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Morning News
20th February 1969
Release of Mujib a must: says Asghar

LAHORE, Feb, 19 (PPI): Air Marshal Asghar khan has called upon President Ayub to agree to adult franchise as basis for elections to the presidential office and the legislatures, repeal of the Press Ordinance, release of all political prisoners and adequate steps to meet student’s genuine demands.
The four points have been placed before the President as “suggestions” for implementation while the Air Marshal can discuss with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the question of his participation or otherwise in the round table conference after the latter’s release.
In a telegram to President Ayub here this morning, Air Marshal Asghar Khan said the projected dialogue can serve a useful purpose if it included leaders of all political parties. As such, he pointed out, the release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a must.
Following is the text of the Air Marshal’s telegram:
“Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan, Rawalpindi.
Thank you for your telegram inviting me for talks at Rawalpindi to discuss the political situation. Such talks to be useful must include leaders of important political parties. Therefore consider release of Sheikh Mujib? but Rahman essential. Will communicate my reply after Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is released and I have had opportunity to meet him. In the meantime, would suggest that you agree to one, adult franchise for election of National and Provincial Assemblies and president; two-repeal of Press and Publication ordinance, three-release of all prisoners involved in political cases, four-take steps to resolve students’ genuine demands immediately,-Mohammad Asghar Khan”.

সুত্র: সংবাদপত্রে বঙ্গবন্ধু: পঞ্চম খণ্ড ॥ ষাটের দশক ॥ চতুর্থ পর্ব ॥ ১৯৬৯