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Troops to stay all along truce line : Ram

ALLAHABAD, JAN. 7.-The Defence Minister, Mr. Jagjvan Ram declared today that Indian forces would remain all along the ‘ceasefire linc-until a permanent international boundary was demacrated between India and Pakistan in the West, reports PTI.
He told a well-attended public meeting here this evening that until this was achieved, tension could persist.
The Defenc Minister hoped President Bhutto would at least now shed his indophobia and work with the people of the three countries in the sub continent-India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to end poverty troin their midst. If all the three worked together lowards their economic well-beings, not only the sub-continent but the whole of Asia would become free from the domination of super powers.
Rejecting Mr. Bhuttos demand for withdrawal of Indian forces from Bangladesh. Mr. Ram said it was for the people of Bangladesh to say so Bangladesh was now a free and independent nation and Mr. Bhutto no longer had any voice in its affairs.

Reference: Hindustan Standard 8. 1. 1972

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