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প্রেস কনফারেন্সে ভাষণ
১৪ জানুয়ারি ১৯৭২, ঢাকা।

Bangladesh has now taken its place as an independent sovereign State in the World community. In order to attain this cherished goal, millions have had to lay down their lives and all sections of the people have undergone extreme sufferings and made untold sacrifices. I recall with reverence the sacred memory of the millions of martyrs, who lost their lives and salute the heroes—young and old, peasants and workers, students and Government servants and in particular the brave sons of Bangladesh in the Armed Forces in the East Bengal Regiment, the former EPR, former Ansars, former Mujahids, Police and all sections of the. Muktibahini, who united together to resist the oppressor.

The savagery of the Pakistan forces has left our country totally devastated. Systematic genocide has exterminated almost 3 million lives. Millions of homes have been burnt down. Entire villages have been wiped out. Among those that survived, millions were reduced to being refugees, having had to leave their homes in order to save their lives and the honour of their women-folk. Those who remained behind have suffered inhuman tortures and many have had their property looted.”

As a result, the economy is in a shattered state. The most urgent task is that of reconstructing the economy. The economy must be restored. Food, shelter and clothing must be provided. Educational institutions must once again function and education must be made accessible to all section of the people. Relief and rehabilitation has to proceed on an emergency basis.

Out of the ashes that have been left by the barbarous hordes of Yahya Khan, a new society must be built up from its very foundations. The people of Bangladesh had always aspired to establish on their soil a just society free from exploitation. The Bangali people have had to pay very dearly in order to attain this aim. Having regard to our population, our resources and the basic economic realities with which we are confronted, it will only be possible to fulfil the aspirations of the people by establishing a socialist economy. New planning machinery manned by the most competent professionals is undertaking the task of preparing a comprehensive blue-print for a new economy. Such a blue-print will involve institutional changes in the field of agriculture, ‘industries and finance.

These new institutions will seek to fully mobilize our material and human resources. They will further seek to maximise production; consistently with the aim of narrowing down social and economic inequalities.
While such a blue-print is being prepared with the utmost speed, certain tasks are being undertaken on an emergency basis. The first is relief and rehabilitation, for which a comprehensive plan has been drawn up.
Mobilization of resources from home and abroad must immediately be undertaken. We urgently need assistance from abroad to supplement our own resources for this purpose. I appeal to all States, to the freedom loving people of the world and to international humanitarian organisations generously to come to our assistance in all spheres, including assistance in maintaining supply of essential commodities which are urgently required.

I would like to express my gratitude, and the gratitude of the people of Bangladesh, to all freedom loving States for their support, material and moral in the national liberation struggle. I would like to record our special debt of gratitude to India, to Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India and her Government and her great people for the total support extended by them to our struggle. I would similarly like to specially thank the Soviet Union and its Great people for the consistent support extended by them to our cause, and for the invaluable role played by her in the United Nations. I would also like to express gratitude to Poland, Bulgaria and other East European countries, France and the United Kingdom. I would also like to thank the freedom loving people, Journalists and leaders of thought and opinion throughout the world, including those of the United States of America who supported our cause.

I thank those States that have accorded recognition to us, India, Bhutan, the German Democratic Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Mongolia and Burma. The Bengali people have consistently supported freedom struggles throughout the world in Asia, Africa and Latin America. I, therefore, expect States all over the world specially those who have had to struggle for their independence, to extend recognition to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and to support its membership in the United Nations. As regards our relations with Pakistan, I expect Mr. Bhutto to accept the reality of the independent and sovereign People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
I expect that the People’s Republic of China, which itself had attained liberation by armed struggle against warlords, feudal and colonial exploiters, should recognise the heroic success of our national liberation struggle. I hope that the People’s Republic of China will now come forward to recognise the reality of the independent sovereign People’s Republic of Bangladesh, so that a basis may be established for mutual cooperation.

I am deeply conscious of the fact that it is necessary to maintain a frame-work of law and order in order to enable the people to undertake the task of nation-building. It is but natural that those who have suffered from the cruelties of the Pakistan forces and their local collaborators are at the moment overwhelmed with bitterness. Despite this they have acted with commendable restraint.
I would like to assure our people that those who are responsible for committing genocide will not go unpunished. At the same time it should not be forgotten that one of the fundamental aims of our national liberation struggle was to establish the rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights. The culprits will be duly punished in accordance with due process of law. I would, therefore, appeal to all concerned to remain patient while the due process of law takes its course.

I am taking immediate steps to ensure that the High Court and the Subordinate Courts begin to function. I would like to ensure that necessary steps are taken to correct some of the fundamental defects in the judicial system with a view to elimination of corruption and delays. The principle of Separation of the Judiciary from the Executive will be scrupulously observed.
While we set about to tackle the urgent task of relief and rehabilitation and economic reconstruction, we shall not delay a single moment more than is absolutely necessary in convening the Constituent Assembly in order to place before it the draft constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The preparation of the draft constitution is already underway.

The strength of a united and determined people has added a glorious chapter to the history of national liberation struggle. Today the same strength and power of the people must be mobilised in order to liberate our people from poverty, hunger, illiteracy, disease and every form of exploitation. I am confident that with the total support which the people have given to my party and to myself, we shall overcome the enormous problems, with which we are confronted, and that we will be able to lay down the foundations of a just society, free from explanation, for the attainment of which so many millions have laid down their lives and countless others have borne untold sufferings.

Bangabandhu Speaks, p 12-15, Published by the External Publicity Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh.
বঙ্গবন্ধুর ভাষণসমগ্র ১৯৪৮-১৯৭৫, সংগ্রামের নোটবুক