You dont have javascript enabled! Please enable it! 1951.01.06 | Secret Documents of Intelligence Branch on Father of The Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 1948-1971, Vol-2 - সংগ্রামের নোটবুক

Sheikh Hasina [edited], Secret Documents of Intelligence Branch on Father of The Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 1948-1971, Vol-2, Hakkani Publishers, Dhaka : February, 2019

Dacca, 6 January 1951
[A public meeting of FPAML held at Armanitola Maidan, Dacca where Moulana Bhaasani spoke on the sufferings of the refugees for want of rehabilitation, demanding release of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman etc.)
Ext. from PP. 787-86, File No. 563-48/pf. Ext. From A/1 No. 1 for wle 6.1.51
15. Miscellaneous.
A public meeting (20,000) of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was held on 5th Ja[nuar]y. at Armanitola Maidan, with Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani in the chair.
The president critisised the UNO for non-recognition of the Communist China which developed into Korean war. He also
dwelt on the sufferings of the refugees for want rehabilitation, announced the decision of publishing a party organ of the Awami Muslim League and urged the people to express noconfidence in the present East Bengal Ministry. Resolutions, inter alia demanding Islamic State in Pakistan, Medical aid to Barisal which is infected with Epidemic, fulfillment of the demands of the doctors and the compounders, grant of Rs. 5 crores for Mohajereen, release of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and other security prisoners, were passed in the meeting.
[Vol-2, page no.4-5]
Faridpur, 24 March 1951
[Extract from abstract of intelligence and WCR mentioned regarding the release of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman on bail and re-arrest, meeting and delivering speech to the students, procession protesting his re-arrest etc.]
Ext. from A/1 No. 12 W/E 24. 3. 51.
8. Youth and Students Movement.
510. Faridpur – On 14th March Sk. Mujibar Rahman (para. 216) AML – son of Luthfur Rahman of Tangipara, Gopalganj) was released on bail from Gopalganj court. He was taken out in a procession by some students and a meeting was held. Mujibar Rahman addressed the meeting criticizing Government for goaling Maulana of Bhasani and others without trial and urging the students to unite. Mujibar Rahman Was arrested the same day u/s 18(1) Bengal Special Powers Ordinance as enacted and continued in operation by Act 1 of 1951. Hartal was observed the next day at Gopalganj bazar on the initiative of the local students who took out a procession (1950) and shouted slogans condemning unjustified detention, urging release of Mujibar Rahman, demanding Bengali to be the State Language and denouncing oppression perpetrated by French Government in Morocco. The processionists also held a meeting and adopted a resolution to fight for the release of Sk. Mujibar Rahman.
[Vol-2, page no.38-39]
Dacca, 20 September 1951
[Detention order served on S. Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for alleged association which illegal activities at Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts aiming to overthrow the government.]
Confidential. Immediate.
Government of East Bengal
Home Department Special Branch.
From :M. F. Bari, Asstt. Şecy. to the Govt. of East Bengal. To : The Superintendent, Dacca Central Jail, Memorandum No. 2394-H.S., dated Dacca, the 20. 9. 1951.
Subject : Detention of Sheikh Mujibor Rahman under the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXX of 1951).
Communication of grounds of detention under section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXX of 1951).
In pursuance of section 19 of the East Bengal Public Safety Ordinance, 1951 (East Bengal Ordinance No. XXX of 1951), you Maulvi Sheikh Mujibor Rahman, son of Luthfar Rahman of Tangipara, P. S. Gopalganj, Faridpur and of 150, Mogultuli and of 69/1, Khaje Dewan, Dacca, at present detained in the Dacca Central Jail Under No. 2395- H. S., dated 20. 9. 51, made under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 17 of the said Ordinance are hereby informed that your detention has been considered necessary on the following grounds:1. That you have been and are associated with the illegal
activities of a secret association in the district of Dacca, Faridpur and some other districts of East Bengal, the object of which is to overthrow this Govt. (i.e. Govt. of East Bengal) by Violent means and that during the years 1947 (after partition), 1948 and 1949 you were concerned in prejudicial activities in the districts of Dacca, faridpur, pabna and Bakarganj with the intention of creating disaffection amongst the students and Muslim masses against the Govt. of East Bengal, and particularly in the third week of August, 1947 and in the months of March, April, May, June, July and September, 1948 and January, February, march, September & October, 1949 you along with some anti-govt. elements carried on mischievous and disruptive propaganda amongst the students and Muslim masses at dacca town, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Faridpur town, Narsingdi and other places, and incited them to create disorder in the province of East Bengal with the ulterior object of discrediting the Govt. of east Bengal in the estimation of the people of East Bengal for its overthrow, Furnishing of any more facts and particulars than those given above
would be against public safety. 2. That all your activities mentioned above threaten and are
likely to endanger the existence of public order and
safety in this Province. 3. You are further informed that you have a right to make a
representation in writing to the Govt. against the order of detention made against you, and should you which to do so you should send the representation to the undersigned through the superintendent of Dacca Central Jail, where
you are at present detained. 4. By order of the Government.
s/d – A.Q.M. Mahiuddin Asstt. Secy. to the Govt. of East Bengal,
Home (Special) Department. [Vol-2, page no.88-89]

Dacca, 29 September 1951
[Extract from an up-to-date short note on Faridpur AML about the formation of AML committee at Gopalganj by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.]
b Extract from an up-to-date short note on the Awami Muslim
League in Faridpur District.
Sheikh Mujibar Rahman (s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P. S. Gopalganj Faridpur – now a security prisoner) being a staunch supporter of Mr. Suhrawardy and a joint Secretary of East Pakistan Awami Muslim league, managed anyhow to form a committee with the help of some misguided students at Gopalganj in the year 1949 with kazi Altaf Hussain (s/0 Taher Kazi of Gopinathpur, Gopalganj) Abdur Razzak Khan (s/o Abdul Latif of Muksudpur and of Gopalganj town), Khundkar Shamsul Haq (Mukhtear, Gopalganj-s/o naya Khundkar of Baneswardi, P. S. Nagarkanda, Faridpur), Muzaffar Hussain (Pleader, Gopalganj, s/o Fayaluddin Ahmed of Kuarpur, P. S. Kotalipara, Faridpur) and Abdul Wahed (s/O Md. Jasimuddin of Suktgram, P. S. Kasiani, Faridpur). 1990btoon
*** The names of important members are given below:
14. Sheikh Mujibar Rahman s/o Lutfar Rahman of Tungipara, P. S. Gopalganj Faridpur, (now a security prisoner)
[Vol-2, page no.97]
Dacca, 13 November 1951
[Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was admitted to DMCH for treatment where a few MLAs, his old friends, Medical College students including political leaders met him.]
Reg. S. Prisoner Sk. Majibar Rahman’s attendance at the Medical College Hospital.
To-day (13.11.51) at about 09.00 hrs. S. Prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman was brought to the Medical College Hospital under proper police escort party for examination of his eyes by Dr. Laskar (Eye specialist) of Medical College. he was taken in the out-door waiting room of the said hospital. Some of his old friends and Medical students all about 30 in members including Mrs. Anowara Khatun, M. L. A., Mr. Khairat Hussain, M. L. A., Manik Miyan and Mr. Ahmed Hussain (Ex-Minister United Bengal) came to him & enquired of his health. he replied that he was suffering from eye trouble. I and dacca D.I.B. S.I. Matiar Rahman were on duty in this connection. At our request all gentlemen went away without making further talk. The S. Prisoner after being examined by the physician left the Hospital for Dacca Central Jzil at 13.00 hrs. under proper Police escort. He was made over to the Jail authority D. C. Jail.
[Vol-2, page no.116]
Dacca, 30 November 1951
[Watch report on S. Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman while he was under treatment at DMCH)
I was on duty at M.C. Hospital for s/prisoner Sk. Mujibar Rahman from 06.00 to 11.00 hrs. on 30.11.51. At about 09.15 hrs. Khaleque Newaz, Secy. E.P.M.S.L. and one Nurul Islam came near the Cabin of the s/prisoner and was to enter into it when I obstructed them and pointed out that they could not see a s/prisoner without a permission from I.B. but they did not pay any heed to my request. I asked for help from the Const. on duty who expressed him inability that he had no such orders from his officer. When they began to talk with the s/prisoner I stood at the door but could not over hear the matters of their discussion & went out at 09.45 hrs. Nothing objectionable was found to smuggle.
M .O.S sd/-W.C. Md. Abbas Khan, of I.B. Dacca
[Vol-2, page no. 123]
Dacca, 4 December 1951
[Application of Ali Ahmed Khan, MLA and other 3 persons desired to meet Sheikh mujibur rahman who was under treatment at DMCH.]
To The Deputy Inspector General of Police D.I.B. East Bengal, Dacca. Dear Sir,
We the under signed request the favour of your permission to see Mr. Mujibar rahman, a Detenue under the E.B Safety Act. now in dacca Medical College Hospital for treatment. we want to see him tomorrow afternoon during the Visiting Hours in cabin No. 14, where he is under treatment. Dated, The 4th december, 1951
Yours Sincerely 1. Ali Ahmed Khan, MLA 2. C. M. Srif, MLA 3. F. A. Mannan, MLA 4. Kafiluddin Chaudhury
[Vol-2, page no. 129]

Dacca, 1 January 1952
[Secret report on S. Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who was brought to dacca for treatment, found taking under advantage in extending his political activity.]
It has been reported that the Security Prisoner, Mujibar Rahman who, on the orders of H.P.M. , was brought to dacca for treatment is taking undue advantage of his coming to dacca in furtherance of his Political activity. This is indeed a misuse of a favour. Permission has to be given by D.I.O. I.B., to those who with to interview and at these interviews some member of the I.B. staff is to be present.
Will D.I.G. I.B. kindly look into this immediately and discuss the matter with me?
sd/- 1.1.52
(M. Azfar) D.I.G. I.B. Sd/- 3.1.52
[Vol-2, page no.137]
Dacca, 20 February 1952
[Leaflet under caption *Hunger Strike of Sheikh Mujibur rahman and Mohiuddin’ was found in circulation at different places of dacca city.]
Did zonal duty in the Sutrapur P.S. area with W/C Md. Yusuf on 19.2.52 and this morning (20.2.52) a Bengali leaflet under heading “Hunger Strike of Sheikh mujibar rahman and Mohiuddin” was found to be distributed at different places of Dacca City. This leaflet was issued from Central Committee of East Pakistan Muslim Student’s League by Shamsul haq, General Secretary, east Pakistan Awami Muslim League and other mentioned in the attached leaflet. The leaflet appeals to the public to sympathise with hunger strike of Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and Mohiuddin and make some agitation to have them released from Jail, with others and save them from the jaw of death. It is also mentioned in the leaflet that they have started hunger strike from 16 February 52 and submitted a memorandum to Hon’ble Chief Minister Janab Nurul Amin.
Submitted sd/-A Aziz
S.I. I.B. 20.2.52
[Vol-2, page no.140-141]
Dated, 31 March 1952
[Government orders for the release of S.Pr. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Mohiuddin Ahmed were served on them.]
Copy of letter No. 1372-50 dated 22.3.52 from the Supdt. of Police, D.I.B. Faridpur to the Addi. S.P., D.I.B, Dacca. Reference your No. 3156/100-49 P.E. dated 15.352 D Govt. orders for the release of Security Prisoners Sk. Mujibar Rahman and Mohiuddin Ahmed were served on them on 25.2.52 and 28.2.52 but they were actually relieved from the Jail Hospital on 27.2.52 and 1.3.52 respectively.
| [Vol-2, page no.140-151] ।

সূত্র: ভাষা আন্দোলনে শেখ মুজিব কতিপয় দলিল -ড. এম আবদুল আলীম