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JP’s appeal to world leaders

UNITED NATIONS, JUNE 13.-Leaders of the world have still time, though not too much time, to solve the Bangladesh problem and restore peace, the Sarvodaya Leader, Mr. Jayaprakash Narayan, said today addressing a rally before the United Nations, says PTI.
If they did not intervene the while sub-continent and the whole area would be scathing with trouble with unknown consequences for the whole world, he warned.
Nearly 1,000 persons had marched from New York’s Central Park to the United Nations in a demonstration organised by the Save Bangladesh Committee.
On the way they had demonstrated before the Pakistani Mission in New York.
(Earlier about 30 West Pakistanis had marched from the United Nations to the Indian Mission and demonstrated there accusing India of intervention.)
At the rally itself there were about 250 people. By the time the rally began, it had begun to rain and many drifted away, though others stared behind to hear among others Mr. Jayaprakash Narayan and Mr. Iqbal Ahmed, a West Pakistani teaching in the USA and one of the accused in the Berrigan brothers conspircy case.
Mr. Narayan, who is now on world tour, said throughout the world the West Pakistani propaganda was saying that the trouble in Bangladesh was the India-Pakistan problem or the Hindu-Muslim problem.
But thanks to foreign corespondents, the world had slowly become aware of the real issue and the Pakistani prepagandists attempts to fool the world and hide their crimes had failed.

Reference: Hindustan Standard 17.6.1971