৭ পৌষ ১৩৭৮ বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৩ ডিসেম্বর ১৯৭১
মুক্ত ঢাকায় বাংলাদেশ সচিবালয়ের সমস্ত কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারীদের সমাবেশ প্রধানমন্ত্রী তাজউদ্দীন আহমদ ঘোষণা করেন, নতুন রাষ্ট্রের আদর্শ হবে শান্তিপূর্ণ সহাবস্থান, আন্তর্জাতিক রাজনীতিতে জোট নিরপেক্ষ এবং ঔপনিবেশিকতাবাদের বিরোধিতা করা। বাংলাদেশকে সমাজতন্ত্র, গণতন্ত্র ও ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা-এই তিন মূলনীতির উপর ভিত্তি করে দেশকে গড়ে তোলা হবে। সচিবালয়ের বক্তৃতায় সরকারী প্রশাসনকে সর্বাত্মক সহযোগিতার প্রয়োজনীয়তা উল্লেহক করে তিনি বলেন, লাল ফিতার দৌরাত্ব বন্ধ করুন। জনগণের সেবক হন। এই মুক্তিযুদ্ধের যার প্রাণ দিয়েছেন, যারা সংগ্রাম করেছিলেন আইনের শাসন ও ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতা প্রতিষ্ঠার পাশাপাশি সকল ধরনের শোষণ ও বৈষম্য চিরতরে বন্ধ করার জন্য এবং একমাত্র সমাজতন্ত্র প্রতিষ্ঠার মাধ্যমেই এদেশের সকল মানুষের জীবিকা নিশ্চিত করা সম্ভব। (বাংলাদেশ অবজারভার)
The USA under no commitment to preserve the unity of Pakistan, the secretary of State. Mr. William Rogers, said in Washington yesterday. Speaking to reporters he denied that there was any obligation on the part of the U.S administration to come to the aid of Pakistan under the provisions of a 1962 pact. They only provision of this kind was contained in the South-East Asia Treaty, but it only applied to a communist aggression.
Mr. Rogers said the USA supported national unity of Pakistan and rejected secession”. He declined, however, to speculate on how reunification of East and West Pakistan might be brought about. (The Statesman)
–এ দিন বাংলাদেশ সরকারের নির্দ্দেশ পাক সামরিক সরকারের মন্ত্রীসভায় সদস্যসহ বহু দালাল নেতাদের গ্রেফতার করা হয়ঃ Dr. A. M Malik, former Governor of East Pakistan, and his erstwhile Ministerial colleagues were taken into custody reports PTI. Others detained included Mr. Fazlul Kader Chowdhury, president of the banned convention Muslim League and Dr. Sajjad Hossain. Vice-Chancellor of Dacca University. Former Minister detained today were; Mr Abdul Quasim. Mr. Nawajish Ahmed Mr. Abbas Ali Khan, Mr. Akteruddin Ahmed, Mohammed Ishaque, Mr. Josimuddin, Mv. AK. Yusuf and Mr A.S. Suleiman. (সংবাদপত্র)
-The Soviet consul-General Mr. V.F. Popove has sent & report to
Moscow informing his Government that the situation in Bangladesh is normal and the people are happy about the arrival of Bangladesh Cabinet members (Papers)
-Acting president Syed Nazrul Islam Stated on Dec. 23 that his government would ask India to hand over Pakistani officers guilty of genocide for trial as war criminals. (Papers)
-Mr. Tajuddin Ahmed, Prime Minister of the people’s Republic ‘of Bangladesh called for a radical change in mentality and attitude of Government officials. HE was addressing the Government employees in the Bangladesh Secretariat today. Mr. Tajuddin said that he constitutional struggle for realisation of the rights of the nation switched over to an armed revolution consequent upon the Pakistan army cracking down on the unarmed and peaceful citizens on the fateful night on March 25. Our boys who were not familiar with even toy guns took to automatic weapons overnight and did liberate the motherland. The Prime Minister warned the officials that if they could not change their attitude in keeping with the revolutionary spirit of our boys, they would be swept away by the tide. And under no circumstances the nation would forgive their-lapses.
The Prime Minister made it clear that those who willingly collaborated with the enemy during the war will not be spared. He, whoever, assured that there would be no witch-hunting but at the same time he said that officials who worked in collaboration with the enemy would be tried like war prisoners. He said these who were clear to their conscience had nothing to fear. Mr. Tajuddin wanted most speedy and effective steps in rebuilding the economy and reconstruction of the war-torn country, we wanted that within two months the losses the country suffered had to be recouped. He called for relentless efforts for achieving the end. Nobody would be spared if the lagged behind, he said. Days of red tape ism are gone and no more dilly-dallying tactics would be tolerated.
The Prime Minister appealed to all not to take the law in their own hands. He emphatically declared that the rule of law must be established. The Bangabandhu was now languishing in the enemy custody so that the rule of law could Prevail. We must live up to the ideals for which Bangabandhu was still now suffering and for which he suffered throughout his life. The Prime Minister declared that India and Bangladesh would be bound by friendship based on mutual regard for each other’s sovereignty. He believed that Bangladesh would receive all assistance in rebuilding her war ravage economy. Mr. Tajuddin gratefully acknowledged that all out help and support extended by India towards out struggle for liberation. They not only gave shelter to millions of people who were forced to cross over but also extended moral and material support right from the beginning. The evil design of the imperialist axis who was trying o drives a wedge between Bangladesh and India. He referred to the presence of the Seventh Fleet in the Bay of Bengal which, he said, were there neither for fishing nor on pleasure cruise. He also mentioned that a certain power was playing on neutral role. The Prime minister emphatically pronounced that we would meet all challenges to our freedom. We would die for it if necessary but not yield to any pressure whatsoever. The Prime Minister was all praise for the great role the Soviet Union Played during our days of trial. The Soviet President Mr. Podgorny openly came out in our support and categorically demanded release of SK. Mujibur Rahman when everybody else was keeping mum. The people of Soviet Union went to the extent of publicly demonstrating in support of our cause.
Had they not excrcised the power of veto thrice, the U.S game would have been successful, he added. The Prime Minister hoped China would lead her people to the right path and would give due recognition to the people’s struggle in Bangladesh. The Prime Minister gratefully remembered the support of Poland and recognition by Bhutan. Mr. Tajuddin Ahmed referred to the threat of Mr. Bhutto. He compared it to Chiang’s occasional outburst regarding regaining occupation of the mainland. The Prime Minister recalled the assurance of Bangabandhu Sk. Mujibur Rahman of equal treatment to all citizens irrespective of their place of birth and language they spoke. Mr. Tajuddin said that millions of people who were forced to take shelter in India had to be rehabilitated in their homes as also in their avocations on an emergency basis. He also mentioned the responsibility the society owed the families of those who lost their lives and suffered in the struggle particularly the Mukti Bahini. The Prime Minister reiterated that the women who suffered at the Hands of the enemy should be respectfully rehabilitated in the society. (DPR-Handout no.-12)
একাত্তরের দশ মাস – রবীন্দ্রনাথ ত্রিবেদী