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Solution needs Awami League support: Amin

KARACHI, JUNE 21.- Mr. Nurul Amin, former Chief Minister of East Pakistan and the province’s only non Awami League member of the National Assembly, said on Saturday that settlement of the present Pakistani political impasse could not be put off for long, says AFP. A political solution, Mr. Amin said would be ideal, but the main need was to create conditions for economic recovery to relieve suffering in East Bengal.
Recently Mr. Amin told French journalists at his Dacca home that a political solution would need to win support from Awami League members in the National Assembly.
The Military Governor of East Bengal General Tikka Khan to returning, Dacca on Saturday claimed India had seriously exaggerated the number of East Bengal refugees crossing its borders, says AP.
The total number of refugees from Bangladesh entering India had not exceeded one million he said.
Talking to newsmen at Karachi airport Gen. Tikka Khan noted that railroads and bridges between Dacca and Chittagong destroyed in the fighting were still damaged. Only one bridge he said had so far been repaired.

Reference: Hindustan Standard 22.6.71

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