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The world must be shocked by harrowing accounts of genocide perpetrated against the people of Bangladesh by statocratic and aristocratic regime of East Pakistan and must raise its voice in anguish to express its sense of outrage at the crimes committed by an increasingly unpopular military junta against the defenseless people of East Bengal.
But again and again we warn the unpopular military regime of East Pakistan that genocide is not the end of a people’s legitimate aspiration for political freedom; it is not even the beginning of the end but rather the end of the beginning of a more determined effort to fight against forces that oppress.
The military regime of West Pakistan may deceive itself in thinking that it has succeeded in suppressing the political aspirations of the people of Bangladesh but we wish to point out to it that the time is coming, and now is, that the blood of millions of East Pakistanis they killed in cold blood would be on its ugly head.
The Palaver: An Independent Weekly

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