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14th February 1969
Mujib’s presence in talks vital, says Abul Quasem

DACCA, Feb 13: Mr. Abul Quasem, General Secretary of the Pakistan Council Muslim league, said today that no parley without Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, chief of the Awami League, would help in peaceful settlement of political issues in East Pakistan.
In a press statement on the proposed dialogue between the President and the Opposition parties, Mr. Abul Quasem, who is also an Opposition stalwart in the National Assembly, said that the presence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the parleys would be more fruitful than representation of his views by some other leaders of his party, who would have limitation to the extent of Sheikh’s advice.

The following is the full text of the statement issued by Mr. Abul Quasem, MNA:
While appreciating the good gesture of the President in expressing his eagerness to settle political issues in a round table conference with the political parties and also his willingness to lift emergency and release of political prisoners to create a congenial atmosphere for successful parleys with the Opposition political parties. I am shocked to note that the President expressed his inability to release Sheikh Mujibur Rahman because of his involvement in the conspiracy case along with some personnel of the Armed Forces.

It may be recalled that the DAC in its eight-point demand included the demand for release of all political prisoners, including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In our suance to this programme the DAC Convener sought permission from the Government to see Sheikh Mujib and to discuss with him the pros and cons of the political situation obtaining in the country. The Government of Pakistan before permitting the DAC Convener, was convinced of the unquestionable patriotism of Sheikh Mujib. After this clear recognition of his patriotism and leadership by all the Opposition parties, the President’s denial to release Sheikh Mujib tantamounts to suspecting the patriotism of all political parties representing the people of this country.
He should bear in mind that the presence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the parley would be more fruitful and effective than representation of his views by some other leaders of his party who would have limitation to the extent of Sheikh’s advice.

Further the President should not ignore the great leader Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, who has been working of the uplift of the masses for nearly about 50 years without break. The President should extend invitation to him for parleys either with DAC or in a separate sitting as Maulana Sahib desires.
I urge upon the President to recognise the fact that no parleys without Maulana Bhashani and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will help in peaceful settlement of political issues in East Pakistan. -PPI.

সুত্র: সংবাদপত্রে বঙ্গবন্ধু: পঞ্চম খণ্ড ॥ ষাটের দশক ॥ চতুর্থ পর্ব ॥ ১৯৬৯