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Compilation and foreword by Sheikh Hasina

বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্যঃ কপিরাইট সমস্যা যাতে না হয় সেকারণে সকল লেখা শুধুমাত্র ‘only Readable’, ‘non-downloadable’ ও ‘non-clickable’ রাখা হয়েছে। সংগ্রামের নোটবুকের সকল নথি-পত্রিকা-দলিল-সংকলন-বই থেকে নেয়া তথ্য-ছবি-ভিডিও শুধুমাত্র গবেষণার কাজে ব্যবহার্য। বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রাম ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ গবেষণার জন্য সংগ্রামের নোটবুক একটি অলাভজনক অবাণিজ্যিক স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে গড়া প্রচেষ্টা।


1. The complaint of the Agartala Conspiracy Case was lodged on 28.5.68.
2. The Judges of the Special Tribunal took the signature of the complainants on 19.6.68.
3. The Trial was started on 29.7.68.
4. 251 witnesses were examined in the case held at the Signal Mess, Kurmitola Cantonment, Dacca.
5. Sgt. Jahurul Haque succumbed to his injuries on 15.2.69 while in custody at Kurmitola Cantonment.
6. The case was withdrawn on 22nd February 1969 against State -VSSk. Mujibur Rahman and 34 others.
7. The withdrawal of the case came in the form of the repeal of the Criminal Law Amendment (Special Tribunal) Ordinance of 1968 under which the case was being tried.
8. Criminal Law Amendment Special Tribunal (Ordinance) of 1968 (V 1968) was repealed vide by Ordinance No. VII of 1969 issued on the 18th February 1969.
9. The Trial of the case was, therefore, withdrawn by Ordinance No. VIII of 1969 issued by the President on the 22nd February 1969 vide Section-2 Clause-2.

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[with two heads]

Accused No. is formally charged as follows:
First: that he between the beginning of the year, 1964 and the end of the year, 1967, conspired with his co-accused and the persons whose names are mentioned in list ‘A’, as well as with certain citizens of India, to wage war against Pakistan, and to deprive Pakistan of its sovereignty over a part of its territory, namely, the Province of East Pakistan, by means of criminal force, in an armed revolt which was to be carried out mainly with weapons, ammunition and funds provided by India, through his Indian co-conspirators;
And that in pursuance, aid, and furtherance of the aforesaid conspiracy, he did and said what is attributed to him in the complaint, at the times and places mentioned therein;
And thereby committed an offence punishable under section 121-A of the Pakistan Penal Code;
Secondly; that he abetted the committing of mutiny by those of his co-accused and the persons mentioned in List ‘A’, who are members of the Army, Navy or Air Force of Pakistan; and that he attempted to seduce them from their allegiance and duty; by doing and saying what is attributed to him in the complaint at the times and places mentioned therein;
And thereby committed an offence punishable under section 131 of the Pakistan Penal Code;
And since some of the persons with whom he engaged in the committing of these offences are subject to a service law while others are not, he is triable under section 3 of the Criminal Law Amendment (Special Tribunal) Ordinance, 1968, by this honorable Tribunal, for these offences.
[The list of witnesses intended to be produced in support of this charge, is submitted as required by section 5 of the Criminal Law Amendment (Special Tribunal) Ordinance, 1968. In addition, lists of documents and articles intended to be produced in support of this charge
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are also submitted. These lists bear the heading “List of witnesses”, “List of Documents” and “List of Articles”, respectively, as explained in Annex ‘T’. Supplementary lists may be submitted later.]
The substance of the statements of the witnesses whose names are listed at Nos. 1 to 24, is sufficiently clear from the complaint. They include the 11 approver, who attended the various meetings mentioned in the complaint and took part in the activities of the group mentioned in the complaint and are in a position to depose to what they themselves said or did, and what the accused persons said or did.
Categories I &II of the statements.
Their statements recorded in the course of the investigation have been delivered to the accused.
The remaining 13, of those 24 witnesses are persons who were not members of the Conspiracy but came to observe or hear what was done or said by the accused on various occasions as mentioned in the complaint.
Categories III & IV.
Copies of their statements recorded in the course of the investigation have also been supplied to the accused.
Category V.
Four of the accused have made judicial confessions. Copies of those four confessional statements have also been supplied to the accused.
The gist of the evidence of each one of the remaining witnesses is orally indicated
Note: (For the convenience of the accused, the oral gist has been reproduced in the pages that are attached. Such further, particulars as to dates and places as were asked for during the oral statement, have also been included.)
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Before the Special Tribunal set-up u/s 4 of the Criminal Law Amendment (Special Tribunal) Ordinance, 1968, by Notification S.R.O. 59(R)/68, dated the 21st of April, 1968.
SHEIKH MUJIBUR RAHMAN and others, – Accused.
This Statement of the Case on behalf of the prosecution (herein after referred to as the complaint) submitted by the Central Government u/s 5 of the aforesaid Ordinance.
Respectfully sheweth that:
1. In pursuance of secret information received as to the existence of a
conspiracy to deprive Pakistan of a part of its territories by an armed revolt, with weapons, ammunitions and funds provided by India, and to establish therein an independent government recognised by India, some persons were arrested in December, 1967, under the Defence of Pakistan Rules and some others under the Laws relating to the Defence Services.
Documents produced by or recovered from some of those persons contain code-names for some of the important participants in the conspiracy; specifications and quantities of arms and ammunitions required for the purposes of the conspiracy, instructions for tasks to be done before the ‘D’ Day”, Instructions for the ‘D’ Day, and other memoranda.
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The main plan of action was to capture the armouries of military units so as to paralyse them. The action was to be carried out in commando style and surprise was to compensate for the lack of manpower. The tasks to be performed in this connection included: (i) enlisting of men from among the Armed Forces, Ex
Servicemen and Civilians who could be effectively subverted
to build up an armed spearhead; (ii) securing of arms and funds from local sources in addition to
those to be provided by India; (iii) creating of general political disaffection by propaganda; and (iv) fixing an opportune moment as the ‘D’ Day to take over
strategic points by force.
In pursuance of their objective, a meeting was arranged between the representatives of those who had to conduct the operations in Pakistan with the representatives of India who were to supply the funds, arms and ammunition. This meeting took place at AGARTALA in INDIA on the 12th of July, 1967.
The more important incidents in the development of this conspiracy and the more significant details of those incidents are given in the paragraphs that follow. While giving the gist of the discussion at a .. meeting, the reiteration of the general aims and objects of the conspiracy, that took place practically in every meeting, has been mostly omitted. The five lists that accompany this complaint entitled respectively, ‘List A’, ‘List of the Accused Persons’, ‘List of Witnesses’, ‘List of Documents’ and ‘List of Articles’, are explained in Annex “I’. The code names of the accused persons are explained in Annex “II’. Where a name appears for the first time in this complaint, it is set out in full, but where it occurs again, only so much of it is mentioned as is necessary to distinguish it from others. For the sake of complete identification, however, each time a name that is included in the ‘List of the Accused Persons’, or a name that is included in the ‘List of Witnesses’, is mentioned, the serial
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number at which that name occurs in the relevant list is specified along with the word “accused’ or ‘witness’ depending on the list in which that name is included. Similarly, where a place is mentioned for the first time, its description is set out in full, but where it appears again, only so much of that description is mentioned as is necessary to distinguish it from others.
6. Between the 15th and the 21st of September, 1964. Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman accused No. 1, was on a visit to Karachi. He was invited to attend a meeting convened by Lt. Mauzzam Hossain of Pakistan Navy (now Lt. Commander Muazzam Hossain) accused No. 2, who, at an earlier meeting, at his own residence, Bungalow No. D/77, K.D.A Scheme No. 1, Karachi, at the beginning of 1964, in agreement with Steward Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 3, ExLeading Seaman Sultan-ud-Din Ahmad, accused No. 4, Leading Seaman Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5, and Lt. Muzzammil Hossain, witness No. 1, had decided to consult Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1 in connection with a plan to form a revolutionary organisation for taking over East Pakistan. This meeting was held at the house of Mr. Kamal-Ud-Din Ahmad, witness No. 2, at No. 3/47, M.S.G.P. School Teachers’ Co-operative Society (popularly known as Maalama Abad) Karachi, and was attended by:
(i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1. (ii) Muazzam, accused No. 2. (iii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iv) Sultan, accused No. 4, (v) Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5, (vi) Mr. Ahmed Fazlur Rahman C.S.P. accused No. 6 and (vii) Muzzamil Hossain witness No. 1.
Muazzam accused No. 2, said that the East Pakistani element in the Navy had formed a militant force for making East Pakistan into an
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independent state and that the East Pakistani personnel from the Army and the Air Force would also be inducted into that group. He explained that for the successful propagation of the project, the support and cooperation of political leaders and Civil Service officials from East Pakistan was needed. He further explained that funds would be needed to finance the group. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1, not only agreed but said that his own idea was the same. He promised his full support and undertook to provide the requisite funds. A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6, while agreeing with Muazzam, accused No. 2, that an armed revolt was the only answer to the disparity existing between the two wings of Pakistan, said that he was not sure as to what the reaction of India would be to such action. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1, said that was his (Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s) concern. He added, however, that they might go slow for the time being, because this action might not be necessary if the opposition won the Presidential election, which was then about to be held.
7. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, again visited Karachi, after the Presidential election and was there from the 15th to the 21st of January, 1965. On a day between those dates, a meeting was held at the aforesaid house of Muazzam, accused No. 2, which was attended by:
(i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1, (ii) Muazzam accused No. 2, (iii) Noor Muhammad accused No. 5, (iv) A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6, (v) Flight Sergeant Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (vi) Lt. Muzzamil Hossain, witness No. 1, and some others who have not been identified.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1, said that the only way in which the people of East Pakistan could live honourably was to separate themselves from West Pakistan. He promised full support
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and monetary assistance and urged Muazzam, accused No. 2 to shift his headquarters to East Pakistan and to expedite the activities of the revolutionary group.
8. Mr. Mohammad Amir Hussain Mia, witness No. 3, who was
employed in the Central Statistical Office at Karachi, was on intimate terms with Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, Sultan, accused No. 4 and Ex-Corporal Abul Bashar Mohammad Abdus Samad, accused No. 8. Sometime in January 1965, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, introduced Amir Hussain, witness No. 3 to Muazzam, accused No. 2. Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, was greatly impressed and became an active member of the group.
9. Between January 1965 and August 1965, several meetings were
held at the house of Muazzam, accused No. 2, which were normally attended by:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iv) Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5, (v) Ex-Hav. Dalil-Ud-Din, accused No. 9, and (vi) Amir Hussain, witness No. 3,
who were active members of the organisation. The aims and objects, and the methods to be adopted for their achievement were discussed at these meetings.
10. To initiate activities in East Pakistan, it was found necessary to arrange that some of the active members should be there permanently. Accordingly, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3 and Sultan, accused No. 4, went on leave to Dacca at the instance of Muazzam, accused No. 2. Attempts were being made to have them permanently transferred to East Pakistan. In August 1965,
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Muazzam, accused No. 2, in consultations conducted through Steward Mujib, accused No. 3 and Sultan, accused No. 4 with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, arranged a group-meeting at the residence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, at No. 677, Road 32, Dhanmandi, Residential Area, Dacca. Sultan, accused No. 4 sent Rs. 1,500 in an insured envelope addressed to Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, and Rs.500 by telegraphic money order addressed to Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5 of delivery to Muazzam, accused No. 2, to cover the travelling expenses of the group members proceeding from Karachi to Dacca for attending the meeting. These amounts were sent and were delivered to Muazzam, accused No. 2, in due time.
11. The aforesaid meeting was fixed for the 29th of August, 1965.
Muazzam, accused No. 2, and Amir Hussain witness No. 3, left Karachi for Dacca by a P.I.A. flight to attend it.
12. The aforesaid meeting was held at the appointed place on the
appointed day at 3 P.M., and was attended by:
(i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, (ii) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (iii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iv) Sultan, accused No. 4, (v) Mr. Ruhul Qudus, C.S.P., accused No. 10, and (vi) Amir Hussain, witness No. 3.
Muazzam, accused No. 2, reviewed the progress made, claiming that under the guidance and blessing of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, he had enlisted a large number of serving and released personnel of the Armed Forces, who had undertaken to make East Pakistan an independent state. All the participants expressed their satisfaction with the progress made. Muazzam, accused No. 2, stressed the need for funds, arms, and ammunition. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
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accused No. 1, assured them of the requisite help from India. For the time being, he undertook to provide rupees one laco to Muazzam, accused No. 2, in installments of Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 4,000 to be collected by Steward Mujib, accused No. 3 and Sultan, accused No. 4.
13. On the 1st of September, 1965, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3,
obtained a sum of Rs.700 from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, at his house in Dhanmandi, Dacca, and made it over to Amir Hussain, witness No. 3.
14. On the 9th of September, 1965, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3,
obtained from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, a sum of Rs. 4,000 at his house in Dhanmandi, Dacca, and made it over to Amir Hussain, witness No. 3 who gave back Rs. 300 to Steward Mujib, accused No. 3 and Sultan, accused No. 4, for their personal expenses, and retained the balance with himself for being made over to Muazzam, accused No. 2.
15. On the outbreak of the Indo-Pakistan War, the defence personnel on
leave or on temporary duty in East Pakistan were unable to return to the places of their postings in West Pakistan. They were recalled to duty in East Pakistan. Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, and Sultan, accused No. 4, were accordingly attached to the Naval Base at Chittagong in September 1965. They continued their activities in connection with the conspiracy during the period of their attachment.
16. In December 1965, a meeting of the group was held at the residence
of A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6, Flat No. 21, Ilaco House, Victoria Road, Karachi, which was attended by:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5, (iii) A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6,
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(iv) Samad, accused No. 8, and (v) Amir Hussain, witness No. 3.
The progress made was discussed and the role played by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No.1 was praised. A. F. Rahman, accused No.6, undertook to procure transistorised transmitters, from the United Kingdom. It was decided that efforts be made to have Muazzam, accused No. 2, transferred to East Pakistan. In this connection, the good offices of Mr. K. G. Ahmad, witness No. 4, who was then staying as a guest with A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6, were to be utilised.
17. In the same month (December 1965), another meeting was held at the
house of Muazzam, accused No. 2, Officer’s Quarters, Karsaz’, Karachi, which was attended by the persons mentioned in paragraph 16. Muazzam, accused No. 2, explained that Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, and Sultan, accused No. 4, were operating in East Pakistan and that Samad, accused No. 8 and Amir Hussain, witness, No. 3 would be sent soon to Dacca for expediting the group work. Muazzam, accused No. 2, claimed to have recruited 3,000 volunteers and maintained that if they were equipped and led properly by a few officers of the Defence Services they would, in no time, oust the West Pakistan personnel from East Pakistan. The points discussed in the meeting mentioned in paragraph 16 were brought under discussion.
18. In the same month (December 1965), another meeting was convened
by Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, at his Quarter No. 329/2, Korangi Creek, Karachi, which was attended by:
(i) Sultan, accused No. 4, (ii) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (iii) Flt. Sgt. Muhammad Fazalul Haq, accused No. 11, (iv) Warrant ‘Officer Musharaf H. Sheikh, witness No. 5, (v) Sgt. Shamsuddin Ahmad, witness No. 6,
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and a few others who have not been identified.
Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, and Sultan, accused No. 4, reiterated that East Pakistan could be saved only be separating it from the Central Government, which could not be achieved without staging an armed revolt. The progress under the leadership of Muazzam, accused No. 2, was mentioned
19. On the departure of Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, from Karachi on
the 2nd February 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, gave him three table diaries, on some of the pages of which he had written down instructions and memoranda, for his guidance. Muazzam, accused No. 2, told him that he had copied those instructions in the said diaries from his note-book. It is in one of those diaries that the code names explained in Annex ‘Il’, are to be found. He also gave him a man and two lists of arms and ammunition to be handed over to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, on his demand.
Muazzam, accused No. 2, told Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, to be the treasurer, and authorised him to collect and receive funds for the group and asked him to send the amounts so received to him (Muazzam, accused No. 2) in Karachi through merchant ships, after deducting the expenses incurred in East Pakistan.
20. After his arrival at Dacca, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, went to
Chittagong, where Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, and Sultan, accused No. 4, were busy propagating the insurrectionist aims, to assess the progress in that area. On 6th February 1966, he convened a party meeting in his room in Mishka Hotel, which was attended by:
(i) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (ii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iii) Mr. Bhupati Bhushan Chaudhury (popularly known as Manik
Chaudhury) accused No. 12, (iv) Mr. Bidhan Krishna Sen, accused No. 13,
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(v) Subedar Abdur Razzaq, E.B.R., accused No. 14, (vi) Dr. Saeedur Rahman Chaudhury, witness No. 7, and (vii) Ex-Lt. Commander Muhammad Shaheedul Haq (P.N.V.R.),
witness No. 8.
Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12 and Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, told Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, had directed them to extend their whole-hearted support to the group. They were aware of its aims and objects. Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, gave a sum of Rs. 3,000 in cash to Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, in aid of the conspiracy.
21. In February 1966, Samad, accused No. 8 was sent to Dacca by
Muazzam, accused No. 2, to strengthen the ranks of the group in East Pakistan. His release from service having come through, it was necessary to arrange for his livelihood. Muazzam, accused No. 2, accordingly wrote a letter to Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, directing him to pay Rs.300 per month to Samad, accused No. 8, till a job could be found for him. In that letter which is dated 25th February 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, further said that he had discussed everything with “Parasho” (code name of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1) and that there was nothing to worry about.
22. In the same month, Samad, accused No. 8, recruited four new
members, namely:
(i) Mujibur Rahman, Clerk, E.P.R.T.C., accused No. 15, (ii) Ex-Flight Sergeant Muhammad Abdur Razzaq, accused No.
(iii) Ex-Naib Subedar Ashraf Ali Khan, witness No. 9, and (iv) Ex-L. Naik A. B. M. Yousaf, witness No. 10.
They were indoctrinated by Amir Hussain witness No. 3.

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23. On the 25th February 1966, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1,
visited Chittagong and held a public meeting at Lal Digi Maidan. After that meeting, he convened a meeting of the group at the residence of Saeed-ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, located at 12, RafiqUd-Din Siddiqi by lane, Inayat Bazar, Chittagong, which was attended by:
(i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, and (iv) Saeed-ur-Rahman, witness No. 7.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, asked Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, to provide a place for holding the meetings of the group.
24. In the same month (February 1966), Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
accused No. 1, tapped another source for obtaining financial assistance for the group. Mr. Muhammad Mohsin, witness No. 11, who is a cousin of Ruhul Quddus, accused No. 10, had been providing funds to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, previously. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1 asked him for money for the group. As Mohsin, witness No. 11, was coming out of the sitting room of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1, Sultan, accused No. 4, told him to deliver the amount requested by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, to “Murad” (Murad is the code name of Steward Mujib, accused No. 3), Accordingly, after 2 or 3 days. Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, obtained Rs. 700 from Mohsin, witness No. 11, in two installments.
25. In March 1966, on the instructions of Muazzam, accused No. 2,
Samad, accused No. 8, was employed by A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6, as the Manager of a Petrol Pump belonging to his wife which is located close to the residence of Indian Dy. High Commissioner in Dacca. The name of this Petrol Pump is Green View Petrol Pump. The arrangement was cover for providing a liaison between
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the officials of the Indian High Commission and the members of the group through A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6. The Indian High Commission personnel visited that pump, ostensibly for the purpose of drawing petrol.
26. On the 4th March 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, wrote a letter to
Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, directing him to approach K.G., witness No. 4, to expedite his secondment to Inland Water Transport Authority, Dacca. He also directed Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, to rent premises where the expected arms and ammunition from India could be stored.
27. In the same month (early March 1966), Amir Hussain, witness No.
3, convened a meeting of the group at Mohakhali, Dacca which was attended by:
(i) Samad, accused No. 8, (ii) Mujib, the Clerk, accused No. 15, (iii) M. A. Razzaq, accused No. 16, (iv) Sergeant Shamsul Haque accused No. 17,* (v) Ashraf Ali, witness No. 9, and (vi) Yousaf, witness No. 10,
as well as by certain other persons whose names have been mentioned as follows:
(i) L.A.C. M.A. Nawaz, (ii) L.A.C. Z.A Choudhury, and (iii) Sergeant Mia, P.A.F.
(In the course of the investigation, it has not been possible to establish the identity of these persons).
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It was emphasised that the only way of achieving their objective was an armed revolt. It was explained that the Government of India were going to supply arms and ammunition to the organisation.
* Note: It was a meeting attended by the above accused persons, where
Sergeant Zahurul Haq might be not present but his name was in the list. Instead, Sergeant Shamsul Haque was present & his name was replaced there.
28. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, convened a meeting of the
conspirators on the 12th of March 1966, which was a Saturday, to suit the convenience of Muazzam, accused. 2, who could only come during a week-end from Karachi without obtaining leave. The meeting was held at about sunset at the house of Mr. Taj-UdDin, No. 617, Road No. 18, Dhanmandi, Dacca. Mr. Taj-Ud-Din, who is a political associate of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, had lent his premises for the meeting but was not himself present in it. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, collected most of those who had to attend the meeting from a bus-stop and took them in a car to the aforementioned house. This meeting was attended by:
(i) Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, (ii) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (iii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iv) Ruhul Quddus, accused No. 10, and (v) Amir Hussain, witness No. 3.
Muazzam, accused No. 2, expressed the hope that on the ‘D’ Day, the entire public of East Pakistan would be behind them. All the participants were agreed that the stage had arrived when the members of the conspiracy should be provided with, and trained in, the use of arms. Arrangement for sending some of their representatives to India to discuss the arms deal with the Indian officials was also considered.
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29. A few days later, Ashraf Ali, witness No. 9, delivered to Amir
Hussain, witness No. 3, what purported to be a sketch of the layout of one of the Cantonments in East Pakistan.
30. By a letter, dated the 19th March 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2,
informed Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, that A.F. Rahman, accused No. 6, had telephoned to say that the transfer of Moazzem, accused No. 2, to Dacca had been arranged. He also informed Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, that Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5, would go to Dacca within a few days and would apprise him of the work of the group in West Wing. In the same letter, he also wrote, in disguised language, that he would send him small arms through his servant Shafi (not available so far) and that Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, should procure more money for purchasing weapons.
31. After about a week, Muazzam, accused No. 2, wrote another letter to
Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, asking him to obtain money from A.F. Rahman, accused No. 6, and to send it to him through a bank draft. Accordingly, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, obtained Rs. 5,500 in cash from A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6. He despatched Rs. 5,000 to Muazzam, accused No. 2, through a bank draft on the 31st March 1966, and retained Rs.500 with himself for expenses.
32. On the 3rd April 1966, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, and Amir
Hussain, witness No. 3, went to the residence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, at Dhanmandi, Dacca and told him that more funds were needed for purchasing small arms and ammunition for the group. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, gave Rs. 4,000 in cash to Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, who had been nominated by Muazzam, accused No. 2, to collect funds for the group from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1. Steward Mujib, accused No. 3 delivered the amount to Amir Hussain, witness No. 3.
33. The following day, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, received a letter
from Muazzam, accused No. 2, in disguised language, expressing
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the urgency for the procurement of more funds. Accordingly, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, sent Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, to Ruhul Qudus, accused No. 10, for more funds. Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, collected Rs. 2,000 from Ruhul Qudus, accused No. 10, and delivered the said amount to Amir Hussain, witness No. 3. Thereafter, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, sent Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, with Rs. 6,000 to Chittagong for despatch to Muazzam, accused No. 2, through a merchant ship.
34. About the same time, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, hired house No.
107-Dina Nath Sen Road, Dacca, at the expense of the group. This house was fitted with a telephone bearing the number 82452.
35. On the 6th of April, 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, wrote a letter to
Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, acknowledging the receipt of the bank draft that was sent to him earlier. In that letter, in disguised language, he mentioned the financial and other requirements for the purposes of the conspiracy and asked Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, to prepare a budget. Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, not being conversant with the technical details of arms, decided not to prepare the budget until it was demanded by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1.
36. Soon after, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, received another letter
dated the 8th of April, 1966, from Muazzam, accused No.2, asking him to inform “Tusar” (code name for A.F. Rahman, accused No. 6,) that he would be coming on transfer to East Pakistan about the 22nd of April, 1966.
37. In the same month (April 1966), Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12,
called at the residence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, at Dhanmandi, Dacca. He found Sultan, accused No. 4, already present there. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, asked Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, to give money to Sultan, accused. No. 4.
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Three or four days later, Sultan, accused No. 4, called at the residence of Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, at 41, Ramjoy Mohajan Lane, Chittagong Town, and Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, gave him Rs. 1,500 for the purposes of the conspiracy.
38. In the same month (April 1966), Mohsin, witness No. 11, called on
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, at his residence in Dhanmandi, Dacca. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, told Mohsin, witness No. 11, in confidence that he had formed a revolutionary group which included members and ex-members of the Armed Forces, and requested him to provide monetary assistance for the activities of the group.
39. Sometime at the end of April 1966, or the beginning of May 1966,
after his transfer to Chittagong, Muazzam, accused No. 2, visited Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, at his residence, 107, Dina Nath Sen Road, Gandaria, Dacca. The details of the money received on behalf of the group and the expenses incurred by the group were discussed. Muazzam, accused No. 2, could not justify the huge expenses he had incurred in the name of the organisation. Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, and Muazzam, accused No. 2, exchanged hot words. Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, lost faith in the leadership of Muazzam, accused No. 2. The same evening, Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, handed over Rs.8,000 in cash along with two cash books, and other papers relating to accounts, to Muazzam, accused No. 2, at the house of Dr. Khaleque, Road No. 2, Dhanmandi Residential area, Dacca, where Muazzam, accused No. 2, was staying. That house is called “ Aleya”. Muazzam, accused No. 2, paid Rs. 1,500 out of that sum to Amir Hussain witness No. 3, for clearing the rent of the house in which he was living on Dina Nath Sen Road. Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, thereafter severed his connection with the conspiracy.
40. On the 1st of May, 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, was posted to the
Naval Base Chittagong, Soon after his posting there, he convened a
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meeting of the group. This meeting was held in the “outer house” of Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, who had agreed to allow it to be used as the meeting place for the group. This “outer house” is located in Inayat Hossain Market, Chittagong. This meeting was attended by:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iv) Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, (v) Mr. Muhammad Khurshid, accused No. 18, and (vi) Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7.
Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, and Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, were excluded from the proceedings of this meeting.
41. On the 9th of May, 1966, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1,
was arrested under the Defence of Pakistan Rules in connection with certain activities which are unconnected with this conspiracy. He remained in detention under the defence of Pakistan Rules till he was arrested and taken into custody in connection with this conspiracy. (During his detention under the Defence of Pakistan Rules, he was put on his trial in several cases).
42. After the aforesaid arrest of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1,
an emergent meeting of the Political Party to which he belongs, was held at his residence on the 20th of May, 1966. Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, went from Chittagong to Dacca, to attend that meeting. Before attending the meeting, Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, took Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, to Mr. P.N. Ojha, 1 st Secretary to the Deputy High Commission for India in Pakistan, at the offices of the High Commission in Dacca. Mr. P.N. Ojha noted down the particulars of Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, and asked
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him to visit him sometime afterwards. Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, came out of the office while Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, stayed behind for some time.
43. On the night between the 20th and 21st May 1966, Manik Chaudhury,
accused No. 12, was arrested under the Defence of Pakistan Rules at Chittagong in connection with certain activities unconnected with this conspiracy.
44. In the same month (May 1966), after the arrest of Manik Chaudhury,
accused No. 12, Muazzam, accused No. 2, convened two more meetings of the conspirators in the aforesaid “outer house” which were attended by:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iv) Khurshid, accused No. 18, and (v) Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7.
The tasks to be assigned to different members and the methods to be adopted for the successful execution of their plan were discussed. The layout of Dacca. Comilla, Jessore and Chittagong Cantonments and of the Naval Base at Chittagong were evaluated. The need for collecting more funds and arms emphasised.
45. In the same month (May 1966) at Chittagong, Mr. M.M. Rameez,
witness No. 12, who was the District Manager of the P.I.A. at Chittagong, came into contact with Muazzam, accused No. 2, and joined the conspiracy.
46. Soon afterwards Rameez, witness No. 12, attracted Mr. K.M.
Shamsur Rahman, C.S.P., accused No. 19, into the conspiracy.
Intelligence Branch (IB) Documents of the Agartala Conspiracy
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He was then functioning as the Chairman of the Chittagong Development Authority, Chittagong.
47. In the same month (May 1966), Ashraf Ali, witness No. 9, and
Samad, accused No. 8, hired a house called “Psyche” at No. 100/3, Azimpur Road, Dacca, at the expense of the group. These two persons thereafter shifted to the new house from the house of Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, where they were previously living.
48. In June 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, at his residence, Nasirabad
Housing Society, Chittagong, gave his diary, a note-book and a folder to Rameez, witness No. 12, and asked him to go through their contents. The aforesaid documents disclosed the objects and the pattern of the government of the proposed independent state. All property was to be acquired by the state; industry was to be nationalised and the currency was to be replaced by coupons. Muazzam, accused No. 2, also showed him the proposed flag of the new state which was in green and gold.
49. Later in the same month (June 1966), Muazzam, accused No. 2,
convened a meeting at the house of Rameez, witness No. 12, P.I.A. House 60, Panchlaish, Chittagong, which was attended by:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Khurshid, accused No. 18, (iv) Risaldar Shamsul Haq, A.C., accused No. 20 (v) Havilder Azizul Haq, S.S.G., accused No. 21, (vi) Rameez, witness No. 12.
The object of this meeting was to introduce Rameez to the front-line workers of the group. In addition to those whose names are mentioned above, some other workers also attended this meeting, but their identity has not been established.
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50. Later in the same month (June 1966), Muazzam, accused No. 2,
convened a meeting of the group at his residence, Nasirabad Housing Society, Chittagong, which was attended by:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iv) Subedar Razzaq, accused No. 14, (v) Sgt. Zahurul Haq, accused No. 17 (vi) Khurshid, accused No. 18, (vii) Risaldar Shamsul Haq, accused No. 20, (viii) Ashraf Ali, witness No. 9, and (ix) Yousaf, witness No. 10.
(Another person whose name was given as Sgt. Shafi, also attended this meeting but his identity has not been established).
Muazzam, accused No. 2, displayed his diary and a note book which contained the main features of the proposed new independent state to be called, “Bangla Desh”. The proposed national flag was also displayed.
51. In June/July 1966, Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, convened a meeting
of the conspirators among the personnel of the Air Force, in his Quarter No. 25/3, Abyssinia Line Karachi, which was attended by:
(i) Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5, (ii) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (iii) S.A.C Mahfoozul Bari, accused No. 22, (iv) Musharaf, witness No. 5, (v) Corporal Jamaluddin Ahmad, witness No. 14, and (vii) Corporal Sirajul Islam, witness No. 15,
This meeting was also attended by a few others, who have not been traced. Much was made in this meeting of the importance of Noor Muhammad, accused No. 5 because he had come from the Navy. At the
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request of Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, Corporal Jamal, witness No. 14, who had recently returned from Dacca, apprised the audience of the progress made by the conspirators in East Pakistan and said that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1, and some high-ranking civil officers had vitalised their activities. Mahfizullah, accused No. 7 told Siraj, witness No. 15, who was to proceed on leave to East Pakistan, to contact Fazlul Haq, accused No. 11 and Sergeant Shamsul Haq of the P.A.F accused No. 23, at P.A.F. Station, Dacca to maintain liaison with the rest.
52. Sometime in June/July 1966, it was arranged that Muazzam,
accused No. 2, and Rameez, witness No. 12, should visit Comilla. Accordingly, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, was sent to Comilla to inform Major (then Captain) Shamsul Alam, A.M.C. accused No. 24. Muazzam, accused No. 2, and Rameez, witness No. 12, left Chittagong in the car-HILLMAN IMP No. EBA-9591 of Muazzam, accused No. 2. They went to the residence of Shamsul Alam accused No. 24, at Comilla Town, where they were also joined by Capt. Muhammad Abdul Mutalib, Baluch Regiment (then with E.P.R.), accused No. 25. Muazzam, accused No. 2, said that Shamsul Alam, accused No. 24, would act as the Sector Commander for Comilla. He explained that at the time of the action, the plan would be to capture the armouries of military units and thus to paralyse their ability to fight. He observed that surprise would compensate for the lack of manpower. He asked Shamsul Alam, accused No. 24, to increase his contacts with the Service and ExService personnel. Mutalib, accused No. 25, said that he was enlisting members of the East Pakistan Rifles. Later, the five of them drove in the same car to the house of Capt. Muhammad Sawkat Ali Mian, A.O.C., accused No. 26, in Comilla Cantonment where Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, also joined them. Sawkat, accused No. 26, informed Muazzam, accused No. 2, that he had contacted Capt. Muhammad Abdul Alim Bhuiyan, A.O.C., witness No. 13, and Capt. Khondkar Najm-ul-Huda, A.S.C., accused No. 27,
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at Dacca and that the said two officers wanted to know more about the organisation. Muazzam, accused No. 2, promised to arrange a meeting at Dacca soon afterwards.
53. In the same month i.e., July 1966, Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness
No. 7, happened to visit Muazzam, accused No. 2, at the latter’s residence at Chittagong. On that occasion, Muazzam accused No. 2, disclosed to Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, that Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12 before his arrest had promised to deliver a list of arms to P.N. Ojha, the First Secretary to Deputy High Commission for India in Dacca, for procuring arms for the conspiracy. Muazzam, accused No. 2, asked Saeed-Ur-Rahman witness No. 7, if he knew P.N. Ojha. Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, answered in the affirmative, whereupon Muazzam, accused No. 2, requested Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, to deliver the arms list to P.N. Ojha. Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, expressed his inability to do so, on account of the surveillance imposed upon him.
54. After a few days, one morning, P.N. Ojha appeared at the residence
of Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, at Chittagong and complained to him that in spite of his request, he (Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7), did not call at his office in Dacca. On that occasion, SaeedUr-Rahman, witness No. 7, conveyed to P.N. Ojha the message of Muazzam, accused No. 2, regarding the arms list which Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, was to deliver to P.N. Ojha.
55. The next day under the instructions of P.N. Ojha. Saeed-Ur
Rahman, witness No. 7, obtained the said list from Muazzam, accused No. 2, and delivered the same to P.N. Ojha at Chittagong Railway Station. At that time, P.N. Ojha gave a code word to SaeedUr-Rahman, witness No. 7 for contacting him in Dacca and asked that Muazzam, accused No. 2, should visit P.N. Ojha, in Dacca.
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56. A few days later, Muazzam, accused No. 2, through Saeed-Ur
Rahman, witness No. 7, arranged a meeting with P.N. Ojha at the official residence of the Deputy High Commissioner for India in Dhanmandi, Dacca. P.N. Ojha assured Muazzam, accused No. 2, that he would forward the arms list to the Indian Government for their approval. He, however, expressed his inability to deliver money to the conspirators for the time being.
57. Sometime in August 1966, Shawkat, accused No. 26, visited Dacca
and stayed with Alim, witness No. 13 in the Ordnance Mess. The same evening, Muazzam, accused No. 2, visited Alim, witness No. 13, and Shawkat, accused No. 26, in the said Mess. On that occasion, Muazzam, accused No. 2, announced that he would hold a meeting the following morning in the flat of Rameez, witness No. 12, in Muhammadpur Housing Estate in Dacca.
The following attended the aforesaid meeting:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iv) Najmul Huda, accused No. 27, (v) Shawkat, accused No. 26, and (vi) Alim, witness No. 13.
Muazzam, accused No. 2, showed the conspirators a diary and a note-book containing plans of action. Muazzam, accused No. 2, claimed that he had already contacted the Indian authorities for the procurement of arms and ammunition for the conspiracy. He expressed his desire that the members should induct a few more Army officers into the group to lead the men in Jessore and Rangpur area. He claimed that Capt. A.N.M. Nuruzzaman, E.B.R., accused No. 28, and his own Naval Force were sufficient to carry out the task at Chittagong. Muazzam, accused No. 2, commended the work done by Mutalib, accused No. 25, and Shamsul Alam, accused No. 24, at Comilla.
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58. In the same month (August 1966,) Najmul Huda, accused No. 27,
Shamsul Alam, accused No. 24, Alim, witness No. 13, and Shawkat, accused No. 26, met at the Daudkandi Rest House. They felt that the leadership of the conspirators should be vested in some senior Army officer. They decided to enquire from Muazzam, accused No. 2, the antecedents of the organisers.
59. In the same month (August 1966), Muazzam, accused No. 2 paid
Rs. 5,000 from the group-funds to Rameez, witness No. 12, enable him to buy a car for the group work.
60. Sometime in September 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, held a
meeting of the conspirators in the flat of Rameez, witness No. 12 at No. B-12-8 F8,/B-12/F-8, Mohammadpur Housing Estate, Dacca. The following attended the meeting:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iv) Shamsur Rahman, accused No. 19, (v) Shamsul Alam, accused No. 24, (vi) Mutalib, accused No. 25, (vii) Najmul Huda, accused No. 27, (viii) Rameez, witness No. 12, and (ix) Alim, witness No. 13.
Muazzam, accused No. 2, disclosed to the conspirators that the Indian authorities had agreed to supply the requisite arms and ammunition. He detailed Mutalib, accused No. 25, to organise the exservicemen in various groups and to train them in the use of a different type of weapons. Muazzam, accused No. 2, undertook to satisfy the financial needs of the Sector Commanders. Najmul Huda, accused No. 27, Shamsul Alam, accused No. 24, and Alim, witness No. 13, interrupted the proceedings by proposing that the leadership should be
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vested in some senior officer of the Army. Shamsur Rahman, accused No. 19, cut short the arguments by undertaking to contact Col. M.A.G. Osmani (Retired), in that connection. He explained that India and the block supporting it would readily recognise the newly independent state and that international considerations would restrain India from encroaching upon the territories of the new state. Muazzam, accused No. 2, declared that soon after securing independence, Martial Law would be promulgated in the country and on the restoration of normal conditions, general elections would be held. Rameez, witness No. 12, expressed the view that during the armed revolt communication would be maintained by using P.I.A. and P.A.F. planes and the radio sets. One of the conspirators came out with the suggestion that East Pakistanis in West Pakistan would be exchanged with the West Pakistanis captured during the revolt in East Pakistan.
61. In the same month (September 1966), for the second time, Saeed-Ur
Rahman, witness No. 7, arranged a meeting between Muazzam, accused No. 2, and Mr. P.N. Ojha at the latter’s residence in Dhanmandi, Dacca. P.N. Ojha told Muazzam, accused No. 2, that the Indian Government had agreed to supply arms to the conspirators and that he would inform Muazzam, accused No. 2, in due course, of the date on which the arms and ammunition would be delivered
62. In October 1966, Muazzam, accused No. 2, arranged a meeting at his
residence “Anchorage” at Chittagong, on the suggestion of Shamsur Rahman, accused No. 19, to ascertain the response of senior Army Officers to the group. Col. M.A.G. Osmani (Retired), was invited.
The following were present:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Shamsur Rahman, accused No. 19, (iii) Rameez, witness No. 12,
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Muazzam, accused No. 2, mentioned the salient features of the conspiracy. He also disclosed that “a gentleman’s agreement” had been reached with India to the effect that she would not violate the existing boundaries of East Pakistan on the declaration of independence and that she would support the revolt by blocking sea and air against any intervention from West Pakistan. Col. M.A.G. Osmani merely listened to the discourse.
63. In October 1966, Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, for the third time
arranged a meeting between Muazzam, accused No. 2, and P. N. Ojha at the latter’s residence in Dhanmandi, Dacca. P.N. Ojha regretted that due to the then impending general elections in India, the date for supply of arms and ammunition could not be fixed. P.N. Ojha advised the conspirators to wait for the supply of arms till the conclusion of the general elections in India.
64. In the same month (October 1966), Steward Mujib, accused No. 3,
approached Mohsin, witness No. 11, for monetary help. Mohsin, witness No. 11, paid him Rs. 2,000. Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, said that Rs. 3 to 4 lacs were needed for procuring arms and ammunition. Mohsin, witness No. 11, got scared and turned out Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, immediately from his house.
65. On or about 23rd January 1967, Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12,
was released from detention.
66. In February 1967, Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, also reached Dacca
and held a meeting of the Air Force personnel in the group, in the shop of M. A. Razzaq, accused No. 16, located in Awlad Hossain Market in Dacca. The following persons attended the meeting:
(i) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (ii) M. A. Razzaq, accused No. 16, (iii) Sgt. Shamsul Haq, accused No. 23, and (iv) Siraj, witness No. 15.
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A few others also attended this meeting but they have not been traced. The general aims and objects of the conspiracy were discussed.
67. In March 1967, Muazzam, accused No. 2, was seconded to the East
Pakistan Inland Water Transport Authority and was posted to Barisal.
68. In March 1967, both Siraj, witness No. 15 and Mahfizullah, accused
No. 7, returned to Karachi.

69. In the same month (March 1967), Muazzam, accused No. 2, arranged
his fourth meeting with P.N. Ojha through Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, at the residence of P.N. Ojha in Dacca. On 10th March 1967, Muazzam, accused No. 2, Manik Chaudhury accused No. 12, and Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, met P.N. Ojha, who informed them that till the election of the Prime Minister of India, the date for the supply of arms and ammunition could not be fixed. P.N. Ojha enquired about their progress. At the conclusion of the meeting, P.N. Ojha gave them Rs. 5,000 in cash.
70. On 31st March 1967, Muazzam, accused No. 2, along with Manik
Chaudhury, accused No. 12, and Saeed-Ur-Rahman, witness No. 7, met P.N. Ojha for the fifth time at the residence of P.N. Ojha in Dacca. In that meeting P.N. Ojha disclosed that Indian Government felt that prior to the supply of arms and ammunition, a meeting between the representatives of the conspiratorial group and some officials from India was necessary, P.N. Ojha suggested Agartala (India), which is not far from the Pakistan border as the venue for the meeting. He asked Muazzam, accused No. 2, to propose the names of three representatives. P.N. Ojha gave them Rs. 10,000 on this occasion.
71. In the same month (March 1967), Muazzam, accused No. 2, Steward
Mujib, accused No. 3, and Rameez, witness No. 12, assembled in
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the flat of Rameez, witness No. 12, in Muhammadpur Housing Estate, Dacca. Muazzam, accused No. 2, told Rameez, witness No. 12, that he had ample funds available with him, and that they were receiving financial aid from P. N. Ojha. He also said that they were receiving financial support from Ruhul Quddus, accused No. 10, and A. F. Rahman, accused No. 6. Steward Mujib, accoused No. 3, confirmed those facts. In that meeting, the conspirators decided to hire another house for holding meetings and to provide accommodation for the whole time workers. In order to provide cover for the activities of the conspirators, it was also decided that some funds be provided to set up an ostensible business. Rameez, witness No. 12, recommended the name of his friend Abu Shams Lutful Huda, witness No. 16, for setting it up.
72. In the same month (March 1967), another party meeting was held in
the aforementioned flat. The following attended the meeting:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Samad, accused No. 8, (iv) Shamsur Rahman, accused No. 19, (v) Mutalib, accused No. 25, (vi) Rameez, witness No. 12, and (vii) Lutful Huda, witness No. 16.
In that meeting issues concerning the procurement of transmitter sets and the training of operators were discussed. It was also decided that a substantial amount should be placed at the disposal of Rameez, witness No. 12, for conducting the group’s cover business under the supervision of Lutful Huda, witness No. 16.
73. A few days later (March 1967), Rameez, witness No. 12, received
Rs. 25,000 from Muazzam, accused No. 2, through Steward Mujib, accused No. 3. Out of the said amount, Rameez, witness No. 12,
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paid Rs. 5,000 in cash to Lutful Huda, witness No. 16, for the business. Out of the balance of Rs. 20,000 Rameez, witness No. 12, spent Rs. 18,689 to meet the miscellaneous expenses incurred by the conspirators.
74. On 14th March 1967, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, deserted from
Pakistan Navy in order to devote his full time to the conspiratorial work.
75. After about a fortnight in the same month (March 1967), Shamsur
Rahman, accused No. 19, wrote a letter to Mr. Siddque-Ur-Rahman, Deputy Commissioner, Faridpur, requesting him to help “his friend Mr. Mujibur Rahman.” Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, along with Lutful Huda, witness No. 16, went to Faridpur and delivered the letter to Mr. Siddique-ur-Rahman.
76. In April 1967, house No. 13, Green Square, Dacca, was hired for the
group. It was occupied on 1st May 1967. The following whole time workers were accommodated therein:
(i) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (ii) Samad, accused No. 8, (iii) Daliluddin, accused No. 9, (iv) Ex-Subedar, Jalaluddin Ahmad, witness No. 17. (v) Mr. Mohammad Ghulam Ahmad, witness No. 18.
Muazzam, accused No. 2, also placed his HILLMAN car No. EBA9591 at the disposal of Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, for the group’s work at 13, Green Square.
77. Sometime in April 1967, Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, visited
Corporal Hai, A.K.M.A., witness No. 19, at his quarter in Domestic Area, P.A.F. Korangi Creek, Karachi. Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, finding a dummy hand-grenade kept there as a decoration piece, obtained the said hand-grenade from Hai, witness No. 19.
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78. In May 1967, a meeting was convened by Mahfizullah, accused No.
7, in the house of Sgt. Jalil, accused No. 29, in 14/4-G, Clayton Quarters, Karachi. The under mentioned members attended the meeting:
(i) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (ii) Bari, accused No. 22, (iii) Sgt. Shamsul Haq, accused No. 23, (iv) Sgt. Abdul Jalil, accused No. 29, (v) Mohammad Mahbubuddin Chaudhury, accused No. 30, (vi) Shamsuddin, witness No. 6, (vii) Corporal Jamal, witness No. 14, and (Viii) Siraj, witness No. 15.
In that meeting, Sgt. Shamsul Haq, accused No. 23, who had recently returned from East Pakistan and was one of the leading figures in the group there, informed the participants that Muazzam, accused No. 2, had succeeded in persuading the Indian authorities to provide arms and financial aid for the conspiracy. He explained to the conspirators that the entire public of East Pakistan would support the armed revolt on the ‘D’ Day. At the conclusion of the meeting Mahfizullah. accused No. 7, took out a dummy hand grenade from his pocket and gave a demonstration of its throwing. He asked the group members to practice the same. He left the hand grenade for that purpose in the house of Jalil, accused No. 29. He said that he would start training in the use of small arms on receipt of the same.
79. Sometime in May 1967, Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, revealed to
Siraj, witness No. 15, that Shamsuddin, witness No. 6, was also a member of their organisation and that the Air Force personnel were being led by Lt. M.M.M. Rahman, accused No. 31. Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, directed Siraj, witness No. 15, to bring Shamsuddin, witness No. 6, and Mahbubuddin, accused No. 30, for attending the group meeting at the residence of Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, in officers’ quarters in Karsaz, Karachi.
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80. In the same month (May 1967), on the appointed date, the following
assembled in the house of Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31:
(i) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (ii) Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, (iii) Mahboobuddin, accused No. 30, (iv) Shamsuddin, witness No. 6, (v) Siraj, witness No. 15, and a few others who have not been traced.
After reiterating the aims and objects, Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, asked the participants to enlist more and more Bengali serving/ex-. servicemen into the organisation and to find out ways and means for despatching suitable workers to East Pakistan.
81. Sometime at the end of June 1967, Muazzam, accused No. 2, had
sent Jalal, witness No. 17, and Samad, accused No. 8, on a recruiting tour. In that connection, the aforementioned witness and the accused visited Comilla, Chittagong, Khulna, and Jessore. They met Ex-Sub. A.K.M. Tajul Islam, accused No. 32, at Khulna and discussed with him the progress of the group in that area. Tajul Islam accused No. 32, introduced the conspirators recruited by him to the visiting team.
82. In the 2nd or 3rd week of June 1967, Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31,
who was one of the leading figures in the aforesaid group, held a meeting at his residence, Bungalow No. E/16, Officers’ Quarters near Karsaz, Karachi.
The following conspirators attended the meeting:
(i) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (ii) Bari, accused No. 22, (iii) Mahboobuddin, accused No. 30,
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(iv) Lt. Rahman, accused No.31, (v) Sgt. Shamsuddin, witness No. 6, and (vi) Siraj, witness No. 15. and a few others, who have not been traced.
Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, told the participants that Muazzam, accused No. 2, had given instructions to stop further recruitment of the conspirators. On the suggestion of Mahboobuddin, accused No. 30, and Bari, accused No. 22, Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, directed Shamsuddin, witness No. 6, who was proceeding on transfer to Dacca, to contact Muazzam, accused No. 2, at Dacca and to enquire from him if he wanted his (Lt. Rahman’s) presence at Dacca and if so, Shamsuddin, witness No. 6, should send him a telegram stating “Bazloo serious admitted in Medical College”. At the instance of Bari, accused No. 22, and Mahboobuddin, accused No. 30, it was decided that the members should only raise funds for the group at Karachi, for the time being.
83. In June 1967, Muazzam, accused No. 2, convened a few meetings in
13, Green Square, Dacca, which were attended by:
(i) Muazzam, accused No. 2, (ii) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (iii) Sultan, accused No. 4, (iv) Daliluddin, accused No. 9, (v) Ris. Shamsul Haq, accused No. 20, (vi) Mr. M. Ali Reza, accused No. 33, (vii) Captain Khurshiduddin Ahmad, A.M.C., accused No. 34, (viii) Rameez, witness No. 12, (ix) Jalaluddin, witness No. 19, and (x) Mr. Anwar Hossain, witness No. 20.
The main object of these meetings was to select delegates for going to India. In this connection telegrams were sent to Shams-Ur-Rahman, accused No. 19, at Djakarta and Mutalib, accused No. 25, at Peshawar, but they did not come.
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Khurshid, accused No. 34, had recently arrived at Dacca from Karachi. Khurshid, accused No. 34, discussed in detail the plan for sending delegates to Agartala (India). The following decisions were taken in the aforementioned meetings:
(a) that Reza, accused No.33, along with Steward Mujib, accused
No.3, would represent the group in the forthcoming meeting
with the Indian officials across the border; (b) that Reza, accused No. 33, would lead the delegation; (c) that a list of required arms and ammunition, as shown to the
conspirators and handed over to Reza, accused No. 33, would
be delivered to Indian officials; (d) that the arms deal would be finalised and increase of financial
aid would be asked for in the meeting at Agartala; (e) that the delegates would sneak through the Feni border to
Agartala (India); and that Jalaluddin, witness No. 17, would supervise the crossing and would use his influence and if needed would bribe the E.P.R. personnel manning the border outpost, to ensure the safe crossing of the delegates across the border.
84. In the 3rd or 4th week of June 1967, Muazzam, accused No. 2, called
Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, to Dacca and gave him an envelope for delivering the same to P.N. Ojha. Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, did so on the same evening. The envelope contained the code words, names of the crossing places and the names of the aforementioned delegates.
85. On the 11th July 1967, according to the prearranged plan, the
following conspirators along with the two delegates, namely Reza, accused No. 33, and Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, reached Feni (District Noakhali) in order to enable the delegates to slip across the border on their way to Agartala (India):
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(i) Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, (ii) Samad, accused No. 8, (iii) Daliluddin, accused No. 9, (iv) Reza, accused No. 33, and (v) Jalal, witness No. 17.
The above named conspirators stayed in Hotel Denofa, located near Feni Railway Station. The same evening, Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, asked Rameez, witness No. 12, on the telephone to come to Feni, who in response to the message reached Feni the same night along with Anwar Hossain, witness No. 20, in a P.I.A. Staff car.
86. Between 2-30 and 4-30 a.m. on 12th July, 1967, Rameez, witness
No. 12, along with Anwar, witness No. 20, drove the party except Daliluddin, accused No. 9, in the P.I.A. Staff car dropping them on the main road near the Indo-Pakistan border, and after doing so both Rameez, witness No. 12, and Anwar, witness No. 20, returned to Chittagong, the same night. Jalal, witness No. 17, supervised the crossing of the two delegates into the Indian territory.
87. On 13th July 1967, sometime at night, the two delegates, namely,
Reza, accused No. 33, and Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, returned to Denofa Hotel from Agartala in a truck.
88. On 15th July 1967, they left for Barisal to apprise Muazzam, accused
No. 2, of the outcome of the aforementioned meeting.
89. Later in the same month, i.e., July 1967, Muazzam, accused No. 2,
along with Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, and Saeed-UrRahman, witness No. 7, met P.N. Ojha for the sixth time at the latter’s residence in Dhanmandi, Dacca. P.N.. Ojha pretended to

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Muazzam, accused No. 2, that he had not received the result of the Agartala meeting from his government till then. He, however, quietly confided to Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, that the Indian official was not satisfied with the calibre of the delegates.
90. In the same Month (Jul 1967), Sultan, accused No. 4, visited
Karachi. A meeting of the conspirators operating in Karachi, was held in the house of Mahboobud-Din, accused No. 30, at 14/4-G, Martian Quarters, Karachi. The following attended the meeting:
(i) Sultan, accused No. 4, (ii) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (iii) Zahurul Haq, accused No. 17, (iv) Sergeant Shamsul Haq, accused No. 23, (v) Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, and (vi) Siraj, witness No. 15.
Three other persons whose names are given as Pilot officer Mirza, S.M. Ali and Ch. Zainul Abideen also attended this meeting. The identity of the last two could not be established, while the first is in hospital and was not allowed to be questioned.
Sultan, accused No. 4, said that he had witnessed the revolution in Cuba and as such he was alive to the sacrifices warranted in staging an armed revolt. He expressed his disappointment in finding the chief workers lacking in a revolutionary spirit. He concluded by asking the participants to take an oath to sacrifice their lives for the cause.
91. After about 15 days, in July/August 1967, Lt. Rahman, accused No.
31, convened another party meeting in the house of Mahboobuddin, accused No. 30, at 14/4-G, Martin Quarters, Karachi. The following conspirators attended the meeting:
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(i) Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, (ii) Lt. Abdur Rauf, accused No. 35, (iii) Zahurul Haq, accused No. 17, (iv) Sultan, accused No. 4, (v) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (vi) Bari, accused No. 22, (vii) Siraj, witness No. 15,
Two other persons whose names were mentioned as Ch. Zainul Abideen, and S.M. Ali and some others whose names were not ascertainable also attended this meeting but their identities were not established
In that meeting Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, directed the members to function in close co-operation with the main organisation functioning in East Pakistan under the leadership of Muazzam, accused No. 2. Lt. Abdur Rauf, accused No. 35 then, administered an oath in Bengali to the participants. In the same meeting, it was decided that:
(a) Sirajul Islam, witness No. 15, would collect money and enlist
members from Madaripur area. (b) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, would collect money and enlist
members from Drigh Road area. (c) Zahurul Haq, accused No. 17, would collect money and enlist
members from Korangi area and would also visit Chaklala, Peshawar, Kohat, and Sargodha for the same purpose.
92. In August 1967, Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, and Saeed-Ur
Rahman, witness No. 7, visited Dacca and met Steward Mujib, accused No. 3. The latter told them that he and Reza, accused No. 33, had gone to Agartala.
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93. In August 1967, Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35, called an emergent
meeting in the house of Jalil, accused No. 29, in Clayton Quarters. The following attended the meeting:
(i) Mahfizullah, accused No. 7, (ii) Bari, accused No. 22, (iii) Jalil, accused No. 29, (iv) Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, (v) Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35, (vi) Shahebuddin, witness No. 6. (vii) Siraj, witness No. 15.
The identity of three other persons whose names are given as Cpl. Aftab, Chaudhury Zainul Abideen and Siddiq-Ur-Rahman were not established.
Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35 and Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, appeared somewhat worried. They suspected that they were under surveillance. Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35, directed the participants to stop the recruitment of new members. Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35, asked the members to obtain leave and to proceed to East Pakistan. Accordingly, the members started obtaining leave and going to their home towns in East Pakistan.
94. Under the direction of Sgt. Shamsul Haq, accused No. 23, sometime
in September 1967, Zahurul Haq, accused No. 17, visited P.A.F. Station Chaklala, where he met Sgt. Rajab Hossain, witness No. 21. Zahurul Haq, accused No. 17, informed Rajab witness No. 21, that a group had been formed for achieving independence for East Pakistan by means of an armed revolt and invited Rajab witness No. 21, to join the conspiracy. Rajab witness No. 21, however, declined to associate himself with this activity.
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95. In October 1967, Reza, accused No. 33, obtained a P.I.A. credit ticket
from Rameez, witness No. 12, and proceeded to Lahore and Peshawar to tell Ruhul Quddus, accused No. 10, who in the meantime had been posted to Lahore and Cpt. Mutalib, accused No. 25, who had been posted to Peshawar, about the misappropriation of funds that he felt Muazzam, accused No. 2, was committing.
96. In November 1967, Siraj, witness No. 15, arrived in Dacca on
privilege leave. By then, Mahboobuddin, accused No. 30, Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35, and Lt. Rahman, accused No. 31, had already reached Dacca on leave.
97. In November 1967, the following attended a meeting at the residence
of Ex-Sqn. Leader Muazzam Hossain Chaudhury, witness No. 24: (i) Fazlul Haq, accused No. 11, (ii) M.A. Razzaque, accused No. 16, (iii) Corporal Jamal, witness No. 14, (iv) Jakir Ahmed, witness No. 22, (v) Sgt. M. Abdul Haleem, witness No. 23, and (vi) Chaudhury, witness No. 24.
In this meeting, it was felt that the group should be revitalised as it was dying out due to the selfishness of Muazzam, accused No. 2, and his proteges.
98. In November 1967, Jakir, witness No. 22, reported to Wing
Commander Ashfaq Mian, witness No. 25, that a few days previously Haleem, witness No. 23, took him to the house of Chaudhury, witness No. 24, where he found the following assembled:
(i) Fazlul Haq, accused No. 11, (ii) M.A. Razzaque, accused No. 16,
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(iii) Chaudhury, witness No. 24. (iv) Corporal Jamal, witness No. 14, and (v) Haleem, witness No. 23.
Jakir, witness No. 22, complained to Ashfaq, witness No. 25 that the aforementioned persons were talking about separating East Pakistan from the Centre
99. In the first week of December 1967, the under-mentioned met in the
house of one Mr. Malik, a friend of Siraj, witness No. 15, which is located in Sukrabad, Dacca.
(i) Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35, (ii) Mahboobuddin, accused No. 30, (iii) Siraj, witness No. 15, and a few others who have not been traced.
A proposal to open a technical school at Dacca to serve as a cover for the activities of the group was discussed. Lt. Rauf, accused No. 35, undertook to contact Muazzam, accused No. 2, and Col. M.A.G. Osmani (retd.) for revitalising activity.
100. Soon afterwards arrests of the members of the conspiracy began to
take place, and thus their activities came to an end.
It is respectfully prayed that the accused be tried on the charges framed against them which are submitted herewith.
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1. Wing Comd. M. Ashfaq Mian, witness No. 25. On hearing from Jaker witness No. 22 in November 1967 about the activities of the group, this witness passed the information to I.S.I. Detachment at Dacca through Air Force Intelligence.
2. Abdul Husain, witness No. 25A. This witness was with Mohsin witness No. 11 in February 1966 when Mohsin called at the house of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1 in Dhanmandi, Dacca and met Sultan accused. No. 4, in the verandah of that house. In October 1966, at Dacca, he saw Mohsin witness No. 11 giving some money to Steward Mujib accused No. 3.
3. Ali Ahmed, witness No. 26. He is a witness of the following incidents:
(a) In January 1966 the members of the group mentioned by
Rameez witness No. 12 assembled at 60 Panchlaish,
Chittagong. (6) In October 1966 K.M.S. Rahman accused No. 19, Moazzem
accused No. 2. Col. Usmani and Rameez witness No. 12 assembled at Anchorage, Chittagong. He later drove Col. Usmani in the Car of Rameez witness No. 12 to EBRC Officer Mess, Chittagong.
4. Iftikhar Ahmed, witness No. 27. He is a witness of the fact that in August/September 1965 Moazzem paid Rs. 5000/00 in cash for booking a FIAT 1100 D for Rameez witness No. 12 for the party work.
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5. Chowkidar? Rahmat Ali, witness No. 28 of C.S.O. Regional Office, Dacca.
6. A.S.I. Abdul Latif, witness No. 29 of P.S. Ramna, Dacca.
7. Ashrafuddin Ahmed, witness No. 30 of C.S.O. Regional Office, Dacca.
8. M.A. Karim of C.S.O. Regional Office, Dacca, witness No. 31.
9. M.A. Mannaf, Dy. S.P. Special Branch, Dacca, witness No. 32. In the presence of witness No. 28, 29, 30 and 31, on 14 December 1967 D.S.P. Mannaf witness No. 32, recovered and seized from the C.S.O. Regional Office, Dacca, documents Nos. 1 to 20 and 111, letters, etc and article No. 7 to 10, belonging/relating to Ameer Husain witness No. 3
10. M. Abul Basher, Accountant, National Bank of Pakistan, Jinnah Avenue, Dacca, witness No. 33.
11. M. Azharul Islam, witness No. 34. In the presence of those witnesses, the employees of the National Bank of Pakistan, Jinnah Avenue, Dacca, on 16th January 1968, A.K.M. Ahsanullah, DSP. witness No. 193 seized documents Nos. 34, 35 and 36, pertaining to the Bank Draft Rs. 5000/00 sent by Ameer Husain witness No. 3 to Moazzem accused. No. 2 at Karachi. In addition, No. 33 also witnessed the seizure of S.B. voucher dated 2.6.67 of National Bank of Pak. document No. 97, showing the deposit of cheque dated 26.5.67 for Rs. 5000/00 document No. 96, issued by Rameez witness No. 12 in favour of Steward Mujib accused No. 3 seized by Inspector Talukder witness No. 194.
12. S.I. Abul Hashim P.S. Kotwali, Dacca witness No. 35.
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Montazuddin Sikder of Dacca Hotel, witness No. 36.
M. Zahir of P.S. Kotwali, Dacca witness No. 37. In the presence of witnesses No. 36 and 37 on 8 January 1968, S.I. Abul Hashim, witness No. 35 seized volume No. IV of Dacca Hotel Register, Document No. 29. This Register corroborates the statements of the accomplices regarding the stay in this Hotel.
S.I. Mujibur Rahman of Ramna P.S. Dacca witness No. 38.
Omar Fateh Khan, Manager Hotel Arzoo, Dacca, wit. No. 39.
Anwarul Islam of 109, Nawabpur Road, Dacca, witness No. 40. In the presence of witnesses Nos. 39 and 40, on 6 January 1968, S.I. Mujibur Rahman witness No. 36 seized volume 1/67 of Hotel Arzoo Register, document No. 103. The Register corroborates the statements of the approvers regarding the stay in this hotel.
A.S.I. M. Hashmat Ali of P.S.Tejgaon, Dacca, witness No. 41.
M. Abul Bashar, witness No. 42.
Aftab Hossain Munshi of 225 Dhanmandi, Dacca, wit. No. 43. In the presence of witness No. 42 and 43, on 9 December 1967, A.S.I. M. Hashmat Ali, witness No. 41 seized document No. 21, 22 and 112 from the house No. 821 Dhanmandi, Dacca of Ali Reza accused No. 33. The said documents contained the Diary, document No. 21 of Ali Reza accused No. 33 in which he mentioned in disguised language his visit to Agartala, a bill of hotel Jan Peshawar, document No. 22, where he stayed in Nov. 67 when he visited Mutalib accused No. 25 and a letter, document No. 112, written to Ali Reza accused No. 33 in August 1967 by Mutalib accused No. 25.
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S.I. Raghu Nandan Shaha of P.S. Ramna, Dacca, witness No. 44.
Abdus Salam, witness No. 45.
Mustaque Ahmad, witness No. 46. In the presence of witness No. 45 and 46, S.I. Raghu Nandan Shaha witness No. 44 seized certain documents from the house of Sultan accused No. 4 and K.U. Ahmed witness No. 2, which have not been included in the list of documents. These will be included later on if necessary or witnesses No. 45 and 46 will be given up.
Salamatullah Mia, witness No. 47.
Mohammad Waliullah, witness No. 48. In the presence of witness No. 47 and 48, S.I. Raghu Nandan Shaha, witness No. 44 seized from the house (No. 543 Nayatala Tejgaon, Dacca) of Samad accused No. 8, documents No. 23, 24 & 25. Document No. 25, is a diary in which Samad accused No. 8, has noted his visit to Feni on 11 July 1967 when he went there along with the party delegates proceeding to Agartala (India). In addition, witness No. 48 will depose that Steward Mujib accused No. 3 and Samad accused No. 8, stayed in house No. 543 Nayatala Tejgaon, Dacca.
S.I. K.S. Islam of Lalbagh P.S. witness No. 49.
Abdur Rashid, witness No. 50.
Mohd. Nurul Islam, witness No. 51. In the presence of witness No. 50 and 51 S.I. K.S. Islam witness No. 49, seized the sale and staff registers of Green View Petrol Pump, documents No. 37 and 38, showing that Samad accused No. 8 was employed in that Petrol Pump.
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Ali Ashraf Malik of Hotel Green Dacca, witness No. 52.
M. Nazrul Islam, Telephone Operator, Hotel Green, witness No. 53.
S.I. Jalaluddin of P.S. Ramna, Dacca, witness No. 54. In the presence of witness No. 52 and 53, on 8 January 1968 S.I. Jalaluddin witness No. 54 seized document No. 32, the Hotel Green, Dacca, Register, bearing the entries of the stay of Syedur Rahman witness No. 7 and Manik Chaudhury accused No. 12 at the material time.
Bisweshar Sikdar of Hotel Shahjahan, Chittagong wit. 55.
B.P. Dev, witness No. 56. In the presence of these witnesses, on 13 January 1968, at Chittagong S.I. Atibur Rahman Chaudhury witness No. 225 seized document No. 33, the Shahjahan Hotel Bill Book, showing that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1 stayed there at the material time.
S.I. Moniruddin Ahmed of P.S. Kotwali, Chittagong wit. No. 57.
Haji Ahmadur Rahman Chaudhury, witness No. 58.
Muhammad Saleh Ahmed, witness No. 59. In the presence of witness No. 58 & 59, on 13 January 1968, at Chittagong, S.I. Moniruddin witness No. 57 seized Miska Hotel Register, document No. 31, bearing entries of the stay of Amir Hussain witness No. 3 in February 1966. In addition, witness No. 59 identified Sultan accused No. 4, Manik Chaudhury accused No. 12 to be the persons who he saw at Hotel Miska 2%2 years ago when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1 visited the said hotel.
A.S.I. A. Husain of P.S. Ramna, Dacca, witness No. 60.
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Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhury, Manager, Hotel Cassarina, Dacca witness No. 61.
Babu Miah – witness No. 62. In the presence of witness No. 61 and 62, on 24 January 1968 at Dacca, A.S.I. A. Husain witness No. 60, seized Hotel Cassarina Register document No. 105, This register corroborates the statements as to the stay in this hotel. In addition, witness No. 61 identified Manik Chaudhury accused No. 12 and B.K. Sen accused No. 13 to be the persons who stayed in the said hotel at the material time.
Mokarram Husain of National Bank of Pakistan Jinnah Avenue Dacca, witness No. 63.
Zillur Rahman, witness No. 64. In the presence of witnesses No. 63 and 64, Inspector A.S. Talukder witness No. 194, on 26 January 1968 at Dacca, seized the ledger No. 5, document No. 69 of N.B.P. Dacca containing the account of steward Mujib accused No. 3. Zillur Rahman witness No. 64 also witnessed the seizure of document No. 64.
Yousufuddin Ahmed EPCS. witness No. 65.
A.B. Badaruddin witness No. 66- DIBD. In the presence of witness No. 65, Inspector A.S. Talukder, witness No. 194 on 26 January 1968, seized the issue Register No. 11 dated 25.6.1962 of the office of the Dy. Commissioner Relief and Rehabilitation, document No. 27, whereby the flat in question in Mohammadpur Housing Estate Dacca was allotted to Rameez witness No. 12 and show cause Notice, document No. 73, given to Rameez witness No. 12 in respect of the aforesaid flat in 1967 for vacating the same. Witness No. 194 also seized the application, document No. 26, dated 24.2.62 of witness No. 12 for the allotment of the flat.
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Amjad Ali, witness No. 67.
Muhammad Lokman, witness No. 68. In the presence of the above named witnesses, on 27 January 68 from the house of Lutful Huda witness No. 16, 13 Green Square, Dacca, A.K.M. Ahsanullah. witness No. 193, seized the negative of the photostat of the letter, document No. 58, written by Shamsur Rahman accused No. 19 and the counterfoil of Cheque book A/C No. 1252 of witness No. 16, document No. 78, issued from National Bank of Pakistan, Local office, Dacca. From the said cheque book, a cheque of Rs. 500/00 was given to Steward Mujib accused No. 3 on 12.10.1967.
Ghulam Mehdi Chaudhury, DSP. Bakerganj, witness No. 69. This witness seized unlisted telephone set, article No. 5, from the house of Moazzem accused No. 2 at Barisal.
M. A. Mabud, witness No. 70.
Syed Montazuddin Ahmed, witness No. 71. (a) Both witnessed the seizure of unlisted telephone, article No. 5. (6) Both witnessed the seizure of T.A. Bill of Moazzem,
document No. 57. seized by Dy. S.P. Ahsanullah wit. 193. (c) Both witnessed the seizure of the joining report of Moazzem
accused No. 2, document No. 62 seized by Dy. SP | Ahsanullah, witness No. 193.
Nurul Islam, witness No. 72. This witness is the maternal uncle of Moazzem accused No. 2, and signed as the house owner and witness to the seizure of article No. 5.
Makhfaruddin, witness No. 73. He is a witness to the seizure of T.A. Bills of accused No. 2, document No. 57.
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A. Latif – witness No. 74.
M.U. Ahmad, witness No. 75. In the presence of these witnesses, Inspector A.S. Talukder witness No. 194, at Dacca on 4 February 1968, seized the agreement, document No. 40, between witness No. 75 and Ashraf Ali witness No. 9 for hiring a house called PSYCHE, Azimpur Road, Dacca.
Habibur Rahman of National Bank of Pakistan, wit. No. 76. In the presence of witness No. 76 and 33, Inspector Talukder witness No. 194 seized S.B. Voucher dated 2.6.67 of National Bank of Pakistan, document No. 97, showing the deposit of Cheque dated 25.5.67 for Rs. 5000/00, document No. 96, issued by Rameez witness No. 12 in favour of Steward Mujib accused No. 3.
54. Muhammad Abul Bashar, National Bank of Pakistan Dacca,
witness No. 77.
Muhammad Yusuf of National Bank of Pakistan Jinnah Avenue, Dacca, witness No. 78.
Ziaur Rahman, witness No. 79. In the presence of those witnesses, Inspector A.S. Talukder witness No. 194 seized from National Bank of Pakistan Dacca one bearer Cheque No. D.G.A.451432 dated 12.10.67 for Rs.500/00, document No. 77, drawn by Steward Mujib accused No. 3 and the record of current account No. 3251, document No. 74, opening from 24.7.67 identified to be of Lutful Huda witness No. 16.
S.I. Altaf Husain of P.S. Feni, Dt. Noakhali, wit. No. 80.
Tajul Islam of Feni Telegraph Office witness No. 81.
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A.K.M. Shahabuddin, witness No. 82. In the presence of witnesses Nos. 81 and 82, S.I. Altaf Husain witness No. 80, on 7.2.1966 at Feni, seized one trunk call receipt book, document No. 104 showing that a P.P. Trunk Call was made to Rameez witness No. 12 at Chittagong at the material time.
Muhammad Nur Ahmed of Feni, witness No. 83.
Nazir Ahmed of Feni, Dist-Noakhali, Witness No. 84. In the presence of these witnesses S.I. Altaf Husain, wit. No. 80 on 3.2.68 at Feni seized Hotel Denofa Register, document No. 71, bearing the fictitious names of the party that went to see off the delegation proceeding to Agartala on 11.7.67.
Abdul Wahab, Chowkidar, C&B’ Rest House, Feni- wit. No. 85. This witness identified Rameez, witness No. 12 and Anwar Husain, witness No. 20 to be the persons who visited the said Rest House on 11th July 1967.
Mukhtar Ahmad, Asstt. Accountant, Motor Corporation Ltd., Chittagong – witness No. 86. In the presence of this witness, Inspector Sirajul Islam, witness No. 196 seized P.R. No. 1610, dated 24.8.66, document No. 44. of Motor Corporation Ltd. Chittagong showing the payment of Rs. 5000/00 by Moazzem, accused No. 2 in favour of Rameez, witness No. 12 for the purchase of a Car, article No. 3.
Nooruddin of Habib Bank, Chittagong, witness No. 87.
Momtazuddin of Habib Bank, Chittagong, witness No. 88. In the presence of the above witnesses No. 87 and 88, S.I. Atibur Rahman witness No. 225, on 7.2.68, at Chittagong, seized Cheque
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No. AAE344027 dated 24.8.66 in favour of Motor Corporation Ltd. Chittagong for Rs. 11000/00 document No. 43 issued by Rameez witness No. 12.
Khokan Barua of Hotel Miska, Chittagong-witness No. 89. This witness identified Steward Mujib, accused No. 3, Khurshid, accused No. 18 and Amir Hussain, witness, No. 3 to be the persons who stayed/visited Hotel Miska at the material time in February. 1966.
S. Rashid Ali Rizvi of P.I.A., Chittagong wit. No. 90.
Farid Ahmed, witness No. 91. In the presence of witness No. 90 and 91, S.I. Atibur Rahman witness No. 225 on 5.2.68 at Chittagong seized the personal file, document No. 61, of Rameez witness No. 12 containing an invoice for a credit ticket issued to Ali Reza, accused No. 33 for Dacca to Lahore and back.
Shamsul Alam Toll Post Shuvapur Bridge, wit. No. 92. In the presence of witness No. 92 and also 91, S.I. Atibur Rahman, witness No. 225 seized Toll Collection Book, document No. 72, dated 11/12 July, 67, showing that PIA Car.No. KAE 3194 went from Chittagong towards Feni on the said date.
Muhammad Solaiman of Hotel Shahjahan, Chittagong wit. 93.
Shameswar Nahar, witness No. 94. In the presence of these witnesses, Inspector Serajul Islam, witness No. 196 on 6.2.68, at Chittagong seized Hotel Shahjahan Register. This register has not been included in the list of documents. It will be included latter on if necessary, or these witnesses will be given up.
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72. Mr. Rizvi, S.A.S. of PIA Chittagong, witness No. 95.
Mr. Roshanuddin of PIA Chittagong- witness No. 96. In the presence of these witnesses, S.I. Atibur Rahman witness No. 225 seized invoices Nos. 225/134, dated 21.4.67, 225/13510 dated 10.5.66, 225/13673 dated 15.6.67, document No. 68, whereby credit tickets were issued in favour of Mutalib, accused No. 25 C/O. Rameez, witness No. 12 for going to Peshawar, Witness No. 96 also witnessed the seizure of document of No. 61.
S.I. Nowmanuddin Chaudhury, witness No. 97.
Muhammad Mukhlesur Rahman, witness No. 98.
Muhammad Wali Ahmed, witness No. 99. In the presence of witness No. 98 and 99, S.I. Nowmanuddin witness No. 97 seized rent receipts document No. 75, issued by one Waliullah to Manik Chaudhury accused No. 12 for hiring house No. 13/B Abhoy Das Lane, Dacca.
S.I. A.K.M. Muslehuddin, witness No. 100.
M.A. Quyum of National & Grindlays Bank Dacca wit. No. 101.
A. Tauhid of National and Grindlays Bank Dacca wit. No. 102. In the presence of witness No. 101 and 102, S.I. Muslehuddin witness No. 100, on 14.2.68. at Dacca seized cheque No. S.I. 02090, dated 8.5.67 for Rs. 3000/00, document No. 93, issued in favour of Steward Mujib accused No. 3.
Habibur Rahman Khan of National Bank, Jinnah Avenue wit. 103. In the presence of this witness, S.I. Muslehuddin, witness No. 100 seized pay-in-Slip dated 3.10.65 for Rs. 5000/00, document No. 59, in favour of Lutful Huda witness No. 16.
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S.I. Rezaul Karim, witness No. 104.
Z.E.M. Bakhashta of I.W.T.A., witness No. 105.
A.A. Khan Afridi of I.W.T.A., witness No. 106. In the presence of witnesses Nos. 105 and 106 S.I. Rezaul Karim witness No. 104 on 22.2.68 at Dacca seized the joining report, document No. 62, of Moazzem, accused No. 2 to I.W.T.A dated 11.3.67.
S.I. Wazed Ali, witness No. 107.
Khairul Huda, witness No. 108.
Dr. K.A. Khaleque, witness No. 109. In the presence of witnesses Nos. 108 & 109, S.I. Wazed Ali witness No. 107 on 25.2.68 at Dacca seized Moscowich Car EBC No. 7976 of accused No. 2, article No. 1, (Two cars are included in this serial number of articles).
A.K. Wazedul Haque, witness No. 110.
Kudratullah Bhuiyan, witness No. 111. In the presence of these witnesses, D.S.P. Ahsanullah, witness No. 193 on 27.1.68 at Dacca seized a deed of Agreement document No. 66, between Kudratullah witness No. 111 and Stwd. Mujib, accused No. 3. dated 4.4.67 for hiring 13, Green Square.
Abdul Jabbar Howlader, witness No. 112. In the presence of this witness on 26.2.68 at Madaripur S.I. Rezaul Karim, witness No. 104 seized a copy of deserter roll, document No. 65, in respect of Steward Mujib, accused No. 3.
Anwar Hossain on N.B.P. Madaripur, witness No. 113.
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Muhammad Shafiuddin Miah of N.B.P. Madaripur wit. No. 114. In the presence of witness No. 113 and 114, S.I. Rezaul Karim, witness No. 104, on 26.2.68 at Madaripur seized the following:
(a) Ledger Book No. 2 bearing account of Steward Mujib,
accused No. 3 at page 193, document No. 41. (6) Pay-in-Slip dated 19.8.66 for Rs. 4000/- by accused No. 3 in
his account No. 551, document No. 42. (c) S.B. Account Pay-in-Slip dated 31.8.66 for Rs. 1000/-,
document No. 45.
S.I. Mokabbar Ali, witness No. 115.
S.M.A. Tahir of Eastern Mercantile Bank, Chittagong, witness No. 116.
Azharul Haq of Eastern Mercantile Bank, Chittagong, witness No. 117. In the presence of witness Nos. 116 and 117, S.I. Mokabbar Ali witness No. 115, seized cheque No. 448752 dated 26.5.67 for Rs. 5000/00, document No. 96 issued by Rameez witness No. 12 to Steward Mujib, accused No. 3 from Account No. 691 E.M.B. Chittagong.
A.B.M. Abdul Khaleque of PT&T. Deptt. Govt. of East Pakistan, witness No. 118
B.K.S. Reasat Ali, witness No. 119. In the presence of witness Nos.118 and 119 on 1.3.68. Inspr. A.S. Talukder, witness No. 194 seized telegram, document No. 102, dated 3.7.67 in the name of Alam sent to Lt. Rahman accused No. 31 to Karachi (It was actually sent by Shamsuddin witness No. 6), and a telegram document No. 99 sent in the name of M. Husain to Shamsur Rahman, accused No. 19 to D-Jakarta, (it was actually sent by Reza accused No. 33).
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Inspector Zahur Ellahi Beg of S.B. Lahore- wit. 120. This witness seized from PIA Office Lahore on 26.2.68 the Passengers Manifesto of Flight PK. 726 of 8th Nov/67, document No. 80, bearing the name of Ali Reza, accused No. 33.
Abdur Rashid of PIA, witness No. 121.
Abdul Mannan of PIA, witness No. 122. They witnessed, on 5.3.68 at Dacca, the seizure of PIA car No. KAE 3194, article No. 1 (two cars are included in this serial No. of articles), which was used by Rameez, witness No. 12 while he was in PIA in Chittagong.
100. Abdul Mannan, witness No. 123.
101. Siddiqur Rahman, witness No. 124.
In the presence of witness No. 123 and 124 on 5.3.68, S.I. A.K.M. Moslehuddin, witness No. 100 seized Log Book, document No. 55, of Ferry Ghat between Dacca and Daudkandi, Showing that the two cars, article 1 (Moscovitch) and 4 (Hillman Imp) belonging to Moazzem, accused No. 2 crossed the Ferry on material occasions.
102. Muhammad Abul Husain of Shipping Corporation, Goalondoghat,
witness No. 125.
103. Masirul Islam, witness No. 126.
In the presence of these witness, on 5.3.68, S.I. Nowmanuddin Chaudhury, witness No. 97 seized 23 Cargo Invoice Books, document No. 53, Showing that Car No. EBC 7976 of Moazzem, accused No. 2 crossed the river on way to Dacca on material dates.
104. Tofizuddin Mian of Shipping Corporation of Arichaghat, witness
No. 127.
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105. Taseeruddin Ahmed, of Shipping Corporation of Arichaghat,
witness No. 128. In the presence of these witnesses S.I. Nowmanuddin witness No. 97 on 4.3.68 seized 9 Cargo Invoice Books, document No. 54, showing the movement of Car No. EBC 7976 & EBC 9591 belonging to Moazzem, accused No. 2.
106. A.K.M. Jamaluddin of CSO, Regional Office, Dacca, wit. 129.
In the presence of this witness, S.I. Muslehuddin, witness No. 100 on 8.3.68 seized the joining report, document No. 30, in respect of Amir Hussain, witness No. 3 dated 3.2.66 from C.S.O., Regional Office, Dacca.
107. H.R. Chaudhury, D.S.P. of Khulan, witness No. 130.
108. S.K. Idris Ali, witness No. 131.
109. Mohd. Hafizuddin Mian, witness. No. 132.
In the presence of witness No. 131 and 132, D.S.P. H.R. Chaudhury, witness No. 130 seized the Register of Hotel Taj Mahal, Khulna, document No. 101, showing the stay of Samad, accused No. 8 and J.U. Ahmed, witness No. 17 in the said hotel in June, 1967 during their recruiting tour for the group.
110. Abdul Malik of Sadar Ghat Chittagong, witness No. 133,
111. Jahindra Lal Das, witness No. 134.
In the presence of these witnesses on 12.3.68, Inspector Serajul Islam witness No. 196 seized the carbon copy of cash memo. for the sale of Scooter on 15.3.67 to Shamsul Haq, accused No. 28. The carbon copy of the cash memo has not been included in the list of documents. It will be included later on. (For witness No. 135 refer to the amendment made in the list of witnesses given in the complaint).
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112. A.K. Ray of Green View Petrol Pump, Dacca, witness No. 136.
In the presence of witness No. 51 and 136, on 19.3.68 at Dacca, Inspector A.S. Talukder, witness No.194 seized the bill register of Green-View Petrol Pump, document No. 52, showing that the officials of the Indian High Commission purchased petrol from the Green View Petrol Pump.
113. Reza Rabbani, 82, Laboratory Road, Dacca, witness No. 137.
114. Dr. Anwarul Islam, witness No. 138.
In the presence of these witnesses, Inspr. A.S. Talukder, witness No. 194 seized rent receipt, document No. 64, issued to Reza accused No. 33 in respect of house No. 81, Laboratory Road, Dacca.
115. W. Officer Iqbal Usmani of PAF, Karachi, witness No. 139.
116. Flt. Lt. Mokim Kirmani PAF Karachi, witness No. 140.
117. Zahid Bashir Ansari, B.D. Member, Karachi, witness No. 141.
In the presence of witness No. 140 and 141, W.O. Usmani witness No. 139 seized a dummy hand-grenade, article No. 6, from the quarters of Sgt. Abdul Jalil, accused No. 29 situated in Clayton Quarters, Karachi.
118. Muhammad Jabir Siddique, witness No. 142.
119. Qazi Misbahuddin of Eastern Banking Corporation Motijheel
Dacca, witness No. 143. In the presence of these witnesses Inspector Talukder witness No. 194 seized Jeep, article No. 2, belonging to K.U. Ahmed witness No. 2 (The name of jeep driver was Nawab Ali, witness No. 201, who was an employee of Pak Salvage Corporation, Dacca).
120. Daulat Khan, witness No. 144.
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121. Abdus Sobhan, witness No. 145.
In the presence of these witnesses certificates, document No. 39, given to Nawab Ali witness No. 201 by K.U. Ahmed witness, No. 2 and K.G. Ahmed witness, No. 4 were seized.
122. Ali Reza Khan, witness No. 146.
123. Naziruddin, Staff Photographer E.P. WAPDA, witness No. 147
124. Mukul Chanda Datta, witness No. 148.
In the presence of these witnesses Inspector Talukder witness No. 194, seized the book, document No. 63, containing the entries regarding the photostat of the letter written by Shamsur Rahman, accused No. 19 to M. Siddiqur Rahman CSP witness No. 222. Witness No. 146 will also depose that the negative was taken away by Steward Mujib, accused No. 3.
125. Zinul Abedin, witness No. 149.
126. Muhammad Nurul Islam, witness No. 150.
In the presence of these witnesses S.I. Nowmanuddin witness No. 97, seized the deed of ownership, showing that Green View. Petrol Pump belonged to the wife of A.F. Rahman accused No. 6. The deed of ownership has not been included in the list of documents. It will be included later on.
127. Muhammad Hanif, witness No. 151.
128. Muhammad Siddique Khan, witness No. 152.
In the presence of these witnesses, S.I. Nowmanuddin witness No. 97, seized the Registration Book of Hillman Imp Car EBC 9591 article No. 4, belonging to Moazzem accused No. 2. The registration book has not been included in the list of documents. It will be included later on.
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129. S.I. Moniruddin Ahmed, witness No. 153.
130. Muhammad Shafiqur Rahman, witness No. 154.
131. Abdul Quddus, witness No. 155.
In the presence of witnesses Nos. 154 and 155, S.I. Moniruddin Ahmed witness No. 153, seized the Registration Book, document No. 70, of the Scooter, registered in the name of Ris. Shamsul Haq accused No. 20.
132. A.S.I. Manirul Haq, witness No. 156.
133. S.M. Haider, witness No. 157.
134. Ata Haras, witness No. 158.
In the presence of witness No. 157 and 158, A.S.I. Manirul Haq witness No. 156, seized Fiat Car EBA- 9100, article No. 3, registered in the name of Rameez witness No. 12.
135. Muhammad Yusaf of Chittagong, witness No. 159.
He will depose about the visit of P.N. Ojha to Chittagong in July/ August, 66.
136. For witness No. 160 Please refer to witness No. 48.
This witness has been included twice in the list of witnesses. The list will be amended later.
137. Ruhul Amin s/o. Abdus Salam, Manager, Hotel Denofa, Feni wit. 161.
This witness identified Daliluddin accused No. 9 Steward Mujib accused No. 3 and Samad, accused No. 8 to be the persons who stayed in Denofa at the material time in July 1967.
138. Muhammad Sadiq, witness No. 162.
(For witness No. 163, refer to the amendment made in the list of witnesses given in the complaint.)
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In the presence of the witness No. 162 and 137, Inspector Talukder witness No. 194, seized the tenancy deed, document No. 76, in respect of house No. 821 Dhanmandi R.A., Rd. No. 18, Dacca, in which Ali Reza accused No. 33 lived.
139. Dailuddin Ahmed, witness No. 164.
This witness will depose about the presence of Lutful Huda, witness No. 16 and Steward Mujib accused No. 3 at Chittagong at the material time.
140. Lt. Col. Sher Ali Bag of ISI Directorate-witness No. 165.
This witness carried out a preliminary investigation from military side.
141. M. M. Sayeed, Manager, Hotel Green, Dacca, witness No. 166.
This witness identified Manik Chaudhury accused No. 12 B.K. Sen, accused No. 13 and Syedur Rahman witness No. 7 to be the persons who stayed in Hotel Green, Dacca, at the material time.
142. Makhan Lal Ghose, Cashier, Hotel Arzoo, Dacca, witness No. 167.
This witness identified Amir Hussain witness No. 33 to be the person who stayed in Hotel Arzoo in Feb. 1966.
143. Mr. Suhrawardy’, witness No. 168.
From the office of this witness the relevant copy of Daily “Ittefaq’, document No. 28 was seized, showing that Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1 was sick in November, 65.
144. Sukhumaya Biswas, witness No. 169.
145. Bukiam Chandra Datta, witness No. 170.
In the presence of these witnesses documents bearing the standard hand writing of Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12 were seized at Chittagong.
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146. Shahjahanuddin Ahmed, witness No. 171.
147. Monoranjan Talukder, witness No. 172.
In the presence of these witnesses documents bearing the standard hand-writing of Shamsur Rahman accused No. 19 were seized from CDA Office, Chittagong.
148. Abdul Kader, witness No. 173.
149. Alam Khan – witness No. 174.
In the presence of these witnesses documents bearing the standard hand-writing of Syedur Rahman witness, No. 7 were seized from his house at Chittagong.
150. Micheal Dhar, witness No. 175.
151. Shambu Das, witness No. 176.
In the presence of these witnesses, the documents bearing the standard hand-writing of Bidhan accused No. 13 were seized from his house at Chittagong.
152. Abdul Fatir Siddiqui Asstt. Acctts. Officer, Telephone Revenue,
Dacca, witness No. 177.
153. Muhammad Aminuddin, Supervisor, Telephone deptt. Dacca wit.
178. These witnesses will produce the Trunk Call Tickets, documents No. 84-90, showing the calls made between Amir Hussain, witness No. 3, Moazzem accused No. 2 at Karachi and Chittagong during the material period.
154. Mr. G.M. Qadri, A.D.C. Dacca, witness No. 179.
This witness recorded the confessions of Manik Chaudhury, accused No. 12, Captain Shawkat Ali Mian accused No. 26, Muzammil witness No. 1, Amir Hussain witness No. 3, Shamsuddin Ahmed,
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witness No. 6, Syedur Rahman, witness No. 7, M.M. Rameez, witness No. 12 Capt. Aleem, witness No. 13, Cpl. Serajul Islam witness No. 15 and the statements of K.U. Ahmed, witness No. 2, K.G. Ahmed, witness No. 4, Ashraf Ali witness No. 9, Mohsin, witness No. 11, Lutful Huda witness No. 16, and J.U. Ahmed witness No. 17, and Anwar Husain witness No. 20.
155. Ejaz Muhammad Khan- A.D.M. Rawalpindi, witness No. 180.
This witness recorded the confessions of Major Shamsul Alam, accused No. 24 and Capt. K.N. Huda, accused No. 27 at Rawalpindi document No. 119 and 120.
156. A.Q. Chaudhury, Magistrate 1st Class witness No. 181.
This witness at Dacca, between 18 and 21 May, 68 held the test identification of the suspects and will produce the record of the same, document No. 116.
157. Afsaruddin Ahmed, Magistrate 1st Class, Dacca wit. 182.
In the presence of this witness specimen hand-writing of the accused/witnesses were taken for the examination and opinion of the hand-writing experts.
158. Abdul Majid Qureshi of Int. Bureau, Pindi, witness 183.
This witness examined the documents written in English and opined that the Friend’s Diary, document No. 19,20, and 111 is written in the hand-writing of Moazzem accused No. 2, Burma Eastern Diary, document No. 21, written in the hand-writing of Reza accused No. 33, Rupali Diary, document No. 25, is written in the hand-writing of Samad accused No. 8, letter addressed to Siddiqur Rahman, document No. 58, is written in the hand-writing of Shamsur Rahman accused No. 19, etc.
Abdul Kader, Inspr. CID. E.P. Hand-writing Expert wit. No. 184. This witness examined the documents written in Bengali and opined that letters, documents No. 1 and 2, are written in the hand
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writing of Sultan accused No. 4 and letters, documents 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 are written in the hand-writing of Moazzem accused No. 2, etc.
160. Lt. Comdr. A.B. Syed of Naval Headquarters, Karachi witness No.
185. This witness will produce service records of the naval ratings.
161. Mr. H.R. Malik CSP, witness No. 186.
This witness will depose that A.F. Rahman accused No. 6 approached him for managing the transfer of Moazzem accused No. 2 to East Pakistan.
162. Inspector Fazalur Rahman of Karachi, witness No. 187.
163. Inspector S.M. Mukhtar Ahmed, Karachi, witness No. 188.
These witnesses carried out an investigation in connection with this case at Karachi and will produce the relevant sketch maps, document No. 122.
164. Muhammad Jan Siddiqui, Estate Officer, Karachi wit. 189.
This witness along with witness No. 115 will produce the document relating to the allotment of Flat No. 21, Ilaco House, made to A.F. Rahman, accused No. 6, document No. 114.
165. D.S.P. Abrar Ahmed, witness No. 190.
166. A. Khaleque (II) PSP, witness No. 191.
167. A. Majib, P.P.M., witness No. 192.
These witnesses supervised the investigation made into the case at Dacca from the police side.
168. D.S.P., A.K.M. Ahsanullah, S.B., Dacca, witness No. 193.
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169. Inspector Abdus Samad Talukder, S.B., Dacca witness No. 194.
170. Inspector Z.H.K. Lodi, S.B., Dacca – witness No. 195.
171. Inspector Serajul Islam, S.B., Dacca – witness No. 196.
172. Inspector Mohd. Israil, S.B., Dacca witness No. 197.
173. Inspector M.A. Sattar Chaudhury, S.B., Dacca – wit. No. 198.
These witnesses carried out the investigation into the case interrogated the witnesses/accused persons and recorded their statements under Cr.P.C., Section 1610. Recoveries/seizure effected by these witnesses have already been mentioned.
174. Lt. Comd. Syed Fazal-e-Rab of Naval Headquarters, Karachi
witness No. 199. This witness will produce the service records in respect of the effected officers of the Pakistan Navy.
175. Watcher F.C. Mohammad Ismail of S.B. Karachi witness No. 200.
This witness will produce the watch report in respect of the visit of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, accused No. 1 to Karachi in January 1965, document No. 123.
176. Nawab Ali- witness No. 201.
This witness was the driver of the Jeep, article No. 2, belonging to K.U. Ahmed, witness No. 2. He received Moazzem accused No. 2. and Amir Hussain witness No. 3 at Dacca Airport on 28 Aug. 65.
177. Z.H. Chaudhury – witness No. 202.
In the presence of this witness, the attendance register document No. 83 of CSO Regional Office Dacca was seized, showing that on 3.2.66 Amir Hussain witness No. 3 attended that office.
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178. ASI Serajul Islam, witness No. 203.
This witness seized the copy of the Daily “Ittefaq” dated 18.11.65 document No. 28, showing that Sheikh Mujib accd. No. 1 was sick at that time.
179. Dr. S.M. Rab-witness No. 204.
180. Dr. A. Wadud- witness No. 205.
These witnesses treated Sheikh Mujib accused No. 1 during his sickness in Nov/65.
181. Abu Reza Khan, witness No. 206.
182. A.K.M. Barkatullah, witness No. 207.
In the presence of these witnesses the negative, document No. 58, of the photostat of the letter of Shamsur Rahman accused No. 19 was seized.
183. S. Islam, Magistrate 1st Class, witness No. 208.
This witness recorded the statement of Nawab Ali witness No. 201 under Cr.P.C., 164.
184. Anwar Zahid, witness No. 209.
This witness will depose that Amir Hussain witness No. 3 received letters at his address, 20/3, Gopi Bagh, 3rd Lane, Dacca.
185. I. A. Faruqui, witness No. 210.
He is also a witness to the seizure of the tenancy deed, document No. 76, in respect of house No. 821, Road 18 Dhanmandi Dacca. Reza accused No. 33 lived in that house before his arrest.
186. Khaja Muhammad Shafi, witness No. 211.
This witness will depose that Sgt. Jalil accused No. 29 lived in Clayton Quarters Karachi at the material time.
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187. Muhammad A. Wazed, witness No. 212.
This witness will depose that F/Sgt. Mofizullah accused No. 7 lived in Abysenia lines Karachi at the material time.
188. Siddiqur Rahman, witness No. 213.
This witness will produce the leave and service record, document No. 113, of Amir Hussain witness No. 3.
189. Mujibur Rahman, witness No. 214.
This witness will depose that at Karachi Mahbubuddin accused No. 30 lived in the house of the witness No. 214 at the material time.
190. S.A. Kader, witness No. 215.
This witness along with witness No. 182 will produce the record of the allotment of accommodation made to Govt. servants, document No. 114, at the material time.
191. Gul Jawaher, witness No. 216.
This witness will depose that a T.M.O. for Rs. 500/00 was received at Karachi in the name of L.S. Noor Mohd. accused No. 5 from Dacca at the material time.
192. Serajul Islam, witness No. 217.
This witness will depose that Anwar Zahid witness No. 209, lived in the house No. 20/3 Gopibagh 3rd Lane, Dacca, belonging to witness No. 217.
193. S.D.M. Khanuimullah, witness No. 218.
194. Joynal Abedin, witness No. 219.
In the presence of these witnesses the Scooter of Ris. Shamsul Haq accused No. 20 was seized.
195. Maj. A. B. Nasar, witness No. 220.
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196. Naik Bashir Ahmed, witness No. 221.
These witnesses will depose about the seizure of the Admission and Discharge Registers of CMH Comilla and Dacca, documents No. 109 and 110, showing that Capt. Mutalib accused No. 25 was admitted in those Hospitals at the material time.
197. Muhammad Siddiqur Rahman, CSP, witness No. 222.
This witness will depose that he received the letter, document No. 58, of Shamsur Rahman accused No. 19 (This witness was out of Pakistan when the completion report of the case was made on 21.5.68. He returned on 28.5.68. The investigating Officer has examined him under section 161 Cr. P.C. on 8.6.68.).
198. M.S. Khan, witness No. 223.
This witness granted pardon, document No. 121, to the approver under Cr. P.C. Section 337.
199. F.H. Mirza, witness No. 224.
This witness will depose that the passenger’s travelling Manifesto of PIA is destroyed after 6 months.
200. Sub. Inspector Atibur Rahman witness No. 226.
This witness made the recoveries and seizures as mentioned earlier.
201. A. Mannaf- witness No. 226.
This witness as a hand-writing expert will give an opinion in respect of the hand-writing of Noor Muhammad accused No. 5 and Steward Mujib accused No. 3.
202. O.C. Madaripur P.S., witness No. 227.
This witness will produce the original desertion roll, document No. 108 of Steward Mujib accused No. 3.
203. Hay. Nawab Ali EPR- witness No. 228.
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204. Hav. Ensaf Ali of EPR, witness 229.
These witnesses will disclose that J.U. Ahmed, witness No. 17, Samad accused No. 8 and Steward Mujib accused No. 3 surveyed the boarder areas in Feni and Jessore in July 67, reference document 25.
205. Haroonur Rashid Khan, witness No. 230.
This witness will depose that in April 66 Amir Hussain witness No. 3 hired his house No. 107, D.N. Sen Road Dacca fitted with a telephone.
206. Ikhalaq Husain, witness No. 231.
This witness will produce the travelling manifesto of PIA document No. 115, showing that “M. Husain” travelled from Karachi to Dacca on 28 Aug. 65.
207. D.S.P. from Peshawar (Name not known).
(This witness has not been included in the list of witnesses, His name will be included later on). This witness will produce the bill book, document No. 106, of Hotel Jan Peshawar, where Reza accused No. 33 stayed in Nov. 67.
208. Ruhul Ameen s/O. Ali Ahmed, Liftman of Hotel Miska,
Chittagong. This witness has not been included in the list of witnesses. His name will be included later on. This witness identified Steward Mujib accused No. 3, Sultan accused No. 4 and Manik Chaudhury accused No. 12, Ameer Husain witness No. 3, to be the persons who stayed/visited Hotel Miska in Feb. 1966.
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(Reference paragraph 5 and the Annex)
Serial No. Descriptive Particulars- Exhibited in Court as- Remarks

1. MOSCOVITCH CAR No. EBC 7976, P.I.A. Car No. 2668, previous No. KAE 3194.
2. One Jeep bearing No. 9139
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3. One Fiat Car 110/D (Model) bearing No. EBA 9100.
4. Hillman Imp. Car No. 9591
5. One telephone set bearing No. 6829/6
6. One Hand-Grenade
7. One Blue coloured Raxin hand bag
8. Small lock
9. One key of the said lock
10. One polythene bag
1. One Auto-Cycle No. PUMA Sports 48, made in Italy (Ducati) Registered No. EBC-8529 of Risalder Shamsul Haque.

(Persons to whom pardon has been tendered u/s 337 of the Criminal Procedure Code).
(Reference paragraph 5)
1. Lt. Muzammal Hossain, s/o Late Moulvi Menhanjuddin Myan, r/o Fulki West, Police Station: Basail, District: Mymensingh.
2. Ex-Corporal Mohammad Amir Hussain Mian, s/o Moulvi Fazil Mollah, r/o Village Rupbabur Char Darikandi, Police Station: Janzira, District: Faridpur.
3. Sergeant Pak/54272, Shamsuddin Ahmad, s/o Mohammad Aftab Uddin, r/o Village: Nizkalpa, Police Station: Kotwali, District: Mymensingh.
Page: 134

4. Dr. Saeed-Ur-Rahman, s/o Moulvi Abul Khair Chowdhury, r/o Village: Enayat-Bazar, Police Station: Kotwali, District: Chittagong.
5. F/Lt. Mirza Mohammad Rameez, s/o M.M. Seraj, r/o Village: Dhanun, Police Station: Rupganj, Dacca at present 60-Panchlaish, Chittagong.
6. Capt. PA./6632, Mohammad Abdul Alim Bhuiyan, s/o Alhaj Najam Uddin Bhuiyan, r/o Village: Paramtala, Police Station: Muradnagar, Comilla.
7. Corporal Jamal Uddin Ahmed, s/o Basir Uddin, r/o Village: Birampur, Police Station: Sujanagar, Pabna.
8. Pak. Corporal Sirajul Islam, s/o Moulvi Amin Uddin, r/o Village: Shilai, Police Station: Burichang, District: Comilla.
9. Mr. Mohammad Ghulam Ahmed, s/o Abdul Jabbar, r/o Village:
Jafarabad, Police Station: Madaripur, District: Faridpur.
10. Mr. Abul Bashar Mohammad Yusuf, s/o Munshi Mohammad Ali Howladar, r/o Village: Dakhin Mithakhali, Police Station: Mathbaria, District: Barisal.
11. Sergeant Mohammad Abdul Halim, s/o late Munshi Abdul Aziz, r/o Shohilpur, Police Station: Chandina, District Comilla.

ANNEX (Reference paragraph 5)

1. The names and particulars of the citizens of Pakistan who in the course of the investigation have been found to have been among those who were engaged in this conspiracy are listed, either in the list entitled “List of the accused persons”, or in the list entitled “List A”.
Page: 135

2. List ‘A’ contains the names and particulars of the persons to whom pardon has been tendered in order to provide sworn testimony as to the details of the conspiracy. The list of the accused persons contains the names and particulars of the persons who are to be placed on their trial on the charges framed against them.
3. The names and particulars of the persons whom it is intended to produce as witnesses at the trial are listed serially in the list bearing the heading “List of witnesses”. The names and particulars of the persons to whom pardon has been tendered are included in the “List of witnesses”.
4. The documents and articles intended to be produced in evidence, are listed in the lists entitled respectively ‘List of Documents’ and ‘List of Articles.
5. Supplementary lists may be submitted later, if necessary.

(Paragraph 5 and 19)
Sl No. Code Name Person for whom intended
1 2 3
1 ALO Lt. Comdr. Muazzam Hossain, Accused No. 2.
2 ULKA Muhammad Amir Hussain Mian, Witness No. 3.
3 TUHIN Catering Lt. Mozammil Hossain, Witness No. 1
4 KAMAL Ex-L/S Sultan-ud-Din Ahmad, Accused No. 4
5 MURAD Steward Mujib-ur-Rahman, Accused No. 3
6 PARASH Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Accused No. 1
7 TUSHAR A.F Rahman, C.S.P., Accused No. 6
8 SABUZ L/S. Noor Muhammad, Accused No. 5
9 SHEKHAR Ruhul Quddus, C, S.P., Accused No. 10.

Page: 136

Senior D.Ss/ Insprs. of S.B in-charge of Interrogation teams, shall be responsible for the safe custody of the interrogating-persons until they are sent back to jails.
Armed SI, Rajarbagh who is in-charge of the security guards shall also be responsible for the safe-custody of all the prisoners brought to S.B main-office and City-S.B. for interrogation. He shall also supervise the duty of the security guards to ensure that no unauthorized person enters the premises of these two buildings and the gates of the City-S.B. after dusk, is closed.
(M. A. Majid)
Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca.

R.S.I. S.B will please circulate & return the paper. Sd/
Mr. Gazi Shamsul Alam, Inspr.
Jabanullah Shah “
A Hossain “

File No. E.P.C.C. (1217/67 Sc)/ SCO – 1967. DIG/ SS-111
On 1.1.68 Dr. Syed Wakhiluddin Ahmed, Supdt. Police Hospital visited detunes uls Ahmed Fazlur Rahman and Ruhul Quddus and found their blood pressure and pulse beat high. As Mr. Ahmed Fazlur Rahman was due to be
Page: 137

transferred to Dacca central jail, the doctor advised me to ring up either Police Hospital or Dacca Medical College Hospital to send one ambulance for Mr. Ahmed. I told him that there was no telephone there. He told that there must be one telephone in that building when there were detenus who were generally suffering from blood pressure. He further told that during night one transport should be there to attend any emergency.
The place where the detenus are being kept is far away from Dacca city. A telephone is essential to meet any emergency.

(1) SSIII for kind perusal. Sd/- 4.1.68. DS/DC.
Transport for an emergency at night has been arranged. Installation of a telephone may be considered. Sd/ – 4.1.68 DIG 6/1/68 Now there is no detune there. Sd/

Home …………. Department.
Special ………. Branch.
No.. 13-HS, dated the ……….19
All communications of Government should give the number, date, and subject of any previous correspondence, and be addressed to Secretary of the Department concerned.
Page: 138

From: Mr. M. Ismail, E.P.C.S.,
Section Officer, Govt. of East Pakistan.
The Inspector-General of Prisons, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Subject: Interrogation of D.P.R. Prisoners by the military personnel etc.
Ref: His memo, No.441-Con/25/67 dt. 28.12.67.
The undersigned is directed to state that persons detained u/r 32 and 38 D.P.R., 1965 should not be remanded to the custody of either police/ Army authority without the approval of Government.
Sd/- M. Ismail.
Section Officer
Govt. of East Pakistan. No.13/1(5)- HS. Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the:
1) 2)
Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Spl. Branch. Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Prisons, Jessore/Dacca/ Comilla/Rajshahi Central Jail.
Sd/-6/1/68. Section Officer

District Special Branch, Noakhali; Sonapur, the 8th January 1969. No 213/31-54 (AC).
Mr. M.A. Majid, QPM, PPM
Spl. Supdt. of Police S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
Your No. 4804/121-67 SC dated 30.7.68 regarding allegations against one Yunus Munshi s/o late Jitu Miah Hirapur, P.S. Ramganj, Dist. Noakhali.
Mr. Yunus Munshi s/o Late gitu Miah of Hirapur P.S. Ramganj, Dist. Noakhali had got 4 sons, of them, Abul Hossain has got a vulcanizing shop at Tongi, Dacca. Supdt. of Police, DSB, Dacca may be requested to enquire about the shop at Tongi.
On enquiry, the allegations against the subject mentioned in paras 3 to 6 of the petition have been found to be baseless. There is enmity between the subject and one Nurun Nabi of the same village over the demarcation of land. The petition might have been submitted by Nurun Nabi out of enmity to harass Yunus Munshi.
Sd/- 7/1/69 Superintendent of Police
D.S.B. Noakhali.
Page: 142

No. S/76(2).
The 9th January 1968.
To: (1) Mr. B. Ahmed, C.S.P., Secy., Home Department, Govt. of East Pakistan, Dacca.
(2)Mr. A.S.M. Ahmed, SQA, T.PK., PPM, PSP, Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca.

It has been decided that the Conspiracy Case recently unearthed will henceforth be referred as ‘AGARTALA’ CONSPIRACY CASE” in all correspondence, conversation, etc. This is for your kind information.
Sd/-A.B.S. Safdar.
Dy. Director, Intelligence,
Govt. of Pakistan, Dacca.

No. 37-H.S.
Copy forwarded to the Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca, for information.
Home (Special) Deptt. Dacca,
The 11th January 1968.
Section officer
Govt. of East Pakistan.
Page: 143

SECRET. No. s/79 /
The 9th January 1968.
SCO Immediate
Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, PPM, PSP, Deputy Inspr-Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
It has been decided that the Conspiracy Case recently unearthed will henceforth be referred as “AGARTALA CONSPIRACY CASE” in all correspondence, conversation, etc.
This is for your information.
TO HA Sc. for action pl. I have already given a note on this today morning. Sd/ – 10.1.68. D.A Mr. Kibria for w/a, pl. Sd/ – 10.1.68. 12.30 hrs
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O/C W(S)
Re the attached.
I beg to state that I have consulted the contact register but could not find any contact in the register except that of Mr. Sheikh Mujibor Rahman, as noted below. On 15.11.55 Mr. P. Das Gupta 1st Secy. to the Indian Dy. H.C. at Dacca contacted Sheikh Mujibor Rahman.
Sd/ -12.1.68
S.I. S.C.O (W)

May pl. see. Sd/-12/1
Page: 146

No. TS/ 11 /
The 13th January 1968.
HH/SCO Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, PPM, PSP, Deputy Inspr.-Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Please refer to your Top Secret letter No. 3/1217-67/SC, dated 12.1.68.
On receipt of a similar message, we have taken steps to send copies of interrogation and Magisterial statement of all accused persons in Agartala Conspiracy Case to the Intelligence Bureau, Rawalpindi. Further action on your part is not, therefore, required.
(A.B.S. Safdar)
Page: 148

The following staff has been deputed for the purpose of completing the enquiry in connection with the Agartala Conspiracy Case. The team will be headed by Mr. M.A. Majid, Q.P.M., P.P.M., Spl.
When pl. Superintendent of Police, S.B., E.P.
Superintendent of Police
Mr. M.A. Majid Q.P.M., P.P.M.
Dy. Superintendend of Police Mr. Munshi Abdur Rashed.
Inspector of Police
1. Mr. A.K.M. Ahsanullah 2. Mr. Sirajul Islam. 3. Mr. Ziaul Huq Khan Lodi. 4. Mr. Abdus Samed Talukder. (C.I. of Police, Munshiganj) 5. Mr. Abdus Salam, C.I. Saver.
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Sub-Inspector of Police
1. S.I. Abdus Satter Khan of Norsingdi 2. S.I. Abdul Hashem of Reserve
office, Dacca. 3. S.I. Rejaul Karim of D.B. 4. S.I. Khandaker Emdadul Huq of
Reserve office, Dacca. 5. S.I. Md. Yousuff of Munshiganj P.S. C.I.D.
1. Watcher C/45 Khandaker Ashraf Ali 2. Watcher C/60 Abdur Razzak Khan.
S.B. 3. C/438 Abu Bakar. 4. C/485 Abdul Mannan. 5. C/97 Abdus Samad 6. C/444 Badrul Alam. 7. C/401 Anwarullah.
Dacca District.
8. C/187 Ahmed Yar Khan. 9. C/2368 Abdul Kader Howladar. 10. C/2498 Tojammal Hossain. 11. C/2605Abdul Jalil. 12. C/2298 Motiur Rahman. 13. C/3040 Younos Mia 14. C/1808 Abdul Malek.
15. C/563 Abdul Mannan. 16. C/2348 Sk. Altaf Hossain. 17. C/4160 Md. Bazlur Rahman.
Page: 153

D.D., Dacca.
18. C/3272 Sakendar Ali. 19. C/51 Shamsul Haque. 20. C/2535 Abdus Sattar. 21. C/2624 Md. Chand Mia 22. C/2941 Azizur Rahman.
Stanographer: To be selected by Mr. M.A. Majid, S.S., S.B. Steno-Typist: Mr. Abdul Kader Mia of Police Director. Typist-Clerk: Mr. Md. Ishaque Dihidar of S.B.
(A. S. M. Ahmed) Inspector-General of Police,
East Pakistan

No. 453 dt 17.1.68 To: COPS, KARACHI.
DINTELL SS, PP may please cncipher the above message.
16.1.68 SS-3, SB, EP.
Page: 154

Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dacca. Dated the 25th January 1968 No. 614 /1217-67 SC.
Copy forwarded to Mr. M.A. Khaleque, P.P.M., P.S.P, Superintendent of Police, in-charge of Investigation of Agartala Conspiracy Case for information and for making further correspondence if and when necessary with Spl. Branch, Karachi.
(M.A. MAJID) Spl. Supdt. Of Police (III), S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Dt. 25.1.68.
453 dt 17/1 TOP-SECRET
Memo No. 453 dt 17.1.67

SS, PP may please cncipher the above message.
16.1.68 SS-3,
Page: 155

No. 614
dt 25.1.68 1217-67 SC.
Copy forwarded to Mr. M.A. Khaleque, P.P.M., P.S.P, Superintendent of Police, in-charge of Investigation of Agartala Conspiracy Case for information and for making further correspondence if and when necessary with Spl. Branch, Karachi.
Sd/-25.1.68 SS III, S.B., EP
Sent 3 cypher Telegram on 16.1.68. Sd/- 16.1.68.
Paraphrase of cypher message no. 453 dt 17.1.68 from Dintell to Cops, Karachi.
Ref. our message dt. 16th. Please read Second Group as 50104.
Memo no. 608 dt. 25.1.68
1217-67 SC
Copy by post forwarded to SP. SB. Karachi in confirmation.
NO. 453 dt. 17.1.68 From: DINTELL – DACCA To: COPS – KARACHI
Reference our message dated sixteenth. Please read Second Group as 50104.
Sd. Yusuf Khan
For Dintell
Sent 3 Wireless DDI’s office on 17.1.68, Sd/ -17.1.68.
Page: 156

Mr. A. Khaleqe, P.P.M., P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, Kushtia is here by ordered to head the enquiry and Investigation Team in connection with Agartala Conspiracy Case in place of Mr. M.A. Majid, Q.P.M., P.P.M.
Sd: A.S.M. Ahmed
20.1.68 Inspr. Genl.of Police, E.P
Page: 159

Memo. No. VI/ S., Dated – 1-68.
Copy forwarded to : (1) Mr. N.A Razvi T.Pk., P.S.P.,
Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, Rawalpindi,
(2) Mr. B. Ahmad, Secrctary to the Government
Of East Pakistan, Home Department.
(3) Mr. A.B.S Safdar, P.S.P.,
Deputy Director, Intelligence, Government of Pakistan, Dacca.
For information in continuation of this Directorate No. 43 (3) S dated 15.1.68
for Inspr.Genl. of Police, SECRET Memo.No. VI/228 G/83 (3)/1(3) S., Dated 22-1-68.
Copy forwarded to Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M, P.S P., Deputy Inspector-General of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca, (2) Mr. A. Khaleque II, P.P.M, P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, Kushtia, Camp, Dacca. (3) Mr. M.A Majid, Q.P.M., P.P.M., Special Superintendent of Police, S.B., E.P., Dacca for information.
Sd/-22/1/68 Asstt. Inspr.Genl.of Police,
East Pakistan.
D.A. Please give one copy of this paper to Staff Sec. for n/a. these. Sd/ – 23.1.68 Let me have a copy. Sd/- 23.1.68 Copy given pl. Sd/ – 24.1.68.
Page: 160

Ext. From News Item pubished in the ‘Daily Pakistan Observer’. Dacca Saturday, January 27, 1968.
RAWALPINDI, Jan.26: The Central Minister for Home Affairs Vice-Admiral A.R. Khan, said here today that the 29 persons charged with the recently discovered alleged conspiracy ot bring about the secession of East Pakistan would be brought to open trial “in the near future” under the law of the land, report APP & PPI.
In a Press statement issued this evening, the Home Minister said that the investigation into the alleged conspiracy was nearing completion.
The Minister regretted that while the Government had directed the investigating agencies to deal with this case in accordance wih the normal procedure “certain disgranted element” was trying to give the matter a political colour.
Follwing is the text of A.R. Khan’s statement :
“As announced earlier 29 persons have been arrested under the Army, Navy, Air Force Acts for allegedly conspiring to bring about the secession of East Pakistan. The investigation is nearing completion and these persons will be brought to open trial in the near future under the law of the land.
“While the government has directed the investigation agencies to deal with this case in accordance with the normal judicial procedure, certain disgruntled elements are attempting to give this matter a political colour. They obviously want to divert public attention from the main issue which is that evidence was found showing that a certain number of persons were conspiring against the integrity of Pakistan in collaboration with an unfriendly foreign country.
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“I warn those mislead the people or to confuse the issues..
“Government will deal with all such attempts with a firm hand. The unity and solidarity of the country is supreme and must remain above parties and politics.
“I firmly believe that the people of East and West Pakistan cherish the bonds of unity which are eternal and they know that the survival and progress of pakistan depends on the two wings living together in equal partnership
Unfortunately, certain poitical groups have been chanting a hymn of hate creating regional tensions and thus lending themselves to the design of the enemies of Pakistan. The present disclosure should serve as an eye-opener to all Pakistanis who must reflect soberly on the present state of the regional relationship and work positively and constructively for national unity.”

SECRET East Pakistan Form No. 5 Phone No: 81680
Government of East Pakistan All Communications should give the Number, Date, and Subjects of any previous Correspondence
Dy-Inspector General of Police,
OFFICE OF THE… Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Memorandum No……………1464………dated……Dacca……..the..29-2-68
1217-67/SC/TS To…….Lt. Col. A.K.M. Shamsul Alam, O.C. Det.I.S.I.Directorate, Dacca.
Page: 162

I send herewith for the favour of necessary action, a copy of a letter dated 30.1.68 from one M.A. Malek, A.A.School, Rawalpindi addressed to Alamgir Hossain of Satraj, Barisal. 2) The writer appears to be service personnel now under training. As
such we are not initiating any action on this.
Sd/- (S.A.Z.M. Zahiruddin ) Spl. Superintendent of Police,
SC Special Branch, East Pakistan,
No : 1464 1217-67/SC/TS Dated 29.2.68
Lt. Col. A.K.M Shamsul Alam O.C. Det. ISI Directorate Dacca.
I send here with for favour of necessary action a copy of a letter dated 30/1/68 from one M.A Malek A.A School, Rawalpindi addressed of Alamgir Hossain of Satraj, Barisal.
2) The writer appears to be service personnel now under training. As such we are not initiating any action on this.
Page: 163

(1) SS/SC for kind perusal of enclosures & DIG’s order.
A draft letter to Col. Alam is, placed herewith for signature. Sd/-29/2 DS/DC
The S.S.P, Special Squad, S.B.
Kindly find herewith a copy of a letter from S.B. The letter was written by M.A. Malek. A. A. School, Pindi addressed to Alamgir Hossain vill. Satraj (Mirdhabari) P.O Sealghuni Distt. Barisal, E.P. I have gone through the copy of the letter which contained some false and fantastic information regarding arrest of East Pakistani high Military personnel including Mr. Wasiuddin, Major General and some Ministers.
The writer is required to be prosecuted and proper action as deemed fit may kindly be taken.
Yours (A.K.M. Ahsanullah)
Dy. S.P.S.B.
I have already passed an order. He is serving personnel. Col.
Alam will take n/a.
Seen, Sd/ -14.2.68 DIG, SB may kindly see for necessary orders. Sd/ -12/2/68 Put up at once S. S., Sd/-13/2
Page: 164

Spl. Team
Dacca, The 31.1.1968
Memo No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1. From (with address) M.A. Malek A.A. School, Pindi 2. To (with address) Alamgir Hossain, vill -Satraj (quarut) P.O.
Shialghuni. Dist. Barisal, E.P. 3. Language of letter
English. 4. Date of letter
30-1-68 5. Postal Seal 6. Post office of interception RMS Dacca. 7. Date of interception
30-1-68 8. Name of the officer who can prove the interception ASI. Md.
Wahid Mia, 9. Whether photographed or not 10. Whether withheld or not 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not Copy is kept. 12. Number and date of Government order authorising interception.
Copy/ Transtlation forwarded to
For the favour of kind perusal of the English letter dt. 30/1/68 from one M. A. Malek, A.A. School, Pindi to Alamgir Hossain Satraj (g,,avevox) P.O. Shialghuni, Dist. -Barisal.
Page: 165

In the letter, the writer wrote the present situation over the arrest of all East Pakistani officers and (Ex) ministers including Mr. Wasi-ud-din (Major General) and also so many Colonel, Lt. Colonel, Major, Captain, etc. for the land of Free Bengal. Perhaps this is an exaggerated one. So the letter may be witheld if approved and necessary action may kindly be taken if any.
for o/C Censor
R 1558 dt. 10-2-68 Yes. A copy should be sent to Col. Alam. Sd/ – 7.2.68
Hence-forth such matters may be shown to SS Spl. Team if considered necessary. Sd/-5/2/6
SS Sc may kindly see 2. The letter may be with held. 3. Full particulars and background materials both the writer and the addressee may be collected.
Sd/-2/2/68 DS DC
DIG & SSIII may kindly see. Sd/ – 2/2/68 OC Censor to speak. Sd/ – 6.2.68.
True Copy of an English letter dt. 30-1-68
From: M.A Malek, A.A. School, Pindi.
Page: 166

Alamgir Hossain, vill. Satraj (patalyt), PO.Shial ghuni,
Dist.Barisal, East Pakistan.
My dear Alam,
Your letter is to my hand in time but done late in reply so don’t mind. I became very happy to get it. But sorry to read it for the illness of Dadu. Knew the present condition of Dadu as soon as possible.
OK. Now I want to say something about my trg. our last year’s trg. gives no utility. Because again we have to repead it. So I can say the East Pakistanis downed one year. Otherwise, the authority is not so good on us. And the cause is also known to you- if you read the newspaper and sit by a radio set regularly. (East Pakistanis want to free from West Pakistan). So all East Pakistanis officers & ministers are on arrest. Mr. Wasiuddin (Major General) is also arrested and so many Colonel, Lt. Colonel, Major, Capt. etc. But don’t know what would be the resulted. There is a test on the morning and all in all well known to me but I have a doubt. Because our pass mark is 80%.
This is a cold place and the temperature of this place is 70-90 and in Murree 60-80. Snow is the scenary of this place. We keep water in a pot too, washing the face in the morning but become ice before the morning I think this will give you an idea about the cold of the place. Know about the weather of yoour place now.
Yours ever Sd/-M.A. Malek.
Seen & gone through & refund for action. Sd/ – Dy. S.P. (S.B.) 10.02.68
Page: 167

Pakistan Observer
dt. 31.5.68 144% dt. 2/8
Thomas Williams meets. Mujib at detention camp
By A Staff Correspondent Mr. Thomas Williams, Queen’s Councel now in the city in connection with State vs. Sheikh Mujib and others case saw Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in his detention camp at Dacca Cantonment on Tuesday afternoon. He had over two hours discussion with the detained Awami League chief regarding the case according to a Press release of Awami League.
Mr. Amirul Islam accompanied the British lawyer. Mr. Maudood Ahmed, a Bar-at-Law
Mr. Maudood Ahmed is acting as Honorary Private Secretary to Mr. Thomas Williams. Anybody desirous of contacting Mr. Thomas Mr. Williams may contact Mr. Maudood Ahmed on the telephone of the Queen’s Counsel at Hotel Inter-Continental.
SS/SC/SS Special team may like to see Sd/-2.8.68 It may be kept in the Conspiracy file and also in the P.F. of the SK. Mujibur Rahman Sd/ 3/8 Copies pl. sd5/8, Seen Sd-3/8/68
Page: 173

To GOC. Headquarters, 14. Div. (Intelligence Sec.) Dy. Secy. Home Dept. Govt. of East Pakistan. D.I.G. Special Branch, Dacca.
S.P. of Police, Special Branch, Dacca. Investigation officer, Agartala Conspiracy Case. Dacca Cantonment.
Most respectfully and humbly, for the greatest interest of the National Security and integrity of the Country’s Solidarity the following vital information leading to the leakage of high espionage activities by extra-territorial disruptive enemy agents brought to the light of the notice of the Govt. for immediate thorough inquiry and timely proper action:
That it cannot be denied that enemy agents in disguise are engaged in the country who are seriously secretly working to disrupt the administration of the country. The activities of a highly educated Hindu lady have attracted the attention of some vigilant loyal Pakistani and it is felt that it must be brought to the notice of the Govt. at once.
She is known as Mrs. Hena Das, M. A. M. Ed. who generally outwardly a mistress in a Girls High School in and arround capital city of Dacca. Sometimes before she was at Mahakhali Girls High School as Headmistress from where she was removed on short notice suspecting to be an enemy agent or spy.
Now she might be either at Dhanmundi Girls High School or in some School at Narayanganj. Her backgrounds so far known are as follows:
That originally she is from Sylhet. After Partition she left Pakistan sometimes after 47. along with her husband and other relatives and all of them settled in Calcutta and New Delhi where they have got permanent
Page: 175

hearth and home. Her brothers and other relatives are still in India and they are now all Indian Nationals.
This lady all on a sudden came to Pakistan sometimes in 1956 or 57 and instead of residing at her home at Sylhet came over to Dacca with a nominal job in a Girls’ High School at Gandria and took up her residence at Fatulla, Suburb of Dacca/Narayanganj. Sometimes in the year 196263, she took up an appointment as Headmistress in Narayanganj Girls High School. All on a sudden without any reason she left Narayanganj for New Delhi where she was for about 9 months. Again, she appeared in Pakistan and came over to Narayanganj and began to reside here without any job during the Sept. 65 war. Then she took up an appointment in Mahakhali Girls High School and about two years after the authorities of that School removed her from there on very short notice suspecting her stay there endangering to the security of the State. She then took up an appointment as Headmistress in a Girls High School at Dhanmundi (Lake Circus School) on a monthly pay of Rs. 450/-. Again curious enough she has left that school and taken an appointment at Narayanganj Girls High School on a monthly pay of Rs. 300/- only.
It is highly probable and reasonable that her field of operation is in and around the Capital city of Dacca and perhaps Narayanganj is selected to be a most suitable place for her activities it being a Hindu congested locality and she can avail all sorts of facilities for espionage activities.
It is said that during Sept. 65 War she collected Rs. 1800000/Rupees Eighteen Lacs subscriptions for Indian War Fund from the rich Hindus of Narayanganj and managed to smuggle that money out to India through her rich relative who happens to the owner of a big Engineering Firm at Narayanganj. For that, she has been awarded by the Indian Govt. It is learnt. It is said that in 1964, she had been to New Delhi for higher Intelligence Training for 9 months and after training again she landed to Pakistan for espionage duties. Her profession as School Mistress is an outward show in order to throw dust to the eyes of the Pakistan Govt.
Page: 176

Reason to believe.
If she is not a spy, why she being a highly qualified lady her brothers and other relations being well-established in India having hearth and home both in Calcutta and New Delhi, her husband not being a Govt. servant in Pakistan or a businessman in Pakistan, she has come over to Pakistan after staying about 10 year in India for petty job of School Mistress. Is there any dirt of such job in India. It is said that she belongs to Indian Civil Service and has come over to Pakistan with an assignment of the high civil post in the Indian Intelligence Department of the Indian Govt. and with that job, she is in Pakistan in disguise of a School Mistress. She is more intelligent than an ordinary Civil Servant.
Nature and conduct. Very sober and sound sharp intelligent, refined in manners and quite capable to tackle any high officer interrogating he well-acquainted with high officials in all Departments of the Govt. have easy access to all offices and institutions, etc. She always found visiting Dacca specially the office of the Indian Deputy High Commissioner in the plea of various works. Unknown visitors specially University and College students are her constant visitors. She also visits big Industries like Adamjee Mills in the plea of the educational tour with young girls and thus seeks opportunity to mix up with labour class.
It has come to light that she has been vested with the responsibility of organizing and exciting particular group of people specially students to launch disruptive movements in an around capital and industrial areas against the action of the Govt. against the internal political conspiracy. It are also whispering amongst the Hindus that she is collecting huge funds from the local rich Hindus to meet the expense for the defence of the Agartala Conspiracy case.
She is so tactful that even most intelligent men cannot detect her actual movements and as such, she can easily manage to get a job throwing dust to the eyes of the people; because without a job her stay in Pakistan will be suspected by all. If proper attention with vigilant eyes is not put on them, these extra-territorial disruptive elements will freely carry on activities of high espionage in main towns of East Pakistan.
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It is urged upon the Government to engage efficient high ranking experienced Intelligence Officer of the Central Intelligence Branch as well as Provincial Branch to cause time to time thorough inquiry into such cases from all possible sources connected with these persons and take immediate affective steps to detect and weed out such elements from the country.
Your most obedient
A real loyal
SECRET No. 4150 dt. 28-1-68
1217-67 SC.
S.S., Spl. Team. R/P 106-105
I forward herewith a copy of an unanimous petition dated nil addressed to the G.O.C, HQ. 14 Division and other for your information and necessary action.
SS/SC No. 4050/1 dt 28.6.68
1217-67 SC
Copy with a copy of the petition forwarded to S.S., City S.B., Dacca with a request to enquire into the allegations against Mrs. Hena Das, MA. M. Ed.
The enquiry should be made by the responsible officer.
Sd/- 25.6.68 for SS/SC
Page: 178

Phone Message.

From: S.P. D.S.B., Chittagong.
To: Spl. Supdt. Of Police (III)
Spl. Branch, Dacca.
Reference: your phone message of date. Particulars wanted are furnished below:
1. Mirza Md. Rameez- Arrested by O.S.I. Majumdar Nuruzzaman formerly of Kotwali P.S., Chittagong. Now he is on Medical Leave at village: Ludua, P.O. Dholainbazar, T.O. & P.S. Laksam, Dt. Comilla.
2. Dr. Saidur Rahman- arrested by S.I. Nurul Islam, formerly O/C Kotwali P.S., Chittagong. He is on Leave. At present residing at Enayetbazar near old Police Beat, P.S. Kotwali, Chittagong.
3. Bhupati Bhusan Chaudhury alias Manik-arrested by O.S.I. Asghar Ali Sarkar, now attached to Kotwali P.S., Chittagong. He is under the order of transfer to S.B.
4. Masood R. Chaudhury Both arrested by O.S.I. Md. Mohsin now attached to Kotwali P.S., Chittagong.
5. Khurshed Alam alias Md. Khurshed.
6. Anwar Hossain – arrested by Md. Aliuzzaman, O.S.I. of DoubleMooring P.S., Chittagong, now 0.A.S.I. and on leave at village: Hazipur, P.O. Hazipur, T.O. & P.S. Nabinagar, Dt. Comilla.

Dist. Spl. Branch,
Chittagong, the 15th June/68.
No. 4278.

Post Copy forwarded to Mr. M.A. Majid, Q.P.M., P.P.M., Spl. Supdt. Of Police, Spl. Branch, E.P., Dacca in confirmation with reference to his Phone Message dated 15/6/68.
Supdt. Of Police, D.S.B.,
Page: 179

East Pakistan Form No.45
ASI Shamsul Haq
Handed in at AM Date: 15/6/6
Received at: 17.15 AM From: SP Addresses(if given) DSB Chittagong To: SS/III, SB EP Dacca through DS Mr. A. Mannaf Ref: Your phone-message of date particulars wanted are
furnished below. 1) Mirza Md. Rameez Arrested by Osi Mazumdar Nuruzzaman
formerly of Kotwali Ps, Chittagong now he is on medical leave at village: Ludua, P.O. Dholai bazar To and PS
Laksham Dist. Comilla 2) Dr. Saidur Rahman arrested by Sl. Nurul Islam formerly O/C,
Kotwali P.S., Chittagong. He has been at present residing at
Anayet-bazar near old Police-beat P.S. Kotwali, Chittagong. 3) Bhupati Bhusan Chowdhury @ Manik arrested by ASI Asgar
Ali Sarkar now attached to Kotwali PS. Chittagong. He is
under the order of transfer to SB. 4) Masud. R. Chowdhury. 5) Khorshed Alam @ Md Khorshed both arrested by ASI Md.
Mohshin now attached to Kotwali P.S. Chittagong. 6) Anwar Hossain-arrested by ASI Aliuzzaman of Doublemooring
P.S. Chittagong now ASI 1066 and on leave at village Haripur P.O. Haripur To.+Ps. Nabinagar Dt. Comilla.
1142 dt. 15/6/68 DIO Md. Eakub of DSB Comilla Sd/ –
End of Message, Check back Please. Telephone Operator.
Page: 180

DIO Md Eakub of DSB Comilla
East Bengal Form. No. 45. 1142 dt. 15/6/68
Handed in at: 2.M. Date 15/6/68
Received at:
19. 10 hrs. DM Words
From : SP Addresses DSB Comilla (if given)
SS/ III SB EP through DS, Mr. A Monnaf (DS/VR)
Ref: your Telephone Message of date reg. the name of the officer who arrested Khorshed Mia. S.I Abdul Kuddus the then o/c Chandpur P.S. now attached to Nasirnagar P.S. Dt. Comilla who is O/C of the P.S. arrested ex-Subedar Major Khurshed Alam S/o Md Ishaque of Faridakanda, P.S. Nandail, Dt. Mymensingh on 16.12.67.
1142 dt. 15/6/68 DIO Md Eakub of DSB Comilla
End of Message, cheek back, please.
Telephone Operator
Page: 181

From: SS/III, SB, EP Dacca.
SP/DSB, Barisal.
Please Communicate over the telephone by today the name and particulars of the officer who arrested: Daliluddin s/o L. Afizuddin of Shyampur, PS Bakerganj on 17.12.67 in connection with the Agartala Conspiracy Case
Sd/ -15.6.68
SSIII Transmitted the message as it was received by D.I.O (1). Sd/ – SI 15/6/68 Information Centre to pl transmit the message over the telephone
Sd/-15/6 1400 hrs.
SB No: 1132(3) dt. 15/6/68, TO, DSP Mr. A Mannaf

From: SS/III, SB, Dacca.
: SP/DSB, Chittagong.
Please Communicate over the phone by today the name and particulars of the officer who arrested the following accd. persons in connection with Agartala Conspiracy Case.
Page: 182

(1) Mirza Md Rameez-on 9.12.67 (2) Dr. Saidur Rahman- on 9.12.67 (3) Bhupati Bhusan Chowdhury @ Manik on 9.12.67 (4) Masud R. Chaudhury -on 16.12.67 (5) Khorshed Alam -on 16.12.67 (6) Anwar Hossain -on 17.12.67
Sd/- 6.67 SSIII. SB

Information Center to transmit over telephone.
Sd/ – 15.6.68

SB No 1132(3) dt. 15/6/68, TO DSP Mr. A. Mannaf.

: SSIII. SB. Dacca
: SP/DSB, Comilla
Please communicate over the telephone today the name of the officer who arrested Khorshed Mia S/o Ishaque from Star Jute Mills, Chandpur on 16.12.67, in connection with the Agartala Conspiracy Case.
Sd/-6.68 SSIII, SB
Information Center to transmit over the telephone today
Sd/ – SSIII 15.6.68
Sd/ -15/6
Page: 183

Since still out of over.14.00 dt. 15/6
Transmitted the Message as it was received by ASI Sirajul. Islam of Kotwali Ps, Comilla.
Sd/ – SI 15/6/68
15.45 hrs
SB No: 1132(3) dt. 15/6/68, TO DSP Mr. A. Mannaf

Dio. (I) East Pakistan Form No. 45.
A.M . Handed in at:
P.M .
Handed in at: 4:M. Date: 16.6.68.
Received at:
A.M .
Words P.M.
From: SP DSB Addresses Barisal. (if given)
To: SS-1|| Through DS Mr. A. Mannaf. (DSVR). Ref: Your phone message of 15.6.68
SI Abdul Malek Mollah O/C Bakerganj P.S. arrested Daliluddin S/O L. Hafizuddin of Sonapur P.S. Bakerganj on 17.12.68
End of Message, check back, please. Telephone Operator,
Page: 184

By Spl. Message. No: 3831 dt. 17.6.68
1217-67 S.C.
Supdt. of Police DACCA.
As desired by you, I am sending here with photographs of 35(Thirty five) accused persons of the Agartala Conspiracy Caše together with their names for identification.
(Encl: Names & photographs.)
Sd/ -17.6.68 Spl. Supt. of Police,
S.B, Dacca.

1. Mr. Sk.Mujibur Rahman 2. Lt. Comdr.Muazzam Hossain 3. Steward Mujibur Rahman 4. Sultanuddin Ahmed 5. Noor Muhammad 6. Ahmed Fazlur Rahman 7. Mahfizullah 8. Abdus Samad 9. Daliluddin 10. Ruhul Quddus 11. Md. Fazlul Haque 12. Bhupati Bhusan Choudhury
Page: 185

13. B.K. Sen 14. Abdur Razzak 15. Mujibur Rahman 16. Sgt. Abdur Razzak 17. Sgt. Zahurul Haque 18. Muhammad khursid 19. K.M. Shamsur Rahman 20. A.K.M. Shamsul Haque 21. Hav. Azizul Haque 22. S.A.C Mahfuzul Bari 23. Sgt. Shamsul Haque 24. Major Shamsul Alam 25. Capt. Abdul Mutalib 26. Capt. Shawkat Hossain 27. Capt. Kh. Najmul Huda 28. Capt. A.N.M.Nuruzzaman 29. Sgt.Abdul Jalil 30. Md. Mahboobuddin Choudhury 31. M.M.M. Rahman 32. A.K.M. Tajul Islam 33. M. Ali Reza 34. Capt. Khurshiduddin Ahmed 35. Lt. Abdur Rauf.

Security arrangements in connection with the trial of Agartala Conspiracy case.
1) The Tribunal will consist of 3 Judges – all of whom will have to be escorted to and from the Court from their residences. One armed plain-clothed Constable should accompany each Judge. The constable should occupy the front seat.
Page: 186

2. One S.I. of Police (if no Inspector is available) will assist the Court Staff in checking the passes of the entrants to the Court. He must rigidly ensure that no unauthorised person gains admission.
3. The Court Room will have to be searched by one Inspector at least one hour ahead before the sitting every-day, in case, the room is not under round-the-clock Police-guard.
4. In case the applications of proposed visitors are referred by the Court for vetting, such cases will have to be disposed of within 24 hours from the time of receipt.
5. Officers on duty shall maintain sharp vigilance on the movements of suspicious persons so that no undesirable elements may have access to the Court premises on clandestine mission (such as planting explosives etc.).
6. If the Court Officer wants the help of any of our staff in searching the person of any member of the public or employees of the Court, all assistance will have to be rendered in that regard.
7. A deputy Superintendent of Police should remain present there during the first few days to ensure that the above arrangement is rigidly enforced. Day to day public reaction of the trial will have to be carefully watched.
8. S.S City S.B will remain in-charge over-all arrangements.
Sd/- 27.4.68
(S.A. Zaman) Spl. Supdt. of Police, City S.B,
Page: 187

HOME (POLITICAL) …… Department.
SECTION-1 … Branch.
Memorandum No. 348(2)-Poll/S(1), dated the 17th June 1968.
To: The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East
Pakistan, Dacca.
SubjectReference –

The undersigned is directed to forward, herewith a copy of the minutes of the meeting held on 15th June 1968, for his information and necessary action.
Enclo: Two sheets.
Sd/-17.6.68 Signiture……….
(K.A. Islam) Designation Section Officer, Government of East Pakistan.
Page: 189

SECRET A meeting was held at 10.A.M. on 15.6.68 to discuss the arrangements in connection with the commencement of the trial of the Agartala Conspiracy Case.
Mr. Mirza, Registrar of the Tribunal said that in view of the limited accommodation, entry into the court premises would be regulated by passes, of which he produced the specimens for various categories like the press, the legal counsels and the public.
It was decided that not more than 25 seats would be available for pressmen including foreign correspondents. It was further decided that the Director, Public Relations would obtain the passes from the Registrar for distribution to be pressmen.
D.I.G., S.B. stated that they would like all applications to be cleared through the Special Branch, for which purpose it would be necessary for applications to be filled at least 48 hours in advance. In order to minimize the initial difficulties, it was decided that an officer of the Special Branch would sit with the officer of the tribunal to deal with the applications on the spot. It was also decided that this office should be located nearest the gate as it would not be desirable to allow any crowd within the court premises.
In view of the distance and the prohibitory order under section 144 Cr.P.C., no law and order problem was anticipated. But in view of the significance of the trial and the reported move of the Awami League to observe a Day in connection with the trial, it was decided that adequate security precautions should be taken to meet any unforeseen eventuality and to maintain an atmosphere of calm during the course of the trial.
Major Nasar stated that so far about 10 power of attorney had been signed. Law Secretary stated that unless the accused were duly represented by their accredited lawyers, it might not be possible to formally charge the accused with the offences alleged to have been committed by them. It was decided that the accused would be informed of the commencement of the trial by the Officer-in-charge of the Military
Page: 190

Custody. Since the announcement of the sitting of the Tribunal had been published by a Gazette Notification and also in the press, it was expected that the relations of the accused knew it.
Major Nasar informed that the rules for granting interviews to the relations of the accused and their lawyers had been framed and were forwarded to the Provincial Government on 18.5.68 for information, but so far no interview had either been granted or sought because of lack of publicity. It was suggested that a suitable Handout might be issued on the subject. The H.Q. 14 Division was however of opinion that they were not in a position to issue any Notification on the subject as they were merely holding the accused in custody on behalf of the civil authorities. It was, therefore, decided that the rules granting the facility of interview should be notified to the Tribunal.
Sd/-B. Ahmad.
MEMORANDUM FORM Government of east pakistan Home (political) department.
Memorandum No. 348(2)-Poll/S(1), dated the 17th June, 1968.
To: The Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca.
The undersigned is directed to forward, herewith a copy of the minutes of the meeting held on 15th June 1968, for his information and necessary action. Enclo: Two sheets.
Sd/-K.A. Islam Designation Section officer,
Govt. of East Pakistan.
Page: 191

Seen. Copies to D.I.G., S.B. and S.P., Dacca for information and necessary action, please.
| Sd: A.S.M. Ahmed.
17.6.68 Memo. No. IV/691/(2) S. Dated 17.6.68.
Copy together with copy of its enclosure forwarded to (1) Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P., Deputy Inspector General of Police, Special Branch, E.P., Dacca, (2) Mr. Mamun Mahmud, P.S.P., Superintendent of Police, Dacca for information and necessary action.
Sd/ -17.6.68 Section Officer, Police Directorate.

Information Report.
The information has been received that one of the items being discussed among the defence lawyers of the Agartala Conspiracy Case is to contact the prosecution witnesses whose names and full particulars are now known to them in order to win them over or neutralize their evidence.
Office of the Deputy Director, Intelligence, Government of
Pakistan No. S/31741 Dacca, the 20th June 1968.
Copy forwarded to Mr. A.S.M. Ahmed, SQA, T.Pk., P.P.M., P.S.P., Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca, for his kind information.
Sd: A.B.S. Safdar, Deputy Director, Intelligence,
Page: 194

Memo No. IV/709(2) S., Dated 22.6.68.
Copy forwarded to (1) Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P., Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, E. P., Dacca for the favour of necessary action and report. (2) Mr. A. Khaleque, P.P.M., P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police, Special Team, Special Branch, E.P., Dacca for information and necessary action.
2. They are also requested to please attend a meeting in the Room of the
Inspector-General to-day at 08.30 hours.
Sd: Asstt. Inspr. Genl. Of Police,
East Pakistan. 1. K.G. Ahmed 2. Lt. Commdr. Shahidul Huq 3. Abu Shams Lutful Huda 4. sq. Leader Moazzam Hussain, Ch- Airport Road. 5. Ali Ahmad 6. V.V.I Chowkidar Rahmat Ali

Ananda Bazar. Patrika dt.
মুজিবুর রহমানের অভিযােগ অস্বীকার
ঢাকা, ২১ জুন : শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান গতকাল একটি দায়রা আদালতে সশস্ত্র বিদ্রোহের, সরকারী অভিযােগ অস্বীকার করেন। তাঁকে খুব হাসিখুশি দেখাচ্ছিল। মুখে ছিল পাইপ। পরনে সাদা পাজামা। যাতে জনসাধারনের সঙ্গে অভিযােগকারীরা সংযােগ সাধন করতে না পারেন তার জন্য পুলিশের কড়াকড়ি ছিল। কিন্তু তবু শেখ মজিবুর রহমানকে তাঁর কয়েকজন বন্ধুর উদ্দেশ্যে বলতে শােনা যায়- আমাকে নিয়ে চিন্তা করার কিছু নেই।
Page: 195

শেখ এবং আর ৩৪ জন কুট পাকিস্তানীর বিরুদ্ধে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে সশস্ত্র বিপ্লবের ষড়যন্ত্রের অভিযােগের বিচার চলছে। শ্রীমজিবুর রহমানের মত অপরাপর অভিযুক্তরাও অভিযােগ অস্বীকার করেন। | ফরিয়াদী পক্ষ ওই তথাকথিত ষড়যন্ত্রের প্রত্যেক দলের বিরুদ্ধে যে সব। অভিযােগ দাঁড় করানাে হয়েছে তার বিবরন গতকাল শেষ করেন।
ফরিয়াদী পক্ষ বলেন অভিযুক্তদের মধ্যে ৪ জন প্রথমে স্বীকার করেও পরে তা প্রত্যাহার করে নিয়েছেন।
এদের মধ্যে আছেন মানিক চৌধুরী, শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এবং দুই সামরিক অফিসার।

লন্ডনে মুজিবুর তহবিল
লন্ডন অফিস
২০ জুন: ঢাকায় আয়ুব সরকারের বিশেষ আদালতে শেখ মুজিবুরের বিরুদ্ধে যে মামলা শুনানী আরম্ভ হয়েছে তাতে শেখ মুজিবুরের পক্ষ সমর্থনের জন্য ব্রিটেনস্থিত পাকিস্তানীরা ও তাদের ব্রিটিশ ও অন্যান্য বন্ধুরা একটি তহবিল খুলেছেন।
শ্রী টম উইলিয়ামস এম পি মামলার নথিপত্র পড়ছেন। তিনি সম্ভবত জুলাই মাসে মামলার শুনানীর সময় ঢাকায় যাবেন। | ঢাকা সেন্ট্রাল জেলে আটক নেতা মনি সিং এর মুক্তির দাবি করা হয়েছে। লন্ডনে প্রেসিডেন্ট আয়ুব খার স্বাস্থ্য সম্মন্ধেও বেশ জল্পনা-কল্পনা চলছে। ওয়াকিবহাল মহলের ধারণা সাম্প্রতিক পীড়ার পর তিনি এখনাে সম্পূর্ণ সেরে উঠেন নি। -এএফপি
May kindly see the portion at ‘A’ below
We have not received such information from any other source.
Sd/ – DS/PL Sd/- 5/7/%৪
Seen- file Sd/- 5/7/64
Page: 196

RAJARBAGH, Date, the 22nd June 1968. No. 3947 /1217-675C.
Mr. A. Khaleque, TQA, PSP, Dy. Inspr, -Genl. of Police CID, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Inspector-General of Police desires that the witnesses of your Department mentioned in the enclosed list should be made available for giving evidence in the Agartala Conspiracy Case, the trial of which has already commenced.
(A.M. Mesbahuddin) Deputy Inspector-General of Police,
Special Branch, E.P., Dacca
List of Police Witnesses in Agartala Conspiracy Case.
1. Mr. M.A. Mannaf, Dy. S.P., S.B. 2. A.S.I. Abdul Latif, (Ramna P.S.) 3. S.I. A. Hasim, (Kotwali P.S., Dacca) 4. S.I. Mujibur Rahman, (Ramna P.S.) 5. A.S.I. Md. Hashmat Ali, (Tejgaon P.S) 6. S.I. Ranghu Nandan Saha, (Ramna P.S.) 7. S.I. K.S. Islam, (Lalbagh P.S) 8. S.I. Jalaluddin, (Ramna P.S.)
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9. S.I. Moniruddin Ahmad, (Kotwali P.S. Chittagong). 10. A.S.I. A. Hossain, (Ramna P.S.) 11. Golam Mehdi Choudhury, D.S.P., Headquarters, Barisal. 12. S.I. Altaf Hossain, (Feni P.S. Noakhali) 13. S.I. Noamuddin Choudhury, ( S.B. Special Team) 14. S.I. A.K.M. Moslehuddin, (S.B. Special Team). 15. S.I. Riazul Karim, (S.B. Special Team). 16. S.I. Wazed Ali, (Lalbagh P.S) 17. S.I. Mokabbar Ali, (Doublemooring P.S., Chittagong). 18. Mr. Zahur Elahi Beg, (Inspr. Security Special Branch, Lahore). 19. Mr. H.R. Choudhury, Dy. S.P., Headquarters, Khulna. 20. Sergeant M. Siddique Khan, M.V. Section, Dacca) 21. S.I. Moniruddin Ahmed, (Kotwali P.S. Chittagong). 22. A.S.I. Monirul Haque, (Kotwali P.S. Chittagong). 23. Mr. Suhrawardy, (Inspector of Police, S.B., Dacca). 24. Mr. Abdul Kader ( Inspr. Of Police, Hand-writing expert, C.I.D., Dacca) 25. Mr. Fazlur Rahman, (Inspr. Of Police, C.I.A., S.B., Karachi) 26. Mr. S.H. Muktar Ahmad, Station House officer, Artillary Maidan P.S., Karachi. 27. Mr. Abrar Ahmed, (Dy. S.P., S.B., Lahore) 28. Mr. A. khaleque II, P.P.M., P.S.P., Special Superintendent of Police, Special Team, Special Branch, Dacca. 29. Mr. A. Majid, Q.P.M., P.P.M., Special Superintendent of Police, Special Branch, Dacca 30. Mr. A.K.M. Ahsanullah, Dy. S.P. Special Team. 31. Mr. Abdul Samad Talukdar, P.P.M., (Inspr. Of Police, Special Team). 32. Mr. Zeaul Haque Khan Lodhi, (Inspr. Of Police, Special Team). 33. Mr. Sirajul Islam, (Inspr. Of Police, Special Team). 34. Mr. Md. Ismail, (Inspr. Of Police, Special Team). 35. Mr. Md. Abdul Sattar Choudhury, (Inspr. Of Police, Special Team). 36. Watch F.C. Md. Ismail, (C/O. Supdt. Of Police, Special Branch, Karachi)
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RAJARBAGH, Dated: Dacca, the 22nd June 1968.
No. 3949/1217-675C.
Mr. M.N. Huda, P.S.P., Assistaant Inspector-General of Police East Pakistan, Dacca.
Ref: Your No. IV/709(2)S dated 22.6.68.
I attended a meeting on 22.6.68 at 08. 30 hours in the room of Inspector-General of Police with Messrs A.B.S. Safdar, A. Khaleque and M. Isa. The list of witnesses was checked and it was thought that some precaution should be taken with regard to the following 6 witnesses. It was also decided that the Investigating officer who originally examined the witnesses should keep close liaison with the witnesses as that was considered to be the only positive method of ensuring correct deposition by the witnesses.
1. K.G. Ahmed 2. Lt. Commdr. Shahidul Huq 3. Abu Shams Lutful Huda 4. Sq. Leader Moazzem Hussain 5. Ali Ahamed 6. Chowkidar Rahmat Ali.
(A.M. Mesbahuddin)
Dy. Inspector-General of Police,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.
Page: 199

Memo. No. 3949/1(2)/1217-67 sc Dated, Dacca, the 22nd June 1968.
Copy forwarded to:
1. Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, P.S.P., Deputy Director, Intelligence,
Government of Pakistan, Dacca, For information.
2. Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM, PSP, Spl. Supdt. Of Police, Spl. Team,
Special Branch, E.P., Dacca,
For information and taking necessary action through the 1.Os. concerned.
Sd/(A.M. Mesbahuddin) Dy Inspector-General of Police,
S.B., East Pakistan, Dacca.

SECRET Phone no 45025
City Special Branch, Dacca, the 27 June 1968
No. 3710
Mr. E.A. Chaudhury, PPM, PSP Special Supdt. of Police(II) S.B., E.P., Dacca.
It appears from a news item in the Morning News of today’s issue that Mr. Tom Williams QC of U.K. will appear on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others in the Agartala Conspiracy case.
It is not known how his expenses would be met. We are making discreet enquiries as to the veracities of the information.
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Foreign exchange would be a problem and it is not unlikely that a section of students and business community residing in London and other parts of England particularly Bradford and Birmingham may collect funds to meet the counsel’s expenses.
If thought proper, a reference may kindly be made to C.I.B., Rawalpindi, in this regard.
(S.A. Zaman)
Special Supdt.of Police,
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Action at 190-64 SC ABI, D.I.G/SSI may kindly like to see., Sd/-27.6.68
Amnesty International
Westminster Group
3 Divesture Place
London W1 F. Birch.
Page: 201

Ananda Bazar Patrika, dt. 1.7.68
মুজিবর ও অন্যান্যদের মুক্তি দাবি – লন্ডনে
পাকিস্তানীদের বিক্ষোভ
লন্ডন অফিস
৩০ জুন শেখ মুজিবর রহমান এবং অন্যান্য ৩৪ জন রাজনৈতিক বন্দীর মুক্তি চাই। পাকিস্তানে নাগরিক অধিকার চাই। এসব বিভিন্ন দাবিদাওয়া নিয়ে লন্ডনের পাকিস্তানীরা জোরদার অভিযােগ চালিয়েছেন।
এখানে পাকিস্তান হাইকমিশনের কাছে এই দাবিগুলি পেশ করা হয়েছে:
প্রাপ্তবয়স্কদের ভােটাধিকারে নির্বাচিত প্রতিনিধিদের প্রশাসন চালু করুন। বর্তমান স্বৈরাচারের অবসান ঘটান। পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের কুড়িটি পরিবারের শাসনের বিরুদ্ধে দেওয়ালের লিখন পড়ন। আত্মনিয়ন্ত্রণ অধিকারের পথের কাঁটা দূর করুন। পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে স্বাধিকার দিন। একনায়কতন্ত্রের বিরুদ্ধে গণতন্ত্রের লড়াইকে স্বীকৃতি দিন।
আন্দোলনকারীরা বিশেষ করে শেখ মুজিবুর এবং অন্যান্যদের বিরুদ্ধে আনীত মামলা প্রত্যাহার করতে বলেছেন। ঢাকায় বিচারের নামে এই প্রহসন নাকি ১৬ জুলাই পর্যন্ত মূলতুবি আছে। পাকিস্তান থেকে তারা যে খবরাখবর পাচেছন তাতে পরিষ্কার বােঝা যাচ্ছে এই বিচারের লক্ষ্য পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে বিরােধী পক্ষকে মুছে ফেলা বা প্রেসিডেন্ট আয়ুবের জংগী শাসনকেই কায়েম রাখা। আন্দোলনকারীরা মনে করেন, সশস্ত্র বিদ্রোহের মাধ্যমে আয়ুবশাহীকে কোতল করার ষড়যন্ত্রের এই মামলা মিথ্যা সাজান। অবিলম্বে তাদের মুক্তি দেওয়া উচিত।
আন্দোলনকারীরা বলেন, পাকিস্তান স্বাধীন রাষ্ট্র কিন্তু পাকিস্তানে এই অভিযান বা কোনাে গণতান্ত্রিক আন্দোলন চালাতে দেওয়া হয় না। তাই তাঁরা ব্রিটেনেই এই আন্দোলন চালিয়ে পাকিস্তানের গণতান্ত্রিক শক্তিগুলিকে সমবেদনা জানাচ্ছেন। এতে বিশ্ববাসীরাও জানতে পারবেন পাকিস্তানে জীবন কতটা দূর্বিসহ।
R.S.l. will pl. purchase the paper as desired by D.I.G.
Sd/-31.7. DS/PL
Report is submitted herewith
Page: 202

Sd/-5/৪ 1. We have no official knowledge of such demonstration D.I.G/SS I may kindly see. We may request DDI. for a report. Sd/-DS/PL 23.7 Purchase London Papers dt. 15.7, 16.7 and 17.7.68
Page: 203


The Special Tribunal Court will consist of a Main Court Building, an adjacent building facing south for registrar’s office and office of the Special Investigation team and a small two roomed building on the S/E corner of the premises for Prosecution staff.
The main building consists of one court-room, two retiring rooms for their Lordships, a room for Defence Counsel, a canteen room, a small room for Special Investigation staff and office rooms for P.A. to Chairman. There will be four entrances in the court Building. Entrance for their Lordships is on the northern end of the court Building, entrance for detenus by the verandah under the portico, entrance for visitors and prosecution/Defence Counsels by the verandah on the southern side of the court Building and entrance for prosecution counsels by the verandah on the eastern side.
There are two entrance gates to the court premises from the main road-one on the southern end and the other on the northern end.
The gate on the northern end will be used for entrance/Exit of their Lordships and their staff, the Special Investigation staff, duty Police and escorts of detenus and the prosecution staff.
The gate on the southern end will be used for the entrance/Exit of Prosecution/Defence Cousel, visitors and duty Police. No car will normally be allowed inside by this gate.
Passes will be checked by the plain cloth staff detailed by the city S.B., Dacca in co-operation with the court staff. The uniformed Police will assist them when required.
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The court permanent guard will consist of one Subeder 4 N.C.Os and 20 constables. Round the clock guarding arrangement shall be maintained with 5 sentries at a time, as follows, leaving one N.C.O. and 5 constables on rest every day.
Sentry No. 1. shall take post on the south-west corner of the main court-building facing south covering the area from the main entrancegate on the right to the northern extremity of prosecution counsel office on the left. His beat extends from one end to the other of the southern side of the court-building. During movement in his beat, he will keep watch on the rear of the court building also.
Sentry No.2. shall take post on the verandah in front of the office of the special investigation team facing south covering the line along the inner wall of the verandah on the right to the right hand pillar of the southern entrance gate on the left. He will keep a special watch on the entrance gate on his right and the door of the office of the special investigation team. His beat will extend from his post to the western extremity of the verandah.
Sentry No. 3. shall take post in front of the office of the Registrar facing south covering area between southeast corner of the garrage to the
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northeast pillar of the portico. His beat extends from the eastern extremity of the verandah along the corridor/road up to the entrance door of the Judges to the main building.
Sentry No. 4. shall take post on the north-east corner of the Registrar’s office facing north-east and watch the area from the southwest corner of eastern guard shed to the northwest corner of the M.T. garrage. His beat extends from the rear verandah of Registrar’s office to the middle of M.T. garrage. He will also watch the area behind the main court-building when moving on his beat.
Sentry No. 5. shall take post on the western side of the building of Registrar’s office behind the office of the special investigation team facing north and watch the area from the line along the extremity of wall on the left to the southwest corner of the eastern guard-shed. His beat will extend from western extremity of the building to the middle of the building.
Sentries shall keep liasion with one another next to his post when moving on his beat and shall shout “all’s well” every 30 minutes.
Relief of post Nos. 2&3 shall sleep on the verandah near their posts at night to act as cover men with their arms kept at the bedside. Relief of post Nos. 4&5 shall sleep in the guard shed. The N.C.O with a constable on rest will sleep on the southern verandah of the court-building without arms.
One N.C.O. Shall keep awake by turn all the hours of the day and night. He will check sentries in between their shouting “all’s well” and ensure that sentries move in their beats every 5 minutes.
Nobody in civil dress or in uniform shall be allowed entrance in the court compound without proper and personal recognition by the Armed S.I. in-charge of the guard between Dusk and Dawn. During the day time, the entry will be allowed on recognition and with passes issued by the Registrar.
Sentry No. 2 shall act as gate sentry on the main entrance-gate on the western end of the court compound from half an hour before sun-rise till sun-set.
Sentry No. 4 shall move to the front verandah of prosecution Counsel office on call by the S.S. Special investigation team and the court Dy. S.P.
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On completion of job there, he will return to his normal post. Half guard (on Daffa as per rules) shall be kept in readiness in guard-room near sentry post No. 2 for every 15 minutes before and after the trial.
The Armed S.I. shall check sentries at least twice by night.
The guard will be provided with a Telephone and Armed S.I. incharge guard shall communicate all information to the Supdt. of Police and the Reserve Inspector, whenever required.
In-case of anything suspicious the whole guard shall “stand to” and take position behind pillars and walls to make an “all round” defence. The H.C. in-charge shall at once ring up Police Lines and inform R.I. of the situation for help or otherwise. Every evening, the Armed S.I. shall order “Stand to” and check the position of sentries.
R.I., R.R.I., Inspector Industrial area shall visit the guard at least once by night
Addl. SS. P., Dy. S.P. city and Head Quarter shall visit the guard at least once a week by night.
COURT DUTY POLICE: (i) One N.C.O and one const. with arms will be outside the entrance
by which their Lordships will enter into their Lordships at all times of entrance and Exit to & from the court. They will not allow anybody to enter the court by this way except their Lordships and
their personal staff. (ii) Four constables with arms remain to stand by to be utilized by the
Inspector-in-charge according to requirement (iii) One N.C.O. and two constables with short lathi will be on duty
outside the entrance of the Defence counsels and visitors. They will not enter the Court-room or be seen there from unless called
upon by the Tribunal. (iv) Two constables with short lathi will be on duty outside the entrance of
the Prosecution on the eastern side of the court Buildings. One constable with short lathi will remain on duty outside the door of the southern side of the retiring rooms of the Judges on the corridor wherein the detenus will be brought into the Dock.
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CORDON DUTY: (i) The Armed S.I. with two constables will take post on the southern
entrance gate to the court premises. The Armed S.I will assist the plain clothed officers (to be detailed for the purpose) in checking passes for Prosecution/Defence counsels and visitors and allow admittance to the court Building by the entrance on the south of the court Building. Two constables shall take post along the hedge on the front side of the lawn of court premises facing west. (iii) One NCO and one constable shall take post on the entrance gate on the southern end of the court premises and ensure that no unauthorised persons entre into the court premises. (iv) One constable shall take post on the gap between the boundary hedge and west on the Registrar’s office building and see that none approaches the court premises by that gap. One constable between the gap of the Registrar’s office building and the garrage. (vi) One constable near the electric post on the south of the garrage. (vii) One constable near the centre of the boundary hedge on the East. (viii) One constable on the south-eastern corner of the Prosecution staff office building. (ix) One constable under the 2nd tree along the boundary hedge in front of the Prosecution staff office. (x) One constable near the boundary hedge south of the main court building.
They will ensure that no one can get access to the court premises except by the two main entrance-gates.
The Armed S.I. after closing hours of allowing visitors etc. shall move around and supervise duties of the cordon staff.
The 2nd NCO shall remain i/c of force on the eastern side of the court building.
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1. After ensuring proper posting of const. and cordon duty staff at the court premises, Inspector, Mr. A. G. Khilijee shall proceed with the escort staff in a bus and prison van to the detention camps and take over detenus from officers-in-charge, detention camps half an hour before the court hours. These detention camps have been shown to him.
2. All the detenus shall be brought in to the court by the re-entrance gate on the northern side and shall alight from the vehicle under the portico, and proceed through the corridor into the Dock. The Inspector shall ensure that none is allowed to talk with and pass anything to the detenus.
3. Before signing the taking over form, Inspector Mr. Khiljee will conduct search of persons of accused persons as per hajat rules and check all detenus with the identification sheet.
4. After court hours, persons of the detenus will be searched before they are embussed for retiring to the detention camps.
5. Officer i/c escort and the Armed S.I. shall be armed with a revolver, NCO’s with beretta guns with two long and two short magazines (filled in) each, five constables will be armed with rifles and rest with short lathies.
6. An escort should be so detailed, that one Subedar with a Police Driver sit in the driver cabin of the prisoner van and the Inspector, one NCO & 5 armed constables sit at the rear, the rest of the escort party should follow in the spare vehicle. After admittance of detenus inside the vehicle, rear entrance door should be locked before starting the vehicles.
7. After admitting prisoners into the Dock one Sgt., one Subedar, and 2 constables of the escort duty staff will take their seats behind the prisoners. Half the escort party without arms reinforced by 4
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constables (stand by) of court duty staff and one H.C. and 5 constables (on rest) of the permanent court guard will sit in the rear of the court-room in a flank. They will take their stand along the railings of the Dock to prevent any body talking with the detenus before the trial begins, during the recess of the trial and after the court adjourns for the day. The Inspector shall rigidly enforce this tactfully. Rest of the existing duty staff shall remain in the room adjacent to the prisoner’s Dock.
1. All the force shall take post at least 15 hours ahead of the scheduled time of commencement of the trial.
2. Officer i/c of each detachment and the Inspector-in-charge specially shall ensure that proper and smart turn out of persons under them.
3. None shall move or stand in an unsmart manner during duty hours.
4. There are two canteens. One on the North-east end of the court building and the other at South-west end of the court-building to cater tea and tiffin but none shall leave his post for the canteens without being relieved by his officer.
5. None shall pick up an argument with any visitors and others admitted to the court. Any difficulty experienced should be brought to the notice of the officer i/c who will tackle the situation.
6. Arrangements for conducting, escorting and custody of the prisoner should be coordinated with the o/c Military custody, the Special Investigation Team and Registrar of Supreme Court.
7. Traffic arrangements will be made by the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Traffic.
Sd/-3/7 (Mamun Mahmud.)
Superintendent of Police,
Page: 210

Phone. No. 45751.
Office of the Superintendent of Police
Memo. No. 2179(8)/HQ dated/- 3.7.68.
Copy of standing orders for duties of Police for special Tribunal Court is forwarded to the:
1. Assistant Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca. 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Dacca Range, Dacca. 3. Deputy Inspector-General of Police Spl. Branch, E.P., Dacca. 4. Special Superintendent of Police, City S.B., Dacca. 5. Addl. Superintendent of Police (city), Dacca. 6. Special Superintendent, Special Investigation Team. 7. Deputy Superintendent of Police (court), Dacca. 8. Registrar, Special Tribunal Court. 9. Armed Inspector Mr. Khiljee. 10. Sub-Inspector i/c special Tribunal Court guard for the favour of information and necessary action. 11. Officer-in-charge Military custody for the favour of information. He is requested to intimate all concerned in the cantonment area that Police officers are likely to visit the Police guard at signals officers mess at any hours of day and night.
Sd/-3/7 (Mamun Mahmud.)
Superintendent of Police,
Page: 211

Rawalpindi, date 6 JUL 1968
Reference your endorsement No. 4144/190/64/SC(V), dated 1st July 1968, regarding engagement of Mr. Tom William QC by the defence in Agartala Conspiracy Case.
2. We have already alerted our link in London to keep a watch on the
situation and let us know how expenses in connection with Mr. Tom William’s engagement, as defence counsel will be met. You will be informed if any information of interest in this regard comes to our hand.
Sd/-5.7.68 (Muhammad Atahar),
Deputy Director.
Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P., Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, DACCA.
Page: 212

Copy of report of a CSB officer
Sub: Enquiry about Mrs. Hena Das, Head Mistress, Narayanganj Girls
High School, P.S. Narayanganj, Dacca.
· I along with S.I. Fazlul Karim made a discreet enquiry about Mrs. Hena Das, Head Mistress of Narayanganj Girls’ High School, P.S. Narayanganj, Dacca, wife of Mr. Ruhini Das of vill. Beheti, P.S. Shasra, Dist. Sylhet. She is aged about 44 years. She passed the Matriculation examination from Sylhet Govt. Girls High School, Sylhet in the year 1940, 1. A. and B.A. from Sylhet Women’s College in the year 1942 and 1947 respectively.
She was married to Ruhini Das mentioned above in the year 1948 and led conjugal life thereafter. In the year 1957 she took a job as an Assistant Teacher at Monija Rahman Girls’ High School, Gandaria, Dacca and served there in that capacity upto 1959. While serving at Monija Rahman Girls’ High School, she used to visit Fatulla alongwith other Mistresses at the father’s house of Headmistress of that school. She submitted resignation in 1959 and got herself admitted at Mymensingh Women’s Training College and obtained B.Ed. Degree in the year 1960.
She became the Head Mistress of Narayanganj Girls High School in the year 1961 and served in that capacity upto April 1964.
After the communal disturbances in 1964, she submitted her resignation from the post of Headmistress and left for Calcutta on 21.4.64, on Pakistani passport No. PSC 474699 dated 31.3.63 through Dacca Airport. It is reported that she expressed her intention to settle up in India before she had left Pakistan seeing the communal disturbances here to Mr. Zainal Abedin, the then Secy. of the school committee.
However, she returned to Pakistan again on 20.6.64 on the same passport as she could not get any chance of permanent settlement there.
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Prior to that, she made another visit to Calcutta on 25.10.63 and returned on 20.11.63 on the same passport.
The validity of the passport expired on 31.3.68 and fresh passport has not yet been obtained by her.
On her return to Pakistan on 20.6.64, she got herself prepared to appear in M.A. first part as a private candidate under Dacca University and appeared as such in 1965. She passed the same (stood 2nd Class first).
In the same year (1965), she accepted a job as Head Mistress, Mohakali Adarsha Bidyalaya and served there up to December 1967. In the meantime, she passed M. A. 2nd part in the year 1966 as Private candidate and got 2nd class.
In December 1967, she resigned from the post of Head Mistress of Mohakali Adarsha Bidyalaya, due to some misunderstanding with the members of the managing committee of that school.
Thereafter in February 1968, she got the appointment as Head Mistress of Lake Circus Girls High school, Kalabagan, Dacca and continued to serve there upto 4.5.68.
On the persuation of Mr. Zainal Abedin, (P.M.L) and some other well wishers of Narayanganj girls Hish school, she submitted her resignation on 4.5.68 from Lake Circus Girls High School (mentd.) and joined as Head Mistress at Narayanganj Girls School on 5.5.68. She is still serving as Headmistress of the said school.
She has been living with her ailing husband where ever she served. It is reported that her husband did not visit India with her. She has 4 brothers all of whom are living in India as Indian citizens viz.
1. Debendra Nath Datta, Serving in an Advertising Firm in
Calcutta. 2. Satya Brata Datta, serving as Sub-Editor, Hindustan Times,
Delhi. 3. Rabindra Nath Datta, Teacher, Beghnapara High School,
Burdwan. 4. Swami Shanti Moy Ananda, Belur Math, Howrah.
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She has got only two daughters. The first daughter appeared in this year S.S.C. examination and the other is aged about 25 yrs. The nearrelations of her husband, are living in Pakistan. Hena Das has got her paternal property at her father’s village. Her father late Raj Bahadur Satish Chandra Datta was a resident of village Narpati, P.S. Chunaru Ghat, Dist. Sylhet.
I contacted the old members of the managing committee of Naraynganj Girls’ High School and other available sources close to her at Narayanganj but so far nothing interesting from our point of view has come to light. I have instructed my staff at Naraynganj and engaged sources to keep her activities under watch. It is gathered that some persons interest has been hampered because of her joining here as Headmistress. However anything prejudicial in nature comes to notice, it will be communicated forthwith.
Phone No. 45024. SECRET.
City Special Branch, Dacca.
Dated the 5th July’68. No. 3872/203-64 G1.
R. 5197
Copy forwarded to Mr. S.A.Z.M. Zahiruddin, QPM., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, SB., EP., Dacca for information with ref. to his No. 4050/1/1217-67/SC dt. 28.6.68.
Sd/ -7.3.68 Special Supdt. of Police,
City SB., Dacca.
Page: 216.

Dainik Pakistan
dt. 7.7.68
ভারতীয় কৌসুলীদের শেখ মুজিবের পক্ষ সমর্থনের ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ
লন্ডন, ৬ ই জুলাই (এপিপি) : বৃটিশ পর্লামেন্টের সদস্য টম উইলিয়ামস ছাড়াও কতিপয় ভারতীয় আইনজীবী আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র মামলার অন্যতম আসামী শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের পক্ষ সমর্থনে ইচ্ছুক বলে ডেইলী টাইমস এর লন্ডন ডায়েরী থেকে জানা গেছে। মি: টমাস উইলিয়মস লন্ডন ডায়েরীতে বলেন যে, আমনেস্টি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল’ সংস্থা উক্ত ষড়যন্ত্র মামলার শুনানীর প্রতি নজর রাখছে। মার্কিন সি.আই.এ আমনেষ্টি ইন্টারন্যাশনালকে অর্থ সাহায্য করে আসছে এটা আবিষ্কারের পর গতবছর সংস্থাটি ভেঙ্গে যায়। সিআইএর অর্থ-সাহায্য গ্রহনের ব্যাপারে যারা বিরােধিতা করেন তারা সংস্থাটি ত্যাগ করে যান।
1. May kindly see.
2. On file, please.
Sd/- ৭.7.68.

No. 2030 dt. 13.7.68
606-48. PE.
The Director of the Intelligence Bureau
Govt. of Pakistan, Rawalpindi.
In Sending herewith a copy of the paper cutting from The Hindustan Standard dt. 21.6.68 on Indian daily from Calcutta under the head – “Dacca trial defence-fund opened in the UK,” & would request you kindly to verify the genuineness of the
Page: 217

news continued in the paper cutting regarding Dacca trial of the Agartala Conspiracy, detention of Monisingh, etc.
Reply at p.14 Enclo: Copy of P.I.
2 extra copy pl.
Sd/ – 11/7 D.I.G. S.B.E.P,
Dacca. Sd/ -12/7
The attached paper cutting for Hindustan Standard dt. 28.6.68 with D.I.G’s order their on.
The paper cutting dwells on three matters viz.
1. Trial of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & Collection of Fund
etc. in London. 2. Moni Singh – his arrest & detention.
3. Talk about President Ayub’s health in Pakistan. Reg: 1. We have already had information through various Agents particularly P.A.C.A 103 dt. 7.7.68. That British lawyer is being engaged. Funds are being raised in London & Amnesty International is taking interest in the case.
We may now require the verification of this information in London as ordered by D.I.G.
SCO may take up the matter with the D.I.B. for collecting full details of activities different organization in London & verify the information as ordered by D.I.G. Reg: 2. Moni Singh DS/CM may pl. see.
From the cutting, it appears that Hindustan Standard published this news item on the report from its London office.
Page: 218

S.C.O may also come to an enquiry in London through a proper channel about the activities of Hindustan Standard office in London.
Ahmad Hossain DS/PL 9.7.68
SCO to take actions immediately as ordered pl. Sd/ -9.7.68 Copy given to S.C.O vide N.S.P.I. bottom margin Sd/-18.7.68
Hindustan Standard dt. 21-6-68
‘Dacca trial” Defence fund opened in UK
From our London Office
JUNE 20: The Sheikh Mujib Defence Fund has been opened by Pakistani residents in Britain and their British and other friends to defend the case against those who are under trial by a special tribunal set up by the Ayub administration in Dacca.
The Amnesty International is taking a keen interest in this “trial”. It is gathered that contributions are pouring into the fund. The case was adjourned yesterday after reading of the charges and is likely to resume in three weeks? time. Mr. Tom Williams, MP, is going through the case and charge-sheets are expected to fly to Dacca when the ‘trial will be resumed in July,
There is considerable concern among Pakistani residents and their friends about old Moni Singh who was arrested under the So-called Public Security Ordinance of Pakistan on November 8 last year in Dacca. This arrest, it is gathered from Pakistani circles, already evoked widespread sympathy of many politicians, poets, writers, journalists, advocates and students in Pakistan. They issued statements recalling Moni Singh’s role in the freedom movement of India, and the cause he espoused for the oppressed. They have demanded his immediate release. According to reports, this septuagenarian leader in Dacca Central Jail’is suffering from diabetes and pain in the chest. The Amnesty International is campaigning for his release.
Page: 219

Although the situation in Pakistan has not been widely reported here, informed circles are taking a considerable interest, in the development which also includes speculation about President Ayub Khan’s health. Informed circles maintain that he has not yet fully recovered from the recent stroke.
Pl. request DIB to get it verified & let us know the request. Sd/-6.7./68
Page: 220

No. D-1665/68-Poll
Government of Pakistan Ministry of Home & Kashmir Affairs
(Home Affairs Division)
ISLAMABAD, the 11th July 1968
The under mentioned paper is forwarded for disposal to the Home Secretary to the Govt. of East Pakistan, Dacca.
Sd/- M. Zia Hossain, TQA, CSS
Section officer
An anonymous letter containing allegations against one Yunus Munshi s/o Late Jitu Meah of Vill: Hirapur, Post: Rudra Ram Pur, PS: Ramganj, District: Noakhali.
SECRET. Dated, the…
To The President of Pakistan, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, West Pakistan.
Sir, Most respectfully to state the following facts for the favour of your kind perusal and early necessary action:
That, sir, one Mr. Yunus Munshi s/o late Jitu Meah of Vill: Hirapur, Post-Rudrarampur, PS. Ramgonj, Dist. Noakhali is entangled with
Page: 221

“AGARTALA CONSPIRACY”. His elder son Mr. Abul Hossain is conducting one Vulcanizing Shop named “East Pakistan Vulcanizing-Shop” at Tongi, Dacca from which he is earning more than Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand) monthly.
2. That, sir, in his shop he keeps machinery, samples of tyres, etc., and in another adjacent room of three hundred yards where he keeps valuable tyres receiving from black-market. He is also one of the Black-Marketiers.
3. That, sir, from the income of this shop he subscribing more than Rs.300/- in every month to the fund (AGARTALA CONSPIRACY FUND”) in accordance with his father’s instruction from the year 1964. But his 2nd son named Abul Khair opposed for paying the subscription for which Mr. Yunus Munshi threatened his son by saying that if he does anything against his will he will be deprived of paternal property.
4. That, sir, Yunus Munshi is wolf-in-sheeps clothing who does not believe the existences of Pakistan from the very beginning of partition and even now he is against the existence of Pakistan. Further, if his house is enquired, various important valuable documents will be available on “AGARTALA CONSPIRACY”.
5. That, sir, in every month he has been attending the secret meeting of the party in various places coming from home whenever he has permanently resided at Dacca since last 25 years.
6. That, sir, although it is an anonymous letter, but if your honour would be so kind to take a little interest with the above facts and investigate into the matter by enquiring his house resulting which various important documents could be seen and thus hope and pray that your honour will be doing the needful against the culprit and save your own country and the security of Pakistan.
I am your’s
Page: 222.

Immediate No. 4804 dt. 30.7.68
1217-67 SC.
S.P. D.S.B, Noakhali
In sending herewith copy of an anonymous letter containing allegations against one Yunus Munshi s/o L. Jitu Miah of village: Hirapur, Po: Rudrarampur, P.S: Ramganj Dt: Noakhali, I would request you to kindly cause an enquiry into the allegation and on report sent to this office as early as possible.
Sd/ – 30.7.68

Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan,
Rawalpindi, the 18 July 1968 MEMORANDUM
A copy of dispatch by Adam Clymer, Correspondent of “Baltimore Sun” on the opening day of the Agartala Conspiracy case trial is enclosed for information. In Para 4 of his dispatch, he quoted Attorney Ataur Rahman as having exclaimed, referring to the make-shift court-room “It is almost a Circus in a Cinema Hall”. This remark is considered to amount to a contempt of court. Encl: one
(E. Hossain) Assistant Director
Page: 223

Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, PPM, PSP, D.I.G. of police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, DACCA.
Copy of a dispatch sent by Adam Clymer, Correspondent of “Baltimore Sun” to his paper on the trial of the Agartala Conspiracy case June 19, 1968.
Pakistan today accused India of helping finance a secession plot in East Pakistan but said New Delhi reneged on promised arms supplies after getting her first good look at the conspirators quarrelling over funds, the plotters then fell out among themselves, the Government said official charges in a long awaited conspiracy trial that opened today with soldiers crowding around the makeshift court room in Cantonment – Army Base.
But the 35 defendants arrested with much fanfare last January, seemed thoroughly relaxed and cheerful despite the possible life sentences, the face as they heard the detailed charges against themselves for the first time.
They chatted amiably among themselves and with relatives and occasionally laughed as the charge was read. The cramped, makeshift court room in the Dacca Cantonment- Army Camp drew complaints chiefly from their lawyers. One Attorney Ataur Rahman muttered, “It is almost a circus in a Cinema Hall”. The only display of the emotion came from Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the only defendant of any personal reputation. While the highest ranking other defendants are Lt. Commander and an Army Major, Mr. Rahman is a former Pakistan Minister of Commerce and Head of the opposition peoples league.
The East Pakistan politician, held under detention since May 1966, stood when it turned to answer charges of conspiring to “Wage War” on Pakistan “Seduce” mutineers in the Armed Forces and said “I am Innocent, not guilty. This another conspiracy against me to connect me in this case because I was in Jail”.
Page: 224.

According to charges, the plot was first hatched in late 1964. Mr. Rahman was said to have promised his cohorts Indian backing for their plans, which were to create a new State called “Bangla Desh” by armed revolt, with weapons, ammunition, and funds provided by India.
The charge read out for only 90 minutes by the former Pakistan Chief justice S.A. Rahman, said the plotters intended to create political disaffection though propaganda – most observer see suitable political disaffection here, though not of revolutionary heat and then seize armous by commando raids.
The detailed charges, presumably developed with the help of 11 alleged conspirators, who turned state defendants in return for pardon said the Indian aid was eventually forthcoming thorough the help of P.N. Ojha, First Secretary in the Indian Diplomatic Mission here, after Mr. Rahman was felt.
Ojha was said to have supplied money and to have promised arms. To arrange the arms deal, two conspirators Eastern Border on Last July 12.
But the charge said that Ojha told the plotters later that his Govt. was not satisfied with the “caliber” of the plotters.
When the arrests were announced and Ojha was expelled, the Indian Govt., denied that he had been involved with any plotters.
Rumours- prevailed here and in Karachi that the defendants would be accused of trying to Kidnap Pakistan President Mohammad Ayub Khan, were not born out by any charges made today.
Sixteen of the defendants had made their pleas of not guilty when the Special Tribunal, for which no appeal will be allowed, adjourn until tomorrow.
The defendants’ Lawyers, but confined their complaints today for allegedly unadequate food for their clients and shortage of printed copies of charges and the ordinance in which the trial is being held, will probably seek an adjournment of several weeks to prepare their defences.
Page: 225

No. SF.2872/1/1-SVA-IV.
Rawalpindi, dated 19 July 1968
Pl. put up to-day
Reference your Memorandum No. 2030/606-48 P.F., dated 13th July 1968, forwarding a copy of the clipping from the Hindustan Standard dated 21st June 1968. 2. It is confirmed that Amnesty International, which is reputed to be a
CIA front organisation, is taking interest in the Agartala Conspiracy Case. Its officials are thinking of establishing contact with some of the accused thorough correspondence. As regards Moni Singh, we have instituted inquiries through our link in London and will let you know of the result in due course.
Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, PPM, PSP., Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Rajarbag, Dacca.
Page: 226.

No. 4469 dt. 1/8/68 to DS. (PL)
Activities of Mr. Thomas Williams, Bar-at-Law in Dacca dt. 29.7.68.
In the morning Moudud Ahmed, Advocate and Mr. Aminul Islam, Barat-Law met with the Subject at hotel Inter Continental. At about 08.26 hrs. the Subject alongwith above noted two lawyers left the hotel and went to the Tribunal Court at Cantonment. At about 13-45 hrs. the Subject alongwith above noted two lawyers returned to the hotel from the Court.
In the evening at about 17.00 hrs. the subject along with Mr. Moudud Ahmed, advocate left the hotel and visited the Zohora Market at Mymenshingh Road for 3 minutes, where from they went to the residence of Mr. Abdus Salam khan, advocate at Gulshan Model Town and met with about 30/35 unknown persons there. (Seems to be Lawyers and Students). At about 19.30 hrs. the Subject alongwith Mr. Moudud Ahmed advocate left the said place and went to the residence of Ex-chief Justice Mr. S. M Murshed where from they returned to hotel Inter Continental at about 21.00 hrs. After that Mr. Moudud Ahmed, Advocate left the Hotel Inter Continental at about 22.30 hrs. by his car.
Consolidated by me
dt. 30.7 DS (Pol) may kindly see pl. The movement Mr. T. Williams outside the
Hotel has been collected from the offices CIB who maintains a mobile watch on the subject.
Sd/SA. Karim S.I.
30/7 S.S may like to see. Copy to DS(PL)
Sd/M. Younus
DS(Poll) 30/7/68
Seen. D.I.G /SS(I) may kindly see.
Sd/S.A. Karim S.S. C.S.B .Dacca
Page: 227

Seen. Sd/S.A. Khasru P.S.P.
S.S.I. S.B. 31.7.68.
Seen. Sd/A.M. Mesbahuddin “’D.I.G.P.P.M.P.S.P
S.B. E.P. Dacca.
31.9.68 masyag de-1//68 E PS(R)
My Thome 341.4
Page: 228 .

Secret/Immediate No. 11249 dt. 25.7.68
606-48PF(ACF) To The S.P., DSB., Noakhali
Subject: Collection of fund for the defence of the Agartala
Conspiracy Case agst. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman & others.
I send herewith a copy of the petition dt.16.7.68 submitted by M/S. Korban Ali Sheikh, and Abdul Majid Bepary, both of Lakshmipur, Noakhali for fevour of your comments early. Enclo: Copy of pp. 13-12
DS/PL for SSI. S.B.E.P.
Dacca. A.M. Misbahuddin Esq.PSP, Dy. Inspector General of Police (Special) Rajarbagh, Dacca.
Sub: Illegal collection of fund for the defence of Sheikh Majib & others under trial for Agartala conspiracy case.
We have to bring to your kind notice the following information for taking necessary action at your end:
That under the leadership of Ullah Chaudhury S/O Late Pana Mia Haji of Lakhsmipur Bazar P.S. Lakhsmipur in the district of Noakhali -a stationery shop keeper and dealer of Pakistan Tobacco Co. Ltd. has formed an unauthorised committee to collect fund for the defence of accused Sheikh Mujib and others involved in the famous Agartala conspiracy case.
Page: 229

2. That Aminul Huq Bhuiyan S/O Ala Baksh a grocery shop keeper of
Lakhsmipur Bazar, PS. Lakhmipur, Dist. Noakhali is the treasurer
of the above fund. 3. That Khurshed S/Madanullah Chaudhury, professor of
Lakhsmipur College a member of the committee.
That Madinullah Chaudhury leader of the committee has been collecting subscription from door to door through their appointed volunteers. Even he also insists on his customers for donation in this fund. Madanullah Chaudhury is also the owner of several passenger buses. He also instructed his conductors to collect funds from the passengers for the said fund. His son Khurshed, Professor of Lakshmipur College also use to collect funds from the students. He also organises a pro-six point Awami League group in the college.
They have collected several thousands of rupees in these channels. They do not issue any receipt to the donor nor keep any account so as to escape the notice of the Government.
They have been propagating anti-Pakistan movement and are trying to disintegrate East Pakistan from West Pakistan.
In view of the above situation, we would request you to kindly investigate the matter and stop this heinous activity of the above persons who are aiding enemies of the country and out and out to try to destroy the sovereignty of our hard earned Pakistan.
Our name and address may kindly be kept secrets otherwise our life will be in danger.
Yours faithfully, Korban Ali Sheikh (KORBAN ALI SHEIKH) Muslim League worker, Lakshmipur Bazar, P.O. Lakshmipur, Dist. Noakhali.

Lakshmipur Bazar P.O. Lakshmipur, Dist. Noakhali
Page: 230

Daily report on the activities of Mr. Thomas Williams, Barat-law in Dacca, dt. 25.7.68.
On 25.7.68. at 09-10 Hrs. T. Williams arrived Dacca from Karachi by PIA and he was received at the airport by
1. Mr. Mirza Ghulam Hafiz (Advocate) 2. Mr. A.B.M. Nurul Islam M.N.A. (AL) 3. Mr. Amirul Islam (Bar-at-Law) 4. Mr. Moudud Ahmed (Do) 5. Mr. Moshiur Rohman (Advocate) A.L. Ex-minister. 6. Mr. Shamsul Haque V.P. Dacca Dist A.L. 7. Mr. Abdul Mannnan (Income Tax adviser) 8. Dr. Ahmed Ali of Dacca city A.L. 9. Afsaruddin Akhand of A.L. Worker. 10. Advocate Moizuddin Ahmed (AL) of Kamalapur. 11. Viqarul Islam Chowdhury (Bar-at-Law) 12.K.Z. Alam (Bar-at-Law) 13. Advocate Julmat Ali Khan. 14. Barrister Abdul Haque. 15.” Badrul Ala. 16. Advocate Mollah Jalaluddin Ahmad (AL) 17. Mofizullah of E.P.S.L 18. Azad Sultan @ Faruque of E.P.S.L J.N. College unit. 19.Moniruzzaman of E.P.S.L of J.N. College. 20.Sk. Akram Hossain of E.P.S.L. Dacca city night College. 21. Sk. Kamaluddin S/o Sk. Mujibur Rahman 22. Nasiruddin Showkat (A.L. Worker) 23. Ansar Ali of Narayangonj A.L. 24.Nurul Islam, Ex-D.P.R PM. 25. Shafiqul Alam Hyderabadi (A.L worker) 26. Shahabuddin Ahmed of Ex. V.C., A.C.E.P. and some students. He drove straight to the Hotel Inter Continental by car No.
E.B.A. 3228 where he is living in room No. 933.
Page: 231

Mr. Amirul Islam, Bar-at-Law along with 3 unknown lawyers visited the hotel from 13.10 Hrs. to 13.35 Hrs.
In the evening Mr. Tofazzal Hossain @ Manik Mia and Mr. Moudud (Bar-at-Law) visited the subject in the hotel.
At 17.20 Hrs. the subject along with Mr. Moudud left the hotel by car No. 3228 EBA for the town but did not return to the hotel till 23.00 Hrs.
Submitted. Kazi Wajih Moh. SI
D.S (Pol.) may kindly see for information. It is difficult to cover all the
activities of the subject as there is no arrangement for mobile surveillance.
Sd/- A. Raquib. O/C (W) 27.7.68.
S.S. may like to see a copy to DS/PL.
Sd/-M. Younus DS(Pol) 27.7.68.
Seen. It is learnt the subject applied for interview with Sk. Mujibur Rahman. Lots of People are seeing him yesterday. Kept on watch at the residence of Justice Mr. Murshed (Ex. Chief Justice). I think we should arrange mobile surveillance.
Sd/-SS City S.B
27.7 Sd/- S.S.I.
dt. 30.7.68
Page: 232

Subject: Arrival of Mr. Thomas Williams.
Mr. Thomas Williams M.P. (London) arrived at Dacca Airport by Boeing plane at 09.15 hrs. today (25.7.68)
On alighting from the plane he was garlanded by Mirza Ghulam Hafiz, advocate and was received by about 10/15 lawyers & others of whom the following are important:
1. .A.B.M. Nurul Islam M.N.A. 2. Mashiur Rahaman of Jessore, (Ex-minister) 3. Maudud Ahmed, Bar-at-Law, (formerly of Chhatra Somiti) 4. Badrul Ala, Bar-at-Law. 5. Amirul Islam, Bar-at-Law 6. Shamsul Haque, President Dacca District AL 7. Mofizullah (EPSL) 8. Azad Sultan @ Farooque (EPSL), of J. N. College. 9. Molla Jalaluddin (Ex DPR) 10. Dr. Ahmad Ali. (V. President Dacca City AL)
Mr. Thomas Williams was then escorted by Mr. Maudud Ahmed Bar-at-Law to V.I.P. Lounge Compound where he was received by students numbering about 100 who were standing there from before being led by Mr. Shamsul Haque (President Dacca District AL). He shook hand with the students & on that occasion petals of flowers were showered upon him. Sk. Kamaluddin S/o. Sk. Mujibur Rahman was also present amongst the students:
Page: 233

He waited in the V.I.P. room till 09.40 hrs. along with lawyers.
He left the airport at about 09.45 hrs. in car no. Dacca Ka 3228 being driven by Mr. Maudud Ahmed (mentioned) and accompanied by Mollah Jalaluddin, advocate & Moizuddin Ahmed, advocate.
Sd/ -25.7.68.
Ins. S.B
Page: 234

To P.F of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman DS/PL, 25.9
Daily report on the activities of Mr. T. Williams M.P.,Q.C. in Dacca, dated 26.7.68.
On 26.7.68 at 10.35 Hrs. the subject left Hotel I/C with Moudud (Bar-at-Law) by car No. E.B.A 3228 and returned to the said Hotel at 13.30 Hrs.
Page: 235

On enquiry, it is learnt that they went to the house of Justice S.M. Murshed (Ex-chief Justice E.P)
In the afternoon, Mr. Amirul Islam (Bar-at-Law), Mr. Moudud Ahmed (Bar-at-Law) and Showkat Ali Khan (Do) met the subject in the said hotel.
At 17.05 Hrs. the subject along with Mr. Moudud Ahmed and Mr. Amirul Islam left the hotel by the aforesaid car and returned to the hotel at about 20.10 Hrs.
It is learnt that the subject attended at tea party at the residence of Mr. Justice S.M. Murshed at Gulshan being attended by Advocate Khan Bahadur Naziruddin, Advocate Ataur Rahman Khan, Adv. Mirza Golam Hafiz, Dr. Kamal Hossain, Asaduzzaman Khan, Viqarul Islam Chow., Amirul Islam, Moudud Ahmed, K. Z. Alam, Jahiruddin and Anowarul Islam.
In the night the subject was present at the said hotel.
Y.O.S. SD/- Kazi Wajih
Moh. SI.
27.7.68 CSB, Dacca.

The 27th July 1968.
D. O. No. TS/251.
My dear Mesbahuddin,
I send herewith an investigation report on the loss of some important documents of the Conspiracy Case which were sent by S.P.,
Page: 236

Special Branch, Karachi to Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM, PSP, S.P., Special Team, Special Branch, East Pakistan. It appears that the documents were duly received in the S.B. Office by Mr. Mafizur Rahman, Assistant, Registration and Delivery Section, but became untraceable thereafter and are not said to have reached the addressee.
I shall be grateful if you kindly look into this matter and favour us with an early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- 27.7.68 (A.B.S. Safdar)
Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, PPM, PSP, Deputy Inspr.-Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
No. TS/251(3) Dated 27.7.68.
Copy for information forwarded to: 1. Mr. A.S.M. Ahmed, SQA, T. Pk., PPM, PSP, Inspector-General of
Police, East Pakistan, Dacca. 2. Mr. Muhammad Athar, PSP, Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, Rawalpindi.
O/S Pl. put up to DIG. Sd/-28/7
SS, Spl. Team & SSIII to pl. discuss. Sd/-30.7.68 SS, Sc pls. kindly cause a thorough search in the office to trace it. Sd/-30.7.68
Page: 237

Investigation Report dated 24.7.68.
It was reported that S.P., Special Branch, Karachi sent some important documents to Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM, PSP., S.P., Special Team, S.B., E.P., Dacca, under Memo No. CC/50/68 dated 30.1.68 and registered cover No. 852 of the city post office, Karachi. But Mr. Khaleque did not receive the said registered cover.
Enquiries made at Karachi revealed that the Karachi City Sorting Office duly forwarded the letter to Dacca G.P.O. on 30.1.68 in registered packet Sl. No.37/85.
As desired, I made enquiries at the Dacca G.P.O., Dacca. In this connection, I contacted Mr. M.A. Shakur, PMG, and Mr. Munir, Dy. Postmaster, Delivery, G.P.O., Dacca.
During enquiry, it was revealed that the registered cover in question was received at Dacca G.P.O. on 1.2.68 and it was made over to Postman Nader Ali Bhuiyan on 2.2.68 for the delivery along with other registered letters. Postman Nader Ali delivered the registered letter to the S.B. Office after obtaining the signature of the receiving clerk on the acknowledgement receipt. The P.M.G. made over the acknowledgement receipt to me for examination and identification of the receiving clerk.
Then I visited S.B. Office and held enquiries there. In this connection I contacted the following gentlemen:
(1) Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM, PSP (2) Mr. Ahsanullah, Dy. S.P. (3) Mr. Abul Husain, O.S., S.B. (4) Mr. M.A. Razzak, H.A. (S.C.) (5) Mr. Mafizur Rahman, Asstt. Registration and Delivery Section,
S.B., Dacca.
The initial on the acknowledgement receipt was identified to be the initial of Mr. Mafizur Rahman Sl. No. 5 above. When examined he also admitted that it was his initial. He further stated that according to the
Page: 238

long standing and usual practice, all daks including registered covers, after receipt, are made over to the O.S. The O.S. in his turn sort out the letters. The letters addressed by name including registered covers are sent to the respective H. Asstt. and H. Asstt. in turn send them to the S.S.Ps and S.Ps concerned. Mr. M.A. Razzaque, H. Asstt. (S.C) receives daks for S.S. (S.C.), S.P., Special Teams and S.P., Survey Team. M/S Abul Hossain, O.S and M.A. Razzak corroborating the above, further stated that they must have sent the letter in question to the Spl. Team Section. No diary is maintained by O.S./H. Asstt. for the papers received in the Special Team Section.
When I discussed the case with Mr. A. Khaleque, P.P.M, P.S.P, and Ahsanullah, Dy. S.P. of the Special Team Section, they denied having received the letter. The Special Team Section also does not maintain any diary. It is hardly possible to maintain an account of the papers received in the Special Team Section without a diary of register.
Now it is clear that the Postal Authorities are not at fault. It was duly delivered on 2.2.68 although the receiving clerk of S.B Mr. Mafizur Rahman put the date as 22.2.68 after his initial on acknowledgement receipt. The date 22.2.68 is apparently a mistake for 2.2.68
The letter was duly received in the S.B. Office but it is mysterious as to how it could not reach Mr. Khaleque.
It was further learnt that Mr. Khaleque formally took charge as S.P. of the Special Teams on 21.2.68. He was S.P., Kustia and came to Dacca in connection with the Police Week and Annual Police Sports on 22.1.68. From that time (22.1.68), he started looking into the work of the Special Team Section under instructions of I.G.P. He does not remember if he received this letter at all.
It was also reported that M.A. Rashed, Dy. S.P. now S.D.P.O., Netrokona was holding the charge of the section. He could not be examined in this connection as he is not available at Dacca.
The letter, it is clear, has been misfiled, misplaced or lost in the S.B. Office. I requested O.S., S.B. to make a thorough search in the S.B. Office to trace out the letter.
Page: 239

Government of East Pakistan
Police Directorate.
Memo. No. IV/228-67/——–/S., dated -7-68.:
To Mr. S. A. Zaman, P. S.P., Special Supdt. of Police, City Spl. Branch, Dacca.
Sub: Agartala Conspiracy Case-Protection of the person of the Members
of the Special Tribunal.
I am directed to request you kindly to ensure proper protection of the person of the members of the Special Tribunal.
The visitors permitted to attend court should be properly searched if necessary.
Sd/- (M.N. Huda) Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
East Pakistan.
Memo. No. IV/228-677881/1/S., dated 27-7-68.
Copy forwarded to Mr. A. M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P., Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for information.
(M.N. Huda) Asstt. Insptr. Genl. of Police,
East Pakistan.
1217-67 SC
Page: 240

Government of East Pakistan,
Police Directorate.
Memo. No. IV/228-67/896 S., Dated 29-7-68.
: A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P.,
Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Sub: Agartala Conspiracy Case.
I am directed to send herewith a copy of No. S 250-(3) dated 27.7.68 from the Deputy Director, Intelligence, Dacca for the favour of necessary action.
Sd/-29/7/68 Section Officer, Police Directorate.
SECRET Information report dated 27.7.68.
Witnesses of the Agartala Conspiracy Case are being approached by batches of students in order to win them over. There is also the possibility of the abduction of Rahmat Ali, Darwan of the Statistical Office, an important witness to prove the diaries recovered from Amir Hussain’s drawer in the office. There is also a report that the Feni witnesses, who will prove visit Agartala, are being threatened with dire consequences, and, as such need some protection.
Sd: A.B.S. Safdar, Deputy Director, Dacca.
Page: 241

No. S/250(3) Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, Dacca.
The 27th July 1968.
Copy forwarded to (1) Mr. A.S.M. Ahmed, SQA, TPK., PPM, PSP, Inspr. Genl. of Police, E.P., Dacca for information, (2) Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM, PSP, Spl. Supdt. of Police, Spl. Team, Spl. Branch, E.P., for information and necessary action, (3) Muhamad Athar, PSP, Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of Pakistan, Rawalpindi for information.
Sd: A.B.S. Safdar, Deputy Director, Dacca.
SS, Spl. Team.
It was decided in a meeting with 1.G.P. & DDI that these witnesses should be produced before Tribunal to make a statement that they are being threatened. That decision should be followed in consultation with govt. lawyers.
Copy to A.I.G. for the favour of n/a, Sd/-30.7.68

The Spl. Supdt. of Police, Special Team, Spl. Branch, East Pakistan, DACCA.
This day I contacted Chowkidar RAHMAT ALI at 28, Naya Paltan (C.S.O. Office), Dacca. He did not show any sign of being disturbed. He reported that nobody had approached him. Previously when I contacted
Page: 242.

him, he was found very much nervous. Moreover, on the query, I could find out that somebody approached him not to depose but he admitted only that he was asked by some of his villagers not to take the responsibility to give evidence in this case.
I do not find him willing to make any complaint about the incident of his village. There is no reason to complain when he did not admit the fact of any threat or fear, resorted to him.
I do not know any information about the witnesses of Feni. They are really very important witnesses. Immediate information about them is required to be taken. On hearsay information, no definite action is indicated.
Witness Mukul Chandra Dutta, a photographer was threatened once. After our action, nobody had approached him until now. (The incident of threat was about 3 weeks’ back).
This is for the favour of your kind information and necessary action.
Your obedient servant Sd/- A.K.M. Ahsanullah
30.7.68 Dy. Supdt. of Police, Spl. Team SB.
Dy. S.P., Spl. Team. Please arrange to send one I.O. to Feni who knows the witnesses of Feni to ascertain if anyone of them is approached & threatened.
Sd/- A. Khaleque. 31.7.68 S.S., Spl. Team, SB
Copy of an order dt. 30.7.68 of D.I.G. SB, EP, Dacca on Police Directorate letter No. IV/228-67/896-S., dated 29.7.68.
Page: 243

No. 4808 (2)/1217-67 SC dt. 30/7/68
Copy forwarded to (1) Mr. M.N. Huda P.S.P. A.I.G. of Police, E.P, Dacca for information & n/a (2) Mr. A. Khaleque PPM. PSP, SS/Spl. Team for n/a.
Sd/- 30/7
for D.I.G
No. 4469 dt. 1.8.68 to D.S. (PL) Activities of Mr. Thomas Williams Bar-at-Law in Dacca dt. 24.7.68.
In the morning Mr. Moudud Ahmed, Advocate and Mr. Amirul Islam, Bar-at-Law met with the subject at Hotel Inter Continental. At about 08.26 hrs. the subject along with above noted two lawyers left the hotel and went to the Tribunal Court at Cantonment. At about 13.45 hrs. the subject along with above noted two lawyers returned to the hotel from the Court.
In the evening at about 17.00 hrs. the subject along with Mr. Moudud Ahmed, Advocate left the hotel and visited the Zohora Market at Mymensingh Road for 3 minutes, where from they went to the residence of Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, advocate of Gulshan Model Town and met with about 30/35 unknown persons there. (Seems to be lawyers and students). At about 19.30 hrs. the subject along with Mr. Moudud Ahmed Advocate left the said place and went to the residence of Exchief Justice Mr. S.M. Murshed where from they returned to
Page: 244 .

Hotel Intercontinental at about 21.00 hrs. After that Mr. Moudud Ahmed, Advocate left the hotel Intercontinental at about 22.30 hrs. by his car.
Consolidated by me
Sd/-T. Alom
DS(POI) may kindly see pl. The movement of Mr. T. William outside the Hotel has been collected from the officer CIB who maintains mobile watch on the subject. Sd/-S… 30.7.64 S.S may like to see. Copy to D.S. (PL). Sd/ -30.7.68. D.S. (Pol.) Seen. D.I.G/SSI may kindly see pl. Sd/ – S.S., C.S.B. Dacca, 30.7.৫৪
Azad dt. 30.7.৫৪
আমাকে সৰ্ব্বদা অনুসরণ করা হইতেছে
-টমাস উইলিয়ামস
(স্টাফ রিপাের্টার)
বিবাদী পক্ষের কৌসুলী টমাস উইলিয়মস ট্রাইব্যুনালের নিকট বলেন যে, দুই নম্বর সাক্ষী কামাল উদ্দিন আহমদ ও এগার নম্বর সাক্ষী মােহাম্মদ মহসীনকে আটক রাখা হইয়াছে। কোন্ আইন বলে তাঁহাদের আটক রাখা হইয়াছে তাহা তিনি জানিতে চাহেন।
বাদীপক্ষের প্রধান কৌঁসুলী মঞ্জুর কাদের ট্রাইব্যুনালকে জানান যে, উক্ত দুইজন সাক্ষীকে তাঁহাদের ইচ্ছানুযায়ী আটক রাখা হইয়াছে।।
মিঃ উইলিয়মস ট্রাইব্যুনালের নিকট অভিযােগ করেন যে, আমাকে সর্বদা অনুসরণ করা হইতেছে এবং যেখানেই গিয়াছি আমার পিছনে গুপ্তব্যক্তি অনুসরণ করিয়াছে। আমার গাড়িও থামান হইয়াছে। এইভাবে আমার উপর চাপ সৃষ্টি হইলে আমার মক্কেলের মামলা পরিচালনায় ক্ষতি হইতে পারে।
Page: 245

তিনি আরও বলেন যে, গত ২৫ তারিখ হইতে আমি ঢাকায় আছি। কিন্তু আমার মক্কেলের (শেখ মুজিব) সাথে দেখা করিতে অনুমতি দেওয়া হয় নাই।
ট্রাইব্যুনালের চেয়ারম্যান তাঁহাকে জানান যে, কোর্টে উপস্থিত হওয়ার অনুমতি দেওয়া হইয়াছে, এখন মক্কেলের সাথে সাক্ষাতের অনুমতি পাইবেন।।
SS SC, may like to see. Sd/ -1.8.68
Page: 246

Spl. Team, Special Branch,
East Pakistan.
Camp: Kurmitola, Dacca. No. 389 /S.T. dated 31/7/1968.
Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, P.S.P., Dy. Director, Intelligence, Govt. of Pakistan, DACCA.
Ref: Your T.S. Memo. No. S/250(3) dated 27.7.68.
I send herewith a copy of the report of Mr. A.K.M. Ahsanullah, Dy. Supdt. of Police, Special Team, Spl. Branch, for the favour of your perusal.
As desired by Inspr. Genl. of Police, I discussed with the Chief Prosecution Counsel today (31.7.68) about producing witness Chawkidar RAHMAT ALI before the Tribunal tomorrow to record his depositions but he is of opinion that at this stage it will be unwise to record his deposition and suggested that the witness might be given some protection. Necessary protection is being arranged.
Sd: (A. Khaleque) Spl. Supdt. of Police, Spl. Team.
1217-67 SC
No. 389 / 1 dated 31.7.1968.
Copy with enclosure forwarded to Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., PSP Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca for the favour of information.
(A. Khaleque)
Spl. Supdt. of Police, Spl. Team. Enc: One.
Page: 247

Activities of Mr. Thomas Williams, Bar-at-Law in Dacca, dated 30.7.68.
In the morning at about 08.00 hrs. Mr. Moudud Ahmed, Bar-at-Law and Mr. Amirul Islam, Bar-at-Law came to the Hotel I/C and met with the subject. At about 08.15 hrs. they left Hotel I/C with the subject and went to the Tribunal Court at the Cantonment. At about 13.30 hrs. they returned to the hotel. At that time Sheikh Kamal S/o Sk. Mujibur Rahman also came to the hotel I/C and met with the subject.
in the afternoon at about 14.30 hrs. all of them left the hotel along with the subject and returned to the hotel at about 16.45 hrs. At about 17.00 hrs. Mr. Amirul Islam, Mr. Moudud Ahmed and Sheikh Kamal left the Hotel 1/C. At about 19.30 hrs. Mr. Amirul Islam, Mr. Moudud Ahmed and Advocate Mollah Jalauddin came to the hotel and met with the subject. They left the hotel at about 21.45 hrs. The Subject was present at the hotel.
Consolidated by me. Sd/-FIROZ MEHER, S.I.
D.S (Pol.) may kindly see pl. Sd/ – SA Karim, S.I. 31.7.68 Seen. Copy to D.S. (Pl). Sd/ – M. Younus , D.S (Pol), City S.B. Dacca. 31.7.68 No. 4450 dt. 1/8/68 to D.S (PL), SB. S.S.I may kindly see for information pl. Sd/-DS/PI, 1.8
Page: 248

Special Team, Special Branch East Pakistan Camp: Kurmitola, Dacca, No. 391/ S.T. dated 1.8.68.
Mr. T.H. Khan Senior Prosecution Counsel of Agartala Conspiracy Case, Camp: Kurmitola, Dacca.
Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Spl. Branch, has sent the enclosed newspaper “SANGBAD” dated 1.8.68 with direction to hand it over to you with a request to peruse the portions side lined in red pencil concerning this case and to discuss with the Chief Prosecution Counsel to consider the desirability of submitting before the Tribunal pointing out that publication of distorted news of the Court calculated to misguide the people may not be allowed.
(A. Khaleque) Spl. Supdt. of Police, Spl. Team, SB
No. 391/1 dt. 1.8.68
Copy forwarded to The D.I.G., SB, EP, Dacca for favour of information.
Sd/-A. Khaleque S.S. Spl. Team, SB.
Page: 249

Before the Special Tribunal
Signal Mess Dacca Cantonment, Dacca.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman & others.
In the matter of:
Publication of daily Court Proceedings in some local Newspapers.
That it has been observed that some local Newspapers are flashing exaggerated and distorted news of the daily Court Proceedings including the demeanour of the witnesses at the time of examination and crossexamination by the Defence Counsels in the Court which are calculated to misguide the members of the public.
In this connection the Daily Newspaper “SANGBAD” dated 1.8.68 is enclosed for the favour of perusal particularly portions side lined in red pencil.
In view of the above, the Special Tribunal may kindly take notice of this as it may deem fit and proper.
Chief Prosecution Counsel.
Page: 250

From: Pahic London.
East Pakistan, Dacca.
775 dated 31.7.68 (Received on 1.8.68 at 2 A.M.)
Addressed to Foreign Islamabad repeated to Chief Sec., Dacca. (.) Foreign Secretary from High Commissioner(.)
In continuation of our telegram No. 767 of 30th July (.) President desires that full facilities including work permit are given to Tom Williams to defend the accused in the Agartala Conspiracy trial in accordance with legal requirements (.)
1. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of East Pakistan, Dacca. Working copy()
2. Secretary to Governor of East Pakistan, Dacca for information of Governor.(.)
3. Director, Foreign Office Dacca for information (.) Time of despatch.
3-30 A.M. on 1.8.68.
Page: 251

Memo. No. IV/228-67/ 908-S dated 1.8.68.
Copy forwarded to Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, P.S.P., Deputy Director, Intelligence, Government of Pakistan, Dacca for favour of an Immediate report.
Sd: M.N. Huda Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
East Pakistan.
Memo. No. IV/228-67/908 /1 -S., Dated 1.8.68.
Copy forwarded to Mr. A. M. Mesbahuddin, PPM. PSP., Deputy Inspector-Genl. of Police, Special Branch, E.P., Dacca for favour of a report.
Sd/-1.8.68 Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police
East Pakistan.
Sent No. 4908/1217-67 SC (TS) dt. 3.8.68 Copy forwarded to:- SS, Spl. Team for information & w/a. Sd/ -3.8.68
These attached papers do not appear to have been marked in the proper file. These should perhaps, he dealt with in the S.C.O. was Mr. Thomas Williams is a foreigner. Sd/-3/8/68
Page: 252

May be dealt with by HA/S.C.O. in the Main Conspiracy file maintained by him. A copy may be given to Security Section file for record pl.
SSIII Sd/-3/8/68
As proposed. Copy to SS. Spl. The team as desired by D.I.G.
Sd/ -3.8.68 No. 4908 dt. 3.8.68 to S.S. Spl. Team
Seen. Copy Sd/-3/8/68
DS/PL Draft Placed below for approval pl. Sd/-3/8/68 Sd/-3-8-68 for DS/DC SS/SC (118)
From: Pahic London. To: East Pakistan, Dacca. No: 775 dated 31-7-68 (Received on 1-8-68 at 2 A.M.)
Addressed to Foreign Ministry Islamabad repeated to Chief Sec. Dacca (.)
Foreign Secretary from High Commissioner (.)
Page: 253

In continuation of our telegram No. 767 of 30th July (.) President desires that full facilities including work permit are given to Tom Williams to defend the accused in the Agartala Conspiracy trial in accordance with legal requirements (.)
Distribution: 1. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of East Pakistan, Dacca working copy
(.) 2. Secretary to Governor of East Pakistan, Dacca for information of
Governor (.) 3. Director, Foreign Dacca for information (.)
Time of despatch. 3-30 A.M. on 1-8-68.
Memo. No. IV/228-67/908-S Dated 1.8.68.
Copy forwarded to Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, P.S.P., Deputy Director, Intelligence, Government of Pakistan, Dacca for favour of an immediate report.
Sd: M.N. Huda, Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police
East Pakistan.
Memo. No. IV/228-67/908/1- S., Dated 1.8.68.
Copy forwarded to Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P., Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, E.P., Dacca for favour of a report.
Sd/-1.8.68 Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
East Pakistan
Page: 254 .

Special Branch, East Pakistan, Rajarbagh, Dated, Dacca the 3rd Aug. 1968
No. 4908/1217-67 SC(TS)
Copy forwarded to Mr. A. Khaleque, P.P.M., P.S.P., Spl. Supdt. of Police, Special Team, S.B., Dacca for information and necessary action.
(H. SERAJUDDIN) Special Supdt. of Police, S.C., Dacca.
Returned with the report that I am in charge of investigation. I do not know about this. It may be referred to S.S. City S.B. Sd/ -3.8.68
No.5039/1217-67 SC dt. 9.8.68
S.S, City S.B., Dacca.
I send herewith copy of Cypher message from Pahic, London received in this office through A.I.G. of Police, E.P., Dacca vide their memo No. iv/228-67/908/1-5 dated 1.8.68 for your information and necessary action.
Ext: 1
Sd./ -9.8.68
for SS/SC
Page: 255

Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dated, Dacca the 2nd August 1968.
No. 394/ST.
Το Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P., Deputy Inspr. Genl. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Sub: Publication of exaggerated and distorted news in some local
| Newspapers.
Ref: This office Memo. No. 391/1/ST dated 1.8.68.
In returning herewith the copy of the Daily Sangbad dated 1.8.68 I write to say that Mr. T. H. Khan, Senior Prosecution Counsel and myself discussed the subject matter with the Chief Prosecution Counsel Mr. Manzur Qadir yesterday. After discussion, the Chief Prosecution Counsel desired to put up a draft petition. Accordingly I submitted a draft before the Chief Prosecution Counsel this morning and he told me that before submission of any petition to the Special Tribunal he would verbally inform the Special Tribunal in Court today about publication of such exaggerated and distorted news in some local Newspapers.
This is for favour of information.
Sd/-2.8.68 (A. KHALEQUE) Special Supdt. of Police, Special Branch, Spl. Team,
E.P., Dacca.
Page: 256

Government of East Pakistan
Police Directorate. No. II/6-68/ A. Dated -8-68.
The Superintendent of Police, Khulna.
Sub: Deputation of Mr. Aslam Hossain Shah, R.R.I. to Dacca.
I am directed to inform you that the above officer is temporarily deputed to Dacca district to be in-charge of security arrangements for the trial of Agartala Conspiracy Case. The officer should be directed to report to the Superintendent of Police, Dacca immediately. He will draw his pay from Khulna district.
(M.N. Huda) Asstt. Inspector General of Police,
East Pakistan.
No. II/6-68/1173/1(5)-A. Dated 2-8-68.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the:
1. Supdt. of Police, Dacca with reference to his Memo No. 2476 HQ
dated 30.7.68. Mr. Aslam Hossain Shah will replace Mr. Ataul Ghani Khilji who should be directed to return to his place of posting at Mymensingh.
Page: 257

2. Supdt.of Police, Mymensingh. 3. D.I.G. of Police, Khulna Range. 4. D.I.G. of Police, Dacca Range. 5. D.I.G. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan.
(M.N. Huda) Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
East Pakistan.

Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Rajarbagh, Dated, Dacca the 3rd Aug./68.
No. 396/ST. dt. 3.8.68.
Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, P.P.M., P.S.P. Deputy Inspr. Genl. of Police Special Branch, E.P., Dacca.
Reference my Memo. No. 394/ST. dated 2.8.68.
Column 8 under caption “Press cautioned” on the front page of the Pakistan Observer dated 3.8.68 may kindly be perused.
Sd./(A. KHALEQUE) Special Supdt. of Police, S.B., Special Team, Dacca.
Seen. Thanks. Sd./-3.8.68
Page: 258

SPECIAL BRANCH Dacca, The 6. 8.1968
Memo . No.
(The secrecy of this interception may kindly be maintained)
1. From (with address): falsa alias Md. Khalequzzaman K.K.P. Benodepur, Matihar, Rajshahi. 2. To (with address): To the Editor Dainik Pakistan D.I.T. Avenue, Dacca. Language of letter: Bengali Letter 4. Date of letter: 3.8.68 5. Postal Seal: Temporary P.O. 6.Post office of interception: Dacca G.P.O. 7.Date of interception: 5.8.6 8.Name of the officer who can prove the interception: Tahazzed Hossain A.S.I. 9.Whether photographed or not: 10. Whether withheld or delivered: Original Submitted 11. If delivered, whether copy kept or not: 12.Number and date of Government order authorising interception: Casual.
The Envelope is found torn condition.

Copy Translation forwarded to DS/DC may kindly see the intercept wherein the writer refers to the A.C. Case and poses questions about the queries of it. May be withheld.
Page: 259

May kindly see. The letter may be withheld. We may write to S.P. D.S.B, Rajshahi for full particulars of the writer with party affiliation & a short note on the subject.
Sd/ -6.8.68
If the writer is traced. Please ask the D.S.B. & send us the standard hand-writing of the subject if available.
As proposed.
No. 5107/1217-67 S.C. dt 13.8.68 S.P., D.S.B. Rajshahi.
In sending herewith a letter in original written by one Md. Khaleguzzaman of Benodepur Po: Matihar, Dt. Rajshahi addressed to the editor of “Dainik Pakistan” and intercepted at G.P.O, Dacca. I would request you to trace out the writer and supply his full particulars with party affiliation if any, together with a short note on him.
Standard hand-writing of the subject may also please be collected and send to us for necessary action.
The enclosed letter may please be returned along with your report as early as possible.
Sd/ -13/8/68,
Page: 260

সম্পাদক সমীপে:
আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র প্রসঙ্গে
আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র সম্বন্ধে পাকিস্তানের সুধীজনের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করে কয়েকটি প্রশ্ন পেশ করছি। আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র নাম দিয়ে যে মামলার সাক্ষী, সাবুদের মহড়া বলছেসত্যি কি সেই আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র কোনদিন কেউ করেছিলাে কি না, এক বিশেষ সরকারীদল শেখ মুজিব প্রমুখ উপযুক্ত কর্ণধার ও বলিষ্ঠ জাতীয় রাজনৈতিক নেতাদেরকে পৃথিবী থেকে সরিয়ে দিয়ে নির্বিবাদে নিরাপদে জুলুম শাহী চালিয়ে যাবার প্রচেষ্টায় এ রকম খাড়া করেছেন- আজ তা ভেবে দেখবার দিন এসেছে। প্রশ্নটি এই জন্য আমাদের মনে জেগেছে যে- যদি আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র করাই হয়ে থাকে এবং সে ষড়যন্ত্র যদি সরকারী মহলে প্রকাশ হবার পরই ষড়যন্ত্র কারীদেরকে বন্ধী করা হয় তা হলে কেন। এতদিন পর তাঁদের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা দায়ের করা হলাে- অর্থাৎ এতদিন পরে কেন তাদের আসামীর কাঠ গড়ায় দাঁড় করানাে হলাে? এতে কি এই বােঝা যাচ্ছে না যে, তথাকথিত দেশপ্রেমিক সরকারগােষ্ঠী অভিযুক্ত আসামীগণের বিরুদ্ধে এই সুদীর্ঘ সময়ের অবসরে একটা পাকাপােক্ত ষড়যন্ত্র করে নিলেন?
দ্বিতীয় প্রশ্ন এই যে, এই ষড়যন্ত্রের আবিষ্কর্তা কে? যদি তিনি একজন সরকারী অফিসার হয়ে থাকেন তাহলে আমাদের পূর্ব সিদ্বান্ত একেবারে সত্য; আর যদি তিনি বেসরকারী কেউ হয়ে থাকেন তাহলে এ কথা কি স্পষ্টই প্রতীয়মান হয় না যে, সরকার গােষ্ঠী বহুদিন আগে থেকেই অভিযুক্ত আসামিদের বিরুদ্ধে একটা ষড়যন্ত্রে মেতেছিলেন। যার বিস্ফোরণ এই আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্রের মামলা? তা নাহলে সরকারী সাহায্য ব্যতিত বেসরকারী কেউ কি করে এবং কি কারণেই বা এই ষড়যন্ত্রকারীদেরকে অভিযুক্ত করবে? ‘অভিযুক্ত’ আমি এই অর্থে বলছি যে- তাঁদের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা দায়ের করাবে? উপরন্তু এই ষড়যন্ত্র সম্বন্ধে বেসরকারী জনগণের কেউ কি অবহিত আছে? | তিন নম্বর প্রশ্ন হল- যে তিনজন বিশিষ্ট বিচারক নিয়ে ট্রাইবুনাল গঠন করা। হয়েছে তারা সরকারীদলের না কোনাে বিরােধী দলের এবং তাদেরকে নিযুক্তই বা। করেছেন কে? যদি তারা সরকারী দলেরই হয়ে থাকেন তাহলে আমাদের এক নম্বর মতামত সম্পূর্ণ যুক্তিসংগত; আর তারা যদি বিরােধীদলেরই হয়ে থাকেন কিংবা প্রেসিডেন্ট কর্তৃক নিযুক্ত হয়ে থাকেন তাহলে এই ধারণা স্বত:ই উৎসারিত হয় কি না যে মূখ দেশবাসীদের অন্ধচক্ষুকে ফাঁকি দেবার জন্য সরকারীদল ইষ্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানীর ন্যায় মীর জাফরের দোসর এই তিন জন বিচারককে হাতিয়ার করে ষড়যন্ত্রে অংশ নিয়েছেন? নয়তাে, – ষড়যন্ত্র উম্মােচনকারী কিংবা বিচারকদের ষড়যন্ত্রেই এই মামলা উপস্থাপিত হয়েছে? এটা হতে পারে দুটো কারণে- এক হল কিছু টাকা উপায় করার মােক্ষম কায়দা, দুই হল- সরকারের নেক নজর আকর্ষণের প্রচেষ্টা।
চার নম্বর প্রশ্নে আমরা জিজ্ঞেস করতে পারি যে, নির্বাচনের পূর্বক্ষণেই কেন শেখ মুজিব প্রমুখকে বন্দী করা হয়? তারা কি যত রাহাজানির কেস এই সময়টাতেই
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করে থাকেন? এ ব্যাপারে আমাদের দৃঢ় বিশ্বাস এই যে, সরকারী দল আসন্নপ্রায় নির্বাচনে নির্দ্বন্দ্বে উৎরে যাবার জন্যেই এই কেস খাড়া করেছেন। শেখ মুজিব তথা অভিযুক্ত আসামী সকল এই ষড়যন্ত্রের মামলা থেকে নির্বাচনের পূর্বে নিস্কৃতি না পেলে এই অভিযােগ কেউই অস্বীকার করতে পারবে না। আর যদি শেখ মুজিব দোষী সাব্যস্ত হন তাে আমাদের এক নম্বর অভিমতকে কেউই অস্বীকার করতে পারবে না।
পঞ্চমত: পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের চেয়ে অনেক অধিক সংখ্যক পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানী সৈন্য বিভাগে কাজ করে; উপরন্তু অধিকাংশ যুদ্ধাস্ত্র এবং অস্ত্ৰতৈরীর কারখানা পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানে এমতাবস্থায় শেখ মুজিবের ষড়যন্ত্রকারীদল ষড়যন্ত্র করে বুদ্ধিজ্ঞান শূন্যতার পরিচয় দেবেন একথা সর্বৈব মিথ্যা নয় কি? তাছাড়া শেখ মুজিব প্রধান সৈন্যাধ্যক্ষও নন। এহেন পরিবেশে ষড়যন্ত্র করার কথা কোনাে পাগলেও কি ভাবতে পারে? তবে। হ্যা মার্শাল ল জারীকারী সরকারের পক্ষে এমন আতঙ্ক মােটেও অযৌক্তিক নয়। বিধবার পুন:ধবা একটু অসুখে পড়লেই তার অন্তরাত্মা কাপে বৈকি। এই সংগে আমরা সরকারীদলের কাছেও একটি প্রশ্ন উত্থাপন করতে পারি যে – ট্রাইবুনালের। সামনে সাক্ষীর কাঠগড়ায় দাঁড়িয়ে প্রত্যেক সাক্ষ্যদাতাকে যেমন সত্য বলার জন্য শপথ করতে হয়- ট্রাইবুনালের বিচারকত্রয়, গােয়েন্দা বিভাগের (যেখানে অভিযুক্ত। আসামীদের জবানবন্দী লিপিবদ্ধ করা হয়েছে) গােয়েন্দা ও অফিসারগণ এবং বাদীগণ কি ঐ কাঠগড়ায় দাঁড়িয়ে পবিত্র কালাম-মজিদ হাতে ধরে সত্যিভাবে শপথ করতে পারেন যে- তারাই ষড়যন্ত্র করে এই ষড়যন্ত্রের মামলা দায়ের করেননি? কেনই। বা অভিযুক্ত আসামী ও সাক্ষীদাতাগণের দিনপঞ্জি (diary) কোর্টে চাওয়া হয়নি। আমাদের অভিযােগে অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তিগণের দিনপঞ্জী দেখলে মনে হয় মামলায় অলৌকিকত্ব প্রমাণ করা মােটেই কষ্টসাধ্য ব্যাপার থাকবে না।
ষষ্ঠত: অভিযুক্ত উর্দ্ধতন কর্মচারীদের বিরুদ্ধে নিম্নতম যে কর্মচারীরা সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছে তারা কিছুটা বলছে ঈর্ষাবশত:, বাকীটা মােটা ব্যালান্সে অথবা প্রাণ ও মানের বিনিময়ে নয় কি?
এই সমস্ত আলােচনার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে আমি একটি কথাই দেশবাসীদের কাছে। পরিষ্কার করে বলতে চেয়েছি যে, যে জুলুমবাজ শয়তানদের দল চাকুরীতে, শিক্ষায়, অর্থনৈতিক বিলিবন্টনে, দেশহিতকর ও উন্নতিমূলক কর্মে দুই প্রদেশের মধ্যে বিরাট অসামঞ্জস্যতার সৃষ্টি করেছে, আবার – দুই প্রদেশের জনগণের সম্ভাব ও সম্প্রীতি নষ্ট করে একের বিরুদ্ধে আমাদের অন্যের মনকে বিষিয়ে তুললাে এই মিথ্যা – আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্রের মামলা দায়ের করে – তাদের বিচারই আগে করতে হবে, না, মিথ্যা অভিযােগে অভিযুক্ত আসামীদের বিচারই আগে করতে হবে – তা স্থির করুন।
কে,বি, বিচারক কে,কে,পি.
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৩/৮/৬৮ বিনােদপুর
সম্পাদক দৈনিক পাকিস্তান
ঢাকা ।

আপনার দৈনিক পাকিস্তান পত্রিকার সম্পাদক সমীপে” কলমে প্রকাশের জন্য ‘আগরতলা ষড়যন্ত্র” আখ্যানটি পাঠালাম। ছাপালে খুশী হব, না ছাপালে দুঃখ পাবাে না। এই মতামতের জন্য আপনি নন, আমি সর্বতােভাবে দায়ী।
বিচারক (ওরফে) মাে: খালেকুজ্জামান কে,কে,পি।
সাকিন-বিনােদপুর। পােষ্ট অফিস-মতিহার

Mohammad Tariq Khan, CSP.,
Deputy Secretary.
D.O. No. 10/1/68-Poll (I) I.

SECRET. Government of Pakistan,
Ministry of Home & Kashmir Affairs,
(Home Affairs Division), Islamabad,
Dated the 7th August 1968.
Dear Mr. Ahmad,
It is learnt through a reliable source that the students are approaching the various witnesses in the Agartala Conspiracy Case in order to win them over to the defence side. It is also apprehended that
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Rahmat Ali, Darwan of the Statistical Office (an important witness to prove the diaries recovered from Amir Hussain’s drawer in office) may be abducted. It has also been reported that the Feni witnesses who are to be produced to prove the visit of certain accused persons to Agartala are being threatened with serious consequences.
2. I am bringing the above reports to your notice for taking such action as may be necessary to protect the various witnesses and Rahmat Ali.
Yours sincerely, Sd/- Mohammad Tariq Khan.
Mr. B. Ahmad, CSP., Home Secretary, Govt. of East Pakistan, Dacca.

Tele: RWP/63806
SECRET/IMMEDIATE No. SF 2872 /1/1 SUN IV Intelligence Bureau, Government of Pakistan, Rawalpindi, the – 7 AUG 1968
Mr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Defence Counsel in the Agartala Conspiracy case, has alleged that he is being subjected to strict surveillance by the Security agencies and that he is shadowed so ostentatiously and so constantly that his capacity as Defence Counsel has been adversely affected.
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2. In view of this, the President has directed that full facilities should be given to Mr. WILLIAMS to defend the accused in accordance with the legal requirements. Surveillance may, therefore, please be exercised on him in such a way that no impression of harassment or persecution is created in any way.
Sd/(E. Hossain) Assistant Director
1. Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, PSP,
Deputy Director, Intelligence, DACCA.
2. Mr. A. M. Mesbahuddin, PPM, PSP,
D.I.G. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, DACCA.
Seen Secret/Immediate
No.5044/1217-67 SC dt. 9.8.68
Copy forwarded to S.S., City S.B. Dacca for information and necessary action.
sdl- for s.s
SS, SC & SS, CSB to pl. note. Sd/
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No. 10/172/68-Poll.E.II
Government of Pakistan Ministry of Home & Kashmir Affairs
(Home Affairs Division).
Islamabad, 12th August 1968. From: Mr. Mohammad Usman Butt, Section Officer. To: The Secy. to the Govt. of East Pakistan, Home (Special)
Department, Dacca. Subject: Engagement of Mr. Tom Williams a Lawyer from the U.K.,
as Defence Counsel in the Agartala Conspiracy Case.
I am directed to say that the President has been pleased to direct that • full facilities including work permit should be given to Mr. Tom Williams, a lawyer from the U.K., who has come to East Pakistan to defend the accused in Agartala Conspiracy Case in accordance with legal requirements. 2. It is requested that a special permit for the engagement of Mr. Tom
Williams as Defence Counsel in the Conspiracy Case may kindly be issued to him accordingly and necessary facilities regarding his entry/appearance in the Courts etc. may be afforded to him as
admissible under the law. 3. This may be treated as immediate.
Your obedient servant, Sd/- Mohammad Usman Butt.
Section Officer
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Government of East Pakistan Home (Political) Department
No. 507 (3)-Po11/S(I).
Copy forwarded to the:
1. Secretary to the Govt. of East Pakistan, Law (Judicial) Department,
Dacca. 2. Inspector-General of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca. 3. Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan,
Dacca for the favour of information and immediate necessary action.
Home (Poll.) Deptt., The 17th August 268
Sd/-17/8/68 (K.A. Islam)
Section Officer, Government of East Pakistan.
Govt. No. 5291/1217-67 SC dt. 21.8.68
Copy forwarded for information to SS City SB, Dacca for information in continuation to the office memo No. 5044 dt.9.8.68. Sd/ – 21.8
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No. 10/1/68-Poll (1) I
Office Memorandum :
Writ petition filed by Mr. Tom Williams, challenging the validity of the Criminal Law Amendment (Special Tribunal) Ordinance, 1968.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Law Division U.O. No. 677/68-Sol.I dated 7.8.68 on the subject noted above, and to say that the perusal of the copy of writ petition sent to that Division with the Home Secy., East Pakistan letter No. 451/-Poll. /S(I)/228/68 dated 7.8.68 shows that it is composed of – (a) certain statements of facts, etc. about Sk. Mujibur Rahman and
criminal cases instituted against him by the Provincial Govt. (b) certain allegations against the Army authorities holding custody of
Sk. Mujibur Rahman and (c) objections to the Criminal Law Amendment (Special Tribunal)
Ordinance 1968 and his trial by the Special Tribunal.
It is considered that defence counsel can be briefed by Home Secy., East Pakistan, about the statements of facts, etc. relating to the period prior to the transfer of custody of Sk. Mujibur Rahman to the Army authorities, and by the Army Officer concerned in respect of the allegations relating to the subsequent period. Objections to the Ordinance and to Mujibur Rahman’s trial by the Special Tribunal raise constitutional issues and can be dealt with by the Law Division alone.
According to an intelligence report, the points on which legal circles of Dacca are expressing their opinions are given in the attached note. These points may be taken into consideration by the Law Division and the Chief Defence Counsel.
Page: 272.

Mr. Tom Williams has already left Dacca on the 8th August 1968, while the writ petition is fixed for hearing on 15th August. It has, therefore, been suggested to this Division that the Defence Counsel might request the High Court to give time for preparing a reply to the writ petition and if it is granted, it will put off the hearing to October as the High Court is going on vacation on the 17th August 1968. Law Division may consider this suggestion if it is worth anything.
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In the writ petition filed by Tom Williams on behalf of the accused in Agartala Conspiracy case, a point which is being described as favourable to the petitioner is that while the Criminal Procedure Code provides for a right of appeal in respect of all offences including those u/s 121 and 131 PPC for which the accused are being tried, it is also guaranteed in Article 2 of the Constitution. Absence of the right of appeal may, therefore, tend to vitiate the Special Law, as it is argued that procedural law cannot take away from a person his substantive right as guaranteed in the Constitution. When the Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case was tried, there was no Constitution and the old Govt. of India Act which was then valid, did not have any provision like Article 2 of the present Constitution. The present Special Ordinance has denied the right of appeal to the accused persons and it has thus violated Article 2 of the Constitution.
Detention in Military custody is also being taken as a point which may be legally unfavourable to the Govt. but the opinion of lawyers on this issue stands divided.
Copy of Memo No. 5124 dt. 15.8.68 from the L.R. to the Govt. of E.P. to the Secy., Ministry of Law & P.A. (Law Division), Rawalpindi.
Sub: Writ petition No. 246 of 1968 (Sk. Mujibur Rahman VS Govt. of
East Pakistan & others.
In inviting a reference on the above subject I am directed to say that the Court has been pleased to direct filing of the Affidavit in Opposition within four weeks from the day (15.8.68) and Affidavit in Reply within four weeks thereafter and the matter will appear in the list on 30.10.68
Page: 274.

when a day will be fixed for hearing and to request you to please take necessary action accordingly.
Copy of Memo No. 451-Poll/S(I) dt. 7.8.68 from the S.O. to the Govt. of E.P., Home (Poll) Deptt., Dacca to the Secy. to the Govt. of Pak., Ministry of Law, Rawalpindi,
Sub: Writ petition by Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
I am directed to send herewith a copy of the above noted writ petition for favour of your information and necessary action.
I am to add that the Provincial Govt. is not a party, Rule has been issued on the Central Govt. and the other two respondents fixing 15.8.68 for showing cause.
Copy of Memo No. 772(2)-Judl. 1/25-46/68 dt. 5.8.68 from the Secy, to the Govt. of E.P., Law (Judl) Deptt. Dacca to the Secy. to the Govt. of E.P., Home Deptt., Dacca.
Sub: Writ petition by Mr. Sk. Mujibur Rahman.
I am directed to send herewith a copy of the writ petition for your information. The Provincial Govt. is not a party. The rule has been issued on the Central Govt. and the other two respondents fixing 15.8.66 for showing cause. A copy of the writ petition may be forwarded to the Ministry of Law for necessary action.
Page: 275

(Special Original Jurisdiction)
Petition No.
of 1968
In the matter of :
An application under Article 98 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
In the matter of: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman ……….. Petitioner.
Chairman, Special Tribunal, Kurmitola.
Dacca and another.
Para-wise statement of facts of the writ petition filed by Mr. Tom. William challenging the validity of the Cr. Law Amendment Special Tribunal Ordinance, 1968 on behalf of Sk. Mujibar Rahman in Dacca High Court.
Page: 276 .

Para-1:No Comment. Para-2:Admitted. He was arrested on 9.5.66 u/r 32 DPR/68 Para-3:It is a fact that the subject delivered some prejudicial public
speeches & on that account he was prosecuted under different section of P.P.C. Press & Publication Ordinance, Defence of Pakistan Rules & EPPSO/58 and following cases were started against him. A chart of such
cases along with their present position is enclosed herewith. Para-4: The enclosed chart will speak about these cases mentioned in this
Para. Para-5: Nothing to comment. Para-6: Admitted. He was released from DPR/65 under G.O. No. 70
H.S. dt. 17.1.68. Para-21: Not admitted. Six point Programme of A.L. is based on
parochialism and Provincialism.

According to secret information, Mr. K. G. Ahmed, one of the PWs of the Agratala Conspiracy Case has given an understanding to Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Defence Lawyer that the former will spoil the prosecution case without giving any opportunity to the prosecution to declare him as hostile.
Dated, Dacca, 19th August 1968.
No. 39(3)/1217-67/SC
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. Mr. A.S.M. Ahmed SQA, T.Pk., P.P.M., P.S.P., Inspector-General of
Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Page: 277

2. Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, P.S.P., Deputy Director, Intelligence,
Government of Pakistan, Dacca. 3. Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM, PSP, Spl. Supdt. of Police, Special Team,
Special Branch, E.P., Dacca.
(A.M. Mesbahuddin) Deputy Inspector-General of Police,
Special Branch, E.P., Dacca.

Copy of report of Inspr. Mr. R.H. Chaudhury of City SB dated 20.8.68.
I am to report that the Special Tribunal started its Session today (20.8.68) at 09.00 hrs. and ended peacefully at 13.00 hrs. The Court will again sit at 09.00 hrs. tomorrow. The cross examination of Sgt. Samsuddin Ahmed is continuing.
At the time of recess today at 11.00 hrs. Abdul Aziz Advocate, Junior to Advocate Mirza Gulam Hafiz took some chits from Niloofar Begum, w/o. accd. Capt. Nazmul Huda and made it over to him (i.e. Nazmul Huda). We objected to this and as a result the said Advocate became annoyed and said that you have nothing to object if you have anything to object you might report it to Court. At the end of the Session today I reported the matter to the Registrar of the Court who assured me that the matter would be looked into by him. Further, the movements of the Junior V.I. Chaudhury, Bar-at-law and Amirul Islam, Bar-at-Law appeared to be suspicious.
They are in the habit of mixing with ladies and smuggling letters of ladies to their husbands in disguise. Nothing more interesting came to notice.
Page: 278

City Special Branch, Dacca, the 22nd August, 1968 No. 4881(2)/ 157-67 (Sec.)
Copy forwarded for favour of information to:
1. Mr. A.M. Mesbahuddin, PPM., PSP., Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, SB,
East Pakistan, Dacca. 2. Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM., PSP., Spl. Supdt. of Police, Special Team,
SB, Dacca.
(S.A. Zaman) Special Supdt. of Police, City Special Branch, Dacca.
Secret/Immediate No. 5351(2)/1217-67 SC dt. 23.8.68
Copy forwarded for information to:
1. Dy. Director Intelligence, Govt. of Pakistan, Dacca. 2. A.I.G. of Police, East Pakistan, Dacca.
for D.I.G
Copies to DDI and AIG for information. Sd/-23.8.68 HA/SCO, at once.
Page: 279

Copy of Top Secret D.O. No.2(66)/68-Sol-1 dated 23.8.68 from Mr. Justice A. Islam, SQA, Secy. to the Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Law & Parliamentary Affairs (Law Division), R’pindi to the Chief Secy. to the Govt. of East Pakistan, Dacca.
I am sending herewith a copy of the Home Affairs Division’s O.M. No.10/1/68-Poll(I)I dated 13.8.68.
Mr. Nurul Huda, Dy. Attorney General, has been instructed to prepare affidavit in opposition. Will you kindly ask the provincial Home Secy. to get into touch with Mr. Nurul Huda immediately to ascertain whether any affidavit is to be sworn in respect of statement of facts relating to the period prior to the transfer of the accused, Mujibur Rahman, to the army authorities.
With kindest regards.
C.S. is away at Government’s House attending ECNEC meeting. D.S. Pol. may please attend to it immediately. Whatever the views of the Central Law Ministry (and these are not clear) or the advice of the D.A.G. The views of the Law Deptt. will be necessary before the Home Deptt. gets involved in the matter.
Sd/- 26.8.68.
The allegations of the petitioner in various paragraphs showing that he was first arrested and detained under DPR and that he was removed all on a sudden from Jail custody to the Cantonment on 17/18 January 1968. I think, require some clarification and an Affidavit stating facts prior to his transfer to Military custody may be necessary.
Sd/-Md. Nurul Huda. Dy. Attorney General for Pakistan.
Page: 280

No. 5459/1217-67 SC dt. 29.8.68
Dy. Director, (By name)
Intelligence, Govt. of Pakistan, Dacca.
Kindly refer to your D.O. No. TS/251 dt. 27.7.68 on the loss of some important documents of the Agartala Conspiracy Case sent by S.P. Spl. Branch, Karachi under his memo No. CC/50/68 dt. 30.1.68
All efforts were made to trace out the papers in this office but in vain.
I would, therefore, request you to kindly obtain a copy of the letter from S.P. Spl. Branch, Karachi, to facilitate the search for the paper.
I would further request you to kindly obtain the annexure of the letter, in case, it was a top secret letter, so as to enable us to find out the officer who received the letter and signed for it.
Sd/-28.8 for D.I.G.
Page: 281

No. 13332/606-48 PF(ACF) dt. 14/9/68
The S.P., DSB., Chittagong.
In sending herewith a copy of an anonymous letter dt. nil, I would request you kindly to cause a secret enquiry into the matter and send us a report early
DS/PL for S.S.I, SB., E.P.,
To The District Inspector of Police, S.B., Chittagong, East Pakistan.
With a patriotic view & for the wellbeing of the nation as a whole, I think it my honourable duty to lay before you the following facts for your kind information & for taking necessary actions:
Page: 289

1. That Mr. Qazi Fazlul Bahar Shah Jahan alias Shah Jahan of village Sultanpur (Qazibari) O/C Sultanpur P.S. Rouzan, Dt. Ctg., General Secretary, EPSL, Rouzan Thana” Branch has been reading in Rouzan College since 1965. 2. That I have been in close touch with him for the last four years & observed his movement very silently. 3. That, being his relative I had to tolerate his activities & on several occasions I advised him indirectly to be away from subversive activities, but of no avail. 4. That he has now become very serious in his activities & from the beginning of the current session when Sk. Mujibur Rahman (President, E. Pak. Awami League) & others were about to bring to trial by Military Court. That from a very reliable source it came to my notice that he has been working silently with the conspirators of Agartala Conspiracy & it also came to my notice that he has been engaged in organising a great party in relief of the conspirators. 6. That I had been observing his activities as a top student leader of the locality in organising students’ movements. 7. That I took special notice of him in the “Hartal” of 7th June 166, 2nd August /67, 10th August/68, besides the other students’ movements. 8. That I have been noticing his doubtful movements with the A.L. leaders of Ctg. & even I practically found him taking Rs. 500/- from Mr. A. Aziz & Zahur Ahmed Choudhury, two AL leaders of Ctg. 9. That he has been agitating the illiterate persons of the locality against the present regime. 10. That it came to my notice that he is now working as a Data Collector of the advocates of Sk. Mujib & others in the Agartala Conspiracy Case. 11. That being disgusted with his activities as may cause great harm to the nation I compelled myself to put these facts before you. .
In the above circumstances, I draw your sympathetic & patriotic attention to take immediate action so that the beloved state of ours can be saved from the conspiracy of the internal enemies.
Faithfully yours, “A keen observer”
Page: 290

Copy forwarded to: (i) The Government of East Pakistan (ii) Inspector General of Police (S.B), E. P., Dacca. (iii) Divisional Inspector of Police. Ctg. Divn. for information & taking necessary actions.

No. CC/ 518 768 Office of the Supdt. of Police, Special Branch, Karachi, Karachi, the 26th Sept., 1968.
The Deputy Inspector General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.
Original documents sent to Mr. M. A. Khalique, Superintendent of Police, Special Team, East Pakistan, Special Branch, Dacca, under this
Page: 304

office No. CC/50/68 dated the 31st January 1968, are reported to have been lost/misplaced. The Assistant Director, Intelligence Bureau, Rawalpindi has desired that copies of the documents in question be sent to you for favour of your information and further necessary action. The same are, therefore, sent to you as enumerated below:
1. Copy of Seizure Memo. 2. Copy of Case Diary & 3. Copy of the Statement of the Accountant, N.B.P., Local Office,
Sd./(YAR MUHAMMED) Superintendent of Police, Special Branch, Karachi.
1. Copy forwarded to Assistant Director, Intelligence Bureau,
Government of Pakistan, Rawalpindi, with reference to his letter No.
SF 2872/1/1-Sur. V, dated September 16, 1968, for information 2. Copy forwarded to Mr. A.B.S. Safdar, PPM, PSP., Deputy Director,
Intelligence Bureau, Dacca.
(YAR MUHAMMED) Superintendent of Police, Special Branch,
1217-67 SC Mr. Kibrya
Seizure Memo. The following Bank Draft was presented by Mr. Muhammad Ghaus Ghias, Accountant, National Bank of Pakistan, Local Office, Karachi & the same has been taken into possession:
Page: 305

Bank Draft No. 3928743 Dt. 31.3.66 for Rs. 5000.00 in favour of Lt. Moazzam Hosain PN issued by local Office of National Bank, Dacca.
(Muhammad Ghaus Ghias) Sd/-17.1.68.
Sd/-17.6.68 (AYUB HASAN KHAN) Deputy Supdt. of Police, Special Branch, Karachi.
(Prepared by Ayub Hasan Khan, D.S.P., S.B., Karachi).
Police Station Place of Offence Date of Offence.
Conspiracy Case. Case No. Accused. Offence.
17.1.67/1400 hrs.
The undersigned was called by S.P., S.B., & the following message was given for compliance:
Below copy of cypher message received from the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca, today (17.1.68) duly decoded, is reproduced.
Top Sec (.) Please seize Bank Draft No. Three nine two eight seven four three Dated thirty one three sixty six for rupees five thousand remitted by Muhammad A. Hussain through National Bank of Pakistan, Jinnah Avenue Dacca to Lt. Moazzam Hussain PN through Karachi local office of the same Bank with connected account numbers etc and send them immediately.
Page: 306

No. CC/31/68 Karachi, dated 17 Jan. 1968.
Forwarded to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Karachi, for favour of information & necessary action as this Branch has no powers to seize the documents in question. It may also be submitted that it has not been mentioned in the message as to in what connection documents in question are required to be seized.
Sd/- 17.1.68
This is in connection with Conspiracy Case action should be taken immediately as directed on phone.
Sd/- 17.1.68 (A.N.K. Tareen) D.I.G., KARACHI.
M. Immediate: D.S.P./A-II by name to comply & report at once. Sd/-17.1.68. (Yar Muhammed)
On receipt of the above, the undersigned reached the local office of National Bank of Pakistan situated on McLeod Road/Wood Street presented a notice u/s 94 Cr.P.C. to the branch Manager.
The Bank Draft in question was produced by Mr. Muhammed Ghaos Ghias, Accountant, since the payment was taken in cash & the payee does not have any account in Bank, the statement of Mr. Muhammad Ghaos Ghias recorded separately, the copy of which is enclosed.
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The Bank Draft was taken into possession through a seizure Memo under the signature of the above Accountant & the same is also the decoded message in original along with the copy of statement & seizure memo with Bank Draft are forwarded for directing their transmission to D.I.G., S.B., East Pak. , Dacca.
17.1.68 1400 hrs.
Sd/- 17.1.68 (AYUB HASAN KHAN) D.S.P./A -II, S.B., KARACHI.
I am working as an Accountant since 1964. The Bank Draft No. 3928743 Dt. 31.3.66 was presented in the Bank on 7.4.66. The person holding the draft was identified as Lt. Moazzam Husain P.N. The draft was issued by the National Bank Local Office, Dacca on 31.3.66.
Cash payment in lieu of the draft was taken by the payee. The payment was made after it was verified from the Identity card No. PPP22003 – (Rank Lieutenant No. 576) Dt. 1.3.63 issued by the Naval Head Quarters by me.
I produce the Bank Draft & necessary endorsement with respect to the payment is entered on the back of the same.
Sd/-17.1.68 (AYUB HASSAN KHAN) D.S.P., S.B., Karachi.
Page: 308

Sangbad dt. 15-10-68
শেখ মুজিবকে প্যারােলে মুক্তি দানের আবেদন
(নিজস্ব বার্তা পরিবেশক)
ষড়যন্ত্র মামলার প্রধান অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানকে তাঁহার অসুস্থ মাতার সহিত সাক্ষাতের সুযােগ দানের উদ্দেশ্যে প্যারােলে মুক্তি দানের জন্য গতকল্য (সােমবার) বিশেষ ট্রাইব্যুনালে আবেদন পেশ করা হইলে ট্রাইব্যুনালের চেয়ারম্যান বিচারপতি এস, এ, রহমান আবেদনপত্রটি সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট প্রেরণ করেন। বিবাদীপক্ষের কৌঁসুলি জনাব আব্দুস সালাম খান শেখ মুজিবের পক্ষে আবেদন পেশ করেন।
আবেদনের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে শেখ মুজিবকে প্যারােলে মুক্তি দানের জন্য ট্রাইব্যুনালের চেয়ারম্যান কোন সুপারিশ না করায় বিবাদী পক্ষের কৌঁসুলি বলেন যে, অভিযুক্ত-ব্যক্তির মাতার অসুস্থতার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে তাঁহাকে প্যারােলে মুক্তি দানের জন্য ট্রাইবুনালের নির্দেশ দেওয়া উচিত।
ট্রাইবুনালের চেয়ারম্যান ইহার উত্তরে বলেন যে, অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তিগণ সামরিক বাহিনী কর্তৃক আটক আছেন। সুতরাং এই ব্যাপারে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণের ক্ষমতাও তাঁহাদের।
এই পর্যায়ে অ্যাডভােকেট জনাব আব্দুস সালাম খান যুক্তি প্রদর্শন করেন যে, যে-দিন হইতে মামলার শুনানী শুরু হইয়াছে সেদিন হইতে অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তিগণ ট্রাইব্যুনালের কর্তৃত্বাধীন রহিয়াছেন এবং এই ক্ষেত্রে সামরিক বিভাগ তত্ত্বাবধায়ক মাত্র।
কিন্তু বিচারপতি এস, এ, রহমান বলেন যে, বর্তমান ক্ষেত্রে তাহা প্রযােজ্য নহে। যতক্ষণ আদালতকক্ষে অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তিগণ আছেন, ততক্ষণই তাহারা আদালতের তত্ত্বাবধানে আছেন। আদালত কক্ষের বাহিরে চলিয়া গেলে তাঁহাদের সামরিক তত্ত্বাবধানে রাখা হয়।
অ্যাডভােকেট জনাব সালাম খান বলেন যে, এইরূপ পরিস্থিতিতে জনৈক রাজ-সাক্ষীর মায়ের অসুস্থতার সময় তাঁহাকে প্যারােলে মুক্তি দেওয়া হইয়াছে। সুতরাং সেই যুক্তি এখানেও প্রযােজ্য হইতে পারে।
এ সম্পর্কে চেয়ারম্যান বাদীপক্ষের প্রধান কৌঁসুলি জনাব মঞ্জুর কাদিরের মতামত জানিতে চাহিলে তিনি বলেন যে, এই সম্পর্কে কি করা যায় তাহা তিনি দেখিবেন। তিনি আরও বলেন, “আমার সন্দেহ নাই যে, এই সম্পর্কে কিছু করা যাইতে পারে।”
relevant on file please, Sd/-17.10.68
Page: 309

Mujib’s parole Prayer before Tribunal
By A Staff Correspondent Mr. Manzur Qadir, Chief Prosecution Counsel in the Case State versus Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Others, told the Special Tribunal now hearing the Case that he would see what could be done about the question of allowing Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to go home on parole to see his ailing mother.
Mr. Manzur Qadir said this when defence counsel Mr. Abdus Salam Khan submitted to the Tribunal on Monday that the application of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for release on parole be granted by Their Lordships to enable him to see his ailing mother.
Page: 310

The Chairman of the Tribunal Mr. Justice S. A. Rahman told the Defence Counsel that he had forwarded the application of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman without any comment to the military authorities who were responsible for his custody.
Mr. Abdus Salam Khan submitted that one of the approvers was allowed to see his mother and similar thing could be done in this present
The Chairman of the Tribunal then told the Defence Counsel that the Special Ordinance constituting the tribunal had provided for military custody of the accused persons during the trial and the tribunal could not interfere with the military custody. The Defence Counsel then drew the attention of the Chief Prosecution Counsel and Mr. Manzur Qadir said “I shall find out what is the position. I shall certainly see what can be done. I have no doubt something will be done in this regard.” He said that it had been done in one or two cases previously.
On relevant file, please Sd/-17.10.68

Sangbad dt. 22-10-68
অসুস্থ মাতাকে দেখার জন্য শেখ মুজিবকে
স্বগ্রামে লইয়া যাওয়া হইয়াছে।
ঢাকা, ২১ শে অক্টোবর (পিপিআই): আজ সকালে ঢাকা ক্যান্টনমেন্টে রাষ্ট্র বনাম শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ও অন্যান্যের মামলায় ট্রাইব্যুনাল কক্ষে শেখ মুজিবর রহমানকে অনুপস্থিত দেখা যায়। কেননা, তাহার অসুস্থ মাতাকে দেখিবার জন্য তাঁহাকে স্বগ্রামে লইয়া যাওয়া হইয়াছে।।
ট্রাইব্যুনালে জনাব শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের পক্ষে বিবাদীপক্ষের কৌসুলি এডভােকেট জনাব জহিরুদ্দীন হাজির হন।
আজ সকালে বিশেষ ট্রাইব্যুনালের অধিবেশনে নিম্নোক্ত ভাষায় শেখ মুজিবর রহমানের অনুপস্থিতি রেকর্ড করা হয়:
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একমাত্র শেখ মুজিবর রহমান ব্যতীত সকল অভিযুক্ত পূর্বের ন্যায় উপস্থিত আছেন। অভিযুক্ত শেখ মুজিবর রহমান আজ ডকে উপস্থিত নহেন, কেননা তাঁহার অসুস্থ মাকে দেখিবার জন্য সামরিক কর্তৃপক্ষ তাঁহাকে তাঁহার স্বগ্রামে লইয়া গিয়াছেন। যাহা হউক, তাঁহার পক্ষে এডভােকেট জনাব জহিরুদ্দীন আমাদের সম্মুখে হাজির হইয়াছেন।
To relevant file please. Sd/-23.10
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Mujib taken to see his ailing mother
By A Staff Correspondent
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No. 1. in the Case State versus Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Others, has been taken by the military authorities to see his ailing mother. He was not present in the dock on Monday. He was represented before the Special Tribunal by Mr. Zahiruddin, Advocate.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s mother was ailing for sometime at Gopalganj, Faridpur
On relevant file please. Sd/ -24.10
East Pakistan Form No.45.
Handed in at: A.M. Date: 21.10.68
Received at: 09.09
A.M . P.M.
From: DS/PL Addresses/(if given) City SB. To: SS II through DS/PL SB Dacca.
Sk. Mujibur Rahman accd. no 1 of Agartala Conspiracy Case has gone home on parole under Military escort to see his ailing mother yesterday (20.10.68) at 15.30 hrs.
Sd/- 21/7/68 SI L. Rahman of City SB. Seen, DIG may like to see., Sd. 21/10/68. Show DIG at once., SS II may like to see. Sd. 21.10.68
End of Message, check back, please. Telephone Operator.
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No. 11/6-68/
/A., Dated
To The Superintendent of Police, Chittagong.
Deputation of Mr. Yead Ali Shaikh, R.R.I. Chittagong to Dacca.
This Directorate Memo. No. 11/6-68/1343-A, dated 11.10.68.
I am directed to inform you that the above officer is temporarily deputed to Dacca district to be in charge of security arrangements for the Trial of Agartala Conspiracy Case, in place of Mr. Jalaluddin Miah R.R.I. now posted to Khulna District.
The officer may please be directed to report to the Superintendent of Police, Dacca by 17.11.68 positively.
He will draw his pay from Chittagong District.
Sd/- M.N. Huda. Asstt. Inspr. Genl. of Police,
East Pakistan.
No. II/6-68/1732/1(4)
A., Dated. 14-11-1968.
Copy forwarded for information to the:
1) Superintendent of Police, Dacca with reference to his Memo No. 3786 HQ dated 11.11.68. 2) Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Dacca Range, Dacca.
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3) Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Chittagong Range, Chittagong. 4) Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan.
Sd/-14/11/68 Asstt. Inspr. General of Police
East Pakistan.

Deptt of Plant Protection, Govt. of Pakistan Aviation workshop Airport
Dacca, Dated 11th Dec. 1968
I Jaker Ahmed S/o Abdul Majid Meah a un. engineer in the Deptt. of Plant Protection, (a retired warrant officer of Pakistan Air force) have the honour to report that I am one of the state-witness in the “Agartala Conspiracy Case”. My present residence is at Mahakhali near the Divisional Forest Office.
Now I am informed by my Chief Engineer Deptt. of Plant Protection, that a group of people is enquiring about my whereabouts every now and then may be to harm me and my family to take revenge as I have given witness for the State. Those people identified themselves as University students. They went twice in Nakhalpara area to one of our Department Mechanic Kabiry and wanted to know from him, the location of my residence, at what time I come and go from office, Number of transport I use and the route I follow, etc.
It is also reported that this same group of people has beaten one Abdus Salam mercilessly a few days back in Nakhalpara area, as he was also a witness in the Conspiracy Case.
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After getting this alarming report, I am not getting peace of mind and apprehending danger for my life and my families welfare.
Under the circumstances, I appeal to your honour to provide me some sort of protection so that I can feel secure about me and my family-members life, property, and prestige. I hope that you will give urgent consideration to my appeal for the security of life and property.
To The D.I.G Police Intelligence Branch, Dacca.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Yours obediently Jaker Ahmed for engineer.
No. 8635 dt. 23/12/68
1217 -67 SC Major Riaz Ahmed A.D. Intelligence, Dacca.
Your memorandum No. 5/6753/4-57(SS) dated 1612-68 Reg. Petition of Ex-W.0. Zaker Ahmed
The petition may kindly be advised to take the help of the local police in case of necessity.
Sd/ -29/12
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No. 8636 dt. 23/12/68
O/C. Tejgaon P.S. Dacca.
In sending herewith copy of a petition from Ex. W.O. Zaker Ahmed, a witness in the Agartala Conspiracy Case.
I would request you to give the necessary protection to the petitioner.
Sd/ – 29/12/68
SS/SC Major Riaz to ask the petitioner to take the help of the local Police in case of necessity.
Sd/ – 19.12.68
In view of DIG’s order, it may be dealt with in S.C.O. file on the Spl. Team, Sd/ – 19/12/68
Yes 19.12.68 1217-67 SC.
0.S./ H.A.
The enclosed letter was sent to Spl. team as desired by S.S. III. But they have declined to receive the same. For order pl.
Sd/ -18/12
SSIII may kindly see for orders.
Sd/ -18/12/68
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DIG may kindly see. The P.u.d. should be dealt by S.S. Spl. Team
Sd/ – 18/12/68
What was his evidence in the case? Mr. Khaleque to pl. discuss.
Sd/ – 18.12.68
Pl. send a copy to O/C Tejgaon to give necessary protection to the applicant. Advise
No. 5/6753 /4-57 (SS) Dated, the 16th Dec. 1968.
Memorandum Enclosed herewith please find a petition from Ex. W.O. Zaker Ahmed who is a witness in the Agartala Conspiracy Case for necessary action/ disposal.
Encl: 1 Petition
Sd/- Major,
(RIAZ AHMAD) Asstt. Director, Intelligence, Dacca.
Send this to SS Spl. Team Sd/ – 18/12.6
Abdul Majid, PPM. Spl. Supdt. of Police, Special Branch, East Pakistan. Dacca
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Respectfully I want to draw your attention towards an Industrialist name Nurwan Maneckji (HIRJINA CO LIMITED) Who had also taken an active part in Agartala Conspiracy. But fortunately, he escapes from the hands of Law. I know this letter bears no value not in the eyes of court, I request your honour to investigate about this above mention person. They have very nearly relation with the INDIAN GOVERNMENT. They do their work very secretly because they have all the retired Government Officers in their Employment.
Namely Sharif Khan (retired I.G.), Major Yunus Khan. Sharif hussain. Sawak Kunigar (C.S.P./ Mancekjis son-in law)
They take all the government secrets from them. Actually, he was the person to look after secretly those 35 persons who are already involved in Agartala Conspiracy. Thats why they are away from the eyes of the Governments and Law. They are very cunning in their work, thats, why they have all the governments, retired officers in their Employment.
They contacted me to help them in transferring their wealth from Pakistan to Iran. Because they are afraid that one day they will be shot dead when I refused to help them they have contacted an another person in Afghanistan on a handsome commission.
I hope you will issue the orders for investigation.
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Ref. File No (Top-Secret) 1217-67 SC
On secret and open enquiry it transpired that Mr. Yunus Munshi (70/75 yrs) S/O L. Jitu Mia of Hirapur P.S Ramganj, Noakhli, has got-4 sons namely (1) Mr. Abul Hossain (35/36) (2) Mr. Abul Khayer (30 yrs) (3) Mr. Amir Hussain (25/26) (4) Mr. Ruhul Amin (18/19).
Among the sons, Mr. Abul Hossain & Mr. Amir Hussain are running a vulcanizing shop styled East Bengal vulcanizing shop at Station Road, Manno Nagar, Tangi Dacca. Since 5/6 years on the rent of Rs. 50/- per month. The approximate income of the shop is about Rs. 200/250 per month. I found some old tyres and tubes lying in and outside of the shop but no other rooms for storage of such materials were found near about the shop as mentioned to the petition. They have got no educational qualification but they possessed technical knowledge of vulcanizing.
Mr. Abul Khayer is serving as a clerk (Department could not be mentioned) at Dacca and residing in a mess at Hatirpole (Dhanmandi) but member of the mess could not be ascertained. Mr. Ruhul Amin is a student of 1st year, Jagannath College, Dacca and lives to the said mess with his brother Abul Khayer.
I found Mr. Amir Hussain present in the said shop. He further stated that a long-standing enmity is going in between them and his next-doorneighbor Mr. Nurun Nabi-(a student of 2nd yr. I, com. Chaumohani College (Noakhali) S/O Abdul Wahab over the boundary of their homestead.
Submitted Sd/- 18/1/69.
S.B. E.P. Dacca
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NO. 423/127-67 SC.
Mr. K.A. Islam, E.P.C.S., Section officer to the Govt. of East Pakistan Home (Poll) Deptt. Dacca.
This office endorsement dated 30.7.68 on Home (Poll) Deptt. File No. 215/68-Poll(1) regarding allegation against one Yunus Munshi s/o Late Jitu Mia of Noakhali.
As desired enquiries have been made at Noakhali and Dacca regarding the alleged anti-State activities of Yunus Munshi and his sons.
The allegations made in the anonymous petition were found to be baseless. It reveals that there is a long-standing dispute between Yunus Munshi and his neighbour Mr. Nurunnabi Chaudhury over the demarcation of a plot of land. Nurunnabi Chaudhury might have brought these baseless allegations out of grudge in order to harass Yunus Munshi and his sons.
(H. Serajuddin) for Dy. Inspr-Genl. of Police, S.B.,
East Pakistan, Dacca.
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No. 917 /ST dt. 28.1.69.
From: Mr. A. Khaleque, PPM, PSP.,
Spl. Supdt. of Police. S.B., Spl. Team. Rajarbagh, Dacca.
The Inspector-General of Police.
East Pakistan, Dacca.
I send herewith a copy of the written statement of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman accused No.1 of Agartala Conspiracy Case u/s 342 Cr. P.C. in reply to the charges framed against him by the Special Tribunal on 28-169 for favour of your perusal.
Sd/-(A. KHALEQUE) Spl. Supdt. of Police, S.B., Spl. Team, Rajarbagh, Dacca.
No. 917/1-ST., dated 28.1.69.
Copy with enclosure forwarded to the Dy. Inspr. Genl. of Police, Spl. Branch, East Pakistan, Rajarbagh, Dacca for favour of information.
(A.KHALEQUE) Special Supdt. of Police, SB.
U/S 342 Cr.P.C.
Ever since my schooldays, I had ceaselessly worked for the achievement of Pakistan and was a very active member in Muslim
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League Organisation in pre-independence India and Bengal and worked for the realisation of Pakistan demand at the cost of my studies.
After Independence, we organised the Awami League in 1949 under the leadership of Late Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy after the Muslim League had betrayed the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. Awami League was and is a Constitutional Democratic Organisation.
In 1954 I was elected a member of the Provincial Assembly and was later elected as a member of the National Assembly. Twice I became a Minister in the Government of East Pakistan. I also led the Parliamentary Delegation to the People’s Republic of China. For organising a constitutional opposition party for the welfare of the masses I had already suffered a few years in Jail by this time.
After the imposition of Martial Law, the present regime started to oppress me. They arrested me on 12th October 1958 under the East Pakistan Public Safety Ordinance and kept me detained without trial for about a year and a half. While I was thus detained, they started half a dozen criminal cases against me, but I was honorably acquitted in all of them. I was released from the said detention in December 1959 or January 1960.
At the time of my release, I was served with orders of restriction, namely: that if I was to leave Dacca I was to inform the Special Branch in writing with the particulars of places I was to visit and on return to Dacca also I was required to inform the Special Branch of the said return in writing. I was always shadowed by the intelligence people.
Then again when my leader, Late Mr. H. S. Suhrawardy was arrested in 1962 on the eve of the promulgation of the present constitution, I was also put behind the prison bars under the Public Safety Ordinance and detained without trial for about six months.
After the death of Mr. Suhrawardy, the Awami League was revived in January, 1964 in both the wings of Pakistan as a Political Party and we decided to fight the Presidential Election as a component of the Combined Opposition Party!4, which nominated Mohtarema Miss Fatema Jinnah” as the opposition candidate for the Presidential post against the candidature of Mr. Ayub Khan and started election
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campaign. The regime again started oppressing and harassing me by starting a number of cases on my speeches.
During the 1965 war with India, I was one of the political leaders who condemned the Indian Aggression and asked my party to lend full support to the Government’s war efforts. My organisation, the East Pakistan Awami League” also issued circulars to all its units urging them to help the war efforts in every possible way,
During the said war, in the All-Party Conference held at the East Pakistan Governor’s House, I along with other political leaders of this wing issued a joint statement condemning Indian aggression and asked the people to work unitedly and help the country’s war efforts. After the war efforts, when President Ayub Khan visited East Pakistan, myself and all other political leaders met him on invitation, where I appealed to the President to give regional autonomy to East Pakistan and to make it selfsufficient in Defence in the light of our experiences during the war when East Pakistan was completely disconnected from West Pakistan and the rest of the world.
I also supported the Tashkent declaration as my party and I believe that all international disputes should be settled by peaceful means as we believe in world peace for progress.
In early 1966 there was an All Party National Convention at Lahore where I placed the SIX-POINT programme” before the subject committee of the said convention as the programme for the constitutional solution of East Pakistan’s problem vis-a-vis those of East Pakistan. The Six-point programme stipulates full regional autonomy both for East and West Pakistan.
Then my party, the East Pakistan Awami League accepted the Sixpoint programme and we started holding a public meeting to mobilise public opinion in its favour so that economic and other disparities existing between the two wings might be removed.
At this the Govt. Machinery and the Leaders of the Govt. party, including the President, threatened me with “language of weapons” and “civil war” and started harassing me by instituting more than a dozen cases against me. They arrested me first in April 1966 at Jessore while I was returning to Dacca after holding a public meeting at Khulna via
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Jessore where I was intercepted and arrested under a warrant of arrest issued from Dacca for alleged prejudicial speeches.
I was produced before the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Jessore who granted me ad-interim bail. On reaching Dacca, I appeared before the Sub-Divisional Officer, Dacca Sadar, who refused to grant me bail, but as I was granted the same by the learned Session Judge, Dacca the same day, I was released. I came to my house at about 7 P.M. and at about 8 P.M. the same evening the police came to my house with a warrant of my arrest from Sylhet for an alleged prejudicial speech there. I was arrested and taken to Sylhet under police escort that very night. Next morning my bail prayer was rejected by the Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Sylhet and I was sent to the Jail. The following day, the learned Session-Judge of Sylhet was kind enough to grant me bail. On my release, I was rearrested at the jail gate by the police on a warrant of arrest from Mymensingh for an alleged prejudicial speech there delivered by me in a public meeting. That very night, I was escorted by the police from Sylhet to Mymensing. I was produced before the Sub-Divisional Magistrate who refused to grant me bail and sent me to jail. The following day the learned Session-Judge was kind enough to grant me bail and on release from the jail, I came back to Dacca. All these series of arrest and harassments took place in April 1966.
It was in the first week of May, probably on 8th of May, 1966 that I addressed a public meeting at Narayanganj and came back to my Dacca Residence at night. At one O’clock that night I was arrested by the Police under Rule 32 of the Defence of Pakistan Rules. This was followed by the simultaneous arrest of a large number of my Party-Leaders including M/S Tajuddin Ahmed, General Secy. of the East Pakistan Awami League, Khundakar Mushtaque Ahmed, Vice-President East Pakistan Awami League, Mujibur Rahman, an Ex-Vice President, M. A. Aziz, Secy., Chittagong Dist. Awami League, Nurul Islam Chaudhury, exTreasurer East Pakistan Awami League, Zahur Ahmed Chaudhury, Labour Secretary East Pakistan Awami League, and many others. After a few days M/s Mizanur Rahman Choudhury, MNA, Organising Secretary of East Pakistan Awami League, A. Momen, Advocate, Publicity
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Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, Obaidur Rahman, Social Welfare Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, Shamsul Haque, President, Dacca District Awami League, Hafez Mohammad Musa, President, Dacca City Awami League, Mollah Jalaluddin Ahmed, Advocate, Member of the Working Committee, East Pakistan Awami League, Captain Munsur Ali, Ex-Minister Vice-President, East Pakistan Awami League, Amjad Hossain, Ex-MNA, Aminuddin Ahmed, Advocate, Amjad Hossain, Advocate of Pabna, Mustafa Sarwar, President, Narayanganj Awami League, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Secretary Narayanganj Awami League, Mr. Mohammadullah, Office Secretary, East Pakistan Awami League, Shah Moazzem Hussain, Advocate of Dacca, Bazlur Rahman, Ex-Secy., Dacca District Awami League, Serajuddin Ahmed, Office Secretary, Dacca District Awami League, Harun-or-Rashid, Vice-President, Rajarbagh Union Awami League, Shahabuddin Chaudhury, President, Tejgaon Union Awami League, Abdul Hakim, Secretary, Dacca Sadar (North) Awami League, Rashed Mosharraf, Vice-President, Dhanmandi Awami League, Sultan Ahmed, Office Secretary, City Awami League, Nurul Islam, an important Awami League worker, A. Mannan, Acting Secy., Chittagong City Awami League, Mr. Hasnain, Advocate of Pabna, A. Rahman Siddiqui, important worker of Mymensingh and a host of other workers and student leaders and labour leaders were arrested and put behind prison bars under Rule 32 of the Defence of Pakistan Rules. They have also put behind prison bars my two nephews, namely Sheikh Fazlul Huq, ExGeneral Secretary, East Pakistan Students League and Sheikh Shahidul Islam, a student of Dacca University. Besides all the above, the regime also banned the most popular vernacular daily newspaper of East Pakistan, The ITTEFAQ, only for the reason that it sometimes used to support the views of my party. The regime also confiscated its Press, detained its Editor, the well-known Journalist of international standard, Tofazzal Hossain alias Manik Mia and kept him in jail for a long time and also started some criminal cases against him. Mr. Idris, an important Awami League leader of Chittagong and Ex-President of Chittagong Muslim Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ex-Vice President of
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Chittagong Port Trust was also put behind the prison bars under the Defence of Pakistan Rules.
My Party called a general strike on 7th June 1966, to protest against our arrest. During this protest strike throughout the Province, 11 people were killed at Dacca and Narayanganj by Police firing and about 800 workers were arrested and a number of cases were started against countless others.
Mr. Monem Khan, Governor of East Pakistan, told more or less openly to groups of officers and others that so long he (Mr. Monem Khan) was there, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman would have to remain in jail. This is very widely known.
Ever since my detention, I was facing a number of trials inside Dacca Central Jail where the Courts were being held. After about 21 months of the said detention, I was released at One O’clock in the morning of 18th January 1968 and was forcibly brought to the Dacca Cantonment from the jail-gate by some Military Officers, where I was detained in a closed room. I was segregated and kept in solitary confinement and was not allowed to see anybody else. I was not allowed to read even newspapers. In fact, I was completely cut off from the outside world for long five months. During this period, I was subjected to inhuman mental torture and I was denied all physical amenities. With regards to the mental torture the less it is said the better.
On 18″ June 1968 just one day before the present trial started it was for the first time that I met Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, Advocate, whom I engaged as one of my lawyers.
I have been falsely implicated in this so-called Conspiracy only to torture, disgrace, and defame me and my party and to suppress the legitimate demands of East Pakistan, that is Regional Autonomy on the basis of Six-Point Programme and to forswear East Pakistan’s legitimate demand of parity in all respects, especially in economic and political spheres and in the services.
I never saw Lt. Commander Moazzem Hussain, Lt. Mozammil Hossain, Ex-Corporal Amir Hussain, L/S Sultanuddin Ahmed, Steward Mujibur Rahman, Flt/Sgt. Mofizullah and other Army, Navy and Air
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Force people in this case before coming to this Court. I know the three CSP Officers M/S Ahmed Fazlur Rahman, Ruhul Quddus and Khan Mohammad Shamsur Rahman as I had occasions to know them in course of my official capacity as Minister while they were serving the East Pakistan Government. But I never talked to them about politics or of any conspiracy. I never visited the house of Lt. Commander Moazzem Hussain or that of Kamal Uddin Ahmed at Karachi, nor was there any meetings in my house or in the house of Mr. Tajuddin Ahmed with anybody of this alleged conspiracy. These people never visited my house. I never paid money to anybody in connection with this so-called conspiracy. I never asked Dr. Saidur Rahman or Manik Chaudhury to help the alleged conspiracy. They are only ordinary workers like hundreds of others of my party in Chittagong. I have 3 Vice-Presidents, 44 working committee members, 8 Secretaries of East Pakistan Awami League including many ex-Ministers, both Central & Provincial, exMNA’s & MPA’s,
There are at present 5 MNA’s and 10 MPA’s belonging to my Party who are sitting in the National and Provincial Assemblies. In Chittagong also I have District and City Presidents and Secretaries, ex-MNA’s and MPA’s, in my party and many important, rich and influential persons. I told none of them. It is, therefore, impossible that I should ask Manik Chaudhury, an ordinary businessman, and Dr. Saidur Rahman, an ordinary L.M.F. Doctor, Dr. Saidur Rahman was suspended by Awami League for opposing the Awami League nominee, Mr. Zahur Ahmed Chaudhury in the National Assembly elections held in 1965. I have never visited the house of Mr. Saidur Rahman.
I am the President of the East Pakistan Awami League, a Constitutional Political Party having a definite and constructive manifesto and programme for the economic, political and social uplift of the country. I never believe in unconstitutional politics. I wanted justice to both the wings of the country as envisaged in the Six-point programme. What I think good for the Country I have always expressed the same openly within the Constitutional limits and still, then I have been made to suffer by the ruling clique and vested interests who want to
man, an SA
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perpetuate their exploitation of the Pakistani masses, particularly East Pakistanis by suppressing me and my Party.
Further, I would like to place before your Lordships, in support of my contention that I have been falsely implicated in the case out of vengeance. The press release of the Home Ministry of the Government of Pakistan dated 6th January 1968 contained a list of 28 persons as accused in which my name was not included. In the said press release, it was stated that all the accused persons had confessed, that investigation was nearly complete and that the case was likely to come up for trial soon.
With regards to the release of press statement by a Ministry, I would like to submit from my personal experience as a Minister that no press release can be issued by any Ministry unless the same has been approved by the Secretary of the said Ministry after personal scrutiny of all the relevant documents and after having been satisfied with the fact. In important matters, like this case, the approval of the Prime Minister or the President becomes a pre-requisite for a press release.
The present case is nothing but the culmination in the process of the said oppression and suppression as stated earlier and also the result of a conspiracy hatched out by the present ruling clique to carry on the exploitation by the said vested interests. I have never done anything to separate East Pakistan from Pakistan and I never entered into any conspiracy either with any Army, Navy or Air Force personnel or with anybody also to separate East Pakistan from Pakistan.
I am also placing herewith a booklet containing the Six-point programme with explanations which may kindly be treated as part of my statement.
I am not guilty and absolutely innocent and I know nothing about the alleged conspiracy.
Sd/- Sheikh Mujib
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1. 164: Confessional statement recorded by Magistrat under section 164 Criminal Procedure Code 1898.
2. Defence of Pakistan Rules: Rules framed under Defence of Pakistan Ordinance, 1965 (XXIII of 1965).
3. ‘D’ Day: Code name of Military operation. One lac:
4. One hundred thousand.
5. Karsaz: Navy Housing at Faisal Cantonment, Karachi, Pakistan.
6. Parash: Code name of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in Agartala Conspiracy.
7. Chowkidar: Village Police.
8. C&B (Construction & Building): Construction & Building Department splits into two organizations Roads & Highway Department (RHD) and Public Works Department (PWD).
9. H. S. Suhrawardy: Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy was a Bengali politician, one of the founders of Awami League, mentor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He served as the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan.
10. 161: Statement recorded by Police during investigation under section 161 Criminal Procedure Code 1898.
11. Jimmanama: Custodian of seized item.
12. Daks: Mails
13. Thana: Police Station.
14. Combined Opposition Party (COP): An alliance of 5 political parties [Awami League, Muslim League (council), National Awami Party, Nijam-e-Islam and Jamat-e-Islam]against Ayub Khan in 1965 President Election.
15. Fatema Jinnah: Younger sister of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. President candidate
against Ayub Khan in 1965 election.
16. Ayub Khan: A Pakistan Army General and the second President of Pakistan who assumed the presidency from the first President Iskander Mirza through a military coup in 1958.
17. East Pakistan Awami League: Awami League was the first opposition party in the then Pakistan. At its birth the party adopted a 42-point programme with a special emphasis on provincial autonomy. Later evolved as Awami League, lead and achieved independence.
18. 1. Tashkent declaration: A peace treaty between India and Pakistan signed on 10 January 1966 after 17 days India-Pakistan war of 1965.
19. 1. Six-Point programme: Six-Point Programme is a charter of demands enunciated by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the Autonomy that prompted Independence Struggle of Bangladesh
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