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Bangla problem dominates PM’s talks with Heath

LONDON, OCT. 31.—The Bangladesh problem dominated the talks Mrs. Gandhi had with Mr. Heath today at the British Prime Minister’s country residence, Chequers, outside London, report agencies.
Mrs. Gandhi later said that she was “on the whole satisfied” with her talks with Mr. Heath.
According to informed sources, there were : (1) Identity of assessment made by both parties of the Bangladesh situation, (2) the common desire to find a political solution of the problem and (3) recognition of the principle that such a political settlement must be acceptable to the elected and accepted political leaders of East Bengal.
An official communique reported that the two leaders discussed the consequences of the East Bengal situation,
“They also discussed other wider international questions which arise from Britain’s entry into the European Economic Community and the international monetary and trade problems,” it added.
A. P. adds: A letter calling on India to recognise Bangladesh was handed to Mrs. Gandhi, here yesterday.
The letter was from the “Action committee for the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in the United Kingdom” who organised a rally in Hyde Park, reports DPA.
About 2,000 persons attended the rally and marched to the London Hotel where Mrs. Gandhi has been staying during her visit to this country.
For ‘security reasons’ Mrs. Gandhi was not allowed to accept the letter from the delegation, but her secretary took it.
An Indian Government spokesman here yesterday repudiated Pakistani propaganda that only two and a half million refugees had entered India, while others were Hindus and infiltrators who had earlier been driven out of East Bengal, adds PTI.
The spokesman said the World Bank had accepted the refugee figure at 9.5 million and asked the international community to share Indla a burden of caring for them which was estimated at $700 million for the current year.
Pakistan, the spokesman added, also had been carrying on a false propaganda that India was discriminating against Hindu and Muslim refugees. “We have not made any distinction and all refugees stay together and all will go back to Bangladesh. The Awami League leadership is committed to socialism, secularism and democracy and Bangladesh leaders have declared they would welcome all refugees back.”

Reference: Hindustan Standard 1.11.1971

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