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মওদুদীর ফতোয়া সম্পর্কে বঙ্গবন্ধু

১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৫৬


The constituent assembly of Pakistan:

Now, Sir, they talk of Islamic Constitution and of Islam. Now, where is Maulana Athar Ali and others and I ask him, is it Islamic democracy that one man should have 50 thousand acres with him and sleep comfortably, while another man living beside his house should die of starvation. Is it Islam? Please do not insult Islam, you have no right to do that. If this is the type of Islam, the future generations will not own it. They will run away from such Islam. So I would request them not to use Islam in that way. Now Maulana Maudoodi went to East Bengal and gave a Fatwa that abolition of zamindari without compensation is un-Islamic. Sir I can understand why he has given this Fatwa. It is very easy to get a Fatwa. When we were fighting for Pakistan issue, some of my friends who are big Maulanas in East Bengal in Sylhet referendum, gave the fatwa that if you go to East Pakistan, it will be un-Islamic.

(The Honourable Pir Ali Mohammad Rashdi: Not so of Maulana Maudoodi.)

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: I am talking of some big Maulanas and not about Maulana Maudoodi.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Yes, Sir, If I have got Rs. 30,000 in my pocket, I can get 10 Fatwas. We have fought against these people of the Jamiatul-Ulama-i-Hind in East Bengal. So we know how to get Fatwas. It is a very easy thing. But we are seeing the condition of the people here. Is it Islamic brotherhood, fraternity and equality? Now, why these people have been suppressed?

(Honourable Deputy Speaker: If they are not suppressed, how did you get the report?)

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Well, Sir, it is in the market. I will get it. Sir, I appeal to them to accept it. Sir, the land should be distributed to poor masses of the country, who fought for the independence of the country.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Sir, will Speak just for a minute or two. I notice the Honourable Foreign Minister has come. I hope I will receive due attention. It is provided: “Other Ministers ….. shall be appointed and removed from office by the President, but no person shall be appointed a Minister of State or a Deputy Minister unless he is a member of the National Assembly.”

Why not use one word: “Be appointed Minister and a Minister of State.” That is sufficient. I think there is no ulterior motive. We have seen through these eight years how big businessmen are appointed. They are sent for – probably by radiogram – and on arrival they enter the G. G. House and are appointed Ministers! We have got at one time several of these persons who are not even members of the House. It is quite a different thing if you appointed an efficient man for service of the country but then what about appointing so many at one time. Why take from outside when there are so many members of the Assembly and there are so many candidates also.

My request is that if there is no ulterior motive behind this, then they should accept the amendment of Mr. Zahiruddin which is an amendment that would be acceptable in any democratic System.


Iqbal, S. (1997) Sheikh Mujib in Parliament (1955-58), p. 200-208, Dhaka, Agami Prakashani