day, vilified the last Congress Ministry for their atrocities upon the Muslims and condemned the exploitation of the British Govt. and the Hindu Capitalists as well.
v. H.S. Suhrawardy, Secretary, Bengal Provincial Muslim League & Maulana Abdul Hai visited Madaripur on 16.1.1946 to select League nominees for the up-coming election. They delivered
speeches in the election propaganda.
Faridpur, 12 January, 1950

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On 16.1.46 Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Secy., Bengal provincial Muslim League, accompanied by Maulana Abdul Hai visited Madaripur to select League nominees for the coming election. About 800 people amidst the usual shouts of Muslim League slogans and “Down with British Empire” received them at the station. A meeting was held and all of them attended. Mr. H.S. Suharawardy, Maulana Abdul Hai and Mujibar Rahman (Muslim Students League) delivered usual election propaganda speeches. A resolution was passed condemning the recent Chittagong incident and demanding suitable action against the culprits.
vi. The death anniversary of late Nazir Ahmad was observed by Muslim Students League on 2.2.1946 at Faridpur town. Muslim
Students brought out a procession in the town.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
The death anniversary of Late Nazir Ahmad who was murdered during the Communal Riot at Dacca in 1943 was observed in this town (Faridpur) on 2.2.46 by the Muslim Students League. About 250 Muslim Students went out of their classes and paraded through the main thoroughfares of the town, led by Mujibar Rahman, a student of the local College.
vii. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other leaders delivered speeches in
a meeting of the students over the Language Movement, which was held at the premises of court mosque, Gopalganj on 3.3.1948.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 On 3.3.48 a meeting of the students over the language controversy was held in the premises of the Court Mosque at Gopalganj with Jainul Abedin Sardar in the chair. About 400 people attended the meeting. Md. Mujibar Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, p.s. Gopalganj, Faridpur a student of Dacca University, and Secy., Provincial Students League and others addressed the meeting. A resolution demanding the adoption of Bengali as Court Language and a cut in the salaries of the Hon’ble Ministers was unanimously passed.
viii. ML, Gopalganj Sub-division held a meeting at S.N Academy
compound on 29.04.1948 on the occasion of the visit of H.S. Suhrawardy at Gopalganj. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered
speeches in the meeting. Faridpur, 12 January 1950

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On 29.4.48 afternoon a meeting was held at the S.N Academy Compound with Kazi Muzaffar Husain, Pleader, Gopalganj, (President Sub-dividional Muslim League) in the chair on the occasion of the visit of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy to Gopalganj. Mujibar Rahman s/0. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, spoke first. He dwelt on the scarcity of clothes, foodstuffs and other daily necessities of life in East Pakistan. He narrated how the poor and the middle class men were passing their days in hardship. He said that it was the call of Mr. Suhrawardy that brought the Muslim students to-day in the political arena. He accused the Govt. for classifying its critics as Fifth Columnists. He deplored the police action against the students during the Language Controversy at Dacca. He arranged everything for giving a befitting reception to Mr. H.S. Suhrawady at Gopalganj.
ix. A meeting of Muslims including some students was held at Gopalganj, under the presidentship of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 7.5.1948. In his presidential speech Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized the ministers for food & cloth crisis.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
[On 7.5.48 a meeting of about 100 Muslims including some students was held in the town field, Gopalganj, under the presidentship of Mujibar Rahman s/o.Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, p.s. Gopalganj, Faridpur. In his presidential speech, Mujibar Rahman said that not only the Ministers but also the members of the Assembly were responsible for the food and cloth crisis. He urged for the abolition of Zamindary System forthwith and expressed sympathy for the poorly paid Govt.] servants.
Resolutions were passed in favour of the introduction of Bengali as Court Language of the East Pakistan, and the abolition of the Zamindary System. The President further said that if they fail (the ministers and members) to do these, they should resign forthwith. He also advised that as a last resort they should organise a no-tax campaign.
x. A meeting was held in the house of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at
Gopalganj town on 26.6.1948 by the Muslim students of Gopalganj. In the meeting he spoke on the utility of the abolition of ‘Zamindary System’ & demanded resignation of Shamsuddin Ahmad, MLA of Gopalganj for his failure to mitigate the sufferings of the people by improving food situation.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950

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There was a meeting in the house of Sk. Mujibar Rahman of Gopalganj Town on 26.6.48 by the Muslim students of Gopalganj which was presided over by Sk. Mujibar Rahman. In the meeting the Sub-Divisional Muslim Students League was re-constituted. Sk. Mujibar Rahman in course of this presidential speech spoke on the utility of the abolition of the Zamindary System, criticised Maulvi Shamsuddin Ahmad, the present MLA of Gopalganj Sub-Division and said that he should resign from his MLA ship if he cannot mitigate the sufferings of the people of Gopalganj Sub-division by improving food situation. Resolutions asking immediate abolition of the Zemindary System, unconditional release of Mr. Jahiruddin, M.A., B.L., SalareSuba of MNG. East Pakistan, decrease in the salaries of high Govt. official’s ministers etc. were passed.
(The texts mentioned above in the sub heading no-I to X was earlier sent by SP, DIB, Faridpur to SSP, IBEB, Dacca vide District Intelligence Branch, Faridpur memo no-2814/70
48 dated 6.9.1948, which is referred in the heading no-20.)
xi. A meeting of Eastern Pakistan Muslim Young Progressive Workers was held at 150, Mugoltuli, Dacca on 19.5.1948. Abul
Husain, Secretary, Sadar Sub-divisional Muslim League & President, Rangpur District Pakistan Democratic Youth League
along with others attended the meeting.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 On 19.5.48 Abul Husain, Secretary, Sadar Sub-Divisional Muslim League and President, Rangpur District Pakistan Democratic Youth League along with others went to Dacca and attended the meeting of the Eastern Pakistan Muslim Young Progressive workers, which was held at 150, Mogaltuli, Dacca (Muslim League Karmi Sibir). In the meeting it was decided that all the progressive Muslim Students league workers would work together & the office would function at 150, Mogultuli, Dacca. Sk. Mujibar Rahman of Faridpur would remain in charge of the office.
xii. A party meeting was held at H.S. Suhrawardy’s quarters no. 40 Theatre road, Calcutta on 1.8.1948. Shamsul Haq, organizer,
ML, Mymensingh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, ML worker, Gopalganj & some other prominent workers attended the meeting.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 On the 1st of August, 1948, Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy invited some prominent workers of his party at his quarters No. 40 Theatre Road, Calcutta, where a party meeting was held. Mr. Shamsul Haq, organizer (Muslim League) Mymensingh,

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Mujibar Rahman (M.L. worker), Gopalgonj, Faridpur and others attended the aforesaid meeting.
xiii. A meeting of Muslim Students League (progressive group) of East Pakistan was held at 150, Mugoltuli, Dacca on 22.8.1948.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman attended the meeting. The work of Pakistan Democratic Youth League & other organizational
matters were discussed in the meeting.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 On 22.8.48 a meeting of the Muslim Students League (progressive group) of the East Pakistan was held at 150, Mogultuli, Dacca under the presidentship of Zahiruddin Ahmad. The following attended the meeting.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and others.
In the meeting they discussed the work of the Pakistan Democratic Youth League of all the districts of the East Pakistan and decided to raise funds amounting to at least 3000/-for its organizational work. They condemned the attitude of the Govt. towards their party and urged the workers to remain on the alert as they might be arrested at any time and they also mentioned that out of the fund they might have to meet expenses for the interests of the cases against their co-workers when arrested. In the meeting it was decided that Sk. Mujibar Rahman and a member of the Central Committee of the E.P.M.S.L. would soon be out on tour in the North Bengal districts for the purpose.
xiv. A report of SDPO, Gopalganj related to the educational qualification of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
It appears from the reports of S.D.P.O., Gopalganj that Mujibar Rahman passed the Matriculation Exam from the Mission Inst., Gopalganj, Faridpur in 1942 and I.A. from Islamia College, Calcutta in 1944 and B.A. from the same College in 1947.
XV. A meeting of the central organization committee of Pakistan Muslim Students League was held on 7.12.1948. The political programme of the student organization was discussed in the
meeting Faridpur, 12 January 1950

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On 7.12.48 a meeting of the Central organisation of the Committee of the Pakistan Muslim Students League was held and it was decided that if the deputation from the students to the premier for the withdrawal of expulsion order on the students of Rajshahi College strikers, failed processions, meetings and also hunger strikes if possible would be organised in different districts of East Pak. as a protest and Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca has been entrusted with the charge for organising the same in Faridpur district.
xvi. K.A. Hamid, Ex-President, Sub-divisional Students League, Faridpur wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 22.1.1949.
The writer informed that all officers of Madaripur including professors and principal of Madaripur College were against the
formation of EPSL at Madaripur.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
K.A. Hamid, Ex-president, Sub-divisional students League, P.O., Charmuguria, Faridpur wrote a letter to Mujibar Rahman, Law Student, Dacca on 18.1.49 which was intercepted on 22.1.49. In the letter the writer informed that all the officer of Madaripur including professors and Principal of Madaripur College tried conjointly against the formation of the East Pak. Students League at Madaripur. In the meantime Badal had a hitch with the principal over some personal affairs as a result Badal had to leave the College etc.
xvii. During the visit of the Governor General of Pakistan to
Gopalganj the tension had been developed in between Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Shamsuddin Ahmad Khundkar’s (MLA) group
due to food & cloth crisis of Gopalganj Sub-division.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 The ill feeling which has been brewing for some time past between the two parties at Gopalganj came to head during the visit of H.E. the Governor General of Pakistan to Gopalganj. The group of Sk. Mujiibar Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur is antagonistic to Mlvi. Shamsuddin Ahmad Khundkar, MLA and his party for the alleged inaction of the M.L.A to do anything for removing the economic stringency of the local people and improvement of the food situation in the subdivision. In June last Mujibar Rahman and his party issued a printed leaflet in Bengali by way of open letter to the M.L.A. captioned “RICUJIT

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Par” asking the M.L.A. to either quite the chair of M.L.A. ship or to arrange for the food and cloth for the people of Gapalganj subdivision. During the visit of H.E. the Governor General, Mujibar Rahman and his party issued Bengal form of an address to H.E. the Governor General recounting the distress and difficulties of the local people owing to high prices of rice and other commodities and criticising the collection of funds on various counts from the people at a time when there was a cry of hunger and distress everywhere. Mujibar Rahman and his party contemplated to approach H.E. and acquaint him with the prevailing abnormal condition and also to make speeches in this connection at the reception committee meeting of H.E.
xviii. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & his party announced a public meeting at Gopalganj town on 11.2.1949 through leaflets with a view to discuss mainly establishing a college at Gopalganj. Due to
ban on meeting at Gopalganj, he arranged another meeting at Ghosharchar, where he asked the audience to fight against all
sorts of corruption and criticized the action of Govt. for not allowing the reapers of Faridpur and Dacca districts to bring
paddy from Khulna district etc.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 On 8.2.49 Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/0. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj and his party announced a public meeting at Gopalganj town on 11.2.49 through leaflets to discuss mainly as to how a college could be established at Gopalganj, but the feelings between the two parties having been inimical for some time past an order u/s. 144 Cr. P.C. was promulgated banning all meetings in the Goplganj town for a period of 60 days with effect from 10.2.49. Subsequently Sk. Mujibar Rahman held a meeting on the afternoon of 11.2.49 at Ghosharchar, Gopalganj p.s. outside the area of Gopalganj town. About 300 people attended and Sk. Mujibar Rahman himself presided over the meeting. In his presidential speech he stated that more than 3 lakhs of rupees were collected from the public in the name of college at Gopalganj but money had been sent to Karachi. He demanded that the college should be started at Gopalganj by June next and urged the people to create strong public opinion in favour of this demand. He further asked the audience to fight against all sorts of corruption and criticised the action of Govt. for not allowing the reapers of Faridpur and Dacca districts to bring paddy from Khulna district. He further gave out that the M.L.As of this district did not pay heed to his request to them to go on deputations in company with him to the Minister-in-charge of the

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Civil Supplies. He asked the people not to pay any subscription to any funds if force was used. He also criticised the drawing of fat salaries by the high officials and ministers.
xix. A meeting was held at Madaripur H.E. School on 20.2.1949. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Presided over the meeting. He explained
to the audience the necessity of forming the Muslim Students League on a new model and appealed to the students to take a bold stand against the Govt. for not abolishing “Zamindary
System :
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 On 20.2.49 a meeting was held at the compound of the Madaripur H.E. School at the instance of Abdul Hamid Khan Clerk, Madaripur, Civil Supplies office, of Charmuguria, p.s. Madaripur. About 150. Muslim students attended. Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, dist. Faridpur presided. The president explained to the audience the necessity of forming the Muslim Students League on a new model and appealed to the students present to take a bold stand against the Govt. for their inability to supply the bare necessaries of life. Sk. Mujibar Rahman further urged the students present to raise voice against the present Govt. for not abolishing Zamindary system and not introducing compulsory free primary education and Military training and also not supplying arms for the defence of the Country. On 21.2.49 another meeting was held in the field in front of the mosque at Madaripur town under the presidentship of Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, a student of M.A. and Law class of Dacca University. About 600 persons including some Hindus attended. He criticised the abnormal rise in the price of essential commodities, the present rationing system which was confined to the town areas only, and also the policy of the Govt. with regard to the procurement and distribution of food grains. He also urged the people present to be united in raising voice against the present govt. and to do away with all sorts of mal-administration and highhandedness. He gave out that the pay of the high officials should be cut down while that of the subordinate and the menial staff should be enhanced. He also appealed to the people to raise voice against the Govt. for not supplying the necessaries of life and not introducing the free primary education and the compulsory military training and also demanding the removal of cordon system and the introduction of rationing system in every village.

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XX. A procession of students was brought out at Gopalganj town on 9.4.1949. The procession moved through the main streets of the town protesting against the measures taken by Dacca University against 27 students of the University including Sheikh Mujibur
Faridpur, 12 January 1950 On 9.4.49 a procession of about 200 students of Gopalganj moved through the main thoroughfares of the town under the leadership of Alauddin Sikdar to protest against the measures taken by the Dacca university against 27 students of the university including Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur for observing sympathetic strike and demonstration in favour of the low paid officials of the university.
xxi. A report of DIO revealed that Madaripur Muslim League members and the professors of Nazimuddin College tried their best that the branch of the East Pakistan Students League could
not be formed at Madaripur as it was going to be formed under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who would not support
the Government.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
A D.I.O. reports that the Madaripur Muslim Leaguers and the professors of the Nazimuddin College tried their utmost that the branch of the East Pakistan Students League was not formed at Madaripur. The idea behind this was that the branch of the East Pakistan League which was going to be formed at Madaripur under the leadership of Sk. Mujibar Rahman (a Law Student of Dacca University) s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, ps. Gopalganj, Faridpur would not support the present Govt. The members of this students group were the supporters of Mr. Suhrawardy’s (expremier of Bengal) party up till now. The Members of this East Pakistan Students League are trying their best to form public opinion against the present ministry.
A D.I.O. reports that on 20.2.49 the working committee of Madaripur Subdivisional Students League was formed at Madaripur under the direct supervision of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, A Law students, Dacca university s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj Faridpur.

Page: 348
xxii. A meeting of EPMSL was held at 150, Moghultuli, Dacca on 25.6.1949. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was present in the meeting & the students expressed determination that they would again launch movement as a direct action for the withdrawal of the punishment
order of Dacca University against 27 students.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
On 25.6.49 a meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. Dacca was held at 150, Moghultuli, Dacca under the presidentship of Aziz Ahmad of Dacca. In the meeting Qazi Ghulam Mahbub was elected as a convener of the E.P.M.S.L. in place of acting convenor Afzalur Rahman and a committee was formed with the following to work out the future policy and programme of the E.P.M.S.L. Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, Law student, Dacca and others in the meeting it was resolved that they would again launch movement as a direct action for the withdrawal of the punishment order of the Dacca university against 27 students. Further resolutions were adopted demanding release of all political prisoners and to adapt the mother language as the medium of the education.
xxiii. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with Abdus Salam Khan @ Badsa Miyan were arrested on 19.7.1949 for holding an unlawful meeting at Gopalganj & later released on personal bond.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
On 19.7.49 Sk Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur along with Abdus Salam Khan @ Badsa Miyan M.A.B.L. were arrested for holding an unlawful meeting of about 300 people inside court mosque at Gopalganj in defiance of the prohibitive order u/s. 144 Cr. P.C. Both of them have since been released on personal bond.
It appears from the memo. of Dacca D.I.B. that Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, M.A. and Law student of Dacca university residing at 150, Mughaltuli lane, Dacca is the Joint Secy. of the Provincial Awami Muslim League. He is aged about 28 years.
xxiv. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman left for Calcutta to meet S.H Suhrawardy. He wrote a letter to Abul Hasem and Abdus Sattar
asking them to be united. Faridpur, 12 January 1950

Page: 349
A D.I.O. reports that Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, an M.A. student went to Calcutta to meet Mr. Suhrawardy.
A letter written by Mujibar to Mr. Abul Hasem and Abdus Sattar of Seramkandi P.O. Patgati, Faridpur was intercepted. In the letter the writer asked them to be united. He also expressed that the ministers being frightened abolished the cordon system. He also mentioned that some people would plunder the country while our country men can understand nothing for their illiteracy.
xxv. Rafiquddin Ahmad, Secretary, Madaripur Muslim Students League wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 15.10.1949 requesting him to come to Madaripur as the people were anxious to listen to him. SDPO, Gopalganj reported that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was wanted for Gopalganj P.S. case as he did not appear on the date fixed. He left for Lahore via Delhi on 27.11.1949.
Faridpur, 12 January 1950
Rafiquddin Ahmad, Secy., Madaripur Muslim Students League wrote a letter to Sk. Mujibar Rahman, 150, Mughaltuli, Dacca on 15.10.49 which was intercepted at Dacca on 18.10.49. In the letter the writer informed him to come down to Madaripur with Pir Sahib of Bhasani because the people are anxious to listen to him.
S.D.P.O., Gopalganj reports that Sk. Mujibar Rahman is wanted in Gopalganj P.S. Case No. 11 dt. 18.7.49 u/s 143/188 I.P.C. which ended with charge sheet. He was on bail but did not appear on the date fixed.
It appears from the memo. of Dacca D.I.B. that Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o. Lutfar Rahma of Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur left Lahore by air on 27.11.49 for E.B. via Delhi.


An IB Officer reported on 13.1.1950 that he had been to Dacca
Central Jail and attended an interview in between Security Prisoners (1) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (2) Maulana Bhasani (3)
Md. Shamsul Haq and their lawyers.
Dacca, 13 January 1950 Report of an I.B. officer dt. 13.1.50

Page: 350
As ordered, I had been to Dacca Central Jail and attended interview of the Security Prisoners (1) Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (2) Md. Shamsul Haq (3) Sk. Majibur Rahman with their lawyers between 16.30 hours and 17.30 hours,
The lawyers talked with the above security prisoners about their cases only. Nothing political was discussed.


Further reference note on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, where his different meetings & other political programmes in various places of Dacca town, Dacca University, Narayanganj, Rangpur,
Dinajpur, Gaibandha & Calcutta were mentioned.
Dacca, 14 January 1950 Further R.N of Mujibar Rahman Sheikh slo Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara. P.S. Gopalganj Dt. Faridpur. & 150 Mugaltuli, P.S. Lalbagh Dacca.
D.34(C.A) dt. 12.10.49 A Conference of East Pakistan Muslim Students League was held on 16.9.49 at Tajmahal Hall, Lalbagh, Dacca with Shaikh Mujibar Rahman – Jt. Secy. Awami Muslim League, East Pakistan in the Chair.
0.34(C.A) dt. 13.10.49 Shaikh Mujibar Rahman – Jt. Secy. Awami Muslim League and some other members of A.M.L. stayed at the house of Kamaruddin AhmedPleader Zindabahar. Dacca.
0.34(C.A) dt. 11.12.49. P.617 Sk. Mujibar Rahman in his presidential speech at the Conference of East Pakistan Muslim Students League held at Tajmahal Hall on 16.9.49, gave the light of future programme to the Students.
0.101C.A) dt. 26.8.48. P.I Mujibar Rahman and several others attended a meeting at 40 Theatre Road, Calcutta invited by Mr. H.S. Suhrawardi on 1.8.48.
56/48. P.1 A Provisional Organising Committee of the E.P.M.S.L. has been formed with Shaikh Mujibor Rahman and several others.

Page: 351
56/48. P.70 Under the auspices of E.P.M.S.L. Narayanganj a meeting was held at Narayanganj Public Library on the occasion of the observation of Quaid – E- Azam’s birth-Day Ceremony under the presidentship of Shaik Mujibar Rahman.
56/48. P.87
D.S.P94. D.I.B. reported that the Anti Repression day on the issue of the expulsion of 4 Students from Rajshahi College and other repressive – measures taken against the students in various places to be observed on 8.1.49, was organised exclusively by E.P.M.S.L of which Mujibor Rahman and several other were taking active part.
Do-P.104 Mujibor Rahman and several other took prominent part in the demonstration on 8.1.49.
56/48 P.106 Mujibor Rahman of the E.P.M.S.L took active part in the demonstration on 8.1.49. and they have formed a “Committee of Action” and Mujibor Rahman was made President of it.
56/48 P.117 More than hundred Students of different Colleges of Dacca town assembled at the University ground under lead of Mujibor Rahman and others on 8.1.49. Mujibor Rahman and several others delivered speeches demanding the release of all arrested students etc. and criticised the action of the E.B. Ministry95.
56/48. P.180 Mujibor Rahman and other attended a meeting of E.P.M.S.L. at 150 Mugaltuli Dacca on 4.4.49 evening and criticised the statement of Dr. Sadani.
94. D.S.P – Deputy Superintendent of Police, a rank used by the Police forces in the Indo-Pak Sub Continent & formerly by the British Empire. After the independence of Bangladesh DSP renamed as SDPO (Sub-divisional Police Officer). This rank was abolished on 14.3.1979.
95. E.B Ministry – Bengal was divided into two provinces on 3 July 1946 in preparation for the partition of India – the Muslim-majority East Bengal and the Hindu-majority West Bengal. The two provinces each had their own Chief Minister. In August 1947 West Bengal became part of India and East Bengal Became part of Pakistan. The Mentioned EB or East Bengal Ministry was the Ministry of Chief Minister Nurul Amin of Muslim League, which lasted 14 September 1948 to 3 April 1954.

Page: 352
R.P-9 dt. 5.4.49 (F115/47) P.219 On 28.3.49 Shaik Mujibar Rahman came to Rangpur via Dinajpur. At his instance a workers meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. Rangpur was held on 29.3.49 at the College ground Rangpur. In the meeting Mujibar Rahman criticised the action of the Dinajpur Police for arresting the Student workers of E.P.M.S.L. Dinajpur.
On 30.3.49 Mujibor Rahman on his way back to Dacca visited Gaibanda and contacted Abdul Hye Akanda and a few others.
1-49 P.85 Shaikh Mujibor Rahman Secy. E.P.M.S.L delivered speeches in a meeting of E.P.M.S.L. on 2.3.49 held in his University Building and criticised the University authorities for their apathy towards kin amelioration of the condition of the University menials.
1-49 2.97 On 12.3.49 at 11.00 hrs the Students of different Educational Institution of Dacca town assembled at Iqbal Hall96 and there from they came out in a procession under the lead of Mujibor Rahman and other and paraded different routs of Dacca town shouting various slogans.
1-49 2.98 A meeting of about 200 University Students and 150 menials was held in front of the University Library on 9.3.49 afternoon- Sk. Mujibor Rahman-Secy., E.P.M.S.L Condemned the authorities for placing armed Police-Pickets in the University compound and expressed that the Students have full sympathy with the menials.
1-49 P.141 Shaikh Mujibor Rahman and several other students were fined RS 15/- each by the authorities of Dacca University.
1-49 P.159 Shaikh Mujibor Rahman was arrested on 19.4.49 uls 2 of Preventive Detention order for organising the demonstration in the house of the Vice-Chancellor.
1-49 P.168 Shaikh Mujibor Rahman and other stayed inside the Vice-Chancellors house on 19.4.49 till 16.00 hrs when the high Govt. officials went to the Chancellors house. D.M ordered them to vacate but they refused to do so and they were arrested u/s 54 Cr. P.C. on the spot. ……………………………………………………………
96. Iqbal Hall – After the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971 Iqbal Hall of Dhaka University was renamed as Zahurul Haq Hall in hounour of Sgt. Zahurul Haq. He was killed on 15 February 1969 while imprisoned at Dhaka Cantonment as an accused of Agartala Conspiracy Case.

Page: 353
1-49 P.170, 169 Sk. Mujibor Rahman and Nadera Begum were found moving & picketing near the University gate on 16.4.49 & 17.4.49.
Sk. Mujibor Rahaman delivered speeches in a meeting students of Dacca town at University Compound on 17.4.49 and appealed to the students to continue the strike till such time the University authorities had withdrawn their orders passed against the 27 students of the University.
1-49 P.174 Mujibor Rahaman was arrested on 29.4.49 u/s 18 (1) of the B.S.P.097, and committed to Central Jail on the date.
1-49 P.189 A D.I.O. reported that a meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. council was held at Narayanganj Public Library on 17.5.48 and Sk. Mujibor Rahman and others delivered speeches criticising the Minister.
1-48 P.202 & 207 Sk. Mujibor Rahman delivered speeches in a meeting of the Muslim League Opposition group held at Narsingdi on 1.6.48 and advocated for Abolition of Zemindary System without compensation and also for the free compulsory Primary Educations. Mujibar Rahman met the H.S. Suharawardy at Dacca on 3.6.48.
Submitted Sd/ -14.1
97. B.S.P.0 – Bengal Special Power Ordinance, (Ordinance of 1946). It was Promulgated by the then Govt. to prevent so called anti-state activities. Actually it was a Draconian Ordinance to detain the Bengali political leaders, those who protested against the repression & misrule of the Pakistani rulers. Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested & detained many times under this Ordinance.

Page: 354


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca informed through a memo to SS, IBEB, Dacca that the detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in jail for a period of 6 months was considered necessary for reason of
security of the state.
Dacca, 17 January 1950
Express. Secret.
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 16th/17th January 1950
Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref: This office Memo. 29 (3)/1, dated 3.1.50.
I send herewith the reference notes of Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o L. Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and 150, Mughaltuli, P.S. Lalbagh, Dacca. The subject is the Joint Secretary of the Awami Muslim League. He is the most militant member of the league and of the E.P.M.S.L. This individual convened the meeting of the league at Armanitola on 11.10.49 and led a procession which tried to break open the Police cordon and enter in Ramna area. He is yet maintaining link with Mr. Suhrawardy and other leftist leaders at Lahore where he went immediately after the incident. He is full of potentialities for mischief making. The subject’s detention in jail for a period of 6 months is considered essentially necessary for reason of security of the State. D.M., Dacca, also endorses it.
Sd/-17.1 Addl. Superintendent of Police
D.I.B., Dacca.


DS-III, IBEB, Dacca desired to know the position of Gopalganj P.S. case no. 11 dated 18.7.1949 lodged against Sheikh Mujibur
Dacca, 18 January 1950 Secret
No. 1180/606-48 P.F./dt. 18/1

Page: 355
Express S.P, Faridpur D.I.B.
Please refer to your radiogram no. nil dt. 26/10/49 to Ad. S.P., Dacca D.I.B. reg. Gopalganj P.S. Case No. 11 dt. 18/7/49 against Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and let us know the present position of the case.
Issue Another below Sd/-17.1.50
Sd/ -18.1.50 D.S. III for S.S. III

Page: 356


A reward statement of IB, Dacca where five IB officers & a civilian agent were awarded for giving information which led to secure the arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Joint Secretary,
AML on 31.12.1949.
Dacca, 18 January 1950
Reward Statement, I.B. Dacca. Pl. put up on file, Sd/ – 10.1
SI Rank
Brief fact of the good work done.
tion of the Dy.
S.S.1 orders
Recommende d RS 100/- One Hundred only
Rs 1001 – Sd/-2/2
Gave information leading to the arrest of absconder and under ground worker Sk. Mujibar Rahman, Jt. Secretary, Awami Muslim League on 31.12.49. Deals P.A.C.A. 21 and secured the arrest after working out the information on 31.12.49. Assisted in securing the arrest.
RS 50/Sd/-2/2
Recommende d RS 50/Fifty only.
Syed Md. Siddique
NOS 3, 4 &
Khondakar Saidur Rahman of D.I.B. Dacca
G.S mark Sd/-2/2
May be awarded a G.S mark to all these officers.
Nos 13,4&5 each RS 25/(rupies twenty five) Sd/
Md. Ismail of D.I.B, Dacca Ahsanullah o/c, Lalbagh P.S. Sk.Yusuf Husain of 1.B. (Gaurd const. of no. 2)
Con st
Recommende d Rs 51 (Five only) Sd/ -18.1.50
RS 5/Sd/-2/2
Sd.2/2/ 50

Page: 357


An SI, IB, Dacca reported that he attended the interview of Security Prisoners Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhashani & Shamsul Haq with their lawyer Abdus Salam on 18.1.1950. They
discussed case related matters.
Dacca, 19 January 1950 As ordered I attended the interview of security prisoners Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhashani, Maulvi Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. and Maulvi Majibur Rahman with Abdus Salam, Advocate of Dacca bar, in the Central Jail, Dacca on 18.1.50 for about 16.45 to 17.14 hrs. They talked about the case started against the aforesaid security prisoners.
Sd/-W. Ali S.I of Police, I.B.

Page: 358


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & two other leaders applied to Subdivisional officer, Dacca (south) on 19.1.1950 that they engaged advocate Abdus Salam to conduct their case & requested to
adjourn the date of their case at least one week.
Dacca, 19 January 1950
The Sub-divisional Officer, Dacca South. Through the Supdt., Dacca Central Jail. Dated Dacca, the 19th Jany. 1950.
olat og MA pro Ona boshladi F
d a tol
Sir, T he
We beg to state that Moulvi Abdus Salam Khan M.A., B.L., Advocate will conduct our case in your Court and that he will not be able to appear before your Court on the 28th January, 1950, as he is previously engaged otherwise.
May we, therefore, hope that you will kindly adjourn the date of our case at least for a week and thus oblige us.
Yours faithfully, 1. Ad – Abdul Hamid Khan. 2. Mohammad Shamul Haq, (M.L.A)
3. Shaikh Mojibur Rahman. No. 146/SB dt. 24.1.50. Forwarded to D.I.G. of Police, I.B., E.B., for favour of disposal.
Sd/-Illegible, for Supdt., Dacca Cl. Jail.
Memo No. 1633/483-48(J). dt. 26.1.50. Forwarded to the Sub-divisional Officer (South) Dacca for favour of disposal.
Sd/-A. Muktadir for Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B, Dacca.

Page: 359


Advocate A.J. Golam Samdhani, Judge Court, Dacca applied to the Special Officer, IB, requesting to arrange for an interview
with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other two, detained in Dacca Central Jail for consulting the case related matters with
Dacca, 20 January 1950
The Special Officer, Intelligence Branch, Dacca.
I have the honour to request you to arrange for an interview with the security prisoners (1) Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, (2) Md. Shamsul Huq, M.L.A., (3) Majibur Rahman now detained in the Dacca Central Jail. I want to have consultation with them regarding points of fact to be acquainted from them regarding cases. Please arrange interview with them either on 22.1.50 (Sunday). Dated Dacca, the 20th Jany. 650.
I have, etc., Sd/-A.J. Golam Samdhin, Pleader, Judges Court, Dacca.


DIG, CID, West Punjab sent a memo to SSP, IB, Dacca attached with a copy of an intercepted letter of Anwar-ul-Azim of Lahore addressed to the editor, Pakistan Observer, Dacca.
Dacca, 20 January 1950
From The Deputy Inspector-General of Police C.I.D., West Punjab. To The Special Superintendent of Police Intelligence Branch, Dacca (East Pakistan) No. 783 BDSB, dated Lahore, the 20th January, 1950.

Page: 360
Reference your endorsement No. 23703/6-49(1) dated the 23rd November, 1949, forwarding a copy of an intercepted letter emanating from Anwar-ul Azim, Lahore addressed to the Editor, Pakistan Observer, Dacca.
The writer Mr. Anwar-ul-Azim, B.Sc, originally hails from East Bengal. His father Mr. Majib-ur-Rahman is a medical practitioner at Sub-Divisional Station Gaiba Dab, East Bengal. He is a student worker of the Awami League, East Bengal. In October last he came to Lahore in order to evade arrest on account of his anti Government activities there. On his arrival in Lahore he joined local M.A.O. College for his M.Sc. degree. He is putting up in room No.80, Montmorency Hall, the Law College Hostel. Few days after his arrival here, he became close associate of Mr. M.A Kazmi a L.L.B. student of the local Law College and president of the West Punjab Muslim Students Federation, who also a happened to be a resident of the same Hostel (Room No. 98). Through Mr. M.A. Kazmi, he also came into contact with Rana Muhammad Jahangir Khan President All Pakistan Muslim Student Federation, Lahore. The letter under reference was written by him under the directions of Mr. Mujib-ur-Rahman, a leader of the Awami League, East Bengal, who visited Lahore on 20.10.1949 and went back on 27.11.1949, where he has been arrested by the East Bengal Government. The suggestion given by Mr. Anwar-ulAzim had already been carried out by Mr. Mujib-ur-Rahman during his stay in Lahore. Mr. M.A. Kazmi gave a dinner to Mujib-ur-Rahman in his room (No.98) Montmorency Hall, on 20.11.1949. Few other student workers of the All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation and the West Punjab Muslim Federation were also invited by Mr. M.A. Kazmi. The student’s affairs of the East and West Pakistan were discussed on that occasion. Consequently Mr. Mujib-ur-Rahman affiliated the Eastern Pakistan Muslim Students League with the All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation, Lahore before his departure to Dacca. The terms of agreement were as under:
All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation will be divided into two sections, viz. the West and East Pakistan Muslim Students Federation.
There will be two conveners, one each for the West and East Pakistan
respectively. The organising committee will have 14 members, of whom 8 belonging to the West and 6 to the East Pakistan. The working committee will have 35 members, in the ration of 20 and 15 for the West and East Pakistan respectively.

Page: 361
Efforts will be made to re-organise the both sections and the undesirable elements will be eliminated.
Sd – Muhammad Asghar, for Dy. Inspector-General of Police, CID
West Punjab.
Side note: -Copy of page 1032 to be placed on the P.F of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/ – Md. Yusuff


Extract of Dacca DIB memo dated 24.1.1950 was sent to SSP, IBEB, Dacca where it was mentioned that charge sheet had been submitted of Kotwali P.S. case no. 19 dated 11.10.1949 against
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & others.
Dacca, 24 January 1950
Extract of Dacca D.I.B. Memo No. 690/214-49, dated the 24th Jan., 1950 to the Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B. Dacca.
Ref: This office No. 375, dated 12.1.50.
Charge sheet No.211 dated 26.12.49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. & 7(3) B.S.P.O. has been submitted in Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19, dated 11.10.49 against the following persons. Accd. Sk. Mujibar Rahman who was absconding so long, has since been arrested and forwarded to Court.
6. Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Sk. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj,



SSP, IB, Dacca forwarded a copy of an application from A.J. Golam Samdhani to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, with a
request to allow for an interview.
Dacca, 25 January 1950
Intelligence Branch, East Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 25th January, 1950.
No.1542/483-48 P.F. To A.H. Khan, Esq., Supdt. of Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith copy of a petition dated 20.1.50 from A.J. Golam Samdhin, the undersigned requests you that the interview may please be allowed in presence of an I.B. officer on some suitable day early and the petitioner informed accordingly under intimation to this office. The interview could not be arranged on 22.1.50 as asked for.
For (M. Yusuff) Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca.


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed DIG, IBEB through a memo that Shiekh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & Md. Shamsul Huq would be produced before SDO court, Dacca on 28.1.1950 in c/w Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10)1949.
Dacca, 25 January 1950 Secret.
Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail
Memo. No. 155/S.B. dt. 25.1.50.
The Deputy Inspector General of Police I.B., East Bengal.

Page: 363
I would inform you that the following security prisoners will be produced before the Court of S.D.O., Dacca, on 28.1.50 at 10 a.m. vide Kotwali P.S. case No. 19 dt. 11.10.49 u/s 147/324 I.P.C. & 7(3) B.S.P.O.
1. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan. 2. Md. Shamsul Huq. 3. Sk. Mozibur Rahman.
Sd/- A.H. Khan.
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Copy to:-The Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent a copy of search statement to SSP, IBEB, on 25.1.1950. The search was conducted at the residence of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca by OC, Lalbag P.S. On 31.12.1949 during the search 2 copies of typed
English statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, 14 copies of Bengali printed leaflets, a copy of Urdu news paper, 2 copies of notice, a list of persons, 3 blank pages of different writing pad etc.
were seized.
Dacca, 25 January 1950
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 25th January, 1950
No. 721/100-49

Page: 364
To Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Ref :- This office Memo. No. 29(3)/1, dated 3.1.50.
I send herewith a copy of the search statement in respect Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, B.A., Joint Secy., Awami Muslim League s/o Mv. Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Dt. Faridpur.
Sd/ -25.1 Addl. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca. Form No.42. Confidential
Search Statement 1. Malkhana No. 2. Place searched, with name of the owner or occupier Sk. Majibar Rahman,
69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca. 3. Date of search, with name of the officer conducting it on 31.12.49 S.I
A.K.M. Ahsanulla, o/C. Lalbagh P.S.
Notes and orders
Description of articles seized.
Contents or particulars.
Result of enquiry
No action lies. Sd/ -19.1.
2 Copies of typed in this statement Sk. Majibar Rahman English
criticised the action of the Govt. in the statement of Sk. 1 arrest of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Majibar Rahman, Bhasani & Mr. Shamsul Huq M.L.A. and Jt. Secretary asked the Govt to release them E.P, Awami immediately and also advocated that the League on 3 long conditions of the peasantry of East paper.
Pakistan are very deplorable due to the fall of the price of Jute and Pakistan Govt. are doing nothing for them. He also stated that all the workers of the Awami Muslim League should be released, and a new election should be made for the proof of the existence & faith of people in Awami League.

Page: 365
One copy of Bengali printed leaflet entitled
জিলা মুসলিমলীগ ও চট্টগ্রাম মুসলিম আওয়ামীলীগ কর্মিগনের যুক্ত বিবৃতি।
This is a joined appeal to the people of DIB Chittagong By (1) Abdul Quader B.L I Chittagong secretary Dist. League (2) Saleh Ahmed requested Muktar, Secretary Chittagong City to supply League (3) S. Muzaffar Ahmed convener particulars Awami Muslim League stating that there of no 1.2 & was no reference between Awami League & Muslim League and the people to be members of the League.
Sl. No. search
Description of articles seized.
Contents or particulars.
Notes and orders
Result of enquiry
Sd/ –
One Bengali Printed Leaflet entitled. জিলা মুসলিম লীগের ঘােষনা
A Bengali printed leaflet entitled. চট্রগ্রাম আম্মামী মুসলিম লীগ অর্গানাইজিং কমিটীর ঘােষনা
This is also an appeal to the people to Chittagong by Abdul Quder B.L secretary Dist. Muslim league, (2) Saleh Ahmad, 19.1 Scey, City Muslim League (3) Chittagong to work combinedly with Muslim Awami League & Muslim League to serve for the Pakistan estate. This leaflet printed at Moslem Press DO Chittagong and Published by S. Mozaffor Sd/Ahamad, Amir Hossain Dovas & 6 1 19.1 others and circulated among the people asking them to work conjointly with Awami Muslim League & Muslim as both the leagues have been combined as Muslim League. This leaflet was published by Sk. Majibar Sd/Rahman Jt. Secretary Awami Muslim 19.1 League in which he asked the people to attend the meeting on 11.10.49 at Armanitola Maidan Dacca. [On 14.10.49 Moulana Abdul Hamid No action Khan Bhasani was arrested by the Police. I lies At the time of arrest he delivered a sd/speech before the public saying that he 19.1 was a real worker of the Muslim League. He was not a communist or he never made any propaganda against Pakistan, He was a true Pakistani. These speeches were published & circulated.]
A Bengali printed leaflet entitled
জোনাব লিয়াকত আলী খান সাহেবের খেদমতে। [12 Copies of Bengali printed leaflet entitled. ১৪ ই অক্টোবর ভাসানীর মাওলানার গ্রেপ্তার.]

Page: 366
Form No.42
Search Statement 1. Malkhana No. 2. Place searched, with name of the owner or occupier 3. Date of search, with name of the officer conducting it
Sl. No.
Contents or particulars.
Result of
Description of articles seized.
search list
One copy of Urdoo News Papers “Imroze” dt. 27.11.49
Notes and orders
enquiry. This is a daily Urdoo news paper dt. 27.11.49 printed and published at Lahore. He had been to Lahore & gave the statements published in item No. I to editor & was published in this news paper on 27.11.49 so he kept the copy with him.
2 Copies of Notice No. 2 in Bengali manuscript.
This notice is issued by Abdul Halim, Jt. Secretary E.P.M.S.L 150 Magaltoli to the member of the Execute Committee to attend the Committee meeting would be held on 7th Jan. 1950 at 3 P.m. This is a petition to the advertisement manager M/S Daily Pakistan Observer without signature asking for agency for supplying advertisement
One English manuscript Petition to M/S Daily Pakistan Observer, Dacca.
Sl. No.
Description of
Contents or particulars.
Result of
search list
articles seized.
Notes and orders
A list of person in a slip in English.
in this slip a list of the following person for particulars made to whom an immediate of nos. 6 DIB correspondence should be made. Comilla, for (1) Brother, (2) Chand Miyan, (3) no, 7, DIB Sawkat Hossain Daria (4) Matiur Chittagong for Rahman C.S.I. (5) Nuruddin Daria (6) 8, DIB Shamsuddin Prof. Brahmanbaria (7) F. Barisal, for Qader Chudhury, Chittagong (8) A. Rab no.17,9 DIB of Barisal, (9) Abdul Haque of Bagerhat Khulna, for (10) Fazlul Haque Borta and Baka (11) no, 11 & 20 Hemayetuddin of Faridpur (12) Altaf of DIB Faridpur DO (13) Secretary Chittagong may be E.P.M.S.L. (14) Secretary Kushtia referred to

Page: 367
E.P.M.S.L. (15) Habib Sikder (16) respectively Secretary Khulna E.P.M.S.L (17) Monir Sd/-DIO II to Mia, Khulna, Mobarak. (18) Majib Bhai trace no. of Zhugamari (19) Hamid S.I. (20) A. No action Salam (advocate)
Sd/ – 19.1 This is a blank writing pad. printed in No action the head Sk. Majibur Rahman Jt. Secty. Sd/ – 19.1 EPMSL at 150 Mogaltoli This is a blank page of a pad printed in do the head Eastern Pakistan Muslim Sd/ – 19.1 Students League. This is a blank writing pad, printed in D.l.O ll to the head M. Jalaluddin Ahamad Drwer (MALLB final year) Acting President
Sd/- 1 E.P.M.S.L. 69/1 Khaje Dewan.
one blank page of a writing pad one blank page of a writing pad. one blank page of a writing
Submitted, Sd/ – DIO X 19.1


First addendum to the brief history of Mujibur Rahman, where it was mentioned that he was the Joint Secretary of AML & most
militant member of the League & of EPMSL. His arrests, meetings, speeches related to police repression & public
sufferings, anti-govt. processions & circulating leaflets, communication with H.S Suhrawardy, Maolana Bhashani & NWFP political leaders, alleged political & anti-state activities
were included in the addenda.
Dacca, 26 January 1950
First Addendum to the Brief History of Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150 Moghaltuli, and 69/1 Khaja Dewan, Dacca. (Born- about 1921)
1. Mujibar Rahman was arrested on 29.4.49 for his prejudicial
activities under the B.S.P.O. and detained as a security prisoner in the Dacca Central Jail vide g.o No.1336 dated 25.5.49. He was unconditionally released on 26.6.49 vide g.o. No.1742 dated 17.6.49.

Page: 368
2. The Subject along with others were again arrested on 18.7.49 for
holding a meeting at Gopalganj town (Faridpur) in defiance of a prohibit order u/s 144 Cr. P.C. and later prosecuted u./s 143/188
I.P.C. The case is still subjudice. 3. In a letter (intercepted at Dacca on 10.8.49) addressed to Mr. H.S.
Suhrawardy at Karachi the subject enquired of the addressee as to when he would come to Dacca as he (subject) had for urgent things to discuss with him in connection with Awami League and
parliamentary affairs. 4. In a letter dated 25.9.49 (intercepted at Dacca) addressed to the
subject as Jt. Secretary of the Awami League at 150 Moghaltuli, Dacca. by Maulana Abdul Hamid of Bhasani (since detained as security prisoner) he (the subject) was asked to enlist members to the Awami Muslim League in Dacca town and to form an organising
committee of the League in each District of East Pakistan. 5. The Subject along with others participated in several meetings of the
Awami Muslim League and E.P.M.S.L held at Dacca town on different dates in September, 1949 and demanded release of Political prisoners detained without trial, abolition of Zemindari System without compensation, introduction of free and Compulsory Primary Education, nationalisation of Jute trade, early election on the basis of adult suffrage and release of land acquired by the Govt. at Chittagong. In the early part of October, 49 the subject as Jt. Secretary of the Awami Muslim League issued a leaflet in Bengali, urging the people to attend the meeting to be held at Armanitola maidan, (Dacca) on 11.10.49 to represent their alleged grievances to the H.P.M. Pakistan. It was also stated in the leaflet amongst other things that lacs of men, women and Children were livings on half meals, many had died through starvation and children and aged girls were being
sold like chattels due to food shortage. 7. The Subject participated in the meeting held at the instance of the
Awami Muslim League at Armanitola maidan in Dacca town on 11.10.49. He delivered anti Govt. speech and read out a resolution demanding enquiry by a special tribunal into the alleged maladministration by the East Bengal ministers and early general election etc. In Course of his speech he incited the audience to move

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out in a procession and demonstrate in the town. When the meeting was over, he along with other led a procession through the streets of Dacca town. Some of the members in the procession became violent and threw brickbats causing injuries to S.D.O, North and some police constables. The processionist had to be declared unlawful by the D.M. Dacca and dispersed with the help of the tear gas and by means of lathi charge. The ring leaders were arrested vide Kotwali F.s. case No. 19 dated 11.10.49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C and 7(3) B.S.P.O. This subject however managed to escape and went underground. It was reported on 12.10.49 that the subject sent party members to different districts of East Pakistan to circulate the news of the alleged police oppression and to ask people to launch agitation during the visit of the H.P.M. Pakistan to their districts. He was also reported to have asked the party members to dissuade the public from attending the meeting held on 12.10.49 at Paltan ground in
Dacca town which was to be addressed by the H.P.M. Pakistan. 9. The subject was reported to have surreptitiously left for Calcutta on
15.10.49 on his way to Lahore to contact Mr. H.S Suhrawardy. 10. It was reported that the subject reached Lahore on 30.10.49 and
put up with Mian Iftikhar Uddin at 21, Aikman Road, Lahore. He met Mr. Suhrawardy on 1.11.49 at the Khan of Mamdod’s house and discussed with him about the desirability and possibility of starting an Awami League in West Punjab. During his interview with a press representative he condemned the alleged reign of terro preventing both in East Bengal and N.W.F.P. According to him, the repressive action taken by the Govt. was responsible for the creation of the Awami League in these two provinces. He attended a close door meeting held at Campbelpur on 9.11.49 in which he gave out that over 50 Awami League workers including the President Maulana Abdul Hamid of Bhashani, were being detained in East Bengal. After on return to Lahore on 10.11.49 he contacted a number of persons including Ghulam Muhammad Lundkar, General Secretary, of the N.W.F.P. Awami League, Sarder Muhammad Sadiq, General Secy. of All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation and discussed with them the question of forming Central Awami Muslim League in Pakistan. He instructed the West Punjab students to be more progressive minded like these of East Bengal.

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11. The Subject left Lahore on 27.11.49. 12. It was reported on 31.12.49 that Sheikh Mujibar Rahman had
returned to Dacca from Karachi via Calcutta with some instructions from Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy (ex-Chief Minister, United Bengal), and secretly contacted some important workers of the Awami Muslim
League, Dacca. 13. On 31.12.49 the subject was arrested in connection with Kotwali
P.S Case No. 19 (10) 49 W/s 147/325 I.P.C. and 7(3) S.P.O. for taking the leading part in organising the meeting of the Awami Muslim League held at Armanitola maidan, Dacca town on 11.10.49 and staging a hostile demonstration in the town which resulted in a clash between the demonstrators and the Police (vide paragraph 13 of the B.H. of the subject dated 10.12.49). He was subsequently arrested under section 18 (1) of the B.S.P.O. and
committed to Dacca Central Jail. 14. In his statement dated 31.12.49 the subject admitted that he was
the joint secretary of the Awami Muslim League and was the convener of the Awami Muslim League meeting held at Armanitola Maidan on 11.10.49 which he addressed. He refused to say any things about the procession taken out after the said meeting. He stated that a few days after 11th October, 1949 he left East
Pakistan for Lahore and toured several parts of the West Pakistan. 15. The following is an extract of letter No-535/100-49 dated
16/17.1.50 from Addl. S.P., D.I.B. Dacca to the I.B.:
“Sk. Mujibar Rahman is the joint secretary of the Awami Muslim League. He is the most militant member of the League and of the E.P.M.S.L. This individual convened the meeting of the League at Armanitola on 11.10.49 and led a procession which tried to break open the police cordon and enter in Ramna area. He is yet maintaining link with Mr. Suhrawardy and other leftist leaders at Lahore where he went immediately after the incident. He is full of potentialities for mischief making. The subject’s detention in Jail for a period of 6 month in considered essentially necessary for reason of security of the state. D.M., Dacca also endorses it.”
I concur with the D.M.
Sd/ -26.1.50

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SSP, IBEB sent a memo to Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca that he forwarded a copy of the petition dated 19.1.1950 from Security Prisoners Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & Shamsul
Haq to SDO (South), Dacca for favour of disposal. He also included the copy of an IB officer’s report & Central Jail’s memo for his (Addl. SP) ready reference & informed that DIG, IB desired the trial would be held inside the jail.
Dacca, 26 January 1950 Secret.
Most Immediate.
Intelligence Branch, E. Bengal
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 26th Jany., 1950. No. 1632/483-48 P.F(J).
A.Gafur, Esq., Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca.
In enclosing herewith copy of a petition dated 19.1.50 from security prisoners (1) Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (2) Mohammad Shamsul Haq and (3) Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, forwarded to the S.D.O. (South) Dacca for favour of disposal, and copy of an I.B. officer’s report for your information, the undersigned has to state that D.I.G., I.B. desires that the trial should be held inside the jail.
Please also move the trying Magistrate to cancel the order of production of the security prisoners in court on 28.1.50 in view of the fact that the case is likely to be adjourned. A copy of Supdt., Dacca Central Jail’s memo No.155/SB dated 25.1.50 already forwarded to you is enclosed for ready reference.
(M. Yusuff)
Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca.

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An IB officer reported on 26.10.1950 that the Court Inspector, Dacca court was preparing to move to the higher authority to appoint a PP in the case u/s 147/323 against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani and others. Charge sheet had been submitted against them. Detention proposal under section 10 C of EBSPO had also been taken under consideration. The grounds of
detention were also mentioned.
Dacca, 26 January 1950
I.B. Officer’s Report dated 26.1.50.
The Court Inspector Dacca Court is moving the higher authority to appoint a P.P. in the cases u/s 147/323 against Shamsul Haque and others. The date of hearing of the case has been fixed on 28.1.50. This proposal has not yet materialised and it is pending with L. R. It is unlikely that the prosecution will take up the case on 28.1.50. The P.P. is reported to have gone outside Dacca. The case, according to the opinion of the Inspector, will automatically be adjourned. As regards holding of the Court inside the Jail he said that the permission of D.M. will be required. There has been no such move in this direction. Following are the accused against whom Charge Sheets has been submitted.
1. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan.
2. Mr. Shamsul Haque, M.L.A.
3. Syed Md. Fazlul Haque, son of late Md. Sayed Amir of 15, Training College
Road, Dacca and of Mirsharai, Chittagong.
4. Abdur Rauf, son of Abdul Hamid Khan of Kalipur, P.S. Matlab, Tippera.
5. Shamsul Huda, son of late Janab Ali Sheik of Amlapara, P.S. Narayanganj,
6. Sheik Mujibur Rahman.

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The Detention Grounds of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman under section 10C of EBSPO, where the Govt. accused him for associating with the illegal activities of a secret association in the district of Dacca & Faridpur with a view to overthrow the Govt., acts of espionage
& participation with otherwise helping in the illegal activities which were likely to endanger the existence of public order and
Dacca, January 1950
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of East Bengal Special Power Ordinance (Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as so enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Reenactment Act 1949 (East Bengal Act I of 1949)
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance (Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as so enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinance Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act 1949 (East Bengal Act I of 1949), You Babu/Maulvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150 Mughultuli and 69/1 Khaja Dewan, Dacca, at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. H.S. dated made under clause (a) of sub-section (I) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the said ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds :1. That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret
association in the district of Dacca and Faridpur the object of which is to the overthrow this Govt. (i e, Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and in this connection you have been carrying on prejudicial and disloyal propaganda against the Govt. and have been inciting the students and Muslim masses of districts, Dacca and Faridpur to acts of disloyalty and violence against this Govt.
That you have been concerned in acts of espionage in the district of with the intention of collection information regarding the armed forces, militancy concentration and strategic positions etc. of the Province of East Bengal for passing on the same to our enemies both within this Province and outside it.

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That you have been participating and otherwise helping in the illegal activities of a group of persons who are plotting to bring about a re-union of East and West Bengal by employment of violent and terrorist methods against this Govt. and its peaceful subjects. That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this province.
You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order of detention made against you, and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor.
Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of
East Bengal Home (Political) Department.


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca informed SSP, IBEB that the trial of
Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10)49 u/s 147/324 I.P.C. against Maulana Bhasani & others had been adjourned for the day on 27.1.1950 & next date was fixed on 11.2.1950. The grounds of detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were considered necessary
Dacca, 27 January 1950
Secret Express
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 27th/28th. Jany., 1950.
No. 789/214-49.
Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B, E.B, Dacca.
Ref : Your No. 1632/483-48 P.F. (J) dated 26.1.50.
Sub : Trial of Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19(10)49 u/s 147/324 I.P.C. against Maulana
Abdul Hamid Khan & others.

Page: 375
The case has been adjourned for day to day trial to 11.2.50. I have asked the Court Inspr. to get the orders of production of the security prisoners in court on 28.1.50 cancelled. Regarding the venue of trial of the case I have consulted S.P. and D.M. and both of them are of opinion that the case should be tried in court in the first instance and if there be any trouble then the trial may be arranged inside the Jail.
Further instructions if any, may be communicated to me.
Sd/- A. Gafur, 27.1. Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.,


SP, DIB, Faridpur informed SSP, IBEB, Dacca that the case was pending for the appearance of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at
Gopalganj court.
Faridpur, 28 January 1950 Secret. Immediate.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 28th January, 1950.
No. 440/33-50. To Khan Sahib M. Yusuff Spl. Supdt. of Police I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref: Your No. 1180/606-48 P.F. dated 18.1.50, re: case against Sk. Mujibar
The case is pending for his appearance at Gopalganj Court. Production Warrant has been issued on 9.1.50 for him from Gopalganj Court.
Sd/ – 28.1.50 Superintendent of Police
DIB, Faridpur.

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Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a memo with
detention grounds to Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail requesting with immediate effect to serve the detention order on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman u/s 10A of the BSPO, 1946. He also requested to forward any representation made by the prisoner.
Dacca, 28 January 1950 Confidential Immediate (by Special Messenger)
Government of East Bengal
Home Department
Special Branch From : Moulvi M. Fazlul Bari
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 146-H.S. Dacca, the 28th January, 1950.
Subject : Detention of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman under Section 10A of the Bengal
Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946)
A signed order (in duplicate) on the above subject and a communication of the grounds of detention (in duplicate) under section 10C of the Ordinance are forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order and the communication on the above named person and report to Government in due course. 2. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any made by the
prisoner as soon as possible.
Sd/- M.A. Bari. Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal
Memo No. 146/1(4)-H.S.
Copy, with a copy of the order and the communication forwarded for information to the:
1. Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal. 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal. 3. District Magistrate, Dacca.

Page: 378
4. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane, Dacca.
Dacca, The 28th Jan. 1949.
Sd/- 28.1.50
Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. Side note: Secret
Copy with copies of the PP451 /50 enclosures forwarded to 1. Addl. S.P. Dacca D.I.B. for Information 2. S.P. Faridpur D.I.B for information in continuation of this office
letter No. 1845 dt. 31.1.50, Sd/- 8.2 DS3 for SS3 1.B., Dacca

Page: 379
Government of East Bengal Home (Special) Department.
No. 147-H.S.
Dacca, the 28th January, 1950.
Whereas the person known as Sheikh Mujibor Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghaltuli and 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca, is detained in the Dacca Central Jail under the provisions of section 18 of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act 1949 (East Bengal Act 1 of 1949):
And whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of public order, it is necessary to make the following order for the purpose of continuing his detention:
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of SubSection (1) and Sub-Section (4) of Section 10A of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No.VI of 1946) as so enacted and continued in operation by the said Act, the Governor is pleased to direct –
that the said person shall subject to the provisions of Section 10B of the said Ordinance as so enacted and continued in operation be detained until further
b. that, subject to the provisions of clause (a) of this paragraph the said person
shall until further orders, continue to be detained in the Dacca Central Jail and c. that during such detention the said person shall be subject to the conditions laid
down in East Bengal Security Prisoners Rules, 1950.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- M.F.Bari. Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.

Page: 380
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946, (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act 1949 (East Bengal Act 1 of 1949).
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946, (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Enactment and Re-enactment Act, 1949, East Bengal Act 1 of 1949) you Maulvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghaltuli and 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. 147-H.S., dated the 28th January, 1950, made under clause (a) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the said Ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds :
That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the district of Dacca and Faridpur the object of which is to overthrow this Government (i.e. Government of East Bengal by violent means and in this connection you have been carrying on prejudicial and disloyal propaganda against the Government and have been inciting the students and Muslim masses of districts Dacca and Faridpur to acts of disloyalty and violence against this Government.
That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this province. You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Government against the order of detention made against you, and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail. where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/-M.F. Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal
Home (Political) Department.

As order I went to secretariat this morning with the B.H. of S.Pr. Majibur Rahman and made it over to Mr. M.F Bari Asst. Secretary Home (special) and requested him to issue govt. order for detention of the same S. Prisoner today as the date of his release is due on 30.1.50. Mr. Bari said that he was taking necessary step for issuing the today order. And he was also seen to work on the file then & there.
Sd/ – 28.1.50
Side note: DS3, Perusal pl. The file is under action. May be filed. The Go is
awaited still., Sd/ -1.2.50.

Page: 382


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed advocate A.J. Golam
Samdhani, Malitola, Dacca that an interview was fixed on 2.2.1950 with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani &
Md. Samsul Huq.
Dacca, 30 January 1950
Office of the Superintendent
Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. /SB dt. 30.1.50
Mr. A.J. Golam Samdhani Pleader, Malitolla, Dacca.
An interview has been fixed with security prisoner Mv. Md. Samsul Huq and Moulana A. Hamid Khan & Sk. Mojibur Rahman on 2.2.50 at 5 P.M. This letter must be shown at the jail gate.
Sd/-A.H. Khan. Supdt. of Dacca Central Jail.
Copy to :
The D.I.G. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, with reference to his memo No. 1542 dt. 25.1.50. An I.B. officer may please be deputed for the purpose.


DS-3, IBEB, Dacca informed SP, DIB Faridpur that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested by Dacca DIB on 31.12.1949 in connection with Kotwali P.S. case no. 19 (10)1949.
Dacca, 31 January 1950 Secret.
No. 1845 dt. 31.1.50 S.P. Faridpur D.I.B.
Shaikh Mujibor Rahman, B.A., Joint Secretary, Awami Muslim League, s/o Mvi. Lutfor Rahman of Tongibari(Tungipara), P.S. Gopalganj, Dist. Faridpur and of 150, Moghultuli, and 69/1 Khajeh Dewan, Dacca, was arrested on 31.12.49 by Dacca D.I.B. in c/w Kotwali P.S. Case

Page: 383
No.19(10) 49 u/s 147/325 IPC & 7(3) BSPO, and committed to jail u/s 18(2) of the S.P.O.
Govt. have been moved for the subject’s detention as a S.Pr. under the S.P.O.
Copies attached of the B.H. & the First addendum to the B.H. of the subject are sent herewith for information & record.
Please let us know if there is anything on your record agst the subject
Another below.
DS3 for S.S.3 I.B. Secret.
No. 1844 dt. 31.1.50 Addl. S.P. Dacca D.I.B.
Reference your No. 535/100-49 dated 17.1.50. Govt. have been for six month detention of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Copies attached of the B.H. and first addendum to the B.H. of the subject are forwarded herewith for information and record.
31.1 DS3 for SS3 I.B.


Habibur Rahman98, East Pakistan Provincial Cooperative Bank
Ltd. Dacca applied to DIG, IBEB that he would like to see his nephew Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, S.Pr. of Dacca Central Jail by the 4’h February 1950. His petition was granted.
Dacca, 1 February 1950 To The D. I. G. I. B. Wiseghat, Dacca. The 1st Feb, 1950.
98. Habibur Rahman – Sheikh Habibur Rahman slo late Sheikh Abdul Hamid of village- Tungipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur was the uncle of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman i.e. Sheikh Lutfor Rahman, father of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the eldest brother of Sheikh Habibur Rahman. He was an employee of East Pakistan Central Co-operative Bank, Victoria Park, Dacca and resided at 55, Satish Sarkar Road, P.S. Sutrapur (now Gandaria), Dacca.

Page: 384
I have the honour to inform you that I like to see my nephew Sk. Mozibor Rahman, the Security Prisoner at Dacca Central Jail by the coming 4th February, Saturday at 9 A.M.
I hope you will kindly do the needful and oblige.
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obedient servant,
East Pakistan Provincial Cooperative Bank Ltd. Dacca.
Side note: Granted interview in presence of an l.B. officer on 4.2.50 at 9 A.M.
D.S III to please depute an officer. The party has been informed. Sd2.2.50 S.I. K. Ahmed. pl. attend the interview, Seen. Sd/-2.2
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 2.2.50. No. 2082/606-48 (Sec)
Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 1.2.50. from Habibur Rahman. I am to state that the interview may be allowed at 9 A.M. on 4.2.50 in presence of an I.B. officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
DS3 for for Spl. Supdt. of Police
Intelligence Branch.

Page: 385


An officer, IBEB, Dacca reported that he attended the interview held in between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani, Shamsul Haq & Advocate A. J. Golam Samdani at Dacca Central
Jail on 2.2.1950. They talked about case related matters.
Dacca, 3 February 1950
As ordered I attended the interview held between S.prs. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Majibur Rahman and A. J. Golam Samdani, advocate of the local bar at Dacca Central Jail on 2.2.50 from 17-15 to 17-45 hours. They talked about the case started against the above noted Security prisoners.
Sd/- W. Ali. 3.2.


A Sub-inspector, IBEB, Dacca reported that he attended the interview between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & his uncle Habibur Rahman on 4.3.1950 in presence of the Jailor. They discussed absolutely on personal matters.
Dacca, 4 February 1950
As ordered I went to the Dacca Central Jail and attended the interview of S. Pr. Mujibar Rahman with his uncle H. Rahman on 4.3.50 (morning) in presence of the Jailor. They discussed matters absolutely personal.
Submitted S.I., I.B., Dacca.


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent a memo to SS, IBEB with the particulars of Fazlul Kader Chaudhuri & Shamsuddin Ahmed whose names were mentioned in the search statement of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 9 February 1950
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 9th/10th February, 1950
No. 1215/100-49.

Page: 386
Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca. Ref: This office No. 721/100-49 dated 25.1.50.
I give below the particulars of Fazlul Kader Chaudhuri and Shamsuddin Ahmed, M.A. who were mentioned in the search statement of Shaikh Mujibar Rahman:
1. Fazlul Kader Chaudhuri, Chairman, D.B., Chittagong, s/o Maulvi Abdul Jabbar
of Gahira, P.S. Raozan, Chittagong.
2. Shamsuddin Ahmed, M.A., s/o Mv. Md. Omed Ali of Godadhardangi, P.S.
Kotwali, Dt. Faridpur. He is aged about 27 years and occupation is Talukdari.
Sd/- 9.2 Addl. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


SS-III, IBEB sent a memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail stating that S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had to face trial at Gopalganj court in c/w Gopalganj P.S. case no. 11 dated 18.7.1949. He also requested to inform well ahead about transferring him to Gopalganj court.
Dacca, 9 February 1950 Confdl.
No. 2517/606-48 P.F. dt. 1012 Supdt. D.C. Jail
S.Pr. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman has to be faced trial in Gopalganj Court in Gopalganj P.S. case No. 11 dt. 18.7.49. Production warrant was issued from Gopalganj Court on 9.1.50.
Please inform us well ahead about the transfer of the S.Pr. to Gopalganj Court for the purpose.
Sd/ – 9.2 DS3 for SSIII I.B.

Page: 387


A Copy of extract dated 15.2.1950 from SP, CID, West Punjab
was sent to DIG, IBEB, Dacca, where it was mentioned that before the departure of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for Dacca he got EBMSL affiliated with the All Pakistan Muslim Students
Federation in Lahore.
Lahore, 15 February 1950
Extract from the D.O. No. 1908/BDSB dt. 15.2.50 from S.P. C.I.D., West Punjab, Copy to D.I.G., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
It will be recalled that before his departure for Dacca Mujib-ur-Rahman got the East Bengal Muslim Students League affiliated with the All Pakistan Muslim Students Federation, Lahore.
If not extract of the portion in question should be placed on the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman and the file on East Bengal Muslim Students League.
Sd/- Md. Yusuff.
28.2. 2. Put up please with the P.F. of Mujibur Rahman.
Sd/- A. Wahed.

Page: 388
2. Re: No. 2, the P. file linked please.
Sd/- M.A.A.
3.3.50 (2) Seen. – Order of SS.III pre-page to comply please a (A).
Sd/- K. A. M.


Habibur Rahman 40/A, Nilkhet Barrack, Ramna, Dacca applied
to DIG, IB, Wiseghat, Dacca that he wished to see his nephew Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a security prisoner, detained at Dacca
Central Jail on 25.2.1950.
Dacca, 23 February 1950
The D.I.G.I.B. Wiseghat, Dacca.

Page: 389
I have the honour to state that I wish to see my nephew Mojibor Rahman, a Security Prisoner, who is now detained in the Dacca Central Jail, on the next Saturday, the 25th instant at 5-30 P.M. Please do the needful.
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obedient servant,
Habibor Rahman 40. A. Nilkhet Barrack,
Ramna, Dacca.


SSP, IBEB informed Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail that he forwarded a copy of application dated nil from Habibur Rahman stating that the interview might be allowed on 28.2.1950 in
presence of an IB officer.
Dacca, 27 February 1950
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 27.2 No. 3650/606-48 (Sec)
To Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated nil from Habibur Rahman. I am to state that the interview may be allowed at 10 A.M. on 28.2.50 in presence of an I.B. officer.
The party has been informed accordingly.
DS3 for Spl. Supdt. of Police Intelligence Branch.
Sd/- 28.2

Page: 390


Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan applied to SSP, IB requesting to have an interview with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhashani & Shamsul Huq for collecting materials from them for moving a petition of ‘habeas corpus’ on their behalf.
Dacca, February 1950
Copy of petition.
The Special Superintendent of Police, Intelligence Branch
I shall be obliged if you kindly permit me to have an interview with the following security prisoners for collecting materials from them for moving a petition of Habeas Corpus on their behalf on Monday next.
The interview if allowed may be fixed in the afternoon-either today or tomorrow.
Yours truly, Sd/-Ataur Rahman Khan,
Advocate. 1. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani 2. Mr. Shamsul Huq, M.L.A. 3. Mr. Mujibar Rahman (Sheikh).


SSP, IBEB sent a copy of application dated 28.2.1950 from A.J.Ghulam Samdani to Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail
stating that the interview might be allowed on 1.3.1950.
Dacca, 28 February 1950
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 28th Feby. 1950. No. 3757/408-48 (Sec) S
Express. Secret.

Page: 391
To A.H. Khan Esq. Supdt. of Dacca Central Jail.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 28.2.50 from Mv. A.J. Ghulam Samdani, I am to state that the interview one at a time may be allowed at 930 A.M. on 1.3.50 within view of an I.B. officer. The party has been informed.
Sd/- A. Muktadir
28.2 For Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.
East Bengal, Dacca.


A. J. Golam Samdani, pleader, Judge Court, Dacca applied to SS(I), IBEB with a request to have an interview with Security Prisoners Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & Md. Shamsul Huq for consultation regarding legal proceedings
against them.
Dacca, 28 February 1950 To The Special Supdt. (1) Intelligence Branch, Dacca. Sir,
I have the honour to state that it is necessary to have an interview with the following 3 security prisoners for a consultation regarding legal proceedings against them.
I, therefore pray that you will kindly arrange an interview with them within today or to-morrow.
Security prisoners:
1. Md. Shamsul Huq, M.L.A. 2. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan. 3. Sheikh Majibar Rahman.
I have, etc. Sd/- A.J. Golam Samdani Pleader, Judges Court, Dacca.
76, Malitola, Road, Dacca.
Dated Dacca, 28th Feby. 1950.

Page: 392


An officer of IBEB, Dacca reported that he attended the interview in between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Habibur Rahman
held at Dacca Central Jail on 28.2.1950.
Dacca, 1 March 1950
SS 11
I have the honour to state that I attended the interview of Mvi. Habibur Rahman held with Spr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman in C. Jail Dacca on 28.2.50

Page: 393
The discussion concentrated in family and personal matters and there was nothing objectionable in the discussion. The Dy. Jailor, Security Section, was present at the interview
Side note: DS 3, Perusal Pl. w/r to paper below. May be filed. The file is up.,
Sd/ -6.3.50


SSP, IBEB, Dacca sent a memo accompanied with a copy of application dated 4.3.1950 from advocate Ataur Rahman Khan to
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail stating that the interview in between the petitioner & 3 security prisoners would be allowed on
8.3.1950 in presence of an IB officer.
Dacca, 4 March 1950 Secret.
A.H. Khan, Esq., Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 4.3.50 from Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan, Advocate, I am to state that the interview to the petitioner with the

Page: 394
three Security Prisoners mentioned therein may be allowed at 4 P.M. on 8.3.50 in presence of an I.B. officer. The party has been informed accordingly.
for (M. Yusuff) Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B,
East Bengal, Dacca.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, S.Pr., division-I, Dacca Central Jail applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca requesting to have an interview with his own sister Mosammat Asia Begum, brother-in-law Sheikh Nural Haque & their three minor children.
Dacca, 6 March 1950
The D.I.G., I.B., East Bengal, Dacca. Through the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail Dated 6th March. 250.

Page: 395
I will be glad if you please grant an interview with my own sister Mosammat Asia Begum, my brother-in-law Shaikh Nural Hoque and their three minor children. It would be better if the date of the interview should be fixed on Friday evening
If you grant the interview, please inform my brother-in law Shaikh Nural Hoque B.A. Clerk, Accountant General, East Bengal, Eden Building, Dacca.
Yours sincerely Shaikh Mojibur Rahman Security Prisoner
Division 1 Central Jail, Dacca.


An SI, IBEB, Dacca reported that he attended the interview of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & Samsul Huq with their lawyer advocate Ataur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail. The lawyer discussed with them about filing a petition for ‘Habeas
Corpus’ in the High Court.
Dacca, 9 March 1950
As ordered attended the interviews of Security Prisoners Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Samsul Huq and Mujibar Rahman with their lawyer Mvi. Ataur Rahman, Advocate, one by one on 8.3.50
The lawyer discussed with the aforesaid security prisoners about filing a petition for habeas corpus in the High Court and asked them to send to him the necessary papers regarding the ground of their detentions through I.B. office.
Sd/-SI, IB.

Page: 396


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, S.Pr., Dacca Central Jail applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca for handing over the copies of his grounds of detention order & the representation in order to send those to his
advocate Ataur Rahman.
Dacca, 9 March 1950
To The D.I.G. I.B. E. Bengal Through the Superintendent Central Jail Dacca.
Dated Dacca the 9th March 1950

Page: 397
I will be glad if you please hand over the copies of my detention order grounds of my detention and the representation, made to the govt., to my Pleader Moulvi Ataur Rahman, Advocate, Showarighat, Dacca.
No. 487/S.B/dt. 14.3.50. Forwarded Sd/ -Superintendent Dacca Central Jail
Yours Faithfully Shaikh Mojibur Rahman
Security Prisoner Central Jail, Dacca.

Page: 398


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal issued an order that the Governor was satisfied after considering the materials against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman that it was necessary to make the order for the purpose of continuing his detention.
Dacca, 16 March 1950
Government of East Bengal
Home Department
Special Branch Order No. 881 – H.S. Dated Dacca, the 16th March, 1950.
Whereas the person known as Shaikh Majibor Rahman son of Lutfor Rahman of Tongibari, Gopalganj, District Faridpur, is detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. 147-H.S., dated the 28th January, 1950.
And whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of Public order, it is necessary to make the following order for the purpose of continuing his detention:
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance, VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950) the Governor is pleased to direct
that the said person shall subject to the provisions of section 10B of the said Ordinance as so enacted and continued in operation be detained until further orders; that, subject to the provisions of clause (a) of this paragraph the said person shall until further orders, continue to be detained in the Dacca Central Jail and that during such detention the said person shall be subject to the conditions laid down in the East Bengal Security Prisoners Rules, 1950.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- M.F. Bari Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal

Page: 399
SK Mujikar Raluman is wanted in me following time cases & at Dacca and Faridsen Diets expeclinely:
& boot() Dacca – (Page 285) Kolmali p.s. case No 19 (10) 49 uf
147/3251pc and 7(3) B. S.P.O. (2) Faridpur – Copalgungen PS. Case No 11 & 18- 7- 48 ufs. 143/188 1.P.C.
the sliject subjects Page 45 trail in the case at Dance
he held on these at fandfeur has ended in charge sheet The case at Faridkonda d o de taken up after the finish lemminalida of his hail in Dacca case
Sk. Mujibur Rahman is wanted in the following two cases at Dacca and Faridpur Dists. respectively :
1. Dacca Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19(10) 49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C and 7(3)
B.S.P.O. 2. Faridpur-Gopalganj P.S. Case No. 11 dt.18-7-48 u/s 143/188
The subject’s trial in the case at Dacca is being held and further hearing adjourned to 16-3-50. The case at Faridpur has ended in charge sheet and would be taken up after the termination of his trial in Dacca case.

Page: 401


Assistant Secretary Govt. of East Bengal sent a confidential memo
along with detention order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, in which he requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on Sheikh Mujibur Rahman &
report to the Government in due course.
Dacca, 16 March 1950
Confidential Immediate
BY SPECIAL MASSENGER Government of East Bengal
Home department Special Branch
From : Maulvi M. Fazlul Bari Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 880 -H.S, dated Dacca, the 16th March, 1950.
Subject : Detention of Shaikh Mujibor Rahman under section 10A of the Bengal
Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946).
A singed order (in duplicate) on the above subject is forwarded herewith. You
are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above named person
and report to government in due course.
2. A further communication regarding grounds of the order of detention of the
individual will be sent to you later.
Sd/- M.F. Bari.
Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal

Page: 402
No-880/1(4)/1-H.S. Copy, with a copy of the order, forwarded for information to the :
1. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, 3. District Magistrate, Dacca. 4. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane, Dacca.
(Grounds of the order of detention should be furnished to Government at once for
communication to the Security Prisoner as required). Dacca, The 16th March, 1950.
Sd/* Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal
Side note : Copy with copy of the enclosure forwarded to Addl. S.P. Dacca DIB for
information., DS 3/ SS 3. I.B


SP, DIB, Faridpur wrote a memo to District Magistrate, Faridpur, in which he enclosed a copy of the review report for all
the security prisoners of the district with his recommendation.
Faridpur, 17 March 1950
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 17th March, 1950
No. 1369/13-41.
S.G. Kabir, Esq., District Magistrate Faridpur Ref: Govt. of East Bengal, Home Department No. 2088 HS, dated 9.8.49 regarding
quarterly review of Security Prisoners detained under the Special Powers Ordinance.

Page: 403
I enclose herewith a copy of the review report in respect of all the Security Prisoners of the district together with my recommendation. I would request you to kindly endorse your views in each case. I am sending my D.I.O. to show you the records in respect of these Security Prisoners.
Sd/Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B., Faridpur. Memo. No. 1369/1(3)/13-41, dated 17.3.50. Copy, together with a copy of the review report, forwarded to:
1. M. Ahmad. Esq., M.A. PPS, Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca
(MJP portion only). 2. S.K. Gupta, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca- (CP portion
only), M. Yusuff, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca-(Muslim Group only),
for information with reference to I.B. Memo. No. 3754 (17)/357-50(Sec.) S., dated 28.2.50
The case of Braja Gopal Bhattacharji (CP S/o Ashita Ranjan of Bakal, P.S. Gournadi, Dist. Bakarganj, and of Madaripur Town, Faridpur, has not been included in the list, for which the Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Bakargonj, has been requested to send the recommendation of the D.M. Bakargonj, Direct to I.B.
Sd/-18.3.50 For Superintendent of Police
DIB, Faridpur.

Page: 404


SSP, IBEB, Dacca sent a memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail that he forwarded a copy of application dated 20.3.1950 from Sheikh Habibur Rahman stating that the interview might be allowed on 23.3.1950 in presence of an IB officer.
Dacca, 20 March 1950 Secret.
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca the dt. 20.3.50. No. 5520/606-48 P.F. (Sec)
Superintendent, D.C. Jail Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 20.3.50 from Sk. Habibur Rahman. I am to state that the interview may be allowed at 9.30 A.M on 23.3.50 in presence of an I.B. Officer. The Party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/DS 5 for SSIIB for Spl. Supdt. of Police
Intelligence Branch. Side note: To RSI, for favour of taking necessary action. Sd/-21.3.50

Page: 405
The D.I.G. I.B. Dacca.
I like to see my nephew Sheik Majibor Rahman, the security prisoner of Dacca Central Jail being accompanied with my niece Ashia Begum and her children and nephew Anwarul Huq, this day at 4-30 P.M.
I have the honour to be
Sir, Your most obedient servant Sk. Habibur Rahman
Side note: Granted Interview in presence of an 1.B. officer on 23.3.50 at 9-30
A.m. The party has been informed. Inform the Jail before hand – depute an officer. Sd/-20.3 .

Page: 406


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a memo to District
Magistrate, Dacca that he was directed to inform the Govt. approval for placing S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in grade-1.
Dacca, 20 March 1950
Government of East Bengal Home (Special) Department
From To
:Maulvi M. Fazlul Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. : The District Magistrate, Dacca.
Memorandum No. 344-H.S, dated Dacca, the 20th March, 1950.
Subject : Higher classification of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman Reference : Your memorandum No. 438-C., dated the 8th March, 1950.
The undersigned is directed to say that Government approve of your proposal for placing the above named security prisoner in grade 1.
The Superintendent of the Dacca Central Jail has been informed direct.
Sd/- M.F. Bari Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal
No. 344/1-H.S.
Copy forwarded to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence
Branch, East Bengal, for information.
Dacca, The 20th March, 1950.
Sd/- 20.3.50 Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.

Page: 408


Ziauddin Ahmed applied on 22.3.1950 to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that he solicited an interview on 23.3.1950 including his 5 family
members with his cousin Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He also referred the petition of Sheikh Habibur Rahman dated 20.3.1950 along with his one for the same purpose.
Dacca, 22 March 1950
The Deputy Inspector General of Police, 1.B, Dacca.
I have the honor to state that solicit an interview including my family containing 5 (five) members whose names are given below on the 23rd March 1950 at 9-30 A.m. with my cousin shaikh Mazibor Rahman who is now at the Dacca Central Jail as a security prisoner.
Further I request you to refer the petition of Shaikh Habibor Rahman dt. 20.3.50 and attached my petition with the same. Order of permission may given according to the above mentioned petition.
Names of the members of family:
1. Jabedatun Nessa 2. Hushneara Begam 3. Masud 4. Rina 5. Mominul Haq
I have the honour to be
Sir, Your most obedient servant
a.k. Ziauddin Ahmed 8/3, Rajani Bose Lane
Dacca. 22.3.50
Side note: Granted Interview tomorrow 23/2(3)/50 at 9.30 A.m. in presence
of an I.B officer. The officer who will go to attend interview with Sk. Habibur Rahman may arrange simultaneously interview for both the
7, Wise Ghat Road,
Dacca the No. 56 70606-48 (Sec) dt. 22/3/50
Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 22.3.50 from a.k. Ziauddin Ahmed I am to state that the interview may be allowed at 9.30 A.Mon 23.3.50 in presence of an I.B. Officer.

Page: 409
The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/-22.3 DS 5 for SSI I.B for Spl. Supdt. of Police,
Intelligence Branch.
I had been to Dacca C. Jail on 23.3.50 at 09.30 hrs. to attend Interview of S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman with Jobedatunnessa and of other including 3 minors. Their conversation was concentrated with their family affairs. Nothing objectionable was talked. This is for information.
Sd/I.B.E.B. Dacca
23.3.50 DS3 Perusal Pl. w/r to papers below the file is under action.


SS-III, IBEB sent an express letter to Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca & SP, DIB, Faridpur that government wanted to know whether the
specific case against S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was being proceeded with and so that in case of vacating the detention order
the subject could be kept in custody in that specific case.
Dacca, 24 March 1950
Express Letter
5823(2)/606-48P.F dt. 24.3.50 1. Addl. S.P. Dacca D.I.B. 2. S.P. Faridpur D.I.B.
Govt. wants to know whether the specific cases agst. S.Pr.Sk. Mujibar Rahman S/o Lutfar Rahman, is being proceeded with and whether the detention order u/s 10A of the S.P.O. in respect of him can be vacated and the subject kept in custody in the specific case.
I would request you to kindly let we have a request on the present position of the specific case agst. the subject together with your views ask whether the detention order in respect of the subject can now be vacated & the subject kept in custody in the specific case.
Sd/ – 23.3
DS 3 for SS III I.B Side Note: 1. Reply to Dacca at P.491, 2. Reply from F.pur at P 507

Page: 410


An SI, IBEB reported to DS-III, IBEB, Dacca that he had been to the secretariat on 28.3.1950, when an Assistant of security section home (Spl.) department requested him (SI) to send the grounds of detention in respect of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana
Bhasani & Shamsul Haque.
Dacca, 28 March 1950
I had been to Secretariat to-day when Badrul Alam Malik, Asstt. of Security Section Home (Spl.) Deptt. asked me to send the grounds of detention in respect of the following mentioned security prisoners as soon as possible. 1. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani. 2. Sk. Mujibur Rahman. 3. Maulvi Shamsal Haque, M.L.A.
Sd/-Md. Masdar Hosain.
S.I. I.B, 28.3.50 Office
Please put up copies to the respective files. Request H/S to prepare immediately
Sd/- K.A. Muktadir.
28.3 Side note: Office, Please put up copies to the respective files. Request H.S to
prepare grounds immediately., Sd/- 28.3.50
Dietrtet Trite igence Branch, Ducanthe 2009 March / 50.
289 100-49.

Page: 411


Addl. SP,DIB, Dacca sent an express confidential report to SSP,
IBEB, Dacca that considering the position of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the party, his affiliation with H.S. Suhrawardy, anti ministry attitude etc. to continue his detention in jail for a further period of 3 months was deemed necessary.
Dacca, 29 March 1950
District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 29-30th March/50.
No. 2839/100-49.
Express. Confidential.
To Khan Sahib M. Yusuff S.S.I.B, E.B, Dacca.
Ref : I.B. No. 3754(17)/357-50 (Sec.) S., dated 28.2.50 regarding review of the
case of S. Pr. Sk. Mujibor Rahman for the quarter ending 31st March, 1950.
The security prisoner is the joint Secretary and the most militant member of the Awami Muslim League. He is also in party with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy and anti ministry in attitude. A D.I.O. interviewed him on 8.3.50 and reports that the security prisoner spoke very high of the Government for taking stern and prompt action in dealing with the recent communal disturbances. He also expressed his eagerness for release to serve the Muslims and the State at this critical time.
His detention in Jail for a further period of 3 months is considered necessary.
The District Magistrate, Dacca also endorses the above recommendation.
Sd/ -29.3 Addl. Superintendent of Police,
D.I.B, Dacca.

Page: 413


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent a memo to SS, IBEB that charge sheet under section 147/323 I.P.C. was submitted on 9.1.1950 against Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and 5 others in Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C. & 7(3) B.S.P.O The trying magistrate’s order was also reported therein.
Dacca, 1 April 1950
Dist. Intelligence Branch, Dacca.
Dated, the 1st April/50. No. 2946/R.2368/100-49.
Khan Sahib M. Yusuff S.S. I.B, E. B, Dacca.
Ref:- I.B. No. 5823(2)/606-48 PF (I) dated 24.3.50
Charge Sheet under section 147/323 I.P.C was submitted against Sk. Majibar Rahman and 5 others in Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19(10)49 u/s 147/325 I.P.C and 7(3) B.S.P.O. on 9.1.50 the trying Magistrate passed the following orders
“Bail moved for 6 accd. persons of whom some are S.Prs. C.S. has been received u/s 147/223 I.P.C which are bailable. Let C.I. report about the bail petitions clearly specifying the names of those accds. who are S.prs. I Shall pass order on bail after C.I.S report has been received. To 11.1.50 for report.
Later. Heard C.I. (Court) bail allowed to the 6 accd. persons for Rs.5000/- each with two local Sureties of Rs.2500/- each. Amongst the six accds. the following are S.Prs.
1. Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhasani). 2. Mv. Shamsul Huq. 3. Sk. Majibar Rahman.

Page: 414
To date (25.1.50)”.
Again on 18.3.50 the trying Magistrate adjourned the case till 30.3.50 with the remarks
“Inform P.P. & C.I (Court) that prosecution will have to be closed on 30.3.50 and charge, if any is to be framed against the accds. on that day.
Summon all remaining P.Ws to appear without fail on 30.3.50 at 11 A.M. before my Court.
Accds. as before”.
Nothing is known here about the present position of other case against him viz:Gopalganj P.S. Case No. 11 dated 18.7.49 u/s 143/188 I.P.C. Sections of both the cases are bailable. The subject cannot therefore be kept in custody in these cases after vacating the detention order. He may be detained for a further period of 3 months as recommended in our quarterly review sent under this office No. 2839 dated 30.3.50.
Sd/ – 1.4 Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B, Dacca.

Page: 415


DIG, IBEB, Dacca sent a secret memo to Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal, Home (political) Department, Dacca which enclosed draft grounds of detention for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & to serve the same on him. In the detention grounds the Govt. accused him of creating disaffection among the students & Muslim masses
against the Govt., carried on mischievous & disruptive propaganda along with some anti Govt. elements, discredited the
Govt. of East Bengal etc.
Dacca, 3 April 1950
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca the 3.4.50 No. 6519/606-48 P.F.
Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal Home (Political) Department, Dacca.
I enclose herewith draft grounds for detention in triplicate in respect of the marginally noted security prisoner who is now lodged in the Dacca Central Jail, for favour of your kindly taking early steps to have the same served on him.
For (H. Rahman) Deputy Inspector General of Police
Sd/- 31.3 Intelligence Branch.
Side note: Sk. Mujibur Rahman, S/o Lutfor Rahman of Gopalgonj, Faridpur

Page: 416
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946, (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950).
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No.VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act 1950 ( East Bengal Act of VI of 1950) you Maulvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman, of To(u)ngipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur, and of 150, Moghaltuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca, at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No.147 H.S., dated 28th January, 1950 made under clause (a) of sub-section (1) and sub-section(4) of section 10A of the said ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds :
1. That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts of East Bengal the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. ( i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and that during the years 1947 ( after partition), 1948 and 1949 you will concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur, Pabna and Bakerganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim masses against the Government of East Bengal, and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the month of March, April, May, June, July, and September, 1948 and January, February, March, September and October, 1949 you along with some anti Government elements carried on mischievous and disruptive propaganda amongst the Students and Muslim masses at Dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Faridpur town, Narshingdi and other places, and incited them to create disorder in the Province of East Bengal with the illusion object of discrediting the Government of East Bengal in the estimation of the people of the East Bengal for its overthrow. Furnishing of any more fact and particular than these given above would … (missing from original document due to page damage).

Page: 417


Copy of a radiogram dated 31.3.1950 of SDPO, Gopalganj was sent to SP, DIB, Faridpur, in which the fresh production warrant of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, case status & detention order u/s 10A of the S.P.O for continuation of his detention etc. were mentioned.
Faridpur, 5 April 1950
Copy of radiogram dated 31.3.50 of SDPO, Gopalganj to S.P. D.I.B., Faridpur.
Reference Your Signal No. 306 Dated 31.3.50 (.) Muzibar Rahman Not Produced On 29.3.50 For Trial (.) Fresh Production Warrant Issued Fixing 26.4.50 ()

Page: 418
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 5th April 1950
No. 1671 /33-50
Copy forwarded to Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca for information with reference to his No. 5823(2)/606-48PF (I) dated 24.3.50.
The case against the individual is one of u/s 143/188 PPC which is bailable. So, if his detention order u/s 10A of the SPO is withdrawn, he may be released on bail and may continue his anti-state activity. In view of his importance as Joint Secretary of the Awami Muslim League, he should be continued to be detained under the S.P.O. as already recommended vide this office No. 1369/1(3)/13-41, dated 17.3.50.
Sd/ – 4.4
(M.S. Haque) Superintendent of Police
DIB, Faridpur.

Page: 419


S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Dacca Central Jail applied to
DIG, IBEB, Dacca for granting an interview with his sister Mosammat Asia Begum & other relatives. He also requested to inform the same to Sheikh Nurul Haque.
Dacca, 5 April 1950
The D.I.G., I.B. East Bengal Dacca Through Superintendent Central Jail, Dacca Dated 5.4.50.
I will be glad if you please grant an interview of mine with my sister Mosammat Asia Begum, my brother-in law Sheikh Nurul Hoque their three minor children and my first cousin Chunnu Miah.
If you please grant the interview then inform Mr. Sheikh Nurul Hoque either 25 Kamini Bhushon Rudra Road, Chalk Bazar, Dacca or A.G. E.B. office Eden Building Dacca.
Yours faithfully Sd/-Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security Prisoner
Division “E” Forwarded Sd/- Superintendent Dacca Central Jail


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a confidential memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail that he was directed
to forward one communication u/s 10C of the BSPO, 1946 in respect of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He requested to serve the same on him & to report to the Govt. on the action taken.
Dacca, 6 April 1950 By Special Messenger Confidential Immediate

Page: 420
Government of East Bengal
Home Department.
Special Branch.
From : Maulvi M, Fazlul Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail
Memorandum No. 1075 H.S, dated Dacca, the 6th April, 1950.
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith one communication (in duplicate) under section 10C of the Bengal Special Power Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950) in respect of Sheikh Mujibor Rahman and to request you to serve the communication on the person concerned and to report to Government on the action taken. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any, made by the prisoner, as soon as possible.
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal
No-1075/1(4)/1-H.S. Copy, with copy of the enclosure, forwarded for information to the :
1. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal. 3. District Magistrate, Dacca 4. Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane Dacca.
Sd/Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Dacca, The 6th April, 1950
Confdt. No. 9882/606-48 P.F. dt. 20.4.50.
Copy with copy of the enclosure forwarded to Addl. S.P, Dacca, D.I.B. for Information.
Sd/ -15.4

Page: 421
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bangal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946, (Bengal ordinance No. VI of 1946,) enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances temporary Re-enactment Act 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950)
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946, (Bengal ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinance Temporary Re-enactment Act 1950 (East Bangal Act VI of 1950), you Maulavi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tongipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghaltuli and 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca, at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. 881-H.S. dated the 16th March, 1950 made under clause (a) of sub-Section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the said Ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:
That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts of East Bengal the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and that during the years 1947 (after partition), 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur, Pabna and Bakarganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim masses against the Government of East Bengal, and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the month of March, April, May, June, July and September 1948 and January, February, March, September and October, 1949 you along with some anti Govt. elements carried on mischievous and disruptive propagandas amongst the students and Muslim masses at Dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Faridpur town, Narsingdi and other places, and incited them to create disorder in the Province of East Bengal with the ulterior object of discrediting the Govt. of East Bengal in the estimation of the people of East Bengal for its overthrow. Furnishing of any more facts and particulars than those given above would be against public safety. That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province.
You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order of intention made against you, and should you

Page: 422
wish to do so you should and the representation to the undersigned through the Superintendent of the Dacca Central Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal


DS-3 & SS-III, IBEB, Dacca informed through a memo to advocate Ataur Rahman that as desired by S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Dacca Central Jail they forwarded to him the copies of Govt. order, grounds of detention & representation of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 6 April 1950
No.7076/606-48 P.F /dt. 8.4.50 To Janab Ataur Rahman Advocate, Showarighat, Dacca.
Dear sir,
As desired by S.Pr. Moulvi Sk. Mujibar Rahman of D.C Jail, I forward herewith copies of the forwarding documents, to you.
1. Govt. Order No. 147-H.S dated 28.1.50. 2. Communication of grounds of detention under E.B. Act 1 of 1949. 3. Representation of the said S.Pr. agst. the grounds of detention.
Yours faithfully
Sd/- 6.4
DS3 for SS III I.B. Copy forwarded to the Supdt. D.C Jail for information with reference to his Memo No. 487/S.B. dated 14.3.50. He is requested to inform the S.Pr. P477 the contents of the above letter.
Sd/- 6.4 DS3 for SS3 I.B.

Page: 423


An officer of DIB Khulna reported to District Intelligence Branch, Khulna regarding the collected names of delegates from Khulna
district those who attended the central committee meeting of EPMSL held at Taj Mahal cinema hall, Dacca on 16.9.1949. As
usual the report was forwarded to SSP, IBEB, Dacca.
Khulna, 18 April 1950
Copy of report of D.I.B. office, Khulna.
On enquiry I collected the name of the delegates from Khulna district who attended the Central Committee meeting of the E.P.M.S.L. held at Taj Mahal Cinama Hall, Dacca on 16.9.49. Their names with particulars are given below.
1. Khundkar Abdul Hafiz, Son of Khundkar Wadud of Mirzapur, Jessore and of
Khulna town. 2. Abdul Hamid, Son of Tahsiruddin of Kumlai, Rampal, Khulna. 3. A.K. Chand Miya, son of Md. Mobarak of Kumaria, Jessore and of Khulna
town. 4. Amjad Ali @ Gorai, Son of Qasim of Harinkhana, Bagerhat, Khulna. 5. Jahangir Khan, son of Bahadur Khan of Belphulia, P.S. Khulna. 6. Ruhal Amin, son of Md. Daliluddin Molla of Ghoshgati, Mollahat, Khulna. 7. S.M. Amjad Hussain, son of Ismail Hussain of Belphulia, P.S Khulna. 8. Mohammad Ali Shaikh of Baniakhamar, Khulna town. 9. Abul Mansoor Ahmad, son of L. Shaikh Qasim Ali of Pattasi, Pirojpur, Barisal
and of Bagerhat town, Khulna. 10. Mominuddin Ahmad, son of Aftabuddin of ChhoteBoyra, Daulatpur, Khulna. 11. Anwar Hussain, son of Abdul Wahed Siddique of Satkhira town, Khulna.
Dist. Intelligence Branch Khulna, the 17/18th April 50
No. 2404/R.2257-2-38/39-59 Secret
Copy forwarded to Khan Sahib Md. Yusuff, Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., Dacca with reference to his No. 18724 dated 14.9.49 for favour of information as desired in your memo under reference.
Sd/Supdt. of Police, D.I.B.
Khulna. 18.4.50

Page: 424


Chowdhury Saifuddin Ahmed applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that he wished to see his close relative Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 20.4.1950 & also requested to send someone of his (DIG, IB)
office at the Central Jail gate.
Dacca, 19 April 1950 To The D.I.G. I.B. Wise ghat, Dacca. Dated, Dacca, the 19th April, 1950.
I have the honour to state that I wish to see my nearest relative, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Security Prisoner, Central Jail, Dacca tomorrow at 10 A.M. I will remain at the Central Jail gate just at aforesaid time. You will please manage to send some one of you.
Hope you would be kind enough to do the needful to oblige
I have the honour to be
Sir Yours Obediently Chowdhury Saifuddin Ahmed 55 Imamgonj lane, Dacca.


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed through a secret memo to Sheikh Nurul Haque, East Bengal A.G. office, Eden
Building, Dacca that he could have an interview with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the Jail office on 22.4.1950 accompanied by Mosammat Asia Begum, Chunnu Miah & three minor children.
Dacca, 20 April 1950 Secret.
Office of the Superintendent
Dacca Central Jail Memo No. 714/SB/dt.20.4.50

Page: 425
To Mvi Sk. Nurul Haque, Clerk, Office of the A.G. East Bengal, Eden Building, Dacca.
As security prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman seeks an interview with you, you are hereby informed that you can have an interview with him in the Jail office on 22/4/50 at 10.30 A.M. accompanied by the following persons, on presentation of this letter at the jail gate.
‘1. Mosammat Asia Begum. 2. Chunnu Miah, and three minor children.
Sd/ – for Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.
Copy to:-/1.
The D.I.G., of Police, I.B., Dacca, with reference to his memo No. 9708/606-48 P.F. (J), dt. 18.4.50., for deputing an I.B. officer to attend the interview.
Side note: DS 3, File is u/a. RSI may arrange for an officer. Sd/-20.4.50
Pl, attend., Sd/-21.4, Seen & noted.


A Sub-Inspector, IBEB, Dacca reported to DS-III, IBEB that as per order he attended an interview held in between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & his relatives at Dacca Central Jail. The discussion was confined only on domestic affairs.
Dacca, 22 April 1950 D.S.111
I beg to report that as per order I attended an interview of security prisoner Mujibur Rahman along with the following persons today at Central Jail Dacca.
1. Sk. Nurul Haq 2. Mosammat Asia Begum & three minor children.

Page: 426
The interview was held at 10.30 to 10.50 A.M in my presence. The discussion was only on domestic affairs.
Sd/-S.I. 22.4.50


A secret report received from a S.Pr. Akram Ali, dated 29.4.1950, where it was mentioned that a decision was taken in the meeting held by a section of security prisoners of ward no.2 on 20.4.1950 that on 1.5.1950 when the Superintendent would enter to the
security ward (no.2) he would be insulted by the security prisoners. Thus history would be created in Dacca Central Jail.
Dacca, 29 April 1950
Report of Security Prisoner Akram Ali. dated 29.4.50.
“It was decided in the meeting held (by a section of security prisoner No.2 ward) at 2 A.M. on 20.4.50 that on 1.5.50 when the Superintendent would enter the security ward (No.2) he would be insulted informer told me attached by the security prisoner and that history would be created in Dacca Central Jail. Hashi Dutta, Jogabratta Sen, Suranjan, Satish Saha, Pranab Chakrabarty, Nani Chowdhury, Madhab Mohanta, Safiuddin Ahmed, Arun Sen and Majibar Rahman were the security prisoners involved in the above conspiracy. It transpired subsequently that security prisoners Sibani Acharjee, Benode Roy and Kamakhaya also Supported the above conspiracy.
There being difference of opinion some of the security prisoners are not in the party and have promised not to deal with politics. All of them happened to be communists. This party is being threatened by the other communist prisoners with troubles in case of disobedience to party decision. Security prisoners Hashi Dutta, Jogabratta Sen, Sibani Acherjee, Madhab Mohanta, Benode Roy and Kamakhya have been often creating troubles. But they subsequently decided not to create any trouble on 1.5.50.

Page: 427


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent a memo to SS, IBEB, Dacca regarding the trial of Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10)49 u/s 147/324 I.P.C.
against Maulana Bhasani and others.
Dacca, 1 May 1950 District Intelligence Branch, Dacca No. 3846/214-49 dated the 1st May/50.
Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Reference: This office No. 189 dated 28.1.50. Subject : Trial of Kotwali P.S. case No. 19(10)49 u/s 147/324 I.P.C. against
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and others.
Charges u/s 188/147 I.P.C. have been framed against all the accuseds in this case. P.Ws. will be cross-examined on 4/5 and 6/5 in the court of S.D.O(S).
Sd/-A. Gafur, Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca
Side Note : Copies may be placed in P.Fs of the other two. Sd/ – 4.5.50. As
proposed, Sd. M. Yusuf., 9.5.50


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail forwarded a copy of the English translation of a written statement of S.Pr. Akram Ali to
Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal, Home (special) Department for information. He also stated that Pranab Chakrabarty & other 3 security prisoners were already transferred to other jails for segregation.
Dacca, 2 May 1950
Copy of Memo No. 791/S.B. dated 2.5.50 from the Supdt. of Dacca Central Jail to the Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Special) Department.

Page: 428
I would forward herewith the English translation of a written statement made in Bengali by security prisoner Akram Ali of this jail for information. It may be noted in this connection that the security prisoners Pranab Chakrabarty, Nani Chowdhury, Safiuddin Ahmed and A(r)urn Sen were already transferred to other Jails on 26th, 27th, and 28th. April, 1950 for segregation.
No. 791/2/S.B. dated 2.5.50. Copy with a copy of the report forwarded to:1. the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., Dacca. 2. the Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, for information.
Sd/- A.H. Khan Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 429


A telephone message was sent from Dacca Central Jail to IBEB, Dacca that Security Prisoners Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & Shamsul Haque would go to the court on 4.5.1950 &
requested to take necessary action.
Dacca, 4 May 1950 Bengal Form No. 45
a.m. Handed in at :
Date : 4.5.50 p.m.
a.m. Received at : 08.45
Words. From D.C Jail Addresses Dacca. To I.B. Dacca
3 Security Prisoners will go to Court to-day at 09.30 hrs. Please arrange for taking necessary action. This is for your information. 1. Mujibur Rahman, 2. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan, 3. Shamsul Haque.
End of Message, check back please. Telephone Operator.
Side note: R/O, Please depute 3 W.CS from the barrack, watch & report.,
DS I, As ordered 3 watcher has been deputed for watching S. Prs., Copies given to other two files., Sd/ – 5.5.50


An SI, IBEB, Dacca informed RSI, IBEB that an interview had been fixed on 9.5.1950 in between Sheikh Lutfar Rahman & his son S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in presence of an IB officer at Dacca Central Jail. He requested to arrange an officer to attend
the interview.
Dacca, 8 May 1950 R.S.I. An interview has been fixed at 11 A.M. on 9.5.50 (tomorrow) between Shaikh Lutfor Rahman and his son Spr. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, in presence of an I. B. officer at the D.C. Jail.

Page: 430
Please arrange for an officer to attend the interview. This is the case of D.S. 3 & necessary order, if any, may be taken from him. Thanks.
Sd/Security Sec.
S.I Abdul Qadir.
Sd/ – 8.5

Page: 437


Sheikh Lutfar Rahman submitted an application to DIG, IBEB, Dacca desiring to see his son Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He requested to allow him to see his son.
Dacca, 8 May 1950 Urgent.
TO The D.I.G.I.B. Dacca. Dated Dacca the 8th May 1950.
I have the honour to state that I intend to see my son Shaikh Majibur Rahman, who is now in Central Jail Dacca, I therefore hope that you will kindly permit me to see him today & oblige.
Present address 25, Kamini Bhushon Rudra Road Dacca.
I have the honour to be,
Sir Your most obedient servant Shaikh Lutfar Rahman Tungipara, Faridpur
Side note : allowed, as the applicant has come from his native village – the
interview may be fixed tomorrow at 11 A.m. in presence of 1.B. officer. Inform jail authority. Reader S.I. to arrange for an officer., Sd/ -8.5.50


DIG, Intelligence Branch, Dacca forwarded a copy of application
dated 8.5.1950 from Sheikh Lutfar Rahman to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail stating that the interview might be allowed on
9.5.1950 in presence of an IB officer.
Dacca, 8 May 1950

Page: 432
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 8.5.1950 No. 11089/606-48 (Sec)
Secret :
The Superintendent, D.C. Jail Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 8.5.50 from Shaikh Lutfor Rahman. I am to state that the interview may be allowed at 11 A.M on 9.5.50 in presence of an I.B. Officer. The party has been informed accordingly.
Sd/- DS3 for for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police
Intelligence Branch.
Side note : R.S.l has been informed separately on, Sd/ -8.5.50


An SI, IB, Dacca reported that he attended the interview between
S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his father Sheikh Lutfar Rahman at Dacca Central Jail on 9.5.1950. The discussions were centered round domestic & personal affairs. Nothing
objectionable was spoken.
Dacca, 9 May 1950
As ordered I attended the interview between Spr. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman and his father Moulvi Lutfar Rahman in Dacca Central Jail today at 11.00 hrs.
The discussions centered round domestic and personal affairs and nothing objectionable was spoken.
Sd/-S… .B

Page: 433


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca informed SS, IBEB, Dacca through a memo that Chaudhuri Saifuddin Ahmad was a cousin & sister’s husband
of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. There was nothing on record against him with DIB, Dacca. He suggested to get verified with DIB, Faridpur as Chaudhuri Saifuddin Ahmad desired to have an
interview with the security prisoner.
Dacca, 12 May 1950
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 12-13h May 50.
No. 4294/100-49
M. Yusuff, Esq, S.S.I.B, E.B, Dacca.
Ref:- Your No. 10106/606-48 PF dated 24.4.50.
There is nothing on record against Chaudhuri Saifuddin Ahmad in this D.I.B. S.P., D.I.B, Faridpur may please be requested on the desirability of the interview prayed for with the Security Prisoner Mujibar Rahman. Chaudhuri Saifuddin Ahmad is the son of Anisuddin Hawladar of Chardattapara, Madaripur, Faridpur. He is a cousin and sister’s husband of the Security Prisoner.
Sd/ -12.5 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B, Dacca.

Page: 435


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, S.Pr., Dacca Central Jail applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that he urgently required an interview with the
Proctor of Dacca University & the Provost of S. M. hall for
discussion about the expulsion order imposed on him by the University authority. If permitted, then he would try to appear in
the coming law examination.
Dacca, 15 May 1950
To The D.I.G. I.B. East Bengal Through the Superintendent Central Jail Dacca Dated Dacca the 15 May, 1950
I urgently require an interview with the Proctor of Dacca University and the Provost of S.M. Hall about the expulsion order on me by the University authority. If I get the permission, I will try to appear in the coming law examination which will be held on the coming July.
Please try to grant an interview as soon as possible and inform them accordingly.
Yours sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security, Central Jail, Dacca,
Forwarded to D.I.G. I.B for necessary action.
Sd/Superintendent Dacca Central Jail

Page: 436


DIG, IB sent a memo to DS, Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Spl.) Dept., Dacca regarding review of the case of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the quarter ending March, 1950. He also forwarded
along with addendum to the brief history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman recommended for a further period of 3 months detention
under the SPO.
Dacca, 18 May 1950. Secret:
I.B., E.B., DACCA. No. 12403/606-48(Sec)(d) dated 22.5.1950.
Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of E.B., Home (Spl) Dept. Dacca
Subject: Review of the case of security prisoner Shaikh Mujibur Rahman S/o
Lutfar Rahman for the quarter ending March, 1950.
I forward herewith in a sealed cover copy of the under mentioned document in respect of the subject and recommend that he be detained in jail for a further period of three months under the Special Powers Ordinance. The District Magistrate Dacca endorses the recommendation.
1. 2.
Second Addendum to the B.H. Copies of the B.H. and its first addendum are already with Govt.
Sd/-18.5 Dy. Inspr., Genl., of Police
Intelligence Branch.
Copy together with the copy the Second Addendum forwarded to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
SS III Intelligence Branch.

Page: 437
Second Addendum to the Brief History on the Political activities of Mujibur Rahman, son of Lutfor Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghultuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca. (Born about 1921)
1. Mujibar Rahman is at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail
under G.O. No. 881 – H.S. dated 16th March, 1950 2. Charge sheet under sections 147/323 I.P.C. was submitted against
the subject and others in Kotwali P.S ( Dacca) Case No-19(10)49 u/5147/325- I.P.C. and 7 (3) S.P.O. on 9.1.50. The case is subjudice. The other specific Case u/s 143/188 I.P.C (vide para 2 of
the 1st Addendum) is also subjudice. 3. An officer of the Dacca D.I.B. interviewed the subject on 8.3.50 in
the Dacca Central Jail. The Subject expressed his eagerness for his
release. 4. Mujibar Rahman is the Joint Secretary and the most militant
member of the Awami Muslim League. I recommend that he be detained in Jail for a further period of three months. The District Magistrate, Dacca endorses the recommendation.
Sd/-9.5, Sd/-18.5, DIG, IB

Page: 438


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a letter to Jepu, where he advised the addressee that the man who lives for an idea for his country, for the good of humanity, life has an extensive meaning & to that extent pain becomes less important to him’. He did not know how to bow down his head to any man except Allah. He was definite that in the long war between falsehood and truth, falsehood always wins in the first battle and truth the last. Dacca, 26 May1950
Central Jail Security Prisoner
Division “1”
Dacca. 26.5.50 My dear Jepu,
Received your letters. I hope you are now alright. I know you are short in money, still I know you could have managed three paisa to buy

Page: 439
a postcard and write a letter to me. Anyhow I do not mind for that. In your opinion, I have lost my energy but you should know, to the man who lives for an idea, for his country, for the good of humanity, life has an extensive meaning, and to that extent pain becomes less important to him. I know, world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those who feel.
You, also asked me to give land. I cannot understand how you can dare to write this very word “bond” to me. I do not know how to bow down my head to any man except Allah the Almighty.
Ministers think too much of themselves but the wheel of change moves on, those who are down go up and those who are up go down. Nothing in the world that is alive, remaining unchanging. I am definite that in the long war between falsehood and truth, falsehood always wins the first battle and truth the last. Don’t think for me. I am alright convey my salam to Taoishaheb and Bhaishaheb. Please take special care on your health. When you will come to Dacca, try to see me.
Yours affectionately Mujibur Rahman


DS-6, IBEB, Dacca sent a confidential memo to SP, DIB, Faridpur that he forwarded a copy of petition dated 19.4.1950 from Choudhuri Saifuddin Ahmed & requested to send to him a report on the desirability of an interview being allowed to the petitioner with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 27 May 1950 Confdl.
No. 12520/606-48 P.F. dt. 27.5 S.P. Faridpur D.I.B.
I forward herewith copy of petition dt. 19.4.50 from Choudhuri Saifuddin Ahmed and request you to let me have a report on the desirability of an interview being allowed to the petitioner with the S.Pr.
Choudhuri Saifuddin Ahmed is the son of Anisuddin Howlader of Chardatta para, Madaripur Faridpur.
Sd/ – DS6 for SS II, I.B

Page: 440


DIG, IB, Dacca sent a secret memo to Superintendent, Dacca
Central Jail that he forwarded a copy of application dated 15.5.1950 from S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He also stated that the interview might be allowed in presence of an IB officer.
Dacca, 27 May 1950 Secret:
7, Wise Ghat Road, Dacca, the 27/5.1950
The Superintendent, D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 15.5.50 from S.Pr. Shiekh Mujibur Rahman received order your No. 912/S.B. dated 16.5.50, I am to state that the interview may be allowed in presence of an I.B. Officer. The party may please be informed accordingly.
DS 6 for Dy. Inspr. Gent. of Police
Intelligence Branch.

Page: 441


An Inspector, IBEB, Dacca submitted a report to SS/DS-VI, IBEB
that he interviewed Maulana Bhashani, S.Pr. at Dacca Central Jail on 1-6-1950. Bhasani praised Islam & its beauty. The officer had a conversation with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the same day
and it seemed to him that he (Sheikh Mujibur Rahman) had no faith in the ideology of Communism. Both the leaders criticized Pakistani leaders for the contradiction in their preaching &
Dacca, 1 June 1950 Secret S.S/D.S. VI I.B./E.B. (Ref: 606/48-P.F. Part II -N.S.P.LXI-Interview report) [Report of an I.B. office, dated 1.6.50. Sir,
As ordered. I interviewed with Mowlana Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhashani), Security Prisoner, at Dacca C. Jail on 1-6-50. He was full of praise over Islam & its beauty. He was noticed to refer to communism in order to make a comparative study with Islam. Communism does not appeal, as far as I could realise from his talk, to him more than this.
I also had an interview with Sk. Mujibur Rahman, Spr. at the said Jail today. He had, as it appeared from his conversation, no faith in the ideology of Communism.
They both criticised the Pakistani leaders for the contradiction in their preaching & practice. Spr. Shamsul Haq has been recently released.
m.o.s Sd/ – S.N. Mahmud Insp. I.B/EB, Dacca, 1.6.50
Side note:
Put up in the file pl., sd/ -1.6 Secret, no. 13241/606-48 P.E dt. 1.6.50. portion with in [ ] Copy forwarded to the Addl.S.P., DIB, Dacca for information copy given to Bhashanir Moulana’s file, sd/ -9.6.50.

Page: 442


One Kasem from Gopalganj sent a letter to S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail, which was withheld as some portion of the letter was not limited to private matters & objectionable in view of the then political situation.
Dacca, 3 June 1950 CENSOR CERTIFICATE.
No. 13149/606-48 dt. 6.6.50 No. 136B (34) Letter dated : 26.5.50. Date of Receipt : 3.6.50 From : Kasem Gopalganj To : S. Prisoner, Sk. Mujibur Rahman of D.C Jail

Page: 443
Memo. Dacca Central Jail 1048/SB dt. 3.6.50. Remark of Censor Officer. May be passed.
Major Portion of the letter is not limited to private matter & is an objectionable one. May be withheld.
Sd/- 5.6
Side note : SS III, For favour of perusal. The letter may be withheld. Sd/- 5.6
Action on suggested Also ask Faridpur D.I.B about the particulars & proclivities of the writer.
Sd/- 5.6

Page: 444
Dated the 26.5.50
Gopalganj E.(Pak)
My dear Bijhan.
আমার ছালাম নিবেন। অনেক দিন গত হয় আপনার কোন সংবাদ পাইনা। আশা করি। কুশলে আছেন। বর্তমানে সামচু ও ফায়েক কুটারদের কাৰ্য কলাপ আর সইতে পারে না। আমরা বােদ হয় চির দিনের জন্য কষ্ট নিয়েই জন্ম গ্রহন করে ছিলাম। আজ আপনী জেলে আছেন হয়তাে মনে করবেন যে ওরা আমার জন্য চিন্তা করেনা তাহা হলে ভুল বুজবেন। আমরা আপনাকে ভালবাসিনা। কিন্তু আপনার কাৰ্য্যকে আমরা ভালবাসি। সেজন্যই আমরা আজ দুঃখ সাগরে ভেসে। আছি। জানতে পারলাম যে আপনাকে সিগ বেল দিবেনা। যাক তার জন্য আমরা দুঃখ করিনা। কারন পূৰ্ব্ব পাকিস্তানে যে অন্যায় অত্যাচার বা জুলুম চলেছে সেই অন্যায় অত্যাচার এবং জুলুমের বিরুদ্ধে জেহাদ করাই সত্যিকার মুসলমান এবং পাকিস্তান নাগরিকের কর্তব্য। আমরা যত দিন বেচে থাকবাে ততদিন ঐ নীতিই আমাদের কর্তব্য। যাক বেশী লিখতে চাই না। আমার শরীর খুব খারাপ। মওলানা সাহেব কে আমার ভক্তি পূর্ন ছালাম ও কদম বুচি জানাবেন। দেশের অবস্থা শুনে আর লাভ কি। পত্র পাঠ বাড়ীর ঠিকানায় উত্তর দেবেন। সহিদ সাহেব কি আপনারCase এর জন্য ঢাকা আসবে। আমি জুন মাসের মধ্যে ঢাকা যাব। এখন আর লিখতে পারিনা।
yours Sd/ – Kasem.

Page: 445


Remarks of censor certificate on a letter, which was sent from S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Dacca Central Jail to S.Pr. Abdur Rob, where the order was passed as the Bengali letter might be allowed to pass & the marked portion be deleted. The
English letter might be withheld.
Dacca, 3 June 1950
· No. 12974/606-48 dt. 3.6.50. No. 131 Al Letter dated – Date of Receipt- 30.5.50
: S. Prisoner, Sk. Mujibur Rahman, D.C Jail
From To
: S. Prisoner, Terrorist Abdur Rob, L.L.B. Barisal Convict.
Memo. Dacca Central Jail 1027/SB dt. 30.5.50, /C/O D.I.G., I.B. Remark of Censor Officer. May be passed.
Portion marked [ ] in Bengali letter may be deleted and pass. But the letter written in English is very objectionable and as such may be withheld. It speaks of the political stand of the S.C., his undemocratic spirit and contain a letter criticism of the present Ministry.
Side note : SS III, For favour of perusal., 1) The Bengali letter may be allowed to
pass & the portion [ ] may be deleted. The English letter may be withheld., Sd/ – 1.6 Yes sir. The Security Prisoner to be informed through the Supdt. Dacca Jail. Sd/-1.6 Yes, Should we inform the Supdt.. about the withholding of the letter for communication to the S.Pr., Sd/ -1.6 Office, The Bengali letter is passed & the English withheld., Sd/- 3.6

Page: 446


DS-6, IBEB, Dacca sent a secret memo to SP, DIB, Faridpur that one Kasem of Gopalganj wrote an objectionable letter to S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained in Dacca Central Jail. They
needed full particulars of the writer.
Dacca, 9 June 1950
No. 13337/606-48 P.F dt. 10.6 To S.P. Faridpur D.I.B.
One Kasem of Gopalganj writs an objectionable letter dated 26.5.50 to S.Pr. Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, S/o Lutfor Rahman, of To(u)ngibari, Gopalganj, Faridpur, now detained, in the D.C Jail. Please let us know if possible, full pts. and proclivities of the writer.
Sd/-9.6 DS 6 for S.S.3


DS-6, IBEB, Dacca sent a confidential memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail that he wanted to know when the interview between Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Proctor of Dacca University & the provost of S.M hall was being allowed.
Dacca, 11 June 1950 Confdt.
No. 13461/606-48 P.F. dt. 13.6 Supdt. D.C Jail
Reference this office No 12519 dated 27.5.50 recommending an interview between S.Pr. Sk. Mujibor Rahman and the Proctor of Dacca University & the Provost of S.M. Hall.
I shall be obliged if you kindly let us know when the interview in question is being allowed.
Sd/-11.6 DS6 for D.I.G.I.B.

Page: 447


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca informed SS, IBEB, Dacca through a memo regarding review of the case of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for
the quarter ending 30th June, 1950. In the memo he stated that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman did not show any change of his attitude & was not willing to affect his release on furnishing any bond. He
recommended further detention a period of 6 months.
Dacca, 14 June 1950
Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 13th/14th June/50.
No. 5534/100-49
M. Ahmad, Esq, MA, P.P.S., S.S.I.B, E.B, Dacca.
Ref: I.B. No. 3754(17)/357-50(Sec) S dated 28.2.50 regarding review of the case
of S.Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman for the quarter ending 30th June/50.

Page: 448
The subject was interviewed by an I.B. officer on 1.6.50 and a D.I.B. officer on 10.6.50. He did not show any change of attitude. He is not willing to effect his release on furnishing a bond even. As he is an important member of the Awami League with considerable potentialities for mischief making, his further detention in jail for a period of 6 months is considered essentially necessary for reasons of security of the State. The D.M., Dacca also endorses the above recommendation
Sd/-14.6 Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B, Dacca.

Page: 449


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed the Proctor of
Dacca University through a secret memo that the interview between him & S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had been fixed on
Dacca, 15 June 1950
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1113/SB, dated 15.6.50 & 1116/SB, dt. 16.6.50
The Proctor of Dacca University.
Your interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman of this jail has been fixed on the 17th, instant at 11 A.M. this letter may please be presented at the jail gate.
Sd/- A.H. Khan.
Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1114/SB, dated 15.6.50.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., Dacca with reference to his No. 13461/606-48 P.F. (I) dated 13.6.50 for deputing an I.B. officer to attend the interview.
Sd/for Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.
Side note: Reader S./ to pl. arrange the interview., Sd/ -15.6
S.I Mazder Hussain may please be deputed to comply. Had been to D.C. Jail Report attached herewith. Sd/-17.6

Page: 451


An SI, IB, Dacca reported to DS-5, IB that he had an interview with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail on 15-6
1950. He mentioned that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman criticized Pakistan Govt. for their discriminative attitude. He preferred to
remain and die in jail than to be released conditionally & it appeared that he had not changed his political views & his
attitude was stiff.
Dacca, 16 June 1950 D.S. VI
As ordered, I interviewed the Security prisoner Sheikh Mujibar Rahman at Dacca Central Jail on 15th June at 17.30 hours. In course of interview he expressed that he was Jt. Secretary East Pakistan Awami Muslim League and before partition he worked as a Muslim Leaguer. He did relief work in Bihar for two months under Muslim League in 1947. He criticised the Pakistan Govt. for not establishing any Military Academy and industry in East Bengal which could make the East Bengal Govt. to stand self supported. He added that East Bengal is paying %4 th of the whole tax of Pak. govt. but the education is neglected in East Bengal. East Bengal Govt. getting no help to solve refugee problem in East Bengal
He preferred to remain and die in jail than to be released conditionally. From the above it appears that he has not changed his political views and his attitude is stiff.
Munshi Hossain Uddin
S.I. I.B. 16-6-50


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, informed the Proctor of Dacca University with regret that his interview with S.Pr. Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman could not be held on 17.6.1950 due to unavoidable reasons. He could however meet him on 19.6.1950.
Dacca, 16 June 1950

Page: 452
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1115/SB, dated 16.6.50.
The Proctor of Dacca University. Ref:- This office letter No. 1113/SB, dated 15-6-50.
I regret to inform you that your interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman cannot be held on 17th, instant at 11 A.M. as was previously fixed, for unavoidable reasons. You can however, see him on Monday the 19th, instant at 11 A.M. on presentation of this letter at the Jail Gate.
Sd/- A.H. Khan.
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1116/SB, dated 16-6-50.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G of Police, I.B. Dacca with reference to his No. 13461/606-48 P.F.J. dated 13-6-50 for deputing an I.B. officer to attend the interview accordingly.
Sd/for Superintendent,
Dacca Central Jail. Side note: Received to -day at 11.30 A.M. from R.D, S. Uddin, 19.6.50


An SI, IB, Dacca reported to DS-II, IB, Dacca that he was present
at Dacca Central Jail on 16.6.1950 when Dr. A. Husain of Mitford Hospital examined the teeth of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & other 3 prisoners. The doctor offered necessary treatment.
Nothing objectionable happened.
Dacca, 17 June 1950 D.S.II.
As ordered I attended Dacca Central Jail from 16-00 to 18-00 hrs. on 16th June when Dr. A. Husain of Mitford Hospital examined the teeth of the below mentioned

Page: 453
Security Prisoners and made necessary treatment. Nothing objectionable happened to report.
1. Sheik Majibur Rahman 3. Prithiraj Singh.
2. Lal Mohon Shaha. 4. Sudhir Chanda.
Sd/-Munshi Hossain Uddin
S.I., I.B., 17.6.50.


An SI, IB, Dacca submitted a report that he had been to Dacca Central Jail on 17.6.1950 for attending the interview in between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Proctor of DU. The interview did
not take place. Dacca 17 June 1950
Re :- The attached Memo No 1113/S.B. date 15.6.50.
I had been to D.C. Jail this day at 10.50 am. to attend the interview of Sec. prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman with the Proctor of Dacca University. The party did not turn up and the interview was not held as the Sec. Prisoner was sent to court for his specific case.
Submitted. Md. Masder Hossain
S.I. I.B. 17.6.50


Shaikh Habibur Rahman, East Pakistan Provincial Cooperative Bank Ltd. submitted an application to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that he
would like to see his nephew S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail accompanied with his aunt, niece, maternal
uncle & children on 23.6.1950.
Dacca, 20 June 1950
The D.I.G. East Bengal, Wiseghat, Dacca.

Page: 454
I have the honour to state that I intend to see my nephew Sheikh Majibor Rahman, the-Security Prisoner in Dacca Jail being accompanied with his aunt, niece, maternal uncle and-children by the coming Friday, the 23rd June, 50 at 2.P.M.
I hope and pray you will kindly do the needful and oblige me there by. 1. Aunt- Sayeda Begum. 2. Niece-Lutfa Begum. 3. M. Uncle- Alimuzzaman Khan & Children.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient servant, Shaikh Habibur Rahman. East Pakistan Provincial Co.opt. Bank. Ltd., Dacca.
Side note: Allowed interview at 8.30 AM on 23/6/50 in presence of an 1.B officer, Inform the Jail & the petitioner and depute an officer.
Sd/ – 20.6


SS-I, IBEB, Dacca sent a secret memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail mentioning that he forwarded a copy of petition from Shaikh Habibur Rahman who applied to have an interview with
S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 20 June 1950
No. 14017/606-48 P.F. dt. 20.6.50. Supdt. D.C. Jail,
I forward a copy of petn. dated nil from Shaikh Habibur Rahman praying for an interview along with others mentioned therein, with S.Pr. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman and request you to kindly allow the interview at 8-30 A.M. on 23.6.50 in presence of an I.B. officer.
Sd/-20.6. Ssi for D.I.G.I.B.

Page: 455
Copy to Moulvi Shaikh Habibur Rahman, East Pakistan Provincial Co-Operative Bank Ltd. Dacca, for information. He along with others will remain present at the D.C. Jail gate on 23.6.50 at 8.30 A.M. for the purpose.
Sd/ -20.6
SSI I.B. Side note: R.S.I., SS / orders on the petition below. For the needful pl., Sd/

Page: 456


S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman submitted a petition to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that he applied 3 times to grant for an interview with his sister and other relatives but was not allowed. Then he explained comparing how many times he was eligible for having interview &
the number of occasions he was allowed. He again applied whether it was possible to grant an interview with his relatives.
Dacca, 22 June 1950 To The D.I.G. I.B. East Bengal Dacca. Through The Superintendent Central Jail, Dacca the 22nd June 1950.
I have applied three times to grant an interview with my sister and other relatives but I do not know, what had happened. So far I know I am eligible to get two interviews monthly. If you do not grant it then please inform me in writing because I do not like to disturb your valuable time. In the month of April I have got one with my sister, May, one with my father, June one with the Proctor of Dacca University so far I know. What about the other three interviews of mine? Will you please inform me?
If possible please grant an interview with my sister Asia Begum, brother-in-law Moulvi Shaikh Nural Huq and their three minor children and one Nephew Kaji Alamgir Hossain of 25 Kamini Bhushon Rudra Road (Near Urdu Road) Dacca.
Your sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security Prisoner

Page: 456


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail sent a memo to DIG, IB, Dacca that he forwarded 2 petitions of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Sudhira Lal Mazumdar for favour of disposal. The
petitioners applied for release and interview respectively.
Dacca, 24 June 1950
Government of East Bengal, Office of the Supdt. Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1163/SB dated, 24.6.50.
The D.I.G of Police, I.B., Dacca.
I would forward herewith two petitions of Security Prisoners Sudhira Lal Mazumdar and Sk. Majibur Rahman for favour of disposal. The petitioners pray for release and interview respectively.
Sd/- A.H. Khan Supdt. Dacca Central Jail.
Side note: HA, Perusal of the attached papers. The file is with the D.I.G. since
24.6.50 & therefore these papers cannot be put up. This is for your information pl., sd/ -4.7
O.S., The file may be made over to the asst. Sd/4.7 Is it the P.F. of Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Here with. Sd/-5.7 yes pl. Sd/5.7


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail sent a secret letter to the Proctor, Dacca University that he would have an interview with
S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 26.6.1950.
Dacca, 24 June 1950
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1165/SB, dated 24.6.50.

Page: 458
To The Proctor, Dacca University.
You are hereby informed that you may have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman of this jail on Monday the 26th, instant, at 11-30 A.M. in the Jail office, on presentation of this letter at the jail Gate.
Sd/- A.H. Khan.
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., Dacca, for deputing an I.B. Officer to attend the interview. The interview was not held on 19.6.50 as the party did not turn up.
Sd/Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Side note: (1) DS 6. An officer may be deputed pl.
(2) Reader si to pl. arrange Sd/ 24/6, (3) Munshi Hossain Uddin to attend the interview if the reader S.l be
not available to-day., Sd/ -24.6


An officer, IBEB, Dacca submitted a report that he was in Dacca Central Jail on 23.6.1950 to attend an interview in between S.Pr.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & his relatives. The discussion was confined within domestic matters. No political discussion was
made. Dacca, 24 June 1950
As ordered the uls had been to D/C Jail on 23.6.50 at about 8.30 a.m. and attended the interview between S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman with his aunt Sayeda Begum and nice Lutfa Begum & others.
The interview lasted for about 20 minutes only. The S.Pr. had talks with his above relations on domestic matters only and no political discussion was made. There was nothing unusual to report.
Sd/ – 24.6.50

Page: 459


Remarks of censor certificate on a letter, which was sent from
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of Dacca Central Jail to Muktadir Hossain (Panchu), Student League office Gopalganj, Faridpur. The censor officer remarked to pass the letter.
Dacca, 24 June 1950
D.I.G. I.B, E.B. Dacca.
No. 155 A(10) Letter dated- 22.6.50. Date of Receipt- 24.6.50.
From :
S. Prisoner, Terrorist
* Sk. Mojibar Rahman of D.C. Jail Convict
S. Prisoner, Terrorist
Muktadir Hossain (Panchu) Students League Convict
Office, Gopalgonj, Faridpur.
Mem. Dacca Central Jail
C/o D.i.0,1.B
1160/SB. dt. 24.6.50 1222/SB dt. 5.7.50
Remark of Censor officer. May be passed. Portion in [ ] may be deleted & the rest may pass.
Sd/ – 25.7.50
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 24th September 50.
No. 4026/6-50(1) To A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.

Page: 460
Ref:- Your No. 17568/606-48 P.F. dated 28.8.50.
M. Hussain is Muktadir Husain @ Pachua s/o late Daliluddin of Borni (Munshibari), P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. He is aged about 22 years, a supporter of Awami Muslim League and a follower of Sk. Mujibar Rahman of Tangipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. He Read, up to class X.

Page: 461


S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Dacca Central Jail applied to
DIG, IBEB that he would like to have an interview with his relatives. He requested to grant the interview & inform them
accordingly. Dacca, 25 June 1950
The D.I.G.I.B East Bengal, Dacca Through Superintendent Central Jail of 5th June 50
I have applied for an interview with my sister but I did not get it. Will you please grant an interview as soon as possible with my sister Mosammat Asia Begam, My brother in law Moulvi Sheikh Nurul Huque, their three minor children and my Nephew Kaji Alamgir Hossain.
If you please grant the interview & then inform my brother-in-law Sheikh Nurul Hoque, 25 Kamini Bhushon Rudra Road, Chalk Bazar, Dacca.
Yours Sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security Prisoner Central Jail, Dacca

Page: 462


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail sent a secret memo to Provost, Salimullah Muslim hall, Dacca University that the Provost would have an interview with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 28.6.1950 at the jail office.
Dacca, 26 June 1950
Government of East Bengal. Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1176/SB, dated 26.6.50./27.6.50.
The Provost Salimullah Muslim Hall, Dacca.
Ref:- Your Memo No. 2135 dated 24-6-50.
You are hereby informed that you may have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman of this jail on the 28th, instant, at 11 A.M. in the Jail Office, on presentation of this letter at the Jail Gate.
Sd/-A.H. Khan
Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., Dacca for deputing an I.B. officer to attend the interview. The Interview was not held on as the party did not turn up.
Sd/for Superintendent Dacca Central Jail.
The interview was attended by Inspr. W.A Choudhury who happened to be in the jail for some other business.
The letter reached this office on 27.4.50 & ought to have been put up earlier. Show o/s pl.

Page: 463


An SI, IB, Dacca submitted a report that he attended an interview
of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with Proctor of DU on 26.6.1950. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman discussed regarding his application to sit for the final law examination. The Proctor
assured him to cooperate.
Dacca, 26 June 1950
As ordered I attended the interview of security prisoner Mujibur Rahman with Proctor, Dacca University at 11.45 hours. The security prisoner discussed regarding his application submitted before to the Dacca University, seeking permission to sit for the coming final Law examination this year in August. The Proctor replied that he try his best if possible and communicate accordingly. Nothing political or objectionable matters they discussed during interview period.
Munshi Hossain Uddin
S.I, I.B – 26.6.50


An Inspector, IB, Dacca reported that he attended an interview on
28.6.1950 in between Provost of SM hall, DU & S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dacca Central Jail. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman requested that the punishment inflicted on him to be withdrawn & allow him to sit for the law examination.
Dacca, 28 June 1950 D.S. VI
As ordered, I attended the interview between the Provost, Salimullah Muslim Hall, Dacca and Sk. Majibar Rahman (Sec. prisoner) was in the Dacca Central Jail. Majibar Rahman sought for this interview. He requested the Provost to see that the punishment (fine of Rs. 15/-)

Page: 464
inflicted him as a disciplinary measure is withdrawn and he is allowed to sit for the Law Examination this year. Nothing political was discussed.
Sd/-Inspr. 1.B.
Side Note: 0/s, Perusal of the orders of D.S.VI on the attached.
Seen. Mr. Karim who distributes the desk is responsible for this. He has been cautioned to be more careful in future. Sd/-28.6


A copy of radiogram, sent from SP, DIB, Faridpur to Dintell Dacca for sending the interview report of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman & Phani Mazumdar.
Faridpur, 29 June 1950 Copy of Radiogram No. 648 dt. 29.6.50 from Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Faridpur to Dintell Dacca.
Kindly send interview report in respect of security prisoners Phani Mazumdar and Mujibar Rahman now in Dacca Central Jail for reviewing their cases.


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail sent a secret memo along with a letter of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to DIG, IB, Dacca for
censor & posting Dacca, 5 July 1950
Government of East Bengal Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1222/SB, dated 5.7.50.
The D.I.G. of Police, I.B. Dacca.
With reference to your letter No. 14600/606-48 P.F. dated 1-7-50, I would return herewith the letter of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman with reference slip for favour of censor and posting.
Sd/Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 465


DIG, IB, Dacca forwarded a secret memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail along with a copy of an application dated 226-1950 of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for interview. The interview would be allowed at an early date.
Dacca, 5 July 1950
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 1950. No. 14948(Sec), dt. 6.7
The Superintendent D.C.Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 22/6/50 from Spr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman recent under order no. 1163/SB dt. 24/6/50. I am to state that the interview may be allowed at an early date in presence of an I.B. officer.
The Party/this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/- 5.7 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
Intelligence Branch.


SP, DIB, Faridpur sent a secret memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca
regarding quarterly review report of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, detained under the SPO along with the comment of DM,
Faridpur. His political ideology, party port-folio, arrests & release information were briefly mentioned in the report.
Faridpur, 6 July 1950
District Intelligence Branch. Faridpur, the 8th -July, 1950.
No. 3025/13-41

Page: 466
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Subject : Quarterly review of Security Prisoner detained under the Special Powers
Ordinance. I enclose herewith a copy of the review report in respect of the following Security Prisoner of this district together with a copy of observation of the District Magistrate on the margin. 1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman (Awami Muslim League) of Tungipara P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur.
Sd/-6.7.50 Superintendent of Police
DIB, Faridpur.
6. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 15, Mogultuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca.
The subject was a staunch follower of Mr. Suharawardy and the Joint Secretary of the East Bengal Awami Muslim League.
He was arrested on 29.4.49 for his prejudicial activities and detained as security prisoner at the Dacca Central Jail. He was released unconditionally on 26.6.49. He was again arrested on 18.7.49 by Gopalganj police (Faridpur) for holding a public meeting in defiance of the prohibitory orders u/s 144 Cr. P.C. and was prosecuted u/s 143/188 PPC which is still subjudice. While on bail in connection with this case the individual was again arrested by the Dacca police on 31.12.49 for delivering anti-Govt. speeches at a meeting held at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca on 11.10.49 on the occasion of the visit of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Pakistan.
He was also a militant member of the Eastern Pakistan Muslim Students’ League and was conducting the activities of a section of the student Community.
In view of the above circumstances and the present political situation I recommend his continued detention. He may, however, be released from detention if he executes a bond of good behaviour.
Sd/-6.7.50 Supdt. of Police D.I.B. Faridpur.

Page: 467
The activities of the Awami Muslim League are at a standstill in this district. I am not sure how far this organisation, is anti Pakistani. As such have no particular views in this case.
Sd/- S.A. Sobhan.
D.M. 6.7.50.


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed Ms. Asia Begum that she was permitted to have an interview with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman on 11.7.1950.
Dacca, 8 July 1950 Secret.
Government of East Bengal Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1236/SB, dated 8.7.50. To Mrs. Asia Begum & others
You are hereby permitted to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 11.7.50 at 10 A.M. on presentation of this letter in this office.
Sd/-A.H. Khan. for Superintendent,
Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1237/SB, dated 8.7.50.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., Dacca with reference to his memo No. 14948/606-48 PF. dated 6.7.50 for deputing an I.B. officer to attend the interview.
Sd/for Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Side Note: DS-6, Perusal. An officer may pl. be deputed to attend the interview
tomorrow., Sd/ -10.7 Si Wahed Ali to pl. attend, Sd/10.7

Page: 468


DIO, DIB, Faridpur reported on 27.6.1950 that on secret enquiry it was learnt that Kashem was identical with Abul Kashem Molla, who was a strong supporter of AL & favorite to Sheikh Mujibur
Faridpur, 8 July 1950
Copy of report dated 27.6.50. of a D.I.O.
On secret enquiry it is learnt that Kashem is identical with Abul Kashem Molla S/o late Nuruddin Molla of Bennabari, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur. He is aged about 24 years and read up to class X of S.N. Academy, Gopalganj. He is a strong supporter of Awami League and a favourate of Sk. Mujibar Rahman, security prisoner. No out-ward activity of the individual is noticed here at present. He is the writer of the letter.
District Intelligence Branch. Faridpur, the 8th – July, 1950.
No. 3059/33-50 Copy forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information with reference to his No. 13337/606-48 P.F. (J) dated 10.6.50.
Sd/-8.7 (M.S. HAQUE) Superintendent of Police
DIB, Faridpur.


SP, DIB, Faridpur sent a secret memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca that Saifuddin Ahmed was a cousin brother of Chaudhuri Shamsuddin
Ahmad an Awami Leaguer & brother of Nuruddin Ahmad, who was brother-in-law of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Saifuddin Ahmad himself was also a strong supporter of AL.
Faridpur, 8 July 1950

Page: 469
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 8th – July, 1950.
No. 3054/33-50.
Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref:- Your No. 12520/606-48 P.F.(I) dated 27.5.50.
Saifuddin Ahmed is the cousin brother of Chaudhuri Shamsuddin Ahmad @ Badsha Miyan MLA of Dattapara, an Awami Leaguer and brother of Nuruddin Ahmad who married the sister of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. Saifuddin Ahmad himself is also a strong supporter of Awami League.
He, therefore, seems to be an undesirable man for interview with S.Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
Sd/-8.7 (M.S. HAQUE) Superintendent of police
DIB, Faridpur.


An SI, IBEB, Dacca reported that he attended an interview held
on 11.7.1950 at Dacca Central Jail in between S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & his sister Asia Begum with other relatives. In course of discussion she requested him to come out of the jail after executing a bond but he refused to execute any bond.
Dacca, 11 July 1950
As ordered I attended the interview held at Dacca, C. Jail between S.Pr. Sk. Majibar Rahman and his sister Asia Begum & others noted below on 11.7.50 from 10.45 to 11.05 hrs. They talked on domestic affair, in course of talk she asked him to come out of the Jail after executing a bond but he refused to execute any bond.
Sd/S.I. of Police 11.7.50

Page: 470
1. Sk. Nurul Hoq 2. Sk. Fazlul Huq 3. “Feroja Begum 4. ” Salim
(9 years) (8 years) (3 years)


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, S.Pr., Dacca Central Jail applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that he required an interview for legal consultation in c/w his ‘habeas corpus ‘ petition with H.S.
Suhrawardy, advocate Abdus Salam Khan & others.
Lacca, 19 July 1950
The D.I.G. 1.B. E. Bengal, Dacca. Through the supdt: Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 471
I require an interview for legal consultation in connection with my “Habeas Corpus petition with Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar at Law, Rest House Ramna Dacca and Messrs Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate, Hatkhola lane, Tikatooly, Dacca, Ataur Rahman Advocate, Sowaryghat, Dacca; Ali Amjad Khan, Advocate Khaje Dewan, Dacca at an early date.
I hope you will be kind enough to grant the interview and inform them accordingly.
Dacca the 19th July 1950.
Yours Sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Security Prisoner Dacca Central Jail.


Superintendent, Dacca central jail forwarded 3 petitions of S.Pr. Gopal Chandra Sarkhel & other 3 to DIG, IBEB, Dacca for
favour of disposal. The interview was allowed with H.S Suhrawardy & advocate Ali Amjad Khan along with 2 other
advocates. Dacca, 20 July 1950
Copy of Memo. No. 1276/SB. dated 20.7.50 from the Supdt. Dacca Central Jail to the Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca.
Forwarded herewith 3 petitions of security prisoners Gopal Chandra Sarkhel & -3 others for favour of disposal. D.S.6.
The petitioner will be interviewed by Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy along with Mr. Ali Amjad Khan at 10-30 Am tomorrow. But in this the petitioner prays for int. with Mr. Suhrawardy & Advocate Mr. Ali Amjad Khan along with 2 other Advocate. F.O.P
Sd./ -25.7 1. Abdus Salam Khan and 2. Ataur Rahman advocate

Page: 472
The interview with serial 1 & 2 above may also be allowed to take place tomorrow at 10.30 hrs. along with Mr. H.S Suhrawardy & another.
D.I.G may like to see.
Sd/ -25.7


H.S. Suhrawardy submitted an application to DIG, IBEB, Dacca requesting to allow him & his junior Ali Amjad Khan to have an interview on 24.7.1950 with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Maulana Bhashani in c/w legal steps regarding their detention in jail.
Dacca, 21 July 1950
Rest House
Dacca, 21.7.50. To The Deputy Inspector General, I.B., Dacca.

Page: 473
Dear Sir,
I shall be obliged if you will kindly allow me and my Learned junior, Mr. Ali Amjad Khan, to have an interview with Mawlana Abdul Hamid Bhashani and Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, now in the Dacca Central Jail in connection with legal steps which will have to be taken in regard to their detention in jail. I hope it will be possible to make the necessary arrangements for 5 p.m on the 24th July.
Yours faithfully Sd/-H.S. Suhrawardy


DIG, IBEB, Dacca forwarded a copy of petition of H.S. Suhrawardy to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. The interview was granted on 26.7.1950 in presence of an IB officer.
Dacca, 25 July 1950
7, Wise Ghat Road Dacca, the 25th July, 1950. No. 15744/483-48 P.F.
A.H. Khan, Esq., Supdt. of Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of petition dated 21.7.50 from Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-Law, Rest House, Dacca, I write to inform you that the interview may be allowed at 9-30 A.M. on 26.7.50 in presence of an I.B. officer.
The petitioner is being informed accordingly.
(Sd): A.K.M. Hafizuddin.
25.7 Dy. Inspr.-General of Police, I.B.

Page: 474
Copy forwarded to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-Law, Rest House, Dacca, for information with reference to his petition dated 21.7.50 ( Received here only today through a bearer)
As requested by Mr. Ali Amjad Khan over phone this morning the interview is allowed at 9.30 A.M. to-morrow. The interview will be only for the specific purpose of obtaining instructions regarding legal defence of the two security prisoners named in the petition and no other subject should discussed.
Sd/- (A.K.M. Hafizuddin) Deputy Inspector General Of Police
East Bengal, Dacca. Mr. Ali Amjad Khan telephone me a few minutes ago and said that it would do if the interview is allowed at 10-30 to-morrow. This is allowed. Inform Jail endorsing a copy to the petitioner saying that his petition dated 21.7.50 was received only on 25.7.50.
The interview is allowed only for the specific purpose of obtaining instructions regarding legal defence of the two security prisoners and no other subject should be discussed.
D.S. I. Rahman to attend the interview. He should take necessary instructions from me.
Sd/- A.K.M. Hafizuddin,

Page: 475


Extract from the ‘Pakistan Observer’ dated 27.7.1950 & ‘Hindusthan Standard’ dated 29.7.1950 published with heading
respectively Suhrawardy meets Maulana Bhasani in jail & Suhrawardy sees clients in Jail. During interview he discussed with them the legal aspects of their cases & other issues.
Dacca, 27 July 1950
Extract from the Pakistan Observer dated 27.7.1950. Suhrawardy meets Maulana Vasani in Jail.
(By our Staff Reporter).
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy saw Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Vasani) and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Khan, President and Joint Secretary respectively of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League at the Dacca Central Jail, yesterday (Wednesday).
Among other things, he discussed with them the legal aspects of their cases now being tried at the Court of Sadar (South) Sub-divisional Officer, Dacca.
Extract may be placed in the P.Fs. of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
Sd/- A. Hussain.

Page: 476
Extract from the Hindusthan Standard dated 29.7.50
Suhrawardy sees clients in Jail. Dacca, July 28. Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy saw Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Vasani) and Sk. Mujibur Rahman Khan, President and Secy. respectively of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, at Dacca Central Jail yesterday. He discussed the legal aspects of their cases now pending in the Court of Sadar (South) S.D.OU.P.I.
Ext. may be placed in A.M.L. file and also in the P.Fs. of all the individuals mentioned
Sd – A. Hussain


An SI, IBEB, Dacca reported that it was ascertained S.Pr. Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman & Maulana Bhashani wanted to have an interview with advocate Abdus Salam Khan & Ataur Rahman at a very early date. The interview was allowed. An IB officer attended the interview. They mostly talked with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on
the case issue. Dacca, 29 July 1950
The petitioner has already interviewed Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy & Mr. Ali Amjad Khan today.
The interview with the other 2 Pleaders may be permitted in presence of an I.B. officer fixing 29.7.50 at 9 A.m.
Sd/ -26.7 An officer should find out if further interview is required.
Sd/-28.7 DS 6
An officer may pl. be deputed for the purpose. S.l. B. Rahman to pl. enquire at once.
Sd/ -27.7

Page: 477
Re:- S.Prs. Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani and Mujibur Rahman.
On enquiry from the Dacca Central Jail it was ascertained that both the Security Prisoners want to have interview with Messars. Abdus Salam Khan and Ataur Rahman Advocates at a very early date.
Sd – B. Rahman
S.I., I.B, 29.7.50 DS 6.
Perusal of the officers report at P. 596 W/r to D.I.G’s orders at P.P. 544A date may kindly be fixed for the interview.
Sd/ – NA.
29.7 SS III
The interview may be allowed to be held in presence of an I.B officer. The Supdt. D.C. Jail may be requested to fix up the date early & to inform the party & this office.
Sd/-Q.A Ahmed Sd. A. Hossain.
29.7 Draft for approval below PL.
Sd. NA Sd/ – Q.A Ahmad
31.7 DS6
Perusal of the Jail letter below. An officer may be deputed for the purpose pl., Sd/ -4.8
Reader S.l. to pl. arrange the interview. Sd/ – Q Ahamed, 4.8
I attended the interview of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy with Bhasani Maulana and Mujibar Rahman on 26.7.50. He mostly talked with Mujibur Rahman over the case
against them.
Sd/- I. Rahman.

Page: 478


DIG, IBEB, Dacca forwarded copies of applications dated
19.7.1950 from S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Maulana Bhashani. The interview with both the petitioners was held with H.S. Suhrawardy and Ali Amjad on 26.7.1950.
Dacca, 1 August 1950
East Bengal Form No. 5. Extra
Government of East Bengal Office of the Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police Intelligence Branch, East Bengal Dacca.
All communications should give the Number, Date and Subjects of any previous Correspondence.
Memorandum No. 16219/483-48 P.F. (N.U.)/dated Dacca. the 1.8.1950.
To A.H. Khan, Esq. Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith copies of applications dated 19.7.50 from Security prisoners Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Sk. Mujibur Rahman, I am to state that interviews with both the petitioners were held with Messrs. H.S. Suhrawardy and Ali Amjad on 26.7.50.
2. Interviews with Messrs Abdus Salam Khan and Ataur Rahman may be held at
a date fixed by you early in presence of an I.B. officer. 3. The party as well as this office may be informed of the date.
Extra Sd/ – Q.A. Ahmad..
for (A.K.M. Hafizuddin) Dy. Inspector General Of Police, I.B.
E.B., Dacca.

Page: 479


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed advocate Abdus Salam Khan & Ataur Rahman that they were permitted to have an interview with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Maulana
Bhasani on 8.8.1950. Dacca, 3 August 1950
Govt. of East Bengal. Office of the Supdt. Dacca Central Jail. No. 1319 & 1320/SB. dated, 3.8.50.
To M/S,
Advocate Dacca.
1. Abdus Salam Khan 2. Ataur Rahman,
You are hereby permitted to have an interview with Security prisoners, (1) Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan (Bhasani) and (2) Sk. Mujibar Rahman., on 8.8.50 at 10 A.M. on presentation of this letter in this office.
Sd/- A.H. Khan, Supdt. Dacca Central Jail.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., with reference to his memo No 16219 dated, 1.8.50 for deputing an I.B. officer to attend the interview.
Sd/- A.H. Khan, Supdt. Dacca Central Jail.

Page: 480


M. Hossain of Faridpur wrote a letter to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 7.8.1950. In the letter the writer stated that he was expecting
for the better days. He would speak everything at the time of
seeing him. He requested to send his wishes & salutation to Maulana Bhashani. The letter was withheld as the major portion
of the letter was not considered limited to private matters.
Faridpur, 7 August 1950 Dear Bhijahan পত্রে আমার সত সহস্র ভক্তি পূর্ন আদাব ও সালাম গ্রহন করিবেন। পর সমাচার আপনার হাতের একখানা পত্র পেয়ে যার পর নাই আনন্দিত হলাম। কিন্তু দুঃখ শুধু এই টুকু যে কত কাল পরে একটা পত্র পাব তাও শান্তি ভাবে পড়বার সুযােগ টুকু [মহান নেতারা] দেন না। [কেননা সব খানেই কালীর ছাপা দেওয়া হয় জানি না খােদাতালা কবে দিনে দিবে। এরকম হীন প্রজভী কবে শেষ হবে তাহা সেই খােদাতালাই জানেন।]

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মনে যে কত কিছু লিখবার ইচ্ছা হয় কিন্তু যখন চিন্তা করি আপনার প্রতি তখন সব কিছু ভুলে যাই। [কেননা সব কিছুই যদি বিস্তৃতভাবে লিখি তাহা হলে হয়তাে আপনাকে মহান নেতারা একটু কষ্ট ও দিতে পারেন। তারাই এখন হর্তা কর্ত্তা বিধাতা। আইন গুলা এত মধুর যে সেই মহান খােদাছাড়া এ বিচার করবার আমাদের আর কেউ নাই।]
N.B : সাক্ষাৎপর সর্ব কিছু বলবাে। ইতি আপনার ছােট ভাই পাচু।
[ভাষানী মৌলানার সাহেবের নিকট আমার হাজার হাজার আদাব দিবেন ও দোয়া করতে বলবেন।] সভর আপনার কুশল চাই৷ ইতি M. Hossain
M. Hossain Vill. Borni (Munshi Bari)
P.o. Silna Dt. Faridpur.

Page: 482
NB : আপনার বাসার জন্য ভাবনা নাই আমাদের দুইটা ছেলে থাকে তারা আমাদের মত যত্ন
করে বাসা রাখে। নাছের ঠিক করে দিয়া বরিশাল গিয়াছে
আজ প্রায় ছয় মাস গত হয় মােহাম্মাদের কোন সাড়া শব্দ নাই। এক প্রধান দুঃখ আপনার জন্য দ্বীতীয় দুঃখ মনের সাথির জন্য, জানি না খােদাতালা আমাদের ডাক শুনবেন কি না। তবে সব সময় এহেন চিন্তার ফল যেন আমি অহরহ দেখতে পাই যে শুদিন অতি নিকটবর্তী। আরাে এক কথা আমি নিজেই খােদা সহায় বলতে পারি যে আমরা যদি কোন সত্য ধর্মের জন্য বিধর্মীদের বিরুদ্ধে জেহাদ করে সহিদ ও হয়ে যাই তাহা হলে জন সাধারনের ও খােদা তালার আসনে আমাদের পথ পরিষ্কার হবে এ কথা অনিবার্য। আরাে চিন্তা করে দেখা যায় যে, আকবরের রাষ্ট্র সাধনার কথা। একদিনে হয়তাে সে সব বেমানী মােল্যা মুছল্লীদের এ ভুল ভাবে ও আমাদের এ সত্যের পথে খুঢ়ী স্বরুপ হয়ে দাড়াবে এমন কি সারাজাহানের মানুষ কুকুর সব আসবে। চিন্তার কোন কারন নাই। এ সাহস ভাবে না। হয় আমাদের মৃত্যু হােক জতী নাই চাই আমাদের পথ পরিস্কার করা।

Page: 483
আমাদের এই প্রিয় পাকিস্তানের জন্য লক্ষ লক্ষ জীবনের অদ্রেক রক্তটুকু দিয়েছি আর এখন বাকী হাড়ের সঙ্গে যে রক্তটুকু জড়িত আছে সেই টুকু হচ্ছে জনসাধারনের সত্যাকার রক্ত। সে রক্তটুকু যদি শেষ পর্যন্ত আমাদের গরীব জনসাধারনের জন্য দিয়ে যেতে হয় সে জন্য এক বিন্দুও পিছ পাও যাবনা এ কথা যেন আজ আমাদের প্রিয় পাকিস্তানের সমস্ত ছাত্র বন্ধু বান্ধব ও জনসাধরনের মনে। থাকা দরকার ও এটা থাকাই ফরজ। যে সমস্ত মহান নেতারা ৫-৭ তালাBuilding বসে দিনের পর দিন হালুয়া মুরব্বা কোর্মা খেয়ে শরীরকে মােটা করিতেছে আর সর্বহারা জনসাধারনকে কুকুরের মত দরজার থেকে লাথি মেরে তাড়িয়ে দিতেছে। এদের অবস্তা ভবিষ্যতে চিন্তা করে দেখবেন। যে কোথায় এদের স্থান হবে। বুজতে দেরী হবেনা।

Page: 484
[ছরও পত্র দিয়েছে। বাড়ীতে আছে]
NB : আপনার ছেলে মেয়ে ভাল আছে। তারা সব সময় বাবা বাবা করে। এ সংবাদ পেয়েছিNB. বাড়ীর Address এ পত্র দিবেনExpelled হই নাই। তবে এ বৎসরের জন্য Absence
এখন চিন্তা করেন। আমাদের পরিক্ষার অবস্থ্য, হসুর, ফুকুর, ওহাবের, দুদুর এবং আরাে আমাদের অনেক ছেলের জীবনের প্রথম এই অঙ্কুরের বিনষ্টের কথা।For nothing ধরে ধরে বের করে দেওয়া। আমাকেSpecial Librarg তে ডেকে বলে যে খাতা দেও আর পরীক্ষার দরকার হবে না। তার প্রতি উত্তরে আমি বলেছিলাম আমাকে কেন পরীক্ষা দিতে দেওয়া হবে না। তখন তার প্রতি উত্তরে সামচু মিঞার ইঙ্গিতেHa// Superintendent বলেন যে তােমারAdmit Card এখনও তােমার মাষ্টার নিয়ে পৌছে নাই। তখন আমি বললাম যে আমারCard Nuvober আমি জানি সে অনুযায়ী আমি আমারSit এ বসি, তখন বলেন আর একটু অপেক্ষা কর। আমি ভালভাবে জানি আমার এবং অন্যান্য ছেলেদেরCard অনেক আগে আমাদের এক হিন্দু মাষ্টারকে ভষ্ম দিয়ে নিজেরাCard হাতে রেখে ঘন্টা দুইটা নষ্ট করে দিল।
NB. English 1st paper হয়ার পর বিশ্বাস ঘাতকরা বলে তােমার card এসেছে। তার পর
2nd paper এর সময় হলে গিয়ে বসলে বলে তােমাকে Charge করবাে দুঃখে কিছু না বলে খাতা দিয়ে বের …
E. 3rd paper এর সময় বলে তুমি Absence বসতে পারব না।

Page: 485
CENSOR CERTIFICATE No. 199 B(53) Letter dated- 7.8.50. Date of Receipt – 22.8.50
From : To :
M. Hossain of Borni (Munshibari), P.O. Silna. Dist. Faridpur S. Prisoner, Sk. Mujibar Rahman of D.C. Jail.
Memo No. Dacca Central Jail 1394/SB. dt. 22.8.50. Remark of Censor officer. May be passed.
Major portion of the letter is not limited to private matters. May be withheld.
SS-III. This may be withheld. Sd/-23.8 Yes. The writer doubled in petition. Is he on our record? If not, ask for his particulars and proclivities. Sd/ -29.9
CS No ref. with the given pts. Sd/ -29.8.50 No particulars on CS card. Sd/- 29.8.50


Third Addendum to the brief history on the political activities of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was submitted to DIG, IBEB, Dacca on
7.8.1950. In the addendum his case reference, arrest, senior officers’ recommendations for detention etc. were mentioned.
Dacca, 7 August 1950
Third Addendum to the Brief History on the Political activities of Sk. Mujibor Rahman S/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and 150, Mogaltuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca.

Page: 486
1. Mujibor Rahman was arrested on 29-4-49 and is being detained in Dacca
Central Jail as security prisoner under Government Order No. 881-H.S. dated
16.3.50 2. The subject is an accused of Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19(10)49 u/s 149/325 I.P.C.
and 7(3) of the S.P.O. and also of Gopalganj. P.S. Case No. 11 dated 18.7.48 u/s 143/188 I.P.C. Charge Sheets against the subject have already been
submitted in both the cases which are pending trial in Courts. 3. An Officer of the Intelligence Branch held interview with him on 15.7.50 and
found his attitude stiff. He is not willing to effect his release on furnishing a bond.
The Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca, states that the subject has got considerable potentialities for making mischief to the state. The Addl. Superintendent of Police, D.I.B., Dacca and District Magistrate, Dacca recommend detention of the subject for a further period of six months. The Superintendent of Police, Faridpur reports on the 6th July that the subject who belongs to Faridpur district was a militant member of Eastern Pakistan Muslim Student’s League. He recommends his continued detention. He further says that the subject may however be released from detention if he executes a bond of good behaviour. The District Magistrate, Faridpur states that the activities of the Awami Muslim League are at start still in the district. He is not sure how far this organisation anti-Pakistani, As such he has no particular views in this case.
The subject is the Joint Secy. & most militant member of A.M.L. I propose that the subject whose present term of detention expires on 15.9.50 be detained for a further period of more 6 months.
O/C Sd. A.K. MH 7.8.50 Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal,

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DIG, IBEB, Dacca sent a secret memo to DS, Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Spl.) Dept., Dacca regarding the review of the case of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. DIG stated that the DM, Dacca recommended his further detention for a period of 6 months under the SPO. He concurred with the DM.
Dacca, 8 August 1950 Secret
I.B, EAST BENGAL, Dacca. No. 16739/606-48 P.E./dated 9.8.1950.
Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of E.B. Home (Spl) Dept., Dacca.
Subject: Review of the case of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman. son of
Lutfor Rahman for the quarter ending June, 1950.
In forwarding herewith in a sealed cover a copy of the under mentioned document in respect of the subject together with seven copies of the draft grounds for detention, I am to state that the District Magistrate, Dacca recommends his further detention for a period of six months under the Special Powers Ordinance. I concur with the District Magistrate.
1. Third addendum to the B.H. 2. B.H. & its previous addenda are already with the gist.
Sd/-SS III for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police
Intelligence Branch. Mem. No, g16739/1/606-48 P.F Dated 9.8.50
Copy together with a copy of the third addendum forwarded to the Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/-8.8 Spl. Supdt. of Police,
I.B., E.B., Dacca. Side Note: Issue, The draft addendum at P.591 should be put up to D.I.G along
with the file for signature pl.

Page: 488


An SI, IBEB, Dacca reported that he attended the interview of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Maulana Bhashani with their lawyer Ataur Rahman on 8.8.1950. They discussed the legal
points of their case. Dacca, 9 August 1950
As ordered I attended the interview between Security Prisoner, Maulana Abdul Hamid Bhashani, Muzibar Rahman with their lawyer Mv. Ataur Rahman on 8.8.50 in the Dacca Central Jail.
They discussed the legal points of their case the hearing of which will take place on 19.8.50. Nothing objectionable.
Submitted Sd/- A. Hussain, S.I.


Habibur Rahman, East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., Dacca applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that he would like to see his nephew Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 18.8.1950. DIG, IBEB, Daccca forwarded the copy of application to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail after granting the interview.
Dacca, 16 August 1950
The 16th August, 1950.
To The D.I.G. I.B. Wiseghat, Dacca.
I have the honour to inform you that I like to see my nephew Sheikh Majibor Rahman, the Security Prisoner of the Dacca Central Jail on 18th August, 1950 at 3.30 P.M. I am very much anxious for him as I have not seen him for the last two months.

Page: 489
May I hope and pray that your honour will be kind enough to allow me to see the said Majibor Rahman.
I have the honour to be
Sir, Your most obedient servant,
H. Rahman. (Habibur Rahman). East Pakistan Provincial
Co-operative Bank Ltd., Dacca. Secret.
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 1950. No. 17236/606-48 (N.U.) (Sec)/ dt. 21.8.1950 To The Superintendent D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 16.8.50 from Habibur Rahman I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date fixed by you in presence of an I.B. Officer.
The party & that office may please be informed of the date.
Sd/-19.8 for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police
Intelligence Branch.


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed Habibur Rahman that he was permitted to have an interview with S.Pr. Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman on 1.9.1950.
Dacca, 28 August 1950
Government of East Bengal Office of the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memo No. 1417/SB, dated 28.8.50
Mr. Habibur Rahman East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank, Ltd., Dacca.

Page: 490
You are herby permitted to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 1.9.50 at 11 A.M. on presentation of this letter in this office.
Sd/- A. M. Khan.
Dacca Central Jail. Memo No. 1418/SB, dated 28.8.50.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., Dacca, with reference to his memo No. 17237/6-606-48 (N.U.) Sec. dated 21.8.50 for deputing an I.B, Officer to attend the interview.
Sd/ – 28.8.50 Superintendent,
Dacca Central Jail. DS 11
As order allowed the interview betw. Mujibur Rahman and his relative Habibar Rahman in Dacca Central Jail on 1-9-50.
They talked on domestic affairs and nothing objectionable.
Submitted Sd/-2.9


DIB, Khulna sent a secret memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca, where it was mentioned that Awami League did not come into existence in Khulna. Early in the previous year Sheikh Mujibur Rahman paid a visit to the district & tried to organize a unit of Awami League. He
was coldly received by the local disgruntled ML leaders.
Khulna, 2 September 1950
D.I.B., Khulna, the 2nd Sept., 1950.
No. 5424/40-50, P.41. To A. Hussain Esqr. S.S.P., I.B., Dacca. REF : Your Memo. No. 14723(17)/ 125-50 Genl. dt. 3.7.50 and subsequent
reminders by radiogram.

Page: 491
AWAMI LEAGUE. The Awami League has not yet come into existence in this district. Early last year Mujibur Rahman, Joint Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, paid a visit to this district and tried to organise a unit of the Awami League. He was coldly received by the local disgruntled Muslim Leaguers viz:- Abdus Saboor, M.L.A. and S.M.A. Majid. Hony. Magistrate and his efforts did not fructify.


A watcher constable, DIB, Dacca submitted a watch report on Shamsul Haque that he visited bar library & court lock-up on
4.9.1950. He talked to some unknown security prisoners & attended the court in c/w with a case against S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman & Maulana Bhashani.
Dacca, 5 September 1950
C.R. dated 4.9.50 Duty hours- 10.00 to 14.00 & 18.00 to 22.00 hrs. Name of suspect-Shamsul Haque, M.L.A. Residence of suspect-32, Pannitola.
Result of watch.
The suspect came out from his arts. at about 10.30 hrs and went to Bar library by Rickshaw No. 981. From there he went to Lock-up at Court at 11.00 hrs by the said rickshaw and talked with some unknown security prisoners and waited there about 14-35 hrs. Then he returned to his qrs. at about 14.45 hrs by rickshaw No. 1084. I also shadowed him by rickshaw no. 1378, 580.
In the evening the suspect was seen present at his qr. No known suspect or suspicious persons were seen to visit the suspect’s house.
Relief : I relieved A.S.I. Alfazuddin at 10.00 & 18.00 hrs and I was relieved by
A.S.I. Alfazuddin and W/C K.N. Haque at 14.00 hrs.
Co-worker-W/C Laskar Khan of S.C.O.
Submitted, Sd/-W/C A. Sattar

Page: 492
He attended the court in connection with a case against S/prisoner Mujibar Rahman and Maulana Bhashani and the suspect. He met there with S/prisoner Mujibar Rahman As Maulana Bhashani was not brought to the court due to his indisposition the case was adjourned.
Sd/- S.I. 5.9 Addl. SP., Dacca may be requested to let us know if any watch is maintained when prisoners attend court. S.S. III may like to see.
Sd/- A. Hussain
Side note: O/C Watch., Why the W/C did not supply the D.R. of the un-known security prisoners.
How the w/c knew that they were security prisoners., Sd/-Q.A.A. 5.9 S.O. to pl. enquire from the C.S.I. at once who was the Sec. prisoner., Sd/- A. Razzak, O/C 5.9


SP, DIB, Faridpur requested through a secret memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca for sending back a copy of report of IB officer who interviewed S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & others at Faridpur Jail. The report was required for sending the quarterly review in respect of security prisoners of the district.
Faridpur, 9 September 1950 Original
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 9th Sept. 50.
No. 3885/13-41. Secret.
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Kindly let me have a copy of report of the I.B. Officer who interviewed the security prisoners recently at the Faridpur Jail to enable this office to send the quarterly review in respect of security prisoners of this district.

Page: 493
The interview reports of the following security prisoners who are detained elsewhere may also be sent to this office at an early date.
1. Ashutosh Bharadwaj
Rajshahi Jail.
2. Samarendra Nath Singh
3. Satya Ranjan Maitra 4. Prafulla Ray Karmakar
5. Phani Bhushan Mazumdar,
Dacca Central Jail.
6. Shaikh Mujibar Rahman 7. Abu Azhar Md. Abdul Hai
8. Abu Muhammad Mokhlesur Rahman
Sd/- M.S. Haque. 9.9 Superintendent of Police
D.I.B, Faridpur.


Further detention order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman passed by the Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal on 16.9.1950. The Governor considered the materials against him & was satisfied with a view to preventing him from acting prejudicial to the public safety & maintenance of public order. It was necessary to make the order for the purpose of continuing his detention under the
powers conferred by BSPO, 1946.
Dacca, 16 September 1950
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department Special Branch.
No. 2143-H.S. Dated Dacca, the 16th September, 1950.
Whereas the person Know as Sheikh Mujibar Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tasu)gipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150 Mugaltuli and 69/1 Khaje Dewan

Page: 494
Dacca, is detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No 881- H.S., dated the 16th March, 1950.
And whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of public order, it is necessary to make the following order for the purpose of continuing his detention:
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of subsection (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the Bengal Special Power Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950) the Governor is pleased to direct
(a) that the said person shall subject to the provisions of section 10B of the said
Ordinance as so enacted and continued in operation be detained until further
orders; (b) that, subject to the provisions of clause (a) of this paragraph the said person
shall until further orders, continue to be detained in the Dacca Central Jail and (c) that during such detention the said person shall be subject to the conditions laid
down in the East Bengal Security Prisoners Rules, 1950.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy. to the Gvt. of East Bengal.
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Power Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950).
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Power Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950), you Maulvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Moghaltuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca, at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under Order No. 2143- H.S., dated 16.9.50 made under clause (a) of Sub-section (I) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the

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said Ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:
That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur & some other district of East Bengal, the object of which is to overthrow this Government (i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and that during the years 1947 (after partition), 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur Pabna and Bakarganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim masses against the Government of East Bengal, and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the months of March, April, May, June, July and September, 1948 and January, February, March, September and October, 1949 you along with some anti-Govt. elements carried on mischievous and disruptive propaganda amongst the students and Muslim Masses of Dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Faridpur town, Narsingdi and other places and incited them to create disorder in the Province of East Bengal with ulterior object of discrediting the Govt. of East Bengal in the estimation of the people of East Bengal for its overthrow. Furnishing of any more facts and particulars than those given above would be against public safety.
That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this Province.
You are further informed that you have a right to make a representation in writing to this Govt. against the order of detention made against you, and should you wish to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the Superintendent of Dacca Central Jail, where you are at present detained.
By order of the Governor.
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of East
Bengal, Home (Special) Department.

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Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a confidential memo to the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail related to the detention order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman u/s 10A of BSPO.
Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail was requested to take immediate steps to serve the order & report to the Govt. in due
course. Dacca, 16 September 1950
Confidential Immediate
Government of East Bengal
Home Department.
Special Branch.
From : Maulvi M. Fazlul Bari, Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 2142 – H.S., dated Dacca, the 16th September, 1950. Subject: Detention of Shaikh Mujibar Rahman under section 10A of the Bengal
Special Power Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the subject and one communication in duplicate) of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Ordinance are forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order and the communication on the above named person and report to Government in due course. 2. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any, made by
the security prisoner as soon as possible.
Sd/- M.F. Bari. Asstt. Secy, to the Gvt. of East Bengal.
Copy, with a copy of the order and the communication forwarded for information to the:
1) 2) 3)
Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, District Magistrate, Dacca.

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Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8 Kumartuli Lane, Dacca.
Dacca, The 16th September 1950.
Sd/Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Memo No. 18599/606-48 PF dt. 25.9.50
Copy, together with a copy of the G.O. for detention only. Forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B., Dacca, for information.
Sd/-DS. 6 & SS 3
Sd/ – 21.9


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent a memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca on
27.9.1950 related to the interview of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. During the interview Sheikh Mujibur Rahman expressed to a DIО that he was determined to take part in active politics in a constitutional way but was unwilling to furnish any bond to affect
his release. It was recommended that his detention in jail for a further period of 6 months was considered essentially necessary.
Dacca, 27 September 1950 District Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 27th Sept. 50.
No. 9222/100-49. Confidential
To T. Ahmad Esq, P.S.P. Spl. Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref: I.B. No. 3754 (17) 357-50 dated 28.2.50 regarding review of the case of
Security Prisoner Mujibar Rahman Sheik for the quarter ending 30th September, 50.

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A D.I.O. interviewed the subject on 19.9.50. He expressed that he is determined to take part in active politics in a constitutional way but was unwilling to furnish any bond to effect his release. This is very significant. If he was sincere in his profession that he would work constitutionally, then there is no ground for his denial to give and undertaking for his release. He was convicted and sentenced to R.I. for 3 months on 12.9.50. in connection with Kotwali P.S. case No. 19(10)49 u/s 147 I.P.C. I think he will give trouble if he is released unconditionally & before he is repentant. His detention in jail for a further period of six months is considered essentially necessary for reasons of security of the state. The D.M, Dacca also endorses the above recommendation.
Sd/ -27.9 Addl. Supdt. of Police,
D.I.B., Dacca.


H. S. Suhrawardy, advocate Ali Amjad Khan & Ataur Rahman
applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca that they wanted to meet S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Maulana Bhasani on 1.10.1950 in c/w
the legal matters.
Dacca, 27 September1950 Ali Amjad Khan, Advocate, High Court. 16, Khaje Dewan (1* Lane), Dacca Dated 27.9.1950.
The D.I.G., I.B. Dacca.
Dear Sir,
We want to meet Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Sheikh Mujibar Rahaman security prisoners in the Dacca Central Jail on 1.10.50. in connection with legal matters. Kindly arrange and permit us to do so.
Yours sincerely Sd/- H.S. Suhrawardy Sd/-Ali Amjad Khan Sd/-Ataur Rahman

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A Bengali letter, sent by one Sarwar on behalf of Gimadanga high school to Sheikh Mujibur Rahamn in which the writer mentioned that the students were praying for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who could eliminate the sorrows & poverty of the people. They assured Sheikh Mujibur Rahman not to think, Allah was with them &
victory was theirs.
Dacca, September1950
আল্লাহু আকবর!
পাকিস্তান! আমার প্রিয় মুসলিম নেতা মুজিবর রহমান সাহেব জোনাবেষু আচ্ছালামু আল্লায় কুম
জনাব নেতা সাহেব পর সমাচার প্রায় ৮/১ মাস গত হয় আপনী জেলে গিয়াছেন তাহাতে আমরা আপনার সুসংবাদআদি না পাইয়া যার পর নাইয়া চিন্তাযুক্ত আছি। আশা করি আপনী

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আপনার কায্যের জন্য বেতব্যস্ত আছেন যা হােক সে কাৰ্য একদিন না একদিন জয়ই হুইবেই তাহার জন্য চিন্তা করিবেন না বা ধৈর্য্য হারাইবেন না আমরা ছাত্রবৃন্ধ আপনার সব কাজ প্রায় সমর্থনা করিয়া আনিয়াছি তাহার জন্য আপনী চিন্তা করিবেনা আপনী এবৎসর গােপালগঞ্জে মােহকমার একজন এম এল সাহেব হইবেন, এই আসাতে আমারা ছাত্রবৃন্ধ এক সভা করিয়া সেই সভায় হিন্দু মুসলমান সবাই এক বাক্যে সিকার করেছেন যে মুসলীম নেতা মুজিবর রহমানের জন্য আমারা প্রানপনে প্রার্থনা করি যাহাতে দেশের ও দুঃর দীনের অভাব অভিযােগ না থাকে তাহার জন্য প্রান দিতে আমারা রাজী, চাই গরিবের দুঃখ মছোন করিতে আমরা চাই জাতী ও দেশকে বাচাইতে আমরা চাই জগতের সম্মুখে জাতীর গৌরব রক্ষা করিতে তাহাতে আমরা জীবন দান করিব তাহার জন্য আপনী কোনই চিন্তাযুক্ত হইবেন না আলু আমাদের সহায় আছে দ্য কি আছে। তবে হবে জয় জয় থাকবে গাথা হৃদয় মাজে তােমার প্রেমের ভালবাসা পাকিস্তান মুক্তির মাস জিন্দাবাদ, মুসলিম নেতা জিন্দাবাদ আওমই মুসলিম লীগ কি জয়াে জয়াে জুয়াে জুয়াে
আপনার ছাত্রবৃন্দ গিমাডাঙ্গা … হাইস্কুল ছরওয়ার
মুসলিম নেতা
জোনাবেসু মুজিবর রহমান সাহেব. সিকিউরিটি ডিভিসন ১ নং.
সেন্টাল জেল ঢাকা, পূব্ব পাকিস্তান ঢাকা,


Remarks of a censor certificate on the letter, which was sent from one Sarwar on behalf of students of Gimadanga high school to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The censor officer remarked that as the contents of the letter were not limited to private matters, it would
be withheld.
Dacca, 29 September 1950
CENSOR CERTIFICATE No. 242 B(1) Letter dated-X Date of Receipt – 28.9.50
From To
: Chatrabrinda (Sarwar) : Security Prisoner : Sk. Mojibar Rahman of D.C. Jail.
Security convict.
Memo. Dacca Central Jail 4423/A.B. dt. 27.9.50.

Page: 502
Remark of Censor officer., May be passed. The Contents of the letter are not limited to private matters. May be withheld.
As proposed. Abu Nassar


DIG, IB, Dacca sent a confidential memo along with a copy of petition dated 27.9.1950 from H. S. Suhrawardy & 2 others to the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail. He informed the interview could be allowed on 1.10.1950 in presence of an IB officer.
Dacca, 29 September 1950 Confidential/Immediate.
7, Wiseghat Road, Dacca, the 29th September, 1950.
No. 18806/483-48 P.F.
The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
In forwarding herewith a copy of petition dated 27.9.50, from Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-law and 2 others, I write to inform you that the interview may be allowed at 10.00 hrs. on 1.10.50 in presence of an I.B. officer.
The petitioners are being informed accordingly.
for (A.K.M. Hafizuddin)
Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, I.B. Confidential/Immediate.
Memo No 18806/1/483-48 P.F dt. 29.9.50.
Copy forwarded to Messrs. H.S Suhrawardy, Bar-at-law, Ali Amjad Khan, Advocate and Ataur Rahman, Advocate, 16, Khaje Dewan (18 lane) Dacca, with reference to their petition dated 27.9.50.
The interview will be only for the purpose of legal instruction and no other subject should be discussed.
for (A.K.M. Hafizuddin) Dy. Inspr. – Genl. of Police, I.B.

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Shaik Habibur Rahman applied to DIG, IBEB, Dacca on 30.9.1950 that he along with his wife & daughter wished to see his nephew S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by 6 October, 1950.
Dacca, 30 September 1950
The D.I.G (I.B.) Dacca. Dated, Dacca, the 30th Sept. 1950.
I have the honour to state that I wish to see my nephew Shaik Mozibar Rahman the security prisoner in Dacca Central Jail by the coming 6th October 1950. at 9 to 10 A. M. with my wife and daughter.
I hope that you will kindly do the needful and oblige.
I have the honour to be
Sir, Your most obedient servant
H. Rahman (Shaik Habibur Rahman) East Pakistan Provincial
Co-operative Bank. Victoria Park, Dacca.


SP, DIB, Faridpur stated that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the
Joint Secretary of EBAML & a staunch follower of H. S. Surharwardi. Although his activities were mainly confined in Dacca, he had got activities in Faridpur as well. SP recommended
to continue his detention for a further period of 3 months.
Faridpur, 30 September 1950
6. SK. MUJIBAR RAHMAN s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of Dacca.

Page: 504
The subject was the Joint Secretary of the East Bengal Awami Muslim League and a staunch follower of Mr. Surharwardi. He was also an important student leader of the Opposition group. In the aforesaid capacity he showed considerable activities in Dacca and in this district by holding public meetings and bringing out processions in defiance of the prohibitory order issued by the authorities. The Dacca police arrested him on 31.12.49 and since then he is detained in jail as Security Prisoner. Although his activities are mainly confined in Dacca he has got activities here as well. Some of the local members of the Awami Muslim League is trying to organise a branch of the League here and if the security prisoner is released now he is sure to come down and join hands with them for this purpose. This will certainly be detrimental to the Govt. His continued detention for a further period of three months is thus recommended.
Side note: I have already passed my views in previous quarter.
Sd/- S.A.F.M.A. Sobhan
D.M. 30.9.50


Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca forwarded a copy of judgment of Kotwali P.S. case no. 19(10)49 passed by SDO(S) dated 12.9.1950 to SSP, IBEB, Dacca for information. In the judgment, Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman was awarded 3 months R.I for an offence u/s 147. Maulana Bhasani & Shamsul Haque were acquitted while Syed Mohammad Fazlul Huq, Abdul Rauf & Shamsul Huda were found
guilty & sentenced for 3 months R.I.
Dacca, 2 October 1950
[Copy judgment passed by Mr. K. R. Khadem, S.D.O.(S) dated 12.9.50 in connection with Kotwali P.S. Case No. 19(10)49].
Accd. Shamsul Haque went aside and joined Mugrib prayers with some other persons. He was arrested when he finished his prayers. He tried to keep peace but failed. His motive does not seem to be criminal. /Accd. Maulana Sb. was not seen in the crowd when it was commanded to disperse.
I therefore do not find accd. Maulanan Abdul Hamid Bhasani guilty of any offence u/s 147/188 or 151 P.P.C. I therefore acquit him u/s 258 Cr.P.C].

Page: 505
There is doubt about the presence of accd. Shamsul Haque in the assembly to comit the offence of rioting in prosecution of Common object of their unlawful assembly when they (processionists) were commanded to disperse. I give him the benefit of doubt as he tried to keep peace and order and acquit him u/s 258 Cr.P.C. from all charges u/s 147/188/151 P.P.C.As regards accd. Majibar Rahman he was found in the assembly of the processionists by some P.Ws. as discussed above. He did not try to keep peace. He was determined to face bullets (through brickbats were hurled on public servants by the processionists when no bullet was fired). He avoided arrest and disappeared from the crowd when arrests were being made. After that he was found absconding. Force and violence were used by the processionists in which the accd. was one in prosecution of their common object of causing disturbance of public peace and thereby he (Majibar Rahman) committed an offence u/s 147 (Rioting) after the procession was declared an unlawful assembly by the district Magistrate.
I therefore convict him u/s 147 P.P.C. and sentence him to undergo R.I. for three months and acquit him of the charge u/s 151 P.P.C and 188 P.P.C.
As regards accd. (I) Syed Mohammad Fazlul Huq (2) Abdul Rauf (3) Shamsul Huda. They were members of the unlawful assembly in prosecution of the common object of the assembly to commit rioting and to cause disturbance of peace when they were lawfully commanded to disperse. They were arrested on the spot by the constables and other police officers and also identified by P.W.9.P.Ws. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 are police constable injured by brick bats thrown by the processionists and they arrested them and other members of the mob after they were commanded to disperse but when they did not disperse and continued rioting.
I find them guilty u/s 147 (Rioting) and convict them accordingly. I sentence them to undergo R.I. for three months each. I also find them guilty u/s 188 P.P.C. when they disobeyed the order of the District Magistrate who asked them to abstain from committing riot and causing danger to human life safety. I convict them accordingly. I sentence them to undergo R.I. for three months each. Both the sentence u/s 147/188 P.P.C. shall run concurrently.
As regards the charge u/s 151 P.P.C. I do not find the accd. persons guilty under this section as I have already found them guilty of forming an unlawful assembly and committing rioting in prosecution of the common object of causing

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disturbance of public peace. I therefore acquit all the accd. persons of the charge u/s 151 P.P.C.
In this connection I am constrained to observe that the prosecution was not properly conducted during the trial. The P.P. who took charge of prosecution could not attend all the hearings on account of his multifarious other engagements. I had requested the S.P. to ask the C.I. (Court) to look after the prosecution when it was already going uncared for.
Confdl. D.I.B. Office, Dacca,
Copy forwarded to Khan Sahib M. Yusuff, S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca, for information in continuation of this office No. 3846 dated 1.5.50.
Sd/-A Gafur,
2.10. Addl. S.P., D.I.B., Dacca.


DS-3, IBEB, Dacca reported that he had been to Dacca Central Jail on 1.10.1950 to attend the interview of H.S. Suhrawardy & 2 advocates with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Maulana Bhasani. The interview was not held as the party did not turn up.
Dacca, 2 October 1950 SS III
I had been to the Dacca Central Jail on 1.10.50 (yesterday) to attend the interview of Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy & 2 others Advocates in the 8 pm, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan and Sk. Mujibur Rahaman. But as the party did not turn up, no interview was held.
Sd. K.T. Ahmad.
DS 3
2.10.50 How long did you with them? Sd. A Hussain I reached the Jail at 9.30 Am & left it at 11am.
Sd K.T. Ahmand
2.10.50 File. Sd/ – 2.10

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Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca sent a confidential memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca that in the specific cases of trial against security prisoners, watch was generally maintained but sometimes there were some
omissions for lack of timely information of the date of trial. Arrangement was being made to get timely information of the date
of such trial for the purpose of watch.
Dacca, 2 October 1950 Dist. Intelligence Branch
Dacca, the 2nd Oct/50.
No. 9433/R.7361/214-49. Confidential.
A Hussain Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, DACCA.
Ref: Your No. 18601/606-48 P.F. (N.U) dated 25.9.50..
In the specific cases of trial against security prisoners, watch is generally maintained but there were some omissions for want of timely information of the date of trial. Arrangement is being made to get timely information of the date of such trial with the Court Inspector and Supdt. of Jail. for the purpose of watch.
Sd/ – 2.10 Addl. Supdt. of Police
D.I.B, Dacca


DIG, IBEB, Dacca sent a secret memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail that he forwarded a copy of application dated 30.9.1950 from Sheikh Habibur Rahman.
7, Wise Ghat Road
Dacca, the 1950. No. 19159/606-48 PF (Sec) dt. 5.X.50.

Page: 508
To The Superintendent D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 30/9/50 from Sk. Habibur Rahman I am to state that the interview may be allowed on a date to be fixed by you in presence of an I.B. officer. The party may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/ – 5.10. for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police
Intelligence Branch.


Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail informed Sheikh Habibur Rahman that he was permitted to have an interview with S.Pr.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 7.10.1950.
Dacca, 6 October 1950
Memo No. 1580/DB. Dated. 6.10.50. To Mr. Sk. Habibur Rahman & Co.
You are hereby permitted to have an interview with security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman on 7-10-50 at 11 A.M. on presentation of this letter in this office
Sd/- A.H. Khan. Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Sd/-6.10 Memo No. 1518/SB, dated 6.10.50.
Copy forwarded to the D.I.G. of Police, I.B., Dacca with reference to his memo no 19159-606-48 P.F. (Sec) dated 5.10.50. for deputing an I.B. Officer to attend the interview.
Dacca Central Jail Side Note: DSVI, An officer may be detailed pl. to attend the interview tomorrow
at 11 A.M., Sd/ -6.X S.I. B. Alam may attend the interview.

Page: 510


A letter was written to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressing him as
Khoka from Tungipara on 6.10.1950. In the letter it was mentioned that the writer did not know how long Sheikh Mujibur Rahman would be detained in the prison. His sacrifice for the sake of his idealism would be ever remembered by the peasantry & the
poor of the country. Gopalganj, 6 October 1950
6.8.50 My dear Mujibar (Khoka)
Though not in the habit of directly corresponding with you, still always eager to get bits of news connected with you and yours, Often searching post office or looking wistfully in the columns of possible or impossible news paper in search of a person, whom he likes best in the arena of politics.
None can feel the pangs of suffering and distress of a man same and except to who has been destined for the same. Only those who have got but electric connection can possibly feels just as electrics shocks every where of the wire.
I do not know, how long you will be detained in the prison. Whatever may be the suffering and sorrows of prison life, we do not know but your sacrifice for the sake of your idealism, will be ever remembered by the peasantry and the poor of the country, who are so eager for a word from you. They know you, as one of the earnest follower of Muslim League sacrificing everything for the achievements of Pakistan. After the establishment of Pakistan, they regard you as one of the greatest patriot of Pakistan.
Trying to improve the condition of Pakistan and its inhabitants. They knew that nobody loves Pakistan more than you.
However, this letter cannot be lengthened more, as the censoring officer may be already may annoyed with the writer of the letter. We are all well by the grace of Allah. I am getting myself prepared for the IA Examination on in the next year ie. 1951.

Page: 511
We are in quite darkness about your present modes of living. If money can add you any comfort in your present life, please do not forget to write poor man. For Gods sake you must inform me.
Wishing you good health and pray to Almighty to give you patience and perseverance to endure the pangs of your present life.
Yours faithfully

Page: 512
D.I.G.I.B., Dacca. No. 264 A (5) Letter dated : 6-7.10.50 Date of receipt : 21.10.50
From : illegible & wife of Tungipara. To : Sk. Mujibar Rahman of D.C. Jail.
Memo. 5100/ A.B. dt 17.1050.
Remark of Censor officer. (A) the English letter may be with held as it contains matter other than private affairs & (b) the Bengali letter is a private one & may pass. Sd/
May be passed. As proposed S.S.III Sd/- 21.10

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Shaikh Habibor Rahman submitted an application to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail that he was informed by the jail office that the family of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was
likely to reach there to see him. Shaikh Habibor Rahman requested to grant an interview accompanied with his (Sheikh Mujibur Rahman) family members on 11.10.1950.
Dacca, 9 October 1950
To The Supdt. Dacca Central Jail Dacca.
With reference to your memo No. 1580/S.B. dt. 6.10.50 I beg to state that I have been informed that the family of Sk. Mujibur Rahman Security Prisoner is likely to reach here to see him.
I, therefore, pray that your honour would be graciously pleased to grant an interview with him on the 11th instant at 9 a.m. His family members may kindly be permitted to accompany me. Hope this will receive your kind & sympathetic consideration and for this I shall be highly pleased.
Thanking you.
Your faithfully Shaikh Habibor Rahman
Side Note: Memo No. 1588/SB dt. 9.10.50
Forwarded to D.I.G., SB., E.B. for information and necessary action., Sd/ – for Superintendent, DACCA CENTRAL JAIL. Dated, East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., The 6th Sept. 50

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Shaikh Habibur Rahman requested through an application to
DIG, IB, Dacca that he could not get any reply from Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail related to his interview with S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 7.10.1950. His request was not considered & again he applied to DIG, IB to meet him along with his (Shaikh Habibur Rahman) family members & those of Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman.
Dacca, 11 October 1950
The D.I.G. I.B. Wiseghat, Dacca. Dacca the 11th October, 1950.
With reference to the letter No. 1580 dated 6.10.50 addressed to me by the Superintendent of Central Jail, Dacca regarding the interview with the security prisoner Sheikh Majibur Rahman on 7th October, 1950, I beg to inform you that I wrote to the Superintendent to fix up the date on 11th October, 1950, but to my ill luck I could not get any reply from him.
Now I request you to fix up a date on which I may meet with the said Majibur Rahman with the following members of my family as well as those of Majibur Rahman by next Saturday, the 14th October, 1950 as I am going home with my family during the next Puja Holidays.
1. Asia Begum with her children. 2. My wife and my daughter and Mujaharul Hoque.
I have the honour to be,
Sir, Your most obedient servant, Shaikh Habibor Rahman
East Pakistan Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., Dacca.

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DIG, IBEB sent a confidential memo to the DS, Govt. of East
Bengal, Home (Spl.) deptt., Dacca that S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, detained in Dacca Central Jail was convicted in Dacca
Kotwali P.S. case no. 19 (1049 u/s 147 PPC & sentenced to undergo R.I for 3 months. He requested to issue a G.O for keeping suspension of the detention order, so long he had to serve out his
sentence in the specific case.
Dacca, 12 October 1950
No. 19479/606-48 P F dt. 12.10.50. Secret.
The Dy. Secy to the Govt. of E.B. Home (Spl) Deptt.
Spr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman s/o Lutfor Rahman detained under G.O. 2143 dated 16/9/50 was convicted in Kotwali (Dacca) P.S. case No. 19(10)49 u/s 147 P.P.C. & Sentenced to under Go R.I. for 3 months by the S.D.O. Dacca (South) on 12/9/50 vide copy of letter No. 9428 dt 2/10/50 from the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca, enclosed.
It is therefore requested that a G.O may issue keeping in suspension the order of detention now in force upon the subject so long he serves out his sentence in the specific case.
The order of detention as a spl. should come into force, automatically, upon the subject on his release on bail, acquittal or reduction of sentence.
Sd/ -9.10 SS 3 for D.I.G.I.B.
Memo No. 19479/(2) dt 2/10/50 & SP Faridpur Copy forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B. Dacca for information.
Sd/ -9.10
SS 3

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Extract for orders of D.S.VI on N.S.P LVI of 483-48 PF. When the case of Spr. Mujibur Rahman is to be taken up govt. is to be informed about his conviction with the request to suspend the detention order during the period he will suffer the sentence in the specific case.
Sd. Abu Nassar
5.10.50 for D.S.VI.


Two Govt. reporters submitted a summary report of the proceedings of a meeting organized by EPAML at Armanitola
maidan, Dacca on 11.10.49. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & other leaders delivered speeches in the meeting. The speakers focused on the abolition of Zamindari system, no confidence in the ministry, declaring few districts as famine areas, fixing jute price, compulsory primary education & reformation of education system, minimum pay of the Govt.
employee of tk. 100/- etc.
Dacca, 12 October 1950
Summary report of the proceedings of the meeting held under the auspices of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca on 11.10.49. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani presided.
The proceedings of the meeting commenced at 5 P.M. with a recitation from the Holy Quran by a Maulvi (name not announced).
Next Sakhawat Hossain in his inaugural speech said: “We have achieved independence since two years. Now we find around us only the sufferings and distress of the people. East Bengal was very rich in respect of food, raw materials and other necessaries of daily life. There are acute shortage of food and cloth. Rice sells at Rs.40/- to Rs. 50/- per maund. Mr. Hamidul Haque

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Chowdhury once said” the prices of commodities are high in East Bengal because of inflation”. But the accounts of the State Bank do not corroborate it. Practically there has been no improvement of the Chittagong Port to facilitate import or export. The Pakistan Govt. are wise in not devaluing it’s currency. But the Jute growers have been compelled to sell jute at Rs.10/-, 12/- per maund to the brokers as the export of jute has been stopped owing to the devaluation complicacies. Govt. should make arrangements so that the jute growers may sell jute and get a fair price. There is no coal in East Bengal. The Indian Govt. have taken up a hostile attitude against Pakistan in not supplying coal and other much needed articles. Had the Port of Chittagong been constructed we would not have cared India’s hostility. Govt. Should also take steps to revive the dying cottage industries of East Bengal. Many cottage-industrialists have left Pakistan for Indian Union for lack of Govt. support and sympathy. The Govt. have proposed to establish jute and cotton Mills in East Bengal but the cottage industries are being neglected. To remedy all ills in Pakistan a fresh general election is needed.
Next Shamsul Haque. M.L.A. in his speech said:
“This meeting has been convened to bring to the notice of the Prime Minister the sufferings and distress of the people of East Pakistan. We sent letters and wires requesting the Prime Minister to attend this meeting. No reply has come. We wrote to Mr. Power to make arrangements so that the Prime Minister might join this meeting. We also requested him to make arrangements so that 5 representatives from amongst us might see the Prime Minister – I personally wrote a letter requesting permission to see the Prime Minister to intimate him why I stood as an Independent Candidate at the South Tangail by-election-unfortunately no reply has been received.
There are wants and needs all around. 75 percent of the people cannot afford to procure food and cloth. It is fortunate that the Prime Minister has come to East Bengal at this critical time. But it is a matter of great regret, shame and scandal that he has no connection with the public. Tomorrow there will be a meeting at the Paltan Maidan. Entry will be charged at Rs. 27-. There will also be a garden party in honour of the Prime Minister-entry fee Rs. 10/-. How many people are there to afford to pay Rs.10/-? We fought for Pakistan and achieved. We wanted it to be an Islamic State. The Self-seekers say that the Awami League is unislamic. Is the ticket system at a public meeting Islamic. The people of East Bengal will not tolerate further that the self-seekers remain in power in the name of Islam.

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Only one by-election has so far been held at South Tangail. The results have sufficiently proved that the people have no confidence in the Ministry. Has any one of you confidence in the Ministry? (Cries of no, no from the audience). I will request the Prime Minister to dissolve the Ministry and the Legislature which do not enjoy the confidence of the people and to order a fresh general election”.
Next Sheikh Mujiber Rahman delivered a speech. Summary report of the speech has been submitted separately.
Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan of Bhasani in his short Presidential address said
“The famine -stricken districts of East Bengal be declared famine areas and at least 70 thousand tons of rice be sent to the affected districts per month. If this is not done immediately the people will be compelled to collect revenues to meet their bare sustenance. The districts of Dinajpur and Rangpur were called surplus. I visited the places personally. I saw some people have committed suicide be hanging for want of food, rice is selling at Rs.32/- per kutcha maund.
There will be a session of the East Bengal legislative Assembly on the 14th November in connection with the abolition of Zemindary. We should assemble before the assembly House on that day and declare that we do not want their law, we have no confidence in them, they should vacate the laws of the country will be framed after fresh general election. I request you to join the all East Pakistan Voters Conference on 13th November, 1949.”
The following resolutions were passed in the meeting:1. This meeting demands the abolition of Zemindari without compensation. 2. This meeting expresses no confidence in the Ministry and urges the Central
Govt. to institute an enquiry into their workings. 3. This meeting urges that the districts of Dacca, Faridpur, Mymensingh, Bogra,
Kushtia, Tipperea and other famine-stricken districts be declared famine areas
and adequate succor given, 4. This meeting urges that the price of jute be fixed between Rs. 40/-and 50/- to
ameliorate the distress of the jute growers; 5. This meeting demands that the educational system be reformed; 6. This meeting demands that compulsory primary education be introduced;

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7. This meeting demands that a Military College be established in East Bengal and
Military training be made compulsory.
8. This meeting urges that the border militia be strengthened and internal
cordon withdrawn, 9. This meeting demands that a tribunal be set up to enquire into the nepotism
and corruption in Govt. Officer and officers involved be dismissed;
10. This meeting demands that a fresh general election be held on the basis of
adult suffrage; 11. This meeting urges that the minimum pay of an employee be not less than
Rs.100/- per month 12. This meeting urges that financial assistance be given to the refugees for their
rehabilitation; 13. This meeting condemns the actions of the Dacca Medical College authorities in
expelling certain students and in not recognising their union, we sympathies
with their strike, and 14. The law graduates be allowed to practice without remaining articled to
The proceedings of the meeting terminated at 5-45 P.M. About 8 thousand people assembled. Slogans shouted were:
Allaho – Akbar, Azad Pakistan Zindabad and Quaid-i-Azam Zindabad. Dacca. 12.10.49.
Sd/-Ghulam Yazdani
Sd/-Md. Hussain.
Government Reporters
Side note: Notes & orders copied from nos xxxv
(V) Copies of the speeches in the personal files of the speakers comment. sd/ -10.11.49

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DIG, IBEB, Dacca forwarded a secret memo to the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail with a copy of application dated 11.10.1950 from Sheikh Habibur Rahman. DIG informed
that interview allowed except Mujaharul Haque.
Dacca, 20 October 1950 Secret :
7, Wise Ghat Road,
Dacca, the 20.10.1950.
No. 20152/606-48 P.F.(Sec). To The Superintendent D.C. Jail, Dacca.
In forwarding herewith a copy of application dated 11.X.50 from Sk. Habibur Rahman I am to state that the interview except Mujaharul Haque may be allowed at late to be fixed by you in presence of an I.B. Officer. The party & this office may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/- 24.10. for Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police
Intelligence Branch.


Representation of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman against his detention order was sent to the Assistant Secretary, Govt. of EB, Dacca. He
stated in the representation that he received the grounds of detention order on 19.9.1950 & submitted two representations earlier. He solemnly claimed the grounds shown in the detention
order were absolutely false & vague.
Dacca, 24 October 1950 D.C. Jail no. 1676/SB dt. 31.10.50.
The Assistant Secy. to the Govt. of E. Bengal, Home Spl. Deptt. Through the Supdt., Central Jail, Dacca. 24.10.50.

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I have received the grounds of my detention on the 19th Sept. 1950. I have submitted two representations to you beforehand.
The grounds you have shown are absolutely false and vague. There is not an iota of truth in it. I do not belief to adopt violent means to overthrow the Govt. nor I am connected with any secret associations and illegal activities.
You know that I am the Jt. Secretary of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. The Awami Muslim League is not a secret associations. It is the programme of the Awami Muslim League to follow constitutional method. It has been declared many times by the President of the All Pakistan Awami Muslim League.
I am not a fool to adopt unconstitutional means to overthrow the Govt. I also know that it will be fully impossible on the parts of Ministers and SARKARI League M.L.As to come out successful in the coming elections.
To criticise the Ministers policy does not mean to criticise the Govt. To criticise the SARKARI LEAGUE does not mean to adopt violent means. Officials are not the servant of the SARKARI League but the servants of every citizen of Pakistan. The officials are the citizen of Pakistan like any other citizens. We want Justice from
You know that I have been convicted for three months then what is the necessity to detain me as a security anymore.
Mind that Allah is more powerful than the Ministers. Everybody knows what is my policy still I am getting continuous detention order.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security Convict Central Jail. Dacca.

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Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a confidential memo to the Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail regarding the
detention of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He forwarded a signed detention order of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on him.
Dacca, 25 October 1950
Confidential. Immediate
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch.
:Maulvi M. Fazlul Bari
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
: The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 2666-H.S., dated Dacca, the 25th October, 1950.
Subject : Detention of Sk. Mujibur Rahman under section 10A of the Bengal
Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance VI of 1946).
A signed order (in duplicate) on the above subject is forwarded herewith. You are requested to take immediate steps to serve the order on the above named person and report to Government in due course.
Sd/- M.F. Bari Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
No. 2666/1(4)-H.S Copy, with a copy of the order, forwarded for information to the:1. Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal. 2. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal with
reference to his memorandum No. 19479, dated the 12th October, 1950 3. District Magistrate, Dacca.

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4.Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli Lane, Dacca.
Dacca The 25th October, 1950
Sd/Asstt Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Side Note: Memo No. 20709 dt 8/11/50. Copy together with a copy of the
enclosure, forwarded to the Addl. S.P. D.I.B Dacca for information.


Assistant Secretary, Home, Govt. of EB signed an order that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman should subject to the provisions of the BSPO to be detained until further orders. As he was convicted in Kotwali (Dacca) P.S. case no. 19(10)49 & sentenced to R.I for 3
months, the detention order immediately come into effect upon him on the expiry or reduction of the sentence or on his release on
bail or acquittal. Dacca, 25 October 1950
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch
No. 2667-H.S. Dacca, the 25th October, 1950.
Whereas the person known as Sheikh Mujibur Rahman son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and 150 Mugaltuli and 69/1 Khaje Dewan, Dacca, detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. 2143-H.S., dated the 16th September, 1950 was convicted in Kotwali (Dacca) P.S. Case No. 19(10)/49 under section 147 P.P.C. and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for 3 months by the Sub divisional Officer, Dacca (South) on the 12th September, 1950.

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And whereas having considered the materials against the said person the Governor is satisfied that, with a view to preventing the said person from acting in any manner prejudicial to the public safety and the maintenance of public order, it is necessary to make the following order for the purpose of continuing his/her detention:
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the Bengal Special Powers ordinance, 1946 (Bengal ordinance VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950) the Governor is pleased to direct
(a) that the said person shall subject to the provisions of section 10B of the said
ordinance as so enacted and continued in operation be detained until further orders; provided that this order of detention.
(i) Shall be kept in abeyance for the period the said Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
undergoes his/sentence of imprisonment. (ii) Shall immediately come into effect upon him/on the expiry or reduction
of the sentence or on his release on bail or acquittal.
(b) that, subject to the provisions of clause (a) this paragraph the said person shall
until further orders, continue to be detained in the Dacca Central Jail and (c) that, during such detention the said person shall be subject to the conditions laid
down in the East Bengal Security Prisoners Rules, 1950.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/-M. F. Bari. Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal

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Addl. SP, DIB, Dacca submitted the court proceedings of SDO(S),
Dacca to DIG, IBEB, Dacca related to the prosecution case of Maulana Bhasani & others u/s 147/188/151 PPC. The case was that a meeting held at Armanitola maidan on 11.10.1949 by the
followers of AML. Different leaders delivered speeches in the meeting. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered exciting speeches & passed a resolution to demonstrate a procession against the Prime Minister of Pakistan who happened to be present in Dacca on that
day. As a result a procession was brought out led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Maulana Bhasani & Shamsul Haque. The procession paraded the main roads of Dacca town. At Nazira
Bazar crossing it was declared unlawful by the DM. He also ordered the assembly to disperse but the processionists did not pay heed. After completion of the court proceedings SDO(S), Dacca passed the verdict of 3 months R.I for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman while Maulana Bhasani & Shamsul Haque were
acquitted. Dacca, 28 October 1950
In the court of S.D.O.(S) of Dacca.
P.D.V.S Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan and others u/s 147/188/151 P.P.C.
The prosecution case is that on 11.10.49 a meeting was held in the Armanitola
Maidan by the followers of Awami Muslim League, with Accd. No.1 as president. It was held in the afternoon. Speeches were delivered by different leaders of the party. Accd. No.2 (Moulvi Shamsul Haque) also spoke. He is an M.L.A.
The accd. Majibar Rahman who was shown absconding in the C.S. delivered exciting speeches and passed a resolution to demonstrate in a body in a procession against the H.P.M. of Pakistan who happened to be present in Dacca on that day.

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As a result, a rowdy procession was led by accd. No.1 and 2 and the absconding accd. Sk. Majibar Rahman through the main road of the Dacca town.
The Addl. S.P. City (P.W.I.) attended the meeting in the Armanitola maidan with some police officers and became alarmed on account of the exciting speeches. He ran towards Kotwali P.S. and from there, went to the Sadar Ghat, Johnson Road Junction; when the procession was out and coming towards that junction via Islampur Road. He tried to persuade the processionists to disperse but they did not heed to him.
The S.D.O. (N) and the City Dy. S.P.(P.Ws. 3 and 8) followed the procession up to Nowabpur Rly. crossing where Addl. S.P., City and other officers had along arrived to intercept the procession. The processionists suddenly took a turn towards the Rly. Station through the Station Road instead of going to Nowabpur Rly. crossing. So far the processionists did not commit anything violent. They of course surrounded the P.W.I. at Sadarghat with a exciting mood, and the A.S.P. (P.W-1) got alarmed when the procession turned towards the Nazira Bazar. The S.D.O.(N), the Dy. S.P. (Hd. Qrs.), the Addl. S.P., City, C.I. “K”, C.I. “L”, the S.P. and the D.M. and other subordinate officers ran towards the Nazirabazar level crossing one after another. They apprehended that the processionists would cross the Nazirabazar crossing and proceed towards the Ramna area to created disturbance. This apprehension was due to the speech of Sk. Majibar Rahman who said in the Maidan meeting that the procession must go on facing police bullets and lathis if necessary. When the procession reached the Nazira Bazar level crossing, they found the Rly. gate close. It was so because Mymensingh train had reached just then, police force began to come there from different outposts and from Lalbagh by order of the S.P. Tear-gas squad also reached the place.
The Sub-ordinate police force formed a cordon to oppose the onward march of the processionists. This irritated the processionists over meet. They began to display sticks and umbrellas and some of their started throwing brick bats. The S.D.O. (North) P.W-3) and eight constables were injured with the brick-bats. The accd. No.1, 2 and Sk. Majibar Rahman headed the procession. The D.M.(P.W-7 finding the processionists going out of control and using force and violence declared it unlawful and commanded it to disperse, but the procession did not obey his orders. So tear gas shells were fired to step the pouring of brick bats on the police and the Magistrates.

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It was then Mughreb prayer time. Accd. I & 2 and some others went aside and stared their Mughrib prayers. The police officer arrested 19 persons on the spot. The processionists then dispersed. Accd. No. 1 and Sk. Majibar Rahman were not arrested on the spot.
The S.D.O. (North) lodged written ejahar in the Kotwali P.S. that very night after getting his injury dressed by the medical officer. The C.I. “K” investigated the case and submitted charge sheet against six accd. persons, ( four being out of the nineteen arrested persons and the Maulana Bhasani accd. No. 1 and Sk. Majibar Rahman (accd. No.6) 15 arrested persons were not charge sheeted as there no sufficient evidence against …(missing from the original document due to page damage) is the long
and short …(missing from the original document due to page damage) the prosecution story.
Prosecution examined 18 P.Ws. A prima facie case having out against accd.
persons charge was framed against there … (missing from the original document due to page damage) 188 P.P.C. and afterwards u/s 151 P.P.C., the accd. were examined after xx examination of the P.Ws.
The accd. pleaded not guilty and accd. no.1 (Moulana Bhasani) made long statement in his examination. He said that he headed the procession in order to demonstrate Muslim feelings against the food policy of the Central Govt. Oppression of Muslims in Kashmir etc. He further said that he did not hear the order of dispersal passed by the D.M.
Accd. No.2 Shamsul Haque, M.L.A., also says that he persuaded the processionists to disperse when the Addl. S.P., City requested him to do so. Then he went aside to say his Mughrib prayers with the accd. No.1. Accd. Majibar Rahman says that he left the procession when the police opposed the onward march of the processionists. Similarly other three accd. also pleaded not guilty.
Now let me look into the evidence of the P.Ws. and see how far the prosecution has succeeded in establishing their charge against the six accd. persons:- P.W. 1 Addl. S.P., City says that S.D.O. (N) who is P.W. -3 at first declared the assembly unlawful when brickbats were first showered by the processionists and he was hurt. Then the D.M. also ordered the assembly to disperse but the processionists did not pay heed. They continued brick-bating Accd. Shamsul Haque, (M.L.A.), Moulana Abdul Hamid Bhasani, Moulvi Majibar Rahman were leading the procession but they could not keep the … (missing from the original document due to page damage) under control.

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He further says that when he wanted to persuade the M.L.A. (accd.) at Sadarghat to stop the procession there was a halla at and some processionists said, “Don’t hear him”, “Don’t hear him.” He also says that accd. Shamsul Haq. M.L.A. and Mvi. Majibar Rahman gave speeches in the Maidan meeting and organised the procession.
Though the procession itself was not an unlawful gathering it ultimately became violent and rowdy and hit on the S.D.O. and eight constables. The leaders could not keep their followers no…(missing from the original document due to page damage, violent. This is the tragedy of leadership. In his examination …(missing from the original document due to page damage) says that from the Maidan up to the Nazira Bazar level crossing procession was not violent. There was no violence, no looting, …(missing from the original document due to page damage) brick bating of any kind. Accd. Majibar Rahman said that if res … (missing from the original document due to page damage) was given they would face bullets and go with their procession …(missing from the original document due to page damage) such a grim resolve? Why did he forecast that bullets may fall …(missing from the original document due to page damage, them? This shows that they had some serious common object in vie …(missing from the original document due to page damage) prosecution of which they might face bullets.
The S.P. (P.W.2) and the Addl. S.P. (P.W.1) apprehended that these accd. persons and other processionists would go on in the procession right up to the residence of the H.P.M. of Pakistan … (missing from the original document due to page damage) E.P. to create disturbance of peace and order, when the Hon’ …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan was in Dacca. He further says that accd. Shamsul Haque said that the procession would be peaceful. accd. Majibar Rahman was with Shamsul Haque when this was said but he said and kept silent. Then again, accd. Shamsul Haque approached of the level crossing when other processionists were shouting …(missing from the original document due to page damage) the gate” we shall go on etc., Shamsul Haque asked the procession to keep peace but none cared to obey him. It was a bit past Mugrib prayers. When Shamsul Haque failed to control his party he …(missing from the original document due to page damage) to say his Mughrib prayers when the tear gas shells were fired step brick batting etc. This shows that accd. Shamsul Haque ….(missing from the original document due to page damage) to maintain peace but failed.
P.W. S.D.O. (North). He saw the processionist …(missing from the original document due to page damage) stricks and umbrellas and they wanted to cross the Rly… (missing from the original document due to page damage) Nazira Bazar level crossing. It was dusk. The processionists started batting when they were not allowed to cross the gate. The D.M. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) the Assembly unlawful and

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ordered the processionsts to dispersed they did not disperse. He receive bleeding injury on his head. He … (missing from the original document due to page damage) not see who actually threw the brick bats. He could not identify … (missing from the original document due to page damage) accd. persons on the dock. He named the accd. persons in the F.I.R from the reports of Police Officers on duty.
Eight constables received injuries after him 5 or 6 minutes after he was wounded, there was firing of Tear gas shells and lathise charge by the Police under D.M’s order. He did not see any arrest … (missing from the original document due to page damage) he went away to the hospital after he was wounded when brick bating had just begun, he heard the D.M. saying “the procession is unlawful “ let it be dispersed”. He had no personal knowledge, if the accd. Moulana and accd. Majibar Rahman took leading part in the procession. He heard it from the Police Officers.
P.W.-4 He is a Yard Master, Rly. He saw the processionnist throwing brick bats when they were resisted by the Police at the Nazira Bazar level crossing. 20/25 cubits off. He does not know D.M. (It is not likely to know D.M.) he is Railway menial.
P.W.-5 Rly. gate man. He also saw the processionists throwing brick- bats when they were resisted at the gate. (It was night time it was certainly Mughrib time).
P.W.-6 Rly. Points-man- He does not know D.M. (it is not likely everybody to know D.M.). He entered duty room when he saw gulmal did not hear D.M’s order of dispersal.
P.W.-7 (D.M.) He got a phone from the police while he at his bunglow to the effect that a mob was proceeding towards the Ramna area. He proceeded to Nowabpur Rly. crossing to stop the …(missing from the original document due to page damage, but they changed route and proceeded to Nazira Bazar crossing …(missing from the original document due to page damage found the crowd in a defiant attitude and determined to enter the Ramna area through the Nazira Bazar crossing. They did not dispassed on my order, but threw brick bats and caused injuries to S.D.O (N) some constables. They were armed with lathis and sticks xx in …(missing from the original document due to page damage) examinination he says. “If the processionists would not have been …(missing from the original document due to page damage) violent, and armed with lathis, I would surely have all …(missing from the original document due to page damage) cross over to Ramna area” when I asked them to disperse they became very rowdy and violent” , “ I called some processionists … (missing from the original document due to page damage) and told them to go back and disperse. But they did not …(missing from the original document due to page damage) to the crowd from very close quarter till 5 P.M. there was …(missing from the original document due to page damage) for section 144 Cr.P.C.

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P.W.-8 (Dy. S.P.H.Q.) He went with S.D.O. (North) to Nowabpur gate and then to the Nazira Bazar level crossing. The Rail Gate was closed at that time, because one train was due to pass … (missing from the original document due to page damage) processionists, tried to go over to Ramna side by opening the gate. The Police resisted. The processionists tried to force their…(missing from the original document due to page damage, Ramna and threw brick bats on us” The crowd did not disperse after D.M.’s dispersal order. I saw accd. Moulana Sb. and accd. Shamsul Haque in the crowd. I did not see accd. Moulana Sb. after the dispersed by the D.M. I saw him offering Mughrib prayer.
P.W.-9 (S.I. of Police) Nurul Haque. He attended meeting in the maidan and heard the speeches of accd. S. Haq. M. Rahman and knew their resolution to go out in a procession … (missing from the original document due to page damage) identifies the six accd. persons. He recognised accd. Moulana S. Haque and Mvi. M. Rahman in the procession and recognised …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Shamsul Huda, Abdur Rouf and Fazlul Haque by seeing their … (missing from the original document due to page damage) arrests were made within half an hour. The D.M. asked the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) where the processionsts wanted to open the Rly. gate by … (missing from the original document due to page damage) Rahman refusing …(missing from the original document due to page damage) disperse. I arrest Shamsul Haque near the gate.
P.W.-10 A.S.I. (Kotwali). He was with P.W.-1 at Sadarghat the processionists were persuaded not to go in a procession…(missing from the original document due to page damage) processionists wanted to cross the Rly. Gate by force. Police the brick bats were hurled by them on the police and other officer S.D.O. (N) and some constables were injured. S.I. Nurul Haque and arrested accd. Abur Rouf”.
P.W.-11 (M.O., Dacca Hospital Medical College):- He examined S.D.O. (N) at 6-40 P.M. in the Emergency room on the date of occur. It is evident that S.D.O. (N) left the place of occurrence some … (missing from the original document due to page damage) before the disturbance had ended.
P.W.-12 H.C., Lalbagh armed Police). He came at 6 P.M. and the processionists trying the cross the level crossing. The local …(missing from the original document due to page damage) gave opposition. The processionists threw brick bats on the police saw S.D.O. (N) there in an injured condition. He arrested 3/4 … missing from the original document due to page damage) with the help of others.
P.W.-13- He is a constable of Nawabpur Out-Post. He says … constables used our lathis in forming a cordon to give resistance received a brick-bating injury “The D.M., reached the place short after our opposition” “I was taken to Rly. Hospital.”
P.W.-14 A constable of Lalbagh armed Police. He says …(missing from the original document due to page damage) sunset there was an alarm in the Lalbagh P.S. then he came in … (missing from the original document due to page damage) van with 30 constables at the time of Mughrib prayers. Evident …(missing from the original document due to page damage) party came when troubles had already begun. He came when Tear gas were being fired and the processionists were also hurling brick.

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P.W.-15- Constable of Lalbagh Police Line. He joined … missing from the original document due to page damage) constables and gave resistance. He arrested two persons with …(missing from the original document due to page damage) of other constables.
XX it was dark at that time. He used Respirator to guard … (missing from the original document due to page damage) So he could not see anybody properly. He also received brick bat injuries.
P.W.-16. A constable of Kayettoly out-post. He came to the for duty and saw the processionist trying to cross the gate of crossing. He resisted with other constables. He received brick …(missing from the original document due to page damage) injury and arrested two porcessionists with the help of other. The processionists did not disperse when teargas shell …(missing from the original document due to page damage) They renewed brick batting.
XX. The D.M. arrived when birck batings had already beg was Mughrib prayer time, we pushed the processionists with …(missing from the original document due to page damage) they tried to March towards the north. Then brick bating sta …(missing from the original document due to page damage) bating came after tear gassing.” It appears that he means …(missing from the original document due to page damage) bating after the tear gassing. He has said in his examination … (missing from the original document due to page damage) that the processionists started brick bating first.
P.W.-17 C.I. of Police, Kotwali-P.S. I deputed him Nazira bazar crossing in the afternoon. When the processionists …(missing from the original document due to page damage) gate which was closed by the Rly. people. They were opposition processionsts then began to throw brick bats. S.D.O. (N) constables received injury. The B.M. then arrived and … (missing from the original document due to page damage) Assembly unlawful and ordered the processionists to dispen …(missing from the original document due to page damage) continued brick bating.
P.W.18. He was C.I. of “K” Circle, now Dy. S.P. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Case and submitted charge sheet against the six accd. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) following accd. Majibar Rahman as absconding as he was not found …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Jurisdiction after the C.S. was submitted against 4 out of the 19 …(missing from the original document due to page damage) persons for want of evidence C.S. was not submitted against …(missing from the original document due to page damage) Most of the arrested persons belonged to other districts. I have discussed the evidence of all the P.Ws. The accds. have not adduced any …(missing from the original document due to page damage) witnesses. They have simply cross examined the P.Ws. and … (missing from the original document due to page damage) not guilty to the charges, Judging from the facts and evidence or 18 P.Ws. the case in a nut shell appears to be as follows:

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The accd. persons with hundreds of Awami Muslim League members came out in a procession on 11.10.49 when the H.P.M. of Pakistan was in Dacca. (2) The processionists wanted to demonstrate their feelings against some actions and policy of Govt. by creating hallas if required and by facing bullets if resisted. (3) The S.P. and the Addl. S.P., City (P.Ws.2 & 1) got scent of the disturbance of peace and order. The P.W. I tried to persuade the processionists to disperse from Sadar ghat and Johnson Road but they created a hulla. The accd. Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. assured the P.W.I. that there will be no disturbance of peace and order (4) Processionists marched on and reached the Nazirabazar level crossing (Rly. gate) (5) There was no looting, no arson, nor any assault on any-body on the way, no brick bating and no violence of any kind. It was …(missing from the original document due to page damage) far a peaceful procession (6) There was no promulgamation of section 144 Cr.P.C. in the City nor any kind of procession was put under bar …(missing from the original document due to page damage) When the procession reached the Nazira Bazar level crossing, the Rly. gate was there closed on account of the passing of a train (8) The S.P. (P.W.2) apprehending that the processionists might create disturbance in the Ramna area where the H.P.M. of Pakistan was staying posted his officers and force at Nazira Bazar and other places to oppose the processionists so that they may not cross the Rly. line and go over to Ramna area. Accd. No.1 Moulana Bhasani Sb. also says in his reply that he wanted to criticise and demonstrate against the food policy of the govt. (9) They wanted to break open the gate or to open the gate by force and to cross over to the Ramna area. The Police constables formed a cordon line by their lathis and pushed back the crowd. Whenever the tried to open the gate by force (vide P.Ws. 13 and 16 and (10) The S.D.O. (North) P.W.-3 had been there with Dy. S.P. H.Q. to control the procession the City S.P. (P.W.1) was also there. They all persuaded the processionists to go back but the reply was given to them by brick bats. The S.D.0. (North) P.W.3 received an injury in his head and it … (missing from the original document due to page damage) bleeding. The D.M. then appeared on the spot and saw the crowd …(missing from the original document due to page damage) violent. He is P.W.-7. He talked with some of the processionists …(missing from the original document due to page damage) close quarters and asked them to disperse but brick bats were still …(missing from the original document due to page damage, hurled. The D.M. then at once declared the procession an unlawful assembly and commanded the crowd to disperse.P.W.-2 (S.P.),P …(missing from the original document due to page damage) (City S.P.), P.W.-S.D.O., P.W.-8 Dy. S.P. and P.W. 9. P.W.-10 …(missing from the original document due to page damage) P.W.-17 and others who are all responsible public servant have that the D.M. P.W.7 had declared the procession and unlawful assembly and commanded the processionists to disperse but as they did not the D.M. ordered firing of tear gas shell when badly injured by brick bats. The procession was there an unlawful assembly of the …….type (11) Now P.W.-8 and P.W.-9 (Dy. S.P. and S.I. of Police … (missing from the original document due to page damage) their evidence that they did not see the accd. Moulana Bhashani …(missing from the original document due to page damage) after the order of dispersal of the crowd was passed

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by the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) the procession was declared unlawful assembly. P.W.-8 there …(missing from the original document due to page damage) offering Mughrib prayers (Sunset prayers). No other P.W. exc. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) saw the Moulana after the order of dispersal but P.W. 17 also did see him at the time of arrest. P.W.-9 identifies all the six accd.
Shamsul Haq, M.L.A. asked the processionists to keep peace the processionists did not pay any heed to him Accd. Majibar Rahman was present at that time but he spoke nothing. He is the accd…(missing from the original document due to page damage) determined to face police bullets, if necessary, for carrying the procession. “Accd. Shamsul Haq gave me to understand that the procession would be peaceful”. Here also Majibar Rahman was present but he spoke. …(missing from the original document due to page damage) nothing. This P.W. had further talks with accd. Shamsul Haq when other …(missing from the original document due to page damage) accd. and processionists were shouting “Open the gate, we shall go on” Evidence of this P.W. shows that accd. Shamsul Haq (M.L.A.) had a mind to take the procession peacefully. It was a bit past Mughrib prayer time (13). The complt. P.W.-3 (S.D.O. (N) who was injured on the head and who went to the hospital before the crowd had dispersed could not identify any accd. He had no personal knowledge about these six accd, persons. Other P.Ws. who are eye witnesses gave names and some P.Ws. identified some accd. persons. P.W.9 identified all the six accd. persons Accd. Shamsul Haq went aside and joined Mughrib prayers with some other persons. He was arrested when he finished his prayers. He tried to keep peace but failed. His motive does not seem to be criminal. Accd. Moulana Sb. was not seen in the crowd where it was commanded to disperse.
I therefore don’t find Moulana Abdul Hamid Bhasani guilty of any offence u/s 147/188 or 151 P.P.C. I therefore acquit him u/s 258 Cr.P.C.
There is doubt about the presence of accd. Shamsul Haq in the assembly to commit the offence of rioting in prosecution of the common object of their unlawful assembly when they (processionists) were commanded to disperse. I gave him the benefit of doubt as he tried to keep peace and order and acquit him u/s 258 Cr.P.C. from all the charges u/s 147/188/151 P.P.C. As regards Accd. Majibar Rahman he was found in the assembly of the processionists by some P.Ws. as discussed above. He did not try to keep peace. He was determined to face bullets (though brick bats were hurled on public servants by the processionists when no bullet was fired.)
He avoided arrest and disappeared from the crowd when arrests were being made. After that he was found absconding- force and violence was used by the processionists in which the accd. was one in prosecution of their common object of causing disturbance of Public peace and thereby he (Majibar Rahman) committed an offence u/s 147 P.P.C. (rioting) after the procession was declared an unlawful assembly by the Distt. Magst.
I therefore convict him u/s 147 P.P.C. and sentence him to undergo R.I. for three months. I acquit him …(missing from the original document due to page damage) charge u/s 151 P.P.C. and 188 P.P.C.

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As regards accd.(1) Syed Mohammad Fazlul Haque (2) Abdul Rouf and (3) Shamsul Huda. They are members of the unlawful assembly in prosecution of the common object of the assembly to commit rioting and to cause disturbance of public peace when they were lawfully commanded to disperse. They were arrested on the spot by constables and other police officers and also identified by P.Ws.-9, P.Ws.12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 are all police constables. They were injured by brickbats thrown by the processionists and they arrested these and other members of the mob after they were commanded to disperse but when they did not disperse and continued rioting.
I find them guilty u/s 147 P.P.C. (rioting) and convict them accordingly. I sentence them to undergo R.I. for three months each. I also find them guilty u/s 188 P.P.C when they disobeyed the order of the District Magistrate who asked them to abstain from committing riot and causing danger to human life and safety and I convict them accordingly. I sentence them to undergo R.I. for three months each. Both the sentences u/s 147 and 188 P.P.C should run concurrently.
In this connection I constrained to observe that … (missing from the original document due to page damage) prosecution was not properly conducted during the trial. The …(missing from the original document due to page damage) who took charge of the prosecution could not attend all the …(missing from the original document due to page damage) on account of his multifarious other engagements. I had to re …(missing from the original document due to page damage) the S.P. to ask the C.I. (Court) to look after the prosecution it was already going uncared for.

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Dist. Intelligence Branch Dacca, the 28th October, 1950
No. 10263/214-49.
Copy forwarded to A.K.M. Hafizuddin, Esq., P.S.P., J.P., Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police, I.B., E.B., Dacca, for favour of information in continuation of this office No. 9428 dated 2.10.50.
Sd/- A. Gafur. 28.10 Addl. Supdt. of Police, D.I.B, Dacca.
Side note: Copy may be placed in files of all the delinquents mentioned in the
Judgments., Sd/ – 30.10 Mujibur Rahman, Sk. S/o Lutfar Rahman of Faridpur


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal sent a confidential memo to Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail that he was directed
to forward a communication (detention order) under BSPO related to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Assistant Secretary requested
to serve the communication.
Dacca, 6 November 1950 By Special Messenger Confidential Immediate.
Government of East Bengal.
Home Department. Special Branch.
From : Maulvi M. Fazlul Bari
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail.
Memorandum No. 2748 H.S., dated Dacca, the 6th November, 1950
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith one communication in duplicate) under Section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East

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Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950) in respect of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and to request you to serve the communication on the person concerned and to report to Government on the action taken. You are requested to forward to Government representation, if any, made by the prisoner, as soon as possible.
Sd/- M.F. Bari.
Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal. Copy, with copy of the enclosure forwarded for information to the:(1) Inspector-General of Prisons, East Bengal, (2) Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal. (3) District Magistrate, Dacca. (4) Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, 8, Kumartuli
Lane, Dacca.
Dacca The 6th November, 1950.
Sd/ the Govt. of East Bengal.
Communication of grounds of detention under section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946 as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-Enactment Act 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950).
In pursuance of section 10C of the Bengal Special Powers Ordinance, 1946 (Bengal Ordinance No. VI of 1946) as enacted and continued in operation by the East Bengal Ordinances Temporary Re-enactment Act 1950 (East Bengal Act VI of 1950), you Moulvi Sheikh Mujibar Rahman, son of Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150 Moghaltuli and 69/1, Khaje Dewan Dacca, at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail under order No. 2667 – H.S., dated 25.10.50 made under clause (a) of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) of section 10A of the said Ordinance are hereby in-formed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds :
That you have been and are associated with the illegal activities of a secret association in the districts of Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts of East Bengal, the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by violent means and that during the years 1947 (after partition), 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca,

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Faridpur, Pabna and Bakarganj will the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim Masses against the Govt. of East Bengal, and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the months of March, April, May, June, July & September, 1948 and January, February, March, September & October, 1949 you along with some anti-Govt. elements carried on mischievous and disruptive propaganda amongst the students and Muslim masses at Dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Faridpur town, Narsingdi and other places and in-cited them to create disorder in the province of East Bengal with the ulterior object of discrediting the Govt. of East Bengal in the estimation of the people of East Bengal for its overthrow. Furnishing of any more facts & particulars than those given above would be against public safety. That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are likely to endanger the existence of public order and safety in this province. You are further informed that you have a right to make a repetition in writing to this Govt. against the order of detention made … (missing from the original document due to page damage)


An Inspector, IBEB, Dacca reported to DS-VI, IBEB that he had been to Dacca Central Jail on 16.11.1950 to interview Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was transferred to Gopalganj sub-jail on
26.10.1950 to attend his trial.
Dacca, 16 November 1950 D.S.- VI I.B – E.B. , DACCA. (Ref:- 606/48-P.F.) Sir,
As ordered. I had been to Dacca C. Jail on 16.11.50 to interview Sk. Mujibar Rahman, security prisoner but he has been transferred to Gopalganj sub-jail on 26.10.50 to undergo his trial there. Again, the D.C. Jail has been intimated on 13.11.50 that he has been lodged now in Faridpur Jail on 29.10.50.
S.N. Mahmud Side Note: Put up in the file pl. Sd/
Inspr. I.B. 16.11.50.

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DIB, Dacca sent a secret report to SS, IBEB, Dacca regarding the strength of AML in terms of membership & peoples support to the
party. The party succeeded to influence particularly the progressive section of the intelligentsia students & some sections of the businessmen in the district. On 11.10.1949 AML organized a meeting at Armanitola maidan on the occasion of the arrival of PM of Pakistan at Dacca. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered an exciting speech. After the meeting they led out a procession & proceeded towards the residence of the PM at the Govt. house. The assembly was declared unlawful. Maolana Bhasani, Shamsul Haque & 18 others were arrested. A case was lodged against
them with Kotwali P.S. Dacca, 16 November 1950
Secret/ Immediate
District Intelligence Branch, Dacca, the 16th /17 November, 1950.
No. 10988/163-49 A. Hussain, Esqr., S.S., I.B., E.B., Dacca. Ref: – Your No. 19421 (17)/613-50 (G1) dated. 11.10.50.
1. No. system of formal enrolment of members of the Awami M.L. came to notice
and it is very difficult to say their present strength in terms of membership. On enquiries from different sources/ and secret as it could be ascertained the
organisation is said to have about 8000 members in this district. 2. The organisation holds a good deal of influence over the progressive section of
the intelligentsia students and some sections of the businessmen in the district. 3. The Organisation, according to its leaders and supporters, is a constitutional
body and they believe in their success by peaceful and constitutional methods, but on 11.10.49 they organised a meeting at Arminatola Maidan (Dacca) with Maulana Bhashni in the chair, on the occasion of the arrival of the H.P.M. (pak) at Dacca and criticised the Cabinet members. Sk. Mujibar Rahman, a member of the A.M.L. delivered an exciting speech. After the meeting they led out a procession shouting anti-Govt. sologans and proceeded towards the residence

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of the H.P.M. at the Govt. House, Dacca. Near the Fulbaria Rly Crossing the processionists took to violence and the assembly was declared unlawful and dispersed thereafter by the Police, resulting in the redhanded arrest of Shamsul Haq (M.L.A.) and 18 others. Maulana Bhasani was also subsequently arrested in this connection (vide Kotwali P.S. case No. 19 (10) 49 u/s 147/325 P.P.C. and 7(3) B.S.P.O. the case ended in conviction of 4 accused and acquital of the Maulana.
Present set up of things continuing the organisation has possibilities of its expansion playing on the sentiment of the people that the ML Organisation is only a monopoly of a particular section of the leaders to exploit the masses.


Copy of Faridpur DIB memo dated 21.11.1950 was sent to SSP, IBEB, Dacca that there was no organized committee of AML in
Faridpur. Due to arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the committees of Gopalganj & Madaripur subdivisions were not
working properly. On 19.7.1949 a public meeting was held at Gopalganj organized by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Abdus Salam Khan of AML in defiance of prohibitive orders 144 Cr.P.C. & they were prosecuted u/s 188 Cr.P.C. It was presumed that due to the detention of its important leaders & the influence of the local ML leaders, they (AML) would not be able to make much progress.
Dacca, 21 November 1950
Copy of Faridpur D.I.B. Memo No.4864/61-49 dated the 21st Nov. 1950 to the Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B.E.B. Dacca. Ref: – Your No.19421 (17)/613-50 Gl. dated 11.10.50.
1. There is no organised District Committee of the Awami Muslim League in this
district. Sub divisional Committees were however formed at Gopalganj and Madaripur Subdivisions, in 1949 but due to the arrest of Sk. Mujibar Rahman under the S.P.O. these committee are not properly functioning now. According to the membership tickets sole last year the number of members was reported to
be about 9000. There was no information about any fresh recruitment this year. 2. Due to the timely arrest of Maulana Abdul Hamid (of Bhashani) and Sk.
Mujibar Rahman and wide spread influence of the local leaders of the official

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League, this organisation could neither have any footing in this district nor could
it create any influence in the minds of the general public. 3. On 19.7.49 Sk. Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj
and Abdus Salam Khan, M.A., B.L. s/o late Abdul latif of Bejra, P.S. Muksudpur and of Faridpur town, two important members of the Awami Muslim League, held a public meeting at Gopalganj in defiance of prohibitive orders u/s 144 Cr. P.C. They were prosecuted u/s 188 Cr.P.C. and the case is
subjudice. 4. Although secret information shows that some of the important members and
sympathisers of this League are trying to popularise the party among the mass, it is presumed that due to the detention of its ring-leaders in Jail and the influence of the local League leaders, they will not be able to make much headway.

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Security-convict prisoner Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Faridpur Jail, submitted a letter to DIG, IBEB, Dacca about his serious illness.
He stated as regards to his frequent transfer from one jail to another which caused him much pain. The trial of his case was unnecessarily delayed by shifting the dates. It would be a matter of serious inconvenience for him if he had to attend in the court of Gopalgonj on all the dates from Faridpur Jail as the journey took
long time & much tiresome.
Dacca, 24 November 1950 Faridpur, 24 November 1950 To The D.I.G. I.B.E.B., Dacca Sir,
I am a Security Prisoner, arrested uls the Special Power Ordinance a year ago. During my detention a case under section 147 P.P.C was started against me and I was sentenced to R.I. 3 months, the term of which expires on the 11th Dec. I was committed to Dacca Central Jail. In the mean time I was transferred to Gopalgonj sub Jail on the 26th Oct. to stand my trial in another Case, which is pending against me u/s 147 P.P.C. in the sub-divisional Court there.
During to the prosecution not being prepared, the date of the trial was altered to the 29th November and for want of accommodation in the sub-Jail there, I was retransferred to Faridpur Jail. I do not know how much time will be taken to end the case. But it will be a matter of great inconvience for me if I am to attend in the Court of Gopalgonj, all dates of case from Faridpur Jail. A single journey from Gopalgonj to Faridpur required 60 hours, and the route and conveyance generally used are proverbial tiresome
After a detention of one year my headache has deteriorated much and I am no longer fit to undertake such a troublesome and tiresome journey for an indefinite period of time. Also I am suffering from bronchial affection and attack of continuous cold. Under the circumstance I suggest that in all fairness to me and to my trial, I be

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released on 11th Dec. on which date my term of the present sentence expires. If this is not possible for the govt. I may be kept interned in the thana compound of Gopalgonj during the pendency of the case. Failing these two alternatives, may I request you kindly to detain me during the time either in Khulna or Barisal Jail which and more continuous to Gopalgonj and the communication to and from there and more convenient and easy. attested Sd/ – 24.11.50
Yours sincerely Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security-convict District Jail, Faridpur

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Superintendent, Faridpur Jail sent a confidential memo to DIG, IB, Dacca, in which he attached a petition from convicted S.Pr. Shiekh Mujibur Rahman for his release or transfer to Barisal or Khulna Jail for facilitating his court attendance at Gopalganj.
Faridpur, 29 November 1950
Memo No. 2166/E.B., dated the 29th November, 1950. To The Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, Dacca.
Subject : Petition from convicted Security prisoner Shiekh Mujibar Rahman for
release or transfer to Barisal or Khulna Jail for the facility of attending Court at Gopalganj to answer a charge there.
A petition for the above-named Security prisoner detained under G.O. No. 2667-H.S. dated 25.10.50, who has been convicted u/s 147 P.P.C. by S.D.O. (S), Dacca and sentenced to R.I. for 3 months on 12.9.50 is forwarded for favour of disposal.
Sd/- 29.11 Superintendent Faridpur Jail


DS-6, IBEB, Dacca sent a secret memo along with a petition dated 24.11.1950 to SP, DIB, Faridpur for S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman detained at Faridpur Jail. He requested to send back the
same with his comments.
Dacca, 8 December 1950 Secret
No. 23388/606-48 PF(c) dt. 9.12.50. To The Supdt.of Police, DIB Faridpur.

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In forwarding here with a petition dated 24.11.50 for Spr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman, now detained in the Faridpur Jail,’ I would request you to return the same at a very early date together with your comments.
Sd/D.S.6 for SS 3
Sd/ – 8.12


An officer interviewed S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Faridpur Jail on 5.12.50. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stated that all along till partition of Bengal as an ML worker he followed the directions of
the ML leaders for the achievement of Pakistan. In 1947 when there was mass Muslim killing in Behar, he worked for relief even
risking his life. He criticized the ministry of East Bengal. His attitude was very stiff & expressed it would be better to die in jail
than to go out conditionally.
Faridpur, 11 December 1950
Re: – interview of S.Pr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman of Gopalganj, Faridpur.
I interviewed S.Pr. Sk. Mujibar Rahman in Faridpur Jail on 5-12-50. In course of conversation the S.Pr. said that he was all along till partition of Bengal a Muslim League worker and kindly followed the directions of the M. L. leader for achievement of Pakistan. In 1947 when there was mass Muslim killing in Behar he was deputed there for relief work when he worked for about 2 months and did not care even for the life. He criticised the present Ministry of East Bengal for their inability of doing anything towards the development of the Country. He also said that the present minister must be removed from their chairs because they were the puppets in the hands of the Central Cabinet. There must be same new and young brain to fight out the cause of East Bengal. He criticised the recommendation of B.P.C. and said that there should be strong province wide opposition from East Bengal to the constitution other wise East Bengal would be reduced to a colony. His

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attitude was very stiff and said that it would be better to die in Jail than to go out conditionally. He expressed that he must resume politics after release.


A paper cutting of the Pakistan Observer with caption ‘Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman produced in court’ was published on 12.12.1950. The report was communicated by Gopalganj correspondence. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was serving detention without trial for about a year, produced in the local court with a charge sheet under section 143/188 Cr.P.C. The hearing of the case was adjourned till 3rd January 1951.
Dacca, 12 December 1950
Pakistan Observer. dt. 12.12.50

Page: 552
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Produced In Court
(From A Correspondent)
GOPALGANJ, (Delayed). Sheikh Majibur Rahman, Joint Secretary, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, who is now serving detention without trial for about a year, was produced in the local court with a charge sheet under section 143/188 Cr. P.C.
The hearing of the case was ad-journed till 3rd January 51, as the other accused Mr. A. Salam would not be present.
The charge, it is gathered, against the accused is that they participated at a meeting of the Awami Muslim League at court mosque on 18.7.49 in contravention of the S.D.O’s order banning all public meetings. The Awami League, it is stated, at the commencement of the meeting “got their people into the mosque on the plea of saying their Johur prayer and attending a milad which was to follow. The milad was transformed a political meeting later.
Side note:
DS-VI pl.Sd/ – 14.12. Place in the file of Sk. Mujibar Rahman. SS. III may like to see. Sd/-15.12


A review of the case of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the quarter ending September 1950 along with the recommendations of DM, Dacca for further period of 6 months detention & fourth addendum to the Brief History was sent by SSP, IBEB, Dacca to Deputy Secretary, Govt. of EB. In the review report he also stated regarding his detention, conviction u/s 147 PPC, determination of taking active part in politics after release & unwilling of
conditional release.
Dacca, 19 December 1950
I.B., EAST BENGAL Dacca. No. 23894/606-48 P.F. Dated 19.12. 1950. To Dy. Secy. to Govt. of E.B. Home (Spl.) Deptt., Dacca.

Page: 553
Subject : Review of the case of security prisoner Sk. Mujibur Rahman son of
Lutfar Rahman for the quarter ending Septr.1950.
In forwarding herewith in a sealed cover a copy/of the under mentioned document in respect of the subject together with seven copies of the draft grounds for detention, I am to state that the District Magistrate Dacca recommends his further detention for a period of six months under the Special Powers Ordinance. I concur with the District Magistrate.
1. Fourth addendum to the B.H. 2. Copies of B.H. & its previous addenda are already with Govt.
SS 3 Dy. Inspector General of Police, I.B.
Copy together with a copy of the fourth addendum forwarded to the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B., Dacca for information.
Sd/-16.12 Special Superintendent of Police, I. B. III
Fourth Addendum to the Brief History of the political activities of Sk. Mujibur Rahman, son of Lutfur Rahman of Ta(u)gipara, P.S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and 150, Mogaltuli, and 69/1 Khaja Dewan, Dacca. (Born about 1921) 1. Sk. Mujibar Rahman was detained in Dacca Central Jail under G.O.
No. 2143 H.S. dated 16.9.50. on 12.9.50 the subject was convicted u/s 147 P.P.C and sentenced to undergo R.I. for 3 months by S.D.O. South, Dacca in Connection with Kotwali P.S. case No. 19(10) 49 (vide para 2 of the Third Addendum). Hence the detention order was kept in abeyance under G.O. No. 2667 H.S. dated 25.10.50. The detention order shall come into effect on the expiry or reduction
of the sentence or on his release on bail or acquittal. 2. The subject has since been transferd to the Faridpur Jail. 3. An officer of the Intelligence Branch, Dacca interviewed the subject
on 5.12.50 in the Dacca Central Jail. The subject expressed that he was determined to take active part in politics after release. He criticised the present E.B. Ministry for their alleged inability to do construction. He was unwilling to his conditional release.


4.In view of the stiff attitude of the subject and his potentialities for mischief making, District Magistrate, Faridpur recommends his continued detention for a further period of three months. D.M. Dacca, recommends continued detention of the subject for a further period six months.
In view of the potentialities of the subject for mischief making ! recommend that to be further detained in jail for a period of six months under the B.S.P.O. on the expiry or reduction of the present term of his sentence or on his release on bail or acquittal.
Sd/ – 13.12


SP, DIB, Faridpur sent a secret memo to SSP, IBEB, Dacca, where it was mentioned that he had no objection to the transfer of
S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Khulna Jail.
Faridpur, 19 December 1950
Secret. Express.
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 19th December, 1950.
No. 5182/33-50.
A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca.
Ref: – Your No. 23388/606-48 P.F. (c) dated 9.12.50.
There is no objection to the transfer of the security prisoner to Khulna Jail.
The enclosure is returned herewith.
Sd/-19.12 (M. S. HAQUE) Superintendent Of Police,
DIB, Faridpur.

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, S.Pr., Faridpur Jail wrote a letter to H.S Suhrawardy. In the letter he described the sufferings endured for transferring him from Dacca Jail to Gopalganj then to Faridpur.
He also stated that the difficulties of journey to attend at Gopalganj court in all dates from Faridpur Jail. He added that advocate Abdus Salam Khan would move his ‘Habeas Corpus’ petition in the High Court & requested to send some books for
Faridpur, 21 December 1950
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Security Prisoner District Jail, Faridpur,
East Bengal.
21.12.50 Jonab Suhrawardy Shaheb.
My salam to you. Very glad to hear that Moulana Shaheb is out from the Jail. He was suffering from blood pressure and heart trouble. Last November, I was transferred from Dacca Jail to Gopalganj to produce before the Gopalganj Court. Again I was retransferred to Faridpur Jail because, in the sub-jail, there is no accommodation for the Security Prisoner. I am to attend in all dates of the case from Faridpur Jail. A single Journey from Faridpur to Gopalganj requires 60 hours, the route and the conveyance generally used are proverbially tiresome. I do not know, how long this case will continue, any how I do not care for that. Mr. Abdus Salam Khan came to see me in the Faridpur Jail. He will move my Habeas Corpus petition in the High Court. Mr. Salam Khan also one of the accused in the Gopalganj case. This is the first case, in the history of Pakistan that police entered inside the mosque and used lathi to dispersed the people. Please do not think for me. I know, those who prepared to die for any cause are seldom defeated. Great things are achieved through great sacrifices.

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Allah is more powerful than anybody else, and I want justice from Him.
How you are going on? I can feel that you are very busy. Please convey my salam to Moulana Niaji, Mr. Golam Mohammad Khan, Nowabzada Zulfiquar and other friends of mine. I always remember their love and affection. Please tell them if I get the chance, I must go to Lahore and see them again.
Last October when we met in the Dacca Central Jail gate, you kindly promised to send some books for me. I have not yet received any book. You should not forget that I am alone and books are the only companion of mine. Anyway my days are going on? Please take special care for your health.
Yours affectionately
Side note:
Passed to S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur Superintendent FARIDPUR JAIL. Sd/ – 22.12.50
From Shaikh Mujibur Rahman Security Prisoner Division “1” District Jail Faridpur, East Bengal.
Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy Bar at-Law, Mamdat Vila Davis Road, Lahore West Pakistan.


SP, DIB, Faridpur sent a confidential memo to the Superintendent, Faridpur Jail that all the letters written by the security prisoners were censored and posted except one written by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed to H.S Suhrawardy, which was withheld on security grounds. It was requested to inform the
security prisoner accordingly.
Faridpur, 27 December 1950

Page: 559
District Intelligence Branch Faridpur, the 27th December, 1950.
The Superintendent, Faridpur Jail. Ref:- Your No. 2376, dated 21.12.50.
All the letters written by the security prisoners were censored and posted except one written by Sk. Mujibar Rahman: addressed to Mr. H.S. Suhrawardy, Bar-at-law which is withheld on security grounds. The security prisoner may please be informed accordingly.
Sd/(M.S HAQUE) Superintendent of Police
DIB, Faridpur.
Memo No. 5251/1(1)/dated-27.12
Copy, together with the letter in original, forwarded to A. Hussain, Esq., Spl. Supdt. of Police, I.B., East Bengal, Dacca, for information. The letter contains matters other than personal and domestic affairs.
Enclo: 1 letter & 1 envelope
Sd/- 26.12
(M.S HAQUE) Superintendent of Police
DIB, Faridpur.


Assistant Secretary, Govt. of East Bengal, Home (Jails) department informed through a memo to the DM, Faridpur that
the necessary orders had been issued to the IG, Prisons, East Bengal for the transfer of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, detained in Faridpur Jail to district jail at Khulna for the trial of pending
case against him.
Dacca, 29 December 1950

Page: 560
From : Y.A. Khan Esqr., M.Sc., E.P.C.S.
Assistant Secretary to the Govt. of East Bengal.
To : The District Magistrate, Faridpur. Memorandum No. 2153- H.J. dated, Dacca the 29th December, 1950.
Subject: Transfer of under trial prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman.
Reference : Memorandum No. 2164/S.B. dated the 29th November, 1950 from the Superintendent, Faridpur Jail, forwarding a petition from Sk. Majibur Rahman addressed to Hon’ble Prime Minister East Bengal.
The undersigned is directed to say that necessary orders have been issued to the Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal, for the transfer of security Prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman who it is stated is now confined in the Faridpur jail to the District Jail at Khulna pending the trial of the case against him under section 147 of the Pakistan Penal Code in the Sub-Divisional Court at Gopalganj.
Sd/-Y.A. Khan
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal
Copy forwarded to the Inspector General of Prisons, East Bengal for necessary action.
He is requested to arrange the transfer of prisoner Sk. Majibur Rahman from the Faridpur Jail to the Khulna Jail pending the trial of the case against him under section 147 P.P.C. in the Court at Gopalganj.
Sd/-Y.A. Khan
Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal.
The 29th Dec. 1950
Copy, with copy of the above endorsement forwarded to the Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police, Intelligence Branch, East Bengal, for information.
Sd/- 29.12.50
Asstt. Secy, to the Govt. of East Bengal.
Memo no. 466/606-48 pf(c) dt.9.1.50
Dacca, The 29 Dec, 1950.
Side note: Copy forwarded to the S.P. D.I.B. Faridpur, for, information. D.S.6 for SS3, Sd/-6.1.51.
