পাক-বাহিনীর হত্যাযজ্ঞের ওপর চিলি, তুরস্ক এবং অস্ত্রীয় পত্রিকার মন্তব্য
এল মাকুরিও, আকসাম সলজবার্গার নাকরিকটেন
7 April, 1971
“The hundred dead in My Lai massacre shook deeply the conscience of the whole world and caused an internal crisis in the United States because the free press in the United States published and broadcast these events. 300.000 or 20,000 (although the difference is large the fact remains the same) dead bodies in the streets of East Bengal cities do not shake up world opinion because there are no moving pictures or versions of these past events.”
“Apparently relations between West and East Pakistan are of the colonial type. The two wings have nothing in common but religion. East Pakistanis are fighting a national liberation war against Pakistani colonialists…”
“No matter whether the Republic of Bengal survives or not. If Bengalis were to be crushed by Pakistani bayonets, we will have the sbsurd phenomenon of a majority of population in a State hating it more than anything else. In Biafra and Southern Sudan, the majority was oppressing the minority. In East Pakistan just the contrary is true.”