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Replace Bengali script says Pak journals

From our Special Correspondent NEW DELHI, JUNE 16For the sake of integration the Bengali script described as Sanskrit must be replaced by the Arabic or Persian script in Bangladesh. This view is expressed by at least two West Pakistani journals.
This measure had been advocated by the Pakistan Economist on June 5 and 11 and the Weekly Mail on June 4 and 10. Both the journals discovered that the use of the “Sanskrit” script was one of the reasons behind the alienation of the eastern wing from the western part of Pakistan.
But the Pakistan Economist was more of a realist when it tabulated that the economic disparity between the two wings and arrogant behavior of the bureaucrats mostly Punjabi Muslims were among many factors which antagonized the people of East Bengal.
Meanwhile an editorial in the Pakistan Times on June 8 confessed openly that the Pakistani Press was “cooperative and docile”
The newspaper admitted that Pakistan had failed in he propaganda bid in foreign countries meaning the Western countries mainly.

Reference: Hindustan Standard 17.6.71