পলিটিকাল পার্টি – ট্রেড ইউনিয়ন এবং চাকরীর ক্ষেত্রে দুই অঞ্চলের সমতার দাবীতে বঙ্গবন্ধুর ভাষণ
৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৫৬
The constituent assembly of Pakistan:
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: For two or three months when we started an opposition Party this thing happened. We declare our State as a democratic State, in which every party has the right to start opposition Party, and as such they have no right to stop it. Here, there and everywhere you can see – ‘subject to any restrictions imposed by law’. Sir, this phraseology is a very dangerous thing. You can understand what capital can be made out by putting this phrase by the Party in power. How within a few months of their coming into power they suppressed our workers in general who continued to demand what Moulana Bhashani and others had demanded. They passed two years in jail, because the Muslim League Party did not like that any other political Party should struggle for the country. Is it democracy? Has not every citizen the right to form an association in democracy? The democracy should come forward to save the country from chaos. You have seen these things within a short span of ten years. You know that in all countries of the world, according to international law, workers of factories have the right to form trade unions for collective bargaining.
Sir, I am speaking of the Government, the Party in power and still they would not allow trade unions to be formed, would not allow the workers to work in the country in their best interests. How can it be proved that it is a trade union if it is not mentioned in the Constitution that you have the right to form trade unions? Unless there is a mention in the Constitution in respect of the formation of political parties, how can they be allowed to form any political parties? Any time the Party in power can say, Constitution has not laid down anything about political parties; therefore they cannot be formed. There is one Communist Party in Pakistan. If the Communist Party declares that they have no extra-territorial loyalty and they are loyal citizens of Pakistan, how can the Government declare it illegal? In fact, they have no right to do so. Sir, in this way, parties have been declared illegal and workers have been put behind the bars. Government have no sympathy for them. If anybody goes against the fundamental rights provided by the State and if he has extra-territorial loyalty, Government can always take action against him; even hang him, but if any Party declares categorically that it wants to fight for the interests of the country, it has the right to organise the Party for the interest of the country, particularly when it says that its members are loyal citizens of the State. The Government has no right to declare them illegal. Sir, they have tried their level best many times to declare our Party illegal, but probably the opinion of the public is in our favour, they were unable to declare us illegal. Therefore, Sir, you can realize the implications and consequences of this phraseology. This clause is very vague. Under this clause Government can pass any law that would not allow the formation of any Party. We have no power to challenge them even in the Supreme Court who have to guide us in everything, because there is no provision to this effect and we shall be helpless. Sir, this is a very simple and clear amendment and they should accept it if they do not have any ulterior motives.
“Citizens shall have the right to form associations, trade unions and political parties for the end which are not forbidden to individuals by Penal Law.”
It is possible to curtail the activities but at least the right to form political parties is there. We are conscious of the brute majority on the other side and their attitude of out-voting us every time. We want to expose them to the world; how undemocratic attitude they adopt and what are their ulterior motives; they just want to make a show and there is nothing more than that. They are announcing that they are framing a constitution but the question is: Constitution for whom – Constitution for the people or some Honourable Ministers who are sitting over there? It is our earnest appeal that this very salutary amendment should be accepted.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: The Honourable Prime Minister has said that in the Central Services there are 25 per cent Bengalies. I question that statement and I will prove that is incorrect when the proper time comes. When Mr. Suhrawardy was the Law Minister he went to East Bengal and had discussions with us and at the instance of the Prime Minister and Mr. Gurmani he said that parity should be accepted in order to remove suspicion, It was pointed out that for eight years there was this fear between the two wings – one wing trying to dominate the other wing. We, in the interest of the country, thought that the misunderstanding must be removed and we sacrificed our representation from 56 per cent to 50 per cent. At Murree also there were several discussions between the various component units and the principle of Parity in all respects was agreed upon. Here the Honourable Prime Minister reiterated again and again his promise of Parity. I do not doubt his sincerity but I think he is helpless on account of the attitude of his Party.
It was stated that at the time of partition there was only one I.C.S. officer in East Bengal and there were no Engineers. I say that Bengal with 16 per cent, literacy has only such a meagre representation in the service. Sir, this fact must be realised that it costs an individual Rs. 200 to come from East Bengal to this place. If you recruit in East Bengal and give a job you will find a large number of people from East Bengal coming forward. There are such a large number of M.As. and B. As. ……… (Interruptions) ……. Sir, my time has been spoiled.
There must be Parity in all respects. We do not say that you implement Parity at once. What we say is that unless and until Parity is reached, Bengalis must get first preference. We must co-operate and there should not be a stepmotherly treatment meted out to East Bengal. When you want a certain thing to be done, you agree to a thing and the next day you disagree.
There must be parity in all respects and not merely in the matter of representation. Take the case of business. Bengalis do not get one per cent business. They come from East Bengal; stay in Hotels and spend Rupees ten or fifteen per day and go back without a licence. And this is all by way of request. However, all this cannot continue for all time. We do not offer threats; we are brothers, we want co-operation and goodwill; we want to live together in Pakistan. But please do justice. If you fail to do, a time will come when the consequences may be disastrous.
With these words I request the Honourable Law Minister and the members of the United Front to accept this amendment – Parity in all respects.
Iqbal, S. (1997) Sheikh Mujib in Parliament (1955-58), p. 155-165, Dhaka, Agami Prakashani